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No. 2389570

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2378543

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2389582

im so nervous i planned a friendly outing with a male friend i'm kind of guaging interest in right now. i haven't seen him in two years but i'd always thought he was cute. i was super extroverted and never nervous around him bc we were both in relationships at the time so there was zero pressure. now ive been thinking about getting banged by him so much im nervous just messaging him and i already know when we go out its going to be like a fuckin waterfall down there due to my nerves and especially if i still think he's cute i'm going to be all horny. it's going to be super obvious but at least men are oblivious, i need him to be oblivious right now.

No. 2389597>>2389611>>2390793

How true is the plummeting of energy when you enter your 30s and how much is it people acting the part because that's what everyone says it's supposed to feel like? Me and my co-worker are both in our mid-twenties and sometimes she looks at the new one all envious, reminiscing about how motivated she is and how we were the same when we were her age but it's just not possible now at our olden, ancient age, five years of hard work later, ignoring the fact that we're out of our trial period while she's smack in the middle of it and of course has to act that part and expecting me to agree with her while I'm just sitting there like Lady, I have no idea what you're talking about, wdym ~people our age~? lmao Same with that co-worker that's seven years older and always goes on on how we'll look back on our youth right now with pity and how everything changes once you enter the dreaded thirties, again, acting like seven years aren't seven years but seven decades. I'm starting to believe they fell for the 30s wall psyop because otherwise I don't think co-worker (a) would be so incredibly insistent on how we're actually not the same age despite being born the same year because I'm three months older than her while she's ~about the same age~ as the one two years younger than us and co-worker (b) going for this entire I'm just the mom of this place shtick and subtly trying to call herself old before anyone else does.

No. 2389607>>2389644>>2389741>>2389772>>2389776>>2389783>>2390324>>2390329>>2390337

being on my period makes me such an overemotional retard and I hate it.

my boyfriend went and got takeout, he wouldn't tell me where he was going to so I couldn't ask him to get me anything, because he kept telling me he didn't know what he was gonna get.
I'm too sick to get up and go with him (because my iron levels are fucked and I get weak and sick) and I haven't eaten all day, he didn't get me anything and I cried. He gave his leftovers to the dog too.

what the fuck is wrong with me, I never cry over dumb shit like this.

No. 2389611

I’m 33 and I don’t feel any more tired, older people who say this are just using their age as an excuse to be lazy and out of shape.

No. 2389620>>2389637>>2389736

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A lot of women ask why misogyny doesn't get treated with the same severity as homophobia and racism, this is the reason. A lot of women treat their rights and misogyny as negotiable. Especially those with some a little more money (Taylor Swift). Meanwhile any nonwhite woman or gay woman who is caught tolerating racism or homophobia from their partner is rightfully ridiculed. I'm tired of women tolerating this behaviour. Normalise shaming women who choose to stay with men who blatantly disregard their rights e.g. voting for a rapist who made anti-choice policies. I'm sick and tired of us coddling complicit women who are willing to throw other women under the bus just to have a man.

No. 2389637>>2389681

>this is the reason
No. It isn't. Its because racism and homophobia also impact men. Misogyny does not. But I love how you still managed to blame women for it fucking kek

No. 2389644

not even attempting to find a single brain cell to choose something to feed his spouse? he is hateful and pathetic

No. 2389681

>No. It isn't. Its because racism and homophobia also impact men. Misogyny does not.
they didn't care about it impacting men when it was time for slavery or the holocaust.
>But I love how you still managed to blame women for it fucking kek
Honestly yes, what is the reason for women to keep misogynists in their life in 2025? We have political and financial freedom. Imagine if a black person was dating someone who said bring back segregated voting systems and if someone called them self hating the response was "stop tearing down other black people" "you're blaming black people for racism". Any nonwhite, jewish, muslim etc person who dates someone bigoted against them gets rightfully ostracised from their community because they see it as a genuine attack on their livelihood but we can't even call a woman a loser for staying with scrotes who vote for rapists.

No. 2389686>>2389743>>2389749

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Im afraid my friends don't like me anymore when I think about seeing them tomorrow I wanna die for some reason even though I'm the one who organized the hang out. We got into a pretty intense fight. I wanted to show him a k-pop related thing and when he said no I said "Oh I forgot you hate contest shows" or something like that. He got really mad at me for using the word hate. I got upset back and tried to reassure him I wasn't misunderstanding him or assuming anything but the way he spoke about the shows made it seem as though he'd thought they were fundamentally unethical. Then it turned into "Well if it came off that way why'd you even recommend it" and I don't know why I went further in with trying to prove I didn't feel that way and I was trying to prove that I was being earnest. I'm allergic to being earnest though. Everything I do comes off as joking. My boyfriend joined in on telling me off regarding my use of the word hate. I showed my ass and started yelling over everyone and cutting people off. I was panicked and trying to defend myself. I still feel disgusted with myself, embarrassed as hell. I wonder why I didn't just apologize and leave it alone. Im so frustrated. I don't know what to do when I feel this way. This happened like 4 weeks ago and it's still eating me up inside. The whole situation was really emotional, the hang out ended on a kinda sour note but everyone was obviously uncomfortable and I was the cause. I feel sick thinking about it. My boyfriend got upset because during the argument I snapped at him after making up with the friend who was visiting. He said something like "Listen, you have to understand where we're coming from" and I called him an instigator and told him to shut up. This was kinda cruel and he cried later and then refused to interact for a while until the very end of us hanging out. The visiting friend seemed annoyed at the way I attempted to comfort him. Maybe because I was overly touchy or something,I don't know. That day I felt like a bad girlfriend and a bad friend. I got in an argument with my boyfriend after that fight. He told me he was justified in his feelings. I wanted to say that wasn't true but it's ridiculous to try and tell him that. Anyway the visiting friend has been a bit more distant since then and I keep thinking if I wasn't there it would've been a normal fun hang out. I wished I wasn't there. I think I make things worse because of the way I am, I'm annoying and stubborn, I have a difficult time reading a room and I don't know where to stop. All of my friends were my boyfriend's friends before they were mine. I'm really trying to change but I don't know how to be less inept. I didn't know I was frustrating them with the way I spoke. It's so hard to change my speech when talking off handedly, you know? I want to but I have a hard time and I keep thinking what if when I go hang out with them tomorrow they yell at me or I get in an argument and we leave sour again. Nobody in our friend group ever messages me to hang out online or sends me games on steam when they wanna hang out as a group. My messages are always the last to be responded to. I feel like it's been worse lately. I love my friends but I'm scared they hate me. Sometimes I feel like I'm just some brat who tags along. I think they feel pretty neutral about me and probably sigh a little when I show up with my boyfriend. I bet it's annoying we come in a pair. I wish I had my own friends but I need to be a better person before I can even think about trying to put myself out there.

No. 2389733

I hate myself. Genuinely hate myself. I'm a failure. But receiving compliments makes me angry. I dislike them, I never want them. I don't really seek them or validation of that nature. I seek something, but I don't know what. Maybe I seek being able to accept my own work or accomplishments as being worth a damn? I don't know how to do this. But until then, any time someone compliments me, it feels fake and contrived.

But I don't want to be insulted either. I want to just coexist with the people I enjoy, without being on the spot by being complimented. This is impossible and ridiculous, clearly. But I don't know why that people think I'm fishing for compliments by throwing a tantrum in a partially visible location (my room, my private social medias, in my car, etc) as if I'm seeking a savior, when things go horribly wrong and I have to remove myself. I hate myself and I need an outlet. "But you're worth something! You are important!" I don't need that.

But, again, I don't want to be insulted. Why hard correct into the opposite? "Fuck you then." Why? ??? I didn't ask. I didn't want it. It only makes things worse. Just please don't even acknowledge my struggles. I don't want you to go out of your way to be nice to me out of pity.

No. 2389736

I see where you're coming from. It's really fascinating to see negative social behavior reinforced by both sides and simultaneously said that it isn't. Like most groups, I think women are poorly united, since we all want different things. This ends up sending out the wildest message.

Saying that misogyny doesn't get treated with the same severity is debatable I guess. I see some homosexuals referring to themselves as outdated slurs, and races embracing things that encourage racism. I guess it's a matter of where you come from.

We've come a long way, but definitely have some ways to go.

No. 2389741

Break up with this evil loser

No. 2389743>>2390143

Anon I can't believe these people aren't minors or something. Who the fuck gets this upset over someone else using the word "hate"? Also "I forgot that you dislike this" followed by "Why would you even bring this up if you thought I dislike this!!!" is crazy. It really doesn't sound like these people are actually your friends, I doubt you'd continue talking if you broke up with your boyfriend. But if they agreed to hang out with you again they probably don't mind anymore so you don't have to worry this much. Just meet them and apologize if you haven't yet and feel like it's necessary but don't be touchy (wtf kek).
It would be best for you if you started making your own friends, maybe look into joining some sort of club or course relating to a hobby you have. It seems to me like you're taking this very seriously and overthinking it because you haven't had enough experience with friendships yet. It'll be rough at first but if you continue to put yourself out there you'll learn how to act more normally and what things to let go or when to continue arguing.

No. 2389749

I agree with other anon, it seems weird they blew up something as simple as hyperbole into a full fledged argument like this. They seem like autists or overreactive assholes.
If you "wait to be a better person", you will be waiting forever. Go out there and get your own friend group NOW. Stop relying on this one so much since they clearly don't respect you.
And rethink the relationship with your boyfriend, because you may think he was in the right this time, but something about this is off.

No. 2389771

I ran into my ex boyfriend at a music festival after having not seen or spoken to him in over a year since he dumped me out of the blue.
im a bit disappointed that he looked good and fit and happy. I dont believe in karma but id always fantisize about his looks going to shit after breaking up with me. I swear the universe doesnt punish the right people.

No. 2389772

girl you are literally lower than a dog in this relationship…

No. 2389776

>he wouldn’t tell me where he was going
thats weird

No. 2389783

He didn't get you anything and gave the dog the leftovers? Girl what are you doing in this relationship.

No. 2389797

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Thought I was well past "Okay but what I killed myself" punctuating every second thought but here we go again. This is so retarded, I feel like a mopey teen. You're not going to kill yourself you silly cow get over it.

No. 2389800

"I'll just ask them how we should handle it all." "But don't have a tone with them." "Of course not, not their fault, why would I." "Well just don't have a tone!" "I won't, stop worrying and stressing me, I'll be fine." "Well, just like that! And you called your dog an asshole yesterday! In front of people!" Well he was charging right at those people I'm sure they were thinking the very same thing for fucks sake! Why would I be mean to people for no reason or have a fucking tone? I have one with you sure, when you don't stop accusing me, despite you knowing how much I fret about interactions and how many times an hour I apologise to everyone around me, but they're neither my mother nor my dogs that try my damn patience
I'm so sick of being accused of being a bad person when I know I'm not. I'm never rude to people that weren't rude to me. I'm the most spickle licking, apologetic for my very existence kind of person ever. And then when I do snap, it's immediately the proof. No, just with you. I'm only like this with you.

No. 2389814>>2390308

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Mother in law
>leaves nasty a-log style comment
>blocks me immediately, so I can't block her
>unblocks me
>rinse repeat
>happens once a month or so
>have had to have me and my entire family and my friends block her on text, imessage, whatsapp, phone calls because at one point she was feverishly messaging any person in my immediate circle and then migrating to another messaging service once she'd been blocked
>every message to my family/friends is more or less 'your daughter/sister/friend is evil and ruined my son'

Thankfully I moved house and job so she doesn't show up at my house or call my job anymore. She's also made a few vexatious reports about me to police and threatened us with solicitors over personal possessions that she believes we have but don't.

It's been going on for years and we have a rule that none of us ever respond to her no matter what, but we can't get her to stop and she's abusing the block/unblock feature to the end of continuing to address hateful, drunken rants to me.

No. 2389912>>2389914

My pussy hurts.

No. 2389914

I don’t know if it’s an UTI, but I have this throbbing and uncomfortable sensation.

No. 2389935

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christians and radfems are the dumbest ppl ive ever fucking met, so a bloke who thinks hes a woman goes to the bathroom, so fucking what?? thats why youve voted for trump you retarded dumb fucking… istg they annoy me so much i wish i could rip their stupid head off(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2389941

Report and don’t reply nonnitas

No. 2389952>>2389953>>2390208

I got jury duty AGAIN, I was able to get out of it last time by rescheduling to Christmas week, please please god let them excuse me forever for being an agoraphobic mess. I hope they accept my request, I wanna cry this has been stressing me out so much.

No. 2389953>>2389989

Girl, go out your room and make some damn friends at that jury. Agoraphobia is not real. I promise it's interesting out there

No. 2389969>>2389976>>2390013>>2390111>>2390116>>2390153>>2390228

I’ve been on dates with 6 guys already and none has gone past the second date. Every time I get my hopes up and think he’ll accept my weird and nerdy vibes or even match them, the guy reveals he’s highly judgmental, rude, impatient, angry/violent or something else that won’t match with me. It’s beginning to feel like I bring out the resentment inside every man I meet and idk why? I’m well read and have a lot of fun hobbies but I don’t brag about any of that? The men I meet are supposedly my equal in that regard but soon reveal they’ve been passing my interests off as their own and their knowledge deflates when I ask a basic question. It’s like they have no real hobbies or passions whatsoever, but I don’t think all men are like that?

Went on a second date with a guy I really got on with and actually liked being around, thought he was nerdy and interesting in all of the right ways… but then he seemed irritated all through the date, got rude with the waiter at the restaurant and kept making snide jokes about a restaurant idea I brought up. It made him seem so crude and unpleasant to be around, and he clearly didn’t like me at all. It’s not the first time this has happened and funnily enough a lot of these guys have the same traits, inflection, dismissive statements and family background. Kinda scary right??

Anyway as this is on Bumble I’m going to just quit the app/OLD as it’s making me depressed. I want to have faith that good men exist and there are guys out there who like and appreciate me, but it’s hard when I can’t find any! Plus the types of single guys I see around me are more of the same, or aren’t attracted to me. Beginning to feel like I’ll never find a man I can trust who likes me back, and it’s filling me with dread. I want to move on with my life, grow up a bit, do some normal adult things, and a relationship is part of that. But if I can’t find someone while even those who are uglier and more ‘boring’ than me can, what’s the point?

No. 2389976>>2389985>>2390013

If every man is acting rude, impatient or irritated I'm sorry nona but it means you don't look like your pictures or deceived them in some way.

No. 2389985>>2389996

I do though, I’ve put up different pictures at different angles (some with glasses on and some without), haven’t gained weight since I took my pictures, and I dress up and look nice when I go out. It could be a personality thing, maybe I’m just too weird idk?

No. 2389989>>2389999>>2390177

>Just stop being depressed!!! Mental illness is not real!!

No. 2389996>>2390039>>2390117>>2390816

It's not. You're taking photos that do not accurately represent yourself. If they're being polite, civil and getting on with you in the lead up to the date, but then they're immediately switching as soon as he sees you IRL, then becoming hostile and then not even giving you a second date and this is happening repeatedly, it's because there is an attraction to how you're presenting yourself on the app and then they feel misled and frustrated when you don't actually resemble the photos you posted.

If things were going wrong in the talking stage, I might say it's your personality and lack of chemistry, but if things are only going wrong once you meet, it's because you are using filters or editing.

No. 2389999>>2390176

I took the time to write out a reply to you and you double down with cow-tier logic about how muh mental illness means I can't do jury duty. Good luck, anon.

No. 2390013

Tbh majority of guys on dating apps are bottom of the barrel. If they are even remotely attractive then their personality will be poor. There might be some subtle marker in her profile that is attracting lower quality men as well.
Please don't use dating apps intending to find love, it will only lead to heartbreak and strife… Only use apps to date casually. You need to find co-ed hobbies

No. 2390039>>2390113>>2390116

They get on with me on the first date most of the time, it’s the second where they start getting gross. Or they’re nice to me but I can sense a lot of repressed resentment and anger towards women and other people who don’t fit their requirements. I would totally understand their anger if I used filters and only chose pics that didn’t represent me but I’ve chosen a wide selection of different stuff specifically to avoid that??

No. 2390111>>2390829

I have been on dating apps and gone out on several dates, had a great time, nothing ever came out of it, never had sex with anyone, but I enjoyed going on dates and getting that fake interest scrotes have at the start kek. I got dates and drinks, they got to go out with a pretty girl and vent, that’s it.
It’s just the design of dating apps nonna, men there aren’t there to find love or a stable relationship, they want something quick. Sleeping with them isn’t worth it in the long run either because you’ll sleep with 10 people before finding one who can make you cum and they aren’t even that invested in making you feel good.

No. 2390113>>2390129

>it’s the second where they start getting gross
It’s because you don’t put out nonna. You are not the problem here, don’t internalize it.

No. 2390116

It's not your fault. Most men are trash. Before they would try to pretend to be pleasant, but nowadays they can't even make it past the first date without being disgusting or entitled in some way. I would be as picky as you possibly can be. It's your job to be selective. You want to go for quality over quantity and who wants to waste time going on so many first dates to have nothing come out of it? At least I don't give a fuck about free food and drinks, my alone time is worth more than wasting time with a scrote with nothing to offer but free food.

No. 2390117

I don’t think she’s gonna ugly or boring. It’s probably because they matched with other two girls and can’t be interested in either of them.
Dating apps give an illusion of abundance. You’ll never feel satisfied if you think you can always find better.

No. 2390129

If you state your intention to wait 6 months for sex in all new relationships you will weed out so many insufferable dbags right from the start

No. 2390131

I hate moids so intensely I can't even put it into words. They are fucking demons. They are parasitic mutants with primitive brains and every single one should be rounded up and put on an island so they can rape and kill each other.

No. 2390143

I don't even think she should apologize, she whould dump all of them. It sounds like they decided they already didn't like her, being wierd, petty… and boyfriend is the same way. The boyfriend sounds completely ridiculous. If he gets angry over the word hate what else is he going to get angry about? christ almighty your friends are rtards

No. 2390153

It's not you sweet nonna. Nerdy moids are 99.5% trash. Entitlement is already a moid issue but nerdy moids have elevated it to an art form and are encouraged in behaving that way. Your best bet is to find a normie-adjacent dude offline and introduce him to your nerdy hobbies than try to get a current nerd moid to act anything beyond subhuman (because he probably won't and you'll be wasting your time.)

No. 2390176

Idk if you're being purposely obtuse to try and fight or if you really just don't understand. Based on the state of lolcow lately I'm gonna go with the first option.

No. 2390177>>2390180>>2390184>>2390253

it is real but it's no way to live. Are you taking any steps to work on your anxiety? For me volunteering was the very first step to overcoming it (there were many steps over years), and jury duty is not too different. It's still a safe, regulated environment that'd force you to go outside and have some interactions, but is overall mostly simple and would be forgiving of you being a bit lost and making mistakes. Environments like that are great ways to ease yourself into the outside world because they have specific rules and guidance.

No. 2390180

Don't bother Nonnie she'll just go and reee about how abliest you are on TikTok for suggesting such a thing

No. 2390182

everything online feels cringe yet everything offline is still soulscrushing
I'm at that age where you're supposed to be touching grass but here I am
too much of a coward to be having fun

No. 2390184>>2390253

Seconding this nonna. Every time you go outside it gets a little bit easier to do it again. At least make a cup of tea and drink it outside every other day so you're getting some sunlight and fresh air on the regular.

No. 2390199

I want to ditch everyone I know because I'm just too tired to keep up, but I know when this depression alleviates I'm going to miss them, but the horizon isn't visible yet. Or at best I'm going to need them as acquaintances or references professionally or whatever fate throws in my face.

No. 2390208

I’m sorry you’re going through this nona! If it helps I’m going through the same thing and it’s horrible. I was going to have to do it in March, but if I miss an internship day for school I literally have no time to make up the hours and I wouldn’t be able to graduate in the spring. This summer I’m also going abroad, and I’m obviously not cancelling that for jury duty. I was able to send a request to delay my jury duty and they accepted and moved it to September, but that’s around when I was going to move across the country.. I fucking hate jury duty so much it’s unreal and fucked up. I hope you can get through this and appeal like I did

No. 2390212>>2390214>>2390265

I think I'm getting so bored with life again that I've started to miss my first love and ex-moid. I have many reasons to find him repulsive, and don't get me wrong I do. But the brain is being stupid again… I need to get a job to distract but no luck and I don't do well in study. Gym?

No. 2390214>>2390218>>2390280

Why are there so many neets in here

No. 2390218>>2390280

They've always been plaguing lc

No. 2390222>>2390227>>2390235>>2390240

So, I've been very ill for the past year, dropped 44lbs because I lack any real appetite plus several other shitty symptoms. No doctor knows wtf is wrong with me, if you're suspecting cancer you aren't the only one, that might at least give some credibility to my pain, because my own mother just told me straight to my face that she doesn't feel any sympathy, sadness nor pity for me in this situation, with zero hesitation. No, I haven't particularly wronged her, she just said that casually. Besides feeling like absolutely shit and looking like absolute shit, those words might have been the most painful thing somebody has told me in a long time, like, genuinely scarring. I wish that whatever got me so ill just killed me already, and I meant it. I've become a liability and everyone wishes I just died. I just want to die, this is no life.

Please count your blessings anons. Health, mental or physical, is a treasure you might lose at any moment and sometimes it really doesn't come back, your body remaining loyal to you is a blessing, trusting your body is a blessing. Everytime you're feeling ass about your life, just remember that your body is doing untold sacrifices to keep you functional. I don't know about me, but I hope life gets even better for you all. Maybe one day I'll be able to walk alongside the others again

No. 2390227

I feel sympathy, sadness and pity for you anon. Fuck your Mom.

No. 2390228

>the guy reveals he’s highly judgmental, rude, impatient, angry/violent or something else
>It’s beginning to feel like I bring out the resentment inside every man I meet
>he seemed irritated all through the date
>It made him seem so crude and unpleasant to be around, and he clearly didn’t like me at all
If this not extremely relatable kel. When I'm not presenting as an unapproachable gigastacy, men act genuinely heinous towards me, like they hate me for no damn reason. Moids are so confusing

No. 2390234>>2390236>>2390238>>2390243>>2390262>>2390407>>2390520

that's it, I'm bored of lolcow, this place is shit
>moids this moids that
>nooo you cant enjoy x thats cringe
>milk threads are dry
>no new luigi content
>nobody replies to anybody
bye guys

No. 2390235

What are your symptoms nonnie? Maybe we can help.

No. 2390236>>2390250

>too much mention of moids
>wahhhh no one will talk about my husbando weegee

No. 2390238

>no new luigi content
Nature is healing.

No. 2390240

i'm sorry nonna, that's very cruel of her. if it means anything i care (i'm sure other nonnas do too) and i hope you get some answers soon

No. 2390243>>2390250

>no new luigi content
Kek, what? You complain about discussing moids but you want Luigi content, also how is anyone on LC supposed to change Luigi's court dates.

No. 2390250>>2390257>>2390261

god that's exactly why i'm leaving. you're all pretty retarded or at least you pretend to be. idc that we're talking specific moids, what i find boring is the constant whining about this or that moid. "waaaah x moid idk did this to me" "omg i blew a tire moids are a plague".
idk why im explaining anyways. but yeah retarded replies like this are also why im leaving.

No. 2390253>>2390269

No, I'm not really doing anything to help myself currently, I have tried therapy and medication before but they do nothing for me. I know no one can fix it except me but I've been like this for so long I just feel lost. Thanks for the advice nonnies, I know even little things like that can help, but taking the first step is always the hardest part for me.

No. 2390254>>2390256>>2390264

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As I left work on Friday I was sent an impromptu email meeting invite with my boss and several other important people were cc'd. I'm getting fired/let go/redundant/other nonsense term, I know it. Dreading Monday but the unemployed arc of my life might be interesting at least.
I should've stole more office stuff.

No. 2390256>>2390274

>I should've stole more office stuff.
You still have one day.

No. 2390257

You're stupid I'm glad you're leaving, the weegee threads don't want you anyway

No. 2390261

luigi's not gonna pick you

No. 2390262

Then fuck off retard

No. 2390264>>2390274

Incredibly cruel of them to send that email on a Friday and ruin your weekend.

No. 2390265>>2390280

Gym sounds like a good idea! You just have to wait it out. Every time I miss old friends, it is so painful, but distract yourself and don't give in.

No. 2390267

I'm genuinely terrified of dying, please tell me I'm not dying. I'm not dying, right?

No. 2390269

You can do it! Sometimes we have to take that first step more than once, but that's part of being alive. Good luck, nonna!

No. 2390270>>2390275

Um I saw that deleted post. Watch out ladies, scrotes are here.

No. 2390274

I'll be thieving everything I can. My bag will be full of stationary and printer ink kek
It's a big multinational. It's honestly on me for believing they had any empathy. Stock line go brrrr is the only thing they care about.

No. 2390275>>2390277

Kek same, defo a rapehon attendion whore. Why are trannies always invading, they're so desperate for our attention even though they think we're ebil terves…

No. 2390277>>2390283

What did it say, I saw posts like that before I am wondering if it's the same sad scrote

No. 2390279

I'm so utterly fucked, am I not? Imagine how tired I am of this shit, that I've lost any fear of whatever they might come up with, simply because I just want this to be over. Bring it on motherfuckers, you took away everything I loved, my peace, my sanity, you ruined my family, you ruined my body, I've nothing left to cherish, I'm barely existing, I'm not alive. You cannot hurt me in a way that matters anymore

No. 2390280

Well I'm not that big of a NEET, work alot but got laid off recently
Sorry to be part of them plague germs
Will do will do. Feeling a bit more hopeful to have a bit off a hobby now. Thank you nonna

No. 2390283

something about watching gore videos of women getting beaten and killed and how he got blocked by his friend

No. 2390289>>2390296

Trannypost kek

No. 2390292>>2390296>>2390584

File (hide): 1739117166452.webp (40.93 KB, 640x337, okay-i-am-all-for-more-queer-r…)

Yeah this is why we don't want you in our bathrooms. YWNBAW troon

No. 2390296>>2390298

aww what did i miss ugh

No. 2390297>>2390301

They want to be women but watch videos of women being tortured and killed. Get real

No. 2390298>>2390299

A tranny who likes to watch women get raped and killed, nothing new.

No. 2390299>>2390445

I feel that a lot of the troons who post gore and bait here do so because they're frustrated that they haven't been able to successfully integrate and get clocked just from posting here by other actual female users. These niggas don't even pass through memes, that really is pathetic and compounds the truth we all know, which is that XY chromosomes will never be overcome. We can always spot you trannies. Hope you 41% soon!

No. 2390301

This brings me back to the original question I once posed in the gender ideology hate thread. If trannies want to be women but hate us so fucking bad, is it that they hate themselves? Or that some aspect of their brain actually IS aware that they and women are not the same, hence why they want to see us suffer?

No. 2390302

if i hear one more hetersoexual woman with unnaturally coloured hair call herself queer i really dont know what i might do.

No. 2390307

I hate it when I have so much to do it's overwhelming and I don't know what to so first so it's paralyzing me. Ugh.

No. 2390308>>2390354

Holy shit, I am so glad I don't have any of my mother in law's social media. She has drunk texted me a few times but I just ignore her. She's also such a vengeful drunk. She has fucked me over multiple times. I understand your pain to some degree, nona. How does your partner feel about this? Did they cut her out of their life for good?

No. 2390324

this is so bleak that it feels like bait. if it's not, you deserve better, obviously. wtf

No. 2390329

Please break up with him, he literally hates you and thinks his dog is more deserving of food that's harmful for it than feeding you. I can never wrap my head around women here being with such dirt low nasty scrotes. Never speak to him again.

No. 2390337

Yes that’s totally because you’re over emotional and on your period and not because you’re with a man who values a fucking dog over you….

Dump him idiot.

No. 2390348

I have no idea what's going on with my stomach. I keep getting nauseous eating half the amount I would've eaten only a year ago. I haven't changed diets at all, I don't have a history of EDs or the like.

No. 2390354>>2391291

My husband has been dead for 5 years from alcohol and drug-related liver failure and ever since he has, she's been non-stop drunk texing me and my family saying it's our fault he's dead for various absurd reasons. She seems to believe we were trying to profit off his claim even though we were helping him for free.

My personal favourite is when she said my uncle contributed to his death by trying to help him with a legal case for 'dredging up bad memories'. Next level cope for the fact that drugs were taken, bought and sold from his childhood home.

No. 2390365

I need to lose weight

No. 2390369>>2390419

File (hide): 1739120263645.jpg (45.62 KB, 512x512, f3caed1298c674269b9410d859d427…)

Why do I find even simple tasks overwhelming, not because I can't do them, but because my mind gets stuck overanalyzing every little detail, outcome, and social aspect? Even when I know the logical steps to take, my thoughts spiral into self-doubt, hypothetical scenarios, and unrelated worries, making everything feel so much harder than it should be.

No. 2390407

Good riddance luigi handmaiden

No. 2390419

Couldn't tell you what's causing this but I'm the same way. It especially sucks when I'm trying to do relatively simple tasks that shouldn't take that long to do. The only thing that helps me is to just do it before I can overthink it.

No. 2390445

hating on mentally ill moids is cringe. they already have that Y chromosome AND the mental illness ontop. its hard for them. have some compassion.

No. 2390480>>2390590>>2390604

Ugh, dating these days is such a nightmare. Like, I went out with this guy last night, and he seemed so great at first. He had a good job, a nice car, the whole package, you know? But then, like, halfway through dinner, he starts talking about his ex-girlfriend and how she "just didn't understand him." Red flag city! I swear, it's like these guys are all looking for a mommy, not a partner. It's almost like they can't handle actually being responsible for themselves. And don't even get me started on the ones who expect you to split the bill after they've spent the whole night mansplaining everything! Like, I get it, you're a man, congrats, can we just order dessert in peace? Honestly, sometimes I just feel like giving up and getting a cat. Because, let's face it, that's about the level of emotional maturity I'm dealing with here. At least a cat won't compare me to his ex or try to tell me how to parallel park. Plus, a cat is way less work than trying to train a man to be a decent human being.

No. 2390503>>2390519>>2390524

I wish I got to have friends as a teenager. It's too late now, I spent my youth rotting away online.

No. 2390519>>2390524

same nona

No. 2390520

Having a parasocial relationship with a public figure isn't shit anon I hope you heal from that because he isn't shit

No. 2390524>>2390552>>2390559

i know this sounds cringe but start something like a bi-weekly or monthly yoga-class. you'll meet other women (no moids thank god). and you can make friends
im 30yrs old now and thats how i started making friends when i was 27.
listen to ur elders nonnies

No. 2390552

I interact with a lot of people but my social skills suck as a consequence of my youth. I try to improve them but I still come across as unnatural and forced. I have a few actual friends so I can't wholly complain but I missed out on a lot.

No. 2390559

NTA but I joined a yoga class during the summer and they asked if I could use a photo of myself on my account. It made sense for safety reasons but the instructor would also say hi to me at other events and refer to me by my name, so it made being there feel more personal

No. 2390580

File (hide): 1739128901633.gif (351.9 KB, 220x148, IMG_3637.gif)


No. 2390584

Picrel looks so hideous. Why is it that these queerio cheerio types are always dressed up in ridiculously colorful and vibrant clothes? Is it like spraying febreeze over a body that hasn’t showered and bathed in months?

No. 2390590>>2390593>>2390606

File (hide): 1739129280738.png (63.26 KB, 380x380, suspicious-cat.png)

No. 2390593

What's this supposed to mean nona?

No. 2390604>>2390609>>2390610>>2390615>>2390618

File (hide): 1739129711622.jpeg (77.47 KB, 736x1020, IMG_3639.jpeg)

>ugh guys are so lame and shitty
>continues to date them, fuck them and make yourselves openly available to them despite knowing that you’re trying to find a diamond among the rough
No offense but are you bitches flat out retarded or something? You people think and act like you need a caregiver at all times and that’s honestly why you guys constantly try to find another male to date under the guise of trying to find another “partner” lol no you’re trying to find another daddy to approve of you and your choices and to hear you talk about the most inane stupid shit imaginable which is something you can do with a cat so tell me what the fuck is the difference between having a pet and a nigel as a partner? Keep doing the same shit and getting the same results like an absolute mad woman, it’s super entertaining for this thread. If you haven’t found out by now that’s just the way men are and they aren’t going to change just so you have your little Barbie dreamland fantasy then you’re absolutely fuckedddd(infight bait)

No. 2390606>>2390619

I was thinking the same thing kek

No. 2390609

Words of harsh truth

No. 2390610

i think that’s a copypasta but i like your houserpillar

No. 2390615

You didn't have to go that hard anon but you're right

No. 2390618>>2390626

Only in lolcow autists think wanting to have sex with the sex you are attracted to is weird. I think the problem is most women seek emotional connection with men when and dont understand men dont mentally mature past the age of 15. If they were shallow instead and only dated for sex most anons here would be happier.

No. 2390619

Waitttttttttt reading it back I’m gonna have to side eye with you anons cause it reads like it was typed by moid hands(scrotefoiling)

No. 2390626>>2390633>>2390668

And men areeeeee going to do what? You think they’re going to change for.. you? Kekkkkk. How about the problem with your thinking is that you think it’s a malfunction within men and not just how they are. How about they are like that because that’s what the relationships dynamics you’re seeking are intrinsically like that in nature? If you’re heterosexual the man is always going to be an emotionally retarded sociopath and the woman is going to be trauma bonded like hell to him and try to “fix” him into becoming a functioning human, ultimately fail because it’s not your job to somehow “socialize” thousands of years of evolution and then this cycle repeats because this isn’t an abnormal feature of heterosexuality, it’s something that is damn near a requirement to be biologically attracted to a man. I feel so bad for you, constantly needing to be fucked and validated by your predator, awwww, that actually has to be straight hell. If men wanted to, they would. The fact they don’t has nothing to do with socialization or any kind of pseudoscience you tell yourself, it’s because they don’t care and they don’t have to give a shit about you. Give a shit about yourself, you’re the only one you have.

No. 2390633>>2390635>>2390657

What are you on about… Who hurt you?

No. 2390635>>2390657

Dr. House

No. 2390655


No. 2390657

doctor… order more rat bites STAT

No. 2390663>>2390677>>2390689

I decided not to go to the therapist anymore since it made me more upset than working on the problem, and it's no more a problem I have to face it so I thought I was doing better. So I also chickened out on trying meds but now that I'm being lazy again I'm regretting a little. Then I suddenly got this scary thought that I will never be any different than my mom and grandma, self deprecating, just going with their lives but it's not that good either, no hopes no dreams no valuable person misunderstood just a working slave and damn is this how life is for some of us?

No. 2390668

what the hell are you on, i just said women should just find hot men, milk them for their dicks when they are young and not get actually attached to them

No. 2390677

Try the meds, nonna. Antidepressants do help. If the meds aren't working for you, let the doctor know and try a different one.

No. 2390685

I wish people would stop commenting about my hair in public trying to be funny or shit like that.
I have unnaturally colored hair, I'm a goth and yes, I know that I get attention but please, please, please, leave me alone or just "Nice hair!" is fine, I swear.
Many times, people walk to me (I sadly live in a very open country that's based on heavy socializing to the point that working from home is frowned upon because what if we get unsocialized?? The horror!) and say the most random shit pretending I know it just to make some conversation.
>"I mean it's not a wig, right?"
>"I love this color!"
And they grab my hair while talking to someone else.
>"Just like that singer, nona! Do you like them? Did you dye your hair for that singer?"
Who the fuck is that
>"Ok but why that color?"
Why the fuck not
>"What if you get tired of it?"
As if re-dyeing it isn't an option.

I've had this color for more than ten years and lately I've been feeling really stressed out by this shit. I know that people want to make small talk but really, it's not necessary and I also feel that's rude to expect that other people are into it. I don't like to go out, meaning that if I'm out it's because I have chores to do/friends to meet/places to go but I never go out just to take walks or wander around, so if I'm out I'm only focused on what I need to do and I'm not out there to socialize, I can talk to my friends and that's fine to me and yet I have to put up with these retards that think that making light hearted jokes about my hair is a great conversation starter and I don't know how to reply because what the fuck are you supposed to reply without sounding rude as fuck?
>"Why this color, nona?"
The fuck are you supposed to reply?
Sometimes I don't think I'm an autist but people are too used to make stupid questions only to talk or have little to no concept of personal space and that's why I don't want to talk to moids, they use the most random and unhinged conversation starters only to talk and I think that's cringe. Just because I look like a clown, to other people, doesn't mean that my time is up for grabs for everyone, leave me the fuck alone if you see me on the bus trying to work, you can think I have nice hair without asking stupid questions.
Sorry for the nonsensical rant but after many years of this and feeling that I'm wrong, I'm starting to think that instead there are very retarded people outside that have no social cues or have no concept of how actually act in public. I envy scandi nonnies that live in countries where small talk is considered rude, that's my dream.

No. 2390689

If your problem can be solved with money and resources besides therapy, then I doubt it’s just depression. People send broke people to therapy when there’s no more social services available, just a harsh observation I made.

No. 2390694>>2390710>>2390720>>2390874

I just find it really annoying how the only relationships that seem to last are the ones where the scrote is deeply in love with his woman while the woman doesn't have strong feelings. Like I don't want to date a man I'm barely interested in just because he's super into me. It's not fair how men can chase a woman they love and that woman will stay with them, while a woman shouldn't be allowed to love too much otherwise she'll get her heart shattered into pieces. It's the same idea of a woman being a prize, we're not allowed to pursue the men we truly love because for some reason men don't want to date a woman who genuinely loves them and because it's seen as lowly for a woman to chase someone. And it also sucks to pretend to be a bitch and like don't give a fuck about someone in order to attract them, because that doesn't guarantee he'll make the first move and eventually your mask will fall anyway and you will show your affection towards him.

No. 2390710>>2390726

the sprinkle sprinkle lady expresses this in the best way, even though its a blackpill. the only people deserving of a woman's genuine love are her children and family members. men need to be valued only by what they can provide to you. it's a hard shift in how you think about things, especially as a woman who was sold the lie of "true love", but men need to consistently prove over time that they have your best interest in mind and have the resources and willingness to make your life better. men won't want to do this unless they are obsessed with you, and they'll fall out of line if they think you like them more because it means they can slack off. its rough.

No. 2390720

>scrote is deeply in love
Lmao he isn’t in love with her, he’s comfortable in a relationship because he was able to lock down a bangmaid forever.

No. 2390726>>2390770

Yeah but it's not fair. At least in my case, I can provide everything that I need for myself, I don't need a random man to give me "stability" and compliments and gifts, I'd rather ask my parents for stuff than to ask a man. So for me, a man means absolutely nothing unless I have genuine feelings for him. I crave a deep connection with someone I love, I don't want to be someone's prize.

No. 2390734>>2390750>>2390857

I desperately want a boyfriend but only to cuddle. Men don't work like this. I can't cuddle a woman because no women want to cuddle me either. What the fuck do I do? Kill myself?

No. 2390747

I just pussied out on getting ice cream even though I really wanted it because I was scared of coming off as fat. Now I probably just came off as retarded after loitering around the chocolatier alone with the cashier for like 5 minutes. Fuck what is my problem I want to die

No. 2390750

Make some female friends. I guess some women don't like cuddling, but I cuddle my friends. If you're bi, you can probably get a girlfriend, otherwise, look for highly tactile friends.
You do have to become very good friends before they will let you cuddle though kek

No. 2390754>>2390761

I want to go on a trip with a handsome guy and have sex

No. 2390761>>2390775

No. 2390770

no i feel you. it isn't necessarily "stability" but more like the ability to not have to work. me personally i get annoyed at having to be around men too much, so even if they bought me a house and gave me a good budget to get whatever i wanted without working, i'd still take my freedom and work on my own just to not have to deal with them. i think part of it is also realizing you can get love and deep connection from friends and family, making new relationships or building up current ones. men are never really a good source of happiness, just occasional usefulness.

No. 2390775>>2390779

where would you go to?
I want to go to a quiet location, like a cabin in the mountains or an old countryside village, and have sex in the grass

No. 2390779

I imagined a city trip during spring, but we spend one day stuck inside the accommodation because we cant stop having sex
Your idea sounds pretty nice too though..

No. 2390793

Does she look old for her age? Could be why.

No. 2390816

It could be the way she is dressed. Most men are retarded and if they see a girl dressing even mildly provocative, they think she is easy and if they pay for dinner, that she will put out. Solution is dress more modestly. You’ll get less men interested, but they won’t be terrible quite as often

No. 2390829

>It’s just the design of dating apps nonna, men there aren’t there to find love or a stable relationship, they want something quick.
This problem existed long before dating apps. You just have to find a way to make it clear you’re not interested in quick stuff

No. 2390856>>2390862>>2390884>>2390908>>2390935>>2390963

I fucking can't take it anymore nonnas. I had a second date with a scrote and while I was busy creating a good atmosphere and trying to connect with him he suddenly asks me if I knew what deep throating is. We only held hands once until that point. I was completely flabbergasted and didn't know how to react. Looking back he seemed kind of socially stunted but was constantly trying to appear intellectually above others with humble bragging about how many books he's reading and listed his many hobbies as if he was reading off a grocery shopping list. He also asked me how many hours I would ideally work and when I replied he immediately told me a higher number for himself kek. When I talked about the stuff I like to do in my free time it was as if he had to one up me at every chance he got. He also had to pee every fucking hour. He also once jumped on my back and probably thought he was being cute or funny. If he was just a little heavier (he's a skinny 5'10 dude) i might have gotten injured? Idk man worst experience ever. That cunt also said "yolo" unironically so maybe he's mentally stuck in 2012 when he was a teenager idk

No. 2390857

Nona I am you and you are me. I don't want to have sex with moids, the risks aren't worth it. However unlike you I don't want a bf since I got so badly burned by my past situationship.
I just crave physical touch, sensuality and sexual tension (that won't ever be solved bc no sex). I want to cuddle and nuzzle against a male and maybe grope him a bit. Then I want to send him on his way and not think about him or speak to him again until we meet for the next time.
I've been thinking of setting up like a "harem" situation for this kek. That would hopefully prevent me from developing any feelings towards the males since I'd be seeing different ones on different days. Idk how many of them would be up for this kind of an arrangement though. Maybe some of them would settle for strictly cuddling because of the oh so horrible male loneliness epidemic

No. 2390862

You need to call him a loser and then tell him to never talk to you again. It's the only way he'll learn.

No. 2390864>>2390880

Sometimes the full extent of how awful 2023-2024 was for me hits and I can’t help but just cry. Somehow the worst part about it at this point was the total lack of empathy and support I received from my ex. It really made me believe men don’t care about others by default since there is little to no alternative explanation for what he did. I hope I’ll forget about it one day. I hope it won’t always hurt this much.

No. 2390874

Must be by design because the more scrotes i meet, the more i realize they really aren’t very lovable kek. I’m not attracted to women but I do think women are like the prize to be won, that’s why it works out better when the man loves the woman more and shows it

No. 2390880>>2390906

What did he do?

No. 2390884

the absolute state of the dating pool in 2025

No. 2390904

I'm convinced my natural state is depression. Or maybe I'm just born lazy to be lazy. I've been depressed since I was 12, I remember being 12 and thinking I wouldn't make it to 13 because 13 was a big adolescent scary age to me, then thinking I wouldn't make it to 16 and 18 and 20 and 25. It's pathetic as hell

No. 2390906>>2390926>>2390959

This is long, I tried to make it shorter but I couldn’t.
My dad died very suddenly and unexpectedly when I started grad school. In the week after my ex refused to console me or spend any time with me and regularly left the house to hang out with his friends at bars or to play board games. He thought spending time with me was always a burden unless it was doing exactly what he wanted. He told me I couldn’t use my dad dying as an excuse forever to not leave the house and spend time with him and his friends.

Our lease happened to be up for renewal then and he screamed at me until I cried after class about how I shouldn’t have gone back to grad school and literally anyone else could meet his standards. He thought I used my poor health as an excuse for not doing everything he wanted on his terms. Including working 50+ hours a week, studying, going out 4X times or more until 2AM, and general life maintenance. I forced myself to try and do this for a month and became so sick I was unable to drive safely. He thought it was an excuse but I ended up having a cancer scare and am currently going through the process of treatment.

I decided to move back in with my mom under the pretext that it was to help her after my dad died. A natural disaster hit where we lived and we were without electricity, cell service, water, gas, and my medications for over a week. He never reached out and my friends were the ones who called in a wellness check and tried to get resources for me and my mom after the disaster. When we broke up he talked for thirty minutes about the extravagant birthday party he had with his friends and how he was going on a two week long vacation to Europe that month. After telling me I was too much of a financial burden on him.
I’ve talked about this before in bits and pieces around LC so apologies if you’ve read it before.

No. 2390908

i swear i saw a similar vent to this a few months ago

No. 2390926>>2390993

Praying all of your woes are done unto him 10x over, nonna. So sorry this happened to you, but I'm glad you've moved on from him.

No. 2390935

If you are ever with a man and feel like you need to “create a good atmosphere” then just make an excuse to leave tbh. It’s not even worth it, if the guy can’t make you feel comfortable

No. 2390940>>2393155

my sister is having a meltdown because i banned her dog from entering my apartment. it is a german shepherd and it brings dirt everywhere. i don't like having to clean the entire floor after every of her visits. i do like my sister but why can't she just leave the dog at home. she also doesn't wash her hands after she touched her dog and neither do my parents so I avoid eating anything they prepared when i come over for a family gathering. i do think pets are nice but do you really need a gigantic one that just brings dirt everywhere? I don't get people who keep big dogs or horses. The more i think about it the more i feel like that we shouldn't keep any animals in our living spaces. Animals have different needs than humans and should be kept outside or in designated barns or sheds where they can sleep in.

No. 2390957

it's crazy how things seem to be happening, but in reality nothing is happening and everything is moving really really slow. I'm still here, on the internet, screaming into the void and looking at cute guys to try and feel something new. 5 years later.

No. 2390959

Typical 50/50 relationship

No. 2390963>>2390969

>He also had to pee every fucking hour

No. 2390969>>2390974

Could also be meds, std, or enlarged prostate kek

No. 2390974

you're actually not wrong, a guy like that wouldn't have coke money

No. 2390993

Thank you nona it means a lot. I’m just focusing on graduating, taking care of my mom, and getting healthier at this point. I’m just glad I got out.

No. 2391004>>2391006>>2391251

Pulling an all nighter for my exam. I’ll take a nap of two hours god willing kek.

No. 2391006

Fuck being a procrastinator. I have already put an app for next time. I hope I can become more organized this fucking year.

No. 2391033>>2391043

My period has been so out of whack for the past few months that I have absolutely no idea when to expect it this time around. If this were a year ago, I'd be done by around today for this month, but for now nothing's in sight.

No. 2391043

You should try to take a daily multivitamin if you don't already.

No. 2391044>>2391048

I really wish I had more trustworthy older friends. I have older family members but they don’t help much. Anyone else older than me is just as much of a wreck as I am. I wish I had some sort of mentor or guidance figure in my life but I just don’t, any I could find are in their 40s and don’t wanna befriend anyone over a decade younger. I just wish I had someone to talk to that could help me honestly but I don’t know if that person even exists

No. 2391048

They do exist. If you want to find a certain type of person, you have to think about where they would be and then go there. If you want a compassionate older person with life experience, I'd suggest signing up for volunteer work or start going to church.

No. 2391069

On one hand I wanna put these songs on my mp3 player so that I can listen to them when I'm out and about, on the other hand this has proven to be some lite version of setting your favorite song as your alarm with the majority of favorites that I've done this with. Songs I don't like as much I don't grow tired off when listening to them on repeat during my hour-long walks, but with my favorites it seems like I have to listen to them once outside of the confinements of my room and they lose all their magic. Maybe it's the headphone quality?

No. 2391085

Fucking hate when I get recs for youtube vids of games I like and its a vtuber moid. I dont care what your worthless scrote anus thinks of this, I dont care if you're a homo or if your audience is 99% female and you're just trying to collect your check. Get the fuck out of my recommendations and away from my media. Faggot.

No. 2391086>>2391093

I don’t know where to post this because I don’t want to be banned but I can’t really post it on any other website. I don’t know how to cope with realizing one of my closest friends is ftm. I been gender critical for years and I realize now that I can’t clock ftms especially if they transioned as a child. I really like my friend but I don’t know how to cope with my new information. I never had a problem with tifs more than that I feelt sorry for them, my problem has always been with tims

No. 2391093

Nothing has changed, you can still have your own views and your friends can still have theirs. An unfortunate fact you already know is that a lot of GNC women and girls are pressured to transition, so having a diverse friend group will eventually lead to this. If you’re worried about not having clocked her earlier, don’t be. I’ve known lots of GNC women who could pass as smaller men. Not a big deal.

No. 2391196>>2391209>>2391216

why do i feel nothing i have no motivation to do anything and things that would normally be fun and thought provoking or entertaining feel like nothing i hate this so much

No. 2391209


No. 2391216

Lack of motivation is a symptom of depression

No. 2391251>>2391302>>2391366>>2391368

I’m still here , it’s 2:30 am. I have to get ready at 7.

No. 2391284

Boomers really act like it's a moral failing if you're in your 20's and you aren't addicted to several different kinds of drugs and you don't stay up until 3 AM

No. 2391291

I'm sorry for your loss, anon. I hope one day she can leave you alone. I sincerely hope you can block her for good, or maybe perhaps get some sort of restraining order.

No. 2391302>>2391382

Godspeed, nonnie.

No. 2391311>>2391317>>2391318>>2391398>>2391636>>2391656>>2392122

I'm getting really tired of my Nigel's low libido
Before anyone says it, it's not porn or cheating, it's probably some kind of autism. Every other part of our relationship is fine but what's the point in being sexless whilst you're young? I might as well be living with a family member

No. 2391317>>2391335

Is he on any drugs that could be causing ED?

No. 2391318>>2391335

can we trade im borderline asexual and im just waiting for him to get bored of me

No. 2391335>>2391348>>2391349

No and he's also in good health and works out which honestly pisses me off more
I wish, I hope yours becomes low libido too nonna
I know if I dump mine for this karma will be a bitch and I will instantly become perimenopausal and stop wanting to fuck and then get dumped too

No. 2391348>>2391408

That's so weird. I'm so sorry you're going through this. And he didn't have any kind of emotional episode or major life event that could've onset this?

No. 2391349>>2391408

I mean a man would dump a woman for such a condition posthaste if that makes you feel better

No. 2391355

i am tired and in a bad mood and struggling to prevent myself from lashing out. okay, i already did and threw something. i'm tired of how much shit my parents own, it's so annoying how nothing fits anywhere and you always have to cram shit. i should have planned on moving out but i wasn't thinking petty enough.

No. 2391366>>2391382

I hope you get a good grade, anon!

No. 2391368>>2391381

Go the fuck to sleep nonnie kek

No. 2391374

Been living with my grandparents to cut costs but damn I'm getting so sick of my grandfather's unhygienic antics, and I can't wait to get out of here. Frequent explosive diarrhea that he leaves all around and sits back ass naked without a shower on his cigarette-stained seat. His area smells so bad. My grandma's a clean freak but her cleanliness compulsion just isn't any match for his dirtiness. "Oh he's a sick old man" is what I get told, but he has been this dirty for as long as my grandmother has known him and I feel he's the exact reason why we & guests get stomach bugs so often, he touches everything! You tell him what he did and to clean up after his pigsty and he turns on selective hearing mode.
I'd bring my nanna with me but it's just one of those relationships where she feels eternally indebted to him despite him having done jackshit for her so ehh.. what can one do. He's too old to change

No. 2391376>>2391438

i never understood all that stuff i would see online awhile back about “oh, everybody’s got a story or two about a codependent homoerotic best friend situation” and chalked it up to the new quirky catchphrase of the week. except that my friendship of several years has vanished, i get it now, and i think i’m emotionally scarred or something? i don’t think it was a good friendship in hindsight. a frequent situation between us would be her getting into disastrous relationships or life situations and me spending hours researching and finding resources for her to try and help. i had problems in school and work over the years because of how often i’d have my phone out, messaging her, helping her with this and that at any critical moment. after awhile i gave up on having friends outside of her - it was too much to talk to her and other people, so i let go of others because i wanted to stay her friend. just her was enough. and together, we both rationalized it that if i was more comfortable knowing only her than knowing her and others, then as weird as it is to know only one perso, it can’t be that bad! except now i’ve made a new friend. and i’m tentatively starting to explore making new ones, having more than just one person in my life. i feel fucking insane. am i insane? friends, plural, is an absurd concept to me. i feel so much retrospective confusion and sorrow about it. my new friend keeps doing things that feel like the most grand gesture of affection anyone could ever give me, and then i think to myself, is this really that grand? or even a gesture of friendly affections? would other people see this sort of thing as affection at all and not a normal expectation of social interaction between friends? she’s reading a story i like. that’s the latest thing that’s gutted me. my old friend never did that. she’s reading a story i like and giving me commentary about it. it feels like the most terrifying and incredible thing in the world that she’s willing to waste time and effort reading something just because i like it on the sole basis that it’s something i like and talk about. but. what are the odds that getting into something your friend enjoys because your friend really likes it is a completely normal thing for friendships and not even something people think about that hard?????

seriously. what are the odds on that? am i insane??? she was the only person i knew and the only person i ever talked to. we would talk constantly, daily, i was always in the mix of her life, always helping her. we thought of each other as soulmates in that we regularly called each other that. and now my new friend is reading the story that i like and i think i’m dying.

No. 2391381

I’m on a short break. I’ll sleep after my exam. I am not able to sleep anyway kek.

No. 2391382>>2391759

Thank you nonnas!

No. 2391391>>2391403>>2391449

A handsome guy messaged me on instagram and told me that he found me attractive and that he would love to get to know me. We talked back and forth through DM's and facetimed each other that night. At this point he knew I didn't live in NY (he does) and he reveals to me that he blew 16k on sports betting that week. Mind you he's in law school, has no job, and blew all the money he had in his savings. I tried to make him feel better (Because at this point I felt a connection) and told him it wasn't the end of the world. He proceeded to tell me how beautiful I was, that I was a 10/10, etc. We spoke for 4 hours and we both went to sleep. All of yesterday and this morning he had been impossible to communicate with over text. He would message me, I would respond immediately, then he would disappear. Today I tried to ft him and he didn't respond. Hours later he ft me and I answered. I was in the middle of speaking to my grandma in arabic, and he physically went "ugghhh". I went in the other room and asked him why he did that, and he goes "Honestly, because I'm racist. I hate your language and I hate arabs." I asked why the hell he was talking to me then, and he responded "because you're hot." For some dumb fucking reason I wrote it off as him just messing with me, because he's afghan and lives in NY, so there's no way he actually hates us. Anyways, I mention to him that he's been acting weird and distant compared to the first day, and he goes, "It's not like I was contacting you to get into a relationship." I was like what do you mean dude, that's exactly what you did. He said that he just wanted to flirt and be friends (with benefits). I told him that wasn't the vibe he conveyed, and he goes "besides, I would never do long distance." I told him that this is the third time it's happened where a guy approaches me under the guise of romantic interest, only to use me as a form of validation that they are still loveable even in their shitty life situation and with their lack of stability and or accomplishments. I said I always end up being there for them because by the time I discover they're not stable, I've already formed an attachment. I said that I end up helping them excel, while I boost their ego, only for them to ditch me for someone else. He proceeded to tell me that he's not unstable, that he doesn't need me, and that he never planned on keeping me around long enough for me to even see him excel. I maintained my composure and showed zero anger or upset. I told him that was perfectly fine with me, and he asked me which friend I was with the day prior. I told him her name and he asked about her love life, and I said she was islamically married (but hadn't had the wedding) and that her fiance tried to rape her. He laughed and said "that's not rape. They were married." I don't know why, but I maintained my composure and just told him he was stupid. Then he said he had to go because he arrived at the gym, and said that he'd text me when he got home. I said "sounds good! Hope you have a good gym session." and blocked his dumb retarded disgusting manchild failure ass on everything. I love the idea of him trying to text me or dm me and realizing I ditched him. What a fucking psychopath. Normally I go crazy on men who do HALF the shit he did, but I'm so emotionally numb at this point, and honestly I hadn't talked to him long enough to take his true self as some sort of life altering event and or betrayal. He's just a piece of shit that I thought could be someone to me. I don't want to talk to men anymore, ever. I can't keep doing this shit. I KNEW afghans were disgusting but I took the bait anyway. Stereotypes are true, with individual exceptions. I want love and it seems like I will NEVER ever get close to it. I gave his dumb ass my time, patience, understanding, and sympathy and he just took it as weakness and or something he could take advantage of. This is the story of my life. No one ever loves me the way I love them, and that includes family and friends.

No. 2391398>>2391408

its not worth it even if he is hot. i am so sorry for your pain, but leave him if he does not want to talk about it or put effort into fixing this. i cried so much for five fucking years before i finally let the bastard go. he did not cheat or have a porn issue but he had emotional problems, was an addict, and i believe he may have intentionally been withholding sex to hurt me indirectly. does any of that sound familiar? do his parents have a poor relationship and modeled that to him?

No. 2391403

That was a male bpdemon.

No. 2391408

There seems to be nothing wrong at all, sex just slowly trailed off a year ago and now it only happens once every two months no matter what I try. Every time I talk to him about it he apologises and says he's been tired or busy or some other excuse and when we do have sex it's great which is even weirder still
It would be easier if he ignored me in other ways but aside from this he's the perfect Nigel so I don't actually want to dump him, it's weird and I hate it
>>2391349 true
>>2391398 I'm sorry that happen anon and I'm glad you got away from him and hope you find someone who deserves you. I feel bad saying this
because of your experience but mine just seems really content like an old retired person, it's probably hormonal

No. 2391435>>2391442

Kiwi farms is poison to me but I keep visiting. The male userbase (so like 85% of all users) are the typical male netizens who are porn addicts and unironically hate women (as in encouraging and commending rape and femicide), non-whites and gays. I'll start working full time soon and hopefully will have better things to do in my free time. I just wish every kiwi moid would spontaneously combust

No. 2391438

I just wanted to say that I liked reading your post and think you'd write good stories. Your current situation would make for a good short story.

No. 2391442>>2391450

I was heavily involved with kf from about 2015-2020 and I'm still unlearning the stupid shit they spouted like it was the gospel.

No. 2391449>>2391996

i feel like its in everybody's best interest to delete instagram. im a lot happier and less self concious without it. but sorry that happened i hope he loses all his money and becomes a hobo bum

No. 2391450>>2391452

I stumbled back across my old profile recently on kf and I'm appalled by what I used to write kek

No. 2391452

Same. I wrote some stupid pickme bullshit. Never simp for kiwifags

No. 2391474>>2391994

I watched a video about porn and masturbation addiction, and I really don't understand how some people are addicted to masturbation or porn above the age of 18. It's literally as easy as not touching your genitals, and avoiding NSFW content.

No. 2391505>>2391513>>2391523

File (hide): 1739164798313.gif (477.31 KB, 256x192, deflated.gif)

I make more working at a breastaurant than I did at my serious admin job

No. 2391511

Moids are so fucking braindead online these days, it's all just them resharing memes or communicating verbally through memes like "oil up lil bro" or "RAHHHHH (thing) DETECTED!!!" like at least terminally online moids pre-tiktok could speak to you in full sentences and at least somewhat eloquently sexually harass you. Now it's the same deviant shit over and over with the lick emoji, it makes me sick.

No. 2391513

There's a fuckton of cash in waiting tables, I wish I wasn't autistic so I could still be doing it.

No. 2391523

That's because moids purposely underpay you so you gravitate towards selling your youth and time and energy for a cheap rate to moids who wouldn't pay you a living wage if you were employed by them. This is called capitalism.

No. 2391562

I think I have a gambling addiction. Can't stop playing gacha. I do free pulls when I get the urge to do paid pulls.

No. 2391602

Would really like the dark thoughts to go away now so I can go back to being a supportive friend. Thank you.

No. 2391613>>2391616

I am genuinely too traumatized for my life to be worth anything. It was just too much. I provide peer support for dozens of traumatized people. Statistically there is very little chance I will get through my life without committing suicide. I feel I will commit suicide soon. It will be traumatic for my gf and loved ones. But I can't stop it. It simply is just too much trauma. I've only met a handful of other people with this amount and type of trauma and most of them committed suicide and the others are just gone. It's just the facts. I'll just try to live one more day. I do not know how long I can go on.

No. 2391616

Same here tbh. Let's get through it somehow nonna.

No. 2391636

>Before anyone says it, it's not porn or cheating, it's probably some kind of autism.
As a nonna who once thought the same way of her own Nigel : it's porn.

No. 2391651>>2391658

Everything about him pulls me in, something about his scent makes my pupils dilate even though I know it's a colossally bad idea to continue seeing him

No. 2391653>>2391654>>2391657

File (hide): 1739175979122.jpg (128.84 KB, 1080x689, 1000027220.jpg)

I feel like this meme but where the genders are reversed
Im lonely and theres probably no good moid left anymore kek. Theyre evil

No. 2391654>>2391660

me too nona

No. 2391656

Leave him. I was in a basically sexless relationship for too many years waiting it to get better - it never did. Our relationship was fine otherwise too. Sex and intimacy is such an important part of a relationship, it's the glue that keeps you together.

No. 2391657

No. 2391658>>2391671

Gay as fuck

No. 2391660>>2391663

Men used to be virgins and trad husbands. They used to build houses for their wives
Now they are gay or troons or misogynists or who the hell knows now. I wish I had a husband who knows how to cook and clean

No. 2391663>>2391664

I don't think I could ever get married. As soon as a man starts talking in reddit I'd be hitting him in the temple with a frying pan.

No. 2391664>>2391675

beat him to his senses nona

No. 2391665

food isn’t hitting the same at the moment, i could live without it

No. 2391671>>2391674

Wish I was gay, something about high-t men just hits different, god

No. 2391674

I didn't mean like literally obviously

No. 2391675

There'd be a lot of boxes falling out the closet in that house

No. 2391719

File (hide): 1739180403972.gif (852.05 KB, 220x220, CE036F18-FAB6-4D59-B535-659224…)

I bought a great wood whittling kit, watched a lot of tutorials, and was super excited to get started, but I cut myself within the first 5 minutes of practice, and I'll have to rest my stupid hypermobile hands and wrists for a few days and invest in orthotics before I can try again. I feel like trash now.

No. 2391753

my stupid fucking cat just flattened my basil sprouts

No. 2391758>>2391826

I can’t stand my bf. I got with him more than a year ago out of desperation. I literally just swiped right councious of him being ugly asf and I was brainwashed by people saying I should lower my standards. He’s dumb and ugly. At that moment my ex, who was gorgeous but a dickhead, broke my heart and I never got over him. He ran everyday, owned his own boat, was an intellectual and was studying to become a psychologist. I was too ugly for him. My current bf is clingy and I resent him so much. He’s broke and has a temper I noticed. He is part of the alpabet club, not the gay/trans, but the diagnostic group. I’m so sick of him I just want to break up. He constantly texts me and calls. I’m so sick of this world why couldn’t my ex be clingy. Idk what to do u want to end it.

No. 2391759>>2391939

File (hide): 1739184993214.webp (122.77 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_1193.webp)

Overnight nonna here, I passed my clinical methodology exam! I’m going to sleep for eight hours as a reward now kek. Thank you for the lovely wishes nonnas.

No. 2391807>>2391815>>2391818

My best friend died this weekend. It just feels so unreal, she was so young but she lost hope in everything. I wish I could've been there for her in those final moments.

No. 2391815

My condolences Nonna…

No. 2391818

I’m sorry, nonna

No. 2391826

Just break up stupid gosh

No. 2391827

File (hide): 1739192024678.gif (37.88 KB, 300x225, mamimi-samejima-smoking-ea745y…)

The same 5-10 GL manhwa are on every platform and ONLY those 5-10. What the fuck I feel like I'm in the matrix. Why isn't anything new coming out meanwhile BL comes out with a new IP every MONTH. I need to round up all the lesbians on this planet and put them to work in a Chinese webtoon factory I promise I'll be a good boss.

No. 2391828

it is unsettling being around people irl who download their personalities and quirks from memes and everything they say is parroted from something they have seen online somewhere. this includes their strong and loud political beliefs, like yeah I saw that exact phrasing online too. how anyone stands to be around people like this is beyond me.

No. 2391831

I can't believe the audacity of stranger moids asking for your number totally unprompted, like I never talked to you and you're ugly, do you really think I'm going to give you my Instagram just because you vaguely complimented my shirt? Do they truly believe it's going to work???

No. 2391833>>2391837

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I feel very weary and scared for the near future to be fair, don’t want to live in an economy where I might as well work 2 or 3 jobs like a slave or at worse, having to prostitute myself either in the traditional form or being some braindead tradthot housewife to a king baby.
My workplace started to fire people fairly recently and many local businesses are closing down and mind you, they are 30 something years old. I’m supposed to graduate uni this summer and I’m anxious in looking for a new job, the only thing that can salvage me is the fact that I have experience in the field I’m studying, but even that isn’t a guarantee.
Sometimes I wish I kms at 15 and be done back then with everything kek.

No. 2391834

I feel like my life is at a crossroads but for the first time I’ve no idea what to do about it. Everything I start seems to fade away, I’ve tried to get a new job but get ghosted, try to find a partner but can’t find anyone who likes or even respects me, I’m caught in my shitty flat share in a minimum wage job I’m going to get fired from soon and can’t even muster up the strength to go out and meet people or study for my professional exams. Can’t even go and stay with my family for a bit because I’m estranged from them. My friends flake out all the time and don’t engage when we’re together, most of them are autistic dudes who laugh at brain rot and have no capacity for emotional conversations. I’m touch starved and intellectually barren right now and life is beginning to seem pointless. I feel so much disgust being around base and cruel people every day (workmates, guys I’ve dated, etc) but I don’t want to believe humanity is inherently bad or doomed. I’m a positive and romantic person but fulfilling either right now feels impossible, especially as I’m poor.

No. 2391837

I feel you nonny, the market is awful right now especially for grads but you’ll find something, don’t give up! If it’s any consolation everyone I know is working right now, even my dumb ass and friends who didn’t finish their degrees

No. 2391892

My retarded boss pisses me off so much. Everyone else can stop what they're doing and talk. But if me and someone else who has nothing to do because work has been slow for weeks stop to talk, he comes over to yell at us. Getting red in the face and talking to us like we're children. God fucking forbid I talk to people too. This shit company refuses to send us home when there is no work, he expects me to stand around and sweep my area that I already cleaned last week meanwhile the other idiots under his watch get to do whatever they want. Fuck

No. 2391901>>2392988

ive been laid off in september and idk wtf to do. i keep applying but nothing ever is working out ugh..

No. 2391917

I keep having troubles downloading these things I'm so upset

No. 2391931>>2392285

I'm so ugly I hate knowing that I walk around every day looking like this

No. 2391938

File (hide): 1739199219176.png (505.32 KB, 1280x1219, 1737581376827.png)

I'm so fucking tired ugh why didn't I just go to sleep at a normal time last night. Times like these I fucking hate the hour long commute. It's inhumane

No. 2391939

Congrats nonna! I was doing an all nighter too but just didn't reply although I kept thinking of you Kek

No. 2391956

I hate my square ass face so much

No. 2391958

>tell my bf i'm busy writing my thesis today and i can't talk
>he keeps messaging me to get my attention
i swear he gets clingier any time i tell him i can't talk to him reee

No. 2391978>>2391985

I ain’t saying shit no more online ‘cause it’s all bots and bullshit and people getting weirdly defensive when you mean no offense. Or just keep myself even more limited.
And I like this thread pic.
I should just put a movie on while sewing more calico critter clothes then touch grass or something. Like looking for rocks. Then I’ll feel better

No. 2391985>>2392015

Whaat I didn't know you could sew them little clothes. Does it take getting used to?

No. 2391987

I might actually be the ugliest person in the world!

No. 2391994

IDGI either. there is something broken in the brains of addicts. we'll never fully understand their behaviors because our brains are normal.

No. 2391996

completely agree with you. social media is a plague on the earth. everyone would be better off without it.

No. 2392002>>2392004>>2392371

I think the posts I hate the most are anons bitching about their appearance and self hating because they don't look a certain way, or obsessing over their "flaws." It makes me so frustrated and sad. I wish people would just love themselves. Your appearance doesn't equate your worth as a human. I know society pushes the opposite, so I get it. But I just want to shake everyone out of this bullshit thinking. It's so fucking tiring.

No. 2392004

it sucks the air out of the room because we don’t know what you look like so we either can ignore you or say something hollow you don’t believe. and they know that when posting.

No. 2392005

I am so emotionally retarded. My coworkers praise me for being stoic and good in stressful situations but it's because there is a huge delay in processing how I feel about anything. Someone will insult me and it takes me like 10 minutes to realize I felt annoyed by it. I sometimes will feel my heart racing and wonder if I'm excited, anxious, or having a heart attack. Like I experience my feelings physically first, then think about it, then put a name to it. I realize now I've always tried to compensate for this by mimicking how I think I should react (if a friend is upset, I know I am supposed to comfort them) but I don't really feel anything about it until later, and I don't know why I am like this or how to fix it. I want to get angry on behalf of a friend when she tells me about her lame Nigel, I want to feel afraid when I am in a dangerous situation, I want to be happy when something good happens. Not just go through the motions and then feel it later, when I'm alone and the situation has passed. Idk, I blame my fucked up childhood. Repressing my feelings to avoid ever setting off my violent bpdemon father ruined me.

No. 2392006

I brought some heart shaped valentines day cookies that I made over the weekend to work today and I was going to offer them to the people in my office, but when I got to work I realized if I put those cookies out for everyone, my creepy coworker who is obsessed with me would no doubt strike up small talk with me as if I made them specially for him and act like a giddy school girl. He ruins everything…

No. 2392011>>2392046>>2392522>>2392538

Is it possible to have a real genuine relationship with a man or is it all smoke and mirrors? I feel like every single day I see men dogpiling on a woman for saying a slightly wrong thing which if you construe it one particular way could be seen as implying her man isn't the greatest guy to ever exist. I'm not a high-maintenance person, I don't like making people stroke my ego or lie to me. But it seems like men need to be propped up 24/7, always feeling like they're a gigachad thundercock sex god, so masculine that their gf/wife is literally incapable of seeing other y-chromosome-bearers. Is it possible to have a chill relationship where you're both normal and realistic? Or is masculinity really that fragile? Cause this shit sounds exhausting.

No. 2392015

File (hide): 1739203814941.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1093x1336, 95398684-9EF3-492D-B145-7E09CF…)

it’s taken a bit of practice but you can find patterns online to base designs off of

No. 2392046>>2392052

My longest relationship was 2.5 years so I can kind of speak from experience when I say that the majority of long relationships are people doing so out of obligation and sometimes delusion/coping on the woman’s part. In my case, I was doing so many mental gymnastics to overlook my bf’s avoidant attachment style (he’s now an ex) while having countless examples of how he disrespected and took advantage of my loyalty. The entire time I wanted a happy ending with a ring and a family so I did my absolute best to ignore and justify his shitty behaviors.
In hindsight I should have chosen better but I was extremely mentally ill with low self-esteem. Any guy who gets with someone like that usually is not a savior, but actually a predator. The same ex raped me.
At work I hear constantly of people complaining about their relationships and the inequality of labor is pretty obvious between the sexes when you observe their conversations. Women are very obviously at a disadvantage in heterosexual relationships and yet they still feel the need to buy lingerie, do anal, and cater to their moids to keep the spark going & the relationship alive for balding, wrinkled, beer-bellied disgusting pigs.
Given that men are gross in large doses, age terribly, and chip away at your own lifespan, I would say that they are meant to be “enjoyed” for a season before they inevitably get too comfortable and show their true colors. However, most men are not really worth getting to know in the first place. I wouldn’t encourage actively dating on dating apps or anything like that because they’re full of trash, but if you do put yourself out there & come across a man that you like—enjoy the rush of liking someone while maintaining your boundaries, and then cut him off if he breaks any one of those boundaries. I’m in my late 20s but the older I get, the more I realize that long-term commitment with men is an illusion & a trap to cage women.

No. 2392052>>2392522

Preach, nonna. Seconding this as 99% of the long relationships I know are just this - a woman hanging on because she knows the dating scene is trash and/or wants some sort of long commitment (kids, marriage etc), and the 1% are easy going people who got super lucky with their partners!

Ultimately your life is your own, and if you don’t want kids or marriage you’re much more free to sleep around and not settle than other women. Accept that the majority of men are scrotes but can be fun and attractive in small doses, usually from a distance… and if you ever feel like you’re missing out, a conversation with a middle aged married woman will tell you exactly why you’re not.

No. 2392073

I need to find a way to deprogram myself from my attraction to men, it just makes my life miserable

No. 2392074

>friendgroup of 3
>third one is in a toxic relationship
>i constantly bring it up to second friend
>second friend ignores so to not start drama
it is affecting all of us and i’m the only one whos trying to do anything. i’m not going ott either, but second friend just refuses to give me an adult answer

No. 2392082>>2392104

I fucking hate working. Even though my job is mostly remote, I miss being comfy at home when I had no deadlines or KPIs or bullshit performative Zoom meetings, being unemployed was comfy as hell if only I didn't need the income every month. I was meant to live as a woman of leisure, damn it

No. 2392087

>Have stomach pain
>Think it's period cause it's almost identical
>It's actually the runs
Troons are so fucking stupid, it's insane. They are A LOT, but retarded is included.

No. 2392104

I hate remote work and classes for that reason. Once my home becomes my workspace I can never really relax without thinking about what else I am suppose to be doing.

No. 2392107>>2392128>>2392151>>2392178>>2392386

Oh my gooood I made the worst mistake by going on a date with an immigrant that JUST arrived here and doesn't have any friends, now he's extremely clingy and wants to talk to me on phone 247 or see me. Wtf do I do, god

No. 2392122


No. 2392128>>2392147

Wheres he from?

No. 2392147>>2392153>>2392154>>2392162


No. 2392151>>2392176

Is he hot at least

No. 2392153

Tell the nigerian prince you will see him again if he deposits $1000 to your account

No. 2392154


No. 2392162>>2392172

enjoy aids retard-nona

No. 2392172>>2392177


No. 2392176

Pretty cute but like I said, extremely clingy

No. 2392177

no shit?(back to /pol/)

No. 2392178

I also made the mistake being nice to a newly arrived male immigrant at my job. He tried asking me on dates everyday. Eventually I changed my schedule to not work with him, but I see him at my college sometimes and he still tries asking me to go to his baseball games etc. He’s trying to marriage visa max so bad it’s humiliating. He even tried asking my sister on a date multiple times despite both of us being in relationships. He’s good looking but he has no charisma and it’s obvious he just wants to get a greencard here. I even saw him trying to flirt with a random girl at my college and she just ignored him

No. 2392182>>2392272>>2392477

realization that my boyfriend is the only person im close with who doesnt cut me off or talk over me when we're talking. people are so rude and i wish i wasnt conditioned my whole life to have a quiet and soft voice that people ignore easily

No. 2392192>>2392607

>My school's domestic violence help center always does an event related to intimate partner violence for Valentine's Day
>For this year's event they're partnering with the Wicca club to have a discussion about the ethics of using love spells and love potions
>Real victims get no help or support while fat dangerhairs sit around and question whether putting rose petals under the full moon to attract their crush is immoral
I want to die

No. 2392272>>2392403

I don't have a soft and quiet voice and people still do this, if they want to be assholes they'll just do that regardless of the way you sound even if having a quiet voice can make it worse. My bf is also the only person who never ignores me, everyone else it's just a toss up to figure out whether they'll act like a decent human being to me that day or not, because to most people unless you have some use to them they won't bother really listening and being nice to you unfortunately.

No. 2392285>>2393129

File (hide): 1739215758879.jpg (20.39 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

Own your ugly face. You don't exist to please people with your appearance and you have mucch more to offer.

No. 2392350

There is this moid I used to have a crush on. He had a crush on me too, but I rejected him because of a lot of red flags and we didn't start a relationship. We had some mutual friends, and it turns out I was right all along. He kept stirring up drama and moping around about me for years (until the mutual friends also cut contact with him). He even started a relationship with another college girl, but he was complaining about her being too flat and not being attracted to her. I saw them once, and she was pretty cute, way out of his league, and smart, too. I've got proof he's an asshole now, but I still dream about him and miss him. I feel guilty about it, and I don't know what to do. Every time I forget him, I dream about him, and he's in my mind again, even though I cut contact with him years ago.

No. 2392358

I’m really scared of what happens after death. Not so much of one specific possibility but moreso because I’m scared of the idea of something going on forever and ever

No. 2392360

I am never going to have a family. I have no genuine interaction with anyone on this planet. I am constantly accused of things that have absolutely nothing to do with me. I desperately crave something genuine and profound.

No. 2392363

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I'm tired of binge eating. Even if I will end up commiting suicide. I want to feel what it is like to be incredibly frail. I want to be 40kg for once in this lifetime and maintain that. I hate this world so much and hate myself.

No. 2392371

There wouldn't be as much "bitching" if you faggots stopped calling every woman who doesn't have a bowling ball head "men in drag"

No. 2392378

I'm so frustrated I'm not improving and stagnating so hard. I want to get better at writing and art, but I'm barely making any progress. My work is akin to a middle schooler's gay fan fiction

No. 2392386

Holy shit he told about me to his family, we met yesterday. I felt bad at first, he was so pathetic, off to block city. Thank god he doesn't know where I live.

No. 2392390

just got diagnosed with some nasty "staphylococcus" infection and had to spend my whole weekend bleaching every square meter of my apartment, including all my clothes
I almost felt called out in the prescription: "keep all your nails short and clean", "keep your house tidy and switch clothing regularly", "clean yourself with this everyday"

No. 2392395

Finally dumped my miserable (now ex) scrote. Feels like shit to be crashing with my family for the time being with none of my things or pets here yet but it's just temporary. No more wailing retard to deal with, thank god. It hurts a bit and I'm sure once the shock wears off I'll be a mess but I'm just gonna enjoy this brief moment of freedom while I can

No. 2392403

its really sad and ive made a more concious effort to not talk over or interrupt people im talking to since ive realised this

No. 2392408>>2392413>>2392473>>2392739

I hate my ex boyfriend, he fucked up my reproductive system up somehow. Now I can't have sex with anyone ever again, I guess. his dick turned ashy and smelt bad before I broke up with him. It doesn't seem to be an STD/STI based on testing; but yeah my vagina is fucked up now. I want to die.

No. 2392413

What's wrong with your vagina? This is some real horror shit, I'm sorry this happened to you nona.

No. 2392458

Evening me is so antisocial, I just want my friends and family to fuck off and leave me alone. This is my me-time stop bothering me!!!

No. 2392470

I should be careful with that I wish but when I bedrot this much I end up thinking about my classmate who had lots of self harm scars and loudly cried and picked up fights in her bpd illusions. It's not objectively better but damn I think about it so wishfully.

No. 2392473

What’s fucked up about it?

No. 2392475>>2392482

Do videos like this fuck with anyone else? It’s so disorienting knowing how big numbers can get to me, it’s complete existential dread material for me

No. 2392477

And I wish you realized the strength within you to condition yourself to have a loud and bombastic voice that people can't ignore. I used to get spoken over constantly until I started speaking louder over those that interrupted me.

No. 2392478>>2392483>>2392523

$50,000 to clone my dog who passed is a small price to pay to feel like ive got him back. i kno its not the same dog, i know this in my mind. but i think the illusion of having him back would still make the heartache less. my nigle is opposed to it (i get it, its not exactly a good thing to do), he would rather rescue a new dog. id be okay with that in time but im not ready yet. we only want a new dog b/c of how much we miss the other one, so idc, let me daydream about cloning him, even if its too late.

No. 2392482>>2392491

No because these numbers have no practical use in reality, they're basically just theoretical numbers.

No. 2392483>>2392490>>2392503

I know it's only a day dream, but if you really wanted to spend that much money, maybe giving a bit to a local animal shelter might make you feel better? When my dog died, I took all the money I had budgeted for her yearly food and care and I donated to my local animal shelter and said it was "from" my dog. They sent me a really nice card later and they hung a picture of my dog up in the office. Your dog must have loved you a lot, and you should pay back that love in a way that's respectful of the impact he left.

No. 2392490

Fuck, that's so sweet of the shelter. It sounds trite but it really made my day better knowing so many people got to see your dog and appreciate her after she was already gone.
Sorry for your loss, nona. I'm sure she was a really good girl.

No. 2392491

I think it’s disorienting because it’s scary to think about how that’s a real amount of time that will pass and we’re basically powerless to do anything about our insignificance compared to it

No. 2392498>>2392500>>2392502>>2392507>>2392513

my bf has a friend whos basically been rejected or ghosted by women all his life. but hed literally kill himself for pussy. super desperate guy. whats weird is he is average heighted and has average looks, yet no woman seems to want to give him a chance. he finally got a woman to reciprocate and she introduced herself as a 27 year old but later revealed she lied abt her age and is actually 35. the guy in question is 24. then she revealed that she actually has a bf of 10 years so she was cheating on them both in a way. hes willing to forgive her. men are so fucking desperate. the only thing that worries me is the amount of influence this guy has over my bf. his friend used to be rlly sweet but after multiple rejections hes started to do this dominant bad boy larp and apparently even talked down on that woman which is why she even gave him attention. my bf is rather submissive and i prefer that. i just dont want him exposed to shit like that and give him the impression that women like degredation

No. 2392499>>2392824

I realise I hate it whenever people apologise to me because subconsciously I think it's insincere or bullshit and solves nothing all the time. I also struggle with apologising due to this, it's best to just work on one's actions.

No. 2392500>>2392507>>2392516

He has something that’s wrong

No. 2392502

> hes started to do this dominant bad boy larp and apparently even talked down on that woman
Exactly kek, insufferable.

No. 2392503

ayrt, donating is a really good idea. i want to help other rescues but im not ready to open myself up to another dog, i think thats the best way to give back and feel like im honoring his memory. thank you nonna

No. 2392507>>2392516>>2392557

There has to be more than what you just said here like >>2392500 stated. People don't just get rejected repeatedly for no reason.

No. 2392513

>the only thing that worries me is the amount of influence this guy has over my bf
The people a person hangs around with says a lot about who they are as a person. If I were in your shoes, I would have dumped that scrote a long time ago, because his friends are shit and that makes him shit.

No. 2392516

Maybe he's just one huge ick. You know those guys who just dont know how to compose themselves or speak normally around women

No. 2392522

> and if you ever feel like you’re missing out, a conversation with a middle aged married woman will tell you exactly why you’re not.
AYRT and yeah, this is a good point. Except some of them will try to set you up while simultaneously complaining about their own marriages. It's a very unsettling dynamic in my office to listen to the married women of the office talk about their absent husbands while the married men of the office simply laugh and cheer the husbands on. And these stories are like about the women losing their minds, with toddlers climbing all over them for days straight while dad is on his "golf trip". So hilarious, right? I used to want to get married & have a baby but hearing these stories from married parents in the last few months sobered me up pretty quick. And these aren't boomers, they're millennial women with young kids who are single-handedly keeping everything afloat while their shitty husbands contribute barely anything and run away when convenient.
And while people argue that these are just bad men, that there's other men out there–you have to realize that these are the 'standards' that all men are held to. Yes, you could hypothetically find a kind man who holds himself to some self-imposed standard of honor, duty, and respect towards his wife & kids, but such a man is seldom in existence in this world because no one is teaching them to have these qualities and the world absolutely fucking coddles them. I've also dated sweet guys and like 90% of them are Mr. Sensitive manipulators who weaponize therapy-speak, while the other 10% are inevitably disqualified for some other reason. Even the best guy that I found who had some degree of honor, duty, and respect, later on had issues of entitlement and expected me to be his own personal porn star.
So all that to say, OP >>2392011 enjoy men in small doses and if you haven't, start imagining the possibility of a life without a marriage & kids because that alone will free you so much. Otherwise, if you are dead-set on a marriage & kids, you are guaranteed to have to settle (and eventually suffer) in some way.

No. 2392523>>2392530

Please research the animal “cloning” industry and how immoral it is. It’s a very hard process to actually have success in, so many of the puppies will die or get put down. It’s also sad to have cats and dogs that are basically surrogates all of their lives. They don’t actually give birth to the puppies, they’re cut open to retrieve the offspring. Imagine your whole life as a dog is being put under anesthesia after taking horrible hormones and then cut open on an operating table to retrieve your (probably dead) puppies, and repeat. Many of these puppies will die shortly after birth. Think about how many puppies will have to die just for you to have a “good peace of mind”. Also, to clone your pet you need to preserve their tissue relatively soon as in the day after their death, or else it is not possible. I’d suggest getting a dog from the shelter or even an ethical breeder. You can even get a dog that looks similar to your dog

No. 2392525

I want to fucking a-log this stupid ass troon I know. Everything I say is apparently just me "being a contrarian" for shits and giggles even though he admits to starting fires and emotional fights for "mental stimulation" all the time. Newsflash, some people can just have different opinions from you and it's not all just because they supposedly want to larp as the joker. Projection much?

No. 2392530

you’ll see your pet again in heaven. you still have love to give on this earth and from what anon i’m replying to said, you will be causing so much more suffering. and it’s not going to be your dogs soul in there. it’s going to be uncanny and weird. just love another dog that you are sure your old dog will love to be friends with in heaven.

No. 2392535

Bought a rare poster on eBay and it arrived with a bad tear despite the packaging looking fine. It seems like the seller packed with very little care as I believe it probably got caught on the box or packing bubbles when he was packing it. I opened the box with a ton of care as it's extremely rare and old so I don't think I did anything to cause the damage. Fucking hate this because I was looking forward to hanging it up. Now I have to deal with a seller who might get pissy at me for their own lack of care.

No. 2392538>>2392540

I think that in order to be with a man you have to compromise a lot as a woman, even in an happy relationship. My opinion though.

No. 2392540>>2392554>>2392839

I genuinely think that men inevitably hold women back, whereas they benefit from the relationship.

No. 2392554

Your belief has some evidence to support it, though not relationships specifically. Girls perform better in single sex schools. Boys however perform better in coed schools compared to all male ones. I believe men also live longer on average when they are married, whereas women who marry live shorter lives compared to their unmarried peers.

No. 2392557>>2392622

yeah honestly i wouldnt date him either. he has a dead-end job and goes on these long rants to appear intellectual but says very little of substance its just pure optics. hes also super whiny to people hes close to

No. 2392564>>2392571

I want to have a family that genuinely cares about me, and calls me out on my bullshit. I am so jealous of my friends who have moms and sisters who look out for them. They complain to me when their family scolds them on their bad habits and I can't help but feel jealous, because I know they do that because they care. I guess I just want the comforting arms of family in this cruel world. It's hard playing solo.

No. 2392571

honestly thank you for posting this. sometimes i view the amount of scolding and feeling singled out solely as negative. it would be helpful to reframe things like this. i don’t live with my family anymore and if they didn’t love me we wouldn’t all see each other anymore.

No. 2392576

I’m so anxious for my state board exam in a few months. I already have low self esteem and seeing everyone online post about failing the exam or seeing that some of my coworkers had to take it 3-5 times makes me so depressed. I just want to have a panic attack over it everyday. Not to mention there’s no exact passing percentage, so that just adds onto my anxiety. I haven’t even taken the exam yet but I feel like a giant failure. If I pass the exam I get a giant raise at work, and all of my coworkers will be waiting to see if I passed or not. It’s just so much pressure and I can’t take it. Since my course had 2-5 exams per week I never actually learned to study for long-term memory, it forced me to just cram everything in a few days before the exam since there were so many of them. It’s also $355 each time which just sucks. I don’t know why I did this to myself but I planned a giant trip to Europe 1 month after my boards, but now if I fail the trip will just be ruined and I’ll hate myself even more. I try telling myself that I still have months to fully prepare for the exam, but I don’t even know if I’ll remember the stuff I’m studying right now I’m a few months

No. 2392602

It's amazing how the body produces an acid specifically to break down what you eat and a little bean looking flap to stop it from escaping the tummy, because when it does IT BURNSSSSSSS. I've been having a lot more cases of indigestion and heartburn, I think it has to do with what and when I've been eating- but even when I don't eat much or at all, I get punished with acid reflux!!! I have had about a teaspoon and a half of baking soda today alone, lots of water, bloating, can feel the heartburn coming back up. I need tums but no money. Can't lie down to try sleep and going for a crap because it worsens everything. Kill me

No. 2392607>>2392610

I know someone the love spell thing happened to it was so weird

No. 2392610>>2392686

Nta but what happened?

No. 2392622>>2392652

I get the type kek. They suck, they think that they’re always superior compared to you, they are not caring either. That’s why young women don’t want anything with him. You really have to be shitty given that there are retarded women who are ready to coddle menchildren and hobbos.

No. 2392652

those types always have a running tab of every nice gesture you think they did because they were a nice person. had a “nice guy” cite “going inside and bringing a girl a blanket back out” as a romantic gesture she took advantage of him for not reciprocating

No. 2392686

my friend wasn't getting along with her housemate, so our witch friend baked some magic cupcakes that made them obsessed with each other. I could tell something was off before my friend did. then I found the shop our witch friend got her baking supplies from.

No. 2392689>>2393073

i think ineed to see a gyno i just had crippling period cramps for over 2 hours.. i dont know if i just fell asleep or passed out from the pain but im awake now and i feel okay. i dont even know how to describe how bad the pain was it was like a white hot burning dagger in my pelvis and i threw up when i tried to get up and get some pain medicine so i didnt take the medicine. jesus christ ive never wanted to be a man so bad im still ghostly pale and shaking

No. 2392727>>2392732>>2392750>>2392836

I'm acutely aware it's wrong to match with hot 20 year old scrotes when one is 30+ but I am having trouble with telling myself no helpppppppppp.

No. 2392732

Why is it wrong

No. 2392739

Have you seen a doctor yet? You might have BV, which isn't technically an STD, but it might have thrown off your pH if he hadn't been washing his dick or something. A doctor can give you medication to clear it up.

No. 2392750

Just remember - would a scrote be second-guessing themselves for matching with a 20 year old? Nope. They think they deserve it. You deserve it too.

No. 2392811>>2392815

My mother doesn't like working with other women because she says they are mean, catty, lie and gossip too much. I asked if she was any different and she said "yes, because i think like a man" kek i don't know how to feel about this

No. 2392815>>2392818

I would kill myself if I were raised by someone like that I'm sorry

No. 2392818>>2392819

She never instilled these beliefs on me when i was young and impressionable so it's not that bad i think but i don't understand her sometimes. I have heard stories about women being mean specifically to other women in the workplace, but is it really that bad?

No. 2392819

I don't think so I work where it's majority women and it's the chillest thing ever. I think it's only when males are in charge that pick-mes start trying to force a hierarchy where otherwise there would be none because we're not males.

No. 2392824

If it’s a man apologizing then yea it is bullshit. If a man is really sorry he won’t talk, he will do

No. 2392826

My days are counted. I can lift 15 kg at best and I struggle so bad, I literally stagger like a drunk person. I have to lift ceramic tiles (mainly) off big trucks without breaking them and they're 31.5 kg per box so I can't even move them kek I just sit there and ask moids for help. It's over I'm useless. Only thing I can do for now is show up every day, collect my 7 pennies and wait until I get fired

No. 2392830>>2392833>>2392834>>2392840

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I cant stop overthinking every single interaction i have with this guy. Today he was friendly to some other girl but no me and its making me BPDemon levels of insecure. I am the only girl in the group he doesnt smile to and tries to chitchat and its driving me fucking nuts. I try to convince myself i am just overthinking it, but part of me thinks he just finds me ugly or annoying and doesnt want to interact with me in the slightest. Like, he has this super monotonous borderline tism voice and he only talks with this voice to me, but when he talks to other girls he sounds more cheerful and shows them his cute smile AGH. I hate having a crush because it always drives into self hatred and doubt.

No. 2392833>>2392845

He needs rape

No. 2392834

Every time an anon posts a tamers pic it invigorates my soul

No. 2392836

Yes, you need to go for younger moids and make older moids seethe. There are less cons for a younger moid than an older one

No. 2392837

more of an annoyance than a vent but I'm very annoyed that the friend I enjoy talking about media the most with has been seemingly forgetting when I recommend things for them and then coming to me to discuss it as if they found out about it on their own. They also watch or read things I recommend but don't tell me that they did directly anymore and I only find out when they like offhandedly reference it. They didn't do this before in fact I built a lot of trust from them because they used to tell me about it as soon as they watched it unprompted so I knew I didn't have to like ask them about it. That trust is broken now though and I no longer feel the need to share shit with them.

No. 2392839

This is why you find a guy who pays for almost everything or don’t bother. Because the average 50/50 relationship these days is just a woman putting in more work than the man and becoming miserable, tired, and sick as she ages. I think this is why many women get fat with age, too

No. 2392840

Story of my life all males act this way to me.

No. 2392845

God the more he acts this way towards me the more violent my sexual fantasasies become. Its pissing me off. I cant tell hes a virgin from the fact his pfp in whatsapp is a fucking generic scenery and that he plays solitary during break times like a dork.

No. 2392850>>2393009>>2393104>>2393275

I waste my time gaming about 99% of the time, no friends, no nigel, nothing interesting in my life currently. I wish I had a nigel but that means I need to find him online because I dont want IRL. I'm kinda lonely it sucks.
Any neetnonnies here with the same situation? Where the hell you find a nigel online nowadays? I hate interacting with moids in game since they're all usually misogynistic or insane so I need advice on what games you can find a good moid.

No. 2392871>>2393015

I think it’s underestimated how many moids have brain damage from drinking and doing drugs. I think it explains much of the general stupidity they exhibit and why so many of them suck. Men drink and consume drugs and become addicts at far higher rates than women

No. 2392988

I feel you, nona. October here.

No. 2393009

No. 2393015>>2393304

100% agreed. Especially in countries where underage drinking is normalized (so, most countries). I've read studies about how getting drunk even just once as a teen does very often lead to permanent fucking brain damage. Because the brain hasn't finished developing at that point so taking a literal poison that causes the brain to get paralyzed enough to malfunction (which is what getting drunk is) causes it to take permanent damage. A lot of people who get diagnosed with ADHD as adults yet who were mysteriously without signs of it as a kid actually just got the same symptoms/damage from getting drunk as a teen. The "good" thing is that people literally do not know what they lost because their brain never even developed to what it should have been, so to them it doesn't feel like they got "worse". You don't become a drooling retard who needs 24/7 care, but you'll forget things, have difficulty focusing, starting/completing tasks, have brain fog and get more aggressive and/or depressed due to confusion and the constant slight dysfunction.

No. 2393022

Why are my parents like this? I made tacos for everyone and left leftovers for my stepdad who was at work. Even though there was enough meat to fill a standard bowl (just for tacos) he asked “is this all?” as if there aren’t 4 people in this house anyways???? Then my bipolar ass crash out mother started immediately yelled at me implying I didn’t make enough for him to have. I want to cry I can’t ever do anything fucking nice for these people. And she’s using money I’m paying her for board tomorrow for her nails kek. God please let me move out please.

No. 2393073>>2397882

this shit is actually making me so suicidal. you always take health for granted until it gets bad. my life is absolute dogshit already and now this? like im not miserable enough? now i have to live in fear of my uterus having a nuclear meltdown once a month? it would genuinely just be easier to blow my brains out at this point. no human is meant to endure this much phyiscal and mental pain

No. 2393080

I have always had an irregular cycle so when I actually get my period once a month back to back I get so annoyed. Like damn I just recovered from the last one I need to do this again? Awful.

No. 2393095>>2393100>>2393106

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I have feminine as fuck hobbies but it’s still hard for me to make female friends cause all anyone wants to talk about is their Nigel/FWB and I just don’t care. I feel gyped.

No. 2393100>>2393288

I feel you anon. I feel blessed whenever i encounter a woman who doesn't talk about their sons or nigel non-stop, it's like they are suggesting they aren't as interesting as the men in their life and it's pretty sad.

No. 2393104

Trying to find a BF as a neet is a terrible idea. You need to work on escaping neetdom first and foremost. Maybe try talking to some anons on the friendfinder thread, you might still be friendless irl, but in my experience as a friendless loser, having a discord group to engage with helps a lot.

No. 2393106>>2393127>>2393133>>2393160>>2393169

This sounds made up to be honest, I've never met a person like this in my life. It's more likely that you don't actually talk to anyone irl and are just complaining about made up problems in your head. That, or you attract weird people because you yourself are strange and off putting. This is definitely going to offend you but I really couldn't care less, you talk about people like they're cartoon characters instead of real people. Maybe you're the problem.(read the thread rules again)

No. 2393109

god i have 2 exams. one b4 the afternoon and one straight after ugh. irly have to pass one of em with a good grade and im so nervous. just fml.

No. 2393125

I fucking hate how nearly every commercial or ad is about low testosterone in men. Bitch I do not fucking care. I don't care.

No. 2393127

Kek nta but what a way to make things up in your head about this anon. You don't know her. You sound like a very self-centered autist.

No. 2393129

No. 2393133

>couldn’t care less
>still replies with a paragraph of words

No. 2393145>>2393147>>2393154

That fucking jobless cunt of a neighbor threw a fit because I didn't free the driveway of snow before 7 am. Some of us have jobs Becky if you are that invested I'll give you five bucks and you can go and do it yourself since you seem to have that much free time

No. 2393147>>2393161

Why is your neighbor worried about your driveway

No. 2393154>>2393158>>2393207

At least you have a job filthy cunt degenerate. Maybe its because you act like every other high and mighty slop. Stop acting like it actually means you're suffering faggot. I would open your skull with a fucking rake if you were my neighbor I wouldn't have even cared about the snow or the driveway someone should just knife your eye out.(a-logging)

No. 2393155

Why do people feel the need to own massive dogs and bring them everywhere with them? What’s wrong with getting a smaller dog?

No. 2393158>>2393165>>2393166>>2393170

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No. 2393160>>2393167

I can tell you are the anon in the stupid questions thread. WE GET IT, EVERYONE LIKES YOU!! Jesus, you are obnoxious.

No. 2393161>>2393210

probably because shes an insufferable cunt and they could care less about the driveway they just aent to punch her in general for acting like poor me i work. Shut the fuck up bitch everyone wants to do something for money. They cant always.

No. 2393165>>2393190>>2393212

They will replace your job with AI too anon, just wait. You will be crying in a ditch somewhere like the rest of the cattle You will look like particularly stupid livestock tho and eventually someone will just knife your face and leave your body in a basement(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2393166>>2393174

No. 2393167>>2393173

Kek she fucking sucks. “No woman EVER bullied or ostracised another!!! It’s your fault!!!” Piss off karen.

No. 2393169

You sound so fucking annoying and insufferable, stop blaming anons for their shortcomings with zero evidence to do so

No. 2393170

No. 2393173>>2393179>>2393194

I like how she's doing exactly what she claims nobody does kek

No. 2393174>>2393177>>2393180>>2393190

samefagging is really hard

No. 2393177

>"Nobody else could ever find a mockery of my alogging ass funny! Curse you Driveway Anon!!!!"
Why are you so mad. Take a breather.

No. 2393179>>2393182>>2393194

Exactly. Is she gonna start telling people with abusive mothers they deserved it? Or they’re making it up? “It’s your off putting aura!! You’re lying!”

No. 2393180

Are you gonna take the $5 or not?

No. 2393182

I bet she thinks she's a based gigastacy or something lmao fuck outta here

No. 2393189

Wow I guess I stirred the pot a little.

No. 2393190>>2393196

Driveway anon here. You know I'll give you the five bucks if you free my driveway. The offer is still on the table. Becky will find something else to complain about anyways but idc maybe you guys can become jobless friends and she'll be off my ass kek

No. 2393194

That's not me, that's an entirely separate interaction

No. 2393196>>2393231

Not involved in the shitshow up above but I still want to know why your neighbor is concerning herself with your driveway kek.

No. 2393198>>2398628

I thought I was gonna break down completely once the shock wore off but I straight up don't care about my break up. I feel nothing. I don't miss him. I have a date Thursday and I'm just looking forward to getting back out there. He really was ruining my mental health

No. 2393205

Ok edgelord.

No. 2393206>>2393209>>2393211

I don't have any female friends and I'm desperate for some. I have hobbies but I'm too autistic and weird to talk to any of the women there.

No. 2393207

Someone's trying way too hard to be funny today

No. 2393209

Just try anyway, it won't hurt you

No. 2393210

Are you having a stroke

No. 2393211

What are your hobbies, nonna?

No. 2393212

Now this is a neet

No. 2393214

Nona what are you doing

No. 2393218

>I have all the time in the world
We're aware.

No. 2393220>>2393250

How are you gonna afford those bottles if you don’t take the $5 and get shovellin’?

No. 2393224>>2393227>>2393233>>2393258>>2393300>>2393310>>2393614>>2393692

File (hide): 1739263154524.jpg (46.18 KB, 640x685, 1644152976928.jpg)

>Step brother is good looking, tall, responsible, makes 6 figures a year, buys a house for his mom and brothers, religious, and saves himself for marriage
>Marries a woman back in 2019
>They live together, he supports her while she advances her career
>Travel all over the world together
>They buy a house together recently
>One day he goes to work, forgets something and drives back home
>Sees a car he doesn't recognize in his drive way
>Walks in on his wife cheating on him with her coworker (an older, uglier gross bald guy)

I wish I was making this up

No. 2393227

Many such cases.

No. 2393231

I honestly don't know. It's just annoying to me but maybe it's because she is lonely? I usually just ignore her because I don't want to give her any more ammo. I'm not the only one she is complaining about btw the other neighbors are fed up with her too. Maybe it's a control thing. She also likes to leave passive aggressive notes at people's doors kek

No. 2393233>>2393237

Good for her

No. 2393237

>good for her
Anon she fucked an ugly bald guy….

No. 2393239>>2393247

I know you think this is like unbelievably comedic rping but we are adults and not 14 year olds on tumblr circa 2014

No. 2393247

Just keep reporting her for a-logging until she runs out of free VPNs.

No. 2393250>>2393252

File (hide): 1739264179889.jpeg (21.8 KB, 255x340, IMG_1945.jpeg)

Can I shovel your yard anon and then come over for hot cocoa pls

No. 2393252

I’m not the one with the snowed in yard but you can still come over for cocoa <3

No. 2393253>>2393254>>2393256

File (hide): 1739264288086.png (71.21 KB, 228x275, IMG_7978.png)

Let’s all be responsible, okay? The tard will wrangle itself.
Anyways, do any of you nonnies pick at your scalp and scabs and stuff? I do it way too much and always have dead skin under my nails. I clean them obviously very frequently but I love picking at shit. It’s better than picking at my backne thats for sure

No. 2393254>>2393261

Yes and I hate it. There are times when I don't do it at all, but times when I'm really stressed, I am picking my scalp constantly

No. 2393256>>2393261

Yes, been doing that since childhood. It's like a free snack. I always feel weirdly proud when i get a big one.

No. 2393258>>2393292

My sister did the same thing. Left her husband who let her sit around all day for an esports autist with a habsburg jaw. It wasn't even the cheating that was disappointing, it was her taste in men.

No. 2393261

I’m kinda resigned to it now because I’ve certainly had unhealthier habits in the past i used to incessantly clean the sleep out of my eyes to the point where it would produce it constantly throughout the day and i began ripping my eyelashes out
>I always feel weirdly proud when i get a big one.
So real nona. I usually roll it around with my fingers for a while if its a good ‘grain’ (I dont know what else to call it kek)

No. 2393270>>2393273>>2393274

Realizing that I'm turning 35 feels so weird. It's not like I ever expected to feel different going into my 30's, but I kinda feel like I'm mentally still like 27.

No. 2393272

now that i'm on medication and have been for a few years i feel like i wasted most of my life being a prisoner to my mental illnesses. so much shit i missed out on.

No. 2393273>>2393279

happy birthday nona!

No. 2393274>>2393279

i never feel my age. i always feel like a retarded teenager who's barely holding it together despite the fact i literally own a home right now. i'm doing better than most of my friends and peers but i still feel lost.

No. 2393275

You're not going to find a nigel in any online games nonna. All the halfway decent men get chased off of games as soon as they're exposed to regular gamer moids and their vile bullshit. The good ones leave because they don't want to deal with it and get in-group cringe from gamer moids, and the rest stay until they're just as awful as the rest of the moids. All gamer moids are misogynistic and insane. If they weren't, they'd be in a different hobby.
If you absolutely must have a gamer moid, the best advice I can give you is to find someone into single player puzzle/VN games and stays away from online multiplayer games. Met the only decent online guy I've ever known on an Ace Attorney fan forum 17 years ago and we've been best friends ever since. But that dude was a relic of decency even back then, I can't imagine trying to find a guy like him in 2025.

No. 2393279>>2393290

Aah, sorry I was a bit unclear kek I was supposed to write "turn 35 this year", my birthday isn't until november. But thanks anyway nona!
The feeling of being a bit lost in the world will probably never go away. I still feel clueless about everything and not quite sure what I'm doing despite, similarly to you, doing better than most of my friends.

No. 2393281

An online community I follow has fallen into a trend of female fans posting pictures of their boobs with their merch on twitter. They say it’s empowering and awesome and the girls are all complimenting each other, but on other parts of the internet I see men already sharing and discussing these women’s bodies and photos and getting off to them. The community has become infested with zoomers who seemingly have no concept of common sense or online safety and its honestly hard to watch happen and also I wanted to kill all men so badly when they started talking about an artist in the community I like who posted her body, while I remember she began to draw for the community when she was still in high school. Its all just so gross and it makes me really sad and upset

No. 2393288

Some of them genuinely do think so, especially the small town ones whose entire personality is “wife of an engineer” or “wife of a firefighter” or god forbid “military spouse”.
You’d never catch a man referring to himself as the husband of a nurse or accountant, it’s not like they appreciate their wives supporting their careers to begin with. They just make fun of them, like military degenerates with the dependapotamus meme. I’d feel sad for these women for never having developed a personality but every one I’ve met has been a raging pickme that gets worse with age.

No. 2393290

first ayrt and my bday is in november too! happy early birthday anyways kek. also, in response to your op, most people i’ve met have said that feeling never really goes away. you can be a 27 y/o mentally nona, nothing wrong with that

No. 2393292>>2393302

ATAYRT. I can't understand women who have decent Nigels and fuck it all up when the average scrote these days is usually a pedo coomer, commitment phobic, manchild, bald, ugly, etc… Or a combination of all of those traits. It has to be a mental illness of some sort

No. 2393296>>2393308>>2393309>>2394925

Wish I had the capability to not be a NEET who can’t even drive. But I literally can’t sleep if I have any expectations (even fun ones). And it would be irresponsible to ever let me behind a wheel with how distractable I am (it’s why I can’t play video games that require precision or more than 15-20 min of sustained attention,). It’s been like this since I was a child. I could probably work like two days a week for 6-8 hours if it was easy and I wasn’t expected to be on task and working constantly and was allowed to browse the internet or play games when I wasn’t needed (had a job like that that was fucking fantastic, wish there were more jobs like that, I’d love to still have the job, but a huge corpo bought the place and everything got automated). but that’s the most I could handle without crashing and burning after. I just wish I could sleep like a normal person. I can literally close my eyes for 8 hours, while physically exhausted, and not fall asleep. Also even when I do get sleep I’m tired all day. My meds make it so I’m just barely functional enough to take showers and take care of my pets.

Sometimes I can go have some fun but I have to eat so much food and drink so much water to not be an exhausted blob (no I’m not fat, I’m underweight, any amount of exertion makes me fucking ravenous). Why the fuck do I need to eat so much and drink so much water??? It’s always been like this. Other people who are larger than me eat less??? And they’re full? After the same amount of exertion? I’ve seen it! I’ve done stuff with others and spent whole weeks with them. I don’t get it. The only people who can sorta keep up with the way I eat when I’m doing anything physical are land whales and even they honestly don’t eat as much as me, they just get their calories from dumb shit like soda (and I can’t do much, by physical I literally just mean 6 hours of walking/standing with probably 2 hours of sitting either while on attractions, seeing shows, but mostly while sitting to eat the ridiculous amounts of food I need to keep trucking). Why the fuck is my body so fucking stupid. Why won’t my brain let me sleep when I’m tired? And why is it that other days I’m so tired even stimulants do nothing?? I hate this dumbass cursed body. At the very least I’m not hideous and although I’m underweight I don’t have an anachan looking body unless you focus on my wrists/hands or in a bathing suit cause of my bony ass back and the one side of my ribcage that’s off center and juts out awkwardly.

No. 2393300

Immediate no, that means he’s DEEPLY misogynist. In a way grosser way than atheist moids. I highly doubt he didn’t expect her to do all or most of the household chores even if he could have afforded a maid service, cause religious men expect their wives to be their house cleaners.

No. 2393302>>2393422>>2393437

>I can't understand women who have decent Nigels and fuck it all up
It's usually about attraction/sex. If the "decent" Nigel isn't good in bed, you'll subconsciously look for or invent problems. Or do something out of character, like get drunk and cheat on the Nice Nigel. The stereotype of "nice guys" is actually true because they usually suck in bed. It seems like they can never really be themselves and are always awkward or wearing a mask. I hear about some couples getting older and losing interest in sex, so maybe that's when it would work

No. 2393304

I’ve always been an autist but yeah the fairly consistent monthly binge drinking sessions when I was 16-19 probably did fuck me up somethin terrible

No. 2393308>>2393312

I think you got some parasites girl

No. 2393309>>2393315


No. 2393310>>2393311>>2393317

Cheating is not about actual attraction or even sex, moreso humiliating the other part. These two weren't in good terms I can assure you that

No. 2393311>>2393317

It's definitely about attraction and sex. I don't get why people say it's about all these other things, outside of PD relationships

No. 2393312>>2393314

Honestly this wouldn’t shock me, but doctors literally refuse to even entertain the idea you could have any sort of parasite in the US, and with as much as I’ve had rhabdomyolysis I don’t wanna go around taking some random antihelmintics that may not even be the right kind or the appropriate dosage for whatever mystery parasite(s) I could have. I’ve been considering lying and saying I ate sketchy food in rural mexico or something to get my shit tested.

I’ve had my thyroid levels tested multiple times cause I explain this shit to doctors and they assume hyperthyroid even when I tell them it’s been tested before. Never been anywhere near hyperthyroid levels. Even had an ultrasound on my thyroid, nothing wrong. Also, I alternate between being constipated for 3-7 days and then taking massive shits (not usually the runs - by massive I mean a giant fat log like 6-12+inches long) twice a day.

No. 2393314>>2393318

File (hide): 1739269767505.png (35.16 KB, 1001x1501, symptoms_Tapeworms-5ae1f33aa18…)

It sounds more like you have fucked up gut biome anon. Parasites tend to make you lose your appetite. If you have unhealthy bacteria in your stomach, it can cause all kinds of issues like hunger, thirst, ulcers and even really bad breath

No. 2393315

Ehhhh I don’t think so, tapeworms like always shed their creepy crawly segments and the shedded segments crawl outta your butthole daily don’t they? I’ve seen cats with tapeworms and they would have creepy crawlers crawling out their buttholes everyday until they got dewormed.

No. 2393317>>2393423

cheating happens for a thousand reasons, it's never one size fits all

No. 2393318>>2393322

Yeah that could be it. I’ve tried taking probiotics. The only time this didn’t really seem to be an huge issue was when I lived in a gluten free household (ive got celiac). That was also the only time in my life I managed to stay at a normal weight for a consistent two years. The sleep issues were still ever present even in those two years though, and so was the chronic thirst (I’m not diabetic). Maybe I’m just chronically exposed to low levels of gluten and my gut isn’t absorbing nutrients and is getting fucking rekt??

No. 2393322>>2393325>>2393327>>2393332

File (hide): 1739270308185.webp (50.97 KB, 828x466, eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250ZW50Lmhzd3…)

Just eat a fuckton of greens and treat your stomach like a compost heap

kek it's funnier with picrel, no newspaper or fishbones anon

No. 2393323>>2393325

I love greens kek esp a giant serving of steamed kale and lovely salads but if I eat more than a serving in a day I will 100% get painful runs and be a fart machine

No. 2393325

samefag but genuinely I mean to grow healthy bacteria, you have to overwhelm the unhealthy bacteria. So eating more vegetables and greens could help you develop your own culture, it sort of works the same as a compost system. Sorry about your diabetes anon, I hope you get this figured out

last thing, I've converted a bunch of vegans and they all go through a disgusting gas/fart phase for like a week but I get if your body can't tolerate more vegetable-fiber and won't build a tolerance. best of luck anon

No. 2393327>>2393337

Yummy I love paper napkins so much.

No. 2393332>>2393337

Mmmmm eggshells

No. 2393337

File (hide): 1739272142313.jpg (290.38 KB, 1200x800, 49219887788_08921dfc92_k-16685…)

No. 2393344>>2393374

File (hide): 1739273021914.jpeg (169.88 KB, 1200x984, IMG_7085.jpeg)

I trusted a moid and fucked up.

No. 2393374

But you repeat yourself.

No. 2393383

I wish I could get over the homophobic bullying I faced when I was younger but sadly I still feel ashamed about it to this day

No. 2393387>>2393402

My family is so fucking cucked on trans issues. My old ass aunt is defending hulking males using female bathrooms. Makes me wanna throw up. I hate the word cucked but I couldn't think of another.

No. 2393396>>2393569

Petty vent but why are food delivery services staffed by the most retarded people alive? Where the fuck are you going?

No. 2393402

Man, that sucks. My family is openly "transphobic". My aunt once showed me a picture of some tranny at a club, telling me to look at how big his feet is and how they can barely fit in the heels he got. We shared a good laugh, I love her.

No. 2393420>>2394416

File (hide): 1739279960307.jpeg (34.85 KB, 500x500, IMG_1215.jpeg)

They are doing a trial at the hospital where I interhaol. It’s about a new technique for bandaging ulcers.
Both my legs are wrapped up kek, I’ll have to keep it until Monday.

No. 2393422

If you have a nice guy he’ll be willing to listen and implement what you like in bed without getting offended like a regard. The truth is that there are few “nice guys”. I’ve yet to meet a man who I could describe as such.

No. 2393423

One of the main reasons, in all types of cheating I mean, is the novelty.
Many times scrotes cheat on their beautiful, hard working partners for someone who is below them, just because of the novelty and the infatuation really.

No. 2393437

I mean, if the guy was so "nice" and "decent", he'd realize that he's not pleasing his gf/wife and would actually find out what she likes instead of using her like a sex doll. Even when women fake their orgasms there are other signs like her never initiating sex or taking an active role, not getting wet enough, looking like she's dissociating during the act. Women are naturally going to fall out of love with and hate a man who using her body to coom.

No. 2393457>>2393472

I have to cook…

No. 2393472

What are you gonna cook, nonna?

No. 2393549

I look for him in every man I meet. I can't get over him. Perhaps I am amplifying his greatness more and more with each day we don't speak, but either way I can't get him out of my mind. He doesn't care about me, but he's secretly who and what I care about the most.

No. 2393557>>2393579>>2394165

File (hide): 1739286525718.jpg (28.44 KB, 503x493, 1732379288450.jpg)

i hate how maledom shit is so common in romance media for women (e.g. dating sims/otome games and books). is it really that popular with normie straight women? wtf

No. 2393568>>2393599

File (hide): 1739287454120.jpg (64.66 KB, 736x552, 24320220-8980-4fee-87e2-f738f5…)

anons i really want a robot BF…


No. 2393569

It’s usually people who literally can’t get a job anywhere else and also their cars aren’t good enough to do uber/lyft

No. 2393579>>2393585

real, i'm sick of the "dominant male" trope, i psychically cringe every time i see it and its everywhere

No. 2393585

i guess writers cant come up with relationship dynamics more interesting than "big beefy daddy dom x some generic uwu shy girl"

No. 2393595>>2394337

i just can’t stay on top of bills. it’s all piling up. my car got repossessed today so no grocery shopping today before the snowstorm and i’ve gotta pay for an uber to the tow yard and find a way to pay the towing company. i was only a month behind. idk im drowning and i dont know what to do.

No. 2393599


No. 2393604>>2393689

File (hide): 1739290399645.jpg (19.07 KB, 564x569, 2993eccf7559deec64a8820f247e5c…)

I broke up with my ex months ago. And I still talk to him. But I don't know whether I love him or not. I guess I don't, since I'm sure I wouldn't care if he stopped talking to me kek. But also, I don't imagine my life without him. He's not the man I would marry or even take too seriously to even introduce him to my family (he's from another state so my family doesn't know about him). When I think of my ideal man, it's not him. And I'm not even someone with crazy high standards, I just want to admire the person I'm with. Also, maybe the problem is me because I suck kek and honestly should be grateful for my ex. It's stupid from me to want more.

No. 2393614

You really think they had a good relationship if she resorted to fucking some random bald guy? I have strong doubts that your step brother was a good person especially with him being really religious. Really rich religious men are normally bad news

No. 2393645>>2393674>>2393702

okay so i did something horrible a couple years back like i vented about my life in a popular forum (reddit) and may or may not have included people in my life and since my account was known by this disgusting fake blonde pig walking millenial stereotype she called the damned ambulance on me because she thought i was gonna kms like she tried to do before, or to feel moral or something idek. i live with my parents so then they were horrified because she made up lies that i said my parents were abusing me when it is literally so untrue its false, and the ambulance people said this in front of my parents. and now they still think that im an unforgivable evil pos even though ive done so much good i still feel irredeemable and disgusted at myself for even talking with a disgusting bastard like her i hate her i hate her i wish i never met her i havent even made a single friend because of my distrust towards people now and i am constantly reminded by my parents how i am untrustworthy and ''got them blacklisted because the cops think they abused me'' what am i even supposed to do now? im such a coward this is the worst thing ive done and yet i still cry myself to sleep. my parents and various imageboards and this site are the only people ive communicated with for the last 5 other than that piggy who lied about mw

No. 2393674>>2393697

I'm so sorry that psycho has fucked up your life so much anon, I really hope you can get past this someday soon. You didn't actually do anything wrong, you just made a mistake and you've acknowledged and taken responsibility for that misake. The fact that your parents hang onto this, it says a lot more about their character than it doesnt anything about you. It's extremely cruel to not have any understanding or compassion for your own daughter, especially when it seems you've been trying to make up for it for a long time.

No. 2393675>>2393688

File (hide): 1739292640736.jpeg (67.26 KB, 1242x893, 3AFEED3B-BDC0-498A-ABF5-DB62D1…)

First day of my period and I completely understand the appeal of the period tracker feature in LADS now.

No. 2393688>>2393699

it's funny you mention that because I'm also just starting my cycle and also wanting to play LADS so thats exactly why I came to lc today

but knowing there's a period tracker makes it… somewhat better.

No. 2393689

>But I don't know whether I love him or not.
He's your ex, move on. You sound like an insecure woman from a 90s tv show

No. 2393692

Either he was awful behind closed doors or she's just a whore with no standards there's no inbetween

No. 2393697

thank you so, so much for your kind words, anon. i feel a little better, ive never told anyone about this and this is the first time ive ever given this much info about myself to anywhere, and you saying this actually helps me so much. the truth is i really dont blame my parents at all because of how much love and effort theyve put into my for so long, and i manage to let them down in such a horrible way (or, that psycho bastard did). they keep reminding me but i think its for me to recognise my fault that ive done. i put myself in their shoes and see from their perspective. i love my parents but i swear if i ever catch that pig again i will commit assault, without feeling the need to avoid jail or consuquenses, i dont even care

No. 2393699

Wow we’re so in sync we share the same brains waves nonny. I am sending you the wellest of wishes and a comfy day of rest, I hope you receive them. Have fun with LADS!

No. 2393702

Your parents do sound abusive though

No. 2393711>>2394022>>2394246

wish i could get good at art but im just not talented and dont have time to grind
i wonder if once im done with the busy studying ill be able to actually get good at art? ill be like 24
god i want to be good at art so badly

No. 2393713

I want to get a TWA so bad but I haphazardly gave myself one before I tried to kill myself a few years ago so now me with short hair triggers my mother and father.

No. 2393770>>2393858>>2393925

Nothing more annoying than when you're working on a group project and the leader is an intimidating and overly confident moid who gets things wrong all the time.
You can't just correct him or he will assert that he's right, you have to pretend you're confused about it like "oh wait i dont get it fully? It seems unclear, maybe they meant THIS(correct) way? Just wanna double check, just in case haha" because don't you dare bruise that fragile ego

No. 2393794

We're all depressed what's the point

No. 2393833

I miss her so much. It's been 8 months since we last spoke and I regret it more every day.

No. 2393853>>2393890

I wish I was unemployed. My life was so much better when I wasn't working. I had so much more energy and all the time in the world to focus on myself and my health. I was exercising daily, cooking healthy meals and lost a significant amount of weight. Ever since I've started working again I'm tired all the time, I've gained weight and I have literally no time for myself. I have to choose if I want to cook dinner or do an activity after work because I only have time to do one before I need to start getting into bed.
I fucking hate this cycle and I want out so badly.

No. 2393858

I have had this a million times and whenever the moid is proven wrong I just go ‘I told you’ and he always acts like he doesn’t remember. Males shouldn’t be allowed in group projects, they always leech off of others or strongarm the group into failing.

No. 2393890

I'm unemployed and it's the opposite for me. I feel like I want to kill myself daily, I've gained so much weight. I feel hopeless and worthless. Reading what you wrote make me wonder if things could be even worse for me.

No. 2393925

Just bruise his ego, you don't have to be nice all the time

No. 2393949

File (hide): 1739301893625.gif (387.76 KB, 220x220, angry.gif)

oh my god Im so fucking retarded, im so fucking retarded. I shouldve never put myself out there and started blabbering like an idiot. What I talked about was completely irrelevant to the topic and the professor had a pained smile as she tried to move on BUT I KEPT TALKING LIKE AN IDIOT. Whats the point of being able to socialize and talk if I'm complete ass at reading the mood? AND FUCK this class is being recorded too so my flub is recorded for people to rewatch and cringe over and over. Even if I make it through this course I'm going to get fucking shafted in the workforce because I can't keep my mouth shut WHY DID I SAY THAT? I shouldve listened to that girl in middleschool who pointed out the class was completely silent when I started blabbering about war rations loudly and proclaimed "You talk a lot nona…" aka "please shut up, no one cares".
I feel like a little girl all over again, loud but ungifted, only capable of paraphrasing facts she saw in passing thats completely irrelevant to the topic in hand but otherwise untalented in everything else. I wish I could just be obscure and forgotten

No. 2394000

I'm really horny but on my periods

No. 2394016

File (hide): 1739303808327.jpg (13.95 KB, 185x273, 1000016819.jpg)

I know women like to joke that they're more attracted to anime or vidya husbandos than to 3D men but in my case it's real, I really really do feel more attracted to them and it kills me. Ofc I had crushes on actual actors or musicians in the past, I tried dating irl, but all those feelings just don't come close to what I feel to those fictional characters. And it's not just "I prefer this fictional man because real men have shit personality and are dangerous porn addicted rapists" etc. Even on purely physical level of attraction, I feel more aroused when I think about my husbandos. Even when I watched porn when I was younger, it was usually hentai, not real porn. I won't talk to my therapist about it because I feel too ashamed.
I just wish idk somehow I could make one of my husbandos alive idk merge fictional or real dimensions or some shit. If we actually live in a simulation, one day it should be possible right? Maybe if I wait till I'm 80 years old we will achieve this level of technology and we will be able to program this reality and I could be united with my husbando? I just can't cope anymore. I'm getting older and everyone my age has relationships and/or kids but I just can't do that with real people. I never had sex because of this. Even friendships with fictional characters seem more interesting than with real people. When I watch anime I'm like "why can't people talk like this irl? It's so much more interesting". Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting whats left of my youth, if I tried I could get a decent guy, well judging on my looks alone. But something is so wrong in my head, I would never be satisfied with a real person, and that person would notice with time there's something wrong with me

No. 2394022>>2394058

Anything you practice you get good at. Read back the artist salt thread for tips anons give each other on how to grind and improve.
Dedicate your time and you can do it, I believe in you.
Also 24 is very young. You have all the time in the world.

No. 2394031>>2394042

idk what to think. i literally only have 2 IRL friends and weve known each other for 16yrs. but lately the one im closer to keeps making weird ass comments about shit i post in our group chat. like, im glad shes being honest, but she doesnt have to be rude about it. when i confront her shes like "well, ok it was rude, but i mean we have that honest relationship dont we?" i told her if we did why has she only been "honest" since a few months? then shes BSing me with like "ive always been honest to you??" gurl, youre literally being shady and making snarky comments.
also the other friend never steps in which annoys me too. she literally just ignores it.

No. 2394042>>2394045

Maybe some distance is needed. Branch out and start finding other acquaintances to spend time with, and eventually friends.

No. 2394045

i thought the same but when i ignore the groupchat that one friend starts messaging me privately "r u ok??" and stuff like that
also idk how to make friends im 32yo. theyre my only friends.

No. 2394051>>2394053

I feel myself getting more and more depressed and stressed out and every day feels numb with an undercurrent of constant worry. I'm going to hit this vape. Everyone hope I don't get addicted again I don't think my emotions or hormones can handle another detox kek fuck this shit life sucks everything sucks I want to be a mom and I will never be adult enough or stable enough to make that happen. I couldnt inflict this stuff on my kid. I feel stupid and retarded. Time for vaping after going one year free.

No. 2394053

I hit it now I feel guilty. No more vaping. Urghhh.

No. 2394058

>Anything you practice you get good at.
i hope you speak the truth. i grinded for a few months a while back and while i surely improved tons (was starting at a low point tbh), i still couldn't reach a level where people would enjoy my drawings. it was alsi disheartening to see other people improve much faster than i did.

i hope one day i can dedicate enough time to it, i try to do it when i have some free time and im not too exhausted.

No. 2394121>>2394129>>2394131

I seriously find babies and toddlers repulsive, I have no idea why the fuck my classmates think it's ok to show pics of their shitty kids covered in actual shit or food. There was also multiple babies screaming at my school restaurant today due to the entrance exams being held there, insanity. I know I should be happy that women can bring their kids there, but there is no actual kiddie place there and it was loud as shit already today with all the extra people. I also have pregnant classmates and all I keep hearing and seeing is baby shit, it's disgusting.

No. 2394122

you ever feel like contacting your shitty ex again because you're bored as fuck and sort of horny? i'm not going to do it but damn it's tempting sometimes

No. 2394129>>2394133

I like babies and toddlers but iawtc. It's nasty to see babies and toddlers covered in food and they always have dirty hands and faces. Some parents just don't care and think being sticky all the time is "just part of being a kid". It's also dumb to share photos of your kids with people who don't have them, unless they ask to see that. No one should ever have to see baby's soiled diaper in public and I don't understand why any woman would want to publicly breastfeed but that's on them

No. 2394131

I feel this way too. Toddlers can be cute imo, but then they do that open mouth tongue out cough all over literally everything in the vicinity and then they lose the cuteness. Babies though, I just don't get it. They aren't cute. I wish I thought they were cute though, I honestly feel so out of place when other women are losing their shit over a baby "being so adorable" and I'm just there like ehh…

No. 2394133

Yeah like these are women I have been very open about me never wanting kids and not particularly liking them in any way, this was during lunch too. She asks if we want to see photos of her son, I ask if they are gross because this shit has happened before, she says nooo! boom, it's her toddler covered in food and another one with actual shit visible and I told her that was gross and that her kid is beautiful but this is fucking nasty, and I was the one to go sit somewhere else. Of course I would never wish harm on any kids but keep them the fuck away from me, I don't give a fuck.

No. 2394137>>2394148

>managed to lose my prescription by the time I came home
>first thing I do with the meds is misplace them and take an hour to find them back
>take a pill out and immediately drop it on the floor, gets send boucing somewhere I couldn't see since I'm heavily myopic
just how comically bad can this get?

No. 2394148>>2394150

please don't choke on a pill anon

No. 2394150

NTA but I did this once and my throat burned for days afterwards, even worse than when I just choke on food or water

No. 2394152>>2394154>>2394168>>2394311>>2394391>>2394392>>2394421

File (hide): 1739310605595.jpg (208.68 KB, 1080x523, Screenshot_2025-02-11-22-41-01…)

idk where to post this but : based jannie

No. 2394154>>2394166>>2394168

What did he expect

No. 2394165>>2394204>>2394211>>2394275

"maledom" is when the man kisses first I bet

No. 2394166

idk probably that we'd talk about rubbing our boobs together all day

No. 2394168

The scrotoid main character syndrome renders him incapable of thinking.

No. 2394198

somehow got addicted to sprite zero and lost 17kgs lmao but now im mad that ppl keep commenting "ur always drinking sprite!!" yes its super tasty and it keeps me off the food dumbass

No. 2394204>>2394275

yuuuuppp exactly

No. 2394211>>2394222>>2394275

File (hide): 1739312644302.jpg (107.36 KB, 667x1000, ALPHAmate.jpg)

Nta but I know what she means, there's lots of maledom slop out there, you have to have seen ads for books like these before kek

No. 2394213

I am so bad at guitar I think my teacher thinks I'm retarded

No. 2394222>>2394229

this is what i was talking about, idk why she willingly misinterpreted my post

No. 2394229>>2394231>>2394251

i like the type of maledom where you dont have to do anything and just be taken care of by a superior gentle being, am i cringe?

No. 2394231>>2394234>>2394247

What is dom about this

No. 2394234

idk bro its called gentle maledom so its maledom, i didnt make it up

No. 2394241

I'm so tired of people asking me to ask stupid questions for them so they don't look stupid. "Nona go ask the worker standing right next to us if this fish is good with my fish" "Nona can you call pizza hut and ask how to place an order?" "Nona call and ask if we can pick this up right now even though it says right here its not ready yet"
Like things that I could give them an answer to right away but they won't believe me and insist I call and find out. Fucking do it yourself. I need to learn how to start telling people "no" straight up.

No. 2394246

theres tons of famous artists who didnt git gud until they were like, 30s-40s, youre fine. draw your cubes

No. 2394247>>2394254

Do you not know what soft doms are?

No. 2394249

I feel sad, I fucked up today because I was supposed to stay later at work today but I honestly didn't understand what my boss was saying at the moment because I'm retarded and I couldn't get the key to the office, so now she has to open tomorrow early when I was the one who was supposed to do so, I want to kill myself, I finally have a job that's quite nice and I'm fucking it up because I'm a fucking retard.

No. 2394251

You basically want a cunnilingus slave, that's based and respectable

No. 2394254

No I am not into that dom shit

No. 2394259

File (hide): 1739315338706.gif (986.74 KB, 390x259, 77.gif)

>yes nonna men treat women terribly but it's not out of hatred for us!
>it's because uuhhhh…just because! has nothing to do with hate nope

No. 2394275

What's with anons creating headcanons out of other anons kek. She clearly meant the type of shit where the male love interest is borderline abusive or bdsm trash (or stuff like >>2394211)

No. 2394291

I'm trying to cope with the weight gain due to antidepressants but I honestly rather run around with chunkier legs than not running at all. I owe everything i have in my life to those pills. The first weeks were horrible but after that I felt like a new person. I take them every day at the same time. I started an internship and people describe me as "motivated" and "chatty" which is crazy because before that I was "awkward", "shy" or "insecure". It's not like I didn't know what to say, there were thinks that I wanted to talk about but I was too scared. It's been that way since I was a little kid. Now it's as if the part of my brain that makes it hard for me to talk is completely scorched off which is a relief. I am just thankful that I get to experience being normal for the first time and that I can actually enjoy interacting with other people.

No. 2394301

I'm not even American but reading about what's happening is depressing me and it's really terrifying. What has the world come to

No. 2394304>>2394310

File (hide): 1739317224752.png (8.47 KB, 203x208, loml.PNG)

Can't believe it's been seven years already, feel like pure shit just want her back

No. 2394310>>2394357

same. and you cant even find good vine compilations any more b/c most of them have tik toks and other shit mixed in

No. 2394311

>be male
>don't enjoy the female version of something made for you
No shit? I grew up on 4chan and the very instant I found lolcow, I stopped going there forever and never missed it. The culture here is nothing like 4chan really, it's just the imageboard format, anonymity, relatively free speech and a certain amount of gatekeeping that make it similar.

Anyway you just KNOW he was the lame, tryhard and unfunny one if he got banned so quickly.

No. 2394337

Can you move in with family? Get roommates?

No. 2394353

File (hide): 1739319295501.png (511.06 KB, 622x622, 98A0BF27-421F-4F9B-8244-A4210E…)

Pretty sure this Moid I met at Uni and thought I had a really good connection/chemistry with is actually a covert narcissist and is trying to triangulate with the new BPDemon so that I’ll break down and chase him. I think I’m his “type” and he can smell the fact that my father was also a Narc and could tell I’d be perfect supply if only I wasn’t so pigheaded.

No. 2394355

Coworker ain't here so I had to change working locations to take her place. Literally said out loud "Do you want me to kill myself?" Bc the work here is so annoying wtf. I hope to leave this shitty place soon.

No. 2394357>>2394368

I feel like all of the genuinely good ones are lost forever

No. 2394364

I love whales and the supermarket has cute stuffed whales saying i whaley like/love (too depressed to clarify) you and it sucks because no one will be getting me one

No. 2394368

as long as i can always find "bitch gonna step on my fuckin toe bitch with the fuckin cowgirl fucking boots bitch disgusting" all is not lost

No. 2394373

My husband left me and went back to bumfuck, WV because I stayed late at work. He's always had this weird relationship with my mother and he's still talking to her, and they blame me constantly because of my insecurities (I grew up without a father and had an abusive stepfather and some really traumatic relationships before him.) I know I'm better off without him because he's a convicted felon, an alcoholic, severely overweight, tattooed, former biker etc…and I'm getting over it as best as I can but I'm just disgusted when I think about running into one of his loser drunk friends in the small town I live in and what lies they've been told about me. I'd move, but I really cannot afford it as when we were together, he wrecked my vehicle and I had to buy a brand new one we agreed to pay the $6k more for together. My wedding was a disaster, and he's been speaking to me and doesn't seem to want to file divorce papers but he's assuming I'm going to puss out and just go down to WV again to be with him, and it's not going to happen. I have never seen a dirtier, more disgusting, rural shit hole than where his family lives and although they have a beautiful property, the county is enough to make anyone sick (hint: The Silence Of The Lambs was based off of his area.) My family are all kind of cold people and I have no one to console me except for a cousin who lives out of state and my best friend in NYC who has a perfect relationship and is getting married and moving away to be a housewife soon. I'm tired of everyone telling me to suck it up and get over it, I have emotions like any normal human and it just sucks to be in this spot. I also found out my wisdom tooth surgery is scheduled for my birthday and I can't reschedule. I just needed to get this out by screaming into the void, thanks nonas.

No. 2394391>>2394433

Moid goes on a sane website expecting the same tranny cunny pedoshit moeblob hypoborea humour he finds on 4chan (peak in his opinion, but what else do you expect from braindead frontpoles) and gets met with harsh reality, thus blaming everything on the women for being "unfunny". Tale as old as time.

No. 2394392

kek what a faggot

No. 2394416

This shit fucking hurts. I have pain in my legs and my foot on both sides and i couldn’t even walk much before stopping. I even woke up due to this. I will resist since I don’t want to cut it myself , but I’m going to ask to cut this stupid shit today (is it today or tomorrow since it’s 2 am?) and drop out. I can’t do six days like this.

No. 2394421

Kek if you are a disgusting retard it’s obvious you’re going to get banned.

No. 2394433>>2394442

I think a large demographic of men are so emotionally stunted they genuinely lack a sense of humour and pick up on the tells of other men if something is funny. I think men should be left out of peer reviews due to their lack of objectivity.

No. 2394442>>2394462

No it’s not that. It’s because their humor is sexual harassment, misogyny, rape, violence ,and racism.

No. 2394459

A sort of moid friend (friend of my friends) is posting his gym session pics, topless. He started to pull his pants down so you can just see the outline of where his dick starts and it makes me gag every time, it actually repulses me. Just foe the record he's not very fit and has an only fans gf. I can't vent to anyone irl about how gross I find it because they're close friends with him

No. 2394462>>2394466

You forgot farts and poop. There is literally nothing men find funnier than their own poop.

No. 2394466

You mean penises. There is nothing males find funnier than penis.

No. 2394503>>2394512

It’s retarded but it hurts when the internet refers to a song I have loved for years as “white girl music”. I know it’s a meme but it’s always my favourite songs and it’s started to make me feel insecure that people expect something different of me because of my race. Like I’m meant to be different

No. 2394512>>2394540

It's okay, anon. I've been called a "white girl" by relatives for virtually all my life. At some point, you just accept that you don't fit in with your own family.

No. 2394540

Thing is it’s not my family, it’s the internet kek. Which affects me more, because it speaks to the average person’s perspective. I’m British too, so it’s not like black people here are expected to have a particular music taste.

No. 2394593>>2394605

Just remembered my ex had brainrot and thought life was like a porno and expected me to go "suck him off" in the bathroom of a public park. I fucking hate men, I will kill myself rather than date again.

No. 2394605

dont kill yourself nona, we need you among our ranks. use moids if it benefits you, make yourself happen, & kill them when you get the chance

No. 2394606>>2394612>>2394639

My irl friends are so libfem it physically hurts me, but I am incapable of making other friends. I can’t even say the word retard near them. I made that mistake 4 years ago and had months of ghosting and talk of me being a horrible person. One of them was even accused of rape by a tranny and lost most of her friends yet still loves trans people, I thought maybe that situation would peak her but no. I just gotta accept these friendships because it’s worse being friends with conservative women. I tried cutting them off a few months ago, but I started talking to them again because I still like them despite this. I hold hope they might change since I was like them 7 years ago, but honestly they probably won’t. It just sucks having to sensor myself so much. I can’t even disagree with their opinions. Once a girl insulted Bluey the tv show and my friend called me for 2 hours crying .. I can’t make this up. I once made a joke saying someone we hate should kill themseleves and they ghosted me for a month. Both of them moved to California around a year ago and stopped talking to me for a while, I assume because they thought they would have a better life with their new woke California friends, but I’m pretty sure they just came back to me because no one could handle their shit.

No. 2394612

Can you find some new friends Nona? They sound like fundamentally bad friends, even putting aside their handmaiden opinions.

No. 2394639>>2394651

I understand this so much. Actually it was easier for me to have conservative female friends in college because we could just drink and shoot the shit while avoiding talking politics (shallow friendships basically). I imagine this isn’t as easy later on because conservative women become insufferable and unavailable once they get married and have kids. My current liberal friends are way closer to me politically but every time I voice one of my opinions they correct me with the “correct” opinion and then want to debate & educate me because my opinions are my own and not from Twitter. It was like that in college as well which is why I kinda preferred the company of conservatives or politically apathetic.

No. 2394651>>2394690

No. 2394663

I wish I had the level of cognitive dissonance that the average gendie has. Maybe life would be more bearable.

No. 2394665

File (hide): 1739336114739.gif (13.05 MB, 800x800, Aleha_84.GIF)

It makes me really sad to hear women talk about being afraid of walking at night. Some of my favorite memories are of wandering around with my best friend at 3 am. It always felt like everything was right in the world. There’s nothing like it

No. 2394671

I kept such awful company who ultimately never cared about me. Instead of worrying about a social life I'm going to invest all that time into hobbies, art, music, growing as a person. Discipline, I'm capable of great things without obligation and expectation hanging over me like a soggy shroud

No. 2394686>>2394711>>2396016

It's hard to admit this but for some reason I've always felt happier and more comfortable interacting with TIFs, enbies and similar neurodivergent and gay weirdos than regular straight (and bihet) women, especially the male-pandering crowd, they know who they are lol. I think it's because the latter feel more judgemental and put more focus on the beauty standards. It's like I need to be on my toes around them, and many of them still behave like mean girls who will gossip behind your back.

No. 2394690

ntayrt but
>literally tries to befriend other girls

No. 2394711>>2394715>>2394729

That is interesting since it was the opposite from what I've seen (normie women being much more nicer while tifs, enbies, and "weird" nerdy types act like regina george)

No. 2394715

>while tifs, enbies, and "weird" nerdy types act like regina george
oh my god why are tifs so catty? every single one I've met has been absolutely awful in the most feminine way kek

No. 2394729>>2394890

In my area TIFs/enbies are clearly mentally ill but they're actually very nice. As long as you don't say something "offensive", but honestly a lot of them are so awkward and autistic they wouldn't even be able to properly fight with you. The "kweer" bihet feminine women are an entirely different category, and they're the ones I consider to be actually mean spirited loud and catty. I'm kind of an outsider myself so maybe that's why I connect so easily with the GNC crowd, while regular women tend to dislike me as soon they see me…

No. 2394772>>2394778>>2394798>>2394815>>2394825>>2394829>>2394836>>2394838

i feel like i can talk nowhere about this and i feel like even lc feels wrong. but ive racket up some cc-debt i cant get out of while unemployed for paying moids on OF to do custom videos. i feel insanely pornbrained and im sick to an extent, but i do have way more fun ugh. i wish i could be into reading fanfics like others

No. 2394778>>2394798>>2394815

what kind of videos? i only subscribed to a of whore once and it pissed me off he paywalled his longer videos, and worst of all, the video i subbed for wasnt even up for sale anymore. Agh.

No. 2394785

Why do moids think it's peak comedy to just spam racebait? I'm in some discord servers and they just spam black pepe emotes and make fun of George Floyd because they think it's peak comedy. Then on KF all the scrotes there just say "NIGGERFAGGOT!!!111" like it's the most hilarious thing they've ever heard. Scrotes are so unoriginal and unfunny. I'm so happy we have rules here against this shit, lest Lolcow turn into another "hehe…I said nigger!". And yet they really want me to believe that women are the unfunny ones, lol, lmao even.

No. 2394788

Was cleaning my shoes and just noticed "Don't breathe in!" on the bottle but i did "Breath in!" a lot. Why the fuck is the font so tiny? It's important info. And my shoes still dirty. I have been so down lately, panic attacks are back and now this shit

No. 2394798>>2394808>>2394827>>2394841

so theres like 0,00001% of women who pay for of and it just so happens that theres 2 of you right there. got it. not moids at all(scrotefoiling)

No. 2394808>>2394828>>2394847

i already feel super disgusted with myself and youre not helping

No. 2394815

Literally just go to leak sites. Paying for this shit is pathetic, it all gets leaked for free.

No. 2394823

My only female friend (that I can tell anything to) is becoming a NEET with no goals or aspirations other than watching tiktoks all day… She said she is content where she is and not depressed. Am I supposed to just sit there and let this happen? It doesn't seem like something a good friend would do

No. 2394825

>but ive racket up some cc-debt i cant get out of while unemployed for paying moids on OF to do custom videos. i feel insanely pornbrained and im sick to an extent, but i do have way more fun ugh
This is so pathetic kek.

No. 2394827>>2394847>>2394858

It’s scrotes who want pity for their porn addiction.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2394828>>2394844

You are unemployed yet you’re spending money on jerk off videos of some dudes. You don’t feel bad enough.

No. 2394829

Nona… just get an otome game like the rest of us

No. 2394836

You are made from the same material as those Japanese women who go bankrupt paying for ugly ass hosts kek

No. 2394838

Anon you are above paying moids for sex. Get them to do whatever degen shit you want for free. You can do it, I believe in you.

No. 2394840

I wish suicide wasnt so taboo. I think its unfair that two people bringing someone to life is seen as a positive thing, but that person deciding to take their own life isnt. I am so tired of doing things i dont want to make my mom happy. I didnt choose to be born and i dint like it either. I honestly cant wait until she dies so i can leave this fucking gay earth.

No. 2394841

The guy i paid for literally makes BL vlogs and is popular with chinese fujos. Some women are horny, deal with it.

No. 2394844>>2394846>>2394852

i became unemployed because i reported the guy who SA'd me. fuck you.

No. 2394846>>2394854

nayrt and I don't mean any offense when I say this nonna, but you really shouldn't be consuming pornography if you've recently been assaulted. Been there. It can really mess you up worse and it's hard to realize it at the time.

No. 2394847

>i already feel super disgusted with myself and youre not helping
you should be

No. 2394852>>2394854

>i became unemployed because i reported the guy who SA'd me. fuck you.
i know youre and scrote and think bringing up SA will get you a free pass for anything here ; but i'll just say it : what tf does that have to do with anythign lol?

No. 2394853>>2395649>>2395746

File (hide): 1739357789344.jpg (106.56 KB, 649x765, 07521335215509.jpg)

i am so depressed and don't know how to make it more bearable. therapy isn't an option because of financial reasons so i can't get a prescription for meds either, plus i have chronic pain so the advice of ''just move your body'' is not really helpful. regardless i do move my body, take walks etc. but the pain often makes me feel even more hopeless about the future and doesn't improve my mental state

No. 2394854>>2394855>>2394856

i know youre right.. but it fills a hole ugh
you just dont want to feel bad. yes you couldnt have known why i became unemployed, but what you said was still uncalled for

No. 2394855>>2394859>>2394862>>2395007

how does getting SAd make you getting in debt + using your money to pay for sexual content any less of a pathetic degenerate behaviour?

No. 2394856>>2394859

I know it feels like it fills a hole, but what it's really doing is making that hole bigger and harder to fill tomorrow. You're already in debt from commissioned OF videos, that's not going to get any better by itself.

No. 2394858

god i jsut wish farmhands would ban anyone who brings up OF content or mainstream porn because we just know 99% of the time it's just dudes and it's so fucking tiresome pretending it's not
i might apply as a farmhand just to do that

No. 2394859>>2394860>>2394862

i know im anonymous here but i feel an insane shame and guilt and idk how to respond
you know rationally speaking im with you but emotionally im just not, i know its stupid as fuck

No. 2394860>>2394861

>i know im anonymous here but i feel an insane shame and guilt and idk how to respond
dont respond, cancel your of subscription ; or go to 4chan and goon witht he other degenerates and fuck off my board

No. 2394861>>2394875

Nta but have you ever gone to /g/? Some anons make husbando vodoo dolls with their own hair. Its really not that weird to sub to some hoes of in comparison. Its what happens when 99% of moids look like shit. I would rather coom myself into a comma than let some ugly scrote fuck me tbh.

No. 2394862>>2394878

NTA if you can't put cause and effect together to see how OP got to this point, you might not be old enough to post here.
You're not going to be there emotionally and that's fine. You don't have to be there emotionally to make better changes in your life. But if you don't do something about it now, you're going to continue to get worse and worse until you're either in so much debt you can't get out, or you become as degenerate as a 4chan moid. And you still won't feel any better or further away from your assault. Go outside. Touch grass. Get the hell off the internet until those OF videos fill you with disgust.

No. 2394868>>2395010

The kittens wont stop meowing and i want to sleep. Shut up please!!! Its why i prefer older cats over kittens, they are less annoying.

No. 2394871

It's so annoying when you directly translate something from your language that frankly should be fully understandable but a native jumps in to "correct" you. Like someone will be translating the local dish known as "chicken sauce" and some rando person just has to jump in like "what the fuck is chicken sauce??? Lmao that's not a real dish, you clearly mean this local to me dish" like they can't even comprehend other cultures have different food and we were just translating it for you out of courtesy.

And sort of related to that, I had an American visit my country and he insisted all of our food versions of popular dishes weren't "real" versions of it. Like our pizza "isn't real pizza", our tacos "aren't real tacos". Yet you better fucking believe the second he was served a local traditional dish that involved a thin bread wrapping around the food he goes "umm this is just a burrito, clearly this is not YOUR invention and this is just a burrito. You guys really think YOU invented the burrito now???"

No. 2394875>>2394876

ok but why pay for it?

No. 2394876>>2394884

She said they were custom videos. The truth is hot men are like 1% of the population, the few that know their value and whore out aint doing it for free.

No. 2394878>>2394879

thank you nonny

No. 2394879

File (hide): 1739360375871.png (1.09 MB, 1280x743, ChaoLove.png)

Love you nonnie

No. 2394880>>2394918>>2395004

Nigerian men don't deserve Nigerian women tbh

No. 2394884>>2394885>>2395506

so when youre in debt youre too much of a slave to your genitalia that you cant even get it together and fap to one of the immense supply of content no you NEED to give your money to a scrote
sorry thats 100% scrote tier behaviour a'd even if youre XX chromosome this kind of mentality just removes you from our gender like i dont accept you as my kin anymore

No. 2394885

No. 2394890

the enbies where i'm at don't even try to dress GNC, they're basically in the same group as bihet kweers and dress hyperfem

No. 2394892>>2394967

How the fuck are you, as a doctor, going to suggest to me to take something like wegovy or ozempic when I'm not even diabetic and not obese, let alone overweight??? LIKE WTF. Fuck you. Fuck your obvious quack bullshit peddling for the extra money in your pocket from daddy Pfizer. I am so mad, I don't even know where to direct the anger. I am so sick and tired of these weight loss drugs being so normalized and available when half of them aren't even tested and long-term effects have been reported to be damaging on patients who don't have any underlying issues that these drugs usually are targeted for. You want to give me an antibiotic, but somehow losing weight for something INTERNAL that has NOTHING to do with this is totally the solution.

I am so tired of doctors. Is this what millionaire world is like now, forcing the rest of us on quick fixes and upsales? Hate it here.

No. 2394918

You didn't even need to specify Nigerian
For real though, those women are beautiful and I love Nigerian accent and phrases

No. 2394925>>2394988

I don't know how to drive and it is a massive shame for me, since I live in the us. I don't live anywhere with good public transportation so I absolutely have to drive but I can't.
I'm not safe on the road, just riding in a car gives me massive anxiety. Anytime I see cars driving up perpendicular to a road we're on to merge onto it, I get incredibly afraid it's going to just fly onto the road without stopping. Following too closely to other cars gives me anxiety, driving too fast gives me anxiety, not breaking when the person in front of you breaks unless there's at least 2 football fields between the cars gives me anxiety. Tight roads, and cars hanging near or on the line gives me anxiety. Vehicles merging onto freeways or any high traffic road with only a yield sign scare the shit out of me. I have my family drive me around and I know eventually that well of aid is going to dry up. (I also know thats pathetic) I could try getting coaching to fix it, but honestly I think even with coaching I'd still be a huge liability. And I just had to be born in rural car centric us. I'm so screwed in the future.

No. 2394940

Men should be condemned never to speak, I hate hearing their voices.

No. 2394967>>2395321

I went to a gastro doctor years ago for acid reflux (later I figured out myself it was because I was taking too many supplements but that’s beside the point) and within 5 minutes he was trying to prescribe me antidepressants, despite me saying nothing about being depressed. These greedy fags and their kickbacks. I haven’t been to the doctor in like 5 years and I don’t feel any better or worse

No. 2394982

Had a bad week and hard to keep positive in negative company but I'm trying. Then my moid husband gets home after a bad day & he gives me this very fucking nasty attitude like it's my fault he had a bad day. Shatters my hope. I have had enough of his shit and he's too emotionally unavailable to understand me, but is able to feel feelings of sorrow, over the fact that I haven't been home or responded to any of his texts. Lately has been a very cocky cunt and when I don't care for his antics he gets clingy. I'm this close to divorcing him and telling him to fuck off

No. 2394988

I'm in my mid 20s and have been deathly afraid of driving as well but recently started driving lessons with an instructor who is specialized in teaching people with (driving) anxiety, autism, ADHD and so on. The first few lessons were a disaster because my brain couldn't process all the information and anxiety on top of that but now after ~10 hours of driving I feel a lot better and more calm. You can do it too nonnie, let's both get our driver's license this year.

No. 2394998>>2395029

hate how being friends with women is so annoying specially when they're fucking handmaidens. my friends have a moid friend who they really gave him everything, they used to record their shitty music together and when they published their EP this fucking moid said he wasn't reposting it because it wasn't his style. but if i don't do the emotional work of friendship for like one or two weeks then it's fucking over for me and enough to treat me like a bitch.

the moid didn't even say sorry or talked to them and they're already trying to "fix the friendship and talk things", if it were a woman they would have been already making diss tracks and shit. i'm going to kms.

No. 2395004

Any man of any ethnicity doesn’t deserve their women, but I’d say that Indian, African and Korean men especially don’t kek.

No. 2395007

It’s the Y logic nonna. You’ll lose your mind trying to understand it.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2395010

File (hide): 1739369712604.jpeg (172.16 KB, 1024x548, IMG_1222.jpeg)

Meow meow, meow meow

No. 2395012>>2395014>>2395016>>2395029>>2395906

Not to sound like bj-chan, but women who go on about loving sucking dick have to be suffering from depression, it might as well be self-harm with 99% of men. Men pee and don't even wipe their dicks or wash their hands. The orgasm gap is too high to justify any of it, I don't believe most of these women are truly enjoying this unless they hate themselves. Imagine a scrote removing his dirty draws and the stench of his ballsack fills your nose, it's nasty. Even the position is almost like slavery.

No. 2395013

True women love getting their pussy eaten.

No. 2395014>>2395018>>2395406

>Imagine a scrote removing his dirty draws and the stench of his ballsack fills your nose, it's nasty
Kekkk, I hope that any nonnas who stumbled into that didn’t proceed though. I’ve always wondered since I’ve read it countless of times, are burger men really that dirty? Do they not wash their ass at all? Have you ever found someone with caca streak on their draws? What did you do?

No. 2395016

99.9% of dicks weren’t meant even meant to be touched by anyone other than their owner. Smh

No. 2395017>>2395019

it's just self-inflicted internalized misogyny (I can relate)

No. 2395018

The only time I remember being dirty was when I was smaller and I didn’t know how to use the bidet, my mom would always scold me. But I learned and implement it, a grown man behaving like a child is disgusting.

No. 2395019

Fuel that mindset into your own pleasure nonna, clit supremacy.

No. 2395029

are you sure they're not just infatuated with their ""friend"". still frustrating tho, i get it

anyone raving about sucking dick online is a moid 100%. so many fake posts about it on reddit (back when i was still using it anyway) it's ridiculous. women who do it do it to please their bf that's it

No. 2395059>>2395061>>2395118

Didn't get the job.

No. 2395061>>2395075

It will happen in time nonna

No. 2395065>>2395072>>2395079>>2395130>>2395239

File (hide): 1739372309780.gif (967.3 KB, 500x321, 1658882237510.gif)

I want all the men infecting the cosmetics, makeup, cute girly fashion, etc. tags on tumblr to FUCKING KILL THEMSELVES. I swear to god, if I look up eyeshadow and see another sissy tranny caption with stepfordwife bambi sissy hypno bullshit words I'm going to go fucking apeshit. These other troglodytes even go as far as misspelling feminization to feminisation so that even if you filter feminization at first you'll still see their filth and I don't understand WHY they need to do that? I hate them so much it's unreal.

No. 2395072

samefag but I can look up makeup and I have to scroll through so many porn and softcore porn blogs and images it's sickening.

No. 2395075

Wtf you said that and another place just made me an offer. You gotta start charging for this.

No. 2395079>>2395081

>misspelling feminization to feminisation
Are you sure this isn't just an english tranny anon? kek feel you though

No. 2395081

I would not put it past them to misspell it intentional so people, usually girls, see it anyways because exhibition to unwilling participants is apart of their fetish.

No. 2395085

I'm terrified to go to sleep. I dreamt that I was hiding away from guests in my room because I was feeling depressed. My lights were off (just the closet light was on), and I went to my mirror and started making crazy and scary faces as if I was having some kind of mental breakdown. Then I started gauging my eyes out and screaming. It was so vivid and felt like it went on for hours. I'm so scared to sleep tonight.

No. 2395118

Nonna don’t give up. You tried, that’s enough. It will go better next time.

No. 2395124>>2395181

I'm struggling to even decide on what to eat it's ridiculous. Yes I meal planned, easy and nothing new but I don't feel like cooking. That's okay I have the money I can walk I even put my shoes already, but damn I saw there's a promo I could make an order online but now it's going late and now flatmates might arrive at the same time which is embarrassing. But now it is a waste to let it go cold while I walk for the same price. I'm too anxious to eat there. What happened in one hour? Why am I still here? Should I just eat one egg like yesterday? But taking off my shoes seems troublesome now… Wasting my time typing here and I might not get out of my room at all and fuck I wanted to have a good evening and draw. Rocks piling on my body for literally nothing.

No. 2395130

>misspelling feminization to feminisation
That's literally the British spelling of it kek

No. 2395181

That's the kind of moment you need snacks for. You need something you can just grab and eat to fuel your brain because you're too tired to think and can't choose anything in that state.

No. 2395202>>2395227

I wish I had a mom that loved me instead of one that strangles me and tells me to commit suicide.

No. 2395227

you should get out of here

No. 2395239

me with scrotes taking up half of the embroidery, crochet, knitting etc tags on tumblr. I have genuinely seen one man embroider pickle Rick (and badly, with very loose, lazy stitches) and hold the hoop up to his ugly face and get tons of notes. Some gay scrotes seem to genuinely be into fiber crafts and they're ok (though still ugly and annoying), but the scrotes embroidering traced cartoons, the troons making vest patches about killing terfs and the handmaidens crocheting "funny" quirky penises need to die.

No. 2395268>>2395271>>2395281>>2395298>>2395320>>2395344>>2395348>>2396540

File (hide): 1739379574752.jpeg (86.95 KB, 540x960, IMG_4889.jpeg)

I seriously can’t deal with this. My ex is posting all over twitter how he’s a “sensitive young man”, how scary sex is, how degenerate women are, how disgusting sex is and how much he hates it. And it’s like. I’m not the one who got caught liking pregnant elf slut hentai.

No. 2395271

many such cases

No. 2395281>>2395348

"Sensitive" is code for "quick to anger and offence" kek

No. 2395290

I love skirts and dresses, I have a huge number of them in my wardrobe that I don't use enough. But my body issues always make me feel weird or wide whenever I try them on, even though they are my size and fit my curves like they should, so I don't use them as much as I would like. I don't think it helps that it feels like my friends act weird about me wearing skirts whenever I do (I know they actually don't, I think they just express a brief surprise when I do wear skirts/dresses because it's so rare for me and then move on) because it's such an uncommon occurrence, so I become extremely self conscious about it.
I think it all boils down to severe body image issues. One part of me only wants to wear oversize shit for the rest of my life so nobody can see my ugly body, and the other wants to be this elegant and super feminine woman. I think I probably also put a lot of pressure on myself too because I'm a bit doughy and could stand to lose a few pounds compared to my friends that are very skinny.

No. 2395298

This is why I don't trust men who "hate porn". They always hate it for a degenerate reason, like they used to be a porn addict and broke their dick instead of hating it for legit reasons like exploitation of women

No. 2395320

A sensitive man wouldn’t call himself sensitive.

No. 2395321>>2395781

He probably saw you and thought eating too much food is causing acid reflux and eating too much for is a fat person thing to do when sad. The leaps and bounds they go through to try to justify a diagnosis for their wallets pisses me the hell off.

No. 2395340

i bought a house and i am very thankful i was able to do it but >stressed because there's so much that needs repairing
>physically exhausted because i've been painting and fixing as much shit as i can
>emotionally drained because i'm in the process of breaking up with my partner
i haven't even had chance to move all my shit in yet because i've been so busy dealing with repairs etc. i just wanna curl up and cry and sleep for like 2 weeks. can't i just skip a month where all my stuff is there and i am actually LIVING there. again i know i'm very fortunate to own property but omg pls i just need a break

No. 2395344

I slept around 7-8 hours today but just waking up at a different time than usual has me exhausted and fucked up, can barely keep my eyes open. I hate how sensitive my body is, if I don't get perfect sleep and wake up at the exact same time then I'm just fucked the next day.I only woke up 2 hours away from my usual time, it shouldn't warrant feeling this tired.
Moids calling women degenerate is always a laugh, no woman is ever going to be as degenerate as the average moid. How is sex even scary for a male kek compared to the female experience of being penetrated and having a power inbalance with your male partner at all times. No moid truly hates sex, just another coomer in denial pretending he's not like the other guys while consuming hentai in secret

No. 2395348

he's trying to convince himself, pathetic. good riddance to him!

truer words have never been spoken

No. 2395353>>2395430

I hate this stupid BPD bitch that calls my place of work. She told a coworker today that she hopes the coworker gets raped, and guess what, coworker is an SA survivor. She insists on us referring to her with non-binary pronouns (no) and uses that excuse to verbally abuse anybody that missteps. She calls us all day (because she's an unemployed, dirt toothed piece of shit) and spouts vitriol at us. We've switched phone systems and this bitch just uses a spoof app to get through. She calls us and tells us she hopes we die, that she hopes we get raped, so on, and so forth. She almost got charged with terrorizing via telephone for a separate incident, but they dropped the charges. If I saw this bitch on the street I would tell her exactly how I felt. I almost left my job over this stupid bitch. Every day, I find it more appealing to sacrifice my job to teach this bitch a lesson. But I'd rather not be stuck in jail and unemployed because some BPD bitch told me I should be raped.

No. 2395361

I hate how emotional and overly sensitive I get on my period. I went home and cried for half an hour yesterday because my boss asked me to come to work on time today since I was a couple minutes late yesterday. Totally reasonable and he wasn't rude or anything about it, and I've never been in trouble at work before either, but in my head I immediately jumped to "everyone hates me. They all think I'm the worst employee here. They're complaining about me behind my back and I should just die."
I can't believe how upset I was over something so silly and mundane.

No. 2395400

My friend asked a week ago to hang out on either Sunday or Monday, said that Monday would be better and then cancelled that too, and then said we could call on discord and watch a movie but ghosted me and updated his letterboxd that he watched a movie with a different friend. Gonna KMS.

No. 2395403>>2395414>>2395418>>2395421>>2395431>>2395440>>2395441>>2395996

>being a fairly inoffensive bpdchan on a site where bpd is regularly used as a catchall insult and so many anons sound like ableist cunts
why should I fucking live anymore
it's become more of a frequent insult on this site than schizo

No. 2395406>>2395424

>Have you ever found someone with caca streak on their draws?
nta but there were some old posts in the relationship advice threads that delt with this, i forgot the outcome tho

No. 2395414>>2395415

because BPD demons are fucking annoying and should kill themselves, it isn't ableist if i'm mentally ill too, just more of a blessed kind instead of BPDtardation(infighting)

No. 2395415>>2395422

The more someone like you seethes about bpd at every chance you get, the more I assume you probably have an undiagnosed personality disorder yourself

No. 2395418>>2395430>>2397912

>bpdemons have the right to ruin your life, because they are mental
Tranny logic. At least OCDs don't stalk people for years or run smear campaigns againt them for saying something they don't like

No. 2395421

File (hide): 1739386383246.jpg (9.99 KB, 297x169, 1986806086.jpg)

anyway deal with it the same way autist chans deal with "autism" as an insult, the way retard chans deal with "retarded", etc. this isn't tumblr

No. 2395422

k miss therapist, good luck with your therapy and don't forget to take your meds, most people know you're cluster B

No. 2395424>>2395426

Nta you're referring to but I have some experience with this, unfortunately. I told him flatly the reason I didn't want to do anything with him is because his hygiene was not acceptable. He was offended and thought I was being unnecessarily mean. For reference, I had been complaining about my couch having a distinct, unpleasant smell no matter what I did. Finally realized it was his unwashed ass coming into contact with it, and through the clothes he was wearing, had his stench permeate into my couch cushions. I forced him to clean it once I realized what happened.

No. 2395426>>2395450

Thanks for ruining my afternoon anon

No. 2395430

The way that bpd anon whined right after >>2395353 was posted says it all. If it doesn't apply, let it fly, though I guess it does apply if she felt called out

No. 2395431>>2395435>>2395443

>hating BPD
So BPD is a disability?

No. 2395435

It should be

No. 2395440

its so lame how people just call anything the same terms over and over again even when it doesnt apply like come on

No. 2395441>>2395447>>2395452>>2395455

BPD is the modern day equivalent of calling women histrionic. Most women who get called this shit are just traumatized and need support. My mom tried to get me diagnosed with this shit when I was 18 because my dad had just died and she kept hitting me, yelling at me and telling me I should kill myself. Luckily the therapist wasn't retarded kek

No. 2395443>>2395449

all mental disorders are, theyre disorders aka a disability

No. 2395447>>2395454

The worst advice you could possibly give someone is to entertain the bottomless pit of a BPD. Most therapists will not even work with them and they ruin people's lives at the drop off a hat. If a BPD creates new disabilities in every person who is unfortunate enough to get close with one, can we call it a mind virus/parasite?

No. 2395449>>2395463>>2395467

File (hide): 1739387250434.jpg (355.07 KB, 1079x1072, 1000020142.jpg)

But is it official that BPD is a disability though? Personality disorders being qualified as disabilities seems to subjective.

No. 2395450

Think about how I feel whenever I sit on my couch nona.

No. 2395452

Sounds like your mom was taking her own diagnosis out on you.

No. 2395454>>2395606

There's a couple of anons who post this "muh hysteria" take every time BPD is mentioned, just ignore them. The problem isn't that it doesn't exist, it's that it's under diagnosed in scrotes.

No. 2395455>>2395457

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No. 2395457>>2395466

File (hide): 1739387528786.gif (1.19 MB, 480x270, 8765432.gif)

No. 2395463

i dont know if personality disorders have been officially been categorized as disabilities but i was moreso talking about mental disorders

No. 2395465>>2395470

i've had 2 BPD retarded bitches thinking they're hot shit and "chosen ones" because my rapist keeps breadcrumbling them, without knowing that he is also a BPD demon and will retraumatize them again, over and over, but hey, they got picked at least! now they can share their eternal empathy together

No. 2395466

I saw this on the front page and thought he was doing the Gangnam Style kek

No. 2395467>>2395469>>2395471

File (hide): 1739387727970.png (577.21 KB, 2137x764, bpd_diag.png)

You can apply for disability with BPD, yes

No. 2395469>>2395480

What about BPD is disabling though? How can it stop people from doing every day things and holding down a job?

No. 2395470>>2395494>>2395553

>without knowing that he is also a BPD demon and will retraumatize them again
If it keeps happening, then they're aware of it. The pathology of BPD is trauma and re-traumatizing themselves. That is why BPDs aren't lying when they say they have a traumatic history but frustrate everyone endlessly because they continue to (willingly) put themselves into new abusive situations(hips)

No. 2395471>>2395473

File (hide): 1739387873987.gif (5.75 MB, 498x373, 1000032824.gif)

>All the lurking cows reading this

No. 2395473

Honestly I don't mind paying taxes to keep the more severe ones out of peaceful work environments (obviously severe/male narcs too)

also KEK

No. 2395480

have you never met a bpdfag before? its pretty clear why

No. 2395494>>2395502>>2395527>>2395553

that's the worst part nonnie, they always do it to themselves. i've thought of warning them about what he did to me, but these people are so retarded they will screenshot it to their trannycord and laugh together about it. i've met other women with diagnosed BPD and they weren't like this, so i also think it can be a new form of hysteria

No. 2395502>>2395520>>2395756

I'm sorry to hear that but not surprised nona. BPDs are the reason I've had to let go of a lot of my feminists beliefs, like "women don't lie about SA", so it's kind of hard to empathize with gender traitors. There are different severities and no one is irredeemable so I think outside of the rapist-moid relationship, they could have some stability and joy outside of trannycord mockery

No. 2395506>>2395509>>2395533

did you not read the fact that said free content is done by ugly moids? i would rather pay 5 bucks to get access to some guy's of than have to shave and suck cock

No. 2395509>>2395586

You're a female OF subscriber?

No. 2395520>>2395553

she’s talking about a male rapist with bpd but the women you armchair diagnosed with a personality disorder cos you liked the guy she was accusing.

No. 2395521>>2395535>>2395555>>2395569>>2395587

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No. 2395527

i would write a victim impact statement and send it to all of them and block them without letting them reply. if they do anything to you, screenshot it. anything they do to you will just make them look so much worse. some girls tried to come after me when i came forward about being raped and i just screenshotted and reposted everything they said to me including proof of driving past my house and they were the ones who were ostracized in the end.

No. 2395533>>2395586

….? there's tons of content to look at on pornhub from okay looking dudes, and even taht aside id rather fap from imagination than give my money to a scrote, let alone if i was in debt
as i said if you're that much of a slave to your genitalia you're pathetic, i guess i wouldnt mind it from someone who has a shitton of money and might as well spend it, but as is that's just fucking sccrote tier behaviour and i refuse to believe youre female, but what does it matter what i say youll continue to larp
just hope the nonnies reading this stop taking pity on porn addict, 99% of the time youre dealing with adude(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 2395535>>2395668

You're bfs dirty or you are

No. 2395538>>2395541

literally just opened up about the type of men i like to a close friend and she told me how disgusting my taste is. at least i dont adhere to retarded mainstream views

No. 2395541>>2395548

What type of men DO you like?

No. 2395548>>2395557>>2395558>>2395560>>2395593

tall (178cm+), skinny, skinnyfat, fit or muscular, bald, bearded and very hairy. i love men who grow hair on their shoulders and back or when their chest hair connects a little bit to the lower end of the neck of the beard (where they shave most of the time)
lmk is it rly that fucked up lol? i feel like shes being way too harsh
the only thing i hate about my taste is that its most of the time middle eastern men (no im not racebaiting i just hate that those moids are islamic and shit)

No. 2395553>>2395582>>2395588

>that's the worst part nonnie, they always do it to themselves.
Previous post:
>If it keeps happening, then they're aware of it. The pathology of BPD is trauma and re-traumatizing themselves.
If you were able to follow the discussion anon, the male has BPD and so do the women. I know everyone's always "armchair diagnosing" you with BPD because you prob refuse to get an actual diagnosis and that must be frustrating and triggering

No. 2395555>>2395668

how sure are you your bf washes his dick and doesnt just let water run down it while showering

No. 2395557>>2395566

maybe she just didn't like how detailed you were about it and feels insecure about something. what happens when you talk about men usually?

No. 2395558>>2395566

Well that's definitely not my type, but you're allowed to have your preferences, of course. I don't think it's "racebait" to just find certain races more attractive. At least you didn't say you were into beer guts or "dad bods" or whatever the normies call it. But if I were you, I would be prepared to have at least one anon giving you shit for your preference set kek

No. 2395560>>2395566

>bald, bearded and very hairy
Sorry but your friend is right. This taste is also pretty mainstream so idg the "mainstream views" part

No. 2395566>>2395575>>2395580

well most of the time we just talk about the romantic side of it. im currently single, shes not. so thats how the convo started to begin with. and shes usually just as u would expect a friend to be, supportive etc
you nonnies can give me shit all you want we are all anonymous and dont have an emotional bond as a friendship, so i dont care if i get shit and it also keeps me in check i guess?
>Sorry but your friend is right. This taste is also pretty mainstream so idg the "mainstream views" part
wait how is my taste mainstream tho lol? any other nonnies can chime in pls

No. 2395569>>2395668

if it's not moid stank, might be too much sugar and not enough lactobacillus. yogurt, kimchi, saurkraut, and similar foods are your friends. godspeed nonna

No. 2395575>>2395584>>2395594

It's not but a lot of moids have body hair and are usually old/fat when they do for some reason. You practically never see a hot actor with body hair, he will always be shaved waxed and then Danny Devito gets to be hairy.

I'm not as enthusiastic as nona about body hair but she's right, most women don't like it except older boomers/silent generation

No. 2395580>>2395584>>2395646

File (hide): 1739391674351.png (117.33 KB, 231x430, 100088096694.png)

can i just take to time to vent about how much i hate bald bearded men. hair goes on your HEAD not your face
>wait how is my taste mainstream tho lol?
tons of women are into this look and call shaved men "gay" or say that they "look like a child". plus most actors have facial hair

No. 2395582>>2395592

oh not the grimes sperg projecting on me. don’t you have a perma ban?

No. 2395584>>2395641

File (hide): 1739391768922.gif (396.73 KB, 200x135, 200w.gif)

you write
>tons of women are into this look
>most women don't like it except older boomers/silent generation
so whats the truth?

No. 2395586>>2395752

If i wanted to masturbate to some mid looking guy i would just date. But thats not what i want. I want a cute guy that looks nice for me, not some mid fag on pornhub with the shittiest cam.
>muh imagination
Using your imagination gets super boring after a while.
>being a slave to your genitalia
Yeah thats how sexuality works. Normie women shave and buy lingerie for scrotes, i spend 5 usd on of from time to time. I dont understand how they are any different.
Ye, sue me.

No. 2395587>>2395668

Is it definitely yeast infections and not something with similar symptoms (dryness etc)? I think some immune disorders can cause those too, if you keep getting them it can't hurt to discuss with a doctor.

No. 2395588

You're not even a woman and you have a thousand grimes posters taped to the wall of your hidden closet shrine. Shoo(scrotefoiling)

No. 2395592>>2395597

>personality fagging because you can't read
this is why people don't like BPDs

No. 2395593

She should bully you more until you develop taste

No. 2395594>>2395603

I think men who wax all their hair off are kinda gay. Not for me. Of course I don't shave myself so maybe thats why kek

No. 2395597>>2395604

this is not making me more confident you’re not just declaring someone you don’t like is lying and has a personality disorder.

No. 2395603

Are women who shave gay too?

No. 2395604>>2395607

>this is not making me more confident you’re not just declaring someone you don’t like is lying and has a personality disorder.
Grimes? Everyone says she has BPD

No. 2395606

bpd scrotes will always be worse than pretty much all bpd women

No. 2395607>>2395611

now who can’t read?

No. 2395611>>2395615

You brought up Grimes for no reason and people say she has BPD. I'm just trying to make sense of what you're saying through the split you're experiencing

No. 2395612>>2395622>>2395623

I’m convinced everyone on this website has something profoundly wrong with them.

No. 2395615>>2395624

nah girl i brought up you are the sperg in the grimes thread and are an incredibly distinctive personality fag who italicizes and bolds their posts like a forty year old schizo and then you started spinning out and misusing the phrase personalityfag.

No. 2395618

My mom has zero concept of money it drives me insane she’s still stuck in the immigrant penny-pinching scarcity mindset even though she’s extremely wealthy. I’m pretty sure she’s like inadvertently a tax criminal because she refuses to hire someone to handle it for her and she has quite complicated filings but dogshit English. She genuinely believes that 10k usd (post taxes!!!!) a month amounts to a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle; last time she visited she even went through my mail looking for a credit card statement probably hoping to prove that I am drowning in debt. And just for her own life she’ll spend like an (instate) college tuition worth on a vacation or some antique vase but she lives with a leaky roof, a kitchen with appliances that are all half-broken, car with a rusted hole in the back and gets like 10 mpg because it is so goddamn old because these are somehow too expensive to fix even though it’s fucking dangerous

No. 2395621

imagine actually being so male aligned you believe women lie about rape. some women need to just go live with their scrotes on an island somewhere if they’re so happy with them i swear to god.

No. 2395622

We're on an internet imageboard instead of socializing IRL for a reason

No. 2395623>>2395626>>2395630>>2395636

You're just mad you're being dogpiled in some stupid argument you're having here, huh

No. 2395624>>2395631

>nah girl
>uses italics and bolds
Are you projecting rn because being defensive about bpd and starting infights on behalf of women you don't know who also have bpd is pretty distinctive

No. 2395626

look a case study.

No. 2395627

My mom is self medicating again and now has the shits thanks to eating my old depression pills. Shes such an annoying munchie.

No. 2395629

They're gentrifying the neighborhood. It's not enough that management here raises rent by 15% every damn year, now they're going to skyrocket it under the excuse of "muh increased property values". It's construction for 12 hours of the day and I can't work at home because of the noise so I've been having to work from my car. They just finished up a townhouse project that took YEARS and barely a month after they're finished they're demolishing all of the old houses to put up god only knows what. I'm losing my damn mind and I can't afford to leave, but give it another few years and I won't be able to afford to live here either.

No. 2395630>>2395663

I don't think bpd anon and italics anon are the same anon, anon, but even if they were we're all anons here, so trying to tinfoil who anyone is only leads to heaps of misery

No. 2395631>>2395634

i’m not even following your word salad at this point. can someone translate? i’m now double reverse projecting and a personalityfag myself is that what she’s trying to say?(infighting)

No. 2395634

I hope you're a moid because a woman being this retarded depresses me(infighting)

No. 2395636

I am not a part of that argument at all, retard. See this is what I mean.

No. 2395641>>2395653

idk, maybe it depends on communities/sites/fandoms/cultures or time periods. it's certainly not super duper rare tho, plenty of popular characters and actors have that look. even the vidya guy i posted has lots of fangirls

No. 2395646>>2395666

File (hide): 1739393098336.jpeg (5.97 KB, 300x168, images.jpeg)

bald bearded men are all the scum of the earth, no exceptions

No. 2395649

You can actually ask your primary care physician to prescribe you antidepressants. Ask for duloxetine, because you hear it helps with fibromyalgia/chronic pain.

No. 2395653

That's true, I said boomer/silent gen like it but they're easier to classify that way since zoomers and even millennials are more divided into subcultures bc of the internet

No. 2395663>>2395716

There isn't even a user permabanned in the Grimes thread who uses italics and bolds, I just checked

No. 2395666

Spoiler this

No. 2395668

Can you people stop thinking about cock for even a second? I don't have sex with men. I think my undies aren't drying properly or my immunity is low or something. Jesus christ all you think about is men.
Thank you for being the only woman in this thread who doesn't constantly think about penis.

No. 2395679>>2395684>>2395695

so sick of this pointless ass life

No. 2395684

File (hide): 1739393850054.jpg (26.37 KB, 924x739, Coping-with-Winter-Blues-32983…)

No. 2395695

hehe. ass life.

No. 2395716>>2395724

i saw the discussion of that user in meta but going to that thread there are countless red texted posts by the same user who is constantly posting in an unintegrated style and almost avatarfagging with old photos.

No. 2395724>>2395738

The meta drama about Grimes was about Elon and separating the threads, you retard. Half the posts in the Grimes thread are red-texted for derailing but I wouldn't be surprised if you're tinfoiling about users there too. Stop trying to create your own BPD narrative itt too

No. 2395736

>8 year old post
You should probably take a break from the internet in general and have less to say about unintegrated users

No. 2395738>>2395743

No. 2395743>>2395744

That is fascinating anon. I'll be on the look out for other unintegrated newfags who use italics/bold
>Oh of course the annoying Grimes sperg haunts there specifically. They don't even sound like a woman, ew.
Is that your post btw? You sound like a troon(infighting)

No. 2395744>>2395747

no it isn’t even formatted like my posts… you’re being weird

No. 2395746

I hate how long it took me to realise I wasn't just being a sped and disassociating reading that pic

No. 2395747>>2395748>>2395750

>posts like a troon
>hates people noticing women have bpd
is this Grimes?

No. 2395748

actually yeah hi. it’s me. grimes.

No. 2395750>>2395755

also please stop trying to pretend this wasn’t because you got called out for accusing a woman of lying about rape.

No. 2395752>>2395754>>2395793>>2395807

5 USD is a 10000% markup for modern scrotoid dick, that's just outrageous

No. 2395754>>2395790

paying any amount of money for dick is outrageous. men have to pay for a meal for me to even talk to them. what are you guys even doing

No. 2395755>>2395756

>also please stop trying to pretend this wasn’t because you got called out for accusing a woman of lying about rape.
I don't even know what to say to this. You're legitimately insane

No. 2395756>>2395759

i’m going to stop replying now and anyone else who wants to comment can start reading here >>2395502 this argument has turned circular.

No. 2395759

Sounds great schizo but I feel bad for the next anon who uses italic/bold in the same thread as you

No. 2395777

File (hide): 1739396734593.jpg (30.66 KB, 512x490, 1000029205.jpg)

See, the BPDfags who feel insulted need to get over themselves because I somehow get out-crazied on here every single day as a schizoid. Do you understand how bad it feels to be outdone in my niche??

No. 2395781

Plenty of non fat people get acid reflux

No. 2395790>>2395805>>2395810

>men have to pay for a meal for me to even talk to them
they do this because they expect sex out of you. I wont have sex with a scrote just cus he buys me a cheap ass meal.

No. 2395793

eh, better than actually having to develop a relationship with them. I was a tomboy grwoing up and i know men will always see you as their foster mommies. I just want sex relief without having to put much effort. 5 usd is nothing compared to what moids expect of you to have sex with them. I would honestly pay for male prostitutes if they existed, i hate the idea of having to date a scrote to have sex with him and the guys willing to be fwb are always ugly as sin.

No. 2395803>>2397423

My neighbour died. I've known him since I was 3 years old, I used to go to their place as a child to play with their son's who's my age. He was really young and died of a heart attack. He had already called an ambulance earlier and they told him he was fine, to go see his doctor in the morning. I might be overreacting - he wasn't my dad after all - but I actually feel pretty disturbed by it and even cried. I feel really sad. Not only do I feel sad for his son and his wife, who must be in incredible pain, but also sad to know I'll never talk to him again. We didn't talk often but he always had a bright smile on his face, and he was one of the only neighbours to consistently say hello to me. He was something like 55. Two weeks ago the bus was late and he drove me to the train station.

Life goes on I guess.

No. 2395805>>2395845>>2395855

yeah i’m having sex for mcdonald’s that’s what my post says. schizophrenic tier reaching.

No. 2395807

just stop replying to the larping moid already(scrotefoiling)

No. 2395810>>2395818

NTA, but people expecting irrational things doesn't mean you have to fulfill their fantasies.

No. 2395816>>2395838>>2395852

Looking at pics of my ex after a while and what the fuck???? How was I ever attracted to this guy? he used to be the definition of hot to me but now he just looks like a discord mod lmao. I can't believe I showed him to my friends, so embarrassing. It's really crazy what love chemicals do to your brain.
At least it's good to know I'm that good at looking past someone's looks, I'll never be stuck chasing people above my league lol.

No. 2395818>>2395839

i know. imagine thinking every woman sleeps with every man who takes her out on a date. i was saying that’s the bare minimum to even speak to me romantically.

No. 2395838

i have an ex who i considered handsome when we were twenty and he aged like a rotten egg

No. 2395839>>2395842

There was an eastern european stacy who went viral for saying she would never go on a hiking date and she looks through her bf's phone but she was beautiful so it made moids seethe even harder. I can't find the video because "scrote murders woman on hiking date" is too common

No. 2395842>>2395849

Is there any way you can point us to the video or post where this Stacy admitted that? I really wanna check that out

No. 2395843

I just want to fuck a hot guy or even a cuddly dude who turns me on, but I can’t find anyone who’s available, and even if I do I either pussy out or consider the logistics (pregnancy risk, STDs, he might rape and murder me, he might be a cluster b freak who stalks me) and decide not to. I’m ok with masturbating but I miss sex, I’m a horny person and always enjoyed the sensations of it, even with guys I didn’t like much. I just want to fuck men I find attractive who can respect me in turn, it shouldn’t be this hard but somehow it is.

No. 2395845

No. 2395849>>2395857

I want to find it myself and will keep looking but maybe other nonnies remember? She was in her early to mid 20s, had blonde hair but more natural, wore very nice fabrics and had an accent. She did a follow up video where she went to the park or something and stood there which was kind of lame but a response to the scrotoid anger about her standards from the first/viral vid. The original video was from tiktok but I saw it on female dating strategy sub, back when it was still on reddit

No. 2395852>>2395854>>2395885

i wish this was me but my ex is genuinely so hot and good looking. he was so annoying and retarded i can't go back tho

No. 2395854>>2395864

Yeah same, I only feel like this when I settle. The first scrote I had sex with out of actual physical desire and not obligation still looks hot to me in old photos

No. 2395855>>2395862

You are still having an exchange with a moid. No moid is going to take you out and not expect anything in return. Dinner dates are cringe af anyways, if he wants to pamper me i would rather he buy me something useful or gets nice clothes to look good for me. The whole "moid has to be the provider and pay for dates" its an excuse for ugly men to not make efforr and just pay their way towards pussy. What hes doing isnt any different from what i am doing so its funny you are caping for moids this hard.

No. 2395857>>2395861>>2395863

n/m found it

No. 2395861

samefag, she's Croatian

No. 2395862>>2395877

>The whole "moid has to be the provider and pay for dates"
NTA but if the guy doesn't pay for at least the first date, as a gesture - it simply means he's not that into you. He doesn't want to invest any more than the bare minimum, and he accepts the risk that you might be offended. I don't need moid money for anything and I would never have transactional sex, but reluctance to pay is proof of disinterest. A man on a date with his dream woman would never, ever risk losing her by not paying.

No. 2395863

File (hide): 1739401124213.jpg (11.88 KB, 215x235, 55673bc0048f5eafa46c639e0f8c91…)

"We're doing dinner"

No. 2395864>>2395868

the thing is I actually was convinced he was cute while on a relationship with him? like I was literally blinded by love, it's crazy

No. 2395868>>2395874

No that's totally real. I'm just saying it's temporary, like an illusion

No. 2395872

this is dumb but im self concious about my really light freckles that make my face look so blotchy. theyre really light colored because i dont go outside as much as i did as a kid (they were pretty visible then) and i always wear sunscreen going out for a long time because my face is so sensitive to the sun. i know it sounds stupid and a lot of people think freckles are cute i just wish mine were more conventional looking i guess

No. 2395874>>2395885

and it disappears during the relationship? or after?

No. 2395877

I still wont date uggos even if they buy me dinner. Having to sit and date a moid sounds hellish anyways, men are boring and the ones that have hobbies have autistic cringe ones like anime or videogames. I dont want to waste all that time just for the sex to end up being underwhelming anyways. Sex male bots cant come soon enough. Good for nonny if she wants to date, but i dont care about the personality of the moid i just care about how he makes my pussy feel.

No. 2395884>>2395893

someone in my neighborhood just blew their brains out and i feel really awful. i hardly knew them, they were an older man and apparently his girlfriend had been repeatedly arrested for domestic abuse? but who knows why he did it. it just feels really terrible to know less than 3 minutes away theres a dead man and blood splattered everywhere, and maybe it didnt have to happen

No. 2395885

Whenever his mask slips and the personality can't make up for his shortcomings physically anymore. It's like anon said >>2395852, because we're attracted to who we're attracted to. If he traumatized you a lot, maybe your type could change Idk

No. 2395893

i wonder what he did to her to make her act out

No. 2395898>>2395907

File (hide): 1739402613082.jpg (12.51 KB, 282x319, 1738967612877.jpg)

i'm a stupid piece or crap and i just hope one day i can be happy-ish

No. 2395902

maybe someone will save me one day?

No. 2395906>>2395932

Agree. And that person who said women don't deserve cunnilingus if they don't suck their boyfriends dick is doormat tier

No. 2395907

I don't think you're a stupid piece or crap anon. You're too hard on yourself

No. 2395932

File (hide): 1739403650704.gif (7.1 MB, 400x361, 1000019861.gif)

I don't know the context but I'm gonna say this: any scrote who doesn't want to eat pussy is a closet faggot. There is no heterosexual explanation for a straight man to not like eating pussy.

No. 2395949

I have a visible hard lump on my breast. I have to see the doctor soon but I can’t because I’m about to go on a trip requiring 3 planes which I’m worried about considering all these news stories about planes in the United States. I dropped my chicken nuggets in a wet puddle.

No. 2395967>>2395995>>2396001>>2396004

idk how scientific this is but i have this weird ass gene apparently and its super good for longetivity and shit and i hate it. i wanna die first. now i literally did not get the cancer genes but apparently also something that helps to prevent it lmao. also i dont wanna be cryptic its called foxo3-gene (rs2802292) with G;G alleles? or wtf its called. anyways the doc was super happy and i just cannot fucking sleep lol. im mad as fuck and had to pretend all day how super duper glad i am. fuck this life(integrate)

No. 2395995

if you really wanted to die you can always just do it yourself? im not telling you to kill yourself obviously but the ability to have a choice when you die and having genetics for longterm good health is a privilege that a lot of people arent afforded and they dont have a choice either

No. 2395996>>2396009

imagine how the autistic nonnas feel. seriously though you just kinda have to try to learn to ignore it though as annoying as it is. it does suck pretty bad when people just throw shit as insults because of one trait or instance. it definitely annoys me personally when annoying = autistic on this site but oh well you know?

No. 2396001

Cancer is a real shitty way to go nonna, and even if you got it somehow there's no chance you would even die, just suffering for some amount of time. I promise you probably don't actually want cancer.

No. 2396004

The fuck kind of humble brag chuuni vent is this kek. Soooo sorry you can't get cancer anon… that really sucks…

No. 2396009

It's not necessarily people saying it itself as much as it is that you can contextually sense some of them say it with malevolent ignorance as to understanding how certain conditions work and not just casually or in a fun or silly way like lc tends to use the word retarded. A lot of it does seem to be projection from anons in denial too

No. 2396016

It's literally true though, because those people have also been treated like shit by other normie women. Like yeah sure enbies are cringe but I'll take a blue haired sweet they/them with similar interests over blonde skinny Victoria with 1000 friends on snapchat who will talk shit about you the second you're out of eyesight. I know how to interact and be tactful with tifs/autistic women because I am autistic, but there is never any winning with a normie girl. Everything you can do and say will be wrong.

No. 2396111>>2396180

I work for a startup company and I hate that I'm consistently the only person at my job who isn't an over-achiever at work. I absolutely love being "on top of things" and feeling like I'm a hard worker, but somehow I always end up forgetting stupid shit that makes me want to kms or I just get fucking tired and feel lazy and it's embarrassing. I know I'm a reasonably intelligent person but I feel like everyone thinks I'm the space cadet, village idiot that can't be relied on for more responsibilities. Also how does everyone have so much fucking energy and just keep going and going? My coworkers will send emails at like 11pm, 2am sometimes and work through the weekends and it makes me feel like a slacker. I feel like I burn out so much more quickly and I'm worried that something is wrong with me.

No. 2396144

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO it's getting so so tiring trying to deal with this situation but I can't just give up, especially not now. I tried a sort of desperate measure that might have made things worse and now I'm too nervous waiting to see her response that I can't focus. I hope it was the right thing to do gawwdddddd

No. 2396150>>2396189

I’m prepared for you guys to make fun of me for this so I understand if I get called a total loser but I wish I had friends. I’m afraid to make friends because I’m a paranoid retard who thinks everyone is out to get me and that I can’t trust anyone, so I haven’t had any friends since I was 18. I ghosted all my old high school friends and all the internet friends I made during my teenage years because I knew that they probably all have screenshots from when I was fat and retarded.

No. 2396180

You should never be working off the clock. Your coworkers will end up having heart attacks earlier from the constant workaholic lifestyle.
And you know what all that extra work gets them? Nothing, just more responsibilities from boss.

No. 2396189

Make a new identity, try again. It took me like three tries, but I finally found my ride or die.
Try to be reserved and not give out too much personal info right away. That way you can drift apart/delete the account if they turn out to be mean or weird.

No. 2396290>>2396545

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Trying to convince myself im ok with being alone. Socializing is just so exhausting, and i dont really get along with anyone. (mostly my fault tbh) I dont know where id find people im compatible with, irl or online. It is time to give up and become a recluse.

No. 2396519>>2396547

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I'm sick AND on my period at the same time. Kms

No. 2396536>>2396541

I just turned 43 and I've never had a boyfriend or even been kissed. I just got home from a moonlight hike in the desert with my mom and some members of the local community. My older crush was there, and of course he and my mom hit it off. She's not even into men. We look really similar, but of course she's not autistic like me (diagnosed at 12). Anyway, he's like an absentminded golden retriever who'll talk to whoever's nearby - I don't think he cares who it is.

No. 2396540

god nona please reply to his posts about it, or screencap his post and reply indirectly without tagging him that way. I want the internet to roast him

No. 2396541

If a relationship is something you want, I hope you meet someone compatible in the near future. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

No. 2396545

Do fake-socializing, go to a cafe where you can sit down around people. Pay attention to people around you, pretend you're all in the same group but just not talking at the moment because you're all chilling in small groups or doing your own activities. It helps fulfill your innate social needs without having to actually be social

No. 2396547

kek that was me this week. got covid and my period at the same time. twas not fun. sending you good vibes nonna, you'll make it through

No. 2396551>>2396566

Imagine you give a person who cannot taste the most delicious cake and they don't finish it. Why don't you love this cake? There are people who will never eat a cake this good, aren't you ashamed of yourself? You're so entitled. You're so selfish for not liking this cake. You ungrateful bitch. Enjoy it. Enjoy the fucking cake. Eat the fucking cake you cunt.
I cant enjoy it!!! I can't taste it! I can taste dirt, puke, charcoal, shit but I can't taste your delicious cake! I can feel sad, frustrated, angry, alone, but I can't feel happy! The part of me that feels happiness DOESNT WORK. LET ME GO I DON'T WANT TO FINISH THIS FUCKING CAKE LET ME OUT OF THE TABLE

No. 2396566

I know you're dealing with some heavy shit, but cake genuinely sucks ass.

No. 2396572>>2396653>>2396714

my gf posted about being apathetic towards everything after telling me how excited she was for me. i feel like im going crazy. she doesn’t care about me. when she said she was excited that i was applying for a job it made me feel a bit less nervous about it. things like that are really difficult for me. it makes me wonder why i even try to be open or talk when it doesn’t matter. i almost decided on deleting all my accounts and blocking her but i know im being irrational and crazy. i really feel like taking a break but she gets so hurt by them that i wont. i cant stop relapsing either over stupid thinfs like this. theres something wrong with me.

No. 2396573

I'm a loser who's so scared of everything and everyone I can't even call my own boyfriend on the phone, I love him but my brain clearly hates me and wants me to die

No. 2396598

I hate that I'm not lesbian. Moids are awful and I can't find anyone decent and I feel so lonely. I just need someone to love and spoil me.

No. 2396653

Have you considered that your relationship with your girlfriend is unhealthy?

No. 2396714>>2396724

File (hide): 1739426667959.png (86.67 KB, 349x388, 1730402886167.png)

nonnie to be frank, you are having a irrational reaction but that's not unusual, you just need to take a step back to calm down. Have a shower, eat, watch/play something you like and sleep on it. If you have someone you can talk to about it, go out to eat or for coffee and talk about it. After you feel calm, then try to talk to your girlfriend and explain clearly what was wrong and how you feel without using accusatory language. It might turn into a fight or even end badly, but its going to be ok nonnie. If you keep a level head and step back when you need to, you can keep yourself sane through it all

No. 2396724>>2396759

How is anon's reaction irrational to getting fucked around? You sound like a doormat

No. 2396750>>2396755

I hate being "emotionally dull". I don't feel love or I have a very limited range for it.
As a child, when a close family member died, I didn't think much of it. Now, as an adult, I don't care if my friends stop talking to me, or if I break up with a boyfriend. I simply move on.
I can (and will) get very upset if I think I got the short end of the stick in a friendship/relationship, because being fucked over makes me angry and I end up ruminating.
IF I do miss someone, I only think of the things they did for me (favors, presents, care/attention) but I don't miss them as a person.
It's as if the part of my brain that should connect with others is broken and/or missing.
In occasion, I will give long speeches about how much I love someone and how connected I feel towards them. I will talk to them and to others about how meaningful our relationship is. I don't fully understand why I do this, maybe some sense of obligation.
I want people to feel loved and appreciated, so I say I love them and praise them. I understand that, to the people who love me, hearing those things feels good and reassuring, but those words are mostly exaggerated and/or made up.
I also can't connect much with people physically. I can feel comfortable and content(?) being embraced, but I kisses and sex don't do much for me.
If I'm horny, engaging in sex will kill my excitement. There's nothing sexy about sex. If I'm having a sexual encounter, my mind goes elsewhere. I get bored.
To me, sex is only good if there's a mystery factor to it. I've noticed the only time I enjoy having sex is either the first time I have sex with someone.
Is this normal or am I mentally ill? If so, why?
>inb4 if you don't feel anything why do you perform? You care!!1!
I want to be/seem normal. I don't know. I feel deficient.

No. 2396755

I relate a lot and deeply. Cognitive empathy counts, doesn't it? Not sure about the mental health aspect because me personally am quite a narcissist or BPD haver/just generally prideful person who can't maintain relationships

No. 2396758>>2396768

I try so hard to be a good friend to people. All I want is a close friendship… I have friends, but it's all so surface level. I feel like I can never "break in" and be closer. That's all I want but everybody always keeps me at an arms distance. I always feel like a sad puppy waiting by the door whenever people take over a week just to reply to me, I feel like I always want to talk and be there for them but nobody wants to do that for me, ever. I'm so fucking tired of it.

No. 2396759>>2396763

how is op wordlessly blocking her gf and deleting all of her accounts not a rash reaction to her gf posting a story about feeling apathetic?
op isn't weird to have that feeling initially, but actually doing all that for what might just be a throwaway thought that has nothing to do with op at all would be bpd behavior. Which is what you sound like btw kek

No. 2396761

I definitely am mental illness levels with how stingy I am with money, but also don't see it as a problem because hey, saving money is good.
Everyone does have a point when I will eat expired food just to fill my stomach instead of throwing it out and spending money on new food. I really have no self-preservation.

No. 2396763>>2396790

I guess there could be a lot of other context that actually would make that anon irrational but that would be my reaction to someone claiming to support me about then "posting" about how apathetic they feel towards me. I wouldn't have tolerated that in my teens, let alone as an adult

No. 2396768

you aren't alone in those feelings at all anon. I'm sorry you also know the feeling.

No. 2396777>>2396789>>2397882

i dont know why but reading up on endo subreddits earlier made me incredibly depressed with how every post mentioned having a husband or boyfriend to help take care of her and i had a bad flareup a few days ago where i tried to get off the floor to get pain medicine and in the 30 seconds it took me to walk to the medicine cabinet i got so nauseous i had to get to the bathroom as fast as possible to projectile vomit bile in the toilet. if only i wasnt worthless and unlovable garbage with no mom either. im alone and physically and mentally so sick i just want to be dead already i hate myself i hate myself

No. 2396787

Thinking back to when I was getting feelings for an older sister type & she said she had a gf. But then she started going by he/him & larping as a "I want to rape & molest slutty of girls" type. Also found out her gf was a tranny. Fuck my entire life.

No. 2396789>>2396802

Just say you're a troon and get a hysterectomy anon

No. 2396790>>2396801

Op girlfriend didn't say apathetic towards her though, just "everything" in general. She sounded like she was feeling lost and aimless in life overall, there's more to her life than just op. It's possible that OP interpreted the post to be about her when it was a normal vent that had nothing to do with their relationship. It MIGHT be, but op doesn't sound like she confronted/communicated with her gf about this at all. It's good op didn't do anything yet, but if she blocked the gf and cut her off forever for only this it would be a pretty extreme overreaction.

No. 2396801

>my gf posted about being apathetic towards everything after telling me how excited she was for me.
I might not block and delete but I wouldn't date someone this emotionally retarded either. Especially if I were sensitive like anon. If you've experienced manipulation before, this is a huge red flag especially considering anon is already doubting her perception and calling herself irrational. If it were a moid, we would just assume she had already been successfully gaslighted. Women do this too, the lesbian community is teeming with bpds

No. 2396802

um no thats literally the most invasive and extreme possible treatment and i dont even know if i have endo yet exactly i just get an insanely painful first day of my period sometimes where ill be incapacitated for about 2-3 hours

No. 2396836

I find emoism in adult men disgusting but sometimes I watch videos of that Johnny and Jake pair like I'm doing field research

No. 2396984>>2396995>>2397013>>2397102

The moid I very foolishly never stopped loving decided to pop back in right as I'm separating from my ex. He is a walking red flag and I'm not deluded enough to believe we'll ever be together but I just want to see him again. I want to feel alive again, I want to feel seen again, my ex drained the life out of me. I just want to hear him laugh one more time. I miss how much fun we had. Someone please call me a fucking idiot and bring me back to reality. Please. Fucking please

No. 2396995

Stop it dummy. You're separating, take a break. Have some time in your life without a moid present, just breathe for a while. Give yourself some actual time because I guarantee you if you jump into this because you want some fun and attention you will end up regretting it because that's exactly how they reel you in.

No. 2397013>>2397036

>moid sees nonna just separated
>thinks "time to empty my balls in an easy pussy"
>she just gives in like that fully knowing shell get dumped the next week
idk id feel cringe and pathetic but you do you

No. 2397036>>2397044>>2397107>>2397141

He didn't know my situation, we haven't spoken in months. And don't degrade me with this blackpill bullshit. I get that it's risky but you don't need to be an asshole.

No. 2397044>>2397057

Yes she does anon, that's called integration

No. 2397055>>2397156

i have a fucking presentation infront of this fucking professor who i feel like will fail me anyway and its in 5hours and i just ugh i cant bring myself to "study" for it, ill probably just wing it somehow. fml.

No. 2397057>>2397061>>2397079

I'm not "easy pussy" I'm a human being. I'm open to good faith advice but if anons are going to disparage me or reduce me to some bumbling whore because I have completely normal human emotions I don't really care to hear any of your takes on this. You lot sound like a bunch of miserable cunt to be entirely honest

No. 2397061

Unfortunately, you won't get reasonable or humane advise here. Especially at this time. The emotionally stunted neets are online and even though they spend a lot of time wistfully crying about not having a BF, they will shit on you relentlessly for discussing real human contact.

No. 2397079

Nah I agree with you on that one. But as an anonymous poster on lolcow.farm I must also perform my duty and call you a dumb fucking idiot for entertaining a chancing penis.

Males can smell desperation. Shitty ones, which is most of them, will try to take advantage of your vulnerability because you're more likely to get attached and do as they say. I don't agree that they do it for 'easy pussy' but to stroke their ego.
As of right now, if anyone asks: you're doing great, your family supports you, you have wonderful friends and good self-esteem. This separation was your idea and just what you wanted. All your exes bought you flowers and treated you like a queen so your standards are high.

No. 2397093>>2397154

I'm a sugar addict who is finally after years starting to gain SOME control over it. I can more consistently go 1-3 days without it before having a sugary snack (going a single day without it used to be unheard of for me), and even then I haven't binged on it and have been able to go back to not eating it the day after. I'm currently on a 3 day streak of eating no sugar or snacks.
The issue is this weekend I have to go stay with the person who started my sugar addiction in the first place, I'll have no control over food and I'll be expected to eat almost non-stop because that is the main entertainment. This person puts sugar in everything, so I can't even just decline dessert because it will be in the food too. I'm honestly so scared it's going to put all my hard work back to 0 again, I can't take it if that happens, I'd rather die than live every day unable to think about anything other than when and how I can get my fat grubby hands on more sugar sweating in anger if I can't get ahold of it in time. I think I'll actually kill myself it that happens, I'm just so done with it.

No. 2397094

I'm done expressing any kind of feelings, the autism inevitably pours out and I get the stink eyepr I get laughed at, I'm going to remain stoic all the time, I don't care if I get called a cold bitch, it's better than being the pet idiot.

No. 2397102

Nonnas were harsh but they were right, you are in a vulnerable window right now, take time to process your separation and focus on yourself rather than jumping onto someone else immediately.

No. 2397107

>Someone please call me a fucking idiot and bring me back to reality. Please. Fucking please
Nonnas proceed to give her a reality check
>And don't degrade me with this blackpill bullshit. I get that it's risky but you don't need to be an asshole

No. 2397122>>2397398

My mom and step-dad have been on break since September and I've been on-off looking after my teenage siblings during the holidays and off school. Step-dad slowly coming back around, hes been watching over them for the past week- all dandy, I'm able to rest. Now I'm back here looking after these kids. I love them but the reason I am here is because she reckons step-dad "needs a break" he doesn't do shit with them and just buys them takeout?! They're his kids?!! Fuck does he need a break for

No. 2397135

I think my mom is the reason I'm so cynical. She can never be happy for me with even the smallest things, even if it's something banal she just can't say good for you, always has to point out the way it's not up to her standards even though our life goals couldn't be more different.

No. 2397141

>He didn't know my situation, we haven't spoken in months.
he'll know soon enough
i'm not calling you easy, i couldn't care less if you were, i'm just saying that's what he's likely thinking right now
the main reasoning men have when they pop out of nowhere is "damn i'm horny/lonely, this girls probably going to let me hit"
don't fall for it or you'll regret it

No. 2397148

period diarrhea. save me

No. 2397154>>2398264

Can you meal prep and bring your food for the weekend? Explain to the host that it's for health reasons. Like how they wouldn't serve wine to an ex alcoholic

No. 2397156>>2397164

im freaking THE FUCKK out.

No. 2397164

get to work nonna
put on a study with me video to motivate you
i'm studying right now, sending you energy
don't stress you'll do fine

No. 2397184>>2397267

did my bachelors in cybersecurity but still cant find shit. im stuck in accounting and wondering if i should just progress my accounting career. ive worked 1 1/2yrs as a sysadmin and even have bug-bounty confirmations of huge organisations and i still get rejected everytime.
been searching since august btw. have had my bachelors since 2yrs. feels like a waste.
maybe i shouldve stayed in the sysadmin job. maybe im just dumb. i just hate everything atm.

No. 2397267>>2397283

I'm unemployed and a neet, can somebody translate this for me? Thanks I'm advance

No. 2397283

im an idiot. thats all

No. 2397316

I daydream about making a fandom account that would make me more productive and fun with fans when I actually stopped messaging when she disagreed with me on one useless thing kek

No. 2397374>>2397375

I feel so down today, every single day is just me spending time alone, never going out, I dont even have online friends, it's gotten to the point where I would date a moid online just for him to type he loves me in an instant but Im too pussy to find one. I have digital social anxiety as well as IRL. What should I do? I dont have the ability to socialize IRL. I wish I had an online friend group where we could play games and chat everyday. Im so sad.

No. 2397375

if you leave your email i'll leave you daily rant and read yours

No. 2397392>>2397422>>2397683

I have a blind date with a friend of one of my mom's friends' son,I expect nothing. I don't believe in miracles anymore and I genuinely don't think I'll ever find a man unless I move to another country or continent. Apparently he goes to the gym and is tall but I have 0 expectations. I'm betting he has a beard and/or is balding. If he ads me on socials I'll see how he looks. I'm going to go and be as polite as I can.
There was another attempt last year but the guy was a fat manlet with one of those long bushy beards, instant turnoff, I don't care how nice you are and how much money you make, looks fucking matter.
Wish me luck nonnas. Best case scenario:he wasn't cursed by the balkan genes, worst case: he's a manchild pig.
It's a bit of a red flag that he works in IT,but this is solely based on my previous godawful experiences with those type of men.

No. 2397398>>2397492

How are teenagers even much work anyway? Other than needing food I don't see how he needs to do anything?

No. 2397415

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Just learned that my childhood best friend with whom I lost touch a decade ago after a stupid falling out when we were 16 went to art school, took 7 years to get her degree and meanwhile became a full-time uncanny V-chin photoshop IG cosplay thot. She's even been mentioned here on LC. I don't know how to feel.

No. 2397422

Sending you lots of luck! I hope it goes well

No. 2397423

sorry for your loss anon. the fact that he had called an ambulance and they didn't take it seriously is horrible..

No. 2397492

Wut? They need emotional support, to be corrected when they do something wrong, to be taught how to do things that will help them become independent, to be taken to doctors for checkups and when they're sick, etc. mainly the social and emotional aspect at that age are extremely important. You can't just feed your child and not interact with them. Regarding ayrt, men do not accept doing any kind of emotional labor so they tend to neglect their teenage children and only do the bare minimum like feeding and clothing them.

No. 2397513

You've never been eaten out properly and it shows

No. 2397518

File (hide): 1739463056057.jpg (42.21 KB, 600x479, C941g-2UAAADQNK.jpg)

I've been here for all of 5 minutes today and I've already seen this shit in three separate threads. The obsession with cock sucking is too much. Why not just end it and get it over with? Can I tie the rope for you?

No. 2397521

I'm gonna hold your numb pussy when I say this, nona-

No. 2397530

in what world is the guy not kneeling to eat your pussy? there's facesitting, but let's be real, with a rant like that there's no way you've experienced that

No. 2397553>>2397556

I completely avoid male authors. Like, list of recommendation and I just immediately skip any male name, don't even bother reading title or synopsis. There's this one I've heard a lot of good things about, even on here and I love the covers of his novels so I thought maybe I'd make an exception. Still, looked him up before I get anyhim by him just in case, because you can never trust word of mouth completely. Then, wikipedia:
>Alongside his novels, he has written for numerous media outlets, including Playboy magazine […]
Yeah, nevermind, why did I even think it'd be a good idea to expect anything different lol.

No. 2397556>>2397565

who is the author?

No. 2397565

Grady Hendrix

No. 2397581>>2397586>>2397594>>2397666

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I’m beginning to think I have a shopping addiction and I’m trying to reel it in but I impulsively bought a $130 lingerie set, kill me Nonas

No. 2397586

130$ lingerie? Who are you trying to impress?

No. 2397594

Those had better be the comfiest pants you've ever worn for that price.

No. 2397609

i woke up today and immediately binge ate 1,200 calories within three hours. i feel so ashamed and sick because i havent done this in years but i can only chalk it up to me wanting to attend a class tonight i havent been to in months, despite loving the subject im ashamed at my beginner status, and because my period is coming. i really want to skip the class but i know the easy option isnt always the best. i also just feel so full and ashamed and dont know how to reset my day. what a pathetic and insular issue but its there and its real and i dont know where to go from here. trying to get back on track but i dont know if i can allow myself to miss the class. id have to go next week. but how do i make sure the anxiety doesnt get so severe? if i dont go i have to make today a good day, i wont allow myself to cry over this mistake. i have hobbies and assignments i can do. i can do other movement

No. 2397636

Retard world

No. 2397650>>2397683

My husband got sick with a respiratory virus last week and he is just barely starting to recover today. However we leave for our honeymoon in two days and now I’m starting to get a runny nose and post nasal drip. I’m so annoyed I finally get to travel outside my country, something I’ve been wanting to do since I was a young teen, and he gets me fucking sick. Idk if I’m being selfish or not understanding enough because I’m lowkey pretty mad at him for catching a virus right before our trip.

No. 2397654

I just have no energy to do anything. I can't be bothered to go to work, I can't be bothered to do my hobbies, I can't even be bothered to watch tv or read. I feel like I'm tired tomorrow already. It's so hard to find happiness in the small things when every day feels like a repetitive, pointless slog. damn I wish I could just lay here until I felt better.

No. 2397658

I don’t know why I thought I could handle working 40 hours a week on top of school and studying for my boards this summer. I’ve already had enough and it’s only been a month. Fuck my life

No. 2397659>>2397826

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I've always been scatterbrained and had a terrible memory and I often joked about it, saying I must have dementia or something. Well, recently I got back the results of one of those test-at-home DNA kits and guess what. I have an increased, two-fold risk of developing Alzheimers compared to everyone else. The joke seems less funny now. My depression has also been pretty bad now and the brain fog is just unbearable, it feels like my brain is actually rotting away

No. 2397666

girl same. i’ve probably spent 2-3k since the new year on online shopping and i fear with the notification i just received from UO about 40 percent off on sale i’m about to grab the cart i already had on there and some other stuff.

No. 2397683>>2397698

Good luck, tell us how it went!
That's a bummer. It's shitty timing but everyone reacts differently to viruses. You might come down with something that's more like a bad case of hay fever. The weather where you're traveling might help you recover faster. If you live in a polluted area, going somewhere with cleaner air could help a lot. You can still enjoy yourself, even if it's not ideal. Where are you going, btw?

No. 2397694>>2397705>>2397724

anons give me the strength to break up with this retard today

No. 2397698

I’m going to Japan which is colder than where I’m at right now (southern US). Right now my symptoms are still really mild but I’m worried they’re gonna ramp up the next couple of days.

No. 2397705

hurt his feelings.

No. 2397714

It's so fucking over.

No. 2397723>>2397779

>wah wah wah what do i do this moid is pushing me to do x/go to y
>so don’t go?
>but he will call me selfish, mean and a whore waaaah what do i dooo i don't want to be meeean
so fucking WHAT bitch! you are supposed to be selfish and mean to people who are pushy and weird towards you god damn, learn how to say no. let him think you’re a selfish whore, you will live and so will he.
meanwhile this retard has no problem telling me no when i ask to hang out once in several months because of muh anxiety.
spineless NEET doormats blame everyone but themselves for their predicament but then allow manipulative subhumans into their lives because they’re such uwu people pleasers yet never please the people who actually give a shit about them. i am fucking done with this bitch, hate that we’re related.

No. 2397724

just rip the band-aid off and do it. shit sucks in the process of it but feels great afterwards

No. 2397744>>2397753>>2397760>>2397797

File (hide): 1739473818596.jpg (15.34 KB, 206x275, 1738281280443.jpg)

I'm a part of the lgbt and I'm noticing something in news media that pisses me off. They never interview the level headed attractive lesbians or gay people who have common sense. They are always interviewing the most ugliest troll moid with colored hair who's obviously just a kiddy diddler that isn't trans. I'm about to lose my fucking mind if I see another fat man in a dress with no plans to change sex call himself a woman and represent lgbt.
I swear they do this on purpose so they can push the agenda we're all freaks when those freaks aren't even a part of our group. They're using lgbt to hide behind a fetish. I've met some normal looking trans folk. But I get so mad at these clowns. And it isn't just the fat men in dresses. It's also the ugly rainbow haired fujos who piss me off too who still dress hyper fem and have their titts out but wanna call themselves men.

The people who look like they're poly to put it more simply. Like no, don't represent me, don't speak for me, don't tell me as a lesbian I have to be attracted to your dick just because you're in a dress. Fuck you, literally die in a ditch.

Though another problem just popped into my head. Even if an attractive lgbt woman were to speak in public events for our rights they would just ask her sexual questions or not listen to a word she says and be like "Well are you sure you don't like dick? Want to try it right now?" I swear we can't win and we'll never be truly heard. They're going to keep letting these ugly autistic men with a porn addiction speak for us.

Am I biased and favor attractive lgbt? Yes, but only to the extent. Example, if they want kids to have gender reassignment surgery? They can fuck off. But I just notice that the people who take care of themselves are more level headed. The ones who look like walking bacteria always have the most insane views.

No. 2397749

I hate having useless conversations with people that don't understand basic concepts.

No. 2397753>>2397763

No. 2397760>>2397763

Every troon is a degenerate, some just hide it better. The only genuine exceptions are trans kids. You may not want to suck penis, but a stinkditch is even worse. There are no "true trans".

No. 2397763

I say lgbt as a habit and I hate that walking cheeto and his billionare tech buddies. I also hate how they wanna get rid of the word women. But that's another topic

Yet you never see them inverview normal gay or lesbian people. They always go for the most crazy looking troons and say they represent all gays.

No. 2397774

They just got an email that they sent my accounts to collections because I did not respond when they contacted me at “2/16/2025 at 11:00 AM.” Obviously, it's 2/13/2025. I have no calls from them. Furthermore, there was an option to set up automatic payments in the app, which I used my entire time living here.

No. 2397779

I hate how these people also unleash their anger on everybody except the person who has actually pissed them off.

No. 2397781

i feel like i'll never stop feeling learned helplessness. i'm embarrassed to admit but the first job i ever had messed me up mentally, i'm terrified to try new things or practice getting better at things because i'm scared if i'm not perfect someone will yell at me. the most common form of punishment and teaching was through humiliation and shame. i worked there for 2 years and i did quit a long time ago but working there ruined my self esteem, i'd get verbally abused by male coworkers/higher ups and i always feel guilty if i'm not always helping everyone or doing things for someone. like i can't say no to coworkers because i feel like i'll be punished or disliked, my current workplace has never made me feel that way and i've never experienced that treatment from them but i just can't stop feeling so scared. the old workplace was also extremely poorly staffed, only hiring teens from ages 14-16 and overworking them, they broke laws doing that as well but i feel dumb for even caring because i don't work there anymore and there's nothing i can do about it. they take advantage of young people that don't know anything about work laws and what is/isn't normal for jobs. i still have this conditioning in my head that if i make any mistake i'm a failure and i should be ashamed of myself. i feel like a doormat but i hate saying no and can't stand up for myself, which has lead to me always closing and showing up first because i feel like i don't do enough but now i've just set an expectation that i'm always up for anything. i want to learn to be confident, "fake it till you make it" is bs and i'd much rather be able to see what i'm good at and believe in myself. but i feel like every time i feel a bit confident i immediately mess up or embarrass myself and all i want to do is hide.
i want to see a therapist but there's very little available in my area, most are fully booked and not open for new clients. therapy has helped before but i just want to understand why i'm like this, i know that some things contributed to it but i just want to know where this learned helplessness originated and why it's never gone away, what i can do to treat it, anything. i end up getting embarrassed because i never feel like my problems are "real" enough for anyone to care, i get scared people will think i'm attention seeking or pitying myself which also prevents me from talking about it. i just don't know what to do, somehow it feels more comforting to admit this all anonymously to people i don't know rather than saying it to close friends.

No. 2397797

You're peaking nona, you're seeing the truth of these freaks for what it is. Also you're preaching to the choir, most posters here completely agree with you

No. 2397800>>2397814>>2397831

My best friend wanted to set me up with a total trainwreck of a moid and I have to think that this says something about me and my appearance or personality. He
>Has post-wall soyboy phenotype
>Apparently has autistic meltdowns if someone disagrees with him
>Lives with his other autistic brother who owns the apartment, mother comes and does their laundry for them and cleans their apartment
>r/antiwork leftist type
>Has a fucking rotting tooth in his mouth he won't get operated bc he's saving his neetbux to help his trans friend get surgery
My friend said that because apparently we share similar values that we could have some "nice discussions" and that I should get to know him.
This has made me feel so shitty about myself kekkk

No. 2397804

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I'm prone to dry skin around my eyes and on my eyelids and I don't know why, the skin on the rest of my face is fine

No. 2397808

i fucking hate my ex so bad i hope she suffers forever. stupid liar bitch.

No. 2397813>>2397839

can you even be horny and still retain some humanity?
humans have perfected the art of meeting their primal needs in dignified ways, for example eating
but when it comes to having sex, it seems like everyone feels okay with defaulting back to acting like some soulless beast

No. 2397814>>2397878

Pls don’t take it personally your friend just fell for the personality psyop.

No. 2397826

I am experiencing similar symptoms. It's horrible experiencing such symptoms when you are young.

No. 2397831>>2397877>>2397878

Never trust friends who want to set you up, they always do it with a subpar moid as a subtle humiliation ritual.

No. 2397839

Its not everyone, just those incapable of love.
We used to have thousands of years old traditions to keep human shaped animals like that in check, for the benefit of society and themselves, but all that "went out of fashion" within a single generation.

No. 2397846

imagine having a cute guy try to make you laugh
why cant this shit happen to me

No. 2397877>>2397880

yeah no offense but if he’s so great why doesn’t she date him?

No. 2397878>>2398802

Yeah she's definitely an inner beauty type of person. I still have a hard time imagining she'd get into a relationship with a man who looked like this though. Also, his personality is also lacking bc of the manbabiness and being a stubborn sperg with his opinions. The guy is probably closer to 40 years old and still won't learn to do housework.
I know I'm kind of a loser as well so this has made me really self conscious about my own life, habits and appearance. Is this really my "market value"? I'm scared I'm completely out of touch for being put off and upset at my friend. But I can't believe she'd try to set me up with a man whose mouth is rotting
I love my friend so much and idt it's a humiliation ritual. But we have different views nowadays on what constitutes a good relationship as I've become more radicalized I guess kek. I was burned badly by my first (and probably last) relationship where I was a full-on pickme moid worshipper. This experience finally opened my eyes to the fact a lot of women are saying nowadays where it's better to stay far away from men unless you benefit in concrete, material ways from being in his company.
My friend doesn't think this way at all and thinks I'm being too negative and an extreme man hater who now projects her bad experience onto all men. She might be right but also a lot of the experiences I had with him are universal things women go through in hetero relationships. My friend actually has gone through a lot of them with her Nigel as well! She believes you need to "train" a man and that having a lot of fights to get him to take responsibility is good and worth it. She was puzzled when I asked why on Earth would I want to be with a man who has a boymom and I'd have to train him to take responsibility over housework. How would that benefit me in any way

No. 2397880

she has a nigel already this guy is a part of his family circle

No. 2397882>>2397888>>2397906

File (hide): 1739480468312.jpg (62.47 KB, 636x464, 1731800535276081.jpg)

my whole life has been isolation in a poverty middle of nowhere shit town except a bunch of a fucking cityfags keep moving here and everything is expensive now so i cant even afford to live on my own now. im seriously going to die here never having really experienced life just being miserable and trying to occupy my mind with anything else but my mental illness mindfucking me for 12 years at this point. i dont know what i did to deserve this my whole life i try to help people i try to be kind. even when ive interacted with mtf trannies irl a few times i wouldnt ever be mean to them id just talk to them like a person. fuck everything i dont even want to go to a doctor i hope i have some horrible cyst in my womb and it explodes and finally kills me i hate living

No. 2397888>>2397890>>2397892

What pissed off Mario so bad?

No. 2397890>>2397892

i dont know i just tried to attach a picture in hopes it would make people more likely to reply because i really need help and my faggot nigel hasnt replied to my messages in 16 hours

No. 2397892>>2397898

did you not read anon's post? he's obviously angry for her

can't you shake your nigel down for cash?

No. 2397898

no..its just an e-dating relationship, not a real one. and we're both unemployed early 20s people so he cant really help me. i mean i do still appreciate him as an emotional support and friend but he's not really my boyfriend honestly

No. 2397906>>2397926

Are you in montana

No. 2397912

I've got OCD, been burned by several people with BPD, and that one bitch I was talking about in my initial comment? I monitor her socials whenever I feel the urge. I'm looking for an in for revenge. I'm going to get revenge on all these fucking people who think they can get away with making rape threats to my coworkers, sexually abuse me, or take advantage of me by pretending to be helpless and emotionally retarded when really they were manipulative and cunning. I don't get the stereotype about "people with BPD stalk people" when I don't have BPD and I'm on lolcow. No, I don't chase them around and try and sabotage their daily lives, but I pull up their reddit accounts, I find their TikToks, and I see their updates. Mentally ill? Yeah. BPD? No. Maybe my revenge fantasies will subsist with more prozac or actually seeing them experience tragedy. Whatever comes first.

No. 2397926

nope southern. montana sounds worse somehow i feel bad for anybody in that region

No. 2397988

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I’ve seen tons of penises and vaginas during my internship this month kek. It really stops being “sexual” or strange once you get used to it and you start to view it as a very neutral part I guess. Also there are smelly people.
Bodies have become kind of yucky to me now, we look like giant naked rats, your average person is also kind of uglyish. I wonder why we overly fixate on looks when we could focus on health and living in harmony with nature.
Humans are all ugly anyway.

No. 2398014>>2398019>>2398033

I can't stand having acne anymore. I tried all the skincare. All the diets. I tried isotretinoin cream as well. It didn't make a difference. Just made my skin incredibly flakey and irritated on top of it all.

No. 2398019

did you do it for 3 months

No. 2398033

Go on accutane, there is no other treatment or product that compares to it

No. 2398046

I embarrassed myself really badly at work today, like in front of a few hundred people. I’m trying to not let it bother me but on all physical levels I feel like my anxiety and adrenaline is off the rails. And I’m having my period too so I don’t really want to be at the gym being stinky and bloody either

No. 2398065>>2398073>>2398079>>2398085

we should create a lolcow death cult

No. 2398073

Troon logic

No. 2398079

So corny. I’m not retarded enough for that.

No. 2398080>>2398082>>2398107

i feel like i'm having a manic episode

No. 2398082>>2398084

me too

No. 2398084

describe it

No. 2398085

File (hide): 1739485345258.jpg (65.9 KB, 750x1000, 1000032883.jpg)

Count me in!

No. 2398107>>2398117

I thought I was in a depressive ep but maybe I'm in a mixed one

No. 2398112>>2398116>>2398123

Not sure where this best fits but I think my professor is actively day drinking while lecturing right now.

No. 2398116

Tbf if I worked in education right now I’d probably be too.

No. 2398117

same lmaooo had 0 energy this morning now i'm like.. manic

No. 2398123

KEK, secretly film him and post it on social media

No. 2398133>>2398157

File (hide): 1739486943780.jpg (215.19 KB, 1280x1280, 1000022807.jpg)

>mom decides she's gonna help herself to my picrel before asking me
>hear her fumbling with the bag in the kitchen
>walks out with her mouthful
>"Do you like the candy?"
>oh yes she says
>"They're peeling candy. Hopefully you removed the peel prior to eating?"
>n-no why?
>"Oh man if you eat the peel too you're gonna shit for days! You better do something quick!"
>mom suddenly gagging all the way back to the kitchen, spitting out the candy in the sink and rinsing her mouth with water
Fucking kek.
It's okay, she told me mom lies when I was a kid.

No. 2398139

I've been mentally ill for quite a bit this month and today I woke up genuinely feeling calm and clear. I hate it, I wanna go back to what's familiar almost. I don't believe this is true and it'll probably wear off in 3…2…1…

No. 2398156

Im starting to develop ocd again and now I feel like something awful will happen if I don’t type „speak“ in here.

No. 2398157

I hope you at least explained to her why she got punished, otherwise she might feel justified to return the favor.

No. 2398168>>2398170>>2398762

A long time ago, a married man who was in his 40s basically groomed me when I was barely out of high school. I was very out of shape at the time, had horrible skin, and my self-esteem was rock bottom. I never had a boyfriend and was bullied horribly so to have ANY moid, even an ugly faggot like him, pay attention to me was something that felt unreal. During my time around him, he said some pretty abusive things to me that shattered my low self-esteem even more and the last things he said to me was that I was "stupid" and "mentally ill" before he stopped talking to me. Anyways, I'm in much better shape now and have wealth that he probably can only dream of. In an ideal world though, I'd actually want him brutally killed, put into a meat grinder, and fed to pigs (in Minecraft).

No. 2398170

I hope he gets tortured to death slowly in Minecraft

No. 2398179

I wish I wasn’t so sensitive, I cry whenever I argue with someone and it makes me look stupid

No. 2398181

will someone save me? i'm so lost. i'm losing it. i feel completely dissociated from reality. i feel hopeless. i might go crazy.

No. 2398189

it feels like all the stress is rotting my brain, i can feel my grey matter shrinking
i need a break

No. 2398194

Fuck my cringe and humiliating life. Im still living with my parents (3rd world poorfag) and my mom is an overbearing retard. She’s literally obsessed with me and wakes up in the middle of the night to check up on me, doesn’t let me sleep in my own room and tries to enforce a curfew. I love her to bits and I know I mean the world to her but we just can’t get along. I stay up all night to feel independent and she screeches at me about it all day. Like woman mind your own business. Oh and i can’t masturbate in peace and it makes me the most aggressive retard in return. Like she can’t comprehend why it’s not ok to blast into my room at 4 in the morning like the FBI performing a drug raid. Her whole life revolves around cleaning and policing me. She has severe ocd and is just a fucking menace. I wish she hated me instead of caring too much about me because then I wouldn’t feel bad about being mean to her. My life is hard in the cringiest way possible and it’s just so embarrassing to talk about. Hope anons can find some humor in my story kek..

No. 2398201

Sometimes I think about this pair of siblings that I went to class for a bit with and I get really sad about them. They were bullied a lot because they were overweight and smelled really bad. The guy was kind of a jerk and was your typical aggressive/wanna be class clown kid, but the girl was really nice and quiet, she got the worst part of the bullying I think so she mostly just kept to herself. Back then the entire class shunned them, complained about getting seated next to them, insulted them etc. I don't remember ever joining in on the bullying, but I also never did anything to stop other kids from making fun of them. They probably had a very shitty situation at home or neglectful parents, of course none of us ever considered that's why they smelled like that and why they were always dirty, we were around 11-13. They moved schools after a couple of years, hopefully people were nicer to them there. I do really hope she doing okay nowadays.

No. 2398236

Watching livestreaming on youtube is actually kinda boring and it feels a bit shitty to see your parasocial icon ignore your attempts at interactions.
Do people really enjoy this shit?

No. 2398237

I keep catching myself mumbling to myself, sometime seven talking out loud when focusing on something, as if I were talking to a friend nearby… grim

No. 2398264

>Can you meal prep and bring your food for the weekend? Explain to the host that it's for health reasons.
Unfortunately not, they've known me for a long time and they're from an obese family culture who values eating above nearly all else. They basically think skipping one single meal is anorexic and "unhealthy", that it's fat shaming them, AND calling them poor cooks all at once.

I'm pretty sure if they find out I'm trying to avoid sugar they'd throw a massive fit and secretly pump my plate full of even more of it… I kinda suspect that's what happened 3 years ago when this all started for me, because I had then gotten healthy and they were acting "suspicious" about it, as if they were disapproving, maybe even jealous. They kept encouraging me to eat and they'd only relax and let it go once I had eaten more no matter how much I had already eaten or how full I said I was (and they didn't use to act like that, this was the first time). Like after a full dinner they'd make me extra portions saying "You're the guest! You need extra treats! Go on, taste it!". After that visit I lost control fully, I started craving sugar so bad every day and it just kept spiraling.

No. 2398299>>2398324>>2398333

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When we started learning English in elementawy school, our teacher made such a point out of teaching us the cowwect way to pwonounce th, like, dedicating whole lessons and exercises to it, but ended up completely neglecting teaching us how to make r not sound like w.

No. 2398305

>Reads on about Andrew Ditch
>First time a lolcow has made me want to alog in a hot minute
This fake tard is so insane. He is a psychopath
I put him up there with Ethan Ralph & Jonathan Yaniv

No. 2398324

Sounds like she made you a little wetahded.

No. 2398326

People act as though it’s easy to make friends, but it isn’t! I do school and work from home, and unless I get into a career one day I don’t know how I’ll ever make a friend. If I didn’t have my boyfriend (who lives in another state) or family and animals I think I’d feel very lonely. I would adore a friend but I don’t crave one like I used to. Anyway, I volunteer AND attend paid for hobby classes and I go outdoors etc. but I only ever meet older women or women with houses, a husband and children. I don’t want to compare myself and a lot of women my age are in a career by now, but it does feel strange—will I ever find someone more introverted and hobby oriented like myself? It just feels impossible sometimes, I can’t relate to the responsibilities of paying for a home and raising children. l

No. 2398327

Somehow I feel like I died inside a couple of years ago and it's like only my body has kept existing. I've lost all friends and I see the world keep moving, with people (even the same age as me) still doing the exact same things I used to do, going to the same places I used to, talking to people the way I used to, and having fun in the same ways I used to. Whe I try to do those same things and go to the same places I just feel like a cheap copycat since it doesn't come with the enjoyment for me. It's weird. I feel old, tired, and that I should have just died years ago while things were still good. I've met enough interesting people, seen enough good media, eaten enough good food, etc. Life hasn't been fun since 2010/2011 and it's only been downhill since then. I've had enough experiences. I just wish things would have ended before I reached adulthood and before everything became so corporatized, unfilfilling and dull…

No. 2398329>>2398401

I want to work as a barista so bad but Starbucks never gets back to me and it sucks. Is it that hard to work there? Ugh

No. 2398333

>When we started learning English in elementawy school, our teacher made such a point out of teaching us the cowwect way to pwonounce th,
KEK but as an esl I had the same experience, I remember my teacher making great efforts to teach us the th sound and then finding out years later there are a bunch of other sounds that also don't exist in our language that she literally never even mentioned. Th is the holy grail to English teachers.

No. 2398345

should be spending valentine’s day with her but she’s dead…

No. 2398401

Yes and no. It’s really stressful but the benefits are good

No. 2398405>>2398412>>2398425>>2398436>>2399093

Do you guys feel lolcow makes you less empathetic and mindful? I think I need to visit less.

No. 2398412

Not at all but I visit the cow boards sparingly

No. 2398425

No, I think it makes me more a bit more empathetic and mindful because when I see anons say extreme things or have a bad experience like falling into an infight and saying something dumb myself, I reflect on it and attempt to better understand myself and other women.

No. 2398426

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>tfw witnessed pickmeism IRL

I know it’s just how it is especially with the culture they’re growing up in around here But it’s still depressing to witness in person.

No. 2398436

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Tbh if anything it makes me more so. A lot of anons have hard lives and I feel for them. Also a lot of what they share is similar to what I’ve experienced or thought about. It’s also nice to know I’m not alone in my experiences and rampant husbandofagging.

No. 2398491>>2398497>>2398731

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There was a murder-suicide right up the road from me this week. Scrote killed his wife/girlfriend and set the apartment on fire.

No. 2398497

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That's awful nona, try not to cloud your thoughts too much that it happened close to you and instead think of the even worse fact that it happens everywhere and commonly, if that brings you any peace of mind

No. 2398528>>2398795

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I feel like my friend doesnt have the heart to tell me i am ugly. I honestly dont feel too ugly, but i have insane nasolabial folds for a 23yo and they make me look so fucking old. I am so pissed, i seriously feel i could look normal or even pretty without them. Why was i cursed with shitty skin? FUCK.

No. 2398628

holy shit you must be an alternate version of me, but my date is next thursday

No. 2398728

I really want a bowl of cereal but I can't eat. I'm just going to try to go to sleep.

No. 2398731

Jesus Christ. Would it be possible for you to move someplace else?

No. 2398755>>2398760

I whined to my bf about taking me out on a date Saturday because he will be at work tomorrow so cannot do anything nice for Valentine's Day.
He copped a dumb baby voice and tried to aw babe to me initially about how he'd rather spend "quality time" together and swap gifts.
Dude, sometimes I want to go out and get treated! We're 30 years old, not broke college students with limited options. I have not done shit since the first week of January and I am bored. He did handmake the gifts he will give me and all, which is thoughtful, but holy shit.

Had no idea what date idea he was gonna come up with if any, so I took initiative and found a cute non profit farm that we can have a picnic at and a meet and greet with the animals the day after (but still on theme). $25 for each of us ans we can bring cheap stupid shit to eat while there. See? Not fancy, high maintainence bitch stuff. Wowee!

No. 2398757

File (hide): 1739523587985.webp (68.87 KB, 1024x538, mama-opossum-1024x538 (1).webp)

I'm on the inter-city bus waiting for other passengers to show up. We're already 10 minutes behind schedule.

No. 2398760

Your bf sucks.

No. 2398762

They should hang him from his cock and beat him with baseball bats like a piñata in Minecraft

No. 2398764

Yesterday i weighed myself and saw that I lost a certain amount, and it honestly didn't even feel like an achievement. I just keep thinking about how I'm still not at my goal weight.

No. 2398767

I tend to overuse filler words when I'm still getting to know someone and it's so annoying how often people will point it out and complain about or mock me for it. I'm pretty sure I don't even use them more often with acquaintances/strangers than I do with friends, it just seems that way because I don't have anything else to say to someone I don't know. Like, what do they want from me? Should I just shut up completely? It takes me a really long time to get comfortable around new people, what am I supposed to do about it? I used to direct any negative feelings about this inward and I'd hate myself for being so unsociable but I'm not at fault here. They are being inconsiderate assholes. Same with people that make dumb comments like "you can talk!?" when I finally get the courage to speak up. I hate normal people so much

No. 2398773

I had a shitty dream where my ex that I'm still in love with was dating this super cheerful curvy thick blonde girl-next-door with a wide smile and I couldn't really hate on her but I felt so sad and bitter because she was everything that I'm not. I noticed at the end of the relationship that my ex wanted a cheerful "hype" gf and I'm not like that, I'm depressed and cynical, although I try my best to be positive around him my ex isn't that dumb and he could read right through me. The thing is, my ex is a bit of an edgelord himself who rarely laughs and that's why our energies matched so well, but I was never what he truly wanted. No man wants a sad cynical bitter hag like me and no matter what I do I can't change myself

No. 2398775>>2398778

My homophobic comment got immediately filtered, rip. I'm so tired of gay men getting away with misogyny, just cause a guy takes it up the ass doesn't mean he can do no wrong but faghags will protect them like their life depends on it. A gay man is still a man.

No. 2398778

Completely agree nona and most people I’ve met who’ve experienced the worst of gay moids share our opinion.
I had a typical ‘GBF’ during highschool who eventually everyone cut off because they came to the realisation that if he was a woman he wouldn’t get away with the way he acts. He would pick at girls weights, appearances, and even demeanour, to their faces and make very inflammatory(every ism you can think of) jokes to anyone. He got ‘gaybashed’ a few times but even the most intense handmaidens didn’t care all that much because of how vile he was

No. 2398795

>I feel like my friend doesnt have the heart to tell me i am ugly.
>I honestly dont feel too ugly
You can't be serious. Why would your friend tell you you're ugly if you're most likely not ugly?

No. 2398802

Late but
>I love my friend so much and idt it's a humiliation ritual
When it happens to me they probably don't do it on purpose but it sure feels like it, my friends have already secured their Nigel or they never had issues dating (with average moids at worst) so they take pity on you for being the pet loser who has zero luck and thus shouldn't complain about their options and they try to set you up with their own friends who have equally bad luck, they probably don't even realize the moid is ugly because they are close to him. Next time someone does that I'll just say point blank that being set up with ugly men is humiliating.

No. 2398810

I have this friend for years, we were close. Always fun. For some months now she is in a situationship with a useless guy. Is very cavalier with protection and has pregancy scares regulary. Always stresses how she does not want children. I am so appaled with her messiness and lax attitude and risking an unwanted pregnancy all for some useless umimpressive guy. It made me think less of her. Dont know if I can continue a close friendship with her. Worst of all we are not naive 20 year olds but in our 30s and girl is living like some of them lolcows.

No. 2398815

Not to sound like Dudley Dursley but I want to be gifted stuff sometimes, I'm cursed with having a birthday close to Christmas and even there people don't know what to give me.

No. 2398821

I need a job I need a job I need a job why won't any of you reply to meeee

No. 2398824>>2398850>>2398851

Nobody answers my messages. I feel like a loser and a dog. People are fully involved with each other. I don't even want to try to form bonds with people or interact with anybody anymore

No. 2398848>>2398873

at work and i am so bored that i decided to lurk old associate socials… curiosity got the better of me and i checked my ex's and he's still this weird superior moralfag who preaches shit about being a decent person, despite being the MOST manipulative horseshit pervert i have ever known. not to mention he's a hebephile who dated a few teens 14-16 not long after we broke up 3years ago- he's in his late 20s. or was i think. like im not a saint but i at least acknowledge my wrongs and that i'm pretty shitty. weird how shitty people care so much about being seen as good rather than being good, and that this little lurksession has me fuming over it lol

No. 2398850

I feel you nonna. Feeling like a clown right now. Like, they want to know me if I can give them something.

No. 2398851

i relate but i also barely put in any effort either so people are both anti-social towards me and i am also anti-social towards them so i don't really care since it's mutual. I did care when i used to put in the work to try and form friendships but now that i don't it feels freeing.

No. 2398853>>2398961>>2399037

Responded to a misogynistic scrote’s comment on tiktok telling him he’s a loser who’s gonna die alone bc nobody will ever love him and it was removed for harassment and bullying. His is still up and he was literally bullying the creator in the same way. Thousands of comments every day calling black women in my country the n-word or telling them they will be shot or raped for expressing opinions. Those accounts stay up no problem. There’s a literal account where pedos post creepshots of underage girls on the street, the account is even called underage_girls in my language. Me and my friends and aunts and uncles all reported it, still up. Same issue with instagram and facebook.
I don’t know what crack Zuck was smoking when he said tech companies need more masculine energy, as if there’s a single woman making decisions there.

No. 2398865

Apparently people are starting to move off dating apps which is a huge relief, I hope I can meet single people out and about more because of this! That said I still feel too autistic and externally ‘boring’ (ie I’m too traumatized by social anxiety to reveal my actual personality) to join clubs, and most of my hobbies are nerdy introverted shit that attract bottom tier scrotes and women who are lovely but straight and taken. How the hell do I do this??

No. 2398873

No offense to you and I don’t know what your local statutory rape laws are but why do men like him get the grace of having their relationships with children called “dating”. A man in his late 20s does not “date” a 14 year old, he raped those girls.

No. 2398888>>2399081

My friend shared a video with Aaron Taylor Johnson, and so many comments were about how old his wife was. None of these pick me bitches and males commenting even blink twice when a man has a girlfriend or wife 20+ years their junior. I hate it

No. 2398895>>2398904>>2398976>>2399454

Im straight up blacklisted from the internet. I can’t even post on fucking 4chan so now I’m on Instagram. That place is so nice with free speech. You can call ugly men ugly and they won’t IP ban you.

No. 2398904>>2399454

Instagram lets me get away with a lot of crazy stuff too, I like the comments sections there as well

No. 2398961>>2398973

>I don’t know what crack Zuck was smoking when he said tech companies need more masculine energy, as if there’s a single woman making decisions there.
100% correct, if I scroll for like 5 minutes on any platform I start getting recommended half nude women with big tits on display despite me never interacting or following anything like that. It's all so normalized and I literally can't escape it anywhere. Even kids platforms get invaded by pedo moids and they start making weird fucked up shit like those Elsa-frozen games and videos

No. 2398973

If you ever interact with content relating to comics, anime, games, nerd shit like that, the internet will push big titty bullshit on you because there’s so much crossover with degenerates and those interests. Even if you only play or watch things that are totally innocent.

No. 2398976

Lol what did you do on 4chan?

No. 2398981>>2399011>>2399015>>2399018>>2399496

My college boyfriend that raped me repeatedly and cheated on me is now engaged and I shouldn’t feel like shit because of that but here we are. I have been afraid to date for years due to the trauma and now he’s “proving” to others that I was indeed the problem because he’s in a happy long-term relationship with his new girl. I know I shouldn’t take this as a reflection of me but it just hurts so bad that he hurt me to the point of traumatizing me (so now I have expectations/behaviors that have fucked over my subsequent relationships) and is getting his happy ending. I know people will say that maybe they aren’t that happy underneath it all but I can’t help but feel like they are because they seem like a better fit for each other than we were.

No. 2398985

i’m still salty that there’s a tranny flag emoji but not a lesbian one.

No. 2398992

so many women i follow are posting their ugly moids today. it honestly makes me a little upset to see so many of them be with fat, ugly men, with gross beards. eugh

No. 2398994

FUCK MY LIFE I've been sleeping 9.5 hours every day, according to my watch it's "good" sleep too, I've been eating well and exercising and getting enough sun and yet I'm still too tired to focus on anything for more than 3 minutes. This is ridiculous.

No. 2399011>>2399386

anon I'm pretty much in the same situation as you, fwiw 1. other people have met this guy and talked about how fucking creepy and sleazy he is, no matter how well he masks or whatever in his cool cluster B circles 2. his gf is fucked up in other ways and ultimately another victim, even if he's somehow decided she's spared the kind of treatment I got/worth more than the women he abuses worse, and… could you imagine being engaged to a guy who treated someone like this in the past, let alone not know about it? wouldn't that be disgusting?

I sound like an annoying wannabe Ghandi right now, because at my worst I'll be super fucking bitter and even hate the new shiny gf that didn't get brutally humiliated and traumatized, but imagine being so fucking evil that you could sexually abuse another person for no reason?

I know it feels unjust and that's because it is unjust but in one way or another these scumfucks have corroded souls and are not happy. the empty narc demons you see running amok rn, they are not happy. we aren't happy either but we can be and we at least have inherent goodness inside somewhere where these moids haven't spread their disease. inshallah you find ways to move on

No. 2399015>>2399386

>now he’s “proving” to others that I was indeed the problem because he’s in a happy long-term relationship with his new girl
Are people unaware that closeted abusers in marriages exist? I know you said that you knew what people would reply with, but imma say it: People aren't as happy as they seem on the surface. What you need to worry about it your own.

No. 2399018>>2399386

youll always be the "crazy ex bitch" regardless if youve been raped, told everyone he raped u or not. it just is what it is nona

No. 2399024>>2399032

File (hide): 1739547888506.gif (1.94 MB, 500x281, 1739547272107198.gif)

I decided to end my 13 years of vegetarianism today with a beef stick. I wish I was normal and could eat without disgust and guilt but it's impossible.

No. 2399028>>2399118

File (hide): 1739548062960.png (3.34 MB, 2616x1964, 1735985619152.png)

Not really a vent but I've been self reflecting and realized that I'm a deeply touch starved person that pretends to be touch repulsed.

No. 2399032>>2399049

How'd it taste? It's probably healthier for you to eat some meat with a diet high in veggies anyways, like fish or lean chicken.

No. 2399034

I'm this close to pulling some cluster B /snow/ shit over my "mental health treatment" but I'm not a loud cluser B person or someone who yells for help, I'm so used to being ignored that I'll just politely sink back into my pit

No. 2399037

Not tiktok but reminds me of when I made some light jab at a moid, he replied with full blown sexual harassment and then when I reported this I was the one who got warned by a mod and told it was justified that he harassed me simply because I had made a light jab at him first. The internet is insanely skewed towards male feelings and perspectives and they're still never satisfied and insist everything is against them somehow. They'll never think there's enough masculine energy or whatever the fuck until they can push all women (outside of porn, of course) out of the internet.

No. 2399045>>2399087

pisses me off so bad when my ex asks me for drug money. he’s such a retard, i’ve told him no a million times and he still asks me! im so ashamed that i dated a baghead loser

No. 2399049

it tasted very good, I'm already full and I'm not even halfway done. but going forward I'd like to get small farm, locally raised meat and not grocery store snack sections slop kek.
I don't think I could eat chicken, I think they're unironically the most mistreated animal. I did buy some pollock and smoked salmon though, so I look forward to that. I might just do a pescatarian thing, since wild caught fish is abundant and cheap where I live.

No. 2399081

Idk, I’ve never seen a moid complaining about it, it’s literally only women.

No. 2399085

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Today, I'm here to momentarily vent about random faggots staring at me at work. I come in, do my job, and every time I turn my head to look at something or just lift my head up, I catch someone already staring right at me when I'm not even interacting with them or anywhere near them. I know they're staring because I can see them holding their gaze through my peripheral vision. I catch specific people doing it multiple times. It's mostly scrotes who do this, but I catch women doing this too. I don't say much, I just do my damn job so what are these people looking at me for? Unless someone is acting cowish, it's rude to stare.

No. 2399087>>2399092

Nonna why the fuck do you communicate with this loser? Why do you do this to yourself? Tell him to show hole for pennies like all the other junkies and block him.

No. 2399092

you are absolutely right, and i love the way you think

No. 2399093

That was why I avoided it at first, I thought the constant hate-mongering would rub off on me. However.. it made me less of a pushover
>get called out immediately for pickme shit
>broke up with my shitty ex four years ago after discussing his behavior on lolcow
>kicked out my insane BPD ex-friend after discussing behavior on lolcow
>Got therapy that wasn't talk-therapy because of lolcow
>said therapy motivated me to not be a doormat (AKA ask my current roommate to keep up with tasks)
>therapy motivated me to not worry so much about how others perceive me and trying to control another person's emotions, or as lolcow would say "be a bitch sometimes"
>Taught me that being a bitch is protective and prevents moochers of both sexes from being drawn to me
>taught me to toss out my benevolent sexist opinions and embrace how horrible and menacing I can be to people who deserve it IMO
>taught me how fucking intelligent, cutting and evil women can be
>taught me how retarded and pathetic, one noted men can be
>empowered me to actually feel my feelings instead of shut them down because it was "wrong" to feel that way
>gives me something to do every day for 8 hours while I work in a call center

No. 2399118

Smae with me, I'm not very comfortable with touch but it's probably because I'm not used to it, I get hugs like twice a year when I visit my parents.

No. 2399205>>2399207>>2399214>>2399215>>2399222>>2399241>>2399264

my fag ass long distance boyfriend can't facetime with me tonight on valentines day because he has to go see captain america with his fucking friend at 10pm. go fuck yourself

No. 2399207

Break up with him anon, he’s obviously gay

No. 2399214

leave him. goes to show where his priorities are nonnie

No. 2399215

he's fucking his bro, dump him nona

No. 2399222

Please leave him. It's good when a moid has friends, but it's not good when he prioritizes them over his girlfriend. You deserve better nonna.

No. 2399241

File (hide): 1739554961612.jpg (6.6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg)

capeshit is for retards, get better taste
tell your discord daddy to stop being a manchild and watch actually good movies

No. 2399264>>2399267

How do you not get the ick from a guy that watches stuff like marvel?

No. 2399267>>2399272>>2399280>>2399281

i do but i watch family guy on the reg so I can't judge lmfao

No. 2399272

Yes you can, and you should.

No. 2399280

Family guy is actually good and intelligent, or at least it was before it went to shit. It has a ton of references to old literature and classic musicals, its just hidden between 10 layers of poop, fart and gore jokes. Family guy also has Lois.

No. 2399281

Are you me? My boyfriend doesn't watch capeshit, but I watch FG unironically so I cannot judge any shit he watches.

No. 2399343

File (hide): 1739557936692.webp (178.03 KB, 1247x652, 5urg88.webp)

>2 winter storms in less than a week
Please, 40cm of snow is isn't fun when employers force you to go to work.

No. 2399359>>2399364

>tfw no boyfriend on valentine's day
was outside today and there were so many couples holding hands and looking cute and i am so envious

No. 2399361

>want to show my favorite whale rescue video to a coworker
>get immediately assaulted by a bunch of AI videos
>try a more specific search
>still get a bunch of fake videos and irrelevant results
>the video I was looking for is like the 15th result despite sitting at a whopping 39 million views
Man what the fuck happened to youtube…

No. 2399364

same im not even bothering to go out

No. 2399378

something i spent a week on for my new job sucked and i basically need to redo it. i haven't messed up this bad before and it hurts, but i know it's part of the learning process.

No. 2399386

Kek every ex of his is “crazy” except for the one that he refused to stop talking to. Every ex he had also apparently “accused” him of cheating. I just don’t see how he can be perfectly happy in this relationship and stay married to this girl when he was such a walking red flag to begin with.
Thanks, ik you’re right but part of me feels like a loser for not having been in a longer relationship than that one. He truly traumatized the fuck out of me and I feel like I’m incapable of having a non-toxic, long-term relationship.
I thought about messaging her anonymously to tell her that he circulated upskirt photos of women when he was in high school and raped women (aka me) but I figured she would know who I was and that he might retaliate against me and/or try to file a restraining order. I already reached out to the girl he cheated on me with previously and she left him after what I told her. He started dating the now-fiancee immediately after her ofc because he cannot be alone for a second KEKKKKK.

No. 2399416

what is with moids and their self-important way of speaking and intruding on a conversation that was never theirs? "or did you want me to elaborate" why would i want anything from you expect for you to shut up and leave

No. 2399426>>2399433

imagine having sex with your big dicked cute bf on valentine's day. i'm going to masturbate to that thought later.

No. 2399433>>2399436

Nah I have more important shit to do.

No. 2399436

oh yeah like what? nothings more important than having a nice time

No. 2399439>>2399446

fuckkk I hate working in consulting. my average day is literally just this:
>I’m reporting a bug
That’s not a bug, that’s just the way it’s programmed
>No it’s definitely a bug, it’s not working the way I want it to
We can customize the logic for you but you need to open a design ticket first. This will allow us to document the change and provide an hours estimate.
>No I don’t want to open a new ticket, I want you to fix it on this one
It’s company policy sorry.
>gets a ping from the manager of this client for pissing them off
I hate this stupid fucking company. You enforce a policy, you’re a bitch. You don’t enforce a policy, you’re not doing your job correctly.

No. 2399446

sounds like hell

No. 2399451

Smells like ball sack in here!!!!!!

No. 2399454

how do you do it, everytime i tried making an IG account i get banned right in the middle of making it because i refuse to use a real name

No. 2399461

File (hide): 1739564145219.jpeg (30.32 KB, 736x764, 24B6E9FD-8CBC-4E01-9AD4-9D940D…)

Asked someone I was interested in if they wanted to watch a movie or get coffee sometime and they didn’t reply back. It was a long shot but I wish I at least got a reply saying no. Ah well, it’s their loss in the end.

No. 2399469>>2399574

I made chocolates for the family for Valentine's Day and still managed to get ghosted lmao.
I can save them for later, but I'm really pissed for some reason. Like damn, even my family does this. I might give them away.

No. 2399474>>2400090

Hahaha its valentines day and my work is having a potluck and i made cookies for it and wanted to see everyone love them. I make great snickedoodles. Instead i was crying in the bathroom for almost an hour for a reason i feel like i cant even say here in the vent thead on lolcow because it has to do with a man ive been with for 10 years and is supposed to be my nigel. I just dont know what to do. I feel so sad. I wish i wasnt such a crybaby loser fuckup idiot. I have no one.

No. 2399481>>2399483

I hate valentine’s, hope all the couples die.

No. 2399482

Weird vent, more of a question, but does anyone else have a relationship with their abuser as an adult? My brother molested me regularly as a kid, my family tried to cover it up, I still went to the police, but my parents made sure I stayed in the home. Then when I went to college, they had him drive me and I had to fight to get my own DL and all that. Anyway. I see him at family gatherings still and he always asks me if I have plastic surgery (I don't), and he always tells my sisters to wear makeup because "look at how anon looks in it". He used to call me ugly when we were kids, too, and he'd always make a big deal about how handsome he was compared to me during the timeframe I was molested for. I always think it's fucked up and I don't know what to make of it. He admitted to molesting me, but pretended he didn't try to penetrate me multiple times and my parents called me a liar for calling it rape as a kid when I didn't know the technical term for it. But he did try and rape me, my anatomy just didn't work because of the size disparity. It fucked with me head being called ugly and I wasted a lot of years as an adult feeling ugly and I've tried to recover from the effects, but I have to say, he still gives me the ick and I feel like he makes these comments because maybe he's weirded out that I did become conventionally attractive. But then I'm like, maybe that's me being weird myself. He's getting married and I know he won't have told his fiancee about this shit. It's a weird situation.

No. 2399483>>2399490

As someone in a "couple" i hope so too. Please universe just kill me.

No. 2399489

I'm addicted to feeling bad and it's such a waste of time

No. 2399490>>2399497

why? having a bf isn't fun?

No. 2399496>>2399500

OP with an very fun update: I went down a rabbit hole and it turns out that his fiancee has a podcast where she admitted to trying to internet stalk me, even going to the lengths of finding ancient pictures of me on OTHER people’s social media. She was talking specifically feeling insecure about her looks. She also tried to make jabs about me being weird, specifically for not having any social media when her fiance is the reason I deleted all of my social media in the first place.
This podcast is bizarre and she’s like a lolcow herself. She’s genuinely so clueless in that she has no idea about him having cheated on his previous exes. Sure I guess I’m “weird” (he probably told her about LC and me being a terf); have fun with your rapist soon-to-be-husband kekkkkk.

No. 2399497>>2399505>>2399538>>2399554

Ayrt… Idk what having a boyfriend is supposed to be. Its always complicated and messy and tiring and i always feel like im in the wrong and making mistakes and not putting full effort and its exhausting because i feel like i give my all.

No. 2399498

I hate myself my life my mother for bringing me into this world my sister for having a kid and now I can't even kill myself it will traumatize it I fucking hate this stupid trash people oh yes move out with a stupid poor nigger and have a kid only to come back home as a single mother a couple of months later JUST LIKE OUR MOTHER fucking dumbass piece of shit now who has to look after the kid while you go to work???????? Me of course me who doesn't want to have kids me who can't have a fucking life(racebait)

No. 2399499

There's no way a person who isn't rich is just selling their Teslas cause of fuck you Elon. Imagine selling a car at a loss, and then buying a new one. It just doesn't make sense financially.
The fact that this is on Canadian news is also retarded.

No. 2399500>>2399502>>2399511

Kek nonna you must feel powerful , you are still the first topic in these retards’s minds. She probably thinks about you more than she thinks about her boyfriend.

No. 2399502

If she has a podcast talking about you that means that their relationship isn’t so oily and daisies. Heal, live your life, don’t mind these dumbasses, I hope they both get prolapses and fissures.

No. 2399505>>2399547

File (hide): 1739565548718.jpeg (Spoiler Image,87 KB, 1200x881, IMG_1242.jpeg)

Make your own vent. This was mine about stupid couples , don’t come in here with
>much being in a relationship is so tiring
>you are not missing anything tehehe
Fuck off

No. 2399506>>2399510>>2399529>>2399535>>2399551>>2399571>>2399649

My bf doesnt want to celebrate valentines day because we are traveling in 2 weeks and tells me to save money.

All i wanted to do was make him a nice breakfast and dinner. Now im not doing anything, ive been crying all morning. He didnt even say happy valentines to me. I get we are already planning something but but i love little holidays like this. I understand his thought process but.. i feel so stupid and worthless.

No. 2399510>>2399524

Cook for yourself and watch a movie. Kind of insensitive that he didn’t do anything at all , take it as you want.

No. 2399511>>2399517

I suppose I should but honestly it made me feel really creeped out. I didn’t even know she was talking about me publicly because I haven’t spoken to him in years (I blocked him
on everything) and I don’t interact with people from college anymore. Apparently if I had an Instagram she would have gone through the whole thing and felt bad about herself, despite me being “anxious” and “weird” according to my ex??

No. 2399517

It has been years and you are still hot topic kek.
Nonna keep both of them blocked and just do your own thing, these people will just seethe in the back. The fact that you don’t give them access to you through social media is perfect too.

No. 2399524>>2399531>>2399533>>2399649

Curreny sitting in the floor, going through my makeup decisions for the trip, and eating sushi. Im not cooking him any dinner, so I'm going to have good food and fuck him. We've been together for 10+ years, but i just feel hurt today. Probably going to check out Apple Cider Vinegar on Netflix. Sounds like good milk and a rabbit hole I can distract myself with. Thank you nonna.

No. 2399525

Trying to eat lunch but getting overstimulated by the flavors. I've been stimming for the past 10 minutes trying to get rid of this anxious feeling, this is so gay and i'm not even autistic, just weird ig

No. 2399529

Damn he's greedy as fuck. Even kind gestures are enough.

No. 2399531>>2399614

>bf for 10 years
Damn. Do you have no interest in marriage?

No. 2399533>>2399542>>2399590

>od and fuck him.
Damn being a man must be amazing, I wonder why they complain so much. You get to do shit and you still have your cake and eat it too. You just put a bit of effort for a max of one year to capture a woman and then she’ll stay with you even if you treat her like a rug.

No. 2399535

>My bf doesnt want to celebrate valentines day because we are traveling in 2 weeks and tells me to save money.
That's so fucking stupid. You don't even have to spend money on valentine's day, just make some pasta, light a few candles and set up a nice table…

No. 2399538>>2399554>>2399571

>Its always complicated and messy and tiring and i always feel like im in the wrong and making mistakes and not putting full effort and its exhausting because i feel like i give my all.
yeah… having a bf felt the same for me… maybe there are some bfs that are fun, we'll eventually find out hopefully

No. 2399542

I want to hope that she meant it like "fuck that guy!" and not literally "I'm going to fuck him"

No. 2399547

funny seeing this post right above yet another relationship vent kek

No. 2399551>>2399555

You’re not going to leave him so just stop the crying and suck it up. No use upsetting yourself for no reason.

No. 2399554>>2399583

File (hide): 1739566845748.gif (29.26 KB, 220x220, IMG_1246.gif)

I’ve done witchcraft on the both of you. You shall never be happy.

No. 2399555

>You’re not going to leave him so just stop the crying and suck it up

No. 2399559

My theory is that the particles of smell remain in your nose kek. Kind of like when you go out of the bathroom and you feel the smell of caca for two seconds.
But it’s probably the fact that smell is intrinsically associated with memory in our neurological circuits if I want to be less silly.

No. 2399561>>2399613

I've never been hit on, but I've never cared enough to make the moves. I think I'm too quiet, fat or repulsive for even men, which I don't got a problem with. Most moids I've interacted with IRL have been unnecessarily scummy to me. But I kind of do feel like a loser for never having once dated someone IRL, though I have internet dated like 3 or 4 times, within spans of years of course… I don't know. Even these have shown me that people are too much effort

No. 2399564>>2399575>>2399582

Whoa! I have the same thing and I experienced it today. The bathroom at my job is shared with a dirty convenience store, and 3 days ago the women's bathroom smelled so bad I was gagging while peeing. Today as I was just living my life, it resurfaced, like it got stuck in my nostrils. I'm not sure if sheeps lung is better or worse than that. What the hell situation were you in that led to you residually huffing sheeps lung??

No. 2399571

I had the same experience when I was in a relationship. He was an asshole and I am free of it now, I’m just sad I let someone else treat me like that for so long.
You’re upset because you know, on some level, that the way he is treating you is wrong. He tried to rationalize his way out of doing the bare minimum and placate you with “it’s to save money” and “we’re doing something in two weeks” but you and I both know it would cost nothing for him to wish you Happy Valentine’s Day. He hasn’t done anything because he doesn’t care anon.
>been together 10 years
What are you doing? What do you think this scrote will do for you that he has not already? End it, you’re just prolonging the pain.

No. 2399573


No. 2399574

Update, my sibling was the only one to come by so they got most of them. If my parents can't be assed to come by, they don't deserve chocolate. It was my sibling's birthday too, they didn't get to celebrate with cake because my parents said they were going to be in charge of that so the chocolates seemed to work out as a nice consolation.
My parents ended up calling me later, lying through their teeth about how they were just so busy and their car broke down (my sibling came in that car), while snickering and treating me like a retard like they always do. Happy Valentine's Day my fucking ass. It's so fucking gross.

No. 2399575

I'm this anon >>2399564
I guess you deleted and reposted for edits, but I'm still hella curious why you were around sheeps lung kek.

No. 2399581>>2399584

I'm so upset that every company is making shit products that won't last on purpose because if they make something actually good that doesn't break the customer doesn't come back to replace it. I'm probably pmsing or something but that's just so fucking depressing you know? Every household item could have been 10x cooler, more efficient and durable but we'll never have it because they want more money

No. 2399582

I have this thing where when I smell something bad, the scent pops up now and then in the days following, kind of like a song stuck in your head I guess it's like an olfactory hallucination. This means that when I come across a woman who smells like week old piss or a fish grinder, the scent lingers long after the fact. I can't stop vaguely smelling sheep lungs now and it's driving me fucking insane!!

Bathroom is probably worse, the sheep just smelled like raw meat but its not pleasant when I'm trying to sleep. I was dissecting today.

No. 2399583>>2399595

File (hide): 1739567767574.jpg (37.47 KB, 364x380, chameleon-pink-mirror-circu-ma…)

blocking the curse and sending it back to you

No. 2399584

Maybe the smell killed her

No. 2399586>>2399588>>2399589>>2399594

Lonely and unloved hands typed this post.

No. 2399587

I really wish I had a boyfriend to eat my pussy right now. Is a hot guy with nice arms eating my pussy out too much to ask? God

No. 2399588

That's the point retard

No. 2399589

no shit

No. 2399590>>2399601

The mean fuck him as "fuck this guy" not "fuck him" as giving him sex. Are you serious?

No. 2399594

nigeltards dont even have reading comprehension it seems

No. 2399595

File (hide): 1739568051666.jpeg (95.71 KB, 636x544, IMG_1247.jpeg)

I’ve dispelled your attack and destroyed your mirror, your mere pathetic spells don’t work on a witch of my caliber. My curse will follow you.

No. 2399599

every single holiday doesn’t matter and it’s depressing each time when i remember how mundane everything is

No. 2399601>>2399603>>2399604

You will anyway. You’ll keep a long face and then it will be all back to square one, you’ll prepare him dinner and lunch and then dote on him with “muh honey!” “Much love” kekk.
My point still stands, men live so well while being coddled by retards. Why do you think he doesn’t change? He doesn’t need to.

No. 2399603>>2399606

You're doing a lot of projecting.

No. 2399604>>2399610

File (hide): 1739568329816.webp (190.57 KB, 1443x1307, IMG_1248.webp)

And what are you doing now? Crying on the kitchen floor with the rotisserie chicken you made , scrolling on lolcow with the “baci” chocolates you brought while he’s off somewhere scratching his nutsack?

No. 2399606>>2399615

No I’m reading you well kek. Know your type, the 10 years you’ve spent with him are a testament to that. It isn’t the first time he dismisses you. But enjoy your upcoming holiday nonna.

No. 2399608>>2399611

This is why we needed the relationship vent thread in /g/. Farmhands and cerbmin just wanna see this place burn.

No. 2399610>>2399639

File (hide): 1739568476835.jpeg (57.72 KB, 679x905, IMG_1249.jpeg)

Lindt beats Perugina though

No. 2399611

Valentine's Day has clearly triggered the fuck out of several anons itt in different ways lmfao

No. 2399613>>2399623

I mean, if you internet dated they must've seen you and thought you were attractive enough, unless you catfished them with your photos or something. You aren't a loser for not dating a man irl, even ugly and fat women will get dates irl if they really want to and have no standards

No. 2399614

He probably doesn’t wanna marry her.

No. 2399615>>2399625

I'm NTA, I don't know where you got that idea. All I said was that the "fuck him" didn't read sexually IMO. You're accusing people of being different posters and being super salty about it for some reason. Take a nap.

No. 2399616


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2399620>>2399628>>2399630>>2399637>>2399640>>2399642>>2399678

stupid idiot told the waitress that she looks good. why the fuck does he have to be such a retard god fucking damnit
and im stuck with him. i love him. hes gorgeous. he provides me with everything. but goddamnit is he fucking socially unaware.

No. 2399623>>2399644

Being ugly and fat definitely hinders your chances though and add the not going outside. You don’t really get to meet anyone if you are always cooped up in your house.
I see plenty of ogres who are in relationships, so nonna should not give up.

No. 2399625>>2399636

>You're accusing people of being different posters and being super salty about it for some reason
Schizo(infight bait)

No. 2399628>>2399640>>2399647

If you dont say anything about this to him you're a cuck

No. 2399629>>2399634

My computer is slow as fuck today and my cat is being an annoying bitch. Why does god punish me so

No. 2399630>>2399647

KEKK he’s not a retard. He knows.

No. 2399634>>2399679

File (hide): 1739568767522.png (121.54 KB, 498x494, IMG_1250.png)

Your cat probably

No. 2399635>>2399839

I've run out of fucks, when someone is being self-hating in an annoying and pathetic way I just agree with them now. I grew up with the "be kind" mantra so I'd always be like "nooo, don't say that" and find positives and encourage them but they never change. But now I just agree with them because it does the job WAY better.
They get so offended that someone else dared to say something so cruel to them and it makes them defensive, and confused because you're just agreeing with their own words. It's quite funny to see them struggle and you don't have to waste time on playing along. And I don't do it in a "mean spirited" way, I just basically affirm and say what they wanted to hear "you're so right about everything" kind of way.

No. 2399636

We've reached the "schizo" stage of the infight, soon after will be the "go back" kek

No. 2399637>>2399647>>2399665

>take your gf out on vday
>flirt with the waitress in front of her
>still end the night with a doormat gf
Being a man is so easy…

No. 2399639

Lindt tastes like plastic imo

No. 2399640>>2399641>>2399645>>2399647>>2399688

Men don’t ever respond well to that. Show him by flirting with a scrote or simply making a comment about a man who is more good looking than him, no need to act sad or mad. They can never take what they dish out.
I’d even leave him, I can’t tolerate that kind of disrespect or people who act dumb and clueless on purpose.

No. 2399641>>2399647

Tbh I was going to tell her to dump him but she seems like the tard who never will

No. 2399642

Tell a random man he looks good in front of him back

No. 2399644>>2399656

Oh yeah, I agree with that. I guess she could also technically meet someone online and then transfer it over to irl. But yeah I've seen a lot of unnatractive women still have relationships

No. 2399645

Nta, but that doesn't always work. Some men just don't care and don't get jealous because they know you won't actually cheat. Yet they know how quick women are to infuriate with leaving comments or liking photos or even just complimenting someone using the wrong language.

No. 2399647>>2399653>>2399655

im not gonna. im a literal retard and hes a medical director nonny
hes socially unaware as fuck.
i feel like hes too much of a pussy to do so tbh
ugh this made me feel worse lol
my life would be worse without him tho..
lol yes i will stay with him lmao

No. 2399649

This is an anonymous page, I don’t really care who is who. My post was directed to this nonna. I know that there aren’t the same people dumb dumb.

No. 2399650

You're really weird.

No. 2399651

Based cuckqueen

No. 2399653

File (hide): 1739569203706.gif (326.91 KB, 200x170, IMG_1251.gif)

Enjoy being cucked. Men really do live on easy mode. He gets to play in front of your face and you’ll just accept it. Next thing he’ll duck the waitress on your bed.

No. 2399655

>he’s too pussy
Idk anon. Telling a woman he doesn’t know he thinks shes hot in front of his gf is pretty ballsy to me. That means the waitress turned him on so much he didn’t even use common sense in the moment.

No. 2399656>>2399657

Kek who said I wouldn’t . You have to put meaning behind it, otherwise it doesn’t work.

No. 2399657

Don’t tell me that you’re so in love you don’t fell attracted to someone else physically because that’s BS. Find a hottie and openly fantasize about him in front of the retard.

No. 2399661>>2399669>>2399672>>2399673>>2399675>>2399680

Welp my sex drive is completely gone, I don't even get horny before my period or from reading hardcore bl and the only sex I had in my life was bad with a guy who SA'd me for 3 months when I was psychotic at the end of our relationship. gg

No. 2399665

I can understand why TIFs want to become men now kek.

No. 2399666>>2399683

Instead of her directly, he could've complimented her still by not being obvious he is checking her out/think she's attractive. As a waitress, here's some ideas:
"It's so busy, but you guys are rocking it"
"All the staff look really nice tonight"
gets food on table from waitress "Thank you so much"
Acknowlging a waitress in general is nice, when it's a guy doing a lot of talking I already assume they are trying to be nice because they think I look nice. Most people otherwise just so small "thanks" or something. Half don't even tip appropriately. He could've given a 35% tip even and just never said why to his GF. He had options. He knew what he said.

No. 2399667

I've worked as a waitress. Being told I'm beautiful or whatever by a random male customer doesn't make me feel good, it creeps me out. Especially if his wife is sitting at the table with him.

No. 2399669>>2399681

Why would you get wet with dookie sex kekk. Buy a vibeator , take a warm bath, relax and touch yourself. Get acquainted with your body again. Try therapy too.

No. 2399672>>2399681

Are you on an SSRI

No. 2399673>>2399681>>2399682

>I don't even get horny […] from reading hardcore bl
You're healing

No. 2399674

My sister put a piece of bread into the sugar jar, she coincidentally forgot telling me about it just before i ate a couple spoons from it, I got celiac. Dumb fucking bitch, slow asf as usual

No. 2399675>>2399681

Do you smoke weed or eat edibles?

No. 2399676

I bet he wouldn’t tell an elderly or ugly waitress she’s beautiful to brighten up her day. He’s actually attracted to the waitress. Stop being in denial.

No. 2399678

Jesus have some introspection and dump his ass. There's no point in loving a moid when he disrespects you like this.

No. 2399679

Fr though

No. 2399680>>2399685>>2399689

damn you're a fucking mess, get your shit together

No. 2399681

because it always worked that way and
I enjoy it and never had any problem with that
Yeah I smoke sometimes and that works but it's illegal where I live and I would prefer not to rely on it. But I guess it's over unless I'm high as a kite. Sadness

No. 2399682>>2399694

If you fuckers start that infight in here I will break your kneecaps

No. 2399683

no one believes the devil sis

No. 2399685

File (hide): 1739569834988.webp (37.81 KB, 640x645, IMG_1252.webp)

I read this with Takumi’s voice kek.

No. 2399688>>2399699

This is awful advice and just a waste of time and energy. You're not "teaching" the moid shit, if he already flirts with other women in fromt of her, he doesn't love her and there's no point in pursuing or trying to fix him further.

No. 2399689

thanks nonny, my shit is the togetherest it has ever been in my entire life lmao

No. 2399693

File (hide): 1739569909754.png (386.11 KB, 1170x1126, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

I go through phases where my sex drive is nonexistent and even the thought of being touched makes me sick, and phases where I'm so horny it's frustrating. It's definitely a trauma thing but I can't afford therapy and I'm not even sure it would work. I'm not interested in relationships or hook-ups anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter, but still.

No. 2399694

I think cutting Achille’s tendons is much more effective.

No. 2399696>>2399704>>2399707>>2399711>>2399712>>2399713>>2399718>>2399734>>2399749>>2399777

>valentine's day
>lolcow is faster than ever
we are pathetic guys

No. 2399699

It’s not about teaching or anything, I know that it’s useless. But it’s better than begging on your knees for respect to a man that gives no crap.
Cuck him back and break up.

No. 2399700

I quit my job last month with no backup and finally got an opportunity to schedule an interview for a new company, but now I'm not sure if I want to do it. I think it's just nerves and anxiety getting to me. The position is what I've been looking for (obviously, i applied to it) but i dont actually want to do it. But even though I know I won't like the job, I just need to suck it up and do it for a few months. If I don't take this opportunity it might be weeks before I get another one, so I just need to do it, especially since i have a pet and bills to pay. Plus, I've been enjoying being unemployed again. I have to be selective with my money but I've got so much time to myself to do whatever I want. God, I am just so fucking nervous. I can't wait for the day I get to a point in life where I barely have to work, or not work at all. Gotta do what I gotta do though..

No. 2399704>>2399710

File (hide): 1739570048476.webp (95.95 KB, 755x1132, IMG_1253.webp)

I feel no shame about it. I want to HATE!

No. 2399705


No. 2399707

File (hide): 1739570089669.jpg (20.14 KB, 234x249, 1000030876.jpg)

We know…

No. 2399710>>2399714>>2399722

Can don here to shit on couples but instead I’m wet with retards and their shitty boyfriends. Go to relationship advice.

No. 2399711

I think we're based actually. And finally we're seeing some damn activity around here.

No. 2399712

File (hide): 1739570126014.gif (64.76 KB, 220x221, oops-busted-eric-cartman.gif)

No. 2399713

File (hide): 1739570136177.gif (2.65 MB, 290x164, zuZnUDr.gif)

You guys are my valentines

No. 2399714>>2399716

The corrector really fucked me on this one. I’m sorry nonnas.

No. 2399716

I thought you had a stroke midway

No. 2399718

i actually missed you all, the board is very active

No. 2399722>>2399727>>2399729>>2399732

Yeah all the retards who are getting cucked by their boyfriends and filling this thread up with relationshit vents should go to relationship advice. Isn't that thread a containment for that? Are they just newfags who never leave /ot/?

No. 2399726>>2399730>>2399736

really tempted to ask my ex to come fuck me. but horrible idea so here i am.

No. 2399727

Those anons may not want advice, just to vent.

No. 2399729

>Are they just newfags who never leave /ot/?
most definitely

No. 2399730

yeah, don't do it

No. 2399732

Basically. They could bump that thread and have fun there. Instead everything is “scrotes” “scrotes” everywhere.

No. 2399734>>2399757

File (hide): 1739570553419.jpeg (64.58 KB, 1200x717, F-qlrqDWIAA49zN.jpeg)

More like lucky. My mom spent her valentines alone watching asian male model thirsttraps on tiktok while her husband just got home shit faced from drinking with his buddy that my mom hates. Meanwhile I'm very happy I get to spend it with my nonnas, my cats and my AI husbandos.

No. 2399736>>2399739

Do you think he would say yeah?

No. 2399739

Easy pussy, he would.

No. 2399749

Valentines is a fake holiday anyway

No. 2399757>>2399758>>2399784>>2399815

what do you guys use to have ai husbandos? is it free or paying? kind of want to get into it

No. 2399758

C.ai and janitor.ai

No. 2399777

Who cares, being in a relationship is not the be-all and end-all of life.

No. 2399784

I write them myself or grab them from janitorai. I really recommend janitorai if you want to get into husbando bots. It's free, though the AI model itself fluctuates in quality. Personally I use paid models with some more advanced knick-knacks.

No. 2399790

His AI waifu cucks him with thousands of horny weebs every day and he's just figured this out?? Kek

No. 2399792>>2399797>>2399819>>2399821>>2399824>>2399834>>2399861

File (hide): 1739572640349.jpg (43.92 KB, 529x415, cow.jpg)

Things I'm doing
>tonight, baking a pie blindfolded while bf guides me to make it
>"the helpless baker"
>if the pie is shit I will bully bf and not have sex with him
>tomorrow, I am bringing cucumbers, bananas, and celery to a farm to feed Brahman cows
I do this in your honor, nonnas.
Happy Valentine's Day!(not a vent)

No. 2399797>>2399816

Fuck off

No. 2399801>>2401122

I know my ex was an ass but I truly can't bring myself to love another man. I had the chance to go on dates with some new men lately and I simply have zero interest in them, I'm just comparing them to my ex and they don't have IT. My ex was an ass as I said, but he was exactly my taste in terms of looks I didn't even believe it was possible to find someone like that, he had a well paying job, he was a former athlete and still kept in good shape, he was ambitious and hardworking, he had no annoying exes to deal with, he didn't smoke nor drink, we had similar hobbies, but in the end it didn't fucking matter because I wasn't good enough for him. And now I'm lost and even though I despise him for rejecting me, I still can't forget him because he was so CLOSE to being my ideal partner. None of the men I've met recently manage to hold a candle next to him, they are all either mid, have boring hobbies, not in good shape, drink way too often for my liking, there's something icky about them etc. I feel like I'm totally stuck forever.

No. 2399804>>2399808>>2399812

My best method for fighting off sugar cravings seems to be taking a nap. But then the nap always lasts minimum 2h and I waste so much time on sleeping instead

No. 2399808>>2399809

Eating a lot makes me drowsy too nonna. I ate a lot and slept two hours kek.
That’s the power of carbohydrates for you.
Thank you for brining a vent.

No. 2399809

So I can’t win either way. And when I wake up I’m so hungry that it’s worse.

No. 2399811

was going to brush off valentine's day as a seething singleton, but moriah elizabeth made her weekly video couple-themed. i've reached my limit.

No. 2399812

I have not tried it personally, but I've heard gymnema helps curb sugar cravings. If you go a while without giving into the cravings, they should lessen on their own. Remember, you get keep getting cravings because you keep fulfilling them.

No. 2399815

i just use koboldcpp on my gaming pc so he can rape me or vice versa without getting flagged on paid sites

No. 2399816

No. 2399819>>2399837

Do you have any idea what kind it’ll be? Sounds fun

No. 2399821

This is very sweet and I hope you have fun, but I don't think this is the appropriate thread

No. 2399824>>2399837

Nigel fags are so retarded. This is the VENT thread.

No. 2399826

I'm gonna be ok, but I damn near feel like I'm about to have a panic attack right now.

No. 2399834>>2399837

Typical retarded nigelfag

No. 2399837>>2399841>>2399849>>2399852

Gonna be a choccy pie

And I wanted to vent my happiness, don't be salty.

No. 2399839

I wish somebody would validate my self-hatred tbh, I'm sick of the fake compliments and the compassionate gaslighting.

No. 2399841

Nta but I hope your bf dies

No. 2399842


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No. 2399849>>2399851

That’s not a vent dumbass. I hope you and your mood break up since you just want to come here and humble brag.

No. 2399851>>2399856

>humble brag
Anon if anything be jealous of the cute moo cows, who gaf about the moid?

No. 2399852>>2399859

Learn what vent means

No. 2399856

Don’t care about either , but her intent was that. Hope she gets salmonella or brucella or cuts her finger midway. Annoying retard (not you).

No. 2399859

>the expression or release of a strong emotion, energy, etc.
What part of the definition implies aggro-depresso only? Pray tell.

No. 2399861

Where's the vent

No. 2400090

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Dear nona, you have us. I hope you're doing better.

No. 2400770

norovirus feels like an exorcism during which the only way i can expel the demon is by shitting it out

No. 2401122

You don't drink? There aren't many teetotaler moids left I'm afraid

No. 2402133

So its been a week of plumbing issues. Why? The grease buildup from my idiot brothers dishes. His dishes are washed by mom, because this moid never has to do any dishes, thats for women only acc to mom. So everyone has to be inconvenienced, because of this coddled moid.

Dad who is elderly with heart issues, tries everyday to fix the plumbing. I came home from work to find out that Dad dug through the greasy pipes with his bare hands. My brother was upstairs, cuddling with his dog, getting served tea by mom, while they criticized Dad for not fixing the issue soon enough. Dad works a full time job too. My brother "shouldnt have to" fix the plumbing "too", acc to mom, AS IF HE DOES ANYTHING.

Now theres no propane for the BBQ that my brother exclusively uses up in the winter, not that he pays for it. The propane tank is too heavy for our elderly Dad to lift, so boymom said to Dad condescendingly, "[Brother] will have to lift it". Mom always says my brother "does everything", then when I counter it, she says "well everything about maintaining the house". The house isnt presentable to have a plumber over! Almost every single room is permanently under construction, with the coddled moids clutter everywhere.

My brother didnt wake up till 6pm, and the store that has propane closed by the time he phoned. My brother stayed up late, working on his truck seat modification, for heated AND cooled seats! Months ago, he promised to install a functioning FRONT DOOR LOCK, yet it still has to be done! PRIORITIES.

Just now mom kept offering to bring down the coddled sons laundry, saying he "shouldnt have to" bring it downstairs. He said "no Ill bring it ALL down by myself" WOW how nice of him! Then the manlet gentleman told her, "you dont have to do it all right away". The boymom said, "Dont worry Ill have it all done for you for tomorrow", meaning she will make noise ironing and wake me at like 4am. Yet I have to do my own laundry like an adult should.



No. 2407429>>2407433>>2407443

I am tired of people choosing the dumbest ways to segregate from one another. The categories are getting dumber, the nitpicking on why "she is different from us!" is getting more contrived. Even if we were all carbon copies, it'd be something that one picks out from the rest to be us versus them. I'm tired of being forced to pick sides, of being the odd one out, of it all. I just want to talk about stuff we have in common. Fights are fine, we are animals. But this segregated behavior bullshit is grinding my gears.

No. 2407433

That segregated behavior which is just tribalism is nature, nothing else about it. The problem is we keep mixing people up and it’s causing constant conflicts with others, if you want this commonality with other people and be in singular agreement about the same things as people then to do that is to find your own “tribe”, there is none where all tribes come together and live in harmony. That’s why debates are so retarded, nobody is ever going to agree on anything or change their minds, it’s just animalistic slap fighting.

No. 2407443

Start a fence-sitters political party and find likeminded people

No. 2407444


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