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No. 2400311

A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>2389570

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2400339

I can’t tell if I’m pregnant or not and I’m freaking out. I had sex once with my boyfriend this month. We have been together for about 5-6 years, and he is my first boyfriend. We used protection. My period is 4 days late, but I also recently took a new multivitamin that made me break out. This is the first time my period has been irregular in a very long time. I do not have PCOS, though I did have subclinical hyperthyroidism a while ago, which delayed my period. However, I fixed that up with medication. I have been bloating for 4 days straight with extreme back aches, my breasts are also swelling despite me checking the scale today and seeing I no longer have water retention (I always do when I’m near my period). I cannot call my doctor until Monday, and I don’t know how to let go of this. I ate a cookie today and immediately started feeling nauseous , I have never felt this way. I am 21 years old, I just started college. I don’t understand, I’ve used protection entirely, but I’m not on birth control. I barely have penetrative sex anyway. I just cannot understand why my period is suddenly late and why I’m getting these weird symptoms, unless it had something to do with the multivitamins that I just started a week ago.

No. 2400345

I need someone to tell me if they’ve had regular experiences, please. I’ve been shaking and crying all day because it said I should wait at least a week if my period is late to try to take a pregnancy test. I am terrified, I have been safe about this and have barely had sex. I have been hearing weird gurgling sounds from my stomach earlier and it’s worrying me. I keep hoping and thinking my period is going to come, but it hasn’t. Am I overreacting?

No. 2400354

Yeah, but this is from somebody who has irregular periods. It isn't the end of the world if you're pregnant, though. If you don't live in a state that provides abortions, start socking away money for a plane trip.
If it turns out you are pregnant, try to figure out how. Did the condom break? Is your moid the kind of shithead who would poke holes in it?
Consider getting an IUD after this.

No. 2400357

I don’t think the condom broke, and I am sure he wouldn’t do that, because last time something like this happened (when I was going through my thyroid issue, and I didn’t know this would affect it), he had a huge scare and was panicking about it. He still stuck with me, but he took me to the doctors and that’s when they did my blood work. This was a while ago, and my periods has been very normal since then. I just cannot figure out how this happened, because I barely have sex and I have been very safe about it, I made sure to use protection constantly. I live in a blue state, so I know I could do that if wanted, but it just seems so terrifying to me. I’ve been looking online constantly and people have been saying they’ve been pregnant for 4-7 weeks without realizing it, and it doesn’t make sense to me because my last period came in just fine.

No. 2400358

My brother is a stupid worthless scrote who received too much praise as a child. I want nothing to do with him anymore

No. 2400367

Okay, I think you're going to be just fine, then. You say it's been 4 days, and it's Friday. By the time it's Monday, it will be the 7th day, right? So buy a pregnancy test over the weekend, take it Monday morning, and schedule a doctor's appointment to discuss changes in your menstrual cycle (and maybe review birth control options). There's a good chance it will show up soon and all this panic will be for nothing.
You're also 21, so it's not impossible you're going through hormonal changes. Stress or lifestyle changes can also affect your period. You're gonna be fine.
Focus on destressing and not panicking. You can literally worry yourself sick.

No. 2400370

my period literally stopped for two months when i first started college because of the stress. i hyperfixated on all of my potential symptoms freaked out and my period didn’t come back until i started birth control. your boobs hurting can happen because you’re on your period. you aren’t even a week late. go get a pregnancy test or door dash it if you can’t drive/are embarrassed. it’s probably too early to tell but that’s the only thing that’s going to make you feel better.

No. 2400381

>being with and sleeping with someone for 6 years that gives you an absolute panic attack for even just thinking of reproducing with him

I will never ever ever get normies and their super long-lasting, sad and loveless relationships

No. 2400386

My boss (principal) literally screamed at me today for telling a coworker I think the students (elementary) shouldn't go outside for recess today because of extreme wind chill and it being below 20°F. Half the kids don't have adequate clothing and were complaining their hands were numb. She threatened to fire me if I don't stop giving my opinion…. lol. I'm under contract and I want to fucking die

No. 2400398

Reading posts on /r/residency about women being treated like shit by nurses, male residents, admin, and even patients is so disheartening. I can deal with shitty men, but knowing women will be at my throat once I finish med school is so so upsetting.
The future of medicine looks so bleak, I don't even know what to do anymore. They even censored the words "women" and "female" in academic literature in the US. I feel so hopeless and miserable.

No. 2400399

1. Where do you live and 2. Why did your coworker snitch

No. 2400401

some people just don't want to have children or are not in the right place for it. sorry about your asexuality.

No. 2400412

Burgermoid that has been showing interest in me called valentines day gay and the equivalent we celebrate too? Why are they like this? I thought he was genuinely wishing me happy valentines day, why did I let it fool me

No. 2400427

Thank you very much. I talked it out with my boyfriend, and I feel a lot better about it. I’m just going to try to distract myself in the meantime.
Did you forget to read the part where I’m 21 and just started college? I want to at least get a degree or have some financial stability before I have a kid. I don’t want to have a child at 21.

No. 2400453

I got the feeling that I'm about to get fired soon…hopefully not. Pray for me nonnas.

No. 2400527

Keeping you in my thoughts, anon. Stay strong.

No. 2400609

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>boyfriend really loves rabbits
>decide to adopt two "meat" rabbits to get a feel for raising them
>they're essentially just fuzzy goldfish but worse, cute to watch run around in their exercise pen but not very cuddly and they cannot get a grasp on litter box training whatsoever
>family frequently complains about their smells
>our cats feel rejected by me for spending so much time with the rabbits
>bf cannot adopt them, he lives too far away
>spaying and neutering them is going to cost an arm and a leg because they're considered "exotic" pets (lol thanks america)
>rancher who sold them won't take them back
>can't get anyone to adopt them, the only shelter accepting has not communicated back with me whatsoever

This is going to be dark but… I may actually just have to end up dispatching and eating the rabbits… It's what they were raised to be I guess. I seriously cannot fucking believe it costs over $600+ to spay fucking rabbits, an animal that is notorious for proliferating. I bought them for $30 and spaying cats is somehow cheaper than spaying rabbits. The only other solution is to just let them loose into our backyard when the weather warms up and let them fend for themselves. I am not really sure if that's any ethically better than just continuing to raise them as loving "pets" until they're old enough to be cooked. I've already wasted hundreds on their supplies and upkeep and they will put me in debt if this keeps up, and they're not actually as nice and snuggable as they look…

I also feel entirely fucking lied to by youtubers and redditors, rabbits are fairly dumb and they litter train much worse and take longer than cats. They're also cowardly and throw tantrums. I see now why people here basically don't keep them as pets, even though they are still better than hamsters, mice, rats, etc. Very burned out and I feel like I can only admit this anonymously without getting "told ya so" from a bunch of lyinh reddit assholes that did not, in fact, tell me shit and seem to further project lies about how "wonderful" and "sweet" bunnies are as pets, while also having $$$$ to blow on them. Fuck Reddit and Youtube.

No. 2400611

>make fandom friend
>get along with them better than 99% of other people in this shit fandom we share
>find out they're 10 years younger than me (not underage though)
god i feel weird

No. 2400616

>never been able to get into Monster Hunter despite trying multiple times
>the new one looks good though
What am I missing? Is it because I'm more of a solo type? I want to play but I never end up committing.

No. 2400620

Not unusual, it is okay to have friends at any and all ages, especially when we're all adults. It only gets weird if they're underage. If you're new to having friends that are significantly younger or older than you, than your feelings are understandable, it does take some adjusting to.

No. 2400621

I was once the fandom friend 10 years someone's junior. She probably freaking adores you, kek. Don't feel weird, having friends across different generations is good for both of you.

No. 2400622

Fwiw, the older the both of you get the more the age gap becomes a nonissue. If it's just a normal friendship and communication is good then what more can you ask for?

No. 2400623

you're right. i just get insecure since so much of fandom at least on tumblr was like "omg 30 year olds online are so cringe why are you in fandom"

No. 2400628

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I used to have a jersey wooly with a nice temperament and did fucking pay the insane neutering cost, only for him to hate my guts after and become vicious. His fur would also clump up and he required specialized grooming in the summer or he would become matted. Honestly I say eat the rabbits and never get one as a pet again (or any anon reading this). They are objectively depressing and bad pets because they are prey animals. If they were any smarter or interesting, it would be cruel. They're meant to be a dumb burden so we don't feel as bad killing them bc they are so cute

No. 2400630

Kek no worries, anon. I figure if I see old biddies in their 60s are having fun in fandom, what's stopping us? Zoomers are usually the ones throwing tantrums about ugly 30 year old hags, their time will come.

No. 2400632

guinea pigs are better pets if you insist on having a rodent. rabbits are really fucking dumb most of the time unless you buy from some breeders that have been trying to breed the dumb shit genes out of them but even then it's a gamble.

No. 2400635

rabbits are adorable but so so stupid and they're ill-equipped to live with people unless you have a big backyard area and multiple rabbits. they have complex social dynamics and are only barely domesticated.

No. 2400642

Please let us know how you choose to prepare the rabbits and what rabbit meat tastes like. I'm deathly curious.
Also sorry for your loss and dumb boyfriend.

No. 2400643

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Yeah oh gosh, see thank you for being honest about your experience. It feels like the reddit cult would INSIST I should just wait until it's spaying time because "they'll get better". It's a very expensive gamble and not guaranteed to pay off at all. Reddit was already wrong about so much. (The rabbits have peed in their own water dish a couple of times and thrown random objects into their water multiple times. I bought them palm leaf bowls for their veggies thinking they would enjoy chewing on the bowls but they don't, and they ended up just throwing it upside down and blocking themselves off from their own fresh veggies… happend 3 times and I gave up trying to use the palm leaf bowl.)

Nah, this has definitely humbled me and made me appreciate our cats so much more.

>are only barely domesticated.
This is the part that surprises me most. Even in 2025, rabbits are still dumb as doornails. Cute aesthetically but nothing more.

No. 2400647

I will! There's two so one will probably be stewed and the other fried. I am curious about their flavor too…

No. 2400649

Not surprised, rabbits are very cute, but they are shitty pets. They eat everything and they shit every where and very untrainable.
The “I might eat them” made me kek. Are you able to stomach killing (which is the easiest part) and cleaning fur and its interior? Wouldn’t it be easier to just relocate it?

No. 2400651

this is gross so spoiler and warning for animal death
my grandma had rabbits, and one time they bred and had babies, and the mother sat on one of the babies and literally squished it to death. it was flat as a pancake. she went out to show them to me and we found that. i was traumatized.

No. 2400660

I completely get it, I've been in a similar situation in which I just assume people are roughly my age and then find out they're 10+ years older than me
I thankfully have a couple of friends my age and I treasure them deeply, sometimes people get weird when they know you're younger/older than them

No. 2400661

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Don't feel bad at all anon. I'm convinced the people who get "good rabbits" are lying to themselves because they are so cute or somehow get ones that aren't completely retarded and inbred like the rest seem to be.
>and they ended up just throwing it upside down and blocking themselves off from their own fresh veggies…
They'll never change. My rabbit did this every single time he was served his stupid produce and preferred to be fed by hand like an asshole (but not while being held, you have to sit or squat in front oh his pen)
>family frequently complains about their smells
Also if your family are attached to them in any way (like any non-adults) when I was a kid my mom randomly decided to buy these stupid fiddler crabs for us and within a week we all hated them for the same reason. The male would lift his claw and lower it all day while sitting on a rock and the female would hide. That is the extent of their pet abilities other than smelling like a sewer and staring at us with beady eyes. My mom flushed them alive and said they died but told us the truth a few years later. I'm so glad she didn't keep them out of sunk cost fallacy/guilt. Eat the rabbits anon, there are tons of great recipes online and it is what they were literally meant for, just like the stupid fiddler crabs belong in a sewer

No. 2400663

Yeahh, I read something similar about bad rabbit mothers on the meat rabbit reddit and how they've butchered mean does for stomping their babies. It sounds like sitting on the baby may have been an "Intelligent" Animal Moment™, but thumping a baby to death is just outright repugnant. They do have the rodent strat of just, make a bunch of babies and don't worry about being a decent mother, unlike greater mammals that nuture their babies.

No. 2400664

do you judge them being older? i only feel weird bc i don't want to be seen as some kind of creep for befriending a younger person. but i'm also hypersensitive to that because i was personally preyed on as a minor online by an adult. like i said this person isn't underage tho. they're 24

No. 2400670

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samefag, crabfag

No. 2400672

Why the hell do scrotes feel entitled to your time? They assume that because they find you attractive then they automatically have a chance. Do some calculations, if you look like shit you shouldn’t bother talking to me.
I have had scrotes following me into the supermarket like retards and then following me outside to talk to me. I always feel like a buffalo being followed by a Komodo dragon, it’s so creepy. Dude I can see you, you are not stealthy, you are so creepy.
I am out with my friend and sometimes these retards come up to us unprompted. I am having fucking drinks with my friend, fuck off, I don’t want to talk to you.
I met one who sat in front of me unprompted in the canteen and kept looking at me. When I went out he fucking followed me and started to ask me questions, I told him I was busy and in a hurry and bolted away. Guess who I met again at the fucking canteen with my friend three days ago? This stupid retard. He asked if he could sit near us and I rolled my eyes off but my friend said yes. I ignored him but he was staring at me and tried making conversation.
I hate men.

No. 2400674

humblebrag post

No. 2400676

anon if you don't get weird unwanted attention from men you don't fucking want it. it isn't a compliment. it's scary, upsetting and gross. it ruins your day and possibly your whole week.

No. 2400680

I’m not going to sit here and say that being attractive is so worse and yada yada. Women who aren’t are equally treated like shit, I used to be uglier, I know how it is.
But it’s so damn annoying when someone feels entitled to your space and time despite the fact that you haven’t given them any signals.

No. 2400681

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No. 2400683

You're right that killing seems like the easiest part, and even multiple ways to go about it (broomstick vs bonk 'n bleed), I am just unsure what to do with their pelt afterwards. I am tempted to learn how to tan pelts bc I would hate to just have to throw their fur away.

The most guilt, if anything, is like what crabfriend mentioned. I think I would just lie to my boyfriend and tell him I found someone that would rehome them. He is aware of how much trouble they've been on me and is sorry for me.

No. 2400686

Rabbit mothers hardly spend any time with their kits. They use them to offload uncomfortable milk surplus and then run away until it fills up again. They have pretty weak maternal instincts and their gestation period is like a month

No. 2400687

Wouldn’t gutting their neck be better? The more you stress the animal the worse the meat is.
When I went back to Africa for holiday I watched my grandma prepare a chicken and a goat from the start. It’s messy.

No. 2400688

Is it really a brag if she has weirdos following her?

No. 2400689

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NTA and I’m not trying to judge you but
>bonk n’ bleed
is scaring me a little

No. 2400690

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Honestly I'm going to follow the next anon who tries to keep this boring topic going

No. 2400693

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers nonna. I hope you have a wonderful day.

No. 2400695

Sorry if I vented I guess kek. My focus was not on my appearance, but rather the behavior of men.

No. 2400698

iirc ive read somewhere that rabbits are notoriously difficult pets to care for and I don't blame you nonna. Even though they are small they require a lot of space and care for animals as big as a horse.

No. 2400702

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>broomstick vs bonk 'n bleed
Wait how do you want to kill these bunnies nonna?!

No. 2400703

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Yes I get it anon dw, they're retarded we know. It's not that you're wrong(repeatedly infight baiting)

No. 2400707

Gutting… their neck?

That's the nickname of the technique, it's stunning them with a blow to the back of their head and then cutting their neck so they bleed out. (I think this is what the other anon meant?) I think the most merciful techniques I have seen involve buying tools to just instantly kill them with a single shot. Not really sure how much money that kind of thing would be, or if it's really worth it for a one or two-time use.

If you really want macabre though, there is a trademark for a rabbit rancher tool and it's called "the original hopper popper" lol

No. 2400708

nta and i get it too. some people are just not worth going back and forth with.
going back to your op, i hate when obviously pornsick dudes fetishise a certain trait of mine and hover around me irl. there’s not many like that, but even the ones who you think are just autistic are probably as degenerate and doing it with ulterior motives

No. 2400711

Cut their neck, I translated it wrongly, my bad. English is not my first language.

No. 2400712

Yes this is what I meant!

No. 2400713

These are common rabbit dispatch methods, there's multiple "how to dispatch a rabbit" videos and most of them involve the broomstick method or stunning them and bleeding their necks so they bleed out peacefully. Like I said, some people have bolt guns and can instantly kill them, or they use the hopper popper/yank them with a chain, which seems way more brutal and has more of a chance to fuckup.

No. 2400714

You are a stronger woman than I, nona. I don’t think I could do that

No. 2400720

I mean it’s quicker and more clean than just beating up the animal. I also feel like it’s more dignified as much as being killed gets.

No. 2400726

I only attract a specific type of moids because they see me as a goth mommy dommy, it's so bleak.

No. 2400728

I thought the idea behind bonking its head first before the bleed was so that it wasn't conscious to feel the pain of the neck cutting? Wouldn't cutting the neck while it's conscious freak it out? Or do you mean severing the neck off completely in one chop?

No. 2400735

I can't stand these retards who think that they are better than everyone else. They are the exact type of people I want to see humiliated and thrown off a flight of stairs

No. 2400750

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Rabbit anon here, I just wanted to give another update that really gives me conviction in my decision to be rid of the bunnies one way or another.

>have two cats

>the older one of the two loves me dearly, sees me as her person
>would regularly come to my bed for cuddles and purr right in my lap
>when I got the rabbits, a few days later, she saw them, left the room, and then later that night in another room she SCREAMED at me in anguish (it actually scared the crap out of me even though she was nuzzling against the ground, but it was obvious she was raging against me for doing this)
>it still haunts me and depresses me thinking about how she howled at me
>skip to tonight
>she comes into my room, jumps onto my tall bed and comes up to me into my lap for cuddles
>she hasn't done this in weeks because of the bunnies
>one of the rabbits sees her
>gives a loud THUMP because they don't like her
>cat startles a little
>continue petting cat
>rabbit thumps loudly again, cat whips her head
>just keep petting her, she relaxes and gives in to the petting
Stupid fucking carrot muncher, he WISHES he was chill enough to enjoy cuddles like my sweet kitty… Nothing really beats the love of a cat.

No. 2400756

>Stupid fucking carrot muncher, he WISHES he was chill enough to enjoy cuddles like my sweet kitty
They can never relax and feel weirdly hard when you try to cuddle them, unless they're literally obese. The only "good pet rabbits" I've seen were extremely fat and docile
>she SCREAMED at me in anguish
She might poop on your pillow or destroy something you love. She would probably enjoy playing with one of their feet after you have them skinned or whatever

No. 2400774

>She might poop on your pillow or destroy something you love.
Unlike the rabbits, she knows exactly where her litter box is and exclusively uses it. Same with her scratching post. She's a wonderful 7 year old cat and even when she was the rabbits' age she didn't act as horrid as them. That's why I can't feel fully sorry for the rabbits. I do hope she enjoys playing with their extra parts after, she LOVES playing with yarn pompoms and pretending they're prey. I'm still reading up on how to set up but they'll be 12 weeks by next week.

No. 2400778

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Kekkk anon, I just meant that cats seethe and do weird things like that when they feel betrayed but she already gave you the silent treatment. My male cat intentionally shat on my bed when he was angry but even that is more interesting than a rabbit accidentally inventing poop water for the 100th time. I enjoyed your rabbit rants very much, I hope you update us later on what happens to them and your cat

No. 2400781

I just left a voicemail to set up a time for a job interview. I sounded like a retard. The recruiter is going to think I'm a retard.

No. 2400814

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Why can't I ever do things? It's like some sick sort of inertia where I only want to read or play the guitar or learn or whatever when I'm doing them, and I can't find it in myself to want to do anything when I'm in a "state of rest". The only way I've ever gotten myself to do things is by forcing them into a routine, and I hate it, and it doesn't always work. Why am I like this, and how can I fix it?

No. 2400817

I love my dad but he’s getting so fucking fat and I want to jump on his stomach so his gut spills open like a pimple. FUCK fat men.

No. 2400820

Poke his stomach and ask him if you're expecting a sibling

No. 2400824

I don't understand why the hell am I not living my life. I am tired of having to roam from place to place. Having scrotes touch me. I'm too retarded to maintain a regular job. I just wish that I had a normal boyfriend and lasting meaningful bonds with people where I feel safe. My reputation is ruined either way.

No. 2400828

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I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that the less I try to look good, the better I actually look. I've always thought I look my best in the mornings, wearing my pajamas with messy hair, rather than when I try to look decent or put together. And let's not even talk about makeup or fancy outfits, I end up looking like a troon.

No. 2400830

You probably haven't found your style then. I myself think I look ugly with makeup on, but I also never properly learned it or experimented with it. If you want to go for a more natural laid back look that's fine though.

No. 2400833

I flicked my long pony tail and put it in a messy bun and tidied up my baggy sweatpants , well they weren’t really sweatpants in the first place, they were my pajama pants that I slept in the night before, I didn’t really care , I always valued comfort over fleeting societal standards; besides that I had never been the type to bother with annoying itchy make up nor tight, constricting clothes, I sure as hell would have not started that Monday.
I placed my bag on my shoulders and put my crocs in sport mode, ready to tackle the dreaded Monday. Before I could open the door my mother yelled at me “Y/N, wait!” she said with her usual hurried tone; I stopped on my tracks and turned to listen “you are not going to school..I have just sold you to one direction”….

No. 2400837

Kek thanks nonnie. I knew someone would end up commenting something like this. But I think as the other nona said my problem is that I haven't found my style. The stuff I wear at home is completely different to what I wear outside. I guess I should try to wear a more relaxed style.

No. 2400839

Kek I didn’t mean to make fun of you nonna, you just reminded me of the fanfiction with the picrel. It’s okay to be more comfortable with more relaxed looks and makeup free too; you don’t have to force yourself to fit in a mold. I like them too!

No. 2400841

There are many sweatpants that are still quite comfortable and tight without having the “pajama look” by the way.

No. 2400842

I can't stand my life anymore or my mind. I should've killed myself a long time ago. Or should have hidden myself from this world. Cannot stand my crippling benzo addiction. I absolutely hate all the interactions that I've had with people until now.

No. 2400843

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Like picrel

No. 2400848

Yeah I'm sure they are comfortable but I'm unable to leave the house wearing sweatpants, I feel sloppy.

No. 2400852

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If you don’t like sporty you can try more casual/elegant looks that are still baggy. I propose to you this.

No. 2400862

My skin picking is at the point now that it's making me consider killing myself, and yet I don't care. I can't live for my own sake, I can't find it in me to not hate myself so much that I'm compulsively tearing chunks out of my own skin while dissociating for hours
I wish I could be assigned to some sort of long term therapist/wrangler because I cannot love myself and I want to die. I want to die.

No. 2400870

I really don't know what triggered me to bed rot this time, I don't feel particularly bad about it like I'm not having doom thoughts about my useless life and crying over wasted time, maybe because I'm not even trying to get better? It's just been one week where I stayed on bed and ate breakfast at least. I know that bad habits lead to more bad habits and it's harder to function without fuel but I don't feel compelled to. I get up, have ideas on what I could do but go back to my bed. I'm not even bothered about any repetitiveness on social media I have no idea how I spent 6 hours on twitter with no friends and short videos on YouTube, I guess I feel like a NPC kek is this the ultimate step of laziness or depression

No. 2400874

I have severe memory issues from benzodiazepine addiction. Also, probably caused by my mental illness. I'm genuinely starting to feel like I am developing dementia. I've been a benzo addict for 6 years. I have had crippling social phobia my entire life, severe generalized anxiety, a panic disorder. I'm convinced that there's something wrong with my CNS that is caused by extreme childhood abuse and bad genes. I began taking benzos 6 years ago and it's the only medication that helped me get rid of my panic attacks. Also, helped tone down the social anxiety to the point where I could do normal social stuff.

I am addicted and can't stand it any longer. I take them daily. My tolerance is building up. Considering how bad my symptoms have been prior to me becoming an addict. I think that I might be addicted for the rest of my life.

I can read, comprehend, understand incredibly complex information but my vocabulary doesn't improve and I cannot retain the information or explain it. I do in a sense but it's on an extreme abstract and conceptual level. I don't have a narrated inner monologue.

I'm genuinely confused by my symptoms and even now I find it hard to actually word it. I don't think that anyone reading this can actually understand what I am going through.

I am also confused regarding my mental capacity. I think that I might be intelectuallly disabled. That my IQ is lower than that of an average person because my verbal IQ is incredibly low. Then, I can read and comprehend an incredibly complex text which the average person wouldn't be able to understand let alone a retard. I can understand words intuitively. I am embarrassed of talking about this because it sounds like I am trolling. I can understand Hegel and I have read hundreds of Wikipedia articles on various subjects ranging from history of religion to psychology.

I just cannot speak or explain the information. My vocabulary doesn't improve. It's incredibly frustrating because I cannot stand up for myself or prove to another person that I understand a certain subject. Also, I cannot hold normal conversation or bond with people. Even this sounds like a shitpost and a copypasta.

I forget names, basic information, incredibly mundane stuff and have to note it down constantly.

I have incredibly ambiguous mental illness. Don't even understand how I lasted this long. It's so frustrating. It also makes it impossible for me to stand up for myself or take my side even when I am in the right.

Everything is so frustrating. Also, I did everything in order to get better and it doesn't.

For example I have bands that I've been listening to for years that I love. I am genuinely familiar with their music. I can't name any of their albums or songs but I genuinely listen to their music.

FUCK my life. I wanted to be in academia. I see nothing for myself. There's something profoundly wrong with my mind.

Wish that I had normal parents so I could live with them and they'd take care of me

No. 2400884

make fattening foods and make him engorged like a tick so he dies faster

No. 2400897

Maybe he will do a full retard move like my obese dad did and think that getting all his teeth pulled to get dentures is a smart idea and not literally more expensive than my college funds. He went from having a pot belly to a flab of loose skin because having no real teeth aside from dentures and dental implants makes you really hate eating. He also 180'd and cut most sugar out of his diet and it contributed to rapid weight loss.

Nothing I ever said to him helped him, he did all of that of his own accord, because he's a man and men are just stubborn asses like that. But I can deeply relate to wanting to put a knife to his skin and wanting to scoop the fat out, not caring if it kills him or not because of how his fat made him even worse as a person.

No. 2400910

I want to get back into drawing but I'm so quick to beat myself to the ground over failure, I'm scared to give myself a new reason when for once I'm kinda stable. Maybe when I hate myself more I can pick up a pencil.

No. 2400912

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It fucking sucks when someone you consider a close friend have friends that for some reason clearly doesn't like you. Whenever my friend invites me out with her buddies I'm always very polite and try to fit in with the vibes, not trying to overstep any boundaries since I know they work in the same dance studio. But still, I can feel them eyeing me up when I arrive and start being condescending, locking me out of conversations, backhanded comments, etc. They make sure to really make you aware that you are the outsider here.
My friend doesn't seem to catch up on it at all and seems to just enjoy having several people she likes around at the same time, I haven't said anything either because what good would that make? Sometimes you just don't vibe with a group of people. But this means I barely see her anymore because she's always with this group, so I always say I'm busy or something whenever she asks me to come along. But considering how awful I feel after I try to get along with those friends of hers, maybe it's for the better.

No. 2400913

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>roommate complains about utility bills going up five months after I moved in
>pulled a shade this morning to find out they've been leaving windows open all night when it's been 11-20F out

No. 2400914

I blacked out while walking home with a friend and I'm so terrified of what I possibly said or did especially because I have history of doing heinous shit that I deeply regret while blackout

No. 2400915

I wish I could cut open my stomach and arms and thighs, and rip the fat out.

No. 2400919

I don't really have anything to say except that I've been in this situation too and it sucks. Sometimes people really do just act like haters for no reason.
>Dance theatre
This explains a lot about their behaviour kek

No. 2400921

RRRRGH this happened to me last year!! Took us forever to find out two windows were open downstairs. Close the fucking windows when the heat is on, damn!

No. 2400931

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Some people do not understand how gas heat works, at all.
>Does opening a window effect it?!
Yes, you're letting cold air in, now the heater has to work harder to maintain the temperature the heat is set at.
>Is 85 fine?
NO! Set it to 70 at the highest.
>It's just me in here!
The heat is not heating you as a body specifically, but rather the entire home. If there were more people in the house it might be warmer due to body heat. Stupid stupid stupid stupid!

No. 2400936

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my relationship with my boyfriend is falling apart because we've both faced really tumultuous shit in our personal lives in the past five years.

the only issue is that when I deal with adversity, I work incredibly hard to dig myself out.
He just digs his own hole deeper, self sabotages, sabotages the relationship and does textbook avoidant stuff. I've tried my hardest to be there for him but he makes it extremely difficult.

He makes no effort to hide that he's very jealous of how many friends I have and all of my hobbies, while simultaneously doing nothing to help himself. I genuinely believe this relationship is failing because of his depression and his need to just sabotage everything and try and pull me down.
I feel guilty for wanting to leave him because he's depressed, but he's absolutely miserable to be around and there's no spark, I make almost all of the effort in the relationship at this point.

I'd be more willing to help and be patient if he didn't treat me like absolute shit and stopped purposefully doing and saying incredibly hurtful things because he's unhappy with his life and jealous of mine.

No. 2400937

i dont know if this belongs here, but i used to do sw. one of my regular clients for over four years was someone i ended up falling for. i did sw for about six years to cover rent, healthcare, and other expenses while in med school.

yesterday for valentines, he invited me to a hotel. he had set up a beautifully decorated table, and we ordered food. as we started eating the appetizer, i decided to confess my feelings towards him. he was in the middle of chewing his salad when he laughed right in my face. bits of food fell from his mouth as he told me he couldnt believe i ever thought i had a chance with a man of his status.

hes a medical director, only 38, and moved up the ranks really fast. i always admired his work ethic, especially since he finished his residency with a publication that has a ton of citations in nature.

right now, it just hurts. i keep thinking about it and feeling pathetic. i dont know if ill ever be able to look a guy i truly like in the eyes again. i also cant imagine feeling safe enough to go to therapy.

No. 2400939

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I wanna wear cute shit and step out of baggy clothes sometimes, but the moment I wear something tight or even fitting, my boobs will ruin that and I will always be reminded of how moid attention directed at my chest makes me feel disgusted with my body and how at one concert I had the cameraman filming my cleavage and it was on the big screen too kek. I wanted to bury myself alive on the spot when my friend told me what was filmed while I was vibing to the music.
Unfortunately breast reduction surgery isn’t an option because for one, I’m terrified of surgery rooms and two, from what I researched, medics here won’t perform it if you’re of childbearing age because what if you’re gonna have kids someday (I won’t, but still isn’t enough). And I’m stuck in this loop of fantasizing of having smaller perky boobs, ugh.

No. 2400941

Are you gonna break up with him or

No. 2400946

when I'm in a better position financially, yes.

No. 2400948

have you heard of kibbe types? some types look better with more casual, relaxed looks.

No. 2400950

I hope you can get there, and soon. I could never imagine being financially unstable and with a demon moid. Maybe try stealing from him? Or not, I don't know.

No. 2400954

>man of his status
>actually a 38 year old man with a bloated ego
men are so nasty, poor nonny. have you read stuff from other women who used to be in the sex industry, maybe that can help?

No. 2400956

Here’s some anger fuel for you, nonnies. My husband told me that women need to have sex with their partner even when they don’t want to for the partner to be happy. KEK Yes, I’m leaving him at the first opportunity.

No. 2400959

What a freak. You should tell him then that he needs to eat you out whenever you want it or you're going to leave him (leave him anyway asap)

No. 2400968

I feel like hell right now

No. 2400970

He’s based for that

No. 2400975

>muh high status
>still has to pay for sex
you deserve better

No. 2400979

>tell a friend i fell for a 18yo guy
>he starts talking to me about hagmaxxing
???? i am only 23 whats his problem

No. 2400982

Males are being more open about being pedos they legitimately think a woman in her 20's is old but a male in his 50's is peak.

No. 2400986

All males are like this. They think marriage is a contract that says you must have sex with them every time they ask because it's your duty as the married woman. It's the sole reason they marry in the first place, it's like a thing that makes it official that you are their bangmaid. Never marry a moid since marriage has more advantages for them, go volcel if you can.

No. 2400988

That's the definition of rape

No. 2400989

He’s negging you because he has a crush on you come on now this is easy to figure out

No. 2400990

Sex is not a need ffs.

No. 2400991

It's a blend of the two.

No. 2400992

No. 2400993

Divorce him, nona! This is a huge red flag, especially since he felt comfortable enough to say it out loud. When people tell you who they really are, believe them.

No. 2400995

This is why you marry only if he pays for everything. 50/50 moms are always fat and stressed for a reason

No. 2400996

Nta but that’s prostitution

No. 2400999

If that’s how you view it. I get to lounge when I want and my husband doesn’t force me to have sex with him. I basically hit the jackpot

No. 2401000

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You're right, that nona shouldn't have encouraged raping your husband. She should have suggested beating him first to make him pliable.

No. 2401002

You’re a long term escort but that’s ok

No. 2401003

Agreed. Women are better off alone unless you find the perfect guy who is wealthy and worships the ground you walk on. Women waste their lives on normal men but the normal man is not viable as a beneficial life partner and will leech years off your life.

No. 2401006

Escorts have to fuck men they don’t want to, I’ve never done that. Don’t be so close minded

No. 2401008

>first post says "this man says I should have sex with him whenever he wants"
>second post says "tell him that he should have sex with you whenever he wants"
>only objects to the second one
oh ok.
wrong again, there are many components to a marriage and the division of funds is just one part of it

No. 2401009

If I had a car and could drive I could help my mom move out of her shitty ex's place, but I don't and I live far away. She needs help doing all the small stuff like boxing and sorting things so hiring a mover won't help even if I could afford to pay for that for her. I feel so useless. Every time I call her it's just a list of awful things and I can't do anything to help and then I feel bad because I hate calling her now it upsets me so much

No. 2401010

You’re giving sex for a place to live. I’d consider that escorting.

No. 2401016

a marriage involves love, relationships, time spent together, cohabitation, and lots of other elements outside of sex and a place to live so no, someone supporting you when you're in an otherwise mutual relationship where you also happen to have sex when you're both in the mood isn't like escorting at all.

No. 2401020

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I would consider it escorting in the pretty woman kind of way. She managed to find a rich and attractive guy to pay her way but the main reason she’s there is because she broke.

No. 2401023

I was never a prostitute or broke. I just believe the man should provide especially after you have his child

No. 2401025

What kind of a psycho pays to insert themselves into someone over many years, invites them on a fancy valentine's date and still thinks they're "above" them? If we follow his logic that you're scum, then he's no different from being right there next to you this whole time. As expected of Johns, he's a delusional headcase

Good luck with medical school nonny. I'm sorry you had to put yourself through it with sex work but you're stronger than he will ever be, I hope one day you can find a therapist who is SW-friendly to help you unpick all of this.

No. 2401029

That anon thinks it’s black and white arrangement where the man forces you to fuck him or he kicks you out kek. I don’t think they have much life experience

No. 2401033

Not forced but most men aren’t going to stick around if their wife gets so sick they cant fuck or they’re disabled. It’s an unspoken expectation. Even the ones who talk a big game about “muh man provides and I ain’t even gotta fuck him!”, are rarely in situations where they can’t fuck him and see how he acts.

No. 2401034

This is so damn sad. It fills me with rage when I think about it. More women should abandon their sick scrotes.

No. 2401037

Staying with someone who thinks this is so scary. And so many men think this, it’s like rape is ingrained in them.

No. 2401039

I’m not going to live life based on hypotheticals. If you want to do that then go ahead but that’s a road to misery

No. 2401041

Scrotes love fucking prostitutes but rarely wife up one. You’re nothing more than a warm fleshlight for him.
They are able to divide us into boxes, “wife material” “work wife” “sex doll”. That’s why they are able to whore out with mistresses and prostitutes while keeping their wives in a veil of halo and almost chastity.

No. 2401042

And I’m not saying that one is better than the other. I’m saying that to them you are simply a role.
That’s why you have women with lovely wives and kids who still cheat on them left and right while simultaneously claiming that they love them so much.

No. 2401044

many high status men pay for sex, the same way they'd pay for a coffee for example
but that guys spending valentines with a prostitute, he sounds like a sad cynical man

No. 2401050

Many losers also pay for sex. To think it’s only high status men doing it is lol

No. 2401051

whats that have to do with anything

No. 2401054

It’s not a hypothetical. It’s statistically proven men are more likely to leave their wives when they’re sick.

No. 2401055

Because losers end up paying bargain price for dirty ones with stds

No. 2401056

whats your point

No. 2401057

It’s a hypothetical to even get sick or disabled in the first place. My mom is in her 70s and she’s never been sick for long. Most women haven’t

No. 2401058

I felt so stupid, im almost 25 and I cant do anything…I cant hold a job down for 3 months and burden everyone. Everything I do had failed miserably, I just wanna be more competent.

No. 2401061

It’s much worse to be married to a loser paying for sex from unvetted dirty hookers than a high status man who can afford better. And not all high status men even buy hookers anyway

No. 2401088

Hello my fellow 25 y/o failure

No. 2401101

Threadpic making me kekkkk

No. 2401102

That’s more common than you think. You’re no different than a housewife so don’t beat yourself up for being a loser in your 20s, nearly every average 20 year old is a loser trying to scrap together as much as they can in this shitty world to survive. Loser eras are not age-specific

No. 2401106

>Do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all
So basically you can only make fun of the retarded subjects in the gossip boards and not other anons. Why are you retards even on websites like this in the first place? You don’t want anybody clocking or rightfully judging your nasty ass, dumb, misguided behavior. You’re pathetic as fuck, to the OP who added this rule

No. 2401114

Tbh its not like the addition of that line has changed the thread. You can just remove it by making the OP first

No. 2401115

Omg can you let it go already

No. 2401121

the secret to overcoming this is to remember that you'd feel worse if you were 35 and in this position, and when you're 25, you'll look at your 25 year old self and say "I was so young, I had so much future ahead of me, my age still started with a 2." if you do it right, sometimes you suddenly feel young instead of old, and motivated to start improving now so you'll have 10 years of improvement under your belt at 35. I believe in you nonas

No. 2401123

There’s always some NEET or newfag doing it before anybody else has a chance so no thanks
Lmao because you know you’re a dirty crazy bitch? Incels and men don’t even have to tell you that one, you know it yourself. You can cry “that’s misogyny” all you want, bitches like you shriek when you actually have to clean up your behavior. You love stupid bitches just like yourself because they keep it zipped when you do dumb things, self-centered people don’t like others disrupting their fantasy and telling them their goals and desires are self-destructive and inconsiderate, you love other morons cheering your retarded ass on. KEKKK you’re walking entertainment, no different from the lolcows you likely alog, go fuck yourself(infighting)

No. 2401125

The point is to make fun of cows anon, not each other. And when we're mocking cows you don't do it to their face because that would be cowtipping, so your logic makes less than no sense. You're just a bitch. Why do you come to /ot/ if all you're going to do is act like an immature child?

No. 2401128

That paragraph of a response to "let it go" should be proof enough to yourself that you're mentally derranged and shouldn't be online.

No. 2401132

Imagine how fun and cool the internet could be if we just opened the insane asylums again

No. 2401137

The cows have been here all along, that’s the point I’m making. We have homemade, self-made milk breweries on the farms and they’re on /ot/ where people can’t resist but to post their most self-obsessed vents to other strangers. It’s dripping with egotism and unwarranted levels of self-importance, trying to get other observers to cheer and encourage their retardation because they think they can do no wrong. Those bitches are harbingers of chaos and not in a fun, cool way. Shaming shouldn’t be exempt from certain people, I’m not about to have somebody escape natural consequence if I can’t kek

No. 2401139

Kek anon. I'll never understand the anons who come in here so ready to start an infight, which is against the rules and always has been, and proceed to bitch and complain that we are the unreasonable ones for not wanting to put up with it. It's such cringe edgelord behaviour, you can tell they've never matured past the age of 15.

No. 2401141

Do you think I’m going to give a fuck what retards think? This is about idiots trying to deflect their insanity on to people with actual common sense. Insanity is just letting disgusting shit loose, not caring what you’d surrounded by, you’re the insane ones, it has never been me. You can keep trying to flip the script and gaslight all you want that this shit is perfectly fine but if you just don’t get it, you don’t get it. Don’t make your retardation my problem

No. 2401142

Anon you're psychoanalyzing random strangers who just want a void to scream into. You somehow can't resist not responding? Hold yourself to the same standard instead of trying to justify your raging mental illness.

No. 2401145

Anon you're legitimately unstable and it's not exactly surprising that you can't notice that yourself or take responsibility for it, that's kind of part of being unstable. You speak aggressively and discompassionately and you're clearly full of rage and hatred. You could rant and rave all day about how everyone on lc is more retarded than you are until your fingers turn blue and that wouldn't make it true.

No. 2401152

Why are you venting in the vent thread then?You type longer than 70% of the other posts btw.

No. 2401155

>you are insane
>mental illness
Don’t care, they’re words on a screen. If you think people exercising the last proper moments of education that likely cut off right when you two newfaggots were likely born then that’s again not my problem. What’s even worse is you’re likely always in this thread when schools in session, you’re already far gone and can’t be helped and that’s why older people laugh at your bullshit. Pay attention in school instead of repeating shit like the robots you are and if you’re in your 20s acting like an overgrown little girl, it’s safe to say you can’t be saved.

No. 2401159

You're making up a fanfiction about me in your post when you have absolutely zero information about me, you're tweaked. You enjoy the rest of your day anon and I hope you get the help you need.

No. 2401160

When did I call you insane or mentally ill? I just said you're venting too.

No. 2401162

She isn't well nona, she thinks she's been talking to one anon this whole time.

No. 2401164

I agree with you somewhat

No. 2401165

it's weirder to be old and posting angrily at random young women on imageboards than to be young and kinda stupid and have a chill time on imageboards tbh. hope you can go have a drink with friends or something tonight and blow off some of that steam in a fun positive way ♥

No. 2401169

Too cowardly to say it without a spoiler? It's a good thing we're anonymous or I'd have to take a peek at your posts to see how much of a raging retard you likely are. Glass houses, nona.

No. 2401180

There's a fucking incest thread on m. Thats bully worthy yet those tards call anyone pearl clutchers who call it out. And yes I've had said retarded things and I've also got mocked for some of the things I said. I don't cry and act the victim because I chose to act like a retard

No. 2401189

I've never seen this kind of pick-me before, where you need to be picked by the bitchiest girls in the group. The incest thread is bizarre, but you don't find it also strange to spend your time on this earth trying to shame people who have no shame? If the thread disgusts you, complain on /meta/ there is a whole thread just for complaints. What does being a cunt accomplish exactly? Does it give you a dopamine kick? Seriously now, you can't justify your behaviour. Your just an anonymous loser on the internet who takes her anonymity as a chance to spew garbage and hatred at other women because they don't live life the way you do or make mistakes. People have complex lives, minds, and emotions, and your useless bitching isn't going to help cleanse anons of their stupid decisions.

No. 2401192

Where did I say I wanted to be a cunt? I'm saying it shouldn't be ban worthy to call a spade a spade. Just because we're anonymous doesn't mean you should just share your deepest machinations

No. 2401194

So before you get banned, which one of the cow threads is yours?

No. 2401199

Oh my god I didn't notice that. I'm not replying to this thread again, how pathetic kek

No. 2401200

I hate how I've been praised for my intelligence my whole life just because of an IQ test I took when I was 5. I'm not actually exceptional. I've done nothing of note, and hardly scraped through high school. I'm genuinely 'tarded at times I don't know why people don't listen to me when I tell them I'm not the genius they expected me to be. Maybe they're just too stupid to know what an actual smart person is like?

No. 2401208

Yeah same, people think I'm smart just because I skipped a grade in school and because I know a bunch of random fun facts but I'm not street smart and I have zero emotional intelligence, which is more important to have than random knowledge to be happy imo.

No. 2401213

I think it's because people don't realize what an IQ test actually entails. If you read books as a child you automatically will score higher on an IQ test.

No. 2401214

>work crush has been on maternity leave for the past 4 months
>she came to say hi today
>she compliments my outfit and my new haircut
>I feel so happy despite usually cringing hyper hard when people compliment me
I want to kill myself, I'll never get a girlfriend.

No. 2401216

>where you need to be picked by the bitchiest girls in the group
There are so many newfags having some kind of traumatic split with reality bc they perceive lc as a "mean girl group". It explains why they keep coming here and trying to "take over" the board like moids do, for a lot of the same reasons (controlling what women say, validation, divide and conquer)

No. 2401221

>praised for my intelligence my whole life just because of an IQ test I took when I was 5
Either you're still telling people about that test result, or you're really young and will be relieved to know that in the adult world this stuff stops counting. I don't know which of my coworkers did degrees or failed school, I only know if they come across as smart in real life or not, but now that can be measured in Navy different ways like emotional intelligence or whether they're good at fixing the office electronics or having smart things to say about books and so on
I hope you are still smart as an adult because the world needs that

No. 2401223

>Either you're still telling people about that test result, or you're really young and will be relieved to know that in the adult world this stuff stops counting
Careful anon, that's exactly what I was thinking but we have to follow the rules and play along with anon's delusions of grandeur about herself

No. 2401225

No. 2401231

KEK how do you even take yourselves seriously?? You must actually like acting like teenagers. God this is embarrassing.

No. 2401233

It's fine now she can enjoy all of the viral "gifted kid to burnt out adult" content out there so she never has to look inwards again

No. 2401237

Yeah I'm gonna get banned for just pointing out the obvious. Funny how you think this is ban worthy but feel you're completely justified in screeching at other anons because their vents trigger your uncontrollable rage. The total lack of self awareness displayed by farmers never ceases to amaze me.

No. 2401245

The newfags are the ones posting unfunny aggressive comments too. So I guess the solution is just to make everywhere trollxchromosomes?

No. 2401247

File: 1739645748457.jpeg (713.77 KB, 4096x3072, IMG_4774.jpeg)

“No, YOU’RE a mentally ill unstable retard!”

No. 2401249

regular lc users
>it sure would be nice if our platform didn't dramatically change because newfags keep coming here and feeling uncomfortable
>no u!

No. 2401250

lolcow made me break up with my boyfriend and every day I regret it fucking hell. why do I listen to anonymous femcels when now he already has a new girlfriend who looks a bit like me

No. 2401251

…another happy ending. ty anon

No. 2401253

I quoted the wrong person while reading the thread kek, it was meant for >>2401106

No. 2401254

Of course you did

No. 2401259

No. 2401260


No. 2401262

It never happened. Not once in my entire life have I ever heard of a woman breaking up with a man and regretting it, for any reason

No. 2401263

Thanks, it's the latter so hopefully you're right.

No. 2401267

something about replacing a partner with one of a similar appearance is severely autistic to me

No. 2401268

They only regret it when it's a fresh break up she'll be singing our praises in no time kek

No. 2401271

I'm so fucking horny all the time.
My cycle is like
- Horny as fuck for 2 weeks
- Depressed for 1 week
- Periods (= horny as fuck) for 1 week
Anyone relate?
Make it stop

No. 2401272

That's so true. The first few weeks/months are liking quitting heroin if he managed to worm himself into your psyche like a parasite. After that, you're just glad it's all over other than occasional pangs of nostalgia (which are quickly replaced by whatever insane shit he did that caused the breakup)

No. 2401273

Me too big time. I use intense exercise to combat a lot of it but it's never really cured

No. 2401275

I can't stop thinking about male
It's like I'll masturbate, feel released for an hour, then feel horny and distracted again. Maybe it's a vicious cycle in which the more I indulge in my impulse the more impulses I have.

No. 2401277

I would go directly to rapenona from the luigi thread for advice on this one tbh. She has an interesting new age view on female sexuality that might interest you

No. 2401281

Was she the one who revealed the ancient knowledge that women can ovulate more than once in a cycle? Because that really opened up a lot for me.

No. 2401284

I wouldn't be surprised. She seems to possess ancient wisdom about the females of our species in general (sorry for accidental moid-post anons)

No. 2401289

I knew a guy who dated exclusively pale brunette women who all kind of had similar face structures. His current wife is currently skinwalking his last long-term girlfriend to an extremely uncanny degree. Shit’s weird.

No. 2401293

My bf opted to play in some retarded video game tournament instead of helping distract me and making me feel better when I'm sick. His excuse is that there's a money prize. He's such a faggot. Don't date guys that play video games.

No. 2401294

I always look bright red in photos no matter the camera, and I dont get it. My skin is ghost white irl, but I look like a tomato in photos. While my boyfriend who is very red faced irl, looks completely normal in photos. Or in a group photo everyone looks normal while my face is red. Is it because I have black hair and white skin that the camera light balance spazzed out on my face and turns it red? I feel like I look hideous and diseased in every photo taken of me

No. 2401301

There's a rich middle eastern moid in my hometown who replaces all his wives at the same age, after having kids with them and buying them a business. They all end up with the same plastic surgery/fillers/etc and each one believes they will be the last

No. 2401304

Sci fi thriller novel type shit

No. 2401318

I regret breaking up with my boyfriend because I was young and wanted to see what else I could experience. I had to move back to my shithole hometown and spend years unemployed and mentally ill while he got a good job in the city, traveled all over, and eventually found another woman who is way more accomplished than I ever could be. he's still the smartest person i've ever known too.

No. 2401322

Are they rich or impoverished after?

No. 2401323

So you're mad you can't drag him down anymore? Clearly the problem was you, sorry to be blunt

No. 2401328

I can't figure out if I should feel okay to skip two days working out or feel guilty. I kind of want to relax all day, maybe it's hormones, but I also feel like I should make myself go take a long walk at least. Or even jog. I feel retarded and obsessive

No. 2401333

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realising I could have been beautiful if not for my parents allowing me to mouth breathe my whole childhood. Both my parents were beautiful and I could have been too. Why didn't they realise or give a fuck? It needs to be drilled into parents how disastrous mouth breathing is, it literally effects everything. I have constant sinus and breathing issues because of it as well.

And I recently been blackpilled on how dentistry went in complete opposite direction after the father of it died and now the modern phenomena of recessed faces. There's not 1 example from old bones that we currently have that had jaw recession. It's fucked up.

No. 2401335

If its around your period, I think its okay to listen to your body and take a rest. Maybe just go on a short walk.

No. 2401337

Didn't someone already complain about this, with similar wording too, last thread? It's added to prevent infighting

No. 2401340

These rabbitholes are sort of the new mental asylums. Glad you found your home anon

No. 2401360

>And I recently been blackpilled on how dentistry went in complete opposite direction after the father of it died and now the modern phenomena of recessed faces. There's not 1 example from old bones that we currently have that had jaw recession. It's fucked up.
huh i thought it was the other way around, since so many people in old paintings have super soft mushy looking faces with no jawline

No. 2401369

Lmao, you mouthbreathed because of your weak face structure and recessed chin not the other way around. No person with a well developed jaw/face and no allergy issues defaults to breathing through their mouth

No. 2401371

I'm almost in my mid 20s and i'm still mentally a teenager. Like literally, i have nothing in common with people my age. I want to turn back time when i was 15 years old. I had my youth stolen.

No. 2401373

My mom always had friends her age but also 10-20 years younger. They just gravitated toward her and that always made her cooler to me (and still does)

No. 2401374

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i want a gf life is so unfair

No. 2401376

My parents ignored it in me too. I somehow ended up with a good jawline anyway, but my underlying issue never got treated and I still can't breathe enough through my nose. I have terrible teeth because of it (my mouth gets dry and spit has an antibacterial effect) and constantly struggling to breath makes my life harder than it should be. They completely neglected my throughout all my childhood and even verbally abused me for not considering my moms mental issues enough, even though they knew I had mental issues too. I developed tons of bad coping strategies like self harm, hoarding and stress eating and I will forever hate myself. I kind of got my life together now, but they are not shy about telling me how much of a disappointment I am. I feel like I could have turned out a successful adult if they even gave me the bare minimum amount of support like sometimes telling me they love me or are proud of me or driving me to appointments or maybe helping me with school or maybe go to a waterpark with me or something. I always cried when I was staying with someone else and had to return home and I tried running away from them since I was a toddler, but all they got from this is that I was a ungrateful and difficult child (even though I was exceptionally well behaved otherwise). I know many children had it worse, I grew up upper middle class and I never got seriously injured or molested, but it's really hard not to resent them sometimes. I definitely could have done better off my own accord and not be such a pathetic loser like I am, but it's hard to not imagine how I could have been equipped with social skills, confidence and no mental illness if they just tried a little bit.

No. 2401377

I'm so tired of """alternative""" men putting down regular women like yes we get it, that stacy rejected you when you were 12 and some other girls made fun of you for being a weirdo so now you spit on them and call them basic and try to find comfort in e-girl streamers and goth mommies thinking they're all ready to fix your emotional problems. Grow the fuck up.

No. 2401379

>I kind of got my life together now
Good for you and not to be a total fag but people who haven't had struggles are really boring usually. It's cliche but a lot of the shit you've been through probably gave you dimension, empathy and character

No. 2401382

I miss being unmedicated because I could create better, easier. I had better memory and recall. But I also had depressive lows, everything felt too much for me, and I'd think about suicide all of the time. I think about secretly taking a lower dose but I'm scared. I don't think I could come off of it entirely because I'm scared to lose the people who love me or spiral. I just miss the creativity and intelligence. Other authors and actresses had my disorder, and they were unmedicated and regarded as some of the best. I'd just like to be able to express myself again. I feel neutered. I even had to google that word because my memory isn't good anymore sometimes. Simple word. Yeah…

No. 2401385

Alt men are always such fucking posers, and they're usually drug addicts too. It's funny how men of all stripes like to dramatically announce their "departure" from womankind, because those normie Staceys aren't missing anything kek

No. 2401387

Your mom probably has her stuff together. Most 18 year olds are more proactive and put together than me. I wish i got abused or something so i learned to be more independent but in reality i would've killed myself if that happened.

No. 2401390

I just wish alt women stopped coddling and pandering to them, they ruined our community. I miss the times when it was all about creativity, self-expression and fangirling about cute boys.

No. 2401394

Same, nonna. Same. Especially since their favourite hobby is always talking down to alt women.

No. 2401402

I had a job interview last week and getting that job would change nearly everything in my life and I hate that I have to wait to get an answer. Just let me get that job, I could finally save some money, move and go nearly no contact with my parents. Knowing that my mother hates seeing me succeed makes me want that job even more. So, please, I just want that job with the pay they agreed on. Or, let me win the jackpot in the lottery, that would also be okay.

No. 2401404

I know it's the vent thread so you prob aren't looking for practical advice but I'm going to fight scrotelogic with stacywisdom and suggest some kind of aggressive/physical classes once a week or even month (like kickboxing) to boost your natural testosterone and give you more confidence and then ease into something like golf when you're able to be more functional again

No. 2401406

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Why are women like this? Why do they coddle men so much? If you're in you're a teenager and believe in the feminism is for everyone meme i could understand but being over the age of 21 and still believing this.

No. 2401409

I've seen a video of a guy walking in hot topic and claiming majority of the alt women were ugly and fat and not hot like the baddies he saw online and it just made me so fucking angry, of course most of us are just normal humans and not plastic OF whores with filters, these people ended up with terminal brainrot

No. 2401411

ummm yes……yes allergies, narrow nasal turbinates, deviated septum, poor body posture, incorrect swallowing, tongue placement and a diet of mainly soft foods all affect face and jaw development. you're literally repeating what I said but making a problem of it. lmao.
yeah the beauty ideal was a soft jawline and obesity. under their blubber their jaws were normal. they asked painters to photoshop them like that as well. I recommend reading the beauty potential by Carney Bowels. Jaw recession is a modern phenomena and read up on when dentists went from prioritising facial beauty opposed to extraction and straight teeth. So, the father of dentistry was heavily against teeth extraction and focused on overall facial structural harmony until he died and someone else took over who believed extraction was the correct way to do things and prioritised straight teeth over everything else and all the other dentists fell in line. Extracting teeth wasn't really a thing until recently.
your parents sound like worthless cunts. you're not a horrible person.

No. 2401423

I don't want a sharp jawline anon. I'll get that when I'm old and my collagen runs out. That's a "you + tiktok" thing

No. 2401425

You've got it backwards. Nta but being so condescending when you can't even identify causation is kind of retarded. Mouth breathing causes that, not the other way around.

No. 2401430

I've been having the same intrusive thoughts over and over again for the past couple of days. I would say they take up like 90% of my thoughts, including everything I try to do to get my mind off of them. I'm so done, I wish I could, when I have no control over anything else in my life, at least have control over my own brain!

No. 2401441

Sometimes I kinda miss my old apartment. This one is bigger and closer to what I would consider my dream home - it's bigger, it has a good floorplan, rent is practically the same as my old apartment that was smaller, a neat balcony, an open fireplace and an extra room that I'm currently renting out (and that I'm planning to turn into an office once I'm done studying). But my old apartment, while smaller, had a nice open floorplan, and I enjoyed being closer to nature. Though, one of the reasons I moved was because they were turning a lot of the forest close by into apartment complexes, making the area feel very crowded. Honestly, maybe I'm just bored of my apartment and need to do some redecorating.
Ngl, I kinda can't wait to meet someone I can get my dream home with.

No. 2401446

>muh causation
I'm getting big reddit vibes here. You agree with what I say but want to nitpick language to look superior. You're not getting any upvotes on here. You can calm down.

Uncorrected Mouth breathing from any kind of issue be it allergy or simply habit causes facial and jaw recession among a myriad of other ailments. POINT FUCKING BLANK.

No. 2401447

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I hate rggtwt so much. They’re full of a bunch of contradictory cunts who then do this shit in their “private” circles and then go “It HURTS the fandom if you even expose them!!1!1!1”

No. 2401450

I hope you get that job too, nona. Sending all my best wishes to you.

No. 2401451

I'm sorry nonna. I hope you find peace sooner than later.

No. 2401461

I don't know. I think I had about zero empathy as a teenager, I was basically a zombie with resting bitch face and it took me a long time to not be retarded or unintentionally hurtful to other people and even care for them. I remember having 0 interest in human connection and being indifferent to my few acquaintances. I never told this anyone, but from late elementary school age to my early twenties I regularly had sadistic fantasies about hurting small female animals or (imaginary) humanoid creatures. It's really weird because I cared so much about animals before this. Animals used to love me as a small child because I was always gentle and patient with them and I got so upset when I learned how much humans destroy nature. I even beat up a boy in kindergarden because he was torturing bugs. Now I don't trust myself around children or animals, especially female ones. It's good I never got in to these weird drawings of cute chibis that get tortured, because they trigger these fantasies again. Aside from the undeniable psycho tendencies I'm pretty boring, because my only hobbies are escapism related and I don't even do anything creative. I'm sure most people with unfortunate situations grew from them, but it only made me kind of stunted and a shitty person and I'm not strong enough to change beyond being barely functional with a low end job.

No. 2401470

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Most people are that way when they're teenagers but there are anons who will call you a serial killer for the pet/female animal thing. I think it's more like 1950s picrel transference and a lot of TIFs larp as their abusers to disassociate so it's not uncommon. What makes a scrote a serial killer is deciding everyone else is the problem and not him, which doesn't sound like you. If you decide to figure it all out, then these experiences will add to your character and judgment. If you stay the same, then it's different I guess

No. 2401508

All this because a man likes rabbits

No. 2401510

Some combination of the weather, dehydration, and clenching my jaw means I have had a headache all day. The only thing so far that has helped moderately has been doing neck stretches

No. 2401513

Yeah hurting animals is a warning sign for serial killers. I'm glad I don't have the fantasies anymore, but honestly don't know what to figure out. My empathy returned, it's just weird that I had such an extreme reaction to some shitty, but not really remarkable, parenting. I definitely could have turned out a tif. In elementary school I had fantasies about being a boy too weirdly sexual ones, boy me always got raped but somehow I never got the idea that I am a man. Never got assaulted as a kid though I don't know why I was so weird.

No. 2401517

Are you me anon? I hate these stupid fucking boobs

No. 2401525

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The more I think about how we will lose our jobs to AI during the current decade and rich tech billionaires will proceed to get even richer while ruling over us all genuinely makes me want to end it all. My company is planning to replace some of its personnel with AI and I'm in a real danger of losing my corporate job I worked so hard for, and I'm at my wit's end. I don't know what to do next. It was the only thing I really wanted to do with my life and I have no other valuable skills. What will we do once a growing amount of us will become obsolete in a matter of few years? We can't start a revolution. We've been stripped clean of any weapons and democracy has been trampled under the shoes of modern day oligarchs. We're heading for an environmental disaster with the global temperatures rising, inevitably causing food shortages due to crops being ruined, global pandemics will become more common, biospheres will be wiped out. I'll a-log IRL any right wing retard bootlicker who's caping for billionaires and fascism, I truly will. The world seems so fucking bleak right now nonnies, I just want a hug and be held right now.

No. 2401539

I hope you keep you job nona! It's an understandable fear, and I don't know what we as plebs can do about the situation. What little inside knowledge I have of politics is also pretty grim.

No. 2401542

am i taking crazy pills or something but am i the only one disturbed by this post and the replies of all the anons at this agreeing with this sociopathic pickme anon?

Like this dumb bitch literally adopted two animals just because she wanted to impress a man. Then got mad that those animals require upkeep and are high-maintenace and is now talking about wanting to let them die or eat them and is blaming redditors for being the reason she got rabbits because they make them look cute…Like this is absurd and so are the replies to this post. WTF

No. 2401544

No, you're normal. I guess most non-psycho anons just don't bother to start another infight over it or the other retard claiming having toddler level empathy up to your twenties is common.

No. 2401550

So apparently you can't have a loving and fulfilling relationship without having children. Apparently children are REQUIRED or your relationship is not happy or stable. Breeders are so retarded.

No. 2401551

I agree with you entirely.

No. 2401554

i agree, i didn't say anything because there's too much infighting in general. and adopting a pet without knowing about it is so irresponsible.

No. 2401557

I'm >>2400714 and I agree with you but she and the other anons agreeing scared me so I didn't want to poke the bear

No. 2401558

Nah this is a crazy ass post to read as someone who used to own a bunny (bunny is alive and well, just had to give to someone else because of moving restrictions). Bunnies are also not always sweet, but there is a chance nonna's would relax a little after spaying/neutering. Not always though. Anyways, I think that OP needs to try reaching out to more shelters and people in general who would be interested in them, like literally use a local Facebook group or something. Mine was a complete bonafide asshole though and like other nonnas said, shit everywhere and would eat EVERYTHING even after being neutered. I think getting 2 to start off with was a huge mistake because even 1 can be a handful.

No. 2401559

It's so wild reading shit that comes off as bait then see the thread not only not treating it as bait but also going along with it.

No. 2401560

I agree, I don't even particularly care for rabbits. It's such strange, and honestly kind of disturbing, post.

No. 2401561

yeah that’s what stuck out to me the most, she has so many other options but settles on killing the bunnies with her bare hands? psycopath behaviour kek

No. 2401565

For my own heart I'm praying that post is just fake or heavily exaggerated because there are far, far better options than just eating them? And it doesn't even make sense because how would her boyfriend feel after finding out she ate his supposed favorite animal? Weird ass bait though.

No. 2401566

I think if you stopped humanizing rabbits it wouldn't be so crazy and women date idiot scrotes and then regret it. She can't rehome the rabbit, hates it and it's making her other pets miserable. She could euthanize the rabbit and then dispose of the body or allow it to ruin her human life/precious time on this earth and repent for the next decade by suffering along with the rabbits. Or she could humanely kill and eat the rabbits for food. I'm not sure why this is so controversial, most people who end up with rabbits as pets regret it. Some anons sound like bleeding hearts about absolutely everything and then moralfag while saying everyone has PDs

No. 2401568

if she was hunting it’d be an entirely different story and i think everyone can agree on that. the circumstances and the way she spoke about it was semi-unhinged. let’s not turn this into an infight and just move on

No. 2401570

>I think if you stopped humanizing rabbits
>making her other pets miserable
By your logic, you're humanizing her pets kek. Having basic sympathy for animals isn't humanizing them.

No. 2401571

The wild rabbit has a better life and the ability to survive in the wild. Why would we eat that rabbit and not the docile one who is hated by humans and animals alike and is barely sentient? I hate the fact that they're even kept as pets. We should be eliminating domesticated rabbits because they're depressing and awful

No. 2401572

That's more or less how i feel every time i enter any image-board, comment section or talk to people irl.

No. 2401573

I think killing innocent domesticated rabbits and eating them is not humane at all. She's hardly even trying to rehome the animals. One shelter and talking to the original owner isn't really much.

No. 2401576

Honestly that anon didn't even seem that interested in eating the rabbit. Another anon wanted to let her know that if she did eat the rabbit it would be understandable so when she rehomes it, she'll feel better knowing what I would do

No. 2401610

No amount of explanation can make what I'm gonna vent about make sense, but I just wish I had a normal life. I wish I was competent enough to get a proper high paying job, I wish I could move out and have a house of my own, I wish I lived in a normal country with normal weather and environment and culture, I wish I could go to the gym, to the hospital, to the grocery store, to nice small diners and local restaurants, I wish I had a car and could drive so I can go to fun places, I wish I had real friends I was actually truly close to and didn't have to lie to and hide parts of myself from. I wish I could start my life over from scratch the way I want it with 0 consequences and harm coming my way. Even if I manage to get a job, get paid, and leave the country for good to somewhere better, I'll still be the same retarded me and I won't be able to ever make real friends who I can be honest to because I want to hide all my experiences and past life from them and want to be perceived as normal so bad. I will never be part of a tight friend group with shared experiences through thick and thin, hanging out and chatting and getting drunk together somewhere nice, making our own dinner from scratch in some dorm we rented. I will never have normal fun experiences or be happy. I'm not supposed to be alive at all. What I'm "living" doesn't count and not what I want. But I could never actually get what I want. And it's so fucking painful and horrible. I just want to kill myself because I really see no future for myself. I want to pretend there are other people like me out there, but it's probably just me. Everyone is moving forward and living their best lives, it's just me who was and will always be stuck behind. It's so unfair. Why did it have to be me? And it never ends. Nothing ever happens to me that actually kills me. Out of all the bad experiences, none of them was severe enough to kill me. Wtf is this bullshit. Someone hire some dark web hitman to assassinate me already. Why can't I get in a car accident and die? Why don't all my health issues kill me already? None of this makes sense or is normal. I'm so tired of my lack of life and being locked up between 4 walls like this. The walls are all I've ever known throughout my "life". When will this change? I want to see a different scenery already. Not even the window has a nice scenery outside. It's just more walls. Shit's got me feeling like Eren, man. Wish I could rumble this existence of mine.

No. 2401611

Nona, they were bred to be meat. That's like saying killing chickens and eating them is inhumane. They are no more suitable to be pets than pigs are. A lot of the anons here are retarded, this isn't about OP being an ignorant pet owner, these rabbits are most likely just feral because meat animals aren't bred for temperament and are not pets. Just take them to the butcher and eat them.

No. 2401617

>dorm room
The only thing I can imagine is that you're paralyzed from the neck down or have a rapid aging disease. I'm not sure if this breaks the new "snarky reply" rule but unless you're a moid who wants to be a woman, you should be able to do whatever you want as a college-age woman?

No. 2401618

Theres a fine line between pets and pests in keeping domesticated livestock

No. 2401624

Read the first sentence. I don't wanna explain everything in detail, that's just the way I "live" by force and against my own will. There's really nothing I can do about it other than straight up dying. If I had control over any of it, it wouldn't be that way to begin with.

No. 2401629

If any of those anons crying about it took the 12 seconds necessary to read her full post they wouldn't be shitting themselves about it. These are weird newfags who are crying about how "violent", "inhumane", or "psychopathic" it is to use dispatch methods familiar to anyone who raises livestock. Just ignore and report for bait/infighting.

No. 2401630

It sounds like you're avoiding saying what it is because you don't want to hear solutions, since then you would have to change your behavior. I can't imagine what it would be that you couldn't indirectly identify in some way. I don't express everything I'm thinking or feeling on lc but if I wanted to die or thought life was hopeless, I'd find a way to fix it

No. 2401633

Was also going to reply this, unless she’s literally crippled or there is a reason, there is nothing stopping her from doing all of these things or attempting to in some way

No. 2401638

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I hate how troons have ruined so many things from colors (I cringe everytime I see the combo of baby blue and pink) to random objects like shark plushies. I met this guy who showed me a shark plush he owns, normal I guess, but I can't help thinking of troons.

No. 2401639

You're posting like you live in Romania

No. 2401642

I was thinking she could be from an oppressive country but the women around her are able to get drunk and rent dorm rooms

No. 2401665

I was speaking about hypothesis situations I wanted to be in, not what's actually happening. What's stopping me is things beyond my control like my family and the government and laws. It's too complicated but a family basically owns you and they get to decide if you can live a normal life or not, and it's up to them to report you to the government and get you tortured and executed if you don't comply and act the way they approve of. Majority of families of women around me don't subscribe to that, and they trust, love and care about their daughters and let them live normal lives. While my retarded family loves the system and is using it against me to keep me as their little docile slave. They're also gonna extort my money once I get employed to keep me from making too much money and escaping. Even the few exceptions who are on my side won't be happy if they heard what I actually want to do with my life, which goes against the culture and norms. The only way I could escape is slaughtering them all and somehow not get arrested then leave the country. But that's impossible ofcourse because it's a crime. Even leaving the country without their permission is a crime, or leaving the country period. The government loves locking people in, especially women, and place extremely retarded restrictive laws to force them to stay. And even if I somehow bypass all of this and get to a foreign western country I like, I'll stand out like a sore thumb and probably won't be able to hold a job in a much better higher standard environment with better education than the shithole I live in. I won't be able to buy a house either or get to meet friends I can form real connections with. Because it's obvious I'm weird and there's something off about me and I'm too different. And I don't want anyone to know any of this about me because it's simply embarrassing and makes me feel inhuman, incomplete and incompetent. Being a NEET just made these emotions and fear get amplified and I'm feeling extremely depressed. My only semi-ally was my mom, but she died a few months ago and things have been going downhill for me ever sense. The universe took the wrong parent.

No. 2401687

I deleted my post bc it sounded like I was telling anon to poison herself but I meant this is exactly why these social structures always fall apart eventually. It might be a good idea to find a thread related to your country and ask other anons their experiences since most of us probably can't relate to having no options

No. 2401707

I don't think there are any on here, I'm probably the only one. The closest thing was a thread for a more general region and group of countries, but from reading it, plus the thread pic, they probably all have somewhat normal lives and nothing to complain about. Which again leads to my point that I'm alone in this whole thing. My experiences are already isolating as is. The only people who make it out are ones from extremely rich backgrounds, women who are willing to get married to a man who promises to help which is a gamble imo and could be a trap, ones who get scholarships outside the country and are lucky enough to be allowed to go with a husband, divorce him, and get the citizenship and seek asylum in the country where she's taking the scholarship and stuff like that. I'm not allowed to take a scholarship of any sort, not even one inside the country or in my very own city, and I won't get married and fall for a trap and get raped 24/7 and enslaved and locked up for the rest of my life, that won't change anything. Either way, I just wanted to let these thoughts and feelings off my chest because it was really weighing on me. But I don't think I'll be feeling any better soon until something finally changes to the better in my life. Starting with my dad dying.

No. 2401709

I’m truely sorry nona my heart dropped while reading. I often forget how restrictive and fucked up certain countries can be to women. If there is anything you can do whatsoever to distance yourself or set up a path out of there I really hope you can do it. Completely understand why being a NEET and posting online would make you even more aware of your situation. I really wish you the best and pray there are options for you. Stay strong nona

No. 2401727

what do you mean? Romania is FAR safer than America and Western Europe. It's a FAR superior country in basically every metric. You can walk the streets and not have to worry about a rape refugee randomly attacking you or an illegal asylum seeker murdering you at a christmas market. The food is amazing and you can buy a mansion for like $80k and the countryside feels like a fairytale. I'm moving there to retire. Fantastic and beautiful country.

No. 2401739

This will sound autistic but I don't care. I'm annoyed that I had to buy new shoes because my job doesn't allow my hole-less non-slip crocs meant for work for my job because it doesn't cover the heel entirely. Thankfully I bought croc-likes that do cover my heel but it's so annoying. I hate spending unnecessary money especially when every shoe that isn't crocs give me extreme feet pain. I work in hospitality, do you really think a huge fucking pallet is going to spawn and crush my heels or something? So retarded.

No. 2401748

Every weekend recently I've been getting high and staying up too late and it's really starting to mess with me sigh

No. 2401770

I can’t stand my religious parents. I fear that they’ll try to dogmatically tell me what to do and who to meet once I move out on my own and be independent. It’s almost as if they somehow think that as long as you bring food to the table it’s sufficient as a parent and they’re so bamboozled when you have your own problems and need help regulating emotions.It’s like they’ve got some sort of dementia and always somehow forget their religious toxicity and dismisses my problems as ‘not real problems.’ I know there’s worse in the world, can’t you just support me and stop being an asshole. I basically grew up never telling them anything because they’ll tell me bs like to pray, and whenever I called out on them being toxic, they told me that such a thing never happened and I must be mentally crazy and I’m possessed by a demon. At this point I’m convinced they’re emotionally retarded and they got kids because of a damn book and peer pressure, not because they genuinely ever thought they’d be raising a real person.

No. 2401775

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>You can walk the streets and not have to worry about a rape refugee randomly attacking you or an illegal asylum seeker murdering you at a christmas market.
yeah you don't need to worry about this in america or western europe either kek. in beautiful vaunted Romania just like all of these other places, the moids most likely to rape or hurt you are just going to be your father, husband, male relatives, or some other trusted man close to home

No. 2401798

you might benefit from reading "adult children of emotionally immature parents" and similar. they'll never be able to have that kind of relationship with you, it's not in their conception of parenthood. lots of parents are like that, having kids is an inevitability and not a choice, being a parent is a role, and not a kind of relationship they have with their children. if they try to be controlling when you're independent, it definitely sucks but all you can do is maintain boundaries or continuing keeping them on an information diet. my parents are also religious and since young i had to keep them on the information diet, it really is sad i can't have emotional intimacy with my parents but trying is pointless and only more annoying. they sound kind of narcissistic as well if they can't take criticism. trying to confront them for the past they forget will only make them defensive unfortunately.

No. 2401801

I had a dream about being a mother and having a baby today. I kissed it and hugged it, and I felt like I could really feel the warmth of my child in my arms. I cried really hard when I realized it wasn't real.

No. 2401804

You had a vision about your future baby anon

No. 2401810

Thats hospitality for you anon, everything you do must follow their stupid rules/standards to a T or else you’ll get fired asap. Tbh no one fucking cares but they always make such a huge fuss about these problems, it’s such a non issue really

No. 2401811

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I want to start drawing again. It's something I've wanted to be good at my whole life. The problem is I'm not good at dealing with sucking at something for a long, long time and lack the discipline to put the work into not sucking. Although granted I'd like to specifically make fanart the likes of which I see on Pixiv and social media, and maybe that really is a skill level that is just unattainable for someone like me that couldn't even draw a middle finger without it looking like an penis.

No. 2401830

This isn't really a vent but when people who speak English as a second or third language talk about how they use or prefer English more than their native language, I can't help but realize how I will literally never understand how they feel at all since English is my native language. I could never imagine experiencing the world in a language other than English. It's such a strange feeling knowing that I will never understand what they're talking about.

No. 2401840

I think about this a lot too nona!

No. 2401844

>without it looking like an penis
You've got this all backwards, anon. Start with drawing penises since you won't care how they turn out and never look that great anyway

No. 2401853

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Why does the unpredictability of certain people, especially those close to me, bother me? My sister, for example, is the most unpredictable person I know, one day she wants to invest in a business she knows nothing about, and the next she’s planning a sudden trip across the world. I know I’m probably the worst person to deal with this because I’m the complete opposite, I’m predictable, I love thinking things through, and I would never act without careful consideration. So does it make sense that this bothers me? The thing is, it’s not even the plans themselves that annoy me. I don’t care if they happen or not. What bothers me is simply knowing about them.

No. 2401856

If your sister is living a happy life that isn't causing stress or harm to others then you need to learn how to make peace with your differences. If she's a bpdemon, you're in the denial/self-blame phase of addressing her behaviour

No. 2401860

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You have a point. Plus, I do want to learn to draw porn too… Sounds like a win-win.

No. 2401867

Im always confused when someone who lives in a non-English country claims theyre better at English. HOW does that even happen??? I can understand in the case of immigration, but if youre still in your home country, how did you possibly get better in English than the language everyone around you speaks on a daily basis?

No. 2401878

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Phenomenal anon, amazing work

No. 2401887

>after upwards of a decade of farming, have an epiphany as to how much I hate lc and all who inhabit it
>come back just to see what's going on every few months
>start playing a game with myself
>pick a random board and count how many seconds it takes for find either a fight or a post sperging about trannies or moids in an unrelated thread
>first visit of 2025
>pick /m/
>game ends at the very newest reply
No better way to reaffirm my descision to leave. It always kills my morbid curiosity on the spot. I didn't realise how bad it really was until I finally had a taste of it from the outside perspective for the first time in my adult life. I'm grateful to have finally surrounded myself with new friends and interests who aren't retards so I don't have any further reason to come here. I no longer look back on my good times here with any fondness, I only regret ever wasting my time in this shithole.

No. 2401888

wrong thread nona

No. 2401889

then leave

No. 2401891

It's because English has a much bigger array of vocabulary and expressions to choose from. And it has words for things that don't exist in those people's first languages. Sometimes, it's genuinely easier to express something in English simply because it actually has the words for that concept. It's a more "global" and "general" language in a way. It also has the ability to invent words on the go for your needs and people still understanding what you mean, not all languages are like this. For example, adding a prefix or suffix to a word to create a new specific word that works for a conversation or idea you're trying to convey. It's a clever language if you will.
In my case, I started learning English at around 4-5 yo at kindergarten, then continued self-learning along with school teaching me grammar and other basics. And because I interact with English media more, prefer English subtitles because they're more guaranteed and easier to find, prefer the English speaking side of the internet, and feel better and more comfortable thinking in English, I just got so used to it that it feels more natural for me than my boring ugly native language. And because I'm not on the local side of social media and the internet, people come up with some new slang that I miss out on and don't understand. My country also has tons of regional dialects, and the overall language differs from one country to another with their own dialects, so it's a bit harder to understand others from different reigons than mine. I also hate local media so I don't hear the language that much other than when chatting with friends and family. English has some interesting history and linguistics facts to it which I'm very autistic about and makes me prefer it as a language instead. My first language doesn't have that because it's too isolated and has a retarded cultural and religious identity that makes any kind of discussions that don't fit a specific narrative taboo, so it's pointless to try and read or research anything about it.

No. 2401899

NTA but i only speak english fluently and after looking more into linguistics i can see how people who actually study a foreign language as opposed to developing their knowledge on their own typically know ‘more’ about it than even native speakers. even learning more about languages outside of english has given me a much greater understanding of english/language as a whole. people are still illiterate in todays day and age so if someone really takes the time to research something they’ll automatically be more knowledgable than a majority of the population

No. 2401913

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went out to a restaurant with my bf of 4 years today and he felt the need to point out how ‘gorgeous’ one of the waitresses was. it’s been 12 hours now and I still don’t know what to do about it. he said sorry but the fact that he prefaced it with ‘this isn’t something people should tell their girlfriends’ is just making me feel like he doesn’t actually care how i feel

No. 2401918

That's very disrespectful of him.

No. 2401919

time to divest. he'll do anything to make it up to you if he's worth your time

No. 2401921

are you the nona who posted about this yesterday? tell him what the other anons said about how theres other ways to compliment people and that him doing that is disrespectful and humiliating for you. if he tries to defend himself don't back down and say that it wasn't okay. if he acts like a child, break up with him, he's only going to do it again. i really mean that too, and i’m not going to call you an idiot for being with him because moids can change at the drop of a hat, but if you let him weasel his way out of this, that would be idiotic. you’ve got this, and you are worth more than being with an ignorant asshole

No. 2401922

didn't everyone tell you to break up last thread, or are there two anons in this situation?

No. 2401923

I find myself remembering a crush from yeeeeeears ago. It ended in humiliation because I froze everytime I was around him and spouted autistic shit. It was so bad.

Anyway his digital footprint seems scarce. I want to just meet him SO bad, have one fucking normal date or something. Hate my brain and I hate most moids, but this one is particular can't get off my mind.

How do I become really good at researching personal information? I want to conduct an experiment to find where he lives and casually "run" in the morning everyday in a cute outfit until he notices me.

No. 2401925

I would get her phone number and begin a new life together, at first to spite the bf but then eventually because all of our assets would be all tied up together and it would be too difficult to break up

No. 2401927

We have a co worker who we just assumed was 18-21 or something. She looks young. When everyone found out she was in her mid 30's I noticed a shift in others behavior. People said she looked old, started being mean to her, saying she had work done. I didn't stick up for her and just stayed quiet. But I'm confused. We thought she was beaitiful before, I still think she is. Is it society that makes people shit on mature women?

No. 2401929

he knows exactly what he's doing

check his phone lol

also download dating apps or hire a cute trainer and start looking for your next man

No. 2401932

I’m not that nona but im sorry to her for what she’s going through too, I haven’t been on LC in a while but it always feels less lonely posting here. im trying so hard to not let it get to me but im not the best looking person and he’s been trying to build up my confidence for years and to have it kinda break like that feels awful

i hope everyone’s having a good night

No. 2401940

you’ll be okay without him nona and i’m sure you know that. no matter what validation he provides if this is a behaviour he’s showing now, even already 4 years in to a relationship, it’s really only going to happen more. usually they’re trying to test what they can and cannot get away with, and if you don’t stand your ground on this he will take that as a ‘win’. i feel for you nona, and i know that just cutting him off would feel like an entire chapter of your life wasted. you still deserve better and CAN get better though, you don’t need to be miserable, you don’t need to put up with bullshit just for those few memories of a better time. sending love ♥

No. 2401943

>It's because English has a much bigger array of vocabulary and expressions to choose from. And it has words for things that don't exist in those people's first languages.
imho english is an easy language, grammar in particular is pretty simple, and i agree it is also easier to make words up. but more vocabulary and expressions? definitely not, at least it's not a general truth, maybe it applies to some languages. which ones were you thinking about?

No. 2401946

Yeah, they’re jealous, it’s just a knee jerk reaction. You could put two women together and say one is 19 and one is 31 and moids will say the one that claims to be 19 is hotter just on reflex. It’s a combination of that and being angry at being “fooled” I guess. I would stand up for her.

No. 2401949

thank you nona, your words genuinely mean the world right now. sending love back too

No. 2401952

I really should
I don't know why people do that even with your exlpination. If a woman is beautiful, she's beautiful.

No. 2401960

Jealousy and also there's been so much propaganda online lately against millenial women people just love to shit on us.

No. 2401962

How long have you been on your medications for?

No. 2401964

I've had this mystery rash on my neck the past two days and I have no idea what could have caused it. I've been taking Claritin (loratidine) tablets and keeping an eye on it. It doesn't seem to be getting worse but I feel like it's not really getting better either. It doesn't itch or hurt it's just very obviously red and there's no mistaking it for something like sunburn with such an obvious line of demarcation. It in and of itself isn't that bothersome really but the Claritin tablets still make me drowsy. Not as bad as something like Benadryl (which knocks me off my ass and puts me to bed) but it's still pretty annoying. I hope the rash clears up soon. If it goes on to 5 days I will go to Urgent Care.

No. 2401971

that’s shitty of him, if you guys have been together for 4 years then he should be aware of whether you guys have the kind of relationship where you can say stuff like that to each other. i’m sorry nonny

No. 2401978

No way we have two nonas dating the exact same type of scumbag. You know deep in your heart that a good man would never do this to his gf

No. 2401979

It could be something on your seatbelt

No. 2401982

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i dont know if i can believe in love much longer

No. 2401986

Every day I say "non sociopathic bf that loves me when" and everyday I am reminded of the horrors and evil of men… I'm slipping

No. 2401987

So no, you definitely are instigating infighting by making this post. I am definitely still reading the thread. I already mentioned that I have reached out to shelters. We only have 2 no-kill rabbit shelters where I live and one of them is full and not accepting. The other still has not gotten back with me and it's been over a week since I sent in an application.

I did not get them to "impress a man", I got them because I have always been curious why our local pet stores would sell anything BUT rabbits, and unfortunately now I know why. It's funny too, because the only place locally that does sell rabbits is a literal livestock store that sells them to be sold off as livestock. To be eaten.

I didn't blow $400+ on literal lop rabbits like you're acting like they are, and you sound like the exact petfags I wanted to avoid on Reddit. There's so much misinfo out there about rabbits and yeah, petfags are literally the same kind of people who act like these "meat rabbits" are equally as good of pets as lop rabbits. So either that's not true and meat rabbits aren't real pets, or it is true and rabbits in general just suck as pets. You tell me.

No. 2401988

I'm going to check, good idea

No. 2401989

same omfg

No. 2401991

"Your standards are too high" they say when your standard is a man who isn't a liar and a psychopath

No. 2401993

I think this has a lot to do with millennial-woman hating that a lot of other anons are noticing.

Minor sperg but this is the age women are most sick of scrotes and the only younger ones who are dating them are pick-mes. I'd say there are as many pick-me millennial women as zoomers. The non-pick me zoomer women hate millennial women as a group since only the pick-mes still rant on tiktok about their nigels and they're never exposed to ones they have anything in common with, since they feel dumb or pedophilic in those spaces. The pick-me zoomers hate millennial women for being mean and traumatizing their aging nigels away from commitment (kek) bc their standards were too high, when they demanded showers and fidelity

No. 2401994

Agreed with the other nona that your best bet to rehome them is to check facebook. If you have a big backyard though then putting a hutch and some food outside for them doesn't seem that bad. Let them stay in the hutch and then let them loose. Unless they're dumber than I think then they should be able to remember where the hutch and the food is, you basically maintain them the way people do with street cats.

All that said I don't think eating them is all that bad an option and is arguably the more humane one. It sounds like you've put in a lot of genuine time, effort and money making them comfortable and happy which is far more than most meat rabbits or wild rabbits ever get. You'll need to find someone that can butcher them for you though and have plans for the meat. If you aren't comfortable preparing their meat yourself you might be able to negotiate something with someone to give them free meat.

No. 2401995

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nta but i was the one who said lets not turn this into an infight and i was neither of them. let’s nip this in the bud.


this meme doesn’t just apply to british people but honestly people who can’t handle spice and aren’t willing to try new things really piss me off. even when they’re autistic or whatever it still makes me pissed off. i especially dislike male picky eaters

No. 2401996

Just a general observation comparing English to my own first language. The speakers of this language love to brag about how it's rich with words, but they all stick to the most basic words possible that if you give them an academic or scientific paper of some sort with big words in their own language they won't be able to understand it, so I personally dismiss the number of words they claim to use, because no one ever use the big "smart" sounding words. While in English using "big" more specific words is encouraged to deliver an idea better so it feels like it has more words. Ofcourse, there are other hyperspecific languages like German, Japanese, Chinese etc., but they're harder to learn and speak fluently so I can't imagine people using them for expressing themselves anytime soon, lol. Also imo it helps that English seems to value literature and books, and lots of words and expressions got popularized by books or were first used in books then spread into everyday language. My own language has tons of English proverbs that were translated from books and just stuck in the language, which imo testifies to English superiority and eloquence, while still being comprehensible. In my own language, we used to study poems and excerpts of books in our language back in school, then they will have a page or two dedicated to explaining every line and word in simpler language, because no one would understand it otherwise since no one speaks the way literature is written and the words frequently used in literature are rare in everyday conversations, unlike in English. Even posts on LC are more linguistically advanced and eloquent than any literature in my first language, something about it is less intelligent for some reason and it's encouraged by the knowledge and science hating culture, but I digress.

No. 2401998

have you talked to a normal female zoomer who isn’t chronically online? millennial hate is a thing of the past and i don’t even see millennial memes that much anymore. yes, men definitely are misogynistic towards millennial women and it’s disgusting, but zoomers don’t inherently hate millennials or something, it’s moreso the older generations that fell for that psyop anyways

No. 2401999

Sorry we have actual taste buds and developed palates and prefer to taste our food rather than suffer for eating it, I guess. Eating spicy food doesn't make you cool or tough or whatever, get over yourself.

No. 2402001

i'm not opposed to the idea of trying new things i just shit myself too easily and want to avoid that kek. even when i eat healthy and fiber food it won't digest properly

No. 2402002

struck a nerve did i? it’s not that i dislike the people kek it’s just a trait that bothers me

No. 2402003

no offense but why would you get a pet that can live 10+ years "for a feel"??? and then get a version thats probably lived in a slaughterhouse its whole life with minimum handling at that? like why would you think an animal not raised with socialzation from humans would be easier than the version that is? just put them on facebook marketplace atp and take the L

No. 2402006

Nah you just have shit taste and want to enforce it on others. Typical schizo spicy food eater behavior. Do you even like any actual flavors in your food? Are you capable of tasting anything at all after numbing your tongue for so long?

No. 2402009

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What about fresh garlic? You guys especially should be eating or learning to tolerate that. You know what I mean

No. 2402010

male picky eater detected. also
>developed palates
your palate isn’t very developed if you only eat the same 3 foods…

No. 2402011

ntayrt but eating cloves of garlic is one of the best things you can do for your body

No. 2402012

ayrt and woah!! i like all kinds of food anon, i just get peeved when people aren’t willing to try new things. i know that it’s out of some peoples control but i’m talking more about people where it isn’t and they’re just stubborn and/or rude about it, kinda like you right now

No. 2402013

That looks so good what is that

No. 2402014

this meme doesn't make sense, bazza would smash this plus a jalfrezi after six pints no problem

No. 2402015

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I want to read a manga but I don’t know of any series I actually want to read right now… I read Nina the Starry Bride last weekend which was aggressively mediocre but I expected nothing less

No. 2402016

why are you so mad lel

No. 2402017

street tacos! looks like steak but you can get them with chicken or shrimp too

No. 2402018

I can handle spicy, but heat spice is LITERALLY PAIN, nona. Not everyone can handle that sensation and find enjoyment in it

No. 2402019

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>Typical schizo spicy food eater behavior

No. 2402021

You literally said you got them because your scrote like rabbits though

No. 2402022

>so many other options
You didn't even fully read my post. Nobody wants them. I'm not mentioning other contact means I have used because that would start getting into potential dox territory, and I know how unironically psychopathic animal lovers can be. I am telling you, nobody wants them. I am not baiting. It hurts me too. I hate that my family isn't very supportive regarding keeping them. I hate that my cats don't care for them and have literally avoided me over it. I don't even think that one anon who called me a dumb bitch even realizes that, had I not adopted these two, they would still be living outside in a meat rabbit colony in this freezing weather, and would have been killed for meat already. The rancher herself even said, when I asked her if she could take them back, that now they're "acclimated to being indoors" and that's why she refused to take them back, which sounds like total bullshit.

>And it doesn't even make sense because how would her boyfriend feel after finding out she ate his supposed favorite animal?
That's the other thing. I don't know if he would truly forgive me. That's why I'm waffling on this so fucking hard. I feel like I would have to lie to him about it if I did go through with it, and I hate that. But that's regardless of if I dispatched them and ate them myself or if I took them in to get euthanized. It feels like such a damned if I do, damned if I don't situation and I'm torn up over it.

No. 2402023

ayrt and i can see that and i’m not a fan of all kinds of spices, but there really are just that, so many kinds. i’m sure you would enjoy some kinds but maybe just a bit less than what others put in

No. 2402024

it feels like all the guys my age (early 20s) are all mindbroken from porn and internet exposure. like do any of you actually want a loving life partner thats your equal or do you just want a living fuckdoll lol

No. 2402025

I do, I like a lot of spices and i wish I could enjoy heat but I turn red and cry when I have anything past pepper heat or chili flakes. I even cook with chipotle pepper and suffer

No. 2402028

All foods give me diarrhea personally

No. 2402033

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Today, while looking for something online, I found the instagram account of a catholic girl who started working as a farmhand and does archery and rides horses, a large shift from the city life she led a year prior as she stated. She had good intentions, but seemed to always preach this sentiment of kindness, of doing what you want instead of watching people do it, chasing your dreams and trusting god. Yet, she had her own apartment in a HCOL state, money for gunne saxxe dresses and expensive clothing, money to interior design and buy archery equipment…all on a farmhand salary? It just felt out of touch. She isn't an influencer or sugar baby or anything so I imagine her family helps her. Just kind of sad to be told these sentiments but be unable to go do archery or support myself helping out on a farm. I have to work on my envy and inability to feel grateful all of the time, but I do wish I could do more of what I love and make ends meet doing something I value. I have some time and things I enjoy, but I can only do so much with my hobbies when I have so little money. I also wish I could delude myself with christianity. Maybe I'm just not taking away the right thing.

No. 2402035

I feel like that may be what we will have to do once all this icy weather stops. I don't want them to freeze to death, and they would like our backyard since we never use pesticides.

He did have some influence, I won't deny that, but I myself have also really liked the idea of owning bunnies because of my own childhood experiences with petting them in petting zoos and always wondering why they weren't options at the pet store. He is also one of the reasons why I feel like I still can't do the deed, and I may end up asking him if he can help foot the bill of their spay/neuter. I don't think he would disagree to that considering how much he likes them and me. I am not sure how much he would still love rabbits if he knew how standoffish they are and how much work they take. He doesn't have any himself because of his current living situation.

No. 2402039

Tell him they got RHD. He'd be none the wiser.
>she has so many other options
Not really.

No. 2402042

Show and tell him about other men that you find sexy. Make sure he feels insecure. Then dump him. I am serious btw, I have put up with a lot of shit from men, but if my boyfriend did this to me I'd walk out on him in the resturaunt and then go apeshit. Absolutely disrespectful scum.

No. 2402043

No. 2402045

I'm not British, I just think the "I'm so speshul because I eat spicy food" attitude is retarded. I cook with spices you've never heard of in your life and eat all kinds of cuisines. "Spicy food" isn't a cuisine or dish, it's just a flavor out of many other superior ones. There's nothing "new" about spicy food, it's just pain in your mouth and that's it. And it masks all other flavors and ruins your experience of the dish.
Because spicy food fags are so goddamn annoying and smug about their shit taste and never shut up about how they're "superior". You never see people who dislike spicy food sperg out about it or hate people who do like it. I'm here to balance things out.

To be clear, by spicy I mean heat chilli pepper kind of stuff. Anything else is nice and I like black pepper on my food a lot. I give red chilli flakes a pass in minimum amount for the bitter flavor. And I had wasabi once and almost died from a brain stroke. Spicy food is overrated and gross and I will die on this hill. There are better flavors to enjoy out there anyways so no one is missing out on anything by not eating it.

No. 2402048


No. 2402052

If she's christian, they're taught to thank god before their parents and their accomplishments are seen as gifts from god as well. It's probably just the way she was raised and isn't doing it to be annoying even though it is

No. 2402053

i’m op and all i said was spicy as a blanket thing in a vent, i’m not a spicy food fag i was talking about picky eaters in general. i also find people who pretend shit isn’t spicy and that they’re more ‘advanced’ than others cringe. you are entitled to that opinion kek, just as i am entitled to have an uncontrollable pet peeve. you just completely misconstrued my post so you could sperg about a different type of person and project that on to me. god forbid you have a normal conversation with someone

No. 2402054

It doesn't really effect my bowels usually but occasionally I WILL have the butthole burn

No. 2402056

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I knew what you meant and that you would be perceived as picrel but chose to watch it happen and do nothing

No. 2402057

She seems sweet it just felt a bit out of touch for her to tell people to chase their dreams and change their lives overnight like her when not everyone has the money or luxury to afford it all.

No. 2402059

They believe it even harder when all the poor people they meet are atheists, since their mega-churches are filled with other rich country people. It's a really feedback loop but your og post was very mature anon, I hope you find time/cash for your archery

No. 2402060

One of the things I hate the most is how manipulative they are. All of the time. About completely stupid shit. They constantly "test" their partners, try to psychologically trick or manipulate them, clearly rehearse what they say to you in their head and don't realize it's obvious. I hate being a Noticer so much because I see through men immediately and it makes them seem so pathetic. If I were pursuing a relationship with a man, the moment he started doing the obviously pre-rehearsed and unnatural posturing I would lose all respect for him and look down on him. Reddit and shit has made them so abominably delusional.

No. 2402061

ayrt. some people just want to watch the world burn like my asshole

No. 2402064

No. 2402067

TOPKEK thank you

No. 2402068

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Cmon man

No. 2402069

I will say, once again, had I not adopted these buns they wouldn't have even seen 1 year, much less a few months. They were also inexpensive and youtubers and redditors like to insist that meat rabbits can "still be pets". I will admit that I feel better making mistakes and learning with these two instead of dropping hundreds of dollars on "disclaimer, we cannot guarantee the personality of your lop, deposit nonrefundable" and still fucking it up while feeling a deeper sense of regret with how much money was lost to them. For all I know, they would have been worth that money. And if not, I was right to just adopt these two because despite everything, they still don't bite or lunge.
I think ultimately I still appreciate the experience as opposed to just continuing to wonder what I was "missing out" on. I will also confess that I got them very impulsively because the meat rabbit rancher was only an hour away and the closest rabbit shelter to me is a four-hour round trip. People who live in areas that cater better to bunnies are luckier than me, and I feel like that also contributes to how stressful this situation has been.

No. 2402072

This song has a whole new meaning to you now. You are welcome, anon

No. 2402074

No. 2402077

Wtf does spicy mean other than heat? Spices (not heat ones) and seasonings are the same thing.

No. 2402079

I have this exact same problem. I genuinely don’t think I could ever fall in love with a man entirely, and I haven’t yet. They’re just so easy to read as soon as they’re in a relationship and always do the same things. It’s exhausting and a chore to even be in a ‘relationship’ to me, so I only seek it when I’m lacking touch and need a distraction for a few weeks or months. I’m always honest with them that I’m not great at commitment and they STILL get butthurt and surprised when I tell them it’s not going to work. You could literally spell it out for them in a thesis and they still wouldn’t get it

No. 2402081

To refer to something being 'spiced' used to not refer to heat, but just having spices/seasonings. 'Pumpkin spice' is not spicy, but it is spiced. Spiced rum is not spicy, but it is spiced. Spiced cake is not spicy, but it is spiced. Over time the word spice came to be associated only with heat. This shift in language has not happened evenly which is why there are foods still referred to as 'spiced' despite lacking heat and why some people will refer to spicy food only in terms of seasonings and not heat.

No. 2402082

>clearly rehearse what they say to you in their head and don't realize it's obvious.
The writers of Breaking Bad did a great job showing how dumb this actually looks with "fugue state"

No. 2402083

I check in on you freaks and you're arguing about the semantics of the word spice? Top kek.

No. 2402084

I don't understand it. Looking back on the way men in my life (coworkers etc) would hit on me, it was always so stupidly rehearsed. They act their way through life and wonder why they're treated like husks without a soul. I've only had a couple genuine connections with men I would note (the rest I cringe to think about) and in those cases they were honest and we genuinely clicked as people/ they weren't weird puppets rehearsing some faggy Drive script they've concocted in their heads

No. 2402096

ayrt and completely agreed nona. even the ‘charming’ or attractive moids are still SO easy to read. i think that’s partially why i fail with relationships and falling for men because i enjoy a bit of a chase and mutual back and forth, not some hammed up cheesy bullshit because he just wants poosy soo bad. i’ve also had some good relationships with men, mostly platonically and if romantic they were mature enough to respect my issues with dating. they’re just all incredibly self-absorbed, not to say we can’t be too of course, but the average male will never think before he speaks or act, and if he does it’s to gain something

No. 2402104

Love exists but not with men. As harsh as it sounds, if you don't aim to have kids, the best way to deal with men and romantic relationships is probably just hooking up and dumping them (I was about to write pump-and-dump but the term is actually so disgusting and only further proves that moids will never see us as fully human) when you're not horny anymore. When it comes to literally any other needs, good friends provide that better than any moid could.

No. 2402107

ayrt and i feel like losing my virginity to some guy i didnt care about would just make me feel worse

No. 2402110

Yeah that's the problem. They're incapable of platonic love for women and were raised so misogynistically that it's like impossible for them to view women as actual people. They'll cry about how no women or interesting but they refuse to listen to or treat women with normal respect and have to put on bizarre posturing all of the time. Even if they're cool when they're alone, they always have to try to show off and disrespect women when other men around. Honestly useless as individuals and it's like communing with a living, moving voodoo doll

No. 2402113

Lovepilled harshmaxxer.

No. 2402119

>it's like impossible for them to view women as actual people
this is precisely what it is and i’ve known this even as a teenager. obviously i haven’t experienced it yet but women falling completely head over heels for a man because he does the bare minimum will probably never make sense to me. i appreciate when ex-nigels do something sweet or kind for me, but it doesn’t impact my overall opinion on him as a human. i’m way too alert with interactions not just limited to men, but 90 percent of the moids i’ve met have been exactly what you described in the greentext above
>Even if they're cool when they're alone, they always have to try to show off and disrespect women when other men around
this too, you constantly will notice the little mask slips and how he is putting on personas to fit in with the ‘boys’, that being said this is just a human condition thing because pickmes do this ALL the time kek, but for men it presents in a lot more cocky and engrained, cringey way that they literally cannot resist. i have had different types of annoying nigels though and not all fit into that criteria, some are really insecure and will follow you around like a dog and that’s JUST as annoying because again, they don’t actually see me for me

No. 2402121

File: 1739685149592.gif (64.28 KB, 375x211, me getting ready for my sudoku…)

Damn why did i fell in love with the only moid on earth that actually touches grass and isnt into animu and videogames. It would be so easy to charm him with my knowledge of Fallout lore and MAL list if he was a basement dweller. I feel like the ugly nerdy girl in teen tvshows thats akward and ugly and falls for the normalfag gigachad who's never going to look her way. I still confessed to him and asked him out and he said yes but i am sure he did it out of obligation because like the normie he is he's super nice and kind, i must have made him felt so akward. Why am i like this…

No. 2402122

Holy shit why arent gifs saving as gifs anymore. Fuck the modern internet.

No. 2402123

When I was a young teen we got a meat rabbit and he was pretty chill, he lived around 15 years. I think rabbits just have different temperaments like cats. I agree with the goldfish thing. Rabbits are prey animals and not fond of being touched or handled. The males are also territorial. I feel like most people who get rabbits are the same as those who get chicks or "teacup pigs"(which don't exist). They see something cute and that's all they care about in the moment.

No. 2402129

Virginity is not as much of a big deal as we're made to believe from countless romantic media. But yeah, I didn't mean to hook up with guys you absolute feel nothing for, it's supposed to be fun after all kek. Just to treat it for what it is, having a good time with a moid you like and find hot, rather than seeing it as some huge emotional investment with deep meaning that you as a woman have to do in order to feel loved.
All your love and attention is better spent on the women around you and the goals and causes that are close to your heart.


No. 2402131

The personas are legitimately so cringe. They try so hard to practice stoicism or aloofness to seem cool but it's literally a mask and it makes them seem like a stupid faggot. A lot of men try to do the Mizkif type thing where they try to seem like Ryan Reynolds oneliner stoic douchebags and the larp is so unnatural. If you point this out they gaslight you but it truly is almost all of them. So blatantly insufferable. It's even worse when you can tell they've fallen into niche online communities and try way too hard to be different or mimic the pointless content they consume. Pickmes are cringe of course, but a pickme is more harmless than a man because she's naive and doesn't understand that it's so common for them to just immediately talk about rape and genuinely sociopathic topics the moment no women are around. That's the one thing a lot of women don't understand–it's yes ALL men because even the ones that are 'different', even the ones that are gay, even the ones you think are harmless can go completely mask-off the moment there's no woman to hear them. All it takes is a browse through a board like endchan or the voyeur threads on 4ch to see that yeah, they're (almost) all like that and those who aren't often ignore when other men are. If you point this out you're a stupid cunt bitch schizo harpy but it's completely true. Even gay men will say the most abbhorant things about women/do the most fucked up things to dehumanize or betray a woman if it means they get attention from the straight man they want.

No. 2402137

>It's even worse when you can tell they've fallen into niche online communities and try way too hard to be different or mimic the pointless content they consume
KEK forreal nona, and this doesn’t just apply to nerds. same thing goes for the andrew tate meninist guys. the amount of times i have heard a scrote VERBATIM quote a charlie kirk speech on abortion or something similar is astounding. last time it happened i called him out immediately and he got very embarrassed kek, i then went on to dismantle everything charlie kirk stands for, we talked for hours, said moid ended up agreeing with me and said ‘what an eye opening discussion’. a week later he did it again with another conservitard influencer. there is really no getting to them kek, their brains are practically as malleable as the day they were born

No. 2402140

So I'm house/cat sitting for my sister and she's camping with her fiance and his friends. I'm chilling, watching YouTube and ordered fancy tacos and horchata for the first time and I'm excited to eat my food and hangout and she starts texting me cryptically like telling me she's not having a good time and somethings wrong and she might come home early. My first thought is like something awful happened or they've called off the wedding or got in a fight or lost their dog. So she tells me what's wrong and it's literally just she's lonely because it's her fiancé's friends there and not her friends. Am I a fucking bitch for not giving a fuck? I was trying to be nice and I don't think I came across as cold in my texts to her but I don't know how to console a person over that, "oh you poor thing, you have to wait 3 days to see your friends again." "Oh it must be so lonely hanging out with your fiance and a group of people who care about you." I'm sorry but fuck, wow what a hard life, I haven't had a friend in a decade but if I ever vented about that to her she'd say it's my own fault. And it is, I know that, that's why I'm not whining to other people about it. After a few texts she just stopped replying, so I'm not sure if she could tell I'm not taking it seriously (I swear on my life I tried to convey sympathy i just genuinely don't know what to say.) I don't know, she's had friends in the past who have told her they feel left out in situations where it's just her friends and she's always said it's their fault for not trying harder. So I don't know what she wants me to say to her but I feel like an asshole for not feeling bad about her being lonely for a few days. Like fuck, I've been lonely my whole life and she's never let me vent about it so what am I supposed to feel or say, "yeah it sucks doesn't it? Imagine feeling that since like 10." Fuck

No. 2402141

I'm honestly surprised you entertained that guy. I wouldn't have the patience. Kek even if they don't quote mras or reddit they will try to quote and imitate random ~avant garde~ shitposting they saw on twitter as their own, or use comedians like Shane Gyllis and Theo Von as their personality.

No. 2402151

Recently found out I hurt my cousin pretty badly some years ago but she never let on anything, and now I feel horrible lol.

No. 2402155

he’s considerably younger than me and more of a little brother type. i’m not actually american so i figured if i can drill some sense into the kids brain then i should for the sake of the amerinonas.
>Kek even if they don't quote mras or reddit they will try to quote and imitate random ~avant garde~ shitposting they saw on twitter as their own, or use comedians like Shane Gyllis and Theo Von as their personality.
LOL YES, and these are the ones that are meant to be ‘better’ and more intelligent (pseudo-intellectual faggots with mommy issues). they always excuse shitty behaviour and just being a dick to people with their ‘wit’ and ‘you just wouldn’t get it’ types of mentalities. you try and actually ask a scrote like that what he believes in and engage him in a discussion and it will just be him mansplaining for hours and dismissing any counterpoint you make, even if that counterpoint is ‘i literally already know all of this lets just change the subject please’

No. 2402167

Interesting! But if lc sounds more "linguistically advanced" than any literature in your own language, I think it's mostly your native language the issue and not English being particularly superior kek. The thing about a ton of proverbs just being English translations seems uncommon too. Like you said, if people were to try learning other languages besides English, they would realize it's just as rich if not more.
>We used to study poems and excerpts of books in our language back in school, then they will have a page or two dedicated to explaining every line and word in simpler language
To be fair, that seems pretty standard. Children don't speak like books let alone books written 200 years ago.

No. 2402197

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>To be clear, by spicy I mean heat chilli pepper kind of stuff. Anything else is nice and I like black pepper on my food a lot. I give red chilli flakes a pass in minimum amount for the bitter flavor
You're probably thinking of "piquant". That means something that is an enjoyable kind of spicy, not Captain McGoober's Ass Ripping Lava Farter Sauce (Which, I've tried hot sauces like that too by the way and yes, those literally have no taste and exist only for those who are hardcore autist/wannabe macho/soy about hot sauce and who want to show off how they survived eating it.)

No. 2402203

Thank you for being on the same wavelength as me

No. 2402234

I had an autistic teacher in middle school who brought a sample of one of those crazy hot sauces to school when we had food related events and had a look of joy every time one of the kids lost their shit from a drop of it.

No. 2402235

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You too nona, I don’t mind if I never fall in love with a man because I have you all!

No. 2402236

>I have you all
Kek I do hope you get to aim higher soon

No. 2402369

I was at my parents' house yesterday. I have to attend a fancy event in a few months and wanted to try on my high school prom dress (that was like 6 years ago) to see if it still fits so that I wouldn’t have to buy a new one for just this one event. I asked my mother if she thought it would still fit, and she said, "No, it definitely won't fit you anymore." I then went upstairs and took the dress out of the closet. My mother followed me. I undressed and tried on the dress – and it fit. It was a little tight around the bust area, but otherwise, it fit well to my surprise. My mother then said (after seeing my body) that I should lose some weight around my stomach by june, and then I could wear it (even though my stomach isn’t visible in the dress at all and isn't big. It's an a-line dress). After that, I looked for old prom pictures of me in the dress so I could send them to my new boyfriend, as he wanted to see what the dress looked like so he could gift me flowers that compliment the dress. I found the pictures I took back then with my ex who was a piece of shit. My mother also saw the pictures then said that my ex is "still a part of me" and that I "look happy in those pictures." She also kept mixing up my new boyfriend’s name with my ex’s name throughout the evening. Her behavior really got to me a d my self esteem and I feel like I have to go on a crash diet now or something.

No. 2402427

how mean of her, maybe she's just jealous you didn't immediately balloon post high school

No. 2402431

your mother is a retard and you should put her in a nursing home

No. 2402436

I tried to talk with her about it and now she is trying to deflect everything and said that she never said those things

No. 2402444

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bumping for you know what

No. 2402448

narcissistic parents usually do that. my mother also did heinous shit to me as a kid and when I brought up she tried to gaslight me. just don't bring it up and go NC as soon as you're independent enough.

No. 2402450

This. Having a parent/s that is a liar and regularly psychologically tortures you and then denies it when confronted will eat away at your soul.

No. 2402453

Imagine having male friends, when 80% of rapes are committed by someone known to the victim. Imagine being friends with someone you wouldn't be able to trust not to rape you, if say, you passed out in front of them. Imagine being friends with the gender who admits they only forge friendships with the opposite sex because they want to fuck them. JFL. Couldn't be me.

No. 2402458

Why are you sperging over a deliberately cringe meme posted solely to bury cp that was posted earlier

No. 2402465

nta but spergs gonna sperg

No. 2402468

let her sperg her truth ~

No. 2402469

Why are you replying to an obvious underaged poster? Just ignore them, children are allergic to logic and reasoning capability

No. 2402470

Made a mistake and now reposting this in the correct thread this time, due to being unable to sleep properly due to being woken up by a moid.

So its been a week of plumbing issues. Why? The grease buildup from my idiot brothers dishes. His dishes are washed by mom, because this moid never has to do any dishes, thats for women only acc to mom. So everyone has to be inconvenienced, because of this coddled moid.

Dad who is elderly with heart issues, tries everyday to fix the plumbing. I came home from work to find out that Dad dug through the greasy pipes with his bare hands. My brother was upstairs, cuddling with his dog, getting served tea by mom, while they criticized Dad for not fixing the issue soon enough. Dad works a full time job too. My brother "shouldnt have to" fix the plumbing "too", acc to mom, AS IF HE DOES ANYTHING.

Now theres no propane for the BBQ that my brother exclusively uses up in the winter, not that he pays for it. The propane tank is too heavy for our elderly Dad to lift, so boymom said to Dad condescendingly, "[Brother] will have to lift it". Mom always says my brother "does everything", then when I counter it, she says "well everything about maintaining the house". The house isnt presentable to have a plumber over! Almost every single room is permanently under construction, with the coddled moids clutter everywhere.

My brother didnt wake up till 6pm, and the store that has propane closed by the time he phoned. My brother stayed up late, working on his truck seat modification, for heated AND cooled seats! Months ago, he promised to install a functioning FRONT DOOR LOCK, yet it still has to be done! PRIORITIES.

Just now mom kept offering to bring down the coddled sons laundry, saying he "shouldnt have to" bring it downstairs. He said "no Ill bring it ALL down by myself" WOW how nice of him! Then the manlet gentleman told her, "you dont have to do it all right away". The boymom said, "Dont worry Ill have it all done for you for tomorrow", meaning she will make noise ironing and wake me at like 4am. Yet I have to do my own laundry like an adult should.



No. 2402472

You know literally nothing about that poster. A man posted cp, this anon bumped a thread with some random picture from her camera roll. Wtf is going on

No. 2402475

KEK i’m ta who posted it and yes it was literally a random photo in my camera roll from like 4 years ago, i was trying to post fast because someone bumped the thread that had cp again. the schizos are on a rampage at the moment

No. 2402478

You can stop talking as if you weren’t that poster who posted that cringe pic kek. I also think bumping is useless because I would assume most people use the catalog/new search button to find what they’re looking for. The retarded farmhands have probably figured out that it’s probably important to get mods who live in different time zones kekk(infighting over bullshit)

No. 2402479

Can't stop thinking about making out lol.. Imagine making out in bed with your cute subby bf after a long day of work.

No. 2402480

Holy shit they sound like bots. Your intentions were obvious

No. 2402482

Are you 12

No. 2402484

You even speak like those retarded illiterate children on Tiktok. You can just type out “the anon” and if that slop picture was on your camera roll even 4 years ago it’s safe to say you’re fucked in the head and a done deal.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2402486

i saw other anons foiling it was bots and i’m starting to agree kek

No. 2402489

Every single newfag on here is 12, we’re just the retarded adults who keep coming on this website that’s being obviously catered to teenagers

No. 2402490

Nope but I unironically made love more than I made out in my life lol. Only had one bf and he wasn't very into it.

No. 2402491

Your widdle penis is in your other hand huh(infighting)

No. 2402492

i feel like its jannys seething

No. 2402493

Oh I thought it was one of those threads those reprobates post but I wouldn’t have known since I don’t live out my life on this website like you do 24/7 lol, my bad(infighting)

No. 2402495

Yeah reporting and ignoring

No. 2402496

If there's still one extremely schizo janitor, sure. Otherwise, it's some weird kiwifag.

No. 2402499

If you can’t go a second without thinking about penis and dick then you’re just as degenerate as a man, stop trying to include me in your penis worship and penis fixation(infighting)

No. 2402501

Did those (correct) accusations strike a nerve in you? Kek only people who know damn well they shouldn’t be on this website would get mad at simple accusations like that(derailing)

No. 2402502

Probably because half the posts sound like tumblr posts written by teenagers(derailing)

No. 2402505

spoiler for tinfoil
to me it seems like theres a few posters that bait exactly like this very often and in certain ways, replying to specific anons across other threads and deleting some posts after. even if this isnt a janny they definitely don’t care about this baiter/s as much as they do with others

No. 2402506

Meatball shooter thread in /g/ is living proof of that

No. 2402508

deleted my post because I realized I was doing exactly what I shouldn't be : replying instead of simply reporting you annoying faggots. I've been there for like 4 years and still get annoying gatekeepy comments like that from time to time, Idk what you guys get out of it, but yeah whatever

No. 2402514

I've seen the incessant, neurotic post deletion get tinfoiled as being a farmhand but it really could just be a crazy schizo faggot that deletes all their posts to avoid bans. *that said, a lot of these inflammatory and nonsensical attempts to bait have gone mostly ignored by farmhands. There's definitely a pivot in what they choose to moderate and delete VS what they allow to remain up.

No. 2402516

ayrt and agreed but that mixed with the weird laziness of the staff and targeting certain anons makes my retard brain wonder. really they could shut us all up if they just did ANYTHING kek

No. 2402517

If you mean seeing really innocuous posts (like >>2402444) get bombarded with spergery and aggression, I could see your farmhand theory being possible but it's just as if not more likely to be a trigger happy, mentally ill moron.

No. 2402527

I'm having such a hard time studying. I look at the book and my eyes go unfocused. I read a sentence and realise nothing went in. What the fuck do I do?

No. 2402541

here are some ideas :
- go to a library or a cafe
- put on a study with me video or log into a "study together" discord server
- pretend to explain the lesson to a person
- draw your understanding as you read
hang in there nonna, it's not easy at first but your focus will get better
t. another studynonnie

No. 2402543

Don’t bother with reading. Just use Quizlet and chat gpt. Focus on what’s the most important in your classes, make flash cards on Quizlet and memorize it. There are ways for you to study without ever reading your books at all, the books are just for the schools to make more money.

No. 2402544


No. 2402545

File: 1739704849174.gif (438.11 KB, 480x360, 1000032558.gif)

I used an exfoliator that my skin REALLY didn't approve of and now face is so disgustingly dry. I hate that it's probably gonna take an entire month for it to completely go back to normal.

No. 2402548

Do not do this

No. 2402549

True and I'm sad about it

No. 2402551

I have A’s in all my classes. The plastic wrapping is still on my books, haven’t opened them once kek

No. 2402558

I can't stop comparing myself to people who are not depressed and are achieving great things in life.

No. 2402562

You're going to have to power through it until it becomes easier I'm afraid. I find that some kind of pressure helps me with getting my goals done, so you can make a social media account dedicated to your progress or have a friend that keeps you in check.
Nah, even if it's something she doesn't wanna learn putting in the extra effort will help down the line with improving her cognitive abilities for more important tasks. She doesn't have to pay for the books either, she could also just try borrowing them from a library or finding PDFs online or something

No. 2402567

> putting in the extra effort will help down the line with improving her cognitive abilities for more important tasks.

College is not the time to be playing around like that. It’s a time to pass so she doesn’t end up throwing thousands of dollars in the trash. She can work on that once she graduates.

No. 2402578

how will she make the quizlets without opening the book first?
also anki is better

No. 2402584

it really depends on schools ; in my classes all the material in a certain brand of books and that's what professors refer to to write questions, but I've also had classes in the past where it was more based on the lecture so I get where you're coming from

No. 2402585

>ask the professor what chapters are going to be on the exam
>study the power points from those lectures because that’s what’s going to be on the exam

If you’re lazy, you can google your class, school and Quizlet and someone else probably already uploaded their own flash cards and you could just use theirs.

No. 2402627

im this nona
ive read all of your replies but jesus.. i really totally fell for him. hes not only super successful but also very goodlooking ugh. call me stupid.. but i just cant get over him. and im afraid of doing my specialisation now, because hes a known influential figure there. i dont think i can ever look him into the eyes without shame. it was all so messy. the way he dressed up and left.. i messaged him and he wrote back saying he will block me now and wishes no further contact with me and that i should act like idk him if he ever comes up in any conversation..
i cannot put into words the way my heart is aching. i invisioned a whole future with him. istg if i could push a button to die, id do it in a heartbeat. but i know these thoughts are due to chemical imbalances and i need to be strong ugh(ban evasion)

No. 2402631

Jeez anon. I'm really sorry, hope you feel better. Just remember that he's scum just like the rest of the dudes that bought sex from you. He was never worthy of any affection anyway, he's just put himself up on a false pedestal.

No. 2402633

>wake up
>try to get up to eat and take my meds
>get dizzy
>hands turn cold
>go back to bed
>the day hasn't even started and it's already ass
This useless body of mine, I swear. Can't you cooperate, you retard? I'm trying to heal us

No. 2402634

>i invisioned a whole future with him
Kek. You seriously thought that someone who pays for prostitutes is a good dating material? Johns are all rapist scums.

No. 2402636

Strangely, I don't feel sorry for you. I don't know why, I simply have no sympathy for this type of situation. Before someone comes at me to moralfag, I already know it's weird

No. 2402637

nonna it's not stupid to have misinterpreted his intentions when he literally invited you on valentine's day. you sound young and he should have known that you could see it as romantic. it also isn't stupid to fall for someone with whom you've been intimate for years. i don't understand why you think you're the one who should feel ashamed here? he's almost 40, paying for prostitutes, unnecessarily cruel because there was no need to laugh at you. it hurts because it's so fresh, he was mean and your ego is bruised, but i promise you it's going to pass soon and you'll look back at this understanding how a ridiculous pos he is. you deserve much better. focus on your studies and don't you dare abandon your specialization for a moid

No. 2402640

I am the same as you don’t worry.

No. 2402641

Honestly if this were me I'd get petty about it and name and shame him with screenshots. But that's me.

No. 2402642

And risk not being believed? He’s just going to say that she’s a dumb prostitute who was selling herself and in this day and age sex work is work and if he paid everything is consensual, she will just sound like a desperate moron who was salty about being rejected.
She should cut her losses , finish school and get a good paying job, therapy would help too.

No. 2402643

I remember that time when I was a kid and my cousin wanted to fight me and I didn't know why. She showed me a buckle belt scar on her tummy, told me her family beat her because of me, because I snitched about something she did. I was so horrified, specially because I used to get beat by my parents as well, and now she had a scar because of me. I think about that from time to time, maybe she still hates me for it, I wonder if she'll ever understand how alike we are, how sorry I am that happened

No. 2402644

The best revenge is to live a good life nonna. Finish medical school, stay in your specialisation. You could move to a different region and having an amazing career and never have to see or think about this guy again. I hope you'll tell us when you graduate so we can cheer for you.

No. 2402646

Some of you are actual retards, why would you confess something so intimate to a moid who's paying for your pussy like that? Hello?? Of course he's laughing, he's a psycho, what kind of situation you thought you was into?

No. 2402648

> but i know these thoughts are due to chemical imbalances
Damn I wouldn’t want you as a doctor

No. 2402651

>also very goodlooking
>some 38 yo psychopathic moid
You sound very young, please let this be bait, please be bait. There are thousands of ancient moids with some money and no empathy, that is nothing special.

No. 2402652

No. 2402654

If he had a wife it would be funny.

No. 2402664

i think it's bait

No. 2402668

Succesful AND Good looking? Having to pay for a prostitute? DOUBT.JPG
He must be ugly as fuck darling, no good looking man AND succesful one pays for hookers. And yes, that is what you are and what you will always be in his mind. You were never his equal (again, in his eyes). Im sorry nonny but you are an utter idiot. Hope this is an eye opener

No. 2402671

whenever i stand up i get dizzy-ish for a short period of time. when i stand up super fast, i get like.. like i log out of my consciousness for a second like its literally black. and im mad i dont have healthcare atm and im scared something weird is happening with my heart or arteries or whatever. im also super scared

No. 2402674

All my female relatives got low blood pressure, it's not dangerous but yeah it's kinda uncomfortable sometimes. We all gotta stand very slowly or else we get a mini blackout

No. 2402677

I'll never understand why women like to develop such intense feelings for beings that have the EQ of a rock. Like, what exactly are you fawning for? He's a dick, literally. I would just bang him, ha a laugh, get money and that's it, find love somewhere else. You're making this situation way more messy than it already is, if that's even possible

No. 2402681

wait its low blood pressure? i have a thingy that u put on ur arm and it squeezes it and tells u the readings and i just did it and it was 118/65 (which chatgpt says is good) altho my heartbeat is 95…

No. 2402684

I'm also thinking high cholesterol or hypoglycemia, but who knows. You should see a doctor just in case

No. 2402687

I get this every time my iron is low.
It is also a normal reaction if your legs are up (like on a couch , etc) or if they are crossed.

No. 2402695

Addicted to the chase and the challenge. I feel bad for nona

No. 2402698

Tomorrow we're going to start for real…it's just until mid May I can do this…it's not going to be that bad

No. 2402702

Terminal retardedness

No. 2402712

File: 1739717155548.jpg (120.76 KB, 1500x1125, 6788-amish-white-bread-DDMFS-4…)

I still cannot process I'm "supposedly" celiac at fucking 24. Fuck you mean I got celiac I've been eating bread all my life until now! Fuck you mean I lost 44lbs over fucking BREAD?! It's just BREAD!! Fuck you mean bread flattened my intestines and gave me the shits?!! That sounds stupid as hell, it sounds ridiculous. I ain't no celiac, stupidest diagnosis ever. Fuck this bitch of an earth, fuck this, god keeps mocking me. Are you telling me I've been suffering for the past two years over GLUTEN?!!

No. 2402729

My ear infection hurts so bad I want to fucking cry. I've been half deaf for a week and since a couple days it's been hurting so bad my whole jaw is aching and my temple as well, I can't even lay on that side. I have a job interview in a few days and I don't want to reschedule but I might have to because fuck man. I want to die.

No. 2402734

I’ve been half deaf for a week too. It doesn’t hurt but a bit annoying. I might try wetting a Q-tip and trying to get it unstuck. Go get earspray nona! That sounds intense..

No. 2402746

Nonnie please don't use q tips! You could puncture your eardrum, mine started to hurt after I dug in it a lot to try and pop it. I got some eardrops but a lot of places say those are actually bad so idk anymore.

No. 2402754

>The thing about a ton of proverbs just being English translations seems uncommon too.
Wdym by this? The thing is these proverbs got into the language because of academics being introduced to the region by various colonizers, so we ended up borrowing and translating these sayings. Like "a bird in the hand is worth 2 on the bush" being "a bird in the hand is better than 10 in a tree" in my language. Or "birds of a feather flock together" being "birds hang out with other similar birds" and so on. These proverbs come from famous books if I'm not mistaken. There's also the issue of my language not being an actual natural language, but a standardized one created by governments of different regions to have one common language for communication, literature, media and so on. And this standard language is based on English and French literature and conventions and has barely any resemblance of the classical language or the ancient scripts or the regional dialects, which are in turn the result of the classical language being mixed with the native language of each country, creating their own unique dialect.

No. 2402775

The future isn't looking too bright for me. If things keep going in as they are and my attempts to make it better keep failing then this is the year I finally do it for real. Giving myself until September. The universe has been throwing hints that it doesn't want me here for a long time.

No. 2402786

Jealous of all the women going "omg my period is a few days late" because I've never had a consistent period in my entire fucking life. It could be a month late or I have my period for 3 weeks of the month or it starts a week after it just stopped. Who fucking knows what I'll get!

I worked up the courage to speak to a doctor about it once but he just said "I guess that's your normal then" and I was so embarrassed I'm never going to ask about it again.

No. 2402788

Fuck that was me last year when I had a cold. I went half deaf and no one had any fucking compassion even though I cried myself to sleep over it every night. I'm really sorry nona, I hope for a speedy recovery for you!

No. 2402812

i think he killed himself and i couldn't even stop him because i had lost feelings for him. i tried my best to make him see the light at the end of the tunnel, but my love was not strong enough to repel those thoughts of death. i hope it's just a prank, and he was lying to me so i could feel awful. i'd prefer that over anything else. he sent me a picture of his house and i was too retarded to find his address and call the police. i'm still hoping i got pranked. i'd rather he be a jerk than actually dead. no one should feel like suicide is their only way out. maybe if i wasn't so self centered i could have helped him. i dont have anyone to talk to about this, to hug and cry to. because i'm an awful person. he told me that too. he'll always be a part of me, i'll carry him with me, just like i've carried everyone.

No. 2402817

your mind is malleable. don't give up. find happiness in the smallest corners of your life, because happiness is everywhere, even if you don't see it at the moment. keep persevering. i know you will find a light. the path only goes up after being at the bottom. there are many solutions to life's problems. killing yourself is not one of them.
try to focus on love, and distract yourself from any negative thoughts that arise. love yourself. you can make it

No. 2402819

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>caring about some suicide baiting moid whose house you've never even been to

No. 2402830

You have to insist with this doctor or another one. Plenty of doctors I met for very common issues kept telling me the wrong things for over a decade until I saw other doctors who gave me the right meds for my issues, all because my parents couldn't help but send me to incompetent idiots when I was a teenager. I know a lot of people who dealt with incompetent doctors as well and who received medical treatments later than they should have as well. One of them has inconsistent periods and if her doctors at the time took this into account instead of dismissing her as a rebellious teenager who's lying to skip classes maybe she wouldn't have had all the issues she deals with right now as an adult. If you can see another doctor try it and explain your issues in details.

No. 2402838

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I read something along the line of not treating your body like a trashcan when it comes to forcing down food you don't want to waste (because if you didn't eat it, it would go to the trash), and I'm trying to adapt that sort of thought when it comes to allowing myself to leave leftover food. But it's a lot harder than I thought.
I was feeling pretty satiated, I didn't really need a proper dinner and would have just been fine with only a bowl of yogurt and granola to fetch off any hunger that might hit when I'm in bed. But nooo, I kept worrying about that food box in my fridge going to waste so I forced it down and not I feel like shit FUCK I WAS SUPPOSED TO STOP DOING SHIT LIKE THIS SO I DIDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH STOMACHACHES EVERY EVENING, DO I NEED TO PRINT AN IMAGE OF DR. NOW AND PUT ON THE FRIDGE??

No. 2402841

i don't think it was actually bait, that was the first and last time he mentioned killing himself, and, he had a big reason to kill himself (sickness). maybe i am pathetic for caring about a male. but, i know i'm not going to make the same mistake, i don't want to care about someone again. ur post was kind of humorous though, thanks for the lighthearted feelings

No. 2402950

That one co-workers jokes about how the place isn't running without her were funny at first, but with her calling in sick because clients were rude to her or other petty bullshit like that for literally more than half of last year and two weeks of this year already, the rest of us got more than used already to picking up what she's left unfinished, so at this point it's easier if she's just not there at all, and also far less taxing emotionally at the end of the day when we're all finishing up after a 10h+ shift and not having her there to complain about how much she hates our bosses and this place and just not shutting up about it until someone pacifies her and agrees with how everything and everyone sucks while also having to stand her digging at us all day every day. Girl, you've got the qualifications, nobody forces you to stay here, just quit lol. I hope she'll call in sick for another two weeks, it's just so much easier to not have her around at this point, even if she wants to insist otherwise.

No. 2402955

I really miss my cat. My mom sold them to some family with a retarded son so she could be his emotional support cat instead of mine

No. 2402968

i fucking hate this new generation of retards hooked up in the "FwB" culture. even the term "FwB" grosses me out. stop being scared about commitment fucking faggots, it's not the end of your life if you dive into it instead of avoiding it.

No. 2402977

I agree. Most of the time it's just women being doormats anyway.

No. 2402997

I thought this girl at uni was normal and then in a conversation she suddenly says "my boyfriend's wife" so casually… the fuck? I hate polytards so much that wife is just a happy cuck

No. 2403003

lolcow be like! im going to kill the rabbit i bought and eat it. i hope this dog kills itself for barking at a cat. im going to kidnap luigi mangione. oh you ate a bowl of rice and checken today? fat mc fatty. my boyfriend raped me and the waitress and i love him. omg shes so cooked be so fr.

lolcow is dead and there is no longer any kindness, intelligence or peace

No. 2403009

Dont forget unironically defending trannies

No. 2403018

Be careful, you're gonna have some stray retard who can't take her issues up with the people who caused them accuse you of policing women's tones on the Internet! I miss old LC too. Can't even have a conversation without some turbo fake terf screeching about how makeup and men are bad in /ot/ while thirsting over Luigi and asking for makeup and skincare tips in /g/

No. 2403019

I don't think those are the same people

No. 2403020

yeah definitely not

No. 2403023

just hide and ignore

No. 2403028

Don't be naive, I've had the pleasure of interacting with some of these types and its always the fucking same.

No. 2403029

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The idea of reincarnation scares the fuck out of me because I’m scared that eventually I’m gonna end up living the exact same life but with one thing changed. I’m scared that after an astronomical amount of time passes that I’m gonna live the same life but the only difference will be that I am murdered at 5:30 pm today, then another astronomical amount of time passes and I live the same life but I die at 5:31 pm today and that the process will repeat down to every infinitely small point. Or that I’m gonna re-roll on the “You get slowly tortured to death” quadrillions of times in a row or other awful possibilities an infinite amount of times that gets occasionally broken up. I should probably become an existential horror writer now that I think about it

No. 2403036

The term that I hate even more is situationship.
There’s a lot of fear of commitment and sincerity, in both men and women alike (at least women will strung you along , men are straight up demons) and it’s disheartening and frankly gross. And everyone hides behind therapy lingo like avoidant attachment etc…no retard you just suck.
That’s why I don’t bother dating.

No. 2403039

File: 1739734046700.jpg (89.19 KB, 968x799, GcZpYlMWIAAqkPb.jpg)

im so depressed at the state of the world im starting to cope with the idea that jesus will come back soon. dont tell me he wont i need any hope at this point…

No. 2403042

I fucking suck at killing myself. I took a whole of ambien, had some cocktails with 40% alcohol, and topped it off with half a bottle of xanax. I'm alive but now I feel like shit. I need to invest in better methods

No. 2403044

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Fear not. He’s always there within you.

No. 2403045

fuck you mods you'll never stop me

No. 2403047

A similar thing has been happening to me but now I’m starting to believe in Starseeds just because I feel like I’ve been mentally spiraling that badly

No. 2403049

Why do I find this nona so annoying? She seems like she's just having fun but she is also just very annoying. Maybe its because she makes herself really obvious that she's the same anon across the boards, idk. Like if we were friends she'd be the self-centered type who always talks about herself. Obviously dont want to say anything directly to her to avoid infighting and "assigning" her as a personalityfag so I will vent here

No. 2403050

Nah it's actually based. I'm glad people don't lie and pretend commitment is good anymore and see through it. The cons of being committed outweigh the pros, that is if there are pros in the first place. I thought men were evil or whatever, so why would you want a woman to throw away her life to be committed to one? That's more retarded.

No. 2403051

File: 1739734498468.gif (14.06 KB, 220x193, dw-tired-dw.gif)

I can't wait to become a full-fledged and actually experienced front-end developer so I can work from home most of the time. I'm pretty retarded even for a student, soon to be junior, developer. But I'll make sure to slowly get less retarded. I gambled on my autism helping me out with this but it appears it's only good for gaming and reading comics, not learning actual useful shit. Luckily I can pretend to be a normal person well enough and adapt so I can get hired for fitting in with the office dynamic rather than my poor skills.

No. 2403052

Maybe this was a sign that you should be here nonna. Seek some help.

No. 2403055

The point flew all over your head kek.

No. 2403071

Yeah because ending up as a single mother with a kid who hates you because dad was a FwB who peaced out once you started showing signs of pregnancy is so based. You're not supposed to give men who can't/won't commit to you sex unless you're getting something of worth out of it. And then that just ends up becoming prostitution.

No. 2403075

>women getting used
>women potentially being exposed to more rapists and abusers
>orgasm gap is still the same

No. 2403095

Because getting sex as a woman isn't of worth? And how does pregnancy even add up to this? Someone who isn't into commitment is definitely not someone who is trying to get pregnant. Condoms exist.
All of this still can happen in a committed relationship, but the difference is escaping it would be even harder with financial intertwining and moving in with a male. Committed relationships and marriage are a scam and much more detrimental to a woman's life than a quick fling that is easier to walk away from with less consequences. Getting yourself trapped in a relationship so you can feel morally superior about being ~committed~ isn't worth it.

No. 2403101

Lol what does she do?

No. 2403111

I'll probably the only person here who agrees with you, I have very negative views of marriage and I'm just not interested in commitment either, I just don't like serious relationships.

No. 2403121

if you chose to become a mother you kind of have to think about someone other than yourself. You're just fucking over your kid for life if they don't at least know the other person responsible for their existence. Also, you're forgetting that people use marriages as a way to track who's related to who, so no accidental incest happens. Also, married mothers are more respected at hospitals and schools and they'll take better care of your kid because unfortunately that's just how society is. Also, child support is a thing. Personally I'm never getting married or having kids because its all a trap, but being a single mom is just shooting yourself in both feet instead of one foot like a married woman does.

No. 2403126

>Yeah because ending up as a single mother with a kid who hates you because dad was a FwB who peaced out
Not an issue if you abort males and aren't mentally ill and taking it out on your kid.

No. 2403129

i think i know who you’re talking about what are some of her “topics” if you know what i mean

No. 2403133

NTA but why are you bringing children into this? Hooking up isn't about that, sure it can happen but most of the civilized world is ok with abortions.

No. 2403137

Still kind of sad I couldn't make this relationship work.

No. 2403138

Good luck nonna! I moved from mobile to back end to full stack. Don't feel you have to pigeon hole yourself in one place. Depending on where you are getting a remote job might be difficult as a grad atm.

No. 2403148

so this is really cringe as i'm way too old for this, but i started flirting with a guy from another continent and although i'll most likely never meet him i'm getting butterflies… it's nice to know i can still feel something, and i was so fucking bored with my life that i'll take any distraction than comes my way.
>but nonnie why not flirt IRL?
too scary, too much effort, and i'm not looking for a relationship so if it's not going to lead anything might as well take the comfy route

No. 2403153

File: 1739737685644.jpg (36.16 KB, 552x689, adidas.jpg)

>Sure I'm free next (this) weekend. I'm cool with whatever
It's Sunday and no reply. I don't think I'm getting a reply. It was going so good too. I put in a really nice gif and it wasn't seen because I wasn't left on seen, just sent. Not even worth a seen…

No. 2403159

Thank you nonnie! I am actually studying fullstack, because I didn't have a full grasp on which was what when I started and I wanted to see what fit me the most once I was done. I struggle so much with backend I feel like I want to focus on getting a good grasp on frontend before I move on to taking a deeper dive into that (luckily the place I intern at lets me focus mostly on frontend as well when I was honest about my ability level), but at least I know enough to build a database so I can do at least a half-decent final exam project.

No. 2403160

File: 1739737939197.jpg (41.95 KB, 600x288, 1000030949.jpg)

I'm paranoid now kek

No. 2403167

No, it's not weird. I used to do it too, it certainly is less scary kek. What continent?

No. 2403174

god release me from this flesh prison

No. 2403178

my brother came out as trans.. jesus. and my parents are being supportive. idk how to handle this. he will never pass.

No. 2403179

Nonna these women aren’t getting into FWB and situation ships because they are based girlbosses kek. The scrotes blindside them and given them crumbs while leading them on. You aren’t showing scrotes anything if you’re giving them pussy with zero effort.
Hookupculture doesn’t benefit women.
And again the orgasm gap speaks loudly and clear kek.

No. 2403187

Switch his pills with placebo. And lock your room, otherwise he’ll steal your clothes , including your panties and bras.

No. 2403188

She talks about 2d men thats all I can disclose without narrowing it down further

No. 2403194

Honestly a lot of CS college is learning how to teach yourself. Like I work in things that are way different than what I studied in college. I did assembly, c, c++, Haskell, Java, Java w Android (it was terrible back then), sql and Prolog. I work with ReactJS and Kotlin and a little bit of NodeJS now. It's really good that your internship is giving you real life skills. Learning how to write stuff that doesn't just work but makes sense to other people is something you don't get in college.

No. 2403199

Is that the Dazai/Zagreus anon?

No. 2403216

My internship has been absolutely excellent, I have two supervisors (both women) in charge of me so they can share the time needed to couch my retarded ass. Whenever one of our coworkers is doing something that isn't too complex for my level I get to shadow them for a bit, and maybe come with a couple of ideas for possible solutions. They teach me how to work with designers and how to communicate what's possible and not, how to deal with feedback when they're doing tests etc. I'm also going to take part in a smaller customer project so I'm also going to take part in some customer meetings to see how they work. I even had a little breakdown last month because I felt like a dumb idiot that is wasting their precious time and it felt a bit better when they said "hey, the absolute best part of being a junior is that nobody expects anything from you! Take your time!" kek
I hope I get to stay after my 6 months there are up, but idk if they have the time to couch me further. But here's to hoping!

No. 2403230

There is no "leading on" with FwB. You fuck and that's it. If you're hooking up but secretly want the moid to fall to his knees and propose then you're doing it wrong. And if the sex isn't great then you stop hooking up. It's not that hard to grasp, nonnita.

No. 2403234

you guys think its her brother posting?

No. 2403235

That would be a nice utopia if all women who engaged in ONs , FwB did that. Have you ever interacted with a woman before? Few of them are even happy with these arrangements.
I’m just giving it to you straight.

No. 2403243

My roommate has one week off from work tomorrow and she's been so busy that she really looked forward to having some alone time in our apartment while I'm at work. I'm currently coming down with a flu and feel horrible about not giving her that alone time now. I'm thinking to just push through, but I have an hour long bus commute to work and it's always packed. I don't want to cough and sneeze in people's faces, but we don't have any masks in the house and I can't run to buy any before the bus tomorrow morning. Not too excited about getting my coworkers sick either, but if I stay home my roommate will probably resent me for it and think I'm just being lazy or something since it's not that bad. I don't know what to do.

No. 2403249

I think I'm a lost cause nonas….
>be 27
>very poor social skills
>no confidence, insecure, shy, sensitive
>physically very weak, no strength
>very low energy, easily tired
>no attention span, gets easily overwhelmed with simple tasks
>have zero motivation to do anything as a result
even if I went to therapy and tried to fix myself there's just way too much going on and too much past trauma to work with. I tried fixing my sleep schedule, fixing my diet, going to gym, and it does jackshit. my blood tests are all normal. I've been thinking to kms cause I don't want to be useless to everyone around me anymore but I'm too much of a pussy

No. 2403251

Agreed. Lolcor is so lame now. It's just pearl clutching moralfag refugees from twitter, underage tiktok fags, catty bitches on their period looking for someone to take their rage out on, baiting trannies, losers who larp as Stacies, and pickmes who worship ugly scrotes. But sperging over fat women while fawning over serial killers is pretty standard lolcow behavior and always has been. Sometimes this place makes me ashamed to be a woman, there are so many bad and low IQ takes on here and it makes us look absolutely retarded.

No. 2403252

please rest, she can have the rest of the week alone
make sure to open the windows, wash your hands frequently and avoid sharing a room with her

No. 2403254

You pay for the house too, don’t be ridiculous. She can suck it up.
If she wanted alone time she should have gotten a condo for herself.

No. 2403255

>fake terf

No. 2403256

trans jesus?!

No. 2403257

toxic relationships with men are absolutely cringe. women who love and stay with men who are abusive, sadistic, disrespectful, violent etc to them, or even worse, fetishize and romanticize it, just give me second hand embarrassment. same goes for hybristophiles, kinksters and other such brainrot.

i have to immediately cut women off who engage in this type of shit, i have absolutely no time for it and refuse to listen to their self inflicted problems. you live in the free world, you have a choice, and you chose that. grim.

No. 2403258

Ok? Are baby-trapped tradfags happy? Are femcels happy? It's misery all the way down, nona, we're just able to pick our miseries.

No. 2403260

That sounds great, you'll do well nonnie

No. 2403261

>implying the anti makeup radfems are the same as luigifags
stop being retarded on purpose. the luigifags are the ones in the relationship thread asking how to clean their rectums out before anal and posting pictures of ugly manlets and saying how sexy they are.

No. 2403264

This is victim blaming.

No. 2403265

cant switch his pills but i ordered locks for my closet doors on amazing literally after he told us. he also chose a weird new name, it doesnt fit him at all. i cannot say how fucking mad i am. he said he already had an appointment for HRT and will be on them soon. he also, funnily enough, for the first time since years has shaved his beard. like completely shaved, lol. i wish i could access his laptop to see wtf he was on. did any other nonna experience a sibling coming out trans? were you able to stop them? i love my brother i dont want him to mutilate himself.

No. 2403266

Kek right

No. 2403267

Thanks nona, I really hope so! I feel too dumb for my choice of career a lot of the time but hopefully everything will finally fall into place in my brain soon enough

No. 2403269

It gets to a point…

No. 2403270

File: 1739741197107.jpg (19.25 KB, 680x459, ee7.jpg)

I can't it with you, retards. Stop going to /g/ if it triggers you so much jfc.

No. 2403272

Your brother is a porn addicts who probably watches violent scenes where women are raped and he sissyhipnoed himself. He’s disgusting.

No. 2403274

anon don't be a simp

No. 2403276

once you've known multiple people in abusive relationships you realize that no amount of advice, support or help you offer them will ever convince them to leave. it gets extremely tiresome having to babysit someone through their own terrible decisions, its basically like having an active drug addict around

No. 2403279

I neglected my dental hygiene so bad due to extreme anxiety and depression, and now almost all my teeth are rotting. I feel like an absolute idiot. I had beautiful teeth before this.

No. 2403280

>my boyfriend raped me and the waitress and i love him.
Is this a reference to something specific?

No. 2403285

Anons I'm hungry and can't afford to eat the way I used to. I feel like I'm on a forced diet that I neither want nor need. I wish the prices of food would go down.

No. 2403286

That's kinda on them for being retarded emotional messes and doing something that won't give them the outcome they're looking for.

No. 2403305

The rabbit story is a perfect litmus test of whether a nona has any reading comprehension.

No. 2403311

Feeling like a bitch for this but I wish my bf, friends and family would just shut up at like 9pm and leave me be. This is my personal time, I don't want to talk or be social anymore

No. 2403312

You both seem like newfags and if you have been here for a while, you haven't integrated at all

No. 2403314

Don't forget also cheering on young women struggling so hard they're prostituting themselves and getting used and their hearts broken by rotting xys on valentines day >>2400970 (yes I know that's likely a moid itself but I'm pissed it didn’t get redtexted despite my report).
Months ago I would've told you to just ignore all the bait but it's so fucking bad right now that it might as well be actual posters.

No. 2403315

not really. anon did not do ample research before adopting and is now willing to cook and eat them before traveling, posting on reddit or facebook, etc. i know she has done so much already but this is the responsibility you take on when adopting a pet. i also cant imagine raising and caring for something you will just butcher and eat.

No. 2403317

It's a bunch of retards who complain about and report everything and are now pretending they are regular users and the older userbase is the problem. They can't read, make dumb strawman arguments about everything, are reactive and DARVO go-to no matter what. Also if you say anything bad about a specific woman or her choices, you're anti-feminist

No. 2403325

Lolcow isn’t a feminist blog. Retards are going to be called retards, and a prostitute expecting her John who pays her solely for that to love her is retarded.

No. 2403326

No, the issue was always that she stupidly adopted a rabbit bred for meat. There are different kinds. Meat rabbits can be big as dogs and have zero desire to be near or connect with humans. I know this because my neighbor used to breed them for food in his barn. Just reaching into their cage to pet them was enough to have them all scramble to the other side of it. Holding them meant getting kicked and scratched. You would not want one as a pet the same reason you wouldn't want a pig as a pet. It's an animal that is not only destructive and dirty, but also miserable when it's near you because it never needed to have any charisma bred into it when it's only purpose is to eat and grow fat. You failed the litmus test.

No. 2403327

I feel you. Do you have any services for food-saving in your country? I'm in a similar boat as you and that's essentially how I can still occasionally afford to eat something nice. In my country there's "Too good to go", where you can pick up excessive food from restaurants, bakeries and malls that would otherwise be thrown away despite still being fresh.

No. 2403330

never made a report and not a newfag, but the environment has changed and continues to over the years. ive witnessed all of what you mention and that is part of the issue, but the constant infighting and zoomerism, for one, is still atrocious. there seemed to be a sanctity to lolcow but as more retards flock here and the userbase dwindles we are left with this constant theatrical play of users attacking other users over negligible things. i dont mean for bad choices, and i dont mean banter, but ragging on or attacking them and projecting their own misery. its strange that most anons can no longer go beyond this cycle and no conversations of substance are really had anymore. maybe its the retardation being imposed upon us by the world but there is no camaraderie, individuality, or kindness anymore it seems, and maybe lc is only an extension of the bordering internet. whatever, i get that its an imageboard, again, but things used to be more optimistic and engaging. there was more harmony. its depressing here now.

No. 2403334

It's also not a place to support piece of shit moid behaviour and make people venting here feel even worse because you can't help defending moids. You can do that on literally any other website freely.

No. 2403337

yeah that was the test and not whether or not she was a fucking sociopath you’re like so logical and smart

No. 2403341

i think you described this very well. it’s not that i dislike the users who have problems with the site at the moment but it’s all so misdirected and contributing directly to what they don’t want.

if we want anything to change, stop infighting over petty shit(the jannys watch and probably giggle instead of doing anything because theyre butthurt that the userbase calls them scrotes and newfags) redirect all of your unresolved rage at the jannys and quit interacting/infighting with the posters that ‘shit up the site so much’, it ultimately makes both parties look equally as pathetic and grovelly, no matter how much i agree with them.

No. 2403342

I enjoy those aspects of lc when they hapen organically but would say the newfags keep sperging about the alleged kindness of lc more than anyone but it's like toxic positivity (look at the stupid rules they've added to this thread). Why would that make the board interesting or special? You can't be rude to other "female" users on reddit without getting banned. Why would I want to come to a place where we're prodded into performing female inclusion? It's not real and the newfags that can't handle that can scream "mean girls" all they want. They just don't fit into the mentality and here and are mad about it. They're completely oblivious to obvious sarcasm and humour then get angry when it's pointed out and try to change the rules. An anon explained that the banter is gone from this site and I think that's what it is. It's become a whiny soapbox or constant source of drama/complaints. I get that I'm participating rn but this is pretty much the only topic on lc anymore, so what can you do

No. 2403343

this is what everyone tells themselves to get past the guilt for being a bad person for abandoning a woman to a violent man because helping is toooo hardddd

No. 2403346

How is killing livestock sociopath behavior to you? Are you vegan or something?

No. 2403349

>i also cant imagine raising and caring for something you will just butcher and eat.
Sorry to break it to you but this has been a part of human history since we started domesticating animals. I can understand that you yourself couldn't stomach doing it (I know I can't) but it's done all the time by all kinds of people and I'm not talking about industrial level animal farms, I'm talking about your run of the mill family farm where they raise chickens, pigs and others and slaughter and eat them.

No. 2403352

I feel that if you ask some anons here where meat comes from they'll say the supermarket

No. 2403356

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oh my god stop talking about the stupid fucking rabbits

No. 2403365

samefag but adding to this and using anon's post as an example
this has been said countless fucking times and yet there are still anons "summarizing" this debate in the most hysterical way possible to create drama and infighting. Every angle of this post has been discussed to death and some anons just have a different perspective about killing/eating rabbit for non-psychotic reasons. It's like trying to overtly psy-op us like we're retarded buy why would anyone even bother to do that in such an over/retarded way? I think that's what is causing so much confusion

No. 2403368

Hey, I saw that dumbass pic in a different shit thread!

No. 2403369

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No. 2403371

>She adopted a rabbit meant for meat
Kek, what a retard.

No. 2403372

nta but kek and keep this up please

No. 2403373

Everybody talking about the slaughtering the rabbits part, but honestly, the getting an animal cause Nigel is already going too far for me. I don't think anon is a psychopath, just painfully stupid. The thing is that psychopathy and terminal retardation are very similar and easy to mix up.

No. 2403374

You'll get a keelhauling for posting that

No. 2403375

Yes that was like the hidden cow that everyone missed, including me. I thought the nigel dropped off rabbits and then went and became a troon, as they do

No. 2403376

Between "muh Nigel wanted one" and the fact they bought a livestock animal as a pet, I think the answer really is just "they're not evil, they're just painfully dumb."

No. 2403378

Your hidden cow is getting so upset about the food pet like a baby

No. 2403379

She was specifically a retard because she got TWO, not one, TWO rabbits because her scrote , who doesn’t even live with her, always found them cute and wanted on. She also had more animals in the house too, gross.

No. 2403381

Hey, it's different from the usual daily argument, I'll take what I can get

No. 2403382

nta but i understand your first post. the incessant
>this is how lc should be! be naisu!
accomplishes nothing, but also the infighting in circles (and obvious bait) has only ramped up which is most definitely a consequence of the shitty janny attitude at the moment. it feels like groundhog day with the amount of innocuous posts getting a handful of rabid anons attacking the entire site for days on end because it wasn’t the ‘right opinion’. i think most of us look at some of the posts and just nope out of lc at this point with how deranged they are kek

No. 2403383

When these cavepeople attempt to slaughter the rabbits, it's gonna look like that scene from The Inbetweeners where Neil kills a fish

No. 2403385

I'm so disillusioned, nonas. I hate men so much but I also feel useless myself and feel dependent on their validation. I know it's only going to get harder for me if I continue to feel this way and don't get a grip/don't start feeling confident about myself outside of feeling like I can get male validation (I'm turning 30 this year.)

I have ADHD and life feels like it's gotten harder rather than easier. I have few support systems in place and establishing them in the midst of trying to get a job upon graduating from my masters degree in May feels impossible. I miss my life at 23, when I still felt like I had potential. I feel like I don't know what I want even more so at this point.

I need some sort of plan and concrete goals. I'm very scared about the upcoming decade of my life. I'm scared about my inability to cope with sadness and I'm finding it difficult to push through the sadness I've been feeling these last few months and make my life better for myself.

I'm also addicted to vaping, which is disgusting and shameful but I don't have the energy to quit. I feel pretty pathetic and I want to stop wallowing but every setback feels so heavy and pulls me down even deeper into the abyss I feel like I've been going down these past few years.

No. 2403387

Okay I agree but what constitutes "bait" keeps changing because there are newfags trying to create a fake and retarded consensus that no reasonable anon would ever agree with and then vpn reporting posts. They outnumber actual users because they're annoying and people move on to other threads or take a break from lc all together. The dumbest part of this "psy-op" is that there is absolutely nothing special about lc, other than the delicate lolcowian ecosystem which evolves gradually over time (and not suddenly, into a generic place on the internet that could be anywhere). Jannies are probably exhausted from the fake reports and the reports against the people I'm referring to

No. 2403390

ayrt and i still definitely agree, especially with the fact that everything is ever-changing, but really the jannys have been radio silent even though meta and ot have been blowing up over this for ages. it’s just poor moderation and i hope that they address it at some point. it’s discouraging to use a website when the only staff don’t seem to give a shit. i’m not trying to say they’re all haters and men, simply that theres obviously an internal problem which is leaking onto the site and not being addressed properly. it’s their job to handle that stuff, not ours

No. 2403398

i have white scleral show below my eyes and i went to the eye doc lmao and they made me sit in this chair to take pics and that son of a bitch literally told me "youre looking down you need to look up" and basically put a thingy where i can put my chin on (which leans forward when you rest ur chin there) and then said "uhm u have no scleral show and this moid fgt is my height and im looking him straight in the yes "dont i have scleral show now?" hes like yes you do but youre looking down! and i was like "how am i looking down if im looking you in the eyes" and he said "you have bad posture, your head is looking down" and i just left it at that honestly cuz i cant with fucking moids. anyways this was last tuesday and its still ringing in my fucking head. like how is that possible? i either have a recessed maxilla or something like that. like i barely have any cheeks and im skinny asf.
also any nonnies here have smth like this? i think that retarded moid is full of shit. when i push my chin forward and look into the mirror it looks forced as fuck lol. also shouldnt you tuck the chin? its what i do currently but then i have like 2mm lower scleral show.

No. 2403403

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The autistic woman experience is really never feeling like a woman but not wanting to troon out either. I don't want to be a woman or a man, I just want to be nothing. I also don't want to be nonbinary or whatever the fuck, I just want to be nothing. I want no attachment to any of it. I have failed at preforming femininity for most of my life and have been outcasted and treated like shit by other women as a result. The only women I can get along with are TIFs or other autist women which is relatively harder to encounter or they're just the TIFs I mentioned. I want to be free of all of this shit. If I want to look like a rat, then let me. I am tired of constantly performing to live up to the standards of men and women alike. It is so exhausting but I stand by that I'm not a troon because I still don't want to be a man. Free me from it all. I start a new job tomorrow and they all seem pretty normie except one girl who looks like TIFfy and I'm scared. More performing. More meeting the untold social aspects of others around me and performing femininity. More masking. More stuffing my personality in. There is no freedom. I want literally be Goro Majima. Just so freely batshit because it's easier than trying and getting hurt all the time.

No. 2403407

It really fucking irritates me because it's like the poster glossed over the fact that I'm 21 and just started college. Did they want me to give birth when I was underaged? Did they expect me to "last in a long relationship" and have children when I was 15-16? I met my boyfriend in school. Do they think I am so fucking stupid to want to have children while I am going to school without having a good career first? Seriously.

No. 2403411

My mom was and is so beautiful and I came out looking like my uncle. She had that old hollywood short face, sharp jaw, big eyes, full round high cheekbones, straight nose with just a little bit of a slope. I have almost the same features but with a meaty jaw, wide bent potato nose, eyebags and a double chin even though I'm average weight.

No. 2403413

SAME NONA. ugh. instead its my dad though. i've told him multiple times to his face that if he hadn't given me his nose i would have been so much better off

No. 2403418

You're fine nonna, you just gotta ignore the baiting handmaidenry tradfagging. Obviously a baby would really fuck up your future right now, but the best thing to do is to keep calm, as stressing can affect your period heavily. Even the slightest hormonal changes due to life can really mess you up in several ways. The best thing you can do is test 3 weeks after sex because then it's definitive and then if you still feel worried get a blood test which is effectively foolproof. You're gonna be okay nonna. I would also try looking into birth control to be extremely safe in the future but I'm pretty schizo about not wanting kids. Always better to be extremely safe than in a pinch though.

No. 2403423

This is normal, be yourself, you'll get there. Unless you want a ton of friends then it's never gonna happen but you'll at least have the few you have.

No. 2403424

What is this nose obsession going on for weeks as well, is this bc of selfies? Your nose will always look bad in a selfie anons

No. 2403428

genuinely who the fuck cares? where did people get the idea that being friends with someone a generation younger or older than you is bad?

No. 2403431

Zoomers fearing stranger danger lurking around every corner, millennials not wanting to be exposed publicly for making an off-handed text and being known as a groomer. Both are irrational and based on internet hysteria

No. 2403432

nona, noses are a very common insecurity

No. 2403434

>where did people get the idea that being friends with someone a generation younger or older than you is bad?
Not any of the anons you're replying to but honestly probably because of Twitter infectious mindset that if you ever interact with a minor = you're trying to groom/be a pedo. OBviously this is not always the case but it's such a common sentiment now. I'm 22 and had some 17 year old coworkers and I would only talk to them very minimally/only about work because I didn't want to be seen as weird.

No. 2403435

Even when I was mildly self-conscious about my nose in pics of myself, I didn't talk about it all the time. It's just shallow and boring to see every single day, that's all

No. 2403437

Not any of the anons in this discussion but I got bullied ruthlessly for my nose, I was literally called Pinocchio in elementary school it was so fucked up.

No. 2403441

I don't get this fear, if you're both women it's normal for a 22 year old to be friendly with a 17 year old especially in the workplace.

No. 2403443

>vent thread
and how do you know these are the same anons who've talked about it in the past? a sizeable portion of the women i've met are insecure about their noses, some moreso than others

No. 2403447

I don't mean to sound rude but you really should get it fixed if it's interfering with your quality of life that badly. There have been anons sperging like nazis over bumps and slopes for the past month, it's exhausting. If you have a large nose that is genuinely distracting and causing this many issues, you can get it covered by OHIP or even insurance as a deviated septum (pretty much any doctor will sign off on it if you research the symptoms)

No. 2403449

It's probably different anons complaining about a very common insecurity, not the same person over and over.

No. 2403456

For me my brain was like "I'm at the age of graduating (4-year) college, these 17 year olds aren't even done with high school yet" and partially being afraid of them thinking "why is this whole ass grown women trying to talk to us". Does that make sense? Teens these days are extra mean and conscious about that kinda think kek.

No. 2403461

I hate how everything in this family has to be everyone’s business. I get a package today?
>Oh anon what is it tell us open it in front of us oh, (This man LITERALLY burst into my room to look out my window as I’m typing this) why did you even buy that, its such a waste of money, hey let me see
I make a smoothie for myself?
>Oh anon can I have some let me get a sip, next time can you leave me some, you should try this flavor next time, oh no i wont buy the ingredients or make it myself I just want you to make it so I can taste
I walk up the stairs
>Who is that walking? What are you doing? Is anyone downstairs? Why did you come up? Do you have uni tomorrow?

Just leave me the fuck alone. I wish it wasnt so expensive to live anywhere near my uni.

No. 2403462

Then don't talk to the mean ones. I never understood this thought but maybe it's because I have much older siblings. Like, is there a certain age where it becomes appropriate to talk to younger women? Nobody judges 50+ year olds for it.

No. 2403466

Women get careers and used to working with younger or older women that way

No. 2403479

That's fair. I think a 17 year old and a 22 year old messaging online one-on-one could be a little weird. If it were me, I'd feel the need to lecture them about the dangers of trusting people online. But I worked with teenage girls at my last wagie job and we got along fine, I was pretty protective over them though. I used to always bitch out the moids who were my age for being so mean to them. I guess for me it's hard to see someone that age as a true peer you can be friends with.

No. 2403480

>Weirdly sick all winter
>Friend recommends I check the moisture exhausts
>Every single one is covered in black mold
Jfc how can they fuck up the one thing they are supposed to do? I wonder how much brain damage I have from breathing in spores all winter. Also I guess this is a vent about vents, double vent yay

No. 2403481

lol I have the qame experience. it's annoying but we'll miss them when they're gone so might as well enjoy it

No. 2403483

Oh it only affected me during elementary and middle school, I don't really care now and my face grew a bit more proportional. I don't even know why I was called Pinocchio because my nose isn't even long, nor is it anything slopey or like a Jewish nose, I just have a pretty round nose tip. My post was just kinda sending out empathy for those who are affected by the insecurity and how that forms, but I think people have to try to accept their insecurities.

No. 2403485

Probably 18+ then. It's weird because I have so many positive experiences hanging out with adult groups (including women) as a teenager but I wouldn't feel comfortable doing the same. Probably because current teenagers think they're the interesting ones and I was hanging out with adults to learn from them and get access to adult things

No. 2403488

Holy shit that's awful.

No. 2403489

Thank you. I took my test today and thankfully, it is negative. Now I'm just sort of worried I might have thyroid issues again lol, but my boyfriend has been really patient with me about it.. I just can't understand why my cramps and whatnot are so prolonged, or why I suddenly feel so tired, but I am assuming it's because I suddenly stopped the multivitamins. Thank you again.

No. 2403495

You don't really need multivitamins unless you eat exclusively things with zero nutritional value, though low vitamin D and anemia are common even with people who eat well. Do investigate the thyroid thing but also look at environmental factors. It could be a >>2403480 situation and you have something in your house that is fucking you up.

No. 2403501

It's honestly not surprising, every single place I've rented has had a mold problem. I just thought because I couldn't see it it wasn't that. I've bleached all the vents. It should be ok. I'm still annoyed af that this has been a very wet country for a very long time and we still haven't figured out mold yet.

No. 2403513

Moldnonna here, also check for carbon monoxide. The alarms are cheap. It starts at tiredness and then you get confused easily and suddenly you are in the House of Leaves.

No. 2403514

Sometimes I get stabbing pains on my breasts. Right now I'm feeling it in the bottom of my right breats, a throbbing stabbing pain like there's a needle in it or something. I visit a gyno every year and do touch exams as well as breast and uterus imaging. Last time was in november. There's nothing wrong with me, no lumps, no abnormalities anywhere that was checked, my bloodwork is also 100% within parameters. And yet multiple times a week for a couple minutes at a time, I'll get these weird pains.

No. 2403515

Trying to lose weight as a short woman is enough to make me want to commit the 'cide.

No. 2403519

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You might want to invest in an air purifier/dehumidifier combo until you can move nona

No. 2403525

Kek I read this as “moid” problem at first and was super curious how bleaching the vents is helping you keep away moids

No. 2403533

Ty nonna, I'll buy one once I get paid. Until then I will be leaving every window open while I'm not at home.
I'm sure bleach is equally effective on moids kek.

No. 2403539

I'm so SICK of the porn algorithm on twitter, I tried to flag it as not interested I tried to ignore it now I feel like puking everytime I don't want to be aware of the girls posting that content and the users fapping on it. I don't know if making a new account will retain the same cookies I hate it so much

No. 2403540

they stay contained in their thread. i don't get what is so controversial about them, or even other /g/ threads that has anons constantly whinging about them every few days here, and in some cases going into the threads themselves like the "why are you attracted to males/i still hate men" anon in the ideal male bodies thread. which doesn't make sense because someone who's truly not attracted to men wouldn't even click those threads to begin with.
do anons want being straight bannable? or if it's about taste there's always the conventional thread. i almost wish /g/ was hidden since apparently a lot of posters don't know how to not click it and not start shit in threads for topics they weren't interested in in the first place

No. 2403541

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considering looking into breast reduction. I used to really dislike how my breasts looked, more so one lopsided one than the other. I've grown into my asymmetrical chest, its natural and common. I dont give a shit half the time but the unending back pain, never able to bend over without my breasts making it harder to keep my posture straight. Its unending. I want to walk around braless AND comfortable. to not feel them tugging up and down as i move. It wouldnt really be healthy for me to lose weight; im already on the thin side and theres no such thing as targeting one area for fat loss. I was looking up local clinics and the results look incredible. i feel bad for also enjoying the aesthetics of it, since theyd look "better", or more "attractive". I don't want to care about that sort of thing, but maybe there is a man inside my head i am always trying to impress. I kind of just see the aesthetic improvement as a perk. I'm a virgin, sex repulsed with no history of sexual trauma, and im not planning to have kids so i dont plan on breastfeeding. dont have anyone i can really talk to this about in my personal life, coming to you nonnies.

No. 2403548

I knew someone who had the surgery covered for back pain and she was very happy with the results. If you find a good surgeon, they cut around the nipple so the scars aren't too noticeable and they spend a lot of time on symmetry/shape. Hers looked really natural pretty soon after surgery and she had very light skin as well. As long as you are otherwise fit/healthy since they'll shrink/sag again if you have to lose any weight but you say you're on the thin side so it's more likely you'd be able to get it covered for that reason if you have insurance

No. 2403551

Just went on my first trip abroad with my cousin and I regret it so much. I just decided to go with her because she said she would pay for part of my flight and that we would have very low expenses (like $25/day). I'm a poorfag so I said sure. But I should have asked why no one else wanted to go.

Here's how the trip was a clusterfuck:
>Didn't book a hotel room until after we arrived in the first city
>Spent a whole day calling people begging for somewhere to stay
>We took an overnight bus across the country, left at 10:30 PM and woke up at 3:30 AM
>We end up waiting nine hours for her friends to arrive to get lunch
>Stay at friends' house, but it's very basic and basically a concrete shack
>Next we are supposed to go to an indigenous town which sounds cool as fuck but there's actually no electricity or water
>I am incredibly sweaty by the time we get there but I'm told I can only clean myself by bathing in the stream with my clothes on. WTF
>I try to learn native basket weaving but my cousin is a shit teacher and the women keep undoing my work and laughing at me
>We go to the next town which is even worse because there's electricity but no data
>We literally sleep on a mattress on a concrete floor
>The next day my cousin wants to visit her friend in another town, and I have no choice but to fucking go because there is nothing to do here
>The friend's house is 45 minutes of hiking uphill, but at least there's data here
>We end up swimming in a river that is muddy as fuck with a bunch of annoying kids who keep trying to speak Spanish with me
>We finally go somewhere decent and nice but it ends up pouring rain on our hike

Do people enjoy genuinely traveling abroad like this or are they masochists? I know I could go to somewhere nicer but I'm probably never going to be able to since I'm poor. I just feel like my cousin is retarded and a shit planner. But I also think Latin America is shit based on this trip and I advise people to not go.

No. 2403552

i don't feel like deleting and reposting because of the retarded 10 minute long flood detection bullshit so i also want to add, it feels like recently nonas can't offhandedly say they find x attractive in appropriate threads without adding disclaimers first like we all need to say "by the way i don't support or agree with every action this moid does and am not saying he's objectively attractive it's my personal taste" or else some dumbass barges into the thread trying to lecture everyone and derail

No. 2403553

I think there's nothing wrong with getting a reduction especially for medical reasons. Back pain can really fuck you up in so many ways if you let it go. There's also no shame in enjoying the aesthetic improvements but it doesn't have to be for the man in your head, but for your own confidence/comfort you know?

No. 2403555

Outside of school shooters I agree. I don't really want to see rapists or zoolander selfies of a pucker-faced scrote who gunned down a bunch of women, because he's mad his beta-dad is a passport bro

No. 2403556

Also my cousin repeatedly decided it was a good idea to stay in hostel rooms with scrotes. I think she is a secret pickme.

No. 2403557

i can't do this anymore. not this time.

No. 2403558

Absolutely. The maxim "hide the thread" apparently doesn't apply to /g/ because some anons can't accept the fact that straight women can't help their attraction to men and want to talk to other like minded women about it.

No. 2403560

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No. 2403562

Sounds like there was zero planning on this trip. Your greentext already started with a red flag. How do you travel somewhere without securing a place to sleep? Did you ask your cousin what her itinerary was, what the accomodations would be like in her friends' house etc? Or did she not have that planned either? Or did she not know? Trips require preparation and deciding what you're willing to do. They're great fun if you plan ahead.

No. 2403567

Poor planning can easily singlehandedly ruin literally anything and everything. Friends meeting up, travel, etc. I have some friends that enjoy that spontaneous retardation and it really throws you off if you prefer anything with a semblance of concrete plans. It sounds like your cousin just fucked up the whole experience and it also sounds like you went to a shithole of a place too. I'm really sorry your experience was ruined from the start like that.

No. 2403570

I agree. Panama is an overrated shithole, and I think Latin America is in general. I thought going abroad would be fun but Burgerland is actually best.

No. 2403571

You can hold on nonnie. I believe in you. It'll get better and in the future you won't believe you couldn't

No. 2403578

kek idk if you meant to diss my post but this made me laugh so thanks either way.
thank you nonna, i really appreciate it. i hope your life is good.

No. 2403579

This is kind of what I was sperging about earlier with newfags creating weird/unnatural toxic positivity. Why would you reply to this at all, let alone in such an over the top way? If I were a psychic, I'd predict there will be another bleeding heart anon telling you to ignore me and that you did the right thing by rewarding vagueposting uwu. I don't care if I sound schizo, I'm so tired of these posts

No. 2403581

I agree, but I also wonder if we might need a containment thread for all the nonas who love school shooters and terrorists (like me) because posting my husbando amongst ugly actors and Nascar racers just never felt quite right kek.

No. 2403585

What's the point of existing in such a cruel world? I'm gonna list some awful things below.
There are children who are raped to death, little girls undergoing FGM, sexual slavery, human trafficking, zoosadism. There are people in this world who were born to incomprehensibly horror and will never know happiness, peace or comfort before they die.
Meanwhile I live my happy comfy life with a full belly, body integrity, freedom. I'm not doing anything to stop that suffering, on the contrary, I'm shielding myself from it, trying to forget about it. It makes me feel complicit. And the cherry on the cake is that here I am making it all about myself and victimizing myself over it.

No. 2403588

Jfc as someone who tried to kill themselves twice maybe I wanted to say something fucking postiive. Maybe you should fuck off. Maybe think that someone might want to help someone else out. Maybe fucking think for one moment that someone might have some fucking empathy. Do I sound I sound toxicially positive? Maybe I just want to help people. Jfc you doomers who think you are so fucking deep and above it all fuck off. Does that sound like a newfag.
I've been on boards since 07, I met moot fucking newfag shite jfc the youth today

No. 2403591

It seems like you vary from extreme hostility to over the top fawning with nothing in between

No. 2403592

Samefag it's /vent/ not /shitOnPeole/

No. 2403595

That's not what toxic positivity means. You're one of those who think board culture is being as snarky and mean as possible aren't you?

No. 2403600

And you're one of the b&w thinking newfags who can't conceive of a platform that isn't full of asocial retards affirming each other. This is the exact thing everyone is complaining about constantly, again trying to summarize things that never happened and anons aren't actually complaining about, just like a moid(infighting)

No. 2403603

Who's Peole

No. 2403606

He was the patron saint of being shit on, we shit on peole so others won't have shit upon them. Namaste

No. 2403607

I honestly can't understand what you're talking about, it reads like you had a stroke or are replying to the wrong comment.
How is trying to console someone who's expressing suicidal thoughts "asocial retards affirming each other"? What's any of this got to do with moids?

No. 2403608

Are you sure they’re the one with b&w thinking nona? Seems ironic considering you are so upset over someone comforting a nona going through hard times and thinking that it is somehow toxic positivity with no in-between possible

No. 2403612

My only irl female friend has been so distant recently. She initiates conversations then barely responds when I text back. And I KNOW she's not busy she just scrolls Pinterest and Tiktok on her phone all day. I told her that it's a really unhealthy lifestyle and that she should get a part time job or volunteer or go to school or something…. Idk if I upset her or if she's unironically just getting brainrot from doing nothing all day. Not even sure what to do at this point. Maybe a NEET or ex-NEET can weigh in on this? It's just really odd because we became friends based on our love of self improvement. And that lifestyle is just not it.

That's…odd. I'm sorry for your loss nona

No. 2403613

Peole got shit on for our sins….God bless

No. 2403616

Anons that reply like that in the vent thread have always been around, why are you pretending to be an oldfag

No. 2403617

>I honestly can't understand what you're talking about,
Yes, anons keep complaining the newfags can't read. Ty for demonstrating an actual thing we are complaining about, instead of strawmanning again like a redditfag. Anon did not "express suicidal thoughts", she vagueposted about nothing and received an OTT response from a bleeding heart anon, who informed me about her past suicide attempts unprompted

No. 2403620

Lolcow.farm users try not to infight for five seconds challenge (impossible)

No. 2403622

i kind of just force myself to not think too hard about these things or i spiral. i cant recommend any other way to cope with it i wish i knew

No. 2403623

>instead of strawmanning again
That is not what strawmanning is. I could not understand her post and explained why.
How was that an over the top response? What would be an appropriate response in your opinion?

No. 2403624

>wake up
>remember men exist
day ruined

No. 2403625

I used to let my ex jackhammer during sex because I didn't care about myself and wanted sex to hurt, he never cared about foreplay, and eventually it would feel good. Anyway, I learned my lesson because now I have pelvic floor problems in my 20s, and chronic UTIs.

No. 2403628

Ex-NEET who struggles with still wanting to be a NEET here. Do you think there could be something more going on with her life? It sounds like someone like her who used to be all about self improvement and is falling into habits that go against that may be depressed. Have you tried maybe inviting her out and doing something productive like going to the gym? She may be in a rut and seeping into those bad habits as a cope.

No. 2403630

My two irl friends are going nowhere in life, and spend all day on TikTok and instagram too. They don’t even have jobs and we are in our 20s. I just finally realized there’s nothing I can do about it besides offer to do things with them sometimes like play games, go to restaurants, or events. It’s definitely possible that they’re offended by what you said, because my friends would be too, but its their life and ultimately if that’s what they want to do then who are you to stop them I guess. It’s just up to you to decide if you can push that aside and still be friends with them despite that

No. 2403632

I hope your sex life is better now that you reflected on it. Do your problems have treatments?

No. 2403637

If my ex gets a gf I'm killing myself

No. 2403638

Aww you sound like a good friend, like my frens when I was a NEET.

No. 2403640

i feel like i have to vote left wing because we all know those right wing nutjobs who are against trannies will come for us after they fucked with trannies and fags.

No. 2403642

Right wingers are already coming for women though

No. 2403643

While keeping us poor too

No. 2403647

okay simmer down BMI 26 taurus born 2006

No. 2403651

>anons complain about the same problem every day
>newfags misrepresent the problem to make them seem crazy or irrational
You're right, it's strawmanning with a touch of gaslighting, I'm sure irresistible to moids or the moid-at-heart

No. 2403652

They already have. Limiting access to abortion and birth control, breeders like Vance trying to push women to have kids, less medical access (women dying from miscarriages). People have got to start voting for their own interests/selves. Yeah sure raah raah common enemy troons but then when they come for you, what will you do? Like I couldn't give a fuck less about troons personally, and the right is powerless about other shit like immigration.

No. 2403653

>Why would you reply to this at all
Because there is a thread specifically made for people who do not want replies to their vents.

No. 2403655

Imagine being so mad that someone on the vent thread said something vaguely positive to a vent that you start schizoposting about moids. And no I'm not "strawmanning" because this is the second time you talk about moids unprompted.

No. 2403656

Sadly it isn't. My vagina is in a chronic state of hell. I drink lots of water and adjusted my diet, but I don't have a doctor

No. 2403657

If you want to address this part of my complaint specifically, instead of the overall weird tone of newfags and their posts then it's rewarding vagueposting

No. 2403661

Nothing about this exact post is OTT at all? It reads as pretty generic/cliché as an attempt to help if anything but I find it sweet still. Sometimes people need to hear that even if it's generic. Also that is not what toxic positivity means at all.

No. 2403663

An anon sperged about how many times she's killed herself >>2403588, based on my post >>2403579 asking why she would reward a vaguepost >>2403557 that says nothing. Your focus is trying to make me look crazy for noticing. Keep trying though I guess

No. 2403666

I found out about the term "digital dementia" today and I find it very applicable to my current condition. My memory has been shit lately and I just can't fucking focus on getting anything done. I recently joined a sports team and when I went to practice yesterday, I forgot the names of just about everybody. Albeit it was only my third practice session and I was absent the week prior but that was still pretty fucking bad on my end. I'm forgetting all sorts of small things like the names of places I went to last year and even certain words. I feel this screen addiction is almost crippling to me but I'm in a long-distance relationship where the only way to reach my boyfriend is online. I'm just not sure what to do. I wish I could just fucking ditch my phone and laptop but it's just not easy if I sever the only close connection I have outside my family. Even my dad tells me there's no point to ditching my phone and he discourages me from doing it.

No. 2403667

I like when people respond to my vent posts tbh, I like feeling seen and having different perspectives/thoughts/validation if it calls for it. Even if I'm being retarded.

No. 2403668

That's what I was thinking and I straight up asked her if she's depressed. She said no and that depression is for the weak pretty much. I'm pretty sure that's cope though. About two weeks ago she said she felt mentally drained, had no motivation to even shower, and couldn't get out of bed. Sounds like depression right? But she said verbatim that she's comfortable just being at home all day but it's just so out of character that it's hard to believe. I actually got her a part time job in November but she quit. I'm not sure if I want to invite her out to a goth night this weekend. This is going sound really mean but how can she be ms. mental health expert then deny the existence of depression and anxiety? I'm trying to be supportive but it's still a little annoying to me sorry.

I suppose youre right. It's just hard to sit there and watch when we used to journal about our future goals together. Very bleak.

No. 2403669

Right? The way that anon is talking you'd think it was a multi paragraph long screed on how every life has worth and everyone is loved or sth.
Answer my questions then. What would be an appropriate response? What kind of post deserves a response? What kind should be ignored? And why?

No. 2403670

Completely understandable, sometimes you just want to feel like you're being acknowleged by someone.

No. 2403674

Yeah that sounds like textbook depression to me right down to the inability to care for oneself or get out of bed. It sounds like she's in denial probably because she may have never experienced a depressive episode before. There is a chance she didn't like that job though, but how is she supporting herself otherwise? You sound like a good friend who is just a little frustrated and probably hurt seeing your friend in such a state. I still think it's worth inviting her out to that goth night, it may bring her spirits up but if she says no then what can ya do? If it's pushing a point where your own health is affected, I would probably take distance and give her some time to figure things out for herself if she doesn't want help. I agree with >>2403630 when she says it's worth contemplating pushing past your troubles with them to keep that friendship.

No. 2403675

>wdym anon?
>are you okay anon?
Allowing her to elaborate instead of assuming it was a desperate cry for help would probably be better for anon anyways because she could discuss her problem and maybe she would be less likely to vaguepost in the future. Integration bans were pretty common when I first started using lc and people didn't really have to debate what was normal because I wasn't one of a thousand other newfags joining at the same time and disrupting the existing tone/atmosphere

No. 2403681

Do you really think people never used to vaguepost on ye olde lolcow? What's wrong with vagueposting on, once again, a vent thread? You're as annoyed at my questions as I am at your aimless complaints and oldfag posturing.

No. 2403682

>The cancer that is killing /ot/

No. 2403684

Obviously this isn't strawmanning but another example of what I mean by misrepresenting the actual thing I'm complaining about, so that I sound crazy and not just yet another anon with the exact same grievances about the newfag influx since December. I posted that this is an example of what I'm talking about >>2403579 based on a) the vaguepost itself and b) the over the top reply and endless arguing since then. This is exactly why infights go on for hours lately and are always so circular

No. 2403694

i literally got a diagnosis for carpal tunnel in both of my hands.. while im glad that i finally got an answer, they also bloodtested me and found my vitb12 levels to be in the normal range but on the lower end. so the fucking healthcare shitass cuntass bitchass company said that i have to do vitb12 injections first. and they wont approve surgery for minimum of 2yrs (lol?). so i went to the endocrinologist and got the vitb12 injections and now ive been having weird ass lightning and tingles sometimes in my hands.. also loosing grip strength. its rly messing with me. i get that vitb12 injections make sense but literally gatekeeping a potentially lifesaving surgery (because i might lose my fucking job cuz of this shit) is annoying as fuck. i wouldve understand 6months with checks at the endo but not fucking 2yrs jfc
also has anyone had success with vitb12 only injections? the neurologist did a thingy that hurt on both of my hands with electricity and it showed that the signals are really slow and thus it means its carpal tunnel.

No. 2403719

That's normal for B12 injections. You might also feel similar symptoms to a head cold for the first 4 or 5 days after the injections. If you want, you should try the tablets. You might be able to reach normal B12 levels from the tablets alone. It's surprising that their first line of treatment was injections, usually that's reserved for people with familial history of low B12 or for those with a severe deficiency.

No. 2403723

Would they recommend you for physical therapy? It can help you get through that 2 year wait, sometimes you don't even need the surgery if you stick to the exercises.

No. 2403724

thank you nonnie
its been 2 weeks and im just bothered tbh but also good to know i didnt have a real cold cause i sure felt weird the first few days
also do u know how long these electric-thingies last? like its normal for b12 injections but for how long? i feel like none of the docs except for the neurologist actually gave a fuck.

No. 2403729

ayrt, thank you nona, I will look into it. It really pisses me off that people like these choose to have kids. I wish you well nonetheless

No. 2403734

Hey nona, checking in with you - did your period ever start? A lot of times, stress or even medications can really throw things off for us even if we're normally super regular like clockwork. The bloating and tender breasts could also be a sign your period is coming even if you aren't retaining as much water this time. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

No. 2403746

Im cold annoyed bored lonely and I dont want to go uni tomorrow. Just want a warm soft blanket in the shape of a handsome man to lay on me

No. 2403755

i hope your ex fucking dies

No. 2403767

If you did have a doctor, they could probably help you find the actual cause of your pelvic floor issue and chronic UTIs since it's weird you assumed you're "permanently damaged" from rough sex with a moid and then and posted that here to incite anon wrath

No. 2403778

why would it incite anon wrath besides at the man who hurt her.

No. 2403780

When nonas reply to my posts I giggle and kick my feet back and forth

No. 2403783

i really wasted my college experience. i wish i had studied and made friends in my major and bonded over learning the material. the topics make me sad now.

No. 2403786

How do you stop holding grudges from someone who betrayed you? Everytime I look at her I feel like she needs to suffer the same I did until she learns her lesson. It's obviously unhealthy to keep holding her onto this.

No. 2403792

Because it sounds true until you actually think about it. Anyways there are tons of anons in the sex threads who enjoy jackhammering but anon is talking about the vagina like it's a moid's weak anus. It can actually tolerate rough sex without collapsing in itself and shutting down, especially in her 20s jfc

No. 2403793

Mom got drunk for the first time in a while and ranted about how disappointed she is in me and in herself for me ending up like this… ugh
At least I don't think she's thought about the possibility that I'd kill myself when she dies. That would really destroy her.

No. 2403794

men can absolutely permanently sexually damage us both physically and psychologically.

No. 2403797

I have a hairy top lip no pcos I want to die

No. 2403799

Physical (vaginal) damage is extremely rare and usually only in cases of extreme abuse using objects or when the moid is an adult and the woman was a literal child. Other than superficial tears and injuries to the cervix (that usually only present during pregnancy) there isn't much a moid can do with his penis to damage you permanently, at least physically. Psychologically you choose how long moid-damage effects you before creating new associations and choosing to put it behind you. It just creates unnecessary anxieties for anons who enjoy consensual rough sex, since it isn't really true unless you're having sex all day or with dozens of scrotes

No. 2403803

When did I imply any of this? Kek. I am implying my vagina is weak, not yours.

No. 2403806

Nona you need a diagnosis before informing anons of the dangers of jackhammering

No. 2403824

I'm not sure how much it helps, but you're not the only neet in the world.



No. 2403825

not if he’s really big and you’re really small. also if you’re raped it’s forever. there’s no mentally getting over that.

No. 2403831

Hayden Panettiere is 5 ft and notoriously obsessed with rough sex, all of her longterm partners are over 6 ft, I doubt she's the only one Idk. We're talking about two things at once, a vagina has incredible self healing powers (like the tissue in your mouth) and cervical injuries can be treated with a few stitches. Rape is devastating but women shouldn't feel permanently damaged by it

No. 2403841


No. 2403844

Anon wasn't raped though

No. 2403846

Are you a sex worker?

No. 2403847

Me but with work. I've got the flu and I'm on my period but I don't want to use up my vacation time reee

No. 2403853

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No. 2403854

No. 2403858

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Accepting the fact that I do have yellow fever is embarrasing, even though I'm aware moids will be moids regardless of their race and appearance. Shit sucks.

No. 2403859

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But seriously nona that is such a depressing thought. You're not damaged in the first place, let alone forever. Many anons have gone through terrible SA and feel whole again, it'll just take time

No. 2403860

I do still find them attractive but after being married and divorced from an asian man I will never date one again. They are manchildren to an extreme level and have the worst sexual depravities. Stay away.

No. 2403864

you’re adorable and you cheered me up

No. 2403865

No Gwyneth Paltrow

No. 2403868

my car is COMPLETELY snowed in. over 40 cms of snow and it's not slowing down. how the fuck is my university still open for tomorrow.

No. 2403874

File: 1739769171585.gif (57.53 KB, 468x453, elsiedance.gif)

bump for le edgy gore

No. 2403886

It's unlikely that he caused your pelvic floor problems though it is possible that he started your UTI issues. What have you tried so far?

No. 2403897

I like women and I want to date a woman I love, but I compulsively date men and hurt myself because I'm scared of other women due to sexual abuse. I know I could be celibate but I don't know how to reject guys and I end up being their girlfriend and feeling bad and having panic attacks because I don't like sex with them, even though I pretend that I do. I don't know why. I feel useless and men I date dote on me and make me feel like I have some worth as a human being. I want to die. I wish I could feel romantic and sexual attraction in a normal way.

No. 2403901

I want to be hurt severely. My brain doesn't work. I'm wrong.

No. 2403903

more women have this issue than you know, you're not alone. you can build your own assertiveness and avoid men if you want, and pursue dating women. make excuses, lie, and ghost men at first if need be to avoid them if finding the words is hard. have you always had trouble asserting what you want and standing up for yourself?

No. 2403910

>have you always had trouble asserting what you want and standing up for yourself?
Yes, that's why I get abused so often.
I don't want to date women because sex with them is worse than men. I associate with so much pain. I end up crying. The woman I like doesn't like me. And breaking up with the boyfriend is too much trouble. I don't want to explain it to family and friends.

No. 2403912

I can't state boundaries but whenever I bring it up to therapists they think I can't because I don't want to be mean or harsh. It's not that. I can't do it because then I'd be revealing that I have a weakness that could be hurt and exploited.

No. 2403923

>I don't want to date women because sex with them is worse than men. I associate with so much pain. I end up crying. The woman I like doesn't like me.
what do you mean by "associate with so much pain", is it emotional pain from possible rejection? heartbreak is painful but part of life if you pursue romantic relationships, nonna. if you don't risk heartbreak, it means you're dating someone you don't care about and are wasting your time.

>And breaking up with the boyfriend is too much trouble. I don't want to explain it to family and friends.

why is it too much "trouble"? if you keep thinking of it like that, this huge annoyance or massive burden, of telling people your real feelings and desires, you are dooming yourself to live a lie over and over again. assertiveness therapy (or books on the topic) exist, i hope you can try accessing them. you can make change in small ways.
>then I'd be revealing that I have a weakness that could be hurt and exploited.
A lot of therapists are retarded and poorly trained. You can keep trying to find someone competent, but also try doing your own research on being assertive. This sounds like a coping mechanism, something you developed to protect you but now is holding you back. if you can't state your desires, that is a weakness, it means people can push and project their own desires onto you.

No. 2403932

NTA but she literally states she was sexually abused by a woman. It's not just fear of rejection.

No. 2403939

>what do you mean by "associate with so much pain"
I was sexually abused by a few women. I tried getting over it and ended up worse.
I know, rationally, most women wouldn't, but empirical evidence can't fix the scarring of my lived experiences.
>why is it too much "trouble"? if you keep thinking of it like that, this huge annoyance or massive burden, of telling people your real feelings and desires, you are dooming yourself to live a lie over and over again.
I know but I don't want people to think I'm unhappy or that I made a mistake. I want to seem normal.
I don't want pity or to be seen as weak.
I'm the same as you. Most therapists I've been too aren't open minded at all and try to shove you into boxes.

No. 2403979

File: 1739781702511.gif (1.02 MB, 284x210, 1000021570.gif)

Rude etsy seller just tried to kickback an underprotected item that arrived damaged to me and told me to file a claim with the shipping courier. I just wanted a partial refund or a replacement.
Why are they like this? Now I'm going to open a case anyway and then leave her a bad review for wasting my time.

No. 2404013

my brother is drifting into right wing bs istg how can a highly educated man be so retarded. also hes rejected several women from what i know. why would you fall into incel bs? because you didnt get that pornstar 10/10 stacy? i really just wanna beat him with a fucking pan until hes on life support in the hospital

No. 2404017

It really is because they didn't get the 10/10 Stacy with perky large breasts and round butt with tiny waist, who is simultaniously a virgin yet also extremely skilled at performing sex

No. 2404021

It's three goddamn fucking AM. Stop idling your muffler deleted truck and FUCKING LEAVE ALREADY.

No. 2404023

yes, that is the reason. men are extremely fragile, they feel underappreciated in the modern west so they gravitate to the right-wing which panders to them. it doesn't matter than your brother is educated, this is a fundamental aspect of the male sex. their subconscious knows they are expendable and they don't cope with it well. instead of developing himself to be a worthwhile man, he will instead work to remove women's rights so he can buy himself a wife.

No. 2404028

File: 1739788726858.jpg (40.09 KB, 400x400, 1717922804186.jpg)

Got seated next to an obese manspreading moid on my 3 hour bus trip.

No. 2404039

File: 1739791012662.jpeg (98.03 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_5619.jpeg)

I’m feeling pretty miserable as of late. My MS is flaring up like a motherfucker and it makes me afraid of how much worse it’ll get since I can’t get any medical treatment for it because of not being able to afford insurance or handle working full time to get insurance benefits. I love my partner very much and have never been with someone who’s loved me like he has but his family is terrible. My family is worse so
It’s the lesser of two evils I guess. Sometimes I feel like kermitting. All the love in the world isn’t going to stop deteriorating my body or making me stop being a burden on anybody involved in my life. It’s hard as hell not giving up. What am I doing all this for? To go back to school study for a career I won’t be strong enough to participate in? What is the point? Having children to pass my horrible genes to? The guilt with cursing another living being to this would be immeasurable.
I know if I ever try anything I’ll live through it because I’m the bad luck brian of suicide. So the consequences of that have scared me straight from ever attempting again after 10 years.

No. 2404046

I'm so glad i never got on birth control. I read some article about how it shrinks some part of the brain. It's shilled so hard… I remember being 16 and going to the gyno for the first time and complaining about my periods, and he kept saying "well you won't have to have them if you get on birth control" and then I said I wasn't interested, and he started pressing and told me it would clear my skin and so on. He started to get rude, idk what his deal was. I noticed anecdotally too I think it might be correlated with weight gain. I hate how they shill it as female empowerment too, why can't the guy just wear a condom… I don't get how taking a pill so he doesn't have to is empowering. I just don't like the stuff…

No. 2404049

I've been thinking about getting on birth control because my PMS makes me super depressed, but the side effects people talk about like this are scary.

No. 2404082

I went on birth control for bad periods and it worked for a few years then didn't work so I switched to a hormonal IUD which worked great for several years, but again my body adjusted and I would get phantom periods with little or no blood but all the moods and cramping…plus a constant discomfort in my abdomen even when not on my "period". Gave up on all of it and started taking vitamins that support hormonal balance. Never felt better, it's amazing. I think I should try to adjust my diet so I get the same vitamins from food but I'm not there yet.

No. 2404091

I really want to go get a coffee but I have a decorator over and I absolutely do not trust him enough to just leave him alone in my home, sigh

No. 2404092

My father's funeral is today. I feel awful about this but I'm dreading having to interact with so many people. He was always the life of the party, such a friend to everyone. I will do my best for him.

No. 2404093

I'm sorry for your loss nonna. Please be kind to yourself today and remember that people are there to show their respects to your dad and not to judge you on how you're acting.

No. 2404097

Ayrt, thanks for giving your perspective, that's interesting but also sounds annoying kek. I'm still tempted to try something like an IUD but I'll look into those vitamins too.

No. 2404100

Don't feel guilty if you have to leave the room and take time to gather yourself, nona. Everyone will understand.

No. 2404101

I also used to dread periods because I would get tired, very depressed and I always had a heavy flow. As I grew older I learnt to excercise and take long walks even when I'm on my period and it feels like I don't even have them anymore. Yeah I still get depressed at times but it's a lot better and it goes away fast. I also eat better and the period lasts less. Not saying this works for everyone but diet and excercise can go a long way.

No. 2404111

>mention to my therapist that I don't care about romantic relationships
>"you know you don't need to settle down with marriage, you can just have something carefree with no strings attached"
>double down on saying I'm definitely not interested in forming any kind of intimate relationship with another person, that I consider it a waste of my time
>"it sounds like you are forbidding yourself something basic"
Why is the average straight woman like that? If I say I'll never try spelunking nobody says anything, but when I don't want to date I'm missing out???

No. 2404116

desiring/needing an intimate relationship isn't just for hetro people.

No. 2404117

I’m 30. I broke up with my piece of shit ex at the beginning of 2024. I stayed with him for years because we had remarkable intellectual chemistry but he was a trainwreck of a person otherwise who always did the bare minimum in our relationship. I started dating just a few months after I dumped him. Last year I totally re-learned dating, figured out what I actually want in a man, and how to be assertive with men so they don’t take advantage of my kindness and gentleness. A week ago I broke things off with one who felt like “the best one yet”. He was a tall, soft spoken scientist who was extremely handsome and whose body looked like it was carved out of marble. We had common interests and he always paid for our dates and would cook for me and give me thoughtful gifts and made me feel beautiful and we had complementary sexual tastes. He had some faults— not a very good communicator, no car because he was finishing up a PhD and was thus broke, struggled to use condoms— but everything else was so good that I thought we could work through that stuff. Well, about three months into us seeing one another, he tells me that he thinks he’d like to move to Europe in a year. When I tell him “I’m trying to date you, I don’t want you to move to Europe..?” he sort of vaguely acts like I could maybe come with him (there is no way I could get a job in the country he was interested in). So I broke things off with him. That was last weekend. I’m proud of myself for protecting my time and energy from a man who would seek to enjoy my company for a year before fucking off to the other side of the world, but I am still so sad and I just want to fucking scream. I try not to focus all my energy on finding love, I do hobbies and travel and hang with friends and study foreign language and stay fit and try to focus on bettering myself, but at the end of the day I am human and I want to be held and loved by a man who is worthy of me

No. 2404119

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I'm going to get my fucking shit together today nonnies. I can feel it, I can't keep wasting my days away fucking around on the internet in bed, I'm gonna get a SHIT LOAD of things done today and I'm gonna MOISTURISE my skin and drink GREEN TEA. My errands and housework will not know what hit them. Here I fucking go

No. 2404121

I’m rooting for you anon!!

No. 2404125

Sorry that happened to you nonnie but you absolutely made the right choice in the long run. Honestly good for you in realising that he would just waste your time in the end. I aspire to have this level of foresight when I get back into the dating scene.

No. 2404136

I subconsciously stressed about this thing that ended up being in my favour, a whole week of bedrot for nothing, hopefully someday I'll learn how to manage new experiences

No. 2404155

I just realized that if I got married I wouldn't have anyone to invite to the wedding except for coworkers and immediate family. It's so embarrassing. A coworker of mine got married a few months ago and she and her girlfriends went on a really fun bachelorette trip. I am so jealous. I wish I had friends.

No. 2404157

I'm also rooting for you anon. Be productive in my place.

No. 2404158

I've been posting about my job search lately, sorry to keep harping on this but I'm so stressed. Literally over 10 interviews a week for the past 3 weeks and I'm still jobless. Apparently my field is having a melty and firing a lot so there's an insane amount of people applying for every opening but it's not like there aren't openings. Idk what to think. I have a decent CV and technical knowledge but I guess other people mog me or sth (am I using this word right? I feel like a boomer not understanding the current youth). I've been waking up suddenly with my heart thumping and breathing fast, having nightmares and difficulty falling asleep. I just want this job search to end so I can be miserable while getting paid instead of doing it for free.

No. 2404164

I fucking hate those fund raiser/ promoter people that stand at grocery stores or streets and trying to talk to me so they can get my money and my bank information. Stop fucking pestering me you rats. Why do they always try and talk to me, if you want money go and pester the freaking boomers not people in their 20s that are struggling. It's always "Do you have a minute/do you have time?". No I don't.

No. 2404173

I worked a job like this out of desperation once and it was one of the worst thing I've ever had to do. I got fired after 2 days cause I didn't sell anything. They train you to be an annoying vulture. It was very humiliating and I hated bothering people.

No. 2404204

Fuck you you fucking retard if I could I would knock all your teeth out and throttle while I bang your head on the floor. You make me homicidal I never got this mad at someone in my life. I fucking hate you.

No. 2404214

i apologize, i misread your first post, i know people do minimize women's sexual abuse in lesbian relationships. finding a therapist for that might take a while but if you find someone competent that could help. it sounds like no longer dating for a while or becoming comfortable with celibacy could help you.
>I know but I don't want people to think I'm unhappy or that I made a mistake. I want to seem normal.
I don't want pity or to be seen as weak.
these are normal desires but the thing is it is true that you're unhappy and made mistakes, everyone does eventually (when i say that i don't mean being abused to be clear). most people don't need to know much and you can continue to keep them on an "information diet" about personal things like your relationships, so they don't need to know much about your relationships in the first place. your life as is is in fact normal, women entering relationships they're unhappy in is very common. and they can't tell most people the truth about their unhappiness. if you want to be celibate, people may be annoying about it because we live in a society where a woman isn't a complete human being unless she's in a relationship. but it could give you peace and time to process what you've gone through. Femaledatingstrategy has its issues as a community but if you want to look up advice on rejecting men, there should be some good discussions from variety of women.

No. 2404215

Most of the time someone is rude to me here and I don't care at all but sometimes I latch on to it and keep simmering over it for days. It's especially annoying when it's an aggrochan who misconstrues what I wrote in a condescending way and you can smell the self importance through the screen. I know I'm letting them win in a way but I can't help it.

No. 2404217

File: 1739805187896.png (85.27 KB, 231x275, 1738449180967.png)

I miss runawaysiren so much I dont want to watch shit by handmaidens sucking troon dick, it was my routine to watch her daily…why did she had to leave so early…it hurts

No. 2404218

File: 1739805442450.jpg (108.03 KB, 736x825, 1a1206de986747722588dfb4f4bb63…)

i want to ditch the birth control pills but i like sex way too much and couldn't feel safe without them, and also i have PCOS, the above average testosterone kind and sometimes i have nightmares of ditching the pills and i get transformed into a werewolf because that's how it literally feels. i remember being greasy, horny and hairy all the time due to imbalaced hormones and it made me dysphoric as fuck, now i feel like a contained beast but it's better than anything…

No. 2404222

Currently in the process of losing weight but I'm so disheartened every time I'm reminded that even when I'm getting smaller I'm still the same gross shape and still ugly

No. 2404226

It takes a while to see results, not to mention you're watching yourself change so slowly that you won't notice how drastic the change really is.

No. 2404234

what shape are you nona? you can dress to make all body shapes look good, most women aren't a perfect hourglass

No. 2404236

Sounds like they’re great for you tbh. I’m personally sticking with mine as well because I like the lack of periods combined with larger boobs and better skin and hair.

No. 2404238

if knowing a man has raised a hand to or raped a woman doesn’t make him repulsive to you, and you knowingly enable a man like that, i think you should die and you deserve him.

No. 2404243

File: 1739807103233.jpg (59.23 KB, 560x564, 1648335477688.jpg)

I am so useless, i cant even get a mid manlet faggot to like me back. I cant do shit. Cant draw. Cant code. I am not pretty or charismatic. I am not intelligent. I cant even get a bf. I cant even properly kill myself since last time they threw me in the looney bin. Everyday feels like fucking misery, my chest hurts and i cry every night before i sleep. How am i supposed to keep living like this until my mom dies and i can safely kill myself? i am so depressed.

No. 2404297

stupidly top heavy. yes, I wear baggy pants. no, it doesn't help

No. 2404307

that’s because baggy pants would just make all of you look frumpy. depending on your weight do a loose sweater to hide chubs and pair it with a skirt and tights to emphasize your thinner legs. if you have less to hide, tight mock neck or turtle neck, anything on the bottom or get a dress with that neckline. i’m sort of apple shaped and if i black out my top part and show my legs people always compliment the fuck out of me.

No. 2404308

MTF seem to not get normie women hated when they would get akinwalked by weird autistic girls so in what fresh hell are we going to not be weirded out by the worst sex trying to emulate us.

No. 2404321

this post is embarrassing(read the thread rules)

No. 2404322

File: 1739809708375.jpg (38.88 KB, 719x776, monky.jpg)

i keep gagging on nothing at work and my head is pounding. i swear to god if im sick im going to kms. im just hoping i feel like shit because im running off 6 hours of sleep instead of my usual 9 or 10 hours

No. 2404330

yes retard thats why i posted it on the vent thread

No. 2404335

nobody ever answers my posts in the stupid questions threads

No. 2404341

stop i had fucking forgotten the middle school “am i paranoid or is this girl literally trying to copy everything i’m doing” stage i just got nam flashbacks.

No. 2404342

Every anon who is sucking off Trump's shriveled penis and vibrating to Elon's botched implant are as pathetic, stupid, and laughable as the cows on this site. Trump "owning the trannies" is the shittiest consolation prize and to insist he's a better president for that one act shows how truly retarded and simple-minded every one of those people are. You're exactly like the moids creaming themselves over the erasure of DEI, inb4 I'm against trannies supremely and I'm against unnecessary woke shit. But "reclaiming" those two aspects of realiy at the cost of unfathomable deaths and atrocities that are happening & will happen is beyond just a low IQ take; to even imply this administration cares about women because "da trannies can't play women's sports!!" is equally as braindead as the trannies claiming to be the opposite sex. You have to be so deeply, deeply retarded and purposefully obtuse to delude yourself that any of this is Making America Great Again. You're not on /pol/, there are no men here to try and impress, and your 2deep4u mentality makes you akin to a moid. Grow the fuck up.

No. 2404344

>duurrrr i want to die bc ugly moids don't like me and I can't code
It belongs in post like a moid(samefagging)

No. 2404348

Mid manlets always think they're 12/10 alpha males nona, they ain't shit. Don't let them think you're not pretty when they're the ones who look like a gorilla's ass by default.
If there are things you wish you could do but can't, like drawing and coding, then why not work on learning it? Just for yourself. Dedicate minimum 1h a day just to learning this thing for fun. During that hour thinking about moids is forbidden - it's your hour and they're not welcome. Listen to some nice upbeat or calming music in the background too. Half-ass all the work if you have to, there is no right pace to do it.
I've been there too nona, you kinda have to get into the mindset that "I'll die later anyway so I might as well do this now, it's not like I had anything better to do anyway" and sort of trick yourself into doing things. The comfort of knowing it will go away when you die makes it easier to do it. And then if you're able to focus on it, even if it's only for like 5 minutes the first time, that's still 5 minutes of relief and peace.

No. 2404350

The post isn't what's retarded sweet nona.. I'll be nice and give you a secret. Men LOVE bitchy and mean women. If you want a scrote the best way to get it is to act like it repulses you. It drives their little brains mad. I wouldn't recommend keeping the scrote long term though, because after the satisfaction of conquest (you mind tricking him into thinking he's the one that won you over) he'll start to resent all of the hard work he had to put in to get you.

No. 2404351

Not reading the thread rules belongs in the post like a moid thread

No. 2404353

did you stop reading my post halfway because it made you mad? how do you misunderstand a post thats two sentences long
>then why not work on learning it?
i do, thats the point of my post. I try so hard and i can never achieve anything, even something simple like getting a uggo to like me. I started recording how many hours i put on coding and drawing this year and its suicide fuel, its around 200 hours for both and i still suck ass at them. It pisses me off i cant do one single thing right, its like god doesnt want me to be happy.
i dont care about your cringe wannabe stacy larp i am just pissed i can never achieve anything i want

No. 2404361

I did think it was cringe bc you care about a manlet liking you but I like your response to this retard >>2404350 so I changed my mind

No. 2404363

lmao you think a random anon created new thread rules because you can't fucking read? It's literally in the last few threads too btw

No. 2404364

Meh drawing is a useless skill to have these days because of ai. You won’t be able to make any money off that anyway.

No. 2404365

No, they didn't. You're thinking of "Shout into the void" threads (don't remember what they're actually called).

No. 2404367

>hobby bad if it doesn't make money
keep on grifting nona

No. 2404370

ntayrt but kek what an insane thing to say to someone.
>why learn to draw, paint, or write? ai can do EVERYTHING for you nowadays!!!

No. 2404371

It's a great shortcut if you would normally need to hire an artist or moid to accomplish a project. I like AI for removing backgrounds from images and things that are tedious or mindless for a human to accomplish

No. 2404373

>The only worth in being able to do something is making money off of it

No. 2404374

It always looks ugly. I would take zun tier kindergarden doodles over overendered AI turds

No. 2404375

No use crying over something that you can’t even make money from most likely. Not being able to draw won’t have any impact on her life. She should be happy about that.

No. 2404376

You sound like my ex nona

No. 2404377

You know codemonkeys are also on the verge of death because of AI right?

No. 2404378

dude if he’s like 5’6 hes probably preemptively rejecting uninterested women to protect his ego. many such cases. manlets are not ensouled you can definitely tell they are the result of an unsatisfying for a woman pairing and their spiritual and genetic murk taint everything

No. 2404379

do you understand what a hobby is? am i talking to an alien right now

No. 2404382

I bet it's a stemfag

No. 2404384

AI creating a whole image always looks bad. I just mean the gay little tools that come with apps like canva that save time and not for the purpose of creating art exclusively but if you need cover art for the yaoi you've written or whatever anons are producing and selling

No. 2404385

If it’s just a silly little hobby, it shouldn’t be something that upsets her. If the hobby is making her depressed she should drop it.

No. 2404386

damn but i like manlets, i just want his virginity its not too much to ask

No. 2404389

Okay wtf nona kek

You are so strange and I've had so many impressions of you so far. You should stay alive bc you are kek af

No. 2404390

i found a virgin short king to take care of me, anon. it's possible! keep searching.

No. 2404393

>Kek af
What the fuck is going on ITT. Did you really just describe someone as being "kek af"

No. 2404394

File: 1739812536524.jpg (121.75 KB, 720x960, c3d07f9455b74160c2f3635f2b2d54…)

>You should stay alive bc you are kek af
yeah i imagine thats how god feels about me and why he saved me from two car accidents, i am his personal clown. Fuck my life.

No. 2404397

>someone is too pussy to do something
Negative connotation
>someone is ballsy to do something
Positive connotation

It disturbs me how misogyny is even seeped into language

No. 2404399

>Did you really just describe someone as being "kek af"
Yes but not you anon
Most comedians are like this tbh. It seems like the funniest ones always have horrific upbringings so it makes sense that you're miserable and funny

No. 2404401

i dont even know whats funny about my failed love quest but i am glad i am useful somehow

No. 2404402

good luck building a brand and customer base off of making AI slop. customers will go "cool i can do that myself"

No. 2404403

File: 1739812844314.gif (451.01 KB, 220x220, 1664293401223.gif)

>mfw the newfag doesn't think I'm "kek af"

No. 2404405

>I started recording how many hours i put on coding and drawing this year and its suicide fuel, its around 200 hours for both and i still suck ass at them. It pisses me off i cant do one single thing right, its like god doesnt want me to be happy.
anon, please dont put yourself down over not being able to instantly master these two skills. i dont know about coding, but it can take years for you to 'git gud' at art. it depends on how youre learning and the personal goals youve set for yourself though. may i ask what your reasons are for wanting to learn how to draw and code?

No. 2404408

I think it's bc you have nothing to lose so you're being truthful and that can accidentally make people original/funny

No. 2404410

Big companies are already replacing artists with ai for their ads etc tho. In a decade or so being able to draw will pretty much be useless as a career. It’s just the truth.

No. 2404412

people in advertising are barely "artists" as is

No. 2404413

>may i ask what your reasons are for wanting to learn how to draw and code?
i want to make games

No. 2404414

I swear, etsy sellers are some of the worst sellers I've encountered. It's the seller's job to file a claim anyway. I hope it goes smoothly for you. I've found refunds from etsy support to be pretty quick.

No. 2404416

Make pixel art games

No. 2404418

File: 1739813358220.jpg (4.8 MB, 4624x3468, 20250217_180223.jpg)

tried to make some aesthetic cute teddy shaped pancakes and they came out looking like they have aids and gonorrhea

No. 2404419

KEKYPOW this entire interaction is killing meeeee

No. 2404420

Why is lc so funny today

No. 2404422

To every 19-20 year old newfag, this isn't discord. Stop responding to every single post as if it's a chatroom. You retards shit up every thread and take up post space with absolutely nothing. "KEK!!!!!!!!!" isn't worth a post. I understand you're all iPad babies who grew up feeling emboldened to say and do whatever you want because you're safe behind a screen, but each and every one of you who actually manage to leave your hovel would run home with your tail between your legs at a whiff of a confrontation. Learn some basic thread etiquette if you want to keep larping as a forum user.(not a vent)

No. 2404423

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more kek you guys

No. 2404425

I just took a shit that looked exactly like this i'm hollering

No. 2404426

reminds me of a movie but idk the name like its on the tip of my tongue where they bleed from their eyes and it looks like this lmfao

No. 2404427

pixel art games are for fags

No. 2404428


No. 2404429

>flat brown shape with red blobs
>my shit looks just like that

No. 2404431

why did you go with red sauce nonny it looks fucking demonic, i would eat it fast before it eats you

No. 2404433

That giraffe looks kind of sexy

No. 2404434

It's strawberry jam!

No. 2404435

Kekaroo you tell em sis

No. 2404436

this is a copy/pasta right?

No. 2404437

Go back and suckle on mommy's tit, I'm sure she's worried sick over her missing little retard

No. 2404438


No. 2404442

>forum user
this ancient boomer ass bitch kek

No. 2404444

go with choco sauce next time it will make it look less like its possesed by pazuzu

No. 2404445

File: 1739813904014.gif (44.25 KB, 128x128, CD5CF92E-10E8-4806-8193-068FC9…)

Your dad stinks of poo(dumbass shit posting)

No. 2404446

I have to work but I want to stay itt forever

No. 2404447

I shall kek as I please. I am a very important nonna and I feel it's only proper to let others know their posts have been graced by my very rarely given out keks.

No. 2404448

File: 1739813972729.jpg (1.4 MB, 3840x2160, 4344667-Ed-Helms-Quote-I-wish-…)

Wow this is why LC is dying. Right before my eyes

No. 2404450

i didn’t know where else to post this so it’s going here i guess. i just moved into this new apartment and like it so far but of course my downstairs neighbors are loud annoying fucks. i’m living in beverly hills and nearly everyone else but them in our building are quiet and they always have to have some sort of theatrics on the weekends. well last night they woke me up having loud as fuck sex that went for four motherfucking hours. at first i thought it was some homeless person who had wandered down our street and was having an episode but then i realized nope, it’s my retarded neighbors fucking. so of course since i had to listen to them i started being judgy and noticed the lady was faking it…like she was literally screaming like she was in a porno and then her partner would do this goofy blubbering moan sound, like ethan klein when he does his “triggered” gag and his lips start flapping kek. it was kind of funny but also really cringy so i imagine he’s not very good in bed. also, they sounded fat.

No. 2404454

We’ll keep the keks up on your behalf nonita

No. 2404456

I really got you with the age mention. Makes sense you couldn't comprehend anything else I wrote given your generaiton is near-illiterate. Case and point >>2404442 doesn't even know the age demographic for boomers. And yes, this is a forum. Keep it up moidlettes!

No. 2404457

old ass bitch your age doesnt make you any better now stfu while the nurse switches your pampers. demented retarded annoying wannabe oldfag(integrate retard)

No. 2404458

i thought so. dont be so hard on yourself, and try to have a little more patience. i know it can be very frustrating to pour so many hours into something and get little to no results, but drawing and game development are two things that are notoriously difficult to learn. maybe you could find someone to do all the art for your games so you can focus on learning how to code??? (or vice versa, whichever skill you wanna build up first)
tbh, ive always wanted to make games as well, but im a lazy bum so ive never tried to learn coding. i only know how to draw. i think its very admirable that you're actually setting out to achieve your dreams. so many people say "oh ill make [xyz project] one day" and then never actually do it… like me, kek.

No. 2404462

Calm down little retard I think you dropped your pacifier

No. 2404463

I’m still dying at you using “kek af” unironically its so funny

No. 2404464

File: 1739814158331.jpg (161.78 KB, 1300x1065, elderly-lady-amazed-by-her-com…)

My word, what a disrespectful young newfag.

No. 2404466

the type of old bitch that will call me a pick-me for defending a moid when youve been a bitch at work for no other reason than being a mad old bitch

No. 2404469

I must have really hurt you for you to bring up two unrelated and unmentioned situations, but I'll indulge you in your fantasy. You're probably ARE some Sanrio kawaii obese pick-me bitch who goes on 4chan and tranny filled discord servers to get other obese porn-riddled men to pay you even a sliver of attention because daddy never did. Sad!

No. 2404470

> maybe you could find someone to do all the art for your games so you can focus on learning how to code???
my ideas are too niche and autistic for anyone else to jump on board and help me

No. 2404472

If you haven't tried padding/carpet yet, it's good that they're you're downstairs neighbours? Soviets used to do that to keep in heat and to block out the efficient commie orgasm noises of their neighbours

No. 2404473

I genuinely doubt that nona, I've seen nonnies over in /m/ floating niche ideas that multiple people said they liked. If you have zeal you're bound to attract some people. What kind of game are you trying to make? Maybe if your project is too overwhelming right now you could make a smaller-scope project in the general flavor/direction of what you'd eventually want to make. Like make a very small game with only a few levels or a short VN or RPGmaker game with one or two endings.

No. 2404475

I dream of a world where newfags live in harmony like ebony and ivory

No. 2404476

>you're the woman who hurt me!
>I'm not but I'll pretend!
Just two anons working through their generational trauma

No. 2404477

File: 1739814783916.png (104.72 KB, 286x298, 1728336334136.png)

Girl this is all pretend internet shit don't even give a fuck

No. 2404478

Start small

No. 2404479

*Newfags and oldfags sorry Im on my phone and it's gonna be hell to delete and repost

No. 2404480

thank you anon, i thought about it but i plan to only be here a year or two before moving out and buying a house. i just needed a place to get my life back together after living in paris for a few years. unfortunately i think even with carpeting i could still hear them as the apartment is one of those old mid-century la buildings that have thin walls and little insulation…beautiful but you know how that is. i eventually fell asleep as i put on some binaural beats, and their pattern seems to be they act up every other sunday. i’d rather they have loud sex than screaming fights. now that makes me anxious.

No. 2404484

Why do all the newfags who disregard board culture talk the same way.

No. 2404485

So I see the Dumbass Shit thread has another name for now.

No. 2404487

the biggest problem is that i have no time. I am thirdie poorfag so i have to work and go to college. I wish i could neet and just work on my projects because god i hate school and wageing.

No. 2404489

I want to eat beef so bad. I'd eat an entire cow. There's none on sale and I'm poor. I wish I wasn't so beef obsessed when I'm in my period.

No. 2404490

File: 1739815171443.jpg (19.4 KB, 259x300, 816Tfe5HNvL.__AC_SX300_SY300_Q…)

You're right it would probably have to be wall to wall and have pretty thick padding underneath for it to work and I'm pretty sure you can't just install that in a mid-century apartment. I live below noisy people and love this amazon fan, it's extremely loud and drowns out most noise. It also doesn't give me tinnitus, which can happen with white noise I guess. I was thinking recently how lucky I am that the adults who live above me are old and uninterested in loud sex, hopefully they move out and are replaced by very old or asexual people

No. 2404499

Ganbatte I believe in you.
>kek af
What depths of hell did this expression come from
Yeah being a woman is associated with humiliation and inferiority. Makes my blood boil sometimes but all we can really do is point it out to people who are open to it and stop using these expressions.

No. 2404501

AYRT. speechless. you do you i guess. never knew man cherry was desirable. always found the idea repulsive.

No. 2404503

Thank you anon I appreciate your reading my woes and your kind words

No. 2404504

NTA but experienced guys are gross.

No. 2404505

This is weirdly judgmental for someone who posts

No. 2404506

i dont want to catch stds

No. 2404507

his stupid ass is going to come crawling back to you, mark my words.

No. 2404508

~rapenona's impact~

No. 2404510

What's judgemental about her post, acknowledging misogyny?

No. 2404512

Depends. Virgins don't know how to eat pussy but I guess they can be trained.

No. 2404513

most non virgins cant either

No. 2404514

>but I guess they can be trained.

No. 2404515

I can't help but feel really bitter and petty about seeing good friends who ghosted me live so well. I mean I ghost alot too because of how bad I am at replying to people, but then again I don't do it to people I already consider very good friends… I guess that consideration is just always one-sided. They likely don't even notice but I just block/remove these kinds of people now. I even did it with the friend I had that I had known for 5+ years and that I considered a best friend. I feel cruel doing it but I need to sever my emotional attachment to these kinds of people somehow.

No. 2404517

Wtf are you talking about? I'm not larping it's genuinely how the male mind works. If you want to attract scrotums like you were crying about the easiest way to do it is be a bitch lol.

No. 2404518

yeah sure

No. 2404520

Anons posting hand pics is a whole thing.

No. 2404522

i don’t even know what to say. do you like move him around yourselves or like have to motion at him and grunt and teach him like teaching tarzan english. it sounds like a nightmare. the idea of a man not being able to unhook my bra with one hand makes me siiiiick. i’m not even very sexually experienced i have the lowest body count of anyone i know. maybe it’s like you want the opposite of what you have idk. it’s like wanting a submissive man to me.

No. 2404523


No. 2404524

Nta but it's definitely larping and I posted that in the other thread. And anyways anon is already overbearing and trying to steal the manlet's virginity, I doubt she's asking nicely all the time
The anon I was responding to is a whole thing, that's why she is kek af

No. 2404528

Sorry nona, not everyone is into some dom daddy who unclips your bra with one hand and flings you onto his plush king sized bed while you shyly cover your indecency before he ravages your tight canal with his experienced stick all through the night

No. 2404529

>The anon I was responding to is a whole thing, that's why she is kek af
You're upset that I made fun of it? Cmon nona, it's all in good fun, I didn't think you'd take it seriously

No. 2404530

>Rapenona: Her Cultural and Sociological Impact
>by anon
Rapenona (from the Luigi thread) is creating a class consciousness awakening that has spread throughout the boards and will likely launch the fifth wave of feminism

No. 2404531

hello???????? why did you say all of those things to me????????

No. 2404532

I would love a submissive man, that sounds hot.

No. 2404533

I think its cute when a guy is awkward and a virgin, i like cute boys. I dont like whores. I have kissed countless scrotes but the only one i enjoyed kissing was this virgin nerd in high school because it was so passionate and cute how he was so clumsy about it. A guy who knows how to unclip your bra with one hand sounds nasty, you know that guy has been pump and dumped by countless women. Whore men are disgusting, most pickmes fake their orgasms so there is a high chance if you sleep with a whore he thinks hes hot shit because of the pickmes that already trained to think his cock is sacred. There is a reason why there is an orgasm gap between men and women.

No. 2404535

File: 1739817218407.jpeg (68 KB, 564x564, 18B62013-A709-4878-8A5F-69F4A7…)

Overheard my mom call me selfish today when I asked her to rearrange something in the car. So I guess that’s the kind of day I’m going to have

No. 2404537

File: 1739817239460.jpg (84.94 KB, 1024x985, 1656815210430.jpg)

>i’m not even very sexually experienced i have the lowest body count of anyone i know
My dear zoomies, at least lurk for a month or two before posting, I can't do this anymore.

No. 2404547

Your mom's probably having a bad day anon, try not to take it personally

No. 2404551

You sound unwell

No. 2404557

for being an adult woman not into sexually feeble men?

No. 2404575

not even knowing where to touch sounds so awkward. i'm not his mommy or his teacher. and its not a choice between 18 year old virgin vs. aids ridden whore. maybe he was in a relationship once or twice

No. 2404577

for your cringy post

No. 2404578

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No. 2404581

your post makes no sense to me. it’s not either or and you sounded at first you understood that being a man’s experiment is not fun. especially if you’re not used to being touched yourself because it can hurt even with someone experienced even just being fingered. men who are bad in bed and don’t know how to touch women regardless of experience level are awful. you can get aids the first time or never you know.

No. 2404585

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No. 2404588

samefag but if you're wondering what this woman "models" for, it's inbreeding bc this is nepo-baby

No. 2404589

I missed 2 days of work in November, 3 in December, an entire week in January, and I'm about to miss 3 more days this month, at least. It's because of my house's location, which is up on a mountain that gets significantly more ice and snow than the other areas around it. Yeah, it's my fault for moving here and not thinking this through. Rent is cheap, it's beautiful. I'm just renting, and the lease is up soon.

There is no "safe" place to park because the steep ass driveway is about half a mile long, and the roads beyond it are 4-5 miles of unmaintained mountain roads. So when it snows/ices, I am truly stuck. Someone suggested I just sleep at work when I know it's going to snow, and I refuse to do that. I also don't want to ask my coworkers if I can sleep on their couch or whatever. So far, my coworkers have been understanding but it gives me a lot of anxiety anyway.

No. 2404590

More blockheaded more blonde lily allen

No. 2404591

that’s a cranial deformity

No. 2404592

>Cat pees on the fridge/rug for two days in a row despite litter boxes being perfectly clean
>Grandmas dog I’m pet sitting decides to eat a bunch of chopsticks and one of my figures because I forgot she knows how to jump onto tables
Kill me

No. 2404594

Experienced men dont know where to touch either tbh, and most healthy couples communicate what they like/want during sex anyway. People arent mind readers.

No. 2404595

I love how sctotes just seek out more bogged and/or far uglier versions of their exes

Brad Pitt did the same thing with that strung out looking anachan Walmart branded Angelina he drags around

No. 2404597

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Brad Pitt is a male bpdemon

No. 2404598

So I literally have no idea who this is, but I'm feeling oddly defensive because of my own personal appearance kek. What is so bad about the person in this picture? Is it the square jaw? The bad lighting that makes her head look small? Maybe I'm just autistic and can't tell what is wrong with her facial features because I'm bad at faces … This lady doesn't look deformed to me?

No. 2404600

one of my exes has only dated girls with green eyes after me until i pointed it out to him

No. 2404603

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The first thing you need to know is that (pretty much) no one is ugly, they just have retarded style/makeup/hair or are unhealthy. In this woman's case, she is wearing the worst possible hair style and outfit for her skull shape/face. Here's a similar phenotype with flattering hair and makeup, in a conventional/feminine way like the "model"

No. 2404605

just say you like whores anon stop trying to paint whores like they are prince charmings who are good at eating pussy and pleasing women when we all know most women dont cum during sex

No. 2404609

i didn’t even say whores i wouldn’t date someone who had a history of stds or not committing. you guys view things in extremes.

No. 2404611

also a man has literally never made me cum and there is like a difference in how close they come to it or how much they physically hurt me when trying

No. 2404613

I have no idea what any of my exes are dating because we do not get along but I hope they're dating women that look like me out of the sheer spite I have towards them

No. 2404616

>also a man has literally never made me cum

No. 2404620

We're on the internet where there is no room for gray thinking

I for one have just decided to avoid dating men
I'm glad I'm bi

No. 2404622

sorry you dont like your nigel being called a whore but its the truth. Men have 0 risk while having sex. They can fuck as many women unprotected and they dont care because they wont have to carry a shit fetus afterwards and ruin their lives. Men also can get sex super easily, and they will fuck everything. There is 0 quality control when it comes to where men put their dicks.

No. 2404624

i agree. men are literally the worst thing on this planet and like half of my experiences weren’t consensual and were traumatic.

No. 2404626

Date a gentle hippie moid who doesn't have access to the internet and does too many psychedelics for a while. You have to set a reminder to yourself in your phone to break up with him in a year so you don't get too attached or stuck with him before he morphs and becomes like other moids again, when he gets older

No. 2404628

um can you stop trauma-dumping on me its making me uncomfortable

No. 2404629

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I try not to nona but it’s hard when it’s a pattern of behavior. Idk I have a complex relationship with her where I recognize why she struggles but ultimately I can’t dismiss how hurtful it’s been at times. It’s tough. I wish I could be one of those people who said their mom is their best friend.

No. 2404630

honestly this might be the best advice i’ve ever read on here

No. 2404631

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kekkle speckkle ily anon

No. 2404632

i agree with all of this i don’t think it necessarily means there aren’t like middle ground men but yeah. average man is like this.

No. 2404635

absolutely unwell behavior, I fucking called it kek

No. 2404636

No. 2404639

>want to ask if anon might be asian
>don't want to seem like race bait

No. 2404643

nta but im white and my mom hates me so

No. 2404645

how am i unwell because men failed and abused me lmfao. god go pretend a virgin won’t do all of that but not know where your clit is.

No. 2404647

Okay just wanted to check bc that's complicated and now I can give you advice. Your mom is bullying you so you have to stand up to her. Don't yell at her, don't match her tone/derogatory comments but ask her questions like "why would you say such a thing?" and position yourself as the mature one. If she isn't a full PD, she'll eventually realize or come to terms with not being able to vent her frustrations on you or treat you disrespectfully for no reason as an adult

No. 2404650

stop embarrassing yourself and walk away from the keyboard like any SANE woman would. you having bad sex with whores is not our problem to fix.

No. 2404652

samefag this won't work if you're genuinely doing the things she's complaining about. You'll just sound like a darvo-narc. She actually has to be the source of the problem

No. 2404658

what vitamins? I went on birth control to skip my bad periods

No. 2404660

What constitutes a hippie moid? Because many famously bad people have been hippie moids and they were always bad, not just later in life.

No. 2404661

this is a lot to process. all over you wanting to pop a moids cherry? you’re this angry and unempathetic to other women? you only like virgin men and not women?

No. 2404662

Nta but fuck off

No. 2404665

and sorry are you the anon who wrote the fantasy about me getting my tight canal dommed because i am still confused by that post like headcanoning my fantasy sex life why was that so graphic

No. 2404666

nta but you are the one that started sperging about it, as if every woman wants some whore dom who chokes them

No. 2404669

WHO SAID I LIKE TO BE CHOKED??? NONA!!!! i’m shocked at you. i have said nothing but complaining and hating pain what even is this you schizo

No. 2404672

I'm none of those anons. you are just that unhinged, many people are sick of you.
stop, please. get help.

No. 2404674

you were complaining about submissive moids like how else are we supposed to understand your spergy post other than you praising faggot doms?

No. 2404675

“i don’t like sexually inexperienced men and don’t see the appeal” “UNFF YOU PROBABLY HAVE A TIGHT PUSSY I WANNA SLAM YOU ON A BED I MEAN YOU WANT THAT FROM

No. 2404677


No. 2404678

no girl that’s you.

No. 2404681

Ladies please…just…stop.

No. 2404682

I need these women to actually try and get themselves off. There are so many good places to feel down there, get a fucking handheld massage thing off amazon if you're embarrassed about sex toys and massage your vagina. I am sick of this myth being pushed. Multiple orgasms should be normal during sexual play, we're biological built for it. I understand there can be mental issues and hang ups and that's why women need to know their own body. The amount of my friends that have admitted to never masturbating is alarming. Once you know yourself you can accurately tell a man why he's shit at getting you off

No. 2404685

Not involved in this infight at all but anon's
impression >>2404675 was hilariously accurate >>2404528

No. 2404686

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I wish I had friends that was into interior design, I really want to refurnish most of my apartment and my inspiration folder is basically bursting at it's seams but I don't know where to fucking start. Like, how do I adapt some of these ideas to my apartment plan, how should make it work with the poor lighting, what should I look for that is available and affordable in my country, etc. But most of my friends don't really care for it, or have taste that doesn't align with mine at all even when try. I hate my apartment as it is at the moment, but all it needs is a facelift that I'm too incompetent to figure out.

No. 2404690

you said verbatim
>it’s like wanting a submissive man to me.
and then you cry when anons think you are a ddlg coquette shitter

No. 2404691

University philosophy or environmental studies major. Expiration date: graduation

No. 2404692

okay thank you i thought i was going insane like did that person seriously say that shit to me WHAT.

No. 2404693

it was, but the non-stop sperging and post spamming makes her unlikeable and offputting. this isn't the unpopular opinions thread, she didn't need to die on the hill of her sexual preferences kek

No. 2404698

“i don’t like submissive men” “UNFFF YOU HAVE THE WORLDS TIGHTEST SNATCH AND I WOULD STRUGGLE WITH YOUR BRA BUT HE WOULDNT HE WOULD BE STRONG AND TALL AND DOMINANT I HATE HIMKM I MEAN YOU YOU MUST BE A PEDO ADJACENT BDSM DIAPER LOVER FURRY i’m running out of kinky things cos i don’t have that anons mind but you get it.(infighting/integrate)

No. 2404707

damn you are really pissed which means it struck a nerve.

No. 2404708

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You don't have to have the last word anon, sometimes I feel like forcing nonas to obey my opinions Clockwork Orange style but then realize that is not the way and it is better to brainwash them in more subtle ways, that they may not even notice. Does that make sense nonnie?

No. 2404709

i thought we were having a good time doing impressions of each other. what color sheets do you imagine him throwing me down on when you fantasize about me baby?

No. 2404710

please don't interact with her, just leave her to embarrass herself

No. 2404715

she's really pissed which confirms she's a ddlg shitter of some kind imo because why the hell would you be so confused and disgusted by the idea of women liking virgin moids or submissive ones? she's the one that posted her retarded opinion absolutely no one asked for in the first place so its funny she's so outraged.

No. 2404717

i am not angry or a cock-it my friend. you are like obsessively sexually projecting on me and it’s wild.

No. 2404719

It also gave me a good chuckle kek you did well

No. 2404722

>you are like obsessively sexually projecting on me
says the person who was incapable of comprehending women can like virgin of submissive men and wrote spergy unintegrated posts about it acting all surprised and confused about it

No. 2404723

Well I fucked up

No. 2404725

okay get over it? you did much worse claiming i fuck men with aids for no reason.

No. 2404727

What happened

No. 2404728

The only pussy women should be dealing with is their own. Pussy men suck

No. 2404729

girl you fucked up BAD.

No. 2404730

It's okay anon, I refreshed the page bc it looked like your private work email or something. It's not 4chan, no one cares

No. 2404731

learn to not post your stupid opinion if you dont want to be criticized then.

No. 2404734

I know, let’s not talk about it. That’s what I get for keeping everything in one note.

No. 2404735

Nta but you seem like the type who is good at acting like a victim in every situation

No. 2404737

>break it off with friend who's been sticking crazed psychotic episodes on me and refusing to acknowledge how they damage people when throws obscenities and false accusations during her schizo episodes
>have no idea when I first get involved with her that she was gonna be like this, as it didn't show until about a month into the friendship
>all the while said "friend" has a creepy stalker who also starts harassing me is tech savvy and said stalker sometimes hacks her accounts so if she's in an episode I can't tell whether it's her texting or calling or him controlling her accounts
>she keeps giving her stalker a reaction and he won't leave her alone, I tell her to stop giving him a reaction and she refuses to listen
>has crappy doctor that won't fix her medication, she's rapid cycling bipolar and the new scrote psychiatrist won't acknowledge it
>scrote doc gives her ssri only multiplying her bipolar mania and psychosis instead of giving an antipsychotic or anti convulsant to control the symptoms
>tell her to find new doctor and be the gentlest friend I can while dealing with my own issues but start to get sick of it
>right after she reports moid doctor pozzed her meds even more she vanishes on me for a week and a half
>fear her stalker harmed her
>try and ask if she's okay
>says it hurt my mental health because I was worried and that I'm struggling too and that I want her to admit she hurt me by doing that
>comes at me with barrage of hateful messages and more psychotic false accusation shit
>threatens to call the cops on me even though I didn't do anything wrong
>send her a girl bye message and block her on all platforms

I'm bipolar as well and I've been through psychosis myself but what compels someone to send such abusive hateful messages to people they claim to be their friends? When I was going through it, I'd usually just self harm and socially isolate. I tried so hard to be patient. We had shared interests and she seemed to be a sweet person underneath the mental shit but her trauma clearly broke her in a way she's gonna need hospitalization and severe chemical assistance to overcome. I can't help her. Her family is abusive and won't get her help either. I pray she at least gets on proper meds and guts all her social accounts if that'll help her avoid her stalker completely. I hate to see how a man broke this young woman's mind. It was clear she already had issues. I'm angry but I really wish her peace and a rude awakening and hope she matures.

No. 2404738

>pussy men suck
are you a cavewoman? yes unga, pussy men suck good nom nom

No. 2404739

you are very unlikeable, no wonder all you do is sleep with men

No. 2404741

Thanks anon. Thankfully it’s just embarrassing. And nothing actually really identifiable

No. 2404742

At least I fuck chad

No. 2404743

>i fuck chad
ahahahahah yes sureeee

No. 2404746

>girl girl girl
please god integrate

No. 2404747

It's male trolls, specifically virgins(scrotefoiling/infighting)

No. 2404748

Samefag but I'm almost thinking of calling a wellness check on her anonymously but I'd rather not do it as if to say if she's not committed, she'll hold even more of a grudge

No. 2404749

nobody is here to help you. we actively want you to leave.

No. 2404753

>anyone who doesnt like whore moids is a male
topkek you retards will call anyone who shits on your precious scrotes a moid because you cant cope with women not being willing to stand scrotes who put their dicks in anything

No. 2404755

That's not why I know you're a faggot(scrotefoiling)

No. 2404756


No. 2404757

this is insane like i feel like she’s trying to backwards speak me and make me feel crazy.(ban evasion)

No. 2404760

So fucking sick of my cousin bragging about his doctorate. You dumbass I remember when I tricked you into eating dog poo

No. 2404761

anon you have been defending whorish moids for like an hour give up already your precious scrotes you are capping so hard for think you are a hoe for having sex outside marriage they wont pick you

No. 2404763

according to you, experience is good, so why are you ashamed at being called a whore?
tf are you talking about?
look at her typing style, she is refusing to integrate, don't defend her(infighting/baiting)

No. 2404764

Just ignore him and his samefagging

No. 2404765

guys the "girl" anon is kinda annoying but idk why everyones so mad at her, she just said shes not into submissive men/virgins, she didnt even say she was into daddy dom men lol

No. 2404766

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Guess you should have been a little nicer growing up anon

No. 2404768

read her posts she was obviously acting holier than thou over women who dont like whores. NLOG behaviour.

No. 2404769

I for one think this entire argument is cringe please post genuine vents

my arms itch like fucking hell because me and my old friend the boxcutter became acquainted again but I'm trying to maintain a fake smile

No. 2404770

tbh daddy dom guys are hotter than subby faggots

No. 2404772

>whores vs virgins
I might be missing something but this seems like a difference in preference, more than anything

No. 2404774

ok you are cringe

No. 2404775

ok shuwu

No. 2404776

I have daddy issues but older men also tend to have the money

No. 2404777

aha sure, thats why she was writing stuff like ''omg i could neverrrrr date a virgin guy thats siiiick grossss'' definetly not NLOG behaviour

No. 2404780

>dates ugly old men for the money
>gets angry when called whore

No. 2404782

People can be experienced and good at sex without being a whore by the way. Calling someone who isn't a virgin a whore is an alarmist take. Being sexually active =/= being a whore.

No. 2404783

>nooo dont call my pwecious moids whores
i will keep calling your nigel a whore and you can cope about it

No. 2404785

I don't know why some anons care so much if moids are called whores

No. 2404786

Go back to your submissive homos, at least daddy has a wallet and knows where the clit is
This nona gets it

No. 2404788

Cause it's weird to cap for incels

No. 2404789

Not all older men are ugly and not all young men are attractive
At the end of the day men are still all an uglier inferior species to women regardless, fighting over them is pointless, and really, being attracted to them is pointless since at the end of the day they live to disappoint you and are a deformed XX chromosome. XY is literally a deformed XX chromosome. Get it through your brain that men aren't worth it anyway. There should be no competition between the ages and appearances of men at the end of the day they are all useless sacks of empty thoughts and jumbled hormones who we should merely objectify, use, and dump. Even acting as if there is a higher classification of man is to defy the default of manhood. There are no innocent men. They're all disgusting.

No. 2404791

ikr, the majority of men are whores and the sky is blue
how? modern men will fuck anything, it's important to call them out on their degenerate behaviour

No. 2404794

Never have I ever thought I would've seen a Madonna Whore complex which is prototypical of moids and not women show up on this "female" dominated basket weaving board

No. 2404795

That deleted anon is probably a serial baiter

No. 2404796

>knows where the clit is
old farts dont even have working vision anymore i doubt they can find anything

No. 2404798

>Not all older men are ugly
stop reading there, get off my board

No. 2404799

This is the gangstalked anon?

No. 2404800

Someone with a brain, finally.

No. 2404802

File: 1739823681762.png (66.56 KB, 720x710, IMG_7178.png)

you on the left

No. 2404803

No, she's mentally unwell but the stalker moid is real, I saw proof. A mentally unwell woman can still be right through her issues about having a creep stalk her. If anything that's the kind of thing men target.

No. 2404806

You're not calling out weird behaviour. You're sperging because a woman said she doesn't get the appeal of sexually inexperienced men. Not all of us are virgins with weird hang ups over sex

No. 2404824

This infight is over. Anyone continuing to do so will recieve long bans.

No. 2404830

Thank you angel

No. 2404834

My tummy hurts but I am going to be stuck in the car for another four hours at least

No. 2404848

Aw but nonnies need to read my enlightened opinion

No. 2404859

I have never in my life wanted to leave work to go home and smoke weed and play the sims 3 so fucking bad in my whole life. I also want to eat a shit ton of cake too. I guess my fucking period is close or something. FUCKKKKK I just want to get high and play the sims and take a nap REEEEEEEEEE

No. 2404860

I have never in my life wanted to leave work to go home and smoke weed and play the sims 3 so fucking bad in my whole life. I also want to eat a shit ton of cake too. I guess my fucking period is close or something. FUCKKKKK I just want to get high and play the sims and take a nap REEEEEEEEEE(learn2delete)

No. 2404862

File: 1739825924703.jpeg (57.44 KB, 554x554, IMG_8297.jpeg)

how it feels in here right now

No. 2404874

File: 1739826575824.png (130.53 KB, 390x483, 1000020239.png)

No. 2404921

Thinking about the time during the height of the pandemic when I almost watched someone get run over by a train.
I was standing on the platform waiting for my train that was a bit delayed, but without any information of when it would arrive. Suddenly a man jumped down to the tracks, making his way into the tunnel. The tunnel itself is just an entrance to the platform, the way he was going would lead him out to a railway bridge that went above a lake, so it was clear what his intentions were. The standby effect immediately kicked in and I turned around to walk out of the platform so I wouldn't see the accident, when the thought "would you be able to live with yourself, knowing you didn't even try to save a life?" popped into my head which led to me forcing myself to turn around and run towards the end of the platform that marked the start of the tunnel and started shouting both to catch his attention but also perhaps shake anyone else that was closer out of it. Luckily, some other people had already reacted and was trying to get him up. One man even jumped down and managed to grab him right before he had gone too far into the tunnel and forced him back up on the platform with our help to pull them both up. And I don't know how many seconds later, but I know it was less than a minute later, the train rolled in at full speed.
Everyone ended up okay, a couple of more socially capable people was talking to the suicidal man and another couple went to get the guards. I was so shaky and filled with all these "what if" thoughts that I figured I wasn't going to be of any help standing around like a fool and boarded the train home.
It's been so long that I've moved on from that, the thing that occasionally makes me think of this was when I texted my boyfriend at the time about it and he basically went "oh no, anyway" and gave me a couple of vain lines of praise for being a good samaritan. That was one of the things that made me realize the relationship was over and what a shitty boyfriend he was. It's just one of a long list of things I've realized over the years he gaslit me into thinking I was the crazy one, and it sometimes makes me a bit upset.

No. 2404929

File: 1739828607091.gif (1.45 MB, 340x347, IMG_7216.gif)

Coming back to /ot/ after work like

No. 2404933

File: 1739828710991.gif (5.28 MB, 640x640, chuckles-nervous-laugh.gif)

Kek I just joined and am wondering whats happening

No. 2404939

The vent thread is always a hoot and a holler, should be renamed to infight thread.

No. 2404942

Nah that's the unpopular opinions thread

No. 2404946

Trying my best to navigate this relationship. Hasn't begun yet, know there's mutual interest. Antidepressants making me dead inside. Don't really care if he moves on but is a good friend so feeling afraid of breaking his little heart. But GOD I don't care. I just wanna burry my head in fictional men that I rotate through every few weeks. Current husbando is mega cringe, childhood crush. Good shit.
He's being super sweet and attentive and basically what I assume most nigelfags assume their moid is. I see the appeal. I want to be interested. He's exactly my type. Known him forever.
But 2D husbando go brr

No. 2404949

I'll trade you 20 head of cattle for him

No. 2404954

File: 1739829845769.jpeg (45.14 KB, 900x1198, 16924463152ed8d65c55c8c9494969…)

I have an exam next week, if I fail it I'll lose my job and be kicked out of this program, and I have no motivation to study. I've had no hot water for 3 weeks, my room is mouldy, i'm depressed and frustrated and yet I'm sliding into passivity because it feels like everything is pointless.

I hate this job and I'm so underpaid (literal minimum wage for a supposedly 'professional' job); though I like some of my colleagues the managers make us all miserable and the work is mind numbing. The exams are meant to raise me to a point where I can earn £40k a year but that's after a three year boring, soulless grind which destroys your mental health and social life. I've been applying for uni admin jobs because at least they pay a decent wage… but I'm scared I'll feel understimulated and bored again, like I did in my last admin jobs. Even worse I'll end up unemployed again, and though I'm lucky enough to have ample savings I hate the way my routine goes to shit and I feel financially trapped without an income.

I'm aware I sound like a whiny spoiled brat, my problems aren't so bad etc. but I feel like an aimless loser. This job was meant to be my big break, a proper career after years in bullshit jobs, but I failed my previous exams and feel incompetent at the actual work. Nonnas… please give me some advice, a girl needs a slap right now

No. 2404955

Um excuse me, but I have 15 glass beads and purple fabric. Anon please consider my superior trade tyvm.

No. 2404966

He's gorgeous, he's funny, he's smart, he's-
I dunno, I DO like glass beads. If one of you throw in a dozen raw eggs, sans birdflu, I might budge.

No. 2404977

just fail it lmao ive fucked so much shit up, up until my mid 30s lol and then got another great opportunity and it fits me super well.
yes im old asf but u sound young. if u fuck it up it wasnt meant 4 u tbh. im sure ull do great in other things nona

No. 2404980

is there a way i can upload an image to a website where its like.. you cant screenshot it? like i wanna show off a guy here but i dont want yall to be able to reverse search him.. i rly need opinion on his looks since i cant get over him..

No. 2404983

Dont save directly from the source, take a screenshot of the pic. also put a random black bar on his clothes or something

No. 2404984

i think there was a site that /soc/ on 4chan used where u can post and it displays an IP but now im thinking maybe im just delulu and making it up lol.. id feel comfortable uploading it on such a website but idk anymore. troons apparently use it too.

No. 2404987

Just post him

No. 2404989

Wrong thread nonnie

No. 2404991

id kms if any1 contacted him. my life would be ruined tbh
point me to the right one.. i wanna vent about him but his looks are kinda important too. if you know the website i was speaking of lmk..

No. 2404999

If I had any skills in designing clothes I swear to god I would have made a brand for us tall women that makes cute clothes. Most tall sections have clothes that lean towards more elegant styles or hyper normie. It's like the moment you're 175+ cm you should just wear form fitting or super boring basics. Some of us don't want things like that, I want more oversize hoodies or t-shirt dresses with neat prints that actually look cute and actually are fucking oversize. I want clothes with tasteful amounts of frills and lace. I want FUN clothes!
It's kind of like how it is for plus size women I guess, they actually lose out on a lot of cute outfits. But you can lose weight and fit into a wider array of clothes, I can't grow shorter and stuck with this height and proportions for the rest of my life.

No. 2405004

You can upload it to imgur, make sure to hit "upload to community" so that the anti-screenshotting filter applies to the photo.

No. 2405006

youre not funny

No. 2405009

Just alter the photo slightly. Screenshot it, flip it the other way, add some scribbles to obscure the background, a couple of stickers in other parts, and make sure he isn’t wearing anything like a company or school logo. Put a 3% blur on it too if you want to be extra cautious and post under a spoiler. I’m schizo and whenever I have to provide a photo of myself I modify a photo like this to make it difficult to trace.

No. 2405018

File: 1739832327826.jpg (50.94 KB, 540x478, ouch.jpg)

im having trouble designing the MC for a project im working on. i want her to have an alternative look — specifically grunge — because i think the style would fit her character, but men cooming over alt girls has made me hesitate. i feel ridiculous for worrying about this, her design wont be "coomery" or sexy at all, im just traumatized by internet moids. i know you cant control your audience online but i want to avoid attracting horny dudes.

No. 2405022

Go the love nikki route nonna dont let us grunge nonas be deprived because of shitty moids

No. 2405024

File: 1739832665558.jpg (215.5 KB, 919x1280, tartan-shirt.jpg)

You should go for it, moids will sexualize anything, just look at what they did to Rika from Pokemon. Although I think taking inspiration from something like picrel instead of doing like fishnets and chokers would avoid the "goth gf" trope

No. 2405032

File: 1739832930744.jpg (92.15 KB, 640x544, Babes-in-Toyland-grunge-249441…)

It's only the zoomer-coomer interpretation of grunge that is weird and pornified

No. 2405034

File: 1739832977831.jpg (256.37 KB, 2480x1299, zoomer_90s_fashion.jpg)

samefag, zoomer-coomers

No. 2405036

Yeah I have no clue why anybody would call this grunge. This is like normie 2000s fashion

No. 2405038

Plaid I guess

No. 2405054

I didn't realize you were talking about that. Your post was just an unsaged question not replying to anything, I thought you thought you were in the stupid/random questions thread

No. 2405059

People didn't dress like that in the 2000s.

No. 2405102

Does anyone else think they could have possibly been sexually abused as a very young child but have no memory of it? I have vivid memories of being strangely sexually aware and saying/doing strange things. I remember telling my aunt when I was no older than 5 I would "have sex with my child" I also have memories of spying on my mother getting dressed, again no older than 5, and I also remember treating the marie Claire magazines my mother had beside the toilet as porn. I would stare at the women in bikinis and try hard to visualize them naked, I have one memory of this one woman wearing this abstract bikini that had circles in the design and I would count the negative space circles and when it stopped at her bottoms I would continue to follow the circles until it reached her labia and I remember saying something like "her pee pee would be out" and I remember the weird sexual thrill I got after leaving the bathroom.
I also grew up with a sister ten years my senior. I remember one instance of kissing/making out through bedsheets (again, no older than 5) and one instance where she exposed her breasts to me when I was in the bathroom with her while she was drying off and I was brushing my teeth. I remember her saying "Hey" and I turned around and she has this grin on her face and she slowly and intentionally opened her robe to me and exposed her breasts. I don't know what I said but I do remember feeling like something was weird about that. I don't really know how to end this. I was also targeted sexually by boys in elementary school in like 1st-2nd grade. In 3rd grade I remember cutting my hair short and 99% of the harassment went away. I also was really forward with my friends and I would go to the bathroom to make out with my friend. I even told her I wanted to have sex with her. During a sleepover I made her cousin kiss her younger sister. I was like 7. I don't even know. I've never told anyone about this. I wouldn't even know how to bring up the sister and sleepover stuff. I think I would rather die than tell anyone I know to be honest.

No. 2405109

A few years ago two of my closest friends at the time did a thing that hurt me at a really deep level, it hit me where it hurt me the most to the point I still feel like I can’t fully trust them today like I used to. One of them apologised when she realized how hurt I was, the other one just shrugged me off so we drifted apart for a few years.
What happened is hard to explain because you need so much context and know the personality of the people involved for it to be a fair explanation, but what happened was a big betrayal of trust for me when it came to a sensitive spot they were very well aware of. I was already secretly struggling with my mental health at the time, and getting hurt like that by two of the people I trusted the most sent me over the edge. A few days later I stepped on the railroad at night tracks all dressed in black with nothing but my ID card on me, fully prepared to die, but the thought of it going wrong and I possibly surviving the attempt hit me and scared me off - considering everything kept going wrong lately it felt like a clear possibility. So I went home, took a bunch of pills and drank whatever alcohol I could find at home and hoped for the best. Obviously, it didn’t work out. I did another attempt with whatever meds was leftover from my previous one a couple of days later.
A couple of years ago I reconnected with the friend I drifted away from, we are back to being more or less as close as we used to be. But when She a while ago, during a conversion over chat about trust issues brought up how some people did [thing] to her when she was younger and how worthless she felt because of it, some of the wounds opened up again. Hadn’t it been over chat but instead in person I would probably have asked something along the lines “rules for thee but not for me, huh?”. Perhaps. Maybe. But since then I’ve every now and then felt a need to tell her how her and the other friend’s betrayal of my trust was the last drop that drove me to attempting suicide if the topic was ever brought up again. But I know it wouldn’t amount to anything but harming the relationship we have now, and I wouldn’t get any closure from any possible apology either because it’s been too long. But the thought is lingering in the back of my mind every now and then, leaving me sleepless because of the hurt from that time rearing it’s ugly face like intrusive thoughts. Though - to be honest - I think perhaps I’m also projecting some oother hurt feelings from that time onto the situation with her. I learned a couple of years ago that the first friend (the one I didn’t drift apart from) caught on that I was suicidal and created a group chat with friends she knew I frequently hung out with because she felt they all maybe could do a collective effort in stepping in or maybe just check in on me from time to time until I was back on stable ground again. All the responses were along the lines of “and what are we supposed to do about that?”, the friend I drifted away from throwing a tantrum over how nobody cared about her health, and others simply ignoring it. It’s not that I expected anything from anyone because everyone got their own shit to deal with, I think it’s nice of the friend for trying (she and an acquaintance was the only ones that was there for me at the time), but learning about the response in the group chat? It stings. I think it’s one of the reasons why I’ve more or less have gradually isolated myself to the point of barely having any friends anymore.

No. 2405132

>Be me, just turned 20
>Have been wearing more and more goth style and getting more into the subculture
>Meet nigel at a concert, he's into goth too and he's really nice but still lives with his mom
>Start dating and he's the best boyfriend I've had so far which feels good
>He begins to reveal more and more about his mom
>His mom is crazy
>She tries adding me on Facebook and I find her profile
>Early 50s 200lb woman covered in bad tattoos and only wears goth clothes
>She becomes more and more controlling of my nigel as time goes on
>She thinks I'm a fake goth and won't let me live it down

ugh why does nothing go right. she is the most psycho goth woman ive ever met and she constantly tries to prove that i'm not a "real goth" like she is. i get that she's older than me and she has more experience but it's like she thinks everyone has to paint their faces white and tease their hair or else they're not a real goth. her sense of style is so bad. i'd post a picture of her lardwhale ass but i'd probably get banned.

No. 2405138

This is going to really sour your goth experience if you don't get away from these freaks asap anon

No. 2405144

repressed/missing memories of abuse aren't thing unless you're literally under 3 or something when it happened. it sounds like your sister was a bit inappropriate with you, but non-touching nudity between female family members isn't a big deal imo. my sisters and i sauna, sometimes showered when we were younger together, and have swam together naked in lakes and stuff, and there's nothing sexual or creepy about it for us.

No. 2405147

90s would be more accurate but there was a small overlap with the very early 2000s as well.

No. 2405156

yeah maybe because his mom is pscyho. she constantly posts thirst traps online and tries to act sexy but she's almost 250lbs and she always paints her face in tacky white foundation. idk why she has to be mean to me and constantly call me a poser or a bitch or a wannabe when i barely talk to her at all

No. 2405161

This is zoomer fashion.

No. 2405163

Great that it wasn't creepy for you. She was ten years older than me and deliberately called me to look at her breasts, again I was like 4/5 at this point. Would you, at 14/15 years old call your 4/5 year old sister to stare at your breasts as you slowly disrobed? And then smile at her while you did it? Obviously YOUR situation was normal.

No. 2405164

My period is like a week late and even my bf noticed. I'm hoping it's just hormonal changes from quitting drinking last month/stress from school but my period has been super regular since I got my copper IUD 3 years ago. My bf is moving out of his parents house right now and is at the stage of needing to buy furniture/a mattress so I'd hate to have to spring an abortion on him too. If it doesn't come by the end of the month I'll take a pregnancy test and go to the gyno regardless of the result just to make sure that little thing is where it's supposed to be. Last thing I need to be worrying abt rn during law school midterms & applying to internships to be frank!!!!

No. 2405165

post the pic for the keks

No. 2405166

My stepsister did a few weird things like that. She's BPD, who cares

No. 2405167

Moids will sexualize literally anything. It's all equally screwed so don't let that hold you back kek
And I mean ANYTHING.

No. 2405169

Why do you say that, the cropping? Because I agree the middle stuff is kind of out of place but the girls on the left and right remind me of the stuff you'd see in those Delia*s catalogues that nobody could afford.

No. 2405170

son of an insane goth woman choosing to date a goth woman seems like a psychosexual nightmare

No. 2405171


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2405173

i think my dad abused me and i didn't realize until i was 30. i was removed from my home by cps as a child, but i had no memory of what happened so i was sent back home. my teacher (a family friend) separated me from the rest of my class (i probably showed inappropriate behaviors i wasn't aware of), i would go on trips with her, and she would keep me in school until she was finished work. i think she knew what was happening in my house while i didn't. i also had nightmares every other night about getting abducted from my classroom by aliens. i had severe anxiety and would cry every morning in school. i had knowledge of sexual actions, intrusive thoughts about my father, and a feeling of someone always watching me. this and knowing that he was a predator to other women and teens tells me its real. not to mention the fact that he can't look me in the eye and talk to me. its like i was the only one unaware of the whole thing. i felt like an empty husk as a child and only remember feeling loneliness

do you think anyone else knew about what happened?

No. 2405174

In the early 2000s women still made facial expressions and didn't wear a crop top with a mini skirt. It would be like a crop top and jeans or a mini skirt and a full shirt. They didn't try to look like the frontpage of pornhub. This is why I don't blame moids entirely for the culture decay happening before our very eyes

No. 2405175

Well I don't care about your BPD sister if you don't. Obviously my sister's behavior weirds me out, so that's why I posted it in the vent thread…?

No. 2405176

Stop trying to make "kek af" happen

No. 2405178


No. 2405179

File: 1739839858444.jpg (3.81 KB, 220x226, images.jpg)

>be me
>have fun listening to scary stories on youtube
>one of them is about creepy stuff happening at 1 am
>few hours go by
>hear my mom calling my name at like 1.30 am
>go to her room to see what's up
>"i just wanted to check if you were walking by my room, i heard some footsteps"

No. 2405182

File: 1739839930300.jpeg (34.9 KB, 499x615, IMG_1909.jpeg)

B-but, it’s kek af nonnie

No. 2405183

Not only has "kek af" already happened, it's here to stay anon

No. 2405187

File: 1739840007501.jpg (64.83 KB, 853x797, pic from her facebook.jpg)

she posts shit like this. thats one of the million from her facebook. its never ending. she has cow potential because it's always cringe pics like this and being super mean to everyone that doesnt give her enough attention
i just like the music and some of the fashion i don't make it my whole life. he's really nice and he's never had a gf before because his mom usually scares away anyone that's interested in him

No. 2405188

Shit like this is so stupid because no highschool back then was allowing girls to walk around in miniskirts, daisy dukes, and crop tops.

No. 2405189

Wow anon those behaviors were like mine as a child, too. I had intense anxiety, would cry at the drop of a hat. I even had a doctor look at me with my parents in the room and she said straight to my face "it looks like there is a deep sadness in your eyes". I felt paranoid and like I was being watched as a child, too. Specifically in the bathroom it would come on like a sudden attack almost. I'm sorry your childhood was so stressful nonnie. I hope you have someone you're close to who can carry some of that burden with you. As for me, there is really nobody I could ask about it. I don't think my parents or sister would tell me anything.

No. 2405190

I see this at the mall, whenever I have to go there. They don't look like the girls in the picrel but they do wear these clothes

No. 2405191

kek anon thank you for the chuckle

No. 2405194

KEKKK if this is his mom he must be ugly as fuck just dump him nonna

No. 2405197

Dead ringer for Raven Sparks without the chest piece, kek nonnie this is hilarious.

No. 2405198

she's trolling this is an old cow, she has multiple threads on here

No. 2405200

People like this actually exist? She looks like a cheap Party City goth

No. 2405201

I have lived through these decades anon, I think I would know.

No. 2405202

Obviously cause you're not some mental 250lb bitch posting thirst traps on fb

No. 2405204

I was asking a legitimate question.

No. 2405205

What is happening with her hair? Is her son is probably fat like her anyway, you should just run now and find a real goth boyfriend not put up with all this

No. 2405207

>she posts shit like this.
Anon's just using the goth cow as an example, she's not going to post his mom's pics

No. 2405208

We're getting closer to the milhouse singularity

No. 2405209

kek my sides. post more pics of her or make a post in the personal cow thread we need more goth cows

No. 2405214

File: 1739840591221.gif (1.32 MB, 220x211, nyle-leila.gif)

>We need more goth cows

No. 2405215

Wait I'm confused, are you saying you're dating actual Raven Spark's child? That's a joke right? And other anons are in on it or don't know who Raven is or am I missing something?

No. 2405216

Nona you shouldn't post pictures from her FB.

No. 2405217

Read the filename, its just another larp

No. 2405221

Yeah but I could revisit her behaviour and decide it's a huge problem for me. Anons are encouraging you not to do that bc it won't really help you. My step-sister feels like total asshole for the stuff she did when she was a kid, so it's not like she intentionally wanted to fuck with my head. She was just histrionic and watched too many movies

No. 2405226

She's already a cow. She even had a banner made of her. It's that "that's so raven" one

No. 2405227

Which cow? I've been on lolcow since 2023 and I've never seen this one?

No. 2405228

anon you are staring your future dead in the face if you don't make some different choices

No. 2405229

This is her latest thread. She dried up recently but she was an old school horrorcow

No. 2405230

Wtf 10 years ago? i didnt know lolcow existed back then

No. 2405231

The Luna baiter and now this is starting to make me really sad with how many people fall for it.

No. 2405233

You're a baby farmer and I say this with love in my heart, I'm happy you're here.

No. 2405235

Its the same anon
Shes also been making up fake vents for replies like the valentines waiter one (first one) and the sex worker valentines one. She’s pretty good at it tbh

No. 2405241

Was this a lolcowian "bless your heart"?

No. 2405243

idk how long lolcow has been around for but I know I've been here since 2016. Almost 10 years kek, anon I implore you to go in the catalogue and hunt for some old threads, the culture and the way people talk here is completely different than it used to be

No. 2405245

I thought it was funny & nostalgic lol but yeah I been on this site for way too fucking long

No. 2405246

i joined in 2023, i'm an oldfag. newfag means someone that joined in the last month retard

No. 2405248

I wonder which cow will be next. Can't wait to see newfags not knowing about PT or Kiki and Kota. I find this very funny.

No. 2405249

Most newfags don't know who PT is

No. 2405250

2013 or 2014 I can't recall

No. 2405252

Oh you sweet baby darling.

No. 2405255

newfag is a state of mind

No. 2405256

Seeing loud-and-proud moids in super old threads always throws me for a loop

No. 2405258

File: 1739841292362.jpg (34.32 KB, 631x631, 9f9ec8bd7c90ff0f3b4d76406a851a…)

I hope this newfag is just spunky and doesn't have distemper

No. 2405259

>board exists since 2013
>I joined in 2023 I'm an oldfag
>Doesn't know who Raven Sparks is
>aggrochans over it
I take it back, you're a newfag of the highest order.

No. 2405260

>i joined in 2023, i'm an oldfag

No. 2405261

PT is one of the first links on the front page. Someone would have to be really new if they didn't know about that board

No. 2405262

it started in 2014 I think

I was there for the whole jump from /cgl/ to staminarose and then here.

No. 2405264

Do you know who the board is named after?

No. 2405266

File: 1739841453911.jpg (16.8 KB, 400x400, 1611308632576.jpg)

Mid 30s and self harming again I'm just tired in every way right now

No. 2405269

/pt/ isn't named after anyone it's like /snow/ for snowflake or /w/ for weeb

No. 2405271

Oh… oh no… babyfarmer, the board is named after Pixyteri. Thanks for proving my point.

No. 2405272

File: 1739841598977.png (563.55 KB, 702x944, yarr.png)


No. 2405274

The valentines sex worker one was so redditesque I can't believe anyone fell for that bullshit

No. 2405275

Shes dragging it out now

No. 2405276

Channers that called themselves bots and would announce their presence and get like two or three replies from dumb anons were always present but it wasn't nearly as bizarre as it is now. At least they were like "male here xd". Now, they play the long game and pretend to have menstrual cycles and spend months telling anons they're stupid cocksucking whores. I'd prefer the former any day, the larps are so elaborate and psychotic now.

No. 2405277

Yeah took me until now to figure out it's a baiter. I just wanted to be nice. gdi.

No. 2405280

Lolcow is really dead…

No. 2405282

Checked up on an old cow-ish Tumblr that I used to follow, I was always genuinely rooting for her but she was pretty cringe and she has a BABY and is still doing the genderfluid thing and is going to get back on hormones once she's done breastfeeding. And she and her partner of like 10 years (they were together back when I followed her, this shit is wild) live in her parent's dining room?? It's crazy to see that nothing in her life has changed other than adding a baby to it. fucking nuts. I was really hoping all the gendies would snap out of it or sterilize themselves before they could have kids.

No. 2405284

File: 1739842053500.jpg (337.17 KB, 720x940, Screenshot_20250217_192629_Goo…)

Time to dig a hole and die with it

No. 2405294

Kek I posted this exact comment once and was relentlessly bullied.

No. 2405296

god it's like a bait buffet in here and everyone's gobbling it up

No. 2405302

Slow day

No. 2405305

Sometimes I want to be unhinged and just post the socials of the enby-troon who sexually harassed me and then stalked me for 2 years. I know that's a terrible idea… I just wish he'd get some bad karma going his way, you know? I wish everyone knew what he's really like and that I didn't have to live paranoid that he's going to turn up at my doorstep again when I'm all alone

No. 2405306

So did this anon ever post the pic?

No. 2405307

Post him in the personal cows thread if he's milky

No. 2405318

you can filter the shit out of the photo and put random pngs on it to make it not reverse searchable

No. 2405322

Anons should start making blingee out of photos of people they know irl and want to post here

No. 2405325

The anger I just felt. Why do they think it's okay?

No. 2405328

Have you tried looking into getting disability benefits for your MS? It sounds like you won't be able to work full time at any point in the near future and is you get approved you could at least contribute to financial costs at home. I had to get on disability and it made me feel like I was less of a burden.

I'd also like to know which vitamins or supplements you take.

No. 2405334

I’d rather go spelunking and I’m claustrophobic

No. 2405340

i want to go to bed early and of course my mom is yapping on the phone. again i'm the retard for living here but still.

No. 2405343

I wish I knew how to use photoshop I would make so many collages and memes and oc for the farms but all I have is my shitty laptop and shaky mouse, cant even use the lasso tool properly

No. 2405365

You definitely can still use it for that purpose anon. I only use my trackpad and can make half-decent stuff in illustrator and photoshop. It takes a lot longer and my computer refuses to use the downloaded version so I have to use the online one, but if you’re just doing basic stuff it’s achievable.

No. 2405369

I was sexually harassed by my autistic coworker today. If they don't fire him I'll leave that shit place.

No. 2405390

How do you lasso neatly on the trackpad? Even with magnetic + my mouse it turns out so shitty

No. 2405397

Autistic moids are the worst. How is that loser still around? Does he even get any work done? You deserve a better workplace, nona.

No. 2405412

A lot of patience I guess. I’m use to doing most everything in MS Paint so using any Adobe product feels very user friendly by comparison kek

No. 2405426

I keep thinking about how I need to end things with one of my closest (and only) friends but when I get a taste of what it might be like without her (she hasn't texted me all day and seemed upset with me yesterday) I feel so bad and lonely that it makes me physically ill. I genuinely love her a lot but she has many issues that she refuses to work on and it's exhausting putting in so much effort to help her especially when she doesn't return it. She is one of if not my only irl friend though and we share so many good memories and currently do fun stuff together, we have good conversations everyday and some days she is the only person I talk to. I don't even know anymore if I really should leave her I feel like that wouldn't be fair even though she stresses me out and I also feel like continuing to deliberate and vent about it will somehow doom things to end very badly

No. 2405433

I hate the fact I look like my deadbeat dad. I wish I didn’t get most of his features because whenever I look into the mirror I see him. He also botched me with a big nose, square jaw and a massive forehead

No. 2405435

File: 1739852229829.gif (1.28 MB, 400x225, tumblr_ndhuxpjuua1ql5yr7o1_400…)

No. 2405436

Kek she is not me but I’m glad I’m not the only one

No. 2405437

and you don't look like Vick-ay Gunvelsen. It could always be worse

No. 2405438

Have you tried talking to her about how you feel? Was she not receptive?

No. 2405441

File: 1739852709972.webp (36.78 KB, 680x680, IMG_3880.webp)

Me after finishing my taxes tonight (but hey I got a tax refund for the first time in years)

No. 2405476

You people make me feel old kek

No. 2405485

I just wanna apologize for everything

No. 2405502

It’s okay anon I forgive you. Let’s try again tomorrow, things will be better then.

No. 2405504

File: 1739856359346.jpg (99.63 KB, 1242x1241, managepain.jpg)

There is truly no greater suffering than being slightly capable of being attracted to men, but not enough to overlook how absolutely fucking garbage men are and how disgusting male sexuality is. With the knowledge that maybe 1% of women will settle for a pussy haver. Living in this society is a fucking nightmare. I wish I was more attracted to men, honestly. It'd make my life a whole lot easier, but It's like as soon as I cum I feel immense disgust and want nothing to do with them.

No. 2405509

>hates men and is disgusted by them
>still has sex with them

No. 2405511

>scrolling through subreddit for a female majority hobby
>thread: I m28 would like to start (hobby)
Oh fuck off attention whore

No. 2405512

Bi men fuck men, even trannies, and then feel immediately disgusted by them and then claim to be completely heterosexual. I only lost my virginity to a moid at 28, and he didn't even put his dick in me

No. 2405521

I'd be more impressed if you realized this before giving a moid the satisfaction of another "conquest"

No. 2405525

I really don't want to get too political, but I think it's fascinating how immigration is such a hot topic that single-handedly helps right-wing parties get elected all over the world. Like it's amazing how effective of an issue it is to use in politics.

No. 2405527

No. 2405528


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2405568

I really don't give a fuck about that, I genuinely wanted to hear from other women on this. I feel alienated as a woman not capable of loving a man but also feels like my chances of finding a woman I'm compatible with who would want me is nil.

No. 2405572

kek yes this would be great

No. 2405825

have to take a job thats shitty paid and going there and home takes 4hr and 50minutes. basically i will have zero free time. i hate my stupid life. i wanna die.

No. 2406000

dont do it

No. 2413164

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