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File: 1736528391650.webp (29.66 KB, 568x464, cow meets computer.jpg)

No. 2341317

A thread for sharing screencaps of hilarious posts seen around the farms.

Keep the infighting to a minimum you beautiful tards.


No. 2341318

File: 1736528551180.png (324.06 KB, 1151x525, bellas dad.png)

No. 2341320

Maybe nobody made a new one yet cuz the last one wasn't maxxed out yet.

No. 2341326

you're supposed to make a new thread when the amount of posts has exceeded 1200

No. 2341354

she's right

No. 2341358

he looks like ned flanders kek

No. 2341365

File: 1736531349166.png (8.81 KB, 571x183, image.png)

No. 2341375

File: 1736532150692.png (358.42 KB, 906x646, saging-this-thread.png)

No. 2341381

File: 1736532351781.png (111.79 KB, 1299x573, suburban 70s dad.png)

No. 2341386

Is that not what saging is referring to? Like,wading through and getting rid of the crap and unnecessary posts as you do bad spirits?

No. 2341391

KEK are you being serious

No. 2341394

Oh my sweet summer child

No. 2341399

no it's from 2ch, shorthand of a japanese word (下げる) meaning "to lower" or something like that.

No. 2341406

File: 1736533716528.png (198.37 KB, 597x492, 1000065345.png)

No. 2341407

File: 1736533751817.png (39.24 KB, 698x277, 1098765443.png)

No. 2341433

File: 1736535232441.jpg (101.95 KB, 720x1344, 1000048356.jpg)

No. 2341461

please go back to tiktok holy shit

No. 2341478

No. 2341479

Second anon only

No. 2341497

File: 1736539734743.jpeg (51.67 KB, 593x714, IMG_3436.jpeg)

why is that redtexted? kek

No. 2341510

honored to be in this cap

No. 2341519

Same kek. We made a good team.

No. 2341523

This is an elevated form of storytelling.

No. 2341691

Be careful they'll redtext you as a personalityfag for pointing out that you're in a screenshot now

No. 2341716

just noticed the thread number is the same as the last one kek. so it should say #15

No. 2342001

File: 1736568958466.png (287.6 KB, 634x1040, Bdyk54278dtdtu.png)

No. 2342226

File: 1736593657847.png (17.26 KB, 534x71, 1000031154.png)

No. 2342228

File: 1736594029420.jpeg (150.95 KB, 447x447, 1A15A583-C4CD-4FD7-AF32-3C300A…)

No. 2342908

File: 1736633070473.jpg (749.91 KB, 941x1562, Screenshot_20250112_000319_Sam…)

No. 2342916


No. 2343008

File: 1736637336786.png (561.81 KB, 1592x1026, so sweet.png)

made me kek

No. 2343628

File: 1736692764878.jpg (70.48 KB, 847x368, allmenarecatboys.jpg)

No. 2343629

This made me chuckle kek

No. 2343767

File: 1736700967233.png (34.49 KB, 1144x406, hAUjSBM.png)

No. 2343770

File: 1736701063308.png (34.36 KB, 662x224, Screenshot_20250112-104119.png)

No. 2343785

Love seeing myself here

No. 2343888

which thread? keek

No. 2343894

why do fujofags draw men so huge, like giants??? is it their tranny body dysphoria or something(fujosperging outside containment)

No. 2343900

Art is hard, no need to overthink it with tranny shit.

No. 2343945

Size fetish. Big is top, small is bottom.
>t. A fujo

No. 2343968

File: 1736710303244.png (441.47 KB, 603x1403, 1000031274.png)

Anon has a bad day with the fae.

No. 2343979

so is it pronounced “sa-ge”?

No. 2343988

I always read it as "sage" as in "wise sage" so that when you sage it means you are wise for not bumping up the thread

No. 2343991

This is so interesting to me. I always thought the obvious one was it was just a misspelling of “save” as in saving the bump, I assumed everyone thought the same kek

No. 2344188

Women will blame fairies before they accept accountability(ban evasion )

No. 2344190

It was something I never thought about over a decade ago and it's pronounced sa-ge but in my head I still say it as sayge and I'll never change it idc.

No. 2344911

File: 1736764783524.png (140.65 KB, 786x268, insane subby energy.png)

No. 2344916

not funny, unless you know the context of the movie and no one does. he literally fits every tumblr sexyman criteria, but everyone is sleeping on this guy for some reason.

No. 2344917

Ahh. I thought it was a reference to the herb and its calming powers, like "the thread is slow right now, no need to wake it up"

No. 2344921

? That ugly old guy?

No. 2344923

yes anon, that is generally tumblr's exact type.

No. 2344929

its hilarious to woobify that old fart

No. 2344946

i think every single anon here should watch nanny mcphee returns so that they can laugh at me better. also it's a really fun family movie.

No. 2344953

I will watch it if they make a ramake with a cute young guy instead of the walled moid

No. 2345465

No. 2345470

Fae is definitely a cope for the sick moid who stole her panties.

No. 2345514

File: 1736795303815.png (66.23 KB, 1356x286, Screenshot 2025-01-13 at 1.07.…)

No. 2345657

Personally I think this makes the future of diseases a bit more exciting. The medical field needed something to spice it up a bit.

No. 2345826

File: 1736804451402.png (408.42 KB, 1267x1701, 1000031310.png)

Anon is confused about Canada.

No. 2345835

A little bit of misdiagnosis, as a treat!

No. 2345839

>ban evasion
There was literally no ban evasion whatsoever. Mods so fucking lazy now.

No. 2345848

This is the funniest shit I've ever read in my entire life.

No. 2345850

KEEK sometimes y'all are hilarious

No. 2345971

File: 1736808487469.jpg (98.79 KB, 949x382, 1000004705.jpg)

this is the level of nitpicking im here for

No. 2346555


No. 2346675

File: 1736889291306.jpeg (534.3 KB, 1284x882, IMG_9220.jpeg)

No. 2346678

File: 1736889461741.jpg (232.02 KB, 1080x1410, Screenshot_20250113_200321_Fir…)

No. 2346707

I assume this is after John forces Garfield to go on a crash diet.

No. 2346710

File: 1736890899841.jpg (60.46 KB, 748x418, forbidden romance.jpg)

shouldve included the farmhand x farmer love story AU that came after kekkk

No. 2346712

the /g/ threads are the lesbian equivalent to samsara. we will never be free

No. 2347000

File: 1736906387070.png (28.29 KB, 720x99, 1000031479.png)

I love these threads so much.

No. 2347013

Was thinking the exact same thing, unfortunately.

No. 2347063

File: 1736910928252.png (19.06 KB, 631x184, not like other nutjobs.png)

>Writes a batshit rant about spiritual poop particles
>I'm not crazy like that OTHER anon, though
I've been laughing about poop ghosts all day because of this. Never change, Lolcor.

No. 2347197

File: 1736921177936.png (213.22 KB, 769x504, voldemort.png)

No. 2347199

No. 2347206

File: 1736922695912.png (213.24 KB, 1671x640, 54665545654.png)

No. 2347476

Kek wtaf is that ban

No. 2347537

File: 1736952083213.png (436.02 KB, 596x540, parot...png)

No. 2347617

She is right in a sense, because there are bacteria present in the gut that can travel from your poop and colonize the skin, and it's more common in mucosal areas. The ignorant laugh at the intuitive, but their suspicions are an apotropaism.

No. 2347686

File: 1736960606074.jpeg (284.74 KB, 1100x542, IMG_0384.jpeg)

No. 2347687

anyone who wipes the wrong way even just once is gonna have a poop ghost

No. 2347688

no no no, you only gain a poop ghost if you willingly have anal on purpose, and then you have a demon attached to your butthole (you have 2 of them now btw).

No. 2347691

>Then you have a demon attached to your butthole
Nature works in strange ways.

No. 2347698

I don't know what's wrong with me but I understand where she's coming from, I get this way about other things. Not poop though

No. 2347710

File: 1736961881533.png (111.95 KB, 792x508, gae.png)

No. 2347718

It's posts like this that remind me that Christianity is satanic.

No. 2347720

I’m in love with your mind right now

No. 2348386

Have you guys named your poop ghosts? Mine's called Mathilda.

No. 2348418

File: 1736999157963.png (175.31 KB, 726x513, IMG_0414.png)

No. 2348421

He looks like one of the Beatles if they were brainwashed and forced to become an assassin to shoot JFK

No. 2348445

Kek why does this make sense

No. 2348449

The shape of his head curves like one

No. 2348480

Men with tiny little mouths like this always have a mental deficiency that sows evil

No. 2348512

True. The moids with fat, kissable lips are genetically superior

No. 2348630

Yes! I was ugly laughing at this, how is it so accurate

No. 2348980

File: 1737048120567.png (85.73 KB, 1010x744, なるほど.png)

No. 2349057

File: 1737051329785.png (548.08 KB, 2548x687, Screenshot 2025-01-16 at 1.13.…)

No. 2349095

File: 1737053289171.png (23.17 KB, 694x166, 1000031522.png)

No. 2349103

arigatoful for this kek

No. 2349255

File: 1737060480285.jpeg (102.16 KB, 566x847, IMG_3455.jpeg)

I read this in his voice kek

No. 2349479

File: 1737068160771.png (2.14 KB, 162x34, WHY.png)

it's better without context, trust me

No. 2349529

What's the context?

No. 2349533

the "ideal" penis thread in /g/

No. 2349895

File: 1737087765680.png (82.17 KB, 649x460, bestieees.png)

No. 2349919

I love when farmhands give custom bans

No. 2350227

File: 1737120513637.webp (1.2 MB, 3113x2569, ijms-24-01511-g001.webp)

acktchyalualy the poopghost is mechanistically possible because the prostate is a pathogen reservoir due to immune privilege, so when a prolific raw shitfucker ejaculates it's probable that it contains fecal bacteria. That's in addition to the normal fecal bacteria in the foreskin microbiota of course

No. 2350560

File: 1737132795880.png (681.11 KB, 1000x755, 767687687.png)

Is this why gay men act so weird? Because they are processed by a poop ghost?

No. 2350633

File: 1737134906647.png (52.63 KB, 705x329, rvDwRUq.png)

No. 2350666

Mostly conjecture, but there is a variety of behavioral and health outcomes that were observed to emerge from exposure to pathogens and even seminal plasma itself (also because it's immunosuppressive, it enhances pathogen transmission). Furthermore, a sizeable number of hypothetical Alzheimers subtypes (since it was recently found to be not one disease, but many) arise from pathogen exposure, particularly bacteria and viruses invading CNS directly via nasopharyngeal lymphatic drains (which is probably why there's a curious associon between picking your nose and cognitive decline). There also happens to be data showing higher rates of cognitive decline among LGBT adults (but, again, conjecture).

No, none of the above is a meme or bait, this is unironically state of the art research dated 2024. Your brain shits cerebrospinal fluid through your nose, and you can put cooties in it by putting them in close proximity to paranasal tissue (which probably happens a lot during cocksucking). I'm done derailing now.(derailing)

No. 2350724

Anon, no one is leaking CSF through their nose unless they have a serious head injury.

No. 2350738

File: 1737137460342.jpg (294.26 KB, 1280x371, 2102.jpg)

No. 2350763

It's nasopharynx (if you want to be pedantic) and everyone healthy is "leaking" CSF through it.


No. 2350770

bj chan can I just PLEASE just live my life without you telling me I'm going to hell for being straight?

No. 2350775

>There also happens to be data showing higher rates of cognitive decline among LGBT adults
Why is that?

No. 2350778

but why post this in the caps thread

No. 2350785

but you're not leaking it through your nose according to the article you linked. it drains into the lymphatic system in the nasopharynx which drains back into your blood through the subclavian veins.

the phrase "your brain shits cerebrospinal fluid through your nose" implies that the csf is directly flowing out of your nose which isnt normal and can in fact be a symptom of head injury

No. 2350787

you said
>your brain shits cerebrospinal fluid through your nose
this is not what happens. the lymphatic drainage discussed in the paper is through the lympathic system. no healthy person is leaking CSF paranasally.

No. 2350836

this one made me laugh outloud when i saw it

No. 2350849

Bc of the poop ghost theory relevancy, ig. I’m both educated and horrified, just like every other time I come to this site.

No. 2350879

So does picking your nose make you retarded or do you pick your nose because you're already retarded? asking for a friend

No. 2350891

There's fecal bacteria everywhere anon. Do you think the whole world is possessed by poop ghosts? There was an episode of Mythbusters where they found that there was more fecal bacteria on computer keyboards and paper money than on toilet seats.

I guarantee you, there's fecal bacteria in your vagina, even if you think you're not a dirty slut. I'm a KV, I shower every day, and I wipe front-to-back, but I still had to take a course of antibiotics a few years ago because my gyn found e-coli in my vagina.

Something tells me that a casual relationship is being assumed because of correlation here. Interesting that anon didn't link the super special high-quality research she's citing.

No. 2350897

>I guarantee you, there's fecal bacteria in your vagina
>I still had to take a course of antibiotics a few years ago because my gyn found e-coli in my vagina
You guarantee that everyone has BV?

No. 2350916

she's right. there are bacteria that typically colonize the gut that migrate to the vagina. if you have healthy vaginal flora, the gut bacteria population will be small. if you have dysbiosis, the gut bacteria can grow too much and you will might end up with vaginal symptoms, which then lead to the clinical diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. no one is diagnosed with it if they aren't symptomatic.

No. 2350922

Having fecal bacteria in your vagina is not the same as BV, because bacteria can be present without causing vaginosis. Vaginosis is specifically when there's an overgrowth that causes symptoms; I was asymptomatic. Your vagina is designed to clean itself for a reason, the process helps mitigate these sorts of pathogens.

No. 2350935


No. 2350945

Poop Ghost General #1 >>>/ot/2350853

No. 2351078

File: 1737152009780.gif (227.96 KB, 220x132, forlorn-sad.gif)

No. 2351243

File: 1737159003334.jpg (17.31 KB, 453x173, Screenshot_1.jpg)


No. 2351548

you are so retarded and this is so off base that im going to suck a dick in your honor

No. 2351575

File: 1737176493897.png (238.15 KB, 1875x465, buggy_chatty_anons.png)

This was cute and also kek. I wish there was a reality show about normie-stacys (but not bullies/mean girls) trying to make friendship work with anons from this thread

No. 2351838

File: 1737201772841.jpeg (73.17 KB, 670x250, IMG_6963.jpeg)

No. 2351866

But nonna only moids have prostates. Based on your hypothesis it's biologically and spiritually impossible for a woman to be haunted by a faeces phantom.(derailing)

No. 2352015

File: 1737215306957.png (9.1 KB, 598x71, 1000031574.png)

No. 2352177

can't asymptomatically grow shit in your junk like a petri dish=\=immune to shit(derailing)

No. 2352182

File: 1737223140608.jpg (227.43 KB, 1080x757, 195616.jpg)

Got me crying from laughter

No. 2352650

File: 1737239971319.jpg (146.81 KB, 1080x529, 1000010644.jpg)

The lolcow baby thread is the gift that keeps on giving

No. 2352669

I saw that and walked away since it’s “judgement free” kek. That poor child.

No. 2352793

File: 1737246301711.jpeg (673.12 KB, 983x1517, IMG_2621.jpeg)

No. 2352799

No. 2352826

File: 1737248715763.jpeg (834.83 KB, 1061x1749, IMG_0537.jpeg)

this one made me chuckle a little

No. 2352944

>some monkeys and some hurdurr
Is he talking about the ilk he comes from, which are hairy Italians that live near hairy Turkroaches and then live near the hairy Gayreeks who also resemble macaques and even act like them whenever some black person plays in a soccer match? Hope he kills himself(racebait)

No. 2353102

File: 1737263281298.jpeg (1.26 MB, 906x1556, IMG_3415.jpeg)

No. 2353719

File: 1737293776913.jpg (28.25 KB, 1293x346, IMG_032.jpg)

No. 2353904

File: 1737304389230.png (39.49 KB, 490x296, 34535453534.png)

No. 2353906

Imagine Amberlynn Reid leading the American revolution

No. 2353910

File: 1737304712927.jpg (20 KB, 300x246, 1000031605.jpg)

I'm imagining her giving commands to her legions from one of these

No. 2353944

>10 feeder butch lesbians on each side
loving it

No. 2353946

Kek which thread?

No. 2354472

No. 2354551

File: 1737326314837.png (125.92 KB, 679x670, 1000031624.png)

No. 2354570

kek what the fuck is a bahoogadonk

No. 2354571

which thread this was interesting to read

No. 2354575

File: 1737327092845.png (524.76 KB, 748x569, omegakek.png)

I laughed too hard at this


No. 2354580

Attractive women you'd fuck in /g/

No. 2354807

File: 1737338567203.png (1.56 MB, 2138x1026, Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 9.03.…)

No. 2354813

File: 1737338656524.png (286.08 KB, 2536x392, Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 9.55.…)

about luigi in the early days of his arrest kek

No. 2354832

File: 1737339664443.png (7.15 KB, 1210x86, chrome_713nkQo9Gu.png)

i love u.. wigi-wives.. more than weegee himself ♥

No. 2354842

File: 1737339975301.png (513.59 KB, 1311x1088, fatten me up.png)

From the Women You’re Ashamed To Say You’d Fuck thread on /g/. Reposted to add context.

No. 2355144

File: 1737360598670.png (4.07 KB, 488x100, crawlingthread.PNG)

No. 2355146

The ideal man: No teeth, no eyes and crawls on the floor.

No. 2355150

only funny post here in awhile

No. 2355154

Funnily enough this is the only one I don't find funny

No. 2355157

wow that's crazy. i guess you should post more caps of people saying they want to rape luigi

No. 2355164

L*igi is the Hitler of lolcow
his containment board is /b/ of lolcow

No. 2355178

No. 2355185

File: 1737363846420.jpg (2.4 MB, 4096x6144, 1000072514.jpg)

No. 2355188

File: 1737364284663.jpeg (45.78 KB, 1170x348, IMG_5449.jpeg)

the redtext and no replies was the cherry on top of the cake

No. 2355191

The yellow fever saga was so funny in its sheer autism.

No. 2355217

File: 1737366280654.png (17.74 KB, 634x138, 1000031633.png)


No. 2355257

same, it’s not unfunny or anything just unremarkable

No. 2355286

Unfunny pro-troon bait

No. 2355302

Tranny hormones should be illegal they make people mentally retarded.

No. 2355307

Seriously, how would a troon exist in pre-historic times? Imagine a neanderthal trooning out. What would he do? Both sexes would be wearing brown animal skins, no makeup and go around killing their food with big sticks. There wouldn't be any pornified femininity to fetishize and imitate.

No. 2355328

he gathered berries instead of hunting

No. 2355333

His tribe probably would just use him as bait for whatever animal they're hunting. It's like early eugenics.

No. 2355480

File: 1737384726840.png (177.38 KB, 1825x418, delicate precious little flowe…)

No. 2355588

File: 1737387296638.jpg (296.75 KB, 1053x951, Screenshot_20250120_123424_Sam…)

No. 2355593

I (an empath) am sensing that anon has reservations about the field trip.

No. 2355612

my superpeople abilities sense that this post is from the Homicipher thread.

No. 2355614

>Superpeople senses guess correctly
Checkmate, atheists.

No. 2355618

File: 1737388165962.jpg (629.39 KB, 1304x1215, Screenshot_20250120_101141_Sam…)

No. 2355657

File: 1737389524581.jpg (854.34 KB, 1440x2062, Screenshot_20250112_231845_Sam…)

No. 2355694

No. 2355697

poor anon

No. 2355714

I know you can be as cringe as you want in those threads, but the way this is typed radiates annoying Tumblr girl energy.

No. 2355768

yeah lol the fleckfag types like a normie trying to be edgy so hard

No. 2355775

File: 1737393622280.png (505.67 KB, 635x1049, 1000031671.png)

No. 2355863

File: 1737395621945.png (337.68 KB, 1264x634, bananaeater.png)

No. 2356406

can't believe i'm going to die of cognitive decline because i used to pick my nose habitually as a kid and i had to find out through lolcow.farm.us.gov.edu.co.uk.care.org

No. 2356413

idk when they say "trannies have always existed" they talk about weird hermaphroditic animals like clownfish or some shit. We aren't fish and unlike trannies, nemo can actually become a real woman without surgeries or dressing like a 6 year old girl.

No. 2356449

they usually mean that those cultures where effeminate homosexual men were treated like a different gender from other men (hijras etc.) totally had hecking valid woke trans folks. before the mean whites came in and ruined it with their ebil colonialist western cisheteropatriarchy. or something.

No. 2356452

No they usually bring up the special third classes of underaged boys used primarily as sex slaves and then were homeless the moment they grew facial hair. Very progressive, you wouldn't understand.

No. 2356480

So they are just saying faggots and pedos have always existed…

No. 2356490

Yes, but they were special faggots, and special pedos.

No. 2356588

File: 1737415141134.png (235.86 KB, 635x785, 1000031703.png)

No. 2356619

if only luigi would have tried

No. 2357585

File: 1737459406386.png (19.15 KB, 534x257, 1000031713.png)

The redtext made me kek so hard

No. 2357597

File: 1737460900748.png (3.74 KB, 534x67, cocksucker.png)

No. 2357672

File: 1737467126026.png (41.07 KB, 710x221, nonna.png)

No. 2359130

File: 1737515941234.jpg (135.96 KB, 1777x585, GUBHBE9W0AAijxo.jpg)

No. 2359222

File: 1737519825860.jpg (150.5 KB, 720x1314, 1000000413.jpg)

No. 2359238

No. 2359287

File: 1737526085593.png (466.21 KB, 567x1391, 1.png)

No. 2359337

File: 1737531033537.jpeg (17.83 KB, 541x103, IMG_3339.jpeg)

“i’d hate for you to discover a serbian film” is such an unintentionally hilarious unhinged thing to say.

No. 2359823

File: 1737560008202.png (15.72 KB, 487x134, 1000031746.png)

No. 2359827

File: 1737560163579.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1076x2066, IMG_4060.jpeg)

No. 2359828

When AI waifus and husbandobots get sufficiently advanced, all the problematic faves will be taken to Nuremberg to answer for their crimes.

No. 2361483

File: 1737612929174.png (190.83 KB, 768x524, David Turpin.png)

No. 2361615

File: 1737624049853.png (156.39 KB, 387x342, Screenshot 2025-01-23 011957.p…)

No. 2361718

mfw hearing cocksuckers in the walls

No. 2362178

File: 1737666257255.png (5.99 KB, 1099x69, 34555535345353.png)

No. 2362191

lmao i know a gay guy who is so grossed out by poop he refuses to have anal sex

No. 2362368

He's literally missing the top of his skull. That must be where they hacksawed his brain and inserted the 5g chip that carried out the orders

No. 2362371

Known as a side

No. 2362392

Are you the anon that asked where the top of his head is in his thread? I can't see it. It looks rounded off to me. Redline it?

No. 2362408

You're joking

No. 2362415

ntayrt but i don't see it either

No. 2362419

File: 1737675574740.jpg (76.39 KB, 720x522, 1000000423.jpg)

No. 2362421

Are you a conehead?

No. 2362428

His skull is the size of a lime and cuts off flat. I've seen so many people off lc mention it. It's hidden under his hair but is hard to miss for the average anatomyfag

No. 2362429

Where off LC? Please redline it, I'm not doubting you I just cannot see it.(derailing)

No. 2362436

File: 1737676059169.gif (73.45 KB, 275x268, 1000000425.gif)

If he shaved his head the top would literally be flat its right there(derailing)

No. 2362439

This isn't a redline and the cinnamarolls are very distracting!

No. 2362447

You really need me to put a red circle around the base of his skull like a boomer reading conspiracy articles about reptilians from a fb link?

No. 2362450

Nta but I feel so retarded I thought most people weren't supposed to have big top skulls unless they have a big forehead? I need like a side by side comparison cause I don't get it either

No. 2362463

I think she's just shitposting

No. 2362471

The back of your skull is supposed to be rounded out and at least slightly higher at the crown than the top of you forehead. The back of his head is literaly flat. He is missing like three or more normal inches on the back of his skull. It's maddening not being faceblind.

No. 2362479

File: 1737677382674.jpg (103.62 KB, 1300x1272, very-detailed-and-scientifical…)

I'm an anatomyfag who owns a replica of a human skull (and also some real human bones)
The top of the skull is typically flat. That is why you can balance shit on your head.
Second of all can you shut the fuck about Luigi? Go make a luigi hate thread or some shit.

No. 2362484

>head shape
What? Humans aren't mean to be coneheads. Are you a grey?

No. 2362487

His head is the size of a stress ball and you only can't tell because of his hair

And he's literally missing the top of his head.

No. 2362488

File: 1737677661973.png (142.26 KB, 276x354, 5766577765765.png)

No. 2362491

File: 1737677745578.jpg (73.85 KB, 620x945, MV5BYzg3MjMwMWUtNTgzMS00YTk2LT…)

Agreed. I can't believe these humans don't even know what their own skulls look like

No. 2362492

File: 1737677751962.jpeg (365.62 KB, 800x767, 20250123191309067.jpeg)

I think I fixed it. I think(derailing)

No. 2362493

Holy fuck can you both shut the fuck up and go to the appropriate thread.

No. 2362498

I'm not thirstposting anon, I genuinely don't understand the skull poster

No. 2362521

This would be funny if he didn't literally have a tiny skull

No. 2362523

He is a fucking Italian-American, have you never met one?

No. 2362531

File: 1737678916469.jpg (11.38 KB, 220x275, 1730928952018.jpg)

i think nonas believe this is the normal skull size

No. 2362541

Unironically no, but the fact remains.

No. 2362902

>1 minute ago
Blatant self-post. Your obsession with moid poop isn't funny, it's bizarre and it makes you look like a schizo

No. 2363707

File: 1737743517390.jpeg (194.29 KB, 1102x520, IMG_6487.jpeg)

No. 2363711

ew ew ew why are some of the women on here like dogs that like to rub their face in stuff that smells bad. keep your intrusive thoughts on the inside.

No. 2363844

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's the same one or two anons constantly bringing up poop at every opportunity, and they were conspicuously absent when the VPN ban was in effect. I'm beginning to wonder if it's their fetish or something.

No. 2364010

File: 1737749722360.jpeg (113.08 KB, 674x364, IMG_7031.jpeg)

No. 2364327

File: 1737756788017.png (212.49 KB, 630x563, 1000032051.png)


No. 2364364

File: 1737757786510.jpeg (565.99 KB, 1284x1463, IMG_4163.jpeg)

No. 2364440

File: 1737759788101.png (168.43 KB, 831x522, anon marries a retard.png)

No. 2364441

File: 1737759796190.png (218.97 KB, 1288x493, Screenshot 2025-01-24 163904.p…)


No. 2364443

File: 1737759857004.png (53 KB, 1067x342, Screenshot 2025-01-24 170058.p…)

fast at the cap cuz the addys kicked in

No. 2364502

beat me to it

No. 2364505

you retards I'm not the person who wrote that

No. 2364539

File: 1737762768472.png (118.87 KB, 1810x510, 245.png)

No. 2364540

who cares schizo

No. 2364572

Nta but you're all calling eachother schizo a little too much lately and need to relax. Do you really think you are only one of four people that post here?

No. 2364574

Anon is going to come out with an even flatter skull shape than Luigi.

No. 2364637

I'm saying

No. 2364685

File: 1737766483133.gif (857.26 KB, 500x230, sure jan.gif)

No. 2364750

wew lol

No. 2364751

What thread was this?

No. 2364758

Not everyone is the poop ghost nona

No. 2364766

favorite lyrics

No. 2364775

Kek reminds me of some weird replies I got there in the past from anons who thought a song was directed towards them

No. 2364862

File: 1737773963685.png (207.31 KB, 478x764, ftm or british.png)

No. 2364873

File: 1737774949076.png (122.89 KB, 705x416, 18io6ed.png)

I was about to add this one myself.

No. 2364899

what song did lana del rey say scrote?

No. 2364996

File: 1737782014425.png (73.59 KB, 505x420, yurifurries.png)

the anti-pro-fujo infight threads are always full of gold

No. 2365017

this post is magical because i can hear it perfectly in my head

No. 2365018

File: 1737784413641.png (407.73 KB, 489x1342, mayo.png)

No. 2365026

File: 1737784851492.png (437.34 KB, 566x1331, lol.png)

No. 2365083

File: 1737788977579.png (152.55 KB, 627x370, 10002435357.png)

she's right tho. but you left out the best one

No. 2365088

Whenever I see Adrien Brody all I think of is how he had sex with his pseudo-daughter in Splice.

No. 2365103

KEK absolute gold.

No. 2365307

File: 1737816694042.png (13.08 KB, 1743x89, Screenshot (952).png)

No. 2365342

File: 1737818482782.png (314.3 KB, 611x793, 1000032067.png)

That picture combined with that opening

No. 2365384

All I can think of is that nasty pic of his much younger girlfriend washing his asscheeks on a boat

No. 2365424

File: 1737821731525.png (237.47 KB, 1179x957, conceptual babies.png)

No. 2365527

File: 1737827684604.png (Spoiler Image,783.32 KB, 873x1328, know who you post with.png)

No. 2365529

File: 1737827803041.png (4.01 KB, 332x286, 1000031602.png)

No fucking way.

No. 2365533

>hangout server
The absolute state of hanging out.

No. 2365536

Jesus Christ.

No. 2365537

File: 1737828186240.png (34.57 KB, 228x278, accept.PNG)

Lolcow anons being cows themselves? Many such cases

No. 2365538

Ah homegrown milk

No. 2365539

File: 1737828267227.gif (2.23 MB, 326x259, 1705187597604120.gif)

No. 2365542

Fucking kek. My exact reaction

No. 2365552

Lowkey she does look a little like a TiM. I think it's the severely damaged hair and Jeffrey Dahmer glasses.

No. 2365558

Also the smile which isn't really a smile kek

No. 2365562

It's the unhealthy body too.

No. 2365763

Doesn't look unhealthy to me? She's a little pale, but she's not obese or anything.

No. 2365986

nyart, she's not obese but you can see the alcohol hasn't been kind to her. She really could easily be quite a specimen of excellent health but has fucked her shit up with booze and shitty hair dye. It's not fair how some people can just naturally have a great physique but fuck it to high hell with shitty habits. I bet if she took care of her hair instead of bleaching it to death it would also be really nice.

No. 2365995

The discord messages are the icing on the cake tbh, tells you what kind of poster she is

No. 2365997

She literally has two giant, turd-like dreadlocks. Something tells me she severely neglects personal hygiene and health.

No. 2366339

>the person making me speechless by their sheer amount of stupidity on here at any time could be a white woman with dreadlocks
Yeah, that makes sense.

No. 2366373

File: 1737859568307.jpg (645.28 KB, 918x1511, 1000012245.jpg)

Kek this post got a laugh out of me just picturing this slightly greasy, quite unpleasant smelling woman who will take off her shoes in public wherever she is and who will throw a yellow Sanrio dog stuffed animal (that stinks because she lays on it) that she is implied to be carrying around with her at someone over a disagreement about politics. Her actions and inactions are diabolical but her attitude is admirable.

No. 2366675

>her ex started dating a cam girl
Rebounding off of one vulnerable mentally ill woman onto another one, I see. Moids like that don't even deserve to date stinky vindictive autists like anon's friend.

No. 2366858

This just looks like someone who would participate in 420chan (rip) smokeathons back in the day

No. 2366884

this cannot be real. That has to be a tranny. This is some elaborate creative writing exercise furnished by a pic stolen from r/mtf, calling it right now. Did anyone reverse search the image

No. 2367221

File: 1737915144597.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.03 KB, 720x813, 1000000452.jpg)

Spoilered only because tmi thread "nobody asked" post

No. 2367327

File: 1737922925655.jpeg (Spoiler Image,80.55 KB, 857x218, IMG_3501.jpeg)

No. 2367329

this is so fake having a dick hit your cervix hurts

No. 2367368

This isn't funny, it's annoying. I immediately ran to that thread to yell at that anon for being a retard who doesn't know how cervices work. The absolute state of sex ed in anglophone countries, Christ.

No. 2367523

File: 1737932478738.png (321.2 KB, 623x543, Screenshot 2025-01-26 113015.p…)

No. 2367605

File: 1737937240408.png (185.24 KB, 720x947, Screenshot_20250126-211906~2.p…)

Someone said the same thing you did and got mercilessly corrected. Look up cervix stimulation, many women enjoy it.

No. 2367614

why would you enjoy having a pap smear at home? this is like when pickmes claim to love anal sex. we don't even have an orgasm button in our asses like moids do

No. 2367762

fake and gay

No. 2367941

Now this has me wondering about the "cervix puncher" post in that dick thread on /g/

No. 2368133

and then they ask why I don't care if white women get raped by immigrants(bait)

No. 2369030

File: 1738028620892.png (82.22 KB, 720x450, 1000032134.png)

The "reroll" elevates it.

No. 2369033

No. 2369075

File: 1738033170223.jpeg (181.93 KB, 798x472, IMG_2700.jpeg)

No. 2369301

File: 1738055190214.png (202.18 KB, 492x336, 7686876.png)

No. 2369342

I just thought it was funny that the replier wanted to khs, as I thought we all did reading that fake garbage

No. 2369654

File: 1738080675740.jpg (186.79 KB, 1191x1492, Screenshot_20250128_151307_Chr…)

this post is so cute and funny i hope this nonita is having a good day ♥

No. 2369659

So cute

No. 2370367

I genuinely thought most nonnies were cool and respectful women but seeing this makes me want to shoot myself. I can't believe I've been sharing a website with that thing. She really does look like a tranny kek

No. 2370448

Honestly, I think some people just get off on unconventional stuff. I've never personally been into having my nipples rubbed or whatever, but there are some women who are super into it. I imagine the same applies to cervixes and anal– it doesn't do anything for most women, but some find it pleasurable for whatever reason.

No. 2370450

>I genuinely thought most nonnies were cool and respectful women
What on Earth gave you this impression kek.

No. 2370507

File: 1738118725684.png (5.48 KB, 396x79, yaoi.png)

It's funnier without context

No. 2370665

File: 1738131582337.jpg (419.76 KB, 1440x1293, Screenshot_20250129_090742_Sam…)

No. 2370668

Nona this is girl 4 chan.

No. 2370747

File: 1738138899135.gif (891.89 KB, 298x140, ezgif-63f89023c27a9.gif)

An anon wanted this in gif form, i did my best.

No. 2370761

KEK where is this from.

No. 2370764

MTF thread

No. 2370869

File: 1738154518667.jpeg (243.59 KB, 1096x474, IMG_8357.jpeg)

No. 2371230

File: 1738177395304.png (53.78 KB, 1163x251, baitcest lovers.png)

No. 2371232

File: 1738177439949.png (342.09 KB, 714x931, _g_ - Ideal Body Thread.png)

No. 2371325

i've been laughing at this since it got posted, genuinely one of the funniest things i've seen on here

No. 2371636

File: 1738191397984.png (813.92 KB, 828x1201, 1000032191.png)

No. 2371676

File: 1738192539787.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1284x1173, IMG_9388.jpeg)

No. 2371714

File: 1738194154938.jpg (133.29 KB, 1280x962, whole squad laughing.jpg)

No. 2371716

File: 1738194177705.png (385.4 KB, 1245x965, walling.png)

No. 2371722

It's not realize though it's real:ze

No. 2372046

File: 1738212126552.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1284x2370, IMG_5746.jpeg)

No. 2372085

File: 1738214175346.jpg (43.34 KB, 600x510, MV5BMzZkYTVmZTEtMGU1OS00NmYxLW…)

>can't get erections
I wonder where these moids store all their child porn. It must be really stressful to be in possession of something like that and know your life could be over at any minute, if just one person reported you

No. 2372088

it really concerns me that the replies to this abomination were deleted but not the post itself. what the fuck? I hope to see it gets deleted very soon.

No. 2372097

my guess is they kept it up to make an example out of him?

No. 2372101

Okay, they just banned him, but it took an unnervingly long time.

No. 2372146

File: 1738223665577.jpeg (119.01 KB, 828x267, IMG_7624.jpeg)

Caught this before it was deleted by a mod. From the Taylor Nicole Dean thread

No. 2373078

What the fuck, that anon has the exact same plate as me

No. 2374133

File: 1738307091413.png (139.5 KB, 1353x429, big toe.png)

No. 2375133

File: 1738349517836.png (49.7 KB, 530x293, alien sucking noises.png)

No. 2375206

File: 1738351943059.jpeg (399.4 KB, 828x961, IMG_5210.jpeg)

No. 2376460

I don't get the reviewbrah craze. He does have a unique schtick but that's it. He looks like lorde to me

No. 2376726

File: 1738437824743.jpg (463.77 KB, 1440x1188, Screenshot_20250201_221359_Sam…)

No. 2376873

File: 1738442900088.png (42.12 KB, 1089x234, schizo moment.png)

No. 2377074

File: 1738450554090.jpg (137.69 KB, 1523x588, Screenshot_20250202-005031_Chr…)

No. 2377086

The schizos are out of control

No. 2377397

File: 1738470156184.png (431.04 KB, 869x482, autistic nonna.png)

No. 2377402

File: 1738470958983.png (11.3 KB, 424x330, ump20.PNG)

No. 2377404

…there are some truly crazy cunts lurking about lately huh

No. 2377407

Not my proudest but… still would.

No. 2377619


No. 2377772

File: 1738508437941.png (29.58 KB, 365x120, bjmi.png)

No. 2377908

File: 1738513485176.png (136.23 KB, 625x418, IMG-8520.png)

No. 2378148

File: 1738524304026.png (293.07 KB, 1042x754, naruto fan.png)

No. 2378206

File: 1738526345231.png (764.58 KB, 1184x1146, 2686424675325.png)

No. 2378312

File: 1738530024597.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.24 KB, 1200x589, Screenshot_20250202-225844_Chr…)

No. 2378505

File: 1738535446041.png (2.47 MB, 1601x2048, ditto.png)

No. 2378614

No. 2378761

deserves to go down in history tbh.

No. 2378765

A funny one I wish I capped was someone celebrating a ban ending with a smiley face and getting re-banned immediately

No. 2378838

File: 1738543698783.jpeg (700.91 KB, 977x1425, E455D0E0-440B-4BEF-8AAD-4B158E…)

I saw the edit in picrel first and assumed it was another moid who hit the wall. I was both surprised and incredibly amused by the face reveal kek

No. 2379533

everytime i see this and i in particular notice the two attempts at writing 'and', i am overcome with despair and pity for the nonnie that was married to that.

No. 2379634

File: 1738596411770.png (846.77 KB, 1240x2363, gaymergayte.png)

Hope it's ok to post a non-funny cap. I wonder what the reaction would have been in current year?

No. 2379668

File: 1738598097480.png (257.53 KB, 1318x560, shawn.PNG)

This nona's genuine confusion and fear at a hairless cat in a costume is so funny and cute to me

No. 2380240

File: 1738613032362.jpg (140.26 KB, 720x1460, 1000000508.jpg)

The absolute state of all of you

No. 2380247

This cracks me up every time I see it

No. 2380248

Kek. Who is that?

No. 2380252

A farmhand got doxxed.

No. 2380257

Nta but really? What thread? I want to read.

No. 2380260

It’s kaijuno from ebegging cringe. One of my favorite new cow prospects

No. 2380270

kek wtf. thread?

No. 2380286

Incorrect. She is a woman.

No. 2380293


No. 2380300

KEK anon dont lie!

No. 2380368

File: 1738617323325.jpg (76.61 KB, 720x600, 1000000513.jpg)

No. 2380386

I actually got fooled and thought this was a farmhand? probably because farmhands of how retarded farmhands are recently, I wouldn't be surprised

No. 2380486

We always knew….

No. 2380880

It's okay, I'm autistic and I fell for it too kek

No. 2380961

File: 1738642742676.png (5 KB, 341x88, Captura de pantalla 2025-01-29…)

i laughed but yet again im mentally stunted

No. 2381595

File: 1738680885255.png (232.52 KB, 607x310, 546.png)

No. 2382449

File: 1738712522168.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x1649, IMG_5169.jpeg)

No. 2382897

It's funny to think I might have talked to her on lc without knowing. Or that any of us talked to her.

No. 2382920

>It's funny
It's more like it's deeply disturbing and part of the reason I cut down on using lc recently.

No. 2383110

top fucking kek shes so right, i love her

No. 2383112

I love it when nonnies come together to alog niche and specific subjects kek, they're based and correct about this, stupid ass "thought experiment"

No. 2383214

File: 1738762849777.jpeg (89.6 KB, 1179x259, IMG_5171.jpeg)

No. 2383309

File: 1738769156086.png (228.32 KB, 1297x340, typical male cock head fractur…)

typical male cock head fracture.

No. 2383472

I see you google translated my post in swedish about the horrible shooting. The correct translation is crime, not fracture.

No. 2383531

File: 1738778969937.gif (905.09 KB, 220x274, staring-press.gif)

>i see-
ESL fag detected

No. 2383564

typical male cock head fracture.

No. 2383609

Do you think Swedes usually speak english as their first language? kek how dumb

No. 2383657

File: 1738785056808.png (17.39 KB, 955x301, yeah.png)

No. 2384186

File: 1738805677503.png (1.93 MB, 1290x1260, ai.png)

No. 2384200

what's ESL about "I see"? english-only nona here

No. 2384201

This is how porn AI technology should be used

No. 2384210

So ugly they'd only make it on Facial Abuse

No. 2384282

thank you nona, i was the one who requested it. i love

No. 2384302

File: 1738811943840.png (40.57 KB, 953x240, 1000006317.png)

No. 2384308

sooo…. lc philosophy thread when?

No. 2384609

Can we backtrace the banana anon alread and have it imprisoned?

No. 2384691

kek the joke is that Swedes speak English too well and it seems pretentious(it isn't tbh) and that i realized she was an ESLfag the moment she used "I see" like that in a sentence.

No. 2384815

File: 1738850705861.jpeg (574.68 KB, 1170x1367, IMG_3548.jpeg)

No. 2384819

File: 1738851115483.jpg (139.73 KB, 1440x365, Screenshot_20250206_032509_Sam…)

No. 2384827

Most normal anglo reaction

No. 2384847

God this is so true.

No. 2384851

That's a strange conclusion to me kek. A lot of people use "I see" like that where I live.

No. 2384868

File: 1738854890063.jpg (106.67 KB, 1117x604, Screenshot_20250206-171230_Chr…)

No. 2385209

>where I live.
which is Sverige?

No. 2386333

File: 1738923565361.png (1.05 MB, 1009x1341, trump.png)

No. 2386538

>Now I know what yaoi is, you know what the yaoi is, right? They put the boys in their little comic books, and they, they do a lot of stuff, they've got the biggest collection of yaois I've ever seen. A really big collection of cartoon boys. We're gonna place strong protections in our princess castles to stop the cartoon boys and their giant strangling hands. Those fujos, they put the giant hands in handcuffs, they draw them catching smaller boys out of the air - and some of those are good American cartoon boys. You know, the fujos should put down their pencils, I have broken a lot of fujoshi pencils, I don't need the fujoshi pencils. Really, I will do it for the American himejoshi people without the use of any pencils. Kami-sama is on our side. God bless America.

No. 2386581

Absolutely incomprehensible, sounds just like him, 10/10 larp

No. 2386959

File: 1738958634093.jpeg (851.17 KB, 1170x1302, IMG_2814.jpeg)

No. 2386964

i need to know what this was posted to

No. 2386968

Unconventional male attractions. I like that she felt the need to be polite. She’s acting like it’s her friend asking to be honest about her nigel's looks.

No. 2387086

nyart but her laying out her credentials is really what makes this burn extra sick. Like she has studied fossils that were the moids direct ancestors

No. 2387393

It's crazy how we can all read this in his voice down to the intonation

No. 2387420

File: 1738976788790.jpeg (737.48 KB, 828x1096, IMG_0556.jpeg)

i snotted on my screen at this

No. 2387523

File: 1738980322244.png (180.8 KB, 692x565, ye olde fursonae.png)

No. 2387529

File: 1738980523088.jpg (262.12 KB, 1200x630, 1000000554.jpg)

Medieval Korean face type chart

No. 2387540

I am so confused these all look the same to me

No. 2387543


No. 2387548

Stop trying to sow division and chaos.


No. 2387564

Gotta love how all the examples are female except the dragon one. Strangely enough, the male is the only accurate one.

No. 2387567

Not familiar with this but here's what I picked up on from the image.
>puppy face is slightly wide with balanced features
>cat face is skinnier, with bigger teeth and more slanted eyes
>Bunny face is round but has bigger teeth and a smaller nose
>Turtle face is round with a wider mouth and bigger eyes
>fox face is similar to cat face with smaller teeth and eyes that are more closer together, also red hair for some reason?
>moids are dragons?

No. 2387580

File: 1738982753439.jpg (162.84 KB, 1111x1390, chinese-dragon-head-red-P6TNGP…)

>moids are dragons?
KEK, I think it's about the big flared up nose looking like a dragon's snout and the laugh lines looking like those dragon whiskers idk what they're called. The eyes and eyebrows adds to it.

No. 2387719

vid rel breaks it down further

No. 2387914

This sounds like a good copypasta

No. 2387944

File: 1739021113114.png (278.18 KB, 1633x493, jesus.png)

No. 2387988

>i like titties
>skinny man with barely any pecs to speak of
what did she mean by this?

No. 2388004

if you're such a connoisseur of baratits then why don't you go ahead and post your impeccable taste in that thread >>>/g/445482

No. 2388021

i'm okay thanks

No. 2389213

File: 1739076059704.jpeg (114.83 KB, 1087x274, IMG_7506.jpeg)

No. 2389218

can't wait till that seething french faggot that hate watches every season of EiP has to answer to his own country's shit cinema.

No. 2389333

It's funny because the director of Emilia Perez is french

No. 2389390

it's almost like that's why i made the joke.

No. 2389774

File: 1739093950499.jpeg (126.16 KB, 919x1109, IMG_5226.jpeg)

In response to Reddit post about some gross moid who refuses to throw out Angry Birds pyjamas with huge cut out.

No. 2390186

File: 1739110258974.jpg (216.6 KB, 1200x592, Screenshot_20250209-154516_Chr…)

what the fuck is this shit? thank god it got deleted

No. 2390189

"Connoisseur of baratits" would be a good flair on other websites kek

No. 2390195

is that not literally bindi irwin

No. 2390201

She's in the filename. What a strange bot

No. 2390204

small titties in men look elegant, gross inflated baratits are for fags and furries

No. 2390438

File: 1739123899967.png (1.31 MB, 3000x1853, 65432.png)

The content withdrawal happening in the Luigi thread is pretty entertaining

No. 2390564

those aren't even all that big or small, they're just the right size for his frame also the
>skinny man with barely any titties
pisses me off, now wtf is wrong with him being skinny? reminds me of pickme retards talking "i like FAT guys with FAT tits"

No. 2391019

File: 1739143443653.jpg (145.48 KB, 1200x579, Screenshot_20250210-012140_Chr…)

No. 2391411

KEKKKK I read this like the first nonna was having a serious conversation and then the second nonna just butts into the conversation with that question

No. 2391627

File: 1739173432404.png (21.66 KB, 417x148, couchsurfing.png)

No. 2391794

File: 1739188935288.jpg (49.83 KB, 907x455, Screenshot_20250210-133211_Chr…)

Kek the hedgehog emoji made me chuckle

No. 2391799

I love how it looks like anon got banned mid-sentence kek

No. 2391851

I never got the opportunity to ask this question but does getting hit by the newfag redtext ban you? I always thought it just directed you to the rules page or something.

No. 2391932

like everything, it just depends on how the mod is feeling at any given time

No. 2392055

File: 1739206580200.png (85.9 KB, 1142x623, 5252377521572.png)

No. 2392063

Retarded red text. Where's that graph that shows men of all ages find 20 year old women most attractive? That's fitting.

No. 2392067

Hate to lend credence to the “mods are troons” theory but…

No. 2392068

meanwhile none of the bitches who were thristing after those russian hammer psychos were redtexted

No. 2392079

We don't want to set men as the standard, we're literally better than that.

No. 2392095

File: 1739208225401.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2304x4096, D86FDD8A-BBA1-4A34-94C3-BAE4EF…)

Excerpts from the Tomes of Goober in Heather’s thread

No. 2392100

We're so much better that we settle for balding uggos instead

No. 2392103

frick off thanks to women like you men are allowed to rot and age into bald raisins while women are enforced to follow strict beauty standards

No. 2392113

File: 1739209416339.png (1.07 MB, 1700x2027, 1000032747.png)

No. 2392116

This one is underrated.

No. 2392134


No. 2392139

This gets funnier and funnier the more you read.

No. 2392156

I think a lot of women enjoy watching moids do useful things like building something, performing music, making art or even designing a dumb game/app or something. Wrestling and male strippers are more my mom's kind of thing, maybe she is more lolcowian

No. 2392169

i wouldn't mind seeing them do those other things if they did it while wearing spandex and turning around sometimes

No. 2392180

File: 1739212649403.gif (172.32 KB, 500x375, Eoiwb7m.gif)

>turning around sometimes
That makes sense bc I prefer the front and upper body including head and brains so a nice fitted t-shirt plus some kind of useful instrument is good. Maybe adding welding and blacksmithing to my first list, which is pretty dangerous in spandex.

Anyways I respect your lower body and moid ass preference. I hope you enjoy the moid on moid action and don't get too sexually frustrated nona ♥︎

No. 2392582

File: 1739226168107.png (16.28 KB, 626x126, 1000032765.png)

No. 2392588

We are that’s why I only go for 19 year olds and not walled 20 year old males

No. 2392629

I loved this kek, weegee threads always bring the laughs

No. 2392769

File: 1739235086763.jpg (17.29 KB, 1143x115, chucky.JPG)

From the Dana thread

No. 2392835

File: 1739239641501.png (33.06 KB, 1831x145, Captura de pantalla 2025-02-10…)

fuck you peter you get no free promo

No. 2392876

File: 1739241864570.png (39.91 KB, 511x176, failed literacy test.png)

This sums up the state of reading comprehension on this site in 2025.

No. 2392880

KEKKKK what thread? Poor nonnie probably thought wit was a typo for weight

No. 2393432

File: 1739280642597.png (152.19 KB, 539x411, raccoons.png)

No. 2393444

We know this isn't a real review because a real lolcow nonnie would have found a way to give her ex-husband eternal diarrhea, not "reunite" with him.

No. 2393832

damn, you've been on this board for how long and you didn't bring your cool ass mom along? shame

No. 2394535

This is censorship bs. Based nonnie

No. 2394555

Jungkook won’t fuck you.(kpop is a banned subject)

No. 2394716

File: 1739342079936.jpeg (136.19 KB, 1170x350, IMG_7690.jpeg)

No. 2394719

I thought this would be in reference to those therians doing quadrobics in the new otherkin thread but alas, it's not.

No. 2394724

Nah it's the amerifag thread
America no longer feels real

No. 2394824

i think this is going to get more prevalent with LADS. personally i am not into the slim pretty asian boy thing, but i love seeing especially older women live out their fantasies with it. good for you ladies!

No. 2394914

File: 1739364222815.jpg (89.94 KB, 1004x738, Screenshot_20250212-144223_Chr…)

No. 2394968

That's because it's the same woman's face, just creepily edited to display the features they want.

No. 2395090

File: 1739373122140.jpeg (403.96 KB, 1179x2205, IMG_0537.jpeg)

Heather anons are the only funny people on this site these days

No. 2395092

File: 1739373168336.jpeg (64.35 KB, 989x375, IMG_0538.jpeg)


No. 2395251

File: 1739378865474.png (16.98 KB, 628x153, 1000032819.png)

Context is even funnier.

No. 2395269

laughed at this one when I saw it

No. 2396091

File: 1739408625869.png (27.78 KB, 533x269, perfect..png)

No. 2396292

You can't say that and not link

No. 2396438

File: 1739416144428.png (173.21 KB, 1540x440, monster monster monster.png)

No. 2397656

>if he was my offspring I would cut his throat before the umbilical chord
That was powerful.

No. 2398230

File: 1739490912582.jpeg (98.87 KB, 1104x220, IMG_7811.jpeg)

No. 2398265

No. 2399174

File: 1739553390660.jpeg (292.65 KB, 954x755, IMG_0932.jpeg)

Where else but unpopular opinions?

No. 2399225

File: 1739554619609.jpg (184.95 KB, 831x1376, Screenshot_20250214-193359_Chr…)

No. 2399270

kek I'm the wheezer

No. 2399367

File: 1739559539091.png (244.21 KB, 604x446, 1000032903.png)

She's right.

No. 2399486

File: 1739565090813.png (779.16 KB, 969x2325, 1000006399.png)

Sorry if old caps arent allowed itt but I was reading through the old pt threads for fun and I can't believe how many nonas on this site were retarded handmaidens back in the early days. Picrel, this chick risked getting ringworm because she was too worried about hurting her Nigel's feefees to tell him to wash his sheets

No. 2399779

File: 1739572127845.png (105.69 KB, 893x309, 1000020112.png)

I should have expected something like this from that thread

No. 2400002

Autism is a hell of a drug

No. 2400019

>sorry girl but you'll just have to man up and wash his sheets for him
Imagine someone said that now kek

No. 2400024

File: 1739581716715.gif (441.62 KB, 500x250, sand.gif)

No. 2400071

File: 1739583684474.png (5.47 KB, 277x80, image_2025-02-14_204057506.png)


No. 2400079

Hate women who misuse fagbonics. All of these women are out here calling old men twinks and calling random grocery store workers mawma. It must be stopped.

No. 2400080

God i love the word fagbonics

No. 2400096

there was a lot of maleposters then

No. 2400099

No. 2400109

It was the only one I could think of

No. 2400112

And i love it…

No. 2400133

Blanket misandry works. Even if those rancid dicks are still around they have to pretend to be manhating women.

No. 2400139

File: 1739586015785.gif (66.23 KB, 640x362, slay-yasss.gif)

Even when someone uses fagbonics ironically it just sounds like rick and morty humor, so it's done with completely now

No. 2400148

amen. Every once in a while when this place is slow I go to pol and find a misogynist board and remind the moids there that they aren't getting laid because they are so useless that women would rather die single with 90 cats and a mcdonalds job than serve an abusive rapist scrote. At least mcdonalds pays minimum wage and she gets time off.

No. 2400167

Makes me think of Chappell Roan and how she had to make absolute sure you could hear her saying maWma instead of mama in Pink Pony club. She NEEDS the gays to know she understands the reference.

No. 2400192

kek I love thinking about that. Thank you nona, it honestly makes reading old threads better knowing how many based stacies we have on this site today.
QUEEN. Thanks for the new hobby suggestion!

No. 2400197

There are definitely worse ways to spend your time but we used to make fun of MGTOW for never just going their own way

No. 2400815

File: 1739624059954.png (30.06 KB, 1051x220, donald trump.png)

I just remembered this, and it seems even more relevant now considering semi-recent events

No. 2400867

>there are too many people who want me dead

No. 2400977

File: 1739634474871.png (179.74 KB, 685x631, mustard gas.png)

No. 2401104

File: 1739639920111.png (18.14 KB, 1813x135, danaa.png)

>This ferret will WISH it was a butt plug shoved into her shitter

No. 2401173

File: 1739642555208.jpg (113.67 KB, 958x731, soviet union depression.jpg)

No. 2401352

File: 1739650341540.png (79.83 KB, 629x519, tony soprano.png)

I'm sorry to the anon being bullied in this post but I'm on too much Dayquil and
>Sounds like someone wants to fuck Tony Soprano
made me lose my shit for some reason

No. 2401465

File: 1739654202709.png (1.11 MB, 1694x3339, 1000032938.png)

No. 2401522

File: 1739658846960.jpeg (68.46 KB, 790x395, 8774F356-370F-47AA-A888-6A2FAA…)


No. 2401773

File: 1739670565506.png (41.94 KB, 742x575, im sick of it.png)

No. 2402254

File: 1739691904537.png (194.85 KB, 855x629, unga.png)

No. 2402287

how do you stomach it nonnie? i checked out fuckingfascists on reddit bc of the hideous fetish art thread and i saw one post before i immediately closed it, i want to be a steel gut stacy too

No. 2402294

unga use berries on cheek, grug need death by cheetah claws

No. 2402417

File: 1739698329866.jpeg (668.84 KB, 1170x1504, IMG_7979.jpeg)

these two posts next to that specific gif is hilarious

No. 2402454

File: 1739700170395.png (25.3 KB, 631x157, 1000032953.png)

No. 2402456

Grug need cucked by Mammoth Dick Mongo

No. 2402488

grug need cucking by Tiger Clean Tarr that wear short animal hide and wash in springwater

No. 2402595

File: 1739707819014.jpg (149.19 KB, 1200x547, null.jpg)

No. 2402733

File: 1739718953073.png (509.54 KB, 1140x562, celiac-nonnie.png)

My condolences, celiac nonnie.

No. 2402849

File: 1739727547936.jpeg (146.84 KB, 629x407, IMG_7200.jpeg)

No. 2402874

File: 1739728242643.jpeg (313.7 KB, 711x636, IMG_3700.jpeg)

This shit killed me when I read it and the replies of support kekkk, there’s fortunately still quality posters around

No. 2402882

>/pol/tard bait
i bet the newfag janny really thought she’d win us over with this one kek

No. 2402883

File: 1739728470952.jpg (271.23 KB, 963x962, Screenshot_20250216_150045_Sam…)

Piggybacking off of this but I couldn't stop laughing at this post lol

No. 2402887

so a normal hospital in real life

No. 2402889

Why are they booing her, shes right!

No. 2402891

kek what thread is this from?

No. 2402892

Can’t even say anything without getting grouped up with 4chan scrotes nowadays kek, that was probably the point of that whole “muh Jew” psyop anyways is to get normal people to shut up
Lollll I love autistic women
KEK exactly

No. 2402893

Unpopular opinions.

No. 2402964

File: 1739731970588.jpeg (286.01 KB, 636x866, IMG_3702.jpeg)

My fucking sides holy shit

No. 2402975

the jew sperging ruins an otherwise perfect comment

No. 2402990

you’re so unfunny

No. 2403409

the dog haters prove themselves to be psychopaths everyday

No. 2403601

Yeah and anons not realizing that's the /pol/ part need to work on their reading skills.

No. 2403704

File: 1739758086334.jpg (33.73 KB, 604x372, FTuuPzsWAAIwACp.jpg)

No. 2403713

Is the funny buried somewhere under all the alogging

No. 2403730

File: 1739759223498.jpg (42.56 KB, 934x251, 1000005035.jpg)

idk why im sitting on these

No. 2403732

File: 1739759368038.jpg (63.04 KB, 892x282, 1000005090.jpg)

nvm turns out it was one old post and one i took just now what an embarrassing goof

No. 2403820

File: 1739764957220.png (15.04 KB, 693x87, IMG_249.png)

No. 2403823

which part was alogging? the fugly part the retarded part or the suicide part?

No. 2403917

File: 1739773520694.jpg (1.32 MB, 4320x3564, Screenshot_20250208_145610_Fir…)

No. 2403926

File: 1739774319642.png (7.05 KB, 1060x74, loll.PNG)

No. 2403997

File: 1739784099405.png (256.75 KB, 603x790, 1000032982.png)

No. 2404031

File: 1739789596604.png (560.88 KB, 630x848, 1000032988.png)

No. 2404069

File: 1739794980965.png (149.48 KB, 965x539, kissing.png)

No. 2404143

this is fucking poetry

No. 2404347

File: 1739810836395.png (10.61 KB, 426x101, five year old retard.PNG)

No. 2404713

File: 1739822233278.jpeg (982.72 KB, 1242x1827, IMG_3983.jpeg)

No. 2404716

This and the posts before and after it read like unfunny virgin males

No. 2404721

careful you’ll summon her those are her favorite things

No. 2404784

File: 1739823435137.jpg (413.1 KB, 4320x1296, Screenshot_20250217_091500_Fir…)

No. 2405224

It genuinely does. It's hard not to be resentful knowing the retards you're interacting with are either males pretending to be women or minors and I have no desire to speak to either of those

No. 2405283

Self posting is kinda sad

No. 2405285

File: 1739842132001.jpeg (78.11 KB, 752x209, IMG_7842.jpeg)

about shayna's dog

No. 2405287

File: 1739842142812.jpeg (146.08 KB, 672x396, IMG_1359.jpeg)

No. 2405289

File: 1739842255383.jpg (875.9 KB, 2073x1043, main-118220590.jpg)

I know a magical place where all the nonas are mature and never make sexual jokes, bc their reproductive years are far behind them. Hop aboard, nona
This is my own post, it was meant to deescalate an infight I wasn't involved in and I never would have capped this but appreciate anon's good taste >>2404713

No. 2405303

>it was meant to deescalate an infight
there's a report button for a reason dumbass. stop shilling your dry imageboard in every thread. stay there if you don't like it here.

No. 2405310

>anon's seabound crustiness continues

No. 2405313

File: 1739843158468.jpeg (187.78 KB, 756x417, IMG_1360.jpeg)

KEK from the same thread

No. 2405327

ntayrt but posts like this make it so obvious that you don’t know how to lurk

No. 2405519

File: 1739857849062.png (77.32 KB, 798x565, meta.png)

No. 2405529

I want a t shirt with this printed on it
I absolutely despise old moids kek

No. 2405702

File: 1739867150699.png (108.21 KB, 889x333, VergilIamfuckingyou.png)

No. 2405712


No. 2405717

No. 2405735

The context of this being Sue Klebold KEK

No. 2405741

I'm sorry, WHAT is happening to Sue Klebold right now?

No. 2405747

That's how Nero was born.

No. 2405775

Kek at her agreeing with herself
>I need Vergil. I need him too.

No. 2405779

File: 1739872884025.png (34.95 KB, 812x180, plausible_elves.png)

No. 2405783

Average low IQ elf denier.

No. 2405789

they don't want you to know the truth.

No. 2405801

i'm on a roll, damn

No. 2405828

File: 1739878053684.png (15.7 KB, 591x120, 1000033002.png)

No. 2405843

theyre making yaoi of her dead moidlet

No. 2405854

Kek amazing and accurate

No. 2405889

dont be annoying

No. 2405896

File: 1739885950344.png (32.65 KB, 672x195, 1000033006.png)

No. 2406105

Link pls?

No. 2406176

File: 1739906292034.png (5.96 KB, 492x227, Capture.PNG)

No. 2406274

kek'd, im going to start calling them that

No. 2406403

Wheel's turning but the hamster has given up on her new year's rssolution 10 years in a row

No. 2406473

File: 1739923468375.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.38 KB, 1012x403, O.jpg)

No. 2406872

File: 1739943032325.jpeg (333.33 KB, 634x921, IMG_3741.jpeg)

How much you want to bet she’s a regular poster on her? Kek

No. 2407491

checking up on the thread and finding over a hundred redtexted posts felt like walking in on hiroshima being bombed KEK

No. 2407535

I don’t think she’s active on here, she’s unintegrated and doesn’t even like the concept of this site lol. People around her lurk though

No. 2407557

File: 1739988900328.png (16.48 KB, 652x102, jesus christ.png)

No. 2407822

"hellraiser set in the hundred acre wood" is so funny

No. 2408458

File: 1740011298481.jpg (207.41 KB, 930x730, Grimeth-posting.jpg)

No. 2409392

should caps from moovie nights/cytube be allowed here?

No. 2409394

Jesus is FTM?

No. 2409448

I don't see why not, its connected to the farms isn't it?

No. 2409462

Yes, they have been posted before!

No. 2409507

File: 1740067592367.jpg (124.72 KB, 1200x626, Screenshot_2025.jpg)

No. 2409581

File: 1740073319586.png (40.8 KB, 2455x179, going to say it.png)

No. 2409595

File: 1740074178597.jpg (164.88 KB, 1200x471, emo meme.jpg)

No. 2409598

File: 1740074325014.png (51.52 KB, 963x259, 1000076744.png)

No. 2409645

weegee board

No. 2409728

Gonna tells nonnas to go eat their weegeetables from now on.

No. 2410349

File: 1740109233482.png (969.77 KB, 856x1209, IMG_600.png)

No. 2410370

File: 1740110782624.jpeg (35.83 KB, 687x165, IMG_0128.jpeg)

No. 2410373

KEK, not knowing the context behind this makes this better.

No. 2410457

File: 1740117884133.png (151.47 KB, 1107x393, indian.png)

No. 2410467

We are so mentally ill on this website, god bless.

No. 2410479

Absolutely self hating, memeing woman because she would never benefit from his lips or his ass.

No. 2410577

File: 1740128446316.jpeg (14.26 KB, 207x244, IMG_0959.jpeg)

No. 2410655

>ASPD school shooter humor
Apply for a job at DOGE. NOW. You're a perfect fit

No. 2410729

File: 1740141242207.png (22.53 KB, 532x93, Screenshot 2025-02-17 005722.p…)

No. 2410924

File: 1740153835789.jpeg (173.53 KB, 643x618, IMG_3780.jpeg)

This made me snort

No. 2410928

forgot to write down :
>fas face

No. 2410931

Are you the five head that’s in that screenshot? Stfu

No. 2411328

File: 1740168814239.jpg (139.04 KB, 436x856, 1740167322167.jpg)

No. 2411330

File: 1740168878735.jpg (256.85 KB, 1200x1453, antis dni.jpg)

No. 2411739

File: 1740185196161.jpg (136.14 KB, 880x919, dangerhair.jpg)

No. 2412033


No. 2412055

File: 1740209614312.png (332.16 KB, 778x636, jd preet.png)

No. 2412169

File: 1740221725946.png (29.26 KB, 1885x188, Screenshot 2025-02-22 at 10.53…)

No. 2412170

nobody will let Vancefucker nona live

No. 2412180

File: 1740223430430.jpg (136.2 KB, 935x1184, gimme my lime.jpg)

No. 2412182

awful character design #5

No. 2412192

File: 1740224847539.jpg (3.26 MB, 4096x7287, GridArt_20250222_124538870.jpg)

No. 2412194

first redemption arc documented on the farms kek

No. 2412219

I’ve never seen so much character growth and insight in a single picture kek. Actually inspiring.

No. 2412221

No. 2412227

File: 1740228089089.jpg (98.66 KB, 736x736, 6a4ea9a7bc4fca399b9cdba1b3fb35…)

She is probably meditating on a mountain top by now.

No. 2412237

I'm imagining climactic piano music as nonna monologues in the rain about her guilt

No. 2412461

pixar, disney, most animation in general now is such supreme trash. im so offended by every demented spectacle i dont even know why i care

No. 2412472

File: 1740244481753.jpeg (274.06 KB, 587x965, IMG_3031.jpeg)

was lurking in the annals of the asian women thread and some nonna posted shit about her yellow fever racist bf that was so ridiculous im sure it was bait but one nonna could not in good conscience let it go

No. 2412482

File: 1740245231625.jpg (60.83 KB, 967x1390, man-jumping-with-legs-crossed-…)

No. 2412613

Last Wish was the last solid mainstream animated movie I saw

No. 2412790

File: 1740258096720.jpeg (149.58 KB, 750x323, IMG_3802.jpeg)

>male puts “pozzed roastie garbage” as thread title
>hmm that’s nice and all male but please try and integrate next time!
kek fuck the trannyhands

No. 2413024

No. 2413033

File: 1740267408288.jpg (219.37 KB, 1111x1381, mrbreast.jpg)

No. 2413057

Are you retarded? I’m implying that the mods just let males run loose on the website.

No. 2413060

Hilarious and well deserved if it's true.

No. 2413385

File: 1740280874988.png (86.45 KB, 1047x410, skdjchfdj.png)

I like to read infights I don't care about just for the gems

No. 2413416

File: 1740281423152.png (457.21 KB, 2233x842, obama but he's chill as fuck.p…)

No. 2413446

File: 1740282201780.png (19.51 KB, 1163x91, eating pussy with chopsticks.p…)

No. 2413483

File: 1740283403969.jpeg (140.56 KB, 1440x721, download.jpeg)

This is about Benny Blanco or whatever his name is

No. 2413679

File: 1740292569629.jpeg (194.7 KB, 708x415, IMG_1623.jpeg)

the nitpicking in taylor r’s thread

No. 2413680

File: 1740292602610.jpeg (169.28 KB, 706x440, IMG_1632.jpeg)

same thread kek

No. 2413754

File: 1740301090967.png (11.46 KB, 331x127, 1000033109.png)

No. 2413784

Kiki Kannibal wrote this

No. 2414199

File: 1740332868058.png (157.84 KB, 1531x576, Vergil, I rape..png)

La secuela

No. 2414290

File: 1740337039302.jpg (196.98 KB, 1048x1366, human mother.jpg)

No. 2414300

This thread is an elaborate social experiment on how far someone can stretch the definition of "cow."

No. 2414301

which thread is this masterpiece from?

No. 2414318

File: 1740338181136.png (178.56 KB, 473x606, steebie megamind.png)

No. 2414321

File: 1740338251361.png (1.12 MB, 744x1846, I farted.png)

No. 2414327

Retarded Husbando Hornyposting Shitposting Thread #29

No. 2414881

File: 1740353344854.jpeg (346.64 KB, 698x809, IMG_9499.jpeg)

Leave it to Amerifags

No. 2414885

I'm not sure what nonna was going through but Portugal being mentioned was clearly the last straw.

No. 2414888

It must be overwhelming to learn about two whole new countries in one sitting.

No. 2414889

I hate that thread because I can never use it for normal purposes of talking about burgerland. Honestly you can’t really have a discussion with anybody here on this website anymore, it’s all about them and what they have to say

No. 2414891

idk if ur a burger but only burgers are allowed to be there. Sorry, no french fries.

No. 2414901

What about other types of patty foods? Are beef patty melts welcome in your thread?

No. 2414931

My bad, she's certainly baiting

No. 2415022

Probably someone LARPing as a Burger. Even dipshits in the U.S. know that Brazilians speak Portuguese.

No. 2415864

File: 1740403560636.jpg (10.88 KB, 686x67, otome.jpg)

No. 2415878

Isn't otome meant for women? How is that scrotey

No. 2415887

No. 2415888

That's why it's funny

No. 2415892

No. 2415957

Trying to get anons to take your bait in Unpopular Opinions by advertising it here is pathetic.
It's a bait post.
Nothing from Unpopular Opinions is funny.

No. 2415984

I didn't post myself here, the other anon did to try and get me dogpiled and still lost at the end of the day.

No. 2415986

>Still lost
You both lost because only losers infight.

No. 2416132

File: 1740411147868.png (888.37 KB, 1947x2022, 1000033152.png)

I'm sorry to post more spergery but the super zoomed-in pants posted like damning evidence took me out

No. 2416139

Can you shut the fuck up. Nobody cares about your gay infight on your faggot thread. This isn't a funny cap, it's just retarded bullshit that nobody cares about.
>It took me out!!!!
You're a fucking faggot.(infighting)

No. 2416154

We don't need this retard activity leaking into other threads

No. 2416209

I'm not any of the anons involved, I just found it funni

No. 2416334

File: 1740415965082.jpeg (230.43 KB, 818x809, IMG_1057.jpeg)

No. 2416348

>What you see when you mention eye color

No. 2416586

File: 1740423332184.jpg (Spoiler Image,262.95 KB, 1200x1267, ok.jpg)

No. 2416878

File: 1740434861569.png (26.53 KB, 637x134, 1000033164.png)


No. 2416883

File: 1740435047757.jpg (160.83 KB, 2560x1700, shutterstock_51578452-scaled-3…)

I don't like how ass eaters can detect which asses will have most potent fecal bacteria based on depth and shadow of crack. It really speaks to the mental control and physical addiction the sufferers are going through

No. 2416885

It's a nerd candy so it would taste like nerds candy.

No. 2416886

File: 1740435210192.jpg (57.85 KB, 982x258, IMG_20250224_231243.jpg)

No. 2416888

You know that anon doesn't want it to taste like nerd candy

No. 2416889

But I am that anon and that's what I meant.

No. 2416891

I mean… the only one who brought up those details is you.

No. 2416893

File: 1740435328758.gif (310.41 KB, 220x192, anchorman-ron-burgundy-2092977…)

No. 2416895

This post is going to resurface in my head during a serious life moment and I'm going to hate it so much.

No. 2416896

I wasn't even thinking of her depth and shadow of crack

No. 2416899

Are you just spamming ancient facebook reaction images today

No. 2416908

File: 1740435881752.gif (1002.92 KB, 480x418, lNFdo-4155286065.gif)

It's a very specific shape, like a captcha bot challenge for "extremely long ass crack". Anon saw this and immediately identified it

No. 2416974

File: 1740438265714.jpeg (264.26 KB, 648x641, IMG_3819.jpeg)

I find the foreignfag thread so cute idk why
>retardismo woke

No. 2417027

File: 1740439788432.jpeg (256.38 KB, 750x672, IMG_3820.jpeg)

I decided to translate it kek

No. 2417042

File: 1740440144068.jpg (136.15 KB, 1051x1048, Screenshot.jpg)

No. 2417098

Cp is funny to you? Where is the joke

No. 2417103

no, anon called Pico nonbinary when he's obviously a guy

No. 2417435

File: 1740451864711.png (17.45 KB, 610x135, 1000033180.png)

No. 2417440

No. 2417442

i hope that anon was just baiting or joking but considering the state of that thread i doubt it. Pico the nonbinary icon.

No. 2417761

File: 1740462264424.png (64.62 KB, 648x428, archie polycule.png)

No. 2418218

File: 1740499364872.jpg (135.46 KB, 907x420, 1000020355.jpg)

You need to be nicer to the animals, Emily Elizabeth.

No. 2418240

No. 2418373

I made such a stupid involuntary laughing sound when I read this. Great comment.

No. 2418550

File: 1740513039191.png (57.94 KB, 779x400, 1740354427192.png)

>ain't no way

No. 2418556

You find the "polycule dynamics" post funny don't you

No. 2418565

Holy shit……

No. 2418575

No. 2418580

Mods love to ban anyone that shits on any part of Europe. No one cares about the shithole that is spain brah

No. 2418582

I love my turboburger wife

No. 2418594

File: 1740513867188.webp (13.24 KB, 800x534, 197707147.webp)

>anons self-coupling journey

No. 2418599

Wrong. Add me and we become a throuple.

No. 2418604

will a fourple work?

No. 2418607

I'm going to guess you guys are responsible for most of the content lately

No. 2418608

Let's fucking go. Orgy for real burgers only

No. 2418609

>t. autistic femcel nerd who's excluded

No. 2418613

youre just jelly im going on a honeymoon to spainland

No. 2418615

We are going to mexico to tell the mexicans to go back to europe if they are gonna speak european

No. 2418621

I laughed when they gave her a 15 minute ban and then when she waited for it to be over to post again they banned her for ban evasion.

No. 2418627

That gives it away right there doesn't it? Only rejects care about or try to cultivate weird fake inclusivity. I'm just going to keep ignoring the thread bc it has been full of unfunny caps for weeks/months with redditoid commentary. You can tell it's the same fags bc they have completely different humor than what is normally posted. Every farmer knows what reddit humour is bc we go out of our way to avoid it

No. 2418637

samefag this includes my own posts. If a funny thing happens, these farmers will specifically seek out the only part that wasn't funny or interesting and then post that. I've been accused of self posting, these caps are so stupid

No. 2418686

I agree with you 100%. Ever since the last thread, the screencaps have been not funny at all. I know that humor is subjective, but the recent screencaps have been objectively less funny than the screencaps posted in the past.

No. 2418784

Is the 9 minutes part shopped? Anyway kek burgers are something else

No. 2418822

Yes, a farmhand posted to confirm this screenshot was altered. Her ban was for 2 hours, so she was banned again for ban evasion.

No. 2418842

I am shipping you with the turboburger. Burgerschizoxburgerstacie OTP

No. 2418856

I just thought it was funny that someone described Archie that way

No. 2418860

Blatantly a non-Burger RPing as one to bait. You're absurdly gullible if you think this is sincere.

No. 2418861

I have to pee

No. 2418863

It's so blatantly shooped, the "9 minutes" part is all blurry and misaligned.

No. 2418871

Get some glasses anon

No. 2418907

>Ever since the last thread
The last five threads really

No. 2419052

It tells on our current age demographic.

No. 2419370

File: 1740539707894.jpeg (329.53 KB, 621x873, IMG_3859.jpeg)

Wtf did jerma have anything to do with this? Kek

No. 2419380

She means TS looks like him here

No. 2419386

Yeah that’s what makes it so funny like no she doesn’t lol

No. 2419437

she does, theyre both gormless retards

No. 2419446

we all have ptsd from the election results. I think you're the true non burger if you are underestimating just how fucking stupid my fellow americans are. I knew a girl who argued with me that gay sex was when a man put his penis inside another penis. She got MAD at me when I said that wasn't how gay men had sex and insisted I was wrong. She was 18.

No. 2419448

File: 1740543977318.jpg (62.04 KB, 1469x1123, a6d32nb2yvn71.jpg)

No. 2419453

There's a difference between a straight woman not knowing how gay sex works and an adult in a first world country not knowing that "European" isn't a language.

No. 2419474

I saw that too and I was dying. Just imagining someone's eyes scanning that picture of her and one single thought pops up in their head…. "jerma". Like. I think your brain should be studied by scientists

No. 2419573

When I was a young burger, I thought Paris was a country.

No. 2419594

File: 1740555404004.jpg (330.43 KB, 997x1103, Screenshot_20250225_234440_Chr…)

No. 2419599

i can understand, a suomi nonnie taught me that moid has to be spelled as "moidi" in Finnish for grammatical reasons and i've never forgotten it since.

No. 2419601

>I knew a girl who argued with me that gay sex was when a man put his penis inside another penis.
was her point of reference scissoring KEK

No. 2419619

This is what the anons who sperg about eye color look like

No. 2419750

File: 1740571589104.png (291.23 KB, 653x715, 1000033199.png)

No. 2419954

The only eye color spergs I've seen recently are the ones making fun of people like shivon tho

Genuinely unadulterated cringe, they're too retarded to even notice they sound like a reddit thread

No. 2421680

File: 1740680548480.png (14.82 KB, 540x139, lil b.png)

No. 2421685

oh fuck off, am i supposed to keep up on every walled scrote rapper now?

No. 2421850

Maybe she was confused about how docking works

No. 2422226

Original anon here. I just remembered her also arguing with me that racism was cured by MLK in the civil war (this one is kind of common among burgers)

No. 2422240

What the fuck do you mean racism was cured by MLK in the civil war is common among burgers. Where? In the midwest? I'd believe it if it were about the midwest.

No. 2422307

Anon I'm pretty sure your friend is just uniquely retarded. Because most Americans know at least enough about the Civil War to passionately (and incorrectly) insist that it was about "states' rights" instead of slavery. Ffs, who the hell would think that MLK was around in the Civil War when there's fucking TV footage of him? Does your dipshit friend think that there were TVs in the 1800s, or does she think that the Civil War was going on at the same time the Beatles were touring?

No. 2422409

First of all, she was never my friend. Second off. Do you really expect someone as retarded as her to know the civil war predates the advent of television?
It was, in fact, the midwest.

No. 2422595

File: 1740724569983.png (148.57 KB, 1564x604, saging.png)

Makes me kek everytime

No. 2422598

It's not about him being a rapper, he had a huge impact on imageboard culture and is literally the reason why we use the word "based". I literally only know one song from him and i know this.

No. 2422599

File: 1740725063678.png (5.56 KB, 432x71, Screenshot 2025-02-28 014020.p…)

Unfortunately, there are numerous situations where i can use this screenshot, kek.

No. 2422628

Don't tell the newfags. Let them expose their own stupidity and look like fools for us to laugh at.

No. 2422649

we're losing the sacred texts

No. 2422692

nta, I've been using 4chan since 2005 and I've never used the word based. Everybody else just started using it one day and 'welp guess it's just another meme' not like I should look up where it came from.

No. 2422754

File: 1740739970065.png (24.04 KB, 671x164, 1000033256.png)


No. 2422770

>nta, I've been using 4chan since 2005
this is not the flex you think it is

No. 2422773

>Using 4chan for 20 years
Me with lolcow, inshallah

No. 2423202

File: 1740765499341.png (206.98 KB, 1051x463, mummifiedbabybasket.PNG)

No. 2423593

File: 1740783469009.jpeg (403.46 KB, 648x886, IMG_3892.jpeg)

De/g/ens are such hilarious cancer, putting them into one concentrated section like it’s a Chernobyl sight and pretending you’re analyzing them and observing them like a science experience makes it even greater kek

No. 2423597

File: 1740783799806.jpeg (145.18 KB, 1242x1675, IMG_4363.jpeg)

No. 2423600

The husbandofag/ugly man attraction threads will always be certified gold mines kekk

No. 2423601

I feel like I need to soak my brain in bleach after reading them

No. 2423608

Vergil nonna's posts are pure concentrated gold and I won't have anyone pretending otherwise.

No. 2423611

The fact that it got the most replies in the thread kekk, we should have a LC fanfiction thread written primarily by the posters, that would be so funny

No. 2423637

File: 1740785232625.jpg (Spoiler Image,257.95 KB, 1200x1624, watermelon tits.jpg)

No. 2423642

/g/nonnas should be treated like beloved, eccentric court jesters.

No. 2423716

File: 1740787764211.png (315.82 KB, 1813x450, IMG_534323.png)

No. 2423724

This shit is beyond cringey. I legit got secondhand embarrassment reading it. Has to be one of the dumbest most tryhard posts ever thought up here. Anon needs to log off and take this place less seriously.

No. 2423726

shes probably just ovulating

No. 2423727

File: 1740788135593.gif (7.31 MB, 520x363, 1000018857.gif)

You ever see a post that is just such a statement, you have to take a minute to daydream about what their parents' reactions would be if they discovered what their child just thought and worded?

No. 2423729

It's so interesting seeing people hate the people around them they claim as friends

No. 2423732

I just know this bitch has gingivitis and has never touched a male in her entire life

No. 2423733

Kek, they're making fun of an anon in that thread who nitpicked the fuck out of some random gift ideas.

No. 2423736

>Noooo, don't even joke about hurting men, that's NOT COOL!!!

No. 2423738

Who said I hated it?

No. 2423739

Oh that's funny, I thought it was another one of those "fuck my dumb bitch stupid ass [family or friend]" (which can also be funny)

No. 2423740

File: 1740788558511.jpg (18.23 KB, 622x419, 1000000712.jpg)

I am a proud female rapist. Devouring and humiliating men is a noble act

No. 2423765

File: 1740789590048.png (398.04 KB, 1357x439, g - ideal penis size.png)

I love all of the schizo /g/ nonnies.

No. 2423768

Did madonna write this

No. 2423782

I'm sorry but whenever I see Griffith and some edgy post I always think it's the Griffith tif who ewhores on Twitter lurking and self posting (sorry to nonas who like Griffith but I'll always suspect you for the TIF first)

No. 2423863

File: 1740794937844.gif (307.82 KB, 220x126, 1000002765.gif)

No. 2423884

Sincerely what's wrong with this? LC sometimes wants to control female sexuality more than moids do.

No. 2423894

That's not what was said. You're just not funny and sound like a retard kek

No. 2423897

My sides ily nonas

No. 2423925

Someone make a /g/ fanfiction thread PLEASE, I need more funnies

No. 2423930

>I need more funnies

No. 2423949

she's actually busy having a spectacular meltdown on twitter ranting about another tif griffith cosplaying ewhore right now

No. 2423974

Oh honey… you don't understand that you are being laughed at, not with

No. 2424185

Oh fuck off, it's funny. The whole point of that /g/ thread is to be retarded and horny while shitposting. You really think everyone is being 100% serious?

No. 2424200

File: 1740813225096.jpg (349.99 KB, 2048x2305, bbs.JPG)

>so cringe they’re based /g/ nonnas confronting so based they’re cringe /snow/ nonnas.

No. 2424226

>control female sexuality
someone just screencapped an autistic post

No. 2424259


No. 2424269

File: 1740818690037.png (17.55 KB, 826x87, throatussy.png)

No. 2424278

Someone's touchy

No. 2424349

Agree with OP, read story about female usurper raping her empress niece's widower making him cum over her corpse, it opened my eyes. Looked into author's other works, almost everything was in gynarchy setting. Satisfying good shit
Saged fro blogpost

No. 2424414

fucking kek this one got me

No. 2424505

there should be, i often save nonnies' posts for spankbank material kek

No. 2424623

Exactly. It's like going to the dumbass shit thread, screencapping a dumbass post and posting it here because it's dumb.

No. 2425010

Honestly I love coming across schizo theories the most.
Posts like
These women have creative and philosophical minds. I’ve read enough crackpot conspiracies made by men. We’re finally getting the other half of the picture.
I read one earlier about a nonna who believed kissing was invented by primitive men to steal food from women’s mouths and it made me kek, but I don’t remember what thread I found it in.

No. 2425052

Tbf a lot of caps from the previous earlier threads are from dumbass shit threads
>but I don’t remember what thread I found it in.
The ugly man psyop one

No. 2425638

what happened?

No. 2425640

File: 1740896357642.png (322.42 KB, 2072x816, beat her up.png)

No. 2425737

Can Noodle say the n-word?

No. 2425790

File: 1740914469955.png (10.79 KB, 389x76, oldmin.png)

No. 2425804

what did she mean by this

No. 2426994

File: 1741007414925.jpeg (860.71 KB, 1284x1479, IMG_1570.jpeg)

No. 2427655

Please do share. Maybe in a more appropriate thread (the femdom thread? Book thread?)

No. 2428494

File: 1741110373381.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1602, IMG_7191.jpeg)

No. 2428518

I love this post.

No. 2428748

can somebody please make this thread

No. 2429471

File: 1741162807453.png (50.56 KB, 2639x148, inshallah.png)

No. 2429589

carnivore aurelius is such an incredible name kek, what an absolute nerd

No. 2430835

File: 1741224065791.png (145.12 KB, 1496x326, Screen Shot 2025-03-05 at 7.11…)

No. 2430923

File: 1741225491357.png (279.44 KB, 599x900, 1000033435.png)

I'm actually in tears

No. 2430927

Dumbass shit thread called and it wants its post back

No. 2430962

Dumbass shit thread.. my beloved

No. 2430967

File: 1741227005123.png (21.18 KB, 715x199, aeroport.png)

It's just an alternative spelling of airport.

No. 2431062

Aeroport does sound retarded

No. 2431631

File: 1741273018086.jpeg (154.19 KB, 711x450, IMG_2531.jpeg)

nona woke up on the wrong side of the farm

No. 2432233

The only reason airport doesn't sound retarded to you is because you're already used to it

No. 2432313

Yes, because it's the main usage.

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