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No. 2409033
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Alright fresh start. Why not, here's this other fag again too
No. 2409037
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(I'm so fucking glad I copy and pasted this) IQ is extremely misinterpreted for the sole reason of people wanting to powerscale. Maybe I'm just l8 to the game but I only noticed the obsession with it kick off in the late 2000's. I'll actually use sex differences in IQ as an example. About 40 years ago women would score less in certain areas while men would score less in others, women scoring better with their verbal ability men with their spatial ability. However, today there are no advantages either sex really has over the other, despite findings that display some variability with certain abilities. So you'll see these people pick out the "genetic" factor of IQ scores and they will use it to say that poor people are subhuman, women are children, or that there needs to be a caste system based off of IQ or whatever. To me it's very dull minded, seeing how IQ scores for entire populations have increased as there has been more economic and educational opportunities for them as time has passed. IQ is a very useful tool, kind of sad to see how it's being weaponized these days. I hate how that specific rendition of it has become so mainstream
No. 2409043
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>>2409035I like OP's original and hand gesture it's making kek
No. 2409068
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>>2409061kekk I found this, it's from an old recipe book
No. 2409575
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>>2409420No thanks. It’s just a woke boogeyman channel instead of genuine criticism of transgender ideology.
No. 2409585
>>2409579True. A decent therapist has to push you. If you never leave a session crying or at least feeling shaken, they're just coddling you.
Another problem you didn't talk about is that many people seek therapy because they
want yes men, they
want to be told that it's the world that is wrong and unfair and that they're just
Therapy brings change and change hurts.
No. 2409593
>>2409586You're probably not learning anything if you cry on your own, just wallowing in self pity.
An example of what therapy taught me: I'm not the unlovable loser my family convinced me I was. I idolized them because they constantly put me down, so I believed they were superior to me. She helped me understand that what they were doing was wrong, that they weren't infallible and that I had value as a person. I also tended to push others away at every chance because I thought if they got too close, they would see me for the loser I am. She helped me see that people were actually trying to get close to me because they liked who I am.
I would have never reached these conclusions, I needed someone looking from the outside in to help me rearrange my view of myself. It was so painful to realize my family didn't have my best interest in mind, that they weren't perfect and that I wasn't an idiot. It was legit painful and I cried a lot. If I had staid at home crying, I probably would have killed myself like I wanted to.
No. 2409622
that’s what I need
No. 2409657
>>2409650>>2409650>Not everything is that person’s faultBut some of it is. A therapist cannot change the world, they can't make the world be fair to you, they can only help you accept reality, change what you're able to, recognize harmful situations, things like that. They can only work with you, not others.
>they just want their brains to be fucking normalThen you need to try medication. I've been on bipolar meds for 10 years and will probably not be on them. Your mental illness is your responsiblity, seek the help you need, no one else will do it for you.
No. 2409664
>>2409657>Your mental illness is your responsiblity, seek the help you need, no one else will do it for youListen, I know you think you know everything and think you’re better than others just because you go to fucking therapy, which proves to me therapy so now a status symbol for people to seem better than others on the one huge performance of “getting better”, but therapy does not fix everything, does not address systemic and societal problems that could lead people into therapy. Therapy and medication are the most overrated and overly used troubleshoot solutions for people who have a variety of overlapping issues who need HELP beyond fucking therapy and shoving brain zapping drugs down their fucking gullet to keep them placated. This bootstraps narrative that everybody spits like it’s the most true, correct thing is retarded and you sound like a bot, just like the other bots who think they are the same as people with actual mental illness. What nobody ever wants to acknowledge because it breaks their minds: not everybody can be saved, will be saved, will be “healed” and therapy is not everything. Therapy is for other broken and unstable retards to redirect you to because they can’t help you and don’t care. Therapy is for faggots who can’t handle rawdogging life and accepting it without some other person telling them how to view and accept things, that superiority complex is still riddle in your speech, that therapist has truly instilled that same “us vs them” mindset and you seriously think your brainwashed ass has learned more than those “weak,
victim-baiting” people. No, you’re brainwashed, you’re stupid, don’t offer any real solutions or answers just like your therapist, exist to whip people back into shape as mindfuck them about their real material reality. You can shove your advice far up your fucking ass. Yes the world is out to get you, has filled you up with fucking chemicals, has beaten you down to the point where you need a literal person to hold your hand for you and tell you what to parrot to seem like a “wise” person, you don’t know shit. Shut your dumbass up
No. 2409675
>>2409660Then what the actual fuck is the point of having friends and family? What the actual fuck is the point of even talking to them, supporting them? You fucking tards are poor and get your shit hoodwinked every time with this therapyspeak while rich, wealthy people don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about with “trauma dumping”, “emotional vampirism” all of this woowoo shit that has unfortunately found its place in psychology. The problem here is that most people can’t handle reality, most people need their hand held through a therapist, most people don’t care because they are stuck inside an egocentric mindset, they’ve brainwashed your stupid ass to erode communities, turn relationships and connections with others into a robotic/mechanical process, and now you’re hooked on some MK ultra mind controller making sure you stay within the confines that society wants you to be in and make sure to tell the other people to shut up, take the meds and never look around the slop that surrounds them and constantly fucks up their lives. Therapy isn’t going to fucking save failing families, failing societies, it’s not going to fix shit, it’s just leading you into a path of nowhere and to keep people in a single one line and if you don’t, you’re now all of these pseudoscience terms and things that exist in reality are constantly categorized as mental illnesses. Your family aren’t narcs, your family is functioning as a family because families are inherently hierarchical, inherently
abusive, inherently has a disregard for people because it’s purely a thing created out of the heterosexual contract. I’m so fucking tired of these repetitive ass mindsets just going in circles like AI, you would think people would stop with the same shit you spout but they don’t, you either got it or you don’t or you either want to get it or you don’t. You clearly don’t and will call every single fucking person who’s critical of therapy as a villain committing wrongthink. You’ve got your stupid retarded ass hoodwinked into being a useful idiot for a surveillance state as well, dumb fuck.
No. 2409695
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>>2409677A lot of the loudest ones are just trumpanzees who agree with whatever dear leader told them 5 minutes ago
No. 2409723
>>2409700i can't help but wonder how many women attend therapy because of moid-induced problems. dumping a shitty husband or boyfriend or cutting off
abusive family members is often the solution to their problems but they don't want to accept that so they cope in other ways instead
No. 2409733
Abusive moids love to tell women they need therapy because women become more emotional and unstable due to the abuse. But if they just removed the guy they could be stable again
No. 2409737
>>2409723Therapy is a waste of money in a relationship. You should be on your own for a few years, then attending therapy, then dating a moid. If you're using therapy as bandaid for a shitty relationship or
abusive scrote, you're misusing therapy. It doesn't mean it's "bad"
No. 2409874
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>>2409821You’re just jealous you’ll never look like this
No. 2409908
>>2409900Because piano jazz was her always her thing and her "art pop" sound and persona and even name were all given to her by her producer at the time, Rob Fusari. And she only got to be a singer because she said yes to his advances so he'd push her career forward. He even tried to sue her for breaking up with him and pretending she made the music and image on her own. Then he went and leaked the songs she wrote for Lina Morgana, his previous
victim she dared to say no to, so he axed her career and picked Gaga instead. Lady Gaga got her clothing style and performance style from a stripper called Lady Starlight or something like that, too. In other words, it was never her original ideas and vision to begin with, and without the circles and team around her, she can't do the same kind of music she used to anymore. Although I never liked her music or style anyways. Lina should've been the star instead, but the unfortunately circumstances ruined it all. She took her life out of frustration that her career got ruined because of that Rob faggot.
No. 2409957
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>>2409942Nta but sometimes pop stars should just retire and go away too
No. 2409980
>>2409893I like the bridge but i kind of hate the rest
>>2409908Shitty male producers make me so depressed as a woman into sound engineering and production. It’s been literal decades since a woman has been nominated for producer of the year, the last woman being nominated was janet jackson. Bjork has co produced and composed a lot of beautiful music but hasn’t even won a grammy before. (she’s more of a composer than a producer, so most of her work is produced collaboratively). It’s so depressing, you can’t make it as a female musician unless you “sell your soul”. It’s why I sympathize with a lot of female musicians, you literally can’t get out there without getting exploited by subhuman male producers or clawing your way to the top independently. Even the work of female producers is accredited to troon. It’s what got me into production over actually singing and performing actually- there’s so much women can do in that field and we’re just blocked off. I remember someone in the grimes thread saying “well men and women are just better at certain things, so men should be the producers and women shouldn’t try” something on the lines of that, and it irked me so fucking bad, do you even know the history of the industry?
No. 2409995
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>>2409981nta but they're like pure muscle, they probably taste good
apparently a cross between cow and venison. Horse meat used to be used for dog food but horse-people didn't like that so now their bodies are destroyed or buried and we source dog food from countries with poor/no standards so it's really worse for everyone
No. 2410002
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>>2409831Reminds me of this
No. 2410032
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No. 2410047
>>2410039i wasn’t offended at the thought of someone eating them, grossed out is a phrase. horse meat doesn’t sound tasty, i feel like it would taste leathery once cooked
>>2410040no i read the image, it’s just that for some reason this anon seems to be upset by anons asking a question instead of using google and chose to incorrectly apply the term spoon-feeding in this scenario. me offhandedly asking “in what country do people eat horse meat” and one choosing to answer would not be "providing me with “o much help or information i do not need to think for myself” kek. its a question you can answer with like, one word
No. 2410057
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>>2410054She been in a few Netflix movies playing a hot girl like usual
No. 2410102
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>>2410098>woah my goodnesskek I agree tho anon
No. 2410112
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>>2410105That always seems to happen to nosejobs. I think the scar tissue hardens and they loose fat on their nose like everywhere else as they age. It always ends up looking too small for their face too
No. 2410136
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>>2410133She started acting right when Hollywood was obsessed with cookie cutter "Californian Blondes". Sissy Spacek's nose was considered "normal" att
No. 2410185
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>>2410136Sissy Spacek reminds me of Pearl
No. 2410190
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>>2410185They're both very "plain"
No. 2410203
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>>2410192>Can she stop pretending there was anything more to her?Honestly I'm amazed people still talk about her other than the plastic surgery comments. I think it's because she tried so hard to be Angelina Jolie superficially, that there are still people who believe she has or had similar depth. At least Angelina works with the UN and countless charities and isn't a complete famewhore. The vial of blood and brother kissing were more like a Britney-era than a full-blown lifestyle, like Megan. It's pretty obvious why she's stuck around so long, regardless of what you find attractive she used to be otherworldly looking
No. 2410215
>>2410208That’s her fault, there’s plenty of mature, elderly woman roles and I don’t care, there literally is. What older women who are so into celebrity culture want is to be able to play younger roles and be seen as a younger person without judgement which is retarded, older women are old and should play more mature, refined roles so they can actually be taken seriously. Also her manager or whoever is overseeing her probably hates her because she’s chosen so much bad projects to be apart of, probably the only shit she can get because they clearly left her behind for the modern Chalamets and other new age actors they keep overusing for some odd reason. I don’t believe it’s “THEY HATE OLDER WOMEN!!!!” kek, no, when there’s money to be made they don’t care who gets whored out for these roles, I’ve seen this change gradually where I’ve seen even more older women in more movies and tv shows now. Honestly I never got that entire point anyways, some roles are just not meant for older people and most entertainment is made for children and young adults for a reason, there’s lots of money to made off of them.
No. 2410218
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>>2410215There are substantially less older women roles than older man roles nona, it's just a fact. Picrel is the age of actors at film release.
No. 2410259
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Literally this. Also with the constant need to ask tarot questions about a moid that obviously doesn’t give a shit about them, it’s sad that women rather dabble in woowoo shit than admit men are biologically defective and show them this every single time and yet ignore the signs to make their perfect little nigel dream become true.
No. 2410398
>>2410390I hate nepotism and it's current horrible effect on society so maybe I have an issue with your interpretation of "generational wealth". Actual rich people like Bill Gates or even Mila Kunis aren't leaving all their money to their kids because they see how useless and drug addicted the children of their peers turned out
>Everybody would love it if someone else paid for everything.Every lazy person with no ambition or worth ethic would love that. Some people actually enjoy the feeling of earning something themselves, instead of the monotony of having everything handed to you
No. 2410420
>>2410136you should’ve spoilered this nona i can see her dirty pillows!!
>>2410199nta and yes sissy spacek is gorgeous but she is by all means just a pale freckley lady with straw yellow hair and blue eyes, it’s wonderful if you find her to be *~ethereal~* but she is pretty plain. and thats not an insult! she’s like a plain baguette. plain but still delicious
No. 2410427
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>>2410420>i can see her dirty pillows!!kekkk
No. 2410667
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>>2410632You don't know what you're talking about anon
No. 2410684
>>2410682We are already so many. I don’t get why retards go on with “muh humanity and moral compass!”. These criminals have forfeited all society’s laws already, it’s a waste of funds to keep them alive in prison or worse to let them out only for them to reoffend again.
I’ll add even the schizos who violently kill while under psychosis. What if the retard goes off his meds because he thinks he’s cured and eats someone’s face again?
No. 2410706
>>2410682True, but if not death penalty then Gulag. Forced hard labour to benefit the society they hurt until they die.
>>2410697Wow that's horrible, what a stupid bitch. Her mom is gonna slap her in the afterlife.
No. 2410712
>>2410706There’s no sweeter justice than these monsters being killed off, I don’t care. It’s safeguarding for their possible future
victims too.
I would even add torture with it, but then I would be told that I’m too extreme kek.
No. 2410715
>>2410697>Like can you be an even bigger retard than that, they beat your mom to death and threw her body off a cliff like tossing a stoneSome women are unsalvageable nonna. She isn’t aware that these four scrotes would have done the same to her and other women, her poor mom was just at the wrong place during the wrong time.
Maybe it’s just my deep care and empathy for women speaking here but I’ve never felt an ounce of sympathy for male killers and abusers. I don’t believe in redemption either.
No. 2410766
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These characters are not cute, they look punchable and ugly
No. 2410807
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>>2410791>Rich dad>Substance abuse>BraggingYou disgust me
No. 2410809
>>2409346Right. Sad cope among drag queens enthusiasts. "Makeup doesn't equal women to me, so men equating women with makeup and making gross caricatures of us is totally ok"
>>2410739Congrats anon!!
No. 2410840
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>>2410715>I’ve never felt an ounce of sympathy for male killers and abusersi don't either. i don't even care if they were horrifically abused as children. many women suffer terribly in their childhoods and teenage years yet don't grow up to commit rape and murder. men use their trauma as an excuse to hurt women and retards fall for it every time.
No. 2410912
>>2410908I strongly identify as an autist
I am a transautist
Trans autists are autists!
No. 2410943
>>2410697I hate how people like this are portrayed as being super empathetic just because they don't want murderers to be punished. They're seen as these saints who are sooo much nicer than anyone who would want them executed. It's my pet peeve that people like this think they're morally superior when I really think it's the other way around, if you show this much care to a murderer what you're actually displaying is a total apathy or even straight up hatred towards the
victims. If I got hurt and people jumped to defending my attackers I would obviously just see them as inherently hateful towards me no matter what their reasoning was for doing it. It's never framed that way when retards pretend wanting people to be punished makes you evil and "just as bad", though. It's really ironic how the biggest display of a lack of empathy you could have in that situation is framed as actually being the bigger person in the situation, as if the murderer and the
victims are in any way comparable and as if they both deserve the same level of care and empathy.
No. 2410958
>>2410943i got this reaction from my own sister once when i expressed the desire for my rapist to die.
>'omg how dare you wish death on another person can't you see it's soooo much healthier to move on from that and you're really just hurting yourself'no i'm not, i am completely fine with saying he deserves death and it doesn't weigh on me to do so. he's hurting other people, he did it to like a dozen other women besides me, he faced no consequences, he has no remorse, he should just fucking be executed in order to remove a cancerous tumor human from this planet. some people are broken. they cannot be trusted not to harm the rest of us.
No. 2410973
>>2410960Depends on many things. But if you are very intoxicated to the point that you can’t understand your surroundings nor stand and end up with a stranger who is sober then it is.
But if you are tipsy and flirt and go over at someone’s place to have sex with and later regret it it isn’t rape.
No. 2410976
>>2410958That's terrible for her to say, this is exactly what I mean with displaying this apathy towards
victims but framing it like they're above them and surely they're the bad ones if they react to things that happened to them. It's completely normal for you to want him gone because he hurt you and he's hurting other people and the only actually empathetic reaction to that would be to agree with you, not to frame it as somehow your moral failing if you don't forgive his awful actions. It would actually be more unhealthy if you sympathized with him if anything and it would mean you don't care about the other women he's hurting. I don't believe the whole "omg you're consumed by hatred you have to forgive and move on" meme either, you can definitely want people gone as a preservation mechanism without it necessarily taking over your whole life.
No. 2410981
>>2410943You're right. 90% of people know it's wrong to murder. It's one of the greatest taboos of our society. If you deliberately, knowingly transgress from that without some ample reasoning behind your actions, you're spitting in the face of all pro-social values. It makes no sense for someone like that to benefit from a mass social contract of empathy that they don't even personally respect.
None of the people who make a huge show of wanting absolutely everyone forgiven can ever seem to offer a coherent plan on how to resolve the matter and ensure it doesn't happen again, either. They come off as selfish to me. It's like they're obsessed with feeling good, rather than doing good.
No. 2411003
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>>2410892>checked the husbando thread to see what the problem isIs this seriously your issue? Imagine seeing pic related and thinking "ew, they must be gay men for liking something like this! They must have been brainwashed by perversion as children!" I don't understand at all.
No. 2411031
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A real heterosexual women's man ass.
No. 2411045
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>>2411015we are not talking about fat asses, unlike women, men carry more muscle especially in their asses so it's easier for a guy to get a big ass if he works his ass muscles out he can get a big ass that looks fat but is actually just muscle. Most men avoid any exercise that even slightly activates their glutes which is why you see the majority of the men in the gym have those gross bodies where their upper body (chest, arms) are roided up meanwhile their lower half looks like a toothpick with their srawny chicken legs. They avoid working on their legs so that they don't activate their ass muscles too due to retards like you calling that gay so now we have a epidemic of gross gym-bros with roided out biceps and small chicken legs.
Let people live and let men be hot ffs.
No. 2411061
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My unpopular opinion is that The White Lotus is actually a horribly written show but people haven't really noticed because it looks good aesthetically and always premieres when there's literally nothing else on. It was written by Mike White (picrel) who also wrote Despicable Me 4 and Sarah Silverman as a nagging bitch girlfriend/basically the antagonist in School of Rock.
If you wondered why Sydney Sweeney's character was being such a bitch to Alexandra Daddario's character until she ~saw her hot body~ or why the last season was about happy hookers, here it is
No. 2411071
>>2411061Seeing Lisa in that pic reminded me.
i find these blackpink girls trying to make it into the west cringe. All of their recent solo songs so far have been trash.
No. 2411085
>>2411071I've been hearing about this woman for years and had no idea that was her. The differences in east/west beauty standards are
really noticeable
No. 2411113
>>2411083i just listened to that a couple of hours ago and you are right. The song sounded so boring and mediocre until doechii started rapping, basically saving the song. These blackpink girls have no musical bone in their body nor do they know what sounds good. They basically are gliding through their whole life on pretty privilege and doing luxury brand sponsorships.
Who is listening to their shit solo songs?
(kpop is banned) No. 2411194
>>2411138Not arguing with you, just sharing some terrible info I learned.
Did you know in some countries, they have no actual place for the elderly to go? And the family is held legally responsible for taking care of them? So you can't abandon them in nursing facilities because those are only for the very wealthy, but if you don't deal with grandma shitting herself during a dementia rage meltdown because she doesn't want to take her medications, you get prosecuted for elder abuse. And then she's handed off to the next closest relation while you're in prison.
No. 2411208
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>>2411189>big asses on men is a huge red flag - usually means they are closeted homosexualI don't know why but this gave me a hearty kek.
No. 2411210
>>2411189The trend of everything thats slightly attractive or flamboyant ending up as "This must mean a man is a closeted honosexual" has done nothing but made men into ugly blobs.
Men naturally, if they were fit, should have big butts. The fact that it's now considered "too gay" is not a good thing at all.
It's the same type of "he must be gay" as hygiene and having some semblance of fashion and etiquette. Just how much are you willing to give away to gay men?
No. 2411218
>>2411210I’ll give them their bbls asses, twinks, tight jeans, nail polish, prolapses, butt stuff, promiscuity, drugs , their ageism and pedophilia problem.
The rest I want it too. I like a good eye candy. Men in my country take care of themselves and wash their asses, I don’t get what some nonnas talk about kek, how are your men?
No. 2411224
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>>2411215You nonnas are either giving bbl or concave butt as an option though. A nice middle ground exists, nicely shaped and sized.
Picrel is nice for me.
No. 2411227
>>2411218If you don't want men to work out their bottom half, then they're not going to look good.
Exercising sadly means their butts aren't going to be concave, which automatically means they're gay.
No. 2411230
>Just how much are you willing to give away to gay men?They don't have anything I want, but if you want pedophilia and aids be my guest along millions of other American women who ignored the signs.
>>2411224too much but by all means, take the fags off the market for the rest of us.
No. 2411239
>>2411232I like the overall body, not the butt specifically, but like one nonna said if they exercise it shows in all muscles. A nice butt is better than an empty and saggy space on the back of the jeans though kek.
My personal favorite is backs though, I like a nice back.
No. 2411242
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>>2411236but tbh I assume all the moids anons post are homosexual from /g/. When you say "hey this pedo-baiter moid is obviously gay", they debate that a bit sometimes but will always eventually say it's not a problem for them
No. 2411244
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>>2411215>>2411213>>2411200>>2411189does this upset you?
>>2411224yeah that's a nice shape. Not too big but not small.
>>2411232>I’m not a fag so I’m not attracted to men’s assesthis is such a weird comment, how does a woman become like a gay man by being attracted to a man's body part. Isn't that just being hetero but with niche interests.
No. 2411245
>>2411239I’d say that the ones who put super tight jeans that show off their waist and behind are faggots.
A straight scrote with a nice butt doesn’t show it off that wantonly, you only get it as a surprise when you undress him.
No. 2411264
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I feel like nonnas are dismissing all of the hideous gay men shaped like assless potatoes with moobs.
I really don't think ass size or not guarantees anything lmao.
No. 2411267
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>>2411260>first picrel anon selected, does not personally prefer this ass, these shorts, those shoes, this moidYou can see the non-faggy cut that doesn't cling and reveal his entire slutty moid-ass
No. 2411272
File: 1740167322167.jpg (139.04 KB, 436x856, hmmm.jpg)

>>2411267you chose that image on purpose didnt you?
No. 2411327
>>2411326Also, doesn't apply if your relatives were genuinely
abusive or something but everyone else has no excuse.
No. 2411351
>>2411326I think there comes a point where it's in the best interests to just take the L and put them in a nursing home. In cases of dementia, there comes a point in time where the person needs 24/7 care, needs someone to take them to the toilet, bath them, wipe their butts after they use the toiley, wash the sheets daily, feed them by hand, etc.
It's amazing if the family is all in on the care and it's easy to say you can do it just fine when you start out, but a majority of the time it's incredibly difficult and the stress can really kill people.
No. 2411411
>>2411383Huh? I
hope nobody here is actually autistic enough to get angry over men's butts kek
No. 2411435
File: 1740173449040.jpeg (219.3 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_8412.jpeg)

I’m hotter than every woman’s husbando. They’re all thick necked faggots and i’m a sexy tall masculine lady. Every woman on earth feels empty without me. That’s my unpopular opinion and it’s only unpopular because nobody has discovered the truth.
No. 2411445
File: 1740173895470.jpg (160.65 KB, 576x822, 1739973139308.jpg)

This was posted in the bad art thread and I get the anatomy/balloon boobs is bad, but it honestly goes so hard. Same with the Grace Jones looking one. Wish there was more art like this where they didn't insist on the sexualization. I love it when they're visibly muscular too.
No. 2411454
File: 1740174104626.jpg (82.96 KB, 275x275, 1000031133.jpg)

>>2411442>masc nonna x reader fanartNTA but SCANDALOUS!
what are your art profiles called nonnie No. 2411478
>>2411466>stealing somebodies pet and slaughtering them is muchhh more unethical than the usual type of slaughterI disagree. Many animals bred for meat are treated horrifically their entire lives. Pets at least have a comfortable few years. If all It really comes down to is human feelings then your point is absolutely moot.
The dog meat festival was extremely cruel because they were boiling animals alive among other things. For me I don’t get more or less upset if it’s a dog or a cat than if it’s some other animal.
No. 2411483
>>2411478>If all It really comes down to is human feelings then your point is absolutely mootThat’s literally why the eating cats and dogs is the same as eating cow argument doesn’t work against the average person though, it
is about human feelings. Humans make the laws, humans put on the regulations. I’m saying it’s why it’s so taboo. I also do not care what kind of meat people eat. But i also don’t care if somebody is more sympathetic towards cats and dogs because they have a personal connection to them.
No. 2411497
>>2411489ikr? Dogs have got to be the biggest pickmes in the animal kingdom. Saddest part is that it's not even their fault. What I like about cats is that despite being definitely less
intelligent than dogs, they seem emotionally wiser with humans. If a cat is mistreated, it's going to react more accordingly and emotionally divorce the beater. Dogs seem more likely to remain by their owner's side if in the same scenario, which makes them sad cucks. The fact that dogs are universally known to love even the humans that hurt them just goes to show how psychologically destroyed these animals are through their "artifical" existence.
No. 2411500
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Is the dog hate thread maxed out or something
No. 2411511
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>>2411500They’re gonna call the first unsuspecting nona to respond to them a dogfucker too watch
No. 2411515
>>2411497despite being definitely less intelligent than dogs
It all comes down to survival instincts and being self sufficient, which dogs aren’t and cats are. Dogs are far less cautious and more likely to get themselves killed than a cat because they don’t think before they act. They also eat foul disgusting things including shit. This is literally why dogs are more work than cats. You have to watch them like a hawk so they don’t get themselves killed and you have to give them endless attention because they’re scared of being alone.
No. 2411517
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>>2411512>roll in poopExactly, can we focus on more evolved species
No. 2411520
>>2411517That isn’t evolved, it’s inbred. Just like this thing
>>2411510Both fucking hideous.
No. 2411526
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>>2411520sorry can't hear you anon
No. 2411529
File: 1740176352763.webp (231.68 KB, 1080x1440, this-is-atchoum-the-cat-i-just…)

>>2411525No he's not, he's real
No. 2411536
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>>2411530I'm sure the feeling is mutual nona
No. 2411541
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>>2411536My honest reaction to this cat.
He literally does not look alive and it’s freakish.
No. 2411544
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>>2411541KEKK it's just a persian with crazy grooming anon. They get all clumpy unless you trim their coat now and then or obsessively brush them
No. 2411547
>>2411497>Dogs seem more likely to remain by their owner's side, which makes them sad cucks>Dogs are universally known to love even the humans that hurt themI wonder what's your opinion on DV
victims, because if you're judging a non-rational being devoid of human morality for this behavior, I don't even want to know what you think of humans, who "hypothetically" should be able to take better decisions
No. 2411566
>>2411556Predictable reply, but of course not. I'm just saying anon's thinking process regarding abuse is weird. The way abuse affects
victims (human or not) is far more complex than this anon is describing it, it's not about "being cucked", it doesn't get any better when most abusers (of any kind) are male as well
No. 2411568
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>>2411558no wait anon come back, we like your haircut. I mean it don't go
No. 2411587
>>2411577dogs are rewarded and taught to be submissive, I could say women are too but you can't really compare rational beings to animals, but you did anyway.
>>2411579society always correlate women to cats, say we're going to be alone with cats, direct misogyny at cats, say cats are untrustworthy and cunning the same way they talk about women. being a dogfag is being inherently misogynistic.
(go to the dog hate thread) No. 2411594
File: 1740178040266.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.01 KB, 400x277, 1000033050.jpg)

Guys, stop responding to them, I just hacked into the webcams of the dog haters and I saw THIS!
No. 2411600
>>2411597Toxoplasmosis got another
victim, sad!
No. 2411605
File: 1740178322996.gif (163.2 KB, 220x178, doghappy.gif)

>>2411594Shouldn't squirrels be cat haters since cats kill them the most alongside birds and other wildlife for fun?
No. 2411616
cat stacies:
>charismatic but assertive personality
>inherently cute
>funny antics that are entertaining
>require no training, unless abused, just required socialization and will open up once they know they can trust you
>will never maul you or any of your peers
>are loving if you know you have earned it, they will make sure you know it
>you will never have to deal with pests because them just existing in your household drives pests away or they will just hunt them for fun
>if you have more than one they will play together
>can spend a few hours alone, you're allowed to go outside without them
>self cleaning, more than an yearly bath is too much
>maintenance is minimal, just don't be an idiot and choose correct cat litter and scoop it daily
dog beckies:
>personality depends on breed, you might get a sweet pup (costs at least a thousand for a healthy one) or a baby eating shitbeast (for free at your nearest shelter)
>will love anyone that feeds them, will grovel and beg for food constantly
>effusive personality, don't respect personal space, require training to be remotely polite
>have to walk and play with every single day hours a day or their bouts of energy might just be them destroying your house or acting in deranged ways
>they stink, require regular bath or smell like shit (dogfags don't actually notice this though, their noses are numb to it)
>unless your dog is properly trained your retard dog will jump at you and your guests and bark, invade their space, making it embarrassing to have people over
>everything is about your dog now, can't leave your retard alone otherwise he will yodel every minute unsupervised, potentially disturbing your neighbours (dogfags don't care btw)
>if you're unlucky you will get some dog with even 1% pitbull in their blood and eventually someone will get mauled or even killed
No. 2411626
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>>2411621That's right bitches, wrong again. Leave my girl alone
No. 2411631
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>>2411629here we go again
No. 2411640
File: 1740179898784.jpeg (54.8 KB, 450x450, 008a8c6e-04ed-49fa-99f7-2d3d0d…)

>>2411634That's a bit insensitive. Some days may be darker than others but I do okay for someone in my position. Kind of fucked up that you would say that to me tbh
No. 2411649
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>>2411647Drinks served in their own fruit
No. 2411658
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>>2411650dw anon, just between us I only wear this thing bc I enjoy the extra attention
No. 2411744
>>2411725I just think cat and dog owners need to keep their shitty pets inside so they can stop fucking with plants and wild life. Also, please get them spayed and neutered. Men always love to equate dogs to their own genitals and not neuter them and that shit's weird.
Also, please do research on pets before getting them. Why do so many people get rabbits and not realize they are incredibly high maintenance animals? Same with birds.
No. 2411769
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>>2411752Tell the truth meowma
No. 2411918
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>>2411910I think it's bc so many of the male writers hire sex workers who are completely addicted to opiates and S.S has an extremely flat affect. Now that everyone is kind of tired of that, they'll move on to Aimee Lou Wood because she's disarming and cheerful to a decrepit scrote on White Lotus this season
No. 2412184
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Hunter Schafer passes so well it's awkward trying to consider it as a man
No. 2412201
File: 1740226052806.png (2.7 MB, 1242x2378, image_.PNG)

>>2412184It's funny you say that. I was scrolling through Pinterest earlier, and I randomly saw a picture of a haggard-looking, mannish person in a skirt. I had no clue who it was, I just felt this sudden disgust, and then I read the name "hunterschafer" and realized.
No. 2412220
>>2412185I'm convinced that the copypasta about how the brain is wired to instantly notice something is off and "clock" troons is pretty much right, except it claims male brains do it (everyone's brain does).
I saw a video of Alex Consani (one of the more "passing" troons) before even knowing he was trans, and I randomly felt this abject disgust looking at him. I felt guilty for my reaction because I thought he was just a tall, very thin (likely anorexic) woman. I've never once had that gross-out reaction seeing another woman, even with severely anorexic ones. I later found out he was actually a troon, and it all made sense.
Outside of the most flattering and/or edited photos, I feel like even the most "passing" trans people have a sort of uncanny valley feeling about them, and you might act or feel differently about them before even knowing they're trans. The subconscious naturally has some kind of reaction seeing a man with fucked up hormones wearing clothes not meant for his body type, even if your conscious mind is unaware, and the same is likely true with FtMs.
No. 2412226
>>2412220>I'm convinced that the copypasta about how the brain is wired to instantly notice something is off and "clock" troons is pretty much right, except it claims male brains do it (everyone's brain does).I sort of get that in the way that I feel sort of attracted to some as a straight woman. Watching euphoria I didn't know right away Hunter was trans and felt weirdly attracted and thought "maybe I'm a little gay". I think that's part of why they're held to a lower standard and why some women are handmaidens, because at the end of the day he's a cute boy.
With Alex Consani I felt disgust though… I have this weird feeling with some people, like my brain tells me "this person has aids" (I can't really explain it, some people just have aids face, usually gay men, it doesn't really matter if they actually have aids that's what my brain tells me) and I had this feeling with him.
No. 2412234
>>2412232That's the thing though, that historian didn't act off at all, talked all normal, dressed appropriately conservative for a topic like that and all, but in the end something was just
off. Pattern recognition(?) is amazing lol.
No. 2412249
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>>2412247What's so scary about him?
No. 2412250
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>>2412247Reminder that Donkey Kong Circus introduced DK as Mario's abused, performing pet gorilla who would get whipped and burned with fireballs if he made a mistake. Mario can try to bury his past, but it won't work on us!
No. 2412253
File: 1740231409323.webp (57.61 KB, 450x304, moomin_1969_tv_series.webp)

>>2412251How do you feel about Moomins, nonna?
No. 2412271
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>>2412268his name is
No. 2412278
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>>2412266Well in that case he'd better get ready!
No. 2412343
>>2412255He doesn't sound like a woman though, he sounds like a boy whose hasn't broken yet, he was trooned out before puberty.
>>2412271Why do weebs always remove his nose though? That's the only thing I know about him.
No. 2412397
>>2412201Kek I swear euphoria must have
triggered him, because he got tons of work done after.
No. 2412429
>>2412184His wide ass shoulders and teeny tiny waist and the bold-ons are so funny. Not to mention that his face reads like a boy. He's going to hit the wall so badly like Tim Petras did.
>>2412201He looks like a regular man there.
No. 2412509
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>>2412455and some of them only care if the troon looks like peter griffen in a dress. They love having token troons with the bimbo look around.
No. 2412515
File: 1740246765638.png (293.75 KB, 1280x671, hes just some guy.png)

>>2412269He hangs out with Moominpapa. He has an ambiguous age honestly, where it's clear he isn't a child but not quite an adult since he hangs out with children. Maybe an older teen? People who ship him with Moomin are so weird.
No. 2412595
File: 1740250810577.jpeg (13.39 KB, 246x238, IMG_1774.jpeg)

Cow “fanart” is weird and pathetic . I never liked it kek I always felt bad for Shayna being exposed to the seal-Chan’s cow collage art and it making her genuinely uncomfortable.
No. 2412693
File: 1740254729961.jpeg (279.4 KB, 1366x2048, IMG_1448.jpeg)

>>2412430This is from September
No. 2412697
>>2412455It’s women for women, some women aren’t even with us in the first place kek.
Scrotes will always side with scrotes and it’s not like trannies affect them, both TIFs and TIMs.
No. 2412944
File: 1740263892610.jpeg (76.36 KB, 640x913, 5DA2DBF3-3C29-4DBE-BD67-46FA42…)

>>2412833You’re incredibly young, get a hobby and never go online unless absolutely necessary. You’ll be better off.
No. 2412958
File: 1740264277718.jpg (49.85 KB, 736x410, 1000130480.jpg)

>>2412926I really hate when people refer to items or body parts as "she" it makes me want to die. And I also really hate when any animal is referred to as "he" I don't understand the autism that made everyone decide to assign gender to things like that.
I've sperged about this before, but it's unnerving how inanimate objects/parts are "she" but animals that have emotions projected to are "he" it feels gross, and I know that the whole referring to items as "she" is old as fuck and perpetuated by gay moids, but putting that next to all of the animals being referred to as "he" makes it feel even more putrid, disgusting, deplorable even.
No. 2412980
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>>2412803I wonder how much of an unpopular opinion that ever was, as someone who doesn't hang around phone addicted children, I often saw people commenting that his content was extremely cynical and exploitative. Also, who could trust a guy who is a child entertainer but doesn't even know how to smile? His smile doesn't reach his lips let alone his eyes.
No. 2412994
File: 1740265909767.webp (39.64 KB, 332x544, Freaky_Fred.webp)

>>2412987I just realised whose expression it reminds me off.
No. 2413220
File: 1740273718787.jpg (57.86 KB, 649x384, 9l6jly.jpg)

>>2412247>>2412249Not aimed at you nonnies but this reminds me of the endless "mario 64 is actually terrifying" videos all over youtube. I ended up playing it and…well its not. I would actually be into creppy mario, tbh I just find him boring. And I know this is a very unpopular opinion.
No. 2413343
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>>2412693I'm attracted to guys with long hair and that are effeminate, but I've just never seen it with Hunter. He looks like a bird.
Pre-troon Andrej Pejic was so much more attractive to me.
No. 2413706
File: 1740295690199.webp (131.29 KB, 1200x720, 3759.webp)

>>2413702I don't think moids liked associating with a whiny bongfag crying about all of his rapes on stage. They didn't like when breadtubers tried it either. The only place I see this still discussed is lc
No. 2413801
File: 1740306909918.jpg (172.9 KB, 751x925, 20240813_053907.jpg)

I find it funny how liking Astarion is only an unpopular opinion on lolcow
Or maybe it's just one or two loud spergs
No. 2413806
File: 1740307280601.png (1.67 MB, 2560x1440, 4zd8o6h9qxn51.png)

trannies are pretty ok they may look fugly but ive never met a tranny that wasnt fun to hang out or talk with(bait)
No. 2413990
>>2413984The only solution for us women would be to have high standards for men and normalize living with women in a platonic partnerships otherwise (without pretending to be lesbian). There is no reason the person you bill split with has to be a manchild. It would solve many problems, but it will never happen. I'm part of the problem too, since I'm too retarded to actually have meaningful relationships with other women.
>>2413987Yeah I have seen shit like that a lot. It's blackpilling.
No. 2414019
>>2414015You are clearly intentionally misunderstanding what I say. It's ok, you can be like the woman described in
>>2413987 for all I care and pretend that's fair. It's your life.
No. 2414029
File: 1740324863542.jpg (15.82 KB, 260x275, 1000000258.jpg)

if you're over the age of 26 still engaging in fandom discourse you need to be put down like an old sick dog behind a barn. dont care if its pretentious but after a certain age you ought to develop taste put down the chinese anime mobile game slop
No. 2414041
>>2414023No, the solution is to not be in a relationship with guys like that. You know, "have high standards", but in your own words having high standards apparently means being a tradtard. Both working and contributing to bills is called being a dual income household. "50/50" is a psyop because 99% of men that want "50/50" want the women to pay a higher share of her income (since she usually makes less money) while also still doing all or the majority of the chores and all the child care, just like
>>2413987 described. I don't get how you are incapable to understand that this arrangement benefits the moid only. Being able to afford childcare also doesn't mean you are immune to all the complications of pregnancy, that's also not hard to understand.
No. 2414288
>>2414267because women do 99% of the child bearing that risks their health and permanently alters their body even if it goes well and put their careers on pause because of it which makes them lose oppirtunities and advances. Also they end up doing most of the chores and child rearing anyways. It is not equal
effort. Sick of faggots trying to downplay and erase women's sacrifices.
No. 2414488
File: 1740343879030.jpg (136.97 KB, 735x1106, 1000004263.jpg)

Anons are gonna call me a despicable whore with internalized misogyny, but i find wearing tighter clothes more comfortable. Baggy clothes and all the fabric are just annoying. I'm not going out in booty shorts and a white croptop without a bra and my nipples pierced, but something like picrel
No. 2414493
File: 1740343941405.jpg (71.76 KB, 1200x797, todd_margo-1704044760.jpg)

>>2414483Combined incomes used to be the
known goal. I think it still is to normies outside fds and the redscrote sphere.
I'm not comparing the two ideologies but the b&w thinking of their subscribers No. 2414494
File: 1740343956558.jpg (318.65 KB, 1600x2253, Wheel-of-Life.jpg)

>>2414488Again! again! Let's do eye color after this one is over.
No. 2414500
File: 1740344088290.jpg (38.39 KB, 780x439,…)

>>2414494You're right nona. I was going to make fun of the celebrity's lurching posture and infight-bait anon for posting fitted clothing, not "tight". But here we are again, after all
No. 2414516
File: 1740344405830.jpeg (29.53 KB, 400x469, paul-snider-f786d2ed-4d7f-4475…)

>>2414499>a few income sources Let me guess, stealing houses from poor people and then renting them back at higher prices?
No. 2414520
>>2414497The man pays more but the woman still contributes. You have been told this for the whole duration of the discussion and refuse to acknowledge it.
Even if you both start with 60k, married men get preferential treatment both at work and in the moid social hierarchy, they even have better dating chances. They live longer and are happier than their single counterparts. The reverse is true for women, a single woman lives longer and is happier than a married woman, she doesn't have to deal with career disadvantages or health complications due to having children. She has less chances of being impoverished. Married women have less free time than single mothers. Being in a long term relationship with a moid literally drains you of your life force, the least he can do is contribute a bit more money. You can be a pick me, but stop pretending like 50/50 is a good deal or the only option besides tradthottery.
No. 2414521
>>2414231The jokes would also get too dragged and repetitive. I find the setting and scenarios unrelatable, too so I could never enjoy it.
>>2414239Aren't those audiences told to laugh on cue and stop on cue? So it's probably the person responsible for cues fault.
No. 2414522
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>>2414510Fitted looks almost tailored, it skims across the body. Tight clings to the body. Loose-fitting billows. "Fitted" could mean looser-fitting but still skims a person's actual figure like picrel
No. 2414532
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>>2414522samefag here is a woman wearing tight jeans, a tighter fitting tank top. It's likely stretchy and not as well fitted since it wrinkles in the knees/crotch area
No. 2414550
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>>2414535Same. You can pretty much pull of any fit style as long as it's cohesive/coordinated and keeping hair/make up simple + not using too many accessories
No. 2414572
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>>2414570I support coupled yuppy anon in this particular infight
No. 2414580
>>2414573If you did that you’d be beyond retarded kek. That sounds like something a stay at home mom would do, not an intelligent woman with a career.
>>2414576Why would I be losing advancements in my career? This isn’t 1954 where I’d get fired for being elegant kek
No. 2414596
>>2414590>that surely makes you more intelligent than a woman who picked a guy who could give her an easier life.nta but of course it does
>your own achievementvs
>someone else'sYou must be retarded anon, there is no other possibility
No. 2414607
File: 1740347195317.png (2.09 MB, 3500x3500, 1736985307838.png)

>>2414598This. Anyone who has ever spoken with stay at home moms from any generation will realize it's harder than any job.
>>2414577And this is true whether it seems that way at first or not. Just speak to any woman who has been or is a stay at home mom.
No. 2414625
>>2414611Majority of stay at home moms did not pick a guy that's competent enough to provide. It's also dangerous to depend on someone else like that. Women fought for independence for a reason. Back when women had to depend on males, and even when they thought they chose a good one, there was no other option when he decided to become an alcoholic or a gambler and spend the kid's clothing money on drugs. And this still happens, just with video games, sports gambling, and porn.
>>2414615Exactly. Financial freedom leads to social freedom. This has always been the case. Why cripple yourself?
No. 2414647
>>2414590Career braggarts act as if companies even care about them. The second they leave their job, the company will put up an advert, put a new person in that office, and the last person is forgotten about.
>>2414633Almost all the gender complaints about dating are just poor person problems.
No. 2414656
>>2414573I'm a SAHM and I manage the money. This is because I'm a a qualified bookkeeper and my husband is self employed so it just makes more sense for me to do both business and personal finances.
>>2414618Different lifestyle choices work for different women. I'm happier being a housewife than I was working. I don't know why some people can't accept this.
No. 2414666
>>2414654Better a NEET than shacked up with a moid
>>2414652>just find the magical 1% Or just work on yourself and treat yourself like a human being with rights to exist in the public sphere
No. 2414684
>>2414672I agree, I just don't know what kind of job that would be, because they're all either stressful or low paying, usually both.
>>2414677She didn't say anything about being a trad wife though? Having a nice job is not being a trad wife.
No. 2414690
>>2414661I look after my own children which isn't a job, it's part of having children which I was perfectly aware of. Other than that I don't do anything I didn't need to do when I was single. When I lived on my own I still had to cook, clean and do the laundry. I also had rent and bills. Now I have more free time to myself because I don't have to work, the mortgage has already been paid off and the bills get paid by my husband.
I don't get why other women complain that housewives have to do the cooking and cleaning when a single woman still have to cook, clean and work. The effort it takes to put another person's clothes in the washer or to cook a few extra servings of a meal is minimal compared to the amount of effort required in a full time job.
No. 2414704
>>2414698Nta, but that's what being a mom is like? Imagine having to juggle a full time job and raising kids. Look, my mom was working all the time and going to college when she had me so we didn't have much time to bond during my formative years. I love her, she's amazing, but I ended up being raised by grandma who was kinda
toxic and this affected my development.
No. 2414714
>>2414693You should always try to make passive income, but it's not exactly a job. It's basically just buying stocks/ETFs, rare metals and real estate depending on your opportunities.
Being self employed seems to be really stressful 99% of the time so I'm not sure about that.
No. 2414755
File: 1740350536218.jpeg (39.13 KB, 500x279, IMG_1457.jpeg)

>Youre the one who’s obsessed with her career and making advances
Good for her
No. 2414778
>>2414767So long as the house is yours even if he has a part time job you can still boss him around and get rid of him whenever, which is why I could never relinquish my entire life to a moid.
>>2414776It's just dumb bait
No. 2414781
>>2414758He has to be really fucking hot, keep the house shining like a silver teacup and report to me every 3 to 5 hours so I know where he is and what he's doing. Also he must report to me the money he spends and keep an inventory of everything that is in the house.
Another thing that is a must is him having a job from home, just because he stays at home all day long doesn't mean he can't work, specially nowadays that lots of jobs are home office jobs, which means, yeah, he will have his own money but that's still money for the household considering I would be the owner of the house, therefore he has to be at my beck and call.
Also, he has to always be in good shape and can't have any vices.
I feel like it's only fair, a moid can't have free time or he will become rabid and untrustworthy.
No. 2414790
>>2414776Married women can have they're own bank accounts. You're talking like married women are living in some 1950s dystopia.
>>2414784Is this some sort of fucked up sexual fantasy you have and are projecting onto others?
No. 2414827
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>>2414820She really is. I wish cc wasn't such a shithole.
No. 2414832

>Lord, forgive me for what I do
>But if you want out, well, it's up to you
>Now don't let me down
>Now your mama's gonna move you uptown"
>Well, that was the last time I saw my ma
>The night I left that rickety shack
>The welfare people came and took the baby
>Mama died and I ain't been back
>But the wheels of fate had started to turn
>And for me there was no way out
>It wasn't very long 'til I knew exactly
>What my mama'd been talkin' about
>I knew what I had to do and I made myself this solemn vow
>That I's gonna be a lady someday
>Though I didn't know when or how
>But I couldn't see spending the rest of my life
>With my head hung down in shame
>You know I might have been born just plain white trash
>But Fancy was my name
>She said, "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down"
>She said, "Here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down"
>It wasn't long after that benevolent man took me in off the street
>And one week later I was pourin' his tea in a five-room hotel suite (yes, she was)
>I charmed a king, a congressman and an occasional aristocrat
>And then I got me a Georgia mansion and an elegant New York townhouse flat
>And I ain't done bad (she ain't been bad)
No. 2414865
File: 1740352727344.jpg (27.81 KB, 290x412, 225624708b4eb29c78a5d08cfed864…)

>>2414856I was going to post a generic "ACK!" reaction but the Cathy artist was insanely attractive. How did I not know about this. I think I can feel a promotion coming at work just looking at this
No. 2414923
File: 1740354914459.jpg (Spoiler Image,974.75 KB, 1814x2211, Ansel_Elgort_2014_Divergent_Pr…)

>>2414914This is why you seem some "attractive people" who have the sex appeal of the sugar flyman from Men in Black. Ansel Eggort is a great example but I genuinely think he is just a mentally challenged person being shuffled around by rich old gay moids
No. 2415021
Would you become a housewife under these conditions:
>moid madly in love with you and only you (no porn watching, no checking out other women in public, no fantasizing of other women, 100% autistically monogamous and believes in One True Love with you, also refuses to have female friends etc)
>moid suits your tastes and is 100% attractive to you and worships you because you’re his type too
>moid personality meshes well with yours and you share the same values and ideologies
>moid is well educated and has a six figure job
>moid comes from a rich family so even if you do fall on hard times they’ll be a safety net for you
>moid let’s you dictate sex life so you’re never a bangmaid and he will respect your wishes if you say no because you’re tired/stressed or whatever
>moid is obedient and won’t argue when you ask him to do something for you
>moid showers you with acts of service, gifts, and affection and consistently says words of affirmation
>moid is emotionally mature and has no anger issues, complexes, never stresses, and other mental issues, essentially he is as calm as a monk and not an angry ape that blows up over the minorest of inconveniences or a big stressful problem in your marriage
>naturally moid is a problem solver and offers you suggestions but in the end you are the shot caller
>moid is very intelligent and has other streams of revenue (I.e., operates side business/invests in stocks/owns real estate etc)
>but really it doesn’t matter because he can live comfortably and could’ve been a neet with no financial worry but chose not to because he wants to offer you the world (and unfortunately money makes the world go round)
>moid will drop anything to help you and be with you and his number one motivation in life is supporting you and your dreams—he slaves away at office and at home (hypothetically he’s cooking and cleaning too) while you focus on your hobbies and passion projects
Hmm, feel free to add more ridiculous worthwhile fantastical conditions to this post.
No. 2415071
>>2414808samsara image?
>>2415021No, i am gay. I will have double income with my wife and make big bux
No. 2415152
>>2414900>I'd rather snorkel for coins outside the bank after inviting everyone I've ever met to watchKekk
>>2415113>Every upper middle class or rich boy I tried to date family hated me because I’m black lol.The imaginary guy from that silly fantasy doesn't have to be from a different race than you or have a racist family lol
No. 2415195
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>>2415191A friend of mine had a very angry dad and landed on this style briefly before settling into picrel, forever
No. 2415219
>>2415213Motherless men turn into serial killers. Fatherless men walk this earth in droves and accounts for like 2.5/3rds of the population if you count emotionally absent/
abusive fathers
No. 2415293
>>2414523 of female architects - female architectural designs are overall more sustainable and have clients in mind designed by women have higher success rates, are more substantial, are more efficient to use, and are also eye pleasing
As for female workers - ofc because of the tiny comparison pool (and let's be honest moids aren't going to research it because they don't want to be burned), I think the fact that moids are incapable of getting anything done in a timely manner should say something. They can barely fix pot holes in time
No. 2415348
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>>2415205No I've always hated this style, it's like j-lo-based/baby phat/newsboy cap/orange skin/sub-urban style and they always have sticky makeup and trashed bedrooms
No. 2415377
File: 1740375065267.gif (2.1 MB, 498x373, livingintheh-madonna.gif)

>>2415126I don't know why but I always had a good relationship with my dad and never actually had any bad experiences with scrotes, but I still turned out to be a radical feminist scroid hater. No trauma or anything. Did have some issues with my mother though, but I still love her. I will say, I've always felt competitive against scrotes because I'm gaynon. And I'm just empathetic towards women who are traumatized by scrotes
No. 2415381
>>2415377samefag but why am I saying "i dont know why" i know why
>>2415379Hope I didn't kill any granny nonnies
No. 2415388
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My unpopular opinion is that this image of Madonna looks better on the main page
No. 2415389
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>>2415388samefag aesthetic cleanse
No. 2415393
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>>2415388>>2415389Sigh sorry nonnies
No. 2415398
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>>2415393This is a rare find nona. I found another from this era, her outfit should look stupid but it doesn't
No. 2415403
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>>2415398She glows in all of her photos… it's the virgo rising in her (plus the camera kek). She's gorgeous, heaven on earth. She needs to take up like 50% of the attractive woman thread.
>>2415399>am currently studying in a science related fieldNot surprised!! More married women are educated and less married women aren't educated nowadays. You should always have that back up plan and it's good that you're investing your energy into that nona, more women should
No. 2415487
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>>2415486Ideally he should be locked up but what can you do
No. 2415489
>>2415463Or pointing out that not wanting to throw DV
victims in jail must mean "you think women are too stupid to figure out abusers and leave"
No. 2415546
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>>2415360More because of this but whatever
No. 2415549
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>>2415546Don't forget all the wars nona
No. 2415551
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I think girls and women should recolonize shows like K-ON until they're no longer associated with Nazi neckbeards/incels and pickmes.
At its core, it's just a silly show about girls who are friends hanging out and having fun.
No. 2415555
File: 1740388072814.png (Spoiler Image,372.38 KB, 400x625, 148561_w_400_625-787088109.png)

>>2415551Can I offer you a bud light while you enjoy your early morning show anon?
(bait) No. 2415573
>>2415564NTA but I honestly feel kind of bad for her. Thinking about this clearly upsets her, but she can't stop, even when she's getting banned for talking about it uncontrollably on some autistic niche website
Well, unless she's fetish posting. Then I don't feel bad for her, I think she should get some self-respect.
No. 2415579
>>2415551i used to like this show too
i watched it when i was young and i liked the friendships between the characters and i genuinely liked the songs) but this can't be the only show about a friend group of girls to ever exist, you're saying
>At its core, it's just a silly show about girls who are friends hanging out and having your picrel has a peek of one of the characters panties, the show has weird scenes of comparing Mui and Ui's busts and a damn beach episode where a ball hits Mio's chest and it then hits her face and is meant to emphasize her bust, this isn't NGE or Akira or Sailor Moon there's nothing really deep or spectacular going on so it's retarded to even want to "recolonize" this, just let the Nazi retards have their slop.
No. 2415583
>>2415573I stopped feeling bad for her after she mentioned watching dick sucking videos on Twitter and then went on a paragraph long sperg about
something something humiliating + servile + pig. She's perpetuating her own self harm and making sure she has an audience for it. None of what anyone says changes her behavior so at this point it feels like a fucked up exhibitionist thing.
No. 2415600
File: 1740391488928.jpg (381.09 KB, 1804x1271, e6whslslde281.jpg)

>>2415556K-ON was directed by a woman. She went on to direct Koe No Katachi and other anime. Sorry, I'm not letting men have anything I've decided I enjoy.
>>2415579>just let the Nazi retards have their slop.No
>>2415555I'm scared to open that image
No. 2415611
File: 1740392733800.jpg (197 KB, 850x1147, sample_52a8f07faf061bc313268ed…)

>>2415600nta and i like k-on but the manga was written by a man. Anons need to understand there is nothing wrong with liking something scrotey, it doesnt make you a bad woman or a pickme. Sadly, most media is made by men. And it doesnt matter how much you try to ''recolonize it'' you can't, because its target audience is still men. I think you just need to learn that your taste in fiction doesnt have to affect your politics and your politics dont have you affect your taste in fiction.
No. 2415619
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>>2415611Listen, Nazis don't own shit either. They didn't make K-ON, they don't make anything of value. They certainly didn't respect that the creator was some Japanese person who doesn't give a fuck about their retard politics, why should I respect them imposing themselves on it to the point that if you use an image from it, people start thinking you're a 35 year old mouthbreathing moid with a porn addiction, multiple mental illnesses and anxiety about interracial dating? I don't care. All women with weeb interests should be running any cute anime they find and like into the fucking ground, and it should be to the point that these stupid males get angry when they see anything anime-related and call it "feminist shit". I won't let them rest until they kill themselves. I decided it's stupid to play fair after they started taking over shit meant for actual little girls (My Little Pony) and claiming it as "theirs". Nothing is safe from them, not even the word "woman" (lmfao), so why should we be prudent and polite? I like some stupid cartoon or game, so it's mine now.
Anyone who's never been a middle to high school aged girl automatically loses precedence and authority over any piece of media having to do with being one.
No. 2415620
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>>2415611The creator of k-on has done loli before(pic related). Hes for sure buying child porn and u-15 gravure dvds with the money you spend on his works. Good job anon.
No. 2415621
>money you spend on his worksWho's actually buying media in 2025? Do they even make official K-ON merch anymore? Secondhand money doesn't go to the manufacturer. Don't be such a fucking faggot
No. 2415623
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>>2415621You’re still supporting his works by watching it.
No. 2415624
File: 1740394050157.jpg (80.85 KB, 1024x576, GRyTtOQWwAA_zoq.jpg)

>done loli before did an end card illustration for a single episode (picrel), he didn't make it.
>>2415623Yes, and everyone here is "supporting" every pedophile in Hollywood if they pirate movies, think of them or use reaction images from them.
No. 2415625
File: 1740394199794.jpeg (71.39 KB, 828x748, IMG_5474.jpeg)

>>2415624You think a guy who looks like this and his hobby is drawing stylized underaged girls isn’t a pedo?
No. 2415632
>>2415629The thing is already made, and almost 20 years old atp.
What is the guy doing nowadays amyway?
No. 2415634
File: 1740394660859.webp (28.69 KB, 1200x900, Quentin-Tarantino-Director-Por…)

>>2415625I said the same thing about pic related even before the photo of him kissing a child's foot came out, and yet women are still pretending Pulp Fiction was a great movie and using the coke-addicted lady with the bob cut as a profile pic. I will pirate my anime in peace, and trannies will hang. Cancel Hollywood, the kpop industry and the western pop music industry, and I will consider cessation of these acts.
No. 2415669
File: 1740395897011.jpg (22.66 KB, 400x400, U82SF6oD_400x400.jpg)

>>2415664I don't fear shit and I'll never respect Nazis, you coping mental midget. The entire shit ideology is dead and its proponents lost for a reason.
>w-we killed bazillionsAnd you still lost, your leader still had one testicle, fucked his own niece and was addicted to drugs, your men were still dressing up in women's lingerie to bum eachother, you had morbidly obese gay men in charge, the list goes on. Faggot party for AGPs kills millions, still ultimately falls apart, is universally hated by the mentally healthy and the guy who started the whole thing shot himself in the head while his colleague killed his whole family and himself. He didn't even like being German/Austrian. Pathetic roaches.
>>2415665See my post here:
>>2415619I don't give a fuck about the intended audience. Women are always expected to be respectful, I don't care anymore. I like an anime about being a girl, it's mine. All the men who liked it before should go jerk off to other men and then shoot eachother in the had.
No. 2415685
>>2415624oh wow thanks anon, if he publicly associated with loli shit only a little bit, he's def not a pedo then!
>>2415646>And that has nothing to do with whether or not I watch anything.lmaoo how did we reach pedo moid argument level so fast
No. 2415698
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>>2415692Also he probably makes even more than that with the licensing and extra shit like the pedo figurines being sold. He’s definitely making some decent coin.
No. 2415706
File: 1740397679196.jpeg (865.39 KB, 890x1289, IMG_5476.jpeg)

>>2415703It’s still lolicon.
No. 2415724
>>2415716There's no official K-ON merch anymore AFAIK.
>Even talking about something gives artists money indirectly.Then we might as well never, ever talk about anything that isn't made by good people, even to critique it. /snow/, /m/, /g/ and /w/ need to be shut down immediately for their shameless promotion of people like that one fujo who was an unironic pedophile, Rancefag, Yuripedo, autopedophilic e-girls who draw (eg Erin Painter), etc. We need to lock the celebricow threads too.
No. 2415728
File: 1740398656065.jpeg (768.3 KB, 1284x1855, IMG_5477.jpeg)

>>2415724Yes there is lol it’s being sold on the animation companies sites website. K-on was pretty popular and the mangaka made millions off it.
No. 2415740
>>2415737Ad hominem and "N-No just anime, ignoring your counterargument means it's not there" because you can't argue with the main point that pirating something isn't supporting it or putting money in the creator's pocket. In fact, creators of media cry and sperg about piracy all the time because it takes money out of their pockets kek.
I pay if I think the creator deserves money for whatever reason. If not, I don't. Sorry you can't relate, learn to stream or torrent maybe?
No. 2415743
>>2415741>his show*Naoko Yamada's show
Why would I pay money to a possibly
abusive scrote who made a manga I didn't read?
No. 2415771
>>2415740So your counter-argument is "other people are doing worse" and "I don't pay for it so it's fine"? Just like pedo moids then? Btw the OP was not about piracy at all, it was about watching scrotey content as a woman. Obviously you have zero issue with it. I would never pay
or torrent pedo slop, can't relate indeed. Assuming this
>>2415753 was for me, you're once again reassuring yourself with "pedo moids are worse", imagine having to go that low to defend your fave anime.
No. 2415774
>>2415767"Running around in micro mini skirts and bikinis" is such a scrotey way to describe characters wearing school uniforms. One of the characters reminds me of my best friend growing up, and the retard moments where she gets hit on the head are relatable.
>>2415769Why would I have to live vicariously through something? I've already been through HS, are you just trying and failing to guess at why any woman would watch something?
No. 2415780
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>>2415774It’s not scroty because that’s exactly what it is. They’re wearing clothes that barely cover their ass and the bikini scenes are unnecessary
No. 2415786
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>>2415781The anime is based off the manga. Sounds like you have to cope by saying “I don’t support pedo shit becasue I watched the anime, not the mangas”. The show has questionable moments too.
No. 2415791
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>>2415790I don’t understand what her being a woman has to do with anything. Women can be pedos too, especially if they’re producing stuff like pic related.
No. 2415801
>>2415794With some exceptions, at least women can be redeemed and their art can still be good in spite of their issues. Lana Del Rey made songs with
problematic lyrics, but she's still a good musician.
No. 2415806
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>>2415799My unpopular opinion is that this includes "magical girl" anime and shoujo. It's all just the same pedo shit masquerading as being for girls.
No. 2415808
File: 1740402151762.jpg (348.63 KB, 1805x2532, 81InIeUK2cL.jpg)

Anon if you want to see anime about girls having wholesome friendships without having to do mental gymnastics to justify it then i beg you please watch mahou shoujo or shoujo. Moe aesthetics are stolen from shoujo manga anyways.
No. 2415814
File: 1740402457246.png (1.35 MB, 1024x744, IMG_5483.png)

>>2415806It’s pretty much just grooming material. Why do all these shows have a beach scene? Just an excuse for the characters to be half naked really
No. 2415832
>>2415801I only just came to find out that people really are into Lana Del Ray in actual waves. I thought she was less popular because my dumbass only remembers her for that Summertime Sadness song from like 2013. Apparently her songs have lore because there's this reoccuring rapist pedophile character named "Jimmy". Apparently BoJack Horseman took inspiration from her songs too? People really listen to and love this shit like
that? Okay then.
No. 2415844
File: 1740403172626.jpeg (737.59 KB, 1284x833, IMG_5485.jpeg)

>>2415828Nta but almost every anime has subtle pedo shit in it. That’s how subliminal messaging works. For example this isn’t in your face pedo fan service but then if you think deeper, why do they need to draw a minor with huge breasts and a Cleavage top?
No. 2415850
>>2415824He isn't a tranny - he is an occasional crossdresser.
>>2415814Heavens forbid girls are portrayed having fun. There is nothing fanservice about the pic you posted. Your brain seems to be broken. Were you brought up in a Muslim household or something?
No. 2415858
>>2415844Kek, right off the bat this one
looks like mass-produced FOTM slop, AKA higher chance of containing otaku moid pandering. It takes slightly more effort but you should just seek out the media which isn't, you know, this.
No. 2415860
>>2415855This goes into my
Lolcow's Own Caps collection.
No. 2415865
>>2415857AGP knows no nationality. Crossdressers and trannies are not some separate magical species, it's just that one actually took the plunge.
>>2415861And some moids troon out for the same reason.
No. 2415866
File: 1740403585322.jpeg (87.11 KB, 1280x854, IMG_5487.jpeg)

>>2415853Pedos try to micro dose pedophilia to get people used to it. Have you ever heard of the frog in boiling water theory?
No. 2415879
File: 1740403943349.jpg (155.83 KB, 1000x1500, 1000033138.jpg)

>>2415844>>2415835>>2415818Speaking of CLAMP, this whole debate made me think of a weird example which actually
did kinda get reclaimed, Chobits. By all accounts it SHOULD be popular with scrotes, but every single fan of this show I've ever met has been a woman and scrotes tend to hate it kek
No. 2415886
>>2415876I don't play otome games but it's fundamentally different imo. DDLG plays into an
extremely moid-centered fantasy where the woman is literally pretending to be a
child who worships the name. The rapey parts in Otome games play into bodice-ripper tropes of being ~ravished.~ Also, since Japan has a conservative culture around female sexuality, it was used as an excuse for the self-insert to be involved with smut without the audience feeling guilty. I don't like these elements either, but imo it's not comparable to DDLG.
No. 2415894
File: 1740404701228.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.46 KB, 350x500, 104223.jpg)

>>2415876>unless they are yuri90% of yuri is for moids though. (That includes yuri VNs - just take a look ). Now I know you're a baiter.
Shitting on heterosexual women and their tastes is childish behaviour. Grow up.
(spoiler this) No. 2415899
>>2415894I actually wanted to say most yuri is moid shit anyway, but that didn't seem related, because anon was talking about a fetish
involving moids, which yuri doesn't. Most yuri is about young girls too. Thank you for bolstering my point that Japan makes nothing but moid pedo shit and tries to groom women into pickmeism. Now grow up and stop supporting it.
No. 2415905
>>2415844This, I cannot watch many of the new shows now , it just pisses me off.
I had started Fire Force and the fan service was so retarded.
No. 2415924
>>2415921they would be ugly and perverts even out of a dress, it has nothing to do with the fashion itself
>>2415922lol if thats true then where are my male pickmes affected by anime who want to be sexy hairless bishies for me? point them towards me
No. 2415932
File: 1740405976395.jpg (21.62 KB, 640x320, 1000033136.jpg)

Didn't the UMP thread already have this infight several times
No. 2415939
>>2415902I’m all about being GNC and expressing yourself, if we were like that we wouldn’t have trannies in the first place kek.
With that being said I think that women are better at it , a scrote in a skirt or dress kind of looks ridiculous, but kudos to him if he can play it off.
No. 2415962
File: 1740406846017.jpeg (124.16 KB, 900x1200, IMG_1461.jpeg)

>>2415939Samefag , but this type of androgynous style is the one I really like and it actually shows effort and style. I wish that straight men dressed like this, but the ones I’ve encountered are all faggy kek.
No. 2415964
>>2415958>tranny behaviourmen crossdressing to look good for women is the opposite of tranny behaviour. Do you even know what a tranny is? a tranny think he's a woman, thats the foundation of being a troon. He can dress in hoodies and still thinks he's a ''woman''.
>>2415962>wearing pantsboooo he didnt even try, he's still too ashamed of how he's being perceived. Show some legs thats the point of kilts.
No. 2415967
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>>2415962>>2415964Calm down, it was an example kek.
I also like this one.
No. 2415968
>>2409031I have NO problem with these tiktok challenges stupids are going to maim and kill themselves for tiktok fads we should factory farm them. We should mass produce death challenges to encourage genetic hygiene. Encourage no vaccines, while we vaccinate ourselves.
Maybe it would even be the pinnacle of progress to spread preventable diseases people with brains were immunized against. If it meant living in a world with fewer MAGA turd voters I'd start spreading diseases I'm vaccinated against TODAY. There is absolutely nothing wrong with stupids offing themselves lmao. Be the MAGA death farm fad influencer you want to be.
No. 2415970
>>2415963>you equate womens clothing on moids to humiliationbecause women's clothes is sexualized, men's clothes isnt. I dont want only female's clothes to be sexualized, so i believe everyone should be allowed to look decorative and sexualized. What dont you get?
>>2415967>hairy legslmfao still not even trying.
No. 2415978
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>>2415970Here nonna. I bet you like this kek.
Being a stylish GNC doesn’t mean slapping women’s clothes and calling it a day.
No. 2415989
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>>2415970>only female's clothes are sexualized>still thinks she isnt caping for troonssome handmaiden tendencies die hard dont they? this applies to you you arent being radical by liking moids in dresses youre just contributing to THEIR fetish not yours
No. 2415996
>>2415989ok give me examples of sexualized male clothes then? because only women are seen as sex objects in this world.
>>2415992> how you view female bodieswhy are you moving the goalpost? i am not talking about bodies, i am talking about clothes. Yes, a thong and miniskirt is humilliating. And sadly only women are ''allowed'' to wear that, i wonder why and for who…hmmm