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No. 2356246
A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.
Previous vent thread:
>>2344608Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.
Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
No. 2356314
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Monkey's paw is real guys don't ever wish for anything.
No. 2356344
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Someone I know is losing her fucking mind over everything all the time atm and will interrupt me multiple times a day to be like I'M FUCKIGN CRYING AND SHAKING RIGHT NOW I CNANT DO THIS. And then she explains why and it's always over the mildest inconvenience imaginable where if she just learned the most basic coping methods she would be able to chill the fuck out and be normal. I want to grab her and shake her and tell her to get a fucking grip. I have shit going on too and even if I didn't I'm not your fucking therapist!! God it is DRAINING
No. 2356412
>>2354247Thank you, I feel in the wrong for feeling this, but I don't know what else to feel right now. It's reassuring to have my feelings assured, even if they are unpleasant.
>>2354268That's a great idea, thank you for linking me to that thread and the words.
>>2354609I was in a fit of rage, and reading it again I realized I wrote the context too vaguely, probably because the context still makes me furious and even describing it makes me feel upset. Still, I resonated with your words, it does feel like it changed me, I can't go back to seeing things the same way. I appreciate your words, I am sorry for your friend too for all that's worth, even if it's close to nothing.
No. 2356519
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maybe one day I'll figure out whether it's loneliness that makes me horny or horniness that makes me lonely
No. 2356555
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i wish i could be like those social reject girls that are just fine with being lonely and introverted. i'm hyperaware of every second in which i'm not with someone else and it drives me insane, i had NEVER felt like this. why can't i just be naturally okay with my alone time? why was i cursed with this?
No. 2356565
>>2356555in a word: para-socialization
everyone that pretends to be fine with "being alone all the time" spend their time engaging in some sort of pseudo-socialization, which include social media, consuming content, and artificially stimulating themselves in all sorts of unhealthy ways
No. 2356592
>>2356581 said. I like people and getting to know them, but if I am exhausted by being around them then it’s a sign we’re not actually compatible. It took me a long time to realize this and that I just wasn’t really a cultural match for where I was at the time.
No. 2356626
Have a friend whom I love dearly but I can't invite her to hangout or even express affection towards her without her going on and on about how shitty and ugly and boring and horrible of a person she supposedly is and apologizing 20000000 times for trivial things. For example we hung out yesterday nothing crazy she just came over to my house we watched some movies and she went home. Before she came over she kept stalling and apologizing for having bad movies, not bringing good enough food (I didn't even mention or ask her to bring food), distracting and bothering me (told her multiple times I wasn't busy, that I was done with all my tasks and was bored and wanted her to come over bc I invited her first). After she went home she texted me to apologize for supposedly looking ugly (she looked pretty because she is pretty), smelling bad (she actually smelled really good I just didn't say anything because I didn't want to be weird), being too quiet, not bringing good movies (I really liked the movies and told her), using my bathroom and drinking my water ?? Like, I understand that kind of behavior to an extent, I'm always anxious and regretful before and after social interaction fearing that I will be or was too weird and made the other person uncomfortable, and I also apologized to her for being quiet and tired. But what she does is really over the top and I genuinely don't understand why she acts like that. She will never take compliments or me telling her that she's not ugly didn't smell etc etc. I guess it's some sort of attention seeking behavior but she also hates attention and is fairly reclusive. Like I said, I love her but this is getting a little bit exhausting and I don't know what to keep telling her, she always denies it when I tell her that I think she's pretty and interesting, constantly accusing me of lying or something similar. I wish I understood better whatwas going on in her brain besides extreme self-loathing. Sorry this is kind of nonsensical and too specific but I need to talk about it somewhere and she's one of my only friends and I can't exactly talk about it with her lol.
No. 2356690
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I am 28F. I have been single for the last 3 years. It has been really hard to cope the last little while due to not receiving likes, not many conversations or consistent ghosting by men.
If they do talk to me usually it is to just go to hotel or FWB or ONS ect. After being abused by my ex of 2.5 years,trauma( sexual, physical and mental) and having weird encounters with my ex it feels like I am spiraling.
My docter told me to start taking prozac again and I have a fear of men which is manifesting itself through my dreams due to insomnia.
No. 2356736
>>2356690Are you drunk or just new? Just to let you know don't have to fill out the fields to post. I agree with the other anon, you gotta get out of
victim mode and go into the mindset of being a survivor. If you want a relationship you can't hope to find a good one in this kind of state. Shitty moids can tell when women are easy to take advantage of. You need to allow yourself to demand more from men. Even if you're down on yourself we all deserve to have the best. Also there's a thread on /g/ for break up and moving on advice specifically, you might find others who are in a similar situation.
No. 2356737
>>2356317A podcast I've been listening to for a while suddenly made it a point to explain how super pro-trans they are. I had sunk so many hours into it and now I can't even bring myself to listen to them at all anymore…
>>2356344I've been there. I'll answer the first time but the second time I see the notification preview I ghost for hours until I think she's calmed down. You can't react immediately or that activates their attention dopamine so they'll keep doing it.
No. 2356818
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How do you avoid falling into bad habits under severe stress? there is nothing that bring me happiness right now, i wake up and scream and punch the pillow to get rid of the pain and stress of waking up and having to exist. I feel like utter shit and this coping mechanism i developed is pretty unhealthy.
No. 2356828
>>2356708Most of what you're saying is probably true. I am pretty reserved and quiet most of the time so that's probably it, but I'm never actually judging her unless she's doing her whole "I'm so horrible" thing. Even then I'm only a little judgy, mostly I feel bad for her. And yeah I've tried to talk about it in depth a couple of times but she just tells me that she doesn't really know why she acts like this and says she tends to get paranoid, and she has anxiety and is very self-loathing. Again, I completely understand these feelings, but it's so much lately that I can't help but feel like she has some other motives behind it like trying to push me out of her life or something? Idk, I'll try to talk about it again with her but it never really goes anywhere.
>>2356802I'm really sorry that happened to you, nona. Her being abused wouldn't exactly line up with what she's told me but she could be not telling the truth. The only thing about letting her know that it makes me uncomfortable is I feel it'll give her more of an excuse to reiterate how unlovable and horrible she is and how it's "proof" that I shouldn't be her friend because she just "makes me suffer". I'd have already said that if I wasn't worried about the backlash, but hopefully I can soon. Thank you both though
No. 2356833
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>>2356818You have to try and find something else that's similar but different.
For example, I tend to scratch and pick the skin of my hands, so now they're all fucked with lots of spots, but I noticed that I stop when I have things like pic related, it just play with the ring and move it between my fingers and I changed a bracelet like pic related by adding a bead that slides around so I don't scratch or pick the skin of my wrists.
Maybe you could try some sport that will let you punch of stuff, you don't even need to actually punch something, just punch the air to the rhythm of a song.
No. 2356883
>>2356873I don't get why people treat this place like if this shit was TikTok kek.
Just get a life outside that will make it impossible for you to post anything anywhere, that's what I do, I just come back here from time to time whenever I feel like checking on some cows and threads, so I don't really feel like this place controls me the way you feel it controls your life.
No. 2356892
>>2356881Lolcow really does give you brain damage sometimes kek
>>2356883This place is way more addictive than Tiktok for me. I downloaded Tiktok and got bored and uninstalled it pretty quickly but I scroll lolcow for hours a day. I don't know the science of why exactly but I also spend an insanely disturbing amount of time refreshing the main page and reading each new reply. I need a life I know
No. 2357246
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I stopped infighting on Lolcow when I added someone off the friend finder thread, got invited to her personal server in which she and her rat-physiognomy "daddy" streamed themselves doing drugs and having sex. Even worse, a bunch of the "daddy's" friends were in the server posting cum tributes to her, and at some point down the line they posted the server on degen 4chan boards to get more men jacking off to her. It made me anti-sex for life. Also, I have never seen a biological female that looks more like a tranny. The biggest kicker of all is that she still self-id'ed as a "misandrist".
Please understand the site's been invaded by degenerate, unironic weed-addled dd/lgfags.
No. 2357252
>>2357246For me it was the anon that admitted to using a
toilet to masturbate. What’s the point?
No. 2357262
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A quote I've heard regarding men: "Even when they have nothing else, they will still have the audacity."
I work bedside in an allied healthcare field. Throughout my job and school clinical placements, I have repeatedly seen this quote illustrated.
Most of the patients on any given hospital floor are seniors. Most of them are cool and no problem to work with. For some reason, though, it's always the males who are 60+, obese, repulsive, and (literally) rotten who seem to think that they are irresistible to the young female staff. I'm talking boomers with necrotic toes who have have rectal tubes placed due to incessant anal leakage. They will often fixate on their "favorite" female staff members and try as hard as they can to convince those women to date them after they get discharged. I got asked out by an old-ass man who looks like a disheveled Santa Claus. He forces his nurse to wipe his ass even though he can do it himself. I declined. He started lamenting that none of the girls he asked out in the hospital will go out with him. lmao.
I want to be clear, by the way, that none of the men I'm talking about are cognitively altered. They all get cognitively assessed on a regular basis, and if they have any level of impairment from dementia/stroke/disability/psychosis/injury/etc., their charts get tagged very clearly. These guys aren't mentally impaired, they're just like this.
No. 2357265
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>>2357246No warning signs of any of this prior, and even after it became blatant you continued to watch their server in spite of it being so degen?
This is why I don't understand nonnas like you who milk camgirl lolcows and other gross degens. Content that doesn't interest me, I don't watch including porn. You inherently invite degens and moids to this website when you consume and post about their content-yes, even ironically-because porn consumers are inherently their audience and who is monitoring these accounts whether you deny it or not.
No. 2357274
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>>2357260It was posted in the /g/ containment thread on CC during the September outage. Picrel are the relevant screenshots
No. 2357291
>>2357265You've never heard of morbid curiosity?
>>2357276You don't understand, they were literally streaming and on cam for hours at a time. There were lots of screenshots of them on cam with the Discord UI on top.
>>2357256It's almost as bad as when we get trannies in there.
No. 2357298
>>2357292Way to
victim blame kek
No. 2357309
>>2357302I like how with shota/other
problematic content, anons will pearlclutch and act like these things should be illegal but when it comes down to dd/lg degeneracy they suddenly take on the attitude of "don't like don't read." very telling
(bait/derailing) No. 2357326
>>2357315You sound like you have a vested interest in all this nonna
>>2357311idk if you meant to reply to me but I'm not op
No. 2357345
>>2357324Huh? How do you even get that?
>>2357337Did you actually want me to type out "cum tributes" you're acting like a schizo.
I didn't see crusty dicks tonight so I win by default. Do better for yourself.
(infight bait) No. 2357363
>>2357357It's not "everyone", just you. The term "cum tribute" is arcane enough on its own, but it's so common for you that you use a non-intuitive shorthand? You were
triggered because you felt called out, and now you got caught out for using pervert lingo. Get over it.
No. 2357403
>>2357395>>2357399You're a man and ackchually BPD and autismo if you don't want to be baited into some Discord kitten's fetish server and just wanted to talk about books and games, got it.
Literally who would be "fragile" for not wanting to see some gross moid's dick? Unironic mindset of a porn addict moid who thinks flashing strangers is no big deal and they're far too precious if they complain.
No. 2357405
>>2357403You keep playing the
victim and ignoring everyone telling you that normal person would immediately block and move on.
No. 2357407
>>2357393The Uber specific bit about masturbating with a
bluey toothbrush–how did they see all of that and have a trove of info if they didn't willfully scroll instead of close and block?
No. 2357430
>>2357408Your sisters sound
toxic af, I hope you can get out of that environment eventually nonna but it sounds like you need to cut them off unless it's to help your mom with necessities and bills for the house. If they're gonna be angry at you for what you do for them anyway, then you might as well not and keep the money. Do they do anything for you or do they hold the fact that you live there as a gotcha to dangle over your head? I hate the situation for you as I'm in similar.
No. 2357435
>>2357429I didn't post contact info, I literally added her off the thread. You're so mad and feel so targeted that you're twisting the story in multiple directions to
victim blame. Just don't be fucking weird, no one wants to see your nudes. I don't even care that you're a weird ddlgfag, just don't fucking sexually harass me.
No. 2357450
>>2357441>leave alreadyNta but you are acting petulant and sheltered, what do you want us to do about it? You're presumably an adult, stamping your feet and pretending the weirdos that crypto the FF thread are supposed to be normal. They rarely ever are. Pretending things should be in good faith on a
public imageboard known for repugnant male larpers is just pure stupidity. We get it, you're a
No. 2357457
>>2357430Thank you
nonnie, I really appreciate that. I'm mainly waiting for my sister to move out in a couple months but holding it out till then is getting really hard. I can't tell if I'm biased or have tunnel-visioned myself into being faultless but I legitimately can't think of anything they do that I don't do. I'm sorry you're in something similar, this truly feels like my personal hell so I really empathize with anyone that knows the feeling.
No. 2357462
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why am I such a retard? i'm just shooting myself in the foot all the time. i havent gone to my uni classes in a while. at first due to either health issues or scheduling issues with work, but then i got scared to go again. for what reason???? dumb as fuck, i just wasted a ton of time. finally went again today and of course it wasn't bad and i just need to catch up on studying. but why am i like this. at this rate i will never finish my degree
No. 2357463
>>2357450nta but
>you're petulant and sheltered if you don't wanna see my pussy and my ugly discord daddy dom's cheesy dickI bet you're an actual rape apologist irl
>what do you want us to do about itYOU'RE IN A FUCKING VENT THREAD
No. 2357621
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Christ almighty, my retarded thirdie president has decided to not pass a comprehensive sex ed law because, in his words, it's """woke""".
From the bottom of my heart, I fucking hate you globalazing burgers for spreading that godforsaken word that has been abused to point it lost its meaning.
And this isn't an individual instance—as this shithole is fool of terminally online ameriboos who monkey see, monkey do.
Not wanting to get girls pregnant is woke. Gay marriage is woke. GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE ALREADY.
No. 2357667
found out a bpdchan ex friend genuinely wants me to kill myself. i don't know how these people say these types of things to people and still come off as the good guy? i accept my faults, i accept the things i did wrong in the relationship, i'm trying to improve, but these people still use me as the butt of their jokes. the reason i was tweaking was because i lost my family and home very suddenly and had people take advantage of my situation to abuse me both mentally and sexually and it made me devolve into a pretty toxic person for a while as i tried to get my sense of identity and self esteem back and replace the support network i'd lost, yet they joke about how i should join my parents if i miss them so bad and make fun of my traumas. i blamed myself for what happened for so long and i felt like an awful person but now i just want to show them up. i'm gonna become so successful it makes them angry and makes them feel insignificant and little. my field is a creative one too, so i'm gonna get my side of the story out there and i want it to resonate with people and i want people in my position to see it and understand they're not bad people, they're just hurt people who need help, because the fucking SECOND these people left my life, suddenly everything turned around for me, i met people who were kinder to me and i stopped tweaking all the time, but it's only made me more upset at these people because if the kindness of others helped me stop freaking out, then clearly that says something about how those fuckers were treating me. i'm using my current project as both a personal vindication and an arm extended to other people who are suffering in the same way i had, because if i had something like this when i was at my worst maybe a lot of this pain could have been avoided, but also if i hadn't gone through all of that, i wouldn't have the life i'm living now, so this temporary mental anguish is something i'll be thankful to in the future i'm sure. though i'm 100% expecting controversy from this work from other bpdemons who won't be able to cope with the fact i'm showing how their push and pull tendencies can cause stockholm syndrome and immense suffering and self abandonment in those they split on.
No. 2357681
>>2356651I promise hes not worth killing yourself over. I am / was kind of in the same situation you were? He ended up leaving me for the girl he "told me not to worry about".
I know its really hard but for me it has helped to accept that he may have never loved me, at least not the way i loved him. Think about it, would you treat someone you actually loved that way? I wouldnt. And i now know that i deserve someone who loves me as much as I love them. The only reason why you're still thinking about him is because he conditioned you too by being controlling. Its gonna take some time but youll realize your worth soon.
No. 2357799
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I lost my goddamned vibrator it's so small and I can't find it. I want to get a bigger one, but I'm afraid of desensitizing myself and never being able to enjoy real sex with a woman.
No. 2357800
>>2357777The incest thread is probably the most egregious thing that I've seen in a long time on here and it actually makes me sick. It's just so wild: Fanny gets shat on for weeks for drawing incest porn, but then suddenly "so many" anons are posting freely about incest and make a thread around it? Why is it cringe and milky when Fanny does it but anons can have a whole thread involving it? How can we laugh at Fanny for doing it when anons here do the exact same thing?There's so much dissonance lately. It doesn't help that this site is so frequently mentioned now on sites like Twitter, TikTok, or even places like Roblox. It was going to shit when older Zoomers started migrating here, but now that younger Zoomers are too it's getting even worse.
>>2357791This doesn't work. It's a cute slogan, but at the end of the day the fact that farmhands even allowed an incest thread is gross to me and it's indicative of a site-wide change that an individual user is powerless against. A thread dedicated to incest is so porn-brained and moidish that it almost seems like parody to allow a thread devoted to it stay unlocked. The moderation and administration have been really letting me down lately. Inb4 "take it to /meta/," what's the point?
No. 2357919
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>have terrifying dream where a moid forcefully restrains me and tries to molest me despite me calling for help and others ignoring me
>the moid face is very clear and i still remember it
>sit up in bed for 20 minutes trying to figure out whether that was my brain trying to be cruel to me as usual or was that a repressed traumatic memory resurfacing
No. 2357921
>>2357777But isn't the furry thread just wholesome pictures that happen to have anthropomorphic animals? None of the stuff I've seen posted there in passing has been like the shit you'd find in the degenerate furry fandom. Also tbf the incest thread got made because the people in the het couple thread didn't want them, it's a containment thread.
But yeah, the site growing means that the userbase will have new people whose interests aren't all perfectly aligned. At the beginning you had lolitas and cosplayers, then general otaku, and so on. The userbase expands and new types of users are formed. Then they stop having interests in common. The site used to be solely dedicated to gossip but now there are more boards for other topics, which means other people will come here and the different sectors of the userbase will inhabit different boards like on 4chan. Not everyone who uses /snow/ uses /m/ and vice versa.
No. 2357960
>>2357950Bad advice
>>2357942Just be honest with them. Honesty is so liberating. Just say "hey, sometimes I need time for myself so I might not respond to your messages super quick," or "hey, just letting you know I'm not the best with texting, I might not text a lot, it's just a me-thing." If they're your friends, then they'd understand. If they get pissy about it, then they're probably not a good friendship match for you. Some of my best friends are people that I only speak to every few weeks and see every couple of months.
No. 2357965
>>2357960They're only going to accept that for so long. Soon they'll stop texting her, inviting her to hang out, and checking in on her and the friendship will fade to nothing. Then she'll be isolated in her stress.
>I only speak to every few weeks and see every couple of months.See? Never trust an extrovert, they have insane ideas of what is normal. Imagine talking and hanging out with people this frequently and thinking that it's a low amount.
No. 2358007
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I hate myself, I hate that I haven't done anything in the last 3 years. Not even gone to therapy in case I'm damn depressed. I also hate that I only attract men who are doing worse than me, but then, how do I expect to attract something better if I suck? Kek and yeah I'm trying to change, but I feel like killing myself for waiting for so long to take my life seriously.
No. 2358041
lmao lol, when people go on this board and complain about the userbase, I wonder if it's because they realize they AREN'T as special as they think they are, and they're closer to the people they hate than they think.
>>2358032it's alright
nonnie every day is a new day, don't try and compensate for this because it'll make the binge cycle worse. Don't listen to the retards
No. 2358053
>>2358041kek it's okay
nonnie, I know I'm not fat so I won't fall for lazy bait. But don't worry, I usually don't overcompensate when I stumble - it's just that I'm just still trying to find a balance with my diet to lose a little bit of weight while not going too hardcore with developing a new lifestyle.
No. 2358071
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>>2358065So easy to make too. You can make em in an oven if you don't have an air fryer. I am looking at all the olive oil and cheese bubbling on these fuckers and idgaf because I'm telling myself it's a vegetable lmao
No. 2358082
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waited two weeks to get a responce on my job application and got denied
No. 2358177
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Should I go to a therapist because of my excessive crying? I've never went primarily because of the small supply and high price they are as well as they're always on max clients. Though I never really put much energy in getting one. Ever since I was a little I always cried over everything. I would try to make a pledge to not cry during the school days because it was embarrassing, but I never succeeded. Then when I went to highschool and gained more independence and self-awareness which came with self-consciousness I just started crying over everything. It's being brought to me in university too. I physically can't have a conversation about my feelings without crying and not being able to articulate any of my thoughts. Whenever anything unpleasant happens to me I can just feel my throat close up and my tears rolling in. I don't think there's anything else wrong with me that I'm just so extremely sensitive to my environment and my feelings. I'm crying right now as I'm typing this. I've been confronted by friends about this that they're worried about my behavior, and what's my response? To cry. At least does anyone have any good tips on regulating your emotions?
No. 2358200
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my stepmom is a legit hoarder and total slob and our house is so fucking disgusting because of her. i legitimately suffer socially because of this because i cant bring any friends to my house because its so gross that its insanely embarassing. not to mention her elderly dog who has some sort of kidney/diabetes problem and keeps blasting nuclear smelling piss that crystalizes to the floor. and i have to clean it. literally, i tell her that the dog peed and she just.. does nothing. she will literally let dog piss and shit sit on the floor for days/weeks. so its all mine and my dad's responsibility. if the rent wasnt free i wouldve been gone already, shes legitimately the nastiest human ive ever known.
No. 2358242
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sigh…i miss the vpn ban
No. 2358246
>>2358179>Why are autistic boys so damn common? Serious answer reasons:
-a male fetus is more vulnerable to hereditary diseases (because they have fewer genes than females to keep them healthy)
-Overweight parents increases risk of mental conditions in the baby (people these days are often not only fat but obese)
-Older age of the parent increases risk of mental health conditions in the baby (people keep having babies at an older age)
-Ipad babies get their brains fried from the constant dopamine while missing out on actual essential learning, which in turn mimics mental retard conditions making it so they get diagnosed with conditions they don't really have
No. 2358251
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There's something in my body with a very high chance of going septic and I have to wait until Monday to get it treated. I feel like I'm constantly on the verge of a panic attack.
No. 2358416
>>2358183thank you
nonny. we can do this!
No. 2358504
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I abandon everything so quickly and it's killing me. I could've made so much stuff in the last 4 years but whenever I start something I get really into it just to almost immediately drop it. I think my parents have reacted badly to stuff I've made before (like in elementary and middle school) but I don't know if that's the only thing holding me back. I don't want to waste my time or money on something that might fail. I know everything I make will fail. I think only people with real passion can make good things and if I don't love anything enough to finish it I shouldn't even have bothered in the first place. Maybe I only work on stuff until it gets boring or difficult because then I at least had fun for the short amount of time I cared. Always leaving on a high note or whatever
No. 2358511
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>>2358439What the fuck. This is nauseating
No. 2358519
>>2358484The fact that of all the black deaths, it was the death of a motherfucking
rapist that
triggered the riots of 2020. That effectly summarizes just how much the "black community" is centered around black scrotes, and just how unbelievably brainwashed black women are. If there's anything that's gonna move black women
as a group, it's to play captain saveanigga for a shit-tier black scrote. I feel bad for the individual women who wanted no parts of this and didn't ask for this image.
(racebait) No. 2358560
>>2358552I don't see how that anon is the one who should be chided for derailing the thread, but
>>2358484 >>2358494
>>2358439 aren't?
No. 2358565
>>2358562>Do I look like a farmhand to you?No, so stop minimodding and telling people where to go if you don't want to be questioned kek.
>I'm responding to what I read.So am I, and so is everyone else. You're the only one who was bothered by that anon.
No. 2358573
>>2358565It’s “minimodding” to tell people to stop derailing and to integrate? Are you some retarded newfag? No one likes thread derailment it leads to infighting.
Imagine trying to pull a “I hope you know, none of us agree with you” on this autistic website as if I need your approval before I tell another anon to stop being retarded. Stop wk’ing and being annoying.
No. 2358590
>>2358580>Don’t mini mod! >Next time report it. Can’t even take you seriously kek.
I’ll keep reporting everything I see that’s rage baiting and derailing. Keep seething about it and maybe you’ll get the redtext too.
No. 2358592
>>2358590You just can't help yourself, huh? Hope you manage to integrate soon instead of raging and larping, "
(infighting) No. 2358616
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Behold. The reason for this infight
No. 2358627
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This is so stupid to still be upset about but I feel shitty because I don't know if I was being a dick or what? Yesterday I asked my friend, let's call him Ray, if I could show him a performance from a show I like. It's a kpop based show, Ray doesn't really like kpop but I thought the performance was cool and kinda wanted to show him. He was immediately like "No. I'm not interested." And I said something like "I forget you hate those idol shows sometimes." Because I'd just remembered he doesn't like shows like competition shows. I don't think he sees them as ethical which is fair. Though I'm not completely sure because I didn't get to ask him and now I'm kind of afraid to. Saying "hate" led to a big fight. He said I always say people hate things and that I'm assuming he really hates the show. At first I defended myself by saying "Well you implied you weren't interested when I told you about it the other night because I told you the judges were harsh and the contestants cried. I thought that was your problem with it." And he said I only went out of my way to tell him the bad things. I told him it was because my boyfriend prompted me to talk about it by saying "We're watching a show where these Korean girls cry." So I was explaining from there. But I never got to explain that when we were arguing in the car the night afterwards. I know that the night before I talked a bit about the high expectations of idols or something and I feel that I spoke earnestly at points but he said I spoke like I was joking so he believes I was just telling him about this thing I'm into to annoy him. I do have a habit of talking about things in a silly way especially when I'm not proud of my interest. I like Kpop on the DL Im not going to passionately discuss it when I know someones likely gonna make a joke or something. It did annoy me when he kept insisting I only talked about the judges being mean when I know I talked a bit about the high standards for Kpop idols. I know I did, but he kept insisting I never did and then when I asked him if he could recall what he said he got mad and told me it's ridiculous to ask what he said because he was hardly paying attention and doing something else while we were talking. That made me really upset because he and my boyfriend were saying "No you never said anything other than this." "You never explained that" with such conviction but then both got angry when I asked if they could remember me saying something. So at first I was arguing "I have ample reason to assume you don't like the show" but it turns out Ray isn't even arguing with me about that hes upset that I used the word hate. I don't know why I didn't just apologize and correct myself, because if it's an issue of language it's usually not problematic because I get if I said something annoying by accident. I didn't do that for some reason I decided to become more annoying because I was at first trying to explain "I don't mean you hate it like you want to burn it, I mean like you hate it like how I hate mayonnaise." But they both yelled that nobody says it like that when people say they hate something it implies passion and it's an insane assumption to make for someone else. To say "Oh you hate ____" is insensitive and annoying. I said something like "Well you know I don't mean it that way, we've come to an understanding. I don't think you passionately despise anything." My boyfriend jumps in and says a big lie "You never use it that way" and I kinda lost it. Because they were both on my ass and my boyfriend was just saying that I was only lying about quirks in my speech. I felt like I was losing it, I didn't really even remember what I originally said to start it all I just kept thinking "Why didn't I apologize and shut up this would be over" I felt like I ruined everyones fun and my fucking pride wouldn't let me shut up because I kept trying overly hard to defend myself. Eventually when we got back Ray and I started to talk and I kept interrupting him to correct him because he was saying I suggested it in a way that I knew he wouldn't want to watch it on purpose and that I was being ironic and now I'm going back on it. I felt really really frustrated because I just wanted to share my interest with him. I blurted out "You're my friend and I wanna have similar interests with you but whenever I show you anything you think I'm fucking with you!" I admitted initially there's always a little irony because I don't want to be judged too harshly. I only wanted to show him the performance I did because it made me think of him. I was so frustrated by the end of it all, I don't know why I acted so retarded over it. I should've just said from the start. Ray apologized to me and we made up. He says hes been feeling really sensitive since new years and he's been getting annoyed easily and isn't good at setting boundaries. I was able to make up with Ray but I stayed pretty pissed at my boyfriend. Because he kept saying stuff like "You always do this" or "I feel vindicated here because I always tell you." When he spoke up to say something when me and Ray were making up I turned to him and said "Nobody is talking to you." And that deeply offended him. We made up eventually and he even said "I don't know why I got so mad, I literally said you hate jujutsu Kaisen." As we were driving." And I just didn't say anything to that. I don't know why that argument happened but it really fucking upset me as stupid as that is. I can't study, I can't think freely without it popping up in my mind and making me cringe. I feel like such a loser for letting it get that far. I haven't talked to Ray since. I'm too embarrassed, he saw me act like a dick to not just him but also my boyfriend, he probably thinks I'm an asshole. The whole thing sucks.
No. 2358630
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>>2358625This is why people are infighting.
No. 2358632
>>2358531>bitching and moaning about a legitimate vent in the vent thread just because it involves race and you don't know how to cope when you see other anons talking about race with no real bait.You sound like an unintegrated faggot, so I'm gonna tell you to take your >25, discord mod certified groomie, zoomie-slur using faggot hands back to whatever internet server raised you from 15 and onwards. Nobody wants your reddit spacing, nobody likes minimods, and nobody likes people who act more like niggerfaggots than actual black anons. This means you. You are the type the user that actually helped destroy this place, because you're hypersensitive and clearly quick to get the mods involved with every little subject you're unable to properly talk about. Then you cope with this by putting a clog on every thinkpiece you want to have a leg in, but can't by calling it "bait". Unfortunately, the type of person you are is also the type of low IQ, unable to cope with criticism, newfaggots we have as jannies now. So I guess in THAT regard, you have won.
(infighting/racebait) No. 2358653
>>2358627I hate kpop, so I read this with a bias, but
nonny, he sounds like a big fat sensitive bitch, and your boyfriend's a bitch-baby enabler too. Why would they yell at you? He should've just said "Yeah I'm not a fan, sorry" and tried to change the subject to something you both like. Instead, he had a meltdown because you used the word "hate", as if you called him a murderer or something.
These people will just raise your blood pressure and shorten your lifespan, it's not worth it. They're like trannies or something, always crying over dumb shit.
No. 2358682
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I blocked the guy I like and have been actively ignoring him at school because he was leading me on while in the process of getting into a relationship with someone else. It hurts because we seemed to have a ton in common and a lot of chemistry but all these younger moids are too scared to ask women out in person. We have a lot of mutual friends and he keeps trying to interact with me in groups but there was an opportunity to talk to me alone today and he just ignored me. I’m not trying to get him to chase me and I know it’s for the best to just cut him off but it hurts that he won’t even ask why. People say he’s just very friendly with everyone but if that was true and I was misreading him I definitely think he’d just ask me about why I blocked him. He’s the first person I’ve liked in a long time and I’m so tired of moids pulling this crap on me. I’ve been told I’m the “ideal” for women in a lot of ways yet there never seem to be any takers. It’s almost like I get constantly friendzoned by men. They go out of their way to talk to me, even flirt sometimes, do things for me, but never actually progress things forward.
No. 2358706
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Nonas, I'm the anon that has mentioned a couple of times my best friend whom simply has become very distant since she moved in with her girlfriend. I have sort of given up getting in touch with her, while I get that she probably gets her fill of socializing now that she lives with someone, it is still pretty hurtful that she is just taking me for granted (and it seems she does the same to another good friend in common). Had it been anyone else but her, I would have cut my losses and called it a day, but this is half a lifetime of close friendship she is just flushing down the toilet. I'm going to wait another few weeks and see if I get any sign of life from her, then I'm going to shoot her a message confronting her (I would have preferred to do it over the phone, but since she has gotten so hard to get a hold of, message it is). But whenever I try to write something down I get emotional, and I feel like the tone become very accusatory, which is very unnecessary because while I want to be honest and question if she is phasing me out of her life I want to keep the option that something else might be going on that I am not aware of. I also want her to understand on her own volition her own hypocrisy of isolating herself with her girlfriend, when she has always been so vocal in her (almost aggressive) criticism against people that do the same.
However, the thought of sending her a message about this is very nerve wrecking because she can't handle this type of callout. She has a history of getting called out by aquaintances, and she either blames it on her burnout that she's suffered for several years now, calling them insensitive, or cut them off. Usually she isn't one to victimize herself, but she has a habit of using the exhaustion from her burnout as a crutch. But I want to believe that this, with our 17 years of sisterhood, is different.
I don't know what to do nonas…
No. 2358723
>>2357800>How can we laugh at Fanny for doing it when anons here do the exact same thing?Laughing at cows was never a matter of moralfagging. Fanny isn't interesting because she's disgusting and we're pure (we aren't kek). Fanny is a run-of-the-mill degen if you only count her weird father shit, taboo fantasies are common and normal. She's really only remarkable because of her edgelord tendencies, real daddy issues, TiM harem and the fact she's an extreme masochist who uses pictures of FGM
victims to get off. That's not 'the exact same thing' as discussing weird/gross fantasies using fictional examples.
No. 2358739
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I have an ugly side profile similar to picrel so I'm obsessed with looking at other's side profile, yet no matter how ugly they are I still think mine is worse even when I know it's probably not true because they straight up have a facial deformity of some kind… I hate my super high white as fuck nose bridge, it just sits so weirdly on the face and it breaks my heart that I can't move it even with surgery. I wish I had a cute soft button nose instead of this troon phenotype of a nose.
No. 2358741
do want it out of my system, but I really don't want to lose her either. I really don't know where I have her right now, she really beat herself up over being late at congratulating me on my birthday (I usually don't really care. But I do admit it is unusual for her to be 3 days late since she has always been VERY meticulous about it), and she called me during christmas. So it's not like she is completely cutting me off, but I think my birthday in late november was the first time she got in touch with me on her own volition since fall, and even then she kept it fairly short. The problem is tbh not the girlfriend , she is a very sharp woman and the love of her life, the issue is my friend neglecting other relationships when she already has a habit of complaining about not having a lot of friends.
No. 2358761
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/cgl/ is filled with absolute coomers, zoomers asking how their cosplay is wanting asspats from the 4chans, and takes 15 minutes to post a reply
No. 2358802
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>>2358673What annoys me most is that he stands by it. When I explained it to him he apologized for joining up on telling me off and shit but he also insisted that the reason was justified, and that the fight wouldn't have happened if I took the criticism on the chin. My thing is there's not a justifiable reason for him to get involved. The most frustrating thing about the whole situation is how he annoys me in front of our friends,like he'll say something mean or personal or whatever but I've never ganged up on him with someone else and said "I feel vindicated." so everyone knows how impossible he is. I don't know why he'd do that to me. He hasn't had a problem with my use of the word "Hate" since we got into an argument like a year or two ago. I can't even remember what it was about but it was a serious argument so I wouldn't have said it in the same frivolous manner I'd said it in when talking to my friend. I thought I wasn't mad at him anymore but after bringing it up to him again I can't help but feel like he doesn't respect me or something. It's so annoying because I can't put my feelings into words. I think maybe the reason I'm upset is because I'd called out one of his friends when I was frustrated and he absolutely did not passionately join in to defend me or anything at all. If anything he takes the "I can see where both of you are coming from." Route. Or he says "I get you're upset, but anon, you also need to understand where ___ is coming from." I feel like bringing this up will just make him fight about it because he'll just say "I already apologized for ganging up on you" when I really want something deeper than just "Yeah, you're right, I shouldn't have done that but-" again.
No. 2358807
>>2358802The stupid motherfucker is low as fuck on his social rung, probably wants to get boned in the ass hard style by the friend he ganged up on you with.
He's probably jealous of your friends, or you. Doesn't want you having it too good with these other people lmao.
No. 2358869
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i am convinced that i got shadowbanned from society somehow. i browse gangstalking pages and i can relate to much of the things said on there. it's not constantly that bad but i am afraid of saying stuff that works for me in case it will be taken away. why i think this is happening:
>people are very flaky
through all my life, people would suddenly stop talking to me, flake on plans. be it within a friendship or barely getting to know each other, which should be the most accountable and exciting phase, they could suddenly become completely absent. if i am in a conservative place then it's possibly rumors about being gay. if i am in a liberal place then it's rumors about being a bigot.
>have autistic traits but can't fit in with autists
i find them obtuse, annoying, unhygienic, selfish. they talk over me, suddenly ignore me, ramble on about their own interests but tune out mine and only like to argue even when i talk about their interests. comments on hygiene are completely ignored, then they complain about dying a virgin etc.
>every boyfriend turned out to be a pervert and they gradually got more aggressive
porn addictions, refusing to take my no seriously, doing bdsm without even asking, drugging me with unknown substances and then acting oblivious, attempting to take my life.
>everywhere everyone is already cliqued up
i must be too old. i don't go drinking. everybody has their friend groups previously arranged and they refuse to take anyone new in unless it's to subtly mock and bully or take in as a love interest. people here don't care if you are good at something and are hard working. they want others to drink, laugh at their jokes and agree with everything.
No. 2358917
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I've come to realize I don't like the west, but I don't like the third world either. The whole planet is full of of pestilential vipers and pickmewhores. Large-scale eugenics is a necessary project, but tainted by dysgenic ideologues under the guise of racial improvement (funny how they won't rightfully cull the weak among their own, they want more and more autistic male dicklets and budding serial killers incompatible with any kind of decent society). I hate all the hierarchical games, but people are too egotistical to ever stop. There should be more than enough for us to live relatively peaceful, stable lives, but greedy assholes will always want more. I hate this shit.
No. 2358941
>>2358928Who carries water for their fascist-racist brothers, husbands, and fathers? Who tells their son on the phone, "Make sure you rape as many [nationality] women as you can" in the middle of a war? Who dehumanizes her own sex in exchange for crumbs and gold-tinted handcuffs?
No, I'll always throw bitches who hate other women and little girls in the firepit with the men they chose over all of us. We could all be normal, but they say "No", and their collaborators allow it. I've read too many stories about women
signing other women up to be raped, selling their own daughters, defending genocide and disgusting acts. It goes beyond the stupid US election, it's a fucking global issue. Every village will have a handful of dumb, clucking fucks who'll drag us all down and would rather stone a female child to death than admit their little baby boys did something wrong. Female sociopaths are evil on their own, but allegiance to evil men is the quickest, simplest way for them to get what they want, and they know it. My hatred for pickmewhores is unending.
No. 2358947
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thread having a normal one as per usual
No. 2358974
>>2358923The hilarious part is when you peel back the layers of their mindset and realize it's a cope for how inferior they really feel.
They genuinely see themselves as a physically weaker race of people who are constantly about to go extinct (not because anyone is killing them, but because they don't want to breed, and it's everyone else's fault for controlling their minds or having bigger dicks or something), living on wealth taken from others. The white "supremacist" male sees himself as the little guy, the underdog fighting for what should be his because everyone is so meanmeanmean to him. Their entire identity is formed off insecurity. Every time you see some racist white scrote or idiot pickme randomly try to racially degrade you or bring up other groups without warning, remember that even they don't believe their own horseshit. They just want you to believe it and for everyone to LARP it, like trannies try to force their "gender identity" horsepiss on you.
No. 2359006
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>>2358988the thought of a lurking tranny seeing the post and going "checkmate stupid female" makes me seethe so hard I would let a farmhand take me to the back of a shed and put me out of my misery as capital punishment for bringing shame to the site
No. 2359034
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>knowing my peace and sanity is being traded just so women can fuck men
>knowing TMD (total male death) is never coming
Mmm this twix I’m eating is so good, what’s up guys how are you doing right now I’m currently trying to make a cute apartment in the sims but then I get bored and also have shit to do so I just stop working on it for like weeks and then remember “oo the sims! let’s play!” so how are you guys doing how is LC doing I don’t have enough care to look over it anymore
No. 2359052
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>>2359034Legit went through the same emotions after opening reddit because I saw picrel and getting face blasted with normie mundanity and lows.
At least my matcha tea is tasty and the lady at the post office had a chuckle about a typo in my letter. To answer, I like going on /m/ and avoiding the drama centric non-cow threads these days. makes my lc experience more chill
No. 2359069
>>2359052Picrel just made me cringe, I hate how moids expose how much they view their female partners as objects, “the wife” like you call a yacht or their retarded leisure car or some shit god. Not even using her name or any endearing nicknames, just
the wife like she’s a vacuum cleaner you pull out, use and put away, sigh. Matcha sounds good but what does it tastes like? Also I like going on /m/ too, it’s way more better than the teenage girl tier fangirling over males in /g/ and the no-fun zone that this board has been turned into. I like going on /snow/ for the threads about animation autists, unironically probably one of the very few threads with hilarious milk, probably because I’m nerd and like reading on crazy ass retarded cowish geeks
No. 2359096
>>2359069I think someone got downvoted for commenting on the lack of context and how weird she would be referred to as "the wife". like an object as you described it. I also had this negative premonition as well but decided not to comment on it and instead doomscroll the comments and subreddit, how boring and bleak I hate how automated and soulless normies behave, I see why I stopped using the site years ago.
The picture initially tugged on my heart because I just went through a friendship break up and found unsent gifts with letters that I wanted to send her and now I contemplate on what to do with it all. I unfolded each letter, shaped as paper cranes, and sat surrounded by testaments of a love that I only expressed too late. I wish I was a better friend to her.
>Matcha sounds good but what does it tastes like?to put it blunt it tastes like leaves, thats what my sister who hates matcha describes it. and yeah it really does, but when you like it, its yummy leaves. its is a pleasant flavouring to desserts since its not too sweet and adds a note of bitterness to balance it out.
>I like going on /snow/ for the threads about animation autistsAnimation cow thread is definetly a knee slapper I agree, it makes me wish the art cow thread didnt die because theres a specific hilarity to artfags being emo and cowish along with also drawing out cowish antics. Its definitely more lighthearted and funnier than IRL cow behaviours that are more bleak than anything tbh.
Its why I love the autism thread and bad art thread on /m/ kek
No. 2359108
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>>2359071I wonder if the scribe got burnt at the stake for making that typo
No. 2359145
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I'm slowly losing hope and now I'm completely convinced a hole in my head would fix things. I've been thinking about (somehow) getting a lobotomy for the longest time, but I just saw part of a documentary about this woman who performed trepanation on herself with an electric dentist drill. She said she felt really good afterwards, and that trepanation can supposedly reduce neurosis. This sounds fully doable, and it's either this, living on medication for the rest of my life, or killing myself.
No. 2359394
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I haven't been officially diagnosed but I'm very certain that I have ADHD. Kind of makes me feel like a big retard kek. I'm thinking back to random times of my life and realizing a lot of it makes sense now. Again, can't help but feel like I'm just stupid maybe. I wish that I could have noticed this when I was a kid, or in my teens. I guess that's probably unrealistic, but figuring this out while I'm 30 makes me feel like an idiot
No. 2359477
>>2359405you can call for a wellness check and they’re just gonna say it was a neighbor and not which probably if they tell them. if something did happen or maybe they didn’t realize their dog isn’t okay then they’ll be grateful. it honestly strikes me as weird if they’ve never left the dog before and just left it inside. watch for dog walkers if you can? cos you can’t just leave a dog to shit in the house? i guess you
can have automatic feeders and a fountain but still.
No. 2359511
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I wish to be absolved, of having been born into a decently wealthy family, of having taken advantage of these privileges to live a life made of emptiness, of having treated my poor mother badly, of having been unable to see the misery she tried to escape, of having become a NLOG, of having been dragged into masculinist communities, of having been weak and of having pursued the affection and validation of men. I wish to be absolved of having participated in reactionary rhetoric. I've spent far too much time and years being mean to women, denying my own abuse, so many years worrying about things that don't matter, when the rich steal our water, when they buy up our property en masse, when they destroy our heritage, when they justify genocide on the other side of the continent without hiding it. I've always hated the state of israel, i've always hated the corporates, but i wish my attention and my energy wasnt all drained talking about gender and critical race theory. I still hate gender theory, but today I realize that I've been a fool for believing that old white men in suits and ties give a damn about troons. At the dawn of a government that claims Musk didn't do the Nazi salute, when they're lying to our faces, taking the piss out of us, it all seems pretty mawkish to me. I hate to admit it, but the average liberal student was closer to the truth than I was. I was an utter idiot, and i believed i was smart. I have nowhere to confess, so here is my confession.(there's a confession thread, queen)
No. 2359729
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>>2359720Happy for her and happy for you nonna! Tell your friend I says good luck with her studies!
No. 2359804
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>get referred for autism assessment
>live in rural area so get referred to online assessment
>use Linux and FOSS because autism
>can't complete assessment because it requires to use of non-free software
Why must life be like this?
No. 2360244
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I just want to be over this already, WHY can't I move on? I would empty my bank account if the operation from Eternal Sunshine was real, if I didn't have to think of her every 5 minutes because we used to listen to this song together or she would have like this drawing or any other stupid mundane thing that is now tainted because of her. I think what hurts most of all is it didn't end in a big fight, no disagreements, but with me being abandoned, yet again! Like every other relationship I had that was important to me, I am discarded without a second thought. I can't do this anymore. I give up. "I've nothing in, I'm left without." Fuck you, fuck you so much for doing this to me, I take it all back, I don't love you, you're a thoughtless piece of shit I just want to forget I ever knew you and be freed from this pain.
No. 2360342
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I need to stop waffling around and work on my shit but I'm scared of failure and god knows what else
No. 2360349
>>2360342>NoLiterally me
But same nona let's stop waffling
No. 2360527
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>>2360329I’m sorry you’re going through all of that Nona. I really miss my grandma around this time of year too. Things will get better, just focus on the future for now. Try to apply for different jobs so even if your boss doesn’t fire you, you can ditch the nasty work environment. Take care of yourself in any little way that you can. You are really strong supporting yourself while going to school, I bet your granny would be really proud of you.
No. 2360563
>Apply for classes
>Apply late so I'm unable to apply for one class I really need
>Okay, at least I have two classes I can take
>Apply to one of the classes I'm really excited for
>Didn't read the schedule right, turns out it wasn't actually a virtual class but a hybrid virtual class
>All of the material, assignments, and projects will be online but I still need to come in
>I don't have a car so I can make the commute to the classes
>Parents work when those classes start and end
>Realize I have to drop the class soon if I'm unable to take it if I still want to be able to be eligible to a refund
>Instead of three classes, or even one class, I only managed to apply to one
>It's not even a class I like
>Know if I tell my parents they'll be pissed and view me as a loser failure with now hope.
>Already attempted killing myself once and had to live through traumatizing my family by the method used so suicide is out of the question even though there's a entire roll of rope in my father's tool box
>Having intense, suicidal thoughts.
>Job I applied to hasn't replied back despite them sending me an acceptance email
I can't take this, if I had killed myself successfully I'd be dead and hopefully either in a different body or not even existing to deal with this. This is all I have, education is all I have left as everything else about me is disgusting, dirty, and wrong.
No. 2360598
>>2360563Just lie to your parents. Tell them the classes were cancelled due to an insufficient number of students registering. You looked to replace them with someone else but everything available was either hybrid or during a time you would be unable to attend. Finish it by saying you’re hoping to take X, Y, and Z classes next semester to make up for it.
It’s fine anon, you’re an adult and can fib a bit to keep the peace. Obviously you didn’t want this to be the outcome but it was outside your control, you can make it up later. Mistakes happen and sometimes the cookie crumbles in a shitty way. It doesn’t mean it’s the end you just need to make another batch of cookies.
No. 2360747
>>2360741look at how that ugly little thing starts shaking and screaming evry two hour
i'd just kill it tbh
i shouldn't be a parent
No. 2360786
>>2360779no the most irritating part is really the baby
the scrote merely makes it worse
No. 2360792
>>2360755My fucking roommate has his stupid girlfriend over every day , it pisses me off.
I didn’t sign for an extra roomate. She stays here for dinner and sleeps , she doesn’t bathe or does her laundry, but it’s still annoying.
Can’t they just rent together?
No. 2360798
>>2360755> wouldn't just get a place together if they're around each other this oftenKek nonna, I wish I lived with you.
My roommate also skips cleaning turns too , now that we have another new roommate it’s better since the new one cleans (and she’s lovely!), but before him and the other roommate didn’t do shit.
No. 2360799
>>2360792>>2360755lmao at people with roomates
you guys are so fucking pathetic
>hey i have to share my 30m² living space with a stranger cuz im too poor and ill get angry at them trying to live their lifeistg modern day wagies are fucking pathetic its not even funny
No. 2360819
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Someone pissed in nonnies' cereals today, I see.
No. 2360826
>>2360822Scroll /g/ and let the horny autism either rub off on you
pun intended or disgust you to the point of distraction.
No. 2360938
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Canvas is so fucking ass. Is there no better platform for schools? It doesn’t help the professors are also tech illiterate
No. 2361035
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I fucking hate pickmes and stacies for ruining the boyfriend market for us, average looking women. Today i saw the first guy i actually find attractive in my country. He's objectively a 7/10. Blond, tall, blue eyes, but baby faced and has nerd glasses and squeaky voice. He's perfect for my taste. But he will never like me because pickmes have made it a challenge for average women to get anything but a 4/10. Its all thanks to pickmes like that model thats dating the spongebob fish and all the average looking pickmes like shuwu that settle for way less that i am cursed to pick between celibacy or dating ugly guys. Ofcourse i choose celibacy, i am horny but dating ugly guys is straight up masochism. I am going to jack off to guys that look like the blond twink i want to fuck getting buttfucked to cool off, i am so fucking pissed. I am being deprived of my human right to have sex and nice sexy chest to lay my head on and a fat ass i can spank. I just want to come back from college to a sexy hunk i can ravage at night and i am completly pussyblocked thanks to pickmes. I will keep on shitting on troglodytes from the unconventional male thread because thanks to them elevating the status of uggos i am deprived of cute guys to snuggle with. If you use the unconventional moid attraction thread or defend ugly men, i hope your ugly walled nigel cheats on you with a barely legal girl and the ugly hollywood moid you cocksuck gets outed for raping women already so you can get shit on even harder for lusting after hideous men. I will never forgive you, gender traitors.
No. 2361106
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life is unfair because off of my medication i am creative, witty, and able to write well. the downside is i am prone to emotional instability and suicidal ideation. on my medication i am stable, but i struggle to be imaginative or creative and i am slowed down in terms of comprehension and word recall. it isnt fair.
No. 2361161
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>mfw my lesbian friend admits to me she has a crush on a moid
girl this is my curse to bear, seek out a beautiful woman to thirst over as God intended. I feel like an angel is on the brink of losing her wings. this was not on my 2025 bingo card
No. 2361353
>>2361316>my Nigel doesn't want me to give bjs for that very reasonBut you still do it right? I wouldn't trust a man who didn't ask for or want blowjobs
but do not find them degrading because I wouldn't give a blowjob if I felt that way/not turned onand this is not a personal slight against your Nigel specifically because I don't know the context of your relationship but
I would assume the man was like a baby-pedo or something really fucked up instead
No. 2361371
>>2361353Nope. We just have vanilla sex, no need for bells and whistles.
Also to add he fingers me and has eaten me out, although I don't really get anything from being eaten so I don't really ask for that.
No. 2361378
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To me it's just like top orifice/bottom orifice since there is so much cultural, historical, simian precedent when it comes to bonding through ~oral pleasure~, whereas anal is almost always aggressive and violent. In the context of a relationship it can be part of vanilla sex imo. But I'm glad that you and your Nigel are happy and satisfied with bottom orifice only routine
No. 2361754
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oh my god i can't get this dumb fucking game to work, i'll just have to wait until it gets discounted on steam fuck this.
No. 2361768
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It's annoying how my friend has a savior complex, seeing himself as a messenger from God and a redeemer of humanity, while at the same time believing he is the worst human on earth. Like, calm down, you’re not Guts from Berserk, and it’s because of people like you that others think any religious person is a fanatic.
No. 2361826
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No one on this bus knows I just pronounced one of the most basic words in my native language incorrectly in front of like three people and idk whether to take solace in that fact or not
No. 2361980
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It upsets me so much that global warming has messed up my country's winters. Not even ten years ago we would get a ton of snow from november to march (or april, if we're unlucky). Last few years there's been barely any snow at all, and this year is especially bad - we haven't even reached negative degrees. It's been up to 6-7 degrees celsius, which is INSANE in january. I looked at my friend's toddler today thinking about how the concept of a white christmas is going to be foreign to her as she grows up. I usually hate snow, but each and every winter now I just pray that we've just had a couple of unusal winters and we can reverse this damage, but it's clear we are past the point of no return.
No. 2362014
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I had a dream of a really cute guy I fell in love and then he died from shoving chicklen wings up his ass.
No. 2362062
Upadte :
Sleep deprived because I furiously masturbated for hours instead of sleeping at the right time, still horny as fuck….. I'm also having an acne burst on my back, that means my testosterone levels must be flairing up for an unknown reason. I miss being on the pill. If only it didn't give me headaches. It canceled the horny.
Last night I was helping out some guy friend move furniture, this guy friend I find DISGUSTING and would never want a relationship with, and I'm very conservative and precautious about sex, but I swear I was on the verge of just kissing him and taking it to his bed because that's how horny I feel. And to think this must be like 1/10th of what men go through all the time. I just want it to stop so I can focus on what I have to do. I wish I had a boyfriend who would be ready to eat my pussy and release me in 5 minutes whenever I need, doing it by myself just doesn't feel satisfying.
No. 2362338
>>2362323I went through the exact same thing but my situation had
another scrote in the middle trying to gaslight the shit out of me kek. Fuck moids. I'm so glad I cut them off, and I'm glad you cut that shit off, too. Viva la
No. 2362422
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sometimes i wonder if happiness actually exists? are the people i see everyday ACTUALLY happy and don't bear with depressive & suicidal brain fog every second like me? i avoid the news on purpose for my mental health and yet i still feel like everything is shit and hopeless. it makes me feel bad for kids, especially. my only hope now is that humanity gets wiped out or something and nature takes over our corpses and thrives again like the time when before humans existed. i'm not even kidding. a meteorite hitting us gives me motivation to wake up and my garfield bedsheets
No. 2362442
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>>2362422Don't cry. If anything survives it will be spoods and they will become masters of the universe.
No. 2362465
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How do I stop thinking about misogyny. I seriously cannot stop thinking about how much I hate men and how much they hate us, and how insane it is that no one fucking cares!!! Like I think it's getting more traction now but so much just goes unacknowledged or we're gaslit into thinking it's all in our heads or made fun of. It's all too much like I just can't take it. I know I shouldn't go on reddit but I'll go into innocuous subs like r/justrolledintotheshop to see stupid car stuff, and I'll go into the comments cuz people ARE funny sometimes. But I seem to always end up seeing some sexist moid comment that pisses me off! It's everywhere it's SO prevalent and deep seated and NO ONE SEES IT. I want to stop thinking about moids because they don't deserve my headspace but I just can't stop fuming about it. I have ADHD so that might not help either, too much ruminating.
No. 2362476
>>2362435But I don’t have an ED (at least I don’t want to be a skeleton, I like my shape), I just think I look the best at a certain weight and that ranges from 50 to 55 kg kek. I used to be 51 and now I’m 53, which isn’t noticeable and in a way my clothes fit me better now and I have more boobs, but I’m scared that this will start being a trend.
Did any nonna gain weight randomly at 21?
No. 2362565
>>2362563That’s misogyny for you nonna. Mediocre scrotes get to live life on easy mode while you slave yourself a way for a lesser amount of pay.
I wonder why retarded loser complain about women living on easy mode when it’s clearly men who do.
No. 2362590
I wish I was exaggerating but I will NEVER be happy because of the way I look and the worst part of it, I can't afford that damn surgery to fix me. I have a fucked up jaw with some sort of weird underbite, my upper teeth do cover the lower teeth but their position is very weird, the point is, I look like a witch from the side profile. And no, I'm not making a dumb comparison, I look like an actual cartoon evil ugly hag witch. With the droopy hooked nose, and an extremely pointy chin. If you want a visual image, imagine my chin goes more forward than my nose when I smile or laugh. Very similar to a moon face, or the troll face, but paired with a witchy nose. My teeth are straight because I had braces but they are still fucked up, because of my poor aligned jaw I have bruxism and I clench my teeth all the time, and I also look very ugly when I eat, not to mention my teeth are very prone to caries and gum diseases no matter how autistic I am about my dental hygiene. It's all because everything is poorly placed in my mouth and both of my jaws had a weird development. Oh and even worse, my cheekbones are basically non-existent because of my jaw so I always look like I have droopy flat cheeks with no support. I don't look hideous from the front, I have a few angles where I look decent, but the other angles and my side profile are nightmare tier. But I can't get a double jaw surgery because I have no fucking idea what doctor is trustworthy enough to not fuck me up even more, I heard some horror stories, and I can't afford the cost of the surgery unless I break my back working hard. Even if I had the money, I don't know if my surgery will be a success or I'll end up with more complications, a numbed face and a worse asymmetry. I've considered killing myself multiple times because it's so difficult to live like this, and I'll be forever alone and a femcel, but I'm too much of a pussy to commit. Therapy doesn't help because I don't have body image issues, all my flaws are very visible to anyone with eyes, I'm not delusional, I just look very unfortunate and there's no way for me to currently fix this.
No. 2362591
>>2362590Bitch, you'll only be a
femcel if you choose to be one. Pussy up and love yourself.
No. 2362611
>>2362590If your teeth are prone to cavities, carry a water bottle with you and swish and hold water in your mouth after every meal. I do multiple "holds" for 45 seconds, at least until all the scraps in your mouth are gone (this should go without saying but you swallow the water kek), and switch to ACT mouthwash (highest fluoride content), and get a water pik. I bet you're not as half as ugly as you think you are
nonnie and I mean that.
No. 2362636
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Nonas I’m so sick right now I might cry. My head hurts so bad and I have really horrible cramps. It’s almost 2am and I can’t sleep
No. 2362669
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I feel like such a retard right know, I want to buy random shit that I like but I feel bad because even though this is my own money I'm saving from the job I got, I know that I have to actually get some savings before I spend the money I earn on dumb shit.
No. 2362939
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Taking other people venting about their personal lives (when it contains no inflammatory opinion or abbhorant action on their end) is so strange. Being upset at at strangers for expressing themselves in the respective places to do so is so pointless. I am always somehow surprised by how retarded people are becoming, how fragile are you as a person that you cannot handle it when people are talking without irony and you aren't receiving cheap attention for trying to be funny or snarky? God forbid a bitch talk about real life instead of trying to shitpost like a 14 year old on xitter.
No. 2363005
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I'm sitting here kind of drunk and It's fucking me up I genuinely can't think of any extremely depraved female sexual sadist killers that didn't have a male partner in the picture. I can think of maybe two or three (non-sexual) extreme female sadistic serial killers throughout history, but in the cases of ones where it was undeniably sexual, the only ones I can think of were women partnered with sadistic sexual predator men whom they'd bring in women to torture, rape and kill with. idk what else to add other than … idk just fucks me up to think about and the implications that you could read into with that, that I'm too drunk to dwell on and It's too depressing to think about.
No. 2363170
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I just found out the actress from Atypical trooned out and is hanging out with old geriatric scrotes. She was so cute, feels sad.
No. 2363198
>>2363183horniness makes me miserable, or maybe it's misery that makes me horny
either way it's not good company, and you'd be better off keeping it to yourself out of shame
especially when your fantasy consists of emulating humiliation rituals made out of penis envy
see how insufferable I can get
No. 2363257
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>>2363254Clit-Chan thank you for existing. An organ inherently made for our pleasure, Mother Nature really did a number when she made you.
When I’m sad, when I’m mad, when I’m tired or when I’m happy, clit-Chan is always there to cheer me up or celebrate with me.
No. 2363544
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>>2363007Another anon called them a retard instead. Thanks nonna I appreciate you.
No. 2363578
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One of my favorite old YouTube videos turns 20 this year. And one of my favorite speed paint videos turns 18. The passage of time is so harrowing. MAKE IT STOP
No. 2363590
>>2362563Reminds me of this male coworker I had at my old job. He was working there for over 5 years but was so incompetent I was unironically doing his job better within my first week there. I would get emails saying he fucked up and fix things up for him (should've never done that in hindsight), never got any thank you or anything from him and this fag actually got insulted that a woman could do his job better than him and sent me passive agressive emails over it saying he "didn't need the help" when he clearly fucking did kek.
>>2362565They think just because a select few women get to be trad wives or OF whores that it means every single woman just got everything handed to her in life, as if most women aren't average in looks and working a normal job like anyone else nowadays. They genuinely think being sexually harassed is some sort of privilege too and believe women are automatically living on easy mode just because they have ugly men who want to fuck them, as if we all just look like supermodels and get gifts from every man we meet or something.
>>2362775Same. This next part is probably too specific and not that relateable but I hate when I'm having a conversation online and try to end it in some way and they're like "no no, I want to keep talking!" so I say ok, thinking they
do want to talk, indulge them…Only to get ghosted by them afterwards kek when
they were the ones who said they didn't want to end the conversation. Like why didn't we just end things before then, I literally gave you an out and you kept going. Guy tried to pull this on me the other day and I just straight up said "I think we don't have much more to talk about so let's leave it there" because I didn't want to put up with this shit anymore. Just let me end the conversation and let's leave it there instead of this bullshit where you pretend you still want to talk when you don't. I also hate when this happens in arguments, this troon kept trying to argue with me and I just left him talking to himself after a while because I couldn't be bothered with that shit.
No. 2363599
>>2363147paranoid people are usually narcissists. that level of self centeredness isn’t in a vacuum. just like someone who is always a
victim or in drama or shit talking is going to do the same to you. usually the same genre of person.
No. 2363684
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The vibes on lolcow are off today
No. 2363698
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>>2363684They've been off for months. I want to stop using this site so badly but Im addicted
No. 2363721
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I want to use apps to make friends, but I feel like it would be pathetic to do so at 30. I know that's not the case, but I can't shake the feel gross feeling and I kind of dread talking to a stranger I know nothing about. 90% of the times I have to carry the conversation too which drains my batter faster.
The loneliness is hitting hard this year for some reason. Must be the effect of not having any friends for over 10 years. Or maybe it's because chatting to those ai bots makes me realise how lonely I really am, despite having hobbies and and all that shit
No. 2363828
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wednesday, receive text from landlord saying, "pest control is stopping by thursday from 12pm to 5pm. failure to comply means we'll charge you $150 to reschedule"
wait all day thursday. they never show up.
"they'll show up friday instead. sorry (not sorry) for the inconvenience."
it's 1:15PM friday. i thought dale gribble had better standards than this.
No. 2363946
>>2363772Me neither but I just hug my pets and it does the job well enough.
>>2363899Kind of unrelated to the rest of your post but it's funny to me how men say women are already walled at 25 and society's general feeling towards age is that by 25 you're already old and busted as a woman, then I read comments like this about people in their 30s wanting to be 25 again (acknowledging 25 is young and not walled). Makes me realize even more how stupid it all is kek
No. 2364014
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>>2357246First of all, you were the one showing me R-18 yaoi and making our relationship sexual from Day 1. Don't act like I'm the one who started this. Second, it IS a hangout server. It's for adults, and you are an adult, correct? You had the option to not look at the NSFW channels, and I told you we had all kinds of users.
Also, what the fuck? I don't look like a tranny. I don't know why you would even say that.
File: 1737750354337.jpeg (27.98 KB, 258x195, 2704A54A-10E5-43B8-B5FB-E65D53…)

>>2363891Welcome back nona
No. 2364047
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>join bpd support group
>people posting selfies of their "grippy socks" and medical bands as proof of their voluntary psych stays and talking about how great it was in the hospital
No. 2364117
>>2364014Kek it's always fujos being nasty sexpests and playing the
victim card
No. 2364123
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>>2364014Why would you reply to this
even anonymously No. 2364341
>>2364325Me too
nonny. I doubt I will though given the current state of things but I can dream right?
No. 2364481
>>2364279You can tell this is true even in anime. The typical setup for one of those self insert anime where the mc gets a girl is almost always "she was the most popular, beautiful girl in school every guy wants, but she fell in love with the loser mc".
>>2364307I don't believe any moid who says he's asexual, last one I saw claiming this turned out to be a closeted coomer.
No. 2364494
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I was reading the pro ana thread today and also took a picture of myself and the two things combined made me realize how ghoulish i look, i dont have an ed and my family has a tendency for lich builds but i hadnt realize how awful i looked until today for some reason.
I dont think gaining weight would make me look much better because i tend to gain on my stomach not face and arms which are the more problematic zones.
No. 2364628
Nonnas, I could really use some advice. I'm going to try to write the incident as unbiased and factually as possible.
To preface, I'm in my late 20's and living at home with my parents and sister. I fell into a deep depression in 2020 that has just been getting worse. I attempted in 2023, and in mid 2024 I had to quit my job. This resulted in my car getting repossessed, and it's been months of job searching with no luck. All the medicines I've taken in the past has completely destroyed my sexual functioning, and a boy I thought I would marry said he didn't want to be with me because of it. I have MDD, severe OCD, severe anxiety, and ADHD.. I've tried every treatment on the market. ECT, TMS, ketamine therapy, and maybe 16 medications. Thankfully I am finally taking a medicine that is finally helping, but at the end of the day the issues that caused my depression are still present and possibly always will be. So while I'm not sobbing for hours, which I am thankful for, I'm still very depressed. Anyways, in the past I would slam doors out of general anger, but this hasn't happened in months. There was an incident the other month where I threw a vase outside because I was so depressed, and everyone lost their shit.
Last night, I was sitting in the living room with my dad, sister, and grandma. I commented to my dad about something my sister said earlier. She had a package delivered outside that I brought in. It was super heavy. I let her know it arrived and commented on the weight of it, and she just said "don't touch my package." I was startled, but I just walked away. I figured shes falling into a depression herself, and she's on the spectrum and isn't the most social. My dad said to my sister that what she said was strange, and my sister clarified that she meant it in a "don't touch it so you don't hurt yourself." kind of way. I calmly just said "Then you should have said that at the time." Then, it was time for my dad to sleep (I had been laying on his mattress) (This sounds ghetto, but my dad sleeps in the second living room on the floor because it's good for his back and there are no rooms available as our grandma had moved in). I got up and said to my sister "I need to sleep there." (I am sleeping on the couch in the same room because there is a heating issue in my room that makes it impossible to sleep there. She, whether intentionally or not, was throwing gang signs with her face, and I just said "You don't need to be making those faces at me." She had an absolute mental breakdown and started sobbing and saying she couldn't take it anymore. She said this is why she doesn't sit with us, because I'm always making her uncomfortable (I don't say anything to her..ever. I have been nothing but kind to her for months to the point where she said to stop asking her if she wants things, is okay, etc.) My mom (who I despise because of the disgusting things she has said to me during the height of my depression) walked in and made a comment that I would never apologize and to just walk away. That's when I lost my shit and told her she doesn't even know what happened, and that she loves to villainize me but I'm the only one (along with my brother who has cut her off) who calls her out on her verbal abuse. She then says something to my dad about how I'm a mental case and that if she (I) can't be civilized, then I should go somewhere else. I told her she's patient zero and some other things I can't remember. Somehow past issues got brought up and I said "You said that no one is stopping me from killing myself and somehow think you have no blood on your hands in this house" She goes "I never said that." and my dad corrected her and said she did. She starts referencing a completely different incident and tried to gaslight me into thinking what I was claiming happened never did. My dad keeps telling them "she's depressed, she doesn't mean it." to which I say "nothing happening right now has to do with me being depressed. They're just both losing their shit right now and you saying that makes it seem like they did nothing wrong." My mom kept saying some bullshit about how im disgusting and I told her this is why her son cut her off. She starts claiming he cut her off because of me, which makes zero sense. She then said something about how this was her house and she will call the police on me (For talking back?) to which I said it wasn't her house and that she doesn't pay the bills. She started slamming shit and screaming like an animal, and it ended with my dad asking me "if I was happy" and asking me "what was wrong with me."
I'm no saint. I have allowed my depression in the past take over and I have had a short temper, slammed doors like a child (though not towards anyone, just releasing steam about how depressed I was). But god is my witness that I have not done anything of the sort in a long time, I've been super kind to my sister, and I've been very normal considering the hell I am enduring and have been for almost a decade.
Rip into me if you think I'm to blame, I'm here to genuinely get other opinions besides my friend's.
No. 2364630
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>>2364014Just because I mentioned liking BL one time and linked you a manwha doesn't mean I consented to seeing your pussy or your boyfriend's dick. At least learn to rationalize your shit behavior better. You never once mentioned the server being 95% men, with the remaining 5% of women being 4chan camwhores. You practically talked about nothing but porn and kink in there, even in the "SFW" channels. I don't think you understand how what you did is the equivalent of getting someone to walk in on you and your partner fucking. I never expressed interest in that or anything else you had going on.
>Also, what the fuck? I don't look like a tranny. I don't know why you would even say that.Yes, you fucking do. I don't feel bad about posting this because you're fine showing this same picture (and worse) to men all over 4chan. You have both the body and soul of a tranny.
No. 2364717
>>2364628Yeah it sounds like you're stuck in a miserable loop where your depression caused you to lose your car and job, the one-two combo that could get you into any kind of housing situation away from your family. In order to get away from your family, you need a job and a car. In order to get a job and a car, you need to be more mentally stable. But your family is making you depressed because you ALL seem mentally ill, according what I just read. Reading your post made me feel kind of panicked and trapped. I think everyone, including you, responded selfishly to some
trigger that is deeper than anything I know about. Anyway advice (if that's what you're looking for?) is keep trying to dig yourself out, whether it's therapy or meds or meditation or literally anything. Don't give up. You need to get away from those people and they need to get away from each other. You all seem miserable, probably for different reasons.
No. 2364748
>>2364742personal cows thread on /snow/ might be more suitable since that's where some other cowish anons have been posted
or one of the discord threads
>>>/ot/733281>>>/ot/742657 No. 2364752
Can’t sleep. It hit me just now that I’m turning 35 this year, and I don’t have much to show for it. I thought I would have travelled more by now, partied more, met someone and gotten married with a big party to celebrate, have more friends… but as the years go by I get lonelier and lonelier because I don’t have the energy to be the one carrying all the responsibilities of my relationships, I’ve taken a bit of a backseat with half of my contacts and they have not even attempted to get in touch (I know it sounds like I’m testing people, but this is just an observation from being too emotionally exhausted from putting in all the work for so long). I miss my old, very toxic friends. They were awful people and the second main reason to why I can’t stop hating myself no matter how much therapy I go through, but they were at least active parties.
Dating sucks, men fucking suck even more at this age and the ones I get attached to don’t like me back because I probably give out some sort of “off” vibe or something. The only two relationships I’ve been in were abusive and I haven’t had sex in five years.
The only thing I got going for me is that I’m soon entering a lucrative career, and that I’ve somehow kept a surprisingly smooth and healthy skin. And the few friends I have and love that knows that friendships are a two part effort.
No. 2364773
>>2364768ive been sitting here refreshing for 30 mins
No. 2364793
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I made A TON of mistakes during my first 2 months of working a customer service job, I'm starting to think that this job isn't for me. If any nonnas have made mistakes at work please tell me so I don't feel too horrible about myself.
No. 2364805
>>2364793I used to work at the front desk of a big it company. Once a guy came in looking for [name], I was still figuring out who was who at that place but I knew this specific man was bald and always wore a suit. However, turns out a third of the moids in that specific floor he worked at were bald and wore suits. And of course all of them was having a coffee break and stood in a circle talking to each other just at that time.
I don’t think I called any of them by the right name that day.
No. 2364842
>>2364793I've been waiting tables basically forever and if you're genuinely worried about making mistakes instead of worried about the ignorant and oftentimes deliberately evil customers, you're doing far better than most. I work with a ton of new people who make mistakes all the time and I love them. As long as you show up, don't act like an asshole to your coworkers, and aren't on drugs, you're gonna do fine and can keep your job as long as you want. Really, mistakes don't matter as much as being willing to put up with all kinds of bullshit from the public. If you decide to stick with customer service any longer, you're gonna get better at your job and realize the real source of stress is the fucking customers, not you. You'll be jaded in no time. Don't overthink it, it's only been 2 months.
Anyway, that being said, once I dropped five calzones on a guy.
No. 2364871
>>2364870nono you’re not tarded, some women absolutely do use this as a flirting thing. but by the way ta worded it, it seems more like a competitive petty thing. when you’re friends with girls like that it’s exhausting. they’re the type to bring you down in front of men
and women to seem cooler or something. pickmeism at its finest
No. 2364875
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>>2364857>>2364796I'm back. Honestly, this took a while because she was mostly benign up until the server stuff. She reminded me of some other anons I've talked to, and that's why I no longer try to find friends on /g/ lmao. I wish I took screenshots when I was in the server, it was
so much worse and more deranged in there. She acted like a completely different person around men.
One thing I remember is her describing herself as "autosexual" (as in, she was attracted to herself and her own smell).
She absolutely was a diaperfag, FYI No. 2364888
File: 1737776306989.jpeg (784.11 KB, 1170x1745, 1709512470084.jpeg)

>>2364875>once my brain finished developing, i started liking older and chubbier menlmao i knew it! she was a pickme from the unconventional male attaction thread and this
>>2364718 retard was trying to frame uglyman psyop posters. This is the kind of poster that reees at bishie enjoyers and calls us teenagers and pedos btw.
No. 2364889
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>>2364875One more for the road
No. 2364898
>>2364347Ooh maybe you could become a nanny? a nannie
>>2364341I love making faces at bebes and watching their little eyes move around, growing my own would make my life so much better
No. 2364900
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>>2364875From now until forever this is who I will picture when someone is sperging about immigrants
No. 2364915
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I'm at the end of my rope. My sister posted on social media that she started testosterone injections and I don't know what to do about it. I always assumed that being nonbinary would be a phase since she's had so many even as an adult. I guarantee that she has jumped into this with little research and thinks all the side effects are perfectly reversible, and thinks she knows everything. She has done the same sort of thing before and never learns from it. Fuck everyone who supports this shit. I was usually able to talk her down from doing stupid shit if she told me beforehand but I had to learn this from a social media post after she already started. She has also recently surrounded herself with an army of yes-thems who I'm sure she will quickly run to if I say anything remotely negative. What about your fertility???? You want a kid so bad but not enough to not fucking nuke your reproductive system. Not to mention that she doesn't want our parents to know anything about this stuff. You don't think mom will notice your voice completely change? This will send our mother straight into an early grave. I could go on forever about how badly this will fuck up my sister's life, forget the potential fallout.
I've been crying all day. I have no one I can talk to about this irl. Everyone I know is super pro-trans, no questions asked.
At the end of the day she is my sister and I do love her deeply, but I am so, so tired. Why? Just why…
No. 2364925
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>>2364915Hugs to you
nonny, I can't imagine how painful it must be for you right now. And I agree that your mom will be devastated to find out, I have an older cousin whose daughter trooned out and even got the titchop, and she's absolutely gutted despite being a complete handmaiden before. A loving mother who never believed in the gender crap in the first place would be even more hurt no doubt. Is your sister funded by the gov/herself or is she wasting her family's money for the hrt? If it's the latter it might be worth tipping off your parents early so they can stop financing her self-harm adventures.
No. 2364938
>>2364628I'm also very mentally ill but my situation is very different from yours so I can only give you the gayest advice.
Physical activity and sun make a huge difference, routine is essential and any kind of work (job, studying, hobby, anything you can dedicate yourself to and see a result) will help give you purpose in the short run.
I'm so sorry you're going through this nona and I hope things get better for you some day. Fingers crossed that your meds work and you can find a better living situation.
No. 2364944
>>2364870Op anon here, my friend is straight as a board and gets obsessed with guys too easily. I know it can be read as if she was flirting but the way she says the things really isn't flirty. I didn't mention this earlier but she doesn't actually like masculine or tomboy things at all, she's always been a stereotypical girly girl. She just kind of decided it's my "role" to be the tomboy. I just remembered calling her "brave" once and she objected and said it sounded too mannish…
>>2364871>it seems more like a competitive petty thing. when you’re friends with girls like that it’s exhausting. they’re the type to bring you down in front of men and women to seem cooler or something. pickmeism at its finestIt really does feel more like this which hurts.
No. 2364986
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>>2364918Thank you for your kind reply. I do really love her. I will take your advice, it's a great start.
>>2364925Thank you, hugs for you as well ♥ She wants to be tolerant and accepting of this stuff, but this is definitely WAY too far. To her, my sister is harmlessly they/them within her circles. She's very anxious by nature, I'm genuinely afraid she'll have a medical episode. My dad does not approve of this shit but doesn't mention it to keep the peace. He will explode. I'm not certain they won't disown her.
We are in Canuckistan so I assume it's mostly government gibs. Our parents are planning on financially assisting her for something big in the future though. I cannot describe to you the depths of how fucktarded this choice was for her. What I've described so far isn't even a quarter of why this is unironically the dumbest thing she has ever done. Like "I was an Olympic-tier competitive swimmer and binding destroyed my lung capacity, now I can't hold my breath or swim properly. I didn't know it would do that?"-tier retarded.
>>2364959You're right about everything. This is the harsh truth of exactly what I need to do. She also chose the absolute worst time to do this btw. I think may have been by design because she knew I'd be disarmed. Like when dudes come out as trans to their pregnant wives. I feel powerless, but I know I'm not.
Thank you to all my nonnies. You've given me new hope ♥
No. 2365020
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had made plans with my friend
at least i thought we did, we both agreed to hang out tonight
but i got left on read
so now i sit in front of my computer, the will of leaving my house to have fun for the first time in a long time
vanish'd into thine silver moonlight
No. 2365031
>>2364944second ayrt, it sucks nonna i know. i tried to remain friends with a similar girl but she would constantly go after men right after i expressed an interest in them. she’d say i’m the tomboy friend as well, make outright comments basically saying i’m not as attractive as her (shes a normie anachan crackhead whore with lip fillers)
when i started uni, i didn’t have many friends and made a cute friendgroup. i liked one of the guys and would gush to her about him, in the past she would go for the same guys at me but i actually really liked him so asked her to respect that.
>at party we’re all there>he flirts with me for most of the night>she goes upstairs to comfort a girl who greened out>he follows her up like the scrote dog he is and flirts with her for hours>we leave, i cry to her that it’s a disrespectful thing to do, she apologises>continue being friends for weeks, she begins to act suspicious and says she doesn’t want me in her house as much(?)>two weeks later reveals all the times she asked me to leave, she was fucking him and they were dating the entire timedon’t let that bitch bring you down nona, i feel so much better now that i cut that retard out of my life kek.
No. 2365037
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I just want a friend as retarded as me.
No. 2365045
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Today was fucking bullshit. I hate people
No. 2365052
>>2365027sleeping forever is the closest you'll get to experiencing death
spent the last 16 hours sleeping and still can't get myself out of bed, been rotting for weeks now and barely even take care of myself anymore
only reason for me to go outside is whenever I inevitably run out of food, I've always been skinny but depression made me lose so much weight lately, maybe one day I'll end up finally dying out of malnutrition
No. 2365065
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Holy shit I want to strangle my dad when he's drunk. He's always an annoying attention whore but now he has to be a loud one with no personal space.
No. 2365109
>>2364944>I just remembered calling her "brave" once and she objected and said it sounded too mannishOh she's
that type of straight woman. Cut her out, she's going to get worse as she gets older.
No. 2365119
>>2365110. This is what they're for and I'm just happy you're getting fed. Now please go get yourself some groceries and make your favorite meal!
No. 2365194
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While I support people deleting their social media accounts, losers like me, who have no/few friends or family, would get even more lonely without it. I only use instagram and I've found so many great small brands and a small influencers that I enjoy following. There are no places or events to go to where I live and I don't make enough money to go travel or move to a bigger place. Social media eases the pain a bit. I can't help but be annoyed with the whole "just text your friends hurr durr" statement. Some of us don't have them lol
No. 2365215
>>2365174I honestly think that no scrote truly deserves the love of a woman. So nonna don’t you ever feel not enough.
Let him walk out that door and find what he thinks he deserves.
No. 2365244
>>2365228your psych is being unprofessional, they shouldn't be trying to be friends with you outside of the professional setting. if you need a need therapist after he retired, they should be helping you find one. you've seen him for years and it sounds like he never helped you address fundamental issues you had, he sucks at his job.
> I always say dumb stuff and get the wrong point across and don't realize until way later or even the next day. I've told him this in therapy but it was like he never believed me because he hadn't really seen it himself but now that we're hanging out like friends I've already been messing up my words and accidentally saying stuff that makes me seem insensitive or dumb. he never understood your concerns, he sounds like he was a bad therapist, again.
>I don't even really know why he wants me in his life, it feels like I'm complete trash in comparison to him and his family.please don't compare yourself, people have different situations in life.
my old female therapist was kind kind of unprofessional and overly personal with me as well, so i see that in extreme in your situation. please try finding a new therapist and stop contacting him. if you want to read about the therapy frame (important to good therapy), jonathan shedler writes about it. No. 2365296
>>2365244I know it's not common for a psychologist to remain friends outside of therapy but he's honestly really professional about it. He asks me if it's working for me and if I feel okay going for coffee with him. He's very kind and respectful, he's honestly one of the few men I actually trust in the world. And he has tried to get me to see another therapist and has one lined up to take his previous clients since retiring. I'm the one apprehensive about it because the main reason I was in therapy was for agoraphobia but it's settled down a lot now and at this point I'm just working on getting back into the world and getting out of my house as much as possible. So I'm hoping to take a break from seeing any psychologists right now and save money. And he didn't say that he didn't believe me or anything blunt like that he just said he had trouble picturing what I was talking about because in session it was just one and one and quiet so I had time to really think through what I was going to say before saying it, with casual conversations it just moves so fast I always end saying something I later regret.
I really appreciate what you said and I understand how from an outside perspective it looks sketchy but he's really not like that at all. And if things don't work out as friends I'll be sad but I'll accept that, but in the meantime I'm going to try to make it work the best that I can. It sounds lame but he really is like a mentor to me, I think of him as a father figure and he said before retiring that he feels invested in my life the way a father or grandfather would so I want to try to hold onto this friendship for as long as I can. Thank you for the advice and the article link, I'm going to check it out. And the next therapist I see I'm going to make sure it stays as just a therapist/client relationship but with him I genuinely feel lucky we connected as friends.
No. 2365303
>>2365297No he's not making me feel inferior at all, I just feel inferior as a person. He does the opposite of that, he treats me like his equal not like he's my superior or anything like that. And he's always tried to boost my confidence and try to get me to think of myself in a better light.
Yeah the fact he knows so much about me is a little weird ngl, but he's told me stuff about him over the years too and he never brings up serious stuff I told him in session since we're just casually going for coffee now. He's not like trying to get power over me or anything like that, and he's met my parents and he's going to introduce me to his wife at some point. I appreciate that you think his intentions aren't good but I would never go along with something I wasn't comfortable with. And if something were to happen with him trying to put me down or harm me in some way I'd drop the friendship immediately. And I'm not one to give men the benefit of the doubt, there's literally only 2 or 3 men that I actually trust so I'm not naive to manipulative creeps or anything, I just know that he's not one.
No. 2365310
>>2365002IRL loli my ass kek. I think there are a lot of women who use that excuse as if petite adult women don't exist. They go straight to loli because they're sick, degenerate fucks who place male validation and coom above everything else with no respect for child
victims who get groomed and sexually assaulted by men; roleplaying child sexploitation is so much more important to them.
No. 2365322
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>>2365318Why don't you invest in 5lbs dumbbells and start doing exercises to remedy carpal tunnel? If you have strong muscles in your hands, your chances of getting carpal tunnel dramatically reduce. Faggots like Elon Musk want us to have weak hand muscles so that we can't become professional e-Sports athletes, but we can't let them win: we won't let them win. I will also say 2 Hail Marys per night and ask for your hands to be healed by the grace of God.
No. 2365358
>>2365315Yeah that makes sense, I hear where your coming from. He's told her about me so it's not a secret or anything. But yeah I understand what your saying.
>>2365319I get it and honestly if I were in your shoes I'd think it was weird too but outside of the unconventional start to our friendship there are no other red flags. I am determined to keep the friendship going but I would never sacrifice my boundaries to maintain it. But I do appreciate what your saying.
>>2365327I don't live in a small town we just have a lot in common and I think in a way he wants to continue trying to help me overcome my anxiety he just can't do that since he's retired. I know this whole thing sounds strange but we just kind of bonded in a mentorship kind of way. This is going to sound lame as fuck but it reminds me of Buffy and Giles' relationship. He started as her watcher, grew to care for her in a familial way, and then stayed in her life in a sort of fatherly role. It's like that but way more casual and he doesn't treat me like his kid or anything. But if things go wrong I'll be the first to admit that I was naive, in the meantime I'm just going to try to make it work.
No. 2365378
>>2365310And short women don’t look like children. It’s so gross and disrespectful to compare them.
My friend is 150 cm, but she looks like a woman.
No. 2365477
>>2365358>He's told her about me so it's not a secret or anything. This means nothing unless you've met her. Who knows what he said about you to her, and vice versa.
My ex was being nice to a woman going through hard times, he was so in love with me and talked highly of me to everyone. and then they messed around. She knew about me too, the whole time, but that didn't stop her from demanding a relationship from him after they caught feelings for each other. men are men and she fawned over him in a way I just could not because he wasn't some knight in shining armor to me that he was to her.
you're an emotionally unstable woman and he is "one of the only men you trust". that is a lot of burden to put on someone's husband. If you were having a crisis and needed him, would you expect him to put you before his wife?
>>2365463I'm clutching pearls because he's a man. I don't think it's as weird to stay in touch with a female psychologist.
No. 2365506
>>2364875oh my god so she’s a 5’4 autopedophile on her mid thirties despite spending all her time here and knowing how creepy it is when it’s done back to men.
>>2365378literally exactly. i’m your friends height and look and act like an adult. whenever i see an actress my height on screen i’m happy to see some other short woman living her dream and being appreciated cos outside of sickos, short people just get pushed around and have less respect. thats as far as it goes. my tallest friend does the same with buff actresses who work out like she does. when your body type is rare you do sometimes feel happy someone who looks like you is being complimented.
that bitch is like 5'4 with a gut talking about one of the most common anime tropes. the only childish thing about her is the diaper and at her huge huge age, its just disturbing. an irl loli would be embarrassed to something so disgusting and the opposite of cute. she literally just wants to advertise herself to men that shes willing to roleplay pedo shit. she probably had no interest in OP and female friendship, she was hoping shed get more male orbiters absorbing other peoples friends.
No. 2365531
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>>2365310Ty anon, petite women look nothing like lolis. It's just a normal frail anime body but compact. Everyone can see Sabrina Carpenter and that short women don't necessarily look young or youthful. The shape of a loli's head would be closer to a dwarf
No. 2365601
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>>2365589Look up Karla Homolka anon, same energy (literally). She wasn't trying to befriend those women. A pick-me is a pick-me (is a pick-me)
No. 2365641
>>2365477>If you were having a crisis and needed him, would you expect him to put you before his wife?No of course not, and I wouldn't even go to him in a crisis and I don't think he'd want me doing that either. I'd never expect him to put me above his wife or anyone in his family. And even when he was my psychologist I didn't really go to him in crisis. I would deal with it myself or go to my parents or sister for help, or a practicing psychologist if I were really struggling.
>>2365463I agree, but at the same time I understand where they're coming from because if I were to be on their side of it I might think it was weird too. But being in it I can tell that it's not a friendship of red flags or power imbalance. I'm glad to hear you had a positive experience like that too, it's hard to understand it until your in it so I'm glad I'm not the only anon here who kept a friendship up with a psychologist after treatment. And I agree it is helpful to have older friends in life who can act as mentors.
>>2365389>I find it hard to believe that someone who is agoraphobic and otherwise friendless has the social intelligence to recognize any red flags in a "friendship" that was built on such an insane power dynamic.No I'm currently friendless, I've had friendships and relationships in the past it's mostly the past 7 or 8 years I've been a friendless shut in. I've also had a lot of bad experiences with men and trust me I can spot the red flags, and have been through a friendship/potential relationship where I was once naive to them but still acknowledged their existence at the time. And I can truly say there are none with my former psychologist, there are no bad feelings or creepy things that linger after a hangout. And if there were I wouldn't be seeing him at all.
>What do you even have in common with him? If he retired, he's probably around his 60s, isn't he?He's early 70's, and we have similar personality types and opinions about the world. He's understanding about how much rampant misogyny there is and how accepting of it everyone seems to be. And from his descriptions of himself he used to be similar to me when he was my age, and he's gone through anxiety himself so he knows what it's like. We also have similar taste in humor and get along really well, it's easy to have conversations with him. I truly think he puts me in a similar category as his kids just not as close obviously.
>He should be heavily encouraging you to find friends your own age, not go out for coffee with youHe is, and part of that is getting out into the world and becoming a normal part of society instead of a shut in. I think that's also why he wants to take me to cafes and stuff, to help me start getting out into the world again. He's always encouraging me to get my license, take courses, stuff like that. It's not as if he's making me choose between hanging out with him and other people, if I were to cancel plans with him to hangout with a new friend I genuinely think he would be ecstatic kek.
>Is he also doing this with other patients of hisYes there's a guy around my age he's been checking up on. And he's befriended previous clients in the past, one of them is a woman in her 50's and a man his age and they're still friends today. Sorry to keep dragging this out it's just I feel like you think he's grooming me or something and I just wanted to say it's not like that at all.
No. 2365883
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Getting so depressed looking up beading tutorials. There are so many silly and pretty things and I would've never been able to think of them. I don't even want to buy beads anymore, I know I'll lose interest by the time they get here. I really don't want to do anything anymore, I just want to sit around and watch my dumb slop
No. 2365896
>>2365888It’s what I’m actually doing nowadays. When it gets to the point of feeling like I’m arguing with a 13 years old, I use the same sentences she uses on me “it’s not that deep” “it’s okay” “I don’t care at all”, her face? Priceless.
>>2365891Sadly and funnily she could be the one in this video, she even has some accent so…
No. 2365906
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>Anti anxiety meds help me get outside and experience life
>Extremely vivid dreams. Sometimes scary, sometimes horny, sometimes lucid. Always intense
I'm happy where I am but there's always a take with a give. Fuck I wish I was normal
No. 2365911
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Reading reactions to the /m/ incest thread gave me the courage to talk to my therapist about my (fictional) incest fetish. It was the most uncomfortable session in my entire life and I never admitted this out loud in my life before. I got the feeling for the first time since I've started seeing her that even she doesn't actually know how to handle this. I wish I wasn't so fucked up.
No. 2365913
>>2365896stop being the first to initiate contact and ask to hang out. put your energy into your other friendships and prioritize making plans with them over her. if she thinks she’s all you have she’ll push you around. don’t give her any chances to ignore you or blow you off. don’t chase after her. i do this with any female turned
toxic and it always ends without drama. i don’t even like upsetting these nasty types who will shit talk you for no reason later. just be too busy for her and it’ll probably benefit your other friendships and you’ll end up with friends who treat you well afterwards.
No. 2365923
>>2365915I am like this
because my parents molested me it's a fucked up coping mechanism or whatever. Sadly I think I need help for it.
>>2365916Aren't sex therapists just libfem-esque sex positivity therapists whose work is to fix couple's sex lives? I've never heard of a sex therapist dealing with stuff like this.
No. 2365934
I am shaking from how much I've cried, I hate retroactive jealousy so much, I hate how ugly I become. I just wish I was her first SOMETHING, she's my first everything. The first person I've kissed, the first person I've held hands with, the first person Ive said I love you to. I'm her first nothing, I'm just another girl to her, she's already felt all these feelings that I'm feeling forthe first time ever. I just wish I'd seen other people before I met her, so she would feel what I feel. I hate this so much, I feel so ugly. It doesn't help that she's told me so much of her exes I keep getting reminded she's been with other people before and has already gone through these intense feelings multiple times over before, and I feel so stupid. Recently she mentiomed some stupid sex thing she's done with someone that we haven't done, and she told me how it felt and I really wanted to fucking kill myself, why has she touched other pussies before it's not fucking fair, she mentioned she called her last girlfriend sweetheart and I want to shoot myself dead, she's been my first everything, she doesn't feel what I feel, the ugly disgusting jealousy, she will never understand. I said I get jealous and she was like yeah I get jealous too thinking how your roommate sees you looking cute all day, likw you don't even get it, you'll never get it and it HURTS
No. 2365989
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>mom and stepdad drag me to a liqor store
>see really cute guy working there
>instantly fall in love
>find the insta of the shop
>start digging
>cannot find this guy's insta either following or being followed by the store
>guy is really nerdy looking, has INSANELY bad vision, glasses are very thick
>but he seems very friendly and super cute, comes off as super normie
>i dont know how to approach him
>i have never liked a guy before
>what if he has a gf
>what if he thinks i am too old for him
I feel so schizo. I have never been in love before. I am scared of making this whole fanfiction about this guy, getting excited, and then finding out he's actually a pussy magnet and has a gf. I thought i was fucking inmune to incubus powers, i managed to be dick repulsed for 23 years and now this slut comes to ruin my beautiful celibate life and my chance of wizardom.
No. 2365999
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Family quarrel nonna from the other day. My sister just sent me this. My dad isn’t speaking to me. Out of context this text makes me look crazy, but I really didn’t do anything to warrant this. I’m really not doing well. Can’t believe this is my life.
No. 2366001
>>2365989Talk to him when it’s quiet in the store.
Ask which days he works because he’s good at cashiering. Talk to him I know it’s scary just ask his insta if you’re too scared.
No. 2366013
>>2366004the sexual kind like
>>2366008 does, it's way too severe for me to try to attempt exposure therapy but I don't have a way to get meds yet
No. 2366052
>>2365903Based and I hope you love having short hair nonna! I rarely see women who look bad with a short haircut, your moid is fighting shadows kek.
Really weird that he'd even care what women in general do with their hair. I guess I sort of understand caring if it's your partner, but also I've gone through hair changes/weight fluctuations/stylistic changes throughout the years and all my Nigel has ever said is "you're so beautiful and I love you." So idk, I hope your moid stops acting like a crybaby about literal hair.
No. 2366067
>>2365992i despise drinking but i might start now just to see him lmfao
>>2366001i will try. Him not being a normalfag with instagram gave me hope that maybe i stand a chance.
No. 2366105
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A few weeks back someone sent a mass email to some of us students in my uni about something I did agree on but they used our school's motto in the signature, very weird language and basically guilt tripping the reader into signing it. There were also links that were named so you couldn't see what the link actually was, so that's just unsafe? I contacted our head staff and they messaged me last Sunday they're gonna handle it, thanking me for letting them know. We have a lot of foreign students and the way it looked as if it was from the school fucking worries me, that shit could've been anything, ip grabbers and the like. Some of my classmates didn't understand why I was so upset because I agreed with the petition but the bottom line is that it's fucked to larp as our school, the fucking sender is a tif whose ig is unbearable and if this logic goes, everyone could spam us fuckass petitions all the time, nazi shit, troon shit, like I don't care about the subject itself, the execution was so off. The fact that this tif also somehow selected the people who are kind of, and I hate to say it, queer adjacent feels fucking off too. Pissed me off, I explained my view on this to some people and they understood but I still get annoyed thinking about it, we don't get anything else besides official school shit into that email, fucking tifs.
No. 2366112
I cannot shake the guilt I have over breaking up with my ex.
He told me I was the love of his life, and now he will no longer speak with me like he would. I miss his daily messages, and he has removed my name/credit on the work I've done for him on his projects. I know people will suck their teeth at the thought of long-distance relationships and see them as nothing but a silly game and not a real relationship, but he was all I had. He was my only friend.
The reason I told him I was breaking up with him was so that I could work on myself. I know it was a bullshit excuse, but so much has been going on in my life, so much death, money problems, and mental health but in truth I was also uncomfortable; I was uncomfortable with the things he wanted me to do with him and for him. After years of abuse and loneliness, he was the only one I had to cling onto and find comfort in, which is why I was comfortable doing the things he asked me to do, and I don't blame him for me doing those things because I had a choice in doing them, but I was uncomfortable with his kinks and although I was comfortable with it at the start, I began to mature and realize it was something I was uncomfortable with. I told him from the beginning that I was a virgin and wanted to stay one until marriage. He said in passing that I would change my mind and made comments on how our first meeting would be, which made me too afraid to meet him, though I was going to once money and things were in place. He tried to make me do weird things for him on camera and when I tried to voice how I felt about doing these things, he made me feel guilty. He told me he thought he could be himself and that he felt like I was making him change and hide that part of who he was. I wanted more love than kink and sex talk all the time; I wanted romantic love. I really do care for him and wish we could speak like friends again, but I hold so much guilt; I feel so guilty because I know he also has no one, and I feel even more guilty for trying to move on so fast. I never actually had a partner in real life, and it's all because the fear i have for men after what happened to me as a kid repeatedly, which he also knew about. Now as I try to move forward with this new person I met, I'm scared. This new person is sweet, kind, and wants to take care of me; at least that's what he says and shows, but I'm worried I don't want to be used. I've had so much taken from me and the only thing I feel like I have control of anymore is my virginity. I'm sick of being used and taken advantage of by men. This new guy says he understands my boundaries, but I notice him trying to push it and see what he can get away with, but then again, I'm confused as to what's normal in a relationship and what's not. I feel confused, and I feel bad; maybe what my ex did was normal for a relationship, and maybe I was the bad guy? I don't know but i just want to live a simple happy life.
No. 2366135
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i dropped out of art college due to severe laziness and lack of discipline depression so now i have to wagecuck until i have enough money to pay for the remaining two years of education. my mother offered to pay but it's my own mistake and i should be the one to fix it.
this was supposed to be a vent post but i'm actually ok with this state of things. it feels good to finally take responsibility. i can do this. i think
No. 2366229
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You know that feeling where you suspect a moid is starting to get comfortable around you?
No. 2366293
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I have a whopping headache and I can't stop sneezing
No. 2366382
>>2366380anon, look at the convos and the hair. she's obviously autistic.
>>2366377yes, but OP sent her degenerate sexual material first, so she probably didn't even think anything of it. this doesn't read as malicious sexual predator behavior to me.
No. 2366407
>>2366399that's how the convo reads though in the screencap she posted. she out of nowhere says, hey you mentioned liking doujins, do you also like BL, then sends her one. which means they didn't discuss it beforehand. and camwhore anon also alleges that OP anon is the one who made their relationship sexual.
>>2366403i think mods should give her a chance to clear her name. we're getting a biased story here.
No. 2366423
>>2366418in this post
>>2364014 camwhore anon alleges OP anon made the "relationship sexual from day 1". and OP would not have included those screenshots, because she is trying to make camwhore anon look milky rather than herself. camwhore anon never posted any screenshots, or if she did they have since been deleted, because she got banned when she responded. OP anon also claims camwhore was normal most of the time, although we don't know how long they were talking. it could be that she dug up 3 or 4 odd messages from a span of months. i bet if camwhore anon got the opportunity to post caps, the situation would look different. i don't think camwhore anon would have responded indignantly if things were entirely as OP anon made it look.
No. 2366426
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Millenial/gen z mothers who go on and on about “boundaries” are insufferable attention whores and they will be the first to step over your boundaries because they are “mothers and mothers should be centered in feminism”. If you don’t worship the ground they walk on, there will be hell to pay
No. 2366427
>>2366423Sorry but you will not change my mind, turdlockchan is a milky freak. You have to be a freak to have a
discord chat full of people that goon to you. You have to be mentally ill to
post porn of yourself in a
discord chat. Think LOGICALLY.
No. 2366436
>>2366427well yea, but you also have to be mentally ill to be a fujo and send people BL unprompted. camwhore anon made it sound like she would not have invited her to the server if OP anon did not already make their relationship sexual. i don't think she deserved to be doxxed. now her face is on lolcow, anyone who sees this can use software to find her name/address, and she's just some random drunk woman who possibly camwhores for a living, and if she has a normal job, she might lose it now.
>>2366428camwhore never posted screenshots, only OP anon did.
>>2366431to be fair to her, the first thing everyone did when she got posted was bash her for looking like a tranny and having no tits. is it weird to say you identify with small anime girls? yes. but based on what we've heard so far, she's been mentally destroyed by males and was seeking out female friendship, possibly because the only social interaction she gets is from moid simps.
>>2366435no, i just feel bad for her and want to see her side of the story
No. 2366450
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>>2366442and fuck cantalope shit fruit
No. 2366463
>>2366451she's 33 posting porn of herself in a group full of 4chan scrotes, has unwashed fried matted hair, probably an alcoholic (drinking henessy in the photo), is debasing herself with an ugly "rat" according to OP anon (possibly financially dependent on him, hence the camwhoring?), and has been psyoped into preferring uggos even in her 2D media. no woman is like that naturally. it can be inferred male psychological abuse has damaged her.
>>2366454the person in the convos doesn't sound like a man, i think it's really her.
>>2366458also this. cutting her off from female socialization is going to make it worse. she needs rehabilitation from male psychological abuse. no woman deserves to live as a camwhore. this reeks more like how cutters post self harm photos as a cry for help
No. 2366485
>>2366460Yes but as far as we know it was on a private discord with people she chose to share those pictures with, not publicly on the internet where anyone can see them
>>2366457>>2366464How do we even know that was her kek
No. 2366517
>>2366507>Not everything mothers say or do needs to be defended just because they are mothers. I didn’t say in my original response to your post or in any of my followup responses that “everything mothers do should be defended solely because they’re mothers” kek. I said that I hated how common and socially acceptable it’s become to shit on the women who give us life.
>Most of these women are purposefully antagonistic towards the other women in their lives and then cry about how they don’t have a village. Is this the impression you’ve got about
all mothers based off…a few tiktoks?
>Maybe what I’m saying strikes a nerve with you, hit dogsThe initial post did remind me of how so many people sneer at mothers now for the most normal traits. Also
>hit dogs ?
No. 2366528
>>2366520>Maybe I couldn’t have come to this conclusion if I didn’t see so many posts of women mocking older mothers or mothers their age who raise their children slightly different. Ok, one last time, you posted a singular tiktok screenshot yet you’re saying that this is some kind of trend but you’re also not providing any
imagery on an
imageboard so it’s difficult to take your words seriously.
>I also think it’s cute how you keep inferring I’m talking about “all” mothers in order to paint me as an antinatalist harpyWell anon you were referring to the last 2 generations of mothers, millennials and zoomers, and that basically is all of the new mothers right now.
No. 2366599
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>currently living the neet life
>everywhere ive applied to has either ghosted me or rejected
>sleep schedule is absolutely fucked
>became nocturnal
>feel absolutely awful all the time
>decide im going to stay awake for 24+ hours so that ill be tired enough in the evening to fall asleep
>repeat every day for the last 2 weeks