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No. 202421
>>202414>I'm not gonna shit on a guy for thinking an attractive 16+ yr old is attractive, but making your interests based on youthyeah that's a good point. realistically i get how someone who is a teen can be attractive to guys, but it's still weird how the number itself becomes a fetish now. there's lots of porn actresses now advertised as being "freshly 18",
as if they wouldn't be able to blow a load if the same actress was 21, 23, 25 or something.
also i've noticed women aren't anywhere near as creepy even over younger guys. typical fangirl obsessions yes, but not fetishizing age like that
No. 202428
>>202425Lol, this is not true. Beauty standards for women have changed immensely during time/space. Fat women, big titted woman, child bearing hips …
You can't hold it against a man that finds an overdeveloped 16year old attractive - smooth skin and womanly attributes are attractive. But men sexualising underdeveloped kiddies are sickies.
No. 202430
I don't know what is going on anymore. I see teens looking like they are in their 20s, revealing clothing with heavy makeup. There are adult women trying to look like kids.
What do you people think of this? No. 202448
>>202443Every predatory man I've ever met was a beta asswipe. And let me tell you, I've met a LOT of them.
I hung out in animu irc channels and forums when I was 12. That's where I met a lot of men aged from 20-30, later on irl even. These men were all lolicon, which is basically a pedophile with a better ring to it. They played disgusting visual novel/dating sim games involving prepubescent girls. Growing up in that inviroment I watched Kodomo no Jikan, Dokuro-chan and similar disgusting animu, thinking it was perfectly okay and edgy at worst. Being surrounded by people spewing that kind of shit had such a heavy influence on my perception of sexuality that I can not begin to describe it to you. I'm giving this to you as an example - I don't want to scream rape culture and whatnot, but if you constantly see sexualised images of kids around yourself, you are sure as fuck conditioned to find them attractive.
And there are a number of practices infantilising women nowadays. The trend of being skinny (WEAK) instead of toned, to be attractive. The trend of being submissive to be attractive (LOADS of extremely violent pornography, totally degrading to women, DD;LG bullshit, even mainstream books like 50 shades of grey). Womens clothes resembling those of little kids. Women are regressing in order to be attractive and this is of course not at all natural in any way.
Men that are on top of things (moral compass, educated, job, own interests or hobbies) should not be drawn to this kind of shit. My 30 something male friends perceive 18-20yr old girls at clubs as kids and consider 20-25 girls to be young.
No. 202451
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men are fucking disgusting.
No. 202468
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this thread makes me glad im into women tbh
>>202419well Hollywood is notorious for being flooded with pedophiles
No. 202469
>>202451Fucking exposed.
How will men ever recover?
No. 202489
>>202451I assume the sample size of that study was waaay too small due to the way the ages jump around. It's more likely someone just pulled all that out their ass. I would be interested to see a proper study done on this though.
>>202478You said it at the end, if you don't want to be sexual then you won't be sexual. It happens to a lot of relationships and it's not particularly limited to gender. I knew a girl who used to cheat on her boyfriend because her boyfriend just couldn't be bothered.
But also, far more common, people just get bored in relationships. Inevitably one or both will start noticing other people after some point.
No. 202490
>>202489yeah i understand that but why would anon's bf be interested in a literal child? yes some 16 year olds can be developped but the majority are dumb as shit and and naive which is why they think theyre hot shit when getting older guys when theyre actually just being used.
my boyfriend reassures me that as long as i have sex with him he will always be satisfied (because every other aspect in the relationship is fulfilling as well) but I can't help but still be scared. Girls are such fucking sluts and I can't compete. I can text him naughty things and plan surprises and be romantic and giving but eventually I will have less time than a 16-18 year old and have a job and responsibilities to take care of.
who knows, ive never been with a women but have felt attraction a few times (since im picky when it comes to people) so maybe years down the line if I get left for some dumb ass 16 year old with raging hormones I can just find someone who's not as shallow and affected by "muh instincts'
No. 202493
>>202490The vast majority of 16 year olds are going to be physically developed, and so they'll be physically attractive. Really this is missing the point though. If the guy is going to find someone else, it could be anyone. You don't have to compete specifically with teenagers. It's not even about competition too, he won't wake up one day and evaluate who the sexiest one is and go have sex with her. Lots more to it than that.
Sounds like he's extorting sex out of you too. You should have sex just as much as you want to have sex.
No. 202494
>>202489Our sex life was great up until that incident. I said it was after that I lost hope in being seen as sexual, it was a tremendous blow to my confidence.
>>202484I don't know. I am still very much in love with him. I am also in desperate need of therapy, and I don't want to give up on us until I am in a better state of mind.
No. 202521
>>202451I feel like the graph would be even lower if they allowed them a younger age
why have we made youth = beauty? it's normal to not find haggards attractive, but it seems people want women to look as young as possible forever and the whole "oh youthfulness means fertility" is BS, when men get older their balls sag and they can't get it up, so why does ~fertility~ standards only apply for women? why not men?
No. 202532
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>>202523you'd be surprised at how many women find teens boys attractive, they just don't go as far as wanting already young guys to look even younger, as men do in teen porn and shit
when men get called out on being attracted to the way too young type, or having unrealistic standards, they blame "hur dur fertility we want women to reproduce well" yet when have you ever seen a woman do that? women don't go around banging young looking men because ~fertility~
however if a woman is open about her standards or preferences she gets bashed, seen as shallow, sometimes gets called ugly
tldr basically it's not that women don't like young guys and men do, it's that men are allowed to and it's seen as normal
No. 202540
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>>202536people who think 30 is the starting point of a downward spiral as far as looks go either have extremely high standards or have been conditioned to think young = attractive rather than actual facial features
people nowadays can't look through flaws and see beauty, you could have the most lovely structure and big gorgeous eyes, amazing hair, full lips, etc etc but the second your hair or lips thins and you get those laugh lines, zits, crows feet, small double chin, etc people think it's the end of the world and no one with flaws on their face can ever be attractive
I think nigella is hot as fuck and she's hitting 60 in less than 5 yrs, people age, people get flaws, young and old, unless you have magic genes and make bank most people get old and flawed as well, but beauty is beauty
No. 202542
>>202532I've noticed that women say they feel creepy when they have attraction to teen boys.
Men on the other hand don't seem to feel bad about their attraction at all.
No. 202544
>>202542I knew a 19 yr old girl who felt bad for being attracted to a 16 yr old boy, yet men nowadays have no problem being 50 and hitting on 13-17 yr old girls, openly admitting to liking loli, etc etc
I think the first clue is that if a 22 yr old man dates a 16 or 17 yr old girl it's seen as normal but a 22 yr old girl dating a 16 or 17 yr old boy it's seen as ~scandalous~ and she gets labeled as a cougar
No. 202550
>>202549>here several guys will just talk about how much they love loliDo you live in an anime convention or something?
Like I'm surrounded by a bunch of stereotypically awkward nerds because of my major and the worst I've seen is two guys talking about CFNM.
No. 202552
>>202550My town holds one of the biggest anime conventions in the US, lets just say my school has school funded anime club, a fucking anime club, and let that sink in
they're all memers as well, you cannot go a day without seeing a meme reference anywhere, it's like these people have no lives outside of the internet
No. 202553
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>male whiteknighting in this thread>>202532I wish there was a "teen boys" porn category as i'm very attracted to young looking guys. Not like milf videos but just cute men banging normal chicks.
I would never admit this in real life because people just look at me like i'm a pedo. Meanwhile 40 year olds justify their attraction towards 20 year olds as "reproduction". fucking kek
No. 202562
>>202556I remember panicking about it a bit when I was about 23. I thought this was pretty much the end and it's all downhill from here. Turns out the opposite was the case, the older I got, the less I gave a shit.
>>202561Those relationships happen, but they're far in the minority in my experience. Most people just seem to want a nice partner no more than a couple of years younger or older. It's worth remembering too that it takes two to tango. I'd argue that age of consent laws exist almost more to protect the girl from herself than from the creepy older men.
No. 202564
>>202562Sorry, but you are making me so buttmad. Thinking not all men are pigs is alright by me, but please don't say that crap about how it takes two to tango!
Every media (social media, movies, magazines, books) in a young girls life tells her she is a sexual being and further tells her how she should please a man. It also tells her how romance is her only interest. It is not her fault if she wants to jump into something she does not yet fully understand. AND if she does, it should be normal to explore sexuality with inexperienced boys her age. NOT having sex with older men, that can't even get laid otherwise, because they are losers and can only manipulate young girls.
So here, age of consent laws are indeed there to protect kids from society. If you want to argue anything, you could argue the arbitraryness of age of consent, since it's different in every state.
No. 202565
>>202488Looks and maturity. Guys leave 30+ y/os alone because A. They usually don't want to fuck them anymore and B. Even if they did, they know they're a lot harder to impress.
Absolutely not because they respect them. It's pretty clear that they don't; older women tend to get treated terribly.
No. 202566
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Lmaoing @ all the mad roasties hating on hot teens.
>muh sexualizing teens, im LE terally shaking RNscared of competition lamo?
No. 202567
>>202566Not really. I'm a 18 and I'm sick of gross old men blowing kisses to me.
Btw post benis or gtfo, robot
No. 202568
>>202567so the problem is that they're gross not that they're attracted to teens
>post benis or gtfocan't I just busted like 3 nuts and my dick is in a coma
No. 202570
>>202569For men like that it only becomes a gross problem when it's their teenage daughter. Then they trethen other men with guns. Until then it's ~superier 16yo pussy~.
Not in the robots case tho, since they will never get to have kids lol.
No. 202572
>>202563I think it's fair to say people hated on Twilight for a bit more than that.
t. guy actually forced to watch Twilight
Highschool relationships were a shit show.
No. 202573
>>202569nobody gives a fuck u find that gross hoe
>>202570>will never get to have kidsgod bless
No. 202607
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>>202602>i recently started dating really nice, sweet guy this is so refreshing to see on this website
No. 202616
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>>202609yeah being a teen is awful and embarrassing, but people will always get caught up in their stupid fantasies
No. 202623
>>202622That sounds really cute actually!
When I was a teen I was not only ugly but I also lacked personal hygiene I would go for weeks without showering, would forget to eat for days and when I did eat it was junk, one time I hadnt brushed my hair so long I almost got dreadlocks ffs.
No. 202629
>>202625I grew into my ears and nose, yeah. I also got a nosejob but that was to fix the shape of the nose, it'd got a lot smaller by then (well, my face actually got bigger, but it's still fairly tiny) so it wasn't really a big change or anything, nobody even noticed I had it done.
>>202623Tbh that was me at 14 (bullied, friendless and depressed), I can commiserate!
No. 202638
>>202577I'm 22 and I feel the exact same way. I just feel like my life is hopeless now because I wasted my only attractive years doing as a loser. And now I'm an ugly, washed up loser.
I can't afford botox or anything like that. I will probably kill myself when I turn 25 because by then I definitely won't be able to handle aging anymore.
No. 202643
>>202641Because i would like to be attractive to and loved by a man at some point in my life. But I'm past that point now as shown by
>>202451The older and less attractive women get, the more they are invisible.
No. 202651
>>202638you need a break from lolcow
22 isn't old at all in fact it's young as fuck, you probably don't even look as old as you believe you do, it's just girls on lolcow nitpick the cows to hell and back so unless a girl has skin made of porcelain she will probably get called an old haggard jfk I'm 18 and sometimes I feel like I'm 50 when I try taking a picture of myself
given, life is how you make it, if you have 5 kids by 22 and work at a 9 to 5 you're probably going to seem older to yourself because of life experience
sage for ot
No. 202653
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>>202638Blogposty but for fucks sake I know this 60 year old lesbian couple and you know what they're doing? traveling the world, going to wild drag shows, drinking tasty alcohol and eating expensive chocolate. Not moping around about how old they're getting. Both of them are so pleasant and successful and goddammit that is the life I want to fucking live when I'm +50
just me and my gf, being rich hags in love together with our two dogs/cats/adopted children ;whatever the fuck comes first
being over the age of 25 doesn't mean your life is over, I'd honestly say that's when it's just beginning. There's always someone out there who's gonna find you attractive, I mean if the slaton sisters can find men that desperately want to date them, anyone can
Also this
>>202645>>202648 No. 202658
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>>202616I am a teenager and I can confirm this (I'm 18)
my acne is clearing up and I've stopped being so moody, but holy shit I don't know why people fetishize teens to hell and back, they're awkward, either really emotional or sociopaths who bully everyone, or both, for their looks they tend to have shitty acne, don't know how to dress or style their hair, their bodies are either really shapeless, or they look as any other adult woman so why do they want only teens who knows, they are complete shit head idiots,while sadly there are some following the ig thot trend but most of them are ~loli desu teens~ they're fucking awkward
people need to get off anime and social media and get out more
No. 202669
>>202638what exactly do you think is wrong with you because I guarantee you're blowing it way out of proportion. Believe it or not, average and ugly women get laid, date men and eventually get married too.
Some of y'all are wild with this feeling like old hags in your early twenties shit.
No. 202675
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>>202653this is inspirational, anon. thank you. everyone here needs to read this.
No. 202688
>>202532>women don't go around banging young looking men because ~fertility~They kinda should.
The reason older women tend to have more kids with birth defects is that older guys produce a higher number of defective sperm. Ovum are all created very early, while sperm are produced continually and thus lower in quality with aging.
>however if a woman is open about her standards or preferences she gets bashed, seen as shallow, sometimes gets called uglyI don't notice this that much, but it's probably for the same general reason casual sex is so messed up in terms of double standards.
If an older guy is sleeping with a twenty year old girl, it probably means he's skilled at seduction, which is celebrated for men. Meanwhile, teenage boys tend to be pretty horny and willing to sleep with like 80% of women, so fucking them isn't considered impressive.
>tldr basically it's not that women don't like young guys and men do, it's that men are allowed to and it's seen as normalI'm skeptical. Understandings of normal behavior don't spring out of thin air, and daddy's little girl autism is everywhere.
No. 202690
>>202663well they're wrong because there's tons of teens with loose pussies and tons of teens with tight pussies
>>202665so basically they want women to look like dolls forever?
No. 202696
>>202665>that or they just think that if aging can make you less attractive (sagging,wrinkles,etc) then being super young must mean you're super attractive!Not really. It's more like her tits are more perky, her ass is more firm etc.
A woman who takes care of herself in her mid to late 20's is going to look better than a couch potato straight out of Highschool but it's a bit difficult to wrap that into a short statement.
>>202653My great aunt was like that, loved to take the piss out of people.
No. 202708
>>202697I didn't mean anything with age though
it's like they want young skin because in their head they think that it's perfect, pimpless scarless skin and older skin is wrinkley and saggy, it's like they can never come to terms with the fact 99% of women don't have perfect skin
No. 202719
>>202546God, the way that data is constantly referenced to show how awful and shallow women are infuriates me.
Yes, women rated men low in terms of looks. But people ALWAYS ignore the rest of the post
>When it comes down to actually choosing targets, men choose the modelesque.>Site-wide, two-thirds of male messages go to the best-looking third of women. >On the other hand, when it comes to actual messaging, women shift their expectations only just slightly ahead of the curve, which is a healthier pattern than guys’ pursuing the all-but-unattainable. >This graph also dramatically illustrates just how much more important a woman’s looks are than a guy’s.And people NEVER take into account how little an arbitrary rating reflects the way a woman experiences attraction. Without meeting a guy and seeing the way he carries himself, hearing the way he talks, having him touch you or flirt with you etc, most girls aren't going to be able to judge how attracted they are to them. Not really the same for men, who value looks above everything. Not to mention that men rate women's looks constantly as a matter of course, it's the default way they provide context for a discussion about girls. Girls don't do the same, they don't have a developed 'system' for rating so they're not as used to thinking about looks in a relative way.
No. 202722
>>202719>how awful and shallow women are infuriates me. I didnt post it to try to sell that point. My point was people like attractive people, not that men are "more enlightened" with their preferences or some nonsense. Yes, a womans attraction is nuanced but stuff like financial stability is also a major factor. Does that mean all women are gold diggers? Not really.
The point was more to make fun of the women clutching their pearls that a man finds a woman in her early 20s more attractive than a 40 year old. Hurr durr I'll never marry a man because of my rampant insecurities and all that other sorts of nonsense.
No. 202726
>>202564I feel like you're misinterpreting my post. The guys who look for girlfriends outside the school gates are almost always guys you really don't want to know. The problem is that it's usually blamed entirely on those guys rather than the relationship being a joint effort. Teenagers are horny and concerned with social status, and some girls will go after what they consider to be the impressive, attractive older guy.
When I was a teenager, I knew a whole group of girls who would lie about their age and target older men because that's what they thought was cool and attractive. Teenagers are stupid and naive, but they are not at all innocent.
>>202719I always thought it was simply that guys are shit at taking photos or choosing photos that make them look attractive.
No. 202727
I really want to find guys who think like this and punch them in the face. Reddit for sure loves to eat it up. No one thinks you're a pedo just because you're attracted to 16-18 year olds…the key issue is emotional intelligence AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER. The age of consent is for kids to fuck around with each other, not for you, a 35 year old, to prey on them. FUCK OFF. God, I'm so glad that people around me are normal and dating appropriately.
I hate that the daddy's princess uwu trend started on tumblr (and was aided by the likes of Lana) and now it's everywhere. Fake woke feminists like to promote sugaring and sex work to younger girls because it's somehow ~empowering~ but all they're doing is throwing these girls directly into the hands of creeps and predators. They're putting all their self-worth into how much men find them sexually attractive and eventually these assholes just move onto a younger model.
I feel like media really distorts when you should look and feel at certain ages. Like all the teen and college movies are filled with grown ass adults…I guess that's why men go for the idealized version of teenagers rather than the awkward, lanky, unfashionable messes we really are. I'm 20 and dating a boy of the same age, and I still basically feel like we're kids having fun. I'm also kind of afraid of getting older but I feel like every year I get a little better looking and I'm def glad to not have my teenage looks (but I did have nosejob like
Last note - my boyfriend was in the camp of "what's wrong when there's a significant age difference if they're legal" (he's only dated ppl his age don't worry) and I convinced him otherwise, so not all men are trash lmao
No. 202752
>>202744Anon, 20 is definatly not too old, but i kinda get there you come from: when i was younger i was pretty slim but due to depression i gained a lot of weight, making me look a bit homely although i'm only 22.
I just wish i could turn back time, not so that some sick fucks find me more attractive, but simply so that i could have a carefree kind of life. Sometimes i even feel envious of my little 12 year old sister; not caring about weight, makeup etc, but still wearing cute clothes and hanging with friends all day.
I know that some are going to say that's still possible when you're older, but it simply doesn't feel the same with responsibilties and outside pressure.
In conclusion i think younger girls seem more attractive simply because they are happier.
No. 202761
>>202754Sounds like you're trying to pin your relationship issues on some teen from 3 years ago.
A guy who doesn't want to fuck is a giant red flag for serious problems that go way deeper than whether he is attracted to you or not. Boys are usually dtf even if you're not the hottest thing in the world to them. They aren't that picky.
You say you found him searching for teen stuff online? That's pretty much the default search term for sites like that–but have you confirmed that he actually does fap at all? If he can jack off, he can stick it in you, so you really need to drill down on him and demand to know why without getting distracted by the teen thing.
Your problems are probably way worse than some teen and you guys need to talk it out if you want to save tour relationship.
No. 202766
I'd like to share my personal experience with a large age difference (sage for blog). When I was about 20 I started dating a guy fifteen years older than me. I actually knew him through his ex-gf, who was eight years younger than him. Now, obviously I was an adult when I began this relationship, but I was incredibly naive. At the time I had a severe ED, which is ex -also- had when she'd been dating him. Apparently he had a record for going after younger adult women with psychological problems.
My parents did not approve of this relationship (with good reason), and so I ended up moving 1k miles away from home to live with him. The couple of months I was there were some of the most miserable ones. I do want to say, the thing that appealed to him about me wasn't that he was older. That actually was what freaked me out. What I liked was that we -did- actually have some things in common (both avid outdoors kind of people, had some similar goals when it came to that - tbh, those times we hiked and camped were really great and if I hadn't been w/ him I might not have ever had those experiences).
Still. At the time, I'd left college for this guy. I didn't have a job and I had hardly any money to my name. I was all alone and I felt like he was my only option, because I'd broken relationships everywhere else.
For the love of god, please don't do what I did. My relationships with family and friends are repaired now. I ended up getting my BS and Masters degrees and have a stable job. I've been in an almost 7 year relationship with a truly good guy who is understanding and accepting of who I am.
I always worry when I hear similar stories. If a guy is going after you and has a habit of going after people like you (whether you have an mental illness, are just a certain "type", etc.) and he's much older, just walk away. Those are red flags. This guy would get violent sometimes and it's amazing to me that I even made if out of that relationship alive.
Sorry for the longass post.
No. 202768
>>202555>>202558It depends on where you live also. In my country when a 28 y.o. is dating a 16 y.o. few people will bat an eye.
(And no, it's not a third world country)
A friend of mine is 32 and is only attracted to girls in their early twenties. He says that "girls his age are boring and look old". If I, a woman, were 32 and said the same thing people would call me creepy.
No. 202775
It's fine to think 16-17 years old attractive, as long as they are actually hot (normal weight, ass/boobs etc). If it makes someone a pedo then virtually all men are pedos. It's weird to have an attraction because of the young age, though. I've seen some guys proud of making out with a girl who "smells like milk", stuff like this. They tend to be older, too.
>>202688>The reason older women tend to have more kids with birth defects is that older guys produce a higher number of defective sperm. Ovum are all created very early, while sperm are produced continually and thus lower in quality with aging.Actually it's the opposite. Sperm doesn't get the same effect from aging because it's continually produced.
No. 202782
>>202775>smells like milkwhat the fuck does that even mean
>>202769>>202766This just tells me that men like to go for the lowest hanging fruit because they think they'll have better chances of being in charge of the relationship. Not saying young girls and mentally ill women are easy or poor gf material or whatever (though some undoubtedly are), but that men will go after vulnerable women because they think they're less likely to leave them when they cop on to their antics.
No. 202786
>>202744I had a long inspirational post for you but you're either too mentally ill to take it too heart or a troll.
>>202754some of y'all put up with just about anything to say you have a man smh.
No. 202801
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>>202790guess that's what happens on a site where girls like venusangelic, kiki kannibal, etc etc all get blasted for "aging"
No. 202804
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>>202744you need to get out more
you all need to get out more
I like watching cows on lolcow do foolish things but goddamn this website can really make you think stupid shit
Get a fucking grip people
No. 202808
>>202451A side effect of digital communication is that we're all acutely aware of sexual ideals and all the ways we don't measure up to them.
That doesn't mean you can't find love and that doesn't mean you'll be abandoned or cheated on.
Also, the 22 year olds acting like their lives are finished are acting ridiculously. It's extremely normal for white collar couples to recover from college debt and start marrying and raising kids after 25. Sleeping around when you're younger is nice and all but missing out on it really doesn't meaningfully impact you later.
>>202775>>202724 No. 202936
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What do people think of this? She claims to be 14, has a body like this (she was flat a few months ago and just says its working out and puberty)
i dont know if she is a 14 yr old with shitty parents and knows how to photoshop. Or she is grown with plastic surgery and just pretending to be 14 for attention, either way its disgusting
No. 202937
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>>202936she's also jumping on the "you don't like kids acting like sluts? you must be sexualizing them you pedophile!" train
No. 202944
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>>202940also the way she talks about her age seems so… forced, like this is not how middle schoolers talk
and why does she have a huge fan base? she gets a shit ton of drawings of herself from fans daily, something about this situation all together seem so fishy, and the second you comment about her body being fake her followers will use the "you're just jealous stop sexualizing her its all natural" card, it's like when you call out yumi king, I'd post her in /snow/ but they don't allow underage people, at least I don't think
No. 202946
>>202943Yeah it is
There are definitely legitimate conditions for it, but I'd place that at about 10% of guys who have ED
t. works with a bunch of middle aged guys who talk about it
No. 202947
>>202775>because it's continually produced.You do realize that the only reason we age is because DNA gets progressively "damaged" with age and because of that the cells the body produces are of increasingly low quality, right? That's why you can have a perfect health and you'll still die of old age eventually.
Not saying eggs don't age (I wouldn't know whether or not their quality decline lol) but with this information, DNA-wise, an egg formed during youth is more likely to have its DNA intact than sperm produced by old, damaged code.
Sage for biosperg
No. 202951
>>202945her facebook goes back to 2014, so she would have been 11-12 then, it was before her birthday as well so she would have been 11, why is she posting on fb at 11?
>>202950I think it's for attention
"teehee I'm young and super unrealistically curvy"
I really wanna post her on /snow/ but I need to find proof she's lying about her age
No. 202972
>>202970yeah but those are tits, girls can have huge H tits at 12 and it be natural, saggy and bologna nips, but natural, where as with ass, girls can have big asses but 99% of the time if it's shaped like that, no bumps, no cellulite, but no visible muscles as well as that small of a waist, a flat stomach, its fake
No. 202985
>>202936100% photoshop, would say the same thing if she was 28 yo.
guarantee she'll look haggard with awful skin by 20.
No. 202995
File: 1503503262533.png (469.22 KB, 450x552, 123.png)

>>202970my mom and i used to joke that it's all the hormones in the mcdonald's that kids eat nowadays
>>202972>bologna nipslmao i hate these kinds of areolae they look like they're gonna devour you
>>202951a snow thread would be great. she definitely photoshops. it's obvious because her arm is as gigantic as a cartoon mutton leg and her stomach is sucked in, slimmed down, and her back was shooped to look like it's bending in ways a back should not be bending. an actual 14 year old wouldnt constantly mention their age in every photo, it's not even on their minds. she's got a shitload of pics of her friends on her page and it's really obvious none of them are 14 or even in school anymore.
No. 202997
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>>202995lol @ the yaoi hands and weirdly shaped ass shoop on the right. the captions are even lulzier. all she did was skip her makeup routine on the left and put on some childish baggy clothes whether it was taken a couple years ago or not is irrelevant since she is a fully grown adult. i think most of us here can agree we'd look just as young if we didn't put on makeup and just wore a panda hoodie and jeans. im ngl, im 20 and put on outfits similar to the left on lazy days and when i go to a restaurant looking like that, they offer me crayons. she looks around the same age as me in that photo and not like an actual 12 year old. the nails are a nice hint at that.
No. 202999
>>202962I wasn't implying it's pedophilia but moreso people trying to slowly make pedophilia more acceptable (even if subconsciously). There are age gaps between older men and younger women in almost every film out there, it's actually come to be expected.
Sure, it's not pedophilia yet. But the result is that we now have guys claiming that it's "natural" to lust after women in their teens because they're more "fertile" or similar rubbish excuses. I've noticed a lot of children's TV (on Nickelodeon and Disney) that is littered with sexual jokes and caters a lot to the male gaze. They don't realise that it's just a trend that the media have shoved in their face and it's got no scientific basis. I remember when I was younger, OLDER women were considered attractive for being sexually "expereinced". It's all bullshit.
I probably am overreacting about that specific film though because I haven't seen the full film yet but it was the most recent example I had in my mind.
No. 203001
>>203000the 11 year olds you went to school with in middle school had legs and faces looking like
>>202995? thats rough.
No. 203002
>>203001Not 11, but 13 or 14, yeah.
The girl in the middle of that pic looks like a child prostitute tbh.
No. 203024
>>202997There's no way this girl is a day younger than 16 but she's also not a day older than 12 psychologically
Maybe that's why she says 14
No. 203043
>>202995so for lying about her age we have
>always mentioning it in an unnatural way>having grown men on her facebook post on her wall talking about how "thicc" she is>all her friends are grown ups>she always goes to bars and clubs>she owns a shit ton of expensive slutty clothes and high end makeup>been posting since 2011anything else?
No. 203062
>>203058bad. you posted the wrong instagram for starters and
>>202995 is not her "without shoop". it's her friends which are obviously grown ass women
No. 203063
>>203058can't delete now bleh
but it's fine, most of her other social media link to her ig anyway
No. 203138
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>>203087agreed, there'a certain extent where it's the perfect amount of fertility
like when guys expect girls to have huge ass hips and big tits and claim "o fertility haha its for breeding" when if it's too much it could also be signs of something else thats wrong that could prevent fertility but go and want teens and claim it's for fertility to?? men are confusing
I honestly have yet to see a woman with crazy standards for men and claim it's because fertility
No. 203160
>>203151depends on where you're from, I've seen more men body shame other men for not having muscle than I've seen women shame them for not having muscle, I prefer high test men too, to an extent, with happy trails, maybe a small bit of muscles, and wide chest/shoulders but not too wide with sharp features, for men though, while growing body hair can depend on genetics they also build muscle a lot easier, so if they want to look high test, they can work out with weights and a few months later will have a bit of muscle, with women however if she has a small butt, small hips, skinny thighs etc, working out can only go so far, and she might get a bigger butt, I know several women who worked out and squat a lot and still had small butts but they were rounded and toned, for the fertility claim, while if a woman wanted a bigger guy with hair and all, she wouldn't claim its for fertility but it's what she's attracted to, with men they try to justify their high unattainable standards as ~fertility~ and the woman also don't have that high of standards for whats good enough to be considered buff or fertile, where as in some cases you have to have a huge ass to even be considered to have an ass, have to have giant anime hips to be considered to have hips, and so on
also I've seen a lot of women be attracted to guys who are too buff or too hairy
No. 203201
>>202410Just today i read in a gossip mag that Robin Thicke's 22 yo girlfriend is pregnant. He's nearly twice her age; got me instantly angry…
Does anybody think that in about 20 years she's going to look at her child's friends and thinks 'yeah it would be totally moraly acceptable to date that'?! No that's shit only men do and of course that magazine is not calling him out on that, but instead write congratulations and how cute the baby will turn out… Besides how long did they date already? Such large age gaps should be illegal (at least until the younger partner is not only bodily but also mentaly ready to comprehend what they are doing)
No. 203231
>>203208Yes they do have reality shows about it, BECAUSE it's not the norm and is seen as weird/disgusting etc. Realationships between young girls and older men however are totally normalized.
Notice that whenever the women is older in movies, their age gap either the plot itself (e.g. her friends say he's to young etc. even if it's just buy a couple of years) or it's seen as a comedic aspect and completely ridiculed. If it's the other way around nobody even thinks it's worth mentioning anymore.
No. 203262
>>203242>>203243At that point you have a demographics issue.
While many people browse imageboards for an optional source of entertainment and connection, for others it is their only source, and the reasons for such a situation are not usually positive.
No. 203273
>>203245>/pol/The biggest red flag ever. He's most likely an insecure edgelord with self esteem issues.
>>203249>right wing but not the hate woman typeI reeeeeally doubt it.
No. 203309
>>203303Poo in loo is funny.
Guess you've never been to majority Indian immigrant suburbs in your country.
No. 203382
>>203377>Are all white supremacists like this? The one I know also dropped out of high school.So once upon a time I was doing the whole 2 year at CC->transfer to a real university thing since I was a lazy turd in HS. One of the required classes for the associates was some stupid anthropology class.
Anyways there was this one kid who I occasionally argued with from there. I'm pretty conservative, but the guy would talk about Ayn Rand and then I would point out she had a guy rape a woman who then fell in love with him because he was ~such a unique architect~ in one of her books. I mean I appreciate dealing with the Reds fucks you up but it's an understatement to say she had issues.
People started talking about anonymity on the internet and he started talking about 4chan naturally, and then started giggling because he kept dancing around using the term newfag. Anyways it capped out when the class went about the topic of the holocaust. He kept talking about how he TOTALLY DOESN'T BELIEVE THIS but kept bringing up standard talking points used on /pol/ and stormfront to try to well, deny the holocaust. Not really sure if the kid was a white nationalist but the dude was fucking quoting those mspaint "infographics" verbatim, as in I saw some of them the night before he'd go on those tangents.
It was such a fucking surreal class.
No. 203395
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>>203377>Are all white supremacists like this?Yes. The people who politically disagree with me (the baddies) are all unattractive and professional unsuccessful.
The people who politically agree with me (the goodies) are all attractive and professionally successful (like people with gender studies degrees).
No. 203398
>>203397>Likes Ayn Rand>Literal white supremacistThis is the equivalent of calling someone a "communist" because they believe in a national health system.
In fact it's worse because objectivism is all about radical individualism (in the capitalistic sense), and logically precludes ethnic nationalism (not that I like objectivism mind you).
No. 203399
>>203398Nice straw man, retard. Even if I was talking about the objectivist guy in
>>203382, he was also a holocaust denier, so I think it's safe to assume.
No. 203400
>>203399>so I think it's safe to assume.Not really. Plenty of Arabs and Iranians also doubt the holocaust, but I wouldn't call them white supremacists.
Again, objectivism is completely different to ethnic nationalism. You lack nuance.
No. 203402
>>203400Sorry, how dare I accuse a /pol/ browser who denies the holocaust of being a white supremacist. Obviously the two have no correlation.
And like I said, I wasn't even talking about that guy and neither was
>>203377. I'm talking about legitimate white supremacists.
No. 203405
>>203402You seem incapable of dealing with the central point here: that objectivism and ethnic nationalism are two mutually opposing ideologies.
And no, someone browsing an imageboard doesn't make them a white supremacist, nor does their taking an unorthodox opinion on a particular historical event.
I'll leave you to your boogeymen (/pol/, white supremacists, objectivists in class, Vladimir Putin etc).
No. 203410
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>>203398I was not suggesting the guy was a white supremacist because he liked Ayn Rand. -I- like Ayn Rand, in small doses (shes a VERY flawed person but that does not dismiss all of what she had to say).
I was suggesting he was a white supremacist or at least held sympathies for them because he kept talking about how Zyklon B should have stained the walls blue etc. You would be hard pressed to argue that there is not a significant overlap of people who deny the holocaust and people who sympathize with Hitler typically. In hindsight I don't think the guy even had any original thoughts of his own because I knew which "infographics" he was referencing verbatim because at the time I also went to /pol/.
Also I'm not really sure why that guy is wording their posts to make it sound like he is me.
No. 203439
>>203419/pol/ regularly argues that age of consent laws are a construct of feminists and/or jews
Makes sense to me
No. 203500
>>203477But "knowing about the world"/that aging is more painful for women as you put it, doesn't make the whole issue more okay or acceptable and that's what this whole thread is about, it simply shouldn't be this way!
Teens sexualize themselves because of the media and not, because one day they wake up suddenly feel like it
No. 203624
>>202478Pay close attention to your BF. Is he a man that commands respect? Is he a man that other people see as successful? Is he intelligent and interesting? Do women your age often flirt with him or check him out? If the answers to these questions are all "no" that explains why he feels so cool that a little kid is giving him attention.
He is a dull nobody and most adult women find men like him tedius.
No. 203642
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>>202410literally an hour after readin this thread, one of my friends shares this absolutely nasty shit.
this girl looks 12 years old, made me feel sick! i like the friend who posted it a lot but this seems like a really low blow, i commented her telling her not cool and stuff…..utterly bizarre. im sure she just didnt think about it but…eugh
No. 203652
>>203642The original screenplay had the characters in a sexual relationship but it was removed, and Jean Reno tried to intentionally make Leon seem too stupid to be in a relationship with Portman's character because it also grossed him out
I had to watch that for a film class and pretty much everyone there was aware of the creepy sexual undertones
No. 203664
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Daily reminder that the median 30 year old man spends as much time messaging teenagers as he does messaging women his own age.
No. 203711
>>203705First of no, since it's no longer just people in the us. Second it's actually white people who get lumped together and collectivly called nazis, evil, white supremasist or whatever for simply existing, so get that stick out of your ass!
By being offended by just a little thing like that and acting all high anf mighty, you're somewhat proving the point. I'm from a 'first world country' but people here still say the n-world normally, would you've prefered that?!
No. 203712
>>203711If people accuse you of being a nazi or white supremacist, it's because you act like one, not because of the SJW liberal strawman. Nobody is running around doing that flippantly.
Saged for total irrelevance. Wtf is going on in this thread? The argument that men are attracted to fertility in this day and age is hilarious - if you're trying to fuck 20 year olds, then no way to you want to get tied down to one who gets pregnant. It comes down to perversion and shamelessness, plain and simple.
No. 203713
>>203712>it's because you act like oneI'm not sure about that, all sorts of center-right figures and anti-immigration figures get called nazis all the time.
Nazism is a political ideology, it's not just "anyone to the right of Bernie".
No. 204204
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I just want to get married. I want to be a young bride, if possible. If I can't be a cute girl anymore, or don't have much time left, I can be a mother to cute girls and boys instead! A love of cuteness is naturally tied to a maternal drive.
My boyfriend is great, he is very kind, he is funny and sweet, he is very intelligent, he is an IT professional making a high salary. There are many great things about him.
But, he probably has lolicon tendencies…
He claims he doesn't like loli, but I've seen him interested in anime girls that are like semi-loli (middle school age physique) and he likes small breasts, dislikes large breasts, for doujins he goes to which hosts all the loli doujins that exhentai does. I even translate and typeset doujins, he likes that a lot.
He's a weeb and loves Kancolle. Most of his favourite Kancolle girls are Destroyer ships, which are designed to look like middle school girls in boat costumes.
He loves it when I wear frilly 'soft sister' type clothes. He's always said that I look young and 'so cute' and 'innocent' and 'cute is sexy' and he loves it. I also get carded often. He's not into DDlg, but he often pets my head and coddles me, playfully teases me like if I were a kid.
My boyfriend and I are the same age, 23. (Yuck! Just that number gets me upset. And it's only going to get bigger…) He and I met when we were 19. He says he thought I was about 15 when he first met me, so he was slightly apprehensive about dating me, but found out my real age a few dates later. Psychologically, first impressions count, ("imprinting") so in his brain, he'll always remember the "15 year old girl" me.
I was feeling semi-confident, but now that I went to this thread, I'm reminded how high the standards are, and I'm back to square one :(
I can't help but think "if you saw me, would you think I was some dried up, non-fresh, mediocre woman?"
But that's ok, because I pass my boyfriend's standards. He loves me, and he immediately makes love to me when I go in his house. And knowing that I spend/spent my youth with a wonderful guy, instead of being some "idol" or e-fame cow or a slut, makes me glad. I hope he still keeps loving me for a very long time.
No. 204214
>>204213Oh and samefag but
>wanting to marry a guy who watches hentai at 23Lmao love yourself.
No. 204220
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>>204204He and I met when we were 19. He says he thought I was about 15 when he first met me, so he was slightly apprehensive about dating me, but found out my real age a few dates later.
>he found out my real age a few dates later No. 204222
>>204213Now why would a guy want to do that? Sounds like a waste of time, not even a redpiller guy would do that. Why does my post sound fake? I'm just typing the same way I type everywhere.
I'm sorry if I sound fake. But maybe that's a good thing, seeming like a 'too good to be true' girlfriend, or something.
>maybe if i use bad af grammar like this i'd sound more natural idk lolLike most people type on these boards?
>>204214He reads it, he doesn't watch it. He prefers having sex with me and he enjoys looking at my photos. And isn't it better than if he liked actual young girls?
What's with those reaction faces? My situation sure isn't the worst you've seen on this forum. I enjoy cute stuff and making my boyfriend happy, isn't that a good thing?
No. 204236
>>204228I'm proud too. Nice one!
>>204204 will make a nice copypasta.
No. 204263
>>204214>>204215>>204216>>204220>>204224>>204225>>204228>>204233>>204236>>204237>>204253Why do you act so shocked by me, is that a defense mechanism? That's so fake and theatrical. This is an anonymous board, you can be honest if you like.
I doubt that you'd actually use my post as a copypasta, that just seems like an empty threat like everything else you anons spout.
I've read through the whole thread, there are so many harsh opinions that guys secretly harbor…
I hope my guy doesn't have those thoughts. If I'd ever ask him about it, he would deny it. He wouldn't want to hurt me. In any case, I can get vagina tightening surgery or something like that. If you can't beat them, join them? I love my man, he works hard at his job, so I try to work hard to make him happy, he deserves it. Do you have a boyfriend? How does he treat you?
No. 204267
File: 1505260518884.png (284.23 KB, 1242x1565, IMG_6874.PNG)

i believe if it were legal and socially acceptable in the western world most if not all men would fuck 12/13/14 year olds.
They object to child brides in 3rd world countries because it's "filthy darkies being animals WE aren't like that" but will jack off to the teen porn category, fetishise school uniforms, write stories about teen girls "seducing" 45+ men and push the idea that women are no longer wanted or sexually viable past a certain age.
No. 204274
File: 1505266110559.jpg (49.22 KB, 702x761, 10513491_468196440041365_73378…)

>>204263its almost like youre the one shoving the fucking lolicon idea at him but good god help me this gotta be bait and ill be struck down for biting…
No. 204277
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>>204263this is amazing bait.
No. 204288
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>completely ignoring the other stuff I said that reinforces my point
but yeah, you're probably right I just ~know~ awful people.
No. 204311
>>204263despite popular belief, vaginal tightening won't give you loli vagina it would give you the vagina of a grown woman, just tighter, no grown woman looks like a loli, not even the self proclaimed lolis or the one internets call lolis
there's a reason why you only see photos or videos with high exposure, tons of makeup, contacts, and good angles of these people, no one looks like that in real life
No. 204319
>>204267>>204280I find it interesting that I experienced the peak of catcalling at 14-16 of age. Construction workers, drunkards, random groups of men. I would always try to avoid groups because I knew I'd get pestered. And mind, I've never looked mature and much developed. But I had very long hair and men would call me a beautiful nymph and stuff like that.
I'm 20-something and I barely get catcalled now. But I still remember the disgust and anger, huge pure anger I felt as a kid being accosted by grown men.
No. 204326
>>202540It's often men and naive, media-marinated teenaged girls who force the "women are ruined after 30" meme. Most women look the same at 35 as they did at 25 with maybe a few more wrinkles, but the society still enforces the ideal of 17-year olds being at the peak of their beauty. And it keeps getting lower, now it's closer to 15. I've seen honest to god 20-year old girls panicking over getting "too old" and that their lives are basically over after their teens. It's disgusting. Even in porn "MILF"s are usually women barely in their early 30's.
>>202638And here we have a perfect example. 22-year olds are basically teens. There's no physical or mental difference between a 18-year old and a 22-year old.
No. 204328
>>202750Dump him, anon. I can tell you for sure that he's not being "ironic" or "joking around". He's going to cheat on you with a 16-year old the moment he gets the chance.
>>202754You too, drop that garbage straight in the garbage bin. Don't waste your life with a fucking predator.
>>203000Dude parents allowing their kids go out like that is fucked up. And just because it's been around doesn't make it acceptable.
>>203201After the kid is born he'll get a new 20-year old mistress in 4-7 years. I hope the current girlfriend at least gets a good alimony check out of him.
>>204204Can't tell if this is a shitty bait or a shitty copypasta but 2/5 made me groan
>>204327Fuck off robot
No. 204342
>>204334>>204331>>204330jesus christ fuck off already you butthurt robot piece of shit
No. 204347
>>204342If I had posted what I said here
>>204327 but in reverse on r9k I would be called a roastie and get told to fuck off in the same way lmao.
I'm not saying anything about the sexualization of teenagers, I'm talking about the people ITT claiming they're worthless after aging past 20. It's the same way of thinking that makes robots think they're situation is hopeless because they don't look like a chad.
No. 204395

>>204375Guys love shoving the "hot guys are douche bags date a shy ugly man like me and we make you laugh" rhetoric down our throat… yet, it's always them doing the bullying, it's always the one who feel the need to tell people how they think a woman doesn't look good enough, she's flat, she's ugly, etc, even if what's being talked about has nothing to do with the womans appearance. it's always ugly men who want women to look like sex dolls forever and go for teenagers because women their age are as ugly as them, it's always ugly men setting crazy standard, hell, once when the fappening happened, I mentioned house I thought jennifer lawrence had nice boobs and of course the fattest, ugliest, boogie level looking guy I knew said "eh I've seen better", it's always ugly men defending if a woman who's clearly had surgery is natural, it's always ugly men wanting to blame women to hell and back for everything that happens, it's always ugly men pulling the "well if she was a man she would get punished more" card when a woman has been fairly punished, I stopped looking at crime watch dailys comments because everytime a girl got raped the uggos would come up and be like "she's not pretty enough she was chasing a dream" "she was a thot she deserved everything she got"
Honestly I have not ONCE seen an actual attractive man do that shit, attractive men tend to have attractive personalities, fuck what ugly basement dwellers say
No. 204450
>>204448*I don't know why so many people find him attractive.
Saged for annoying dyslexia.
No. 204995
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>>202410YouTube is full of videos like this. Grown ass men ''reacting'' to underaged girls. It's especially uncomfortable when there's a group of dudes reacting, and they're all pretending the girls aren't sexy. Just going ''ayy, good song'', ''she's a good dancer''. And the comments being full of even more grown men ''ironically'' saying ''if she's 13 I'm 13''.
No. 205001
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>>202616I think another problem is how the media portrays teens.
Hell, nobody in this thread should feel bad for not being a teen, in movies and shit people who are like +27 play TEENAGERS. Look at the movie Grease for Christ's sake, nobody in that film was under the age of 21, but you bet your ass that Olivia Newton John(who was 29 when they filmed that shit) was hot as fuck
No. 206667
>>202752That's why dudes like them. Like ok they're cute, but mores it's just being carefree and happy - men don't want to actually do any work to improve the quality of life for women so they just find younger ones when they feel emasculated. You have to create the quality of life for yourself, most men just want to take advantage of privilege whether they admit it or not and that's a very human desire.
If you turned back time you wouldn't be carefree, you'd be dealing with even more shitty dudes because "teens" are fetishized even more. The bottom line is that if a dude wants to date a teenager it's because he wants the feeling of power and doing something wrong/taboo. You don't really want someone like that, stop giving those assholes that much power over your life and enjoy yours.
No. 206699
>>204995Yeah, these dudes are more than likely pedos in disguise. Why the fuck would any normal adult want to search up videos of tweens on youtube? Just the action itself is bizarre, but posting their reactions is even more bold. Those kids are misguided and want attention from their own age range, not from weird men looking to profit off reposting their videos with reactions. Ugh, so many men are really shameless about their obsessions with younger people and their culture.
>>205001I understand your point with the portrayal of teens in some movies, but tbh, I would rather have almost scantily clad 30 year olds with teenage roles in films than have actual scantily clad teenagers as the stars. Even though it is absurd, at least it's not super creepy.
No. 206721
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>>205001>>206699I don't think they should cast actual teenagers when the show/movie has very adult themes and situations, but they should cast between 18-21 year olds, Skins did that then only had that cast for 2 seasons then brought in a new crop of characters.
Also, I believe The Inbetweeners were cast with young actors above the age of 18.
No. 207203
>>207201That is the case though, most of them are attracted to teens and preteens who look young and claim they dont
I'm not gonna sit here and act angry and delusional, but its rare to see someone who claims its ok to like kids between 12-17 if they look older, to actually like the ones that look older
Onision for example, he made that same claim,but still talks about how he likes underdeveloped women
No. 207214
>>207206>>207207This. It's so sad.
I'm gonna sound tumblrina for a moment but fuck, men are such trash.
No. 207215
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Men who lust for teenagers claim that it's for a low risk of divorce and high fertility, but research show this doesn't hold up. 44.5% of women with a high school degree will have had a divorce by age 46, but 32% of women with a bachelor's degree or higher will have had a divorce by then. Scroll down and see Table 4 of A woman has her lowest risk for miscarriage in her early 20's, not at 16. See The real reason is the power imbalance.
A teenage girl will be more trusting because she has fewer experiences of being taken advantage of in dating. She is unlikely to have job experience outside of minimum wage work and few savings. She will not have her own place to stay or a car. It's much easier for a man to get away with beating them, forcing them to do degrading sexual things, and never advocate for their needs this way.
There is an intense fear among many men (not all, I'll concede) of autonomous women. This is the reason a lot of the red pill and alt-right types advocate abolishing the right for women to vote, work, or divorce and for her father or oldest brother to decide her husband for her. It's not for the sake of tradition. They are hardly traditional themselves. They are porn users, infrequent church attenders (when they aren't outright atheist), encourage sex outside of marriage for single men, and show little interest in parenting and caring for children. "I'll let my wife take care of my 10 children. That's her job." These traditional restrictions were never for our sake. It was for theirs.
Look at the intense hatred of single women among right-wing men. There are complaints about them riding the cock carousel (A.K.A. "why won't she have sex with me???") and examples of individual single women going broke or making bad choices are held up as proof that ALL women are that way if they don't have a man to give their lives meaning. I see no widespread hatred of single men among right-wing or left-wing women, and a man getting into trouble or going broke is considered to be his individual failure and not an indicator of something larger. Look at the whole MGTOW movement. "See bitches, we don't need you or care about you. That's why we make dozens of videos and online posts about how we don't care." There are some single women who are bitter about it and spend a lot of time complaining, but you have to specifically seek them out. They don't have their own movement or go to majority male sites and harass men. It's mostly men who kill their potential partners for rejecting them or trying to leave the relationship, not women.
Most women can deal with being single just fine. Most men tend to go stir-crazy if they try.
No. 207218
>>207215You took the words out of my mouth, i absolutely agree.
Whenever I see alt right cucks (not saying alt left is better,both ends are just as retarded but in different ways) whine about how "wymins are crazy man!1!" they're always the one being hysterical and irrationnal. And if you disagree you're a mean sjw feminazi out to hurt their feefees
No. 207221
>>207218And yet these types of men are the first to demonize all women for being overemotional and irrational. They consider women inferior for being lead by their emotions (according to them) but as soon as a girl says she's not interested they start fantasizing about raping and murdering her.
Men in general seem incredibly quick to resort to violence whenever a woman makes them upset. They have no emotional self-control whatsoever. I know a guy who expressed the very specific desire to 'stomp the fetus' out of his pregnant supervisor after one shift of her being bitchy to her. That's the first place his mind went for revenge.
Damaged men are beast.
No. 207222
>>207221They sure are.
Jesus fuck.
No. 207223
>>207215>>207215>"Men who lust for teenagers claim that it's for a low risk of divorce and high fertility"the fertility claim was discussed earlier in the thread but I'd like to add that men retardly justify most of their dumb standards as fertility, I say dumb as in dumb, not like "oooo I prefer blonde hair" I mean like "I prefer 15 yr olds with big butts wide hips and small waists and big perky tits with pale skin but it's ok because fertility!!!!" which is of course wrong to use fertility to justify it it, when have you ever seen women justify their standards for fertility ?
I agree 100% with everything you said, MGTOW just sound like they want to beat and rape women rather than do anything reasonable
>Most women can deal with being single just fine. Most men tend to go stir-crazy if they trythis. in the lying about rape thread, someone mentioned the man who made an entire list then ignored his wife while she was on a business trip because she ~DARED~ only have sex with him every two weeks or so. MGTOWs of course defended him, called her abusive for witholding sex, called her a cheater, called her lazy and cruel, and anyone that defended her "just wanted men to suffer"
also notice how soooo many men have broken up or abused love ones, or just had an awful response in general when being denied advances, not to mention how much they beg to see womens bodies just so they can judge, pump and dump then call her a used whore, it makes me wish feminism wasn't seen as some god awful crazy movement because we clearly need it nowadays
No. 207226
>>207215>There is an intense fear among many men (not all, I'll concede) of autonomous women. This is the reason a lot of the red pill and alt-right types advocate abolishing the right for women to vote, work, or divorce and for her father or oldest brother to decide her husband for her. It's not for the sake of tradition.I really hope this is true. It would make me feel a lot better for some reason. I had some guy I know always make me feel like shit for not wanting to be in a relationship or have kids, and I never understood why because it doesn't affect him in anyway. And if that really is the path to being miserable, it's just something I'm going to have to deal with. And my failure STILL doesn't affect him in any way.
I just hate that women don't seem to be able to get any respect. If we are on the path towards marriage and being a housewife, we're leeches. If we are single and focusing on our career we are sluts riding the cock carousel and destroying civilization (even if we're celibate.) I know the only way to win the game is not to play, but…it still sucks hearing those kinds of things.
No. 207230
>I don't know why alt-right men get so preachy about it. I absolutely do not buy that they ACTUALLY care about the wellbeing and happiness of women. They just want someone to be superior towards.Bingo. Do you really think that a man who spends time obsessing over claims that women are dumber, more emotional, less creative, and irrational will treat a wife with no money of her own respectfully? Do think submitting all your decision making to him will be to your benefit? It's all about the power imbalance. Historically, women could not get a job that paid well enough to support themselves, had little education, couldn't have a bank account, couldn't initiate divorce (but the husband could), and had no say in the governments that made laws affecting them.
Husbands were well-aware of this and would take their anger out on their wives, rape them, come home drunk, or refuse to give them money for their needs. They knew this system made it almost impossible for women to meet even basic life needs on their own and took advantage of it.
Whenever you see a man who hates women make claims that a certain policy or standard would improve women's lives, ask yourself if that policy or standard will make it easier for men to control or hurt women. Don't be surprised if your scorecard is 100%.
No. 207231
On the subject of feminism and the the topic of this thread, I came by the following website unfortunately via ED which claims the biggest reason feminism is terrible is because its stopping adult men from fucking children and therefore "punishing male sexuality" im rather disappointed that the site was not made fun of on ED but was instead used as a reference point for someone else.
This is just one articles but there are literally dozens which are worse on here: No. 207266
>>207227That's not really reasonable tho. Men don't beg to see women's bodies for the purpose of abusing her. They want to see women's bodies because that's what they like to see.
We're also getting very specific here. The thread started talking about men in general whereas now all men are apparently redpillers.
No. 207269
>>207241I feel you. Thank god some of them are still decent.
Unless they find some really naive girl or some of those dumb "anti feminist" type, they probably won't breed. Thank god.
No. 207297
>>207277>I cannot tell you how many guys will talk shit about their girlfriends body behind her backI think this is more telling about the people you interact with because I've only encountered this once, and it was more that he was frustrated she kept gaining weight (medically obese) and refused to do anything about it.
>>207293>The girls who refuses to shave and keeps their hair are seen as lesser women, and are told they are manly, ugly, hysterical feminazis etc. To be honest you probably are off kilter if you refuse to keep your stuff at least trimmed. It's a reasonable request, one that men follow a lot of the time too. Nobody wants to get hair in their teeth.
No. 207298
>>207285's disgusting how much importance men place on wanting women to have that perfect anime body
look at all these girls dating fat tubs of shit, they don't go talking about their boyfriends body behind their back and acting as if they're suffering because their partners body doesn't look as they please, hell most girls are even accepting if the man has micropenis syndrome, this isn't even the first time it's happened, just look up "my girlfriend is____" or my girlfriend has___
you'll find tons of men complaining, and that's just if you look it up, not to mention random comments on boards, youtube, social media comments etc it just makes me sick how easily men like so get women, it's disgusting how they can say this, like it's your partners body, why can't you love it because it belongs to who you love and care about not if it looks like a perfect porn star body or not
worst of all it's these same men claiming to hate plastic surgery and that they would break up with a girl if she got it
there's a special place in hell for men like this , if I could I'd stop giving these men benefits of dating or having sex, if you do not appreciate your lovers body, you do not deserve them, case closed
No. 207301
>>207299>I check out almost every girl's ass even when I'm with her, and she knows it.Fuck this guy hard. He WANTS her to feel terrible about herself. I'll never understand men like this. If you have such a huge problem with your girlfriend that you go out of your way to make sure she knows she isn't good enough for you, leave her so she can go find someone who isn't a raging cunt.
God I try so hard to be optimistic about men. I know #notallmen but it's hard to remember that sometimes when there are so many shitty ones.
And yes, before someone flips out, we are all well aware that there are shitty women as well.
No. 207303
>>207297>>207300I never mentioned my own vagina tbh lol. How hairy or bald it really is will remain a mystery, because it's not important.
>>having small amounts of hair is seen as a feminine trait WHY is it seen as a feminine trait? That is the question I wanted to adress. :) (Mainly focusing on bald vags)
No. 207304
>>207298>look at all these girls dating fat tubs of shit, they don't go talking about their boyfriends body behind their back and acting as if they're suffering because their partners body doesn't look as they pleaseIs this a joke?
Only fat fetishists are thrilled about the notion of dating someone fat. People bitch about their partner letting their body go to shit all the time, regardless of gender combination. A degree of attraction is pretty much a prerequisite, caring about the person definitely makes it much more flexible but there still has to be something to begin with.
>it's disgusting how they can say this, like it's your partners body, why can't you love it because it belongs to who you love and care about not if it looks like a perfect porn star body or notThis reads like something I'd have heard back in highschool. I've seen women dump men over this very topic and I'm not about to shame them over it.
>>207299>lucky, I see this happen way too often especially on the internet And? This is where people go to vent. I don't build my opinions on women off of tumblr, or men with r9k because that would be pretty stupid. You can see women doing the same shit now and then even on say, /adv/ or any forum about relationships with a significant population of women.
No. 207306
>>207303>WHY is it seen as a feminine trait? Because different sexes have different traits. Men are naturally more hairy, and a beard is stereotypically masculine. Therefore femininity will generally be the opposite-little to no hair body hair. It's also why society often makes fun of men who shave their legs for instance.
Alternatively, all men just secretly hate women. All of them, especially that one guy.
No. 207308
>>207303mostly because testosterone causes hairiness and prosterone/estrogen can cause body hair loss or thinning, a lot of the time hair is what separates gender, while it's not the main factor and someone can be perfectly feminine with hair, hairlessness is seen as feminine even though most women will never be perfectly hairless doll skinned, but you get the idea
>>207301agreed, if only women dropped guys like this, then they'd have no other choice but to make their standards realistic,it sucks men do this shit and still get to be in relationships
>>207304"Is this a joke?
Only fat fetishists are thrilled about the notion of dating someone fat. People bitch about their partner letting their body go to shit all the time, regardless of gender combination. A degree of attraction is pretty much a prerequisite, caring about the person definitely makes it much more flexible but there still has to be something to begin with."
rarely, look at june or yumi, their boyfriends are tubs of shit but they don't go and bitch about their boyfriends bodies, hell june even promotes body positivity for men, I can see where you're coming from if it's harmfully TLC show obese, but I'm talking about just fat people who are fat and hideous but still able to function
"This reads like something I'd have heard back in highschool. I've seen women dump men over this very topic and I'm not about to shame them over it. "
I doubt this, I don't believe for a second that several women dumped men for not having porn stars bodies, you sound like a butthurt bot
"You can see women doing the same shit now and then even on say, /adv/ or any forum about relationships with a significant population of women."
right, find me an advice forum of a woman raging about her boyfriend not looking like a porn star
I don't care if it's where people go to vent, if you can't accept and love your partners unharmful body flaws, then you don't deserve them, case closed, it happens a lot in real life too, I don't know what fantasy world you live in where it's the women are the judgmental assholes who break up and dump all over men who don't look like porn stars, but I don't believe it
No. 207311
>>207308>rarely, look at june Maybe not the best example considering half of the posts on her thread are about how her boyfriend is overweight and unattractive. She apparently does not mind, and more power to her. I also know men that are with chubsters and are also happy, more power to them too. But to go on and claim women do not care about their partners attractiveness and never bitch about it is plain absurd.
>I doubt this, I don't believe for a second that several women dumped men for not having porn stars bodies, you sound like a butthurt bot I am a robot for claiming women care about their partners body? Absurd. If anything a robot would be inclined to claim women only care about their partners social ranking. Yes, I've seen numerous women frustrated because their partner was a bit overweight (say, 30 lb~) because they kept their body in prime shape while their partner was lazy. This is not an extreme claim, hang out around a college campus and you will see similar situations develop.
>right, find me an advice forum of a woman raging about her boyfriendLiterally just hang out on /adv/ for a while. Or r/relationships. Or whatever else. No one is raging, but many are complaining.
>I don't know what fantasy world you live in where it's the women are the judgmental assholes who break up and dump all over men who don't look like porn stars, but I don't believe itI'm not saying women are the assholes, I'm saying people are assholes and generally like attractive partners. Women it surprisingly turns out, are people too with sexual desires! Who knew?
No. 207313
>>207311>"Maybe not the best example considering half of the posts on her thread are about how her boyfriend is overweight and unattractive"are you… blind? most of her posts call her boyfriend cute and handsome, she never called him unattractive
>". But to go on and claim women do not care about their partners attractiveness and never bitch about it is plain absurd. "I never said women 100% don't do it at all, it's the men do it the most, there's a tiny amount of women who do it, like the stereotypical girl who calls her exes dick small after a break up, but the vast majority of people complaining about their current partners bodies, flaws that aren't unhealthy, are men
>Literally just hang out on /adv/ for a while. Or r/relationships. Or whatever else. No one is raging, but many are complaining.this literally never happens, I have yet to see some girl want to break up with a guy because his body isn't perfect, like normal, non-healthy,flaws, not obesity
>I'm not saying women are the assholes, I'm saying people are assholes and generally like attractive partners. Women it surprisingly turns out, are people too with sexual desires! Who knew?you can like attractive partners without crapping on their body behind their back believe it or not! there's a reason why men like boogie and the amazing atheists have wives or girlfriends who dont treat them awfully where as girls who have less than perfect bodies often have troubles in their dating lives thanks to men such as the ones in the links I posted
No. 207316
>>207313>are you… blind? most of her posts call her boyfriend cute and handsome, she never called him unattractiveWork on your reading comprehension, people here are consistently attacking him for his weight is what I was saying. The guy is not especially overweight, it's entirely a substitute for an attack on his personality. I also find it kind of funny they whine about her throwing other women under the bus but then spam her nudes constantly but that's a topic for another day.
>this literally never happensAre you denying my lived experiences? I'm
triggered now.
> there's a reason why men like boogie and the amazing atheistsBoogie also made a stream where he started panicking, afraid his wife was going to divorce him. Did the amazing banana pick someone legal this time?
>where as girls who have less than perfect bodies often have troubles in their dating lives thanks to men such as the ones in the links I postedYeah except I've seen interesting plain janes with plenty of dating success. That's the thing, don't set your expectations by the internet.
No. 207317
>>207316>Work on your reading comprehension, people here are consistently attacking him for his weight is what I was sayinthat's other people, not june herself, if it was june herself you'd have a point
>Are you denying my lived experiences?yes, most girls here don't even talk about how ugly their boyfriend is, I doubt it's on /adv/
>Boogie also made a stream where he started panicking, afraid his wife was going to divorce him. Did the amazing banana pick someone legal this time? but boogies wife never said herself she was gonna divorce him for being overweight, and idk and idc
>Yeah except I've seen interesting plain janes with plenty of dating success. That's the thing, don't set your expectations by the internet.maybe in your fantasy city or whatever the fuck you live, keep in mind women have been assaulted before for being ugly No. 207320
>>207317>maybe in your fantasy cityYes, I'm the delusional one for saying an interesting woman can have success with dating and that women can be frustrated by their partner gaining weight. My lived experiences? Actually all in fantasia.
>keep in mind women have been assaulted before for being uglyYes, that's all that happened. It's not that she tried to cat fish someone mentally unstable. The guy was clearly off his rocker but don't make it sound like he just attacked some random woman because she wasn't cute enough. The whole reason someone bothered to make the article is because of how absurd it is, if it was commonplace then it wouldn't be notable news.
No. 207325
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>>207320>Yes, I'm the delusional one for saying an interesting woman can have success with dating and that women can be frustrated by their partner gaining weight. My lived experiences? Actually all in fantasia. the standards nowadays are through the roof, I assume you mean plain janes as in girls who are 5 or 6/ 10, maybe some, with of course a few flaws, and thats only of what they know, with all these men saying this crap behind their girlfriends back who knows, girls are willing to worship average looking guys and fall crazy in love with them, when have you ever seen men go crazy over plain janes?
women can become frustrated with partners gaining weight, I never said they can't hence why I repeat flaws that aren't unhealthy, while we have a fair share of men and women complaining about weight gain, when have you ever saw a woman go on some forum and rage about "oooo he has no pecs" "ooo he has no hair" "oooo he has no ass no dick he has acne gross leave his ass"
even if they do, when have women ever claimed to want to leave their boyfriend, cheat on them, compare them to others and remind them they're not good enough if they have one harmless flaw?
>Yes, that's all that happened. It's not that she tried to cat fish someone mentally unstable. The guy was clearly off his rocker but don't make it sound like he just attacked some random woman because she wasn't cute enough. The whole reason someone bothered to make the article is because of how absurd it is, if it was commonplace then it wouldn't be notable news.this wasn't the first time this happened, remember the korean woman who was kidnapped and forced in a strip club with men berading her, calling her ugly, telling her to get plastic surgery like all the other asians, slapping her, etc? not even mentally unstable women use looks as a reason to attack partners
No. 207327
>>207325>the standards nowadays are through the roof, I assume you mean plain janes as in girls who are 5 or 6/ 10, maybe some, with of course a few flaws, and thats only of what they knowMore like 4-5 in my mind, but it's all incredibly arbitrary anyways. Far from hideous, but maybe have a few flaws, plain face, and their body doesn't especially stand out. You know, your average to less than average gal. If you're actually ugly, then you have my sympathies because things will be exponentially harder.
>when have you ever saw a woman go on some forum and rage about "oooo he has no pecs" "ooo he has no hair" "oooo he has no ass no dick he has acne gross leave his ass"But I have? A famous example would be that tweet floating around, where a girl was making fun of men who's height doesn't start with 6' and then some dude retorted with "when her weight starts with two hundred" then women came out of the woodwork to bitch at him.
>when have you ever seen men go crazy over plain janes?When there was an insane level of chemistry because they were interesting and funny people. But you're insisting I live in fantasy land, so hey.
>this wasn't the first time this happened, remember the korean woman who was kidnapped and forced in a strip club with men berading her, calling her ugly, telling her to get plastic surgery like all the other asians, slapping her, etc?I cannot say I am familiar with it, so I can't really comment on it. However S Korea in general seems to be obsessed with plastic surgery.
No. 207328
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>>207327>But I have? A famous example would be that tweet floating around, where a girl was making fun of men who's height doesn't start with 6' and then some dude retorted with "when her weight starts with two hundred" then women came out of the woodwork to bitch at mean that one example that was constantly mocked and made fun of and seen as a giant ironic meme with everyone bitching at the girl? in reality, no guy ever been broken up with for being short, they never got cheated on for being short, they never got called ugly, worthless, etc for the sole reason of being short, the whole "short men are poor little flowers and all women make fun of them" is a meme, just look at men like bruno mars or zayn malik, are they getting called ugly or shitty for being short?
>When there was an insane level of chemistry because they were interesting and funny peopleas I said, fantasy land, average looking funny girls are just seen as funny girls, where as average looking funny guys are practically worshipped
tina fey for example, so many people make fun of her looks and it's rare to see someone attracted to her yet she has a pretty good personality, but there's women with awful personalites who are worshipped for being hot, such as most celebrities, yet there's so many averagey youtubers who are fangirled over just because they're funny or interesting , with people who are truly in love and there's chemistry sparking then yes, but that's rare in most relationships nowadays hence the hoards of men who want to bitch about their girlfriends normal flaw behind her back
>I cannot say I am familiar with it, so I can't really comment on it. However S Korea in general seems to be obsessed with plastic surgery.the men were white, hence "why do you get plastic surgery like all the other asians"
No. 207332
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>>207328>they never got called ugly, worthless, etc for the sole reason of being shortSure, they're called pathetic for being short as a substitute for an attack on their personality. When a woman is called an ugly bitch after she shuts sometime down the rationale is remarkably similar.
>tina fey for example, so many people make fun of her looksAre we thinking of the same woman? Was this in some Hollywood magazine? I always thought she was both funny and attractive, and most of my friends think the same to the best of my knowledge.
No. 207333
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>>207332>Sure, they're called pathetic for being short as a substitute for an attack on their personality. When a woman is called an ugly bitch after she shuts sometime down the rationale is remarkably similar.look at the short men thread, 99.9999% of them either prefer short guys or say they don't mind but the only problem is their insecurity
>re we thinking of the same woman? Was this in some Hollywood magazine? I always thought she was both funny and attractive, and most of my friends think the same to the best of my knowledge.maybe people irl, but on the internet she is called ugly and people tend to make so many unnecessary rude comments on her looks, call her flat, etc, plus it was onision who constantly makes jabs about how ugly and flat tina is
No. 207345
>>207325>>207328>>207333These images make me cringe so hard.
God, I hate men like that.
No. 207350
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>>207333>plus it was onision who constantly makes jabs about how ugly and flat tina is>giving a shit about what onion saysAnon please get a hold of yourself, I don't think anyone in the right mind likes or agrees with onion
No. 207352
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>>207348there are, you just have to be extra extra careful, do NOT give these men benefits, the fact they keep acting this way is because we let them
once they learn that no one wants a man like that, they'll either be miserable or stop acting like a 13 yr old boys, either way is a win
No. 207355
>>207352>there arelol no there aren't
don't be delusional
No. 207357
>>207352I find that the kind of men that make those kinds of pics often end up jumping from baby mama to baby mama until they're too old/ugly to attract women or one of those bitter singles because their standards don't match what they themselves bring to the table.
Also that guy looks like a discount Will Smith that crossbred with a donkey.
No. 207358
>>207355ugh, you're not wrong
the most "gentlemanly" guy I knew
talking about calling my zits cute, holding doors, calling girls "ladies", fought off some guy that was harassing this girl, when asked about plastic surgery he said "it's the womans choice" etc etc
even he fell for this bullshit and told me about when he was about to have sex with a girl she had saggy boobs so he faked a call with his mom to leave
to be fair, I can give him credit where credit was due and he didn't have to fuck her if he didn't want to, but it was shallow as fuck and a dick move to tell his friends
No. 207368
>>207360>>207360Pretty much
Once I saw a post where this woman was talking about how guys who claimed to like curvy girls, just wanted girls with big tits big butts and skinny everywhere else, and all the men came in being overdramatic saying shit like "YOURE JUST JEALOUS YOURE FLAT" and using the "but men always get judged!!!" Excuse, and my personal favorite "this is sexist and disgusting men are being bashed and alienated for what they like, women are pigs, men can like what they want"
No. 207381
>>207352OT but why does he only make fun of black girls with acne? he does know black guys get acne just as much lmao
whats with acne anyway? people act like it's a god awful thing and the key to ugliness's a damn skin condition ffs, it heals anyway, also why is it ok and "adds character" on guys but hideous and a deal-breaker on girls
sage for ot
No. 207396
>>207381>OT butThis thread has been ot for a while now lol. Anyways, my opinion probably doesn't have much value here but I don't see any obsession with teenagers, at least not with my irl friends. My friends date pretty much only girls their age and nobody mentions wanting to date much younger girls or has tried to. Maybe it's because they're all relatively succesful in life (in other words not losers). And I know this is all anecdotal evidence blah blah blah. That being said, a 16 yo girl who's developed will draw attention to most men, naturally, excluding personal preferences. I don't think psychological or cultural reasons play a big role here, it's just the nature of attraction.
>>207394Never heard about it either, seriously where the hell do anons see this stuff? Maybe I have been out of the internet for too long.
No. 207402
>>207399one person who also pointed out that they can hide it with makeup compared to the tons of men in wouldn't even give a girl with acne a chance?
> She is constantly messaging me, calling me, and sending naughty pics. While she has a smoking body (ex-college athlete) which i'd rate an 8.5 she has one thing that I find disturbing, and that is that one side of her face around cheek area has bad acne scars, we are talking about worse than Cameron Diaz (on left) ""2RE: Would you date a girl with bad acne scars?
There's a few flaws in chicks I can't deal with:
-Acne scars
-Ugly feet
-Stringy hair
Think about it this way: when a relationship first starts out you don't mind her flaws as much, but as it progresses the flaws will become more of an issue as the newness of the relationship wears off.
If you think it bothers you now, wait 6 months, you won't even want to kiss her.
Even more disturbing is that she refuses to get help to fix them. Even Brad Pitt had scars (you can see them in his earlier films), but he got laser surgery to fix his skin.
Don't settle."
"I also vote no, but I do it with a bit of regret. It's one thing if a girl treats her body poorly and gets fat, it's a whole different issue if she is just genetically unfortunate. I make it a point not to think ill or talk shit about a girl who has poor facial genetics, since it truly wasn't something they did to themselves."
"RE: Would you date a girl with bad acne scars?
I wouldn't ask them out, because I wouldn't want to be rejected by a deformed chick."
"RE: Would you date a girl with bad acne scars?
I probably wouldn't even though I have them myself haha"
"Years ago, while married to my 2nd wife, I met this 25yo virgin with a bad case of acne (through a computerized dating service–there was no Internet yet). She looked 30 at least, and I looked 30 at most (but was already in my forties) and she wanted to talk about the problem–I wouldn't have discussed it at my own initiative. By then, she already knew I was married because I found her too unattractive to lie to her, but my other head was still willing to get to know her better. Long story short, she kept her V-card but I convinced her that swallowing cum will be helpful for her skin condition and provided the "medicine" twice a week for a while. I did take her BJ-V-card, by all indications. I would never have a serious LTR with such a girl, however: I have never been mature enough to overlook looks."
"Man and women have to care to different things. Men have to be confident, strong, leader, protective ecc so there are qualities more important than beauty (or a perfect skin) per se.
Girls, on the other hand, have to be beautiful and feminine. Physical flaws are much more noticeable on them.
So, as many girls wouldn't date a guy who is a social retard, many guys woudln't date a girls with bad acne scars.
Mild acne scars (even in the face) can be acceptable though…"
look, this shit is completely awful, one person saying "yeah i hear that all the time, (talking about guys with acne being hot) but what about girls? sorry i think girls with acne generally look better than guys..becase girls can have nice hair and clothes and makeup etc. but thats just my opinion!"
>>207399 No. 207414
>>207402Holy shit, never has a board reinforced my intent to stay the fuck away from men so quickly and effectively, not even /pol/ or trp or MRA shit.
But hey, every time I run across PUA fuckery all I have to do is remind myself that these men spend hours of their life desperately trying to get girls, while I have a life and am sane.
No. 207418
>>207411being chad is attainable
wanting literal teenagers from 12-15 isn't considering they'll grow out real quickly just to be tossed aside for another teen to pursue some basement dwellers fantasies
>women liking charismatic and good looking men is the equivalent to women thinking it's weird society has become sexually obsessed with teenagers, even the ones that look underdeveloped No. 207420
>>207418no, the aspect that's the same is
>men thinking all women hate them and being gross sluts who only like xand
>women thinking all men hate them and are nasty pedos who only like xget your head out of your ass
No. 207423
>>207420one is fueled by jealousy, one is fueled by pure disgust, even other men find it gross that men are obsessed with teens, there is no harm in women liking so called "chads" which isn't even true since ugly ass dudes with shit tier personalities are still getting laid, and people tend to lose respect or any attract they have to a woman around the time she reaches 30 unless she's rich or ~glamourous~
no one is saying all men are pedos, but there is clearly a problem with men liking teenagers which only proves the slippery slope exists
"uhh its ok to like 16+ yr olds if they look mature"
"its ok to like them anyway tho even if they look underdeveloped because a lot of age of consent it 16"
"ok under 16 is still acceptable because puberty"
"I wonder what it's like to fuck a 13 yr old"
no, women aren't "OMG SOOOO JEALOUS!!!" of teens who are just gonna end up being another oldie thrown to the side anyway, sexualization of teenagers is toxic to society, and the toxicity actually works hence why all these 12-15 yr olds are getting famous just for being hot, as well as "teen pussy" being on the rise in porn, for the chads, it doesn't do anything but hurt bots own feefees that
some women would prefer someone in shape and not socially awkward under their own delusion because women are still losing their shit and giving pussy to ugly losers, and men overreact and age when their wives boobs start getting saggy like a normal part of aging
No. 207426
>>207402man wtf
I'm glad my acne cleared up with time naturally.
>>207418>being chad is attainablenot really, chad is a personality type. there are loners who look like chad who go to /fit/, but they're the silent creep types.
No. 207431
>>207426like I said, attainable
just put on a fake attitude and you can be chad 4ever
No. 207469
>>207468Yes and this led to an early death! And it's not like men stayed single until they were 40 either, young girls married young boys, so that argument is bullshit.
In earlier times people did lots of shit; doesn't justify doing it now!
No. 207479
>>207468>>207470the "IT'S FERTILE!!!!" is tried, and debunked, and has been debunked earlier in the thread
the most fertile age for women is in her early 20s, being a teenager isn't the peak of fertility, if anything it only decreases fertility
>>207471>believing some creepy old fuck marrying some young teenage girl is the same and believing anything from victorian times proves anything men were creepy and wanted wives to pop out kids until they turned 24 then throw them to the side and find a new teenager to do the same, also older men have decreased fertility
No. 207548
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>>207418>being chad is attainableWhile the actual definition of "Chad" is all over the place, this is definitely wrong. It's not just being extroverted, it's also about looks. You can lift, you can improve your value in other ways too absolutely. But there's no reasonable way to deal with say, a recessed chin.
There is no way someone like this will become "Chad". It's supposed to be a near mythological ideal anyways.
No. 207550
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>>207548well average men without facial deformities can become chad, the chance of people having faces that prevent them from being on chad level is very low and the people complaining about chad, most likely have normal faces and are just mentally ill and don't wanna work out or work to gain confidence, even so, if the deformity isn't that big of a deal they can still get fangirls to fall all over them if they have the right personality and don't work out
look at leafy, he got no chin, is chubby, and millions of girls want his dick
>"being chad is attainable because working out">"its not just about looks its about personality to be chad!!!">"exactly, put on a fake personality like all of them">"being chad is about looks too!!!"welp, this went in a circle
anywho, men have it easier, they can have flaws such as acne and not get called ugly and have women make a huge deal about how they will never date a man with acne
a big nose isn't seen as a deal breaker, if anything is seen as attractive, women need to have small noses to have nice noses
men with all different size lips are seen as hot but there's the cookie cutter plump lips girls need to have
men can have big eyes or small eyes with all different colors and people will love those eyes, for girls there's the generic big eyes that women need to have in order to have nice eyes
face shapes, although the sharp face is seen as hot on guys, women are often pressured to have a heart shaped face, which unless you're lucky or get plastic surgery, most women don't have, and keep in mind a lot of the "feminine features" as seen as attractive on women, tend to be rare to be all put together, so of course,99% of women, unless they get surgery, won't have the "perfect" face, which men can easily have unless they got some odd features like a really square face, hell brad pitt is shaped like a box and girls still gush on him
for body, men just need to work out and thats it where as girls need to have nice tits, nice ass, which genetics plays a huge part in, since men gain muscle easier, women can get a nice ass by working out, but keep in mind some girls can do all the squats in the world, do yoga, eat lots of estrogen and protein and still have no butt
the guy in your picture, which I doubt is real, despite his forehead, he can work out and bulk up, get a good haircut and just be seen as any other chad fuckboy
No. 207554
>>207550>look at leafy, he got no chin, is chubby, and millions of girls want his dick Because he's an e-celeb. Strip him of that "fame" and he'd be no one special. I never said you have to be the chad stereotype or you'll die alone either. Hell even the average dude will do well enough in the right situation.
Moreover your list of requirements for women is absurd. They have to have blue eyes for them to be described as beautiful? I can think of examples where the woman had blue,green, or brown eyes and they were described as beautiful. I also know many men who have a thing for semetic women, who are quite notorious for having big noses essentially. You're downplaying the fact men are pressured to have certain traits such as chiseled jawlines while hyping up common preferences as requirements at the same time.
>the guy in your picture, which I doubt is real, despite his foreheadHe's some poster on r9k who became famous because they pulled a Sam Hyde with him during the Oregon shooter event. The guy can improve, but he'll never be an 8+ without plastic surgery. The whole point of "Chad" is that he's the first guy people notice when they enter the room, no one is doing that for Moot, Zuckerberg or whoever else unless they already know who they are for reasons entirely unrelated to personal charisma or aesthetics.
I also strongly wish there was a better term for this, christ.
No. 207555
>>207554>Because he's an e-celeb. Strip him of that "fame" and he'd be no one special.exactly, look at efamous women who are average, they get called ugly or don't merely get enough attention about their attractiveness as leafy does
>Moreover your list of requirements for women is absurd. They have to have blue eyes for them to be described as beautiful? ummm, what? I said big eyes, not blue eyes…
> I also know many men who have a thing for semetic women, who are quite notorious for having big noses essentially. funny you say, the thing about men who claim to have things for said women often find the ones with nose jobs or small noses the most beautiful and use small noses to represent how beautiful semetic women are
>You're downplaying the fact men are pressured to have certain traits such as chiseled jawlines while hyping up common preferences as requirements at the same time.sure, but it isnt common for men to get surgery for a chiseled jaw, it isnt common for them to have the shit bashed if the have a rounded jawline, it isnt common for men who dont have that jaw to make a post and have people come in and say "LMFFFAOO HE GOT A GIRLY JAW", it isn't common for people to make memes such as "when some fuckboy is taking side face pics and flirting and he aint got no chiseled jaw" it isn't common for women to pressure their boyfriends to get surgery to have that jaw
>common preferences as requirements at the same time.the thing about these "common preferences" is that women will easily get bashed and shit on if they do not fit these requirements
>The whole point of "Chad" is that he's the first guy people notice when they enter the room, no one is doing that for Moot, Zuckerberg or whoever else unless they already know who they are for reasons entirely unrelated to personal charisma or aesthetics. that wasn't the point, it's that being chad is attainable (or at least more attainable then what is expected of women to be), moot,zuckerberg or whoever else can easily become chads if they work out and act more extroverted
No. 207556
>>207555>exactly, look at efamous women who are average, they get called ugly or don't merely get enough attention about their attractiveness as leafy doesEveryone gets called ugly if they have any attention. The difference is how they let it play out. Broteam decided to make a joke about his weight and low testosterone, and now it has no power. I also think it's strange you're kvetching about this on lolcow of all places, where women regularly attack other women for getting breast implants or gaining weight with June and Momo respectively.
>ummm, what? I said big eyes, not blue eyes…Guess it's my inner nazi leaking again. Sieg Heil, or something.
>sure, but it isnt common for men to get surgery for a chiseled jawDo you live in South Korea or Hollywood? It's generally quite uncommon for people to get plastic surgery. Breast implants are notable in large part because of how rare they are.
>it isnt common for men who dont have that jaw to make a post and have people come in and say "LMFFFAOO HE GOT A GIRLY JAW"Yes it is. Especially if he's talking about how good he feels about how he looks. People like to stir the pot on the internet, this is nothing new.
No. 207558
>>207556>Everyone gets called ugly if they have any attention. The difference is how they let it play out. Broteam decided to make a joke about his weight and low testosterone, and now it has no power. I also think it's strange you're kvetching about this on lolcow of all places, where women regularly attack other women for getting breast implants or gaining weight with June and Momo respectively. the thing is that women will get it a looottt more, maybe you can find leafy getting called ugly in some drama or some roasting session or whatever, but it's rare you'll look in the comments of his videos and see him get called ugly or see drama videos and see the commenters call him ugly, hell even if he had his own thread he would barely get called ugly
>Do you live in South Korea or Hollywood? It's generally quite uncommon for people to get plastic surgery. Breast implants are notable in large part because of how rare they are. no, it's actually quite common for people to get surgery, especially breast implants, I live in the buttfuck middle of nowhere and I can easily name several women I new had implants, in fact look at the PS fraud thread,several people talk about people they know in their personal lives who have surgery
>Yes it is. Especially if he's talking about how good he feels about how he looks. People like to stir the pot on the internet, this is nothing new.proof? I have seen a lot and lurk comment sections and my spare time and I can easily say never, have I ever, in my 25 years, ever seen someone shit all over a guy for his jaw unless it is deformed or receding
No. 207559
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>>207558>it's rare you'll look in the comments of his videos and see him get called ugly or see drama videos and see the commenters call him ugly, hell even if he had his own thread he would barely get called uglyAnd what youtuber is getting this type of shit you're describing? I'm not seeing it on any of Junes videos. Looked up Laci Green, nothing there. Looked up "famous makeup artists youtube", and everyone is just calling this Monika Blunder gal gorgeous but I'll admit I have no idea who's who on that front. I've seen an order of magnitude more attacks on this website than anywhere else.
Granted I've seen a lot of attacks on Ann Coulter.
>proof?Someone posted that picture of people going on about how some asian female athlete "has no curves" I believe and were generally giving her shit, but I distinctly remember a counter part where people kept trying to make fun of another male asian athlete in mostly the same manner.
This is like arguing the sky is blue though, trolls like trolling and will seek out any topic that gets a bite. If you're insecure about your chin, it's the safest bet around to assume they'll attack it. If it's your dick, forehead size, or anything else they'll go for that too.
No. 207560
>>207559>junethats because june is considered attractive, people here make fun of her implants and her inbred philitrum but thats about it
>laci greenagain. attractive, she gets her face called goofy and her mouth called big by other youtubers though such as the amazing atheist
>monika blunder is getting called gorgeousby what? two people? ok then
>make fun of another male asian athlete in mostly the same manner. I doubt this, even so, if a man is skinny, it's rare girls will bash or reject him for being skinny unless he was anorexic, I honestly have never seen a woman make fun of a man for being too skinny unless it was anorexic, however girls without curves easily get made fun of on the daily, they can literally just post a pic and people will come in and start bashing, or if they wear something "revealing" people will make shit like the memes posted earlier
> If you're insecure about your chin, it's the safest bet around to assume they'll attack it. If it's your dick, forehead size, or anything else they'll go for that too.thats not the point, it's that women face it a lloottt more than men do
No. 207561
>>207550leafy is scrawny not chubby wym anon
he isn't even that popular anymore
No. 207574
>>207560What's up with these idiot robots?
I agree with you but this debate between this idiot has gone too far.
it's the fact of life that women have to look good most of the time. Women are judged by their looks everywhere, hence why theres so much social pressure to look perfect. Makeup wouldn't be a thing same with attention whores and Instagram thots littered everywhere if looking good didn't matter. That's why lolcow even exists because a majority of these women are starved for male attention, filled with body insecurities and some who got big just cause they look good.
It's retarded to deny that and there is a lot of pressure and competition too. This is what makes catty bitches. If men are pressured to put pounds of make up on to look somewhat acceptable on a daily basis- then I'd understand men having to go through the same pressure. Let's not even start the Photoshop crisis that a lot of women are abusing nowadays. If looking good didn't matter, there would be no need for these editing softwares,meitu, Snapchat filters. Being average isnt good for a woman nowadays- hell it's actually a fucking insult most of the time and you have to have a bunch of perfect physical traits to get by. A pretty face with an healthy/average body is not enough. I can confirm that.
A lot of women know this that's why those who can use that to their advantage garner male attention to lead them on and use them.
No. 207576
>>207574pretty much, I figured they were a bot the second they tried to convince us that people will judge, mock, and laugh at a man for not having a feature that is considered attractive, such as a sharp jaw
">it isnt common for men who dont have that jaw to make a post and have people come in and say "LMFFFAOO HE GOT A GIRLY JAW"
Yes it is. Especially if he's talking about how good he feels about how he looks. People like to stir the pot on the internet, this is nothing new."
No. 207582
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>>207577true, given there are averagey looking girls in here like lauren, but a lot of these girls are anorexic, had surgery, or look like shit without makeup, the thing r9k claims to hate
No. 207590
>>207574Yup,pretty much.
They look like gangrenous foots yet want a beautiful woman. Lel.
And then they'll just cry like the manbabies they are if they get rejected (because obviously no girl in their right mind would even touch the likes of them with a ten foot pole).
No. 207591
>>207582a guy i went to high school with has the exact same facial features as katya, they look like twin brother and sister
which is why seeing her picture everywhere freaks me out… what if they really are lost siblings? he was a slav too
of course it's just a coincidence but it really does freak me out
No. 207592
>>207556>>207558It is true that women face more pressure than men do to look good, and plastic surgery and Photoshop have raised the stakes higher. Although men are facing increasing pressure to achieve a perfect ideal and have more body image issues as a result. They commonly feel they aren't muscular enough. It's referred to as muscle dysmorphia or "bigorexia". Here are a few quotes from this article
>it has increased to up to 45% among men.
>Kate Fridkis blogged about how in the same way that women have started campaigns to include a wide variety of body shapes as being beautiful, men need to do the same. “…sometimes, it’s the boys and men in my life who seem to need the most encouragement, where body image is concerned. And I think a big part of the reason is because even as they’re experiencing these feelings, they’re not really allowed to talk about them,” she says
> Men’s lifestyle journalist and Contributing Editor for Men’s Health magazine Jonathan Thompson says: “Men are increasingly conditioned that they (need) to look a certain way - flat stomach, broad chest, big arms - and there’s a tangible pressure to create that elusive ‘V’ shape, if they want to feel successful, powerful and attractive.” The book "The Adonis Complex" by Harrison Pope and Katherine Phillips has more in-depth information on the subject. Steroid abuse among men who aren't full time athletes or bodybuilders has gone up over this past decade. It's much more common to see shirtless, well-muscled men in ads, magazine covers, and movies than it was decades ago. Even the GI Joe action figures are more muscled than the original toy's debut.
Body issues among both sexes seem to be rising, why? I think it's because of the sexual revolution. If life-long commitment no longer feels attainable and going from one relationship to another several times a year doesn't raise eyebrows, then why not go for the sexiest person you can find? Who cares about sharing common interests, morals, political views, or having a desirable personality when your sexy partner isn't likely to be with you in the long run anyway? Let your lust guide you.
Playing Oppression Olympics or "Team Woman V.S. Team Man" isn't going to help anyone. Discussing what the causes of these issues plaguing both sexes more and more are and tackling the roots of the problem will.
No. 207599
Sometimes i think shit like what's in this thread this is part of why i'll never date guys ever again.
I'm gonna sound like a sjw for a sec but a vast majority of straight men are so fucking shit (i know they're not all like that and gay guys and women can be little bitches too,… but dear god)
>>207594I laugh everytime i see girls trying to reason a dude (in a reasonable and calm way,that is) and he just goes full retard "k-kek feminazis are attacking me XD"
Also speaking of those guys (also they're often the kind to have a smug animu girl with a MAGA hat or some shit as their pic on twitter and they greentext on facebook, we get it big boy, you go on 4chan)
Why is it that they're so fragile and scared of "dah feminazis!!!!" taking over? Except those absolutely idiotic sjws we just want equal rights and be treated normally.
No. 207612
>>207599>Sometimes i think shit like what's in this thread this is part of why i'll never date guys ever again.This. I hope I don't offend any lesbians here, but I really wish I was a lesbian. After interacting with men in real life and on the internet (where they have absolutely no reason to hold back or censor themselves, so they can say what they really feel), I can't trust literally any guy I meet. I know I'm the problem and I'm being ridiculous, but I still can't snap out of it. I'm afraid that no matter how kind hearted and normal a guy seems, he could be hopping on /pol/ after he drops me off at my place and talking about how much he hates women and wants to see them gassed. It makes me not want to even try to form a relationship with one, because I wouldn't survive one relationship with a guy like that. My dad is exactly like those people, and it was hard enough to make it out of adolescence. I'm still working through all of the self hatred I felt just for being a woman.
Idk man it's like I grew up and every concept I had of love & men just got shattered to smaller pieces the more experience I had with them. I fear that they really just tolerate women for sex and nothing else. I almost wish I was still naive about men, because at least then I could live in my little hopeless romantic bliss and delude myself into thinking everything is great and the men I pursue relationships feel the same kind of admiration and fondness I feel for them. Instead of "oh i gotta put up with this brainless worthless cunt if i want to stick my dick in it."
Sorry if this sounds robotic, just had to get it out.
No. 207618
>>207612(anon you replied to)
it's alright anon. As a (very probably) lesbian i'm not offended in the slightest and completely understand. What you just said is exactly how i feel at times.
That and the fact that i have an "uncomfy" feeling with guys (dated 2 boys in my teenage and always felt "uncomfy", also dicks scare me irl) but isn't there when i'm with another girl (am still nervous but not in a stomach churning way like i experiment with boys, i can kiss them without feeling bad,it's comfy,…)
I really really feel you, I used to like boys and be attracted to them in my childhood/early teenage years even though i always had a little thing for girls, but now i just hate them for the most part (don't get me wrong, i got two really cool dudes in my friends)
Sometimes I even wonder if i became only able to imagine my future with another girl just because of how i can't trust guys at all due to my many bad experiences (i only dated two but met loads of them,tried to make friends,and 99% were shit,just wanted to fuck or something like that).
/autistic blogpost
No. 207620
>>207612I feel exactly the same, down to every single letter. I hate saying this, but I used to be one of the guys and the way they sometimes talked about their girlfriends made me sick. I don't even want to recall things they said about their exgfs.
The thing is that they don't think of their actions or words as bad, they justify them or go over some heavy mental gymnastics to make what they say or do completely harmless ("Don't be so emotional lol"). But if it were reversed they'd be singing a different tune for sure. I'm pretty certain that there are good men somewhere on this planet, but I don't intend to take any chances. I've seen even the good and quiet type turn violent for whatever reason.
Now that's just irl experience with men where they put a modest effort into appearing civilized.
> Instead of "oh i gotta put up with this brainless worthless cunt if i want to stick my dick in it." Yeah, I think this sums up their thoughts about women nicely.
No. 207623
>>207606yeah, there are some girls like eliza who posted nudes and masturbated on cam since they were 14, R9K harassed her and hell and back, never leaves her alone about it, and constantly talks about it, not to mention marky being underaged as well as ilay, crispy, and marky
all these girls are either ~famous~ because they went on 4chan when they were younger and wanted to get famous, or they were some poor girls r9k wanted to stalk and troll
the newest one was agatha/threemilk
I feel really bad for her, she was 17 and just wanted to post normal asmr/cooking/singing videos to lolcow or post vlogs, she gets harassed by them for being a jew, autisitc and a lesbian but they still go for her because she is qt, she's 18 now but r9k started obsessing over her when she was 15 or 16, like they do what most the girls they stalk and obsess over, katya even left the internet for a bit because she was getting stalked by neckbeards
No. 207624
>>207623eliza isn't being roped into anything though, she's a junkie who likes attention and manipulating the people who contact her on there.
What they're doing to Agatha though is really sad.
No. 207627
>>207592men aren't harassed, called worthless, disrespected, treated awfully, rejected for not being muscular, they get treated poorly by their romantic partners they don't have big muscles, men can't post a normal clothed photo of them on social media and be mocked, laughed at, and ridiculed unless he was super skinny and calling himself swole or some dumb shit , 99% of the time it's always men making fun of other men for not being muscular, and it's just the asshole meatheads that no one likes, not actual women since women date a vast majority of body types as well as some of the most good looking men not being some gym rat
muscle are very different from what women have to encounter, if the man is stable enough and wants to be attractive, all he needs to eat a lot of protein and work out and lift, in a few months he will meet most peoples standards for a hot ass body, the only standards he won't meet is from gym douches who think any body that is less than looking a certain way is shitty
for women it's like "be small and petite, not like that though, have wide hips and a big butt and big boobs the butt can't be saggy though, tone it up but make sure your thighs don't get too big, have big boobs, but don't have them saggy because that's gross, if you have acne why do you even try? just give up if you have acne, have big lips, not too big though, and big eyes with big eyelashes, okay being plus sized is hot too, but only if you have big boobs and a big butt"
etc etc
men beg to see womens bodies, but only for them to judge and rant over small flaws
since plastic surgery is seen as ugly by most men, it's completely unfair that they will fanboy over girl's who've had it, expect girls to look that way but still don't want them to get surgery, when have you ever seen girls who want guys to be natural when it comes to building muscle but fap to steroid users? most girls tend to be unattracted to steroid users if anything as well as the overly buff look
No. 207629
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>>207618I really feel the same, just in the recent year I realized I might be a lesbian, since I have been avoiding any intimate or just relationship with guys all the time, while being intimate with a girl before and not feeling too bad about it.
Yet I'm sometimes afraid it might be biased because of both my 48yo dad cheating on my mom with some 20yo girls for many years (now when they're divorced he's 53yo and got a 30yo wife) and a horny 12yo guy who was manipulating 7yo me into fugging me, which ended with just molesting..
I wished I could be more confident about liking girls but I'm from eastern part of Europe, where it's not too easy with this stuff.
No. 207632
>>207626No, thank you! You worded my thoughts precisely and the experience is quite the same.
To add, I don't look at the world black and white, I'm aware that there are some bad and psychopathic women out there too, but let us be honest here, most of us are more comfortable seeing a woman during the night on the streets than having a man anywhere near. I can speak for myself that even though I don't really go out during the night and live in a low crime rate city, I still had a number of frightening experience with men, from stalking to harassment and death threats for not returning advances.
No. 207634
>>207592This is the dumbest post I've ever read
Seriously, fuck off
No. 207635
>>207560>her mouth called big by other youtubers though such as the amazing atheist The Amazing Atheist is a retard that tries to start shit with everyone regardless of their sex, I would point you towards his Harmful Opinions video. The dude can't argue for shit so he grasps for straws consistently. I don't think a jackass no one likes outside of his fan club is a good example.
>>207576You really seem to want me to be a robot, when I'm more or less indifferent to what a woman does as long as it hurts no one. Which is the opposite of what defines /r9k/, broadly speaking. I do find it curious that you seem to be really invested in the idea that men NEVER get pressured.
No. 207656
>>207649Men really want to make sure we ALWAYS know if they consider us fuckable in their eyes or not. They don't seem to grasp the fact that we never asked and most of the time, don't even care. I've had coworkers make comments to me and it just leaves me speechless. I'm here to do my job and survive. You mean nothing to me. And, honestly I've found that the men most critical of women's looks also happen to be incredibly unattractive themselves.
At this point unless you look like Jude Law circa 2003 I don't give a fuck what you think of my haircut or whether I'm too skinny/fat/not toned enough. Better make sure you're perfect before you think you're in a place to talk shit. Men always talk about how women are full of themselves and think they're so special but I find the opposite to be true. Most of the women I know sell themselves short and think they're uglier/dumber/less capable than they actually are. Most of the men I know over inflate their attractiveness and worth. It's actually kind of funny.
No. 207662
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>>207629Oh anon, I have a (also gay) friend from the same place as you. Thankfully she's very feminine (as for me i'm lucky to be in a majorly gay friendly country, and i also am very feminine so nobody notices it because they still believe that lesbians are all tomboys or bulldykes ).
Hope you'll find a gf and nothing will happen to you there, stay safe.
No. 207697
>>207612Very well put. This is similar to my experience. It was never a goal of mine to hate men. I had platonic friendships with boys in school and viewed quite a few of the adult men I saw around town admirably. Slowly, my positive views were chipped away piece by piece. When my father cheated on my mother with a woman 24 years younger that led to her divorcing him after he wouldn’t stop, I then thought “that’s just him and his personal problems, I’m sure I’ll find someone else who’ll be kind”. While I was dating, the different boyfriends I had would frequently make comments insulting women or their bodies. One remarked “nearly every woman I’ve met has been retarded and childish, but not you”. This was supposed to be a compliment. I tried dating men with widely different personalities, jobs, and interests from one another in case the problems were from sticking to one type. I was disrespected and taken advantage of again and again. I made honest attempts to learn about the interests of the various boyfriends I had, think of fun things to do that they’d like, and wrote nice birthday messages about everything I loved about them. I received little in return. It’s like they thought I was only there to serve them. Each time I thought “this is one guy with problems. There are many others I can date.” Then that one guy turned into two, then three, then four, and you get the rest.
It makes me depressed because I’d love to have a family, but I don’t want to be constantly questioning what my husband really thinks of women or have him openly disparage me. Not even the joy of raising children and continuing my family for another generation is worth sharing a house with someone who sees women as stupid and worthless.
No. 207718
>>207664My two brothers and a friend or two.
My dad can be an asshole and has anger issues but i still love my pops
No. 207758
>>207664My dad was an incredibly admirable, hardworking man who I loved dearly up until he died. I miss him every day.
Virtually every other man in my life has been on some level of garbage and I'm convinced my husband is formerly garbage.
No. 207759
>>207624>>207624agreed, r9k is the human embodiments of "IF A BOY IS MEAN TO YOU IT MEANS HE LIKES YOU!!!!"
then wonder why they dont have girlfriends and have to stalk poor girls on the internet
No. 207764
>>207664My father, my brother, my husband, some cousins, friends.
What exactly is your point? Robot got mad eh?
No. 207783
>>207766Formerly, not current.
I wasn't exactly a gem in the past either, but we've matured together.
No. 207802
>>207697Oh anon, know that feel. I want someone kind, who would view me and women in general as equals. I've only met one person like that (my father) thorough my entire life! I haven't dated around much, admittedly I only got to a certain point with one person. He was self-proclaimed "nice guy" but in the end he was just sex-obsessed weirdoo who started to drop vile comments without any thought.
It's wrong to generalize but I feel like there are little to no men who are not perverted/cold/agressive.
No. 207825
>>207612>>207618>>207620I don't think being two faced is particularly limited to gender. One difference there does seem to be though is that men always want sex. They might like or hate the woman but they'll always want sex with her if she's at least vaguely attractive.
So it's not that they're just shit to the women they're with by default, some men really love their gfs, but just that liking the girl is purely optional.
No. 207831
>>207785He was a specific kind of immature. The type of guy that spent a little too much time on 4chan and would talk to girls like he was still an anon. Not a robot, but definitely mildly /b/tarded.
I trained it out of him.
No. 207841
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>>207831>The type of guy that spent a little too much time on 4chan and would talk to girls like he was still an anon. Not a robot, but definitely mildly /b/tarded. Kind of wondering how you two even became a thing to begin with.
>I trained it out of him.Ehhh
No. 207862
>>207857A couple of years (we've been together for many) and I just told him how his stupid behaviors made me feel. I would also sit back and let him make a fool of himself in front of my less-than-internet savvy friends. I never defended him from people who clashed with him or acted like a hugbox when he made a fool of himself or made things awkward. I held him accountable for the impressions people had about him based off of his tryhard behavior. Over time he stopped acting up. He also dropped his 4chan friends, one of which was a creeper hapa who had a legit attraction towards his preteen cousin and drew porn of her.
So yeah, I trained it out of him by not enabling it.
No. 207885
>>207862Sounds like he grew a lot as a person too, and was willing to do that, rather than just being trained. I hope you guys are happy together
It's nice to hear about guys growing out of it, I've only ever heard girls confess that they have beaten 4chan behavior
No. 207895
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um, lmao? i can't believe this thread exists. like that so many girls could be bewildered about men being attracted to young women? Like what kind of tv shows did you grow up on? This is the attractiveness normal, non-pedo men rate pictures of women if you don't tell them their age. Always been this way, always will.
No. 207896
>>207885I know 2 guys who browse 4Chan, both sound. One of them I dated for 5 years (I didn't know he browses there until several months into the relationship), the other one I'm dating now. They're horrible shut-ins and former NEETs though, but I just mesh well with that type of personality since I used to be one myself. Oddly enough I recovered and became so ambitious to a point where they didn't want to be left behind and now they're both studying, working and are relatively normal, albeit introverted. I'm still friends with my ex and he's a surprisingly level headed guy.
I've met many surprisingly mature people through various 4ch discords, all lovely. Usually they're gamers or have some sort of manageable mental illness.
No. 207901
>>207895Also need more detail in the study, sounds like some pedo agenda, they probably used girls that naturally look older at 14 or with better facial features then used unattractive girls at higher ages and said "HA SEE MEN ARENT PEDOS ITS PERFECTLY NORMAL TO WANT TO FUCK GIRLS WHO PROBABLY HAVENT GOT THEIR PERIOD YET!!!!"
Anywho, multiple studies have been on this, the best, fertile and most attractive age for women is in their early 20s, this isnt nothing new however in certain cultures that value womanlyness, not wanting little girls to fuck, pedophilia is low there, and girls dont reach their peak when they're still developing and go downhill…as theyre still going though puberty, if this study was done in someplace like italy or greece then the age of sexual attraction would be 20-30, if this was done in Japan which i wouldnt be surprised if it was, the age of attractiveness would be of course 9-14, all if the men didnt know tbeir age because of how much they find looking like a literal child attractive, just because this graph says its popular, doesnt make it not pedophila, there NEEDS to be attention called to this because its clearly showing a slipperly slope as well as telling little girls that their peak and most sexually attractive years are now and its all downhill from there
No. 207909
In reality, anyone can find someone who's attracted to them. You get a special kind of desperate half psychopathic lust towards women in her early 20s which gradually trails off as she ages for various reasons. Still, unless you feel that you need to be drooled at every time you walk down the street, no one should have anything to worry about.
No. 207912
>>207911there was this searched it and just found 4chan shit and bodybuilding forums stuff, in all reality this was probably some made up graph or what
>>207901 said
or they used prisoners, if so that would make sense why these "men" find 10 yr olds more sexually attractive than 39 yr old women
No. 207923
>>207909> You get a special kind of desperate half psychopathic lust towards women in her early 20s This! I don't get why some women want this at all. The lust you get from horny men is scary. They're most aggressive and keen on getting in your pants. Not like it completely disappears after reaching 30 from mine observation.
Am I really the only one that's looking forward to becoming a cat lady? I just want a quiet single life with a few silent feline companions.
No. 207949
>>207923>Am I really the only one that's looking forward to becoming a cat lady?Dude, same. I don't understand why "cat lady" is used as such an insult, or men seem to act like it's the worst possible thing that a woman could end up being. I value peace and quiet so much that I can't think of anything better. In the "manosphere", especially in MGTOW or conservative spaces, they constantly talk about how women are going to end up as cat ladies like we're all going to be suicidal because of it. It's like a revenge fantasy they have.
Every time I read something like that I'm just like….yeah that sounds great to me!
No. 207964
>>207949they claim how they all wanna go their own way and how they don't need women despite them being whiney little babies when they can't get their dick wet yet when a woman comes to the realization most men are trash and she's happier staying alone by herself they throw a fit and act as if it affects them, whats even funnier is when they act as if "going their own way" affects women negatively when women get pissed that so many men are making gross statements like "ALL WOMEN ARE GOLD DIGGING ROASTIE WHORES!!!RAPE ALL WOMEN" as if women were upset they didn't get some losers dick rather than the actual statement
I'd give anything to have my own cute little alone life, with some free flying birds, butterflies and bees in a big garden, cooking, sewing, knitting, eating whatever I want, reading and writing poetry, practicing my religion and having my own business and most of all, no men
No. 207971
>>207969>compares us to incels >say the difference between farmers and incels"most men don't either stop living through the internet"
No. 207975
>>207974no ones calling all men pedophile rapists, just robots because well they are, they're the ones stalking, harassing, and obsessing over underage girls, they're the ones obsessed with loli and child porn, incels are the ones literally posting and bragging about their rape charges, threatening to rape women, bragging about fapping to women being afraid, and we think it's gross that they do that, even the few crazy feminazis in this thread are more about distancing themselves from men rather than talking about wanting to go around raping teenage boys and harassing them
even the worst of this thread is nothing compared to the lightest incels do, you sound like a bot yourself
No. 208015
>>207975>no ones calling all men pedophile rapistsThere have been numerous posts in this thread claiming basically that. The OKC ideal age graph earlier is a good example, with women just assuming their SO will lose interest in them after their 20s and how they'll never get married to avoid that risk.
Now sure the point that they're far less aggressive and violent than incels is a completely fair one (although I still look back at the feminist bookstore fights fondly), but the fact is they both have really stupid ideas and concerns about the opposite sex.
>you sound like a bot yourselfThe guy was blatantly disparaging r9k so you assume he's from r9k?
No. 208017
>>208015>>208015>There have been numerous posts in this thread claiming basically that. The OKC ideal age graph earlier is a good example, with women just assuming their SO will lose interest in them after their 20s and how they'll never get married to avoid that risk. the map didn't make men pedophile rapists, no one said men were pedo rapists because of the OKC graph, however they said the men (meaning the ones who were in the survey) were shallow, hypocrites and gross
even so, it's a graph, the graph existing itself isnt calling all men pedo rapists, and women wanting to go their own way isnt calling anyone pedo rapists, at least women have good reasons instead of going on and on about how all women are gold diggers like MGTOW does, they just don't want to be a bother, and if men don't want them because apparently 24 is too old, women don't want men either, who is hurt? no one
>although I still look back at the feminist bookstore fights fondlythose were batshit crazy feminists fighting other woman, not bragging about raping men, thats like saying incels fighting each other have a point
>but the fact is they both have really stupid ideas and concerns about the opposite sex. not really, no one is saying ALL MEN and assaulting men, they just point out shitty trends along most men and choose to be by themselves, which is fine since it's so widely spread against men and the trends that r9k hates women for, isn't as widely spread as what the reasons women here hate men for, since r9k are the pedophiles who want to rape and assault women
>The guy was blatantly disparaging r9k so you assume he's from r9k?wow he insulted a site, that must mean 100% he wasn't a robot at all, ffs are you a newfag? bots come in pretending to be all sorts of people
No. 208022
>>208017>no one said men were pedo rapists because of the OKC graphThere were posts claiming that the age would be even lower if it was acceptable and yada yada. It was reaching some pretty absurd levels.
>those were batshit crazy feminists fighting other womanWomen fighting women over men pretending to be women mind you.
> no one is saying ALL MEN Literally two posts under the okc graph someone is talking about how all men disgust them.
No. 208023
>>208022>There were posts claiming that the age would be even lower if it was acceptable and yada yada. It was reaching some pretty absurd levels. they weren't wrong, considering there was a graph posted later that said the age with most sexual attraction was 14, they made a pretty accurate statement so not sure how it's absurd
>Women fighting women over men pretending to be women mind you. so feminists fighting other feminists, your point? people in all the same groups fight with each other all the time, there is no point to make
>Literally two posts under the okc graph someone is talking about how all men disgust them.okay lets see them
>>202456>>202457wow only one person raging, you sure proved to me incels and farmers are alike, meanwhile almost every incel post is about all women and how they wanna rape and beat them up
No. 208071
>>208023did you miss the entire rest of the thread? even the OP is blanket statements. honestly, i think this thread is shit and most of the posts ITT are whining about how men like women in their 20s and they only bring up younger ages when trying to defend themselves. i get that incels do that to women but then either we just admit it or we stop. i don't agree it's the same as incels, but most people are just whining and making assumptions in very similar ways. and no, being a pedo is not the same, but most people aren't even talking about being pedo anymore.
this thread should have had more discussion about the media trying to force the sexualization of children and why some people think this crap is okay in the first place. but instead it's just a bunch of seemingly whining about how they're disgusted that men only like looks.
No. 208116
>>208071>complains this isnt about sexualization of children>OP was literally talking about sexualiation of children and how her bfs friends wanted to fuck 13 yr oldsYes please tell me how its not but big bad jelly oldies complaining that men like younger women
Also, in the thread was derailed a few times because people were discussing how awful women get treated if they aren't pretty, its not "waaaahhh men only want young pretty 20 yr olds" its that we find it gross how awful women get treated if they're unattractive as well as how obsessed men are with teens, you just sound like a robot who sees that when women call out the bullshit they have to face its just them ranting about how guys only like looks and men only want girls in their 20s
No. 211312
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>HANNITY: At that time in your life…Let me ask you this you do remember these girls would it be unusual for you as a 32 year old guy to have dated a woman as young as 17? That would be a 15 year difference or a girl 18. Do you remember dating girls that young at that time?
>MOORE: Not generally, no. If did, you know, I'm not going to dispute anything but I don't remember anything like that.
No. 211348
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No. 211459
>>211458It's not. The vast majority of men are pedophiles, they just bottle it up at the least.
Look on any male forum or imageboard where men aren't concerned about being policed, they all obsess over young women and 14 yr olds are not a stretch for them.
No. 211488
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I'm dating someone who seems to like me primarily because I look like a 14 year old though I'm an adult. I'm constantly being treated as a 14 year old either way either by him or my parents or anyone I meet because it's hard for them to wrap their head around the fact that I'm actually an adult.
There's a point where I get sick of my bf trying to push the ddlg fetish onto me and I feel bitter and alone since no one takes me seriously but there's nothing I can do about it since my family set me off to marry him.
I constantly have to be guarded by my parents at restaurants (in Hollywood, keep in mind) because of rich drunk middle-aged men who might try to come up to me and flirt with me if I'm left alone.
There's nothing you can do about the way men think but try to avoid them as much as you can I guess.
No. 211492
>>211488Man, dump him, anon. He sounds like absolute pedophile garbage. I'd never date someone specifically into ageplay because they seem so likely to go for kids, possibly even your future children.
Also on the topic of Hollywood, that's a pedophile nest and you should look up some of the scandals. I think if you lived in a healthier environment, you wouldn't get these types and you wouldn't just think "oh that's just guys". Don't accept pedophile behavior from anyone.
On that topic, what do you all think of the pedophile accusations in Hollywood right now, from people like Corey Feldman? There isn't just a history of it with underage girls, but underage boys as well.
No. 211496
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>>211492I was raised into this life where the woman has to be submissive to the male. My father wouldn't let me go to college because he said college shouldn't be wasted on women because they're not intelligent enough.
If I were to dump him, I would be scolded for screwing everything up and I have tried once before.
I figured the best way out would be to end this life which I figure I'll get to when I have enough for a good gun.
I do want to make a note: People shouldn't consider all guys pedophiles. I've met a few guys who have gotten very excited over older women because they considered their maturity a foil to their own immaturity. But for men who spend too much time on the internet and only get a glimpse of a person through their appearances through photos, they would choose whichever seems the most flawless (lacking wrinkles, sunspots, etc.) and those tend to be younger people.
I was constantly being spammed with shit about this dancer named Jojo who seems to be a big pedobait right now where people have tried to stalk here and even held a poll where she received top-place over a bunch of adults, receiving backlash from a lot of concerned women in comments claiming that whoever keeps voting a 14 year old for the hottest woman in the list was sick, etc. etc. My biggest concern was why I kept being spammed with her shit on my pinterest to the point where I had to delete it because blocking it wasn't working.
No. 211500
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>>211477just get a dog, fam
>tfw glad I'm into women and also completely fine living alone with a couple of dogs No. 212169
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>>207325something really urks me about people who put so much effort into openly judging womens bodies, sometimes it feels like men don't even want to see womens bodies for sexual reasons, it feels like the beg to see them so they can judge them and look for flaws, not to sound like that person or anything but I've been hiding myself so much and avoiding most men, saving myself, etc etc, but I'm always terrified the one guy I wait and give myself to won't undress me and fuck me and enjoy it because of the chemistry and passion, they'll just do it so I can just be another woman in the collection of bodies they judge, hell even on most apps men beg for nudes just so they can rate or judge them, people nowadays just made everything about judging bodies just let people have fun with themselves ffs, even if a girl doesn't have that perfect kim k body who the hell feels the need to remember it, until they get home, and then make an entire fucking post about how they saw a girl with no ass at kroger? like the fuck?
No. 212174
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>>212171>>212170"fort wayne"
that doesn't sound like a woman to me, it's always men who say shit like this though, when women insult other womens bodies they're more serious and state it more blankly
No. 212209
>>212169Agreed with all points.
The only people who ever bullied me for my looks were men. And they did it mercilessly, to the point I wanted to kill myself. I don't disbelieve people who say women are catty and evil to each other, but it just simply hasn't been my experience. I've never had problems with other women, whereas most of the men I've met have been absolutely cruel and I tend to avoid them all because of that.
I don't think I could ever have sex or enter a relationship knowing what I know now, even if the opportunity arose. Most of it is my own frail self image and fearing what the man in question would do and say, but also men just seem to flat out hate women and their bodies, with the exception for the few minutes where they are fucking them. Period. It's sort of depressing but I'm also glad that I know what they really think so I don't waste my time believing that men can actually love women and put faith in my relationships with them.
No. 212211

>>212209I mean I don't doubt women are catty, but when women insult it's more of a "oooo your tits are flat" and they move on with their day, when men insult they take it so personally and go to great lengths with insulting women, the fact a man was so bothered by a girl with a small butt to the point where he even made a damn post about it when he got home telling women not to wear if their ass isn't big enough for him, they're so entitled, and it's even funnier because it's always the ugly ones, there's a literal guy out there who took the time to write the gabbie show a fucking letter and sent it to a bunch of different people because her nose is big, people on here can be nitpicky towards flakes and cows looks but no one would go to great lengths and take entire new levels over a womans damn looks, how many times has a man ever been harassed to such lengths despite there being a fuck ton of men out there?
>I don't think I could ever have sex or enter a relationship knowing what I know now, even if the opportunity arose. Most of it is my own frail self image and fearing what the man in question would do and say, but also men just seem to flat out hate women and their bodies, with the exception for the few minutes where they are fucking them. Period. It's sort of depressing but I'm also glad that I know what they really think so I don't waste my time believing that men can actually love women and put faith in my relationships with them.I agree with you 100% anon, not even men in the 50s were this damn judgemental towards womens bodies now, especially towards women they love
No. 212278
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>>203240Yeah, I don't browse 4chan in particular cause of all the normalfags these days, but I'm a nice, self-sufficient, attractive man with almost no material attachments and absolutely no vices like drugs or "teen pussy" as you guys are talking about (a transcendentalist I guess, best way to describe it without going into too much detail). Though I've never had a guy before cause everyone I know in person are really vapid and whoreish, I just wanted a loyal girl who shared my interests, isn't filled to the brim with mental disorders and baggage, and could cultivate intimacy with me, but so far all I've seen are girls who just smoke weed and fuck, or alternatively "nerdy" girls who try to emasculate me and shill open relationships do they can basically leech off me while they fuck chads. I used to go on /r9k/ until I found my goals and purpose, and I'll admit I don't know much about women outside of the slut white-trash in my hometown, and the mindless normalfags /r9k/ told me about, but I try to keep faith that there's a girl like what I want, but honestly, it's hard when all you see are terrible people day-in day-out. Alotta of girls I see say they could only love a man if he's at least 6", well, I'm 5"9 so maybe as /r9k/ would have it you guys will think "Oh lolno I said a
man not a subhuman gtfo beta" maybe some will, I honestly don't care whatever, but for any girls that are not materialistic whores, that go against this sick society's non-existent morals and seek something more out of life, there are guys out there who don't just want an endless supply of physically flawless teenage sluts for quick pump-n-dumps, there are guys out there who want higher-love and don't say that just to get pussy even though they're 200ib's obese and morbidly hideous yet want perfect teenage fucks. There's Hope, it's slim, I don't think I'll find my "pure loving waifu", but one of us might, sheer probability. Don't give up on men, dedicate your life to self-improvement and higher ideals, it beats the shit we've been we've been dealt
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>>212283Actually I'm still a virgin so I wouldn't know, I've been saving it for the right girl and I've just never found her
No. 212706
>but I just don't want to bother with makeup, dying my hair or staying in shape. I'm useless and gross if I can't be some sexual novelty.You've got every right to feel that way, and if you did have the right man who loved you properly this would be fine for you… but to be fair life is not fair, and not just women but
everyone begins to hit the wall around that age, if your problems stem from your perceived attractiveness then really you have no choice but to work on those things you listed, or like you say just stop giving a fuck, but I don't know there's no really to blame for it, isn't it just human nature to be more attracted to better looking people? If you're getting old it makes sense that your partner's eye will start to wander, it's not a right, you have to be lucky to pick a good enough person.
No. 212725
>>212718This is more about how childlikeness is being sexualized rather than sexual maturity and youth
Also jfk aren't women biologically supposed to like hairy strong men yet you don't see women going around demanding all men be strong,bashing them if they don't, then act as if a man is ruined and useless if he isnt strong
No. 212828
>>212827>old ich women would never do something like that!I'm sorry to tell you that women do this too.
It's the public reaction that differs massively. A guy does that nobody bats an eyelash, at most they think he's some badass desirable guy, "good for him". A woman does this and nobody leaves her alone, she's criticized nonstop and seen as pathetic and desperate because how dare she think she deserves a young guy, he's obviously with her for the money, he must be cheating, etc.
No. 213051
>>212174Fort Wayne is a major city in Indiana
If someone from New York City posted that, you won't say it's a he or she
No. 213060
>>212725>Also jfk aren't women biologically supposed to like hairy strong men (?)Biologically, a woman's attraction is more geared towards non-physical things. So while an attractive appearance is preferred, the highest response is usually garnered from stuff like a high-status job, being admired by people, having a sociable personality, etc.
Of course this is a blanket statement, but if you want to speak about what it's "supposed" to be like, that's it.
It also explains the OkCupid chart in a way. A partner too distant from a woman's own age would lower her status, which is why the most attractive one is always closer to her own, while a man thinking only with his dick will go straight for the 20s.
Besides, there's another aspect that no social construct can change, and that humans are of course wired to react to. The risks connected to pregnancy rise exponentially with the woman's age, while a man's sperm doesn't significantly change in any way throughout his life.
In the end our "wiring" is made to make sure that you leave heirs before dying, it's the obvious conclusion that men would go for whoever is able to make the best offspring, while women would go for whoever is best suited to raising it in a social context.
>>212726>We don't live in the stone age, so this does not excuse their filthy behaviour.Please study some elementary school biology before claiming a couple thousand years would be enough time to change ANYTHING in the reproductive instincts of a species.
>>213063>Men can least pretend like they arent disgusting and useless.But they do. No matter how much certain posters are trying to act like the internet works like real life, it's not socially acceptable to lust after teens.
Even on online porn or even just normal puctures, you have people constantly going "Uuh, looks underage", because even though it's not a crime to look at a normal, dressed picture of an underage girl, the sentiment of abnormality is so strong that everyone feels guilty even masturbating to that stuff.
Or at least, they would never admit that openly, which is what you were complaining about.
This "it's completely normal to fuck kids" narrative is as delusional as /pol/'s, with whom you amusingly agree wholeheartedly it seems.
This is the case with a lot of arguments around here, but you should look at what you see around you in daily life, and no, the internet doesn't count.
No. 213084
>>213067>This has been proven to be a mythI can find no sources claiming this aside from an opinion piece posted on a blog and a study that says that, while age is not catastrophic, having a child while older is still worse.
A lot of articles also try the "Average birthing age is going up" angle as if it was proof that it's safe, ignoring the accompanying rise in average birth defects.
No. 213085
>>213074because she's a 22 year old and he's old enough to be her grandfather. It's legal, but it's fucked up because he's still at the advantage with life experience (and money) and can easily manipulate her.
I'd hope most men his age aren't interested in girls who have parents young enough to be their children.
No. 213095
>>21308722 is still a pretty naive age. You're probably young yourself but, oh boy, 22 is nowhere near being a mature and fully developped adult equipped to deal with someone much older and ahead.
Any significant age gap (10+) is redflag and should be handled very carefully anyway.
No. 213108
>>213085I wouldn't say she can be easily manipulated. Being young doesn't mean she's retarded.
She's got a good enough understanding of delayed gratification to date a rich grandpa who's estate is worth more than most could ever make in their life. There might be bad age Gap relationships but this isn't one of them imo
No. 213124
>>213097did you get rejected by milfs?
it's even funnier cause it's always the ugliest men who are saying this shit, I've honestly never seen an attractive man talk about how they want some smol cute virgin pure girl, not that the smol cute virgin girls would want them anyway, no one saves themselves to give themselves to some asshole
No. 213128
>>213060actually anon, if you leave your house you'd realize how much importance women put on looks instead of taking incels words on what women are like
anyway, assuming your "women are geared towards non physical things" are true, then where are all the women in real life running around demanding all men to be rich and educated with a good job? it doesn't happen, yet women get bashed if they don't have a fucking nicki minaj ass, and then men wonder why all the ~good pure virgin submissive grls~ are either giving up on saving themselves or going to someone worthwhile
No. 213190
>>213083NAYRT but I found these with a quick google search's pretty logical if you think about it, though. At first glance, you think age shouldn't be a problem because of the fact that sperm is produced continually - which does mean that it's always "fresh".
But remember: what causes aging? It's mostly DNA decay. Your body produces "lower quality" (so to speak) cells all around, which, of course, includes sperm. However fresh it is, it's still lower quality.
No. 213191
>>213097Just get a blowup doll and be done with it, dude. You don't want an actual person.
>>213124In my opinion that's because normal (typically*) attractive men who have something going for them have no reason to be obsessively insecure about a woman having a relationship prior to meeting him. I've known some guys like that and it seems like the insecurity and fear of inadequacy compared to other men. Sure, some men do have a preference for a woman with less sex partners, but to refer to vaginas as 'used up' is some funny shit. And you know they don't apply the same logic to penises. Nah, men can do whatever they want, it's women who must live by these strict rules or else they're ~used up whores~. There is absolutely no gray area to these people, apparently.
It's weird though, because honestly I am a virgin and if I met a guy like that who was really obsessed with my or another woman's virginity (or virginity in general) I would run away. I see it as a major red flag because it usually goes hand in hand with robot-ness. "Submissive" just seems like code for "will let me do and say whatever I want to her and treat her like shit without any protest." It's like it's far beyond preference to them and loops around to pathologic obsession.
*I say typically because I know plenty of "ugly" men who are kind, normal dudes and don't act like our robot pal here.
No. 213192
>>213191Pretty much, I'm a kissless virgin but I tend to tell men I am not a virgin just to test them, if their love depends on my sexual history (or lack there of) then they don't deserve me. And it honestly makes me worried because one day I am no longer going to be a ~cute smol tight virgin~ or whatever, would my partner still love me then? hence why I don't date guys who demand all women to be small tight submissive virgins, I want to settle down, have kids, etc, and I'm not taking a man who will go chase after the next virgin submissive stacy once I get "too old"
it's funny when these men think that a good pure virgin is some how going to magically date them when the girls they're chasing are just repulsed by them everytime they spew out the "be a small submissive virgin qt!!!" bs
No. 213198
>>213192Yeah we're completely in the same boat. The way you "test" men actually seems like a good idea. I've only been on a few dates and tend to not offer up any info about me being a virgin or anything like that, because I also fear that men will find it weird (I'm 22 so my situation isn't necessarily the norm.)
>I'm not taking a man who will go chase after the next virgin submissive stacy once I get "too old" However, I fear that this is most men when all is said and done. My dad did it. All of my friend's dads did it. Most of the guys I know talk about how women after 30 are worthless, so what's stopping them from leaving their wife or girlfriend? Nothing. Honestly puts me off of relationships (though I do maintain a little bit of hope). It just seems like there's no equal ground and women are fucked no matter what. It's scary to think about, but I also realize I'm extremely pessimistic and it's partially just me being an asshole.
>it's funny when these men think that a good pure virgin is some how going to magically date them when the girls they're chasing are just repulsed by them Also, this. Raging misogynists are going to have a tough time finding any meaningful relationship with a woman, they really can't afford to be so picky and expect a woman to worship the ground they walk on when they won't even see her as her own person. (I know misogynists get laid and have relationships all the time, but meaningful? Not particularly.) Robotic/redpill/incel-ish men are a dime a dozen and they are the absolutely worst men to spend time with. Absolutely insufferable.
No. 213229
>>213192Thank you for this. I will never mention my virginity to a potential partner again.
Men that expect their GF's to be tight young virgins are either extreme manwhores PUAs, or incel type men, that could never get a girlfriend either way.
No. 213246
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I brought it up on another thread and wanted to make a longer post here where I feel it's more on topic.
I think Hollywood has a lot to do with the obsession with teenagers, if you look at Britney Spears for example they made her sing in a baby voice as they thought her real voice was too "mature", marketed off her being young and even did a "sexy" photoshoot in her fucking childhood bedroom.
Society disgusts me, why is their so much focus on women being young and "pure"? You still have idiot traditionalists screaming women "hit the wall" at 30, how on earth is 30 even old, let alone too old to get married and have kids?
I started getting catcalled when I was 11 years old, I was still playing with barbies back then and didn't understand why I was suddenly getting this attention, I'd started developing but very much looked like a child still. I live in Britain too where we wear school uniforms which is an obvious sign that says "this girl is underage" but it didn't stop men from catcalling me. I honestly do fear more men would have sex with girls between the ages of 10 - 16 if they could get away with it, girls are developing younger these days and I've heard more than one guy say if she's started her period then she's "ready" it's so disturbing to me.
No. 213256
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>>213246>You still have idiot traditionalists screaming women "hit the wall" at 30, how on earth is 30 even oldI proved them wrong with just one picture. She was 36 here.
No. 213259
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>>213256Honestly, most women don't look all that different from 23+ to 30. Unless you suddenly take up a drug habit it's unlikely you're suddenly going to look old af, grav3yardgirl is a good example of a woman who's 30/not a model etc who still looks youthful, as 30 isn't old lmao.
No. 213284
>>213279Yeah, I was young and stupid too, thankfully I never got taken in by bad guys, but holy shit the lengths men will go to get a woman into bed, pretending to be in love (and being good at it too).
I sound old-fashioned but I really don't think most women actually want to be sluts, at least when we're sober. We're far more focused on long-term relationships and marriage than most men are - and less sexually driven (at least in the context of sleeping with virtual strangers), whatever the third-wave or incels want to say.
No. 213286
>>213284Yeah, blogposty but I had an older abusive boyfriend when I was 15 and he shared a lot of traits with Raven Sparks just for context of how bad it was and to give you a picture. For a while I bought into the idea I was now "spoiled goods" and worthless to men.
Thankfully I realised not all men are like that nor will they judge me for an abusive relationship with an older man when I was a child, it's sad and sickening how many men are not willing to give women that level of empathy and just assume we're all whores because we were groomed/lied too in our pasts.
No. 213301
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>>213298Idealizing childhood and youth is common for virtually any adult, especially bitter people. It's sort of a "the grass is greener on the other side" thing. People look through a nostalgic lens and only see an absence of worries and complete freedom, without seeing everything else that came with that.
Because of this generally shared perception of youth amongst adults, media and whatnot centering on themes or settings reminiscent of youth are very profitable and feed on adults' desire for escapism in a way that any adult can identify with since literally everyone has experienced childhood.
For the most part, this focus on youth in media is what leads to these obsessions many adults now have pertaining to teenagers and youth in general, and at some point it became deeply ingrained in our culture. Then of course comes the sexual aspects, such as virginity/purity, and youthful appearances. It becomes a self-perpetuating machine, since it begs for more escapism away from adult life by constantly contrasting reality with the ideal.
kinda sucks
No. 213303
>>213298"women are obsessed with looking as young as possible. Take people like shoeonhead, yumi king and the like, they're obsessed with youth and being small."
so two attention whores that cater to men? women wouldn't be obsessed with looking as young as possible if men didn't gawk and obsess over women looking young, do you really think if they lived in a place such as italy or greece where looking like an adult is ideal to men there, they would still want to look childish?
>>213301eh, I can agree that people will want to go back to the "good ole days" when they were a kid, but the reason why it's ingrained in sex nowadays is a completely different reason rather than just people wanting to be kids again
No. 213307
>>213303I was trying to say more that the inundation of media pertaining to youth is part of what leads to the sexualition of youth, and obviously it's also not the only cause, since I can imagine pedophiles don't solely exist due to the media they watch. Escapism regarding childhood is just what leads to youth-focused media being created.
Then the sexualiztion of youth gets put into these kinds of media, and then people are even more likely to be swayed to sexualizing teenagers. This is sort of why otakus often sexualize teenagers without even thinking its wierd, because to them it's the norm in the context of the media they take in.
No. 213327
>>213307I've thought about this a lot too. Eg most of us would be really grossed out by a sex scene involving kids in our own national childhood school uniforms, but we don't bat an eye when we see it in manga because we're so used to all manga being in a school setting that those characters don't even read as young children anymore. That's just what manga characters look like.
If a girl lucky watches kawaii x anime girls and fresh faced Korean drama stars in eternal high-school plot lines, then of course she's going to feel upset when she finally grows into her adult body. If she's still fixating on storylines about after school idols and first confessions under cherry blossoms, obviously she's going to be overwhelmed by the problems of adult life.
I personally make an effort to watch more media that focuses on adults than teens. I want to see actors that look like me, going through the same things that I might experience.
I wish there were more fun anime that focused on adults without infantilising them though, since I've now mostly dropped anime for because of it.
No. 213330
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>>213327>>213301These are some really interesting points and observations
No. 213333
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>>213315Well I don't think I'll ever meet one so yeah, I don't care unless their partner count is in two digits and shit. There is something very wrong with probably anyways so no need sweat finding someone because it won't happen.
No. 213334
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>>213284>I really don't think most women actually want to be sluts, at least when we're soberWith all respect, you sound like you're holding in a lot of misogyny there. I'm one of those "sluts" you're talking about.
I'm not an alcoholic, in fact I avoid casual sex with strangers when I'm drunk because I like to make informed decisions. I'm not sloppy with sexual health or birth control and when I'm in a relationship I'm relentlessly faithful. However, when I'm single, I'll fuck as many guys as I want, when I want. It's my body, I'm allowed to do what I want with it so please don't call me a slut or say that I devalue those who don't share my lifestyle.
Some people grew up in a way where they don't enjoy casual sex, and that's fine too I'm not going to make fun of you for that, that's your body and your choice. I'm not 'lowering your stock value' or whatever nonsense incels spew.
Girls should support girls.
No. 213336
>>213334I'm about a prude virgin as you can get and I support you. Nothing wrong with having casual sex, as long as you keep yourself and your partners safe and look after your health. It really is a personality difference - some people are comfortable engaging in casual sex with many partners, and some people prefer to have sex only in long term committed relationships. Some people are inbetween.
I don't know why people care what other women do so much. Your choices don't affect anyone aside from you and the people who are consenting to sex with you. We only represent ourselves, and the only actions we have control over are our own. If other women feel like you're "devaluing" them in the eyes of men who are misogynistic trash to begin with, that's their problem (and it's a ridiculous one to have.) Men like that will never respect a woman for any reason, no matter how hard you pander to them and try to prove that you're different and you're worthy. No sense in even trying.
No. 213343
>>213340I don't remember the exact details but a while ago there was some feminist on a talkshow or a news station or something that said something along the lines of "women have no idea how much men actually hate them."
Of course men got mad, called her a feminazi and a cunt, and screeched that it wasn't true. But how can you deny that there is truth to it? The same type of men who were complaining that it wasn't true will prove that it's true if you discuss it with them further, or interact with them for any prolonged period of time.
I see this as a fact of life and something that straight women just have to deal with, so I'm not really complaining. I know you can't change men. But it's better to realize this than kid yourself.
No. 213344
>>213334I'm not that anon but I hate to admit that I'm not really approving of sexually extremely active people whether women or men, the gender doesn't matter. In fact, I cut contact with a male friend because he changed his girlfriends every so often and cheated on them too. In the same way, I harbor similar contempt towards fat people and substance abusers. What I wanted to say is that I dislike people who are unable to control themselves. Having too many sexual partners just tells me that you lack self-control.
But I would never talk again shit about someone who had such lifestyle, I would just keep my distance. I understand that people have different opinions and views, and I'm really sorry if I offended you. But I just wanted to give my 2 cents that to me it has nothing to do with genders, though I agree that the society is way too harsh on women while ignoring men who are many times worse on average. I also don't think that the society should be punishing anyone for being more sexually active, as long as you keep your health in check etc.
No. 213359
>>213343> Of course men got mad, called her a feminazi and a cunt, and screeched that it wasn't true.I find that tragicomical. I can't count how ingrained it is in our society to find acceptable any degradation of women. Yet try and dare to point it out and you're an oversensitive woman (chillax it's just a joke).
> The same type of men who were complaining that it wasn't true will prove that it's true if you discuss it with them further, or interact with them for any prolonged period of time.Exactly. I just see men as they are and I can't blame them since they're not capable of empathizing with women. It's not in their nature to see women as equals. They see women just as baby machines, pleasure holes, walking dishwashers. They will never value your input on anything important or serious. Because to men a woman's opinion is worth nothing, because to them women are inferior. They might not word it like so but between the lines, it pretty much boils down to that. I'm not saying that they would all approve of someone torturing a woman out of the blue (but if it's cheating or refusing to go out, for example, they will probably sympathize with the perpetrator).
>>213349Go to Hell robot. I can recognize that style of writing and your pathetic attempt to be "one of us". Consider suicide you disgusting sack of shit.
No. 213393
>>213385What is your point? The men who were getting mad at what she said later proved it to be true in their comments. So yes, they were misogynists themselves.
Men act like they could NEVER hate women or see them as inferior trash how could you even suggest that!!11 and if you probe them even a little bit you'll see how they actually feel about women. Not that it's even surprising anymore.
No. 213398
>>213356It just sounds like some of you (like
>>213359) have had some awful experiences with men, which I haven't. I'm glad I've got good relationships with the guys who are important in my life so I don't think stuff like:
>They see women just as baby machines, pleasure holes, walking dishwashers.Think of men how you want though, it doesn't affect me. I just disagreed with the statement that "men can't empathise with women at all" because I've experienced differently.
No. 213404
>>213334That's cool. You can do what you want. But don't try and pretend your experience is what most women want. The vast majority of us do not want to sleep around and regard it as disgusting and frankly I'm sick of experiences like your own being presented by people like you and the wider media as "what women want". Frankly I'd have been comfortable with one decent man (lol) for the rest of my life. As would most of my friends and peers.
Also lose the tumblr gifs/caps.
No. 213406
>>213393This is such a vague argument. If people get accused in a generalizing statement to be bad people, then they very obviously won't be happy about that and will retaliate whether it isn't actually true or it is. Both men who hate women and men who don't will be angry at that statement, because its accusatory and generalizing.
Then you go on to say that each and every single man who was against that statement proved himself to actually be a misogynist. By what measurement? How many? Who were they? When and where did this happen?
It's basically anecdotal evidence with no real backing other than "I said so". And really, all you're doing is taking this perception you accuse all men of having and turning it around, thus going: Men are horrible people because they are incapable of empathizing with women, men are inferior. And you grant yourself permission of having this belief by saying not only is it true, but men think the same of women and therefore it is okay.
No. 213407
>>213398All men are a couple rejections and bad relationships away from going full redpill "women aren't human" misogynists. I simply question why that is.
Glad you've had positive relationships with men, but when you disobey them or stop giving them exactly what they want quietly, see how they treat you. See how they talk about other women who are "uppity" for wanting to be treated like fully functioning human beings.
No. 213409
>>213344>>213406Agree so hard. Promiscuity just shows lack of commitment, lack of responsibility, need for instant gratification, and general instability, in both men and women. Although women generally don't have to cheat cause most men they are having sex with don't want relationships anyway, it doesn't make men worse or women better.
I also feel this way about overweight people, 'open relationships' etc, so no, I'm not just 'hating on sluts'.
No. 213413
>>213406I'm talking about the comments under that specific video, where men would get mad at what she said but then prove it completely right. It IS anecdotal, and I never claimed otherwise. But at some point when the anecdote is proved correct over and over and over again, you can see it in action everytime you interact with men, it starts to hold more weight.
Where did I ever say men are inferior? I said they can't feel empathy towards women, because they fucking can't. Or maybe they just choose not to? Is that better? Never said they were horrible people either, I said they are perfectly capable of feeling empathy towards other men, children, and other living beings.
It doesn't make them inferior, they clearly aren't, it's just a fact. However they DO view women as inferior, some just hide it better in order to get what they want. Maybe for the five minutes when they're fucking them they care about women. It is what it is dude.
No. 213418
>>213416And why is that? Because they view the woman as belonging to someone else (a man). That's the only reason why they pretend to give a shit. Because the person they actually feel bad for is the man - the father, or the brother, or the husband. Never the woman.
Because they don't view her as her own actual person.
No. 213419
>>213404>But don't try and pretend your experience is what most women want.I don't think that anon was trying to say that at all, if you want to sleep around (responsibly) that's fine, if you don't that's also fine.
Unless it affects your life personally, who gives a shit.
Now to get back on topic,
>>213418this is an interesting point
No. 213422
>>213407I'm just telling you my experiences which are as valid as your own.
I'm friends with guys who I have rejected - they've never said derogatory things to me because of that rejection or treat me differently from other friends.
I could also argue that women are a couple of bad relationships away from hating men, but that's just how life is - what you experience shapes your world view. So while I understand how you can have such a negative opinion on men, I'm very glad I don't.
No. 213451
>>213449Except that I’m not using it to persecute or harm men, I’m just stating a fact. They don’t feel empathy for women, most outright hate them. I’m not saying they are inferior, or that they need to be discriminated against because of this fact. What I’m saying doesn’t hurt or reflect badly on men at all, because they don’t care. I’m not saying #killallmen
The thing I don’t get is why do they act like they care if people point this out? They certainly don’t care about how they don’t view women as people, why do they care if people acknowledge that fact and want to talk about it? Maybe you can answer that question for me.
No. 213452
>>213449And another question, do you say the same thing when men refer to women as inferior, compare them to livestock, say that they’re all worthless whores?
I’m thinking no. Only men can talk about how much they hate women and no one bats an eye. The other way around and It’s how dare you generalize!!1
I don’t even hate men, and don’t think they’re bad people in most aspects of life. But it is abundantly clear, and becomes clearer every day, that they don’t feel empathy for women. That’s only a bad thing if you’re a woman.
No. 213459
>>213453Go die in a fire.
>>213456Make it 10% and even that's being optimistic.
>>213457> Most men will happily admit that they see women as inferior and don't really feel anything but annoyance, hatred and/or lust for them.This thousand times.
No. 213460
>>213385Actually everyone is racist by default, it gets taken out of you either by socialization, your parents, or some introspection later in life, if it is required that you not be racist, that is.
Men have no need not to dislike women for being women. They'd rather write bibles on how to fuck what they hate than think about it all.
No. 213462
>>213451>The thing I don’t get is why do they act like they care if people point this out?Because generally speaking men actually don't hate women and do in fact feel empathy for them. You're basically saying their feelings are invalid because of your shitty experiences. I mean I get people generally reach this state of mind after something went wrong, but that's still not an excuse.
>>213452>And another question, do you say the same thing when men refer to women as inferior, compare them to livestock, say that they’re all worthless whores? >I’m thinking no.You can cling to that if you want but if anything I rattle the cage of r9k much more frequently. There are women in my life that I consider quite important, and I'm less than keen about hearing about how horrible they supposedly are.
>Only men can talk about how much they hate women and no one bats an eye. The other way around and It’s how dare you generalize!!1 Spend less time on the internet. I've seen someone pull this irl exactly once, and everyone made fun of him for it. This is not acceptable behavior. I've had some shitty experiences with women, but I always try to make a note to remind myself that my issues lay with the individual and not the gender. It's easy to become a sour piece of shit after getting screwed over but an adult should at least make an attempt at keeping everything in perspective.
I mean people here are quite literally generalizing 90% of men as misogynistic, which is a quite absurd claim.
No. 213465
>>213464Oh well in that case please form an orderly line.
But seriously, good job on missing the point. You're asking why men are offended at the claim that they do not care about women yet refuse to consider the notion that maybe they do. This is really simple stuff.
No. 213466
>>213462>Because generally speaking men actually don't hate women and do in fact feel empathy for themJust….lmao. Men only give a fuck about other men. Even here
>>213416 do you think those men felt bad because they cared about the position the woman was in or considered what led her to that point? No, they cared about her father and how he must feel that his property is acting out of line.
Even now, with all of these sexual assault scandals, most men aren't mad that they happened to begin with, they're mad that women won't shut the fuck up about it. They're mad that women have the audacity to speak up about it, and they're upset that it inconveniences them because they have to hear about it every time they tune into the news. They don't give a fuck about what those women went through, in fact a lot of them think it's funny. They don't want to have a wide reaching societal conversation about harassment, assault, and belittlement in the workplace because they don't care what happens to women, and they aren't expected to, so it doesn't affect them.
>>213465>You're asking why men are offended at the claim that they do not care about women yet refuse to consider the notion that maybe they do.Sure they care about women insofar as they can fuck them, or the woman can cook/clean/bear children for them or make them look good in front of other men. Care about women's feelings and actual experiences? No. Care about women's input on serious topics? No. They don't. It's all performative. They will never extend basic respect towards women the way they do to men, and they sure as hell would never defend women the way you're defending men right now.
No. 213467
>>213466>No, they cared about her father and how he must feel that his property is acting out of line. You know if men just saw women as property society sure hasn't been doing a good job of following, especially considering the womens right to vote was achieved only because men voted it in. I guess we just arent supposed to think about this too hard.
>Even now, with all of these sexual assault scandals, most men aren't mad that they happened to begin with, they're mad that women won't shut the fuck up about it. Honestly out of everyone I know it's more that we're just not surprised. Stewart openly talked about how people call Hollywood a modern Sodom and Gomorrah during the Oscars and Seth MacFarlane had his own blurb about Weinstein, spurred on about what his friend went through off the top of my head before any of this #metoo stuff started.
So when is that line starting anyways?
No. 213472
>>213469Oh please, no it wouldn't be. In fact it would garner someone like Trump even more support from men if he outright said some shit like that. A lot of them would see that as a plus. who still has a political career? I remember men cracking jokes and worshipping this dude for saying this. But whatever, men see women as equal for sure. Keep telling yourself that. "Women aren't inferior, they're just different. Now let me list all the things that make them 'different', all of which are negative and imply inferiority."
No. 213474
>>213472>>213469>>213469Not the same anon you've been replying too, I do completely see your point it is mostly on the internet where these sexist men discuss things. However, these so many communities that exist that openly hate women and they're pretty much ignored or just seen as venting.
Whenever a woman says anything bad about a man, she's criticized and held accountable - men aren't. If women said things half as bad as what men say about women, I think things would be very different. Many men get offended at women even discussing sexual assault as they see it as a personal attack on them, rather than men who sexually assault people.
Could you imagine if a female version of MGTOW or incels existed? It wouldn't last a day without being raided and people probably getting doxxed/death threats.
No. 213477
>>213475Videos like this exist with loads of views, that have mostly positive comments and more likes than dislikes. It's very in and accepted to shit on women right now.
Whereas Anita Sarkeesian said some dumb things about video games (I don't like her so don't assume that) and mostly everyone hates her, but videos like this go completely under the radar?
No. 213478
>>213477Yep fucking exactly. And this dude wants to say its just assholes online. NO, these are commonly held opinions. People online just feel comfortable being more open with them because they can be relatively anonymous.
Men don't give a FUCK about women. Period.
No. 213479
>>213478Sorry to #notallmen but it isn't all men, the thing is we already know that. It's a large, worrying amount of men though and that's the issue.
If a woman made a video anywhere near on the same level as that, she'd be getting crucified right now. Buzzfeed videos, a huge company are given more hate than then video I linked and the shit they say isn't even half as bad as the video I linked, there's plenty more too.
No. 213480
>>213479It is all men. Sorry, but it is. Not all men are as explicit as that, but they all either agree with it or they will laugh alone while another man spouts shit like that.
They either are misogynists or they pal around with misogynists because ONCE AGAIN, they can't feel empathy toward women, they have no idea what the fuck it feels like, and they don't care because it will never affect them. They will never be hated by half the population just for existing like that. They will never be questioned like that.
Hell, why should they start caring about women? It doesn't benefit them. They'll be fine no matter what. No one will ever question their rights or their ability to do XYZ.
No. 213481
>>213474>However, these so many communities that exist that openly hate women and they're pretty much ignored or just seen as venting.They often are though, and as long as they get over themselves I don't think it's the end of the world. But if they don't, does it really matter as long as they keep their idiocy contained? The big issue with spots like say r/incels before the ban is how they raided other places. Women do often express similar views, how many times do you think a female friend of mine has expressed the sentiment that all men are pigs, or only want sex? If she was recently screwed over I try to be understanding, but it's not a sentiment I would humor over a long period. I'm assuming you would do something similar for a male friend who was recently reamed.
>Could you imagine if a female version of MGTOW or incels existed? It does exist. I would point you towards say r/WGTOW, or even the rad fem general on this very website where they unironically discuss the merits of the SCUM manifesto. Anyone who does that is at least a rough approximation of an incel as far as I'm concerned. Is it less common? Sure. But saying they don't exist is almost a dare considering the nature of the internet.
>>213477>Whereas Anita Sarkeesian said some dumb things about video games (I don't like her so don't assume that) and mostly everyone hates her, but videos like this go completely under the radar?Anita also went to the UN to speak about cyber violence or whatever. Black Pidgeon just keeps to his own echo chamber. Out of the two of them, only one of them is really going out of their way to broadcast their message to the greater world.
No. 213483
>>213481>does it really matter as long as they keep their idiocy contained?It's not contained, though. It's out on the internet where more young men can be exposed to it, and overtime it spreads far enough that most of them hold those views. It's already happening. Don't underestimate spaces like that and how influential they can be on people. It's already happening. They aren't inconsequential.
Also, WGTOW and MGTOW aren't even remotely comparable. 40,000 subscribers and climbing on the MGTOW subreddit vs. 2k on WGTOW.
Add onto that 40,000 the 200k+ subscribers to the redpill, however many subscribers incels had, all of the rightwing youtube channels like Black Pidgeon with thousands of subscribers. And that's only the online spaces. Most men think like this, most of them aren't active online in that way. But of course I don't expect you to care that deeply about this, or consider it a problem. Because it doesn't affect you. It affects women when this becomes a wide reaching societal attitude, which it is on its way to being.
No. 213486
>>213482>it's not just reddit or image boards either, it's on fb, twitter and youtube now.This. I remember seeing a video on youtube of a mentally challenged girl who fell into a cage at the zoo and there were comments with hundreds of likes about how all women are stupid and need to be controlled and need to be controlled. On a video COMPLETELY UNRELATED to anything like that. You literally can't escape ideas like that because guess fucking what? Most men think those things.
So there's a couple spaces on the internet where women dont even wish death on men or talk about how they should be subjugated, but instead talk about all the shit they've faced from men. And somehow that's comparable, because men can never be questioned. It's always women that are wrong, and we're just supposed to deal with having to hear shit like that constantly and take it with a smile. If we speak out, we're uptight feminazis who just need some dick.
No. 213487
>>213482>but they're not that active, what does that tell you? I explicitly noted that it is less common. I referenced WGTOW mainly because it's a blatant copy of MGTOW.
>My point was men get really really offended whenever something critical is said about themAnd you know what? There's probably something to be said about that. But that has more to do with ignorance than malice generally speaking. Our current discussion isn't that "men need to learn to listen better" or something like that, the pretext right now is that men supposedly by and large hate women which is a beast on an entirely different level.
>>213483I think it's kind of weird you're adding separate populations, when they likely have significant overlap if anything.
>It affects women when this becomes a wide reaching societal attitude, which it is on its way to being.If you're really that paranoid the men are planning on taking away your right to vote I can't really help you.
No. 213488
>>213487>But that has more to do with ignorance than malice generally speaking.Yeah, willful ignorance. Because women have asked time and time again that men listen. And asked men to try to see things from our point of view, look inward at their own behavior and the behavior of the men around them and see if there's anything they can address themselves. And they don't. They don't want to, because they don't care. And they don't care because they are incapable of empathizing with women.
Men don't care what women have to say and they don't care about the experiences women have. Why would they listen to an inferior creature who they don't really care about outside of sex and acting as a walking ornament to them? It literally takes another man to make them consider something and start listening, but even then they can't bring themselves to care enough to stop laughing about how all women are whores who whine too much about shit like sexual assault and probably deserved it anyway.
>If you're really that paranoid the men are planning on taking away your right to vote I can't really help you.Nah I mean men are already talking about how they don't want to hire women anymore because it's too much of a risk in regards to harassment. We have nobody questioning people who say that women's suffrage was a mistake, and even more people supporting that idea. No big deal, this won't continue to fester and backfire in a few years at all.
No. 213497
>>213480>It is all men. Sorry, but it isOk so maybe I'm crazy but does anyone else think that maybe redpills might be pushing this point so that we give up on men? They want this reality where we're totally separated in every way apart from the transaction of sex, no friendship or compassion
Maybe I'm just lucky but I know a good few guys
Guys with strong mothers and cool sisters, guys who would never agree with this shit I keep reading here
Why do you guys keep swallowing this stuff? I agree, the majority seems to be backwards as fuck but this "no men see us as human" thing is so outrageous. Who are you people?
No. 213498
>>213404>don't try and pretend your experience is what most women want. The vast majority of us do not want to sleep aroundI didn't, I'm just hoping that you understand my side. People that enjoy sex outside of relationships are not your enemy.
>>213414Bad phrasing on my part sorry, I just mean different people have different beliefs about what they want to do with their own personal bodies and that's fine
No. 213501
>>213497Redpillers are simply men amongst other men who are free to discuss what they really feel. And what they really feel is hatred for women, like most men. They have no incentive to sugarcoat and lie. I don't think they're pushing anything, but the internet has been quite eye opening when it comes to learning how much men hate women.
>guys who would never agree with this shit I keep reading here Not directly to your face.
>Why do you guys keep swallowing this stuff? Swallowing what, exactly? "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
>this "no men see us as human" thing is so outrageous. Who are you people?It isn't outrageous at all. They don't.
No. 213504
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>>213499Geez the only thing worse than than an incel is a religious incel in the fucking senate
what a load of bologna
>>213503I agree, this thread is a bit of a hit or miss. But I do think lolcow is a little bit more stable than /r9k/.
No. 213505
>>213504The thing scarier than Roy Moore himself is the fact that thousands of people will be voting for him. They will know about this, and still vote for him. Some of them will even vote for him BECAUSE of this.
And women will vote for him…the guy who doesn't think they should have the right to vote. It would be funny if he wasn't so fucking sad. I can't believe we're at this point where women's rights and status as individual adults is up for debate. Fuck it man. I don't even want to know what life in this country is going to be like 20 or 50 years down the line. Hope I'm not around to see it.
No. 213519
>>213516Because we’re supposed to just put up with misogyny and not question it. Men are flawless angels who love and care about women immensely. How dare we question the validity of that, when literally everything they say and do suggests otherwise?
Pointing out that men clearly don’t feel empathy for women or give a shit about them outside of the bedroom is the exact same thing as men treating women as chattel. Duh.
No. 213520
>>213512>We do actually have completely different reasoning and ways of backing up our opinions, you realize that right?This is another one of those "impossible to distinguish from /r9k/" kinds of responses.
You're defending people going "Every single man is a monster" as if there was possibly an argument valid enough to live through life thinking like that. You're deluded for thinking you're any different than them, and you hilariously parrot the "Women are literally incapable of feeling [x emotion]" spiel, a popular subject amongst the robots you so staunchly despise.
No. 213523
>>213516>This thread is nothing like r9k. How the fuck can you even compare not wanting anything to do with men with /r9k/'s active hatred of women, their desire to see them hurt?Men think criticism is comparable to violence. You can see it every time they make false comparisons between the sadism ceaselessly pouring out of misogyny's asshole and women's retaliation against that. Probably has something to do with their narcissism.
Men can say, and do whatever they want, none of it is up for scrutiny because it hurts man feelz, or whatever. So woman are expected to ignore the threats, harrassment, degradation, and sometimes real violence…
Men can talk about torturing women, breaking them into fuck dolls, ripping out their uteruses, rendering them unrecognizable, but the second a woman says
>Men are stupid and smell bad and they treat us like shitThey hit the fucking roof.
No. 213524
>>213522This is not fact. It's a biological fact that men do feel empathy towards women, children and animals. The level of empathy varies between individuals but it exists.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to convince you to change your view on men, but presenting your own view and opinion as fact is the exact same thing incels and rk9 scum do - you even completed your post with their classic "deal with it" finish. C'mon now.
No. 213532
>>213530Just two threads off from this one and you got people claiming Dworkin "Changed their life", and people agreeing with that sociopath.
Once upon a time, people like Bitingbeaver were outed as the mentally unstable wretches they were, but nowadays people are at a level where they're incapable of separating legitimate gender issues from their fictions realities that exist nowhere outside of imageboards.
No. 213535
>>213533>but do you really believe misogyny doesn’t exist outside of image boards? You really think it isn’t an issue?I never said that, nor anything even resembling that.
I'm just saying that just like r9k draws their delusions from a closed off, imageboard-based vision that's fueled by people circlejerking their opinions, so do the posters claiming that men are incapable of empathy towards women.
No matter how loud that one poster is trying to cry "false equivalence", it's hilarious once you put those posts side by side with the r9k threads that start with phrases like "Women are LITERALLY incapable of feeling love like men do", with a slew of posts of agreement under that.
I'm not claiming that complete comprehension is possible, or even auspicable. What I'm saying is that you can't call the kettle black when you're blacker than a coal mine.
No. 213544
>>213477because society hates women, and now that there's a small amount of people who live on the depts of tumblr trolling about how they hate men, now men use it as an excuse to justify their sexism and treat women like shit and then run around screaming how they're the oppressed gender anytime there's a crime, anytime a woman does something, etc…
anytime a man does a crime, men scream how he would easily be let go
when a woman does the same crime, even if she gets more time than a man does for a similar, men come in screaming how she only got a "short sentence" because she's a woman
anytime a woman has standards for men, the same men who bash women for a single zit, not having a kim k ass, not having porn star tits, etc, they of course act oppressed when women have even the smallest standard and then claim that those women want equality when they don't even know these women, they just of course want to act like they're the ones being oppressed
shoeonhead for example, she always promotes body positivity for men all the while bashing men and then has the nerve to claim that feminists are sexist when honestly I've never seen a feminist shame a mans looks while promoting body positivity for women
it's even funnier because it's these same people who claim you can be anti feminist but pro equality, all while doing the exact opposite, treating men like poor little oppressed babies that are being oppressed by big bad women, anytime you call someone out for bashing women, or just being disgusting in general , they just claim that you're a feminist who hates men and wants them to suffer, as someone who was an anti feminist for a few years, this is the biggest reason why I left them, biggest hypocrites on the planet
No. 213551
>>213544All of this. Society fucking despises women. Men can focus all they want on tumblr feminists and girls on twitter with their ironic misandry, but when they step outside in the real world they aren’t hated, belittled, seen as inferior, or seen as less than human. Men will literally TELL you that they think women are inferior, too emotional to function, some even compare them to animals. And we aren’t supposed to be upset by that. Just smile and laugh so it looks like you can take a joke. Even though after years of hearing the same shit you KNOW it isn’t a joke.
And then men want us to believe that it’s women who call the shots, and women are oppressing them. Their idea of oppression is the woman they want choosing to sleep with a dude that’s taller than them.
It just fucking disgusts me that misogyny is so widely accepted and even encouraged in most circles. I don’t want to whine about unfair that feels because who cares, you can’t do anything to change it and you just have to suck it up and live with it. But for me personally it has started to wear on me and I can barely take it anymore. What’s the point in living in a world that hates you and sees you as useless outside of the kitchen and the nursery? Being a woman is a fucking joke. It’s a curse.
No. 213553
>>213547but is it the feminists that are screaming equality are the ones that saying small dick is an insult?
>They may be less likely to attack a guy for a pot belly but it's damn well common for women to attack a mans sexual success, or lack thereof as a substitute for an argument which is pretty much the same beast.yeah maybe within a high school, but in real life, no one cares
No. 213557
>>213555pretty much, and it's always right wingers too, the ones who are complaining about how men are oppressed
>>213556it rarely happens on the internet, and never happens in real life
No. 213561
>>213558Except there are still people in this thread saying it's not that bad and get over it because #notallmen.
Honestly, how do you accept it and move on? Any advice? Because I'm a few days away from putting a gun in my mouth.
No. 213563
>>213558> Going on places where women's voices are not policed by liberal feminists or "allies" Really? I mean, I've been accused here on this site for being a radfem, not that I see anything wrong with it but just the fact that radfem is thrown here as an insult, on an imageboard for women, speaks volumes.
But I agree that finding even a small number of other anons that think alike seems liberating. It's my guilty pleasure browsing r/wgtow not because I hate men, but I just want to be alone and never marry. I live in a small place where that's considered weird and lately, there's been more pressure on me to change my ways. I just want to become a proper cat lady, having hobbies and dedicating my life to things I like doing. It's immensely hard to find spaces for women without topics that include marriage, losing weight(there's nothing wrong with wanting to have a healthy lifestyle but I'm talking about looking hot for the sole purpose of attracting others), fighting aging, child raising and so on. It would be nice to have someone to discuss various topics, including daily misogyny here and then without others enforcing their opinion on you and telling you that you're wrong and that your experience clearly doesn't matter.
No. 213565
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>>213561>I'm a few days away from putting a gun in my mouth.This was me a few months ago. To be fair I don't think it ever fully goes away, but what helped me was reading old feminist literature like Beauvoir. The comfort came from recognizing patterns and behaviours described by her in 1960, in today's society, and seeing that although they are still present, they have become milder. Incels and TRP have always existed, and although the internet has connected them, it has done the same for women.
Another thing is the "feeling" that more and more women are getting fed up with this shit. The same way men realized that they must do more than be nice to obtain sex (such as appearing attractive to the woman that appears attractive to them) and bought into extremism, women will now react to men's reaction, and to a lesser degree to how weak our own co-opted movement has become.
No. 213566
>>213549Now Anon, that's not very polite.
>>213553>but is it the feminists that are screaming equality are the ones that saying small dick is an insult? Some of them, yes? Certainly not all or even most. Most people give each other enough respect to attack their arguments rather than their body or other traits. My point is there are people of literally any view point that are willing to fight dirty.
No. 213567
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No. 213571
>>213567Here's a link to a ROK' article about women. case you don't wish to click, here's the intro paragraph:
After a long period in society of women having unlimited personal freedom to pursue life as they wish, they have shown to consistently fail in making the right decisions that prevent their own harm and the harm of others. Systems must now be put in place where a woman’s behavior is monitored and her decisions subject to approval of a male relative or guardian who understands what’s in her best interests better than she does herself.There are 475 comments and almost all of them, if not all, seem to agree with the author
No. 213573
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what the fuck happened to this thread
No. 213583
>>213579I don't want to believe this,but I've found it's true.
No matter how nice, respectful, or "decent" a man seems, at the end of the day he'll always think he's better than you. It might take a while for it to slip out, but it's the truth.
No. 213584
>>213571This stereotype is actually dangerous for women. Most TRP and /fit/ guys will groom and better themselves for the only purpose of using and shitting on women. Most Incels and /r9k/ are fat and ugly and still shit on women.
I think the signature characteristic that all wannabe hypermasculine misogynists share is their superiority complex and narcissism.
No. 213600
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>>213597I know you mean anon, men always act personally victimized the second a womans body doesn't meet their standard
it's one thing to have high standards for whats big and whats not (some people even consider standard D cups small nowadays) but people go to extreme lengths just because they don't like a feature on a woman, it's bizarre
No. 213602
>>213600This. No man will ever be satisfied with their partner's appearance. They all have ridiculously high standards.
If they tolerate to be in a relationship with someone who isn't exactly their ideal, first of all they'll be whiny and mopey the whole time and belittle their partner for not being perfect, and then as soon as they meet a woman who looks better they will jump ship and go for her, because to them looks are all that matters.
If you still have hope in men, its time to just give up.
No. 213613
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>>213609it's not so much cherry picking, it's just men nowadays are obsessed with judging bodies and get so offended when a woman doesn't look like a sex doll
No. 213614
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>>213613why do men always bitch about womens bodies
No. 213615
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No. 213616
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No. 213620
File: 1512077614656.png (1.55 MB, 1536x820, kdep.png) literally took a creepshot of some random girls ass, posted it on the internet for strangers to bash and make fun of her.. the sad thing is this isn't even the first time this has happened… her ass isn't even that bad looking?
No. 213628
>>213626anon who posted the collage of screencaps here
I don't mean it in a way to "Generalize all men" but rather be more aware of men, because whether you like it or not, men are a dime a dozen, the ones who are chopping away at womens looks, ripping on the ones that love them behind their back, it just upsets me that these men get the satisfaction of someone loving as the tear the woman that loves him apart if she doesn't have a porn star body, it's unfair, and I think women should just 100% avoid these men, once they realize the more they do this they'll be lonely they'll either stop and grow up or keep being lonely, either way is good for me
No. 213642
>>213639Your "perfect" man will dump you as soon as you get old(er) while I'm working on my career and doing something important instead of being a colossal and literal cocksucker.
>>213640How is being wary of men counterproductive? And I don't hate men, instead, I accept them for what they are.
No. 213648
>>213647nah dawg, you're just too basic to be able to juggle relationships, high octane careers and social life.
engineerfag here, git gud
No. 213649
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>can't organize her life>calling others brainletNow I'm starting to think that you're just a trolling robot.
No. 213650
>>213648> git gudI did. And I'm also the best. There are a lot of average stemfags, you need to have an edge over them.
> engineerfagEngineering in what?
No. 213654
>>213648You'll be only valued and remembered if you achieve greatness. Being a doormat to a guy, popping out kids and scoring mediocre at a job won't. Greatness is achieved by hard work and dedication which leaves little room for social life and romance, whether you like to admit it or not. Perhaps now it doesn't seem that way but soon you'll come to that conclusion.
>>213653I have no respect for those that you listed. Business executives and lawyers are corporate whores in most cases. There are some lawyers that work for the betterment of society but those are exceptions.
No. 213656
>>213654also, I'm not bitter. I meant everything in a good way. I know way too many women that thought they found their mister right, and the relationship turned sour. Men are visual creatures, it's their biological imperative to seek healthy, young and beautiful mates. Sooner or later they act on their impulses. The hollywood scandals happened because those that can, will exert their power to get what they want. A young woman is to them a prize, a validation, a trophy. But you're more than welcome to take the risks. Just don't create bitter threads 20 years from now how all men are pigs and cheaters because you found him in an act with a young nanny Rosalita.
I cannot hate men and blame them for acting according to their nature.
No. 213657
>>213654I've never understood the obsession of being remembered after you die. You won't be around to enjoy it, and it just means it'll take a few centers/millenniums longer for you to fade into forgotten irrelevance than an average joe. One thing I could understand is if you're trying to achieve something that will help improve people's lives for the future to come in a very significant way, but actually doing something like that takes as much luck as it does skill. Plenty of genius scientists aren't gonna be remembered very long either. Their research and achievements are just grains of sand in the overall scientific process with a helpful but minimal impact towards future research.
I'd say there are ways outside of the specific career paths you mentioned to be valued or remembered as well.
No. 213659
>>213501>It isn't outrageous at all. They don'tMaybe in your life experiences that's true, but I really do know some men that don't make sweeping generalizations about women or hate them all irrationally. I feel like by pigeonholing every man as a woman hater, you're doing exactly the same thing.
I can't believe I'm actually saying "not all men", but they don't actually all "hate" us. Again, maybe that's true where you live, but I know good, feminist men. They are far and few, but they exist.
>>213504>>213503I know, it's kind of painful to read.
It's like how instead of being branded a terf because you voiced some gender critical concerns, here you must be a trespassing robot or internally misogynistic for believing that a handful of guys see women as people
Do men as a collective hate women : Yes, women are killed or abused by men worldwide and men joke about it or tell us it's our fault
Does literally every individual man on earth hate all woman and have no capacity to empathise with women or see them as people : No, literally just a gerneralisation. No number of anecdotes or incel-tier infographics can make that a fact.
No. 213661
>>213656This and the opposite viewpoint are both just misunderstandings of the fact that most people are are pretty selfish and shitty. In general, people with different genders will develop some fairly gender-specific expressions of these selfish attributes, in part due to biology and in part due to vastly different social roles. Because the opposite sex is seen as an "other" and you can't relate yourself to them as easily, it's very easy to take all of their behaviors and create a negative characterization of them in your head that can be applied to all of them if you observe common negative behaviors from them. Whereas even if you observe common flaws in those of your own sex, you know what you are like and identify yourself with them due to your similar bodies, and therefore either won't form such a characterization or will experience significant cognitive dissonance if you do (see "not like the other girls" girls/women who claim to hate other women, as well as the kind of men who go out of their way to talk about how all men are awful).
This is the fundamental root of an overly negative view of the opposite sex. A man who cheats on his wife with younger women isn't a bad man, he's a bad person expressing it in a male specific way.
No. 213666
>>213656so it's okay for men to complain when a select few women leave them for chad who actually treats them nice but not okay for women to make threads about men who treat them like shit and throw them to the side when they're no longer young stacies? This isn't the stone age, morals exist for a reason, men deserve all the hate they get for cheating and more
>cannot hate men and blame them for acting according to their nature.what so now we can shit on the side of the road because its our an act from nature? again, we aren't cavemen, we should have evolved from treating partners like trash, it's funny how people only use the ~its our nature~ excuse for men acting like little shits, but nothing else, pathetic.
No. 213669
>>213640where are these men who exist? I've honestly never seen a man who DIDN'T find a problem with their girlfriends or wives bodies
IE friends boyfriends, my dad, my ex boyfriends, even my current boyfriend
I'm not gonna say thats just how men are though, these men need to learn that their behavior has consequences, want to be a shit tier bf and treat your gf/wife like shit? then you wont be a bf at all then.
>>213641lol what? where do you live? I have small tits, wide hips, big ass and big thighs and yet the only time people mentioned pedophilia in my relationships was the fact I'm short and look 14 and people make jokes about it, not "literally every woman"
No. 213684
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Love trying to be optimistic about men, telling myself they actually don't hate women and then immediately seeing shit like this.
No. 213703
>>213697>>213697I like how you conveniently ignore all the downvotes on those posts just because they don't fit your misogynist dystopia delusion.
Your constant cherry picking of outliers and incel subs is tantamount to watching the comment section on a Daily Stormer article, and concluding that the whole planet must be Republican.
No. 213708
>>213647> I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand that.Accountancy, Law, Business management, banking…?
Why are you such a giant bitch? You remind me mystery with this obsessive neurotic bullshit.
No. 213711
>>213708These are not "real" careers because they are all soulless corporate bitches according to her. Scientists and academia achieve something REAL. Or something.
Despite wanting to contribute and be valued/remembered she seems to entirely discount art, even though a sizeable percentage of people who get valued and remembered in history for their contributions are successful artists and musicians.
No. 213712
>>213711Not to mention that, if it's on your own terms, there is nothing wrong with a simple life. To discount someone's worth because they work in a diner or have children is classist and pretty anti-humanitarian.
It's fine if they want to achieve one kind of greatness but for another person that might just mean caring for a dog. They sound so bitterly nlog imo.
No. 213724
>>213722No. Again, you are posting generalizations
I'm not the anon with the brothers, but I have nice male friends as well as good family members, or dads of friends. I'm sure you're going to tell me they're just waiting to get into my pants or how maybe I'm so ugly that see me as a man or some other convoluted idea, but you're completely irrational.
You have a world view that you can't rationally justify, you don't know the men in my life. You don't know every man on the planet.
No. 213729
>>213722>Thats because you are their family. Your loving and protective father and brothers probaby treat other women like shit too. That's implying that women are even safe from their own family. My mom came home drunk one night, not too long ago, and admitted through tears that 3 of her older brothers sexually molested her when she was a child and that she's kept it bottled up inside for her entire life. Now when I'm at family gatherings, I stop and remember what she told me whenever I feel inclined to look at my uncles like their good people.
I'm not saying it's all of them, but you'd be surprised at what the men in your lives could be hiding from you.
No. 213735
>>213731>Never heard any women talk about which man they would like to rapeYeah, this isnt actually a thing.
>men will complain about their wifes body not matching their standards anymore.Women do this too, what world do you live on? A woman is going to be frustrated if her husband lets his body goes and dresses like a slob and gets a beer belly going on.
No. 213736
>>213684Your proof that men hate women is one guy saying stupid shit while he gets downvoted while the guy saying that women are people is getting upvoted.
I mean, do I really need to break down why this is a really shitty example?
No. 213739
>>213736Because more likely than not, the person saying that women are people, is a woman herself and getting upvotes from other women for obvious reasons. Stop trying to play mental gymnastics, men will never view women as humans. You see their opinion on women in practice every day.
You think I wouldn't like that men viewed us as humans?
No. 213742
>>213737Oh sorry, 3 guys who were all downvoted were saying stupid shit, while 2 guys saying women are people too were upvoted. Because that changes everything.
>>213739>Because more likely than not, the person saying that women are people, is a woman herself and getting upvotes from other women for obvious reasons. What a silly conclusion. Your hypothesis requires that either the sub is dominated by women overwhelmingly which is incredibly unlikely, or that all men are ignoring their exchange.
No. 213743
>>213728>>213738Sure, maybe I can imagine the feminist men in my life complaining that they don't know what their girlfriends want from them or being frustrated because they don't agree with their mother or something emotional like any normal person, but these people see women as people and wouldn't secretly discuss who they would rape. You don't know these people, I do.
You're insane in how black and white you see it. Again, I'll agree 70-95% percent of men act like you say, less or more depending on the group of men, but never 100%.
What can you hope to achieve by convincing women that all men are would-be rapists without the slightest bit of compassion for women? You want to completely isolate us so that we stop even trying, or what?
You clearly live in a hard world where you've been hurt, but that doesn't make you right.
No. 213746
>>213744This is absurd and I'm pretty sure you damn well know that.
You are making wild assumptions about who must be voting to fit your world view, rather than changing your world view to fit new information. I sure hope you arent that same anon who claimed only STEM matters in life.
No. 213752
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>>213749Some of them are underappreciated.
No. 213760
>>213703They aren’t outliers though. The outliers are the ones who actually say it out loud. This is everyday for places like reddit, which has one the largest user bases. You go into a normal sub with a normal post but if that post mentions women at all you can except 20+ comments just like, usually they ARENT downvoted.
These aren’t bots writing this shit. These are real men, who also exist outside of the internet. And most of them either think those things, or passively don’t find them reprehensible because it doesn’t hurt them regardless.
The people pointing out how wrong the statements were 99% likely women, I don’t know any man who gives enough of a fuck to challenge those sentiments.
No. 213767
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God the empathy and respect! I can feel it from here.
No. 213769
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>>213760Lol, I took a quick look at the post histories of both of the users defending women for the fuck of it. Pic related is definitely female. The other one makes a good amount of posts defending women and making comments than could be considered anti-male (men are more violent, do the most killing, etc.) Also mentioned being raped, and subsequently slandered by a man a few years back. Huge chance that's a woman too.
No. 213771
>>213769Not surprising. Men would never defend women like that, either because they agree or they can't bring themselves to care about another man dehumanizing half of the world's population.
And for what? Why are women so bad to these people? And yet they are blind to all of the bad things that men do too. People literally cheering the 'extinction' and obsoleteness of women with the coming of sexbots and "artificial wombs" (which will never exist for average consumers in this lifetime.)
What the fuck did women ever do? I need one of these pieces of shit to answer that for me. Because I'm fed up of having to see this every day.
No. 213774
>>213771>What the fuck did women ever do? I've been trying to put myself in the skin of a rhetorical man as a mental exercise for quite some time now, as I wish to know the answer as well:
1. Disgust and hate for women is caused by percieved weakness in us that in itself is provoked by the reproductive burden we didn't choose. It is just how it works in our species, still, no one likes weakness except in those that are not yet fully developed. Like this woman is an oxymoron, weak and an adult. Men can only understand its inevitableness and effects if they are educated on it from the beginning.
2. Men dislike women for being weak, but hate them even more, when despite their weakness, they dare rise above. They feel threated by someone that is allowed to do all they can in our current society and seemingly doesn't need their affection or dick as much as they need women.
No. 213795
>>213732>>213730people always say this but don't give any examples, I have plenty of female friends and none of them have said anything close to this, I'm convinced the whole "girls do it too!!!" is all BS people say to convince us that it happens when in reality it doesn't
>"Women do this too, what world do you live on? A woman is going to be frustrated if her husband lets his body goes and dresses like a slob and gets a beer belly going on."barely, even if they do men can lose weight a lot easier than women can as well as not dressing like a drunk old dad, with women if they want their body to match their mans standards, a lot of it would involve spending thousands on plastic surgery, I wouldn't even compare the two
No. 213803
>>213798But still…why? They don’t even like women, they despise us and think we’re worthless, they don’t even seem to enjoy sex for the actual connection or physical enjoyment, because how could you enjoy being that close to something you despise ?
I just don’t understand. If it really is because they can’t get women, I kind of get that but still…why would they even care if they hate women so much? If I hated men the logical conclusion would be to avoid them and not seek them out at all.
Sorry for questioning so much but I’d really like to understand. It goes against all of what is common sense to me.
No. 213810
>>213803I think they just enjoy building and then destroying. They like to destroy confidence in women, they like to see us hurt and cry and in pain. Men thrive on having women fear them. They can't wait to raise their hands at women for whatever reason. Just look at all the subredits that exist, from CuteFemaleCorpses to other gore sites where the primary focus is on women that were brutally killed and preferably tortured before that.
And the reason is that they don't view us as humans. They want fresh young girls to abuse and dispose of when they reach a certain age and then repeat the process. They tolerate young girls because they see them as still pure and innocent. Women above the 25 age threshold are old to them and useless. So they won't hesitate to remind those women of how they feel about them.
Just read this case: don't remember which subreddit it was but a lot of men where finding the story hot. I think there's a hentai version of it out there. That's how worthless we are to men.
No. 213811
>>213809I mean, some women do go on about parthenogenesis and all that, but it's a realtively small minority that has the guts to vocalize it, and they're taken as crazy, while videos of artifficial wombs hit 500k views lol.
The difference is that men view it as a RIGHT they should have, because they're men, aka taller, more muscular and not as hindred by their sexual part. That's it, that's why all this is the way it is. This goes back to the greeks and woe is me for being born from a filthy woman, but they never gave a thought to woman's own stronger existential crisis.
No. 213823
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>>213803>>213803Easy, men are idiots
One minute they find everything wrong with womens looks, getting ready to dump a woman they consider perfect over one flaw
Next minute they claim how natural is better,no women should get surgery, they want to fuck women, etc
One minute we are nothing but useless subhumans unless we're pretty
Next minute they want us to cook, clean, work and support them and have their kids as well as demanding we give them sex and companionship and then bitch about how the women they treat like shit don't want to be around them
Pic kinda related? A woman was fired for having her period and leaking on the office seats by accident, found this dumbass comment
No. 213827
>>213823You can leak with pads as well. This person is either a man or a dumbass.
I try so so so hard not to be pessimistic about men. I really do. I expect nothing and I'm still disappointed.
No. 213834
>>213775They can't hear you over the noise of how they keep posting the exact same thing, like
>>213831>>213828Please, take your circlejerk somewhere else since neither of you listen to rational logic and continue to parrot the same stuff in reply. Just don't try to call it a feminist thread when you don't even see women and men equally or want change
No. 213835
>>213834I love how you have more of a problem with them bitching about men than you do with shit like
>>213767 and
No. 213839
>>213838Posting random screenshots of men who fucking HATE women. And then you're freaking out at
>>213831 for asking WHY they hate us that fucking much. My point was, you're more annoyed at them questioning men than you are about men saying that women are WORTHLESS and might as well die.
>It sucks because saying horrible things to dehumanize a group of people always sucks,I mean apparently it only sucks if the group in question is men? Men can continue to dehumanize women and no one will question it, no big deal. Women who get upset about it are just bitching and need to shut up I guess.
Hey ladies, we're worthless. Might as well kill ourselves already.
No. 213841
>>213838Lust after young girls, the media fixation with teenagers and the mistreatment of women that are "past their primes" is essentially tied to misogyny which is the topic most anons were discussing. It seems that it's you that has a problem.
How about you fuck off to you know which sites and create misogyny threads there? I think it would be your cup of tea.
> Hey ladies, we're worthless. Might as well kill ourselves already.I think that's the best course of action. This world really sucks for us.
No. 213842
>>213835Right, so because I don't believe that literally every man says those things, that means that I'm ok with those things being said ever? Nice way to put words in my mouth. Gee it's almost like when a misogynistic man says that literally all women are feeble minded or something.
Fuck off to a new thread.
>>213839Same thing again as above to you, make a new thread
No. 213845
>>213841To add, this fixation with teenagers fuels the cosmetic industry that is built on women's insecurities. The constant fight against time, wrinkles, and cellulite. We know we can't fight time, only slow down its effects. Men feel entitled to have a good looking slave, they hate change, they hate when women change even if they can't control it.
If a man could score with a teenager, they would.
No. 213847
>>213844Nice plan, you female incel
>>213843Point to where I made excuses for misogynistic pricks in that post, literally where? You're delusional.
No. 213854
>>213852Those are all big platforms with a lot of facets. Only some areas of them are. Don't go in those areas. I do also believe in the vocal minority to an extent, in that people with extreme retarded views like to loudly spew them everywhere, and they don't represent everyone at all.
>>213853Not making yourself miserable doesn't make yourself a willful idiot. I didn't say to forget this stuff exists, but some girls are saying they actually want to kill themselves over this shit. That's when you need to unplug a bit.
No. 213860
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Holy shit it's like I'm reading some bizarro r9k thread.
No. 213862
>>213858I called you a female incel because you're making irrational generalizations about an entire gender, but ok, continue spewing misogyny at yourself. Feed that self hate, maybe share your neck measurements and talk about your virgin walk too if you want.
>>213860Finally, I'm not the only one that thinks this is out of character for this board!
No. 213863
>>213860>>213862le I'm so not like you guys xD
I love gobbling cocks #notallmen
p.s. kys
No. 213864
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>>213860goddamn stacy, go back to sucking chad's dick
No. 213868
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>all this melodrama
Girl you are probably the most annoying person I've ever saw on internet, I'm highly suspecting that you're actually mystery from your crazy rants.
No. 213870
>>213865>commonly held opinionOk I agree with you there, got you mixed up with these bizarro cultists that keep stressing that it's a 100% opinion of literally every man
Btw don't actually kill yourself, especially not over men or an image board, get help
When can we go back to talking about how collectively men are shit rather sperging how if you literally trust even one man on this planet then you are totally a misogynist too or whatever
No. 213875
>>213873Thanks ♥
I just hope it doesn't get flooded with robots like the last time we had it.
No. 213877
>>213874I'm sorry anon, I understand you. Maybe we can make a suicidal support thread or something similar? Unless there already is one. I'll check and think about making one tonight if there's any interest…
I know there's nothing we can to do change each other's minds but just to discuss might be helpful in the meantime.
No. 213881
>>213872Careful meow, you can't admit a high percentage instead of 100% or else you risk being branded a cocksucking misogynist and they won't let you in their suicide club
>>213879Finally, can't wait to see caps on the incel community as ammunition for why we're not human
No. 213893
>>213881Hm. Why does it bother you so much that women recognize how much men hate us? You used “we’re” so I’m assuming you’re a man.
Do you view women around you as equals? Answer truthfully. I’m honestly curious why you’re so defensive. It’s no skin off your back if we all talk about how much men hate us. It’s not going to change the fact that most in the world view you as superior just for being a man. Why do you care what women think?
No. 214013
>>213999If you're going for twinky guys or guys with fashionable clothes or hair, it seems to go that way
Tall guys always catch my eye from a distance, but then they turn around and I realise I've just been bamboozled by the lanky optic trick of teenage guys. Absolutely disgusting
No. 214416
>>214006I'm older than you and once a barber thought I was still in high school. Also a few times I got approached … I turned them down for they were illegally young.
>>214246Would it be a double standard to say guys should not have preferences for say, young-ish looking adult women? There are 30 year olds out there who look 18 (of both genders), and 25 year olds who look 40
No. 215266
>>215262the porn industry being disgusting degenerates like always who don't know the difference between 18-19 yr olds vs literal children
I wouldn't even doubt it if it was an actual child tbh, since they've caught several actual children being put into porn ads, I'd report this to the FBI if I were you
No. 215279
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>>215266>since they've caught several actual children being put into porn adsOk so, y'know those youporn ads that are also found on porn sites?
I had an ex girlfriend who had a good friend that got one of her cheerleading pics pasted on one of those adds, homegirl was only 16 in the pic. At the time I thought it was really creepy but now looking back it makes me fucking livid at the fact that someone went out of there way to save a photo of an underaged girl and then use it to advertise teen porn.
No. 226492
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Anyone think it's gross how for the Akb48 shows the girls have to interact, flirt and get personal with the creepy old dude hosts? It creepy as fuck how the akb company heavily caters towards older men in their 40s and some of them truly believe the members are their girlfriends and don't get me started on the hosts, the girls always have to laugh at everything they say even though they aren't funny
Pic context: each member takes turns going on a stimulation date with the gross slimey host who clearly can't get a woman his age
No. 226769
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>>226528So it's totally ok if Japan objectifies children but it's fucked up if it's the stranger things kids? What's the difference?
No. 226779
>>226769lol no…what
>>226771 said. akb48 didn't at all pioneer this. it's legit every idol group ever. hell, they can't date or even be around boys or they get kicked out cause it ruins the fan's(old men's) image of them. and then there are gravure idols…
japan just loves having a sect of girls/women who are cute and pure, while the rest are dirty and gross.
No. 226882
Went to take my niece shopping for her birthday to Claire's (her favorite shop) and was horrified to see BDSM chokers for sale there
Apparently I wasn't the only one now I'm even more horrified that people are blowing it off, saying it's just harmless fashion but for those that know what those necklaces mean, it could elicit sexual advances on the preteen/teen girls
I warned my niece about those necklaces but I cringe and hate to think of other girls her age wearing them without knowing what they represent. Wtf is wrong with this world when they think it's okay for a young girl to wear something sexual especially in the submissive way
No. 226886
>>226883Yeah, I'm sure a lot of pedo/hebephiles are gonna love that people like you think it's okay and that you don't think they won't take the opportunity to target and attack.
They're going to love seeing these girls wearing shit like this to fantasize and see them differently because they're fucking perverts that know what these items represent.
No. 226891
>>226889Is this another robot?
Regardless, does your group of friends represent EVERYONE?
Are you saying that young girls who have been attacked are discredited because there are other girls who wanted an older partner to be sexual with?
Or that just because your friends want older women we should ignore the men who want minors?
There is an obsession with them and it exists even though you don't personally see it in your small world, so do forgive us if we still bring the issue up to address it while you ignore it.
No. 226893
>>226882>>226886Are you Amish? Teens have been bearing bdsm chokers since the 90s,it's just more fashionable now again.
I hate to break it to you but Claire's don't stock thongs, and yet kids buy them all the time. Kids will also do what they can to be edgy or whatever their twisted idea of sexy/maturity is. A creep that gets off on kids wearing a necklace isn't going to stop being a creep just because they dress appropriately.
No. 226895
>>226893Yeah but the item is going to help with the fantasy. It's making the girls look more "appetizing" like tying a dinner bell on the sheep for the wolf and telling the shepherd dog to remain asleep.
Fact is this is a necklace for sexually practicing adults for a specific sexual fetish that should be sold in sex stores for ADULTS only, it should not be made accessible to young girls.
Now while a girl can use their parents money to buy something inappropriate for their age, that's where the PARENT does their job and make sure that doesn't happen and educate their kids why it's not appropriate. Because that's what a caring adult does when they want to protect their kids, something that you don't seem to care about here.
Even if it's trendy doesn't mean it's appropriate at all. I think it's wrong and I'm putting my fucking foot down on this and you're not going to make me to go lax by asking if I'm a prude or Amish or trying to convince me that it's normal.
No. 226898
>>226895why are you shaming people for clothing choices? should teens not be allowed to wear fishnets, or accessories with handcuffs on them? or things that look similar to latex? all of those things are fetish stuff too. and yet plenty of younger people wear them and are fine.
this shit needs to stop. we need to be standing up to men for our right to wear whatever the fuck we want because
we chose to, not forcing ourselves into a box to try to avert the male gaze. women and girls can wear whatever they please and they shouldn't have to worry about men's or your associations with it.
No. 226907
>>226898Shaming? Did I specifically attack the girls for it? Because I think they were just ignorant, I'm not calling them sluts for having them. I'm attacking the distributor, Claire's for making it accessible to girls. I'm not attacking the person buying them, I even just educated my niece what it was in case she was thinking of buying it. Had she still chosen it, I would have cringed but I at least educated her but I would have preferred not seeing it there in the first place. If she was older, she could have the choice of buying it in its appropriate place with the knowledge of what it was, in a sex store at the right age. You can still have the choice of what to wear but at the appropriate time.
I would certainly want someone to tell me that the choker I wore was a BDSM one at least and then decide if it's still worth wearing especially if it's given my problems like men bothering me for it in the past. I'll still leave that choice up to the girl but to save embarrassment and potential predator attacks, I want them out of that store, but I'm not going to go ripping them off the girl's necks.
>>226899If they're teenagers, I'm okay with that but this is a shop that a lot of preteen to children girls go to. I was a collar wearing goth punk myself in Junior High but I didn't wear that when I was a kid and that's my main beef here is the age.
>>226901I'm an asexual female.
That was a metaphor which you're now using to put words in my mouth when I was just making an example.
I would certainly go crying about a man parading naked in cowboy boots because I don't want to see that shit either.
It's impossible to ask men to control themselves because a lot fly into a raping lustful rage at the smallest provocation or from rejection and I don't want to see that happen to a young girl because the guy asked her why she rejected having sex with him when she was wearing a BDSM collar.
No. 226962
>>226948Since when is censorship of something inappropriate bad?
I deem this as sexual because that's exactly what it is, a sexual item for a sexual practice. Maybe the ignorant person wouldn't know but perverts know and that's where it gets dangerous.
Telling me to just make it my own personal case of "well then don't shop there" isn't helping because I don't want this sort of thing to continue in public until it becomes normal. I'm giving a fuck regardless and it seems like you're only arguing about that when I see it as wrong and insane to NOT give a fuck about this issue.
I'll admit it's ridiculous to think clothing can cause rape, but the thing is that a lot of men resort to this excuse and do you know why? Because shocker, sexual clothing can actually cause men to think the woman wants a sexual encounter. 15: In a 1984 study, researchers asked male and female adolescents whether they believed there were certain articles of clothing that indicated sexual interest. Both males and females believed items of female apparel such as a see-through blouse, low-cut top, tight jeans, and behavior such as not wearing a bra indicated that the young woman wanted to have sex. Males were more confident than females that see-through blouses, low-cut tops, tight jeans and not wearing a bra suggested a desire for sex… This research further demonstrates that a woman wearing clothing labelled as sexually provocative is perceived as more sexually appealing and more attractive than a conservatively dressed woman.""When women sexualize their appearance, they are at a far greater risk than men. A focus on appearance, instead of personality, increased the objectifying gaze toward women, as demonstrated by increased eye movements toward their chests and waists compared to their faces"
I know, stupid, but a lot of men are that stupid as these studies show. I'm just trying to prevent the possible sexual objectification of girls by not letting them wear sexual items.
I'm not going to blame the girls for wearing the item especially since I said most would be ignorant, but I am still going to blame the man as well as people like you for allowing shit like this.
No. 226992
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>>226962May I suggest #2 of pic related?
It's one thing to educate your niece on the subtext of a collar, but to actually suggest controlling what girls wear in case it incites desire is the most backwards thing in the world. Men need to learn to control themselves, putting the onus on girls to wear a (subjective!) dress code not only validates sexual predators but leads to slut shaming and victim blaiming of those who don't conform to the dresscode
No. 227006
>>226962You obviously sill don’t get it.
You need CONSENT to touch a woman of ANY AGE. Yes, explicit consent. I’m sick of men whining about “what do we do, have to spell out everything we want?” And yeah, why not? Women have to all the time because men don’t fucking listen.
If you believe that other people shouldn’t be allowed o wear certain things because
you or someone else will associate it with sex, you have a control problem. This DOES NOT include things like sticking out visible cleavage and lingerie from clothing or having our ass cheeks or vulva hanging from booty shorts in public, which IS appropriate.
Women are allowed to dress sexy and provocative once they hit puberty. It’s not for EVERY man, it’s for men in their age group or that they want to be with. All this sounds like is bullshit man logic for “wah, I’m attracted to a woman/girl I can’t have! Therefore, the thing she’s wearing that entices me shouldn’t be allowed on ANY women of any age!”. Women who agree and parrot his logic are the mommy apologists who breed whiny, entitled men who expect women to take care of them and bend over to avoid causing any kind of hormonal or emotional reaction from them that challenges the idea that they’re big, strong, handsome man and she’s ~just a whore who doesn’t know what she’s missing~ or is ~asking for it~ by wearing a leather collar in public.
And in case you miss the point of it being in public: there are laws against rape for a reason. It’s wrong. Good men and women who know how to control themselves and aren’t on a question to prove their dominance or authority/status don’t rape. Men and women who try to justify the actions of men and women who do are rape apologists.
No. 228859
>>227002"acknowledging that not everyone is a sociopath means you're a troll!"
not that anon but censorship of inappropriate things isn't always bad
amanda todd for example, do you think it's a god awful horrible thing that people censored all the creepy videos and pics of her the gross man made her do?
I agree some censorship is taken too far but censoring things out of respect is 100% good, unless you're an annoying wannabe anonymous edgelord who thinks people saying "hey maybe you shouldn't harass this girl" is awful disgusting censorship
No. 228874
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>>228828>>228863Seriously, I find it's more downhill in your 40's because that's when you're slowly approaching 50 which is half your life and technically 'old'. I find 40 year people aren't THAT old(I don't know if maybe I just hang around really young looking 40 year olds or)
But even then it really boils down to how you take care of yourself, it's cheesy but like don't limit yourself because you will absolutely be unhappy.
Life and fun doesn't stop the minute you turn 30, anon
The internet just says shit like this because they're nuts and want to feel better about themselves, and it's not as if men aren't also shitty when they're old.
No. 228884
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And not everyone wants to have kids, also some people could/want to adopt. Like, I'm sure soon there's going to be ways around the biological clock if there aren't already, fucking science and technology man.
But it's still ridiculous to push people to have kids in their fucking 20s, kids are 100% responsibility and money.
Which a lot of people in their 20s don't really have.
No. 228962
>>228863nta your post feels reassuring. I don't care about my dating options once I reach 30 (I'm turning 28 soon), it's just that I feel my life is a mess due to social anxiety and low self-esteem which hindered me into doing things I wanted. I only recently started getting my shit together which will be a long process.
Anyways, just wanted to say thank you. You sound like a nice down-to-earth person.
No. 228990
>>228989We are all going to grow old and die but it doesn't mean that just because you're not in the Forbes list of top 100 wealthy before you turn 30, that you should kys.
I've personally met people who made career change doing the corny "follow your heart" thing in their 50s, even 60s and are finally happy.
I think the real challenge when growing older is to not let that spark die, to not allow yourself to get stuck in a rut and say this is it, I shouldn't expect more from myself, unless the person is happy that way of course.
I agree that getting children is affected by age and undoubtedly majority of men prefer younger women if given the choice. But if we're going to base our self worth on our sexual attraction then that's quite depressing and that guarantees a miserable life.
No. 228994
>Is more attractive now than at 21>Has learned tons of new skills in the last years>Health is better than everSure that stuff happens if you give up and don't try. "Wah, I'm 25 and haven't achieved this checklist of things, might as well give up!"
You could live to 100. 30 should not be the end, you're falling for the sexualized media bullshit about teens. Teens are dumbasses, it is not the prime of your life and only perverted old guys (who ironically achieved everything post-40) think so
No. 228995
Do any of you really think this focus on teenagers is recent? Men have always wanted to have sex with women as soon as they finished puberty and we always will. We were born to feel that way and can't change this part of ourselves. Even if most of us keep it under control we're always going to WANT to fuck teenagers.
>>213798>>213803>>213796>But still…why? They don’t even like women, they despise us and think we’re worthless, they don’t even seem to enjoy sex for the actual connection or physical enjoyment, because how could you enjoy being that close to something you despise ? Men are not all that complicated. We want to fuck you, and we want you to love it so much that you never even look at another guy, even though we'd be fucking other women in our ideal world. The only difference with incels is that they can't attract a woman in real life so they generalize this urge to a system of social controls that would force their gfs to stay with them.
>>228995>We were born to feel that way and can't change this part of ourselves. Even if most of us keep it under control we're always going to WANT to fuck teenagers. Reason #59880001 why you should all be fucking gassed.
Anyways, everyone with a brain already knows that males are subhuman trash. We don't need you to remind us, faggot.
No. 229041
>>228989I'm the anon afraid of the wall. This summarizes why I feel this way.
It just feels like 30 is the beginning of the end.
Most famous singers, actors, athletes, etc broke out at ~18 years old.
Most people would date younger if they could.
Younger people are more likely to get hired.
Your body and health is at it's peak in your early 20s.
It's okay if you don't have much dating experience at 18, but by 30 you'll be considered a loser.
And so on…
No. 229047
>>229041I think the difference is that people of a certain age are supposed to do certain things. Younger hires are preferred, sure, but for entry level positions, and definitely not for internal promotions.
Either way, there's really no point in this kind of thinking is there? You're growing up, whether you like it or not. Might as well make the most of it.
No. 229051
>>228981I feel this too anon, I'm 23 also. I often think about re-doing my teen years and being more social and doing more activities. I kind of feel like I wasted those years by being lazy and feel like I'm still 17 inside. I think a big problem is that a lot of media romanticises being a teenager when in reality, the actors playing "teen" characters are usually our age.
The more I think about it, the more I realise I actually
wouldn't like to re-do my teen years because I'd probably just do the same thing again. I was "lazy" because my body was growing and I was tired all the time, there's no way I could have changed that. Dating was awkward and boring back then (you weren't missing much).
Think about
all the things you can do now. You can drive which gives you so much more freedom than when you were a teen, you probably have more money to spend on things you wish you had as a teen, you can drink in nice bars and eat in beautiful restaurants, you've got more energy to stay out late, you're more intelligent and have more common sense than your teen self (lol if you doubt that, just read one of your old diaries), you probably aren't suffering from bad acne and stuffing your bra… If you don't feel like working right now, do you have enough money to travel for a while? A lot of people take a year off before working and it's good for your mental health. It might help you realise that being an adult is fun :)
No. 229105
>>229001This is reminding me about that Chloe Kim story recently. And others like it (TMZ’s countdown to Kylie’s 18th). And men have&will swiftly justify lusting after teens because its “~biology~” to want to fuck them because muh fertility. Any older than 18/19 and she’s too old, apparently. 30 and we’re all suppose to just die??? Who fucking knows.
It’s like men want women to want babies that are ridiculously expensive to raise for at least 18 years in their teens and 20s but having them work for an income is bad but they don’t want them to marry men either because then women would be gold diggers/leeches. As if men want to fuck, have those women have babies, be barefoot and poor while raising said babies (and never pursue anything else) while men have zero responsibility and commitment to them.
No. 229205
Is anyone opposite to OP in that they don't think of teenagers hardly at all?
I'm 26, and my bf nor any other male in my social circle ever brings up anyone under the age of 21. That age group might as well be a different species to me, and I'd never thought I'd say that.
I don't romanticize teenage years either. My peak was 22-24 years old. I was in the best shape of my life; independent, educated, and right on the cusp between having a lot of free time due to college and not quite stepping into the real world yet.
My teenage years fucking sucked. I had no independence, no money, few friends, toxic mother who openly disrespected me, still had an ugly stage insofar as style, and everyone underestimated me. I got taken advantage of a lot because I looked so young and dumb.
Sure my adult life is now boring af and I think I'm considerably more unattractive, but I wouldn't wish to be a teen again. Fuck that shit. And for what? So some crusty rejected men in their mid life crisis could have another fap fantasy? Lol, goody. So exciting for me. Not.
>>228989You are correct, but this still doesn't make me want to be a teenager again. Speaking as the average teen who didn't just have job opportunities or attractiveness fall on my lap at that age by default. Hahaha.
No. 229226
>>229105teens are not the best suited for pregnancy in the first place, they have more complications than older women.
I'm sure they wouldn't want their 15 year old waifu after she's had kids anyway due to the body changes. It has never been about fertility.
What really gets my goat is that historically teens weren't even all that fertile to begin with. It wasn't unusual for girls to start menstruating at 16 or 17. There have always been creeps and pedophiles but I do worry that early menarche is detrimental in terms of attraction. It was a long time norm for a 14 year old girl to have a less developed body and consequently less attractive to more men. But now that girls start menarche so much younger at 14 she may look much more developed than the historic norm and attract more bad attention. Maybe some of these guys wouldn't be interested in scrawny 15 year old 17th century peasant girls and would instead go after more age appropriate partners but 15 year old girls now look sufficiently different/more desirable. Just a thought.
No. 229227
>>229205I don't miss being a teen but I miss the idea of being a teen. I was happy at the time tbh. I wish I'd gone out more now and dated more and had more friends now in retrospect but at the time I genuinely didn't want to. I was quiet and happy and liked having 2 friends and coming home to play videogames and shit.
The fantasy of teenagehood that I feel wistful about now (and that men idolize) is just that, a fantasy. Its like everybody glosses over shit like acne and braces and having no money. Lots of people were ugly or weird looking either by bad luck or just because they couldn't afford to be otherwise.
No. 229270
>>229226the fact men use fertility to justify their shitty actions proves men are neanderthals
also whatever happened to men liking chubs because it signals fertility? which one is it? do men like chubs for fertility or children? they're the biggest hypocrites to walk the planet
No. 229313
>>229227Oh for sure about the freedom part! I wish I could go back to having minimal responsibilities and didn't have to worry about jobs and bills. Just being able to have the time anytime to have fun…sigh.
>>229273Considerable weight gain, being tired more often.
I don't really have free time. College was great for me because I had the time to truly focus on myself and intellectual pursuits.
I barely have time for myself now and any spare time I have I use to escape from reality for the mental break. It's stressful and I honestly haven't handled the whole college-student-to-full-time-job-adult transition well. It's not a skill that can be taught I guess, and I haven't found that magic balance yet.
No. 229325
I don’t know, in a way I miss being a teen but for a really fucked up reason. I’ve always suffered from social avoidance and generally have been withdrawn my entire life, and that hasn’t changed since I’ve grown up, graduated college, etc. but what has changed is that I’m just less…passionate. Like when I was a teenager I felt every single negative emotion to the extreme. I was always severely depressed, sad, angry, or some other thing. And I always felt those emotions to the ultimate extent if that makes sense. At the time that made me miserable, obviously, but it’s almost preferable to now because now I’m just completely numb. I’m pretty much on autopilot at all times, I no longer have sadness or anger to motivate me to create things or get up and do something, even when bad things happen (or good things) I feel nothing.
At least when I was a rollercoaster of emotions I was feeling something even if that something was bad. Now I’m 23 and I wish I could just be angry or sad for even a day instead of feeling absolutely nothing. I’m not even exaggerating. I’m like a void.
What really kills me is my art though. When I look back at what I made in high school versus what I make now, it’s sad. My work now is devoid of any feeling or meaning. Which is technically fine because my job is the commercial/advertising realm of the type of medium I’ve always worked in. But I still get sad because I feel like my creativity died along with my ability to feel shit.
I just don’t know. I don’t want to go back but I’m not moving forward and I don’t want to live in my present life as myself doing what I’m doing. I just hate that things aren’t different.
No. 229339
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>>229325pic is for you
>>229313do you also have the problem that you cannot enjoy your weekends at all? Knowing that the next monday is awaiting you already?
No. 229350
>>229227I'd like to be a teen with the knowledge I have now, just so that my life would have progressed without quite so many bumps. And I would have taken more risks with positive reward attached to them.
But I mostly thought this topic was about men's obsessions with teens, not women's obsessions with being teenagers. I don't think I've met any woman who wants to be that age again. The only thing my friends and I miss is the energy we used to have! I can't go out and stay up past 12 without feeling like I want to rest my head on the bar and pass out.
No. 229373
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>>229339>do you also have the problem that you cannot enjoy your weekends at all? It's more like I always have obligations that use them up, and when I try to take those days for myself I feel selfish or unproductive. It's like I spend what's supposed to be my downtime busy, so when I go back to work it's like I never had a break at all.
Be that catching up to neglected chores that I don't get help with around the apartment, parents demanding I visit them, and friends wanting to hang out (I know some people find hanging out refreshing but I'd rather have some alone time tbh).
Just as an example: The other week my stepdad made me feel bad and mentioned that my mom is jealous of my aunt and cousin's mother-daughter relationship because they talk everyday. And why don't I make more effort to talk to my mom and see her? Even though my mom never fostered that kind of relationship with me growing up, and now that she wants to it feels really forced and artificial. She blames me for not 'doing more' to see her even though I drive out to see them and spend the night at least once a month, sometimes twice. I talk to them on the phone more than a few times a week.
Since my mom doesn't drive, it's always me making the effort yet it's just not enough.
Apparently my stepdad wants me to orchestrate a weekend where I pick her up from the train station, spends the night here, and then leaves.
I want to have a good relationship with them now that I'm an adult, but having them demand my time so much is exhausting.
>tfw No. 229385
I miss being a teen, because back then i was still sort of 'dumb' and therefore not overthinking everything as much as i do now and this made me able to enjoy everything more.
Nowadays, if i manage to overcome a hurdle, like e.g. writing an exam, i immdediately have to think about the next dreadful event that's coming up instead of just enjoying the moment.
When i was younger i was so looking forward to being an adult, i had so many dreams and hopes, but now i've achieved nothing… Just the illusion, the anticipation of what i might be able to do, made me happy and now nothing manages to chear me up, not even meeting up with friends or even christmas (which i always loved)…
Of course i also sometimes felt sad, but just something small lik a few words from my parents were enough to comfort me
I regret that i didn't appreciate what i had, the freetime, no obligations, (also better looks), etc even now as a college student i've probably got more freetime than later but i'm simply not doing anything
No. 229613
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The thread is not about wanting to be a teen it's about old losers and their sexual obsession with teens. Like these ones
No. 230030
>>229613It's not just losers, it's basically every guy who thinks he can get away with it.
>>229599Different anon. If it was just basement dwellers, no one would care. Even the most successful people tie a woman's worth to her youth.
No. 230053
Been on Reddit (eyeroll, I know) catching updates on the Olympics, and holy fuck, every time a <18 year old female athlete gets posted, there's an influx of men posting about how sexually attractive she is and making nudge-nudge-wink-wink comments about her being a minor. Mind you, these are highly upvoted comments that go on for hundreds of replies. Even the fucking snowboarders in their heavy layers get pervy comments.
It's fucking hypocritical for the same userbase to lose their shit over Buzzfeed's slideshow of (adult) male lugers' skintight crotch regions while purposely sexualizing how young a competitor is. No surprise the same website that had a popular jailbait subreddit would still be full of freaks.
>>229613It's fucking disgusting for teachers to take advantage of their students when they're meant to be guardians outside of the home and to nurture the next generation. Actual subhumans.
No. 230054
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>>229613God, this shit is the worst
Why do they do this, is it because their still living their teenage fantasies?
To add to this I was watching a segment on that one popular Japanese olympic ice skater and his fanclub was made up of a lot of older women. It was really strange but it really makes me think about women who don't grow out of that weird teenage crush fantasy stage
Also I feel when it comes to these female teacher student cases I ALWAYS see alot of comments from men saying, "that teenage boy is not suffering if I were in his shoes I would've enjoyed it !11!!" and similar things, it's disgusting to hear.
No. 230058
>>230054maybe a bit taboo but
I agree it's unprofessional and weird if a student fucks a teacher, but I don't think it's worth worrying about if they're age of consent and nobody was tricked, manipulated or pressured or whatever
however it does bother me when people want to act as if an 17 or 18 yr old student fucking a 23 or 24 yr old teacher is the exact same as child molestation and the teacher is a literal pedophile, I'd think the same if it was a 17-18 yr old girl fucking a 23-24 yr old male teacher, if no one is being manipulated, pressured, or the student isn't using it to get good grades then it should just be seen as unprofessionalism rather than some dirty gross rapist
No. 230061
>>230058I don't use the words "molestation" or "pedophile" to describe those events or the teachers, but there's definitely a power imbalance. Even if you're not sleeping with your teacher for grades, they still have the power to punish you academically or socially if your relationship isn't going the way you want. You can totally set grounds that no, they will never do that, but you can't carry out a relationship in a vacuum and disregard a teacher's superiority over you.
A teacher shouldn't be seeing their students as a potential dating pool, even if they're close in age. It's closer to a patient-therapist relationship than a non-exploitive boss-employee one, where teachers have a lot more responsibility in the mental welfare of their students, instead of just being unprofessional or an HR nightmare.
I think if we're talking teachers who you aren't being taught by, or moving this entire scenario into university/college, I get you, but it's more than just unprofessional for a highschool teacher to date one of their students. Plus, are there that many 23-24 year old teachers teaching seniors? The youngest of any of my teachers was maybe early 30s.
No. 230062
>>230061Agreed, it could definitely be used wrong and blown up but I think people just need to chill with the 'LITERAL DISGUSTING PEDOPHILE!! GET LIFE IN PRISON!!" Comments
There are tons of teachers in their 20s, there was an iowa case of a 24 yr old woman who slept with a senior high school student and continued to see him after he graduated, keep in mind age of consent in Iowa is 16 so the most she would get punished for would be the equivalent if a therapist dated a patient, a manager dated an employee, etc, some people even went as far as to accuse everyone who said she wasn't a pedophile nor was it rape, to be a pedophile child abuser
It just brings whole new meaning of the pedo witchhunt to the point where if you point out actual pedophilia people will just call you out to be another pedo witch hunter
No. 230326
>>23032214 year olds aren't cute, they're smelly and masturbate all day.
Seriously though, is this something you just never grew out of? Are you attracted to men your own age? You seem to understand you should never date what's basically a child, so that's great, keep on it.