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File: 1712310224495.png (756.66 KB, 790x835, uglymanpsyop OP.png)

No. 1951535

Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standars in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

Last Thread: >>>/ot/1945302

No. 1951620

Kek at this op pic.

No. 1951640

File: 1712317559517.png (1002.02 KB, 1200x675, hQKiXkD.png)

so I'll repeat the point from the last thread, hyper rendering for "realism" sucks ass and makes everyone look like shit.

No. 1951644

Op thread made me laugh out loud at the airport. Kekkk
This version of Leon is peak game play. They should have never went away from this style. Re6 and 7 ruined RE games. I hate realism. Interesting how og RE4 is like 20 years old , but holds up. Re4R will look dated in 3-5 years.

No. 1951647

I love the thread pic OP

No. 1951662

Kek both thread pics have been so funny.

No. 1951663

>I think men are just gay,nonnies.
Nah, they just hate women that much. Onlyfans is too fake and real women are disgusted by them. So all they have left is pimping themselves. And since they are extremely dumb, they think that femininity = female.
>The seduction of women - including feminists - into confusion by Dionysian boundary violation happens under a variety of circumstances. A comment element seems to be an invitation to "freedom". The feminine Dionysian male guru or therapist invites women to spiritual or sexual liberation, at the cost of loss of Self in male-dicated behavior. Male propagation of the idea that men, too are feminine - particularly through feminine behavior by males - distracts attention from the fact that femininity is a man-made construct, having essentially nothing to do with femaleness.
>― Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism

No. 1951672

Amazing threadpic, OP

No. 1951676

File: 1712320564875.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.24 KB, 736x568, c1a47d6a812680c8d1bbf26e9aaee4…)

one guy I knew thought a lady from a news article was trans when she was just ugly. And I was like, what in the hell could make you say that? because she's isn't beautiful enough? than you see moids calling aloy fat or ugly or hairy despite the hair on her cheeks being peach fuzz. How terminally online do you have to be when this (pic rel) is your idea of a real woman?
and regarding whether or not men are gay, speaking from online experience, men who claim to be bisexual also have a huge hypersexuality problem which is borne from mental illness and/or porn addiction. They don't like men like osa women/gay men like men, they only see them as fetishes and not possible life partners. They're love of femboys is often telling they're a fake. There's a huge gulf between a feminine man and a femboy, and the fact that the former has been co-opted under the femboy label is saddening if not sickening.
apologies for the rant kek, I feel strongly about this subject as someone who had moids call her a femboy kisser for my love of effeminate men.

No. 1951695

is that why so many of the most patriarchal societies often had a class of little boys/eunuchs that they raped?

No. 1951724

File: 1712324299775.jpg (93.54 KB, 1280x720, dexifyde9ea42AXpI.jpg)

I know twink death is mostly discussed among the gay community but I see so many straight moids suddenly talking about it on tiktok and male forums. A lot of them cope by viewing it as simply a transition from pretty boy to masculine chad when they should just call it as it is, once attractive young men hitting the wall. Most of them never recover from twink death or become roidpigs.

No. 1951726

interesting. with women they would call it "hitting the wall" but what would I know.

No. 1951756

File: 1712325128877.jpeg (74.61 KB, 602x337, IMG_1215.jpeg)

Men hit the wall so much harder than women do, I’m convinced women “hitting the wall at 30” is all a massive cope from moids to try and shame unmarried women. I say this as a bisexual, but there are so many more attractive older women than men. Men peak in their early 20s and it’s all downhill from there

No. 1951776

This is what happens when you try to desperately cling on to your youth, I swear male(and female tbh) stars should just allow themselves to age gradually, they'd look 100x better and healthier.

No. 1951778

These thread pics are killing me
Agreed, don't nobody care about seeing HD wrinkles and excessive blemishes, it's just a bad excuse to shill old moids again

No. 1951780

I've been saying this for years. The worst part is, most of them aren't even attractive in their peaks, and the few that are become so insufferable they can't even tell that they've fallen off. And now this dad-bod/balding men are handsome thing lets them cope even harder for longer.

No. 1951786

Of course your stupid ass made a new thread just so you can put this as the threadpic that absolutely nobody wanted. Girl go fuck yourself kek

No. 1951788

What pisses me off is when I'm reading comments on reels and some moid says "Women care too much about looks!" and some woman replies to console him and says something like "No we don't, personality is what matters, I personally like fat and bald guys and have dated many of them. We love fat and bald guys!" WHO IS WE? Hell no. No moid will ever have a good personality because they have xy chromosomes so they're all evil. Least they could do is be hot. But they can't even do that. BARF. I hate uglies, hate fatties, hate baldies. Stop encouraging them

No. 1951789

She did make the thread early but I’m not even mad because it’s a good threadpic

No. 1951791

you are retarded if you think thats the issue here
he is so pig disgusting, i was offended when my husband invited me to go see scorsese's latest hackjob a few months ago

No. 1951795

You see these copes all over fb with fat women with filtered profile pictures stating it. I've lost count of the many times I've saw women earnestly say I crushed on Vin Diesel at 14 teehee. Stfu bitches, if you want to date down out of fear don't raise the fat badling blobs egos it's a net loss.

No. 1951800

Anon is a turbo tard that needs to close her /ot/ tab and log off, jfc

No. 1951803

File: 1712326668233.png (707.35 KB, 1115x630, suifuek.png)

It's like once a moid gets enough female attention the baldness patterns speed up and they're getting free coupons to Mcdonalds or a heroin needle.

No. 1951806

It's a funny thread pic though
>"No we don't, personality is what matters, I personally like fat and bald guys and have dated many of them. We love fat and bald guys!
They're such fucking retards I can't stand them. They should get some standards

No. 1951814

File: 1712327000379.webp (193.29 KB, 949x1080, IMG_9892.webp)

>tiktok girls simping after ian gallagher

britbongs don’t deserve an ounce of fucking human rights or dentist care

No. 1951818

I had a crush on when I was watching Gotham.

No. 1951853

This has activated my autism senses. Are people self labelling into categories they think they'll have a better go at romantically. Omg can people just chill out and stop being so vain

No. 1951854

File: 1712328314575.jpeg (103.94 KB, 524x261, IMG_8938.jpeg)

Women don’t hit the wall, we don’t even look that different between 20-40. This is Marilyn in her mid 20s and late 30s, and she looks pretty much the same. Men are projecting with “the wall” because they look drastically different every 5 years or so

No. 1951857

OT but I hate this threadpic and meme template it feels so lolifag-ish.

No. 1951864

PLEASE can we have a cute and quality threadpic for ONCE. There is absolutely nothing sexual about this threadpic. I’m so sick of all the other ugly ass threadpics that are literally just pixelated boomer memes that no one shits on. Ignore these retards, OP. This is the kind of content we need here. Yes I’ll take my ban for derailing

No. 1951866

File: 1712329463439.png (791.04 KB, 913x777, cheryliampayne.png)

Cheryl is 10 years older than Liam Payne and if I saw them I'd think they're the same age or she's younger.

No. 1951869

The fact you can see her asscheeks is weird as hell.

No. 1951872

She does look younger to me

No. 1951876

File: 1712329728092.jpeg (507.83 KB, 1003x497, IMG_0165.jpeg)

This is also Monica Belluci at 37 and 47 years old, proof that “the wall” doesn’t exist for women since that’s the age range men like to say women expire before reaching

No. 1951877


No. 1951878

File: 1712329802090.gif (27.94 KB, 220x220, IMG_1223.gif)

Ayrt you can’t fucking see her ass cheeks wtf how much loli hentai are you consuming to be this pornsick?

No. 1951880

Yes you can? It's weird that the artist chose to draw a dress too short to cover her ass cheeks. You can literally see one asscheek kek.

No. 1951882

File: 1712330134550.png (230.73 KB, 416x762, fat3.png)

Boohoo you can see the inner thigh of a completely unsexualized image. Anyway, post contributions.

No. 1951884

His body is decent, a bit too broad and lacks a waistline though. But his face? Neanderthal.

No. 1951891

is there hope or are most of us destined to die virgins?

No. 1951908

The biggest normies at my job literally make memes with that picture, stop being so sensitive.

No. 1951909

File: 1712332510299.jpeg (860.38 KB, 1170x1252, IMG_0023.jpeg)

He looks insane

No. 1951912

And the biggest normies think Rob Lowe is funny even though he had sex with a fifteen year old.(derailing)

No. 1951922

I'm Irish and seriously believe there's something going on with men that come from certain acting cliques here receiving fame in exchange for being trophies to be displayed by other men abroad, fits this thread. The rise of our ugliest men being seen as attractive is suspicious, we've not really produced any models or actresses famous for looks alone… bizarre to see these literal dadfaces be shilled abroad. My sister hasn't heard of most of them here BTW and she likes normie media, like that Barry fella. Seem to just be fleeting American sensations.

No. 1951923

File: 1712333054476.jpg (238.75 KB, 474x597, 1675194364028.jpg)

he was cute when he was young though.

No. 1951924

Also, to add, the reason for no internationally famous Irish hotties is the reason I allude to - do you take the awful casting couch deal to ensure your fame? Much less of a culture to allow that, especially outside of Dublin, for better or worse

No. 1951925

File: 1712333165082.png (471.71 KB, 583x625, undershorts.png)

Here, I put some nice white undershorts

No. 1951928

You couldn't edit it to make the curve of the dress actually cover her ass or something.

No. 1951931

I can't do all that

No. 1951935

i love the threadpic and i love the astarion or whatever his name is bashing

No. 1951942

>fat guys
>know how to eat
they don't know how to eat that's why they're fat retard, also, biology? being a lardass puts you at risk of heart failure, his heart would give out the moment he can't get enough air when trying to eat her out.

No. 1951943

>99% of women prefer 'dad bod' over a six-pack, little known truth
oh goody gumdrops, i always did want to be part of the 1%!

No. 1951944

File: 1712334196502.jpeg (42.24 KB, 430x369, IMG_4474.jpeg)

It really is a psyop isn’t it? Or it’s a meme that everyone is really committed to and I’m just the biggest autist. Everyone I know who likes asterion also simps for preminger. But I thought that was a joke. I refuse to believe it is not a joke.

No. 1951951

i choose to believe it's an elaborate meme that everyone is in on and the few people trying to shill him are just trying to get attention with how kwirky they are until the next weird sexy comes along.

No. 1951952

I like the
>days since last attractive moid seen
Cause I relate to it a lot

No. 1951955

File: 1712334698269.png (700.67 KB, 752x747, corbet.png)

kek, the twink reaper is real and young moids need to drop the cope and pick up the finasteride/steroids/skincare/ozempic.
picrel was in thirteen. If evan rachel wood or nikki reed aged like that moids would tear them apart.

No. 1951956

Why men faces do that… like, go round and shrink to the center, I have never seen womens faces doing that, not even when they go fat.

No. 1951958

Male skulls continue growing with age and female skulls don’t. Male noses also get bigger and their philtrums get longer, and both of those changes can affect women too but only in old age.

No. 1951967

OP could have used an actual hot guy instead that mediocre Leon

No. 1951968

I think your forgetting plastic surgery.

No. 1951970

I would sooner staple my pussy shut and tear my clit out with a rusty pair of pliers before letting the public know I let a man that ugly fuck me. Taylor should just kill herself at this point(calm down)

No. 1951971


No. 1951972

Who should she have used then? Every male mentioned on this site gets called ugly by anons

No. 1951984

He is beloved by many farmers so it makes sense for a funny op picture.

No. 1951987

The difference between femboys and effeminate men is something I've noticed as well. Femboy posing is always extremely coomery and comes off as manufactured fake femininity. They also always dress in tacky amazon outfits and put zero effort into actually looking beautiful, so that doesn't help either. I find it crazy since there are so many women who are loud about liking pretty boys yet so few men actually try capitalizing on it.

No. 1951993

File: 1712337935283.jpg (91.05 KB, 583x625, modest psyop resister.jpg)

Here's a capri pant edit. Best I can do.

No. 1951997

this does look better.

No. 1952002

>many farmers
Two spamming autists

No. 1952004

File: 1712338523133.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.35 KB, 675x1200, 0876356234.jpg)

He wasn't exactly shilled as attractive, but I hate that someone with such lack of skill built up a career on lies in a women-dominated field. How was this the face of covergirl?

No. 1952011

This looks way more farmer-esque, thank you kind nonnie.

No. 1952013

What do you mean? Plastic surgery don't do that, if it did women would look as cursed as the men. Unless you're implying women don't have that thanks to surgery, I don't think that's it either, otherwise famous men wouldn't have that wilson look, I mean, have you seen john travolta

No. 1952018

this, and the moment moids gained power in the beauty community was when it became all about their fag drama instead of general reviews and looks. You can pinpoint the decline when moids in rainbow cut creases became inescapable, inevitably paving the way for normalising drag kids while using their platform to get with underage boys

No. 1952026

is it alcoholism?

No. 1952030

File: 1712340037675.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1170x1828, 4CB4BE66-3400-477D-AF9F-5A30E8…)

so many women agreeing with this… open the schools indeed

No. 1952031

fucking Andy Samberg.

No. 1952037

No he gained weight to be in the 'Funny Games' Haneke remake and claimed it was hard because he was so naturally skinny. Not that hard apparently seeing as he forgot to stop. So many moid actors volunteer to gain weight for roles even though it's not asked for (bc nobody wants to see that on screen), but at least Haagen Dasz drinker Ryan Gosling remembered to shed the weight after.

No. 1952047

This was an offshoot of “why aren’t there funny hot women on SNL” discourse by a pick me (who was measuring female comedians against Sydney Sweeney) so OP was just pointing out that some women are pretty and there are no hot MEN, cue “actually this man is super hot!!!” (low standards). Hate it here

No. 1952048

File: 1712340907825.jpg (196.03 KB, 583x625, lctinfoil.jpg)

did a model accurate edit

No. 1952057

these are cute!

No. 1952096

nta but leon has always been a popular character in general outside of LC. why is it hard to believe more than two anons like him

No. 1952106

You can't possibly believe that kek I'm proudly one of this autists and I know there are many others.

No. 1952117

File: 1712344447171.webp (124.01 KB, 1908x1080, leon-comparison-re4-2005-re4-2…)


No. 1952119

It's probably a newfag who wasn't here during the height of re2r and re4r thirsting.

No. 1952129

hires textures and polygons were a mistake

No. 1952135

I really like this. She looks cute.

No. 1952139

stop making threads too early you annoying newfags. also why is this necessary when we already have "men shilled as attractive who you find ugly"(autism)

No. 1952143

This thread is more schizo I guess?

No. 1952145

Because they're two different things? This thread isn't about thinking attractive men are ugly.

No. 1952148

neither is "men shilled as attractive who you find ugly" , none of the men in that thread are attractive either

No. 1952150

Nona almost every 3D man posted ITT and the last one are the same ones posted in the men shilled as attractive who you find ugly thread

No. 1952154

This is to discuss why the uglies are getting shilled

No. 1952155

so is the other thread…

No. 1952156

Read the first thread a bit more and maybe you will get the title. It's not about celebrities only, not strictly real life or fiction, sometimes just body standards or just general grooming or how other women or media tries to be annoying about pushing ugly stereotypes as normal.
I agree that anons should have filled the first one before but i don't have anything more to say there yet, kinda funny how it got so many replies so fast though.

No. 1952157

Then go post there

No. 1952158

Needed more containtment.

No. 1952159

i dont use that thread i've just used this website for years and now how to use a corresponding thread without making a whole new one

No. 1952160

neither is the other thread, its just about men in general not solely celebrities. its not called "celebrity men shilled as attractive who you find ugly" nonna

No. 1952162

Clearly farmhands have no issue with this thread go whine in meta

No. 1952163

nobody said anything about farmhands im talking about newfaggotry kek, obviously they're not going to take issue with new people coming to the website and boosting the traffic.

No. 1952164

You sound like a newfag yourself.

No. 1952165

Oh my god no one cares, stop shitting up this thread and go complain in /meta/ or something

No. 1952166

>you sound like a newfag for pointing out that this thread already existed in a different board
Yeah I'm sure I do

No. 1952167

threads are made to be shit in, nonnie

No. 1952168

I have noticed this phenomenon for years and I'm glad we finally got a thread for it. It's not simply about ugly men but how the standards of men have dropped so low and yet women are still brainwashed into being attracted to fat, ugly men with no redeeming qualities when the reverse could never happen. The uglification of men in media didn't even stop at real life men. It's happening to fictional men too, look at the graphics of old games compared to now and the hyper realism in games has done a big disservice for anyone who enjoys hot video-game men.

No. 1952173

>theres no discussion there and the board moves too slow
Discussion is allowed there wtf kek? and the board only continues to move slowly when you refuse to use it and instead drag the thread over to a different board

No. 1952174

but these are all topics that could've been discussed in the thread that was already made

No. 1952176

No one said discussion isn’t allowed there. People just post pictures in that thread and this thread is for talking about the despicable psyop, they’re related but not the same

No. 1952177

Mini modding is not a virtue fuck off to meta, check the first thread with the farmhand notice. The thread is established. You're whining is gay and moot and fuck the dumbass thread.

No. 1952178

The old thread already hit 200 replies. It says 1995 because it doesnt count the messages that are showing.

No. 1952180

but you do comprehend that you can both post pictures and discuss this exact topic in the thread that already existed, right?

No. 1952181

No. 1952183

Can you shut up? You continue to miss the point of this thread filling it up with your own whining and no one else has your issues regarding the topic, my god.
Can we please ignore this person?

No. 1952184

>why didnt you just use the thread that already existed? it would've boosted traffic on /g/
>CAN YEW SHUT UP!!(autism)

No. 1952187

File: 1712346945189.webp (49.62 KB, 1200x650, IMG_1282.webp)

Hide the fucking thread if it upsets you so much. Anyways, nonnas, let’s continue discussing and ignore the autistic derailers. My tinfoil is that onceler was a psyop to brainwash teenage girls into worshipping retarded fugly men

No. 1952192

Well seems like the other thread is about to be locked so hopefully that curbs the yapping about the right thread to use soon. OP jumped the gun but it will work out.

No. 1952193

the thread doesnt upset me i just think its funny for someone to complain about the lack of movement in /g/ while also refusing to post in it

No. 1952194

Fuck he's supposed to be ugly too? Another 2D guy I find kinda cute that is ugly kek.

No. 1952196

File: 1712347214767.jpg (8.07 KB, 196x257, 1000007123.jpg)

He looks like he has a disability and a lazy age when he's probably got diabetes from being a big fat alcoholic. He has rode on being in one season of game of thrones forever. So ugly.

No. 1952197

Lazy eye* whoopsie

No. 1952201

I think steroids age the skin especially at the levels these actors use. They should be using something like topical estrogen on their faces when bulking/cycling gear.

No. 1952202

File: 1712347431520.png (51.25 KB, 743x424, ugly coping moid.png)

Does anyone remember when that guy that defended the scrotes that ran away from a misogynistic school shooter that was only targetting women(in a engeerining school with mostly male students) got offended over a woman making fun of another ugly moid? it was hilarious, they never get this offended when women's bodies get shitted on

No. 1952204

moid claimed to hate IG models from Miami, gets one pregnant and begs her to abort
bitches about single moms, is a single dad
bitches about thots, had 4 other hoes
also claimed to be pro-life until it affected him ofc

the woman is also stupid though, what else could you possibly expect being with a moid who just complains about women non-stop? idk why they even try

No. 1952206

Is there any ex Onceler fag that can explain this to me.
I'm so upset over him because i never understood the appeal and he was the fictional crush of a girl i liked kek.

No. 1952207

Modern animated characters are part of the conspiracy. Compare newer characters like onceler and Hans to old school characters like Aladdin, Eric, or Philip. I think Naveen was attractive but the other modern ones look retarded

No. 1952208

I think it’s because the character designs are so simple that you can mentally fudge their attractiveness however you like. And while the design isn’t that great he has a nice voice. I haven’t seen the movie, maybe he has an attractive personality?

No. 1952210

I can’t stand him, he said something about loving being in game of thrones because his character “gets to rape beautiful women”.
He’s hideous, he’s the last person who should be passing on his genetics. How old is she?

No. 1952215

Hmm Hans is OK. He’s not very handsome but not hideous either. Just sort of normal/average. But he’s not attractive enough for a princess.

No. 1952223

kek thanks anon i was going to edit the full outfit to be elsie farmer outfit but i got lazy and i am not an artist

No. 1952224

File: 1712348195655.jpg (27.15 KB, 500x464, flynn-rider-kind-face.jpg)

Flynn rider is the only attractive 3D prince they've made, and thats just because he was redsigned by women.

No. 1952225

File: 1712348224301.jpg (104.26 KB, 531x779, tumblr_mom7s8JvJc1rmexwyo7_r1_…)

VS the original design by MOIDS

No. 1952228

I think there are pencil tests with this design and it looks better in motion. The thing about Flynn is that he’s a lot older than Rapunzel (by eight years). I think going with the original design would have only worked if he’d been aged down considerably because the design can already read as older. Otherwise it’s just weird. The final design works better given his canonical age because it makes him look younger. I don’t think the character’s age should have ever been revealed though because the age gap is pretty weird especially with how sheltered Rapunzel is. At least in canon they don’t marry until years later.

No. 1952229

File: 1712348404260.png (135.45 KB, 385x438, warden.PNG)

I think you meant the warden from superjail, he even has male baldness pattern.

No. 1952231

Every 3d disney character is atrocious to me. How I wished they would go back to 2d.

No. 1952232

File: 1712348510018.jpg (17.51 KB, 330x330, FdIdyJLagAApd6k.jpg)

Why are so many women attracted to him???so damn hideous

No. 1952233

File: 1712348646637.png (114.36 KB, 207x482, Kristoff_Bjorgman.png)

Yeah I mean Im not a fan, but at least there was an attempt at making a man who isnt an abomination. Every other male disney 3D lead looks like an animiated Andre the giant

No. 1952236

I was about to say how much i dislike how the modern male counterparts look and i don't like how they had to give him stubble but after seeing this nevermind.
I know i hated how old the men were supposed to be in the old movies but at least they looked clean and attractive, now the guys either have facial hair or are big in a certain way, aside the Princess and the frog guy but i'll give him a pass because he's black and apparently it's illegal to have normal attractive white men in media now.

Don't mind them too much, i've always heard it from minors and if i'm hearing it nowdays i just hope it is from the ones who grew up without moving to something better. At least i can excuse the ones that try to draw him mildly attractive kek.

No. 1952240

He's not ugly but could be prettier imo. They need to get rid of the facial hair and make his face less long.

No. 1952245

Do none of you read the OP? this thread was made as a general to discuss double standars in media, since you cant say anything bad about men in other threads anymore without the newfags shitting it up to white knight them.

No. 1952248

File: 1712349367544.jpg (226.74 KB, 818x771, Elsa-and-Kristoff-frozen-35007…)

Elsa and Anna have the most disney centric archetypes while he looks like a self insert

No. 1952250

I don’t think we’d see an improvement just by comparing to modern concept art. Regardless Disney has waited too long. The talent just isn’t there anymore. Too many old animators have died or retired without passing on their skills so the remaining pool of animators is too small and unskilled. Even classic Disney at its best might not be received so well anymore. People say they want old Disney back on the assumption that 2d hasn’t innovated since then and that isn’t true. Think about all the zoomers and gen alpha who have grown up on anime. Most anime doesn’t have amazing animation but there’s quite a bit that does and the designs are more attractive and detailed. I’m not even talking about stuff like the excess bloom and gradients and compositing popular nowadays, but stuff like the characters having more complex outfits, clothing with realistic wrinkles and draping, more complex character shading and highlights, more detailed hair and fingernails and some anime even experiments with varied line weights.

If Disney attempted 2d again the leads probably wouldn’t be as attractive and they’d look a lot less detailed from the perspective of younger viewers so they might not be interested. They just waited too long. It’s over.

No. 1952252

File: 1712349477863.gif (3.82 MB, 502x374, A0604AA8-004C-4A97-9E5C-ED718C…)

The princes in old disney movies were actually supposed to be close in age with the princesses, there were rumors that went around about the princesses being teenagers and the men being way older but it was never something disney said. Prince Charming was clearly drawn to look like a youth, not an older man

No. 1952253

The soul patch is a weird choice

No. 1952254

File: 1712349590371.png (249.58 KB, 641x361, tumblr sexyman.png)

It's so funny that this phenomenon died when handmaidens started boolying teen girls for being into ''skinny white passing young men'' keeek. The very first sexymen like onceler made sense, they were just skinny emo boys, then after the handmaidens started moralfagging about it they started latching onto weird, non human characters like sans or the clock guy from DHMIS so they wouldnt be called racist ableist misogynists for being into pretty(albeit weird) boys.

No. 1952255

File: 1712349645957.jpeg (70.95 KB, 564x645, IMG_0187.jpeg)

I think prince Philip was the best, in both looks and personality. He was imprisoned by a fairy and killed her dragon form just to save Aurora, after only spending one day with her. None of the other princes are as heroic or good looking

No. 1952258

i hate this uggo so much it's unreal. frozen is shit movie in general but the ugly character design is criminal

No. 1952259

He’s my favorite too. He has a nice design.

No. 1952262

Anyone have those concept art pics of Flynn Ryder, where he looked like a gruff 40 year old man and Rapunzel looked like a teenager next to him.

No. 1952265

I think it’s already been posted a bit up thread unless you mean alternative designs than the ones already posted here

No. 1952268

The second one is ok, but the third pic literally looks like that one guy who used plastic surgery to turn himself in a living Ken Doll.

No. 1952269

File: 1712350059260.webp (39.71 KB, 1024x576, beauty beast.webp)

It all went downhill with beauty and the beast, it was the original ugly man psyop. Has anyone realized how there isnt a single piece of media that's about men learning how to love ugly women? it's always women learning how to love ugly beasts.

No. 1952271

they haven't

No. 1952274

Funny I think the third is better than second but first still looks best by far.

There are mods that are supposed to give Leon his classic appearance for the remake.

No. 1952275

Oh my bad then, i was just misinformed.
But it makes sense, they all look like proper men, even fucking Tarzan doesn't have facial or body hair and i don't think that it's was just an animation issue when they actually animated hairy characters kek so i wouldn't buy into their muh realistic man idea. I hate modern Disney so much and it feels even worse since it's aimed at kids.

No. 1952278

File: 1712350295024.jpg (31.6 KB, 505x536, 25f8a0dcf7d427a6232f868a5e7045…)

lol I have admit that I never watched it but I like how he looks like he's barely taller and heavier than the princess, not some huge bulging ogre with a tiny uwu girl. Her face also looks a lot more mature than the 15/16 she's said to be. And Snow White's boo even has pink lips and rosy cheeks, the princes they were clearly supposed to be super cute young guys.

Just looked it up and it actually only came out during the 90s, meaning decades after the others. The message might seem nice at first but of course it's only taught to girls while serving moids.

No. 1952279

File: 1712350323623.jpg (131.8 KB, 1282x2000, shutterstock_editorial_312119q…)

yes and he hit the wall hard, idgaf about aquaman but a young bronzed cutie should have been cast not a literal castaway

No. 1952281

File: 1712350367407.jpg (45.07 KB, 586x604, 1000007124.jpg)

I really liked Prince Adam kek

No. 1952282

Always hated this movie as a kid. Not even because he was a monster, but because he had anger issues. Could never forgive him for treating Belle the way he did. Them trying to romanticize this movie definitely was a psyop.

No. 1952283

As a kid I thought she was in her 20s

No. 1952284

eyes like a persian cat but other than that he is fine

No. 1952285

File: 1712350414825.jpg (57.29 KB, 728x344, 1000007125.jpg)

No. 1952286

right on the money, that shit was vile.

No. 1952288

File: 1712350594087.webp (13.13 KB, 597x708, IMG_7084.webp)

I refuse to find this rat man attractive

No. 1952291

File: 1712350615975.jpg (570.91 KB, 1000x600, open-uri20150422-20810-r3neg5_…)

I remember hating how Peter Pan looked as a kid but then my sister had a crush on his movie actor kek, i wonder if this was a miracle.

No. 1952292

modern men and their handmaidens would call them faggot for not looking 20 years older and having light bulbs for noses

No. 1952294

what even is the appeal of jerma? he isnt funny

No. 1952296

/co/ has actually had interesting threads about this, trying to figure out what a reversed story would be like. There’s always people trying to push in their shit monster girl fetishes but I also remember lots of genuine discussion about what a reversed beauty and the beast story could look like.

No. 1952304

>Has anyone realized how there isnt a single piece of media that's about men learning how to love ugly women?
When I was a child I was obsessed with trying to read all fairytales that are out there and I rememeber two from Grimm that were about a girl cursed into being ugly and a girl cursed into being old and yet the guys fell for them because of their personality (a bit like Howl's castle). But those are super unpopular and likely completely unknown in the US/Hollywood, so we'll never see anything like this made into a movie.

No. 1952307

File: 1712351056771.jpeg (137.9 KB, 640x629, IMG_0191.jpeg)

Yeah Snow White and Prince Charming were somewhat close in height too, they were both supposed to be teenagers like Aurora and Prince Philip
I love how she had more elegant and mature features, it’s so much better than the weird childlike sameface that modern female characters all have. Cinderella and Jasmine also had nice designs imo

No. 1952308

File: 1712351065639.png (Spoiler Image,270.35 KB, 512x512, 54325524523.png)

I kinda liked him when he wasn't on Twitch and i was a stupid teen but now i don't understand the appeal aside maybe thinking he is more tolerable and in shape than the average streamer. My sister is obsessed with him but i don't get it, he's so boring now, maybe they find it funny to "sexualize" a normal loser moid.

No. 1952312

He looks like a caveman

No. 1952317

File: 1712351324741.png (104.26 KB, 801x743, Screenshot 2024-04-05 220558.p…)

Leo Dicaprio told Kate Winslet to 'Let the whole fat girl thing go'….
Who's a fat girl now?
Of course in his films they still call him young and handsome and audiences aren't supposed to take that as subtext that the other character's had a stroke

No. 1952320

File: 1712351430129.png (313 KB, 500x625, IMG_7086.png)

Notice how there is a mass wave of young women and girls fawning over this unfunny 3/10 just because he shows his face but not towards the alluring better option in male streamers. Psyop

No. 1952321

He’s so demonic

No. 1952324

Disney men used to be so cute, what the fuck happened. This makes me so sad.

No. 1952325

I think you misunderstood that one anon, they were talking about her still having a "fat girl mentality" despite her obviously already being super pretty during Titanic, he was basically telling her to be more confident because she's no longer a fat/ugly child, and not that she has to lose weight.

No. 1952326

File: 1712351643152.webp (34.08 KB, 450x517, 9C61CC74-F1F3-415B-B3B7-0CE896…)

speaking of Disney, seen some ppl think this thing from Atlantis is hot in a nerd way. It pissed me off how the foreign princess was legit gorgeous to baby bi me and this was her man, such a self insert

No. 1952328

I think they had a lot of trouble adapting the style to 3d. And then they just got stuck on same face the way they did with the girls they just got stuck on a lame face for the guys. They always have huge noses now.

No. 1952331

>the alluring better option in male streamers.
where. legit never seen a single attractive one

No. 1952332

Me. I'm sorry nonnie, forgive my shit taste.

No. 1952336

Same kek. I love nerdy guys, sorry nonna

No. 1952340

File: 1712352060443.webp (31.04 KB, 884x1024, leonardo-dicaprio-fat-photo.we…)


I get that but lbr that sinister homo didn't say she was beautiful and needed to be confident. By that point he was balding, fatter than her and looked like live action charlie brown and is telling her to just accept being busted by hollywood standards. He would never get a woman who looked like her to be his beard even though it would make him look way straighter

No. 1952341

kids movies are overflowing with coom for men. It's honestly so tiring, why do men gotta insert their degeneracy into everything? why cant they keep their pants up while drawing for a KIDS MOVIE

No. 1952347

what the fuck is that weight distribution, he's obese but has dainty toothpick legs that would make most anachans jealous

No. 1952348

File: 1712352225304.jpg (61.18 KB, 483x648, sean-connery-e-47a58743c60c4f2…)

The psyop is so entrenched that a magazine felt they could put this out and not lose credibility and women readership. If they tried this shit in asia they'd be scorned

No. 1952350

It’s from alcohol

No. 1952353

I’m sure someone here has the image from that magazine from the 1930s about the guy trying to psy-op his younger female coworker when she complained about all the romcom leads being old men

No. 1952356

>having a "sexiest big guy" option as a contender
jesus christ

No. 1952358

I was looking at the full list of men for this magazine and most of them are old, wrinkly, and have white hairs. It's so bleak. How can people fall for this.

No. 1952365

File: 1712352611103.jpg (20.02 KB, 640x480, shes all that.jpg)

The closer they get of making ugly girl/hot dude is always that same old crap of scrote loving "ugly" girl but she is not really ugly, just wears too much clothing and wears glasses sometimes and has some attitude and then she gets this beautiful-all-along transformation, which might make her look worse because it is made to appeal to men, completely ignoring the girl's personal style, which makes the guy actually fall in love with her.
Look, I like that movie "she's all that", I watch it all the time and I wish there were more like that, it is the closer I can think that fits ugly girl/hot dude and it's not too awful with the beauty crap, but I'd say that girl is just plain, she is not ugly at all, like, at least put someone that looks as bad as michael cera.
Anyway movies like that sound like they're saying you as a girl should make an effort and that "you're all beautiful" yadda yadda bullshit, sounds good at first but then the movies with ugly males basically say you as a girl should give them a chance cus they have some nice personality, they don't need to look good, accept them for what they are, why are you so vain?
Why can't men get to know ugly women, accept and learn to love them like women have to in so many ugly men movies? Why women need to change to be loved while men can just exist as they are? Fuck this shit I want hot man/ugly woman because I deserve my shitty self insert fantasy too.

No. 1952366

File: 1712352628535.webp (38.6 KB, 660x495, dwanye-johnson-660-480b6c02487…)

This guy is probably my least favorite Hollywood "sexy man". Not a single thing about him is attractive. He is 100% a male fantasy.

No. 1952367

File: 1712352678561.png (Spoiler Image,902.42 KB, 1000x750, FNV_Character_Mr._House_(Pod).…)


Fallout New Vegas spoiler i'm sorry but i can't help myself anymore

No. 1952370

I wish someone would hack off that ugly little ponytail. Fail male

No. 1952380

File: 1712352979480.jpeg (864.56 KB, 1400x1221, 78446C07-4433-4C09-B8DF-A5AAF7…)

He aged like milk. He used to be a hunky chad-lite type, nothing special but definitely cute imo.

No. 1952381

Chel’s hips and lips are exaggerated plus she has a stereotypical flirty personality libfems find empowering but it’s there for coom. Kida is less bad but she still strips in front of Milo so he can go ooga booga. Sigh

No. 1952382

I managed to convince an ex to use tretinoin and sunscreen but it didn’t work out so now I have to start all over ugh

No. 1952383

Once a prematurelybbalding moid was hitting on me and he wanted to know why I wasn't interested (you know how they are). I actually didn't mean to blurt out that "hair is very important to me" but I did (then tried to recover with other BS). Actually felt bad for that but he was so obnoxious & persistent.

No. 1952391

File: 1712353249023.jpg (52.6 KB, 600x600, 9f200deef798d9452daf22300de724…)

I remember in Ready Player One, the female lead was supposed to not be very pretty and have an ugly scar, so when the male MC fell in love with her and called her pretty it was supposed to be seen as a grandiose gesture. But objectively she was perfectly normal looking and not ugly at all. I'd even say he's uglier.

No. 1952392

Wasn’t the movie originally supposed to be an adult comedy that got turned into a kid flick? That would explain it.

No. 1952394

Same nonnie.
My sister got a guy who cared enough to secretly get a hair transplant.

No. 1952396

do you know what those stories are called by any chance?

No. 1952403

>ugly scar
literally where

No. 1952406

File: 1712353580383.jpg (139.62 KB, 1500x1000, 01-Moonlighting-ef2c7a7bb25b47…)

I hate Bruce Willis and i never watched movies with him in it because my mother is convinced that he looks like my father. I hate how my father looks like a caveman and i'm glad i didn't get anything from him but i don't understand how this scrote got popular, i can barely find a picture where he doesn't look greasy and disgusting or like a wrinkly egg.

No. 1952407

File: 1712353587844.png (65.17 KB, 908x657, based ovarit.png)

reminds me of this discussion from ovarit.

No. 1952409

It's supposed to be the red stuff on her eye. They made such a huge deal about it too.

No. 1952410

File: 1712353650992.jpg (57.75 KB, 640x640, 5294500.jpg)

God if i was a moid i would voluntary get shot through my jaw just to cover this monstrosity.

No. 1952412

I didnt even notice. Honestly if i put that much effort into my hair and makeup just to be ''accepted'' by an ugly moid i would turn into female elliot rodger

No. 1952417

There are so many men that are clearly just male fantasies. Tom Cruise is ugly as sin but moids love him. Same with Arnie and Rocky, ugly but big. I saw a thread on Reddit earlier and the males were creaming over Cavill and Cruise in some Mission Impossible movie and the fight scene was so fucking boring and some bi guy was giving time stamps of when cavill was the hottest and all of it was cringe and awful. Why the fuck do men like Tom Cruise so much

No. 1952418

All of the other female characters are fully clothed but she is half naked, and I'm being generous with that. Why is acknowledging that gays exist grooming but not coombait in children's media?

No. 1952421

I think Olivia Cooke is really pretty, and that actor is unattractive

No. 1952422

He looked better when he was younger. He doesn’t look nearly as good now but he looks better than the vast majority of men his age, unfortunately. Where I live most men are quite fat by Cruise’s age so simply being non fat elevates you.

No. 1952423

File: 1712354016718.jpg (149.61 KB, 563x866, 13186903c8c42a7fe2344c98dd87a5…)

Funny considering most men would consider tits like hers to be saggy and the size of them compared to her body makes her look fatter than she actually is.
I'm seething that he played one of my husbandos. Aquaman needs to be a looks match for Mera who is literally one of the most gorgeous women in the DCU. Heck, the comics that the first movie took most of its inspo from literally takes place in his twink era for fucks sake, he's literally 18-20 during that arc. I also hate him because now they keep trying to push long hair aquaman in the official comics and do too much to base his design off Jason Momao and it makes me SICK that this propaganda is infiltrating the shit i love!!! You may criticise me for looking to moid media for hot males, but this is the same media that often has men who are of good looks in delicate situations which pleases me very much, so idk what to tell the haters.

No. 1952424

Yeah tons of movies and shows do this with almost every "nerdy"/"outcast" girl character, they're always played by conventional women. I think tvtropes had a term for this, Hollywood Ugly or Hollywood Nerd something like that.

There's a parody movie called Not another teen movie that mocked this too, when the jock goes looking for a girl to use for the bet he ignores all the actual bizarre ones for Janey just because she has a ponytail and glasses. In the makeover parody scene she gets literally just her glasses and ponytail scrunchie removed and nothing else kek.

No. 1952425

I can’t see what’s ‘wrong’ with her at all

No. 1952426

He looked ugly as shit in Jerry Maguire.

No. 1952427

That looks like she smeared some cheap makeup while trying to cosplay zuko. She is too good for him. At least freddie prinze jr looked good, this guy looks like ansel elgort and tom holland love baby. Absolutely disgusting.

No. 1952428

und Risky Business.

No. 1952429

File: 1712354262931.jpg (122.67 KB, 1500x1000, 1000007128.jpg)

This man is beloved by men only

No. 1952433

It annoys me so much that a manlet as manlety as him with that rat face is considered conventional. It must be from his scientology connections cause there's no way he'd get big without it.

No. 1952435

He got a lot of plastic surgery

No. 1952436

100% he hasn't got married since Katie Holmes either and he groomed her. No one wants this guy.

No. 1952438

>Even classic Disney at its best might not be received so well anymore.
Which is unfortunate because I'm tired of most recent animations. Something about them became over designed and detailed while not retaining a decent art direction, with very few exceptions.
Yeah he was the best and this movie had a distinct style for the backgrounds and characters. Visually it's my favorite disney movie along with 101 dalmatians.

No. 1952439

Damn you're right, I remembered him being more attractive. Fell for the psyop again.

No. 1952441

File: 1712354660209.png (602.37 KB, 700x1050, 67867889.png)

>You may criticise me for looking to moid media for hot males
Nah nona, i don't like western comics but i understand, i like the way they draw bodies sometimes.
I just think that it's impossible in western media to have hot white moids without beards or overly muscular at this point, even worse if the character is light haired.
Had no idea Aquaman looked like that kek.

No. 1952449

File: 1712354890159.png (3.53 MB, 2048x2048, 1000016584.png)

It sucks to like big nose men, I had such a a crush on Adrien Brody but karma for assaulting Halle Berry got his ass in the end

No. 1952451

I don’t like beards either. They suit some characters some of the time but I generally prefer mean clean shaven.

No. 1952453

Not at all, I know men are perfectly capable of creating very attractive men, but only when the target audience is other men.
When they're making them for women, they self insert and project their own unattractiveness onto the characters as cope.

No. 1952458

Can i be honest ive never watched this movie because i think the artstyle for the characters is hideous

No. 1952459

I've heard that noses and ears get bigger as you age tbh

No. 1952461

She's literally hideous! (She has a port wine stain on one eye that can be conveniently covered by hair but is otherwise conventionally attractive)

No. 1952462

File: 1712355476807.jpeg (Spoiler Image,132.14 KB, 1139x600, 108D755A56.jpeg)

and for being a cheater, and supporting roman polanski, and fir being a creep in general, and this iconic moment

No. 1952466

Finger in the booty hole?!?

No. 1952467

I know this is an older post, but is it possible for women to have fat fetishes the same way men do?

No. 1952469

File: 1712355967684.jpg (200.64 KB, 618x932, MV5BNjMwNzE3MjY5OV5BMl5BanBnXk…)

He was sorta cute in Legend with his mouth closed

No. 1952474

I don't think they have them for the same reason men do. Men are just much more sexual and genuinely think with their dick. If a woman has a fat fetish, I assume it comes from low self-esteem or trauma.

No. 1952475

File: 1712356117753.webp (23.47 KB, 640x538, s1-spoilers-what-is-your-opini…)

I despise him and everyone who simps for him.

No. 1952476

Noses get ‘bigge’r because the ligaments holding the nose tip to the nose bone slacken. The nose doesn’t really grow bigger it’s more that the nose tip droops.

No. 1952477

I don’t get the appeal. He’s definitely meant to be ugly. I think it’s gotta be people with age gap fetishes.

No. 1952483

File: 1712356537134.jpg (142.87 KB, 720x905, 820a0085fb23fc32bc0c60887de1cd…)

anon, you're showing him super old and super young. you're forgetting the middle period. IMO, he was attractive, facially. but anons are right, he definitely did get some work done, probably something around his jaw area to make it look more prominent. (also there were better pictures of him but I had to get this one off of yandex because I didn't want to mess with screenshotting, stupid webp files)

No. 1952485

I don't know why but here he looks like some random boy you'd see in highschool math class or something

No. 1952487

File: 1712356634488.png (3.77 MB, 2386x1873, criminal.png)

oh my god now that you posted that figure, let me sperg about bishoujo figures and their shortlived ''ikemen'' line. There is this figure manufacturer that is widely know for making coom figures for men(kotobukiya bishoujo). In 2016 they announced they were working on an ikemen series(GOOD!) with a japanese yume who draws hot DC characters(GOOOD!!) and they when it got revealed it was….awful. Here is a comparison between the Ikemen figure line vs the bishoujo line… The bishoujo line is so lively, they contort themselves into weird as fuck angles just to be oogled from all angles, while in the ikemen line everyone but Nightwing is stiff and unsexy, for fucks sake the capes arent even removable so you cant even stare at their ass. It was such a fucking insult. The ikemen line of figurines genuinely look no different from the ''serious'' figures made for moids. The only kotobukiya ikemen figure people like is nightwing, because its the only one that was allowed to be sexy. Also, all of these are sold for 100, despite the female versions being way more detailed and pretty that the poor excuse for scraps they threw at women

I hate men and their insecurity so fukcing much, even when we are thrown scraps we can never get treated the same because they always put moids feelings of discomfort towards hot men over women who just want some eyecandy.

No. 1952494

He still looks ugly and looks like he had a hair transplant.

No. 1952498

No. 1952501

Why do they do this, fuck men.

No. 1952511

It's really unfair how male beauty is seen as natural and then as aging when they got botched.

No. 1952517

It’s fine but Milo (nerd) is the weakest link. Just a relatable dorky white guy who teaches the natives their own dead language and gets the girl, but fun side characters

No. 1952524

He wasn't good looking to start with

No. 1952530

>Has anyone realized how there isnt a single piece of media that's about men learning how to love ugly women?
Isn't Howl's Moving Castle kind of like this?

No. 1952532

She's one of those shotafags probably. Either that or she likes ugly men secretly.(infight bait)

No. 1952534

we found live action astarion

No. 1952537

doesnt she turn hot in the end though? i know the beast also turns hot, but there are tons of examples where the male love interest is a monster and stays a monster, like creature of the black lagoon and the shape of water.

No. 1952538

>if you dont like leon you are a shotafag
i am not even that anon but what kind of logic is this kek

No. 1952540

How do men get like this? Especially the rich ones who have unlimited access to ANYTHING

No. 1952541

they are allowed to let themselves go

No. 1952542

Literally Who

No. 1952545

Yippee ki yay, motherfucker

No. 1952546

i love that he does his own stunts thats so chadded of him

No. 1952547

can you believe he cant speak at all anymore ? ideal man

No. 1952549

>Has anyone realized how there isnt a single piece of media that's about men learning how to love ugly women?
Shallow Hal. It stares Jack Black who is ugly and fat and he only gets with her the first place because he is hypnotized into thinking she is thin and pretty. But it technically exists.

No. 1952551

I hate men so much why does that exist.

No. 1952554

You need to take meds for your shotafag bogeyman

No. 1952555

There's like a billion stunt and safety coordinators oh wow he fell of a bike in the air woo

No. 1952557

Damn, so this is what Aquaman actually looks like? Fucking hot, dang. Can't believe they got fugly Momoa to play this hottie.

No. 1952558

Tarazan and John Smith can get it

No. 1952560

At least the batman one is pretty. I was tempted to buy it irl when i saw it because of that. I feel like they went this direction because these are more edgy characters… but look at batwoman and katana. Jason and Tim could have easily been done a more dynamic pose and they could have posed Damian with a fun pet.

No. 1952576

The Hottie and the Nottie is a horrible film about how ugly some woman is compared to Paris Hilton (gross humor at her expense) and in the end she gets a makeover as the guy learns to be less shit. So, kinda?

No. 1952578

Win win for patriarchy hellscape of a world we’re in because it gives men the entitlement to believe they deserve a wonderful gf despite their bullshit and ugliness and it also negs women into the whole “come on, give him a chance” thing where you’re supposed to treat dating men like a charity event instead of finding what attracts you. And kids watch it subconsciously like oh even this smart desirable princess dates an abusive monster so why should I do any better for myself, I guess that’s what life is like. It’s not coincidence that women aren’t given media that makes them feel confident about their natural selves and in their standards for a partner.

No. 1952580

All the people who ship him with Jinx sicken me.

No. 1952598

Chris is hotter

No. 1952617

File: 1712362931206.png (6.25 MB, 4007x1625, chris.png)


No. 1952619

why cant roidpigs in videogames look like chris on the left? is it really that hard to make a guy with thick ass arms and a tiny waist? why do they all have to look like a block of cheese

No. 1952622

the MC becomes more conventionally attractive as she grows her self confidence. I don't remember how howl sees her being much of a factor in the movie at all
my best friend from high school was a fit mixed girl who was only attracted to fat white men and she had a feederism fetish that she would write and post fic of online. they do exist

No. 1952626

Fuck this is sad

No. 1952629

Anti-smoking PSA

No. 1952632

His center tooth really freaks me the hell out. Off center palate rat face having ass

No. 1952644

Sounds like your friend actually needed mental help. That's what I mean.

No. 1952658

Fuck Capcom.

No. 1952662

File: 1712365653964.jpg (83.64 KB, 480x640, 93238-9c0ee.jpg)

Don't forget about the Bishounen line that got canned before even a prototype was shown. I'm still pissed off about that.

No. 1952676

I had no idea there was a bishounen line that was scratched. Reminds me of when Good Smile company released TWO male bunny suit figures and then completly forgot about the line, meanwhile every single female character gets a bunny suit figure nowadays

No. 1952686

He’s handsome in Detatchment, big nose and all, but it’s mostly because he’s young and his clothes look good on him. His body looks nasty here >>1952462

No. 1952688

RE5 Chris was hot as hell, this should be a punishable offense

No. 1952694

what game is this? also is resident evil worth playing? i know basically nothing about the series, i thought it and silent hill were the same thing for years

No. 1952697

So you do like an ugly man after all. Thank you for proving my point.

No. 1952702

Resident Evil 4 (2005).

No. 1952725

Resident Evil 4, 2005. It's available on pretty much every system ever made since the ps2/gamecube. If you buy it for your laptop you can download a fanmade HD mod if you like. Leon is a hot, competent himbo in it.

No. 1952731

In the face maybe but RE5 Chris was shaped like a chicken leg, come on nonna…

No. 1952732

File: 1712368820057.jpg (36.79 KB, 600x600, c77.jpg)

Sage but your post made my day ESL-chan thank you for this phrasing

No. 1952735

File: 1712368886616.jpg (107.41 KB, 900x600, art-BIO+Rubi4.jpg)

He was UGLY and a WHORE. Havng a big dick doesn't make a man handsome.

No. 1952736

i was going to pirate it from fitgirl. is there a way to play without the hd textures kek >>1952117

No. 1952738

dicks are so overrated, for me its
having a hot face>being skinny fit>nice legs>nice ass>nice feet>>>dick
i am not interested in sucking dick anyways(they pee from there) i would rather he have nice juicy clit sucking lips instead

No. 1952742

Some women will ignore negative traits in men, such as uglyness and a shitty personality, simply because a man has a big dick. Like come on, do better.

No. 1952749

The HD textures I mentioned are a separate fan mod that focuses on environmental retextures and it is completely optional and no game file you download will come with it preinstalled.

No. 1952753

From Patrick Stump to Patrick Yump

No. 1952756

drama aside, tina fey was hot.

No. 1952759

of course he's a fucking breadtuber shiteo essayist too. I can't stand this guy.

No. 1952761

I think their cheeks get wider like a Tomcat jowl.

No. 1952766

I remember that interview. Made me dislike him ever since. I also bring it up to anyone who says they like him. Extra disgusting since his adult character in the book was knowingly SAing a 14 year old girl in the books. I will never understand the jason mimosa obsession

No. 1952772

Kristoff was literally part of the ugly man psyop. He's hideous and thrown in last minute to be a random love interest for boring ass quirky girl Anna

No. 1952777

lol I thought Hans was better looking kinda and ofc he was eeeeevil in a lame subversive twist

No. 1952779

I hate this stupid scrote movie much. The woman is clearly conveniently attractive, but she wears glasses?? It's the dumbest movie and I want it wiped from this earth. I remember when it came out and so many of female friends mocked it.

No. 1952782

Both are ugly.

No. 1952789

Moids on an Instagram reel about men balding were saying how women age faster and worse than men KEK yeah fucking right. They cope so fucking hard. They have the gall to say "there's a reason women love older men, while men don't love older women". This is why we need to stop this ugly old man psyop ASAP. I get secondhand embarrassment seeing women thirst over old baldies.

No. 1952791

he always looks like he's staring off into space for some reason

No. 1952792

>while men don't love older women
i mean, men coined the term ''MILF'' for a reason. Meanwhile women had to get memed into ''DILFs''

No. 1952794

Wtf when did this happen? He was already drinking in re6, what they gonna do next? Make him stop showering and play videogames all day long for his scrotification to be complete? Umbrella really won.

No. 1952795

yeah, he has the eyes of a retarded pygmy pony

No. 1952797

I'm stealing this thank you very much

No. 1952811

this is the truth, it's why people only care about elsa and anna kek

No. 1952816

Elsa and Anna would actually benefit from some uglification. Like if one sister had a longer face or smaller eyes or anything facially to stop them from looking like copypastes of each other/Rapunzel. Men get to be distinct, women have to be cute chipmunks with the same face as the Zootopia rabbit

No. 1952832

The tumblr sexy man has done irrevocable damage to the minds of teenage girls. Every woman I know who has a crush on these characters is like bisexual but only dates ugly scrotes usually older than them. They don't even bother giving them hot voice actors anymore they sound like reddit moderators now. Prime example is alastor, ugly design ugly voice but surprise surprise he's the one women latch onto.

No. 1952835

File: 1712377314907.jpeg (131.13 KB, 736x736, IMG_9902.jpeg)

>flynn rider supremacy

No. 1952843

File: 1712378185892.jpg (464.2 KB, 5301x1002, yMdtpf2.jpg)

Speaking of double standards, I hate how every time they're casting for the unpopular/ugly female character they'll just get an incredibly photogenic woman with a pretty face who is just overweight. But then the ugliest scrotes known to men get turned into sex icons. I still can't believe women collectively crushed on the two creatures on the right but have to audacity to get throw fits about "ugly" women getting roles in hollywood.

No. 1952844

Eh, I thought the radio aspect was pretty neat.
Ruined by the hair, that hair is a deal breaker, absolutely no thank you, what type of radio man would walk around with an animal taped to his head, but the radio effect was pretty cool.

No. 1952848

But nonna i'm a shotafag and leon simp

No. 1952849

>perfect skin
>big lips
>perfect hair
>small nose
if thats ugly in hollywood i must be put a bag over your head levels of disgusting

No. 1952850

File: 1712378690912.jpg (5.41 KB, 225x225, grosss.jpg)

Why does he look like null in 10 years on the right

No. 1952852

chadification nonna please come back i want you to chadify null

No. 1952856

>implying fat women are photogenic and supposed to be pretty in the tv show/women

I think you dearly missed the point.

No. 1952872

saying null is on the level of bygone handsomeness is weapon grade autism he looks like a elf whos going to sell me cursed wares bought off the Uppercase Internet

No. 1952876

He's currently getting accussed of being a simp for allowing a man hating thread in kiwifarms. It's really funny to witness.

No. 1952879

everyone in the picture looks bad
hollywood keeps casting hideous individuals and it needs to stop before too many people get deceived into thinking that hideousness is beautiful

No. 1952880

Those women are ten times hotter than the disgusting wrinkly moids. They should hire ugly women with hot men to birth a whole generation of horsefaced stacies that set the bar really high for moids.

No. 1952882

nonnie in her post the women are still more attractive than the men, just fat. Cute doll-like faces. Fat men in Hollywood are all scruffy slobs btw

No. 1952883

same here, i never see people (mostly girls) talking about his content or his sense of humor, only about how "babygirl" he is or whatever stupid word they use now. he isn't hot he looks uncanny valley-esque, and not in an otherworldly beauty way.

No. 1952897

File: 1712383242590.png (802.31 KB, 974x525, sameasiteverwas.png)

pic very related, nonas

No. 1952902

No. 1952904

Putting actual ugly women next to handsome men will make the world better for all. Straight women will have standards and stop dating shrek, and the ogres will put more effort in their looks or die as unloved virgins. Pretty women will stop dating fuglies, generations of better looking men will be born. Do you want your daughter to marry donkey?

No. 1952953

the women are still baby-faced just badly styled. in comparison the men are absolute caveman-tier uggos, especially matt smith

No. 1952957

File: 1712389117079.jpg (120.73 KB, 1099x808, JAHuRDU.jpg)

don't let the bone rattling delude you, the "ugliest" hollywood overweight woman still looks better than the average scrote actor.
the fact that these two are supposed to be on the same level attraction wise speaks volumes about the state of the ugly man psyop.
Exactly she looks like a doll, the scrote playing her love interest has the face of a neanderthal.

No. 1952958

is he cross eyed?

No. 1952959

File: 1712389532766.jpg (46.77 KB, 757x565, QOZZphn.jpg)

there's something sinister about the attempts to get women of all ages to see geriatric uggos as the peak of attraction runs deep. I find it funny how the men younger women find attractive get so much flack especially from older men, like the hate from justin beiber during the baby era was so bizzare looking back. Why were grown men offended that 13 year old girls were crushing on another teenage boy? Or the backlash against one direction from scrotes, Twilight etc. Why are scrotes so obsessed with policing the tastes of women across all ages. They feel entitled to all women regardless of age or looks.

No. 1952972

File: 1712390828242.jpg (97.54 KB, 1200x750, 0 sR_JEs20k9AeaTz8.jpg)

are you surprised that a guy who looks like this is insecure?

No. 1952974

he looks like spongebob, how horrifying

No. 1952978

the main designer is mike mignola. His art is one you either love or hate

No. 1952984

I don't even care about this thread but kek that image

No. 1952997

File: 1712395314268.jpg (145.95 KB, 720x708, 102830273.JPG)

This was posted in celebricows a few days ago but it fits this thread so much kek

No. 1953002

It's weird how you start seeing the double standards so clearly as you get older. I remember always being a nlog when I was a kid. I would never like dumb girly things like JB or Twilight. Which to be fair I really didn't like them, but I made a bigger deal out of it than I should have.

I think the most infuriating part is everything scrotes do to women they project and say we do to them. "REE YOU PUT UGGO WOMEN IN GAMES REE FEMNAZI" just cause she isn't wearing makeup or looks, god forbid, average.

No. 1953005

Nah good for you. Men should feel shame and disgust toward their bodies the same way they've made women and children feel forever.

No. 1953019

Kek nice next thread pic contender

No. 1953022

File: 1712397000093.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x1885, IMG_8249.jpeg)

I don’t understand why Ayo fans have been clamoring so hard for these two to do a romcom together. He looks ugly, unwashed, has aged like shit when he’s the same age as her, and he needs to shave, but not even that can save his face.

No. 1953027

>non-threatening boys
I always felt uneasy about that Simpson joke. Do moids think that young girls should be attracted to threatening men instead of cute boys?

No. 1953031

Nah, they just meant that young girls often like twinks and boybands like 1D and justin bieber. I know matt groenig was on that island but I wouldnt read too far into this particular joke.

No. 1953041

File: 1712398351375.jpeg (642.14 KB, 1234x1254, C09BF864-F015-4801-8A40-D353C2…)

Ngl… I like how this turned out

No. 1953043

Jesus Christ…

No. 1953053

I really hate those "hunter" eyes. Men's eyes look already so small. It makes them look dead inside. Big dreamy eyes are the best. >>1952224 Flynn Rider would have looked horrible with "hunter" eyes. Girls and women deserve boys and men who look both handsome and cute.

No. 1953068

File: 1712401240876.webp (22.12 KB, 360x360, IMG_3091.webp)

No. 1953072

File: 1712401837665.png (Spoiler Image,413.87 KB, 960x346, 9029312-screenshot2023-07-22at…)

I'll never understand the obsession with hunter eyes, they look like the human equivalent to the fucked up eyes some persian cats have

No. 1953073

Speak for yourself, bugeyed guys are ugly af and look like drooling retards. Hunter eyes are cool and a sign of good bone structure. Also I have them therefore they're good and there's no discussion about that.

No. 1953075

Prey eyes are worse imo

No. 1953076

File: 1712402347592.jpg (322.53 KB, 1600x1067, 3f4f0922997378c63e4d6deecb4b4f…)

Shouldn't hunter eyes be large? Just look at predators like cats and owls.

No. 1953078

Thanks for covering her legs

No. 1953081

Hunter eyes are all about looking fierce and awake, size doesn’t come into play. Positive canthal tilt, little to no upper eyelid exposure, eyes longer than they are wide with eyebrows sitting close to them etc.

No. 1953085

Women with hooded eyes (because that's all hunter eyes are really) look gorgeous but men with hooded eyes always look retarded. Men love making up beauty standards for themselves that very few women like (eg: extremely muscly men, beards), it's hilarious.

No. 1953120

File: 1712405182993.jpg (119.72 KB, 700x525, cillian-murphy.jpg)

Cilian Murphy may not be liked here but I adore his eye shape. Small wide eyes look psychopatic.(do not stan moids itt)

No. 1953151

i want to put a pencil right in front of his eyes just to see if he looks hotter

No. 1953154

File: 1712407318339.gif (3.66 MB, 540x350, BB6F37A5-74F0-4950-9B11-30F135…)

He has nice features imo he just aged horrifically. And he has buffalo bill vibes now because being Nolan’s call boy made him start acting really effeminate. If he had hunter eyes he would be way too creepy

No. 1953158

I'm sorry but this sounds incredibly stupid. why are incels so fucking retarded.

No. 1953165

File: 1712408061762.png (491.61 KB, 1197x487, gross.png)

this discussion reminds me of Dale and Tucker vs Evil, a movie all about not judging people by appearances and class difference that still had to pair a young blonde and well off female college student with a fat balding filthy hillbilly and also ends with the "inspirational" and "feel good" ending of said baldybilly encouraging another very old ratty and scraggly hillybilly to try his hand at some female college students.

No. 1953173

maybe i'm wrong but i think this is some troon that was maybe or maybe not posted to the mtf thread, his thing was that he was short and made a tiktok on being so short that he's shorter than a fridge(which is where i clocked him from), the account had 'egg' in it or smtg.

No. 1953174

Agreed. I also like negative canthal tilt on guys, it makes them look cute and gentle.

No. 1953178

File: 1712408616692.png (Spoiler Image,341.01 KB, 622x814, saidtroon.png)

samefag, i think this is that troon(whose acc is goth__egg on IG), spoiler for bolt ons(off-topic)

No. 1953180

File: 1712408648409.jpeg (114.42 KB, 1500x1000, poor-things-08312379-f28757359…)

poor things is a terrible move for many reasons, a big one being the casting of mark ruffalo. he looks disgusting and them pairing him up with emma stone for large parts of the movie drove me crazy. there is literally 0 reason for why they couldn't cast a handsome and younger man in his place. the handsome part would have made a thousand times more sense, if you keep the horrible plot in mind.

No. 1953184

File: 1712408758575.jpg (80.77 KB, 1901x1194, MV5BZDUzNWRmYzQtOThkZi00NzliLW…)

the nerve of having this haggard scrote play the role of a seductive ladies man.

No. 1953186

Damn, spoiler that thing!

No. 1953190


No. 1953197

Hes supposed to be the misogynistic and aggressive man, he not only hurts her but any man that he thinks she shows interest in. He played his role as an abusive controlling partner quite well I'd say.

No. 1953202

I had the misfortune of stumbling on a video from this guy a couple days ago. could it kill some people to appear like they washed themselves when they turn on the camera?

No. 1953207

Its wearing one of those huge fake breast plates isnt it

No. 1953208

I was a teenager when I got into him and my tastes in boys around the time was scene/emo tall and skinny. He fit the tastes of my and my best friends perfectly while not being an irl guy so we could mold him into whatever we wanted in fanart/fanfics. The fandom was pretty creative and fun too.
I honestly think its just the usual crushing on a fictional character and then the drama free and creatively unhinged fandom made it turn into an obsession for girls online.

No. 1953211

yes, and? a hot man should have played his role. he looks like a beast and makes it hard to focus on the plot.

>inb4 ummm actually, the point was actually to have a ugly man play that role because it's social commentary

No. 1953221

That straight line looks so dull and stupid. Granted I'm not really into the typical white man brow bone in the first place, but "Hunter eyes" look like a lowered car bumper.

My tinfoil is that One Direction is what started damaging young girls' standards regarding male physique. Not the sole responsible factor but definitely had a hand. Zac Efron looked alright, Robert Pattinson was good looking, then the next mainstream sexymen are 1D and they looked like a set of toes. Around this time you started seeing girls fawning over awkward looking guys popping up everywhere.

I think Onceler can be easily explained by him being kinda anime edgelord/skinny emo boi adjacent. He had these side-swept bangs hairstyle that was loved at the time, fancy clothes and a guitar, and since he's a simple cartoon he has a round, kinda young looking face which would have made it easy for a 13 years old autist to imagine him as a cute guy her age. There was a demographic that was hungering for more guys in suits with bangs doing evil things, and he was the breadcrumbs bestowed upon them, which ended up unfortunately making them hungrier resulting in "sassy top hat guy" becoming a food source, and now these girls don't go for anime bishies anymore.

And yet she was married to Vincent Cassel, the absolute worst ugly man psyop French cinema has to offer. 2014 Beauty and the Beast movie had me in tears kek imagine un-cursing a beast and the scrote underneath somehow looks more like a monster.

No. 1953222

i'm seeing this happen for kpoop, kpoop stars maybe be butterfaces with shit tons of plastic surgery, but young girls still love them and at least the kpoop companies understand the profit from female fans isn't to be underestimated, still all scrotes do is seethe and instead of mocking what should be mocked in kpoop men(plastic surgery, stupid looking contacts and skin lightening procedures, makeup and lighting) just mock girls for liking them and get racespergy about it

No. 1953230

>little to no upper eyelid exposure
i always disliked this aspect, men with severely hooded eyes look so odd and you just know they're going to age so badly with it

No. 1953231

yep. no one seems to have an issue when men/boys are attracted to conventionally attractive women but everyone seems to get their panties in a twist when women/girls like men that appear to put effort into their appearance and dont look like they just rolled out of bed. plain old jealousy.

No. 1953240

theyre apparently still doing this. just had to block someone that was complaining about monster fuckers drawing the monsters with muscles and other attractive features and complaining about why they werent drawing them skinny like an ana-chan or as an obese landwhale. Women cant have shit lmao

No. 1953251

as a sportsfag, i hate the double standard of women being shamed for supposedly watching male sports only because the men are hot while men shamelessly watch sports like women's sand volleyball where the rules literally force them to wear revealing male-gazey outfits. it's so retarded. honestly, i wish women watched male sports for that purpose though, because it's one of few places in society where the men actually have hot bodies. you will not see a unfit, obese or skinny moid be shilled as attractive in sports spaces because men will call that shit out kek.

No. 1953255

Maybe it's better this way. All the characters with disgusting personalities should be played by ugly ass unappealing scrotes. If you cast hot attractive men in those roles some women will start to romanticize that type of behavior.

No. 1953263

women already romanticize that type of behaviour, especially when it comes to ugly moids committing it? marc ruffalo already has tons of fangirls, he was the og pedro pascal. that's the problem, the bar for male attractiveness in hollywood is so low that people genuinely find marc ruffalo handsome kek. nonnie, i hope you see the light and realize that casting handsome men in problematic roles will not make women romanticize abuse. i fear the psyop got to you.

No. 1953309

File: 1712413470673.jpeg (204.62 KB, 1240x1860, IMG_0199.jpeg)

I like his music but I can’t understand all the fangirls who genuinely find him attractive. He reminds me of that saying “if a man writes you a sonnet, he loves you; if he writes 300 sonnets, he loves sonnets” and he’s even said that none of his songs were written about anyone, they’re just made up. His lyrics might be romantic but it has nothing to do with his actual personality, he’s known for being a huge whore. Promiscuity is an antisocial trait and he’s probably spread who knows how many diseases to hundreds or thousands of women on his tours, he just seems like such a gross scrote to be thirsting after

No. 1953310

No. 1953329

All of the photos are from when they were young and hot though.

No. 1953331

is that the guy from to kill a mockingbird.

No. 1953353

I just thought it was funny that old hollywood actors are more appealing than current actors, and she has an entire shrine dedicated to someone who was “young and hot” like 70-80 years ago

No. 1953394

Right?? The point of beauty and the beast was a witch cursed him to be ugly and find love regardless of his hideousness. Vincent Cassel looked more fucked up in his natural state. That's why at least the movie 'Beastly' with Alex Pettyfer made sense because he was a cute young blonde twink with a nasty personality who needed taking down a peg. I'd scream more if I saw Vincent than the warthog he skinwalked into.

No. 1953411

File: 1712417119651.jpg (225.42 KB, 3584x2028, MV5BNmViNzdjMTItZTIyOS00NDQ4LW…)

Agree. The only way a love song can actually be a romantic gift is if he gives you writing credits and it goes to number 1. That's why I can still respect Jameela Jamil because her bf gave her a bunch of writing credits.
Swift did the same with Alwyn, so despite her antics she's not as bad as other musicians.

Women thirst after him because he writes insipid self insert pablum and has a case of gigantism. He's pathetic for cheering on troon shit and is not attractive

No. 1953445

Why does he have breasts

No. 1953464

what in gynecomastia

No. 1953521

File: 1712424828763.png (862.72 KB, 675x1200, G5Sq7dc.png)

I know Koreans can be very tacky and have no sense of aesthetics, but at least they have a culture that actually encourages men to attempt to look decent.

No. 1953522

50% of korean men are fat

No. 1953531

File: 1712425815643.jpeg (737.25 KB, 1170x1226, IMG_0204.jpeg)

He is one of the best examples of this insidious psyop, the fact that he had so many freaks and pickmes on his fugly side attacking Amber Heard and accusing her of all kinds of outlandish things just blows my mind still to this day

No. 1953532

How old are you nonas I need to know

No. 1953533

Not to mention alcoholic wife beaters.

No. 1953534

I’m 23, sending hatred of ugly men from the US!

No. 1953538

What drugs do to an MF. All his pickmes are just idolizing the younger man he once was not the bloated corpse he is now

No. 1953548

along with 2/3rds of americans, your point?

No. 1953556

File: 1712427121597.jpeg (841.4 KB, 901x916, IMG_0218.jpeg)

Why do so many shilled famous men have this phenotype? There’s a lot of them and they all look like ugly horses. It makes me wonder if a lot of men in general have this goat/rat phenotype and they want to make it seem more appealing to women or something

No. 1953557

Everyone around the world is getting fatter, calm down

No. 1953558

This thread is so funny to me. I can never get over how many nonnies are willing to fight for hours about what fictional or real man is acceptable. For fictional, every man posted is considered either a femboy, a roidpig, a twink or geriatric. I don't think there's a single character or real life man that would actually be agreed upon.

No. 1953567

I think Alain Delon is generally agreed to be attractive on this site, and maybe young Cary Elwes. Some popular ones are Aaron Taylor Johnson, Avan Jogia, Gregory Peck and Tom Hardy, but they still have haters. The other males I’ve seen mentioned all seem to be considered controversial on here

No. 1953569

both men and women love gojo so maybe him?

No. 1953584

this is crazy how fucking straight up disfigured esp the two specimen in the bottom row look. Like the two horses in the top row just look plainly ugly but the contrast to these seriously subhuman goblins in the bottom is just so insanely strong.

No. 1953599

How on earth did Benedict Cucumber have thousands of women worship him in the early 2010s, looking like that? The same goes for the guy right next to him.

Nonnies in /g/ agree on the same fictional men and real men being hot so idk what you are waffling about.

No. 1953623

tastes are different. only thing we can all agree on is we want a man that is not obese and is well groomed. Like how moids want a non obese woman that practices good hygiene. Everything else is subjective.

No. 1953679

I imagine the hair back then helped. And there wasn't anyone more handsome in the show so maybe people started thinking he looked better in comparison kek

No. 1953684

File: 1712432415086.jpg (71.73 KB, 500x652, main-qimg-78f932ef5df1d91dfff6…)

In Hollywood if you aren't Jewish you're Irish. Seriously, look at the number who are from Boston, then you check and realise down the line their Irish. Combine ethnonarcissism with an effort to push a coterie of 'chosen' actually Irish actors as trophies. Never happens with Irish women.
Mickey Rooney was their chosen fake Irishman in the 40s-60s, despite being busted. I still believe his 8 marriages were pushed by Hollywood as contracts. And he killed one of his wives and got away with it

No. 1953687

File: 1712432724777.jpeg (491.88 KB, 1200x1503, IMG_0228.jpeg)

I can’t believe Ava Gardner married that fugly little creature. How audacious.

No. 1953741

The worst part is that they dared to advertise this shit as ''feminist''. Hollywood is just huge psyop.

No. 1953745

29 but I've hated ugly men all my life.

No. 1953751

>I don't think there's a single character or real life man that would actually be agreed upon.
Everyone likes leon, that's why he's in the OP. There is like one autist that doesnt like him, but its always been agreed upon that he's the hottest male vidya has to offer.

No. 1953754

22 and i want a man my age who looks their age. My male friends who are 23-25 are all balding.

No. 1953806

Just turned 21.

No. 1953811

20, always loved cute, clean shaven pretty boys my whole life. Never liked ugly old men. I used to cry when male singers/actors that I liked were coming close to their mid-twenties because I knew they'd turn into uggos soon after kek
Me too nona, the males in my class are all disgusting looking beasts. It made me depressed. I expected college to be full of young hotties kek

No. 1953815

26. used to be one of those women that are like "looks don't matter" or overlooked ugly ass moids while they expected me to look good, and was confused on if i was gay since i was never attracted to men around me. then i had a rare guy i was genuinely attracted to be into me which changed everything and opened my eyes to how brainwashed i had been by society's retarded double standards that only the woman has to be pretty and moids get a free pass to be ugly. even more so when i've started getting closer to 30 and most moids my age are already bald and have wrinkles, yet i'm the one that's supposed to be worried about it the most. it's really all just a projection

No. 1953844

19 and I haven’t seen a single attractive moid on my uni campus. This should be the land of young hotties and instead I’m left with flabby balding creeps or short broccoli heads

No. 1953869

30 years old, memed myself into dating "conventionally" attractive men in my early early twenties that I found ugly. Men are only getting uglier and women deserve men they find beautiful. I'm convinced ugly men are pushed to normalize pedophilia.

No. 1953884

25. I've never been sexually attracted to a real moid, especially moids my age. They're all either fat, balding and dirty. Most of them have shit hairstyles and dress in horrible pajama-like clothes with autistic accessories. It doesn't help that they all act like literal retards with no empathy. I've asked myself if I liked women but I know I'm attracted to the male form but when I look at the men around me I'm just repulsed.

No. 1953890

The "don't be vain, looks aren't important !" brainwash is real and the very base of the ugly man psyop. In truth it should only be applied when your long time nigel is hurt in an accident, not when looking at potential partners. We really shouldn't fuck moids whose genes we wouldn't want to pass on, or whose body we'd hate to wake up in.

I'm turning 26 too and only now I dare to admit to myself that I DO have a type, I was always like "oh it's fine as long as you have nice hair and you're not weak and stupid and you go outside" but almost no men pass this exam anyway, so it doesn't matter. I hate that being soft and fat is considered a legitimate body type for men.

No. 1953928

Leon from 2005 Resi4 is agreed to be hot by like 99% of nonnies

No. 1953930

I swear it's getting worse and worse, younger and younger. What's happening to their hair!?

No. 1953953

I'm 25, i was a bit into more feminine men when i was younger but now i like more manly ones too but still the standards are so low.
I think that i'll never end up dating a real moid, even just considering looks and i dislike how it's hard to get good looking men in fictional media.

>Benedict Cucumber

No. 1953963

File: 1712443868717.gif (9.08 MB, 423x423, IMG_4535.gif)

I always thought michael pitt was cute in funny games, not super hot by any means but decent looking, and then i saw him in hannibal only like 6 years later and he looked like someone put him in the microwave kek

No. 1953974

Wow, she was 37 in the first pic? Literally the most gorgeous woman ever and she’s way past “the wall” threshold. Everything moids say about women is utter bullshit and projection.

No. 1953980

File: 1712444319587.jpg (1.03 MB, 3274x2212, MV5BMzA3ODM0MzAtZTdhYy00NThmLW…)

he was very cute in the dreamers too. damn, what happened

No. 1953981

File: 1712444323821.png (325.77 KB, 857x798, IMG_2115.png)

i was there when the oncelerization was happening- people were in love with the fandom oc version of him, not the actual guy. he was like an empty vessel and 15 year old fujos would use him as their blank canvas

No. 1953986

File: 1712444429681.png (189.15 KB, 327x354, df.PNG)


I don't get what yall see in him. Average at best. It's because of the hair isnt it

No. 1953997

out of curiosity, what moids are attractive to you?

No. 1954014

he's like a golden retriever

No. 1954017

File: 1712445120773.png (1.58 MB, 2000x1000, abducthim.png)

You tell me that you wouldn't kiss this face?

No. 1954018

That's because the Irish were deeply involved with Unions and often worked for Jewish groups as enforces.

No. 1954025

Nta I would kiss his face

No. 1954026

This dress is beautiful

No. 1954032

Only one of these is passable, the rest look like garbage

No. 1954033

I wish this was average.

No. 1954034

which one? dying to know

No. 1954036

Matt Smith and Cucumberpatches are fucking hideous beyond belief. Tumbltards memed themselves into thinking they're "hot." Revolting, disgusting, failure of homo sapiens sapiens

No. 1954037

It's up to you to decide but please don't chose cucumberman he's literally the nastiest

No. 1954038

Leon Kennedy seems to be the great unifier. Nonnies can pick which design they prefer kek

No. 1954039

Golden retriever energy means someone is retarded nonny

No. 1954041

Matt Smith doesn't even look like he belongs to the homo genus.

No. 1954042

Monsignor timothy howard has my vote I don't know about you all

No. 1954044

>failure of homo sapiens sapiens
Agreed. Only rape and inbreeding could create such ugly atrocities and their gene pool needs to die out

No. 1954045

He's a man so he's retarded by default. Most men are pitbulls, while some very rare ones are golden retrievers.

No. 1954046

This is a yaoi story waiting to happen

No. 1954047

What makes him a golden retriever though?

No. 1954050

blond, dumb, cute, himbo

No. 1954051

In the 2005 version he's like a really competent golden retriever. Bit of a himbo, likes his cheesy one-liners, but good at his job and his rapport with Ashley is nice.

No. 1954071

This. He's so fucking generic and has an ugly buttchin and tiny beady eyes, the leon samefaggers are delusional

No. 1954085

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No. 1954092

25, and a moid at work tried to neg me by saying I look older than him when he’s older by a few months. This moid is a manlet and has lost 90% of his hair, ain’t no way I’m letting the ugly psyop work

No. 1954094

File: 1712449183184.gif (125.67 KB, 243x250, male whores.gif)

remember to report and ignore, nonnies

No. 1954098

if this replaces the elsie version in popularity i am going to kill myself

No. 1954103

I love elsie, vegeta and male whore equally. This isnt a popularity competition.

No. 1954104

Post face and body(responding to male/taking the bait)

No. 1954105

>Zac Efron looked alright, Robert Pattinson was good looking
>Robert Pattinson
>good looking
This thread's hypocrisy never cease to surprise me.

No. 1954108


No. 1954109

anons are allowed to have different taste in men itt.

No. 1954111

He’s short, old, balding and has tiny baby hands. Too bad because his face is decent

No. 1954112

Can someone please post the Elsie version so maybe I can make a banner out of it

No. 1954113

why are you responding to a scrote? roport and ignore

No. 1954114

Then it wouldn't be the psyop thread imo

No. 1954116

Post a pic of your hairline(responding to male/taking the bait)

No. 1954119

File: 1712449931228.jpg (12.76 KB, 228x275, bait used to be believable els…)

there is a difference between mildly attractive men and outright shilling post wall scrotes with wrinkles

No. 1954120

don't ask me no stupid questions!

No. 1954121

The no homo part didn’t register to me as a moid speaking at first oops. But seriously why do people hail him as peak attractiveness when he’s so weirdly proportioned

No. 1954123

there should be a combined version with all 3

No. 1954131

yes, actually. Sexism so deep they try to fuck the least masculine thing they can find without ‘resorting’ to women.

No. 1954134

lmfao Leo only dates <25 year olds because he knows that was the last time HE was attractive

No. 1954139

I'm doing my part!

No. 1954143

Nta but Robert Pattinson was never hot tbh

No. 1954145

i dont like him either but he was still more attractive than the average moid that gets shilled as attractive nowadays

No. 1954146

File: 1712451192121.jpg (57.73 KB, 630x500, 1000007151.jpg)

Then why did I and the other ladies scream so much at the end of this movie

No. 1954151

File: 1712451296470.jpg (220.58 KB, 783x1222, 1000007152.jpg)

And he's tall

No. 1954157

He looks like a moldy sandwich no offense

No. 1954159

i know he's post wall now but paul dano being considered the ''hot'' characters fangirls latched onto was so fucking wild to me. I genuinely expected him to get a resurfacing thanks to playing a goth emo young batman.

No. 1954167

File: 1712451997128.jpg (464.2 KB, 903x1258, 1000007161.jpg)

You have to laugh

No. 1954171

>one chance at life
>born in the era with the ugliest male haircuts
just end me already

No. 1954173

He was cute af as Cedric diggory.

No. 1954176

So Irish men are just hideous, I guess.

No. 1954179

cillian is fugly but at least he has a very distinctive, cartoon drawing-like face. he looks like a wax figure though. the other two look so forgettable and mid, is this the best ireland can bring to the international market? the one in blue is particularly very ugly.

No. 1954180

He's the 2024 Onceler. I hate it

No. 1954197

he looks goofy in the movie but he has a cute nose and he's pretty tall and thin. i wish boys had haircuts like that now instead of ugly ass bowlcut broccoli haircuts

No. 1954198

37. I was old enough to crush on Leo decaprio in his prime.

No. 1954199

Yes I'm Irish and Irish guys are the fugliest creatures in existence. I have not once been attracted to a male that I saw in real life yet, because they're all so vile. And when I say Irish I don't just mean white Irish kek I mean Irish of all races. The weather must have something to do with it…Hate this shithole. Even Britain has cuter moids

No. 1954203

If you ever played RE2 , he takes a bullet for Ada and still protects her after she betrays him. In RE4, he's just sassy and dumb. Leon is the ultimate himbo.

No. 1954207

Girl I'm from the North and the men here are ugly as fuck. This isn't a country its a CuntFactory of the male kind. We should be friends.

No. 1954212

yeah i agree. for dating prospects, incels and even some more "normal" men act like if a woman wants a man that's attractive to her she's literally satan or her standards are too high. i've unironically been told by a few men my standards are high and i'm "mean" just because i openly say i dislike beards and don't like bald men, meanwhile they get to shit on any women they deem unattractive, say any woman past 25 is expired, call them hags/make them feel bad about their age despite they themselves being a similar age or older, say they would only date perfect 10/10 models and that's all fine apparently, the hypocrisy is funny. in general this kinda seems like a behavior that's common with men, they do the shit they accuse you of (being shallow and only caring for looks) then turn around and accuse women of doing that, when most straight women have insanely low standards and have been actively conditioned to be nicer and put less of an emphasis on men's appearances from childhood. and with the amount of conditioning and shitting on our desires or acting like we shouldn't have them at all and how little men actually care to put in effort, it makes sense that some of us might take a while to break out of it. i feel like it's both a blessing and a curse since now i really see things for how shitty they really are and that sucks, but at the same time at least i'm no longer putting up with awful men i didn't even find attractive and can find some solidarity here

No. 1954218

We should be kinder to older ladies that never reproduced they didn't want to bear anymore uglies for us to sadly rifle through.

No. 1954219

No. 1954236

Why does Aladdin and Adam have bbls??? Nonie pls i'm so scared

No. 1954237

Men should bet BBLs

No. 1954239

I think part of why people like him is how he interacts with the female characters. He's a simp for Ada and he's cool with Ashley.

No. 1954240

I don't get the beard thing. Beards are completely optional. It's an active choice people make so it's entirely reasonable for other people to dislike it. It's like a guy that isn't in to bottle blonds because he prefers natural brunettes or that doesn't like fake tans or fake colored contacts or big false lashes. I can get someone feeling offended by another person critiquing some inherent physical quality but beards are fashion and they're persnickety to maintain well. If enough women dislike beards uhh . . . shave it off. You don't even need to be clean shaven lots of women are OK with stubble, that isn't a beard.

No. 1954241

women shouldnt be okay with stubbles those are arguably worse than beards because they fucking hurt

No. 1954248

99.9% of stubbles/beards/hair on face from moids is fucking toxic waste. Mostly because they're so dirty it's extremely irritant. It's a whole phenomenon called beard burn.

No. 1954259

I don't like the look of stubble either I'm just stating it's an alternative to a full on beard or being clean shaven and one that many women will still like. It shouldn't hurt if the guy uses conditioner on it but most don't because they don't know they should be I guess. FWIW I did past date a guy with stubble but he was black so I think their facial hair grows differently or has a different texture because it never irritated me whereas when white guys have stubble it does irritate.

No. 1954290

Nta, but I'd like to see the ground shattering attractive male characters or 3DPD moids you like and think are attractive.

No. 1954292

Fair, but having shit taste is a thing. Robert Pattinson is ugly and part of the psyop.

No. 1954294

Because you're intimidated by real beauty.

No. 1954297

suspension of disbelief / movie magic

No. 1954299

>ugly buttchin
You must be just young, Leon has always been very popular because of his looks, husbandofags or not. I don't care about him but i appreciate both versions even if the original is better because they didn't rely on realism so heavily..

That's kinda cool nona.

No. 1954301

Anons ITT have the funniest insults kek I will be using them to bully males irl

No. 1954305

tinfoil territory but the only reason some women get offended when people say they look more like their dads than moms is when they know deep down their mom married an ugly man. people with good looking or equally average looking parents don't get these complexes

No. 1954306

No. 1954308

21 and protecting my body from uggos

No. 1954309

Good point. I'd add it's also because men are synonymous with ugliness to some people. So telling a woman she looks like her dad is saying she looks like a man, therefore saying she's ugly.

No. 1954311

File: 1712465536090.jpg (37.56 KB, 963x543, Peso-Pluma-Artist-Publicist-e1…)

I blame peso pluma for this haircut

No. 1954314

These type of haircut should have stayed in the Hitler youth, yuck

No. 1954320

File: 1712466324606.jpg (43.76 KB, 597x731, Ls7djda.jpg)

wolfcuts are the septum piercings of bihet men. Sometimes it looks hot other times it just makes you look like loser(kurtis connor)

No. 1954336

Nice nona! I just turned 36 last month!

No. 1954348

This man looks like he went through lolcor chadification process

No. 1954366

this video and comment section, is literally "gwuys sthap calling men ugly that swo mwen"

No. 1954370

there is a male beauty standard? fuck where is it????

No. 1954375

I remember when some barafag told me my taste was boring for liking Leon.

No. 1954381

>tfw barafag but still like Leon

Kek maybe anon thought it was boring because he's the FOTM husbando right now? I loved the man back in 2007 and I still love him now. He is so cute and is remake models are nice too.

No. 1954395

I felt like that character was written for Matt Berry

No. 1954403

lmao when men cry about the roidpig look being an impossible standard forced upon men when most women are not into that shit. its men psyopping each other into becoming tumorous monstrosities.

No. 1954407

File: 1712472373098.png (275.33 KB, 636x382, kWWsReE.png)

I'm going be honest, the vast majority of characters in hyper realistic styles resemble those freaks who are addicted to plastic surgery and want to look like IRL dolls.

No. 1954415

apparently most men with pedo crimes aren't pedos most of the time, they just abused the most vulnerable thing available, so i think that abusing the women around them wasn't enough that they moved onto children.

No. 1954418

Hey >>1954198 I’m 37 too! I remember it felt like every girl in 5th grade had a crush on Leonardo DiCaprio and was obsessed when Titanic came out. Now it’s funny to think that we’re all 10+ years over his age range for girlfriends kek

No. 1954424

kek nonnies, i am too! i have like a shit ton of male wrestling clips saved even if it is, as a sport, a lil faggy i just like the odd poses they get contorted into that they're not even aware of bc they're so distracted by the thought of winning, a male wrestler could get in a pose where his legs are stuck apart from each other leaving a full view of his crotch area, so vulnerable, yet the only thing on his mind is that he needs to get unstuck to win the match

No. 1954436

Kek honestly I knew this was going to happen. There is always going to be someone who disagrees. I disagree with some too, I just keep it to myself. I like this thread so we finally have a containment for this discussion honestly. It doesn't matter how much someone seems "conventionally attractive" it's never going to please everyone. Being pretty isn't enough for attraction and while attraction correlates to beauty, it's not the only factor. I remember when women and men were going crazy over Henry Cavill and I always thought he looked ugly as sin, boring at his very best, same for Tom Cruise, Cillian Murphy and Aaron Taylor Johnson. I find them all ugly.
Just accept there is a bunch of us kek, you are the the minority. Who do you find attractive then?

No. 1954439

I can't unsee it

Leon is not a FOTM. At least not on lolcow, he's been the go-to 'handsome man' figure for years. Literally YEARS. It's an old game now, it's almost 20 years old. That's crazy longevity. He's so hot that there are people still obsessing over his hotness almost two decades later. Wild.

No. 1954447

File: 1712474497534.jpg (215.91 KB, 934x1346, tumblr_c22bf7c7bff7a4d2936d806…)

Yessss I love wrestling and there are so many handsome guys in it too… they're practically naked too you can see everything in those uniforms

No. 1954455

lmao this. The situation wouldn't be dire if you saw Leons on the streets daily

No. 1954462

Maybe there should be a wrestling WWE thread

No. 1954467

File: 1712477295280.png (773.91 KB, 1200x800, 65ocrGD.png)

The reason I started watching wrestling when I was younger cause I had a crush on Seth Rollins.

No. 1954475

I think >>1954424 and I were talking about olympic-type wrestling, the sport of wrestling which is arguably hotter imo

No. 1954480

I also loved the music they had, If I had to describe the appeal of Wrestling, it's basically live action 2000's anime, complete with the soundtrack.
does it have a 7 foot tall zombie wizard fighting a Samoan tribal chief.

No. 1954489

i am >>1954424 and yes that is the type of wrestling i meant kek, tho i understand the appeal of WWE stuff.
the guy in the thumbnail is kinda hot but the other guy is so geriatric ugh

No. 1954492

this thread is so autistic, i love it

No. 1954495

Beauty isn't subjective. Old men are ugly by default no matter how ''good'' their personality is. I am not into women but i can still tell which women are objectively beautiful.

No. 1954501

File: 1712480105817.png (200.31 KB, 385x385, 4537456.png)

I don't care about God Of War but i'll forever be second-handely salty about it because a boyfriend of a friend of mine went from grunge pretty boy to fucking human kratos as inspo when he started balding.
Imagine if i let myself go and i use the actual Witch of the Waste as look inspo.
I have no fucking idea how she could still be attracted to him after the transformation but it didn't last long.

No. 1954505

I mean, if he started balding there's not much he can do but lean into a more masculine look.

No. 1954512

I'm not into bald men but i've seen some ok looking ones as long as they don't have beards, all the bald and bearded men end up looking the same, facewise but also in general sometimes, plus it makes them look at least 50 years old.

No. 1954516

there is nothing masculine about >>1954501 it looks really gay, actually.

No. 1954517

There is literally nothing uglier than a bald man with a full beard. You know that shit is musty because they don't wash it either.

No. 1954524

you are correct about them all looking the same, it's weird

No. 1954535

Do men ever wear wigs? It's sucky that the women who end up with them are stuck with them balding. Wish men were collectively pressured into getting wigs or hair implants.

No. 1954537

File: 1712483360267.mp4 (13.08 MB, 1080x1920, IGDownloader.App_3321614453501…)

Thought this was relevant to this thread

No. 1954549

File: 1712484052745.jpeg (98.38 KB, 753x1200, IMG_6901.jpeg)

Who are some eye candy athletes anons enjoy? I love it when boys beat the shit out of each other

No. 1954554

Digital media like video games are constrained by the fact digital shit can't render true curves same as digital music can't render a true sound wave. They have to do it in lines to like -|_ if you get me. Like everything is drawn in little steps. So they're limited to making everything look angular. That plastic surgery abomination has no excuse tho.

No. 1954568

I thought that was Cillian Murphy with that outfit photoshopped on

No. 1954577

I'm convinced this is why men let themselves go after they start balding. Hair plugs, any hair treatments or wigs are considered a cope by other moids. They just accept their fate instead of actually doing something. Women would never allow this, they'd do whatever it takes to maintain the appearances at least but moids are lazy and call everything gay

No. 1954584

One thing that I've noticed is that a lot of women believe handsome men are assholes by default. Like oh he's handsome, he's clearly a narcissistic fuckboy or manipulative jerk. And in turn they believe that "average" or slightly uglier men would make better husbands cause they seem more humble and loving kek. It's such a ridiculous mindset because first of all there's a pretty visible difference between a regular guy who just happens to be handsome and a cocky muscle chad who shows off and second, most ugly men are massive assholes and some are also extremely abusive on top of that. Those ugly incels? Biggest perverts and coomers you'll ever find. There's so many ugly men with rancid vibes, and yet all they do is focus on those handsome guys who have a bit more confidence.

No. 1954590

God this makes me even more conscious, i always felt guilty for liking good-looking men and on top of that i pushed the idea that every one of them would be rude because of it.
To cut it short i had tons of weeb/gamer moids trying to kiss me and being gross in general when the few normie popular guys were just trying to seduce me normally and seemed to be more aware of my feelings even if they were stupid in other sections.
Not to blogpost but i remember one guy "flashing" his abs at me kek i'd gladly take that over a loser that tries to grope you out of nowhere.

No. 1954593

Ngl I was greatly bullied by popular "hot" guys in middle and hs. It has made me uncomfortable around attractive men. I view them all as douchebags until proven innocent.

No. 1954599

This probably stems from the "liking people for looks makes you shallow!1!1!" mentality. It's moralfagging even in dating and/or sexual attraction.

No. 1954600

Correct. I'm 39 and I have had a crush on him since 2005.

No. 1954601

File: 1712490495866.jpg (168.98 KB, 1200x1015, andrew-tate-dubai.jpg)

This is another psyop. Don't date the hot gym bro, he's a narcissistic asshole. Date the nerdy nice guy, give the quiet ugly guy a chance. So then you do, and you realize these mid/ugly men are just as resentful, just as cruel, and hate women just as much. The issue is men in general. Don't discriminate by their looks.
All the tradwife redpill guys are always the ugliest motherfuckers ever. Ugly guys hang on to those ideals because they think it'll help them get women. If hot men are assholes because they don't have trouble getting women, ugly men are assholes because they have trouble getting them. So just aim for the hot ones and hope for the best.

No. 1954604

This so much. You’ll never regret anything more than dating an ugly moid who turned out to be an asshole, just because you thought he would be nicer than a hot guy

No. 1954605

agreed 1000000%, in fact the "looks aren't everything" and "but he's nice" are basically stealth implementations of this psyop. especially the "oh hes ugly so he won't cheat on me" wtf yes he will and then not only will you have been cheated on but also cheated on by a fugly, ON TOP OF having to fuck a fugly by default. actually insane logic and women can't even be like 'oh hes fat so he eats pussy good' because men dont feel the need to overcompensate for being ugly.

No. 1954606

File: 1712490768693.gif (21.81 KB, 340x270, 1711378503950.gif)

KEKKK you're right, really is a male CuntFactory. Oh nona why do you live all the way up in the North? I live in the south, that's so sad.

No. 1954608

File: 1712490865477.jpeg (125.63 KB, 735x1029, IMG_0240.jpeg)

Yeah that’s from the movie Malena which came out in 2000

No. 1954610

File: 1712491025771.jpeg (475.35 KB, 1009x752, IMG_0249.jpeg)

He’s outlandishly hideous and old looking. Mamie Van Doren is 93 and looks younger than him, and obviously more beautiful than he could ever be even if he hadn’t hit the wall. Sad!

No. 1954612

And Rotate looks like a milkdud. Such a sad little malding retard.

No. 1954616

Rotate and Cucumber. I giggle like an idiot, please nonas keep using these silly names.

No. 1954620

File: 1712491658889.png (659.71 KB, 635x918, baldie.png)

Wrong. Balding is already bad enough adding a beard to the mix is the most repulsive thing a moid could do. Moid in picrel already looks stupid now imagine him with a beard. Fucking barf. It's infinitely more hygienic too.

No. 1954628

One of the things I'm the most bitter of in life is the double standard with bald men. If women went bald, they would do anything in their power to fix/hide it. But men don't care and just accept it. Sure they bitch and moan about it, but at the end of the day they just go outside with their bald heads and nobody bats an eye. It's not fair sisters.

No. 1954640

I turned 18 a few months ago and have always been repulsed by my peers simping for Pedro pascal or some other ugly scrote and capping hard for dad bods or the likes. At first I thought I was a weirdo for not being attracted to timothee chantlet or whatever his name is and tom holland for example until I realized I’m not alone I just never fell victim to the psyop.

No. 1954651

He's a major heroin addict.
Source: Mutual acquaintance

No. 1954691

File: 1712499518321.jpg (62.46 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

if you gotta go bald at least keep it clean

No. 1954697

well kept beards are fine to me, but if your body looks like Homer Simpson instead of a sculpted greek god and you're bald then there's no hope for you.

No. 1954708

a lot of men use their beard to hide their weak jaw or double chin, so they feel personally attacked if you don't like beards. hilarious considering that men always shit on women for "tricking them" with make up or whatever. oddly enough the same logic doesn't hold for men who have half of their face hidden at all times.

No. 1954724

Ugly men are always mean with rancid personalities. Nicest men I've met have been the most handsome ones. Even back in elementary school, the bullies were always ugly disgusting boys while the cute ones were kind.My hypothesis is that being ugly as a man is linked genetically to being a violent rape ape, bc no women woukd willingly reproduce with an ugly man, so ugly genes have historically been furthered by violent foul rapist men.

No. 1954740

Damn so humanity would be more attractive if it weren't for ugly rapist moids.

No. 1954750

I never said beauty was subjective. I said attraction and beauty are different things that people mix up.

No. 1954755

I'm the living proof of this and totally agree.

No. 1954770

Me too, that led me to being somehow uneasy of pretty men irl.
Honestly I feel like there is no way out. I was bullied by handsome men and they terrify me. The ones I've interacted with were either horrible people or boring at their best. You're not completely wrong about the "personality psyop", after my bullied years I went for uglier nerd boys thinking they would be a safer bet and guess what? I got raped by one. I don't see a way out. I think most men are trash and looks won't affect that. That's why I'm not surprised with women falling for actors that seem like nice people. Women are desperate for a moid who isn't a piece of shit. I cant even get into these supposedly "nice men" on the media because I think it's all perfomative, but I feel like they want to believe these guys are nice and safe, which they aren't.

No. 1954784

File: 1712506264691.jpg (110.94 KB, 1175x568, ima.jpg)

From the celebricow thread kek. He's not really ugly but she's much prettier than the moid.

No. 1954795

as someone that looks like my dad, yes 100%. my mom is so pretty but dad looks like shit and it pisses me off every time someone says i look more like him while claiming my sister looks more like my mom. like ok just call me the ugly sister, dammit.

No. 1954796

The psyop is coming from inside the house

No. 1954817

They’re both mid.

No. 1954835

I’m sorry but I think he’s more attractive than her, but they’re both average looking

No. 1954850

File: 1712511191135.png (662.75 KB, 723x435, schizo cat.png)

I have a theory that it's all part of the same "worship ugliness" psyop that includes things like "body positivity", ugly character designs in cartoons/games and ugly fashion. I suspect it stems from obesity epidemic. Almost everyone is at least slightly overweight and feels insecure about their body. They feel like they can never attain beauty and no beautiful person will date them, so they cope by pretending that ugly people are desirable. It's basically collective lowering of standards. Just like everyone now just wears "athleisure" everywhere, nobody makes any effort to dress, because people just want to hide their bodies. The only "beauty" left is the hyper-sexed porno aesthetic, like fit women who wear yoga pants to show off their ass 24/7 and men who wear gymbro clothes. That's also why a lot of these fugly celebs have fit, roided bodies that provide the sexual stimulation, while their busted faces make them feel "attainable".

No. 1954863

Didn't he stop showing his face because he got soooo uncwomfy from the thirst comments?

No. 1954899

youre right and you should say it. the ugly man psyopp cannot be untangled from the obesity epidemic

No. 1954935

It's quite funny that despite all the nonsense they spout about strong masculinity and whatnot, male fashion is the most beta cuck shit ever. They dress like high-schoolers until middle age (as proven by your video). They are too fragile to wear clothes even slightly less comfortable than pajamas. They need to wear sneakers at all times because anything else would hurt their little feetsies. But they act like this is the very definition of male toughness and whine that we are trying to "emasculate" them by asking them to dress decently. My brother in Christ you are an adult man in a big city working at a fucking desk, put on some proper pants.

Actual topic aside it's stupid to say current fashion is "genreless" at the same time he admits it's all driven by irony. If it's the omnipresent and defining concept… Then the genre is "Irony". Not nothing. Also I think it would be interesting to have a general menswear thread on here but we have so many male-centric threads already, we barely pass the Bechdel test at this point kek.

A scrote close to me started visibly balding right around the same time he started finally having some time to take better care of himself and become more like his vidya role model and he's bitter as fuck about it. Even men that don't want to enforce the ugly man psyop get screwed over by their own bloodlines, it's depressing.

I think If I was a bald scrote I'd get a bunch of piercings, spooky lenses and edgy PVC goth fits. Cenobitemaxxing.

No. 1954948

File: 1712516193892.png (2.57 MB, 1012x1524, male formal attire.png)

>Actual topic aside it's stupid to say current fashion is "genreless" at the same time he admits it's all driven by irony. If it's the omnipresent and defining concept… Then the genre is "Irony". Not nothing.

This. It's hipster mentality that has completely taken over. Dressing intentionally like a clown but it's okay because it's "ironic" and anyone who is critical is cringe and humorless. Anytime some man tries to put in effort to look classy, it's ridiculed as nerdy and LARP. This is western culture in general tbh, everything is shit, "but, like, it's ironic". Women turn themselves into sex dolls and it's supposed to be "subversive". Mental illness is celebrated with ironic detachment. Porn addictions are embraced with ironic "goon culture".

It's really just and excuse to not even try. Our culture has totally given up. Good example is all the articles talking about the death of the tie. Scrotes don't wear ties even on to formal events anymore, because they are "uncomfortable". First scrotes gave up adult shoes for sneakers and now this. The bar is on the floor for male dress code and they still need to lower it. Like you said it's infant mentality, total emasculation, scrotes today can't handle even a second of discomfort yet want to larp as alphas.

No. 1954957

File: 1712516642674.jpg (86.11 KB, 794x656, d0zb9fyd2s3a1.jpg)

okay this is pretty bad I'm reaching for the tinfoil I will not be mindmelted to this degree

No. 1954969

I’ve watched him since Justin.tv days and he never really showed his face. If anything he shows it more nowadays. Also in 2021 he was called out for sleeping with female fans in their early 20s (he’s 38 iirc)

No. 1954983

Damn, that picture above is very classy and professional. I like it. If I was a moid I would dress like that and put careful consideration into cut and colours.
Moids at my uni dress like utter crap. This one guy that always sits next to me smells like mildew everyday and always wears the exact same hoodie. They all wear sweatpants, stained hoodies/ football jerseys and the ugliest sneakers known to man. Shit haircuts or are balding. Gross stubble and pubes on their faces. They smell like rotten onions. They wear baggy stuff to hide their fattie bodies but it makes them look even worse somehow. Men were always horrible pieces of shit but at least in the past, they dressed better and put more effort into their appearances.

No. 1955028

only gay moids put effort into looks these days, because gay men are ruthless when it comes to calling people ugly. women have been to kind and collectively lowered the standards of men. we need to start making fun of ugly men publically again

No. 1955073

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I can’t believe she got attacked and mocked all over social media by moids who think she’s too “ugly” to play Tom Holland’s love interest. Has anyone actually looked at Tom Holland’s face for more than 2 seconds?

No. 1955075

Tom Holland isn't particularly attractive but… I can kind of see where they're coming from here to be honest. There are lots of attractive dark skinned women. She isn't one of them.

No. 1955076

She’s definitely better looking than him. I feel so bad for her

No. 1955077

File: 1712523256640.jpeg (296.78 KB, 1170x1168, IMG_0280.jpeg)

Which faces do you find more attractive, the more androgynous ones or the more masculine/feminine ones?

No. 1955079

Tom Holland literally looks like a child. I dont understand how people think he's attractive. If anything he and she look like they're in the same league anyways.

No. 1955082

both of the men faces are ugly

No. 1955084

stop smoking copium.

No. 1955088

It's theatre, the audience will barely be able to see their faces anyway. Most 20th century performances of Othello were done in blackface, what's the problem with one homely actress?
They're looksmatched in my opinion.

No. 1955094

I think both female faces are attractive but the male face should be somewhere in between. The masculine face is scary.

No. 1955098

File: 1712524458249.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x1713, IMG_8409.jpeg)

>There are lots of attractive dark skinned women. She isn't one of them.
So? How does that justify their comments towards her? She’s not hideous like how these people are acting. She’s just average looking with nasolabial folds. If I passed by her on the street I wouldn’t think anything. There are way more old, fat, and hideous moids in media who get casted with younger supermodel-looking women, but will never get anywhere near the same amount of hatred as a woman for the crime of not being beautiful. It’s a theatre play, which these moids never gave a shit about, so the audience won’t even see their faces up close anyway.

No. 1955108

I don't understand what's wrong with people. She looks normal, not ugly, some make-up and she looks better than normal. Those comments are disgusting. There are so many male actors out there looking just normal, but no one goes on a witch hunt because they aren't attractive enough, you have moids like Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Ryan Gosling, Jared Leto, Channing Tatum, Benedict Cumberbatch or Adam Driver and no one is insulting them 24/7 for looking normal or worse. Most important is that she can act and if she can, she is a good choice for any role and honestly, I like seeing "normal" looking people on stages or in movies.

No. 1955114

This one single black woman in a Shakespeare theater production has conjured up so much hate simply for being cast and yet Jeremy Renner, runner up for the fugliest man in Hollywood, got to be Hawkeye and nobody gave a single shit about Mr. Crumpled Apple Doll being on the silver screen…. that alone tells me everything I need to know about the black Juliet controversy.

No. 1955127

Maybe it's a cultural thing. By European standards she's not an attractive woman at all.

No. 1955130

Exactly. This play, like most theater performances, will likely not even be professionally filmed. I hate that all of this discourse was started because some retards don't know the difference between Hollywood movies and theater. Especially when you know no one pulling out their hair about the casting has cared about Shakespeare since high school, but now they want to be fake outraged over the billionth adaptation of his work.

No. 1955132

I used to go to the Playhouse and Globe regularly. I am not a fan of the constant mixed casting. There are essentially no RSC all White/European productions anymore. Mixed ones outside of Othello feel dissonant.(racebaiting)

No. 1955133

They are definitely overacting and she doesn't deserve the hate that moids don't get for doing the same thing, but I'm sorry she is not attractive at all.

No. 1955138

File: 1712527882376.jpg (458.42 KB, 1920x1441, Pair_of_mandarin_ducks.jpg)

I just remembered how normal it is in nature for males to be the flashy, colorful, "attractive" ones who go through all of the effort to court the female and fight other males to win the privilege to mate. It's normal considering how much energy and resources it takes for females of a species to gestate offspring, of course you would only want the best males to reproduce with. I laugh whenever scrotes cry about how unfair it is that only a small percentage of hot men get women when in reality fugg men are everywhere spreading their rancid seed. Human men are retarded and gay

No. 1955146

File: 1712528472867.jpg (398.29 KB, 1601x1091, francesca.jpg)

>By European standards she's not an attractive woman at all.
Well of course an average black girl doesn’t fit those standards. That’s part of what my post you’re replying to is arguing against. She’s still average-looking regardless of those standards, and not hideous like so many people are insisting. She just doesn’t wear a bunch of makeup and filters, and has photos that look more unflattering than others, like any regular person.

>There are lots of attractive dark skinned women. She isn't one of them.
>but I'm sorry she is not attractive at all
Why do you anons feel the need to clarify this same exact point kek? No one here even called her attractive.

No. 1955149

Do you cry about the retarded modern Shakespeare aus that dominate popular media and theater too? Or do you just bitch when you see brown and black people on stage? Who gives a fuck about the sanctity of a mfing Shakespeare play. The guy is dry bones by now.

No. 1955152

Because it's understandable why they're upset. Tom holland isn't attractive either but she's worse imo, so of course people are going to complain.

No. 1955156

They're looksmatched.

No. 1955157

You also remember that male ducks have a corkscrew-shaped penis and that female ducks have corkscrew vaginas with many blind pockets designed for difficult penetration and to prevent becoming pregnant?
Male Lion may look beautiful but everyone of them is baby killer to get a Lioness in their territory quicker into heat.
Mother nature is cruel and unforgiving.

No. 1955158

I don't think so but even if they were, moids would complain anyway because she's black. They just aren't the best example for this thread.

No. 1955162

I love Shakespeare. People who are literate tend to love him because he's one of the greatest writers who ever lived and without question the greatest playwrite: a good Shakespeare production was always a joy to watch and could still make me laugh and feel moved.

Are you genuinely asking why people like Shakespeare you retarded zoomer?(derailing)

No. 1955164

Not only aare the males more colourful, but female species are typically also larger.
Yet in humans it's the women with ED's and getting surgery.

BTW it's still the ugly man psyop thread so take the detailed takedowns of minor black theatre actresses in plays you will never see elsewhere

No. 1955170

She is genuinely and unironically ugly. Tom Holland is merely average/slightly above average depending on his role.

I showed a picture of her to my brother just now and his response was "I don't actually think I could get it up for her, not joking either" and he's the worst fucking manwhore I know.(do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs)

No. 1955172

If you're not going to post a picture of your brother, we don't care.

No. 1955173

I wouldn't call her ugly.
Average at best.

No. 1955174

No one here cares about your moidbrother's sexual tastes and you're weird for that

No. 1955177

Only asked him because he's a typical above average white moid in his 20s: 186cm, thin, plays tennis and his exs were attractive. Gives a more objective sense of whether she's attractive.

No. 1955178

>Tom Holland is merely average/slightly above average depending on his role.
say sike right now. no way you're this delusional. a giant pile of rotting dog feces is more above average than him.

No. 1955180

File: 1712530773243.jpg (192.33 KB, 1920x1080, cover1 (1).jpg)

why do women give ugly rich men chances just because they have money and clout? imagine having a child with this hideous deformed thing.

No. 1955184

File: 1712530943784.jpg (364.06 KB, 1321x884, romeojuliet.jpg)

>Because it's understandable why they're upset.
Except the people upset are moids who don’t give a shit about theatre. They saw Tom Holland’s name, then saw the girl next to him, and started raging. If they really cared about theatre they would’ve raged en-masse at picrel. If you don’t think either of them are attractive, what is understandable about the unattractive woman getting a million times more hate and degrading comments than the unattractive man?

No. 1955186

>a giant pile of rotting dog feces is more above average than him.
Post a attractive moid, right now.
Or go outside and touch some grass, you delusional *.

No. 1955187

>Tom Holland is merely average/slightly above average
idc what you think of the girl but that's a lie, he's mid at best
>I showed a picture of her to my brother just now and his response was "I don't actually think I could get it up for her, not joking either" and he's the worst fucking manwhore I know.
why do some anons always feel like saying what moids think? and talking about your brother like that…weird

No. 1955188

How come there wasn't this much race seething when black actors appeared in the 90's version of Romeo and Juliet? Or does it not matter since it wasn't leading roles?

No. 1955189

I don't have a problem with multiethnic productions. My problem is that it's de facto forbidden to have an all white cast in theater these days.

No. 1955191

>Post a attractive moid,
Jungkook for one? Or pretty much any Japanese or Korean man in their 20s?(retarded bait)

No. 1955193

File: 1712531182797.webp (170.88 KB, 2048x1536, a0360337828847a8a29cd2b42392d6…)

This was considered a looksmatch interracial couple in a netflix movie last year. But yeah, cry about a play.
Beanie Feldstein is the closest thing to a female Jonah Hill in Hollywood and she is still cute. Men in entertainment have no shame

No. 1955194

Drop his pics

No. 1955196

Those two men are ugly I'm not sure I understand your point?

No. 1955198

Imagine thinking posting your family's pictures on LC is normal. I hope you improve your relationship with your brother nonna.

No. 1955199

>Post a attractive moid, right now.
Unironically any man in the chadification thread. And that french actor that gets posted a lot idk how to spell him.
Nta her point is that those men didn't receive as much backlash as this actress did.

No. 1955201

He's probably uggo. Ugly men get with attractive women all the time, it's not an accomplishment with how low women's standards are.

No. 1955202

Oh I see. I don't find black people attractive in general but that's just me.

No. 1955203

Louis Garrel?

No. 1955204

File: 1712531583004.jpeg (Spoiler Image,85.41 KB, 1200x853, AC52718D-4V62-4RR3-A2F2-45C111…)

>Or pretty much any Japanese or Korean man in their 20s?
Stop watching perfectly curated industry plant media and go outside and touch grass.

No. 1955205

>pretty much any Japanese or Korean man in their 20s
You must not live around any actual Asian people, plastic surgery twinks are not the majority of east asian men. kpoop and tv dramas are making you delusional

No. 1955206

For many people unironically yes.

No. 1955207

I was just trolling. Asian dudes are ugly. Nothing against them, they're nice enough to me but they're not sexually attractive at all.

No. 1955209

Nobody enjoyed the 90s romeo and juliet, it also wasn't a legitimate reenactment of the story. It was a weird gay guys fantasy.

No. 1955210

No Alion something but Louis was fine too

No. 1955213

I blame Jonah Hill’s movies for contributing to the psyop. I can’t believe this ugly hairy fat lard managed to get a beautiful girlfriend. And he still treated her like shit, far from what these movies push about gorgeous women finding nice qualities in ugly men.

No. 1955216

>thread about ugly males yet nonnas are still trying to call women average/ugly as if theyve been ignoring the fact that ugly/average men have been in constant movies/shows.
we dont need to know how fuckable she is to you, im glad a mid woman is played as attractive. i could give less than two shits about her tbh, go back to posting ugly men and making fun of them

No. 1955217

i'm dying to know which roles tom holland was in where he looked "slightly above average" please nona show us what we're missing out on

No. 1955218

Mid is Pam from the Office. Not that black actress posted above. She's ugly.

No. 1955223


The moids are here, ugh. go back to 4chan

One cute-average woman being paired up with an average moid doesn’t counteract the whole ugly man psyop, stop letting yourselves get distracted by racebait

I think we should focus on boosting up handsome actors and men to counteract the trend, i do think women’s tastes are more varied and reaching consensus is difficult as a result

No. 1955224

In my experience however the really cute ones are noncommittal fuckboys. That saying about how men are only as faithful as their options has been true for me, I'm 34 so I've seen some life experience.
The key would be a handsome one who is somehow not aware that he's handsome, however, if you're attracted to a man, it's likely other women are as well and unfortunately all men are cheaters.
The solution is not to date ugly loser nerds, since they are bitter and abusive and will still cheat when given a chance, plus they will resent you for lowering yourself. The solution is to decenter men entirely and go your own way IMO.

No. 1955225

You were the one telling us who your brother would fuck.

No. 1955232

>solution is to decenter men entirely and go your own way IMO.

Gl with that. LC and other internet girlies in the west don't have the self control to do 4B. Not even insulting. It's just the truth. Women here are simply too coombrained and sex obsessed to decenter men. They worship dick on some level. Cocksucker anon was right

No. 1955233

when did anyone mention sexuability

No. 1955234

>The moids are here, ugh. go back to 4chan
And you came here from reddit or what?
NTA but get your reddit spacing under control before calling somebody a moid.

No. 1955236

Imagine knowing and dropping your brothers measurements to validate your opinion lol.

No. 1955238

A woman being average is not scrotism, nonnie. Is this your first day on lolcow? You think we don't make fun of womens appearances here? KEK

No. 1955240

so are you saying this because you're attracted to him or

No. 1955241

They're still young. If they can at least stay childfree and not get stuck in the mommy psyop they'll get sick of the bullshit by their 30s. When you get a little older and the sex drive calms down, you look around at the women in your life who did get baby trapped, and are miserable as fuck. By 40s even the dumbest pickmes are usually able to catch on to the pattern (if not there's no saving them and tbh its better to cut this type of woman out of your life too, pickmes make terrible friends) and after that comes the great reliever, the menopause.

No. 1955242

My ex was good looking, very tall and chaste but he was too mentally ill to have a romantic partner (but tbh so I am so no relationship for me either). I agree that decentering men as a whole is the correct way to go. There is always a downside with men regardless of how they look.

No. 1955244

File: 1712532951739.jpeg (63.3 KB, 1200x630, 86g.jpeg)

samefag is it this one?

No. 1955245

Yeah, no. The mental damage is already done by then. Promiscuity destroys women emotionally and mentally. Incels are right about that but of course they deny it destroys men in exactly the same way, which is total bullshit.

No. 1955247

>Nobody enjoyed the 90s romeo and juliet,
I enjoyed it…

No. 1955249

File: 1712533104079.jpeg (114.74 KB, 1050x549, slightly-above-average.jpeg)

No. 1955250

File: 1712533104353.jpeg (263.92 KB, 736x736, IMG_2817.jpeg)

Aquaman should be for the girls ffs. This whole “he’s so burly and MANLY” thing isn’t working out for him.
I’m so happy to see a fellow Mera and Arthur fan here

No. 1955251

Believe me, I know all the milennials and zoomies loved the aesthetics

No. 1955253

File: 1712533270963.jpeg (317.61 KB, 736x1131, IMG_2818.jpeg)

It’s actually kind of amazing that despite being a blond eyes white guy the writers on average seem to struggle to make him look good. Just pull up whatever model and base his look off of it
Hell just base it off of England’s current kind back when he was younger

No. 1955254

Kek. I found him on tinder by mistake a couple of years ago. That's the only reason I know the exact metrics. He had a gross ass profile about wanting to "use women to relieve his stress" and was still getting matches.

Growing up with a manwhore brother you honestly have less sympathy for women because you see the sort of shit they put up with purely to hold onto someone hot even when he's a chronic cheater. Similar thing at work with my dumbass ex classmate who moved to Korea and got baby trapped by an abusive Korean dude. At some point that shit is your own fault.(literally who asked + do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs)

No. 1955256

File: 1712533316132.jpeg (260.05 KB, 720x1110, IMG_2819.jpeg)

What is this shit

No. 1955257

>women think a greasy man with a stubble is better looking than a pretty girl who looks clean and stylish
its so over for the woman race

No. 1955259

File: 1712533394344.jpeg (123.83 KB, 690x1048, IMG_2820.jpeg)

I never believed in the “gay face” until this cover

No. 1955261

File: 1712533437480.jpeg (271.11 KB, 584x897, IMG_2821.jpeg)

They even made fun of it in comics
We can’t have anything

No. 1955263

Ok I used to think he looked okay but nvm. He looks disgusting up close and like a gross teenage boy, can't even be bothered to fix his skin despite being rich. Nasty

No. 1955264

insane how pickmes will go crazy for little ugly ratfaces like him

No. 1955266

File: 1712533589049.jpeg (Spoiler Image,345.92 KB, 736x992, IMG_2822.jpeg)

Could always be worse

No. 1955267

That's tom Holland? Why does he look so different..

No. 1955269

I never thought I would compliment Ronald Reagan and George Bush #1, but they look like respectable adults there. They had great shoes. Everybody had a real suit that fit. Then in the bottom pic, they're all fat and nobody took their JCPenny suit to a tailor. And some of those scrotes are old enough to have been working since before Reagan was president. I agree that hipster irony has completely destroyed fashion. It's so fucking hard to buy anything that just looks decent anymore. They don't even revive the cute looks, they revive the dumb trashy things. It makes me sad that Walmart's Jordache revival failed, because the denim quality was great, but half the styles were awful trailer trash looks. And somebody down the line knew the looks were no good, because they blatantly used different pants for the catalog photos, and shipped garbage to customers.

No. 1955273

100% that bottom picture is so slacker looking. I've noticed fashion doesn't know what the fuck it wants to with trousers these days and no one seems to know wtf formal is.

No. 1955275

kek, I feel like Timmy C and Tom Holland are only seen as particularly attractive because Hollywood is in such a dire state that what other reasonably young actors are there? They only stand out in any way because they're in a sea of decaying old moids

No. 1955278

Girl I don't care, I've got a brother with a kid he couldn't give a fuck about and he still gets laid. Their opinions aren't worth shit

No. 1955279

There's a few young and not ugly actors out there that I've seen in a few shows/movies, but it seems like they aren't getting any jobs.

No. 1955282

File: 1712534606479.jpeg (142.66 KB, 736x1308, IMG_2824.jpeg)

I wish Japanese creatives would go back to sneering at American slop. Hate that FF16 is influenced by fucking game of thrones. The fanart obviously doesn’t reflect the shitty “omg realism gritty!!” That YP wanted

No. 1955284

i hate the middle aged divorced dad with stubble and emo/scene hair archetype. it's been the look of pretty much every single male vidya protag for like 15 years now

No. 1955290

File: 1712535211780.gif (1 MB, 500x210, a49b501.gif)

I've never finished FF13 but holy shit my reaction when i found out that Snow is supposed to date Serah, really relate with Lighting and her hate towards him kek he looks like a groomer

I don't really like Noctis but at least they took a step back with the hobofication there… until he becomes an old man i guess?

No. 1955293

If you don't think she's attractive then she's kind of the perfect pick for a story about star crossed lovers. Regardless it's theater, there's less need for stage performers to be attractive the way film talent does.

No. 1955295

What I’m getting from this thread is all men, ugly, average/below-average, and even good-looking ones need to be put through long-term massive hate campaigns to put them in their place and permanently damage their self esteem. They need to experience people negging about their looks at every possibility. They’ll be more self-conscious of their appearance and put more effort into looking good, and the already handsome guys will be humbled.

No. 1955300

I don't think the look is that bad but I miss previous aesthetics which were more fantastical

Is Holland considered especially attractive? I think he's a good choice to play Peter Parker, they need an actor that could look like a teen despite not being a teen and Holland has that down, Peter is supposed to be a bit dweeby. Chalamet photographs terribly in my opinion but I do think his looks work well in motion but he should do more villain roles.

No. 1955302

*what I mean is, Chalamet looks mean. I don't know how to explain it but he doesn't look kind.

No. 1955309

All correct. Literal psy-op. Nerdy, less attractive men are not inherently kinder or more faithful or appreciative. If they get with a more attractive woman once they are liable to think they can do it again (or perceive themselves as more attractive) so that's why they still end up cheating.

No. 1955328

my mortal enemy, ruining cute men since 2010

No. 1955330

It wasn't even about the aesthetics, I really did enjoy the film for what it was. I'm sure if the Bard were still here today, he'd love that version

No. 1955331

File: 1712537481330.png (1007.73 KB, 838x1072, IMG_3101.png)

is this your brother? also a tall white moid who plays tennis.

No. 1955332

They're both so ugly and unpleasant to look at.
>inb4 it's theatre, we don't need to see the faces

No. 1955334

File: 1712537662449.jpg (7.63 KB, 181x279, 1000007165.jpg)

The psyop began in the 80s

No. 1955335

The "feminine" woman face is just makeup. But if I have to pick I'd go for the right side because of the extreme dimorphism. The left is too average.

No. 1955337

File: 1712537734383.jpg (149.32 KB, 1200x857, 1000007166.jpg)

He is so ugly

No. 1955342

File: 1712537997247.jpeg (134.81 KB, 788x1019, IMG_3100.jpeg)

Why do men want to wear such tight pants now? Is the concept of pants that fit well impossible to them? Do they think highlighting the shape of their legs makes them look good instead of awkward? So many go for skinny leg pants and I do not get why it is the look, suit pants aren't skinny jeans.

No. 1955349

File: 1712538620313.jpg (56.57 KB, 750x1125, david-sculpture-4.jpg)

Question for art/history/time-traveler nonas: Why do roman and greek statues tend to have a nice set of hair most of the times if men back then died even younger?
Why do we have 20 years old balding men now? Even their old and stressed grumpy grampa statues tend to not have naked heads.

No. 1955353

because they ate more nutrient rich and unprocessed foods and oils that nourished them real good

No. 1955354

Frankenstein's monster with a wavy bobcut

No. 1955366

Because they depict idealized versions of men

No. 1955367

>no video games
>no phones
>no social media
>no porn
>no energy drinks or soda
>no fast food or processed snacks
>worked in labor intensive jobs or worked out
>got proper sun exposure and breathed fresh air
>healthy natural food so his hormones are balanced and he'd grow normally and maintain his health
>hygiene was important

No. 1955369

men thrive when they are the threat of dying looms over them. Thats why in the 60 and 70s during the nam war men had fluffly long lion manes and now that they dont get deployed anymore they are ugly and bald

No. 1955372

Clear i live in an opposite reality because handsome men are incredibly rude to me and aren't immune from having rancid abusive personalities just like ugly men. I just think that the character of the man cannot be gaged from their appearance, it's not real life. Plus what are ugly women supposed to do? I do like handsome men, but i recognise that they are not in my dating pool no matter what i do and if i try to date the only options i have are ugly men.

No. 1955386

Great points but i think >>1955369 is onto something… i don't see women in bad states balding from bad habits or nutrition like moids, maybe we really need to add some life threatening thing along >>1955295 's plan

No. 1955389

bottom right straight up looks like Amelie kek

No. 1955390

Isn’t balding caused by testosterone? So if men are all low T now then why are they balding

No. 1955393

Nicest moid I met was an athletic hot guy.

No. 1955395

why are you asking your brother who could he get it up for to try to prove this point? more importantly, you couldn't continue with defending yourself for more without posting your brother's opinion like it holds actual weight here?

No. 1955396

File: 1712541268540.gif (3.03 MB, 540x300, alaindelon.gif)

Alain Delon?

No. 1955399

I love how this post exposed that nonas will always be racists before they are misandrists

No. 1955401

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First anon and personally, years ago I had some severe health issues because of my digestive system issues and the stress I was facing by the end of high school and fearing the reality of being in college, so I lost so much weight I became underweight and couldn't eat properly, and that caused my hair to start falling and I got some bald spots in the front. My hairline was receding basically. So I bought some serum and spary from a pharmacy that helped regrow my hair, changed my commercial shampoo into an anti-dandruff fragrance free one, and later down the line started using hair conditioner, and all of that along witg fixing my digestive system and eating healthy and avoiding food that causes me issues, as well as eating foods that balance my hormones because I suspect I have hormonal imbalances, fixed my hair issue and now I have thick fluffy naturally wavy hair akin to the picrel 50s hairstyles but without the need for hair spray or any accessories to shape it or hold it in place. My health got better overall thanks to better habits and diet. I still have some issues I need to work on but I think I'm on the right track.
My brother on the other hand, who is a bit younger than me, has a shit diet consisting of fast food, processed garbage, and the calorie dense carb dense greasy food my mom cooks, as well as no exercise at all, and definitely a porn addiction he's not very good at hiding, and now he's balding and his hairline receded to the middle of his head. A dermatologist he went to told him it's genetic but I doubt it. My dad's younger pictures have him with thick curly hair, and he only started balding by his 40s, and my other brothers all have good hair. My 50 yo brother has slightly long hair despite the bald spot in the middle of his hair, and out of all my 5 brothers only one got bald and he's the second youngest. Suspicious. My youngest brother is still a teenager and does have a shit diet and is obese, but his hair is thick and fluffy and grows upwards like a natural afro and doesn't have these issues, and he's clearly not porn addicted and a bit religious. It's really down to the choices of the individual from my experience. But all of this is anecdotal ofcourse. Sorry for the blogspot.

No. 1955402

celebricow vermins dont represent us all

No. 1955403

I was impressed by the amount of people pretending to care about Shakespeare just to dunk on a black woman.
>Has anyone actually looked at Tom Holland’s face for more than 2 seconds?
I don't really make an effort to, no

No. 1955404

This moid is so ugly I dont care that he is meant to look like a hobo I'm fucking sick of "tired middle-aged man" being the pinnacle of masculinity to both women and scrotes when they look like shit every time

No. 1955409

its DHT or DHRT or smtg that causes it idk

No. 1955411

gotta give it to square enix to be one of the few companies still giving male fanservice. most videogame companies heard the moids whining and dont dare putting a slutty outfit on a man anymore.

No. 1955423

AYRT, i've been through something similar when i was depressed and younger but in my case that didn't get me to lose hair, only got a bit of greying that stopped once i got better, but it's great that you recovered so well and i cheer you on forever (also your hair sounds adorable)
I don't really have male family members other than my absent father and his younger son, i know he started balding around his 40's but his son is not even 18 so the hair is still there kek, i wouldn't know.
I'm too stupid to understand this

No. 1955425

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I still think it’s hilarious the hobbit movies created a whole new beautiful strong female elf warrior, just for her to be in a love triangle where she chooses the short mangy hobo-looking guy over Legolas. I’m glad the midget died

No. 1955428

Another reason why I don't care when moids whine about "beauty standards"

No. 1955429

File: 1712543047661.png (43.58 KB, 894x187, bald!.png)

this is what i meant nonnie kek. i wish we had a male equivalent to that cow's banner with a balding male's head and "genetics" in front of cigarettes, alcohol, and shitty food.

No. 1955430

same, its so disgusting.

No. 1955434

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Did people even like this game?

No. 1955436

I seethe every time. Legolas was RIGHT THERE

No. 1955468

First anon, and I remember getting one gray hair as well. But what kind of stress are men under to lose their hair anyways kek. The stress of being losers and not doing anything with their lives when there's an easy fix for that? I.e. getting up and doing something.

No. 1955510

Nta but it has to be something to do with location and lifestyle, plus genetics of people adapted to those areas. Irish people don't go grey until very old, if at all, in most rural places, but stressed city people breathing pollution go grey, also I think oxygen plays a role, high altitude people seem greyer than coastal, that veers into some sort of speculation but th modern man has everything stacked against him by his own doing

No. 1955520

She's pretty in an androgynous way, just styled really badly. I feel like she'd look good in 80s/90s style outfits but hollywood only knows how to dress women hyperfemme glam unfortunately.

No. 1955527

Women spend tons of money on clothes, shoes, etc. why are moids so opposed to buying good quality and fashionable clothes? “Boohoo looking good costs too much!” No it doesn’t, especially for you as a moid. Suck it up.

No. 1955528

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No. 1955530

Eric from…Phantom of the Opera?

No. 1955538

kek spot on

No. 1955544

kek nonnie it's Ariel's prince.

No. 1955552

Ayrt and I forgot to mention I was asking what kind of stress men had to start balding. Sorry for having alzheimer, can't even remember how to spell it.

No. 1955556

She's not even ugly, just average looking and styled poorly. It is crazy how existing while being unattractive as a woman gives everyone (especially moids) the green light to treat you as subhuman.

No. 1955560

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It's just impossible to imagine anyone would want to die because they can't have her lmao. Like she's very average and plain and looks like the average McDonald's worker. You can tell if someone has class and grace by their bone structure. And before you start crying because DAS RAYCIS - pic related two random dark skinned girls I can see people be willing to die for.(derail)

No. 1955566

how come my bone structure indicates class and grace but I'm on the toilet shitting violently and farting hard?

No. 1955570

Very simple, they made themselves look better. Editing yourself to look more beautiful isn't a new thing. Same thing for the painting and then pictures. And they sometimes look ugly to us because the beauty standards of their time were different from ours. I think men look even more like shit now because with social media, it's super easy to create an image of a beautiful person. Fans will pick only the best pictures but people who care less will see them all and have a more realistic opinion of a person. It's easier to be seen as beautiful when it's based only on edited content.

No. 1955574

Is this really the thread for this? They're stage actors, they don't need to be super attractive. We haven't seen what she looks like in the stage getup. And how pretty she is or isn't doesn't change Holland's looks in a positive manner either.

No. 1955578

they are both miscast. tom is way too old to play romeo and is past is prime. he was always ugly but he used to could pull off the awkward teen crush, now he is too old for that. entire point if romeo and juliet is the impulsiveness of teenagers. tom is pushing 30. the girl isn’t hideous but is simply too plain, like a random girl next door, and you can tell she is way younger than tom which makes no sense- romeo and juliet, they were BOTH supposed to be teens. tom already looks geriatric and he looks even older with an actual young woman next to him.

No. 1955606

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Picrel is a movie called bandslam that I really like, it has a decent plot with some subversive plot points I didn't expect from a Disney movie, and it was actually not tacky and a decent movie for a Disney movie (I hate Disney shit). But the biggest thing that irked me throughout the story is how the main guy is so fugly and retarded, literal mouthbreather phenotype, and he got Vanessa Hudgens and Aly Michalka playing 2 girls fighting over him??? And his character wasn't even that cool or good of a person. He's supposed to be a musical genius who can compose, arrange, and conduct musicians (all the actors are actually musicians btw) but he doesn't play any instruments? His "talent" come from…get this…listening to classic rock, "obscure" bands, and ska music? And it works. He impresses both girls this way and has to choose one over the other, and ends up with Vanessa Hudgens's character "Sa5m" with a 5 so we know she's the quirky weird one, while Aly's character "Charlotte" stays single or goes back to her hot jock equivalent ex-boyfriend who is a lead singer and guitarist of a band in their school and was the villain at first because he's the hot guy kek, then gets redeemed at the end and joins the group and band of geeks. Weird movie with mixed signals but I still think the main guy didn't deserve either girl because he's so fucking hideous.

No. 1955608

omg another youngnonny!!!! nice to see there's some of us who won't fall for any man that's thrown at us in the media, i hope the rest, older or younger, get to see the light.

i love seeing nonas of all ages gather here, i think it's cute. even my mom doesn't like seeing pascal shilled as a hot ladies man, i think he looks okay but in a friendly middle class neighbor next door. some people aren't hot and that's ok, he's one of them.

No. 1955612

britains biggest actors look like cavemen but an unattractive woman gets a role and suddenly we should all be in uproar. I understand why men gatekeep acting with only attractive women, they refuse to acknowledge the existence of women they won't have sex with. But why do other women engage in this too? What do we gain from treating unattractive women terribly?

No. 1955615

that ugly men can go on living their lives but ugly actresses get mass harassed just for existing

No. 1955635

I wonder if that grandmother nona still posts here

No. 1955643

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I hate being french.

No. 1955650

Just cross the border to Belgium or the Netherlands

No. 1955651

3rd guy looks like real life Kristoff damn

No. 1955660

It's bald gene mutation probably

No. 1955662

Men are uglier in the north. No thank you.

No. 1955665

Are Dutch men not hot. Being stoned in Dam Square and seeing all the tall, long haired men in suits on bicycles was overwhelming. Ireland could never.

No. 1955669

The pain I feel when my friend shows me a hideous beastly man that she thinks is handsome and I have to pretend he's cute to not hurt her feelings and seem like a rude bitch

No. 1955671

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to be honest legolas looked rugged in the hobbit movies. Always pissed, with a bloated face, never smiling. The dwarf at least has cute eyes. Time and cgi haven't been kind to Bloom

No. 1955672

literally nothing. the women (if they even are women) who put other women down are basically doing men's work for them and enforcing a the ridiculous standard we see today where even beautiful women get forced into hideous body modifications. They might get the odd headpat from men for fitting in to some arbitrary standard but the moment they slip up, gain weight, get old etc they get treated like trash like every other woman deemed undesirable.
Meanwhile men are able to skate by looking like troglodytes and bridge trolls and neg and bully beautiful women into dating them. It's a key part of the psyop and I can't understand how people are just accepting this nonsense in the thread. Men using women to triangulate against each other is literally scrotery 101

No. 1955674

Legolas couldn't save The Hobbit films in fact his presence was annoying af and not canon.

No. 1955684

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Young Mazino should’ve been asian Ken and the new ‘hot’ asian guy being pushed by hollywood. If he had bigger roles he would’ve blown up way harder than Simu. If only his show’s reputation wasn’t destroyed by the dumbass fat moid making rape jokes and Steven Yeun/Ali Wong defending him.
Also unrelated but holy fuck the face of that blonde guy in the background kek, why did they have so many hideous moids playing Kens.

No. 1955689

Balding isn’t “masculine” you retard it’s geriatric. It means I’m past my physical prime and incapable of protecting you. My sperm is dust and I’ll give you autistic babies. Becoming a hideous meatball covered in pubic hair clippings isn’t “masculine” it’s POST-WALL.

No. 1955698

Is simu liu a nepo baby or something? If asian guys like that exist in hollywood then why is simu liu on my screen? Seriously wtf

No. 1955726

There’s a west 4b movement actually, a lot of women are recentering men because we can. There will always be man worshipping pickmes but there a plenty of intelligent women who have chosen to leave men behind and be celibate and child free

No. 1955728

Slightly off topic but women enter their fertility peak at 28-29 and have a higher sex drive in their 30s than in their 20s. Men are the ones who have a lower sex drive after 30, it’s the opposite for women.

No. 1955729

Dutch men are nicer looking than average imo.

No. 1955738

Her jaw is narrower, lower third is shorter, nose is smaller, eyes are upturned, eyebrows are higher and arched, cheekbones are defined

No. 1955763

The fact he did gay stabbing fetish porn and deleted his tweets criticizing Mark Wahlberg (for assaulting asian people) before signing onto a movie with him makes me think Simu Liu is the type of guy with no self-respect who will suck up to (and suck off) anybody for a chance at fame

No. 1955765

>he did gay stabbing fetish porn
what, how does that work isnt that illegal

No. 1955769

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tbf I don’t know how bad it actually is, I refuse to watch it

No. 1955788

i think i unlocked a new fetish

No. 1955791

Me too anon. Tired of this sexual taboo obsessed, pedophilic hell.

I wonder if it's because women wear larger pants now ? But I also hate how ridiculous and funnel-shaped they look in skinny pants. And when they have fat around the waist it looks like an uppercase P, it's just stupid. I don't understand how women can get brainwashed into finding the ugliest artifices to be the pinnacle or hot manliness or whatever.

His face really isn't Ken material imo. But at the same time, if he played asian Ken and all the other Ken were unchanged he would brutally mog them all…

Every day a new kind of male degeneracy is discovered and makes me hate males more.

No. 1955826

maybe stop being friends with pansies, when my friend started dating a moid, i told her on and on that he's ugly and lo and behold, she's broken up with him bc he wasn't loyal.

No. 1955829

No. 1955836

its hilarious just how porn-budget this is, you can clearly see the knife is a retractable one kek

No. 1955841

based french girl put him in his place

No. 1955867

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this reminded that there was a really minor ship between him and Maleficent for some reason.

No. 1955870

ngl, this is not at all the kind of vibe i was expecting from a female villain x cute prince ship

No. 1955876

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stjepan šejić draws all men ugly as shit but you can tell he thinks he did something, and his female characters can only do 3 expressions and all look identical.

No. 1955877

These are bullshit lol.

No. 1955882

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His wife is just like him. I can admit that I was obsessed with her comic bloodstain when I was younger, but I stopped reading them because it never seemed to go anywhere. Looking back, it all seemed so cliché, the bubbly female stand-in next to the tall, pale, dark-haired brooding male protagonist.

No. 1955889

kek that thing looks like a combo of adam driver/severus snape

No. 1955891

Now this I can get behind. Kek

No. 1955898

I wanted a hotter actor to play Hawkeye so bad. SJH is beautiful as Black widow, yet we got old ass Hawkeye. Women always getting screwed over.

No. 1955906

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There are so many young and cute asian actors who work out, are no longer that short and speak english. Pic is even born in the US, so no accent, plus he had a famous dad and yet every single time Simu get's picked. God knows what kind of degenerate stuff he's willing to do…

Sometimes I also feel like ricecels are right and this really is propaganda. By always only showing the same most unlikeable, ugliest asians, they try to keep women brainwashed into uplifting the standard old white moid actors. Normie moids also profit from this because if you constantly see things like Salma Hayek and Adam Sandler supposedly looksmatching on TV, then the ugliest beast can also convince a normal girl that she can't do better than him.

No. 1955909

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His spergout after chinese girls rated him was great kek

No. 1955913

It's true. Any woman reproducing with a balding man is asking for tard kids.

No. 1955914

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kekekekeke seethe more

No. 1955921

I've been saying this for years. We have a ton of hot Asian men living in the states. Simu liu is ugly as sin, and it makes me genuinely angry he was skilled in the marvel universe. It's the biggest psyop

No. 1955923

I love Chinese women so much. Kek. They do not hold back. They're probably disgusted by what Hollywood thinks an attractive Asian male is.

No. 1955943

I saw an article where some Chinese posters were legitimately thinking that casting him was purposefully meant as an insult towards Chinese people, that's how ugly he was.

No. 1955947

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At least marvel is flopping hard and his only other notable roles are in Barbie and critical flops. He was made for soulless consoomer slop and will never get to be in an actually excellent film.

No. 1955951

/g/ really is ugly man central I don't get it

No. 1955960

I know it's against the premise of the thread, but unlike in Asia, in Western countries looks are not the all-determining factor when it comes to entertainment business. In many Asian countries, if you actually look like most the population does, then you can't be successful. Most people in entertainment business in America at least are passable at best, if comparing to the best of the general population. Though the big problem is the males are literally geriatric and they won't let young males in.

Not focusing on looks isn't necessarily a bad thing since looks alone means you get people who bring nothing else to the table and you end up with media that focuses only on showcasing the looks of the selected people, producing nothing worth consuming if you want more substance. I think you need a balance. And American media is really bad right now irrespective of this, for other reasons.

No. 1955963

>in Western countries looks are not the all-determining factor when it comes to entertainment business.
didn't that spagetti moid from the garbage 365 days movie say smtg about how if you're an attractive actor you're only attractive, not an actor?

No. 1955983

It feels so rare to see an actually good looking guy. He looks masculine without being a disgusting roidpig stereotype, has a nice head of hair with no signs of balding, beautiful features and a great body. No wonder men try to hide pretty guys like this, we need to bring back selective breeding because how can I know moids like this exist and then go and get with some schlubby average scrote who hit the wall at 16 KEK

No. 1956001

>in Western countries looks are not the all-determining factor when it comes to entertainment business
unless you're a woman

No. 1956013

File: 1712592949709.jpg (24.1 KB, 458x534, GKoztZQaQAAd6SI.jpg)

why did they cast such an ugly old man… WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!

No. 1956016

He’s an incel right? Doesn’t it track that they’d cast an ugly old man?

No. 1956023

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all just so goddamn ugly

No. 1956049

Their discussing the politics of their homeland

No. 1956051

Maybe all those people who doubted him were right about him after all.

No. 1956052

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There’s something deeply unsettling and uncomfortable about how he draws faces
Both for men and women

No. 1956055

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ha, this reminds me. people used to say Alan Rickman was poorly cast for Snape because he was too handsome and that's why they were so many Snape fangirls.
anyway none of the male HP cast look good in my opinion. the Neville actor gets touted as the most handsome all the time but even his face looks odd and disproportionately small lips

No. 1956058

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His faces give me the creeps it’s that weird smile

No. 1956075

All of these characters got thirsted after too. They were supposed to be in their early 30s in the beginning of the series, Lucius was slightly older. Sirius was supposed to be very attractive and that actor really isn’t. I know some women like him, but he was supposed to be more conventionally good looking than that
He was supposed to be more like a loser neonazi type rather than an incel. He had a creepy obsession with Lily and bullied and terrorized his students but I don’t think he was incelish. He was supposed to be unattractive and intimidating but not that old.

No. 1956082

I remember those threads! Like moid would fuck anything with a hole so the beastly part if her might be her personality or actions like abuse or hygiene but at the end she would change for the better and that would lead to a physical transformation like the Beast is supposed to. The beauty guy would get called a simp though.

No. 1956095

They all have beady eyes and cavemen brow ridges.

No. 1956103

no maleficient is giving Phillip pointers on eating pussy

No. 1956106

is this the rapist dude

No. 1956107

it's like if vivziepop drew his mouth omg

No. 1956150

They look like plastic surgery addicts from California

No. 1956153

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nonna, please don't drop that without clarifying, kek? went on a wild goose chase and found this.

No. 1956162

I remember those threads! Like moid would fuck anything with a hole so the beastly part if her might be her personality or actions like abuse or hygiene but at the end she would change for the better and that would lead to a physical transformation like the Beast is supposed to. The beauty guy would get called a simp though.

No. 1956165

My Nigel has thinning hair and was going to do this but thankfully saw it look like shit on some real life moids and changed his mind. His facial hair grows so fast and I hate beards it's really always been a testament to how much he loves me by shaving every day. So much that I took real psychological damage when he grew it out during a real cold winter.

No. 1956196

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I feel like Henry cavil got twink death. I thought he was so cute in the Count of Monte Crisco but his proportions now look kinda weird? Still better than other actors but still

No. 1956197

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I think the hate directed at Aaron Taylor Johnson’s wife is really weird, if it were the other way around I know they wouldn’t care as much. There were rumors that he had an affair with Joey King and his fangirls are always joking about it and thanking Joey for “trying to save him” but Joey was like 20 at the time so there would have been a similar age gap her and ATJ anyway

No. 1956199

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If he truly loved you he'd change his biology by sheer force of will and stop balding.

No. 1956201

File: 1712605433760.jpeg (19.03 KB, 695x441, images - 2024-04-09T054325.148…)

Like what's happened

No. 1956202

>knees deep
Bitch menopause can start at 55? Okay whatever you don't like the relationship but the constant scrote like misogyny always aimed towards her by pickmes is bleak

No. 1956205

The hate against her is completely based in misogyny, jealously, and handmaiden-ism. It feels so forced too. They're pissed an older woman who could be considered plain compared to other women in Hollywood got picked by a young chad type of guy who is completely devoted to her. I don't get the hate, that kind of relationship is what we all should aspire to have.

No. 1956209

It would be one thing if they just said they don’t like age gaps or that 18 is too young to date an older person, but they’re always just calling her ugly and old while calling him hot, it’s just misogyny and jealousy. I’ve seen them refer to her as “expired” and make comments about menopause and her eggs being dried up, they sound like redpill scrotes. And that tiktokers statement about her ~not knowing what to do with all that~ is also just misogyny, why would an older woman be worse at sex if she has more experience?

No. 1956210

honestly you can't save any twinks, they're all expired past 30… if we're being VERY generous, cause it usually happens earlier. men just have extremely shitty hormones thanks to our cavemen ancestors. only the ones with very good bone structure survive the wall

No. 1956218


No. 1956220

but honestly how did she get him, like what's the secret? is it the blonde hair?

No. 1956234

Jesus Christ that’s so horrible. This is why I can never get on board with “girls support girls” bullshit when I’m well aware most girls and women spout this type of shit and are as bad with judging women as scrotes themselves. Pickmeism, the reason we won’t have female solidarity. Meanwhile dudes cheer on ugly fat fucks who get 20 year old girlfriends because they know it reinforces their privilege and entitlement while keeping us humiliated and fighting over scraps.

No. 1956239

Isn't she a mother of his kids?

No. 1956246

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Yeah they have two daughters together. She also has two older kids from her ex husband and his fangirls like to point out that her oldest daughter is in her 20s now and would make a better partner for ATJ then Sam, which is repulsive on many levels but especially as he has been her stepdad since she was a young child

No. 1956248

I do think she was predatory but the fangirl hypocrisy is pretty astounding. They want him to leave her for someone younger so they can fantasize about having a chance with him kek.

No. 1956251

Snape isn't supposed to be attractive, Rickman was a good choice age aside.

Nah, I think the ricecels are onto something.

No. 1956254

He looks short. People are seething about this for real? His suit looks like shit

No. 1956255

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His beard is gross too he looks like the ugly member of nsync, this one

No. 1956266

I liked some of the ideas (when they weren't fetish crap) like the one hunter that's able to recognize that the animal he's pursuing is actually human so he tries to help her against the other hunters who only see a beast, or something like that. I don't remember many others.

I thought a lot of the comments missed the point of the story though which is why many of the ideas were bad. And the DISNEY movie missed the point too. Because Beauty and the Beast was originally a novel and in the original story by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve the Beast is much nicer to Beauty. He was turned into a beast because he rejected his fairy step-mother's attempted seduction after a decade+ of trying to groom him, not for being a jerk. I don't know why the story morphed as it did in versions of the fairy tale, and I don't get why Disney decided to make the beast into such a POS who treated Belle so badly. OG Beast was a darling as far as fairy-tales go.

No. 1956270

I laughed so hard when that happened. Like yeah he's ugly, but the fact that he went on Facebook to complain and seethe is the funniest fucking thing and makes him even less attractive. Just ignore it and move on, dude, what a pissbaby.

No. 1956274

Maybe disney didn't want to have a plot about grooming towards step children. Tbf to Dinsey's Beast he was only horrible for a small run time of the movie and his arc into becoming sweet lasts longer. At least Belle didn't fall for handsome scrotoid Gaston.

No. 1956275

i hate hate hate when they give a blonde character dark eyebrows. lucius and draco malfoy, thraduil and legolas, the targaryens. They all look like shitty bottle blondes and they're hideous

No. 1956281

The abridged editions of the story cut out all that weird backstory to focus just on Beauty and Beast so Disney wasn't obligated to include it. They could have explained his appearance another way. But they chose to write the story the way they did. I think the older variants of the story are better, Belle is afraid of Beast because he looks scary and has a scary voice but his behavior is never mean to her.

No. 1956286

What's unfortunate is how women of all types reinforce this behavior. Men and people as a whole sabotage each other all the time but women just seem less willing to overcome intrasexual competitions. Lesser women should have less because you'll have more, somehow. Like the other anon said dudes at least publicly defend their ugly fuck alliance while they seethe

No. 1956303

>which is repulsive on many levels
Her daughter is related to his daughters. ATJ fangirls are mentally ill.

No. 1956321

If they cared about grooming or whatever there are a million pedowood couples with older moids dating girls half their age

No. 1956322

Something crazy I noticed is that the most handsome men I know IRL are actually some of the nicest, most kind moids I know too. It makes other men so fucking mad and envious that these guys are kind AND good looking, kek

No. 1956343

as a fashionfag this moid is retarded and wrong beyond belief.

No. 1956344

File: 1712613580381.jpg (560.37 KB, 1908x3000, 1711626856849.jpg)

And he's not even worth hating her over. Not currently at least if they insist he was "cute" when, surprise surprise, he was a teenager.

No. 1956397

i dont know why so many hollywood men think its okay to look like The Dude

No. 1956444

No, this is definitely a woman. She makes porn content that is easy to find. I don't think her boobs are fake either.
I was seething when i first read this. He hasn't had a new run in years and i really hope that they put him back to the nu52 era, although i don't completely mind him having facial hair, just not too much and they should keep him on the younger side. But i do feel like them aging him up was to prevent him from looking effeminate since he has a reputation of not being cool, but imo he should look pretty. His father was able to seduce the queen of atlantis with his good looks alone and his mother is beautiful, there's no way this man should be ugly. Even he himself was able to win Mera just by being hot, like come on!! If i ever meet an artist for dc irl i am going to harass them about this.
The only thing i liked about his stint working on aquaman was how he drew backgrounds.
Rob Liefeld will pay for this for this era i swear to fucking god.

No. 1956448

I mean, I'm in my mid thirties and basically asexual compared with my teens and early twenties. Don't know where you're reading that, since my experience is the opposite.

No. 1956485

Both of those men are ugly. To your first question, they didn't lose representation in the play, so they wouldn't be upset about this.

No. 1956487

He used to be fat before getting famous

No. 1956493

I know this isn't important, but I don't like it when men scrunch their face with tension and you can see a vein down their forehead. Like in the picture to the right. I don't know why I don't like it, I just don't.

No. 1956506

Me too! I also hate seeing veins pop out when they flex their arms, it creeps me out

No. 1956527

>Not currently at least if they insist he was "cute" when, surprise surprise, he was a teenager
it's so fucking stupid how they all pretend to want him now when he's looking like buff jonah hill or something. and when they're hating on his wife for ~grooming~, while stanning him bcs he was cute when he was young, literally proves they're just jealous cause they weren't in her place kek

No. 1956529

Lol so they’re just mad they didn’t get to groom him first!? Hypocrites.

No. 1956542

LMFAO that's basically it.

No. 1956560

File: 1712628592119.jpg (112.41 KB, 1170x658, barry-keoghan.jpg)

I can't believe nobody has posted Barry Keoghan. His hideous mug is everywhere lately. When I saw the trailer for Saltburn in cinemas, I physically recoiled, I couldn't believe that was who they chose as a leading man. Supposedly it's meant to be a "sexy thriller" too. Tumblr/Twitter fangirls love him, of course.

This is why I refuse to watch french cinema. The women are always gorgeous and the men the most hideous toads you can imagine (with rare exceptions like Delon).

No. 1956570

Nta but it doesn't help that french movies are very pedophilic.

No. 1956575

>>1955684 Steven Yeun is shitty? Man I'm so sad, he's cute. Gross.

No. 1956581

one of the guys casted on a show he produced had rape accusations, him and ali wong were like "lmfao don't care"

No. 1956589

File: 1712631411082.jpg (803 KB, 2011x1509, rj.jpg)

Nonas, when I said
>If you don’t think either of them are attractive
I was referring to what >>1955152 said about both Tom and Francesca. If you don’t think either of them are attractive, how is it understandable to you that the woman gets a million times more hate than the man?
>they didn't lose representation in the play, so they wouldn't be upset about this.
Who are you talking about? Most of the moids who are angry about the black girl are white. Those types are way more likely to be angry at a black guy being paired with a white girl. But they are not actual theatre fans so they never even noticed the multiple instances of interracial Romeo & Juliet before this. They are just reactionary retards who recognized a capeshit actor, justifying their anger is pointless and makes you sound like pickmes. The theatre audience can’t even see the actors’ faces up-close anyway.(racebaiting/derailing)

No. 1956592

does he have hyperthyroidism or something? freaky neck

No. 1956596

I'm glad someone else is bringing this up because I don't understand why so many people are losing their minds over this one specific recent race swap of this story when it's been done dozens of times. Where was the outrage all those other years?

No. 1956631

tom holland being attached to this got attention from the culture war youtubers. if it was 2 unknowns no one would care because it wouldn't get clicks

No. 1956730

File: 1712643495453.jpg (881.87 KB, 1569x2653, thewall.jpg)

Ngl Tom is worse to me. At least the girl looks mid-20s. Meanwhile Tom is hitting the wall at 27 and developing the many fine lines and creases of a middle-aged british man with teenage kids. Very sad.
They should’ve casted a young fresh-faced guy. Also Zendaya should leave him for a younger and taller man before it gets even worse.(racebaiting/derailing)

No. 1956734

Both of them are ugly as fuck. The whole point of R+J is two beautiful people in their teens coming together and falling in love at first sight, the most idealistic and shallow kind of love framed in the best way. Nobody wants to look at these post wall uggos pretending to be horny for each other.(racebaiting/derailing)

No. 1956738

who cares? Juliet is also 13 and Romeo is 18 in the original source, and I don't see anyone complaining that they cast actors that were too old to play the roles in other adaptations.

No. 1956739

KEK anon. It's just that he's pushing his head and chin back, making his neck expand. But he's uggo nonetheless.

No. 1956740

Nta but most of the actors in these other adaptations >>1956589 are ugly too but when those were released no one batted an eye. plus most people aren't gonna look at them clearly anyway since it's on stage, not film.(racebaiting/derailing)

No. 1956741

I believe defeating the ugly moid psyop will help us overcome the patriarchal women vs women psyop

No. 1956743

British man moment

No. 1956753

The anons derailing with the R&J sperg are proving our point. Men being ugly is the default and fine, but an ugly woman existing warrants people complaints. I wish those nonnies could put aside the innate need to police women's looks for the patriachy.

No. 1956758

They shot him full of steroids to play nathan drake and he hit the wall as a result. Roids are for the male audience only.

No. 1956765

she invited him for a personal auditon at her house right before he hit 18

No. 1956767

File: 1712646141481.jpeg (348.91 KB, 800x1736, download-2.jpeg)

Those retards were part of the psyop and no one can convince me otherwise. When I was a teenager and everyone was going crazy over them, I thought I didn't care about looks because I couldn't find them attractive and that I only care about personality or talent, but they have neither of these things either. No wonder I could never get into them.

No. 1956770

did she actually groom him? i though they met when he was 20

No. 1956771

the appeal of the kpop guys is that they look good for women, as in groom themselves and dress nicely. The other two i never got the appeal, 3 out of the 5 one directions having a stubble is disgusting. The 2010s were a mistake.

No. 1956775

Half of them look too old to be in a boyband and the kpoops look like mini cillian murphys yuck

No. 1956778

this may sound unrelated but I was having a discussion with a moid the other day and he asked me why do female artists like Lady gaga or Ariana Grande pander to faggots so much when they destroy them later on? and tbh I didn't know how to answer him, yet I did mention my tinfoil of it being because faggots come into women's life with the proverbial "necklace of flattery" which they use to convince women that other women are "evil btchs who want to see you fail, talk behind your back and secretly hate you" just to later on strangle women with that said "necklace". Moids have the final say, regardless if they're a faggot or a straggot, because right now we are rules by a patriarchal societal system. So maybe it's their female socialisation that promotes strict living/existing rules/codes for women which we "must uphold" or we'll "die" or worse! be rejected socially! thus why they react this way to any woman deviating ever so slightly from the set of rules imposed by said patriarchy.

No. 1956780


No. 1956785

File: 1712647367994.png (318.51 KB, 233x845, 1000013966.png)

these two are especially horrendous they need to be placed in a Doctor Who show. also i genuinely thought the moid with the red tips was adam sandler.

No. 1956801

NTA but how many times will you guys write fanfiction? They met when he was already over 18.

No. 1956817

File: 1712649856618.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62 KB, 1140x1424, fashion-highlight-harry-styles…)

Not that the other moids are much better, but I hate Harry Styles so much, holy shit. I keep seeing women on pinterest with boards dedicated to him and it's so fucking insane to me. Not only is his face and body ugly, but it's like he tries to style himself in the most hideous way possible. He makes me physically recoil. Unspoiler at your own risk.

No. 1956820

1d really were a group of goblins, the worst part is that the ugliest one became the most successful. the group in the middle look like a polycule of three middle aged men and their two teenaged sons.

No. 1956827

I don't think movies for preteens and teens should have attractive older men and encourage to like old scrotes sorry

No. 1956828

>attractive older men

No. 1956829

File: 1712651872848.jpeg (41.47 KB, 500x750, IMG_6842.jpeg)

He has not one attractive feature. Not one. He’s only famous because he looks like a little boy and probably had a train run on him. The fact that he’s with Zendaya makes me think she’s a lesbian. Surely he’s a beard? What is there to be attracted to in this worthless little gnome?

No. 1956834

I fucking regret unspoilering this. Fucking hell.

No. 1956849

Yeah. Have to admit I feel like this is why acting in J-dramas is so bad. They end up casting male idols a lot of the time and my god they simply cannot act.

No. 1956850

That eyebrow of his where the hairs are all going up drives me insane. Watching the Spiderman movies I found it so hard to focus on the plot cause I kept just staring at that eyebrow. Why wouldn't they use brow gel to fix that??

No. 1956852

>God knows what kind of degenerate stuff he's willing to do…

The rumors going around twitter back when he got outed as posting on those asian subreddits was that he was obsessed with white women and it was an open secret he had been extremely controlling and abusive towards women he'd dated.

It doesn't surprise me. Some Asian men born in the states are just insanely bitter and angry people.

No. 1956859

File: 1712655501096.png (511.88 KB, 870x690, 1706300079193.png)

Post how he REALLY looks

No. 1956862

Why his hands so small

No. 1956864

He looks like the a toy army man

No. 1956868

Jarhead looking mf.

No. 1956871

This just reminded me of a year or two ago my city had some basketball championship thing, and Simu (along with other celebrities) came here for it. I guess they did some celebrity look-alike thing on the jumbotron? I'm not familiar with sports to be honest, but anyway Simu absolutely SEETHED at the man they said was his look-alike kek. iirc it was just some random asian man in the audience, it made Simu seethe and go on a twitter rant about how he looks "NOTHING" like that man kek

No. 1956872

>had a train ran on him
He acted in vidrel so he probably does worse things behind the scenes to get roles.

No. 1956876

He doesn't even look young like how ralph macchio used to look when he was in his 30s. He's just the most average looking man in existence.

No. 1956885

Why is everyone hating on Tom Holland. Hes probably one of the few guys acting right now that isn't a prick.(don't stan men itt)

No. 1956888

he's ugly

No. 1956895

File: 1712658489618.jpg (55.98 KB, 894x660, 71ndBuuDyFL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

I used to be scared of traveling with airplanes even if it was necessary but i would like to take a moment to thank them for keeping some decent looking, well dressed, well groomed and well spoken moids as flight attendants at least that's what i've experienced in Europe shame for all that air pollution they cause

No. 1956896

Arent they all?

No. 1956897

Male flight attendants gay as hell

No. 1956925

Well that is pretty much a well known fact. No idea why do you think that YOUR personal experience will somehow disprove it lol. Literally troon logic.

No. 1956932

I don't know if that could be the case dor you but for me, when I was younger I was definitely hypersexual as a BPD tier mento ilness reaction to needing to get moid attention this way. Since I didn't even care too much that the act itself didn't even make me orgasm or barely giving any real pleasure. Maybe as you matured and the unhealthy behaviours got ironed out, you just settled into your real sex drive. At least all of this was the case for me.

No. 1956977

He's so ugly, Holy shit

No. 1956978

It’s a biological fact, and 99% of women I’ve talked to about it online and irl have had the same experience. There are many reasons why you might have a low sex drive despite being in your physical and reproductive peak in your mid 30s, but it doesn’t change other women’s experiences.

No. 1956985

File: 1712665477871.jpg (163.93 KB, 1600x900, duke-nukem-3d-art-144000_h5yf.…)

that has to be the worst haircut for men in history, the mullet close second
duke nukem lookin mf

No. 1956991

File: 1712666071230.jpg (113.53 KB, 1080x648, 1000006002.jpg)

I was old enough to remember when nsync debuted. I can't believe they really shilled such ugly men to young teenager girls. 1D is even worse. I will never understand their popularity. Harry looks like a pug. The psyop started so young.

No. 1956998

How does he have so many wrinkles and crowsfeet at only 27?? Mofo is rich but can't invest in some sunscreen and face moisturizer?

No. 1957003

McDonald’s man

No. 1957004

File: 1712666530601.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.26 KB, 1920x1080, 1000006003.jpg)

Kekk. I just noticed the small hands. Looking like that one guy from Scary movie.

No. 1957006

you have to be kidding me one of them is 14? all of them look like they are over 25

No. 1957009

Every time I hear about Simu, it's always something embarrassing and pathetic. Man is constantly seething and insecure. Kek

No. 1957018

Would not be surprised if he runs a secret ricecel MRAsian burner account kek, he seems like the type

No. 1957026

He absolutely looks the type to have a burner on a few subreddits.

No. 1957074

File: 1712669102956.jpg (274.89 KB, 1530x1326, simu-liu-actor-comments.jpg)

i swear people found his real one?? He was defending pedos on there too

No. 1957078

I hate Germany so much it’s unreal America should’ve liquidated that hellhole with nukes after they chimped out twice in a row.

No. 1957095

File: 1712670028954.jpg (52.41 KB, 564x564, 98d54c986d5857b836dcb633d1e7b8…)

Uglier every time. Side by side of Talented Mr Ripley actors.
Ripley is meant to be 25, and believably a recent college grad. Now he's played by a 47 year old. Of course Marge, previously played by Gwyneth Paltrow, maintains the blonde ingenue casting call and is played by Dakota Fanning.

No. 1957198

there is a professional westler named Daddy Ass and his gimmick does this, I still maintain that wrestling is basically both a live action anime and comic book of every genre at the same time.

No. 1957201

ah yes, men being attractive to women, very homosexual, much gay.

No. 1957203

If my son admitted he was a pedo I would kick him out and send his computer to the police to make sure he ends up on a sex offender registry. Only stupid people have compassion for their abusive relatives.

No. 1957207

we have let misogyny screw us over for too long, attractive men belong to women, not fags! fags may like our men but they'll never have them, only the scraps we throw them.

No. 1957215

File: 1712678680098.jpeg (129.42 KB, 736x1103, IMG_2834.jpeg)

I don’t get why he has hordes of fangirls. His personality makes everything about him ugly

No. 1957230

women love men that treat them like trash (yes even in real life)

No. 1957231

Something I’ve noticed is that even women will call attractive men gay if all they can pull are frumpy losers. My ex was very cute but most people called him gay. His coworker had the gall to say it to my face the first time she met me that she was surprised he was with a woman and surprised I was pretty, her words not mine but I looked up her social media and she’s married to a fat, bald scrote at 26. She was also really pretty but I guess she fell for the psyop too kek.

No. 1957232

Don't you know, nonna? They can fix him

No. 1957243

This is how I feel with most shounen rivals that get popular tbh, including (and I know some of you don't want to hear this) Sasuke and Levi

No. 1957245

Tbf with his personality it makes sense why some fujo fans want to have a dick stuck up his ass.

No. 1957248

File: 1712681227702.jpeg (161 KB, 567x1409, IMG_2835.jpeg)

Omg i always feel like such an outcast because i legitimately don’t understand why fangirls get horny over him.
At least with Bakugou if I squint my eyes I can see it or even in fanart of him
Levi just looks meh? I guess he looks different from typical anime boys so he stands out but not in a good way to me

No. 1957251

No. 1957252

File: 1712681499818.jpeg (66.19 KB, 399x521, IMG_2836.jpeg)

How was he the heartthrob of the anime community for years
I don’t get it

No. 1957254

File: 1712681685269.jpg (391.46 KB, 1327x3122, 16098324235.jpg)

everytime i see him i think of this

No. 1957257

Ok Nemu

No. 1957288

Yeah I feel the same. I have the same sort of brows as him and they’re really awkward but I simply cut the hair shorter and use eyebrow gel. They always put a ton of makeup on him for red carpet events to hide his awful acne scarred skin so why can’t they do that?

No. 1957296

I think he's also one of those cases where the character is drawn hotter in the fanart than he actually is kek. Like your picrel I could see the hype but how he looks in the actual manga, nah

No. 1957302

I think him being short has something to do with it

No. 1957305

I don’t get it either, Erwin was infinitely more sexy. I guess the manlet sassy twink aspect appeals to gendies.

No. 1957312

It’s hot when he cries and is in anguish. His personality makes the perfect gap.

No. 1957318

1000% correct

No. 1957325

none of them are attractive but the downgrade is insane

No. 1957329

Oh wow their daughter is very pretty, She was early 40s and he was in his early 20s. It's the sperm quality that matters

No. 1957355

File: 1712687199925.jpg (952.63 KB, 1455x1087, stopdoingthisshit.jpg)

Has anyone else noticed people uglifying male characters that aren't ugly to begin with? I've seen it happening a lot with Neuvillette from Genshin Impact (picrel). It annoys the shit out of me that so many people in the western fandom see and draw him as an old man, which I haven't seen even one instance of in the eastern side of the fandom (they all draw him as an attractive young man, early 30s at most).
>but he's obviously an old man, he's a thousand years old and has white hair!
There's a 500 year old little girl with white hair in this game and nobody applies this logic to her because she's immortal and human aging doesn't apply to her. Neuvillette is immortal and human aging doesn't apply to him.
>he has a cane!
He never uses it to walk. His design is inspired by Victorian men's clothing, and canes were a popular accessory for wealthy men of all ages.
It also bugs me because in the game he's canonically very attractive. There's a part where you find a letter addressed to him by some woman going on about how beautiful his face is. Yet for some reason these people still depict him as a shriveled goblin instead of the elegant, attractive man he's supposed to be.

No. 1957358

he does act like a old man kek. i honestly dont care if genshit artists draw the characters different than what they look like in the game because everyone just looks the same.

No. 1957359

yes, i don't get it because a lot of artist try giving defining features to random animu characters to make them "better" but their art skill really gets on the way and it never looks good, they'd definitely benefit from just drawing simple anime faces. But i think this is more fitting for art salt because picking random design choices for plain characters like genshit/anime in general is just trying to make character design better/more interesting and failing

No. 1957362

I love Neuvillette but I feel like this thread is just going to shit on his actual design too. Anyway I don't get why so many western, especially female, artists who are into weeb shit seem to generally be obsessed with making fanart significantly uglier than the source material. Sometimes it is a deliberate uglifying choice to give a character "realistic" features, but I also just don't understand why so many weebs have these ugly ass cartoon styles rather than trying to make art that more closely imitates the weeb shit they love. Is it just skill issue? A need to feel like their art looks more "unique"?

No. 1957364

holy shit anon, if his ugly ass with that bulky design is supposed to be an archon all of the archons are supposed to be “wise” elders. stop being so painfully nitpicky, it’s the equivalent of gandalf from lord of the rings. they’re not supposed to be fuckable

No. 1957372

He's not an archon, he's the pet of the archon, so he has anime logic which means he can be 20392722019283354 years old and still look hot.
It's just their desire to be more unique than anyone else, it's just how kids and immature faggots act when they're presented with the idea of their stuff being online, they must be the most uniquest of the whole place or they will breakdown.
I even admire how the retards that draw such ugly ass shit, manage to just gaslight themselves into believing that their ugly ass drawings are attractive at all.

No. 1957380

Burgerfag here, and Dutch men are some of the most attractive men I've ever seen in my life. I was studying abroad in London and my friends and I saw this group of tall, blonde, unbelievably good-looking guys waiting in line for a tour and we wondered where the heck they were from ("Are they models? What is this group?"), turns out they were a school group from the Netherlands. I think it was also a novelty for us because we're so used to all of the men here being short, fat and brown

No. 1957384

slight derail but I just looked up who the water archon is because I haven’t played that game in awhile and ofc it’s a younger fictional jailbait girl with le quirky fedora just like showgirl hehe yes quirky waifuu. kill all men and throw their severed dicks in the ocean, it reminded me exactly why I dropped that game

No. 1957387

Am I blind? Because when I see white american men they all look genuinely hot, the younger ones anyway.

No. 1957394

File: 1712689433017.png (852.15 KB, 560x984, Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 11.58…)

Maybe you're seeing a select group of hot guys on YouTube or TikTok, I live in California and a lot of guys in public here look like this now

No. 1957396

You have to wonder if female artists uglifying hot male characters they like comes from a place of insecurity and lack of self esteem. They might think they don't deserve a hot guy, feel ashamed to be attracted to someone they perceive as better looking than them or maybe men have been cruel to them before IRL. So by making anime guys uglier, it feels safer/more comfortable for the artist to be into a certain character. I don't really have any solid proof of this, just a thought kek

No. 1957399

you should have spoilered that

No. 1957401

> they all look genuinely hot
Anon, what did we ever do to you to make you want to lie to your nonnies like that? Only about 2% of men are attractive and we all know that, what diabolic gaslighting

No. 1957402

>Because when I see white american men they all look genuinely hot
Please be serious kek, the average white guy looks like spoiled milk by the time he's in his mid 20's—maybe even earlier

No. 1957404

you may be onto something here, I personally believe that dating/fucking ugly moids is a form of self-harm.

No. 1957407

>eurofag anons when they step foot on american soil for the first time and think our lumpy lard tub moids who wear sandals with cargos even to formal events are handsome because they’re pink-skinned

it’s absolutely over for women all around. american men are the fugliest and the prettiest ones are either gay, sex pests or already taken by equally hot/beautiful women with actual lives sadly.

No. 1957408

I hate the stupid unfunny facial expressions from this anime especially his.

No. 1957409

Wanted to post about this but didn't want to start a shit storm. And I fully agree, he's ugly. I don't care he has a sad back story or whatever, he's annoying.

No. 1957411

I'm gonna say this again…he's a literal blockhead lmao

No. 1957450

Every time I see a young woman talking about her DILF middle aged actor crush it ruins my mood for the rest of the day. That has to be mental illness, it’s just too much. It’s even worse with the ones who claim they’ve hooked up with these old celebrities before because the small possibility that they’re telling the truth makes me want to hurl

No. 1957471

they are better looking than british ones tbh.

>handsome because they’re pink-skinned

i didn't mention white because i have a fixation on their skin, i'm just not attracted to non white men in general.

No. 1957474

If you guys want ugly european men you should see germanic men.

No. 1957488

nonnie kek

No. 1957508

>Sandals, cargos, lumpy lard tub moids

Pretty spot on description kek. As a fellow burger, besides the cute college boys you see on campus, the average american guy looks like shit. Americans in general are very lazy when it comes to self-care and presentation.

No. 1957510

You've seen how entitled they act when they're not allowed to sexually harass straight men (or any men for that matter) on social media. I'm bi and I never feel the need to comment how I'd fuck whatever straight woman and then get mad when I can't. They already have more than enough guys available on grindr. I think so many of them are so misogynist because they resent the fact that the majority of men are attracted to women.

No. 1957518

Even the college guys don't put in any effort and start balding early

No. 1957526

File: 1712699161173.jpeg (71.16 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8539.jpeg)

>Even the college guys
Yep. Imagine my shock when I found out the guy on the left was 19. I also recall a time when I was in highschool and saw another student balding and wearing a combover.

No. 1957550

>College guys don't put in any effort, start balding early
This is also part of the western ugly man psyops as well. Men aren't being encouraged to take prophylactic measures to prevent balding, aging, weight gain. Meanwhile, women face a lot of societal pressure to stay thin, young, and attractive

No. 1957642

I think that's a valid point. Some people can't immerse themselves into perfect fantasies and need to make them more believable in some way and that could be one way of toning the perfection aspect down.
I agree, even if they aren't completely aware of it.

No. 1957680

I hate when they do that. In anime everyone is supposed to be hot, no one cares about faggy western design theory where everyone( but women ofcourse) have to look different because muh realism. We can't have shit.

No. 1957697

all bald men should be forced to wear wigs

No. 1957700

Romeo is 16 not 18

No. 1957717

I pray for a day where’s a cast of varied unconventional women while all the men are handsome anime prettyboys
>in b4 “everyone should be attractive”
No more generic pretty anime girls, I’m tired of generic pretty anime girls, we get them all the time regardless of the men being old or average or ugly or decent-looking

No. 1957722

same, even stuff made for women tends to have big titty waifus for no reason

No. 1957847

File: 1712731944479.jpg (61.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1000005114.jpg)

Being involved in the (actual trash) music scene makes me vomit because men like this are worshipped for being "daddy" despite actually raping kids

No. 1957852

this, people like to think being a flaming homo erases male socialization, no, being homosexual just changes the sexual target of a man, not his behaviour, why are gay men so into hetero men? same reason hetero men are so into lesbians and other women not interested in them, it's this preoccupation with people's opinions of you and a narcissistic obsession with being seen as attractive that "oh, you say no, but you don't really mean it do you?"

No. 1957888

File: 1712735675915.jpg (323.52 KB, 967x544, female and male cardinal.jpg)

>thread about ugly men turns into anons bitching about a woman and whether or not she's attractive as if it should even matter, ft. racebait
every time

anyway, I hope the tides turn and ugly men (and men in general) are ridiculed and made embarrassed by existing and not fitting into the same insane standards they imposed on us. Like this >>1955138 nona said we could learn a thing or 2 from birds and have them do all the work of beautifying themselves so we can maybe consider them. Cardinals have my heart because they mate for life and with my bird feeders outside sometimes I catch the males feeding their lady, it's so adorable. we deserve so much more and it starts with staunch self acceptance and having men work for us. The discourse about ugly women doing well or having male partners more conventionally attractive than them and women of all people causing a fuss about it says we still have a long way to go.

No. 1958011

>Honestly, it goes to show Reddit is capable of tremendous compassion.
Is this some sort of joke? Reddit being sympathetic to pedos and giving OP an award, how surprising!!! So much ""compassion"" coming from a site full of degrading porn and previously hosting CP!!

No. 1958040

File: 1712750902737.webp (69.86 KB, 1080x827, cje3771sb6761.webp)

>Who are some eye candy athletes anons enjoy?
Honestly none until I saw the guy in your pic kek, I go crazy for guys with that type of spiky hairstyle. Also wew at what he used to look like, can't believe he made that much progress in only 6-7 months

No. 1958083

who tf is this? it looks like emo mads mikkelsen

No. 1958094

Ngl I didn't read this at first because I thought it was an update on another shitty Cillian Murphy photoshoot

No. 1958299

Youtube kept recommending me this video, so I finally clicked on it and skipped through it and yes, she's exactly as dumb as the thumbnail suggests. It's as if she read this thread and jumped to make a video defending her uwu poor boys (especially Timmy). Her wildest take:
>People always call him ugly but Benny Blanco actually looks so normal!
Some comments carefully dared to mention that maybe some women might feel that it's unfair due to them always having to look impossibly perfect but most sadly just agreed, talking about how rude, how cruel, nobody is ugly, "he looks like a greek god!"…
There is no hope for most women.

No. 1958304

man sometimes she has based takes but I was so disappointed to see her moid defense video. but I guess it matches up with the current zeitgeist- that male beauty standards are too high because uhhh superhero actors dehydrate themselves so their muscles look good and that makes the normal moids feel sad

No. 1958324

Slightly OT but this shit keeps happening. A discussion happens on lolcow and then a few days later a bunch of YouTubers make videos with the same talking points and referencing the same TikTok’s. Either YouTubers are all over lolcow, or lolcow is infested by boring retards who come here to talk about the same shit trends everyone else on the internet is on about. Either way, explains the boring state of lolcow.

No. 1958338

pretty sure it's the second one nonnie. I pointed out the same connection in the sad beige thread a while ago- a topic gets shoved into everyone's algorithm on tiktok, anons come here to discuss it meanwhile the commentary youtubers start writing their scripts. somehow my youtube recommendations have become full of this type of youtuber kek it's so funny to see them all release "kids are ruining sephora!" videos one week and "tiktok beauty obsession!" videos the next and they're all carbon copies of each other. It's super noticeable if you don't use tiktok too

No. 1958351

They are remaking it in 2024?! fuck, I'm so sick of these ugly ass actors. Bottom left and right look like they're wearing masks

No. 1958356

Erwin fan for life, nonnie. Bless

No. 1958359

Gross. Why do western women want to fuck old men so badly? He doesnt even look old. Plenty of young bishie type characters have white hair. It's a trope for most anime

No. 1958361

girl, she isn't attractive according to any standards on planet earth.

No. 1958364

nta but based af.

No. 1958388

I can smell this picture.

No. 1958392

Aiden Turner isn't actually ugly, he's one of the few Irish male actors who doesn't look like a product of incest.

No. 1958398

File: 1712771232615.jpg (6.89 KB, 168x300, images.jpg)

its a fetish for big noses that lots of western artists got from tumblr.

No. 1958450

Getting fit as a moid is so easy, I'm jealous kek. Literally any average skinnyfat or chubby scrote could get a nice body in a year or less yet they still choose to sit around in their gaming chairs every day for hours on end packing on the pounds while wondering why women don't want them

No. 1958468

Absolutely based take nonny
It really is. Men have no excuse to be fat. They do not have to carry a child, they rarely experience any hormonal imbalances either. Can someone post the twitter thread where women were shitting on dad bods and giving fat women a pass? kek

No. 1958472

She was a made up character to give that goblin some romance. It was all dumb to be honest. I hate the hobbit movies so much.

No. 1958481

File: 1712775507437.jpeg (233.4 KB, 1169x1159, IMG_0384.jpeg)

Has anyone else noticed that people are starting to support Amber Heard now, long after the fact? I’ve seen women say they were a pickme when the court case was going on and now they realize what a scumbag he is. I think they were just jealous of Amber and fantasizing about how he looked back in the 90s, I thought it was so bizarre at the time

No. 1958484

Yeah 100%. Also I'm not trying to bait at all but I have also noticed that A LOT of the women backing Johnny Depp are fat or otherwise deemed "undesirable" by society. I have no idea wtf it is about Johnny Depp that appeals to fat/conventionally unattractive pickmes but man he's a hit with that denographic.

No. 1958487

this so much. I see so many moids shitting on skinny-fat women because "I just cut out soda and dropped 20 lbs" like okay? you think women aren't even trying? there's women with PCOS who can barely even have a brownie without gaining 15 lbs. Thyroid issues go underdiagnosed in women since people would rather accuse women of being lazy than anything else

No. 1958489

I’ve noticed that too, a lot of the women who showed up at court to cheer him on were conventionally unattractive. It’s funny because he called Amber things like ugly, old and saggy, so I can’t imagine how much he must have looked down on his pickme fangirls

No. 1958497

This is not true and can we stop with that "every woman who has a different opinion is ugly' moid mentality?

No. 1958498

Nta but your post is how I feel about anyone who thinks big noses look good, especially on men. Noses should look normal and proportionate to the face, not take away attention from it and drawing it to itself because of how humongous it is. That's ugly and yucky.

No. 1958508

>there's women with PCOS who can barely even have a brownie without gaining 15 lbs. Thyroid issues go underdiagnosed in women
Most fatties got fat because of bad habits, obesity caused by PCOS/thyroids is so uncommon is not even worth mentioning unless you suffer from those conditions yourself, cut the bullshit

No. 1958511

File: 1712778553417.png (557.17 KB, 602x912, f3cmmRd.png)

Repost from another thread, Women need less energy relative to their body size and naturally have higher body fat. However when women do get underweight, it becomes incredibly dangerous for women's internal bodily function. while men get underweight much easier, they still don't suffer the adverse physical effects as much, for instance during WW2, starved men managed to physically recover in months, while starved women had lifelong ailments.

No. 1958516

I was referring to skinny fat, which makes weight loss a million times slower, makes the body hold onto fat easier. I have PCOS and am skinny now but it's definitely way harder than an average person once you hit the skinny fat plateau most people stay at. Zero cheat days, not even a sip of soda, never skip a day with working out, fasting most days, etc. it's possible yeah, but brutal. At least most moids can have a cheat day or rest every once in a while without losing progress

No. 1958517

I think a lot of women were just brainwashed by moids on social media to hate on Amber if anything

No. 1958519

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There were also a lot of "fat" female Holocaust victims even after starving for months, which definitely makes sense. There's also a reason why babushkas are stereotyped as fat even though they're working all day and only eating meat

No. 1958520

I'm still so happy about being Amber-chan back when a bunch of pickmes and moids derailed the fuck out of the celebricows thread years back

No. 1958522

File: 1712779281036.jpeg (350.53 KB, 1890x2048, IMG_1573.jpeg)

the psyop is real. picrel by a TIF on twitter

No. 1958524

File: 1712779611173.jpg (14.08 KB, 480x423, 1496714562799.jpg)

spoiler this shit holy fuck

No. 1958532

jesus fucking christ is that eddsworld? no wonder tord left

No. 1958548

Agree. All men have to do is eat less and go for a 30 min run or some bullshit. They have more muscles naturally and carry less fat than women because they dont have reproductive organs. Men who are fat are peak laziness and should never be in the dating pool by default. It shows their lack of commitment.

No. 1958549

Thought this thread was for laughing at ugly men, not praising them.

No. 1958556

While I think men taking care of themselves is good, men getting plastic surgery is a bait and switch because it encourages people to procreate with Korean men and unwittingly have ugly kids.

No. 1958584

19. The internet makes me lose hope but honestly i think the psyop has only been effective towards femcels with daddy issues online. Every single hot young woman I know dates other hot, age-appropriate men, and thirsts over hot young male celebs. Yeah maybe im being a little too anecdotal, but im in college and have worked with almost all young women at every job ive had. I'm pretty much surrounded by them, and if hot 20 year old girls lusted after 50 year old scrotes even half as much as moids tell themselves/each other, I feel like I wouldve definitely come across at least 1 relationship like that by now.

No. 1958590

But then what's the deal with attractive celebrity women dating rodent gremlins

No. 1958620

I have no idea, but dating patterns in Hollywood in general are pretty much the complete opposite of dating norms among normal people. Only guess I have is they think uglier men are going to be less trashy/unfaithful/abusive than better looking men in hollywood, which isnt true but i could understand being desperate and coping yourself into believing theres a "safe" option.

No. 1958645

kek imagine dying of cancer and years later there's fanart of you as a fat tif

No. 1958671

arranged marriages in hollywood for fame usually, everyone is cheating on each other while married to a celeb

No. 1958678

>arranged marriages
but like half of them aren't even married or never married at all, or in some cases ended a marriage with a slightly less ugly scrote to get with an even uglier one (miley cyrus, ariana grande, etc)

No. 1958686

It's the psyop. They're in Hollywood so they're exposed to it 24/7.

No. 1958789

I will never understand this faggot's appeal. Everything about his design is ugly

No. 1958791

She must have a stomach of steel to be able to sleep with that troll goblin tbh

No. 1958833

Speaking of Peter Pan, I was reminded of this god awful Chip 'n Dale movie where Peter Pan aged like milk and becomes a villain. I know it's suppose reference to Bobby Driscoll's tragedy but this shit reeks of cope and projection with how moids end up hitting the wall as they get older and ruining some girls' childhood crush into an ugly bastard. Like why does this shit only applies to Peter Pan and not the other characters? Fuck this movie. Moids are jealous of young guys that girls fawn over.

No. 1958835

File: 1712806914030.png (404.27 KB, 483x677, Screenshot 2024-04-10 233302.p…)

I feel good about backing Amber the whole time. She has very gross choice in men that's for sure, she needs to stick to women for her own quality of life. I think people also expected Johnny to have this huge career renaissance after the trial, only for him to flounder around and be a useless drunk, seeing that reality must have made them cringe.
Anyways, more sexy man of the year cringe courtesy of essence magazine. I don't think he is butt ugly and i'm glad he isn't geriatric, but he is just so average looking. They literally just assign this label to the most random men.

No. 1958842

At least they picked someone with nice bone structure and not a totally fugly faggy potato face like John Legend. But still he seems like a random-ass choice.

No. 1958843

He has a small snail dick and does coke, according to a girl who hooked up with him and posted about it on LSA.

No. 1958846

File: 1712807885633.jpeg (567.18 KB, 1170x1591, IMG_8624.jpeg)

Should have included the caption kek

No. 1958851

It's funny because that thumbnail of Peter is slightly off model to the original, not just talking about the facial hair, and looks better than his original look. Even I was shocked almost every time I rewatched the original movie I noticed Peter has a nasty snout face but the effect of 2d is once you stop looking at it your brain glosses it over.

No. 1958868

hmm ok I can understand this, I suppose. Still ugly though.

No. 1958878

>snail dick
Does this mean slimy or is it literally curled up like a snail shell? I'm scared thinking about it

No. 1958892

Second this, he's built for ryona

No. 1958904

what is even that pose? hands clamped together like the "had to do it to em" meme.

No. 1959038

I wonder if this take is a case of women STILL thinking that if they treat men the way they want to be treated by them, men will change. E.g. "my body/face is not perfect so I should defend men with imperfect bodies/faces, and then maybe being imperfect and aging will be considered normal for women too!!". The thing is, it never works. Men gladly accept whatever women do to make men's lives easier without ever returning the gesture. Or maybe women with this take are just defending their ugly bfs, but dating an unattractive man does not mean that you have to gaslight other women about it…

Kekk wtf is this?? Satire?

No. 1959325

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Cillian Murphy only became famous because he was a casting couch boy when he was a male model, and who knows how many photographers and executives he fucked to get where he is today. He annoys me and his modeling portfolio is cringe

No. 1959328

>thinking that if they treat men the way they want to be treated by them, men will change
>Men gladly accept whatever women do to make men's lives easier without ever returning the gesture
I’m convinced that is the leading cause of liberal handmaidenry.

No. 1959332

he was a male model?! holy shit the bar is low

No. 1959336

File: 1712857771042.jpeg (496.68 KB, 1170x843, IMG_0110.jpeg)

Yeah he was a model back in the 90s and he sucked at it. He worked for miu miu at one point too, I don’t know how he lucked into that

No. 1959338

he looks like a faggy spock

No. 1959342

He looks like someone I would like to bully sexually kek just kidding

No. 1959470

This. They truly believe that women and moids have the same level of common sense, empathy and intelligence, whilst moids literally have the same functioning level brain as a dog.

No. 1959575

That doesn't make the female empathy better, they split their jaws open with men's dicks and kneel to them while thinking they are deep and superior for that while it makes them more of a psychologically childish pets of men, obsessed with men, in love with men etc.

No. 1959617

Leftmost looks like Ellen Degeneres.

No. 1959657

wtf is happening? it used to be bad in the past too but now it's somehow even worse.

No. 1959689

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Nonnies when in your opinion are male (animated or real people) flaws are charming / acceptable and not?

Like Kristoff isn’t ugly or anything but nobody ever has him as their husbando, he’s not popular with women but I know a ton of girlies who go nuts for Hiccup.

Somehow even though he also has a big nose / no lips (plus buckteeth and a nasally voice) Hiccup looks just so much cuter and more attractive but I can’t pinpoint exactly why

No. 1959700

hi blackpillchan

No. 1959742

File: 1712881638410.png (514.84 KB, 576x768, IMG_0345.png)

>I want that fat boy!

Not on my watch TIFfany

No. 1959749

It's ok to say "ugly" I don't know why you're all avoiding the word.

No. 1959751

File: 1712881788634.webp (87.68 KB, 1200x675, IMG_3115.webp)

compared to anna kristoff is hideous, anna looks like a cute baby animal. kristoff is boring. hiccup is fine because the girls are in a similar style.

No. 1959753

Next thread pic

No. 1959776

blessed image

No. 1959793

KEK I saw picrel in the elsie thread already but your caption made it even better

No. 1959931

>Kristoff isn’t ugly or anything
Yes he is. Don't kid yourself. There's a damn good reason why he's no one's husbando but Hans has rabid fangirls.

No. 1959942

File: 1712888397500.jpeg (389.09 KB, 1170x2080, FB788BC4-1AC2-4135-8A3D-DFFFD1…)

Apologies for my shitty collage but I saw this reel a woman made of how tinder in stockholm is full of hot guys (probably fake accounts but the pictures are hot nonetheless) and the comments are full of men seething calling them little boys, not masculine enough, getting mad that they don’t have beards, saying they all look the same, even accusing the woman of being a nazi for saying blonde haired men are hot

No. 1959943

File: 1712888429130.jpeg (300.04 KB, 1169x1909, F5F779B0-A5EC-4CF8-BCFF-518551…)

No. 1959950

>literally seething crying coping and shitting their pants
Kek I love this. I hope it becomes a trend.

No. 1959955

File: 1712889874576.jpeg (71.24 KB, 998x638, F2tXsoqbkAE03q4.jpeg)

Well damn, i must be a pedo then.
>they all look like they would last about 10s in a physical battle
10 seconds more than your big ass, we need to start demanding proof of combat training and body fat percentages from men who want to act bold.

No. 1959999

A big fat dude would probably be more likely to take down a hot lean muscular guy in a fight, doesn't make them hot. Moids need to realize we aren't cavemen whose attraction to men isn't solely based on how likely he is to survive the winter anymore, we're allowed to like beautiful lean people just like they do. You don't see women commenting "BUT SHE WILL FREEZE TO DEATH BEING HAIRLESS AND LOW BODY FAT AND SHE WILL DIE IN CHILDBIRTH BECAUSE SHE'S PETITE" on men's thirstposts

No. 1960014

File: 1712893357356.jpeg (262.3 KB, 828x820, IMG_0260.jpeg)

>they all look like they would last about 10s in a physical battle

Yeah in a “physical battle” with me

No. 1960019

I'm just happy this thread exist, i hate this concept so much, even without wondering if those accounts are real we already have to deal with awful men personalities already.
I've never used these apps but i've never heard of anyone saying anything about attractive -40 looking women in those apps. Moids can have sex between each others if they like hairy and gross abominations.

No. 1960029

No. 1960038

can't wait for the beard meme to die

No. 1960092

I hate this CGI art style of the modern era and I think everyone looks ugly and goofy in it. Hiccup is ugly but he gets a pass because he's just a child iirc.

No. 1960101

Funnily enough, isolated tribes with no contact with modern humanity are fit and lean, not a single fat person in sight.
We should start doing that kek

No. 1960251

I'm currently reading 1984 and seething over the main character (a 40 year old man with a self described 'pale, mediocre body') having a romance with a hot 26 year old who fell in love and pursued him without ever speaking to him. There's non stop references to her 'youthful body' or 'young body' and she's always referred to as a girl instead of a woman. Oh, but I guess they're a looksmatch, he mentions that she couldn't be called beautiful because she has lines around her eyes, and when she put on makeup he makes it clear it's a massive improvement on how pretty and feminine she is. Upon further research, it turns out Orwell based her character on a 16 year old he attempted to rape when he was 15.

Maybe this is an off topic rant but ffs even in a book about the mother of all psyops, I'm still getting psyopped!!

No. 1960253

>Upon further research, it turns out Orwell based her character on a 16 year old he attempted to rape when he was 15.
what the actual fuck is wrong with men

No. 1960258

Damn I was reading this and now don't want to finish it.

No. 1960263

>moid writing serious political, dystopian fiction:
>must insert my sexual perversions herpaderpaderp
At least he didn't succeed.

No. 1960265

Always had a bad feeling about this "writer" and his books and the way it's shilled. I was right to avoid it after all. Anyone who cries "dystopia! Oppression!" in their fiction while living in luxury is a red flag.

No. 1960266

>Has anyone realized how there isnt a single piece of media that's about men learning how to love ugly women?
There are a ton of "ugly to hot makeover" for women instead, which can be read as both good or bad. And to be fair I've seen a few where the girl thinks she is too ugly but the message in the end is that she never needed the validation from the stupid boys and was always good enough as she is.

No. 1960288

File: 1712912088956.png (112.64 KB, 960x360, 66b.png)

reminded me of picrel

No. 1960329

Anon I'm sorry to be That Bitch but it sounds she was legit jealous and seething cause she got memed into settling for less. Normie straight women do this shit all the time cause they can't cope with their own choices they are psyoped into and as you said, being married to a scrote that is bald and fat at 26 is fucking tragic, it's giving tradthot tbf

No. 1960347

Legit stopped reading it after that point. The misogyny was too much.

No. 1960365

> it turns out Orwell based her character on a 16 year old he attempted to rape when he was 15.
although i knew he was a degenerate racist piece of shit but never knew he was worse than that

No. 1960380

File: 1712917614642.png (83.81 KB, 245x316, 1573287301016.png)

funny how society demands we respect these subhuman degenerates as "ARTISTIC LITERARY GENIUSES" meanwhile even looking at a harry potter book makes you permanently unemployable in the state of California

No. 1960381

File: 1712917623034.png (179.1 KB, 1037x534, Eric and Us.png)

Listen, I have mixed feelings about Orwell but the claim that he raped a teenage girl comes from an account of someone who disliked Orwell because of his views on communism. The actual person with whom he had a relationship also had mixed feelings about him, this was because he was a fairly serious guy who hated every other communist for never doing anything, I do agree that 1984 is his worst work, I actually think his memories are a lot more fascinating.

No. 1960385

he still wrote graphic depictions of how he wanted to rape a woman that were CLEARLY because he was getting off to it "but it shows that the main character is a complex multifaceted charac-" you know DAMN well that's not how coom-addled moidbrains work when it comes to degen sexual content in their "art".

No. 1960389

Yeah I did that before. I was so blackpilled from all of my crushes being gay I resorted to being bitter and calling cuties gay. But don't be mad at me it's rough out here

No. 1960425

I'm not gonna judge you on that, again I have mixed feelings on him, I just think he's very unintentionally funny in his memories.

No. 1960439

that's it, you've been funny too long, you're going in the screencaps thread.

No. 1960446

this, i felt so ill reading about how he wanted to rape her just bc she was part of some anti-sex league, the homoerotic mental torture that happens to him near the end is entirely deserved.

No. 1960489

I’m so glad to see other nonnas hating on this book kek
>read 1984 for hs
>despise male protag, especially disgusted by part where he fantasizes about raping and murdering the girl
>during presentation, mention I didn’t like the main character
>teacher (a woman) says “The girl? Oh yeah I didn’t like her either, she was annoying”????
>state I didn’t like the book, I just didn’t enjoy reading it
>get told it’s still a classic and maybe I just didn’t get it
>after I just explained the plot, themes, symbolism, messaging, and why I understand it’s well-regarded
Also I remember seeing a teenage girl on twitter call 1984 gross and problematic because of the male protag’s rape fantasy, and everyone (including my now former tif mutuals) made fun of her, telling her she didn’t ‘get’ it, or ‘missed the point’ because the protagonist is meant to be terrible (I still don’t get that argument, because he gets to have a rebellious romance with the girl, is portrayed as a victim of the Party, and the ending where he submits to them and is no longer together with the girl is clearly meant to be a downer ending. Is it a crime to hate on a book for trying to make me sympathetic to a rape-fantasizing moid?) I got so embarrassed of myself for a while wondering if my class saw me as illiterate for hating on the male protag and the book lol. Even if her execution could’ve been better I still think that girl who shat on 1984 is based.

No. 1960500

my entire motivation for reading ~the classics~ is so i can freely and informedly shit all over them, its been great

No. 1960527

File: 1712928584373.png (257.09 KB, 737x749, Screenshot 2024-04-12 142641.p…)

Of course its a moid behind this account but the amount of likes disappoints me, this psyop is working right in front of us
>general consensus

No. 1960528

File: 1712928639777.jpg (Spoiler Image,400.39 KB, 2494x1915, GK4mEpcXIAAR7uU.jpg)

and of course this fat shit Laios is the main attractor for retards like this

No. 1960533

remember when laiosfags were crying and trying to psyop us into thinking laios isnt fat and he's actually average/hot? lol. Meanwhile that show has nothing but hot big titty waifus for main characters and some random weird non conventional girl that appears like an episode and then vanishes.

No. 1960540

>Meanwhile that show has nothing but hot big titty waifus
Does the show get fanservicey later on? That sucks, it was pretty non romance in general at the start. How bad does it get?

No. 1960545

bath house episode with the cat and elf girl

No. 1960547

They’re retards who play dumb at pretending not to know the type of faggots he is targeted for. Its certainly not your average straight female weeb.

No. 1960550

they're lying and/or uninformed, I've read the whole manga and it's the same all the way through, it doesn't turn into fanservice at any point. people like to stir shit over Laois it's getting old. no one sane is thirsting over him it's not that type of story, canonically he's a monster autist weirdo not a heart throb. if anyone on other sites is thirsting over him it should go in the fandom discourse thread and be appropriately mocked. any nona who is into him should keep it to the retarded hornyposting husbando thread where we've all agreed to withhold judgement of our autistic sisters.

No. 1960551

Wait, is that it?

No. 1960552

No. 1960555

i was talking about the anime, not the manga. There were a bunch of autists that were trying to shill laois as ''hot''. This thread was started because anons called laois fat and the retards had to sperg for hours about how he wasnt and how we were just mean boolies.

No. 1960557

I wouldn't call that "big titty waifu" at all. I was imagining highschool dxd levels.
Though, maybe if youre not into anime, it'd seem like fanservice?

No. 1960559

it is fanservice, c'mon how naive are you. Even the dunmeshi fags were complaining about it.

No. 1960560

at first i thought the '>' was denoting a direction and not value, thought i'd finally come across some common sense.

No. 1960568

Sorry, forgot the "too much" before fanservice, though I didn't know if I should correct myself,
As in Highschool DxD levels would be "too much".

No. 1960571

Me too. I got confused and was ready to agree with it.

No. 1960579

HDxD is a literal ecchi anime, you can't compare its levels of fanservice to a regular anime. HDxD is too much because it's meant to be softcore porn genius.

No. 1960582

That's just what I think of when I hear "hot big titty waifus."
That, or something like konosuba levels where the waifu tits are literally flopping around like water balloons.

No. 1960586

>tfw we have been psyoped into normalizing and accepting male degeneracy as the default, meanwhile men think a male character showing their midriff is too much
fuck this

No. 1960613

File: 1712933471910.png (615.99 KB, 1305x676, seinennshit.png)

I never pick up seinen/shonen shit because the female characters are dumb and it'll always include fanservice no matter what's it about. Main guy is ugly as fuck with a wide build and big nose

No. 1960633

i mean to be fair everyone in that show is kinda ugly kek

No. 1960636

not really the blonde elf girl is clearly meant to be waifubait, same for the cat girl. The moids are all horrible tho.

No. 1960638

it's common for women to have mixed feelings or worse, to stay with their rapists. it doesn't mean he didn't attempt to rape her and is a piece of shit.

No. 1960640

File: 1712934781826.png (626.36 KB, 741x792, Screenshot 2024-04-12 120640.p…)

Replies and QRTs full of ugly gamer males malding about this post, saying the edit looks underage and insisting Arthur Morgan is "handsome".

No. 1960648

Laois simpery is definitely weird but i don't recall any fan-service or hot big tiddy waifus when I was reading it. Marcille was implied to be more plain than the other elf characters and a romance novel nerd, it was nice for a change

No. 1960649

i will now play your game

No. 1960650

nonny please >>1960613

No. 1960655

Kek it took me a bit to realize they were even naked.
I guess they should be covered up more while bathing, though.

No. 1960657

Does the manga have any unconventional looking women? If they are all standard pretty for anime while the hairy short goblin exists then I understand the other nonnies

No. 1960661

Didn't expect a moid to post about this but this is welcome.

No. 1960663

Yes, there's orc, gnome, and dwarf women, plus Marcille is actually plain when compared to other elves. Its more obvious with her human form. There's also a female elf with a nose as long as Liaos's.

No. 1960671

Yes, quite a lot. I can't remember any fanservice scenes other than the bath scene off the top of my head. They aren't samefaced waifus either. I've only read the manga, maybe the other anons are mad at the anime? It wouldn't surprise me if they'd really hammed up the bath scene and made all the women into moeblobs.

No. 1960673

they have a lot of dwarves, goblins, women with big noses, i don't understand what that nona is talking about. the cat girl is just lanky and flat and marcille is very average. falin has big tits but she's fully covered, also she's on the chubbier big boned side anyway. the manga is really not coomerish at all, and it's mostly trigger trying to work with the super scarce material they have. frieren feels 500 times more male gazey and waifu-centric than dunmeshi
yeah the guys are kinda ugly though, or very unconventional, but that's just the taste of the female mangaka, she likes uglier men and big boned women and yuribait. there's a lot of senshi pantyshots instead of waifu fanservice, which is not much better considering he's ogre looking but hey it's something

No. 1960676

also the manga still has some popular twinks, like kabru and mithrun

No. 1960677

File: 1712936596557.jpg (441.93 KB, 2260x1600, 01-12-13.jpg)

I think these are the main ones you can look up the rest. There's an obvious gap on attractive men vs women because, again, it's a seinen. Not as bad as the others but it's not exempt

No. 1960679

>dungeon meshi fags derailing the thread yet again because someone called out their ugly fatso moid

No. 1960685

Eh, people are questioning the female characters more than defending anybody.

No. 1960687

I see a dungeon meshi picture in this thread, I keep scrolling. If the thread is filled with dungeon meshi, it's empty. Simple as.

No. 1960690

This lame geek shit is 'seinen'? Man, the genre has degraded.

No. 1960691


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1960692

File: 1712937494270.png (983.8 KB, 1080x1892, 1000010421.png)

No. 1960693

Took time to realise it's not weight loss image

No. 1960695

File: 1712937579963.png (727.86 KB, 1791x1169, 1000010429.png)

No. 1960697

Isn't all anime/manga lame geek shit lmao

No. 1960698

>arthur morgan is attractive
not even our quirky husbandofags with shit taste would dare to husbando that guy

No. 1960702

nona…. there's literally a husbandofag banner on this site with him in it. there were several dedicated arthur morgan husbandofags a while back kek

No. 1960705

File: 1712938617308.png (57.9 KB, 300x100, 1660352556924.png)

samefagging but i just had to go and look for it for you

No. 1960709

Kekk nonna

Wish they'd keep the same energy for female characters

No. 1960713

Kek, that's Arthur Morgan? Barely looks like him tbh

No. 1960719

Fair point, but to me there's "cool geek shit" and "cringe geek shit". Fantasy and elves and all thise role play D&D-esque stories with wizards and witches are too of the latter. I can never tolerate that shit and people who are into it, because 90% of the time they're perverts, deviants, weirdos who deserve bullying and hate. I don't them to get any media catering to them because they ruin everything.

Nta but I always thought that was the cowboy from overwatch.

No. 1960721

Anon what, he literally used to be the poster boy for the early threads.

No. 1960747

isnt that mccree?? he looks nothing like him anyways

No. 1960751

File: 1712941322212.png (148.41 KB, 975x248, husbandofag lore.png)

I guess rugged cowboy characters all look somewhat similar but nope it's definitely him kek

No. 1960759

my sides, they had to completly yassify him to make him appealing they only like him because there is no other option

No. 1960798

File: 1712944626747.png (586.63 KB, 946x531, 1651391677115.png)

male body positivity is the ultimate ugly man psyop, the existence of fat man disgusts me more then anything, considering that they can lose way much easier than a fat woman. all these men farming or going to work in the mines.

No. 1960800

It was my instinct to report this shit, I had to stop myself to read your post first. Thank mods we can choose to hide images.

No. 1960801

The fat white guy on the ground eyefucking himself and holding the fat black guy's hand…. KEK

No. 1960805

gears of wars male characters be like

No. 1960809

File: 1712945035623.jpg (233.85 KB, 1580x888, weffrefvgtg.jpg)

No. 1960815

that's offensive to pigs tbh.

No. 1960820

File: 1712945671173.jpg (46.28 KB, 727x1018, D4eGC0aW0AETdM5.jpg)

If you wouldn't fuck both you have mental illness(baiting)

No. 1960822

the first one could be my dad, no thank you

No. 1960823

File: 1712945829400.png (275.84 KB, 605x1229, Screenshot.png)

I saw a version of this discourse just yesterday on twitter, with someone posting a video of the state-mandated fitness programs teenage boys in communist countries had to do and of course, modern commies, shitlibs and TIMs for some reason were calling this literally fascism. Meanwhile, these are the same people with delusions about overthrowing the government and establishing a state where they get sex changes from the government and never have to do any work.

No. 1960841

Holy shit spoiler this

No. 1960853

at least we can eat pigs, what do we do with those biological wastes?

No. 1960883

File: 1712948283553.jpeg (477.22 KB, 925x1244, IMG_0445.jpeg)


No. 1960902

years ago it used to be acceptable to send them to perish in war, but its ''inhumane'' nowadays.

No. 1960910

Fat scrotes are an abomination. Men can eat so much more calories than women without gaining weight. They have less body fat and gain muscle more easily. Imagine how greedy and lazy you have to be, to be a fat man. Do not fall for the "dadbod" propaganda.

No. 1960912

>if i want kids dating younger is my only choice
>a woman that age cant make a choice of not having kids
>lets just have some fun and get to know eachother
he deserves to feel bad and he should've gotten a kick in the teeth too.

No. 1960913

This is probably made up but I wish it wasn't.

No. 1960916

I mean moids really do have this sort of audacity and constantly go up to women who look/are young. Maybe a little exaggerated but definitely has happened before especially with these redpill "PUA" making autistic incels think they're a catch

No. 1960918

based stacy

No. 1960924

File: 1712950341142.gif (2.53 MB, 320x240, laughing.gif)

Lots of TIFs over that thread psyoping themselves into liking bara shit just because some disgusting gay men like It too.

No. 1960948

meanwhile men can always fantasize about ~muh hot blonde haired blue eyed swedish women~ without concern of being called a pedo nazi, despite having far higher chances of being an actual pedo nazi. Also, is the eurocentric brainwashing dude some kind of minority incel or what ? These types are so braindead, sure men are only attractive because they are white, totally not because they are fit with smooth skin and a full hairline

Honestly he DOES look like a teenager but once again this is the pot calling the kettle black considering scrotes have 0 problems with most media being filled with barely legal girls.

Nightmare fuel.

Offtopic but I hate that men caught on to the outfit complimenting thing over the last few years. It's almost always an opener for sexual harassment now, like asking for directions or time used to be before smartphones made that strategy obsolete. Can't even talk to other fashionfags anymore.

No. 1960963

>Honestly he DOES look like a teenager
he looks like a slightly uglier titanic dicaprio to me, and he was 21 in that movie. Men nowadays age like shit and are expected to be balding and have wrinkles at 20.

No. 1961026

My friend told me to my face that she prefers unconventially attractive (aka HIDEOUS) moids. Why. I don't understand. I didn't say anything because I love her and didn't want her to feel bad but just WHY

No. 1961028

she's either trying to be a quirky pickme, or has low self steem.

No. 1961033

Because a lot of women feel insecure about their own looks, attractive men just amplify that insecurity for them. They want someone they can be comfy around even if he's ugly, they're under the impression that ugly men are safer

No. 1961086

It’s funny when men seethe over other guys being pretty and have to say it’s gay to cope for their own slobby “muh maskuleenity” belief where a beer gut means he’s a real Viking warrior or some shit. I don’t know why women would ever change their attraction based on these comments, like obviously beards and roided bodies that men strive for aren’t what women generally care for so why are they desperate to bring down pretty young men? Seems like they’re the gay ones caring so much what other guys look like and mansplaining what an attractive male looks like.

No. 1961090

do you think we can someone psyop men into being appealing to us or is a lost cause?

No. 1961106

Lost cause, they feel entitled to anything for just existing and think even something like basic hygiene is an unfair beauty standard for them. Women will flat out say a certain thing is attractive and guys lash out saying it’s gay and stupid. They dig in their heels instead of ever improving themselves in any way, I mean look at dating. They can’t even put the porn down to form a relationship and then cry about loneliness.

No. 1961114

With the recent Pokemon games of SV, there's seems to be a lack of handsome husbandos but mostly old looking dudes. Larry seems like a joke character but do people really find him that attractive or like him unironically? It's like a psyop for women to fall in love for old unmarried salarymen as to Japan's declining population and birth rates. This video is official btw.

No. 1961117

File: 1712957126147.png (1.21 MB, 1016x758, ryokokuielves.PNG)

>I don't them to get any media catering to them because they ruin everything
I mean, I understand what you’re trying to say, but the mangaka is a woman who clearly loves games and geeky fantasy shit. Nerdy women should be able to make media about their interests too. And 99% of anime already caters to creepy nerds, one woman making a fantasy cooking manga catering to her interests (vs thousands of moids making creepy rehashed rapist mc fantasy isekai haremshit) isn’t the one degrading a genre.

No. 1961119

the only popular characters in japan are the shotas. Both the shota with the ugly haircut and the ghost one are insanely popular with women in japan.

No. 1961120

We are told to not be shallow from the moment we first enter education and start socialising with other kids

No. 1961123

all the moids are old and ugly, that explains why the moids in her manga are also ugly as fuck

No. 1961126

She made Fenris way more attractive than he actually is in game.

No. 1961129

File: 1712957563695.png (854.91 KB, 1140x570, kekww.png)

he looks like asstarions long lost cousin

No. 1961143

File: 1712958221229.jpg (261.92 KB, 1094x804, rika.jpg)

Rika(picrel) is a woman who has a lot of fangirls, ranked #1 with yumes, and as a lesbian it makes me seethe so much that her most popular ship in japanese fandom is somehow with that fucking ugly old guy Larry who she’s not even that close with lol, they have so much romantic fanart together it makes me barf.
It’s probably because Rika’s most plausible lesbian partner is Geeta who looks a bit weird and unconventional (I remember so many moids mocking her looks) and not the typical cutesy waifu look, which may as well a death sentence in fandom if you’re a woman (but of course if the moids are ugly and weird looking they get to be heartthrobs).

No. 1961150

genuinely the best thing to ever come out of pokemon. She's a top tier waifu.

No. 1961158

wait people really ship rika with that old fucker larry???

No. 1961159

File: 1712958970972.png (3.38 MB, 1990x4772, Scarlet_Violet_Geeta.png)

Geeta is beautiful and has such a cool design, what the hell are hetties on about?

No. 1961162

I'm sorry nonna, I can't get over her man feet.

No. 1961163

File: 1712959068755.jpeg (864.19 KB, 2056x2778, 1704670445268.jpeg)

Larry is popular because of "he's just like me for real" factor for older fans with shitty office jobs and because fanartists make him hotter than he looks in the game. The art style in SV looks weird in SV, idk why Game Freak decided to make everyone looks like they're from shitty low budge Pixar movies, as opposed to the previous 3D games where the characters just look like their concept designs but just in 3D. I think that's one of the reasons why there's not an obvious designated husbando in that game compared to the previous ones. Unless we count pic related but she's a woman. She's super popular as a "husbando" though.

>It's like a psyop for women to fall in love for old unmarried salarymen

I think he's just meant to be relatable to the average Japanese millennial office worker who will see him and think "same", but there are women out there who actually like the typical tired salaryman look without it being a psyop. The artist ma2 for instance has a fetish for salarymen and said so many unhinged, specific shit about it that you know it's genuine, as opposed to when women fall for specific types of ugly men and their arguments are the exact same copypasted ones.

No. 1961164

this is ''unconventional''? holy shit and we are supposed to think a wrinkly old man is peak masculinity while moids are out there marking every female character that isnt a big titty 8 year old as ''unconventional''

No. 1961165

Her 3D model looks like absolute shit, she looks fine in the pic you posted though. Game Freak needs to stop doing stupid shit and just let their Pokemon game look like the JRPGs they are.

No. 1961170

goddamn she's fine, do I gotta pick up pokemon now?

No. 1961174

you can watch a gameplay pokemon games suck. It is nice to get a GNC female character from a big franchise tho.

No. 1961175

Yes, it’s popular enough that you can just google “rika larry” and see art of them but I wouldn’t recommend it of course if you’re a rika fan, fuck old man/young woman ships lmao

No. 1961182

is pokemon shit still being released with tons of bugs?

No. 1961184

yes. it has more bugs and more ugly men than ever before. I dont recommend buying them.

No. 1961185

I just thought it was a meme since he's boring and a normal type gym leader lol

No. 1961187

By unconventional it's probably just 4chan moids that hate any character with dark skin.

No. 1961189

She's in the anime starting with this week's episode too so you can just watch that. Most of the characters look like shit in their 3D renders anyways.

No. 1961198

scrotes in general think games having female characters that arent big titty waifus they can coom to is some feminist agenda gamergate bullshit. But every time you point out that ugly men are dime a dozen in videogames they pretend its not an ugly man psyop.

No. 1961199

File: 1712962518935.jpg (962 KB, 1920x1920, cringe.jpg)

douriff fags are actually insane

No. 1961201

They’re batshit insane but I love them anyway

No. 1961202

>i believe in old man supremacy
An opinion shared by the majority of society for centuries? Groundbreaking

No. 1961203

i dont, any woman into the psyop is my mortal enemy

No. 1961204

File: 1712962741613.jpg (100.09 KB, 369x660, Tumblr_l_582487626468410.jpg)

tbh everyone in rdr2 looks rugged, it's a rockstar game.
i remember some poeple were making edits cuz they wanted the next game to go further back in the past with young arthur who just joined the gang

>t. arthurfag

No. 1961209

why are game devs alergic to having clean shaven men that can actually devour pussy? gross

No. 1961212

my biggest pet peeve. if there is a clean shaven option there is always stubble present
we need to learn how to mod

No. 1961215

I use /m/ a lot and just seeing the existence of their thread makes me sick

No. 1961219

its the reason i picked blender i am so tired of all games having ugly moids. I want to learn how to mod them to play as hotter younger versions of them with nice bubble asses.

No. 1961220

File: 1712963199174.png (304.28 KB, 1140x278, Pokemon_SV_male_characters.png)

The guys in this game are kinda disappointing and yet moids get a handful of attractive waifus in each generation.

No. 1961222

i still cant believe the shota with the ugly haircut became so popular with yumes lmfao what is the appeal

No. 1961223

Stop spying on us, you wouldnt get it

No. 1961224

it's not just straight men, either. I'm in an art server with a bunch of male fags and they were whinging about videogames being "ruined by SJWs" because someone dared to call coomer waifu games garbage. I sent them this thread and with yassified Arthur and they said "stop crying, not everyone is pretty."
Moids will stick up for their own, no matter their sexuality.(don't send moids here)

No. 1961225

i am glad

No. 1961228

moids get psyoped by gay men to be appealing to them(either becoming femboys or ugly roidpigs with beards) and in exchange fags stick to them in their mantrums. Meanwhile women like shuwu make a career out of shitting on non cucked women.

No. 1961230

File: 1712963621031.jpeg (74.13 KB, 501x720, IMG_8729.jpeg)

Jacq could’ve been so much more popular if they just gave him non-hideous glasses kek. And maybe nerf his brows a little

No. 1961231

that haircut is horrible

No. 1961232

I was so confused when I first saw their thread kek I thought it was a joke.

No. 1961235

Looks like a worse variant of rosho tsutsujimori

No. 1961236

I disagree on it being a lost cause but it'll take the women collective to actively fix self-esteem/self-harm issues which leads to simping for Fat Bastard

No. 1961238

literally will never happen. There is a reason why pickmes are dime a dozen but male pickmes dont exist.

No. 1961241

Sorry to sound uncultured but I just looked up who Dourif is, what movies he was in, how he looked when he was younger, and I still don’t get it

No. 1961243

dourif fags cope by saying they liked him when he was younger, but even when he was young he was fucking hideous

No. 1961246

This one is even stranger than any other type of husbandofag to me. He's not even hot and he's hardly a mainstream actor. At least with the other husbandofags their actors were in mainstream movies and sort of? have fans or were once shilled as attractive. What's this guys claim to fame? This board has the most niche subcultures sometimes I swear to god

No. 1961247

File: 1712964607519.jpg (35.84 KB, 609x364, Dhyln1rXkAAcV1h.jpg)

Kek, literally one of the first images that pops up on google when you search "Brad Dourif young"

No. 1961248

here we go, stop sending this or any thread to fucking moids. You're just doing a massive fucking disservice to us and the thread you melted brain imbecile.

No. 1961249

the disgusting unibrow.. he looks so extremely average.

No. 1961250

I admit that i'm a perfect person enjoyer even when it comes to women but i really can't defend male body positivity. That shit exists because women were always put under pressure to look good and fit certain stereotypes that even changed during the years (i remember how in the 2000 you had to look super skinny but nowdays they want "thicc" women), what about men? It's always about them being healthy and yeah, it's not that much effort for them to keep a nice natural shape compared to women. Absolute lazy fucks. Also those moids look gay as fuck, i'm tired of gay porn shoved into women's eyes in the guise of attractive men.

No. 1961252

Good, means I'm not mentally ill

No. 1961254

I'll be your optimist challenger and say women are more likely to ask for psychological help and also easily pushed by societal norms. If we make it a norm rejecting and threatening fugly moids they'll follow suit.

No. 1961255

the problem is that ugly moids are beyond over represented everywhere

No. 1961256

I genuinely thought they were tifs. They are the ugliest moids i have ever seen.

No. 1961258

We can easily change that by being vocal about it. The more push back they get the more forced they'll feel to make a change, but we all need to come together to stop the madness.

No. 1961261

No. 1961262


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1961266

>What's this guys claim to fame?
lord of the rings kek

No. 1961267

File: 1712965456505.png (59.94 KB, 176x178, Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 19.43…)

this one is better looking than the purple haired "husbando" dork.

No. 1961276

reading comprehension retard i sent them the twitter thread where the guy yassified arthur morgan

No. 1961282

Looks like somebody ran a razor and shaved his head

No. 1961315

The replies to this is so fucking gross, like wanting to bury their heads into that fat chest and stomach EWW!

No. 1961737

>meanwhile men can always fantasize about ~muh hot blonde haired blue eyed swedish women~ without concern of being called a pedo nazi, despite having far higher chances of being an actual pedo nazi.
do you know what's worse? that now, people will actually argue that such males(esp if they're natives of their own ethnic countries) are ~victims~ of colonization and "eurocentric beauty standards" but if a woman prefers some kind of moid over other kinds of moids, it's LITERALLY oppression.

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