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File: 1716476668021.jpeg (112.56 KB, 855x1200, IMG_0833.jpeg)

No. 2016317

Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standards in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs


No. 2016323

Kek that picture always cracks me up

No. 2016326

henry cavill is shilled as attractive because moids think they'd look like him when they finally hit the gym

No. 2016328

File: 1716476986436.jpg (459.73 KB, 1500x1260, stock-photo-closeup-portrait-o…)

What are some childhood crushes you look back to now and feel like pic related? I can't believe how we get psyop'd since childhood

No. 2016329

Mads Mikkelson in Hannibal. Wtf was I on?

No. 2016330

Jesse McCartney

No. 2016334

File: 1716477234520.jpeg (467.44 KB, 750x879, mentalillness.jpeg)

Never forget.

No. 2016336

I thought this was nikocado avocado before he got fat

No. 2016340

File: 1716477555876.jpg (194 KB, 1000x1358, aaron_carter.jpg)

He's always been ugly but as a child I was obsessed with him for some reason.

No. 2016341

throwing up violently

No. 2016342

men will age and literally look like a hairy ballsack aka the ugliest thing in the world, I can't ffs

No. 2016352

File: 1716477908119.png (2.52 MB, 1655x1920, narration-0.png)

I was extremely mentally unwell, alright? But i didn't really crush on moids, just found him cute looking and yes it was from that one movie. Strangely i found a lot of girls later on that seemed to like him too? Even one of my previous friends.
Now i'm more mature and i feel like i'm put through that Ludovico Technique when i see the average moid in media.

No. 2016367

No. 2016371

I liked the scenes where he was humiliated and physically beaten

No. 2016375

I want to cry when my friend shows me pictures of moids she finds attractive. They're ALWAYS old and UGLY. She even tells me she likes moids on the 'ugly' side…

No. 2016380

File: 1716479584577.jpeg (64.18 KB, 500x598, IMG_3853.jpeg)

He’s like the first blonde twink you ever see, then you grow up and see plenty of others with this phenotype and realize he was actually mid.

No. 2016381

damn nonnas, you should see that IG reel of moids foaming at the mouth because a 30+ yo woman has standards, and them calling her the usual moid shit like "not fertile anymore , baggage, not as pretty" etc
the comments ofc from bald guys or subpar men, and the woman calling them out like the based stacy that she is

No. 2016384

Adrian Brody when he was doing quiet guy/artist type roles

No. 2016389

File: 1716479896330.jpg (157.92 KB, 1115x882, seething.JPG)

"men get better as they age" say the bald guys, the comments are a fucking circus

No. 2016396

Also the aggressive seething comment saying that women are "dramatic", as if the male is not deliberately seeking out ragebait to sperg at.

No. 2016403

Women dating old men is the biggest psyop. They just want to make women feel bad and rush to settle down with subpar crusty men when in reality most older women look far better than older men and gain nothing from being in a relationship. This "woman hit the wall shit" and "you need an older man to take care of you" is EVERYWHERE. When I was 18-20 and fresh out of high school I had old men constantly trying to prey on me and convince me to go out with them. Shit is so nasty.

No. 2016410

god nonna, you reminded me when a married 30+ sleazbag MARRIED moid was hitting on me when I was 21
he still stalks my linkedin profile (sometimes) to this day and tried to add me on fb, it's fucking wild (im in my 30s now)

No. 2016435

File: 1716481791688.jpeg (148.69 KB, 1280x720, PGGsHF4.jpeg)

Edward Furlong. I still think he was kind of a cutie kid but he's aged so badly it's embarrassing to think about how much I was into him as a girl.

No. 2016439

We need to normalize moids wearing eyebrow pencil, because eyebrowless blonde moids look terrifying and in some cases it ruins what would otherwise be a decent face. That said, Joost would look creepy regardless because he has a ratface and fuckboy energy. I don't care that his parents are dead, boo fucking hoo, he's still an ugly moid. Fuck all the people saying he's "uwu so soft and sweet" when he rapped about degenerate shit and probably jerks off to rape on tape. He's just another obnoxious zillenial influencer types and a bunch of Dutch anons fell for the psyop like a bunch of suckers. You guys would thirst after a ham sandwich if someone told you it was a ~sensitive arteest~ with a tragic backstory.

No. 2016441

I was a tomboy who wanted to be him kek. is this lifestyle choices or genetics, I'm confused? or a combo hit?

No. 2016444

descent into fatness

No. 2016447

Lifestyle choices iirc. He got addicted to meth and food

No. 2016451

File: 1716482972646.png (14.19 MB, 2695x3380, neveredingpsyop.png)

Samefag, no nona who fought in this battle will be forgotten either. We have to remain strong and keep our defences for every section.

No. 2016453

babyfaced guys never age good

No. 2016457

File: 1716483305251.gif (1.89 MB, 400x400, wife beater.gif)

this festy-toothed retard makes me so sick to look at now. christina ricci was so young too?? the fuck
my unironic tinfoil is Tim burton always wanted to fuck him that's why he got with helena/always cast them together in his equally festy movies.

No. 2016458

This got me a little teary eyed. Beautiful collage.

No. 2016466

File: 1716483683088.jpg (61.14 KB, 457x601, Tumblr_l_861925227975937~2.jpg)

Picrel. I fell for the rock star psyop. He was cute in the early 80s, but he hit the wall hard. Drinking and drug use really do destroy peoples' appearances long term. Plus he's British, and British moids are worse off overall.

No. 2016469

damn evan peters fell off

No. 2016473

I never fancied johnny depp no matter how hard he was shilled. Always an annoying ugly retard plus I've got a radar for rapists. I absolutely hated these guys in highschool just picked up terrible vibes from them and they weren't cfiminals yet they're both in jail for rape. One abducted and kidnapped a girl and tortured her in Spain. And I got thrown out of a house party once for getting drunk and exclaiming who let the cunt in when everyone was up his ass cause he was a rugby player. Fucking cunts.

No. 2016474

Straight men shill him so hard, but he gives me super creepy vibes. The barely-legal girlfriends, bragging about his dick, and pandering to Reddit types just repulse me. I was honestly afraid for Milly Bobby Brown when she was working with him on a project.

No. 2016476

File: 1716484305409.jpg (55.7 KB, 432x409, hmm.jpg)

I hear that our tastes in the opposite sex and what we find attractive for ourselves is formed in childhood. Which is why when I got older and noticed cute female characters couple with basic blah male characters I realised the psyop starts when we are VERY young and they know we will carry this on for life. Also the same with age gaps - glad the younger generation is pushing back against this now

No. 2016488

File: 1716484711065.jpg (464.94 KB, 2095x3000, MV5BZDNmZTM4ODQtNDg1Ni00ZWFiLW…)

ohhh nooo BRANDON LEE?? I get the shitty remake of the movie but Brandon?

No. 2016492

File: 1716484840815.jpg (Spoiler Image,939.18 KB, 1920x1086, thill.jpg)

The only childhood crush I can remember is one I still would crush on, regardless (picrel). I never crushed on boy bands or teenie tv shows. I maybe liked Spike from Buffy a bit too much, after Buffy started their affair. He always had kind of a balloon shaped head. I was kind of more autistically fixated on the female characters, in regard to comparing myself with them or mirroring them if I found them cool.

No. 2016493

Thank god I exclusively watched cartoons filled to the brim with cuties. The thought of becoming psy-opped as a child is so scary to me. Also it was weird how fast they got married and had babies in that movie. Felt unnatural and forced.

No. 2016494

I think they are comparing old to new, not saying Brandon wasnt hot but that the new one is a HUGE downgrade

No. 2016499

Nonna, I don't think he was part of the psyop, he was never seen as beau or sold as one. I think it's an intense movie and character, hence your emotions towards it/him. Then there is the irony, that actresses have to be beautiful and get uglied down to play character roles whilst the dudes here, just look like they do.

No. 2016504

I hope so hah, HUGE downgrade is very generous, that is a profanation of the crow

No. 2016505

I think he actually good have been rather attractive, like a brunette Jeremy Sumpter but the drugs and sexual abuse fuccked him up.

No. 2016508

Yeah, we are dramatic, when we cry, but moids going on rampages because they get no girl is totally rational.
>>Women dating men
fixed that for you

No. 2016518

>the sex appeal he oozes
KEK it’s like the unconventional male attraction thread, I lowkey love this

No. 2016519

File: 1716485594647.jpg (327.19 KB, 1125x1125, psyop arnold.jpg)

>when I got older and noticed cute female characters couple with basic blah male characters I realised the psyop starts when we are VERY young

I got something for you. the pinnacle of the psyop. this is where a lot of ppl got their idea about having a crush kek. and don't tell me this isn't the state of todays institution of a situationship where the guy is ugly as fuck and the woman will fucking worship him. there is a reason why helga is portrayed as crazy kek.

No. 2016521

File: 1716485751370.webp (333.14 KB, 2000x1500, mike-faist-west-side-story.web…)

I left a comment under a post with screencaps of this new wannabe "dreamers" movie "challengers", saying why would you watch ugly old (30+ and post-wall) men version instead of hot young (Garrel and Pitt were literally in their 20s) men version. Guess what? Someone said that older actors are aCTuaWy more relatable, and the other answered "no way you just cald josh o'connor and mike faist ugly". PsyOp is real because the director has also made "call me by your name" with acceptably-looking men but now we're being fed geriatric shit. Picrels are the actors in question 1/2

No. 2016524

File: 1716485869658.jpg (84.84 KB, 1200x900, josh-oconnor.jpg)

We're doomed. Some nonnas might find Garrel and Pitt wierd/unattractive-looking but in comparison to this abomination they're Greek gods

No. 2016527

Ew what's wrong with this jaw?

No. 2016529

File: 1716485948792.jpeg (104.79 KB, 750x508, F991832D-0BBC-4F7F-8CD9-0C4147…)

>calling Arnold ugly

Helga was the first husbandofag, literally stop this madness

No. 2016532

File: 1716486060621.jpeg (58.65 KB, 625x190, IMG_3854.jpeg)

At first I thought this comments is about old scrotes, and damn what a perfect description kek.

No. 2016536

File: 1716486165625.jpg (99.63 KB, 1242x1241, 1646707321194.jpg)

Why cant there be a single show or manga or anime or whatever where an ugly woman gets a cute boy? men get their animus like accel world why isnt there a single piece of media that tells women they dont need to be hot or attractive to get male bitches

No. 2016540

File: 1716486231265.jpg (601.34 KB, 1920x1518, wil-hughes-arnold.jpg)

No. 2016545

File: 1716486289300.jpeg (146.24 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_0838.jpeg)

here’s your irl animu, hope you enjoy! comes with the addition of audience participation from seething tiktok fangirls

No. 2016546

File: 1716486299630.jpeg (239.86 KB, 1920x1080, OvWfFco.jpeg)

Kek you just reminded me of this anime that I refused to watch. It was getting glowing reviews but the ML is so ugly that it pissed me off

No. 2016547

File: 1716486301406.png (37.71 KB, 148x168, Screenshot 2024-05-23 104427.p…)

remember that the moids who talk like this look like this

No. 2016550

File: 1716486348385.jpeg (172.24 KB, 1418x1274, IMG_0839.jpeg)

KEKKK. Picrel is so valid though, if you saw this episode you must know

No. 2016551

KEKK. Stop it anon. I had a crush on Arnold took, he was sweet and nice while all the boys I grew up with were mean bullies.

No. 2016555

idk i always felt like arnold was kind of an asshole and faked being nice because you could see his true nature every once in awhile when he'd lash out at people

No. 2016559

I never watched that anime because of the ape man. How "subversive." Gross.

No. 2016562

the anime is fucking great tho kek

No. 2016567

its awful like all anime romcoms, it only has one joke
>lol everyone thinks this ape man creepy except hes super kind and sweet uguu!

No. 2016568

okay maybe he (((grew into his features))) kekek he's still shorter than her and she's too hot for him. I feel personally victimised by 'hey arnold' bc it made me crush on a boy that grew up to be ugly as fuck. the only good thing I learned from helga was to be mean to men regardless if I like them or not kek

No. 2016569

The only one I can think of is the one with the fujoshi girl but she gets magically beautiful. There were a few chapters in the manga though where she regained weight and best boy still loved her anyway.

No. 2016572

File: 1716486871176.png (710.87 KB, 939x374, Screenshot 2024-05-23 105421.p…)

people are preferring challengers over dreamers because challengers is 100% a fantasy for women. it completely objectifies the two male leads while dreamers remained focused on the female's body despite two attractive (subjective because i've always thought michael pitt was hideous) men being right there. challengers feels like a breath of fresh air. i think the leads look better in motion, same as dreamers (the other guy and his big ol schnoz look weird in stills.) plus challengers has two desirable character archetypes: one's sort of a rebel bad boy tempting you with doing things you know are wrong, the other is a subservient puppy of a man with no backbone desperate to please you. it's nice to have a movie pandering entirely to straight/bi women.

No. 2016576

>it completly objectifies
>one of the apes is not shaved
doubt so

No. 2016579

Youtube is pushing some vid atm where it shows him looking young, looking ravaged, and then shows some woman claiming his downfall is entirely on her. The cope

No. 2016582

File: 1716487081077.gif (1.09 MB, 340x192, 1713029706121.gif)

I hate this ugly mitarashi dango eating mf always greeting me on /m/ whenever I try to use the anime thread. Can someone remind me who this ugly bastard is please?

No. 2016587

some bara from golden kamuy

No. 2016588

Please combine these two and use it as the next thread pic kek

No. 2016589

Please don't start sperging about nu carnival please

No. 2016591

>likes shaved legs on a man
you're either a lesbian or you spend too much time looking at those abused kpop boys

No. 2016592

File: 1716487219074.jpg (46.68 KB, 500x375, MV5BMTE5NDA1OGUtZDI1MS00Nzg5LT…)

The little brother from Lizzie McGuire

No. 2016596

are you the retard that thinks everyone is your autistic boogeyman?

No. 2016597

Anyone is free to do that kek, i've only made shitposts pics for anons to use as threadpics and i'm never ready to create one myself

No. 2016599

File: 1716487306490.jpg (144.04 KB, 1500x1125, seth-green-clare-grant-1-cf132…)

seth green was in every fucking comedy and i thought he was cute. full body shudders

No. 2016600

He's the main villain in Golden Kamuy. He also has brain damage from the war that makes him a psycho. He was handsome in his youth (canonically).

No. 2016602

i am not into bestiality, plus men sweat more than women an unshaved men is a pool of germs and dead skin cells

No. 2016608

Ayrt and idk wtf that is kek

No. 2016609

I'm the retard who honors every nona that fights the good fight, watch out and bye.

No. 2016611

>body hair is unhygienic
not the literal patriarchal psyop that body hair is disgusting, forcing women around the world to subject themselves to painful waxing and stubble and ingrown hairs on their genitals, manifesting itself in this thread of all places

No. 2016613

Post his younger self, we'll see about that

No. 2016616

Absolutely idiotic cope. Shaving body hair is ridiculous on anyone.

No. 2016623

i dont shave because women sweat and smell less than men, men sweat and smell terribly

No. 2016625

>its for the female gaze
>one of the guys is a ginger male

bless you're little heart anon but I find this hard to believe

No. 2016630

>wah wah how dare you tell men, who are known for being dirty, to tell them to shave while you are expected to start shaving at 12 to look eternally youthful waaah wahhhh think about the men and their legs who definetly have poop particles all over since men just let the shower run over them

No. 2016640

Kek I've literally only seen dudes say he's attractive.

No. 2016647

File: 1716488011224.jpg (50.98 KB, 843x203, eww.jpg)

I know you nonnas are talking about body but even facial hair isnt safe. Most men are literal petri dishes, this is another reason they were making fun of the "metrosexual" look at least we wouldnt catch the fucking plague from them.

No. 2016656

did you know nonna, that hair is there bc it has acidic ph and skin has acidic ph and even more so in certain areas? the hair is literally there to protect the health of your skin. men refuse to clean themselves and keep the hair clean, and they know it's dirty bc of that, so they project it on women to "wax strip their pussy raw" (as Amy Dunne said in the cool girl monologue). you don't have a problem with hair - you have a problem with filthy scrotes.

No. 2016657

this. I dont shave and i spend a nice amount in the shower scrubbing myself in the shower, you think men do that? they most than likely dont even use soap.

No. 2016659

i dont care about moid's health they look hideous with hairy legs

No. 2016662

File: 1716488222990.jpg (71.37 KB, 591x368, dude no.jpg)

Good heavens if I was gonna submit to a moid I would at least make sure they look like a cute guy not a 5yr old toddler yikes

we need to raise the bar for men seriously

No. 2016664

Fucking hell THANK YOU! They literally look like the missing link never seen a man with hairy legs that didnt look like a carpet.

No. 2016667

its hard being a leg enjoyer because even the men with nice legs cover them with filthy poo filled hairs

No. 2016669

fair enough.

moids refusing to be hygienic and healthy put women they touch at health risk though. I wouldn't touch a moids filthy hair either.

No. 2016678

File: 1716488519696.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, 1716123451039.png)

>Trad Wide Christian submission
Moids are making insane exagerrated porn tags of anything now

No. 2016684

no pic but some of the guys I liked irl during my preteens were questionable to say the least

No. 2016685

No, the thread isn't for rating the handsomeness of anime men. I will however read your theory about how GK characters are part of the ugly man psyop if you have one. Like maybe the author is pushing ugly men because he's a man and has an interest in pushing that, idk, or psyoping women into crushing on violent military scrotes. I think some women might be winning against it regarding looks though because some of the fanart is 10x hotter than the official art, case in point >>>/m/145616 women fighting back kek

No. 2016688

File: 1716488689801.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.83 KB, 576x1024, women-shared-stark-warning-sno…)

Finding out about beard burn blackpilled me

No. 2016689

wtf is that, he looks like a Pixar character. he should go do his schoolwork and not yap into the microphone.

No. 2016691

give me a break the actors are so SO SO hideous, yes it's a "girlboss" fantasy but it doesn't appeal to me at all

No. 2016697

Y'all thinks thats bad men are not washing their asses because its "gay" but still expect women to rim them. DISGUSTING. Not just the ugly man psyop but there are certain sex acts we need to encourage ladies to not do with a man after realising how disgusting they are
https://medium.com/fourth-wave/men-please-improve-your-hygiene-2ba38ef204bf(this is an imageboard)

No. 2016699

>No, the thread isn't for rating the handsomeness of anime men.
yes it is

No. 2016700

we deserve a female gaze movie that is actually a female gaze movie with hot Brandon lees and not these manlets. there are hot gingers out there too, they could cast someone actually good looking. the female gaze meaning we like ugly scrotes is a fucking psyop in itself. this is ridiculous.

No. 2016702

anon the movie was made by a gay man

No. 2016704

so he cast whoever he liked kek

No. 2016707

just saying its not much of a psyop to make women like ugly men

No. 2016709

>we deserve a female gaze movie that is actually a female gaze movie with hot Brandon lees and not these manlets
>there are hot gingers out there too
er, not that ive seen. post one
Great, lets get the gay fellas in on this more hot men for EVERYONE!

No. 2016711

File: 1716489120760.webp (80.97 KB, 1600x1067, zendaya-josh-o'connor-mike-fai…)

they look hideous omg poor zendaya

No. 2016715

weirdly enough, gay men in the industry used to push hot twinks more in the past idk what happened

No. 2016717

Oh ok now I remember this movie trailer got crap a year ago because OMG A MMF threesome oh the horror! But yeah rather her than me lol

No. 2016722

they are ugly though

No. 2016726

File: 1716489431021.jpg (27.6 KB, 339x293, Mike-Myers-Austin-Powers-1-.jp…)

Another ugly man psyop that always got me when I was younger was an obviously ugly moid being touted as a womaniser because women found him irresistible and he just look like pic related (i havent seen these movies so not sure if they make fun of this trope or play it straight in this one)

No. 2016727

Which is why I said rather her than me nonna, keep up.

No. 2016728

File: 1716489482818.jpg (299.47 KB, 1920x1080, Zendaya-Mike-Josh.jpg)

nonny i will never forgive you for baiting me with >>2016572 when they actually look like this

No. 2016732

File: 1716489544763.png (345.87 KB, 745x424, goob.png)

teenage goob from meet the robinsons

No. 2016733

they play it as a joke but he still gets the girl several times

No. 2016734

Austin powers being ugly was part of the comedy lol

No. 2016735

it's meant to be a joke in the Austin Powers movies, they're a spoof on James Bond/spy series with an irresistible male lead

No. 2016736

anon youre retarded. austin powers is a satirical comedy. the joke is that hes ugly but still fucks

No. 2016737

File: 1716489688683.jpg (383.16 KB, 1045x1901, gingers.jpg)

>er, not that ive seen. post one

Michael Fassbender
Domhnall Gleeson
Conan O'Brian

what do you think?

No. 2016740

how dare you post my sweet precious conan ITT knowing he is going to be ripped apart

No. 2016743

I mean he short but so are many Irish men kek

No. 2016744

No. 2016745

File: 1716489839546.jpg (5.02 KB, 262x192, images.jpg)

Is fassbender ginger? ok Yeah sure hes mid
erm, no.
see pic related

No. 2016747

>the last two
anon, I think you got psyoped…

No. 2016748

So thats a resounding no then.

No. 2016749

File: 1716489972855.png (144.09 KB, 640x532, 4B3UGlR.png)

I thought so too, still think he is but he grows up to be picrel

No. 2016750

Nyart but cope. Body hair on men is barbed wired esque and the pube hair on their face causes rashes and probably other diseases. Women's hair lays flat as well as like other nonna says it's 100% more cleaner. I will not allow support for body hair on moids in this thread

No. 2016752

File: 1716490044777.jpg (60.16 KB, 780x438, the-height-of-celebrities-was-…)

wtf are you talking about conan is gigantic. i love him but he is not a hot guy

No. 2016753

If you're a man and ginger you need brown eyes otherwise you look like a freak

No. 2016756

No. 2016757

>If you're a man and ginger you need to not breed because its over, stop polluting the gene pool

fixed it for you nonna

No. 2016759

I mean I don't crush on them or anything, just think they're good looking compared to the majority kek.
omg he looks short kek it's that Irish physiognomy kek

nah bc now I'm reevaluating kek

> heard they're going extinct anyway no-one wants their sperm in the sperm banks kek

No. 2016762

Lmao i find those other moids hideous (maybe the first one would be better with no facial hair and more hair) but i also find Conan kind of cute, he's too old now though. I like how he doesn't keep facial hair and has fluffy hair, reminds me a bit of retro moid illustrations but yeah i agree that he looks too ginger to be compared to human looks.

No. 2016769

Nonna you fell for the psyop and I'm not hating on you for that but conan is objectively ugly, like a fleshy roblox, let's stop it here.

No. 2016770

wow he used to be cute

No. 2016774

Conan might be old and not really handsome or whatever but he honestly looks fine compared to other men his age still. The only ginger guy I ever saw that looked good was a guy I dated, they exist and can be cute when they're younger just like most men(Defending ugly old moids in the ugly man psyop thread)

No. 2016775

you're a retard that aligns itself with troons with shaving=totally girly girl girl

No. 2016777

the image of a man shaving his legs is so incredibly vagina-drying.

No. 2016778

The image of a man having gorilla furry legs while expecting me to shave my own is so incredibly vagina drying

No. 2016783

imagine practicing intense discipline to maintain your body to be half the size of your male costars and some ginger abomination with shrinkwrap for skin puts his face on yours

No. 2016784

Why would you imagine that? Just like men who expect women to look like polished models with full face and hair done without thinking all the prep women do to look like that we don't think of that with these guys, just the end result. This is a you problem

No. 2016790

then don't imagine it? also its better for men to shave by default bc if you don't like it just ask him to stop.

No. 2016791

File: 1716491672078.jpg (112.35 KB, 1024x576, FVLJF_eWIAInknG.jpg)

Remember that this happened

No. 2016793

Swimmers, triathletes and cyclists have been doing it since the 50s for performance

No. 2016803

well you gay

No. 2016808

File: 1716492236191.jpg (129.49 KB, 564x860, b81172f24008ee5000dfb769f9add2…)

No. 2016810

wtf is that tweet
right wingers are insane

No. 2016813

nonnas what's the last case you remember where an attractive actress was actually paired with an actor who AT LEAST as attractive as her?

No. 2016814

Wasn't this the woman who messaged him when he was 15 and she was in her 20s?

No. 2016820

nonita seems a little too offended that she got called a lesbian kek

No. 2016827

File: 1716492938330.jpg (54.79 KB, 750x450, 1000010784.jpg)

millie and louis in enola holmes

No. 2016830

one of the weirdest things I saw was women who clearly were attracted to him and liked his relationship with enola, actually hc'd him as a lesbian or hc'd enola as non-binary

No. 2016831

These christian husbands are just pretending to have faith in anything at all, playing the long larp game for payoff. If they could get a sub wife and very openly, publicly humiliate her without all the god stuff, they would.

No. 2016832

Maybe you should go for guys that shower, then.

No. 2016834

>actually hc'd him as a lesbian
I don't even want to ask…

No. 2016836

File: 1716493330359.png (2.1 MB, 608x3846, 1716364115169.png)

basically picrel

No. 2016837

>hc'd him as a lesbian
literally what?

No. 2016839

poor choso..

No. 2016840

This whole conversation about shaving and being gay is just retarded. If you want to fuck men you aren't gay whether or not they shave kek. You can also want them to shave regardless of whether or not they shower, too, just like they expect women to shave even though women aren't as dirty as men. Go kiss your gross hairy nigel and get shit like >>2016688 and leave the rest of us alone
Ugly kek

No. 2016843

This makes me want to kill myself.

No. 2016846

No. 2016847

File: 1716494067344.jpeg (522.17 KB, 2975x2048, I9pcLEM.jpeg)

The funniest thing is that this is coming from Isabella moody(who by misogynistic metrics should be considered "used goods") and when that relationship fell apart, she groomed her husband when he was 15 and she was 23. She's definitely the one leading their relationship and she even got her husband to delete his old Twitter and TikTok accounts and stop posting memes

No. 2016849

File: 1716494095993.mp4 (1.27 MB, 480x854, qREjLiv.mp4)

No. 2016854

File: 1716494352713.png (1.25 MB, 1010x1193, FAEIt26.png)

He also hasn't posted to his Instagram and TikTok(which were previously filled with zoomer memes). He also seems to be going to the gym more often and has gotten a shorter haircut. While some of these lifestyle changes may have been his own choices, its very possible that his Isabble has influenced him.
she basically perfectly groomed a dumb moid into her ideal husbando, I can't tell if that's based or cringe

No. 2016855

I go feral over these types of guys. God I love me a good blonde white guy with blue eyes makes my pussy quake a bit

No. 2016856

They always wanna tell other women to live under a miserable set of rules they don't exactly follow themselves.

No. 2016857

nonna pls not that ugly whimp he's visibly inbred

No. 2016860

>ugly whimp
that’s literally the appeal, I could crush his cock with my fat ass

No. 2016862

How old was he here?

No. 2016863

No. 2016865

please don't take the wrong way, but I feel your post is meant as bait to cause in-fights cause you some ugly lurking moid

No. 2016866

Are they the same guy? They look different.

No. 2016867

yes right wings are hypocrites what else is new

No. 2016868

that was her previous partner, that's why I said by misogynistic standards she would be considered used goods.

No. 2016872

File: 1716495173031.jpeg (155.88 KB, 736x920, IMG_0844.jpeg)

It’s not bait I’m honestly into those types of guys they’re always the weakest and most pampered. Imagine slapping his ruddy red face, the smack would be so hard his ancestors from all the way back to the Mayflower would hear it and decide to change the trajectory of their ships back to England. I want to use his face as a human stress toy and he would love it

No. 2016875

File: 1716495416044.png (2.34 MB, 2438x746, 1711920933885.png)

No. 2016877

I'm attracted to these types as well, but I feel the you word your posts is specifically so others will not post how non-blonde/non-white males are hotter

No. 2016881

Those tattoos look retarded, specially the eye/nipple one, dude looks like a bad drawing of Peter Murphy

No. 2016882

File: 1716495598965.jpg (582.18 KB, 1316x3842, fuggycatfishes.jpg)

I want to alog men that are using those anime bishie avatars to catfish and psyop gullible teenage girls to fangirl over them. Any moid online that uses a cutesy or hot avatar to hide what they truly look like are most likely fugly. Picrel they cant even shave and groom to even look at least 5 percent like the avatar they catfish in. I bet 90 percent of the male "thirst trap" vtubers are fugly too.

No. 2016885

Why does it matter like ofc they are. My first choice would be them but we have to go around acting like non-blonde men are cute and that it’s offensive to find them attractive

No. 2016887

The fact there’s someone out there simping for one of these dudes kills my spirit. I’m atheist for males

No. 2016888

Joostfags this is the type of music your man makes before eurovision.

English lyrics translation below:

Is this a Mick spek beat?
They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches
They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches

First you thought I was ugly
And now you meet me
Don’t dare to speak to you
Bitch, what are you being shy
Yes, prosperity increased
Your bitch stays a cow
Don’t ask me how I do it
Two condoms if necessary
I literally have bitches everywhere
In your room and also in your kitchen
Very young, but not quite children
And with the old one I’m going to play some bridge

They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches
They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches

I had no friends on Hyves
Nobody wanted to tweet me
Could only lose
Still Im between her tits
Nobody believes me
Your bitch, it’s for sale
The followers are high
So your bitch is naked
I literally have five phones
A WhatsApp list full of hoes
She calls me daddy
But the other calls me Joost
I like flowers
So I recently did Roos

They didn’t grand me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches
They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches
They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches
They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches
They didn’t grant me anything so
Now I fuck their bitches

No. 2016890

Connor is the only decently hot one.

No. 2016897

Some examples on there are attractive men which the message a little confusing.

No. 2016898

I was talking to some girls about celebrity crushes today, and man, the psyop got to them hard. Cristiano Ronaldo, The Rock, Mike Towers, and BTS J Hope… what the hell are these answers? I told them I liked Atsushi, and they said he looked like a woman. No, he doesn't, tf? How is an attractive man with long hair equal to a woman? 

No. 2016899

Joostfags are 100% psyop'd. Im sure some of them think hes cute just cause hes a blonde, pasty, euro

No. 2016900

blonde men are as repulsive as ginger men

No. 2016902

>First you thought I was ugly
That's true

No. 2016904

They met when he was 18.

No. 2016906

I will never understand how people can have crushes on anime avatar youtubers or virtual youtubers. Like it's 100% guaranteed that they're ugly, otherwise they would post their faces.

No. 2016907

All 3 ugly

No. 2016910


No. 2016915

Jesus Brandon is so hot I'm gonna cry, what a shame he'd dead. I can't believe I even think that of a man
I mean this one is cute and I love to put men down too but I would be caught dead before I let an uggo touch me. they'd have to assault me to get close to me. which they always do.

No. 2016917

File: 1716497346211.jpg (145.9 KB, 998x558, 5656.jpg)

>Chad wins again
Moids on 4chan are seething about Olivia's bf.

No. 2016918

And then you see the real man behind the avatar

No. 2016919

chad always wins

No. 2016920

Have a very young cousin obsessed with hex haywire. whats funny is she doesnt even really listen to his streams she just likes his picture. I told her you do realise thats not what he looks like. She said she doesnt care all real men are too ugly for her (lmao) shes like 12.

No. 2016921

>you realize every song written by a woman about a man is dedicated to chad and chad only

have you seen who Lana and Taylor wrote their songs about? and I am not defending them - quite the opposite. I even dare say lana is a part of the psyop.

No. 2016923

File: 1716497552097.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.8 KB, 462x585, yzdtp1un4t881.jpg)

The bar is under the quicksand sinking fast.

No. 2016932

see this is what I mean, the original post wanted response like this cause they are possibly a non-blond/non-white moid from rk9 who have been lurking in these threads for a few days now.

No. 2016935

File: 1716497882755.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.49 KB, 252x200, 1000003185.jpg)

This is the scrote who Melanie Martinez dedicated SEVERAL songs to. Spoilered for eye searing ugliness. These moids need to close their 500 porn tabs and look out of the fucking window.

No. 2016954

Beyonce, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Grimes, Doja Cat, ect. I wish what he was saying was true though.

No. 2016990

File: 1716498705029.jpg (759.01 KB, 2389x3600, 4e850a52b77095db8302f1734b6325…)

For me it was Harry Styles, specifically early on in his One Direction days. I'm embarrassed to say that I was super obsessed with him when I was 12. I started losing attraction to him when he was growing out his greasy ass hair and showing off his tragic hairline, but in retrospect he was never particularly good looking and straight up looks like shit these days.

No. 2017020

File: 1716499181250.png (28.37 KB, 1348x163, dream about harry styles.png)


No. 2017021

My crime is only is liking very masculine looking men with beards, a sin in this thread, but only if they were in role for a movie, never in the wild. For example, i like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and only as wolverine. I don't find him attractive at all outside the role, although i think he has the ideal male physique imo. Probably because capeshit men have an very excentrique ways of dressing and i like it. But i did used to find Zac Efron hot at one point and we can see how that turned out. I also rightfully found Tom Welling to be one of the most beautiful men in the world, but he had to squander it all by getting fat. Maybe he could have been still somewhat handsome at his older age, but he didn't even try. I don't even want to look at him now. Seeing heartthrobs of my day give up on their looks is disheartening even if i didn't care for them much. Liking very cute men is torture because they expire so fast.

No. 2017026

oh shit he's CUTE

No. 2017029

im so happy that she’s pretty much the only current pop girl with a cute moid her age. & they’re so cute, they keep going viral on twitter and tiktok so i hope she starts a trend of actually liking cute young moids

No. 2017037

Me too, adorable couple. A good counter for the psyop.

No. 2017081

Me too! And also MBB with Jake Bongiovi, and Anya with whatever his name is. Other than them I can’t recall any celebrities with cute, age appropriate bfs or husbands. Maybe Zendaya and Tom Hiddleston but he looks like the rat from Ratatouille to me.

No. 2017107

File: 1716500752432.png (442.95 KB, 811x353, ZMTj7EU.png)


No. 2017122

Add Doja Cat, Ariana Grande and Sabrina Carpenter to that list

No. 2017125

Olivia is based tbh, she dated like one ugly moid, but overall her boyfriends are cute. Joshua Bassett was too.

No. 2017126

Ohh I remember these comics doing rounds on Tumblr back in the day. What's the name? Jucika?

No. 2017137

>Tom Hiddleston
Kek nonna, it's Tom Holland. They cause me massive sperg outs because I find her super pretty and he's average at best, and a manlet. She deserves a 6'5 ft male supermodel.

No. 2017156

Nigga looks like he’s gonna rob my house while walking on his tippy toes and carrying a bag over his shoulder

No. 2017175


video title: men turn women ugly? - boyfriend air, baby daddy DNA, toxic relationship face

No. 2017176

It's based. I wish I were bold enough to do this. Men should be obedient.

No. 2017181

I have no idea who this is and I don't usually post ITT but this moid is fucking hideous and I hate seeing it in the catalogue.

No. 2017194

She’s an annoying clout goblin but this is based I fear.

No. 2017212

based, same

No. 2017228

No. 2017233

He's kinda like as if young Johnny Depp never fell off. Don't let these psyopped normies get to your head

No. 2017234

File: 1716507067653.jpg (89.83 KB, 854x480, 1614596714891.jpg)

I fucking despise tall, fat men. picrel's moid is 6'7 and they would have to eat a ridiculous diet to gain even an ounce of weight at that height. How can we even allow these types of men to exist?

No. 2017270

All of these men are so ugly that I can't even tell who the "hot" one is supposed to be.

No. 2017275

File: 1716509589667.jpg (Spoiler Image,638.92 KB, 2048x2048, 1000014479.jpg)

he's not genuinely fat, but skinnyfat and flabby tho

No. 2017279

Not only is it the worst pysop, but it's dangerous and creates autistic children. These women suck too

No. 2017286

I have a male coworker who swears this is the greatest romance anime ever made. Ugly men think they deserve cute women. hell no

No. 2017288

You think his height is the problem and not his massive oversized nine-head?

No. 2017290

Same anon, he's hot.

No. 2017299

zoomer brainrot is real

No. 2017301

eeeeeeeeeeewwwwww what the fuck is this??? liking this creature is %100 self-harm, why would you do this to yourself

No. 2017302

There's a webtoon called Favorite Part that's about an ugly fat girl who only wants an attractive guy I think she ends up with one that has a fat fetish but I can't remember. There's a manga called Mairunovich about an ugly girl who befriends a makeup artist, but she's mainly shown in her glow-up state. There's also Kengai Princess, but I think she also gets slightly better looking as the manga progresses. There was another called Raou-kun Notices Me that has a really cute story and she's actually drawn to somewhat reflect that she isn't pretty. There's Plus-Sized Misadventures In Love that I haven't finished yet but leans heavily into the comedy of a fat woman having confidence in herself but I can give it a pass to some extent from what I've read so far since it's suppose to contrast her previous personality before her suicide attempt. That's all I can think of though.

My list could be longer if I included "plain" main characters, but those usually end up being seen as cute or beautiful in their canon world and just tend to have self-esteem issues and/or deal with negging from their male lead.

If you were to ask me to name ones about fat, unattractive men ending up with attractive women there would be no end. And those unattractive male leads do nothing to even try to improve their appearance throughout their stories. Even in all the stories of unattractive female main characters I've listed, all of the main female characters at least try to get better looking or put in effort into their appearance at some point.

No. 2017303

What the fuck… ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

No. 2017306

Turkey Tom is so offensively ugly, i am irritated he had the nerve to show his fucking face.

No. 2017308

KEK nonnie I never thought of it like that, but you're so right

No. 2017323

File: 1716513663727.jpg (36.2 KB, 479x568, 40e30a1242d5364.jpg)

All those anons in the confessions thread talking about flirting with 50-something and 63 year old men while being in their 20s are blackpilling me (assuming they're not larpers/baiters). We're never getting out of this shit.

No. 2017330

File: 1716514004710.jpg (63.51 KB, 602x525, f9369b7f1e493392146c0e90d8f192…)

Eeewwww… Thanks to him and the troglodyte in puffy green sleeves we'll keep seeing fuggos with cheap gimmicks and Edgar cuts on Eurovision. Please eurovision… bring the cute guys back!

No. 2017332

Axl Rose and Dave Mustaine literally exist, and this is who you could think of?

No. 2017336

And every song written by men about women they love is about a homely woman with a heart of gold.

No. 2017341

File: 1716514349105.jpg (63.69 KB, 900x900, Damien.jpg)

Does he count? He's polish.

No. 2017350

Who even is this giraffe?

No. 2017369

>>2017341 Show his real face

No. 2017375

That's a wikihow illustration anon.

No. 2017377

Painfully mid and boring to look at. It’s sad that men have become so ugly that women are now drooling over average at best moids.

No. 2017391

the cursor on his nipple kek

No. 2017411

KEK, he's Damien Dawn, a German singer and the probably ex-boyfriend of Anna Blue, some emo musician. Neither of them showed their faces, probably for anonymity, but I have a feeling he's ugly. They used to make music together but they stopped and stopped posting on socmed as well, so there's speculation they broke up and their careers can't exist without each other since that's the image they built around themselves, so they're quiet quitting. But he was the better singer tbh.

No. 2017441

File: 1716521178204.jpg (396.58 KB, 2000x1500, uglyboypsyop.jpg)

Being an edgy emo girl in the 2000s was a wild time for the ugly male psyop.

No. 2017470

omg I mean you're right I just think I subconsciously avoided them bc I dated a redhead that listened to both these bands kekekek

No. 2017480

this is better than anything women have nowadays and im not even into this guy. sad

No. 2017482

You had a crush on the brother from Lizzie Mcguire? I'm sorry but even as a kid I was not into this little shit. I am dying anon

No. 2017483

File: 1716524598773.jpg (262.05 KB, 1000x955, sanjaya-malakar.jpg)

Dont laugh.

No. 2017491

Ok this is strangely funny. Did he listen to them because they were redheads like him or just because he was into pretending to like rock music? I want it to be the former so bad.

No. 2017496

File: 1716526043337.jpg (285.16 KB, 1080x1440, 1000018237.jpg)

What HAPPENED to him

No. 2017499

Are you retarded, anon? Everyone has listened to megadeth and guns n roses kek

No. 2017500

KEKKKK I never thought of it this way! No idea hahahaha, but based on the fact that Metallica was his number one I'd say the latter

No. 2017503

File: 1716526954874.webp (35.59 KB, 615x830, IMG_7607.webp)

No. 2017507

File: 1716527963029.jpg (217.15 KB, 1200x1611, 6d504f29-draco-malfoy-prisoner…)

No. 2017509

Not me though. They're so overrated. And I can't take megadeth's music seriously, they sounded and acted as if they were joking and creating novelty music, except they were actually serious. It's just too goofy. Guns 'n' Roses are too generic and Axl Rose can't sing. Only good thing either band's frontman was good for when they were young was being ogled.

No. 2017520

He was always uggo ngl

No. 2017528

i have never listened to those fags actually

No. 2017590

I want to see one of the Joost-fags try to come up with a defense for this.

No. 2017608

They probably wouldn't care, this was one of the responses to his lyrics (from a different song) in the eurovision thread

No. 2017622

Oh god, he's so hot. Reminds me of Louis Hoffmann

No. 2017626

Based, his face is perfect

No. 2017627

this shit is criminal, and also kind of insulting, i mean brandon literally DIED working on that movie, why would it need to be remade?

No. 2017649

tbf that photo of corpse husband is from when he was 12. He still looks ugly nowadays, but a bit more clean

No. 2017683

i hate turkey tom i cant wait until he gets accussed of grooming and his channel dies

No. 2017688

>gay men in the industry used to push hot twinks more in the past idk what happened
Fucking this. As if the industry was taken over by bottom submissive faggots who want to be degraded so they choose and harass ugly ape-looking moids.
Idc if all those 80s/90s pretty boys were SAed because they only experienced what 90% of women live with their whole lives.

No. 2017702

Bring back real faggots. I'm sick of "men-loving-men." We need more SODOMITES who hunt studs and pimp them out to media.

No. 2017713

File: 1716544244560.jpg (231.05 KB, 1406x2048, nvnvweukj92d1.jpg)

Tom Holland looks like a walking-talking digital facial composite image.

No. 2017756

Lana needs to be tried at the Hague for memeing zoomer girls into thinking ugly old men are hot

No. 2017757

The comment section, women are so embarrassing sometimes. Cause you know if it was an older woman doing this they would be calling her pick me for thirst trapping

No. 2017781

File: 1716551046066.jpg (94.98 KB, 1000x681, the-outsiders-cast-zoom-9a628c…)

I absolutely hate Gen X. They had it good, pretty boys were abundant in the 80s as a basic commodity. Where did it go all wrong???

No. 2017784

"I'm not like other boys, I'm so quirky"

No. 2017785

Lana raised me but she owes zoomers reparations for the damage that Off to the Races has done. It’s beyond cringe how there are multiple thirst trapping geriatrics on that clock app and the comments are always barely 18 coquettes.

No. 2017786

>a man needs to be a little ugly to be hot
>being a bit ugly gives them personality
The fact that this shit is what comes out of women's mouth is so disappointing, like it's not even moids saying this, it's the "female gaze" girlies

No. 2017788

they also dressed better. I hate shit taste so you can be average and dress good and i will date you, but average moids nowadays cry about no one wanting to date them but then complain when women tell them to get nice haircuts or dress nicely

No. 2017792

They're more apathetic than emos

No. 2017795

File: 1716552047751.png (314.74 KB, 625x352, image_2024-05-25_000033539.png)

curt and his new hat

No. 2017797

we need to eradicate the joshua moon phenotype

No. 2017801

I used to be like this too till I did some serious shadow work and realized how deeply insecure I was by conditioning myself to suppress physical attraction towards men I viewed as better looking than me. I am no looker myself but beauty is meant to be appreciated. Ever since becoming a 2d men connoisseur, I've become hella shallow when it comes to 3DPDs.

No. 2017822

I agree they all look like evil elves and I hate elves

No. 2017828

Remembered an ao3 fanfic I used to read in teens whoever retard wrote to ship this uggo with Hermione and now im cringed to the murderous extent to stab a random ugly moid on street

No. 2017832

File: 1716553741982.mp4 (10.04 MB, 846x720, CI6NaSUxqZSW1.mp4)

I saw this vidrel(some random truck youtuber) and I just thought to myself, this is what men should look like. All they have to do is eat right and work out a bit to look decent, and yet they can't even do that properly

No. 2017833

I never understood the infatuation with Draco Malfoy and Tom Felton. Some women seriously ignoring the fact that Draco's a racist narcissist because they think Felton is hot when in reality he's mediocre at best.

No. 2017840

Tried reading Manacled and while at the very least it's competently written, I don't buy Dramione. Not only does the artwork heavily stylize him to make him more appealing, he overall comes off as very possessive to the point where I question if you're supposed to think this relationship is healthy in the slightest.

No. 2017841

how do you even watch that and have time to spare a thought for the male? I want a toyota hilux so bad right now

No. 2017846

You could barely even see the man

No. 2017848

He looks inbred what

No. 2017852

File: 1716554616099.png (269.96 KB, 931x354, 1000000346.png)

As a burgerfag this type of scrote is everywhere especially in the south. This mullet fag is NOT the ideal

No. 2017853

He looks like he would scream "Whatchu lookin' at" if you caught him smoking crack during employee lunch break.

No. 2017862

That's not the point I'm trying to make. I'm pointing out that even an inbred hick can look decent just by taking care of himself.

No. 2017876

ausfag here, this is what we call a bogun and they should be avoided at all costs.

No. 2017881

>taking care of himself
where? he isnt even clean shaven

No. 2017883

File: 1716557128821.jpg (147.35 KB, 1000x667, mcdhapo_ec400.jpg)

>>2017507 All the harry potter scrotelets look hideous and or mid. Luckily I wasn't fazed as they looked like all the other average scrotes in my class (im a bong yeah). My friend kept going batshit crazy about these 2 though… Wtf

No. 2017886

Men should look like…a japanese car?

No. 2017895

This just proves how anons "feminism" on this site is completely fake and performative. They will write manifestos but once a moid they want to get fucked by writes a song making fun of feminists then suddenly its all fine and they start defending him.
His feminist on da blok song was obviously offensive that it even got taken down from spotify.
He had a shit ton of questionable songs before he went on eurovision, idk why there are even anons caping for him when all he is a white incel who used to be a jake paul wannabe. Also you know damn well he wouldn't say "why not" if the israeli contestant was a man but thats a discussion for another time.

No. 2017910

While Ezra is very obviously a violent mentally ill drug-addicted man i still can't deny that he is very beautiful. Im suprised he never got posted on this thread.
I dont support him as a human being but i do like his appearance. Its a shame he never got casted in some lovey-dovey romcom during his peak.

No. 2017911

I understand those autists who marry their car now. What a beauty

No. 2017919

Is this a Google translate comment?

No. 2017925

Can you imagine if a woman made an equivalent song like this about moids, they would be harassing and dehumanising her instead of gushing about her in threads

No. 2017932

File: 1716560089959.jpg (951.47 KB, 2000x1333, feat-in-a-relationship-with-my…)

No. 2017938

isnt that the guy that draws pregnant and femboy cars?

No. 2017943

how much money has he been able to make off of this bit

No. 2017946

>pregnant femboy car art
…..what?…im not sure… all i know about him is that he was in a sexual relationship with his red chevy but then he dumped that car to be in a relationship with a lexus car.

Its not a bit, there have been men arrested after having sex with random cars.

No. 2017973

the same reason why bakugo, sasuke, etc types are popular, 'muh troubled bad boy'

No. 2017989

File: 1716562736970.jpg (26.91 KB, 554x554, 1000015874.jpg)

>Hozier song
Has Hozier been discussed already? I cannot understand the hype around this man. He looks like Asmongold to me, repulsive. I'm so tired of seeing women on tiktok losing their minds over this rat.

No. 2017994

No. 2018019

>he dumped that car to be in a relationship with a lexus car.
Men are such sluts

No. 2018044

File: 1716565003035.png (373.08 KB, 360x450, qsdx3mdogk271.png)

At least he was in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, I guess

No. 2018052

this thread is supposed to be about ugly men so that's why he hasn't gotten posted, retard-chan

No. 2018053

He's so ugly. I remember those anons insisting he was actually handsome and it was just his styling that was bad/trashy. I hate the psyop so much it's unreal lmao.

No. 2018058

>this is what netherland people have to listen to on the radio
god i feel for you

No. 2018060

the joostfags are underage, they speak like tiktok kiddies. I am glad we finally have a place to shit on these retards who hop from ugly man to ugly man every few months

No. 2018064

File: 1716565967090.jpg (32.15 KB, 480x600, dfb3db4482e9f152619b1f029abe60…)

this bitch

No. 2018110

File: 1716569514170.webp (32.24 KB, 250x407, IMG_3856.webp)

Lana quit that shit a long time ago and was dating Courtney’s ex who’s 4 years younger than her, besides her rumored fling with Axl Rose none of her bfs was significantly older. They need to move on.

No. 2018153

File: 1716573329026.jpeg (57.54 KB, 540x540, IMG_4958.jpeg)

Ever since I saw him in emma this ugly moid makes me recoil in disgust whenever I see him. Literally looks like he belongs in Wallace and gromit. Him being cast as Charles in the crown makes sense because he’s just as ugly and inbred looking. The other moid is so hideous too.

No. 2018157

File: 1716573951441.webp (96.22 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4959.webp)

I will never feel guilty for liking the dreamers even though it was weird incest scroteshit because literally nothing else like it exists while also having cute moids. I know louis garrel sucks and he’s part of the psyop now but he was cute in it i’m sorry nonnas. Picrel scene is literally my dream. I feel like I’m going insane sometimes seeing hideous postwall scrotes being thirsted after by women, moids getting to look at gorgeous women almost exclusively and being personally offended when they see an average to ugly one, while I have to watch a bunch of random films just to find the odd decent looking scrote in a sex scene.

No. 2018162

Your taste in men is atrocious, girls.

No. 2018168

Who are you talking to

No. 2018169

Anon please those two faggots were way way too ugly for Eva

No. 2018240

True, but do you have any better suggestions kek I can count on one hand how many weird sex movies have decent young moids in them

No. 2018304

I hate the way he talks with his mouth and how it sounds

No. 2018406

File: 1716583434693.jpg (1.18 MB, 1920x1920, whyyy.jpg)

Not as bad as the girls on g fawning on this rodent looking fuck

No. 2018431

I was listening to this early 30 year old woman and 56 year old guy fawning over his appearance and masterful poeticism. Idgi. He’s uggo and cringe.

No. 2018434

WTF is bottom left real? That looks like a halloween mask

No. 2018451

File: 1716584969132.jpeg (505.5 KB, 664x1348, 1716443173453.jpeg)

Sure, scrote.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2018462

File: 1716585304661.png (598.58 KB, 952x537, 61F8F432-07A9-4F5C-BA51-3D07DD…)

Gen Xers are my favorite generation. I relate to their attitudes/humor and love talking to them as a young person.
Also, the whole androgyny thing they were doing 40 years ago was way better then whatever this crap is.

No. 2018474

white gay men like this really just want to be black women. jesus that pic

No. 2018475

File: 1716585716993.jpeg (174.14 KB, 838x885, IMG_5532.jpeg)

>tfw you were born too late to fuck new wave fags

No. 2018479

File: 1716585902478.png (550.52 KB, 623x478, hot.PNG)

straight men should bleach their hair more often, if anything

No. 2018483

I see another anon with supreme taste. River Phoenix was soo fine

No. 2018486

what the fuck is up with retards who keep confusing this thread for attractive men thread

No. 2018488

>non-blonde scrotoid mad he got btfo(scrotefoiling)

No. 2018489

Psychological defense mechanism.

No. 2018492

File: 1716586375492.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.71 KB, 728x481, tjEAIbXg.jpg)

I'm not that guy but black hair is way better than anything else

No. 2018498

>anons post some of the hottest men on earth who happen to be blond
>all you can find is some animu pic of an ugly 15 year old tied to a cross like a cuck

No. 2018503

imo blonde for guys with pale peachy undertones, black for guys with warm/olive undertones

No. 2018507

File: 1716586760290.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.87 KB, 800x552, tumblr_mk9oz38h1a1r06zydo1_128…)

This artist is a godsend.

No. 2018508

I don't get the reason for this hostility but River Phoenix is pretty average in the face department to be honest
I don't really dislike blonde people either, it's just that black hair is supreme

No. 2018509

>t. incel with black hair

River Phoenix is gorgeous. You'd look like a rat standing next to him and the other blond moid posted.

No. 2018513

River Phoenix looks like an average teenager. Calm down.

No. 2018514

Black hair is inherently feminine when combined with pale skin, so it’s gross on men. I love some effeminacy in the face but brunettes are too much.

No. 2018516

>calm down
Projection kek. Enjoy your school shooter looking men.

No. 2018517

I wouldn't say that. More like Jack Skellington vibes.

No. 2018518

You're just being retarded now, stop gendering hair colors

No. 2018519

But the femininity is nice. What about goths and emos?

No. 2018520

File: 1716587158146.jpg (124.23 KB, 728x907, d9Ue6Glg.jpg)

ok fag enjoy your heroin shooter looking men
you're right though he definitely belongs in this ugly man psyop thread

No. 2018521

Cry about it scrote. River was and still is a classic teen idol loved by millions of girls and women all over the world. Meanwhile you're here on an imageboard seething about a man hotter than you.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2018522

right? black hair is inherently very masculine kek. who is that anon fooling

No. 2018523

Ntayrt but this is such a nasty little reply. The barely concealed accusation of pedophilia, the “calm down!1!” when someone simply disagrees with you… gross

No. 2018524

would you like to point out where river phoenix looks good in the above picture?

No. 2018526

He needs to calm down, he's been crying about some imaginary non-blonde guy who is jealous of blondes just because somebody disagreed with his shit taste
River Phoenix is objectively not good looking(scrotefoiling)

No. 2018530

File: 1716587609925.jpeg (860.97 KB, 1446x959, 91256D6E-0D83-45DD-A0BE-CAA9DC…)

I’m literally talking about you. Also,
>assuming someone’s a he

No. 2018534

That blonde-obsessed retard keeps assuming I'm a man even though I only posted a single picture of a black-haired guy, and the only other post I made in this thread before that was way before this autistic discussion about blondes was brought up. This incessant insulting over some minute detail about preferences is scrote behavior, therefore I used "he" to describe him.

No. 2018535

imagine being in bed with those two

No. 2018538

Why were you watching a clockwork orange as a kid

No. 2018542

Another beautiful day on lolcow.
Btw River phoenix was a hot Twink and I wish I could have pegged him so hard he would cry and cum at the same time. Moid itt seethe

No. 2018543

cope. dude looks like a fermenting grape in the black and white picture. get your eyes checked

No. 2018546

yeah who gives a shit, hes old now anyways

No. 2018547

hes hot

No. 2018548

hot as a grape left out in the summer sun

No. 2018551

I don't even disagree with you that river rover..however he was called is hot but the way you are replying to anons makes it very obvious that you are a newfag refuge male from 4chan or some other shithole or maybe some bpd sperg from tiktok.
Integrate imbecile. Ironically you keep calling others scrotes meanwhile you sound like one pf those scrotes who is into blonde men which is 99% of scrotes. Men have a weird obssesion with both blonde men and blonde woman. Lately i keep having ragebait posts show up on my socials of rightwinger agartha men and their weird lust for blonde men and you sound just like them. No one loves a blonde man more than a scrote and there is proof of that kek.
Blonde men can be handsome of course but the way you type about it, it is very obvious what you are.

This site got posted on r9k before so its probably that retard infight baiting, report his posts, thats what im doing.
If he wants to have buttsex with blonde men that much then maybe he should advertise his micro-dick on 4chan

No. 2018556

File: 1716588489135.jpg (104.11 KB, 750x926, Tumblr_l_2758372773008721.jpg)

He wasn't the most handsome blond man but because the standards for moids have rapidly been decreasing since the 2010s do you know how rare guys like him are in the wild now?! Literally we have hairy jabba the huts, baldies, and shriveled up men over 35 being shilled as attractive. Nonas on this board find blond men like Joost attractive. Fucking Joost ffs.

No. 2018561

Wait a minute…i was wondering why you are so retarded but then i realized you are one of those femboys faggots from the previous thread who wouldn't stop baiting and calling random men femboys or talking about pegging. No blonde man wants you anyway you ugly male, thats why you have to resort to capping for them on a female imageboard. Probably the most female interaction your xy defective ass has had in a long time.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2018563

uh wtf i take everything back i didnt know hes already dead

No. 2018565

I don't think blonde hair is inherently ugly but I really don't see what's so attractive about River Phoenix. I guess he looks kind of like Kurt Cobain in that picture, who was good looking.

No. 2018566

File: 1716588733124.png (193.92 KB, 247x354, 1000010793.png)

>meanwhile his wikipedia pic

No. 2018571

File: 1716588876430.jpeg (514.43 KB, 1664x1051, 0108F87A-4899-4067-B487-5BF790…)

Everyone can stop arguing, I made the official breed coloration standard for the male species.(off-topic/racebait)

No. 2018572

Why are you acting like that blonde worshipper loser wouldn't find joost attractive either. Like all you have to do is shave joosts mustache and give him a better hairstyle and that sperg would start calling him a perfect femboy and how much they would love to peg him aka have butthole sex with him.

No. 2018573

File: 1716588977359.png (44.57 KB, 238x188, 1000003234.png)

No. 2018577

after doing this drawing you go and take a shower my dear incelito since its been three months and you are stinking up the place ,it smells like dead rats.

No. 2018578

You need to at least vary your typing style if you're going to pretend to be multiple people

No. 2018579

why cant men be sexy no more? sexy doesnt mean overtly sexual it means having sensuality and being suave. i hate what the porn psyop did to men.

No. 2018580

File: 1716589144488.png (725.44 KB, 720x1231, Screenshot_20240524-141634.png)

I love.how one of the things he says is:

>Desperate predator vibe

Is he talking about himself?

No. 2018583

To be fair wikipedia always uses terrible photos of people. I always found that weird.

No. 2018586

He needs to dye his hair Cappuccino Brown!

No. 2018587

Who is he?

No. 2018594

This one is lowkey adorable, I'm going to start posting hypocritical tradwife content on Twitter now kek

No. 2018597

where would the goths fit in, please give something for us goth enjoyers

No. 2018611

File: 1716590126250.jpg (71.09 KB, 600x1154, 32330c866699237129bd8f6c79c0c7…)

where my 30+ nonnas at?
this was my childhood crush and idc what anyone says about him, he was a beautiful man

No. 2018613

File: 1716590193536.jpg (352.01 KB, 1170x737, 1000589430658.jpg)

No. 2018615

there arent any goth men. theyre all extinct so you dont have to worry anymore

No. 2018618

it's always ugly white women with brown hair and brown eyes that pull this shit in these threads. every. time.(bait)

No. 2018624

You're just mad your husbando has white skin and black hair like an irish gremlin. It's ok, I would be mad too.

No. 2018634

>a retard who is trying his best to derail this thread instead of talking about the ugly man psyop

Anons just report and ignore.

No. 2018639

looking good

No. 2018640

I remember this, they were filming some sort of “my strange addiction” type show and had to straight up cancel filming this episode because the cast and crew saw this dude running around the motel parking lot naked from the waist down with a boner. I might be misremembering but I’m pretty sure this is the guy, the interviewer was worried they would be charged with a crime because he was like sexually accosting peoples cars in full view of everyone’s motel rooms while everyone was inside sleeping

No. 2018641

The hair colour baiter has been banned, but please remember that scrotefoiling and responding to bait are against the rules. Report and do not respond. Whether it's a male or some retard baiting, replying is what they want and it just encourages them.

No. 2018652

Felt like a legit psyop. I don't believe that those things happen spontaneously because I just don't understand how they all got into contact about it so quickly?

No. 2018656

Internet does wonder

No. 2018668

yeah, nowadays men just do gnc stuff in all the wrong ways. it's either this shit or them being epic femboys which also sucks. not to mention all the trooning out ofc. it's like they forgot you can grow your hair out and look like >>2018475
didn't know who river phoenix was until this thread and it's almost weird how much he looks like a dude i dated

No. 2018671

this is me but with skinnny 80s dnd dorks

No. 2018673

Uuugh you get it nona. They went extinct

No. 2018685

File: 1716593445541.jpg (943.82 KB, 1920x1920, mid.jpg)

I can't believe this mediocre 4.5/10 scrote managed serial date dozens of women at the same time, hes the definition of bare minimum (his pornstache looks gross).

No. 2018691

ikr? the nerdy guy thread is so dissapoiting, not only are they ugly as sin but also they are all fake nerds

No. 2018692

The audacity of that chimpmunk looking moid.

No. 2018693

he looks like both midgets from shrek combined

No. 2018699

The fact Dream's eyes are the least serial killer-ish kek

No. 2018703

Samefag sorry I’m wrong I’m thinking of an episode with an old man with longish white hair, I can’t remember what his main attraction was but one of them was cars. And I don’t think it was a tlc show

No. 2018712

Kek, did they think Olivia Rodrigo was writing love songs about post wall socially retarded incels who spend all day on 4chan? She’s beautiful, young, and rich. Scrotes really overestimate their value to the world, like know your place.

No. 2018768

Do you guys think "prey eyes" can ever look good on a man?

No. 2018778

This proves that women should never lower their standards for looks because even ugly moids like this will cheat and take advantage of you. I’d rather be played by a hottie than let that ogre walk all over me. I hope all those girls he cheated on have better self esteem now.

No. 2018820

File: 1716602917952.jpeg (85.4 KB, 1125x618, IMG_3865.jpeg)

why does he look like that kek

No. 2018831

Yeah, the first thread was good and there's some nice pics posted here and there but the majority of it is shit now sadly.

No. 2018838

File: 1716603941093.jpg (127.79 KB, 1500x1000, walled.jpg)

He hit the wall after Brokeback.

No. 2018840

OH WTF i used to have a crush on him he looks so bad

No. 2018890

I'm still appalled that there are multiple anons thirsting over turkey tom of all people in that thread, not only is he not a nerd but he's also a giant piece of shit.

No. 2018899

Phil Mcgraw has such a punchable face. I can't believe anyone can stand him when he has the personality of a door and the attitude of a bratty teen.

No. 2018902

This is the same man???

No. 2018918

File: 1716611268014.webp (22.94 KB, 400x225, IMG_4962.webp)

He looks so unsettling kekk he was cute in donnie darko and maybe brokeback mountain but right now he looks like a cartoon caveman

No. 2018919

genuinely horrifying. he looks cartoonishly grotesque. like a fucking analog horror monster.

No. 2019016

Ryan Gosling is another case of moids shilling an actor because they think they could look like him

No. 2019025

Actually he's also really relaxed and likable which helps. They do see him as attainable tho yes

No. 2019159

>I hope all those girls he cheated on have better self esteem now.
Uhh I hope so too but it usually makes things even worse. A lot of women stay with ugly/shitty moids because they think they don't deserve better or because they've experienced even worse in the past.

rats are so cute! not a good comparison

No. 2019778

Nta can you even read, dumbass?

No. 2019828

File: 1716640893887.png (366.3 KB, 597x777, IMG_0834.png)

picrel is implying that people who aren't attracted to fat people/characters are big babies

No. 2019839

Well in that case, goo goo ga ga.

No. 2019867

No. 2019870

File: 1716644201939.jpg (505.99 KB, 2400x3600, olivia-rodrigo-louis-partridge…)

>>2019828 Based Stacies like skinny cute men. Cope and seethe fat troooon (twitter poster).

No. 2019873

Does he get off to the creature in that image? How hypocritical.

No. 2019874

Am I missing something? Top left scrote is average and looks out of place compared to the rest. Or is he some kind of sex offender?

No. 2019877

That man is not a chad or attractive. I could use his jaw as a rubix cube

No. 2019882

File: 1716645041369.jpg (511.27 KB, 1920x2560, 1883_Magazine_Louis_Partridge_…)

Kekk Nonas here disagree

No. 2019886

Nta, he's not my type but he looks normal, I don't see the issue?

No. 2019889

File: 1716645572955.jpg (Spoiler Image,277.58 KB, 1242x1537, quote fat quote animu grill.jp…)

i hate how ''fat'' in female characters means big hips, ass and titties, meanwhile fat in men is morbidly obese or beer gut.

No. 2019896

same here, he's a clear looksmatch for Olivia and he's around her age as well, appearance wise as well too

No. 2019900

looks like male brittany venti

No. 2019908

File: 1716646472071.jpg (307.16 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240525_090703_You…)

Who thought this was okay for an ad?

No. 2019909

File: 1716646478858.png (1.93 MB, 1200x1800, vAGghk6.png)

nta, but I think he's handsome, but not perfect (and this isn't hair color sperging). I just think his jawline is too prominent and other then that he's an average tall fit white guy

No. 2019911

File: 1716646504854.jpg (1.96 MB, 3276x4914, phoebe-dynevor-cameron-fuller-…)

No. 2019914

File: 1716646544694.jpeg (183.33 KB, 1500x2145, 1715046850372.jpeg)

No. 2019921

You should check out her ex.

No. 2019938

I dont even know who she is kek

No. 2019985

File: 1716652187267.jpeg (170.06 KB, 828x503, IMG_1131.jpeg)

I don’t know if it’s already been said but This bitch was not cute. I saw a documentary and I was cringing at all these women talk about how handsome he was KEK even the narrator was talking about his “good looks”. People in the 70s had shit taste.

No. 2020098

so your reference for fat is hentai and you are surprised that hentai has a double standard on the attractiveness of characters… interesting i wouldn't have guessed

No. 2020148

i want to slap the smug expression off his stinky butthole looking face. moids really do think they're all that, huh?

No. 2020187

They're drawn to /g/ like flies on shit. I don't mind zoomers, but those anons need to learn to integrate. Joostfags in particular need to be bullied.

No. 2020191

Except Draco isn't even that. He's a whiny bitch who's all bark and no bite.

No. 2020193

File: 1716659802315.jpg (956.48 KB, 1080x2440, Ewi.jpg)

Hate women on Reddit who boost ugly old ass scrotes egos. No wonder the cuteguyswithcats sub is full of ugly ass scrotes.

No. 2020195

His sosiopathic nature is showing on his face, this man is truly evil. Definitely eating babies or some other sinister satanic rituals

No. 2020197

YES, THANK YOU! He's more bland than still tap water and something about his physiognomy (even if I didn't know he was a serial rapist/murderer) pisses me off. The eyebrows, the mouth, the everything. So unremarkable but when placed together just embodies one the of kinds of men you never want to be in the same vicinity of or hear speak.
Also, I've been browsing the Attractive Men I Want to Fuck threads and the psyop got so many of the farmers that it's disappointing. I'm embarrassed to share the xx chromosome with women with non existent standards and demented taste.

No. 2020200

yes he's a looksmatch, are we gonna pretend olivia is some sort of rare gigastacy? and despite being less pretty than her nemesis sabrina carpenter, she got a way better boyfie

No. 2020206

nta and don't think Olivia's a stacy, but
>less pretty than her nemesis sabrina carpenter
hard disagree there, sabrina looks strange and uncanny from all the surgery, and her makeup style makes her look greasy.

No. 2020208

No. 2020209

her makeup is weird and unflattering and clownish i absolutely agree with that and i think she's kinda cringe overall but she looks more striking imo olivia is pretty but plain faced, just like how her boyfie louis is handsome but plain faced kek

No. 2020215

File: 1716661195510.jpg (185.29 KB, 851x1229, 1000015254.jpg)

Only decent looking man in the whole series.

No. 2020216

I got about 50 seconds in before she flashed the child rapist from that meme doujin on screen and noped out.
I hate pickmes. Put a warning next time.

No. 2020218

>Also, I've been browsing the Attractive Men I Want to Fuck threads and the psyop got so many of the farmers that it's disappointing. I'm embarrassed to share the xx chromosome with women with non existent standards and demented taste.
Same, that thread might as well be one with unconventional attractions but some anons get pissy and insist that their crush of the month is conventional (while in the unconventional thread sometimes they get upset when one of the uggos is sent there and claim that the uggo is not ugly enough lol)

No. 2020223

Why is she constantly shouting? Lmao

No. 2020224

wouldn't conventional = popular and unconventional = niche?

No. 2020229

File: 1716661573096.jpg (3.08 MB, 3840x2160, 20240525_212224.jpg)

Was watching a youtube video about pop culture stuff and picrel was mentioned. His death is tragic and all but he was so ugly, average at best, but I remember people claim he was handsome/hot/a heartthrob.

No. 2020253

Idk, Cucumberbatch and Paul Dano were popular at some point but I wouldn't consider them conventional.

No. 2020266

he's cute
very handsome(>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs)

No. 2020267

Agreed, Sabrina has botched herself with plastic surgery (and wasn't all that beautiful to begin with, she just looked like an average girl with makeup on. So does Olivia but at least Olivia hasn't ruined her face)

No. 2020290

I hate to say it but Sabrina's face kind of reminds me of Cillian Murphy, and Kylie Jenner too. Something about those filler cheeks looks off.

No. 2020310

File: 1716664736453.jpg (192.6 KB, 720x1320, Screenshot_20240525_211657_Tik…)

Why do pretty dressed up girls always date ugly unkept slobs?

No. 2020312

>and be good at videogames
god what an insufferable pickme

No. 2020322

literally half of my friends irl look like this. Beautiful alt girl/schlubby gamer couples really needs to be studied. My best guess is that most men are ugly, and finding a guy that 1. shares your nerdy hobbies 2. isn't a piece of shit and 3. is handsome is statistically impossible- and if he does exist he probably only dates asians kek. So they settle for one who's ugly but likes vidya and doesn't beat them. There's just far more beautiful women out there than beautiful men unfortunately
maybe she just likes video games?

No. 2020323

I fucking hate people talking about being good at video games as something to be proud of
I don't mind if people play video games to relax but treating it like some kind of great achievment, which I'm seeing more and more of, is so fucking stupid

No. 2020324

>maybe she just likes video games?
we both know that's not the reason she put that

No. 2020327

Because women like that want to be seen as the trophy/prize for giving a fat loser a chance. She would feel threatened dating an actually attractive man because he would most likely look better than her.

No. 2020344

Is this the fucking loser who married some greasy anime critic and gave hentai to her mother?

No. 2020345

File: 1716666194669.png (253.93 KB, 576x679, 9p0DfAd.png)


No. 2020352

whats pathetic about this? why do you care about an age gap when if it was an older bloke its just another day? double standard, we must hold ourselves to higher standards than normies nonna. based stacey queen, get that young cock girl

No. 2020359

>grown ass woman is talking face camera about the kind of retarded porn she shlicks to
what the fuck

No. 2020364

Nta but pretty sure she means the twitter user kek. This is old news anyway since this happened two years ago, I think he broke up later.

No. 2020394

not clicking but is this sydsnap? I will never understand the appeal of her, shes fucking GROSS

No. 2020435

File: 1716670565166.jpeg (416.78 KB, 750x925, IMG_0879.jpeg)

I take men fighting with fake people in their own head for 500

No. 2020441

isn't like gay or something

No. 2020448

Don't they call women who dress like this whores anyways?

No. 2020459

gay men keep manifesting that for years but no

No. 2020461

Is this parody or

No. 2020487

Sydsnap? I can't fucking stand her. She might as well be the poster girl for pickme-ism. Gigguk is an annoying ugly faggot too. He has the most punchable face I swear.

No. 2020496

(Spoonfeed) Did a separate thread ever get made for 2d moids? I glanced at the husbando thread and feel… inspired.(lurk moar)

No. 2020505

Idk but literally all the danganronpa moids. Holy fuck Nagito looks so retarded.

No. 2020508

I agree so much. The fact there are tournaments for that shit called "e-sports" and loser retarded moids participate in it to avoid getting degrees and real jobs and never have to get off their asses drives me insane. They should be culled.

No. 2020513

this thread is for that, just post them here

No. 2020517

File: 1716674829287.webp (276.39 KB, 1430x1750, IMG_5537.webp)

FFXIV has hot male NPCs but people still want to jerk off this post-wall fag. Sick.

No. 2020519

File: 1716674861453.webp (154.25 KB, 982x1230, IMG_5538.webp)

Also him but at least he’s pre-wall. Autogynephile physiognomy.

No. 2020522

he looks like frollo but faggier

No. 2020524

Kinda unnecessary, the whole point of that thread is they can specifically post that kind of stuff there without getting shunned. Simply hide the thread if you don't like it. And I don't think dragging topics across boards is a good idea either, it will only end in infighting. I doubt the husbando thread posters are psyoped or whatever, they come off as autistic weird women to me and I find it endearing, I love reading their autistic long posts, would make me sad to see them bullied into never posting again.

No. 2020526

did you forget when an arthurfag came here to call us pedophiles for not liking her post wall scrote?

No. 2020527

you just know he stinks from his face

No. 2020533


He cannot age, he’s not real.

No. 2020537

>best tags

No. 2020540

I think posting the 2d moid is fine, posting the husbandofags would be derailing imo. This thread started because of Laios anyway. As a husbandofag, I rather they focus their energy itt than derailing every other thread like it was happening in the fandom thread. Let them have one thread to sperg about how the 2d are ugly.

No. 2020554

I'm sensing some cow potential

No. 2020555

Fair enough. But she probably came to thread because someone posted the character first iirc.
Yeah but the constant posting of 2D characters in the first thread caused tons of infighting and bans iirc. And some anons thought it was weird that the thread was dedicated to that instead of real people/Hollywood actors, so they wanted a new rule for the thread that prohibits posting 2D characters, but that never happened. I also see anons in the husbando thread discussing this thread whenever a character they like gets posted here, so it's a surefire way to create cross board infights. I admit I don't like 90% of the husbandos posted there and find them weird, but I assume it's probably the anon posting them's coping mechanism with their life and possibe mental illness or something like that, and it probably makes them happy, so I find it endearing and scroll past it and just let them be. When I first joined lolcow, I used to sperg out about how ugly the husbandos there were as well kek, and got into infights for it, but mellowed out with time and warmed up to to it, now all of a sudden everyone wants to criticize husbando choices. I find it kind of a funny coincidence.

No. 2020559

>But she probably came to thread because someone posted the character first iirc.
and? no sane person gets this offended on behalf of cartoons. Imagine getting so offended women dont like your husbando who looks 50 you come and call women pedophiles like a scrote would. Some husbandofags are definetly the kind to shit on women who like young men their age.

No. 2020566

>But she probably came to thread because someone posted the character first iirc.
The character was posted because he was discussed in a twitter screencap about men getting upset over an edit of him, not because of any post in the husbando thread.

No. 2020567

She was included as part of the Trash Taste and Friends thread, however I don't think it's still active.

No. 2020577

File: 1716677345548.jpeg (79.66 KB, 736x916, c7387c66-c646-498e-bd39-98057d…)

I'm playing the first game and looked at the second one out of curiosity.
What the fuck.
I know its customization but it look so awful

No. 2020582

Did they give him a wonky jaw?

No. 2020589

Kek why'd they yassify him?

No. 2020592

he looks like a younger version a paul watson in the bottom pic, ew

No. 2020606

irl actor is kinda weird looking tbh

No. 2020607

Second AYRT, and I get you, but it's better they have a containment thread imo. If this is the thread for them to channel their hate, let them have it. I'm glad you stopped infighting over ugly husbandos, but it's something that happened many times before and we know it'll keep happening. I have accepted some people need to vent about these things sometimes and I would rather they do so here than shit up the husbando thread. I agree 3dpd moids are the true psyop, but at some extent the psyop is reflected on our media as well. 2d moids aren't immune to it, because unfortunately men still project their insecurities and shit taste to characters.

No. 2020623

isnt shitting on husbandos on the husbando thread against the rules anyways?

No. 2020624

It's common with female aspergers/high functioning female autism.

No. 2020646

Self esteem issues from being shut ins and/or ostracized.
Imagine acting like a rabid 4chan incel because you can't stand to see a pretty woman who likes unisex hobbies. Grow up, this isn't 1990.

No. 2020655

I see your point. I guess it doesn't bother me anymore as the other anons because I don't interact with modern media in general, and all the stuff I like are old and have nice character designs that appeal to my taste, so Idc if a new game has ugly characters because the stuff I like will always exist for me to enjoy. And nothing new captures my attention enough for me to form criticisms about it. All power to the anons who have to come in contact with ugly characters in their modern media, though.

No. 2020726

File: 1716688216739.jpg (122.97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Oh her… Was she dropped on her head at birth or abused? She clearly has deep rooted issues.

No. 2020731

File: 1716689045636.jpg (109.16 KB, 800x529, rear-window-1954-1__800.jpg)

The thing about ugly moids and beautiful women is not new. By the way Grace Kelly was very beautiful

No. 2020732

Sorry for spoonfeed request but is there a discussion of her in snow or other threads? I came across just the other day thanks to her video on hentai author who went to jail. Subbed and my home page got bombarded with hentai reviews. She literally has the mentality of someone who got SA'ed as a child. No wonder her moid reminds me of pedos from my country

No. 2020739

She's discussed on the trash taste thread in w (a group of weeb otakus living in Japan) but it isn't active. I agree she must have had trauma of some sort its fucked up

No. 2020741

They are both adults. Why should she be locked up? Is this that american retardation again where american adults say they are minors/teens or something kek?

No. 2020742

File: 1716690300167.jpg (80.36 KB, 736x1105, 643ceabedc6dffe1c008564228cf6f…)

I disagree, he was pretty cute.

No. 2020744

I think these women are just too poisoned by the "if something is bad when a man does it to a woman, a woman doing it to a man is just as bad" rhetoric as if the dynamics would be exactly the same, and are applying too much empathy to a man that doesn't need it whatsoever

No. 2020745

File: 1716690666145.jpeg (62.53 KB, 960x640, me reacting to you.jpeg)

its literally impossible to find hetero hentai with a cute hot sexy man being sexy and this retard acts like shes a renegade for liking fat bastards. bitch… 90% of women end up married to a fat bastard.

No. 2020746

Squall was modeled after him

No. 2020749

File: 1716691327054.jpg (176.93 KB, 1056x1491, 1684186943758.jpg)

I know several femgaze hetero doujinshi

No. 2020750

File: 1716691467957.jpg (19.9 KB, 450x343, againstmoidaging.jpg)

I gotta say that after the British moids, German moids are the ugliest and few exceptions like picrel age so badly, it must be a curse for their evilness and degeneracy
Moids should never age (1/2)

No. 2020751

File: 1716691497321.jpg (190.99 KB, 700x995, EEO8Y21XkAEidY-.jpg)

Ash from bananafish was modeled by him too. Japanese cream themselves over anything blonde and white whats new? Ive lived in Japan and the amount of times ive seen Japanese girls going fangirl over some over some ugly as fuck "expat" aka. immigrant white moid because hes remotely twinkish is insane.

No. 2020752

File: 1716691531283.jpg (78.02 KB, 600x800, godabandonedhim.jpg)

See? The Y chromosome and male telomeres are rotten, especially of the teuton kind (2/2)

No. 2020753

ntayrt but share, woman!
A full body burn victim.

No. 2020755

I thought this was river phoenix kek

No. 2020760

Who's the guy in your picrel?

No. 2020765

>its literally impossible to find hetero hentai
That's because hentai is coomshit for moids. It's not for you in the first place, I don't know what you expected.

No. 2020767

File: 1716692638235.jpg (300.87 KB, 840x1120, 1662757765729.jpg)

>Sadistic beauty
>Kukkoro Knight ☆ ~The holy knight wears black armor~
>Android Wa Ai No Yume Wo Miru Ka?
>Tonari no seki no hen na senpai
>Tensei Shita Node Kyousei Hatsujou Mahou De Sekai Heiwa O Mezashimasu
>Yamamoto Tomomitsu
>The virgin witch
>Dog eat dog era ~Ryuujinzoku Dorei no Futago to Saimin Koubi~
>also https://wto.to/batolist/ykzpyp

No. 2020769

What kek it is River its the same guy

No. 2020780

Sorry I'm retarded and out of the loop, he looks different and good for once in that image, every other image I saw of him so far looks different and not that good, so it made me think it's 2 different guys.

No. 2020859

Good looking out, nona.

No. 2020915

i consider myself to be someone with high standards and i would fuck 50% of the moids posted itt. am i just mentally ill or are you guys too picky?

No. 2020936

It's a Smiling Friends joke. Charlie's Grandma goes
>MORE for me, then! AHHHHHAAAAAH

No. 2020988

It's ok nonna, you just lack self awareness

No. 2020993

You're standard are low as fuck then lmao. I can barely find one man i want to fuck let alone a whole thread of them.

No. 2020995

Your standards aren't on the floor they're in the basement.

No. 2021001

That's a man maury

No. 2021003

Your standards are so low that they have dug through the Earth, launched themselves into space, and are now passing the farthest known galaxy. The confusion arises because the Earth rotates on its axis, making it difficult for you to realize just how low your standards really are.

No. 2021012

I'm convinced they just call anyone white and not fat attractive in true crime documentaries because i can think of multiple cases where they call the most mid men attractive. From the little clips i've heard on him speak, he sounds extremely annoying and obnoxious. I don't understand how women wouldn't find him creepy? I give Jeffery Dahmer some grace because whether we as straight women find him hot doesn't matter, since he's another one constantly being called attractive whilst being plain.

No. 2021014

Yeah Ted bundy was ugly as hell

No. 2021016

"I give Jeffrey Dahmer some grace" is such a funny way to start a sentence

No. 2021023

Lmao i did not think that one through.

No. 2021033

He was unfortunately the more attractive serial killer just by slim pickings, yeah. I find him especially evil for purposely targeting minority communities though and I hope his spot in hell is painful and the torture arduous.

No. 2021054

hard to be offended by a man who kills other men

No. 2021057

why do people think grown ass moids dont know what theyre doing? if a man is dating an older woman its cause he likes older women, if a man is dating a fat woman it's cause he likes fat women, and so on. Moids like that who have their pick and can choose any woman he wants, idk why it's so hard for moids to understand not everyone is gonna choose epstein island escapees

No. 2021083

I think they say that because supposedly a lot of these infamous serial killers had ""female fans"" or were ""charming"", and they love acting like mentally unstable women writing love letters to prisoners are representative of the average woman's opinion on criminals. Also I guess beauty standards for criminals are even lower than for other men

No. 2021097

Did you notice the retarded psyop of fans who infantilize celebrity scrotes like "Don't sexualize him, he is a person and it makes him uncomfortable uwu"?

Most moids obviously do not give a fuck about being sexualized by women. They just don't. The handful of male celebrities who say they are bothered by objectification are attention whores and should go fuck themselves. Women in media are constantly objectified every single moment and you're crying about having to take your shirt off for a movie like a little faggot. If you're a scrote and you hate having to look pretty for the camera so much, you should've just become a plumber or janitor instead. You don't get to reap the benefits of fame but look like an unwashed, out of shape hobo.

A common argument they make is "If we objectify actresses, it's sexual harassment, why is it okay when women do the same to men?" No, it's not just as bad and it will never be just as bad because nothing rivals moid depravity. The objectification of female celebrities never stopped, it's still happening. They have never not been held to extreme expectations when it comes to their appearance.

Women aren't causing any harm to male celebs they find attractive, the people who make deepfakes of Hollywood actors are always coomer faggots. Women just make edits of them to sensual songs, write fanfiction, sperg about their lust online harmlessly without doing anything creepy. Do you see women harassing Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland, Leonardo Dicaprio, Brad Pitt? I don't. It's not happening.

No. 2021140

You fell for the psyop.

No. 2021142

File: 1716718007904.jpg (105.12 KB, 1010x433, henri-serre-jeanne-moreau-oska…)

When it comes to mfm love triangles, I feel like having two males competing for a woman and getting played by her is already catered to women too much so we always have to deal with some uggos.

No. 2021187

File: 1716726500499.jpeg (389.43 KB, 1170x973, IMG_1584.jpeg)


Late but I figured you would enjoy the responses:

No. 2021189

File: 1716726545778.jpeg (206.51 KB, 1170x814, IMG_1585.jpeg)

No. 2021211

>Also I guess beauty standards for criminals are even lower than for other men
paraphilias don't count in my opinion, since it places the presence of a certain characteristic above the collective features of a man, why do most race fetishists date the ugliest specimens their target race has to offer? because the requirement has been met; they're East Asian, they're black, they're a white European, they don't need to care about anything beyond that.

No. 2021213

File: 1716728178803.jpeg (76.75 KB, 225x320, DDB1126D-8390-4FED-9E44-698972…)

As far as I’m concerned debu to love to ayamachi to is like this. It’s getting an anime too, I look forward to the moid seething it causes.

No. 2021221

What's the name of this manga?

No. 2021224

it's in english on the cover

No. 2021225

..anon did you even read the post
>debu to love to ayamachi

No. 2021230

Ew. There was a real life equivalent of this and I think the roid pig was a feeder in denial. He was happy his wife was ‘mixed weight’, that they had different diets and she was happy being gross and fat while gloating to the skinnies.

No. 2021231

Anon wanted it translated

No. 2021237

File: 1716729827274.jpeg (147.79 KB, 736x1104, IMG_0894.jpeg)

I wish these bland japs would understand you don’t have to make everything an extreme characterization to the point of parody/satire. They could just simply make an ugly or average woman in comparison to the hot male mc they will be pairing her with, how fucking impossible is this? That looks like one of those forgettable gag scene old ladies only used for comedy filler episodes, no regular girl is gonna give a fucking shit about that fetish bs

No. 2021245

I'm sure there are some manga, I know Bara no Tame ni is like that but it's super old.

No. 2021269

nonnas are picky, you could post the perfect guy as described by them and they'll still bitch and moan
> that redtext
> those men
> ugly
lmao(don't defend men in this thread)

No. 2021289

That one I will watch just to see them seethe kek

No. 2021351

That was such a good one! It'd be nice if those older art styles came back.

No. 2021407

whats wrong with being picky? men wouldnt pick you if you didnt shave, their standards are miles higher than the pickest anon

No. 2021474

KEK he's like the visual kei version of that guy from Sophia the First

I hate this picture because it's the most blatant example of just how awful the current norms for male styling have gotten. They are both good looking but THEN he has this shitty haircut that not even the cheapest salon would give you and looks like he forgot to shave meanwhile she has an uncomfortable hairdo, full face of make-up, nails… Like imo they are well matched if you look through all of this, but the ridiculous difference in artifice between men and women exaggerates sexual dimorphism in a way that makes every pair look like a caricature.

They look so cute here

No. 2021478

Don't insult visual kei like that

No. 2021481

File: 1716745106159.jpg (120.8 KB, 736x1011, edc318f969c04749e817920fa661ad…)

Slicked back hairstyles are superior because they expose baldies.

No. 2021495

When I was a young kid (3-5) I had a male best friend and everyonr would always ask if we were going to get married when we were older, I never answered and everyone assumed it was bc I was shy and in love…no it was bc he was ugly and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying no to everyones face

No. 2021548

I find these men so so much hotter than the two guys in The Dreamers. Is it over for me? What happened in my childhood that made me like this?

No. 2021579

File: 1716750638871.jpg (91.77 KB, 547x533, xznfsjkghlj.jpg)


Ntayt but here's some:

>The Saintess and Her Secret Chambers

>Until the Trashiest Boy Toy Exorcist Ren-kun Crushes Me in His Embrace(or anything else by Umekoppe,mostly yandere stuff)
>The Virgin Witch
>In the doghouse
>Welcome to the Muscle Salon!
>I Cast Force Estrus For World Peace
>Happy Endings
>20 Year Old College Jocks
> The guy who saved me on my isekai trip is a Killer
>What a Girl Wants
>Risei o sutete, dōkei o daku.

some of these are utter trash in terms of plot but I like the lewd scenes. For more reccs look at bato and search by smut for women or r/JoseiSmut.

No. 2021591

>and if he does exist he probably only dates asians kek
Nonna, I promise you handsome guys who only date asians are completely porn-rotten and not worth it

No. 2021613

nta but please no bdsm shit, I just think it's cringe more then "femgaze"

No. 2021615

>Only pickme girls who dont value themselves care about mens looks and sex.Real confident women with self respect are asexual beings who tolerate fucking ugly men for security.

This is who young women are listening to.

No. 2021617

You're forgetting one important thing: underage, they'll never obsess over someone who's actually an adult, it's always some 12-16 year old.

No. 2021625

this is so retarded because caring about looks is the OPPOSITE of being a pickme

No. 2021634

I hated the design for Cindy from FF15 the most. We finally get a female Cid who is a mechanic, and they make her a ho for no reason. like wtf

No. 2021635

You can change his hair/facial beard though. I gave him longer hair like Anakin, and no beard. He was perfect in my game.

No. 2021640

No. 2021650

File: 1716754520849.jpeg (57.73 KB, 495x700, aU1bDIe.jpeg)

I don't think he's ugly but I don't get why he's so popular

No. 2021652

Because 200 cm tall. Did playgirl photoshoots and showed his dick, stopped doing it when he discovered fags buy the magazines (fags not ruining everything for women challenge: impossible), wore makeup and was stylish, and wrote some great romantic song lyrics like in "love you to death". I know he has other songs that have questionable lyrics but that's beside the point.

No. 2021653

okay but is he good looking or not? everyone says he looks great but I don't see it

No. 2021664

if compared to the state of modern moids, he's a fucking supermodel. probably why he and other singers/musicians/actors/famous moids in general are suddenly being lusted over nowadays.

No. 2021668

File: 1716755466636.jpg (140.67 KB, 862x857, 1000002150.jpg)

he's not my type but these are some good responses. more men need to make up for their shortcomings with this type of attitude

No. 2021674

Her advice is useful if you care about getting money through dating moids but I just mentally can't get past the looks barrier. I want an attractive men. There is no amount of money that can make me tolerate fucking an ugly incel.

Seriously, no one is teaching women how to get a HOT GUY. Does anyone have any advice for an autistic basement dweller like me with no dating history? I understand how to be a gold digger, I understand how to be a bad bitch, I don't understand how the fuck one can attract a hot boyfriend. Please give me your tricks

No. 2021676

idk maybe there's another thread for it but I guess it's a numbers game. you need to try meeting lots of people and if you get lucky you'll find someone you like.

No. 2021677

File: 1716755931903.jpg (1.95 MB, 2460x3300, 20240526_233752.jpg)

To me yes, I like his strong features, and he actually looks good in makeup, unlike most men these days who wear it for attention. He also has a beautiful deep voice and I personally get attracted to voices. I found a picture of him when he was in highschool, seems like he was always cute.

No. 2021685

He looks like Henry Cavill's older emo brother.

No. 2021695

File: 1716756733692.jpg (46.67 KB, 481x703, tumblr_nqb35goPtg1tlm6kyo1_500…)

Another goth guy who's really popular who I don't get why people are obsessed with.

No. 2021698

watched this movie recently and couldn't get past how ugly he is and he looks 100000 years older than her. how can anyone enjoy it with that hideousness on screen for almost the whole thing

No. 2021700

Hot guys want hot girls. You'll have to be fit and attractive.

No. 2021701

>My purpose is to serve women
>To be her servant

unfortunately this is what I need badly sorry nonnies :/ too bad he aged like a male. tfw no gentle obedient man built like a tank

also love how the beginning is like AYOO 10 INCHES!!1! EVERYONE DID U HEAR TEN INCHEEES and then in his answers he's like <3 picnics in the woods <3(unintegrated post, multiple emojis)

No. 2021704

very rare examples of actually hot men

No. 2021709

This comment speaks to me thanks haha, though I still can't help but think Japanese girls and to an extent other east asian girls have more options with cute prettyboy guys that are nerdy. I have a clear image of the type of guy I want (any race doesn't matter) but I know the chances are low for me to find this type of guy as those dudes are either pornsick white/brown fetishy weebs or asians (I've never ever seen a nerdy black guy).

No. 2021710


No. 2021717

Onision/maxmoefoe baby

No. 2021727

He looks like the main character of a wattpad fantasy kek. I think the cutest heavy metal guy is Tuomas Holopainen (when he was young) but a lot of women say they don’t like men with long hair. Me personally I don’t like bald guys

No. 2021742

File: 1716758168200.jpg (97.32 KB, 700x700, 14-svyle-21541754f02e0f90604.j…)

Why are the pickiest mtfs the ones with the shittiest taste?

No. 2021745

This looks like a composite of the faces of every single Gen X punk and rock musician

No. 2021747

the only good nerdy black guys dont look like nerds. ive met ONE.

No. 2021750

It's because the wattpad fantasies are based off of him kek

No. 2021752


Neither looks nor money will mean anything when you’re sick and your spouse is already looking at other options. We need to settle for someone who is supportive, cooperative, understanding and stays with us through tough times. Women can live a lavish life but the moment they get a cancer diagnosis their moid may take advantage of their confused mental state and delay treatment & indirectly cause her death. Of course a man should be somewhat good looking and financially stable enough to provide for his family, but I’d choose a six figure guy who supports me through illness than a rich sugar daddy who bails out the moment I get sick.

I think this lady only makes sense for girls who go after fuck boys or keep lazy useless manchildren as a house pet while working a full time job AND doing all the housework.

No. 2021757

Or you could have your own money and when your scrote fucks of you can pay for your own treatment and replace him with a better looking scrote when you recover

No. 2021758

its not about her being a gamer, its about her praising moids for being good at videogames as if its a skill or something worth praising

No. 2021761

Money can easily fizzle out during chronic illness or long term illness plus some scrotes are evil and find ways of stealing your money

No. 2021768

Wait did you call me a mtf? Wtf? It’s been a while since some idiot accused me of being a tranny

No. 2021771

File: 1716759175537.jpg (29.02 KB, 296x431, 9ae79b59a0fc170d58e4df7abded45…)

Because this one wasn't any better and his face wasn't clear enough in it. Sorry but in the initial picture I picked he looks like he has 90% of his body fat in his nose, gross. I hate bulbous noses. You can find him attractive though, but I find him weird for his whole obsession with Tarja and kicking her out of nightwish because she'd rather spend time alone or with her husband than with him kek, it's what inspired most of his music back then. Floor is too tall and strong for him to bully, and she got married to an even taller guy, so Thomas shuts the fuck up and does his job as the composer and keyboardists and leaves her alone. Sorry for the ot sperging I just find the drama entertaining. Tarja deserved better and I'm glad she went solo.

No. 2021773

I meant motherfucker but forgot the acronym spelling, my bad.

No. 2021786

I said I find him good looking anon, but I agree with you about how he handled the situation with Tarja. They also did dirty to the second singer. Something is off about him. That open letter was cringe to read. Besides, Floor is like the best female metal singer, talented, down to earth, overall very sympathetic and if he kicks her out people will hate him forever.
Him calling out Tarja’s husband was very unnecessary too.
But you’re still picking the least attractive pictures of him kek.

No. 2021795

he looks like an ftm trans person

No. 2021796

Never bothered looking at pictures of him because he looks too cartoon pirate for me to take his looks seriously, sorry, kek. And you mean Marco? I found the mention of the saudi government in his letter the wildest shit ever kek, why would a Muslim country invest in "satanic" metal music profits? He sounds a bit schizo. And tbh I never liked his voice anyways, kinda good riddance. The flute playing hobbit has a beautiful voice though and is a good addition to the band imo.

No. 2021808

I didn’t mention Marco? But since you’re on topic (kek I love heavy metal sperging sorry) I think he wrote the long rant about music industry paying a share of their earnings to Middle East to protect the band. He had problems with the business side of the band and he wanted to protect them because there’s already a ton of gossip about Thomas. The business side was outsourced to the managers at the time, not sure how things are working right now.

No. 2021810

Okay fancy pants let’s see what kind of guy you like

No. 2021816

Anon I think you thought the “second singer” was Marco. I was talking about Annette, who was also fired unceremoniously

No. 2021824

Oh fuck, I'm sorry, I totally forgot about her. Never listened to anything from her era so her existence is blanked out in my mind.

No. 2021838

bad pictures are post-drug addiction and good pics are pre-drugs.

No. 2021839

Same. It's crazy to me that people have gotten so used to considering money equal to a genetic trait. It will never compensate for extreme ugliness, a bad temper and other issues which are guaranteed to be passed down to your children while you can never be 100% sure that wealth will last and if it doesn't, then all you will have left is a man you hate and descendants burdened with all his flaws. I don't even want to have kids but out of natural instinct I just couldn't ignore someone's looks (and behavior) like that.

>how to get a hot guy

By being a cool person, basically. First of all fix whatever unhealthy life habits you have, improve your looks (reasonably), go outside, get hobbies, socialize. In a big/capital city you will have more chances to find good looking men because numbers, but also because interesting people tend to gather there. Contrary to popular belief, having an interesting personality of your own is a necessary asset. Just sitting there will not get men to come to you, you have to go and get them yourself. Get involved with as many people as you can and hope there's a hot guy in the group.

No. 2021859

For women, dating is all about luck, so try to put yourself in situations to meet as many new people as possible. Don't give up and fall for the "love comes to you when you aren't looking" bullshit. Even if you're an autistic basement dweller, you still probably have a personality because you didn't spend your whole life obsessing over 50 step skincare routines and other nonsense. Ironically, hot guys with good personalities don't care so much about other's appearances. In fact, if you aren't so desperate to pander and please and are comfortable with yourself you will attract better quality men.

No. 2021864

he gives off Castlevania vampire vibes

No. 2021869

> In a big/capital city you will have more chances to find good looking men because numbers, but also because interesting people tend to gather there.

This used to be true, but due to HCOL it's more like people who can afford it gather in the big/capital cities. They are not necessarily interesting themselves. It's not interesting to go out and only meet tech bros from FAANG or whatever big tech company lol. Some of them are hot though, so there's still that.

No. 2021872

faggot taste

No. 2021879

This thread can't go a day without dumbasses forgetting it's about UGLY men not men you find attractive.

No. 2021887

right! and they don't gzt it's about a PSYOP ie the way media/society push lower standards for males. not individual taste

No. 2021910

File: 1716765726666.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.65 KB, 719x1276, GOTICoIW0AEU-mq.jpg)

To the nonna's in the previous thread, you were right its males creating porny ai images of henry alot of moids are obsessed with him. While I dont think hes ugly if we were working at peak gene pool here and women were not forced to have kids with men they would never choose to for centuries he would be mid in the society.

No. 2021941

File: 1716767184308.jpeg (82.96 KB, 711x960, IMG_5541.jpeg)

I had a crush on him in high school since he dressed and sang like a faggot. Looking back he was weird looking. He’s an old roidpig now so whatever.

No. 2021947

Idk why this is so hilarious to me. At first I believed he actually took a pic of himself this way because it's not beyond him from what I heard about him, but knowing it's AI is even funnier.

No. 2021986

damaged oxytocin receptors? aggressive coping mechanisms? desperate predator vibe? microchimerism??? what does this word salad even mean?

No. 2021997

They teach them in Manosphere podcasts to justify marrying and abusing 18 year old girls

No. 2021999

File: 1716771135347.jpeg (80.08 KB, 500x597, IMG_4974.jpeg)

He was pretty cute but I’m pretty sure he has FAS kek
Facially he looked like an ugly ass neanderthal, his music and his body are his only redeeming qualities

No. 2022007

>Facially he looked like an ugly ass neanderthal, his music and his body are his only redeeming qualities
Agreed, and if you've ever seen him open his mouth his teeth are so crooked and messed up. His redeeming features are the long hair and body (I'm sure we've all seen the photos kek). No one has long hair anymore.
He would say all this stuff, but he was known to cheat on his girlfriend.

No. 2022008

>he looks like a neanderthal
That's the appeal.

No. 2022023

Why would you mate with a caveman

No. 2022053

>pretty sure he has fas
All fins do, it's fine.

No. 2022054

Idk what you're trying to show here hes ugly and has a little dick and that's why he's made incredible music

No. 2022075

I'm a cavewoman so we'd make a match made in heaven.

No. 2022084

File: 1716774408904.jpg (14.82 KB, 360x270, 6556.jpg)

why do so many famous men have this phenotype?

No. 2022091

This mfer in 10 years. Can't sing and skinwalks Morrisseys mannerisms yet teenage girls are in a good musician drought so they take what they can get

No. 2022370

sparkle sparkle lady worked as a mortician and has a very cynical view of the world. She says women should even accept cheating if it secures the bag. Hell no

No. 2022376

Shera is very funny, especially when she is insulting broke moids but I would genuinely rather have a good job and maybe have a fling with a cute twink here and there than marry an old ugly man.

No. 2022381

I would rather date a broke Chad than a rich ugly scrote. There is a way to make the Chad stop being broke and I can make my own money but there is no way to make the ugly moid stop being ugly. You would be crying in your mansion about having to pretend to be sexually attracted to that subhuman. Life is too short to deprive yourself of a hot guy

No. 2022387

File: 1716792781059.jpeg (18.56 KB, 326x450, images (28).jpeg)

Anon posted this guy on the attractive men thread and seemed very confident that he's hot… It's not just me, right?

No. 2022393

Nobody thinks Dax Riggs is conventionally attractive, she's just an attention whore

No. 2022410

File: 1716795741824.jpg (17.96 KB, 460x368, agents-dax.jpg)

Me and multiple other people think he's attractive. He's been posted in other male attractions threads before. I think he looks good. He's not some gigachad looking guy with huge masculine features, but he has nice delicate features that suit his voice and work well together.(caping for a male)

No. 2022412

Plus-Sized Misadventures in Love is the title translated to English.

No. 2022414

I honestly there's a shit flinging war between a non-white Incels and blonde/white moid loving gay Incels at this point, it comes across as very gay

No. 2022418

your probably right

No. 2022427

He's ugly but a lot of women are attracted to his pig-faced ass for some reason. I love his music but I don't get the attraction aspect.

>caping for a male
Wow this is such a retarded ban and this mod has no clue what the term caping means. Another example of why this website has gone to shit. No fun allowed. Anon was just stating her opinion. Really hope this type of ban doesn't become a new thing. This is more retarded than the new emoticon ban that was implemented a few years ago.

No. 2022428

Retard kek

No. 2022430

Kek exactly. It's like a bunch of moids came in and just started posting the most popular hot guys in the alternative scenes. Makes sense since most moids in alt scenes wish they were these guys but are too talentless and ugly.

No. 2022431

read the thread rules retard
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

No. 2022433

It's been happening all thread with no issues.

No. 2022435


No. 2022436

stay mad :^)(:^))

No. 2022439

This is why that femcel phenotype image exists

No. 2022467

How "insightful", unfortunately if you are attractive most men who will hit on you will still be uggos, because they feel no shame and think they have a chance. Every moid wants a hawt girl.
I honestly don't know nonny, and the biggest problem with it is that pretty men are impossible to find. I legit have never seen a man irl who was my looksmatch, only online. I don't know where to even meet them, what the fuck. Mb in college they still exist, but if you are in uni, there are NONE. Only fat nerds, awkward fucks and occasional butterfaces. Fuck my life.

No. 2022480

only resort left is to cyberstalk cute males on IG that live in your region, figure out where they live irl and then stalk them irl

No. 2022495

File: 1716802169038.jpg (1.15 MB, 1920x1920, yougotpsyopd.jpg)

Which moid on posted on this thread (and previous threads) has shown the effect of the psyop on nonas the most? Aka the ugliest. Heres my top 4 (in no particular order)

No. 2022499

He only has a few drawings of men so it's so funny seeing the same type of autist repeatedly post them like theyre that one image of lucifer pouting with sanpaku eyes

No. 2022500

The joost guy. Literally what the fuck are nonnies talking about. I’ve had my fair share of shit taste but my god. He looks like an estrogenic metrosexual praying mantis.

No. 2022501

You keep posting pictures of him from the 90s and its like you're intentionally trying to get him flamed or something. He's a good guy but he's not objectively handsome

No. 2022505

the 2nd moid is not that ugly

No. 2022510

I swear it’s always fatties perpetuating this bullshit. Actually fat women probably promote ugly moids the most whether that be because of their own insecurity or weird superiority complex. I already hate fat moids and try to uplift fat women bc sisterhood is important but you guys make it so fucking hard

No. 2022511

I only posted him once here (the post you replied to) and I'm not going to again because it hurts me to see people insult him. He's such a genuinely sweet person and I don't want to see bad things said about him.(read the thread rule)

No. 2022514

But you're fully aware he wouldn't be considered conventional. You'd have to be deliberately stupid to not be aware of that?

No. 2022515

No, I'm not aware of that. I've seen lots of fans say they're attracted to him. I think his features are nice.

No. 2022517

File: 1716803033162.jpeg (46 KB, 480x360, IMG_9341.jpeg)

Have some of you bitches never learned how to read. This isn’t a thread for you declaring you find the creature of the swamp hot. No1curr about your psychological self harm and shit taste.

Sprinkle Sprinkle selling herself as some sort of expert on hypergamy and living the soft life will always be so funny to me kek. She’s married to a fat old ugly moid and lives a perfectly average lower-middle class life. Imagine submitting yourself to picrel. Nobody should listen to this wench. Like a broken clock she’s right maybe twice a day but that’s it.

No. 2022518

Girl he’s ugly. Dw his ugly ass is not going to log into lolcow dot farm and get his feefees hurt.

No. 2022519

Especially considering he's like 50

No. 2022521

Not from this thread but the Danofags for me. There are other threads about equally hideous moids on this site but I forget their names.

No. 2022522

File: 1716803336308.jpg (102.44 KB, 640x789, Paul_Dano_at_Berlinale_2024_Au…)

forgot pic

No. 2022523

I hope not. Not gonna derail the thread more but his fans have been really nasty about him not releasing music.

No. 2022524

You and multiple other people fell for the psyop.

No. 2022526

If you're already attractive it isn't a problem. Just go on tinder or whichever app people are using nowadays and start liking hot guys. If you're hot they'll like you back and you just ignore the uggos.
If they aren't liking you back the issue is you aren't hot enough, not that it's difficult to find these men.

No. 2022527

You sound like a kpop stan kek why would we care what a handful of his fans have been saying to him and how that may or may not hurt his grown ass. How does that relate to him being ugly. I don’t even know that man. You and some fans finding him attractive doesn’t make him objectively attractive. There are deviants out there who find literal cerebral palsy retards attractive. There is an entire tumblr tag for autists who shlick to that one yellow puppet with the blue hair. Sorry but your scrote definitely belongs in the ugly man psyop.

No. 2022529

File: 1716803912368.jpeg (254.99 KB, 1300x1148, F5A04293-C435-4149-8A32-6C53C2…)

Audrey Hepburn movies can be so hard to watch because they paired her with the oldest ugliest men in Hollywood.

No. 2022532

File: 1716804327461.jpg (60.72 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

What do you mean my post-wall scrote is super conventionally attractive and hot.

No. 2022536

Somewhere he just sneezed

No. 2022545

yeah I notice this with a lot of Japanese property.

No. 2022560

File: 1716806865575.jpg (3.25 MB, 3732x2769, RDT_20240527_09412039226468177…)

No. 2022563

Last one is vomit inducing

No. 2022564

File: 1716807046446.png (752.84 KB, 1071x802, nlMfDwo.png)

The second series you mentioned reminded me of a tokusatsu show I used to watch when I was younger. One of the main side characters in the show was called 'Demon Knight' (like a total edgelord, especially in the dub). Anyway, he had two love interests. One was a bodyguard of another character and she didn't have any powers. The actress who played her was a bit tall and buff and did her own stunts, which I found refreshing. The other love interest was his former mistress, who was basically an evil scientist woman. She had brainwashed him into thinking he was a demon. I always liked the idea of the evil queen/ruler and her loyal brute knight. like an edgification of the princess and the knight trope

No. 2022572

Russian nonnies are fat?

No. 2022576

Wtf is wrong with estonia?

No. 2022598

how in the fuck are those big bulbous round features "delicate" in any way
exactly. imagine if that cumberbatch guy or the dr. who guy with no eyebrows was posted in the conventional thread solely just because they're popular
check the bans from the previous threads

No. 2022605

cheap alcohol probably makes their moids fat

No. 2022643

the joost faggot. I cant wait until grooming allegations come out so that thread can finally die. Imagine lusting after a mid moid whose whole gimmick is making himself uglier

No. 2022649

>I cant wait until grooming allegations come out so that thread can finally die.
Have you seen the way anons in that thread bend over backwards to defend him? A lot of them wouldn't care

No. 2022678

Correct. The thing I like about her is how mad she made the redpill/scroteosphere mad despite pretty much preaching the same idea they do just from a different angle because it checked their ego. I would never take her advicewhen looking for a real relationship.

>Have some of you bitches never learned how to read. This isn’t a thread for you declaring you find the creature of the swamp hot. No1curr about your psychological self harm and shit taste.

This is an iconic quote nonna can I get your ok to make it into a banner for the site and which moid should be the picture on it?

No. 2022820

File: 1716822316857.png (515.14 KB, 737x1741, 1716665530635.png)

even moids are starting to notice the psy-op

No. 2022832

ofc nonnie and you can choose, they’re all unforgivably ugly and my mood will be ruined seeing their faces no matter what anyway

No. 2022836

Tbf her advice isn't for women who want to marry for love or attractiona nd she makes that very clear and has repeated that many times, its only for women who wants to find a man who will pay for her shit.

No. 2022863

File: 1716824679826.jpg (31.63 KB, 736x732, 0f841c7a3b8e83ec856ec785dcbefe…)

Damn, he looks like he got hit in the face with a frying pan looney toons style. He used to have cute angles when he was young. Rip.

No. 2022964

I know soyjacks are unwelcome here but the the OMG!! SO SHAPED!! cope for hideous western character designs deserves one

No. 2022986

When the "Tenzalt" person was younger, they had hope of one day having a nice-looking partner.
Now that they're older, they've given up. Many such cases.

No. 2023026

File: 1716831991136.jpeg (21.44 KB, 484x264, TXC3IjE.jpeg)

So I'm from an asian muslim country and every day I'm confronted with horrible facial hair. The men just do not have the genes for proper facial hair and most of the time it only grows to about picrel, I genuinely believe that It should be illegal for certain men to grow facial hair.

No. 2023027

this phenomenon is proof men should be regularly hungry and exerting themselves at the very least. getting chubby is a feminine trait.

No. 2023028

I've never seen facial hair that ever looked good on anyone
Everyone should be clean shaven

No. 2023029

Height isn't everything, if men are tall but built like a noodle it's equal to shit imo
instagram keeps showing me reels of some 190 asians who have sticks for legs, not sexy AT ALL

No. 2023039

No. 2023040

File: 1716832820427.jpg (115.33 KB, 970x860, ezgif-6-f7661bd4a5.jpg)

Is that wendigoon? Yup most facial hair looks disgustang especially on faces with no cheekbone or jawline basically just a hairy pudgy fat face. Picrel his videos are cool but hes still uggo.

No. 2023045

>Height isn't everything, men must be tall and buff!

No. 2023049

yes,yes they should

No. 2023056

File: 1716833533234.png (133.75 KB, 219x350, GButjgO.png)

It's actually some asian guy

No. 2023058

i also thought it was him

No. 2023074

NGMI nona(baiting)

No. 2023091

File: 1716835390111.png (3.48 MB, 1309x3446, F7EA0A87-C920-414C-83B8-83DFA3…)

My personal cow bought a custom BDSM collar for a character that looks like this. She’s also obsessed with big tit hentai games and likes the most generic animu women while liking senile scrotes for male validation points presumably seeing as a gay scrote psyoped her into liking hags. We are never escaping the patriarchy

No. 2023099

she sounds underage

No. 2023106

She’s in her 20’s

No. 2023156

I'm not saying he should be a very buff dude, just not skinny/skinnyfat, I don't like twigs

No. 2023173

And I’m saying the lifestyle she lives is not worth being stuck under THAT. Prostituting yourself for a mediocre lifestyle to a genetic abomination that STILL polices how you spend his money is not worth in the slightest.

No. 2023194

File: 1716840540186.jpg (2.38 MB, 4000x2665, MV5BNGUwNzg1YjItYjc0Ny00ZTkyLW…)

Seconding the anons who said Paul Dano and Joost. I was mystified at the idea that anyone could find these ratfaced soyfags attractive. I'm also going to tack on picrel: he's a greasy chav who looks like he works at a gas station. His character in ST is ugly even by metalhead standards.

No. 2023201

>This isn’t a thread for you declaring you find the creature of the swamp hot.
Some anons haven't yet un-learned their impulse to defend their ugly moid husbandos. I don't know why people go into threads where they know something/someone they like is being criticized. Like what's the point of deliberately exposing yourself to that lmao

No. 2023222

File: 1716841634514.jpg (15.35 KB, 200x308, 200px-Brad_Dourif_1991.jpg)

Got into infights because of him at some point. He's horrifying.

No. 2023224

File: 1716841651963.webp (78.1 KB, 741x1046, IMG_5544.webp)

No. 2023225

fucking criminally ugly.

No. 2023233

Does anyone remember when that haggard black hair moid who looked like he was decaying was everywhere on lc? I think he was from lord of the rings or something similar and some nonna with dogshit taste husbando’d him. Wtf was up with that?

No. 2023237

He's 3 posts above you.

No. 2023242

Looks like a super busted version of Jim Morrison

No. 2023243

You just described like half of the men posted in unconventional attractions

No. 2023261

they truly think their blorbos will crumble to dust from mean comments on the internet kek

No. 2023280

Peter Steele was my first thought, I don’t think you mean him though

No. 2023282

File: 1716843835102.jpg (9.4 KB, 170x210, Adam_Driver_Marines.jpg)

The way he looked when he was younger legitimately makes me burst out laughing. He looks like a cartoon character or caricature. I can't believe he's real. They need to give him facial reconstruction surgery and delete his DNA using crisper gene editing or something to spare his children, or give him a vasectomy. on a side note, that's what I see when I open the front camera.

No. 2023328

if this wasn't an anonymous website i would gladly do an AMA just for you, nonna.

No. 2023366

I agree, but I don't think she is a part of the psyop, she knows those men are fuck ugly and she isn't pretending otherwise

No. 2023505

File: 1716853990646.jpg (93.35 KB, 736x1174, d9381712839554c705cf33d4a760d5…)

No. 2023510

I hate how enamored everyone is with the whole “overdressed goth gf and underdressed Adam Sandler bf” meme when it just exemplifies misogynistic double standards.

No. 2023512

File: 1716854277629.jpeg (22.46 KB, 210x240, IMG_9344.jpeg)

Kekk nonnie was it in the unconventional attractions thread? I remember seeing Brad Dourif (or a character that really looks like him) and doing a double take. At what point do we consider nonnies necrophiliacs because he looks like a corpse that was left face down in a sea world kiddie pool over Christmas weekend closures.

No. 2023524

exactly lol. i have never understood why people think it's so quirky and cute that the woman conforms extensively to misogynistic beauty standards and the male is just allowed to be himself. it's not cute at all

No. 2023527

he is not hot at all but i think he played the menhera idiot sith really well in star wars so i’ll give him that. it’s crazy to me that people lust over him though

No. 2023534

File: 1716856114716.jpeg (432.14 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1023.jpeg)

Danny Elfman. The only thing that got me to snap out of it was his creep rumors. I was so fucked up I was attracted to his last Coachella performance which I’ll spare from this post, yikes

No. 2023539

Omg please share the lore? I have known not one but two autists obsessed with Danny Elfman and they were both cool people but its such a funny thing for your autism to latch to. He's so talented.

No. 2023551

Nta but for some reason he has a huge fandom of tifs on Tumblr who lust after him for reasons I'm unsure of

No. 2023594

Put a spoiler on this disgusting bloated corpse faggot

No. 2023595

File: 1716859177665.jpeg (177.91 KB, 1400x1050, IMG_5545.jpeg)

No. 2023596

jhonen vasquez

No. 2023599

I like the content of his videos but his face is so fucking ugly it pisses me off. He looks exactly like my childhood Quran teacher who hit me on the head for reading lines wrong kek. Ugly bastard

No. 2023603

bruh are you me?

No. 2023604

i hate how everyone simps after this ugly faggot. God being a moid is so easy just make youtube videos and you will get hoardes of simps your way.

No. 2023607

I know autists obsess over him I mean the lore of him being a creep

No. 2023623

He was a mentor to this younger female composer, he ended up having a strange relationship with her and made advancements that she was probably too star-struck to shut down immediately. It was taken to court and there was a settlement. This was around last year, he’s married to Bridget Fonda btw and has a teenage son with her. I used to have many friends that shared the Elfman obsession with me, these were young women convinced that they would somehow woo Danny Elfman if they ran into him since we frequented his regular spots. After the headlines came out about the ‘scandal’ I couldn’t believe that I was falling for the old man psyop, it’s definitely a self-esteem issue for elfmanfags.

No. 2023632

File: 1716862060067.jpg (92.22 KB, 1092x854, 1000003726.jpg)

There is something so incredibly funny to me about a man with shoulders so girlish and slight trying to daddify himself. Baby you look like a lollipop

No. 2023634

>daddify himself
gonna start using that kek

No. 2023640

Why he looking at the camera like that

No. 2023643

The anon that said moids heads get bigger and their faces shrink to the center as they age was so right.

No. 2023646

>he looks like he got hit in the face with a frying pan looney toons style
He literally hit the wall…

No. 2023655

Not even ugly. He’s kind of hot, definitely would let him eat me out and fuck me hard(do not defend ugly men itt)

No. 2023665

crooked nose, looks like a downgraded Edward Norton

No. 2023671

File: 1716865344383.jpg (156.01 KB, 988x1390, 1000003727.jpg)

He don't look like that. Stubble carries him. I just really, really hate eyes that are too close together (an abomination) so maybe it's just me.

No. 2023679

Noo nonna why would you ruin it by showing me the other angle of him

No. 2023684

Cause thats what he looks like? He was so punchable in 13 reasons why, no amount of skinwalking the smiths will erase that

No. 2023693

kek you guys weren’t kidding, he is really trying to emulate young morrissey. he’s way too stiff to pull it off, and too straight. not that morrissey was particularly handsome either, but he knew how to style himself and kept himself well-groomed. it’s hard to watch him try to act ‘coquettish’ like young morrissey did, he can’t pull it off whatsoever, it’s painfully forced.

No. 2023695

File: 1716866186508.jpg (293.6 KB, 1169x1838, 1000003730.jpg)

Imagine if

No. 2023699

More men should be pressured into this. Millions of older women feel pressured to have entire face and body makeovers, why should scrotes get off easy?

No. 2023703

Its fake im saying imagine if it were possible

No. 2023704

I think dating/marrying/having babies with people who’ve been under the knife is the same as people with AIDs sleeping with other people and not telling them they have AIDs. If you’re ugly just live with the ugly and don’t fuck or date anybody, matter of fact just join a monastery and place your vow on the words of Jesus.(bait)

No. 2023705

Most retarded thing you've said today probably, maybe

No. 2023715

He should've played the main character in Baby Reindeer. He looks obnoxious but he'd probably be cute crying or something.

No. 2023744

Insane how he's still fucking ugly after. There is truly no coming back from male aging unless you sell your soul or some shit

No. 2023759

If you think it's real you need to rethink some things

No. 2023768

He probably just paid some old man and his busted son beer money for headshots kek.

No. 2023772

His only good feature is his eyes, in isolation, not including the skin around them and his brows. I can't believe he was the hearth throb of that season of the show.

No. 2023919

Do you know what thread you're in?

No. 2023953

A good use of AI technology would be to deepfake all these ugly moids away with attractive ones. Sabrina's main moids could be digitally deaged by 30 years.

No. 2024271

Explain the eyebrows

No. 2024284

File: 1716914700920.png (2.52 MB, 1920x1080, physical100.png)

All men should have to compete in stuff like Physical 100, activity is good to stop them from getting fat. I know some nonas don't like too muscular men or asians but you get the point

No. 2024288

Men and women too tbh. I wish I was encouraged to be more active growing up but it was very "unlady like" or whatever

No. 2024346

I'm assuming it's because there's more older women in Russia since scrotes die off really quick

No. 2024378

I’m not wearing my glasses and thought these were hot butch bodybuilders

No. 2024394

Made a separate thread so you don’t clog this one with drawings

No. 2024397

wtf? these threads started BECAUSE of drawings anon

No. 2024472

File: 1716921213562.png (1.37 MB, 1149x934, Carlgrimes.png)

Jesus christ. Nevar 4get.

No. 2024502

Unpopular opinion but 2D moids are absolutely part of the pay op. So many mediocre looking male leads and they often imply if not outright make the best looking guys gay to make women feel weird/stupid for being attracted to them.

No. 2024611

Comparing these photos, he could probably look decent if he shaved and grew his hair long again to make his face appear thinner. no helping those eyes though, jesus

No. 2024642

Agreed. Even though this is about 2d moids, I see this so many times irl it genuinely makes me seethe. Traditionally masculine looking but beautiful young men are "faggy" looking and feminine but middle aged men with no jaws and thin lips are fucking "dilfs". The double beauty standards has made people think beauty and youth is exclusively for the feminine even though these traits are genetically beneficial for both sex. Fucking retards.

No. 2024661

ayrt and I agree, I just didn't show the women of the show due to this thread being about men mostly. The women have beautiful physiques. I was in a ton of sports as a girl so I have a pretty strong frame as an adult, I hope you've gotten to be more active as an adult

No. 2024718

File: 1716927190791.jpeg (680 KB, 1290x1145, IMG_5549.jpeg)

This but unironically

No. 2024748

File: 1716928781369.jpg (825.34 KB, 1080x2171, Screenshot_20240528_163703_Chr…)

I just found out about this. Why. Why are you salivating over geariatric scrotes.

No. 2024749

File: 1716928844509.jpg (139.96 KB, 1080x457, Screenshot_20240525_134030_Red…)

No. 2024774

>>2024748 for real i was disgusted

No. 2024780

They are doing practice fwbs now

No. 2024792

File: 1716930683733.gif (9.57 MB, 524x308, tumblr_8fe360ca0366380f733f4b1…)

Honestly the comparison between Roger Rabbit and Jessica is kind of dumb, because in the lore of the movie, Toons value how funny a person is above all else. So Roger is considered really attractive by Toon standards (which Betty Boop alludes to at one point.) Also, Roger is very forgiving of Jessica, and his response to her rumored affair is to dispute the allegation, then write a love letter to "win her back." Like yeah you can reasonably argue that the film still reinforces the "ugly guy, hot girl,' paradigm in a metatextual context, but at the very least, the movie has a logical justification for it.

No. 2024795

File: 1716930754713.jpg (124.08 KB, 837x445, Screenshot_20240525_134054_Red…)

No. 2024815

Not even technically wrong, just look at /g/

No. 2024857

excuses excuses

No. 2024878

Just because it works, it doesn't make it right or any less despicable. They're still taking advantage of insecurities that were put into women's minds due to male dominance in society.

No. 2024881

File: 1716932848368.jpg (26.7 KB, 361x750, a5f103a05b6cd23a7c1b1eac692def…)

I want a reverse of this so bad

No. 2024898

File: 1716933283159.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.04 KB, 802x975, meme.jpg)

(spoiler this)

No. 2024923

I fucking love muscular men, men DO NOT have an excuse to be fucking fat or have the gut of 9 month pregnant woman.

All men should be into fitness, strength is a fucking QUALITY in a man

No. 2024942

Oh god this hurts.. He used to be perfect.

No. 2024952

And Roger loves her for how funny she is? Lol your gif disputes that point.

Btw I love this movie, but it is what it is.

No. 2024953

File: 1716934545636.jpg (623.06 KB, 1845x2338, hz7WjI_MuD8AlNq736C9l6io6wY1D1…)

When you say muscular men please dont tell me you like this type also… Those idiot moid lurkers already think that by muscular you mean "supermasculine baldy beardy roidpigs" and not actual handsome pretty muscular men. Everything they do is for other mens approval then they get mad that they dont get matches on dating apps. Why cant they all just be gay for eachother and leave us alone ffs.

No. 2024963

This guy became addicted to drugs and alcohol and became super abusive. Scrotes will always use this pic to make women look bad even though we all know more of them would leave if the situation was reversed.

Still I feel bad for the scrote obviously severely scarred by ptsd from war and disfigurement. But the woman had every right to leave him.

No. 2024964

I thought this was a RE3 mod

No. 2025041

I don't care tbh, im tired of coddling women who pander to scrotes. How can they see all the shit moids do to women and still think "not all men"? Stomp on men or gtfo.

No. 2025044

I think buff men are ugly by default

No. 2025046

Based. It will never happen though. Are there any examples of ugly woman/hot guy in media?

No. 2025054

people who refer to others as numbers out of 10 are always asshole subhumans

No. 2025073

you guys are so based I love you

I agree 10000%

how buff? The average athletic scrote is more attractive than non-athletic scrote (usually)

No. 2025089

File: 1716937961874.jpeg (78.43 KB, 736x736, IMG_5551.jpeg)

I know posting jjk is cheating but I will forever be haunted by pick-mes asking moids cosplaying him to yank their hair

No. 2025119

He looks like on the fishes from SpongeBob

No. 2025124

File: 1716938667902.jpg (219.17 KB, 900x1215, sryhkgoszjr.jpg)

Ntayt but I assume most anons mean lean muscle or an athletic body, something like 10-12% and 15% in picrel. Masculine but not overbearing.

No. 2025140

We should push for moids to correct their ugly faces and get plastic surgery. The original purpose was exactly for that: To make moids who got deformed by the war look normal again. Nowadays it is pushed for guilty tripping women with not a single wrinkle in their twenties

No. 2025157

15 is best

No. 2025161

The only two ones that comes to my mind are The Ghostbusters with the female actresses (if you find Chris Hemsworth handsome) and Hairspray. And they are not even ugly, Nikki Blonsky has a very beautiful face and the actresses in Ghostbusters are not ugly, their characters are more campy if anything

No. 2025169


No. 2025173

Now show 3-4 or 6-7 that isn't roided

No. 2025179


No. 2025354

Nta but I don't think it would make a difference, it's about low body fat in that chart which will regardless make them look shriveled up and like they're gonna tear apart at any moment because of how dry and stretched their muscles are.

No. 2025379

File: 1716943540940.webp (328.63 KB, 1080x1156, thu-ky17-9936-1716274859358-17…)

The difference between rich mature women and rich mature men is nothing short of insane… The women are of different races yet nevertheless have a sense of unity meanwhile the moid looks like a different species, so dry, red and bumpy, hairless and featureless… They're all equally privileged, so he has no excuses, just laziness and a likely insanely inflated ego.

No. 2025398

Not even beauty AND money combined can get you a hot husband. Blackpilled again.

No. 2025401

I need to see science behind this. What BMI are cute skelly boys?

No. 2025414

I’m starting to fear that males are just getting uglier and uglier and non ugly men are becoming extinct. Maybe the psyop is getting worse because it’s the only thing preventing the female population from reacting extremely about this reality. This possibility is making me actually upset. I’ve been going outside to people watch and the reality is just so grim. I live in an area where attractiveness in both men and women is very emphasized. I used to see good looking men way more often around 10 years ago. Back then I would people watch to practice drawing humans. I am not seeing the counterparts to attractive women in public any longer. What is going on?

No. 2025456

Same. I went shopping a couple days ago, walked through the city for hours, passing by 100s of people and yet not a single even moderately attractive moid. It honestly depresses me so much.

No. 2025533

File: 1716945451972.jpeg (182.92 KB, 1000x1060, tumblr_nr3bebwrEY1uri2zeo1_128…)

mad fat diary but he eventually "cheats" on her

No. 2025567

File: 1716946976100.webp (104.25 KB, 784x1176, IMG_5554.webp)

Does anyone remember that period of time when tifs wanted to fuck this obese faggot

No. 2025573

Imagine what would happen to the male population if only women could choose based on what they actually want. Not a single ugly man would be brought into the world. It makes me cry

No. 2025579

Ayrt and I can't help with this, but you can look it up online. There are some good youtube videos about it by natural bodybuilders and doctors etc.

No. 2025598

Tf is this

No. 2025604

File: 1716948555767.jpg (101.35 KB, 1050x450, stacy peacock.jpg)

Why is it that in pretty much all animal species its the moid that has to look good to get bitches, but in humans its the woman the one that has to get a bbl, shave and starve themselves to score a 5/10 moid? i should have been born a peacock stacy

No. 2025605

No. 2025652

Patriarchy is males inverting the natural order.

No. 2025669

this picture makes me feel uncomfortable because this is my default position when posting

No. 2025673

File: 1716951570485.jpg (123.58 KB, 1024x1024, elsie mewing in court.jpg)

ironically the peacock way of life accelerates evolution. humans would outbreed all sorts of negative traits if they let women be true selectors again. marriage and agriculture allowed physically mediocre and dark triad manlettes to invent taxes and breed, wheras before they'd be happy little eunuchs gathering berries or getting stomped on by a mammoth(no ai outside of containment)

No. 2025691

this is dark-sided this is like the final evolution of a degenerate nerd that only surrounds themselves with increasingly pathetic fellow incels until they forget what outside air smells like. do they know that this isn’t even how nerdy people interact with franchises or do they tell themselves that they’re really doing something with this. with some of these pictures you can at least hope that they’re “only” ugly for sure and still could have like good personalities or something. where does this man go from here.

No. 2025775

File: 1716956029981.gif (102.82 KB, 640x478, king-of-the-hill-jpeg.gif)

Jfc anon why is that pic so shitty looking? The artifacts, I'm gonna puke

No. 2025796

Can't argue with you, I know I'm just biased because it's one of my favorite movies. Although I kind of doubt Roger likes her just for her appearance, because she laments being judged be her looks, so it would be weird if she married someone who sees her that way. But who knows.

Why did they draw male Jessica like the professor from PPG? They can do better than that, c'mon.

15% is the only good one. The top and bottom rows are just disgusting. Gay moids are the only ones who find shit like 6-7% appealing. It just looks grotesque, like a tree made of leather. 3-4% looks like a statue made out of testicles.

No. 2025859

File: 1716958566768.jpg (180.52 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1629980797.jpg)

Gizmo is that fucking you???!!!

No. 2025918

Dark Triad male. Star wars, pokémon, and furry.

No. 2025928

Don't forget ponies and anime.

No. 2025949

ohhh noooo he’s a brony too?!

No. 2025954

File: 1716962145143.jpg (43.27 KB, 480x360, 95d04a94028f669f4a9e446528760f…)

Hate when a bitch says "he's literally my reason to wake up in the morning" and then attaches a picture that looks like this

No. 2025968

Nah I'm just making a joke

No. 2025971

>he’s not real
To you…

No. 2026007

File: 1716968896465.png (3.82 MB, 2230x1354, unfairtobaldmen.png)

Disregard that this is about the Beatles in particular (kek I know they don't meet this thread's standards for looks) but these articles are pure psyop cope. Moids absolutely SEETHING that young girls were naturally drawn to young boys with full heads of hair, they had to psychoanalzye and pathologize the phenomenon of girls not wanting ugly old bald manly men instead.
>there is nothing hard or aggressively masculine about them. Nothing to suggest sex
>they look young and unspoilt. Their hair and clothes are appealingly neat and clean
>their hairstyle and their extremely youthful appearance creates an impression of sexual ambiguity
>their extreme youth appeals very much to young girls
>beyond the age of puberty, an immoderate attraction to what the beatles represent is not healthy orso normal

Extreme youth?? They were in their fucking 20s, but apparently being young/neat/not aggressively masculine = being non-sexual and like a woman, and only literal children are allowed to be attracted those traits. If anything I'm just grateful they normalized long hair on moids, even though baldies shit on them constantly for it.

No. 2026047

File: 1716975535144.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1060x1500, dejzqrl-3653f9a8-b51d-467b-a52…)

why must he have a receding hairline tho? wish his body was closer to this depiction of male Dimistrescu or whatever(spoiler for uggo albeit 2d face)

No. 2026254

Why do they always pick the ugliest built moids for these charts?
>15% is skinnyfat/a fatty
>10-12% is built like a fridge absolutely no waist definition
>6-7% is a shriveled up roidpig
>not a single moid in the chart is actually lean

No. 2026257

Well not to defend it but it is a body fat chart, not a body type chart.

No. 2026263

This THREAD has been derailed for too long. I think there should be more emphasis on actual ugly man psy-ops and I'll post a blatant one. Remember that movie RRR that got popular a few years back? It was basically a result of a significant amount of money being used to push this movie onto the global scene, like tens of millions of dollars, that's the reason it gained public attention. The actual movie is both a psy-op and perhaps the most pathetic daydream you'll ever see. It depicts two Indian men based on two real historical figures who led rebellions, working together and effortlessly mowing down thousands of British soldiers, while also charming every white woman they come across. Many Indian men genuinely believe this is reality, they live in the ultimate pathetic delusion.

No. 2026291

samefag, The real-life people who they are based also failed miserably. they didn't even fight the British, but rather battled against local governments and kingdoms, only to be ultimately defeated

No. 2026353

Why does the thumbnail for that video look like a PS1 jewel case

No. 2026361

>Beatles have no sex appeal, says doctor
Good to know that chumbox-ass headlines were a thing even back in print media

No. 2026372

So what? If it was a chart of female body fat percentage you know they'd use model tier pictures. Don't let them get away with this

No. 2026710

File: 1717011744337.webp (39.07 KB, 640x531, IMG_5556.webp)

stupid articles but the beatles were definitely part of the psyop

No. 2026803

>extreme youth
>are they boys or girls
What were old farts smoking

No. 2026806

paul wasn't bad but the rest of them were truly foul

No. 2026828

File: 1717018480524.jpg (27.56 KB, 435x280, U oK.jpg)

No. 2026991

File: 1717028680557.webp (40.6 KB, 2432x1216, IMG_0111.webp)

Watching the movie Reptile but I can’t pay attention because I’m distracted by how ugly Justin Timberlake is.

No. 2027011

What about George sans unibrow of course

No. 2027099

File: 1717034484860.jpeg (75.24 KB, 480x399, IMG_5563.jpeg)

Meanwhile fujos

No. 2027287

I am fond of bollywood movies but I cannot deny their male actors are ugly as sin. If you think hollywood has it bad, bollywood is 100 times worse. And when an actor is somewhat cute, he bloats and ages at light speed. Their woman actors are some of the most beautiful on earth, it's so unfair

No. 2027299

I don't think Americans can even understand how nepotistic it is. Everyone in the industry has connections that go back centuries

No. 2027300

>charming every white woman they come across
what a cope

No. 2027302

File: 1717052456265.png (165.9 KB, 720x740, Mojvvok.png)

she was so real for this

No. 2027306

Only normal looking one was John Lemon but his assholeness makes me hate him.

No. 2027315

No. 2027332

>says peacocks are based
>picrel is a dolled up woman
Never change lc..

No. 2027396

paul outvisuals him

No. 2027407

File: 1717067778999.png (274.86 KB, 594x499, Screenshot 2024-05-30 070755.p…)

Has anyone seen these images of a man who settled for a landwhale and hates himself for it, yet we are supposed to like fat nasty men? Igaf how you like your men, if you spend the time looking good and working out, you deserve a man who matches that. I am tired of women giving fat men a chance.

No. 2027427

Okay but George was good looking. You just chose a terrible picture of him lol(defending ugly men)

No. 2027435

File: 1717070544469.jpg (55.36 KB, 297x532, 1717065864190.jpg)

Ayrt and I'm actually legitimately not familiar with the Beatles, but isn't Paul the one under John? If so John looks less deformed. Paul looks picrel but naturally.

No. 2027507

No. 2027540

File: 1717080787640.jpg (226.45 KB, 2000x1270, georgeharrison-beatles-2000x12…)

The thing about the Beatles is that none of them went bald and only Ringo got a bit chubby at some point, back then they took drugs that made them stay thin, they didn't bloat from alcohol like celebs nowadays, and they also were more stylish

No. 2027578

Not to mention they’re pretty decent looking for british men, let alone liverpool men(except ringo but his peace and love stuff is funny), and their early music was love songs that teenagers went crazy for. I think John is pretty weird looking but I saw a video of him from a concert in the early 60’s and thought he looked cute so I wondered if he’s the type that looks shit in photos but alright in video.

No. 2027586

File: 1717083730473.jpg (56.08 KB, 640x940, ec9ecprt9o181.jpg)

this picture made me modify my mental image of ringo

No. 2027608

i cant believe nonnas are defending the wife beaters out of all men

No. 2027619

I was gonna comment about how there were better looking British artists as well, but you make a good point as well. Doesn't help that their music sucks ass, too.

No. 2027625

File: 1717085844988.jpg (19.93 KB, 460x311, david-sylvian-440nw-109218b.jp…)

I think his features are not good looking. People get distracted by the big hair, fancy clothes and makeup but his face on its own is not good looking at all.

No. 2027627

what?they look like the average deformed brit.

No. 2027650

Very real for this, anon. I keep seeing posts on /g/ about how hot David Sylvian is and to me he just looks like a hairdresser from the 80's. He's not as bad as forbidden man or even the gay vampire per se but he's certainly no panty-dropping elfin prince.

No. 2027654

Trying to hold myself from getting banned

No. 2027656

No. 2027690

File: 1717089082046.jpg (1.19 MB, 2400x1200, Dracula-On-Film.jpg)

So is the ''sexy vampire'' trope on movies an oxymoron perpetuated by TUMPO (the ugly man psyop) after all?

No. 2027696

We really need some WHUMPO damn

No. 2027702

as much as i like Bella Lugosi, i am glad the vampire trope evolved from post-wall moid to edgy goth boys, like in Near Dark and Lost Boys. Goth, young edgy vampires need to make a comeback.

No. 2027704

he looks like a trailer park version of princess diana who works at a hair salon

No. 2027708

Women Hating the Ugly Man PsyOp?

No. 2027768

The meme is disgusting but the wojak face on the cat made me laugh ngl

No. 2027780

File: 1717092385213.jpg (1.94 MB, 2592x3888, 6028bc4157af7061d6d09ebccdebac…)

This is just a British moid problem tbh. As a teenager I had a huge crush on James Bagshaw (still kinda do, just out of nostalgia) but when I met him IRL I realized why he always smiles with his mouth closed in pictures kek. Brits just don't care as much about how teeth look as much as Americans, all that matters to them is that they don't have gingivitis or teeth falling out. Honestly, I like when teeth are straight and around eggshell-white, but I hate the titanium white veneer look a lot of Burger celebrities have. It just looks fake and slightly uncanny valley.

No. 2027790

You almost have to admire Ringo for what a strange human being he is. He's like the musician equivalent to Nicholas Cage.

No. 2027801

This just proves soyjaks are superior(baiting)

No. 2027894

File: 1717096564825.jpeg (70.54 KB, 361x515, IMG_5564.jpeg)

You’re right. He had a great aesthetic, but he couldn’t run from his britfag phenotype.

No. 2027908

File: 1717096976009.png (457.39 KB, 500x708, __original_drawn_by_kaneoya_sa…)

I will have to defend Paul here, I loved his kindness towards Cynthia, so he is the best member for me. I am a yamejoshi for him, so I will defend him. The rest are dog shit and are terrible to women, however, Paul is very cute. He reminds me of Kaneoya's OC, who is a fem-gaze artist (her OC is someone who I am a big fan of.) if Paul fixed his teeth and never had a stache, he would be perfect. He didn't hit the wall early either, like most british moids, he kept most of his hair.(defending men)

No. 2027915

>>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs
read the fucking OP damn it

No. 2027921

File: 1717097318913.webp (300.43 KB, 1200x675, b11370ad1def3ff148caf39f6ad4f5…)

Agreed but unfortunately they'll probably end up casting some inbred looking moid like Bill Skarsgard since he's the standard for sexy edgy goth dudes these days. Anons can shit on the actors in those movies but at least they were fit and looked like men and not gay pornstars.

No. 2027922

File: 1717097333274.jpg (23.21 KB, 224x388, 3c65d6e5b0d68e2d87fb92f30101be…)

Ok, thats fair, sorry nonnies. I will say, John is the ugliest member out of all of them. It's not just his personality, but his eyes are wide apart. He reminds me of sid the sloth in this, I don't know what Cynthia saw in him. I don't like Yoko either, but I genuinely don't see how homewrecking a relationship with someone as this horrendous looking was worth it.

No. 2027925

File: 1717097423817.jpg (207.93 KB, 1513x1527, 1624916102097.jpg)

I hope this is a sobering reminder to normie women that while you continue to unconditionally love your ugly FUCK boyfriends, they will never feel the same about you. Your personality, your sexual services, your shared domestic life, none of it matters, all he thinks about is how fat you have gotten.

No. 2027937

this is why i bully women into ugly men, they are insanely pathetic and keep fueling moid's egos

No. 2027943

did you draw this nonnie? The style is so cute

No. 2027947

I put in time and effort to workout and look as pretty as I can, you should see how offended ugly / fat/ short moids get when I refuse them politely
like, why the fuck would a fit chick like me want YOU, I put in the effort you fucking bed I'd expect the same from my partner
some friends wanted to pair me with a sphere , it made me so irrationally angry that they even considered this

No. 2027958

File: 1717098295232.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.99 KB, 401x500, 2772c3fae83b712c0777c13849e57e…)

My best friend in middle school scolded me 24/7 because I was constantly calling him a faggot but I will never regret that shit
I refuse to accept this man as the Crow of my generation
Nta but this picture is years old

No. 2027965

Can we talk about how this uggo gross character is part of the psyop?

No. 2027966

Finally someone says it. Nonas only like him since he gets degraded kek.

No. 2027969

He wasn't made for you close your eyes reee(defending 2-D men)

No. 2027973

>shitting on justin bieber in 2024
you were part of the psyop. He was probably the only male artist at the time that tried to be cute for women and everyone shat on him while he had half the teenage female population wanting to marry him. Untalented whores like megan fox whose only talent is being coom bait for men never get this level of hatred, its only men that try to be appealing to women that do. As always, female interests always get shit on.

No. 2027974

everytime i say he looks like a groomer anons lose their shit kek

No. 2027977

kek it was supposed to be a joke about Whump, the hurt/comfort fanfic trope

No. 2027981

File: 1717098824302.png (588.13 KB, 650x927, chinese_new_year.png)

I have kaneoya's artbook and yes, he's hideous. The appeal isnt his look, but rather Kaneoya's art and the fact she's probably the only woman who draws femgaze content that doesnt include sexualized women in it. Her other donut steel is miles cuter. I wish she would draw this guy more.

No. 2027986

Incredible how diverse Lolcor is. As you can see, even illiterate people post here.

No. 2027987

even in anime form he seems to have FAS

No. 2027988

Lolcow has really come full circle. Sad

No. 2027991

Not defending the guy but the art, I think him looking that way works in the context of a weak, vulnerable, past his prime, and ruined man that the artist is going for imo.
It would miss the artist's point (fetish) if he looked like a perfect pretty man.

No. 2027994

I am glad. I cant take another ugly faggot general on /m/ anymore. We need to set higher standards.
thats not true, she draws normal men and even shota. She just has a fetish for old men too.

No. 2027997

>she draws normal men and even shota.
I didn't say she doesn't, just that that's what I think she's going for with this character in particular.
His charm point is that he is pathetic. Other characters have different charm points.

No. 2027999

she draws all her men as pathetic, she just has a thing for facial hair. She draws a bunch of her ocs with it. Its hard to tell because she suffers from a serious case of sameface.

No. 2028004

Ngl the other nonna said she draws normal non pathetic men and I'm not going to debate every little thing, she might have a secret stash of pretty bishounens for all I know.

No. 2028005

The Bieber hate in the early 2010s was cringe, but I think it was mostly in response to how pervasive his terrible sounding music was, and how annoying his early fans were. That said, I often wonder if he still would've turned into an insane dick like he did if he wasn't so overly hated as a kid. The mental breakdowns of people like Britney, Bieber, Lindsey Lohan, Amanda Bynes, etc. should have taught us by now that children shouldn't be entertainers. It just isn't ethical to expose kids to the press scrutiny in the internet age (and that's before you take into account the rampant sexual abuse in Hollywood). He's technically not a kid anymore, but I felt bad watching how Noah Schnapp's faghag woke zoomer fans immediately turned on him and started sending him violent hate just because he's a Jewish kid who thinks that Israel has a right to exist. And that's small potatoes compared to what was hurled at Bieber, who was considerably younger. Moids are bad enough as it is without being driven even more insane by having an adolescence in the spotlight.

No. 2028014

File: 1717099873999.png (Spoiler Image,940.02 KB, 600x759, inconvenient_man.png)

they are still pathetic though, thats my point, pic rel. Its not that deep, she just like ugly pedostaches and dirty men.

No. 2028016

Yes, she likes to draw pathetic men, glad we agree.

No. 2028022

File: 1717100193723.jpg (71.52 KB, 719x1000, 61AEC2BLJkL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>you were part of the psyop.
Nah, he was fucking hideous from the start
>Untalented whores like megan fox
You sound like a scrote
>its only men that try to be appealing to women that do
Bieber wasn't trying to be appealing to young female audiences, he got picked by the pedophiles that run the music industry, he was appealing to them so they gave them a deal

No. 2028033

Nanami would be very polite and would never do that.
I'd fuck all jjk men though, they are delicious.

No. 2028049

Justin Bieber isn't the prettiest man but at least he was a cute and young. Tokyo Hotel's singer was popular with the same girls. I was never a fan but at least they weren't old and ugly like 99% famous men pushed on girls.

No. 2028053

the only current show i know of that has good looking vamps is amc's interview with the vampire. other than that i only know the movie lost boys. it's a shame that even the "sexy" monsters get uggo castings, fml.

No. 2028056

While I admire her skill I still hate seeing nonas thirsting over this ugly dirty man all over lc. Like how can you thirst over some loser alcoholic salaryman who looks like he smells like cigarette ash?

No. 2028059

thats not the same guy, thats her cute oc. She's just bad at drawing faces.

No. 2028062

File: 1717101280988.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.76 KB, 1200x675, fa8af2b9-1bab-4624-8fb3-197d46…)

Last post about Bieber, this was him at 21 years old in 2015. At least he wasn't old I suppose.

No. 2028066

calling a young boy that many young girls liked 'gay' as an insult is 100% falling for the psy op. dumbass. this point has been discussed over and over upthread. anytime women and girls express genuinely liking something (fashionably dressed men, bishounen, men in their own age, etc., etc.,), expired old moids who lust after them resort to calling it gay.
if you think he's ugly, just call him ugly.

No. 2028067

Some nonna feel like men having a horrible time you cam see on their face > looks.
I would put fetish stuff like this seperately.

No. 2028091

There is no psyop. All men are ugly.

No. 2028095

Boys and young men can be ugly too, why is this so hard for you to gasp? The fact that he was popular among young girls is indicative that he was a very succesful aspect of the psyop, he was even a fuckboy style pioneer. Bieber was never fashionable at all, he went from egghead moma's boy to calvin klein tacky tattooed wannabe gangsta. Fashion style aside he has always been ugly see >>2028062 sorry if he was your crush at some point. And all eras of his music suck

No. 2028102

I agree he was always ugly and not cute. He was simply young. If you were a younger teen it made sense to be attracted to him. Otherwise only a pedophile could find those features attractive. He did not age into his 20s especially well, he's not a great beauty or anything.

No. 2028107

and why is it so difficult for you to learn how to read? I never called him cute. I just said you calling him a faggot is reinforcing the extremely common moid psy op of calling anything that a lot of girls like as gay.

No. 2028113

Learn to read yourself. I said I called him faggot in middle school, not know, are you really mad about something I did 16 years ago? And this post I replied to >>2028049 called him cute, wether that was you or someone else doesn't matter because he's ugly anyway

No. 2028120

I think she called him a faggot pejoratively not literally but I'm not 100% sure kek

No. 2028138

that has never mattered. anything that women like that men don't like is gay. even otome games where the whole point is for women to imagine dating the cast is somehow gay. Ironically, it's only the things that men are actually gay for that are not declared as gay. Facial hair, haggard grandpas, overmuscled roidheads. None of that appeals to women. Only other men. And yet men are out there insisting Kratos from God of War is the peak of attraction to women.

No. 2028141

File: 1717104660126.png (419.16 KB, 1080x2443, 1000046368.png)

Some hopium. Even the libfems on Reddit are realizing this shit.

No. 2028145

Do you really think women don't like facial hair?

No. 2028160

nta but men used to be clean shaved until very recently. A few decades ago facial hair was synonymous with dirty and homeless.

No. 2028161

>anything that women like that men don't like is gay.
That's a bit of a reach
Good for them, hope they don't nuke OP's account

No. 2028172

Facial hair's not good, especially the trendy big fat beards that guys who think they're "based" keep getting. Disgusting

No. 2028195

File: 1717106436287.jpg (30.74 KB, 300x399, moustaches.jpg)

>A few decades ago facial hair was synonymous with dirty and homeless.
Where exactly are you talking about? Here in Europe in the 1800s until the 1970s moustaches were very common for men from middle and upper classes, not to mention men in the military. These men could afford going to a barber and having perfectly trimmed facial hair, it was a trait and a luxury that men from lower classes couldn't afford so they shaved completely or looked like hobos. Either way it's ugly as fuck but culturally facial hair was not indicative of being poor or dirty perse. I'm glat the trend has almost completely died with hipsters

No. 2028199

Women only like facial hair when it hides how ugly their boyfriend/husband is. Dating a man before seeing him clean shaven shouldn't be allowed. So many of them hide their ugly face behind a beard. It's both ugly and unhygienic. Beautiful men look worse with a beard since it hides their face. It only looks good on ugly men.

No. 2028290

Yeah he is the one under him. I still think Paul looks more like a human than John but I refuse to fight you on this because at the end of the day they’re both ugly

No. 2028291

You are 100 percent correct.

No. 2028338

do you think she know that most of the people who browse that subreddit are xy defects kek

No. 2028373

i am talking about sexy american men not european sewer rats. European men have always been ugly.

No. 2028400

File: 1717113096023.jpg (4.4 MB, 4322x5441, Abraham_Lincoln_O-77_by_Gardne…)

No. 2028407

ok now focus on the 50s-90s instead of being a cherry picker.

No. 2028432

I just know faggots in the 1800s wanted a piece of him

No. 2028444


No. 2028467

File: 1717116322823.png (Spoiler Image,84.77 KB, 1040x603, uglycavillfeet.png)

I think it's hilarious a lot of smelly dumbass neckbeards call Henry Cavill a Chad when his feet literally look like this…ew!

No. 2028471

Why is he so pink like a newborn rat?huge turnoff

No. 2028475

plus his tiny baby hands

No. 2028550

I think all males should have their feet sawed off

No. 2028562

I thought that after WWI the clean shaved look was popular in Europe because of the gas masks and sharpnel

No. 2028820

They've been memed into it. Take one of my acquintances for instance, she likes big ugly mustaches on men, and I always thought she simply has odd taste until I saw her dad. Of course he sported a mustache. People are attracted to features that are familiar to them, and that can happen even if they have a strained relationship with said parent.

No. 2028823

total opposite in my case, my dad having a mustache made me despise mustaches with a passion kek

No. 2028845

Kek that can also be true, it's either you like familiar features or you completely despise anything that resembles your parents. But I think it also involves a certain degree of awareness.

No. 2028921

File: 1717152894887.png (62.47 KB, 1176x454, Ghoul-Lucy.png)

Lord free my people

No. 2028932

I hate this so much, another reason why I avoid the fandoms of my favorite media

No. 2029008

It's funny that you posted this, because there's an old story (potentially an urban legend) about how a little girl told him he was ugly, suggesting that he grow a beard. Supposedly that's why he grew his iconic beard right before becoming president.

No. 2029009

All feet look gross to me tbh

No. 2029089

only eldery men, bums and hippies wore facial hair after 1940s

No. 2029103

What show/movie is the commentor talking about?

No. 2029121

File: 1717166108104.jpeg (439.96 KB, 1242x1407, IMG_8157.jpeg)

the proportions of this manlet

No. 2029170

It's the new Fallout Show

No. 2029175

File: 1717168902897.jpg (50.72 KB, 665x665, a9f672593d34417957355b1056a263…)


No. 2029189

Oh no, what an ugly big toe like it was bitten by wasps but otherwise I like long slim feet, but sausage toes…

No. 2029203

Saw the screenshots of finger scene, wanted to every media to have tag warnings like violence against women, mutilation, found the does dog die website but it's hard to navigate, it makes me frustrated because I want to watch popular fun stuff but don't want to stumble upon disturbing scene, especially against women. Saged for vent.

No. 2029210

Late and off-topic but she did date a conventionally attractive racially ambiguous looking moid. Her followers were always adding/dming him I remember her ranting about it. That, and some lesser-known bpdfag tried to skinwalk her to actually steal him and they had a big retarded slapfight in their stories.

No. 2029215

at first i thought you posted some random indian

No. 2029216

File: 1717170817171.png (Spoiler Image,530.13 KB, 719x960, TcV9uph.png)

The "relationship" is clearly antagonistic but still mentor-teacher-esque. There is absolutely nothing romantic about it. Walter Goggins isn't even a hot old man, he's never been hot, he's played ugly, disgusting characters his entire carrer

No. 2029247

same. I think if someone likes their dad's features that's just weirdly incestuous and gross.

No. 2029391

File: 1717182670414.jpg (151.95 KB, 660x923, image.jpg)

This Disney moid is rumored to be cheating on his supermodel wife. He was married to a 10/10 Gigastacy and he still (allegedly!) cheated. I remember so many people were pretending they were looksmatched because they find him handsome, like what the hell? She is gorgeous and he is average at best even with celebrity makeover. I guess that's the best that can be expected of men.

No. 2029398

Ew he looks old but still has that chubby baby face

No. 2029408

he looks like a dying hamster

No. 2029459

spoiler this ffs

No. 2029477

File: 1717188144105.jpg (148.9 KB, 720x1224, IMG_20240531_234037.jpg)

Fuck you nerd, I want a 6'5 man with blue eyes.

No. 2029482

He is literally so ugly compared to her. I hate that women keep settling for these pieces of shits. Ugly men who cheat deserve only death.

No. 2029488

its pathetic all of this isnt the default

No. 2029490

This literally is 6'5, blue eyed rich men kek I'd know because I married a 6'5 blue eyed rich man. It's typically short ugly moids addicted to porn and incapable of taking any sort of responsibility

No. 2029518

>Implying 6'5 blue eyed Chad with money who has all of these traits can't exist
I hate this retarded psyop that ugly moids will have a better personality and attractive moids will have a shitty personality. It makes no fucking sense and in my experience, moids tend to be worse people the uglier they are. It's just not the same when it comes to women, women of all looks can have all sorts of personalities but a moid's subhumanity is always directly correlated with how ugly he is. When a scrote is ugly you can bet that he is even uglier on the inside. Of course Chads can also be pieces of shit but they don't have the insecurity complexes ugly men have and they socialize better, making them more tolerable on average by moid standards.

No. 2029527

File: 1717190047515.jpeg (235.77 KB, 1170x683, IMG_7325.jpeg)

>Rich guy
>Blue Eyes

Never settle ladies.

No. 2029528

Based af. I'm happy for you. I have a hypothesis that being a manlet is a legitimate genetic disorder because I noticed they tend to be the ones who bald too fast and at a young age, and are extremely mentally retarded. While taller men seem to keep their hair for longer and aren't as retarded.

No. 2029534

Kek, based.

No. 2029539

I’m so sick of these kinds of posts in response to the WOMEN ARE SO SHALLOW THEY ONLY WANT CHAD! Shit from moids. Ermm actually personality matters most to us and we’re attracted to jack black and other fat old fucks because they will respect us!!1! The truth is women are made to feel guilty for wanting to be with an attractive, successful man. We also know that a moid being ugly and broke doesn’t mean he’s more likely to treat you better or be anti-porn. So why settle for a moid who does all these things if you aren’t attracted to him? It’s just affirming that they should get special treatment for doing the bare minimum. I want a moid who is attractive and is all of those things and more. It’s crazy how tons of women fit that criteria but finding a moid like that is like finding a unicorn. I’d rather die a lonely old wino hag and be eaten by my cats than settle, whether it be to a chad who mistreats me or an uggo who treats me well. Actually, the most common scenario I see is beautiful women settling for uggos who seem nice at first but then end up acting like every other lazy useless moid. And then the woman stays with him because she doesn’t think she deserves better or doubts that there is anything better out there. Bleak.

No. 2029552

Anyone who thinks ugly men have golden hearts unlike those evil Chads uwu have never met an ugly scrote. They are hateful, bitter, malicious, dangerous, miserable. Crime rates all around the world would decrease drastically if all ugly men just dropped dead right now. I fucking wish.

Can you just imagine how much better our quality of life would be if ugly men ceased to exist? I'm not only talking about them assaulting our vision with their disgusting bodies and eyesore faces not even a mother could love. Deep down, everybody knows they are the ones behind most fucked up shit in the world, they can never be trusted to not be scumbags and that's why even the most enthusiastically ball gargling moid worshipper will always be cautious of an ugly scrote. You see something horrible, there is a 100% chance the culprit is an ugly scrote. No exceptions.

No. 2029588

File: 1717192191590.jpeg (30.29 KB, 225x224, IMG_8327.jpeg)

No. 2029600

Your moid watches porn too and is probably balding as I type(baiting/infighting)

No. 2029606

he got diddled as a child badly so watching any sort of porn triggers him into depression, we can't even watch movies with sex scenes
I had cancer so I have more hair loss than him. I don't think he's balding though, if he is, it's not noticable

No. 2029608

What in the seething jealousy is this? You can't even pretend to be happy for her or something? Or not reply at all if it pisses you off to see someone happy?

No. 2029609

Seriously, they're like pitbulls. Women give those insane scrotes a chance and end up being stalked and harassed for years by a bitter subhuman whose desperate need for positive male attention has, in his sad little peanut brain, turned into an obsessive loathing of women. Stay away, go for men who look good or at least make an effort consistently and have stable lives and jobs, and don't fall for the psyop that an ugly vile piece of garbage is your only choice.

No. 2029618

based baldchan thriving

No. 2029624

“you give an ugly guy a chance, he thinks he rules the world.”
they all develop inferiority complexes and think they’ve developed superior personalities or intelligence in comparison to the other men who aren’t hideous openly seething incels who manage to “get” partners. you tell an ugly guy that the whole time the problem wasn’t his looks and he thinks he’s been gaslit all this time by everyone calling him ugly and he’s actually the perfect man. even more resentment towards other men and women because of this delusion of his. they felt entitled to sex and love the whole time but now they feel like there wasn’t even a reason they weren’t getting it. they get overconfident and start treating the poor woman who lowered her standards to give him a chance like she’s lower than him and he has options now. many such cases.

No. 2029629

If this isn't fake, you should probably tell him to get some help regarding his porn issue because that isn't healthy either; maybe get him some vanilla erotica

No. 2029634

It's a cope typical of people like the poster in one of the last unpopular opinions threads who was insisting women are "less visual than men" lol

No. 2029656

He seeks help and sees a therapist on the reg. Most people with trauma can and will have their triggers even with extensive therapy and all

No. 2029658

I'm just saying that reading some vanilla erotica might help him regulate his sexuality more normally

No. 2029659

File: 1717196467317.mp4 (10.46 MB, 480x854, 81cjonv2.mp4)

Ugly men seem aware of this view and will often try to fit in with the stereotype of 'good feminist moid'

No. 2029666

That sounds predatory, erotica and porn isn't a needed part of life as we have sex and all just fine

No. 2029684

See you in the vent thread in six months when he goes mask-off

No. 2029689

Tbh I doubt any moid exists with all those traits, appearance notwithstanding. Every moid fucks up at least one item on that list, and most moids fail at least four.

No. 2029733

Are you really recommending her anti-porn Chad starts getting into porn? The fuck

No. 2029735

What happens is that ugly moids have an inferiority complex and will give you shit for it and try to humble you for being out of his league while handsome moids have a superiority complex and think they have you wrapped around their little finger cause "they're the catch". Either way it's still better to date a handsome moid cause at least it's someone you find genuinely physically attractive but it's also good to keep your guard high at all times cause these types of men have a narcissistic streak. I don't think it's a stereotype, a man who knows he is hot and chased by multiple women will usually be a player, cause why not?

No. 2029742

And to add on, I think this is why so many women gravitate towards unconventional handsome guy with quirky traits, it's cause they believe they get a man who they find genuinely hot but who is too socially inept or too much of an awkward nerd to cheat on them with a stacy. Unfortunately this category is usually incel aligned

No. 2029954

Im trying to listen to music but then i get an ad with some ugly ass moid and the vibe is ruined.

No. 2029960

No, men do not need porn. What the fuck? I think you fell for the psyop that men absolutely need it, kek

No. 2030033

Moidbrain moment

No. 2030035

Honestly, I think your onto something. Women settle for moids below their league because they foolishly believe that he'll be too thankful to cheat. Yeah, no. A moid who looks like a fucking toe will cheat on a girl beautiful enough to be a model because moids are just impulsive sociopaths like that. Fucking Beyoncé of all people got cheated on by her scraggly-ass husband who at this point probably makes less than she does. No one is safe.

No. 2030072

File: 1717222806721.jpeg (34.76 KB, 678x452, images.jpeg)

when people were pretending this guy is hot

No. 2030076

File: 1717223068798.png (351.91 KB, 337x897, execution now.png)

moids are actually retarded, dad bods = fit bodies bloated after a large meal, this is the worst timeline to live in

No. 2030080

That's literally just the Nightmare on Elm Street guy lmaaoo

No. 2030082

i hate that it took grooming to make a man porn-averse

No. 2030085

Eeeeuuuggh. I hate MRA misogynists but NLOB pick-mes are a different breed of ick. The part where he started lecturing his fellow menzies was kek-worthy—it's so forced and performative.

No fucking way any woman finds these NLOBs as genuine and not just Nice Guys™ rebranded.

No. 2030093

File: 1717226804881.jpg (49.42 KB, 375x496, The_Monkees_1966.JPG)

I like their music, but they are so seriously ugly. I cannot believe they actually picked these 4 faggots from 500 men. The other moids must have been puke inducing if these guys won over them.

No. 2030101

Is that the beetles?

No. 2030103

its their great value amerifat brothers

No. 2030105

I thought this was an AI rendition of those South Park kids.

No. 2030111

File: 1717229007057.png (852.41 KB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_20240601-010151~2.p…)

Which one of you posted this?

No. 2030117

Why shit up lainchan I don't get it

No. 2030120

That's soyjak parties /x/ board not lainchan

No. 2030123

very average looking tbh. if only ppl could accept their averageness instead of forcing women to pretty up for ugly below average moids, women could finally live

No. 2030128

Literally my thoughts when I see an ugly moid. You just know he is the descendant of rapists and the product of generations long inbreeding. He was never supposed to be born and his existence only causes more despair. Ugly moids are not supposed to reproduce, sexual selection is supposed to get rid of them. This is how it works in nature but moids being retarded chimps can't accept that they were never entitled to pussy.

No. 2030143

I'm all for eugenics personally. I know it's considered a sensitive topic but if you get rid of the racist implications, it can only benefit humanity. A world where all humans are beautiful and healthy and mentally stable and fit, like I guess that's considered offensive to disabled people but in my opinion if you're ugly and disabled it's selfish to want kids. I'm a mentally ill average looking woman, I don't want to have kids because I don't want to pass down my shitty genes. Ugly moids shouldn't even be allowed to exist.

No. 2030159

I get what you mean. I wouldn't say I'm pro eugenics but I am pro natural selection. Only a minority of moids are supposed to breed and women can breed however they want. Females are sexual selectors in nature and anything that goes against this is cope. A woman doesn't need to have the most ideal genetics to reproduce but the man needs to have exceptionally good genetics to have the privilege of continuing his bloodline because an ugly woman reproducing doesn't cause the problems an ugly man reproducing does. I might be a mentally ill femcel but I am a woman and in nature, females are simply more valuable than males by default. I might not be a looker but I could still easily attract multiple high value moids while tha vast majority of scrotes can't attract anything because they are ugly and dick is worthless.

No. 2030181

Most people living with a disability weren't born with it. Disabled people wouldn't disappear. And being conventionally attractive doesn't magically makes one healthy. People just need to realise that men on average are uglier than women and most people are average. Right now, a lot of people are ugly because they are overweight, sleep deprived and worked to the bones.

No. 2030186

I want all of that in a 6'5 blonde, blue eyed handsome moid

No. 2030188

File: 1717240596914.jpg (128.52 KB, 900x1200, 1678224064626.jpg)

Hm, okay, I am willing to compromise for a brown eyed blonde 6'5 one

No. 2030193

fake and gay

No. 2030201

The disability part is a very good point which often gets overlooked in pro-eugenics arguments. Plus genetics are so freaky that it would take yeeeeeeaaaaars to completely breed out the possibility of hereditary illnesses, assuming new ones wouldn't just pop up anyway.

No. 2030293

Does height influence standards? I'm tall so I can see eye to eye with most scrotes and their imperfections are very obvious to me. But if I were significantly shorter all of them would have bigger jaws due to perspective and their wonky noses would be hidden from me.

No. 2030296

lol I don’t think so anon. Ugly males are ugly no matter how low you look at them from

No. 2030317

File: 1717252404284.jpg (194.46 KB, 1509x1019, 1000011553.jpg)

Mocking a woman's appearance when you look like that is crazy

No. 2030397

File: 1717258522273.jpeg (50.26 KB, 500x429, IMG_2982.jpeg)


Every time I see a picture of this moid all I can think of is him looking similar to a mole kek

No. 2030867

File: 1717286027809.png (875.97 KB, 1080x1646, Screenshot_20240602-004115~2.p…)

So now women are actually paying money to sleep with this… thing including some "22 years younger than him." Disgusting.

No. 2030871

Most 4/10 and below mem and women wouldn't have survived childhood
(but a few people with disabilities would slip though the cracks) 200 years ago. Measles, mumps, rubella etc. would have taken them out.
Mother nature is ruthless, unfortunately vaccinations have reversed that.
Women refusing to get with ugly men in the last five years will be a drop in the ocean to getting things back to what nature intended.
Manlets and goblinas both need to be gotten rid of to rise the standards of human beings.

No. 2030880

File: 1717286651870.jpg (90.93 KB, 1700x910, 1000003798.jpg)

Hes just latinx Peter Pettigrew

No. 2030894

I wouldnt read into it, the 22 year old is probably a sex worker pegging him for her onlyfans

No. 2030910

Dailymail publishes a lot of fake articles that are thinly veiled advertisements. I assume this is one of them.

No. 2030912

But good looks are usually a sign of good health. Most ugly features if not all are results of genetics and health issues.

No. 2030914

Lovely comparison I can't stop the kekk

No. 2030920

Oh I meant the youngest one was 30, that better be true though the psyop is hitting so hard that im actually doubting that its fully fabricated nonsense by dailyshit

No. 2030942

Hes not going to mention the part about the 30 year old being morbidly obese and sad.

No. 2030945

He fuckin' wishes. 90 bucks says he's fucking trannies and is using the "escort" thing as a front.

No. 2030948

EW wtf his nose looks like a bike seat!

No. 2031045

Hell, ugly moids are more likely to cheat because they have a scarsity mindset and if they get with a pretty girl it inflates their ego and they then try to fuck any and all women they can. A handsome man is less lkekly to cheat because if he dates you, that means he is actually into you, and not just dating you because you're the only one who wants to.

No. 2031089

File: 1717296418043.jpg (76.32 KB, 750x968, 048c2da584eaf5de386f8504bbfd93…)

Each day I got more convinced that hope is lost nonas. Moids get fatter, uglier and more entitled by the day. I am coping by looking at vintage cuties and each day I wonder if we ever will have handsome moids roaming around again
A vibrator is cheaper and actually gives you an orgasm kek
Picrel is a perfect example of this: He was a prolific dancer and choreographer but his undetected schizophrenia worsened as time passed, so yes, not always foolproof

No. 2031092

there's average and good looking moids posting shit online about how they went into a relationship for personality over looks and now they get scaries when they get random selfies from their partners. why date a woman you don't find attractive? ahh bc moids will fuck everything and everyone. they will like you as long as they can have a ride. attractive moids will cheat bc they feel it's easier for them to get attention. anyone who wants to cheat will cheat. and I wouldn't give into the ugly moid scarcity mindset either. they will cheat to humiliate you if you're more attractive than him.

No. 2031126

>”vintage cuties”
>fucked up hairline

No. 2031188

This hemorrhoid gijinka is insulting the looks of THE Bjork? Disgusting, I hate moids.

No. 2031213

vintage men all looked inbred, only thing going for them was being skinny

No. 2031469

When I see incels cry about the 80/20 rule I laugh because they must be schizophrenic to think women are attracted to 20% of men. That is an insanely generous number. I know for a fact I am not attracted to 1/5 of men. It is more like 1/1000. Hot guys are very rare

No. 2031560

File: 1717307608196.jpeg (164.02 KB, 736x920, 1CB6B4F6-B8A7-4658-859E-15A0D8…)

What happened to her other bf? I guess he dumped her because he got tired of her being an onlyfans whore

No. 2031649

maybe this is the guy >>2029210 nonnie was talking about?

No. 2031689

It doesn't even track because they're constantly complaining about women at every turn and how unfuckable and expired they are. By 80/20 they must be accounting for minors as well.

No. 2031787

Some women just have low standards unfortunately.

No. 2031970

Does anybody else find men around you in your area or all places you went to unattractive or mid? What industry are attractive men working in besides modelling and sports?

No. 2031979

File: 1717336370020.jpeg (547.46 KB, 750x1093, IMG_1051.jpeg)

Lol ain’t no way…

No. 2031980

File: 1717336433024.jpeg (186.59 KB, 750x329, IMG_1052.jpeg)


No. 2031988

it's almost as if only the 20% is supposed to be granted the privilege of coupling with a woman and creating offspring (insert passive-aggressive smiling face), so why are you crying about most men not having the good genes that make them attractive to women?

and the height? idk I'm shorter than average and though I've been with men over 6'2 I don't need a guy towering over me. 5'8 works just fine kek. the problem is y'all are insecure pieces of shit.

>Sydney Sweeny don't get me wrong, she's cute

I give you that one.

No. 2031999

Yes! This is her ex.

From what I remember it was an on-off relationship with lots of instability. They used to randomly archive their entire pictures, videos etc. only to put it back up the next day. She said that she is extremely jealous as a person and couldn't stand the way women were interacting with her boyfriend (who is a quite popular model) and that he would never put effort into their relationship or something along the lines of that. They also made porn countless times and posted weird shit. I wonder what her fat mexican nigel thinks about this. Fun fact: Her fatass mexican nigel has instagram but doesn't accept anyone due to her anxiety and fears KEK. Nobody wants that motherfucker.

No. 2032064

it's pride month so it's time to see more bisexual women screeching because they can't bring their hideous incel men at gay events and lesbian bars

No. 2032164

File: 1717349373214.png (43.31 KB, 192x200, 537951FE-7CCE-4976-9ED1-506227…)

Would it be the right thread for me to post a collage of ugly scrotes that have hit me up on dating apps?(avatarfagging)

No. 2032166

Do it nonna

No. 2032167

Of course. Just don't doxx yourself.

No. 2032179

No. There's a dating apps thread on /g/ >>>/g/248328 where that would be appropriate and encouraged though. Please share, don't doxx yourself with anything identifying like specific messages (not sure how they work but make sure you've blocked them first if that's a thing or you've deleted your account or didn't give them your real name at least)

No. 2032408

no way, he was actually super cute

No. 2032465

the hilarious thing about this is that even though she bagged him at 15 in 10 years he'll still look like the older one in the relationship

No. 2032478

He seriously underestimates the time and effort most women put into their appearance to look conventionally attractive. And he thinks men can't change their jawline or facial hair? Weight loss sharpens the jawline and facial hair can be shaved, groomed, and styled. He sounds like a bitter fatass neckbeard with a short guy complex who just chalks it all up to genetics so he doesn't have to put in the hard work to look decent.

No. 2032487

Her entire account is dedicated to content about her and her 40 year old boyfriend kek. Him being an ugly old scooter aside, any women still just dating at that age would be dismissed as washed up

No. 2032492

A lot of women put themselves through insane diets eating disorders, shave, wax, hair cut, hair dye, eyelash extensions, fake nails, makeup, skin care, etc to look 'good' for men. The extreme ones do plastic surgery and fillers. I wouldnt do any of that shit for men or anyone else. The expectations for men vs women are miles apart. All men have to do is groom themselves/shower normally. Most women arent even picky about men, since we have the pysop of fat dad bods and old ugly ass men.

No. 2032493

The average hollywood celeb is expected to spend 100s on skincare, be completely hairless, eat less than 1200 calories a day (if they do eat) and always dress according to scooter standards. These are the women who dictate beauty standards. Women don't event get break from standards during pregnancy but scrotes keep whining about height

No. 2032495

Exactly kek the average skincare routine is well over $100. Waxxing can go up to 50. But oh no poor scrotes having to be 5'7!

No. 2032496

When she gets too old for him and he cheats/dumps her then she’s gonna cry she was groomed

No. 2032497

She is probably mostly correct.

A big part of the "ran through" narrative is moids shilling the notion that infrequent noncommittal barrier protected sex with random attractive moids (chads) makes you decline more than committed, regular, unprotected obligation sex with one adult male brood parasite over X years. This doesn't stop them from being only interested in women who don't have sex with men, or women who only have sex with attractive high status men. The good girl serial monogamist Becky that resides somewhere in-between, ironically, is the one that gets branded as used goods.

I didn't watch the video, but this narrative would make sense considering the reality of long term commitment and what we know about human reproduction:

1. Male microchimeric cells colonize the female body at conception and remain there for life to (quite literally) lobby for that specific male's genetic interests. This is known to have a wide range of endocrine and metabolic consequences.

2. Hormonal contraception cannot be a 100% or even a 50% failsafe against implantations, even if they never progress to detectable pregnancy. For all you know, BC could be working by triggering repeated chemical pregnancies which are interpreted as heavy periods. There is a paper on the prevalence of microchimerism in teenage girls from a Scandinavian cohort. Most previously negative participants inexplicably tested positive after they become sexually active, even though none were aware of any pregnancies. This would rule out congenital microchimerism from a male sibling, suggesting that they somehow experienced implantation despite, presumably, using BC.

There is definitely plenty to think about here.

No. 2032500

little girls are getting married off to pedophiles in several countries but men still believe they are the biggest victims

No. 2032508

Forgot to add - I wholeheartedly believe that the "dead bedroom" effect is in part the cuffed woman's body attempting somatic repair/self preservation.

No. 2032509

also, what does he think makeup tries to accomplish? contour exists, as does blush, there's eyeshadow too. plus, "makeup on a pig" is a thing, there's more even work that goes into having a solid base for makeup, skincare and cosmetic procedures and shaving and waxing. and in all of this makeup comes off at the end of the day, hence "take her swimming on the first date", so why doesn't he get thicker soles just for a girl to say the same.

No. 2032552

Another pickme thinking along the lines of "if I bribe men with enough condemnation of male-typical behaviors when they're displayed by women, men will stop displaying said male-typical behavior". Female brained reciprocal/prosocial mentality. Same goes for caring about male rape victims and settling for fugly men out of pity or "fairness".

If women were even marginally more antisocial/selfish, it would actually be over for all moids on the planet.

No. 2032610

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i haven’t played wow in years wtf happened to him

No. 2032614

jfc, another victim to the ugly man pysop. that really sucks

No. 2032707

call me by your name had saggy 50 years old cannibal playing a 23 years old fit character

No. 2032917

File: 1717384596864.jpg (78.96 KB, 850x400, quote-life-is-not-a-beauty-con…)

Daily reminder that males externalize, while women internalize. When a male has a personal problem or a defect, he WILL make it everyone else's problem. And since everyone tells him to fuck off (especially other males), he'll default to those most likely to give a fuck - women in his family. He WILL take it all out on you, because it's biologically the only way males can cope with stress - a tendency that's already evident in males as early as infancy.

Pic related. Even moids know this.

No. 2032924

Forreal. How many men settle with fugly women because they’re “nice”? Their attitude is to min max whatever they can get and if they end up with a fugly woman it’s “she better give good blowjobs”.

No. 2032929

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karl was a fucking asshole kek he was a huge misogynist but at least he also dragged moids. he also grew up with a mother who thought he was a loser faggot despite becoming a famous designer and he talks about that too. he was an entertaining guy.

No. 2032931


microchimeric cells don't make any fucking sense because simply put there aren't any micromerism on already settled tissue, that doesn't make any fucking sense, implantation doesn't cause anything by this being a part of a self contained system which is the ovum, at most they could trigger a response on implantation to reflect on pregnancy but pregnancy doesn't make women ugly but in opposite if studies between couples are attested.
it's more likely that the thing that could be causing issues is having more health issues by age, general stress by general life and hormonal damage caused by birth control which is similar to a castration by blocking estrogen and testosterone receptors without anything useful (which is much more likely to cause the issues of sex drive and stress with males being less receptive of sex when they grow up naturally and by endocrine damages too, thus making death room)
somatic repairs don't make sense on any fucking way by this not being seen on any other animal and in general the act being something pleasurable for both sexes and needing to obtain reproduction by the shitty fertility of male and females, females having detectable periods where they can have sex without pregnancy risk (which is what people on the past did and there weren't a lot of unplanned pregnancies, being these pregnancies caused by rapists who should be tortured and killed or having sex on reproduction days) and in general having sex as a bonding mechanism which other social species have, this can be seen on how males have neothemic tendencies on their appearance, this is a female choosen trait which they repeated by having sexual interest, thus somatic repair doesn't make sense, even more when the y genes aren't destructive and don't damage anything.

No. 2032937

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>mother who thought he was a loser faggot despite becoming a famous designer and he talks about that too
I fucking love moms that bully their sons when they end up as irritating faggots.

No. 2032941

>the Y genes aren’t destructive
Stopped reading there, lmao

No. 2032942

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No. 2032944

it's true, the y genes don't damage tissue, they are a reduced version of a x without a leg.

No. 2032945

She was so based… Women need to break free of being a Boymom and be more commanding with their faggot sons

No. 2032946

Fucking based. When daughters look like their fathers, they always still look better than their fathers. Sons never look better than their mothers, no matter how alike they may look.

No. 2032950

Jealousy. They used to call Anduin gay all the time because he wasn't hideous like them. Gotta appease the neckbeards.

No. 2032951

in general sons don't look like their fathers, they are a mix of the mother and the father, people look fine in general and is pretty disingenuous to apply this factor onto people by false competition in things which don't have it at all (in general most people look fine at the same level as their fathers or more if they have good health), in general a father/mother saying that the offspring is a extension of him and thus should be generally seen as a thing to compete just generates issues on both parts.

No. 2032955

The Y chromosome is literally an immunosuppressant…

No. 2032958

>in general most people look fine at the same level as their fathers or more if they have good health)

vs anon's observation that sons don't look better than their mothers, and daughters look better than their fathers. What makes your observation more valid than hers? Regardless of if this makes the parents jealous or not.

No. 2032961

lmfao of course he was a useless cuck with mommy issues, just like neetche was a scorned beta orbiter. Literally 0 male philosophers whose takes aren't rooted in some sense of inferiority and rejection. If they lived today, they'd be dime a dozen podcels with 3 listeners.

No. 2032962

>people look fine in general
Okay you lost me. Men generally look worse than women. Next question.

No. 2032969

in general one is just an anecdotal evidence and the other is something which can be seen on morphology studies and general genetic testing which shows that people have a mix of both father's traits.
for the male, not for anything else, and that is caused by the lack of certain genes
they look ok, it's a different look but they don't look worse, males have general traits that humans have like soft skin and general neothemy so it's the same base, a thing on the same base cannot be worse than anything on the same base if they are done right and males aren't wrong on structure.

No. 2032971

Of intelligence.

No. 2032973

No. 2032974

Can you share a relevant morphology study? Seems interesting.

No. 2032976

Men on average absolutely do look worse than women on average because men were allowed to exercise selection pressure while women were coerced/memed/manipulated/outright prevented from it so we have this fucked up inversion of nature.

No. 2032979

This notion literally keeps me up at night. I mean with NEETzsche it’s obvious but just how much “profound male thought” is podcel whining, and why have we elevated it so high?

No. 2032983

neothemic traits on males show that women did selective pressure on males, that you don't like the look of them is different, that's another thing altogether

No. 2032984

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I really think they look worse because like you said there is something that isn't being "done right" and I think it's connected to the rise of obesity and related to endocrine disruptors that pollute everything now.

No. 2032985

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Why, I remember when he was just a low-poly, block-fisted, potato-footed young lad.

No. 2032986

Would it even work that way? It’s not like an ugly dad and a pretty mom make ugly sons and pretty daughters. The kids get a mix of the parents so ugly men can make ugly kids male and female

No. 2032992

Are you seriously arguing that women had free mate choice throughout history? Come on now.

No. 2032997

Do you think the resemblance would change as the newborns age? Considering their facial features are undeveloped. Maybe when puberty and such takes effect, that's when the real resemblance would show?

No. 2033001

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I think also men are allowed to be slobs now, but standards for women have remained largely the same. Women are still expected to be clean, washed, and tidy when they go out into society. Men nowadays can go to the store in fucking cum-stained sweatpants, crocs, and with 50 pounds of unwashed flab hanging off their stomach. I prefer the days when men had to wear a fucking suit and tie.

No. 2033005

Nonna real question have you ever observed real people in real life growing up? We don’t need a study for this we have eyes.

No. 2033006

Wdym? Microchimeric cells are detectable as early as 4 weeks. If it's miscarried within that timeframe, you wouldn't know you were ever pregnant. There will be cell traffic very early, perhaps not at implantation, but definitely within the average chemical pregnancy timeframe.

Differentiated fetal origin cells always embed in your established tissue. Terminated pregnancies (elective or spontaneous abortion) are characterized by a rapid release of more undifferentiated microchimeric cells into the bloodstream, possibly as a last ditch effort by the fetus. Fetal stem cells are known to be present in female bone marrow, which means that they're polluting your blood stem cell pool and will re-enter circulation repeatedly. Fetal stem cells are also found in the female brain.

Birth control is a horrific endocrine disruptor and definitely contributes. I don't know how alluding to how monkeys use sex to bond proves anything, because unlike humans they don't live long past their reproductive years. For all you know, bonding sex could be antagonistically pleiotropic (like literally everything else) and a contributing factor in their decline.

No. 2033008

Exactly but I'm trying to understand wtf that anon is talking about

No. 2033010

yeah, hunter gatherers have been shown to be consensual on all sexual encounters by rapists being killed before hand and most of human genes not having rape genes at all by monogamy and by human sex organs being non concealed, meaning that there wasn't rape because there wasn't a need to deter it by sex always being consensual.

No. 2033012

also blease don't tell me that you actually believe the following:

>periods are a reliable predictor of not being able to conceive

>ancient people fucked on their periods as birth control
>accidental pregnancy was rare

lol, lmao even

No. 2033013

in general most traits on newborns are present on puberty, the differences are small at first but these small differences just obtain equal results by both mother and father traits being equally present.

No. 2033016

I want whatever drugs you’re on lmao

No. 2033017

So you can identify if someone's a product of rape with genetic testing? Aren't there species with non-concealed sex organs that still rape each other? To be honest what you are talking about sounds like theories.

No. 2033018

wtf is a neothemy

No. 2033019


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2033021

Still a moid in his youth differs from when he reaches adulthood, when his facial features fully mature.

No. 2033023

it isn't wrong really
periods shouldn't have been picked as a word (more like reddening of vulva) but yeah, women don't conceal fertility, it's just that it's focused on the sex organ.
for the second point: yes by knowing fertile days and not fertile days, i shouldn't have put period
3. yeah, most accidental pregnancies happened on specific weird cases and there aren't proofs of being an endemic issue, thinking that people stopped having sex when in fact it was much more common before is really inaccurate, even now most people need to have sex through an entire year to conceive so it's understandable to see that it isn't as weird.
but it's true.
yeah if you are detected to have genes of an specific individual like a rapist or something, yeah.
looking younger on adulthood, this is attractive so females who choose would obviously pick males which look cuter, over time generating the cute traits to be present.
yeah but the base is the same and the female and male traits would be present by being equal leveled.

No. 2033025

and for the second question: no, rapist species conceal their organs for a reason.

No. 2033028

>yeah if you are detected to have genes of an specific individual like a rapist or something, yeah.
What does this have to do with rape genes for humanity in general if you have to pinpoint it to a specific rapist?

No. 2033037

Don’t you mean that you can get someone’s individual gene, how does the rapist gene manifest itself?

No. 2033038

in general the example i gave was general, a rape gene could be a concealment of the sex organs, a population which has a k selection, our child caring being based around having lots of kids and in general certain traits on people like having in general genetic correlation to specific aspects like most males not reproducing (which comes from rapists species killing competition) or our genes being less varied and less monogamous which comes from consent by maintaining a couple and obtaining offspring which lives coming from both parts agreeing to the sexual act and caring the offspring, even more when rapists are inherently disruptive for the lifehood of an species based around caring offspring like ours, so in general they aren't choosen at all and normally the offspring from rapists didn't happened or was killed by that reason.
it isn't an specific gene but a mix of various genes which come from what i'm talking above.

No. 2033046

monogamy has more variety of genes and generally shows monogamy as a device.

No. 2033047

I get what you’re saying but most of us are descended from rapists unfortunately, so it was selected for in some way by evolution

No. 2033048

You take that back, my Viking ancestor courted his soon-to-be-wife with a bouquet of wildflowers in one hand and a battleaxe in the other

No. 2033049

most people aren't rapists, there aren't proofs of rape and in general there aren't proof of rape genes at all, we aren't a rape species, mentally ill specimens are just that and shall never be accepted by proxy by a propaganda piece made to hurt others.

No. 2033051

vikings were consensual in general so even if it can be an ironic post most vikings weren't rapists.

No. 2033052

if your post can be ironic*

No. 2033053

Bruh. I get it’s unpleasant but come on. Let’s not devolve into romanticised notions of the past.

No. 2033056

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What are your thoughts on the tribe from this article? They're hunter-gatherers that formed a system of child brides and gangrape. You're observing very general trends that don't reflect how prevalent rape has been throughout human history.

No. 2033057

it isn't romantic when most gene testing show sound proofs of that past, one thing is to be realist and another is to be a doomer and not accept when things were really better on the past.

No. 2033058

Retard. Statistics would be more reliable than genetic testing in this case.

No. 2033060

Let her have her copes anon….

No. 2033061

you can identify that by DNA testing conquered populations lmao. no prizes for guessing what the results are.
"cute traits", assuming males even have them, actually emerge from males choosing the most weak and unthreatening women. a short skinny neotenous woman does not produce 6 ft tall chads (a common source of emotional damage in incels)

No. 2033066

most tribes which are closer to civilization unironically aren't hunter gatherers but agricultural tribes with some hunting, this doesn't meant that agricultural tribes are rapists but it shows that modernity lends these tribes to survive while making the abuse they are making possible by how the social structuring was changed, in general k selection tribes have 11x more child death and if it wasn't for them living on places where they gave them food or on the verges of death they aren't a real representation of something else than a failed social system which hurts others and lives by bad monsters letting it thrive.
in general most tribes aren't rapists and the ones who are are a reflection of how modern societies help these abusive areas while hurting real hunter gatherers.
genetic testing is more reliable to see the past, statistics are the now not the past.
no because those traits would go to women, most cute traits are hand picked by females by these being male specific and in general the representation of them being all encompassing, thus cuteness and general survivability by having a mix of resistance and strength on both sexes happened, if that was the case as well in general men would look extremely different to women which isn't the case (in general the 6 ft thing is cultural and women from most cultures like an in between of 5 to 5 8'' ft, in general having a 6ft causes issues on lifespan and health and is dysgenic.)

No. 2033070

This is such pure noble savage bullshit it’s impressive really.

No. 2033073

most conquered populations are a 1000 years apart at most (with humans as humanity having on the modern sense a 100000 years and on the origin sense a million), in general this isn't enough to change things, even more when most of the mixed populations kids were consensual in this so it wouldn't change anything
they aren't really noble, it depends of the population, noble savage would infer that i accept those populations, what i'm saying is that those kinds of abusive areas should die by themselves and people should give support to them at all, i'm going against the noble savage idea rather than anything else, because hunter gatherers aren't savages they don't need help and people who hurt others shouldn't be saved of their bad actions.

No. 2033074

shouldn't give support to them at all*

No. 2033076

so they don't need help*

No. 2033079

so they don't need help*
it depends of the population we are talking about, the example i was responding shouldn't exist at all and isn't noble on any way, shape or form.

No. 2033082

sorry for putting the wrong word: monsters, they aren't people by the bad things they do.

No. 2033085

I got an aneurysm trying to read that

No. 2033087

it's true tho, most of what people call hunter gatherers aren't really hunter gatherers because they do agriculture.

No. 2033089

you can identify if someone has the rape gene according to their chromosomes. if they have the XY chromosome they're rape apes.

No. 2033091

no, I mean the way you write is incomprehensible, what you write being illogical is another thing
and what does them doing agriculture have to do with anything in that pickrel you were replying to kek
marie cachet is that you white knighting cavemen in the ugly man thread?

No. 2033098

>most cute traits are hand picked by females by these being male specific
"Male-specific" cute traits? Please, elaborate.
>looking younger on adulthood, this is attractive
I agree with looking younger is more attractive, but neotenous features are not necessary most attractive? You can have neotenous features and be ugly. It's just a specific set of features.
>most cute traits are hand picked by females
That's what i heard from biologists. They were explaining it by women choosing better suiting partners for monogamous pairings though.
Kek, true.

No. 2033107


No. 2033108

because most tribes which are called "hunter gatherers" aren't really hunter gatherers.
i admit that the thing i wrote isn't a perfect essay piece but it isn't impossible to understand, i shouldn't write so quickly but in general cave men where good, we have no rape genes and we are a monogamy based species where both sexes are equally important, that this has been changed by social destructions is the reflection of bad monsters hurting others.
things like having a proportioned nose for example, in general cute traits on both sexes are similar like cute skin, cute body proportion and cute face but you get the idea.
neothemy is inherently more attractive by being younger being a reflection of someone having good genes, neothemy reflects that, these traits cannot be inherently ugly by reflecting those good genes and thus if a part of an species can choose to change things (like woman did with men) then the species will over time change to be more attractive.
very inaccurate to human genes even if it's a shitpost (we are consensual on all manners except for mentally ill monsters).

No. 2033109

If a moid exists and he is ugly, you can tell that he has rapist genes because no woman at any point in history could have possibly chosen to reproduce with those terrible genes. His ancestors were ugly, violent, entitled incels who could not accept they were subhuman, now we are cursed with having to see their grotesque faces.

No. 2033110

which are the reflections of bad monsters hurting others*

No. 2033116

>we are a monogamy based species where both sexes are equally important
Anon they studied human genes and saw that all of us have more female ancestors than male ancestors because humans practiced polygyny so much. Humans being monogamous is a social construct and is not the norm in many cultures. Also women are more valuable than men, they are not equally important

No. 2033120

Yes, monogamy is actually part of the psyop because you have to be cuffed to some ugly moid because “all men need a wife”.

No. 2033122

we have a 1.27 partners on each person, human genes show this, this ratio is of a monogamous species, on the contrary, humans are monogamous by studies, that some studies have found other data by not analyzing the number of partners and making most likely cherrypicking is just a reflection of a bad study but not a reality.

No. 2033123


No. 2033125

not a point, a woman liked the male and she had sex with him so it's alive.
that you are so delusional to think otherwise is funny.

No. 2033128

unfortunately there are women having consensual sex with men who look like naked molerats.

No. 2033129

Yeah what you're arguing is to show that rape isn't inevitable for our species, because we don't have the genes of a rape species, showing that our reproduction didn't evolve to happen through rape, which it would've if it were natural for us from the very beginning. You used hunter-gatherers as an example of societies that haven't been changed by modernity. Rape isn't common for them unless they pick up agriculture, which the change in social structure allows abuse to thrive because of I'm guessing changed priorities, moving away from survival to something else I guess. Are you saying that modern societies makes rape inevitable? If that's the case then as soon as we picked up agriculture it was joever for women.

No. 2033135

The notion of monogamy hurts when because scrotes are incapable of loyalty, most "monogamous" moids are cheating or want to cheat. Monogamy only puts pressure on women to be forced to be with one moid

No. 2033136

i'm saying that society today by not having the values of hunter gatherers encourage through the abuse of general society by removing independence and community cause rape to happen more often by making rapists have positions of power which in the past didn't have by being rightfully killed.
so yeah.
agriculture wasn't the issue in of itself but it was an issue the way monarchies were made to hurt everyone, males and females, the good thing is that rape genes aren't present so humans are still monogamous.

No. 2033138

most gene testing shows that most people where loyal, that you have preconceptions is another thing.

No. 2033140

caring and monogamous*(learn2delete newfag)

No. 2033143

it is very naive to think cavemen or hunter-gatherers didn't rape. look at all primate species. they are the closest to primates. and even bonobo females are aware of the violence of the males and isolate themselves and their offspring from them. thinking that an advanced ape wouldn't rape is pure noble savage bs at its finest. monogamous or not they were rapists.

No. 2033147

stop responding to the scrote who doesn't know how to sage his derail for fuck's sake

No. 2033153

bonobos (which are our real main ancestor, not chimpanzees, those are retarded bonobos) are very caring and don't rape and in general we have proofs to show that we aren't rapists, it's obvious that there have been cases of violence but bonobos are really caring in comparison to other species of primates so it isn't unrealistic to think that if the base was ok then the following species is ok.
we are a pig bonobo hybrid so in general we have the good, no rapists caring nature of the pig as well, two good selections cause a monogamous not rapist species.

No. 2033157

You're a man aren't you.

No. 2033158

"s at Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary it was found that: 1) adult male bonobos are rarely aggressive towards offspring with mothers, 2) some mother-reared juvenile bonobos attain rank higher than adult males and 3) mother-reared offspring often socially interact with adult males without their mothers nearby."

No. 2033161

so in contrary, bonobos are caring to offspring.

No. 2033162

imho what isn't considered rape in animal world but observed as mating, is pretty much rape in the human world. believing in some gentle gene that was disturbed bc of agriculture so agriculture = reason for rape to exist among humans sounds like varg vikernes rhetoric. go fuck yourself scrote.

No. 2033164

the female consents on bonobos by doing humping motions and in general doing sexually active behaviors to obtain a couple, it's consent just with the language that bonobos use.

No. 2033166

Explain why your cock is shaped like a sperm shovel then.

No. 2033168

with the foreskin the penis has a gasket which let's sperm stay inside.
stop living in a mutilated culture.

No. 2033171

ok varg

No. 2033173

I mean which is it. Women have always had free mate choice because our evolution isn't designed for rape, or rape only became a thing as soon as we established agriculture and the corrupt social systems that came along with that, that also are the reason why the Yamomami tribe has childbrides and gangrape, which is the same system we have had for thousands of years. Maybe originally humans evolved to be consensual, but there are many cases in modern society you can point to where rape is prevalent, even if it goes against our supposed nature, except it's inevitable when we live in modern societies.(continuing the derail)

No. 2033174

Guys literally just go talk to your grandmothers about their stories and learn about what marriage was like for our grandmothers', great-grandmothers' and older generations. Even as early as 2 generations ago, moids were brutal, most people were in arranged, miserable marriages. Go even further back in time and it will only get worse. I don't understand people who romanticize the past. Being a woman has never been easy.

No. 2033176

Yea this anon is a fucking retard after some prodding their argument doesn't hold up at all.

No. 2033178

File: 1717394013380.png (137.45 KB, 1504x446, bonobos.png)

first of all

No. 2033179

what the fuck is going on in here

No. 2033180

it isn't agriculture but the development of monarchies and other systems of power which used the change to hurt others, agriculture made them possible tho but agriculture can be used for good if used correctly.
but it's true, an observable scientific fact is true by being a fact
both, the yama are an outlier of abusers which don't even follow hunter gatherer by doing agriculture(derailing)

No. 2033186

I’m talking about the shape of the glans you meme.

No. 2033187

sage your sperg scrote kek
what about males creating hierarchical structures across species without any agriculture whatsoever? what about them resorting to violence to be able to leave offspring both among themselves and towards the females, across the species?
go off varg go off

No. 2033188

one percent is a lot of difference, that is a difference of an entire species.
bananas have 90% of human genes, does that mean that bananas are like humans?
modernity has too many issues and is the reflection of how awful things have gotten, nature shows that those things were made by the horrible society we live in, modern society hasn't had enough times to change our genes so rapists are the reflection of mentally ill monsters and in general socialization which encourages these monsters to thrive.

No. 2033191

which are covered by the foreskin and taps the parts where sperm could escape, the foreskin shows that it generates a gasket thus it maintains sperm with the penis head anatomy, not otherwise.

No. 2033195

>modernity bleh
someone ban varg please, he is talking about dicks and foreskin and derailing the entire thread

No. 2033196

these structures are first:
1. created by agriculture by calling things that aren't hunter gatherers hunter gatherers
2. by giving them food to survive or living on a place where they could not do anything and survive (and rightfully die and live like shit).
3. those men were killed on real hunter gatherers and that doesn't work because those kids are simply not taking cared so they die, the offspring which survives are the ones who are cared by the father and the mother involved by the father caring for the mother and the offspring and the same with the mother.

No. 2033199

The point is, which started this entire thing. Do women have free mate choice? Which you've been answering no because these positions of power that have been established by modern societies which have existed for thousands of years have allowed rape to exist. But instead you went on a whole derail about hunter-gatherers and how rape isn't common in those communities which we originated from. Cool but that has nothing to do with what followed after that. So it hasn't been long enough for our evolution to reflect has fucked up it has gotten, like you said, which dismisses your point about rape genes showing that rape isn't common in our species.

No. 2033200

you talked about penises i showed you what you said isn't true, that it's related is just part of answering your question.

No. 2033203

It’s called the sperm displacement hypothesis and you just went on about “maintaining sperm”.

No. 2033205

us not having rape genes i mean.

No. 2033207

>like soft skin
kek rarely
most men are and men aren't people

No. 2033208

post dick, we can tell if you were a rape baby by the circumference and color

No. 2033212

yes, in nature they have free mate choice, today no with lots of issue
talking about hunter gatherers is related and needed to explain this, that you had preconceptions of this shit isn't my issue, but that you think so bluntly in a certain idea with no interest in changing it to be doomer instead of seeing the ways anything can change for the better.
and that hypothesis is retarded by being based around mutilated penises, the foreskin is a gasket which maintains the sperm on the tract and shows that the hypothesis is wrong.

No. 2033213

Typical “muh agriculture caused men to be men” bullshit, just ignore.

No. 2033215

and for the other point. no because our genes are still the ones we have on nature, aka mate choice and not rape genes..

No. 2033218

You didn't answer me what are those "male-specific" cute traits?
I agree, nonnie. But from biologists i heard is that that's where we're moving, apparently. Right now we're serial monogamy species, but we're moving onto being just monogamous? Interesting, no? I find it inherently not being beneficial for women too, but that's where we are. I'd rather share a beautiful man with my sisters, kek. It is obviously very beneficial for men as a group though.
Typical? Do they use this argument often, nonna?

No. 2033219

no babe, I'm talking about males whatsoever. yall thrive in hierarchies, modern humans or not. humans or not. even bonobos luv.
>not having rape genes
so you admit? you admit that violence and systemic rape culture is the choice men make everyday?

I bet you're one of the nice guys x

wow, why don't they teach that in biology and sex ed class then? ahh, bc you pulled it out of your ass like everything else

No. 2033221

it's more akin that it was used wrong and let let bad monsters have more power, something that is true.

No. 2033222

Humans are not monogamous
>More women than men have contributed to the gene pool of humanity since the first modern humans walked out of Africa around 70,000 years ago, according to a study. Researchers in Germany found that throughout human history, mothers have regularly outnumbered fathers, meaning that more women have passed on their DNA than men.
>Mark Stoneking led the study at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Stoneking’s team gathered together the genomes of 623 men from 51 populations around the world. They then compared the genetic diversity of the male Y chromosomes with the diversity of the men’s mitochondrial DNA. They found that genetic differences between human populations were almost always larger for the Y chromosome than for mitochondrial DNA. The only exception was East Asia.
>Using computer models, the researchers showed that the differences in genetic diversity arose if more women than men were breeding throughout human history. According to their simulation, an ancestral population of 60 women and 30 men were breeding in Africa before humans left the continent. The numbers fell to around 25 women and 15 men breeding at the time of the first migration of Homo sapiens, around 70,000 years ago. The whole population would have been larger, but the extras were not contributing to the gene pool. As modern humans moved into Europe more than 45,000 years ago, the number of mothers may have outnumbered fathers by around 100 to 30, according to Stoneking. His study appears in the journal, Investigative Genetics.
>“What we’ve found is that there are significant differences in the history of human males and females in different parts of the world. Understanding why that’s the case and what are the social historical processes that led to those differences are what we want to investigate now,” said Stoneking.(derailing)

No. 2033228

the big nose and things like soft skin and more.
we are monogamous by having the ratio, obviously there have been more variations but it isn't the norm at atll

it's the choice which abusive males do every day, yeah.

No. 2033231

It’s unfortunately a common cope for feminists. Similar with muh porn, muh patriarchy, muh capitalism etc. I can understand the urge to blame moidry on something that can be fixed, something external, but it’s just not true. That’s assuming this person is even female and not some lost moid trying to blend in.

No. 2033233

The big nose and """soft""" skin of men are male-specific? Big nose is neotenous???

No. 2033237

Oh, i see, i get it now. Seems so.

No. 2033240

it isn't a cope but analyzing things, saying otherwise is just a way to justify bad people in of itself
it's an example of a cute trait on males, in general i can think of having an slim rectangular figure with no edges as an example of neothemy trait on men.

No. 2033241

>it's the choice which abusive males do every day, yeah.

and you heard about epigenetics? so what does it make ya'll? ahh, rapists

No. 2033245

epigenetics are just things which change when they are there, if they aren't there they won't happen, rape today is social.
https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jan/07/base-paired-up-study-suggests-genetic-formula-to-monogamy(calm down sperg)

No. 2033251

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>leave for 2 hours
>suddenly (80) in the tab notification
knew it was going to be something retarded

No. 2033254

it has been proven that whatever happens with the mother during her pregnancy will have direct repercussions on her grandchildren and their children. social structures change genetics which are responsible for behaviours among many other things. if men go raping since agriculture or no agriculture, that makes them perpetual rapists and carry the rapist genes.

No. 2033259

big nose is not a cute trait on males, are you fucking retarded? get plastic surgery on your schnoz you dumbass.
you should kill yourself

No. 2033260

Again, big nose is neotenous? Big nose is a juvenile feature to you??? Are you implying male juveniles are having big noses and those neotenous men retaining those into adulthood and that women think it's adorable and cute??? Neotenous fetures are baby-like, your preference for big noses have nothing to do with it! Slim rectangular figure i'll accept at least. But do you see hoards of adult men having slim rectangular juvenile figures or something and a consequence of female choice for these or something? Kek.

No. 2033261

Why? Sorry but you can’t fix him luv x(derailing)

No. 2033265

By the logic of this conversation we are so embedded in modern society and since its formation moids environment hasnt held them accountable the same way they wouldve been in a true hunter-gatherer society according to anon (since rape isnt common in those tribes) we are on the path of deviating far from that into new territory, evolving into a rape species because theres no way to reverse the monstrosity our society has become, to reduce the community size into tribal groups once again which apparently effectively prevented criminal behavior. It's truly joever. Kek

No. 2033274

so you're so deep in the blackpill you don't even think males have issues that are caused by society, so nurture is out of the equation and males are just evil on default, it's in their nature according to you.

No. 2033283

We must become parthogenetic somehow

No. 2033286

ntayrt but if it's just society's fault then why are they like that in every single society?

No. 2033295

I'm not arguing against you but some societies are considerably worse than others in their moiddetry.

No. 2033296


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No. 2033299

Yep, that’s they act like that in every society and what drives them to create these abstract structures to begin with.

No. 2033304

No. 2033306

Samefag, you're also implying that soft skin is a "male-specific" neotenous trait. It wouldn't read as youthful on a female to you? So your previous argument >>2033066
>no because those traits would go to women, most cute traits are hand picked by females by these being male specific
doesn't make any sense. There're NO male-specific neotenous traits. But her >>2033061 argument still makes sense, males were choosing for more docile and neotenous females, and we ended up with a more neotenous species. You have problems with logic.
You're unable to accept the reality. Understandable, really.
I wish it'll become truth so hard, i truly believe it is entirely possible to eliminate males of all species, nonnies. Ah, what a heaven that would be.
Yeah, but it doesn't disappear anywhere, kek.

No. 2033307

of course there is a way out of it - separatism!! and overturning patriarchal structures.
males created the society that gave them their issues and enabled them to become rapists. it's on them honestly.
could only be a male.

No. 2040636

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