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No. 1823239
Happy 100 threads of stupid questions! Congrats!
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1798294Related threads:
random questions
>>>/ot/1581752help me find
>>>/ot/1561582request thread
>>>/ot/1343869 No. 1823473
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Be honest was I really racebaiting? I was being sincere.
No. 1823502
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>>1823473I went back and looked at the context, and honestly no. These interactions are why we could use a white girl thread lol
No. 1823515
>>1823508Yeah, she's pretty weird about it. I wonder if she's not white, or if she's white but fetishistic towards
No. 1823563
>>1823560i'm not afraid
nigger nigger nigger nigger
>>1823502That's only going to attract more (actual) race baiting and trolling and shit.
No. 1824123
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Look I know this is baby related but the /g/ thread is very slow moving and I need opinions.
I took a pee test and it came back positive.
I requested online through telehealth for pregnancy pathology form and I went and got that done. Because it was through telehealth I got to see the results.
I'm going to the dr next week or so for another test result (iron) so I'll ask when I'm there if this means I'm preg.
Does this read as I'm 70IU/L?
The top line is confusing, is it saying I'm 70? Whats the <2? Is it saying I'm <2?
I went and got more pee tests so I'm waiting to pee to take them, but in the mean time what does this test mean?
I feel retarded not being able to read this.
No. 1824190
>>1824186My instinct tells me yes, but I would call the specific airline and ask just incase.
What is the reason that some answers say no?
No. 1824194
>>1824190Thank you! I will call/chat with them and ask.
>What is the reason that some answers say no?Some people say there's no way for you to prove that you won't be using in the plane and this would annoy all the other passengers (just like using nail polish would, for example).
No. 1824997
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So you know how blue and green eyes are recessive traits from recessive genes or whatever? How scientists sperg about how they're only a small percentage in the world population? Or how green eyes are the rarest eye color in the world? Well for the anons with blue, green, or gray eyes, how do you feel about all these articles saying that you're only a "small percentage" in the world? Do you feel special? Like, a unicorn?
No. 1825032
>>1825013I am east asian and this drives me mad, I even read this "fact" in nutrition textbooks but I don't know a single lactose intolerant Asian and it feels like a huge psyop. My family raised me doing the "you HAVE to drink a glass of milk everyday" thing. They grew up in rural areas away from Western culture and say milk was normal to them but just rare because of the price at the time. I ask every Asian person I know if they're lactose intolerant and at worst they say they don't really like dairy but can consume it fine. I personally love dairy and dairy products.
I wonder if the stat is based off of some really loose definition of "lactose intolerant" where you're technically slightly more sensitive based off genetics but you'd have to consume a huge amount at once to feel the effects. That's the only explanation I can come up with because it doesn't make sense otherwise
No. 1825098
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>>1824574This fold. And its only people I know that come from places where heavy drinking/alcoholism is common.
No. 1825142
>>1825134Oh they do, they have the upturned flat nose and no upper lip with a flat philtrum. Also asians do not have the fas fold, the ephicantal fold is completely differnt looking. Look up asian fas babies vs normal asian babies, the fold does not look the same.
But I guess in a place with heavy generational alcohol abuse, its more likely that they have a genetic mutation that makes them differ from people living 10 minutes away than then having fas. Or whatever you say.
No. 1825690
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>>1824997No, pretty much everyone I know has blue eyes. I think I'd feel special if I were that classmate that had two different eyecolors, or a single brown spot in her iris.
No. 1825706
>>1825098retarded infight but this just made me realize that I've never mentally registered this fold as a "feature" and just thought of it as a part of the eye, as if everyone had it. It never occurred to me until now that most people I see
don't have it. It's kind of boggling my mind because I'd specifically put makeup on my fold to highlight it too and I'm just now realizing that most people probably don't/can't do that
No. 1826070
>>1824997I'm scandinavian, when we learned about eye colors in school we counted our own and 95% were blue. As a little kid I was jealous of my friend with brown eyes, literally only because I thought it was more rare and thus made her special lol I grew out of that before the age of 10 though.
I think people who "aren't special" wish they were special, because from the outside it looks cool. People who are "special" just see themselves as anyone else. And this "I wish I was special" has led to a billion of teens now faking disorders on tiktok.
No. 1826182
>>1826168if the friend acts like nothing happend, I would ask what the fuck that friend is thinking. Maybe the friend found another friend and thought that friend was better than you and now that friendship is over and you are the back-up plan (yes, had that happen to me). If the friend would explain and apologise for ghosting me and I would assume the reasons as
valid, I would try to reconnect, especially as I know how hard it can be to have contact to people if you are suffering through some shit and feel like you are a burden to everyone.
No. 1826184
>>1826048Oh man where to even start?
I've started screenshotting my bans because it makes me laugh
No. 1826218
>>1826048 I almost got permabanned for what I believe is the most obvious sarcastic comment ever. I saved it too. I said Sam Hyde aged like fine wine, and that the rosaries were seething at him, and I attached a picture of him back then and him now. He looks like stale dog shit, I thought it would be obvious. But nope,
you have been banned from posting for that post for unspecified reason, your ban will *not
* expire. I had to email the lolcow team to be unbanned. Idk why I thought people would get it but the thread was being actually raided by moids at the time so whoever reported me probably thought it was a moid who actually thinks the red inflamed pork juice greasy hairy retard aged well.
No. 1826237
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>>1826075>>1826101>>1826153>>1826155>>1826188>>1826222All of those are ridiculous reasons to get banned, like at least I deserved most of mine. You all pretty much didn't even do anything wrong and you still got banned. what the fuck kek
>>1826218Responded to the wrong anon but I'll say my response again: I can't believe you got banned so badly for an obvious joke that you even had to email the mods. Anons complain about tiktok zoomies needing "tone indicators"….but the mods can't identify an obvious joke when they see one? The hell?
No. 1826331
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>>1826237>>1826316>>1826222>>1826218>>1826188>>1826155>>1826153>>1826084>>1826052O ye who bring naught but chaos and jest,
With your words, a burden, a heavy weight,
On those who seek calm and peace of mind,
A refuge from the world, a place to unwind.
You revel in the turmoil, the discordance, the mess,
And care not for the impact of your jest.
Your words, like arrows, fly with careless aim,
And strike without regard to the chaos and pain.
You deserve naught but the consequences dire,
Bans to silence your voice and exile thee to mire,
For in this world, there is no room for such,
For those whose aim is to cause distress and discomfort much.
No. 1826337
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>>1826331Wooowwww, all I did was SpongeBob-post. I will not be banished from this land!
No. 1826478
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Is Zoloft better than citalopram? Please Nonnas help me
No. 1826486
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If you HAD to be a celebrity whose career is an A-list singer, what genre of music would you do?
No. 1826681
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what's the best email provider? i'm getting ready to switch my email and i'm stuck between proton mail, outlook, and icloud. i use icloud right now but i'm leaning more towards proton mail for the new email.
No. 1826684
>>1826672Thank you
Did your sex drive return, and has bupropion at any point made you manic or anxious?
No. 1826837
>>1826167>Can doing at-home yoga help your back stop hurting? Yes
>Are chiropractors truly needed?No
No. 1826919
>>1826886Mild cramping can be normal, but strong painful cramping is not. Are you bleeding at all? Unfortunately, this early on there’s not much you can do except wait it out and see what happens. If you begin to bleed like a normal period, you might want to prepare yourself to expect a miscarriage in the next day or two (and hopefully it’s obvious, but if you begin to bleed like a hemorrhage, go to an emergency room asap).
This situation happened with my very first pregnancy, where I learned that early miscarriages are extremely common your first time. It’s usually due to a chromosomal issue that’s completely outside your control. I’ve gone on to have two very healthy, complication-free pregnancies since then though! Hopefully your pains are just a fluke. I’m thinking good thoughts for you! Take it easy.
No. 1826921
>>1826881>>1826887It has happened to me three times:
With irl people, I moved to another country and I don't use social media a lot, so I visited them again after a long time.
With my pen pal, we only communicate when we have something important to tell each other so it's rare and might take months or even a year to hear from one another.
One online friend I had, I had some issues at the time so I wasn't in the mood to talk. I was also busy with work and other things. I started speaking to them again after I was better.
No. 1827147
>>1827135it was a stupid question and your answer wasn't really sufficient babes. love you though.
merry xmas btw
No. 1827163
>>1826928I think it's just the sinking rate of literacy. You see people writing things like "would of" and making basic grammar mistakes like switching tenses all the time now. And they don't care that they're making mistakes, you're the stuck up one for noticing.
People just read and write less. It's probably worse with yanks because their school system is terrible, but it's a problem everywhere.
No. 1827494
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Anyone else enjoy punishing a slut by pissing on him? I'm planning on a period blood jar but I have to wait another 3.5 weeks for that.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1827519
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>>1827509Gackt isn't white KEK. If we are talking asians, this would probably be about kamijo. I can only think of one white guy who fits her description and he's a literalwho who was never famous and only got a few TV interviews for being andro.
No. 1827802
All week I have been caring for my whole family that is extremely sick with covid, but have not caught it (wore masks and tried to stay in my rooms away from them whenever I can). I haven't gone anywhere else, I've been at home caring for the house. However, I have one strange symptom that popped up that isn't like any of my other family member's symptoms, it's very mild but feels like when you run too much and your throat is raw but very far down near your lungs. It stayed that way for two days, then went away for one day, and now tonight I seem to be gathering mucus in that same spot that isn't touched by throat clearing. Absolutely no other symptoms– everyone else in my family started with different type of sore throat and quickly progressed into sever illness within a day. Based on that, if I was sick I should be deep into it by now. Also, I keep testing negative. What is going on? Seriously, wtf is happening? I visited my elderly grandparents tonight so they would not be alone for christmas and I thought it was okay because my symptom abated and I tested negative, but now the mucus is making me rethink everything. I don't want to ruin christmas for them by bailing as soon as I get up in the morning, but I don't want to make them sick. But according to the test I'm not sick, and my symptoms don't match my family members'. I really don't know what to do. I'm panicking.
No. 1827915
>>1827913lol nope
t. mexican woman
No. 1827940
>>1827802It could be any number of the non rona viruses that still peak at xmas. Comes down to the same judgement call. Any time you have an illness its kinda a guessing game on whether the same mild thing you have might be way more serious if a grandparent catches it.
Your call. People are always gonna have different standards on how safe to play it. Some would yell wtf are you doing at their house, others would tell you to chill out and just have your xmas plans.
No. 1827956
>>1827936I mean, I figured it wasn't but sometimes people tend to exaggerate how dangerous a place is. for example I went to chicago by myself and everyone told me I was going to get shot/stabbed but I was fine, it actually seemed safer than some of the other cities I've been to, probably because I stayed in the more touristy areas, some places are like that.
>>1827915thanks nonna
No. 1828197
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At what age did you have your "full sized" body?
My body really haven't changed much since I was about 12 (I was chubby) when my period started, and I've definitely had the same bra size since I was like 14. It just hit me that I had my "adult body" at that age and that freaks me out in ways I can't explain. I was never a cute skinny petite teenager like it felt everyone else was, I feel like I went straight into "fertile mom body" and that's kinda… gross? like I missed out on my childhood, like gross men were "right" for harrassing me because I "looked like an adult". I'm freaking out a bit over it.
No. 1828238
>3rd repost b/c i am retarded this morning>>1828197so i was a fat kid, obese teen, and finally became a normal-weight person at 19. before i lost any weight there were kids who told me they thought i was already 30/a mom, so thats the vibe my body was giving off apparently as a high schooler. then after i lost weight i was lamenting that i looked ~underdeveloped~ (went from c-cups to a-cups) and used to joke that i was gonna go right from looking like wednesday addams to grandma addams, skipping the desirable "morticia" phase.
anyway now i am 30 and literally even within the last year i have i noticed changes in my body-shape. i switched up my birth control and since then my breasts have been looking fuller and i feel like i look curvier. i havent gotten any taller since i was 13, but i look different now than i did 10 years ago, even if my weight has remained stable since then.
>tl;dr i think by the time you are 30 you are truly done ~developing~, but things like weight and your hormones are the biggest factors No. 1828250
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Anons should I worry that old guys follow me on tiktok? And why? kek
No. 1828260
Bing boom bing make people forget anon bing boom boom bong
No. 1828298
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Watching tv us boring
Watching YouTube is boring
I don't have patience for watching movies or anime online
I don't want to read books
Everyday the only thing I do is sleep
What an I supposed to do?
No. 1828307
>>1828197Height wise I reached 5'9'' at 11, my hips became really noticeable around 14 but I'd say 20 is when I totally grew into my body and became more proportional. I'm 26 now and I look largely unchanged, even went back to the same weight recently so I know it's true.
I feel like even if you develop fast in certain areas, especially hips and breasts, you can still tell a teen is a teen no matter how womanly they are. It gets harder with girls that try really hard to look grown, but men that perv on you when you're a kid mostly do it
because they know you're a kid.
No. 1828359
How to apply lipstick when your lip shape doesn't suit it? It's not the color that looks weird but when I put it on it makes my nose look weirdly close to my mouth unless I do the kawiwi faded lips thing but that makes me feel like a retard.
>>1828298Saving this image, it's fantastic.
No. 1828388
>>1828298W A L K
It’s fun sometimes
No. 1828429
>>1828197It's hard for me to say because I was overweight when I was around 11-13 so I actually got significantly smaller over time due to eating healthier as I got older. I stopped being able to wear my preteen clothes but it was because they were way too big for me.
I don't have a good record of my height but I've always been short and my final height is 5ft. I think I probably stopped growing at around 12, I hit puberty a little early for sexual development but never had any noticeable growth spurt.
No. 1828430
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Why do I get turned on by the thought of a son having sex with his (middle-aged) mother?
No. 1828470
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Do older women really have less dating options? I'm in my 30s rn and feel like im attracting more people than I did in my 20s. I was a really awkward autist too and it took my my entire 20s to learn how to carry a conversation. Just wondering if any nonitas think the less dating options is another scare tactic from moids
No. 1828478
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Is it worth getting a math degree even if it’s not in the top world universities? I want to go back to school at 26. It was my better subjects in school and I find it interesting.
No. 1828490
>>1828478There are a few people I know that studied physics and math… In the end they never did anything with what they learned and they just work "normal" jobs (for lack of a better term…)
It all just boiled down to feeling validated. They just wanted papers that validated their intelligence. One of them even said that it was a good feeling and they are glad they did it.
You finish your classes and life goes on… Why would you regret it if you liked it?
No. 1828519
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>>1828430It's Christmas you guys, it's Christmas
don't come at me saying "not everyone celebrates" I know it's a joke No. 1828590
>>1828470Of course it's a scare tactic. It's not even aimed at women in their 30s, it's directed at women in their 20s (ie if they don't immediately settle for a sub par old moid and do everything in their power to be a hot perfect waifu they will die alone, wonder who benefits from that messaging…).
I remember back in the old days of 4chan etc, around when /r9k/ created incels, it was more like
>women in their 30s need to lower their standards if they expect a 10/10 supermodel millionaire prince charming because good men are usually married by that ageWhich is fairly rational, if based on a strawman. But these days the misogyny and delusion has escalated to the point it's become
>all women in their 30s are worthless eggless hags and most men would rather die than be with one, but they will never need to be with one as girls in their 20s will always want older menAnyway it doesn't really matter because men hit the wall at birth and have minimal value their entire lives.
No. 1828803
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If your boyfriend wore eyeliner and painted his nails black and wore thigh highs and was submissive in bed would you assume he’s eventually going come out as some flavor of trans
No. 1828842
>>1828837If it's consistently
triggered by lying down it could be that excess mucus is flowing down and accumulating on your throat because it can't drain when you're horizontal, I had this problem before when I got sick. Maybe try propping up some pillows/blankets to sleep on a slight incline?
No. 1829107
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>>1828999just like any other kid, slime, art stuff, legos and maybe one of those robotics sets.
No. 1829165
>>1829139I would put whatever I want kek. In fact, if any generous benefactor
nonny is reading this: I have a KitchenAid stand mixer and pasta attachments in my cart right now, just begging to be bought
No. 1829169
>>1829165Omg actually
nonny this is brilliant, thank you for the idea!
No. 1829181
>>1829139>>1829148>in a particular category that a man would be more willing to buyYeah there is such a category. It's lingerie. Because it's for them. Don't do that.
Put whatever you actually want on it within a reasonable budget. I know everyone tries to set a certain image of themselves in the early stages of dating/getting to know each other but you're going overboard.
No. 1829182
>>1829139i'd say it's to know what kind of hobbies you are really into, what kind of gift you'll expect people to buy you, and i'm speaking in term of price range, like are you fine with a 10 dollars pulshie or do you expect people to give you a kitchenaid for your bday ?
kitchenaid are awesome ( a second bowl and Fresh Prep Slicer/Shredder AttachmentT are a must have) but i would be extremly unconfortable if anyone would give me one
No. 1829238
>>1829235Im just confused about his mixed messages. If he says he likes me for more than my body but then does nothing but touch me … os he telling the truth or just he only enjoy me as a sex objects.
Hes not
abusive or whatever. But we were barely a year into our relationship and he was already talking about marrying me. Does he only want me for sex? Hes 30 and im 34 btw. he’s my first everything (pathetically) so idk if im just being mental or of this is normal. I never had a boyfriend until last year so im at a loss.
No. 1829260
>>1829227Actions matter more than words. So what if he says “I love you for more than your body” when his behavior is the exact opposite of that? He sounds exactly like my first boyfriend who was saying all sorts of corny bullshit like that but surprise surprise, he was groping me and pushing me to have sex the moment we were left alone. And he was throwing tantrums when I said "no" too. You deserve someone who actually respects you and doesn't just use you as a sex doll.
And as
>>1829235 said it doesn't matter whether it's considered "normal" or not. What matters the most is that you're feeling comfortable, but I would advice you to dump him before it gets worse because judging by my own ex this will keep escalating.
No. 1829343
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why does bread taste so good
No. 1829387
>>1829374it's not an addiction if you can't help eating nothing but bread and it destroy your life.
carbohydrates raises your serotonin level, and you just happend to like bread better than, i don't know, rice or pasta, probably because you have a good baker around,
No. 1829567
>>1829227>>1829238>>1829382>>1829432You're over thinking it. Sounds like you don't like it. It's not normal to stay with a guy who does this if you're not excited about it too. Relationships are supposed to make you feel happy and safe and like you can do anything together. Anytime you're in a relationship and it gives you a feeling that makes you wonder "is this how it's
supposed to be…?" that's really bad lol
You're only a year in this is not gonna work, end things in a nice way before it gets bad.
No. 1830609
>>1829877That sounds horrifying. I already have dry eyes so that may make it worse. I hope my optometrist gives me another pair of glasses instead. Thanks for answering though.
>>1829966I see. My mom had it for a different reason and she said it hurts after but feels like nothing during the surgery and she didn't see during it. I hope mine go well or I get some alternative. Thanks for answering as well!
No. 1830663
>>1829701I've had it a few weeks ago. They cut a flap in your eye with a first laser then reshape the cornea with a second one and close back the flap to heal. For me the procedure lasted less than 10 minutes and was painless. Recovery was very straightforward too, zero pain, immediate results and I was feeling completely fine the next day and went back to work with my bloodshot eyes kek The big issue was dry eyes for a couple of weeks, you have to keep putting drops and your vision is not the best yet. Still totally worth it for me.
There are different procedures like PRK, which is usually way more painful but might be better suited for your eyes. Whatever you do, go to reputable surgeon and don't cheap out!
No. 1830930
>>1830608Tech-adjacent jobs like copywriting, graphic design, UX design, customer support (usually chat/email-based), HR, and so on are all pretty solid and things you can learn on your own or transfer skills from your current job.
I'm a graphic designer with a tech job and I taught myself enough design within a year to build a portfolio and land my first jobs, but it took a bit longer to get a fully remote tech job. I'd say maybe 2.5-3 years from scratch. Learning any of the skills I mentioned is a great investment!
No. 1830957
>>1830086thank you
nonny. i actually posted that when i was high and feeling smug but i learned a new fact today!
No. 1830993
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kiwifarms is down..anyone know where to find it on the clearnet? or what the telegram/tor address is. im kinda retarded so plz.
No. 1830997
>>1830987i was asking sincerely, i genuinely don't see a difference between either group. if gay men are able to do that then logically straight men can also be gay imo. strangely enough this explanation
>>1830980 and
>>1830947 makes the most sense to me. maybe i'll end it here
No. 1831006
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Did I just see some stray YouTube comment or is it true TikTok has found Anzen Chitai?
No. 1831046
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Also tip for all women - if you've concluded that a man isn't gay but he's still a raging misogynist that talks about how disgusting women and their bodies are – hes absolutely jacking it to young girls or even little kids. A pedophile is disgusting by women solely for their pubertized bodies and having rationale. They want a little girl or teen who isn't 'tainted' by puberty and brain development, they fetishize the idea of a fuckdoll who is easy to manipulate. Absolutely worst men of all time and there's a reason why you instinctively sense danger from them
No. 1831055
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>>1831046I tried explaining that men who hate public hair on women are creepy to r/twoxchromosomes once, but did they listen to me? No, because redditors are always dumb.
No. 1831152
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How do Australians cope with magpies when they're always trying to fucking kill people?
No. 1831220
>>1831136Voice lessons. Specifically in classical singing as a basis for healthy vocal technique, then branch from there to contemporary singing (pop, jazz, rock etc.). I recommend this youtube channel for it
First thing to do is to work on your pitch and breath control. To observe your pitch, use a spectogram or note detecting app, and a piano or piano app. Play the note you want to sing then sing after it and see if you hit the same frequency or close enough to it. Do scale exercises to learn the notes and the different between them by ear. Listen to the songs you want to sing on repeat. Learn 1 song at a time and one part of the song at a time until you master it, then move to the next part, and once you're done with all parts, sing the whole thing. Record yourself, always record and listen back to it to see what you're doing wrong and learn to correct it. Watch our for tension, don't tense your neck, jaw, forehead/eyebrows, or mouth when singing, it can damage your voice. Again, learn to breathe properly for singing with your back and stomach muscles. Learn to shape your vowels correctly for singing because that's where the magic happens. Start with easy simple songs with a short vocal range and work your way both ways, lower and higher notes wise to increase your vocal range. Your physical health can affect singing as well so being in good shape is good for it. Don't overwork yourself to not damage your voice long-term. Be careful of vocal fry and popping sounds in your voice before a glottal vowel, that's bad for you voice. Avoid distortion/rasp/screaming because it can damage the voice. You can learn it later once your singing is decent and you know how to keep your voice healthy, but it will still damage your voice inevitably. DON'T practice in a car, the car exhaust is dangerous. Practice standing because it's better for your voice and for projection. Don't be nervous because there's a literal nerve around your larynx that tightens it when you're nervous. Stay hydrated and keep your vocal folds moist. Join a singing group to get feedback. Pick up an instrument if you can because it can help you developing range, rhythm, timing, coordination and more! Hope this helps. But take my advice with a grain of salt because I'm just a hobbyist. I've been singing since I was a kid and it was always an instinct to me, lots of things came naturally to me so I didn't need to learn. This is just what I learned from good vocal coaches online. I recommend Zack Ansley as well. He's a bit autistic but his videos are very helpful. No. 1831232
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Can someone help me with a love/obsession/get them back spell on a situationship? I think I'm going to finally end it if I don't get my best friend back
No. 1831281
>>1831269I remembered one more thing which is very important, warm up before and cool down after singing/practicing! Singing is like a sport before you work specific muscles in your throat and core, so you need warm up and cool downs to not damage said muscles. Also, avoid listening to any voice teachers/vocal coaches who shill their lessons or shill metal vocals. I love metal vocals but they're dangerous and damaging. Don't ever compare yourself to any singer and try to do something only they can do, because some of them are legitimate genetig anomalies and can do things the average person can't with their voice, so avoid imitating singers at any cost. For example, I'm just lucky enough to have a singing voice that works on command without warm ups, but not everyone is like this and it's extremely rare. Similarly, there are singers who can scream and screech without damaging their voices, and some who can go extremely low because of unique anatomy. The human voice is kinda like a fingerprint, it's unique to each individual based on genetics and anatomy, so what works for 1 person doesn't work for another. Don't stress out about vocal categories and vocal range as well, it's useless if you're not an opera singer. That's all! I hope this truly helps you in achieving your goals.
No. 1831781
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How does one get rid of low self esteem and self hate when they already know what causes it and they have spent years in therapy?
No. 1831826
>>1831403So, there's a few ways to go about it depending on the field you want to go into. There's boot camps but those cost a bit and typically it's hard to have a full time job at the same time, there's a range of online courses, and then there's self-teaching. I mostly did self teaching, but I did take a couple courses at a local community college to get familiar with the software first. I was a substitute teacher at the time so I was able to schedule my workdays around my learning days, and I probably spent at least 2-4 hours every weekday studying, working on a project, doing a YouTube tutorial, etc.
I think what worked best for me was a steady cycle of
>build portfolio/resume>mass apply to relevant jobs>no takers>re-adjust resume, keep studying>rinse and repeat until you start getting responsesEventually you'll see results! I also just took the first job that was offered to me so I could farm experience fast. The job totally sucked ass but I wouldn't be here without it!
No. 1831837
>>1831811Why do you want your friends to dump them? Like you know they’re shit or just because they’re moids?
Either way none are applicable to my cousin, she doesn’t know anything about my relationship and when she did she insinuated I am immature compared to him. On top of that she doesn’t hate moids as a whole, quite the opposite bc she says she likes them better than women and brags about being one of two girls in a group of mostly guy friends. I know for a fact she doesn’t dislike him because I have asked her when she first started acting like this plus she is always commenting on how nice he treats me and how adorable we are when he is not present
No. 1831873
>>1831842I struggle with this too,
nonnie. I'm eastern euro, so you can imagine how critical everybody is if you're not immediately perfect and talented at what you want to do. I don't know if this is helpful, but I practice self-compassion by letting myself suck at something, but also not giving others the chance to ruin my mood about not being perfect. So, I just don't show any of my hobbies, especially to my family. There are some friends I have that are good about being respectfully encouraging. If it helps, do everything for yourself and keep your joys close to you. Otherwise, people with their stupid takes and comments will only upset you. Better not to share and just do what makes you happy independently. Maybe we're too sensitive, but what can you do if others around us are thoughtless and discouraging?
No. 1831883
>>1831762Charity shops. I know that's not what you want to hear but realistically that's the best quality you're going to get in 2023 for the best price.
Yes scalping is a thing, yes resellers go and buy up a lot of the good stuff before you can get to it, yes many chains are overpricing their rags. It's also harder than shopping retail because you can't try an item in several sizes. But if you know what you're doing you can get good deals on good garments you'd never be able to buy new, of a quality that can't be found new anymore.
My best piece of advice is to learn how to sew and look for less popular mid-range and upscale brands (think Johnstons of Elgin, John Partridge, Barbour), or if you can get vintage (think 90s and earlier) from big brands like LL Bean and Gap that's good too.
Learning how to sew is really important, at least just learn how to tailor your own clothing so you have more sizing options when thrifting. There's easy stuff you can do like taking in trousers or hemming the legs, and more difficult like altering sleeves or the entire cut of the trouser to flatter you better. When you get better, you can alter your clothes to be more trendy (or not if you don't want to) and it's a valuable skill people will pay money for.
No. 1831969
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i wish i could quit Spotify but i need it and now i have time to organize my music but it changed since the last time i could use it and i have trouble to navigate it or see how to fix it, why can't i see the little heart button of the songs i liked? Is there any way to bring it back? I really needed it on my playlists (I only use it on pc)
No. 1832025
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Am I the only one who is embarrassed to NOT have pubes? Pussy shaving feels like a humiliation ritual and I never do it. If I ever did it, I don't want any moid to see me naked until the hair comes back.
Am I the only one like this? I asked this on Reddit and everyone replied that they are embarrassed to have pubes.
No. 1832063
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is 1.65 short or average?
No. 1832073
>>1832067woah thx
nonnie>>1832068KEK no, obviously
No. 1832088
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I don't get the connection between autism and transsexualism. can somenonnie explain?
No. 1832395
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how do i stop pining for a moid and feeling sorry for myself
No. 1832552
>>1832025I feel this way. I have trichotillomania so I end up plucking them out anyway and then I feel a little insecure about being largely bald there, guess it's really a "grass is greener" thing. It doesn't actually matter since nobody sees me there but it feels a bit disappointing.
>>1832135>failure at matching gender normsMy boomer dad is autistic and he's always had a bad understanding of stuff being gendered. For example once we were shopping for athletic shoes and he had a hard time telling between men's and women's shoes based on the color/design, he had to check the label and he didn't get why the pastel-colored shoes were necessarily feminine. And admittedly some of these cultural standards are relatively arbitrary so it's hard to explain "why" to someone who can't pick up on the norms.
Instead of accepting that gender norms are sort of wishy washy, it seems like some younger autistic people end up forming easy to understand but rigid and stereotyped rules to cope with not understanding. Like really taking "girls like pink, boys like blue" to heart and thus seeing themselves as closer to the opposite sex or making up custom genders to fit their personal set of traits. Saying "I fit [gender] traits, so I
am [gender]" could feel more organized than grappling with being a certain sex and not relating to its gender stereotypes.
No. 1832556
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>>1831232I need help with a spell. Bump. Please
No. 1832566
>>1831232just let them go
No. 1832582
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>>1832556Call on Amon, #7 from the Goetia. He can reconcile friendships and prompt contact from friends long gone.
No. 1832589
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>>1832582Also - Duke Dantalion changes minds, Seere can bring someone back to you, and Sitri is good for inspiring and/or rekindling feelings (both romantic, sexual, and platonic) in someone.
Also, here's one of my methods for thought implantation meditation, in case you don't yet know how to invoke or evoke entities. To call on an entity using this method, just recite their enn while feeling the emotions you are pushing to your target.
No. 1832593
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>>1832589Finally, here is a blank "wish triangle" to use. Draw the demon's sigil in the middle (1), write your target's name 3 times in the space outside the triangle (2), and write your request 3 times in the outer circle(3). Print it out and put it inside your pillowcase while you sleep to send dreams of your request to your target.
(Sorry for posting so much in a row kek )
No. 1832616
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How was tom cruise pushed as conventional by the media when he's a turbo manlet? Is he the only manlet to ever reach (lol) that status? I guess there's Prince but at least Prince had talent and style
No. 1832619
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I saw a video where a cruise ship stopped because the captain saw a life raft floating in the middle of the sea. He I guess radioed it in and the response said that a group of people had been rescued from a life raft recently and that the raft was probably theirs, so the captain didn’t send a smaller vessel out to inspect the raft.
My question is, does it look like there’s a person under that tarp to anyone else? The tarp is there to protect people from sunburn, cold air and freezing sea water splashing on them. It looks like a body is covered by it, I can see knees, head and shoulders
No. 1832620
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>>1832619Here’s another angle
No. 1832738
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Are contact lenses worth it? Please share experiences, I am considering getting them but still on the fence. My optometrist mentioned that I'm a good candidate for them (I have picrel unfortunately) but I'm wondering about the practical logistics of them. My mom tried them and quit because she said she could never get used to wearing them and they made her eyes too dry.
No. 1832970
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Is there a word for this color pattern of black white with blue eyes? Can cats have it too?
No. 1833023
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How can I get myself to feel sleepy at a reasonable time at night? I know this a common problem but I currently sleep from like 2am-8am and then again until 1pm. Even if I purposefully get myself calmed down and ready for bed earlier, I'm still tossing and turning and not getting to sleep until that time. I'll feel sleepy at 7pm or so but by the time 10pm or so comes around I'm wide awake again, same if I have a nap during the day. No screens before bed either. I know the answer is probably to pull an all nighter and make myself tired that way but any other suggestions?
No. 1833043
>>1833023Building sleep pressure is important but it might make you feel a bit crazy at first.
Set a bedtime and wakeup time that works with your usual schedule, like bedtime 10 pm and wakeup 7 am.
Go to sleep whenever youre tired, if that is 3 am then so be it BUT wake up at 7 am no matter what.
Youll loose alot of sleep at first but you will build up the sleep pressure and youll be able to go to sleep earlier and earlier.
This method literally cures sleep issues for so many ppl. Its hard but so rewarding if you can stick to it.
Sleeping pills are addictive and not reccomended for vague and longlasting issues (its more reccomended if youre having an immediate crisis/stressor).
No. 1833072
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Just wanted to know if any nonas here are into doll customization, particularly vinyl dolls or dolls with vinyl heads, and if any of you would like to share resources on what helped you get started customizing? I have read a few tutorials and watched a few videos, have a list of materials I'm looking to buy, but I'm curious to see if any nonnie would have any more advice to give or tutorials to link.
Pic for attention.
No. 1833073
>>1833042Yes. If it isn't obvious I'm a neet with nothing to be awake for
>>1833043This sounds like good advice. I already force myself to get up early if I do need to (like an outing) but that just causes me to want to nap in the afternoons. I'll try everything else you said.
I've tried taking melatonin but I find it does nothing most of the time, which is a shame.
No. 1833196
>>1831830don't believe what moids says, average 30something dudes can't go for 18 years old, they don't even speak the same language, do you imagine an older millenial with a zoomer ? where will they meet in the fist place? at school while he's the teacher ? that's gross
there are single at every age, but the older they get the more likely they are to be divorced or have kids from a past marriage tho
No. 1833302
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>>1832619I found the make of the life raft. It has a tent, and when dropped the tent is still somewhat erect in the corners. Pic related is what they look like after they're left behind. When in use they have roofs and propped up like a camping tent.
No. 1833314
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If you saw someone wearing a muff in public, would you think they look silly? Particularly interested in answers from American anons.
No. 1833325
>>1833314Woman? No.
Man? Absolutely.
No. 1833354
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>>1833314I never saw those things IRL. Ever. But I wouldn't think it looks stupid, but I would probably wonder if you're from England, call people "dahling", and drink tea with your pinky in the air
No. 1833357
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>>1833349Something like this? A different hat though.
No. 1833358
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>>1833357Samefag, or maybe something like this? I know Carrie is very eclectic but I've been thinking of how to modernize the muff. A think a flouncy, flowy skirt to match the poof of the muff could work.
No. 1833360
>>1833357I dig that look a lot but i'm also particularly into outfits with blocky colors. this might be harder to pull off irl though
>>1833358This looks very natural to me, I think you're right about a flowy skirt balancing it out.
No. 1833368
>>1833314muffs are fine in cold weather as outerwear, with a jacket like pictured here on Diana
>>1833357this looks silly. that muff is super tiny and she's not wearing enough clothes for a muff to make sense –like how cold could she be if she's just wearing a sweater? instead of looking cozy it looks awkward like her hands are tied up. I like her outfit otherwise though. she should be wearing small white gloves with fluffy trim and it would look way better.
>>1833358this whole look is weird/eclectic enough I wouldn't think twice about the muff.
No. 1833640
>>1833613compounds in green tea may increase thermogenesis and other medical jargon stuff related to metabolism and weight loss. it doesn't work the same on everyone and is dependent on the person and sometimes the effects are really overblown but research shows it can make a difference. Here's a study where they gave high-dose green tea extract to obese women one where they gave green tea to diabetes patients>Epidemiological surveys have provided evidence that heavy GT (green tea) drinking populations like the Japanese have a lower risk of T2DM[10] as also lower mortality rates of coronary heart disease (CHD).[11] Green tea extract, rich in EGCG, has a beneficial effect on glucose control and weight management[12,13,14,15] and it has hypotensive effects[16] (1) GT catechins have been shown to stimulate thermogenesis,[17] hepatic β-oxidation,[18,19] and hypolipidemic activity by decreasing the intestinal absorption of lipids. No. 1833644
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>>1833613samefag again but picrel paragraph is informative if you don't want to read all the studies I linked here
>>1833640 No. 1833657
>>1833604Being with someone is pushed 24/7 and now is getting necessary finance wise.
Alsoalotofstraightwomendon'twanttofacewhatmalesaretrulylike but don't tell them I said that, they won't invite me to coffee anymore otherwise.
No. 1833808
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how the fuck do i stop being so impatient with my mom? she's kinda slow on the uptake and sometimes her thought processes aren't logical at all/outright stupid and i always get so annoyed with her. it's not like she ever says anything about it but i feel bad for being so easily irritated when she doesn't understand what i want from her.
No. 1833934
>>1833808Some of the things you guys say about your mom makes me want to hug my mom and she was really
abusive lol
No. 1834048
>>1828197Super late but nonna there's much more to growing up than just your bra size or height. Just because you were never petite/skinny does not mean you looked like an adult and that men were justified in their pedophilia. I can promise you even at the same height, there's a big difference between a 14 girl and an adult woman.
>>1828236>My body is totally different now because of fitness and lifestyle however, and I worked really hard. Pls pls nonna explain what you did.
No. 1834067
>>1833604How do you know gay couples have more in common? They all have the same personality and hobbies as their partners? It's common to meet people through your hobbies but it's not a requirement at all to have fun or the same lifestyle/goals. How can you judge if
acquaintances of yours have chemistry? Don't get me wrong I am aware that a lot of people in a relationship are miserable but it's not that easy to determine who is.
No. 1834077
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has anyone who's started or restarted on lamotrigane experienced weird side effects? I'm not having the dreaded rash but I'm dealing with increased itchiness, acne and salivation. I've also lost a little weight which is a surprise
I was on it for awile, went cold turkey because poor for about two and a half years and just started back on, I'm almost up to 100mg and may dose up further.
I need this for my bipolar and other disorder trifecta quad or else I will go crazy
No. 1834082
>>1834077You do know lamotrigine is extremely dangerous to quit cold turkey right? I hope you're at least upping the dosage really slowly. Itchiness sounds a bit worrying, definitely keep close eye on your skin.
I had major nausea, double vision and short term memory loss when I started it personally. Nausea caused me to lose weight cause I couldn't eat anything for two weeks without feeling like I'll throw up.
No. 1834083
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Is there a name for my type of keyboard and how do I use the alternate keys? For example, how would I get the § from the O key if shift just switches between o and O? Ctrl, Fn, Alt, and AltCar don't work.
No. 1834099
>>1834082I quit it a couple years ago because I had no insurance and was poor, nobody would help me get the money I needed either. I am better off now. I learned quitting was not the best idea and had a wild two and a half years. Needless to say i will never do that again
I've been on it about a month and a half now resuming. Doc has upped the dosage gradually. I just don't remember having these side effects a few years ago, probably cuz I was used to taking it
No. 1834122
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Could being irrationally exhausted to the point of being unable to do anything save for lying in bed after a day of work (an office job that everyone else finds easy) be a sign of autistic burnout? Or is it normal?
No. 1834140
>>1832040Yes, and those women are retarded handmaidens. This pickme thought perfectly dove tails with
No. 1834143
>>1834077I did well on this medication but got the dreaded rash. It appeared all over my chest. It didn’t itch or anything but my doctor figured it wasn’t a good sign and I had to be taken off it. I’m bipolar too and have tried a lot of stuff. I’m on trileptal now and it works fine.
The tricky thing moid stabilizers is a lot of thing cause weight gain and lamictal doesn’t which why it’s always chosen first to try out.
No. 1834506
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speaking of incels, does the "cock carousel" concept have any basis in reality? if not, how and why did it become such a big thing in incel/rp/manosphere circles?
No. 1834654
>>1834506>does the "cock carousel" concept have any basis in reality?Do you mean, "do the allegations manosphere moids make about women having high 'body counts' have a basis in reality?"
No. Not really. All of the normal women in my life had, as others have said, max 5 or 6 partners (I'm in my late 20s). It's only in strange online spaces like LC, /soc/, 4chan discords that you find huge numbers of women with 30+ body counts being a normalized thing.
My theory is that e-moids interact exclusively with unhinged e-girl 'nerdy girls' on places like 4chan, discord, parts of reddit etc and this ends up becoming their baseline expectation for what all women are like. Fun fact, Japanese pop culture is like honey to borderlines. That's why I think this correlation exists.
No. 1834686
>>1834677USPS city mail delivery (after 12 years — it starts at like $19 but no school required and recession proof so it’s better than college)
I should add it depends on your definition of “easy” and exactly how little interaction you’re looking for. Lot of them just clock in clock out don’t have to talk much unless you do. destroys their knees or back by the time they’re old but that’s everything
No. 1834689
>>1834654When I had Facebook, normie women would talk about their count all the time and every single one was over 30+.
One was bragging how she had 3 "dick appointments" in one night.
I guess I don't really interact with other women outside of here at all really more so idk about discord egirls
No. 1834719
>>1834690You can believe that all you want, but I read it with my own eyes. She literally wrote dick appointment.
>>1834693That's true
>>1834702It was from one called "girls advice".
>>1834707I live in aus but the demographic in that group seemed to be 16-25y.o single women.
Alot asking for advice on men and situations that are just straight up retarded and
I think the group was international but had a big Australian userbase
No. 1834728
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>>1834719I revived my old Facebook account to check the group, it was called "the ladies room" and I searched dick appointment and many old posts came up. Seems like the group has been abandoned now. Can post more for proof
No. 1834767
>>1834760Instead those women go clubbing and fuck dudes who talk to them and buy them drinks..
Same same but different.
No. 1834773
>>1834770I don't personally know them, I just used to observe them without interacting like those groups. I've tried making friends through Bumble friends and 90% of the conversation is clubbing and hookup stuff which I dont relate to or care to talk about. Even when I swipe friends on women that don't "look" that type, just humble nice average girls still are wrapped up in it.
I just want friends to paint and go hiking with.
No. 1834907
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>>1834506It’s fake bullshit men made up by men because of their stupid Madonna whore fetishes.
Men want women to fuck like sluts but be innocent and virginal at the same time. This has been a cultural phenomenon for centuries. The best way to get through life is to ignore men and never listen to any observations they make about women because 9/10 they’re wrong.
No. 1834942
>>1834512don't have sex early on, don't chase him/act clingy early on, and only allow "girlfriend treatment" from him (once you passed the talking stage). i'm not saying it's the only way to get in a serious relationship, but if your fear is to get used for sex or dumped quickly then it should help. a lot of men act sweet until they get what they want from you, usually sex or short-term companionship. if a man says he's not sure what he's looking for, then he's not trying to find anything serious. if he's not making real efforts to impress you/keep you interested, then he's probably not that interested either. i don't know about the women you mentioned but i've had friends with similar experiences and they were always in "no label" and "let's see where it goes" situationships, hoping that the guy would make up his mind at some point. you should avoid a lot of these men if you only entertain men looking for a serious relationship, with actions that match their words (beyond just kissing you on your forehead and holding hands), men who are not afraid to talk about you/introduce you to their friends/parents etc. now of course i know that realistically, if you're getting closer to some guy you met organically, it's not always possible to know where its gonna go. it's also a matter of feelings and intuition at this point, even if we can never know someone's intentions for sure..
No. 1834954
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So, you can have a perineum stretching massage before giving birth.
Could you get a really thick dildo and stretch it close to 10cm and use it daily when you're like a month away from giving birth so the baby doesn't rip your taint?
Serious question by the way, I'm not memeing
No. 1834960
>>1834943nta but
>even my female colleagues tell me it's laughable to wait for sex for a few months (at least) and tell me I will never stop being a virgin with this mindset.common advice leads to common outcomes. don't worry about them. my fiancee had no problem waiting for many months, until I was comfortable. use their madonna/whore complex against them and they will either take themselves to the dumpster or admire you as an nlog (so be it).
another thing is the ones who are serious will lock you down as their official gf asap and tell their friends/family. low quality men will leave you confused and frustrated, simple as.
and finally, NEWFAGS USE THE /g/ RELATIONSHIP THREAD, don't be afraid to click on other boards, use the catalog, and ctrl + f
No. 1834962
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Anons who eat raw meat….how do you get yourself to do it? No, I don't mean like just eating sushi, I mean straight up raw meat. How can your body handle that? Are human bodies more resilient than I thought? I mean shit, everybody is always too scared of spores to even eat moldy bread or food that's been sitting out for an hour. So to any anon that straight up eats raw meat, how do you never get sick?
No. 1834982
>>1832093 are probably better ones but I like this one. It's free and it has a feature that's really good at removing the background of photos you take and lets you group clothes together into seasons, outfits, moods, etc. Plus if you're a britbong it also seems to link with local businesses that can repair clothing. It's an eco app in mind so no sketchy business behind it too. But that means there isn't say, a collage feature for outfits like I've seen, nor a huge catalogue of items but it does the job well.
>>1834039I think a factor is their parents and why they left. If they were well educated in their home countries and left for a better/different life and are able to get citizenship, they'll likely raise better kids. Also the intense study schedule leaves you with no time for friends so less male socialization I suppose kek
>>1834083They're probably accent keys so you'd need to switch the language of your keyboard on your operating system. Assuming you cannot access the é at the bottom either it's definitely the language. Changing to french or spanish should give you access to them. But changing the language to access accents means that the other keys switch around so if you need that special character you're better off learning the shortcuts for them instead. Here are alt-codes which use the numpad numbers and here are some windows shortcuts without the numpad I'd recommend investing in a keyboard and learning alt-codes personally. laptop keyboards ruin your wrists over time. even a 10$ simple one is better
No. 1835066
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This image was posted in the TIF thread. Why do most side to side comparisons I've seen draw women with legs closer together while men have legs further apart? Is there an actual reason for this?
Also people often tell me I walk and stand like a man, what do they mean?
No. 1835069
>>1835066I assume because they have balls. like manspreading while standing literally cause they have danglies in the way.
as for masculine stance, same. it's like standing straight instead of favouring one leg? jusyt guessing. might have to do with where you place your hands if you put them on your hips. I'm curious, do elaborate. I stand like a flamingo with one knee bent and foot resting on the other knee like a retard if it makes you feel any better. I have to stop myself at work kek
No. 1835323
>>1835311That would discourage designated drivers too. Maybe they need people monitoring the carpark and breathalyzing on the spot.
There's really no excuse though, my country has been inundated with anti drink driving campaigns for as long as I can remember. If you don't have the foresight to plan ahead, you're an absolute hopeless case who simply doesn't mind committing dangerous crimes when convenient. Everyone knows what the consequences of not having a lift back is.
No. 1835433
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>>1835338>>1835387They’re going to unintentionally kill social media with this stupid bs and it’s for the best honestly. No normal well adjusted person wants to argue with other people all the time about mundane meaningless crap. This is what I get recommended. Racial discourse bullshit with a sprinkle of gay.
No. 1835782
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i hate the holidays. I didn't like the time i spent with my family in christmas and i'm not liking nye either, everything is so shit
what do i do to actually enjoy the night? help
No. 1835795
>Apply for job, don't hear anything for a month
>Book flights to see family early Dec (6th-17th)
>Get call for interview for job I applied for a month and a bit ago, tell him over the phone I'm away for 2 weeks leading up to Christmas
>He says that's fine we've already done the roster, come in for interview
>Go in for interview, get the job, remind him again that I'm away for 2 weeks, he says its fine
>While visiting family (10th Dec) a different manager texts me saying to do X task on their website. Website has a horrible design, cant find where hes meaning to do the task
>Ask him if he could link where to do the task, he texts back just the link to a complete different website, ok sure odd no wonder I couldn't find it
>Do task, message him to say I've done task, no response
>Arrive back home, wait until after Christmas to contact.
>Sent him a text 4 days ago telling him I'm back and able to work, but I don't have a roster log in so I'm unable to check when I'm meant to work and if he could assist me with that as its not something I can do on my end
>No reply
I know I'm retarded but what's the etiquette here?
Do I call the store and ask on the phone for him to help me access my roster or when I am to work?
Do I send another text?
The only reason why I have text is because that's how that manager contacted me instead of calling.
Bonus question: I'm 7 weeks pregnant, when do I tell them I'm pregnant?
I was going to wait until after 15 weeks, or until I show. I've been hired casual.
I've worked for the same company 2 years ago, but never under male managers and him ignoring my asking for help makes me nervous about the workplace as a whole.
No. 1836468
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Nonas, what do you think this controversial (on lolcow) actor’s sexual orientation is, and is your opinion of him positive or negative (and why)? I’m curious about something
I think he’s straight and I hate him
No. 1836473
>>1836468I think he's bi but also likes to kick puppies.
I don't like him.
No. 1836493
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Can a man be a good person and… also an online troll??? I check my boyfriend’s history regularly and no pornhub no cheating no onlyfans.. (i’ll confess under diress that he does like normalfag anime shit on twitter though.) and he fights with people on discord all the time and calls them fat retarded pedophiles etc
No. 1836497
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Cillian looks like Count Olaf there
No. 1836523
>>1836468straight, there's many things that suggest he cheated on his wife with sienna miller. i wouldn't be surprised if he cheated with (or at least had the desire to) other women as well, there's just a feeling i get with the way he praises certain movies..
i don't like him either even before knowing all of that because i was tired of seeing his dried prune face everywhere
No. 1836536
>>1836493I think it’s cute when a guy fights other scrotes in private and not like performative virtue signaling on social media
>I check my boyfriend’s history regularlyBased
No. 1836759
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What face shape is this? Sorry if it looks tarded, the original photo was at an angle and I can't draw kek. I was thinking oval but it seems too sharp and angular for that. Possibly heart but it's too long for that, so idk.
No. 1836894
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please I am genuinely sorry to ask for spoonfeeding but does anyone remember that nona who said that us asking the sanic totem would turn him into a real entity/god as we are technically all praying to him?
side note even typing that makes me appreciate how unhinged this place is.
No. 1836925
>>1836900yes I'm NOT insane ty nona
>>1836920oldfag so I have no excuse tbh thank you. I use duckduckgo and I have safesearch off and it's actually put me off looking things up. the "looking for authentic sources" for my tinfoils really backfired lmao
ty nona genuinely though No. 1836936
>>1836926>>1836913if it helps maybe it's an EDS thing. and not in the taylor dean way.
know we hate nigel talk and I'm sorry but my nigel snaps crackles and pops because of EDS. how are your teeth? maybe look into EDS, otherwise I walways got told to "stretch" it out and it seems like regressive boomer advice but sometimes it works.
is there a particular spot that does it or is it all over? if it's all over and you're not used to it go to a doctor. if not recalibrate, getting old fucking sucks but it could just be getting decrepit.
if it helps I'm on the bad hip train and I'm 30 kek
No. 1837036
>>1836936(same jointfag)
It's almost in every joint. Not painful, just noisy and weird. I'm not even 25, so it's not about getting old. I just want to know why does this happen.
Isn't "EDS" the munchie "disease"? I'm not a munchie, I wouldn't go to a doctor for some weird sound from joints. I have bad and ugly teeth, but how is that relevant to joints?
No. 1837089
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Going for ramen tonight and I can't decide what I want (I don't want to spend 30 minutes deciding so figuring it out now lol). I've circled my finalists and was wondering if anynonna had a recommendation or wanted to choose
No. 1837107
>>1837089Black sesame.
Red dragon if you’re extra hungry but it looks too rich for me with two types of pork and a whole egg. Definitely a better value for the price though.
No. 1837297
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I’m too retarded to understand. How do I most effectively make my skinnyfat self become skinny?
Especially the area in pic related. Should skinnyfats focus on general cardio exercises consistently or should the focus be on building muscles like through lifting? Or through Pilates? Like what am I supposed to do.
No. 1837312
>>1837297I am in the same boat and I think the general consensus is muscle building through things like lifting squats stuff like that.
Will I? Probably not, I love to run but that's what the internet says.
No. 1837333
>>1837313I was sectioned by UK police and put in a mental hospital. It was a pretty big cell with a prison toilet and a bed with no corners that looked like nursery furniture. The longest wall of the room was a two-way mirror into a room with two nurses sat in it monitoring me. They turned the two-way off after a while. I was really distressed when they took me in, so the intake dr prescribed a sleeping pill and a benzo injection. I didn’t get either, so I assume the nurses stole them. They took all my stuff away at intake, including the antidepressants I was on at the time. So I also went into SSRI withdrawal while I was there.
It was one of the worst nights of my life. Really dehumanising. I was reassessed after 24 hours and I managed to hold it together long enough to get released.
From what I hear psych wards are very different, like actually focused on treatment. The “mental hospital” I went into is just jail for people who committed the crime of being mentally unstable in a public place.
No. 1837339
>>1837313I have a bunch of weird experiences as in what I witnessed other patients doing but I don't wanna scare you if you're thinking about it. I was in a shared ward. 6 beds per room and then a shared tv room and dining with everyone else. Some of us were in voluntary (me) and others weren't or they came in voluntarily and after being assessed had to stay longer than they wanted.
I'd really dreaded ever ending up inpatient but it wasn't worth half the dread. Most people were pretty sedated. Brand new people would come in acting weird but then a couple days later be all sedated too. If you were still stressed about being there they'd just give you something to take the edge off. Most of the time it was like being in a retirement home but with mixed ages. Spent alot of time drinking coffee that never kicked in because.. meds. Had some art classes. Chatted amongst each other to pass all the hours of doing nothing. Some patients were thiefs so that sucked. Actual appointments were few and far between and they seemed heavily geared towards just wanting people on the right meds before they could leave.
No. 1837387
>>1837336ayrt, do you mean what did I do to get put in there or what did I do while I was in there? The answer to the first is that I was in an
abusive relationship and had been planning suicide for a while but hadn’t finished my plan yet. Boyfriend got violent with me that day and I ran away (both of which happened a lot). Someone called the police, who then went and searched the home I was sharing with the boyfriend. My notebooks and laptop were full of suicide methods research and planning, so the police launched a manhunt. I was downtown by this point, drinking vodka with a homeless guy near the bridge I was planning to throw myself off (after trying and failing to buy a knife at the supermarket where I ended up buying the vodka).
I didn’t jump in the end, went back home and got caught by police on the way. I was in a really bad way and wouldn’t let them wrap me in the silver space blanket because I didn’t think I deserved it, so kept telling them not to give it to me because “I’m not a real person.” They talked me into accepting a ride to the hospital to get checked out, as I’d been out in the cold for like 18 hours with unsuitable clothing and no food. Two police got in the ambulance with me and I didn’t really clock what was actually happening until we all got out of the ambulance again and I saw that the entrance to the hospital had multiple sets of locking doors, at which point I asked one of the coppers if they would chase and tackle me if I ran, and he said yes. So I went in.
I was detained under section 136 of the Mental Health Act, for “being mentally disordered in a public place.” Makes it sound like it’s illegal here for crazy people to go outside kek
No. 1837388
>>1837313When I was 11 they put me in this place that's like a mental ward, but it wasn't part of a hospital and it was only for minors. It had its own name but I won't say in case it's identifiable, I'll just say I never hear that name applied anywhere else.
I went there 3 times, for durations of 1 week, 2 months, and 1 week. First time was voluntary, others weren't. I was a really depressed kid with no friends but my psychiatrist forced me in because she insisted that me not going to school was a sign of acute suicidality, even though I was feeling better from being away because school sucked. When you start they ask you to sign a form that says that you consent to them using physical force against you if they want but I think on my last visit I refused and they just said it doesn't matter because they'd do it anyway.
I saw them use physical force once, a girl tried to run away and they caught and dragged her back and shut her in a white room that had nothing in it. I only glimpsed it bc we were all herded away and it was covered up, nobody was allowed to talk about her.
It's more like a dormitory than a hospital, there's furniture and it's not all sterile and white. You aren't allowed internet access and you are constantly watched. At night there are people stationed outside your door and they regularly look into the window on your door to check on you.
You spend your time doing stuff like watching TV and playing cards and board games. There are set dinner and bedtimes. Arbitrary rules, like chocolate milk only being allowed at lunch and not being allowed to make friends. Sometimes 2 kids who were friends with each other would both show up and they'd split up the whole group to separate them. I got warned for getting too friendly with a girl.
Your parents can visit at designated times but they have the ability to stop this, once I was crying when my parents came and they threatened to take away my parents' parental rights (so I'd be an orphan).
Everyone there was a teenager, I was the youngest I think. They wanted to send me away to another place that's like this place but long-term, so I wouldn't get out until I was an adult I guess. But since I was 11 and you had to be at least 12, they weren't legally allowed.
The other kids consisted of some clearly BPD but friendly girls, some people who had irregularities but otherwise seemed nice (e.g., a guy who had a tic where he laughed constantly, a girl who was always chewing on her clothes), and people who just seemed normal or shy. You're not allowed to talk about why you're here or anything like that. There was one girl who always lived here, she had some kind of severe autism or intellectual disability and spent all day hobbling around pacing, and had her own meals apart from us.
I could write more but this is pretty long so I'll cut this post off. Feel free to ask if you're curious
No. 1837444
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>>1837430His eyes make him look like a scared monkey
No. 1837449
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>>1837444I looked up Cillian Murphy With Brown Eyes and found this image. Better?
No. 1837510
>>1837483I don't want kids EXCEPT when I look at old photos of me and my little sister. We were so cute, especially when we were cuddly together.
ofc the older I got the less cute I was and I became a nightmare teenager so I will never convince myself to have children, the cute babies are a trap kek. I think the effect increases when looking at pictures of your own family because you love everyone in the photo, it's not just some random infant.
No. 1837618
>>1837470My good hair days now tend to be one and two days after washing it but when I was younger I'd just be a self conscious greaseball leaving the house two days after my last shampoo. Sometimes it does change with age but I'd just wash it as feels needed and not worry about people who talk about preserving the natural oils and how doing less eventually works out better. I agree with
>>1837482 > I find that a lot of online haircare advice is mostly geared towards people with waves/curls/coils even if they promote it as a universal tip. Good tips for one hair type tend to end up somehow being promoted as a one method fits all solution. Remember when even people with limp straight hair joined the anti shampoo thing a while back n walked around greasy thinking their hair would benefit and even start looking after itself because your scalp resets and self cleans or some shit. They're shampooing again.
No. 1837750
>>1837739Not to sound like a boomer but you’re just lazy if you can’t cook for yourself every day, it’s not that hard. The processed premade food is so bad for you too and mega overpriced.
I shouldn’t say that because I know some jobs are crazy and have you at work for 80 damn hours a week or people are commuting three hours a day on top of their 50 hour work week in which case I get it. Going out to a restaurant and waiting for food takes just as much time as cooking.
No. 1837767
>>1837750Not a boomer, but you sound like a NEET. I'm not lazy if I come home tired at 6PM after an hour of commuting, possibly gym as well, and don't want to spend what precious little time I have before I have to go to bed cooking and washing dishes. And I don't even work crazy hours because that's illegal where I live.
>The processed premade food is so bad for you too and mega overpriced.Right, nobody said I was doing that either. I get a lunch bonus card from work so I can eat in a restaurant or order it to go. I'm just pointing out how unrealistic cooking every single day is for a lot of adults. Meal prep exists, but I frankly can't be bothered to waste one of my two days off cooking, freezing and doing even more dishes instead of going on a hike or having fun with friends.
No. 1837975
>>1837767>>1837793Cooking, grocery shopping and washing the dishes sucks so it isn't crazy to me that lots of people prefer takeout sometimes. If you're a small woman you can often get multiple meals out of takeout too so it doesn't financially sting so much. Of course it is better to cook for yourself because it is easier to ensure it is healthy, but for working adults it does entail learning a different style of cooking. It sucks how most cookbooks and online cooking content is aspirational and does shit like lie about prep times and meal times so it can be hard to find recourses that are ACTUALLY doable for someone with little time.
I did find a few books that did fit that description, I might share in another thread.
No. 1837986
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What’s the most Reddit thing you’ve seen today?
No. 1838025
>>1838017Go to a psychologist and get an evaluation. If you're too poor for that or it's too much of a hassle, ask people about what they thought about you as a child and a teenager.
If you've never thought about how you feel out of place in a group of people, then I really doubt you could be in any percentile of the autistic spectrum.
No. 1838096
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>>1838090I mean, yeah, but if you're concerned about being autistic, and you want the guidance of a professional in the area of psychology, then idk, I would just answer the questions seriously and express my concerns about why I feel a certain way and whatnot.
But do whatever makes you happy, get a DiD diagnosis if you want, go study the symptoms or whatever.
I'm not exactly the biggest believer in psychology, but it helps a bit with identifying what's the problem if you truly want some help.
No. 1838243
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Why do Japanese people like light eyebrows even when their hair color is darker?
No. 1838557
>>1838482>>1838482why is this so common? is it because the woman is dead and therefore he can lie/overexaggerate details about her with no proof?
>>1838479this or they broke up (literally or emotionally) with the woman over some stupid reason or no reason at all then regretted it because they didn't "ruin" the woman by dating her like they hoped for
No. 1838609
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How the fuck do streamers stay up for like eighteen or a whole 24 hours to finish games and shit? I just remembered this girl who speedran marrying the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon DS, and she stayed awake for so many hours during that stream to finish that game. How the fuck are streamer bodies living like that?
No. 1838613
>>1838609abusing stimulants like adderal.That shit is rampant among zoomers.
A lot of them have the BIG PHARMA seal of approval to do crystal meth in the form of ADHD prescription which anyone can get since its so easy to be diagnosed.
No. 1838615
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hi nonnies, I'd like to know if any of you have experienced similar, and if I should be worried. it might be a half a month till I can see my doctor and the local emergency clinic is useless so I'm not sure what to do.. so in the past two weeks I've been having on/off nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea though that was mostly just one day I've gotten better being thirsty even though I am normally never thirsty, a horrible headache, and most peculiarly, really bad, burning facial flushing in the evenings. also, my energy levels are always shit but it feels like they're worse than usual, I can barely think. I also did take some electrolytes though it didn't seem to improve my condition.
No. 1838635
>>1838623nope, kek, I hate needles. I've been wearing a mask for years and I like it, plus I've never gotten covid. also I think the closest thing I could find to describe what I'm going through is mild metabolic acidosis. I found out that aspirin + Pepto-Bismol (salicylate poisoning) could worsen it yesterday and since I've stopped taking it I have been feeling so-so, but honestly I'm sort of worried that I caused myself some kind of damage and I'm feeling beyond retarded right now.
>>1838627yep, trying. for some reason I feel a bit light-headed after doing so sometime.
No. 1838668
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Does anyone else experience hypoglycemic symptoms (sudden hunger, shaking, feeling hot, feeling like you will faint) but DOES NOT have diabetes or insulin resistance?
I usually experience it several hours after eating but both my insulin and glucose scores are within the acceptable range and it drives me crazy. The funny thing is, if I don't eat breakfast, I'm perfectly fine. I only experience these symptoms if I don't eat for a few hours after eating, if that makes sense. Will definitely see an endocrinologist, I'm just curious if anyone else has this and if they know what causes it
No. 1838895
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If you had to become the Demi fiend (no choice) which reason would you agree with and which path would you take?
No. 1839021
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>>1838895Isamu's ending was always the most intriguing to me but realistically since I can't really say fuck you to YHVH in smt3 I'd probably go with that one ending that restores the original world.
No. 1839054
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>>1839021I think Chiaki is the based one, her reason is the only one that poses a world with merit and accountability and where beauty still exists.
The other options is coomers living in a pod generating furry porn all day in their own heads and the other is total globohomo where nothing happens and everything is the same always and entire existence is a one of those corporate memphis blandscapes. Grim
No. 1839346
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I don’t get how this works. I’m in my 30s, and I still don’t get this. I’ve read explanations and I just still don’t understand. I might be retarded.
No. 1839358
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>>1839346I did some quick search on this (dailymail article). In the US, chance of rain actually refers to the results of a calculation that accounts for both the likelihood of rain and how widespread the rain will likely be. The result of this calculation, known as PoP, is given as a percentage and is what North American meteorologists use to give the 'chance of rain'. Meteorologists in the UK tend to avoid using the PoP system as well, and instead opt for the more literal meaning. According to the UK's Met Office, its experts will use '30 per cent chance of rain' to mean what any sensible person might expect – the chance of rain.
No. 1839534
>>1837793>I actually like cooking and it doesn't feel like suffering to me which I know isn't the case for everyone. If you know, then why did you start by calling her lazy then bragged about cooking even when you were slaving 12+ hours a day at work kek. That's how you unwind, of course you're going to find time for it. Do you clean your house everyday? Do you workout everyday? That's how some people unwind. If you don't do it, it's not because you can't, it's just because you don't want to and it's lazy!! is how you sound.
>>1839515It's a bad idea if you have completely different lifestyles, values and standards for cleanliness. Also if they can never pay on time or do their chores when it's their turn. If it's a friend you know well and you know they won't cause that kind of issues, it should be fine. At least it's less of a gamble than living with a total stranger, if you have to have a roommate. But if it doesn't work out, or if you get tired of each other, it can strain your relationship yeah.
No. 1839559
>>1839534>Do you clean your house everyday? Do you workout everyday? Kinda, yeah. You have to. Not a deep clean but I keep up on the chores and tidy as I go so it doesn't get on top of me. Now that my job isn't physical I do workout 5-6 days a week, not like athlete-level just basic health maintenance type stuff.
>If you don't do it, it's not because you can't, it's just because you don't want to and it's lazy!!You're being sarcastic but that's literally true for any able-bodied adult. Ok not every day for the working out since you're supposed to rest sometimes but you should still move around a little, go on a walk or something if your job isn't active (I lucked out there with an active job with the crazy hours I guess, no way I could have carved out an hour for a workout, probably would have done me more harm than good to lose the sleep). Next you're gonna ask me if I shower every day like that's unreasonable. tf?
No. 1839603
>>1839597>is there any point learning HTML and/or CSS anymore?No, pajeets and AI killed it
>graphic design routekilled too, its being murdered and dragged through the ground as we speak
(racebait) No. 1840348
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Thinking about getting a cameo from my currently favourite voice actor for my 29th birthday, but I don't know what to say kek. I know that celebrities don't really care but he always seemed so sweet, genuine and funny with those cameos, I really want to get one. I've seen a few people specifically getting them for their birthdays, like early 30s and the guy sayih nice stuff about life in your 30s (he's in his 40s now). I'm super anxious about my 30s and I feel the pressure to do something "special" during the last year of my 20s but I don't know what exactly. Kinda feeling like the world is ending. What should I say for him to get the memo but not being too oversharing?
No. 1840367
>>1836468as a cillianfag, I like him a lot (especially when he was younger, these days he kinda looks botched… but I'll condone it). I like how he presents himself. I also think he might be bisexual (from the things I read on here..)
fun fact my friend told me his younger self looks like he could be related to me lol
No. 1840395
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do you guys think we'll ever have a lolcow panel at a convention? just like the 4chan panels at otakon years ago. or not necessarily a panel, but a meetup (with the admins coming as well)
No. 1840402
>>1840395How's that work we all go on stage with a bag illustrated with a large question mark over our heads?
I'm stating now I recognise no spokesperson from lolcow, its bad enough having twitterfags claim to be farmers and representative of the overall culture. This is a counter culture to social media fuck all that noise.
No. 1840416
>>1840408Wtf would anons be a part of a Facebook group kek. Also it would bring attention to the site
There's a funny posts thread, use that. If you have friends show them the posts and don't tell them where it's from. Especially if they're moids
No. 1840419
>>1840416She means why don’t we have a thread on
here for Facebook caps, like the Twitter/Reddit/Tumblr hate threads.
No. 1840428
>>18403691 year isn't really a long time.
>>1840356Yeah that's why I asked; I want to hear from the ones in those long-term good relationships. Or is the insinuation here that they're not on lc at all?
No. 1840453
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>>1840434I was thinking more like
No. 1840561
File: 1704493889603.jpg (166.01 KB, 960x960, 417708821_687533036895161_2532…)

this meme is racially weird right? i keep seeing this drawn as a human girl and it's alway an asian girl. but it reads as asian to people because of the glasses, hair piece, and teeth right?
No. 1840566
>>1840561This meme reminds me of all the mousy haired female killers
femcels make collages of. Kinda dorky looking but will ruin your life.
No. 1840638
File: 1704497724305.png (59.81 KB, 1902x660, purse.png)

>>1840635sorry I dropped the image but here it is, I did my best with MSPaint
No. 1840641
>>1840351I've been with mine for 4 years. We talk to each other about any issues we may have so there is no need to talk about him online when I can just tell him directly. We had some fights over the years but always managed to talk it out, and now we don't fight much any more.
I used to post about an ex who started fights and ignored anything I complained about so I figure nonnas in relationships with terrible moids are the ones who post. Even the Nigel bragging thread gives me bad vibes.
No. 1840655
File: 1704498680199.jpg (30.82 KB, 547x561, images-1.jpg)

>>1840561I see it more as picrel
No. 1840790
>>1840677ugh the more I think about the more inclined I am to just ditch it. The strap is attached to the flap with an O-ring looped around an embedded metal D-ring. So they would need some sort of tool to cut the O-ring and that would be before trying to find out how to attach the straps to the side (it's fake leather too idk if that makes a difference).
I'm glad I got it on sale at least.
No. 1840932
File: 1704520017881.jpeg (476.59 KB, 1170x1032, IMG_0497.jpeg)

Am I the only one who doesn’t have any big professional goals or a clear career path? The sad thing is that I have a fucking Masters degree and I still don’t know wtf I want to do. Even in grad school I had an interest in a specific field but I squandered the opportunity to study it because I was too lazy to actually try and find professors who would help me write the papers I wanted to write. I ended up in a random job that pays well but has questionable career advancement and I feel like such a failure. I think I might have to go back for my PhD to get anywhere in my field if I want to pursue actual research in my former discipline instead of this corporate gig but I feel like a clown. Why the fuck am I so lost in life? I was a BPDfag and never saw myself living this long which probably is the majority of the reason but also my own laziness and lack of direction.
No. 1840934
>>1833625Thanks, but I'm asking more on a science-y basis
>>1833640Exactly what I meant, thank you
No. 1840954
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>>1840932I’m in a similar situation. Dead end csr job, useless degree, and idk if i can handle full time work and school to try a different career or even what that would be. I feel completely directionless and unmotivated to change how things are. For the longest time I thought I was depressed, maybe I am but it’s at least comfortable enough. Hope you find your way.
No. 1841246
>>1840944Sounds like water weight to me. Try drinking raspberry leaf tea or dandelion root tea (nasty tasting though). Your body probably retains water during your period which is why you see such a big change. It might also be mixed with you potentially getting more cravings to replace lost nutrients just before the period which adds up by the time it hits but I'd wager more on the water retention. It's rather common but doctors barely tell women about it in my experience. My bloat can be super bad during my period
>>1841157Check if your town has an allergy clinic or specialist. They usually need referrals in my country but it all depends. Walk in clinics in my area do referrals if you're having trouble since you're out without a doc currently
No. 1841327
File: 1704556592733.png (24.89 KB, 250x250, 722.png)

Is this blue, green or bluey green?
No. 1841338
>>1841327More green that blue, like a aquamarine or seafoam green.
>>1841330Turquoise is typically more blue but there is natural turquoise this color so you're not wrong.
No. 1841703
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Anynonna have a reusable water bottle to recommend? Something that's easily hand washable and doesn't leak or weight a ton
No. 1841814
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is there a term for shoes with chunky bottoms like this? i think its fun
No. 1842139
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if i look like laina when i smile should i stop smiling in photos or would that be scarier? should i give up and embrace the resting bitch face? what would be less weird in group photos people take to look back fondly on?
No. 1842158
File: 1704609023359.jpg (490.28 KB, 2500x4000, showrhrad .jpg)

I have a shower head like this that you can take down and use handheld. Is there a noticeable sound difference in when it’s used as a normal shower head vs when you take it down and use it handheld, that someone outside the bathroom could hear? Extremely important question please help.
No. 1842200
File: 1704611169612.jpeg (33.43 KB, 680x680, water.jpeg)

>>1842026Unfortunately, it is true kek. He would buy a few of picrel from the store and fill up a bucket with them and then go to the shower and use them. He became convinced that any water that came from a pipe in our city made his skin feel slimy. Our city has very good water and it is not particularly hard water so he was just being an autist.
No. 1842201
>>1842118I'm sorry you also feel that way,
nonnie. I honestly don't know if I have the necessary skills for volunteering either, but who knows. Also yeah, I made that up - I don't know if there's an official expression for that type of ideation.
No. 1842215
>>1842211this one?
>>>/ot/650010it just got pushed pretty far back bc it's not very active unfortunately
No. 1842277
File: 1704618605209.jpg (30.74 KB, 431x320, teenmalebudgeter.jpg)

anynonna "cash stuffing"/using the cash envelope system? does it work for you? how do you deal with coins? do you have all your (main) envelopes at all times on you and if not, how do you keep track of the money spent in each category? was looking up videos on the topic and the channel name in picrel made me chuckle (but maybe it only sounds weird to eslfag)
No. 1842294
>>1842282same anon, i just accept it and wash my hair/scalp when it gets itchy. guess our scalps just aren't meant for the "wash hair once a week" lifestyle. i tried everything, nothing worked lol.
(i do however suspect it's the hard water where i live that irritates me. can't change that either however)
No. 1842311
>>1842277Yes! This method has been a game changer!
I didn't start because I was in debt, I just wanted to get some savings built up.
how do you deal with coins?
I put all small coins into a jar and bigger coins go back in until they're broken up. I'm currently doing the penny challenge with them.
do you have all your (main) envelopes at all times on you?
Nope. Whatever envelope I need for that day, I just take out and carry with me.
and if not, how do you keep track of the money spent in each category?
I personally don't.
You can quickly make a table either digitally or in a notebook and just write your before balance and after balance and what you spent it on.
Basically you write down all all categories, your income and distribute it between them all.
I personally keep the money for my bills and subscriptions digitally, but I know many prefer having it in their envelopes then put it back in when it's due.
To just try it out and see if it works for you, get a bunch of mailing envelopes, write all your categories down, and allocate cash into them. If you find you like it you can upgrade to making/buying those fancy binders and envelopes.
Also savings challenges are amazing and I highly recommend them if you find this is something you want to stick with! I make my own but there are many you can print out for free, or just make your own on paper!
No. 1842316
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Should I get a big mac? Are they good? I've never tried one before, looks interesting.
No. 1842364
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How the fuck do amerifags clean their floor if they have this carpet thing on? This is one coca-cola spill away from being stained and sticky for eternity. This is nasty. No one can convince me that this can be effectively cleaned without having issues like mold or build-up.
No. 1842446
>>1842364You own a device called a rub scrubber and you curse whenever you have to bust it out because it's a pain in the ass to use.
>>1842426They truly believe that there is a god. They orient their life around this belief.
No. 1842447
>>1841812You're on the autism site
nonnie, and autism is genetic.
No. 1842454
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who is this?
No. 1842535
>>1842477Nayrt, but can I ask you about how you feel? I have been nonreligious basically since birth; I have never felt like there's something out there or that I can ever believe in an afterlife, but I marvel at people who do. I am not discrediting your feelings or lived reality; I sincerely want to understand. Do you feel like there is an otherworldly presence that has created or is watching over us? Do you feel like there is something beyond the metaphysical life? If it's okay, what are your religious feelings and views like,
No. 1842631
>>1842585Do you just believe in the existence of a god or do you stick to a particular faith?
I go through phases of staunchly believing god doesn't exist to thinking maybe a god does exist because I can't find another explanation for the existence of the universe, but I don't want to believe in Christianity (was raised Christian) because I find it to be a misogynistic religion. So I feel lost.
No. 1842668
>>1834962you don't eat raw meat without cooking it first, and that mean prepared it ( meat must be extra fresh from the butcher, grounded for tartare or thinly sliced for carpaccio) and seasoned, depending on what you are doing
beef tartare has ketchup, capers, Worcestershire sauce, pickles, salt pepper, some use an egg yolk but i do it without, served with fries or a salad.
Yukhoe is the korean tartar, it has sesame oil, garlic, sliced pear, egg yolk, gochujang and sometimes pine nuts
carppacio is seasonned with a lot of olive oil and salt, usually you can add slided parmesan cheese on top of it, and i eat it with bread on the side
it's the same thing with raw fish, you either season it with soy sauce, or you cook it in acidic sauce like cerviche
and as for food safety, well, as i say, i don't eat any meat raw, only beef and from places and restaurant i know, if you are scare of dying from a little red juice from meat, well, don't eat it
No. 1842691
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anyone else these two look uglier afterwards?
No. 1842781
>>1842585I have a similar situation
In my case I have Christian (leaning Catholic) views but I'm not baptized so I don't technically count as any religion. I was atheist and then just "idc idk" for a long time but now I'd say I definitely believe in God. It's a mix of certain logical arguments and personal experiences. I'm a bad communicator in general but I've read books, etc. that made sense to me. The second is maybe even harder to describe but I've been happier, no longer suicidal, more confident, left a violent man, and other benefits since growing more spiritual and it helps me feel less lonely.
I think it's odd/curious that some people here have strong attachments to fictional characters and build shrines, talk to them, imagine being married, etc. since many Christians have a similar idea with Jesus except they don't think it's fictional. It's not always a "strict dictator in the sky" thing, though I know there are people who think that way, more often it's about a man who really loves you
Also no I'm not one of the tradthots who spergs in threads, I mostly keep my beliefs hidden because lots of people in general are unprecedentedly cruel to me over it. A lot of people do the "well my schizo evangelical uncle thinks women are beings of Satan so you must also have the same unhinged beliefs" thing and so I just avoid bringing up the C-word because it's too misleading. I had a guy force me to strip because he thought I was puritanical and that he had to beat it out of me. No. 1842903
>>1842795I think following a course with a teacher is preferable, but I didn't want to spend that kind of money so I got a beginners course book and worked through it, and then the next one in the same series etc. Eventually I got a grammar book on the side when I started to practice with writing more on my own. Don't do stuff like duolingo. I downloaded a vocabulary deck for the most common 1k words and practiced them every day. I started reading books and consuming other forms of media pretty early on. I tried tv shows at first but that was waaaayyy too hard in the beginning, I really didn't understand more than a few words here and there, but there's also podcasts and stuff specifically for beginners if you look for it. For books you can get books that are specifically written for beginners as opposed to little kids. I was able to talk with natives irl (I live close to the border of the country of my target language) pretty early on which was definitely helpful, but if you can't do that there's language exchange apps and discord communities that can get you in touch with native speakers to get practice in. I kept reading online that neglecting to actually speak the language because you're scared to make mistakes is a common pitfall so I was pretty set on avoiding that. I'm not 100% fluent but I can comfortably hold a conversation and follow movies and tv shows without subtitles.
That said, I did it with a language in the same language family as my native language, so relatively close to my own. When I started to read from like week 2 on I was able to pick up a very general idea of what I was reading because of similiarity in vocab and grammar and because I had been practicing those most common words. I'm not sure if a proces like this is optimal with a wildly different language like Japanese or something if that's what you're after.
No. 1843043
>>1842426It depends on what religion we are talking about. I'm not religious, but I do consider myself spiritual, and atheism never sit right with me, even though I always considered myself one. Not sure if it makes sense, but at some point I realized that my atheism was a mental self-harm that I insisted on inflicting on myself for the sake of being "rational". It's like I got cultist brain poisoning in a form of anti-religion, because it went like I wasn't allowed to experience things I do experience. I was suppressing any "irrational" thought or feeling, almost as if someone was there in my head watching my thoughts.
Abrahamic religions never sit right with me however, I don't think spirituality should be limited by belief into some anthropomorphic entity. In fact, I do think that if there is something out there, then this triad is still deceiving simply because they project human-, culture-, and time-specific, concepts onto these entities.
After meeting my Buddhist in-law, I got curious and most of what I learned after that made a lot of sense to me. No god, no dogma*, and it encourages to draw conclusions from personal experiences based on tools provided by various practices.
*There are dogma-like teachings and sets of rules, but their core idea is more like "do this to achieve that, X leads to Y", whereas in Abrahamic religions it's strict black-and-white "do X and you will be severely punished [by a mass projection of a strict parent…], or do Y and you will achieve a great reward".
I don't really practice anything much apart from things that currently help me recover from mental issues and happenings of the past, but I found comfort in knowing that there is a rather major religion that reflects my experiences with life and feelings about the world. I also finally feel like a part of this world as a whole, it's something I think most Abrahamic concept of reality lacks of, don't know how to explain, and obviously it usually depends on the believer, But it's always some detached entity out there, reaching you only under specific circumstances, and something you work for is essentially controlled by someone else (=god), not you, and your choices are rather an illusion of choice. It's an extremely unhealthy concept to me, and I highly doubt that a metaphysical entity would be so down to earth. Interestingly enough though, considering that Buddhism lacks dogmas, it's possible to be one and follow another religion as well, if you feel like it.
But anyway, all this sperging is just to provide some context into an answer to your question from my perspective: to me, it's both, except it's "something" as opposed to "someone". That something being a stream of consciousness that goes beyond one life. There's no doubt that we don't really know about the universe that much, so partially "something is out there" is already covered by actual rational thought. My hope is, I wish it would be possible to see and experience all this, or at the very least, experience lives other humans and assorted organisms on Earth. The idea that all life around me might be me in future or past life made me feel more connected to the world than any kind of socialization ever did, and I also feel more empathetic and caring towards everyone around me.
No. 1843308
>>1843043Lmao. Why do all non-asian Buddhists sound like some of the most pretentious people you will ever met.
We get it you did drugs and are now spiritual.
No. 1843312
File: 1704682980870.jpg (32.03 KB, 770x533, tiredAdult-1253251689-770x533-…)

Why do I wake up tired and am tired all day?
No. 1843321
>>1843312Probably vitamin deficiency.
Main suspects:
>Vitamin D>Electrolytes>Magnesium No. 1843332
>>1842952Not a fact I know for sure but my tinfoil is that it's because "short" is viewed as a negative descriptor so they felt the need to sugarcoat it with a prettier word. But "tall" is viewed positively and "grande" implies big/fat which is viewed negatively especially for women. "Plus size" is another sugarcoated term
I am short and people make it clear that they view it as a flaw, I've had people say stuff like "oh dear you're not short, just petite/vertically challenged/fun-sized/[some other beating around the bush term]!"
No. 1843447
>>1843402You have more leniency for people you have affection for.
Once you break up the affection goes away, the red flags and problems are exposed for what they are because you're not wearing rose coloured glasses anymore
No. 1843662
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Does salted caramel torani syrup smell a little alcoholic to anyone else? Just opened one and I'm trying to decide if I'm going crazy or not. Haven't tried torani syrups enough to know if this is how they smell
No. 1843681
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what happens when you dont take anti depressants at the same hour always? But you still take it daily, just at very different times and without tracking it
No. 1843711
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Nonas is this too cunty?
I'm fucking sick of this dog and its shitty crusty old karen owner.
No. 1843823
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What is the best protein powder that is also sort of cost effective, according to anons?
I know whey can cause constipation so I'm trying other types, but am open to dairy-based that won't stop my shitter. Currently trying brown rice, but I heard that it's less effective on its own. Is soy good? Pumpkin? Hemp? I feel frozen in the protein aisle because of all the options.
No. 1843832
>>1843711The "barking 6 times an hour" part doesn't make sense to me, it sounds like 6 invidividual barks in an hour. I suppose you mean up to 6 continuous bouts of barking? But I agree with
>>1843822, leave out the part about owners' behaviour/actions. Your letter needs to make them aware that 1. it's causing noise issues 2. you are keeping record with intention to report, and I think it does a good job of that.
No. 1843847
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Are there such things as classy men anymore? Like…where and how do you find a guy who takes care of himself and isn't a manchild…and isn't a gross old scrote?
No. 1843861
>>1843847I feel like those are low bars for classy, classy is 3 steps up from simply 'isn't a manchild' All the males I know closely aren't manchildren but they aren't classy either, they can be rough or just normal but not classy.
The classiest one I know still eats sausages and potato for dinner so in my experience as an answer to your query… no?
No. 1843868
>>1843660Can't speak for everyone but I block liberally for any random petty reason, like posting troon rhetoric or if I see them being mean or smug to someone else. I also block people who post sexual or scary pictures because I don't want to see that content. It's nothing personal against the person, I just want to curate what I see. I couldn't tell you what the reason was for half the people in my blocklist and I'm sure plenty of them are nice people, it's just that I use tumblr as a content platform and not a social one.
>>1843776Be careful eyelash serums have been linked to periorbital fat loss (eye area looks sunken/aged) and the darkening of light irises. It's mostly latisse that had the controversy but they're all a little dubious to me
>>1843847I know men in their 20s who groom themselves and dress up nicely frequently, and it's often to go to church. So there exist guys who are polished but idk if they're necessarily your type.
No. 1843873
>>1843660If I see you posting shit supporting the eroding of women's rights, I block you. So anything supporting trans or that women working is a mistake trad stuff. Also, occasionally, someone will post an art style picture that I hate but that my circle adores so after seeing it reposted thirty times on my dash, I'll block the artist just so that I don't have to look at it anymore.
>>1843662It might have started to ferment, it has water and sugar in it, which is all yeast needs to start creating alcohol.
No. 1843972
>>1843711Go straight to the manager of the building if it’s a rental property, they could be in breach of their agreement and the complex can start fining them. Had a similar problem with my neighbor (as did everyone else in the building) and a few of us complained to management who gave them warnings and told them if they didn’t stop the behavior they’d start getting fined. Guess what’s not happening any more?
We all tried politely asking them to put a stop to it but they kept gaslighting everyone saying it wasn’t their dog and shit, sometimes there’s no point in being nice and going to such lengths because what’re you going to do about it? Go to the council? Well you didn’t, instead you wasted precious time writing and dropping off a letter. I doubt you’re the only one to complain and there have probably been others that directly confronted them. Save your time and escalate to someone who can actually put a stop to it.
No. 1843980
>>1843711It's way too long, shorten it. The way you detailed when the barking occurs is weird; if you don't know what unit they're in how do you know all those details about where the dog and the owner are and what's happening when the dog barks? Attaching a record of when the dog has barked is strange (what does that even looks like? | 7pm
bark | 7:15pm
bark bark | ? kek)
I'd be aggravated if I got this letter in my mailbox, partially because I work at the post office in my country and it's illegal to put anything but official post in the box, and partially because my opinion is no1currs.
No. 1844004
File: 1704731633066.png (1.77 MB, 1000x1275, IMG_1150.png)

What are some examples of ‘creative’ stuff that involves following set instructions?
>building legosets
>building gundams
No. 1844037
>>1844004Poetry. There are so many different perimeters that you can choose but you're always bound by meter and/or rhyme and/or syllables. You can also choose to do more rigid forms like a sestina or a haiku or something more free like blank verse.
Since songs are poems, those too. Music in general, I guess.
No. 1844045
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>>1844016The first time I met a Canadian as a burger, he immediately said "DID YOU KNOW that Canadians once burned down the white house???" with a smug face. And I was like okay.
No. 1844049
>>1844016I met a Canadian girl once. She would complain about her cat randomly biting her, her boyfriend when he would be a buffoon, and about retarded tumblr users and antis in her favorite fandom. But she peaked me about trannies, so she'll always be one of the most "based" people I've ever met. So to answer your question, I guess
just a little bit.
No. 1844133
>>1844016Canada is pretty big, but a lot are the uber progressive liberal kind (who would proudly support trannies) and a lot have a weird superiority complex over being not-American. Idk how to put it but there's a sort of "twitter" mindset some people have where they're a little self-righteous all the time. I am Canadian but I moved to the US, I like it better here but it's also not like night and day.
>>1844080Depends on the focus of the class, some are more about studying past cultural developments and some are centered on principals for engineering for the future. I'd say history for the former but science for the latter.
No. 1844264
File: 1704747568488.png (109.95 KB, 763x370, Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 3.59.…)

>>1843764There is none. The list that was recently released is just a list of everyone mentioned at any time in the court case. Many had no official association with Epstein outside of being mentioned once in passing in a phone call or something.
Link to document: explanation: No. 1844277
>>1844016All canadian men I met online were obsessed with american politics kek
The canadian women I met online all seemed to be very well off and loved to talk about their first world problems. I think I have bad luck with canadians but I'll be honest, my sample size isn't that big. Sorry to all kind canadians in advance.
No. 1844365
>>1844300"The statement must be untrue and presented as a factual claim rather than an opinion to be defamation. Additionally, there must be evidence that the statement caused or has the potential to cause significant damage to the reputation of the individual or entity targeted."
First thing that came up when I googled your first sentence, may differ from country to country.
No. 1844440
>>1844393Basically they'd have to have solid proof it's the same person AND that person would have to paint it as fact AND the
victim would need evidence the person is hurting their reputation. It is a really hard case to win unless you have very good lawyers. Basically only rich people tend to win this kind of case.
No. 1844485
File: 1704760407930.jpg (64.11 KB, 726x926, 679503921731f0163836e9ece1a3e7…)

Okay, I've seen BPDfags talk about attracting men and reiterating that men love crazy women, but do you think that's really true? That men love crazy women for being more exciting? Or do you think it's that men go for BPDs because they can tell that BPDs are "crazy" and think they're just easier to manipulate?
No. 1844659
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>>1844643I really like the Sofia Coppola movie, and her bedroom and theater room are beautiful. Other than that, despite being into royal history, I don't really care for Marie Antoinette. She was just like any other rich aristocrat and I don't really find her remarkable
No. 1844724
File: 1704771884905.webp (134.82 KB, 250x188, IMG_5725.webp)

Has anyone with long hair ever tried doing anime hairstyles like pics related?
No. 1844765
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>>1844755I really don't know why Americans made it a thing for workers to act robotically happy, and to get offended when some cashier isn't smiling enough. I wanna know that too: why do Americans want workers to look high on dopamine at all times kek
No. 1844908
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>>1844724I have really long hair and last year I did a hanfu photoshoot at a traditional clothing studio, they did my hair in a sort of similar way, picrel real life example. The stylist was enthusiastic since most people don't have real hair long enough to do the style without extensions, but we still used some fake hair pads to make it look a bit fuller.
I guess there are interesting things you can do with super long hair but I usually just wear it in a basic low bun because it gets damaged from dragging around on stuff and gets in the way
No. 1844932
File: 1704780871612.jpeg (Spoiler Image,113.44 KB, 778x607, IMG_3768.jpeg)

Can someone make this transparent for me it isn’t working
No. 1845019
File: 1704786204628.png (13.12 KB, 414x360, barking.png)

Sorry only just clicked into this thread again
>>1843822I spliced together the councils pre done letter for this issue and some of my own. Thats fair, should I mention I'm keeping a record at all?
>>1843832Its continuous marking for different amounts of time, I was going to attach a weeks worth of records like this pic. Thank you for replying
>>1843972I have looked and cant find any building information so I cant, theyre the building over from us and every unit has different companies, assuming the woman is even renting. I dont want the dog taken off them I just want them to say something to the fucking dog when its barking. Its the lack of action from them that drives me mental, just sit there listening to their yappy rat dog bark over and over and over
>>1843980I can see the patio the dog is barking from from my unit, I dont know what number it is because I cant see their entrance door as they have their own stairwell thats locked for the whole building. I can see their tv and silhouette when the dog is barking, they keep their lights off when not home but the patio door open 24/7 for the dog to bark from
>Illegal to put anything but post in the boxwhat cucked country do you live in? lmao
No. 1845040
File: 1704787794134.png (57.18 KB, 1080x555, huh.png)

what did he mean by this? Brother?