File: 1681007114894.png (200.47 KB, 700x807, 41AF7AFB-EE74-4DD0-A9BD-7B853C…)

No. 1544074
stay stupid
>>>/ot/1530972 No. 1544131
File: 1681014575123.png (106.58 KB, 843x476, jer.png)

I wasn't going to, but ended up ordering Gr-tto B-asts cards. I do want some silly/cute merch.
No. 1544142
File: 1681017116237.jpg (22.24 KB, 720x415, 43546992_10156771619569458_537…)

fellow retard millennials, how are my punxx roxx babes tonight? im listening to boys like girls and reminiscing about my weeaboo cringe
No. 1544144
File: 1681017365295.png (2.66 MB, 2056x1290, 1674760872211.png)

threadpic yearns for its sister of pb&c
No. 1544426
File: 1681050660572.gif (77.91 KB, 220x244, cavalo.gif)

I wish I had someone to eat meals with because I always feel like this lonely clay mouse
No. 1544434
File: 1681051140569.jpg (423.84 KB, 1800x1800, SMLUNAMOCASSIN120HGP_0C7440_DE…)

I seriously want these loafers from the Jimmy Choo x Sailor Moon Collab.
No. 1544449
File: 1681051992913.jpg (86.62 KB, 642x1254, sailor moon background.jpg)

>>1544434i usually don't like that holo/iridescent/oil spill color that's been so popular last decade but it just works here. it reminds me of the color contrast they used in the show- the pink and blue backgrounds! idk if they were aware of this while making the shoe but it's a nice touch
No. 1544481
>>1544448NTA. She let the site go offline with absolutely no communication for an extended period of time, then put out a "new" version of the site with none of the old/established threads or posts. She did say she'd eventually transfer all the old stuff to the new site, but considering the track record of not bringing back accidentally purged content (the /m/ issue, which our new admins fixed recently), anons reacted negatively anyway. It got even worse when one of the boards was listed as allowing kpop, because no one wanted kpopfags. She then had a meltdown over farmers not liking her changes and lack of communication, announced that she was leaving, and our new admins/mods took the mantle.
There was also some stuff about her turning out to be Oldmin. I thought it was vendetta because it was spammed by the tranny and another attention whoring cow, but looking into the details, I believe it, and it's creepy of her to try and switch "identities" just to pull the same shit she did before. I'm glad things have changed, but I can see why a lot of farmers might've left.
No. 1544485
>>1544444Yes, I left lolcow during that time, missed the cc bunker threads and all that jazz
Thought I was done with lc but saw it was under new management and decided to stick around and see what happens
There are a lot of farmers like me who just didn't come back though
No. 1544493
>>1544490The mods and admin interacting with Elaine is the most shameful thing anyone on here has ever done.
By interacting with the cow they became cows. What are you doing waging an internet flame war with some teenage attention whore? Embarrassing.
They got so into their little stupid war they would ban me and other posters thinking it was her. Retards.
No. 1544499
I honestly think that part of the problem with the super combative debatelords on here is that there has been little moderation. Shaymin didn't even try to recruit new mods and Oldmin said that infighting and derailing wouldn't be banned as often during towards the end of her reign. It was just allowed to fester. I think this problem was happening before Christmas though.
>>1544444>the lack of communication from the moderators (if we had any at that timeI think the only thing farmhands said during that time was a redtext saying "thanks for making our jobs harder" cause anons figured out how to post on /ot/ when lolcow was down kek
No. 1544500
I honestly think that part of the problem with the super combative debatelords on here is that there has been little moderation. Shaymin didn't even try to recruit new mods and Oldmin said that infighting and derailing wouldn't be banned as often during towards the end of her reign. It was just allowed to fester. I think this problem was happening before Christmas though.
>>1544444>the lack of communication from the moderators (if we had any at that timeI think the only thing farmhands said during that time was a redtext saying "thanks for making our jobs harder" cause anons figured out how to post on /ot/ when lolcow was down kek
No. 1544520
File: 1681057694636.png (130.2 KB, 629x540, 1607251429281.png)

>>1544509That whole incident showed just how out of touch the moderation team of the time was with the userbase. First with the nucow stuff but then when anons found a little way to have fun by communicating in images on the old board that was supposed to be archive only, the mods had to get all pissy about it when they took our board away from us in the first place. It was fucking hilarious and on-brand for lolcow users
No. 1544527
File: 1681058578314.png (24.04 KB, 1019x727, who is.png)

This is hilarious but also terrifying.
No. 1544543
File: 1681059538837.png (62.39 KB, 1439x730, Screenshot (2).png)

>>1544527Again, initially funny but it quickly becomes extremely unsettling.
>> discovered it on accident)
>>1544537Most likely.
No. 1544580
>>1544569It contains multiple responses
One of them I tested basically said "I don't know who anon is"
the other two did know
No. 1544597
File: 1681062010019.png (48.91 KB, 810x1419, Screenshot 5.png)

>>1544590nta but tried and this time I decided to screnshot all the responses I could get.
No. 1544613
File: 1681062618707.jpeg (73.42 KB, 828x594, B3EE32EF-E9AE-4882-993F-FF5DEE…)

>>1544597nta but have been trying other anons and groups as well and it vaguely pigeonholes them
No. 1544632
File: 1681063366467.jpeg (175.63 KB, 844x1500, 8B2316C2-83A5-4E29-A53E-5A5A11…)

>>1544622Half the time it spits out something lame like it can't compute and it hasn't spat out a decent response for boyegachan or any other chans I tried either
No. 1544639
File: 1681063624469.jpeg (77.05 KB, 828x770, 1367C974-231B-4345-8B61-4330F0…)

the bot was not cooperating with romaanon… is it spelled romaanon or romananon? roma, right?
No. 1544657
>>1544527what the fuck
also what's up with AI deciding what is controversial.
No. 1544661
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No. 1544879
File: 1681079673097.jpeg (80.52 KB, 1920x1080, cover2.jpeg)

I finally applied for a job. It's very high tempo and socially demanding but I have decided I'm doing this now!!!
No. 1544880
>>1544483it's sad because the site was already kind of in a weird place, and then that happened and it just went downhill from there. i know i left because it seemed like every time i logged on the site was flooded with cp or gore. and then the josh spam that was likely 100% shaymin trolling. it makes me mad just thinking about it.
>>1544485the bunker threads were so chaotic. plus there is still speculation that shaymin was in the bunkers, or at least some of her cronies.
>>1544481i kind of bought into the theory that shaymin was not who she said she was if (if she even was a she), and that she and whomever was working with her as jannies were deliberately trying to take the board down. i don't think oldmin vetted as well as she should have when it came to finding a new admin. i know she wanted to be rid of the site and shaymin was the only one, at the time, who seemed to really want the job. also remember when she first took over the board we had that weird crash, the site code was bunged up, and you couldn't post on /m/ for like a month or two? it's a bit odd that the same thing happens twice with the same individual…and it makes you wonder, why? and then the constant raids that would stay up for hours and hours and hours. i have been on this site for a while now and at most, when we would get cp and gore raids in the past, they would stay up for about an hour. she would leave them up for almost a day and closer to the time she left, almost 2 days at one point. and then again the josh spam when anons started picking up on there being something weird going on with her in the bunkers…
>>1544490i think that was either regina or the australia admin? i think? i was around then but didn't post as much nor did i read /meta/ all that often unless i saw people talking about it in /ot/. but i do remember there was a back and forth between the cc admin and one of the admins we had here; they were swapping ip information because there was some poster that they were after. i forget all the details but it was some other weird shit that should have never been written publicly.
No. 1544890
>>1544879You can do it
nonnie! Everything will be fine and you will be able to handle the job!
No. 1544905
>>1544122haven't gone through the computer yet but I discovered a few days ago that an obscure japanese artist I used to love is on spotify
I thought for sure she was region locked
No. 1544944
>>1544922>>1544787i think i learned it from here? i found a cap from my time on the lc discord (rip) where someone said it
did covid mess us up girls
No. 1545110
File: 1681116091598.jpeg (119.51 KB, 749x803, 51B68874-3CF0-4424-A88D-E32A67…)

I don’t feel attractive at all but I’m thinking if I should take pictures of myself at this age because I at least have my youth, and maybe I’d think ‘I was so young and cute back then’ one day
No. 1545148
File: 1681121117958.jpg (61.62 KB, 794x538, 321903393_855327739103389_5089…)

>>1545135>-this post is not AIyea yea yea…that's what you want us to think
No. 1545154
File: 1681121325426.jpg (37.88 KB, 640x973, cat.jpg)

>>1545135I agree. To be honest I was already feeling kind of suspicious about some of the posts I've seen recently being elaborate moid bait to start huge fights over insignificant shit and gaslight all the reasonable anons involved. Some arguments felt surreal to read but maybe I'm just too sensitive to retardation. The fact that someone could be posting with bots and AI to gaslight us all makes me question every post I read now.
No. 1545156
File: 1681121485549.png (177.47 KB, 640x610, 1648541323037.png)

>>1545135I posted the bot tinfoil, happy to have added another thing to accuse each other of being other than scrote and a tranny, now everyone is AI too
No. 1545200
File: 1681127306739.png (56.18 KB, 732x336, scandi-chan.png)

>>1545135i suspect this poster
>>1545090 is a bot because why else would she post the exact same thing over and over
No. 1545206
File: 1681127684944.png (2.67 KB, 296x264, Untitled.png)

No. 1545252
File: 1681131560822.jpg (25.64 KB, 340x297, The_Shrinking_of_Treehorn.jpg)

The names parents give their kids to be 'unique', oh my god. My mum loved the treehorn books and was unironically going to name my brother TREEHORN. When she told me about it she was dead serious. I'm so glad she decided against it, it would have set him up for a lifetime of humiliation. What embarrassing names have you heard of nonnies?
No. 1545288
File: 1681135363559.jpg (156.98 KB, 850x613, __original_drawn_by_dyuami__sa…)

Do people actually…wash their hair everyday? like everyday? I only shampoo my hair once a week and sometimes condition in between
No. 1545392
>>1545288It's bad for your hair to wash it everyday, so keep up what you're doing.
>>1545390Explain yourself
No. 1545395
>>1545391Maybe in ancient times
Even as a kid I'd hear "who sings that? well keep it that way." if I sung out loud
No. 1545397
File: 1681141587199.jpg (100.36 KB, 640x720, 1x6b9a.jpg)

Why is making phonecalls so hard? Picrel is literally me mentally preparing to make one phonecall for hours, if not days
No. 1545399
>>1545395Were you a kid before recording and playing music in various forms became possible
No. 1545487
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No. 1545494
File: 1681146002976.jpeg (33.1 KB, 735x462, 1671915991382.jpeg)

>>1545487and absolutely nobody was surprised
No. 1545547
>>1545455Let's throw modern stress in there too.
My body was more adept to tolerating the stresses of escaping a predator or a rival tribe for an hour or so.
It wasn't mean to handle 8 hours of retail wagie stress where I clenched and grinded my teeth so I wouldn't cop an assault charge and unemployment for throwing hands.
No. 1545574
>>1545541>This only means men are degenerate by nature.Well yeah, most men are degenerates to various degrees, some are willing to risk it all to be satisfy, even commit crimes, while others are more "normal" and just don't join this type of organisation and stick to getting married to a woman they like and have sex with her when they feel like it. Some of them are better at hiding it than others.
>>1545548>I'm from a Muslim country and Islam Islam has no love for celibacy for any kind, but they still end up raping young boysMy family is Muslim but I'm not living in a Muslim country. My post was specifically about religious guys who have high positions in religious organizations and iirc imams can get married and have kids, celibacy isn't mandatory for them. They still rape kids and women because they can get away with it easily because in their community they're seen by default as good, reliable men
lol if only. If you're only talking about the average Muslim guy, well they're degenerate like all the other guys, and my guess is that they'll have a harder time targeting girls because girls are more likely to be protected by their families because of "honor" and because they're seen as damaged goods if they're not virgins by the time they get married. Even my own very moderate parents would often tell me that if I get assaulted on my way home from school long ago it would be my fault and "what will people say about us??" as if my safety didn't even matter.
No. 1545591
File: 1681152442537.gif (749.7 KB, 220x164, 1681146049794104.gif)

Men display their fuckery in public all the time, from biden, to dalai lama to actors
No. 1545605
File: 1681153256170.gif (6.19 MB, 606x407, 1670556614067.gif)

i keep getting pimples on my knees, whatever the fuck is up with that
No. 1545616
File: 1681153784590.jpg (24.56 KB, 512x512, E95YV4CVkAEpLle.jpg)

>remember a time some man was rude to me some years ago
>feel sad
>remember the male suicide rate, and that his gf at the time (who I was acquaintances with) was cheating on him
>sadness gone
The world balances itself out
No. 1545623
File: 1681154171611.png (726.18 KB, 675x539, thericottaeaters.png)

>>1545605Chinese japanese
Dirty Knees
Lookit THESE (pulls out shirt to look like boobs)
No. 1545647
File: 1681156081315.png (34.91 KB, 622x1166, FA__wiIVUAAeVEY.png)

>>1545644There was a twitch leak a couple years ago and he was in the top 100 streamers, he might have been #100
No. 1545654
File: 1681156567178.jpg (32.02 KB, 564x558, awooga.jpg)

I googled an issue with my mom and kept getting these insane advice posts like peoples moms stealing their bfs and shit like that. If my mom did that to me I'd disown her
No. 1545761
File: 1681165539242.jpg (173.71 KB, 874x916, 1680967067591.jpg)

why was my 'bot thread do not engage' image deleted do the tarded jannies think I was being serious
No. 1545780
File: 1681166545756.png (175.86 KB, 853x479, 818715686064784e7d877ee0be1ce5…)

There was this one time when I was 11 or 12? me and my family where on vacations staying at a hotel. So one night my father was out and it was only me and my mom watching tv, specifically the south park movie bigger, larger and uncut. Now, I've had myopia since I was 5 years old, I'm pretty used to going around without my prescription glasses, so naturally I was watching the movie without them. When suddenly, during the scene where saddam and satan are in bed, saddam takes out a dildo or something like that and my mother very firmly asked me: "WHY is there a penis in this movie?" and I got OFFENDED "a penis?!" I asked indignant "mother, that is obviously a salami ." I answered her in absolute disbelief. My mother looked so confused, almost rattled, I huffed and smiled victoriously resuming watching the movie. Obviously she put two and two together and realised my blind ass wasn't wearing glasses so I didn't realise it was, indeed, a penis. It was only years later when I re-watched it that I realised it wasn't a salami at all.
No. 1545785
File: 1681166663751.png (6.03 KB, 296x264, 1681148713145.png)

>>1545782disclaimer: dear janinas, this is a JOKE. j-o-k-e.
No. 1545814
>>1545730They say between 19-25
But now that I said 40 they don't know what to think
No. 1545894
File: 1681178574110.png (157.08 KB, 2100x1500, Why_tho.png)

My yoga teacher is so weird that I decided to make a wojak of her
No. 1545904
File: 1681179293528.jpg (98.74 KB, 750x1000, download.jpg)

I've been listening to Thong Song all day I feel so inspired to get a platinum blonde wig.
No. 1545905
>>1545894This is creepy kek
>wears her yoni egg right afterWhat!?
No. 1545912
>>1545909Yoni is pussy.
>>1545908You're right, but I feel like dabbing your vag juice on your neck and walking around with a crystal egg necklace covered in discharge are different KEK.
OP is stronger than me, I would have quit that class tbh.
No. 1545918
>>1545894What is yoni
What is vabbing
No. 1545923
>>1545894Is this just a gender flipped version of the craigslist crystal jackoff guy
I thought everybody knew yoni eggs were bad for you
No. 1545940
File: 1681183289293.jpg (5.08 KB, 157x158, yonieggofwar.jpg)

i bet a crystal yoni egg could kill a man if you slung it just right
No. 1545968
>>1545956i just saw some ridiculousness on a video where a woman who was dating a male, she was close to his son and was excited to be a stepparent, they were at his families house and they were all talking about them getting married soon. then the day after she goes to his house to see him and finds a vehicle parked outside his house with a woman inside, he said he wasn't home. she talked to the woman and she let her hide in the backseat, he hops in, they go to some area. boyfriend and the woman get out, then she surprises him and he pretends to not know her, she breaks up with him.
the comments? full of men saying he can do better needs to find a woman who supports him, how she's a bitch, how he she must have thought herself more important than she was and it's her fault (ignoring the part the boyfriend's parents literally talking about them getting married) all sorts of nonsense. males truly are loiq.
No. 1546019
File: 1681195357818.jpg (29.19 KB, 445x503, k1n6s.jpg)

>>1545979imagine if ayrt was navajo and just trying to digitally protect her home
No. 1546155
>>1546138I get that personal and deep only with my best friend from childhood
Most of the rest of my friends I am content just meeting with to play cards or go to events, basically just for entertainment
I think most friendships are shallow like that, and that people have at most one or two close friends, usually with a long history between them
No. 1546193
File: 1681221988471.jpeg (29.52 KB, 600x462, 538D5072-5719-4AB3-88E6-24D73B…)

Don’t want to go in to work. Pump me up nonnies
No. 1546201
File: 1681222695969.jpg (47.46 KB, 698x1051, 7928a1faa333095cead2485ac8c8b5…)

I pushed on my butthole too hard in the shower and it made my stomach feel weird
No. 1546205
>>1546140That's what I've always heard too, and I think it's a very nice sentiment, close friendships and all, but I don't know if it is something that'll work for me in practicality. Don't be too hard on yourself though, anon. I hope at the time sharing those things made you feel better.
>>1546154Interesting perspective, never met this sort of person but I can't imagine it being anything but draining. I think my friends and I have a clear idea of what we want from the friendship. But I feel like, all those tales of friendship… it's childish but, I feel a little left out I haven't experienced that.
>>1546155Glad you have that someone in your life.
>I am content just meeting with to play cards or go to events, basically just for entertainment Exactly! I think you're right about most friendships being pretty shallow. People usually grow closer with a partner like that, while none of my friends nor I have a partner but still, I imagine they take up that 'super duper close person' space for most people.
No. 1546211
File: 1681223932959.jpg (63.03 KB, 640x640, 1679853232134.jpg)

>>1546205>Don't be too hard on yourself though, anon.Think I've heard this enough times now to finally listen, thank you anon
No. 1546218
>>1546205>People usually grow closer with a partner like thatAyrt, this is true, and like with friends it comes from
a long history between you.
If you try to force it, you will get this
>>1546154 codependent misery porn
A woman I recently met and wanted to befriend trauma-dumped on me after just a month of us knowing each other. I'm so not calling her anymore.
No. 1546222
>>1546138I mean that’s pretty normal for normies. Normies are really shallow and superficial. That’s why I don’t befriend normies. Also cause of stuff like
>>1546218 - normies can’t handle real shit and it scares them. Enjoy your circle of fake shallow normie friends, nonna.
No. 1546284
File: 1681231616140.jpg (897.55 KB, 4760x6636, kissy.jpg)

I want to be loved
No. 1546285
File: 1681231848350.jpg (179.63 KB, 1080x822, Screenshot_2023-04-11-18-48-36…)

I can't be bothered to watch this video but the idea that Barbie, a toy for little girls, has become less pink and glam and have started leaning more towards a natural look is considered a problem amongst adult collectors is funny to me
yes I am aware that mattel are cheap and make shit quality barbies now
No. 1546289
File: 1681232373625.png (47 KB, 845x660, 02198378142.png)

Rise and shine queen
No. 1546298
File: 1681233779737.jpg (17.37 KB, 480x365, FroKBs0akAEzxzh.jpg)

Sorry to any farmhands or terminal refreshers who saw me post and delete and post the same post with slight edits about five times. I am actually retarded.
No. 1546341
File: 1681238740430.jpeg (534.24 KB, 1275x3803, CE7888BC-356A-435E-8D94-0F38BA…)

you ever feel like this?
No. 1546342
File: 1681238894172.png (155.09 KB, 650x581, daev5ti-006ebe48-aed7-4ba3-b5b…)

>>1546289How dare you, I love this
No. 1546346
File: 1681239323069.gif (19.87 KB, 320x180, 320px-Ocean_stage_and_spawning…)

>>1546341Wtf, this seems to be true?
No. 1546377
File: 1681242029340.png (132.7 KB, 640x313, 0k2x2fa2nv4a1.png)

Madonna is so hot in the Don't tell me music video. I casually told my mother that I think she's really beautiful and cool and she replied that she disagrees and that I must be blind.
Shut up you literally married a fat manchild with a food fetish
No. 1546437
nonnie. I am patiently waiting for someone to explain it to us.
No. 1546592
File: 1681264528663.jpg (114.02 KB, 720x960, 1680954705265.jpg)

bumping porn off the front page
No. 1546593
File: 1681264551512.png (72.93 KB, 445x450, 1680965186911.png)

No. 1546594
File: 1681264584936.png (69.13 KB, 498x500, 1676085340437.png)

No. 1546632
>>1546626It's the first sign that he's trooning out
First wears a women's ring, then a bra, then comes dick removal surgery
No. 1546662
File: 1681269987133.jpeg (33.69 KB, 640x960, 77B6BF86-BA89-406A-BFA8-ED8A3D…)

>>1546650It’s not a sex toy or anything it looks like this
No. 1546698
>>1546688You can't even take a sex joke?
This website fucking sucks
No. 1546760
File: 1681279390979.gif (200.06 KB, 220x126, 987987698.gif)

>>1546747…and I reiterate
No. 1546773
File: 1681279775636.png (177.52 KB, 937x908, Screenshot_20230411-230904_(1)…)

As opposed to what? The other 95% percent of cringe posts made by straight women gushing about their Nigel like picrel?
No. 1546804
>>1546763 and I'm not samefagging, there was actually a lesbian asking for advice on how to not view the women around her as weak and inferior idiots.
No. 1546810
File: 1681280441969.gif (2.7 MB, 435x250, cow.gif)

>anons racing to the thread the second they smell an infight
No. 1546813
File: 1681280508858.jpeg (5.97 KB, 253x275, 1679591889830.jpeg)

nonnie. I must try that at some point but I always got put off by the idea of chatting one-on-one with someone online kek (I am retarded).
No. 1546817
>>1546810Lmao, I am one of them
>>1546813I felt like that too but my closest online friends now are people who I only chat one on one with, and not people on servers like I thought I would get along with.
No. 1546818
File: 1681280635910.jpg (89.63 KB, 676x421, fe.jpg)

No. 1546819
>>1546799Bots seems farfetched. It seems like it's a
triggered hettie who spent too much time hatereading the lesbian threads and 2x and is now going absolutely nuclear kek. Or a moid. They're notoriously hard to distinguish. Just report, although samefagging anon will probably fill this thread by themselves by morning if mods are asleep
>>1546811why are you still replying? the bait is so painfully obvious. report and ignore
No. 1546820
>>1546797I lold
>>1546811You're right, it could just be one. But it's one that posts every single day then, for hours and hours. If it's just one, she puts a LOT of time and effort into whinging and complaining about gow thuper straight and homophobic everyone is for telling her she's annoying and spoiling all the fun. Lots of dedication from that hateful unfunny bitch.
No. 1546831
>>1546827Sorry to inform you that even your #basedsisters can be lame and annoying.
>>1546826Ahh you mad
No. 1546842
>>1546833Lmao it's so obvious you're mad and get offended every time some anon disparages women in straight relationships
You're on a misandrist website it's not just lesbians who make these posts
No. 1546857
File: 1681281551208.jpg (17.57 KB, 275x239, 1671829148312.jpg)

No. 1546861
>>1546855Truly proving my point.
>>1546778 she's gonna defend her right to be a humorless trite buzzkill tooth and claw for the next hour
No. 1546883
>>1546875There are literally anons here who would peg their Nigel or tickle their asshole if they asked
It's not farfetched for someone to have that disgusting fetish
No. 1546886
File: 1681282436107.gif (12.92 KB, 79x41, 1676549770114.gif)

>>1546885What do you mean
nonny, of course we are
No. 1546890
>>1546887>>1546889And you need to stop samefagging your "clever" roasts
This is the 2nd time itt, it's getting really embarrassing tbh
No. 1546901
File: 1681283362114.jpg (467.94 KB, 1140x1357, il_1140xN.4669149421_mvw6.jpg)

everyone pick a friendship bracelet i want the movie cow
No. 1546902
File: 1681283368567.png (227.32 KB, 545x680, 1676734402723.png)

my mouse keeps breaking every 5 seconds and it's so INFURIATING. I need a new one badly
No. 1547045
File: 1681298782866.gif (1.23 MB, 480x480, pidgy tidgy.gif)

i love watching pigeons walk, especially when you are behind them and they are running in front of you. the way their heads bop and then their shoulders waddle back and forth amuses me. when i see a pigeon walking next to me, i even sing a little goofy tune to their footsteps and get a nice chuckle, it's so fucking cute. i made friends with a couple of them by my apartment so sometimes they follow me when i am walking home.
No. 1547066
>>1547033one time I was being lonely in the retarded shitposting thread and asked for my personal FBI agent to become my gf and a really nice
nonny offered. I miss her.
No. 1547142
>>1544493Pretty sure it was because Elaine was such a sperg. The amount of retarded shit she pulled for around a year just because she had a (then almost empty) thread on here was prime milk.
>>1547052>claimedShe did and uploaded it to some doxx site. I found the whole thing hilarious because the person she thought was admin was in an entirely different continent. If Elaine would have used a single braincell instead of larping as hacker, she would have noticed all of the announcements, polls, updates etc were in one specific timezone that was nowhere near the girl she obsessively stalked.
No. 1547170
>>1547142How did she successfully doxx her wife, but at the same time, somehow fail to doxx her? It doesn't make sense, and it sounds like she and Elaine were far more involved with eachother (and alike) than they let on. If she really did dox her wife, further engaging with her and personally confirming the doxx was real instead of ignoring her ass, improving said wife's opsec and calling the police was retarded.
The whole thing was just autistic, and it brought the CP/gore spamming tranny to our site.
No. 1547181
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Im learning how to make wire jewelry so in the summer I can live my hippie dreams of being an artisan selling her crafts in the street along the Uruguay river.
Im starting with very basics things like pic rel.
I didn't told anyone from my circle because I want to amaze they with a little collection.
No. 1547204
File: 1681309704808.png (32.69 KB, 688x316, 1680134928713.png)

The friend finder thread discussion from earlier (too lazy to quote it all) reminded me of this. Please come back and spill anon. Honestly I don't trust a single person in those threads.
No. 1547224
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>>1547204Literally so scary without clarification.
No. 1547263
>>1547255it was in the middle of the infight, think it started here
>>1546802the screencap is from the previous thread
No. 1547333
>>1547313Your logic is weird wouldn't it follow that if that's the only bad shit she can think of he's pretty good?
She should go to the boyfriend brag thread. If you can't come up with the good stuff then that's when you should question things
No. 1547345
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Joey King is pretty but I'm etching Wish upon and…she looks so fucking odd. Idk, her acting annoyed me until The Act
No. 1547366
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I saw a big fat bee outside my house. It came towards the window of my door and I got scared and backed away before realizing that there was a large physical barrier between us. Glad to see bees are still around. I would love to own some.
>>1547308Cute nonna kek
No. 1547406
>>1547400Yeah I’m a teafag and we are definitely pretentious. That said
real teafags are much more rare than coffeefags. And no matcha bitches ain’t it.
No. 1547430
>>1547412Ayrt, I saw a video a few days ago of some guy making coffee in a super complicated way and I was thinking about how my husbando loves tea so it just came to mind. I think in the amerifag thread people are just talking about coffee cause of the Krispy Kreme thing
>>1547410Not to mention how it makes your breath smell. Crazy how coffee smells divine by itself but awful in someone's mouth.
No. 1547442
File: 1681321547393.png (528.11 KB, 1676x943, dfsferfererhhhhhh.png)

I put milk in my keurig like 6 years ago and I'm scared to use it
No. 1547465
>>1547442Nasty. Don’t disclose that milk part and sell it on Craigslist or Facebook. Anyone who wants a keurig deserves to get a nasty mouldy milky keurig so they rethink their life choices. Buy a pour over maker and a gooseneck kettle and a coffee bean grinder with the proceeds. Also some single origin locally roasted coffee beans. Enjoy your conversion to coffeefaggotry
nonny chan
No. 1547467
>>1547463So you're saying they aren't #realteafags so they aren't pretentious? Or they are pretentious but it doesn't count because they buy their tea in North America? I'm confused
nonnie, help me
No. 1547468
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>>1547449Yeah that was me, I wore Angelic Pretty, watched K-ON with the anime club girls, and drank tea every day, and I drink it out of genuine porcelain now to this comment (it's mint so my breath doesn't stank either).
No. 1547470
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Looking at this gives me the same feeling I get when I see a roided body builder. And then you look at expensive teafag equipment and it's just a fancy kettle and a set of cute cups.
No. 1547474
>>1547467Not real teafags, less pretentious more cringe and they get bullied by the teafags. Like weebs.
>>1547468 see kek
No. 1547477
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>>1547470How does this make you feel,
No. 1547506
File: 1681323462007.webm (5.8 MB, 720x868, coffee.webm)

Wtf is this? Coffeefags btfo.
>>1547477It makes me upset because it's ugly. Teafags at least make their shit pretty. This looks like something someone would make if they were stranded in the jungle and had to make a makeshift coffee maker out of desperation (because most coffee lovers have an addiction).
No. 1547507
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>>1547506Samefag, I just realized you probably can't even see the video because this dinosaur-tier site can barely play vids anymore
No. 1547514
File: 1681323639322.png (331.03 KB, 1024x683, this coffee is tasty mm yum th…)

>>1547506what in the mad scientist am I watching right now, I just want to pour hot water over my fine ground coffee beans out of a cute kettle
No. 1547518
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Anyone else drink their coffee like this
No. 1547521
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No. 1547531
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>>1547527I'm sorry, it's just hideous, look at this one nonners
No. 1547557
>>1547545Nothing more autistic than changing your drink based on the possibility of someone thinking your milk choice is autistic
No. 1547586
>>1547580Does the word "hole" offend your sensibilities?
No. 1547599
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No. 1547606
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I just remembered these Avatar High and Avatar U games
No. 1547622
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>>1547606Blast from the past…I was more of a Virtual Villagers girl tho.
No. 1547638
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>>1547622>>1547606And now you nonnies reminded me of VMK. It was short but sweet.
No. 1547640
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Man has moment of self-awareness, panics, tries to perish the thought as "cringe". It haunts him to this day.
No. 1547645
>>1547633Maybe commodification of womens bodies in every part, every age, every race. Men expecting to find women selling porn of their feet, hands, butt, boobs, genitals, and all for very low prices. That every age (even illegal uploaded ones) are a type of porn like milf, teen. Races obviously have their own which some people watch to degrade the woman i think. Trannies reducing women down to parts just like those porn categorization but also from self hating ftm we are no longer a woman but a set of boobs with a uterus, vagina set. Redifining what woman is and erasing it all for the purpose of "inclusion". While also taking away womens online spaces of hobbies which now must include men and right wing men getting rid of plan b sites, spreading their propoganda, and probably still watching rape porn online. Maybe statistics about how women are more likely to be doxxed for different political views while men aren't.
No. 1547654
>>1547633Here is my 2 cents:
-Internet and social media give men the opportunity to virtually voyeur women easily and with little to no repercussions.
-Gives illusion of women way beyond their league being available for them instantly.
-Sites that offer men to voyeur women - be it through online pornography that is readily available, sex cam chatrooms, onlyfans or even stuff like SFW instagram profiles turn out to be incredibly profitable.
-Due to huge profitability, more women are sought to be recruited
-Rise of liberal "feminism" which in its core is meant to protect voyeur industry and recruit even more women, especially younger ones. Libfem movements are especially strong on mass social media such as Twitter
-Meanwhile, when faced with reality that women are not readily available for them, many men grew bitter, start forming echo chambers that grow into huge anti-woman movements
-Younger boys are already used to voyeuring since age of 7, get easily recruited into those movements.
-So on the one hand - you have libfems protecting voyeur industries made by men and on the other hand you have men themselves working hard to take away rights from women.
No. 1547701
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i'm bette porter, yes i am. Yes I AM!!!
No. 1547707
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>>1547701I'm Alice Pieszecki
No. 1547731
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Kek why is this.
No. 1547775
>>1547731Happy asexual awareness week to autists with sensory issues and social anxiety that makes sex unappealing, people with sex-based trauma who disassociate from their sexuality, people who think that only wanting to have sex with committed long-term romantic partners makes them weird (it's extremely normal), gays who are in denial, and straight (sometimes bi) people who want to spice up their social media bios! Bad, miserable asexy awareness week to men using the label in attempt to seem more disarming, and porn-addicts who can no longer envision being attracted to any actual human beings because their sexualities revolve around paraphilias and unrealistic standards. None of you have a unique sexuality separate from heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality, and your label is both a made-up cope AND homophobic by nature of promoting postmodernist views of sexuality like "fluidity" or the split attraction model! Cope better, and stop lying to yourselves!
Side note, do you think OP had a literal checklist to make sure the diversity quota was appropriately met?
No. 1547810
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I can't sleep because I'm too distracted by how scary alligators are. They don't even live on my continent but I can't stop thinking about it
No. 1547845
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>>1547810If there are no alligators on your continent, then there are definitely crocodiles
No. 1547984
>>1547975As a longtime user of mostly the cow boards, some recent observations
>people from Twitter and gurugossip or wherever who cannot sage or tag their replies to save their life>Minimodding on /w with claims that every new thread "doesn't need to be made" despite being about well established milky cows>People who are very lost and pro sex work/confused about which kind of "feminist" lolcor users might be (clue: it's not the one that crawls up mens asses)all in recent weeks. No major tone shift imo but a scattering of idiots
No. 1547986
>>1547968They are not, the vegans are far more elegant in their dedication.
Dedicated meat eaters are all like "ohoho [unarticulated sounds] look at this crisp pig"
eats it like a pig No. 1548000
>>1547984>a scattering of idiotsThis is how the hivemind calls individuals with their own mind
(clue: I'm not your type of feminist and you can do fuck all about it)
No. 1548043
>>1548042No anon…. they were not…. they were cold adapted more than "homo sapiens sapiens" (us). Another fact, neanderthal's science name is also homo sapiens, but instead of the second sapiens they are "neanderthalensis".
Funnier fact, back in the day when they were discovered, the proposed name was "homo stupidus." Not a joke.
No. 1548052
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someone on twitter posted this peach that was at a theatre and the first thing i thought was that it reminded me of nemu artwork and it being something i could see her doing. i might just be insane
No. 1548099
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No. 1548273
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I really need to start waxing my fingers but I keep forgetting. I usually don't mind the hair but I keep my nails manicured so it just looks weird to have blinged out, glittery, girly, sparkly nails and then caveman fingers.
No. 1548292
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Sometimes it's nice to sit back and passively enjoy an infight.
No. 1548335
>>1548331Saur true
nonnie. Same with back aches.
No. 1548360
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I was gonna cut up this watermelon I have but it grew mold on the outside. I haven't even had it for that long.
No. 1548378
>>1548332from what I know she’s a farmer with bleached white hair, a
TERF, unstable, and she gave him a Komaeda badge on their first date as a gift. She literally wrote about how much she loves Akechi on her dating profile, that’s how they started talking.
No. 1548412
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I'm so tired of posts and discussions just being men men men tranny men men tranny tranny men
No. 1548415
nonny, even in unrelated threads. I wish discussion like that went in /2X/. I have male fatigue, I'm sick of reading about them in every thread
No. 1548590
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why is getting your drivers licence so expensive please im broke
No. 1548628
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Fixing Twitter memes is my hobby sometimes
No. 1548632
>>1548397Rich people aren't shopping at Aldi
>>1548457That wears off
No. 1548639
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No. 1548652
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Blackberries and blueberries and raspberries make me feel high. My body rejoices when I eat them. Wish the same thing happened when I ate a banana cause they’re way cheaper.
No. 1548660
I finally watching 13 reasons why
>why is every scrote gay?
I'm not trying to be one of those "turning the frogs gay!" but seriously how many scrotes in the main cast are gay? Or Bisexual?
Monty, Alex,Hispanic dude (i can't remember his name) Asian dude whose name I also can't remember, Alex's BF, that guy who wants to clear Monty's name.
Every scrote is gay, then the hispanic guy (i'm sorry I can't remember his name) does not look like a fucking teenager at all, he was painfully older looking,. Then the Bully guy, And why was Ani's lips so fucking dry half the show? Even when she wore lipgloss.
Like seriously, I was watching a funny review and I thought the hispanic guy and his bf, where like adults or something, not students.##and why did they kill the broom rapist off screen? I also hated that scrote who got fucked by the broom rapist, then beat up but still wants to find out what he did, I can't remember does he know what Monty did and just not care? I don't care if he's gay and has an homophobic dad, raping someone with a fucking broomstick is serial killer type shit. You are irredeamable. There's nothing good retard.
No. 1548691
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Those over the top Japanese crepes look like they'd be better if it were something like a ice cream cone or a stroopwafel instead of crepe.
No. 1548698
>>1548691This is 100% correct assessment.
That much creamy needs something crunchy to complement it. Crepe too limp and soft
No. 1548700
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>>1548691Pocky and wafers are really good in them. I use to get these in the last city I lived in. I miss them so much
No. 1548739
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I relate to this character so there is definitely something wrong with me
No. 1548764
>>1548629I haven’t seen them but he said his gf does have some bad scars and doesn’t show her arms. She was in a coma a couple of years ago too. She was in hospital in January but idk if Ko-chan ever posted anything like that. I’m pretty sure its her but then again
>>1548631 is right, dangonronpa fans are all kinda like that
No. 1548846
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Anybody else here tormented by visions of dying suddenly in your apartment and getting eaten by your cats
No. 1548866
>>1548858Some humans don't even wait til you're dead, lol. They'll just kill you for free, but noooo why do you like cats and dogs reeeeee.
I feel like people who get mad about others loving their pets have incel mentality, but instead of a complex around romance, it's just any sort of connection at all. They are intensely jealous losers who feel unloved and struggle to love others, so they seethe when others can/do.
No. 1548880
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Went outside and realised I was dressed like the fucking rock nonnies I hate this day so far
No. 1548891
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>>1548880well i'm sure it's in your head and you actually rocked it
No. 1548907
>>1548880My friend did that a couple of times and it gained her substantial social credit from me. I'm admiring you RIGHT now,
And I'm sure it's sincere(because it's based on my previous positive interpretation to this kind of exposure. I'm not theorizing my evaluation)
No. 1548940
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so apparently the originator of Nordic/Aryan supremacy theory was a Frenchman by the name of Arthur de Gobineau and he was most likely 1/8th or 1/16th black and was even noted for his "swarthy" complexation and Its funny that I expected that.
Like has there ever a proppant of Aryan supremacy who actually fit the ideal and looked like Dolph Lundgren or Travis Fimmel, you know tall, blonde, muscular and square jawed
No. 1548952
File: 1681484643926.jpeg (319.78 KB, 1207x1744, 1680641670733.jpeg)

>>1548940Racist and aryan-ist/neo-nazi people are usually the ugliest looking of white people. All racist white people I knew had dark hair, eyes, tan skin and super ugly mouth breather faces. They're the types that have inferiority complexes and sperg super hard because of those inferiority complexes.
Picture taken from Aella thread, it features people that she worked with in some sort of race theory and they all look subhuman or mildly deformed.
No. 1548963
>>1548952look at the names
>>1548959how much self hatred do you have to have in order to dedicate your life's work to principles and theories that would have exterminated your ancestors
No. 1548998
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>>1548983even in regular right-wing circles you can easily tell the difference between a regular conservative and the race autists who always come across as disingenuous and cringe, like there's a huge difference between Giorgia Meloni who is a nationalist but not racist(despite the claims of neo-liberals) and another Italian politician whose name I forget but who was called Arabs and Africans subhumans, but looked darker then an Arab himself
No. 1549019
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>>1549006>>1549000something something fascism
No. 1549029
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>>1549019Funnily enough the least racist member of the Nazi High command Rudolf Hess was also the only one who looked half way decent, he considered Native Americans, Indians and Iranians to be fellow Aryans, he just hated Arabs and Jews and blamed them for all the problems in the entire world
No. 1549043
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>>1549029Goring also wasn't an absolute uggo,the rest of the inner circle on the other hand…
No. 1549051
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nonny we stopping asap
No. 1549057
>>1549048Truly. I hate it. "Hurdur this lower mid Nazi who'd probably throw me in the gas chamber for being a degenerate on the internet wasn't
as bad as the other Nazis because he only hated the Jews
and niggers and gays and disabled h-he thought native Americans were also okay (read: white)". Get some fuckin self respect.
No. 1549059
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No. 1549067
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I got into the dumbest argument with two tumblr bitches. I feel ashamed. I was right though.
No. 1549081
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>>1549059kek one time i read a tumblr post that was like "i can't get over how ugly himmler was. literally a fat retard" accompanied by picrel and it was so absurd yet true it made me cry laughing like look at him i can't he looks so ridiculous, not to mention his name's similarity to hitler like a waluigi situation
No. 1549083
>>1549065Just say Brazil
You're absolutely right btw
No. 1549106
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To somewhat add to this conversation, I think most people are sheep in a sense, The bolsheviks lost the 1919 elections against the social-democrats and the nazis never won a major election. Social studies show most people just accomodate to whatever ideology is in power, no matter how extremist or insane is. People just want to live their lives and ever if they someone they know gets thrown under the bus, they're fine with it. That's from where the term collective guilt came from.
The only reason both managed to take power was cause in Germany all the communists and socialist parties refused to work each other and constantly formed splinter groups based on ideoglical differences while the social-democrats tried to appease everybody at once and lacked a proper leader to rally under.
A lot of mainstream left wing parties political incompetence will have consequences(not necessarily either fascism or communism but something extreme nonetheless) if they don't get their shit together
No. 1549154
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my new favourite image
No. 1549156
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I don't like sushi, but I keep trying it hoping that one day something will click, so I'm gonna go get the stuff to make gimbap (yeah I know it's not sushi but they're similar enough).
No. 1549198
>>1549196Because it's the best thread, duh
The entire /shay/ board reminds me of 420chan's (rip) /jenk/ board, and I mean that as a good thing
No. 1549204
>>1549196Because it's full of trolls, sex workers, troons and maybe some twitter/reddit tourist or all the above. Someone was using "cis" and kept screaming how they are totally a woman who loves eating ass, we must all be black, it's very common to eat scrote ass for white women! Oh why are you connecting male asshole play to gay sex??
It's annoying and it makes me.more ashamed to be a shaytard because I know some of these weirdos are typing with shit covered fingers.
No. 1549206
>>1548858I read somewhere that dogs are far more likely to eat you and also to eat you in way less time than a cat. Because dogs have the instinct to lick you to see if you’re okay. If you’re dead and they’re hungry they’ll eat you before your cats will.
Cats are one of the few animals that will literally starve to death before they will eat something they don’t like.
No. 1549207
>>1549197It's real and I'm having fun watching anons infight.
>>1549204Those are probably shayna's trans fans who got off to her video and lost their shit after anons said it was nasty.
No. 1549215
>>1549163Scrote who owns kiwifarms Josh, whose obsessed with Ethan Ralph, non white people and troons (last one has a legit reason). Ethan Ralph is an
abusive baby daddy of 2, who calls his wife a bitch on stream, got beat up like 3 times, and a waste of space, woth a Lori loving wife May who dating a Troon before she got with him. They are obsessed with eachother. Josh knows every detail of this scrotes life, Ethan Ralph is their Shayna. I wouldnt say Chris chan, because Chris Chan is well known. ER isn't that well known, he's a huge loser that only hits that itch for some people. So he's like Shayna on lolcow, you either don't get it or you do and know the last time he took a shit.
I find him disgusting and uninteresting
No. 1549227

>>1549182It's two women from Philadelphia, Queen Opp and Chelle. They've been "friends" since the mid 2000s. They live stream on an app called Mico and used to be on a similar app called Bigo before they were banned and also Instagram. Their live streams essentially consist of Queen yelling at (and sometimes hitting) Chelle, cussing out their chat, and Chelle getting mad at the people in the live when Queen gets upset at her. Idk if I could call them personal cows because they've been going semi-viral on social media.
Queen Opp/Sierra
>In her early or mid 30s>A prostitute and previously a stripper. (I have no idea if she's still a prostitute since they've taken to begging for donations on their lives)
>Has 2 children (that I know of, could be more) and is currently pregnant with a girl. Her first, which she gave up for adoption, was fathered by one of her Johns and her second was fathered by an ex-boyfriend. Her second child (his name is Keyon but they call him by the nickname "Pop") is with his father and may not be in her custody anymore. Idk who she is knocked up by right now.
>Used to bring her clients in the same home as her child. >There is an entire livestream of her trying to get her child to stay in his room while she has sex with her trick. >Pretended to be muslim with Chelle for the controversy and then made a song called "We Ain't Muslim No More">Has a dog that she keeps in a cage most of the time>Currently live in an apartment that has rats, but for a long time was hopping around hotels.>Showed up at her ex-boyfriend/baby father's mother's house and refused to leave until she was physically forced outChelle
>Probably around the same age as Queen>Queen's yes-woman>Appears to be a retard but it's unclear if she actually is or just putting on an act(I would like to not that people who knew them personally have said that Chelle isn't slow. It's still unclear though)
>Has HIV from Queen making her sleep with random men>Sucked a homeless man's dick despite having an STD, again because Queen told her to>Is financially reliant on Queen, Queen has been taking care of her for years>Probably has endometriosis or some other hormonal problem>Used to have a bird that died from their poor care>Ate a live goldfish, a worm, and chicken nuggets covered in dog shit>Ate food from a toilet>Stole money from Queen to send to men in jail>Rarely sees her family. She has said that she was molested by her family. >Has Queen's name tattooed on her in like 2 placesI probably could've done a better write up but this is all I can think of at the moment. Vidrel is Queen making Chelle dig out food from a toilet and then hitting her son and telling him that she let a dog lick her pussy (probably, definitely a lie but still disgusting regardless.)
No. 1549232
>>1549215Ethan Ralph is for KF what Shayna is for LC
and also
Chris Chan is for KF what Pixyteri is for LC
No. 1549297
File: 1681507345579.jpg (14.54 KB, 343x344, 1665682812021914.jpg)

>Call cops because of a domestic dispute outside
>Officer asks me if the fighters are black or hispanic
>Doesn't even offer the choice of white or asian
>mfw the officer from the phone arrives and she's black
No. 1549400
>>1549349Because PULLfags were very very annoying with Berry Tsukasa, nitpicking PULL-tier, that first Admin did that
t. worked for first admin
No. 1549423
File: 1681515142414.png (24.99 KB, 480x480, cow.png)

I don't think I have the anatomy for a stomach piercing because my belly button isn't a full innie, and it makes me sad. It would probably look weird and reject. I need those cosmetic surgeons to come up with a innie belly button surgery. Fuck the doctor who cut my umbilical cord.
No. 1549477
File: 1681517575637.jpg (30.11 KB, 736x718, 4ca2d28bb25d28f80f0c017a0cc7b8…)

>>1549473one more and I stop.
No. 1549479
>>1548639>>1548646Sick photos,
nonny. Thanks for sharing.
No. 1549504
File: 1681519577507.png (18.36 KB, 200x200, jake jr.png)

I feel bad for girl juniors. Imagine being named after your dad instead of the logical thing, which would be naming a girl after her mom. Even worse when their name is a remix of their dad's name. Like having a dad named Robert and being Roberta.
No. 1549505
File: 1681519782916.jpg (93.36 KB, 1500x992, Queen-Elizabeths-mom6-f7d4ca64…)

>>1549504Samefag but in general you should not name your kids after yourself or your partner. Like what the hell could posses you to give birth to a baby and be like "Hmmm, I'll give her the exact same name as what my mom gave me". Thumbs down.
No. 1549583
File: 1681526173829.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.43 KB, 720x597, wtf YouTube.jpg)

Look at this crazy ass ad YouTube gave me. Is this supposed to be a kids game?
No. 1549651
>>1549643Stand offish with who? Kek, I only watch him when he plays something I want to watch there was a time where I watched everything. The beginning of today's stream he legit sounded down and depressed, then left to do something important for 2 mintues.
I hope he's okay, I hate his Troon pandering and his chat, but be doesn't seem to be a bad guy, he also seems really into his new girlfriend mentions he once a stream.
Anyone watch Northernlion? I started watching him again after years of not watching him, he also gives me depressed vibes. I watched a cliff where he was basically saying when he first had his daughter it wasn't an immediate "I'd die for her" thing but now it is. I'm paraphrasing and I assume it's just being honest. Idk I need to go to sleep. I also remember vaguely nothernlion had a Troon friend who changed his name and he had to correct himself, that was years ago though
No. 1549687
File: 1681536042032.jpeg (121.42 KB, 718x900, FF81C2B5-79C8-40FB-A656-F967BE…)

I am. pissed.
I literally just had my hair wash day and after it dried it got so crazy frizzy, now I gotta wait at least two days to wash it again ughdhdjfghh I hate you stupid hair
No. 1549714
File: 1681538729438.png (9.83 KB, 900x500, single tear.png)

>tfw it's midnight
>tfw want coffee
No. 1549817
File: 1681554211917.png (53.33 KB, 298x431, 1678493580035.png)

Now that the troon boycott of Hogwarts Legacy failed and a HBO HP series is happening, in collaboration with queen JK, I can just hope all the troon hysteria dies down. Instead of hearing how HP is facist or whatever shit, let's go back to people discussing the actual content. Let the actor/ship/plot debates come. Let the memes come. Let the good times roll in again.
No. 1549975
File: 1681565614512.png (81.95 KB, 600x600, whitepeach1_grande.png)

I like having my butt massaged, idk why but it just calms me down. Unfortunately there's no one to massage my butt. So I will do it myself.
No. 1550358
File: 1681588767716.png (740.83 KB, 750x751, ab2f26ee0038b85f8aa4e4a1535d4f…)

>Invented in South Africa by Wilson-Rowntree in the 1960s, Peppermint Crisp is a milk chocolate bar filled with a multitude of thin cylinders of mint-flavoured 'cracknel' (which is a brittle crystalline/sugar concoction extruded in fine hollow tubes).
This candy bar looks ai generated the texture of the cracknel is freaking me out. It reminds me of soap or rocks but I want to bite it
No. 1550386
File: 1681590450400.jpeg (240.5 KB, 1500x993, B1AA5B79-6814-402F-B851-F06FCD…)

>>1550358Asbestos candy bar
No. 1550596
File: 1681606454270.jpg (48.67 KB, 769x960, cat (3).jpg)

The most recent part of Attack on Titan has been out for over a month and they still haven't dropped the dub. Please, I just want to fucking watch it and see and hear my man.
No. 1550601
File: 1681606956367.png (37.31 KB, 623x494, 67.png)

>>1550573nonny and janny sittin in a tree
No. 1550618
File: 1681607649579.gif (578.01 KB, 535x660, classic bunchie.gif)

>>1550601this pic is so stupid it reminds me of bunchies and keeps making me smile
No. 1550635
File: 1681608345646.jpg (118.36 KB, 800x995, 800px-Basshunter_Hity_Na_Czasi…)

>This was considered a pretty-boy pop-star in the 2000's
No. 1550690
File: 1681610934048.jpg (112.08 KB, 640x482, rimmer.jpg)

>Nonnies entering shaynatorium the past few days
No. 1550711
File: 1681611944179.png (65.58 KB, 1132x1094, Screen Shot 2023-04-15 at 7.19…)

I genuinely want this shirt but am not cringe enough to actually wear it anywhere
No. 1550814
File: 1681618217903.jpg (26.03 KB, 500x422, valmont.jpg)

Randomly remembered Jackie Chan Adventures last night, looking back on it I'm pretty sure little me had a crush on this guy kek
No. 1550900
>>1549826That's what I want to know but she won't explain.
>>1550015An even dumber version of the merge essentially if you can believe that.
No. 1550907
File: 1681637189816.jpeg (326.99 KB, 1536x2048, 650B52EA-EDD9-4A81-BB3B-C11C3B…)

It’s ok to ship Claire Boucher and Cheryl from whorehole If they can both be in one organized place like a jail is wrong.
It wont bring back the cows ginkgo bombed. We need new forums optimized for daily life around the community.
Grimes was a worse celebrity for giving birth.
Elon was a worse businessman for letting her.
They might be working on cloning precure babies rn, to prove the wealth of anime.
Maybe evil moms are still insecure about the fact that they killed their babies and cloned new ones.
Feels bad man, there’s still what they won’t let society solve in the meantime how to stop the murder of random animals.
(Animal dependency theory on how much women are a frisk/Chara approaching the topic of no more animals because grimes and lack of care forwards entire nations like Africa)
Feels bad man, I like being able to be honest with my knowledge on the topic.
No. 1551131
>>1550993schizoanon. she comes back every few months, drops some signature wordsalads, inevitably gets banned, rinse and repeat. Actual schizo, made a thread about herself
>>>/snow/1669302it's really sad to see.
No. 1551275
File: 1681672208546.jpg (21.58 KB, 456x292, my_stomach.jpg)

God save me, I bought some old exrpired fruit for fruit chaat(fruit mix) in Aftari and now my stomach feels like it wants rip my insides out.
No. 1551283
File: 1681672627937.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.11 KB, 1080x1868, IMG_20230416_210628.jpg)

Warning: Eugenia, anorexia
Is it just me or is the youtube algorithm shittier? I was looking for a Miku cover and got this Eugenia Cooney video, yikes
No. 1551285
File: 1681672750090.jpg (222.07 KB, 1080x1743, IMG_20230416_210753.jpg)

>>1551283Fyi I was looking for the shitpost song Francium, also got this fetish video wtf
My history is all nature stuff, cute animals and music (including vocaloid) and vidya
No. 1551298
File: 1681673288027.png (2.2 MB, 1198x1138, 1624555858341.png)

texting 5 different guys at once to max out on dopamine, compliments and attention
No. 1551331
File: 1681674846165.jpg (27.23 KB, 500x493, 93f8fe79c84c70efe1de32bdfac9d2…)

jannie dei,
qui custos es mei,
Me tibi commissum pietate superna;
(Hodie, Hac nocte) illumina, reporta, rege, et bannea.
don't mind me I'm trying to summon the admins
No. 1551341
File: 1681675324202.gif (2.99 MB, 640x542, 7347424A-2F35-45D9-9555-71E8B8…)

>laying in bed with the lights off
>watching the pretty sunset
>am nice and cozy
>see movement from apartment windows across from me
>see two people walking around
>something isn’t right????
>then it hits me…
>…they’re both nekkid lmao
and no, neither of these people are attractive in anyway.
No. 1551343
Summon me next, I'm not all there but I'd like to be
No. 1551417
File: 1681682859983.gif (2.22 MB, 640x588, hotgirldj-apple-store-girl.gif)

TIL the girl in this gif is now apparently an alcoholic and neglectful mother who Livestream on tiktok
No. 1551426
File: 1681683914328.jpg (139.84 KB, 800x1067, nightmare.jpg)

I hate this photo. The pasta looks like tapeworms and JFK looks high out of his mind.
No. 1551437
File: 1681685265172.jpg (31.12 KB, 402x460, 55978ee1a18373a5a978ad503c455c…)

>ywn drape an ostrich feather negligee over Buster Keaton's shoulders
why even live
No. 1551462
File: 1681687426643.jpg (137.64 KB, 1080x1383, chad buster.jpg)

>>1551444kek I wondered that myself. Looking more closely at his jaw and neck area, I think it might actually be pasted in, or at least retouched somehow. Picrel, Buster with old timey photoshop to make him look less jowly and more chadly.
No. 1551479
File: 1681688514388.jpg (67.54 KB, 563x562, 111.jpg)

Trying to resist the urge to gossip about anons husbandos..LOTS of interesting things. i found lots and lots of things
No. 1551481
File: 1681688639283.png (93.68 KB, 620x519, 1663005159207.png)

Hehehehe found a good chunk of information about my hyperfixation that I haven't seen before. I am going to download all of the files and comb through them. I will then add the relevant information to my mental arsenal of facts, which I use in combination to create a mental image of what I think this person was like and project all of my fantasies onto him. Wooohooo
No. 1551526
>>1551491>>1551501>>1551483ok ok. I'm so sorry busternons please skip over this. every new thing I learn about his relationships sounds so messy and it just fascinates me, like I dont think he's had a single normal one kek. tho I feel kind of bad for being so invested since it probably sucked for everyone involved. this is about his second marriage specifically
>married his nurse after being institutionalized>did it during one of his binge drinking sessions>apparently so drunk he doesn't even remember it>nurse didn't even get to know his real name until after the marriage>eventually found him in a hotel with another woman >divorce ensuesum but he built a cottage for his first wife so that was nice.
the thought of her 'banishing' him to a separate room made me kek though i'm sorry. old timey relationship drama is my new interest.
No. 1551552
File: 1681693054302.jpg (4.21 KB, 186x122, images.jpg)

>>1551547this shit doesn't look real, so doesn't butterflies, people talk about Alexa spying on us but i believe the goverment has actual bugs they are creating and planting.
Don't be surpised in a year or so, an new bug pops up and everyone acts like it's always existed. Like "Fuzzbugs" or some shit that clearly looks fake and "Oh nona, fuzzbugs? you never heard of them?"
Yeah whatever
No. 1551620
File: 1681698584492.gif (2.39 MB, 498x348, wormy-spongebob.gif)

>>1551552Based schizo bug queen
No. 1551673
File: 1681700972086.jpeg (65.71 KB, 828x741, D68DBC40-5ECB-41BB-B705-CFA74A…)

>>1551633So the bug version of cardinals?
No. 1551703
File: 1681702521799.jpg (104.31 KB, 736x920, FtqHwhtacAE-szC.jpg)

I love when people think they have some sort of hardass bow down bitch little miss sassy attitude but it's not actually intimidating anyone and just making them look annoying and weird
No. 1551709
>>1551705I know if i say it some
certain people here will screen cap it because it is quite pathethic and I can't explain it, basically it's something that has NOTHING to do with me, but I get annoyed/obessively thinking of agruments agaisnt it when I hear about it.
>This thing happened>Me- Wow this thing happened? Why did it happen, I bet someone is out there defending this thing, ugh they are so wrong, ugh I hate that people feel this way about this thing.It's retarded and related to scrotes, I hate having that much of my brain autioned off to scrotes, it makes me uncomfortable and it's weird. I don't know, how do you make yourself care about things that do not effect you and should'nt bother you?
Something living rent free
No. 1551718
>>1551717yes but im obessive
>Ha ha just close you eyes nona, ha ha it's the internet close the tab!! Ha ha doesn't work for me sometimes
No. 1551725
>>1551720I think it's retarded, it's not something that does anything but effects my mood for a bit. I was just asking if anyone has advice to help me unlink myself from retarded thoughts about things that do not have anything to do with my life. I'm asking how not to care, not what meds to take.
I'm perfectly sane and normal 75% of the time.
No. 1551728
File: 1681703857298.png (87.5 KB, 671x333, Ezaw-SOVEAYblf4.png)

The pizza in Sims 2 looks so good
No. 1551764
File: 1681705455718.png (37.64 KB, 256x256, MTS_vegan_kaktus-2015726-foodp…)

>>1551728Here is the texture file for you to drool over
No. 1551817
File: 1681707927283.jpg (39.65 KB, 564x752, 6059443c3b323d1434f08712177c2b…)

>Tfw I want to post something but there's an infight going on.
No. 1551859
File: 1681710333700.png (360.5 KB, 450x500, YdqHgA3.png)

>>1551844>>1551834I wish I could go back five minutes ago when my search history didn't include "Joe Rogan sauna". Is he advertising himself to men wtf is this??
No. 1551874
File: 1681712432165.jpg (202.7 KB, 1400x1050, 50783954_306331740025083_10207…)

>>1551866I wonder if he really is that aware or if he just likes the attention kek overcooked turkey is right
No. 1551876
File: 1681712574585.jpeg (73.51 KB, 1024x768, EQMBee8WsAAebI_.jpeg)

>>1551859>>1551844>>1551834>>1551874He is a crash course for men in what not to do to your body
No. 1551892
>>1551891samefagging I know he was in a couple of movies with Kevin James, but I mean when he looked like this
>>1551876 (full head of hair).
No. 1551893
File: 1681713397622.png (3.51 MB, 2880x1436, Screen Shot 2023-04-16 at 11.3…)

No. 1551896
File: 1681713676645.jpeg (124.47 KB, 1078x904, CCEBE893-0B0D-46E4-8581-A347C9…)

>>1551890he cooka'd his a'meatball
No. 1551920
File: 1681717098224.jpeg (Spoiler Image,326.74 KB, 1600x3561, jfk jr.jpeg)

>>1551917I know there's anons that don't want to see this kind of stuff so I'm saving their eyes.
Adding on to
>>1551915His son was just as hot, maybe hotter
definitely aged better than his father imo, if you're into the Tarzan-face kind of look.
No. 1552030
>>1552018>Especially as she pretended to be unaffected but then claimed that farmers were doxxing and gangstalking her/him by posting a fanfic link.this kek. She'd even doublepost just to cry about it. Personally I don't think it was a male, after all her AO3 account had a Rance x reader fic. Most likely just a huge NLOG that arrived recently from 4chan and can't integrate due to learning a huge disregard for etiquette.
No. 1552051
File: 1681741491208.jpg (101.14 KB, 600x600, 5083.jpg)

there's something cute about seeing an anon repost my random attachment in a curated /m/ thread.
No. 1552058
File: 1681742232671.jpg (64.27 KB, 640x625, 155.jpg)

does anyone else notice the spellchecker on your device sometimes suggests incorrect versions of words? like wanting to change "anyway" to "anyways". lol dumbass robot.
No. 1552062
File: 1681742454274.jpg (59.41 KB, 480x544, 2f7rkw.jpg)

if all radiohead songs were like paranoid android i'd like radiohead. it's their best song i stg, imagine my surprise when i go through their discography looking for similar shit and find absolutely nothing
No. 1552140
File: 1681748406826.jpg (77.78 KB, 600x800, 271104fcc5ab14670c3907ef933878…)

I just found out that Steven Yeun (and Ali Wong, fuck her too) helped that RAPIST get his role on Beef. Never trust a man anons they're all deceptive. Wolves in sheep's clothing!
No. 1552181
File: 1681750441995.gif (4.83 MB, 360x397, Tumblr_l_177918941360089.gif)

I've always been sort of a tomboy growing up but the last few years I started being more feminine, wearing dresses, skirts and a bit of makeup, but I find it so embarrassing to be seen by my family like this kek it's stupid and it doesn't make sense, but I find it awkward
No. 1552232
File: 1681752266549.jpg (428.6 KB, 1536x2048, _Enchanted Destiny~OOAK Fashio…)

I will be seeing Barbie in theaters and I'm soooo excited.
No. 1552267
File: 1681753503649.png (2.19 MB, 1334x750, CA5ED0C4-C04C-47AB-B616-25CF21…)

>tranny makes video complaining about children’s cartoon
>gets mad and does a rant about hating anime because kids cartoon is inspired by sailor moon
>puts these into the same category
I’ve been sitting here for like 10 minutes trying to figure out what exactly these have in common, first time I’ve ever seen someone compare Madoka to rapelay kek.
No. 1552269
>>1552181I'm going through the same sort of thing in my early 20's and it was a bit awkward to be seen in cute feminine clothes after spending all of my adolescence in band tshirts+hoodies+jeans. Remember: it's just clothes
nonnie, wear whatever you feel good and comfortable in!
No. 1552279
File: 1681753826403.jpg (99.18 KB, 640x870, vogue.jpg)

Idk why but I'm just super excited for this years MET gala. Yes a lot of looks are disappointing, but usually for every MET gala there's a couple of people who really knock it out of the park. And even the bad looks are entertaining. I can't wait to post the looks here and read everyone's opinions (here on lolcow and the rest of social media).
No. 1552312
File: 1681754645029.jpg (26.38 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-537118923-612x612.…)

I got really confused at how cranky anons are today and then I realised, is monday!
No. 1552427
File: 1681760480959.jpg (52.2 KB, 500x750, Roman Reigns.jpg)

I don't usually like super traditionally (conventionally?) attractive men but roman reigns is nice
No. 1552430
File: 1681760744795.jpg (103.95 KB, 1439x921, Screenshot_20230417_144630_Gal…)

>he's cute you should give him a chance
No. 1552460
File: 1681762468913.png (234.52 KB, 794x794, WIG.png)

I'm thinking of finally getting into the lacefront wig game, but the only downside is that I would have to learn to braid my natural hair close to my scalp and I don't wanna do that. Especially when my hair is so freaking thick.
No. 1552503
File: 1681764925645.png (83.44 KB, 512x512, man.png)

my boyfriend
No. 1552517
File: 1681765503977.jpg (5.43 KB, 300x259, Orchard.jpg)

>>1552437for those unaware this is what the troon looks like IRL, he claims to be Native American and that's why he draws his Avatar as a vague brown woman when he's a white dude IRL who complains about other white people in almost all of his videos
No. 1552565
File: 1681769549104.png (131.4 KB, 570x861, barbie.png)

I'm DONE fucking around. It's time for me to level up and start dressing like a Silkstone Barbie.
No. 1552582
File: 1681771921861.jpg (23.26 KB, 437x450, BCP81_6.jpg)

>>1552565do it, take pride in your hooded eyes, stab him with your mini knife lipstick
No. 1552681
File: 1681777219423.jpg (45.31 KB, 540x387, tumblr_cb9f5f7305bd6540e192e07…)

>>1552626I feel you nona, it catches my eye wherever I go
No. 1552703
File: 1681778105710.png (1.1 MB, 1514x1801, shoit.png)

>>1552689You can be butch and wear funky shirts like picrel
No. 1552725
>>1552710, that is peach.
No. 1552841
>>1552837Samefag, correction,
the OVA came out a little over a year later. My memory sucks.
No. 1552855
>>1552834Are you the
nonnie that associates The Kentucky Derby with JoJos? If so, I thought of you the other day when I drove by Churchill Downs.
No. 1552863
>>1552834Kek don't worry, I think that's very cute and wholesome. I also think there is validity to being attracted to people who share certain similarities to parental figures and not in a sexual way. There's probably a kind of comforting familiarity that might endear us to people who remind us of people we grew up with.
Like my dad is an autistic nerd and that is usually the type of person I am attracted to, even though the people I am attracted to are otherwise nothing like my dad. I haven't read Steel Ball Run yet, but I love Johnny's design. And he's definitely the prettiest Jojo. I hope that when his part gets animated that they do him justice for your sake nona. And if he chose you then he has based taste.
No. 1552914
File: 1681789619663.png (540.14 KB, 962x720, 1646582766111.png)

I hate what Lolcow has become, but there's pretty much nowhere else to go. It's like no one understands fun anymore. It's just bitch bitch complain get unironically mad about complete nonsense "oh nooo what about what the moids will think uwu"
No. 1553060
>>1553053I hate you have to have zoom classes, your gen got so absolutely rooted I'm sorry nona.
hope it's a class you enjoy at least. protip leave HS early, ignore college, start a trade. even being a brickie or sparky as a woman is better than this grind (I'm a female labourer in silicone work, so easy and wish I had've done the same thing but wasted 10+ years in retail, never again)
No. 1553069
File: 1681810419185.png (2.76 KB, 773x70, firefox_acsnAEHJ6S.png)

Why is there a rise of bone rattlers on this site
I've seen several posters loving heroin-chic in random threads but that shit grosses me out, please get a BMI of 21
No. 1553141
File: 1681819478701.gif (463.45 KB, 640x624, mouse-eating-mouse.gif)

Cannot wait till I get my driver's license just so I can stop eating lunch at the bus station like a fucking retard
No. 1553225
File: 1681830845767.jpg (259.73 KB, 1080x1038, 015.jpg)

the hair fight in the other thread reminded me of this
No. 1553293
File: 1681835404128.jpg (8.86 KB, 236x331, 13090cfeebd2228f19022bd34738a8…)

>>1553284…right, which of you bloody degenerates is attracted to Kirby? I swear. Every day on this site is something new with you all. Spongebob? Kirby? Komedo? How about you take a reflective look in the mirror? The state of this world. The state of you all. Take a good, measured look at your lives. Astaghfirullah I am hanging my head on your behalfs.
No. 1553322
File: 1681838487452.gif (251.51 KB, 220x240, madodance.gif)

How many really good songs do you discover each year? I find maybe 4 or 5.
No. 1553403
File: 1681844070817.jpeg (95.18 KB, 736x725, 1658089967496.jpeg)

>>1553398Oh my god I linked the thread url and it turned into a link like that
>>>/m/265376 No. 1553411
>>1553394Yep. I used to hang around a lot of spaces that had male transphobes, Kiwifarms being one. Conservatives don't all hate troons, they will she/her a troon if
>they are one of the good ones> "Put in effort"It's like some scrotes think people misgender troons to punish them, when no, it's because PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE THEY ARE WHAT THEY SAY THEY ARE. Someone isn't calling Blaire White a "he" because he's annoying, but because he's a man. Scrotes treat pronouns like something troons can earn. They treat womanhood like it's something the right troon can "Earn". They never do this with tifs.
It's all based on attraction.
Also, a lot of them hate TERFs anyway. Go to the "pooner" thread on kiwifarms, they were claiming Josh was a "Feminist" because he's softer on TIFS (he claims they are all raped women), they talk shit about TERFS and do not like women at all.
There's so many conserative scrotes who truly don't understand it, I keep saying if 90% of MTF's passed, then Scrotes would be fighting agaisnt us. They'd only have a issue with the really ugly ones. They'd be claiming we are all jealous, that a man can get on hormones and "do woman better". They'd be shilling attractive troons to shit on us.
It's only becuase most are ugly and crazy
No. 1553413
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I shaped my eyebrows to half their width, my natural brows are thick but I wanted to try them thinner. I plucked them maybe two or three times now the regrowth is all sparse, how bad did I fuck up nonnies? Now I'm only using a razor on them to prevent more damage but I'm scared they're never gonna grow back properly