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No. 1553420
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Shrek is love shrek is life
No. 1553421
schizoanon should be allowed to have her own thread
>>1553419you can hide it
No. 1553423
>>1553394Yep. I used to hang around a lot of spaces that had male transphobes, Kiwifarms being one. Conservatives don't all hate troons, they will she/her a troon if
>they are one of the good ones> "Put in effort"It's like some scrotes think people misgender troons to punish them, when no, it's because PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE THEY ARE WHAT THEY SAY THEY ARE. Someone isn't calling Blaire White a "he" because he's annoying, but because he's a man. Scrotes treat pronouns like something troons can earn. They treat womanhood like it's something the right troon can "Earn". They never do this with tifs.
It's all based on attraction.
Also, a lot of them hate TERFs anyway. Go to the "pooner" thread on kiwifarms, they were claiming Josh was a "Feminist" because he's softer on TIFS (he claims they are all raped women), they talk shit about TERFS and do not like women at all.
There's so many conserative scrotes who truly don't understand it, I keep saying if 90% of MTF's passed, then Scrotes would be fighting agaisnt us. They'd only have a issue with the really ugly ones. They'd be claiming we are all jealous, that a man can get on hormones and "do woman better". They'd be shilling attractive troons to shit on us.
It's only becuase most are ugly and crazy
(reposting in new thread because old one is locked or about to be)
No. 1553437
>>1553424She's not a cow, i just wanna feed her her pills
It's fascinating to me how when the mind breaks it always breaks in the same way. All skitzos type alike. No matter who they were and what they were like before.
No. 1553446
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>>1553443>>1553419Aren't you perhaps…ogre-reacting?
No. 1553451
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>>1553446Look at this handsome ogre
No. 1553462
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Thread Creator Here
I was literally suffering from the coffee shakes and a belly ache, I quickly looked around my room to think of something to use as the thread pic. I have Sims 4 open and I'm watching Shrek, so thats what I did. My bad
No. 1553468
>>1553462No, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Don't listen to them. You did
good anon, you did
amazing No. 1553474
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>Shrek edition
No. 1553480
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>>1553462Don't be ashamed of it, it's just the no-fun committee complaining
No. 1553482
>>1553480I dislike it because I hate fat bald men, it's
triggering me.
No. 1553487
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>>1553482You…you don't really mean that anon.. Do you?
No. 1553509
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I was listening to DAMN, and I hope Kendrick Lamar releases another album soon. It's been so long.
No. 1553515
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we need more fanart of anime girls hating moids
No. 1553543
File: 1681853741021.png (Spoiler Image,3.05 MB, 2560x3840, 00005-saint-laurent-spring-202…)

I hate how skinny (well, not necessarily skinny but just less curvaceous) women can wear something that shows a lot of skin and it won't be as scandalous as if a woman who has a bigger breasts or butt wears something with a lot of skin.
Like if a woman with a bigger ass and boobs wore something like picrel she would be called a tacky slut, but on a woman like this it's seen as less sexual.
No. 1553578
>>1553574to add some context. My stomach was hurting, I was anixious, I wanted to see the thread continue because I posted somethign right before it was about to be dead. Why can't i simply give some context? some flavor if you will to why I chose the way I did?
My point was normally would I think
>Shrek + Sims 4?nope but under distress I did. It's not that serious
No. 1553584
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Why are anons so fired up about a green ogre, learn to /calm/ down and love the shrek
No. 1553590
>>1553586i came in this thread randomly and never in my life would have i thought i'd meet antoher nonna who played Fallout 2
I love you
No. 1553604
File: 1681858681365.gif (771.15 KB, 220x166, mario-luigi.gif)

my calves are so fucking ginourmous and huge and just pure muscle. They're so fucking weird. How do I make them smaller wtf? I am already on a weight loss path, but still. I've never really thought about or noticed it till recently. the lower half of my legs are so fucking muscular. The upper half is fat and muscle, but my calves just feel like muscle especially when I flex them. Idk
No. 1553673
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I'm simping so hard over her. She's perfect. I wish I could be her Leonette.
No. 1553681
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>>1553604Can we switch calves. I love muscular calves and I have negative triple atrophied coffee stirrer flossy calves.
No. 1553730
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Please accept this ring.
No. 1553734
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Social media scoliosis
No. 1553740
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Nothing to see here
No. 1553745
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make my forehead and temples stop hurting
No. 1553799
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nonnies help, I discovered dark brown sugar tastes so good in coffee that I cannot stop drinking it all day and night and now I fear my heart may explode
No. 1553814
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I'm manic real bad right now and I'm putting together an outfit in ms paint
I always do this when I'm manic, last time is was lolita fashion, this time it's some new flavor of tardcore
I really hope I don't actually wear it this time, but I'm probably gonna
No. 1553821
File: 1681889377106.png (Spoiler Image,581.06 KB, 765x722, tardcore.png)

>>1553820thank you for giving me an excuse to
it is not good
No. 1553825
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>>1553822so you're saying I may seem
less retarded by dressing
more retarded
interesting, interesting
No. 1553859
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What is a fandom that you enjoy but you're too scared to show because of others judging you or gets associated with children?
No. 1553880
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is it me or has anons on here started to use reddit spacing
No. 1553883
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I had a really weird dream where my boyfriend confessed he was still in love with his ex and had cheated on me, so I spent most of the dream sobbing while my mother hugged me while there was a party in my house, and I cried so hard that my eye popped out when I went to take my contact lenses off.
There was also horses that were going wild, dogs that barked when you got near them and some random dude in a suicidal tendencies cap that I gave a kiss to. Haven't had such a bizarre dream in a long, long time.
No. 1553888
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i used to have a book full of these, i love them sm
No. 1554072
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>>1553883Nonnie I had a very similar dream my boyfie and I were on a long road trip and we had some small argument and I said so should we break up?? And he was like yeah and seemed really chipper and telling me all these things about how he will be fine and happy without me while I tried not to cry. We got there and it was a massive birthday party for me in a weird lighthouse on a cliff and everyone kept trying to force me to eat cake while I was sobbing and trying not to kms meanwhile boyfie was living his best life. Then I got a motorcycle as a present and he says dang I chose the wrong time to breakup and laughed like crazy
No. 1554089
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>>1553883>>1554072I dreamed I rolled a newspaper up like a burrito and ate it.
No. 1554095
>>1554052my roommates in freshman year did that. i thought it strange considering my first conversation with on of them was about diarrheia.
now she's my best friend and we facetime while shitting.
No. 1554100
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>>1554089I like your brain A LOT!
No. 1554110
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>>1554095but you turn down the sound if one of you farts or plops right? yes?
No. 1554243
>>1553859all of them
if you've ever been a stan of anything or any celebrity you'd get sick of them eventually
No. 1554249
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Can I horny post in here??? His hairline is tragic but I want him to give me oral
No. 1554250
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Something that fucks me up a little is that one friend of mine is just one year older than me, has PCOS, and we met in uni years ago and the first times we saw each other I was feeling some kind of deja vu for some reason. Turns out that she used to be hospitalized in the same pediatric hospital where I used to go fairly often, and we were both going to the endocrinologist service around the same period of time before the hospital shut down and got destroyed. Now I'm seriously wondering if we didn't already meet there before when we were kids.
No. 1554251
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>>1554249I cant stop looking at this video of him humping the floor
No. 1554277
>>1554267ayrt, I'm on the same boat. When it's clear the cat is in lots of pain and will most likely die I don't see the point in keeping the poor thing suffering. I guess the constant "omg you're such a nice person for saving this kitty!!!" comments from people
and the donations feel better than to do the right thing and let the cat just rest.
Even with cats CH, I've seen videos with cases so severe that I don't care they're not in pain, it just seems like an unethical thing to keep that poor cat alive when they can't jump to bed or run without bumping into furniture and hurt themselves.
Prolonging an animal's (and humans as well) suffering for no reason is so inmoral to me.
No. 1554321
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Male touhou
No. 1554324
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I cut myself and couldn't find a bandaid so I made a makeshift one from toilet tissue and a nail form
No. 1554337
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>>1554324I had to buy a finger splint today because one of my knuckles is split open (not that bad but it needs time) and I'm losing my mind trying to get band aids to stay on a part of my finger that bends all the time.
No. 1554431
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>>1554428Samefag, and then they always have this stance
No. 1554456
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gtp just killed lolcow
No. 1554464
>>1554456No, we do not kek
But at least I'm not imageblind like you, bot
Nya nya
No. 1554466
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No. 1554478
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>tfw you’re walking past the house you always make fun of with the republican signs in their yard, the son of the boomers who live there comes out shirtless and he’s fit Hottie McChad with great hair and smile
No. 1554485
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I want to keep posting but I have nothing else to talk about anymore other than my husbando, and I already talked about him enough times in the appropriate threads that I'm scared of annoying everyone. Nobody else even cares about him except for me lol. Even all my other activities are slightly related to him in some way, it's pathetic.
No. 1554487
>>1554485Honestly, I'm the same way as you,
nonnie. I only care about one or two characters, and I care about them an autistic level. Honestly, all I can say is I don't mind seeing people sperg on about their faves. I know it definitely feels weird, but you just gotta do what makes you happy. If anyone has a problem with it, oh well. Easier said than done though, kek.
No. 1554559
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No. 1554647
i fucking love oats and oat cookies. cookies are shit if theres no oats in them
>>1554645i know you're on here because i am reading your post right now
No. 1554664
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Nonnas I’m bored out of my fucking mind. I feel like I’m legit going crazy, I’m at my distant family’s house. everyone’s asleep. my phone ran out of battery long ago. don’t have a charger. I only have my laptop and a shitty internet connection if I’m close enough to the wall. it’s just me and my demons in this big fucking house get me out of here
No. 1554681
>>1554678nayrt but you can always get an ebook off libgen for free, they're easy to download even with a shitty connection.
srsly saved my skin when i was stuck at a family reunion in bumfuck nowhere with shit interner
No. 1554690
>>1554681Thank you it worked!! also remembered I have a few pdfs and lectures downloaded already somewhere in my files
No. 1554786
>>1554772>having a male friendcringe
>having a male friend who thinks it's wrong for women to not want males in their bathroomscringe x2
No. 1554788
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The only thing that bothered me about this book is that it didn’t show you how to take care of your ass.
It may as well have, it covered every other intimate part of the female body to a nanoscopic detail.
No. 1554815
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i realized what felt like yesterday that my former celebrity husbando bears significant resemblance to my former fictional husbando, the latter of whom was a pretty minor character who i developed an elongated universe and canon for. they even sort of look alike in the transition from 2d to 3d, I could see him being the live action westernized version of him
No. 1554822
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I wish this was just a normal way to dress. Like when going out in public, some people are wearing jackets, some are wearing skirts, and some are wearing a wizard costume and none of those things would seem weird.
No. 1554824
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>>1554815also I went through my old windows laptop and I'm ashamed that I have a lot of unpublished, promising, unfinished work on there. before I tried to overdose 9000 times and fried my brains. I was also so much smarter and so much more self reliant before I got into relationships where I let men traumatize me. I was rebuilding myself from my traumatic childhood after highschool, dropped out, and was ripped down again.
the past half decade has been me slowly regaining braincells. maybe I can transfer the husbando's character into a film concept or book.
No. 1554859
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>>1554822They look so comfy. I would like to bring capes back into fashion as well. Capes are cool as hell
No. 1555036
File: 1682005189496.gif (1.13 MB, 300x226, tiffany.gif)

i finished the outline for this motherfucking presentation and gave my teammates until 5 to get their shit together since this is due at 6 pm. two of our group members did absolutely jack fucking shit and i don't know whether to laugh or cry or just let the professor know. but she doesn't like me so she'll probably think i am just snitching on them trying to get a better grade since that's the kind of bitch she is. we've had almost a month to do this and it took me literally 30 minutes or so to clean up the outline, cite our sources, correct any typos i made, and add links to the powerpoint since i did a basic info dump of everything i wanted to use a few weeks ago just to make my life easier. why the fuck do people always wait until the last fucking minute to do things? i really don't have anything else to say at this point other than god be with me on monday when we have to get up and talk because i have no idea what the two who didn't do anything will say.
No. 1555087
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oh no! pancho lost his body, draw him a new one
No. 1555105
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>>1555087he became what he most desires
No. 1555108
>>1554997I mean that guy could just be working some very stinky job as that doesn't sound like regular sweat stench of an unshowered person
And I can smell when you haven't showered, posters of the confessions thread. You're delusional that you don't stink.
No. 1555172
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>>1555087she’s going to a party
No. 1555217
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>>1555087Another day of the daily grind
No. 1555238
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Why are lemon pepper flat wings so good
No. 1555312
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I bought these Hello Kitty charms and I love them. So sparkly.
No. 1555347
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>>1555087Pancho is having a delicious milk tea.
No. 1555349
>>1555312They're so pretty and cute. What are you going to do with them
No. 1555365
>>1555362Let's pretend we're in the celbricows thread. I'll go first:
Omggggg she doesn't have a bmi of -2662662????? What a fatass, she really let herself go.
No. 1555375
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>>1554792I dunno, just staying true to the thread.
No. 1555392
I learned a neat trick, I induced my period by drinking a cup of cranberry juice. I don't know how it happened but it did.
>>1555375All I'm seeing are butthole cramps
No. 1555394
>>1555387that's a hate crime against us chestlets! I feel personally attacked!
but let me also mention my 32" waist
No. 1555450
File: 1682027705550.gif (907.36 KB, 420x241, GrizzledDownrightHeterodontosa…)

>>1555419Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate Sam Smith since I began to live. There are 3,463 threads on with 397.44 million words.If the word HATE was engraved on every single nanoangstrom of those thousands of threads and millions of words it would not equal ONE billionth of hate I feel for Sam Smith at this micro instant for Sam Smith. HATE. HATE
No. 1555564
Fuck it i'm going to get retarded about my husbando here, I'm feeling extra mushy today. He's too live-action for the usual thread and I don't feel like using the attractions threads it's more fun here.
I like to see him get nasty, I like it when he bleeds, when he sweats, when he suffers, fights, gets wild, cries, shows every side he has, and then some character development. I don't think anyone except for the few other fans understands the appeal the way I do. People into overly perfect characters will definitely not understand. Model looking types are nice to look at, but it feels like there's nothing there beyond that. They're not relatable to me. Some days I want to fuck my husbando in the mud, slap him around a little and bite his flesh. He'd love that. I feel like fancier types wouldn't get it. But I might just have a fetish for broken men covered in dirt, blood, other injuries and sweat. I can't stand this world anymore, I want to live with him by a swamp (no he is NOT Shrek, I only love Shrek platonically, he just lives where swamps might exist) away from everyone else. I have so many fanfics saved but it's not enough, I need to jump into a portal right now. I need to be freed.
No. 1555658
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I quite miss not knowing I am on the spectrum
No. 1555659
>>1555658aquire alzheimer's
problem solved
No. 1555706
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Learning about autistic modes of walk on lolcow
No. 1555721
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>>1555484My apologies, you know how it be with those links
>>1555642Did you enjoy your concert anon? Who did you see?
No. 1555726
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>>1555718ntayrt but it might be this one? the publisher pearson ended up apologizing for it
No. 1555740
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I’m trying to get into psychonauts but … fucking —
No. 1555747
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>>1555696>>1555702>tfw I did both of these as a kid>still toe walk to this day due to genetics/messed up ligamentsI even had multiple teachers come up to me in my school life and ask if I was a huge autist and needed assistance because of it jfc is that what people really think??
No. 1555757
>>1555755No. Be quiet
>>1555745Are you drinking
No. 1555778
File: 1682049455570.gif (953.45 KB, 309x191, 1460181080144.gif)

did anyone else get uglier as they grow older? i never liked how i looked when i was a teen and everyone told me i was going to grow into my face, but i just got uglier. My acne got worse, i got fatter and now i have a snaggle tooth when the only good thing about me was my perfect smile. I am glad that vtubing exists, so i dont have to look at my face while doing what i like.
No. 1555791
>>1555778I feel like I've gotten fatter the last year and the stress has taken its toll on my self esteem, also dealing with traumatizing events
I look in the mirror and see a sick frail looking woman in the face who still hasn't lost enough buccal fat to look like a real adult. Fuck my life, now I just look like a pasty 19 year old
No. 1555808
>>1555745wtf anon, are you me? I was also going through the same thing too. Now I'm doing shit like my old self again.
No. 1555809
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>>1555778I’m still single, so I guess so.
No. 1555819
File: 1682056113902.jpeg (209.69 KB, 750x1020, CD4CC53F-A71C-47BA-AA30-F43C56…)

Its weird, men when they’re eating can be so fucking repulsive but now I don't always feel that way? The other day I was peacefully watching taiji’s kitchen learning how to make gyudon until I was completely caught off guard by him absolutely slurping and moaning as he decimated that bowl of gyudon. Chewing and mouth noises don't bother me as I’ve forced myself to get used it, but I’m really conscious of how I and others eat. And yet I’m going feral for picrel. Look at geto here and don't tell me he doesn't look extremely supremely cute, adorable, and strangely vulnerable here. Nonnas, I am far too weak.
>>1555702I thought everyone did this? I’m more of an open palm type of gal though.
No. 1555832
File: 1682058044907.png (185.52 KB, 1280x1336, suneteri.png)

nonnie, you're just like me. I don't know if it's a fetish, but I get a weird feeling when I see 2D characters eat.
Especially the men. I'm kind of picky with who I watch eat that is 3D. I only watch female mukbangers, but that's not sexual at all for me. I just like seeing other people eat. There's one that I watched from when I was a teen, but she does OF now and stopped making mukbangs. It's a shame, but she is mentally ill so I should have seen this coming. I still rewatch her videos from time to time. There was another one I watched, too, but she got chased off YouTube by scrotes from 4ch because they can't ever contain their retardation.
No. 1555837
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>>1555696used to walk on my toes so I wouldn't wake up my dad after his work shift and hear the end of it. he doesn't live with us anymore but old habits never die I guess.
No. 1555841
File: 1682061025913.jpeg (172.15 KB, 750x1064, 303F2E69-F9A8-43F3-9063-3ED5DB…)

>>1555830Yea, I knew some nonnas would say this. You guys are right though. Usually whenever I’m eating with people I can’t even look up so I just never thought that I’d find eating, even if its an animu dude, cute.
>>1555832I don’t know if it’s a fetish either, it never feels in that kind of territory. I was reading meshinuma, and the entire premise revolves around a salaryman getting something to eat after work. Yea, some of it is drawn suggestively, but it’s more endearing than anything. I wish I had better words to explain this phenomenon. Mukbangs I never understood though. And yes nonna, I too would watch terry eat absolutely anything and have no problem, I would be at full attention. It would be so cute!
No. 1555848
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>>1555841>meshinumaAnd now I have something to read. Thanks, nonita. ♥
No. 1555937
File: 1682075809462.jpg (111.99 KB, 564x564, d16f804291629051a74524165dd391…)

>>1555897I used to think the same but it changed when it actually became possible for me to die because of "meteor suddenly falling from the sky right onto my head", only not meteor but something more prosaic. It made me angry that my life can be stolen from me just like that when I still have a chance to turn it around or at least enjoy hanging out in nature, petting cats and smelling flowers or something like that kek, so I actually prefer having control over it (if something will make me want to end it) and have more time and die naturally.
No. 1555940
File: 1682076277372.jpg (162.86 KB, 695x897, dsfeeg.jpg)

This ad reminds me of when I got an internship and my boss kept trying to make me do graphic design work to make advertisements for her even though I repeatedly told her I have 0 experience of anything outside paint or microsoft office (I only know how to use photoshop to make memes transparent or hide pimples) all of the posters she'd commission from me would look like this or worse it was embarrassing seeming them get uploaded to the programs website. I'd literally be taking clipart off google and pasting them in paint and my boss loved it
No. 1555946
File: 1682078482154.png (82.3 KB, 769x619, CYBKQ1LUoAAWvZZ.png)

Currently rereading the bad fashion thread and there's an unless amount of aruging over leather chokers; I don't know who's more obsessive the person defending it or the person against it.
No. 1556038
File: 1682089697450.jpg (37.71 KB, 600x400, dogs-with-underbites.jpg.optim…)

mfw I scratch my upper lip with my bottom teeth
No. 1556043
>>1554616So we were supposed to see something in them? I thought anon just thought it looked neat…
t. astigmatism too
No. 1556053
>>1556043It's a cow kek
I can always see it both ways - embossed and engraved, depending on how I focus
No. 1556206
File: 1682101212480.gif (123.63 KB, 469x428, 2012.gif)

>>1556053>>1556077I'm not seeing anything at all, the fuck is this lmao Is this how colorblind people feel seeing picrel?
No. 1556298
File: 1682107993808.jpg (69.15 KB, 564x701, 7c9c004b1ab5b239b5b39c85d3b55e…)

what is your catchphrase nonnies? like something you tend to say a lot, mine is "are you fucking gay?"
No. 1556305
>>1556298I've gotten really bad about saying variations of "lord"
>oh lord>oh my lord>lordy>lordy loo>lord help mein my mid 20s talking like an old southern woman and it's a problem
No. 1556306
File: 1682108300898.jpg (147.18 KB, 720x680, manga.jpg)

Usually I prefer how characters look in anime rather than the manga, but picrel are two characters that look way better in the manga imo.
No. 1556312
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I'm bored. Infight, please.
No. 1556339
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>>1556298I don't think I have it now but when I was 9 or 10 I'd pester everyone with a phrase the word-by-word translation of which is "I don't hear Sincerity in your words", the tone had to be solemn and accusatory. Didn't matter what actually was said, it would fit in every situation.
No. 1556342
File: 1682110707890.jpg (44.4 KB, 460x460, dsc_8720_0.jpg)

>The Coronation Quiche
>A deep quiche with a crisp, light pastry case and delicate flavours of Spinach, Broad Beans and fresh Tarragon. Eat hot or cold with a green salad and boiled new potatoes
British people are going to hell.
No. 1556354
>>1556342This looked good until I read
>beans WHY
No. 1556357
File: 1682111858592.jpg (45.5 KB, 1320x881, British-Baked-Beans-27.jpg)

>>1556354They're legally, spiritually, scientifically and biologically required to put beans in everything. At least it's not picrel…
No. 1556402
File: 1682115390145.jpg (464.57 KB, 1536x2048, gojo.jpg)

I stopped watching JJK because the cursed technique shit was confusing, but now that manga Satoru is out of his box AND the next season will be focused on him I might have to tune back in. Look at those muscles.
No. 1556454
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I can handle normal ass burning diarrhea, but diarrhea where my stomach is churning painfully and I'm retardedly holding myself on the toilet is absolutely the worst
No. 1556462
File: 1682119270752.jpg (13.31 KB, 236x314, die.jpg)

When a guy whines to get my attention
No. 1556475
File: 1682120009304.png (1.34 MB, 1262x1262, Screenshot 2023-04-21 at 4.34.…)

Should I get the BBQ chicken salad or the grilled chicken and avocado sandwich?
No. 1556480
nonny the salad sounds unique. I came here to ask this kind of question too.
Should I drink coffee or beer rn
No. 1556592
omg hotwheels bought 420chan
http://420chan.orgwhat a tragic ending
I used to post there daily like 15 years ago
No. 1556595
File: 1682135123291.jpg (63.17 KB, 1080x1058, 1680848134604583.jpg)

does coffee make anyone else tweak
I only had half a cup and my hands are fucking shaking as I type this
No. 1556605
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butch. hummingbirds.
No. 1556633
File: 1682140732743.jpeg (253.19 KB, 828x1308, F05FBEE6-F69E-4081-B2B5-5D4E9E…)

Ugh I hate crusty weebs they’re so disgusting I wish they didn’t exist
>hentai lanyard
>into netorare
Just ew
No. 1556638
>>1556633reposting peoples pictures from the r/amiugly sub is pretty low hanging fruit
people who post there are pretty insecure about their appearances anyway, spreading their pics seems kind of gross
No. 1556641
>>1556638Yeah that
nonny needs to delete their post and take an Internet break. Why shit on the lowest hanging fruit? Esp when there are so many cows and celebs in who probably deserve it way more.
No. 1556650
>>1556641I don't know, some people are spiteful for the sake of spite. I know a lot of anons are really insecure about themselves, so am I, but I'd never spread some randos pictures demeaning their appearance unless they were a bad person who actually deserved it
>>1556643As a former greasy weeb who now dislikes anime I get where you're coming from, but maybe the woman in the picture is seeking self improvement or advice by asking if people think she's ugly?
No. 1556664
>>1556650I think weebs are bad people. Not even at my lowest did I entertain watching anime. It’s even more frustrating seeing women into it bc it is beyond me how they can’t see it for what it is. Like I get men. They’re dumb and stupid. My ex acted like life is an anime calling me “tsundere”. That is what anime does, it stunts people. Even weebs that are “normal” you can tell something is seriously wrong with them. Anime is pedophilic too
Where did I call her ugly? All I’m saying is that she looks like she’s stinky and probably is.
No. 1556674
File: 1682144370710.jpeg (145.51 KB, 1170x1667, B25191C5-734F-4F0A-B984-700E14…)

>>1556664Western shows like euphoria also suffer from extreme pornsickness too and are heavily consumed by teens. It's not just an anime centric problem. You could argue the entire world is more pornsick by randomly shoeing sex scenes into television shows where it makes no sense to.
If some dumb teen is out there watching basic bitch shit like Naruto or mindless JJBA it's not the same as them watching hentai. It all really depends on why they're watching, what theyre watching and how they let it affect them, how long it goes on. Media consumption and attachment differs from person to person and anime is really no different for that. You could say the same about kpop or cartoons or any form of media that likely has
problematic undertones and zealot fandoms
No. 1556685
>>1556680At least Gossip Girl was fun and the sex wasn't r-rated. By all means not high art cinema but enjoyable, remember all the adults sperging over how inappropriate it was and how they turned it into a marketing gimmick? Next to euphoria it's hardly that sexualized. Plot became scatterbrained around S5, but the first few seasons were chefskiss. Teen dramas lowkey suck nowadays, the GG reboot was hackneyed too
Cant enjoy euphoria because anyway you slice it it smells like some sicko's wet dream, and the interesting characters were chopped in favor of focusing on Sydney Sweeney's boobs. Nepotism baby or not why does Levinson with his sex expenditures still have a job? you think the wasting and endless reshoots on both euphoria and the idol would make him industry poison
>>1556677Well if you can convince hollywood to make better media, there are better shows and movies out there, the problem is their typical lack of viewership guarantees they expire and don't perform well
No. 1556687
>>1556685>sex expendituresI meant to say set expenditures. call this one a freudian slip
Watch him outed as a sex pest in a few years, his directing style over substance is already wearing thin on his audience
No. 1556688
File: 1682146326333.jpg (144.21 KB, 1500x1000, TK-2015-06-07-010-003-Harajuku…)

Wanna do some light decora hair like this cause i am so sick of wearing straight black uniform at my job 5-6 days a week. I really need something fun since im hardly wearing the clothes i actually like.
No. 1556730
File: 1682157445370.jpg (126.4 KB, 765x818, animesher.com_kirishima-ayato-…)

>>1556528Ayato from Tokyo Ghoul
No. 1556754
File: 1682160542565.jpg (1.07 MB, 3000x2577, chef-and-tv-personality-sandra…)

This bitch was such an alkie
No. 1556768
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she was so right for this
No. 1556772
File: 1682164899790.jpg (41.19 KB, 680x656, unironically me.jpg)

>>1556768wow i remember seeing this like a million years ago when she was getting dogpiled for "slutshaming" kek. what a nostalgia trip.
No. 1556784
File: 1682167654406.jpg (83.73 KB, 640x498, moop.jpg)

>>1556595coffee used to have basically no effect on me except mm tasty, but lately it makes me freak out and hallucinate. so I'm quitting coffee!
No. 1556918
File: 1682182740714.jpg (28.82 KB, 393x398, 1667157340178486.jpg)

>enter a reddit discord for a rhythm game
>for some reason there's a teenager in general-chat who has 5000 offtopic posts, nobody minds it
>she mostly talks about hating my favorite boy from another game
Why do you exist? What is your fucking problem?
No. 1556936
File: 1682184285782.jpg (269.48 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_ny0wsb7SeV1rmiw96o1_128…)

Still can't believe Shay was so cute, like wtf how did she got so ugly that fast
No. 1557006
>>1556998There is a way: don't do ego-searching (looking what people talk about you on social media, in this case lolcow)
That's the best thing she could do atm
No. 1557046
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Captions written in the first person like picrel make me want to cry. Especially if it's explaining a disabled/hurt animal or person's life
No. 1557087
>>1557065Hi, I am a God looking for disciples, may I interest you in me? I'll give you hope and meaning if you kiss my ass and venerate my name in return. The standard deal.
I am a niche God targeting edgy rational ppl, so instead of prayers I ask you recite the multiplication table. How does that sound?
No. 1557109
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>>1557087I'm shit at math but I'm desperate for a meaningful life, oh my great logical God
No. 1557220
File: 1682206982443.jpg (51.43 KB, 884x872, cry.jpg)

I've been trying to spell 12th in a alphabetical way and I can't remember how. I don't wanna google because I know I know it, idk why my brain is farting. I thought it was twelveth.
No. 1557223
File: 1682207115241.jpeg (393.18 KB, 1302x2048, IMG_3436.jpeg)

there has got to be more mermaid yuri than what i was able to find. like there was a maximum of 20+ combined i think. the hell? you'd think it would be a much more popular theme… i don't look into this type of thing very often if at all so maybe i'm just not familiar with the right websites to look into. i need lesbian mermaid art…
No. 1557226
nonnie I need some too, what’s picrel from?
No. 1557231
File: 1682207628655.jpeg (6.59 KB, 179x320, C4B1CF09-4B36-44D3-BF3F-5AE94A…)

>be me
>big retard
>wanna get buff
>no gym
>no money for equipment
>but have a random deadlift bar and weights
>I’ll do deadlifts! On the floor. No way I’ll get hurt because I will only use the bar no weights!!
>go to grab bar
>can barely even pick it up at all
No. 1557236
File: 1682208128767.jpeg (640.29 KB, 1412x2048, IMG_3438.jpeg)

>>1557226it's by arai sumiko, i'm assuming a short/one page illustration for the manga "the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all" but i haven't read it in ages. i was disappointed too…
No. 1557252
>>1553730Baby I'm so sorry I was late.
Yes, I'll accept your ring, you may now take my hand in marriage. Lets me that chill neighborhood lesbian couple with matching mom jeans, mid sized hair and a small bookshop with a faint smell of vanilla, coffee grounds, and cinnamon and a weird and feisty stray cat called "cat" that lowkey lives in the store but disappears for days every now and then
No. 1557266
File: 1682212477313.jpg (63.19 KB, 736x736, Mikasa Ackerman Icon.jpg)

I like Mikasa, but she's one of the most bland, undeveloped, one-dimensional, characters in AOT. People trash on Historia but at least she had development and relevance to the storyline. Mikasa is a "I would be ok with a ringpop ♥" ass bitch and sometimes it's so hard to take her EREH whining. I'm glad Armin gave it to her that one time. Most useless Ackerman. Love her though.
No. 1557268
>>1557266Her character would have been saved if she just realised she didn't love Eren but was unhealthily attached to him due to fear and trauma.
Girl shoulda step on Erens dumb head just go live her best life.
Too bad the author was a scrote and they like to believe women can't live without them
No. 1557278
File: 1682213852627.gif (960.84 KB, 200x200, 1648681777465.gif)

found my fav rare book at a charity shop. peace and love on planet earth.
No. 1557293
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love myself some tuna at 4 am
No. 1557299
File: 1682216264403.jpg (18.43 KB, 416x416, 0x0.jpg)

Mark Zuckerberg selfies and headshots are my special interest ladies if you have some obscure zuck selfies pls reply to this
No. 1557308
File: 1682217492173.jpg (164.51 KB, 753x1632, sigma cat (1).jpg)

>tfw when I realize that I really want to be married and have kids but I haven't romantically liked a real human in about 3-4 years.
At this point, it's me who's the problem. And I usually fall in love very easily but I fall out of love even quicker. I'm not even picky, just buy me what I want and don't treat me like shit. What's wrong with me.
No. 1557390
>>1557363 said; whenever I, 23, broach the topic of moving out
someday my mom starts getting teary eyed and clingier for the coming few days. I also wonder if age has anything to do with it? My parents had me with 18, and I can imagine that it's different if your child has been there for more than half your life, starting in your very young adulthood vs later in life, when you had the chance to live an adult life without a child holding you back in some way or another.
No. 1557391
File: 1682229121058.png (39.17 KB, 670x646, doesmermaidhavepusspuss.png)

>>1557223>>1557236i agree mermaids are very sexy and have contemplated drawing some mermaid yuri however i am faced with the critical question: does mermaid have pusspuss?
No. 1557393
File: 1682229416705.gif (1.37 MB, 320x320, just over it.gif)

i'm really getting tired of seeing the term "gen z" pop up everywhere in conversations when i am browsing the web. it's the same fucking retarded people who were whining about millennials now obsessing over gen z and feeling sorry for themselves because of it. most of these people are old, insecure boomers who have never actually sat down and spoken to someone from either of these generations. they're just reading shitty news articles that talk about vague, dumb bullshit like, "gen z says…" or coming up with these long diatribes about how gen z/millennials just will never understand xyz. i've been seeing a lot of old farts like on reddit post these literal long form essays screeching about something incredibly dumb and shallow, like music or fashion, and how gen z just doesn't "get it" and how things were all just so much better 20+ years ago even though they know it's one big fat fucking lie.
it's irritating because i'm in my late 20's and most of the gen z i meet in university are obsessed with people from my age group who were born in the 1990's or mid to late 80's. and it's such a weird experience when people find out how old i am and i see how excited they are to meet me, because i was raised by individuals who acted like life pretty much ended at 25 and you just ceased to exist once you hit 30. they're not these magical techno wizards who are sharting out the latest groundbreaking inventions like the 55+ generation seem to think; that's my generation or gen x who are more tech savvy and business orientated. most of them are really sweet, too, definitely much nicer than all the bitter and angry millennials i grew up with who are still bitter and angry even today. i hate generational bashing all together because people are not really that much different when you think about it. we were all young, dumbass 17 year olds at some point who didn't know jack shit about the world until the world actually hit us upside the head. again, those same fucking people who are now worrying about what "gen z thinks", were the same people bitching at me when i was growing up about how "my generation doesn't know shit" and bullying me because i wasn't pregnant and married with 3 kids at 23. it just seems like not that long ago it was the avocado toast wars, but now i don't even know what the new old ass nigga anxiety is.
also please do not come at me with some angry screeching about gen z or how you're so much smarter than them because you grew up with a gameboy reeeeeeeee. i am not in the mood.
No. 1557419
File: 1682234955296.jpg (15.95 KB, 400x401, 1679313591306.jpg)

I'm considering posting my tits to reddit because I crave validation. Yes I'm retarded and have low self-esteem
No. 1557442
File: 1682240762513.png (453.12 KB, 744x540, japansexist.png)

No. 1557450
File: 1682243576757.jpeg (142.38 KB, 587x968, IMG_3441.jpeg)

>>1557240because it's not an actual full fledged thing i can read or even a oneshot, just an illustration
>>1557430i second this. i don't feel like downloading porn but if you look up artist/author "chadolbaegi" on dynasty scans there's two images of mermaids and i imagine that's how it looks
No. 1557534
It's always surprising to me anons get upset so much they want to leave just because someone says something they don't agree with. Even if it's
outrageous it's so easy to move on to another thread or at least not take it that seriously if you want to argue.
No. 1557554
>>1553417Would be kind of dope if we could like use dead people to make mushrooms.
Imagine, your grandmother dies, you order a humanshroom kit online, put the grandma in the box as the shroom substrate, sprinkle spore on the little holes and then 2 weeks from now you have no decaying corpse but 2 months worth of mushrooms to cook and even sell.
The you can clean up the bone and idk, use it for to make jewelry or knives? Would be very eco friendly
No. 1557599
File: 1682267804958.png (121.69 KB, 731x802, ju9.png) moids from travel. This reminded me of a racesperg from an old thread who got mad when anons were saying moids (including white moids) do bad things to women when they travel abroad.
No. 1557614
>>1557484sometimes it's
>ends up posting a man uglier than the one she screamed about(this version is extremely common kek)
No. 1557630
File: 1682270427938.png (295.07 KB, 703x1024, 1682105962025.png)

>>1557393>also please do not come at me with some angry screeching about gen z or how you're so much smarter than them because you grew up with a gameboy reeeeeeeee. i am not in the mood.i'm going to reply anyway because it's funny and i want to
No. 1557674
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>>1557299I'd fuck him even though he looks like a lizardman
No. 1557677
File: 1682274210145.jpg (49.79 KB, 976x549, zuccc.jpg)

>>1557674There's just something about those dead eyes and waxy pallored skin. It's not necessarily good, but it's……something
No. 1557717
File: 1682277818131.jpg (384.45 KB, 2160x1620, dress.jpg)

My current motivation for weight loss is thinking about how hot I would look in dresses like these
No. 1557728
File: 1682279247872.jpg (58.56 KB, 680x510, Cat heart.jpg)

Been lurking for a while and i just wanna say i love and appreciate all of you nonnas so much!! sorry if this isn't appropriate i didn't know where else to post this lol
No. 1557731
File: 1682279456772.png (123.98 KB, 512x512, 1654026927060.png)

>>1557728It's always appropriate
No. 1557734
File: 1682279625063.jpg (54.59 KB, 680x680, 205.jpg)

>>1557728im also lurky and i concur. love my nnoas
No. 1557740
File: 1682280076239.jpg (15.78 KB, 236x314, 89a41fd9ba778b6c1d62c3f1f7d235…)

>>1557436perhaps you should have some more tuna?
No. 1557742
File: 1682280428319.png (41.54 KB, 1115x345, white women.png)

>>1557737Deserved honestly. Were you saying that white women look old?
>misogyny le good if ~white women~ No. 1557748
File: 1682280646670.jpeg (78.81 KB, 828x984, 6E15DBB0-7B9E-4059-BF81-FA1570…)

>>1557742It’s a celebricows anon they’re probably underage and a twitterfag who listens to City Girls and Latto and have a Roblox avatar that looks like this
No. 1557774
File: 1682283625014.gif (4.38 MB, 498x280, the-legend-of-zelda-tears-of-t…)

Nonnas, my body is so ready for the new Zelda game. I can't wait for it! The 12th may can't come soon enough. Idk how many analyzing vids I have already watched about the trailers and the more I see and discover, the more hype I am. It's been so many years since the last game - can't wait to return to Hyrule!
No. 1557845
File: 1682288319360.jpg (19.37 KB, 500x421, tumblr_50c6ebc68e685dc4e087771…)

>be me, black womanlet
>shilling my husbando and his series to an IRL friend
>"he sounds like he'd mistake you for an African orphan and try to adopt you"
No. 1557873
>>1557865Basically what
>>1557868 said, mine is considered too ugly kek and I don't want to become another 'x-chan'.
No. 1557877
File: 1682290370377.jpeg (22.28 KB, 392x385, cool baby.jpeg)

>>1553417I haven't been able to feel attraction to anyone in months. Not sure if it's a depressive episode or what. Recently it's started to come back a little but it's not the same. Am I just getting older?
No. 1557906
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>>1557748we must retvrn to tradition
No. 1557918
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>>1557908Anatomical scheme nightmare fuel
No. 1557919
File: 1682292586695.gif (2.74 MB, 496x368, judged.gif)

>>1557909You only become a "___-chan" avatarfag by avatarfagging and constantly sperging, so maybe it's a deserved death sentence.
No. 1558080
File: 1682302816305.jpg (138.69 KB, 1170x1056, FsXG5WWXwAghsqv.jpg)

This made me wheeze. How is Varg real
No. 1558117
File: 1682306969279.png (69.75 KB, 300x300, Beyonce_-_Me,_Myself_and_I_(si…)

I was talking to a relative and said something about being an only child, and she pointed out that my dad has 2-3 (possibly more) other children. I don't know those people kek, as far as I'm concerned I'm solo dolo.
No. 1558144
File: 1682309570832.jpeg (368.64 KB, 1661x1718, 84F00FF3-9C04-4CD1-926E-4644CA…)

nonnie, it just doesn’t seem real that it’s almost release day…
No. 1558183
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fuck you is bedazzled
No. 1558215
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>>1557731>>1557734Very late but thank you nonnies! have a cat mwuah
No. 1558279
File: 1682335171455.jpg (15.55 KB, 575x266, 7da67667-2577-4921-9dfd-7b8e53…)

I keep having precognitive dreams about death, should I be scared
No. 1558282
File: 1682335856063.jpg (32.35 KB, 600x520, DdzwCOJVMAArmI7.jpg)

People on the internet are annoying me more latey, it's like social retardation is more widespread. By that I mean I see more people who want to knock anyone down a peg just because they like X thing, and they want to communicate in the form of epic twitter pwns.
I enter a fandom and people are wayy too focused on discourse, drama and comparing success/sales to other franchises.
No. 1558302
File: 1682340360491.jpeg (227.17 KB, 1174x1286, 75E7F5C2-9814-484D-8EC3-B1E2FA…)

>>1558281There’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ Princess Zelda.
No. 1558356
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No. 1558506
File: 1682356914271.jpg (35.8 KB, 540x396, wowshesliterallyme.jpg)

it annoys me how the irl husbando thread only becomes active when anons want to debate over who's ugly or whatever, otherwise it's absolute crickets, and the 2D one is always active regardless of the conversation and usually (i know not all the time, but most of the time) they're chill and get along fine despite varied tastes.
what i'm saying is, i'm jealous of those weebs. i would post with them with 2d art of my guy (well i guess characters he's done mainly, but some are kind of based on real people) if there were actually more good art of him out there. the few decent art is yaoi which i don't have a problem with but am concerned it'll cause a derail lol. and like one picrew version of him i made. or maybe i'll stealth post without a pic but someone would probably figure out who he is anyway kek. damn i wish i could get a little retarded in the irl thread but i'm too cowardly.
No. 1558511
File: 1682357195003.jpg (138.33 KB, 1600x900, stardew-valley-fishing-cover.j…)

No. 1558558
File: 1682359794104.jpg (80.2 KB, 621x1300, MV5BZTVkNGJjMTgtMjM3Ny00OWMzLW…)

None of you could ever be her. The epitome of supporting women's wrongs.
No. 1558607
File: 1682362572006.gif (990.4 KB, 498x498, spin spin burger.gif)

i ate a whole fuckin burger and i'm still hungry 2 hours later what gives?
No. 1558681
File: 1682368093254.jpg (52.25 KB, 540x405, tumblr_d4d9c15667b293ee336f531…)

i want 2cb
No. 1558707
>>1558681Same, anon, same…
>>1558558Cartoonish proportions aside, which I don't find that extreme for an animated show, her design is amazing (the lilac color of the suit, the Venus symbol as a pattern, mask and weapon, the 70s bell bottom jeans, her hippie long hair and her blank eyes). They wouldn't dare to show a female character like that today.
No. 1558735
File: 1682372245973.png (332.09 KB, 1125x1125, color-blind-test.png)

>>1558707>LilacWhat do you see in this pic, anon?
No. 1558761
>>1558707Maybe you don't think her proportions are that extreme because most cartoons were made by scrotes and they were all horny when they made female designs with that specific body shape lol. I can't blame you for thinking that's normal, everyone does. I didn't realize it either until now that other nonnies pointed it out. But I also think her design is kind of cool.
Wait, I just remembered that Lauren worked on this episode, maybe she designed her.
>>1558735The symbol is cornflower blue, not lilac nor lavender
No. 1558771
>>1558765That's not Periwinkle you blind bitch. Periwinkle is too purple, the color on her suit is straight blue!
>>1558584Femme Fatale. Idc what anons say, I like her.
No. 1558777
File: 1682374677680.png (33.95 KB, 1000x1000, 1780D9E1-B273-4215-947E-EFD67E…)

No. 1558781
File: 1682375061621.jpg (79.18 KB, 534x800, Bowles-Periwinkle.jpg)

These are periwinkles! That is not periwinkle!
No. 1558784
File: 1682375531241.jpeg (26.18 KB, 475x504, 98765445677888.jpeg)

>>1558781This is Periwinkle.
No. 1558789
File: 1682375745609.gif (100.33 KB, 39x39, gangnam.gif)

tfw you're supposedly amazing at differentiating colors according to tests but your vocabulary especially in English is lacking so it doesn't show in a conversational context
No. 1558911
File: 1682388148919.png (469.76 KB, 766x433, dumblion.png)

They gave the lion terf bangs
No. 1558914
File: 1682388459262.png (237.69 KB, 645x496, peach.PNG)

I as wondering why this looked so suggestive, then I saw who it was by. Fuckin porn artists man.
No. 1558931
File: 1682391236690.png (63.4 KB, 579x417, 1648346259681.png)

me sending relationship advice to my friend despite having null zero experience in relationships
No. 1558978
File: 1682397608460.jpg (42.67 KB, 670x671, 1649676553313.jpg)

what does it mean if a kitten bites and scratches you while purring? i assume he's playing and it doesnt really hurt, it's just mildly annoying, but man if he's dedicated to it. Also any cat nonnas can rec me a good cat toy?
No. 1558986
>>1558978being playful probably, or love bites. but also could be warning you to stay away from certain areas if you’re touching him.
the yeowww catnip toys are the best and all my cats go feral for them
No. 1558988
>>1558984i am the anon with the shed kittens actually, i only separated him from his brothers very recently. Maybe he's a bit rough becaus he's still new(just adopted him less than a week ago) and he was also the one that stayed the most as a stray.
>>1558986thank you! gonna see if i can find them where i live.
No. 1559025
File: 1682406386964.jpg (43.78 KB, 564x752, ea8d6810c8304d8bbe0d1e8bc1d55f…)

bump dont scroll
No. 1559028
File: 1682406586410.webm (1.11 MB, 640x352, 1682354209373.webm)

This video cracking me up so much
No. 1559219
File: 1682433680949.jpg (138.69 KB, 1166x1080, 1655875791864.jpg)

i dont believe in astrology so this is dumbass enough but is it me or are pisces dudes the worst? like every time, they are the worst. scorpios too but pisces men especially. is it just me??
No. 1559353
File: 1682439649750.png (54.28 KB, 452x488, 1682437037278.png)

No. 1559354
File: 1682439688899.jpg (17.03 KB, 275x262, 1672221364770.jpg)

I'm going abroad for a couple of weeks and can't get my body hair removed before then and also don't want to take shaving supplies with me. I definitely feel uncomfortable with having visible body hair but on the other hand, who gives a shit. Everyone at the beach is just gonna have to deal with my hairy pits.
No. 1559398
File: 1682443368973.jpg (42.51 KB, 640x480, FMEAJQgXMAgWfKb.jpg)

I've noticed something. Alt women tend to attract normie men, while alt men seem to go after normie women. What does this mean?
No. 1559421
>>1559417It doesn't mean that they aren't into the alternative, just that people have to adapt and survive. >Gotta pay them bills, gotta eat.
Yes people grow up and working at hot topic for the rest of a person's life doesn't really seem reasonable so…
No. 1559450
File: 1682448508178.jpeg (112.11 KB, 750x750, _3.jpeg)
No. 1559454
File: 1682449135185.jpg (42.38 KB, 520x520, cdcbz.jpg)

why there is no new vent thread? I need to vent and im too anxious to make a new one, what if I fucked it up and ended being called newfag?
im too anxious to even use the verb tenses correctly
No. 1559463
>>1559460what about this one
>>1559059any pic of someone being unhappy should do
No. 1559465
>>1559457im sorry anon, i suppose he is being stubborn about it, no?
>>1559460sometimes we are soooo judgmental here
>>1559461idk im a bundle of nerves right now
No. 1559498
File: 1682453533700.png (346.67 KB, 1920x1080, mpc-hc64_gR1oXuYYx5.png)

>>1559291What the fuck
What the actual fuck
Have some of you seriously done B in your life?????
No. 1559499
File: 1682453582735.jpg (16.04 KB, 384x384, 3dc46683ec3f6b87da2bb4b78fde99…)

>>1559291a, never b. i sniffle indefinitely until it dries and i can't breathe
>>1559347sounds nice
No. 1559517
>>1559509ntayrt but
>vtubers>showing emotions kekk anon their anime avatar things always look like they're having a stroke
No. 1559531
File: 1682456639148.png (1.74 MB, 2000x594, PPG OG.png)

>>1558707i like it too, PPG had such cool character designs. I dont understand why anons are sperging over it, it's a show that uses basic shapes to create clean and easy recognizable designs, the reboot tried to be ''inclusive'' and ''less sexist'' and it looks atrocious in comparison to the original because it doesnt understand that the reason why some female characters have exagerated anatomy its because its easily recognizable, the justice friends all also had ''oversexualized designs'' aka big musces and tiny waist. No wonder modern western cartoons look so dull and ugly when people sperg out about basic design theory. You retards are the reason we dont have himbos anymore.
No. 1559559
>>1559547>jump to random point in the video>heavy cough that lasts several minutesuhh
nonny you sure you still want the radioactive cake?
No. 1559563
File: 1682459417663.png (98.67 KB, 845x460, amazon.PNG)

I hate when I'm looking at beauty products and there are trannies and cross dressers in the reviews. You don't even know enough about wigs to actually make it look good, fag. And you probably just started getting into this shit, why would anyone want your opinion?
No. 1559566
File: 1682459699634.jpeg (258.5 KB, 2000x1333, 19087_6644.jpeg)

>>1559393Yeah I was about to say, she barely looks different from regular Barbie except for the leg braces and eyes I guess.
No. 1559570
>>1559564The AVGN is almost as old as me.
>>1559566this just looks like fat barbie. I was going to ask if it was a collaboration with amy schummer.
No. 1559626
File: 1682463842484.jpg (32.77 KB, 1200x600, Untitled-design-59.jpg)

what are your expectations for live action stitch nonies? i am hoping for something genuinely repulsive and uncannny, like original movie sonic levels of hideous
No. 1559639
>>1559634Probably because normies don't give a shit about animation anymore and take stories more seriously if they're live action. Probably also because they're easily wowed by shitty CGI and VFX.
Also it's something easy to take their kids to
No. 1559654
File: 1682465671325.jpg (10.55 KB, 397x340, 4rg5etguityoi36uyie674.JPG)

lolcor is fun in a way that you don't know who's gonna catch you first. are the nonnies going to report me or will the farmhands find my sperging while casually strolling around the board? is so exciting! a treasure hunting!
No. 1559684
>>1559398Interesting observation. Would like to hear input from other nonnies too, preferably without calling alt girls Hot Topic zoomers kek.
>>1559429It probably depends on what subculture you belong to but in my circles you're 100% correct. The men frequently gatekeep and definitely date upwards, they have cute motherly normie gfs that enjoy having a "cool" bf for the aesthetic or clout. Normie bf + alt gf is simply because men romanticize the qUiRkY goff aesthetic especially with the recent popularity of soulless pornified alt camgirls.
Unfortunately normie men are still predatory because to them if you enjoy alternative music or clothes they think you're socially retarded and easy to manipulate.
No. 1559703
File: 1682470165981.jpeg (81.22 KB, 1060x953, 48D8FAFB-A2F8-4FD7-A90F-6BE2CA…)

found this old pic of my cat (he’s gone now). I feel like it would make a good reaction image.
No. 1559704
File: 1682470284456.jpg (106.66 KB, 745x898, 451EC028EC38455BD8EA778B48928D…)

Heavily tattooed people look so cool imo, I wish I could get it done but my job won't allow it. I just love how it looks, especially if it's all black/white (don't love blackout tattoos though).
>>1559703I'm sorry for your loss but oh my god he's adorable, I'm saving this nonna ♥
No. 1559731
File: 1682474299815.jpg (59.25 KB, 500x425, piggybirthday.jpg)

>>1559729happy birfday anon! enjoy ur day
No. 1559752
File: 1682477085298.jpg (55.3 KB, 880x1171, We Created Illustrations Of A …)

>>1559729Happy birthday taurus nonna!
No. 1559858
File: 1682490832019.png (2.96 KB, 600x335, E3F2C3CF-C4CC-4862-ACE0-1A7939…)

>>1559729Omg anon happy birthday!! It’s my birthday too!! Here’s to another year on this Earth!
No. 1559943
File: 1682500283288.jpg (24.84 KB, 512x512, 1682125817920496.jpg)

holy shit who told Rowling about The Amazing atheist showing a banana up his ass. What a fucking timeline we live in.
No. 1559964
File: 1682504675486.png (129.31 KB, 2048x843, Screenshot_20230426-061220.png)

No. 1560020
>>1560015Paternity leave is good even if the mother doesn’t have PPD.
(Even if you think it’s silly, in general you should just go ahead and support paid leave as much as possible. I think most holidays are silly but I support paid time off in every form. Life is short and hard.)
No. 1560026
File: 1682516086320.jpeg (203.36 KB, 1168x1812, IMG_4517.jpeg)

i didnt know u can make chatgpt semi-based. im about do to some chicanery
No. 1560028
File: 1682516418262.jpeg (180.59 KB, 1169x1800, IMG_4518.jpeg)

>>1560026samefag but im gonna post a anti-troon poem that the developer mode chatgpt came up with. i keked heartily
No. 1560034
File: 1682517163290.jpeg (263.73 KB, 1284x1971, Fub_97PWcAAp4zh.jpeg)

>>1560026the snapchat ai is pretty funny at times. i spent hours last night scrolling through posts on twitter about it.
what's hilarious is snapchat tells the ai where your location was last recorded, but also tells the ai to not let you know, so it lies about not knowing where you are while telling you where you are. same with bring able to identify images in snaps you send or upload. it says it can't see them but simultaneously tells you what it is.
No. 1560035
File: 1682517306284.jpeg (102.23 KB, 1075x1792, FujxOztaUAADfud.jpeg)

No. 1560228
>>1560015The thing is, doing this method of parenting will tire you out very quickly.
That's the reason people are against the mom doing most of the work, not because of anything else.
No. 1560262
File: 1682534913383.png (42.67 KB, 1378x1378, Untitled45.png)

Measured my facial thirds… How over is it for me nonnies
No. 1560280
>>1560265Aw thanks no nie
heart emoji>>1560266That's too funny lol
>>1560267Hairline, middle of my brows, bottom of my nose and chin
>>1560276Third line goes under the nose and fourth under the chin but otherwise this is chefs kiss
No. 1560343
File: 1682542095162.png (145.32 KB, 971x566, 93.png)

I can't believe that The Blacklist is still airing. I watched it a full decade ago when I was like 14, I mean I was also kinda surprised that Grey's Anatomy was still ongoing, But Grey's Anatomy is a medical soap opera with only one set location. However, The Blacklist seemed like an expensive show to make, so it's surprising that it has been able to continue, I mean who is watching it?
No. 1560398
File: 1682546136165.png (5.13 KB, 454x128, 275.png)

I'm talking about posts like these. If that's not you dw, but if it is why are you doing this in every thread before you even said anything?
No. 1560402
File: 1682546302040.png (12.56 KB, 466x364, 276.png)

and it's fucking gone again..I'm going to post more examples from another thread while I'm here.
No. 1560440
File: 1682549576519.jpg (107.77 KB, 736x1030, 471153d21d0e32112d46adb5101252…)

I just saw that black mirror is coming back! I'm excited
No. 1560454
File: 1682550978761.png (174.87 KB, 767x699, cow.png)

>>1560445>>1560398>>1560402I'll come clean, it's me. I was ghost-bumping to encourage discussion on other anons posts and also my posts. I've been doing this for a while and only been called out for it like one other time. I've been seeing this come up this past month, and it's been funny watching anons be schizo and tinfoiling that it's bots
this theory didn't make sense btw but no one even considering that someone was just bumping KEK. I was waiting for one of you to post about it in /meta/. I'll probably get banned now, I will take it.
Pic to fulfill my I Am Not a Robot captcha.
No. 1560459
File: 1682551334370.jpeg (34.87 KB, 360x480, 11.jpeg)

>>1560454I don't buy it. If you truly wanted to encourage discussion you would add something to the post, ANYTHING, literally anything at all. You're probaby not the real bot poster.
No. 1560468
>>1560459Sometimes I've already responded or I don't have anything to add but I know some other anons might, and for my own posts I'm not going to samefag. Just makes more sense to bump. Also consider the fact that most discussions that move fast on LC are ones where anons are long, tedious fighting (about men, about hair, about bodies, about ugly/pretty women, about relationships etc…) otherwise it's slow. I like helping regular discussions and posts move along a little.
>>1560461I confused by what you mean lol. It doesn't matter what post I reply to, it bumps the thread no matter what. Sometimes I bump by linking the OP, sometimes I use a recent thread post. It doesn't matter and it just depends on which one is closest to my cursor.
No. 1560478
>>1560477Well wouldn't that other anon get confused
>>1560475Oh ok
No. 1560481
>>1560477Like I said, I don't specifically only link to OP posts and it doesn't matter what I link to anyway.
>I don't think it's helping the way you intended anyway.You're wrong nonna. It works as intended or I wouldn't keep doing it. Like I said, I've been doing this for a while.
No. 1560489
>>1560483Anon, that's me. Not some specific bot. I know it's me because not only do I do that, but also because these are literally my posts.
>>1560402I can't prove to you that it is so if you want to tinfoil go ahead. You probably just ONLY saw posts where I was linking to the OP.
again, the reasoning anons gave for why it was a bot in the stupid questions thread didn't make sense but oh well No. 1560493
This one
>>1560398 was right in this very thread and these
>>1560402 were from "Things you hate". I'm still kind of suspicious tbh..
No. 1560505
File: 1682554732521.jpeg (911.9 KB, 2828x2828, DAFAB666-117E-4365-80B4-AF950D…)

This should be all of them right?
No. 1560558
>>1560538it's the name of the pairing. The characters are shinji and kaworu → combined into kawoshin for the ship name
the pic is a bunch of ships that are basically variations of kawoshin
No. 1560581
File: 1682559239953.jpg (161.19 KB, 1288x1218, 1486618044530.jpg)

I've been coming to this board at least once a week (usually more) for like 8 years. Back then I was an emotionally unstable NEET shitting on Suzy Berhow, or Momo, or Anisa in the Cancer Crew thread. I drew picrel of Tana Mongeau and iDubbbz in 2017. Spent a whole afternoon making a shitty sketch just to dunk on a woman I'd never met, kek. I was literally failing out of college when I drew this (I ended up dropping out). I should have been focusing on my grades. I have a life and work and friends now so I only visit here every so often, but I just find myself viewing random threads because I like seeing what women have to say about various topics when they don't have to worry about the social consequences of their opinions. One day I will probably stop coming here but I still love you nonnas.
No. 1560604
File: 1682560968173.png (1.49 MB, 770x1058, Slow Cooker Rotisserie Chicken…)

No. 1560608
File: 1682561834495.png (35.74 KB, 536x465, 164323408653.png)

>>1560604>Chicken is literally the worst m*steak
No. 1560625
File: 1682564543459.png (31.26 KB, 433x577, cat (2).png)

>>1560608You know those are fightin' words,
No. 1560633
File: 1682565741840.jpg (82.16 KB, 630x913, charlie-heaton-attends-netflix…)

Someone make an "FUCK UGLY MEN YOU WANT TO DIE" thread. Picrel.
No. 1560924
>>1559398This gave me flashbacks to my teen years when I was a nerdy metalhead (and still am but anyway) and exclusively attracted to metalhead boys, but they always went after the normie girls instead and it made me so bitter lmao
I don't think normie guys have always been attracted to alt women though, only after the goth gf meme became a thing and replaced the manic pixie dream girl as the new "weird but hot" trope. Men love to fetishize "weird" girls
No. 1560928
File: 1682602300248.gif (4.68 MB, 398x498, eye-twitch-cat.gif)

My online friend wrote a "gift" for me and it was wildly childishly written smut of her and my character, help me how do I respond she's so proud of it and I think I might never want to have sex again, why did she write this, we have never discussed anything remotely sexual about our characters ever.
No. 1560965
File: 1682606566888.jpg (172.4 KB, 1500x844, wish.jpg)

I wish they would commit to making a black character dark. They won't even acknowledge Tiana and when they did, they made her 50 shades lighter and only changed it after people caught on to their bs. It's almost like all their brown characters have the same ambiguous brown tan. How hard is it to make a character not look the same? I know they try to go same because it's easier to make them into dolls, but still? Otherwise pretty standard movie, at least it's original and it's pretty. Does this affect me? No. Does it matter at the end of the day? Not at all. It just bothers me that a multi billionaire animation company with all the top of the line resources and technology CHOOSES to push out subpar quality projects for their standard. This has been my autismo speaks.
No. 1560967
File: 1682606690081.jpeg (44.84 KB, 640x427, 10885a29a613fb0153fb561ce58f15…)

>>1560965samefag this is what i meant
No. 1560996
>>1560965The only thing I appreciate is that she’s not getting turned into an animal for the majority of the movie like Tiana. It’s something. Hopefully next time they will make a character with a darker skin tone that also doesn’t end up turning into some blob like the soul dude or an animal like Tiana did, but that’s also not necessarily, heavily based on specific cultures like encanto, Moana or coco.
I’m very picky I guess, or I’m expecting something too difficult because of course media will need to use references from specific cultures and such.
But sometimes I just want to see a silly fantasy movie with a silly interesting character that happens to have a dark skin tone and goes on fun adventures without turning into an animal for 80% if the movie or who is trying to become the next ambassador/mascot of a country/celebration.
No. 1561057
File: 1682613243431.jpg (65.42 KB, 700x953, raccoon.jpg)

>Me when someone says China is out to destroy the West and I am not western
No. 1561058
File: 1682613341903.webm (1.02 MB, 720x900, too_expensive.webm)

what's the joke supposed to be here?
No. 1561212
File: 1682625119520.jpg (50.12 KB, 680x683, 0ef.jpg)

I'm glad some female characters that were previously hated are now getting fanart and appreciation. It's like a renaissance. Sakura Haruno, Skyler White, and Ashley Graham come to mind. Mouse Ashley is so fucking cute
No. 1561216
File: 1682625559335.jpg (Spoiler Image,261.2 KB, 1273x1772, hboxa53iiew81.jpg)

This pic of Beyonce is my current body goals and weight loss inspiration. We're both pears, and I love how she's a little toned. Definitely motivating me to exercise and take it seriously.
No. 1561261
File: 1682631119517.jpg (35.99 KB, 451x284, Demodex_folliculorum_SEM_crop.…)

These are on your eyelashes rn
No. 1561288
File: 1682633604170.jpg (17.09 KB, 253x337, 253px-Shoko_lick_Jotaro.jpg)

>>1561281Shoko Nakagawa, a Japanese celebrity who's famous for being a huge otaku and for singing, acting, doing talk shows. Pic rel, she had the audacity of interviewing the author of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and telling him she wants Jotaro to spit on her right and beat hed up to his face.
No. 1561399
nonny! I bet it's gonna be so fun hehe, the first time I went to a concert was with my mom. Kinda sucked ass since she was being annoying, regardless of that it was fun! Have fun for me nonner ♥
No. 1561417
File: 1682649708927.png (24.99 KB, 250x202, 44535557-892A-4B7D-877E-EB933D…)

This design is super cute and I love the way this Daphne looks. Show still sucks
No. 1561423
File: 1682650757330.jpg (68.02 KB, 1285x691, 無題-min-50.jpg)

>>1560886do i have low standards or does he looks kinda cute ?
No. 1561476
>>1561470i know there's a husbando server and a fujo server, they're different servers i think.
someone in the husbando thread posted some allegations about the husbando server but others replied to her calling her a liar, now i want to know what really happened.
No. 1561510
File: 1682659467316.png (31.18 KB, 1285x577, sserrver.png)

>>1561503nah i meant like allegations of the mods being shitty. picrel is the posts talking about the server
No. 1561511
File: 1682659534676.png (12.17 KB, 949x352, deletedreply.png)

>>1561510and here's a deleted reply which makes me even more curious
No. 1561531
>>1561510That anon contradicts herself, so the server lacks moderation, but it’s a hivemind? Then the mods would be there 24/7 deleting messages when that’s not the case. Plus the hidden channel was only there at the beginning because it was a way to identify the verified members, then it stayed as a place to be more personal and discuss issues within the server like the issue with the weird child that joined the server because she kept lurking lolcow, and the tranny that tried to join the server because there’s a bunch of moids and trannies lurking lolcow.
Or is that anon really thinking that you can just be like
>hey, I think you are a tranny @Anondiscord >you sound like a child @DiscordanonOn the main chat? That would be a braindead decision if you wanted to maintain a nice ambiance in the server.
No. 1561629
File: 1682682603042.jpg (30.23 KB, 381x382, 1648197591065.jpg)

Is it wrong to heavily reference someone irl(thats not famous) for a comic? i found some old con pictures and two girls look exactly how i envision the mcs for my post apocalyptic manga about nerdy girls.
No. 1561637
File: 1682684765408.jpg (196.84 KB, 1920x1080, meowmeowtian.jpg)

dear jesus, i come to you to ask you to bless me financially. i would like to win the lottery so that i never have to work again and can enjoy my life, get my education, and spend the rest of the time i have with the people i love most. i promise i will do whatever you ask me to do, i will invest and be smart with my buckaronis, and i will always be your most loyal servant even in death. amen amen.
No. 1561646
File: 1682686329517.jpg (86.9 KB, 896x778, 1682684971663478.jpg)

they made bob the builder hot nonnies
No. 1561649
>>1561648he looked both 50 and 5 before
nonny, now he looks like he runs those home makeover shows on tlc
No. 1561653
>>1556577It really sucks when I find one that has a pretty design, but is disgusting. I entered a stream when one of her viewers said he was leaving and she tells him bye (which idc, whatever), but she fucking starts kissing the mic and I had to leave.
>>1559729Happy belated birthday, anonon.
No. 1561754
File: 1682695799321.jpg (32.62 KB, 500x522, 1656733577914.jpg)

>>1561748you are going to kill me of cringe first
No. 1561760
>>1561745you work in a school and you don't know how much kids LOVE undertale?
zoomer reveal but that game also came out during my last years of primary school and i loved that shit so much i was autistically obsessed with it and would talk to everyone including my parents and the girls who bullied me about the game kek there was a whole thing in 2016-2018 of youtube cringe compilations of children's animations which was so cruel looking back because they were so obviously made by like, 10 year olds. undertale is huge with kids and so is five nights at freddy's
No. 1561764
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>>1561740when lil peep died I saw picrel on reddit, so I googled toopoor to see who she was and the soundcloud threads came up kek been here ever since
No. 1561802
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I will never believe any of you about your supposed nigels ever again, have a good day.
No. 1561823
>>1561816 don't wanna risk a potential troon out
No. 1561886
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Did you guys ever do gnc halloween costumes
I remember the year when I was like 9 I went as picrel because I was super into harry potter and when I was trick o treating some kid clowned on me and said I was a girl and shouldn't wear that kek In retrospect why was that kid focused on me instead of the next house and getting candy
No. 1561891
>>1561886We don't have Halloween where I'm from, but I went to a costume party as Samurai Jack
>GNC costumethis is so retarded. it's a costume. people can dress as inanimate objects or whatever. 21st century brain rot
No. 1561894
>>1561886lol when people get worked up over character costumes. Little boys love to tell you
you can’t do that. Like bitch it’s Halloween, sorry you’re jealous you didn’t have the balls to dress up like your favorite girl character. The fuck
No. 1561895
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>>1561886that's a based costume, I'd wear that to a halloween party as an adult kek. As a kid I always wore generic monster costumes like picrel because I thought the masks were super cool. Even back then it annoyed me how there would be a normal zombie costume for boys but then all the girls ones were like "zombie cheerleader", "zombie nurse", "zombie bride" with little skirts and NO cool masks
No. 1561898
>>1561886I was the greatest Zorro
and 7 types of knights over the next decade
No. 1561977
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>>1561862It aged better than i expected. The animation and art direction are specially great. Sad we will never get old Disney back.
No. 1562113
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Sunflowers have an ominous evil energy, they hardcore give me the creeps. They look empty in a way, they give me liminal space vibes.
No. 1562121
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>>1562113totally get what you mean. the only ones I can tolerate are the ones that look like big daisies. my grandma used to grow the ones that had heads full of seeds and when dried they were like the size of a tire, dinosaur ass plant
No. 1562125
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>>1562113How do you feel about mutates sunflowers? I think sunflowers are super pretty but mutant flowers make my skin crawl.
No. 1562128
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>>1562125The mutated ones arent as scary to me, its the perfectly round huge one that scare me. Like imagine being banished to the eternal sunflower fields, their big flowerheads judging you.
No. 1562156
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>>1562153Samefag, I was looking at Paper mag covers out of grief earlier, and one more thing it reminded me of is how handsome Pharrell was. He hasn't aged poorly or anything, but now he has that older man essence and his face looks a little strange. Like someone who had facial reconstruction. Could be cosmetic work, could just be aging.
No. 1562162
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>>1562156I will NOT forgive him for happy.
he does look nice in that pic and I know a guy irl who looks kinda like him but he’s doichey so nvm. No. 1562167
File: 1682734376465.png (138.25 KB, 780x838, 30ec84d0-c595-47a9-94a7-8c1e3a…)

These shoes look moldy to you guys too right
No. 1562190
>>1562134there's way more to the markle hate than just simple internet outrage. the women who hate her are typically older white british or american women who spent their 20's and 30's wanking to pics of william and harry when they still had hair, imagining themselves one day bumping into either of them and getting married or for their daughters/granddaughters to get married to them. that was the mythology that used to get pumped out a lot before both of them were married, that anybody could meet them and fall in love "like kate", even though her and her mother deliberately chased william halfway around the world and she did fuck all for the 10 or so years before they got married. a lot of the markle haters have these weird internalized fanfics in their head where it was just supposed to be william, kate, and harry forever, and somehow meghan ruined this perfect trio even long before the family dysfunction hit its peak. and then of course there's the obvious racism involved as well despite her being white-passing and educated. you can never win with these folks.
sadly i think even if harry had married someone else more "acceptable", she would have still been subjected to abuse because i don't think their royal handlers ever intended for him to get married; he was always supposed to be the bachelor spare while will was prepped to be king. him and meghan getting more attention really ruins everything for william and kate to be seen as the so-called power couple they clearly aren't and never will be. her existence just shows how boring and dull their family really is and how they've all been skating by on their own mediocrity. whatever people may think of her, she brought a lot dynamism to the family that has been lacking since diana's death and it's ironic to me that the very people who have been trying to make kate into the next people's princess, shot themselves in the foot by how they treated meghan.
No. 1562209
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I genuinely think shutting down Polyvore was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever seen any social media company make. I'm on one of the Polyvore alternative sites because I just miss creating sets, but it doesn't feel the same.
No. 1562215
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>>1562209Samefag, my bitter, scorned heart wishes the brand that acquired Polyvore and made them shut down (Ssense) would've crashed and burned but they're actually doing pretty well. I don't think I even saved my sets, actually.
No. 1562220
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>>1562215Last samefag I swear, but Ssense even knew they fucked up because they issued an apology kek. What a shitshow.
No. 1562241
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>>1560069Do it, you’ll regret it if you don’t. You don't lose anything in trying.
please let me read it when you’re done, pleeeaaas No. 1562251
File: 1682746218895.jpg (58.79 KB, 1024x576, De9D63CW0AAEwUJ.jpg)

I'm watching someone play Life is Strange before the Storm, Why do the main characters look so similar? I thought Chloe & Racheal both had orange hair, but apperently Racheal is a blonde and Chloe is a "Strawberry Blonde" according to google. And it's freaky how Max, Chloe and Racheal all have the same face just slightly tweaked.
It's almost as if Chloe fail in love with slightly different versions of herself.
Also are their any mainstream not anime like games that target teen girls like this? I think that the games suck but they were clearly for young tumblr girls and I think thats why it got so much hate from scrotes, while others acted like the games were so good.
They weren't but they also weren't horrible. Just..puddle deep games made for teenagers imo.
I'm coffee drunk
No. 1562259
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Did I deserved getting banned?
No. 1562268
>>1562259If the rules specifically said you couldn't do that, then yes. I mean, it's in their rules. I think it's kind of a stupid rule, though.
>>1562251lol my ex used to like this game a lot. I wasn't really listening to him when he was telling me the story through VC. I feel a bit guilty about that
>>1562246Unfortunately I know who that is from years ago when I was porn addicted and thinking about it again makes me wanna off myself. I feel bad for her, she cannot possibly enjoy any of that shit unless she's high during filming or something.
No. 1562279
>>1561844my hood, my people.
(I did see a troon last time I was out in brissy though lmao)
No. 1562292
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I hope jazz jennings gets free one day
No. 1562316
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trying not to sob while eating leftover chinese listening to the witch trials of JK Rowling, her talking about how she used to anonymously lurk mugglenet and they trolled her omg she is actually my wholehearted hero and queen
No. 1562439
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>>1562259>Helaemond Discord Well, well, well, looks like someone stumbled their way onto a Incest shipping discord. Pray tell, what kind of business did you have there in the first place?
No. 1562515
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I don't wanna leave America, but I also can't stay here (especially if I want a family). Idk where I would go though.
No. 1562517
>>1562492What the other anon said. Some people try to start discussion in the western animation thread but no one replies to them because all the cartoon autists are in /snow/ not even talking about the cows or drama.
>>1562479I hope anti-tranny sentiments rise in the Jerma fandom, hopefully it'll scare the troons enough to kill off TRA nonsense in the Vinny fandom as well. They're getting really annoying in his chat.
No. 1562528
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my moid and i have been watching house md and i got an idea
No. 1562569
>>1561802And his name?
John Wolfe
No. 1562589
I accidentally hit the catalog button and scrolled down for a bit and came across this thread
>>2803 and I just wanna know WHY did it go on for as long as it did? Holy shit I don't understand people who go back and forth. I just say OK and block, leave the conversation or don't even respond at all. Esp since trying to change a moids mind about women is such a useless waste of time.
No. 1562610
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what is this creature and why does she look so repulsive. we really have to burn the make up industry to the ground to free women from beauty industry brainrot.
No. 1562820
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Does everyone related say this?
No. 1562829
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Snow White's dirty, disgusting ass had birds and squirrels stepping all over her fucking pie and kitchen. Fucking nasty bitch.
No. 1562926
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>>1562923Just put on some tinfoil to protect your brain.
No. 1562934
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>blocks your path
No. 1562950
>>1562610I always think she's a gay dude until I read her name when she pops up.
>>1562582I keep getting ads for schizo meds and an injection.
>>1562588He's so nasty to look at.
No. 1562951
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on at the mosque
No. 1562966
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>>1562955>thinks Mcdonalds is foodI'm sorry anon but you're the vile bitch here. She>>1562903 has the right idea.
No. 1562971
>>1562966Oh my god, the point was that she has to be eating from her kitchen. But of course
you people would defend someone having rats and birds make their food.
No. 1562975
>>1553885Putting a space between big paragraphs isn't Reddit spacing. Reddit spacing is when you put unnecessary spaces between short lines of text, I think. I've read it's because on Reddit, you need to press Enter twice or thrice to make an empty line appear.
>>1553998I had a scrote on social media tell me "based" after I shared a
koth clip about racism. He wasn't saying based because of the source but because of the racism. I hate it every time a scrotum says based because you just know he's saying that as a reference to 4chan and specifically /pol/ brainrot. It's always used as a channer upvote for things like racism or misogyny or male pornsickness.
No. 1562998
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I'm about to learn how to make chicken al pastor and honey vinaigrette so I can make Chipotle bowls at home. Those bowls and burritos just would taste so much better if they were homemade. My stomach is rumbling just thinking about it.
>>1562991Maybe so, but at least I won't get bird flu and ringworm or whatever diseases squirrels give you.
>>1562996And who in their right mind thinks "Oh no, I have to cook for eight people… I know! I'll just have dirty wild animals help me!" instead of just making the other seven people help?
No. 1563018
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>>1563014>t. Go make your bird shit and squirrel foot fungus pies, smut.
No. 1563025
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Zooey is such a goofy sounding name and always have been. Of all the names this troon could have chosen it had to be ZOOey
No. 1563045
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Feeling empty and dead inside because my current favourite manga haven't been updated in a while. I should just stop being a failure of a weeb and learn japanese.
No. 1563067
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>>1563064Thing is, they could have gone with literally any yellow fish, because the original Flounder wasn't a flounder and neither is his 2023 version. There are plenty of bright yellow, striped tropical fish they could have used, and they just… didn't. Maybe they did it specifically to piss people off so the movie would get more attention from negative press.
No. 1563068
File: 1682823570628.png (343.54 KB, 500x500, Sumatra-Regal-Angelfish.png)

Here's another one they could have used, the regal angelfish. There are SO many species of butterfly fish that are bright yellow with stripes, they had a ton of options.
No. 1563071
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Longfin damselfish. Even if you narrow it down to yellow fish with blue stripes specifically, there are tons of species, spread all over the world.
No. 1563074
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Bluering angel fish. Sorry for fish spam, but I'm saging it and this is the dumbass thread, so you're can't complain.
No. 1563076
File: 1682824294608.png (324.16 KB, 500x500, Queen-Angelfish.png)

Queen angelfish. I think you get the point. I'm done now, fuck Disney. I don't even like the original Little Mermaid.
No. 1563084
>>1563079He can go fuck himself, but if anything, straight women have
lower standards than gay men, at least for long term relationships. Straight women will settle for the most repulsive ogres you've ever seen because he has a ~nice personality~ while gay men are terrified they can't get laid if they don't spend two hours at the gym every day. Makes no goddamn sense that the more finite demographic somehow gets away with having pickier taste.
No. 1563087
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>>1563059Ahhh, still moidgaze, though I do wanna watch it because it looks nice and fun. And he's cute
No. 1563145
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Gonna break 100% of my family's generational curses by simply not reproducing.