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No. 1497477

No. 1497483

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what do these people have against straight relationships, why must everything be "queer" for them

No. 1497508

The same reason we have pol lesbians. Being hetero is the new basic bitch.

No. 1497624

It's true, I don't understand

No. 1497905

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Yeah I'm sure 14 year olds are depressed and self-harming due to Tinder. It's pathetic how these types can't conceive of anything outside of the incel/"dating coach" narrative. And of course they all pay for the Twitter Blue checkmark.

No. 1497916

I hate terminally online men with a passion. I am pretty sure minors aren't even allowed on tinder, i doubt a teen girl would be caught dead their unless she has some serious issues. It's pretty astounding how much a stupid little scam of a hookup app that has a rapidly declining female user base can literally cause this much distress among men. It's such a fucking joke.

No. 1498245

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Normal female nerds/weebs are the most oppressed people on this earth… your only options for fandoms are moids or women who have deluded themselves that buff hairy moids are women. The QRTs to this feel like such fake compliments.


No. 1498255

This character is a whole ass male. Clown world clown world clown world i hate modern otaku culture.

No. 1498264

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Insane AGP troon who become a MMA fighter to beat women and have a ex military past compare buying a children's game with turning brown people into a mush for oil and opioids.

No. 1498286

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I don't even hate this tweet I'm just disoriented by it

No. 1498287

Alright, I laughed

No. 1498289

Pretty funny but if this turns out to be an AGP troon I'm gonna feel disgusted

No. 1498306

How can anybody ever take them and their demands seriously when they think playing a video game is comparable to murder. These narcissists seriously think transphobia is the worst crime in existence equal to murder. Everything they say is projection and somehow they think admitting to it makes them in the right?
>You're helping jk rowling genocide trans people if you play hogwarts legacy!
>actually helped the US kill poc

>terfs are all nazis

>actually are ex neo-nazis

No. 1498308

>comparing liking a children's book franchise to being in the armed forces and killing people
these people are insane. did he get any pushback in his replies whatsoever after saying this bullshit lmao
also there's so many ex military mtfs. i wish these guys would find better ways to reintegrate into society bc its actually embarrassing how many of them troon out

No. 1498309

most irl vocal queer m/f couples are a woman (them/them, never touched a vagina that wasn't hers but how dare anyone make fun of her for it) and her bf (he/him, doesn't like dick but thinks women with they/them pronouns are hot)

No. 1498321

also an actual "brown" person or whatever term is used for us, can I request that you don't use the term "poc" its on par with latinax and makes me wanna die inside

No. 1498330

sorry, I didn't want to use it either but I didn't know what term would be best to use as he didn't specify where he served so I decided to just use their language that they love to use to highlight their discrepancy

No. 1498354

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I hate those dumb headcanon accounts where it’s shit like “kaoru hakaze from enstars is a Chinese transwoman”, picrel for example although this one made me laugh

No. 1498358

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so I understand where calling adult men "babygirls" comes from, the headlogic is that if they infantilize their male crushes they can somehow flip the obvious power imbalance(its almost a Foucauldian approach) but its still unbelievably cringe , like I would probably die of cringe If I were to call an adult male character "babygirl"

No. 1498432

Is it really otaku culture? Because actual otaku would call him a guy or a fag. The characters who mostly get called women are the guys who are drawn exactly like the other female characters like the super tall cop in You're Under Arrest or Erica in Catherine and Catherine Fullbody. That guy from Granblue Fantasy reminds me of Nathan from Tiger & Bunny and I don't remember anyone calling Nathan a girl or nonbinary unironically when it was airing in 2011. These people who insist on shoving their headcanons on others seem more like tourists, and they always prove why gatekeeping hobbies is sometimes justified.

No. 1498437

Everyone was disgusted by this tweet including the troons he was defending kek, at least I guess some troons still have enough common sense to hate murderers.

No. 1498952

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This girl has been getting dogpiled on twitter because she said she was enjoying her year. Most of the tweets that I saw were getting mad at her for the earthquake that just happened in Turkey.
I see stuff like this happen on twitter time and time again, where someone says something positive about their life, and someone tries to make them feel guilty for it. It's truly a crabs-in-a-bucket website where people get offended over other people not wallowing in misery 24/7.

No. 1498956

The girl replying to her is so based, kek.

No. 1498967

lol how is she based? it's not the original girl's fault that she lives in a shithole. she didn't invent islam.

No. 1498968

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Samefg, there was also this woman a few months ago who got attacked for saying she has coffee with her partner in the morning because "not everyone can afford to have coffee in the morning" or whatever. Why do people on twitter think personal tweets need to apply to them and every single person on earth? They definitely don't have regular jobs but who gives a fuck

No. 1498969

How? She seems like someone who can’t allow other people to be happy for five minutes.

No. 1498973

nta, but I just hate americans

No. 1498981

Also, forgetting of her mentioning they have their own businesses, how ignorant of them to assume everyone works 1st shift. It's not absurd for someone to wake up at 6am and hang out with their family for a few hours until they go into work at 2pm or later. Also very silly to say it's privileged to not work in the morning, most 2nd and 3rd shift jobs have a lack of public transportation available, so it's pretty privileged to be able to work in the morning.

No. 1498988

I'm that anon and yeah that's it. I find it funny when some rando calls them out and they can't say anything back because twitter will ban them if they do, kek.

No. 1499041

Someone should go to her post and tell her how privileged she is to be reading and responding to posts from strangers on Twitter while in the rest of the world, even children have to do manual labor and can't afford to be pissy at internet people lol

No. 1499046

I don't think getting the bus to your 1st shift job can be considered more privileged than owning your own business and choosing to work whatever hours you like kek.

No. 1499049

Nah I agree, fuck Am*ricans.

I don't think Islam cause deadly earthquakes or wars in European countries.

No. 1499055

An American girl on Twitter saying she's had a good year isn't causing deadly earthquakes or European wars either, dummy.

No. 1499056

What country are you from, though, anon?

No. 1499065

Americans didn't Invest Islam, but you ruined the chance for the potential destruction of Islam
most of what is now the Muslim word had nationalistic socialist leaders who were declawing Islam in many cases(didn't outright ban religion to avoid pissing off the majority) but they stripped power from the Mullahs, locked up any pan-Islamist and could have erased Islam in 2-3 generations, but fucking Americans and their need for "Muh Freedom" had to mess it up, not only did you allow Islam to be free on the world stage you fucks also gave them gruella warfare training and your neo-liberals constantly defend them

No. 1499071

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>pronouns in dn

No. 1499134

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Driverfags are a plague

No. 1499135

Twitter is a public social media and she worded it in a way that sounded like the year was good in general and not just for her. Of course people would yell at her. You think th average twitter user's IQ is high? And social media as a whole is running on interactions and nothing works better than annoying users and making them yell at each other.

I despise Islam and think it's retarded but it's not the direct cause of some of the recent tragic events going on like the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, as I said. I get what you mean but it's not related to my point.

I'm curious about the implications he's talking about. Hollywood is sexless now? I think that people have this opinion based on very specific family friendly franchises, especially now that the MCU is a big thing.

No. 1499137

I wish you were permabanned. Always sperging off-topic shit no one asked about.

No. 1499154

The “Hollywood is sexless now” is a myth started by scrotes after actresses started speaking out about being groomed. Literally every piece of media outside the MCU has frequent sex scenes - just look at HBO’s catalogue.

No. 1499166

how can these clowns keep calling hollywood sexless when female actresses are constantly sexually assaulted by male directors on set
I do find it suspicious that everyone started whining about how sexless hollywood is started doing it after metoo it has to delibirate. Its also creepy how they demand sex scenes in Marvel movies who are meant for a family audience. That "everyone is attractive and no one is horny" article has done so much damage in movie discourse whenever you start to question if a sex scene exploited the actors you immediately get shut down

No. 1499186

In canon, in the Japanese version, the character is an okama stereotype. His own voice actor calls him "draph no otoko", a male draph (his species). The translation team and the english twitter fan account pretended that didn't happen to not cause a scandal.

No. 1499190

That's exactly why I mentioned the MCU, it's the exception to the rule but it's just so successful that people don't realize it.

No. 1499195

Millennials overcorrected hard when it comes to religious prudes. They think removing the stigma around sex meant that they had to remove all boundaries as well. No wonder Gen Z is so uncomfortable about sex.

No. 1499200

He needs to ask himself why sex is such an essential part of tv/movies to him. What is it about a guy saying "I don't like sexual contact with people who aren't my wife" that makes Hollywood unsettling? I'm convinced a lot of "queer" (read: straight people larping) identity is the inability to maintain healthy relationships, so seeing these things trigger their much genocide alarm bells

No. 1499202

Yeah a decade ago the messages I saw online by slacktivists at least made sense and were sensible like "no is a complete sentence" or "an adult woman having casual sex or being horny is normal, it's normal to have a libido it's not disgusting or sinful". Now we went back to before that so if you're a teenager who doesn't want to see detailed, long sex scenes in movies when your parents are in front of the TV with you you're suddenly a "prude" and a "puriteen" or whatever the new buzzword is now. Sane deal if you think drag queens shouldn't interact with small kids or if you think porn being very easy to find on the internet by anyone is dangerous.

No. 1499206

and then batman and joker start making out and everyone claps.
seriously, what in the 2013 superwholock era tumblr is this…

No. 1499216

sorry but what's wrong with this? at worst, it's slightly cringe but idk what the big deal is?

No. 1499228

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this entire thread

No. 1499244

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The last tweet god I hate this stupid pick me fatass bitch she keeps hijacking radical feminism to her trad pandering attention whoring for reddit males

No. 1499249

Can someone make “twink” a slur I don’t want to read/hear that word ever again.
Anna Slatz is reminding me so much of Sh0e. Tradthot arc when.

No. 1499253

>sexless generation
What is it with gen-xers/millenials constantly seething about zoomers having less sex, who cares. I'm sick of adults whining that young people don't party, do drugs, hook up… anymore, leave them alone, the current climate already sucks enough, don't add unnecessary pressure on them.

No. 1499345

So just soft butch then, or am I missing something?

No. 1499370

I hate the word "twink" and all its derivatives, half of the time it just gets used for men who are just non-obese or muscle bound steroid freaks

No. 1499424

She sounds so confused. I only glanced the thread she is commonly contained in, but hasn't she posted sultry pictures of herself whilst proclaiming to be a radfem? It's like she decided radfems and libfems are the same people, which is funny because she appears to be a conservative in denial.

No. 1499427

Harmless cringe is not allowed anymore. I like that trope.

No. 1499432

I don't really see them reflecting on what bigger societal factors could have caused zoomers to change like this. It's always just shaming.

No. 1499434

holy shit I hate this retarded shit so much. They even included Haruka in that thread. I can't wait until this retarded girltwink shit dies off, why do they want to apply terms for gay men to women so badly, especially to lesbians who already have their own terms? It doesn't even make sense in the context of women and trying to apply it to historical terms is even more retarded.

No. 1499439

Yes i same fagged 3 times in a row, but i feel like what went wrong was that millennials left no room for people who genuinely aren't hyper sexual, have low interest in sex ir are "vanilla" to breathe. Sex workers abd coomers were made the center of sex positivity instead of normal people. A lot people who expressed not being into kinks or felt discomfort at hypersexuality got called prude or somehow their lack sexual deviancy was seen as combative to the goals of a world wide orgy. I remember this being the thing that prevented me from having a lib fem phase (among other things) because i knew deep in my heart i just can't shake the fact that I'd rather society keeps sex as a private matter. I remember an Indian woman doing one of those slam poetry things speaking out against sex positivity and felt like she said everything i feel. Idk what the reaction was to her though. Asexuality really seems to only taken off more with zoomers then it ever did with millennials. The only thing this stupid movement has done was tell women they have to let their scrotes do anal.

No. 1499440

Twitterfags really do overreact to anyone saying anything positive about their personal lives but you just know if someone said this year was really good so far while a major incident happened in the US, burgers being the self-centered hypocrites they are would have harrassed them.

No. 1499443

What are you talking about…

No. 1499447

You are so right, that's why i don't feel bad for her getting piled on, especially when US people often don't see people who aren't fortunate enough to live in 1st word countries as worthy humans. They need to be reminded of their privilege, even being broke in the first world country is a privilege, at least you have welfare and you are not in a warzone. Let them complain.

No. 1499450

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nta but she means stuff like this. just look up the term "puriteen"

No. 1499451

Girl you have to get off Twitter dot com, I promise you no millennial cares about the sex lives of other people that much. In real life it’s still extremely inappropriate to ask someone about their sexual preferences. Get a job. If someone asks you about your sex life at work, get them fired. Like this + >>1499447 if you actually hate Twitter that much you don’t have to use it. Stop before it’s too late.

No. 1499452

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samefag and this too

No. 1499456

You have literally no reason to think i am addicted to twitter, it couldn't be further from the truth. Most of my knowledge that goes on on Twitter comes from these threads. Also, this is the twitter hate thread retard, i think most people are here because they hate twitter.

No. 1499461

Nta but she's talking about the constant complaints on twitter these days of gen z not liking sex enough

No. 1499464

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Also twitter users are too prone to overgeneralizing which is part of how they got this puriteen idea. One tweet from a nobody conservative doesn't mean all zoomers want censorship now. There's probably been fringe people with this same opinion since the code was removed but didn't have a platform for their opinion.

No. 1499466

>she worded it in a way that sounded like the year was good in general and not just for her. Of
She very obviously meant for everyone personally though. Might be hard for you to believe, but bad things have been happening in America this year as well and in general. Tragedies happen every single year, that doesn't mean people can't be happy in their own personal life. Twitter users should just stop being so sensitive.
Also, are we supposed to believe that there are no non-Americans at all saying that the year has been good?

No. 1499474

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This was the post mind you, its not really a controversial statement either, sex scenes in most modern movies don't add anything to the plot and are waste of screen time

No. 1499476

Where did I say you were addicted to Twitter?This thread is to laugh at terminally online retards, not to expound equally out of touch arguments against millennial and gen x boogeymen. There’s a difference between hating Twitter because it’s full of retards and hating Twitter because someone called you silly name on it kek

No. 1499487

samefag regarding the Hays code specifically, there was an old actress from the era who talked about how the code had interesting implications regarding female characters, during the Hays code era where raunchy scenes were not allowed, women could be more strong and more dynamic characters but after that era women were thrown into the bedroom with lingere and it took us years to get out(if someone could find the interview I'd appreciate it)

No. 1499497

You are mad because i said something bad about millennials and now your feelings are hurt, got it.

No. 1499500

>sex scenes in most modern movies don't add anything to the plot
personally I don't think that a sex scene needs to serve the plot. It can be used to show intimacy between two characters. My issue with sex scenes is that 99% of the time it's the director using it as an excuse to perv on the actors.
I thought that the sex scene in Portrait of a Lady on Fire didnt feel gross but that's also a female director so maybe that's why kek
that's interesting. I dont know much about old movies but the ones I have seen from the Hayes code era did have headstrong female characters that talked back. Compared to those pre-Hayes code they relayed much more on sex appeal

No. 1499510

>Twitter users should just stop being so sensitive.
kek anon my point is that Twitter is just THAT sensitive and it'll only stop being sensitive once the site is nuked once and for all by Apartheid Clyde's incompetence. It's basically Tumblr 2.0 nowadays.

No. 1499515

>99% of the time it's the [male] director using it as an excuse to perv on the [female] actors
exactly, I just can't help but assume people who are so overdefensive of sex scenesin mainstream media must be coomers who want everything to be porn

No. 1499521

I think the movie sex scene discourse was made up by terminally online people to have something to get mad about. Zoomers can be prudish but I’ve only ever seen lame as fuck twenty something’s bitching about this topic. Some movies do it well and some movies do it poorly, groundbreaking tweet threads everybody.

No. 1499523

most do do it poorly tbh

No. 1499652

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It's really fucking weird that people who claim to be woke, inclusive and all that shit are very quick to claim the goblins are jews and orcs are black people. like was anyone even making these claims before these weirdos showed up?

Now I am aware Goblins-as-Jews was common in anti-Semitic propaganda. cause some of the stereotypes of fictional goblins lined up with a handful of anti-Jewish stereotypes. though Orcs have never had anything at all to do with black people, though. Tolkien's orcs are G*rmans and later D&D/Warhammer orcs don't closely resemble any real-world culture and literally speak cockney British accents 99% of the time

No. 1499681

I think HP was critiqued for it's goblins before, but it's depiciton of goblins allings with their general depicition in western media. JKR was praised for standing against antisemetism several times in the past.

All this tinfoiling and making shit up came after her coming out as terf tho.
I wish those shizos would stop bringing up the bank floor, Australia House did nothing wrong.

No. 1499713

They are just looking for another bullshit way to get people to hate her since normies don't give a fuck about trannies. I'm so annoyed people can't just mind their business and leave her alone.

No. 1499732

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Ah yes because a woman stating her opinions is the same as possessing child porn

No. 1499747

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uh oh. I still love Rurouni Kenshin, it’s actually my favorite anime.

No. 1499758

In fact, throw away every cornerstone of literature, art, science, philosophy because all those ancient scrotes were racist, sexist and homophobic

No. 1499772

She evades them, sadly. All the new people coming here react positively to her though so she's been getting worse.

No. 1499779

I actually laughed at this dunkey video, literally every piece of art is tainted in some way

No. 1499797

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its making me mad how they trot out dead trans people as a way to shut down anything they don't like. It's like the "victims" of kiwifarms, they don't know how or why they died. Just go with the narrative and use it as ammo.Shut the fuck up. I have no ill feelings and feel bad for the teenager and his family . That teenager was a person, not a trans card to win the game. Women die everyday doesn't stop anyone from talking shit about a woman or making a video either. Retardation. In fact RedLetterMedia did a retarded
>Lol missing white women get more attention when they are missing, lets make a funny montage of REAL news coverage of missing white women with funny music behind it! Because the missing white women who get coverage over other people, are the joke! They should be the focus of the controversy. We should giggle as see real missing cases of vulenerable women lol
That would'nt dare be done to troons unless it was an right wing person, you can casually shit on women no matter what on youtube. Shut the fuck up

No. 1499820

i honestly kinda agree that some zoomers have this really weird prudish view of sex but it really doesn't help that all the examples of "healthy embracing your sexuality" is always degenerate retards like this. yeah when the people preaching sex positivity are all perverts who wanna fuck pool toys or who think that women roleplaying as literal dogs for their boyfriends has no negative implications whatsoever might alienate other people and make them think sex is disgusting.

No. 1499837

>Some zoomers have this really weird prudish view of sex
Examples? I thought they were all sex positive and shit

No. 1499854

idk they all have piss kink and shit

No. 1499860

Most zoomers have prudish attitudes towards sex because they saw that in the past aids other stds and teen pregnancy skyrocketed with sex positivity. Also a lot of porn nowadays is about abusing women so young girls are obviously scared of sex.

No. 1499885

They all have kink lists online but none are actually fucking in real life. Well, compared to previous generations at least. Which is actually a good thing, teen pregnancies are lower than ever

No. 1499888

"Puriteen" is how groomers shame teens

No. 1499905

>a lot of porn nowadays is about abusing women
>a lot
read andrea dworkin

No. 1499928

I don't need to read some retard to realize that women in porn are getting beaten up, spat on and raped to the point of tears and prolapse today. 30 years ago a video of a woman getting beaten up and choked wouldn't be this easily accessible, at least to children. While I agree that porn actresses have always gotten abused but you can't argue it's gotten worse.

No. 1500012

The more concerning point is it's always been as terrible as it's been, the only difference is that it's more accessible due to the "instantess" of the internet

No. 1500023

Andrea describes porn Jewish men were consuming of Jewish women being abused, mangled, raped, and murdered in ways as a throwback to the holocaust. It kinda has always been that bad.

No. 1500057

Not American but wasn't there a major incident just a few days ago in the US? Something about a train transporting some dangerous chemicals having an accident and spilling everything everywhere, making a whole town a dangerous shithole even more polluted than usual? So yeah even some of her fellow Americans would probably want to shit talk her.

No. 1500058

>I promise you no millennial cares about the sex lives of other people that much.
You're naive as fuck. Some people absolutely care no matter how much it's none of their businesses. I know way too much about some of my previous millennial coworkers' sex lives because they wouldn't shut the fuck up about it and it can become a casual topic to talk about among some people. They're mostly gay or bi men but not only. I still remember about that one guy at my previous job bragging about how he pissed in someone's mouth in a gay bar with one of his friends and everyone being like "ew lol hahaha that sooo funny" and saying even more vile shit.

No. 1500269

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This is too funny. edgy comedian leftist gets shot by cops and dies after pulling a knife on his wife and kids
one less violent unfunny misogynist moid, the world is slowly healing

No. 1500273

Wait, what??

No. 1500278

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No. 1500287

… who was the edgy comedian leftist who got shot? Was it the OP of the tweet screenshot? Am I high or does that article not specify the identity of the man who was shot??

No. 1500288

Most militaryfags are embarassing in the first place, if they got groomed into it as a kid then I feel some pity but most of the time it's just moids with gun fetishes.

No. 1500300

I knew some who wanted to be in the mafia as dumbass young teen middle schoolers, joined a "motorcycle club" between the ages of 18-21, and then went into the military. Not surprising to see a gun fetish, power trip, and interest in killing people.

No. 1500362

This guy didn't seem that bad compared to other "irony" scrotes but hopefully this teaches a lesson to people about how many scrotes on twitter are legit psychos.

No. 1500456

Exactly. Some zoomers will go on and on about degenerate fetishes but will never have had their first kiss. It's also why they can tell gay people that their "genital preference" is transphobic because they don't know what it means to find something sexually unappealing. Sex is purely theoretical to them.

No. 1500965

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These arguments are always like "you think transgenderism is a modern perversion, bigot? well this civilization 2000 years back had castrated boys sexually serving adult men which we directly parallel to modern day transgenderism." like the vast majority of "third gender" or "two-spirit" roles cited in academia as examples of "transgenderism" in ancient or primitive societies were of some men fulfilling roles traditionally held by women, and adopting some superficial feminine characteristics (in dress, make-up etc.).

No. 1500996

kek the tweet itself is totally unfunny but now that he got shot by the police for being a violent piece of shit? Iconic.

No. 1501017

Diddy Kong aint wrong though.

No. 1501153

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anon do you even know what a babyfur is

No. 1501269

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No. 1501281

Pathetic bitch ass moid. My dad was exactly like this, he used to get jealous of the love mom gave me, fucking weird considering she's my mom and maternal love is an unique link between mother and child, only a scrote would get "jealous" of a fucking kid because "muh mommy issues give me attention waah!!"

No. 1501299

Reminds me of men who are jealous of their wives for giving their newborn 'too much attention.' Remind me again why men think they are the emotionally stronger sex? they are weak af. We have machines and sex toys and dont even need them anymore.

No. 1501333

Right? They're so whiny, imagine being stronger and bigger than 50% of the population yet suffer daily meltdowns over any slight rejection, men are so fucking weak

No. 1501341

>women give their kids unconditional love
>men never get this kind of love
imagine putting the fact that you’re fucking terrible to your mom on twitter like this

No. 1501365

My son's father was like this too, which was fucking galling considering all else that was overlooked. That's what they want: to be able to sink as low as possible to a child-like state without losing anything. Mind you, I've known a couple of women who complained when the men they dated put their kids first but at least then that was not their children and before they had become mothers. To be a father and still not fucking get the difference between adult romantic love and parental love makes me worry about how they experience these things. They're so obviously different.

No. 1501381

Does he not have a mother of his own? I swear to god men are the ultimate attention whores, all this whining and complaining is because women aren't as shallow as men and won't give out participation trophies for breathing.
They have truly been replaced sexually and financially, they have no purposes aside from that. There truly needs to be some kind of culling of these useless moids, maybe disguised as military training. I wish more women would catch on to this.

No. 1501618

File: 1676551221629.jpeg (757.05 KB, 1170x1720, 8BA2CD5F-A2D3-43FF-9657-C387E9…)

Felt like I got punched in the face and then flashbanged reading this

No. 1501638

This sounds like he’s angry that some woman who broke up with him has a good relationship with her kids. He’s probably angry she cleans up their toys and meals and told him he could clean up after himself. If not he definitely made this after stalking the accounts of some random woman he’s envious about and wishes he was dating. Narcissists always make generalized vagueposts like this blaming society when they catch a glimpse on social media of someone enjoying their life in a way the narcissist doesn’t have (like getting engaged or married or buying a house or having children).

No. 1501639

Just girly things

No. 1501646

Why tf do so many furries publicly wear diapers too? Are you a baby or a wolf?

No. 1501683

>Narcissists always make generalized vagueposts like this blaming society when they catch a glimpse on social media of someone enjoying their life in a way the narcissist doesn’t have (like getting engaged or married or buying a house or having children)
Well he posted this the morning after valentine's day, maybe he was extremely salty

No. 1501688

Paraphilias are often co-morbid, so AGPs are often also zoophiles and/or pedophiles.

No. 1501707

I take everything I said about Freud back. He was right, men are all fucked in the head and want to fuck their moms.

No. 1501708

Is he forgetting that he was once a baby? He already got his special baby treatment.

No. 1501711

>Men leave the womb and spend their whole lives trying to crawl back.

No. 1501824

File: 1676570673777.png (1.47 MB, 1400x1311, 1_p0XjieagmsBgiTJ2RL3d0g.png)

yeah that should only be if your fursona is a chicken. Or would that be a scaly?? also everyone look up chicken diapers if you dont know of them already.

No. 1502120

As if this has anything to do with any kind of realism rather than the fact that lots of trannies are degenerate triple threats of pedophilia, zoophilia and autogynephilia.

No. 1502146

File: 1676590273983.jpeg (316.46 KB, 1170x924, 2995EC12-2D9E-45DF-AA8F-DCC05D…)

What does that have to do with the conversation. Anyways porn is bad.

No. 1502157

What does this have to do with fucking

No. 1502161

im guessing he's saying that because sex was a taboo subject and there wasn't much sex education, it resulted in scandals where presumably that guy got wrongfully fired for trying to spread accurate information about aids. idk, op has worded it terribly, and he's also purposefully misunderstanding the current conversation that 'zoomers dont want sex positivity', when what people are really saying is that they don't like having sexual content shoved in their faces in movies and shows all the time.

No. 1502178

And these people need to understand there is an epidemic of teenage girls with anal injuries in hospitals now thanks to the influence of pornography. There are serious reasons zoomers might turn against "sex positivity" they shouldn't dismiss so easily.

No. 1502566

File: 1676631218026.jpg (235.51 KB, 1080x784, IMG_20230217_114940.jpg)

Not sure if this is for the fujocringe thread
What about him is transmasc???

No. 1502567

Nothing about him is transmasc, it's just some fangirl projecting her stupidity on her new husbando.

No. 1503401

File: 1676732304020.jpg (156.5 KB, 1157x821, pNF2U9WIAE.jpg)

what level of brain rot causes someone to unironically think like this

No. 1503404

the same brain rot that causes someone to obsess over edgy elementary school children in a cartoon.

No. 1503417

The zoomer broccoli haircut they gave him on the reboot I guess.

No. 1503425

it HAS to be bait

No. 1503430

>Pedophilia is a mental disorder, so it's ableist if you hate them
>Pedophilia is an actual sexuality, so it's bigoted if you hate them
These are the main pedophile defenses now

No. 1503432

This seems to be bait, this person has the rainbow emoji and meat emoji which, according to the Pinterest zoomies, seems to be a dog whistle for these so called "proshippers".
So it's either made by a retarded zoomer trying to sound ironic, or it's made by a retarded zoomer who truly believes in pedophilia as a mental illness.

No. 1503452

File: 1676738028148.png (116.15 KB, 590x609, 68.png)

I thought so too, but going through her profile its apparent she's genuine

No. 1503465

File: 1676739103132.png (971.01 KB, 1264x1272, tweet.PNG)

Tweet about ugly neckbeard with a hot gf goes viral (I def saw it way too many times on my twitter); twitter users praise him for no reason for being a great and cute and a proof ugly scrotes can be happy, soon we find out he actually - most likely - sexually assaulted her; yet another proof that "nice guys" don't deserve a chance

No. 1503467

>either […] a retarded zoomer trying to sound ironic, or […] a retarded zoomer who truly believes in pedophilia as a mental illness
I think it's both.

No. 1503488

File: 1676741813633.jpeg (282.08 KB, 1170x811, DD5F6697-A4AB-4B1D-B4DB-FAD821…)

Ironic since TRAs are the ones equating black women to men

No. 1503489

>S/O is black
thank god they let us know

No. 1503492

Rowling's point isn't that she's scared, it's that she's scared for GC women who don't have her resources. She explicitly said that she thinks TRAs are trying to make an example of her to intimidate other feminists.

No. 1503493

This is why you should ignore scrotes complaints about how they're so invisible and unappreciated. Even with feminism everybody still lines up to worship the most mediocre scrotes.

No. 1503495

A paraphilia is not a disability, holy Christ. This retard has the nerve to call other people ableist when he literally just compared autistic people to men who fantasize about raping children. He's probably a pedophile himself trying to rationalize his degeneracy.

No. 1503498

im begging people not to use terms like code switching when they clearly don't know what they mean. also love how these people continue to water down terms like white supremacy

No. 1503502

File: 1676742995395.jpg (142.46 KB, 1080x569, IMG_20230218_185528.jpg)

These people are fucking insane

No. 1503503

Ah yes, the most massive scandal involving Billy Clinton. It's a shame there isn't some other scandal involving him where a barely-legal co-worker he groomed was branded as a slut by the media.

No. 1503506

These are same retards crying about how they need to flee the U.S. and be granted asylum because kids being denied horse piss pills equals genocide.

No. 1503507


No. 1503508

My deepest condolences to whoever had to sit next to a diaper-shitting tranny for an entire flight.

No. 1503513

>there is an epidemic of teenage girls with anal injuries in hospitals now
hold up. please post stats I haven't heard of this

No. 1503526

sadly it isn't, its a porn rotten young woman

No. 1503536

Oh now she’s a pedo too lmao? How

No. 1503554

File: 1676750696499.png (122.81 KB, 588x816, e459ac3aa9fabe1dfbc0.png)

idk anything about that but the current TRA claim against Rowling is that she's a "gender essentialist"(cause its obvious she isn't a conservative but she isn't a radfem either) from over analysis of her books TRAs are stating that Rowling believes that men should be masculine providers and women can never physically harm men

No. 1503556

The nice guy and the jerk treating them like shit are the same person. The “nice guys” are just hiding their true self because they have nothing else to offer such as being attractive or otherwise interesting.

No. 1503560

ofc jkr doesn't go out of her way to paint out what merope did as a bad thing. the person reading the book is expected to have enough critical thinking skills to both recognise that her using a love potion was condemnable, while also feeling sympathy for her bc her situation was undeniably shitty. also like… do these people WANT to see a realistic depiction of sexual assault in a series of kids books?
the only point out of these that stands on its own is the observation about broken parentage, but that's another issue, and you could argue that snape subverts this.

No. 1503565

What are they talking about? Can HP fans comment?

No. 1503578

A point in the series is that Voldemort was concieved without "love" so he is pitiful because of that. His mother grew up in poverty with a misogynistic and crazy brother and father. She had a crush on the basic rich boy in town but he saw her as rubbish, so one day she gave him a love potion, had sex with him and concieved a child.

I have no fucking clue what these people are reaching for as this whole backstory is seen as sad and pathetic and voldemort becomes evil because he grows up as an average loser and wants to seek glory in his past (like dudes who say their grandfather fought in WW2). There's a ton of people from broken families who turn out to be lovely characters.

No. 1503605

File: 1676753931126.png (416.26 KB, 694x1078, 1587045-screen-shot-2020-05-29…)

I think it's from a few years ago, she was promoting her book the christmas pig or something like that and retweeting and replaying to kids posting their art of another story she wrote for kids and trannies were replying to these posts by posting porn. After that she posted something like "I didn't say anything about the porn posted under these tweets but you guys need to stop doing that", one tranny misquoted that on purpose to make it seem like JKR is ok with exposing kids to porn and called her a pedophile as a result and for "caring too much about trans kids genitals". After that guy put words in her mouth she threatened to sue him for libel and he apologized like a the loser he is.

No. 1503610

File: 1676754526560.jpeg (391.71 KB, 1170x934, A88381CE-9B90-4415-BE02-3A64DA…)

No. 1503613

he should go ask his mother about believing everything strangers say on the internet

No. 1503614

As they say on twitter: Beard.

No. 1503617

File: 1676754759843.jpg (96.47 KB, 386x850, Screenshot 2023-02-18 131121.j…)

> trannies were replying to these posts by posting porn.
Jesus christ, what. I looked this up and the amount of people even today misrepresenting what she said like is giving me a headache. They'll find any reason to grasp straws and paint her as evil. Twitter was a mistake. I hate trannies so much.

No. 1503636

These morons are ignoring the context that hundreds of those images were troons putting pictures of their own “girldicks.” But those twans girls are so stunning and brave and vulnerable and aren’t any danger in bathrooms around women and their small children, of course.

No. 1503783

They're calling her a pedo and ignoring the actual gynephiles posting porn on tweets that will most likely be seen by children. JKR is famous for her children and ya media and posting their fanart will bring the kids to her page to see if she shared their work.
These pedos knew damn well children would see her tweets and posted their degen mutilations for the children to see. I'm prob explaining this in a roundabout way, but they're intentionally ignoring the real pedos here because it's the trannies they're hellbent on defending.

No. 1503828

When I first heard the term "Rowling Derangement Syndrome" I thought it was kind of exaggerated and this would die after a few days of the game being out, now I understand it's definitely a real condition.

No. 1503928

By the way, I'm reading the Rowling derangement syndrome thread on kf everyday like it's the newspaper, people are so unhinged when talking about her and it's been years now since they started yelling at her for pretty much anything. I'm glad I'm not famous when I see that shit.

No. 1503977

Nah it’s because the only fans of her works are millennials

No. 1504004

File: 1676783108576.png (214.53 KB, 598x614, Skeeve.png)

Obvious projection on their part. Those with the most vociferous hatred against JKR have the most skeletons in their closet.

No. 1504020

>and then batman and joker start making out and everyone claps
fucking lmao why is this so funny to me

No. 1504025

File: 1676785049083.png (86.01 KB, 658x602, Screen Shot 2023-02-18 at 9.36…)

This was his last IG post, kek. Stuff like this always makes me think about how if I randomly die someday my last post on social media will probably be a stupid meme or something

No. 1504045

File: 1676787461386.png (1.29 MB, 896x1310, Screen Shot 2023-02-18 at 10.1…)

I hate this. "There's no such thing as gay kids…me as a kid:" and all of these examples are just little kids being kids.

No. 1504053

you forgot the zoomers trying to shift to hogwarts lmao

No. 1504087

Ew. I hate men.

No. 1504169

moids literally sexualize anything kids do, so I'm not surprised

No. 1504177

never knew any of this about steve albini somehow, feel like throwing up. fucking hell

No. 1504220

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No. 1504223

People talk so much shite on twitter wtf does this mean

No. 1504232

what the fuck does this mean lol anyone should really have a say if they wanna act in a sex scene. but i could care less how this is so indirectly correlated to poor ol twitter SW (i refuse to call human trafficking victims who literally have no choice in this world sex workers smh twitter)

No. 1504237

That thread is horrific jfc.
Moids who are the most hateful against feminist women who set boundaries and are protective of children usually have a reason like this for it.

No. 1504384

An AI bot wrote this tweet

No. 1504396

>anyone refusing to do sex work means that they are LITERALLY MURDERING gay prostitutes
I fucking hate twittards

No. 1504500

File: 1676841621711.png (2.33 MB, 1004x4468, twitter.png)

Not recent, but in case anyone was unsure, Twitter is as bad as Pornhub when it comes to addressing child exploitation.

No. 1504531

I actually like the term gamine, "soft butch" feels like it's only used to refer to butches who use makeup or have long hair and "tomboy" makes people sperg because it's associated with children. I feel like the "mischievous, boyish expression" lacks a good label women could identify with, a lot of young lesbians like that end up trooning out when they don't fit the stereotypical butch/femme (or the "normie wine aunt" type) binary.

No. 1504592

as bad as it sounds, it gets progressively harder to care about people being murdered when it's mentioned like this. so casual, manipulative, passive aggressive. the initial idea is to throw something very heavy at you so you feel like you have to care but when you see it said like this so many times, it just travels through your brain and heads out. when will these people come to the realisation that you can bring attention to an issue or just create a discussion without massively leaping to mentions of murder? it's almost like clickbaiting but with twitter politics. there's something sinister about it.

No. 1504803

"Sex panic" that gets sex workers killed?? These people are just saying things that make no sense now. Sex workers are killed because they're easy targets for psycho scrotes who want to murder women since they're most likely not going to be reported missing and the police is reluctant to investigate, not because of some "sex panic" phenomenon.

No. 1504814

The divergence between how he's framing it vs. the actual tweet just boggles the mind because any sane person would look at that and say "but that's not what she said", yet people are groomed and bullied into such a state that they instinctively just ignore her words. She even said TWAW but that biological sex shouldn't be erased. Even all the links to the "proof" are tl;dr essays written by someone else and not Rowling's statements as they were so they're making sure to wrap every claim in three layers of discourse to prevent anyone from practicing critical thinking by themselves since people will just share this without ever opening a single link.

Really, it's telling that one of the reply tweets was "my mom asked me what she had done but I couldn't remember so I just said lots of things". Nobody really even knows what she said other than the version they heard through the grapevine. Has any male celebrity ever been subjected to this much deranged stalking and chastisement as Rowling has been?

No. 1504821

I wonder how many twitter thots (because let's be honest that's who they mean when they say "sex workers") got actually killed for being a camgirl.

No. 1504916

your post is just as retarded as that tweet.

No. 1505120

File: 1676926592756.png (400.39 KB, 1184x1122, Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 12.55…)

Do they really??

No. 1505153

File: 1676928743215.jpg (47.05 KB, 200x420, 1531508892158.jpg)

Why are gays on twitter always digging themselves deeper? I keep seeing so many of them bragging about how they 100% all the negative stereotypes about themselves, and 10 posts later about doing ketamine, taking prep for years, choosing the surrogate mother to their kids based on how hot she looks and fisting their husbands and random guys on grindr at the same time until they have a prolapse, they'll tell sob stories about being discriminated against because they're recommended to be vaccinated for the monkey pox virus.

No. 1505155

for real like I'm not actively homophobic but I'm distrustful around gay men and its not at all because of any sort of conservative propaganda, its just how they act online and behave IRL

No. 1505310

Men are coomers by nature. If it was as easy for straight men to find sex (it only isn't because women aren't generally like this) then their numbers would likely be as high.

No. 1505970

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No. 1505972

File: 1677022193278.jpg (327.94 KB, 1182x1378, 12345.jpg)

No. 1505974

File: 1677022301243.jpg (332.8 KB, 1172x1310, 1123.jpg)

No. 1505976

File: 1677022417359.jpg (424.88 KB, 1190x1594, 132.jpg)

No. 1505992

I bet they are all male

No. 1506157

Kek him backpedaling as soon as the troon moid comes in is a hilarious display of misogyny. Nothing is ever to be trusted unless a fellow man backs it up.

No. 1507612

File: 1677200822422.png (46.79 KB, 598x247, twt2.png)

More promotion of infantilizing women. I think this woman claims to be a feminist writer too.

No. 1507630

Such a stupid post too, not everyone is as retarded as you are, Fisher-Quaan

No. 1507653

>imagine how quickly humans would have disappeared from the planet if males were bad
Moids are 'bad' as a reproductive strategy, turns out violence, rape and control over women's bodies are effective ways to create humans rather than causing them to disappear. Utter fucking retard.

No. 1507666

File: 1677207153666.jpeg (217.74 KB, 1242x1234, 04197559-D1F0-46F2-928F-DF646A…)

I think it's so dumb when they go basically talking in "imagine if men not exist! It's Adam and Eve not Amy and Eve!!" Takes as if they were truly the best thing that has ever happened to the world.
Are they needed for reproductive purposes? For a while yes, maybe if there was more research done about reproduction without moids it would be possible to ditch them.
But like, all they think about is that they have to pass their genes, most of the world's population exists because moids have been raping women and girls for centuries, so all they see is "oh yes, women have baby, that means life goes on!" And not the rest of the picture that implies that everyone, not only the parents, their families too, should help raise a whole human into a decent person.
Can you imagine how it would be like if there weren't any rape babies? How the world would be different if babies could only be born in loving, functional families?
Of course they never think about it because moids are just cumming machines, they spend their lives thinking about cum, about how they can or can't cum in certain women, about how they wish they could cum, that's it. And once they cum and reproduce, they either destroy their sex drives or keep on living as cumming machines looking for more women to cum in.
Being a male must be so bleak.

No. 1507668

I do that with my brother though, its fun

No. 1507685

Jesus it took a fucking troon stepping in for them to change their minds, fucking hell i hate men.

No. 1507687

I hate this infantilization trend so much, especially since it seems like a subtle backlash to encouraging women to get into stem and business just because some women are scammers. I hope this is not a reach, but it's a trend i've noticed.

No. 1507914

This and also the "bimbo reclamation" trend, yes.

No. 1508021

File: 1677252401464.jpg (166.91 KB, 828x1441, YAG2UUAEZ.jpg)

Fujos get called porn sick for their obvious moments of brainrot, but those instances aren't any worse then the porn sickness of IRL gay men, who make everything about disgusting gay sex

No. 1508023

The Philippines guy? Really? Objectively the ugliest guy out of all five? Bruuuuuuh

No. 1508024

He has the face of a child with wasting disease. Elderly yet unmasculine.

No. 1508028

every day i thank god i was born a woman

No. 1508036

File: 1677253581211.jpg (60.56 KB, 621x311, YAG2UU.jpg)

a lot of "filtered" asian models tend to end up looking like that

No. 1508064

No. 1508069

Same. And honestly, none of these men are even appealing to me. Gay men have the worst taste.

No. 1508071

It's almost like there are massive evidence from all women, statistics, etc to prove men are a threat. Women who were tricked into helping men and raped, trafficked or worse… Women who went into the mountains with a male guide and never returned. Women always have to live looking over their shoulder and men just dont want to hear THEY are the problem. Not women. Women are constantly gaslighted and told they are wrong for the way they think, but telling a man a simple no could result in a violent reaction from them. Fuck all men.

No. 1509759

Oops didn't realize it was posted my bad but yeah this girl is just an embarrassment. I used to like her writing on online identities especially about tiktok, she seems very observant on the culture there but completely got over her head by twitterfags hype and now thinks that she can just repackage what authors said long before her and get away with it. She's not a feminist writer, and she will never be. She's a watered down libfem who simultaneously wants to be seen as a smart capable writer but also a dumb little bimbo. The interview she did for Vox always makes me laugh since she basically admitted to having a 8+ hour screen time. Complete brainrot at this point

No. 1510866

File: 1677519947164.jpg (35.68 KB, 680x289, FpYrYmFWYAI6E_p.jpg)

so sick of these pick me ass bitches so bitter of other women

No. 1510882

Late, but hasn’t there been news in the past few years about being able to make sperm in labs? I hope men will be obsolete some day. They bring nothing to the table.

No. 1510915

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No. 1510924

>The Hellenist
An accurate larp includes preying on eunuchs

No. 1510926

The Greeks didn't have eunnchs but they fucked low born young boys

No. 1511009

File: 1677532182473.jpeg (466.7 KB, 1170x2271, A833C936-4965-4089-B622-527E4B…)

Just a regular day on twitter

No. 1511026

Yes. it has been a thing for the last decade or so. Male scientists just dont want to work too much on it, but it's entirely possible for women and lesbians to have children without men involved at all.

No. 1511083

She's a weird fake anachan obsessed with calling herself skinny and accusing others of being fat tbf (she's completely average for america)

No. 1511452

Her brother is most likely her puppet.

No. 1512317

File: 1677693481419.jpeg (155.93 KB, 1170x480, 2714C691-2C06-48EA-BF3E-477C99…)

This has to be bait

No. 1512333

It's always the same kind of girls who say that shit online and irl, I'm sick of them.

No. 1512334

It's legit. They conflate femininity with a woman who is less stressed and doesn't overwork herself, but the hook is because a man is handling the hard work and stress for her.

No. 1512337

>bringing women peace
Has this ever happened?

No. 1512338

it's always a weird power fetish to these people, i hate them

No. 1512361

File: 1677697705641.png (178.01 KB, 1501x581, screenshot.PNG)

Anon I just found a tweet posted by one of Junko Furuta's killer (according to the comments anyway) whining about how he "just made a mistake in his boyhood" and now everyone is telling him to commit suicide, what the fuck is going on? I forgot that these sociopaths all ot light sentences.

No. 1512397

i hope some japanese lady will help him sudoku himself

No. 1512514

what the actual fuck

No. 1512670

He should kill himself.

No. 1512677

Why would he ever use to social media? If real I hope people get him to commit suicide on stream.

No. 1512680

You just know that if it's true, he is going to get doxxed within a week or so.

No. 1512880

My moots were RTing this in a LMAO LIKE SO TRUE!!! fashion and it genuinely made me want to kys myself. Why would you hold ignorance and being reliant on another adult for basic information of the world as a badge of honor? I get that it's a joke tweet about being soooo silly no thoughts head empty uwu and it's not that serious but there's always a spec of truth to these things. Women are really memed into infantilizing themselves to be seen as attractive and quirky because men are always threatened by a woman being more intelligent and well-read than he is. I wish for once a tweet glorifying intelligence in a woman went viral.

No. 1512981

File: 1677759990461.jpg (208.43 KB, 1080x1103, IMG_20230302_132516.jpg)

Interesting, yet you're still entitled to preach to others on twitter

No. 1512984

No it’s a bit of a trend right now on tiktok for all the all the mascs (not necessarily trans) to go on and on about how they’re only masc in response to the patriarchy

No. 1512997

I don't get what he's trying to say

No. 1512999

Holy fucking shit I have no words

No. 1513006

He's just screaming at the top of his lungs what a good ally he is, please, do praise him.

No. 1513017

I can't wait until these embarrassing zoomers get jaded by the reality of the workplace and either grow up and deal with it or just quit the medical field altogether.

No. 1513020

The pronouns in the email signature. It's like these thembles want everybody to be constantly using third person for the "validation"

No. 1513309

People like this have no worth and should off themselves immediately.

No. 1513310

This makes me sick. that is one of the worst cases in Japan and the fact that they didnt get life or a death sentence shows her broken their 'justice' system is. Fucking hell.

No. 1513360

File: 1677796080358.jpeg (224.5 KB, 978x918, 0A2ED3C0-8AF3-42B2-BE6A-D3C5A1…)

Stolen from the MtF thread

No. 1513438

File: 1677802555369.webm (6.26 MB, 320x568, WjAgo-xsx0uzLPil.webm)

Men on Twitter are absolutely losing their shit over this tiktok. It's about a group of lesbians living a male-free lifestyle in a van.

No. 1513442

Lol one of his replies was
>"uh i mean plenty of men do this"
>op : "keyword: men"
>op: "if a man was doing this he would be figuring out how to monetize this life style instead of these lesbians just traveling and having fun"

No. 1513474

Aren't they monitzing it by putting it on tiktok? Isn't there tons of women who get millions of views on youtube living this lifestyle? It seems like the problem is that they are living a life where they aren't worried about sucking smegma out of dicks. Notice how he conveniently ignores the aforementioned examples because most of them are with their bf, one of which was literally murdered by her bf. I want these men to kill themselves so fucking bad. And apparently he has a daughter!!! I'd rather she be fatherless then deal with a demonic father who probably wants to rape her, because most men like do that kind of stuff. Men literally can't handle seeing women "happy" when there's no dick involved. It's always the most ugly men too.

No. 1513481

File: 1677806667037.png (259.63 KB, 602x752, lol.png)

kek this dude is a tard

No. 1513483

It's… 3 women… What the fuck? I'm sincerely worried for their safety.

No. 1513486

I think three adult women living together will probably be fine. Having a man there would make it more dangerous, not less.

No. 1513487

He's clearly trolling…

No. 1513491

File: 1677807531687.jpg (177.71 KB, 1125x1904, durries.jpg)

>unironic comments made by men about the smell of the van, making weird remarks about the women not being white, or anime profile pics making a joke about harassing them.

KEK MOIDS GOT NOTHING ON THEM, Cope, seethe, and dilate XY fuckers

No. 1513497

What? I'm saying that men will find them and hurt them potentially.

No. 1513498

“Just having kids” oh yeah the simple choice and process of creating and providing for a child for the rest of your life. It’s amazing how retarded they are. They’re seething because all they do is video games and porn and think society is out to get them because sex isn’t being offered on a silver platter by Instagram models.

No. 1513588

File: 1677815853134.jpg (31.53 KB, 519x355, Mongolian-nomadic-life.jpg)

Manosphereoids be like "Yeah I love traditional values" and lose their shit when they see the modern equivalent of a nomadic pastoralist which our Indo-European ancestors practiced, A thousand years ago these same women would be herding flocks of sheep and cows across the great steppe

No. 1513604

There have always been people with this lifestyle especially young people. I don't get how these men go through life constantly freaking out over normal stuff. At this rate we will need to install fainting couches for men.

No. 1513609

Gen-Xers had punk communes and squat homes, this is just a zoomer/young millennial version of that, though I have some safety concerts with van life types, like I feel this would be easier in safer courtiers life Germany but still I can see the appeal

No. 1513623

Moids are fucking insane, even by their own standards of throwing tantrums over women not being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen this is absurd. They're young lesbians and van living is a trend but it's hardly some fucking epidemic single handedly bringing the birthrate down. And it's a pretty wholesome lifestyle compared to the usual things they panic about (women being whores/career women/materialistic gold diggers, etc). The most psychotic part is him going
>Women will live in a van forever and aimlessly wander the earth until a lonely death awaits
????? this mf really thinks he can predict what they're gonna do with the rest of their lives based on their lifestyle in what, their early 20s? Is there some big community of childless elderly ladies living in vans out there?

No. 1513631

we must retvrn

No. 1513653

They are legitimately hysterical lmao. We need a word for them. Testerical? They will shit all over these women and call them freaks for not wanting to be married mothers. If you point out that men should probably reflect on the fact that women would rather live in a van with other women than have a modern man's baby, they say "well you bitches are weird and smelly and we don't want to give you babies anyway!!" Okay why is it a problem, then? They know they fucked themselves and their dating pool is decreasing, and because they are fucking chimps they're expressing it the only way they know how – anger.

No. 1513676

>retard moid in the comments
>Go on his profile
>followed by sh0eonhead

No. 1513684

File: 1677827735140.png (80.22 KB, 597x340, lowt.png)

These types of RW twitter men are so prissy. They can't do any activity because it might lower their testosterone, so they sit at home online gossiping and clutching their pearls over everything normal people do.

No. 1513740

>Women will live in a van forever and aimlessly wander the earth until a lonely death awaits
This is unironically the lifestyle I aspire too, like some kind of cursed knight errant lmao.

No. 1513938

This van lifestyle seems cool. I want it kek

No. 1514185

File: 1677881428980.jpeg (473.21 KB, 828x1255, 7A997D8B-2286-46D0-B2BA-CEFDFB…)

he also blames gabby petito for her murder and claims she’s the abusive aggressor. also said “chelsea handler masturbates every morning” in response to someone asking for proof yo this image. this is a schizo or a parody

No. 1514310

>furries making comments about women not following the standards of western society
I wish I had that level of self-awareness

No. 1514775

Literally everyone with a Milady NFT profile picture on Twitter is insane

No. 1514812

File: 1677951886375.png (292.76 KB, 649x796, Screenshot 3.png)

The absolute state of moids, who are so utterly pornsick that they see an adult woman short hair as being a "ancient greek femboy"

No. 1514814

Uhhh wrong screenshot anon? Isn't the OP a woman?

No. 1514815

File: 1677952003963.png (381.63 KB, 585x942, Screenshot 76.png)

The absolute state of moids, who are so utterly pornsick that they see an adult woman short hair and think she's an "ancient greek femboy"

No. 1514817

She looks younger but still like an adult, coomers are massive retards.

No. 1514821

They don't even know what their OWN kind looks like

No. 1514822

do men really tell themselves this

No. 1514830

>she makes men admit they’re pedophiles
What’s her name?

No. 1514841

File: 1677954727275.webm (5.26 MB, 581x1138, 19e7c4d9ed3c6648ad.webm)

she goes by the handle gio.scottii, this was the specific video that got popular and made coomers admit to being potential gay pedophiles

No. 1514845

>men admitting being gay for liking a woman
we truly do live in dark times

No. 1514850

anon you're dumbie dumbdumb, the op of that tweet is a woman (who's supposed to hate troons lol)

No. 1514976

Wild shit

No. 1514991

So, I'm a retard, but can someone explain to me why saying "if you're against abortions, don't get one" is bad logic? Isn't that still prochoice?

No. 1515011

No. 1515024

Well I guess their point was that if something is unethical, you can't just handwave it away by saying 'don't like it, don't do it'. As in, 'if you don't like murder, don't murder people' wouldn't make sense. Obviously that logic doesn't apply to abortion though.

No. 1515053

File: 1677977919506.jpeg (793.82 KB, 1170x1880, BEC20263-8584-40AC-975A-ADAB69…)

Wehhh stawp mawcing foon of da pour mawns :(():)

No. 1515076

"""The manga""" oh shut the fuck up tranny it's an 18 page oneshot.

No. 1515094

we need to turn Lain into a TERF icon to piss troons

No. 1515120

File: 1677986649153.jpg (842.42 KB, 3200x3200, FS_mXviXsAAFc_p.jpg)

No. 1515122

File: 1677986845612.jpg (75.01 KB, 623x677, FTCpF7bXEAEO7XA.jpg)

No. 1515124

File: 1677987021504.jpg (131.13 KB, 713x938, FTEEIGwUsAAPbb-.jpg)

No. 1515890

File: 1678075937406.png (Spoiler Image,284.69 KB, 460x484, twitter.PNG)

People on twitter always promoting the weirdest sex toys.

No. 1515940

those are fake nonny, he also made a shrek one

No. 1515949

i'm amazed how western whites can become fucking retarded over 60iq retard's feelings. but it's what you get for allowing kikes to import niggers to your country when it was founded or in case of western europe, allow literal 60iq whites who fallen on green and red bullshit to get into power and later end up kicking out students, elderly and even people who had hard time finding flats to house nigger and islamoid mentally ill on top of their low iqs moids and their pickme women who just wreck everything and kill people and think it's a very good idea.

i'm a woman and i find that most of western women shouldn't have voting rights because they are retarded and mainly vote against themselves on leftoid parties who wreck economy and import more 3rd world moids who rape and kill women(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1516029

Now a Japanese artist I'm following is retweeting posts in Japanese about trans rights and muh misunderstood trannies uwu. I'm done, I wish I didn't understand Japanese now even though I'm not even fluent. I can't follow anyone related to fandoms without escaping that shit, and in my first language the people who seem to like the same series and video games I like are also obsessed with that. Don't get me started with English speaking fandoms.

No. 1516055

I had to unfollow an artist because she suddenly started retweeting shit about troon rights and BLM and completely stopped drawing like the flick of a switch. On the other hand I've seen some artists retweet crypto terf content (like bathroom rights and creepy troons), all hope is not lost.

No. 1516081

Yeah it happened to me a lot before but not with artists who exclusively post in Asian languages because they tend to use twitter more like it was intended, you know as a microblogging platforms and not as wordpress or tumblr-lite with huge threads. I'm gonna mute Japanese words related to that nonsense asap.

No. 1516087

He and the other killers were meant to remain anonymous upon release, but their names were outed because a Japanese newspaper released them, saying "Anonymity is reserved for humans".

No. 1516091

kek based newspaper. This is similar to that case in the UK of the 2 boys who killed a toddler and had fake names ever since their judge thought it would benefit them, apparently one of them was outed once years ago? I don't have their real names in mind anymore but honestly if you're 10yo or 16yo and you willingly torture and kill others just for fun you should get the guillotine. No need to be nice to these people.

No. 1516128

Your king is a child rapist so it's not exactly shocking.

No. 1516131

I'm not British… I was so confused by your comment for a minute because I forgot that Elizabeth isn't the queen anymore.

No. 1516132

james bulger. he has a name. so do his murderers, one of which who perpetually reoffends. Robert Thompson and Jon Venables who have been re-named as you said, are the actual sadistic pedo cunts who killed that poor baby. they are on the loose and reoffending.

No. 1516151

I think Thompson hasn't reoffended. Venables was caught several times with child porn on his computer and apparently larped as a woman on the internet. He has been granted a new identity every time and it's disgusting and insulting to the child who was murdered. Why not let everyone know who he is? Why protect a moid who killed as a child and showed no remorse?

No. 1516157

exactly. I want to go to UK and murder him in cold blood (in minecraft) give me his ID you fucking pansy butterknife-fearing gronks

No. 1516235

File: 1678125795043.png (47.46 KB, 591x236, bimbo.png)

No. 1516244

Oh no, a disgusting dehumanizing porn term invented by evil coomers has become even more pointless, what a terrible misfortune.

No. 1516505

I know this is bait but this made me laugh so hard I’m sorry.

No. 1516512

Idk who "he" is, but I do not think they're fake. Feel like eventually I'm gonna see someone who has actually bought one.

No. 1516519

>wants to gatekeep being a bimbo
>talks about writing a thinkpiece
oh the irony

No. 1516536

File: 1678141968333.png (348.55 KB, 578x596, fghjkl.png)

I feel bad for his loss but can you imagine if a single mom made this type of tweet ? Just shows how much he wasn't involved before and how everyone think that it is normal for a men to not do basic stuff for their kids.

No. 1516556

well, the bar is all the way on the floor for men when it comes to housekeeping and childcare.

No. 1516564

Absolutely true. I often see comments and threads online about how if a father is at a store with his kids, even if they are acting out he gets praise from other shoppers (women) for being such a good dad and doing his best. but if a mom is in a store and the same thing, she gets stares and tsk tsks.
and the whole concept of a father is babysitting his kids if the mom goes somewhere without them. he's not babysitting if it's his kids. he's being the bare minimum parent.

No. 1516733

She needs to touch grass but at the same time, the ones who are coming for her because the OOP was black need to as well. The only person who doesn’t sound deranged at all in this is OOP herself.

No. 1516747

Based. Good to know that Japan is giving him the Karla Homolka treatment.

No. 1517009

File: 1678180389027.jpeg (1003.93 KB, 1170x1838, 2755BBDB-5905-4029-B4F0-EA64CE…)

idk if you guys saw this but one of junko furuta’s murderers, shinji minato, is on twitter whining about being cyberbullied for “a mistake in his boyhood”.

his tweet complaining about it: https://twitter.com/denngekiraketto/status/1620679328471347201?s=46&t=fYER8XFhaeAYt5RZQw-xhA

No. 1517010

fucking disgusting. he shouldn't be allowed to live

No. 1517030

File: 1678184965407.jpg (113.14 KB, 1400x787, 1_oxFPAjBfrkWqarWQs38dxQ.jpg)

>After his release, Hiroshi Miyano changed his name and then was rearrested for fraud four-years later, in 2013. He was involved in scams and living a flashy lifestyle. The charges were dropped and he allegedly lives a pretty good life, unfortunately. Basically a career con-man.
>Nobuharu Minato changed his name after release too. He got married in 2006 to a women from Romania. He had an ugly custody battle with his wife during their divorce and continued to be violent after his release. In 2018, he was arrested for attempted murder. He beat a man during an altercation and cut his throat with a knife, but the man survived. He’s incarcerated again.
>Jo Ogura also changed his name after being released. His mother was the one who vandalized Junko’s grave for “ruining her sons life”. He squandered his fathers savings, the money that was supposed to go to Junko’s family, essentially spoiling himself. In 2004 though, he assaulted a man who he believed slept with his girlfriend. He was sentenced to 4-years for the assault. He’s been free again since 2009 due to frequent violence incidents.
>Yasushi Watanabe is the only perpetrator who didn’t reoffend after prison. There’s virtually no news on him and it appears he’s living a normal life, likely under a new name.

so all the preparations (except one) remained violent monsters and continued their psychopathic behavior till they either got caught

No. 1517036

Japan is honestly fucked, you can stay longer in jail for doing drugs than raping someone. They literally don't give a fuck about women.

No. 1517044

I believe in forgiveness for some things… but not this. how the fuck is he gonna whine about people thinking less of him? he should be happy no one has ragemurdered him.

No. 1517046

Ahhhhh so her rape and torture TO FUCKING DEATH OVER MULTUPLE DAYS and eventual dismemberment was… a boyhood mistake. Goddamn I hate Japans criminal justice system. There is no aspect that isn't about protecting the criminal.
Btw please don't ban him Twitter. He needs doxxed and harassed tull he kills himself.

No. 1517051

Yeah I'm the one who posted a screenshot but not the link. And he got even more replies telling him to kill himself since then, I hope someone will dox him.

No. 1517062

>His mother was the one who vandalized Junko’s grave for “ruining her sons life”
I'm trying to hard not to alog but this bitch deserves prison with her failure of a son

No. 1517070

most of the boys came from Yakuza families, I guess someone dumb enough to marry a violent criminal would also be the type to excuse rape and murder
OT but I feel like pop-culture has fucked up people's perception of what Yakuza's are like, currently they run the casinos, they traffick women women and and they run the japanese porn Industry but during their prime (60's~90's) The Yakuza were used to put down or prevent riots, strikes, and protests, to deal with communists/leftists, To threaten academics, To assist the Corporate/Industrial Groups with illegally propping up their stock prices and hiding inventory shortages, To hinder foreign company's, To aid politicians by damaging and harassing (or blackmailing) their foes, To force people into selling homes and property for modern construction and urban expansion, and generally do all kinds of awful stuff. They did that work while also doing monstrous things like sex trafficking, smuggling, Extorting, etc… which was overlooked, often as an agreement (payment) for services rendered.

No. 1517074

I know all that, that's why I'm not surprised everyone in their neighborhood let them torture and murder Junko despite knowing what was going on.

No. 1517075

a lot of Asian cultures are sadly like this, my friend talked about how her uncle literally molested/raped some of her other cousins and everyone knows about it but they don't ever talk about it

No. 1517082

ayrt someone did post hints as to where his address could be found tied to a different crime so hopefully someone will go the whole mile

No. 1517122

The thing with your uncle is sadly a much more universal problem. A bunch of families are like this all over the planet because of how dysfunctional they are or because they think the kids are to blame and it'll bring shame to their family or whatever.

No. 1518355

File: 1678306361815.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x1389, 971E07B5-0948-4726-8979-7D73C4…)

I didn’t know white people invented biological sex

No. 1518483

I come from a country that has many diverse ethnic groups and we actually have multiple forms of "third genders" here as well
so we had historical eunnch court officials, we had gay/effeminate men kicked out of the male sex and considered untouchable/low-caste and also had to castrate themselves, we have some rarer cases of women taking up a male identity if a family didn't have any sons, so she worked the farm and did back breaking labor for the family and of course we famously still have little boys getting raped by adult men

and this more or less encompasses every third gender in the world, its built on misogyny and patriarchy, who would have thought

No. 1518489

This story still remains as one of the few that shake me to my core. Those mothers failed to raise their sons and that sexist society failed Junko. I feel so horrible for what happened to her. the fact that zero justice was done is beyond infuriating.

No. 1518490

Japan told my friend to move after she reported being followed home and raped by a man. they said it's less troublesome for her to pack up and move… Police are useless. Japan is a truly sexist society.

No. 1518503

>we Hawaiians were so retarded we didn't even know what biological sex was until white people colonized us, which is bad
Is this guy racist against himself? Normal Hawaiians should go after him and beat his ass irl for this. I've seen this exact same argument used for the rest of the planet, which is funny as hell in the case of Africa because before European countries fucked up the continent, the Arab Muslims colonized a very large part of the continent centuries earlier and their ideas of how men and women should be are even more restrictive than what European Christians forced on the local population, if there were third genders in there I doubt it lasted for very long.

No. 1518525

someone post that screenshot of that millionaire chinese girl claiming that homophobia didn't exist in ancient China before white people came and forced the Chinese to be homophobic

No. 1518555

Is it the Chinese-Canadian girl plagiarizing some shitty flavor of the month mecha anime to write a YA novel?

No. 1518557

From what I've read, third genders have existed in African cultures too, but it's exactly as >>1518483 said. Eunuchs, male sex slaves to kings, and girls being made to take "male" roles in place of sons. The Arab conquest didn't really encroach on everything.

No. 1519541

File: 1678402804518.png (2.02 MB, 950x1364, Screen Shot 2023-03-09 at 5.49…)

within 12 hours i saw:
>one person saying that hbo should have included rhaenyra/emma d'arcy and ellie/bella ramsey
>a second person telling that person they're transphobic because emma and bella are non-binary, not women
>a third person accusing hbo of being transphobic for not including emma and bella

No. 1519552

bella is an ugly salamander looking bitch. She's a woman, albeit ugly af and can't act. We cant just have one day. One fucking day.

No. 1519560

I hate to shit on her looks, but I agree. I think she was a horrible choice to cast for Ellie. I know she’s an adult but she looks so young and strange it really doesn’t suit the character.

No. 1519706

File: 1678419250461.jpeg (538.61 KB, 828x1133, 48368D45-A1A6-4FA8-885E-3474FC…)

Her face is just so neotenous. If it weren’t for her chin she would look like an actual baby.

IMO she’s not that ugly, she has college women’s soccer player phenotype

No. 1519760

No offense but does she have some sort of condition that makes her look like that? How does she naturally look like she’s 6 years old? It’s disturbing that this woman is being cast in adult female roles

No. 1519762

ellie is like 14 not an adult

No. 1519781

She suits kid characters but I assumed she had some kind of genetic mutation similar to Down’s syndrome when I saw her

No. 1519788

so this whole time nonnas were annoyed at a child for looking like a child kek

No. 1519828

>she has college women’s soccer player phenotype
Oh my god she does

No. 1519833

her acting is fine imo. i stand by saying her lifeless eyes are the problem, they’re so black it looks like she’s wearing demon contacts.

No. 1519844

she's one of those who looks better in motion than in pictures. I thought she was odd looking in pictures, but she looks okay in motion. some people aren't photogenic, but she's still very young and has a very young face, and the character is supposed to be a child

ellie was overly sexualized by the last of us fandom anyway so it's nice to see the moids seethe over bella not being conventionally attractive

No. 1519970

File: 1678455114658.jpeg (932.01 KB, 1170x1467, 5479C0D2-A038-49EC-BFF0-0BEA08…)

the smugness over the prospect of other ppl experiencing marriage inequality bc they didn’t completely rearrange society and biological reality to cater to you

No. 1519975

The lack of self awareness. As if it weren't indirectly trannies' fault if the LGB's reputation is sinking.

No. 1519985

File: 1678456005312.jpg (68.99 KB, 1200x797, apparently-lyanna-mormont-was-…)

bella was cute as little lyanna mormont in
a season 6 bit part, but was wayyy overused in seasons 7 and 8 because she was reddit's favorite character.

>college women’s soccer player phenotype

the character is 14 but the actress is 19

No. 1520372

Even then she looks younger than 14 to me. It’s weird, but my perception could be skewed because I’m not really ever around teenagers.

No. 1520374

I was going to say the same thing. TRAs are wholly responsible for this. Gay acceptance was becoming more widespread until the trans shit started getting louder and louder.

No. 1520935

File: 1678548424619.jpg (320.89 KB, 1630x1047, twotoonqNTfAd9C8f6Qe.jpg)

of course twittertards zoomers are going ballistic over some mediocre sex comedy

No. 1521111

Also I don't think trans laws were the canary in the coal mine. Did they just forget the decades long campaign to overturn Roe vs Wade, for example.

No. 1521713

File: 1678619761211.jpeg (151.46 KB, 1170x1094, 63628B8E-993A-40EF-9397-0C8C88…)

it’s apparently detransition awareness day today and ofc the rabid trannies are harassing people and throwing tantrums

No. 1521771

File: 1678632452680.jpeg (146.1 KB, 828x1367, 6D3AACA3-7D2A-4E84-AC3F-291F5A…)

>vid shes quoting is about a woman who gave birth to son, after the birth she entered a coma and was in it for 6 days, after it she lost one arm & one leg. in the end her son also died later as a baby
>picrel has 77.7k likes

No. 1521803

All these outraged Zoomers are acting as if there aren't infinitely more movies where men are in relationships with teenage girls.

No. 1522224

I saw the video and really wonder how mentally ill to find this truly inspirational. That woman wasted her health for a dead baby and a bald man, it's going to sound disrespectful for that baby but it feels like a waste. It doesn't seem like it was worth it at all, I wish it was possible for her to know in advance that this was a very risky pregnancy.

No. 1522262

"uterus haver" it's woman. The word is woman.

No. 1522271

your post reminded me of the movie hard candy. there should be more like it. only this time, real castration.

No. 1522368

Shiv and Alicent would be terfs irl, Shiv a cryptoterf faking TRA beliefs to get ahead and Alicent openly terven

No. 1523023

File: 1678741665158.jpeg (180.59 KB, 1170x1320, 16AA3917-5078-4A23-B1DC-11B736…)

That’s a very philosophical way of admitting you’re a groomer

No. 1523030

Just say woman you stupid fucking idiot.

No. 1523045

Tell me about it, he sounds butt hurt about women standing up for themselves in general and it warms my heart to see them waking up. Goes to show you that liberal feminism is largely just men's rights for left wing men.

No. 1523111

those zoomer girls are right. Girls literally got nothing good out of hookup culture. You put yourself in danger and on risk of a pregnancy for a total stranger that most of the time isn't even that good at sex

No. 1523160

I hope the teen girls who hurt him enough to make him be emo on Twitter know they're based.

No. 1523588

File: 1678822448628.jpeg (176.48 KB, 1170x1216, 618EEB30-E04C-4DDA-B93F-2DB2C4…)


No. 1523614

this dude is constantly on twitter complaining about his fans or having dumbass takes on the sh lore that makes no sense. doesn’t he have a job with the remake?

No. 1523701

File: 1678829345269.png (30.24 KB, 580x454, dance.png)

RW scrotes on Twitter now hate women lipsyncing and dancing. They're back to being the side of anti-fun scolds.

No. 1523703

They can't hide anymore how much it hurts them that women don't want them, don't need them and are happy without. It brings me great joy that women just being happy and comfortable in their skin tears them apart.

No. 1523756

Kek at him trying to spin it into zoomers being against consent and feminism when his second post reveals he's just mad about teenage girls not being sexually available to anyone
I don't think zoomer normies more against feminism than millennials were. I still remember the 'antiSJW' era we had. There's a lot of redpill zoomer moids but millennial scrotes were really into MGTOW.

No. 1524553

File: 1678913226429.jpeg (43.28 KB, 749x617, 62F12676-3D97-4EF1-9717-BF9F53…)

found this jump scare

No. 1524558

this really rubs me the wrong way. why would you use a parent talking about their kid as an opportunity to brag about how "hot" you are

No. 1524561

thought this was an edit of that XQC twitch streamer

No. 1524575

File: 1678916264639.jpeg (105.93 KB, 1170x963, FC8C3B53-104B-4935-B4E9-179B5D…)

This feels like bait but there are incels out there
more fitting in >>>/snow/1788707

No. 1524668

oh my fucking god me too

No. 1524672

File: 1678926147103.jpeg (92.5 KB, 1170x708, 88AAB99E-2516-40E6-8ADB-63A3AF…)

How are those two things correlated. Twitter is a random sentence generator.

No. 1524674

my theory is something something if you don't support all marginalized groups, you are an enemy to all

No. 1524685

>marginalized groups
but tras don’t care about women

No. 1524768

File: 1678934844159.jpg (278.84 KB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20230316_134429_Dri…)

Two nobody anime girl larping streamers are trying to cancel some nobody anime guy larper for "sexual abuse" over their cringe bdsm e-rp. It's so embarrassing watching 20-somethings type this shit and act like victims. @AriyanaGames if you want to follow the stale at best milk

No. 1524828

thats the thing, (cis) women arent marginalized in modern discourse. the ranking goes
color of skin
non-cisgender gender identity
non-heterosexual sexuality
profit literally
there is no benefit nor money in protecting or supporting females as females. i'm waiting for the day i see people arguing abortions are transphobic because the inability for ftm to have one causes dysphoria. then we'll get services allowing them to have fake abortions like their fake menstruation.

No. 1524950

This faggot was acting like the tranny's were gonna fly out there to japan and curve stomp him

No. 1524999

File: 1678970542548.jpeg (69.41 KB, 828x1157, FA5325DC-7583-478A-9638-57E962…)

No. 1525013

Lol remember when a young girl got exploited and blackmailed by a grown man and committed suicide as a result??? So funny!!!!

No. 1525038

File: 1678974166007.png (36.02 KB, 646x1034, 35.png)

these subhumans are so irony poisoned they can't take anything seriously

No. 1525130

File: 1678983316393.png (11.46 KB, 598x345, B283A917-761E-459F-8B7E-5035DD…)

This is just embarrassing

No. 1525132

Imagine being a grown man who took a shower two weeks ago for the last time, sperging about Black Butler and Vtubers and kawaii uguu stripped socks and your mom has to defend you online when people rightfully laugh at you. How embarrassing that must be.

No. 1525154

before he trooned out he was the top paid follower to vid related, Low Tier God, a fighting game community megacow. he was wearing his Covenant merch

No. 1525156

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No. 1525177

File: 1678988059104.jpeg (212.53 KB, 1170x1720, B8DC3D90-BE0F-4286-A30E-CD570D…)

If I had a nickel for everytime someone tried to woke-ify organized religion…

No. 1525183

File: 1678989220097.png (445.95 KB, 1124x1096, 1663968628910175.png)

I have pale skin and dark eyes like her and this really helps my self esteem

No. 1525200

I wish people would shut the fuck up about Jesus instead of going "oh but this random middle eastern schizo whose mother lied about her pregnancy would totally be for obamacare" like no bitch he would not because he died several millennia ago after ruining the entire planet for billions of people. At least with Islam most Muslims will be direct with you and tell you how Muhamad (piss be upon him) was a crazy pedophilic warlord, but the issue here is that they treat this as a good thing.

No. 1525215

File: 1678992222610.png (83.99 KB, 640x360, 722f2669fe6e50b7624f76b6796ede…)

Blogpost but kek same nonna same. I don't know what it is about this combo but people always find it creepy. Her eyes are not even that brown too (makes me think that mine look even more lifeless to other people).

No. 1525657

from what I've seen people either find it mysterious and sexy or pain ugly

No. 1525662

that's offensive and inaccurate, muhammad wasn't a warlord he was a priest-king(very big difference) at least a warlord acknowledges that he's someone who takes power through force, also Muhammad wasn't much of a warrior, he got his cousin/step-brother who was completetly devout to muhammad to fight for him

No. 1525664

muhammed literally told his followers to rob caravans on the road, he wasn't a good guy.

No. 1525671

not saying he was a good person, but he was a leader and and up-start but even in the Quran's narrative he rarely commander armies of did battle

No. 1525728

File: 1679029329972.jpeg (Spoiler Image,35.36 KB, 500x332, 41EB4BC7-3F73-4C8C-AD74-D70073…)

…so he WAS a warlord?

No. 1525752

not really, he was a tradesman from an minor royal tribe, till he was 45 and he got a vision by the angel Gabriel to spread the new religion of Islam, he quickly got a following and in about 10 years his followers were involved in a tribal dispute that led him to rule the cities of mecca and madina(which made him very rich) and he ruled the cities as the priest king for a period of 10 years

No. 1525764

samefag, I really don't wanna make it seem like I'm defending Muhammad(I'm not) but I'm explaining the historical context of how he took power
being from the Hashimid tribe, he had claim on the city of Mecca by birthright

No. 1525776

Same difference. We're talking about a guy who thought that violence is always the answer to everything.

No. 1525778

>he got a vision by the angel Gabriel to spread the new religion of Islam
He was either doing shrooms or was an actual schizo there's no other way. We needed to be ableist towards this specific type of guy a few millenia ago so we could lobotomize "prophets" before they had the opportunity to ruin women's lives and provoke genocides and colonization a few centuries later.

No. 1525884

File: 1679055360539.png (12.71 KB, 1312x275, FnsgNMbgA.png)

why am I not surprised

No. 1525895

oh it's far, far worse than that. there's actual pizza in plain sight on there

No. 1525916

People always talk about going back in time to kill Hitler, but I want to take a rock to prophet Muhamad's head for ruining so much for this world. Especially women's lives

No. 1525936

There's accounts dedicated to exposing accounts that spread CP there and ngl I just think it's a way for pedos to find each other and download whatever it is as fast as they can before it all gets nuked.

No. 1525944

Jesus gave help to prostitutes, he didn't support the act of prostitution why are these people so dense. Just because he was nice to a prostitute means he wanted her on the streets? Didn't he save Mary Magdalene from prostitution?

No. 1526006

It's always like that, if you say you wouldn't want to be sex trafficked and raped on a daily basis to get a little bit of money and you'd rather work in retail and be yelled at by some entitled customers sometimes you'll be branded as a SWERF who wants all prostitutes dead.

No. 1526048

File: 1679073225983.jpg (155.54 KB, 900x1200, Ey5c4fAXMAEqDQg.jpg)

and of course this is what he looks like

No. 1526111

male feminist/sex pest phenotype

No. 1526171

Classic tactic of switching the meaning of SW from "sex work" to "sex workers" when it's convenient to fool people into thinking radfems hate prostitutes.

No. 1526315

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No. 1527401

File: 1679180061257.jpg (128.69 KB, 696x1108, 1b109a3567ff9fa3e3405a5b7f8876…)

the fact that so many people can see these obvious men on a lesbian dating app and be like "omg stop harassing trans people" gives me so little hope

No. 1527416

File: 1679180569791.png (86.11 KB, 593x574, fdstard.png)

Actively rejecting beauty standards is certainly more helpful to women than dedicating your time and energy creating strategies to date your oppressor.

No. 1527427

I don't have an issue with women who don't shave their pits or adhere to any of that stuff, but I'm going to be real and say I agree with her.

No. 1527459

Nah, she’s right, it’s not going to do shit. Nobody even sees my pits because I don’t wear no-sleeves/short sleeves anyway.
>strategies to date your oppressor
Are you the autist that comes around here and blames straight women for everything?

No. 1527466

Obviously stop shaving won't solve misogyny. The point is that she doesn't have the right to judge how other women fight against the patriarchy when she has a a site encouraging other women to waste their energy playing male games, which is not something that also doesn't dismantle patriarchy, but it's also harmful to women.

No. 1527472

wouldn't dismantling beauty standards pressed on to women still at least be part of dismantling patriarchy even if it's a small aspect?

No. 1527618

It totally would be, the Twitter op is wrong and posting in the wrong thread since that isn’t a radfem take anyway.

“Not shaving your pits” isn’t an action, seeing it as an action with a criticisable intention means she’s already operating from the standpoint of “women should all shave their pits”, which is misogynist, pornsick mental illness whether she likes it or not.

No. 1527624

>creating strategies to date your oppressor
i’m a lesbian and i shave my pits cuz otherwise they stink kek

No. 1527625

Unmarried middle-aged men are the most likely population to commit suicide. So there’s definitely some dissatisfaction to be felt down the road he’s advocating for but let’s leave him to it.

No. 1527630

Nta and I’m not knocking you at all but most straight women do it for appearances or learned insecurities.

No. 1527682

honestly even lesbians do it for those reasons though, societal expectations and conditioning effect everyone

No. 1527787

everyone should shave their pits, its disgusting not to

No. 1527801

why is it disgusting ? it's just hair

No. 1527807

It smells bad

No. 1527810

says more about you than it does about anyone else

No. 1527812

do you not know how to clean yourself like go take a shower nonnie eat a decent diet that’s not loaded with processed junk and added sugar

No. 1527813

uhh it shouldn't if you wash correctly lol ?

No. 1527814

this has to be a troll

No. 1527819

I grew up in a Muslim country, shaving your underparts(pits and pubic area) is something men and women do, its the one decent thing about Islam

No. 1527822

okay but having hair there still doesn't make you stink. Not washing yourself correctly will make you stink regardless if you have hair there or not

No. 1528057

It's that why they smell like BO so strongly?? I assumed it was just not wearing deodorant, but if they're also shaving their pits that would explain the stench.

No. 1528070

>shaving your underparts(pits and pubic area)
>one decent thing about Islam
kek I guess Islam is utter shit then

No. 1528124

I’d hate if I had to always do that, it’s so unnecessary, makes you waste your time and itches as hell when growing back.

No. 1528132

>why do people bathe, it's so unnecessary and pointless
That's what you sound like, shaving your underarms and private parrs is not a big task

No. 1528146

Comparing bathing to shaving perfectly demonstrates your retardation

No. 1528153

See, the difference between bathing and shaving is that bathing keeps you clean and healthy and is something others can notice if you don't. Shaving doesn't do anything beyond a cosmetic function, and if you long sleeves nobody isn't going to know and even if you didn't wear long sleeves who gives a shit? As for shaving the privates, that doesn't really matter.

No. 1528160

File: 1679245583064.jpeg (130.37 KB, 828x1258, 0A3C89B0-FD21-475F-B932-1C3BCC…)

No. 1528161

The sweat gets absorbed by the hair, again by your logic moids should never shave their faves either

No. 1528204

She’s right in that it doesn’t do anything substantial, but I also don’t see why I have to if men aren’t socially expected to. I clean myself every day and wear deodorant.

No. 1528218

and if you bathe yourself…..the sweat is removed.

No. 1528226

give it up and start showering with soap nonna.

No. 1528239

Are you bald then?

No. 1528254

what are you on about, I use soap?

No. 1528280

File: 1679254393510.jpg (49.63 KB, 1200x938, main-image.jpeg.jpg)

Nona uses a strigil to bathe

No. 1528282

Shaving is a great way to get skin infections. Your razor burn and ingrown hairs are disgusting. Armpit hair is normal.

No. 1528284

Samefag, I want to be clear: shaved armpits are repulsive and unhygienic.

No. 1528327

File: 1679257877015.jpeg (93.36 KB, 1170x848, C949C90C-77B7-4674-8BDB-8A0D69…)

Is this supposed to be funny

No. 1528364

painfully tryhard

No. 1528369

I'm ESLfag, is the guy the hypothetical woman is in love with, her highschool bully or the moid's ?

No. 1528379

Maybe you have little to no hair, but for women like with the monkey curse its actually gross to have armpit hait. I left my leghair untouched because it doesnt affect me, but in summer i smell so bad if i dont shave my armpits.

No. 1528386

He has a point some dumbfucks actually like shit like A Silent Voice (girl hooks up with her former bully)

No. 1528398

Was that supposed to be a woman's fantasy? It's from the male protag's point of view and is all about him feeling bad and suicidal. The deaf girl doesn't get any depth, she's just a quirky love interest who saves him. Scrotes love the idea of a disabled girl who has no options other than them.

No. 1528448

If hair is so dirty and needs to be shaved, are you bald then? Shaving your head? One's head sweats quite a lot too so it's not a different thing. Unless your hair is also shaved you're a hypocrite pickme.

No. 1528559

I bet you’re dating a male

No. 1528722

? I'm not

No. 1528744

They just don't have a better come back anon lol

No. 1528746

File: 1679299639466.png (271.84 KB, 486x445, m.png)

They will never leave these type of jokes in the past, will they.. I thought they had the better humor?

No. 1528932

They are the most likely to complete it successfully because they’re violent and selfish anon. Not because they attempted more. Don’t buy male bs.

No. 1529176

File: 1679343479837.jpeg (84.05 KB, 1170x916, E86ADCBD-0B0E-4369-8EA4-6D0583…)

Sounds fake but even if it really was a butch girl it’s not “anti-trans sentiment”, it’s lesbophobia

No. 1529180

That sounds more like pro-troon agenda, forcibly telling gnc women they are trans actually

No. 1529181

This sounds like a fake ass story. Even the most masculine women are still women.

No. 1529197

File: 1679344755440.jpeg (81.77 KB, 1047x1015, 2793897F-FA0F-48F1-80B6-C4E0E9…)

>trans flag
I don’t condemn underage alcoholism but I’ve rather a teenager drink beer than take life-altering hormones.

No. 1529198

Wash yourself better/more frequently maybe try that megababe charcoal detox anti stink soap.

No. 1529205

I have never seen a woman who looked male enough that they'd force her to use the toilets. I've seen some where they look a little ambiguous and I assume male at first, but as soon as they open their mouth you know its a woman. Beyond fake and scummy they'd claim this

No. 1529209

>Pops trying to connect with his son who he can feel drifting away. Tries to be the cool dad and offers him a beer
>runs to twitter "MY dad just offered me a beer?? um… so that just happened"
I feel so bad for this guys dad

No. 1529210

File: 1679345879337.png (307.2 KB, 645x509, vavsdf.png)

people really have no sense of media literacy with their obsession with tropes and archetypes rather then actual character context, Saying that Ellie or Arya exhibit "masculine behavior" is stupid, as if feralness and revenge and rage only belong to men, is a stale libfem ass take. also I get the point he's trying to make but the suggested alternative just reiterates the stereotype of women as inherently "empathetic" and "nonviolent" which annoys me

No. 1529211

>underage alcoholism
tbh this is how you prevent alcoholism, introduce teens to it in a controlled environment ie one beer or one glass of wine on special occasions. Every binge drinker I know grew up in an extremely restrictive home so they never learned moderation.

No. 1529216

This is just a way to blame other people for the stupid shit they do online of all places, maybe irl too. Like “oh yeah, it’s not my fault! Someone gave this to me!!” Well, you’re 16 but not completely retarded if you can type on a phone and post shit to Twitter, say no, throw it away after pretending you drank it, talk with your dad so it never happens again.
But it’s easier to make people the bad guys and play the helpless victim role when sometimes that’s not the case, all because a few retweets is better than just talking to your family about how you want to wait until you’re of age to drink and such.
Like I know kids are fucking retarded but god, they can’t be /that/ retarded.

No. 1529223

Kind of agree that this trope is overused, I don't really see anything wrong with it.
I don't know why he's calling them masculine, the one girl's wearing a skirt. the only "masculine" thing they do is that they beat people up. Why is it masculine when a female child beats someone up but not when lara croft does?
Also the woman with son trope exists too, like Sarah Conner in terminator, but they also beat people up.

No. 1529287

>where they survive action/horror scenarios through empathy, intuition, and perseverance

That's kinda gay, everyone is going to be a little violent in a action film, that's literally what the genre is about

No. 1529379

And they’ll never post any proof that this is happening, they just say whatever and expect you to take them at their word.

No. 1529553

File: 1679398101698.jpg (77.19 KB, 748x763, bleak.JPG)

no words, what is this

No. 1529565

Isn't this taking advantage of poorer women?

No. 1529582

2 days ago I just had an ad recommended to me about how much money I could make by selling my eggs

No. 1529587

File: 1679402048336.jpg (106.06 KB, 1242x1052, FrnEY4nX0AIWy6J.jpg)

it was something like picrel

No. 1529649

65k to permanently destroy your body? No thanks. Maternal mortality is skyrocketing too.

No. 1529679

This is such a shit deal. 65k looks like a lot as a lump sum (especially if you're poor and uneducated which I guess is who they're targeting) but it's just a basic middle class salary. You're doing 9 months of pregnancy, childbirth, postnatal recovery, long-term trauma and physical damage…for the money someone would make sitting at a desk and sending emails.

Can surrogates get a form of worker's comp? If they're disabled by a birth complication does the agency take any responsibility? I hate everything about this.

No. 1529989

If there's even a story behind this and it isn't fake, that girl is being groomed into being trans. Why wouldn't anyone at her own school know she's female? There are loads of students that have known her for years.
The New Testament is probably the only example of a story like this
This is demonic

No. 1530030

I think there's usually pretty strict reqs for being an egg donor, like you have to already have 1 healthy kid and there's screening for substance use etc so it's not like any young woman who needs cash can just apply, but yeah. They know what they're doing with their marketing and it's disgusting. Choosing to advertise on a braindead site like twitter that skews much younger is shady, not just toward poorer women but toward young women in general.

No. 1530167

File: 1679456181016.png (495.08 KB, 581x2656, Screenshot 34 (2).png)

The replies in this thread shows how leftist moids literally wait for a woman to do something "un-woke" by mainstream liberal standards so they can unleash every bit of misogyny they have been holding back, this is literally just a video of a woman singing "Jesus loves you" to her baby that's it.

No. 1530230

File: 1679467740897.webm (3.45 MB, 720x1280, E5VK3I6F_PpNTIa7.webm)

>Are they getting married?
As expected by moids, projection at its finest and inability to see a mother-child relationship without sexualising it like the gross pedos they are. The video isn't even creepy at all, I found it kind of sweet despite being an atheist. Bet these moids are the same ones who cheer for pedo troons becoming 'parents' and shit, I'll never forget that one tim posted on mtf threads who had a child with a tif and they both would let him 'breastfeed' (basically molest) the poor child… Yet a mother merely patting and singing to her child results in these kind of reactions.

No. 1530236

tbf it just might be a cultural thing, like in some cultures some people just get together and sing some folk or religious song, just for fun but if someone's not familiar with that phenomenon it might seem weird

No. 1530245

There is no need to be fair to when redditors are concerned.

No. 1530265

My apologies I thought this was the reddit thread. Still applicable though.

No. 1530284

I'm anti-religion but these replies are a complete overreaction. A Christian mother singing Christian songs to her baby is not out of the ordinary and it's completely harmless. I hate moids so much. Imagine filming a cute video where a group sings for a baby and then seeing comments like this. It's obvious that these men use their political stance to hide their misogyny the backlash towards this wouldn't had been as strong if it was men singing for a baby

No. 1530336

Ot but her teeth are scary.

No. 1530339

I notice that a lot of women with big teeth are always married, and also usually are more traditional. Just an observation.

No. 1530367

ot but do you ever stop and think about why you're about to post a comment like that before you do it or is it always a totally thoughtless action?

No. 1530372

Oh nooo she's 'grooming' her child into a 'cult' as if it isn't normal for people to grow up in a religious family and opt out of being religious at any time with no consequences.
>are they getting married?
Moid moment
>looks like a child out of wedlock
What? Moids are so transparent when they say they want a wife and children so badly but they hate mothers and hate children.

No. 1530409

i hate the last of us series so much because Ellie wasn't like that in the game. She was actually a child that grew up in a dystopian time/war zone but was never initially violent until she had to protect Joel and herself. The world hardened her, but Ellie is not a good example of this trope. I just dont like the actor they chose for her.

No. 1530694

File: 1679518262050.jpeg (303.55 KB, 1170x1778, BD324BF1-DDA1-4891-AC19-0BB11A…)

What’s the joke here? It’s pink so that makes it pornographic for some reason?????

No. 1530700

i'm assuming the joke is those burgers appeal to "bimbos" but it's sad that i wouldn't be surprised if some twitter user was trying to sexualize a burger

No. 1530704

It's just a joke about about how stereotypical bimbos are supposed to like girly things, so it's a bimbo burger because it's pink.

No. 1530714

max is the last person i'd expect to see on this site wtf

No. 1530722

Literally who

No. 1530731

genuinely just a small game dev poster, im a mutual so did a double take lmfao

No. 1530836

Even if it's weird, nothing about the video screams 'are they getting married' though. I couldn't care less about people shitting on religions or culture differences, I'm just disturbed that moids fucking sexualised it.

No. 1531081

everyone should shave their armpits to be less smelly to be honest

No. 1531105

My armpits are currently super hairy and they don't stink, it mostly depends on the temperature and how much I sweat.

No. 1531109

I don't wanna stinky sperg but damn I hate the "hair causes/traps scent" myth.

No. 1531111

Actually my underarms smelled more when I shaved them. Now they are hairy and just smell neutral even after I've been sweating all day.

No. 1531112

Have you heard of showering?

No. 1531113

you maybe are lucky but myself i have terrie sweat and hair made it even worse. even with deodorant and showering twice a day i was stinky if i didn't shave

No. 1531114


No. 1531115

>EVERYONE should shave because I am a stinky bitch

No. 1531116

i shower twice a day

No. 1531117

not gonna lie i hate how armpit hair looks, it's disgusting. especially on men

No. 1531118

I shave because I live with my family and my brother have a pubic/armpit hair fetish.

No. 1531119

I hate how shaved armpits look, it's disgusting. Especially on women.

No. 1531120

Are you using the soap correctly? Are you using the deodorant correctly? Have you tried gel deodorant? Sometimes the solid kind gets stuck to the hair and doesn't sit against the skin properly. I can't imagine why you're all so stinky unless it's a hygiene issue. I think you all just can't admit that body hair is normal so you make shit up about the stank to justify shaving. Which is fine but recognize that it's your own issue and stop telling other women it's unhygienic.

No. 1531126

yeah no thanks I'd rather just shower and use deodorant rather than deal with one million ingrown hairs that actually pose a health risk unlike unshaven pits.

No. 1531128

I agree, just like shaved pubes, it looks very sterile and medical.

No. 1531133

Communal singing is one of the most important traits of human culture. Because people in the western world no longer work farming/labourers jobs, they have forgotten the value of it, and have a negative reaction to public singing.

No. 1531143

When I was 15, I had my gallbladder removed and a nurse had to shave my belly and the upper part of my pubic hair before surgery. That was most uncomfortable situation I have ever been in.

No. 1531148

I have more armpit hair than my husband, try again. Shaved armpits are disgusting disease highways. Simple as.

No. 1531159

I agree. I especially qhate men who don't shave their armpits, they smell like death and the retards who don't shave their armpits say they don't smell, you do but you can't smell YOURSELF!

No. 1531206

does your head smell bad?

No. 1531284

File: 1679590011213.png (68.79 KB, 960x2079, D937A38C-4658-4DB1-8A34-6A1890…)

Scrotes are gonna scrote

No. 1531288

I mean, he’s not entirely wrong. Although I hate that the term “brown people” has become acceptable like it’s the fucking 50s.

No. 1531413

File: 1679598271998.jpg (146.56 KB, 828x1235, Fr4XsBuXgAQEFWt.jpg)

who thinks this is funny?

No. 1531417

dark eyes look good, she's ugly because of her small mouth and lumpy doughball face

No. 1531818

File: 1679638955354.jpg (222.97 KB, 1080x1903, Wholesum agp.jpg)

No. 1531872

if he said that in a less nice way he would have been called transphobic, not an ally.

No. 1532559

File: 1679752033743.png (8.75 KB, 521x369, Captura de pantalla 2023-03-25…)

Can lizzo drop dead from clogged arteries already ffs? I love how when people bring up "banning gender affirming healthcare" they always leave out the fact they are banning for easily influenced kids and teens. The drag show law is only for those under the age of eighteen so we don't have another desmond is amazing or 13 year old troons dancing for grown ass adults on stage. And I seriously have my doubt's on "Jim crow era" racism laws being passed. Tiktok and twitter tend to exaggerate on laws that get passed. Same shit they did with the "don't say gay bill".

No. 1532588

What does she want us to do? Twerk it all away?

No. 1532718

It’s always the fat bitches saying this shit

No. 1532726

File: 1679767560143.jpeg (311.17 KB, 1170x2006, 73473860-0984-4B0A-93A3-9ACF73…)

Internalized racism is a hell of a drug.

No. 1532731

File: 1679768047124.png (73.44 KB, 708x618, lesbiansaredoomed.png)

lesbian asks wife to cut her hair during lockdown, liked it so much she's a TiF now. yeah we're afraid of gnc lesbians getting transed, someone downthread even joked conservatives should be happy because they "un-gayed their marriage". like they're so close to getting it

No. 1532735

Isn't Caster a man with an intersex condition though? And he is AFAB? Because I know words like AFAB and AMAB were made to describe intersex for this type of contexts and troons made it about themselves.

No. 1532736

I saw that in the FtM thread and it just made me so fucking sad. Imagine being a young lesbian on tiktok and seeing most of your peers hettify their relationships. Conversion therapy but make it woke.

No. 1532746

Basically, women in poorer african countries who have intersex conditions are almost never properly diagnosed with such conditions when they are young cause of the poor medical quality of those nations, because of this a few african female athletes were found to be suffering from Intersex conditions as they were competing. TRAs have twisted this narrative for their own benefit and normies are going along with it

No. 1532751

Yeah but in that case it's not a woman with a condition but a man with a condition.

No. 1532754

They really want to push the idea that all black women are intersex by default (or just men), in the service of racist white men with insane fetishes lol

No. 1532757

Caster and the other two are men. They have a disorder of sex development (DSD) that caused their external genitalia to look ambiguous or female when born, but all have functional and internal testes and no uterus or ovaries.

They would have know they are male when puberty hit and they didn't start having periods and had this investigated. Thus, all three of them knew they were male and competed in women's sports anyway. They stole victories and rewards from women and it's a damn shame it took this long to ban them.

There are a few DSDs that can cause ambiguous genitalia and internal testes. Caster has 5-alfa reductase deficiency. 5-alfa reductase is the enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is needed for male external sex organs differentiation before birth. As result, males with this deficiency are born with unusual looking genitals and sometimes they are mistaken for girls. However, at puberty they undergo virilization because of the natural increase of testosterone (though, they grow little body hair because of lack of DHT) and many of the males who were raised as girls end up adopting a male identity after this. I've never looked into the other two.

This article goes into way more detail on Caster and 5ARD
Caster Semenya — male or female?

No. 1532761

NTA. But caster fathered children and is absolutely a dude with working sperm.

No. 1532770

this is a whole new level of pick me kek

No. 1532773

File: 1679772520668.jpg (66.94 KB, 828x934, ydez40bj7wpa1.jpg)

No. 1533017

No it didn't
Even if this is from a consensual bedroom thing, slathering it in poetics isn't going to hide the fact your boyfriend gets off on beating people

No. 1533189

File: 1679830774716.jpeg (110.79 KB, 828x1364, 28C171BB-2D64-4D50-AA80-7463B8…)

This is a tranny

No. 1533374

File: 1679849511185.png (59.19 KB, 594x847, wtf.png)

Honestly I'm not even sure what about this post is transphobic, but I guess the sheer fact that women just exist is transphobic. I went into the original thread and it's just about doctor's telling OP her labia wasn't "normal" because it wasn't a pornstar labia.

No. 1533378

Well damn maybe there were no fatties around to ask! Fat people victim complexes are kinda insane.

No. 1533380

Leave it to trannies and fatties to take a post about a very real problem that preys on women, then make it all about themselves

Troons are the biggest narcs on earth

No. 1533382

Everytime I see ftms try to justify their transition it makes me sad. The lesbians with internalized homophobia are one thing, but the worse ones IMO are those with internalized misogyny and do not want to associate themselves with being a woman because basically women suck in their head and can't like the things they like so time to inject T and chop your tits off right? I also seen one ftm chop her boobs off because men would nitpick her body. I hate that nowadays it's always going straight to transitioning instead of working out more obvious internal issues, and then going on to push the idea troons have a high suicide rate because therapists convince them that all of their issues are because they need to go get a neopenis

No. 1533385

Guys, fat vulvas can be on thin people, this is the case with me. It's just naturally plump, that's how it developed.

No. 1533390

It wasn’t that post but later the person retweeting it themselves because they found out there were post-op tranny vaginas in the slideshow and they were upset that was normalizing mutilated vulvas even though they just called them all “so pretty” —I don’t know why they went back to draw attention to that, they’re being kinda messy. Normal twitter retardation plus 7 layers of retweeting herself for hate-engagement numbers I assume. I probably missed something but I got tired of looking into it. Sorry but she’s retarded if she let a doctor chop off her labia for aesthetics. I wonder what kinda fucking doctors was she going to in the first place, the whole story seemed weird as fuck.

No. 1533391

A lot of the vulvas posted in that picture gallery were also pretty "fat" as well, they just had the inner labia poking out too . I think troons just want "fat" pussy to = as child -looking as possible

No. 1533548

is the sculpt supposed to show protruding labia minora
because it's not even here, not even close

No. 1533556

File: 1679864292465.jpg (19.44 KB, 700x446, y5MJ1ASYacNQBhFjbyqA_Hello she…)

Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall
Join us for tonight's tale of pathetic ugly mentally ill man. He hangs himself in the end. Enjoy - "41"

No. 1533568

umm i dont really see anything wrong with this though. They are right though and shelleys life was destroyed after being on the shining.
Are we really going to act like retarded conservatives and post non-milk just because someone is a tranny?
Tradthots finding out about rf was a mistake.

No. 1533570

>hating trannies is conservative behavior

No. 1533572

you know that's not what i meant. Shit bait.

No. 1533574

>They are right
yeah, but he states the opposite
>pretend victim

No. 1533577

They just articulated it in retarded way.
They care about her when it comes to virtue signaling or only about her role in the shining and nothing else about her. Thats the vibe i got from that tweet.

No. 1533585

No. 1533592

Not a tradthot. Calm down, you silly goofy fuck, I posted because this male is trying to dunk on a, I assume a girl because she calls herself gay and queer in her Twitch bio, for no reason. How does he even know she's not a fan of hers. He could've made a tweet seperate from hers if it pissed him off that bad.

No. 1533904

File: 1679912032707.jpg (84.1 KB, 716x788, cocky teenage latina.jpg)

from the ducktales showrunner

No. 1533914

The dumbest part of this is that they are projecting human races on ducks. The ducks in duck tales were white, not because they represented white people, but because the common domestic duck breed in america is White Pekin.

Daffy duck is black not because he represents a black person but because he is modelled after wild ducks which are dark (and he is being hunted in the cartoons).

Also, their latina representation duck has red hair and green eyes, I am sure that will have no adverse effect on latina girls watching this.

No. 1533916

There are so many things that are wrong about this
>children's cartoon autism
Absolutely disgusting. I hate men so much.

No. 1533918

Where are you seeing all this…?

No. 1533925

''cocky teenage latina'' sounds like porn tags

No. 1533929

Maybe I overreacted but idk it just feels like he's fetishizing the character, the specific language he used gave me cartoon coomer vibes I guess. It's a fact that a lot of cartoon creators are degens, so it wouldn't surprise me if he were one of those /co/ types.

No. 1533934

Nta but I see it, it’s like a weird mix of fetishes, or maybe I’ve seen too much degeneracy in my life so I identify it in many places.
As in with confidence, confident women are a fetish
>teenage Latina
>destroy your fragile ego with a look
I don’t know, I see what anon sees.

No. 1533938

I guess I'm too naive, I get your explanations but I'd never arrive to these conclusions myself

No. 1533949

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I would've guessed that this is a mallard duck and not a 'latina duck' Silly me.

No. 1534173

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No. 1534176

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No. 1534182

>cocky teenage latina
Bitch it's a fucking cartoon duck with Dreamworks eyebrows. Get help. I bet this fag is sexually attracted to tony te tiger.

No. 1534184

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She was walking around with dick on her face?

No. 1534229

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Ducks are so cute

No. 1534256

I'm straight but some straight women are fucking disgusting when it comes to dicks. I get liking dick but why would you humiliate yourself like that. Why would you let a man rub his genitals on your face so he can feel good about "marking" you and making you stink. Why would any woman degrade herself for a man like that?

No. 1534264

Yeah I truly do not get it either. Reminds me of that one girl a few years ago who filmed herself using her boyfriend's balls as a beauty blender. Like it's bad enough to do it, why would you wanna broadcast it to the world?

No. 1534269

Ok but that was just funny kek. I agree it was gross though.

No. 1534324

just pick-me things, teehee
reminds me of that meme where girls can't spell cologne on twitter and keep talking about their bf's colon scent, lmao

No. 1534333

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Sad but true

No. 1534481

Women set their own standards so low because men will scream at them if they want anything better than "dad bod". I wish we would collectively give up on trying to please men, they're never happy. Just focus on what we actually want.

No. 1534518

Preach, Sis.

No. 1534527

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No. 1534634

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Why do the most unactual tweets always get most popular, for anyone wondering The Pythagorean theorem has been proven for 2300 years now, The 2 girls used a new method (trigonometry) to prove it and it's yet to be peer-reviewed, that doesn't take away from their accomplishment but this type exaggeration that can easily be proven false can end up hurting your cause and make you come across as a Idiot.

No. 1534682

It's true and women are capable of truly loving ugly men, but Fudds and musclemen are equally unattractive and annoying, with most Fudds often being just as rude and stupid, if not more, than natural himbos. Women just think the Fudds are nice and attractive because of the nice nerd trope, but the truth is that all of them are basically the same. Most naturally progressed himbos are nowhere near as disgusting and incapable of humanity like the faggy woman-hating gymbros. All of the "Western" obsessed male cockchasers need to just accept their true fag and drown in each other's nasty jizz. Unfortunately, there aren't actually pretty and sweet men worth tolerating though.

No. 1534698

Such a performative tweet, didn't even bother to name the "2 black GIRLS" (just say WOMEN, I'm pretty sure they were ADULTS).

No. 1534710

You could've just googled, they're literally two black girls in HS

No. 1534862

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Imagine tweeting this to "own the christians" not even 24 hours after children had been murdered

No. 1534872

It's better than saying thoughts and prayers to the family and outright refusing to speak about the issue that caused it to begin with, rinse and repeat everytime there is a shooting.

No. 1534873

He's literally right

No. 1534884

Tasteless. And it's completely useless to argue with Christians or trying to own them anyway, they will justify and explain anything and everything by saying "It's God's will, we aren't meant to understand it".

How is that better? This isn't addressing the issue that caused it either.

No. 1534893

I don't think the Elmer Fudd husbandofags would settle for a real moid tbh.

No. 1534897

You know what is tasteless? Saying thoughts and prayers to families who just lost their child to a maniac with a firearm instead of talking about the issue that causes it.

No. 1534921

Not really, because thoughts and prayers, no matter how useless (the prayers anyway), aren't ill intended but that tweet is. And that tweet doesn't address the issue either, it was just made to dunk on those awful awful christians.

No. 1534925

woke america is a mistake. Why are we putting races on cartoon ducks when 10 year old me watching this could care less? I'm sure 10 years watching this would also care less.

No. 1534930

Christians in general are an issue because they distract every single argument pointing to their own particular issues and opinions.

No. 1534938

I'll never understand how Christians evoke more hatred in people in the West than Muslims.

No. 1534942

Muslims are not (yet) creating laws preventing people from doing literally anything they dislike.

No. 1534950

muslims are not the majority in america. that's why. they are literally worse than christians, even though both are garbage religions.

No. 1534951

No idea. Muslims are worse and more violence. honor killings, child marriage, etc, but woke americans love to act like all muslims are victims.

No. 1534957

Christians took our bodily autonomy away last summer, not Muslims. Christians are preventing laws against cold marriage, not Muslims. Christians are protecting thousands of child rapists within our own borders, not Muslims. You would have to be completely retarded to be a westerner and hate Muslims more than Christians.

No. 1534960

*Child marriage

No. 1534961

bingo, you got it. christians are the majority so they do the majority of retarded shit. makes me think you're probably one of them if you can't see it.

No. 1534963

it's sad they will say that muslims do honor killings and child marriage and proceed to do literally the same thing but slightly different. they're both fucking trash.

No. 1534967

Omg imagine having a bigger problem with someone's tweet about a school shooting than the school shooting itself. Typical American kek

No. 1534974

Yes because muslims aren't with enough to have that political power. Between Islam and Christianity, Islam is the significantly worse of two evils. But fair enough, there's indeed more of them in the US than muslims.

> Christians are protecting thousands of child rapists within our own borders, not Muslims.

No Muslims just see it as a holy deed to rape and kill non-muslim women and they'd do it all over the West if they could get away with it, such innocent souls.

No. 1534975

>classic christian deflection
it's not worth my time.

No. 1534991

Let me guess, you tithe. You know that makes you, personally, a financial supporter of child rape, right?

No. 1534992

True. It just annoys me that the left/liberals tend to ignore the elephant in the room whenever a shooting happens and the shooter is a Muslim who was influenced by his beliefs. Evangelical Christianity is much more of a threat to American society than radical Islam but that doesn’t mean we should completely ignore radical island just because it’s less common and innocent, more moderate Muslims get targeted for hate.

No. 1535003

I clearly called Christianity an evil, did you even read my post?

No. 1535016

exactly. fuck islam, but of course people in the west will have the most to say about the western religious community holding everyone back.

No. 1535210

File: 1680036428864.jpeg (94.61 KB, 1170x698, EAF4D6B3-33BF-4FE2-A2C5-1D9219…)

I love terminally online libfems

No. 1535217

File: 1680036882317.jpeg (140.28 KB, 1170x1477, 15643DD2-D257-4687-B3B6-88BEEC…)

Moid account blaming porn actresses themselves for porn addiction in moids

No. 1535225

Its true though, like she wasn't a good or bad person, she was a human being born into privellge but not power.
her and her family suffered but so did millions of peasants and you can understand the rage they had against the upper class

No. 1535228

She’s right

No. 1535236

This discourse is annoying on both sides. On one hand you’ve got libfems caping for obscenely wealthy monarchs and on the other you’ve got “friendly reminder Marie Antoinette was terrible and exploited peasant women” like a tumblr callout post centuries past its prime

No. 1535239

doesnt this bitch stan johnny depp and hate amber?

No. 1535246

tbf while she had no political power, she could have turned down on the fabulous expenses, it was a lot even for the time period

No. 1535273

It's dumb and obvious, because they are more Christians than Muslims in the west, so the average westerner is more likely to deal with retarded Christians trying to ruin things for them than with retarded Muslims, especially if the ones in their cities or countries tend to just stick together and not interact much with others. I think both religions are a plague but I hate Islam more despite being in Europe my whole life because I was born and raised into it so I'm more familiar with it and it directly impacted my life in a negative way and I know I'm not the average westerner in that regard, I know there are people in my exact same situation but with Christianity.

No. 1535276

Men literally cannot take accountability for shit. This will be the same motherfuckers hating on people who are anti-porn.

No hate on the tweeter tbh, but I really wish people on twitter who post things like this would post sources. I understand that the tweet was most likely trying to uplift black women and girls and possibly encourage them to get into stem so eh.
You are right, kek.
No, I completely understand it tbh. If you were raised in a Christian Denomination than you are seen your fair share of people who are hateful, nasty and condescending all in the name of religion. The more hardcore Christians you would find in place like Africa or the bible belt actively discriminate against homosexuals and are incredibly misogynistic and often times people who have chosen to leave Jehovah's witness or the Mormon church have been kicked out of their families. The Catholic church in particular has shown that they don't give a fuck about children raised in the faith when they allowed them to be abused with no action taken against abusers, many of which are still practising priests or still active in some other kind of way till this day. Imo, the time in which Christianity was as bad as Islam has come and gone primarily because not many people a killing in the name of preserving the religion, but there are still people living today who suffered because of Christianity, which largely affects many Americans who are the loudest demographic on the internet.

No. 1535498

Every single guy I've met who was a porn addict 9/10 times had multiple women BEGGING him to stop watching porn, in fact it was usually other men trying to manipulate young boys into thinking porn was normal behavior or pickmes who hated other women trying to encourage harmful sexual behaviors in men just for the sake of being a cool girl. Yet it's somehow all womens fault because they were actors but not the male actors, or directors, or the men who posted it and encouraged boys to watch it no no it was all just evil women.

No. 1535508

I've seen multiple accounts like zoomertrader who take tiktoks of women saying they're a virgin, saving for marriage or complimenting men on simple things like an outfit or being a good chef and the comments are ALWAYS moids screeching about she only likes those things in chads, how she's wrong for complimenting men and not dating them instead, how all women have 100+ body counts, etc. Ridiculous men want compliments more then screech and conspire when they get what they want

No. 1535612

I didn't google because I didn't care. Just like the tweet maker. Missed point.

No. 1535614

Nta but you can't just be like "you missed the point!" when someone corrects you on your wrong assumption. Half of your post was you saying you were "pretty sure" they're adults, that was a part of your point.

No. 1536343

the goblin bank floor in the movies were the floors of a real bank that they filmed in lol

No. 1536910

File: 1680199951103.png (161.16 KB, 680x1070, cyqk7pzn8hpa1.png)

Lack of seasoning is a really just racism, classism, sexism, ethnonationalism, colonialism, capitalism, egoism, libertarianism, nullibilism, pessimism, reductionism, totalitarianism, zootheism, and eidolism.

No. 1536952

File: 1680202786421.jpg (41.57 KB, 800x450, So you agree.jpg)

>brown people ppl had to season their food bc they couldn't afford better tasting meat

No. 1536988

isn't this like a basic fact though, Europe had accesses to more meats but less spices and places in the southern hemisphere had more spices but less meat and dairy diets

No. 1537001

Lmao why the fuck europeans genocided natives for fucking spices then? Dumbass bitch

No. 1537040


>"Spices begin to pour into Europe," explains Krishnendu Ray, an associate professor of food studies at New York University. "What used to be expensive and exclusive became common."

>Serving richly spiced stews was no longer a status symbol for Europe's wealthiest families — even the middle classes could afford to spice up their grub. "So the elite recoiled from the increasing popularity of spices," Ray says. "They moved on to an aesthetic theory of taste. Rather than infusing food with spice, they said things should taste like themselves. Meat should taste like meat, and anything you add only serves to intensify the existing flavors."

No. 1537042

I've always though white Europeans preferred less spice because I read that your genetics play a part in how you taste food and how good you can tolerate some food. Like that's why some cultures with lactose intolerance have found alternatives and such genetic differences pkay a large role in our relationship with food and culture. Though I'm brown myself and seasoning is very common alongside with meat foods whilst you season veggie stuff less so her argument is false either way.

No. 1537054

Yeah well. The average 2023 European who doesn't cook with a lot of spices was simply culturally raised that way and doesn't hold some deep seated believes about unseasoned food being more ~pure~ than filthy black people's dishes or whatever. Most of them have never even heard of this occuring in the past. And even then that's only elitism amongst their own people to seperate themselves from the peasants aka not black people because there were hardly any in Europe at that point. People need to stop grasping at straws. Their lives must be pretty good if accusing white people of spice-racism is what it takes to prove they're victim to racism in their lives.

No. 1537086

…and what the fuck does some shit that Europeans did in the 1600s or whatever have to do with what white americans born and raised in the USA do now?

No. 1537118

Jesus fucking christ, shit like this is exactly why the character limit shouldn't have been increased on twitter. Actually it should have stayed at 140.

No. 1537970

File: 1680290312282.jpeg (65.31 KB, 828x670, 434F6F17-CA5B-4EC7-A550-2F6A92…)

Classical scrote takes as always, mind you this person is queer btw.

No. 1537979

If they shouldn't be forced to live with that much stress, should they be given rights to be euthanized?

No. 1537981

What do rich people have to do with the rest of us peasants, so what I've learned is most of our ancestors used spices at some point even if they were white, wow. Who knew.

No. 1537984

>Men-I mean, people should rape poor and/or trafficked women so they can feel less stress uwu
No thanks. Also, Disabled people aren't entitled to sex and the ones with severe developmental or physical disabilities that are hereditary should be banned from reproducing, and obese people are fucking repulsive and should be shunned from society instead of being rewarded to their degenerate gluttony.

No. 1537986

I hate the whole 'having sex feel good so if I don't have sex whenever I want ME SUFFER and SUFFERING ON PURPOSE IS BAD', okay, having money feels good give me 100 dollars whenever I want it so I don't feel stressed about the costs of things.

No. 1537989

Genuinely why don't they fuck each other or jerk off? Men have been participating in homosexual sex since dawn of time and I personally know quite a few guys who ended up sleeping with men after they couldn't get dates with women so it's not like they'll die if women don't fuck them.

No. 1537991

mind you this is the same moid who made a 40+ minuate ahistorical essay about how liking fit men is literally fascism

No. 1537995

Me too. Remember a decade ago when there were a shit ton of campaigns about consent and how "no is a complete sentence" and how you should be able to refuse sex for literally any reason and it's only your business and nobody else's? In just a few years we have the exact reverse like "oh you're not attracted to morbidly obese people? you're fatphobic and problematic and you should give us a chance!" or "you're not attracted to transpeople? You're wrong! Give it a chance or you're a bigot" like no sorry I'm attracted to normal attractive guys with cocks and balls and no mentally illnesses and delusions. If you're too disabled to breed then become a genetic dead end already and jerk off.

It's the entitlement. Some think that if prostitution is regulated and legal it's going to solve everything but they either say that to dodge pretty good questions about the ramifications of such things or are legit too dumb to realize that legal prostitution isn't safer than illegal prostitution at all.

No. 1537997

I think they only want legal prostitution since they think it'd make prostitution cheaper.

No. 1538001

Either that or because they think it'll be easier to find prostitutes. My mother visited Amsterdam a few months ago and loved it but she was appalled by the red light district. She told me the women were most likely trafficked because many of the were Black and that they were displayed in windows like basic merchandises in stores. And iirc prostitution in the Netherlands is legal and that's what made trafficking easier, because nobody gets caught and then punished for it, so it creates more demand, and thus more offer.

No. 1538020

Because women campaigned for 'no is a complete sentence' and 'fuck me or you're a bigot' is the male response.

No. 1538031

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I feel like twitter tards don't truly understand how common spice usage actually is in other cultures. I've seen plenty of African and middle eastern people make straight up unseasoned meats even when given access to seasonings. It's also super common among Asians to eat very little spiced fish and such. Very seasoned foods are only really popular in other cultures when there's a celebration. I also feel like these people don't understand that over seasoning food is very real

No. 1538033

Men always have the stupidest reaction to disagreements. I remember they started sexualizing little girls in the 80s as a response to feminism, which led up to Brooke Shields having a nude photoshoot at 10. Feminists just became a scapegoat for men's creepy, rapey and pedoey behavior

No. 1538040

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It depends, both my parent's are "asians" and in the same country but the traditional food of their people's couldn't be more different, my mother's people eat spicy curries and a lot of rice and some fish(left picrel), while my father's people are more fond of plain meat, dairy and potatoes(right picrel)
its mostly because the environments their people's lived in

No. 1538046

The food in these pictures look so good, I want some.

No. 1538057


No. 1538068

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No. 1538090

Some people, typically Hypebeast Americans will overseason foods or make it an inedibly amount of spicy (like Carolina reaper fags) just for the sake of flexing about how they can season and take spice unlike boring white people

No. 1538092

They're so stupid. None of these are commonly used by normal people on the daily, these are drugs used to treat diseases or symptoms.

No. 1538094

Do you know what hypebeast means?

No. 1538095

Why do troons don't understand the difference between fixing medical issues and imbalances vs literally forcing your body to create a hormone imbalance

No. 1538101

No. 1538117

that's not what hypebeast means lmao

No. 1538165

Kinda a tangent to the spice conversation but I have a guess that during a country's history, introduction of heavily spiced, salted food into the culture is related to agricultural prosperity. Spice, salt, fermenting and pickling things is for prolonging shelf life of food and covering up bad tastes. When people can reap their farming, food will tend to be fresh, seasonal, and simplistically seasoned. Most of the time, peasants didn’t get to enjoy their labor. Being able to eat fresh ingredients that doesn’t require heavy processing is a class signifier. I can see this duality in many Asian cultures but I think Japanese cuisine is pretty familiar to everyone. Traditional Japanese food, most is quite simplistically prepared using the same basic light seasonings. Japanese food philosophy wants to emphasize the ingredients not transform them completely. They also have strong tasting dishes of pickled, fermented, braised and fried, but those are more often viewed as “commoner dishes”. I think that’s a common sentiment. In Southeast Asia, there’s a strong preference for salty greasy spiced food, heavy and hearty, things that excite the palette and give you high blood pressure (high rates reflected in high salt intake countries). It’s honestly a problem like they had to tell people to cook their food more plainly.
High class cuisine will still be much more demure and toned down, again focusing on high quality ingredients and health consciousness as status symbol.

No. 1538204

This is true in America to. This is why you see so many poorer people who are bitter towards richer Americans for not seasoning as much (aka not drowning it in Tony's or something and deep frying it). If you can afford higher quality meat and veggies you simply don't need to overdo it with freeze dried seasonings, which is likely why they're confused when they see people season with fresh herbs and such instead of putting every powder in your spice cabinet on your chicken and hoping for the best

I don't wanna make this a race thing either btw. I've seen so many hamplanet white people, typically women run their mouth about how they know how to cook or even claim they're better than others and then pull out some Cajun shake and bake or something cough cough Trisha paytas

No. 1538277

As someone who had to follow a hormone therapy to not become disabled, which makes me one of the people he's talking about, I hope he'll join the 41% very soon instead of comparing us to him stealing resources for his nasty fetish.

No. 1538292

I’m from a northern bumfuck country where nothing has historically been able to grow because of the harsh climate, and people either ate fish fresh out of the sea, or preserved foods by curing or fermenting them. Spices had to be imported and were considered a luxury mostly used for special occasions up until recent times. I’ve heard some of the countries that historically used a lot of spices did so partially as a way to preserve meat, as some spices have antifungal/bacterial properties, and also to disguise bad flavors. It’s interesting to me the way people from different parts of the world discovered their own ways of making food safe to eat and preserving them based on what they had available.

Seeing as I live where I live we still don't have access to super high quality produce (has to be imported) and some of the traditional cuisine of my country can be considered a bit bland. In general I love to eat lol and appreciate both spicy foods and modest flavors, I think it’s fun to try new things from different parts of the world.

No. 1538303

This, my father's people lived in a cold baron place where nothing ever grew and so the food culture was "hard and plain" we call it "pheekha khana" here

No. 1538334

Pretty much same here, our traditional food is bland but that's partially because many herbs just don't grow, especially the stronger ones like chili or pepper. We even have a saying "go where pepper grows" (i.e. far away, a politer way of telling someone to fuck off). Having grown up on sour rye bread, though, I do find wheat bread incredibly bland-tasting and don't see why so many people like it so much.

No. 1538481

Lol you idiots think rich people care about food or ingredient quality? They're not like normal people. They don't have feelings like us, they don't care about anything like normal people do. They literally eat gold shavings and lick foam out of a platter cast of a chef's mouth. They don't care about quality, they only care about exclusivity. Spices are not exclusive anymore, so they don't use them anymore. It's that simple. The rich are all inbred retards with inherited power.

No. 1538493

this is the first time i'm seeing people define spice/seasoning only as using powders. "seasoning" in my culture means using fresh herbs or powders (or both, depending). it seems like an american thing to think it only counts as "seasoning" if it comes out of a bottle or shaker. the woman explaining that chopping up garlic, onions, etc yourself and putting it in the food is seasoning it was correct.

No. 1538527

File: 1680362143495.png (383.26 KB, 613x886, hatefullittleman.png)

Troon day of visibility is trending, and the tag is full of girls posting glittery artwork, the occasional hideous agp selfie, and virtue signalling.
I was pretty stunned to see this voice actor directly tagging JKR and calling gc people monsters. Literally monstering other people - feminists, LGB people, detransitioners etc. It's dangerous isn't it. TRAs have been involved in a lot of violence in recent weeks. They love their cartoons so a VA posting shit like this, it's like incitement isn't it?

No. 1538550

Also: I live near a wealthy area of the country, places where literal CEOs live, mansions, yachts, etc. The grocery stores here are boutique and there's only one chain supermarket, and it's small, but EVERY SINGLE DAY around lunch time the drive-thru lines to mcdonald's, wendy's etc are packed with luxury cars. Sometimes stretching down a block or two. And no, it's not only the hispanic or haitian nannies taking the kids out for lunch (though I see a lot of that too.) The wealthy are no different than us when it comes to food choices, the real difference is that they can afford world-class medical treatment when shit goes wrong. If you're poor and eating garbage everyday, you will die early because you're probably relying on "telehealth visits" and walk-in clinics for your healthcare needs.
Whenever I hear someone talk about how rich people dont eat "x" or wear "x", I know they have no experience living near or interacting with the wealthy at all.

No. 1538562

Checked his twitter and he seems absolutely unhinged. There are also rumours he’s a groomer and considering how he reacts to all this I wouldn’t be surprised if he troons out too.
Also kek at VAs role playing their characters on social media to attract a fan base when they are just a voice bank that has nothing to do with the character and story writing.

No. 1538563

Checked his twitter and he seems absolutely unhinged. There are also rumours he’s a groomer and considering how he reacts to all this I wouldn’t be surprised if he troons out too.
Also kek at VAs role playing their characters on social media to attract a fan base when they are just a voice bank that has nothing to do with the character and story writing.

No. 1538586

>kek at VAs role playing their characters on social media to attract a fan base
Seems sad and groomerish, like hey kids I can be your REAL cartoon uncle!

No. 1538652

File: 1680373596962.jpeg (203.86 KB, 1170x1887, DA82237F-578A-4AA4-BB2F-7CCEE4…)

American women in games UGLEE, Japanese game waifus feminine and based. Dina doesn’t even have unconventional looks, she’s literally just a pretty darker skinned woman who doesn’t have a button nose. And it’s a zombie apocalypse too.

No. 1538662

>literal cherry-picking
be serious, nonnie

No. 1538670

It's not her own post duh

No. 1538676

tbh it's true, when I see Asian games they make the characters in general, including the female characters look as good as possible, while western games don't necessarily make them ugly on purpose but they often look uncanny valley because of their 3D models. I don't play tlou but these two girls' models look way better than their 3D models, I wouldn't be surprised if it were related to tech. And yes this applies to guys as well, the guys in DMC5 and in the recent Resident Evil games don't look as uncanny valley, and even look very attractive in some cases. Now if people really want to complain about the West shurning ugly shit on actual purpose they should talk about capeshit comics because half of them seem to have amazing looking cover art and then the actual pages look like ass.

No. 1538681

you're fucking stupid

No. 1538684

East Asian media always has hot characters because they know the games will sell more if they appeal to coomers. The blonde girl on the bottom looks uglier imo though and they somehow managed to make her hair look like a aliexpress wig.

No. 1538694

average got fan
it seems like western companies are worse at mocap. none of the models for those games are ugly, they were just translated badly. op is a literal incel btw so take anything he tweets with a grain of salt.

No. 1538702

She’s always been an incest shipper, she had a fanfic where Loki and his female clone were actual twins in a space royalty family and hooked up. She doesn’t deserve the anon she got telling her to kill herself for fanfic or something but she’s definitely a weirdo and up on her high horse about a kink that a lot of people don’t f with

No. 1538705

File: 1680376753860.png (198.37 KB, 648x3338, incest freak.png)

House of the Dragon and its consequences, I have seen this woman devolve in real time, at first it was just aemond x helaena but then she started shipping other brother-sister pairings, she legit started having weekly incest film nights and has recently started shipping real life brother's and sister's

No. 1538707

AYRT, you make a good point about the tech and lmao that’s so true about comics. But these guys are never shitting on how Joel looks compared to a Resident Evil man, if you check the replies it’s all sperging about woke devs masculinizing women and posting Aloy to mock her too. Can’t have a discussion about East vs West trends without moids poisoning the well

No. 1538720

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That maybe, but it was never her main focus and she's gotten a lot worse with these "incest movie nights"

No. 1538737

I unironically barely play western games because the moids in them always look so ugly. Of course, the moids that complain about "masculine video game women" don't think there's any problem with how the ugly moids in these same games look, and will in fact make fun of attractive men in eastern games, like all the scrotes trying to make fun of FFXV for being "a boy band"

No. 1538766

Same, I always thought most "recent" Western games were ugly and never really got interested in them all that much. And it's like that with the entire FF series, it's just that FF15 was the most recent game that got the whole "muh boys band! muh gay faggot protagonist who has no bulging muscles and beard!!1!" treatment from some guys. Western men shouldn't be allowed to even think about playing JRPGs, they don't deserve it. If they want to see manly men on their screens that much they can watch football matches or hardcore gay porn, I would judge them less.

No. 1538775

Holy shit I don’t even spotlight lesbian/gay movies this much. Imagine publicly dedicating movie nights to your incest fetish, movies where the common denominator is just a bro and a sis porking

No. 1538789

File: 1680382146115.png (Spoiler Image,155.06 KB, 691x577, martin.PNG)

the funny part is, not even the author (George RR Martin) would agree with her shizochan analysis. martin has a rather infamous self-referencing style, and across all his works he signals decadency, narcissism and corruption with incest in many of his stories. it's something to be horrified about in his books, not a cute taboo turn-on. jamie and cersei are his most notable examples of just that, but they are one of many throughout his works.

No. 1538793

I think the real problem is western games are pointlessly realistic, like what's the point of having hundreds of people work thousands of thousands of hours to try to imitatie life if it doesn't even factor into the story. a less time consuming style would be better for everyone involved

No. 1538893

He has King Jaehaerys/Queen Alysanne as a brother/sister “power couple” you could say and Aegon 1/his sisters (lol scrote fantasy, dude banging 2 hot blonde elfy girlbosses) so it’s not like all his incestshit is condemned by the narrative but Jaime/Cersei definitely is. At least she admits the codependency is part of the “appeal” for her ig

No. 1539183

i get where you're coming from, but how i see it, it still lines up. the targaryens as a whole are characterized as incest-infested, but then again, they are the family of slave-keepers who are obsessed with imagining themselves as gods. to me it still adds up with the narcissism metaphor. the alysanne and jaehaerys thing: wasn't it implied that in that couple it was alysanne who was actually the good ruler with jaehaerys just being the obligatory male? i may be making that up, it's been a while since i interacted with the fandom.

the aegon and his two sisters story reads the same to me, yet again. aegon imagined himself a saviour or hero of sorts, and massacred hundreds if not thousands of innocents at Harrenhall just to make a point. of his two sisters he was favoring the younger one, while the older one was, yet again, the brains behind the operation. i still got the impression the incest occurred because all three believed non-targs where so below them they refused to have children with others besides each other. a group of self-worshiping narcissists with a taste for mindless genocide being incestous would still fit in the theme, i think. of course this is just my interpretation, i may be woefully wrong

inb4 my ban for derail

No. 1539269

Men are not capable of writing about rape in a way that horrifies instead of titillates. Martin is a great example of that.

No. 1539278

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No. 1539297

No. 1539391

I cant stand this man and the passes he gets for writing some of the worst female characters who are always getting raped. he's trash and so is anyone who likes GOT

No. 1539469

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This was her response

No. 1539661

Nona you shouldn’t have engaged with her, she’s never going to get off her high horse and you’ve just provided her with fodder to rant about her favorite kink some more. It’s a lose-lose

No. 1540197

File: 1680546116568.jpeg (126.95 KB, 1170x1189, 0452BAD5-F637-4654-9EEB-135C94…)

“aha, maybe it is the terves who are trans!!!!!”

No. 1540200

>Trannies.. Everyone wants to murder me! Every ill word spoken against a transwoman is an act of violence that in some way contributes to another transwomans death, you have blood on hands on your hands if you so much as share an opinion that isn't totally pro trans..
> Also trannies.. lol why are ciswomen so serious?

No. 1540213

Troons not having any reading comprehension, yet again…

No. 1540259

File: 1680552550273.jpeg (52.74 KB, 564x613, FE559809-B4F6-4DDD-AE73-797AD3…)

This is surely old but I just saw it on Pinterest and KEK, treated as a man? Men aren’t told a thing for being twansfowobic or shit like that, you barely hear about moids being punished properly, specially famous moids. Like come the fuck on.

No. 1540288

>transphobic and robbed and drugged a ton of men
based if true

No. 1540290

Jay Z used to rob niggas too, where's his callout post?

No. 1540292

I don't like that people constantly bring up her robbing men. It's not like she assaulted anyone, she was a stripper that men thought they could sleep with in exchange for money. She just drugged them so she wouldn't have to.

No. 1540296

wtf i love cardi b now

No. 1540308

Cardi is a lot to take in but I love her because she's always been extremely candid and seems like a good person underneath it all.

No. 1540321

So what did she do to be called transphobic? Batted her eyes wrong at a tranny once?

No. 1540322

Stop it or I'm going to start rooting for Cardi B.

No. 1540406

i'm all for women doing whatever they want to men who solicit prostitution. it's rape with extra steps and most of the time, it's not even that.

No. 1540968

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Do they just make up scenarios to feel outraged about?

No. 1540977

Why isn’t WB’s circulation of franchises spoken about more often? They have a branch of the company dedicated to transforming past media into Broadway musicals/video games. I think it would be interesting to other people, but guess not.

No. 1540983

Ot but
I really hope they hand over creative direction to JKR. I don’t trust the scrotes who write for those shows.

No. 1540985

If they need to be outraged at anything, at least be outraged about another fucking unnecessary reboot. I want to sink my teeth into something. Fucking hell, why.

No. 1541011

Honestly, I don't even care much about HP but I felt queasy because, besides the obvious who asked for that if you want to use the ip there are a thousand other things you can explore, from what I know from HBO I don't feel comfortable with them working with a child/teenager story. Like, better off giving it to Netflix to make a edgy quirky reboot.

No. 1541199

File: 1680682157253.jpg (58.37 KB, 1080x764, FoEf7CJaEAEJab1.jpg)

It is.

No. 1541208

there is such a thing as using an unhealthy amount of salt and hot pepper
too much salt causes heart diseases and kidney stones, and too much nightshade vegetables (hot peppers, eggplants) can legitimately break your stomach. Almost everyone in my family has an issue because of salt or nightshades…dunno about other seasonings though

No. 1541355

Netflix is pretty much the same as HBO except the much lower production values.

No. 1541610

File: 1680727584850.png (17.7 KB, 934x306, NATO twitter.png)

No. 1541611

What was that bunch of pop culture references salad?

No. 1541613

I hate the Antichrist

No. 1541615

So NATO is transphobic?

No. 1541617

i'm looking at linkedin right now checking for anyone that lists themselves as a social media manager for nato. i want to know the face of the one i hate.

No. 1541623

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I’m also an anti-natalist but because I don’t believe most people are responsible enough to healthily raise a child. Too many children grow up with abusive parents (especially fathers).

No. 1541632

She "hates it here" and thinks everyone else should hate it too.
Misery loves company, so she's trying to bring you to the dark side

No. 1541636

It makes sense, if you keep track of the way the world is going then it's pretty fucked up to bring a child into it. Shit is going to seriously hit the fan by 2050 kek. I live in one of the top 5 most food secure countries worldwide and I still have doubts about having kids.

No. 1541640

This is not very feminist on my part but many mothers can also be very abusive and for a child this is completely destructive, especially in early childhood

No. 1541644

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No, they are a trans-atlantic organisation after all you bigot

No. 1541648

No. 1541656

I feel like the public opinion is turning against people who are still worried about climate change. They're saying now that everything will turn out fine because of green technology. They got tired of listening to climate doomers in the 2010s now in the 2020s we're going to have unrealistic climate optimism.

No. 1542653

File: 1680868575860.jpeg (128.54 KB, 813x1290, A5C952B8-84D4-4436-BB36-518023…)

Ok so I’m not a white woman so idk if this is offensive but there is something weird about a white man who transitioned into a white women saying ww are basically perpetual victims and use their victim hood to sexually harass men. If that’s the case why are you turning yourself into one lol. Idk but this gave me the ick. I feel like they are trying to make white women the enemy to all women. Bizarre

No. 1542654

Honestly trans white people are just co opting things black people have been saying for years and bastardizing it to seem like natural born white women are the TRUE enemies of the gays and poc. Kinda weird

No. 1542657

TRAs are basically MRAs but they're now pretending not to be. It's really that simple. You noticed from the icon that the troon saying this shit is white himself. I noticed, and many other anons as well, that whenever non white women will complain about a specific type of white women doing specific shit, men will start to use the same arguments and keywords to complain about all women to hide their sexism. Instead of saying shit like "women are dumb bitches because they get married less and have careers instead" they say "white women are dumb bitches because they get married less and have careers instead" and since they always use arguments that apply to all women, if a woman who isn't white will reply that this is nonsense and there are plenty of non white women who have careers, stay single and are very happy that way, that woman will be called "white passing" or a "race traitor" by everyone including normal white males and white TIMs. It's crazy shit.

No. 1542676

But he also does not understand boundaries considering he intrudes on female spaces. Trannies also act permanently innocent. Projection at its finest. He's just jealous a woman hasn't groped him.

No. 1542686

He's the one who thinks giggling, wearing a wig and being white will let him get away with crossing boundaries and like all men do, he's projecting it onto real women.

No. 1542727

File: 1680877318170.webm (871.97 KB, 320x570, tnj3_gTVJYJfxGM0.webm)

watched the full video and I don't think he's actually upset, Rules of Disney characters performers is to stay in character to entertain children, saying or doing something deemed inappropriate could lead to termination or worse.

No. 1542732

He's obviously still in character and just told her to leave because there's children and it's inappropriate, or because he had to move on with the performance. The woman is wrong because she shouldn't mess with the actors while they're working but they're really trying to say that this woman is literally fucking raping him huh

No. 1542733

Why are people so weird with Disney actors? I've heard people say that they regularly got groped or sexually harassed in some way while working there. Perverts.

No. 1542749

Reminds me of back in peak early Tumblr a bunch of girls got obsessed with the Peter Pan actor. They figured out his real name and would follow him around the park and Disney let him go presumably because of it

No. 1542752

The push to reccgonize women as sexual harassers on par with TiMs and "cis" men is so forced. Now it's white women's entitlement to men's bodies when they're still getting sexually assaulted in droves

No. 1542755

White troons have the biggest white guilt complex and they wish so bad they were one of those murdered Brazilian prostitutes, they always act like they aren't white themselves.

No. 1542756

That's weird asf and random.

No. 1542762

I'm not even going to watch that video, I know it's going to be some embarrassing shit. But my guess is that the woman must be a Disney adult and must see the actor as the actual character instead of seeing him as an actor in a costume doing his jobs to pay his bills.

That shit was so messed up. It's been so long since then too.

No. 1542826

File: 1680885785954.jpeg (93.01 KB, 1170x767, E96206FD-6A73-4DA1-92A4-D779B2…)

Do these people ever get tired of making shit up

No. 1542834

It’s a bit cringe to do the chest squeeze to a random person but I’ve met the character before and he was shockingly very flirtatious and touchy, I never watched the movie so I didn’t know but I guess the chad asshole character would be a magnet for horny Disney moms. I’ve also seen videos before where he’s said some mildly insulting things to guests so it’s in character for him to be straightforward saying leave. Now I’m wondering how the princess characters deal with creeper dads.

No. 1542837

File: 1680886844123.jpeg (68.48 KB, 750x691, 8C434F95-B7BE-4AFD-B85C-776BFB…)

Seems like a lot of trannies are pushing this, even that one tranny news article thing “them” is talking about this. Turns out it’s because some random schizo on Twitter implied it and unfortunately is also apart of some group of other tinfoil schizos that allegedly label themselves “transvestigators”.

No. 1542879

"White cis women" might be the demographic that supports trans lunacy the most, but are also their most hated demographic back. The longer this goes on the less sympathy I have.

No. 1542924

File: 1680895718128.png (281.34 KB, 960x2079, 1D032C62-DD56-4724-B2AB-2D3F5B…)

When you combine being a handmadien with being a pickme. With a dash of NLOG and Vaush. It’s enough to give me cancer.


No. 1542926

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No. 1542933

Isn't Vaush the guy who is sexually attracted to horses?

No. 1542938

He also claims that ср is ok

No. 1542960

And we're going to listen to that degenerate? I'm going to automatically guess that whatever is happening in that post, the "suburban white woman" in the video is the one who's right.

No. 1542962

File: 1680898645572.jpeg (125.88 KB, 1054x1050, F04A8884-A1F0-4237-8B3E-84B37E…)

Isn’t this the gamergate tranny?

No. 1542974

>I feel like they are trying to make white women the enemy to all women
They are. They're doing it to deflect criticism and redirect it towards women who are right about troonism so people will go after them instead. Also note how it's always white women and not the men.
>suburban white women
Isn't Vaush a suburban white male? More deflection kek

No. 1542975

It’s truly lovely and totally not surprising Vaush has more or less completely leaned into being an MRA. It wasn’t long ago he was debating incels — admittedly with a sympathetic angle. Now only troons still latch onto him and are fine with the sexist shit he says which is also definitely not surprising. That’s more for the breadtube thread though.

No. 1542976

Yep kek. He was also shedding tears for lonely men during the “crisis” as well as blaming women for not throwing themselves at scrotes simply because, well, he’s a male.

No. 1542992

not even suburban, his parents are both upper class professionals who work in Hollywood, so he's always been rich.

No. 1542994

>His parents are professionals who work in hollywood
How is he so ugly then? Is he adopted or something?

No. 1543024

File: 1680905245667.png (213.96 KB, 939x627, pa.png)

Their special effects people not actors, though they still don't deserve a child as disgusting as Vaush

No. 1543028

That still doesn't explain Vaush, since they are both normal healthy-looking people who appear to have decent hygiene.

No. 1543043

File: 1680907979938.jpeg (143.98 KB, 1170x1257, 6027BEF0-3EF6-49FD-AECC-ADE338…)

Cow crossover

No. 1543047

Vaush is spoiled

No. 1543048

literally wu agrees that's why he dresses like one

No. 1543060

Yet moids chimpout and create whole new ideologies due to being triggered when women say the sane thing. That being said, not shocking since Vaush is both homosexual and a pedophile, he's a degenerate who hates the less degenerate and those who he can't coom. Incel to trans-ally pipeline is on display.

No. 1543061

If it's a joke what's the punchline? It's just a statement that can't be really interpreted in a funny way without reaching for non-existent extra context. Lefty scrotes like Vaush are only left for UBI so they can get state provided GF and money and sit on their ass all day doing nothing.

No. 1543083

Imagine telling someone from 50 years ago that in 2023 men still hate women but now it's because other men dress up like women and act retarded

No. 1543085

Funny because Twitter will recommend the most misogynistic incel posts to me with comments being like “bitches go back to the kitchen”, objectification, or some other tired joke/stereotype. And yeah it’s not a fucking joke, misogyny is more mainstream than I’ve ever seen since the feminazi craze and shit “jokes” like these are the reason it’s normalized. Try saying any other group of people is terrible though and see what happens.

No. 1543139

Leave dykes alone tradthot. It’s the faggots who are out there diddling kids.

No. 1543170

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No. 1543172

I don't get it, is it some sexual joke?

No. 1543174

Fuck off retard and learn some reading comprehension, I wasn't saying homosexuals are degenerate, the degenerate part is being a pedophile, the homosexual part is why he says this shit about women.

No. 1543175

Pretty sure they're saying it'd be "funny" if the daughter trooned out

No. 1543181

No one said they were? Do you think calling him a degenerate who hates women because he is gay and hates that women can date men without scrotes chimping out at them, and also wants to fuck kids so is already a degeneraye includes women?
>calling lesbians dykes
Are you a newfag or a scrote? You can ree about tradthots but don't blend in very well.

No. 1543194

I mean, he’s not exactly wrong. Broken clocks I guess.

No. 1543212

What's the point of this "joke"? He just wants to say misogynistic things and get away with it

No. 1543768

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No. 1543769

what? I'm pretty sure 99% of YA heroines were tanned dark haired white girls.

No. 1543770

this is sort of true, when hunger games came out a lot of white people were confused as to why rue was black even though it was always stated she was black kek

No. 1543778

File: 1680974803552.png (9.02 KB, 644x298, CAPTURE.png)

found the original tweet and I still can't make sense of it, it's like she's saying the authors were actually writing about "POC's"

No. 1543788

Remember when fans insisted that Katniss was supposed to be black even though her description sounded a lot more Native American?

No. 1543795

I'm going to need actual examples of this happening. Rue from the Hunger Games might have been thought to have been white by retarded blind people who read the book, but she was black in the movie. When has there been a black YA book character that had a white woman cast in the movie. Like genuinely asking because this seems like a totally overblown complaint. No fucking way that happens nowadays.

No. 1543809

Race baiting about this shit is stupid. I think she has a point, movie adaptations obviously remove everything about characters to makes them more relatable to the average audience which includes removing race and making the character more socially attractive most of the time.
I think they changed the race of a few Winx characters and removed winx characters of color while shooting a new live action series for netflix which would be a recent example of this.

No. 1543818

People like this seem poisoned from being terminally online. They complain about people putting babies in baby clothes that are stereotyped as extremely masculine or feminine but then make jokes like this. Same shit just on the other side.

No. 1543827

historically maybe, but i feel like the trend is now in reverse though

No. 1543832

File: 1680978102668.jpg (85.26 KB, 1080x776, Fs6uaXoAEYCpt.jpg)

basically picrel

No. 1543833

File: 1680978126502.jpg (62.21 KB, 667x400, Fitzpatrick-scale-explained.jp…)

I think this is a subjective thing. To people who have darker skin, "bronze skin" reads to them as Fitzpatrick Type IV or V. To people who have pale skin, "bronze skin" just reads as Type III.

No. 1543836

This just seems a bit silly and salty kek

No. 1543838

Nta but I don't remember people saying Katniss should be black. I do remember like you mentioned people saying she should be native American because she was described as having olive colored skin or something?

No. 1543844

that was weird as well, do they not realize that white people skin darkens as well, like look up British explorers from the 19th century and you'll see most of them got pretty tanned skinned as well.

No. 1543852

i assumed katniss wasn't white at first, but the depiction of the movies made no sense to me. jennifer lawrence looked too healthy and pale to be katniss. she was supposed to be from a starving district where she ate squirrel meat to get by.

No. 1543862

Honestly I don’t care about stuff like this. When you have movies with characters who are supposed to be roughing it in medieval fantasy or post-apocalyptic worlds, you need to suspend your disbelief. They are never going to look exactly how they should.

No. 1543993

Not to sperg about a YA series that was popular 10 years ago but tbf, Katniss probably had to be at least somewhat fit to do all that hunting and other psychical stuff she did to provide for her family in the beginning. So Jennifer Lawrence’s body didn’t bother me that much. While I do think it is kinda fucked up that they only sought out white actresses for the role, I’m still don’t get why people were insisting that Katniss was black based on the text alone when it was super vague to begin with.

No. 1543995

Well, I was on ONTD at the time so that probably explains why I saw those comments to begin with.

No. 1544023

What about Gale “get those gains” Hawthorne. I recently watched the movies and the fact this huge hemsworth guy was supposed to be in the worst starving district was really silly. Looking like Thor and then it’s thrown out katniss previously hadn’t eaten in weeks and almost died, he should’ve shared some protein powder.

No. 1544132

ok also, 'tall dark and handsome' in old literature doesn't refer to black people, it usually referred to mediterranean features/gypsies, right?
for instance, healthcliff in wuthering heights

No. 1544196

File: 1681025370512.png (113.77 KB, 648x618, 678.png)

we need to bring back public shaming and moral puritanism.

No. 1544219

File: 1681026925407.jpg (77.76 KB, 713x951, 34c4f1178f77411c76f6efadd4ca19…)

i don't know anything about your last sentence, but that is correct. think similar vein to latin lover trope. dark featured and tan skin

No. 1544232

omg I hate that book, why was everyone a fucking lunatic in it?

No. 1544239

Nta but same. I don't understand how it's well liked at all.

No. 1544261

File: 1681032887328.jpeg (146.26 KB, 827x1298, 8C006E5D-911F-4789-A757-58A4A6…)

men want to be oppressed by women so badly it’s hilarious, the most people I’ve genuinely seen of people making fun of men for crying are actually other men.

No. 1544264

The only time I’ve ever as a woman mocked a man for crying is if they were an otherwise unemotional unfeeling shitbag who is suddenly capable of feeling extreme emotion over a) video games or b) me telling them I don’t like the way they’re speaking to me/treating me

No. 1544266

The only place I have seen women laugh at men crying is lolcow dot farm. My irl female friends love a guy who can cry

No. 1544269

What does this have to do with the blobfish?

No. 1544380

Toxic masculinity is the culprit but sure make it the female partners fault and then have her consequence be emotional unavailability. They seem to be borrowing male oppression subjects from Reddit but seriously I’d love to be a man if they think being told not to cry was their biggest issue and is somehow exclusive to their gender.

No. 1544450

I don't understand this argument at all. Maybe because the stereotype doesn't exist where I live but if I cry over stupid shit I'll be called a sensitive pussy even if I'm a woman. It's not a thing only men suffer from. I've seen men cry (my own dad too) and no one makes fun of them if they're crying about serious stuff. Maybe other asshole men will make fun of them but it's not really a thing that happens a lot. I'm begging these reddit incels to actually go outside and realize that no one but their own kind will "oppress" them if they cry when a sad thing happens.
Also notice the different situations in the comic. The guy is crying because of a movie (not really an issue) and the woman is making fun of him. The woman is crying because he's emotionally unavailable, which is a legit problem between people in close relationships.

No. 1544526

File: 1681058552298.png (61.52 KB, 683x730, image_2023-04-10_024254349.png)

I'm possibly going to post her in the personal lolcow thread to add more background, but if you're on mgs twit you'll know her. This is so embarrassing.

No. 1544529

I'm curious, who is she?

No. 1544536

File: 1681058989790.png (79.51 KB, 652x858, Screenshot.png)

looked through her account on a whim and honestly this is what I imagine what the average para-military thread poster is like

No. 1544763

Tbf, I think we can assume that Donald Duck is supposed to be white since he has Scottish heritage. The Ducktales reboot was cringey for a lot of reasons but they did a rather okay job at race swapping one character. But this was just weird and bad.

No. 1544775

I fucking hate this stupid artist so much holy shit

No. 1544894

KEK, wow.

No. 1544960

File: 1681086981649.png (10.58 KB, 441x276, image_2023-04-10_103654920.png)

She's a 30-year-old mom who likes to obsessively tag MGS voice actors, make weird comments despite having a husband, brag about her connections to these VAs and just be generally strange online. It's not like she's harming anybody, but I would feel weird if that was my mom making thirst tweets to video game VAs while my dad was out in the military or whatever the hell he's doing.

No. 1544971

File: 1681087498508.png (76.83 KB, 677x545, image_2023-04-10_104506764.png)

To add, it's seriously weird that she tweets things like this when the voice actor is so closely connected with his character, made even weirder by her previously tweeting about being close with the VA to the point of her having his personal phone number.

No. 1545066

Curious, how bad of mother does she seem?

No. 1545132

sometimes you can depict problematic people in fiction. it is alright.

No. 1545149

Surprisingly, she seems like a decent mother. She's really engaged with her children, it's only her online presence that is strange.

No. 1545295

File: 1681136175769.jpeg (43.03 KB, 828x544, IMG_7522.jpeg)

its straight from the horse’s mouth. he’s one of those unfunny african men on twitter but this 100% has a semblance of truth to it

No. 1545307

Unrelated but what the fuck is a bookmark on Twitter? Is it new?

No. 1545310

aren't there cases of men in Africa literally raping babies, cause they think it will fix their AIDS.

No. 1545313

Jokes on Blobby I want to fuck a man while he cries

No. 1545321

men do that everywhere there are men and babies

No. 1545322

No. 1545349

It's been a feature on Twitter since forever ago, but Muskrat recently decided it's a good idea to publicly show the number of people that bookmarked a tweet. It used to be a way to privately save tweets on your account so you can find them later, I don't exactly know how much it changed though, haven't used Twitter since the rat man took over

No. 1545365

you can still privately save tweets, they’re not exposed or anything. ppl tried trolling & spreading that news around but yeah. with the amount of bookmarks showing update i thought it would show you who exactly bookmarked but thankfully it doesn’t, so this new feature serves absolutely 0 fucking purpose except to make twitter look clunkier and crowded

No. 1545531

File: 1681148767743.png (210.5 KB, 448x435, twitter.PNG)

Both of these tweets are vile. Stop using the faces of these children and innocent people for your fucking twitter discourse. This is vomit-inducing, they should be ashamed.

No. 1545869

Is this a pre-existing collage or did he seriously sit there seething and downloading all those pictures of the victims into a collage app just so he could clap back on twitter?

No. 1545890

File: 1681177553831.jpeg (168.74 KB, 1170x1571, AF417700-A4AF-44B7-85E9-716030…)

This is obviously trolling but kek

No. 1546009

your still a porn addict though.

No. 1546032

Calm down paki-chan

No. 1546036

I deleted my post because I didn't realize it could be a troll, Poe's Law I guess.

Also OT but what character is that in the first user's pfp?

No. 1546038

File: 1681198945275.jpg (194.28 KB, 1027x1500, yande.re 231989 sample katsura…)

It's Misato from evangelion rebuilds specifically

No. 1546041

Thanks, I have never watched the Rebuilds and thought it was something from Gundam

No. 1546078

I still don't how this works? like I really have no interest in watching the entire series but I think I know enough from cultural osmosis.

So I know there was an anime series that was very popular and then a movie that was basically a recap of the series but with an alternative ending, but what the hell are the rebuilds of alternative timelines?

No. 1546091

Yeah they think having sex with a virgin cures aids…

No. 1546093

File: 1681207957874.jpeg (73.34 KB, 1170x478, 2DE9C4E7-5662-4C42-B90C-EA0E93…)

>porn addiction is not a thing
>porn is not to blame for any ills in society, who cares about victims of violent rape and pedophilia that can be directly linked to the perpetrator’s porn history
>anyone who questions degenerate porn and prostitution is a bigot
>prostitution and human trafficking are on the same level as writing erotica

wanting to protect exploited women and children means you’re an evil bigot who hates sex workers apparently

No. 1546094

I remember a comment by vaush where he said that any "leftist" who was against porn and sex-work is actually a fascist in disguise.

No. 1546108

there was a TV series in the 90s, which had an ending movie, called End of Evangelion (the last episode had an "ending" but EoE is the actual ending, it's not a recap).

the first Rebuild movie (different from EoE) was almost a recap of the series and came out long after it ended, and this movie was basically the basis for a new continuity different from the one in the TV anime. the Rebuilds take place in an alternate universe, basically, and they were basically only made to milk the cash cow that is Evangelion. Hideaki Anno is infamous for hating his otaku fans (which the message of the original Evangelion was supposed to be directed at, in short "go outside, talk to people, go to therapy, touch grass" but they ignored that and instead dedicated their whole life to Asuka vs. Rei waifuwars and autistic lore discussion) and liking to deliberately piss them off. so the Rebuilds are just a new story with the characters and lore elements from the TV series.

the first two points are 100% correct, how the fuck did they come up with the final point though?
>>prostitution and human trafficking are on the same level as writing erotica
keep in mind that they think hating prostitution means hating prostitutes (who they see as just "workers"), and not the people (mostly men) who exploit them
i'm so sick of this retarded "argument" that's really just bad faith misinterpretations of completely valid arguments against prostitution

No. 1546159

I hate vaush so fucking much. reddit thinks because I'm a cryptoterf I should be recommended his subreddit everyday. about to delete my reddit because of it, even though I keep telling reddit I'm not interested.

No. 1546165

File: 1681218523954.png (9.16 KB, 610x225, lol.PNG)

When did they start giving phds to retards?

No. 1546166

okay I think I get it to an extent, so the Rebuild movies are basically a reboot with a different story all together, well that's all I wanted to know,

No. 1546345

File: 1681239196330.jpg (260.63 KB, 1080x1430, trannygoat.jpg)

Idk which is more pathetic between that artstyle, the "trans anarchy" meme and the fact the author has "any pronouns/it/its" in her bio.

No. 1546374

File: 1681241365756.jpeg (218.05 KB, 1170x1878, 3F0848F9-18F1-454C-8D75-00E1C1…)

This faggot is my personal lolcow I hate him and his shitty menswear articles fuck you derek

No. 1546428

How does he know she's cis? I thought twans women were women and no one can ever tell what someones sex is.

No. 1546464

she always rags on mgs shippers like she doesn't constantly make thirst posts about fictional characters. i'm glad i'm not the only one who finds her annoying, most of the fandom on twitter seem to be enamored with her

No. 1547646

Wym he’s right

No. 1548348

File: 1681405413589.jpg (262.6 KB, 1080x1750, Screenshot_20230413_103949_Chr…)

Proof #7492 that incels really have no excuse.

No. 1548383

Average FFXIV couple.
I hope she gets well soon and divorces his ass.

No. 1548422

I think it's cute and I hope he is a sweet and kind person. I'd rather see a woman happy with an ugly man than suffering with a hot one.

No. 1548453

>intellectually serious

No. 1548571

>I hope he is a sweet and kind person
>porn addict phenotype

No. 1548728

porn is inherently evil because there’s a non zero amount of women in the industry who are being trafficked and forced to participate. any industry that directly profits from taking basic human rights is evil, full stop. and any sex worker who willingly becomes one deserves hate for enabling the industry and validating its existence.

No. 1548730

porn is inherently evil because there’s a non zero amount of women in the industry who are being trafficked and forced to participate. any industry that directly profits from taking basic human rights is evil, full stop. and any sex worker who willingly becomes one deserves hate for enabling the industry and validating its existence.

No. 1550282

File: 1681583845248.jpeg (93.59 KB, 1170x936, FD2EB598-D226-4CE6-98AF-D68A43…)

Sure that definitely happened

No. 1550291

What a girlboss

No. 1550296

Why would he even be at dinner with an evil and unspecified conservative?

No. 1550299

Tired of men and pick-mes pretending that ugly men are "nicer" than attractive men and that good looks and good personality are mutually exclusive. It's literally just incel propaganda.

No. 1550654

I love it when my boyfriend cries kek The blobby artist is a retard

No. 1550655

She's right tbh

No. 1550676

I think this is adorable tbh

No. 1550677

Real, fell for the ugly boy propaganda once. Shittiest guy I dated, cheated, controlling, mean. Absolute scam. Men try to get women to play against the accusations of only dating chads or gold digging, but so what. Women are allowed to want desirable men. Cope

No. 1550680

Me too, I can't hate on a seemingly happy couple.

No. 1550700

Young kids before a certain age can't accurately distinguish between male and female based on clothes. They think wearing a dress makes you female. A kid thinking they're the opposite sex based on stereotypes does not make them trans, it means they're a normal dumb kid still going through cognitive development typical of kids their age.

No. 1551258

This is true though
I do miss the times before 2013, especially on tumblr.

No. 1551628

no one is saying that. anon said she hopes he's sweet and kind, not that he is.

No. 1552176

The world was so innocent and the air was fresher

No. 1552234

Please love yourselves

No. 1552363

Slightly ot but who is the dude in the threadpic that those Twtfags are arguing about?

No. 1553895

File: 1681901852967.jpg (213.02 KB, 996x1724, ee0297fc4380056126ac828f94a5bf…)

what even is he talking about.

No. 1553897

He's trying to bait women into sending nudes, a lot of men on Twitter do this like for example they'll say yoga pants look like shit on women to get women to send pictures of them in yoga pants etc.

No. 1554014

at the risk of sounding victim blaming-y I hate porn obsessed men who thinks they are entitled to women's nudes but this tactic of getting nudes is just so odd. Surely there aren't any women who is dumb enough to fall for it, right?

No. 1554022

It works. Men on twitter will post something like "dark skinned black women look like shit, I'm definitely not racist tho" or "women with big boobs and butts shouldn't wear bikinis at the beaxh ew they're fat and ugly" specifically to make pretty black women post their selfies of themselves in makeup, with really good haircuts, cute dresses or whatever, or to make curvy women post pics of themselves in tiny bikinis posing on purpose to naively prove them wrong, so the men can then… you know. It works especially well with fat women, they'll post their selfies because they think it's going to make fatphobia less terrible, while the guys are trying to bait actually curvy, chubby but not obese good looking women. It's really stupid.

No. 1554075

That's a cap from The Sopranos, it's Meadow's uni roommate and she wasn't "comically chubby", the joke in this scene was that she was drunk as hell in the morning. Her body was literally never commented on for the short amount of episodes she was in. The fact this Y chromosoid thinks "hurrr she doesn't look like my porno wimminz, that's funny" speaks volumes.

No. 1554123

I just recently rewatched the series and you’re 100% correct. That whole post is stupid. Like half of the characters in the show are obese including a woman who is the butt of many fat jokes but they chose this? And it goes without saying the moid reply is disgusting

No. 1554157

explain yourself

No. 1554159

the world was better pre-9/11

No. 1554162

File: 1681925314269.jpeg (154.19 KB, 1170x1575, 7AD93696-EFD6-41F8-860B-9DF2C9…)

Kek space faggot actually did something right for once

No. 1554193

sex pests want to be the victim so bad. "I can't get aroused if you don't pretend i'm a girl, this is literally a hate crime"

No. 1554699

I'm not saying this is the reason he did it, but it must cost a lot of resources to accurately moderate this. For a racist tweet it should be quick for the employees to determine whether to remove it, for "targeted misgendering" it takes more time for them to read the context of the tweets and so on.

No. 1554774

I think his business practices and treatment of employees will always be evil but as far as evil CEOs go he's probably the one I hate the least. I like electric vehicles, I like the idea for a hyperloop, I like Amber Heard, and I like Grimes. So he gets a pass in my eyes.

No. 1554876

Wtf I love Elon Musk now.

No. 1554883

File: 1681988317452.jpeg (50.6 KB, 748x825, 58F94CCD-8CAB-4EB7-91C1-9A78EF…)

Saw this making the rounds on twitter. Men are actually consistently praising this. Full mask-off incel behavior. "Yeah, you go king! Harass that girl for rejecting or breaking up with you!" This is genuinely how scrotes behave when they think nobody will judge them. I hate men I hate men I hate men.

No. 1554896

>I like Amber Heard, and I like Grimes
Didn't he treat them (or his other exes forgot which) like shit? Even though he dated them he doesn't seem to like them himself..Plus his vehicles are known for easily catching on fire.

No. 1554974

what does he have to do with Amber Heard? are they friends or something.

No. 1554981

they dated 2017-2018 kek

No. 1554982

If true, the dude in the pic looks like a modern day incel too. Kinda funny his brother responded an hour and a half later, hopefully he didn't take it seriously

No. 1554987

not that weird, but are they friends or something.

No. 1555002

Elon Musk is obsessed with Amber Heard, she's the one that got away

No. 1555010

i’ve unfortunately seen women fall for this kek
but nowadays its mostly women doing it totally on purpose, its a known bait tactic now

No. 1555222

File: 1682014759914.jpg (1.05 MB, 3146x5332, womenpostinglsfacereveal.jpg)

Originally posted this in /2X/ but it's a bit dead over there. The guy that runs the "Women Posting L's" twitter did a face reveal

No. 1555232

He looks exactly like the type of guy that would run women posting their L's account, doesn't he have a girlfriend as well

No. 1555233

There should be a thread for people with predominantly moid fan bases. They're comments are always hilarious to go through.

No. 1555253

File: 1682016011228.jpg (28.6 KB, 587x583, 9853a7f7.jpg)

LMAO what a fucking soy faggot

No. 1555256

Ew I thought it was Sargon without reading a post

No. 1555261

File: 1682016587564.png (244.07 KB, 612x701, lol.PNG)

From the guys main account
it's like they make these men in a printer lol

No. 1555275

Real women posting L's

No. 1555281

No. 1555307

File: 1682020101754.png (629.75 KB, 909x514, Screenshot 5.png)

not even 5 minutes in, they "joke" about
>sucking feet
>and masturbating to sonic porn
These men are on a different level of commerism

No. 1555311

File: 1682020450688.jpg (17.19 KB, 236x211, 1489042320017.jpg)

>the receding hairline

No. 1555341

She’s right though

No. 1555358

Having sex with that thing would be suffering. She’s probably in bandages as we speak.

No. 1555719

ironically he looks like the generic bf of every other they/them pansexual woman i've seen

No. 1555816

No. 1555826

File: 1682057343532.png (48.63 KB, 1080x844, Screenshot_20230420-230422_(1)…)

I hate this autistic pickme bitch so much. How do you even go to this conclusion?

Also can you guess what the comments are like?
>think about the poor trans people who will also be affected by this!!!
Really telling on themselves here.

No. 1555828

I don't know who she is but this does have the potential to make pedophiles more violent at least, like willing to murder the children so they don't tell anyone.

No. 1555829

File: 1682057526380.jpg (50.84 KB, 720x421, 1681723642290.jpg)

No. 1555833

This is a pretty valid argument against it. I don't like the death penalty either, although I don't know why so many trans people's first instinct against this is "they're genociding transfolk!!" Like what. They do this about everything though, like after the abortion thing "um lets not forget transwomen in all this discourse" it's ridiculous

No. 1555836

Exactly, while the tweet is worded in a retarded way, as someone who lives in a country with no death penalty and imprisonment focusing more on rehabilitation than 200-year prison sentences, it actually does lessen the amount of murders. Like in the US it's a "in for a penny, in for a dime" kind of situation where you rape someone and decide to kill them to avoid being caught and executed. Even when a very small percentage get the death penalty it's still a psychological factor, in states that do apply capital punishment the murder rates are higher than in states that don't.

No. 1555838

File: 1682060652842.jpeg (179.67 KB, 1284x1384, 73FC7622-1114-43EC-A397-5CCE40…)

No. 1555843

Mouth breather phenotype.

No. 1555844

Local twitter user shocked that not every zoomer was pornsick online as a child and got baited into producing their own csam. Some of us were busy making AMVs and gif sets for mutuals instead of being a kink princess.

No. 1555845

>if you weren't groomed you're ugly
What the fuck?

No. 1555852

File: 1682061818152.png (57.27 KB, 948x562, soyjakpolface.png)

kek it's uncanny

No. 1555854

What in the actual fuck is wrong with this retard? There's always this type person going "if you weren't doing dangerous, unpleasing stuff when you were a teen you was boring?" And it's like??

No. 1555886

The consolation for people like that is they'll look middle aged before they hit their 30s and act like everyone who uses their own money to have fun is childish because they've already peaked and burnt out.

No. 1555889

My first exposure to chatrooms was when Amanda Todd killed herself because a pedophile convinced her to flash him and then stalked and harassed her for the rest of her life. Sorry that you're so damaged from an obviously very troubled childhood that you see being preyed upon as something to aspire to but shitting on women who were loved and protected as children won't make you heal any faster.

No. 1555893

This is an obvious satire/parody account if you look at the profile, anon. Whether it's funny or not is another question.

No. 1555945

File: 1682077482980.png (51.75 KB, 642x604, Screenshot_5482.png)

Go on this account for the most braindead, unintelligent, moid garble you've ever seen in your life. Imagine your life being so free of problems you create them for yourself, such as DA EBIL SJWS CENSORING MY LOLI PORNNN

No. 1555947

I can't believe that these "own da SJWs" people are still a thing in 2023

No. 1555970

Can we have a moidsphere thread? This guy and people like Tate and other "alpha male" podcasts.

No. 1555999

Seconding this, that fat lesbian relator womenpostingLs needs this

No. 1556048

File: 1682090026216.png (680.33 KB, 1080x1457, Screenshot_20230421-101044~2.p…)

Ladies is it republican to criticize misogyny in gay men/drag?

No. 1556074

Drag in general is mocking women tho. It's literally supposed to be a sort of caricature of women.

No. 1556119

>Really low effort autistic pun joke name
>Japan's naval flag header to trigger the libz
>Anime loli PFP because nippon is based and redpilled
>"I'm here to offend SJWs" spoken like a 12-year old on voice chat
>Middle finger emojis
It's like a farmer wrote a character for that "things that moids say" thread kek

No. 1556127

I know this cunt, I see his stupid ass on my TL.

No. 1556131

I dream for the days misogyny is treated as seriously as racism my god.

No. 1556139

No. 1556141

Picture of me and my future husband if I have to marry for citizenship

No. 1556156

I can't stand the online left anymore. A few months ago I still could tolerate them but they are so sexist and delusional I just hate them now.

No. 1556159

This. A thousand times over this!

No. 1556266

File: 1682105998152.jpeg (78.93 KB, 828x804, IMG_8751.jpeg)

i’ll die from exhaustion before i say everything i want to say about this mentality. this mindset is why black teens in chicago are filming themselves at looting/property damage parties

yes, make the father of your children a moid who can’t even be bothered to remember your birthday and needs to be constantly bailed out of jail; this will have no effect on the innocent children who had no choice in being born

No. 1556267

What kind of retarded reversal is this kek

No. 1556271

>It's pathetic to only have kids with someone who's worth your time
Yeah, it's not like you're helping to continue someone else's bloodline or anything. Kids just pop up out of thin air. Epigenetics aren't real. Single motherhood doesn't often come with dysfunction and trauma.
I fucking hate these retarded, dysgenic pickmes. Starting to wonder if microchimerism is real, no woman comes to this cockroach mindset naturally. "You don't really want to be a mom if you're not ready to breed with any man that moves" lmao nice try moidbrain.

No. 1556291

It’s your baby, not the fathers. Never understood the obsession with pairing adult men with babies. Although being involved with criminal blacks is low and pretty stupid.

No. 1556297

Samefag because this really is some Aella-tier shit. They should team up and cook up the worst takes known to man. Let them start a podcast, Idiotic Bitches Inc. Throw in Gimp Girl and her doll as a guest star every other episode. I want more derangement and insanity, the world must know just how destructive the modern sex positivity movement and unaddressed, repeated abuse throughout one's life is to a human's mental state.

No. 1556307

Some of us don't want to risk death pushing out a future sex offender/deadbeat/tard/sociopath/giant fuckin loser. What's with these bitter young mothers mad that some of us actually made smart reproductive choices. You don't have a kid for any other reason than the egg got fertilized. We're not doing it for "us" or "men", we just want to be sure we pass on the best possible genetics (among other things) to our children

No. 1556329

File: 1682109863742.jpeg (73.32 KB, 828x1163, IMG_8755.jpeg)

#freeyoungthug bc apparently there isn’t already an abundance of criminal rapping deadbeats as we speak. so bc he smiled he needs to get out? kek there is nothing special or unique about him, he should be jailed bc he’s a criminal. oh well. nothing about his music is unique is any way shape or form for him to be freed.

No. 1556343

I can't imagine really turning those dumbass thoughts into words and then sharing for the internet to witness.
And women agreeing like "I'm gonna have a child regardless of the baby daddy!"
I am at a loss for words.

No. 1556512

File: 1682124488735.png (125.04 KB, 293x362, Captura de pantalla 2023-04-21…)

Jesus fucking christ. I know this word gets thrown a lot on here but this is some serious NLOG shit. QRT's even worse though.


look for yourself if you have the energy.

No. 1556532

File: 1682127076674.jpg (55.17 KB, 821x868, 1670006847293.jpg)

>comments proposing trannies should be in their own category and play against eachother
That's actually not a bad idea…It'd be funny to watch the trannies scramble and infight

No. 1556553

Sociopathy is strong in hiphop culture and low class black AND low class white communities. They don't care if their baby daddy is a sex offender or killer just look at who Nicki Minaj married. As far as they know the rape victim was just "stealing dey man".

No. 1557143

File: 1682200313058.jpeg (176.51 KB, 1170x1627, C4571E63-DF20-478D-9DBC-6ACB28…)


No. 1557175

That's something from horror movies
I also imagine it to make spaghetti slurping sound

No. 1557179

Out of all the ways to out yourself as a virgin, this is probably the most embarrassing

No. 1557182

>I also imagine it to make spaghetti slurping sound
This is exactly why he had to emphasize that it's silent
That was how I'd imagine it too, and he knew that, and he just had to deny that in the first sentence.

No. 1557405

this reads like an esl sex education textbook

No. 1557664

File: 1682273509121.png (380.41 KB, 487x900, plane.png)

>mother is 5 months pregnant on a plane with her two kids
>one of the kids spills popcorn
>flight attendant shows up and says the captain wants her to clean up every piece of popcorn
>she does it
>husband calls out the airline on Twitter
People are eating up both the mother and father in the QRTs for this.

No. 1557667

It's the parents' responsibility if their small kids who shouldn't be on a plane do something like this imo, but why the fuck did the father not do it himself as opposed to his pregnant, probably tired wife?

No. 1557671

Why in all the fuck would give popcorn to a toddler on public transport?

No. 1557683

He wasn't on the flight. Just the wife and kids.
He just decided to whiteknight his wife online when she told him what happened.
He's entitled as fuck, but not a bad husband.

No. 1557690

File: 1682275314424.png (254.5 KB, 658x499, pettyman.png)

No. 1557693

That's not any better, that's one more reason why the small kids shouldn't even be on a plane if you ask me. Kids like this are retarded by default because of how young they are and one pregnant mom looking after them is clearly not enough given that she had to clean the mess they made even when pregnant.

No. 1557777

Just why would you give your kids popcorn or other food that can be spilled everywhere to your small kids on an airplane? Of course they're going to make a mess and you're going to have to clean it. They're hypnotized by their tablets and phones already anyway, and if it's a short flight they don't need fucking popcorn.

No. 1557938

>that's one more reason why the small kids shouldn't even be on a plane if you ask me.
Retarded opinion.

No. 1557945

why is a toddler eating popcorn? that's not only retarded because it's a messy food but also a choke hazard.

No. 1558018

If I remember right he said that the airline gave them popcorn as a flight snack, but it’s such a stupid cope considering the parent would be the one deciding what their kids eat

No. 1558032

File: 1682299839139.jpeg (189.76 KB, 1170x1552, A2156A0D-DB9E-421A-AF9A-BAF324…)

What the fuck are you talking about

No. 1558036

Saying a whole lot of nothing. Loveee this new direction we are going in where "every woman I disagree with is a Karen".

No. 1558040

Yeah seriously this. On top of that, if you like yaoi, the terminally online karens will try to run you through the dirt over something akin to a troll who wanted to see if he can get people to jump on the fujo-hate train under the guise of "fetishism".

No. 1558118

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No. 1558119

XIV is known for being full of tim lmfao of course they love being slutty

No. 1558124

>the most popular glamours are often "slut glams" or extremely skimpy outfits
And yet many of those so-called "female players" were born with a penis… hmmm…
Oh yeah since troons have appropriated the term feminism now they can't call actual feminists feminazis. Now they call them Karens lol

No. 1558222

Mommybrains can travel in plane full of kids together then, let normal people suffer their travel in peace. YOUR kid makes a mess, YOU clean it, pretty clear. World is not your nanny just because you chose the most inconvenient way to travel/ your husband makes you fly alone with two toddlers.

No. 1558245

NTA but
You need to get off Reddit now and realize you're living in a society.

No. 1558251

>giving popcorn to a toddler on plane
Peak amerifat moment lmao

No. 1558430

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What the fuck do these pics have in common? They seem so random and disconnected. also 99% of morons in that thread are spicy straight/bisexual women or troons

No. 1558432

Idk the last one but the first two are both people trying to kill each other over and over again

No. 1558464

It's the toxic/unhealthy spicy "shipping dynamic" thing.
>Eve and Villanelle try to kill each other in a battle of good vs evil
>Hannibal and Will are playing 4D murder chess with each other
>Jennifer and Needy are the unhealthy mean girl/nerdy girl friendship dynamic
>the blond vampire fag turned and took in the biracial vampire fag forcibly (pretty sure)

No. 1558468

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So you are mad because some tourist idiots are sitting on the pavement and begging? Nobody has to help them and the government doesn't have to provide them with any care lmao

I come from a mediterranean country and we get these too, but people ignore them. I just find it funny that some bougie journo is like LOOK AT THESE PRIVILEGED WESTERN PEOPLE.

No. 1558478

I get it though. It's annoying to have to step over unwashed entitled beggars who are blocking the flow of foot traffic just because they are demanding you fund their vacation. If they were busking it would be a completely different situation.

No. 1558479

Can I still get mad at them for making garbage crafts?

No. 1558483

Yeah that's perfectly fair, also for being dumb tourists and thinking you can get by with begging in other countries with no safety net

No. 1558488

I mean, would I buy their crafts? No, but what's wrong with this. It'd rather fund some guy's travel lifestyle than a homeless person's drug addiction. I'm not saying all homeless people are drug addicts, but now that I live in a city where its a major problem, 95% of them are homeless for a reason, they're either dangerously schizophrenic or extreme drug addicts. I might donate to a schizo but it's not safe to approach them a lot of times.

No. 1558496

Most of the homeless people my bf encountered when working at a gas station next to a large homeless encampment, were sex offenders. Usually sexually assaulted kids under 12. There’s a reason they’re homeless 99% of the time it’s because they’re dangerous predators and/or dangerously unhygienic.

No. 1558508

serial killers and the hubristic investigators that want to fuck them (idk what the bottom right one is)

No. 1558517

How did he know they were sex offenders?

No. 1558530

He started looking them up on the registry because he hated them so much. He was shocked that literally all the homeless he hated were pedos, which was most of them. He knew their names and bdays cause he’d ID them for booze which is all they ever bought besides cigs and roller dogs. The few homeless guys who weren’t nasty, rude, and/or pedos he would give free food and drinks to.

No. 1558535

Samefag but the rare non pedo non rude non disgusting homeless person was generally a young guy down on his luck who was too prideful to sleep on friends’ couches. They didn’t tend to stay homeless for more than a couple months.

No. 1558587

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Everything adds up

No. 1558589

What does safe horny even mean?

No. 1558594

It means lusting after adult characters. Troon’s mad he can’t get horny over lolis without people rightfully calli