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No. 1362168
in order of most recent
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1317882>>>/ot/1239867 No. 1362197
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So this is just bullying, like I swear there's something really fucked up with the way people act on twitter, its different from KF or 4chan, its not direct rather its kinda of an effeminate passive aggressive meanness No. 1362210
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>>1362168I don't hate this tweet itself, but look at this nonna playing poker who calls this guy out on his bluff before he starts having a fit. It's funny too because he looks
so awkward leading up to it. Like why do this if you can be read like a book? No. 1362544
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>>1362210Apparently she has been tweeting about this (being called a cheater by tons of moids) and there's even this tweet about the loser.
No. 1362565
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I was looking up HoTD ships and accidently came across this account, this is beyond weird, now in most cases I'd say this account was run by a white cuck but the inclusion on asian and latina women(and complete absence of black women) makes me pretty sure that this account is run by some black incel who has a weird hatred against black women
No. 1363238
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not the least bit fond of kanye and his antics but I'm surprised the reaction twitter is making over just this, tis kinda ridiculous, just one phrase is enough to make them seem like he's committing the worst hate crime, its like they want to live in a world where white supremacists are killing black en-masse to justify their own persecution fetish
No. 1363249
>>1362565… were you looking up Jace x Helena ships,
nonnie? Be honest.
No. 1363253
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>>1363248>it's obviously a marketing stunt and she knows it, yet she's talking about it which is the end goal of that marketing stunt to begin withThat's the point nonna. The troll gets amplified and the person doing the amplification gets to virtue signal against it
No. 1363885
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so true!
No. 1365761
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Maybe I'm overreacting but I hate when people use dumb reaction images in response to real tragedies like this, it feels so disrespectful
Picrel is game developer 4A putting out an information about one of their animators dying defending Ukraine
No. 1366162
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No. 1366163
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Misogyny… but make it woke by adding "white" in front of "women"
No. 1366170
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>>1366163samefag, a lot of moc have these kind of fantasies and attitudes towards ww and it’s sick, and as a socialist its awful seeing them using leftist rhetoric to justify their perversions and fetishes
No. 1366171
>>1366163Lemme guess… He also disappoints non white women?
>>1366168White women don't even look at them most of the time, not even that way.
No. 1366187
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>>1366170Kek just compare this to a positive way of using leftist rhetoric about sex
they're two women>>1366177This
No. 1366212
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>>1366163>>1366170I really fucking hate woke moids of color, they say the most misogynist and offensive shit about women, but by "adding" as a prefix to everything they make their blatant misogyny PC approved and considered deep social commentary
No. 1366644
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how are these ppl fr
No. 1366645
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>>1366644>212k followerslike, it’s fr parody at this point. has to computer generated. all of it
No. 1366657
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i’ve seen this argument several times and each time, the explanations get more and more baffling. apparently sticking your whole ass out and jiggling it around in skin tight/short clothing is not sexual and only whyppl “made it sexual”. speechless. no words. just read the comment section if you wanna feel like you’re the only fucking intelligent person in this world No. 1366658
>>1366163>>1366170It's always the moc from the most misogynistic cultures imaginable too. This guy seems to be either pakistani or indian and in either case I'd shut the fuck up about any group of women if I were him.
>>1366212I remember when (left-wing) men would be told to keep feminism out of their mouths a few years ago. Now they can say whatever the fuck they want with no backlash as long as they attack the "right" kind of women. Unsurprising that troons have pretty much taken over the movement since pickmes have been enabling this exact behavior for ages now. Bleak
No. 1367324
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mind you this is ted bundy
No. 1367665
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No. 1367691
>>1367665First post is correct.
The reply is assmad over friends giving her advice that she knows she should take.
No. 1367697
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from the pixielocks thread, but GOD THIS IS SUCH A SHITTY AWFUL TWITTER TAKE FUCK.
No. 1367793
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This was not nearly funny enough to post a screenshot of your own review
But then again there are very strong NLOG I’m a ~cool~ girl who watches the sopranos vibes from this female actress girl comedian so
No. 1367841
>>1367665Watching your friend fall deeper and deeper into a pit of abuse and deteriorate more and more with each passing year is extreme codependency ladies, if a man hits his gf it’s out of your control and trying to speak up about their autonomy is
toxic uwu
No. 1368760
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Lmfao this is nothing to be proud of, too many women with OF tend to overshare so much in their life
No. 1368761
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>>1368760This is actually really gross and so male of him… If your daughter has an OF that's NOT what you should do
No. 1370431
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>most tolerant Indian
Americans(including minorities living in the west) don't realize how horribly racist the rest of world truly can be
No. 1370476
>>1370431It’s always funny to me when white wokesters who oversimplify the entire world as white people vs.
POC encounter two different groups of
POC who despise each other. You can almost see their brain explode and dribble out through their nose as they try to figure out which group is the oppressed and which is the oppressor, especially when it’s men vs. men (when it’s women vs. men they usually treat the men as the bigger
victims because misogyny runs deep).
No. 1370588
>>1370431Based Pranav. I’m sick of black moids shitting on everyone because they think they’re the ultimate
victims. IMO other “minorities” have the right to be racist back.
No. 1370648
>>1370431I can't stand racist black moids, but racist Indian moids are too funny to me. Find toilets first, and try using them instead of worshiping them. He'll probably start crying if anyone reminds him of the 95 year period of Brits occupying India, too
>>1370588No demographic of males that gang rapes women and children at their insane rates can ever be "based" lmao
No. 1370979
>>1370943 stated, its mostly cause of the shitty diets that have been common place in south asia, no protein, just a shit ton of oil and various spices, my family(who are from northern punjab) often complain about it, my grandmother whose 75 years old still hasn't gotten used to the smell of the people here in the cities
No. 1371288
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What revenge? They’re both ugly as fuck one has hair and one doesn’t
No. 1371299
>>1371288That’s exactly it,
nonny. One has hair and one doesn’t
No. 1372187
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>the mythos of precious white female flesh defiled
No. 1372239
>>1372187what kind of mental gymnastics –??
it's worse when women go bald because it means there's something wrong with their health, as we aren't supposed to go bald. as well as it being waaaaaaaaaaaay less socially acceptable to be a bald woman, than it is to be a bald man
absolute fucking retard
No. 1372251
>>1372187>No one cares when boys go bald.Yeah well they probably should! I know way too many guys in their early 20s who are balding horrendously. I feel like it never used to be this bad? Balding was associated with middle aged men and maybe a few younger guys with truly unfortunate genetics. But it seems sooo common now. Clearly indicative of something being wrong.
>But "girls" evokes the mythos of precious (white) female flesh defiledWhat the fuck? No…"girls" is just the proper term for the female teenagers who are experiencing this. Of course he had to add white in there. Testosterone will wreak havoc on women and girls' bodies regardless of their race.
Trannies hate being compared to Buffalo Bill and the like but then go and sound like straight up serial killers talking about "precious female flesh"
No. 1372335
>>1372187>precious (white) female flesh defiledThis reminds me of Alok’s “little girls aren’t innocent, they’re kinky” post. It really upsets these men that people are concerned about the well-being of girls. Why? If their issue is that boys are not getting enough care and attention (they are) then focus on that instead of making female children out to be unworthy of protection. But of course they don’t actually care about boys, they just want to remove all safeguards around girls.
>>1372289So I’m guessing that this is a TIM saying that testosterone/male puberty made him cooler, smarter and sexier than actual women. What happened to “if you make us undergo natural puberty we’ll die”?
>>1372295>>1372312If this were an actual woman (TIF) she wouldn’t be calling herself a girl.
No. 1372350
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>>1372335>>1372312>>1372298looked up her account and its a TIF(I mean she mentioned taking Testosterone and is making herself look like an anime boy, it should have been obvious)
No. 1372359
>>1372197>>1372271What wrong with that? He hasn't done anything shitty afaik and has an age appropriate wife (actually she's older than him), that's top 1% of male celebs in terms of being a decent person.
He's got a weird face but imo he used to be super hot and is aging as well as you could hope for a 40+ moid.
No. 1372398
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No. 1372426
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I'm seeing another wave of drawing basicass anime characters as black and trans, it feels like a parody of 2010 tumblr, but maybe it's just that the western idol fandom never changed.
No. 1372427
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>>1372398A beard doesn't make a feminine man sexy, but these fools think it does. We all know whats up
No. 1372428
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>>1372426I'm only posting this btw because twitter has been putting this more often on my recommended because of the games I play, I might finally remove the recommended tweets. I also KEEP getting over and over that joke format of
>"Trans people: I am trans>Society: ok" No. 1372442
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>>1372398in what fucking world is a man in a cardigan sexy. erectile dysfunction fit
>>1372415he looks like picrel
No. 1372446
>>1372427the file name kek. never stop being you,
No. 1372451
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So left wing twitter has been in a hoopla over a black woman who vented about being assaulted by a homeless man and has been racist jokes all day No. 1372455
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>>1372451racist shit all day, I'm so heated. This is shit I expected from right wingers.
No. 1372459
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>>1372398reminder Ben Shapiro and Omar al-Bashir share the same Y-chrosomomal haplogroup (A3)
No. 1372471
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>>1372451i don't know if I should post more, but I feel like we should create a collage of racist leftists, for future reference
No. 1372477
>>1372471>>Black woman>>Short blonde hair>>Collared shirt"YOu look LikE a ThEy/Them"
Oh so short colored hair equals they/them? Or is it deeper and more racists, saying that because she's a BLACK woman with short colored hair, she doesn't look female or male, so much be a they/them.
Fuck them.
No. 1372512
>>1372493Because troonsphobia is anti fetish, it’s anti coomers in mens eyes, and in womens eyes its the worst because no one even sees the pretender as what they pretend themselves to be (because they aren’t what there pretending to be). They think at least the other isms like racism, sexism, and homophobias
victims are acknowledged as being what they are, and therefore have it better than troons. Of course, that’s because they actually are those things.
No. 1372516
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>>1372465Their bio says nonbinary and "they/it/he" so close enough kek
Also funnily enough, they're now saying that moid is ableist and racist
No. 1372525
>>1372516This bitch is talking out the ass
>>1372521"femoid" started because incel meme women=/human and oid is a suffix for human-resembling objects ex. Humanoid
No. 1372526
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what counts as incel talk in the West is mainstream political talk in south asia, this man is an elected official basically stating that he and his people deserve to marry light skinned women aryan women as reoperations for being oprsssed
No. 1372541
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>>1372471This is what he looks like btw. The audacity of him to try and come for anyone else’s looks
No. 1372604
>>1372541>>1372471Why boo her? She's right! Homelessness men are kinda the worst.
Maybe it's parasocial relationship talking, but I see myself in her: black woman that dresses in a "alternative" way but people would be very surprised by my radfem takes. She has more guts than me. There's this phenomenon with lefties if you're not model minority for them then you're wrong and you dont know what you're talking about, nevermind your lived experiences dealing with racism and sexism. They horseshoe their way to be even more racist then the conservative freaks. That loser probably thinks the black girl is "one of the good ones".
No. 1372697
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So there's this funny tweet some nona referenced in another thread then I scrolled down to see the replies. Jesus. Please tell me they're being ironic.
No. 1372749
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>>1372455trannies self-owning is my favorite song
No. 1372846
>>1372187>no one cares when boys go baldYeah because moids have a fucking meltdown over it whenever someone (especially a woman) brings it up lmao. Go talk to your fellow men about it Hon maybe they'll listen to you.
>>1372496This is so true. All these 2egdy4u "skeptic" commentary channels have zero problem with being proudly racist and misogynistic, but transphobia is off limits to them. Imagine bluntness and owning the SJWs being the basis of your whole channel while walking on eggshells in order to not offend troons, top fucking kek. Clowns.
No. 1372874
>>1363249I mean the search bar is clearly visible
>>1372873meant to reply too
>>1363249 No. 1372890
>>1372289>T makes you smarter and cooler (implying women are naturally inferior)>trannies being misogynists when they feel their cult is being attacked with actual factsWhat else is new?
>>1372335>It really upsets these men that people are concerned about the well-being of girls. Why?They unironically believe "think of the children" is something only conservative Christians say when they're grossed out by someting new and "progressive" (therefore "good"). They never stop to think that maybe, just maybe, children are actually being damaged and people (mostly women) are justifiably worried about their well-being. Of course, if it were an issue that affects boys only, these people would be more hesitant to dismiss those concerns because scrotes would realize that it affects them and that they can use that for oppression points.
No. 1373308
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No. 1373316
>>1373308Maybe I'm just being sensitive but I hate that there can't be pictures/footage of women without men making sexual jokes about it.
I hate that Duolingo embraced their meme status. I'm tired of brands trying to go ~le viral~ and appealing to memesters and coomers
No. 1373347
>>1373308Disgusting and cringe as fuck on so many levels
>>1373330I use Duolingo every day, but I don't use Twitter so I couldn't have seen this if it hadn't been posted. I'm sure a huge portion of the userbase don't either.
No. 1373420
Andrew Tate fanboy who rips off and reposts manosphere quotes constantly rails on Hasan Abi for being a PUA who ran a blog called Brofessor back in the day.’t support Hasan’s actions, its obvious he’s a “male feminist” only to get girls but a shitty moid loser like his RW incel counterparts underneath, but isn’t it just bizzare how antifeminism has risen so quickly and seems like the default mode for men? Could it be, that Man’s true nature and root causes for misogyny are:
- “rapemaxx reapmaxx many women asap” mindset, harem fantasies, only get married to a girl 3 decades your junior at 50 while using party girls and women your own age just as tools to fuck and discard
- believing men are superior to women as a whole, biologically and naturally. that women cant do anything as good as the most below avg man, and how boys have more worth than girls.
- thinking that women are not people with dignity and free choice but “window dressing eye candy side props who are only aesthetically important and limited in function and inner workings, not as complex as Man”. Dehumanize women and claim its ok to treat them like shit for being “less than”.
Why cant more pickmes and “women who dont mind being under men” know that true nature and stop giving benefit of doubt to males?
(post caps) No. 1373840
>>1373308I can't wait for this retarded trend of brands trying to meme and be edgy to finally die out. This is giving me flashbacks to the burger king tweet. Cringe.
>>1373315I also love how zoomers roll their eyes at brands/public figures/media trying to be hip with the kids UNLESS they make some kind of porn joke. Goes to show how fucking stupid and easily manipulated they are.
No. 1373927
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putting white in front of women doesn’t make it anymore more misogynistic. we should hand out nooses to moids to encourage them to kill themsleves
No. 1373990
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>>1373927Samefag, but of course.
No. 1374117
>>1373927They like to pretend women being cautious in public is because of dumb overly paranoid Karens watching too much true crime. But then in the event that something actually does happen to us they act like it's because we weren't cautious enough. It's always our fault. We're always hysterical and overexaggerating until something happens to prove us right and then we were stupid for not carrying pepper spray, a gun, a knife, and having super human self defense skills. I'd rather offend some moid, idc what race he is, than take any chances around someone who's making me feel uneasy.
I know I probably shouldn't put this out into the universe but I hope something really bad happens to him for this. Either a woman actually does call the cops and he gets his shit rocked or he himself gets kidnapped with his own zip ties and only gets rescued by some older white lady calling in some shady looking shit
No. 1374171
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An author shared one (of many) DM some kid sent them saying they'd beat her ass because a character died and some of the responses were unhinged. They were dismissing it as normal teenage behavior or playing up race to excuse it. I hate how Twitter has normalized letting teens harass and threaten everyone and telling adults they need to get over it because they're "just kids". If these kids were just saying dumb shit fine, but they cross the line by dogpiling and doxing other users. That is not normal behavior! Picrel in particular, that whole thread is people dismissing this as "the culture" and "gen z".
No. 1374172
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>>1374171this was the one DM the author shared. She deleted the tweet but here's the archive link for the curious No. 1374179
File: 1665765101064.jpg (63.34 KB, 449x674, Aileen_Wuornos.jpg)

>>1374150>Some externalize, learn how to shoot a gun or other forms of self defense. If he wants to larp as a serial killer or kidnapper, he's fucking around and he's going to find out some day.We can only hope. Can't tell you how many times I've fantasized about some female vigilante justice, but even then my empathy overrides and I'd never be able to actually do it. Any woman who does has my support tho
No. 1374252
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>Robbie Coltrane dies
>the first under-tweet reply
I fucking hate trannies and sjwfags.
No. 1374297
I feel you. Even though I can't personally relate. I relate to the anger you feel, but I'm usually able to restrain myself. I've chocked it up to "empathy", but in reality it's probably closer to self preservation kicking in. I know my efforts will be fruitless in the end in our society. It sucks because I don't think the solution is necessarily to be one more like men, in the sense of being violent as a means to an end disregarding the emotional toll it takes on yourself and everyone involved. At least I don't want that to be our solution. Society as a whole would be better if everyone operated on the rules of female socialization. But I also think, realistically, that's the only way for us to see any significant change. If we want things to be better for ourselves, we need to communicate that in a language that men will understand and it seems there's no better language they understand than violence. The cards are stacked against us though.
I think it's something many of us can relate to in the sense of the rage we feel at the injustice of it all. I wouldn't be willing to jeopardize my freedom and the lives of my family and friends to carry out revenge on the men that have wronged me. But I won't condemn women who choose that path either. It's hilarious to me how Aileen Wuornos is so often framed as one of the worst female serial killers, literally inspiring a movie called "Monster". All she did was shoot Johns and rob them - still murder, but a relatively quick and painless death. Meanwhile male serial killers will rape and torture their victims, killing them in the most horrific ways you can imagine, then raping their corpses some more. It's laughable to compare someone like Aileen to them just because they can't fathom a woman using violence as a means to an end like they do.
No. 1374633
>>1373927this makes me so sick, over 20k people liking this, praising him like a king and women tweeting this
>oh my god, do it!>as a white lady who consumes too much true crime but also understands actual human trafficking, my 100% expert opinion is that you’re still a true American heroand there really are 100s of people claiming white women don't get kidnapped at all
No. 1374701
>>1374658it's just a joke!!!
making people scared for their lifes isn't funny bitch.
>it’s a very real problem for suburban wealthy white women to pretend they are at risk of human trafficking. yeah now that's the real problem… not bad moids being violent and "good" moids "joking" about being violent
No. 1374719
>>1374701If you can’t handle a joke about throwing zip ties at wealthy, detached women desperately trying to be the main character then idk what to say.
>>1374706No I’m not. I’m serious. I will never clutch my pearls at these women because they’re annoying.
File: 1665787074846.jpg (136.38 KB, 1080x571, IMG_20221015_003714.jpg)

Leftist moids love to "joke" about or call out white women en masse but when somebody suggest doing the same to black men they're all outraged, too much of a weakling to take on somebody their own size
No. 1374781
>>1374740If he'd get shot that would be legit funny tho and there's probably an argument which could keep you out of prison. Idk US jurisprudence, but like temporary insanity due to
triggering trauma? Self defense? He's literally asking for it.
No. 1375139
File: 1665825115930.png (15.75 KB, 579x133, Capture.PNG)

Let's bring ableism into it because why not lmao
On a side note, I don't know if it was discussed anywhere, but this is legitimately the most successful performance protest of it's kind I've seen in a long while, people just won't stop talking about it since it happened. For anyone who missed it No. 1375251
File: 1665832302243.jpeg (162.85 KB, 576x1024, FeqTP_UWYAEzyLJ.jpeg)

>>1373927I could tell by his fingers that he was a chunker, but knowing he looks like this just makes this funnier to me.
Short + fat + bald + scraggly homeless beard = opinion discarded.
Why is it always the ugliest moids that feel the need to dunk on women all the time?
No. 1375438
File: 1665850972649.png (Spoiler Image,296.75 KB, 594x704, Capture.PNG)

Spoilered for obvious reasons but why the fuck would I want to see a dying 18 year old on my timeline?
No. 1376448
>>1375251>>1373927>hideous white scrote >that beard>those stubby fingers KEK
>>1374658Oh god fuck off back to twitter already if women being wary of their surroundings is a "very real problem" to you.
No. 1377560
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No. 1377766
File: 1666044002403.jpg (45.52 KB, 372x251, Dworkin and Stoltenberg.jpg)

Andrea Dworkin be like
>>1377560 No. 1377823
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>>1377787>>1377766Robin Morgan had a similar situation with her husband, If you aren't familiar with Robin Morgan, she was a former child actor from the 1940s and 1950s that got heavily invested and became a major figure in second-wave feminism in the 1960s. She was a "political lesbian" that wound up marrying and having a son with "politically gay" activist Kenneth Pitchford. Pitchford himself was part of the short lived "Effeminist movement" which hated masculinity, hated physical fitness, and the concept of physical attractiveness.
>Founded by Steven F Dansky, John Knoebel, and Kenneth Pitchford, The Effeminist Movement was a short lived, tightly-knit and controversial group mostly centered around their publication project Double F. The movement>F*ggots and all effeminate men are oppressed by the patriarchy’s systematic enforcement of masculinist standards , whether these standards are expressed as physical, mental, emotional or sexual stereotypes of what is desirable in a man.>…This means rejecting of objectification of people based on such things as [physical or facial features], genitals, ethnicity or race, physical or mental handicap or lifestyle…>…Even as we learn to affirm in ourselves the cooperative impulse and to admire in each other what is tender and gentle, what is aesthetic, considerate, affectionate, lyrical, sweet… No. 1377996
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No. 1378438
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a small artist made a series comics about why "pro-shipping" can effect real life people, including children and lead to child abuse and grooming, coomers and fujos on the internet got mad and started drawing porn of the artist OC's being raped by adult men to "own" the mean prude No. 1378569
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How desperate is taylor for her new album? Holy shit I keep getting recommended tweets from news outlets about her album non-stop. I muted her name and her album but it still appears because of topic recs I really don’t give a fuck who wrote this song and what time it’s dropping. Taylor for the love of god please I’m begging you stop terrorizing me with this album I know you want a #1 album but please stop
No. 1378599
>>1378569That's such a cringe song title. She's very talented and a shrewd businesswoman, but everytime she tries to edge up her image a little I can't help but laugh. Please god don't let this album be a repeat of
sassy Taylor from Reputation and Lover. The stripped back folksy vibes from her last 2 albums worked so well. Hell I'd even take straight up bubblegum pop like 1989. Anything but another Look What You Made Me Do or Me!
Also her having sole writing credits on a song isn't new. Idk why they feel the need to report it. She's done that for many of her songs.
No. 1378614
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I hate Shein coomsumers but how do you say something like this and not expect to get your ass beat.
No. 1378640
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Left wing racists are trying to neg black women into muling for troons.
(this is why "woman as social construct" is so racist. If womanhood is defined by society's perception and stereotypes, then the stereotypes against black women push them out of the women category.) No. 1378643
>>1378641I meant cute, sorry.
>>1378642I agree that people probably shouldn't be buying from Shein, I just don't agree with what that tweet said.
No. 1378655
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>>1378614The cute clothes in question ^
I don’t agree that poor people shouldn’t have good clothing but it’s also true that online dumbasses are participating in tiktok & ig fashion microtrends not because they can’t afford anything else they just want to hop on the new trend.
Shein has the worst quality Ive seen a few in person and they are literally 100% polyster plastic garbage, people are just walking around in terrible material like we can’t tell
No. 1378695
>>1378612Yeah I oscillate between liking her and being annoyed by her. She'll always hold a nostalgic place in my heart since I was the perfect age demo for her early stuff and I was a fan in my preteen years. But there's something extremely calculated and manufactured about everything she says and does. On one hand, it's very smart and just good business sense as a celebrity. But on the other hand, it's off putting and I feel like she'd have no problem selling me into slavery if it meant she could secure another Grammy.
Plus I really wish she'd stop trying to have an acting career (especially not one working with a known abuser)
No. 1378707
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women in autism
No. 1378713
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>>1378711Oh yeah definitely but tune in for carly rae jepsen’s new album though it’s dropping on the same day oct. 21 I just know it’s going to be sooo good
No. 1378767
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>>1378640Handmaidens were trying to defend this in the comments. Insanity
No. 1379108
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No. 1379201
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Thankfully she is getting eaten alive in the qrt but still, what level of libfem you have to be to spout this shit? The opening tweet is "Young men aren’t having sex!" btw.
No. 1379252
>>1378640>Black women really be transphobic asl. And I don't understand whySo they intentionally ignore the possible reasons why black women of all people would be against (mostly) white pornsick males in dresses who claim to be more oppressed than everyone else? No idea why?
>>1378767What's a grown man doing around teenagers anyway?
No. 1379341
>>1379201When you are so libfem you circle back to hardcore patriarchal and incel ideology. Literally advocating for the decriminalization of rape.
>>1379108Amber Heard is and has always been nothing but a scapegoat. I love how he pretends to be some kind of benevolent noble for sparing the "good" women from rape as if he gives one fuck either way. He just wants to rape.
No. 1379600
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saged for non-hate but this is so true lol lmao I used to call it bpd makeup
No. 1379703
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People on twitter say the most surface level things and act like their mind is blown, also why would you admit this about yourself to the entire internet ?
No. 1379713
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>>1379201>what level of libfem you have to be to spout this shit?That women's bodies are objects and commodities? Libfem level 0
nonnie No. 1379739
>>1379201It's the same logic behind allowing things like surrogate mothers (aka, buying a baby). It's not because sex is a natural, instinctual act that the vast majority of adults seek that it should be a right. It's just a thing that may or may not happen and discriminating when it comes to dating and fucking is a thing for a reason. It's not the same thing as having a right to eat and drink water or a right to have a shelter/home.
>>1379401Whoever came up with this must be mentally ill or a pervert.
>I wonder if this woman or any man will ever volunteerOnly the most desperate people would do this.
No. 1379759
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Chanced upon this on my weekly Twitter cleanse (tranny block spree). The irony.
No. 1379772
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A reply to a tweet about how Jodie Comer is the most beautiful woman according to science. Kek
No. 1379793
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>>1379201Hm, i wonder which unfortunate sou- i mean "worker" is going to offer these services cause i know damn well she will not, she knows who is getting screwed up in such scenario and is not her that's why she's so eager to even imply this could be a good idea
No. 1379819
>>1379201what the fuck– so this means you just want to be okay with entitled men who use women for sex?? cuz this is exactly what this tweet is
>the likes and retweet ratioI hate this world
No. 1379826
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>>1379819She posted this statement later lol
No. 1379842
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>>137982642% of women under 25 had zero sex in 2021 but there is no panic over femcels. Also she provides zero evidence for her claims besides the Washington Post stat. Show the studies that found amount of sex influences the rate of applying to college or buying a house.
No. 1379882
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>>1379842I'm a nearly 30yo virgin and kind of sexually frustrated sometimes, send me Chris Evans right fucking now and nobody gets hurt.
No. 1379891
>>1379882same kek
you are not alone
No. 1380004
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Woman: likes a TERF tweet
Man: calls english fans insects and acts like a baby all the time
Twitter: they are the same
No. 1380014
>>1380004>calls english fans insectsSo? Is he wrong? Kamiya's english speaking followers were huge retards who spammed his notifications with stupid tweets and he blocked them on sight as a reaction. This whole situation is dumb and all the paties involved should only be judged based on the whole salary negotiation thing that may or may not have happened. What I found very telling is that the "left-leaning" trannies asking for a boycott because "muh living wagz you guys" very suddenly preordered new copies as soon as they thought the VA was a
terf and bragged about it, they really don't give a shit about women and workers' rights.
No. 1380022
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>>1379840Nonnie, it’s “toe the line.” You’re not hooking up the line to your Tacoma.
No. 1380157
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I hate libfems I hate libfems I hate libfems I hate libfems I hate libfems I hate libfems
No. 1380163
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The ad is corny but did you really have to go mask off misogynistic
No. 1380211
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Maybe it was because he was gay not because he was Jewish???
No. 1380529
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This sounds like satire but it’s not
No. 1380562
>>1379826>>1379201This is actually something to worry about. Because ive seen multiple politicians or people in a higher place try to push this bill/law.
If this bill ever gets passed in the future then government forced sex slavery will happen , people dont realize how bad and dangerous this bill is.
No. 1380661
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>>1378640Another one from another pickme. Handmaidens are like bots or something.
No. 1380885
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Rent free rent free
No. 1381032
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>>1379600The sunburn makeup is weird but when I was their age all my friends looked like pic rel so it actually seems kinda tame in comparison
No. 1381437
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>Transphobes posting L’s
The irony
No. 1381614
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I swear this isn't racebait but twitter has probably ruined my perception of black americans, they act like such passive agreesive eunnch's, and act like their the only one's who have suffered in the entire world, where I'm from only a gay eunnch would act like the way black americans seem to do on twitter No. 1381632
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>>1381614I have tired reading this multiple times and I still don't understand what this is person is trying to say
No. 1381642
>>1381032The replies to this post are coping so hard. Scene culture wasn't completely harmless or pure, it was sexualized to hell and back, full of groomers (like BOTDF), worship of misogynistic gay scrotes (Jeffree Star) and pickmes everywhere, eating disorders, racism, internet brainrot (MySpace, PS'd site models like Kiki Kannibal, efagz, Stickam), consoomerism, children getting doxxed (Jessi Slaughter), self-harm, elitism, etc. I don't think there's been an innocent "kids just being kids" era in the US since maybe the 80s. This was the beginning of the garbage you see today, it wasn't better just because some people have nostalgia about it. E-girls and TikTok culture could not exist without this.
No. 1381644
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>>1381614Meanwhile OP's bf:
No. 1381648
>>1381614Americans are so obsessed with race because they know they have nothing else. Name any other country that refer to themselves as white, black, or asian instead of their nationality. 246 years and they still haven't figured out their identity, but want to act like they've been here for thousands of years like most countries. Also
shocker BA have been influenced by so many cultures that they're not unique. The food? Soul food is largely English, Haitian, with West African influences (mostly spices). The music? Half the time they copy and paste from the Caribbeans. Like I could go on, what culture do BA have that isn't "stolen" or largely influenced by others? It's pure projection.
No. 1381650
>>1381614Every woke semi-viral tweet ever
>ypipo have no culture>no seasonings eks dee>culture thief Rinse and repeat. I wish they'd at least come up with something new because this is just boring.
>>1381644Every single time kek the jokes write themselves at this point
No. 1381666
>>1381648The term culture sounds like a buzzword to me now, and I suspect a lot of twitter users genuinely don't know what it means. Because if they did, they wouldn't unironically believe that a group of humans devoid of culture can even exist. It's by definition impossible.
Neither do they understand that every culture on this earth has historically been influenced by another culture, either through contact with neighboring tribes, societies or through trade. This weird stubborn black and white thinking that is woke/twitter mentality is so fucking immature.
nonnie this reminded me of that girl on tiktok I saw who made some kind of lemon garlic pasta with a bunch of fresh herbs and the comments were full of people asking "eww bestie where is the seasoning?? where is the flavor??"
No. 1381668
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I hate this type of makeup as much as the next guy, but I think that saying it's Asian fishing is kind of a reach
No. 1381684
>>1381437good. these dumb gen x and millennial retards need some prison rape to rethink mutilating their children.
>>1381614i was raised by dumb xoomers believing that coloreds are human and worth of respect but their dumb behaviour but their behaviour like this made me hate all of them. they are blinded by cultural imperalist marxism that puts american cultural imperalism combined with their dumb talking points as feel-good weapon. i saw half white half bug woman who constantly loved to make terribly racist jokes and painted herself as better because she's "half-japanese" and eats their shitty food. it's the worst with asians, especially commie ones (also they will yell at people about """"orientalism"""" yet they fetishize poverty in post communist eastern european countries, especially commieblocks like ledditor ""urbanists"" do). i still think biggest mistake of europe wasn't wiping all of them. we'd have less problems now.
>>1381644literally same as one black woman i found that writes shitty YA about hating whites yet mated with ugliest white moid she could. or one of my personal lolcows who is obsessed with cannibalizing whites and she lusts over every semi attractive known white person she can.
>>1381666>>1381652>herbs aren't seasoningi fucking hate burgers and even more colored ones who stroke their egos by hating whites with these dumb memes, when they are most useless retards that need to belittle others to feel better. they are even worse when they take achievement of one of their individuals and try to paint as theirs because muh community. why these collectivist retards weren't fucking genocided. all colored vermin have innate tendency to be commies and they should die. same for traitors
>>1381674rich commie asian cunts will nitpick everything because they are dumb insecure cunts. asians aren't compatibile with western societies with their dumb face culture, smugness about their "intelligence" and money and innate tendency for collectivism and believing in communism.
(racesperging) No. 1381687
>>1381678in all fairness it is mostly women/girls who do this.
>>1381685it's obviously the same scrote that has been trolling here for months, report and don't interact.
No. 1381696
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>>1381614Comments are full of references to the Irish while simultaneously claiming white people don’t have culture
No. 1381699
>>1381668I think it's because the straight eyebrows is common in kstyling. White eyeline/eye make up to make the eyes appear bigger is also mostly associated with jfashion.
Also I have heard critique of this type of winged eyeliner that says it's trying to emulate an eye shape that is mostly common for south asian people? Don't quote me on the last part though I haven't heard much about it only some controversities some cosplayers got into a few years ago
No. 1381709
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>>1381699>Also I have heard critique of this type of winged eyeliner that says it's trying to emulate an eye shape that is mostly common for south asian people? how would that even work ? white people and south asian(the non-dravidian one's) have the same eye shape
No. 1381842
>>1381837Most people in Latin America have a mixed race background (some whiter, some blacker, along with a combination of indigenous tribes) so “Latino/Latina” isn’t a monolith but some people do consider it a
valid race classification. Still it’s silly to group a blond hair blue eyed Argentinian with a dark skinned kinky haired Dominican.
No. 1381964
>>1381863I've seen Latinos bullying other latinos for having curly hair, not even kinky hair, CURLY
>>1381871Fair skinned latinos love bringing nationality while blatantly ignoring race/colorism problems cause
they know they are not the same as the other, shits fucked and they benefit from it
No. 1383218
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What’s the point of these circlejerk question threads on Twitter? She already knows how they’ll answer
No. 1383234
>>1383218When people ask questions like this, I seriously wonder what they will gain. What will she do with that information? If she hears men saying they like leggings and thicker women then surely she already has her answer right? Maybe it's actually directed to fat women in a subtle way, like "do men
seriously find this attractive?"
Either way, VS clothing is for women so even if they pander to males I don't think it really matters if men find the woman in that particular ad attractive.
No. 1383282
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this retarded fucking video which is supposed to show that women are evil rude bitches for not wanting some random moid touching them as a prank video shows some moid who thinks he’s funny laying a pillow in strangers’ laps and trying to lay on them
No. 1383299
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No. 1383309
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>>1383218I don't get it, so if a moid doesn't find a group of women attractive, they shouldn't wear trendy clothes that are also comfy.
God I hate pickmes so much, like girl, your double chins aren't cute either but there you are, posting them on your boring Twitter, most men don't find them attractive, why is she posting pictures that, even if they're filtered to hell and back, makes her look fat?
This gets brought up from time to time, but just because a woman is fat, doesn't mean she has to wear muumuus for the rest of her life or until she loses weight, she just needs the right size and that's it. Just like how anachans or skinnyfat women look like shit if they wear the wrong size.
Also kek at this girl talking about muh white culture.
No. 1383336
>>1383309I feel like a tool for nitpicking that meme but why are the non-white people portrayed as the chad guy too? isn't the point of that stupid format that the rational person is the Chad guy and the other person is a soyjack or whatever.
Not that it matters anyway. The meme is racist so who cares that they used a meme lame format wrong but still
No. 1383342
>>1383299>>People say that Chance the rapper wife looks like a Trans aka a man>> Trans/Woke people get offended and call it trabsphobiaIn a way they are saying that she's being misgendered, kek. But aren't Trans woman women? Why is it seen as a insult to the wokes that people are saying, "his wife looks Trans so not surprised he likes trans porn"
Again, Trans women are women in their world. So she just looks like a woman who could be a Trans woman. Saying she looks like a man, Is rude yes, but not transphobia. Comparing her to a Troon shouldn't be seen as transphobia. I'm thinking in woke logic.
The issue is she's a woman and not a trans/man, everyone knows calling a biological woman trans/man is a insult. Even TIMS use those insults. "She looks more Trans then me, I look more like a woman then her. You look Trans as well"
And don't a lot of troons claim we want to look like them? In a way, the twitter user calling this transphobia IS transphobic. They are proving that there's a difference between us. And yes, I know people who do it do so as a insult but the push should be to say,
>>saying his looks like a transwoman isn't a insult or rude. Transwomen are women. So it's just like saying she looks like another woman,try again TransphobesMaybe in reading too much into it and NO I don't think she looks like a Troon and it's disgusting how much insults his wife is getting.
She's a woman, looking like a woman doesn't make you one. I even seen some people who dislike troons saying it. But they don't know they are basically saying. "She looks Trans so she's just like a trans" which is the reverse of. "I look like a woman so I am one. I act like a woman so I am one etc." It's bullshit.
No. 1383346
>>1383342Same anon- my point is calling this transphobia is transphobic. They know saying a woman looks trans is a insult and comparing a woman to a Trans is only shit they do to validate transwomwn. In contexts like this they clearly know what a woman is and what a Trans woman is, and and it's offensive to compare a woman to one.
Because they are men and she's a woman.
No. 1383369
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Wow. This lady just got married and she’s worried about losing her reply guys jesus this is some next level pathetic attention whoring
If you reach this level of addiction to twitter, you might want to throw your phone away
No. 1383378
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This woman deleted this tweet but she's beyond vile for "cosplaying" and making fun of a victim of abuse.
No. 1383445
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I do love it when troons eat their own
No. 1383482
>>1383299Michelle Obama all over again
This is just racism
No. 1383646
>>1383445I love how he doesn't even say, "keffals isn't racists" it's just
>>Yeah he may or may not be racists, you guys can agrue about that and waste time, instead of focusing on this MORE IMPORTANT THING-Sending out a fucking tweet about what he wants to talk about isn't going to change shit anyway. Someone could be agruing about Keffals being racists and also donating or some shit. Just say, that Keffals is racists and you don't want people to keep talking about it because you don't care and like Keffals
No. 1383911
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Every day I wonder why Breaking Bad caught on with FtMs
>based on your retweets
I don't watch breaking bad or follow troons?
No. 1384297
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No. 1384655
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>>1383911This is like a brainwashing thing
No. 1384739
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seeing the encyclopedia dramatica sysop retweet stuff about asexuality is kek
No. 1384755
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Idk why twitter is shilling me trannie content
No. 1384887
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Am I supposed to laugh
No. 1385028
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>>1383378I have said it before in this thread but pickmeism is a disease.
You have to be fucked in the head to look at this situation and try to cash in on it to get attention from coomers. Also fuck the coomer molds who thinks this is funny or hot
No. 1385218
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His bio:
>Poetic Depravity. “Vintage”. Putting the B and the T in the acronym. Love to knit stuff & punch Nazis. H-word on main so 18+ please. he/they
No. 1385228
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>>1385218I hate grocery delivery discourse so much it's unreal. i was reading this tweet chain from JortsTheCat recently, and it's wild to see to outrage from retards in a parasocial relationship with a cat at the suggestion someone get their own groceries kek. that said grocery stores are kind of overstimulating and it's difficult to not become enraged at that with the people standing around like cows kek No. 1385298
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So this account and @Drsweety303 have been mentioned on LC a few times but I find it interesting that I repeatedly see them reference hyper-specific topics that are being discussed here within the same day. It’s almost like they really are drawing their inspiration of impersonating and crudely imitating the humiliation of women directly from here for source material at times. Very interesting.
No. 1385363
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I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in the spicy straight thread in /snow/
No. 1385684
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What is with americans and public indecency
No. 1385714
>>1385701it gets worse
>In addition to her public work as a maker, Wu says she also works as a professional coder in Ruby on Rails, using a masculine pseudonym to protect her identity and preclude gender discriminationso much for muh feminist activism
No. 1385738
>>1385684Weird ass clown country.
Favorite amerilard activities:
>looking absolutely ridiculous and without any class>recording themselves yelling at each other in public >eating goyslop burgers in their cars (bait ) No. 1385744
>>1385714>hey i objectify myself to "inspire" other women in STEM and "callenge gender stereotypes" by dressing like a pornstar in public>also i use a male pseudonym when coding to avoid misogynyso progressive!
>>1385722That field is extremely sexist in general
No. 1385750
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>>1385684>>1385685>>1385687I do agree it's probably racist for some Americans to praise this woman (Chinese), but get mad at that one. They're doing exactly the same thing.
No. 1385752
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>>1385750I’m ngl, when I was a little girl (I grew up early-mid 2000s) I thought a hoochie outfit = cute outfit. But could you blame me? Look at childrens media characters and how they dress. They almost always have cleavage, form fitting clothes, crop tops, etc. so idk we as women are just taught that this is how we should look, maybe my mom plopped me in front of the TV too much as a kid, instead of letting me play outside or doing cool stuff like going bowling or skating, but also maybe that little girl is horrified.
No. 1385758
>>1385684Real question, is she not afraid to walk around moids in this outfit? I hope this doesn't come off as
victim blamey but men are hypersexual and entitled. I can imagine one of them getting their sexual assault on, following her until she's alone in a dark place, etc. Like, they commit sexual assault on fully covered women, but clothes this revealing are bound to call the attention of a more unhinged moid.
No. 1385766
>>1379826>"I'm envisioning a world where young men are good in bed."Might as well write a letter to Santa Claus. Scrotes can go to hell, the best thing poor women can do to improve their standard of living is DON'T FUCK ANY MEN. Poor scrotes will ruin your life and steal all your electronics on the way out.
>>1385714KF has a conspiracy theory that she's a fake persona, and that some middle aged American techbeard manages all the social media. Which honestly seems more likely than not, since she also claims to be a lesbian while catering so heavily to the dimwit neckbeard male gaze. The whole account is already so staged, fake, stupid, and made for low IQ western audiences, even if she's "real" she's not really real.
No. 1385779
>>1385758It's not
victim blaming to tell women to be cautious around scrotes and their attention, they're 99.99% of criminals. Also outfits like
>>1385750 and
>>1385684 are incredibly unpractical and uncomfy to begin with, even a pair of rough jeans will protect you better from any incoming scrote danger
No. 1385805
>>1385684>>1385685Is not wearing lingerie and sex shop attire in public really that much to ask for? I fucking hate how we've lost any middle ground or nuance. Being told to not expose your bare nips and your crotch in public isn't misogynistic, racist, or whatever the fuck. Their obsession with justifying their public indecency to kids is so creepy too. Bring back shame.
>>1385714>"feminist activist" >uses male pseudonym because scared to be confronted by moids>"activism" doesn't go beyond slutting it up in publicI can't believe this isn't satire.
No. 1385960
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>>1385752>I thought a hoochie outfit = cute outfitSame, my cousin and I were dreaming about growing up and wearing Xtina's outfit from Dirrty and similar stuff, and we didn't really understand how sexualized it was. Just seemed cool. If we could see ourselves in the future we'd be disappointed because we both dress like hobos now kek
No. 1386014
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>>1385953She looks fucking miserable. Wonder if this is another Amouranth situation
No. 1386023
>>1385685It always upsets me to see a female predator. Pedophilia is male culture.
>>1385722As a woman in comp sci I agree. There’s a whole coding language used exclusively by trannies.
No. 1386040
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No. 1386061
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Grant me the confidence of a scrote
No. 1386117
>>1386061his face makes me want, nay, NEED to alog
shane dawson's sweaty twink walmart twin
No. 1386148
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>>1386131>how does sock-crusting teen-grooming cheese-dicked joke of a waste of the internet's hardworking series of tubes?kek
No. 1386203
>>1386187>Soon you'll tell me you take showers or baths in a swimsuitWe're called never-nudes
nonnie. There are dozens of us!
No. 1386222
only ever vaguely kek
No. 1386232
>>1386203But you are naked under your swimsuit
nonnie. So you are an always-nude like the rest of us.
No. 1386238
>>1385684>I should be able to wear what I want without being sexualized>"sexiest at the theater" caption>"strap on bimbo" as screennameuhhm kinda seems like she wants to be sexualized?
>>1386014As a Wu follower, she is gay and has a girlfriend but has a fake white husband "beard" who she lives with, since you are not really allowed to be gay in China (at least not cohabiting and married and such)
She's real and posts many excellent rants, the image is just an excessively "feminine" appearance akin to how gay males get muscled up for other men. She dresses extremely feminine and her girlfriend is a tomboy so it makes sense when you see them both.
She doesn't do porn or anything and is genuinely just an engineer with an unconventional appearance.
No. 1386249
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>>1386238why would you want your gf to get implants though? Doesn't really seem like a typical femme thing either, usually
No. 1386292
it's weird that anons mocked the woman at
>>1385684 but there are anons who defended the woman at
>>1385750 That Wu woman still got mocked but no one really defended the first woman which is odd because they dress the same
No. 1386311
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>>1386238i wouldnt care if she was just another pickme thot but why does she pretend she's a feminist activist, it's so annoying and preachy. Moids only think we are
valid when we are a 10/10 and also ''good(for autistic moid standars)'', she's only making it harder for women who dont look like blow up dolls to get respected. The only reason why Sirens(the lol team) failed is because they picked the most conventionally attractive girls instead of good ones, because gross lol moids would never watch a feminine team if it looked like their female counterpart(fat, ugly, autistic etc), and it's always been like that and i hate it and i hate her for catering to gross moids, no woman into STEM that knows how it is to always be discriminated by gross moids would look up to her and her very obvious pandering to moids. When will women into male fields start catering to women, i fucking hate that vtubers are better role models nowadays that normal woman.
No. 1386316
>>1386256Why are you wk for her so hard. She is doing harm by sexualising herself and promoting this bimbo shit to young girls. Als i do not understand how her gf is attracted to her at all, i like femme girls but her breasts look like two soccer balls that are about to explode any moment. Also just because she has a gf doesnt mean she doesnt pander to moids and the male gaze?
>>1385805She is such a hypocrite
No. 1386332
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Twitter is dying. Tweeting 3-4 times a week already makes one a super user.
No. 1386351
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Seeing obese people and deathfats reeing on twitter in response to the criticism on Shein being the only “inclusive” and cheap clothing they can get is funny.
I can’t even say I hate fat people, but I think the entitlement to have trendy clothes at a massive size and being so sensitive when someone criticizes a company is funny because it’s obvious they’re taking it personally
No. 1386365
>>1386351These are probably the same people saying to boycott Amazon meanwhile they defend slavery conditions overseas where people die in factories to make some 5 dollar dress for large Americans to stretch and rip after 3 wears. I almost never find clothes that fit me and guess what I just don’t buy that many fucking clothes. Plus size people love acting like
victims over not having clothing options when there are more than ever because inclusive/vanity sizing and specific stores catering only to them.
No. 1386482
>>1366163what makes me the angriest ab shit like this is how libfems are always apologetic of it. i saw a post earlier of a literal white man (bill burr i believe it was) bitching about white women and how they "ruined the 'woke' movement" (?) and DESTROYED
POC's possibilities at ending racism FOREVER. All of the libfems in the comment section came rushing in with "NOOOO he LITERALLY right!!!". I see them react like this to literally every single example of a leftist man specifying "white women" so they can say something misogynistic. Theyre so unbelievably gullible and genuinely fucking retarded enough to think those white men hate white women for the same reason they do. Whether u wanna hear it or not, despite what they say, white leftist men only openly hate on white women bc theyre the most socially acceptable group of women to target and they know how gullible leftards are. They seriously think straight, white, leftist men hate white women because of their "systemic role in the upholding of white supremacy".
No. 1386528
>>1386482Bill Burr is always making the most retarded boomer ass takes about women. And of course scrotes love him. I can’t stand him. Not even just the misogyny stuff. The whole angry ranting misanthrope schtick has been done before and a lot better.
>misogynistic “jokes”>annoying ass voice>ginger beard>bald>Patriots fanIt’s like the Powerpuff girls meme but instead of creating little superhero girls, somebody concocted the exact type of person that would annoy the ever loving hell out of me.
No. 1386617
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>>1386316>i like femme girls but her breasts look like two soccer balls that are about to explode any moment.exactly this, I understand the clothes to a degree, I understand butch-femme and I'm into both, but if I had a gf with footballs under her skin idk if I could even safely hug her anymore. I haven't met any lesbian before who is into women with huge fake boobs, it's usually a straight scrote fetish.
No. 1386644
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>>1386574stop using her being a lesbian to deflect criticism, she's gross for dressing like a prostitute in front of little girls, only gross moids and other pickmes want to see her tacky fashion, no normal person sees a woman with a skirt so short you can see her underwear and goes ''omg icon'', she's obviously doing it for moid attention while giving women in an already mysogynistic field that suffer constant sexual harrassment a terrible reputation. Fuck her, honestly, these pickmes always make it harder for all of us and i am tired of defending them just for being women.
No. 1386655
>>1386574>Why are you so fixated on her as if she is the vital core to dismantling the patriarchyBecause she literally tries to present herself as a feminist icon and activist who's definitely helping women in STEM by dressing like a pornstar
>>1385689 >>1385714
Also she thinks she's the ultimate role model for little girls
>>1385750 because it's so based and feminist to teach 6 year old girls that they must become hypersexualized objects that pander to the scrote gaze because a woman's only value in society is her beauty and sex, right?
None of this has to do with her being a lesbian, some lesbians can also be dumb libfems. Maybe she's not aware of what she's doing because she was raised as a boy, which would explain her preference for being hyperfeminine, and gives her a different perspective on sexualization, but she's not helping women by wearing a bikini 24/7 as she claims.
Like several of us have said, we wouldn't care about what she does or how she dresses (I would even think she's cool) if she didn't claim to be a feminist activist teaching girls to objectify themselves.
No. 1386674
>>1386351congratulations for fucking up your health more with lead and other
toxic shit in shein garbage, on top of being a fatty
>>1386365i remember one magazine, nylon, which is pretty high profile shilling shein because they support "hispanic heritage month" and funded some murals. for real
>>1386418i wish manufacting came back to west, people had better paid jobs and could afford quality clothes that last. fast fashion and acceleration of clothing consumption tied with lower quality started roughly in early 00s and got worse since then.
>>1386365and this garbage is choking thrift stores, even more with that every rich kid and their mom are into reselling, "vintage" is a meme and people overprice clothes in shit states and you're left with normal fast fashion and shein tier garbage. i gave up on trifting at this point.
>>1385218>decision fatigue>grocery shoppinmy fucking sides
there's nothing more entitled than this
>>1383445it's always delightful when they infight, it gonna cause downfall of trannyism and keffags for sure peaked some people with this bullshit. people who buy into his scam are retards
No. 1386683
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>>1386658this, you can be sexy and not be a gross exhibitionist, people shouldnt be forced to look at your bare ass in public. You can still have a bimbo aesthetic without being that tacky.
No. 1386750
>>1386715You still here? its been hours, this has to be a moid by how personally offended he feels about anons criticizing his favorite sexdoll/bimbo/whatever
>no children are being harmed when she walks down the street in her platforms in her 1-ply miniskirtYou're fucked up
No. 1386802
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(figured this might suit this thread better)
>guys we have to be nice to non-males!!
>you defend women from male harassment? omg you're such a simp white knight cuck, kill all white women, men get harassed too, only two genders but women don't have it worse than men
I hate males
No. 1386805
>>1386332Where are they going to
It's also weird that twitter's users' have been declining since the pandemic is it related to Elon?
No. 1386824
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>>1386805>twitter's users' have been declining since the pandemicI was gonna say that's great news but then I googled it and apparantly it's (at least partially) because the most active twitter uses just want porn and that's trouble with the ad buyers. Classic. No. 1386990
>>1386591nta but you know there's a middle ground between wearing burkas and how she dresses. but like it's been stated a billion times, it's the fact that she's trying to push it as "feminist" and think she's a role model for kids that's the major problem, she's just as bad as the woman in the original post
>>1386715>I promise you, no children are being harmedreally missing the point if you think it's about physical harm and not the messages and ideas
No. 1387112
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No. 1387133
>>1387055Neither of these things are issues nor does she ever mention feminism. Some of you are truly miserable.
>codes under a male pseudAnd? Have you ever navigated tech
at all? Boo hoo a woman wants to do her job remotely with no issues or discrimination or the thousands of headaches that come with being a woman in tech that makes her ebil
No. 1387150
>>1387133you really don't see how
>she attempts to challenge gender and tech stereotypes with a flamboyant public persona,>using objectification of her appearance to inspire retarded? how is that inspiring or challenging anyone? it's making things harder for other women if anything
No. 1387185
>>1387181NTA but
>bimbofying>no sexual pretenseDo you not know how that look came to's impossible to make it nonsexual. Starting to feel like bait tbh.
No. 1387429
>>1386655You have no ability to understand nuance, a lot of what Naomi posts is veiled with a different meaning/shitposting aimed at someone she interacted with recently. If you take it all literally you're an idiot kek. She can't speak completely literally since she's in mainland China and her accounts are being watched (as all people in China using social media are), but if you understand nuance you would understand what she's actually saying.
And the anon REEEing about "she's not really feminist." is missing the point. She's never said she's feminist, and hates the journalists who have interviewed her/done articles about her since they always fuck up describing her, one even outed her sexuality (and got her vanned) when she wasn't publicly out at the time, she now refuses to do interviews, so this subthread spinning from some journalists's inaccurate description of her checks out.
And the scrote(?) who insists it's all her scrote posting "because kiwifarm says so", she has a youtube channel which shows her working? You really refuse to believe a woman can look feminine and be an engineer at the same time? Or you refuse to believe ESL people exist? Sounds very male of you.
No. 1387444
>>1387434Nah there are definitely people from other countries that cape hard for shein, I just know that a majority are from America and I can only speak for Amerifags since I don't know the fashion industry for most countries. But one day people have to realize you only do yourself a disservice by buying the worst quality clothing because it's cheap and 'in' at the moment. There's no reason to buy this much clothing at all, and you spend more money replacing it over and over than if you dedicated a small portion of what you make every month to buy clothes later. It's almost like being poor means you can't regularly afford luxuries, but God forbid people don't get their $3 croptop they saw an influencer wear.
>>1387441No point in fighting with the schizoid. Let her be as naive as she wishes.
No. 1387674
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Has anyone ever thought this? Pretty sure everyone knows that her music is just about herself kek
No. 1387816
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>>1387674one of my favorite taylor swift moments is when she doesn't release any new music because it's always boring and bad
No. 1387842
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>>1387674Triggered fatty then clapped like a seal over her music video getting censored
No. 1388427
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Oh I’m so jealous of women who are cripplingly dependent on men
No. 1388434
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Tradthot mad when another woman receives male attention
No. 1388438
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>>1388427stay at home daughters gang rise up
dependent on no man but uncle sam
No. 1388442
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>>1388434samefag but her entire account and is basically just her being an edgelord trying to be a cool girl for the boys
No one has internalized misogyny like the twitter tradthots
No. 1388450
>>1387842Apple music removed the scene from the music video
It’s funny I didn’t see anyone complaining about the actual scale scene, it’s literally just the people bitching about like one random user who took offense and blowing it up
No. 1388831
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Excuse me making what
No. 1388866
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>>1388841NTA but I think using breast milk in food for a baby is fine, it'd be nutritious for them and it's something they're familiar with if you're already breastfeeding. But including that in the tweet to tradlarp, and fixating on it like this, is definitely weird
No. 1388871
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>>1388866Another one, there's more if you look
No. 1388947
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theyre so mad
No. 1389404
>>1372526Very late but isn't this common among minorities in west as well
Similar to this guy they want white/upper caste women as reparations for oppression
This thing is almost mainstream on twitter
No. 1389444
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No. 1389500
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Are genshinfags ok
No. 1389511
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>>1389500in my time women horny posting was going "kyaaaa" and talking about how "hawt~" men are while spamming gifs from shit movies. I hate this trend of copying moid behaviour when being horny online
No. 1389524
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>>1389511i agree, its super fucking gross how women call men pecs ''milky boobs''. There is nothing i despise more than women refering to men with insults made to shame women's sexuality.
No. 1389561
>>1387429>"She put it on YouTube that means it must be true! HA HA I'm so much smarter and intellectual."Literally retarded.
>>1386351It's not even close to true. All the cheaper physical stores in America cater to fat women. People say foreverkailyn is out of style, but skin tight skinny jeans or stretchy pants, and tent tops are still the majority of things I see in stores.
No. 1389982
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What the hell did I just read? I hate American twitter users.
No. 1390741
>>1389982>>1389994supposedly the bayonetta VA is a
terf but i haven't seen a single receipt for this
No. 1390746
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someone filmed two people that were having sex in public infront of people.
And atleast 50% of th replies were bothered by the fact that this person filmed and not that those people were having sex in a restaurant. No. 1390750
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>>1390746apparently you are a prude with a stick up your butt if youre not having sex in public.
No. 1390885
>>1390746It's funny how men are constantly taking creepshot of women doing non sexual things and no one seems to care about it. Yet when someone has sex in public gets filmed everyone has a meltdown and start talking about privacy. I don't know if I think filming them was the right thing to do but the double standards are obvious.
Anyway when I first read this I thought it was two people having sex in a private alleyway or at least somewhere hidden but nope, they are legit having sex in public
No. 1390908
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>>1390746the video.
Yeah its gross, they were literally doing it outside while people were walking. There is no excuse.
No. 1390974
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>>1390741No, she’s just a run-of-the-mill conservative.
No. 1391073
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It's kind of odd to me now I've seen more people dropping the n word or complaining about Jews. Anyone find it telling that it's mostly white Trans women who are whining the hardest about this?? Like transphobia is a bigger crime online then anything else it seems. Can't even misgender fucking murderers (like that dude who killed people qnd fed them to pigs, but people will scream at you if you call him a he). Also I thought muta quit twitter?
No. 1391195
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Muslim Andrew Tate fanboys are just something, also imagine looking a beardless eunnch and thinking Arabs(whom he worships) would ever respect him and consider him a person
No. 1392001
>>1390946Except it is retard.
>>1391912Don't praise that pedo religion. It's easy to not have a lot of gays if you're allowed to stone anything that offends you.
No. 1392174
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I was searching Evan peters on twitter, I had these kind of tweets about him since Dahmer came out especially.
However I saw this reply and I can’t stop laughing. Danofags MUST be trolling and can’t seriously think he is attractive. I laughed audibly when I scrolled and found this
No. 1392219
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I don’t know where to begin
No. 1392247
>>1392219why do trannies act like their people have been genocided or something? as if they've been mass targeted and sent to the gas chambers along with the jews???
it's insane. the only people killing trannies are themselves from committing suicide.
No. 1392274
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And then the whole bus clapped
No. 1392297
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Is she even muslim?
No. 1392316
>>1392314This but also I think anyone who browses social media or even just the MTF thread has seen trannies use black people (especially women) as shields against
TERF arguments
No. 1392668
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>>1392583She is half arab
No. 1392693
>>1392583Her name is
hadid. Take your psychosis to /snow/
No. 1392732
>>1392297She’s been /ourgirl/ on Arab social media for the past year or two since she has outwardly shown support for Palestine, she’s half Palestinian.
I just found out she has a brother with an extremely Arabic name (Anwar) why did her parents give her a very non-Arab sounding name?
No. 1392736
>>1392730why are you trying to apply your american identity politics to non american countries? what even is white? unlike twitter, you can't just divide the real world between "
poc" and white people, because that's extremely reductive and ignores the many cases where people of the same nationality have a completely different ethnic background from one another.
No. 1392742
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>visits france oui oui mademoiselle le oops i have stayed le here for'eh 1 week and seem to have'eh adopted a francois accent'eKek it just reminds me to this.
No. 1392744
>>1392736I'm not American
>you can't just divide the real world between "poc" and white peopleExactly, that's why I put white in quotation marks, because the "larping white girl" post was stupid.
No. 1392823
File: 1667182149109.png (222.38 KB, 399x388, 4oOPbDdwNCFG_sU3tLH9ZeqPMhrPpv…)

That video of the old bitch harassing a lady in a bathroom and saying that she's a little boy is so god damn lucky she pulled that shit on a trans ally and not on someone like me, if that old cunt had accused me of being a tranny like that, I would have beat the fucking shit out of her, I would have smiled in the mugshot. That rancid old shitbag got off so fucking lucky, I hope she keeps pulling that shit and gets a hold of a terf next time, I cannot tell you how mercilessly I would have savaged that bitch's osteoporosis-riddled ass. She deserves to get btfo, "gender non-conforming women are TRANNIES" "butch lesbians TRANNIES" god damn I would have gone to jail that night.
No. 1392824
>>1392823i saw the same video anon, but i saw it on tiktok since it was originally posted there. Also you mention being a
terf but who is to say that woman was not a
terf either considering she harassed that woman since she thought she was trans.
No. 1392826
File: 1667182601756.jpg (40.22 KB, 400x400, E7GOTezU_400x400.jpg)

>>1392824Literally doesn't matter if she is or isn't, she clocked pic related as a tranny somehow, so I hope the next girl she goes after is enough of a
terf to stomp the shit out of her
No. 1392842
>>1392826…youre not making any sense. If that old woman was harassing her because she thought she was trans then that would make the woman the opposite of TRA, she probably hates troons too.
This is the problem with some Gc communities i mean just look at the recent posts in the tif thread shitting on women who are gender non-conforming and calling them troons.
Also why do you keep using
terf, use radfem or GC.
No. 1392849
>>1392842How are you not getting that I'm saying that if I, as an actual woman and as a hater of troons, were harassed under the pretense of being suspected as a troon myself, in public in front of an audience, I would be fucking furious
I am saying I do not care if the harasser in question also hates troons, if she mistook me, an obvious girl like the one in the picture, for a disgusting troon, I would be fucking irate
I'm not seeing what's so hard to understand about that
>>1392848You wouldn't be outraged that someone tried to have you kicked out of an establishment calling you a disgusting fucking transvestite?
No. 1392938
File: 1667189012215.png (442.55 KB, 512x512, 1666982270346.png)

told some sexist muslim guy to kill himself and my account has been locked for almost a week. lame
(this happened a few days ago, I can't even bookmark my favourite stuff. read-only nonsense)
No. 1392960
>>1392958i dont think that retard even watched that video considering they think this person is the woman
>>1392826 , when the woman in the video is a different person.
No. 1392982
>>1392961Nta, but are women not allowed to be angry anymore? Every two seconds I have to see anons calling others scrotes like
>>1392828 and I understand why everyone is on high alert a lot but I just keep seeing it so much more.
No. 1392998
>>1392982nta no you're not allowed to be angry at this. Gnc women in rad (adjacent) spaces fall over themselves to volunteer being thrown out by tradtards, so the expectation is that you agree to allow it to happen and celebrate it, because they're trying to stop the troon menace! I DON'T agree with being violent in that scenario, but it's retarded that the expectation is that you should see a demented tradtard as your based
terf ally and be 100% okay with being mistaken for a troon.
No. 1393156
>>1393108>>1392982It's pointless, I committed the worst crime a woman can commit, expressing anger in a non-traditionally feminine way, so I
must be a covert moid trying to pull reverse-reverse psychology on everyone
Remember, if you're gnc, it's all your fault for getting called a moid! Only men are allowed to use dramatic language,
you must be hysterical! And if you were born too tall, just be fine with it when someone irl calls you a moid!
Women are supposed to be wuvwies uguu~
Fuck you, stupid fucking assholes, give me my ban idec.
No. 1393396
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No. 1393443
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No. 1393452
No. 1393495
File: 1667245070422.png (608.19 KB, 1100x908, NLRBGeneralCouncil.png)

I think this sort of thing should be illegal. The NLRB General Council doesn't need a twitter and paying someone to write these posts for government accounts is a waste of tax dollars sorry.
No. 1393766
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No. 1393850
>>1393766por que no los dos? it does take sophistication to do those things well and it can also mean that you see your peak as being in the distant past and are not as interested in innovating as you once were. there's nothing contradictory about those traits.
being very modern can mean that you're creative and forward thinking but ALSO impressionable and unprincipled. these are very common groupings of traits for cultures to have and it's silly when people think it's an epic roast to notice them.
No. 1394032
File: 1667277289463.jpg (91.99 KB, 800x600, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-E10868,_…)

>>1393466it was mostly romani people and homeless though
>>1393450kinda sorta, not defending the nazis here but that's false statement, the nazis were fixated on the proliferation of physically and genetically fit aryan families and culling of everybody else, so they extensively promoted the idea of female fitness and playing sports, this would come as a state doctrine for their Bund Deutscher Mädel(League of German Girls)
No. 1394040
>>1393399So I think the joke is that because USB ports are being removed, it would be one removing Miku's "penis" if she had one.
Also, weeb lesson time, my worthleß Japanese degree will come in handy weeeeee. Theres no set way for Miku to say "I/me". You could use あたし/わたし, tho 'watashi' is much more common, and more neural. 'atashi' sounds super feminine, like how 'boku' sounds masculine and 'ore' sounds REALLY masculine and assholeish.
No. 1394060
File: 1667279688353.jpg (146.48 KB, 720x738, 1667276601282531.jpg)

Do people like this never wonder how the food they consume gets produced?
No. 1394232
File: 1667287892946.jpg (260.98 KB, 1080x964, IMG_20221101_082649.jpg)

Is twiiter so filled to the brim with TRAs or does it choose to promote this content?
I'm a young woman in Europe, with my interests on twitter mainly being art, music and video games. Yet I KEEP getting trans tweets suggested under the guise of
>haha look at this popular meme about transwomen
>are you into breaking bad? Look at these trans jesse comics!
>oh, you're female, you must be into celebs, look at this bitch being a terf!
No. 1394271
>>1394254>lower levels of crime and homelessnessthe Netherlands doesn't actually have super low levels of homelessness, you just don't see homeless people begging and loitering on the streets, because it's illegal. They put up their tents outside of the city boundaries or in the forest. The majority of homeless people aren't reflected in the statistics, because they only include addicts and because the majority of homeless people are invisible from the average person. Which causes people to say retarded shit like there's no homelessness problem and if there is, they're all just filthy addicts. Same thing with lower crime, it's easy to say there's less crime when the police doesn't give a shit and is too busy with doing paperwork, so they discourage people from reporting, which then reflects in the statistics as less crime. Also they have been closing prisons at a rapid rate, psychiatric hospitals are losing space, so even if the reports would go through, you can't even keep the criminals off the streets. It's the same retarded reasoning which led them to scale down ICU capacity after the pandemic, even though the extra beds were pretty welcome at most hospitals iirc and always useful. No, they actually want to close even more hospitals, thus violating the law requiring ambulances to be able to reach everywhere in at least 45 minutes. Just no foresight and everything is planned like a 'just-in-time' 'just-enough' company. Lean management and it's consequences have been a disaster for the Dutch (race). Nothing works actually, but everything is still walkable af and it's so good that it kinda makes up for the rest.
No. 1394274
>>1392998>Gnc women in rad (adjacent) spaces fall over themselves to volunteer being thrown out by tradtardsYou haven't seen all the apologetic butches on Ovarit apologizing profusely for making all the "gendercrit" conservatards uncomfortable in their bathrooms?
>>1393108>Some mormon retard on Ovarit came right out and said this to me once, GNC women are an insignificant minority so if we happen to be kicked out of bathrooms it's for the greater good and I need to stop 'making it about me'. And just as proven, this is exactly why I stayed out of those communities. In all honesty if I had to pick between some idiot tranny sympathizer asking me for my preferred pronouns because I don't look like a girly girl and some christian soccer mom telling me I'm a degenerate troon adjacent to be sacrificed for her bathroom safety I would pick the former.
No. 1394348
>>1394232 same, I stay the fuck away from anything other than fanart and cat pictures on twitter because its a useless cesspit devoid of any constructive discourse but this still gets shoved in your timeline regardless. originally came to this thread to see if anyone else is annoyed that its flooded with elon musk marketing tweets now that he bought it lol
>>1394032>kinda sorta not defending the nazis butnta sorry but it looks like you did just that a bit I dont get what point youre trying to make? They did it only for the purpose of the women being used as baby factories and so that they are able to make ammunition in the workshops faster but sold it to the young girls as “~empowering activism for a better world~”, not to mention any women without the right racial and social attributes were excluded from that and deported later on. Sophie Scholl‘s letters give an insight on how this was perceived as a young girl targeted by this propaganda at the time, she was super enthusiastic about it at first too and its chilling to read how she realizes more and more what she really got into when it was already too late. highly recommended read
No. 1394353
File: 1667301215676.jpg (176.49 KB, 1079x1349, solution.jpg)

>>1394260>The problem with private vehicles is that they take up space, a lot lot lot of it. For every car you need multiple parking spots creating oceans of concrete, making cities unwalkable and unlivable and people stuck to their carsPic rel
>>1394348I'm not defending the nazis either but they were right about fitness being essential for women's health even if it was for the wrong reasons. Look at what's happening today, more women than ever are suffering a reduced quality of life due to health issues and there's a massive amount of bullshit information about women's health. The left celebrates being fat and sickly while anyone that enters a gym is literally Hitler.
No. 1394397
File: 1667305327137.png (97.74 KB, 907x647, Capture.PNG)

I hate French twitter slacktivists so much. Pic rel is about a recent infanticide: a mother killed her severely autistic 13 years old son in France recently, was a stay at home mother and had to take care of him fulltime, and now these so called activists are comparing this case to normal disabled people being abused. Given the vague description of the kid I bet he was one of these gigantic and very violent and barely verbal kids who beat the fuck out of their family on a daily basis and spend their time destroying property and screeching for the whole neighborhood to hear. Yet these self-diagnosed adults who are intelligent enough to use the internet say that this specific case of a woman killing her failure of a son is equivalent to them being murdered for existing.
That "la petite Lola" is a phrase refering to a recent case involving a normal 12 yo girl being kidnapped, raped and murdered by a schizo woman, that comparison is beyond insulting because that girl had her life ahead of her AND her killer was a complete psycho, like the little autistic boy.
No. 1394412
>>1394385there are serious antifa kickboxing and mma worldwide and Europewide competitions, but they're illegal so you won't hear or see about them. SHARP skins are strong due to manual labor but many lift too. Other wise physical fitness is looked down upon on the left and it sucks. That other nonna isn't talking out of her ass, you will get just as much shit for being a gymrat as a "
terf" in leftist spaces by this point.
No. 1394431
>>1394411Yeah and you can never compare a mother killing her son after enduring a decade of life utterly ruined by his violence and dependency with a normal girl getting raped a murdered by a similarly violent schizo, yet here we are.
>>1394418That's how they're calling it in the news.
No. 1394663
File: 1667323184155.jpeg (157.71 KB, 828x598, 06F0D0A3-4776-4CB5-88C8-899276…)

People who make someone’s murder about astrology are emotionally void in a way that isn’t even funny
No. 1394681
File: 1667324235866.jpg (400.96 KB, 1080x1028, bFjwRLn.jpg)

Everyone in this tweet is insufferable. The subject matter, shilling for businesses and the blogger calling someone weak for not wanting to work multiple hours for a shitty pay.
No. 1394702
File: 1667325984988.png (83.26 KB, 1238x297, Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 2.04.…)

>>1394681This was already posted about in the ftm and mtf threads and the poster was banned, do we really need it to be posted again here?
No. 1394709
>>1394702that poster was banned because they didnt sage and posted non-milk ridiculing this person for being overworked and sel-posted their vid.
Meanwhile this poster is calling out the ones for ridiculing her. Its not the same
No. 1394712
>>1394702Well, it's not milk for troon threads but it is for twitter hate thread, i doubt anyone will get banned for discussing it.
>>1394706Have you ever watched the video? She's making good points (except for last 20s where she talks about misgendering); I can't believe how anyone could stand on corpo side here
No. 1394714
File: 1667326628329.jpg (69.05 KB, 796x748, kmlfas1hqcx91.jpg)

No. 1394752
>>1394721Are you talking about "severe" autism as in actual profound autism, or just being a troon/Chris-chan type asshole? The former doesn't improve with age, in fact they get more violent and difficult to control as they get bigger. Many aren't even capable of understanding "discipline".
Anon is right in pointing out that low-needs, highly functional autism activists are assholes for projecting themselves onto non-verbal, high needs children. They're doing more harm to them than good by acting like everyone on the spectrum has the same needs, and in some countries they actively encourage cases like this to occur by opposing legislation/iniatitives that can lessen the burden of parents of profound autists by putting them in specialised homes/hospitals.
No. 1394785
>>1394721Why are you replying to me if you don't know what severe autism is?
>>1394729It's a real woman who was off her meds and who is actually mentally ill. France doesn't bow down to troon shit as much as anglo countries.
No. 1394817
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No. 1394972
File: 1667340698956.png (980.2 KB, 1124x1914, cookery.png)

In case you've missed these golden takes nonnas
No. 1395928
File: 1667413368291.jpeg (227.49 KB, 1170x711, 198E2C31-C14B-4809-8B52-DCC224…)

Some guy got outed and people are making it out to be fandom discourse or something? Does anyone have context?
You know that term was coined by moids who prey on underage girls right
No. 1395952
>>1395940It was more about young teens who wanted "pure gay rep" trying to get him fired because they thought he wasn't actually gay. Too many kids online want actors to be a one to one comparison to their character so they attack the actors if they're not exactly like the character they're playing.
It's happened too many times before where people will attack a Korean actor for playing a Chinese character or a Mexican for playing a Colombian.
No. 1395963
File: 1667415094592.jpeg (488.89 KB, 1170x1588, 473738DF-B93B-428E-8C79-2953F6…)

Is she ok
No. 1396012
>>1395886Nta but have you ever noticed that you sound exactly like a car commercial? Like the ones that talk all about freedom with picturesque shots of a giant gas guzzling Range Rover on a mountain overlooking a crystal clear blue lake. The kind of blue lake that we aren’t going to see for much longer if we continue to harvest our planet for increasingly diminishing finite resources to produce useless solutions for needs that don’t exist. We aren’t talking about ambulances and fire trucks and long haulers that deliver necessary goods to people. We’re talking about the belief that every individual on earth needs a car of very own, otherwise they aren’t “free.” Your idea of freedom is informed by capitalist propaganda and it is unsustainable for our planet. You don’t want to live in a climate controlled 1-person pod eating powdered bugs for breakfast but that’s exactly what you’re condemning future generations to, because pretty soon our air might not even be breathable anymore. Your little “freedom” now is creating tomorrow’s prison.
You don’t need a personal machine to travel 3 hours out of town to spend the day shopping in another city. You need a government that funds and maintains a robust, efficient, environmentally friendly public transport system and is committed at all levels to the service and the equality of all people and the care of the planet we depend on, not a fucking car.
No. 1396038
File: 1667419460741.jpg (261.33 KB, 1080x1053, IMG_20221102_210348.jpg)

Ha ha woman bad?
No. 1396059
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No. 1396084
File: 1667421917920.jpg (647.48 KB, 1971x1731, PQFZqSJRaFrVanME.jpg)

>>1396068>>1396067looked her up and turns out she's a legit philosophy professor who often uses her own children as muses for her observations about humanity, she seems unbearably pretentious No. 1396094
>>1396066It’s still up? Thought it got taken down after too many
triggered fujos reported it kek
No. 1396342
File: 1667441007416.jpeg (598.92 KB, 1170x1512, E7162852-FD92-41B3-8C49-B6FB8B…)

Thanks for the recipe btw you will never be a woman
No. 1396359
File: 1667443115505.jpg (151.72 KB, 1283x1437, oh my god.jpg)

This is like actual cringe. Like if we were in high school together, I would have bullied him until he unalived himself. This is so pathetic I can't live with having seen it. I can't believe that this is real and I'm seeing it with my fucking eyes. He has less dignity than a street hooker in a wheelchair.
There is no amount of money, trillions of dollars would not prevent me from killing myself if I was this unfunny. This is sadder than african orphans. That his family bought.
I cannot wrap my head around what could possibly compel a human being to be this openly, publicly cringe.
No. 1396405
File: 1667446518742.gif (3.54 MB, 320x240, 1500.gif)

>>1396359This is stupid as fuck but we are living in a world where a billionaire is willingly making a fool of himself in the most underwhelming way possible and I'm loving it
No. 1396427
File: 1667447719865.jpg (30.97 KB, 640x562, 1464031526760.jpg)

>>1396423bruh you didn't say her twitter was just straight up videos of semen in her asshole, jesus christ
No. 1396708
>>1362168With respect to what Musk is doing I really never thought that twitter will lose relevancy or culture clout.
I think this means that tumblr will become even more unbearable
No. 1397171
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No. 1398023
File: 1667578593939.jpeg (211.95 KB, 827x1288, 53F8C620-AF86-48FA-8BDE-4C3D52…)

the comments of this tweet are filled with right-wing scrotes suddenly becoming rehabilitative justice supporters because a woman dared to wish harm on this poor, innocent white incel who murdered her sister. remember that getting anally pounded by a black inmate in prison is the worst fear of this type of moid and act accordingly
No. 1398051
>>1398023not surprised. online moids lowkey defend school shooters so hard. “it’s terrible what he did but but but but he was so ostracized and couldn’t get laid!!” They literally relate to these guys and are getting the hang of using woks terminology to justify hyperviolent maletard rage. Another classic: “society should be keeping young men happy, because young men destroy society when they aren’t happy.”
Sounds like a bunch of violent animals who should be jailed to me, but in jail these frail skinnyfats actually have to face physically strong people without their precious guns to back them up. And that’s going too far for them apparently - what happened to that “might makes right” attitude from before?
No. 1398068
File: 1667580888204.jpeg (121.74 KB, 1170x961, B2E19182-8DA2-41E6-94B9-D59463…)

The real life slaughtering of a young woman by her boyfriend is an epic marvel story with plot twists to these retards.
No. 1398079
File: 1667581784480.jpeg (104.59 KB, 1170x439, 206AA15E-B283-4DF5-B738-7D6413…)

Of course OP is an anachan
No. 1398153
File: 1667585659889.png (552.92 KB, 732x826, Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 18-14…)

>>1398081resistance is futile
nonnie No. 1398406
>>1398023Ok but the quote from the sister though, absolutely savage kek, i wish I could have seen the look on his face.
i hope that moid gets his asshole teared apart too sis, i do.
No. 1398416
>>1398406Samefag but the moids getting
triggered at this shit is nothing but hilarious to me. They lose their shit over the faint possibility of rape happening to one of them, even if it's a fucking murderer who any normal human being would agree that has been well-earned, and for a comment thats coming from the
victim's fucking sister.
Cry harder scrotes, god what pathetic creatures, i just can't take it seriously. I'm sure all of them commenting on that tweet look like the killer and are secretly afraid to death of bigger, actual alpha type men who would beat the shit out of them at prison.
No. 1398516
File: 1667605064976.png (283.8 KB, 720x371, holyshit.png)

no hope for any of us holy shit. cant fucking google a simple basic task? when there are literally step by step videos of anything you could ever need to do online. original tweet is deleted but it was talking about how "classist" it was to make fun of someone who cant cook. bitch what. poor people are the ones innovating cooking.
No. 1398554
>>1398516this is clearly exaggerated helplessness in order to look cute and quirky and be special on the internet
I refuse to believe these people are serious
No. 1398770
File: 1667639103199.jpeg (113.98 KB, 1242x469, B2B5C0A8-1EE6-41D2-BD4B-12101E…)

no way kek
No. 1399010
>>1398023How it the state's fault if men rape each other in prison? (Right-wing) men are all about muh accountability until it's time to hold their kind accountable. I've never seen a man address the massive rape and sexual assault problem their group has, whether it be male on female or male on male rape. I guess they don't give a fuck either way.
>>1398099And you just know they have more animosity for the sister for existing and being attractive than they have for the fucking shooter. It's always like that.
No. 1399130
File: 1667672584064.jpg (459.3 KB, 1080x1372, vARZcGP.jpg)

There are layers to why this tweet sucks.
1. The person could just be pointing out photoshop and she's reeing because she got caught
2. That comment could be made because the person's just an anachan
No. 1399141
>>1398516>you lose water as it heatsit's not enough to matter
>how much heat do you need?just put the stove on high, it's not like you can burn water
>does the pot matter?no
>when is it actually boilingwhen the water is moving a lot
>the list goes onnah that's about it actually
Besides, most recipes tell you specifically to use a pot deep enough to submerge the top of the eggs beneath an inch of water. Literally retard proof. I hate that this made me angry but if autists like this outright refuse to take care of themselves maybe they should just die already.
No. 1399174
File: 1667676058039.jpeg (636.83 KB, 1170x1503, 47422188-ADE3-4FAB-A419-0C9C34…)

Everyday I am thankful god made me a homosexual
No. 1399326
File: 1667684665729.jpeg (510.42 KB, 828x1135, 9BB48565-6F7B-436F-A80C-DD5223…)

i fucking hate moids and the women who enable them
No. 1399333
File: 1667685519933.jpeg (40.5 KB, 299x476, 537F99CE-4E83-472F-BE27-C2C62C…)

>Not one, but TWO women in a courthouse during the trial of a school shooter? THIS IS JUST LIKE MY VIDOE-RAPES! I’M GONNA COOOOOOOOOOM
No. 1399592
File: 1667704192216.jpg (229.68 KB, 1080x810, Screenshot_25542.jpg)

Lmfao I'm howling
No. 1399613
File: 1667706382833.jpeg (149.43 KB, 1242x368, C89C83B0-2487-4D9C-8816-4C8A1F…)

This is narcissism
No. 1399648
>>1399333Scrotes think an attractive woman existing is "just like porn"
No. 1399783
>>1399592oh god, this crazy bitch. I recall going through the tweets about johnny starring in rihanna's underwear show and while the majority of reactions were negative about it, this bitch was all over the place and insulting people for not supporting her poor, poor abuse
victim. Absolutely unhinged.
No. 1399924
File: 1667745120885.png (19.99 KB, 591x146, Capture.PNG)

No one has ever done this. Why do trannies keep on posting their weird female-on-male sexual assault fantasies for everyone to see?
No. 1399957
>>1399924But but anon they're trwanss!!! How dare you tell them what they do and don't experience even if it means falsely accusing women of sexual assault
On a serious note is there any actual, non recent anti trans things? From what I've known the only anti trans things for the past decades were just people being against children transitioning or men not wanting to date trans. Have trans people ever truly been denied rights ?
No. 1399964
>>1399924He's a man, he cannot get sa'd by women, what a little bitch. Also
>she guevaraof course
No. 1400042
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No. 1400582
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No. 1400622
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>>1400582We have to find him and kill him before he does what he's going to do.
No. 1401013
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>>1394681I don't blame her for breaking down like that. Fuck working in retail or food service job.
Also Matt Walsh is such a soylent looking dude, I mean just look at him. He's probably never worked a hard day in his life.
No. 1401095
File: 1667815379072.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1864, 069DCABB-E4B3-4A05-8D51-BF6DC9…)

the weird hate boner black Twitter moids (and black Twitter woman too to some extent) has towards white women is so pathetic bcs it just comes across as pure jealousy. like Bella obvs bought her face but to say that she’s just an “average” women is such cope kek, and the moids calling her ugly in the replies too(global rule 7)
No. 1401193
>>1401145It's not about making women feel better about themselves, if anything it's the opposite. This is just a way of saying that Bella is plain or basic.
Twitter does this all the time and it's not the quirky woke comeback they think it is. The current beauty standards are already fucking insane, and acting like one of the highest paid models in the world is still "basic" only makes regular women feel even shittier.
No. 1401245
File: 1667830920595.jpeg (399.74 KB, 1170x1091, E0318223-04E0-4CD5-A992-8E1671…)

???? pretty sure 4chan still allows hentai on their site. also this is like the dumbest take i’ve seen so far on this whole elon thing.
in this guys bio, he describes himself as a senior reporter at NBC.
& honestly fuck journalists. i don’t know anyone who trusts the media these days except boomers who watch cable tv. it’s such a joke profession nowadays.
i’m personally having a lot of fun watching twitter implode. i really hope it’s run to the ground and is destroyed. i pray on it’s downfall every single day
No. 1401248
>>1401245I don't really get the problem, he is criticizing Musk and saying that even shitholes like youtube had boundaries but that those boundaries were sensible unlike Musk's petty brat behavior.
4chan also split doesn't allow porn on 4channel at all anymore. Not sure if loli hentai is allowed on /d/ though, maybe. But honestly it's very relevant to what he is saying here.
No. 1401249
>>14012454chan allows hentai, but lolicon is banned
Yes, retarded moids still do very disturbing and pedophilic "uwooooh" posts, but any art depicting lolicon or shotacon gets banned, just like cp
No. 1401283
>>1401249That uoh shit has even infiltrated normalfag spaces it's actually disturbing when you realize how many retards get meme'd into being pedophiles because it makes them feel included
I miss when 4shit was a closed off corner on the internet
No. 1401313
>>1401302This completely invalidates the point of the checkmarks doesn't it?
Not that I care, I don't follow a single check marker and in the end it's his problem he will have to delete a billion impersonations of a billion celebrities a day now.
No. 1401320
File: 1667836261196.png (29.91 KB, 500x344, EJxFt5pW4AAktSS.png)

>>1401250If you're defending the retards that actually believe in shit like picrel then I don't know what to tell you anon
No. 1401470
File: 1667842528155.png (454.57 KB, 752x854, getwrekt.png)

I adore the slaughter. So many hypocrites throwing little temper tantrums now that they're getting banned, god it feels so good
No. 1401665
File: 1667854557981.png (58.78 KB, 613x572, 5AF2A159-46F0-4109-B958-8AFEF0…)

>>1401472NTA but they have a fair point. There’s no benefit to this shit pic related, it’s just going to have some dumbass not fact checking enough really think musk said this.
No. 1401926
File: 1667870335956.jpeg (966.13 KB, 1170x1757, 2499C1E0-5E1D-4F33-8A2E-B361E3…)

Heterosexuality is a disease
No. 1402089
File: 1667883674853.png (465.66 KB, 760x1099, Screenshot_20221107-205704.png)

No. 1402159
File: 1667893139001.jpg (353.35 KB, 1080x1551, IMG_20221108_083806.jpg)

No. 1402959
File: 1668061602173.jpeg (51.28 KB, 573x573, Eg0G7NFXcAAZujp.jpeg)

I remember being able to specifically report child exploitation posts through the regular report tool. Did Musk remove that option? I don't see it anymore in the affects everyone -> harassment section, or the ability to report highly explicit sexual content/gore as a whole. Everything related to reporting disturbing content is gone. I swear it was there before.
No. 1404036
File: 1668132570928.jpeg (263.73 KB, 1170x831, BC934996-AAC8-4FB8-9DCA-9C27C8…)

I get people tend to judge female characters more harshly but why use this example? Almost every CSM fan I know loves Makima.
No. 1404270
File: 1668137516875.jpeg (728.05 KB, 1170x1977, 8B13CB67-2268-4183-B6A6-D7A25E…)

Yay grooming
No. 1404853
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No. 1404862
File: 1668149866163.jpeg (110.89 KB, 1242x515, 84A99EA6-A090-439B-9383-F96BC8…)

>>1404270Nevermind the pfp this is a tweet by a man
No. 1405288
File: 1668183033673.jpeg (355.16 KB, 1170x869, EA8E6155-C587-43E6-AD50-2DED1A…)

OP is a troon