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No. 1365733
>>1365100"friendzone" and other scrote shit aside, I feel like they consider us second class friends. Women they don't want to fuck and that aren't related to them by blood are instictively always placed at the bottom of the priority scale, and they're worried about seeming romantically unavailable if they're seen with you too often. Not to mention that even if you've known each other since kindergarten and taken bullets for each other, they won't mind dumping you the exact second their love interest asks them to. (I'm not entirely blaming the woman for being suspicious of female friends considering how many have been cheated on at some point but really… A guy proving his ability to be loyal by getting rid of someone else that he has a bond of loyalty to sounds retarded.)
Anyway my ex best friend of a decade is now a tranny in a polycule.
No. 1366422
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This one's really bad please don't hang me guys.
When I was like 13, I was really into lesbian incest stuff. Mostly mom stuff. I don't know why. I'm hetero and obviously not into my freaking mom, never was, but she found some of the stuff I was reading and, yeah I just still feel awful about it and like I'm a horrible person especially for being so careless.
No. 1366624
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I had a sex dream with young brendan fraser and it was so intimate i woke up shook. and now I feel like Ive cheated lmao
No. 1366837
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Sorry if cringe, I drew a possible future thread pic
No. 1366861
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I wonder if Maria the Ethnologist who wanted to study "femcels" on lolcow received any answers.
No. 1366904
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>>1366869>My special interest is trolling bad research surveysKek
No. 1366943
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>>1366933A familiar situation
No. 1366996
>>1366607The concept of skin walking as a whole is ridiculous to me. Anons who are truly annoyed by someone "skin walking" them need to chill out and avoid contact with the "skinwalker" if it bothers them so much.
When I was in high school, girl asked me if it was okay for her to dye her hair the exact same color as me and i think that's ridiculous she felt the need to ask. When people get interested in my interests, that's a plus more often than not. I've had friends show me working out and it's like, great, this is fun, I would never have known I liked it if it weren't for others. Everyone thinks they're this pristine, untouched, original individual when it's like, maybe you don't interact with anyone irl, but the internet is PLENTY of influence.
No. 1367060
>>1367021Sorry that happened to you anon. Stop seeing him, that is
abusive and he could do even worse things.
No. 1367121
>>1366607Anon you're replying to. I used this word because that's what other women accuse me of whenever I try out their hobbies. But they're pick me women anyway. Poor usage of the term, I know. I never experienced anyone thinking it was a positive that I tried out their hobbies, I was always met with "gatekeeping". similar to what
>>1366566 said.
No. 1367481
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kinda fall in love for a bit when another nona makes the same post as me in the same minute
No. 1367636
>>1367096i agree - i thought that any tramatizing and unwanted penetration by a penis could be considered straight up rape. she may have consented to vaginal sex, but clearly not anal. highly messed up.
>>1367518i’m so sorry to hear this anon. it’s not your fault you were in shock. as other anons said, please don’t see him anymore. he clearly didn’t care about what he was doing to you and you deserve more respect than that.
No. 1368278
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I wish I had a fun confession but all I have is a shallow one.
So. I think the first guy (online aside) in my life has liked me - after an entire life of 0 men creeping on me, not even a catcall or one starting up a conversation - and it's genuinely awful…and I feel awful and guilty that I feel awful because, well, I can't talk. I have 0 right to. I am bottom of the barrel in terms of women and I always have (I developed a light deformity, leading to a speech disability, in my teen years which lead to all sorts of personality issues from getting used to nobody understanding me and constantly making fun of how I looked and talked). However, I DO take care of myself. I grew up fat and I got fit and I'm even getting muscular, too. I'm very proud of it.
I don't want to be shallow, but he looks so much worse than Shrek - Shrek is an adorable Chad compared to him - and works at the local post office. He is very fat, probably around twice my age and his patchy beard looks like black needles on the cactus with down's syndrome that is his face–or maybe a Monk Fish (don't look it up), especially with his melting face and eyes. And yes. I don't insult peoples' looks normally…this might be the first time in years actually…but he might be the single most ugliest man I've ever seen and it makes me extremely uncomfortable that he's interested in me. Oh, sliver lining? Being shorter than me is the one positive because he'd be terrifying if he were massive.
I realize I might not even really be attracted to men anyway now that I think about it - just have never felt anything looking at any - but I'm starting to understand what those people that feel uncomfortable when certain people like them feel. Sigh. I've been trying to avoid going to that post office because his behavior - including ignoring his customers to talk to me EVEN WITH MY NOSE IN MY PHONE - has been so awkward and creepy.
No. 1368394
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i have ptsd which lead me to an insomniac psychotic episode. long story short. i did not see a guy i worked with, and i started saying every swear word possible to see if they were indeed there. a guy was indeed there and he punched me so hard i fell on the floor where he kept beating me. i woke up to faint noises and sitting next to the wall. i felt dizzy and tired.
many months later i still felt stupid and slow. i could barely construct sentences for 4 months. the boss told me i kept swearing at coworkers and if i was crazy because i act crazy. but i was unaware at times, and other times did not care at all, i was suicidal. i had enough consciousness to admit i could not sleep. but they justified the guy beating me because i was apparently aggravating him. i said swear words at him and told him to beat me to death while not even registering everything as real because i was so fucked from not sleeping. and they still let me ride around on a bike and interact with customers a few days after. i think the only reason they didn't fire me was because i ranted about how it's misogynist to beat up a woman over bare words, when they were from an abusive background and with many swear words existing specifically for women. they probably covered for that scrote too. i am not saying i was completely innocent, but to nearly kill someone and not end up in jail is wild. he could've just called me a whore and asked to be on different shifts. scrotes will be scrotes.
No. 1368453
>>1368408I've seen nonnies in the fantasy/kink threads say this before. The fantasy of fixing them. Swooping in and healing them with love. I'm too concerned with my own self preservation to give even weird guys a chance at this point but I get the thought process that drives it.
Kinda similar to the hybristophilia thing where people want to bring out the softer side of killers. He's not dangerous, he's just misunderstood and needs a womans love.. etc
No. 1368489
>>1368438Same exactly. I've always been an outcast and have low self-esteem. I thought I could relate to incels and help one but most of them are essentially just angry they can't get sex which makes me lose sympathy.
>>1368452I thought /r9k/ is mostly made up of males? Or did farmers just raid it?
>they don't deserve your sympathy nonnieand yes ik. I've become resentful towards men because the sympathy we give to them will never be reciprocated.
No. 1368497
>>1368408>>1368438i don't think i ever felt like that towards literal incels but i did have pleasant and unpleasant experiences with weird lonely or awkward guys in real life, who had not yet been infected with an incel mindset, blatant misogyny or sex obsession. that's why when incels became more well known on the internet, i thought they were able to be fixed if only we showed them that they're capable of being loved or that they're not so ugly nobody would like them, because a lot of incels are just average in terms of looks and some are even cute, they just don't realize it because they have this weird body dysmorphia where they perceive themselves as way uglier than they are.
but after interacting with incels and other misogynists who support them, i truly believe that they can't be fixed. when an incel scrote gets a girlfriend, most of the time his twisted incel mindset doesn't magically disappear, and the moment the relationship is over, they return to their vicious hatred. even when they have a girlfriend they still believe all the things they used to read and say about women on incel forums, so they don't even respect their girlfriends. their hatred for women will never go away, their feelings of frustration are all rooted in deep-seated misogyny.
No. 1368499
>>1368408I used to feel this way and would hang around incels online half because they were amusingly stupid and half because I related to their loneliness and wanted to understand their anger. I had a crush on a couple of them because they seemed a bit more self-aware and like they had potential but they really are just typical moids at the end of the day, they'll never be what we hope them to be. There's no good man under that first layer of sadness and self-loathing. And when they show a more vulnerable, sensitive side every now and then (speaking of women positively for once, demonstrating some desire to love a woman rather than just fuck one), it's not their "true" "good" self coming out. Their hatred for women is just as actual as their desire for them. Those lapses in which they speak sweetly are one small facet of a massive glob of disturbing feelings towards women. They're most often tainted beyond repair, there literally is no hope for a lot of them. There would be hope if they could pull their shit together and not be retarded and just try to see sense, listen to what women have to say, get help, stop prioritising the coom, stop prioritising their monkey brains, even just begin to entertain the idea of respecting women as this concept alone repulses them. But they're stubborn. They're their own downfall. Nothing outside can or will change that.
No. 1368507
>>1368499>if they could pull their shit together and not be retarded and just try to see sense, listen to what women have to saylmfao, as if that'd ever happen. they simply are too convinced that men are oppressed by women just because some incels can't coom due to women not being forced to marry someone they don't like anymore. for scrotes, having sex and passing on their genes is the single most important thing in the world so of course it's all that matters to them that's why they claim women "live life on easy mode" as if being treated like a sex object everywhere you go was a good thing. they literally can't comprehend why women hate being objectified, they're too mentally deficient to prioritize anything other than sex.
i actually feel bad for any woman that has to suffer the cruel fate of having an incel for a brother.
No. 1369023
One of my darkest fantasy is to make some webcomics with every things gendies love, fabulous twinks with ott charadesign, muscly lean mysterious guys, beautiful gnc women, lesbians girls in longskirt uniforms, relatable bug edgy blobs, but keep it girl coded enought to make aiden attracted to it like moths to light, and make TiMs totally seeing themself in the cute girls.
I would not communicate a lot as an author, and wait on the comic to slowly establish itself.
Then, when I have enought popularity and have already made some light merch, so some of the TRA have my characters on a button pin proudly stuck to their itabags…It get revealed I'm an evil TERF! Aidens, panicking, try to separate me from my art, burn their merch, seeth and publicly saying they will not read my work anymore, but they still shamefuly read it, addicted to my aestetic like it's heroin. The Alices will seeths, but keep their fav girl as their battlestation wallpaper. But every time they see their waifu or husbando, they remember I will never validate them.
No. 1369153
>>1369143I guess because we had a long talk about trusting each other and how he said he isn't a male prostitute, he doesn't want to fuck everyone. That his friends were super happy we were together because I make him happy and that he's always been honest.
But it sucks because the point was completely missed. He has to keep my trust, it isn't guaranteed
But yuh, I told him he doesn't need all these boyfriends and girlfriends and to leave me alone. That was yesterday and I'm still on the fence.
No. 1369174
>>1369155sorry I forgot to answer your questions. He found out this week, the week they met him at a party. They invited him to a hot springs and were making their moves on him. He said no and told me about it. I'm happy he told me but of course I wasn't happy he was naked with people he just met who wanted to have sex with him.
He assures me daily that he only has eyes for me. But he has to be stupid or ignoring how feel about this. He can have friends, but he allows himself to get into very intimate situations with them. And I'm mad because… He just met these people???? Why the hell is he doing all these things with them? Yuh I'm insecure
No. 1369213
>>1369195can you drop some in the ai generated thread,
nonnie? and try to use the hypernetworks on other models. they turn my dreambooth characters into 3d game bishies
No. 1369245
nonnie, I'll drop some hot Ai bois soon.
No. 1369249
>>1366496Late but thank you
nonnie, I didn’t see that one.
No. 1369299
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when I was about 10 years old I had a friend of the same age. she had an older sister and a younger brother, and the older sister and the mom went on some kind of trip together as they were staying in a hotel. the mom died on that trip and the story they told her and that she told me was that the mom was sleeping on a brand new, unwashed pillow (or maybe it was the pillow case, or both, I can't remember) at the hotel (provided by the hotel) and because it wasn't washed it had fibers in it that suffocated her. the sister said that when she woke up the mom's face was blue. I just believed this blindly because I was 10, and ever since then I have had a fear of sleeping new bedding, especially pillows and pillow cases. I almost never buy new pillows - the last one I had was from my mom, and I used it for several years without a case until it just got too nasty and I had to throw it away, I haven't bought another one since. I either don't sleep on a pillow or I sleep on a bundled up jacket or something, or I sleep on throw pillows (for some reason the fear doesn't apply to throw pillows, Idk why, I guess my brain sees them as being a different species of pillow or something, Idk). I'm supposed to be travelling soon and I will be staying in hotels and I keep being like "what if I die" and afraid to sleep on the bedding.
it's pretty obvious now that the mom most likely died from a drug overdose or something else they couldn't tell my friend. it just seems like such a bullshit excuse, I've never heard of that happening anywhere else.. I mean if pillows were that deadly I'm sure there would be more awareness of it. I tried looking for deaths from that cause and couldn't find any. yet I, a grown ass woman, still have a fear of sleeping on brand new or hotel pillows, because it has been ingrained in me since I was 10. I feel fucking dumb
No. 1369325
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>>1369299this exact same post, same story, word for word, was already made about a year ago in an old confessions thread wtf
No. 1369370
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>>1369369That's why it's a confession…
No. 1369473
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I’m probably going to talk to my Ex tomorrow and even though he’s a stupid indecisive bitch I would take him back in a heartbeat
No. 1369648
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>>1369351kek it went well and she went on about how it has started to become an issue for her to tip toe around the word woman when giving lectures on shit like menopause and anxiety in women.
No. 1369699
>>1369688I was dumped after 5 years for this same reason. My ex was not attracted to me, but he loves me as a friend, or family. It sucked, and it hurt, but I'd rather that than be strung along.
We are friends now, and i am glad he had the balls to be honest with me. There is someone out there for me who will think I am cute. Or not.
Either way.
I say just be honest with your bf. (Don't tell him he is ugly, just tell him you are not attracted to him in that way.)
No. 1369911
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>>1369753If you mean this kind of furry.. i get it.
No. 1369955
>>1369947honestly i agree. if you’re not willing to take advice you shouldn’t be asking for it or making the same complaints over and over, that should be saved for a therapist instead of groaning about the same shit to a friend all the time because while some people can be more patient than others it can be tiring. friends aren’t meant to be a dumping ground for all of your problems.
i appreciate that you’re not sugarcoating because while showing sympathy or empathy is fine i think people need to be more honest in their friendships instead of enabling them all the time because then it just leads to something unhealthy for both sides.
No. 1370008
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I also used to be "furry", when i was like 7 years old. I didn't knew how degen the fandom was, i was just a little kid who liked animals and dress up, so i obviously got excited when i discovered there were people who dressed up as giant animals who called themselves "furries". I don't like furries no more, obviously please anons don't get angry at picrel, is just the illust the type of things i liked back then as a kid
No. 1370015
>>1370008I’m not into furry shit myself, never was, but your pic looks nice imo, doesn’t give me furry vibes even, just a cute animal mascot of sorts.
>>1369911 does give some furry vibes - it’s the face for me. Has that signature pinched in expression with slanted huge eyes which just screams furry even though the rest of the pic seems cute.
No. 1370086
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I like skinnyfat bodies more than toned bodies (mostly on women) sometimes men too depending on their overall look/the rest of their features
No. 1370087
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>>1370008i dont like furries but i love kemono, the suits look less uncanny when they are more anime-esque
No. 1370322
>>1369153>how he said he isn't a male prostitute,Did he say he wasn't a whore and this is an esl translation thing or did he specifically say he wasn't a male prostitute?
Because anyone who volunteers, apropos of nothing, that he isn't a male prostitute, is a male prostitute.
No. 1370324
>>1369648Congrats. Glad you got a
terf therapist you can trust.
No. 1370329
>>1369712>I won't tell him I think he's ugly. Just say I don't think I'm really in love. It's early enough to say that (not lying either), is it?Yes. For the love god, don't tell him he's ugly. You never really know how a moid will react when his ego is hurt like that.
Just tell him you realized that you are not going to develop romantic feelings for him and so you don't want to string him along, and you would like to be friends one day. He'll probably push you to keep trying and give it more time, so be firm that it's over and that time will not change your feelings from platonic to romantic.
No. 1370342
>>1370001>I feel bad for her genuinely, and I want her to be happy and >but who the fuck am I to intervene in any way, it’s really not my business. Stop lying to yourself. If you can't even be bothered to be google "how to help a woman in an emotional
abusive relationship" you clearly don't feel that bad.
No. 1370445
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As a kid, I used twitter to learn english (i am ESL), talked and interacted a lot with one "aspiring youtuber" back then and many years later, as I was scrolling through my old cringe tweets (which were embarrassing to read and it was so obvious they were written by a kid) the guy with whom I have talked and interacted the most (he was an aspiring youtuber) now has millions of followers and have been collaborating with OG youtubers for a long time now. I feel proud of him, but I can't say I am not a bit jealous as nowadays it feels like that you can barely make it compared to 10 years ago, when the internet felt a lot more genuine and just better in general. I am myself a small artist and streamer and can't find a job because of me having organ issues and a weak immune system, tired of everything around me (especially myself) and thinking of leaving it all behind as I am sick of seeing people only using eachother for clout.
No. 1370527
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I've been lying to my family for years now. I'm not going to graduate because i flunked out in 2018 and haven't been able to go back. I can't afford to go back. I'm like a little kid in an adults body. I really think it's better for me to kill myself with int he next year than continue on as a 26 year old flunk out. I can't afford to start over. I see life passing me by everyday. My younger siblings are so much more competent than I am. I've accepted I'm a loser and I really off killing myself to be less of a burden on everyone around me.
No. 1370564
>>1370527I have to agree with
>>1370533 because this sounds like me too. Focus on treating the depression and the rest will fix itself. Your family loves you, you are not a burden to them. There is absolutely no pressure to figure out what you want to do with your life right now.
No. 1370713
I have to let this out somewhere, cause this is really eating me alive and i couldn't really process what happened until now. When i was 10 years old my grandma started developing dementia and various other mental illnesses like schizophrenia, it got worse and worse, then i discovered these illnesses where almost directly occasioned by my grandpa, who was a violent alcoholic who abused her in every way. Mom, who also abused her was covering all this up, my whole family covered it too and they forced me to shut up about it, grandma herself didn't want me to help her…i couldn't tell anyone and i was miserable. I had to stop grandpa from beating her when he got drunk every day, i had to stop mom from hurting her when she started hallucinating, i was just a kid. The violence escalated to such an extent i had to leave, i developed a lot of shit too and my mind was falling apart. This is my confession, i feel bad that i left her behind, i wanted to help her, to rescue her, but everyone was at my throat and i wasn't even an adult yet, everyone who knew about it didn't do shit until the day she died, we were poor so it was even worse. I'm sorry, i don't know how to cope with this, it fucked me up and i still don't understand what the hell happened and dad, who left us at the time all this happened, sometimes blames me for leaving and i don't get it, what was i supposed to do? i was not a doctor or a cop, just some kid, i feared grandpa could kill me too. I'm sorry, god
No. 1370746
>>1370725Thank you anon, it was very, very hard for me to write this
>you should cut off contact with your fatherDone already, this is not the first time that moid does something fucked up, he will die alone and he knows it
No. 1371086
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>>1370533>>1370564The thing is my family is very religious and are totally against SSRIs and anything drugs. I'm still dependent on them so I can't just leave. I've tried to do therapy without medication but it doesn't stick for me.
No. 1371154
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I'm starting to really dislike a friend of mine for reasons that could seem petty at first. I don't give a shit, I know I'm right. She's an annoying idiot who will pretend she hates herself and come crying to other people but she'll never be here for others. When I went on holidays to the beach with her years ago I told her I really wanted to swim a lot and go to a specific casino and she wouldn't stop complaining about how she liked mountains sooo much better than the beach, she's a "hater" and yes I'm quoting her for real right now, after agreeing to my plans. I wanted to go to a museum and she randomly brought some girl who was at the same hostel with us and would translate everything I told her for that random girl in some middle level of English, shit was awkward as fuck. She thinks people are so desperate to be her friend when people are just being nice or polite to her in the most neutral way possible. I didn't go to the casino because she was a dumb fake insecure bitch who ruined the whole day.
Other friends have noticed how she truly is sometimes and got fucked over by her and now we have a great time shit talking her behind her back. She's more of an acquaintance nowadays. She doesn't know that a friend of ours nearly became homeless but recently managed to keep her apartment because she never asked for updates after she heard about it the first time. She doesn't give a shit about any of us. She ignored a friend who lives at the other side of the country and who she's supposedly so close to when she visited us for the first time in 4 years because she already went to the mall with other people the day before so she didn't want to go back for her bff and former neighbor. She brought her bf with her to the restaurant last weekend and ruined all our plans for the day because adding her bf meant we couldn't do the reservation for the restaurant we initially wanted to go to for weeks, we don't know him, he complained non stop about all sort of bs we don't care about, he was insulting to one of our friends for not knowing where a specific shithole was, etc. The last time I saw her face to face before that was 5 months ago because she doesn't want to make efforts to take the subway and see any of us. Anyway, I'm looking forward to her and her stupid, inbred looking manlet bf moving to this shithole he likes so much and being stuck working in retail despite having a university degree. I don't want to hear about her and her problems again.
No. 1371404
>>1371384Ayrt I have a feeling he's lying too which is probably why I don't feel anything. Even if he wasn't lying, does he really expect me to feel bad or sad when he has a history of being physically
abusive to my mom and I? kek get real.
No. 1371468
>>1371154You, know, it's funny, you have really good reasons to hate this person, like, she's self-absorbed, doesn't care about you or your other friends, treats you all like npcs, complains until she gets her way, etc, but you wrote about her in such a bitchy way, I couldn't help but think "Man, you are petty" at first.
Anyway, your friend's an ass. Stop hanging out with her. Be busy whenever she wants do to something. Don't make life harder for yourself.
No. 1371492
>>1371086>I'm just afraid of being disowned if I use them (mom's words).How serious is she? It's easy for the other anons to say go get them, but they don't have to hide them in the house somewhere, make sure they never get found, and make sure they are never seen taking them.
If she is just going to yell at you and be mad for a while if she finds out, go ahead and get them. But if you think she will actually throw you out, maybe talk to your siblings and other family first? Find out how they feel and if they would be willing to back you against your mom if she goes nuclear on you.
And, can you call one (or more) of your old therapists and be like "hey, I flunked out of college and lied to my parents about it. Any advice on how to tell my parents? And the therapy we did didn't work for me long term. Is there some other type of therapy I can try?"
And, this is absolutely an dirtbag move, and one you may not be capable of, but if worse come to worst and your mom finds the pills and kicks you out, and if she loves you more then she loves jesus, this would be the time to tell her all about your suicidal feelings, and that you were holding on her, and now that she doesn't love you anymore, you have nothing to live for. This is an absolutely horrible thing to do and should only be done if 1) you think she'll pick you over her religion and 2) you have literally no place else to go and it's that or the streets.
No. 1371496
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I want to break up with my bf
I fear the freedom but also long for it
No. 1371568
>>1371496I feel the same we’re long distance and I hate it but also I’ve been on dating apps before and it’s just the same people all the time nobody really moves here, it’s not like if I break up with him I’ll magically meet someone better, in fact most men are hideous and even when they’re not they’re probably retarded or selfish at best, cruel and manipulative at worst
Breaking up with him won’t make me more likely to meet anyone else and our relationship isn’t bad enough that I’d rather be alone than with him
No. 1371820
>>1369679In love after only a few weeks and you already call him a boyfriend?
>>1369679Oh. Sorry to say it will not get better, attraction usually tapers off in a relationship.
No. 1372111
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I routinely clean my room and hate even seeing stray hairs on the floor. However, I leave the small cobwebs near my windowsill full of dead fungus gnats alone because I hate those fuckers so much that I'm glad to see them dead. I'll probably leave those around until my fungus gnat problem is completely eliminated.
No. 1372116
File: 1665589687696.jpg (Spoiler Image,311.98 KB, 1659x2048, Pinguicula-gigantea-eating.jpg)

>>1372111Ever heard of ping/butterwort
nonnie? They are essentially a living flypaper, they attract the gnats to the leaves and they get stuck and absorbed on them. The plant also consumes them for energy, so free fertilizer for the plant too. They supposedly do well indoors on windowsills
No. 1372142
nonnie. I really want to get top surgery although I'm not trans. Since I'm in my 30s it's getting really hard to maintain a weight where they stay a/b cups so I'm seriously considering getting the chop. Realistically, no one but sexual partners would know in my case.
No. 1372223
>>1372142mmn hmmn. Like I still enjoy my feminine traits. I love being beautiful. It's just silly how if I don't love every inch of my body somehow I hate my gender when that isn't true at all.
Like people praise women for getting bigger breasts for surgery, why not the exact opposite? Especially if it makes me more comfy and happy. Because the male population wont find me attractive? Oooh nooooo
But if I hate one part of my body it means I hate being a woman and I must want to be a disgusting hairy man. Pfft seriously, the insanity
No. 1372326
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I fucking love NTR/cuckposting on 4chan. It's hilarious. Moids are so defensive over any other male that isn't their self-insert being close to their waifu that it genuinely mindbreaks them, and there's always a couple of other anons joining in the shitposting so it's always fun
No. 1372705
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I don’t have mommy issues but I find older women very hot
pls no bully, I’m not a scrote either
I genuinely just want an older women to shove my face into her chest and run her hands through my hair. Is that so much to ask?
No. 1372924
nonnie keep your distance as much as you can, you shouldn’t die just bc of that cryptid roaming your school
No. 1373076
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I’m fully convinced my ex broke up with me in an attempt to self sabotage because he doesn’t think he deserves happiness but when I try and tell people they just say he’s cheating or something. I’ve been with shit moids who would pull that and even though he’s acting like an ass right now this isn’t the case. I want to call him up and fight for him so bad but I know it’s just going to make things worse and create a pattern. All I can hope is that if I give him space when he goes back to therapy maybe he’ll get some clarity.
No. 1373247
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Its exhausting changing my life and my habits and sticking to it, but I am proud of my weight loss. Already down 40 pounds and I am keeping my head down and on the grind.
When I met you for coffee I expected you to be supportive, since you brought up the diet. Instead you have decided to ana larp and “diet” too, talking about how malnourished you are and how everything is too baggy and how you are never hungry. It feels like a slap in the face, because you didnt act like this before- just after you find out I am on a supervised diet plan.
I wish you weren't so competitive with me. I wish you would be more supportive. I have been the fat friend for many years. Now, thanks to therapy and personal drive, I am working on lasting changes. Its not a race. Its about personal improvement not self destruction. So yea. Of course I said no to being FaStIng PaLs. Im going to follow the plan set by the successful dietitian. Being friends with your bpd ass is tiring.
No. 1373303
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>Gets along well with my classmates
>I few weeks later realize that I hate them and find them annoying and just stops talking to them out of nowhere
>Joins Discord server
>Can't wait to talk with everyone and make friends
>The next day realize that I actually find them annoying even though they didn't do anything
I think I might have a personality disorder because I immediately cut people off as soon as we are starting to get close. Not because I'm scared they will hurt me I just realize that I hate talking to them. It always happen out of nowhere something in me just clicks mid conversation and I don't want to be friends with them anymore.
But I have no desire to get a diagnosis. Not only does the process seem tedious and expensive but I'm also tinfoiling that most PD aren't real and are only given to women as a modern day hysteria. I just think my personality is like this and it has nothing to do with any disorder
No. 1373317
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>>1373295>>1373301Thank you nonnas! Im trying! I appreciate the healthy support
No. 1373333
>>1373312I do actually have autism so it may be because of that but no one I know who has autism behaves like this. Though everyone experiences autism differently
plus some people I know may be faking>most people really are boring/annoying and don't share interests or personality traitsEven when I talk to people I share interest with or people whose personality is similar to mine I tend to get bored of them quickly.
I always get excited when I talk with new people and I always hope we can be friends but then I just don't think I can connect with them and they start to annoy me. They are never really annoying people it's just that I like the idea of people but dislike actually makig genuinely connections.
I didn't consider it could be an autism thing, which it most likely is now that you mention it
No. 1373469
>>1373082I don't think I've ever seen a GC say that girls getting top surgery makes them less women. If anything I only see the opposite, that they won't stop being women even if they remove their breasts, which they did because they hate being female but they can't escape their femaleness.
Or IDK maybe it's because I avoid tradtards.
No. 1373532
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When I worked a factory job, I was really surprised at how other cultures of women are so touchy and open with each other.
Like one of the older women used to rub my thigh or smack my bum, or like wrap her arms around me whilst explaining stuff to me. It was fricking weird but some women are just like that with each other in their cultures, I wanted to fit in. I know I sound snobby kek
No. 1373564
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Today I told my managers I wanted to blow my brains out and that every day before work I hope a truck crashes into me and kills me instantly and tomorrow I'm going to ask them to make me full time because immediately after work my gay moid friend facetimed with me and we came up with a plan to get an apartment together top fucking kek. The most unstable bitch at the work function! That's me!
No. 1373642
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i hate when my friends call. tbh i hate when they text too. i secretly wish i had different friends sometimes. have thought about the cow finder thread but im terrible at keeping up online and i wish for different irl friends (im getting desperate though maybe ill try my luck). its just that none of my (girl)friends share anything in common anymore - not since highschool. now that were all 22 and dont have to show up to the same class i think we literally have nothing to talk about anymore. when they call its almost guaranteed to be about work, boyfriend, or family drama and i dread every phone call now. and the guy friends that i have do have common interests but they're moids through and through and i dont think i can be close to them because of that. does it get better nonnies?
No. 1373649
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I love that triggered and more words are red texted. Along with emoticon, kaomoji and emoji are unofficially banned from this site
No. 1373710
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>>1373708No but I'm getting Saturday AND Sunday off, not due to suicide baiting but due to previously made plans. Wee hee!
No. 1373931
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I wanna kill myself and join my dead best friend
No. 1374008
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>>1373966You know what to do
No. 1374129
>>1374086>>1374111Goddamn that sucks, nona. But hey if you
> never had a crush on him or found him sexyFor the 6 years you guys were together, then it needs to end anyways, and it sounds like you know that. Choose a better scrote next time, to date or cheat with (said with love lol).
No. 1374189
>>1374164Nonna, a woman doesn't need to say a fucking word for you to be able to tell she's not into it, doesn't really want it and is just putting up with it. She doesn't have to "communicate" for that, you can tell when someone isn't giving enthusiastic consent, but is just going through the motions.
>She even said she wasn’t that unhappyYeah because she literally has such low self esteem that she just "puts up with it" and that it supposedly doesn't bother her, even though she's literally having sex when she doesn't actually want to and any normal person would've picked up on that and not have sex with her. They wouldn't allow her to just "put up with it".
>So many of you sound like you’re projecting onto her because you know you’d do the same and coast with randoms for years.I wouldn't sleep with a scrote in the first place, but I do know how to tell a woman isn't in the mood.
>I didn’t even say she’s a bad personDon't backtrack now, you implied it with "this place is just full of retards who whine about how they're bad people". If it's not relevant to her, then why bring it up now huh?
No. 1374197
>>1374189NTA but are you seriously justifying cheating because the other person didn't read unsaid cues that their partner may be not satisfied?? Bizarre
Anyway, cheating is always bad but in OP's case maybe she needed that to realize it's time to leave the relationship. As long as she doesn't lie and stay, she's a good person who did one bad thing.
No. 1374232
>>1374197No I'm not saying that justifies the cheating per se, but my point is that the scrote isn't exactly the uwu
victim in this, since he practically raped her for 6 years.
No. 1374289
>>1374285Okay, but you don't seem to get the point. Do you understand what kind of person you have to be, to go through with that? You have to completely disregard someone's feelings and safety, only caring about getting off yourself. The guy isn't some angel
victim, meanwhile nonna immediately gets stamped as an unrepentant bad person.
No. 1374300
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>>1374295samefag to say being an autist and not being able to read body language, is not an excuse to use someone as a masturbatory sleeve, just because someone said "yes", "it's fine" or is trying to act like they're in a fucking porno. If you're so upset about the word "rape", okay then it's not rape, fine? Is it ethical though? No. Does it make you an asshole to continue the encounter? Yes.
No. 1374304
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>>1374086Oh I also cheated on my bf last night too anon (of 3 months kek).
Except the guy was attractive, took me out to a nice dinner first and paid, had a huge dick, ate my pussy even though I was coming off a period then told me it was delicious, complimented my body, and in general was great company and a cuddler. Went back to back multiple times.
I mean if you're gonna cheat, make it count and make sure it's actually gonna meet a need or desire.
You're not a bad person anon, but you are clearly unhappy–at least in the sense that you are bored or are in some way unfulfilled in your current relationship in spite of what you said.
>inb4 what about you tho anonHaha I admit I don't want to be in a relationship with this moid but it's a free place to stay and he worships me. Not a relationship that will last as he deserves some pickme who will be all in for him.
No. 1374320
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I frequently have daydreams about living in a RV or a tiny house. I would like to have a cat and a dog for protection. We could spend our days traveling around or just living a simple life in the middle in assfuck nowhere. Overall It's not realistic for so, so many reasons and ultimately wouldn't be a fulfilling life for me, but it's nice to daydream about something slow and simple when my real life is hectic.
I also sometimes build RVs and tiny houses in video games.
No. 1374339
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>>1374325>In what games can you build a cute RVI do mine in the Sims with some CC. They're obviously not functional but pretty cute.
No. 1374343
>>1374328>damaged moidHow? Do you think I'm gonna tell him?
And here's a novel take: I still wouldn't be responsible for any man's actions because it's on him to treat women with individual respect and to work on himself.
Way to make women responsible for violent men.
No. 1374346
>>1374329 isn't me and is a schizo moid trying to cause bait replies.
No. 1374348
>>1374343Cheaters get found out vasy majority of the time. It's on him to react like an adult but yes, you cheating on him is damaging him. Just like a moid cheating on a woman is damaging her. We all know how moids get when they feel betrayed, and we all know most of them already hate women anyway. You just happened to give this one a
valid reason. Like I said, I'm torn between congratulating you for exploiting him and hating you for helping to create another incel tier "all wamen r evil" male. Take that ass you may I'm just a random on the internet who doesn't know you.
No. 1374349
>>1373642That's life, anon. Sometimes you grow apart from college/high school friends. Pop culture likes to tell you tell the friends you make in highschool/college will be friends for life, but that's so not case.
You just need to make new friends. Start with going to groups about the things you like to do.
No. 1374355
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>>1374339Samefag but I don't know, tiny house and RV bathrooms don't seem to bad if you live alone. They're obviously cramped but I feel like it could work. I feel like it would work even better if it's a wet bathroom instead of one with a full shower.
No. 1374358
>>1374330>>1374328>women are at fault for why men are horrible to womenNope. Why aren't you going to men with your "every action has a reaction" while they fuck over women who've been nothing but good to them? Oh right, it's easier for you both to sit inside and preach onto other women than put yourselves in legitimate harm's way or arguing in futility online by telling men that they are wrong in their spaces! Real empowerment stuff there, boss babes.
>>1374329Not OP, some weirdo larping.
>>1374341>let him know you cheated if he is an actual nice person and you care about him so he can grieve properly and probably will be easier for him to forget youBecause that worked for you, right? Clearly not. Bad advice.
If you care about someone you're not going to cause them mental damage by admitting you did something fucked to them. You're going to come up with some bs "it's not you, it's me" reason and allow that person to grieve the ending of a normal relationship.
A non-BPD person will naturally get over an ended relationship with time.
>>1374354Please stop larping as OP, I wasn't even drunk lmao.
>>1374347Actually the guy is someone I met off Tinder and has 0% chance of finding out or coming across my bf.
>>1374348>cheaters get found out all the time, right guys?Nope. Cheaters get away with a lot of shit.
>you're damaging himNah, especially if he never finds out.
No. 1374360
>>1374051> its entirely my own faultIt's not your fault. You didn't anticipate this dude being a complete creep.
Try to do a slow fade on him.
If your boss/manager is cool, talk to them about this. Does your company have an HR dept where you can put in an anonymous complaint? Put in a complaint.
If he says anything creepy in a channel with others, screenshot it, remove the exif data and email from an anon email address to his manager, his managers and HR outlining his inappropriate behavior. It's best to wait until you have several examples.
No. 1374372
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Wasting large chunks of your life with scrotes who don’t satisfy you sexually and are generally just taking up space so you don’t have to be alone seems way more like being a pickme handmaiden than just getting the courage to leave a relationship that you’re obviously not satisfied with but okay.
No. 1374398
>>1374396So if I commit a crime, I have betrayed the trust of my society and I'm just playing pretend at being a citizen? There's no hope for me ever learning from my ways and rehabilitating, and I should just go into exile?
I'm not saying it wasn't a dumb mistake, but I feel like you're blowing it out of proportion.
No. 1374399
>>1374395She also said she feels sex is a chore like washing the dishes, so I have a feeling OP's view of sex is affected by past experiences and she probably doesn't realize how much she's harming herself. She also still doesn't seem to understand what kind of person you have to be, to be okay with sex being a chore for someone
I thought we were against sex work?.
No. 1374425
>>1374320I find tiny houses like this really cute, though you either have to keep moving for legal reasons or park it in someone's yard/property with their permission.
But the all-in-one layout with a second floor is so cute to me
No. 1374438
>>1374420Maybe this could be something that would work as a catalyst for an open conversation about attraction? Maybe something can be done about that? While I struggle to believe in it personally, there are cases in which such situation would be a catalyst for a positive change as it helps identifying and addressing the issues
>who seethes this much about "women cheating" besides scrotes?Trauma of being cheated on is pretty much enough to hate every cheater regardless of gender, you wouldn't be so quick to applaud women cheaters if you went through it. Inb4 you claim you are to prove your point
No. 1374465
>>1374459She should do this but she won't, she's content with her little arrangement. Hopefully one day she wakes up and realizes that you're meant to
enjoy sex with your partner. I was also in her position so I feel bad but still. At what point does your sanity matter more than the benefits?
No. 1374474
>>1374467Are you really going to cry over one space? Really? Does my double spacing reddit speak offend you? You should report my posts because I indented the beginning of my paragraph. Wow, this is literally the worst thing to happen to lolcow, weird formatting in a post.
This is the worst thing ever holy shit how will I ever recover? Some random off a Vietnamese basket weaving forum is offended by the format of my post wowowow.
ill take my ban No. 1374476
>>1374447I personally will never have a scrote, because I'm not attracted to them, so generally it's pretty difficult for me to give a fuck about what other women decide to do to them in a relationship. I've been the person who was cheated with and usually it doesn't come out of nowhere. They might love them, but not in that way (anymore) after years of neglect and they don't want to separate for whatever reason. Women are often economically dependent on men or even have kids with them, making it not an easy decision to leave. In the end it's a relationship where both people are doing bad things and 9/10 times after finally splitting, they find out the reason he was so neglectful was because he was cheating himself. I really can't view it in such a black and white situation like you do, but I've never been cheated on afaik.
>>1374474it makes you too recognizable
No. 1374491
>>1374483>having sex when you don’t want to is damaging.No, that was my point. You came in trying to act like this was normal
>>1374481 and tbh when you say things like that you ARE arguing for having sex when you don't want to, just in a different way.
No. 1374515
>>1374507nta but describing it as akin to doing her "least favorite chore" the dishes, or forcing yourself to eat healthy food, calling it "middling to good" uh
YOLO she needs to find someone she enjoys fucking. Getting bored after a month isn't normal either (unless you break up as soon as you get bored)
Why do women force themselves to be men's free prostitutes in 2022? I'm sure you all have jobs and are self sustaining, you aren't forced to be there like you might be in 1911, so you're just giving pity sex to men for years for ?? reasons??
No. 1374538
>>1374363It might be sealed with some sort of resin or epoxy. I've definitely put my ass on way worse things to shit tho so idk wooden toilet seat in a clean looking room isn't too bad.
Toilets aside my confession is I am terrified and anxious my ex is going to try and ruin my new relationship, even though it's been around eight months of radio silence. We're both grown ass adults and I haven't reached out to him and haven't spoken bad on him, the relationship ended but not particularly messily, we were just bored, and honestly I just didn't like the person I came to know…for months before the breakup. I finally got the balls to end things.
now I'm in a new fling and it's exciting, and fun, and everything the last one wasn't. However I just have this creeping anxiety that XYZ might happen and he'll try to do some weird shit like talk to the new partner, despite me not making it (this relationship) known to anyone.
I hate anxiety and rumination…. every time I think about something my brain cycles to that and I start googling things, paranoia overtakes my ability to rest of relax or enjoy things.
No. 1374631
>>1374565I find flights really relaxing, you get to see the pretty sky and clouds, and a bit of where you're taking off from/landing from the sky, plus safety wise it's safer than being in a car.
Aside from pilots obviously being highly trained, even the hostesses are highly trained in safety (I looked into being a hostess before and did all the research, they are mostly there to look after you)
Plus, a major part of the safety training is learning how to emergency land safely and help the passengers out, so even in the very rare chance of that happening, the whole setup is geared towards your safety and helping you.
I hope you have a nice flight and get some sleep in if it's a long one!
No. 1374645
>>1374643Imo, she just says anything to push people's buttons. nicki herself has said the exact sentiments about hair texture in her songs so of course she would be
triggered if somebody told her she needed a perm. Tbh, i have no idea what azealia banks believes, I just think she likes making people upset whenever she feels like it and has no filter.
No. 1374690
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>>1374653People like AB because she has a genuinely funny way of talking shit and occasionally makes a good call (I've never seen the broken clock analogy used so often for one person). I don't think anyone respects her penchant for drama or agree with much of what she says, she's just entertaining. Posting my fav AB insults.
No. 1374767
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I hate my how my sister's kids mess up and clutter everything they go near. Can't avoid it because we live in the same house. They made clay dolls and left them on the counter for days, if I go to move it she'll put it back and complain. I want to throw out those stupid rotting pumpkins so bad. I don't want your play kitchen in the living room, crayon lines all over the floor. I can't decorate because they knock shit over all the time. I like their dad but hate when he invades my floor with his maleness. They all just go on their phones and tablets and TV while in the same room. When I force family to finally deep clean another room so we can actually use it, they'll invade it with clutter and noise too. There's no use saving for an apartment here, I don't know if I'll ever have one or a house in my own name when I don't even have a job anymore.
No. 1374774
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>>1374767Why does this look like Bloodle
No. 1374840
>>1374837OOOOOOHHH sorry I thought it was from a game or something. I like this
nonny's OC and think he would be very popular with the youngins today
No. 1374922
>>1374335anon, I'll give you my 2 cents as a serial cheater of moids
Sexual compatibility is really something you can't ignore. Even if he's perfect in every other way there'll still be that missing element that's going to itch at you until that itch is scratched.
I've only told one ex what I did, and that was because I both loved him and wanted to continue the relationship. Every other bf I've just broken it off, as doing what I did signalled that I shouldn't continue the relationship when there's an obvious element missing. If you keep the relationship going knowing what you've done, it will eat away at you. And it'll blow up in a way you don't want to happen, and don't expect. Even worse if someone finds out and tells your bf for you.
Also trying to birth an open relationship out of infidelity NEVER works. And I mean never, you're just creating this opening out of a lie.
You're better off telling him, or breaking it off all together.
No. 1375043
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I know there is at least one other anon from my city and sometimes I imagine that she’s my elementary school best friend who I miss.
No. 1375366
>>1375361As a couple we suck. We couldn't have a life project in common. And we fought a lot. The last months of our relationship we didnt had sex and despise each other.
I dont have romantic or sexual feelings and neither he does.
And I love my bf and I see in him a husband and a father
No. 1375370
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I just woke up from a sitcom tier plot dream where I found out my ex had an identical twin brother who had the same long hair before my ex cut it and was emotionally available.
No. 1375495
>>1374877its just a thing from a nightmare anon attempted to recreate
i love him
No. 1375659
>>1375516slightly related to your post, i love seeing people seethe at old posts. anons trying to get the last word against an anon from 2 weeks ago because their autism rage was
triggered is very funny to me. the milkiest cows lurk amongst us.
No. 1375773
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>>1370533Thinking about magic mushrooms. I heard it works well for people with depression
No. 1375823
>>1375777Depends on the dose. For depression its a microdose that doesn't
trigger a psychedelic journey
No. 1375918
>>1364977Recently fell in love with a millionaire 20 years older but I have a bf of a decade that's supported me.
No. 1376003
File: 1665891002142.jpg (53.65 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.3482080511_7hq6.jpg)

>2 yrs ago
>loser ex bf gifts me gold necklace with opal pendant
>after breakup still wear it
>fast forward today find new hot cute guy
> he says "your necklace is pretty"
>"thank you"
>wear it again next date
>"I really like your necklace where did you get it from?"
>"It's from etsy"
What he doesn't know will never hurt him
No. 1376046
>>1376003> he says "your necklace is pretty"..
>"I really like your necklace where did you get it from?"Dude really likes that necklace.
No. 1376061
>>1375918 >20 years olderAt best he's emotionally stunted and at worse he's
abusive but has money and superficial charm. Thats the reality of men who date women 20 years their junior.
No. 1376113
>>1375408>I want writing jobs so badly, but I don't have the connections or reach.My sympathies. It really sucks when it's external bs that's keeping you from your goals.
If you want, some advice. there are two ways to get into the writing world:
1) take a class/retreat offered by who already in there and have influence. If you can get there support, you're golden. But it costs money.
2) Hang around writers who are already in and have influence. Visit their twitter, youtube channels, blogs, listen to their podcasts etc, and consistently make good comments, ask good questions to get their attention. I know two people who got recommended to a agent/publisher based on getting in with an author via interacting with them on social media.
If you are talking freelance, same deal. Take a class by or try to get in with an established freelancer.
Good luck. I wish you the best.
No. 1376116
Forgot, for option two, you have to have your own site that showcases your writing so people can check it out.
No. 1376149
>>1376123ayrt, I understand where you're coming from but I feel like at a certain point the whole "uwu sorry I forgot to respond to you" thing isn't funny or cute. She's almost thirty. I've seen her be mature and capable before but I feel like she's gone backwards since getting a tiktok and reddit posting. It's definitely easier to talk to strangers online about personal things (anonymity helps), but the way she presents herself online combined with being unable to maintain interpersonal relationships offline is frustrating. I probably sound like I'm being really harsh here but I would 100% never tell her this (or anyone in our friendship group) irl. I just want to see her do well.
>>1376108Reddit is an internet validation machine.
No. 1376664
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>I have always been against transracial people and I have seen several other trans people who are too.
>I have seen several other trans people who are too.
No. 1376783
>>1376772Wtf is wrong with you don't fucking drive drunk the first accident you were lucky that you're alive. You are going kill someone or yourself.
Tell your boyfriend to uber.
No. 1376793
>>1376777>>1376780>>1376781>>1376783>>1376784Thank you for knocking sense into me!!!!!!!! With all the sincerity at the bottom of my heart!!! I just ordered him an uber and texted him.
As much as I deserve this, I don't want to dwell on this. I think I desperately need help and it's definetly going to be a talk with my bf when he gets home.
No. 1376805
>>1376793Nonny, for the love of god, please get your shit together. I hate shitty drivers, i don't care what they drive, car, van, motorcycle, anything. Impacting other's lives with your shitty driving is the worst thing you can do. I got hit by an idiot who tried running away from the scene, and while he spent his time bribing the judge and pretending to be a
victim, i spent 6 months in a hospital learning how to walk again, finding out I've got a permanently damaged nervous system and I barely survived. And that's the smallest thing that happened to me.
in the end we won because we went to a govt to complain, but my mother took all of the money, claiming that she would spend them on my uni but in the end she spent all of this money on herself, and when i graduated HS she just gave me 10$ and told to try finding a uni myself with this money. No. 1377046
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Took a dump and now my ass hurts
No. 1377108
I'm bi but for some reason terrified of/terrible at talking to other women in a flirty/romantic context because even if I know they're bisexual or lesbian, I'm still just like, "Girl, are you trying to be BFFs or FB's?" IDK, I just get all flustered and it's so stupid, I'm a grown-assed woman but I feel like a schoolgirl with her first crush whenever I have to interact with a woman I find attractive.
Men are all idiots so I rarely get anxious when it comes to impressing them because they all fall for the same shit and most men will fuck anything that moves. I'm not some goddess, but for the area I live in, I'm a 10 (healthy BMI, hella long hair, big boobs, completely average face…where I'm from, that means men don't turn you down, lol). But I hate men as a species–they either support legislating my uterus, or they're pro-choice AND pro-tranny. Women should run the world and I am a unrepentant misandrist. Literally 100% of the world's problems are the result of the decisions of men.
My current relationship is a mess, I am the only one who works, pays bills, or does housework, because he has a sleep disorder. He verbally abuses me constantly, even while I'm working (I work from home–both a blessing and a curse). But he's the only guy I know who sees through the troon bullshit, and I've peaked so hard I'm at the point I don't think I could ever date a troon supporter ever again, I'd be hiding my true feelings and dating some hypocrite who will probably roast Rachel Dolezal and then in the same breath, celebrate Caitlin Jenner for being 'her' "true self."
I am 0% joking when I say I wish I could just date a male android. I know how retarded that sounds but the idea of an attractive, male-shaped thing who is equipped with critical thinking abilities capable of:
1. Identifying shit like troon worship for the illogical, disgusting BS it is.
2. Following orders.
3. Giving good head and knowing how to bring a woman to orgasm during intercourse.
I realize I sound like an incel who needs a RealDoll or something, but I don't want some mindless slave, and tbh I don't feel like the above requirements are too much to ask but at this point I have no faith in men's ability to meet them. I just want a man who isn't retarded. Like can someone just transplant a female brain into a hot guy so I can suck a dick that's actually connected to something that's capable of both logic and empathy?
No. 1377147
>>1377140 Good for you nonnaschenka. fuck that guy.
>>1377142 Any female openly defying the tranny agenda is based.
No. 1377263
>>1377260the whole concept of troonism is mysogynist and has only helps to perpetuate gender stereotypes and steal women's apportunities. So yes, you are either a
TERF or a handmaiden. There are no good troons. Where do all these newfags come from?
No. 1377361
>>1377315 Good for you! I find smut written by women does far more for me than any porn ever did.
>>1377328 Exactly, which is why male androids programmed by female developers are the only answer for us ladies who are cursed with an attraction to men. I'm bi, wish I was just straight-up lesbian, but like, I really struggle talking to other girls. I've slept with a handful of women but I just get so nervous around them and I'm still pretty inexperienced with women sexually. I worry if I got with another girl she's think I was trying to be a pillow princess when in reality I'm just scared and don't know wtf I'm doing when interacting with girls I'm attracted to.
I either need a man-droid or an experienced woman who will like, help ease me into things.
No. 1377402
>>1377108>terrified of/terrible at talking to other women in a flirty/romantic contextUnderstandable. Most women are hyperexposed to het relationship dynamics our whole lives and whatever wlw media we had access to are fetishizing and unrealistic. Most of us don’t know how to act because the only socialization we get with other women is platonic at best and
toxic at worst. This is how comphet happens, very relatable, you’re not alone.
>My current relationship is a messLeave.
>But he's the only guy I know who sees through the troon bullshitLike you said, men are idiots. Actually most men have no critical thinking skills, they are easily influenced. It has been pretty easy for me to get leftist scrotes to agree with me on multiple talking points, or at least plant the seeds in their heads. Appeal to a moid’s desire to view himself as “logical” and “scientific” and “non-reactionary” (whatever the fuck that means). Especially if a moid simps for you, trust that he READILY switches sides kek.
>I just want a man who isn’t retardedI shit on men all day. But I’ll say that truly non-retarded men are easy to spot because they are the ones willing to listen to you. These men just have massive blind spots from male privilege that they need to be pointed out for them. Once you get him to see that you’re right on one thing, he becomes more eager to hear your opinions on everything else. Men are desperate to feel like they’re on YOUR level.
No. 1377489
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It's weird it took so long for me to notice but I realize I am not really attracted to men and some sort of emotional defect inside me made me assume I'm into men without actually feeling anything, kek. I kind of feel something for fictional characters, but that's the most of it.
I don't know how I should feel about this other than maybe both ashamed and relieved? On one hand, it makes me feel like there's something missing inside me. On the other hand, I keep on hearing so many horror stories about "normal" men that I am kind of relieved I don't have to deal with it in order to satisfy some love-demon inside me.
No. 1377563
I don’t take care of myself (appearance wise) at all. Just take a shower in the morning, brush my hair and put on whatever clothes are clean. No hairstyle, no skincare, no sunscreen, no makeup, no nothing. Sometimes I tend to miss important events just because they require prepping up and dressing up beforehand. Even most men I know take better care of themselves, at least they get new hairstyles from time to time, get new clothes, etc… I wish I did, but I find myself so ugly that it’s hard to even look in the mirror, so I barely do. Because of that I sometimes start forgetting what my face and body look like. In my head, I imagine myself as a completely different person. And I feel like my real appearance is so ugly I don’t deserve to put on makeup or dress nicely. I even feel weird and anxious if I ever try to do so. I never spoke about this to anyone because I know it’s awkward when an ugly person talks about how ugly they are. But honestly I’m tired of living this way.
No. 1377581
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It's kind of silly but I really believe I can communicate with all sorts of living things. I often help bugs by moving them to more favorable places or giving them food or water, and bugs are pretty much just little robots, but I think they understand I am helping them so they will cooperate and not sting me. I have "conversations" with birds and befriend them a lot. The pigeons at my university would even let me pet them. Wouldn't even need to give them french fries, I'd just go outside and my 2 favorite pigeons would hang out with me. Field mice will come eat out of my hand and chill with me. It feels like cats basically send me telepathic messages letting me know exactly what they want, but it's probably just that they have very straightforward body language. I've never been poisoned by a plant when out in nature and I think it's because I always say 'excuse me' when passing through the brush. The people I've hiked with will look at me like I'm crazy, but I'm not the one coming out of the woods with blistered skin. I do not understand dogs. I do love them though. Obviously I struggle to communicate with humans and I come across as very strange. No, I have not contracted any zoonotic diseases from petting wild animals. And yes, I have been diagnosed with autism.
No. 1377582
>>1377563It's funny how we're both very alike, but also extremely different. I do the same as you. I take a shower, brush my teeth and then go about my day. Not because I feel too ugly to use makeup or dress nicely, but because I couldn't give more of a damn if someone doesn't like my appearance because it's not important to me. I'm happy as I am.
We don't owe anyone being beautiful. As long as you smell alright and don't have bad breath, who cares? You're so close to total freedom to be just you as you are. Not giving a damn is an amazing feeling.
No. 1377683
>>1377108>My current relationship is a mess, I am the only one who works, pays bills, or does housework, because he has a sleep disorder. He verbally abuses me constantly, even while I'm working (I work from home–both a blessing and a curse).Are you really so afraid to be alone that you are going to stay with an
abusive asshole? Really? Girl, get some self-esteem.
No. 1377762
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>>1377714that's literally just kugel
No. 1377810
>>1377789That’s a W
>>1377767Same but if I may suggest, let’s just stay alive to shitpost and take up space
No. 1377879
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I like british people
No. 1377915
>>1377895Similar thing happened in my childhood so you're not alone anon.
I hate how this kind of shit is apparently so common to a lot of young girls who grew up with brothers. I genuinely think moids are just born evil or something. If I ever have a child I will abort all male fetuses or at least never have a female or male child together.
No. 1377972
>>1377402>very relatable, you’re not alone.I needed to hear this. Thank you, nonnita.
>Leave.I know. There are some complications. I know everyone says that but I can't drive and live in an area with little public transport. Trying to save up for a car and then some driving lessons but idk, it's a mess. I know he's a POS and I need to leave though. Working on a plan.
>Especially if a moid simps for you, trust that he READILY switches sides kek. …you're right, actually…I've peaked a few platonic male friends quite easily. I'm just worried about it getting out and me losing my job
(I don't work with these dudes IRL and they're not in the cancel culture social sphere). I'm not a "public figure" so to speak, but I work in a "woke" workplace and would have my life ruined by the online TRA brigade, so I'm hesitant to even try and plant the seeds with men I'm interested in or or people in my social circle. You make excellent points though and I appreciate and agree with your advice.
>Men are desperate to feel like they’re on YOUR level.Yep, dunno who you are but I think I love you. You are so right about all of this. Thanks for restoring my confidence, nonna.
>>1377683>Really? Girl, get some self-esteem.Working on it. I have a reeeeeally small family and no real support network. I was surrounded by people who were really overprotective of him for a while and pretty much terrorized me. I'm in therapy for it and working on an escape plan, but you're right. It's hard having no car and no way to get away from his anger. He's not violent but very verbally
abusive and manipulative.
>>1377854 You have given me hope. Thanks to all of you, sorry for blogposting I'm just having a crisis on multiple levels lol. Also, I need to get laid and become capable of rational thought again but he doesn't deserve to fuck me so idk
>>1377876 NVM, cryogenically freezing myself until I can buy a man-droid or work up the courage to speak to a woman. This thread was a wild ride.
No. 1377998
>>1377989>We're responsible for our actions but our thoughts come and are fleeting.i appreciate your response and i guess this is what a lot of more normal people need to hear when they get spooked by occasional dark "intrusive thoughts" and need to be reassured that they don't make them a bad person. Unfortunately I am not one of those people. My thoughts are not intrusive and I don't dislike them. In fact they're deeply comforting in a way nothing else is. I am not upset by the content of my thoughts, I'm upset at what it means for my future and the people who know me.
>>1377990Exactly. And I'm sort of in a weird place where I want to be normal and i want to not have to deal with this, but I also truly believe in my thoughts and do not want to be dissuaded from them. I also don't think a therapist could change my thinking. I went to therapy in the past for years for different stuff when i was just a normal depressed teen, and all of the therapists' attempts to create new ways of thinking for me failed horribly because I always thought the new ways of thinking were stupid and were just methods to dance around the hard things in life and live like a blind idiot.
No. 1378007
>>1377998>In fact they're deeply comforting in a way nothing else is. I am not upset by the content of my thoughts, I'm upset at what it means for my future and the people who know me.exactly, the visualization calms me down, it's like a hunger, a starvation of so long and I'm trying to think about it like a hungry person thinks about their favorite meal they're having later. With me it's also bc I feel robbed of the opportunity when I could've gotten away with it and have ever since wondered what if. Now if I'd do it, there would be massive consequences also to the people around me, even though I did try to isolate myself.
>I also don't think a therapist could change my thinking.There's no therapy for this bc usually it's a scrote thing and they don't seek therapy. Everything we know about this stufg comes from you know where and that place isn't about helping any of us, just "monster" containment. They don't give a shit until you succeed, you're just told you're edgy or assumed it's natural or you're a heckin woman and couldn't even hurt a fly with your womanly delicate hands. They just think with enough affirmations, mental gymnastics and ignoring the worst trauma bc uwu we only know what to do with the typical shit and dgaf about the really bad shit, you'll just fall in line and function just like everyone else. What if the socialization never stuck or even happened though, what if you're feral?
No. 1378017
>>1378007It seems like we are similar in many ways. I also have described the feeling of comfort with the same hunger/favorite meal metaphor in the past. I'm curious, do your visualizations end with your own death? For me it's my favorite part. The fantasy for me is about getting to let go of all the things holding me back and doing what I feel needs to be done in one final moment before I get to die.
It's funny, earlier this week I was thinking about how dumb it is that people get mad when criminals only get life in prison and not the death penalty. For certain criminals I am absolutely sure that being kept alive in prison is the worst outcome for them. If you do that sort of thing you have a death wish and going through all of it without getting to die is like a sneeze that never comes. I'm actually happy when the criminals i hate the most get life instead of death because I know it's not what they want, kek.
>usually it's a scrote thing… Everything we know about this stuff comes from you know whereI actually don't know where, I've never actually interacted online about this before. But I'm not really interested in knowing anyway, for the reasons you say. I can't relate to any of the scrotes because they always have retarded incel reasoning. I think they're really pathetic and disgusting and I don't want to be around them or associated with them.
No. 1378026
>>1378017>I'm curious, do your visualizations end with your own death? Oh no the monster bin is actually starting to look appealing. Floor heating, being allowed to cook for yourself, lots of hobbies, you can study for free in there, PS5, free gym, the cells look better than my place, I could get a gf in there who is equally unhinged, could always end things later. The monster bin used to be my only real deterrence, but it's actually starting to look nicer than the outside.
>I actually don't know whereprison, the only place you can get "therapy" for such things which is based on scrote pathology>I can't relate to any of the scrotes because they always have retarded incel reasoning. I can only relate in the sense that I am too a failed abortion like them, but a quite literal one and if scrotes didn't exist I'd be the equivalent of one bc I wasn't properly socialized due to the situation around me while growing up. I fear my unhinged hatred of scrotes is in a sense a cope I cling to, something worse than me I can shit on. I'm probably no better than any scrote who also has mommy issues, but instead of targetting my anger to women, it's always been towards scrotes. I was so happy when I heard of rf bc I thought I was alone in my misandry, but my levels of unhinged aren't normal.
No. 1378030
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I still consider myself bisexual as I am attracted to women but Im only really interested in settling down with a moid so I don’t think I’ll ever “come out”.
No. 1378042
>>1378027I guess, though I've also heard the perspective that it almost makes me worse. Yeah had I been xy I'd be an Eliott Rodger type probably, but instead I'm self aware, should know better, but still want to do it desperately. Nvm that it's understandable 99.99% women wouldn't find me trustworthy if they'd know. In my brain it has always made sense, the distinction, which to hate and which to love. Or almost more in the sense of a mosquito vs a cat, that is how clear the difference is to me. However they're still technically human and what does it say about me that I'm capable of such things? Not just thinking about it, but going through with it with no hesitation once the decision is made, having no mercy, ignoring whatever cries of pain or even enjoying them until pulled away and restrained (I am speaking of things which have legally expired). I feel like doing it and going to the monster bin would be the best compromise, bc I have 0 interest in suicide, but I don't think regular women deserve to deal with me and I don't want to be living in isolation forever.
No. 1378065
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>>1378051at least mindless animals have a certain innocence to them or a place in the ecosystem. I've never been the type to first experiment on animals to then graduate to humans, to me scrotes have always been below animals, went straight for them. I guess women just have super high standards and expectations for other women, expect us to be civilized, graceful, merciful, patient, let the scrotes end up killing themselves. Meanwhile had I been a scrote I would've been coddled to death instead of having to keep everything to myself bc muh decorum. Thank you for talking to me while I'm being self absorbed kek
No. 1378288
>>1378042 Nonnie, I'm "hate men so much I wish androids were a thing because U'd rather date an artificial man than a real one" anon from upthread. I have a question–have you ever read the S.C.U.M. Manifesto by Valerie Solanas? It's a brilliant piece of work, and you may be surprised that you are not alone in your rage. As for other women, idk about the rest of us, but I'd rather chill with a man-hating woman than any scrote.
That said, don't do anything stupid. That's letting them win. Don't ruin your life because moids have made the world a better place. Focus on trying to build a life you can be happy living.
>>1378071 It goes back to the comphet thing too though. I think bisexual women get a lot of bullshit (even from other women) for being "indecisive" or whatever, but the reality is I can choose a male partner and suffer inside because he's an asshole but no one gives you shit about the relationship itself, or be with a woman and deal with homophonbia, biphobia, and the fact that I've had far fewer chances to experience romance with women than I have with men, and am thus inexperienced and terrified. Then you have the people pushing us to "just say you're pan because bisexual implies there are only two genders" bullshit coming at you, sometimes from within your own social circle.
>>1378285 Good for you
nonnie. Also, ow.
No. 1378358
>>1377895> I cant tell anyone about thisCall a rape hotline, 1-800-656-4673 if in US. They were created exactly for people in your situation.
> he’s a nice man with good things going for him and I genuinely believe he was just being a stupid horny teenager (he was like 14?) it ruined my life but I don’t want to ruin him. Your family would probably side with him so i wouldn't tell them either, but, what happens to him should not even be last on your "Things I Might One Day Care About" list. I will never understand how women delude themselves into thinking it's bad to ruin a rapists life and get so trapped into being sympathetic to men that they feel bad if something bad happens to for their rapists for raping them.
No. 1378606
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Weed is illegal where I live and I'm unable to talk to my contact so I'm actually considering doing nutmeg out of sheer desperation because I'm currently going through the worst time in my life kek
No. 1378678
>>1378606Quite enjoy me a cheeky bit of nutmeg actually xx
Two nuts that I can crush with my alpha female gnashers and a good square of cheese (fats go with meg), lift weights or do some cardio on the comeup so you can feel extra glowy. It may help to crush them in a pestle and mortar first. It can totally be an enjoyable experience. Stay hydrated and make sure you don't have much to do that day.
No. 1378960
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>>1378675>>1378797>>1378852Like minded nonnies, I ♥ you!
the heart symbol does make me hesitant when on mobile since it is coloured compared to desktop There has been a increase of newfags that just don´t want to integrate which I hate
No. 1378969
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>>1378675>>1378797>>1378852>>1378960No!!! I’m not a newfag I just love emoticons. I try not to use them but spoiler them if I do.
No. 1378977
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Ew no, emojis are hideous.
No. 1378985
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>>1378982this is me too. I sometimes go on LC on reporting spree if I see shit that breaks the rules
>picrel, me No. 1379019
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I love emojis they describe how I feel everytime. Sometimes smiles are worth more than words
No. 1379054
It doesn't make any sense since I really love him, but sometimes I'm concerned I'm not fully physically attracted to my boyfriend. He isn't ugly whatsoever and he has amazing features. I'm definitely not not attracted to him, as I've been appalled by a boyfriend before and know very well what it feels like. But I often do find myself holding onto the idea that if he changed certain things about himself and his lifestyle, I'd like him more. I just don't feel fair pressuring him into this if I can't maintain those lifestyle changes myself. I can only demand it of him once I am at that stage. So for now, I don't push him. I also don't know what is going on, but I haven't been very attracted to how he is in the bedroom the past week or so. He performs great, I just want more of the foreplay I like. I keep trying to explain to him what it is I like and he really does his best, but it just doesn't work. I also don't want to be mean to him but I also don't want to inflate his ego … like about his body… I keep telling him: "no, you aren't buff… You're not muscular, sorry… It's just the truth… And your ribs are somewhat misaligned… You should fix it… Like I should fix some of my things…" It's difficult and confusing… Part of it is patience, but the other part..? Gosh I just don't know. More patience, I guess
No. 1379068
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>>1379060>medical workers are mean to me>service workers are mean to me>government workers are mean to me>management at my job is mean to mesavior my complex by sucking my ass bitch its 2022 and no one wants to work with the public (you)
No. 1379077
>>1379068I am a service worker and asked for the bare minimum while stuck in the hospital. Toilet paper, my 2 pills for the day, the door closed when they would leave, and my toilet dumped because I had so many wires while stuck in my hospital bed I couldnt do those things on my own. The chords weren't long enough to let me. Most of the nurses were still rude about it all. You can keep sperging but I'm not the only anon to complain about shit nurses when you can't magically heal yourself to not be in a hospital.
>>1379075They know they wouldnt make it through full med school to be a doctor but they want a title close to it or they're just doing it for the money and benefits. Which fair enough but your whole job is now working with people through some of the worst moments of their life or even death. Know what you signed up for.
No. 1379078
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>>1379065I do this too with made up story characters I wrote. Most the times it's romance between two characters. I personally think my self esteem can't imagine myself being loved and happy by a man. Especially an idealized male that's my type.
No. 1379090
>>1379077Idk, when I was 13 my mom was in the hospital when she got an infection in her organ and something went horribly wrong with the mechanisms on her bed and she was in horrible pain from the position. She couldn't move. In the other room her nurse - it wasn't breaktime - was just laughing and talking on the phone. I had to beg her to help my mom - in which she refused and said she was talking to her boyfriend - and then I…the most insecure little dumbass ever…had to go speak to more staff and get them to help my mom. I was so frustrated. So. I have my beef with medical staff.
Still, what is with all the "savior complex" pathologizing? It's an extremely specific diagnosis and to this day in my experiences in the hospital I've mostly run into mild-mannered or distant nurses with the worst one probably being that one really bad one. Is "savior complex" being used like how BPD is pinned on random women in order to police them over mostly irrelevant wrongs?
Like for example just saw
>>1379088 bring up BPD after I typed that out. Kek…
No. 1379101
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i love my girlies even though they can't tell the difference between standing up for yourself and others and being labeled as a bitch/mean vs. intentionally neglecting ill patients for the incompetence/fun of it. talk about my education being lesser all you want but i suggest some of you benefit from some community college classes or like. DBT. pell grants yknow? they're up for the taking. so is medicaid so you can get that PHD graduate to tell you that you gotta shower more than once a week.
No. 1379133
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>yet another confession thread turned into venting/unpopular opinions
>I eat my discharge (especially the globs during ovulation) and my earwax.
>I once blackmailed a scrote for $2000 and spent it all on makeup.
>I secretly wish my grandpa would die, once he became really old he turned into a rude autistic cunt.
>I have never washed my sex toys (1000 layers of cum)
>I want to fuck IShowSpeed
>I don't wash my feet
>I sometimes look at teenage boys for too long
>I hold "speeches" in the mirror every day, if I look extra hot and sexy I'll do it for 1 hour+ and sometimes record them (I have speeches/rants even from 2017)
>Sometimes I secretly think I'm one of the hottest people ever
>Before I jill off I sometimes place a large mirror on my bed, wear lingerie and dance around like a tranny thinking about how sexy I look and that every male on this earth wants me
>I once ERPed with a middle aged lady, it was disgusting, I just wanted attention
>I hold my breath when I walk past fatties and Down syndromes
>When someone disagrees with me I feel like they should die
Let's go nonnas speak tf up!!!
No. 1379231
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>>1379182This is me too tbh I'm nasty as fuck but I don't really have BO unless I started or something you won't smell me
No. 1379238
>>1379231My phone won't let me spell sharted
And I'm not deleting and reposting because no matter how fast I do it that one snarky bitch will appear and say "huehuehue why did you post it twice?????"
No. 1379249
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>>I feel guilty when I masterbate
>>I feel bad for talking shit about cows, no i'm not going to stop but I feel bad. Felt myself getting bad about talking about Shayna, maybe I'm getting soft.
>>I'm musty right now but i'm going to take a shower soon.
No. 1379254
>>1378351 …so stop chasing all the shit you just said you hated then? What are your interests and hobbies? This whole "I feel nothing" thing is your brain's reaction to a fucked-up upbringing. Hate men all you want, high five there, but stop leaning in to your mental illness. Stop hyperfocusing on it if you can by finding ways to distract yourself that are meaningful. I'm gonna stfu now because I suck at helping people who are hell-bent on self-destruction woe-is-me shit, even when I understand why. No offense nonnie. I'm just saying give it 5 years and get back to us.>>1378360 You're sweet. Still, thanks for kicking my ass into gear. Part of me's afraid I can't hack it alone because of the no car/public transit thing. I'm trying to save money but there's always some crisis–his dog is sick, there's a hidden bill with both our names on it and suddenly I need to pull $500 out of my ass or our electricity gets shut off, etc. I've taken over all bill-paying now so that doesn't happen again but it's just one mess after another, y'know? I gotta gtfo.
>>1378597 Same. Like so many things that were once confusing just made sense. Men are trash, the end. It really is that simple. You can date one or fuck one or even love one and still acknowledge this fact. It's cathartic.
>>1378606 As someone who tried this once, I pray you didn't kek
>>1378974 As much as I support the anti-emoticon nonnies, this is hilarious and so satisfying to look at.
>>1379029 the chaotic nature of this post gives me life. idk what's up with this thread but I'm vibin.
>>1379065 You're fine
nonnie, we were just talking about how I'd rather fuck a kind, innocent android than my man. TBH I'd rather masturbate to fantasies of a nice mandroid than fuck my man, how fucked up is that? At least you're not thirsting over your imaginary man (unless you are, in which case get it girrrrl).
>>1379078 ending this long-ass post here but when are we starting a "fictional bfs are better than actual men" club lmao
No. 1379258
>>1379099 I love this.
>>1379138 How the fuck have i never thought of this
>>1379243 exactly. Men smell disgusting, they're also obsessed with smelling women but also negging us about it. Again, they are a useless species
No. 1379299
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>>1379254>>1379258anon i am BEGGING you, on my knees bleeding and crying, to please use the spacebar. i can't take it anymore.
No. 1379348
>>1379347What kind of moid logic is this? The mental effects of an
abusive relationship still effects you regardless of if you're broke or rich. At the end of the day we're all people and money can't fix everything
No. 1379533
>>1379054> He performs great, I just want more of the foreplay I like. I keep trying to explain to him what it is I like and he really does his best, but it just doesn't work. I also don't want to be mean to him but I also don't want to inflate his ego … like about his body… I keep telling him: "no, you aren't buff… You're not muscular, sorry… It's just the truth… And your ribs are somewhat misaligned… You should fix it… Like I should fix some of my things…" It's difficult and confusing… Part of it is patience, but the other part..? Gosh I just don't know. More patience, I guessSounds your bf is not good at the sex you like and you aren't actually attracted him, but you are trying to talk yourself into believing that neither of these issues is a problem.
>I've been appalled by a boyfriend before and know very well what it feels like.It's not attraction vs repulsion. It's attraction, meh, and repulsion. Like, say, Tom Hanks isn't attractive to me, but I'm not repulsed by him either. His looks are just meh. But if Tom Hanks is really amazing in bed, I could probably get over his boring looks. But you don't have that with your bf.
No. 1379553
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When I see an animal pic that is too adorable, I mumble autisticly and sometimes loudly to myself about how cute the animal is. If some stranger saw me doing this, they would probably think I was severely mentally ill.
No. 1379664
>>1379054It's kind of familiar to me, but I realized I didn't really love the guy after all. This
>"no, you aren't buff… You're not muscular, sorry… It's just the truth… And your ribs are somewhat misaligned… You should fix it… Like I should fix some of my things…"sounds a bit weird though to be honest, why do you have to tell it to him like that? Adding this bit about yourself doesn't make it better. It's like you're intentionally deflating his ego.
No. 1379706
>>1379299 I'd love to, but I just got bitched out in another thread for using the return key to separate long replies. I used the spacebar in everything but the very top of
>>1379254 and that was just due to a typo, so I assume you meant you want me to use the return key, not the spacebar. Following this advice would certainly make formatting more pleasant to the eye, but I was just told, after years of lurking and posting here, to go back to reddit or learn to integrate because I used the return key to space out replies to different posts in longer messages, like the one you're referring to.
Can someone please tell me what the fuck the unwritten formatting rules are?
>>1379299 Either I
>>1379299 respond
>>1379299 like this
>>1379299 and annoy you
>>1379299 I respond like this.
>>1379299 And get told to lurk moar.
>>1379299I respond like this, just like
>>1379310 and
>>1379350 do, but then I get told (in another thread, Luna's maybe?) "that formatting gives you away and makes you stand out, integrate."
Which is it?! Educate me, nonnas.
I can't tell if I've secretly been doing it wrong forever, or the formatting police are just being especially nitpicky lately. I agree that the formatting I used in this thread is atrocious, but it's the result of suddenly getting roasted for the way I've been formatting my replies with the return key, something I do for better readability and have done for years, but I was recently informed that doing so is a no-no, just like hitting return once and replying under a post number instead of directly next to it is. With both of those options taken away, I formatted it the only way I could: fuck-ugly, unreadable, but "correct" according to the formatting Nazis. Now this way is wrong, too.
No. 1379780
>>1379533I'm not attracted to his style, hairstyle, current body, but I am attracted to core features of his and his potential. His eyes, nose, lips, hair colour, body type, voice… they're all wonderful characteristics. But his style is so terrible and he has some misalignments. I'm capable of overlooking the lack of attraction in some aspects because I believe in his ability to improve. I've seen it happen already and my support/guidance has helped him blossom more. I just have to be patient. Also kek, I love the Tom Hanks example.
>>1379664It is a bit shallow and unfair, isn't it? I try to keep it to myself. I just can't stand it when he tries to show off his muscles or something… I'd love to compliment his muscles, if he works for and earns them! I can't tell him "yes honey, you're so muscular" I can't bring myself to lie like that! Or if he says his profile looks good, I can't agree… I don't want to lie so I just try to say nothing. I don't want him to settle for how he is now because I personally couldn't. Or I could, but I'd have to change my attitude, and that's what I'm struggling with. I'm trying to be patient because I love his soul and know the physical is fleeting anyway. So I'm really really wanting to overcome this mental obstacle.
No. 1379798
>>1379706You should respond like this.
>>1379706 not like this
>>1379706Neither this way
>that formatting gives you away and makes you stand out, integrate.The anon that pointed that out is likely a newfag that can't see the pattern with oldfags and newfags. You can check old threads e.g. Luna's old threads as the majority replying correctly aside from the newfags that don´t integrate and assume that their way is the correct way
which isn't. With the jannies more frequent along with the summer/ or studentfags mostly gone the oldfags are in the majority again and with that more reported posts and scolding of newfags whom are often then not replying to scrotes and disrepectfull of the rules. Newfags being newfags either integrate or retaliate with a petulant attitude.
No. 1379831
>>1379809I can't explain it… I love him, especially when we are together. My life has gained so much more meaning now that I've met him and I can see him being the father of my children due to his amazing spirit and great potential. He has so many fantastic qualities that have nothing to do with appearance and he genuinely isn't ugly! He is a good-looking guy, just not fully my type. So I cannot agree with you that I don't like him, I solely don't like superficial aspects which I don't deem important enough dealbreakers. I don't care about someone's impeccable bone structure if they can't be patient, communicate, make sacrifices for me or put family first. But he does have to make certain changes, otherwise I can't accept him… I'm on a journey of improvement myself and I need my husband to be as well for the sake of my children. Discord here would be the main dealbreaker, although I know he is already trying. I've expressed this to him so much and he always says he wants to improve for me, he is grateful that I push him and he wants to become a man worthy of being my husband. I'm really grateful myself that he is actually appreciative of the advice I give him and I now find him researching and initiating habits on his own! He's actually doing better with diet by now than I am, haha. But I want to accept the less meaningful things I don't like about him, I'm just not sure how yet. I hope this makes sense and isn't contradictory. I also treat myself the same way but I simply can't let go. I know I have so much potential and I can't stand it being wasted. I have dealt so much with depression and illness holding me back that I hate it when I myself don't make the improvements I know I could. I can't lie to myself and I can't lie to others either, at least not someone like my significant other.
No. 1379857
>>1379822Your original anon confused me as I just popped in here after talking to my friend with the Korean husband, don't think it was a slight at you because didn't even read it kek.
>>1379838Jesus christ, yes the annoying stuff I've had to hear from my friend, like she has all these gynecological issues and you can only imagine her trying to explain all that to a korean man in his early 30s, it doesn't really matter if my friend knows her English and some Korean when the dude either doesn't understand or he misunderstands. I know my friend doesn't want kids but I kinda have gotten the vibe the guy doesn't think she's serious about it, but fucking imagine that language hell.
No. 1379868
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I know it's weird but you girls are genuinely my friends. I don't have irl female friends for now so i really appreciate being able to chat with you guys. It is heartwarming to imagine all of the different types of women behind the posts that respond to mine. I love chatting with you guys and I'm really grateful for you. Thank you all for being there for me
No. 1379919
>>1379868I feel the same. I don't think I see girls irl who are as unhinged, opiniated and warm as the ones on this site. A great mix. I feel understood here. I do love you too
No. 1379922
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I still think about him
No. 1379945
>>1379914He deserves a horrible death. I'm so sorry you've had to experience that
nonnie, but I'm grateful you have a beautiful life rich in opportunities and warm experiences ahead of you
No. 1379981
>>1379070I absolutely refuse to write a story at least at this point. I've written about "him" in my journal in the context of acknowledging he's imaginary, but not actually turned the daydreams into stories that others could read. No way. Makes me cringe. But I appreciate your input anon.
>>1379072I get that, too. The times where I've been in relationships, the imaginary boyfriend goes away. My last relationship, though, within a week I was fantasizing about the imaginary boyfriend.. I cut it off afterwards. He's a sign, I guess.
>>1379078anon, I feel you. It actually took a very long time for me to make "fake me" actually more realistically similar to "real me" in my daydreams. I think you have to come to the conclusion that you are worth love with the man of your dreams. I don't think there's shame in fantasizing about who you want to be, realistically, like different hair, different fashion, body shape, etc. but I hope you're able to develop your self esteem to the point you're comfortable imagining yourself, albeit an idealized one, happy and in love.
>>1379099That's actually very cute. I wonder what the origin is of the decision to call her flower names. I'm very curious, anon.
>>1379254hahahah I am thirsting over this imaginary man, but I suppose the imaginary man is an incomplete set of traits and behaviors within whatever I find attractive at the time. So it's like a personified set of preferences, right? I hope I get it anon, I hope you get that mandroid, or at least a different man closer to a mandroid of your dreams.
No. 1380125
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I want a friend like
>>1380116 so badly, to counter my
>>1379868 spirit. Bubbly loving girly bff x jaded cool girl bff trope fills my heart and dominates my daydreams of friendship
No. 1380304

I was finally able to really connect the dots onto some emotions that I feel are so rarely ever acknowledged or talked about that I was feeling all throughout my preteen and teenage yrs and still continue to have regarding being uncomfortable of my father. Thank you to the anon who posted this vid in the reddit hate thread it really helped put some puzzle pieces together for me and I know for a lot of anons it will be a real eye opener I cannot recommend that you watch it enough.
It talks about a kind of emotional incest and abuse that daughters go through from fathers (no doubt mother to sons too) and honestly makes the terms "daddy's girl" and "momma's boy" so much more sinister. It basically outlining how scrotes literally do want to be romantically involved with their children.
For my experience, although both my parents are abusive I can really see looking back just how much my father would neglect my mothers emotional needs in favour of spending time with me. I feel like it was even worse simply because my mother would refuse to hangout with my father that he would look to me for attention. I was so young and naive that I never saw anything concerning as I always respected my parents relationship and thought that it was simply a difference in interests and as such I always thought that my father was grateful for me spending time when my mother always refused to go out with him. Only it wasn't that she refused because she wasn't interested or was always trying to make the dates between them only about her like he would always complain to me about, it was that he would never actually asked her to go out for fun or ever actually acknowledge her interest and when they did end up going somewhere whether it was to a restaurant or for shopping he always managed to belittle her and would act irritable with her dampening her mood constantly, she told me about this a couple times whenever they would have a fight growing up, and I know now that this must've made her feel like it wasn't worth trying anymore.
Meanwhile, when it came to me, my father was ready to spend the money on whatever I wanted, if we went to the mall? My father was ready to buy me whatever my heart desired, If I asked for items from online he was more than happy to pull out his credit card it didnt matter if I already had similar items at home, for my mother on the other hand, if she saw a handbag she wanted (wasnt designer btw) my father was always reluctant to buy and was quick to belittle her by reminding her of her other bags she had or if we had gone clothes shopping as a family I would notice that anything I wanted was okay but my mother was the one scrutinised 4 or 5 shirts/pants she wanted.
I always saw my dad as the more invested parent but as I matured both physically and mentally I had begun to feel a distinct disgust for my father and know now that he never actually cared for me as a proper parent should. It was as if he had molested me despite never having touched me as far as I know and I spent all my years as an adolescent and teens feeling that way. I still feel this way tbh.
My mother would constantly say how I seemed to be most like my father in her eyes and I was always made the scapegoat for her emotional stresses amongst other things. I won't ever forgive her for her abuse but I understand now that to her she might've known something was up and that her husband might've been psychologically and probably physically lusting for me as gross as that sounds but that must've felt weird for her realise and so she internalised it as resentment that she must've subconsciously had for me which might explain why she acted and did the things she did. It wasn't like I ever competed for my fathers attention either I enjoyed most when my parents got along and really favoured my mothers attention but it was always like I was stuck in the middle somehow.
I would constantly go through periods of feeling so icky near my father and I would withdraw from him and during those times he would become short and explosive with me. A common and very clear situation for me was, whether it was if I felt that ickyness or not, if my scrote father ever "invited" me to go somewhere with him like a walk around the park or the store and I refused he would become annoyed and angry with me and leave in upset, let me remind you that he always asked me and never my mother to do those types of bonding activities. There are other things he would do and say but Im greatful that despite my young naivety I was always able to pick apart my own feelings and was able to sense others feelings rather well that I had a few ideas that my father was basically trying to manipulate me and make me into becoming some sort of imitation girlfriend or wife for him and when I realised that It was like one of the earliest eye opening moments to his treatment to me and I knew that my feelings of immense discomfort, contempt and disgust for my father was not 'nothing' but a very real problem. I became very concerned for my younger sister and now I try to my best to look out for her but providing and teach her good examples of healthy relationships and good boundaries. Most of all, to never leave her alone with my father.
No. 1380360
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Just scheduled an appointment to get some piercings cause a moid made me sad
No. 1380370
>>1380304I'm sorry you went through that and though my csa wasn't covert, by my father, or the dynamic was entirely similar, I know what you mean by the icky feeling and you did a good job putting it into words. I grew up afraid of having children one day simply for the fact that a father counterpart has to be involved and I don't know what a healthy father-child relationship looks like, if I would even feel comfortable if I saw it, nor would I want to leave them alone with the dad. Like I said, my dynamic wasn't entirely similar, but it sort of mirrors/mimics it. It was also incestual, he would also buy me things and take me to get icecream, as much as I wanted, would play good cop, things like that. Basically grooming. In your case, groomed you but didn't go all the way. Now this may be cope but maybe the icky feeling was just a natural reaction to noticing your parents having a strained relationship, and anything else is reading too much into it. I don't have experience of course, but i I read details of your dynamic outside this context, I might just think he was an overly doting father. It's not healthy but he might having been overcompensating for whatever reason and not because of nefarious reasons.
No. 1380392
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I'm going to bookmark a thread just in hopes some annoying new fag(s),Vendetta fag(s) get banned and it's a red text ban. It's 3:48am and I'm mad as hell at the dumb shit that's being said.
No. 1380477
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>>1380457Your cats need you nonna and you deserve to live
No. 1380759
>>1379914I'm very sorry that happened to you.
>I also feel like it shouldn't be making me feel so bad because shit like that is considered a boys will be boys It's not. It was a horrible thing he did to you. I'm sorry you are not going to see justice done.
>even if I often felt the need to.I suggest contacting a rape crisis hotline in your area. They can really help. Honestly, just one conversation with someone who is sympathetic can help.
No. 1380872
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Sometimes I put a little ranch on tacos
No. 1380901
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>>1380477thank you nona, my kitties are honestly the main reason im not actively self-destructive
No. 1381190
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>>1381184It's never too late to steal a cat.
No. 1381401
>>1381394my sister listens to my ramblings about lc sometimes. she doesn't come here but knows it as a
terf site kek
No. 1381450
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I think TIMs are disgusting (goes without saying) but I'm extremely attracted to most TIFs, even the balding hairy ones. It sucks that so many of them are dicksexual/straight or impossible to talk to irl. I don't know what it is about them but I feel so drawn to them, especially the "gay" ones for anyone curious i'm same sex leaning bi
No. 1381586
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I hate social media and pronouns in bio because I love to keep my sex hidden on the internet. I larped for years as a man and then as a maybe a man/maybe a woman because men can't stop themselves from harassing women online. People knowing that I'm a woman only makes sense to me when I'm speaking about feminism with other women. I love to be anonymous. People think that I'm a 14 boy when I play online and I don't care.
IRL I have no problems being a woman. I just hate men. They are the problem.
No. 1381633
>>1381610There's not much particularly special when working out as a woman, I didn't get my info from one book, but from trial, error and reading lots of studies and articles. I started out with Candito Linear, but the first few months I didn't eat enough either. We gain muscle at the same rate as scrotes, but it's percentage based on the amount of muscle you're starting out with, so in the end it's less, but technically the same rate. We also don't have their natural roid levels, so we really have to make sure to eat enough and not do the "leanbulk" bullshit. You have to dare to gain a little weight and fat, because you're not going to have it as easy as a scrote and there's very minimal room for error if you try to do a "leanbulk", which you don't have the knowledge and experience for in the beginning.
Make sure to get enough protein, 0.8-1 gram per lbs, make sure to get enough fats to keep your hormone production up. We might not have natural roid levels, but we do have more estrogen which is naturally anti inflammatory iirc and helps with recovery. You'll do better with higher rep ranges than scrotes, with that I don't mean the retarded +30 amount in one set, but you'll notice that your 3-5 rep max will be technically stronger than your 1 rep max when you calculate it. So make use of that and don't do something retarded like the Bulgarian Method, but also don't go into the other direction and do something memey like Smolov. The stronger you get, the bigger your potential you will be, because you will be able to lift higher weights for more reps.
Which is why I'm a fan of concurrent periodization. Nothing wrong with sticking to linear periodization and programs during your noob gains phase. In the beginning KISS (keep it simple stupid) is a good thing to live by. However when things slow down, I think it's better to transition to concurrent periodization for several reasons.
>1 it prevents boredom>2 you get to work on imbalances and make sure nothing lags behind like your explosiveness or ROM, while also still working on strength and size>3 this leads to fewer injuries, yes you would get stronger faster if you focused solely on strength, you would get bigger faster (in the beginning) if you focused solely on size, but the true gains killer is an injury which keeps you out of the gym or having to spend months fixing your technique because you learned bad habits>4 it makes it easier to plan around things like your period, you can do some lighter work on those days without actually having to deviate from your plansI will again emphasize injury prevention. Take care of your tendons, do mini homeworkouts with bands, like 30 light pulldowns and facepulls a day, because your muscles will grow a lot faster than your tendons adapt.
If you're pretty sedentary, work on your General Physical Preparedness, which you can do by snow shoveling, working in the yard, bodyweight or gymnastics exercises, jogging, swimming, pushing and pulling sleds, rowing, cycling etc. This will increase your work capacity. The ability to do work at a given intensity over a period time is a baseline attribute of most power, strength, and fitness enthusiasts. The developed work capacity will allow an "athlete" to train at a higher relative training intensity (% of max) without residual fatigue, ultimately allowing training volume to be systematically increased during GPP phases. Additionally, an increased work capacity will allow an "athlete" to train more frequently, which is very beneficial for increasing volume, muscle mass, and skill development. The greater prepared an "athlete" is for the increased demand of training volume, intensity, and stress, the better they will be at recovery. While there is no substitution for rest, hydration, and proper nutrition, having a greater baseline of fitness can allow for greater resilience to fatigue and/or the ability to buffer byproducts of intense exercise. I don't believe in doing that in a "separate phase", which is why I enjoy concurrent periodization so much. Injury prevention is always important, more important than getting those extra 2kg on your max before the next meetup. No point to it if you snap your shit!
Oh and lastly, don't fall for the Starting Strength or GOMAD meme.
No. 1381721
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When I was around 15 I was mutuals with this 20 something year old person on tumblr. We never interacted though.
One time I made a post about wanting to play this certain video game but I didn't have the money and the mutual messaged me telling me that they have completed the game and didn't plan on replaying it so they wanted to give it to me as a gift. I was mega uncomfortable but also for some dumb reason didn't want to appear rude?
So I was like "I really appreciate it but I can't afford the shipping" (we lived on two different continents) which wasn't even a lie I had no money lol.
And they where like "I want to give it to you I pay for the shipping no worries"
I said "I don't own a PS3 though so I can't play it"(again, not a lie).
And then they where like "I can send you my PS3 too" which is just wtf?
Then I just straight up told them that "I appreciate your generousity but I can't accept it besides I don't know how to explain it to my parents."
They stopped messaging me after that and while we did stay mutuals for a couple of years that was the only conversation we had.
That conversation has just been bothering me lately. At the time I just thought they where socially awkward and tried to be friendly. But now I suddenly realize they could've been a pedophile? Tbh I can't even recall whenever or not I had my age listed on my blog at that time, so it could be that they genuinely thought I was an adult. And in their defense they did stop messaging me when I mentioned my parents.
But then again, they where mutuals with lots of teenagers and where even bff with a 14 year old boy… but nothing about their blog had any red flags for a pedophile they seemed quite normal and didn't reblog content that your average tumblr groomer reblogs (aside from occasionally bitching about people who who are critical of adult-child friendships).
It doesn't matter anyway. Nothing happened and I'm proud of teen-me for shutting down the conversation quickly but I feel foolish for continuing following them for several years.
But I also feel slightly guilty for accusing some rando of being a pedophile when my only evidence is my gut feeling
No. 1381758
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I really do not understand the worship of single mothers. I appreciate and admire the hard-working ones or the ones who got genuinely fucked over by neglectful and absent moids/in abusive relationships etc etc. That applied to my mother, and although I don't get on with her I still respect that she raised me and my siblings after my evil scrote dad fucked off.
But the vast majority of the ones I know in my area aren't like that, they just seem to be women who are never on any form birth control (it's literally all free in this country and so is terminating a pregnancy) and through a revolving door of degenerate males. It makes it worse that my country rewards having children and you can essentially just keep on having kids forever and be pretty well off, but if you work hard and are childless then you are dirt fucking poor. Idk, this is like my least feminist belief I guess in that I really don't like women like this. I feel like they purposely don't address the fact that sometimes there is a wrong time to have a child and that's okay to admit and wait until you are ready?
I know one specifically who has 3 kids all from different fathers and none are involved, the latest one is a crack dealer who cheated on her multiple times and then got her pregnant and (obviously) disappeared and hasn't seen the child at all and has now got another woman pregnant. Naturally I think this scrote should be yeeted off the face of the earth straight into hell but I just question why women like this still keep the baby, I'm sorry. It's their choice, I know, but I just don't fucking get it. The only reason I see is that "well there is never a wrong time to have a baby" okay but you haven't worked a day in your life, you spend all your child benefits on acrylics, highlights and XL Bully puppies and you don't have any sort of independence or personality beyond what's just an extension of your kids. They also constantly complain on social media about how hard it is and how much they are struggling and sacrificing but still continue to have children…why? Am I missing something here? Or are they just retarded? Yes it is hard being a mother and hard to raise kids but that's generally why you actually fucking think about it and assess your situation before you have one - sometimes shit happens sure but you'd think after the first time they'd be like "I'll work on myself and just wait before bringing more babies into poverty or a life on benefits" but they don't and everyone just seems to enable it or act like they are superheroes.
I thought the benefits mammies thing was an exaggeration by the media but I grew up dirt poor and saw how many of them were popping out children before they had even got their first part time job. Idk, it's wild, maybe it's a harsh confession but it is what it is and I do not understand the mentality.
No. 1381798
>>1381721>but I feel foolish for continuing following them for several years.Why? You can't blame yourself for not having the life experience you do now, when you were a teenager.
>But I also feel slightly guilty for accusing some rando of being a pedophile when my only evidence is my gut feelingYou didn't though. if you had told them "fuck off pedo" that would be one thing, but you were polite.
No. 1381833
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>>1381708I'll give some more definitions, since I can't help you irl
>Candito LinearNovice lifting program you can find for free online. There's a version for whatever your goals might be in the document. Pretty well rounded, no retarded minimalism, should last you until your noob gains run out.
>Noob gainsThe first year of lifting you will gain the most muscle, if you do things right, everything afterwards is a bit of a grind and will take more effort and planning.
>Leanbulk or body recomposition In contrast with bulking and cutting, where you have a clear period where you're gaining muscle (and some fat) and a clear period where you're losing fat. Usually during a bulk you go for ~10-20% more than your TDEE. With a leanbulk or body recomposition, you eat around your TDEE. Problem with that is that we're shit at measuring, labels aren't always correct and you could end up eating at a deficit for months without you knowing and thus not having any progress. Really something only for experienced people.
>Linear periodization or progressthe gradual progression model that slowly increases volume and intensity over-time throughout a mesocycle. You would accomplish this by increasing your load, volume, or intensity variables every week (or 1-4 weeks), allowing your body to adapt in a THEORETICALLY safe and consistent manner. You basically only focus on one thing at a time or at least prioritize one thing over the other. I feel like you run the risk of forcing things and ending up with injuries if you stick with linear periodization beyond the noob gains phase, but it's great for the beginning.
>Concurrent periodizationconcurrent periodization is run within the confines of a microcycle, or one week block of time. This means that during the course of the next seven days, you will be performing some kind of specific volume (high repetition) training work aimed at improving hypertrophy (muscle building) and lower rep work aimed at increasing big lift strength. So a full body hypertophy day and a fullbody strength day. There are programs like the Cube method which also have an explosive day, which is basically lifting as fast as possible. Not in the crossfit way, but only for a couple reps, focusing on form and you usually don't go too heavy.
>>1381722see pic
No. 1381911
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I think I'm more in love with my husbando than my actual boyfriend.
No. 1381915
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When I was an edgy depressed teen I went through a period of obsession with the movie Taxi Driver. This was at the height of my bullying at school and problems in my home life. I wanted to pull a Travis Bickle, hell, I wanted to be Travis Bickle. It was stupid, edgy escapism where I made myself a powerful and feared man instead of weak and trod on young woman. Eventually I grew up and learned to let go of most of the anger I was holding on to and it's been well over a decade since I had any of those thoughts. Just lately though, I find myself coming back to this fantasy; except now I know who I'd kill - my nonce of a grandfather. He raped my mother and her sister and he fucking got away with it. Not enough evidence to prosecute him for a historical crime the pigs told us. His wife left him over it and for a while I was happy he'd die alone, but it's not enough. I want him to pay with his life and I want it to be violent enough to make a statement to all the other nonces out there. My mother is an emotionally abusive basket case but I can't blame her entirely for all the hurt she's caused. What chance did she have at turning out normal with that sick fuck raping and beating her? There's a whole manifesto in my head just begging to be typed up about the ripple effect of such abuse and why the only suitable punishment for it is death. I always thought if I did this it'd be a murder-suicide, but no, I want my message to be heard. I want to preach manhate from prison, I want other women to know what can be achieved. I type this up like I'm Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, but the truth is I'm too pathetic and emotionally weak to ever go through with it. Damned if I don't like fantasising about it though.
No. 1381958
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>>1381915No clue how to deal with this, since I'm kinda in the same mental state. It's so fucked up how society and the system protects nonces. Just wish they actually feared us the way we have to fear scrotes. Even if you'd type up a whole manifesto and preach manhate from prison, there's not going to be a revolution, even though the thought is very nice. You'd even risk that people think your manifesto is a joke, like the last one is often assumed to be, even though she did go through with it. You're not pathetic and emotionally weak. Not being able to go through with it means you're emotionally strong, really. Desensitization, apathy and lack of affective empathy (i.e. wouldn't react/feel with seeing fear and anguish) isn't strength, but a literal lack, weakness of something. You're just a good person who wants bad things to happen to bad scrotes.
No. 1381990
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>>1381958Yes, it's very disheartening to know that I'd be treated either as a joke or as some crazy bitch who murdered a poor old man who was never taken to court for his crimes so automatically he would be assumed to be innocent. I never thought about not going through with it as a strength before, if I was a scrote I probably would have done something about it by now since they all seem to be so desensitised and/or drawn to violence. Frustrating thing is that if you reverse the sexes of this whole scenario and I was a scrote who killed an
abusive woman I'd be hailed as a hero on shitholes like 4chan. I'd be misunderstood; a brave son who fought for the justice that his father deserved! It makes my blood boil, but maybe it's for the best that I keep my morals and not give in to such horrible temptations. Maybe that's enough to be a good person. I truly feel for you, being in this mental state is hellish. No one even reacts to paedophilia and rape cases anymore! "oh, another man raped and abused a woman, must be a day ending in y" I hate it so much; how did humanity end up like this? I hope that we can both overcome this, nona. We deserve it. ♥
No. 1382201
>>1382033I feel like I'm surrounded by old couples who have been through thick and thin with each other and who are solid. Then younger couples around me.. they commit but then one blip and the guy just fucks off, cheats, knocks you up and leaves when the baby is like a year old.
I think lasting love is going to become an increasingly rare thing in the future.
No. 1382252
>>1381833NTA but thank you for this nona! I'm getting back into working out but I only get to go to the gym on weekends. I used to do bodyweight workouts on weekdays but now I just do stretching. I want to do something on weekdays, even if it's just simple bodyweight exercises… I'm gonna follow this program, even if I can only do two of the four days.
I struggle to find the motivation to work out that isn't solely body image based, but I really want to work out for my health and general strength.
No. 1382396
>>1381923we got
>>>/g/230474 detrans/dysphoria thread
>>>/g/273185 butch gen
No. 1382768
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gore bump
No. 1383064
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If I had to choose I would honestly prefer if the daily spam was the only nick avacado nudes, cause as disgusting as those pics maybe its better then cp and gore
No. 1383163
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cried whilst getting my face threaded and waxed. I can handle the pain of waxing since it's quick, but it causes way too much inflammation. Threading hurts too much and my face scrunches up every time.
No. 1383190
>>1383158luckily the place i go to isn't that extreme apparently but i figure that if i start feeling anxious i can always just leave
honestly i am just kinda fed up how deathly afraid i am of sex and sexuality so i figured what the hell might as well go to see how people opposite of me live their lives kinda like going to a zoo or something. and as afraid i am of sex i am absolutely obsessed with it but like i am not obviously gonna start messing with random people i just want to do something i would never do because i just want to get the fuck over myself or whatever.
No. 1383235
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I’ve asked the Sanic totem the same questions like 10 times and EVERY SINGLE TOME I get suffering awaits
No. 1383600
>>1383586Am the anon and it's basically this. A lot of the radfems in those threads really struggle to understand women who aren't like them while praising their own empathy skills, and I can't help but find it funny.
It's not like I don't feel for them, I do, if you've gone through systematic misogyny that's got to be really awful, and I might've just been lucky to not go through that. But a lot of cows had messed up childhoods and that doesn't mean they're not funny to read about.
>>1383585You forgot to list scarethots and handmaidens.
No. 1383630
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>>1383478A story as old as time
>Group moids constantly write about raping women, skinning them alive, punching them and hurting them>Geez, it's just a tiny group of peeps, don't pay attention to the 5k likes!>Group of anonymous women make fun of batshit insane moids >wow, these radfems are evil and insane, Jesus Christ they're horrible for making valid points and some memes to cope with how disgusting are the moids dressing up as women, they're literally worse than hitler and are murdering trannies 24/7Did you know? Not all of the anons in the mtf thread are
le evil radfems, not all of the anons on lolcow are
muh evil radfems, some anons posting on cow threads are literally the cow and their friends/followers/coworkers/fellow prostitutes/orbiters.
What's with you retards always trying to, not only pick up fights with radfems, but pretending that this is a radfem website? This is a fucking basket weaving Tunisian forum, not some political meeting spot, this isn't reverse /pol/ this isn't your politics circle jerk subreddit. Also:
>I feel bad about it because I know a lot of them have been abused, but not enough to stop.Don't fantasize about shit like this, makes you sound like a moid, who said that specifically, a self-proclaimed radfem, got abused? Where's the screen caps? I seriously hate when some retard comes in here and writes his/her stupid fanfics about some sooper seecreet radfem club.
No. 1383639
>>1383630Yeah it's retarded to think "Well if you hate men for the things they say and do it can't be because of that you must have been abused!". It's like the ones who think since polfags hate troons because they see them as unmanly gay men that we should love troons, when we hate them for being sexist.
>>1383633>Not all men! Have empathy!Kek, ignoring male violence does nothing.
No. 1383648
>>1383635That's literally exactly not what I said. I'm not talking about a-logging men.
>>1383639What are you even talking about anon? I didn't say anyone should ignore male violence. Once again,
>I think some radfems (not just on LC but in general) can have low empathy towards other womenI say this because of some things I've seen in radfem communities. I don't care about women having no empathy for men or calling them out.
>>1383641I didn't participate in the Ukraine threads at all, so I'm honestly not sure what/who you're talking about. I feel like it's pointless to even continue this because you are all just being combative for the sake of it.
No. 1383652
>>1383630It's like the feminists who think saying Not All Men and it's not about women it's about equality is what will make men support womens rights, when it never has before and they complained about the pandering too.
>>1383648>Not agreeing with your opnion is being combative.Your opinion makes no sense nor do you explain what you mean by being low empathy for other women. Do you mean low empathy for women who uphold other womens oppression like camgirls who shill sex-work or something?
No. 1383666
>>1383655>>1383657OP radfem anon, not the other anon that took over. I didn't wanna infight but I figure I'll clarify.
The reason I say radfems have low empathy is because they don't understand how normie women think. Take conservative women - I've read the theory on how they're just attaching themselves to a man to protect themselves from other men (the scarethot) but I've interacted with conservative women before and they just don't think like that at all. I'm sure there are some who are very much the scarethot, but the everyday conservative woman just likes the men she's around. You can think she's stupid, or misguided, or even think she's defective for it, but that's just not how she thinks. If you put yourself in the shoes of a conservative woman you have to start from the idea that the average man is neutral-to-good, which radfems aren't going to do, but is still the starting point for empathizing with them.
It has nothing to do with mocking particular cows, but maybe the other anon feels differently.
I'd be happy to take this to another thread if someone wants to point where to go but it was just a confession and I didn't expect such heated responses, or for someone else to jump in and take over.
No. 1383798
>>1383478the women who make fun of other women are most likely not radfems and idk how it ever occured to you that they would always be the same people.
>radfems in them are almost as nuts as the troonsah yes because women fed up with a male-dominated society are definitely "just as nuts" as men who are so pornsick and fetish-obsessed that they will literally cut their own dicks off and then unalive themselves because it's nothing like they saw in the sissy porn video
No. 1383894
>>1383680>Why don't you feel bad for women who repeat women are supposed to be submissive slaves to scrotes!Not even all pickme or tradfag women are muh sad women born into shitty life needing to be deprogrammed and sometimes actually are just looking to exploit womens oppression for reasons eg. Shoe looking to pander to women haters to get a bf.
>Reeing about women who choose to not fuck men for any reason.>Being anti troon and glad for anti troon policies is simping for conservative men.In conclusion, delusional.
No. 1383941
>>1383898Accept I’ve never seen a non-homosexual anon call themselves polilez, only an anon seething that saying fucking men is cringe is evil and must mean you’re polilez because they need to portray seething about women not fucking men in a woke way to get anons to defend them and not immediately be shit on, Are you the same anon being spoken of from
>>>/2X/5813 ? Considering they also complained about women shitting on tradfag pickmes and muh polilez when no anon calls themselves polilez and only really talk about choosing to not fuck scrotes. The same anon also said radfems were responsible for trannies because they shit on scrotes in the ftm thread kek.
No. 1383989
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Maybe the cope has finally seeped into my brain like drugged honey, but I'm starting to feel relieved that no man has ever really crept on me (aside from once recently I think; he was twice my age, obese, and works at the local post office). Like…yes, I dare say I think being ok looking would have made me waaaay more comfortable talking to people and not hasten my descent into being a leper on top of having a deformity I can't afford to fix + diagnosed autism.
But. Hey. At least I have the sanctity of my own body. At least I have never been touched against my will. At least my mind can rest free from the trauma that comes from being used and subject to a man's monstrous desire. At least I was able to grow up not knowing the hurt and pain most other women have gone through.
I just wish I had felt this way years ago instead of feeling so much pain from not fitting in and being so hideous, that way I would have been able to at least build myself up in other ways sooner.
No. 1384003
>>1383989I am glad that you have not been on the receiving end of male idiocy and degeneracy, anon. I wish I could have had that.
This is a confession that is related to your post, but I cannot stand the whole "never getting romantic attention during your adolescence is seriously scarring and traumatizing" narrative I've seen. I just do not understand it. I got "romantic" and "sexual" attention starting in elementary school. Boys would sexually harrass and touch me in sexual ways. In fucking elementary school. I remember a boy telling me he'd rape me in front of my parents. And I would watch them do it to the other girls and the other girls seemed to like it. They seemed to like the attention. And that is what fucks me up inside. Those experiences have forever fucked with my perception of boys and men and the roles that women and men play when they're near each other. It sickens me.
That is why I don't understand women who complain about never getting male attention, especially when they complain about never getting male attention in school. They are delusional to me. It wasn't like the cutesy coming of age movies. It was humiliating and horrible and it ruined my view of relationships. I wish that was me. I wish boys ignored me growing up. Any woman who bemoans a lack of male attention needs to get a hobby. Those women are the lucky ones.
No. 1384009
I care about my friends more than my family. My sisters and I used to be close just because we had the misfortune of being born in the same household, now they're more like acquaintances. I can't stand my father, he used to be violent and isn't violent anymore just because he's too old to punch his grown daughters without getting an asswhooping. I like my mother a lot but there's a huge cultural gap between her and the rest of us because she's a first gen immigrant. I'd rather spend my weekends hanging out with my friends, talking about our life projects, our hobbies, gossiping, the news, our jobs, our love lives, hours health, etc. than just spend 10min in the same room as my family.
No. 1384015
>>1383989I'm ugly and have been sexualized by elderly men and harassed my whole life. I've been called ugly, fat, etc by my peers. And I've still been harassed by old men since I was a child. I never had romantic experiences. This narrative of ugly girls never being harassed or raped is so retarded and just perpetuates the idea that ugly girls are never the
victim and are lying. I still wish I could have a bf and normal experiences but I am truly ugly so men my age ignore me. It doesn't stop crackheads from creeping on me and following me. Please don't think ugly girls are safe from men. We are not.
No. 1384019
>>1383989This post is so unhinged and sexist. Straight women who voluntarily seek out relationships with men aren't unenlightened rag dolls who let themselves being used and abused on a mass scale.
You don't make peace with yourself by dragging other women down, this is cope.
No. 1384030
>>1384015i agree anon i was about to reply the same thing to her but decided not to.
As a ugly woman you still get harassed and sexualized, the only difference is that you dont get dates and people are harsher to you but you still get stalked or preyed on just like all women.
I wonder why people spread this fake narrative that ugly girls dont get raped, its so sexist yet i see so many women who spread that narrative.
No. 1384034
>>1384027I have. I was alluding to such statistics in my post.
Man. I remember months ago when I was going through treatment and I was told that I should feel privileged to be ignored. This isn't at all in good tastes but after the abuse and neglect I suffered from my family, I wanted to have something to feel relieved about.
No. 1384043
>>1384007>>1384015Reposting this cuz I made a dumb mistake. Sorry.
You two are wack. I never said ugly women can't be preyed on but that my experiences are different, so it was possible for me to go under the radar.
I grew up huge. Over six feet tall, built like a tank, goblin, grim-looking man face. Men have ignored me across the board. I am now kind of glad I was. I used to write on and on about the subject of how fucked up it was that there's men that weaponize such stereotypes to get away with preying on less attractive women ffs. Excuse me if I personally think my deformed looks and man-like stature as had any influence on the way men have ignored me and excuse me if I realize pretty privilege is nebulous now.
>>1384019KEK I WAS TALKING ABOUT CREEPS AND BEING EXPLOITED. Most women have gone through it. I wasn't talking about relationships by default. You guys are reading some weird stuff into my post.
No. 1384052
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I hope I'll be taken care of by a young hot male nurse after surgery and until I can go back home. I think being used to going in and out of hospitals since early childhood fucked me up in the head a little.
No. 1384054
> until they suddenly didHow many years should I wait?
No. 1384057
>>1384048I think disabilityfags, as well as retards, get sexually abused the most in fact.
>>1384043Men don't care if you're ugly, they only prey on vulnerable women, be a Stacy who is walking alone at night or an autistic "femcel" who seems isolated. If you look too broad/tall/strong they won't fuck with you that's for sure
No. 1384058
>>1384043People have been asking for a long time whether I'm intersex (afaik I'm not) and I'm also built like a tank, practically flat-chested, allegedly a face typical for men in my family (with the only difference being "DSL's" as what scrotes call them). Yet I have had to kick (with steel toed boots) several scrotes in the scrote while growing up, because they tried to sexually harass me. I got all of the shit for looking the way I do, with none of the benefits. Even now my hairy butch ass isn't left completely alone, because of TiMs and weird "step on me mommy" gym dudes.
>>1384052I wish you a good surgery/recovery and that you won't say too much embarrassing stuff while waking up from anesthesia.
No. 1384066
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im extremely suicidal and basically nobody in my life knows. planning to die soon and it is just so bizarre, i have spent the last two years in cycles of misery and knowing it is about to end is such an underwhelming nothing feeling. i was waiting for something profound to happen to me but i gave up, i dont have any energy to make that happen and i don't think i would even care or appreciate it if i did. i feel bad that i've been such a dickhead recently because of how i feel towards myself. i don't think i've made a single positive contribution to anyone around me in the time ive been here. basically i fucking suck. i feel so bad for everyone who's ever had to interact with me.
No. 1384073
>>1384041I'm sorry. I should have known better because I read so many experiences from women that horrified me that it started slowly melting down the other painful stuff I went through–like, I asked myself, how do girls and women even deal with this if I feel sick and terrified just reading about this stuff happening? Hence, murky relief has replaced what used to be much of my old wounds.
>>1384044Thanks for the advice
nonny. I still carry pepper spray + do self-defense classes…granted I mostly started doing it cuz I wanted to be able to not stand by if I saw something bad happening to other people. Dumb, I know.
>>1384058>>1384057IDK, a childhood friend of mine kept going on about how I'm the most confident woman she's ever known, that it's inspiring for her and was surprised to learn that I am insecure and vulnerable. I have no idea how she thinks otherwise.
Also, kek, I also have DSL.
No. 1384133
>>1384084>I was just asking for foodAfter I woke up from an induced coma I was repeatedly asking for cheese, even when being asked how I was feeling I was like "yeah I'm fine but do you have any cheese?". I asked like four different nurses for it. I am lactose intolerant.
>>1384111Don't worry, nona. It's completely normal and I'm sure the doctors and nurses have heard far worse things and it's not like you can control it anyway. People just babble when they're doped up, it happens. Good luck with the surgery!
No. 1384372
>>1384370I often think of it like I do failed relationships. NGL it creeps me the fuck out that there's people who I've spent years with who know my buiness and I never spoke to them again. It's like loose ends. I think like-
nonnie, you said a lot of shit on this site, if nobody responds it's just another piece of information about you, out in the world" Even if I'm anon, it's still like, "Wow" to think about.
No. 1384523
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some times i remember genuinely wanting to go to the 10 anniversary meet up 4chan had at awa. ive done some serious reevaluating of my life since, idk i dropped the anime but still kept board surfing.
No. 1384581
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I’ve had a few horny moments but it’s been about a month since my last break up and I just don’t want to have sex at all. All other men look blah and uninteresting to me but the thinking about sex with my ex is too painful. All I really went from him is a hug.
No. 1385107
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i thought that that bumble bees where queen bee's and wasps where "bees". I've never seen a honeybee, but I've always seen "Wasp" but turns out they are the assholes and Honey bee's and Bumble bee's don't bother nobody.
No. 1385205
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No. 1385208
>>1385205yep, i'm disgusting. I'm ready for my daily,
>>What the fuck anon, get better tastetalk, kek
No. 1385859
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God i know that i'm fucked up, but this just confirms it. I have a moid who i'm close with. Mutual feelings and all that jazz, but we both know that a relationship would be a trainwreck so we're just friends. He's an alcoholic and he relapsed today. While it's not the first time I've helped him with this, it is the first time that I'm going to visit him as he's too wasted to travel to me. Last time I had to chaperone him. I am genuinely turned on by how pathetic he is when he relapses; he hugs me, cries, talks about his traumas etc. I guess that I get turned on by his helplessness. Not by the problems or anything
Of course I try to help him get better, because he's got a lot to lose and it would be a waste to lose him to alcohol, but my brain should really stop fucking around
Picrel is me
No. 1385864
>>1385859I’m the same, I get so turned on by helpless pathetic depressed men.
All I can say is you’re smart for not getting into a relationship with him. I did it for two years and it was a completely thankless task. He cheated on me in the end too.
No. 1385968
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I want to be in a romantic relationship but that will never happen because I'm too disconnected from other people and my own emotions. I feel like an alien amongst humans
No. 1385972
>>1385859>>1385864This is so foreign to me because the moment a moid shows weakness is the moment I start reconsidering whether it’s worth putting myself through his annoying, pathetic bullshit and thinking that I’m probably better off alone.
Idgi like what’s sexy about an alcoholic male.
No. 1386230
This one's a little odd, but I'm into stuff like tech and coding as a hobby and a lot of people online assume I'm male, even by the "never assume anyone's gender!" types, and even was accused of lying a few times when I said I was a woman just to correct someone misgendering me. Eventually stopped bothering to correct others (the internet is very male-centric). I kinda wonder if I just come off as some sort of MtF when I say anything about being an actual woman. Now, of course, if anyone asked, I would obviously say no, I am not trans. But I felt a bit oddly fascinated with being seen as an MtF trooner. Probably some sort of self-consciousness about people seeing me as a masculine woman and for being bullied in high school for being lesbian. I guess somewhere deep in my psyche I feel like I'm 'faking' being a woman cause I'm not a super girly straight woman, which makes no sense, but whatever. So I kinda pictured myself as an MtF and wanted to speak more like them, and liked being seen as similar to TIMs. I'm more confident in myself nowadays, and pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman is beyond retarded (Sorry Kikomi). Boy am I sure glad this forum is anonymous and this will never be associated with my name and face in real life.
No. 1386283
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>>1386250This is happening to my nieces right now, CPS worker believes their dad and they have to keep seeing the man who gave my niece a concussion (he said she "fell")
MRAs are so full of shit when they say men get their kids taken away for nothing and the system is on womens side. You can beat the shit out of them and still get weekend visits, plus there will always be people doubting the mom saying she set the kids up to lie. The CPS workers ask things in a way that makes the kids think they're in trouble so they clam up. I hate men so fucking much. Why don't they go fight other men if they want to hit someone.
No. 1386309
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I’ve done so much work on myself but I’m still terrified of being consistently happy.
No. 1386363
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>>1364977I think I'm just gonna fail this course and then take the re-exam. Im so fucking bitter. Everyone told me it would be easy. Everyone I know thinks it's easy. But I'm failing it. it's a bunch of memorization and I have a shit memory. Apparently I'm the only fucking person in this department who has a shit memory because no one thinks this is hard. Only me. The re exam is going to be humiliating and I'm going to be the only fucker who takes it apparently.
I thought it was because I have ADD which affects my memory but nope. Some other people who also take this class have ADD too and they are not failing. So I'm just stupid. Tbh I doubt I can pass the re exam too. I wanna avoid it but there is no way out because I have to take it if I fail this test tomorrow. And I'm gonna fail it because I have been trying to memorize all this but I can't.
I was foolish to think I could finish university
No. 1386375
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>>1386306I'm praying it somehow wasn't her for your sake.
No. 1386472
>>1386283It’s just unfathomable to me. Many of my family members (most of them aren’t blood related to me) have had multiple run-ins with CPS, lots of junkies, one is in prison for life because he molested barely teen girls, etc. I really do think it’s so easy to fall
victim to your environment and it makes me really, really sad to watch the younger kids in my family deteriorate before they even become of age. It’s genuinely depressing. This completely ruins most children before they even have a fighting chance.
No. 1386505
>>1384363As someone who has adhd and zoomer brain I am guilty of this. I apologize because I definitely forget I even posted in certain threads and I never get to respond back to anons. It’s not personal, I just literally forget I even asked a question or wrote something kek. Especially in threads that I don’t keep up with but pop in every now and then in (in /ot/ or /g/ particularly). Your feelings are
valid tho— I hope you realize that other people may gain something out of your response even if they don’t reply. Especially if the thread is necro’d or locked and they literally cannot reply. The thread is able to be looked over years/months later and what you wrote is probably resonating with at least one person out there. Hell even stupid comments that I make in group therapy get a lot of praise from people so i’m sure that someone is benefitting from whatever you’ve written esp if it’s thorough advice. Cheer up anon.
No. 1386521
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Two nights ago I dreamt that the revival of King of the Hill actually came out and Luanne and Lucky had moved away and the whole A plot was about Hank struggling to admit that he does actually miss Luanne and Peggy trying to get Hank to talk to her but he keeps refusing. At the end of the episode Hank is alone and finally works up the nerve to call her and all we hear is Luanne say ‘Uncle Hank!’ all excited and then the episode ends. I woke up crying
No. 1386739
>>1386675Nonny please, I need to know
>>1386306Since she's a woman and if it was truly her, I'd assume first that her intentions were entirely innocent, maybe she just legitimately wanted to see how dogs mate or what they're supposed to look like, for reference. A few weeks ago my mom, sister and I were talking about
frogs and toads, and I had to look up some pics and diagrams of toads mating and their reproductive system to explain it to them, since my mom didn't know what a cloaca is.
No. 1386785
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A few days ago I got out of bed to go to the bathroom, I tripped and fell onto a heater which cracked my head open. I am ok now, but I do have a deep 4 inch long gash in my head.
I got all glued up at the hospital, and for the first few days I didn't even know what was going on, like my mind and body were so fucked all I did was play bloodborne and, for some reason, read my collection of H.P Lovecraft stories I haven't touched in literal years.
So the first story I read was the Shadow over Innsmouth which, for those who don't know, is about a young student who goes to a town full of half-fish hybrid people. He also later finds out that he himself is a fishdude and ultimately accepts his fate and goes to live in a stupid magical fish city under the sea.
The same night, and almost every night since I have been plagued by vivid erotic dreams (sometimes bordering on what I think are actually night terrors) of this monstrous pompous white boy telling me that I must accept my fate and join him in the sea. He speaks with a Boston accent. I have never been to Boston.
So, as my brain injury is healing I have become like obsessed with the concept of this story. Mainly the idea of a young attractive man slowly turning into a monster? Like in the dreams he sometimes wallows in the finality of his transformation and I comfort him. I just kind of think that's hot.
Idk I have never been into the weird transformation kinks out there but I think I get it now. I have accepted my fate as a fish monster fucker.
No. 1386798
>>1386708Last time I went to a gay - sorry,
queer - bar I drew the female symbol and then wrote "if this makes you mad you're probably in the wrong bathroom". I got a photo from my friend a week later where it had been scribbled out and someone had wrote "FUCK YOU BITCH" right next to it, kek.
No. 1386807
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>>1386785>So, as my brain injury is healing I have become like obsessed with the concept of this story. Mainly the idea of a young attractive man slowly turning into a monster? >Brain injury >Thinking about menANON KEK
No. 1386837
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I am a straight white girl and I'm tired of pretending to be Bi/Lesbian/Pan just to fit in with my friends groups because most of them are left-leaning and support lgtbqwxyz
I had to think of countless excuses everytime a girl is trying to make a move on me
It's like I'm living in an eternal game of amogus
No. 1386841
>>1386837why didn't you just go they/them
why are you even involved with these people in the first place
how old are you
No. 1386952
>>1386837Being a normie bisexual or lesbian isn’t enough for those types of people usually, you have to be obsessed with being gay and telling everyone how absolutely totally gay you are usually with some homophobic slurs and stereotypes in there. Kek.
However I will say that I don’t really feel bad for you, you’re choosing to be friends with these fucks. Either hang out with normal people or don’t complain that you’re lesbian-fishing bi and lesbian women because that’s your own fault.
No. 1386955
>>1386798I always wanna write
TERF shit on the wall but I’m scared of it being investigated. We all know how dramatic trannies are. Do you worry about that ever or do you think it’s not a big deal? I think I should be fine to write that in the women’s restroom in a large University but I wouldn’t do it in the workplace
No. 1387046
>>1387034I do it to make the trannies and handmaidens seethe and wonder who in their hangouts is a
terf. Making them feel "unsafe" because someone among them is a thought criminal is hilarious to me.
No. 1387051
>>1386363Being bad at memorization doesn't make you stupid anon and ADD doesn't effect everyone the same way.
Can you talk to your professor or a counselor at your college like this?
No. 1387139
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Feeling retarted because doing normal productive things for my life freaks me out and wants to make me hide but tricked myself into thinking that finding someone who I truly would want to be with and thus would have to be very vulnerable and put a lot of trust in would somehow never bring up old wounds even if things were perfectly fine because I have mushy survival brains
No. 1387156
>>1386955AYRT. Depends where you do it, bars are fine as they're very busy and unless you're spotted doing it no one will know it was you. Same with universities and any other busy place that attracts a lot of people. I draw the line at work as I ain't risking my job for a tranny or one of their handmaiden cronies.
>>1387046This. Anyone calling it activism is retarded. At best it lets the closet terves know they're not alone but it's certainly not an altruistic act.
>>1387136The janitor isn't going to fuck you.