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No. 1327314
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I love kirbyanon
love the danofags
love the driverfags
love carreychan
love komadeachan
and whoever else i'm forgetting but everyone loves to hate them so i wanna say i love them
No. 1327323
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I’m extremely angry at God for making me a lonely ugly woman with mental issues and not a cute little bird that has no worries, doesn’t have to worry about jobs or love or money, just FLY. Fuck you, God!!!
No. 1327612
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>be white
>got the vindaloo shits this morning
>haven’t eaten all day
>nicotine and pepsi
>decide to break my fast late the evening
>spicy chips
No. 1327628
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>>1327612Noooo nonnita kek you’re gonna give yourself gastritis
just like me if you’re going to eat something spicy after not having much food in your stomach you should eat some baby cereal. They’re meant to help create a mucus barrier in your stomach so it’ll help let your stomach heal
No. 1327635
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>>1327314Same, I like that we have all sort of weird characters and personalities in here. Women are most of the time showed as very bland and one of my favorite aspect of this site is how weird and funny all of you are (I'm not talking avout the gross men of course), most of the people here as the exact oposit of what "proper" women are suppose to be and it's such a breath of fresh air!
No. 1327950
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whenever i see a conventionally attractive or famous person i think about how they take dumps too. like not even for fetishistic reasons or to make myself feel better its sort of intrusive i dont do it willingly it just comes to me. but like the most attractive sexy/cute person you know or the fittest gymbro or like the queen of england for example etc etc. like they all have taken 1000+ dumps in their lifetime. imagine a roided or badboy tough guy having a shite constipated kek makes me laugh everytime. or not even attractive people like your maths professor for example.
i feel bad because it feels like im humiliating them in my mind but its not like i actively want to and nobody needs to know anyway, well except for whoever's reading this. now you know.
just had to say it because picrel reminded me of this
No. 1328370
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I cancelled plans with friends because I didn't feel like spending money on transit fees and an entrance ticket to the lame event they wanna attend.
I also blew about 200 euros on stationary products in the past few days. I couldn't help myself. The yen is so weak right now!!
No. 1328387
>>1327852Wow you're so unique
Most of us who want to fuck our professors would at least rather fuck the ones who don't support eating bugs and other various forms of retardation
No. 1328438
nonnie tells her nigel he’s a shitpost on a mongolian basket weaving forum
No. 1328674
>>1328061Mmmm, crunchy protein..
>>1328387It might sound retarded, but I am a Zoology major so I find his autism cute and rather fascinating. Also, I'd rather fuck him than any of my dumbass moid classmates who are all anime and porn obsessed.
No. 1328700
I’ve been friends with this guy for a while, but I’ve been in a committed relationship for a long time so there wasn’t anything serious. He would flirt with me occasionally, but nothing major.
I finally started flirting back with him a little while ago as I’ve officially ended my relationship, and he starts flirting with me.
We have a call one night, and I notice he talked about himself the entire time. I was quite nervous, so while I was confused, I didn’t think too much of it.
We continue to talk/flirt but I can’t help but feel like something is off.
He jokes about us getting married, running away together, etc.
We continue our calls and he starts staying up on such a regular basis he’s averaging 3-4 hours of sleep.
However, if there’s anything I’ve learned about men, it’s that you should never trust them.
Being the insane person that I am, I sleuth. I find that he’s constantly following girls on Instagram/twitter and it’s a wide range of girls.
I silently stew on this, but whatever. Things start ramping up and he starts posting songs I’ve sent him on his story, he texts me every morning, tells me he wants me to visit him etc.
I start really falling hard, but I still notice something is off. He barely replies to me one night and he messages me the next morning to ask if him going to a strip club with his friends is weird, and I say no but that it kinda made me sad. He apologizes and tells me he doesn’t want to jeopardize anything.
I mention this to a few of my online friends and one instantly responds with a picture of his girlfriend.
I am completely taken back by this because we’ve been friends for a lot longer than this girl has been in the picture, and I feel sick by the fact that he’s kept this from me even when it was friendly? I didn’t happen to notice her when i sleuthed because he didn’t even follow her.
Not a peep about her anywhere, but he had a few old photos of his ex?
But this isn’t even the strange part. He had multiple girlfriends at one point.
I message him immediately and tell him that I will no longer be talking to him.
He calls me, apologizes a million times, begs me to be his girlfriend (?) and texts the girlfriend about me.
Despite how disgusting this all is, I ache inside, and I am in denial that this is happening. With the initial shock I am still deeply interested in this guy, but know that it is not possible under any circumstance to involve myself because he will do it to me.
He and the girlfriend break up, she follows me, we talk and compare stories on what he was lying to us about.
He goes radio silent on her but continues to try and engage with me. I ignore it, but he is persistent.
The initial shock and adrenaline wears off and I begin to feel very sad. It all hits me at once and I cry for days.
A weird part of me wishes he’d call me and make it all better, and the other part knows that he couldn’t.
I find out he was talking to multiple girls throughout the whole thing and this makes it infinitely worse.
I’ve blocked him on everything but don’t have the heart to block his number yet. After us not talking for a week, he texts me “Hey” on Sunday. I replied with the side eye emoji, and he just doesn’t reply.
After a day I finally asked him what the fuck that was about, and he tells me he just wanted to check in.
I knew I shouldn’t reply, but I do.
He doesn’t reply to me for two days.
This really drives me insane and I ask him what his deal is? He replies today to let me know he is driving across the states and he’s sorry for not replying.
At this point we are both insane and I only have myself to blame, but I so desperately crave his attention. Yet when I have it, I know that there’s no point because I could never trust him.
I hate it. I hate scrotes.
Yet I fall into their traps every time and will probably continue to do so.
No. 1329005
>>1328938It is not and never will be. It’s a paraphilia of sexuality. A deviation of normal sexuality. They’re are also not sexual attracted to people or the individuals which is why they lose attraction as their
victims age, it’s a sick fucked fetish and like anon said before normalizing wouldn’t get rid of them. Look at Nambla and the Maps in the states. You’re literally arguing the pedos arguments for them.
No. 1329084
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I still would
No. 1329258
I hate how when you ask people how to stop wanting to be desired they never give you practical advice. I don't know how to explain it. Even if I find some porn star or random ugly, I feel like they're above me because they're being more desired since they have their nudes out. I just wish I could be wholly desired, I have a boyfriend and idk if as good of a person he is if that will do it for me. I don't care a lot of people say I'm attractive, I don't feel that way, I feel unattractive and unworthy and like I am doomed to being a little girl that is abused not because she's desirable but just because she is usable. I don't know how to not want this, it's been part of me so long because I was molested so young. I feel like being sexually desired is the best shit ever. All my other interests pale in comparison to that. I don't care that people think I have interesting opinions (which are really dumb ones, it's just I can drabble on and on) or that I could be smart or talented or anything else. The worst part is, I'll post this, and I'll just get 1 line responses that allude to me being a pickme or pathetic and it's like, okay, I'm a motherfucking pickme, so how the hell do I mend that hole in my brain? How do I stop giving a shit about being attractive and gaining male validation?
No. 1329554
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>>1329526You made me look it up out of curiosity and shit, you can definitely see it (now? I think this is a recent pic). But you're right, I also never noticed it on tv, I think it's because she has such a full baby fat face.
No. 1329716
>>1329651yeah, she’s looking rough in anything that past she’s been a variety of healthy weights (as is especially normal throughout teenage years), but was never really chubby. full cheeks and particular styling can keep an eating disorder flying under the radar for a long time (sources: me)
Sam & Cat wasn’t a show I ever really watched, and neither was iCarly, but iirc Sam was always styled as a bit of a tomboy, right? she wore cargo capris, hoodies, and of course lots of layers. everyone wore lots of layers in those years but kid’s tv stars fashion kicked it up to level 100.
point is, I’m not surprised people didn’t notice. people close to her we’re probably worried, but not fans watching her on TV. because they were literal children and it probably went over their heads. plus, the way seasons are filmed. while kids are watching reruns of season 1 she might’ve been dropping in weight before filming another season and ….oh wait we’re still watching recordings from when she was heavier.
No. 1329739
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If all my posts on here were under a username I'd be a massive cow and I think I'm not the only one.
No. 1329767
>>1329756I can't express how uncomfortable I feel about this but I post nonetheless, idk maybe I trust our mods or am just too addicted to not post.
>>1329764For all the deranged and utterly embarrassing crap I post.
No. 1329884
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I had a drink with my two crushes yesterday, they were both sitting accross from me. I got a good look at both their faces right next to each others and it got me so worked up. All I could think of is that I wanted to take them home and have them take care of me. I might sound like a degenerate but multiple males for one woman feels incredibely natural.
No. 1329983
>>1329962There's no time limit to finishing books,
nonnie. I read 1-3 chapter(s) a day, at best, either before going to sleep in bed or while im using the bathroom and have finished a couple books that way
No. 1329995
>>1329962I usually read on my commute home from work. Sometimes I'll read on my morning commute, but most times I sleep during then. It's like 15-20ish minutes of reading per commute, but better than nothing. Before reading, I would just spend that time scrolling on twitter or on here anyway, so I just changed the screen I was looking at. I use a kindle for convenience and size, and import ebooks from my library because I'm a cheap bitch. I could get the physical books but I don't like having to go out of my way to go to the library now that I don't work down the block from it anymore.
Ideally I would read first thing in the morning and right before bed, but in the morning I'm too sleepy and shit puts me right back to sleep.
Sometimes I'll read before bed, but normally I watch relaxing videos until I fall asleep kek. I have bad bedtime habits.
No. 1330008
>>1329994>you likely never will be until you stop blaming others for your feelings, own up to how you contribute to your poor self imageWhere did I blame others for my feelings? I think it is entirely my fault I am this way. Unfortunately, accepting responsibility is not enough to solve issues.
>make practical steps to change it. Get. Therapy.What would a practical step be to change this? I have been through 5 therapists and I only got better when I put in the work on my own. I don't know how to change what feels like a life goal. If I delete a life goal, I don't have anything to replace it with. I don't find anything else as enticing. I don't know how to find others things more enticing. I have anhedonia where I don't find interest in most things in general. I am just wondering if anyone else has done anything to get through abuse and if they are healed.
No. 1330093
>>1330065No, thank you for your empathy. I can see how having no life goal is better than having a sabotaging
toxic life goal. I often feel sad because though I don't qualify for my disorder diagnosis anymore, I still have a lot of the thought patterns. I feel locked, like I don't act out, but I just feel terrible even though I'm "progressing".
No. 1330095
>>1330008NTA but you have to in the world of my piece of shit father.
>>embrace the suck. Change is hard, difficult and doesn’t happen over night. A lot of things that will help you and improve how you feel long term in short term ime will feel like shit. You probably need a therapist, a good one, which is difficult to find even more so for Pwpd who are interested in changing themselves and not just holding their relationships and life together which is where a lot of therapy focus was in my exp.
Start focusing on yourself. You are your brain and your body. Both. Both impact each other. Figure out the basics of what your body needs. Exercise, nutrition, supplements, sleep, routine all of things impact how well your brain is functioning. I know I have a lot more trouble when I don’t keep those in check and it’s harder to stay present when my body fucking sucks and I want to escape it on top of my mental head.
There’s not a magic pill or phrase, start forcing yourself to do things for you. Knowing I won’t like it at first. The point shouldn’t be the dopamine and enjoyment. It’s doing the thing. It’s expressing. Feeling. It’s being alive.
The thing that helped me first was realizing chasing happiness was a fools game and no one and nothing was going to make me happy. Happy is a feeling. A state. An emotion. A chemical reaction. I shoot for contentment. I want to know I did a good job. I want to okay with myself at the end of the day.
This planning goals in advance is a trap. IMO most people don’t stick to them and the ones that do typically end up miserable because they don’t give themselves rooms to grow.
It’s okay to not know what you want to do. It’s okay to change your mind. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to fuck up. Other people may disagree but they’re fuck ups too. Everyone is. We spend our whole lives having this shit pushed down our throats. Get the right job and you’ll be happy. Get the degree and you’ll be happy. Buy this. Do this. Do that. Get married. Have a kid. Whatever. The thing is though? Those things don’t make you happy, it’s a lie. Happiness isn’t a thing we can barter and trade. Maybe this helps?
No. 1330152
>>1330095When I think about why I like sexual validation, it's because I believe it has never made me feel bad or I've made it so I never feel bad about it even if the circumstance is poor.
For instance, even if my boyfriend and I are both exhausted, I always try to have sex because I know if I don't have sex I'll feel terrible about myself. I'll feel embarrassed that we didn't have sex when we could have had sex and if we don't have sex, I feel like I'm not desirable/worth something. It drives me forward. Even though it makes me feel bad, I don't care, the glory I feel it will get me spurs me forward. The thing is, that "glory" doesn't exist. I feel like it exists for everyone else who displays themselves sexually. I am sorry if this is a schizo-tier post. I've never done sex work, mostly because I am afraid I will fail and it will shatter my idea of myself since irl I get attention for my appearance, but I'm pretty sure I'm actually sexually undesirable/ugly if that makes sense. But the thing is, if I want to move past all this, I just have to basically brainwash myself until I genuinely don't want validation for that, I suppose. I suppose I also will need to not let myself be validated when people mention my appearance or whatever.
No. 1330171
>>1330152Your post isn’t schizo anon, I can see a lot of myself in there too, and it used to be a lot worse for me. It sounds like you’re pretty disconnected from your body? Like your brain body connection isn’t as solid so you can almost “puppet” yourself if that makes sense. You can force yourself to do something like have sex and you know you can enjoy it and physically “it can feel good”, but are you pushing other thoughts and emotions away to focus on that or are there like skips in your memory during sex where it’s like you’re autopiloting?
>> ut the thing is, if I want to move past all this, I just have to basically brainwash myself until I genuinely don't want validation for thatI think you’re almost on the right track. It’s okay to want validation anon, it’s okay to need support. It’s okay to want to be loved and desired by your partner. You’re human and we’re social creatures. You can let your self feel nice from the compliments and enjoy them when they come. But I would start working to validate yourself, do things outside your appearance and sex appeal. Focus on real life skills, hobbies, even if it’s something like working out do it get stronger and be able to do more not to be more attractive. Start focusing in on you and connecting with others and less on how they’re viewing you. You can’t control them, you can only control you, and what you want also matters.
Even in sex you talk about wanting to be desired, but what do you find attractive other than being desired? Figure out what you find attractive and focus on what you can or what you can accomplish.
No. 1330705
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I have somehow managed to “findomme” a guy out of >4.4k USD in a couple months. Findomme in quotes because I don’t talk dirty, haven’t shown my face or anything really. I literally tell him shit like “I’m not even going to bother checking your messages until you send me $400,” and when I do finally respond it’s just low-effort shit about how much I hate him and think he’s gross.
I think it’s fun and hilarious because I fucking hate moids and buying random luxury shit for myself on some random’s dollar without sacrificing anything myself is entertaining. I don’t even need the money. The only downside is the thought of it being a fetish grosses me out, but considering how little effort it takes and that he has no access to how I look, I really don’t care. Fuck men, they should be taxed for existing.
No. 1330908
>>1330879>slutty in a butch way>bite me in the assDamn
nonnie, I'd love to.
No. 1330952
nonnie, that gave me a good chuckle kek
No. 1331086
>>1331043I was in relationships for most of the time from 19 to 29. I had as many bad experiences as I did good. And then the bad ones.. linger and play on your mind. I'm 4 years into taking a break and I feel like I've learnt alot from past mistakes but.. your brain on 'love chemicals' is dumb. I don't have total faith that I wouldn't end up in miserable situations again if I hopped back in tomorrow. It's not all roses. From the outside people see the best parts but behind closed doors..
I have friends who have babies with men who years after the split still try to play mind games with them and make their days harder or more stressful, For what?
No. 1331164
>>1331119>know when to cut your lossesDiff anon but this is the toughest part. When you're already invested and your life is all intermingled with a guy.. and then he starts to change. You hold out hope that he'll go back to how he once was. You weigh up the practical obstacles in the way like if you're living together. Its like a trap.
I'm real good at telling others to get the hell out already but admittedly not so good when I find myself in that same position. Wears you down when you've been through it a few times. The one who you thought was better than 99 percent of guys, who had you fooled for 2/3/5 years falls from grace and you don't want to accept the reality.
No. 1331171
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I smoke weed every day after work. It's not a ton, usually I'll roll two joints for the week, but I hate being a pothead. Every time I try to quit, my OCD symptoms get out of control. I've tried to manage my OCD and anxiety with medication, but after ten years bouncing between different SSRIs and SNRIs, I barely escaped with my humanity intact. Weed is my one bad habit. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes or binge eat or have sex. I feel like a failure. I'm trapped in a cycle of smoking too much, quitting, driving to my house 10 times a day to make sure my door is locked, and then giving up to get high again. I wish I was just a stupid little cloud floating above the earth, no brain no body no problems. I'm judging myself too much. I'm not judging myself enough.
No. 1331291
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>>1331156Ayart, u should come live with me and we'll have tea time rituals in the garden together
No. 1331665
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>>1327041if i had more balls i would have pulled a femcel murder-suicide already.
massively failed genetically mentally and socially and now im laughed at and bullied around by fucking strangers every time i go out in public. i have rarely had a positive experience with people outside of the internet and even then i'm the group bitch. i have to move out in a year but at this point i'd rather neck.
i do not know what the hell my parents were thinking for over a decade now outside of "the phone shuts her up so it's okay".
No. 1332121
>>1331909This reminded me. I was watching a youtuber a couple days ago. Someone with alot of tatts and nearly as many piercings. Hands and neck tattooed etc. She was talking about how abandoning certain piercings will still pretty much leave you with a lil perma speck of evidence that you once had it there. I have a retired eyebrow and labret and yeah you can tell if you look closely. But she was making such a big deal about it and it came off as so weird to me. Esp on someone with so many tatts and all that already.
Who the fuck is stressing about that. I retired mine years ago and never gave it another thought.
No. 1332322
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My neighbor talks kinda loud so I listen to her conversations on the phone as my own personal lolcow. She sometimes puts it on speaker so I can hear what the other person is saying as well. So far her daughter and her daughters boyfriend are drug addicts despite being in their 50s, one of her grandsons is in jail, she’s been to jail, just lots of drama. My favorite conversations she has are when she talks to her three cats, she sings to them too sometimes. One of the cats has a deep meow and talks back to her which is super cute.
No. 1333267
>>1332394I did the same thing a couple months back except my breakoff was spur of the moment because I just couldn't take my fiance's shit anymore.
It sucks for me because I have to keep paying on our house that he is blocking me from and I still have to keep in contact with him until we sell the property, but I love being free and you will too <3 The relief is so worth it.
No. 1333275
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I purposefully ask my father to take us to not so great restaurants whenever we are out cause it's what he deserves
No. 1333292
>>1333287how? theyre just complaining that majority of straight erotica caters to men.
Even the ones who do try to cater to women still end up sexualizing the woman way more than the man (for example all those josei nswf manhwas where the woman ends up more sexualized)
No. 1333816
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>>1333624Burn all his money babe and leave him wanting. It’s the only thing scrotes deserve.
No. 1334197
>>1334172I hate it when scrotes fall for an obvious bpder, they'll eat up the part where she's all hypersexual and yet never stop complaining about the emotional distress that soon accompanies it. I've known men like this and I refuse to listen to their relationship vents. I swear men can smell bpd a mile away but they dive on in anyway and then play
victim. "women are crazy" Are you sure you're not just y'know… cherry picking the 'crazy ones' because sometimes people with bpd/bipolar/trauma are hypersexual? You seek it out on purpose because you like certain perks that it comes with.
I met a guy last year, still plays on my mind how hot he was. Its pretty rare that I feel that level of attraction. But he seemed off. Charming but you could get a vibe. He had a history that screamed of just ongoing emotional dysregulation and some messy relationships that he was only too willing to spill the beans on right away.. aswell as some childhood trauma he dumped out in front of me immediately. Basically laid it out to me that he's not stable. He'd no filter. I couldn't play dumb and ignore it. Ime you can tell from early on and you have a choice. I didn't fuck him because I can't take that on. Its that easy. Don't fuck people with underlying issues and then act surprised when the obvious happens.
No. 1334325
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>>1334249Otherizing other women with severe issues and trouble trusting men. Heterosexual women never cease to amaze me. It’s a man he’s not a prize, he’s probably ugly as shit and looks like this, don’t talk about BPD-chans like that when they have more balls than you to punch back against a scrote
No. 1334330
>>1334235Yeah, fuck that. Words mean nothing on their own. If she can't back it up with action, then she just loves what you give her and how convenient you are for her.
>>1334325It doesn't sound like she's hating on her, though.
No. 1334389
>>1334249I dated a guy who in hindsight hopped from one mentally ill woman to another. He thought the woman he was seeing before me was bpd. I have plain old anxiety but it was to a bad degree att that I met him. I was at a low point. It weirdly only got worse when we met. It was rocky but then I start to make improvements in myself. As I improve I'm less prone to having him suck me into pointless arguments. I'm not freaking out and begging him to calm down every time he seems pissed about something. I honestly think he started to miss the drama of all that. We're doing well and then he starts to act distant.
He starts having an affair with a woman who has 4 kids and a partner herself. She jumps so headfirst into this relationship with him that its weird. I take the affair/breakup about as well as you can. I plan to move and I stay civil because tbh I could do with his help moving. He had me isolated where we lived so he knows that and gives me a hand. We spent a couple days together arranging both of our moves and cleaning out our old apartment. During this she messages him non stop, cries on the phone, has a medical emergency, begs him to come back straight away. Next day she has a mental health emergency. Begs for him again. It was nuts. I just wanted to move our shit. We had stuff we had to do before handing our keys back. My last memory before saying goodbye to him is him sitting on the couch in my new place and he whips out his phone to read the longest wall of text that I've ever seen someone send. Idk what was going on because I just wanted to get stuff done and not be seen as interfering. I say thanks and bye. I don't know if she thought we were fucking for those 2 days. I'm not about to make a move on a man who already cheated on me. There was no risk, nothing happening.
Looking back he had some dramatic ways, he'd a short fuse and I think he sought out drama and he'd get bored if a relationship was too clam or stable.
No. 1334617
>>1334389>>1334249>>1334197Men have hero complexes too.
They genuinely enjoy feeling like a woman's saviour even if that comes with extra drama. A competent woman can make men feel useless and emasculated. Dating a trainwreck gives them an artificial ego boost.
No. 1334636
>>1334617From what I've seen of men who time after time pick 'vulnerable types' They like to swoop in and play saviour. Then they end up eating away at her sanity and self esteem even more. But they do it slow enough to not raise any alarms. She gets to be too much for him because she's essentially being emotionally abused and is reacting to that on top of her existing issues. He goes "welp my job here is done" and finds another woman to play fake saviour to. Its a cycle where the woman has to be discarded once she's been worked over. It can't last forever and still fulfill them the same way.
I only have mild MH issues but I met a guy before who almost wanted to blow my issues out of proportion. My childhood was mundane but he wanted to brand my dad an abuser for some spanking that I didn't hold any strong feelings about. I caught the red flags early. Sorry I don't have a super
abusive childhood or any big trauma that you can use against me. Like he went digging for trauma and was disappointed.
No. 1334838
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Listening to my boyfriend eat genuinely infuriates me. Eating noises are so disgusting
No. 1334917
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I believed in Santa Clause until I was 10.
No. 1334941
>>1334917My younger sister was the one who expose Santa not being real
>me:Santa is real, look at the presents, the Santa ones are different than our parents!>my sister: exposes the wrapping paper in our shed. I had no words.
No. 1335085
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He's cute
No. 1335331
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I have sex with men as a form of self harm.
No. 1335359
>>1335356Finally some good fucking opinion
Chipette supremacy
No. 1335388
>>1335372I was hoping he would not try anything until after I graduate. But if he never does then he’s the one who got away that I will forever reminisce about. He really blows all other men out of the water, it’s sad.
>>1335362No he’s just really that hot and very young for a professor.
No. 1335608
>>1327852I’m the same anon. My horniness has exponentially increased for my professor. Why must I fantasize about fucking bug-obsessed moids who have authority over me? I truly am retarded. On the bright side, he gave me a sci-fi book recommendation that I’ve been reading this weekend during my free time.
>>1335357Kekkk we have similar situations! We’ll be sad losers together. There’s something about intelligent, focused men that’s overwhelmingly hot.
No. 1336239
>>1336235Like a normal guy, there's nothing wrong with him. I just used to daydream obsessively about my dream/ideal boyfriend. I would imagine the exact type of clothes he'd wear, his nose shape, his mother's heritage, his birthday, and so forth… Whenever I'd find somebody who'd resemble these things, it would be extra special to me. Now that I have a boyfriend I don't look at things that way anymore, but because I was so obsessed for years (lonely teenage girl things) those thoughts still get
triggered by certain stimuli.
No. 1336569
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>>1332394samefagging with an update- waiting fucking sucks. Guilt is seeping in and the "maybe we can just work things out" thoughts are plaguing me. I feel so awful having to play house with him while thinking about this situation and our imminent/potential split. Constantly thinking about the pros/cons is burning me out so bad.
No. 1338720
I’ve been sexually assaulted, when I was 4-6 and it fucks with me to this day. The worst part - it was my older sisters (cousins to be exact), who were 7-9 years older, or old enough to know better.
I was 16, when I came out as bi to one of the cousins (yeah, we did still talk at the time), and the audacity of this bitch! She was so homophobic, I wanted to bring it up there and then, but others were listening.
It took me a long time to realize how truly awful it was. Children do experiment with each other, I’ve kissed a lot of my friends, when I was little. But they were teenagers, not kids. And I was fucking 4-6! How can you look at a child this young and think yeah, I will fuck her. The fuck was (is?) wrong with them? One of them has a child, and I’m so fucking worried for him. I want to protect him, to make sure he’s alright, but I don’t know how.
I’ve never brought it up with them and I probably never will. I’m afraid, that they will say I imagined all of that, but I know they’ve done it. I’m never going to speak to them again, it’s too much to handle. I want to kill and destroy and make their lives as miserable, as they’ve made mine.
For the longest time I thought there was something fundamentally wrong with me, that I’m fucked beyond repair and nothing will make it better. I’ve tried to push the memories as far back as possible, but it didn’t really work. I don’t remember all that much, a few incidents at most, but I know for sure it lasted for a pretty long time. I’ve never cried about it, never told my psychiatrist. Only person, who know the extent of it, is my husband. And it was incredibly hard to bring myself to talk about it.
I’ve got triggered recently by some video and I don’t have any idea, how to deal with it. Had a dream afterwards, that brought up previously buried memories. I’ve cried in my sleep, but not a single tear left my eyes.
How do you cope with shit like this? I can’t hide it from myself anymore, oftentimes when I close my eyes I see that one particular incident so vividly, I want to scream or throw up or do something, that will make it a bit better.
I’ve never ever wrote it like that before, it’s so fucking hard. Sorry for even bringing it up, I really need to share that shit anonymously.
No. 1338799
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I feel bad for this, but I'm glad my manager (? I think, it was never explicitly explained to me, but anyway) is quitting the job. I like her as a person, but she's super stubborn and she keeps micromanaging everything and it gets really annoying really quickly. It's always "you shouldn't leave stuff at the back's fridge, you gotta put everything in the store for display" and once I do she's like "The fridge is too crowded! You can't leave it like that because people won't buy stuff if they can't properly chose!". Or then she'll scold me for not doing some routine shit that I know I have to do and I was gonna do it later but I was in the middle of a pickle that simply wouldn't let me do it properly just that once. Today I basically just nodded silently when she did this stuff again, so yeah, I'm glad soon enough I won't have to deal with this although I'll kinda miss the conversations and stuff.
this was kinda of a venty confession I guess
No. 1338806
>>1338720I’m really sorry you went through that and that you’re struggling. I can relate to being sexually assaulted by older children as a young child but cannot offer you much advice as I never really felt affected by it. EMDR is supposed to be helpful for specific traumatic incidents and might be worth asking your psych if they can refer you to a therapist who specializes in it. I personally disliked EMDR but loads of people say it helped them so I’m recommending it anyway. One of the good things about it is you really don’t have to talk about the trauma much but you do need to build a relationship with the therapist before starting.
Best of luck anon. You are resilient and you can heal.
No. 1338816
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unpopular opinion: men who make “eggs are dust” “hitting the wall” sexual anxiety jokes targeted towards women are projecting their innate need to want to be pregnant themselves, but they can’t. i think the maker of this fish tank world should swoop down and give men what they really want me by making them shoot out 8 pound eggs out of their dickholes and make breast milk ooze out of this male tit orifices so they can finally get the deep dicking and bonding they truly want from a man and not from a woman that has to endure 8 months of life-threatening changes to her body only to spend hours bleeding out until she almost dies. go suck a man’s cock and leave women alone you stupid XY faggot
No. 1338840
>>1338806Thank you for your compassion, it really means something.
I’ll look into EMDR, I hope I’ll find a decent practitioner. My psychiatrist will be back from his vacation tomorrow, so I’ll finally bring it up with him. I have a bipolar diagnosis, but now I’m not so sure about it now, since CPTSD fits me much more. I hope we’ll figure it out. I’m still a bit afraid, but I have to talk about it or memories will eat me alive.
Part of me really wants to confront my cousins and somehow hurt them in the process, but the little girl in me just wants to be left alone, so I don’t know, if I should do it. Maybe it will heal some things, that were broken
Sorry again, I hate to bother anyone with my traumas, but it’s anonymous and you can simply scroll down
God, I feel a bit lighter now, thank you again.
No. 1338842
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>>1338816Men literally die when they lose their virility, their life has no meaning except for being sex objects so they project their anxieties onto women. They literally lose their reason of existing when they can’t fuck and perish immediately. The fact that women have lives beyond reproduction is incomprehensible to them, that we can live for the sake of ourselves first and foremost. They will never be free from the reign of their dicks and even if they ever reproduce by a cruel twist of fate they will never be mothers (gods.) They could have a million kids and still never feel the warmth of having a family of their own. They can only feel the momentary rush of feeling important and never of being unconditionally loved. It’s all so simple when you know what a male is (a cancer cell trying to duplicate itself) and I could almost feel bad for them if they weren’t ontologically evil. It’s like talking to a chatbot, nothing it says matters because you’re alive and it’s not. And in 50 years, they’ll be 6 feet under and we will be shitting on their graves.
No. 1338872
>>1338840Don’t worry, you’re not bothering anyone. I’m happy if I was able to help even a tiny bit.
I’d personally recommend against confronting your cousins. As you mentioned, I did some experimenting with close childhood friends. In 2020 the girl I was best friends with in kindergarten (like 20 years ago) messaged me out of the blue and accused me of molesting her and it really screwed me up as I know everything we did was mutual. Idk, I can see why you’d want to confront them but they might respond in a way that causes you more pain (such as denying it happened) especially if they’re still in your life.
No. 1338937
>>1338910I’m sorry it happened. Your strength though make me see hope again, so thank you.
Nightmares are the worst. I rarely get them nowadays bc of my meds, but I had to go through life, fatigued by the lack of sleep, for a very long time. I hope you’re getting all the help you deserve, anon.
>>1338908I don’t breath without my psychiatrist’s approval, so if he says no, I’ll listen. I just want to deal with those memories in a healthy and productive way. For now they loom over over me, and it’s exhausting. I know there was more, because I specifically remember remembering more.
No. 1339015
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>>1338805It's irasutoya, he has a site full of these illustrations. You can download 10 for free every month for any use and unlimited if you're using it for the greater good of a community (like for education, hospitals, PSAs, etc). They're widespread in Japan for that reason, everyone loves it and it's the standard
No. 1339037
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Your awful taste in men breaks my heart.
No. 1339065
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>>1339037liking men is enough of a punishment from Xenu, let me live in peace with my shit taste in moids
No. 1339149
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>>1339093Nonna showing up with one of those carpeted bathrooms, kek.
No. 1339173
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>>1339168…Bjorn? If you're sure, ig, good luck
No. 1339178
>>1339155Smelled chickeny, tasted very bland. Maybe I guess like very chewy, hard pork.
I don’t think I’ll truly know until I try flesh. I promised myself that if I ever get anything amputated, I’d try to keep it to cook. I’ll let you know.
No. 1339645
>>1339633>I feel guilty because he was trying to recover from being a porn sick pig when we metDo not feel guilt, the sick fuck already targeted someone vulnerable like yourself and wanted to keep going.
>I kinda convinced him to to leave the church.Him going to church doesn't mean he still wouldn't commit sex crimes, so many men use religion and church to find new
victims. Lot of Mormon girls have dealt with sexual harassment. Whether he stayed or not, he was a bad person who didn't want to change and the Mormon cult couldn't fix that.
No. 1339672
>>1339645Thank you. I know my guilt is irrational and he has already heading down a bad path I just feel like I made things worse.
I’m not religious at all myself and understand it’s likely he would’ve done this shit no matter what. Before all of this went down he landed a job as a professor in Florida and I had already become so suspicious of him that I wanted to give them a heads up that they hired a sex pest but didn’t have any proof yet. My apologies for semi incoherently ranting.
No. 1339715
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I told all my friends how horrible he made me feel, told them all of the rude and insensitive things he said to me, said I would never see him again and then last night I secretly saw him and got back together. No one will ever take me seriously again, there is no recovering from this and everyone will always hate him and be disappointed and worried for me. But he's a 10, so…
No. 1339803
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I've ghosted everyone i knew irl during the pandemic for two years, went nc with my family on my dad's side and the only family member i talk to is my mom who is an orphan, and deleted social media.
i'm moving to a completely different continent and legally changing my name, it's bizarre and freeing to start your life anew from zero, my past feels so heavy and ive changed a lot as person due to some usual traumatic circumstancss and thinking about bumping someone who knew old "me" fills me with dread and anxiety, but its also a little weird to think i could hypothetically dead and no one cared to check lol, ive been effectively missing from social life for two years now.
No. 1339916
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I hate my best friend's drawings and I can't even compliment them anymore.
She never really had that much interest in drawing until we had to apply for universities, she signed up for the exact same courses and schools as me, all art ones. She always loved Photography, but suddenly she wants to do illustration. She full on started ignoring me and getting pissy when I got into the prestigious school and she didn't, me not wanting to go to our local one.
She likes sending me her course work, but god they're so fucking shit, ms paint tier. Her drawings are the same as from high school, they haven't improved, I have no idea why she's trying to go down the same route as me when she has no skills. I want to actually critique her work, but she'd just get upset.
I feel like a judgemental bitch typing this out but I can't help it, she just can't draw.
No. 1340458
>>1340059>But now I can't O without at least some degeneracy. i've tried a few times and it's just boring.It's normal to try a few times and fail. Doesn't mean that you have to stop trying or that you'll never be able to beat your addiction. AFAIK addictions function just like normal habits do. You can form new habits and get rid of old ones if you try. Neuroplasticity is real.
>can you rewire your brain to not want to be objectified. >Is this fixableYes, check the porn addiction recovery thread on /g/ for resources and advice. I think there are some related posts in the masturbation thread too.
No. 1340525
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I like some asian food more than I like the food in my own country, and it makes me deeply ashamed of it
No. 1340546
>>1340535oh nonna i know how you feel. My parents relied on me to go to uni and be the most succesful person. They didn't have the opportunity to study so i had to, my brother was an idiot so they never expected that from him. I tried 2 universities and had a massive meltdown in thid year on both of them and quit. I told my mom i feel like killing myself in a fight. She tells me to this day i should go back to studying and how my other cousin, who's lived in our house and is the same age, graduated and is succesful. She tells me this almost everytime we meet.
I'd love to just be a tree and meditate in a nice landscape all my life, that's what this type of parents do to you.
No. 1340741
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>>1339715the fuck is with you? have you thought, for just a second, that maybe, just fucking maybe, it's not him that's a 10, but your stupid brain making him out to be a 10 so your fears of being alone or whatever the fuck piss off? keep the clown wig on and hit your head with a hammer for a bit so your brain gets back in place. he's not a 10 if he talked shit and made you feel like shit. and i know from experience what it's like to be friends with a person like you, a person who says one thing and does another, so do your friends a favor - get rid of the piece of shit and get yourself straight. no one who truly wants to be in your life wants you to be a two-faced moron.
No. 1340863
>>1340059i get you anon, i used to have that. i basically quit porn cold turkey. i actually installed stuff so that i couldnt search for porn - i think you should do that too since adding an extra step to reach porn makes you think "wtf am i really gonna disable this extension and break my promise?".
my methodology was
1) quit porn, go by imagination + audio porn (asmr sex sounds on youtube). im allowed to think of as many degenerate shit as i want.
2) slowly decrease amount of degeneracy. start with actually
problematic stuff first
3) do that until you have like 1 coomer kink left. i think as long as you think of vanilla-ish sex, its ok to have 1 coomerish thought.
i hope you get over it nona, i understand you and it really is like quiting chocolate. its not addictive like drugs but its really weird to get used to the absence of it.
No. 1340895
>>1340879not to cause you to get a ban, but who was it anon? also did you do it intentionally?
(im intentionally trying to get over hendery/xiaojun from WayV, its been like a year i dont wanna randomly daydream about them anymore)
No. 1341000
>>1340975You shit your pants as a 14 year old?
No. 1341037
>>1340971I worked in care facilities and it's true. Moids of every age will assault female patients if they get the chance. Male staff and other male patients are always a problem. Women should have female only staff and patient homes when they need help or are infirmed. But I guess now some moid will just change his name to Lisa and cry discrimination if he can't go there.
Fuck moids
No. 1341116
>>1341037>>1340971I wish it would be discussed more widely so women would be more aware of these matters.
No. 1341117
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>>1341110The hell is wrong with you anon?
No. 1341168
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I could stand driverfags and fraserfags, I tolerated but pitied danofags BUT THE NERD THREAD IS TOO MUCH. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
No. 1341170
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My mother wasn't flat-out abusive, but she did do a lot of messed up stuff + obviously wasn't prepared for a kid. I love her to the point that I know I'd want to die if anything happened to her, but I also get annoyed with how often she'll call me for absolutely No Reason. All she wants to do is ramble about her day, or something she saw on TV, or [insert non-essential thing here for upwards of an hour], or make me Google her things because internet providers in the US are assholes and she can't get internet at her own home.
And I've never spoken to her like this, partially because of how she raised me. My social skills are very poor, because she was sure to isolate me from my peers/get furious when I wanted to hang out with other kids (she was worried for my safety so I don't fault her, but eh). When I tell her I'm busy with school or that I just want some silence (or that I have nothing to talk about, and therefore am not trying to be rude when I just occasionally confirm I'm still listening when we have a "conversation") she acts like I've told her to rope or something.
Anyway this is more of a vent but TL;DR I cannot stand my mother more often than not, I love her to death so this makes me feel guilty. She gave up a lot just to raise me.
Pic somewhat related, the mother-daughter relationship in this movie reminded me of my own. I love you with all my heart but you're annoying as all fuck
No. 1341182
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>>1341170Istg I was about to go to the vent thread to type something pretty much exactly like this. Crazy shit man even about isolating you shits fucked anon.
No. 1341194
>>1341168I think this thread is useless because there are
>boy type thread>unconventional attraction threadI am convinced this thread was created by a stupid newfag.
No. 1341197
>>1341168It's a fetish. I'm pretty sure that everyone in that thread is aware that it's a fetish. I even bet that half the posters in that thread aren't exclusively into nerds and also like more conventionally attractive men.
Also why don't you sperg like this about the shameful fetish thread? There are way, way worse things posted there than just dorky men.
No. 1341204
>>1341196She's caught in the trap of seeing other women as her competitors, like most women her age seemingly are. Her "friend circle" consists of men that either want to date her (or she wants to date them). We've had discussions about this, but she is set in her ways and doesn't care.
I don't doubt she's lonel – I'm pretty lonely too. But I'm not, like…calling people just to talk about nothing for an hour every other day either.
>>1341182Yeah it's such a complicated feeling, and I hate it. She's my sense of comfort, but also a large source of most of my current insecurities and developmental issues.
I'm now remembering this one day where she said she would've aborted me if she could right before blowing 3k on my tuition for uni (financial aid was late and the school was going to kick me out). The duality is utterly insane. No. 1341244
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>>1341168every time my eyes land on "unconventional male attraction" or "nerd type" or "conventional male attraction" or just anything related to males or males being seen as anything other than grotesque i puke internally. they’re an abomination. their existence is torture. i'm sorry, nonnas who like males and have a type, but you could slam dunk me into lava and that would hurt less than simply noticing those threads. i'm sorry.
No. 1341531
>>1341512I didn't he came attached at the hip to a couple of other friends I had, and I got inducted into the group chat later. I only pop in once in a while because I don't want people to start thinking I'm transphobic after recently detransitioning (most of the others are nonbinary), but I've largely distanced myself from all but a couple of people there.
The dude's shit is just so persistent that I need eye bleach every time I pop in. We were talking about easy dinner ideas once and the guy started talking about how it's hard to think of things like that when the estrogen keeps making him horny (with an xD tacked on for good measure). Hell.
No. 1341600
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>>1341532Been there, nonna. I try to remind myself that what I just binged is what some people eat in a day on a regular basis. Drink some water and be kind to yourself. It's gonna be alright.
No. 1341937
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I have this one coworker, he's like the only person in my department who's really into pop culture, and I can't stop talking to him about Lawrence of Arabia. Before we were taking about various anime, video games and movies but now it's just Lawrence of Arabia. I lost interest in everything we talked about before, I even lost interest in my other hobbies. He said he will watch LoA this weekend and it makes me really happy. But when I finish the book, this is when the true hell breaks loose
No. 1341939
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I joined a group chat for a niche interest and one woman in particular caught my attention. We both clearly hate moids, she’s also an autist like me, we have similar taste in music and fashion, and all around our personalities and interests seem compatible in a rare way.
I’ve always dreamed about close female friendship with another autist who likes the same things I do, it’s been kind of a passive fixation of mine for years, so of course I got really excited. However, I think I blew it by being TOO similar to her.
We chatted a little bit but after observing her behaviors, I think she kind of prides herself on her uniqueness, so coming across another woman who is passionate about similar things and has extremely similar taste, she has become clearly uninterested in me and almost seems threatened. I almost get the impression she thinks I’m a skinwalker but I genuinely had these opinions and interests before, so I’m just really hurt I guess. We could have been autistic artistic man-hating besties… I still have this weird hope that she’ll come around but I kind of doubt it.
I really wish women wouldn’t view other women as competition or feel weird about other women being into their unique interests too. This is the first time I’ve felt that friendship spark in years and I fucked it up because we have too much in common… fuck. It’s eating me up more than it should but if she’s that concerned about being nlog I guess we shouldn’t be friends anyway…
No. 1341940
nonnie you freak, oh well at least you get along with your co workers x
No. 1341950
>>1341939I have it happen all the time. The last time it happened I had to say, "Don't you think this is less me trying to be you and more me trying to relate you and make conversation????" and I think they ultimately ended up regretting leaving me because they're not going to find anyone patient or understanding enough to replace me (in this specific case) I have no advice, just solace. sorry
nonnie I hope someone in the future will be as relieved as we felt when we found them
No. 1341967
>>1341950Fuck, that’s so frustrating! Sorry to you too nonnacita. I think what set her over the edge was I offered an opinion on [x] that she deemed too eerily similar to HER opinion on [x] though I hadn’t seen her write up on it prior. I don’t even know where I could find her writeup of it. Like I legitimately just braindumped what I thought and she called me on it in the chat “that’s like exactly what I wrote in my review”
Like damn, ok, take that as an indicator that we share opinions and experiences and that’s a really cool and rare thing!!! I’m just bitching at this point but yeah I’m going to be sad about this for a week and hopefully be over it.
No. 1342002
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I decided I didn't want to see this girl I had been formerly very fond of yesterday because
>she messes me around so much
>she talks bad about everyone behind their backs- her mother, her best friend etc
>said best friend is talked down to by her
>she thinks her grunge lifestyle (drugs and drinking) at 18 is cool
>'i'm just honest!!' (is an pessimistic asshole)
>bpd and ecstasy, conceited with low self esteem kind of girl
So I was no longer going to visit her, I was just in this random town. I couldn't go home until 10pm as public transport wouldn't get cheaper until that time, and I couldn't afford much else. And I didn't want to be with my own thoughts for much longer, so I just made small talk with this random man who was rolling a cigarette- I just got into the habit of being a sociable public nuisance from my time with family in Liverpool, as that's just people there.
Anyway, we talked for a while, and he invited me to eat with him, and would pay. This was a random man in his late 50s, a little dodgy looking, and I was thinking 'hmm will I get stabbed' but I said yes. And he bought me hot food and a drink at a nice place, and I just spent the whole day with this random stranger. He'd keep buying me nice drinks and offering more things throughout the day, and I felt bad for not paying, but I listened to him and was also keeping him company, let him have my gloves as he had shaky hands. We even visited a tourist attraction that I didn't know about, which was beautiful, and he seemed to know everyone in that town. I think it probably looked like he was my granddad. I discovered after a while that he wasn't just being nice, but actually flirting, but I have no interest in men and was simply grateful for a hot meal and to talk to someone. He was, also, very interesting. At one point, homeless by choice, at another, he travelled all over the world, and he knew a lot about using natural herbs, painting, martial arts. I heard stories about how his girlfriend tried to kill him, and how he also heard voices at one point.
I think my mum would absolutely create if she knew that I trusted a stranger that much, but I actually had a pretty good day. I think it was better than wandering around in the cold, hungry. I hope the random uncle in that little town is doing ok.
No. 1342092
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Some coworker punched out my deadbeat dad at his work and I can’t help but be happy.
No. 1342131
I love my boyfriend so much and can't express how grateful I am to have him in my life. Whenever we're together my world expands and brightens. He completes me. I can't believe I've ever lived without him. However, I am plagued by off-putting dreams and intrusive thoughts. In many superficial ways, he is absolutely not whom I ever dreamed of dating, or even marrying! By contrast, he's quite the opposite. I've always had a penchant for light and European features as well as culture. It was really only by chance that I met and fell in love with a man who tans easily, has dark curls and isn't from Europe… Since I love him so much for who he is, and am utterly attracted to him regardless of the daydreams I had prior to him, I love these things about him. I've even come to embrace his curls, almost… But yesterday I had a dream in which my past crushes/current attractive guys in my life all played a role. They all have straight or wavy blonde hair, freckles, light coloured eyes and are European… They're all the type of guy I used to crush on heavily before I met my boyfriend. Having these dreams and waking up from them distresses me so much. I know it's silly, but it's clear I have yet to let go of these superficial things. I know in my heart that I must simply trust God for putting this man in my path and surrender to God's wisdom, casting aside fleeting, earthly characteristics. Part of me simply still doubts… Does it have any reason? Should I not be with my boyfriend? Am I meant to be with someone with a different appearance and background? I just love my boyfriend so much, I couldn't break up with him over something so superficial. I've considered it and even tried to convince myself to see wherr my heart lies. But I can't, I just don't want to break up with my boyfriend at all. I want him in my life and I want a future together. So why do I keep having these dreams? Why do I sometimes feel attracted to guys with totally different features, and wish that maybe my boyfriend could be a little more like them? Why am I so unfair? I know this is a perversion within my heart, as I compare everything, even myself. Nothing is ever good enough for me. I have a lot of growing to do and cannot do it without God…
No. 1342170
>>1342131Are you also a blonde freckled person? maybe you shouldn't race/phenotypemix if so and that's what the dreams are telling you
>>1342162>dumb happy bunnyI wish, kinda. Boyfriend is blonde and has had as many negative experiences as me. Not the same severity, but same amount. I can tell who he could've been otherwise, but he makes and checks off his own boxes as is and I love him to bits because of it.
No. 1342180
>>1342156It makes no sense… I love my boyfriend's type as well, as it's somewhat Mediterranean… Very masculine, much more than many guys with light features are. I love it. And yet I have these feelings??
>>1342162There's a reason I've never had a boyfriend from my own country before, despite idealising it always. Many of them are blonde and such, but many of them are so off-putting too. I feel like I hit the jackpot in terms of personality, and sometimes entertain the thought that European guys are typically not what I'm looking for. Way too perverted and tainted… I'm not sure I'd call them dumb happy bunnies, but perhaps that's because I've always met men from the city. They're such run-through narcissists with no morals.
>>1342170I'm not befreckled, but I do have the blonde hair/light eyes/light skin combination I desire in a partner too. Or at least that very European appearance.
No. 1343061
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I secretly love this anime character, just wish she only targeted that pedo protagonist that liked her and men
No. 1343101
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I was a foreigner living in a country that has a majority of Muslim people but that wasn't too strict with the rules those moids got over the hijabs and whatnot.
So I decided to go out one windy day with my father so we could go buy some bread, and my mother put a scarf on my head to protect me from the wind, it was for fun, I love wearing headscarves from time to time.
So I was waiting on the line outside of the tiny bakery with my dad, and we were speaking in Spanish, which was already catching a lot of attention from the people around us, but then my headscarf ended up like pic related, I took it off and the people on the line looked at me like I just cut my finger off with a pair of scissors.
I never wore a headscarf in that country again, but I would do it again just to spite the moids and use my diplomatic immunity to avoid getting in trouble.
No. 1343278
I'm jealous of this girl.
The career she has, the body she has, the salary she has and the home she was able to afford with it, they're all things where I know they're nice but I am perfectly content with my own version of those things, but it's her having a husband I can't get over kek. I'm a lesbian so it's not that she has a man, it's just that her man is so undeniably in love with her. They've been together for 10 years now, and he still fawns over her like when they first met. He accidentally sent our group chat a message meant for her and it was just a long paragraph to say good morning, but he gushed on and on about how he adored her so much and was so excited for her to wake up. He's sent us messages when they're in bed and she's fallen asleep and he's telling us he's sad because she was cuddled up against him but then moved away after he shifted around to get more comfortable and how he wished he didn't move at all. And I've seen her return the sentiment, gushing about how he's her best friend and how much she loves him. I've seen them fight, but like all couples, they're just hiccups in the road.
I want that adoration. I want to be loved so wholly like that. I'm always the one doing the adoring and the fawning. For once I wish I could have those gestures returned. I know relationships are more than that, but I can't even get that out of a relationship, much less any other effort it takes to sustain one. I'm perfectly happy being single but sometimes I can't help but think how it'd be nice to wake up and come home to someone else who will light up at the sight of me, like I always do.
No. 1343288
>>1343101Wait, I’m from a country like that and I would love to do a performance art thingy where I put on a hijab just to violently tear it off. You’re giving me ideas
No. 1343318
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Yakuza franchise is my #1 motivation in workouts and bettering my health. Especially Kiryu Kazuma, he is such a nice character despite being on a shy, awkward side, but the way he is written is the reason why I still see the good in things and especially people. It sounds extremely silly, I know, but somehow I discovered this franchise a long time ago and fell in love with it. I am sure you nonnies know how sometimes depression would sunk you so deep that you wouldn't want to be around people at all or feel their support towards you so somehow I have found a tiny light in this series. I wish my partner would work out with me too, but he is a busy person unlike me, a sick freelance artist. I am just glad that there is something that motivates me to keep working out for the sake of feeling and being stronger, because with my health issues, i need at least a tiny thing to make me pretend that I am healing myself.
Majima is my husbando, but I can't help but know that if I had to choose one of them irl, i would choose Kiryu.
No. 1343724
I prayed for this little mouse before throwing my trash down the trash chute.
We had a mouse in our apartment and it was getting into the food stashes that my idiot hoarder parents have out. Of course I was exasperated and also grossed out that there was a mouse getting into the food! But instead of setting out the snapping mouse traps that he usually does, my dad decided to use glue traps. I will admit that I'm not normally one to care about killing mice. I don't usually care enough to get those humane mouse traps that trap them and then release them outside. I live in the city, where mice and rats are abundant so I don't give a second thought to using snap mouse traps. But I guess we just didn't have any so my dad used the glue ones.
He said he caught it and that was that… but I went into the kitchen to throw out some trash today and opened up the cabinet where we store the trash bin… and I saw it. I just saw that poor little dude on that glue trap, in the trash. At first I was grossed out, then worried it would somehow free itself, then I just felt so overwhelmingly sad. I just really wanted to cry for it. He was just stuck on the trap, writhing around helplessly. Should I have taken a knife and just stabbed it, put it out of its misery? I didn't know what to do, so I prayed for its soul. I asked for forgiveness for what I was about to do, then I tied up the trash, told the little mouse that I was sorry, and went out to throw it down the trash chute. I prayed that he would find rest soon, and maybe his next life would be a little bit better. I think I should have stabbed it, but I just couldn't bring myself to.
I am so sad nonnas. I really usually don't care, and I don't think this will stop me from using the snap traps. At the very least, at least their death is quick and guaranteed. Those glue traps are a fate worse than death. I'm so sorry my little mouse.
No. 1343734
>>1343724It's ok anon, that's life.
Next time maybe step on it to kill it. I did it same with mouse when my dog bring one to our house, it was still alive but barely moving. I just ended it fast.
But it's life, animals often kill for fun and pleasure.
No. 1343941
>>1343919>>1343938She isn't talking about
>>1343770 she's talking about >>1343915 because they're talking like an incel
No. 1343968
>>1343947ignore the moid, what you are going through is hard enough don't to let a shitstained pedotroon bother you
>>1343959dont respond just report
No. 1343974
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since everyone's confused and i still have my tabs open, this is what
>>1343917 was referring to, not the post about parents
No. 1343989
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>>1343318Cute anon, I found the series a long time ago too and it really helped after I graduated highshool and was just living aimlessly. Kiryu is also the reason why I strive to be less of a depressed neet and try to be more confident
No. 1344039
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We’re under attack again. Be careful browsing, nonas.
No. 1344426
>>1344362Imo if you look at it from the "worth it for the animals" perspective, it really is not. Even if you are vegan in the US, do you know how much of the 3rd world has no regards for animal wellfare? Animals have it a lot better in the US. Most of the world does not give a shit and treats these animals horribly. The efforts made by you and other vegans are single-handedly destroyed by China. Fortunately, lab grown meat seems to be the future, and hopefully one day it will be cheaper to import it than to raise animals so even the 3rd world can participate.
So just be vegetarian.
No. 1344908
>>1344362Fellow plant-eater here (vegetarian though, never been a vegan). Honestly for most of my time as a vegetarian, I haven't cared about what nutrients I'm eating so I've also worried about whether or not I have or will have neurological problems, especially because my memory is dogshit. I don't think I can ever go back to meat (at least not becoming a full-time meat eater) but it has made me take my diet more seriously. Maybe it would be worth it for you to slowly switch to vegetarian or occasional meat like the anon above suggested.
I know this wasn't helpful at all. Just wanted you to know that you're not alone anon.
No. 1344909
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>>1344047Do it now before this is you
No. 1344956
>>1344949Thank you for the advice anon but
>With a plant based diet it's not so much vitamins and minerals that you need to be most concerned withthat was indeed what I needed to be concerned with in my diet lol
No. 1344980
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I have this ongoing desire to make a fake twitter pretending to be an mtf tranny to make a buck. After weeks of blending in with the locals by talking about my boners and hating real women and gaining their trust, I’d start saying I need to get away from my transphobic parents and can’t work or some shit.
Idk I just really feel like it would be easy money, those types hand out web donations like candy at a parade
Also it would be funny
I won’t do it, I mean what a pain, but the idea is solid and I hope someone does it someday
No. 1345062
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Today I deliberately pushed a moid client down the list because he was an entitled asshat who was loudly yelling at the staff because they told him to wait for the equipment to be ready. He was actually second and would've been seen quickly if he just waited like everyone else.
No. 1345612
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Chihuahuas trigger my maternal instincts more than actual babies and children
No. 1346324
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One time I farted incredibly loudly in the library bathroom because I thought no one was in there and because I was dealing with unbearable bloating. Turns out there was another woman in there and she started laughing shortly after.
No. 1346627
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I’ve had pubic hair all over my body and even on my face ever since I was like 3-4 years old. I remember my parents taking me to the doctors to get blood tests to see what was up and they basically said nothing was wrong. Aside from the body hair, my puberty was pretty normal otherwise, though I might’ve started a little bit earlier compared to others like getting my period at 10. It doesn’t really matter now but it’s weird reminiscing about it
No. 1346753
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I'm definitely a lesbian, but I get off to the idea of domming an imaginary guy. I'm not sexually attracted to men. I don't want to see their genitals or smell them or be with them. But they're so pathetic and cocky it feels right to dream about putting them in their place. I love seeing men embarrassed, or forced to do things they don't want to. They should have their faces pressed into the dirt. They deserve to be beaten and humiliated. I would never do it in real life because I would have to touch a man, but thinking about it makes me feel things. I either fantasize about having a soft, sweet romance with a woman, or making a man cry and bleed in front of everyone. My brain is broken
Also I'm a 32 year old virgin lol
No. 1346880
>>1346324if it's any consolation, i bet she was only giggling at the noise being funny and not the fact that you farted, but that's just because i would've also laughed for that reason so take that as you will. it's okay
nonnie. everybody farts.
No. 1347562
>>1347245I respect you,
nonnieWe all do stupid shit that causes us pain, and it’s not your fault he turned out to be different than you expected
All you can do is be safer in the future and it sounds like you’re already there <3
No. 1347564
>>1347026Maybe I'm asexual then? I'm not attracted to men's bodies at all, gross. When they have the little beard stubble? Ugh
Also did you read the last part? I am staying away from "real lesbians". I stay away from everyone, people are the worst honestly.
No. 1348170
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I know it's going to sound schizo, but I think I single handedly contributed a big part to the shift in this website's community after 2019. Call me an idiot if you want to
No. 1348183
>>1348181Awe darn. Would you say it was either the
terf or “””uwuification” (idk how else to call it) or something else? You wouldn’t have to go into much detail or share anything at all. It just sounds interesting haha
No. 1348209
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At this point is tradition for me to have absolute spergouts on LC whenever I go through a breakup. 6 moids and counting.
No. 1348822
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I think male nipple removal should become mainstream. There’s something inherently wrong about men’s chests and this simple procedure does a good job at eliminating some of its uncanny valley effect. There’s almost no risk of infection either. It’s more similar to circumcision than any sort of actual body modification as it aims to fix the male form by making it appear more normal opposed to intentionally trying to look freakier with slit tongues & tattoos. It’s just fucking disgusting to see a 30 year old man’s pepperoni nipples peak through his shirt. It should be against the Geneva convention to subject the general populace to the needle-head shaped ones that can somehow prickle through four layers of clothing. It’s unprofessional and it doesn’t matter how expensive your big boy suit is if your man-tits are visible through it. I can’t exactly focus on it’s thread count because you look like the Canadian tranny teacher with two beachballs on his chest. Extremely unsightly. Don’t even get me started on how the y “chromosome” degrading over time has resulted in BOYS growing large gynecomastia nipples. It’s abnormal & makes them look unmasculine. Males should avoid drawing attention to the traits that prove they’re mutilated women, starting from NIPPLES. We know what real nipples look like and what they’re supposed to do, yours look comic in comparison regardless of size. Your pepperonis should be removed for the same reason you shouldn’t wear a dress (it makes people look at your tiny disfigured hips.)
No. 1348828
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>>1348824Would you rather I start cutting men’s nipples off with this
No. 1348830
>>1348822but then what will us nipple enjoyers look at/
bite at?
No. 1349394
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>>1348920Sorry to disappoint
No. 1349515
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>>1349463For me to suck and touch and stare at
No. 1349530
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I was happy that we're going to have a brunch at a nice restaurant with friends but then I remembered that one of them doesn't fucking know how to behave and will make it embarrassing. She'll sit like an gigantic baby because she's too fat to cross her arms and legs however she wants now, spill food and drinks on her clothes yet again and spend the rest of the day with dirty clothes, burp loudly and point at people to talk about them as loudly as possible, smell bad, have greasy skin and hair full of knots because she thinks her hair is curly when it's barely wavy so she won't brush it on purpose, but she'll show up with a full makeup face to try and fail to compensate for all of this, she'll be late because of course, etc. I don't know why but it's pissing me off for some reason. I don't have enough patience for this anymore. I wonder what it's like to hang out with normal looking people nowadays.
No. 1349814
I really, really want my best friend to stay in Spain, I don't want her to come back here and spend more time with her stupidly disfunctional family, specially because of her tard strength haver abusing Down's syndrome brother that always hurts her and the rest of her family.
I also super hate her dad he's a fucking mental case asshole that should've gotten shot between the eyes when he thought of threatening to stab her for some dumbass shit.
I can visit her at some point, and we barely see each other anyways, I honestly think that if she lived in Spain we would meet each other more often than now, specially since I will go to Africa soon.
I know I'm selfish, and I'm leading her a bit to decide to stay in Spain, but I just want her to be happy. I still told her to like think about it and look for the pros and cons, but I hope she stays and starts with a clean slate, she deserves living in a place with basic services, a calm home and with people that like, at least know how to pretend to love her because she felt loved over there.
No. 1350689
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>>1350599Aaron Taylor Johnson let me fuck
No. 1351273
>>1351269No, I'm being harassed by losers and abusers and well I'm non binary so it's
triggering and too much. It's ok, if you don't get the non binary thing or disagree with it.
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I have these feelings of intense anger towards my mom even though she doesn't deserve it. I feel frustrated when I talk with her, so I only speak every few days on superficial stuff. I hate talking about education, finances, major stuff with her.
I wish I was never her daughter.
No. 1351582
>>1351414there's a thrill telling people my real age despite the Babyface.
it was a mindfuck for this moid at a bar who launched into a rant about women hitting the wall, thinking. was gonna be another 20 yo syncophant
No. 1351593
>>1351582oh yuh
My close friends and family knows and they are confused and I looove it
No. 1352146
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>Bitch I'm a cow, bitch I'm a cow,
>I'm not a cat, I don't say meow
~Doja Cat
I think I am a lolcow. Today, to deal with social interaction, I drank some of my mother's whiskey. I close myself off too easily, I accidentally have sexual dreams about girls I like, and my hair is very frizzy. Also, the skin around my fingernails is very bitten, and my discipline needs working on, because I pathetically give up on things too quickly. I could definitely be a cow on this site.
That's why I don't get angry at people who are silly and catalogued on the cow boards, unless they're nonces or they're violent. I am my own lolcow and through this I have fun analysing why I do retarded things I do and why cows do silly things too, on the occasion that I do frequent the 'cow' boards. I used to get angry at people and hate, but my sister in Christ taught me not to put my energy into that, and now I use such things to understand/analyse others, and myself. I think lots of women like doing this. I feel silly pretending I'm not a cow, and I think a lot of us here are 'milky' too. What mirth I feel in finding myself acquainted with the informalities of this website. 'Milky' 'Cow'. It is truly splendid. Yes, I indeed have reason to believe that many of us have BPD, AUTISM, eating disorders, deperssion, many mental ailments save for 'ADHD' for it is both false and homosexual. With gratitude I acknowledge the impact this site has had on my being- that, having observed, I can find my own shortcomings, and adjust said flaws. It is with guilt, that a cow like me browses, but with clarity that she browses too. I am a cow. I witness the cow. I am one with the cow. I think it is interesting, but I do feel terrible when the 'milk' is simply calling girls ugly, as opposed to cataloguing bizarre behaviour. I do believe this site found me.
No. 1352154
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I want to fuck red guy
No. 1352643
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My ex dumped me because of his own insecurities and I think if I had groveled he wouldn’t have gone through with it but I didn’t want to beg so we’re over but all I want is for him to call me.
No. 1352679
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My father gave me money to use for driving lessons but I was stupid and autistic and I used it to buy shit I didn't need now he keeps asking me about the lessons I have to lie to him and I feel so bad now I don't know how long it will take for me to afford them on my own
No. 1352845
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i like my best friend. i love how smart she is and i could hear her talk about anything for hours. i get her and she gets me in a way that i havent felt with anyone ever. weve been best friends for like 5 years. im never gonna admit it to her. im never finding a woman like her. i know i dont deserve her time.
i feel really selfish and guilty about it. i dont want to ruin things. some context my longest relationship was with my bff who i fall in love with and dated 4 years and she cheated and destroyed my self-esteem for years… i cant do that again. it would kill me. plus im ugly and shes literally the most gorgeous woman ive met and im not blind
tl;Dr im living in my own nana relality but its not quirky and fun when i do it
No. 1353229
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My waifu from my most played childhood game is partly responsible for me choosing the job I did.
No. 1353278
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>>1353229Based, Elli is cool. I liked Mary too.
No. 1353331
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>>1353261You've got to be more specific, I
have posted about HM several times already, but I think I'm not the only one.
I'd say Friends of Mineral Town, but that might be the nostalgia talking, or Harvest Moon DS if you want to play it on NDS while being a bit more modern. Character-depth wise I'd definitely say Trio of Towns is the best game, if FoMT weren't my first, this one would probably be my fave to be honest. Though I gotta say, if you're not familiar with the game mechanics and have to figure everything out for the first time, it might be a bit overwhelming (on the other hand, it's a literal childs game, so how hard can it be?), so I'd say play one of the older games. If you want an actual story with a clear goal, I'd recommend A Wonderful Life, although the OG is already about 20 years old, so if you have a switch, you could wait for the recently announced re-release (also, the male bachelors finally look good, and I hope Marlin gets a major attitude revamp lol). Or Magical Melody, but I've never finished that one. Can't recommend Sunshine Islands or A Tale Of Two Towns at all, the villagers might be cute, but the story is dragging on terribly.
There are several games iirc, Back To Nature for sure, and one of them was one of the GBC games though I'm not sure which one. I vaguely remember MM ending if you end up marrying Jamie, but I might be wrong.
>>1353278Mary was my second wife! I always wanted to marry Anna (all of the moms, except Lilia, actually…) so my logic back then was "Close enough, I guess" lol.
No. 1354102
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>>1354090Have you considered getting yourself some washable cloth pads, anon?
No. 1354161
>>1354141NTA, I think this discussion is very similar to thoughts about gender in relation to a certain type of trauma revolving around sexism. It's almost taboo to discuss.
I've heard of hypothesis of lesbians being exposed to more androgens in the womb, not sure if I can be behind it, even still it's something that occurs before we were born so it's something that just happens.
No. 1354162
>>1354090Girly listen to me please, do not use fabric. Specially not fabric that you use somewhere else.
I got an UTI from drying off with a towel once after rinsing with water. Also because I didn't want to waste paper. That UTI turned into vulvodinya and now I live with chronic pain and have to spend a lot of money on treatment.
No. 1354249
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>>1354245>It always confuses me when people shit themselves laughing at a show or movie.Same. I never got it. I wonder if it's just the type of humor or my weird autism. I can chuckle sometimes when I see certain things that click but most of the time I sit there with this expression in my face. It's rare if I ever laugh watching media.
No. 1354300
>>1354290I’m not a virgin but I feel this way when some girls brag about fucking tons of guys. 8 out of 10 guys are shit at sex. And like at least 6 out of 10 won’t even go down on you, especially if it’s a one night stand. Yet they expect you to suck their dicks like your life depended on it. Also the risk of STDs. Ewewew.
I understand if it’s an FBW type of situation, because you actually know the person and have at least some sort of sexual chemistry. But I don’t believe any of the women who claim that frequent one night stands are ohhh so amazing and empowering.
No. 1354594
this is barely a secret, nor one i’m even ashamed of, but it’s a funny story
>be me, maid of honor at my best friend’s wedding
>she’s been telling the bridesmaids party about how her future sister in law has never liked her because she views her as “stealing her brother”
>fucking ew
>we pay it no mind and thought that it would’ve resolved itself by then
>day of the wedding has arrived
>SIL is no where to be seen, she said she was going to be at the hotel for hair and makeup preparation
>she texts everyone that she’s getting her hair and makeup done else where and that she’d meet us at the venue
>ok, whatever.
>fast forward to the venue, everyone starts getting ready to get into their position for the ceremony
>she isn’t a bridesmaid but she gets first row family seats on groom side (as customary)
>she walks in 5 minutes before bride is meant to start her walk, wearing a WHITE DRESS, with the exact same hair and makeup as the bride
>come to realize that she’s friends with the makeup artist.
>she also stands next to the last bridesmaid in line near the alter.
>i can’t see any of this initially because i’m turned away, and before i can do anything, it’s too late.
>very fortunate that someone’s aunt actually pulls her down to sit at a seat before the ceremony started.
my friend (the bride) didn’t see any of this as she walked up to the alter and finished the ceremony like a champ. but right after she turns around for the kiss, she sees her in a white dress… we can all see her face drops.
>reception starts
>i motion for SIL to meet me in the bathroom to let me fix her hair since i saw some curls fell out
>as im walking behind her, i spill my entire glass of red wine on the back of her dress.
>she doesn’t feel it at all
>i point it out in the bathroom and two other bridesmaids come in and already have a different green or black dress ready
>she claims we harassed her into changing and spilled the wine on her on purpose
>of course we absolutely did that so we immediately gaslight her and anyone else who asked
>she leaves the reception two hours early.
i guess my confession is that i did in fact spill the wine and we did collectively gaslight her. i promise this is a real story, it sounds very “and they all clapped” but this was 2010 and i feel like NLOGs were in full force back then.
she ran a twee fashion blog and has somehow reinvented her entire disintegrating family narrative into one where she’s was a progressive black sheep and that her brother married a women with internalized misogyny for not wanting her to wear white at her wedding…
No. 1354670
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>>1354594Nonny, you are the best. Bless your soul. Is your best friend still married? How does/did she handle such sister in law? Everything you mention literally sounds like my sister in law. She accused me of stealing the entire family's spotlight (mind you, we've got an age gap of 4 years) and has been skinwalking me for years now. I think the family have noticed that too, but they don't seem to comment about it in front of me.
No. 1355105
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I recommend people watch movies from other cultures because when I saw a post-war noir crime thriller from France years ago, there was a short scene of a man crumpled in the dirt, absolutely wailing and inconsolable about the murder of his wife and now I can’t watch any american films where a slightly ruffled, lightly misty eyed man tries to convince you that he’s upset that his wife’s dead.
No. 1355109
>>1355105What movie
No. 1355476
>>1355468I know him well, i think, we haven't been living together but we do stay at each others' houses for 4 days to a week, and we've been on week trips together, but this doesn't exactly count, I know.
He didn't urge me to do it - very very stupidly I proposed this idea to him myself.
Of course, anything could be possible in terms of narc behavior but he said he's fine if he has to stay in his country while I leave (we're in the same country). On the whole, I don't feel like he's using me.
>>1355470I'll keep that in mind
No. 1355545
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I haven't had any form of social media account since myspace. I never made a facebook because I was scared of my friends finding out that I didn't have more friends, which resulted in me losing contact with my friends after graduation and not wanting to use instagram because I didn't have friends anymore. Now it feels impossible to make new friends without a social media presence, like even if you meet someone in person they'll think you're weird and not follow up if you don't have an instagram. I genuinely don't know what to do. If I could go back in time I'd beat the shit out of myself for making bad decisions out of fear.
No. 1355567
>>1355545Dear anon, I was bullied into creating a facebook in college because the girls in my group project implied I was some kind of loser for not having one just cause they wanted to keep tabs on me lol.
I won't deny that having it probably facilitated some nice friendships I've had over the years, but the reality is it came with a lot of drama attached and equally as many people who didn't end up liking me. Would we even have the majority of lolcows on this website without their socials? It's the easiest way to tell on yourself. You really didn't miss out, like for like.
No. 1355719
>>1354078I feel like the whole 'but I was born this way' speech is the number one way that people tell homophobes to knock it off already. That if you treat sexuality as any different than that it can invite people to start picking it apart again and demonizing it. I sometimes question if its more complicated than that too but its not a discussion many people want to have. No part of me thinks being gay is bad but I think there might be more factors at play.
I don't know how concrete this is but apparently lesbians have higher rates of pcos. And trans people who take hormones often report a shift in sexuality, especially tifs.
No. 1355754
>>1355747why yikes?
nonnie giving no quarter to misogynists and TRAs is based asf
No. 1356008
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I hate having abandonment issues and placing my self worth on other people.
No. 1356461
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I'm still seething over
>be me
>wake up one day remembering some obscure vocaloid songs I would listen to back in 2010
>search for them
>listen to the songs
>download some illegally
>just like the videos of others so I can listen to them later
>search for them later
>[privated video]
>[deleted video]
Well fuck you too, I just wanted to listen to the music you probably downloaded illegally like me, asshole, my like is probably the only like you've had in fucking decades, loser.
No. 1356481
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I have this personal cow from my hometown I’ve kept up with for years. We used to have beef over an ex but we squashed it when my dumbass requested access to her poetry Wordpress with my school email, not knowing it would literally show her my email. She emailed me which was big of her and we hashed it out and we’re cool now, but I do still lurk because shortly after that I found her Reddit where she spent a year asking r/psychics if a kinda-famous emo rapper will fall in love with her and was posting his natal charts to astrology subreddits asking if they’re compatible, which is a hilarious thing to find out about someone you used to hate. I digress. Her dream has always been to be a model even though she’s 5’2”. She was genuinely very gorgeous, but in the past couple of years has made some questionable lip filler, makeup, and tattoo choices. So she started a GFM titled “help me achieve my dreams” to raise money to enter a “competition” to be a “model” for some literally who tattoo company. She didn’t meet even half her goal but still attended the competition somehow, and she lost. Bad. It was a popularity contest and all the comments on the pics of her on this brand’s page are scrotes saying how she looks like a dude and you better check for a dick. Just really vicious shit. Now she deleted her socials and I’m kind of concerned for her. That’s enough schadenfreude for me for one day.
Not posting in the personal cow thread bc this is pure vendetta and it’s Concord McSubway’s time to shine
No. 1356572
This is pretty embarrassing for me to admit but
there was a guy I had fwb relations from December to January with and he broke things off because I "was too much and [he] couldn't handle it". I said ok bye when he broke things off, but even as months passed, I would lurk his accounts frequently. Pretty sure I don't have feelings for this guy (or maybe I'm in denial, Idk) but I would keep checking when I was bored, busy, whatever. It's something that I do with people that I have known in the past and don't keep in contact for any number of reasons, and it just had to be with this guy. Now that I'm sick of being like this, I deleted our chat history, blocked and removed his accounts, and unblocked his number (I had blocked it in case I wanted to see his number, ok, it's stupid). It seems like life is giving me a slap in the face to just get over it and I am actually going to do it. No point in lingering on someone like this.
No. 1356587
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My bf has a condition and it is genuinely awful when I think about the future. He talks about wanting to get married and have children but then proceeds to joke about how then after that he can die. But then, what the fuck am I going to do? As if I’d want to be a single mother, especially if I had to deal with a child that may be born with the same condition. He’s also making no effort to lose weight and sex has been kinda lackluster. This combined with his poor health make it difficult for him to stay hard and he gets tired easily. It sucks.
Sometimes I feel so bad fantasizing about getting a new bf that’s healthy and I won’t have to worry about dropping dead on me. I also feel like an asshole thinking about breaking up with him just because of his condition. I know if I try to leave it would hurt him a lot and it would make things rocky.
It’s all so tiresome. I’m so tired anons and I have no idea where to go or what to do
No. 1356597
>>1356461Many of them got deleted along with the channels or copyright striked heavily. I started mass downloading vocaloid reupload channels and mmd channels 2 years ago and about 1/3 are nuked now..
If you'd post specific links, no matter if privated, I could try to find the original Nico Nico Douga video.
No. 1357090
>>1356587Sounds weirdly cocky that this fat disabled fucker is talking about marriage and kids as if they're going to automatically be given to him. You're only dating rn.
Dating down.. this is what it leads to. You lower your standards and they'll still take you for granted and walk all over you as if they're hot shit or as if you can't walk away. Right now nothing is stopping you. The guilt you feel is a trap. You don't owe him his dreams if it comes at the cost of your own happiness.
No. 1357387
>>1357380>got her name legally changed to matchKek nonna this has me dying
>>1357381I never liked them when I was very young but really got into them when I was about 18, I can understand Afrikaans okay but mostly they just make me feel cool for being weird. Not 'muh saved muh life' but I feel better about myself when I see them being themselves (well, exaggerated) and rocking it, puts me in the same mindset sort of.
No. 1357429
>>1354670>>1354600>>1354774>>1354811lol i forgot i posted this but the rundown now is this:
1) maybe she wanted to fuck her brother, but I think she had an unhealthy attachment to him because she couldn't stand there being another young pretty girl in the family. My friend is honestly drop dead gorgeous, and I think if my friend was uglier she wouldn't feel as threatened socially. The MIL and FIL love my best friend too, and the sister hated it.
2)They are still married, and he did in fact go no contact with his sister for awhile. they occasionally talk at social gatherings, but they didn't talk for years after she pulled that. He's a decent moid, I like him enough for my friend.
No. 1357530
I wish there was surgery to make my rectum larger. It isn't worth having fissure after fissure from stool that ISNT from constipation. I'm not constipated, like, ever, but I bleed because I have too big shits. Yesterday it smelled overwhelmingly metallic when I went and sure enough, blood. I can't deal with this for the rest of my life. I've been getting anal trauma from fucking shitting since I was a kid so it's not like it's new, but it's gotten and it's so painful today.
Like idk how people do anal without this shit happening all the time, why does God punish me, a non-anal having anon, for my uwu too small rectum, it's retarded. Like my rectum thinks she's all cute and pink and small and it's like, no, fucking grow up and become big, stupid.
No. 1357588
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>>1357578>tfw get horny in the cold showers toojust let me be anon
No. 1357603
File: 1664487485437.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.54 KB, 480x360, clitsperg.jpg)

Tmi post. I always had trouble getting off. I don't know if my clit was abnormally hidden but I wasn't getting much stimulation from anything like oral or manual stim or even vibes. I was big into toys for a while out of desperation to get somewhere. Suction toys or using actual pumps was the closest I got to having some sensitivity down there. For a few minutes at least. But short of that I was kind of numb and didn't know if thats normal. I also didn't want to fuck around with pumps too much and end up potentially causing more of an issue in the long run. I read that it could be an issue if you overdo it, that you should only do it sparingly. It was hit and miss even when I did do it. I couldn't just get with a partner and feel much from spontaneous play or regular activities so I slipped into just pretending like I was fine when I wasn't. Not responding to touch was depressing. I'm not all that into penetration either, definitely can't finish from it either. It became an issue in my relationships. I wasn't getting much from it so my incentive to even have sex was limited. It was more frustrating than anything. I'd get past the initial honeymoon phase and turn into the low libido partner which would be the slow death of my relationships. That became a pattern that I resented. Then while single it was still this shitty thing that I had no explanation for. Feeling broken and feeling like no amount of trying, faking, using toys, any of that would ever fix whatever was wrong. Great situation to be in. As far as I know docs don't care about clits so I was like welp this is my life.
Now for the retarded bit.. I had my tran phase at the grand ole age of 25 and it fixed my clit. Night and day change in sensitivity. If I could go back in time I'd be a tard all over again because it was honestly worth it just for that. I only wish I'd been retarded a few years earlier.
No. 1357605
>>1357595Go back to liberal feminism where all choices are equally
valid and feminist.
>>1357593>>1357591You really are an idiot.
No. 1357643
>>1357605The problem to me isn't all choices being "
valid and feminist", it's why do all choices have to be feminist in the first place? Not everything women do has to be radfem or looked at through that lens.
A woman having a husbando isn't doing anything wrong, especially if she's already decided that she doesn't want to have relationships with IRL men. In that kind of situation, straight women will always exist and they don't have to completely repress themselves when it's just fictional men.
Anyway, I won't go further cause I can tell some anons are just here to infight and what's really the point of that.
No. 1357645
>>1357643NTA but I agree with you what a lot of “feminists” fail to see is we should never fight to control the choices of other women. I’ll fight to give you access to good and bad choices the same as anyone else. You’re an adult. I’m not your mommy. My rights end where yours begin etc etc. feminism is womens liberation. How is breaking down other women liberating anyone?
Also husbando fags are doing nothing wrong.
No. 1357666
>>1357539this is such a miserable take.
Women are going to be straight and get horny whether you like it or not. women shouldn't have to be monks to be happy. husbandofags are having a good time and tbh they make gr8 friends since they never prioritize a real man over you.
my besties are all husbandofags and they're gr8. eat shit.
No. 1358005
File: 1664508325275.jpg (Spoiler Image,172.91 KB, 750x1061, StudioRansome_Sexy Jesus7675_W…)

Sisters, I come to you with a confession;
Jesus Christ is my husbando.
No. 1358007
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>>1358005You're not the first.
No. 1358036
>>1358006>>1358028Okay look, I found the
funniest picture of jesus, not the thirstiest but frankly I just looked and I can't find any of muscle hunk mode jesus that isn't 2D or porn so
valid complaints here.
No. 1358056
File: 1664512360344.jpg (103.47 KB, 800x614, 800px-Caravaggio_flagellation.…)

>>1358036What about this?
No. 1358080
>>1358071Oh I did, I was just joking with her.
No. 1358084
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>>1358005Why do some of these boomer jesus edits look like the covers of harlequin novels
No. 1358089
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>>1358077Diogo Morgado was a very fine Jesus in history channels The Bible series. I still can’t find the Jesus I’m thinking of unfortunately, it was a more recent movie or show, post 2000s, but he was beautiful. Picrel is just Juan Pablo.
No. 1358098
File: 1664516027473.gif (850.56 KB, 500x208, jesus.gif)

>>1358094is this you,
No. 1358624
>>1358614This is bait
>>1358618Shame on you nonna for eating that obvious women hit the wall at 30 bait
No. 1358625
>>1358620>there’s really nothing I can do to not be prettyget a buzzcut
pick up smoking
become a methhead
let your teeth rot
stop bathing
gain 500 pounds
get the bognoff surgery
No. 1358667
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>>1358614>I can’t wait until I’m 30 so I can get less attention and not have to be pretty anymore.Why do men believe women suddenly turn into gorgons at the strike of midnight on their 30th birthday kek? men are so disconnected from reality it's unreal
(picrel nigella lawson)
No. 1358677
>>1358674Turn scrotes to stone with a single glare and have a nest full of cute headsnakes? God yes.
>tfw you will never age into a fearsome gorgonwhy even live?
No. 1358679
>>1358655I'm pretty sure it's a male, generally women won't describe themselves in simple vague terms like "blonde, hazel eyes, short" like a woman will have a complex description of their various facial features and bodily traits since we get a lot of time to reflect on these in our lives. Plus any woman with eyes knows "the wall at 30" is not a real thing, you either have good genetics and look after your health or you don't. You can look shit at 21, or great at 38, I follow several women online who are late 30s, no surgery, and look early 20s.
Another factor is how having kids with a man sucks the life out of women, so the same men who try and guilt and fear women into birthing three kids by 30 then blame their wives for being "washed up" because growing and ejecting several humans and taking care of them for free, 24-7 singlehandedly takes its toll physically.
tl;dr don't take the bait anons
No. 1358680
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>>1358677I can turn their blood cold with a stare and that will have to do for now.
Pic for who I thought of this whole time instead of the natural greek mythos lol
No. 1358686
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>>1358682There are way prettier women than her. Pic related for example.
No. 1358696
File: 1664563395172.jpeg (117.78 KB, 671x1118, 50478C52-7B51-46F6-BDB4-C0709C…)

>>1358689Don’t be jealous. You can’t force people to be attracted to you.
No. 1358699
>>1358696I'd never be jealous of you nor the women you post, why would I?
Go ahead post another asian woman who you will never date, I am done feeding you (yous).
No. 1358708
File: 1664563841938.jpeg (786.83 KB, 1800x2700, CEE10627-07D1-4C15-9C22-01432B…)

>>1358699Obviously you are jealous since you always try to force people to be into old women. People have preferences. You had your time move on and stop focusing on your looks.
(no1curr about your spam of 14 yr old girls, pedo moid) No. 1358715
File: 1664564104709.jpeg (820.13 KB, 1800x2700, 224CBD85-E60A-4871-BC6D-EB7D30…)

>>1358710>anyone pretty is shoppedStay jealous
(XY FAILURE) No. 1358725
>>1358715you're that creepy asian fetishizer from g/ aren't you.
>>1358721she is underage, practically a middle schooler, moids thirst after this group since they are all underage.
No. 1358737
File: 1664564990058.jpeg (494.91 KB, 1600x2400, 356AA612-B18D-4A78-A4DE-EE87E9…)

>>1358730She’s one of the most popular idols in Korea right now. Imagine being this mad over a 16 year old lol old women are hateful and jealous even to children just because they are prettier than them.
(mental disability ) No. 1358743
File: 1664565110542.png (225.97 KB, 480x593, adult-men-in-newjeans-fan-meet…)

the tranny/male pedo moid probably looks like this, one of the many fat gross ped0 incels. You can tell by the picture she is trying to look stoic but looks grossed out by her pedo male fans.
No. 1358753
File: 1664565414911.png (27.23 KB, 500x500, 3.png)

(Pedo schizo troon has been spamming lately underage korean girls along with his bait, ignore and report.)
No. 1358821
>>1358600Military moids will always focus on the fact they were in the military and keep in touch with their military men.
I know it's a cringe source, but read up on the excerpt in The Body Keeps The Score about military veterans. Their entire lives revolve around military until they die. Some scrotes might snap out of it and think individually and see it as just a part of their past.
No. 1358830
>>1358821NTA but keep in mind that book tries to make the Vietnam vet the
victim for raping women during the war and it to this day bothers me. You don’t get sympathy you’re the fucking monster. Those women have real PTSD.
No. 1358843
>>1358830Oh definitely. That's why I called it cringe. The excerpt observing the behaviors of military men before that were interesting enough to come back to, but that man is no
victim at all.
No. 1359268
File: 1664604226621.jpg (678.47 KB, 1440x1440, Collage Maker-01-Oct-2022-08.5…)

i am in a relationship where my partner deeply loves me and has not even yelled at me since we started dating to years ago. He 100% does not watch porn, does not even wanna try anal, listens to my radfem spergs. I know lolcow will say "your nigel watches teen porn and is sexist like any other guy" but he has not shown any sign of any of that.
But i developed this crush on a celebrity and it's unhealthy levels. Like i watched his videos till 2 am yesterday and dreamed about meeting him in my sleep. I feel so fucking bad, i had a "crush" on him like almost a year now. I am an emotional cheater. I feel so bad for my poor bf who legit has done nothing wrong.
I'll stop watching any vids of him (idk i'll use an extension that bands words like his name, his band etc.) Bad thing is he is a FUCKIN chinese pop idol (im not underage). I dont even like pop music normally but i actually loved their songs and dances, which sucks. Because i will completely remove him from my life.
I love my bf emotionally and i think he's attractive, but my dumb monkey brain cant stop liking this guy. I intentionally stopped myself from daydreaming about anything more than flirting w him tho, so no sexual thoughts etc.
(Picrel for people who care what he looks like)
No. 1359304
>>1358821Badge bunny dumbasses make it worse too since it fires up their ego about being a ~military man~. Lmao maybe back in 1950 it was hot most military tards are mentally ill coomers who think being in the military is a personality trait. Oh and don't get me started on the "fitness" it's like 90% skinnyfats now not hot buff GI joes.
t. I live in a military town and had the disfortune of dating some of these, so obsessive yet somehow distant and insecure
No. 1360107
>>1359618i have a lifelong friend who is ftm and started at 15. Back then i belived the doctors but knowing what i know now i just can't bring myself to dicuss it with my friend deeper. From what she told me once she feels betrayed and crippeled and as someone that will always be in between and not a man really. But what is there to do now? She's bald and bearded, got all sorts immunity problems, has issues from surgeries and has no organs to make her own hormones. It's best to just continue and die early at this point, i don't think female hormones are going to fix the mess anymore. It's hard to talk to her about it because i don't want to stress her out, it must be stressful as it is.
Anyway all male troons should die all fakebois should get normal therapy.
No. 1360151
>>1360107 >i don't think female hormones are going to fix the mess anymoreI've been following detrans women for years including those who are kinda living in limbo seeing as they went so far with it. I think alot of people still hold onto the idea that just taking female hormones again is a win. Female hormones good. But if theres been a total hysto already then its much of muchness whether they take fake male hormones or take female hormones. Health wise it wouldn't be a great benefit at this point. You're right about that.
When you're that far up shit creek that's the reality.
No. 1360194
File: 1664660675972.png (75.34 KB, 299x169, DB00E409-94FE-4454-853B-CF703F…)

My poop smells super metallic and it’s making me nervous
No. 1360522
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I feel like my ex broke up with me very impulsively and while I think he’s towing away something good, I went No Contact immediately after the breakup. I’m proud of this as I’m normally blowing up phones who I get dumped. It’s barely been a week and a half but it’s felt like months to me but I’m proud that I’m giving him exactly what he asked for. I want to reach out again at some point but I don’t know how much that’ll actually help me.
No. 1360902
File: 1664705217344.jpeg (292 KB, 1079x1038, 0E002FD9-E064-47ED-80CC-D4E4E4…)

Cheated on my bf of over 3 years and so far I don’t feel any regret if anything I’m glad I did it. Broke it off the day after it happened. Our relationship has been dead for ages and the only thing I regret was not breaking it off sooner.
No. 1360948
File: 1664711141796.jpg (61.44 KB, 480x640, b06d645d2bbfc96d38a5156d5eb06a…)

I am guilty of doing shit that I would consider creepy if a moid did it. I have a fat crush on my neighbour and I've "accidentally" run into him in the hallway twice now in order to strike up a conversation (I know when he comes home from work, since he lives right next to me and I can hear him unlock his door). I feel so bad but this dude is all I've ever wanted visually.
No. 1361054
File: 1664719374387.png (107.59 KB, 251x275, C677446D-AF0A-4805-9FF8-82D517…)

>>1360522Update I am now talking to a guy on tinder. He is nice and has a lot of the physical features of my ex. He also recognized my Aggretsuko shirt. It just makes me miss my ex more though.
No. 1361079
File: 1664721503359.jpeg (93.88 KB, 750x865, 76B3AD12-624D-46E7-BC6C-6C1071…)

I like another person’s boyfriend and no I don’t feel bad about it
No. 1361103
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>>1358104>If they didn’t want us to lust after Jesus maybe they shouldn’t have made him a sexy build man with facial true nona
No. 1361138
>>1361080that’s what I’m secretly praying on but heavily doubt it will happen, thanks
nonnie kek
No. 1361162
I had no idea that there was a Korean superbuff Jesus.
No. 1361722
File: 1664758428132.jpg (115.9 KB, 1136x1334, E3faZeSXIAEtM8y.jpg)

The idea of my boyfriend being somewhat objectifying and bragging about me when he's out with his guy friends is really hot to me. I don't think he does this btw, but I am sometimes tempted to ask him to. I want him to show them pictures of me on his phone and for them to say things like, "damn you scored bro". I want him to talk about me like I'm a prize he won and for his social score to be increased by dating me.
No. 1361800
>>1361777It happens. Iirc holding pee feels good because something about the internal part of the clitoris being connected to the bladder
I think. I'm just bullshitting here but I'm sure some anon can correct me with the right information. I don't know about anyone else, but I kegel a little when I have to pee and I think that adds to it.
No. 1361822
>>1361817The cow from the /w/ board, Jillian, who is now into faking a mental illness, made a whole ass video asking for her remaining fans to come here and shit up the board because we're "bullying" her and "stalking" her.
Now we have two trannies on /w/ and /m/ posting CP.
No. 1361936
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>>1361817Lestadians found this board. You will get alot of religious stuff to rot your brains.
No. 1361941
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I’m literally terrified of these images of Putin as a monkey
No. 1361951
>>1361948Samefag but when I was like 16,
my bf and I literally had sex during Cars 2 at the movies. the mood doth struck..
No. 1362931
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When I was 11, my family visited a cheese factory, and they had these cow shaped cheese blocks with a white wax covering. However, at this one, they did not have the black spots. I ate the entire head, wax included, because I thought the white part was cheese too. I didn’t stop until my dad informed me that the outside is wax.
Sorry for no actual drama. Just something I haven’t shared with anyone
No. 1363117
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I’m Developing a crush on a man almost a decade younger than me and he has similar feelings for me. I swear to god I’m not a cougar. It’s really weird and I have no idea what to think of it. This has never happened to me before
No. 1364281
I watched some YouTube video like a year ago that suggested that if you can't speak positively to yourself, you should try getting out an old childhood toy and see if it still talks kindly to you. It worked; as much as I hate myself, I cannot imagine Pikachu ever saying an unkind word to anyone.
I've been very depressed for a long time, it wasn't the first thing I tried by any means, I've been through more than 10 therapists and councilors and four different psychiatrists. I just didn't find anyone with advice or drugs that worked for me. I don't know how I let it get this bad, but I just hate myself too much to get over anything apparently.
But I'm finally starting to feel better now. I'm alone and I'm 30 and I've gotten out all of my childhood toys. It sounds extremely grim because it is. But it finally feels like there's people around me who care about me. Even though it isn't real. Somehow it feels better.
I live alone, and it hurts to be around people. I feel some kind of overwhelming pain when I try to talk to others. Even people I love on the phone is so saddening to me.
I'm old and alone and playing with toys. But it's better somehow.
I've gone further recently. For some reason it started seeming to me like it would be good to have a friend my size, that I could sit at the table and on the sofa with me. I bought a very large, very heavy teddy bear. I worried that since it was new, and I hadn't spoken for it as a child, it might speak cruelly to me. But it doesn't. We don't talk the same way my other stuffed animals do, it is new. We talk about current events mostly, things happening near the house. If I were a kid again, I might think I was generating a tulpa. It thinks that's cute and funny.
I've been told by doctors before that I have different mental illnesses. The only one I believe is depression, they've all agreed on that one. But I have started to wonder if maybe one of them was right and what if they were, am I worsening an illness? But at the same time, even if that's the case, what does it matter? No drugs have ever made me feel better. No therapeutic practices have ever lessened the inexplicable pain I feel. So, so what if this is illness? What does it matter? So what if it gets worse? Is it even "worse" if I'm finally beginning to feel better? What if some people need to push further into madness to feel happy? Wouldn't it be better to be happy?
I finally have friends. I finally speak kindly to myself. I don't use any of the cow boards or 4chan anymore. Isn't that better, really? Is it?
I don't know anything for sure. But this is the path I've chosen. This is where I've ended up. My grandpa told me in life you have to get okay with the choices you've already made because they're done now.
No. 1364386
>>1364281i have to disagree with the other anons. that will actually hurt your mental health more in the long run. it's actually conditioning you to be reliant on other's opinions of you and not your own, more than it's helping you see positives about yourself from within. that's why you're feeling kinda crazy, you keep thinking "pikachu thinks x about me, i need to stay positive!" so you will seek that external approval elsewhere. instead maybe try to project yourself onto a toy, like pikachu, that
you can't say anything mean about. it will help yourself with self esteem and self forgiveness much more than you role-playing getting external approval.