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No. 1362613
Last thread:
>>1347983Nepotism thread:
>>>/snow/1623442Previous milk:
>>1348050 >>1348047 More Gerard Way dick and balls discourse and potential troonery
>>1350263 >>1350292
>>1355237>>1348532 Lana Del Rey harassed by a stalker
>>1348834 Grimes gets work done and looks weird. Azelia Banks provides commentary on the situation
>>1351151 >>1351152
>>1348940 >>1351182 >Michelle Branch and her husband who cheated on her have suspended their divorce proceedings and she basically apologized for calling him out on twitter
>>1349059 Taylor Swift's thin braids
>>1349108 >>1349115 Brad Pitt drops an overpriced gender neutral beauty brand that nobody asked for.
>>1349174 >>1349179
>>1349183 Highlights capturing Brad Pitt's questionable style choices.
>>1349203 >>1349327
>>1349357 This discourse dissolves turns into anons thirsting over Aaron Taylor Johnson's dick
>>1350055 Kim Kardashian and Scott Disick are being sued for an instagram scam and nobody cares.
>>1350071 Adam Levine apologies for cheating on his wife, but he probably will never like this down.
>>1350332 Nasty scrote BJ Novak goes on a date with a woman 2 decades younger than him
>>1350420 Emrata being weird with her son
>>1350803 Jennifer Coolidge shares her thoughts on being a milf in American Pie
>>1350938 Harry styles' awful acting laughed at in an empty cinema
>>1351046 >>1351049
>>1351069 >>1351070 More of Harry Styles' shitty acting
>>1351397 The director of blonde oblivious to his rampant misogyny
>>1352782 Doja cat confirms she lurked here at least once and refers to lolcow as lipstick alley mixed with 4chan. This prompts a sea of "hi cow" posts and retardation. She did not like her head being called a bicycle seat very much.>>1353259 >>1357465
>>1357470 Kanye West retardation
>>1354461 Actor turned incel murders his mother
>>1354474 John Boyega allegedly is dating Lori Harvey who dates every famous black man she sees.
>>1355490 >>1355657 Kim Kardashian looking very skinny causing the thread to devolve into weight sperging, something we all love.
>>135733 Latto being really weird and inappropriate when interviewed by a child.
>>1357394 Coolio passess away at 59
>> 1358039 An less attractive and older actress Amber and a younger actor for Johnny is chosen to make a retarded Amber Heard Vs Johnny Depp series that definitely doesn't indicate some kind of bias against her.>>1358364 Amber Heard is accused of being solely responsible for Cara Delevingne's drug addiction.
>>1358074 Dua Lipa and Trevor Noah are dating allegedly
>>1358504 Harry Styles' released a garbage eyeshadow palette that will 100% get dragged by makeup consoomers.
>>1362181 Iconic actress Sacheen Littlefeather dies at 75 following complications with breast cancer.
No. 1362631
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>uses my previous draft as a blueprint but edits it
mhm but you guys were complaining at first “maybe we should leave it to someone else we don’t need a new thread” you ungrateful blood-sucking witches kek, don’t act like you didn’t see what I made first
No. 1362634
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>>1362631anon its because you're formatting wasn't done well, you didnt properly tag any of the posts kek.
No. 1362637
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>>1362631Be faster next time
nonny, besides, i don't think there is any milk right now. Celebrities have been fairly quiet lately. Maybe a storm is brewing.
No. 1362643
>>1362634I know I was too lazy to go back and fix it
>>1362637Dream’s not a celebrity but I was hoping I would see more of that face reveal thing in here perhaps?
No. 1362645
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No. 1362668
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Kanye walked a runway and wore picrel with Candace Owens at fashion week. When he does this kind of stuff I feel like it's just for attention and controversy, which is weird because he's Kanye.
No. 1362669
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>>1362668Samefag, here's him stomping around on a Balenciaga runway if anyone is curious to see it. That's mud on the stage if you can't tell.
No. 1362723
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thought the one on the right was björk
No. 1362729
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Kanye about to get slapped by Will Smith
No. 1362746
>>1362672I kept getting ads for this move on youtube and it was all gratingly unfunny "queer" humor, like whining about
the straights and shit. It's like they forget that 95% of the population is straight and most people aren't self-flagellating twitter users.
No. 1362867
>>1362672I got ads for this, it honestly seems like a generic romance film, the only difference is that there's fags. The cover looks like a drawing prompt for fujo artists.
>>1362696Kek, maybe they will watch it to spite him.
>>1362737It's what the people wanted, you earned it.
No. 1363036
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>>1362953>>1362960here's the thing, most fujos(and in turn aydens) find real gay men to be disgusting and annoying, that's why most fujos ship straight guy friends rather then obsessing over actual gay moids, their are probably more fujos obesseded with the two guys from top gun rather then actual gay male content
No. 1363065
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I see more anti-fujo sperging than I ever see actual yaoi here, and most of the yaoi posted here is to troll in the first place. I can’t even read snow without seeing posts reeing about it. These women are clearly in the exact same spaces as fujos or were once one and now feel like they have to overcompensate and still feel passionate about the topic. It’s just getting pathetic, it’s like those anons who have to cross-post about Shayna in multiple threads. like just shut up already omg.
No. 1363069
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Cruise seems like just another scumbag hollywood scrote rather then a gay guy, Its like claiming that Ted Bundy was gay, Tom Cruise isn't gay he's an insane psychopath that thinks alien spirits live inside of him because a really bad syfi novelist told him so.
No. 1363074
>>1363069Please he doesn’t
actually believe that, he’s just the face of it and profits from it. If Scientologists told him to lick a toilet seat he would.
No. 1363084
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>>1363049he's just a poor uwu gay man, totally not a sex-pest
No. 1363188
>>1363100>He literally came out when he was 19what. can you post the quote/footage, i've never heard of this
>>1363106i want to know about this too
No. 1363197
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He literally played Rimbaud, what other proof do you need to know he's a fag? Jk, just an excuse to post twink DiCaprio, pls don't ban
No. 1363266
>>1363260>>1363262Omg fucking relax I'm not a zoomer, I thought he was like 15 there because he looks like a kid and the other nona called it a pedo art film. My bad, you can go back to fantasizing about infantile looking scrotes now.
>>1363260 is just projection, I said nothing about wanting to fuck old men or demanding women date men a decade their senior. Jfc relax. Everyone in this thread is always such a spergy cunt who reads stuff that isn't fucking there.
No. 1363270
>>1363266Nah, you posted stupid shit and likely some actual projection here kek:
>>1363202He doesn't look like a child, you're an actual spergy cunt for randomly calling anons pedophiles. Go back to chasing geriatric dick since men who are the average age of the users of this site are "infantile looking" lmfao
No. 1363276
>>1363274100% chance I've been here longer than you, you're so obviously new here it hurts.
>muh wine moms! muh fleeting youth!?? I'm 22. You sound like a literal scrote with this wine mom fantasy shit, kek. Sorry about your scrotum
No. 1363280
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>>1363202You’re a tranny I would stake my fucking life on it. Posting this because I know it will wind you up when you don’t make a peep about people posting pictures of Lolita or Mathilda from Leon the professional. Go cry to the fucking mods.
No. 1363281
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kanye speaking out about the WLM shirt
No. 1363291
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>>1363287Ugly people tend to look better when they’re old, because they just look like a normal, wrinkled old person and the signs of advanced age cover up what made them hideous in their youth. “King” Charles is a good example; looked like a severely inbred Siamese cat in his youth, now he just looks like your average old man only better groomed. Also, Meryl Streep. Although I don’t think she was ever ugly, her face is more unconventional and a lot of people did (a lot of scrotes mad she doesn’t have a delicate child’s face) but now people just see her as an elegant old lady.
No. 1363299
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>>1363291 i don't think she was ugly but we all have different tastes and ideas of beauty. she definitely had a unique face but i often prefer unique features and you cant really compare a women's aging to the one of a man.
as far as men go, Jared Padalecki looked good in his youth and he still looks pretty much the same now just older
No. 1363342
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>>1363311Noooooo whyyyyy
I know Mads is an old fart but I trusted him not to disclose his boomer opinions because he knows better, he just seemed smarter than that…
Literally 3 days after I saw that reddit comment about Skarsgard. this is the worst week ever No. 1363359
>>1363323Trying to make out that women posting a picture of a 21 year old man saying “why do you want to fuck kids?” So you can lie to yourself and say “look! Women are pedos too!”
Any creature with a phallus is a potential threat to a child, especially trannies like you. Now fuck off and put yourself down.
No. 1363367
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Haven't found it yet but found something else kek fuck
No. 1363378
>>1363334I mean, yeah. I know he's a celebrity but Kanye is a really famous artist, plus he gets attention just being his own mentally ill BPD self. He doesn't really have to purposefully do that kind of stuff.
But anyway, I kind of disagree with my past self now. Looking back on things he's said in the past ("slavery was a choice") I think that whole thing at Fashion Week was just him and not some kind of PR stunt.
No. 1363383
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Okay found it, in a ''Faves that have not disappointed you'' thread
No. 1363388
>>1363281I retract my statement here that was uninformed and kneejerk to a single passing photo
>>1363114 I know nothing about nothing and will be minding my business at this time
No. 1363391
Nonnie, I'm not a burger so I dont care about their retarded race war, I'm just pointing out that black people in America
currently have to be kinda anti white or they're going to be treated as race traitor pickmes by the media and their own community kek keep the lid in your autism
No. 1363434
>>1363280Lol why do you anons always make baseless assumptions around nothing? If someone posted something from Leon or Lolita I'd say "ew" too? Why are you assuming I wouldn't??
The nona posted a photo of a guy that looked very young imo while saying "oh don't ban me mods for posting a twink" and then another nona said it was from a pedo art film. Sorry for assuming the worst but how in the fuck does that make me a tranny? Lol go touch grass.
No. 1363450
>>1363435Omg are you headfucked?? Are you not reading what I am typing?? I don't know what a "fujo" even is?? And where did I say I like faggots? I think they are the most disgusting degenerate creatures to ever exist, I hope every fag gets aids and dies tbh. Where are you getting these assumptions lol
>>1363446Yeah cause like any of you fuckers do that lol, I made an assumption in the celebricows thread it's not that detrimental. Relax, the nona could of just as easily said "He's 21 there" instead of sperging that I'm a scrote or a tranny. Fucking hell this is why I don't hang out in this thread you are all insane
No. 1363466
can you guys just post
>>1363188 already it's killing me. where's the coming out thing!? where where where
No. 1363521
>>1363506They so badly want other women to be pedophiles like men. They really need to stop applying the same retarded standard to women as men, it just doesn't work. Probably less than one woman in a million is out in front of a school getting wet because she sees teenagers. Most men get a boner when looking at "jailbait" and young teens though.
Let a woman enjoy the 21y old scrote if she wants, ffs. She's not a predator.
No. 1363531
>>1363506I didn't have my fucking glasses on and his face is filtered to absolute fuck, jesus you guys cannot let shit go
>>1363521You are retarded and make assumptions based off nothing. "They want other women to be pedophiles" where did I say that and why would I want that? Let it go, go offline for a bit and calm down. You sound like an honest to god schizo tinfoiler. Your literally making arguments that I agree with, that literally 0.00001 of women of are peds compared to probably 100% of men. I am not your enemy dumbass I made a mistake, get over it holy shit you are retarded. For the last time I have no issue with a woman being interested in a 21 year old, I thought he was fucking 15, shut the fuck up already it's been hours omg you are so fucking annoying.
No. 1363579
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>>1363311Apparently David Cotter played guitar for Peterson's lecture (in Nov 2021?), but he still used that hashtag in the picture with Mads (plus the vague caption?). I'm not digging any more, as far as I can tell this plus some older shitty comments from Mads is why people are speculating he went to Peterson's lecture
No. 1363583
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lena dunham is saying dumb shit again and the twitter fags are attacking her for it.
No. 1363585
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>>1363583also kek at this edit
No. 1363586
>>1363501I think a lot of people are curious about it. Even women who spoke out against it were saying that they watched it to see if it’s really that bad and that it was so nobody should watch it, which only compels more people to click on it.
Idk but i think the pornography/rape scenes/ pov bj (???) things are attracting people, both the ones that straight up want to watch shit like this and the ones that feel guilty but curious about it.
I haven’t watched and won’t but I’ll leave a 1/2 star letterboxd review kek fuck you Dominik idk his last name pornbrain
No. 1363594
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>>1363579Ok Peterson was in Copenhagen Oct 1st
No. 1363595
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You butchered the whole thread everybody shut the fuck up. Anyways Bella Hadid seems really nice, though suppose could be disingenuous.
No. 1363601
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…when even mads is bad, no man is good.
No. 1363635
>>1363628You know pretty controversial to say but i think Peterson has his heart in the right place. The marginalized should have a voice, but why does he never talk about women though? Aren't women extremely lonely in this day and age too? You can't be more misogynistic than that, as if loneliness wasn't the big societal problem of this century for EVERYONE, why the fuck are we supposed to cry about men only? Because they're the most vocal pieces of shit and not getting their dick wet is the bane of their existence? Bunch of weak bitches. Why doesn't Peterson cry for women? Not only are women lonely too but we're so erased from the discussion no one talks about us, which should make Peterson cry even more, no?
It's like men don't have the ability to feel for women. And since this is the reality we live in, i won't ever have empathy for men. Incels can rot.
No. 1363643
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>>1363622Normal body language with a bro
No. 1363653
>>1363587Someone did post this pic
>>1363280 of some boy, who unlike Leo is actually underage
No. 1363666
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Supreme's creative director says Kanye west is using Virgil's death for pity points and clout in the fashion world. he made fun of virgil' while he was still fighting cancer
No. 1363667
Nonnie, you really have to calm tf down you sound insane.
No. 1363675
>>1363656chilling in the water and less than 5 ft apart?
homosexuality confirmed
No. 1363691
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I've gotta give Lea Michele props for using Beanie Feldstein's blatant nepotism to win back sympathy and a successful comeback
No. 1363706
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Gigi Hadid calls out Kanye for bullying a fashion critic because she gave him some bad reviews
No. 1363708
>>1363643Do you have x-ray eyes? I only see a fat floating head surrounded by water.
Is that all your prove?
No. 1363719
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No. 1363723
>>1363628He has such an "I'm helping men by making them realize they have to get a job, clean their room and shower" All he did was tell men to do the most basic of human behaviour…and he's their hero?
Men love to say "Women have daddy issues." When it appears there are many men without a proper father figure themselves and now have to latch onto to decrepit canuck and treat the rhetoric as gospel.
No. 1363734
>>1362670This, 'All Lives Matter', and 'Blue Lives Matter' only came about to antagonize BLM and their supporters. The people that say this only do it to "own" the Wokists, Leftists, SJWs, and any other retarded term they come up with for people that aren't straight white Christian conservatives. I recognize that shit for what it is and I don't even support the BLM org.
>>1363111Right? It isn't the 1940s. That slack jawed dumbass is a billionaire with a white ex-wife, biracial children, close relationships with noteable non-black figures including a white former president, and a fan base full of white males. Kanye is at NO risk whatsoever of being redlined, facing extrajudicial killing, or becoming strange fruit.
>>1363391Black burger and this isn't accurate. We don't need to go around being anti-white avoid ostracism from other blacks. That said, black
women are expected to pander and ego-stroke black men so I don't get attacked or targeted for harassment by other blacks.
No. 1363742
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We having fun in here?
No. 1363768
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>>1363754This is the face i imagine most posters in here are making behind their computer, except not as cute.
picrel is me, except not as cute as well
No. 1363771
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>>1363768this is me, sad madschan
No. 1363860
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Lindsay's new movie poster is out and so are some shots. I'm proud of her for making a comeback!!!
No. 1363866
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>>1363860here's a still from the movie
No. 1363868
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>As Margot Robbie and Cara Delevingne were leaving a restaurant in Buenos Aires and entering an Uber, a pap rushed them and started taking photos aggressively>The driver freaked out and took off, with Cara in the car and Margot halfway in>Margot had to jump out of the car to avoid being hurt, but even after she was on the ground, the photog continued snapping>That's when a couple of male friends of Margot's, who were on hand, jumped in to help>The pap, named Pedro Alberto Orquera, tells the police that he was brutally beaten and hospitalized. Alleged police report says he was left with a broken arm and a bloody scalp>Pap says he wants to press charges. The two men are now in custody No. 1363899
>>1363866>>1363872If her natural skin showed she would look better imho. Airbrushing every face on a screen is weird as fuck. I guess they can't show actors' real skin texture anymore
remember Paul Dano's mild acne?. It must be also part of the Netflix plastic aesthetic. Lohan said she embraced her freckless now but in those stills she looks unrecognizable.
No. 1363901
>>1363291i agree. sigourney weave i think is very beautiful as an older woman, but in movies where she's younger (alien, ghostbusters) she looks os bad to me. meryl nowadays is super hot - i loved her look in devil wears prada. but in the deer hunter she looks awful.
i always had a big nose and wide face and looked super ugly until i was like 28 so I think maybe people with big, exaggerated features look better AFTER their faces thin out with age maybe?
No. 1364008
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Nona this is what a 70 year old looks like, get off tiktok it's rotting your brain.
But the reason she looks a little prematurely aged is because of drugs, cigarettes, lack of sleep, probable trauma/stress, alcoholism, and too much filler making her face look doughy and puffy. But that's life, we're all gonna be a little prematurely aged due to some lifestyle habits or circumstance. It's not the end of the world and she certainly doesn't look 70 lol.
No. 1364013
File: 1664923022574.jpg (557.65 KB, 910x1025, Screenshot_20221004_183644.jpg)

>>1363860is this the moid from glee????? kek
seems like they've both had an upgrade
No. 1364041
>>1363734Anon, it is accurate. That’s the current state of the loudest people. You can’t be racist to wypeepo, yts, reparations, you’re not retweeting a black person or saying BLM!?
racist>>1363883Same kek. In what world is that mess a fashion critic?
No. 1364118
>>1364041It isn't accurate. Get off twitter and engage in more face to face interactions. I've been across this country (offline) and come from a state with a significant black population. Unless you're talking to some dumbass Hebrew Israelite in NY, you're not going to get disowned from the black community for not being racist to white people, retweeting a black person, or demanding reparations.
>>1364043Definitely, and it seems to have ramped up over the past few years. It's a great way to figure out who to ignore, tho…
No. 1364120
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Angelina is now claiming that Brad “choked one of the children and struck another in the face.”
No. 1364128
>>1364120News details of an old incident.
He’s such a shitty alcoholic.
Poor kids.
No. 1364145
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Kek licking his wounds like a stray dog
No. 1364155
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>>1363635I don't follow him, but I've seen various clips of him saying things like these.
No. 1364158
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No. 1364185
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>>1364181I’m glad she tipped you a lot. Gigi was always their mother’s favourite so I’m not surprised she’s awful.
No. 1364187
>>1363709If she was white Kanye wouldn't have said shit.>>1363868I hope Margot Robbie wasn't hurt too bad.
>>1364008Thank you anon, honestly, Lindsey doesn't look too bad, but she definitely should not top on up on filler any time soon since she already had pretty full cheeks to begin with. The surgeons did a decent job reversing the damage she did from drugs.
No. 1364202
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>>1363868it wasn't a pair of male friends that broke his arm, but Cara's bodyguard, Jac Hopkins a former Royal Marine and Josei MacNamara Callum Margot Robbie's producer who also helped, the man on the left is Hopkins, the article omitted the fact that both are now in jail for almost killing the photographer
No. 1364204
>>1363635>why does he never talk about women though?Would you really want him to? kek
He talks to "disaffected young men" who already hate women, if he has any positive opinions on women, how would it help him reach an audience of incels who scoff at anything that even echos feminism?
People laugh at the "clean ur room" shit but what he does for the tards of the world is basically mass CBT. Being autonomous is a huge step into bettering your mental health, and as a psychologist he's identified a group of men who feel weak and disenfranchised who he can help/profit off of.
idk he's not for me, but I'm also not his target audience because I'm not a greasy coombrained moid who feels like all my problems are because women think I'm gross. But I do think it's a little retarded how people act as if he's the boogey man just because he talks incels into bettering their circumstances and not placing the onus of their low self-esteem on women as a class.
All incel ideas are shitty and retarded, but a very small percent of incels are every going to cause any harm. If Peterson deradicalizes them enough to wash their shorts and stop viewing women as a monolith that is always laughing at them, I think that's a net gain for us
No. 1364266
>>1364241NTA, but just look at the citations on Wikipedia and The NY Times articles.
>the 50s were better because women were housewives >order is masculine, chaos is feminine>men run things because they’re simply more competent >the cure for male violence is forced monogamy (he did try to walk this back but still kek)I mean sure, he’s not telling young men to go out and murder, just that life was better with men in charge and when women had fewer options. Of course he’s breeding resentment. He isn’t wrong on every single thing, things like getting mental healthcare are important for men to hear, but a lot of it isn’t about taking control of your life, it’s bitching about women and this damn liberal society because it isn’t 1952 anymore.
No. 1364275
>>1363601i still believe in chris motionless
don't disappoint us chris
No. 1364297
>>1364287kek did you not read the thread
>>1364290the man they assaulted is an ass, who cares
No. 1364303
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>>1364202picrel is both of them
No. 1364324
>>1364310Nta but
>defending a woman and being against a creepy scrote = pickmewtf is going on here
No. 1364342
>>1364336oh zizek definitely mogged him. I'm just saying what I've seen from a female perspective. I suffer really bad executive disfunction so I've found some of his stuff helpful. to each her own
No. 1364358
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>>1364346>>1364348> "get help"> literally seeks free helpyes
>>1364349brb calling myself a dragon of chaos from now on
No. 1364367
File: 1664953208344.jpeg (14.53 KB, 276x183, 1_gKKH7lyrrIh1EQyygbDvPQ.jpeg)

>>1364358>calling myself a dragon of chaos from now on>NO Nonna, you're supposed to resist the dragon of chaos, you have to submit yourself to a real man and be agreeable all the time. You can't be happy in life as a woman with the word "no" in your vocabulary. LOBSTERS NONNA, LOBSTERS. Don't you get it? This is about life and death. You don't just clean your room, you have to clean the room of all the men too. [insert crying] Why does nobody ever think of the men? Instead of protesting and, and trying to change the world, first win the war of evil within yourself and you'll see misogyny doesn't exist. Slay your dragon of feminine chaos, not embrace it! The real crisis is that all these damn men have to clean their own rooms, BECAUSE OF YOU, you upset the masculine order! Please put me back in a coma in Russia already, I can't take it anymore. No. 1364381
File: 1664954484206.jpg (69.56 KB, 960x677, 7e5397.jpg)

>>1364367he didn't mean that literally, he's a jungian and most jungians are very loose with the shit they spout, if you want to see his rhetoric from the opposite lense look up jungian feminism
No. 1364472
>>1364330>admits to being part of a known misogynist’s violent incel fandom on a mostly feminist imageboardI think you got lost on the way to /pol/
>>1364299>mentally ill famous woman’s bodyguard intervened when an aggressive stranger invaded her personal spaceWhen you’re someone’s personal security it’s literally your job to keep them safe you fucking retard
No. 1364486
>>1364479I hope Bread's team isn't going to use info that got leaked during sony incident that outed Angie as a obsessive stalker and a hater over Jennifer.
I mean we know she was just shitposting, but in this case I have zero doubt that the drunk man was
abusive to his family, but twitter mob will turn Angie's forum rants into her being a manipulative witch.
No. 1364553
File: 1664970629809.jpg (47.04 KB, 701x710, WJ0JWKZ.jpg)

Vogue reprimanded Kanye for attacking one of their editors/fashion critics. Between Gigi Hadid and the Supreme creative director making statements, I think this might get him blackballed from fashion.
No. 1364557
>>1363635because some(i'm being generous) men think women are the root of all their problems. why is their go to for any problem blaming feminism when, in their own words, feminism is useless and has no real impact?
>>1364266>just that life was better with men in charge and when women had fewer optionskek men fantasize about being in a society where they can suck but still get a gf/wife because women have no other choice.
why is it women can not only cope but be happy single and just having friends. but men act like it's the end of their world.
No. 1364564
>>1364266Does he have a look at the news occasionally?
I would say wars are chaos and certainly not instigated by women, men are so more competent, hence multiple countyleaders being total corrupt pieces of shit that let everyone else suffer.
The delusions.
No. 1364572
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Gives the same energy
No. 1364601
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>>1364465How is it vague kek. He went to Peterson's lecture. I find that the shittiest, there's some older quotes from him but nothing particularly outrageous though as the other nona said the bar is in hell No. 1364631
File: 1664975341712.png (79.11 KB, 870x400, 6824290.png)

>>1364601Tbh ''nothing particularly outrageous'' was very generous of me kek
sorry I'm still auto-coping, he called Matt Damon ''the most politically correct person in history''
No. 1364719
>>1364464I lost all sorts of interests in Keanu when he dated that tranny. Urgh, I do not want if he banged a frankenpussy or nah.
>>1364553>meeting with Ye todayImagine you have to type that out with a straight face kek. Also, do you refer him as Mr. Ye when you meet him? What a joke.
No. 1364734
File: 1664982831266.jpg (582.46 KB, 607x800, Carle_Vanloo,_Portrait_de_l’im…)

>>1364727OT but historically most female rulers only got their positions cause of theirs father authority
No. 1364737
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>>1364732it was in 2015 or so, his name is Jamie Clayton.
No. 1364740
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>>1364739some screenshots of a pap video
No. 1364747
File: 1664983511798.jpg (82.24 KB, 1042x478, keanu.JPG)

there were seen together a few times but non of them talked about it. Jamie is apparently friends with one of the wachowski trannies.
No. 1364755
File: 1664984157195.jpeg (736.51 KB, 1125x1546, BAFF76C0-72E1-4E05-A80D-5A3888…)

>>1364691found the comment, i think he’s a bit autistic
No. 1364792
File: 1664986130586.jpeg (864.81 KB, 1170x2085, 6C281402-8E52-4CE0-9874-89C229…)

Scrotes will always respect other men more than women, and are willing to destroy their own marriage to prove to other men that they can still throw a ball in their 40s
No. 1364854
>>1363902A pile of meat I want inside me and outside of me and all around me
>>1364202I think they’re heroic and brave and deserve medals
No. 1364895
>>1364740>>1364732>>1364464>>1364651>>1364719knew it, fucking called it from a mile away.
dropping this link because I respected her beyond the frothing of russel brand etc. and being a general pickme but I'm sure this hurts more than one keanufag
No. 1364907
File: 1664991966757.gif (3.79 MB, 498x427, 184BF9B7-EC3A-424A-8F03-4808C1…)

>>1364904That’s ok
nonnie! My bad!
No. 1364963
File: 1664994945244.jpg (111.95 KB, 1096x1096, Tumblr_l_23239219054724.jpg)

Overreaction imo
No. 1365264
File: 1665007237287.jpg (23.88 KB, 427x427, Fc0kDwYWAAIyQyt.jpg)

>>1365219he does already for sure. a study came out that most people who play football for over 10 years have it. that includes non-professional stuff too like when youre in school.
dude looked like a cancer patient at a press-con about a week ago too. just retire ffs
No. 1365357
File: 1665013430280.jpg (306.17 KB, 485x523, 4OcSCUY.jpg)

Rihanna will be performing at the next Super Bowl event.
No. 1365365
>>1364221>>1364224> wypeepo, yts, reparations, you’re not retweeting a black person or saying BLMbut also
> I don’t have any social media.Uh, yeah. You're clearly on social media even if you don't have an SM account to post from and it's glaringly obvious. Honestly, you sound like trannies online who swear people support them, when in actuality people only show tepid support because of the LGB and dating platforms have to punish people for excluding MTFs.
Also, half of hood people are the only blacks that won't ostracize you for not being anti-white? The fuck?? Which hood flick did you watch on an illegal streaming site?… My advice to interact with people in real life is still
> Those people don’t even care, or have to, about black people, shit example.It's clear you don't know who they are and are assuming they're just run-of-the-mill Jewish people. The Hebrew Israelites are a black male hate group notorious for their anti-white rhetoric.
No. 1365391
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>>1363666Gigi responded again. Kanye's really getting it this week.
No. 1365400
File: 1665016668414.jpeg (Spoiler Image,771.1 KB, 960x1217, A2EDECA0-0E08-4752-B569-C8DAFE…)

Britney posing nude on Instagram again. Of course people are judging but she’s censored so who cares?
No. 1365487
File: 1665024163576.jpeg (48.79 KB, 640x427, BD84C0BC-928F-4503-951E-629705…)

>>1364737>>1364740First he fucks up Hellraiser for me, now Keanu? I refuse to believe this.
No. 1365514
File: 1665025526620.jpeg (474.6 KB, 1009x1496, 033633CE-0D5B-468A-9F0E-E9408F…)

This man is so butt hurt and childish. I need Hailey to sick her uncle Alec on him immediately.
No. 1365528
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>>1365514He also posted this.
No. 1365532
File: 1665026485540.png (286.06 KB, 901x389, bella.PNG)

>>1365528And another. I think he literally only did this to get back at Gigi.
I really think that if Kanye ever gets suspended on Instagram/social media for whatever reason, that's when he'll really go insane. He needs somewhere to publicly taunt people.
No. 1365600
>>1364740>>1365487>>1364737to all the fellow keanu loving nonnies out there, at the time this happened a lotttt of people thought it was a very obvious PR relationship because they were staring in a movie together at the same time and it didn't last long.
ik a lot of peoples first thought might be "keanu doesn't seem like the PR relationship type" but there's also rumors about a lot of the nice guy/internet darling keanu type posts are all his PR team as well
personally i'm holding out hope that these rumors are true cause i'd much rather he be a media whore than a troon fucker lol (but maybe i'm just coping)
No. 1365676
>>1365545youre not tinfoiling
nonnie, halsey had the milkiest pull thread, rip. maybe her kiwifarms thread has the same info but i havent looked. her album that trent reznor produced flopped. they paid for one month of radio play and it seemed like on the 31st day it was completely off air.
No. 1365700
>>1364795>I love Tom hardy so muchSomeone who was extremely
abusive and scared Charlize Theron on set of Mad Max?
No. 1365718
>>1365400She was very much naked in her music videos (
toxic, womanizer) yet people are seething now and claiming she is mentally ill because she doesn't fit their skinny girl fantasies.
No. 1365720
>>1365545>>1365705its all gone so take this win a grain of salt but she used to be a one direction blogger on tumblr and lied about being homeless for atttention. shes typical rich kid who was always going to get a record deal. but she gets very
triggered when people dont take her shit pop seriously. the homeless thing is the thing i remember the mos but eh grimes did the same and no one cares. i feel like its a weirdly common rich indie singer larp.
also HATE fantano but he covered this story well, its not a music review!! basically she champions herself on being the LGBT queen then collabed with homophobic rappers. People critiziced her so she double down doing this super weird takedown on Iggy fucking Azalea. Its WILD and cow like. fantano also has another one where he makes fun of her because she insisted for years on being called an alternative artist when she makes bottom tier pop and always has.
No. 1365742
>>1364907Why are there suddenly annoying reaction images itt. This used to be banned.
>>1364358I’m sick of watching this tard cry on camera.
No. 1365777
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>>1365720also she's very insistent about her(and now her baby's) "
POC" identity cause her dad is a light skinned black man and her son is half Turkish, even though the father of the baby is literally a blonde haired blue eyed tall white man
No. 1365781
>>1365676Ayrt yeah I remember bits and pieces of the PULL thread when I first tried to confirm why she annoyed me so much kek. I think I remember reading stuff about her "borrowing" some sweater off some friend from high school and just never giving it back, being a prick on Twitter because of her being sensitive to any sort of criticism or whatever, allegedly calling herself "tri-bi" then backtracking on it, as well as of course the fake homeless shit. I don't think I knew about the KF thread though.
>>1365720>>1365738Yeah I agree. Halsey to me seemed very much a celebricow that championed herself (or at least in the past she did, not sure now) on being some sort of SJW or something but won't ever really own up to any of her past shadiness. I don't hear of her doing much now since she had her kid and maybe that's a good thing. Maybe but I can't say what kind of upbringing she'd be giving that child.
No. 1365783
>>1365781Same anon, didn't see this
>>1365777 was posted when I commented
Seeing that I guess maybe she hasn't changed kek.
No. 1365801
File: 1665052902716.png (621.67 KB, 516x926, jhgvcfderfghjkjhgf.png)

>>1365720Bold of her to claim Iggy Azalea is too
toxic to work with but Trent Reznor, a known sexual abuser is just fine to collaborate with. Seriously fuck this hypocritical pick me so much
No. 1365828
>>1365487If your ability to derive joy from a sort-of shit horror anthology hinges entirely upon one transgender person you’re kind of retarded. Keanu shouldn’t have been a pwecious cinnamonwoll to you anyways, that’s a grown ass man.
>>1365700I love when people say stuff like this with perma-condescension, like anon was automatically supposed to know this by default, like we all have our heads three feet up the ass of every celebrity who has ever lived
No. 1365912
>>1365873Fucked if true. I don't want to believe Courtney because she's mentally fucked, but she was the only person brave enough to call out Harvey Weinstein back in the day.
All fucking men.
No. 1365974
>>1363666As horrible as Kanye is, I envy the size of his ego so much. Imagine what you could achieve if you were that narcissistic, entitled, and convinced of your own grandeur. It must feel amazing
>>1365400The sand on her body makes her look like a baby that just came out of the womb. They tend to have white goo on their bodies that looks exactly like that. I'm sorry for sharing my thoughts
>>1365777Idk anything about Halsey but that picture of them with their baby is so beautiful and vulnerable to me
No. 1366000
>>1365974>Idk anything about Halsey but that picture of them with their baby is so beautiful and vulnerable to meidk the box braids ruin it for me and also her race sperging about her baby is super cringe, he's most likely looking like a white person but she will be insistent that he's "multi-racial
No. 1366120
>>1365829you haven't been following the marilyn manson/rachel evans woods drama then. It's been pretty well known from that circle how
abusive he is and goes after under age girls alongside MM.
No. 1366135
File: 1665076998922.png (499.42 KB, 580x527, imdeepbabetrustmex.png)

>>1365906this is weirder considering matty healy aka dankest smelliest shitpopper of tumblr is who she wrote "blue" about. I think she and Grimes have a lot in common when it comes to their lack of talent and reliance on aesthetic to even get a paycheck let alone fanbase. anyone who isnt a terminally online stinky aliexpress user knows halsey is peak cringe nepotism baby trying to sound deep. I cannot fucking stand her knowing genuinely talented people who dont get a chance because this sort of asshole literally takes up a slot
No. 1366165
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>>1366135>I cannot fucking stand her knowing genuinely talented people who dont get a chance because this sort of asshole literally takes up a slotRight? Reading about her bullshit only validated why I don't like her kek. Also as mentioned in
>>1365720 and
>>1365738 I can't forget her roots in being a basic One Direction Tumblr blogger who wrote a hate song about Taylor Swift (who isn't much better of a celebrity but at least never paid any attention to it kek) and lying about or contradicting a bunch of shit from her past. Picrel is reportedly what Halsey said about said song though. Previously thought she never would acknowledge it or her past obsession with 1D but looked it up just now.
No. 1366179
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>>1365906i've always wondered what really happened between them. halsey controlled the narrative that she broke up with evan but i don't really believe that. and i remember from the PULL thread some people speculated that she cheated on him with that disgusting moid yungblud but who knows
No. 1366192
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>>1366165regarding Taylor, I do think she's genuinely talented but her fans just seem to purposely the fact her father was a multi-millionaire banker, when she was 14 her father purchased a stake in Big Machine, the label to which Swift first signed in btw, How many other artist can say their parents did that? her fans really want her to be this glorious figure who carved her own path
No. 1366208
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Just saw this article. What the fuck was going on in their minds when they decided to make this shit movie? I'm neutral on Marilyn but she's been dead a long time, Hollywood needs to just let the girl rest, Christ. Fucked that anyone can take anybody (Marilyn, Pam Anderson, etc) and make movies and shows out of them even without their consent. No. 1366223
File: 1665081615053.jpeg (363.36 KB, 859x1498, A1CDAC4A-72CF-4664-B677-170111…)

>>1365873the same courtney that defended manson even when she was on record saying she was disgusted by him? yeah i really trust her on exposing
abusive men
No. 1366337
>>1365365I literally don’t.. and have no concept of it besides what’s on here or kf. I had a Facebook in 6th grade for a month kek. Not reading the rest since you already came off wrong and I know it’s gonna be dumb. This was 2 days ago, get over it.
>>1365461 that grew up with money*
>>1365545>>1365903Halsey is a munchie and that’s why Taylor is too. She ski walks tf out of her
No. 1366406
>>1366061I don't believe it. Where'd you hear this?
>>1366208> What the fuck was going on in their minds when they decided to make this shit movie?$, $$, and more $$$$$$. Plus, the opportunity further exploit her for the pleasure of disgusting moids everywhere.
>>1366337LC and KF are your sources?… Anyway, my last post on that matter was a day ago. If you're sick of talking about it, move on and don't dredge up the discussion. It's clear that you don't know what you're talking about and can no longer defend your 'hot take', so what's the point?
No. 1366465
>>1365777she's a massive cow, i love that you can see it in her eyes in literally any picture of her.
that hair bullshit she pulled was pure cringe, i love it.
No. 1366472
>>1365947all you really need to do is put salt in your water bottle if you have it
or buy those potassium tablets with the fruit flavours they have at the bike store
No. 1366483
>>1366192>her fans really want her to be this glorious figure who carved her own paththis is so weird to me because taylor isn't that shitty, as far as celebs go, and she doesn't need to be some rags to riches story for her whole "thing" to work. she's been pretty clearly and openly (by her own account) a traditional plant/super-managed/manufactured popstar, and there's no need to be ashamed about that. don't front, you know? at the end of the day she's a big deal and seems to bring a lot of happiness to young women without being TOO
toxic (i know that stupid 15 song or whatever it's called is fucked up but that was a while ago. idk if teenagers rn listen to it)
No. 1366540
File: 1665112965007.gif (Spoiler Image,5.03 MB, 260x461, 6w1frf.gif)

>>1366444yes, unfortunately, it is. (spoiler bc its fucking disgusting)
No. 1366605
File: 1665120258687.jpg (201.39 KB, 1012x1140, Tumblr_l_343404602310624.jpg)

Any idea who this could be, anons? I feel like it's somebody from Game of Thrones or Stranger Things.
No. 1366676
>>1366605For the actor I was thinking Dacre Montgomery.
No idea what book it could be though. Tried looking for film adaptations of books by female authors, but they all either had more than one book adapted or had written two or fewer books, and second-least-popular book kind of implies the author has at least three.
No. 1366791
>>1366221nta but she also didn’t want anyone to watch their sex tape and the actor playing tommy said he watched it “for research”, I think it was posted in an earlier thread. fucking gross
>>1366236I don’t think there’s anything that could be done legally as they didn’t intend to cause harm/hurt her character and it’s all for entertainment though I didn’t watch the movie so I can’t say if they lied about anything.
It’s more of a moral issue between two humans, if she says no movie about her life, you don’t make a movie about her life. Of course a greedy pig would not care about another person and only see her as an opportunity to make money.
No. 1366800
File: 1665149731821.jpg (60.57 KB, 1200x628, taylor-and-lana-1649089146954.…)

Lana del Rey sure looks different, both of these pictures are recent.
I think Lana was supposed to be the disciple in Homestuck if it was a mondo thing.(namefag)
No. 1366801
File: 1665149769284.jpeg (25.78 KB, 240x360, FbzcD1wWIAE9nZT.jpeg)

>>1366800:/ Also recent…. ?
No. 1366802
File: 1665149898012.jpg (214.78 KB, 1400x1400, lanaplustaylor.0.jpg)

>>1366801Idk. I think disabled people have the right to die, not pay extra for things just on Spotify or yt.
Or was this just a problem for furries
No. 1366803
File: 1665149940948.jpeg (925.18 KB, 1668x1243, 65009F8F-95DF-451F-8FC3-A061E6…)

No shit Sherlock. Tinfoil: Kanye is the one who told the FBI where all those boxes were.
No. 1366805
>>1366803He wanted more stock in Kanyequest.
Baby food stock. Internet stock.
Anasthesia stock.
No. 1367148
The new trailer for hbo's the idol looks like oversexualized garbage. directed by the euphoria guy, the og director who was female got kicked out because it focused on the "female perspective" too much.
a kpop star, the weeknd and lily rose depp? expect horrible acting.
>>1365906this is what i expect would happen if a tumblr fangirl got to meet evan peters
No. 1367157
>>1367148Lily rose depp cannot fucking act. Abel!! Cannot fucking act.
I predict there will be no intense discussions without a fight btw. Jennie's fanbase to "The Idol" is what Zendayas fanbase to "Euphoria" will be like. Criticize and you will be punished.
No. 1367266
>>1366443Uh, huh. Okay. You can stop responding to me now. Thx!
>>1366540Oh, god. By now I should know better than to I unspoiler images on this site and yet I still do it.
>>1366804That makes sense. There's a noticeable change in her waist and face and that isn't easy to accomplish in short period of time.
No. 1367286
File: 1665189759473.jpg (488.01 KB, 551x610, AMT7sbD.jpg)

> She assembled a team of pet detectives, dog whisperers, pet mediums and psychics, and she’s trying to hire dog-finding drones now.
No. 1367287
>>1367267Not new, just easily annoyed this week.
>>1367268That was the only comment I've made about unspoilering images, though, and I place the blame on myself for being too curious.
No. 1367341
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>>1367320i googled for you
nonnie, there’s more than the ones in the screenshot but to answer your question, probably not
No. 1367372
File: 1665196968953.jpg (18.25 KB, 300x420, 01-300x420.jpg)

>>1367148You can tell she's definitely relapsed after gaining healthy weight back in 2018 around the same time she admitted she struggled with an ED previously. Pretty sad.
No. 1367379
File: 1665197444186.jpg (23.38 KB, 300x300, 96903_full.jpg)

>>1367320donald sutherland was pretty handsome when he was young. his son has a squished weird face though.
No. 1367442
>>1367084The tldr is what anon posted under the video, Maisie never actually explains what exactly happened and any articles on this just rehash the video.
Whatever happened made her really anxious as a kid and one day a teacher asked if she was hungry and Maisie explained that she and her siblings never have breakfast and that after that more stuff came out that meant she didn't have to see her dad anymore but her parents were already split so I don't even understand what any of it means.
No. 1367497
File: 1665208717805.jpg (256.18 KB, 1284x1592, IMG_20221008_071340.jpg)

She really said "k bye black aesthetic" jesus. I wonder if she's BPD
No. 1367529
>>1367434Once a pick me, always a pick me. Now she’s fat, ugly and haggard so she can’t be an uwu choke me daddy Lolita uwu NLOG anymore
>>1367148She can’t act and she’s ugly, I don’t understand why all the retarded coquette zoomers froth over her. No one would care about her if it weren’t for her parents
No. 1367553
File: 1665217661762.jpg (628.96 KB, 1080x1870, IMG_20221008_102437.jpg)

They had another baby jfc
No. 1367560
>>1367148>oversexualized garbage. directed by the euphoria guyGee I wonder why…
Bet its nothing but porn which will try grooming the idea of messed up crap into teenagers minds, just like shitphoria did.
No. 1367564
>>1367553Is this the new trend among the rich? Elon Musk has had at least 4 in the last 2 years (2 claire, 2 random woman at one of his businesses, maybe another from Amber, rumored to be another 2 surrogate/ivf)
Like at what point do you realize you have too many kids. Half of them don't even look particularly happy to be there.
No. 1367577
>>1367564I'd say for most of them it's to do with the social credit of being the Perfect Mother/Father - a bunch of kids but still perfect houses, perfect looks and bodies* and still time for themselves (because they have housekeepers, nannies and the surrogates doing the actual hard work)
for Elon he probably just thinks his genes are superior and needs to spread them as far and wide as possible and/or thinks IVF/surrogacy is just the most effective and cool transhumanist way of creating designer humans without any effort (to him, he doesn't give a shit about the pregnant women)
*only for the women, fucking look at alec
No. 1367583
File: 1665222918431.png (312.16 KB, 646x616, 3.png)

>>1367553>>1367564I fear this will further catch on with rich couples(or even just wealthy single mothers) actresses like Jamie Chung, Priyanka Chopra, Sarah Jessica Parker and both Khloe and Kim Kardashian have all used Surrogates for their babies, the logic isn't eugenicist per-se rather that they want kids but don't want to deal with any of the risks of pregnancy and childbirth so they get a poor woman to do it for them
No. 1367591
>>1367564The chance that one of their kids becomes a parent killer hikes up with every kid they get.
You really can see the disparity between rich and normal people's reality. We would consider if it makes any sense to bring another kid into this fucked up world. While they just pop them out left and right.
No. 1367659
>>1367503>>1367512Nta but she changed
>her blackfishing>took out her implants to get rid of a figure commonly associated with black women>took out a lot of her lip fillers to have more caucasian features>started bleaching herself blond As soon as she broke up with a black rapper. Tell me how thats not her ditching an entire identity she built around Kanye. Sounds pretty borderline to me
No. 1367705
File: 1665237496266.png (1.71 MB, 1584x884, hjsdfghjkjnbvcdsertyuik.png)

Did Halsey get implants?
No. 1367732
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Just got around to watching the Dahmer show out of curiosity. Did they really need so many lingering shots of Evan Peter’s oiled-up abs while lifting weights
>Produced by Ryan Murphy
No. 1367746
>>1367732Dahmer was an ugly loser psychopath pedophile rapist who happened to be gay but they turn him into this sexy hot kinky gay man just like they tried to pass off bundy as a charming attractive man when he actually took advantage of women’s empathy by pretending to be pathetic and broken legged.
No surprise they are all over serial killers since violence is so immensely sexualized, but actors seriously need to stop starring in those freak movies and shows and we need to stop watching them
No. 1367833
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>>1367757They already got this guy, Cameron Britton, to play him in Mindhunter. I'd say this casting is pretty accurate. Now I'm imagining some show casting a super tall hot dude to play him like Nate from euphoria or something. That'd be hilarious in a fucked up way but I think they'd sooner go for Richard Ramirez or another killer who's already seen as "hot" by weirdos
No. 1367838
>>1367746Considering that there’s an entire community of gays that enjoy taking loads from strangers for whatever reason they think the rp is some sort of thrilling fantasy. Countless jokes about how they’d want to be his
victim in order to get attention on twitter since the movie with Ross Lynch in 2018. Real rape fantasies are more common in gay men because there still is less risk of murder or real brutalization than the obvious power imbalance between a man and a woman, so they clearly don’t take it as seriously. Ryan Murphy is a freak and he’s been doing this for ages to collect spank bank material.
No. 1367892
>>1367746its shit like this that makes me believe humans are animals, because if humans actually were sentient beings then they wouldnt be worshipping violent pedo rapist scrotes, especially all the brainless women who are in love with serial killers.
Bunch of animals at the end of the day.
No. 1367902
>>1367895ita not just this series though, real life serial killers were always glamorized for some reason despite the fact that most of them were mentally disabled losers acting in scrote rage.
Just look at the amount of fanmail they would receive by their female fans/
No. 1367903
>>1362645Couldn't be because the trailer was simply shit? He's also a shit actor, too.
No. 1367928
>>1367909ive seen fan edits about them literally get hundreds of thousands of likes with millions of views so lets not lie that its only a couple thousand because its a huge community.
>>1367924what a gross thumbnail.
No. 1367939
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No. 1367965
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>>1367939justin bieber has cut contact with him after this.
>According to a TMZ report, published on Saturday, Justin Bieber ended his friendship with Ye because he went too far with attacking his wife, Hailey, claiming she got a nose job. This after Hailey (and fashion model Gigi Hadid) came to the defense of Vogue Editor Gabriella Karefa-Johnson, whom Kanye attacked for or criticizing his controversial "White Lives Matter" T-shirts.
>Earlier this week, Kanye called out Hailey in response and warned Justin to "Get your girl before I get mad" while bringing up Drake and Hailey's dating past in a since-deleted Instagram post. In another IG post, Ye called his wife "nose job Hailey Baldloose." No. 1367967
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Trash supporting Trash
No. 1367969
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rare Azealia and kanye interaction
No. 1368047
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The person who leaked private pictures that show that Jennie and Taehyung (guy from bts) are dating now have the police called on them by yg, jennie's label.
>We are revealing that we have officially requested the police to investigate the original distributor of BLACKPINK’s Jennie’s personal photos. YG has been continuously monitoring the relevant content, and we submitted a complaint last September after collecting information.
>In order to minimize further damage, YG has refrained from commenting [regarding the situation] and expressing our stance. However, the recent mass production of rumors, accusations, personal attacks, sexual harassment, and invasion of privacy sparked by the personal photos have been occurring indiscriminately, so we felt a sense of responsibility, making it difficult for us to overlook this any longer. Therefore, we want to reveal the facts of the legal action, and we want to correct the situation.
No. 1368076
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>>1367834i shouldn’t have to spoonfeed but here’s a compilation from a quick search on google alone. yes these are tweets but there are clearly photos of halsey doing this.
No. 1368116
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>>1367833>I think they'd sooner go for Richard RamirezNonna…
No. 1368118
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Kanye just needs to stop…
No. 1368164
>>1367940The funny thing is that she is clearly no any different from Kim. She is a run of the mill instathot with lip fillers and hyper sexual imagery. She does not compare in the slightest to other more striking black models in the high fashion industry and she has no business being in such a space. Also, she is barely black the race card he keeps throwing is getting worn out and crusty. I know he probably will drag Lizzo later on for no reason.
>>1367948People have been saying this about him for YEARS, I just want the truth from him to be revealed. He is such a messy bitch.
No. 1368212
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>>1368164This girl is not barely black. Her mom is black/Asian and her dad is a black man. She's at least 75% black like Obamas daughters and even though she dumbly got surgery. She still looks black. I don't like her for feeding into Kanyes shit by she's like 22 and clearly dumb.
Also, I think she's a very pretty woman and could be a good model (,she's tall) she's just to busy dating older men who use her and treat her badly.
No. 1368219
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>>1368212She tends to over edit her pictures and she also got work done. But she clearly looks black, if not biracial but not "barely black". I see this sentiment said about her and it's confusing but I guess she causes her own confusion by editing her pictures.
No. 1368234
>>1368206>but tbh I think he’s just bitter that Justin and Hailey are married and he’s notLmao this is so childish this is actually on brand for his immature ass, i think you're right
nonnie. He's so funny.
No. 1368326
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>>1367833I really appreciate mindhunter for casting and depicting serial killers as they are, ugly disgusting perverted wierdos
No. 1368342
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>>1367737It’s a tattoo apparently
No. 1368375
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>>1368250Btw this is the shit he posts now, "muh intellectual" "muh pseudo daddy" he's just like any other gross boomer who can't control his dick long enough to focus on what he initially preached. He gets offended when women get fat, when they cut their tits off, when they don't have kids, when they wear makeup. But if they get his frail little dick hard suddenly none of that matters and he'll praise them, he's a misogynist through and through. No wonder Tammy always hides behind the scenes now. He's an embarrassment to his legacy, a washed up coomer. You Peterson fags need to find a better role model.
No. 1368582
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Gisele Bundchen spiritually cleansing her car after leaving Tom Brady kek. Tom's losing football matches again I guess she stopped doing spells so he can win
>>1368076i miss her pretty ugly little liar thread
No. 1368895
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celebs irl at paris fashion week. sorry for the bella jumpscare
No. 1368898
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gigi looking like aileen wuernos
No. 1368961
>>1367924>>1368072There's also a guy in Stockton/Oakland CA killing men. He's killed 6 so far & injured one woman.
No. 1368980
>>1368895>>1368898>>1368901i like these, post more
nonnieI don't follow the Hadid sisters but was gigi always this bland looking or did she gain weight just recently?
No. 1369048
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>>1368980irina shayk looks gorgeous
No. 1369111
>>1368980Gigi was always very bland (and bad at modelling, hence the "talentless nepo kid" reputation), but the pregnancy weight gain + loss has made the work done on her face look off. Before it was really subtle, now it's just ageing her way beyond her years. Both her and Bella had unnecessary shit done to their faces way too young. But can you really blame them? Imagine having a psycho for a mother and a sex predator for a father, kek. I'd go mad too.
I wish all celeb women would stop messing with their faces tbh. It basically never works out right, apart from like.. Keira Knightley's top lip.
No. 1369146
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>>1368895Shes been looking so ill lately. I know some of that is from the bleached eyebrows, but most of it is from weight loss. She looks dehydrated and tired.
Why the fuck is this the standard for models? It feels like there have been a million conversations about how fucked up and damaging it is but it never changes. She used to get shit on for being too fat to be a supermodel when she looked like the left, but why can't supermodels have bodies like that? She looked cute and fresh, slim but not sickly looking. They claim it's because clothes look better on emaciated models because they become like human coat hangers but what the fuck. If you can only make clothes that look good on bodies like the right but not like the left, then you are not a skilled designer! Designers should not have an issue making beautiful garments for a perfectly normal looking slim woman.
I feel bad for her. We've seen the fucked up Yolanda clips and Bella used to openly post about her ED on her old Tumblr. This woman is sick and it makes me so sad to see that rewarded and praised
No. 1369152
>>1369146She looks so bright in that first photo.
>They claim it's because clothes look better on emaciated models because they become like human coat hangersHonestly, I don't even think this is true. Obviously models look good but whenever I see those comparisons of runway models and celebrities wearing the same outfit, I usually think the celeb looks better. Sometimes it takes seeing a piece on a more average body to think it looks good.
No. 1369162
>>1369157I understand that but it still enrages me. I know it's a business at the end of the day, so they wanna streamline everything as much as possible. But with the amount of praise and huge amounts of money being thrown around in this industry, I don't really care about things being "easier" for them. It makes a lot of things a lot harder for women, both in the industry and out in the real world. You wanna be hailed as a genius? Do something actually impressive and put in the work. Clothes are designed for the purpose of being purchased and worn by real people, no?
I'm not getting mad at you btw. What you're saying is true. I just think about how different my life would have been if I wasn't sold the belief that I'll never be beautiful or sophisticated or fashionable if I don't literally starve
No. 1369163
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>>1369151I truly do believe this, it's some weird gay male thing. As much as I have no interest in the world bending at the whim to appeal to scrotes, I do feel that most heterosexual men would think she looked way better on the left, as would most women. It's like they try to shoehorn women into some twink body type. Also I'm definitely not an expert on supermodels or whatever, but Cindy Crawford was a big name and was not emaciated. Did this all basically start being the 'norm' with Kate Moss and the heroin chic thing?
No. 1369168
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>>1369163Before that there was Twiggy in the 60s, who was so skinny because she was unwell.
No. 1369207
>>1368898What is up with her temples??
>>1369177Yea they want uniform bodies like another anon said above so they can make any model wear anything
No. 1369226
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>>1369202Lol at the visual anon, but I feel you. I know a lot of people's sympathy for her is limited because she's filthy rich and only has her career because of nepotism but I do still feel sorry for her. Speaking of her old Tumblr, she also posted a lot of stuff about how sad she is. I know it was standard fare for teenage girls to romanticize depression on Tumblr back in those days but I feel like it was genuine for her. Makes me think back to this letter that Yolanda wrote to her. All the things she's talking about here are indicative of someone who's really not doing well mentally.
I've also heard a lot of things about her being genuinely very nice to fans and staff and things like that, so I have trouble disliking her
No. 1369280
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>>1367576Women don't owe the world children, and celebrities are horrible parents. Good for her for investing her energy in animals instead of adding to the eight billion people on Earth.
No. 1369295
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No. 1369304
>>1369295>It's full on communismDoubt.
>Very good relationships with all the othersDoubt.
No. 1369305
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>>1367576why you obsessed with paris having a kid? you aren't gonna be the daddy let it go
No. 1369309
>>1369295>full on communismkek, he's such a fucking fat perpetual
victim lying piece of shit. god i hate him.
No. 1369313
>>1369162I agree with you, completely, but honestly, the people that are the backbone of the industry don't get a huge amount of money and they are doing all the labour. Most designers are idiots that wouldn't be able to sew on a single button and as long as people praise and worship them nothing will change. Designers have a team of designers doing the research, doing the work and those designers have people constructing the patterns and sewing the stuff, there is just one big ugly head and everyone else sits in the basement, working maximum hours for minimum wage. And I didn't think that you are mad at me, kek, I hate that industry, too, especially as a person that got a closer look into it.
No. 1369400
>>1368901i’m not makeup expert so asking this but did she have her lips overlined here? it looks obvious and bad.
>>1368619anon please no…
No. 1369402
>>1369312There's nothing more affirming to a bestial man than getting women pregnant (precisely what matters is getting them pregnant, as opposed to having children, the result of the act is secondary and only matters in that it creates an extension of themselves, further colonizing the world with their genes). It gives them meaning to be chosen by women, to invade their body and incapacitate them for 9 months. It's conquest and it's the most effective way to claim a woman and her body. It has nothing to do with fame, in the sense that this is just their ugly nature and fame just allows for that nature to be fully expressed, by giving them an abundance of power.
Basically when a man does that you know he's the most primal chimp you can imagine.
No. 1369407
>>1368901I wish this ugly, spoilt, talentless, vapid waste of space would stop trying to LARP as an ethnic woman, this is straight up latina/blackfishing. The whole family needs to be nuked into oblivion
>>1369226I have a few friends that have worked with Bella and apparently she’s one of the most genuinely humble, kind and sweet natured people in the industry who always goes out of her way to thank others their work and make them feel included. I’d hazard a guess that her evil gargoyle mother who made her grow up thinking she was less attractive (ergo less of a cash cow) than Gigi has a large hand in that. While I have a healthy amount of disdain of nepotism I can’t help but like Bella, also echoing what the other nona said about her seeming sad
No. 1369415
>>1368994Fuck outta here with your racism
>>1369002As a Christian Palestinian we’ve been getting fucked over ad infinitum from all directions for aeons >>1369411Kanye is getting well fat now too, I hope AB shows him no mercy
No. 1369418
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>>1369411That's funny, but this is why no one wants to work with Azealia. She comes across so misogynistic and aggressive, also she really isn't one to talk about people "needing" work done when she's shaped like a capital letter P with those bolt ons.
No. 1369449
>>1368895Bella makes me sad. She'll spend the rest of her life trying to prove she's not worthless to her horrid mother who doesn't give a shit about her daughter.
>>1368898Her face looks swollen. Both Hadids look miserable.
No. 1369474
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He’s so controlling kek
No. 1369665
>>1369654I knew someone was going to say that kek, sure she exclusively hates "moids of colour" and it is for totally
valid reasons
No. 1369689
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Don't respond to baits.
No. 1369716
>>1369715I'd trust a man before a muslim
nonnie, you're totally right.
(samefagging retard replying to self) No. 1369720
>>1369690she cooked it at least
>>1369715you're not wrong but nobody even mentioned muslims kek. that's more of a religion than race.
No. 1369722
>>1369720Most certainly, I wanted to explain that some reasonable people will balk at someone who's skin is a different color for reasons other than race and remind us all that cultural discrimination is a whole different ballgame than what we usually see.(Which in America is the how white can I look game, which tbf came from not wanting to get shot by police but thats a whole historical de-rail and I'd rather keep to the point).
Being suspicious of others is healthy but racism is not. I used to think the lady at my local small whole foods was racist until I found out, no, it was just muslims she discriminated against because they would literally steal from her because
>Women can't own property so it's mine. No. 1369770
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>>1369723Imagine getting this mad at someone not hating Lana del Rey. People don't care if you post your opinion as long as you're not an unnecessarily aggro sperg about it.
Anyway…Blue Banisters was good and I like Fat Lana™ because she looks jolly and fun
No. 1369774
>>1369654Fucking kek, the irony. Her specifying “men” is immaterial, it doesn’t change the fact that she’s racist, but keep being 3edgy5me caping for your uwu bimbo kkkween
>>1369411I find it hilarious that in all Azealia’s sperging over how ugly other people are no one has retorted by going after her appearance (which would be
valid given how busted she’s become) besides that one time Grimes called her fat via DM back when she was tubby
No. 1369826
>>1369654You stupid ugly bitches that think dehumanizing an entire oppressed (does that word upset you too?) race of people is normal and that anyone who challenges this mindset is a twitterfag are an insurmountable tier of pathetic.
>>1369774Seeing anyone go up for Paris Hilton is wild to me. Is it a zoomer thing or something? Since they’ve only seen her through her uwu kind sweet posi uwu instagram replies.
No. 1369839
>>1369826could be a zoomer thing but i feel like the answer that
>>1369596 gave may probably be at least one reason. nostalgia is likely a huge thing too, and pr.
No. 1369919
>>1368895>>1368898I actually think this picture of bella is quite flatter, kek. I feel like it's all in the lighting. idk why gigi is trying this edgy look, she needs to stick to normie styling. I strangely think she only looks exceptionally pretty when she is smiling. She also needs dark hair. They both need eyebrows 100%
>>1368901I like seeing what kylie looks like without filters, but i feel like she is staying into my soul. I wish she would stop with the lips, it looks terrible. She looked better with thinner lips.
>>1367732No wonder people are thirsting, we need to remind people that it's Evan Peters they want to fuck, not Jeffery. Jeffery probably smelled like cheese. But this looks like something Sam levison would pump out if he was a fag.
No. 1369956
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No. 1369966
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>>1368898I remember that when Gigi got pregnant many said that this is likely the first time in her life she really got to eat and that she will use this for never having to return to modelling.
But then she started working again so quickly? And her body looks skinnier than ever now, it's just her face that looks bloated.
No. 1369974
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this is getting so fucking disturbing
No. 1369976
>>1369956John’s right. Almost anytime a black male celebrity starts talking about “free thinking” he starts talking about
>>being super pro black>>blacks should be more conservative and traditional(vote republican)>>blacks are the REAL jewsI don’t know why this is such a common thought process among black male celebrities. Nick Cannon thinks the same way, as he impregnates half of Los Angeles.
No. 1369990
>>1369985Yeah he watching anal sex in broad daylight in the living room and kept asking him if he wanted banana pudding.
>>1369974He’s so manic he’s having trouble hiding the gay omg.
>>1369970Yeah people with a lot of money can afford the best pre and post natal care
No. 1369997
>>1369980no you retarded tinfoiler, he is addicted to porn and is a pervert, its well known that kanye is pornsick (which is why he married jim in the first place)
>>1369989hey to post vids here you convert your video of choice into webm and then you post the webm video. This site uses webm as a video format.
I typically use this site when converting videos and you can use it too if you want. No. 1370030
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>>1370018I can't believe I forgot about this, holy shit.
No. 1370031
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>>1370010i got secondhand embarrassment when he was shoving the video in their faces.
>>1370021I cant find it and i cant be bothered but i remember kanye talking in this one interview how he also uses reddit to look at porn (and this was when he and Kim were married, then man is pornsick)
No. 1370047
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I dont know if this was posted but Kanye also got banned on twitter yesterday.
I wonder if Elon will try helping him get his acc back lmao.
No. 1370070
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>>1370038When he said he could “see sounds” it made me feel like he’s on the spectrum.
No. 1370114
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>>1370101I love you, transdrake chan
No. 1370121
>>1370112I'll never forget seeing a Troon convince a man to film a video with him going, "only people who watch tranny porn will recognize you, exposing you will only expose themselves". Anyway the dude was some local celebrity and it got out anyway via a random Twitter account. Point is, DL men know what to say and those who know what I means pretend to "not know" and meet up at another time.
Plenty of men probably took Kanyes offer to "Banana Pudding" and about 80% of them know what it means. I suppose Drake got a taste as well
No. 1370135
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No. 1370139
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>>1370101The evidence is mounting trans drake chan.
No. 1370162
>>1370130I 100% believe certain names should be avoided and men with big round chubby cheeks. If they have wide hip bones, chances of them being DL rise.
If they offer your scrote random foods. Like "Banana Pudding" or
>>"Orange Soda"= Oral Sex>> anything with Creme>> Licorice - another code word for oral/back door play but he wants to receive instead of give. Celebrity scrotes love the idea of soliciting male sex in front of their wives/girlfriends. That's why they will have their girlfriends/wives get the food. Like, "hey brother want some Banana Pudding? It's real creamy and full of bananas! You sure? I can ask Kim to get you some. She made it"
No. 1370168
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Sorry I meant to post this here instead of the vent thread but this is all just because someone made the comment that she’s clinically overweight. Actual minstrelsy
No. 1370188
>>1370168People hate lizzo for existing. There's shit I have criticized her for but she gets hate for being a fat black woman. Even in shaynas thread people were throwing digs at her because Ellen and Shayna wanted to see her. Lizzo doesn't really do shit. Yes her personality in and out of music is about her being fat. But rappers can rap about their cars. Clothes, female rappers about their fake body parts etc.
Lizzo gets hate unprovoked. I don't get it
No. 1370190
>>1370172I mean…people point out all the time that the
I’m fat and black huahuah! comedians aren’t funny in the slightest and Lizzorito essentially does the same thing but in a musicalized over sexual top 20 hit version that can be easily swallowed by middle schoolers and woke mom gym rats. So, she actually gets regularly overlooked/let slide compared to these spats with celebrities pointing out her gross fathood
No. 1370204
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Based Draco
>Chatting in a new interview with The Times T2 magazine, Tom drew on JK, real name moniker Joanne, and her mark on the entertainment industry.
>He said: 'I couldn’t speak for what others have said or what she said, to be completely honest, but I’m often reminded, attending Comic Cons [fantasy conventions] in particular, that no one has single-handedly done more for bringing joy to so many different generations and walks of life
>'I’m constantly reminded of her positive work in that field and as a person. I’ve only had a handful of meetings with her but she has always been lovely. So I’m very grateful for that,' he explained.
>Controversial: Tom described the author as 'lovely' while refusing to comment on backlash, after she sparked controversy in 2020 for her comments on transgender people
>His comments come after J.K. Rowling came under fire in early June 2020 for controversial tweets she posted about the transgender community.
>Referring to an article that referenced 'people who menstruate', the auther tweeted: 'I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?'
>And following this, which caused up an initial stir, she continued to express controversial views on sex and gender in further tweets.
>The stance even sparked major Harry Potter stars such as Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe to speak out against her views.
>But keeping more to the fence as he refused to express his opinion on the matter, Tom explained: 'I don’t tend to pick sides.
>'I won’t talk specifics but I enjoy reminding myself and others that a lot of my good friends have ways of life or personal decisions that I don’t necessarily agree with. We should enjoy celebrating each other’s differences.'
>Emma Watson weighed in on the 'transphobia' row sparked by J.K. Rowling hours after the best-selling author penned an essay defending her stance.
>The actress, 30, who became famous as a child for playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films based on Rowling's book series, took to Twitter to share her thoughts.
>Emma's comments came just hours after the acclaimed novelist penned a deeply personal essay to address the controversy, revealing she was sexually assaulted in her 20s and saying she still feels the scars of 'domestic violence' in her first marriage.
>The screen star wrote: 'Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without being constantly questioned or told they aren't who they say they are.
>Support: Emma , who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films based on Rowling's book series, took to Twitter in June
>'I want my trans followers to know that I and so many other people around the world see you, respect you and love you for who you are.'
>She went on to say that she was proud to donate to charities such as Mermaids and Mama Cash before encouraging her fans to do the same.
>Emma concluded: 'Happy #Pride2020 Sending love x.'
>Daniel Radcliffe also felt compelled to make a statement about the acclaimed novelist, after she tweeted about an article entitled 'Creating a more equal post COVID-19 world for people who menstruate' on Friday.
>Rowling wrote: ''People who menstruate.' I'm sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?'
>In response, Radcliffe hit out at the author who made him famous, saying: 'To all the people who now feel that their experience of the books has been tarnished or diminished, I am deeply sorry for the pain these comments have caused you'.
>Taking a stand: Daniel Radcliffe slammed Harry Potter author JK Rowling over her comments about transgender people
>Radcliffe wrote: 'Transgender women are women. Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care associations who have far more expertise on this subject matter than either Jo or I'.
>He continued: 'I realize that certain press outlets will probably want to paint this as in-fighting between JK Rowling and myself, but that is really not what this is about, nor is it what's important right now.
>'While Jo is unquestionably responsible for the course my life has taken, as someone who has been honored to work with and continues to contribute to The Trevor Project for the last decade, and just as a human being, I feel compelled to say something at this moment.'
>Hogwarts alum: He starred as the titular wizard in all eight of the Harry Potter movies, originating the role at the age of 11 in 2000's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
>Radcliffe also reached out to loyal Harry Potter fans: 'If these books taught you that love is the strongest force in the universe, capable of overcoming anything…
>'If they taught you that strength is found in diversity, and that dogmatic ideas of pureness lead to the oppression of vulnerable groups…
>'If you believe that a particular character is trans, nonbinary, or gender fluid, or that they are gay or bisexual; if you found anything in these stories that resonated with you and helped you at any time in your life — then that is between you and the book that you read, and it is sacred.
>'And in my opinion nobody can touch that. It means to you what it means to you and I hope that these comments will not taint that too much.'
>Not important: He wrote: 'I realize that certain press outlets will probably want to paint this as in-fighting between JK Rowling and myself, but that is really not what this is about, nor is it what¿s important right now'
In December, Rowling discussed the trans community, in a move which earned her the label of trans-exclusionary radical feminist (TERF).
>Her most recent comments were met with backlash from many fans and followers, as well as some notable names like Jameela Jamil, Sarah Paulson, Jonathan Van Ness and more.
>Jameela Jamil challenged her to put her money where her mouth is, tweeting her a GoFundMe link for homeless Black trans women in Atlanta.
>She wrote: 'Hey JK as you claim to support trans rights and this is a historical moment where we are globally discussing the impact of white supremacy on Black People, please share some of your $650million mega wealth with this charity.'
>Sarah Paulson wrote, 'Word. Goodnight and shut up @jk_rowling' while retweeting creative producer Ben O'Keefe.
>He wrote: 'This woman is complete scum. Shut the f up you transphobic f. You don't know or love any trans people if you won't even acknowledge their existence…
>'Thanks for ruining the books of my childhood. Just stop talking. We know you're a TERF. You don't need to keep doing this.'
No. 1370214
>>1370172>>1370180>>1370188tbh i agree. i don’t keep up with her (i did hear about the crystal flute thing recently)
whenever i’ve heard of her i’ve only ever seen her just mind her own business and people talking about her performing shows. not as bad as any of the given cows we talk about in these threads.
No. 1370243
>>1370188Not disagreeing with you, but I feel the bigger reason she is hated for her weight is because she talks about it all the time and how healthy and great her body is. If her weight or size is mentioned in her popular songs, of course people are going to comment more on it.
With her touring lifestyle, she probably has a food addiction or binge eating disorder. It's sad. If you're training and touring all the time, you have to eat sooo much food to maintain that size.
But yes, the hate comes on way stronger because she is a fat black women.
No. 1370258
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not sure if he's big enough for celebricows, but rex orange county sexually assaulted a woman and is being charged No. 1370328
>>1369951What the fuck? I fucking hate rich people. She sounds like a cunt. The plate was
too fucking square?? What? The only thing I've heard that's somewhat similar is using your plate/plate size to help portion food. Maybe she was upset because the corners were too big and too much food fit on her plate kek.
>>1369723Kek. I'm not into Lana and never was but I'm giving Blue Banisters a listen (lol she's skinny on the cover) bc some nonna mentioned Sweet Carolina and it's kinda dumb. Singing about iPhones and BLM. What a faggot. I kinda want to like her but she sucks. Is there proof she writes her own shit and uses her own ideas? Not saying she def doens't but I'm suspicious of her. Ever since her stupid uwu trailer park interview and the obvious image change her label did when she became Lana Del Rey. Her cadence sounds exactly like some other older artist but I can't put my finger on it. Joni Mitchell? She also does this ugly high-pitched singing that sounds terrible. I think she's kinda based for being fat even though it's gross and she dresses like a retard.
No. 1370400
>>1370328Imo Joni sounds completely different from Lana.Maybe the lyric style is similar. I know Lana is a Joni fan and is into the Laurel Canyon scene, and a lot of 70's female singers like
Joan Baez and Stevie Nicks. I don't think she has a similar vocal style to those folky type singer though.If anyone I would say Nancy Sinatra. The trailer park thing is annoying.Grimes, Halsey, Courtney Love all did the same thing though. Probably many more.Same with the fake persona many pop stars lie.
No. 1370420
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>Shay Mitchell, Madonna, and Emily Ratajkowski have all come out as queer in the past week.
No. 1370452
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>>1370444Yeah, Jenny Shimizu. She dated Ione Skye too. I love Jenny.,God I miss the days when butch lezzers could just be butch lezzers and not troon out
No. 1370458
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>>1370420oh people are actually taking Madonna's tiktok as "coming out"? lmao looks like she's just memeing because being gay is "in" with zoomers
No. 1370459
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>>1370454I think she has pretty much retired. She’s been on a couple of fashion competition reality shows. Her wife reminds me of Rossy de Palma, they’re really cute together. She still looks amazing.
No. 1370509
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>>1370444>>1370452okay but she's been in a relationship with a man for the past 5 years now and they have 2 kids together(though there are some rumors she cheated on him) is it really that relevant to "come out" out of nowhere
picrel is her bf and baby
No. 1370575
>>1370566Non-saged moron, just I won't believe any person that claims some stories with cows; doesn't mean I don't think that said cows (in this case a celeb cow, nonetheless) aren't annoying.
It's just strange how the story only revolved about some plate form and nothing else, how GH looked or if she was unfriendly or not. And why wouldn't she say upfront, when ordering the food, that she prefers plate form xy instead of having it go back twice? But maybe she likes to be a bossy obnoxious cunt, what do I know. But it heightens the risk that someone spits on her food, lol.
No. 1370576
>>1370575gigi will never fuck you
>yelling at people for not saging on /ot/begone newfag
No. 1370577
>>1370571Be the change you want to see,
Nonnie, and post photos you prefer. Anon probably just went with the first google search pop-up or pics she liked.
No. 1370580
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>>1370458Y-yeah granma your pink hair and tiktok saying youre gay is so funny and random! The last botox was a success too, you look no day older than 30!
No. 1370603
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>>1370577That's the weird thing, most pics of Jenny are without make-up when you Google her, so nonna went out of her way to drag up an old ass modeling pic, while calling it butch.
No. 1370629
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>>1370603I wanted a pic of what she looked like during the era of dating Madonna, it was literally the first result, it’s not that deep
No. 1370670
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Is this real? He deletes all his shit off instagram all the time so I can't confirm. If this is real then fuck him Sky hasn't done shit to him or anyone wtf.
No. 1370679
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not really milky but Neil Degrasse Tyson was acting like a pretentious redditor on twitter, pointing out the glaring "scientific inaccuracies" of the new Top Gun film and of course people started making fun of him and then many brought up his allegations of sexual misconduct by several different women, with the cases spanning decades. No. 1370685
>>1370679He allegedly raped a woman he was in the same university as (I thought she was an assistant), and when she asked why he did it, his response was "We are in this alone, and we are in this together". He can rot.
Reposting because I found an article: the "leftist" scrotes who
victim-blamed her and called her a liar, too.
(imageboard) No. 1370727
Just explaining the kanye ''death con'' thing for the people who dont understand and it makes him look even more shady and unhinged.
He got temp banned on instagram so he went on twitter making a tweet at Mark (the current owner of instagram)
>>1367968 and after that he made another tweet
>>136853 saying he is going to go ''death con'' on jewish people because Mark is jewish.
No. 1370751
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>>1370010>>1370727If you ever actually wondered what it would be like if the average autistic coomer twitter user somehow got famous and became a superstar, Kanye West is the answer
No. 1370842
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She’s looking rough in her Ana era
No. 1370846
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Holy shit, Madonna, what way are they filtering you in your photoshoots?
No. 1370866
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Her boobs are pretty much gone now
No. 1370898
>>1370854she's copying Khloe, the kardashians/jenners are known for copying each other or taking inspo for each other.
Khloe has been getting attention these couple of months for losing alot of weight and being skinny so im sure kim wanted to join in.
No. 1370975
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harry styles fans have spent nearly a decade arguing that harry isn't a zionist weirdo, and so one of them brought a palestine flag to his concert and threw it at him in the hope he'd wave it around and they'd finally be able to go "see! he loves palestine!". instead he threw it aside in disgust the moment he noticed it said palestine kek
(idk how to post videos from twitter sorry nonnies:
No. 1371002
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>>1370975idk, he just randomly loves israel. his bestie (the producer for james corden's shows) is a zionist and he's got a random hebrew tattoo and he used to retweet articles about israel and cheer when 1d got interviewed by israeli journalists. it's like he's autistic and his hyperfixation is jewish people. i don't really care i just like seeing him get dunked on by thousands of people on twitter.
(racebait) No. 1371008
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angela lansbury is dead :((:()
No. 1371054
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>>1370975it makes no sense for him to throw that flag in disgust. When previously he did a peace sign to a fans banner regarding palestine.
No. 1371239
>>1370856>>1370846I feel like in the case of madonna, the botched look she has right now is more so from the more recent surgeries and not her past ones such as the questionable bbl/butt implants and whatever she is doing to her lips. She started getting facelifts far too young and she needs to accept that she is an older mature lady and no amount of surgery is going to make her look 30 again.
>>1371127>>1371132I definitely had i no idea about this, wow that's rough. I also feel like it's has to do with the fact that she is no longer in her prime anymore. For decades she has always been someone who always aimed for a younger audience, even as a middle aged woman and she worked so hard to maintain this. At least she still has die hard fans, but most of them are never younger than the oldest gen z who were probably exposed to here through the ray of light era.
No. 1371248
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Apparently Kanye has a school that defintely doesn't seem culty or will make your children retarded. No. 1371284
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Lynne Spears is a good mother she deserves the custody of her kids
No. 1371291
>>1371289Also to add on top of it her sons are
victim of abuse and neglect and don’t wish to see britney spears, so stop stanning over her.
No. 1371294
>>1371248Lol, it reminds me of that TM Landry school who got tons of kids in Louisiana into top schools a few years ago. It came out that not only was the school unaccredited, the principal/owner faked their transcripts and told the students to lie about achievements on their applications. He was emotionally and verbally
abusive towards the students and I’ve heard they all really struggled after graduation and/or in college.
No. 1371303
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Lizzo has acted like she's a stranger to MN since she blew up, but she literally got her break in the Minneapolis music scene. I have always found this to be bizarre behavior.
No. 1371378
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No. 1371516
>>1371248this guy shouldn’t be allowed to open and run a school, and he needs to get help. wtf
>>1371505i agree with you, it just looked that way to me too.
No. 1371554
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>>1371546Shit like this for starters. Nobody should be forced to look at Shamu in a thong
No. 1371557
>>1371554She asked for a reason besides
triggering you by existing.
No. 1371580
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Amanda Bynes is in cosmetology school. This is the first time I've heard of her in a while, and I'm glad it's something good this time.
No. 1371920
>>1371830No, actually I thought what Latto did was incredibly inappropriate. I just think your “gasp! Think of the
children” over Lizzo twerking is a front to shit on her. I think it’s a non-issue and she won’t do it again so I don’t care.
No. 1372050
>>1372019You're underestimating how much of a turbo pickme Emma Watson is,
nonnie. She even went so far as to say she'd never return to the franchise unless Rowling was not involved. She's as libfemmy as it gets
>>1371920Being trashy in public and twerking around kids is a very legitimate reason to shit on someone in my opinion. You sound like a twitter user.
No. 1372059
>>1372012i know you scrolled alot to find that tweet because so did i, its strange im looking and there are barely any posts calling him out, maybe because the news is still early so thats why….idk.
Same goes for harry styles and the flag, when i search his name there are NO posts mentioning the flag situation, im only able to find it when i specifically search harry styles Palestine flag.
Is this moid privilege or what, where are the outraged thousands of thousands with thousands of likes posts making it to the top?
No. 1372070
>>1372012>>1370439you retards need to stop praising/liking every
problematic male just because he says something bad about trannys once, because its giving herd-mentality.
Did you read the whole quote that this was taken out of , did you see what he said about abortion or his ''muh centrist'', him calling himself a ''mother, bitch'' and other cringe worth takes from this interview.
No. 1372119
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>>1367732>>1367757Its now only going to get worse, with the massive popularity of Dahmer(both in terms of viewership and discussions online) Netflix is going to make more of these untrue crime dramas about infamous serial killers. likely other studios as well, well will now see even more of these everywhere. Goddammit.
No. 1372141
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Gerard’s cheerleader dress made a comeback last night (ft. Lynz)
No. 1372597
>>1372119Not watching this cause I have zero interest in serial killers, but I can't not wonder why is this show getting so much hate and all the other movies about serial killers didn't. Is it because… the
victims in those were women? Or am I just tripping?
That said I'm glad Evan's getting work and name recognition. Would love to see him in something like Mare of Easttown again.
No. 1372605
>>1372597I guess because in this one the serial killer is depicted by someone who many see as attractive and because of this
>>1367732. I think a similar reaction happened when Zac Efron was Bundy. Also I'm sure Evan got recognition from AHS? That's where the people I know that know of him has mostly seen him in, either that or from his relationship with Emma Roberts
No. 1372767
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No. 1372882
>>1372590Everyone being
checks thread um Kanye, Leonardo, and a single mention of Brad Pitt to amp his woobifying?
No. 1372931
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>>1370975dang nonnas why are redditors more critical of Harry Styles than you kek
No. 1373149
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No. 1373167
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No. 1373179
>>1371002>it's like he's autistic and his hyperfixation is jewish people.Where's transvistigator-chan? We might have a secret Aiden here.
>>1371335Probably just pissed off it wasn't some flavour of kweer flag for him to mince about in and get some free publicity.
No. 1373230
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>>1373179You know who else is Jewish? DRAKE. We might be onto something here.
No. 1373259
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No. 1373274
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kanye and Ray J pictured in some event.
No. 1373322
>>1373296please don't encourage /pol/ conspiracies,
nonnie. it's not that there's some evil cabal of jews running the world, it's just that it's not in the powers that be's interest to ever take sexism seriously. male jewish people are targeted by kanye's antisemitic rants and they're the ones saying "hell no" and getting his accounts frozen etc. if kanye had gone after a jewish woman, he'd be given the same slap on the wrist as every other time he's attacked a woman.
remember: men can't be punished for misogyny because doing so would cause the entire house of cards that is society to collapse. misogyny is the oldest and most insidious form of oppression. it predates everything else, and every single moid on earth is guilty of it no matter what other demographics they fit into.
e.g. sex without consent is rape. consent can only be freely given, not financially coerced. therefore all porn is rape on tape. if society was to treat that seriously and actually charge porn-watchers with a sex crime, what percentage of moids would escape a prison sentence and being put on the sex offender registry? hardly any, right? and all males know that. it will never be in their best interest to take sexism seriously. this is why leftbros and rightbros will find common ground dunking on socially acceptable female targets, even if they do it for superficially different reasons.
>>1373296 No. 1373345
>>1373002AYRT, I've literally only heard of this guy because he's Taylor Swift's boyfriend. I have no idea what he does. Is he an actor? Or a musician? I have no fucking clue
No. 1373434
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megan and kim k have to be the worst cases of drag queen make up. they always look better in their before pictures
No. 1373437
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>>1373434The kardashian sisters were so pretty when they were normal looking. its not even an age thing because when kim was still paris hiltons maid she was still a very pretty woman.
No. 1373521
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>>1373460Kek Candice and her Nigel suit each other
No. 1373591
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>>1373434Meg is so cute and pretty naturally. The makeup makes her look like a damn ogre.
No. 1373598
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>>1373437Her nose did not look like that back then, it was more downturned. Is that one of her old photos she edited, kek
No. 1373611
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Cole Sprouse and his girlfriend dressed as Amber Heard and Johnny Depp for Halloween
No. 1373647
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>>1373611ok so it's not a halloween party, it's a 1920s themed birthday and they're not depp/amber, they're a mobster and his moll. we all just saw the rotten teeth and assumed it was depp lmfao oops
No. 1373667
nonnie you’re right, Muslim moids can stay! Kek.
No. 1373799
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No. 1374018
>>1373437Paris was obviously jealous. Kim got a lot of attention and had healthy curves and men as a whole liked her more.
>>1373434There’s nothing wrong with the way Megan looks she just isn’t a teen anymore. She had on the same kind of makeup then as well.
No. 1374087
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This sounds like quite the risky pregnancy. I hope she and the babies will end up safe and healthy.
No. 1374109
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>>1374087Had no idea the chances of having twins increased with age.
No. 1374209
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No. 1374258
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No. 1374287
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>>1373707kek i always thought khloe was hot in a giant-german-club-girl way. natural and curvy. after the other sisters started to get surgery in 2011, when you saw a picture of them together she was the sexiest imo just by virtue of not being PSed to hell and back.
No. 1374291
>>1374209why is this loud SJW zoomer generation always showing up in public in slave-made plastic shein pants
all they do is buy shit off the internet (based on ads that are the new "as seen on TV!") using $700 phones (that i seriously don't know how they afford -phones in my country, and phone plans, are expensive enough that very few people have recent models) and then REE-post about the eastern european and south asian women they are taking advantage of every minute of their consoomer lives
No. 1376205
>>1363716>>1363712Just have to say, I think JP was a one-hit wonder. Bad hosting on Twilight Zone reboot (not helped by eye-rolling post-modernist shit in it), Us was just a mess and boring, and Nope is equally flat.
He reminds me of M.Night Shyamalayan in a way, except I like M.Night for the strange wholesomeness I sense coming from his films (can't explain this, just I feel that the eccentric-but-well-meaning people in his films just resonate with me). On the other hand JP films have a mean streak, the same way Rob Zombie films are always trashy. Both very unpleasant to me as a viewer.