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No. 536375
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Obviously. But he will never come out because scientology.
No. 536380>>536432>>536738>>536988
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I don't think there are any successful openly gay male footballers, at least in the European leagues. Don't know what the situation is like in US.
No. 536387>>536540
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Either gay or asexual. His marriage with Katie was arranged
No. 536456>>536460
>>536452Christiano Ronaldo was literally in the news a couple of years ago for raping a woman.
And it seems like alot of you dont know that people can be bisexual too not just straight or gay.
No. 536512
>>536460whats your problem weirdo? I just said that people can be bi too not just gay or straight. What has that got to do with Taylor Swift?
Also yes Ronaldo was in the news for raping a woman, look it up.
No. 536514
>>536460oh wait just realized that i quoted you by mistake and now i understood why i got such a angry reaction.
I was supposed to quote
>>536432 No. 536515
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bradley cooper
No. 536525>>536527>>536528>>536600>>536654>>537969>>538395>>724731
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>>536450>Taylor Swift Right? Everytime I’ve said this to someone irl they tell me it’s just “wishful thinking”. I’m not sure if it’s cause she has a new PR boyfriend every week or because she’s ~too pretty to be gay~ or what but the way she is with her “boyfriends” and with the guys in her music videos just seems so weird and asexual. Veeery disingenuous. But when with the girls who the internet thinks she’s dated (Karlie Kloss, Diana Agron, etc) it just seems so …natural??? It just makes sense that she’s gay. Plus all that stuff tumblr dug up about that violin player from when she was first starting out seems pretty incriminating even though it’s tumblr and tumblr is tumblr.
No. 536537>>536556>>545624
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Jeremy Renner is definitely in denial
Also I noticed any actor who seems to have zero chemistry with their romantic counterpart in films always end up being gay, such as:
Cara delevingne, Ellen Page and Neil Patrick Harris etc
No. 536540
>>536387Yeah. He's probably the most popular "not"-gay in universe.
There are also many Leo DiCaprio rumors
No. 536696
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Dunno why, but I think he might be bisexual at least
No. 536734>>536742
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>>536640I have no idea why so many models are lesbians but obviously she is. It’s a shame about the lip fillers, she was so hot before.
No. 536744>>536745>>536762
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>>536654Before Taylor made it big she was always posting cutesy couple-ish pictures of her with this girl Emily on her MySpace. Emily was her “best friend” and she played violin in Taylor’s band. Taylor mentioned her in blogs a lot and they flirted in some of their posts (and there’s also pic related, that’s Emily to Taylor’s right). They even went on a vacation with each other to the Grand Canyon. But then for some unknown reason in 2008 she just got kicked off Taylor’s tour. They replaced her with some other violinist and Taylor never spoke to her again. People think she got kicked off cause Taylor’s managers thought other people would think she’s gay cause of Emily so they had to get rid of her.
No. 536787
>>536691He's Bi at most
I know River phoenix was his best friend but part of me feels like he loved him more than a brother
No. 536811
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It wouldn't surprise me if Michael Emerson was gay and living in a lavender marriage, he's played in quite a few gay-themed projects and is a biiiiig supporter of gay rights
No. 536827>>536831
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>>536762it doesn't really happen, otherwise it would not be memed. We are not even sure if that's what happened to Taylor Swift and anyway celebrities are not representative of normal people anyway…
As mentioned in another thread, my type is Hideo Kojima (if he counts as a celebrity lol). He is at least bisexual. Also may be one of those gays who are so deep into the closet they actually have wife and a kid so nobody suspects a thing.
No. 536852>>537081
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>>536840that but SnakexOtacon is without a doubt the best gay relationship I have ever seen, they literally raise an adopted daughter together
No. 536892
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Jamie Oliver
No. 536930>>536988>>537681
Kanye West, Billie Eilish and Ras Kass
>>536639Wasn't he fucking Paul McKenna at some point?
No. 536933>>536967
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Tia and Tamera’s little brother Tahj
No. 536967>>537009>>539728
>>536691I would put money on him being bi, though he might have a preference for women. There was the rumored thing with River and he had a brief relationship with the tranny from sense 8, but he's also had relationships with women that weren't really in the public eye. He had a thing with ana de armas about five years ago. (Which was pretty creepy because he was literally twice her age.)
>>536933I swear he came out at some point?
No. 536988>>537710
>>536930I feel bad for speculating because she's so young, but I definitely agree about Billie Eilish.
>>536380A footballer of the german national team came out after his career ended a couple years ago and a few of his former collegues said that now they feel weird cause they showered with him. But doesn't Ronaldo even have a kid? I think he's just a narc who's insanely in love with himself and therefore spends so much on grooming.
>>536432>There was a rumor that he was with a muai thai boxerDo you happen to know a source for that? I couldn't find anything.
No. 537040>>537054
>>536450I can see Taylor being a closet case but the way people insist that it's true creeps me out. A lot of what they're saying also sounds like straight up fanfic as well.
>>536640Kek my mom thinks she's a lesbian too. I actually can buy it since she's the only Kardashian who doesn't have really public relationship drama.
>>536743It really went to shit quickly. It also didn't help that all the SJW posters were really cliquey and straight up bullies. It's better now although it's pretty much dead lol. 2007-2009 was the golden age of ONTD for me lol.
No. 537054
>>536945sorry, reverse image search is failing me, who is this?
>>537040i had a lot of fun on ONTD during 07-09. it was a magical time lol. man i used to go to LJ for everything until the SJW cancer began, look where we are 10+ years later.
No. 537078>>537090>>537985
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Again definitely not a celebrity but Nick Fuentes is so obviously closeted. I actually think a lot of MRA/ ‘no egirls!’ Etc types go down that route because they’re closeted and that gives them an ‘excuse’ to never pursue relationships (despite being ‘trad’ lol)
No. 537081>>962987
>>536840nobody considers him homosexual, especially since he has a wife and a son. Making lowkey gay media (on tumblr it would be considered queerbaiting as it's all subtext or noncanon) doesn't mean someone is out of the closet…
>>536852hard agree, I wanna look up some ff about them because I love their dynamics so much and there's a lot to explore
No. 537429>>537750>>537772
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>>537393Nah, don't think so. That gay movie he made had zero chemistry too
No. 537680>>537693
>>537007>>536938>>536373fucking hell anons are we that regressive that we think that every non-conventionally masculine male is homosexual
this entire thread is just seems mean and offensive
No. 537692>>548414
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he's bi or gay for himself
No. 537710
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>>536988There is a rumor about Ronaldo's baby mamas being surrogates. The first one allegedly got pregnant through a one night stand and after the baby was born, Ronaldo got full custody and the woman money in exchange. She also had to sign papers but the public doesn't know their content. Ronaldo is 100% gay. He also dated Irina Shayk who was also a beard for Bradley Cooper.
No. 537969
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>>536525This. She also had a fling with Dianna Agron.
No. 537972
>>536640She obviously likes dick…There are proofs of her being with men - and no I'm not talking about PR stunts like Harry Styles or Anwar Hadid.
It's funny, she slept with more men than her sister but gets a pass because people think she's gay. Some people even call her "butch" bitch where?
No. 537976>>537979>>537980>>537995>>538001>>538008>>538059>>538168>>539585>>547266>>649074>>789051
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Alright I wanna take this thread "temporally" in the opposite direction, what gay/lesbian celebs do you suspect are actually straight/bi
for me its strange aeons(I know e-celeb) she gives me huge bisexual flake vibes.
No. 537979
>>537976She annoys me with just how much she talks about her gayness, that and her catholic upbringing/school.
Like I'm gay and was raised in Ireland so I know what that's like.. but it isn't 99 percent of my personality
No. 537985
>>537980>ready to glareOt but I liked her at first but got real tired of her after about a week of watching. Idk what it is either.
>>537078Definitely. I've seen him debate a few times and he always has this way about him that the whole nazi persona is a joke to him.
No. 538001>>538008
>>537976As a bisexual that's had relationships with men, bisexual and formerly straight women and lesbian women I have to say I choose the bisexual partner or formerly straight girl everytime. I find lesbians have this thing where their entire personality and hobbies revolve around being gay. Maybe I just had bad luck but the two lesbian women I dated were only interested in lbgt related stuff, basically all their humour revolved around it, they didn't like any of my straight friends and were just straight up annoying after a while.
Like I understand it's a huge part of who you are, but I believe there's so many other qualities than your damn sexuality.
That's totally the vibe I get from people like Strange Aeons or that weird Ash Hardell girl on YouTube.
I know Ash isn't technically a lesbian, she's a non binary fakeboi snowflake thing, but still, fucking annoying. I do think Aeons is an actual lesbian and not a fake lesbian bi, but I agree that she's annoying as fuck.
No. 538008>>538173>>538412
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>>537976I am positive that Ezra Miller is straight. He doesn't call himself gay, he vaguely calls himself queer without specifying anything and gets tons of sjw asspats for it. I would be genuinely shocked if he has ever interacted with a penis other than his own.
>>537980What makes you think Ellen Page isn't gay? Even when she was a teenager she gave off pretty heavy les vibes to me.
>>538001Ash Hardell is a lesbian who is afraid of the word lesbian.
No. 538012
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Jessie Paege, she came out as bi but her entire personality is based around being “queer” and having coloured her. Honestly I think she’s just a basic straight white girl who likes the attention.(
No. 538204
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kinda surprised he isn’t out yet tbh
No. 538243>>538244>>538350
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>>538168she reminds me of this meme
No. 538244>>538345
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>>538243and this is her and her longterm boyfriend
No. 538294>>538346>>538409>>538412>>538430>>538534>>538968>>539071>>539370
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I am very confused by Harry Styles as of late. I thought the high heels and bell bottoms was a very cute look, very British and Beatle-y. Then you hear about his womanizing almost cougar attraction. How much is publicity and how much is real? Even in celeb thread there has been consensus he doesn't have much dirt. He reminds me of Ezra in the way he keeps shoveling dirt.
No. 538395>>538467>>538784>>539394
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>>536525Taylor Swift is lesbian is my favourite conspiracy theory because unlike most conspiracies it's harmless and not antisemitic.
Finding hidden messages is the best part of the community.
I'm 100% sure that she dated Karlie Kloss. Some fans think that they are still together but it's just hopeful thinking imo. I love femme lesbian couples but I'm not invested in any ships. Just here for the Easter egg hunt.
If someone is as pathetic as I am there's some reading to get you started: infamous powerpoint: actually wrote a damn book of the subject: bearding in Hollywood in general and Taylor's arrangements: No. 538430>>538438>>538501>>538586>>538912>>538968
>>538294i've slept with him, he's not gay
would fully buy him being bi or also just pandering to the larry audience he built up
No. 538472
>>538417Isn't the industry still run and funded by complete boomers though?
Abusive, narc billionares that parade barely legal girls on their arms for prestige and abuse underage would-be stars of either gender behind closed doors.
Lgbt can be a marketable gimmick but it needs to fit their script eg funny fat gay man.
No. 538567>>538572>>538584>>538854
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Edwin is gay, i just feel it
No. 538573
>>538534I think it's because so many male celebrities turned out to be predators, so girls cling to the idea that if a man looks different because he likes (or pretends to like) something that women like too (makeup, heels,…) that means he's on their side and won't betray them by being violent or a creep. Like "How could he be bad and sexist if he likes traditionally feminine things? He surely is the opposite of Weinstein and Co." Wishful thinking.
Also, media glorifies the idea of having a gay best friend, meaning if they claim to be bi like many do nowadays, fangirls can either chose to still lust after them or to think "He's just like me, he understands me, we could be besties!". Two birds with one stone, twice the support for them.
No. 538644>>538897
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>>538586he got ugly, had a baby with a groupie, and bought bad surgery for his long term girlfriend who continues a failing career as a influencer model
No. 538901>>538939>>544003
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I think a lot of celebrities are closeted bisexuals. But I don't really know why they wouldn't say it if they could even profit with that. i.e jameela jamil (which I think she is not bi at all)
Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance. He is married with a woman I think but he seems very bisexual.
Also, Ryan Reynolds gives me that sensation too.
No. 538939>>538946>>538972>>539071>>544003>>545698
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>>538901I'm actually surprised how almost all of the guys from that scene are heterosexual and married now. I think Brendon Urie from Panic! at the Disco later came out as bisexual but he's pretty much the only one? Is Pete Wentz openly bi or is he the "I've slept with men and women but only date women" -type? Can't remember.
At one point I fully believed that Gerard and Bert McCracken from the Used hooked up and that's why their whole fall out after Gerard got sober was so bitter. Kinda still do, lol.
No. 538968
>>538294He's not gay in the slightest. He's ALWAYS writing songs about women and very much gives straight vibes. As
>>538412 said, it just seems like way to stay relevant and woke with his gay support and "hinting" that he's bi bullshit. It's like straight girls who say they would kiss a girl.
>>538430No you haven't lol.
No. 538977
>>538603i mean…gay men have dated, married, and had families with women
>>538635louis set off my gaydar from day 1. it's his affect lol
No. 539071>>539074
>>538939>I'm actually surprised how almost all of the guys from that scene are heterosexual and married now. Me too. Although I think a lot of them are bisexual at least I think didn't say anything because it wasn't that accepted or "cool" as know. I mean, a lot of the guys in the 'trap emo' scene are very open about being bisexual but of course, they don't say bi, they say pan but whatever.
And yes, Gerard and Bert definitely had something else. I always had this theory where Bert was more into him but Gerard just seemed it as a fling. Isn't 'Pretty awesome awkward' supposedly about him?
And same hat with all stuff that happened with his guitarist. I mean, even though they were doing it as a stunt or whatever, fooling around that much has to make you catch some feelings at least lol
>>538294I'm a big fan of Harry for a lot time but this whole 'queer' stuff is so off and a mere stunt to catch some woke points. I gotta remember that he is just a white guy.
No. 539214>>539225>>539249>>539250
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I don't know if this counts but since the quarantine I decided to watch the BA videos and Chris Morocco apparently is straight? Before getting into the videos I saw some memes with him and immediately I thought he was gay.
No. 539330>>539380
I thought it was just a rumor that Keanu dated/ had a thing with that transwomen has it ever been confirmed? Edit- The only thing I found was a blurry video of a kiss on the cheek, I think they were friends.
And Harry Styles has just gone hollyweird, he's just like that Lady Punching "Queer" dude whose name I can't remember. They are just GNC men who think because they are feminine it means "I have to be one of the letters in the LGBTQ+, because why else would I wear make up and heels?" it's annoying.
Is it bad that whenever someone comes out as anything other then gay/bisexual/lesbian that I roll my eyes?
It always feel like it's a celebs "brand" when they come out Pansexual or "queer" in fact, those words mean to me, "Pansexual- I fucked a NB woman before, I was attracted to a transwoman before, I have a fetish for transwomen but will never date one"
and Queer is just bullshit to me. It's any guy who throws on some heels and kissed a guy once.
>>538572If this video is about him fucking transwomen then he's not in the closet, he's bisexual.
(sorry for the huge block of text)
No. 539374
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>>539264Honestly, what made me thought he was gay wasn't his delicate persona. I just assumed it since the majority of men in BA are gay.
I also think Brad, Sohla and Amiel are bisexuals, and Christina is a lesbian.
No. 539380
>>539330Sage for samefag but:
>Is it bad that whenever someone comes out as anything other then gay/bisexual/lesbian that I roll my eyes?I feel the same way anon. Especially with the 'queer' etiquette since it can mean absolutely anything but still makes the 'woke' community so happy and 'proud'. Like, if kissing a guy one time or fool around with makeup is a struggle. It really makes my skin crawl since who uses that tag the most are white rich guys like fucking Ezra Miller. For real I have mad respect for celebrities who comes out simple as bisexual/gay/lesbian since they seem to be such bad words nowadays.
No. 539394
>>538395jesus, this is like reading fanfiction
y'all really put a lot of faith on her cliché songwriting, huh?
No. 539410>>539413
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another "gay" celeb that is obviously straight
No. 539415>>539421
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Todd Chrisley anyone?
>>539413>TIL Rebecca Black dates women. Weird that I've also been thinking about her today too. Mainly because it's Friday and I've been singing her song lol.
No. 539417>>539418>>539425>>539431>>539436>>539457
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Lady Gaga is supposedly bisexual, but I always thought it was for woke points
No. 539421
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>>539415Todd is like the second coming of Jessica and Ashlee Simpson's dad, and we know how that turned out.
No. 539422
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Tess Holiday is an obvious faker. She'll do anything to stay relevant.
No. 539457
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>>539417Gaga did the bi thing for attention, baited for the woke points as much as possible. Also anybody remembers when she also pretended to have a dick and then acted all bitchy when she got asked about it?
No. 539585>>539588>>539596
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>>539521>>539423>>539385>>538194To the anon who keeps posting AI-generated faces in this thread that has nothing to do with them: why? Are you okay? There are plenty of threads to spam this shit, you fucking weirdo.
>>537976 I would say Halsey falls into this category. She talks about being bi but has only seemed interested in men and guys before she got famous and up until now. She's done the stupidest shit for woke points before, so it wouldn't surprise me if this is another case of that.
No. 539596
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>>539585i remember her being so proud over being "bisexual, biracial and bipolar" and thinking it's funny because all of them start with bi bi bi. i agree that she's just straight and mostly pretending to be bi. and all the lyrics she has on her songs about women seem so fake woke and so forced in
>Got a girl with California eyes>And I thought that she could really be the one this time>But I never got the chance to make her mine>Because she fell in love with little thin white lines>London girl with an attitude>We never told no one but we look so cute>Both got way better things to do>But I always think about it when I'm riding throughplease shut up already halsey
No. 539728>>539732>>539826>>539832>>539834
>>536967>relationship with ana de armasdoubt.jpg Receipts?
Gay af and everybody in Hollywood knows:
Hugh Jackman
Jake Gyllenghal
Bradley Cooper
Harry Styles
John Travolta
Taylor Lautner
Might not be 100% gay but definitely likes to buttfuck teenagers (like that one that almost died from running away from him in his italian home)
George Clooney , and his bff Randy Gerber (Cindy Crawford's husband)
No. 539732>>539872>>962987
>>539728>KanyeI think he's a pornsick Bi male, whose probably had relations with men
>Hugh Jackmanor maybe he's just a good partner who chooses to stay loyal to his wife
>Jake Gyllenghal>Bradley Cooper>Taylor LautnerHave never ever gotten that vibe from any of these guys
>Harry StylesAs anons have mentioned he's likely just queerbaiting like ezra
>John Travoltathat's the only I agree with
No. 539826>>540103
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>>539728there's paparazzi photos of them on vacation together and she posted instagram pics that were taken in his pool. it's possible that their relationship is platonic but I don't think I'd ever go on vacation with a 50 something male friend.
I'm undecided about Lautner but I could see it. The sassy hand motions gif is the first thing I think of whenever he's mentioned anywhere.
No. 539834>>540103
>>539728The reason why I think half these men claim straight but may or may not fuck other men or trannies is because, they don't see gay sex as "gay".
They may be only into the same-sex sexually, so because they aren't romantically involved with men/trannies I think they don't see themselves as anything else than straight.
I don't see a lot of men in this thread as "in the closet" or gay. Some of them just seem bisexual, they only want to date/marry women but are sexually into the same sex (transwomen included) only for sex.
Usually, bisexual people lean heavily towards one sex ( i know I do). While I do think there may be some men who are deep in the closet,
I think a large number of men in Hollywood don't take same sex-sex as something serious or that changes their sexuality. They aren't in the closet but they just don't see themselves as anything but straight because it does not mean more than getting a nut.
I hope this makes sense, It comes off autistic.
No. 539872>>539885>>539891
>>536373>>539732Kanye is definitely pornsick and Bi
Ninja says when he and Kanye were hanging out and they watched anal porn together
>At 7:06 No. 539885
>>539872I wonder what else Kanye is into? Pornsickness turns the mind to mush. Kanye would probably fuck and watch anything at this point.
The dude needs help, i don't think he's in the closet, I think he prefers women but is, well porn sick.
No. 539891
>>539872Also, I've heard stories of him showing porn to other people as well, I forgot who it was but they said they met Kanye and he put on porn. He's obsessed with anal.
>>539887This thread is very
problematic, entertaining, interesting but very
problematic. I hate that im even here. I do think some of the "he's gay, look at how he's moving his hands!" shit is dumb though.
No. 539936>>540140
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I feel like the online right in general has a lot of ‘political heterosexuality’
No. 540103>>540143>>540197
>>539832The other anon has it right. They have beards. All the ones Ive mentioned are well known to be closeted, just google about it if you don't believe me. LOTS of witnesses and stories.
>>539826He likes to frequent gay clubs
>>539834Yeah maybe some are bisexual. My uncle had a friend that used to be Ricky Martin's bodyguard AGES ago and I asked him if he was gay like it was rumored (obvi this way way before he came out , when he was supposed to be 100% straight) and he said "he's not gay but he gets bored of just having women so….."
No. 540143
>>540103I know a few "gay" guys like that. It's the same as the "stright" guy thing I spoke about.
Some gay/straight claiming men find opposite/same-sex sex so meaningless that they just don't call it what it is, "Bisexuality" they just don't consider it to mean anything at all.
The "gay" guy who produces empire does this, he calls himself "gay" but has said he sleeps with women.
I don't think people like that do it because they are in denial or scared, it's just those sexual encounters mean that little to them.
No. 540168>>540177>>540206>>542121
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Sometimes I think Emma Chamberlain but I also do think I could be totally off with this one I’m not sure
No. 541405>>542113
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>>540206 this thread is officially delusional
No. 542113>>542336
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>>541405Do you think every single lesbian or bi woman out there just looks like ‘the bitch in question’ or something?
No. 542762>>542783>>542788>>542791
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Zendaya, especially during this phase
No. 542791>>542824>>542907
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>>542762I agree, she has no chemistry with male actors. Blind items also seem to suggest that she's les
No. 542793>>542800
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>>542788Idk the only people I know who take pics like this are studs
No. 543465
>>542800Not that anon but she still dresses like this after that period of time. You're also an exception to the rule.
There was also that one pic of her dressed masc and saying something along the lines of "your girl calls me daddy to." Can't find it again but I wouldn't be surprised if she were bi or something.
No. 544003>>544027>>544058>>549101>>557159
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>>538939>>538901lmao I literally clicked this thread JUST to see if they'd been mentioned yet. I went down this huge nostalgia rabbit hole of old late 2000's crackhead mcr/ mcr-affiliated theories a couple years ago when I started lisetning to a bunch of y2k emo music, and obviously idk how much of it is actually true but i think it fried my brain so much that I'll never really look at gerard/ frank/ bert the same way again lol. also if i remember correctly there was also a ton of evidence about mikey way and pete wentz having a fling??? around the same time as frerard/ gerard and bert. but again, like, who knows how much of it was stagegay and fans looking too deep into the angsty post-mcr lyrics
No. 545594
>>545581One is married and even has a baby.
Other one is engaged.
I see the kind of Joshler trash you are. No. 545596>>545669>>545818
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Does this thread also count for celebrities you thought were genuinely gay and together? A few years ago, I was seriously so convinced that these two are in a relationship and will come out once they are free from their management or whatever. A lot of people (back in 2015-2016) said they'll come out in 2020 too. Harry is obviously gay or at least pretending to be for some woke points but Louis is just your average straight man who likes beer and tits. And the entire "Larry Stylinson" fandom was a cult imo. We would go great lengths to analyze every single movement of theirs and then come up with those "uwu poor Louis just wants to kiss his Hazza but homophobic managment won't let them!!1!".
Still baffles my mind to this day how convinced I was.
No. 545612
>>544027gerard and bert had that same bam margera and ville valo vibe going on
bonding over drug/alcohol use and literally encouraging one another to spiral until one of them wakes up and tells the other person to fuck off, which usually doesnt happen
idk how bert is doing and dont really care, but gerard seems ok now, as is ville while bam is still a whole pathetic mess of a person
No. 545669
>>545596IIRC Zayn said in an interview months after leaving one direction, that Harry and Louis both hated the rumors/fan speculation of them being gay. Said it made them really self conscious of even being near each other.
so, you're in a band, you become friends with a guy in said band to help cope with the stress and people mistake any interaction as 'loving affection' yeah I can see why they hated it.
Harry is doing the gay shit for woke points. Guarantee he smashes pussy left and right more than ever thanks to it. He doesn't need to do it but woke shit sells and low self esteem women fall for it. Louis is that typical, like you said anon, beer and tits guy.
Not saying you anon but I liked a theory I read on this situation. Basically it was a bunch of ugly girls, who knew deep down that Harry or Louis would never sleep with them, so to help lessen the blow, made them gay to justify why they wouldn't sleep with them.
>>545624Because of money and status. Any guy in power in history, be it a war lord or some rich count will always get women. Is said war lord and count ugly? fuck yes they are, still won't stop majority of women.
No. 545680>>545681>>545692
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It's the Gay Vlog Squad threesome!
Each one of them has had a beard to date and I'm pretty sure they've all been together too.
Also reckon David Dobrik is gay.
This video here shines some light on Jeff and Todd's gayness and how Todd uses alcoholism to cope with being in the closet and sucking dick for tv gigs: No. 545681>>545682
>>545680the old one who pretended to date trisha paytas gives me gay vibes too
sorry cant remember his name
and i was shocked that ugh its joe had a gf tbh but it seems he plays up the gay shit for the camera and its an actual character, which is probably what most of these losers do honestly
No. 545682
>>545681Jason gives me pedo vibes rather than gay vibes. He worked with Dan Schneider and was an 'extra' for Drake and Josh. He also has been inappropriate with Tana Mongeau and pretty sure he's been inappropriate about Emma Chamberlain when she was 17. Also completely unrelated, but he's been talking shit about his son recently and making a lot of slights about him. The son seems like a talented musician and his kids hate the vlog squad.
Joe can play up being gay cause he's actually got a committed stable relationship. Jeff clearly is overcompensating for having plastic surgery and being a faggot. There was a video where he was on the phone to his dad and calling him "Daddy" etc. There's also that clip where he was at Coachella and he did a gay little dance move at the camera and immediately wanted David to delete it.
Even in that personal conversation video Todd posted there's a lot of stumbling over what they can say and they stop themselves a lot. There's a lot of closeted guys in Hollywood and the vlog squad seems to centre around those guys or kid's media.
No. 545692
>>545680Also to add on to David and Scott being gay. Liza and Kristen appeared to be beards. I think that's why Kristen and Liza were close because they knew the score. None of their relationships ever showed chemistry. I don't know if it's because I'm slightly older than most of them but they all are so disingenous that no wonder they prefer inteacting with teenagers and kids. David saying the best award he ever won was a Nickelodeon one when he tries to rip off being another Jackass crew. Home boy should at least be aiming for some type of acclaim on MTV rather than fucking Nickelodeon.
I think other members of Vlog Squad are branching out and going to move on eventually. I don't understand how David sells merch to kids and then gets a woman to sit on Jason's face and also Jeff, Todd, Scott and Zane are all cokeheads.
Corrina Kopf also seems to be a professional beard. Didn't her last boyfriend get outted with James Charles? And Todd is gay. No wonder she lays it on thick with David, he's probably scared of vaginas as well.
Also isn't Madison Beer also a go to beard. Honestly.
No. 545698>>545699>>549101
>>538939I’m so glad bandom was brought up, there was so much gay shit in the scene.
Brendon has come out ~pansexual~ but were him and Ryan Ross actually together/hooking up? I think so considering how far Brendon bent to try and keep him in the band before he left and then how extreme the stage gay with Dallon was early on.
Also Gabe Saporta was a slut that fucked everyone lmao
>>544058Oh yeah the amount of evidence especially those pics of Mikey and HeyChris, purely taken to make Pete jealous.
No. 545780>>545781>>545788
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I know he’s married and has a child but I bet you he’s bagged some men
No. 545781>>546073
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>>545780with Nev I get the feeling he's never loved anyone as much as he loves himself
No. 545921>>545923>>546106
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blackpink in your area
No. 545980>>545981>>546050
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>>545936I thought that this was a well known fact about kojima.
No. 546082>>546111
>>546050no can confirm, again no paper proof but, while speaking to friends in connections, hideo is so fucking bizarre in a way that makes even japanese nerds major freaked out. i would not be shocked if hes tried to fuck him. there was a moment (that i think there is even confirmation online) where mads went missing and it turned out fucking kojima essentially KIDNAPPED him. like not legit, but kept mads 'busy' enough that his agent was flipping out.
no idea if mads is into or not nobody seemed to bother with that. he seems very polite, hear nothing but glowing things of them and how hes very chill so maybe? its just something that i remember when discussing it more kinda laughing but the more my coworkers spoke of it was kinda sobering like.. oh wait no he wants to fuck this guy and might even kidnap him to get the dick.
No. 546086>>546093
>>545950all i'll say is, the best actors are 100% bisexual and have either had intense sexual or even deep mental homosexual relationships. its really fascinating when i noticed the relation to a very good actor and their genuine bisexuality. theyre also the ones that either got married young or are always in a straight relationship- when youre dating its far easier to do what you really 'like' and is usually recommended.
the 'out and proud' actors are usually in two camps- theyre acting on their own ideas thinking it'll boost them or theyre trying to impress someone they want to be with/are with (as in actual confirmed lesbian/gay actors and those 'queer' identifying ones.)
their are a few deep closets who are living double lives, as in they have a married spouse/kids but another house a street over with their long term homosexual partner. everyone in LA knows but nobody really gives a shit far more interesting stuff going on.
also the best way to tell those who were molested? they are ALWAYS doing something, like constantly, be in photoshoots, magazines, insta is always updating, movie after movie, tv shows. those that never seem to stop have been through some awful shit. i know that seems stupid vague and pointless but again, little thing i noticed. sometimes i wondered if it was because stopping means thinking or maybe the predator keeps them busy? who knows.
No. 546101>>546105>>546107>>546114>>546120>>546128>>546164
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V and Jimin from BTS. I legit feel like Jimin came out when he said that back in the day he pretend to be someone he wasn't, and now he is more comfortable by not pretending to be always masculine.
As for V, he also used to say homophobic shit but now he is just so sassy and quite feminine himself in his mannerisms, same as Jimin. I know I'm appealing to stereotypes but coming from two Korean men it's different.
Also all their solo songs are allegedly ambiguous and talk about being caught in a lie, committing a sin and being rejected from family due to that and recently, about struggling with identity but now that they grow he has accepted himself.
No. 546113
>>546093leo has had a lot of fun and probably still does. i honestly dont think he was as fucked up (in terms of abuse) as most. not a lot of people talked about him, aside from how the older he got the more deranged he got. and in weird ways, like very subtle. im 100% he was given the oscar to keep him from killing someone method acting lol.
>>546111oh yeah it was super weird. i personally think from what ive heard, kojima is gay and its fucked him up as he's gotten older (being unable to act on it) therefore it manifested in him being nuts. im fairly certain if he'd done something more from mads we'd for sure, or at least my friends, wouldve spoken. i honestly think mads was like whatever. i hear hes such a chill and lax dude- idk if thats his danish personality or just him! a friend worked with him and said he was just a super nice dude and you would never know he was famous the way he chilled with you.
No. 546114
>>546101jesus fucking christ go back to twitter you 13 year old braindead army. jimin likes to fuck ugly european whores in clubs and bts all hate each other. they'd probably gag at the thought of being in a romantic relationship with one another.
the kpop thread was bad enough, stop spreading your autism.
No. 546429>>546442>>546467>>546866
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I'm begging at this point, plus she is always talking about playing around with women but it comes off as a bicurious thing… hopefully one day she would say it explicitly.
The captain hook video and lyrics? Megan bisexual
No. 546843>>546861
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>>546286nick grimshaw became friends with 17 year old harry styles not long after he moved to london. lots of interviews about him sleeping over, etc, taking him out partying with kelly osbourne etc
there's also the weird thing where he was living in his music video directors house and started converting to judaism. 17 year old harry styles was around a lot of weird clingers who were all 10-15 older than him
No. 547229>>547231>>547238
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>>547218>“fucking hell anons are we that regressive that we think that every non-conventionally masculine male is homosexual this entire thread is just seems mean and offensive”
No. 547244>>547248
>>547231It's stupid af because a) it's not an insult to think someone seems gay, and b) stereotypes exist for a reason. Reasons like
>only gay people are willing to embody stereotypes because straight people are scared of being called gay>it helps to signal to and identify other gay people>it's a result of emulating more visible, openly gay people in the mediajust for some examples.
It's not that all gay people are stereotypical, obviously loads of them aren't, it's that most stereotypical people are gay because only a particularly brave straight man would choose to come off as effeminate or flaming or w/e.
No. 547266>>547282>>547347>>581994
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>>537976I don't think she's lying about being gay but I do think hbomerguy pretends to be bi for woke points.
No. 547347
>>547266just watched his sherlock sux video and was surprised how much he ripped into andrew scott, a gay man, playing moriarty as (gasp) gay
i agree w/
>>547283, at most he'd date a trans, but probably just b/c he's been brainwashed
No. 547393
>>547372his last video, at 42 minutes long, is discussing nothing but his sexuality, here's the quick rundown
>obviously bisexual AGP dumps his boyfriend to admittedly guilt trip and pester another AGP who was dating a cis "lesbian" into dumping her to start a relationship>comes out as "lesbian" (but still, and I quote, "has some erotic fascination with masculinity possibly from my pre-transition failure at masculinity" and was "only interested in men since they desire me as women never have") after feeling deep shame in not being straight>this is after coming out as "straight" aka into men (after coming out as a bi (after coming out as asexual (from taking t-blockers (after coming out as a "gay trans woman" (after coming out as non-binary before the AGP really kicked in (after coming out as a drag queen when he could first afford costumes for videos (after coming out as a gender non-conforming straight man before queer theory gave him a socially accepted way to harvest attention indefinitely and repress his internalized homophobia)))))))>explains how "female" sexuality is confusing since "we" don't watch porn, are "demisexual" and are "generally meh about male bodies">blames all this on stigma about transwomen being fetishists (despite admitting anime catgirl transbians are extreme cringe), which cis women also suffer, as evidence by 50 shades of grey, but which you shouldn't feel "feminist shame" from enjoying>admits he'll never understand straight women… "as a gay woman"all this through slurred speech and even dribbling from facial paralysis from feminization surgery and alcoholism, whole thing was an accidental exposé on how badly TRA ideology melts your brain
No. 547843
>>547372I used to follow a few ftms on youtube and half of them claimed a 'shift in sexuality' from taking hormones. As far as I know they experiment during their second puberty and then feel embarrassed afterwards when the phase passes.
Don't know why contra announces shit so quickly. He's been every letter in the LGBTs by now. It's called identity disturbance.
No. 547962
>>547864real shit, I don't believe anything contra says and the only reason he does not go for women is because women don't go for him. I find that a lot with these people, they start off as straight porn sick men, then they end up transbiens, then they realize no true lesbian wants to be with a transwoman and barely any women do, so they start messing with men because not only is validating but it's easier to get sex and attention, then they realize these dudes don't date, then they end up with transwomen or transmen.
Contrapoints sexuality is whatever he wants to fuck. The dude is a fucking mess and no one should take him seriously. He's either going to detrans, get a neo-vag and truly fuck up his life or kill himself.
I could see him getting a neo-vag because I heard his dick is basically useless.
No. 548238
Contrapoints has his own thread on /snow/
>>>/snow/537938Take the discussion there
No. 548414
>>537692Ah Tyler Bacteria
For sure he is not 100% dude bro straight as much as he tries to come off.
He spent time in New Orleans trying to be an 'Actor' and he was pictured a lot with his 'manager' Most imagines have been scrubbed but one still exists. His old Manager now manages another youngish male.
No. 549101>>549810>>557159
>>544003bert and gerard were def involved same with pete and mikey, I think ferard was stage gay but frank caught feelings G always struck me as the same type of queerbait/flamboyant but not actually gay as harry
I think bert is prob legit bi cause he went on record and said some of the love songs on that first album where about his guitarist
It's weird looking back on this stuff because it's so in your face I thought I was remembering it as more over the top than it was but really just that gay, no one could get away with doing that kind of shit today. This iconic video has no heterosexual explanation 15 years later
>>545698oh my god u just awaken something in me, remember those pictures with billy Beckett and mikey? jeffree star used to be all over him too he had so many incriminating candids, bislut archetype
for a normal contribution I'll say I also think meg is into women and not just in the doing it for men/attention ig baddie way
No. 549935>>549986
>>549894When Yoba came out with this a large majority of black men were like "hell the fuck no", the only people who were agreeing looked exactly how you'd expect.
I have a friend who is a sex worker. She told me that famous men who get caught up with transwomen are usually gay/dl/bisexual and/or into some freaky shit and that they know they can't get away with doing it on a man or woman.
She told me that some transwomen sex workers are so desperate that they think fucking these men mean something. That they often brag, share notes/names, and love to blackmail. She said they'd share rappers names of rappers they fucked for other transwomen to fuck. She often told me that the men who aren't "tricked" usually want the biggest dick tranny, which is why they always are caught with pornstars or very manly looking transwomen.
She said that whenever someone gets caught with a transwoman, "it made her feel good, because it lets people know that rich and famous men want us" it's fucking sad. Elle Bradford and her painfully gay boyfriend do this, Elle loves to brag about all the rich men who want her. I find it odd that transwomen think being a fuck toy for rich men/washed out rappers/actors is a good thing.
With Eddie Murphey, I think he's gay and he hates women, the way he treats his baby mom is horrid. The common theme of dudes being caught with transwomen is they are usually fucked up famous people.
No. 549986
>>549679>Do you guys think Eddie Murphey is gay or bisexual?I think he's a chaser with a fetish who considers himself straight (topkek)– so a closeted bisexual.
Same as
>>549680All forms of homosexuality are still incredibly stigmatized in the Black community, and most people don't "get" bisexuality, anyway. The public generally thinks bisexual women are attention seekers waiting to jump back to dick, and that bisexual men are actually gay men who refuse to ""fully"" come out.
>>549935>She told me that some transwomen sex workers are so desperate that they think fucking these men mean something. That they often brag, share notes/names, and love to blackmail. She said they'd share rappers names of rappers they fucked for other transwomen to fuck. She often told me that the men who aren't "tricked" usually want the biggest dick tranny, which is why they always are caught with pornstars or very manly looking's """"validating"""" to be treated like a piece of meat, because, duh, that's what women are!
No. 550306
>>549894I'll probably get banned for "No1curs" but I work in a place with a lot of transwomen. One of them came to my friend bragging about fucking Yusaf Mack, saying she was going to try to get some money and she had dick pics and everything.
It was so fucking retarded it took two mintues for me to google the dude, find out that he's openly a sex addict who fucks transwomen/men and he did a gay porn. Everyone has known he was bi since 2015 and everyone thinks he's really fucking gross.
They get a crumb of something and run with it. Then the transwoman who accused Tyga of being with her and Colin Kapernick is a known liar.
The also had this gay man tell me he fucked trey songz which I believe because I believe he's in the closet or bisexual.
No. 574484>>576195>>576262
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ben mulroney… man was a host on one of those entertainment celebrity shows and he just looks gay
No. 576548
>>576262>He looks pretty and kindI watched a few videos of his just to get a feel for him and he just seems relatively chill, especially for someone working in tv and around women, too. I also like how he lets his hair grow out gray.
A couple of the other dudes in this thread like Chris Morocco seem more shy and awkward than gay. I usually get more suspect when men try too hard to come off masculine, like rugby players to me always look like they be touching each other in the locker rooms or something.
No. 582012>>582076
>>581979He's 100% gay.
>>581994I don't understand people that insist they're bi when they never date the same sex. Who needs to know you're casually attracted to the same sex sometimes?
No. 648967
>>648960Do u think Virgil is his bf?
Sometimes I wonder if Jonathan cheban and Kim Kardashian are in love? He's in the business and suggests who she dates.
No. 649068>>649106>>649559
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>>536373>who do you think will come outHonestly? I don't know. But I can tell you who I think definitely isn't straight.
>Tom Hardy (bi)>Ariana Grande (Kinsey 1 pillow princess attracted to women who look very similar to her)>Justin Bieber (more like BIber amirite, and before you ask yes this one is completely serious) No. 649074
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>>537976She'll be one of those bi women with a same sex preference who turns into pic related when you mention some lesbians have never so much as kissed a man.
t. genuine biscum who can smell it out
No. 649321
>>649106unless her constant relationship hopping and cheating on men is somehow all fake
then again the people who theorize this might be the same ones who insist t. swift is 100% lesbian and all her men are beards
No. 649343
>>649106she was sexually abused by men since she was a child, and her cope was clearly 'friend' out of 'fight, flight, friend, freeze, or flop'
I would be willing to bet she doesn't really know what her sexuality is, it was decided for her before she even hit puberty, she probably never considered it much
let me take this crinkly hat off now, it makes me project
No. 649550>>650094>>723415>>724746
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I think Paris Hilton is lesbian, bi, or maybe asexual. Leaning toward lesbian. I just get that vibe. I watched her documentary recently and the relationship with some generic dude just felt so forced. This is a sad speculation, but those awful troubled teen schools she was sent to have a lot of overlap with/often double as conversion therapy camps.
No. 650094>>722362>>723421
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>>649550I kind of get this bi vibe too. Her family is also super conservative and maybe homophobic so who knows if she's hiding anything.
No. 653792
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I'm old but I always got gay/bi vibes~ from Kelly Clarkson. Maybe now she's getting divorced she'll reveal she always liked pussy, even if only a little bit.
No. 722239
>>722226Replace Sanic Totem with
>>547198 Who's with me?
No. 722278>>722279
>>722226Finally. I knew that shit years ago. A little girl with a voice sounding like my gay aunt. Plus watching her on
Masked Singer it was super obvious.
No. 722453>>722482
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>>722362It does look a lot like Adriana, that's my guess too
No. 723395>>723399
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She is a lesbian
No. 723413>>723505
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When will Pedro Pascal come out?
No. 724746
>>649550I always thought she came off as frigid because she was so deeply traumatized by the scrote who exploited her with the sex tape and all the extreme misogyny the press heaped on her afterwards. Literally no one acknowledged that she was 100% the
victim in that scenario and treated her like she deserved it, that has to warp your attitude towards sexuality big time.
She’s probably a sex repulsed person because of all that, regardless of the sexual orientation she naturally has. But if she does feel attraction to women I hope she can accept herself and find a healthy relationship.
No. 762608>>763231
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Margaret Qualley. Idk, it's just a hunch. She was also seen hanging out with Cara Delewhore
No. 762790
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Jamie Foxx got pretty obvious when he started messing with the well known beard that is Katie Holmes.
No. 763467>>763471>>763481>>763526
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Alexa Chung. She 'dated' Alexander Skarsgard, just like Elliot Page
No. 763507>>764004
>>761928iirc that girl is transitioning now
another lesbian lost
No. 763526
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>>763467I've been gay for Alexa Chung since middle school. In my eyes she was
the it-girl of 2008-2011. sage for ot
No. 763624>>763627>>763628>>763636>>763768
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Has Bill Kaulitz been discussed here? I heard rumors that it's discussed in his new book (picrel) but all the articles about it are in German and I don't speak the language
No. 763636>>763638
>>763628>>763624Ze German here to help you out
In this article it says also in his new book he doesn’t disclose his sexuality or preference.
> Auch in seiner Autobiografie "Career >Suicide – Meine ersten dreißig Jahre" gibt >er darüber keine Auskunft.He says though he had a poly relationship with his friend and his girlfriend because he was in love with his guy-friend. No. 764238
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>>763932That is actually how Kanye calls her
No. 765584
>>764004her tiktok is @tishsimmondsofficial
she talks about it there more but I cba to find which video, you can see the he/they pronouns though
No. 768403
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Lauren Tsai
No. 768420>>768454
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>>765150It is a blind item.
I have seen this discussed about him several times. I have tried, but can't find the original item the CDAN post refers to right now. Maybe some other anon can get more receipts but the story goes that a 15-year old was running away from Clooney's house """party"", only to fall off a cliff and die (or maybe he was thrown off)
No. 768997>>769008>>769010>>769411
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100% Liza Koshy
No. 769008>>769011
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>>768997wat anon didn’t you know already?? she said she was a brown bisexual woman of color in AMERICA almost forgot that part
No. 769833
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idk who primarily wrote the lyrics for kinoko teikoku but every song feels gay
No. 772586>>772596>>853579
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>>772550Wishing won't change the fact that the whole concept was Ivan Shapovalov's coomer brainchild. I love t.A.T.u but the dynamic was so
toxic and Ivan was outright
abusive to the girls, who were underage when recording the first album. You should watch Podnebesnaya, the reality show documenting the recording of their second album. You can find most of it subtitled on youtube. It demonstrates the exploitation of the girls very clearly as well as Ivan's general shitty attitude towards everyone he was working with.
Still bummed out nothing came out of the anime project. picrel
No. 772596>>772599>>772619
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>>772586Nta but they were my childhood idols (their music was too good) and I decided to look at their old photoshoots out of nostalgia and wtf is this. I kept seeing other photos with them being sexualised too, especially in Japan where some Japanese man would grab their chest.
I had no idea things were that rough for them
No. 772615>>772616>>772633
>>772608Yulia have always been a huge bitch, she hates Lena a lot and most likely herself because of the amount of plastic surgery she gave to herself. Now she looks like the russian version of a tradthot girlboss Karen. Lena, on the other hand, is super chill and she tried reviving her music career few years ago. Irc she had a concert in Dubai or something.
I do not have any hate for Yulia, really. It's pretty sad how she ruined herself with plastic surgeries, but she also had to go through cancer in 2012 and during her surgery she allegedly lost her singing voice. Poor woman.
No. 772616>>772633

>>772615Samefagging, apparently they sang a song together on Olympics games in Sochi (2014), and fans were happily thinking that the duo will reunite again just for Lena to make a whole YouTube video about it, saying that 's not going to happen because of drama between eachother.
> ** Hi guys! Due to incorrect behavior on the part of Yulia towards me, I have to report that our further cooperation has become completely impossible. In addition to the many rude, offensive, and public statements addressed to me, Julia gave me an ultimatum. She refused to continue to collaborate with me on the Ta.Tu project if I did not obey her and her team in all matters relating to Ta.Tu. Otherwise, she will find another red-haired curly girl to replace me.Moreover, threats were addressed to me that Julia, using her close ties with the leadership of Channel One, would close my solo project in Russia. In this case, I consider our further cooperation impossible. As well as communication. I am very sorry that the hope of many fans for the reunion of the Ta.Tu band did not materialize. But I hope for your understanding and I want to thank you very much for being near you, for loving you, for you always supporting me. Thanks you! **
No. 772633

>>772615>>772616I'm not here for neverending fanwars, and we are getting slightly off topic, but just to burst
>>772550 's bubble even more and to close this discussion I really suggest you watch the Podnebesnaya material on youtube. Yulia grew up to be a completely insecure person because of her treatment in t.A.T.u., she was forced to do an absurd amount of takes for the screaming parts of the songs which permanently damaged her vocal chords. If she didn't comply with Ivan's requests they threatened her with a possible replacement, an Estonian girl whose hair they cut and dyed to resemble Yulia's.
The only real thing about this conceptually sapphic pop culture moment is Elena Kiper's songwriting, which is the heart of 200km/h in the wrong lane. She is very briefly featured in Podnebesnaya, and visibly dissatisfied with Ivan Shapovalov, just like anyone who's ever worked with him.
I've linked the first to a series of subtitled highlights of Podnebesnaya. Give it a watch, it's a must-see for any t.A.T.u. fan.
No. 772685>>772690>>772692>>772704
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>>772675this isn't even the article that I had in mind (the longer and even more scandalous was for The Sun I think and it got scrubbed from the internet - I have managed to access it on wayback machine some time ago)
>former child psychologist>admits to watching child porn and making a pop group with underage girls based on itif this doesn't make you wanna scream, I don't know what will
No. 772692>>772704
>>772675>>772685>The exclusive interview was given by Shapovalov together with Yulia and Lena in order to underline an untraditional image of the group. Actually, his confessions reveal his unhealthy tendencies for exploiting young girls, who desire the fame"- thinks competent British media.>Idea of Tatu was born from the exploration of the market- says Shapovalov- Majority of people search through Internet for pornography- especially in relation to the underage people. I realized that their necessities are not satisfied. And, as it became clear later, I was right. But it also corresponded to my personal desires. I also prefer the underage ones. Cynical manipulations of Shapovalov with the young girls were revealed during the "hearings". Elena Kiper- , ex-author of Tatu songs and ex-lover of Shapovalov,- asserts that he (Shapovalov) regularly slept with those girls, who dreamt of being stars. It was confirmed by the very Shapovalov, even though he avoids to mention the age of the girls: I do it constantly. Constantly! In such way I am looking for a bride".>Elena also testified that Shapovalov slept with Yulia, when she was only 14 years old. And even though based on Russian laws it is not considered to be an act of crime, in the West it can harm the image of the group. Elena left the group an year ago as the sign of the protest against filming of excessively blunt video.>- Ivan told me once that he would want to sleep with Yulia. Then, he said that he "took" her during one of the dates - it happened at the back seat of the car. Certainly, Yulia was just a young girl from a poor family, who dreamt of fame, and Ivan convinced her that this the way to reach everything she wants. In a couple of weeks after that night in the car we put together the group Tatu, and Ivan told me:" Yulia- is an excellent choice. She is slightly dumb, but is very sexy. We f**ked really well". Yulia was attracted to Ivan. During the tours I and him already lived together, but in the mornings Yulia would knock on our door, because she wanted to be with him. She didn't know that I was already there.>Shapovalov and Yulia deny everything. Yulia became strongly enraged:>- You can think whatever you want to think, but I am telling you, that this is not true. He is a likable, pleasant person. For me he is a friend and a producer and nothing more. Yet, Elena testifies that Ivan knows children's psychology very well and is capable of winning children's favour:>- He is a psychologist and knows the methods, with the help of which it is possible to win the child's favour. And during the process of selecting the girls he would find tens of those, who would be ready to fulfill any fantasies of his No. 772704>>772707
>>772685>>772692This is disgusting. I knew Ivan was a fucking creep, but I didn't know it was this bad.
He literally admitted to grooming and having sex with Yulia, and no one cared?
No. 772705
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lol what the fuck, there was a Tatu fanfic called Come Back, written by the old man (a fucking politician named Aleksey Mitrofanov) featured on the cover of the book, about two girls who run a Tatu fansite and fall in love. This atrocity also spawned a movie called You and I. Anton Yelchin is in the movie as the star male character.
looking back at how the adults revolved around these girls is insane, how was this okay?
No. 783881>>783885>>783922
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Bhad Bhabie is 100% a lesbian
No. 783929>>783934
>>783927thanks anyway anon
>>783924that's funny and all but anons got jojo siwa dead on, and i think they're right about paris hilton and ivanka trump too. i'm mystified
No. 784550>>789068
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>>784053Exactly, I get no lesbian vibes from Bhad Bhabie. I hardly get anything more than the most rudimentary "could kiss a girl" bi vibes from her. She's just seems like the kind of girl who values being seen as a 'bad bitch'. Jojo makes perfect sense in hindsight and Paris definitely gives off some vibes (I noticed it in Simple Life, just when she briefly dropped the act and her true personality was kinda giving a specifically lesbian, I don't give a shit vibe) but yeah I don't see it with Bhad Bhabie.
Mila Kunis used to set off my radar on that 70s Show. Even in this picture she's wistfully looking away from Ashton. I don't know, just get a vibe. And before the pussy wet = gaydar alert anon arrives, I was more into Donna.
No. 784560
>>784559Yes I agree. I’d also imagine they do things which would subtlety attract the attention of women, as opposed to men. As sexual beings, we all want the people we desire to pay attention to us, so of course lesbians would have slightly different behaviours to straight women. I’m just interested as to what those would be. I think a lot of those “not sure” women are perhaps just bisexual, therefore signalling attraction for both.
Either that, or they’re trying to hide it completely.
No. 784575
>>784559but the culture and socialization of all straight women isn't the same
I mean I'm sure you've heard of the "Is she a Lesbian or just from the Midwest" term, and it exist for a reason, women in those areas where its more socially acceptable for women to have more outward masculine appearance even a more direct attitude can be somehow mistaken for them with them being lesbians, the same way hood girl culture in ghetto spaces can appear Lesbian-esque
No. 784589
>>784556I feel like in the last 10 years or so it has become that much harder to judge it tbh. You have all this gender exploration stuff somewhat muddying some of the old reliable signs. There's just alot of reasons why women might accidentally set off a gaydar now compared to years ago. Reading into those signs was never too reliable to begin with and its only getting harder.
Even the lesbian thread here is full of posters crushing on what they thought was a gay woman.. only to find out theyre an asexual non gender whatever that hates men, dresses male because of trauma and discomfort in their body.. and still fucks men anyway. The driving force behind someones expression isn't that easily interpreted.
No. 789051>>789094>>789095>>789126
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>>537976Megan Fox
She says she dated a girl when she was younger and had crushes but the story just seemed made up on the spot (liking a girl from a store or something).
She was compared to Angelina Jolie a lot so I feel like her PR made her say those things. The hot tomboy "bad girl" with tattoos and "interesting" past.
She also said she wouldn't want to date a girl who has ever been with a man. She acknowledges that it's hypocritical. Not sure what that's supposed to mean.
No. 789137>>789139>>789159
>>789095It's still in her Wikipedia page sourced by an interview she did with a magazine.
>"I have no question in my mind about being bisexual," she goes on in Esquire. "But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man.">>789126Does she? What else has she said?
I can see women in Hollywood being misandrists. Especially ones that were always sexualized, and especially at a young age.
No. 789159>>789194
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>>789137>Does she? What else has she said?"I'm so suspicious of boys-slash-men. I just don't like them or trust them." - FHM
"Women hold the power because we have the vaginas. If you're in a heterosexual relationship and you're a female, you win." - Cosmopolitan
she's quite the mad lass who seems to just say whatever she wants in interviews
No. 789194
>>789159She's not wrong in some but I still think she was influenced by her management a lot. A lot of these responses seem immature.
I guess I'm more inclined to believe she is bisexual now, or like Paris, being careful with guys.
No. 789197>>789318
>>789192My point is that
>"I have no question in my mind about being bisexual," she goes on in Esquire. "But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man."is dumb
No. 789402>>790827>>790832>>790847>>823766>>823767
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I'm going to get roasted like peanuts because everyone seems to take it for granted that Sufjan Stevens is gay or bi but I can't find any confirmation about it, only speculation, and my gaydar was damaged during childbirth, gaydar palsy, so I've never been able to tell.
No. 790827
>>789402He seems fully gay to me.
What celebrities do you anons think are lying about their sexuality?
No. 790975>>790987
>>790895I dated a big ugly fat man for years before I realized or came to terms with being a lesbian
It's called "fruit-blindness" in men, I dunno about us
No. 793850>>793867
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I think Jamie Oliver is gay but like deeply repressed and will probably never come out
No. 795128>>795136>>795150>>795167
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was henry rollins mentioned yet? he always denies being gay and says he's just not interested in relationships or sex or anything but i find that hard to believe
No. 795133>>795205>>866163
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>>793867He hates turkey twizzlers which are widely considered a quintessential heterosexual food
Picrel always gave me "gay vibes"
No. 795163
>>795154Pretty sure he loves my mom, I do think there are human beings men and women who just like being alone, even Henry Rollins was gay he still wouldn't have a partner or lover cause of the way he is
I'm also really getting tired of this tumblr-twitter trend of gaywashing every single historical indivisual who didn't conform to current standards of heterosexuality and gender norms
No. 795205>>795432>>795609
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>>795133Yep. He did a quiz thing with Greg Davies and the sexual tension between them was unbearable. Also, his girlfriends have all been women he worked with and they always broke up when he moved on to a new project. He's also the only ex Taylor Swift didn't write a bitter song about
No. 795432>>795927
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>>795175Mostly based on his pre-YT fame appearance tbh. I just know too many transbians who looked like this for a good long time. It's just a guess for fun and I'll be happy to be proven wrong
>>795205I hate you so much for telling me about this Greg Davies interview anon. My life will never be the same
No. 795927
>>795432>Mostly based on his pre-YT fame appearance tbh. I just know too many transbians who looked like this for a good long time.I disagree, I live in the UK and it's just how some males look like here.
You're trying too hard to draw a parallel
No. 798160
>>798158nah he just hates women
partly mommy issues, partly cultural, partly mens innate hatred of women
No. 798172
>>798168Some people just seem gay. There’s not always like a specific reason just a vibe they have I guess, but also what
>>798170 said is part of it with him.
No. 798175
>>798158>>798168On his diss track The Warning he said he premature ejaculated with Mariah Carey (he could be lying about being with her though,) but I've heard other rumors about him not being able to get it up with groupies and even his ex Kim said he has to take an enhancement pill or he's just useless in bed. Maybe he's just your typical male who iron gips his dick to porn and sucks at sex, but it's possible the he could be closeted.
I absolutely loathe this man. The biggest manchild in the music industry by far.
No. 798204>>798211
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Sometimes I think Kourtney Kardashian seems gay or bi. think she comes of as gay more than Kendall who a lot of people seem to think is a lesbian.
No. 814346>>816829
>>814239>>814244she's clearly a
victim of comphet
No. 823731>>823746>>823753>>823758>>823759>>823772>>823891>>845565
>>823697I won't sperg for too long, but watch videos with female guests on H3H3 if you can bear it. Vid related is them interviewing Belle Delphine and Hila is literally blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl. There's some other examples of her being very obviously attracted to female guests on H3H3. And her clear lack of attraction with Ethan, which tbf could be explained by the fact that he is greasy and fat, but I have never seen her express any attraction to him literally ever. Also yeah she is definitely a big butch and the lesbian vibes can't be denied imo.
But yeah, pretty sure Hila is a closeted lesbian with no attraction to her landwhale chode husband with mommy issues.
No. 823746>>823747
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>>823731what if Ethan flirts with/likes twitter posts from girls that he knows Hila likes?
what if he doesn't realize she's a gay and thinks she's just being cool about shit?
these are the questions
No. 823753
>>823731>>823689>>790934>>791026Honestly I think it maybe a cultural misconception, where I'm from girls and guys hug, hold holds and kiss members of the same sex all the time, in fact its considered weird for a girl and guy to hold hands outside, its not that were more enlightened then the regressive west or anything, its just even the Idea of Homosexuality is so despised that Its not even thought of by people that anyone could ever be Gay
and women getting more open with each other is also a common sight, but an outsider might view this as being flirty
TL;DR American men are just as ignorant about other cultures as American men
No. 823758>>823760>>823762
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>>823731Oh my god the way she looks at belle….
also ethan looks like shit.
Can't wait for them to divorce.
No. 823760>>823769
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>>823758and this is how she looks at him
No. 823762
>>823758Literally looking at her with heart eyes. Ever seen her look at Ethan like that? Nope. Lmfao.
>>823759Hila looks deadass like a carbon copy of his mother, so lots of anon speculate he has some sort of weird mommy issues going on (hence why I wrote that).
No. 823772>>823774
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>>823731she's pregnant again though
No. 848563>>848579>>848581>>848669>>867242>>867244
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Anons, is it me or Tom Hardy has bisexual vibes? I haven't seen any rumors about his sexual orientation though. Wdyt?
No. 848753
>>845565these hila is lesb conspiracy theories are so dumb.
She was obviously attracted to ethan when he was skinny, it looks like she lost interest in him when he became fat.
she always negs him to lose weight too.
No. 852700>>852703>>852746>>852778
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>lesbian flag
It's fucking happening babey
No. 852788
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It is indeed happening yes it is I can feel it, I know it
No. 852791
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No doubt
No. 853579
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>>772586You have reminded me of the anime and for that I will never forgive you.
No. 854081
>>848877Some gay men have a fetish for shoes, especially jock fetishists. Idk how common it is but it used to be a meme I would see gays on tumblr post about.
Sneakerheads have a huge subculture that’s mostly straight bros tho so I don’t really understand why he has to mention that unless he also likes to smell and nut on them.
No. 854093>>854956
>>826063It’s cause she’s hot/good bone structure but hella frumpy. Like even when she’s all done up with dyed hair or make up and girly clothes she’s not a glam sexbot. That’s why people call her butch when shes obviously not too.
I’m into girls like that so I would prob go for her and I don’t know anything else about her but if shes been married for years with a bunch of kids she s probably not gay
No. 855790>>857514>>857572>>857683
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how much do you guys trust datalounge? tbh i believe them 80% of the time. yeah, it's all anonymous, but i remember they accurately called zachary quinto, kevin spacey, colton haynes, matt bomer, and tom daley (and more…those are just the ones i cared about). glass closet cases, but somehow it cemented them in my mind as a pretty reliable source.
No. 857490>>857502>>857703>>867590
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it's hard for me to think of grimes as straight non botoxed pic because why not
No. 858117
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>>857935I remember doing a deep dive on all the threads about him on DL (after he had his 7th baby) and there was a lot of information.
No. 866163>>866165>>867331
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>>795133taylor lautner is definitely bisexual, not gay. he lives with a woman named taylor (lol) and they seem cute and in love
I think he's a Kinsey 3, and it's just much easier for him to be with women
No. 866165
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>>866163he just seems like he doesn't care about performative masculinity or if people think he's gay
No. 867590>>867604>>867986>>869236
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>>857490pretty sure grimes is bi. i think she mentioned having dated girls before on twitter
No. 867604>>867623>>868111>>869071
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>>867590and her new album will be about a lesbian romance
No. 869049>>869111
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hes open secret hollywood bisexual, like all wes andersons buddies. his little crush on tom hiddleston is pretty cute
No. 869571>>869579>>869581
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Maybe this is wishful thinking but
>only a convincing actress when she's making love to another woman onscreen
>all her prev. boyfriends look kind of gay
>did an architectural digest interview where she said she HAD to drape her leg over her kitchen counter while she was eating, compulsively
>never stops talking about prev. female costar, cheek kisses and handholding at events, they tell each other 'I love you'
>very outdoorsy interests
>Scientologist, possible Cruise/Travolta style coverup
>CDAN blind items exist about her current husband being stalked and lured from his previous fiancee towards her - so like a coerced beard? Only one picture of or from their wedding exists anywhere
No. 886854>>887104>>887853>>888070
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wonho who used to be in the kpop group monsta x gives me major gay vibes mainly due to his workout obsession. idk it just reminds me of bara manga.
why did he leave monsta x again?
No. 887741
>>887728Nta, but in all fairness, he
is a Kpop guy. It's not like anon mentioned that out of nowhere.
No. 887883>>887895>>887911>>887939>>888007
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I'm like 99% sure that Graham Linehan is a repressed tranny. Most men who hate trannies also hate other minority groups, but what makes Glinner unique is that he solely focuses on trannies. It doesn't even make sense, considering that trannies don't affect men whatsoever. It's not like FTMs are competing in women's sports, demanding access to men's bathrooms/locker rooms, or pose a physical threat to men. Needless to say, I don't know what the hell he's going for here, but he certainly doesn't actually give a shit about women or how troons hurt them. I don't know why so many radfems simp for him. I hate men and I hate men who claim to be feminists even more.
No. 928140>>928147>>928217>>928235>>928477>>928481>>928586>>940299
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some women i think are bi or at least curious are
>phoebe waller-bridge
>brie larson
>ariana grande
>lily allen
>olivia rodrigo
>kathryn prescott
>fiona apple
No. 928235>>928477
>>928140can see
>pwb>aoc>fiona>brieidk about the rest
didn't aoc say she was bi or was that just something I heard
No. 928477>>928518
>>928140>>928235This just feels like lesbian cope, for most of those women being bi/lesbian would improve their image even more convinced me that lesbians can be incel-lite just like scrotes, lol
also brie larson is like the dictionary of straight white woman who "wishes" she was a gay or whatever
No. 928586>>928967
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>>928140Fiona is super straight/femme all her music is about dealing with men, mental illnesses or both
No. 931635
>>928646The worst part is that she acts like this was a feminist act. It bothers me that so many women engage in
toxic behaviours commonly associated with men can just get away with saying #girlboss and will never be held accountable for their fake feminism.
No. 940299>>944625
>>939956ngl in her recentish documentary she seemed at least extremely uninterested in men, and her involvement with them struck me as very comphet.
>>928140all of these people are aggressively heterosexual
No. 944619>>944620>>944659
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I wonder when Harry Styles will come out as either bi or a pronoun user
No. 951683>>951684>>951698
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pretty obvious now that I think about it
No. 962987>>962991>>963091
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>>547198>>722226>JoJo SiwaMade me remember Hirohiko Araki who is DEF bi. I don't care if he has a wife and 2 daughters. Jojo is one of the gayest things i have ever read.
>>539732>>537081>queerbaitingAka they would fit in this mans manga.
No. 963091
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>>962987Honestly, I could see so many mangakas being bi or gay, but I also think it might just be how both romantic and non-romantic same-sex relationships are portrayed in japanese media. Is Riyoko Ikeda straight? Am I supposed to believe she's straight?
No. 975556
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No. 975590>>975595>>975598>>975628>>975645>>1124804
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Those of you in this thread saying Ezra Miller is a queerbaiting straight guy are coping hard
No. 975598
>>975595Anon he’s a child in these
>>975590Gross and terrible but damn, he didn’t have a chance
No. 975603
>>975595Uh, how much younger, anon? You might have to take a seat over there…
Nah but the ones where he has the cigarettes and the red shirt remind me of We Need to Talk About Kevin, I wonder if they were taken around the same time as that film
No. 976111
Maybe Paris Hilton
No. 1149754
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>>1147758Looks like you called it anon. Next it's picrel's turn to come out as straight
No. 1197984>>1197991>>1198146>>1339327>>1340504
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apparently they are saying that this is alledgely's Nick's twitter or something account and he had "Trans on femboy" porn in his tabs Aka Gay porn.
Don't know what to make of it, or where to put this because I don't consider him a "celeb" but he's in a glass closet so, here we are. The picture is censored (I got it from KF) but I think it's a troon sucking a dick.
No. 1197991
>>1197984as soon as I saw this I thought about the post here years ago from someone saying they were a former HS classmate of his and that everyone knew he was closeted. I trusted that
nonny then and I'm glad to see her vindicated now.
No. 1340504
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>>1197984he's what blanchard categorized as a Gynandromorphophilia (GAMP), he's attracted to manufactured displays of hyper femininity rather then women, picrel
No. 1341126>>1344087
>>975628This is an extremely old post but faggots have been polluting this website for a while imo, some posts feel so forced and with a "HOW DO YOU DO FELLOW WOMEN" tone to them, yet when an anon points out she doesn't feel safe/has been harassed in the past by a gay scrote, they flip their shit at you and call you homophobic. I've never experienced such reaction from another woman I've talked to myself and it makes me feel extremely skeptic of anons in here.
I mean just look at this thread, what sane woman gives a shit about poor wee scrotes being "forced" in relationships with women they themselves signed up to for one reason or another (if not to have a bang maid, to have an assistant or someone who does shit for them for free). We have bigger problems. Only gay scrotes on copium about some celeb they want to bang care about shit like this imo
No. 1360049>>1360058>>1360555
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What do you think of Alex Turner? Honestly, I simply cannot believe after all this shit whith Kane and loads of photos with him sensually hugging various men he is at least not a bisexual if not full homo. I am not going to fell for "oh he's just british and not gay."
No. 1360058
>>1360049bisexual maybe, but i genuinely believe it's more likely he's queerbaiting his fans bc he knows it'll drum up excitement. ive seen some people complaining about the recent live shows being boring and how all their music after AM has sucked (as an ex fan i agree honestly.) idk alex seems like the kind of attention seeker that would fake being gay bc he knows the fans will lap it up.
like its 100% performative, ill believe he's gay when i see him in an actual gay relationship
No. 1360555
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>>1360049obvious fake gay pandering for the fat fujo women who eat this shit up everytime. just like any male group ever from mcr to one direction they literally all do this for attention. hell fucking supernatural got to like season 111111 out of pure gay bait too, moids do this all the time
dont be so naive nona
No. 1396387>>1396390
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does tom delonge seem extremely bi to anyone else
No. 1657495>>1657506
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Definitely likes men (bi?) but probably doesn't even know it himself, partly due to the traditional masculine image of himself he's constructed in his head
No. 1657514
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chaser vibes
No. 1966820>>1966822>>1966957
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Henry Cavill is bisexual. According to DataLounge (dubious source I know) scrotes he can't come out because it would ruin his image.
No. 1966982>>1968710
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Just a reminder, this thread was mentioned on a gay male forum.
No. 2022729>>2022834
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Sorry for the necro but one online celeb that I'm 99% sure is bi is James from theOdd1sout. This is mostly because he's an ex-mormon furry with gay face
No. 2062705>>2342597
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No. 2062803>>2062811>>2062838
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There has been way too many rumors about him being gay over the years for all of them to be fake. His relationship with his wife also gives off strong PR vibes.
No. 2342259
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Alicia Keys. The rumors about her liking women have been circulating since the early 2000s and I believe them.