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No. 465284

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo/Hoyoverse. The game features a fantasy open world environment and action based battle system using elemental magic, character switching and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources.

>Redeem codes without having to login



>Build Simulation/Optimization


>Database filled with pretty much everything found in game


>Build help


>Character guides


>Interactive map for overworld item locations


>Another interactive map


>Genshin Center, a resource center for the game


>Event timeline


>Wish Simulators


Previous threads:

No. 465286

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No. 465288

Ew, why did they make Capitano a megane?

No. 465306

nice thread pic I am sooooo ready for Pantalone to be playable… at least i really hope he will be. I love his character

No. 465317

That's Pantalone, anon.

No. 465346

Sincerely praying for that rumor about his adoptive daughter being playable instead being false. But with how Hoyo hates female players and the Fatui, it's likely.

No. 465351

Didn't the leaks about Pantalone's adopted daughter being playable and Pantalone simply existing to ship her with the traveler come from a rather trusted source? I might be remembering wrong but it would fall in line. The same leak said that Tonya (Childe's sister) would also be playable and have a crush on the traveler.

No. 465358

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I agree anons! Nice to see other pantalone lovers in this thread… Even though there's not a lot of content for him obviously, and considering the current direction I won't dare to imagine there will be much once the time comes. He has so much potential to be a phenomenal and memorable character though. And I love everything about his design from the dark purple hair and glasses to the elegant robe. I really hope the death rumors aren't true as well, how would even the most braindead player not pick up on how jarring and strange that would be? And let me guess, to add insult to injury the replacement- I mean, daughter, would be an ugly coomwaifu with as much depth and intruige as a muddy puddle. If he is playable I'll instantly save and main him, if not hoyo can say bye bye to me logging in, I already started losing hope after capi. I'm such a pantasperg and that's my last thread of hope to care about this game.
I don't know if it's controversial or not but I like seeing him with arle. They would have interesting interactions.

No. 465374

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leak in picrel (uncle 111) says that pantalone has a chance of either being an npc or being playable depending on "market popularity" (read: hoyo's whims). don't get your hopes up too much though, because being playable doesn't mean he won't get completely screwed over character-wise and relevance-wise. if anything, i feel like being playable would make character assassination all the more likely because they have to aggressively screw him over somehow for the crime of being a harbinger. arlecchino's shitty retcon taught us as much, and tbh the sudden appearance of this "adopted daughter" isnt very encouraging, that definitely wasnt the original plan for pantalone. the same leak also mentions that he's irrelevant to the plot either way, and that the female harbingers will also be irrelevant despite being playable (to the surprise of nobody).
i'm personally not a shipper and not very keen on how m/f ships with arle default to making her submissive even more than her fluffy-ass f/f ships, but i definitely would've loved for (pre-retcon) arlecchino to have more interactions with other harbingers. unfortunately it seems that the nu-team is very dedicated to not having harbingers interact at all, or to make their interactions a big nothingburger with a side of defanging (see childe and arle). compare and contrast bickering and passive-aggression even at a funeral during lazzo…i wouldve loved to see more pettiness of that kind kek. shame that's a pipe dream now.

No. 465376

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Pantalone fans have it the worst. Even the best case cope situation is just fanfiction. Assuming they really are saving the best writers for Sneznaya, and the B team is working on Natlan, and everything goes back to normal, that means EVERY 5 star will be a harbinger, assuming they all live and are all playable. Columbina, Pierro, Capitano, Dottore, Sandrone, Pantalone. 4/6 are male, which could mean the gender split could be equal, which is already unlikely. Then “evil” male characters must be redeemed but to do that they must be given screen time. Capitano must also be revived as Genshin cannot release dead characters for whatever reason. Even in the best case scenario, the suave, smooth talking, cunning chess master we’re looking for may be butchered. Just look at Ayato.

If Dottore isn’t playable I don’t know what I’d do. I save so much wish and I play ever event in hopes of getting more resources to c6 r5. But if they kill him in favor of Slutya, I really would cry. I’d probably apply as a programmer to WuWa same day with my full resume. Shit, I’d do it for free if it would ruin Genshin. Too bad I’m not a Chinese yume. Then they’d be afraid of people like me.

No. 465389

>Assuming they really are saving the best writers for Snezhnaya
nta, but the people who cared about the harbingers in any capacity left at the end of 2.x with the writing team change, and the new team has been trying to undermine the harbingers ever since. dont be fooled into thinking harbinger hatred is just a natlan problem, it's a fat xiao problem (3.x onward screenwriter). i should also add that the former head screenwriter wasn't just transferred to hsr, he flat-out left due to constant mistreatment from higher-ups, probably strategic negging so they could put nepo baby xiao in charge instead. the realistic hope would be that they go back to making male harbingers playable, but given the new team's hatred for both male and female harbingers, that would still mean either neverending humiliation or complete character assassination well beyond what anyone could imagine. you mention ayato not living up to expectations, but as an og arlecchino fan, i actually envy ayato's characterization since he still ended up more morally grey than her bleached retcon (even if his execution was lackluster). i really went through it because of how they basically 180'd her characterization and turned her into some generic angsty kuudere. i cant really offer you comforting words given the state of the writing team, all i can say is that i sympathize with you and that im sorry the harbingers are stuck here of all places.

No. 465400

Thank you for your sympathy nonna, I am also sorry that true Arlechinno fans had their character butchered and sold back to them as a mommy Mary sue. Even worse seeing people praise it. I am very depressed and anxious about Dottore. I plan on quitting during the next summer event where the motherload of primos will put me comfortably in c1 r1 range if he ever releases. Even if I get everything I want, the wait and anxiety would have soured my yume joy.

Above all, I think we can all agree we have been robbed of our time by their abusive sunk cost and refusal to be transparent. We wouldn’t need to scream about leaks for years in advance if they would ever just speak to the players. None of us hate genshin and wish for its demise, we just want the good game we played all those years ago… I feel so cheated and strung along. But in the end, losing to hoyo is like loosing at chess to a dog, it really is my fault for expecting anything good. I wish I could pull a Kuro and make my own genshin, but even those guys are just gonna pump out waifus for their shit xerox of a xerox story. I want them to feel the same pain they inflict on the people that made their fandom. But the masses are stupid and complacent, Genshin wouldn’t die even if they released Slutya tomorrow. Total Honkai DEATH.

No. 465420

You know what's sad? I even liked some of the HSR husbandos more than some Genshin ones. I love the concept and design behind characters like Aventurine and Sunday and Blade, but it's true they suck at balancing the cast and I have no trust in them after what they did to Genshin. It seems to be a stupid move on their part to try and get the fujos and husbandofags over to their other games while shafting them in Genshin. This just means they have no trust they won't get fucked over again, and they're not going to try the new shiny game if their husbando is going to be on the chopping block while incels get pandered to. I can't believe the company fucked themselves this bad by listening to incels who only care about destroying games just to spite women. Hyv honestly for a while had a good brand when they branched out of waifu games. People who hate gacha still loved Genshin because the music is still great, the exploration is great, it's fun to play unlike most other gachas. People would give them a lot of grace for having husbandos in an rph type of game and even for the waifus not all looking and acting obvious goonerbait. Why the fuck would you change that?

No. 465437

He's rumored not to be playable and instead his adopted daughter is. I wouldn't place any hope in him becoming playable. That rumor sounds too stupid to be real, which means it's something they would do to spite female players. Capitano had more hype than Pantalone and look what happened.

No. 465465


Where is it said that he has a daughter? I can't find anything about that. I'll choose not to believe it so my yoom dreams aren't crushed kek

No. 465493

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The adopted daughter shtick makes me hopping mad. Men just assume that everyone has the same moe-rotted brain as them, so that the instant they see a cute girl they start cooing out over her and feel more amicable towards Pantalone. Well, fuck you; I don’t see women as little cute pets. If you don’t give me a genuine reason to like your newest waifu, like they did fantastically with Hu Tao, I’m not going to feel all soft for the pair of them just because “muh Anya-Loid ripoff!” I hope the little bitch burns in hell, but of course, they’ll probably make Pantalone sacrifice himself for her (despite having known her for 2 seconds or whatever).

No. 465534

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I look forward to the Sandrone engoodening, where they'll somehow turn the clearly unhinged individual we saw in the letter into a moeblob traveler loving waifu kek

No. 465562

ayrt, i appreciate what you said too ♥︎ i definitely agree with the sentiment of wanting to put hyv through the same pain they've put us through, and i also feel terrible for the old head screenwriter who's watching all his hard work be mangled to thunderous applause. i don't think we were wrong to expect better, and i do believe we could have had better under an old writing team unburdened by negging/honkaishitters. even if it wouldn't have been perfect, it wouldve been miles better than what us harbingerfags are stuck with now.
its from a cn leaker called uncle water who apparently called 6.x not being snezhnaya proper amongst other allegedly accurate leaks. it's kind of hard to get more info not being in the cn leak scene, but the person who cited this leak was also the only person ive seen who called skirk being playable in natlan, and in the same post they mentioned pantalone's daughter. don't let that crush your yume dreams though, the new team's vision for the harbingers is ooc by design and you shouldn't give it any more weight than you do fanfiction.
akshually, that letter was written by the previous sandrone, weren't you paying attention to the lore nonnie? all the unhinged stuff was just baseless rumors spread by dottore to make his scientific competitor look bad. shes actually just a shy girl who wouldnt hurt a fly and cant talk to others because of anxiety, so she makes robots to feel less lonely, but really she much prefers people to machines…what, you don't think that's good writing? you think thats the polar opposite of what she was supposed to be? wow, i guess you must hate bleached—um i mean morally grey female characters.

No. 465598

Oh that’s so terrible! I almost forgot about him. I know he was a moid but he was a moid with good ideas and he didn’t put his penis above making a good story for Genshin Impcr. He cared about his characters and his lore; and it must have been soul crushing for DaWei to force him out just for better coom. It so sick, how could Da Wei do this and have the nerve to cry infront of us as if he is a human being worth sympathy? I don’t mean to alog and try and start a witch hunt, but this man is evil. Were the billions not enough for you? Was our years of support and care not enough to line your pockets enough? You forsake your staff, your legacy composers and artists and writers, your fans, your own friends. For what end? Ego? Money? Honkai Impact 3rd? That game is complete slop! And I guess genshin is too. It might be over nonnas

>rumors made by Dottore

Who wants to take bets Sandrone and Dottore hate each other instead of logically working together with their combined expertise. And she moral high horses against him, despite being a murderer. If he lives long enough to be spoken of.

No. 465622

I say this without malice nonna: if you expect playable evil Dottore, you're better off going to a different game. Otome games will have the evil guy you're looking for, but he's without a doubt not going to be playable in Genshin. Harbinger stans need to realize what you like is fanfiction. Especially if you're a yume, I would suggest playing an actual otome which would have the type of guys you want rather than hoping Genshin will give you a yandere evil guy.
The evil part of Sandrone will be revealed to be Alain, the man. The good part will be the spirit of Mary Ann, and she will be the playable one.

No. 465691

>Genshin lost 75% of their revenue in a month
And yet people are calling it a great game because it still sold like hot cakes and did much more than its rivals. This fanbase is retarded. Enjoy your powercreep and predatory tactics.

No. 465707

But…but.. muh angsty psychotic yandere…. He was perfect yumebait. How am I meant to stop gooning now? They locked in in the basement for 4 years and now I know they’ll kill him? I’ve been waiting since the webtoon. Deep down I know you’re right, it just hurts to admit.

No. 465823

Im calling it
>katherine becomes relevant again and shes turned into a robot + blacksmith + wrestler + gardener anemo character who can fly and also has a motorcycle
>pantalone dies by katherines hands, his daughter becomes playable
>dottore dies under slutyas ass, his medium tall female segment becomes playable
>childe dies and his sister becomes playable
>Jester dies under tsaritsas hands because was being manipulated by him so she kills him
>sandrone and columbina have lesbian sex and invite the traveler for a threesome
>the tsaritsa uses all the gnosises as buttplugs
>tsaritsa also has a motorcycle
Ladies, I present… impact

No. 465829

>muh angsty psychotic yandere
Actually I'm glad Genshin is spared from this type of yume.

No. 465901

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Which of the female characters do you think would be considered most popular among LC users? And why? I'd be willing to bet no one here dislikes Chiori. We all remember how she made incels seethe. If MHY ever wrongs her, I know I wouldn't be alone in being absolutely livid about it.

No. 466117

Furina is up there.
Arlecchino would be too if they didn't rewrite her.

No. 466118

Really I'm joking but I'm sure theres not enough Dottore spregs in this thread to want to hear about it. Dottore is neither a yandere nor a psychopath. He has the unique lore of being the few characters who are both arrogant and extremley self hating. He literally kills himself for a gnosis. His own voices constantly admonish him and even in Scara's story he loathes himself. He pities others for not knowing who he truly is and compares himself to a demon, something unreasonable and undefeatable. Just think of the lore we could have gotten if Scaramouche was still allowed to be a character. Dottore confronts his envy, and how he wishes to be accepted by society the same way Scaarmouche is, despite Scara being the real robot and him being a person. It's due to his evil and selfish nature, and he puts his goals above the suffering of others. Not because he's a sadist or takes pleasure in human suffering, he just cares more about benefitting himself, or even society as a whole independant of the gods that seemingly casted him away. This isn't all fanfiction, this is in the lore! It's all true, direct quotes. That's why I'm so scared. If this new writing team ruins everything, even if Dottore is released, we may unironically get molesttore, who is subsequently ass-murdered by Slutya!

No. 466121

Based and truthpilled post, nonita. I have unreal amounts of hate for the portrayal of Dottore being a 2-dimensional yandere psycho because it does absolutely no justice to how he's actually written as - a cunning individual who can't help being the way he is, his sincere but selfish quest to seek out for the truth of the world and the limits of human capabilities driving him to doing things that are evil. It's like people keep intentionally sleeping on all the lore dropped on him right in your face because they simply want to goon to the thought of being choked by muh yandere daddy dottore.

No. 466125

While I can't say that the gimmick of the whole evil yandere thing isn't nice, but I don't want the writers to fall for his flanderization! I couldn't bear to see it, especially if they fully retcon the fact that Dottore doesn't even know Collei. From Arlechinno's story, we know they aren't above using child abuse to steal sympathy, so I have little to no hope. Let my goon material just be fanfiction, but God forbid ever putting that in the story, or even having that be the wider interpitation. He has good and promising lore, a great story in the works, he's one of the best characters they ever written. I'd say he trumps Furina for the sheer fact he's actually done bad things. The hospital notes, Soreh's death, the hoyofair animations, the webtoon. He's my husbando God damnit! I won't stand for hoyo's slander!

No. 466166

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Not gonna lie, I hate that they're pushing Childe and Arlecchino as friends. All the moids crying about Tartali being a thing and not these two as a ship are annoying as hell too, obviously his ship with Zhongli has more content since its older, but most of the shippers aren't interested anymore. Feels weird to have him invite her into his home and to celebrate with his family, but I guess they're besties now and the Harbingers are really a big found family.

No. 466167

I don't think this has anything to do with ships and more that they need more characters to put in a group picture and this family is just the safest option. Arlecchino is one of the women who feels genuinely gay.

No. 466168

Also Arlecchino is the only woman they could put in a picture with Childe like this without the yumes crying for her blood like they were doing with Yoimiya. I don't think the moids care about Arlecchino much. Her hardcore fans seem to be mostly lesbians.

No. 466171

>Arlecchino is one of the women who feels genuinely gay.
I don't agree, but okay. I mainly find it annoying they shill them together instead of just doing Childe with Teucer or by himself like usual, I think them becoming buddy-buddy after one meeting is retarded.

No. 466173

Well, I'm bored of only seeing Childe with his NPC brother and since they keep postponing Snezhnaya people would like to see other characters. They can only market characters from the same region or organization, it's not that deep and overthinking holiday art. Do you think Nilou and Dehya actually visited Carneval in Brazil too?

I understand the disappointment over Arlecchino but not for nothing, but you guys should get used to your harbinger fanfictions not coming true and at least move on. The writing was on the wall with how Scaramouche became playable. I think Genshin has done a lot wrong but there's only so much "where's muh evil psychos" complaints we can have before it becomes too repetitive.

No. 466180

I'd rather take Childe and his NPC brother over shilling another waifu where she doesn't belong, yeah. Anything to keep greasy scrotes from stroking their dick over dethroning slash ships or whatever, I just find the trends annoying.

No. 466182

I don't think a single person sees this as ship art unless you're a crazy incel who sees cucking everywhere. It's as brainless as thinking Nahida is actually dating Scaramouche.

No. 466185

My copium is that they'll make Dottore playable but as one of his segments instead of the man himself, unfortunately. Though no doubt they'll be messing it up like how they did with Scara

No. 466188

Pretty sure Dottore is stated not to be playable but those leakers who predicted everything else accurately. I don't know why you'd even want him to be playable if you want him to stay evil. Anyone still hoping for that by now should have woken up and either deal with it or play a game that has what they want.

No. 466195

Original Dottosperg here, the one with all the wishes. I will be officially quitting genshin impact. I realized I’m in an abusive relationship with either a shitty video game or a group of Chinese Incels. This slop isn’t worth my time or my writing, my Etsy shop, my modding skills, none of it. I hope Da Wei is stabbed to death by a crazed yume after he brought back Capitano just to kill him for good. I watched this video and was filled with indescribable rage. Fuck the lore, fuck the descenders, fuck the fatui, and most of all, FUCK that shitty useless game hi3. Genuine terrible waste of time, the game has been going down the shitter since Fontaine trailer, I’ve just been blind. We are NEVER getting another male, an edgy harbinger or even an edgy character and they have been purposefully screwing with us the whole time! Im gonna make my own genshin impact (with blackjack and hookers of course). Sage for alogging

No. 466197

Based, nonnie.

No. 466201

Genshin has been going down the shitter but "there's no rape ape for my yume goonette slop fantasy" is funny. Go play otome games with yandere routes, or Granblue Fantasy, there's a rape ape moid in there.(infighting/baiting)

No. 466203

You're just stirring the pot for fun.

No. 466205

She didnt say any of that

No. 466208

I write an entire essay about how he’s not just an object for my obsession and is an actual character with promise who I was once excited about. But of course, all examples of female sexuality that isn’t “heh…. My wholesome 100 Yuri couple kissed…” is just gooner booktok c.ai slop and I’m just a dumb stupid woman who should go flick the bean to LADS. Go back to the ugly man thread or wherever your kind lurks.

No. 466211

Great minds think alike.

No. 466217

i'll have to watch this but holy shit, you're into modding? it's so difficult to find people who aren't big booba coomers even in "sfw" spaces. that said, don't mind the shitstirrer, nonna. some people out there can't help but paint darker characters with the same flanderizing brush, and take the opportunity to caricature their fans too. it's a shame that us harbingerfags who enjoy nuance gets flack from all sides because of it. something something rise of black and white thinking among fandoms, but for what it's worth, i enjoyed your dottore essay. some people also don't seem to understand that we're not upset over "fanfiction", we're upset over shit that was provably going to be in the game being scrapped/retconned in the most insulting way possible. tl;dr you're not wrong for feeling the way you do, and i hope you enjoy dottore unburdened by genshit.

No. 466220

Thank you nonna! Make 3d models and try to get into programming, I started off with Minecraft mods and moved on to Sims. I was working on a webttore mod for sucrose, since I kind of saw her as his daughter lol. But Genshin doesn't deserve even the worst fanfic from a Dottore fan. Fatui fans give so much just to be spat on by everyone in the fandom. The devs, the yuritroons, other harbinger fans, artists. I'm sick of giving hoyo free advertising with my hard work and love, when its clear they hate me. It's practically a meme when people on message boards say they'll totally make their own, better product, but if there's any others who feel cheated, I think this thread or another is perfect to share our fanworks or other projects where they'll be appreciated. Theres even a Dottore otome game on itch.io, but its sadly not romance focused. My first project shall be slutya, she really did win in the end…

No. 466328

Seeing this as a ship is getting schizo like the incels. If anything shafted Childe it was his entire plot in Fontaine. Childe fans have to be the biggest sufferers of Hyv Stockholm Syndrome with how they think he's going to be allowed to be so important. They already made Skirk disrespect him while she acknowledged traveler. They can't have a waifu respect him without shitting on him for the traveler. They shit on him in every region but Childe fans are so delusional thinking this is a sign for future growth and that he's an underdog and not that they don't want anyone to outshine the self-insert protagonist. They're so easily settled by merch and pictures that they'll never see the writing on the wall. When Skirk shits on him they'll be gaslit by people telling them that it's misogyny if they don't like her.

No. 466436

How many of you guys watch tectone? I started watching him last year because I was interested in the hater side of the genshin community and I kept hearing about how he was basically Satan. While he is a coomer moid, he actually manages to use his brain half of the time. He even points out how Hoyo is shilling worse and worse waifus for money.

No. 466438

>Watching moids
Other than that he always makes clickbaity sensationalist content, a good channel doesn't need clickbait if its videos are good, which tectone isn't

No. 466439

All gacha creators are either pick me’s with huge titty vtuber models or a stupid high voice they insist is real, or an ugly coomer moid with degeneracy from 1-10. Tectone is a solid 8.

No. 466442

My favourite tectone videos are his tax fails, gambling addiction and his wife cheating on him.

No. 466445

I think he has a new gf cause I saw a woman in his house on another stream.

No. 466448

Tectone is a typical moid who hates women. Hating Genshin doesn't make him not a typical degenerate gooner.

No. 466498

I’ve had to look on drama channels and apparently his ex wife didn’t cheat on him. He allegedly made his ex wife sign an NDA and abused his rebound gf. They’ve called him a liar.

No. 466572

>Wrio paired with Furina to make his numbers look bad
I hate this

No. 466616

agreed with second nonna, and adding that all the original plans for harbinger women would've probably been appreciated (or at least respected). as things stand though, beidou and ningguang seem fairly well-liked from what i've seen.
i'm a bit too paranoid to post any of my works on here, but i'll be rooting for you if you ever post yours ♥ your vision of dottore definitely sounds much more interesting than whatever woobification or flanderization the nu-team could ever come up with. i'll be sure to keep an eye out for slutya projects in the wild too kek, i have to admit a shitty satirical genshin vn/game would be pretty funny.
his voice and general demeanor both have something uniquely grating about them, probably the fact that he seems skeevy even by subpar moid standards. i understand enjoying genshin bashing, but just about any other critic feels more bearable than him.

No. 466620

Dottore was never that deep and you said you're a yume who mostly likes him because of your fixation. It's the most basic female sexuality to be into rapey men, but in that case why were you ever expecting that from Genshin? Play otome because that's the game that caters exactly to that instead of being upset fanfiction didn't come true. Not everyone plays Genshin to date characters.

No. 466625

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He is not rapey! If anything, he doesn’t like romance or sex, he killed a girl who had a crush on him because she made him uncomfortable and presumably felt cornered by his upperclassman. And even before then she describes him to be standoffish, completely uninterested in her. I have my own personal fanfiction, fine, I admit it, but I never wanted it to come true! I want him to be the character his extensive lore pointed towards! He has the most lore for a non playable character, is given dedicated animations, areas in the actual game, multiple in game quests all for him! I’m not mad that Dottore isn’t fucking lumine on screen, I’m mad hes not on the screen at all, and when he will be, theres a large chance he’ll be ruined. But I do agree, It was naive to expect a complex character from fucking Hoyo of all places, I’ll take the hit on that. But I was optimistic and assured by the quality of Scaramouche’s story, and the archon quest. Now I’m just regretful.

No. 466626

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And then I lost my 50/50 to Qiqi. Oh well, at least I got him C0! For now.

No. 466629

The Scaramouche quest made it clear he was the fall guy to get Scaramouche playable, and Arlecchino sealed the deal. This is why I was so annoyed when people were begging for Arlecchino to be playable when they rumored she'd be killed off, I knew she would get watered down if she had to be playable. Unfortunately himejoshi don't like evil women so they're happy she's this defanged because it means Arlefuri can be fluffy yuri. As if every yuri ship isn't already like this.

But yes. You can hype up a character for being evil or you can have a playable but you won't ever get both. I will blame Honkeks for making people think they make evil playables, because the only "evil" playables in that game aren't even that evil and the true villains are the men who of course are not playable.

No. 466631

Should I log back in just to get Mika? I really needed/wanted him back when I was playing daily

No. 466634

I should’ve been tipped off when Signora died… Since she was rude to moids, hated the traveler, was arrogant AND already had a husband, theres no way she’d live. Scaramouche is little more than a bratty child and he was considered the worst by incels. Imagine if they released an attractive arrogant tall male character? Who’s evil? They’d hack into servers just to leak the IP and credit card info of everyone who owns him.

No. 466635

Hes alright if you have many cryo characters, but I have him and don’t use him. Kinda cute, he reminds me of a baby chick.

No. 466636

He's a ragebaiting retard. Stop wasting your time watching this fat scrote.

No. 466637

Scaramouche's writing is pretty bad only because it's a sign of the usual stale Hyv tricks. Erase him from people's memories so there's no conflict anymore. Have him say he wants to atone but then skip to him being in a festival with everyone else and treated like he did nothing wrong. Go full on pitybait and make Dottore responsible for his crimes. Compare this to Signora dying and I see why people would be bitter about it, even though incels hate him for the wrong reasons. I can even believe they wanted controversy with him to incite a gender war because of how he became playable.

No. 466652

I watched many videos on the Asian gender war. Are there no people who want a neutral game? Normal people dont goon 24/7! Why do men in Asia need every single character to be a prostitute with a “””””deep””””” story. I hate NIKKE for this exact reason.

No. 466709

Normal people don't play this game, anon.

No. 466723

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I want to roll for Wriothesely out of principle (when are we ever going to get another 5* male cryo? Never) but he’s so damn ugly (botched model, ugly neck scar, weird skin texture) and his playstyle is too boring for me. Sorry nonas, I must betray you all and roll for Furina instead.

No. 466744

I rolled for Wriothesely and lost to Diluc, then got him early. Then I said fuck it and rolled for Furina and got the new wish animation and got her, then I said fuck it and rolled for a weapon now I had both characters and I got Wriothesely's weapon in my 20 pull. I spend 140 f2p pulls. I also c6 my charlotte which im happy about. This is the luckiest I've ever been in genshin.

No. 466769

Samefagging to let you all know that I lost to Diluc… serves my ass right.

No. 466772

Revenge of the moids!

No. 466830

>mika in 20
>c1 tighnari also
Actually great. I'll save that guarantee for a Wanderer rerun.

No. 466868

Normal people DID play the game. It's why the incels had to launch their own gamgergate campaign to try and "take back" gacha. It's why the idiotic "gacha feminists" on twitter are such useful idiots for incels, because they can think that more female characters means more feminist.

Genshin DID have a normie audience and now they want to piss it away to appeal to ML incels. It's now confirmed that they don't care for their old players at all.

But sunk cost runs deep and the company knows this. I heard more female players in China have caught on and are boycotting Hyv, but people in the West don't understand the gender war or they're not savvy about how gacha works which is why they think that if you think Varesa's butt animations are goonerbait then YOU'RE the misogynist. How can you even reason with people like that?

No. 466870

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C6ed him, now I can go back to ignoring banners until a 5* male shows up.

No. 466873

Based. I’m on 50/50 so I’m just not pulling until they release a naked male character. A pity male isnt enough, he should be Nu:Carnival level slutty.

No. 466874

Yeah during the height of Genshin's popularity I knew many people who didn't normally play gacha or JRPGs pick it up and enjoy it because it was the most "normal" of all gacha games, an action RPG with sensible designs that didn't have the coomery dialed up to 1000 nor uncomfortably sexy loli waifus. They even toned down the boob jiggle mechanics in the beginning because people complained. That's why you have so many westerners unaware of the gender wars in China raising an eyebrow at the game suddenly introducing shit like Varesa and making Mavuika a sexy biker chick when the game was known for the extensive amounts of cultural references they put into their designs of each region and treating their archons as dignified gods.

No. 466876

The worst thing they can do for sunk costs is to devalue wasted money. If you buy a ticket for let’s say a racist singer and you can’t back out, some may still go just to get their moneys worth. But if they hear the concert is worse and they intend to extract more money from you, they won’t show up at all regardless of what they spent on the ticket.

When they reveal that night soul is completely fucking worthless in Sneznaya, and they are introducing some new mechanic that only Sneznayan characters have, people will call the game p2w and even more normies leave in droves. Western audiences dislike two things, egregious fanservice, micro transactions. The more they feel the game is just like “paying for porn”, they will flee to not be seen as creepy degenerate males. Other countries dont have the same shame. Once 50% have fled, mainly Americans, they will only double down on their scum. I can’t wait for the 7th nation to crash and burn!

No. 466986

It's why it's very hard to get Western fandom to realize the lack of males isn't a feminist win. They don't realize the fanservice has gotten worse. We always had fanservice but it was never this blatant and so consistent with every female character. You would even think the lack of any yuri ships in Natlan would be a hint, that they fully want to pander to incels so the traveler must be the most important. But no, instead if someone points out that Citlali is waifubait and they only show Aether in the promos for a reason, they get called a misogynist and they're the ones "reducing" her to waifubait, not Mhy.

I'd say they'd have to really fuck up some male character's story for fans to possibly get it, but then they'd be bullied by the Genshin feminists and called misogynists for wanting guys to be important even though they told us some of them would be. It's the scummiest part of the sunk cost for me. It's not just about leveling characters, it's that they gatekept the lore and true understanding of some characters for so long that many people can't quit. Venti has been teased since forever. Childe has been teased since forever, with only bits being dripfed, though given how his fans believe his treatment in Fontaine is part of the long game and not Mhy showing their true colors, I doubt they would ever wake up. We have Kaeya's connections with Khaenriah, watch that get dropped too. Albedo already got shafted for Wanderer, who himself could also get shafted. Dainsleif was already announced playable so they can't back out with him but watch them find some way to shaft him too.

No. 467093

Yeah there's no walking back from that Nightsoul bullshit and it's absolutely going to be repeated in Snezhnaya too. Once they got the ultimate p2w mechanic, the region-locked traits, into the game, it's over. Characters have turned from reoccurring friends to one-use gimmicks you forget about the moment the next version releases because who the fuck gives a shit about the Natlan characters besides their traveling capacities. Once Natlan has been 100%'d, you will never take them out again and you'll end up repeating the same shit in Snezhnaya.

No. 467107

Oh god.. this means if they do continue this trend then Snez is gonna have stupid ugly animals to sell merch of like the saurians. Or even worse, the f2p players must use machinery, and the fatui get giant mech robots and tanks.

No. 467165

Snez is 100% going to have a mascot race just like the Aranaras, Melusines and saurians. I bet they're going to tone down the greendarkness out of it too because chinese incel's waifus can't be too evil or else they're absolute bitches that not even their cocks can fix.

No. 467174

Anyone still coping that Snezhnaya will be dark or the Tsaritsa will actually be morally gray is deluded. That should have been obvious way back in Inazuma with how they handled Ei. Ei should have been the wake-up call, but instead people defended her dogshit writing and said "you can't handle morally gray women!!" until they gaslit people into thinking her character is good.

The Tsaritsa's not going to be evil or they'll find some twin bullshit to make the playable one the less bad on. She's going to be healed by the traveler. The male harbingers will die or be made into jokes like Childe, with his fans still coping that he'll get his big badass moment in Khaenriah so keep playing the games guys, let HYV cook!! No one will learn a damn thing even though Raiden Ei, the killing off of Signora, and not letting Arlecchino be an antagonist in Fontaine and pulling a previous Knave out of their assholes should have been a sign that there will never be an evil woman playable in this game. And then there's still people hoping for evil and creep Columbina and Sandrone.

No. 467176

I'm fucking sick of these ugly mascots so they can sell shitty merch. Do retards actually buy them?

No. 467177

I don’t know a single person who likes saurians or even Aranaras but I know some non pedophiles that like melusines. So unless they make little Russian bear children run around, nobody is buying the merch.

No. 467182

Melusines were full on furry lolibait and the saurians are just ugly pokemon knockoffs, but aranaras were genuinely cute and had interesting lore. They were pretty popular during Sumeru.

No. 467186

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I think Natlan (and by and large Genshin) is suffering a "death from thousand papercuts." Weird racebending, lack of male characters, the whole VA situation, sloppy rewrites, bad character design, Ryan Johnson style subversion of expectations (people expected war and dragons and got "friendship is magic"), unnecessary gimmicks set up to show how "special" Natlan is that serve no purpose and eat up screen-time that could instead be spent getting to know characters and setting up conflicts, Mavuika being way too perfect with no flaws or a character arc, modern technology that doesn't match the world of Genshin (Natlan in particular), blatant and fanservice, shameless power-creep… Just one or two of those things may have been tolerable but all this crap together is unbearable. Oh and I haven't yet mentioned worst of all: bunch of filler content we'll have to suffer though. Up until these point we had linear progression. But Natlan felt like a whole nothing-burger. We aren't going to Snezhnaya after this, the pyro gnosis is still in Natlan, so everyone brace yourselves for Natlan 2.0… Honestly if it weren't for the gameplay and past characters and stories that I have an emotional connection with I would have dropped this game after all this BS. If it wasn't for this year's lantern rite I would've thought Genshin team lost their ability to write stories.

No. 467189

The Aranara were some of the best parts of Sumeru, what are you on about no one likes them

No. 467195

The aranara quest was universally hated. Everyone was moaning endlessly about how much they wanted the vegetables to just die already.

No. 467213

Based on theories they might make Childe into a girl? If they do this I hope some yume stabs Dawei.

No. 467214

Wait, what theories? They possibly couldn't do this, they'd kill their only yume cash cow they keep milking from year to year.

No. 467215

After Firefly you can't put anything past Mhy. There's even rumors that if they do bring Capitano back and make him playable, it would be as a female character.

From what I can gather, the Childe theories relate to some leaked artifact lore about him being the third descender who's a woman trapped in a male form. It sounds like something Mhy would do to incite gender wars and just enough for troons to claim him.

No. 467221

Holy shit killing Childe off and making him into a female character would be absolutely brutal. Mihoyo would lose all of the Chinese female player money.

No. 467225

>troons claiming harbingers
god i sure hope not. scara, arle, and sandrone all have to deal with enough retardation as it is. cant they go bother shitty coombait chars like varesa instead?

No. 467226

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>Killing off playables
I don't think that's happening any time sooner lul
adding one of his sisters as playable is more plausible though

No. 467230

They already lost most of them and hate female players. Don't think them pimping out some guys on official merch means they didn't already screw female players.

Don't worry, they'll claim Sandrone because Mhy will do some fuckshit like claiming the evil side is Alain but you'll get good Mary-Ann as playable and she'll be grateful to Aether for freeing her from her brother. Varesa has troon colors so they'll claim her too and say you're a bigot if you think she looks ugly. All they need is to latch onto one line.

No. 467250

No it wasn't. The only thing I saw people complain about was that it was too long, and that's because they were trying to do the whole damn thing in one go.

No. 467258

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My hatred for this ugly twink only increases day by day and is rapidly spurred on every time I see the most sub 50 iq harem/waifu content of him. I am baffled at how any male willingly self-inserts into this thing for sexual fulfillment, especially considering the plethora of more appealing/masculine men in the cast, let alone even manages to look at it. I feel like I'm going insane every time I see somebody, male or female, calling him cute or handsome or whatnot. I know I'm generally nitpicky and could hate on plenty of well loved genshin male designs but surely I'm not alone here? I just need to let off some steam kek
Beautiful image anon

No. 467259

I heard rumors that he was originally designed to be a female character back when he was supposedly going to be a permanent traveling companion with the player, but I can't see how they would do this. Would they update his model and animations or add a new character completely? I think his little sister getting added and somehow overtaking his role in the story is more likely, or they'll just have Skirk replace him.

No. 467264

There's no way they would do that, they rely on stockholm syndrom childefags to buy their worthless physical merch

No. 467266

Aether is so fucking ugly

No. 467309

The theories are that he's the third descender who was originally a woman. Either they split the characters somehow or they change him into a woman. They would take advantage of female players buying merch >>467264 and then fuck them over later after years of getting their money. There's no way they would let a man be important to the story so I can see them doing some shit like this to spite female players. It would be stupid but you know the troon himejoshi would defend it.

No. 467336

I feel a primal rage whenever one of my husbandos are shipped with this ugly faggot. I would genuinely rather ship Haikaveh than ever even suggest Aether would look good with any character. I hate him. I despise his female fans the most. He’s UGLY.

No. 467383

He looked like such a scrote in the bath art hoyo posted and he always gives off subhuman energy in the harem/gary-stu fanart. He was cute once but became every moid who self-inserted into him.

No. 467389

Does anyone just wish the game would end now so you could lose your attachment to your favorites? Every theory only makes me angry now because I know all writing choices will be influenced by the incel audience. If the game has to flop, I want it to fully flop. No more theorists coping or people arguing that it's deep and meaningful. No more people trying to argue that their incel pandering is actually respect for women. To think I actually tried Genshin because it felt like one of the few omnipandering gachas where women wouldn't get screwed and your favorite guys wouldn't be shafted as they often are in most other games I played. For a moment they didn't seem to hate that there were guys who were popular with women, but now that's over.

No. 467472

The only reason I’m still keeping up with this fandom is because of Snezhnaya but if it’s going to just be more waifubait-land then it might be owari da…
I wasted $400 on this game for what

No. 467475

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Might be an unpopular opinion but I have always had a thing for jrpg protags that show their tummy, like Haseo and Luke so I like Aether's design. He is probably the only gacha male protag who has a slightly refreshing design. But yes, at the end of the day, he is just a self-insert for moids, so Aether hate is absolutely justified and based.

No. 467498

I desperately await the games death but Hoyo is slower and lazier than mojang. Just drop the slutya update so I can rage and delete the game. Kill all my favorite characters so I can ignore you forever. Start with Kaeya and Dainslef.

No. 467504

A nonna of good taste. I commend you and agree with you. Aether should stick with his demented waifus and stay far, far away from the male characters.

No. 467531

His tummy and little braid are cute
It's the moids self inserting that "ruined" him because that shit carried over in the game with the Mizuki and Natlan AQ

No. 467535

I love Aether because he's cute and I shipped him with almost every male character in the game but the way they made him into a moid self insert in Natlan and the recent Inazuma event ruined him for me and was the final reason that made me quit Genshin kek

No. 467583

Based. I hate this ugly faggot, not only because scrotes use him for their harem fantasy but also the way retards ship Aether with the boys instead of shipping the boys with each other. This worthless turd isnt a character no matter how much TIFs want him to be.

No. 467623

I just hate the traveler in general. I don't even care for Lumine or the male harem yumes build with her, I hate self-insert bland characters and seeing interesting characters warped into the same two stale archetypes just to fit self-insert fantasies. I wish gacha games could get rid of them. It's not a surprise the most interesting Genshin characters aren't master love ones and who have other things going on besides the traveler.

No. 467624

Thank you! He isn’t a character and I hate it when people try and make him some big martyr. We can just go to the abyss, nobody is stopping him. According to Childe and Scaramouche, there are just holes in the abyss all over Snezhnaya! If he really wanted to do his one goal of finding his sister, he would just do that instead of having bath dates with dictators and playing stupid mini games with people he's an asshole to (Unless you’re a waifu. Remember when he yelled at Lyney for being a child soldier grooming victim, and then we glaze his groomer, but we are meant to sob for Furina who’s been a jobless aristocrat for 500 years, and Arlechinno the slave driver. We cry for Mauvika and have a dance party on Capitano’s corpse, cultural appropriation headband and all.) The only people who desperately claim the traveler not only has a personality but is also getting sick of being the hero are those who want to constantly play the victim for things that nobody forced them to do. Like self proclaimed “therapist friends” and moms. And the funniest part is that they are projecting when they do it! Almost as if Aether is a self insert who you project onto… The truth is that the traveler is a wooden doll for Incels to mash against a waifu when they get bored of large black men, ugly bastards and grey blobs. Because shipping them with a male character who is attractive and they have chemistry with is cucking but somehow everything else isn’t. I hate Aether. I would replace him with Lumine but then we have to defeat Yuritroons, an arguably worse beast than Incels and deranged fujos combined.

No. 467625

Her awful design aside, I know I won't like Skirk because she'll be another female character only liked because she can abuse a male character. Just like how much Eimiko fans love drawing Ei and Yae abusing Scaramouche, and now Citlali with Ororon. They made it so no one can hate seeing their favorite guy bashed because then it's misogyny and you hate morally grey complex women, even though they present it as something good. Childe will be bashed by Skirk while she glazes the traveler and they'll say he deserves it for being bad, while this game had no problem making everyone love Ei and Arlecchino.

No. 467628

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That’s why I never shut up about my husbandos power level, I don’t care if they call me a misogynist, I got into powerscaling just to defend my husbando. Humble your local EiMiko fan today.

No. 467630

People want the traveler to be this complete hero but then also the twin stans lie and say they're not a self-insert whenever anyone criticizes the protagonist centric morality. The traveler can wipe out a whole village in Sumeru and the same men who cry about Scaramouche being "Hitler" will say it was based and justified of the traveler to do that.
The traveler is poorly written and reflects the double standards of the writers. They don't really want Arlecchino to be a groomer and the traveler doesn't hate her for what she did to Furina, in fact no one does.
Judging by your comment I'm guessing you think yumes are a lesser evil but I dislike the Lumine yumes and the way all males become rape apes. The traveler just sucks no matter who they are because it's the writing and the protagonist centric morality that's the problem. When not one playable can even dislike the traveler without being a villain, there's no saving them as a mc. Too many gamers only want to be coddled and they'll threaten the devs if their needs aren't met.

No. 467631

The problem is power levels don't matter when they love to make the men look weak and stupid and then call people misogynists if they don't like it. Just like they call people misogynists for expecting Capitano, the first harbinger, to actually put up more of a fight. They'll see incels who need male antagonists humbled (because they feel threatened) by a waifu and think it's girlboss feminism.

No. 467640

I'm not even a yume but changing a male character into a female one after they've been playable for years has to be some type of false advertising. At least with Sam they never made "him" playable and made Firefly playable when we knew she was Sam. It would be beyond scummy to suddenly change a character like this.

I don't know why its always women who can't have a male character and who have to accept troon shit. Nobody tells the moids to accept their waifus being turned into men, but joseimuke games have to introduce a troon character who's actually a woman, not a pretty male, and we have to shut up about it.

No. 467641

I knew Capitano was going to get dog walked by Mauvika, I just didn’t want to accept it. The best way to defeat these people is to never relent. Even if it sounds like cope, you must defend your favs with your life. Childe fans should be as militant as they used to be. Now they just accept the disrespect.

No. 467643

Even TikTok users are catching on! Just look at the comments.

No. 468150

I went to actually check out the models for the newer games and it’s so much better looking than Genshin. What gives? Why are all Genshin characters ugly munchkins compared to models made by the same company? I know the body types are to save costs on animations, but they can’t make the models any better? Diluc, Albedo, Itto, Jean. All busted and ugly. Why not scale up any old models and animations?

No. 468182

Two words
>Mobile adaptation
>The engine's getting old and outdated
Compared to HI3 it's still better, but unlike ZZZ, they refuse to revamp the engine to make the models better. We'll be forever stuck with noodle-arm Itto, I'm afraid.

Also kek, the jiggle physics in there.

No. 468247

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i didnt think i had it in me to be surprised by mhy anymore, but what the actual fuck is this? i was always told that genshit couldnt add limited five-stars to the standard banner because of legal reasons relating to gambling, and yet here comes honkaishit doing just that. meanwhile we're struck with the chronicled wish scam. i cant believe this shit. they really hate this game.

No. 468257

In a previous post where I dramatically spoke about how I quit genshin, it’s all on purpose. The want to put HSR, GSI and ZZZ against each other, each getting new events and QOL while Genshin jerks off in a corner. It’s like coke being ass so you move on to sprite, because they keep improving sprite, even though coke still gets money. You’re tricked into thinking you’re winning by switching to the new and shiny game. I often ask myself, why must they make every new QOL annoying? They could make things like sanctifying elixir and encounter points much more straight forward. But they know they don’t have to, and will simply give the proper QOL to the next game. They only want to raise the bar within the company’s already narrow standards. See how ZZZ was forced to fix their weapon banner because WW got rid of 50:50 entirely? The only way Hoyo will fix their nonsense is in the latest games, AFTER being threatened by another company. Even if WW outsells Genshin 10:1, they wouldn’t even add a resin reservoir. Genshin is a relic they can’t get rid of, only ruin so that it dies faster. They are purposely trying to make you pissed/quit so you go try out HSR/ZZZ/ “Hoyo-live”. Listen to them, and quit the game!

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