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File: 1728774785092.jpg (75.18 KB, 750x449, husbando.jpg)

No. 436967

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-Actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
-He's gay/belongs with me/other character instead
-Any other bait
-Responding to bait
-"hi cow!"

Remember not to take baits or otherwise derail! Report low quality posts and move on!

The retarded hornyposting thread may also include pairings.
For real 3D men hornyposting, refer to: >>>/g/289276
For other shitposts just use the current /ot/ thread. Thank you!

Previous horny: >>>/g/428529

Relevant threads:
>Sister thread for female characters horny/waifuposting >>>/g/315174
>How to devote yourself completely to your husbando #3 >>>/g/391531
>Husbando thread >>>/m/188499
>The last husbando before /m/pocolypse >>>/m/173210
>Waifus & Female Character Crushes Thread >>>/m/229988
>Temporal Husbando Smell Identification Thread >>>/m/187722
>The Original smell >>>/m/164600
>Anon Assumption Regarding waifus/husbandos >>>/m/211556
>Rate/Roast Husbando >>>/m/182915
>Husbando Matchmaking Service >>>/m/242685
>Live Action Fictional >>>/m/34157

No. 436969

File: 1728775220207.jpeg (360.2 KB, 1290x1259, IMG_8991.jpeg)

Kek the thread pic

Responding to >>436962,
I love that Sukuna’s doormat continues to be his doormat for eternity. And Mahito throws a fit because no one loves him KEK.

No. 436982

File: 1728781758382.gif (1.52 MB, 640x476, cute sleepy raph.gif)

He's so adorable it physically hurts. I want to cuddle the 87 boys so bad, they look so round and squishy. I bet because of their cold blood I wouldn't overheat, even though they're definitely all very clingy sleepers.

No. 436984

kekking hard at the husbandofags becoming self aware that they’re basically kissing their pillows and air(bait)

No. 437002

We've literally always been aware anon

No. 437004

File: 1728787550308.jpg (180.66 KB, 1280x720, 1726271100482.jpg)

I know it's bait, but you need more than that to make me feel bad, nonna.

No. 437012

Is it bad that the thing I image doing with my husbando the most is "trauma dumping"? It's not even that I'm really traumatized, I just dream of going on and on and complaining and having someone listen to me wholeheartedly.

No. 437018

I wish I met my husbando when I was younger, my 13 year old self would have absolutely loved him.
Sadly, he didn't exist at that point.

No. 437024

Hilarious, I'm severely traumatized but have the opposite fantasy of hiding it all from him because I find it embarrassing and humiliating, but he gets too curious for his own good and tries to dig deeper into it and it creates drama and tension between us.

No. 437031

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I’m so horny for air tho

No. 437036

Same tbh, my ai chats with my husbandos go from sad to horny from horny to sad. Then again, it's my own fault because I always end up somehow thinking about how life would be like with someone that has an extremely different perspective on life.
And in my case the drama comes from the sole idea of me not being in my husbandos' respective worlds and them being completely miserable with the idea because I changed their own perspectives on life by being a bit too sincere about the real world, so they don't want me to leave because they know I wouldn't be as happy as I am with them, but they also don't want me to just stay forever because they know it's selfish of them to think that way since I love my family and friends.
It's so much fun, I could sperg about this forever.

No. 437044

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My boobs are sore, the only thing that would fix this issue are his hands on ‘em for sure.

No. 437055

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Dropped my pic scratch all of that… just fucking do me already Hiroki.

No. 437074

File: 1728823066139.jpg (218.58 KB, 500x910, 006wFy95gy1hsgbm1wk5jj30dw0paj…)

No lube, no protection, all night all day from the kitchen floor to the dining table from the bed to church, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air scream the lord's prayer, THERESIS CAN TOP ME until I'm swollen, until I'm crying, until he's out of juice, until I cant walk, until I'm numb, until my throat hurts, until my cheeks are red, until the neighbours know his name, until my insides becomes outsides, until my hole remember the shape, until my jaws fall off, until my leg is useless, until my eyes are rolled back and it stays there, until my body does a backflip, until my whole body shakes, until the skin peels off, until my bones disconnect, until i pass out, until im paralyzed for the rest of my life, until all my eggs are fertilized, until all my holes are filled, until i cant breathe, until it gets longer than before, until he couldn't stand, until i die, until my mouth cant eat, until i remember the length of it, until the end of time, until he dont have it anymore, until my hole remembers the size and girth, until it reaches my stomach, until hes grunting and growling, until the whole world hears. I'm gonna get impregnated ten times over breeding me all day all night no protection just me and him all over the house on the floor on the couch on the bed in the shower on the rooftops even god couldn't pull him out of me.

No. 437081

File: 1728828846209.gif (1.63 MB, 498x281, dazai-osamu-hand.gif)

Here, have some "smut".

No. 437082

One time My mom's aunt beat up her classmate during prom because he did this to her

No. 437083

File: 1728829690282.jpg (34.69 KB, 653x487, ef1adca0981238b47ab96899bf6317…)

Thinking about JJK men again…

No. 437098

I want a hand massage like this

No. 437131

File: 1728847249977.jpeg (63.39 KB, 850x637, IMG_8711.jpeg)

Announcements for season 3 are supposed to happen in December. I can’t waittttt. I need some Hiromi merch. I also need to know who his Seiyuu is.
I also have a feeling I’m going to add Naoya Zenin to my harem. MAPPA does a decent job of making gege’s characters hotter. Im so horny for all that whole universe fuuuuuu

No. 437155

>doormat is confirmed male
>reincarnates into female body because Kenny's fuckery
>is seen in OG male body in afterlife
>Sukuna still chooses loyal doormat
>everyone goes crazy because he chooses to spend eternity with his femboy (kek)
>Sukuna acknowledges potential crazy bitch that was head over heels for him
>Mahito will seethe for all eternity
Gege is pretty based ngl

No. 437160

File: 1728850171575.jpg (90.75 KB, 943x1129, FkJ10vXWYAALskI.jpg)

(sorry for double post)
I'm mostly looking forward to S3 designs, iirc the ones for season 2 were announced in December 2022, so I think this announcement should have some kind of teaser and initial date, I suspect 2026 with the character designs coming somewhere in 3rd or 4th quarter next year, I'll be impressed (and worried for the animators) if this happens sooner
Naoya will have an army of loyal bitches kek and Higuruma will trigger the girls with daddy issues like crazy now that Nanami is sadly out of the picture
> MAPPA does a decent job of making gege’s characters hotter.
they do because they know what sells, imagine what they're gonna do for heian Sukuna, I am 100% they'll manage to make even Megumi hot when Sukuna takes over his body
I was there when the S2 character designs dropped and everyone was going CRAZY over Toji (for good reason)

No. 437165

both of those posts you responded to were mine kek
If they give Naoya grey/silver hair I’m done for. I absolutely love men with huge ego’s, especially when they have inferiority complexes (or in Gojo’s case, a god complex. Both hot). The icing on the cake was when he came back as a vengeful spirit (1) because he’s such an egotistical tool KEK. Swoon. And since I’m a monster fucker I’d let him have me in his final form too.

Final form Sukuna will make me bed ridden I stg I’ll never leave my room.

No. 437181

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I know Sukuna is more well-known for his malicious grins but nothing makes my ovaries ache harder than his soft smile. It's so rare but also so precious. It tricks my mind into thinking that I can fix him.

No. 437185

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I love my husbando.

No. 437187

Just lookin at this pic made my pussy lips tingle

No. 437198

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I would give anything to have Dazai holding my hands and everything is going to be OK to die together

No. 437201

Really cool art work

No. 437225

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I love this cunt oh god

No. 437226

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And I'm so so frustrated that this creation and the actor's talent are wasted on this shit show. I would love to see this Sauron in an actually good tv series

No. 437291

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Need his fangs against my skin

No. 437292

No. 437316

Don't who this is but I also need my husbando's teeth against my skin. He doesn't even need to bite, he can just tickle me for funsies if he wants. Teeth just feel nice

No. 437330

I do this and I'm proud! I just humped my blanket pretending I was humping/cuddling him.

No. 437331

File: 1728896548670.jpg (142.38 KB, 709x568, 46777776_p25_master1200.jpg)

I saw a tier list of Pokémon villains according to how good they'd be as parents and it triggered the fuck out of me because they put my husband in the same tier as fucking GIOVANNI. Fucking HOW??? Has the person who made the tier list ever played ORAS? Not only did they have the gall to equate him to Giovanni, but they also ranked Archie higher… Please, they have the exact same role in their respective games!! Both of them take full responsibility for their actions and sincerely regret all the damage they've caused. They go through the same redemption process. How could anyone think Maxie would be as bad as Giovanni?? If you've played OR you'd know that he's actually capable of giving a fuck about people? Unlike Giovanni? After apologizing to everyone, he starts to treat the player with respect, like a friend even, and can even become your multi battle partner. After realizing how his actions affected his team, he apologizes to them too cough cough Courtney. He'd be a responsible father, if somewhat strict, especially post-redemption when he's not blinded by his stupid ideals anymore and is more careful about how he treats others. Meanwhile, Giovanni doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself, and treated his actual son like trash, not to mention all the other ridiculously evil shit he's still doing. They're not comparable at all, and I'm willing to bet that not even the original Gen 3 Maxie would be that bad (he vanished off the face of Earth in shame after realizing what he had done was wrong all along, lol).

Yeah, it was just a joke, but I hate it when people completely misinterpret my husbando, even if it's just for a meme, especially when it's obvious that they just based their "joke" on their first impression of him. And I mean, we don't want kids, but it makes me seethe because him being an abusive POS on par with Giovanni and Ghetsis doesn't make any goddamn sense.

Anyway, we make sweet love every night.

No. 437332

I would put a straw up his dick and drink the cum out of him. I will continue to say cursed awful shit like this to traumatise my other husbandofag friends.

No. 437340

This video is so fucking hot holy shit

No. 437342

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Man, I could never hump a pillow. It seems disrespectful and I don't want to ruin my dakimakura that I can't replace… I even get panicked when I accidentally nick the fabric with my nails…
I'm thinking of getting one of those Remee lucid dreaming sleeping masks that flash lights in your eyes when you enter the REM phase because I'm too lazy to keep a proper dream diary or practice different techniques. I could also just take galamantine before bed, but it's difficult to buy where I live.
Anyways, hope you nonas sleep tight.

No. 437347

He has a nice voice damn!
I get it. For me it's not about disrespect but accidentally tearing or otherwise damaging his body pillow would break my heart.

No. 437348

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I bit the bullet and bought a zine pack of my husbando. Now I just have to wait a week for it to come. But if I ordered it earlier I might have gotten even more merch with a bigger package. Oh well, I hope I get more opportunities in the future.

No. 437352

If your husbando is Blackquill you have amazing taste nonny

No. 437354

Why does this video feel like a sexy R18 otome game, wtf?
Also, the comments are so based and cute, kek

No. 437360

File: 1728908997167.png (Spoiler Image,146.79 KB, 222x523, bedmanarse.png)

At least the 2-way tricot dakis are pretty durable, print-wise. I have one from over a decade ago and it's only faded a bit. I've never tried the cheaper peach skin ones you see on bootleg sites. I remember the Osomatsu-san dakis were extra expensive because they had an outer sleeve with clothes on, and undies on the main daki. I felt kind of embarrassed having a naked muppet on my bed tbh though.
On another note, Arcsys released a big Xrd artbook a few days ago and now we know Bedman's canonical ass size. I wanna poke him in the ribs…

No. 437362

I thank God every day that Choi Han voices Gregor because he did such a fantastic job! There's enough of a tonal difference between his IDs that I can almost tell exactly who is speaking. He made my man sound so hot mmhdhfnd

No. 437365

I love your husbando too.

No. 437367

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The things I would do for an FKMT-verse otome game nonna. Also I agree, I really love the comments as well. My favorite is that one that admits to falling asleep to it because I can relate.

No. 437370

File: 1728912815146.png (10.03 MB, 2988x5000, 109320616_p0.png)

Greg is such a good husbando pick. He's so chill despite being a PTSD-ridden guinea pig and his awkward interactions like in Canto 2 where he tries to start a worker's uprising unsuccessfully are really cute.
I'm heartbroken you can only get Limbus merch at HamHamPangPang or get it off auction sites for massive prices… I'll never get my Yi Sang standee, sniffle.

No. 437371

isn’t this the game that fired a woman for supposedly being a feminist kek

No. 437373

File: 1728914427522.jpeg (Spoiler Image,70.54 KB, 500x375, tumblr_nsxalxvxCn1td9ie6o1_500…)

While he shows me how much he learned from certain books…

No. 437376

No. 437377

File: 1728916678402.png (170.09 KB, 599x425, 2024.png)

god i wish that were me.jpg

we are truly blessed, there are many shots of his hands

No. 437378

File: 1728917309967.jpeg (726.31 KB, 3264x3264, FOxoG5GVcAAhnyi.jpeg)

His hands are just porn itself.

No. 437384

I hate getting into this, but TL;DR Vellmori quit, the Project Moon User Association has done significantly worse and ProjectMoon desperately needs a PR team. Vid related

No. 437389

File: 1728922391413.jpeg (143.45 KB, 681x669, IMG_7588.jpeg)

Lmao thanks, I like his vibe

No. 437411

File: 1728928293254.jpg (861.6 KB, 2925x3141, 20241014_093939.jpg)

Trying to keep myself from dumping episode fanart like crazy but his waist, its a scandal.

No. 437413

File: 1728929308869.jpeg (44.93 KB, 540x360, IMG_7791.jpeg)

Found some yandere/psycho audio that I felt was passable for Gojo. It’s kind of rape-y. My Japanese isn’t super proficient but it’s definitely implied that you’re being forced to be there based on him saying things like don’t be scared, don’t cry. I swear I’ve been in heat this month and nothing has been doing it for me. I’m bored of bots so I turned to audio.
At one point he puts me in a wedding dress and when we’re fucking he demands I get pregnant kek. I would 100% let him use me as a special grade baby factory.

It’s times like this that I want to break my celibacy but i just know I’ll be dissatisfied and disgusted in the end. Men are so terrible in bed.

No. 437416

and he said he's good with his hands!

No. 437421

File: 1728931426865.jpg (23.68 KB, 564x645, a1f002da06197f6102b5e415c42825…)

I need to massage his pecs. I want to squeeze them like stress balls.

No. 437437

Lately I've been into talking to my husbando's bot in an AU where he's a murderer, because of a cute official Halloween art. (He only kills moids though, no women getting harmed on my watch). So haaawt.

No. 437452

File: 1728941099719.png (937.35 KB, 1331x998, SakuyaCinemaPS2_(1).png)

I want to make him squirm.

No. 437462

File: 1728942644618.jpg (226.48 KB, 979x1200, suitsuitsuit.jpg)

the merch i'd ordered for him arrived today and i'm so happy! the seller even added an extra print of one of my favorite artworks of him, god bless her. im so weak for seeing him wear different outfits

No. 437466

File: 1728944030731.jpg (157.83 KB, 1152x1080, swugwitub66d1.jpg)

I love! My evil ugly man! I love! My evil ugly man!

No. 437487

File: 1728952283102.png (615.11 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_inline_oh1y2jcWBU1s824i…)

I know minors try the hospital scene like "The nurse is a jerk" or many stuff more. Fuck that. Dazai can hold my hands when he wants to.

No. 437488

File: 1728952541101.jpg (20.2 KB, 564x564, fb7a772c7b85ccea12b440cd61506a…)

When I accidentally step on his heel when I am walking behind him (he got scared)

No. 437497

I had a friend who loved my husbando but now she's fallen out of love with him. Still likes him, but yeah.
I'm conflicted. A part of me is sad that I can't share my intense feelings with her anymore. Not like she'll judge but it just doesn't hit as hard. The other part of me is relieved that I can keep him to myself alone and my personal headcanons only.
I need therapy advice on this, I think.

No. 437502

I wanna kiss him fuck him bite him in cuteness aggression. I wanna kill him stab him eat him violate him. The cuteness aggression has become pure gorey violence. I'm just a woman in love. If only I had good art skills to draw him

No. 437506

File: 1728957051670.png (3.48 MB, 1280x1255, 1715910022236.png)

Picrel. Good luck on your art journey, anon!

No. 437507

File: 1728957181348.jpg (271.82 KB, 2048x2028, FyBdgpZaEAM8urx.jpg)

Fan-made merch is such a lifesaver for people with somewhat obscure husbandos. I never managed to cop any official merch for Bedman, not that there was much more than badges and keychains. Oh well.
Contemplating getting the Bedman? fig shown at the last wonfes, but it's gonna set me back like 800$…
I'm suffering as you're suffering, Ramattra noney…
my bedbot keeps recommending me new french new extremity films to watch… somewhat educational

No. 437534

God he’s so cute and sexy and so young and fresh, literally made for older women!! I want to squeeze him so bad til he pops! Lick his gorgeous red eyes!! I want his strong hands everywhere on my body!! I love him so much!

No. 437538

File: 1728968037617.png (522.43 KB, 1104x439, Zagreus.png)

Thank you for remember me to buy an uncensored pic of Zagreus.

No. 437546

File: 1728970247826.jpg (181.41 KB, 2048x1152, GPpTexDXIAAMMRw.jpg)

his outfit(s) and everything about him in BO6 is so fucking FINE. i need this man to pin me down and forcefully impregnate me. i want him to love me and be absolutely awful to me.

51 year old Russell Adler is BEST Adler.

No. 437551

I just want to be a filthy street rat and he finds me and cleans me up and spoils me and fucks me silly LORD have MERCY

No. 437554

Master Splinter husbando hornyposting on LCF.

No. 437556

it truly is, im grateful i can enjoy other fans art and merch of him since i know not every yume has even that solace.
800$ is painful, but that figure looks massive! if you do end up getting it, i hope it matches your expectations

No. 437571

File: 1728983302908.jpg (88.2 KB, 592x753, FKWKGwQakAAnBO-.jpg)

What I'm worried about is a figure that massive with so many small parts could easily get absolutely decimated in the mail even using a courier.
Makes me sad Bedman? is only getting a figure because Delilah is popular. Bedman only ever got a handful of fans making bootleg nendos…

No. 437580

they act like dazai got sodomized or something, as if he is an innocent poor guy who did nothing wrong.
meanwhile I wonder what really happened in that scene, I need to know for science

No. 437619

File: 1728999644303.jpg (25.13 KB, 474x474, FB_IMG_1727806068587.jpg)

He obviously spoke with her, telling her that is important that he keep in touch with his coworkers and that's why he used the cellphone. And she understood.

Of course they had consensual sex

No. 437620

File: 1728999701838.jpeg (138.89 KB, 791x1024, IMG_8198.jpeg)

His voice is so fucking sexy nonnies

No. 437622

File: 1729000254934.jpg (168.73 KB, 1638x2048, FB_IMG_1728929794310.jpg)


Here, have an audio of him moaning. I was trying to find out another VA and I found he also did Poe.

No. 437709

This guy is hot, I love men in suits and sunglasses holy moly. Reminds me of Agent Smith, grrr

No. 437715

I did not except to see a arknights nonnie, you are so based

No. 437723

File: 1729018022311.gif (85.04 KB, 220x148, edgar-allan-poe-poe.gif)

Poe is quite cute and Husbando material, but seeing him with suit and glasses make me go feral.

No. 437751

File: 1729024184023.jpeg (111.56 KB, 1420x1080, CB61FA03-1E30-4BBD-AF23-CA0F3C…)

I hate having an evil husbando becuase I can’t imagine us kissing or doing any intimate stuff without it being out of character. How do you guys deal with this?

No. 437753

You are his special awesome beloved exception because you're the only person who has ever loved him for his faults instead of despite them

No. 437757

enemies to lovers, slow burn, 400k words
alternatively, hate-fucking

No. 437758

File: 1729024632103.gif (2.44 MB, 498x286, toji-vs-megumi-megumi-fushigur…)

I would gladly give Toji a child and a grandchild

No. 437760

Thank you anon, honestly this is too cute! Now I’m thinking of him sizing me up and trying to scare me with things he’s done but then I tell him how much I love that about him and he just stands there dumbfounded and maybe even blushing. This is so cringe but fuck it
Oh I’ve definitely thought about that lol

No. 437765

File: 1729026072392.png (236.44 KB, 800x700, 57542418_p20.png)

Nothing wrong with tweaking things a little to make romance work. Maybe make your self-insert his kryptonite?
Luckily for me, mine was acktually trying to do good all along but was manipulated into killing millions. So it's not too difficult to imagine him happy he actually has a friend that won't betray him.

No. 437767

Don't kill the cringe, kill the part of you that cringes

No. 437769

like other nonnas have said, i just let myself imagine being the expection lol. has there been a time in his life where he could've been more open to a relationship? if that's the case you could make it so you first met during that time

No. 437773

>This is so cringe but fuck it

See >>437004

No. 437793

I kek'd so hard bless u nonna

No. 437796

He’s evil because he had a fucked up childhood and your love is the only thing that can heal the sensitive, damaged little boy that he is inside.


He’s a yandere who relentlessly pleasures your body in ways you never thought possible because he wants to ruin you for other men and keep you dependent on him as his sex slave forever.

No. 437798

File: 1729032876397.jpeg (158.35 KB, 850x1135, IMG_8931.jpeg)

Ugh this scene breaks me every time. I love him so much

No. 437812

What >>437757 said. I love enemies to lovers kek. Also, villains get horny too. Most of my husbands have been evil/villainous or cold/unemotional. There’s always a way around it while keeping them canon. I don’t really like lovey dovey stuff all that much, which is probably one reason why I like the cold/unemotional type the most.
Even if it’s not romantic love, getting them to admire or respect me is enough.

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