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No. 34160
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>>34157chidi from the good place is a babe.
No. 34171
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Newt is precious
No. 34174
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Pls no bulli. I watched degrassi in middle school and just recently caught up with it. I always thought Eli was attractive but he looks even better in the newer seasons. Yes, I am embarrassed but even at 19 I get all flustered looking at him haha.
No. 34230
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Tom is soft and cute. He's perfect for Peter Parker.
No. 34407
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Klaus owns my heart.
No. 34408
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He satisfies my ancient Egyptian fetish full-heartedly while being adorable at the same time.
No. 34425
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>>34408I am an Egypt nerd, but I prefer him as Elliot.
No. 34588
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Harry Osborn in the Raimi Spider-Man movies. my actor-crush and fictional-crush all in one.
No. 34608
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Richard from tommy boy. I have no excuse.
No. 34669
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>>34500>I'm happy we finally got such a good actor for Peter Parker.>finally
>implying Toby wasn't best spidermanbitch get out
No. 34687
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>>34669My thoughts exactly
I wanna do his eyeliner and protect this smile
No. 34703
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Matthew Ryan will always be my husbando, especially in his role as John Constantine. <3 Petite monkey faced cutie.
No. 35265
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>>34703His voice is part of the reason for my crush on Edward from Black Flag
No. 35268
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>>34407he peaked my interest ever since his misfits days (i was a highschooler then so yeah). is the umbrella academy too 3edgy5u bc i wanna watch it but i won't if it's just edgy wank, klaus' styling looks amazing though
No. 35269
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>>34174holy shit I recognise that guy. Never seen Degrassi before but I had a HUGE crush on him when he played a character called Wilder in The Latest Buzz
No. 35270
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>>35268UA is HELLA fun while being really dramatic. I don't really know if it would be considered edgy since I am an edgelord and I don't really mind/notice.
It's just a refreshing look on superheroes to me, combined with a kinda sitcom-family dynamic where everyone is constantly pissed off at everyone else, a lot of miscommunication happens because everyone is a dumbass and so on.
I won't say the plot is necessarily all that good to be honest, it's kinda predictable in a way it tries to be different and blow your mind. But the characters in the show are incredible. Klaus is such a sweetheart fuck-up, you rarely see a character like this (the only one that comes to mind is Cassidy from Preacher who is my crush too). Five and Diego are both huge assholes, but somehow really really endearing (it's frankly mind-blowing to see a 12-year old whoop so much ass) Vanya is really relatable. Ben is incredible too. I hate Allison and Luther tho (they are much better in the comic book)
It's dark, sure, it's a story about child abuse and the adults that grew up from that abuse to be fucked up and broken. But it's really fun.
From what little I remember of watching Misfits back in the day almost 10 years ago, I think that if you liked Misfits, you would enjoy Umbrella Academy. Doesn't hurt to try either way, it's currently only one season in.
It's not only the styling though, he is canonically pan/bi in the show. Robert also said in the interview that he decided to play Klaus as someone who has no distinct gender, but I don't fuck with that tumblr shit, I just love the idea of a non-conforming man wearing whatever the hell he pleases. No. 35274
>>35270sounds p good. tbh i'm an edgelord myself, but have been trying to be more normie bc it does get tiring lmao.
>a non-conforming man wearing whatever the hell he pleases.i can subscribe to that.
brb logging into netflix
No. 35289
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Santanico Pandemonium from From dusk till dawn. Preferably only played by Salma Hayek but that's just my preference.
No. 35290
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I always look forward to Faramir's scenes when rewatching the trilogy
No. 35357
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>>34669>>34687Tom is the best, most accurate-to-the-comics Spidey. Toby and Andrew weren't dorky or cute enough to be Peter Parker. Peter is supposed to be like… endearingly dweeby and awkward. Toby was just… weird awkward. Not cute.
Tom also looks and acts believably like a teenager, unlike Toby and Andrew. Also- he easily gives the best performance. Most people have NO IDEA Tom was British because of how convincing his American accent was.
No. 35743
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No. 35760
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Tom Holland master race. He does ballet.
No. 35762
>>35758This gif is so cringe it's kind of hot. I would a Tobey.
>>35760Tom is the better spiderman but I would not because he looks like he's 14.
No. 35774
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Elliot from Mr.Robot. I've been sperging about it all over the tv shows thread.
It's pathetic to say but I've legit developped a crush on him. This is what desillusion from IRL men and lexapro lowering your libido will do to you.
No. 35795
>>35741>>35791Wtf, Toby anon has made more posts than me, but
I'm the one getting carried away?
No. 35799
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>>35795We're all getting carried away anon, by spidey
Tobey is best boy to me, but it's great that spidey gets so much love in all his forms
No. 35814
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No. 36190
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>>35791woops I didn't notice
either way, you're very welcome
No. 36191
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>>35810tbf I always thought Garfield was the hottest one. (not the best though) And I loved how beat-up he constantly looked in the movies. It makes sence too because Spidey might have faster healing but he's not invincible so he'd still have wounds right after the fight.
>>35762>he looks like he's 14.He's a great spiderman but he does indeed look really young.
>>35799D-do you have the original of this one? A-asking for a friend…
No. 36198
>>36191He's definitely good-looking, but he's a meh actor and had the misfortune of being in the worst Spider-man movies. Shame, I heard he's nice IRL. He kissed Ryan Reynolds once.
I actually like Andrew better than Toby. Toby has the reverse problem that Andrew does. Toby's movies were meh, he's a decent actor, but I personally think he's ugly as sin and doesn't look even remotely like a high school or college kid.
No. 36268
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Kara Thrace from Battlestar Galactica. I wish they'd written her as gay, all her relationships with men are painful.
still kind of salty that katee didn't end up playing captain marvel
No. 36322
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No. 36388
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>>36322how can someone be so
cute No. 36434
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No. 36473
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tfw no Batman villain husubandos to get jealous over my presence in the other's life and kill me in a staged accident. Why live tbh?
No. 36658
>This is what desillusion from IRL men and lexapro lowering your libido will do to you.i felt that in my soul, anon, so true. i have the same crush and it doesn't help he's so fucking cute, while also not being… flimsy. like he's cute but he's not
that fragile. god i need to get back to watching that show. i had such an imaginary hard-on for him.
No. 36900
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He has the best of both worlds. Shame he didn't have more screen time
No. 57063
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He was cute. Didn't really pay attention to the rest of the show.
No. 58062
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>>36322fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I used to love Veronica as a teenager. I wanted to be her
No. 58173
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a man who loves his family is a sexy man.
No. 58312
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you don't get to judge me
No. 58462
>>58447>Still believing Alex Jones isn't just a giant act to trigger people for moneyAnd? everyone you follow is too. And he is a great entertainer
*Donates 10$ to a breadtuber patreon to smash the patriarchy
This comment was Sponsored by rainbow colored doritos #Pride
No. 160561
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Sorry for necroing but waifu thread doesn't allow 3d.
I watched Rear Window for the first time and I fell in love with Lisa. She deserved better.
No. 160569
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No. 160580
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>>34157Podrick or Brienne? Picrel is mine
No. 160588
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>>160580Either way is a based choice. Personally I am all about Brienne though, scene related made me tear tf up. I only watched GOT for the first time a few weeks ago so the feelings are fresh.
No. 160721
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>>160717NTAYRT but her last scene is actually her as a kingsguard for Bran filling out Sisterfucking Man's page in the kingsguard book.
No. 160735
>>160721Wonder what the entry is.
"He fucked his sister and died. RIP, thot
No. 393954
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No. 393958
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No. 393959
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No. 393964
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No. 393970
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No. 449724
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I didn’t think the Joker would effect me so much now I’m over here crying about a fictional man,this has never happened to me before.I feel so awful for him I wish he were real so I can cradle him and coo him to sleep like the restless lamb he is.Life isnt fucking fair,he just looks so delicate my precious little flower oh god