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No. 37787
Previous thread - The Downward Spiral of Dakota Rose:
>Dacote flew home for July 4th suddenly after Sheinagate (>>>/snow/650088) and returned to Japan 2 weeks later without her Popteen ring
>it was discovered in the last thread that (prior to her July trip to FL) dacote was getting fuckloads of swag from Sachico, the owner and designer of Malicious.X, to the tune of thousands of dollars' worth of bags and accessories while also getting shoes from Ayastella's brand YELLO for free, as well as free brand clothes from her friends while buying her own at thrift stores and online & wearing cheap stuff from her family/clothes from 2012
>the amount of work she's done since July has been not only much spottier and low rent than pre-July, but she also stopped going out as much to lunches and museums/parks/cafes with her colleagues, has stopped receiving expensive gifts, and has been unable to afford her regular trips Lewin, Chieko Nakayama, and Shibuya DS clinic.
>she finally cut off all her limp noodle hair and went for an actually cute swoopy bob, but a month later cut it into a blunt Dutch boy bob that makes her look like the bastard love child of Meg Griffin & the Starburst berries & cream lad
>her nails and outfits for the last 6 months have also been basic as fuck, except in November when she got more extensions from Lewin (less than 2 weeks before getting the Bob cut), and the pink Chieko nails, but since her haircut she has been posting less and less with longer and more frequent gaps of inactivity
>she also continues to buy likes, views and followers despite steadily losing subs and followers across all her social media
>there's a theory she had to leave Japan again at the end of September after Girl's Award, but returned to do Toitafest in October & the commercial in November after her private trip to Yoyogi park and sporting a new ring & got Toitafest right after
>brands she's done sponsorships for previously even latergrammed snapchats and pics like DSclinic & Christina clinic during her "breaks" of silence
>Platinum updated her portfolio picture in early December with her new haircut, but didn't bother to change it when she cut it again a month later. They also kept up with her suitcase collab/Rizin interviews and listed all her "Platinum" work on her recent information section, but did not add Shibuya star fest, Toitafest, or the Google commercial to her portfolio, meaning she did not get those jobs through Platinum and hasn't been working for them despite the updates to her page
>it could be that Sheina getting reported by her visa husband & Himezawa having to leave Japan after divorcing/failing to get PR/a visa scared dacote into cancelling whatever arrangement she had since 2014, which could be the reason she left Japan so suddenly AND why she seems unable to work for Platinum directly since returning if she was afraid of getting jailed and deported
>It's also suspected that because of JP immigration cracking down on weeaboos getting illegitimate marriage visas to whore around Japan, dacote got scared of being deported/jailed for a sham marriage, divorced and is now struggling to get a work Visa while getting temp work visas for jobs like the Google Pixel commercial with Ivan
>Also, news of an uptick in surprise divorces in Japan surfaced, where Japanese men are either forging signatures or tricking their wives into signing divorce papers they can't read which automatically cancels spouse visas & gives the wives 6 months to either find a new one or get deported, an anon theorized she could have been tricked into a divorce by her Popteen guarantor thinking it was a renewal or some other paperwork she couldn't fully understand:'s 2019 will be interesting to watch as she struggles to maintain the illusion of a carefree model living in Tokyo who only has to work once every 6-8 weeks without being able to get decent jobs. Although, since Platinum updated her portfolio pic she
did post a snapchat of her being fitted for a spring runway show, so that plus Platinum updating her photo could possibly mean she's renewed her contract and has another job lined up after 6 months of not being able to work with for them while hopping back and forth.
personal opinion?
>she's unable to legally stay in Japan for longer than 3 months>may be working on temp visas through another agent or agency while crashing with friends>has friends and colleagues latergramming things for her to make it seem like she's still in Japan Links:
Platinum: koti.rose
Twitter: No. 37790
Oops, no idea why the Sheina thread link did that, my bad:
Sheinagate 2018:
>>>/snow/650088 No. 37935
>>37913if japan has standards for foreigners now then the literal only way that dakota is still safe there is because she's fucking a guy with a lot of connections.
she barely gets jobs, they're always small-scale shit no one cares about when she actually gets work, she's not some beloved tarento, she's just a fat white girl they like to laugh at on talk shows. she is useless.
No. 38290
>>38288Adding to this, whomever she was married to for so long must have been pretty sick of her to let her go from Bravo to Libera to Platinum, and then to just drop her after Sheinagate. Idk what kind of trouble Japanese men can get into for keeping foreigners on illegal marriage visas, but I'd imagine whomever was keeping looter would get in a lot more trouble for it than Sheina's husband did since he was the one who turned her in. Kota's visa hubby pushed her onto TV, into agencies, brand shows and exclusive parties. There's no way she wasn't known as an escort or sugar baby behind closed doors, her small fry modeling career and turbulent fanbase never matched all the attention and brand name events and jobs she used to get outside of her niche.
Imagine being 23 years old, fat, a clone of your own mom and booted from a country that you thought you were gonna live like a princess in for the rest of your life. Imagine the blow to her ego & how giddy Kiki would be if her living doll sister got sent home and couldn't bargain her way back to Japan, and all she had to show for the last 7 years is mediocre Japanese speaking ability, some ugly candids and a stack of obvious photoshops that would never work in a portfolio outside Japan.
No. 38292
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>>38290Plus, Kiki was spotted in Chicago last month, around the same time Kota would have been in Florida after the Rizin event but before Osaka chocolate fest (pic related). If she had to leave and come back for Dec-January and went to Osaka to try to beg for a new contract or visadaddy, that would make kiki very happy. Giving her an old choker as she's struggling (especially if kiki changed her style to a more normie one) to do app sponsorships while unsure of her future in Japan would be the icing on the sibling rivalry cake.
No. 38293
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Someone is making "backup" Instagram accounts for Dakota, one even says "secondary account". They both follow all her favorite celebrities, and both were made in the last month.
Coincidentally, it turns out that in order to help crack down on buying followers and gaming your online popularity, IG has a bunch of hidden rules and guidelines that can cause your account to be blocked/locked without being deleted:
> your account is blocked temporarily then it still shows up on IG, but if it gets blocked permanently then nobody will be able to see or interact with it anymore, which means no more likes, followers, and especially no more blue Official Profile checkmark. If hers got frozen for something like using too many devices/IPs or mass-liking/following JP celebs, or even actually buying likes and followers then she could have set up perhaps one or both of these accounts just in she can't appeal the block and get back into her main account.
Now that IG is becoming a place where actual models and influencers are being discovered on, they take things like scammers trying to game the system into making people think they're hot shit pretty seriously.
No. 38297
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>>38293Guess not!
>my eyesight is sooo bad (again) you guys, even though I barely wear the glasses I keep saying I need to see clearly since 2016! Think it's another sponsorship?
No. 38298
>>38293I'm so glad they're cracking down on this. You could basically scam your way into becoming an influencer on instagram.
I remember discussing how she kind of does the same thing for her youtube bucks.
I'd love for all accounts with mostly fake followers to get outted or banned. It's not fair to whoever spends so much time trying to build an actual fanbase.
No. 38299
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>>38297Definitely not a sponsorship, it was an Instagram shop event open to the public. This is what you've had to resort to, Dakota??
No. 38650
>>38647Try making some sense, eh? You think she did something blatantly illegal after another foreigner just got caught, arrested and deported for doing the same thing? And you think that immigration will simply let kota do it again after punishing Sheina for it because she got to lie for years about her photoshops when she
did have a visa sugar daddy making her famous? And on top of that, you think kota's lack of work/inactivity since Sheina got pinched is an indication that she's got another visa sugar daddy and is simply hiding it? Her career always relied on social media, she's only not posting because she's not currently working and has to wait for her bi-monthly pity handout to have something to post that isn't ugly or cheap.
No. 38664
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New pics.
Is all she can get now is just random IG accounts sending her free shit to promote their brand.
No. 38665
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>>38664How long ago was her last job even?
No. 38817
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>>38772I didn't consider that, but good point. I'm in Florida and the weather here has been warm with some clouds and a little rainy here and there. Weather in Japan for this past week seems to have been pretty cold, overcast and very rainy all week in the mid40s-50s. She took those new pics in Florida.
No. 39361
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More pics
No. 39362
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No. 39509
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>>39390this. she has a bowlcut. she is a 25+ year old woman with a bowlcut. (and don't give me shit about how she's 23 or younger because we already know she wasn't a 10 year old when she got her piercings.)
>>39465she doesn't look "edgy" or "boyish". she looks like a confused fashion
victim who thinks she looks younger than she is but all that editing can't save her.
pic related is a real model who makes this sort of look work for her. which dakota still can't get down. dakota should just accept she's chubby, grow her hair back out and go for the "plain but sweet american" look she had a few years ago with the long curly hair and bangs. at least then she could pull off wearing simple dresses and sweaters and not worrying much about coord.
No. 39618
>>39465>In the old Myspace videos she always seemed to be boyish and edgyBeing a screeching, racist reactionary isn't gender specific enough to consider their Myspace days as any kind of "proof" of her being a tomboy/boyish. Besides, when they were making those videos they were dressed girly as hell, had their hair and makeup done and were decked in accessories. When Dakota went viral she pushed herself in the west as a fashionista/aspiring model/potential designer one day. Kota was always a girly girl, she's just also a lazy, undignified slob (which is also not gender specific).
>so I think her current style fits her well and it's more authenticExcept A, everything she wears is either about to pop open or a tent and B, she wouldn't be dressing like this if she could afford to dress better and get her hair/nails done as often as she used to.
No. 39646
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>>39612she can't pull off edgy. she can't pull off tomboy. she can't pull off slender, angular european. she can't pull off skinny bitch. a soft and sweet look where she simply accepts she has a huge jaw and stops trying to hide it with weird angles and cheap filters would be best for her, but that's just not ~glamorous~ enough even though if she had a discernible style and sense of personality she could make something of herself beyond relying on handouts and getting these awful not-jobs.
No. 39650
>>39646This! She could look good, and maybe do okay as a small time model still, I'd she could accept the way she really looks and lost some weight, and owned up to all her past behavior
without trying to justify or wave it away.
No. 39651
>>39650adding to this, I can't wait to see a candid pic of her new bowl cut. Her hair being that short and blunt/one dimensional has to make her jaw and nose look fucking
huge in person. I can see kooter getting a cut based on how she plans to shop herself, like maybe if she thought it would save her career. Cutting off the stringy, limp noodles was a great move and the style she had initially was the cutest, but I think without true candids of any of her new haircuts nobody will know how good or bad it actually looks.
Platinum updated her page with the first haircut because it was cute and flattering (and maybe they renewed her contract bc of it too), but kooter obviously hated it on herself. I think the Dutch boy bob was her way of trying to age herself down with a shorter style, but it backfired and made her look extra shitty and now the bowl cut is damage control? It doesn't make sense for them to update her picture just for the hell of it if they aren't booking her jobs, but it does kinda make sense if they
planned to, but changed their minds after the bob & bowl. That would be a page from the Dakota Rose playbook: get a handout, fuck it up, make a noticable change & get another handout, fuck that one up, rinse & repeat.
No. 39695
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>>39646Yes! I think her hair is simply too short right now for her face, even bangs couldn't save it. It makes her…rounder? She needs length, some waves to make the whole look softer and maybe a side bang like pic related (I know it's edited as fuck but still)
No. 39758
>>39695frankly she looks terrible here and its obvious shes trying to hide her jaw as always
>>39646she looks fantastic here though but it's not EDGYYY enough for her. too bad she could never pull that off like kiki
No. 39821
>>39695Her hair is too thin+she's too fat looking in the face for that long hair look. Half her scalp needs to be extensions for her to have any volume with long hair because she spent so long frying it as a sceenie weenie. Short, choppy layers with a soft style suits her, and blunt bangs just don't but bc dakota thinks she's a kawaii white Japanese princess she insists on them thinking they'll make her look younger and more… desu? Who knows. Maybe she genuinely likes looking like an autistic fashion
victim for dressed in the wrong sized clothes?
No. 39840
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>>39821i always felt like she got some of her inspiration from tavi gevinson, who also dressed like a special needs child, but at least tavi's excuse was that she was like 10 years old and she's grown into much better fashion choices now. whereas dakota is a woman in her mid-20s looking like she's handicapped with that style.
No. 39975
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I'm surprised she uploaded this considering how weird her face looks in it.
No. 40016
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has anyone seen this new picture on her agency page, she looks like a real-estate agent waiting to sell me insurance lol
No. 40017
>>40016I guess now we can finally put those "she should go back to her viral makeup style & win!" theories to bed for good. They really tried to use makeup to copy her viral shoop look, and this is the result. I feel so vindicated somehow.
>they had to add her DOB to her profile so nobody thinks she's middle aged Wow.
No. 40019
>>40016I think the makeup suits her very well but the styling overall screams middle aged soccer mom as anon already mentioned before
>>40017Also kek at the contrast to her shooped viral pics from 2011/2012
No. 40050
>>40038>>40046Apparently, the one she's with does. The worse part isn't even the photo… Imagine how many pictures they took and this ended up being the best one.
Oof !!! The other pictures they used were 10x better than any of the above, the ones with the black blouse she wore.
I'm so confused though, I thought that when they added her selfies it implied she had control over what got posted. There is no way she looked at this and okayed it. Chances are this picture won't last long before it's changed to one of her edited selfies.
No. 40055
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>>40026It's so bad, it looks sorta like the makeup is shooped on in the recent one to copy her viral shoop.
2019 is already looking like a great year for her, 3 months in and she still hasn't had any work and her agency keeps adding uglier and uglier pics to her portfolio without booking her jobs.
No. 40057
>>40016she looks terrified
and so frumpy lol
i want to believe this is deliberate sabotage by platinum
No. 40058
>>40050I think Dakota is where she is now in her career
because she had so much control over using her selfies to promote her. Even in 2012-2013 when she first got to Japan and started modeling with Peach John and Milk they were careful to shoop and restrict the photos from those jobs. Becoming a tarento and doing TV was a good move until she blew it with the karaoke show, but even she she tried to step back into modeling she kept using shooped pics. It seemed to be working too, up until July 2018. Xlearly the only reason she was ever able to upload those obviously fake ass pics anywhere is because of whoever she was fucking prior to Sheina getting arrested. Platinum updating her pics means she's still with them, but they aren't getting her jobs so who knows what the point of updating her page is other than to expose her.
No. 40070
>>40055It's no wonder people sperg about her possibly having a nose job. I bet she actually used to round it out in photoshop so it can look more like a button nose.
I was trying to figure out what went so wrong with her newest one since it's copying the old makeup exactly. It really puts into perspective how much she really changed her face. Button nose, oval face, slightly larger lips, bigger eyes. She really shooped herself into a whole new person.
I also don't remember her having a beauty mark under her eye. I'm surprised she shoops that out.
No. 40077
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>>40070>>40072Looking at these new candids and comparing them to her old Myspace pics, I still think she did tbh.
She had a much rounder nasal tip and wider bridge before all her shoops, but because she emulated that
in her shoops to give herself softer features. I think the story from /cgl/ years and years ago of an anon who also went to Sawgrass middle school claiming she came to school with two black eyes after being absent a week
could have been a cheap nose job under the guise of repairing a deviated septum. Shady doctors will bend pretty easily for insurance money in places like Florida, and given that cathy has the same fake-looking late-80's nosejob as her and is obsessed with fame and celebrities, but
hates plastic surgery… it adds up. It also explains why the rest of her face looks so big (except her beady eyes), her nosejob was done before hee face filled in and she grew out of it rather than into it.
Kota getting a bad nosejob and shopping it rounder to hide it on Myspace/Tumblr/IG and forward would be doable. It would also explain why Kiki is soooooooo against nlsejobs despite her obvious insecurities about her beak, they can't afford one for her without billing insurance plus she's scared of ending up a witch nose like her sister.
Gonna dump a few old pics for reference
No. 40078
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>>40077You can really see the difference in the pics from her Myspace photoshoots from when she was 11-13.
No. 40079
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>>40078I forgot she also had braces at that age.
No. 40080
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>>40079She would have looked much better with the wider, rounder nose she shoops onto herself because it
was her original nose.
>>40077>Kota getting a bad nosejob and shopping it rounder to hide it on Myspace/Tumblr/IG and forward would be doable. It would also explain why Kiki is soooooooo against nosejobs despite her obvious insecurities about her beakA botched nose job would also explain Kota's hate for PS.
No. 40081
>>40077Me again, let me finish my sentence, sorry:
^She had a much rounder nasal tip and wider bridge before all her shoops, but because she emulated that in her shoops to give herself softer features
and deleted as many of her old blue-haired Myspace pics when she was huge for her dolly shoops it was easier to pretend she shooped her nose to look more hafu, or more like whichever model she was attempting to skinwalk.
No. 40082
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>>40081I made a quick collage of some pics/candids where you can see how skinny and pointy her nose really is when she doesn't/can't shoop it as much because of work/the SNOW app not being able to. This would also explain why it's so hard to find pics of her outside her own social media.
Without shoop and soft lighting, she has a fake looking Michael Jackson nose just like her mom.
No. 40083
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>>40080Found a few more Myspace era pics. 1/3
No. 40087
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>>40082One last collage and I'm done. I didn't expect to ever argue FOR the nosejob, but after going back a couple of threads I really am convinced now after seeing candids from Girls Award. I also didn't notice before that her nostrils are slightly uneven, the right is a bit higher than her left. Wearing hats to block overhead light helps soften the look of her nose and help hide it, I never believed she wore them just to be in disguise.
(done for real now, I promise!)
No. 40091
>>40082The nose on the top right, jesus
She looks like a childcatcher. Who would do surgery like that? Could it just be bizarre warp from the filters?
No. 40104
>>40016>updates her headshots>doesn't fix the typo in her YouTube link, which has been there since she joinedYeah they don't give a fuck about her anymore, this is definitely the nail in the coffin for her.
She looked like she might come back okay after her July trip home when she booked the Google commercial and got the new macbook and phone, but now it just looks like that job might have been a "fuck you" favor. She looked fat and frumpy in that commercial, and she barely had a line. Whoever was helping protect her is for sure done now.
No. 40106
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>>40081>hen she was huge for her dolly shoops it was easier to pretend she shooped her nose to look more hafuI mean from 2012-2015 she
was trying to look hafu. It wasn't just her nose but eye and face shape.
But the rest I agree on. Actually, I'd venture a guess that she originally got the nose-job to more closely resemble Vlada and her other favorite models. I also think that rather than a beak like Kiki she had a large-ish potato nose. Which you can sort of see in her less shooped pictures at the time. But she's been shooping herself I a small ski jump nose since her scene days. She probably got it done when she was about 13-14(but honestly it's hard to tell because she has been shooping it forever) which is why it turned out so badly. In fact-and this is total speculation- going by pictures, it looks like she might have had it done twice. Once when she was really young and again when she was a bit older as a correction.
pic related- before the correction but after the first surgery
She should have left it alone.
No. 40107
File: 1552704212123.jpg (32.87 KB, 500x375, Yex37OjdUCI.jpg)

>>40106after the correction. Check out the weird tip work
No. 40109
>>40107I'm just wondering what happened to her jaw/chin area (>>40055,
>>40087). It didn't always look like that, even in candids and early pics.
What kind of surgery did she get that went wrong (if any), and what made her think fucking with that area was a good idea? Who told her it needed more mass? She had a nice oval shape to her face, and now it's this weird rectangle. Is this just normal, albeit unfortunate facial development/growth from the ageing process, or is it some sort of facial perma-bloat from weight gain? How old is she even, really?
No. 40112
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>>40110old but relevant. Note I think that the resemblance would be even greater if CAthy had thinned her nose to the same degree as Kota
No. 40115
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>>40087Not a closeup but you can see how pointed her nose is in this one really well.
No. 40118
File: 1552707672844.jpg (1.2 MB, 1920x1673, 20190315_234122.jpg)

>>40112The transformation is complete!
No. 40152
>>40106I used to follow her in her scene days and can confirm, her nose was 100% different from the current one. Sure, there was photoshop involved, but I doubt that she was this master of photoshop at age 12 already. Her scene days shoops were obvious as fuck, you could see the liquify tool, the shooped on haircolor and piercings… photoshopping a too small, pinched nose into a rounder, full one isn't beginner stuff, and hers looked way too realistic and consistent compared to the rest of her body shoops.
>>40109In the case of her jaw, she just aged. Her face shape isn't bad, it's just that her nose throws off balance everything. If she had a bigger nose you wouldn't even notice her face shape.
No. 40156
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>>40152Aging plus weight gain, we don't know how often she still gets her cool sculpting or have any idea what she looks like when she doesn't get it, but I'd the way she hides under turtlenecks and scarves before each visit is an indicator then she must get pretty chunky. Hell, her shadow in the Osaka chocolate event pic has a triple chin, so who knows what she really looked like at the event despite her shoops.
No. 40159
>>40157>college grantsHuh?
Neither of them would have been eligible for grants. Everyone knows their parents bought them everything.
No. 40163
>>40159"Full time" for community and state colleges is different than at a university, 2-3 classes
is enough to qualify for a Pell grant.
>why are you trying to rewrite history?I'm not, the only one here stating things as fact and trying to say definitively what did or didn't happen is
you. Which, by the way, is a trademark Ostrenga panic move- drop in the thread to make statements to detract from everything the evidence in the thread points to.
No. 40201
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> definitely got grants/financial aid. Unlike a loan, you don't have to pay back a grant either.
No. 40296
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>>40214>>40135>>40130I think her Leukemia Lie might have been the second nose job, which means she had it done while living in Japan (after years of shitting on PS, she got a 2nd shitty nose job). That would explain while she was so lazy in 2016 (had to let her face heal) and how she looked so different in the face aside from the weight gain for Fitt's.
It looks like she had just the tip reduced and her nostrils repositioned, but got it done cheap. I'm going back in old threads and every candid pic or video of her that was shot before she claimed she had leukemia has the same nose. A very different one from her Myspace baby potato nose, but also without such a pointy tip and uneven nostrils. Pic related is from Kansai Collection 2015.
No. 40300
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>>40296Compared to her nose on Ariyoshi Hanseikai, definitely a surgical change.
No. 40301
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>>40296Then it would have been her 3rd nosejob because she has been rocking that super pointy shitty tip work since before she got to Japan. God looking back on it, her nose was so obviously fake.
pic related: Etude 2012 profile
No. 40309
>>40307A rhinoplasty isn't a severe, invasive surgery. Tons of spoiled teens get them young, and a poor family like the Ostrengas in a poor state like Florida with a potato nose like Dakota's was as a kid, they absolutely could have gotten her one and billed it as a deviated septum repair. All it would take is laying a pity party on the surgeon about poor baby kotex getting bullied about her nose for a surgeon to so her a favor. It wouldn't even be that hard, considering they would have to do work on that area anyway. In fact, it's not uncommon for people who have had a surgical septum repair to come or od it with a slightly different looking nose unintentionally, but most surgeons are good enough for the results to still look decent.
So you're saying her nose drastically changed shape multiple times over the years from gaining and losing weight? Seriously, fuck off. Dakota is a liar and a fraud, and if she can afford to buy hella electronics, hair&nail salon visits, trips to museums and restaurants while barely working for 6 years then a couple of cheap ass nosejob from Florida billed to her parents' insurance is entirely possible.
Stop trying to say shit like "she's too poor, she didn't have a nosejob you guys are crazy" unless you're willing to
prove how you can say thise things as fact. Everything else ITT is speculation. If you get so pissed off at any discussion of Dakota, her looks or career that suggests she was anything but a normal girl who got lucky then you really need to stop visiting this thread and find a real hobby. Really, these threads are tame as fu k compared to the way lesser cows and flakes get ripped into on this site, yet Dakota gets handled with kid gloves because otherwise the farmhands get flooded with reports from stans like you trying to prevent anyone from saying anything about her they don't like without "proof".
BTW, it's hilarious how she's now "too poor" for a <$6,000 nose job yet for years kotastans tried to push the idea that her parents paid off Bravo to keep her after her Japan debut dropoff. The fuck?
No. 40310
File: 1552845114213.jpg (268.37 KB, 673x805, 1482644919066.jpg)

>>40301I found some stills of her from Get It Beauty
No. 40311
File: 1552845200836.jpg (79.29 KB, 500x707, 1486572084972.jpg)

>>40310Plus the Vogue shoot she did where she had a completely different nose than all her other pics from that time (because she didn't shoop it).
No. 40312
File: 1552845259424.jpg (56.3 KB, 612x612, 1483804415366.jpg)

>>40311OG Japan candid from 2012
No. 40314
File: 1552845368891.jpg (16.25 KB, 236x315, 1509293016819.jpg)

>>403122012 Japan candid #2
No. 40316
File: 1552845918529.jpg (164.38 KB, 446x524, 20190317_111511.jpg)

>>40296>>40301Her nose has changed so much over the years, I guess now I get why she was always so insecure and shooped herself so much. If her face is constantly changing then it would be harder to notice the differences.
No. 40329
>>40322Really? As many times as she's been asked "have you had plastic surgery?" on TV and replied "heeeeeell no!"? Kooter getting a shitty nosejob and then projecting her unhappiness with it across her career like a cunt is milky as fuck. Plus, this is basically the only reason to talk about her now that nobody comes here to A-log every job she gets & rub it in the farm's face that she's "still modeling in Japan despite the haterzzz" (bc all her work for the last 2.5 years has been the same fugly shooped garbage on repeat).
It's almost like you and
>>40307 are personally offended for some reason.
No. 40354
File: 1552858341595.jpg (63.47 KB, 745x407, iJ1yFlvxNo4.jpg)

>>40351Nah. Cathy looked just as beat from other angles. Huge jaw.
About 4/5 years after
>>40313 probably
No. 40357
File: 1552858578205.jpg (14.55 KB, 331x239, UONKpuD3siw.jpg)

>>40354one more. potato shot from a stream. Really looks like Kota here.
All of the Ostrengas have this hardness to their features when they age. Kota's like a small town prom queen gone to seed.
No. 40358
>>40354>comparing a mom's looks from her 30s-40s to her 20s Well no shit Cathy looks beat
now. Back in her 20s she was a dish, so it makes sense that if Dakota gave a shit about herself she could have still milked her looks for longer than just 2-3 years since she looks just like her mother.
No. 40359
>>40357Now we know where she got her original potato nose from- Scott!
>Kota's like a small town prom queen gone to seed.That sounds more like Cathy tbh. Kota is the spoiled princess who shit on everyone thinking she was special and had it all come back to bite her in the ass.
No. 40367
>>40310>>40312Well, damn. I used to be one of the nonbelievers but I think this convinced me. During the usual rants anons would usually just post her nose from when she was a scene kid. I didn't even consider the nose she had right after she got to Japan.
She looked actually cute in the one with the lace blouse. So much that it would have made her shoops believable. Sad that she ruined her nose. Even in the Korean show (I heard they use filters but I'm sure they can only do so much for that?) She looked cute. That nose was way more "dolly". She probably got a cheap, shitty plastic surgeon. But of all features, why her nose?
I guess she just has a super fucked up view of what she looks like.
No. 40381
File: 1552863567226.jpg (60.72 KB, 485x612, QhiaD78rrto.jpg)

>>40378>Her candid nose went from being sorta big but round&cuteHer nose was never big and round (at least not in Japan). It's always been pinched and pointy with a fucked up tip. Lighting just mitigates the sharpness sometimes. And Get It Beauty isn't candid. It's literally edited after filming and they use every beauty trick in the book including soft lighting.
Here she is with Charms. Her nose looks pointy af
No. 40382
File: 1552864488375.jpg (73.25 KB, 1064x467, frgt.JPG)

>>40381adding. From the original Mezamashi reveal.
No. 40446
File: 1552925634601.jpg (540.42 KB, 1080x1356, 20190318_121228.jpg)

>>40422I think the difference is only so shocking because she shooped and contoured her jaw so hard from the start that it made the difference more noticeable. Her face and jaw have always been beefy, but she looked better at a lower weight. I guess she gains weight on her face?
Pic from Korea 2012, without the TV filters.
No. 40447
File: 1552925741440.jpg (148.84 KB, 1440x810, 1486575527631.jpg)

>>40446And a pic of her Japan debut video. Her jaw was always there, she just had help hiding it from the beginning from her agencies because her real face wasn't marketable and she could still produce decently cute shoops.
No. 40879
File: 1553253636149.jpg (814.98 KB, 3032x4096, IMG_20190322_071440.jpg)

Kooter finally got new nails. She claims they're Chieko's design, but judging by the way the pic looks like it was taken over a tatami, plus the lack of blur and cuticle cream on her fingers and hands makes me think these were nails she bought and stuck on herself. Otherwise she always either tags Chieko, or Chieko makes a post on her own Twitter of whatever nails she did.
Chieko also has a nail seminar event coming up in Osaka on 3/29. I bet Dakota goes to take pics as though she's still in good with Chieko despite no longer being able to afford her.
No. 40895
>>40879Looks like UV gel to me. Same shit she always gets.
Why was Kota's last job? Has she even had any since the start of March?
No. 41504
File: 1553565299609.jpg (120.71 KB, 937x599, mW8qTTS.jpg)

>>40879They updated today
No. 41570
>>41505Chieko tagged a jail salon in Omotesando, which is an expensive luxury neighborhood next to Shibuya. So, she hasn't had more than a couple of jobs since July, yet she's able to stay in Japan and get nails from Chieko in Omotesando?
Maybe the anon from a few threads back who thought she had ties to Mickey Mikitani was onto something? She was in a pic with him for a random shop event he had no reason to be at, Rakuten is her biggest supporter, and none of the big name jobs she's done since 2015 when she dropped off (Hiromichi Nakano fashion shows, the Yoko Fuchigami book, Fitts) make any sense unless they were given to her because of who she could be fucking, even if she wasn't ever officially "married" for a visa. She never worked enough to justify her living conditions, her spending habits, or the jobs she got. The restaurants she went to and the gifts she used to get were expensive as hell, and the people she barely ever spoke to that she claimed were her friends are way out of her social circle. Dakota is a sugar baby, plain and simple, but since Sheina she has to be super careful about showing off because Japan is finally sick of white whores fucking their way through Tokyo while pretending to be hard workers who are just too pretty and nice to fail.
No. 41600
>>41577How do you know Kiki is back in LA? & why do you think they can afford this after years of being middle class and onky sending kooter cheap trinkets from outlet stores and ugly clothes?
The Ostrengas cannot support two adult women who refuse to work real jobs in two of the most expensive cities to live just so they can pretend to be important. If they could, both of them would be doing MUCH better and showing off a lot more. Try again.
No. 41604
>>41570what is up with that "careful because of Shiena" BS? This case was in the news, because Shiena is ethnically Chinese and JP just took the opportunity to mock a Chinese person.
There are bazillion cases of fraud marriages, especially from the South East, Japan couldn't care less about the few white bitches that are there.
No. 41607
>>41604You think it's a coincidence thay she suddenly flew home, lost her popteen ring and stopped getting monthly jobs
the same month Sheina got reported and arrested?
That's what I mean. If, and it's a BIG if, Kota had a rich and famous sugar daddy (or even was escorting for a couple higher ups in her industry) and itnwas discovered through the fact that she was only able to get jobs with their companies and affiliates despite her plummeting popularity and looks, it would create trouble no matter who it was considering an American teenager was in Japan having sex with men in their 40s and 50s to keep getting work as a model and tarento.
Dakota did not get her Bravo contract renewed because of her looks or popularity, and she didn't get into Libera after almost 2 years of hiding just because of a formerncoworker she barely ever mentions and is never seen with. And there's no way Platinum wuld have used her shoops to push her unless someone told them to. She got way too many gifts, daytrips, handouts and way too much special treatment during her lukewarm career for it to all have just been pity favors or the kidness of her friends. The industry just doesn't work that way. Mickey is also close friends with plenty of older rich creeps with young white sugar babies, a la Yoshiki for example. It would also explain her saying for years she digs older men.
No. 41663
>>41607Its a coincidence, because Shiena was on the radar long time before her arrest. considering the fact that there is even more than one illegal staying girl in Shienas group of "friends", if Japan wanted to get rid of more visa wifes from the US/CA/AUS/Europe, there would already have been more arrests.
apart from that, who in their right mind would pay for an uggo sugar baby like Kooter and on top ruin their name for her horrible modeling/talent career? Whoever could get work and contracts for her, would be able to get a better looking girl with an actual talent..
Idk what keeps Kooters in Japan and I also do not care, because her story was hilarious at at the start but now is too boring to even take a second glance. sooner or later she will have to go back home and start something else, maybe she will magically turn 16 a third time then.
No. 41717
>>41682>>41694Wouldn't they just not resign her if they didn't want her back? TBH it's a shit agency and she's a shit model that happens to be white with a history of being viral. Seems like a lot of basic white girls get modelling contracts with low-tier agencies.
I think she's staying via a mix of things:
>Parents sending money>tiny payments for shit jobs>She lives at a friend's place and doesn't pay much of anything for rent>Spending money she doesn't have ( credit card ) >Strange men she goes out with>Loans ( I wouldn't put it past her to apply for loans ) No. 41798
>>41717There is no way they take her seriously when they uploaded
>>40016 as her picture. Especially compared to the selfies from years ago as comparison. It's like a joke. She must be fucking some old guy who has connections to the agency.
No. 42104
File: 1553965966572.jpg (37.99 KB, 640x339, tumblr_m2sgxv6gyx1rtbk4yo1_128…)

>>42032Dakota's "era" ended the second everyone saw her real, fat face.
She's been clinging to handouts ever since, and as she gets older and even more frumpy, fewer people want to be as kind to her. Hence her taking old man dick.
No. 42113
File: 1553970455260.jpg (192.72 KB, 777x1222, loren-gray-japan-fest-performa…)

>>42100pretty boring looking to me, but def the type japan loves. Also what Koots wished she looked like naturally.
No. 42124
File: 1553976495038.jpeg (26.61 KB, 240x300, 61AC21DF-CC77-4396-BA19-9527EB…)

>>42113no denying this is more the look and personality in a white gaijin that Japan are suckers for… and there’s a lot more of them willing to put in more effort than koots ever did. I don’t get how she could stick around this long with her low energy, boring personality, and real face which doesn’t resemble that whole ~real barbie~ thing at all…
Kind of like beating a dead horse at this point, it’s not like the ostrengas would ever let the truth out.
No. 42139
File: 1553988141161.jpg (448.17 KB, 1080x1212, 20190330_191747.jpg)

>>42113>>42124She's like Japan got sick of both Taylor and Dakota and fused their gimmicks together to create a new famehungry midtier white girl & called her Loren Grey.
>"50 million subs!">"world's most influential 16 year old!">agencies/advertisers plastering her age on or next to highly shooped HQ selfies>hyping her Japan trip on social media & telling ppl where to spot her>doing big name commercials (Honda) and runway shows despite being a "singer" who barely releases music>famous for being "pretty" and "inspirational" No. 42141
>>42140For attention. She's literally copying Taylor and Dakota, this time last year I had to keep hiding a fuckton of her overshooped, age-stamped selfies on Pinterest because everything kawaii, pastel or altfa that I liked had my feed swarming with her pics. She paid to promote herself on Pinterest/IG, and all she's doing is selling a more westernized and much less kawaii/Japan-focused image than both Kota and Tay.
I think she needs her own thread, tbqh. She uses her age as a selling point, overshoops and is inexplicably famous for nothing after years of slightly better than average content production that didn't make her go viral.
I smell a new cow!
No. 42143
>>42140>>42141Taylor possibly, but Dakota is completely irrelevant and no one would be copying her. Honestly both of these girls are mostly only known in weeb and anon drama circles while musical.y is huge; watch some documentaries on it and you'll see that somehow these teens are able to amass millions and millions of fans by lip-syncing. Somehow. Don't ask me.
But Dakota has nothing to copy, she's old and fat and her shoops have been shit for years. Smells like Ostrenga in here.
No. 42144
>>42143She's copying the "I joined social media as a kid and got picked on/ bullied which made me wanna be famous!" gimmick, plus the "hypersexualized 16 year old just having fun and enjoying fashion" gimmick. Her mom even got in on the "my daughter was so boolied"
cries in interview gimmick Margo tried to use for Venus. It's like all 3 white girls who got attention in Japan melted into this Loren chick, just without any of the kawaii weeb element.
No. 42145
File: 1553990848943.jpeg (305.87 KB, 1125x1458, B4D566EC-6094-4B5B-87D0-744801…)

Couldn’t get the best screenshots but spotted kota on hiraris story on ig. They were out looking at the sakura it looks like.
No. 42148
File: 1553990871774.jpeg (281.42 KB, 1125x1785, 0BFFD3F2-D394-4BFD-BC0F-BC6533…)

No. 42150
>>42145WOW, her bangs are so
thin. Her unfiltered, unshooped face is so lumpy, what's wrong with her cheeks??
No. 42152
>>42143>smells like ostrengaSeriously. Koots has nothing left to copy anymore. Her earliest shoops before Japan even noticed her, maybe. But that’s about it. At most this girl will
trigger a nice ostrenga sperg out just like Taylor did lol
No. 42153
>>42152She's copying Dakota's
methods, not her looks or style. Reach harder to call me an Ostrenga, though. Shooping and paying to market yoirself into being "popular for being pretty & liking cute things" was what got Dakota to go viral. Thousands of HQ shooped selfies plastered all over social media, tons of followers and likes despite low influencer interaction and average content. That's the method Kota perfected to get to go viral and get to Japan in the first place.
No. 42155
>>42150She just has very prominent cheek bones. They look super creepy they create deep cuts on the sides on her face and it makes her face look super lumpy. Her hair is just so limp. She should really work on volumizing her roots.
Did anyone actually go watch the videos? Her mannerisms when she’s being filmed are so awkward. You can tell she’s uncomfortable. Also her fashion is still horrible judging by that ugly ass shirt.
No. 42156
>>42139>>42153loren gray has been infamous for 3+ years now for being the portrait of
toxic ig culture's effects on generation z. she comes up in articles every time it's mentioned. dakota didn't invent pedobaiting, or the fake bullying story literally every model claims. japan has a large pedophilic demographic that accounts for the success of tween aidoru groups, and that's the only reason loren is getting shipped there. she'll be doing sexual favors until someone puts a ring on it like elbow-san and dakota's presumed sugardaddy, either willingly or unwillingly. and then her 5 minutes will be up.
a sexually exploited child isn't a cow.
No. 42158
>>42133Honestly anon there's a lot of girls whose parents will allow them to have PS at a ridiculously young age. While I do think she could likely be lying given the fact that as you said her face structure seems way too "mature" for a 16 year old, it could also be that if she has an overactive stage mom, her mom already allowed her daughter to get crazy amounts of PS. It's gross either way, if she's an age faker she's perpetuating creepy underage sexualization with the awareness she's doing so while agefaking, if she's actually underage that means she's doing this and her parents likely condone or support it.
I'm always flabbergasted when I see kids on social media who look like they've gotten absurd amounts of unsubtle and obvious PS before they even hit their twenties. I swear while half the time it's just photoshop I can't imagine why any of them would want to look like that.
No. 42162
>>42156>>42157>>42158I definitely vote for a Loren thread. She's like that other slitty tween trying to act grown and getting PS to look sexier, the cash me outside girl (whatever her shitty rap name is). She'll be used up by 25 or married to a 40+/60+ y.o man by then for sure. Adult!Teen culture is 100% pedoshit, idc if the girls dping it really are 15/16/17, they look and try to act grown sexuslly and it's fucking disgusting.
sage for offtopic. But I guess Dakota has finally given up on trying to pass herself off as a model, yet hasn't left Japan for good. She must be a housewife to some midlevel agency worker.
No. 42652
>>42512>she obvs gets jobs she just doesn’t show them. Then why is there no evidence of them anywhere? You can't be a model if you can't release your works without being laughed at.
>I bet Dakota was the one who left bravo and libera cause she didn’t need them anymore.And chose Platinum? No way. Bravo did more for her than Libera and Platinum combined, and if it wasn't for them pushing her so hard ubtil she did leave then she would have been back in FL a long time ago. She never belonged in Bravo and the pictures of her at the Christmas parties next to the real models proved that. Dakota is struggling, not laying low- the steady decline in her work, quality of jobs and social media outreach has been well documented, and the more her current agency changes her pics the worse her chances look. She might not be fucking for jobs or money but maybe she should start if she can, because otherwise her modeling days are over except as a once in a blue moon guest model.
No. 42653
File: 1554212090347.jpg (861.42 KB, 1080x1505, 20190402_093357.jpg)

Looks like she's still getting Malicious swag from Sachico, maybe the sugar momma rumors had some merit?
No. 42654
File: 1554212215078.jpg (612.12 KB, 1080x1608, 20190402_093522.jpg)

>>42653And she went to a Guess event party with another model she barely knows. I guess Platinum is still trying to get her jobs?
She also posted a cap to her IG story of a Rizin interview with two male fighters that doesn't feature her at all: No. 42658
>>42652Calm yourself dingle nut. It was April fools yesterday and the farmhands were trolling.
>>42654I can't get over how horrid her fashion sense is. She's either dressed like a homeless or a grandmother.
I also wonder why she attempts to brag about attending these events like its something to be proud of. By her practically never posting it makes it seem like she has a barely existing life outside of her bedroom.
No. 42696
File: 1554229820004.gif (1.6 MB, 500x572, tumblr_ocj5z38pBx1ve298ao1_500…)

>>37787has anyone seen this? never saw it looks like she deleted it right away
No. 42700
>>42696I vaguely remember this. It was another hair beading tutorial, not unlike her "Final Fantasy hair tutorial", IIRC. It can probably be found on Youku or in a playlist by one of the fans who archived all her videos.
Her upper lip being near non-existent and oddly shaped in that gif/video really weirds me out.
No. 42756
>>42688The bag is cool on its own but clashes like hell. The shoes and top could work together but Dacote can't coord as we all know.
>>42712This, she's a mix and match of hand-outs
No. 43145
File: 1554500084845.jpeg (412.58 KB, 1125x2027, 8AB8B4A3-DE8D-48D5-9C5A-4E0CFA…)

I’m surprised she even gets PR when her interactions are so low on her social media
No. 43153
File: 1554503260613.jpg (308.64 KB, 1080x1440, 20190405_182728.jpg)

>>43145It might have something to do with the low follower count for the brands she gets deals with. The Glitter account had less than 5,000 followers and so does this Ahalo brand.
I hope this is what she meant when she said she really found where she wanted to be in life because if not… eugh.
No. 43155
File: 1554503509435.jpg (591.63 KB, 1080x1839, 20190405_182935.jpg)

>>43153>>38664Yeah, the Glitter account has even less followers. Plus, they seem to have some affiliation with ViVi magazine or Nicole Fujita who Dakota has worked with/around in the past.
I guess her monthly jobs are now gonna be "modeling" for small time brand accounts on IG like any other instathot.
No. 43223
File: 1554538347341.png (104.2 KB, 1940x930, Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 4.11…)

>>39361Late o'clock for this, but looks like Keekster's secret lurker insta has been outed lol.
Lilou Vos = Lilsadlouvos.
She'll probs change it after seeing this though.
No. 43359
File: 1554680256398.jpg (41.18 KB, 500x750, 6902921632_0020084b87_b.jpg)

still have no idea how she went from passable, actually good shoops like this to the nasty shit she's been doing for years now. is it just because her face got fatter? her jowls looked fairly big even when she was younger.
No. 43402
File: 1554704170733.jpg (160.93 KB, 929x595, 2rJfIbf.jpg)

At the launch party of GUESS GREEN LABEL
No. 43403
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No. 43404
File: 1554704432496.jpg (145.8 KB, 1009x1236, aKXJYoQ.jpg)

No. 43446
>>43435when you put it like this I almost agree. I think cutting the hair/changing the makeup that she was so attached to for literally years is her way of shedding the kotakoti persona but she can't shake the photoshop, even though it makes her look worse. it's either a bold move towards self-acceptance or it's the opposite, her being delusional that looking older, fatter and less cute will work because of her previous fame or reputation. they might reuse her old shoops from years ago but clearly Japan (esp. Korea) cottoned on to her bullshit way too quickly for her to be oblivious of her lack of appeal.
sage for shitposting.
No. 43498
>>43435>has friendslol
>indepedentrelying on handouts and sleeping with people with connections to platinum, who clearly don't care to make her look like a professional model on their site, is independence? having shitty "jobs" once every four months or so that were clearly given as a result of blowjobs is independence? k
>doesn't have to deal with people who constantly hound her about her pastaside from appearing on national television more than once where they subtly mocked her and asked her about her shoops, sure.
smells like ostrenga trying to help the thread along to death.
No. 43501
>>43435I agree with you. At this point i feel like she wants to focus on herself and start a new life.
I feel like she would never want to be close to her family again anyway. Besides the average person doesn't know her so she could make random friends honestly. Perhaps shes over wanting to be a famous gaijin?
No. 43532
>>43502If Dakota fucked for handouts she ruined every one she got with her holier than thou brat attitude, plus going from being flow to Tokyo to sign with Bravo to fucking old men just to look dumpy in a commercial and crash with friends is beyond pathetic.
>>43500No, she barely scrapes by in Japan. The only work she can get anymore is instagram promos for brand new shops. Her physically being
in Japan and her once-upon-a-time viral fame nobody remebers anymore are the only things she still has to cling to anymore.
>>43435>permanent residenceShe would have to married or it won't happen. She hasn't worked enough since mid 2015 to justify her being allowed to sponge off the country for the rest of her life just so she can keep feeling better than the average white girl with a retail job.
No. 43533
>>43532>>43502Another way to look at it is that Dakota fucked for piss poor jobs after she become irrelevant and still can't get regular work. Even Sere is still whoring in Japan, Himezawa was married and still escorted
and still had to leave Japan. Kooter's watered down gravy train is coming to a stop soon.
No. 43556
>>43498Dude chill, your raging hate boner was cringe to read. I’m not an ostrenga it’s just my opinion wth lol?
Yes, she clearly had friends whether you want to acknowledge it or not weirdo. She’s independent in the sense that she’s alone without her family in Japan, you raging freak. And yeah they might have slightly shaded her on tv but it’s nowhere near as bad as it would be in America especially when anons like you exist lmao.
No. 43581
>>43556Living with friends and not being able to get work anymore isn't skme huge improvement from living at home, if anything it's worse because she can't accept the fact that her career as a legitimate mode is long over. She's not even active enough outside of modeling to hold a real online following, so her pity jobs from her friends are gonna get harder to book. You seem personally offended at the ides of anyone suggesting she's not a strong, independent adult living alone in Japan without working, or that she's not getting permanent residence just for occupying space inside Japan for more than 5 years.
Dakota is gonna eventually either get knocked up by some loser gaijin chaser for a visa so she can keep pretending she earned a lofe flr herself, or leave Japan quietly and disappear from the internet. Nobody who has really lived away from home, handled their own bills and had to actually work for a living believes for a second that Dakota is earning her own way legitimately because she just isn't, her lifestyle and the huge gaps of work have never and will never be enough for her to either legally hold a work visa or stay in Japan long term unless she's married, which she probably already is. Even so, that's not an accomplishment, if anything it's a failure because it means that after 7 years with a semi high-profile career and many, many big name handouts she still can't speak good enough Japanese to keep doing TV, and she doesn't have any more friends willing to keep dragging her into work with them. She seems to be back in the apartment she was in before she left for July 4th last year, but she apso carefully avoided posting pica in it for over half a year meaning she might have had to keep bouncing in and out of Japan because pf visa issues. However, if she's back there now with a new ring and a visa to stay longer than 3 months without working then it means she probably got married and is just living wherever she was living before she had to suddenly leave Japan.
No. 43603
>>43556imagine defending dakota in her lolcow thread.
you're being called an ostrenga because you either are one or you're shit at blending.
No. 43632
File: 1554895662341.png (247.76 KB, 750x1334, F7070FD2-CDE7-43A2-8430-64C0C1…)

Can anyone translate ? She updated her ig story.
No. 43917
File: 1555116927896.jpeg (214.75 KB, 750x1098, 265E4223-3042-40F6-8D84-16C3C9…)

She got her nails done again and looks frumpy. That belt thingy looks like it’s digging into her gut.
No. 43921
>>43917Sweet damn, because it is. Chieko for the win, throwing subtle shade at kota for still trying to bandwagon. Her gut is as big as her tits, so much for the boob job theory I guess?
Poor kota probably expected them to shoop her skinny again like they always did before.
No. 43954
>>43917It looks like a vest is layered over a black shirt with the belt underneath, that's an unfortunate optical illusion.
She doesn't look like a model though, how does she keep her visa?
No. 43969
>>43957I'm pretty far from a kotastan, but the fabrics and colors of the vest top and skirt part don't match. I think it is partially an illusion.
She looks bad regardless but this clothing choice is making it even worse.
No. 43980
File: 1555189008886.jpg (753.37 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190413-225528_Ins…)

>>43957Definitely is not a dress but a (ugly) skirt
No. 43981
>>43446She’s 26 at this point
That persona was to get her a new life and now she’s just doing her own thing
No. 43982
>>43435I agree.
She faked her way into getting a new life. Why would she ever go back? Lmao
No. 44025
>>43980>>43969Still, her gut is overtaking the belt by at least 3 inches. That's nothing but flab, you can tell how out of shape she is by her sad, saggy boobs.
>>43983This. Also Kiki had to pester kota to join IG & she herself (kota) said on Twitter she would never use it. Hilariously she already had her dakotanyan account to stan herself and simply changed the name to koti.rose. She dropped the ball by ignoring IG during the height of her popularity, deleting most of her interesting posts and letting her post quality drop way off.
No. 44052
File: 1555269700413.jpg (11.36 KB, 300x267, 135450-004-84541E22.jpg)

>>44026No. Slouching makes your shoulders look smaller. If she would pull her shoulders back, it would make them look even wider. Theoretically her shoulders should look a lot smaller than Hirari's because she's slouching and standing at an angle. That's how perspectives work. Just try it out yourself: stand in front of a mirror and start slouching and then pull your shoulders back to a straight line but not too much because that would make your shoulders small too due to perspectives. And then do the same at an angle. You'll see what I mean. It's ok because she can't do anything about it because she's a endomorph who are typically wider.
No. 44112
>>44052Slouching rolls your shoulders forward and
can make the torso look wider, hence why you had to say
not to stand up "too" straight because even you know that proper posture, i.e. standing up straight with your shoulders back makes them look narrower. It would also help her tits look less deflated and saggy as well, but alas, what does anyone expect from Dakota Ostrenga anymore but half assing the bare minimum? She's fat, it's not a crime and she's obviously not ashamed of it since she doesn't shoop herself 3 pounds smaller anymore. She has a normal, petite frame with a lot of extra weight due to years and years of junk nutrition and sitting on her ass.
No. 44283
File: 1555450443121.jpg (433.65 KB, 1080x2081, 20190416_173315.jpg)

Looks like her shitty Rizin interviews were just adequate enough to get her another chance maybe?
Either that or she'll try to start some rumor of her dating one of the fighters like she did with Taiko.
No. 44345
>>44283So is she interviewing some athletes again? Good for her but I don't understand what her motifs are.
She has no degree and can't go any higher career-wise. She can't generate any interest or hype that female reporters usually get because of their looks. Or is she so delusional that she hopes to go viral as the cute-alien-coconut-head-barbie-gurl? Maybe she's trying to score a rich boyfriend, who knows. I guess a job is a job and there's probably nothing more to this.
No. 44410
File: 1555600481806.png (96.88 KB, 958x785, Untitled.png)

i ran hype auditor on kotex
No. 44462
>>44450being the 5,805th most popular account in japan is pretty god damn paltry, considering that most actual celebs in japan don't use insta as their main form of social media, and the fact kotex is white. you'd think they'd be jumping all over the white "moderu" who lives there but nope. she's only 5,805th place. with such a relatively small amount of competition on the site, even.
jesus kotex when will you stop pretending? all that money wasted on fake followers could have been spent on nicer nails and clothes.
No. 44540
>>44535True, but it's a lot easier to edit photos to upload more regularly, plus with pics she had way mlre control over the background and taking pics wherever she wants without showing too much if she doesn't want to. All that would be hard af to do if she focused on YT, She would either only upload alien fetus videos from her bedroom or a restaurant booth of her silently twirling her hair or nibbling some sandwich while she drops her chin and bugs her eyes for the camera.
Come to think of it, maybe that's what all those ugly, pointless vlogs were? Another half assed attempt to return to YT?
No. 44725
File: 1555892227926.jpg (550.14 KB, 1080x1888, 20190421_201557.jpg)

Another sponsorship, some personalized skincare called imyme. Going by Koti in Japan is clever, too.
No. 44727
File: 1555892470560.jpg (377.93 KB, 1080x1727, 20190421_201951.jpg)

Not a sponsorship, it was a pop up event she went to with Yula. Another brand new company, but this one didn't deserve a tag apparently.
No. 44754
File: 1555938155431.jpeg (120.54 KB, 750x570, 32777CFE-0DD3-4D93-B72A-258602…)

Incoming candid pics from the event. She went with hirari and not yula.
No. 44757
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>>44756Matching dresses and I guess too bad Tooters didn’t match the shoes because it would of looked better.
No. 44758
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>>44757Last one. I get that it’s suppose to come off as cute best friend photos but they kinda look like a couple… idk.
No. 44769
>>44754I wouldn't call these candids. I think I see some skin blurring going and eye whitening on. Kota looks kinda cute here. Cuter than her other pics at least. Nothing model-like tho'.
>>44755back to being a pointy chin and nose lol
>>44756>>44757>>44758back to looking like a lesbian couple
No. 44770
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>>44769Agreed she looks cute.
>>44757This makes me uncomfortable. Looks very intimate and like a couple indeed. I think Kota has so much chemistry with girls but with boys there's nothing going on, literally like brother and sister.
No. 44775
>>44758>>44757Kooters can't wear strappy sandals because she doesn't have ankles, which is why she always wore socks or tights with her heels and sandals.
>>44774>>44758She ended up back in the same apartment afyer her 6month hiatus following the July 4th trip to Florida. If she was married previously for a visa and had to divorce bc of Sheina getting busted, she would have to leave Japan for 3-6 months before she could return on a tourist visa unless she had a job with a temp visa to give her a reason to come back. Instead, she took 6 months off from going out with Hirari and her other friends only to mysteriously return to the same routine and apartment 6 months later.
No. 44799
>>44756They even have the same hairstyle…
Was she trying to do linku kode with her friend? It's very popular in Japan at the moment.
No. 44807
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>>44804リンクコーデ is basically twinning. Some people take it further by matching hairstyles, makeup, etc.
No. 44900
>>44894she's not
remember when she sperged just a few months ago when we theorized she had a sugar momma? "someone" came in raging about it and how dakota was DEFINITELY NOT GAY
No. 44965
File: 1556132417036.jpeg (630.47 KB, 891x1783, LRM_EXPORT_78458126547605_2019…)

New tagged photos on her IG
No. 44998
>>44942Yeah, was just saying how it looked to me.
Don't you think a lot of weebs act like this though? Even Taylor R wanted to seem like an underage virginal girl because perva love to fetishize that, especially when it comes to dolly weebs. They also love the illusion of lesbians, so the photos might be staged for that reason.
I criticize and laugh at Dakota when it seems justified, but sometimes it seems like anyone who doesn't believe she's on a secret marriage visa, supported by the yakuza, and a raging lesbian is just "wrong" here.
So is/was she married and fooling around with girls at the same time?
I have no idea how she's staying in Japan and paying her bills while not working. For that reason, I assumed she had gotten married.
No. 45018
>>44965i don't hate this?
if she was purposely going for an 80s mom vibe then that'd be cute but i'm sure she thinks she looks young and childish or something
No. 45035
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>>44965Velma's half-sister vibes.
No. 45122
>>44998You seem to be trying very hard to coorelate those lesbian couple's poses with regular girly friendship poses, anon. Please stop. If that sort of thing were normal for Japanese girls to do, it would be all over social media with Japanese girls doing those poses and staring tenderly into each other's eyes with their fingers laced together but they don't. I see girls hugging, holding hands and posing while facing the camera, twinning, and plenty of other cutesy, intimate things that don't have the same nuance that Kooter and Hirari's pics have- the sugar momma vibe.
>I have no idea how she's staying in Japan and paying her bills while not working. For that reason, I assumed she had gotten married.Based on the way thinbs happened and kooter's timeline of work, sponsorships and selfies, she probably was married to someone at Platinum for a visa and living with Hirari, who was dragging her to every casting call and work event she could for the last year and change at least. When Sheina got busted kota
immediately left for home, stopped working as frequently and stopped posting apartment pics for about ~6 months.
Once she did arrice back in Japan, suddenly she was with Hirari again, back in the same apartment, going out to modeling and brand events and shops with Hirari again and Platinum also uodated her pics and added the Google commercial to her CV almost 5 months after she did it (meaning she didn't get it through Platinum, but they put it on her page to justify updating her pics).
It seems she must have renewed her contract with them for a visa to stay in Japan with Hirari after her previous visa marriage had to be cancelled out of fear of kota being deported. That's why she had to wait 6 months to reenter Japan to stay and work, because she had to convince Platinum to gice her a visa, probably using Hirari and her other model friends to plead her case and give her a chance. Now, she's probably living with Hirari while Platinum sponsors her visa, hence the spring fashion show she got fitted for right after returning to Hirari, her apartment and her usual routine of going out to play/eat/shop without ever working. The 6 months she was out of Japan waiting to legally return to stay (perhaps she got PR if she was married since 2015 like timeline-anon said in the previous thread?) she was careful to not post any selfies showing her apartment, where she was or who she was with, and she wasn't getting her nails done or going out to eat every week either. Not to mention, before she left for July 4th, she was absolutely
dipped in expensive shit from Malicious, getting her hair and nails done biweekly, and going to museums and parks regularly too. Her sudden trip home caused her to stary hiding a lot more, and the only reason a braggart like kota would do that is if she were worried about showing off a lifestyle she can't support on paper with her own work outside of a visa marriage, which she couldn't pull off wirhout living with the man (which obviously she can't if she lives with Hirari, who is probably the only reason she stull gets
any modeling work these days, lbr).
No. 45147
>>44965Koots we said a
medium length hairstyle not a
butch hairstyle.
No. 45173
>>45122A lot of girls into kawaii weeb animu shit were on some virginal anti boys asexual dolly thing, before they realized their interest in softcore yuri and hentai was actually an attraction.
Been there. Save for the oned who get hideous visa husbands in Japan.
Dakota's always been dykey. The rude tomboy thing, lack of makeup, short hair, and now overall frumpiness due to a lack of interest in catering to the male gaze.
No. 45303
File: 1556316323037.jpg (703.63 KB, 1058x1880, 20190426_175727.jpg)

Seems she was a guest at the Rizin event as well? It was on the 21st, she went and took pics to latergram with this model who ppsted pics of herself at the event in the same shirt a week ago.
Perhaps they weren't impressed enough with her shoddy, halting translations for the women fighters and she got pulled along. Either that, or she went to the event expecting to get an easy gig but was only there as a guest for the whole thing.
No. 45453
File: 1556466252543.jpg (937.1 KB, 1080x2068, 20190428_112751.jpg)

>>44965Kooter posted a pic of that haircut from 4 days ago to her IG story, but this time she tagged the salon that latergrammed her last November while she was in hiding. Big surprise, they have almost no followers either and barely post. I wonder why she's latergramming pics from 4 days ago to her story?
No. 45977
>>45893she has more short "clips" on her IG.
No idea what's going on with her fashion sense. Looks like a hooker grandma.
She applied some sort of filter on top of her video, right? Her skin is kinda fake/glowing
No. 45998
>>45893I think this video shows kinda her real face bc it's less edited than her last videos for example. Obv there's a filter to make her skin more glowy like anon already mentioned
>>45977Maybe she's finally accepting her real face and stops with the alien bs. Her style is hilarious though
No. 46035
File: 1556850873546.png (283.24 KB, 512x284, Untitled.png)

>>45998sure except only at weird angles and from behind so it hides her jowls and this one which is straight on but only for a split second. it's always so obvious how she's ridiculous obsessed with hiding her masculine jaw. if she just let it be free it'd be less awkward and annoying to see her.
No. 46398
File: 1557078949746.jpeg (21.83 KB, 236x200, B90DC8AD-1813-4574-94C7-685FB7…)

>>46035I really hope she gets some extensions, that bob cut makes her look so much older, or at least have some textured waves to make her hair look not so thin like she used to have
No. 46412
>>46398Man, she really fucked herself over by clinging to her shooping for so long. If she had come clean in the beginning and stuck with the cute eye makeup, outfits and textured bob she had around her debut she could have probably gone a lot further. Too bad she was addicted to a version of herself that never existed & nobody but creeps wanted.
Still, it's nice to see her enjoying her retirement from modeling. Both her and Taylor seem to have settled in to the sugar wife life pretty easily. I doubt either of them ever really gave a shit about "modeling" or fashion, they were both attention whores from day one imho.
No. 46448
>>46412> If she had come clean in the beginning and stuck with the cute eye makeup, outfits and textured bob she had around her debut she could have probably gone a lot furtherWhat are you talking about? When she started, she had long straight hair, weeby taobao coords, and makeup that only looked good in her own shoops. Besides in the end it wasn't her appearance that truly sunk her but her shitty personality and laziness. Girl refused to look after herself and packed on at least 10kg all while acting like an insufferable cunt on national television and like a brat during photoshoots.
>I doubt either of them ever really gave a shit about "modeling" or fashion, they were both attention whores from day one imhoGotta disagree on this. I really don't like her but objectively Taylor had a solid 6-8 years where she was working pretty quietly as a model, doing basic model things. She didn't start to act like an attention whore until she decided to throw away her career and dignity during her weird mid-twenties life crisis. Kota otoh was an attention whore from when she was 11 years old.
No. 46501
>>46448Taylor R's social media accounts used to be titled "ModelTaylorR" (before she was even a small model). her old twitter (TaylorRichard_), which disappeared completely around the time the menclub thing broke, had a lot of weird self-absorbed tweets, including some where she called someone a bitch.
I always got attention whore vibes from Taylor.
No. 46512
>>46398i think she's super cute there but looks terrible there
>>46035 she needs a long wavy bob, not a short straight one.
God,Kota,why do you sabotage yourself so much?
No. 47119
File: 1557590158097.jpg (781.04 KB, 1080x1723, 20190511_115211.jpg)

Daily dose of trailer-kei by kotex, but it's ~burando~ so of course she doesn't look like she got dressed from a donated clothes bin! Anyone who thinks so is just jealous that she lives in Japan!
I guess she's just gonna use her IG to tag brands and shops so she can pretend she's still a model to everyone outside Japan.
No. 47156
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>>47119they really gave this bitch slenderman proportions
No. 47172
File: 1557619181213.jpg (528.44 KB, 1080x1551, 20190511_195920.jpg)

Looks like she got paid to do more Rizin interviews after all? Same outfit as the lezzy vibe pics with Hirari, so she probably used her ALB connections to get her the gig.
Perhaps she finally learned to hide her work from the internet if she doesn't want to be laughed at.
No. 47178
File: 1557621672831.jpg (436.21 KB, 1080x1440, 20190511_203956.jpg)

>>47172>>47174She fucked this one up while reading the translation she was supposed to say, you can see her pause while looking off camera as she corrects herself at 0.27-0.29:
>"ato ha sono aite… ma, macchi no aite no (etc)" No. 47179
File: 1557622189258.jpg (360.58 KB, 1080x1505, 20190511_204828.jpg)

>>47178>>47172She did a fuckload of interviews, all of them were like that. What's interesting is that just before she got this gig, they switched the Rizin FF reporting account to all English, and started using her for all their interviews since. It's interesting how every project she gets involved with suddenly undergoes a change of some kind that happens to cater to her lack of language skills or her declining looks. She might be fucking someone at Rizin to get back in the TV world now that she's not really modeling anymore, hence the return of the fugly tarnished pentagram.
No. 47277
>>44756i haven't come here in a long time. just wanna say
woah, she has come a long way from her "step off pedophile lesbian" days. It confirms what I always thought was the source of it: Kiki's
toxic influence
No. 47278
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>>47178This screenshot looks scary! Her head and jaw look massive…she looks like a titan kek
No. 47284
File: 1557690934357.jpg (53.92 KB, 700x535, lesbianlgbt_large_1024x1024 co…)

>>47277kota says lesbian rights NOW!
No. 47308
fallen a long way, you mean. Must be all the weight gain over the years dragging her down onto her couch.
No. 47342
>>47178It looks like Rizin was a sweet gig after all. I hope all of the farmers who were certain that it was a one-off appointment that she would fail are coping okay.
protip: never gamble on someone's success when they're starting a new opportunity unless you know all of the details. even if they're incompetent, they might succeed for reasons that you aren't privy to, and in that case you'll just end up making yourself even more upset that someone you dislike has succeeded because, on top of it, you were wrong.
No. 47345
>>47342ok ostrenga
must be fun pretending to be a moderu when japan doesn't recognize you on the street, laughs at you online, and all you've got to show for it are endless exposés of your lies as well as a pity-job interviewing people like some intern training for their first reporter job
No. 47400
>>47346>>47342She only got it because a couple of her friends from 2015 went to the event & took pics with Gackt, who is a huge part of Rizin. She even has the same gaudy triple ear piercings as him, and we know he loves cringey, weeby foreigners a la Yohio and gold diggers like Roland.
also btw, nobody is rewuired to be proud of Dakoots or happy for her just because she isn't living in Florida with her parents and found a way to fuck for personal gain while looking like a transsexual berries & cream lad. She's fun to watch and laugh at not because of her past, but because everything she does is so low quality (like her fugly commercials, shitty dancing and acting, slow and spotty translations, cringey gimmicks when she goes on TV to get popular, the list goes on).
I'd be a lot "happier" for her if she just admitted to being a sugar baby or having a regular job, instead her being in Tokyo at all is just her trying to cling to something she thinks makes her special/unique just because… ??? Like failing her way from Bravo models to an agency that barely updates her profile and can hardly book her 4-5 jobs a year? Her constantly embarrassing herself on her own social media by making neebie mistakes after living there almost 7 years? Having to obviously mooch off her more popular friends who made their money doing gravure and catering to old men just like she did?
Nobody is jealous of Dakota in 2019. I'd rather save and work to move to Japan myself than take a free ride from creeps and lesbos just so they can keep me as their token gaijin pet. I'd rather have the money and freedom that come from being a whole ass adult, all Dakota does is go to the same restaurants and shops over and over again, eats food and buys makeup she won't ever wear, meanwhile Hirari and her other model friends travel regularly and do lots of different things. They only drag Dakota outside to help her get work bc apparently it takes a village to get Dakota Rose a job.
No. 47403
File: 1557754184835.jpg (82.74 KB, 750x750, 22427024_348585115553837_32926…)

>>47400yeah i think at this point, anyone watching this thread who isn't here to openly hate her just wants to see what happens. she's pathetic. if she decided to be honest for once in her life and come out about the lies then i'd respect her. but no, she's not going to do that. she still thinks she's young and cute and influential and that anyone who isn't a middle-aged arab man or farmers (english or japanese) follows and cares about her. delusional. i can't wait to see her just stop posting all together like dakota when she's forced to move back to florida. or she gives up once it finally sinks in: no one cares. she has no modeling legacy. it was all a scam, all lies, and now she has to take old man dick to stay in japan.
No. 47407
>>47405She's gonna keep pretending she's still cute+popular enough that every job she gets is because of her looks or language ability and not a sad handout she desperately needs. She only ever gets new electronics when she sneaks home to Florida or inexplicably renews a contract with whichever agency currently can't get her hired. Basically, nothing but IG sponsorships and shop event selfies for the rest of her adult life with
maybe 1-2 semi decent gigs a year.
No. 47410
>>47408Yeah, like
>>47409 said she's just a talent now, the only places that still call her a model are her own social media profiles and whatever bullshit articles are circulating about her with 3 year old info and old shoops. She's already married for a visa or she's hopping back and forth like Sere since Sheina got popped.
No. 47514
>>47497this reeks of ostrenga but go off.
also protip: when you've watched an entitled cunt like dakota squander every opportunity she's been handed you learn to expect fuckups.
also a lot of us have been rooting for her/might dislike her but still want her to succeed but she keeps letting the team down time after time.
go back to PULL with your "sweetie :) :)" bullshit
No. 47545
>>47535misquoted sorry holmes, I see my fuckup now, apologies.
also didn't report anyone not about that life.
No. 47582
>>47535Oh damn now I see what you mean with mocking
>>47342I thought some posters here were Kaka and we are not allowed to write 'hi cow', so I reported some suspicious posts like our admin once suggested us to do. I apologise for my autism. Great parody btw
>>47497 No. 47903
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No. 47904
File: 1558054527269.png (265.47 KB, 597x423, EBQL4Q6.png)

No. 47908
>>47903She looks so happy there. This is the most expressive I've seen her in all this Japan stuff.
Nice to see she's out and living her best life.
No. 47909
>>47908being a failed ~moderu~ consistently lying about how well you have it, while clinging to people who give you hands out as best you can, and likely sucking old man asshole to continue living in japan as a leech despite having no actual job doesn't seem like "living your best life" to me
she's probably smiling cuz they are girlfriends though
No. 47910
>>47909>she's probably smiling cuz they are girlfriends thoughThis is what I was talking about. I was being subtle, anon, ffs. She's so obviously gay (or at
least bi) it hurts. All the intense denial in her teens looks hilarious in hindsight.
Everything about her has that "I like girls" energy that Shoe0nHead wants.
No. 47913
>>47912Take the kenna spergs on PULL and make them just a little bit more self-aware. I'm convinced it's the same people who hate-followed and idolized her back when she was a Tumblr/Myspace edgelord who hung out with Charms, made racist and/or homophobic comments and cursed people out. They're just checking in (some more often than others).
Some are still angry at her for getting famous via Photoshopping and making them all envious by getting to go to Japan, Korea, be in magazines and on TV, etc. The way she made some of these anons feel about themselves is unforgivable, and they don't want her to "do better", they want her to crash and burn. They think she needs some sort of punishment for getting an easy ride off that kind of falsity.
They're still eagerly waiting for irrefutable proof that she's been selling ass in Japan. After that, their dream is for her to be deported, go back to Florida, gain 200lbs, become trailer trash and raise a baby alone while on welfare.
In the meantime, as long as she exists online, everything can be nitpicked and stretched as thin as possible. She's gained weight, she wears the same shoes, her outfit doesn't look good, she still Photoshops, this event was lame, where'd she get that bag/ring/necklace? - just little things like that can spark off full-length conversations because they're all just waiting for it to blow up. They need to keep the steam alive and their eyes glued on her until it happens.
At least, that's the vibe I'm getting from these threads. It'd be cool if there was actual Kota milk, but there isn't. The most entertaining thing these days is the gay stuff, really.
No. 47916
>>47912it'd be nice if she came out and was honest, but she isn't. she's still lying about having leukemia. lying about being famous in japan. lying about having an actual job and not having a sugar mommy/daddy. we're never going to care about what she does to "please" us because it's still a big fat lie, and dakota's a shitty person anyway who continues to obviously wk herself here (as well as keeks and probably cathy coming in to do damage control). dakota is the sister of one of the biggest cows of all time: kiki. we are not just gonna let her fade away into obscurity unless she does a big post explaining all her bullshit, why she did it, how she's a fraud.
but she won't. so
No. 47918
>>47913smells like ostrenga.
nobody's been jealous of kota or angry at her for "being famous" since 2012. she was pretty quickly exposed and has been on a downward, depressing little spiral since then. most of the people still here are just kind of seeing how much lower she can go because it's funny to watch a lying idiot get called out and receive karma for it.
No. 47921
>>47918>smells like ostrengaNah, we've established that Ostrengas sperg out at any mention of Dakota being obviously a lesbian. Accusing everyone who's skeptical or critical of these threads of being Dakota, her sister or her mom is weak.
Nothing in my post was even deliberately WK-ish or in defense, it's just clear why people even stick around these threads when there's basically nothing to see.
How many times are we going to rehash these dusty old Rizin interviews, her ugly haircut or her shitty clothes? It's boring. Where are the "karma" and the low depths she's supposed to have sunken to? She has a girlfriend/sugar mommy and is doing paltry little interviews now. All I see is mediocrity, which is what she was born for, anyway.
At this point, she's more likely to just stop updating her official IG or Twitter and drop off the face of the earth than bring forth any good milk.
No. 48040
>>47918Come on, that anon is far too self-aware to be an Ostrenga. I actually agree with this. I check this thread to see if there's any new milk (not a lot but the deleted pics last thread were gold) and because I'm hoping that one of the Ostrengas will have a real sperg-out one day, but I don't get the intense hate of anons like
>>47909All I want at this point is for her to once, just once, actually address some of her issues. Make a real video and talk about it. She's so fake and it's so annoying. I don't actually think she's a sugar baby (far too broke) but she has to be on a marriage visa. Honestly her true story would either be super interesting or super milky and I'm sure it will never happen but maybe one day?
No. 48042
>>48040My guess is back in 2015 she married her manager, then divorced him when she moved apartments for the 3rd time after the karaoke show disaster, and married a regular guy and used her work friends to get into casting calls and get whatever jobs she can get like Libera, but without the employer shooping and using careful angles and lighting she looked like a middle aged tourist When sheina got arrested Kooter flew home suddenly, went quiet and since then can only get guest jobs and has only been going to modeling events or public places with Hirari, who she is probably living with since she moved into the apartment she's back in now around thhe time she first got Libera.
Maybe all her apartments weren't through her agencies except the first one she shared with other Bravo models, and the second, third and current ones were a visa hubby/ friends while she fakes a se ond marriage for a visa while her friends house her for free and get her jobs. She can't have PR because that requires you being married and living together for a minimum of 2 years and she never stayed in an apartment that long before failing out of her agencies.
No. 49145
File: 1558314498194.jpg (615.49 KB, 1080x1843, 20190519_210355.jpg)

>>48042She got back into Girls Award, despite doing no modeling this year whatsoever.
Methinks modeling was just a front for Dakota fucking older Japanese men for money and perks as a dumb teen, as soon as she left Bravo and her big Shibuya apartment and took off that ring, her career died andnnever recovered. She's uglier than ever with the worst styling possible and yet, she still has a big name show hiring her despite not being a model for the last 6 months. Perhaps she does have some friends in common with Mickey Mikitani, I can't imagine Hirari or any of her other friends pulling that size gig for her after hiw little she's been doing in the last year. Not to mention her being in Japan still at all, being back un her apartment, still going out and shopping regularly? She's absolutely some kind of prostitute or fucking/paying fora visa marriage.
No. 49151
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>>49145That video is pretty filtered and flattering compared to this shot imo.
> I can't imagine Hirari or any of her other friends pulling that size gig for herMe neither. Especially since Hirari doesn't do these kind of of shows and I don't think she as any fashion pull.
No. 49174
>>49151Damn she looks 30 and her stylist did her wrong.
>>49145I think freebie shop events are helping her get gigs. That's probably why she goes to all those shop events.
No. 49177
File: 1558331942702.jpg (238.49 KB, 1000x1000, 60248919_2271213589584026_6832…)

>>49175It's an actual photographer's photo taken from the Girls Award official report site.'s in the third row down.
Also from the Girl's Award instagram.
No. 49178
>>49174>I think freebie shop events are helping her get gigs.Nah. The shop events get her new clothes and maybe model friends. She hasn't walked for any of the brands whose events she's gone to though. It's obvious that
someone is getting her in. And it's not because she shows up to brand exhibitions.
No. 49194
>>49178Her popteen connections aren't strong enough to keep getting her these gigs anymore either. All her current friends are in the adult entertainment industry like gravure or own their own businesses. She's obviously being kept by someone with some juice, just not anyone big enough to force Japan to accept her as anything but a joke they politely entertain for a laugh when it airs. If I were Dakota I'd be embarrassed as fuck to waddle my granny knees and meaty jaw down any runway with actual models, but I guess when you're as conceited as the Ostrengas you're too dense to realize people love an ugly trainwreck that makes them feel better about themselves.
As for connections, Mickey Mikitani is a possibility for sure because she was even photographed with hin back in 2015 when she got on TV and got that huge bump of really good gigs and marketing. Gackt is heavily involved with Rizin, he also knows her friend that does gravure who just had the baby a few months ago. If she was licking his ass for favors (since Gackt's love-hate for white models is legendary) it would also explain her having the same number and style of earrings in the same ear as him, and the panicked sperging last time someone broight up Mickey or Gackt possibly knowing her. We also know she's somehow in bed with Sachico of Malicious.X who night be using
her famous friends to get kooter auditions she can't land herself (the ones she gors to with Hirari for whatever reason).
No. 49196
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>>49194Which, if you go back and look, they both got around that few months at the end of last year where Dakota was being super inactive between Halloween and Christmas before she suddenly flew back home
again. Gackt had his in through at least December when she also had hers, wasn't in Japan and Gackt was also traveling. He's taken his out since Dakota starywd wearing hers as much as her pentagram necklace, which makes me think that wasn't a gift from her actual dad, but rather a sugar daddy or visa hubby and she wears it like the popteen ring and the new mystery ring to show she's taken.
Perhaps she hitched a ride on his flight to save money on a visa refresh? If she was married and left in July 2018 because of Sheina getting caught, she would have to keep leaving Japan even if she is getting work occasionally, unless Platinum sponsors her visa which I doubt they would.
Not to mention Gackt's love of hosts like Rowland, who is basically Gackt's male sugar baby. It's interesting how Dakota's social circle went from being models and designers to gravure models and… no men that can be seen.
No. 49210
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>>49177she doesn't even look 30, she looks 35. jesus. are you sure this is a "big event" because all these clothes look incredibly cheap and everyone is so poorly styled. kooter really is just there for "diversity points" huh? her jaw looks gigantic.
No. 49211
>>49210Honestly, Girl's Award is a big event. All of the most popular models plus the most popular 48/46 G were in the show. Plus Twice performed there. And in the past other big groups have as well. I would say it's second only to Tokyo Girl's Collection.
>diversity pointsNot a thing in Japan.
But she has connections and her company sends her in a package with other talents.
No. 49272
>>49196Good god the autism, Kooter only wishes she had connections like this. Seriously, if she was somehow linked to Mikitani in any real way do you think she'd be broke and have like 3 jobs a year (also pretty sure there's no actual picture of them, prove me wrong)? She has an agency who wants to make money off of her getting jobs, she's walked in this show a bunch of times, this isn't that crazy. Yes, it's a little weird that she's getting any modeling gig, but she was a bigger name at one point and could still be a token white girl. Or it's part of a group in her agency. Remember, part of this being a big event means that a LOT of people were there (there are 100+ models on the website), so probably more spaces for filler like her.
Seriously, trying to argue that she's getting favors from people like Gackt and Yoshiki is insane and reads like fanfic. There are so many more reasonable answers- sex work, visa husband, etc.
No. 49333
>>43909I’m making my first post here just to say fuck you for posting this anon. I can’t get the image of coconut head out of my mind every time I look at kooters now. Why does her haircut look exactly like that?
(Thanks for the laugh)
No. 49343
>>49329this is the most uneducated/unmilky/newfag video ever. it glazes over everything and dilutes all her behaviour so it's easier to swallow. fags like us have been around for the long haul can see through this shit.
I wonder if she's a stan trying to seem unbiased or a sympathetic farmer taking the "leave dakota alone!!" shit on these threads lately to heart.
No. 49346
>>49272 It's no more of a reach to say she could be getting under the table help from older gaijin chaser creeps than it is for her to say she got fat and ugly because of severe leukemia, yet she expected people to buy that. Besides, Gackt and Yoshiki both love blonde whores- Yoshiki has an ugly Russian sugar baby he drags around with him & Gackt fucks (or used to usk anymore) a thirsty Swedish guitarist weeb named Kevin/Yohio and have sleepovers with him. Plus Gackt and Yoshiki have been spotted at deiai many times over the years flirting with both Japanese and foreign women (tanuki).
As for Mickey, she took a pic woth him back in 2015 at an event he was at, and filtered it to hell and back which must be why anons try so hard to insist it wasn't him, but it is. I don't have it on my phone atm but I know it's in one of the last two threads. Unlike Westerners I don't have the "Asians all look same" problem, so simply saying "it's not him" when it very clearly is him (albeit shooped to look smoother/yojnger bc that's her deal) isn't gonna work on me. Besides, there's no other explanation for her
still being in GA as she isn't a model anymore and her agency doesn't give enough of a shit about her to fix or update her page but once a year.
No. 49349
>>49326that girl is a hell of a lot prettier than kota. like… come on, look at
>>49210 again. are we really acting like a famous japanese artist who can bag any weeb white girl he wants is going to be fucking kotex regularly and giving her favors? unless dakota gives the best blowjobs ever it's not happening and sounds a little bit like ostrenga-attempted "good" rumors
No. 49350
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the absolute state of this thread rn
No. 49358
>>49349>>49350Back in 2015 when she was still thin, reasonably popular and still wore makeup and cute outfits to pander to men? Absolutely. Now? No way, but if she already had some tenuous connections to them then she could be using her friends to help push them for small favors.
Do I think she's directly a sugar baby for Gackt, Yoshiki or Mickey? No way.
Do I think she could have, in the past or present, used her old viral fame and fake ass starfucker personality to lick their assholes until they threw her a scrap or two? Absolutely.
No matter who you are, being offered a contract to one of the biggest and most exclusive modeling agencies in Asia from your bedroom in Florida at 16 is a hell of a conversation starter no matter how it panned out. We know she was helped by someone with major pull in the industry back in 2015-2016 up until she disappeared after the Hiromichi Nakano show in the huge white baggy shirtdress where she looked prego (when she started getting noticeably fatter).
All these threads consist of are a-logs of her selfies in Shibuya and her inexplicably getting into shows she no longer belongs,
because she doesn't work as a model anymore. If she is married now, it obviously isn't to someone who can keep up the fake model persona she had going anymore so whoever got her GA this time has to be personally involved in the show/with Rakuten and have the authority to hire a middle-aged looking nonmodel with a shitty track record. Mickey fits that role perfectly, and considering none of her other close model friends worked the show I don't think we can keep assuming the Popteen/AKB girls are doing it, since they are all doing other things with their careers now.
Her sister made her own infamy via sex, perverted humor and fucking for status while she watched for years, and her own family is obsessed with thots like the Kardashians. Every other career weeb who "made it" to Japan without getting a degree or real job has failed out of the country after becoming a prostitute or married for a visa, yet Dakota is allowed to live in one of the most expensive districts in Japan without a regular job or a spouse all because she allegedly lives with a friend to share rent & went iral 7 years ago? Try again.
That's way less likely than her fucking or flirting with a couple of washed up old men clinging to their 90s/00s fame as they're fading out of relevance. Plus, her getting Rizin makes less than zero sense
unless Gackt was involved, because the gravure girl who just had the baby definitely doesn't have the juice to get her that gig with the shitty job she did on the first set of interviews they let her do. Every time she did work woth Rizin she took a selfie with a model she barely knew who attended the event to watch, which makes no sense unless she was doing it for the publicity via the other girl's followers and/or to make it seem like her being there was through them ("work friends"). In other words, she takes selfies with other models as a cover to justify her being there as though they got her the gig or invited her so nobody digs deeper into her social web, which depending on how you look at it is either full of low tier former AKB girls/gravure models or rich designers and models like Ayastella, Sachico, Ivan, Rola, etc.
Not to mention, she used to be obsessed with VK bandomen and used to fangirl over Mia from Mejibray, and her taste in Asian men used to be girly host/VKfags which aligns with Gackt and Yoshiki's target demographics.
All she does is shoop, lie, and find ways to avoid getting a real job while failing as a model yet inexplicably landing shows like (Rakuten) GA while not working and hanging out with girls who do gravure and used to be in AKB (underaged deiai groups basically lbr). She's getting these gigs and those gifts and dinners from someone, and it's not her fans or her parents or her work friends (not all of it anyway). She's been pbsessed with fame and famous people her entire life which is why she wanted to ever be a model, that's not gonna go away just because she's unfit to be a model.
No. 49812
>>49358There's more, too. Even before she got to Bravo big names like Modelpress were marketing her as Japan's next sensation, and when she was at Bravo other foreign models were told she was one of their top models when she certainly wasn't and couldn't get the same type of jobs the other Bravo models could. Despite that, she only ever showed up at a few of their Christmas parties or at events with other Bravo models. They kept her like that for almost 4 years after having to heavily censor and restrict everything they booked her in, while she was blowing money on brand and electronics and going out left and right while also receiving expensive gifts. None of that makes sense unless she had someone important taking an interest in her, and her struggles since leaving Bravo and fucking up the karaoke show point to it being someone important enough to force her down people's throats for 3 years despite her lies, drama, shoops and shitty attitude. Once that Popteen ring came off and she left Libera she suddenly downgraded her lifestyle, gained tons of weight and stopped working as a model so yeah, she had a sugar daddy/visa daddy and he got fed up with her shit at some point. Now she has to rely on friend favors to get by and have a place in Japan to stay since she can't understand the language outside of casual conversation well enough to get a job she's qualified for that will support her. Even if she could, she wouldn't want to I bet.
No. 49814
>>49812Not to mention she kept going back to the Bravo office for random selfies for a few months afterward, probably trying to beg her way back in because she couldn't get the same frequency and caliber of jobs without her Bravo daddy.
It's hilarious to think Dakota wasted her youth and chance at an education and actual career just to be a lazy spoiled shit, thinking a pedo who found her on the internet and flew her to Japan based on photoshop was gonna have her living like a princess for the redt of her life while she acts like a rude brat to everyone in the industry. She's gonna have to go the rest of her life praying for another opportunity of a lifetime or fade i to obscurity as an ugly, boring housewife with no hobbies or style.
No. 49816
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>>49329made it 12 hours. anyone got a hooktube link? legit watched it like an hour after it dropped and it's been gone in under a day. "K.O." Kathy Ostrenga? Kiki Ostrenga? Kota Ostrenga?
No. 49819
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>>49816Cathy spells her name with a C, Dakota couldn't file a claim under a nickname and hers is Koti anyway. Gotta be Kirsten "Ostrentard".
>>49818Wasn't an agency, because if it was and they took it down to protect her image then they would be more active in promoting her and keeping her CV current.
>>49358>up until she disappeared after the Hiromichi Nakano show in the huge white baggy shirtdress where she looked prego (when she started getting noticeably fatter). I had a gif of that show saved on my laptop, here you go. They panned the camera away from her moments after focusing on her and them switched to a group shot
she wasn't even in. This was her last Nakano fashion show before Girls Award adopted her, probably because of her bored expression and bouncy ass walk. I know there's also a pic of her with the designer whete he looks miffed and she looks like she's bloated and about to cry, standing about a foot behind him in a green coat. IIRC that was her last fitting before this show, which was her last Nakano show. They probably told her that after that show they wouldn't be bringing her back.
No. 49824
>>47923Karma isn’t real, don’t be silly. It isn’t even “karma,” it’s just what to expect when you enter a country under the premise of lies and photoshop as a nobody. It’s consequence. If karma were real, the billionaires who do far worse wouldn’t be sitting on top of their fat bags of cash and laughing at us etc. It’s just common sense that nobody cares about her when she looks like dogshit.
I hold no quarter in this, but I agree with
>>47921 we could be far more civil about Dakota because some of you look fucking insane. I’m assuming anon is referring to all of the ridiculous tinfoil and conjecture that makes it look like a handful of you have no clue how reality works and enjoy throwing your conspiracy theories like shit on a wall to see what sticks.
I know we all don’t want to move on. This is a cow that’s been with us for so long. But at the heart of it, she’s just a mediocre white girl (which we already know) doing small jobs and probably living a very average, boring life in Moonland. I think being a lesbian makes a lot of sense as well but even I have the right mind to be critical of my own personal tinfoils and understand that I could just be projecting that onto her because I want her to seem more interesting.
Painting her as some diabolical elite evil escort is just giving her range that she does not have. In reality, it’s not hard for white girls to receive handouts in Japan. You don’t have to fuck x y and z. Her moon isn’t terrible and her photoshops created a whole movement. That’s all it took. Now she’s too fat and haggard and doesn’t keep up the illusion, of course that will make any sort of aesthetic work minuscule.
We aren’t saying we think the thread should be locked, I think some of us just point out that you guys are going a little crazy from dehydration and it looks pretty bad to anyone with their wits about them. Maybe reflect on your tone and turn it down just a notch, I think that’s the general idea. I only see condescension coming from the people who are going apeshit over mature debate. I think we’re all a little too old to be acting so juvenile when trying to express our arguments here lol.
No. 49834
>>49833This was the first and only post I’ve ever made about the situation. I also said I don’t think the thread should get deleted. Do you hear yourself? I don’t and haven’t expressed any interest to report anything, nor am I buttmad. Chill the fuck out. Are you incapable of calm discussion?
A few of you are basically trying to say that anyone having a different view than you is trying to cause infighting. We are not a hive.
It’s unreasonable to only be open to discussing one of our most notorious cows in an aggressive and embarrassingly autistic manner, and anyone who doesn’t match that posting style or agree with us is a knight or Ostrenga and should be banned. It’s only ever caused infighting because you just cannot handle anyone disagreeing with you.
No. 49846
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>>49186 Does anyone have the video or gif for her walking at Rakuten GirlsAward 2019?
No. 49848
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More recent May 19th
No. 49850
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No. 49852
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No. 49853
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No. 49929
>>49923I remember old threads way back on /cgl/ where they would stan her by saying she really
did go viral and her Bravo for just being beautiful. The early lolcow threads were pretty good as well, way more suspicious of her work vs. play ratio and all the expensive stuff she used to get when she went to fancy dinners every week or two despite barely being in Popteen and focusing on Netflix and app games.
No. 50646
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Sage for no milk, but I wonder if Cota was trying to replicate this style with her new dutch boy haircut.
The thing is, she doesn't use that make up anymore (or any make up as it seems) so it doesn't work.
It didn't even work very well back then, but it was a bit better.
Why is she allergic to adding volume to her hair?
No. 50722
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She's met with Katou before trying to weasel her way back into Larme last year. This time I'm guessing it was around the same time as Girls Award which they both did. Which as exactly the same time they met up before.
Kooter is a snake. She's always trying to use other models to get back to her glory days of 2014-2015. Usually the ones with something to lose nope tf out pretty fast because Kota is a self-centered asshole and kind of a joke in the industry and not worth the reputation hit.
pic related: Katou in the middle. Koots deleted this one because she fucked up the shoop.
No. 50755
>>50722She wont get into larme
It didnt work well with popteen
Risa owns larme and bis so koot will struggle with larme
No. 50863
>>50722what are they eating in this picture?
(sage, I'm hungry)
No. 50870
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Leeching onto Katou hard this week, she must have gotten kootz a handout job coming up.
Points for the hideous face on kooter. None of her features are ugly, but her face overall is so unfortunate looking.
No. 50962
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>>50898like a little bulldog? yes
No. 50966
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reminder that the girlschannel comments are hilarious
No. 50976
>>50863A pizza.
>>50680I mean, her hair has always been thin as fuck, but in this she actually has a bit of volume and it looks miles better.
Now that she lost weight, she could maybe look similar-ish to this again.
And she could also get her views back with a super clickbaity title "How I lost X kgs… IN JAPAN!"
"How I learned I was a kawaii lesbian… IN JAPAN!
She should listen to us more often.
No. 51016
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>>50976>She should listen to us more often.Exactly. Imo the long bob with straight bangs was the best. This plus heavy eye makeup is the only thing that really works for her.
I went back to the first threads and I can't believe that just 4 years ago we laughed about her for looking like this - meanwhile now this would be a huge improvement…
She also needs to start working out, she always goes from starving and looking skinnyfat to binging and being pudgy (and vice versa). We've never seen her at a healthy slim. Doing just a few exercises won't immediately transform you into a huge manly dyke, Kota-chan!
Back then people expected a "real life barbie" and got her, but now they expect a chubby and haggard gaijin, so by improving herself just a little she could actually make everybody pleasantly surprised.
No. 51037
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>>51016agreed, the blunt bangs with a bit of curl and DEFINITELY makeup were her best way of looking. and in this pic she didn't even shoop her jaw that much. the whole "anorexic berries and cream lad" look isn't doing her any favors.
No. 51086
>>51016Tbh I always thought she was really cute on top and bottom left.
For me, her best public appearance was in that (now long gone) haunted Mansion TV segment. I wish I could watch it again, because I thought her makeup and her hair were the best, probably because she had no saying in it. She looks sooo much better with cat eyes.
Also video related.
>>51027She was friends with Charms, if that counts. She's so dumb, if she didn't think she was better than everyone else for being a ~model~ and having model friends, she could easily befriend a popular J-vlogger, even Venus before she went insane, and get even bigger on YouTube.
but yeah she's just dumb and entitled, and now she's a gaijin coconut head nobody.
No. 51129
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She posted another pic from same day on IG and they do not look the same. Kooters seems much older on left pic.
No. 51130
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>>50870And some people keep saying she don't edit that much anymore lmfao
She looks much younger comparing to her status one, is ridiculous.
No. 51143
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>>51130Sure, aside from the jaw she's still shooping out. No angle would hide it so much unless she got it shaved recently.
>>51129She's doing something really weird with her mouth in the left one.
No. 51159
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>>51129>>51130>>51143Come on, you have to give credit where it's due, sure she still shoops, but a
lot less than just a while ago. It's not like she can go from posting her weird baby alien pics to her normal self overnight, she slowly as to reduce the amount.
No. 51173
>>51129she just shrank her face in lenght. The original is already pretty filtered.
Definitely feels like she's entering some new phase of shooping, she looks like an actual human, at least. Very bland and boring tho.
>>51159jesus… I kinda miss this baby phase, it was entertaining. Gollum phase was just ugly.
No. 51192
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>>51159 Dakota went to Lewin's again. Her hair color is lighter again.
No. 51195
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>>51173 I think she looks tired (i.e eye bags are screaming) in some photos that's why sometimes she come out older.
No. 51196
>>51143Controversial opinion I guess but I think she looks her age, she looks nice
and I'm happy that she's embracing her actual features a little more instead of the horrific alien shooping she was doing last year.
No. 51239
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>>51195sage for no contribution but I tried to add some really light makeup to this shit and fuck, minimal effort and she could actually look fucking cute. whoever told her she could rock no-makeup really stitched her up.
she's talented at makeup too so this is a fucking shame.
double sage for shit photoshop but seriously what the fuck dakota
No. 51252
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>>51239Anon's bad shoop inspired me to try my own.
My rules were:
>no filter>no changing her actual features/hair/body except her expression slightly>natural makeup>fits typical japanese model styleI don't think everyone needs to wear makeup, but when your career is based on looking nice, I think a bit of concealer will go a long way.
No. 51261
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>>51129 Is this an engagement/married ring on her left hand? Cause the pic is backwards.
No. 51262
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>>51252 Yeah cute natural make up is something else not like this, she supposed to look better since she works in a beauty industry.
No. 51268
>>51248>>51252lmao I am so sorry, I tried. i made her look like a troon
anon's version looks heaps better, and yeah she needs to invest in concealer. if she tinted her eyelashes/brows it would work wonders too. she isn't ugly, I dont know why she insists on the no makeup shit, she looks like an exhausted mum.
No. 51279
>>51192>>51198I have pretty much the exact same hair color/texture as kota (and keek) and the shade it appears totally depends on the lighting condition. it can look medium brown in indirect indoor lighting, yellow-y in flourescent lighting, and dark/medium blonde in the sun. the strands are thin enough that the way the light fills them really changes the appearance. Also looks more blonde when blowdried.
Guess I'm just adding to the fact that this thread is filled with people giving misguided beauty advice to dakota, not milk lol….
No. 51294
>>51195Shes just aging.. constant use of filters have always hidden her undereyes, nasolabial folds etc..
I just realized i never knew the term 'nasolabial fold' before dakota
No. 51300
>>51279Nah, her hair is lightened. Kiki's is brown now. Go up and look at the pics of her hair from her Japan TV debut (>>51016) it's nearly brown and nowhere near as light as it is now, even under direct studio lighting. Not only that, her hair is dark under every type of lighting before she goes to Lewin every month, which is about how long a lightening wirhout bleaching would last.
She lightens her hair, it's nbd.
No. 51308
>>51307Are you talking about sun-in? Cuz that’s permanent.
Unless if you mean like shaking baby powder through her hair or some shit
No. 51415
>>51195>>51130Personally I like these a lot. Kota if you're lurking (which you probably are) you're doing the right thing.
She looks like an actual human being and recognizable as being her. I actually like the dark circles though that's just me. And she is actually wearing light makeup in the instagram photo. She isn't overlining her lips horribly like she used to either. 100% an improvement.
No. 51467
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stumbled upon this old pic of kota with a faux bob that looks just like her current haircut. if only she would go back to wearing eyeliner and mascara (minus the giant gap between her bottom liner and waterline) her look would improve more imo
No. 51474
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>>51467Sage for ot and nitpicking
I don't think this hairstyle suits her much because it accentuates her long face. If she had a short face, then short hair would be perfect for her.'s kind of funny that she shoopz her face round and short, but she doesn't understand that in real life there's no photoshop and she looks miserable with her long jaw and this short hair. She isn't ugly but she needs longer hair imo. Also eye makeup like you and other anons already mentioned because the more attention her eyes get, the less attention her jaw will get.
No. 51501
>>51467funny how this isn't a true cut and it's just her long hair pinned up underneath, yet it only barely gave it any volume.
>>51262this is hideous. absolutely hideous. she looks like she hasn't washed her hair in a week. putting product in hair that's so dead and thin is just a bad look.
No. 53656
>>53280She always flips out and unfollows people she gets handoits from when we notice, same with Sachico of Malicious.x, kootz deleted her pics of the dinner with her as soon as the thread noticed she had thousands of dollars' worth of merch from them since ~2013.
Dakooter must have a successful career as a gaijin
lescort to B-D list celebrities, every time she tried to bandwaggon too hard she goes back and deletes everything so we can't pin who is currently buying her food and getting her work.
No. 53750
>>53749I bet she regrets that stupid karaoke joke every day kek
I wonder if there is anything she can do to reverse her situation, besides the sleeping around with higher-ups.
She haven't posted in what, a month? She is so low right now.
No. 53818
>>53750It's far too late and has been too long since she was involved in anything popular/big, and has been too inactive as well as she let herself get too heavy and got an extremely unflattering haircut ahe won't ditch. She's done as a model, she'll keep popping up here and there in print or on tv for sure thanks to her friends throwing her handouts, but she's married to stay in Japan now and gave up on modeling. She'll never stop calling herself one as long as she keeps showing up around other models though, even if she can't get her own solo modeling gigs anymore.
I think the karaoke show joke might have been the straw that broke tbe camel's back with her original Bravo guarantor (the one who got her the shibuya apartment, taught her Japanese and got her contract renewed despite Milk and Vogue's backlash for using her in their mags) and he passed her off once her contract ran out to Yula/Rola/ whichever one got her into Libera who didn't have the juice to keep forcing her popularity despite her shitty arrogant behavior. Girl even bragged about being scolded for being informal at work on twitter and defended herself for wearing shoes on tatami afyer loving in Jaoan for 5+ years. She's an arrogant brat who doesn't like to be told anything and it was her undoing, and now she's most likely secretly married just to stay in Japan and live the rest of her life as a codependent adult so she doesn't have to admit she ruined the chance of any weeb's lifetime just to make a shitty joke.
No. 53838
>>53818> he passed her off once her contract ran out to Yula/Rola/ whichever one got her into Libera who didn't have the juice to keep forcing her popularity despite her shitty arrogant behaviorI agree with most of your post except this. Rola didn't work with Koots. They were not even acquaintances. And as for Yula, she's a relatively popular teen model but she didn't really have enough clout in the industry to push Kota into Libera (which wasn't even Yura's agency). If she had ended up at Yula's agency, this theory would make more sense.
The most likely scenario is that her booker Hiroshi shopped her around to talent agencies when he knew that Bravo was finally planning on dropping her for good. Or one of her skeevy connections she made in her peak tarento years got her in. And I don't mean her female coworkers I mean the middle aged male tv/tarento industry dudes who insisted on pushing her so hard to begin with (because she was already losing popularity with Popteen readers at that time).
And in the end Libera only kept her for a few months. Her profile went up on their site in Feb/March and was gone by June. And tbh, even Platinum is too good an agency for her. They still have some pretty popular talento and then there's Koots. But I guess it's big so there's room for her.
No. 53955
>>53838I know there was one woman she worked with who was also in Libera that probably at least put in a word for her, I just couldn't remember but you're probably right, if her girlfriends had that kind of power she wouldn't have flopped down so far to where she is now.
Platinum is probably close to phasing her out too bwvause they barely update her page unless it's to put up uglier pics of her.
No. 54419
File: 1561118895251.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190620-074318_Ins…)

She must be visa hopping again, another awkward as fuck shot of her poorly modeling a handout from a brand with <3,000 IG followers.
Also her hair looks much darker here, I'm thinking all the shots taken at Lewin are overexposed and brightened until they show her hair for the color she wishes it was, eveey other pic but the ones from Lewin her hair is going light brown.
No. 54420
>>54419She posted pics on her IG story last week of her being fitted for this dress like she was gonna be in another runway show, but if she's posting this herself then I guess they decided to let her have the dress and not work with her?
I tried using one of thise sites thst lets you see people's IG stories you missed but it says kooters' is private, so she's had her account excluded from the search it seems. I remember it vividly though because it reminded me of the shapeless white shirtdress from her last Hiromichi Nakano show, plus I looked up Midiumsolid to see how big they were.
No. 54421
>>54420Adding to this, it was the same day she went out with her friend a month ago. So, she waited a month to post a pic of a dress she got for free from a fitting she wasn't called back from, because she has nothing else going on.
I can't wait to see if she turn up in Girls Award again because if she keeps popping up there to walk every 3 months, without working or posting anything in the interim but selfies with actual models, then whoever is keeping her there is gonna be easy to figure out.
No. 54428
>>54419It's kind of weird to be able to see the outline of Kota's naked body underneath this. Like there are her nipples, there's her belly button, there's the swell of her stomach, there are her thighs…
How see-through is that thing irl?
No. 54464
>>54428You're supposed to wear a slip underneath dresses like this, not that a potato like koot would know ofc.
>>54435Maybe it's intentional? She could be in need of a new industry sugar daddy + too socially awkward and bad at Japanese to get one irl. I think she's back in Florida though, she's been too quiet and hadn't posted in a full month, which is about how long she was silent when she snuck back to FL last November/December, and it's 3 months since her last IG brand freebie sponsorship from Glitter that looks like it could have been taken either in Florida or Japan. Come to think of it, so does the new one, nothing about the bg is distinctly Japanese. Exactly 3 months since her last IG brand sponsorship, from a "brand" with sub 3K followers.
Safe to say she's visa hopping?
No. 54541
>>54419what the fuck is this.. lmao
the shoes are ok but what the fuck is that cheap, wrinkled bedsheet they put on her? this could look stylish if it wasn't clearly made by some offbrand retailer. it really seems like they are trying to sabotage her if they put her in dumpy clothes like this combined with her lifeless face and general depressive look of the whole photo.
No. 54558
>toes hanging off sandalsI didn't even notice that LMAO
>visible underwear Oh my god, they're granny panties too. brb dying
No. 54704
>>54703Shoes that don't even fit her anymore, she gave away her knockoff Yolandi Vi$$er bunny heels bc she outgrew them 3 years ago.
And she wore them for her suitcase design collab shoot, with an EATME dress she was given for free. Bitch is broker than broke trying to stay in Japan without a steady job or any real language skills or education, I can't believe anyone doubts that she's fucking around to survive and probably living off her parents long distance.
No. 54879
File: 1561448442306.jpg (686.05 KB, 1080x2089, 20190625_033745.jpg)

Looks like she'll be popping up on TV again in a dorama after almost 6 months(?) of inactivity.
If she doesn't fuck for work (kek) then maybe more white weebs should move to Japan, if they hand out entertainment work that easily.
No. 55031
>>54879It looks like she'll be in a gag show or some shit. You mean white weebs with
connections or you end up a
has been like becki cruel, yukapon, and shit.
No. 55067
>>55031Kota is already a has been. The amount of content that’s been severely cut because she just isn’t getting work anymore is very noticeable. She barely posts pictures and when she does it’s not even like when she was desperately spamming shit from Fitts like a year after that small-time gig was over. She has nothing to post not because she’s busy but because she isn’t doing shit.
Is that guy putting clown makeup on her? Because that’s how this all feels. She’s a joke lol, and she can’t keep dragging along like this for much longer.
No. 55156
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>>55067She says she’s a zombie. Perfect for Kooter, she keeps coming back from the dead.
I looked into the drama a little and it’s a special 2-part drama airing July 12th and 13th at 11:15pm. There are a couple more pics of her on their twitter (@rapper_bites). They’re really pushing her “fame”- they’re even giving away hats she signed lol
No. 55157
File: 1561601794001.jpeg (431.04 KB, 2048x1536, D901OUYUIAARq2z.jpg-large.jpeg)

>>55156An American (from Florida), Yankees hat, makes total sense…?
No. 55163
>>55067To be fair…she could be successful if she wanted to be. She's still a white blonde girl in Japan. She could go back to the kawaii style and shoop and get sponsorships and start a fashion line easily. She used to spend hours pumping out kawaii tutorials so she was definitely motivated once. But I just don't think she finds it appealing anymore. People who have been on the internet since they were children in the eaely 2000s have mostly outgrown the internet altogether. What 23 year ols stays interested in what mattered to them at 15? Kiki has also mostly retired. Kota probably has a sugardaddy or VISA husband providing for her too, so the need to work isn't necessary anymore.
She can officially relax looking ugly as shit going out without makeup or circle lenses. Good for her tbh. She seems very content.
No. 55219
File: 1561648570597.jpg (87.19 KB, 792x1200, D9tVFBQU4AAXl9J.jpg)

>>55163People love to argue this but she really couldn't. She HAD a fashion/jewelry line and it failed so badly that she had to sell the leftovers on Mercari. No one else is giving her another chance there. When she tries to do her old style now she looks like this. She had an audience for tutorials once, but as you said that 15-year-olds who watched years ago don't care anymore. The beauty guru scene has changed so much that Dakota has no place there today. I hate to compare her to Taylor but if she had kept up and evolved maybe she could be in a similar place viewer-wise, but she just didn't.
I agree thought that I mostly think she doesn't care anymore. She's definitely shooping less. She gets so little work that she HAS to be married to be staying in the country. She's doing small sponsorships for money and does a few things for the ego trip but let's be real, this is a side job and not a career. I'm betting that she's working another job in a restaurant or something a la Miranda.
No. 55221
She should have been smart and kept her western base. Done videos in English and Japanese. But she had to go into hiding because many people knew about her scene drama days and catered only to Japanese since not everyone knew about her drama.
If she had come clean, said I fucked up and apologised. Moved on. It would’ve been fine. Honestly and just started fresh.
Kept up vlogs, put herself out there, did more tutorials and gave us some inside into her life. She would’ve been where Taylor is now.
I mean honestly I’ll never understand why Taylor is popular. I find her boring and Dakota isn’t that interesting but she’s got a dark sense of humour. That could’ve been entertaining.
Taylor rocketed due to her Chinese money bags husband clicking his fingers and getting her places. Alas becoming friends with Venus angelic and mooching off her. Probably why that Ella girl Venus is ‘befriending’ is sticking around.
But Dakota who was the first to do this shit and got away with it too could’ve been turned around. She could’ve been likeable if she had changed and put in the work. Jesus Christ.
No. 55286
>>55281A lot fewer
where she warps herself whoops was distracted on phone.
No. 55298
>>55220I know people have been posting about her alleged visa hopping but I don't think she ever did? I think she's just been laying low due to her bad haircut and shitty embarrassing jobs. No way could she afford to travel that often and it's illegal to work on a tourist visa anyway. Seriously, her jobs may be inconsistent but they're with legit companies that wouldn't risk hiring someone with the wrong visa.
Plus if you check instagram tags there were some pics of her getting her nails done or going to events even when she was keeping quiet. Idk it just seems like tinfoiling that has somehow started to be taken as fact in the last couple threads. I honestly feel like she's giving up and trying to slow fade from social media, but doing whatever jobs do get thrown her way for extra cash
No. 55421
>>55409They’re growing up anon.
They’re bored of social media. When you’re 12-21 it feels amazing to have efame. But once you’re in your 20s you find it’s more interesting to go outside, make real friends, get a job and live your life rather than be online all the time to random people and keeping your eyes on your follow number.
All those girls are from the older rave of efame. Now we’re gaining new and younger girls who are dropping on the scene. High school girls who want to be the next living doll or kawaii elf in japan or Kylie Jenner. It’s always the way, in with the new and out with the old.
With so many new pretty girls popping up all the time online it’s hard to keep track now. Instagram gives us a gateway to them and more drama. Juicer drama.
Back then there was no instagram and only tumblr. Not everyone had tumblr though. Instagram is easier it’s there on your phone and anyone can just access it and find you.
That’s why Dakota and Venus wouldn’t be considered now. Not when there are girls who look like actual dolls out there.
Just another era Anon
No. 55425
>>55222Precisely anon.
Now she’s trying to get into acting but she doesn’t realise she may need to take actual classes. Then again - she’s got all these connections so she can easily grab roles for shit all. Fucking terrible.
No. 55436
>>55378Doubtful, these aren't big enough jobs for them to sponsor a work visa. These are jobs she's getting because she's a white girl in Japan, I just can't believe that anyone would sponsor a short-term visa for her. There's just no way that she's traveling back and forth from another country to shoot Rizin "interviews" and cameo in a late-night show. Plus we have no idea if she's actually living with Hirari, that's another made up "fact" that keeps being repeated. It makes so much more sense that she never shows her house because she's married and it would give it away, or she lives in a tiny bare apartment because she's broke.
Seriously, I'm kind of glad that she's finally growing up and taking a step back from the internet… if only Kaka would learn the same lesson but we all know that will never happen.
No. 55449
>>55421>But once you’re in your 20s you find it’s more interesting to go outside, make real friends, get a job and live your life rather than be online all the time to random people and keeping your eyes on your follow number.Which is certainly not what Kota is doing considering she still buys followers/views and spends hours shooping photos. Still.
So sad.
No. 55677
>>55574>when we can all see plain as day the only pics she ever posts are her tagging along with Hirari for handouts or her depressing selfies for some no-name brandThat's… going out lol. No one said she does anything particularly remarkable or amazing. Just that she doesn't spend all day at home, which is usually how people addicted to their online presences live. The key to not caring about being e-famous to have a sense of self-worth is having something irl that fulfills you.
I don't know how any of you can think she's trying when everything she does is so lazy and unappealing and pointless. This is someone who lost her entire childhood to trying to be famous under the pressure of her entire family it makes perfect sense that she doesn't give a shit anymore after 7 years away from people like Kiki and Cathy lol. I can imagine how liberating it must be to just… be mediocre and frumpy and unappealing and unattractive and be satisfied. At least I hope she is.
No. 55733
>>55731she was stalking the internet 24/7 to file for copyright violations and using professional film editing software for photoshopping the videos she was putting out several times a month. the point isn't arguing that she's successful, just that she doesn't prioritize the way she used to.
honestly most of us started off envying her in 2012. how many of us are still trying to be dolly in 2019? people grow up man. and her persona is a trainwreck i'd quit the internet altogether if i was her.
No. 55746
>>55733Everyone envied her until Instagram popped off with the models of girls who are drop dead fucking beautiful. Dakota is bland and even her dolly shoops are bland compared to some Instagram models. That's why Dakota and Kiki wouldn't have a cats in hell chance now.
They were lucky to have blown up back before Instagram and selfies taking off. When it was still pretty unheard of and less popular. Before the editing apps like Snow or Beauty plus on your phone.
That's why they're no longer special.
Even Venus is laying off the living doll shit.
No one cares anymore
So many people copy cat that you loose track of human barbies and living dolls
No. 55758
>>55746Koots' dolly shoops were very influential and she probably would have been able to ride on that if she made an effort to maintain her Western audience and didn't go the alien baby route, but you're right- she and her sister are the products of a bygone era. The conditions were just right for their popularity; now that everyone knows how to shoop themselves into ridiculous proportions, they would have been just two faces in a crowd.
Keeks is at least going to be remembered on a historical level as one of the first big social media celebrities and one of the first people for whom the difference between online and irl were publicly and heavily blurred. Keeks has made it into academic publications and will likely be a common sociological case study given enough time. Koots will not be remembered.
No. 56447
File: 1562604894493.jpg (563.49 KB, 1080x1329, 20190708_125322.jpg)

The show she's gonna be on is promoting her woth her ugly new headshots. I look forward to seeing those spread around more as she tries to come back to TV, they are not flattering.
No. 57023
File: 1562939946189.jpg (734.28 KB, 1080x1920, 20190712_095829.jpg)

>>56447Today is the day. I hope some Japan
anons can get some TV candids for the thread.
No. 57309
File: 1563123529717.png (1.22 MB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at 11.5…)

She's in the second half. I just skimmed through and didn't really pay attention to the story but her character is named Charlotte and she's married to this old dude who brags about her being 30 years younger than him lmaoooo
The second half is here, Kooter shows up at ~28:40
No. 57310
File: 1563123759327.png (920.83 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2019-07-14 at 11.4…)

>>57309Her role is 100% as a white girl parroting Atsugiri Jason's years-old "why Japanese people??" gag. Her "husband" pretends to help the other characters but then betrays them and tries to feed one of the others to her, but ends up getting eaten instead
No. 57375
kekThis picture should be the next thread header.
No. 57425
File: 1563175546677.jpg (152.11 KB, 540x750, 20190715_032445.jpg)

>>57309So they cast her as herself? Lmao.
Even with it being a low quality pic she looks so busted, omg. Maybe that's why she can't get work lately?
No. 57771
>>57425Damn she looks old ass fuck.
>>57310Oh! How koots have fallen.. A few years ago, jobs of this caliber would be below koots.
No. 57772
>>57309Ooooh my god. I barely have words.
She must really be struggling to do something like this.
She was essentially cast as a rando white girl and not for the (fake) persona she's tried to create for herself all of these years. She has nothing to show for herself. This is sad.
No. 57804
>>57771>>57772She's at the point now where she had to take the kind of jobs any random white "model" in Japan that speaks conversational Japanese can get. I knew when she modeled BTSSB with Yukapon that she was finished.
How far she fell, indeed. She used to have and do so much but she was so arrogant and entitled about it all that she lost everything she lied her way into just by being a rude brat after many repeated warnings and mistakes. She can't even blame it all on being young and stupid, bc she bragged about being scolded for it on twitter.
No. 58061
File: 1563706429933.jpg (588.53 KB, 1080x1562, 20190721_065358.jpg)

I guess kooter is gonna drop her IG until she starts working more again (if ever), she got more nails last month from Chieko but never posted them, and judging by jer pics since then she didn't have them for long either.
No. 60800
File: 1564737547381.jpg (361.95 KB, 1080x1736, Screenshot_20190802-111323_1.j…)

I did't recognized her at first
No. 60809
>>60745if she became self-aware and divulged details from her years where she was actually famous, coming clean about her lies and maybe talked about her and keeks' scene queen time, possibly
it's a niche that the younger generation wouldn't care about but we would. she's too old to be truly relevant now, in a world where famous youtubers and influencers have literal millions of followers (that they didn't buy.)
>>60800at least she isn't shooping
No. 60968
>>60745>>60809Hell no, lmao. It's way too late now, she's already lied about so much, basically the only thing she could "come clean" about is how she got into Bravo with obvious photoshops even after an AE Skype interview, and how she managed to stay with them for almost 4 years despite being their worst and least popular model ever, and who was keeping her in that bigass apartment while taking her out and buying her electronics and designer clothes hee first few years in Japan as she tumbled down: first she was a model, then a blogger, then ataranto, then a designer, and then an interviewer. The first half of Dakota's life in Japan is like a weeaboo Cinderella story in reverse, she got handed everything a true weeaboo could ever want, and was still arrogant and conceited about it in a culture that values humility, playing your role well and being grateful so she ended up a low tier foreign leech who aged like milk. Now, she can't get work that isn't a joke so she has to simply stop posting. She got a job in July and only posted it on her IG story bc she was typecast as a white dependapotomous.
No. 60977
File: 1564856526304.jpg (494.65 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190803-202125.jpg)

>>60800I think one of these were already posted here
No. 60981
File: 1564860127612.png (Spoiler Image,235.73 KB, 567x546, kotaface.png)

Does anyone know
where this is from?
No. 61072
File: 1564933005727.jpeg (110.71 KB, 750x567, 0FAE425C-F894-4AAF-9358-69C012…)

Don’t do drugs kids
No. 61839
File: 1565489843628.png (125.12 KB, 234x229, Untitled.png)

>>61072Should have used a candid pic. Good example of how weirdly raggedy she looks now.
No. 62336
File: 1565836837231.jpg (55.71 KB, 596x495, adsfasdf.JPG)

Just popped up in the ダコタローズ tags on twitter. Looks like she went to a summer festival, and ate a cheese filled hot dog. So very vegan of her.
No. 62341
File: 1565837290161.jpg (51.45 KB, 591x434, fghfhsfh.JPG)

and this photo is from back on August 2nd, but she is wearing the same thing….?
No. 63185
File: 1566306472889.jpg (97.97 KB, 600x631, Untitled.jpg)

at least we aren't getting gross shit like this video where she barely tries to pretend she isn't shooping, she must have gotten something done to her face
No. 63596
>>62336I guess she's done pretending to be vegan
and vegetarian now, considering how difficult and expensive it is to do in Japan. Maybe that explains her weight gain and lack of sickly looks and bruising, she finally switched to a diet with meat and dairy in it?
>>63315That look only worked because she aggressively shopped the sagging off of her face and smoothed her under eye wrinkles even from a distance. She never looked like that in that outfit, I promise you. Her "best" non-kawaii outfits are all from times when she was hiding and shooping the most.
No. 65245
>>65241There’s no real evidence of a visa husband…
But she could easily get a teaching job, translator, airline (she’s still cute enough to do a flight attendant work). Likely a lot of opportunities with the 2020 Olympics.
No. 65269
>>65245Also no Ostrenga would ever take a job serving the public. Flight attendant? That's something I could imagine Kiki talking about doing, but Kooter comes off as a trashier, less self-aware Venus Angelic type- too good to work, wants endless praise and money for being cute and speaking conversational Japanese and shopping themselves hafu, etc. so I don't see her doing any sort of real job. Dakota absolutely
would marry for a visa and retire to anonymity before working a real job, especially considering she doesn't have the language skills or education to hold a working visa on her own anyway, just like Venus (hence V trying to start a company in Japan to secure her visa). If she's still living in Japan, Dakota is married for sure, otherwise the only work she could have a visa for would be worthy of sharing on her social media with her fans and friends, no matter how small. If she can brag about being typecast in that shitty zombie show, she can brag about a job booking hotel reservations for tourists.
No. 65329
File: 1567540839269.jpg (424.72 KB, 1280x720, dakota sub project 2.wmv_00004…)

>>37787I translated these videos a few years ago, before I even knew what lolcow was lol and Dakota copystriked the videos and got them removed from youtube. I recommend people to download these files, because I don't think I'm ever gonna share them again. No. 65355
>>65298I speak Japanese and have translated a bunch in past threads. Look, she's not 100% native fluent but she's honestly pretty good. She's beyond just conversational and she clearly has friends that she hangs out with on a regular basis who only speak Japanese, so she can hold her own well enough. Does she know enough for a professional workplace? Hell no (lmao at Kooter trying to use keigo). Could she do a retail-level job and get through day-to-day life? Sure, absolutely. She translated on the fly for Rizin which wasn't anything that difficult, but she did fine. Also she def understood the crappy TV script, it was mostly English ffs. She probably just wanted the money or thought it would turn out better.
I do think she has to be married though just for the visa to make sense. She doesn't work enough for a company to sponsor a visa for her but when she does get jobs they're legit enough that she can't be working illegally on a tourist visa. Honestly the visa is a mystery though, if Kenna could get one maybe anyone can. I do kind of think being married is how she learned Japanese though, that would have for sure helped and would explain some of the speech patterns she used to use.
No. 65535
>>65480Oh no definitely not, you can't get a work visa for a retail job; I was just using that as an example. A company has to sponsor the visa and no job like that would sponsor one. I also don't think that's even legal. Technically you could work retail on a working holiday visa (but the US doesn't do those) or on a student visa, but a typical store couldn't sponsor a visa itself. And then if you're on a spousal visa you could do any kind of work.
>>65496Hard to say because the JLPT is heavily reading and writing-based while I'm sure Dakota's skills are more verbal. I can't imagine that she's all that literate, although I would guess she's picked up some basics. The JLPT really assesses kanji more than actual conversational skills, you can pass it without being able to hold a real conversation and vice versa. So like N2-N1 speaking-wise but with a lot of kanji study maybe?
No. 65662
File: 1567815722791.jpg (84.21 KB, 692x692, 1496309406580.jpg)

>>65640this horrendous picture is probably the funniest thing to come out of it all
No. 65693
>>65640She kept getting more arrogant and fatter as the years went on, getting better jobs despite looking like a shopped fetus disaster and rolling in expensive shit while barely working until Sheina got arrested and looter suddenly flew back to FL, came back to Japan without her ring and has been struggling to work ever since despite still somehow living in Japan with a new mystery ring and going out to parties and festivals.
>>65535No way she's N1 or N2. N3
maybe, because on Fitt's, Rizin and Ariyoshi Hanseikai she stumbled with her words, paused awkwardly or had to ask for clarification from a host. On Ariyoshi one of the female hosts said something to her twice that she still didn't understand. She speaks like she says and does basically the same things every day with the same types of people so she doesn't need much versatility with the language or fluency in it, because clearly her ability to stay in Japan isn't tied to her ability to get legitimate work there.
No. 65704
>N4 and N5 measure the level of understanding of basic Japanese mainly learned in class. N1and N2 measure the level of understanding of Japanese used in a broad range of scenes in actual everyday life. N3 is a bridging level between N1/N2 and N4/N5.>
you passed the JLPT N1 "easily" then you would be able to provide specific examples of why and how Dakota is so allegedly fluent. Also it's literally called the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, why would the highest score attainable be for "higher intermediate" level fluency instead of N3?
No. 65852
>>65826Bc every time the topic dies someone comes in to claim she's totes fluent and repeatedly move the goalposts of fluency to defend her.
Agree with the spouse visa though. She abandoned her social media because being a leech isn't worthy of bragging about unless you bag someone hot and rich.
No. 66132
>>66047i know i shouldn't reply to a dingus but
i've been following dakota and kiki since myspace. it's really funny to see their gigantic downfalls from among the most popular internet girls to forgotten and haggard. something in me really wants to see them change for the better, like a redemption story. seems dakota might be on that path since she seems to be very slowly cutting her bullshit and not pretending she's a model anymore, but keeks is still a disaster. i feel kinda bad for them both even though they were massive assholes in the past.
No. 66249
File: 1568306296728.jpg (140.1 KB, 540x870, 20190912_123850.jpg)

Platinum is adding mentions of her latest works to her page, but not actually listing them as jobs she got via Platinum. Plus, they're making them sound like she got much more put of those jobs than she really did, Rizin shitcanned her fast and the zombie show bit was cringey and lame.
I wonder why they would bother to update her page without getting her work (or fixing the typos)?
No. 66427
>>66249I've had a hunch for a while nkw that she's married to someone in Platinum who is keeping her there for a visa to stay in Japan & live with Hirari, it's the only explanation I can think of for why they still keep updating her page without getting her any work. It would also explain her suffenly dropping off social media, every time she tried to use it to brag about her kawaii moderu life eventually anons put the clues together and caught on to her scams. She hasn't even managed to get an app sponsorship for over a year now, so
unless she's married then it doesn't make sense for her to still be in Japan
or Platinum.
No. 66541
>>66539The hat, ugly one piece dress, the hoodie. I didn't say
expensive new clothes, anon. She
was either going out or getting new stuff pretty regularly before she abandoned social media.
No. 66542
>>66539The hat, ugly one piece dress, the hoodie. I didn't say
expensive new clothes, anon. She
was either going out or getting new stuff pretty regularly before she abandoned social media.
No. 66757
File: 1568962720914.jpeg (398.2 KB, 1125x1878, 33BFE83C-EB59-498B-A800-54F65F…)

New IG post. Shoop seems minimal here? Also it seems she’s starting to take our advice about the eye makeup. Still looks trash with no mascara or liner but eh.
No. 66774
File: 1568982497056.jpg (576.33 KB, 1080x2148, 20190920_082240.jpg)

She finally got another runway gog, too. Unsurprisingly it's GA yet again, they must have a major hardon for her to fit her after a solid year of not really working or keeping up with her weightloss.
It seems like Dakota has a way to "legally" stay and work in Japan, but it's like she has to hide everything she does or else anons might figure out what she's doing to be kept and favored for so long, and for so little too. I've never seen another whire girl continue to get eighth, ninth and tenth chances at modeling when she so very clearly doesn't suit it and is repeatedly the worst looking model on the stage. MIDIUMSOLID didn't use her and gave her the dress they fit her in for free, yet almost 6 months later she suddenly books this show around her birthday, after two months of dead silence?
Platinum be damned, she's struggling hard.
No. 66786
File: 1568992078610.jpg (69.77 KB, 446x649, Emma-Stone-Short-Bob-Haircut-w…)

>>66784if she grew out her bangs and sideswept them, and also grew her overall hair length, she could pull something like this off, assuming she took the time to style it/add volume.
No. 66789
File: 1568994459055.jpg (602.73 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190920-094607_Twi…)

Either Koots pulled a Venus or someone is catfishing using her pics.
No. 66799
File: 1568999098980.jpg (147.61 KB, 540x770, 20190920_130344.jpg)

>>66789It's interesting that this profile was found and posted to Twitter the same month kooter went from struggling to get it bitty IG neand sponsorships, to suddenly getting Girl's Award, going to the Osaka chocolate festival and going out with her friends again. Maybe it was legit? She dropped off for a while at the beginning of the year and then just… popped back I working the same jobs again.
>>66798I promise you if she was ever on that site she deleted her profile as soon as it was posted to Twitter. She couldn't risk acknowledging it, she would have to simply delete and pretend it never happened.
Pic related
No. 66901
>>66836Lol no it's not, but why you didn't claim the
profile was fake idk. There's a link to join the site at the top of the search page.
Too bad we don't have a timeline of her highs and lows for the first 6 months of the year, I bet it would line up nicely with the date on that screencap. Although I do remember posts mentioning hownstrange it is that she keeps cycling through her career in the same way: "debut" with a new gimmick or role > does well for 6~8 weeks, going out and posting selfies regularly > more indoor selfies > starts looking poor and doing sponsorships again > radio silence until she runs whatever scam can get her jobs but can't make her keep them.
No. 67294
File: 1569345761720.jpg (326.29 KB, 540x871, 20190924_131922.jpg)

She's still in Japan, though not doing much.
No. 67295
File: 1569345826083.jpg (183.21 KB, 540x883, 20190924_131952.jpg)

>>672942/2. Is it just me or does she look weird af in this one?
No. 68271
File: 1570113545462.jpg (84.97 KB, 540x574, 20191003_103704.jpg)

>>68270Dropped pic, also idk why I saged.
No. 68273
File: 1570114124697.jpg (213.35 KB, 540x921, 20191003_104805.jpg)

>>68271>>68270Adding to this, I've been looking but I don't se pics of kooter anywhere for this show. Yula and Rola were there, it was affiliated with LINE, and the set kooter tweeted that she walked for had no mention of her st all, and used a Japanese model to post on the Girls Award Twitter for the set she claimed she modeled (pic related).
Part of me feels like she didn't really walk in this show, but wants to heavily imply she did and is hiding her career instead of unable to continue it. All the companies that pushed her and licked her asshole before did this show with some of her close friends, but she's completely MIA and isn't in any of the group shots of backstage videos.
No. 68281
>>68270>>68273I think maybe they dropped her like the last runway show did (Midiumsolid). Think about it:
>>66774Sept. 18th, fitted for Girl's Award
>>66774Sept. 20th, the cap of the derihera site page fet. kooter and a fake name (Nonna) is posted from Twitter, but the tweet was dated March 25 of this year.
Around that time (end of March) she had to have auditioned for & got the Rapper Bites gig, bc then she was going out with her friends to festivals/events again after being silent for a while and looking like she went back to Florida (after getting the white dress from the Midiumsolid show that fitted her but didn't use her). Then after the cap of that derihera account was posted she dropped off again, and now the show she was fitted for doesn't seem to have used her for it and replaced her with someone else. Girl's Award, Rakuten, and Modelpress wouldn't miss a chance to push kota yet again, so if even MP didn't post about her being there and the only evidence that she was is a tweet from koots herself, then she's lying by omission. No pics of her from the show or backstage, wearing any outfit, and the way she worded her tweet here doesn't actually state she walked in the show, just that it was that day for that brand(>>68271). She must have made the tweet to make it seem like she was involved but it's too vague and there are
no pictures of her from this event.
I think she doesn't live in Japan full time/year round anymore and only goes for short spurts to get some work and then play around before she repeats her lazy cycle. Otherwise I can't see why she would grind her social media to a halt except to plug a new job every 2-3 months if she were still trying to be even a part time model, because having aexn online following is part of the job and helps book gigs. Remember when she kept posting huge high res pics of her FL house, pics of her cats and palm trees "from back home"? I doubt she was in Japan for those couple of months, likewise I doubt she was in Japan after the failed MIDIUMSOLID job, because she never takes pics in front of plain ass chain link fences and red brick buildings in Japan, she always takes pics that clearly look like she's in Japan- except for that one.
No. 68289
File: 1570120377771.jpg (312.24 KB, 500x650, 08.jpg)

>>68273>>68281Nah, she walked.
No. 68290
File: 1570120437776.png (1.83 MB, 1625x967, girls-award-atmos-fila.PNG)

>>68273>>68281Not trying to stan, was just curious how she was looking nowadays and found these.
No. 68294
>>68289>>68290A, that outfit is horrid. Wtf is Japan's fashion lately?
B, wow, they really didn't promote her for thos event at all. Was she a guest, or an actual model?
No. 68295
Yowza, she looks rough. I can see why they didn't promote her much though, she's hiding under that hat and those clothes to begin with.
>>68292Damn, less than a second halfway through, and they didnt tag her.
No. 68306
>>68296>>68290>>68289How do these pics make her look so harsh and old, while all her social media pics posted by her or her friends show her with wildly different features? I thought she was done with the OTT shopping that was keeping her from getting work?
Although I guess that explains the rapper bites gig, heavy makeup and blurry pics of her to hide her real face?
No. 68314
File: 1570139547540.png (138.62 KB, 294x254, Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 5.51…)

>>68296She needs to not make that face every time she's on a runway. The "trying not to smile face". I feel like thats what partly makes her look stupid.
No. 68326
File: 1570150273647.png (72.74 KB, 180x212, Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 6.58…)

I noticed that her picture on the Girls Award site was new. She just looks so out of place next to all of the other models. She just looks so… average. The haircut is so unflattering too, I don't understand why she's kept it for so long now
No. 68338
>>68326Her face is starting to look harder, so maybe she thinks it helps her look younger since she won't wear makeup?
>>68300Her and her friend look so out of place in the group with the other models.
No. 68340
>>68326>>68326Damn, does she still have snakebites or are those the scars from her piercings from 2011?
>>68296She's making almost the same face in both pics yet looks so wildly different.
No. 68537
File: 1570367216079.png (96.72 KB, 302x339, 1392393362676.png)

>>68306combo of bad lighting and being viewed from straight-on rather than above like the typical selfie pose
i thought she had gotten work done on her jaw or something but it's just as huge as ever i guess
>>68326fucking someone in the industry
>>68501her jaw is just too disconcertingly square. maybe if she had embraced it and done a flattering hairstyle with it in the past but every time a candid is posted with her gigantic jawline she looks like she got stung by bees or something since we're used to seeing the shoop
No. 68577
>>68541it's not interesting. the thread is only ever bumped with sageless negative posts. thus drawing the attention of people who stopped keeping up with her and are seeing her for the first time in a while. the "negative" posts aren't even that bad, and the "positive" posts aren't that nice.
it's a fact that despite being the girl that's responsible for pull being a thing in the first place, and having a psychotic pageant mom of her own and a wackjob sister, dakota is doing shockingly well
by snowflake standards. compared to the people on this board with similar beginnings. girls turn to gravure and cam'ing for way, WAY less and much faster.
right now kota is the japanese indie equivalent of a kmart model. she's haggard, dumpy, and irrelevant. no promo, no name for herself, no legacy. is that a compliment? no. can people still say they're happy she's minding her business and seemingly content in mediocrity? yes.
No. 68616
>>68577The only reason kooter
seems better off than the other white cows in Japan is because she already got her cringey phase out of the way years ago when she was still being well kept, granted it did a toll on her career but she is still somehow able to stay in Japan and scrape out a few jobs a year as a tagalong token white model. She isn't there legally without a marriage visa or secretly visa hopping back and forth to FL. She isn't booking jobs or paying for all her little day trips with giga like Rapper Bites and Girls Award every 3 months. Dakota stopped ppsting on wocial media because it was destroying her illusion of a successful life and career in Japan right at the same time sheina got busted for marriage fraud. She lays low now so she won't end up being reported or investigated for how she's staying in Japan or found out for who she's fucking with. Kooter is likely staying in Japan the same way Venus and Yuka are, something shadyand quasi-legal relsted to sex work.
No. 68781
>>68773Only because she finally stopped oversharing handouts. Do you rrally think spending your late teens fucking around for personal gain with middle aged men is better than ending up like Kiki? Who likely did the same thing but has nothing to show for it?
Kooter is barely able to stay in Japan or she would show off more. She never had a problem going out without getting regular work before, so now she's either struggling to get work in Japan or married for the ability to physically live in Japan and scrape out a lower middle class life with handout jobs and tagalong gigs.
No. 68788
>>68773Not really. She has
way more resources available to her even in Florida as a native English speaking American citizen- they just aren't based in entertainment, popularity and living beyond her means. She could easilt go backnto college and get a real job in graphic design or photography with her background and skills, but she wants to pretend she's special and a star for as long as possible and a real job working for others who aren't praising her for mediocrity would ruin that.
No. 68896
>>68781living in japan and being able to go out and not be around my controlling narcissistic parents in
florida would be ok even if i had to fuck some ugly old man to do it. kiki is just stuck doing nothing in one of the worst states in the US.
No. 68921
>>68896I thought kaka was spotted in Chicago last? Either way, being a pseudo-dependant in Japan isn't worse than being in her home country. Being in FL doesn't mean she has to be under her parents' thumb unless she refuses to be an adult and take care of herself, which is likely why she stays in Japan- as long as she does, she can be a spoiled, lazy teenager forever. The amount of resources ahe has to take advantage of in America far outweigh whatever turd of a life she can squeeze out of Japan, but because living in America won't make her special just for going viral and being white ahe won't ever go back to America where she's just another mediocre, attention starved white girl who speaks half another language. The longer she stays in Japan, the harder it's going to be for her to build a stable life for herself in the long run, a carpermuncher like kooter isn't gonna keep a marriage just for a visa, she wouldn't be able to keep up that lie forever anyway. She had the mother of all sweet deals as a teen and shit on it for no reason, shit.
No. 69030
>>68921there will always be some man who wants to fuck a white woman in japan and is willing to pay for her life if she submits to him.
once she's REALLY old of course she won't be able to do it anymore, i doubt she has savings, but i also don't see either her or kiki being smart and going to college for something to support themselves with
No. 70094
File: 1571516169927.jpg (272.98 KB, 1440x1440, 1euVH0T.jpg)

Dakota at PINKO's fashion show party.
No. 70104
>>70094she doesn't look terrible here.
she looks like a massive soft butch lesbian compared to the other two girls though. is she dating one of them? it's kinda cute
No. 70198
File: 1571606987420.png (29.9 KB, 182x138, Pne4FWP.png)

>>70104 Nah she's not dating none of them.It's a pretty shitty zoom but that's Hirari next to Kooter.She's with her at the event.
No. 70322
>>70198She's dating Hirari, most likely. She lives with her, gets work through her connections and doesn't have to do anything else to live in Japan, so it seems she fojnd a visa husband and a girlfriend to live with which is why she's laying so low.
Remember the "private event" in the park after 6 month of silence? She got new glasses and a new mystery ring popped up, and from that point she was back in Japan laying low and booking shitty jobs. I think she married a friend or colleague of Hirari's for a visa to stay and work in Japan and lives with her and is terrified of being found out and deported like Sheina was (remember, as soon as Sheina was arrested Kooter fleed to the states and stopped wearing her Popteen ring, but came back to Japan
months later to take selfies jn the same apartment (Hirari's).
That's the only logical way kooterfuzz is staying in Japan, since she can't stay there on her own just being a model and white person.
No. 70329
File: 1571675814316.webm (13.98 MB, 1280x720, 1426629114973.webm)
>>70322that would be wild if she was dating hirari since she and kiki used to preach about how much they hate their pedo lesbian haterzzz
No. 70356
>>70330No, it's the knly theory that makes sense. All her other female model friends go oit with and are seen with guys their age, whereas Hirari and kota hang with older, industry guys that would be able to help them out. I think Hirari is a better opportunist than Dakota by being half Japanese and having money/connections, but I don't think they're just friends based on how kooter hasninteracyed with her other friends
and Kiki in the past. We know she more than likely lives with Hirari (which is why she can't post apartment selfies anymore), they go everywhere together and even dress alike and took pictures in cutesy couple familiar poses holding hands. Every time Kooter drops off, Hirati drags her back on the scene a while later. Why would she be so invested in helping a lazy shit like Dakota stay in Japan for no reason, who can't even hold a career as a model anymore, when she has her own career to worry about and a much better life and social circle than Dakota? Because she went viral for being kawaii? That's a whole hell of a lot to do even for a best friend, helping them float through life in a country they aren't a citizen of and can't earn their own living in.
No. 70380
File: 1571696307424.jpeg (516.12 KB, 750x990, 372FF468-9F1D-44B7-8EA3-BCBA88…)

>>70094From the same event.
Koots is lucky that just about every guest she poses with abuses shoop apps as much as she does. Because honestly, lately unshooped she's reminding me of pixyteri, like in this pic for example.
No. 70441
>>70424Honestly don't know exactly but that was my sort of visceral reaction when seeing that picture. Maybe it's just the sort of mature hard faced, big jawed, plain af white girl thing combined with the body shape and berries and cream lad hair that looks like a bad cosplay wig. Plus I saw it directly after seeing this shooped
>>70094 wonder which softens and youth-ens her up a lot, so the comparison was jarring.
But I understand logically that feature by feature they aren't alike so I get your reaction anon.
No. 70738
File: 1571962667805.jpg (115.92 KB, 417x628, 20191024_201657.jpg)

Platinum changed her profile pic yet again, this time hiding hernin an XXL pullover, much professional!
Also, no new work added to her CV since 2018 + still didn't fix the typo.
No. 70742
>>70590I don't know how I missed this comment the first time. I'm dying.
>>70456I have to agree, she looks better lately. I'd be curious to see how she'd do in western media. I doubt she has much of a real acting background, but surely she'd do better than her sister? Her Japanese career is pretty minimal, but she already has her sister beat there, even if the bar is quite low.
No. 70781
File: 1572005805405.jpg (79.03 KB, 729x585, scam.JPG)

>>70778Want to add that they suddenly moved her out of the regular talent section into the "pick up" section where they keep their most popular and in demand talents like Nanao and Reina Triendl despite her frankly woeful resume these past years. It's just like when Bravo abruptly moved her to the direct booking section for no reason. Shady af and obvious.
No. 70784
>>70783This isn't direct booking exactly. It's more like where Platinum sticks it's most popular talents with the implication that they getting the most work. But clearly Koots doesn't belong there.
>>70783>Does the agency want to remarket her or give her a last chance?I figure Kooter got tired of languishing in the back and decided to take matters into her own hands and make some "close connections" with her management in order to try to get ahead, because she's lacking the talent, charm, or even appearance necessary to do it organically.
No. 70793
File: 1572014838154.jpg (174.59 KB, 540x876, 20191025_104031.jpg)

>abandons her social media>getz moved to the most popular section of her agency's site>starts getting work again after a full year of almost nothing but crap tier work >is being dragged to events with Hirari for exposure & free clothes despite not being able to get her hair or nails done every 2 weeks like always (Chieko posts when she gets them)She's up to her same old shit, just not posting it on social media this time.
No. 70795
File: 1572015228342.jpg (147.2 KB, 540x611, 20191025_105213.jpg)

>>70793>>70794And of course this sudden burst of activity follows a latergrammed video from her Nakano trip in her flowery white Rizin dress with long white nails on October 13th, looking like she's in another booth with an unseen stranger at tje beginning of it. Perhaps she's married to someone in Platinum for a visa, but she's worn out her welcome professionally in Shibuya and has a hookup from out of town helping her get work that Platinum-san can't or won't?
No. 70797
>>70793lol. The only "work" she's gotten in the last few months is Girls Award. All of these other pictures are from her being Hirari or someone else's plus one at brand exhibitions so she can score free fashion. But even her being constantly included in Girls Award is such a fucking mystery. She's not popular at all anymore and she's there walking with the most popular
young japanese idols, models, actresses, and kpop idols. Like she sticks out like a sore thumb. Like a bunch of popular teenagers and then midtwenties (looking closer to midthirties) Koots. Doesn't make sense without some sketchiness.
And I totally agree that she's up to her same tricks.
No. 70833
>>70797She got Rizin and the Rapper Bites gig too. But yeah, her affiliation with Rakuten is hella suspicious, especially considering the pic of her and Hiroshi Mikitani (Rakuten CEO) from hernpeak in 2015. Kooters is a kept model, but it doesn't make aense because she puts zero effort into it and only wants to pretend she's better than her white trash background, not actually enjoy modeling or fashion.
I bet she got Rizin and into Platinum through whatever Rakuten connection she has. Someone with some big power is helping her stay in Japan and her only chance at keeping that deal is to drop off of social media? Hella suspicious. I wish she would get investigated like Sheina, because I guarantee whatever she's dpjng is way juicier than just a simple acam visa marriage to some low-rank agency worker.
No. 71244
>>71212That's how all these white weebs go about over in Asia. Taylor R and her ugly husband despite Taylor being mediocre at best for a white girl. She isn't that outstanding, she's skinny and tall. That's it. Her features don't pop at all, she's average. The only thing bout Taylor is she is probably better looking than the white weebs she hung with? She has smaller features, Sharla has a big nose, Kim was a dumpy asian, the other Aussie one who's now changed her aesthetic was ugly but had a nice body.
With Dakota, she has the right features to shoop herself into 2012 barbie her. She has the right height for J fashion and she isn't that big. Honestly, I don't get why people keep saying she's hella fat. How? She isn't at all. Seeing her on the runway a month ago at that event, she's the same size as the other models not far short. You're all delusional.
Koot gets hired because of the connections she's had withstanding since 2011/2012 when she first got there. I do raise some slight suspicion though because I did find it odd how someone who has never set foot on Japanese soil, somehow got given Ufufu girls of the bat and all these other huge events there at the time.
But Koot was easily overthrown by Nicole Fujita and Tina Tamashiro. Actual half Japanese models who Japanese young women want to see, not a white Barbie imposter from America.
At this point, Koot is probably doing translation work or other shit on the side for her income. I don't think she really has a sugar daddy. I think she may be in a relationship, not with that girl she's always with. Someone else. But so far, she isn't really bringing in drama and keeps to herself. She is no longer
No. 71342
File: 1572354225358.jpg (51.99 KB, 573x718, b2f2dff5362d8a16030344addbc6c4…)

>>71244re: the fat thing
this has been said time and time again
kooter is not fat by american standards. she's fat by JAPANESE MODEL STANDARDS. the girl on the right is considered plus size in japan and kooter is bigger than that, so…
No. 71351
File: 1572362113268.jpg (227.73 KB, 1080x1350, 75388506_698392210645111_53457…)

>>71244Hide your power level Kooter stan.
>>71343She singlehandedly sunk her own handed-to-her-on-silver-platter career by being an insufferable cunt on national tv. And as much as people like to sweep it under the rug now, when they are trying to defend her, it was a big deal and effectively ended her tarento career. She was already on rocky ground with some viewers because even when wasn't being an outright cunt, a lot of Japanese people didn't respond well to her personality, but that was the nail in the coffin. So there you go. There was her public drama. Not to mention eventually a lot of Japanese discovered her racist videos and hidden shitty-ness and gave up on her.Finally, she got booted from Bravo and Libera for being terrible.
>>71341>if Kooter were translating as a job to stay in Japan then she wouldn't have stumbled so hard with the Rizin interview translationsTrue. Also, even if she was a decent translator/interpreter being a foreigner puts her at a major disadvantage in that field. When it comes to translators/interpreters Japanese would almost always rather hire a native Japanese over a foreigner even if the foreigner is exponentially more qualified. Also, Kooter has no qualifications/certifications.
No. 71382
File: 1572381230034.png (692.9 KB, 703x1235, rL2yBPw.png)

She's looking like her mother Kiki oh i mean sister
No. 71383
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No. 71384
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No. 71385
File: 1572381707772.jpg (126.71 KB, 1256x500, ZaBBRQA.jpg)

Someone posted this..I'm done lmao
No. 71413
>>71385Top kek anon.
>>71410Or you know some people just have longer limbs. Given that she has long legs as well as long arms that's probably just her anatomy.
No. 71448
File: 1572466763742.jpg (177.87 KB, 1080x1080, 74467208_155807735629805_37638…)

Found this pic she untagged herself from on insta.
>>71358>>71342Lmao that's Mizuki Hoshina. She's a gravure model, and actually has a bigger following than the girl on the left… Nowhere on her agency's profile or in any articles is she referred to as "plus sized".
No. 71454
>>71351>Having a cranky personality is drama nowI mean that first time she went on JP TV was hilarious, but she never had a public meltdown, shes not e-begging afaik, compare her to the likes of Shiena, Sere, Venus or whatever j-whore.
Shes interesting to talk about because she is/was living the weeb dream but she has 0 milk. Shes water.
No. 71491
>>71454She was never popular enough to have massive career crippling drama. Most models have a shelf life of 5 years and Dakota has been modelling for 7. Even the biggest supermodels die out in 5 years. Dakota had had a very standard modelling career. She was viral for a minute, was unlikeable and ugly on TV, and was dropped due to not living up to the original sweet real life Barbie brand she was hired for. Her shelf life was 3 years. Now she's been rebranded by a new irrelevant company to suit her actual personality of dykey tomboy yankee.
And that's it. That's the unremarkable rise and fall of Kooter. And it's why she keeps getting jobs. Because nothing happened. At least not anything that hasn't happened before in the modeling world. Do you know the drama Western runway/VS models have gotten into and still get work? No one cares. Models are just… models. Look at the jobs Kota is getting. How does that look elite and hard to get cast for? Honestly I wish her timeline was as exciting as you're painting it.
No. 71495
>>71342She isn’t fat
Wake the fuck up
No. 71509
>>71491Oh, this is the funniest post I've
ever read in a Kooter thread. Every part of it just so obviously wrong to anyone her age or older
who was there for the Karaoke show drama that ended her TV career as a tarento for
years, andnshe never recovered to getting those kid of gigs again. She had drama with Taiko Kitano for wearing clothes hebwas gifted by fand all over her social media, there were rumors pf her sugaring from the very beginning that were so prevalent even her Japanese fans knew about them. This is such a reach and cover-up post it's actually funny to read.
I think it's safe to say our favorite little fatso failure is back to lurking her threads?
No. 71510
>>71491>Dakota had had a very standard modelling career.Ahe got into one of the most exclusive big nake international agencies from her bedroom in Florida with a face that wasn't hers by using Photoshop and After Effects, all because she pandered herself to Asian ephebophiles and her parents allowed her to and enabled her all along the way.
She was signed a contract and flown to Tokyo andnupon her debut, the backlash for her real face VS. her viral face shut her down so hard she didn't start getting consistent work for almost 6 months after that.
The Angry Birds and Milk pgotoshoots she did as some of her first gigs with Bravo, were heavily edited to resemble her shoops and Milk even
blurred her face on their website.
Every big name employer she works with either keep handing her jobs where she looks like an older foreign colleague trying to cosplay a young Jaoanese model, or uses her once and then buries all mention of her.
She's been in the same social circles as big time celebrities and CEOs, entertainers and artists and every time those connections are exposed, they either drop her or her social media gets scrubbed and she goes on another copyright/deleting spree.
still in Japan despite "regularly working" only one or two jobs a year if she's lucky, unless she's doing a ton of small fry anymodel work every other foreign weeb in Japan does, maybe in secret with another (hafu Japanesu) name. Or she's married for a visa.
No. 71522
>>71509The sheer autistic perseveration in this thread is getting so old. Not the anon you replied to but they're right. Nothing that remarkable happened. Sure, the start of her "career" was milky and the karaoke show was for sure a fuckup. She's definitely the biggest catfish of all time. But come on, the tinfoiling in this thread is nuts. There is absolutely no evidence she's living with Hirari (she wishes, Hirari's family is loaded), visa-hopping, in cahoots with Mikitani (why does the same anon bring this up with no evidence every year?? Dakota clearly has zero big name connections), etc. Her career is basically dead, there's nothing to talk about so anons just keep going around and around in circles until she gets another job.
Right now the only interesting thing about Kooter is her mystery (spouse) visa. At least she's finally made friends and her photos actually look like a human now. But she's boring as fuck and her social media is basically dead. I would guess that we'll still see her get 2-3 cringy jobs per year for the next few years and then she'll truly fade into obscurity.
No. 71549
>>71534I feel the same way. I fear the day I can't revisit old Kota drama while taking the train home from uni. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.
can't someone write a book about it? I guess it would have to be largely without pictures, since she would never give permission to print her own pics.
No. 71573
>>71522Agreed. Anons who still come here are waiting for something to happen, but her life is pretty boring these days. Even if something does happen, she's more likely to just post less and less on social media.
It'd be entertaining if she was still an asshole and cursed people out on social media, or shared political opinions, but I think the Tumblr, /cgl/ and PULL griefing back in like 2011 up til 2015 taught her, and now she lays low.
Her horrendous baby face/alien shoops used to be milky, but she's recently stopped that, gotten a bob and resigned to accepting her fate as a basic, normal girl from Florida.
Her face/jaw filled out too much with age to do the high femme/dolly stuff anymore, but she can still be hired for "simple", "casual" photoshoots.
All anyone here has is the occasional photo to nitpick, and tinfoil that never gets confirmed/denied about who she must be fucking to stay in Japan.
The only saving grace of this thread is that if something
does happen, we'll immediately know, since there are some true stalkers forever watching her accounts, searching her name, and going through her tagged photos/follow lists.
No. 72999
File: 1574055964020.jpg (345.3 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2019-11-18-02-37-05…)

We sure did come a long way from the baby alien shoop days. I wonder what happened to make her mentality change?
Also, she must really like that hair, considering she's been keeping it the same since at least February. No hair grows that slow, so she's most likely maintaining it this size.
No. 73041
>>72999This is actually sort of cute?? A realistic shoop.
Although she really could use eye makeup so she looks less haggard in candid photos
No. 73061
>>72999She probably got sick of shooping and her style changed. She got rid of the kawaii loli style and just went for things her own age. I think she just prefers keeping a low profile online. Shoops for fun and keeps it at that. I don't think she really cares about her kotakoti persona anymore.
She grew up.
No. 73122
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>>72999Another sponsorship handout, this one is slightly more popular than her last few, but I guess her gravure friends could have helped her score this. Also, IDK the point of modeling for a roomwear/lingerie brand if you're too boxy and fat to model it properly. Who even expects to sell a product you can barely see on the model from under a shirt?
No. 73128
>>73068>it's prob shoopedlmao are you kidding? Of course it's shooped, she looks like a cross between Cathy and PT under runway lights & without shoop.
It's honestly sad how she
keeps trying to pop back up and make people believe she can be a legitimate model. She never was, even in the beginning her work was censored, shooped and restricted. She only lives in Japan because of a spouse/c
cksucker visa (the private ceremony in the park months ago, before which she was radio silent for months* and then after the ceremony suddenly started wearing a ring and returning to events and getting work in Japan) and definitely not because of modeling, but it seems like she'd rather pretend she earned her way there and her right to stay just for being a token white girl who manufactured her viral fame on the backs of pedophiles.
It's hilarious how she's allegedly soooo happy with her quiet life now, yet she still tries to keep coming back to modeling after entire seasons with these small fry brand handouts, all so she can pretend she's not just a white trash loser whose only real life accomplishment is being a sponge in a different country than the one she was born in.
No. 73238
>>73120She was literally homeschooled and trying to be an e-famous scenekid since she was 11 lol. Her spoiled rude edgelord fuckery went down almost 8 years ago and she's ceased after abandoning her family and no longer contacting the psychotic sister whose shadow she was living in. Kota became a dumpy butchy ugly irrelevant lesbian in oversized beige rags who doesn't even wear makeup. Kiki played a Nazi in a puppet horror movie and spammed the forum with mutilated vagina pictures.
What else was the cause of it? It's not mutually exclusive. We can comment on why she likely was the way she was without removing accountability for the fact she was a major cunt who destroyed her career due to her own choices.
No. 73995
>>73444Who's sadder tho? Kooter, or you who's been following her every move for 9 years despite supposedly thinking she's a fat ugly sponge? what's your motive if you think there's nothing to her? and don't give me "it's entertainment" i've been in your place and i know that's bs.
I'm not Kiki, or an Ostrenga. And I know i'll probably be banned for this, go ahead since i'm leaving after this. but I stopped doing this idiocy many years ago. It's freakish to come back and see that there are STILL people like you going strong as ever. especially since Dakota stopped being interesting around 2015, now almost 5 years ago, and now not even active on the internet.
the way that you say this
>a conceited, egotistical pedestal telling as fuck. this is what you really believe about her, you don't think she's ugly, you think she's a "conceited princess" and since you're no doubt an ugly no-life, you make yourself angry when you think up these fantasies, delusions and fanfiction in your head about how she's full of herself.
i used to be obsessed with Dakota too, and revel in the same things you're doing, because i was jealous of her and i liked to see her brought down to a normal, even below average girl (that she's not, no matter how much you scream it). but dude, it's been 9 YEARS since "kotakoti" happened. she's not even an inhuman doll with cute clothes and kawaii videos/blog anymore. i literally can't fathom why anyone would still be stalking her sooooo long after she dried up completely and lost her appeal. your obsession with her must have been way more fucked up than mine. The girls who talked shit about her in 2012/2013 were all around her age or slightly older, which means you must be in your mid-late 20's or 30's. You're way too old for this shit
>>74278Oh it has to be. That would explain so much, but then again it's been known that cows lurk and post in their threads, and the Ostrengatards are some of the most blatantly obvious because as soon as you go "hi, cow" they always default to the "you can't b
prove I'm them, they're way too busy being popular and gorgeous to post here anyway!!11" type of responses.
Frankly, these epicly buttblasted paragraphs defending someone literally
nobody but her family and buttbuddies care about are why I still pop in. It's obvious Dakota is on a cocksucker visa and all her modeling work was handouts based on her pedo appeal/later networking, but it's like pointing it out and how much doesn't make sense about her "image" seems to cause quite a disturbance in the Force for someone who is allegedly so over internet dramu and is supposedly too busy being a kawiwi model to notice.
No. 74626
>>74624It's way too personslly offended to be bait, nice backpedal though. Also, Kota going viral for shoops was never about following in Kiki's footsteps or shadow, she quickly eclipsed her with them when she went viral. Kiki Kannibal was never as much of a deal as Living Doll Dakota Rose. And as for me, I followed kooter and still check up on her because to me, it's hilarious to see her failing further down every time she tries to come back and strut on social media like she was ever a real model and not just an underaged cockwarmer with a work visa/marriage visa being thrown a bone to keep her thinking she's special. Kiki lost her mind when Kota went viral, several times in fact, while Kota seemed to be living it up in Japan all over TV and the internet being a cunt.
Honestly, I'm starting to think it's Kiki posting this projected trash wall because these types of posts always mention kota "trying to live in/escape her sister's shadow". Either it's a constant dig on Kiki ("Kota was copying Kiki her entire life until very very recently from the other side of the planet! All her cuntery and bad decisions she never took accountability or apologized for were all Kiki's fault! It was her influence! OH but she's happy now away from her crazy family, totally!") or it's like somehow trying to imply Kota only went famous because of being like or copying Kiki somehow (whicb is false af, Kiki fucking wishes lmao).
No. 74850
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Anons correct me if I'm wrong cause my moon is not the best…
But as far as I understood, she's saying she did a renewal and went to have fun in Shibuya afterwards.
Model contract renewal, mayhaps?
Will Dakota stop being a freeloader and get back in action?
No. 74851
Yesterday I went to have fun at the pre-opening for the renewed Tokyu Plaza in Shibuya. Fun! Digital Hachiko, until we meet again…
The shoop also seems strong in this picture. Eyes, face shape, nose etc.
No. 74899
>>74626Raise your hand If you feel personally victimized by Koots.
But really tho, You should work on yourself, these types of rants add nothing and make the thread shittier, and everybody past 20 can see you have issues.
Like its ok to shitalk for funsies but when you get to demented 10 paragraph responses about how much you hate some obscure internet model makes me wonder whats happening with your life bby.
No. 74952
>>74899That was a response to a kotastan, not a post about cooter herself. There's that famous Ostrenga lack of reading comprehension we've missed so!
Alao, she doesn't model anymore, you can't call yourself a model if you can't get work without begging for handouts or sucking dick. Platinum doesn't even update her page unless it's to add uglier shooped pics closer to her real face bc she keeps going into hiding, then catfishing everyone on social media over and over and over again while looking cheaper each time.
No. 75110
>>75027it's a mean girls reference.
the ostrenga stench is strong in this thread. probably kiki though.
No. 75117
>>75110Why was it never suspected that
both of them could be posting? They're both low-class drama starved reactionaries (with 10-year-old pop culture references) who take everything against kotex personally.
No. 75514
>>75504That would explain how their threads almost always get posts at around the same exact times, lel.
I feel like Kiki thinks she's sneakier when posting anonymously andnthus thinks her WK/stan posts
aren't completely obvious (they are), but you can also tell which ones might be kota because of how short and vague, yet
triggered and defensive they are (and they always mention the farmers being ugly/fat compared to her, hmm).
No. 75524
>>75514no matter how much they try to hide it, it's always that everyone else is just jealous or that they're too happy now so it's boring or that "obviously dakota can't possibly be wking herself because she's soooo busy"
always seems obvious when they post to me
No. 75645
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Kooters got on TV again while nobody was looking, seems she's scared to advertise what few jobs she can still get for fear of da haydurz finding out she's struggling/sucking dick for so little.
Any Japanese-speaking anons think they can find caps?
No. 75682
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>>75659She isn't listed anywhere as a guest even. I grabbed this from searching the program name through the app.
No. 75700
>>75682>>75683>>75682>>75683So, she was on some podcast or stream yet they didn't advertise her at all? Screams "guest spot handout favor". I was gonna ask if she might be working under a secret name like she hinted withvthat fave wash promo, but idk now. It seems like even her "model friends" don't care to keep promoting her.
She also hasn't been to Lewin or Chieko in quite a while. I think physically being in Japan still is Kooter's big win for 2019.
No. 75734
>>75700I don't think it's much of a win, gojng back and looking at her year in her IG/the previous thread. After her Yoyogi park secret wedding she went back to her usual lifestyle (going out to eat, getting work, Chieko nails & trips to Lewin, free brand clothes, selfies with model friends), then it suddenly dropped off in between June/July after she did Girl's Award. Since then, she only posts once a month if it's a sponsorship, which she can't seem to get many of lately. September through November make me think she had to crash back in FL for a month or so, she's still wearing her ring but I can't imagine kooti going silent unless she's in hiding like she always has before. Clearly she's back there now, but I doubt she's gonna pop back up in GA again. I think being dropped from the show after her Midiumsolid fitting really killed her pride as a model.
No. 75736
>>75734Her Instagram posts suggest she just spent some time in Florida:
>Her last selfie with another model was in May>June was her posting the Midiumsolid selfie she tagged the brand in, remember they gave her the dress when they dropped her from the show after the fitting >July, no posts at all on IG but she got the Rapperbites gig and tweeted about it>August, dead silence everywhere >September she made a birthday post, a selfie of her alone against a fence in what looks like the same Midiumsolid dress, probably an old pic she reposted as it looks like it was from that same day>in September she also tweeted about Girl's Award, but idk if she walked for the brands she tweeted (NYLON, atmos pink x fila) because I never saw any evidence that she was in that show and she posted nothing else about it >October, she posted a video from back in May, then just tweets about videogames (too much free time?)>November, dead silence >December she got the podcast/stream thingy and took a pic in a public place to prove she's back in Japan, with yet another ring. I wouldn't be surprised if for the new year she suddenly starts working and going out again. What is this, the 3rd or 4th time she's dwindled down into radio silence only to pop back up suddenly 3-6 months later?
No. 75738
>>75736The end of June was when she got Rapperbites, but immediately after that she fucking
disappeared. I wonder what happened?
No. 75739
>>75736>>75738>>54879So she was doing pretty well until she got Rapperbites, she only posted about it before it aired and after it aired she went into hiding for almost 6 months?
She pissed someone off again, I'd bet cash money. That, or her pattern is becoming too obvious to immigration. Serial marriage fraud is a big deal, isn't it?
No. 75766
>>75736Her going back to Florida when she disappears makes no sense though, no way can she afford ~$1000 plane tickets that often. She can barely afford to get her nails done. Plus these tiny jobs are no reason to go to a different country, she's just getting them because she happens to be there. Also Girls Award pics were posted here
>>68290I think she's stuck- she finally realized that the crazy shoops are super obvious and embarrassing, but she doesn't want to post her real face so she's doing a slow fade.
No. 75795
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>>75682The only thing I could find was this tweet from the 17 app official twitter.
Still advertising her as a “real life Barbie”
No. 75797
>>75795Oh wow, they tagged the wrong Twitter account, hilarious!
>>75796Her lifestyle is too inconsistent for her to have been married the entire time, though. Her first marriage to Bravo-san had her living like a moderu princess, her second marriage not as much but she still got jobs and collabs with some big names. Now, I think she's just happy to have found a way to stay in Japan despite yet another class downgrade.
No. 75827
>>75797She was actually making money at first though and would have qualified for an entertainment visa back then. I think timeline-wise she probably got married around the time she moved out of the Bravo apartment and has been married since. Or maybe when her TV work dried up and she got desperate.
>>75767I honestly think she's either just a stay-at-home wife doing fuck all or working some normal job. By process of elimination she has to be on a marriage visa or a marriage visa that turned into PR (can't work on a tourist visa and no degree, and not enough work for an entertainment visa), so it's much cheaper for her to stay in Japan. She's not qualified for any job that requires an education, so I would guess she's working at her agency's office or as an OL somewhere else. She would be too embarrassed to post about it (although honestly it would be interesting to hear about) so we get silence. No "model" work for months and probably not a lot of money to go out with friends, so no social media posts. I just don't understand why anons think it's more likely that she's back in Florida every other month and hiding it when it makes so much more sense that she's just laying low.
No. 75845
>>75827>I just don't understand why anons think it's more likely that she's back in Florida every other month and hiding it I never suggested that, I suggested that she ends up back in FL every i
time she drips off the radar for
months at a time and then latergrams old pics from Japan to make it seem like she's still there while she spends 3-6 months in hiding, most likely in Florida
because every time she's in Japan but not working, she goes to those little pissant public shop events and posts pointless selfies (like the one she just uploaded).
Aside from that, I don't believe she got PR from a marriage, because A) she wasn't married long enough; B) she can't support herself in Japan outside of a marriage and thus, even with PR she would still need a sugar husband so PR would be pointless for her. It's not just something you get after being married and
in Japan for X amount of time, there are several other social and economic factors that are taken into consideration. Dakota definitely doesn't have PR, if she did she wouldn't struggle so hard to get work, she wouldn't have to keep disappearing for so long so suddenly (at the same time of year, no less), and she wouldn't be struggling so hard to stay in Platinum, who don't seem like they're trying very hard to promote her or flatter her based on her profile and the lack of additions to her CV since mid 2018.
That shitty app promo she just got is probably gonna be the best gig she gets as an actual guest for quite a while. Everyone else has realized she's just not worth it as a model. She's not hideous, but her dogged online following that will never let her simply build a life as a model based on outright lies and greed just isn't worth it in the professional world, hence why photoshopped indy "models" don't ever get the deal she got (and why, if Hiroshi-san hadn't taken a personal interest in her, she never would have been "discovered"). Dakota had the advantage of an entire family willing to not only lie for her and say she was 100% real, but also willing to blatantly and shamelessly delete anything that disagreed with the image Dakota wanted to promote once she
did go viral.
No. 75848
>>75845>She's not hideous, but her dogged online following that will never let her simply build a life as a model based on outright lies and greed just isn't worth it in the professional worldPlus, she's 24. There are literally
thousands of pretty white girls in Japan who speak Japanese better than she does, and who don't have so much public drama to keep hiding from.
No. 75878
>>75845PR through marriage is really case by case. For example, Kelsey (kerupani) got PR after being married only a year while working in kyabakura/night dancer.
Dakota has been there almost 8 years now, she could’ve been married and gotten PR any time in the past few years.
No. 75885
>>75878Kelsey got it because she was working the entire time she was married, and she wasn't hiding her marriage. Dakota has been pretending for 8 years that she not only lives alone, but is single and gets all her work legitimately which she doesn't and can't. Dakota would never get PR because unlike Kelsey she isn't willing to do anything to support herself except whatever shitty modeling jobs she can still get every 6-12 weeks. Yes, there are a lot of factors to consider but that's not enough to say "Dako probably has PR because she's lived in Japan for 8 years" (when really she's had tp fly back home now twice
that we know of, and she obviously didn't have PR as of Sheina getting busted for marriage fraud or else she wouldn't have ran home to FL for a sudden July 4th visit
at around the same time she was reported.
I think she tried to get PR either last year or this year and failed, otherwise she has no reason to drop off for half a year at a time if all she's doing is playing videogames- when she had her Shibuya apartment she did just as much but posted a lot more of her non-work activities. Now, she's lucky to have a sponsorship to post once a month.
She doesn't have PR, if she did Kiki would be seething anonymously and Kooter would be posting so many lazy pics of her doing anything in Japan
but working. Her fantasy is to be "kept" and take care of simply for being pretty, she wouldn't resist showing off an easy lifestyle of not having to work. She's hiding something for sure.
No. 75900
>>75886>>75892>>75894If she had to go back to FL to use her parent's insurance for dental work, then she doesn't have PR or a spouse visa, she'd probably have just a work visa through Platinum that she has to renew every so often until her contract runs out.
When did she join Platinum, anyway? It's been a full year since they added any work to her page, yet they keep updating her pics.
No. 75903
>>75736I just went back in Hirari's IG story, and the last time she posted with Kota on her story was August 2nd for the festival where she ate the super vegan cheesydawg. Although, Hirari posted multiple shots from that day, and Kooter didn't have on a yukata when Hirari posted the first group selfie with her in it. I think she had to leave to renew a contract/visa and then came back but couldn't get work until she found that app thing bc ???
>>75645Either way, there's no evidence of her being anywhere between that festival and her newest pointless "I'm in Japan again" selfie.
No. 75930
>>75886You're taking this >>>snow/699995 as proof she got her wisdom teeth out in Florida? Loosely translated, she said "frantic" on the left over searches about wisdom tooth pain and "It seems like it's normal that wisdom teeth hurt when they grow in, phew" on the right. She wasn't searching for clinics, she was searching about wisdom tooth pain in general and the results happened to link to clinic pages that wrote about it.
Either way, that proves nothing. Dental care SUCKS in Japan and they don't knock you out for wisdom tooth removal, so that alone is reason to get it done in the US (much cheaper in Japan though). That said I do think you're right about her not getting PR because she couldn't support herself independently. She's most likely on a regular old spousal visa.
I hate to be "defending" Kooter but I think anons just constantly want proof she failed enough to leave Japan, but she can be in Japan and still be a failure. Check her IG, she never went months without posting. She was at the chocolate thing in February, got her nails done at Chieko's in March, went to the Guess thing in April, did hanami in May, Girls Award in June, had her TV failure in June/July, went to the festival over the summer, had that picture with the Suzuki sisters in October, etc. I'm not arguing that she doesn't go back to Florida once a year or so, that makes total sense. I'm arguing with the anons that claim visa-hopping or that she's really living in Florida. Guys, she's married and never leaving Japan. She is literally sitting on her ass doing basically nothing for months. Or she's working a boring job she hates too much to ever mention. If she were visa-hopping at least she'd be doing something interesting- getting out of the house and traveling, but nope. She's so fucking boring.
No. 75931
>>75903>>75845According to the previous thread's timeline, she probably was married and had to get a divorce/leave and reenter Japan when Sheina got busted, but the "private ceremony" in Yoyogi park where she got her current ring (and the suddenly started working right after, and got a new phone right before in Sept.). Before her sudden July 4th trip home, she was dripping in brand swag, living it up and going out every week. Since she's been back, the only jobs she had were Girl's Award, Mercari app promo, Toitafest, and Shibuya Star Fest which were all (not GA) open to the public and/or free. She also hasn't had much work since then worth bragging about, and her agency keeps changing her headshots to look worse and worse.
I think Sheinagate and "The Downward Spiral of Dakota Rose 2K19" are definitely somehow related.
No. 75932
>>75930>she never went months without posting. >She was at the chocolate thing in February, got her nails done at Chieko's in March, went to the Guess thing in April, did hanami in May, Girls Award in June, had her TV failure in June/July, >went to the festival over the summer, had that picture with the Suzuki sisters in OctoberAugust and September though? Still, that's a lot less activity of a much lower quality than before she took a major lifestyle downgrade by going home for July 4th. She's married to stay in Japan now for sure, but obviously she's not going to be able to go back to the lifestyle she was living at the start of the year after her horrible Fitt's ordeal.
In retrospect, her entire career and time in Japan is a wild up and down in terms of frequency and quality of work VS. her quality of life and if she's wearing a ring or other gaudy fashion jewelry she refuses to remove.
No. 75964
>>75885But, Kelsey IS hiding her marriage? She’s never mentioned it anywhere before.
Also, just because Kooter doesn’t talk about it online mean hers would be considered “fake”. She’s never denied it, and if she does live with her spouse, then there is really no reason for immigration to be suspicious. The thing with Shiena was that she didn’t live with her spouse AND they had a contract that had money involved. Immigration isn’t cracking down as hard on “fake” marriages as much as you think. It’s literally the only way she can be in Japan right now.
Dental in Japan is really fucking cheap. I had two of my wisdom teeth taken out WITHOUT insurance for 25,000 yen. But yeah, they don’t knock you out so I wouldn’t be surprised if she went back home just to make it easier.
Going back home does not mean she “had to” because her visa expired. I go back home once every 1-2 years as well. Who wouldn’t?
No. 75985
>>75964If she was married pre-Sheinagate but not living with him, she could have divorced in a panic and had to leave because when you divorce you have to reset your visa by leaving Japan. Either way, I don't believe she simply
chose to spend all that money to fly home for July 4th of all holidays (not Christmas or her birthday?) right at the same time Sheina was reported (the news of Sheinagate didn't come out until 1-2 months later iirc) when she isn't working or posting for weeks at a time since then. She posted pics from Florida, but once she got back she dropped off again.
Then, she got a new ring after the Yoyogi park date and started getting kobs again, shittier ones but still. And her lifestyle pre-July trip home still hasn't returned to what it was.
Sheina getting busted, Kooter flying home and those rings definitely are related to herbstaying in Japan and being able to work in any amount. She's not "staying there forever" if just her last 2 years there are this shaky and inconsistent. She can't get decent jobs and the good jobs she got before all dropped her as soon as they were able. Remember Libera? She got the year-long Fitt's campaign and they only used her for half of it then dropped her because she looked like a bloated, greasy weeb.
She's at the end of her rope and Japan doesn't want her anymore, so she's desperately clinging to fhe fantasy of her still being a kept model who never has to return home. She's too weird looking, stick out too much next to other models, can't dress herself and can't keep up a consistent and professional image. She's not long for Japan unless she has a kid or her latest visa marriage holds out longer than her Popteen ring and her Libera/Girl's Award hookup.
No. 76012
>>75985Love the hateboner crazies who are so jealous of Kota they try to convince themselves and everyone on her that her life is a complete failure.
You're the one who's been bitching about her for years whilst she's been modeling in Japan and living her life lol. Your life is more of a failure I would bet money on it.
inb4 hi kiki
>>75985I don’t understand why you’re so hung up about how flying home is “expensive”?
Even during busy seasons, if you buy tickets in advance they are not so expensive. And it’s not like she’s spending thousands and thousands flying home multiple times a year. For all you know her parents could be buying with air miles as well. There are many ways to fly cheap.
No. 76434
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>>76355I searched flights for June and if you buy ahead of time it won’t cost $1500 (and this is Canadian $ so about $1200USD) and takes less than a day.
It’s really not impossible, there are always ways to get cheap flights. Obviously you don’t fly much.
No. 76438
>>76308>>76355>>76434Don't forget she buys the cheapest seats, too- which is why she only ever posted an in-flight window pic once, anons immediately commented on the economy seating for top model kooters and then she deleted it.
Now that I remember, why
would she suddenly fly home so cheap for such a minute holiday, during a time in her life when she was
allegedly doing well enough (according to how much she was doing, the events she was going to & the expensive gifts she was getting) to get a better seat? It's like she got a last minute economy seat to get home ASAP. Again, she flew back
immediately after Sheina was reported, but
before the news broke to the all the white weeb whores in Japan. Maybe kooter knew before they did? Himezawa left Japan around that same time as well and she was also visa-married iirc.
No. 76440
>>76308AYRT, all I said about money was:
>Either way, I don't believe she simply chose to spend all that money to fly home for July 4th of all holidays (not Christmas or her birthday?)Less about the $ and more about the timing. But in hindsight it
is a lot of money for a model who barely works or goes out since then. I don't believe for a second she went home just to see her family for the 4th. Her entire life downgraded big time after that trip, you'd have to be delusional to pretend otherwise. $1000+
is a lot of money for someone who doesn't make enough to support herself and isn't married to a guarantor with enough concern for her to keep her in Japan legally when she can't model without nepotism or support herself solo.
No. 76446
>>76438Just to clear this tinfoiling up:
>>>/snow/647725 Shiena's last post before she got arrested was July 10th
>>>/snow/626843 Dakota left for the US on July 2nd (look at the screenshot date)
Look, I'm not trying to wk at all, I just think there are a few anons who make up shit and it gets repeated ad nauseum until it's taken as fact. Like who Dakota is living with, her visa-hopping, her mysterious connections, etc. And now anons are arguing that she's just visiting family every year but ALSO that this was a secret visa run/marriage and idgi
Also Canada anon for the love of god please sage your shit
No. 76456
>>76446Sheina wasn't arrested the same day she was reported, dumbass. 2 weeks is about right for that sort of fraud though, it happened quickly bc it was her husband who reported her. That's too close to be pure coincidence, and like it's been said she was too well off before her sudden trip home to play with dead bugs and shop at Publix, compared to how quiet and broke she's been since returning.
If she was married for a visa and living with friends, that's fraud. I think kooter had a middle-class tier visa marriage and may have been sugaring/escorting in her industry to get work and jeep up her lifestyle, which came crashing down when Sheina got reported. Obviously kooters has been helped since she entered Japan so getting a tipoff wouldn't be impossible. She could come back, but without PR or a marriage visa it would be nearly impossible for her to work and support herself without a husband or SD. She just isn't that good a model. Her leaving for the 4th makes sense if she was resetting her visa (spouse-> tourist until she got the Yoyogi ring later) legally that's how it works, which is why Himezawa had to leave as well (idr if she came back right away or stayed in EU though, I don't follow her I just remember all the white weebs fleeing during Sheinagate).
No. 76535
>>76456So your argument is that Dakota knew someone reported Shiena before Shiena or anyone else knew? If anyone knew why wouldn't Shiena have left? Are you seriously saying that Dakota has insider government/police information??
Let's say she did somehow know another foreigner was about to be arrested for marriage fraud. If she was already married (and let's be honest, she would have to have been given the lack of work at that time), why would leaving the country for a week and divorcing HELP her? If she was really in a scam marriage that would have made her suspicious as fuck. And let's all remember that you absolutely cannot work on a tourist visa, and she did Shibuya Star Fes a few weeks after she got back.
>>>/snow/711279Then we get to the "private ceremony," aka another fucked up translation. What she said was, "I think it's been 5 years since I've been to Yoyogi Park in my personal life," (i.e., meaning not for work). That's it. She's not wearing anything that would indicate a wedding, the only "proof" is that sometimes she wears a cheap ring and sometimes she doesn't. There's literally nothing else indicating that she ever got divorced or remarried, and there would be nothing for her to gain from posting about it if it did ever happen. I would bet money on her being married for years because there is no other reasonable explanation for her visa. Her life has been going downhill since way before the America trip and didn't exactly get better after that- nothing changed. She's been on a pretty steady decline for a long time, other than her finally actually making friends and not shooping as much.
Himezawa just left, she never went back as far as I know. I thought she left for the nosejob too but who knows.
No. 76635
>>76631If so, why post about it on IG? And if so, why did she stop working and drop off the radar so much in between? Her latest selfie on her IG has her wearing it.
>>76535I think Kooter heard rumors of Sheina getting reported by her hubby (apparently lots off ppl knew about her scam marriage, was kind of an open secret until he reported her) and bolted. After the publicity Sheina got for her stupid ass quote, immigration started looking at "e-famous" white weebs in Japan who don't hold actual jobs, like Himezawa. All of them either suddenly left and returned or got married after that.
Kotastans like to pretend there's a huge gulf of absolute nothing in between "kota works and supports herself and has the whole time, possibly while married" and "she's a yakuza whore kept by rockstars with ties to immigration just so she can sit on her ass ~in Japan~ without a spouse or regular work". In reality, she has most likely been married a couple of times.
Obviously her first marriage after Bravo when she joined Popteen was her most beneficial- she had that huge apartment, cooked her own meals, went out, got expensive gifts and got opportunities thrown at her. I'm fuzzy on the in-between, but she went from that big Shibuya apartment to living with her friend (probably Hirari) and getting sponsorships while going to shows as a guest that used to book her (which dwindled off this year big time) to wherever she's afraid to post pics of now, with a new ring, and the only posts she's made have been monthly selfies, promos and that's it.
Dakota Rose
never supported herself in Japan, via modeling or any other work. When her original 2 year Bravo contract ran out she got put into Popteen and forced into the kawaii weirdo niche because it was apparent she couldn't model with her real face and body. When Popteen phased her out, she got into Libera and got the Fitt's campaign that showed her true colors as a model and paet of a group. In Popteen, the other girls said she was a loner and ther was even backstage video of her brushing off the other models who were trying to talk to her.
Ever since Libera/Fitt's she's been slowly falling further and further as a model. Idk why Platinum still keeps her page up, other than to have an official headshot of her that she can't shoop for the sake of anyone wanting to hire her.
Yet, she just got an ugly ass pair of shoes from Yello for Xmas, so she must be married again, although this time probably not to anyone who can force her career like the last one (or two, who knows).
TL;DR Kota is only in Japan bc she's been married/fucking to stay there and pretending she's different and special unlike every other white whore in Japan is silly. Even her modeling "debut" was heavily restricted and censored, she was never gonna be able to make it as a model without being someone's genki cockwarmer. She would have never even been signed to Bravo or set foot in Japan if she wasn't willing to lie, cheat, and leverage her youth and pedo appeal. Why is it impossible to believe an arrogant brat who has shown her true side several times on TV and online with her own name over the years, is in an empty marriage just so she doesn't have to return to Florida as a failure?
Her physically being in Japan, regardless of her lifestyle or income or work is the only way kooter can claim she's not a freeloading, entitled failure, only because she hides behind the Language barrier and deletes everything that disproves her fantasy narrative of being able to live in one of the most expensive districts of one of the most expensive countries to live in, by only being white and going viral 7 years ago despite not regularly working for the last two and a half years.
No. 76636
File: 1577290944861.jpg (735.78 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20191225-105934_Ins…)

>>76635New fugly YELLO shoes for free PR, even though she only posted it to her story.
No. 76642
>>76639>>76636It's been a while since she posted
or namedropped Yello, interesting. Seems her burando friends/gifts stopped until she got a new ring as well?
I can read basic Moon but not handwritten Moon, can anyone decipher the note attached?
No. 76647
File: 1577296744695.jpg (414.86 KB, 1080x1920, 20191225_125928.jpg)

>>76636According to YELLO's Insta, they sent free shoes.from their new collection to several models. Of course, the other models actually got cute ones- Kooterfuzz got the tacky, ugly sequined furry teal leopard heels she'll never be seen wearing.
No. 76654
File: 1577299362787.jpg (707.09 KB, 1080x2006, 20191225_134243.jpg)

>>76653Speaking of Ayastella, looks like we know who got Kota into Platinum Productions! That's one mystery solved at least. Perhaps she was living with Ayastella and not Hirari?
No. 77246
File: 1577990148575.jpg (740.76 KB, 1080x1898, 20200102_133348.jpg)

Back in America again, suddenly.
Kiki posted as well, she seems excited for 2020 as Kooter seems more introspective. I think either one of them is about to try yet another comeback.
Translation anons feel free to decode koots' caption, the in app one is trash.
No. 78280
File: 1578847164964.jpg (789.25 KB, 1080x1764, 20200112_113955.jpg)

I missed this, but she got her nails done again at Chieko's, after a 6-month break of getting
them after going to her every month or every other month leading up to July 2019. Scroll up for the timeline of her spotty sponsorships/inactivity for the majority of the latter half of this year after July.
Nothing for months but sponsorships since July, one post a month, and nothing Japan-specific until December when she got her nails done right before flying to the states. Interesting, for someone who hasn't worked in half a year except for being an unphotographed guest at events she never posts about. Also, she's hiding her hands again so she may have yet another new ring. Prepare for a comeback soon, place your bets.
No. 78415
File: 1578929347573.png (778.93 KB, 585x660, Untitled.png)

always fun to take a look back at all the lies
at least she looks like a human now
No. 78965
File: 1579323372160.png (106.09 KB, 173x261, 1521163134088.png)

>>78734did she get some kind of jaw reshaping, though? simply losing weight wouldn't dramatically alter her jaw like this. baby fat around the face is extremely hard to lose once you're an adult
No. 78984
>>78965She got like, 6 rounds of cool sculpting on her face and body last year after those Fitt's pics came out, maybe that was it?
I still can't believe she blew up and aged sooo fast in so short a time. She was there for a few years, dropped off in 2016 and came back looking like she had a baby and aged 10 years.
No. 79231
File: 1579507757231.jpeg (238.57 KB, 750x1527, F706F453-A20C-4F14-AB2A-ECB7CF…)

So I keep getting bombarded with these ads on instagram all of the sudden….this is her right? (Apologies if I’m incorrect, Koots isn’t one of my go-to cows)
No. 79233
File: 1579508032914.jpeg (291.54 KB, 748x1967, 1A6D87D2-06B9-45E4-A4BC-3FEDA5…)

>>79231There’s a couple of different characters. The insta is “secrethoneysr” No. 79240
>>79237Good question.
I thought the costumes were sold by a Japanese brand so if she bought these from Chinese suppliers, it might be a copy of the originals. The costumes are extremely expensive for cheap copies, so I hope that they're originals.
But I don't think she has the rights to use the pics since they're copyrighted by the Japanese brand. A lot of fashion brands share the same supplier but they don't have the right to use each others pics. It's like H&M were using pics by Zara to advertise a clothing piece.
I bet the Ostrengas already filed some copyright claims even though these pics belong to the Japanese brand kek
No. 79358
>>79231>>79233These are shooped more than the originals were, kek.
Wasn't Secret Honey the brand name that made the dresses?
No. 80844
File: 1580622656940.jpeg (591.51 KB, 1125x2175, A3A19F50-C345-4957-98D1-30D191…)

Seems she’s working with FILA now and shooting out in Shibuya? Hm. The cycle continues. She leaves the country and comes back to sudden work.
No. 80845
File: 1580622770994.jpeg (251.12 KB, 1125x1248, 770FEC70-BF85-41D6-9A43-1ECE3D…)

Samefag here’s the original moon post if anyone would like to translate exactly what she said
No. 81081
>>80844This + her July 4th trip after Sheinagate make me think she's not married for a visa, but is definitely fucking for work/connections. If she's able to get jobs of this caliber, she should either be able to stay in Japan and keep up her lifestyle year-round, or at least she should be able to keep getting those types of jobs consistently but she can't.
I think princess koti isn't married, possibly bc she can't find a hubby rich enough to keep her the way she wants to live but will also allow her to claim she's doing it all herself (men don't generally like that).
I think her Popteen ring was a real marriage, but that she was unable to get PR from it and got divorced either because of a breaking point with her behavior/attitude and the Karaoke Katastrophe that sandbagged her career for 3 years. Nothing between Popteen and Platinum made her look good (except Rakuten), despite being nig name jobs.
Dakota has a new industry fuckbuddy for sure, all we have to do is wait and let her show off & drop clues.
No. 81212
>>81081What visa do you think she’s on if she’s not married/ doesn’t have PR then?
You have to make a certain amount of money and work for an entertainment visa. She might’ve been on one at first but no way she’s in one now.
No. 81226
>>81215Doesn't Kota go visit her family in Florida every so often? (And kiki lives/lived there? so she should know what's up)
And from the limited stuff you can see from their private life, they still have some sort of friendly bond going on so idk… some people on this board are very salty and have little going on in their lives.
No. 81265
>>81226I can see Kota just visiting and talking about how great everything is and Kiki not believing her because of how much she lies herself about how great things are for her. She can't imagine that Kota is being honest with her because she never is.
Their parents always made sure both of them were getting equal amoumts of attention on Myspace by selling them as a duo. My guess is getting left on read and being refused favors and connections for her own escape from their parents has left her feeling abandoned and furious.
No. 81428
>>81377>>81265>>81215yeah i would've found this theory ridiculous had kota not had
the sperg-chan for a sister. and as we all recall she went ballistic in the first place because she was jealous.
i guess we'll know it was kiki if this thread finally stops getting bumped with fanfiction about kota having sex with everyone to survive and live another day evading arrest and deportation due to monthly scam marriages.
No. 82243
>>81897this is what dakota wishes she was
this girl has some shoop too but she still looks normal and like she's having fun. kota is nothing but looking depressed and alone and with small, fake smiles
No. 82629
File: 1581740251634.jpg (791.51 KB, 1080x1512, 20200214_231504.jpg)

>Leaves JP for New Year's in FL>returns tp suddenly have a good big name gig again via another friend hookup >suddenly returns to Lewin and Chieko immediately after, new nails and now even shorter hair after half a year of nothing but latergrams and sponsorshipsPretty soon, she's gonna have a full blown pixie/butch cut if she keeps it up.
No. 82696
>>82664nayrt but of course kooters can't upload her own pics, it would highlight how down she is these days. She
always goes to Lewin and Chieko, but she can't go there unless she gets a gig. Despite how she's able to stay in Japan, if she's married it's only for a visa and not for work/money based on her obvious pattern. There's no other excuse for being largely inactive yet
still being in Japan if she isn't flying back and forth 1-2 times a year. Her friends are helping her get every job, yet she never does anything anymore but those jobs, her runway work is drying up as wel… I think an Ostrenga would want the thread to die so Kooter can try some BS kiki-style comeback where she pretends she was busy working and living life.
No. 83014
>>83010What, exactly, is so unbelievable to you about someone snagging the east asian equivalent of a diversity hire ever so often? Do y’all put Japan on such an odd pedestal that you can’t possibly believe a language proficient foreigner can live a simple life there and, shock horror, do a few photo shoots a year and get their nails done? So juvenile. There is literally not a single shred of evidence to support her being an escort, and the tinfoils waved around about it are bitter at best.
I have a hard time believing the people who support this theory have ever been to Japan, let alone know how reality works. And if they have, must suck to be so much uglier than dumpy old koots that you can’t envision survival there without sucking and fucking your way to a bowl of rice and a set of acrylics.
No. 83035
>>83014oh i never had any doubt she was only getting these cheap, low-effort gigs for being white and able to speak japanese, but she gets them so infrequently it's hard to imagine she's living off them in japan while being totally independent. unless she's getting money sent to her from her parents, i have just assumed she's sucking dick on the side.
and no one is putting japan on a "pedestal" so much as understanding it's expensive to live there. kooter isn't living out in rural japan. she's in a major city. there's no way she's doing that on her own, considering she's a no-name that everyone knows is fake and has no true modeling talent to speak of. modeling in general doesn't pay much even if you're good and prolific. the fact she's not working a 9-5 means there has to be supplemental income. do YOU know how the world works?
No. 83045
>>83014There used to be
tons of e idence of it, but she deleted everything when the other white weebs started doing it and showing it off. Remember how she went to dinner 1-3x a week at fancy, traditional restaurants with unspecified "friends" who gifted her designer sunglasses, jewelry, wallets, shoes, scarves, etc? That was during a time when she was barely working as well. The big name jobs she kept getting a few times a year despite her lack of promotion and weight gain all dropped her fast af except for the ones her friends keep dragging her back to. She could only ever get jobs through her female work friends who she cycles through bc after Bravo and Libera, I doubt anyone is interested in giving kooters any more good gigs just to suit her Japan Top Model fantasy she still inexplicably clings to.
Kooter was
never popular enough or worked enough to afford the lifestyle she had in between her shared Bravo apartment and her getting dropped from Libera halfway through a year long campaign. She got expensive gifts every week or was buying herself things left and right (the new PS4, new phones, laptops, cameras, the bicycle, designer clothes by the bagfull, etc.). If she were, her activity wouldn't swing so wildly back amd forth despite the amount of work she gets. If she's not married to stay and escorting/doing some kind of favors for modeling work then she's not living there full time, or if she is then it isn't legally without lots of handouts from home and help from friends. She wouldn't be so inconsistent in work or posting if she were really working enough to stay there and get these gigs herself- she doesn't curate her image anymore, she just keeps fading away and popping back up to new jobs with a new circle of friends. I think kota uses her gaijin appeal and former viral fame to work over people who don't know much about her that she thinks could be useful to her.
No. 83055
>>83047She also used to post tons of cleavage shots, including one in a bikini with her tits oiled up and squished together back in 2015 (arguably her peak) as well as her "still winning" type posts where she laid around her apartment when she wasn't looking dead eyed in her work shots. I just scrolled through 2 2015 threads and the backlash to her work with BTSSB and her decline after that year paired with her lifestyle and attitude looks way too much like the product of sex work.
Also, probably nitpick but did she get implants? Her tits were small af when she was popping them out in 2015, but since her bodacious Mercari promo when she had the "AE" lip fillers they're
huge, wide set and make her look so chunky.
No. 83066
>>83055This reads like the creepy nonsense Kiki would spout about Taylor R that was full of confident reaches that don’t actually correlate with anything. Ever since
>>81215pointed out that these sound like spergchan I can’t unsee it
No. 83070
>>83014"Diversity hire". If the things she was showing up in were like a random Uniqlo ad or a commercial for an energy drink or something you might have a point but the jobs that she gets
aren't gaijin hire jobs. She does Girl's Award like clockwork almost every season despite having no business waddling down a catwalk, Rakuten collabs, FILA,even the in talent agency she's signed to (still a mystery with how little she works and how far below standard she is compared to basically all of Platinum's other talents) where she is the only foreigner. There tons of attractive 20-something basic white girls in Japan that speak Japanese at the same level as her who are lucky if they can grab an extra part or be part of an audience one of those gaijin circus tv shows. So's what the difference?
Connections. Kooter has them. She's has people lying and covering up for her since 2013 when she got involved with her manager. Her manager gorioshi-ed her into a career she wasn't cut out for and then cut her loose once he got tired of her. But that was nearly 5 years later and by that point she had enough connections and had met her visa-san (let's be real she's probably married to someone in the industry) and was set.
Which is why against all odd and and aging like milk she periodically get biggish jobs like FILA.
No. 83096
>>83066lmao this
the autism
No. 83130
>>83096Ironic that you refer to that as autism when the only thing continually bumping this thread is paragraph upon paragraph of what?
No. 83593
>>83268Kiki is a deplorable sack of shit but I feel sorry for her because it’s clear she will never go anywhere. Her parents really set her up for the sort of person she is. Dakota escaped but just barely, and even now I’m sure it’s hard for her to get respect anywhere based off the premise of how she got where she is—deception. She’s made fun of quite a lot in Japan, I mean she’s not stupid she must know this.
I’d be embarrassed to have learned most of my behavior and personality from an older sister like that. Kiki just whittles away off of disability, shrewd and paranoid, is far too old to have a chance to “hit big” in any way. I don’t think she’ll ever change at this point either.
No. 83637
>>83597doesn't help she often tries to kick off her new chosen "career" by biting off someone else's style as well
she wants to be famous for no effort. like, artists need to have a passion for their work beyond just fame. some of the best and most popular ones don't even want to be famous. they just want to share their work with the world. kiki doesn't get that. she'll make crafts or art or music or movies all in an attempt to be notorious. that's her only goal. she has no talent she's put work into developing.
No. 83641
>>83637She wants
herself to be the artwork people adore, she doesn't want to be an artist or make anything. She wants to be admired and envied just for being Kiki.
No. 83658
>>83597I was thinking making it big for her appearance in any way, seeing as she has literally no discernible talents. She’s kind of aged out of any chance she could have within her very limited range. Imo.
>>83654Sorry I’m not sure what the American term is. But she draws the monthly social security income for being mentally ill.
No. 83659
>>83654I don't think it was ever confirmed, but speculated based on Sperg-chan saying "I'm on disability, I can do this all day" (ragespamming the farm) and the fact that she's never seen out in the wild, yet never seems to want for anything.
(Can someone link the latest Kiki thread in here? I can't find it)
No. 83736
File: 1582276615764.jpeg (371.71 KB, 1125x1293, 985E78D6-D9DB-4A02-A47A-3E596C…)

Looks like she’s going to be on a tv show next week. No. 83737
File: 1582276709373.jpeg (399.34 KB, 1125x1295, 9E537B1C-F5AE-4AF2-A693-4080FB…)

No. 83748
>>83736>>83737>>83738I'm amazed, these are only lightly edited compared to her usual editing and she still looks 30.
>>83747She looks like a bored mom chaperoning a school trip & lazily sitting around at home. If this is yet another "real doll barbie Dakota Rose went viral for unreal makeup skills, moved to Japan alone at 16 and became a supermodel!!" type show I'll die laughing, because it looks like one of those shots is of her doing one of her sketches. Nobody cares anymore that she went viral almost a decade ago for shit everyone with a smartphone can do now, but because she's such a bland, uninspired potato she has to keep beating the shit out of her dead horse just to get airtime.
No. 83834
>>83738>>83736Ugh it kills me how plain jane she looks. Her no makeup style and blunt, coconut head haircut are awfully unflattering.Kota would be cute if she put in some effort. Like get some undereye fillers to fill in her tear troughs and dark circles if she doesn't wanna wear makeup and put her hair in protective styles or wigs.
But instead, she's lazy as fuck and continues to look like someone's bag lady aunt.
I feel like she thinks or wants to look like one of those wispy, effortlessly pretty European/Russian models, but she does not have the genes for it.
No. 83916
>>83911No she doesn't. These are still edited. If you see what she looked like in that Zombie thing she did this summer, you'd get what I mean.
>>83912She faked cancer to cover up a cosmetic procedure less then 2 years ago. Sorry but she's trash
No. 83922
>>83918Lipo. The cool-sculpting place also does lipo and it was pretty obvious she got it. But it doesn't matter she's already had a least two nosejobs so it's not like like a stranger to ps.
>>83921Are you joking?
No. 83949
>>83736What happened to her teeth? Have they always looked this haggard? Maybe it's just stains from all the smoking?
I'll never get over her spider silk hair.
No. 84023
>>83949Well, here she is standing in shadow. The lighting in this picture is awful.
Her teeth are a little yellow, but the obsession with artificially white teeth (like all US celebrities have) is not great.
If she is still smoking, I wish she would quit for the sake of her health.
No. 84438
File: 1582748191107.jpg (1.03 MB, 1080x1770, 20200226_151514.jpg)

More pics from the Shibuya FILA shoot I guess. She looks so old in the face without XL glasses magnifying her eyes to uguu proportions.
No. 84439
File: 1582748259193.jpg (912.04 KB, 1080x1755, 20200226_151502.jpg)

>>84438FILA will be doing popups soon and Koots will be making shop appearances according to her IG. I hope the candids are blessed.
No. 84440
File: 1582748358474.jpg (739.79 KB, 1080x1560, 20200226_151842.jpg)

>>84439And a candid from the Tabifuku VR thing she just got.
No. 84473
>>84439It's really weird to see the least athletic (but not obese) person in Japan modeling for sportswear.
Enjoy the throwbacks to her popteen time, when she was afraid of being seen in a swimsuit (fair enough), doing any exercise at all, and of a jump rope. (so much second-hand embarrassment in this vid)
A bonus: I think she claimed to be having leukemia during this time. Sure, Dakota.
No. 84494
>>84475Is this recent? She hasn't had this long hair/cute style in a while
(sorry for my poor English)
No. 84505
File: 1582810321116.jpeg (29.57 KB, 480x640, 107F8FB7-F60D-40C5-A308-C8B280…)

Here are some more pictures from the show she was on last night.
No. 84551
>>84509>>84510She only looks happy around female hafu models, even during the Candy Doll promos she was stiff and awkward. That, and every time some ojisan fawned over her dolly shoops ofc.
How old is Asuka? Because if koot's token hafu besties always stay in the 19-22 y.o range as she ages that means she's too bland and lazy to keep friends her own age.
No. 84555
>>84502I don't know. I watched it too and I think she looks bad even in motion. ymmv I guess.
>>84475This is ancient
No. 84579
>>84555Everyone said for years that eating like a pig, laying on her ass and drinking wine/chainsmoking would turn her into Cathy lite, but she didn't listen.
>>84577Hirari is still going to get her teetj whitenings done without kooter, so we know who hooked up that and possibly the cool sculpting as well. She's one of those bland losers who has to asslick the successful people who don't know her personally and pray they keep giving her handouts before they eventually realize how basic and one-sided friendship with her is.
No. 84594
>>84588Sachiko (the designer for Malicious X) was giving her horns, bags, shoes, tons of her expensive gear for years before July last year when it was pointed out in an old thread. Leftover connection perhaps? She also gets freebies from Ayastella occasionally and her stuff isn't cheap either.
One thing is clear, dakotes is struggling now compared to how good & easy she had it before she left Popteen, and it's apparent she's not a good enough model to get work based on her impressive portfolio of past connections… which will only get worse as time goes on and she keeps looking so bland, bored and old in every job they book her in.
No. 84596
>>82629i think the hairstyle is cute. it suits her way more than the long, stringy hair she was sporting previously. she never suited dolly or overly girly styles, and i think she's finally realized that. the lack of makeup/styling works more cohesively with the more tomboyish look she's doing as well.
>>84510agreed. some of these photos would actually be pretty adorable if there was truth to the lesbian Kota tinfoil. (fingers crossed)
>>84502i think Kota has resigned to being a D-list celebrity in Japan. she most likely doesn't live an extremely glamorous life, but the occasional modeling or TV personality gigs she gets are probably enough to sustain her. she's obviously not as popular or in-demand as she previous was, but she doesn't care to pursue further success, likely because she's still comfortable as is and her lazy nature is obvious. she's also in a better situation than if she stayed at home in Florida.
>>84509because, despite being a model, she's not actually comfortable in front of a camera.
>>84594it'll be interesting to see where Dakota ends up in time. i don't see her ever returning to the US permanently. maybe in ten years time and all of her relevance has finally dissipated, she'll become an OL of some sort.
No. 84602
>>84596>because, despite being a model, she's not actually comfortable in front of a camera she isn't in control of FTFY
>>84597Not enough to support herself alone for sure. She would have to have her visa, living situation and bills handled another way because she simply doesn't work enough to claim she does it all alone. If life were that easy for white bumpkins in Japan, Dakota would never have had the gimmick appeal that she did because the industry would have already been flooded with poor entitled weebs from shitty homes doing kawaii dressup videos.
No. 84642
>>84602This is purely speculation, but I always wondered if maybe her father had a work colleague there or something. Scott did go there with her at the beginning. I can't really imagine her being married (sorry anons), but then how does she pay her bills? It's clear she isn't studying (that would be another way of staying in the country).
But maybe she's doing some menial work for a friend of Scott's. It checks some boxes: paycheck, too embarrassingly ordinary to disclose on social media, gives her security and maybe a visa.
I still don't buy the lesbian narrative, and I also would not care in the slightest if she were. These types of "cute girls together" pics are very common in certain parts of the world. But I don't see Dakota having chemistry - not even friendship chemistry - with anyone.
saged for opinions
No. 84656
>>84642Your theory makes no sense. Her father went with her at first because she was only 16 and the whole family is unhealthily enmeshed.
Consider instead Occam's Razor.
She's married or married and divorced and managed to weasel pr.
Kooter has never done menial work and probably never will. She believes that she is too good for it. That's what generational narcissism will do to you.
No. 84697
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No. 84698
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>>84697Hiding the chin is a good move… just too late
No. 84699
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No. 84702
>>84700Sorry, I should have put the source- they're from Kanna's IG ( so I'm guessing she edited them. Looking at Kanna's IG most of her photos seem to be pretty bizzarely edited with super obvious photoshop so I understand why they get along!
No. 84708
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>>84698spot the difference
No. 84713
>>84697Jesus fucking Christ she shaved off 70% of her chin/jaw, no wonder these pics look so fucked up and creepy. And she
still hides her chin behind her hand like it's her worst feature. How did such a self conscious, insecure potato ever aspire to be a model anywhere? Did she just assume from a young age that every photog would be lile their dad, reshooting all day until they get good pics?
No. 84961
File: 1583165864073.png (3.43 MB, 1438x2011, 20200302_111249.png)

FILA looks like they're already pushing kooters to the backburner: since posting those 2 embadsador pics of the viral barbie princess, they switched to a different token white girl (who can actually pose and look like a model) and released this pic copying kooters' taxi pic, but with links to the items.
Also their pop up events began today, so hopefully some kooter kandids arrive soon.
No. 85013
File: 1583184880513.png (2.69 MB, 1440x1651, 20200302_143330.png)

Tabifuku tbs tagged her in a video where she doesn't look edited, although she keeps pulling her jacket closed and holding the phone in front of her face while trying to show a pic nobody can see due to screen glare.
No. 85022
>>84961Wtf are you talking about? They hired a whole bunch of influencers as ambassadors. All of them only have a few pictures up. They’re not going to post only pictures of kooters.
Also could not find this “token white girl” you are talking about.
Reach harder.
No. 85030
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>>85023bro this. i can see it, it'd show off the jawline she's always trying to hide when honestly it's an asset not something she should be embarrassed about.
idk what happened but scrolling through i was like damn dakota i hope this is your cute gf because I honestly ship it
No. 85050
>>85030This picture is shooped hard.
Her real jawline is not an asset, at least not combined with her features.
No. 85097
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>>85030I'm surprised she allows her friend to post such realistic pictures of her. Remember when she shooped like this?
No. 85100
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>>84510Same, I never saw it when people said she was homophobic because she's in the closet herself but now…
No. 85152
>>85100Omg she looks like a homeless person. What is this fashion ?? It makes Taylor's trashy oversized shit actually look decent.
>>85097Part of me misses the uncanny shit she would edit. Like I'm happy her current pics look human, but I miss the crazy shit she'd turn her face into that'd always make you wonder how.
No. 85194
File: 1583358150073.png (1.89 MB, 1440x1996, 20200304_163919.png)

>>85100>cute hafu girl visiting a resort with her sickly motherOnce again, I'm reminded of Dakookoo's 2015 "still winning!" smugpost, all the Ostrengastan posts insisting she was getting her own clothing line, and every single post ITT claiming
anyone is jealous of Dakota Ostrenga. brb, laughing.
No. 85222
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>>85192she's always had a huge meaty jaw
No. 85265
>>85222Yeah, but I'm talking about her
cheeks, like it looks like she glued two flabby upside down triangles of fat to her face. Honestly it looks like she got bad fillers that grew out and never quite went back to normal.
No. 85533
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>>85265i don't think she would get cheek fillers since she is obsessed with having a tiny triangle face. it's just bad aging, and smoking + poor diet doesn't help.
No. 85545
File: 1583796172210.jpg (960.85 KB, 1080x1776, 20200309_192008.jpg)

FILA posted another pic of her, but in the same exact outfit as last month, probably just another shot from the same day as the other, but… what's the point of this? It seems so lazy. It's like they have to keep recycling the same 1-3 poses and outfit styles or else she looks like a middle ahed dumpster fire.
No. 85617
>>85547nayrt but that outfit is so far from being grunge, this is basic athletic hipster/thotwear. All the other models suit the look, but dako looks stiff and like someone copy/pasted her shooped younger face on top of a mannequin.
She needs to give up the farce and admit she's married or get married if she somehow hasn't, and stop trying to be a model. She's obviously into being a "model" "IN JAPAN!", yet she looks so awkward out of place and often scared/constipated in whatever work her friends throw her. All she's doing by clinging to the delusion that she's good enough on her own to be a model is embarassing herself. She hasn't been able to recover the quality of living she had before Sheinagate in almost a year despite pretending to still be in Japan and busy with friends, her agency won't update her CV and she looks like she dresses herself in the dark. Is physically being in Japan
that important to her ego? What bragging rights are there to struggling to make people believe you support yourself in Tokyo as a model when most of the industry considers you a joke? Even if being in Japan without an education or tradeskill is somehow better than going back to her home country, why not find some other way to make money that doesn't broadcast how desperate your situation seems to be?
No. 85623
>>85617>She needs to give up the farce and admit she's marriedWhy? What would she gain from doing that?
Now she can at least sometimes still do something but as a married woman (especially in Japan)? No way.
No. 85689
>>85547Reminds me of Venus Angelic whose now sugar dating just to keep a roof over her head, staying in guesthouses&friends apartments. Every since she left her husband, she's been struggling bad finacially, developed a bad drinking problem, and is starting to look anorexic.
Idk what it is with the desperation to prove to ppl on SM that their lives in Tokyo is all rainbow unicorns instead of yeeting the fuck back home and getting their shit together.
No. 85692
>>85623How exactly would being married prevent her from doing anything i Japan? If anything,
not being married (anymore) could be why she's struggling even more now and working even less, but even if she was married to a regular bloke for a visa she would have more options to get modeling work than without a visa hubby.
No. 85704
>>85697>>85702That is a niche occurence that applied to idols, not every female entertainer working in Japan. Bejng married wouldnt hinder Dakota from getting jobs, it would make it easier bc then she wouldn't need to prove she's usable enough to keep getting the required amount of jobs to stay in Japan on a work visa- which she doesn't and hasn't since maybe 2016. Besides, that trope is dying out these days, and the only industries that still take it seriously are pedo-based like AKB which no longer has anything to do with Dakota (even her AKB friends drooped her).
Aside from that,
nobody is tripping over themselves to get with her, so this imaginary male thirst excuse holds no water. Even if she weren't soft butch, she has no chemistry with males at all and her only appeal to a male fanbase is her pedobait shoops which she doesn't do anymore, and maybe her gaijin appeal and neither of those are enough to keep getting her consistent work. I doubt she's married
now, but she definitely was before during her peak when she was going out, shopping and working the most.
only way being married (and thus having a visa to work freely) would
prevent her from getting work is if she had to marry someone without the ability to book the type of jobs she likes just to stay in Japan legally and can no longer sugar/escort for jobs because of her husband threatening to divorce her for it.
No. 85772
>>85760Yep, this. She made a classic narc mistake- stupidly assuming the fame that got her to Japan was all about her being white and pretty instead of her obviously sexualized kawaii schoolgirl image. You can't get notoriety for one thing then try to switch it up and pretend it was because of something else, or the fans that got you there will leave.
Dal only did well as long as she kept daying she liked older men and did weird shit on TV for views. She was never gonna be able to simply ride her looks as a model, or else she wouldn't have had to digitally paint a new face over her selfies to get noticed to begin with.
She should habe kept her ego in check, watched her weight and kept up with trends, but she was arrogant and conceited enough to think she was too good to ever fail, which is ecactly what killed her career.
No. 85773
>>85772>>85760Adding to this, I saw this coming when she stopped shooping as much and the thread stans kept congratulating her for it like it was a good idea. Her real face is the total opposite of thw type of white faces Japanese people like, and all she has going for her at this point is:
>I speak conversational Japanese >I went viral in 2012 for being a catfish>I have blue eyes and "blonde" hairThat's literally
it. No hobbies other than drawing OCs of her kawaii self and watching TV.
No. 85802
>>85773 And even then that's a small market. Contrary to what alot of these white weebs think, only a select group of Japanese ppl do the whole "white worship" thing. Not everyone in Japan cares if you're white person who (or a foreigner in general) can speak Japanese. Especially considering in Tokyo were there are a shit tone of forgeiners like this living there. She's a dime a dozen and since she sucks at modeling I 100% understand why no one's looking at her.
If anything the things you mentioned are great for reeling in sugar daddies but modeling? Nurp.
No. 85819
>>85802And even then, she's too old and busted for a sugar daddy now.
I read one of those "real barbie goes viral and ends up a model in Japan!" artucles that touched on her shooping and backlash & the article quoted a lolcow post saying "I only follow kota to compare her to the hot shit she thought she was in 2012" and ever since then, these threads have been a lot less irritating.
No. 85888
File: 1584117384349.png (429.05 KB, 1902x888, lies.png)

I know age discussion is like beating a dead horse at this point but I wanted to show you a screenshot from her Youtube channel which was taken on the 25th January 2012 (got it through the Waybackmachine). Kota said she was 19…wasn't 2012 the year she got a modelling contract and shortly after she claimed to be 16?
No. 85890
>>85888Adding to this
>>85889, she also made her YT
after she started gaining momentum on Tumblr in august 2011, so she lied about her are right up until Japan came calling (see those hangul titles on her vids? In the beginning she made a Weibo, said she was getting a chinese tutor and that she was also learning Korean on her own.
She wasn't 16 until she started getting attention from Japan.
No. 86180
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There's a brand new jewelry shop IG called Dub 2020 that's tagging Kooter in all their items, and follows her as well. I wonder if she's affiliated with them? It's really basic looking, uninspired stuff IMHO. Perhaps another aliexpress reselling scam she cooked up for a "business" visa like Penus was trying to do?
No. 86217
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>>86197Oh jeez, that was a couple of years ago,
nonny. I went back in my old phone and found a screenshot of that quote but idr where the article was. Maybe Kotaku or aome other weeby news site?
No. 86243
>>86240That's it! Just in time for a new thread.
>Dakota Rose did not respond to requests for commentsAhh, hilarious. If only her 2012 self could see her now.
No. 87447
>>87333i live not too far from the FL border and unless something has changed since i last checked, the state is not on lockdown and is basically handling it on a county-to-county basis.
as for what dakota is doing. i don't really have a strong opinion about how she's staying in japan nor do i know much about how visas work in any country, but it seems this is gonna be pretty difficult if she's not married. if japan goes on lockdown, maybe they'll give some leniency to people there on work visa considering?>>87333
No. 87549
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Is this Dakota because I'm fucking confused? They posted another I didn't cap the other day, but they deleted it because it was less retouched.
No. 87809
>>87795She probably has some kind of short term work visa because the only times she's in Japan anymore are when she has a job to cling to, and she still can't afford her regular upkeep and social life.
Apparently they put one of her fila pics up on a building in Shibuya iirc but like… at this point she's a Literal Who token gaijin model, they even stopped plastering ダコタ ローズ everywhere.
No. 88901
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She had more Fila videos and pictures come out.
No. 88905
>>88901she looks okay and sorta cute in this once.
>>88902>>88904here is looks like some mom trying to be hip with the kids…
No. 88907
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>>88904I don't know how to upload the mini videos from IG onto here. Tbh she looks good here and seems to be maintaining her weight well. However, I still don't see why people would hire her as she is very plain and average.
No. 89289
>>88975I think it's more likely she will try to springboard into more announcer-type positions à la Pakkun.
She has the connections and could probably handle it with some intensive studying and elocution lessons.
(in b4 "gtfo Ostrengas!")
No. 89362
>>38293anon, she's already at least 25 if we go by this birth year
>>88975kota lied a lot about her age tho so she's probably even older than that
No. 89749
>>89545not trying to wk, but most if not ALL professional photoshoots will have some editing involved, whether it's just color correction or other minor things in pictures that one may not even notice until it's printed. So it is really not that much work to shave off a bit of the model's jaw or smooth out their wrinkles while they're at it. Literally it takes seconds. I mean I don't understand why some anons think that when Kota is requested for modeling, everyone expects some magical fairy and then sighs in disappointment when the real bloated Kota shows up. It's easy&fast to edit anyway.
On the other hand, not being able to pose or make any expressions etc would be a bigger problem since that is hard/impossible to edit
No. 89815
>>89749I don't know why Ostrengastans keep insisting Dakota is expected to be flawless without editing, skinnier than the Asisn models or whatever other flimsy reaching excuses can possibly be mentioned: Dakota is fatter, uglier and less photogenic than your typical token white model in Tokyo. It's not about "every model is edited at least a little!!!", it's about how stiff, old and awkward she looks no matter how much posing, editing and PR she gets for
any job she does. She has looked like reheated dogshit in every job she's had since Fitt's, when Bravo dropped her and Libera wouldn't shoop her into the kawaii waif fetus that Bravo made sure all her other employers did. She is a shit model coasting on the connections she made as a fat pedo's sugar baby before she got booted for being a brat, and she can't even really keep it up anymore.
No. 89949
>>89923dakota has no fame tho
unless you want to embarrass her by comparing severely shopped photos to her current appearance as well as all the articles calling out her fakeness
No. 89954
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feel better someday dakota you always look absolutely dead inside
even when you had cuter, happier looks
No. 90190
>a recent gig or two happens once every 3 to 4 months that has no new milk>How is she able to stay in Japan and not come back to Florida?>Is she fucking X Dude or having Lesbian sex with Y person in some of these ELITE companies keeping her there. >She looks weird in X clothing and Y thing. I do not know why anyone would hire her>Remember this event that took place 6 years ago going on 7?>Her modeling career is over now!>Someone calls this cycle out >No you cant keep questioning the narrative, why we keep bringing up the same topic otherwise you are an ostrenga!!! >rewind and play all over again.This thread is starting to get petty I have to agree with
>>81215 . She hardly does any work anymore, she is just a plain basic blonde white woman that photoshoops, She has a niche and even though its small due to blowing up her chances, burning bridges in the past, she gets enough money to get by to stay in Japan. It does not matter how or who because we will perhaps never know. Its pointless to speculate if she has deep connections to CEO's, or is a lesbian or not etc it just really does not matter and is a distraction from milk and hilarious drama. Besides Koti has scaled back her social presence and has decided to lead a normal life with friends she only posts modeling photos and a few friend photos. She is not really a cow anymore, and the milk has been drying up to where only blogposts about what she does is the only thing keeping the thread alive.
No. 90398
>>90197The blowjob meme is really weird. Every time I come back to this thread after a month or so it’s somehow desperately persistent. Just constant insistence that she couldn’t possibly survive in Grorious Nippon without shoving dicks in all her holes. Sounds like unresolved autistic fantasies to me.
I’m always jarred by how bad she looks in true candids even though it’s been that way for years. She looked fine in the fila vid but wow, her face is melting off for real…
No. 90435
>>90414She also deleted a related picture of her and some brand lady at a dinner (I don't remember specifics but check a few threads back) from her instagram RIGHT after someone posted about it on lolcow. Which tbh I'm not sure whether to read as hiding something or still being super homophobic but def one of the two. If nothing else it proved she still checks lolcow constantly after all these years.
Which for sure makes me think either Kooter or Kiki are the ones bumping these threads. So many other threads have gone quiet when the milk dries up but someone ALWAYS bumps this after it's quiet for a few weeks, it never quite dies.
No. 90442
>>90435While I definitely think it’s a viable theory I can’t automatically dismiss, there’s also a couple girls that still have her and her past as a hyperfixation/special interest for some reason, so it’s pretty up in the air.
I think that’s the most difficult part from differentiating between kiki and kota and one of the longtime obsessors, they’re all so deranged you can’t put it past any of them.
No. 90445
>>90443I actually second this theory, although I’ve always refrained from trying to discuss it because there’s always one or two (probably only one…) aggressive anons that viciously derail here.
Given the span of how insane her spergout was, there’s no way she’s any different now. That was her as a grown woman. She’s too paranoid to have a job and sits at her parents house all day, you know she has nothing to do besides spin these bizarre delusions in her brain. For someone that claims to love her sister so much, it really doesn’t mean anything because she’s already proved in such a big way that she’s like, a near-schizo pathological liar that will put down anyone and everyone. I’m sure she’s just as jealous of her sister as she was of Taylor R. I will never be able to get the “wow this could easily be Kiki” out of the back of my mind when I see some ranting black and white word salad itt. And it’s her own fault honestly lol.
No. 90478
>>90445>I’m sure she’s just as jealous of her sister as she was of Taylor R.absolutely. her autist-chan legacy more than proves what sets her off. and since she's on disability it's likely because she's insane since she has no other chronic illness. any time people make a neutral comment about kota the same person must insist that she's actually a cocksucking loser scamming the japanese government who destroyed her career and -insert entire wiki length rise and fall summary for the millionth time because her legacy can't be of a harmless loser while kiki is immortalized as autist-chan-
no one cares. the truth about kota's visa situation is hardly as sensationalized as miss kiki keeps deluding herself into believing. kota has cut her and her family off and kiki can't stand it, even while kota has faded into irrelevancy and wasted all the opportunities she had at her feet in 2012.
kota…. is not successful. she blew it big time and is a short stubby no-name model who gets jobs through connections. cocksucking? friendliness? who knows! but there's nothing enviable about her life that warants the hateboner walltext that keeps bumping this thread. who would be jealous of the japan version of a kmart model?
well, the psychotic 30 year old sister living with her parents in irrelevancy in florida who thought her and kota would be a totemo kawaii world famous duo. she doesn't have taylor to jerk off to so now she's picked her estranged sister.
No. 90496
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>>90478I don't think Kota blew her chances of fame like most seem to think. She never had any talent to showcase to keep the hype going. She was sensationalized for being " oh wow beautiful, looks just like a doll" and once flown out and realized it was all sham she just slowly fizzled out. She got used for her viral 5-sec fame and clickbait. All of the living dolls blew up huge even that photoshop disaster Lolita Ritchi got fuck tons of coverage in news outlets. I remember shaking my head because none of them would even dare mention how horrible the editing looked or that it was all fake. Notice how once the trend died so did Kota's "fame". Japan went with her bullshit for the same reason so many outlets did with others. It got clicks. Thus why the title dropping " Human barbie, Dakota Rose" with every job she did/got.
No. 90538
>>90490Personally I think she’s just doing some sort of freelancing graphic or digital work, something of that nature, and I believe she’s been doing it for awhile. She could easily fly under the radar, she can work from home, and she doesn’t have to be under constant scrutiny. I always wonder why people brush that off when it seems pretty likely. I’ve seen people in the past say that she couldn’t bear to not humblebrag about such a thing, but I don’t believe that at all. It’d be a profession where she can stay private and not be plagued by anxiety that I’m sure being a cabbage patch doll pretending to be a Barbie exacerbated. She could also be doing transcribing or private tutoring. We would never hear about it, because Japan is still a polite society and if she wanted to have some semblance of peace she could achieve it just by being a little bit careful.
>>90478You were really on the nose with this.
No. 90544
>>90490the thing is, once we actually get to thinking about it, it really is possible she's getting by through a marriage visa, sleeping around, honest work, or a million other theories. i don't think any of us would angrily insist that she's a totally successful hardworking model because it genuinely is debatable.
the difference is….none of us care enough to find out something there's no concrete enough evidence about. and why do fbi work on a snoozefest like kota? that's all anyone has been saying in this thread for years. yeah, it's shady, but who cares? why is not caring met with hostility from the "anons" whose only real peeve is that we
don't join them in their attempt to make tinfoil theories actual fact? yeah, there were rumors she was sucking her manager's dick. but there were also rumors that she lied about her age and got a nose job.
kota is not the first nor last cow whose milk dried up. it's not special that people don't care anymore. we don't care about kiki either, but she's immortalized as psychotic autist-chan, while kota, by sheer comparison, faded with dignity as a frumpy harmless lesbian. kiki did not. thus, the sperging. i mean, she's had jealous psychotic fits for much, much less.
No. 90546
>>90435Yeah, Sachico. She was gifting Dakota
thousands of dollars' worrh of bags, horns, shoes and accessories from Malicious.X, going way back to 2013. Her items are expensive as fuck, like $150-300 USD for a bag or set of horns. She even went to dinner with kooter to a fancy ass traditional restaurant in a
private room so she could give Dakota a backpack she had ordered. It was pointed out and suddenly kooter deleted EVERYTHING, and after her sudden trip back to Florida after Sheina got arrested for visa fraud she never mentioned Sachico or posted new Malicious stuff again, despite still being seen with new bags and shoes from all Sachico's new accessories ahe started making around that same time.
It could be possible that her sugar momma is Sachico, who keeps helping her get jobs when she pops back up in Japan, but she doesn't work enough to justify living there full time, visa or not.
Maybe, and it's a major reach, Dakota was married to Hiroshi from Bravo but living alone in a love nest, then when she fucked herself up on the Karaoke show (when her decline began) she got busted down to bare essentials so she wouldn't be so obviously kept, then as she got fatter and less stylish after the disaster that was Fitt's she turned more to Sachico. When Sheina got arrested Dakota
very suddenly flew back to FL, she came back to Japan a
lot less well off than when she left, and hasn't managed to regain that lifestyle since.
TL;DR: Maybe she was married to Hiroshi, he got smarter about spoiling kotex and letting her brag abt living like a weeb princess for so little work until she got fat and lazy, then divorced her bc Sheinagate and now Sachico is her only real connection to still getting work since her friends all more or less disappeared after the July trip home as well. I think the reason she doesn't post anymore but once a month (and only jobs vs. before where she barely/never posted jobs for selfies/food/shopping) is because she is only in Japan
for work that she gets through Sachico or whoever else she may still know.
Also, IDK how the hell she ever got the Rizin translation jobs unless it was through Gackt, because her translation was shit, she was awkward as hell and except for the OTT promo by ModelPress and Rizin (they made a whole English Twitter acct to promote her sorry English translation clips) She wasn't affiliated with anyone there and didn't fit in. Plus, right before she got the first Rizin job she got the same piercings Gackt had in the same ear as him (those 3 chunky loops). She deleted all the pics of her where she was wearing those
after it was mentioned here, and when it kept getting brought up she stopped returning to Rizin.
No. 90582
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>>90546150-300 is not "expensive as fuck." Check out the prices of designer bags.
Dakota always had multiple piercings in her ear.
For me, Dakota is an original cow, and I enjoy checking up on her or revisiting her old milk (it's still funny). But all this conspiracy theory stuff about her work is so boring. You can't prove very much at all.
I tend to believe she actually dated or was friends with Taiko Katono instead of "pretending" to date him by obsessively buying the same clothes as him and stuff, because that's just Occam's Razor. It makes the most sense that they actually hung out or dated. And for all the people who think Dakota was too unattractive or plain, well, men date weird or unattractive or lying women all the time, even when they can "do better."
I'd much rather break open the leukemia claim, which I'm sure was a lie or exaggeration. I'd like to find out if she has a menial job on the side or what. I'd like to know if she hired someone to do all those fancy kawaiiii edits in 2011-2012 (because I actually think she wasn't good enough to do even those pieces of trash herself; her quality took a huge nosedive as soon as she got to Japan, too).
This sugar daddy novel and all the lame homophobic stuff about how she's gay bores me. If she's gay, she wouldn't be the first bigot to be closeted. I don't excuse her disgusting comments, which she never apologized for, but I think the horse has been beaten to death.
I would, however, love to know what she does all day.
No. 90586
>>90582If they were dating there would have been more proof aside from kota wearing some of the same stuff as him.
As you said Occam's Razor
Dakota has consistently used lies and deception to sneak her way to fame. It makes more sense that she would try to do this as a publicity stunt than her actually dating him. It's extremely easy to do and because of how secretive Japanese stars tend to be about their relationships it's easy to start a rumour like that.
It would be MORE suspicious that if their relationship was supposed to be 'behind the scenes' that he would give her clothes and accessories he's worn in public photos.
I agree with wishing we knew what she does all day.
No. 90643
>>90631Yeah seriously. There's one anon who keeps trying to push this "Dakota has REAL CONNECTIONS" narrative and it's bizarre. She got Rizin because she can "translate" and she has an agency who does try to get her jobs so they get paid. Also it was proven upthread that Dakota went to the US a week before Shiena got arrested… I know some anon tried claiming that Dakota somehow knew she was going to get arrested but like what the actual fuck makes sense about that. Also why would her going back to the US help her in any way, she couldn't afford regular manicures before that and she's still poor as shit- nothing changed. We've done the visa talk a million times but there is no visa change that makes sense either.
The same anon keeps making these same claims like clockwork every few months and it's INSANE.
>>90582Anyway I completely agree that the leukemia claim is the most interesting thing that's happened in years. We all know it's bullshit but I do think it's especially telling that it was never ever mentioned again. You'd think it would be super easy to prove it was true if it was… hospital pictures, medication names, details about treatment, etc. She knows people don't believe her (not just us, Girls Channel too) but never made even the slightest attempt to prove it. To me that just screams fake.
No. 90728
>>90711The really tinfoily anons definitely give off mini-kiki vibes sometimes. kek.
>>90721Sometimes it's better to just find a new cow, there's plenty. I remember when Applemilk faded into obscurity, it's not always easy accepting that your old fav cow has to be retired from the ol dairy farm, but you really can't make milk where there ain't any.
I could see Dakota being put into a general "where are they now" weeb thread though.
No. 90813
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>>90721the thing i miss most from the golden days of dakota rose are horrible pics like this, which is still probably the funniest photo i've seen on lolcow
the fact that this was used in an actual ad slays me
No. 90833
>>90728I would argue for her thread being kept separate. She's like a dormant volcano. She might start rumbling again.
And if she does, I don't want to wade through 8 million posts to find out about it. For archival purposes at least, original cows need their own stalls.
No. 91140
>>90960I mean the whole in debt and can’t leave the country thing sounds ridiculous, but I agree on the haggard part. She’s too haggard to be taken care of.
Even low-end escorts try to maintain a sliver of sexual desirability. Even though she is busted, Lorena/Sere puts a lot into her fried hair, her lashes, her (also busted) body. If Kota were being paid for it wouldn’t be going into a never ending trench of rent and tacky accessories. She would also be more body-conscious. She would wear makeup. She wouldn’t have that haircut. She’d be getting skin treatments, taking care of those sagging jowls, etc. No ifs and ors or buts.
No. 91152
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>>85888She did not lie about her age. There’s a plethora of proof that she was born in 1995, and NO proof she is older. Here’s a compilation.
>the Arlington Heights daily herald newspaper of Chicago showed an obituary for Cathy’s grandfather Wilson Vorbeck who died in March 9, 1995. It listed Cathy having only having Kyler and Kiki, because Dakota hadn’t been born yet. There was a screenshot of the obituary, but I couldn’t find it. So I just googled the details I remembered and found a link to the newspaper site to me is the most concrete. it's a physical newspaper from 1995 saying dakota didn't exist yet
>the police report was the only “proof” she was born in 1993, but in the SAME report it listed her age as 15 in 2010. Inconsistent with being born in 1993, but consistent with 1995. It also had various other mistakes like the spelling Kristen, all their eyes listed as brown, their height listed as 5'0, etc.>in the archive documents Cathy told her lawyer in a private e-mail in 2008 "My daughter Dakota who is 12" was the only one who was suspicious of Danny.>The “expose Kiki” website from the myspace days has a screenshot of Hilary Haywire saying she found out Kiki and Dakota were 14 and 11. This was back when they were both trying to keep their age a secret.>The rolling stone article from early 2011, before “kotakoti” was a thing says that she was 11 in 2007.I'm a really, really oldfag when it comes to the Dakota drama. She didn't claim to be 16
after getting the contract from bravo. she said it in her FAQ video back when she only had a tumblr.
>>85889>and her defense was her passport with the shooped selfie that would have never been approved (passports have strict photo requirements) and that she used to lie about being older to join YT and Myspace originally.This is a lie. She never said anything in her defense at all. Idk where you got that from, false memory?
No. 91843
>>91152She mafe an entire proof video showing her passport, but on the other hand her passport pic
was shooped to fuck, had heavy makeup and hair covering half her face, which nobody could figure out how she got approved for use on her passport to travel since it never looked anything like her actual face. I remember the fake passport scandal when people wete posting the passport photo guidelines on cgl and her picture had so many issues that some people just wouldn't buy it.
No. 93098
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what is this in reference to
No. 93582
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DAmn for a sec I thought this was kota hanging with hanadayo.
No. 93597
>>93593Vivi from Terrace House, popular show on Netflix.
She's a German girl doing the whole "i wanna be a model in Japan thing". She jumped on of the Terrace House members and got rejected, did an awkward kiss before he left, as far as I know from the last episode aired; she's still there but because of Covid19 they paused filming.
Her ig No. 93716
>>93641wow what a disgusting whore /s
least she didn't make a career off lying about her appearance and probably hasn't made several homophobic and racist remarks, right?
No. 93858
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>>93716I mean…
>>93796Since we don't know anything about this girl, she could well have done those things. She's kinda a mix between Taylor and Dakota and honestly seems like a cow from scrolling her Insta.
No. 93862
>>93858Fuck off and stop being so obviously an Ostrenga. Look at her instagram for more than 5 seconds and you can see that it's a tiktok challenge video (#エアロビチャレンジ or "aerobics challenge") and all of her other posts are totally normal. Yeah sure it's dumb and overly sexual, but let's not pretend she's a porn star. Attacking this is so specific and weird and I have to believe it's someone being defensive.
Vivi is exactly how Kooter wishes she looked, no wonder someone (Cathy?) is sperging out.
No. 93917
>>93858she doesn't seem like a cow at all. she seems like a perfectly likeable girl who ironically has more followers and tons more engagement just from being on some stupid reality show than dakoots the ~living barbie doll moderu~ has in her years of "work" lol.
other anon is right, you definitely sound like an ostrenga.
No. 94354
>>93934The Ostrengas have always loved their haters and competitors more than their genuine fans and that will never change. If this new girl was posted here by an Ostrenga then it was a stupid move, true to form. Nobody is jealous of Dakota Rose enough to help knock out her competition, if anything it would do the opposite like with Taylor.
everyone is more likeable than an Ostrenga, it seems.
No. 94578
>>94354I binged this Terrace House about a week ago and I see a lot of people doing so as well, but I didn’t feel inclined to come here and rage. I assumed the topic was covered long before I caught up.
I will say—I got a lot of amusement out of just knowing the Ostrengas would shit their pants over this. Vivi is everything Kiki and Dakota couldn’t be. I found her personality annoying and the hosts had the most ridiculous halo effect shrouding all her flaws, but she was very comfortable with herself and captured a lot of attention. She does look like a more conventional and successful version of Koots though, and without any surgery or cosmetics and lenses. I noticed that they could pass for sisters. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kiki and Cathy were screeching like harpies over the whole thing.
No. 95507
>>95060There’s nothing to replace anymore, really. Dakota isn’t modeling enough to matter. At this point it seems she just wants to live a regular life in Tokyo. For all we know, she could have already quietly resolved the issues we’ve always disliked her for. I’m sure distance from Kiki would awaken anyone in her position like a slap to the face.
If you want to see what we mean about Vivi, you should check out terrace house: tokyo on netflix. She debuts on part 3 episode 26. You’ll see why it’s so tempting to mention her. They genuinely do look related, and the Ostrengas can’t pin her as a copycat because she has no surgery, doesn’t adopt her “look” past or present in any way, and it’s just genetics. She looks like Dakota it she lopped off that witch chin and took care of her body.
No. 101535
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So I just noticed something while browsing Sere's thread:
Kooter's latest job is being a barely-used ambassador for FILA Japan, which previously affiliated with a brand called "Fxxking Rabbits", which is the same trashy thotwear brand that posted Sere's gross ass with a candle on their IG.
Isn't it interesting how the only jobs she can get anymore since she went into hiding also affiliate with either gravure models or other trashy foreigners?
No. 102088
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It looks like FILA might have dropped her already. They stopped posting her on the main acct that announced her ambassador status, on the secondary FILA account she barely scrapes past 20 likes.
She's done, if she is still in Japan it's not because of any job she has or had in the past.
No. 102191
>>102087And more appropriately, she isn’t attractive enough to do so and she knows it. She couldn’t even do a popteen swimsuit shoot without them covering her in a towel, and that was like six years ago.
>>102088I’m betting she’s had a normie job for awhile now. Probably translating or something of the sort. She’s over the hill model-wise and in general already Christmas cake status.
No. 102680
>>102191If so, why stop posting? Most of her social media posts for the length of her career were non-work pics of her at home or eating.
She could also be in LA keeping Kiki mostly offline while using her old connections and friends to keep booking jobs to get back to Japan.
No. 103076
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>>102088Koots answered the call, and is back to her old tricks: posting selfies in her free clothes, tagging brands, posting again so she seems active but "busy".
She's jobhunting again, alkost exactly 6 months after landing FILA, which was coincidentally just a 3 or 4 months agter she wore FILA in Rakuten's runway show (which is likely how she got the job to begin with, another favor).
Rakuten, yet again.
No. 103089
>>103076I wonder if she's been quieter lately because of all the BLM movement and her questionable past involving racism.
Either way, she looks good in this picture and its nice to see her slowly more and more over time toning down her editing. Funny though that someone here stated she must have been dropped already by Fila and now she's posting/tagging them.