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No. 650088
New thread for Shiena.
previous thread:
>>304264Shannon Wong is a 29 year old Chinese-Canadian gyaru who goes by the name of Shiena.
She is best known for being at the center of a lot of drama in the gyaru com a few years back & hanging out with Sere/Lorena, Dania, and Katie.
When she isn't posting inconsistently photoshopped pics on her Instagram or making seriously narcissistic posts on her Facebook in some of the worst English grammar anyone has ever read, she works illegally at a kyaba called N-morning. There is also recent evidence that she is teaching English on the side.
Despite having lived in Japan for nearly 10 years, her Japanese is awful. It is only matched by her middle-school level English (despite English being her first language). Some of the Japanese on her instagram posts is so horribly conceited, it is obvious she is just copying how celebrities talk (though most celebrities would be more humble than she is).
She started in Japan on a working holiday visa, switched to a student visa (to attend the fashion school Vantan), got herself a proper work visa to work at the English school Pictop (where Katie was able to get a job) and as manager for the gal cafe 10sion. She also worked as manager for one of Sere's failed bars (though, Shiena kept telling everyone it was her own bar). Now she has no clear visa and has begun working kyaba in Kabukicho. She was working both morning and night but one of the clubs shut down and another changed its name. None of her previous nor her current club list her on their websites.
She has been missing from social media since 7/10. No one has any idea what happened. This is the longest break from social media she has ever taken. She stopped advertising for her club's work events, stopped posting on instagram, stopped posting on Facebook, and has not appeared out with anyone of her friends (even missing one of her friend's birthday parties).
• instagram: @ningyosama
• art instagram: @ningyosekai
• Facebook:• N-morning:• website: No. 650097
>>650093There are a few things that don't make sense. If she got caught by immigration, she should have deleted all her social media that proves she is working illegally in Japan. Yet, all her accounts still exist.
She could just be taking a break but that doesn't explain why she isn't going out with friends or advertising her work events.
If she is sick, she should be able to still post on social media even if she is in the hospital.
No. 650126
>>650101I am honestly think she may have been grabbed by immigration. It has been nearly 3 weeks since she has been active online.
Has anyone seen her online on FB messenger? She hasn't so much as liked a post on instagram for 3 weeks.
Someone should ask Katie if she knows what happened. Or send Shiena a DM on instagram or message on Facebook to see if it ever gets marked as seen/read.
No. 650138
>>650128If she did get caught by immigration, her passport should be flagged to bar her from entry for 5 years.
I'm not sure we will even be able to tell if she is back in Canada for a while though because she probs has hundreds of old pics she could post to pretend she is still in Tokyo.
I dunno what story I would believe from her besides deportation. I won't believe she was too sick for social media. It has just been too long for that.
Anyone one how long she would be detained for before her deportation? Maybe she won't get forced out. Sere has managed to get around immigration several times.
No. 650152
>>650142Laying low wouldn't explain her absence from liking things on ig or not going to yume.chii's birthday party.
And if she had access to her social media it would make sense to hide the incriminating evidence.
No. 650936
>>650897Police in Japan can actually detain a suspect for 23 days, not 21. The first 72 hours are for evidence presentation by the police to a prosecutor. The next 20 days are for the investigation.
After the first 72 hours, courts issue the 10 day detention order which can be extended by an additional 10 days. Bail in Japan is almost never granted to foreigners so Shiena would be detained for the full 23 days.
After this, the person is indicted if there is sufficient evidence to prove they have committed a crime. The conviction rate for foreigners in Japan after they have been indicted is over 99%. who overstay in Japan can voluntarily turn themselves in to immigration after receiving a departure order. They then have to leave Japan within 15 days. Voluntary departure is often the only way to avoid a criminal penalty and they can return to Japan after 1 year. has committed a variety of crimes since entering Japan. EVen if you voluntarily declare that you have overstayed in Japan, you can still be charged. There are also criminal punishments for working outside of the scope of your visa and working while overstaying. Finally, they could go after Shiena for tax evasion. If she lies while being questions about her taxes, that is considered obstructing a tax audit and comes with a fine and/or criminal punishment. No. 650937
>>650933If she does have a visa, it would need to be a spouse visa in order for her to work in the entertainment industry. Without permanent residency or that visa, she would be working illegally.
She definitely could be working a legitimate job on the side and paying taxes in order to get social insurance benefits but there is no evidence to support that. She has said herself that she works 6 days a week from 6:00~15:00 (without making any mention of having a second job). Those are the hours that N-morning is open.
No. 650942
>>650933No one said she has never had a Visa. She quit 10sion to go work at Sere's bar. After that went under, Shiena began working kyaba at Lugano towards the middle/end of 2016.
Why did Sere and Shiena stop being friends?
No. 651420
>>651288She would have the money lol a trip to korea from Japan is cheap, even someone with a student job could afford that.
If she‘s really overstaying she would get caught at the airport.
The difference between lorena and Shiena: shiena probably overstayed in Japan for YEARS, so if she ever goes to an airport she would get big problems.
Lorena was at least smart enough to travel around or to go back to her homecountry for a few times. She is white and has enough money to get along as a tourist there, that’s why I can imagine that Immigration doesn’t pay big attention to her. Also Shiena is chinese. This sounds racist but Japan is like that… they pay way more attention to Asian immigrants than for white people.
No. 651430
>>650936Yeah but immigration doesnt tend to hold people like her for the full 23 days. Most people end up getting questioned hard core for hours and hours and make their decision to deport somebody for working illegally or staying over. Mostly its a “okay, we’ve seen enough, get ‘em out of here” that takes 5-6 hours tops. Then they hit you with some paper work that states if you’ve been dported or what and make you sort out flight info in the next 1~2 days. If they are nice they give you a few extra days to go back to where you stay and get your stuff.l to take back. They are mean and cold AF, but they are only hardcore and keep you locked up if there are drugs.
If she was deported or something similar, she’s probably too embarrassed to say anything. Could an unwanted pregnancy from some rando at that kyaba club make her bail from social media? Thats my second guess.
No. 651469
>>651430There’s an immigration prison, she could be detained there for 30 days or more
“the immigration control authority may detain foreign nationals for "30 days" (plus additional 30 days if supervising immigration inspector finds it necessary to extend the said detention period)”
No. 651472
>>651430That was also my point. The most possible thing is that she got deported. These are only guesses but I have the feeling that she could be depressed from this situation (for Shiena that‘s the worst case scenario to be back in canada lol) and that‘s why she‘s quiet and stays back from the internet for a while.
I really doubt that she‘s pregnant. My second guess would be that another person important to her died, I remember when Ai died, she also needed some time to get active on social media again and wasn‘t there some inactive time too? (Maybe not that long but I remember that she was quiet at that time)
Or maybe some family issues?
We can only guess until shiena gets active again or someone gives us some evidence about what happened
No. 651535
>>651430>>651469My guess is that they didn't grab Shiena for overstaying, they grabbed her for working illegally. That would explain why they would detain her for the full 23 days.
It was fishy when Lugano suddenly changed its name to N. She also very abruptly stopped working at Enchante without any mention why. Plus she was never listed on any of their websites. The Japanese are pretty harsh with Chinese sex workers and that is exactly what they would consider Shiena.
Also, Shiena is super arrogant and thinks she is better than other people. This won't go over well with immigration. I wouldn't put it passed her to lie about something thinking she can get away with it then getting caught in the lie.
After Ai died, Shiena only took a break from her blog. She was still posting on Facebook and appearing in messenger. It didn't take her very long to publicly say what happened.
No. 651701
>>651680There could be some mixture of jail time and fines in addition to deportation.
As anon pointed out earlier, the conviction rate is over 99% once someone has been indicted in Japan. I don't think Shiena could afford a lawyer on her own but I am sure that her parents will help her hire one. It probably won't do much good. She might be able to get away with a life ban from Japan and some fines.
However, her working kyaba will hurt her case because it will call her morals into mention. They will probably also be able to dig up information about the other times she has overstayed in Japan over the years. She hasn't gone back to Canada or left the country in the 8 years she lived in Japan. They will look at every single visa she had over those years and be able to spot the gaps. This may result in additional charges.
They also obviously have information about where she met him. He is Japanese so they will believe him over her. He will probably turn over evidence and testify against her to lessen his own charges.
No. 651712
>>651701Marriage fraud is a felony in the U.S. It is probably taken very seriously in Japan as well.
>>651704She may or may not have been a prostitute but the police and prosecution will treat any kind of night work as though it was prostitution. Mainstream Japanese society really looks down on girls who work in Kabukicho.
No. 651715
>>651713Sorry for the double post. I meant 21 days.
It seems like they had evidence already of the fake marriage and details of how they met that probably came from her husband.
She was stupid enough to not live with him. Plus working kyaba would throw the marriage into more suspicion.
No. 651721
She paid him 7k once + 300$ monthly for the Sasaki guy to say yes lmao'd translate this but I have to go to work now, anyone else willing?
No. 651722
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…now we know what she actually looks like tho
No. 651728
>>651721That is even worse. They went to Yokohama to get the license. Prosecution will look at that as further conspiracy to commit fraud. Her husband is probably going to be able to provide all the financial records…
Is that article saying that she married him in 2016 after her student visa expired? That is probably only half true since she definitely had a period between moving to Japan and enrolling in Vantan where her visa would have lapsed. I hope she didn't lie to them.
No. 651733
Sorry for the long and potentially sucky translation
Ooi Station has arrested Canadian restaurant worker Shannon Wong (29, Nishishinjuku) and construction worker Michinari Sasaki (37, Nerima-ku) on suspicion of falsifying and submitting electromagnetic notarized documents, allegedly entering a false marriage. The two admit to the charged, and Wong is said to explain her motive by saying "I like lolita fashion, I wanted to cosplay in Japan where it's safe".
The suspect submitted a false marriage registration to a ward office in Yokohama on June 17th, 2016.
According to authorities, Wong entered the country as an exchange student. Her period of stay was to be between the years of 2012-2016, and she met suspect Sasaki at a cosplay event in Kabukicho before her visa expired. Wong made a request of him stating that she wanted resident status, and Sasaki agreed in exchange for a reward of 700,000 yen with 30,000 yen monthly.
The incident was detected through information previded by the Immigration Bureau in February of this year. It was proven that they had no actual married life together, and Ooi station arrested both suspects on the 11th of this month on suspicion of a violation of the Immigration Act (False Application).
No. 651740
>>651733Isn’t she in Japan since 2007 already?
Also another thing an anon above mentioned, if she hasn’t been in Canada for all that time and her original passport expired, which is just logical, doesn’t it make the case even worse, because it need to be proven who she ‘really’ is?
And holy 29yrs, no official work experience aside of VANTAN + criminal record. She’s so fucked, she’ll never get another job aside of maybe shop staff at some convenience store or literal prostitute when she’s back in Canada
No. 651743
>>651740She went to Japan on a working holiday visa then switched it to a student visa when she entered Vantan. Before she got the student visa, she had all those plans to get Ashley to adopt her or have an anchor baby or enter into a sham marriage. That was because she definitely lived for some period of time in Japan with no visa at all.
This will be SUPER easy to prove because they literally just need to look at all the visas she's had over the years and compare that to how long she has been living there. A student visa is only granted for a maximum of 4.5 years.
No. 651750
>>651744Well she’s also been live on NHK for a few times during that period? The Japanese must feel ashamed for their own stupidity, or they want to show parts of the program later and make an even bigger story out of this, because summer break.
is it possible that shiena might get some sort of overkill during the arrest time and spill info on other illegal overstayers like sere? It might be possible if she wants to make herself look better in front of them. I mean if they investigated well enough they would already know abt her friend circle
No. 651754
>>651752Maybe they just don‘t make a big thing about it in social media? I mean as a mum I would be ashamed to make this public or I would try to protect my child and making it public makes it worse.
At least immigration should‘ve contacted someone from her family living in canada
No. 651762
>>651759Her husband is going to throw her under the bus to save himself. She had to pay him so he obviously doesn't love her.
I wonder what kind of evidence he can provide the police besides the financial records and probably some conversations.
What is going to happen to her now? Could she go to jail or just get deported?
No. 651772
佐々木 シエナ bet she is counting on them not being able to find her Facebook or Instagram to use as evidence.
No. 651776
>>651773They were wrong about her living legally. They were wrong about her being a prostitute. They must know now that she is both ugly and going to lose her "glamorous" lifestyle that they admired.
Too bad her blog post about wanting the visa baby or fake marriage is gone. That would have been good evidence.
No. 651807
>>651790The embassy would do this. It‘s also mot like she is an dangerous person, they will at least let her contact her mum. It‘s been 2 weels and she has contact with her mum almost everyday usually.
It‘s not like they hide her in Japan, the canadian embassy would definetly at least contact one family member.
And also it would be normal if katie or another friend does it. If a total stranger sends a message like this it would be creepy as fuck
No. 651810
>>651794They'll probably pretend like nothing happen their leeches anyway.
>>651799The Japanese won't be able to read it, so it be no use anyway, don't waste your time.
>>651790No,that's the Embassy job not lolcow anons. Some of you tend to overkill milk it hasn't been 24hrs of learning of this. I want to see how this will play out because this is probably the most milk lolcow will ever get, next to kiki sperg.
No. 651828
>>651634Thank you anon for providing this glorious milk. I knew something was up.
>>651821Some of the comments are funny as hell someone mentioned her face looks like it got hit by a bus.
No. 651855
>>651773I just went over the last thread and was wondering this myself. People were seriously fighting tooth and nail about how Shiena had to be innocent and everyone here was just a jealous hater.
Man do THEY feel fucking stupid right now…Shienas more fucked than all the dirty old men she was tossing ass at in hopes of staying in Japan. If she was actually smart she would have gotten knocked up like she first intended to, but I guess her vanity got too in the way and now she'll be charged, deported, and banned from Japan for the rest of her life.
Maybe it'll do her some good. All she was in Japan was a useless literal whore anyway. She might go back to Canada and resume being a whore, who knows, but maybe being close to family will force her to try having a normal life now. Well, as normal as she can get as a Felon.
No. 651859
>>651856I don't think she can contact any friends right now. If she thought ahead, she might have given that info to one of her fellow prostitutes should she get caught, but I doubt it. If she was dumb enough to say she wanted to stay to cosplay then she was probably too dumb to think ahead
>>651857If they make an example of her it'll probably be more on the harsh side. Countries tend not to like letting in criminals anyway too even if they gave her a short ban which is unlikely
My only question is what happens when you get deported? Does she even get to go back to where she was staying and get her stuff or do they just toss her on a plane and sell off whatever she had in the room she was staying?
No. 651867
>>651859I think immigration showed up at her house early in the morning and got her. She didn't have time to delete her accounts or put on makeup.
>>651855Her parents going to kick her ass out, Chinese parents don't play about that shit. If she get charges her ass won't even be able to find a job unless it's flipping signs.
Shiena life is fucked,she could've avoided this if she left after her visa was up.
No. 651872
>>651740If you live overseas you just get a new passport from your embassy. They don't have stickers for the visas anymore, so her home country wouldn't know she's illegal.
She probably wasn't in the guy's residence register (住民票), that's the only thing that'll easily raise flags. They don't just come by randomly to check whether you have the appropriate number of toothbrushes at your home. Extremely easy to trick if you wanted to, but she was probably too stupid for that.
No. 651887
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Can we all laugh at how busted she is
No. 651932
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>>651928If she did lie about when she entered Japan or having social media, they could catch her for obstruction too.
Those articles say she entered Japan as a student with a visa valid from 2012-2016. We know she entered on September 5th, 2010.
No. 651937
>>651931I still have no idea what the punishment could be.
I know she will be deported an either banned for 5 years, 10 years, or for the rest of her life.
No. 651948
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Lmao mia posted about shiena getting arrested on the news
No. 651952
>>651949She is a gaijin gyaru who made some YouTube videos with her friend Ami on the account miaxjapan. The Kabukicho ones with hosts are gone now. She also had a hilarious sex blog.
She ended up studying at a Japanese university then moving to Osaka. She recently got married to what seems like a very nice, handsome Japanese guy. She teaches English to kids. They moved close to his parents.
No. 651960
"Oh wow, someone I know got arrested for marriage fraud. Recently they're not on SNS and I was surprised to hear on the news that she has been arrested. Can't believe it. Don't know much about Japanese law so I wonder what'll happen"
No. 651970
>>651535Kyaba and host clubs change their name to avoid paying taxes.
That’s why cheap places change their name every year in time you usually pay your taxes.
No. 651978
>>651977Actually the video said she was working in the sex industry.
Yahoo news said she worked in the food industry but that’s often also used as other way to say kyaba. They probably already know where she worked
No. 652035
>>652031Will the admin allow a new thread on PT then? Seems good.
Also I doubt she will go down for prostitutuon. Shannon will 100% be charged for marriage fraud. How they found out about it…idk. Obviously the Sasaki guy didn’t snitch(yet) because he’s going down too. They’re making an example out of Shiena before the olympics to show weebs, illegal prostitutes and chinese people they won’t be tolerated. She fits all the categories so for the cops it’s fitting everything at once.
I’m just wondering who snitched. I wouldn’t past it being someone from here or online honestly. Another crime she may go down for is money laundering. Most likely she WONT serve jail time in Japan and will be deported back to Canada with a life ban.
If she’s found on money laundering however they may really throw the book at her. This isn’t simple overstaying, it’s fraud and money. If she was done for overstaying or working illegally they wouldn’t be as harsh.
If she has drugs on her or is involved with drugs she better fucking hope she has Johnnie Cochran as a lawyer.
Lorena, Ksara, Jojo and Shani will need to hang low. Lorena who is openly working at a delivery health club illegally and who has been reported before is at the most risk. Shani who has come in and out on multiple student visas for 6 years and done for stealing at Donkihote years back is also probably next on immigration’s list.
No. 652047
>>651802Also in case there's any doubt remaining that Japanese society doesn't understand that race != nationality… literally all the comments here are "She's Chinese not Canadian" "Doesn't look like a Canadian at all" one even basically says "Blood matters more than nationality, a chink is a chink even if they have a Canadian passport" (they use a slur for Koreans but I think they're just confused).
God Japanese society can be disgusting towards people of Chinese/Korean ethnic descent
No. 652053
>>651865"Her parents going to kick her ass out, Chinese parents don't play about that shit."
I disagree, that's normally true but her mom is of the "gold digger who remarried a white guy" variety and tbh kinda floozy seeming herself, I doubt she cares that much
No. 652069
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>>652063The video on this article shows her in custody. Crazy crazy!
>>652060The article that
>>652063 linked states:
However, this February immigration officers in Tokyo began an investigation into the pair, uncovering the fraudulent arrangement and determining that the pair had not been cohabiting or otherwise living as husband and wife.
So both of them were being investigated.
No. 652077
>>652075well she deserves it.
didn't shannon complain about japan all the time too?
No. 652079
>>652075idk shit like this makes me always wonder why so many girls go down this route with trying to stay in japan in the most shadiest and illegal way as possible? Why not getting a legal job? Why not do everything like a normal human being?
If you break the law - then you break the law and deserve to be punishment for it and that's what she deserves. She could've done everything in a normal way and she still could be in japan, without a fake marriage and whatsoever.
No. 652080
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Now we know why she get startled
No. 652087
>>652079>>652078>>652077Y'all are savage lol
I 100% agree that gurl done fucked up & she should be held accountable for her actions in accordance with Japan's laws.
but the public humiliation and schadenfreude bit? Ehhh…
There's tens of thousands of illegal/undocumented immigrants in Japan. For most of them, their deportation isn't gonna be documented like a reality TV show. Sucks for Shannon that hers will be. That's all I'm saying
No. 652091
>>652087No one said we are super happy and that we are gonna party about this now anon lol. What kind of public humiliation? We just discuss about the things which the news made public and said she deserved it.
Sayin someone deserves a penality from breaking the law or doing crime is no schadenfreude lol
at the end it’s her life she threw away just for her weeb lifestyle not ours
No. 652096
>>652073Ksara got married to a band guy at age 18 for a quick visa. He left her and she still has a spouse visa which is why she was able to work at kyabakura. She’s still there on that visa even though they’re separated.
Shani has been in and out of Japan since 2011 on a student visa. Student visas can only be renewed for 4-5 years at most. Shani has only even been at language schools, has never had a job in japan outside of hooking and left japan for a year and is now back on a tourist visa or as I heard from her gossiping friends she’s there living with a guy on a false visa. Not to mention she filmed porn illegally.
Lorena has been reported to immigration time after time and has bastard babies floating around. They all have strong connections to Shiena so no doubt they’re next.
No. 652101
>>652095So the news shouldn’t put any criminal or law breaker in the tv because it would be public humilation And it might hurt his feelings? Society doesn’t work like this anon. Of course not every crime is send on the news it depends on the circumstances and how ‘heavy’ your crime is. Giving the reason ‘for lolita and cosplay’ for a law break is pretty hilarious and news worthy. They were able to hide it 2 years she used this position to do jobs which are usually illegal for immigrants, payed money for this guy etc etc.
You should also know that news are looking for storys that will keep the attention of people. Shienas story is perfect for that.
No. 652104
>>652097That’s why I think part of this investigation is because Shiena is chinese. Sere has done far worse shit and is just as open as working in Kyaba. Not to mention her last marriage visa was denied on fraud and she’s done at least 6 visa runs…Why Shiena and not sere.
I really wonder what Shiena will do now. I understand she broke the law I still feel for her. She’s a human being.
No. 652108
>>652100Don’t understand how the nuance of her name is fresh milk but keep derailing.
>>652101We get that anon. It’s still easy to feel bad for someone. Her crime was victimless it’s not like she scammed a guy to marry her whereas Sere has kids involved. Yes she should face consequences but forgive that most of us don’t have a die hard shiena hate boner.
No. 652132
>>652118Clearer version of the same video is the woman behind her? Plain clothes police?
No. 652138
Shiena is facing up to 5 years in prison, deportation, and a fine of up to 500,000yen.
Her husband is facing up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to 5million yen because he entered into the false marriage for profit.
I agree that what Lorena has done is far worse but Shiena did commit fraud. She has broken multiple laws in doing so (both civil laws and part of the penal code). The civil law she broke stated that she needed to live with her husband. The criminal law was the false petition of marriage. She might face additional charges for paying the guy and the Yokohama police are able to charge her with a separate crime for actually submitting the marriage license there. website says it is customary for police to go through LINE and social media communications between parties. If she ever talked to him on Facebook, he will probably turn over her Facebook name. I bet he also follows her on Twitter or Instagram since he is into cosplay so the will have that.
Finally, providing false information to police and obstructing an investigation are both crimes in Japan. From her passport, they will see the 2010 entry without a departure stamp. I doubt she lied to them. Many of the jews outlets are confusing her student visa validity with when she entered Japan.
No. 652184
>>652116So true.
She's always seemed kind of dim and shallow under all that crispy hair. I wonder if she even understood or cared about the cultural bias.
No. 652234
>>652221Fraud is still fraud. She committed a very serious crime. She could have gotten a job in Japan and stayed on a valid work visa in the hopes of getting permanent residency one day. She had two years in her fake marriage visa to feel remorse, divorce, and get a normal job but she didn't do that.
I sort of feel bad for her ending up on the news because it must be so humiliating. On the other hand, she is 29 and knew the risk she was taking. Many criminals end up on the news with details of their crimes being released to the public.
A couple of people have said this is a victimless crime but she is costing the Japanese government a lot of money. She cost all those police officers and everyone involved a lot of time. She put her club at risk by working with an illegally obtained visa. She put whoever acted as witnesses to her false marriage at risk for prosecution. She dragged that Sasaki guy into her mess of a life and now he is also facing criminal charges. She also put anyone else who could be seen as aiding her fraud at risk for criminal penalties. There is no such thing as a victimless crime. I don't feel bad for a kyaba owner and i'm sure ya'll will point out that the government chose to spend the resources and that all those willingly involved chose to also do something illegal. That is all true. But Shiena put a lot of people in harm's way because she didn't want to get a real visa and a real job and live in Japan legally.
No. 652240
>>652234You are actually right..
Still can't believe the things she did,and for what!!??
Hopefully other weebs will learn from her story. She could become an author in Canada and write books about kabukicho and her life lol
I just really hope she won't kill herself
No. 652250
>>652173At least Shani says something about it.
All of shienas other "friends" ignore the whole topic and post the happiest asobi pics on insta. As if they don't give a fuck at all.
If those are the friendships she'd been building for the past years that pretty depressing…
No. 652269
>>652138Her husband is actually facing Shiena's same charge plus the additional 5 years of prison and 5million yen.
>>652250Shani does not seem to realize the risk Shiena has put other people at. Anyone who helped her obtain the marriage or who knew about it without reporting it to immigration/the police could face criminal charges themselves.
Whoever signed as a witness falls under the same penal code violation as Shiena meaning they could face a maximum of 5 years in prison and/or 500,000yen in fines.
It is against the penal code to conceal a false marriage. Her friends could face "未必の故意" penalties even if they were unintentional accomplices to her fraud.
I cannot imagine dragging my friends into my crime. That is awful.
No. 652282
>>652275How can her mom help her? It’s not America and they don’t have visitation normally.
To all the faggots saying how she “used tax payer money” please kindly fuck off. I don’t like Shiena and she is very irresponsible but marriage fraud is essentially a victimless crime when there’s money involved. The Japanese are only using her as an example because she’s chinese.
Ashely was an overstayer when she was knocked up and married. Lorena has done a host of crimes. Shani has stolen and been caught for it and done visa runs. As long as there’s no drugs involved I don’t think immigrations is a “victim crime”. Stop being a moral fag.
No. 652315
>>652306That’s a risk that person took and knew. Nobody forced them. Fraud marriage literally hurts no one unless it’s a scam. Get past your hate boner to see that. If they were gonna charge the witness they would’ve already. Has anyone gone AWOL like Shiena has?
>>652303Shiena has been missing for weeks. Shani giving her two cents of shit does nothing. Shani’s just worried because she knows she’s one phone call to immigration from being barred
No. 652341
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a friend of her said they all should stop sharing the news
No. 652401
>>652341Yes of course it‘s fake…lolz. They wouldn‘t pick up someone randomly and put them in prison just for fake news, japan isn‘t that low xonora.
And the sharing thing is too late it‘s literally everywhere now
No. 652437
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Shanis say on the matter
No. 652438
>>652403Kek he's not wrong
>>652405Right?! She seriously let herself get fucked by all types of strangers risking STDs for what?? Fashion?! Why not just marry and fuck ONE guy instead of 200?! Sure he wont be her visual kei dream but none of the other guys she was fucking for money were either, so what was the point? At least if she married one for real she would have been safe
She probably put too much on thinking "Oh I'll attract and marry a real hot guy eventually so I'll worry about it later" and then just like that "later" became almost 10 years of not settling down and getting serious about wanting to stay.
Her vanity levels are out of this world. If she wasnt so obsessed with herself and looking cool on instagram, she could have easily been a legal citizen by now. Now she's all over the news and getting the boot. What can she even say when she gets back home? She'll have to delete all her social media and crawl off now that all her "haters" have been proven right
No. 652440
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No. 652441
>>652363After 5 years of marriage you can apply for permanent residency in Japan. She probably thought she could keep it up for 5 years, and/or find a partner for a "real marriage" in that time frame.
I think a lot of these hostess/caba club girls hold out hope that one of their clients and/or a host guy will eventually marry them. Host men are literally being paid to pretend to be emotionally invested in these girls. And the clients probably use the "My wife at home is a nag, one day I'll divorce her and marry you" cliche. Shiena is super naive (remember when she used to document every part of her relationships online) so I wouldn't be surprised at all
No. 652442
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No. 652443
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No. 652460
Do you think they'll put her in jail or just deport her?
>>652450Seriously. Where is her mom in all of this???
No. 652463
>>652450It's hard to say. Under normal circumstances, the Canadian Embassy should contact Shiena's family right away, especially since Shiena will need to pay for a ticket home. Ideally, she would have registered her stay in Japan with the Canadian government, and thus the Embassy would be able to have her family's contact info handy:, there's a pretty good chance (I'd say more likely than not) that Shiena didn't register with the Canadian government, in which case the Embassy needs to get contact info for her family.
If the theory that her passport is expired is true, that adds another layer of complexity as the Canadian Embassy will need to issue a new passport, and depending on the situation Shannon might need additional documents (that she is unlikely to have on her person in Japan) to prove her identity:'m not sure how quickly Canadian consular officers are allowed to visit a Canadian citizen once arrested. If they could visit Shannon already and ask Shannon for her family's information, there are lots of possibilities:
(1) Shannon doesn't give her Mom's address because she doesn't know it off hand [like if her mom moved] or because she's embarrassed and doesn't want her mom to find out;
(2) Shannon gave her bio father's info (seems unlikely cuz he's kinda a deadbeat);
(3) Shannon gave them her mom's info but her mom is so angry she's cutting off her relationship with her daughter
No. 652467
>>652463And here's what the Canadian government can and can't do for her:, they can only contact her family
at her request (this is also a pretty good heads up to y'all that you should probably not FB message shannon's mom or whatever w/o her consent)
No. 652468
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Mia and her crappy Japanese giving her two cents lmao
No. 652469
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I alwayd knew sham marriages could get you deported if you get caught but jesus i never knew it was a 5 year jail-able offense and to be worth a news story as well lmfao damn sucks to be her
No. 652470
>>652463"They are not, however, obliged to inform a Canadian consular post of your detention or arrest, unless you ask them to do so."
Unless Shiena asks to speak to someone from the Canadian Embassy, they will not contact them.
No. 652474
A lot of things are being said in the news and it’s quite sad. There are so many worse criminals out there than marriage fraud..I also think this she did it for cosplay thing is incorrect.
How do they decide if its a scam? There are so many couples that live seperately
The police should put more energy into catching stalkers and sexual abusers
No. 652480
>>652470Right, Japan authorities will tell her she can talk with a Canadian consular officer[s], but if she says she doesn't want to, they can't force her to.
Shiena is crazy but I hope she's not so crazy as to refuse the assistance from the Canadian Embassy… people tend to be grossly misinformed in the opposite direction (they seem to think their own country's embassy can bail them out of jail, pay for them to fly home, etc etc when what the consular officers can actually do is far more limited than that).
Turning down consular help would be a real head scratcher. Though I guess not the first bad life decision from Shiena
No. 652491
>>652474What a stupid bitch
But well she did the same with a cheating guy
No. 652501
>>652495At this point I'm half expecting them to start an uwu movement about how Japan arresting and deporting illegals who commit fraud is somehow
problematic and times need to change for illegal womens rights. It honest to god would not shock me even in the slightest
No. 652511 Here's some fun reading (though really, if you're imprisoned, can you even read that?):
"You have the right, for example, to determine who will be notified of your situation and who may act as your legal representative. Your family and friends will not have access to your information without your consent."
^Well… unless your face gets plastered all over local TV. Then your friends will know. But hey, your mom won't!
No. 652518
It would be smarter if she stay lowkey the embassy could be waiting for her.
No. 652528
>>652510This always gets me too.
Japan is basically the exact same as any other western country they're coming from. They say dumb shit like "I dont feel safe with all the perverts in America/Canada" and then move to Japan and do porn and prostitute themselves. Their body types are usually too different to fit into most normal Japanese sizes. They'll never be taken seriously because they're fucking foreigners that don't even have actual careers, so they're just going to be looked down on. and on top of all that womens rights in Japan are way worse too. So what reason do they have to fight tooth and nail to stay even?? Just order your clothes off taobao or whatever and stay home. Stop flying out to Japan to become law breaking bummy prostitutes.
If all the other ones who are blatantly overstaying have any thought in them left, they'd high tail it out of Japan too. Forget the Japanese dream, it's too late. You didn't make it, leave!! Being in your home country is a lot less worse than spending 5 years in prison with huge fines.
No. 652545
>>652521You guys are all obsessed with weebs who live in Japan illegally though.
>>652525Living in Japan legally is not that hard and if you can't even do that you really should fuck off back to your home country.
No. 652667
>>652650Shiena and shannon are such different names, so they wouldnt find that. She never uses shannon wong, always shiena gyaru, and she avoided using the word gyaru when discussing thr fashion she likes, only cosplay and lolita.
They would never have found it.
No. 652702
>>652667Fun story, go ahead and type in things like Shannon Wong, Tokyo, fashion, cosplay, into google. You will easily be led back to lolcow and from there you can find all her social media.
There are people posting here who obviously never met Shiena herself, how do you think they are able to follow her? Do you think Japandse Immigration police can't do the same?
No. 652752
>>652667>>652702 first result is now her arrest (which is a good reason why the media shitshow will be extra painful for her – any future employer in Canada will see what happened with a simple google search), and there's some irrelevant results, but Vantan (alma mater) comes up, and lolcow is right there on the first page of results.
There's absolutely no way Shannon could have hid her "Shiena" identity from them.
No. 652760
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Ummmm I think I recognize the plains clothes cop in the video. She appeared in Shiena's life right around the time the investigation started. She is also in a tagged pic with Shiena at that one guy's bar.
No. 652771
>>652762Yeah but it’s not specifically sex work it’s for ANY work. People ITT are making it out like she’s going to be prosecuted for being a hooker when in reality any work she would’ve done would’ve been counted as illegal working.
>>652760You’re an idiot. The investigation started this year in Feb. that photo is from over a year ago. Japan doesn’t use sting operations. By investigation they simply mean monitoring her home and her “husbands” residence and her going to and from work to prove they had no formal relationship. That and bank transfers. They’re not gonna have an undercover cop pretend to be their friend. Stop watching so many movies anon.
No. 652779
>>652667As other anons said, they would have found it anyway because I can 100% promise you the very first thing they went through would be her phone and laptop. All investigators do this. They seize and search your electronics. She was fucked anyway.
The only people who wouldnt have known would be random Japanese people online but even that doesnt hold up because the second you search "Shanon Wong Lolita", her past lolcow threads pop up. Japanese people arent stupid. The only person stupid in this whole equation is the idiot who got caught breaking the law and her flock of dumb bitches carefully trying to half way shakily stick their necks out to defend her who will get their heads chopped right off alongside her in the given months anyway.
No. 652842
>>652834I love that there are so many other "lesser" crimes reported there too. Man caught for pick pocketing, another caught for swindling someone coupons, an underwear thief caught with 320 pairs of stolen womens underwear…all alongside molestations, murders, and Shiena's marriage fraud
But marriage fraud isn't so important right guys?? Only murders and assaults should be pursued!! If Japan was a really kawaii country like its supposed to be, all lesser crimes would just be ignored uwu how cruel for them to be so vigilant and catch all criminals instead of only the worst ones!
No. 652921
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No. 652962
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No. 653063
>>652738Can you imagine the members seeing on the news that a Chinese woman wearing their shirt was prostituting and paying a man for a fake marriage to stay in Japan for cosplay and lolita (which they hate)- they must be
No. 653070
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Some idiot posted this on her Facebook. Yeah I bet she's really gonna want to see that??
No. 653187
>>653185Yes protect the sorce from the media but not if it‘s such a heavy case like hers.
She has the right to request it through a lawyer.
No. 653190
>>653172What I don't get is how anyone can feel bad at all. That bitch had years to make herself legal and chose to use lawless shortcuts. How do you defend someone who knowingly broke the law because they felt like it?? It doesnt matter where she came from, what she looks like, or even what she's leaving behind.
She's a criminal who did what she did on purpose. She knew for a fact people were speculating all over the place and saying that she should do it the legal way and instead she pretty much gave them the finger and bragged irl to newbies about how easy it was and that they should do it too. She was so confident in her crime, so now when she's caught it's time to feel bad? Too bad, her lifes still ruined anyway.
This should be a big lesson to all the talentless weebs who show up thinking their good looks will get them anywhere. The only place their looks will get them is on their backs as a pump and dump and then on their asses once they get tossed right back out of the country with a fresh long criminal record.
No. 653195
>>653192You are uninformed about japanese law system. You can request it.
In a case like that it‘s documented. Everthing is.
Your voice is automatically recorded if you call the police or immigration number. Otherwise they wouldn‘t be able to investigate.
No. 653199
>>653196Shannon will know it by now I guess.
Let‘s see what she will do after she gets released.
No. 653208
>>653190I do feel bad for her, because her life dreams as pathetic and delusional as they were are now crushed. She 100% brought it on herself though.
She could have gotten a real job or real marriage during the 8 years she’s been here. But it wasn’t “kawaii gyaru life” enough for her. She should have followed the example of someone like Katie, with a legit job and visa, who still plays in her free time. It’s not difficult to live in Japan legally, especially if you’re from a Western company. Since she went to Vantan she could have gotten a job but whine moan the current styles are just sooo boring and she might gasp shock have to do or make something that wasn’t her narrow aesthetic. She could have even become a nailist, there’s demand for English speaking nail artists. Or just living together with her fake husband could have saved her.
Hope this serves as a warning to others not to follow her path.
No. 653236
>>653233 It is a trade school for you can an associate's degree. This would be her second associate's degree.
She probably could have focussed on her artwork while in Vantan, sold some pieces, shown that she was going to conventions to set up a table, etc. And been able to get some kind of art related job.
No. 653253
Also that fucking racing stripe down her nose wasn’t fooling anyone.
“I didn’t know her nose was that wide!”
I didn’t know smudging what looked like actual shit on the sides of your nose and drawing a white line down the middle made it suddenly invisible.
No. 653290
>>653258Lol but yeah
I think once she gets back to Canada she'll either disappear from the internet, play the victim everywhere or just roll with it and make some money with the game
I think she'll probably play victim tho
No. 653293
>>653291Fame?? For being a criminal lol
>>653290Criminals dont make money from their crimes
No. 653301
>>653297Katie & her main friends in Japan haven't they're just posting about going out with shani and ksara and pool parties.
Nice friends you got there shiena
No. 653304
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Mistakes hmmm. Then why did Shiena admit it?
No. 653313
>>653304„Rife with mistakes“… Now her friends would be like ‚japan is providing fake news to make look her bad‘.
People don‘t understand it‘s not just the cosplay part, she did a crime, now she‘s punished for that and she was unlucky to get to the news. You weebs can‘t do anything about it just accept it and don‘t do the same mistakes.
No. 653348
>>653334Because she's not THAT interesting. Everybody had a laugh at the cosplay part and that's it, normal people will forget about it tomorrow.
Us farmers are waiting for milk though
No. 653359
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Her hair looks fried and greasy..
No. 653455
>>653449This. Unfortunately her pride got in the way. After all she's too ~classy~ to fuck men who aren't hosts (should be the opposite really lol)
>>653441She didn't post that anywhere, do you even lurk? Fuck off if you can't comprehend the story and then whiteknight Shannon
>>653304Lol does this girl realize she's making people even more curious? Oh well xonora is just as mentally fucked, she's always begging for places to stay and then freaks out on Facebook when nobody helps her out
No. 653624
>>653514Don't they all do.
>>653459What's up with these weebs and their std ridden host fetish?
If none married you now their not going to marry you in the future just move on.
No. 653627
>>653494Are we reading the same thread? I saw:
“Is that Chinese girl Milky there?”
“She got arrested for a fake marriage”
“That must be a pain for the club”
No. 653663
>>653654*Kiss her ass i meant.
Other than that I really don't know what's going to happen. I wonder what both her parents are doing right now. Man I remember those hilarious comments her mom would make on Shiena's posts with her gal meet up pics. "Shiena is the most beautiful gal" Do any of you know/ seen that shit?
No. 653677
>>653450im referring to this very clearly made the comment
No. 653708
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shibuya host boy and Ai really dodged a bullet here
No. 653742
>>653708I've had this theory for awhile now… I think Ai faked his death to get away from Shiena's nagging. He tried to send "not interested" signals (being hours late for their dates, telling her over and over to focus on her own career and life, etc) and when that still didn't work, he made it seem like he died. Japanese people tend to "ghost" when they do breakups, or just gradually treat the other person shittier until they get fed up and break things off. Shiena was far past that point with Ai for at least a year when he "mysteriously died".
Do we have a news article or any evidence Ai really died? I doubt she even knew his legal name or registered address (probably left it as his parents' address even if he rented a place in Shinjuku or wherever).
No. 653786
>>652221>I think it's actually crazy how much time and money Japan uses to investigate marriages like that. Just proves what a peaceful and safe country it is, they have nothing better to dohahahahah, oh anon
read about japan's tendency to self-censor
shanon is chinese so of course she is gonna make it into the news
No. 653839
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No. 653853
Shiena's blog (or what's left of it on Wayback machine) is full of gems.
Monday, November 25, 2013: "Namely, for the first time in 3 years I am leaving Shibuya. "
+ detailed explanation of her illegal sublet and slumlord No. 653856
from context she means European history but lol エロパ歴史sounds like "sex party history"
No. 653858
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No. 653864"Marriage visa for freedom. Instead of having to work any old job for 10years you can start right at the same level as any other person your age and have equal opportunities to work in a field you want to work in and to be able to sustain yourself and more. It`s not the cheap shot or easy-way out its the logical. Why would anyone purposely handicap their opportunities for that long if this was an option. I have a few friends who went the straight-arrow way but they told me that if they had the opportunity to marry they would have because it would have saved a lot of time and money and open up a lot of different career options they rather have done."
w o w
No. 653877
>>653858Full source: the end of the blog post, she put a picture of Ai "dead/sleeping"(hard to say where he really is, could be someone's bedroom or could be the interior of a club) and a single fake rose on top of a clear surface. when you look at it quickly it looks like funeral pics but the first is obviously not a coffin as it's too big (also not to be too morbid but people that die from falls often don't have open casket funerals…) and the second is definitely from a bar. Why would she make photos of the "funeral" when she admits she didn't even attend it? Also, if he really did die, wouldn't she have heard from a mutual friend of theirs?
Yeah this more and more is sounding like he faked his death. or even Shannon faked that he died? like something embarassing happened like he got married to another girl and she spun it as death?
No. 653933
>>653918it says M and another one says M&S (purikuras sometimes put the initials)
of course mei could be a fake name too, like 冥 (darkness). doesn't sound like a real name to me either…
He's real name is probably Ichirou or something dull like that
No. 653939
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>>653933Yeah probably his host name
No. 653941
>>653938I'm not saying he faked it, but lmao:
>they were a couple and had a tight relationship>he's a hostThese two things don't go together.
No. 653978
>>653938" her life is real and not some kind of j-drama."
That's exactly why we think he ghosted on her and she spun some story about him tragically dying.
No. 653979
>>653978Has anyone else noticed that you can tell who Shiena is dating from her art? It was all her an Ai. Then she posted the romeo and juliet drawing with romeo looking hella like that host who modeled at Vantan for her. Then she has the drawing with the guy in the hoodie and baseball cap which someone identified as the bar owner Andy.
She has never been mentally healthy with relationships.
No. 653986
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No. 653988
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No. 653989
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No. 653990
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No. 653999
神咲レオナ YouTube video she posted with him is from 2014. The video apparently got around enough that people were making fun of it on hostlove. like they remained friends because he modeled for her Vantan project in 2016. From the creepy fan art of them together, it seems like Shiena had a thing for him. He ended up getting married in April of 2016. I wonder if Shiena knew at the time he was her model…Thise pics from Vantan are 10 days before she got married in Yohkohama. I bet the cosplay event was actually her Vantan show and maybe this guy's marriage was some kind of
trigger that made her super desperate because she was planning to marry him when he visa ran out. No. 654028
>>653999they talked and laughed about his fake suicide.
i bet it's a common thing among hosts.
No. 654090
>>654085The Japanese articles all seem to say that the police found out about the marriage visa a tip from immigration. I think it was only a couple English sources that actually had it the other way around.
I think the most likely scenario is that her financial transactions probably raised a red flag. Immigration could have have been alerted when she tried to pay her taxes or her social insurance. If she listed an address that was different than her husband's on any form she ever submitted to the government, it could easily have
triggered the investigation into her marriage. It is basically impossible unless someone admits to her that they turned her in to assume that immigration followed a tip. They must get hundreds of tips every single day.
No. 654092担当: 佐々木
I realize Sasaki is a common Japanese surname, but is there even a tiny chance this is the same Sasaki?
No. 654094
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One of these hoes ratted. Which one? Time will tell. But I’m sure Shiena and Lorena has dirt on them all. Katie and friends are pretending like nothing has happened at all, and I’ve seen a few of them liked a sub tweet about Shiena where a girl blamed her. All of them have skeletons in their closet though. They’ll be dealt with by immigration.
No. 654095
>>654085Japanese immigration has been cracking down on illegal marriages the last few years. Living separate from your spouse is a big red flag.
I doubt she was reported by someone here or someone she knows personally. The guy she married could have reported her because she had failed to pay him. A jealous co worker could have reported her. Perhaps the Japanese postal service tipped off the investigation.
I know people that are illegally/fake married in Japan BUT live with their spouse to avoid suspicious assumptions.
Shannon knew what she was getting into and what the price would be for getting caught. I feel no remorse for her.
No. 654097
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The club he worked at
No. 654103
This is /pt/ news for sure.
I only know about this because she’s on every news outlet everywhere now.
No. 654117's the building she worked in, if you look it up on google map you can see. Sign still says enchante from the outside, but is tagged on google maps as "enu" in romaji
Who the hell goes drinking in a dimly lit basement at 6 in the morning? Sad days…
No. 654118
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um what…? So I guess this is Ksara statement. Only person standing up is lxe. shani’s “statement” was practically double speak.
No. 654212
>>654186She clearly thought her line of work was totally normal, she even posted her business cards and the names of her workplaces on Instagram
>>654189Is it likely we're going to get more information? Like after she's sentenced? It already feels weird that we got a video of her arrest, I assume Tokyo police is nabbing illegal sex workers all the time, how did media know to be there? (obviously multiple media outlets were there because they have video from different angles)
No. 654246
>>654139> コスプレに憧れてなんてかわいい動機じゃないか how cute, she did it to be a cosplayer…
> どうやってバレたの? how did she get found out?
> 結婚しているのに、一向に夜の営みを拒み続けるので怪しいと思うようになったんじゃないですか?ご主人、お気の毒様。
she's married but kept turning down sex with her husband. isn't that suspicious. i feel bad for him
No. 654252
Any of y'all follow Daniel Lord/Hiding in my room?
I hope he gets the boot next…"It would have saved me so much trouble if i could have just married a Japanese dog and gotten my spouse visa that way, instead of having to marry my wife"
It's kinda pathetic for Japan that they keep issuing visas to people who openly brag about scamming their system
sage for off topic
No. 654286
>>654283Lol sure, bet it's keeping you up at night.
Just because they're not posting big public yannouncement doesn't mean they're not acknowledging it in private
No. 654345
>>654306Does the Japanese news crew get called out to every arrest scene? It seems really out of the way to get TWO stations to film and document the "arrest" (keep in mind this piece would not have even aired if police didn't charge them or had no chance of winning the case). From this alone makes me wonder if there's a deeper agenda behind this whole thing.
As others have already pointed out, it's most likely a combination of race, politics, sensationalism, slow news day, and the odd "cosplay" spin. Unfortunately, not only are the "facts" poorly presented, some are outright false. If every deportation case were to make the news, there would be no end to it, so makes us wonder what makes this case so special.
Japan is great is so many regards, but it's justice system one aspect that is sorely antiquated and in dire need of modernization. Many of their practices are in violation of basic human rights (interrogation without lawyer, denial of basic amenities, coerced confessions, detention without probably cause, warantless searches) that the thought of having to deal with the legal system there in any capacity seems terrifying.
It will be an uphill battle the entire way for her. But from what I understand, her confession early on, and if she shows remorse, judges tend to hand out more lenient sentences versus fighting it and losing. This is a slam-dunk case for the prosecution, so her best course would be to continue to tell the truth and cooperate as much as possible and to show her remorse and repentance as best as possible.
No. 654428
>>654419That article says she approached Sasaki for a false marriage and said she knew the "market price" for a false marriage was 1million yen but he said 700k would be fine. They're saying she may have used a broker to set the whole thing up but don't know yet.
The article also says that police traced Sasaki's internet records to show that he looked up how to marry Shiena and gave her the information.
They're also questioning her cosplay motive since it is really strange and unusual. It looks like more information is slowly being released by the police.
No. 654433
>>654419Interesting. This article claims she said she wanted a Japanese spouse but the market price for that sort of arrangement was 100man. Sasaki offered to do it for 70 man in monthly installments of 3 man. Allegedly Shiena claimed she couldn't even dye her hair in Canada. Also the "cosplay event" is suggested to be a cosplay day at her kyaba. A neighbor in her building said she dressed like a kyaba girl and wouldn't make eye contact with the neighbor.
I have a feeling all this stuff that's been interpreted as her talking about Canada being so strict against otaku hobbies/hair dyeing is a complaint about her family rather than Canada itself because that obviously makes no sense.
No. 654454
>>654434She's right about it being boring, but blonde hair has been all the rage for literally the last 15 years. Maybe other Asians in Van stared at her, but like
>>654437 said that's still the case with Japanese normies. Absolutely delusional. Tfw you create a fantasy world inside your fantasy about Japan.
(sage posts like this) No. 654467
wtf to this mod going off on some mini power trip lol. Get some sex darling
>>654461From the Livedoor report
>捜査関係者は「女の容疑者が『日本人の配偶者がいれば長く滞在できる。相場では100万円と聞いた』と持ちかけると、男の容疑者は『70万円でいいよ。月々3万円の分割払いで』と了承。(take it to meta) No. 654473
>>654467Yep. Like I said. One of the videos already said something like 「月々3万円の分割払い」But people were running with the whole large deposit AND monthly payments thing for some reason. Which the English news sites also ran with. So maybe they saw this thread and gathered info here?
Which is also why I doubt someone here could have called her in because some of the mistranslations I’ve seen posted.
No. 654477
>>654454>>654452But these posts are saged lmao
>>654473The original article to mention payment didn't say installments but just "70万円と月々3万円の報酬" (reward of 70 man and 3 man monthly), so it wasn't a mistranslation started here but a misreporting.
No. 654484
>>654477Oh, fuck. I missed that. Thanks. I was focusing on the videos and didn’t know where people here got that info.Makes sense then. I wonder if they are misreporting the cosplay thing or was she retarded enough to say that while being interrogated or whatever.
Imagine being the poor fucker at immigration that has to read the emails from weebs though.
No. 654501
>>654485Are you stupid? I was referring to that host guy.
To make it a little less OT does someone remember when her mom and dad last came to visit her? Because as far as I remember her mom did pay her a visit around that time she got married
No. 654511
>>654489She almost never buys clothes, always gets the cheapest food when going out, goes ages between getting her hair did. It took her 8 years to buy a halfway decent bed for her 1R hovel lmao. If she was making that much she could have paid him off in 2-3 months.
Lmao why you Shiena stans think she was making the big bucks as a flat face chubby Chinese foreigner working illegally at asa kaba
No. 654523
>>654522"I ran into Kai when I went back downstairs. He was completely wasted. When he managed to steady his head well enough to see properly he noticed I didn't have any makeup on and told me he was surprised that my face didn't change all too much […]"
i'm ded
No. 654525
>>654523 "An old lady passed by me and complimented on my appearance. You look like such a doll! and look at that little narrow tall nose you have, you look soo pretty!"
Little narrow tall nose…
No. 654535
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No. 654539
>>654533On the June 25 article, she waits for the guy at Shinjuku station for THREE HOURS (10:30 pm - 1:30 am) to hang out for 30 minutes.
If somebody couldn't take a hint that obvious, I'd probably fake my own death, too.
No. 654544
>>654455to be more specific for the lolz it says
"she looked like she had a guilty conscience so she never made eye contact"
No. 654547
>>654542ain't nobody got time for that
i saved as much as i could off of wayback machine as pdfs, but that takes 2 clicks. screenshots are a pain.
Honestly it isn't that easy to erase something from wayback machine and that's the least of Shiena's concerns right now.
Btw, i thought i got all the captures but somebody above linked an older one, if anyone else finds any captures that arent from the main page post them here so we can save them
No. 654559
>>654481Her English and Japanese is shit and yours is too.
>>654535Nice try but that's 2017 and Shiena too far invested in her pride to leave.
(sage posts like this) No. 654640
>>654601Just a retard talking unnecessary shit for over a minute until he gives his boring opinion on the topic
Reading other articles, the police seem to not believe in her cosplay story. I do think shiena is telling the truth, she's seriously that broken. But police say it's a lie and she just wanted to earn money in Japan without paying taxes like all the illegal pinas do
No. 654705
File: 1533230525334.jpeg (380.13 KB, 1242x1739, 31246B65-6668-4198-BDBA-1AD439…)

Shared a few days before her arrest….
No. 654729
>>654714Japanese prison is harsh.
It’s definitely significantly worse than what you’d experience in most first world countries.
No. 654746
>>654728That first comment is so Canadian lol. Mentioning her as a "Canuck Cosplay Cutie" is just going to get her more hate from those racist Canadians, presumably Canucks'fans, who doesn't even know her.
Maybe there is some truth there when she says she want cosplay in a safe place such as Japan
No. 654767
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No. 654772
>>654746You aren't from Canada, are you? Canuck just means any Canadian, in context she obviously has nothing to do with the hockey team. If an American news article calls a random American a patriot, do Patriots fans flip out?
Honestly, to be a cosplayer, dye your hair blonde, etc, Canada is a far better place. In Japan there is actual stigma against blonde hair since people associate it with crime/trashy whereas Canada is multicultural so there's plenty of natural blondes and nobody would blink twice at someone dying their hair blonde.
As for cosplay, Shannon hasn't cosplayed for years.
What Japan does have that Canada doesn't, is the opportunity to be paid to drink alcohol and hoe it up as a hostess. That's obviously what she really wanted to do.
What really doesn't make sense is what was Shannon's long term plan anyway? Just work as a bar girl forever? 29 is ancient for hostess work, which is probably why she was at lower tier bars at the time of her arrest (consider her client was a construction worker). A very few women do become a mama-san and open their own bar or snack but she'd need cash for that which she obviously didn't have.
Honestly it's a little disappointing she kept being a bar girl after getting married. With her fashion school training she probably could have found a job doing SOMETHING fashion related, not necessarily a glamorous one, but an assistant or intern or something. If she had done that her claims of wanting to stay in Japan for the fashion would have been a lot more credible.
No. 654793
>>654714>>654729I wonder what is it like to be chinese in japanese women's prison. I'd think you'd face some racism from other inmates.
And on other notes: what's up with the copy-pasting in here, post screenshots, this is an image board.
No. 654827
>>654793Lol it's probably like in the USA.
Instead of seperated black, latino and white gangs there will be Chinese, Korean and Japanese gangs
No. 654829
>>654787Oh Ashley please shut up
I bet you're secretly inhaling this milk like sweet honey.
Remember how shiena trashtalked you and you had to give up on your dream life in Japan because your marriage didn't work out either?
NO WAY in hell this bitch isn't drowning in schadenfreude
No. 654849
>>654780Thank you! Couldn't have said it any better. Having empathy for someone doesn't automatically mean I like that person. In fact, I feel bad for anon for all the hate she harbours, must be a tiring existence.
Regarding Shannons ex. From afar her desperation is sad. But it's so much easier to criticize. If anything she is unfortunate to be interested in douchebag hosts and ended up with a terrible one.
I've also noticed that all the ridiculous clams people post. When I ask for specifics or backups to their claims, it always come up empty. The facts here are sparse and in between tons of unsubstantiated ramps.
No. 654857
>>654851Ashley and shiena used to be the VIP bffs of gaijin gyaru like 10 years ago?
Anyway their friendship fell apart at some point, Ashley married a half-filipino Yakuza and popped out a kid, but they got a divorce eventually (I think because of domestic violence) and she had to go back to the us.
Shiena bad-mouthed her a lot sooo I don't understand ashleys whiteknighting comment
No. 654874
>>654857Ashley herself was on an expired visa i'm 99% sure – to begin with, she couldn't get the extra 1 year working holiday visa like Shiena because Ashley is from the States. Secondly she never went to college in japan, just kinda… hung out.
I think their friendship is an on and off thing. Ashley screwed over Shiena countless times but Shiena obviously suffers from self esteem issues and clings to people who treat her badly so she would keep forgiving her. Ash doesn't really seem to have friends anymore so she probably missed Shiena's friendship. Honestly those two were kinda made for one another tbh lol .
Who said her husband is filipino though? Ash took photos with her MIL before the divorce and she looked japanese
No. 654889
>>654780It‘s also not hate anon. As someone who ‚knows‘ her only online and never even met her once I can‘t have empathy with her. I just see an adult person who broke the law and who gets punished now. That‘s it. We just say she deserves it and not she should die and get punished until hell lol.
I just find it hilarious that so many people who badmouthed her for YEARS act like they feel sooo sorry for her now.
In my eyes it‘s just fake sympathy which most anons do here
No. 654906
>>654780You can feel bad for her sure, that's fine. But don't sit there and actually put into the world "This crime is small so its not faaaaaaaaaaaair that its punishable uwu"
People who sell drugs get punished. People who abandon kids get punished. Abusers, molesters, killers. and also, people who steal mail get punished. People who pickpocket, forge checks, steal ssn's, get caught littering-the list goes on.
Fraud is fraud. It's a crime. You will go to jail. They tell you NOT to do it because you will go to jail. Fraud is very serious to most countries whether its tax fraud, marriage fraud, whatever. Don't do it if you don't want to be publicly humiliated and essentially decimated, how hard is it to not be a lying piece of shit
No. 654923
File: 1533244570301.jpeg (172.74 KB, 640x472, B5DB253A-709E-4CB5-A323-C6F5E5…)

No. 654938
>>654889>As someone who ‚knows‘ her only online and never even met her onceThis has always been an issue with Shiena threads. Before recent events it was usually the same few people in her social circle samefagging about her weight gain and fashion fails and never learning how to use an image board.
There's sympathy now because they're sort of in the same boat. If this means immigration is cracking down, it's time to sweat.
No. 655052
>>655019If I would worry about the punishment of every small criminal in this world I would be full wirh worries, I don‘t even have time for that.
If the people who feel sorry and worry about her are her friends, that‘s totally fine but I doubt the most people here had any friendship or contact with her at all. And if I’m wrong: than the only thing I would feel sorry for Shiena would be that all of her friends are shittalking about her online LOL. It‘s the same with bully victims too: bully them until they kill themselves and after that everyone talks like ‚but she was such a nice person, she didn‘t deserve it, i feel bad for her parents‘ etc etc
No. 655055
>>654906>People who sell drugs get punished. People who abandon kids get punished. Abusers, molesters, killers. and also, people who steal mail get punished. People who pickpocket, forge checks, steal ssn's, get caught littering-the list goes on. Don't do it if you don't want to be publicly humiliated…
You are absolutely right on the first part. The second part is questionable. Humiliation might be a consequence of getting caught, but it shouldn't be the prime motivation. That's pretty much going to public flogging, shaming etc which is ineffective and a "cruel and unusual" form of punishment (which is actually unconstitutional in the USA).
Also, I think people have a problem with the case not because we think she should be left off. But by the fact that #1. NOT everyone gets caught, and some manage even to get off free after being caught. More importantly #2. Of those who ARE caught, how many are put on national news for something so mundane. There are obvious other agendas at hand that put here in the crosshairs and it is those unstated ulterior motivations that bother me.
No. 655063
>>655052I'm sorry, but I don't think you are understanding my point correctly.
Can someone try to explain it to him/her for me? Thanks!
No. 655094
>>655069I honestly believe she avoided using the word gyaru because her morals would already be called into question as she was a hostess, gyaru were never looked upon very kindly in japan. Misfits and troublemakers. Would make her look worse! I definitely think thats why she ran with cosplay and lolita. Police wouldnt know any different from looking st her photos if they did.
Thread has been put on auto-sage it seems as well btw
No. 655154
>>654923Idiots. Japanese people don't take shit like "kyaba" seriously, it's just a waste of time to them. They look down on cosplayers, prostitutes, idols, weebs-etc so of course they're just going to call it cosplay.
It's literally some fucking foreigner who thought Japan is some gyaru fantasy world and committed fraud in hopes of staying forever to live out her otaku-slut dreams. Do these people have any idea how stupid they look screeching "KNOW THE DIFFERENCE" ?? The difference doesnt matter, she's still a joke and she's still sitting in jail
No. 655202
>>655094lolitas are seen as weird too but not as whores.
>>655154lol no if she'd said gyaru they would have called her a whore in the beginning. i agree that idiot weebs don't get that gyaru are social outcasts, but you sound like an idiot weeb yourself, just in a different way.
No. 655220
>>655201I bet she felt so smug for the time she was "married" and look where it got her. Banned permanently from the place she built her whole life around. 29 years old and nothing to show for it, no work experience, nada.
I hope she spends her time in jail deeply thinking about her life choices. She needs to quit being so shallow so she can make a real life for herself back in Canada.
No. 655358
File: 1533275423387.png (77.09 KB, 750x644, IMG_0225.PNG)

Spoke to her mom.(cowtipping)
No. 655359
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No. 655395
>>655391She has nothing to lose now she will be on a RAMPAGE
She will come for you! Lol
No. 655452
No. 655455
>>655441Sorry for the OT but her mom doesn't read this page. She already knew you were a gossiping shit since you probably never contacted her ever before this incident occurred.
Sage post
(sage goes in the email field) No. 655461
>>654911This video is the worst of the lot. You can see the exact moment she looks and realizes she just looked directly down a camera lense. You can see her eyes widen as she sees it, shocked, then she immediately looks down in disbelief and most likely thinks "fuck, this is going to be broadcast" as she begins to silently cry and continues hanging her head in shame. Its a brutal video.
To go from being so smug and feeling untouchable, to this.
No. 655518
Lmaooo this is a brutal neighbors comment:"She had blonde hair and wore kyaba clothes. She always looked as if she was feeling guilty about something and would never look me in the eyes(when they passed each other in the hallway etc). Her body type was rather hefty and you'd hear her heels go "don don don" when she came up the stairs at 4,5 in the morning."
No. 655623
File: 1533313371238.png (1.2 MB, 1128x1600, shienagyaru.png)

No. 655883
File: 1533331825636.png (478.93 KB, 633x597, B0D074DE-F5D7-4162-AD75-FBD851…)

No. 656193
>>656167Well, this picture IS very old tho, almost 10 years ago from gyaru secrets. God time flies!!
Funny to see how some anon predicted JUST what was going to happen in the future! Maybe there are legit fortune-tellers after all lol
>>656190Hahaha I thought the same! Really strange that the news didn't make it on there.
It is not that much of a huge story, I'm not sure whether there'll be any public updates at all
No. 656307
On the topic of how she could have been caught, when you are on a spouse visa, your living place / 住民票 must be registered at city/town hall under the same address as your spouse.
There are ways to get an exception, like for example if your spouse has to suddenly return to their parents' home to care for a relative, or if you work in such different places that you must live in separate residences.. but you must go and TELL Immigration this, preferably in advance, and they will probably be extra watchful.
It's nothing to do with whether she paid taxes, whether she paid pension, health insurance.. which btw, also seeing incorrect info, all people residing in Japan must pay both pension and health insurance, whether it's by 社会保険 that your company registered you for, or 国民保険・年金 that you enroll yourself in. If some of you live here and aren't paying that shit, get yourself to city hall / the pension office ASAP and fix it lmfao. Don't spread misinformation that can cause serious financial trouble.
Anyway. Just the registration of where she is living being separate from her husband would have immediately caused issues. On the marriage forms, you put the address you both are moving "to", together, but there's a part of the form where you can mark that you won't cohabitate.. which could explain the "being investigated since the marriage was submitted" thing.
No. 656371
File: 1533388888842.jpg (40.07 KB, 1080x463, 20180804_222001.jpg)

>>656367Yep. Done Japan proud.
No. 656495
>>656367I don't think Shiena actually ever overstayed a visa. You'll notice she's not being charged with overstaying.
The maximum time period to be a language student in Japan is 2 years and for a college (including a vocational college like Vantan) is 4 years.
It's not unusual for students to max out their time at each step in the educational process in order to get the longest visa possible, especially if they're having a hard time finding a job that will issue a work visa.
Source for Japanese study visa for vocational college visa (Japanese) No. 656496
Shiena likely did the following:
2010-2012 : Japanese language study visa
2012-2016 : Vocational college (Vantan) visa
She worked for 10sion from 2015-2016. Assuming she was still on a valid student visa from Vantan (she could take makeup classes, do a special graduation project, or just take random additional classes as long as she didn't file for graduation), then she could get a work permit to work in a cafe (not water trade) pretty easily.
No. 656548
>>656500Most colleges have something for people who must repeat a year(Ryuunensei). I’m sure Vantan would be happy to keep taking students’ money for a repeat year
Second possibility is that Sheina graduated on time and then applied for a working holiday visa
No. 656697
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>>656304Just being a foreigner is an insufficient cause for being pulled over and questioned. I mean, will they do it anyway? Yes. But the legality of it is questionable. Keep this picture somewhere in case you need it. Seems like they are targeting foreigners far more than usual, even ones that do not commit silly crimes like shiena did.
No. 656742
>>656609 I guess with the arrest being big news there are lots of new posters here who don’t understand lolcow rules?
Anyway, seems like Vantan is definitely a scam school (like a Japanese fashion version of ITT Tech), here’s a much better thread with more details
>学校では無く会社。 It’s a business, not a school.
>高い学費で、少ない授業数で、社長は超デカイ家住んでバリバリバリューにも出てる。 The tuition is high, number of courses offered is few, and the boss of the school lives in a huge house.
>{5 whole threads of “Vantan is useless”}
>金返せ! >入学前と話が違う! >ホンマに他のちゃんとした専門学校に行けば良かった(涙) Gimme my money back! What they said before I enrolled was wrong!
I wish I went to a proper vocational college (sobbing)
>バンタンの勧誘マジうざい >資料請求してからもう3ヶ月以上経ってんのに未だにしつこく携帯にかけてくる >2chの悪評通りだな>基本良い学校は勧誘に必死になったりしないしw Vantan s recruiters are so annoying. After I asked for an info pamphlet they kept calling me nonstop for months. They’re just as bad as 2ch says. A good school doesn’t need to work so hard to recruit students lol
>中卒の友達が受かったよMy friend who is a high school dropout got accepted there.
It basically goes on like that, also people talking about the high school branch of Vantan.
I think the point is as long as you keep giving them money, then they will keep giving you a visa until the legal limit, which seems to be 4 years
No. 656836
>>656686She got a work visa because the girls bar 10sion made up a position for her. Even though it’s illegal to work at girls bar.
>>656697Be aware that not answering their question or showing ID can then be a “reason for suspicion” and they can then bring you into police station
No. 657274
>>656697>>656836The thing is, in these cases, they were focusing on the actual status of the person and asking questions to verify it. Considering this started one week ago, I've never seen it happen like that, I think there really IS a crackdown happening..
Even when I went to the cop to ask why he stopped them, when getting the crime response, when asked for more clarification, he said visa crime..
No. 657304
>>657011Her Japanese is very poor, but remember her English is, too (English is her native language— she doesn’t really speak Chinese).
She’s probably got some sort of mild learning disability or is just on the low end for IQ while still being neurotypical.
No. 657579
>>657546Can't find anything new online. By searching "kanadjin" everywhere I just learned that zombie boy rick genest has died tho
>>657304Idk why I've never thought about this, she probably does have mental AND learning disabilities. Asian parents often don't accept these things so they never get them treated in any way. Maybe the Japanese police will notice and not punish her as badly(probably not)
No. 657586
File: 1533520834705.jpeg (109.82 KB, 640x834, 88523E5E-E027-44D1-A21E-619C51…)

Kurages thoughts on shiena
No. 657606
>>657546>additional crimesOh boy. Looks like she's about to get royally fucked.
>>657458This would make a lot of sense. If more westerners come to Japan and see other westerners being prostitutes there, they'd probably feel wrong about ever sending their kids off to Japan paranoid that that's how they might wind up (which would be true if if the kid has any interest in the idol or heavy fashion world, let's just be real). Would be a very smart move to get rid of them fast
>>657579Having a learning disability would honestly explain a lot
Before Japan, did Shiena ever have any jobs or actual talents that could be used toward a career? Not fashion, that doesn't count.
Maybe she's always felt too stupid to do anything else but sell her body which would be depressing..
No. 657625
>>657618Nothing on FNN, nothing on google news. Last time it took awhile after broadcast to appear online, so we'll know if it's true or not in a day or so at the latest.
This case is a bitch to search for because
(1) Shannon's name (Wong), written in katakana, is written the same as won, the currency of Korea
(2) A Canadian was arrested for murdering a Japanese woman in Vancouver and that's drawing a lot more attention since Japanese care more about the fate of fellow Japanese than of foreigners
No. 657650
>>657644Yeah, I saw that one. This article just says that many people in fake marriages use a broker to find someone willing to marry them for money. It's a general explanation of what happens in a fake marriage, no new info about Shiena.
Shiena didn't use a broker, sounds like she just went around asking every guy to marry her for money until one agreed lol
No. 657759
Has this drama made anyone else really nostalgic?
I remember when there were men's egg/men's knuckle nights at Atom, Shiena and Ashley were making Trouble in Tokyo videos, hosts were still basically just gyaru-o, and gyaru secrets was still a thing. Since Shiena got arrested, I have been going back through a lot of what has survived on YouTube, Facebook, and the Everday Gyaru LiveJournal. Looking back at it all now, Shiena made a really unstable life for herself in Japan from the getgo. She never seemed to hold down a super stable job and her explanations for what she was doing for work really don't match up with the amount she was spending on clothes, hairmake, clubbing, and her gal circle.
No. 657764
>>657759Good old time. I miss it.
Also miss the time when shibuya was full with gyaru/gyaruo
No. 657960
>>657773oh man dat nostalgia cringe hah
Ash just saying "movie dakedo" over and over while some not even that hot host guy EHHHHs
No. 657983
>>657923 is saged and
>>657721 is literally followed by "forgot my sage"
No. 658101
File: 1533585950423.jpeg (241.05 KB, 2048x1152, C40EB2A7-FD83-43E5-A196-432F5C…)

> arrest
> canadian suspected of fraud marriage
> i want to work in japan where i can cosplay
No. 658683
File: 1533653839999.png (18.32 KB, 584x190, kurage.png)

>>657586kurage doesn't have shit to say because she did the same thing. She stayed married to her husband for three years in order to secure her PR, even though they separated in like a year. She was smart enough to do it quietly though, and smart enough to delete most of her old posts on getting PR.
She is tubby trash who got knocked up real quick by the first rich geezer who wouldn't run. Don't take her opinion on anything seriously.
No. 659518
>>659208Either they forgot about it, are throwing a bitchfit over newbies, or they're a marriage fraud sympathizer. My guess is the first or the last.
It can't be "no new milk" because the story is still fresh-it's as fresh as it's going to get until she's locked away for a couple years..then it'll rise again once they let her out and probably around then it'll mysteriously go back to being auto-saged as well
No. 659863
>>659822After someone plastered all of her social media over that gossip site Im sure a lot of people know it. I wonder if thats how police uncovered new evidence.
Funny that as soon as they got her social media that gossip site didnt even react though.
No. 661201
>>661187I agree on this. Tbh that girl has so much fantasy, making up relationships, dreaming of being a glorious kyabajou forever etc. if she’d use that creativity to make sth great out of it like a few books that’d be awesome.
Sth like ‚how not to fulfill your weeb dream‘ or ‚a Chinese in Tokyo‘ ‚my friends the yakuza‘ ‚I met Sere and survived‘
No. 661224
>>661187Since she doesn't really have any real skills to share with the world, I think writing a book and hoping it does well is her only option if she's still delusional enough to want a 'glamorous life'.
(I'd read it, tbh)
No. 661368
>>661187I'd read it, too, but girl desperately needs a ghost writer.
Tbh right now I'm mostly disappointed that the other kabukihoes like Sere, kurage, etc don't seem to be in trouble despite pulling the exact same shit. Japan really is racist af if out of a dozen or so Western weebs they only pick the one who's Asian not white
No. 661630
>>653594>>657483I bet they're Nigerians
No. 661792
How about her workplaces? Will they be in any sort of legal trouble?
Shiena worked on and off at Enchante and N(formerly known as Lugano), in fact these two asa kyaba's were both in the same building, just B1 and B2: jp speakers ctrl+F for 歌舞伎町1-2-8
not sure when, but now Enchante has changed its name too– to Lucien: address and phone number even)
Sage for idle speculation
No. 661802
>>661792 Hello, I just started work at Lucien ╰(
lol dang didn't take them long to replace shanon eh
No. 661808
>>654117 recent map shows "Lucien" (Enchante) and "N" (Lugano).
Pro-tip, if your employer changes their names on a yearly basis, you might have a deeper problem…
No. 661827
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>>661804you’re not kidding
No. 661838
>>653964Isn’t it likely that the news outlets and/or police spun her into a cosplayer because she said she met her fake husband as a cosplay con?
>>654772The reason she even went the fake marriage route instead of earning citizenship via work is probably because she wanted to continue escorting for easy money.
Anyway sure she looks different without make up but she’s also crying, I don’t think she looks as bad as people are making her out to be.
No. 661840
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>>661827This one is worse.. chubby, too
No. 661849
>>661838Can you people just accept that YES, shiena did police tell that cosplay story? She might not have called it cosplay, but police probably summarized her story like "so u like cosplay" and she just said yes.
Her whole life revolved around dressing like a freak, be it gyaru, v-kei or weird mermaid styles??
She chose doing kyaba/fuuzoku over a normal job, because only then she could continue dressing the way she did.
You need to understand strange fashion IS OR WAS HER LIFE!
She has complained again and again in the past about how all other jobs demanded her to dye her hair black and tone down the make-up. She bitched about having to wear a wig to do some English-teaching job, too.
In some of the recent news stories, they mention that shiena explained how she couldn't even bleach her hair back in Canada because people would stare and be rude.
As some anons have said before it's obviously not just the blonde hair, but a combination of her make up and clothes tho…
All of this is true, though. In kabukicho/Shibuya/harajuku, where she'd lived the past years, nobody will stare at you for looking like a freak. Some people may think wtf but Japanese people won't be rude about it and shout at you. Hell, I live in Europe and people made rude comments when I wore my old gyaru clothes from Japan all the time.
Shiena being Asian probably made her feel fit in too, a feeling she might have never had in Canada.
Sadly she never realized that the Japanese are actually more racist than Canadians and that's where we are now.
No. 661877
>>661792I doubt her workplace will face any legal action because as far as they were aware, she was on a legal marriage visa that allows you to work any job, including hostess/prostitute
So they are off the hook really.
No. 661925
>>661849This right here.
So many people are like "Oh I feel bad for her, she was so nice."
She knew what she was doing, she knew it was illegal, she probably knew that her own dreams were delusional and that the people she surrounded herself with were toxic.
Perhaps she doesn't seem as detailed as Lorena. Have you all thought that perhaps she just wasn't open about it? I can almost guarantee you that she was giving blowies in exchange for cash.
No. 662172
>>662156When did Ashley work at a soapland? I thought she only ever did kyaba.
About Shannon, I just remember the level of entitlement she had in regards to staying in Japan. Her number one idea for residency was being adopted. Getting a work visa was number 4 on her list after getting married and getting a student visa. She really didn't want to work any job where she couldn't show off her tacky style.
No. 662382
>>662177It's literally linked like 6+ times in this thread, just fucking ctrl+f "blog" next time, genius.
>>651990 also learn 2 sage
No. 662585
>>662503THIS. She has a child but NO PROOF that the japanese host is his father, and even if she did, if he hasn't acknowledge it/sign for it, then it doesn't mean SHIT for the japanese authorities.
In other words, she's fucked and they are probably investigating her already, for sure Shiena is going to try to get a less-sentence deal by throwing all these bitches under the bus
No. 664106
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No. 664142
>>664106"retiring and returning to her home country"
yeah I guess that's the polite way to put it
No. 664144
>>663435Probably Sandra lol she’s obsessed with these bitches
>>664142That post came before she was arrested and detained.
No. 664145
>>664131“Also official ALT roles usually ask for a bachalors degree.”
Do tell us more about these ‘bachalors’ degrees….
No. 664201
>>664177I found it, Google シャノンワォン is reaching big time. No way she travelled here once a month and taught at some little local inaka school.
No. 664243
>>664106This is in SHIKOKU, aka bumfuck egypt of Japan
Hilariously that is where that failed Swedish gyaruo moved to after marrying visa chan and having a child, but Shannon was working at kabukicho at the time, and as we all know she refused to do work like ALT because she wanted to dye her hair and wear colored contacts etc.
There's no way that announcement is about Shiena. It's just another woman with the same name
No. 664484
"It is speculated that her arrest came about as a result of a report filed by a former friend from her workplace who was seeking revenge"
I don't think there's any evidence about who filed it, they're probably just guessing… people keep saying Andy but the only evidence is that she drew a picture of Andy?
No. 665071
>>664769If she has a 'hard-on' for Shiena why would she throw her under the bus? That doesn't even make sense.
Most likely it was another kyaba girl or even the manager - Shiena was always bitching about him bullying her at work, accusing her of being lazy and sleeping on the job - maybe he got sick of her talking back.
No. 665192
>>665071I like to think it was the revenge of hairmake-san.
But honestly everyone at Shiena's club seemed to dislike her. She had her paycheck stolen that one time and no one gave a shit. Plus she used to complain all the time about her bosses and the customers. Maybe a jealous customer reported her?
No. 665270
Does anyone else feel like we're not going to get any new milk on Shiena for a long while? It's been a couple weeks since the news broke, and over a month since she got arrested.
If anyone familiar with Japanese immigration/criminal justice system could provide some examples of what would happen in a case like this (fake marriages are suuuper common among Chinese and Filipina sex workers, so I'm sure there's plenty of precedent), then we could get some idea.
Best I found is this guy on Reddit who was dealing weed in Japan. He got 6 months in jail and basically banned from Japan for life. No. 668923
>>667756Anyone on her FB wanna post some screen caps of her bitching about work?
>>668890 says it's a fascinating look into Japanese host/kyaba culture
No. 669032
>>667529>>668993This author idea is so stupid lmao. Only weebs would buy it.
Tbh she’s probably going to end up with some shitty retail job depressed in canada
No. 669118
>>668993I’ll write it right now
Get up early in the morning, trowel on the makeup and squish boobs into too small dress.
Go spend the morning and afternoon in a room filled with smoke and get plastered whilst ugly and drunk men paw at me speaking a language I can kind of stumble through. Get bullied by coworkers and boss.
Go home to dark one room hovel filled with trash and too small clothes. Post on FB about how my work’s dumb hair make-san messed up the style I wanted. Also complain how everyone other than me is boring and unstylish.
Occasionally spend time with my few friends, also foreigners, taking overly edited pictures for our Instagrams.
Send my meager paycheck to visa husband so I can continue this glamorous life.
No. 669605
I will not sage cause important.
>>667289Agree. Most white people who write about japan underworld are roleplayers. Shiena(han) and sere(euro) are the only two who we know are truthful and actually living it. Yes, sere lies but she shows the lifestyle. I would buy shiena book. She will be mad at japan and have no reason to sugarcoat anything. We must not put her off writing. Ultimate milk.
No. 669675
>>669605Real talk, those Vice docus, "The Great Happiness Space" etc had millions of people watching them and they were taken from an outsider's perspective (and focused on hosts instead of hostesses).
I genuinely don't know of an English language insight into hostess culture besides Shiena's blogs (Sere too I guess but she doesn't blog)
No. 670072
>>670028This is super old news. You can look through Shiena's blog and old gyaru secrets posts to figure out what happened. T
he basic story is that the two of them had been living together for a few years. There had been some tension basically the entire time because Shiena would often abandon Ash to go to events/clubs first if Ashley was running late.
For a LONG time, Ashley had been telling everyone (including Shiena) that she was half Japanese. Then Shiena got this brilliant idea when her first visa was supposed to expire that Ashley could adopt her…which is when it was revealed that Ashley had been lying. Shiena got really upset and they fought about it.
This was all happening at the same time as all this shit with their landlord. Ashley kept paying the rent late, they were living in an illegal sublet, and their landlord refused to fix anything that broke in the apartment and charged them lots of late fees, etc. On top of all that, Ashley was always way more on the hook for the rent stuff because Shiena was never on the lease.
Finally, Shiena and Ashley both moved to new places when Ashley got pregnant and had her baby. Then Shiena claimed Ashley stole stuff from her and was a bad friend even though there was no evidence and Shiena somehow ended up with a couple of Ashley's kyaba dresses.
They just kind of fizzled out afterwards. I'm not sure exactly what the final fight was that they had (if there was once after the theft or not).
No. 670164
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Shiena blogged about a host named Ruki (the puri is from June, 2011). He worked at Since You in Kabukicho. I found him on host2 while looking for Ai. No. 670244
>>670237>>670238Check the second link. The first one the anon posted doesn't look much like him besides the hair but this one proves it's him.
Does anyone know what club Ai worked at? He should have been hosting still in early 2011 because he took Shiena to his club. Probably is in the host2 event archives or something. Good thinking anon.
No. 670264
Since this thread began, I have been wondering whether or not we really should be talking about Ai.
The way he treated her always bothered me. He seemed to be using every move in the host playbook to shake her off.
At one point she even wrote "Ai finally replied after Ash had been hounding him for a week calling him everyday, a few times a day and leaving threatening messages in his inbox." but kept pursuing him for years. She said this back in July, 2011.
I have wondered since she announced his passing whether or not he actually did die.
I did a quick Google search and found his blog: posts stopped in 2013. I'm not sure if he moved to a new blog or not (since Shiena said he passed away in 2015). His blog makes it really clear that he is super into anime and anime idols (like Vocaloid). He has pictures of himself with cosplayers as well as pictures of himself cosplaying.
When I was looking for his blog, I found naother one with the same name "紅嶺愛唯" here: only is the URL "Ai"tsuu but the description says:
廣告從業者/ 時裝愛好者/ Shopaholic/ 日語初階勉強中/ J Rock宅/ 漫畫宅/ 美食家(自稱)
and the blog is mostly about video game/anime male idols. The description really makes it sound like Ai. He calls himself an advertiser/promoter, fashion buss, shopaholic, and says he is into jrock. It is also very music-focused. The most recent post here is from 2018.
He used a very similar description on his Mixi profile: you think this could be Ai?
No. 670583
Any chance he is talking about Shiena here?"仕事が恋人なめい様には無縁な話だが
No. 670585
Maybe he actually did love Shiena.
Shew rote on her blog "Mou kimi iegai aisenai by Kiki Kids was a song he said expressed his feelings towards me" in 2010.
Ai posted about the Kiki/Kinki Kids song too in 2012 saying
KinKi Kidsの歌ではないが
私は…秘密です恋の矢" No. 670588
>>670585Basically saying that love is difficult but he is striving to be a strong person both mentally and physically. He also says again that he wants to get married soon. He also says he wants to become better at singing. And the same thing Shiena always said about him wanting a rival.
This is all stuff he told Shiena. I don't understand why he treated her so badly though and never properly dated her or married her. She obviously had put pressure on him to marry her.
No. 670591
>>670072I always felt a little bad for Ash because Shannon always talked down about her, like “I hope Ash will grow up someday”
Yet Ash was the one who got them a place to live, involved in the gyaru circle, jobs (although shady ones), called and harassed Ai when he ignored Shannon etc etc
Shannon’s ego was so huge even at that time
No. 670592
>>669767Just because you are not interested in her book doesn't mean others wouldn't be. Seriously, what harm would it be if she wrote a book? You can just choose to not buy or read it.
Sure not everyone can make a living off of writing a book but earning some income is better than none, and it's better than the other options for someone with a criminal record and no work history except as a night club worker.
No. 670595
>>670591Ashley also let Shiena live with her, put only her name on the lease (since Shiena couldn't on her visa), constantly translated for Shiena (because Shiena spoke basically no Japanese when she arrived), paid their rent, got constantly abandoned by Shiena (on the way to and from events), introduced Shiena to people, etc.
All Shiena would do was constantly complain about Ashley on her blog and on Facebook.
She blamed basically everything that happened with their apartment on Ashley and had all those petty things to say about Ashley "finally becoming responsible" now that she had a baby. It was such a catty, arrogant thing to say.
Ashley had her problems but she was a reliable friend. She did more for Shiena than most people would.
Shiena would always talk on her blog about how she was always on time (even though she constantly blogged about being late for events and meeting anyone who wasn't Ai). Shiena was really the irresponsible one. She shows up in Japan on a temporary visa to move in with an internet friend and has no real plan at all. She ended up enrolling in a language school then Vantan…but it took her right until her visa expired to figure out how to get a new one.
No. 670598
>>670585>>670588 Lol y'alls are naive… This is sooo generic it could be about anyone. I definitely think the guy was talking to lots of women and using the same vague lines and posting references to those lines on his blog so each woman could think it was about her. You know some men always call women "Baby", "Honey", etc it's because they can copy paste the same generic greetings to each woman in LINE.
The fact that Ai/Mei only met with Shiena at odd hours of night and was often several hours late indicates to me that he was playing lots of women at the same time (he was a host so he needed lots of women interested to keep coming to his club), calling them all "raibaru" (rival) to make them feel special, and then when one fell through to contact the next.
Shiena actually blogged a few times about how Ai was dealing with other women but she claimed the other women were just "annoying customers"… he probably told the other woman Shiena was an "annoying customer" too.
Scenario: 10PM, message 5 different women to meet up, 3 agree, Shiena being one of them. Meet the first 2 in order for two hours each and then go meet Shiena at 2 AM. Knowing Shiena is the type of girl who will wait around for hours for her guy. Pure manipulation
No. 670618's translate this Ai guy's profile line by line. First is literal translation, second is "actual meaning" translation for those farmers who are as KY as Shannon.
Now I've left each of my clubs to people I can trust, and graduated from Kabukicho.
[I am a gigolo who or may not have been kicked out of clubs I was working from in Kabukicho. You probably had experience in Kabukicho too, so let's get together to pretend we're not sex workers anymore!]
I am starting a new 'love consulting' business.
[I'm jobless, but if you give me money, I will spin bullshit to you about love. Basically I'm a freelance host.]
I will fully support all of the entertainers who are pursuing their dreams!
[If you are a young pretty woman, I will take money from you.]
>登録型ポイントバックシステムRegistered Point Back System
[You might get a discount if you give me money enough times.]
>Entertainer Life Supporter(ELS)…
>による雇用、年齢に囚われない稼ぎ方About ways to earn money without being constrained by age
[Are you approaching 30 and STILL working in night clubs, but earning less now because by Japanese standards you're over the hill? You need my help, loser!]
>project ELS(エルス)を進行準備中Preparing to run Project ELS
[I'm pretending I have some project going on in my life.]
>映像会社、モデルプロダクション提携With links to film companies and model production
[Wannabe actresses and models welcome! I'll introduce you to this one guy I know who pretends he works in the film industry. He'll demand you sleep with him before he gets you any film jobs, but once you do, he will disappear.]
>あなたの夢を応援致します★I will support your dreams!
[I will allow you to continue to live an illusion!]
>めい様ともっと高いところを目指しませんか?Won't you aim for a higher goal with Mei-sama?
[Hey loser, don't you want to be something more than a down-and-out sex worker in Kabukicho? Hang out with this bad boy and I'll make you feel worse while getting you hooked on the idea that paying me money is making you better]
No. 670649
>>670641There are no comments on his blog, twitter, or mixi page about him dying. Does he have a hostlove thread? That would be the place for anyone to post about his death if it happened.
Shiena said that his friend told her what happened. He said that Ai got drunk and fell off a building (which oddly enough happened to Shiena's abusive boyfriend) on the 16th and his funeral was on the 20th in Akita. That is way too little time to plan and have a funeral in a different region of Japan.
Also…no one told Shiena anything until SHE messaged his friend about why Ai had disconnected his phone. It seems way more likely that he disconnected his phone, she didn't give up, and he got his friend to lie for him.
No. 670707
>>670668more quotes and translations, less shitposting pls www
>370>中国人のミルキーいる?>匿名さん2018/07/29 22:51370
Is that Chinese girl Milky around?
Anon, 2018/07/29 22:51
>371>誰やねん>匿名さん2018/08/01 10:20371
Who the hell is that
Anon, 2018/08/01 10:20
>372>ミルキーはニューズで出た>匿名さん2018/08/01 17:53372
Milky was in the news
2018/08/01 17:53
>373>ミルキー、偽装結婚で逮捕されたよ>カナダ人 偽装結婚 コスプレ でググってみなw>お店もいい迷惑だなw>匿名さん2018/08/01 23:29373
Milky was arrested for a sham marriage
Search for "Canadian, fake marriage, cosplay" and you'll find her lol
Must be a pain for the club lol
Anon, 2018/08/01 23:29
No. 670713
>>670707From the beginning… notes are in brackets []
It's completely the same location and all the same staff.
Used to be called "LUSANO"
Anon 2017/07/31 14:17
That ugly bitch Ruri has the worst personality
I feel bad for her kids to have a mom like her
[seems to be written by a woman]
Anon 2017/08/01 13:15
When it was called Hibiki, the fat ugly club manager ran off with the money, but she kept coming back to Kabukicho. Everyone hates her and she's fat and has a shit personality.
Anon 2017/08/01 14:56
The quality of that woman is just….
This club isn't expensive?
The manager Hage (Baldy) is a good guy though
Anon 2017/08/01 15:31
Julie and Himeka were from Hibiki club, right?
Anon 2017/08/02 10:55
(To 6) It's obvious she had her nose done LOL
You can tell from her looks that she's cheap.
Anon 2017/08/02 11:00
(To 3) Ruri?
Anon 2017/08/02 14:36
No. 670744
>>670711who do you think he is?
post social media links
No. 670790
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Can anyone make out what the address is?
No. 670801
>>670790When you search the first number, it was apparently registered to a nursery school management company in Shinjuku in 2011.
The site lists the contact person as 立木 康之. No. 670812
>>670790It's listed as a maid cafe here. It's called Idol's Hideout Nodens like on the flyer.
According to this guy on Twitter, Bar Nodens is still open in the exact same location. don't think he's Ai though. lol
No. 671371
>>671309The guy who didn't go to Canada was different. He was who she dated when she went for a 1 month trip.
The abusive guy was who she dated after Ai.
No. 671377
>>671309The first guy was named Ryuu. She wrote about it in deviant art and on her old blog. someone post things from her haru-rin blog please?
No. 671489
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For some reason only one entry on her journal is saved on wayback archive, but it is one about Ryuu so maybe that's good enough? Anyone with better google fu than I who could find more?
No. 671495
>>671492Missing text:
Someone who is kinda mean or cold on the outside but warm and sweet on the outside. Someone who is usually mean but he always comes in at the right time and is affectionate when the time is right. [exactly]"
No. 681065
I've noticed a lot of hate in the comments, im not her best friend, but i know her for a few years, not deeply but she wasnt mean enough to me or others as i saw, that she deserves this harassment. She might love japan so what? Shes already got enough problems, stop the bullshit harassment, you humans need to learn to be better ppl, takes a greater man/woman to only ever speak of things that are actually true not made up speculation!
Her English is fine also. Shes enough cute makeupless, so stfu. And if a friend is upset with her, go solve it with her, not posting the hate on public to tear her to pieces, all of you that take this attitude are pure scum!
No. 739028
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Well she definitely reads here because now she's wearing her Japanese clothes. That is some extreme photoshop tho.