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No. 27316
>Is a creepy stalker who copies Kittimei / LittleNyuu>When accused of copying she cries all the way to the hospital and claims she's being harassed and
Here's an archive with SOME photo proof of her copying, I say some because there was much more but KittiMei has since deleted her Instagram accounts and Emalee has restarted hers a few times since, now copying some of HoneyBloodxo's posts. She even went to Japan Oct 2016 and replicated Katie's posts, by going to the same shops, buying the same clothes and making posts that where almost identical to KittiMei's Japan 2015 trip.
So yeah, Discuss.
No. 27317
File: 1483495014351.jpg (64.98 KB, 960x960, Emalee (22).jpg)

For those too lazy to click the link
No. 27318
File: 1483495210476.jpg (87.53 KB, 960x960, Emalee (21).jpg)

No. 27339
File: 1483501591758.png (794.7 KB, 2534x1206, cache.png)

I Googled her Tumblr and this was in the cache for it, seems she has now deleted these two posts relating to the stalker.
No. 27344
Fuck me, I could only get through half of the photos because my phones a piece of shit and it was taking way too long but I saw enough to say this chick is a straight up creep.
She's worse than that Kittyphina/b4by.jpg(?) girl was when she emulated Kooter hard.
It must feel so embarrassing to be so unoriginal. I mean, the whole pastel weeby neko mimi crap aesthetic is not unique in the slightest, but this girl is taking it to the next level.
>>27326Wow, I didn't think she was much of a looker from her Instagram pictures but damn…girl looks
busted in candids. She hides her uggo well.
No. 27347
>>27346Going through her Tumblr I think fawn looks way cuter (minus the horrible candid, ugh) but that is just my personal opinion.
Still that doesn't make her any less creepy and stalkerish
No. 27350
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How is that embarrassing?
She looks like my 51 year old ginger mum trying to look like a kawaii princess and it's disturbing.
No. 27356
>>27355Omg okay, if I meant she looked like a general old lady, I wouldn't have been so age specific as to put 51, not 50.
I literally meant she looks like my mum.
No. 27362
>>27360I feel like there's a (small) chance he may be unaware. If they broke up and he stopped following her on social media and talking to her he might just think they have similar styles but not realize how she's staging and every little thing to mimic her exactly.
If I had to guess though she probs went after him seeing as how aggressive she is about copying her. Sad to see those tumblr screen caps about the copy cat harassing the original too. I don't mind too much when young girls emulate someone online for a bit before growing into their own style, it's a little cringey but not too weird when you're still growing up. This appears to have been going on for so long though, is the clone even capable of existing without the original? Why harass her into hiding when she is so clearly dependent on her for each and every little style and pose choice? I feel like if she succeeded in driving the original offline she'd have a break down without someone to rip off.
No. 27363
File: 1483573684304.png (11.84 KB, 554x233, kittimei.png)

Friendly reminder, guys, don't tip the cow (or, uh, victim of a cow). No. 27369
>>27367Even if she was the OP, you can't really deny the plain as day evidence of how odd this girl is. This isn't your every day 'oh she stole my ~*STYLE*~!' tumblr teen crap. This is legitimately creepy, like this 'stalker' girl needs heavy therapy for her lack of identity/dependency issues.
Hell, if anything I think she should be airing this out more. I'm sure she's tired in some ways of this drama, but I would not blame her for going above and beyond for outing this girl…
No. 27370
>>27369It sucks that while the stalker is outed, the victim is thrown into the mud as well. So I understsand the feeling of not wanting anything to do with it.
Still, outing them in many places is the best way for encouraging them to stop.
No. 27371
>>27368oh. so OP is the "friend" who knows her personally and she is aware that you're the one who made this thread… idk mate I'm just a bit put off by how she mentioned Emalee several times for someone who wants nothing to do with her, and lolcow twice for someone who doesn't like this thread being here. Couldn't she have personally messaged whoever PMed her about lolcow? she had to broadcast that there's a thread about her here for all of her followers to know? looks like she
does want people to know about these things and is just attention-seeking in disguise.
if you are her then it's understandable that you'd be resentful and want people to know about this girl and what she's doing because she IS creepy as all fucking hell.
No. 27382
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>>27380apparently not paranoid enough to actually stop.
She replied to a mutual of mine on twitter and I saw this pic this morning before she went on private.
No. 27383
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Claims she deleted her Instagram. I'll post screenshots of proof it was taken down by Instagram.
No. 27384
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No. 27385
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And that sweet sweet proof.
No. 27387
>>27383 I'm confused.
Is this the stalker or the original?
No. 27393
>>27382I don't understand why a grown-ass woman would go so far to copy another person.
I get wanting to emulate another girl's style but she even bought a similar-looking bunny and sofa and does the same poses. No sane person would pull this crap.
No. 27394
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>>27393 because she's legit a delusional psychopath
No. 27397
>>27396I used to talk to the girl who was being copied and the ginger stalker one even got
With her ex boyfriend she’s proper crazy!
She’s in hiding because that nut job stalks her constantly
No. 27400
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No. 27401
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Yeah lol
No. 27404
File: 1525032540923.png (569.57 KB, 497x741, Screen Shot 2018-04-29 at 1.07…)

Since this is an image board, I screenshot both of their new instagrams.
Katie/Kitti completely changed her aesthetic from kawaii to witchy-goth…and Emalee/fawn did the EXACT SAME THING. Creepy as fuck
This is Katie/Kitti, the original
No. 27405
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>>27404and Emalee/Fawn, the stalker
No. 27407
>>27404>>27405Man I followed Kitti on tumblr and didn't even realise she'd stopped posting until seeing this thread. Her aesthetic was really nice and she was one of the good western Larme inspired girls.
but this is fucking mental. Normally these kinds of things stop after a style change, I think because the stalkee represents a perfect ideal of that style to the stalker. Take Kota, for eg. none of her skinwalkers copied anything she did beyond her first "phase" if you like.
The bf is fucking weird as well, who wouldn't notice their current GF copying their ex to this extent? Girl needs help.
No. 27409
I decided to follow these two on my alt account to check them out and wow
>>27405actually goes as far as copying her stories. it's so weird. even the captions for pics are similar and worded in the same way. gonna keep an eye for future milk
No. 27410
>>27409it's absolute insanity anon.
I have a suspicion fawn is a troll trying to mess with kitti. Of course I could be wrong.
Poor girl, she's clearly psycho.
No. 27411
File: 1525304610396.png (185.89 KB, 750x1334, file-1 (1).png)

so confirmed she lurks, and she's blaming this all on Kitti despite everything on here being a result of her own creepiness? This is next level
No. 27416
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>>27407She removed the "soulbound to Jack" thing, I wonder if he finally realised how crazy she is and they broke up??
No. 27419
>>27416She still follows his sister so I doubt it.
>>27418Neither are formally trained but Katie is far better at it. Emalee can’t even cut her patterns on grain. She was also claiming her clothes where real silk, when they’re obviously not. I don’t have screenshots of the designs she copied to use in her store of Katie’s but it’s more proof nothing this girl does is original.
No. 27422
>>27420It’s so crazy, like usually a style change gets rid of obsessive people like this, and being popular attracts them but Katie has like 120 followers on ig with this new style? She seems a lot happier now than when I followed her on tumblr with her larme stuff anyway.
I know it’s been said, but I feel bad for the girl, like wtf do you do in a situation like this? Fawn hasn’t done anything illegal that we know of, so can’t call authorties, but like what else can she do besides deal with it or “expose” her to people who know her… :/
Just blows my mind.
No. 27426
>>27425I was going to comment why would her account be called steph when her name is emalee but after only 2 hours since you commented, I can't find that account which looks reeeeal sus since it's already been shown she lurks here.
also her bf's ig came up on the suggested accounts when I looked at her profile, his name is akumu.frame
not coming to conclusions but funny how the obviously new account popped up after it was speculated earlier that they weren't togethr anymore, and with her name in runes in his bio because she's sooo ~witchy~…
No. 27429
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cute wig. and collar… and normally I wouldn't think anything of a pose/angle but this girl is too creepy for that to be a coincidence as well lol
No. 27433
File: 1528256656949.jpg (4.17 MB, 3000x3520, Untitled.jpg)

out of curiosity I googled fawnalee and her etsy came up annndd…
No. 27434
Excellent spot, anon.
No. 27435
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>>27433well someone's a little butthurt that people are onto her lmao :')
No. 27436
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>>27435or real butthurt hahaha
I don't get why she does this little things to try say "no I'm not a stalker" but never actually comes here or makes a post on her social media defending herself. it's so passive and weird, and it's almost like she thinks she can defend herself from favouriting some dreads but knows she can't defend the whole thing (or y'know anything else lol)
No. 27437
File: 1528410775178.jpg (915.48 KB, 2761x1827, DMXOE3948.jpg)

I've started saving all of kittis ig stories bc fawn even copies her stories ew ew ew
No. 27438
>>27437The left one (I assume is the copy) is phrased and performed so badly that the joke falls flat/is non existent. The right one sorta looks like an accidental spot whereas the left is really awkwardly spelt out and wow
Why do this fam
No. 27439
>>27433"Search your favourites"
Sure you didn't submit this screenshot yourself?
No. 27440
>>27438Oh wait the right is the copy. Well it is in fact the better one.
Taking the same photos and dressing the same etc is still hella weird
She has 153 followers, hardly an "influencer".
No. 27443
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>>27436went to check if this was still just her whining and holy crap hahaha
No. 27445
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>>27443update, apparently she apologised to kitti months ago? what did you apologise for? because you're doing all the same stuff you did last year and the year before? why apologise if you're just going to keep doing the same shit haha
>>27444 I want to know how she'd be banned if she is. has she posted on this thread before? I'm confused. also she's acting like she's never heard of someone having more than 1 account when she has 4 that I'm aware of, don't know if kitti has blocked all 4 so any of them could look at her stories lol
No. 27446
Okay hello it’s Katie/Kittimei/Littlenyuu, I can try show proof if anyone asks for it
I don’t know what I’m supposed to say here but I really want to ask you all that you please stop posting on this thread. I’ve asked the admins multiple times to remove the thread, even sent them personal information to prove who I am which made me really uncomfortable, but they said they wouldn’t, so now I’m just asking here.
This girl and I have only met face to face once and that was about 8 years ago before all this started, but we clearly have a lot of history on the internet and social media. I’ll be honest with you, this girl terrifies me. I know she’s told people I know in real life that I’m a horrible person and there’s been times where I’ve been scared to go shopping with my mum in my closest town in case her friends/boyfriend were to see me and approach me in real life. She’s clearly mentally unwell and that’s why I’ve never really engaged with her in this situation, because there’s nothing I can do to make her leave me alone, I’ve tried. She did send me a facebook message in April, apologising for any pain she’s caused, but I took that with a grain of salt because she tried to explain everything away without taking real responsibility for what she’s done. She’s also never corrected herself publicly for the copying (or “accidental inspiration” as she called it), or the lies she told about me. I just asked that she leave me alone and pretend I don’t exist.
But that obviously hasn’t happened, given all the new things I’ve seen on this thread, which she informed me was still active in April, and I have since been contacted on my instagram a few times by friends and strangers asking about it. I really want nothing to do with this stuff, and I’m honestly scared that if this thread pushes her too far, she or her boyfriend will lash out at me or my family worse than they ever have. So please, of course being your decision, I just want to ask that you do not perpetuate this thread, stop screenshotting my posts and Emalee’s too, and let her realise she needs much more serious help in her own time because this all needs to stop.
Thank you.
No. 27449
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>>27448here's a screenshot of one of my emails to the admins, I'm not going to share the picture of my ID
No. 27450
File: 1528422994509.png (196.65 KB, 750x1334, Image-1.png)

>>27448and I just put my ig on private but here's a picture to show that I have access to my account
No. 27454
>>27452thank you <3
>>27453thanks for being supportive, I know most of the people on this thread are trying to do the right thing, it just scares me seeing all the stuff she says like she's the victim, it makes me think the thread isn't working the way everyone here wanted it to :( but thank you again x
No. 27457
File: 1530357750262.jpg (404.48 KB, 778x654, Untitled (1).jpg)

>>27456Yeah she deactivated, her profiles back now
I've spoken directly to Katie before and she's always been really friendly so I felt like I could ask her about her insta story when she posted about her copycat, and she showed me this screencap a follower sent her of Emalee's story. It's so fucked, also this happened the morning after Katie had a sleep study, that she posted about beforehand on her insta stories.
I don't think she'd want this shared but I'm sorry, this bitch is insane and I can't NOT show people this??
No. 27458
File: 1530358879924.png (1.49 MB, 750x1108, IMG_2242.png)

>>27457(same person as above)
and then like a day later emalee posted this when Katie posted the exact same version of a Lovecraft book on her stories like 2 weeks ago (I'm the one from earlier that's been saving Katie's stories for when this shit happens. I just feel so bad for the girl)
also massive lol at your wow comment
>>27456 No. 27459
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No. 27460
>>27457holy shit reading this is so scary. what is wrong with this girl honestly? of course you've been sick for a decade, you just have to yell the loudest that you did it first right? well this isn't a piece of clothing or a book, you absolute nutcase. that's someone's EXPERIENCE you're trying to take. they've also gone private since these new posts have been up
also I feel like she's starting to copy things from katie's ig stories because she knows katie's followers probably won't remember all of her stories and then no one will call her out on it? haha girl check again. if you stopped stalking this girl you'd be able to avoid this criticism all together, imagine that :')
No. 27461
>>27458>>27457Thanks anon, I was worried she wasn't doing well. Glad to see her back as well.
>>27460She's probably legitimately convinced herself she isn't doing anything wrong.
Katie should pretend to do something really crazy, like pretend to get a tattoo and see if the copyer does it as well. That would be hilarious. Katie seems pretty nice though - if this were me I'd be constantly making her do shit that fucked her over.
A very small part of me feels sorry for her. Can you imagine not actually liking anything, not having any interests of her own, spending all of your money in an attempt to… what exactly? What's the end goal here? Become Katie? She must absolutely hate herself to want to destroy any shred of her own individuality like this.
Maybe if she stopped trying to be someone else she'd be able to develop a little self esteem. Copying someone else is not going to make you like yourself.
No. 27462
>>27461but then why would she apologise to Katie if she thought she'd done nothing wrong? She knows what she's doing.
I want to feel bad for her, but she's also done nothing to help herself, she's talked openly about treatment for her ED but never about this stuff, and she apparently hasn't taken a step back from copying Katie for even a month. If Katie's there doing something, so is she. it's disturbing, and the only thing I feel bad about is that it looks like no one in her life cares about her enough to say "hey whether you're aware of it or not, this is an issue and I want you to get help". that's pretty sad tbh
No. 27465
>>27464>>27462She didn't actually apologise as far as I know, it was one of those
>sorry if you felt that wayfake apologies. She just said the words she thought would make the situation go away. Even if it was genuinely worded, her actions show she was just saying what she thought was "correct" to say
No. 27467
>>27465yeah that's true, I'd be so interested to see the actual apology message to see what she really said.
but seeing how defensive and aggro she gets over anyone calling attention to her copying, it seems so weird of her to put her tail between her legs long enough to even come up with an apology, real or not.
>>27466it's always 15-16 hahaha except sailor moon and wow. she's been a fan since she was in the womb guyz gosh
No. 27469
>>27468I don't think she's that unstable. She's mentioned driving and having a job on her ig so I don't think she's that unwell. To me, it sounds like undiagnosed or severely under-treated BPD because I've seen this kind of behaviour in BPD sufferers before, never to this extreme though so it's really hard to tell.
Like I implied before, she probably won't be the one who sees her behaviour as disturbing or dangerous, she needs someone around her to notice that she's not acting like a sane and stable person and hasn't been for a while. That's why it's sad no one around her has tried to make her get some real help.
If Katie's been dealing with this for as long as it looks like, it's kind of no surprise she hasn't directly tried to stop Emalee, I'd guess this is beyond anything she could do or say anyway :/
No. 27470
File: 1530845471297.jpg (1.01 MB, 1931x2721, Untitled.jpg)

cute caption very unique
No. 27471
File: 1530845990644.png (922.23 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2369.png)

6 minutes. It took you 6 minutes to see the new post and have a little fit on your stories and yet we're the ones who can't get a kick out of life?
I didn't even post that to point out the look, I clearly pointed out the caption.
get some help for the love of god.
No. 27473
>>27471lmfao what the fuck is wrong with this girl honestly
like, i'd almost want to call it self-posting at this point, but she has legitimately harassed katie for a long time with her stalking/copying bullshit. she's nuts.
No. 27475
>>27471 >>629908
I like that she read that you were only talking about the caption, realised she can't defend that she basically copied Katie's caption/s, deleted this, and then said nothing else hahaha no one can say that she doesn't know what she's doing. She knows full well, and the lurking this thread c o n s t a n t l y doesn't make her look any better. So fucked
No. 27478
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just saw this on stalker's story
classic bpd, someone tells you you've done something wrong? "guess I'll die"
yeah you've hurt people, but it doesn't take much to just STOP DOING IT, no need to make yourself the victim. sorry if that sounds harsh, I honestly don't understand
No. 27481
Katie's instagram is gone again, I feel kinda bad because she did already ask us to stop posting here, but at the same time, her copycat needs to be stopped :/
>>27479yeah I've never seen her mention that either, got any screenshots or anything?
No. 27484
File: 1531729024229.png (279.29 KB, 750x1334, Image.png)

I followed the skinwalker a few weeks ago for the lols and she just posted this to her ig story, it looks like someone asked her about the thread? But Jesus this answer just makes her look worse and worse. “He” I’m assuming her bf, checks this thread for you?? Even though you’ve indirectly responded pretty quickly to things said on this thread.. almost like you lurk it yourself…
And where’s proof of these accounts made to attack her? Or proof that it’s even Katie? She’s been saying Katie’s been harassing her for so long but there’s been not a single shred of evidence that that is even SLIGHTLY true. And in that case, why engage long enough to apologise to YOUR HARRASSER if you’re just going to continue to publicly call her a harasser
This girl is a lunatic, but I wasn’t wrong that following her would bring many-a lols
No. 27487
>>27484also isn't this like slander or something? she's basically accusing her of a crime :/
also sorry for posting more than once, this is my first time on this site haha
No. 27489
File: 1532578040344.png (708.34 KB, 2896x1742, Image-1.png)

Katie could publish a spot the difference book for children at this point
No. 27491
>>27490No, I think she deleted her Instagram, I tried to find her but I couldn't, and
>>27489 that picture of Katie was posted before she vanished again. Poor girl.
No. 27492
>>27490>>27491yeah sorry should've clarified that I liked Katie's style so I have a few of her outfit photos saved on my phone
I follow/ed her and she's not in my following list anymore, not with a new name either, so I think she's gone for good which is sad :( she was talking about starting photography again so I wonder if she'll come back to the internet again one day
No. 27493
>>27489I don't get how she could possibly be happy being a disengenuous low-rate and cheap version of her bf's ex, because yes hello Emalee, that's exactly what you are. And no mental illness will excuse or change the fact that what you've done/been doing has been calous, cruel, and downright creepy.
sorry if any other readers thought that was a bit much, I've just been through this before, albeit nowhere near as bad, but I understand how Katie feels and I'm sorry she feels she has to keep quiet and disappear.
No. 27494
File: 1532745441163.jpeg (205.86 KB, 750x1334, AD975D87-9202-45F3-9883-2A5704…)

She’s made a new tumblr if anyone’s interested lol
No. 27495
>>27493this dude, like how does she wake up every morning with an agenda to stalk and skinwalk her bf's ex.
also does anyone have the Japan replica posts she made? that's the thing that gets me the most, if she actually did that it's next level. haven't found anything on it yet tho
No. 27496
File: 1532768090537.jpeg (580.04 KB, 2155x2390, 3A212BA2-5269-4759-B1F4-DDFD99…)

That’s the same top from killstar. Also she posted the same lyrics a few weeks ago that Katie did when she posted this pic. I’m genuinely curious if she actually listens to the bands who lyrics she shares because she posted the same lyrics from rob zombie and Marilyn Manson after Katie did lol
>>27495I’m friends with a friend of Katie’s and she showed my friend a pic of her petting deers in Nara park, and also sent the pic emalee posted and it was so fucked. She was wearing the same pick coat with white fur, the same pose kneeling to pat a deer, an, hair done up with white ribbon and even made a caption veeeeery similar to Katie’s about meeting her real family. It was like someone had just shooped Katie’s pic to have red hair lol. She also posted pictures of the same shop set up from a shop in akihabara and said she was going to make a video of footage from her trip like Katie actually did (and then deleted)
If I find the photos that my friend sent to me, I’ll post them, but this was from like 3 years ago I think. Just goes to show how long this has relentlessly been going on.
No. 27498
>>27497she edits less too , like compare this post of emalee
>>27496 to this one
>>27326I mean…… haha
No. 27499
File: 1532830501629.jpeg (620.3 KB, 2758x1716, BEC28A60-D44C-49D2-A7D0-6666FC…)

>>27495This is the only thing I can find from my old messages, but Katie sent her original pic to my friend, not a screenshot of her ig post, but yeah the caption was pretty much what emalee said haha. There was just a few posts like this, where she set up extremely similar photos in the same places Katie went and paraphrased captions, I really wish we saved those too.
No. 27500
File: 1532830886534.jpeg (581.28 KB, 2689x2261, 37A464CA-C5EC-46FD-8BEC-26C81B…)

Also found this too in my messages, pretty funny how she even put similar patches in the same places :’D I know there’s no dates but Katie did post hers first.
No. 27502
>>27501They both live in the same city but Katie said here
>>27446 they’ve only met once 8 years ago which just makes the whole thing so much creepier to me. Emalee is a fucking psychopath, I don’t understand how she can even deny it.
No. 27503
>>27499and now she's just posting pics on her ig stories and saying how much she misses japan hahaha she's so transparent with everything she does
>>27502yeah this chick has major problems
No. 27504
File: 1533008085594.png (17.39 KB, 830x449, sudden_removal.png) to her page to see the stories about japan. After watching them, I went to click a picture and the page says it's unavailable. Her whole page is gone now. Did she delete?? She must lurk hard because that was fast
No. 27506
File: 1533011278550.jpeg (136.9 KB, 750x1010, 213E1C89-0B3E-47A3-AEB2-F398FA…)

Having a lurk and she even had a stage where she called herself littleemyu when Katie was littlenyuu. Her tumblr is “lunafell” and when you click on who she follows on Instagram one of the first accounts is also called lunafell. I know lunafall is a wow reference but this girl seriously doesn’t have an original bone in her body.
No. 27509
File: 1533016461043.jpg (78.12 KB, 960x960, momomie.jpg)

Pics of her and her boyfriend
His cover photo is a picture of someone's chest and I don't think it's Emmalee's because of the black hair.
No. 27510
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No. 27511
>>27506woah that's too crazy to me, that crosses the line of 'I want to be like her' straight into 'I want to kidnap her and keep her in my closet while I walk around and make everyone believe we're the same person'
>>27507I've never seen her fb, but neither of them have ever mentioned dachshunds haha
>>27508I don't doubt she has this open all day every day and just refreshes it see what people are saying about her.
>>651695he's not much of a looker himself lol
No. 27513
>>27512The only person I see who still talks to Emalee is some cosplayer who goes by Katey Smile. She's an admin of the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Austrialia Facebook page.
It makes me wonder if Emalee only talks to her because her name is pronounced the same as Katie's…
No. 27514
>>27513LOL wouldn't surprise me
I looked at her ig and she's another vegan weeb from Melbourne… like another Katie…
Emalee do you want Katie to be your friend or do you want to be her? make up your mind lmao
No. 27515
File: 1533019434177.png (847.6 KB, 891x887, katieemma.png)

i saw these were reblogged by the same person and i bet they have no clue they're two different people
No. 27516
File: 1533019962944.png (86.5 KB, 646x126, katieemma2.png)

No. 27517
File: 1533026878506.jpg (350.64 KB, 700x597, Untitled.jpg)

their closets must be identical.
I can understand why Katie would get so frustrated and a bit scared by this, it's shit never seeing someone like this face the consequences for being a psycho. She can't even try a new style without this little flea following her.
No. 27518
File: 1533038153137.jpeg (49.78 KB, 750x650, file.jpeg)

Her Instagram is actually down now, and she posted this on her tumblr. You know why no one believes that you're actually being bullied/harassed? Because you constantly talk about it but never prove it. I've never seen a single rude message or comment to you ever, and I've been following you both for like 3 years. Like why even post this.
No. 27519
>>27518And now her tumblrs gone too lololol
I think she literally just posts this things to validate her own delusions and get attention. There's no other reason for it really
No. 27521
>>27518Has anyone here sent her an ask? I think she genuinely believes Katie is behind the thread/anonymous hate but in reality she is perpetuating everything by continuing to be a skinwalker, over a year after she was initially called out.
Emalee youve chased Katie off the internet multiple times, made her afraid to go out in case she runs into your crazy ass, you’re not getting anything you don’t deserve.
No. 27522
Oh no someone anonymous said I wasn’t much of a looker, I’m so hurt and upset.
Just a few of my own opinions on this I’d like to finally express.
There’s a lot of places I could start with this reply and I’m gonna point out that yes I’ve known about this thread since a couple days after it went up, I was asked by Em not to reply and after I tried to reply when I lost my temper I found out I had been blocked from replying.
I even contacted who we suspected to be OP who tried to put themselves as far away from this thread and even distanced herself from Kate after everything.
You wanna know about Ems musical tastes? She was introduced to Manson, Rob Zombie anything remotely heavy by her cousin that would look after her and her sisters. Since I’ve known her she’s always listened to these bands.
Right so that is Ems chest on my FB, she was wearing a wig. She’s got a lot, in all sorts of colours. You know when she started wearing wigs? 2012.
Also on that matter stop taking my pictures from Facebook, doesn’t that violate the rules of this website?
The name littlefawn. First time I heard this was 5 months after we got together in 2012 at her grandpas birthday when he called her littlefawn.
I was always told by Kate that a running joke between her and her brother was that if they were ever gonna break up with their partners they would buy them a copy of WoW.
Funny how she supposedly played WoW first while saying this and when I met Em she already played.
We have our suspicions of who is behind a majority of the posts. Being one of the people who believed they deleted her Instagram account when I sat next to her and watched her delete it :/
You all really think she actually made a tumblr and posted it on her stories when you creep her Instagram all day?
She grabbed a name for it and put in a ISP counter. Not illegal at all websites use them to manage traffic and target ads etc.
She then used this app to source who was looking at her tumblr, all visit besides maybe 5 were from the same IP address even when that took a path to her ask box on tumblr and then she got a really charming message about killing herself.
You comment on the fact she’s posting an old photo from our trip but not mentioning the fact what’s written about missing her friends that she met when they did exchange from Japan at her High School and that’s what peaked her interest in Japan. When she was 16.
Op it does seem like you’re posting again, do you want to see the screen shots of you defending Em and talking shit about Kate you sent directly to her? Because we’ve got them.
She was also helped by who we suspect as op while she was friends with both Em and Kate to open up her online store and also given lots of information about shops and photo opportunities whilst in Japan.
Lastly I’d like to address the part where Kate said she wanted the thread to die. About how she is scared of me, Em or her family lashing out at her. We have never lashed out, sent threats or even spread rumours that Kate has claimed we spread.
If we saw you anywhere in any setting I can guarantee you we would act as if you weren’t even there.
No. 27524
>>27522No one cares if you want to defend Emalee. If you don't have any proof of what you're saying gtfo. She's still a copycat as
>>27523 said and you look retarded defending that terrible and cheap version of your exgirlfriend.
And I'm glad she deleted her social media because her actions will always have consequences, isn't she in the mood of being original and have her own personality too? That would be fantastic, not just for Katie, for you guys too.
No. 27525
>>27505That would be wild considering all I did was view her story. She must have been very paranoid.
>>27522Your girlfriend is a skinwalking psycho and needs help. She copies every little thing this other girls likes, says, and does. How does this seem normal to you? If you really care about Emalee, bring her to therapy. She needs help.
No. 27528
>>27527Okay your defense is tiny nitpicking details that are mostly unrelated about bands and a joke about WOW? (A lot of people joke about WOW because its ~nerdy~ and many normies have heard of it) So she's liked some random ass bands for a while, that has nothing to do with her copy and pasting literally the same caption as Katie.
Why doesn't Emmalee talk about this book until after Katie then? You have no actual proof that she ever did besides what YOU say.
Katie if you're reading any of this, can you confirm or deny that Emalee has ever contacted you about this thread?
If you have a screenshot of Emalee's messages to Katie that would be some actual defense. You're doing a terrible job of proving anything.
No. 27529
>>27527Change our minds with bias words and no evidence? Nah mate. The mental gymnastics you're doing is unreal, should start a circus. Your gf is a creepy skinwalker and if you actually had any brain cells you would see that this thread is filled with screenshots of evidence of said skinwalking.
If you really want to change our minds than answer the questions asked. How do you explain all of it? The style change right after Kate? The same clothes? The same captions? The same hobbies and interests? All after Kate posted it first, as you see above with all the screenshots.
Coincidence? No. She's a skinwalking creepy without a single original cell in her body who needs professional help. You're just enabling her.
No. 27530
>She isn’t a cheap version of my ex girlfriendAww poor thing.
Here, just a few examples of pictures Katie posted before your psycho girlfriend.
>>27317>>27517>>27500>>27499>>27489>>27437>>27429>>27318Can you explain? Or are you gonna invent some crazy sad story involving a family member of Emalee giving her the same exact clothes, ideas, aesthetic, poses, captions for her Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt and everything? Yeah, good luck with that.
No. 27532
>>27531Not everyone here is friends of Katie.
you're still avoiding questions and evidence.Second, you can post those screenshots here, if you're so sure about them and the innocence of Emalee I don't see the problem.
No. 27533
>>27531many people in the thread, like me, only know about these two women because of this thread and the insane amount of copying. we're all aware that neither pastel kawaii nor witchy goth are original styles, but why does em refuse to stop copying katie's
exact outfits, poses, projects, purchases, and captions as precisely as she can?
that's the one question anyone really cares about and the one question you haven't answered.
No. 27534
>>27531How would I contact you I don't know either of y'all, I don't know your last names, nor do I use Facebook. Either of you could just as easily post them in this thread.
I'd like to see pictures of Emalee with colored hair or elf ears.
And no, I am not friends with Katie either.
No. 27536
How come when the boyfriend of the lolcow in question comes in he ALWAYS says the same exact shit. Explaining the mundane things and totally avoiding the focus of why the thread was made in the first place. "She's in therapy and has been for years!! So she's getting help!"
I swear all of you are carbon copies of each other without even knowing it.
>>27522Hi, Jack. Those photos were public on your Facebook, so it's not illegal lmfao
I didn't know of Em until she came up on this website.
No. 27539
holy shit this is all just too fucking funny to me. I'm the same person who posted this
>>27496 saying I'm a friend of a friend and we have screenshots from when Emalee first contacted Katie about this like 2 years ago and she's saying the exact same things as her bf now; that she's done nothing wrong, making irrelevant references to small similar interests and bringing up supposed "evidence" that Katie's terrible and a harrasser without actually sharing it?? She was just like oh well you won't believe me anyway (translation: I can't manipulate you into backing down) so I'm going to go and keep doing what I'm doing.
>>27535I hope you do block the site mate because your gf is so obsessed with Katie and the internet that she needs a serious reality check.
Also have screenshots of you messaging HER MUM in a very aggressive manner asking to speak directly to Katie even after she blocked you. Yeah that's not a good sign for you, because you involved her family with no respect to the fact that your gf started ALL of this. I didn't even want to mention that I have these messages out of respect for Katie because I doubt she wants too many people having them, let alone sharing them, but you just had to come here and whiteknight your trash gf. You need your head checked too.
No. 27541
>>27535"no communication between any parties"?
but it's pretty obvious this has been going on for years and I'm sure Katie has enough common sense to have Emalee blocked on fb? But she's still managed to contact Katie to "apologise"??
>>27539 just said that you can and have made contact with her family??? nothing you say makes sense, and I can see why Katie would be scared of you guys…
"would act like she's not even there" yeah right when you're clearly so
triggered by all of this lol bye felicia~
No. 27543
File: 1533109692086.png (11.36 KB, 492x178, Image.png)

>>27540not going to share Katie's mum's response because she shouldn't have to be involved, but yeah if my mum got a message from someone she knows I don't like, saying they "need words" with me, I'd think that was p scary too tbh
this has been sent from Katie's mum > Katie > my friend who showed me.
also either not going to share the messages between the girls because I don't think Katie would want that, or I'd need some time to put them all in order in one image. I mentioned I had them more as a response to her bf, not as a discussion point. sorry if that's not allowed.
No. 27544
>>27543What the hell is wrong with them?
Thank you so much for that anon, do you think you can give us some context of the situation? What happened?
No. 27545
>>27543this is fucking strange. like the more innocent they try and act and explain it away the more sketchy they seem. if i was the mum i would have a few more people added to my shitlist ngl. and what do you mean "need words" dude and she's the one scared to leave the house??? um
hope katie's okay dude, my skin would be crawling if someone/my ex & his new gf were doing this to me. i feel sick to my stomach for her.
No. 27546
>>27544nothing lol this was at a point when Katie had broken up with the guy she went to Japan with and deleted fb completely, I think she actually attempted suicide around this time too, but Jack and Emalee were saying the same stuff they are now haha apparently very troubled by a couple of visits on her blog by the same IP address? that they couldn't even prove was Katie? (like who tf cares get over yourselves please)
anyway Katie's mum kinda just told him to go away in a more polite way bless her
>>27545yep and they've implied that Katie/her friends have been threatening too, but they always have some excuse about why they don't need to prove that.. like yes you do haha
No. 27549
File: 1533118847041.png (368.8 KB, 495x609, IJ3p97z.png)

>>27534>I'd like to see pictures of Emalee with colored hair or elf ears.Are you fucking blind? Seems like you don't know what your gf is up to, so you shouldn't be defending her this much.
>>569311 No. 27551
>>27535Posting in a thread to defend yourself or a loved one is the single worst thing you could do on this website. You wont appeal to anyone's compassion, you'll just make the thread more popular because you don't know how to use the site properly.
Sometimes defending someone is not in their best interests. By defending and enabling her you're doing more harm than good. Most of the people posting on this thread, myself included, have never heard of either party before. If the thread were a vendetta it would have been taken down when Katie asked for it to be taken down. None of us are particularly invested, and we can all see that Emalee has some sort of serious mental issue. If you seriously cared about her you'd be letting her therapist know she hasn't stopped copying, not defending her on here.
No. 27552
>>27535I said it before and I’ll say it again directly to you since I have a sneaking suspicion that neither of you have actually blocked this site yet. It’s sad that you and anybody else around her don’t care enough about your girlfriend to get her some serious and HONEST help, to get her off this path because if you keep enabling her and justifying her completely socially unacceptable behaviour, it’s just going to get worse in 10-20 years where she’ll probably end up in hospital against her will or in jail, because this is a slippery slope and you’re basically pushing her further down it.
All you’ve done here is make us feel more sorry for Katie, because dealing with you guys privately and all your arrogance, when you’re both clearly irrational and hold a very obvious grudge against Katie, that must be a fucking nightmare haha
No. 27554
>>27527>>27522Am I the only one who thinks this is just Emalee pretending to be her boyfriend as to defend herself? You really are a pathetic skinwalker and you KNOW there is no way to defend your actions, that's why you keep beating around the main issue. I hope your therapist knows about your obsession and gets you properly medicated. Try to be yourself for once.
>>27549The anon you replied doesn't seem to be the "bf", you can tell it's just another farmer replying. Seems there's some confusion!
No. 27556
>>27554I don't think Emalee was pretending to be her boyfriend, they're both cringy and I think that was actually a sad attempt of the boyfriend trying to defend the copycat.
I mean, he's with the girl that's skinwalking his ex!! he knew about all of this, he has proof (even before the thread was created), he's aware of everything and he even messaged Katie's mom, and that's all we know. (Which is pretty creepy so far)
I wish friend of a friend Anon here
>>27539 could give us more screenshots or milk but for now that's all we have.
No. 27557
>>27556sorry, there won't be any more milk from me. I don't feel right about posting any more than I already have. I'll still post here but just surface stuff, I don't want her to feel disrespected or anything by me sharing her personal messages, especially when she's been clear about how she feels about this thread.
Katie, if you're reading this, I'm sorry and just know that you DO have a lot of support here <3
No. 27558
>>27554>The anon you replied doesn't seem to be the "bf", you can tell it's just another farmer replying. Seems there's some confusion!Welp, you are correct, I thought this was the BF. Please disregard. (I was
>>27549 )
No. 27560
>>27559Honestly could go 3 ways, best case scenario, they both stay off the internet and emalee stops getting all up in Katie’s business and moves tf on with her life. Worse case scenario, she’s so obsessed with Katie that this silence and no way to get to her will make her try harder and honestly it only takes a couple hours on the internet to learn how to hack someone’s email or trace their internet history and I wouldn’t put be surprised if she did that just to do what Katie does or buy what Katie does before she’s even done it, just so she can say she did it first.
Most likely case though has happened before, Katie comes back one day and emalee crawls out of her hole at the same time just to continue this creepiness. The only one who knows if it’ll ever end is emalee and if she can tell herself to grow up and get some help.
No. 27561
File: 1537185848979.jpg (54.66 KB, 694x1030, Screenshot_2018-09-17-06-57-59…)

She's back.
No. 27563
>>27561this doesn't surprise me because Katie came back onto ig too a couple weeks ago, but it DOES surprise me because I thought if she'd ever come back, it would be with a new account and username so no one on here would find her without looking for a while.
dont' unfollow her anon, she won't come off private unless Katie does and I'm curious if she's going to keep up her bs lmao
No. 27570
File: 1537968229272.jpg (39.2 KB, 720x685, Screenshot_2018-09-26-08-09-13…)

>>27568Yup, her account is still up.
I hope someone post some screenshots soon because they clearly can't keep their word as the shitty boyfriend said here:
>Em won’t be returning to any form of social media besides FB. Yeah right, she's an attention seeker, she can't help it Jack.
No. 27572
>>27571wow paranoid much, unless you have "I <3 lolcow" in your bio, she clearly feels like she has something to hide
I want to know where following anon here
>>27561went lol
No. 27573
>>27570she has four posts now.
anon from
>>27561 what's she posting?
No. 27574
Anon from
>>27561She blocked me guys, sorry.
No. 27575
>>27574what did you do to get blocked lol
I wonder what her criteria is for followers now that it's easy for anyone to find out what she's really like
No. 27576
File: 1539215281468.png (2.15 MB, 1242x2208, 570CA4DB-2FED-4D3E-9BDF-6341D3…)

Here’s the pictures and captions so far
No. 27577
File: 1539215317939.png (7 MB, 1242x2208, 34CDAE34-B895-486E-B28C-EBB2CA…)

No. 27578
File: 1539215350840.png (3.58 MB, 1242x2208, A639EB29-5FF7-4F61-A174-246922…)

No. 27579
File: 1539215381876.png (4.05 MB, 1242x2208, 9D31B64B-3123-4BCF-BCCE-DE5045…)

No. 27580
File: 1539215420832.png (5.27 MB, 1242x2208, 80A31437-BB9F-4F46-915F-B4BBBE…)

No. 27581
>>27576she is literally insane.
Katie mentioned on her story like a week ago not feeling good about her appearance and not feeling like posting selfies, and I know lots of people feel like that sometimes, but considering this girl paraphrased Katie talking about her physical condition, it wouldn't surprise me that she'd also paraphrase Katie's other struggles.
>>27577and Katie posted a photo from a sculpture garden on her ig MONTHS ago (I think it's deleted now, it was like a girl and a fox carved in wood?) and when someone commented asking where it was, she replied Marysville, and that the owners of the garden were really friendly
>>27578I've already talked about this caption before lol
>>27579aaaand Katie's been posting her interest in film photography and her photos in her stories for a few months now.
can't confirm but the "band photographer dream" she's talking about was Katie's first, she was really serious about it, and ofc Em took photos at like 2 gigs and then made a fb page lmao
She just doesn't let go does she
No. 27583
>>27581It's like she thinks she can get away with it if she copies smaller details that people didn't see or might not remember and being less obvious when she makes her posts, but that makes it even creepier because she's paying so much attention to every little thing about this girl and she's being so manipulative and calculated trying to figure out different ways she can get away with it and still stalk this girl??? I honestly feel yuck whenever I think of this situation
>>27582I don't think it's that deep, she could've easily just made a really convincing fake account pretending to be anyone else on the planet and Katie might not have suspected anything
No. 27586
File: 1539737689270.jpg (252.1 KB, 1920x800, blackswan23.jpg)

This is incredible. It's like the plot of an avant-garde horror film about a mentally ill woman with a fractured identity and obsession with another woman, like Perfect Blue or Black Swan. This is absolutely insane. I feel so fucking bad for that Kitti girl.
No. 27587
File: 1540178551466.jpg (64.05 KB, 750x271, IMG_3222.jpg)

came across her depop account, and holy crap does that icon look nothing like her, she has serious identity issues
No. 27589
>>27587>>27588yeah omg it looks like she's trying to make her face look like Katie's too, that's so messed up
I was thinking about it earlier, I know we all feel bad for Katie but like every time I think about it, I find more to feel bad about. Like despite her illnesses, she's tried multiple times to make a business for herself at home like her online stores, I think she's had 2 or 3? but then emalee comes along and seems like she genuinely enjoys taking a massive shit on whatever Katie's doing. She's had a few dreams that involve using social media to gain customers and followers and stuff, and she can't even feel safe doing that? I can't imagine having someone so destructive constantaly trying to steal and cheapen everything I do.
>>27576what else has she posted anon? I'm curious haha
No. 27590
>>27587She doesn't look like Katie one bit, don't flatter her. The only thing she's doing differently is putting on a black wig and smokier makeup.
AliExpress looking Katie if you ask me.
No. 27591
File: 1540248910563.jpg (63.38 KB, 958x960, emmawemma.jpg)

here's a higher res pic of emalee's profile pic, she changed it yesterday about 30 hours ago on Facebook.
No. 27592
>>27590we said TRYING anon, definitely not succeeding lol imo she looks bloated and isn't flattering her natural features.
>>27591dat overline tho it hurts my eyes
No. 27593
>>27592yeah this. it's like when you can tell if a drag queen is trying to impersonate a specific celebrity and when they aren't. doesn't mean the gay man underneath the makeup actually resembles the female celebrity. see what i mean?
compare the OP pic with the recent selfie. before, emalee would just copy katie's makeup on paper, like doing thin brows if katie had thin brows, doing a winged liner if katie had a winged liner, but you could still see her busted natural face.
>>27591 but in this new pic, it looks like she's actually trying to mimick katie's features and facial proportions with overlining etc, which is even scarier than just copying katie's ideas.
No. 27595
>>27594holy shit i didn't even think about the dots. can you imagine how many thousands of pics she must have taken to find this angle too?
i wish her stupid boyfriend would come back all "l-lots of people overline their lips! lots of people experiment with makeup!" it's all just a coincidence right? like monkeys with typewriters writing shakespeare
No. 27598
>>27595her boyfriend is borderline negligent for not trying more to help this situation. we can joke about him being a complete ignorant dumbass but he's making her worse by not making her accept her actions
>>27596>>27597I think she's said before that she had her rabbit before Katie had hers? But who knows, she speaks more from her ass than her mouth these days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and Katie's mentioned before that she's had pet rabbits her whole life so that's a non point anyway.
mega creepy about the amount of detail she put into copying that photo though. someone mentioned a couple days ago that she's been copying more of her captions and real life activities recently and that's fucked, she just can't stop
No. 27599
>>27596Jesus Christ I didn't even notice that. Now looking at the photo is nightmare inducing for me lol.
How much money has this girl spent on trying to be a carbon copy of Katie?
No. 27600
>>27599a heckin' lot considering all those kawaii/larme brands they bought from aren't cheap, and all the fabric and stuff for her fake store
will never forget about this treasure
>>27382 No. 27604
File: 1541562696036.jpg (69.71 KB, 819x1024, Image.jpg)

I know this thread's been quiet but I found this the other day, and good lord, this is the only cosplay I could find that she hasn't copied from Katie, and it's going to give me nightmares lol No. 27605
>>27604LOL YIKES this girl's a mess
good find anon
No. 27606
File: 1542240599278.jpeg (114.46 KB, 820x1024, 8FAA5F5E-91EB-4DDA-9378-6990B2…)

>>27318 Why do these two pictures look so facially similar? It’s like she tried to edit herself to look more like Katie
No. 27607
>>27606yeah she does that a lot apparently. like her real face looks like this
>>27326 there's almost no similarities between them.
Funny note that in the pic you posted, she's wearing an "original costume" design that she ALSO stole from Katie…
No. 27608
File: 1542246337144.png (600.77 KB, 960x615, Emalee 6_zpsprl6gims.png)

No. 27609
File: 1542246387478.png (418.65 KB, 960x706, Emalee 5_zpsk1suido4.png)

>>27606she has maliciousness in her bones where creativity should be lol
No. 27611
>>27610it's terrifying, this girl needs help
and Katie needs a restraining order lol
I guess deleting all her social media stopped it from escalating but damn that sucks and the skinwalker will just latch onto someone else eventually
No. 27612
>>27611sage cuz kinda irrelevant but a cosplayer/gamer girl I follow on ig just got a restraining order against her stalker, and in her caption, it sounded exactly like this situation like copying images, captions, clothing, styles and interests but also harassing and spreading rumours and even taking the victim's story and using it to gain sympathy for herself even though she was the bad guy
I think it's cuz that girl also received direct death threats and I don't think the stalker in this thread has gone that far that we know of?
but yeah, hella creepy how this happens more than once and props to Katie for not blasting this girl's ass everywhere haha
No. 27614
File: 1542260599496.jpeg (336.45 KB, 750x995, 6AD3300E-D786-41A7-BAC1-51A073…)

>>27609This is the caption on Emalee’s copied cosplay.
“My own version”
No. 27615
File: 1542269823568.png (344.25 KB, 811x260, Emalee 7_zpshpcnagaq.png)

>>27614she can't even sound genuine compared to Katie
No. 27616
>>27606>>27608I'm gonna mega tinfoil here and say she's photoshopping her Katies eyes and bits of her facial features onto her face. I'm gonna see if any of the pics actually layer or anything like that.
Anyone remember that something-something Lawliet girl from PULL 1.0 who did the same thing with Dakota? Literally cut out and pasted her eyes onto her pics? This is giving me the same vibes as that.
No. 27621
File: 1542490230793.png (616.14 KB, 564x707, Emalee 10_zpsakot8xe3.png)

>>27620you guys are giving her too much credit
THIS is what she thinks is a good shoop
there's no way she's good enough to successfully blend any edges and put her freckles and nose piercings back onto the pic
I do think she uses a phone app to liquify the shape of her features to match Katie's tho
No. 27624
File: 1542838536082.jpeg (79.17 KB, 750x480, file-1.jpeg)

>>27622lol would've been funny if Katie went to the media, but seeing how irrational Emalee is…
at least it looks like now she has a goal now that seemingly has nothing to do with Katie? I hope she does something worthy with her life, the less she deals with people the better, but those poor animals haha
>>27623are you saying leave Katie alone or leave the stalker alone?
No. 27627
>>27626Ive been collecting news about copying/copycats on social media (usually where the copier envies the copied) and it's hard to find them & usually I came across them in random places.
Of course one of the most famous examples has gotta be the TeyCindy case in 2014 No. 27628
File: 1542936861049.png (604.59 KB, 960x707, Emalee 10_zpsakot8xe3.png)

it's funny you guys mention it, because I was about to delete this pic from my computer from when I posted it the other day, and the uncropped one has a comment from b4by.jpg and so does this pic
>>27608 wasn't that kittyphina's account name for a while? I find it absolutely hilarious how a proven skinwalker would follow another skinwalker and her victim and comment on both their pics, so crazy
>>27626but yeah it seems like it could easily be a new way for already mentally ill people to express their bad habits, using social media. I don't think any previously mentally healthy person would just start doing this out of the blue, but people who already have personality disorders might think it's okay because it's only over the internet, and their unhealthy obsession probably isn't hurting anyone in real life? or not even realise it at all
>>27627it is becoming increasingly common and I can name like 5 people I follow on ig who've dealt with something similar. like I mentioned above, kittyphina and kota is probably the most well known case on these gossip sites
but given the rumours she spread and awful, slanderous things Emalee has posted about Katie, she's in a different league and knew exactly what she was doing, regardless of if it hurt anyone or not.
No. 27631
>>27629yeah but how? you can't really take screenshots to the cops of someone being creepy and just get a restraining order. she'd need to receive direct threats or proof of continued direct harassment.
there needs to be a thing where you can report someone who's showing really mentally unwell behaviour, and the person gets a proper assessment. (emalee says she's been getting mental help, but I'd bet my thumbs that she's never been completely honest with a psych about all this crap)
>>27630yeah lol
No. 27633
File: 1543028260986.jpg (591.19 KB, 1280x1977, cpycttnry.jpg)

>>27632 I wish there was… I made a website mock-up on photoshop a few years ago called Copycatationery (dumb name, i know) just for fun where we can post copied artworks beside the original ones & compare them, but if this website was real it's gonna have a lot of backlash from people.
Everyone usually just blogs about imitation/plagiarism & comparing photos on their personal sites
No. 27635
>>27634I miss that site so much! It really gave a voice to people who had their work stolen, but now there's no big popular site for that
This would mostly be deviantart tier drama but it would still be interesting, prepare for c&d strikes though
No. 27636
>>27634>>27635I love that site too! It's one of my favorite sources of copycat/plagiarism news.
It's down now… sadly they only write about big companies ripping off indie artists, & not artists copying other artists :(
No. 27638
>>27637I know she probably doesn't but I always kind of hope Katie reads here so she sees that she her fears or worries about this girl are completely legitimate to us, because I always used to wonder if she had proper support from her friends and family because she never spoke about it except like maybe twice.
also I miss her blog haha
No. 27639
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Ok I know this thread's been quiet but holy shit you guys he proposed to this nutter
What a match made in heaven.
No. 37760
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Katie’s posting again on instagram and I checked Emalee’s account and she’s off private but seems to have deleted all her posts from when she was on private?
No. 37761
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>>37760Also her room’s decorated exactly like Katie’s, this is from Emalee’s story highlights but I distinctly remember Katie posted a photo like 8-9 months ago of her room and she had purple curtains, purple sheets, a big branch coming out from the corner of her bed and those dangly fairy lights with some sort of fake leaves of flowers dangling from the roof… creep.
No. 37856
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>>37805Looks like Katie is moving onto a new theme, honestly who could blame her. It appears she’s moved on the Elf style and it's more of a classic white/black color scheme and rockabilly-inspired looking, so we’ll soon see if this situation is truly over if Emalee changes her theme again kek.
>>37760She’s deleted her IG again..
No. 37871
>>37856idk to me it looks more like she only dressed like that to match the diner she went to? just bc the pic she actually posted to her profile has nothing to do with rockabilly and she always seems to stick to her theme
also idk why you cant see it, but her ig is still there
>>37857damn that dress is cute tho, I always forget shes actually talented
No. 37892
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>>37871Well she literally posted 2 days ago that she's changing her "theme"…
No. 37904
>>37892I just meant that these two pics
>>37856 >>37857 are completely different styles and her ig feed usually sticks to one style. Who knows though, just have to wait and see.
No. 38130
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>>37805She doesn’t get comments because it looks like she doesn’t have any friends. I can’t imagine ever asking randos on ig to have lunch with me just because I have time to kill. Kinda sad, but her behaviour towards Katie makes me believe she’s probably too socially off to make friends.
No. 38355
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I only just noticed her hair is in dreads? I wonder if it’s her real hair or a wig, and it’s difficult to see through the literal shit filter, but it looks kinda purple like um
>>38130well I definitely wouldn’t want to be friends with someone this delusional, why would anyone else lol
No. 40518
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Em's post was out recently, & now Katie's IG is private again. Boo.
No. 40531
>>40518>Need to stop being in denial about my conditions hahaha the lack of self awareness is astounding.
Katie posted another story about being copied, but she either deleted or isn't allowing rewatches on it so I couldn't grab a screenshot but it was basically a little rant about how she's sick of dealing with this. I feel so bad for her, it must be fucking exhausting to deal with this shit.
No. 40535
>>40519Only like a week ago.
It’s almost unbelievable that this girl would only go to the ER because Katie did, but the wording and timing are too close and similar to be a coincidence, and we’ve seen her copy parts of Katie’s illnesses for herself before.
>>40531It’s funny, I’ve still seen examples of Emalee copying Katie, but I thought this thread was dead so I didn’t bother posting them, but I’m glad someone posted about this because it’s beyond fucked. I saw her story too where she mentioned having her “worst experiences stolen and faked for attention by a delusional/obsessed person” or something like that among other things, and it made me really feel for her because that’s such a weird and disturbing thing to have happened to you, and more than once too.
No. 40548
>>40536>”even if the degree of copycating was slightly unusual.”Just slightly? Have you seen the OP’s link?
Regarding the people around her, it doesn’t look like she has many, and her fiancé is an enabling creep with a hate boner for Katie.
And seeing Katie’s content would be easy enough for her since it’s been speculated and proven that she’s had multiple faked and unused accounts over the years. I think I remember Katie mentioning once that her emails might’ve been hacked because emalee knew information that was only on private emails, but that’s never been looked into further that I can tell. Katie’s probably experienced a lot of paranoia from this, which is completely justified imo.
No. 40572
Hi, it’s Emalee. I’m going to be honest and say I’m absolutely terrified about coming to this thread because I know I’ll definitely get crucified furthermore, which is fine, it’s your decision and I know it’ll be used against me and torn apart to be picked at, which is also fine. But I’ve been notified by a friend who I’ve told not to contact me about this thread unless it was absolutely necessary for me to unblock it.
I don’t even know how or where to begin or what to say here.
I wish to keep this somewhat short so I’m not going to address things as I believe certain personal matters shouldn’t be aired out online to “anonymous” people.
But for Christ sake, please stop posting her personal things or mine for that matter into this thread or every little thing she or I posts and acting like “internet saviours”.
We are two completely separate people with completely different lifestyles.
My health concerns and conditions are none of your business and quite frankly I was admitted in for most likely different reasons. I am baffled to think why anyone would want to imitate another’s health conditions and waste hospital resources trying to do so. My mum works at the hospital I went to and wouldn’t have gone if I didn’t have to. Can’t I go to the hospital anymore? I’ve stopped myself going to A LOT of places to avoid this exact reason. I’m sick to death of avoiding things “just in case” or “what if” when I am legitimately suffering/have always had those interests and I’m sick of downplaying it too. I’m baffled by a lot of things actually within this thread and the accusations made up. It’s quite clear I’m not welcome to whinge on a social platform or have health concerns or interests. I have my hands tied and mind already made up for me apparently.
I can’t stress it enough, but please stop posting her personal stuff on here. You guys are free to tear me to shreds, because you’ve already been doing that anyway from the looks of it. But just stop. I sure as hell know I can’t be bothered to defend/explain myself anymore or trying to anyway, I’m exhausted from trying to do so and given up. Why? Because it gets me no where and honestly what’s the point?
I’ve refused to stop blocking your throw away Instagram accounts because I have nothing to hide. I don’t know how I can prove to you that I don’t fake accounts. Never have and never will. I know the blossomsteph account will be brought up and honestly that was my anorexia recovery account and I went under a different name because I wanted to remain anonymous, it was and still is a lonely battle and I wanted to be around people who were also suffering. Yes I know how toxic that community is as well, hence why I deleted that account years ago. I don’t know where all this comes from, saying I’ve been hacking into someone’s private fucking emails is so far fetched and to say I’ve been going to the same school as her somehow? There are so many far fetched and fakes ideas in here.
I’m sorry but I don’t have all these “mysterious” illnesses you guys like to believe about me. Absolutely none of you know a single ounce of me and neither did the OP of this thread.
Admittedly when I looked at the recent replies, I wanted to go private but I can’t because apparently she has and if I do, it’ll be seen as following in her footsteps.
This isn’t “milk” or whatever you guys call it. The fact that you think this is something to laugh about, nitpick someone or whatever really shows what kinds of people come to this site.
I’m also questioning how I’m even seeing her content too. There’s legitimately no possible way for me to when I’ve blocked all her url links the same way I did for this site and I want nothing to do with Kate.
I’m trying to live my own life and got far more concerning things to worry about other than this thread. I can guarantee you, this thread and site causes more anxiety and unnecessary stress/drama than anything else by watching every little movement or every small change a person does.
Do as you wish, but I think I’ve stressed my point enough. Thank you.
No. 40589
>>40572>I'm also questioning how I'm even seeing her content too. There's legitimately no possible way toAnd yet you keep adapting your style, interests and personality from her. What a mystery.
I truly cannot stand people like you. I mean that. I had a girl like you in my life some years ago and her obsessive skinwalking of me, down to buying the same clothes as me and copying every photo of myself I took (and the captions, sound familiar?). She was just like you when confronted, too. "I don't know what you're talking about, it's simple coincidence!" She caused me years of paranoia and anxiety that left me scared to even exist on the internet.
I don't feel bad for you. None of us are going to feel bad for you until you figure out your fucking life and leave that poor girl alone. Truly alone.
No. 40597
>>40572the lack of self-awareness here is astounding.
leave katie alone you skinwalking psychopath. literally get a life.
crying to lolcow isn't going to help you. if you read the threads you're clearly on the losing side here.
No. 40601
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>>40572Good ass fucking milk, Emalee
No. 40741
>>40572Well that’s a couple minutes of my life I’ll never get back. You wrote so much and yet said absolutely fucking nothing to make me think that you deserve any of the sympathy you’re begging for, and from lolcow of all places. You’re so scared of everything huh? Have you legitimately ever taken a single minute to think seriously about how Katie must feel? It just sounds like you’re plugging your ears and singing la la la I can’t hear you, because you’ve never had to face any repercussions for what you’ve been doing (aside from this thread) which is both unfortunate for Katie and why this thread has stayed around for so long. Like everyone else has said, you need some time off social media and some serious, HONEST therapy.
I don’t trust you saying that you have enough self restraint to block her pages/not look at them, because you have no self restraint when it comes to copying her, or your attention to this thread. “A friend” keeps an eye on it do they? Did your boyfriend give up being your eyes? Even though it’s obvious you’ve lurked here continuously for ages? Please.
And you did go to the same school as her. In 2015, she was due for another semester at the school you went to, but she heard about it and left her course. To get away from you. And you’ve never actually reflected on why she might take such an extreme step to avoid you. It was around the same time you were posting on your blog about filing a report with the police about YOUR stalker? Do you remember that lie? I do and I’m sure Katie does too. You couldn’t possibly let people think you were doing the exact same thing, you’re definitely always the good guy.
You’re unwell and I hope one day you seek legitimate treatment. God knows it’s overdue.
No. 40789
>>40741Well said anon. Do you have any screenshots about the school and the police thing? Because if they’re true, that’s insane. I never realised she was so desperate to look like the
victim that she’d go to the cops, to what? Cry about a girl on the internet copying her pics, even though the dates always prove that Katie posted hers first? while Katie was too scared to be on the same campus as her… absolutely wild.
No. 40802
>>40572>>40597>>40741Emalee doesn’t actually believe any of the shit she wrote, she’s knowingly lying about being oblivious to the stalking. What she has no idea about is how the outside world sees right through her charades. Writing this fabricated narrative portraying herself as the
victim and Katie as da bad guy is a weak attempt to manipulate the public’s opinion of her. She’s only delusional in thinking that anyone would believe the shit she’s spewing, or find her attractive when she’s pretending to be someone else. Emalee knows very well she’s a stalker, she’s ashamed which is why she lies about it, what she can’t admit to herself is how unconvincing and off-putting she is to everyone else. It would shatter the perfect shiny skinwalking characature of Katie she’s been desperately trying to cultivate and protect. She must have no self esteem, skinwalking’s probably the only thing that brings her confidence judging from how she’s clawing into Katie like her life depends on it. Therapy isn’t an instant fix, there are more incompetent therapists than we like to admit. For all we know she could already have a therapist. Maybe Emalee going through a traumatic experience and having a wake up call, a moment of clarity to have some self reflection, to see how this doesn’t actually uplift her life but in reality hurts, stunts, and degresses it (unlikely) or Emalee finds a new obsession to take over her mind, probably if she found another woman to skin walk (much more likely).
No. 40812
>>40789I don’t sadly. I’ve tried the wayback machine to find anything from her old tumblr but nothing. I know no one on this site likes just taking people’s words for stuff like this, but I afraid I have nothing else haha you could ask either of them what school and campus it was and they’d answer the same (if they chose to reply at all), and I’m almost certain that she never actually went to the police, she just said she did to sort of intimidate Katie and make people think that her claim about being stalked was soooo much more legit that should /could/ go to the cops. Truly pathetic really.
>>40802Her bf mentioned her being in therapy when he came to white knight her previously, but the thing is, I don’t think she could ever say out loud to another person that she’s done anything wrong with this situation. I could only imagine her bringing it up to a psychologist to use as another reason why her life is ~so sad~ and she’s ~so anxious~, that she was a
victim of stalking. Her head is too far up her own arse to ever sit down and be like “yeah I’ve done something messed up but I want to fix myself so it doesn’t happen again.” She’s a pathological liar and a therapist can only do so much with what they’re told from a liar if they don’t want help. She needs a professional intervention lol
No. 42043
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Katie from 3 days ago
No. 42044
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Emalee from 2 days ago
No. 42050
>>42048Yeah I’m a bit confused. Using a similar font doesn’t seem that bad or am I missing something?
At least she didn’t quote the same song and go on about hot much she’s loved that band since she was 2 weeks old despite never mentioning them until Katie did like she used to lmao
No. 42786
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Katie’s most recent story
Good for her. The Kitti De Ville store had a really distinct style and she is talented.
No. 42789
>>42786I would be SO curious to see if Emalee suddenly starts talking about sewing again or if she can actually stop herself from copying whatever Katie decides to share
Like you said though, good for her, she shouldn’t be scared forever or it’ll destroy her.
No. 44567
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Emalee is now shifting from the purple/green elf theme, to black/white gothic theme… it was only a matter of time (1/2)
No. 44568
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No. 44574
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>>44568Don't forget Katie posted this before Emily posted that.
No. 44575
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No. 44611
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>>44567Her theme was already pretty dark before Katie started posting again (>>37760) but it was way more witchy. Her posts are definitely looking more straight gothic now that that’s what Katie’s posting.
>>44575Yeah the whole “I love reading now, especially fantasy books” thing bothers me too because Katie shared some books she’d read on her stories like last year, and then posted a summary of a book she’d read on her profile about a month ago, then emalee bought this one book and hasn’t shut up about it. Not a coincidence.
>>44587Omg I’ve noticed that too, like she must have some source of money because she mentioned on her stories going back to Japan or Europe for her honeymoon and they’re not cheap options considering most people don’t leave their country for honeymoons. She’s also got a new PC a few weeks ago to act as her new WoW machine because she doesn’t know how to play anything else. And she’s studying like a full science degree, I know Australia has a program where you just pay for your schooling once you get an income, but there’s still a lot of out of pocket fees. Not to mention that on her past tumblrs she’s mentioned having all of her teeth fixed due to her ED, and bought a brand new car like a year or two ago that was released the same year?? Just all these random high expenses coming from nowhere for someone who apparently dog sits as a job.
No. 44777
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from emalee's story, still skin walking them books
No. 44830
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I’m guessing that’s her engagement ring, but anyone else notice that it’s a flower? Like the ring Katie’s wearing in almost every photo where her hand is visible
No. 45196
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Her latest ig story. Why do so many irrelevant girls on ig think that anyone would be genuinely interested in watching them play games? Like she has next to no active followers on ig, what makes her think anyone would watch her play WoW over and over…
>>44818I don’t know if she actually lives in the city. Probably not, and she’s possibly on Centrelink? Just still a lot of random high purchases. I’m convinced jack probably pays for a lot, he seems pretty whipped lol
>>44830That’s just next level. It’s worse if you consider that she may have asked for her ring to look like that. So creepy.
No. 45489
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Yes, tell us again Emalee how you don’t see Katie’s stories?
Katie’s on the left is from about a month ago, and Emalee’s is from today.
No. 45495
>>45494I kinda doubt that just because everyone in Melbourne owns those vans lol they’re just like identical stories, like they’re both walking videos in the same clothes talking about being tired/whatever
However there was that time that Emalee bought the exact same pair of demonias as Katie so who knows haha
No. 45522
>>45501 not exactly within 24 hours…
katie posted that story about a month ago or a few weeks ago
No. 45524
>>45521Definitely wasn’t white knighting her lol I just said that I don’t think she bought the same shoes JUST for an ig story. I agree with you completely that the whole story itself isn’t a coincidence, and she’s basically just outing herself that she’s still keeping tabs on Katie.
I genuinely can’t tell if she’s still copying her because she’s actually vindictive, or if she just can’t help herself when she sees Katie’s stuff all the time, like a subconscious tick. But yeah, she’s definitely and undeniably a massive creeper.
No. 45526
>>45522If that's true I think it's even creepier.
>>45524Definitely the latter. People who do this stuff don't even put much thought into it anymore - checking in on Katie's stuff is most likely routine for her.
No. 45565
>>45530Mhm, the big thing here is that Emalee isn't trying to beat Katie or "win", or anything. She's just completely lacking her own identity and has latched onto Katie's. At one point, probably when she first started dating the ex, she began to idolize Katie and see her as someone admirable, cool, and interesting. She has no sense of self identity and obviously a lot of self-esteem issues, so rather than develop herself, she decides "well, if I can be just like this person, I'LL be admirable and cool and interesting too!"
It won't stop until Emalee makes a concerted effort to make it stop. She has to admit it's harmful behavior (which she doesn't see it as), ACTUALLY block all of Katie's social media, and get some professional help for her insecurities. Not to sound armchair-y or like I'm diagnosing her, but such extreme changes in identity, especially in an attempt to behave like someone else, can be a symptom of borderline. Even if it's not, she won't stop until she (and her enabling boyfriend) get her some genuine, serious help. But she has to want to be her own person first, instead of a cheap knockoff.
>>45542Specifically, she has shown that she will consistently go all out to buy the exact same clothes as Katie. It sounds ludicrous to most normal people, like there's no way someone would make so much effort for something as stupid as shoes. But Emalee's shown that she will try her best to skinwalk this girl down to the smallest detail.
No. 45581
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>>45565This. 100% true. I remember when jack came to the thread and said she was in therapy to make it seem like she was doing the right thing, but therapy can’t help you on certain issues if you’re not willing to be honest about them and I would be so surprised if emalee has ever once admitted that she’s the one in the wrong here. I would bet money that this whole situation hasn’t even been mentioned to her therapist and they only talk about what she’s comfortable talking about. It’s sad that there’s no real way for this to end for Katie, it all relies on a mentally unstable girl doing something very unlikely.
She just posted this on her ig stories and I know it’s a gaming reference, but it’s just funny timing considering that there’s been a discussion on this thread for the first time in a while, and massively ironic that that saying could apply to how she got any attention on her ig in the first place: by being scarily similar to someone else, like copying someone’s homework and cheating lmao
also I don’t think she followed lushsux until after Katie took a pic with one of his pieces a couple months back on her ig stories so there’s also that.
No. 45724
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Emalee just posted a new pic and the outfit is pretty much just a copy of Katie’s because we know she has the same top and the corset is super similar, and obviously the rings and nails too.
No. 46508
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dyed her hair black like katie now? or a wig.
No. 46525
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>>46508Most likely a wig since she’s posted selfies with hair like that before, because having a wig like Katie’s hair isn’t skinwalking and scary at all…
But just a comparison pic for reference, she’s tried to copy Katie’s hair and make up, and maybe even her jaw line?? And Katie’s selfie was only posted 6 days ago.
No. 46526
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>>46525Her real jawline. There’s a big difference between those pics lmao
No. 46628
>>46583Idk about other anon but I personally consider kawaii and larme two different styles and aesthetics, especially when Katie was working on her store. She was doing more punk-y designs and her style was less weeaboo and fluffy.
So of course Emalee did the same, each and every time. She’s sick.
No. 46640
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This is a very poor copy of Katie's makeup in
>>46525. Embarrassing.
Katie's also gone private again. I feel bad for her. She probably looks at this thread every so often, or at Emalee's profile, and gets freaked out when she sees her doing this doppelganger shit.
No. 46642
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No. 46649
>>46640It would make sense that she doesnt like this thread or being reminded of this stuff. shes already dealt with it for years and did once ask us to stop posting here. Its sadly funny looking back that everyone thought this thread would deter or stop her behaviour…..
>>46642this is so vague you can tell she only brought it up so that people would feel bad for her
No. 46691
>>46650Idk I still think they’re big changes, and especially the people in those communities that you associate with are very different. The only real thing they have in common is that they’re both “alternative” from normal styles, but that’s pretty much where the similarities end.
In terms of Katie, it does seem like she’s struggled to find somewhere she’s completely comfortable so she only really focused on one thing she enjoys in different periods of her style instead of embracing all of them. And Emalee, well, almost none of her enjoyment for these things has seemed genuine to me and she’s just spent this time tripping on Katie’s coattails after she tried too hard to make her bf like her by replacing his ex lol
No. 47433
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update: she’s still missing the point and is glossing over everything she did herself. Traumatising someone by stalking them and making up a false narrative that THEYRE the bad person is way more than “questionable” you fruit cake. One crappy apology where you apparently didn’t actually take any actual responsibility doesn’t give you a free pass to continue what you’re clearly still doing.
Good for you for taking a break, you genuinely need it, and you should get some help while you’re at it.
No. 47436
>>47433>The thing I've been struggling with for the past 3 weeks has been a miscarriage, and I am entirely blaming the thread for it.How fucking insulting to any women on this site who have been through the same thing, imagine being able claim you are't vindictive then blame strangers for something so traumatizing in the same breath.
She has no idea how to take responsibility for herself or her actions no wonder she wants to be Katie.
No. 47438
>>47436Literally like, no one deserves to go through a miscarriage and I’m not saying it was her fault either, but with her past(?) history of eating disorders, her “chronic illnesses” and it being her first pregnancy, it’s not uncommon and her body probably isn’t compatible for pregnancy yet. It blows my mind that she could blame an entirely voluntarily-viewed website for something like this when she should be asking why she feels the compulsion to come here so often if she hates it and it stresses her so much.
She’s just a broken record whenever she posts these sympathy-seeking posts, “I’ve never done anything wrong (except stalking a girl for years and spread rumours making people believe she’s a terrifying monster, but I’ve never spread rumours or done anything wrong) everyone else has done something wrong and I have all this evidence to prove it, even though I’m not going to share it or actually use it for anything, I’m just saying I have it so people believe me”
Why are her and her bf the only people to have come here to defend her if she has so much support and understanding from people who USE lolcow?
Girl, just get rid of your account and go. We’d be better off not trying to translate your constant fallacies anyway lmao
No. 47465
>>474331. “I’ve done some questionable things and I apologised for it” you never apologised publicly though. Whether you started the “rumour” or not, Katie was still accused by other people of stalking and harassing you and you never attempted to correct that.
2. “But I also still yearned for that emp/hardcore kid” Katie’s look is more genuinely rooted in hardcore than your dark elf-y whatever look rn. Though whinging on the internet is quite emo so well done on that one.
3. “No one owns a damn style.” True, and not once on this thread does it say that Katie’s owns any of these styles.
4. “I wore a wig because I despise my hair colour” ok? Doesn’t explain why it had to be the same colour and cut as Katie’s hair. Same with the purple wig with straight bangs that you used fo wear when Katie’s hair was purple with straight bangs…
5. “They actually come to me and find out the truth.” Okay but that would mean comparing stories and talking to Katie about her side, and I’ve asked her about details before and she never answers. She doesn’t want to draw out your “I’m right, the other person is wrong” bullshit it seems.
6. “Numerous threats have been made to me publicly.” & “you manage to spew hate on the thread and on my social media” wheeeerrreeeee? You always say you’re getting harassment and I’ve never once seen anything like that on your social media and you acknowledge yourself you could be addressing trolls but you’ll never get them to feel sorry for you by doing this.
7. “It’s sad that either of us have to keep running off” do you really not understand what you’re doing at all? I doubt Katie gets scared of this thread, it’s probably more to do with the person who wants to be her and ruin her at the same time, that seems more likely…
8. “I’ve been dehumanised” commenting on your behaviour as creepy and uninvited is not dehumanisation at all. We’re all aware you’re human, just a very unwell one who needs to wake. up.
9. “I don’t display any of the criteria from the PPL test” I think whoever called you a psychopath was just using hyperbole for a point but like, you have the uncaring, selfishness and insincere speech down pat in this story alone.
10. “You’ll not care for anyone’s wellbeing” because you cared so much about Katie’s when she used to beg her stalker to leave her alone on her ig and tumblr, right? But you apologised so it’s fine that you continued to disregard her telling her audience that you caused her so much stress she had to delete her original account, you just didn’t stop. But it’s fine, you apologised. Ok.
I think I’ve made my point.
You need to address these flaws within yourself before you’ll ever be able to move on. Leaving social media is good start but it’s not enough. Hopefully you don’t give us more reasons to reignite this thread after this, like you have over and over.
No. 47505
>>47498Lol this is so on point. I can’t believe how manipulative that whole story was, like she intentionally used this language to make herself seem like a
victim and it just sickens me that she’s a real person. God help anyone who actually buys this crap or gets in the way of her lies.
No. 47531
>>47505Seconded. I didn't think she could get any more disgusting or manipulative after she quickly appeared here but it seems she's gone lower than the bottom of a well at this point.
I hope you get professional help but how manipulative can you be to use something as serious as a miscarriage to blame people who happened to notice the abuse and behaviour towards Katie? you clearly traumatised an innocent girl who's trying to live her own life, then you come and play the
victim, THEN you post this story with all the manipulative one-sided language, good riddance because anyone who even reads this thread finds out the truth about you.
No. 47542
>>47531Yeah I thought the same but it looks like she just can’t handle when things don’t go her way like when she posted here, so she just keeps pushing
It’s interesting whether or not she talks like this to her fiancé or family/friends, because manipulation like this rarely has an on/off switch, and I can easily imagine her being incredibly manipulative and
toxic to those closest to her as well. It’s probably why her fiancé stays and is apparently so supportive of her bullshit, because she uses this language on him too to make him thinks she’s an uwu innocent perfect child who’s been attacked by meany Katie and the internet, regardless of clear evidence.
It’s no wonder Katie couldn’t put an end to this herself in the beginning, this girl stretches anything to fit her side and doesn’t absorb any genuine criticism of her behaviour, I can’t imahine trying to reason with her after she’s already set her eyes on you as a target. She’s an actual nightmare haha
No. 47919
>>47433why does she need to delete her Instagram? why not keep it private and vet who can see it? It’s like she wants Katie to see what she’s doing. This speil paired with her constant
victim seeking behaviour shows how manipulative and sick she is.
No. 47953
>>47919Because if she does that, then no one’s going to care about her crying lol everything she does is for some form of attention
I’m still waiting for those “lolcow users” who apparently believe her bullshit to come and tell us that we’re wrong and “just hating”
No. 47961
>>47919 i was thinking the same thing
>>47546 what Raven thread? Who is this raven n is she a manipulative copycat too i need to know anon
No. 57397
File: 1563160591667.jpeg (177.92 KB, 750x1097, 686C06F6-83EB-4175-8828-F22041…)

Aaand she’s back
No. 57407
File: 1563163098179.png (39.17 KB, 616x163, notweirdatalliswear.png)

>>57397The similarities are just a coincidence, I'm sure
No. 57410
File: 1563163995138.png (100.83 KB, 728x464, 1.png)

>>57407Jesus. Every single time, huh?
No. 57423
>>57397And here I thought she was so utterly heartbroken by her loss and the “bullying” that she’d be gone at least longer than like a month lol
Why does she do this?
At least her pics aren’t super similar, but social media seems to corrupt her self esteem so we'll see how long it takes for her to start copying directly again…
No. 57841
File: 1563499793100.jpeg (252.61 KB, 750x1102, 612C6CFF-4E36-4045-A19E-4805A1…)

Anyone else notice the black collectif coat in this pic? Like Katie’s from this post
>>46525I think she really tryna copy that pic because iirc Katie got heaps of likes and followers from it, this girl is soo sad
No. 57847
>>57841Big yikes, and just when you think she can’t get any sadder
It’s literally been years girl, move on
No. 57903
File: 1563563389129.png (592.67 KB, 567x486, katietop.PNG)

>>57895>>57861sorry! only deleted the comment because the photo was already posted here
>>44568i was comparing emalee's top shirt to katie's shirt in photo attached. not exactly the same, but we all know the similarities.
No. 57904
File: 1563563506035.png (1.09 MB, 775x710, emalee.PNG)

samefag but here's a hopefully non-skinwalking photo of emalee
No. 57926
I’m sorry, I just still can’t get over how less attractive she looks in pics that she didn’t post herself. Like she looks nice in these
>>57841 >>44586 but it must be make up/editing because she looks like a totally different person in this
>>57904She also doesn’t look like the kind of person that’s self-assured enough to wear black lipstick outside which just makes her pics feel uncomfortable and we all know she’s only wearing it because Katie does sometimes.
No. 57943
>>57926Nah, on the contrary, she looks nicer and way more natural in
>>57904 than
>>57841 No. 59732
File: 1564105247428.jpeg (397.05 KB, 750x850, 59A60D1D-50EC-4471-956A-339C64…)

I know this is a personal nitpick, but my god why does she always talk like she has the worst of everything? When most people with chronic physical illnesses have “a really bad flare up” that last “a few weeks” they miss more than one day of uni, and then she ended up doing an activity that involved leaving her house anyway? Like I understand having a period of worsened symptoms and it sucks, but you missed a single day in a few weeks? That’s not “really bad” at all, even a doctor wouldn’t consider that a problem when completely healthy people miss days of school or work here and there when they’re not feeling great. Every little thing has to be a big deal to her and is worthy of being posted for sympathy, she needs some perspective.
No. 60110
>>59732Because she has a
victim complex anon, I mean she blamed lolcow for her miscarriage so..
No. 60931
File: 1564810737716.jpeg (287.86 KB, 2712x1845, BFC53AD6-E3FF-4FBB-BECF-EF6C1E…)

They’re both black metal lyrics too. Interesting how she only ever shares a new band or genre she likes until after Katie does it
No. 62480
File: 1565934010577.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, 33A6869C-1473-4887-9A90-D55BA2…)

She’s reading the bone witch series now
No. 62481
File: 1565934080107.jpeg (614.09 KB, 750x1100, 6838B440-574A-4BA2-B327-40DE62…)

No. 62620
>>62603Not identical but definitely similar, you can see here
>>44830 he’s definitely questionable in his acceptance of his fiancés behaviour towards his own ex.
No. 64088
File: 1566699950010.jpeg (857.87 KB, 2414x2064, 32DBF522-EF4A-4F6A-8519-E70EF8…)

Some more of that infamous “oh I totally did it first, you guys just didn’t see”
If I was Katie, I’d still be scared because Emalee still goes out of her way to follow her every move, literally.
No. 64107
>>64088This is definitely weird like she’s copying where she goes? Considering her long obsession, this is closer to “normal” stalking than just online stalking.
>>64104I call bullshit that she ever even went there before Katie posted about it. She does that all the time, saying she liked something before Katie but just never posted about it when it’s obvious she only did something or liked something because Katie did first.
And I think her account was private when I checked a couple days ago, that might not be related to emalee’s post
No. 64478
File: 1566864333807.png (735.28 KB, 720x743, Screenshot_20190826-190454(1).…)

>>64111Emalee claims she bought this ET book from there. This photo of the book was posted on July 22nd. Possibly pretending she knew about it days before Katie did.
No. 64482
File: 1566864642271.jpeg (946.98 KB, 2880x3840, 37958198-C30E-41B5-9197-07D1FC…)

Here’s your proof. I even included one from my camera roll for you all… you could say I’ve been “cowtipped” by someone from this forum. I’ve noticed a trend, whenever someone mentions that Kate has gone private… don’t you think it’s because she DOES read here constantly? It’s a pattern and you fall for it every time. There’s multiple screenshots like this due to the fact that I’ve been accused of being there after and actual stalking, so I’ve learnt to document everything. The screen grab from Kate’s profile was provided by this thread (before anyone jumps down my throat). Since I’ve seen that someone is from Melbourne, or probably multiple people are, it seems like 3-4 people frequent this thread, I’ve taken this whole thread to my university coordinator as I do fear for my safety and this thread has been brought up numerous times to me and there are precautions to put up. There’s other underlying reasons why I feel unsafe due to the fact that there’s been quite a few people from this thread finding out my whole personal life and posting about it publicly (and like always, they’ll never mention it because it’s against the rules, as I’ve read), but that’s another matter for me to deal with personally.
I’ve also provided in text on the screenshot, so it makes it easier to understand.
No. 64493
>>64482Girl just get off this thread.
She’s mentioned before that sometimes she feels safe being on social media and some days she doesn’t, which is understandable given what she’s dealt with on there and is entirely YOUR FAULT. But why does that even matter to you if she goes on and off private huh?
I’m with anon here
>>64489 you need REAL help.
>>64490Totally agree. I’ve never seen anything more than public posts on here and not even a full name.
We just connect dots, and that’s your fault/problem that these dots exist in the first place lol
No. 64501
>>64482It’s funny that it seems like you’re implying that Katie reads here regularly whereas I’ve never seen a cow get tipped as often as you do. That’s always your excuse to respond but I don’t believe for a second that multiple people have contacted you about this thread on multiple occasions, and you’ve been compelled to reply.
Just admit you lurk and you wanted to respond because you finally had one (1) single instance that you could defend. Congratulations, that’s pathetic.
No. 64503
>>64501She's obviously trying to make herself look like the
Just picturing the eventual court case when she calls the prosecutors stalkers for providing evidence against her.
"You have my phone records and search data? You're the real stalkers here. I rest my case."
No. 64518
I’m still confused, was there any actual reason why she brought up Katie possibly reading the thread other than a very obvious attempt at pointing the criticism on the person she victimised? I don’t understand the relation.
>>64515 why’d she even let them know about the thread in the first place? Like a coordinator or counsellor can’t do anything about an anonymous thread, and if it’s to “protect” her, what does she need protection from? University’s have cyber security and privacy laws for all their students anyway and it’s not like she has a restraining order that they need to know about? They were probably like “umm… ok thanks for sharing”
>>64482 why do you never respond to legitimate questions when you make it very apparent that you care what we think of you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have posted in the first place…
No. 64549
>>64548I think she wants to believe that Katie’s just as bad as she is, like it’s comforting and less shameful to her if she thinks Katie’s lurking too, and lurking gossip forums is bad so Katie deserves criticism but Emalee doesn’t because she’s “protecting” herself.
Who knows honestly, it’s both interesting and difficult trying to understand how this girl’s brain works, she should be studied lol
No. 64814
>>64805The hypocrisy is enormous given that she probably has this thread open all day everyday. Yeah hi girl we see u
I think this is more that she’s just butthurt nobody cared about her most recent stupid attempt to sway this thread in her favour or discredit all of it with a single post so she’s trying to cut us off, but she’s basically addicted to attention so I don’t think she’ll be on private for long kek
No. 65568
File: 1567750216278.jpeg (872.14 KB, 3466x3082, 6BEBECBC-F7B6-486A-9AB0-ABF558…)

Katie’s been posting about sewing more recently so I’m not surprised by Emalee’s sudden re-interest
I want katie to post pics of some really ugly dress just so emalee tries to make it too, that’d be hilarious
No. 66735
File: 1568931717182.jpg (1.66 MB, 2560x1920, 19-09-19-18-21-31-253_deco.jpg)

I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
No. 66743
>>66737Yeah I can’t stop looking at where her lashes are stuck down and her unblended eyeshadow ew lol
Also Katie wears a very similar shade of lipstick a lot…
No. 66790
>>66735walmart vs. chanel in the flesh. emalee, this needs to stop, you're being fucking disgusting. not only the skinwalking but the crusty makeup, shitty haircut and knockoff pose. I've seriously never seen a more pathetic skinwalker in my time and i'm an oldfag. emalee, get some fucking therapy and disconnect your internet. serious gronk status.
I know you creep these threads too, and I'd be happy to facilitate more aussie chicks in finding out what a freak you are. seriously keep it up bitch.
I'll take a ban for cowtipping/threats whatever just for saying that but fuck. it would be so easy.
No. 66828
>>66790You need to chill. Yes this girl is clearly insane, but threatening her will just give her more reason to dismiss anyone and everyone that criticises her, not to mention if anything bad actually happened in real life you could make this situation a whole lot worse for Katie, and from when she came here herself, I’m gathering that’s what most people on this thread don’t want. This isn’t just a normal thread to poke fun at someone who acts like a cow, this girl has a
victim that could get hurt.
>>66793I think the problem with this post is that for months, emalees been more obsessed with copying Katie’s actual face, not just her outfits. She’s shooped her images in the past to make her face structure more like Katie’s, and as well as attempting identical make up it seem like she genuinely wants to wear Katie’s face, not just her clothes. And that is creepy imo
No. 66856
File: 1569034531839.png (530.38 KB, 718x569, Screenshot_20190919-215139(1).…)

>>66793>The outfitsNone of these comments are about the outfits. only the hair, makeup, and posing lol
Also Katie does have a similar outfit Emalee is skinwalking in this pic
No. 66870
I agree with
>>66828I'm done making fun of her or nitpicking on the slightest similarities, it's all gonna end up in a vicious cycle of making her account private or deleting it & resurfacing with a new IG account, it never ends.
Besides, both girls have told us all to stop adding to the thread a long time ago. They're not celebrities with maximum level security, they're normal people & IRL are both too scared to go out oftentimes cuz a) Katie might bump into them and b) Emalee might be attacked by someone who reads the thread & if there's any physical violence involved in any of those situations it's gonna be partially our fault.
No. 66871
>>66870If any violence occurs, it's most likely to be between Katie, Emalee & their respective boyfriends and families.
If they really didn't want the attention (and this includes Katie as well) they wouldn't post so much. They wouldn't show up in the thread crying about it.
I feel bad for Katie but honestly we are doing her a favor here if she ever decides to take a legal route with this. Everything is documented for years.
So again, Emalee fuck off and get out of the thread.
No. 66872
>>66870Emalee wouldn’t be scared to go out if she didn’t do all this herself, but yeah I’m with you, I want it to stop for Katie’s sake but this thread isn’t deterring Emalee like everyone thought it might. We’re not doing anything to help this stop.
>>66871I get what you’re saying but Katie’s given up a lot because of this situation, she shouldn’t have to stop posting her photos too if that’s what she wants to do, like most normal people. She can’t stop her whole life because she’s scared of Emalee. Also I think she’s done well at pretending this situation isn’t happening, lord knows I’d have lost my mind ages ago, so I think it’s unfair to say she loves the attention from this situation. Emalees the only person who still cries about this thread, and I think that’s why people still post here, because they think it’s funny to poke the bear per say.
No. 66879
>>66873>>66874It's not this site that is the evidence, it's the screencaps. Earlier in the thread there is a cap from facebook Katie's friend posted too, so no doubt they have loads saved as well. These can all be saved as proof of how crazy Emalee is and given to cops if there is a need.
Before anyone says shit about how screencaps can be edited so cops won't care etc, you can use someone's handwritten diary as evidence in court if needed.
Back in the days of MySpace my friend got jumped by some losers who sent him MySpace messages with threats in them, and he was able to print them and screencap and showed them to the police. the point is cops absolutely will look at shit like this no matter how retarded you think it is
No. 66883
>>66877Reporting doesn’t change that Emalee now has evidence to the threats that she always cries about, but we’ve never seen. That person gave Emalee exactly what she craves, another way to act like a
victim and prove we’re all big meanies.
>>66879Yeah I said screenshots, I just mean the source of those screenshots is questionable if this site was mentioned in a case. Diaries can be used because handwriting is unique and its easy to spot copying. And it sounds like your friend was lucky/it happened before screenshots were really known to be easily faked, like my mum could figure out how to fake a screenshot these days whereas even just a few years ago, most non-tech people thought it was impossible.
I guess it depends where you live, I know the cops in my area would say there’s nothing they could do (but they’re also lazy af) and half the screenshots here are from old accounts or have been deleted so there’s no way to fact check.
No. 66888
File: 1569052179699.png (148.96 KB, 1872x990, vic.png)

>>66883Emmalee doesn't realize she's committing a crime. she can't be a
victim when she's the perp. screenshots have dates and times, her content IS the evidence. she's an idiot and katie should press charges. Emmalee can't do shit, one "meanie" on a thread does not a
victim make.
No. 66900
>>66888I think anyone with eyes can tell she’s not the
victim, but she genuinely thinks she is which is why she’s incapable of seeing how disturbing her behaviour is. I was just saying that one mean comment to her is all the justification she needs to keep believing her delusion.
No. 67917
File: 1569885773569.jpeg (1.14 MB, 3938x1730, ACD6DD71-1FB9-4F78-A1D2-BDF1AE…)

Katie’s latest ig stories. Can’t say I disagree with her here, this is very weird
No. 67935
File: 1569892378230.jpg (38.44 KB, 293x493, noooooooooooooooooooo.jpg)

>>67917Okay wtf there is a tiny Emalee hiding in the background of the Katie images what is wrong with people
No. 67945
>>67939Not to mention that they clearly didn’t even ask/tell Katie about it, that’s so exploitative and hurtful.
Why is Katie such a psycho magnet lol
No. 67951
>>67917>>67917 is a possible source of the weird images. is the person's deviantart. I haven't found the exact pictures yet but this was the link from the top of the above website. I tried looking for the specific images, but I honestly hate their art style and there's no way I'm looking through 1.600 images of it.
No. 67953
File: 1569901695224.jpeg (114.93 KB, 470x319, 2A281062-CBBE-443D-B587-F18AB7…)

>>67951The pics from that soup link were posted in May this year, but it looks like the artist hasn’t posted on their DA for a while so they’re probably not on there.
Apparently they wanted to make something positive out of the negativity, but these pictures only minimise the severity of Emalee’s actions. And like, you didn’t have to draw the actual copying?? That’s so weird. Also saying deer park “scene” like it’s part of a fictional movie or something. I don’t think this person actually understands what happened with these girls and to Katie, and this was just completely thoughtless.
No. 67974
File: 1569920622446.jpeg (173.82 KB, 771x1037, 7383_61c6_771.jpeg)

>>67951This is really weird. I feel like this person has some sort of "thing" for copying. Not just committing the act itself, but anything having to do with it, including other people's experiences. There's almost some sort of fetishistic vibe to things.
No. 67977
File: 1569921352298.png (1.12 MB, 844x1416, 9898.png)

>>67976>Part 4, and the finale for now (and hopefully not the actual finale cuz I wanna see these two make a comeback again n hopefully they'll try different styles).Bitch, what the fuck
No. 67978
File: 1569921720219.png (780.11 KB, 848x1334, 90-.png)

>>67977Definitely a farmer. She posted a cap from the Dasha thread. I wonder if that's why she deleted everything with a quickness.
No. 67981
File: 1569922540494.jpeg (63.7 KB, 500x500, 3988_23ce_500.jpeg)

>>67978>When you're busy following online copycat drama involving instagram models & pretty girls in general & lurking at their IG photos and people in the office took it the wrong way 🤣>I mean if I were actually lesbian/bi/pan it would be a compliment (idk, sexuality is fluid, i might be in the future 🤷♀)
>I follow like two ongoing copycat drama online, one of them is pretty much dead at the moment & one's still ongoing (None of them are named Isyana or Irina btw). It gives off the same kind of excitement as when I copied a bunch of artists in deviantArt back in the mid-2000s, all that leveling up & one-upping. Whew.Guess she's into this because she lives vicariously through Dasha and Emalee. It explains why she thought drawing those pictures was a good idea. She relates to the copier.
I'm not really sure where I was going with this, but it's interesting to find someone like this, in a twisted way.
No. 67989
>>67977Hopefully not the finale?? Like they want this copying to continue? What the actual fuck, they clearly don’t care about Katie’s feelings even though it looks like this is where they found Katie/Emalee so they would’ve seen the posts of Katie talking about being distressed. It’s actually cruel to ignore her and draw what has distressed her. This person deserves their own thread, but they’d probably love that lol
I saw they deleted their Katie/Emalee pics but I thought that was because maybe they felt guilty after Katie said how it made her feel, but this just makes it seem like they didn’t want to be called out for their art, which like you
>>67981 said seems like a way to express their personal fascination and enjoyment of copying, both doing it themselves and watching others.
This is so fucking weird, it’s making my skin crawl.
No. 67991
>>67981>It gives off the same kind of excitement as when I copied a bunch of artists in deviantArt back in the mid-2000s, all that leveling up & one-upping. Whew.
>excitementjesus. The bootlicker of the skinwalker. Hey girl, this isn't normal. You don't fabricate a competition via stalking someone. The
victim/copied person didn't consent to being in your imaginary "competition."
No. 68039
File: 1569964264795.jpg (1.27 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20191001-171008_Ins…)

No. 68053
>>67991Right? Like just because you think it’s neat when people directly copy you doesn’t mean everyone feels that way. They have a bunch of stuff of their blog that talks so much garbage about how copying is always flattery and never threatening, but just because YOU see it that way doesn’t mean everyone agrees. And obviously Katie doesn’t but you used her in your creepy little drawings anyway, so gross.
>>68039This isn’t really milk, idk why you shared this, unless you think it’s just her trying to sympathy again, but it sounds real to me. It’s sad that she has such destructive thoughts and uses them either against Katie or herself. She needs serious help, but that’s nothing new
No. 68147
Hopefully this isn't derailing but holy shit I just noticed the person who drew the "fanart" seems to have posted in this thread almost a year ago…about (unrelated) copying. I doubt it's literally a fetish but it's a weird fixation nonetheless.
>>27627 (maybe, has a choco- related email attached like artist's dA)
>>27633>>27636 No. 88041
>>88039Bahaha it has absolutely no relevance to the wedding I couldn't stop laughing. Pick me confirmed. As if we didn't already know judging by how he treated Katie and his taste in "women"
cough empty husk
cough. They're perfect for each other kek.
No. 88083
File: 1586208305612.jpeg (463.85 KB, 750x667, 6CBB17FD-B684-449B-B9D9-F61D6F…)

>>88012Oh my fucking god. They actually got married. That’s so surreal, I thought for sure their engagement was a joke or they’d break up before they reached a wedding?? Yikes.
Also am I the only one that thinks she just tried to picture what Katie’s wedding would be like and went with that? Like the black dress, the purple flowers, the crystal crown I could all imagine Katie wearing, but I’m probably being nit picky.
>>88042I doubt she’ll ever get over her obsession considering literally her latest ig pic is a failed attempt at replicating a make up look Katie posted on her PRIVATE ig like a week before emalee posted this. But I can’t find Katie’s ig even though I follow her to compare
No. 88120
File: 1586230250948.jpeg (92.77 KB, 750x1333, 3D278045-61A8-4F1F-8003-BDF813…)

>>88012This video is so awkward oh my word. It’s like no one told them this was a video, not a photoshoot?? They’re so stiff and unnatural. And the sword thing didn’t really bother me because heaps of people have ~quirky/nerdy~ parts of their wedding these days, what made me cringe is this pic from her stories because his fucking grin makes him look like a child when they convince their sibling to do something dumb. Absolutely not cute.
>>88083All I’ll say is thank GOD she didn’t do her own wedding make up lol this is a whole ass mess (I saw Katie’s original look too dw)
No. 89158
>>88120At this point, I believe that Jack is 100% just as guilty as Emalee. Emalee is obviously mentally ill, and I think Jack eggs on her copying. He came on here vehemently trying to defend her with the claims that she liked and did all of this stuff before or separately from Katie, but also claimed that he likes Emalee because she's nothing like Katie…when in reality, if this really was all just a coincidence and Emalee is innocent, that would make her
exactly like Katie, not ~nothing like her.~
He's also proven himself to be at least somewhat aggressive and threatening, based on that message he sent to Katie's mom demanding that she tell Katie to unblock him.
I also don't see how he could be SO innocently stupid as to genuinely not see what Emalee is doing.
I'm curious about the circumstances behind his breakup with Katie. He gives off psycho vibes to me.
No. 89182
>>89158absolutely yes. He seems really weird and his logic is completely flawed when it comes to defending emalee. He never addressed all the photos, he just said “yeah but she liked Marilyn Manson and WoW since befOrE sHe WAs BorN!!” I don’t understand how anyone could look at what she’s done and say “yeah? So what??” like it blows my mind
I’m guessing when he says she’s not like Katie, he meant in personality and within their relationship? but her personality comes off as unstable at best, and she clearly can’t handle
valid criticism. I’m more curious if they’ve ever had a disagreement and how they handled it lol I can imagine he’d say and do anything to make her not have a breakdown (if she can blame an internet thread for a miscarriage, imagine what manipulative crap she’d hang on him if he didn’t support her 110% for something) he was trying to make Katie look like a bad person, and who knows we don’t know her, but your wife isn’t some sweet, innocent, victimised angel either.
Everything on this thread is her own doing, this thread probably wouldn’t have been made if she got some mental help as soon as people noticed she thought stealing her bf’s ex’s identity while lying about her at the same time was a normal thing to do.. the fact that he was so ready to come and defend her actions instead of getting her help privately and helping her take accountability is the opposite of love and care imo. I would never defend my partner stalking someone and breaking the law, no matter how much I love them.
No. 89186
>I’m guessing when he says she’s not like Katie, he meant in personality and within their relationship? but her personality comes off as unstable at best, and she clearly can’t handle valid criticism.That's a good point and very likely true, although she's very unstable like you said. I wonder if she goes so far as to try to copy Katie's personality, mannerisms, etc., and we just don't see it since it's not on the Internet.
>I’m more curious if they’ve ever had a disagreement and how they handled it lol I can imagine he’d say and do anything to make her not have a breakdown (if she can blame an internet thread for a miscarriage, imagine what manipulative crap she’d hang on him if he didn’t support her 110% for something) he was trying to make Katie look like a bad person, and who knows we don’t know her, but your wife isn’t some sweet, innocent, victimised angel either.>Everything on this thread is her own doing, this thread probably wouldn’t have been made if she got some mental help as soon as people noticed she thought stealing her bf’s ex’s identity while lying about her at the same time was a normal thing to do.. the fact that he was so ready to come and defend her actions instead of getting her help privately and helping her take accountability is the opposite of love and care imo. I would never defend my partner stalking someone and breaking the law, no matter how much I love them.I agree, and that's what's lead me to think that Jack might be a manipulative instigator himself. Emalee's actions are her own, she needs to take responsibility and seek help. I just have a hard time believing that Jack isn't actively making it worse, beyond just trying to defend her. I mean, surely he sees what's really going on; my question is, is he just in denial, or is there something more malicious behind his supporting Emalee? Idk, something about it just doesn't sit right with me.
No. 89192
>>89186>I wonder if she goes so far as to try to copy Katie's personality, mannerisms, etc., and we just don't see it since it's not on the Internet.This has crossed my mind too. When Katie came here, she said she’d only met emalee once, but obviously jack was around her for ages so he’d know her, and I also have a feeling that maybe emalee’s obsession came from jack not being over his breakup with Katie? I think they got together quite soon after Katie so maybe he’d talk about her just a bit more than someone should talk about their ex, so maybe emalee picked up on how Katie acted and what she liked, and absorbed it so she could “keep” jack? Obviously just a theory but there’s so much that could’ve happened behind the scenes to make these people the absolute trainwrecks they are lmao
> I mean, surely he sees what's really going on; my question is, is he just in denial, or is there something more malicious behind his supporting Emalee? Idk, something about it just doesn't sit right with me.Oh absolutely, like denial is a hell of a drug but his total arrogance in his posts here and the message to Katie’s mum make me doubt that he just doesn’t see it. I think he probably tells her that she’s not doing anything wrong and to “keep being herself” (read: stolen from someone else), because he doesn’t like Katie and any torment she faces and talks about is okay with him.
In conclusion, yeah I agree he’s just as gross as emalee and they both make my skin crawl
No. 89287
>>89192It's good to see as time goes on Anons see the puppet strings behind some cows behavior. He was certainly encouraging this, we can assume his first gf broke it off, and when the second started skinwalking his ex probably due to his obvious obsession with said ex - he encouraged and defended it.
It's a way to get back at the ex constantly by harassing her via a third party, and the copycat is pathetic enough to keep up the harassment and skinwalking for years to amuse herself and please him. Imagine being Katie and seeing all this madness go on for years just because you dared to break up with some scrot.
The other cow that people have recently realized is potentially being controlled by her husband is Stephanie from the Fellowship thread. She definitely reached a point in her appearance where it's undeniably something encouraged and controlled by her husband - why would an asexual person go that far. Anyway just thought it's interesting/good to see those nagging thoughts about the role the male plays in this are louder now.
No. 89298
File: 1587341123037.jpeg (183.34 KB, 814x816, 7007E24C-8E2D-492E-99BE-5BD0A3…)

No. 89310
>>89287Yeah it’s obvious that he doesn’t give a single fuck about his gf’s insane behaviour, and if it was directed at any other girl, it would be creepy as well but because it’s his ex? It just makes the skinwalker look pathetic and insecure, and it makes him look petty, immature and negligent, and if this was happening to me, I’d be worried that they could be dangerous.
I’m also interested in what role some men have in the behaviour of their mentally ill female partners. Like with Stephanie, how far would she have gone if her husband didn’t project his fetish on her? Or was more encouraging of her own interests? And in this instance, I don’t think emalee would’ve gone so far if she had a mature, reasonable and supportive partner. Guys like them just come across as massive narcs and I don’t doubt jack definitely played a larger part in this than it seems at first glance
>>89298Where are you guys finding their wedding stuff? I’ve seen her post a couple pics on her stories but that’s it
>>89307I just hope Katie can feel safe to share it if she wants to because at least once she won’t have to worry about her skinwalker stealing something important from her (tho I wouldn’t put it past emalee to have another wedding just so she can copy Katie again kek)
No. 89320
>>89298She looks like a cartoon villain here, and he looks like a complete asshole. How fitting.
>And in this instance, I don’t think emalee would’ve gone so far if she had a mature, reasonable and supportive partner. Guys like them just come across as massive narcs and I don’t doubt jack definitely played a larger part in this than it seems at first glance This is what I believe. Not to excuse any of Emalee's behavior, but she sometimes seems straight up delusional and she needs to be in therapy. Jack taking advantage of that and encouraging her sick behavior to torture his ex is completely psycho.
No. 89365
>>89313LOL so true. A small part of me wants to see the massive breakdown that would ensue if Katie copied /her/ wedding (not saying she would but that would be some sweet ass milk)
>>89320Yep. They’re truly a match made in hell and I’ll bet this won’t be the first time they show their fucked up, anti-social behaviours, because they never had to take accountability or learn from this. God help their children if they still decide to procreate.
No. 89381
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Karma. That shit is a bitch.
No. 89382
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No. 89385
>>89381Dealing with an
abusive, manipulative parent is terrible, and I’m sorry but how is her name change a deep secret that no one knew about? Jack’s had his real last name public on facebook for a while, and if your dad’s been stalking your social medias, surely he’d know his last name and that you got married because you posted about it? I’m confused about how this is entirely the thread’s fault.
And of course she’d respond to a comment left on a virtually dead thread from 5 hours ago, she is completely incapable of moving tf on. You’re so manipulative it’s sickening
No. 89398
>>89392Tbh I bet she was the one to post her Facebook name changed to Emalee Outlaw, I doubt many of us didn't know already lmao. And the fact this post
>>89359 was made 5 hours before anon posted these from her IG story
>>89381 which states
we made her dad start stalking her again because we posted her last name… absolutely retarded logic
No. 89404
>>89398This is a really good point. She’s blamed us for some crazy shit before, and I think she gets a real high from being able to point fingers at someone that’s worse than her, so I wouldn’t put it past her to force that. I wonder if admins could come on and check the ip address for this post
>>89359 and see if it’s the same as any of her comments on the thread..
No. 89499
>>89488Yeah it’s definitely one of the most bizarre things I’ve seen on the internet (and sort of real life because I know some people who know these girls). It’s crazy knowing that Single White Female isn’t just some creepy movie, it’s real in emalee haha
and yeah, claiming harassment without any proof is something she’s always done, even before this thread. She used to say it was Katie herself but now it’s the big meanies on the internet uwu I wouldn’t take her word for it that she’s ever experienced any real harassment. That comment with her name is the only thing I think is questionable from this entire thread but she’s over 18 and uses it for her fb, and I don’t think for a second anyone on here has sent her anything directly because the REAL
victim has stated it could make things worse and most of us respect that.
No. 89507
>>89499Yeah that's true. Plus it's difficult to know whether any of the people being more "rude" are legit, because of the possibility it could just be her trying to make things look good in her favour. I do feel a bit bad for her because obviously she must have some major issues or at least crushing self esteem issues.
Also, does anyone else feel like Jack might be more responsible for this than he lets on? I don't have evidence or anything i just kinda get that vibe. Did Emalee start copying before she started dating Jack? was there any change in her skinwalking after she met him?
No. 89513
>>89507idk I used to feel bad for her because of her obvious issues, but that doesn’t excuse her behaviour and if she didn’t have malicious intent, she would’ve apologised as soon as Katie said how uncomfortable she was, so after years of acting like she’s done nothing wrong and that she’s the
victim, my sympathy ran out.
Some of us had this conversation a couple days ago and yeah I think he’s just as bad and a complete enabler. As far as I can tell, the girls didn’t really know each other before jack started dating emalee, so everything she’s done to Katie has been while they’ve been together and essentially co-signed by him
No. 89527
>>89519yep, at the very least he'd be questioned by the police and if he breached it multiple times, he'd face charges and possible jail time. also pretty sure in victoria they're called intervention orders, not restraining orders, so it's weird that she called it a restraining orde, especially if she's so heavily involved with the the police and the court, and wouldn't she have to apply to modify the order with her new name anyway? for full protection, you have to have your home and work address listed so they know where they can't go… I have a lot of questions
>>89382 has she posted anything else?
No. 89534
>>89381>>89382Honestly taking this with a grain of salt when she blamed lolcow for her miscarriage, too. It wouldn't matter what happened to her, she would deflect it back to this thread. Katie and this thread are her obsession, she has to associate everything with it somehow.
And like
>>89387 said, the thing about her mum is total bullshit as we haven't even spoken about her here.
No. 89609
File: 1587597011379.jpeg (48.46 KB, 750x587, EAF8150C-92B9-49C3-A09F-E2F46E…)

This girl really privated her acct and removed her profile pic and bio(why??) because SHE used her real name on her social media
So dramatic
>>89534oh totally, she could get hit by a car and say it was lolcow’s fault, she could slip on the ground and say we made it slippery. she wanted a reason to have another cry about us and she would’ve used any excuse
No. 89661
>>89609Big kek because this thread is over 3 years old and mostly inactive. But
ofc, we are the source of
all her woes (if they even exist kek). Theorising her panties must be in a constant state of being in a twist because she responds so quickly to a dead thread. That, and it must be alopecia inducing to be constantly reading/rereading here, being compared to your obsession, but being considered the exceptionally off-brand version. She brought this on herself, along with her autist boyfriend. Luckily Katie dodged that massive bullet. We have some distant mutual friends, and I watched her disappearance(s) from social media. Now knowing why I wish her only the best.
No. 89920
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Saw this on the wedding photographer's insta. She even commented on it positively lol.
No. 89966
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>>89958thank you omg I thought I was the only one who saw she looks like she has crazy eyes irl
especially in this pic (even tho it looks like she's moving or talking, but the photographer still shared it anyway? I'd be pissed if this was me lol)
No. 89968
File: 1587869129727.png (2.78 MB, 750x1334, 99621150-FE61-4C3D-88B9-7D517C…)

This made me snort. Oh you’re so enlightened and above caring about your physical appearance (which is laughable on its own) and you want people to compliment you on your brain? Girl, your brain. is. disordered. And that’s not to say that people with mental/personality disorders can’t be intelligent, thoughtful or kind, because obviously they can be and many are, but when your brain literally tells you that it’s okay to stalk, harass and bully someone whose done nothing to you, then you don’t deserve to be complimented on your brain because it’s ugly too.
No. 89974
>>89966(snoops) All of this photographer's photos are very good, but all are basically "photoshoot of woman with man as a prop" she obscures the husband's face half the time.
Kinda hilarious when your wedding photos are you and a lens flare
No. 89982
>>89974Yeah I noticed that too, it bothers me. I’m guessing she spends a lot more time trying to make the bride feel comfortable and confident and the guy’s just there. Still pretty though
>>89975Seriously, I’d bet the only time this girl has ever felt confident in her appearance is when she’s ripped a look off Katie. I think it’s why she’s so unoriginal when it comes to her style and makeup, because why do your own thing when you can just copy someone else’s whole appearance?
>>89977Lmaoo I didn’t notice that, but wow what a fucking big brain
No. 89986
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>>89966Nta, but nope she's definitely outwardly insane looking. She got them crazy eyes.
No. 89992
>>89983Just another Katie thing
>>66735 >>46525 except it doesn’t look as terrible on Katie because it looks more like ~goff~ brows and not just a horrendous over-plucking job like emalee’s
I wonder if she’ll regret the make up choices in 20 years looking at those pics. The hot pink eye shadow with red hair and a black dress on the wedding day was a choice..
No. 102033
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Just another reminder from Emalee herself that she’s still a massive piece of shit who doesn’t understand that this applies to her more than anyone else. I can’t believe she STILL wants to play the victim when everything she “had fun creating” was stolen and she essentially gave the girl she stole from ptsd from her creepy ass behaviour.
She’s been posting these boo hoo poor me subtweet-esque posts on her stories for the last couple weeks and it’s so weird (also 17 hours ago was like 3am in Melbourne lol girl anyone who’s ever criticised you is living rent free in your head)
No. 103563
File: 1593646316679.jpeg (87.93 KB, 750x669, 436F7548-7141-4AD7-97CB-E26765…)

Emalee started following this new account and I’m 100% sure it’s hers. Her followers/following is just her friends and family atm but it looks like she’s opening a new online store after she only started making candles like literally a week ago? I’m sure this will go great, like her completely unoriginal handmade clothing stores even though she had less idea how to make a proper garment than pixielocks lmaoooo
No. 103673
>>103595I haven’t seen or heard anything about Katie for months. She’s still on fb but I don’t think she accepts friend requests from many people and I haven’t seen her anywhere else. She must be well and truly done with this situation and social media, which is sad but I hope she’s been healing and doing okay
>>103563Also yes she posted on this account tagging her main like 20 minutes after it was posted here lol. Why does she think she’s good at everything after a very short period of time and worth other people’s money??
No. 103818
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>>103673Do you know if she's grown/growing out her fringe? If not maybe Emalee has finally accepted her natural form? Not that her style isn't still an old rendition of Katies, she just facially looks like herself.
No. 103853
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Her new obsession is acting like she doesn’t care what we say here, she keeps posting these dumb things to her ig story
She also mentioned wanting lip fillers and after her rant about how she’s so smart and doesn’t care about appearances just made me cackle
No. 103854
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No. 103873
>>103852I can't believe I had a small sliver of hope for this one, she's a lost cause.
>>103853>>103854These posts would normally be inconsequential, but Emelee is a special kind of insane so no doubts there.
No. 103903
>>103873It just proves in my mind that when she apologised to Katie years ago, she didn’t mean any of it, she probably just tried to manipulate her to get this thread taken down.
Like after all these years and all this evidence, she’s still delusional enough to think that she’s innocent and we’re just “accusing her of something she didn’t do” like girl, you did this, just own it, get some damn therapy and move. on.
No. 105417
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No. 105457
File: 1594958382630.jpeg (445.65 KB, 750x1084, 8FFF9726-44C8-4D25-A909-2218C8…)

>>105417Damn she tries real hard to make people think that she doesn’t look like this. Her face isn’t even recognisable to her selfies and I did not expect her to be that size. I’d feel bad for her obvious body issues if she wasn’t such a terrible person kek
>>105448That’s so true. And they’re already the embodiment of Chanel vs Walmart too
I feel like we need to mention her username ghoulira and soyhauntedcandles/soy haunted candles (dumb name but whatev) so that when people google her, the thread comes up. Also can I mention how bad this scent description is? The word “pungent” does NOT make me want to buy this lol and the featured fragrances have no idk harmony? They just sound like random “pungent” smells put together with a label on it that a child could design
No. 105459
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>>105417When I opened the image, it loaded up like this (1/2)
No. 105461
File: 1594959568947.png (2.59 MB, 1440x2560, aaaaaaaa.png)

>>105459So I saved the image to try and see it properly, and this happened
Anyway I reopened the browser and finally it loaded correctly. tfw this woman is actually cursed.
No. 105463
>>105461Oh also this is a screencap of my photo viewer, because the actual image wouldn't upload and said "failed to resize"
I've never had issues opening PNG on this phone before, in fact it defaults to PNG as an image file format. So…uh…what happened
No. 105464
>>105457>PungentI am deeply saddened I'll never be able to smell its glory anon.
>>105459>>105461That's pretty much curse confirmed.
No. 105471
>>105457"this candle is two distinct scents… also four other random scents…"
maybe I'm nitpicking and this is normal for candle companies but at the end of that description I no longer know what to expect this to smell like
No. 105479
>>105463Your phone needs an exorcism now anon rip
>>105471No it’s not normal as far as I can tell. Most indie candle shops describe the scent in a setting sort of way like “smells like fresh blueberry pie on a cold spring morning” or some shit and then list the scents, like “strong scent of blueberries with a light hint of vanilla and caramel”. Most shops seem to describe how the room smells after burning the candle so customers can get some idea and then list the scents, usually no more than 4. I have no idea what this bullshit would smell like, except “pungent tart” like?? That sounds unpleasant at best
No. 105495
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>>105479imo “pungent tart” describes emalee perfectly. this cringey cursed bitch should have made the candle smell like her: fousty bride dancing in a polyester dress, with hints of desperation, stress sweat, jealousy, and cheese.
No. 105501
>>105495This is now my favourite comment on this thread omfg
Also those “totes cute n funny” tv show and wow references are going to age like milk. I thought vowels were supposed to be timeless declarations of commitment to each other, words you remember and cherish forever, not some passing references/jokes that are seemingly already irrelevant to you since she hasn’t mentioned wow in over a year despite being such a ~wowhead gamer grrl~
I don’t use this word much but god that ceremony sounds like pure fucking cringe (and awkward bc I doubt most of the people understood any of it)
No. 105502
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>>105495I appreciate you anon
No. 105738
File: 1595152531302.jpeg (164.18 KB, 1125x2000, 3A0C5323-5630-43F7-839A-C7A65F…)

So emalee posted this pic to her ig stories and I was wondering about the kitten thing since I vaguely remember both girls mentioning kitten stuff, like kitten play?
No. 105739
File: 1595152868934.jpeg (887.05 KB, 3407x2109, 473F679F-7736-4125-84AA-8B1C66…)

So I did some googling to see if I could find out more (like who did it first) which was hard because they’re both had a bunch of different usernames, but I found this kitten play store that had reblogged both of them after getting their collars from the same place and omg???
Katie got hers first, but the caption of emalees wow… it’s so passive aggressive and defensive, like “me and my master take this seriously” but apparently it not seriously enough to come up with a creative, unique collar to you since Katie’s was also pink and white with a bell. Also more of her nonsense trying to defend the use of her littlefawn username (even though jack apparently called her “deer”? Why not be littledeer first then if the nickname existed before Katie had that name…)
So funny seeing how out of her mind this girl is
No. 105741
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I think she was just salty seeing as how every time Katie got reblogged by this store, she got way more recognition
I can’t find much of emalee mentioning it after a while but Katie still gave little hints (I followed her back then and she was never super blatant and obnoxious about this part of her life) like using collars in her outfits
No. 105742
File: 1595153186542.jpeg (151.13 KB, 844x960, B913F731-3A3F-4AED-860C-7D66EB…)

>>105741Also her store definitely hinted at kitten-y things like the line under the store name
>>27400 No. 105743
>>105741Crazy that these caps are from 5 years ago and she's
still stalking her now.
No. 105835
>>105743>>105780Yeah these old posts are really indicative of her attitude and sort of show why she literally can’t not respond to this thread as often as she had. Like she was that defensive and wanted to prove her (delusional) “superiority“ before many people even called her out, of course she’d champ at the bit to get the opportunity to directly respond once this thread popped up.
I really wish this thread had existed back when they were in their kawaii phases and they were more active/popular, I bet there’d be like 5 full threads on this bitch by now kek
No. 105899
>>105739Can confirm that Katie was into the kitten play scene first. Years ago we were mutuals on Instagram and Katie had a pretty popular page and blog, then one day her account suddenly vanished.
I found her again when she became interested in larme and started her online store. I distinctly remember coming across her stalker in both of those communities and even had a hard time distinguishing between their accounts because Emmalee would copy everything down to the small details. I had no idea at the time just how disturbing this all was
No. 105962
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>>105961Absolute legend anon
I don’t really care who did the kitten thing first, the fact that once Katie started doing it, emalee copied her whole personal kink AND her custom collar and ears is majorly fucking creepy. Just yet another reason to ask why jack had no problem with emalee basically cosplaying Katie in the bedroom…
No. 105964
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Also this one is absolutely demented considering the time stamps. She would’ve rushed as soon as Katie posted her pic to take photos to give her bf a boner while trying to look like Katie. Sick.
No. 109609
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>>109607nah I made a post and then deleted it because errors
but yeah I don't know if this should be saged or not but funny story, I googled this thread because I wanted to see if there was any updates but I saw one of those notices at the bottom of the page when links have been blocked so I clicked on it and this page popped up I thought it might just be a coincidence that it came from the AU so I googled "kittimei" "littlefawnxo" and Emalee's full name and the notice was on all of the search result pages, so obviously Emalee tried to have this thread blocked from search results when you google her name (also it was her married surname so she must've tried to block the page recently) and it just made me laugh at how pathetic it is.
We know you still lurk this thread daily Emalee but this is just embarrassing. Literally nothing on this thread is against AU cyber laws and also none of the evidence is "fabricated" you nutcase. This failed takedown is more fabricated than anything on the thread lol when was your address shared? Where were you threatened?
This girl complains so much about other people doing things to her without proof that it's infuriating
No. 109610
>Complete defamation of character. Fabricated information and thread vendetta against [Emilee Outlaw]. Evidence being used is fabricated and [Emilee] has chosen not the share her side for legal issues. Threats indicated towards [Emilee], doxxing and home address revealed.This DMCA is more fabricated than anything mentioned in this thread kek.
It should have read:
>Undeniable evidence [Emilee Outlaw] is a skinwalking stalker and manipulator. [Emilee] has chosen to not share her side because it would incriminate her further. One hollow threat from some tardanon was enough to validate her victim complex, along with other fabricated claims that support the complaint. [Emilee] would like to obscure her and her foot boyfriend's malicious, obsessive behaviours through this false defamation claim. No. 109613
>>109610Yeah I had a look at the website and it seems like it’s more about collecting statistics than actually protecting internet users and they basically want no responsibility if the claims filed are real or not. Idk entirely but I’m like 98% sure emalee just wrote that herself, like “has chosen not to share her side for legal issues”, that’s so badly phrased lol I think she meant legal “reasons“ but she’s literally framing this as a legal issue. You have to share your side in an actual defamation case, you can’t just say oh I don’t want to proceed with this legal case for legal reasons wtf lmao absolutely brain dead
Anything to avoid admitting to herself that this is all her own fault
No. 109614
>>109613Yeah, I noticed the shitty attempt at sounding professional too. I'm also willing to bet she wrote it herself as well. I guess the poor sentence structure and word choices are indicative of her vast intellect
implied here
>>89968 kek.
No. 109672
>>109668An anon above found the original link and there’s been some from this link and newer screenshots posted throughout the whole thread.
There’s some pics in there that aren’t timestamped and some don’t even have the username of which girl posted what, but there’s more than enough with time stamps to prove that Emalee was just straight up copying intentionally, without a single doubt, so how she and her rotten husband can defend it is laughable
You know the saying “once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern” well she did it like a hundred times so what’s that kek
No. 109686
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>>109661I feel the same anon.
Also holy fuck the comparisons are damning. This one brings a whole new meaning to the phrase off-brand, and that's me withholding my harsher critisisms.
No. 109709
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>>109672It's been a long time since I first read this thread from the beginning, but Emmalee sending Katie these messages pictured in that photobucket and calling her at 4 AM is beyond the pale. Katie has every reason to be terrified of this stalker.
No. 109736
>>109726She probably had Katie’s photo open on her phone and was getting more frustrated as she took her photos because they weren’t similar enough kek side note I’m guessing this is before she started budgeting how much money to spend copying Katie because that wig is yikes too
>>109709Damn this must’ve been before I started following her because I never saw these and probs skipped over them in the op’s photos because wall of text lol but that’s really fucked up, the messages are so dumb but prank calling is legit harassment if it really was Emalee, or Jack pretending it was someone else, that wouldn’t surprise me either
No. 109737
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>>109686i mean this pose is from the series so it could have been innocuous but she copied how katie was doing it exactly so…
No. 109738
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Another wall of text I must’ve missed but this has made my blood boil more than anything else on this thread. I always wondered how she used to say it was Katie stalking her, like who could believe that when comparing their social medias at the time but holy fuck, if she goes this hard on a tumblr post, I can only imagine what she says behind closed doors. The amount of vile manipulation and distorting of reality is almost unbelievable, like she genuinely wrote this using the emotional perspective of her victim?? I have no words. She’s a vindictive bitch who knew exactly what she was doing because here she is describing it, “feel like my identity has been stolen” “I have never been so insecure and afraid” “I am not a bad person, I would never think of doing this to someone else.” She wanted to be Katie so badly, she literally tried to appropriate the emotional turmoil SHE put her through what the fuuuuuck
Also her excuses that she’s not a stalker? “I haven’t stalked anyone before, why would I start now?” Is that a joke. There are so many problems with that, where do I start? “I have better things to do” sure jan. “Why do you feel so privileged to even be stalked?” Idk Emalee, here you are complaining about how awful it is to be stalked so why on earth would you also consider it a privilege? Big brain here strikes again with flawless logic. (Also “I will not play games with someone younger than me” I’ve heard they’re like 6 months apart in age lmao)
I hope more than anything that Katie gets some peace after this, every time I think Emalee’s the worst, something else comes up that tops it and I can’t imagine what it’s like to be on the end of this girl’s pitchfork.
No. 109741
>>109738Since you still read here, Emalee, you dumb whore, how the hell is it possible that, for years, Katie has someone ascertained the psychic ability to predict every outfit you're going to wear, every hair style you're going to do, every picture you're going to take, every place youre going to travel to, every pose, every caption, every color, and then do it days, weeks, months before you? How? How is it possible for her to have found out about your forest witch aesthetic change weeks before you did it, and how was she magically able purchase every exact wardrobe piece you were going to wear in just enough time to wear it before you did?
Fuck off, Emalee. I take solice in knowing that it is still extremely easy to find this thread by searching your name on google/yahoo/being etc. without it popping up automatically in the search results. You will never be anything but a bland old woman known for copying a sweet, shy girl online.
No. 109767
>>109766Oh wow she really claimed that Katie was trying to pre-emptively one-up her by getting a Sailor Moon tattoo "before" she did
The absolute insanity
No. 109769
>>109767And about the pink hair “I’m still going it dye my hair pink!! I’ve always wanted to for the last 3 years!!!!” Like okay? How was Katie supposed to know that? Also very different from this
>>47433> Oh I just wore a wig like Katie’s hair because I can’t possibly dye my real hair boohooShe also posted on ig that she’s going to go to a therapist soon and “get tests done and maybe diagnosed” but she’s previously said that she was already in therapy?? And she’s also said that it’s too expensive and the wait times are too long to see a professional a couple times as well so who knows what the hell is actually going on. But I’d love to be a fly on the wall for a real assessment of this waking talking mess lol
No. 109771
>>109738Wow, this is brimming with insanity. Fuck this bitch honestly. If I ever see her in public I won't be able to help myself but crack up laughing knowing the retardation she's spewed online. She more than made her bed when she cruelly latched onto Katie.
I take solace in the fact she'll never know out of the people she interacts with/passes on the street how many know what a malicious shrew she is.
No. 109774
>>109773And that's why therapy will never work for her. If she's not honest about the stuff she's done she'll never get better.
But honestly, Emalee's a nasty, manipulative brat and I hope she gets here's. Katie seems like such a gentle sweetheart, I feel so bad that she had to go through years of being stalked by such a crazy woman. I'm half hoping Emalee comes here and posts just so we can see the crazy, but I know she won't. People who are innocent have nothing to hide.
No. 109777
>>109773Yeah that annoys me so much, like this is such a huge part of her behaviour that needs fixing and she could still live her life never addressing it
>>109774Well anon have I got a treat for you lol she’s talked about this thread a few times on her ig and she’s been here to defend herself like 2-3 times now? As well as her brainwashed tool of a husband.
>>27522 her husbando
>>40572 Emalee herself
>>47433 her claiming we made her miscarry
>>64482 her again
>>89381 sperging on ig because her real name is public info
No. 109778
>>109777I should have clarified, I meant come here and post
again, kek. I've been following this thread since the beginning and it's been a ride.
On another note, I just realized that Katie's been gone for months. Does she even have an instagram or anything anymore? I know Emalee Outlaw's is Ghoulira, but when I searched for Kate's nothing comes up. I'm getting really sad about it, because that means Emalee truly has chased her off the internet. What a cow.
No. 109780
>>109778Oh yeah her brand of crazy is definitely something to behold haha
I think Katie left in Feb/March? So yeah about 6 months which is a while because usually she tries popping back up with a new username or account but I don’t think she has. She made a post on her stories before she deleted inviting her mutuals to add her on fb but I think I remember her saying she was really done with insta and probably wouldn’t be coming back. Mentally, I think it was the best move for her to completely cut emalee’s access to her and distance herself, but also she’s really creative and she seemed to genuinely enjoy sharing the clothes she made and photos she took so removing that avenue for her to express herself wouldn’t be easy, for most creatives. It really bums me out because you can tell she tried really hard not to let emalee “win” and to just keep doing her but we can’t forget that she was pretty open about having depression and anxiety and there’s not a lot of people in that position that could deal with a vindictive, manipulative stalker cow like emalee breathing down their necks everyday for like 5ish years
No. 109787
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>>109786samefag, i'm unable to delete the post for some reason, but katie's profile photo features her with no bangs. emalee surely has seen it because her latest selfie is her poorly brushing back her bangs and it makes her forehead look ginormous.
No. 109788
>>109786>>109787I remember Katie posted that pic of her and her bf on ig a couple months before she deleted so my guess it's from early this year
She did also mention that she'd been growing out her bangs and posted a couple selfies without them which were cute, so yeah of course Emalee just decided that bangs were no longer for her /eyeroll because yeah she needs them to cover up that fivehead (no shame in having one, I do, just need a good hairstyle that suits your own face, not someone else's kek)
No. 110098
>>110055Yeah it's weird, like I'm pretty sure she's been doing this since around the time they got together, so so much of the foundation of their relationship is hatred for his ex and defending Emalee's actions against her, I feel like that's how they built the "teamwork" part of their relationship and it's so unhealthy.
I literally will feel so bad for any children they might have because they will fuck them up if they think this behaviour is okay or acceptable in any capacity.
No. 110169
>>110146It is literally real life Single White Female. Someone mentioned Ingrid goes West on this thread but she's not creepy enough to embody Emalee lol
>>110153Oh man I totally agree. Like unless she had proof of Emalee specifically harassing her, Katie couldn't do anything. There's no protection against this thing and most cops/boomers will say "hah just block them xx" but Katie did on everything. They need like a full IP block option or something. And this bitch copied the entire theme and direct designs from Katie's online store which is infuriating for an artist, but again, what could she do? Fashion designs aren't protected, it might have raised some law enforcement/legal eyebrows in context with the rest of Emalee's stalking but there's no actual ramification for a situation like this (even though if you told me Emalee tried to kill Katie one day, I'd believe it in a heart beat because she's got that many screws loose)
It just makes me laugh any time Emalee threatens "legal action" against Katie and this thread, because like hello? The only one of you with legit proof of stalking is Katie and she can't do a thing, why do you think you can? Because an anonymous person on an obscure website called you fat and you think that's bullying? Maybe consider things from Katie's perspective and you'll see what actual bullying and stalking looks like… Just a thought lol
No. 110728
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Normally if this came from anyone else I wouldn't disagree, but the fact this is coming from Emalee is just too ironic to swallow.
Emalee, 97% of the stuff on this thread isn't just petty gossiping. You STALKED and BULLIED someone. That is not up for debate. When are you going to get that through your "big brain"? You genuinely don't deserve any cheering on, in any capacity, from anyone. That's like giving a dog a treat after it bit another animal lmao
No. 112526
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So Emalee posted these on her stories recently, and I'm so curious what this is about because her copying honeybloodxo's posts was mentioned in the op (there's only a few pics in the original album of Emalee kinda copying her but not to the extent of Katie)
Is there another person involved in this beef?? Anyone know anything about this girl?
No. 112542
>>112526It's bad enough that Emalee has one
victim, let alone multiple. It looks like this Lila girl has removed all the posts from her account at some and is on a hiatus? Wonder if it's related.
No. 112546
>>112526>>112542I'm guessing shannen is her actual name, her and Katie were friends back when Katie was active in the j-fashion/larme community because iirc Katie took photos for a brand called honeybloodxo which must be Shannen's brand.
I don't know if she had anything to do with Emalee, but honestly Em is the girl who cried wolf now. She used to make these same dramatic posts about Katie and Katie never did anything to her, so I don't believe for a second that she's being "harassed" again kek
Though I'm also curious about if Shannen has had any contact with her, especially after this long and if she knew about Katie's situation
No. 112550
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Ok she actually elaborated for once lol
Apparently she thinks Shannen made this thread which is milky af because apparently she was friends with both girls? She could've been friends with Emalee to get tea on her, but yeah this is all weird as hell (also seeing Emalee call someone else a 'lying and conniving psychopath' just fucking tickles me for some reason kek)
No. 112551
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Here's her "proof"? Neither of the message screenshots have a dates, idk why Katie's username is at the top, the ChimiBonBon name is nothing like Katie's or Emalee's etsy store after Emalee copied Katie and having bonbon in a name was pretty common back in the day, and the only similarity in the bottom pics is the phone cases but like.. what does that prove?
She sounds unhinged like "I needed to piece the puzzle together and I have" when I can't make sense of any of this lol
No. 112558
>>112550I know Katie's sort of relevant to this but god I wish she would just stop mentioning her. Katie's gone Emalee, you scared her away, you did NOT need to mention her name so much. Leave her alone. also you call Shannen manipulative and yet you describe yourself as "a targeted frail/mentally unstable woman"?? The irony is too goddamn much considering you also targeted a frail mentally ill woman…
also maybe I'm confused but I still don't see why she's calling this girl out now? The screenshots at least all seem to be from years ago
No. 112577
>>112550>Your own personal cowAnd I keked. Aside from that I could only manage to breeze through her contrived sperg. Isn't this bitch like 25 and married? If it's not making public assertions out of the blue to convince herself she's the
victim, it'll be yelling at retail employees and posting negative reviews on fast food Facebook pages. Mark my words kek.
I'll believe spergella when she posts actual proof a new fighter has entered the battlefield.
No. 112596
>>112567Yeah that remark is funny
>I literally don't do anything besides being a boring uni studentThat's not true, you're doing something right now, almost like a pattern. You, Emalee Outlaw, try to hurt people by publicly starting these venomous campaigns against anyone you don't like, often full of complete lies. This vitriol is so out of left field, like all your other public meltdowns, and it seems like it's just because this girl wasn't a great friend and fucked up? Fine, you don't have to be friends with her. Not every disagreement with someone needs to become this massive public battle.
Saying you're not worth keeping tabs on is just a lie because you post shit like this and it's entertaining when considering what you've put your
victim through so lol
>>112577Yeah she is lol this is supposed to be your fun years when you can find friends that really suit your growing maturity and this girl is just screaming from the hills "don't ever be my friend and step out of line because I'll never let it go". also
>it'll be yelling at retail employees and posting negative reviews on fast food Facebook pagesstraight truth anon kek
No. 112606
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oh my god Emalee, just shut. the. fuck. up.
what is this honestly? why are you still going on about this crap? this thread is pretty insignificant, why are you so fucking tilted all the time? yeah we don't know much about this shannen character but you haven't said anything substantial that would make us care about her involvement. boohoo she made the thread, almost 4 goddamn years ago…
why are you so insistent on dragging katie through the mud with you when she has literally not said a thing about you in ages and as far as I can tell, she doesn't have any involvement with this thread. you need to just keep your mouth shut and get over yourself. who cares about her fucking username anymore?? why does it matter if you were friends on fb?? that makes it worse not better you absolute cretin. you mentioned her full name and I hope she fucking sues you.
No. 112609
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if you read the site you'd know that full names are fine if the person is over 18, but that outside that Katie has grounds to sue you since you have now clarified that everything you've ever said about "kate" or "katie" is about her and not some other Katie, so good job.
this thread is here to criticise your very criticisable behaviour. you don't express the behaviour, we don't use the thread, but you do. you absolutely do cause harm to people, over and over again by trying to fight us, how do you not understand that? you did fucking drag her, you dumbass, by trying to discredit her side and accusing her (again) of making fake accounts and harassing you, like you've always said and never proven. you tried so hard for years to make people irl and on the internet believe that she was stalking you, and that you're the victim, which we all know is a blatant lie, so by still bringing up her name for any reason other than a massive public apology is dragging her into your utter mess.
there's "nothing you can say or do" because your behaviour is not defendable so stop trying. end of.
No. 112613
>>112609Did she just delete her instagram? Because she herself decided to publicly air her years old dirty laundry? Unreal.
I'm with you anon, she absolutely tried to just subtly bring up Katie and once again defend herself with not a single lick of logic. This wall of text is somehow still just as nonsensical as her others, I genuinely don't understand how her brain works, like
>I haven't shared them because it was stated we would keep this between each other which obviously hasn't happenedhow does she not understand that while claiming that she's perfect and hasn't done anything wrong, she is implying that there's only one other person to blame which is Katie, and not that she herself has done and continues to do some really questionable shit on social media.
I want to believe that this time she'll finally let this go for real, but given her past record of acting like the world is ending and then sneakily coming back one month later says otherwise.
No. 112621
>>112615That's what bothers me so much. It's very clear that Katie wants nothing to do with this anymore and that Emalee has more than enough problems that aren't related to Katie, yet Katie is still in her head all the time, she's still a target of Emalee's rage, and it's so crazy that she still doesn't see how her behaviour is her own problem and isn't Katie's fault wtf
>>112618She has nothing to say lbr if she had any actual evidence other than what she posted about Shannen, she would've posted it everywhere by now. She has nothing and her saying "your evidence is as
valid as mine, at least mine has a date" is so dumb because she's posted comparison screenshots like twice? and we have a whole thread lol
I'm convinced she posts these dumb meltdowns on ig to 1) distance herself from the thread, so she can "defend" herself without actually being a part of the conversation and 2) because she wants people to dm her and coddle her and say "aw I don't know what you're talking about but those girls are such meanies and you're perfect uwu"
No. 112652
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>>112526>>112550>>112551>>112606>>112609What an absolute psycho. How does she not conceptualise why she
still has a thread? None of these hair-pulling spergouts have any correlation to real life, or any semblance of a substantial
trigger/evidence. What's more frightening is she lacks the self awareness to realise she's living in her own paranoid delusion. It's been literal years, and she's still fabricating fanfics about situations where the other parties have long moved on from. I'm amazed she doesn't realise how absolutely insane she makes herself out to be without provocation. Honestly, I'm looking forward to her retail worker abuse/Facebook complaint phase because at least then Katie can finally live her life free of this vindictive gremlin.
No. 112691
>>112652that's what's so weird, this latest episode came out of literally nowhere, just because "shannen has stayed silent"? why wouldn't she lol it sounds like none of them have spoken in years, shannen and katie are probably focused on other things (unlike emalee). what purpose would come from her saying "sorry to emalee, I made a mean thread about her" like is it just nice to see someone admit their wrongs in the open? because… I've never seen you admit your wrongs and publicly apologise to katie soooo….
girl needs a full institutionalisation, not just therapy where she can walk away and resume her fuckery
No. 112709
>>112691So true anon. I'm still hella curious about the direct apology Emalee made to Katie on fb, because Katie seemed to think it was insufficient and since then we've seen so many examples of Emalee's complete inability to make a logical point that we can understand, so I bet the private apology is just as wild.
Feel free to prove me wrong Emalee and post it here yourself if you stand by it and think you're absolved. I'd be open to reading it.
No. 112731
Hi, not sure where to start if I am being honest…i really did not want to come here but seeing these new replies, its apparent that at least half of you want me to. So, I will take that as permission to post here… In all honesty, I did things to try and push her out of the community I was happily in which as I see it now was not the right way to handle things. I did screw up and I am embarrassed that I tried to belittle someone so much just because they chose to have the same interests and I failed to believe everyone evolves their characteristics and interests too, I did cause trauma and it is all my fault, there’s obviously more to it but I wish to disclose a few personal things and it’s evident that something isn’t right and scary to think that there’s something undiagnosed, however I do not have an obsession with Kate as much as everyone here likes to narrate. I do not want anything to do with her/relating to her/this thread/social media/shannen whatever after this. These are the consequences of my own actions and I do agree that the way I handled things was out of control and seen as hostile. I did make an effort to apologise to Kate which was not well received considering that she made a burner account to view my stories, but then would make a public statement wishing me “everything bad that happens to me, I deserve”, I do have evidence of, it’s kind of what I deserve. Anyway, if I had of done this, it would have been plastered everywhere. I am genuinely curious to know if her mum is aware of this thread and some close friends of kate sharing screenshots (even though she has assured me her friends aren’t involved, I call bs), this thread absolutely stems the main problems for both sides I believe and Shannen created it in a hastily rage way which was obviously not constructed very well. I am not saying I am right or wrong and neither is she. There is blame for both sides. I am not perfect, and I have fucked up, this time I am trying to set things somewhat straight. Things do not convey well over the internet.
I only mentioned her full name because I thought “well mine is being used, it’s only fair” type of way, I do not read anything beyond this thread so I am not aware of the bs “rules” this site has to get away with all the things it does. And to my understanding, her full name was already made public in that photobucket link along with what state she is in.. I have never sent Kate anonymous hate (as I only ever remember viewing her blog on a pink background with different font not white?) nor have I ever called her at some time in the morning like she and this thread claims, I am not even sure how she thinks I could’ve had her number? There is obviously someone out there other than me who does not agree with her for whatever reason. I wrote that massive tumblr post in 2014(?) because at the time I did feel like my passions were being stripped from me when I found out she too was into the same passions, admittedly I was deceitful and jealous. I do have proof of being in the petplay community far longer than Kate and when we did mutually follow each on tumblr, I obviously posted about it and reblogged stuff relating to it, which clearly rubbed off. Even though, I have absolutely no proof, I do know that I was in the Jfashion comm far longer as well and “littledeer” username means bs to her in my opinion considering my evidence with dates titled, as well as my “littleefawn” crap being used on/off Instagram etc. I have had old friends of mine message me about Kate confronting them which is reasonable and justifiable but also feeling like they were being dragged into it, she however is claiming that I have spread rumours about her is totally unjustifiable, I have not spoken about her to anyone besides Shannen and that was once.
Elaborating more on Shannen. On my behalf I believed we were very close at some point in our friendship, and I truly believed I was making progress in terms of developing a new friendship and even getting out of my comfort zone. I came to Shannen for a lot of things, advice, shop stuff etc. I distinctly remember coming to Shannen and asking where to go in Japan as it was my first time travelling there, however I was not aware of Kate going to any of these places. I had even bought Shannen Daffy duck crap to say thank you because we did enjoy the places she suggested. At the start of our friendship, I raised concerns about Kate, and it was mainly about worrying if Shannen would be some sort of messenger for her, idk. But she expressed that she would never do that, and I made sure I wanted to keep things between us all civil, however Shannen would incessantly complain about her verbally. At the time, I found it comical because it was sort of a “fuck you” type thing, but now that things have gotten to this point, its obvious Shannen was double crossing the both of us, at least that’s how I see it. I know there isn’t any more proof than I have provided that would solidify this, but why would I screenshot things if I thought at the time, we were good friends and that I trusted her? She never expressed any concerns.
As I have stated before, I do not wish to share it so publicly regarding my evidence, I think it’s best to resolve it offline and not in the public eye, also reiterating on the fact that I don’t want to share it because it could be taken out of context like everything I do say and to be honest, I fear that Kate would do something with bad consequences, considering she herself has also claimed to be frail and mentally unwell, I think it will do more harm than good at this point. And if that makes me the evil person, I am willing to take that gamble. Also, Kate’s mum has not made us aware at any point during the messaging that she felt uncomfortable with how things were worded, sure there was frustration but after dealing with accusations for so long, it does get fucking tiring, but I also I feel she would be the type of person to straight up tell us to “get lost” or even just block us, but she has not, so I have been free to think that everything was ok?
It has been said in this thread that it’s only being used to document behaviours, yet there is a lot of nitpicking/bullying/shaming/name calling going on as well which I believe is not beneficial to the situation, let alone productive hence my reasoning for not wanting to be spoken about and to combat this I have taken the advice and getting off the internet. This is only doing damage, and, in my opinion, I really do not think its productive. Keeping track of what Kate does is not protecting her like you guys claim, its counterproductive saying “oh she’s gone private, oh she’s back again, she posts this blahblah” because that’s not protecting her from “big bad Emalee”. I have no idea when she leaves/comes back, I do not check that and I know this will not be believed, but I will say it anyway just in case there’s a 0.01% chance of anyone believing a slither of it. I do have evidence of the person screengrabbing my recent stuff and I can assure anyone that no one else has even had a chance to look at my stories because this burner account is so quick yet not so quick to post in this thread, not sure of the reasoning, maybe they don’t want to seem obsessive? I do not know.
Personally, I know I come off as strong and arrogant but that is just how I have always been. But I am also extremely shy, introverted. I do not mean things in a malicious way; I did not mean to try and drag kate through the mud, but I really do apologise if that is how it came off. I am not trying to discredit her and her struggles; however, I do believe some of the things she has claimed and said are a little off and not showing the full extent of everything. I am sure if Kate wishes to see my side of things with evidence, her mum or herself will let me know if of course they feel comfortable. I just want it to be over and not resolved in the public eye as this involves some serious mental health issues that I believe should not be made public unless that person wants to. I am ashamed and its evident that I need more help than previously thought. I had been making positive progress before all of this started back up again and I am making a proactive choice to continually keep my distance after this and will be honest with a therapist. Please, I wish that my wedding photos are no longer posted as I never even made the video public. I would like a chance to move on and to put my problematic past behind me and try and live a somewhat relatively normal life. Please stop.
No. 112746
>>112731I appreciate you coming here and trying your best to be honest but you're still making clear omissions and implying things about Katie. We asked for your evidence, not your 637th personal statement.
I've listed some things I've noticed where you're directly or indirectly blaming Katie and I'd like to see evidence for these claims:
>I did make an effort to apologise to Kate which was not well received considering that she made a burner account to view my stories>would make a public statement wishing me “everything bad that happens to me, I deserve”>I am genuinely curious to know if her mum is aware of this thread and some close friends of kate sharing screenshots (even though she has assured me her friends aren’t involved, I call bs)>nor have I ever called her at some time in the morning like SHE and this thread claims>I do have proof of being in the petplay community far longer than Kate… I obviously posted about it and reblogged stuff relating to it, which clearly rubbed offHow can you not see how this sounds exactly like you claiming that Katie copied you?
>“littledeer” username means bs to her in my opinion Funny, because I asked her about it once before this thread was even made, and she said her boyfriend at the time called her "little dear" and she found it cute and he started making references to her as a deer and she made those usernames as a cute little message to him. Not proof that she had it before you, but you claiming it means nothing to her without even knowing why shows you still hold anger against her
>I have had old friends of mine message me about Kate confronting them>she however is claiming that I have spread rumours about her is totally unjustifiableyou're doing it right now by making negative claims about her…
>I fear that Kate would do something with bad consequences, considering she herself has also claimed to be frail and mentally unwell,what an insulting and baseless accusation. What evidence do you have that Katie would do something bad to you? She hasn't so far so where the fuck does this come from? She said she has anxiety and depression, neither of which inherently make people violent or aggressive. And if you're saying "something bad" meaning to herself, why would you care at all? You clearly don't care about her, and your husband clearly despises her so don't act like you care.
>I am not trying to discredit her and her struggles; however, I do believe some of the things she has claimed and said are a little off and not showing the full extent of everythingYeah her side obviously doesn't show the full extent of everything, it's hard to share all your evidence of stalking in one lolcow post and a couple of blog/ig distinctly made with purpose of asking you to leave her alone.
I've noticed over the years that you say Katie herself says that you copied this or that, but I've never actually seen anything specific like that coming from Katie herself, it's always friends or followers around her that can put two and two together. This thread is a perfect example; people have speculated that you just dated her ex so you could copy her, but Katie has never publicly stated that for a fact. Her followers noticed your Japan pics were identical to hers and so you must've copied her trip, but Katie again never stated that herself. You hold every aspect of other people's involvement against Katie herself when it's not her fault that people saw her photo of a new skirt, and then you post the same skirt 2 weeks later and make the fair assumption that you copied her. That's where so much of this stems, it's literally not her fault that other people have eyes and can compare your content.
Either way, I know asking for evidence is fruitless because it always has been. Genuinely, good luck getting help because lord knows you need it.
No. 112747
>>112731Apologises aren't meant to be multiple paragraphs of you subtly discrediting someone who barely knows you exist, with no evidence. I'm a distant mutual, also from Melbourne, who used to know of Katie and found this thread after her disappearance. I've seen other anons elude to that being their only connection to Katie too. This site is for observing insanity for laughs, we're not Katie's personal gang of friends.
If her close friends were initially involved, I don't doubt they've long fucked off by now if they're not farmers. Not that it would make much sense considering Katie condemned this thread's existence literal years ago, and posting private milk would be a risk to their friendships.
Being hung up on weird inconsequential shit like "her username" or "petplay" doesn't suddenly eradicate the mountains of evidence we have of you copying her captions, outfits, custom dresses, photos and even harrassing her with your boyfriend… Katie's ex. I don't know why you find it feasible to shirk responsibility (for one of the most unsettling things I've seen on the internet) onto Shannen? So, she allegedly told you where to go in Japan. Does that mean she made you wear the exact same outfits and recreate Katie's photos almost exactly? If I believe what you're saying, Shannen entrapped you using your own vicious obsession. Even if she was playing both sides nothing would have happened if not fuelled by your incessant, illogical obsession with all things Katie. I don't see anything you've said so far as justification for your actions, maybe you should try accepting responsibility and being the bigger person for once?
>As I have stated before, I do not wish to share it so publicly regarding my evidenceBecause you know what you do have is laughable at best and condemning for you at worst. It's rich hearing this schtick from a person who has continually attacked people online, in the public eye. Just yesterday you aired a bunch of retarded evidence meant to incriminate Shannen. All it did was make you look even more psychotic to the vast majority of people who had the misfortune of reading your evidence lacking "smoking gun". You're 25, it's about time you grow up and stop making excuses for yourself. Even better move on with your life. You're married for God's sake. If you don't act like a cow, they'll be no milk and this thread will fade into irrelevancy.
Please, stop with the fearing Katie larp. You're the one who as trailed her for years. You're the one who lied to your husband and got him to message her mum "about having words". You're the one replicating every tiny detail about her even down to your current style. You're the one who's considered threatening by your years long vindictive obsession. And you're the one who being unable to deal with the truth, consistently fabricated lies about Katie being a stalker, then spread them to whoever would listen.
What makes you an evil person isn't "being frightened of Katie's retaliation/bad consequences", it's the way you continually frame yourself as the
victim even when attempting to have a balanced approach. Get Katie's name out of your mouth, because if I was her, regardless of what you tried to use as "evidence", I would retaliate on the premise you're still talking about me alone. You don't know how lucky you are picking someone with a mental state that's easily affected by your obsession. God, you're dense… Her mother obviously knew what you and her ex were doing and wanted to mediate the situation for the sake of Katie's mental health, and in the hopes you'd fucking leave her alone. I'm sure that's the only reason she was polite. She didn't want to fuel your hatred any further. I don't even know that women, but if you had any concept of sympathy/human behaviour you'd realise that.
No one cares what you think is counter productive, or whether you think you're being bullied. You forfeited your rights on the internet by consistently acting like the worst kind of maniac and you somehow expect people not to comment? It's good you have to read the things people say about you. They obviously don't get through, but maybe, just maybe, one-day you'll be able to understand how Katie must feel. If it's doing damage apply that same logic to her and then realise why she disappeared from the internet. You don't get your feelings respected when you have no respect for anyone else. Keeping track of this with the thread is only counterproductive to your incessant stalking. I'm sure Katie doesn't enjoy it, but if we don't keep track of it you'll continue to do what you do unabated by guilt or other normal human emotions. I think we've succeeded if you're finally logging off. But if Katie returns I'm sure you'll be back too. We'll still be here though, documenting your insanity until you stop hurting other people. It seems having consequences to your actions are an extremely annoying deterrent for you, this thread should have existed from the beginning if I'm being perfectly honest.
>I do not check that and I know this will not be believed, but I will say it anyway just in case there’s a 0.01% chance of anyone believing a slither of itYou're still skinwalking Katie's style holy fuck why would anyone believe you? Clearly she doesn't own the aesthetic but whatever she moves into shortly there's you dressed the exact same, with your social media looking the exact same. Hell, you even grew out your fringe to mimic Katie… which doesn't suit you btw. If it wasn't already obvious there are people sceengrabbing your stories because thousands of people visit this site daily, and you're exceptionally milky despite being an irrelevant thread, on an irrelevant board. That isn't hard to comprehend. You can scheme and theorise it's Katie or Shannen all you want, it doesn't make it the case. You come off as unhinged and entitled, but strong, no. You choose weak
victims but shit your pants at any actual confrontation. Nobody here thinks your predatory bullshit makes you come off as "strong". And you certainly don't get to mention her name a whopping 13 times in your post then claim to want to apologise for dragging her name through the mud. Please get the idea out of your head that herself or her mother would ever want to hear from you. I'm sure they've long moved on and would not like to be reminded of the trauma you've cased them.
>I just want it to be over and not resolved in the public eye as this involves some serious mental health issues that I believe should not be made public unless that person wants to.What you did was public, therefore the public will comment. Don't air your dirty laundry and then expect people not to talk because "muh mental illness". Take responsibility for your actions instead of trying to be the
victim by attempting to bring up inconsequential claims about Katie and Shannen - which no matter how you look at it, aren't relevant in proving your innocence. Once again your wedding photos were posted because you decided to upload them to social media. Can you not hear yourself? Pleading with us is exactly how Katie must feel but in regards to your stalking and harrassment. But her pleas fell of deaf ears, so why should yours have any creedence? I feel sorry for you, but not because of this paragraphs design or your intention. I feel sorry for you because you are a delusional person who can't come to terms with their own actions. You're feeling sorry for yourself because there's a force pushing you off the internet so your behaviour isn't constantly trailed… Does this sound familiar to you?
I sincerely hope you get the help you need, but we're not going anywhere. If you choose to continue what you're doing we wont accept your mental health as a
valid excuse. Just know that if you decide to continue your old shit again, we'll be here.
No. 112760
>>112759Seriously. This psycho needs to leave people alone.
Stop lying, skinwalking and copying people. Get your own personality if you're not going to own up to it.
No. 112763
>>112747>Being hung up on weird inconsequential shit like "her username" or "petplay" doesn't suddenly eradicate the mountains of evidence we have of you copying her captions, outfits, custom dresses, photos and even harrassing her with your boyfriend… Katie's ex. Right, which is why her claim of not having Katie's number is bullshit. Like I wonder how she could get Katie's number while dating her ex boyfriend? Wow it's gonna take some sleuthing to figu- oh just look at his contacts or call/text history. Wow solved this case! Mystery solved!
I did not read any of her bullshit past this point, but she obviously has no remorse for relentlessly stalking this poor girl, and STILL maintains that Katie somehow copied her, via a time machine. So dedicated to copying poor Emmy that she travelled back in time to make posts months before Emmy of the same things, and make Emmy look bad! Unbelievable! Wow! Get a life for gods sake and admit to what you did wrong, instead of maintaining this delusional perspective where what you did was somehow justified. You stalked her, plain and simple.
No. 112766
>>112763Also fyi I am not connected to this in any way. Just a random farmer, like most people in this thread. Emalee clearly has delusional fantasies where everything is about her and everyone is thinking about her, when she is the only person doing any obsessing.
Also, the internet is a poorer place without Katie, who seems pretty and creative. As someone who has been stalked without explanation, it makes you second-guess everything you post and is generally shitty. Nobody except Influencers should have to deal with this kind of thing, not tiny accounts of creative girls. You're stopping someone before they even start when you harass someone this intently when they're only small and have yet to experience the benefits of their appealing traits.
In summary, fuck off Emalee.
No. 112780
>>112759yeah the way she worded that was so bad, it definitely seems like she still thinks she has ownership of something she likes and that Katie encroached on her territory, so she deserved to be harassed and bullied away from that thing, even though in literally 99% of cases, Katie liked the thing first. just pure twisting of facts in her own head.
All in all, it's pretty obvious that Emalee still doesn't see the extent of her actions if she thinks all she did was accidentally copy a caption and two and sit idly by while Katie was apparently doing more bullshit than her, which again, I've literally never seen anything similar to what Emalee has accused her of. What kind of demented logic do you have to have to even humour the idea that the
victim of your spiteful and endless shadowing and lies would ever feel comfortable talking with you or would even want to hear from you, in any context, ever again?
If you can't defend yourself without throwing your literal
victim under the bus with completely baseless and unproven claims, then you can't defend yourself. And again, if you're putting her name next to anything other than a sincere apology, then you shouldn't mention her goddamn name so much. This thread is about your behaviour and sorry but I fail to see how any of the things you've unfairly accused Katie of would ever make what you've done okay in any way, especially if she never did any of those things (and I think it's the reality that she didn't) which just makes you even worse and frankly more repulsive.
No. 112782
This is a perfect example of why you think you can't come to this thread despite us constantly asking you to. It's because we want a concise and sincere accountability for your actions, and instead you come here and say the words you think other people want to hear, like you're sorry and you don't mean to cause harm, but then you sprinkle in petty remarks about Katie and imply that she deserved what you did to her, and it's HER fault that you're viewed so badly when it's literally just you.
So yes, I know you're probably upset that we haven't embraced you with open arms this time, but it's because you are showing before our eyes that you haven't changed, that you don't care about traumatising someone you said yourself was in the same circle as you, and that you're just trying to get us off your back because we're so ~mean~ when really, we just have empathy for Katie, while you have literally none.
No. 112802
Jesus christ what a load of rubbish. I had lot of reactions to reading Emalee's comment but you guys
>>112746>>112747summed them up pretty much perfectly and I agree with all of it.
Also one funny tidbit I wanted to point out
>In all honesty, I did things to try and push her out of the community I was happily inbecause I was a part of the j-fashion community in melbourne and on tumblr/fb/ig and I literally never heard of or saw you before Katie joined. I knew of Shannen very distantly and followed Katie, but I genuinely don't remember ever seeing your name ever pop up in some of the popular groups or in relation to anyone else in the community. Your only relation to the community WAS your skinwalking shitshow and I knew a few people who made a distinct effort to avoid you because you creeped them out, so lol
Stop lying to make yourself look/feel better.
>I do have proof of being in the petplay community far longer than Kateit's almost like kinks are personal and private and not everyone is comfortable with immediately sharing their kinks publicly or have to be part of the online community to be
valid. How novel.
No. 115659
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>>115614Well Katie doesn't have social media and didn't respond here, which is kinda disappointing considering how much crap Emalee blamed on her, but not surprising as I doubt she reads here
I think Emalee's active on twitter but on private (with the most ironic header ever holy hell)
This thread is always dead when the both girls aren't active.
No. 173219
>>173154someone already tried bruh
>>67917 I think everyone agreed it was pretty fucked
I just hope Katie is doing better
No. 173473
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>>173463I'm pretty sure she permanently deleted her ig because I haven't seen her account pop back up, so if she did return to ig, it could be under a different name but yeah I haven't seen anything. and she didn't really use any other platforms other than tumblr years ago.
Interestingly enough, when creepshow art was being outed on lolcow, I watched Emily artful's videos about her and actually saw this comment from Katie on the first one
Pretty sad if she actually got any hate messages from dumbasses who might've believed Emalee but I was glad to see she hadn't died lol
No. 191417
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What a meatloaf
No. 191847
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>>191620Hard doubt. She posted this today, peek the candle kek
Her stories for the past month have also made it abundantly clear that she still lurks Katie’s ig hardcore and has no personality without stealing it
No. 192695
>>191847Copying the home decor like the throw and the couch. Truly sickening.
The stalker is so untalented and unartistic that after this long she still can't even reproduce the original photo compositions properly.
No. 192705
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It’s so weird, it’s like she can’t help herself. Months ago, she was posting “sexy” neon and nerd stuff, but now that Katie’s back and posting lots of nature and bookish stuff and actually goes outside? Look who’s suddenly posting the same stuff.
That pic with her dog is weird as hell too because Katie posted on her stories that day about going on a drive to a waterfall and then like not even a couple hours later emalee posted on her stories going for a drive, and then posts a pic at a waterfall… different waterfall luckily for Katie, but like…
No. 195764
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I’ve literally been waiting for her to make highlights on her profile like Katie’s and lo and behold they’re the exact same. This girl is fucking shameless.
Her new pic is talking about going to a new uni and I’m praying it’s not the same as Katie’s, because we know she’s not above that level of stalking…
No. 195860
>>195831Absolutely wild. I cant imagine putting so much effort vetting who follows me on social media, but also watching who follows your literal staking
victim just to block them, and within hours? Who does this crap.
>>195849Shes done that a few times, maybe not weekly but it’s clear emalee will throw all her time and resources to follow Katie. Im still upset she didnt go as far as shaving her head when Katie did kek
No. 195877
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poor katie.
No. 195878
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placing bets, will it look like katie's current hair, or a previous style?
No. 195894
>>195877Why are her friends trying to follow her, that’s what I want to know. Her profiles public emalee, surely you don’t need minions to keep track of her lol
>>195878I don’t think it’ll be the same as Katie’s, she’s not ballsy enough for bright colours and has previously just bought wigs of Katie’s hairstyles (a perfectly normal and sane thing to do btw /s) but I will put money in that it’ll be a similar length with bangs
And after all the effort of growing them out after Katie did, sigh…
No. 196049
>>195878i am guessing balayage or bleach with shadow root. then she can use a turquoise toner to match katie. and then if katie changes her hair, emalee can easily match it with a new colored toner
cheaper than buying 500 wigs
No. 196137
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I was right, it’s front bangs with a medium length lmao sounds like someone we know
No. 196391
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emalee's PC setup/her photos in general have never had a lantern, but Katie posts lanterns sometimes so now emalee inserts one. she also posted one on her story a few days back. it's such a weird little thing but what else could the inspiration be?
No. 196406
>>196391I think it’s from a bar she goes to? Not sure exactly but I know she posted a pic of a single drink next to a lantern in what looked like a bar the other day on her stories (which made me chuckle bc Katie had posted a pic of multiple drinks while she was out that same night a few hours before emalee. Nice to see Katie has friends and emalee apparently drinking alone kek)
Also speaking of friends, I was curious who would be in her follower list that would try to follow Katie and I found a group of people who had a photo with Jack and emalee in it. She has like 2 or 3 other ginger female friends and one them has short bangs with a bit of blonde. She posts shibari a lot which probably “inspired” emalee to post that more sexual stuff a couple months ago. The kicker? Her name is Katie… what does this girl gravitate towards people named Katie??
No. 196477
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>>196430Nta but I assume they mean picrel. Nothing too risqué in the picture, just throwing a spoiler because she probably doesn’t want to be dragged into any of this. As
>>196406 said, emalee follows a few gingers, all similarish in style. To be fair, none that unique in their respective Aussie cities (majority, if not all, from Melbourne)
No. 196514
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>>196477Yeah that’s her. Thanks anon, I wasn’t sure how to post it bc yeah didn’t want to drag some random girl onto the thread. I just find it weird that she absorbs details of all of her friends, like more than a normal person. She’s the definition of this meme.
I just hope for this Katie’s sake that they don’t have a blow out and emalee becomes an aggressive weirdo like she did with that Shannon girl. I’d also laugh my ass off if it was this girl or the people from her friend group who tried to follow Katie.
No. 196515
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Also samefag but has emalee ever mentioned lotr before this? Katie’s been posting about the new show in her stories for weeks and some of her captions are from the books…
No. 196758
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is emalee dumb as shit or what. you can literally have this same pump after 1 day of lifting
No. 197764
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No. 197829
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>>197769yeah her posting the new one made me worried too. she also tagged the artist and of course Emalee follows her.
I hope that her feeling like she got some power back will persist through the day Emalee gets the same one again…