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No. 3717[Reply]

What is this?
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No. 3748


No. 3751

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No. 3774

>no removable nozzle
I want a bidet so much

No. 3937

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Actually, it's a child-sized sink. As a small child, my daycare had these, along with smaller toilets.

No. 4028

>>3717 its for washing your feet, indoor swimming pools in Germany have this kind of thing

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No. 3931[Reply]

It looks like "game" has become mandatory, and it saddens me greatly. I'd like to hear women's opinions.

I'm a typical nerdy guy, zero luck as you'd expect. I've read through a lot of advice, all around from pua shit to more traditional and softer ones that openly claim to distance themselves from the toxic pua attitudes. The thing is, they all have common threads. They all present some of the same manipulation techniques, some of the same psychological triggers, same advice in different words.

It's as if I want to get a girl in today's society, I have to play the game too. Without manipulation, "just being myself", I won't even get my foot in the door, with 80 men next to me using those techniques appearing much more attractive, valuable, sexy.

Now, I'm not claiming I'm hot shit, or even a Nice Guy (tm). Having read up on those things, I now notice people using them. They're not without grounds, some of them have been verified by science. It makes me awfully sad that I now have to wear that same mask, play that same game, play on girls' feelings like they do, just to be on equal footing, just to get a chance.
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No. 3935

Not a femanon, but from my perspective, none of this shit is worth your time beyond building up your self-esteem.

If you pull a girl in with an act, you're going to have to maintain that act. Personally I'd say you're better off just making who you are more attractive instead of working on a mask that will eventually slip. It's never good to start a relationship off a lie.

On the other hand, it would be good of you to be aware of women's shit tests and the games they play. I highly recommend listening to everything involving Patrice O'Neal you can find. That's the proper attitude to have, the right mindset. I would not recommend "beige phillip" to the same extent, but Patrice'll set you right.

No. 3938

I've read The Game and some PUA stuff and while the ideas behind a lot of it are right, the execution is absurd. You don't have to do stupid shit like magic tricks or dressing like a retard unless you're trying to get 10/10s (if you are, fuck off). Manipulation and mind games aren't necessary at all.

In the end, it's pretty simple - if you act shy, insecure, overly deferent, etc, you are literally telling her that she is above you and you are low value. If you like yourself and have self respect, you are telling her you have value and she's not too good for you. Don't suck up to her, don't try to be agreeable and inoffensive, don't go over the top with gifts and shit too early in the relationship, this shit is common sense but so many men just don't get it. Desperation is the biggest turn off and nerdy nice guys broadcast it constantly.

No. 3947

This is the first thread I've made here. Are you mixing me with someone else?

No. 3948

>Without manipulation, "just being myself", I won't even get my foot in the door, with 80 men next to me using those techniques appearing much more attractive, valuable, sexy.

Yeah, you will, if you stop comparing yourself to others. I know, I know, that's an old line but it's true. Work on your strengths, have some self-respect, respect that every girl is different and while that means some will never give you the time of day, some girls will find whatever you have to offer appealing and that has potential to become something more. There are more than enough typical nerdy girls out there.

All the time you would waste playing the 'game' is time you could spend on self improvement, which is going to boost your confidence and make you appeal to more girls.

No. 3950

That's decent advice, except I've spent the last 12 years on self improvement. As a result I'm financially well off, have lots of skills, speak five languages and learning a sixth, etc. And of course still KHV.

No. 2059[Reply]

What would you do if you woke up with a penis?
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No. 2211

Fuck every household object I could think of. I've always said that if I had a dick I would just put it in random stuff. It's not like I get the impulse to put weird things near myself but it seems different with a dick. I'd be hollowing out melons and fucking sandwiches and gloves of spaghetti all day. I'd love to try one of those crazy Tenga devices too, I guess?

If it was a long term thing I don't know what I would do. Hopefully my boyfriend wouldn't mind a bit of dick but it would get more difficult later in life if I wanted kids. I would have to learn to tuck for the clothes I wanted, random erections would be annoying.

Yeah pretty much

No. 2226

>I'd be hollowing out melons and fucking sandwiches and gloves of spaghetti all day.

Dear god anon. Why did this make my day?

No. 3846

>ll perks I can come up with depend on looks. Once they fade, you're irrelevant.
That's your starting capital to build something with for when you're older.

And men who can't live up to those standards just kill themselves, hence you see less of those failures later in life.

No. 3864

>Don't women attempt suicide more
Attempt, yes.
Succeed, no.
Men tend to use guns, women tend to use pills. If you OD you can get your stomach pumped, but it's hard to put your brains back in your skull.

>more likely to develop depression

Yes. Also anxiety disorders However, this might just be reporting bias, as the men that develop depression and anxiety disorder just kill themselves and don't get reported.

No. 3865

>35 year old woman is better suited to having kids

"They found that, on average, the risk of having a child with autism was approximately 50 percent higher for a 35-year-old mother than for a mother in her mid to late 20s."

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No. 3703[Reply]

Just wanted to send a message to this largely female board of western women. I despise you and I hate you because of how vile all you women are. You all are foolish women not worthy of life. You live off your female privilege and are surrounded by your delusional narcissism that evelopes your being. There is no doubt in my mind that you worldy women are inferior and have always been inferior to men. You are animals who are incapable of the level of wisdom that a man can achieved. The purpose of humankind is different for men and women. Your purpose on Earth is to serve and please men. That is the reason for your existence. That is why you have breasts. So that we may be enticed and comforted by them. That is why you have a hole that goes inward as we pierce you. However, none of you are worthy of being called a woman. You are not women, you are the equivalent to a manchild. You are but little girls who are narcissists. That is all. I hope my words pierce your callous fornicating whore hearts.
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No. 3738

Just wanted to send a message to this largely male board of western men. I despise you and I hate you because of how vile all you men are. You all are foolish losers not worthy of life. You live off your penis privilege and are surrounded by your delusional narcissism that envelopes your being. There is no doubt in my mind that you worldly men are inferior and have always been inferior to women. You are animals who are incapable of the level of wisdom that a woman can achieve. The purpose of humankind is different for men and women. Your purpose on Earth is to serve and please women. That is the reason for your existence. That is why you have balls. So that we may be enticed and comforted by them. We produce and raise future generations. You men are only good for a one time act and can be discarded. All you men are disposable. That is why you have a disco stick that goes up as we entice you. However, none of you are worthy of being called a man. You are not men, you are the equivalent to a manchild. You are but little boys who are narcissists. That is all. I hope my words pierce your callous self-loathing virgin bitter hearts.

(I love me some copy-pastas)

No. 3739

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>most Americans don't have foreskins

No. 3740


Saved for future prosperity

No. 3741

>had I been born in my mother country and not in the US I would have my foreskin
>ask my parents why they'd let this happen because "it was custom" or some stupid shit
I'll never not be mad
I didn't have a choice in this
now I'm sad

No. 3859

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I do!

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No. 1858[Reply]

Can we have a thread for these people?

>Loud as fuck, usually speaking over women

>Believe they have the power to decide what's sexist and hurtful because they're ~allies~
>Using feminism as a stepping stone to garner female attention and/or exposure for themselves
>50% of the time are actually Nice Guys™ in disguise
>Complete lack of self-awareness
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No. 3779

Well known guy in my city claims to be a feminist and i met him on the street and he accused me of "following him" and that it would be "flattering" if I was. I was groped earlier that day so I stopped to question his attitude (normally would have walked away but I was upset and wanted answers) and he acted so mind blown I didn't kiss his ass/didn't know who he was at the time. He gave me no answers and walked away with balled up fists lmao. I think I was walking behind him for two blocks.

Real cool A+ guy who posts about mental health and other ironic topics.

No. 3789

*if I were

Stupid fucking whore

No. 3800

lmao no that's grammatically sound, tf is wrong with you

No. 3840

That image is so cathartic though. If those facts are true, idc to look them up.

No. 3851

Let me guess, you don't really have many guy friends?

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No. 890[Reply]

I've journeyed for countless aeons in search of a female community that can admit women get laid far more easily than men do.

Is this it?
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No. 976

>stats from a single dating site
>mirroring reality enough to render commonly believed stereotypes "outliers"

No. 2208

>Why are men so obsessed with getting laid? Is that like how you validate yourselves or something? It's pretty pathetic to be so obsessed with sex that you think it's some sort of injustice that less people want to have it with you than with [x] other group.

Yes men are obsessed with getting laid, testosterone = sex drive, and its basically a measure of virility and masculinity, and since guys don't just open up their legs and pussy drops right on top (unless your are justin bieber or something) then it proves to other guys you "got game".

No. 2238

So you're telling me old adage robots love to parrot about women needing sex and male attention in order to feel validated is actually projection?

Man am I glad to hear someone admit to it

No. 2241

Yeah, sure, but I don't think one-night stands are really that gratifying for women in general.

No. 3849

Well, it's not like that's how a man's worth is measured and the media memed some "you're not a real man until you got laid" into people's heads

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No. 3409[Reply]

Hey fellow girls, what's your favourite penis size, and what's the general consensus on 5.5 inches?
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No. 3747

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No. 3750

I prefer 5 inches and all the way down to 3.5. I am a very small girl so having sex with anything bigger than 5 destroys my cervix. I also can't preform oral sex very well with my tiny mouth. I am not the average women though so this probably isn't helpful to you.

No. 3754

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No. 3773

penises should be proportional to body size
no matter what your penis is like, give good head

No. 3826

>penises should be proportional to body size

wtf? you think short men should be double cursed with little dicks?

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No. 2258[Reply]

2, 3, and 5
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No. 3651

2, 3, 5. An attractive personality is important.

No. 3652

It's valuable.

No. 3685

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I don't get the point of this thread since women rarely compromise in real life anyways (they don't have to0>

Also, trade-off of the question is subjective.

Easy to see in this thread since the items not picked are assumed to be average or above average anyways.

Didn't pick tall? She's probably thinking her guy will be 5'10-6'0 aka "no tall"

Didn't pick romantic? Probably cause all they are assuming a certain level of romanticism set by their standards.

No. 3698

5, 2, and 9. I just want to be treated more like a princess.

I've been the breadwinner in every single relationship i've been in so i've never had that whole "Surprise we're going on a date!" experience and i've only been bought roses once. I'm not materialistic or i wouldn't have married my husband but it does make me a little sad he doesn't really do spontaneous romantic things.

No. 3825

Where's the BBC option? It should cost $5. I would pick it.

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No. 671[Reply]

Why is it so taboo? I personally only date white guys and the occasional asian guy (mainly because i find black men physically gross and hispanic men generally are really really disrespectful to me), but why is it so taboo? Why do guys care so much?
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No. 3776


Eh? Not really. Im from the UK and half black/white people and mix is the most common here. Usually though the dad is black and the mum is white. Im mixed too with that combo and parents so… never really had an issue? In the UK its more a religion rather than race like the US.


Thats pretty sick and pathetic. But to be honest I have known girls here in the UK to do that too "I want a mixed race baby because its cute!" or "yay hip hop aesthetic!" which is sad.

Also don't Japanese do the same? Like always wanting half white babies because they think they'll have these designer half white-high end bridge noses- with blue eyes and light hair? When really most end up looking asian anyway. You get the odd one that has light hair but its not that common.

I actually used to date a Japanese man. Im a bit younger in my mid twenties and he was in his mid thirties. He wanted children - I don't yet. But due to me being mixed and looking back I reckon it was his only intention to date me. He kept saying "So would our baby have blue eyes or green eyes?" and my eyes are a lightish brown and his obviously are black/brown. I was trying to explain how genetics work but I think he magically thought because I have white in me we would have kind of magical child. I got rid of him though thankfully because I felt as if he was dating me solely because I was mixed. It was weird.

No. 3777


Ive noticed this too here in the UK. There is a lot of Pakistanis and they're the most common Asian here really apart from the Chinese who just… who are just the most antisocial people ever.

Its annoying. I dont find Pakistani/Indian ect attractive at all and they're the most desperate to find love. But no one wants them.

No. 3780

Most japanese don't really want anything to do with foreigners in general. I think they can see how different white westerners cultures are to their own and don't like it. it's like you said, a fuck experience but not marriage material.

No. 3803


Quite true actually. My Japanese friend even he said to me "I literally want to fuck a white girl because its an experience" thats it.

No. 3823

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Black cocks are best cocks.

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No. 3782[Reply]

Women, especially hypergamous women, are genetically predisposed to welcome invaders and the destruction of their tribe/nation, by nature, their instincts always tell them to gravitate toward the more agressive male because subconciously they are genetically programmed to seek the greatest opportunity to accumulate resources and physical protection, and the agressive male is processed in their minds as the signal for this. If anything, yesterdays incident will make British women, and Western women even more actively seek out immigrants in an attempt to assimilate them. At a subconcious level, they will be submissive to the agressive, violent muslim male that seeks to destroy their society and will have utter contempt and disgust for the white male for "opressing them with patriarchy" but being unable to protect the tribe/nation. Its a cycle in every nation, no matter what technology or culture changes occur, women are just genetically disposed to submitting to invaders, and to be contemptful toward non-violent or defeated men. Theres a reason why Chad always win, a reason why the top-tier women always shack up with the highest-ranking officers of the invaders, and a reason why the queens of defeated civilizations become concubines of the conquerors
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No. 3784

Think about it every day LMAO

No. 3785

Topkek is this a copypasta

No. 3786

Is this something h3h3 said?

No. 3787

Can you not use my husbando for this?

No. 3788

its ok dude just put em in the TV

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