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No. 5872[Reply]

18 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 6216


No. 6217

Lick lick lick lick

No. 6218

Swish swish zzzzz swish swish zzzzz euggggjjhhaaaa ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

No. 6219

Okay fine I will blow up the middle school for you

No. 6220


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No. 6167[Reply]

I'm a virgin please help

No. 6213

have sex with me since i'm a virgin. i won't be able to tell if you suck.

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No. 901[Reply]

How do I abandon society and join the NEET life? I have everything I need - fridge, bar fridge and computer.

How do?
16 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2202

It truly is, I've taken up binge eating as a hobby and most of my days involve laying down in front of/with my laptop on my chest, day in day out. I haven't spent time trying to better myself, I've spent it posting on imageboards and Facebook and other stupid places. I'm bored out of my mind, it's horrible. It was only OK the first month.

No. 2207

holy shit you're right - pls say you have more. All her IG accounts are shut

No. 6207


No. 6210

kisses you

No. 6212


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No. 3742[Reply]

>mfw all this low effort bait from males get more attention and sincere replies here than a female posting on /r9k/
You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 3744

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REPORT thirsty gentlemen


No. 3755

there is someone with brains still left in this hellhole, wow

No. 4394

Srs. I wish mods would do a mass clean-up of the site and delete all these dumbass robot threads. Catalog is full of MRA copypastas and stupid questions from incels desperate for actual women to prove their agendas.

No. 4400

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You know you want it.

No. 6208

Nothing changed

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No. 2549[Reply]

Try the worldโ€™s shortest IQ test: Just 3 questions

Question 1:
A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

Question 2:
If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

Question 3:
In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

Check this out once you're done answering:

No. 2551

PS. If you get them right ya get a cookie.

No. 6206


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No. 1797[Reply]

Dear sisters, may I procure some of your oats please?
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 1989

Yes sister, you may have my oats for now but the favor must be returned sooner or later.

No. 1994

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You shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield, but on the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, so that the needy of your people may eat; and whatever they leave the beast of the field may eat. You are to do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove.

No. 2021

forced meme

No. 2044

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No. 6205


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No. 1990[Reply]

Can / should homosexuality be cured?
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No. 2049

If you mean gay therapy as in conversion therapy, you basically answered your own question. If you mean it as in therapy whose goal is to make you more comfortable with your actual sexuality, then that is pretty stupid/unfair, but I'm pretty sure that is a thing?
Either way, you got a bad case of self hate, over something you don't really have control over, my girl. You need to fix that, but acting straight probably isn't the solution. I say probably, because who knows, maybe you'll be that one out of I don't even know how many people, that it actually works on!

No. 2050

I've received professional help (to try to accept my sexuality) for almost 2 years but it didn't work.
Now I'm thinking if I should go the opposite way and try to repress it somehow, get gay conversion therapy or similar. Like i said, I'm not entirely lesbian, I like men the most, but if i had to explain my sexuality I'd say it's 60/40, so the gay is pretty strong, you know?

People always say GCT doesn't work but I really don't know what to do. I feel like lesbianism isn't/shouldn't be part of who I am. I was raised in a religious household and unfortunately I feel like I'm disgusting for being with women

No. 2051

Then just don't date women? You're bisexual, you like both. Seek out relationships with men if you want to be straight so badly.

No. 2052

I have done both. I said it before in previous posts. The thing is that I WISH I wasn't like this.

No. 6202

Noo noooooo nooooooooooio

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No. 755[Reply]

Do you find this woman attractive?
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No. 1804

She's cute in a creepy way, or creepy in a cute way

No. 1822

I thought she was Margo at first

No. 6022


No. 6023


No. 6201


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No. 2027[Reply]

As I sit here thinking about killing myself, I have realised that all women deserve rape. Especially you (yes you)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 2031

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t. pussynerd who faps to alt-right trannies and anime little girls

you don't deserve the flag in your pic just kys already

No. 2033

>And here children, you can see the lack of self responsibility, sprinkled with hints of mental illness and demonizing a marginalized group of individuals, solely for the purpose of making a rather ignorant individual feel better about themselves. Let's see how many VPNs he blows through today!

Introspection of self? Whats that?!

No. 2035

>moved to /sty/
Why not just banned

No. 2036

this seals the deal that all men are rapists and have no morals lol. they wonder why women love each other and not them

No. 6200

Porty porty yay!

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No. 997[Reply]

Does anyone else feel repulsed by people who talk shit about their former partners?
In real life, I will automatically think less of a person bringing up their asshole exbf/bitch of an exgf and will have a hard time taking them seriously.
If they whine about their current partners, I'll almost try to distance myself from them.
15 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 2043

You're kind of ignoring that a lot of the time once a person starts to show who they are instead of being on their best behaviour at the start of a relationship like a lot of people tend to be, that there's already emotions involved, and it's probably not as simple as "Yeah just view it objectively and leave them", right?

It's great you've never had a bad relationship if that's true, but you're being silly if you don't see why someone could be in a relationship that might not be best for them because they feel like they can fix it or the persons just going through something, or simply not noticing the change, or by that point already having strong emotions and simply not seeing the partner objectively as the negative influence they are, or any number of other reasons why someone would stay in a relationship.

I don't think many bad relationships come from the early dating phase before it's anything serious where it shows up they're dipshits or you just don't like them that much, it's later on those things lead to deterioration.

People who bitch about all their exes to make their current partner feel better or just to get attention are fucking annoying though, and are generally exaggerating pretty massively about their exes flaws.

No. 2057

What about the reality that tons of people get married to people they aren't even really in love with for whatever reason and then on top of that many stay together for years and years in an empty, meaningless marriage?

No. 2058

>victims of abuse only have themselves to blame!!!
>if you don't act just like me your duuum!!
>my breakups were ok there4 everyone'ss has 2 b!
Are you sure you aren't the one whose retarded?

No. 2078

Honestly I respect them, because they know they'll never find real love in life and settle for the most practical solution. Those that are impulsive and jump from relationship to relationship are just… ugh. I do really despise them

No. 6199


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