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No. 1148[Reply]

Previous thread >>>/b/21625
648 posts and 77 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 5211

I am so pleased you guys have found yourselves at home here in /sty/, this is exactly where you belong

No. 5212

Thanks for your concern but this place is an upgrade from /ot/, like a fucking mansion with marble floors and shit

No. 5213

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No. 5215

>sperg about pinkpillers
>still follow them everywhere and seethe even more
If a new site gets made, and it goes through a succession of admins like Lolcow has had, I'm sure you faggots will be there bitching at the admin that it was ackshually never a radfem site and that males/trannies shouldn't be banned, lmao. You're that obsessed.

No. 5221

>lolcow is misogynist to begin with because we shit talk female cows
Gaslighting clown shit seeing that we unironically had more male threads then than we do now. Farmers shittalked in general and specific about robots, 4chan groomers, coomers and racists. Until newfags started only wanting to talk about Instagram hoes, users of male threads went to KF instead. The revisionism is real.

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No. 5174[Reply]

who /oldfag/ here?

i know why you're here
are you also oldfag?
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No. 5188

Yeah, the way timing worked out was kinda weird. I was really surprised to see recent posts on this board.

No. 5189

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I didn't even expect replies.

I'm a bit ambivalent on it since I don't even like imageboards anymore, but it'll hurt my feefees to see this site finally go into the shitter.

No. 5191

Can anyone tell me wtf is happening in OT? I went to meta but it’s a shit slinging fest

No. 5193

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/ot/ was closed ~24 hrs ago for no reason at first, and only major threads were closed (dumbass shit, dumb questions, vent etc). People started speculating it was due to infighting or raids since the past few days/weeks there has been an influx of posters.
Around 12 hrs ago admins message was posted in /ot/ that it's closed for 5 days due to raids, but everyone seems to think that it's bullshit.
After that people proceeded to shitpost in /meta/ in kind of a childish manner but oh well.

No. 5204

What do you miss about old Lolcow? Did you like the board culture back then?

What was wrong with it? (in your opinion.)

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No. 4420[Reply]

hello frands

No. 5163


No. 5168

how are you?

No. 5195

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No. 5197

No. 5202

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Hey there, anon

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No. 3599[Reply]

I'm trying to figure it a trade to go to school for, so that I can work and make money during college. My options are cosmetology and phlebotomist. I'm having a hard time choosing….as far as money…which career do you think would be the best option?one of my teachers said that the jobs for phlebotomy are slim pickings but my friends and family are saying cosmetology is a waste of time. Can anyone give me some advice on what I should choose?

No. 5165

>cosmetology is a waste of time
So is retail but plenty of people work in retail to make money during college. I'd say go with the 'career' that you're more likely to get a job in i.e. cosmetology.

What's the source on that pic?

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No. 4401[Reply]

Hello ladies, please r8 my dog

According to the rules of this website, this content is permitted on /sty/

To hide a thread, press the minus symbol "-" in the top left of the thread

No. 4414

why are u flashing ur crusty dog to ur pet

No. 4415

That's a nice dong friend.

No. 5161

stupid piece of shit actually has a nice dog

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No. 506[Reply]

post em, be internet tough guys when people disagree with you
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No. 4525


No. 4526


No. 4527


No. 5144

Lol 😊😊

No. 5153

oof trot and clot are victim s of their abusive toxic greasy dad who isn't valid at all this problematic nonnie is triggered big oof

No. 3856[Reply]

I wanted some harsh, brutally honest and likely hypocritical responses to this scenario from femanons, so while I'm sure I'm going to get hate heaped on me once what I'm actually proposing is said, please do give opinions.

Think of the man you find most attractive on Earth, who you would most like to be with, then think of the man you find least attractive and have absolutely no interest in.

The first is wealthy and in a shape pleasing to you. He'll shower you with affection and presents, keep you in the latest fashions and constantly want sex, the catch? He has three to five other wives you would be sharing him with. So essentially you'd be given autonomy to pursue whatever hobbies you like, whenever he returns home it will be with presents for you, he'll constantly want to cuddle and shower you with love, but he does the same to the other girls. He doesn't go out and sleep with random women, and he would consult with you before bringing another into the household, but it is altogether possible there may in the future be more.

Second option is the guy you have no interest or attraction to. He has a low-paying job and would expect you to work as well. He has no designs on other women, but he may cheat in the future.

Which of the two would you choose? I've been pondering this question ever since I watched this video. It's the bit in the middle about the 80/20 rule. Essentially the claim is that when men are in total control, the number is closer to 80/50. Men agree with one another to each only take one public wife and possibly a mistress. But after the sexual revolution the number switched to 80/20, which is to say 80% of women reproduce with only 20% of men, seemingly happy to share a fourth of the attention of one "top" guy as opposed to having a lower status male to herself. This makes perfect sense from an evolutionary standpoint, better male means better children, but when I've discussed this with women the mere suggestion of it makes them angry.
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No. 4046

>That's not at all a statement on the freedoms of women in the country.
Are you one of those "equal outcomes" people? Like I said, they're afforded the same opportunities. Considering where they're located I think it's fairly compelling the place is so much more stable, wealthy and -relatively speaking- modern when compared to so much of the rest of Africa, and seemingly the main difference seems to be legalized polygamy. It's almost like allowing the "top" most successful men with the biggest sense of commitment and responsibility to publicly spread their genes to multiple women results in more successful, productive children or something. It would be interesting to see a side by side comparison to any of the surrounding countries, Liberia for example. Maybe I'll do that.

>one had absolutely no sources for the claims it was making that didn't link back to the site itself

You'd have to go through the chain of links, but you never said anything about the WashingtonPost or HuffingtonPost articles, I guess because you accept those as valid sources you just pretend they don't exist…?

>the other was irrelevant to your claim.

This isn't refutation, it's dismissal. "Hillary Clinton is president of the United States." "…But Donald Trump won the election." "DONALD TRUMP IS IRRELEVANT TO THIS CONVERSATION. I'M ONLY TALKING ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON."

>pointed out that they're dogshit sources that shouldn't be taken seriously

Which is a logical fallacy. To put it in context, it would be like me going "Hitler was against polygamy! Yeah, that's right! No polygamists in Nazi Germany! How do you like that, Nazi? You side with Hitler!" Just saying the source is "dog shit" isn't refuting it's arguments. Who makes an argument has no effect on the argument itself. Does Chris-Chan's full-throated endorsement of "women's rights" and "lgbt rights" mean the issues themselves are retarded since the person advocating them is? This is why it's a fallacy.

>It's the difference between saying "You're stupid, and you are also wrong" and going "You're wrong because you're stupid".

Hence "This source is dog shit" as the entirety of your argument.
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No. 4359

I have no idea what the fuck you people are talking about because I can't be bothered to read all that shit but I'm sure that whatever it is, it's not worth such long ass posts

No. 4416

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Jesus Christ OP if you're still around read Lacan, that domestication shit is hardcore jouissance.

No. 4435

I'd much rather choose a reverse harem tbh.

No. 4461


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No. 4528[Reply]

Previous thread >>727345

8chan thread


Micky is a disgusting, hambeast, tumblrina who claims be a csa survivor, sexual assault victim, bisexual, and have 10 mental illnesses. She's extremely disliked among her local community because of how much drama she causes and her tendency to lie. She started the "Kawaii Black Girls" page and group, both toxic like her. She tries way too hard to come off as a hard hoodrat from the ghetto, when in reality she's a scary wannabe valley girl suburbanite.

Aliases: Micky Martyrdom, Micky Moon, Micky Bunnie, Micky Magica, Miki Akemi,Kumicky Bunnie, Micky Melody

Real Name: Mikaila Jones

Notable Things

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No. 5139

>being this dumb

No. 5140

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These are screenshots I grabbed from a lip sync video she posted. She's still off and does the same shit as always. That aside, Micky is out here looking more and more like a man every fucking day. Yikes.

No. 5141

That wig is awful

No. 5142

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No. 5143

Moved to >>>/w/29742.

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No. 4423[Reply]

Hey guys, I am here to expose Jillian Epperly and her self proclaimed "PoopCult"

Jillian ADMITS to forming a "poop cult" and has convinced seemingly thousands of people to drink large amounts of salt water to induce diarrhea which Jillian Epperly refers to as "waterfalls".

Jillian Epperly is a coprophiliac who literally is obsessed with ALL things related to poop. She even "waterfalls" on live stream after drinking a 34 oz of salt water to induce diarrhea.

Jillian Epperly talks about sticking #3FingersUpHerOwnButt to "circumvent" her "waterfalls". She also digs thru her own poop and takes pictures of "parasites" that she finds in her own dookie.

Sadly Jillian Epperly has also convinced parents to give their children salt water. There are many graphic photos of childrens bloody stool and bloody diaper in Jillian Epperlys group.

ITT I will provide you with clear evidence that Jillian Epperly is not only a poop obsessed coprophilliac but she is clearly brainwashing people in her own "poop cult" and sadly children are being subjected to salt water via enema, belly button, ears, eyes, and orally via a syringe. Parents trick their kids into drinking salt water because Jillian Epperly encourages them to do this.

Pic related, its Jillian Epperly talking about sticking #3FingersUpHerOwnButt
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No. 4431

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In this image, you can see a child being given a syringe full of salt water.

Jillian Epperly advocates that parents give children salt water "by any means possible" including enema, oral, bellybutton, ears etc.

In Jillian Epperly's cult, there is a lot of content where parents are asking for tips and "tricks" on how to "trick" their kid into drinking salt water.

1 tsp of salt can kill a baby

No. 4432

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In this image, you can see people talking about mixing salt water into smoothies for children.

Then a graphic photo of a bloody diaper is shared. The group supports this type of behavior and encouraged the parent to keep doing jillian epperlys salt protocol

No. 4433

Now for those of you who are wondering How The Fuck Jillian Epperly brainwashed people into thinking its ok to give kids salt water, please watch these videos of Jillian Epperly attempting to explain why giving salt water to babies is OK

I am sharing a collection of 3 videos where jillian talks about babies on her protocol.

Jilly says babies are the same as human/adults:

How Much Salt Should I give My baby? Jilly explains here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0WQxS2CNh4

Jillian Epperly Discusses potential detox symptoms from giving a kid salt water

No. 4451


No. 4452


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No. 4047[Reply]

Have you ever wished you were a different race?and why?
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No. 4406

Finally, the only acceptable answer.

No. 4409

basically when delusional guys fetishize another race it's like that "oh [none white race] girls are so hot, to prove it here's a picture of a girl that's whitened her skin and got surgery to look more western"

I find asian girls who are happy with their skin and natural features to be beautiful, the doll look is for dolls, not for humans

>>4403 agreed, basically people find whats a trend in their culture or community attractive, which is why no one can ever be perfect

in 00's mainstream, the tan skin, skinny, big tits, bleach blonde was hot, now plus sized curvy women with dark hair and big lips are now a thing, in the weeb community pale skin extremely thin bodys, unnatural face, etc are the standards, the average woman will never be perfect to any community unless she gets surgery or has perfect genetics, which is rare

No. 4410

"y-you mean, kpop stars, pale azn waifus, get zits and wrinkles, just like most girls of every other race??? IMPOSSIBRU!"

No. 4421

Yeah because none of the yellow fever girls itt are fetishising Asian guys?

No. 4422

>If the racists in this thread had taken a basic philosophy class, they'd know that beauty is impossible to define and determine

If you actually took a real class instead of listening to the dumb fuck opinions presented as philosophy from your unpaid dumbfuck assistant professor, you'd realize beauty standards have remained fairly consistent even throughout history. Lighter skin (in a relative sense), slim to moderate bodyfat (which is tempered by hormone levels, interestingly enough), and facial symmetry being a few of the ones we can statistically verify.

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