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No. 78299
A special tripfag on 4chan(specifically /cgl/ & /co/) who's trying to get into the lolita community and generally gives out terrible advice. Known for openly talking badly about others in the community as well as her friends on 4chan. Currently Emily Hu/BarleyTea/avnp's lapdog.
http://t1mco.tumblr.comInstagram: No. 78301
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No. 78302
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Response to being mentioned on lolcow no more than a day after the post.
No. 78303
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Her general response to any criticism
No. 78441
>>78438I remember something like that. They were like "WOW LOOK AT ALL THESE SAMEFAGS BULLYING POOR LITTLE TIM!"
Stfu, people have opinions that aren't Tim's.
>>78351I used to namefag but it's just really pointless.
I did try to be as unpretentious as possible even when I was a namefag.
>>78425I wouldn't say her face is unfortunate. It's just very average and bland. Nothing really remarkable about it.
No. 78877
>>78867The "hate" associated with her and Emi (AVNP) is so targeted that it'd have to be someone who knows Tim and Emi like an Artist Alley rival or a seagull who reads the AA threads.
or self-post
No. 79431
>>78877I feel like the AA part is really obvious though seeing as they're both frequently doing conventions. Most of the drama/gossip being from the AA crowd/AA-specific makes sense. There's so much gossip that goes around between artists.
I'm actually kind of surprised that so many people find Tim annoying because I have some mild beef with her personally. I'm sure other artists do too but it's hard to talk about that stuff on this board without turning it into vendetta or having someone else identify who you are.
No. 83269
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No. 83360
>>65138is there any real milk on her other than that she's allegedly rude?
No. 83375
>>83360probably not tbh
I know she gets super sjw butthurt over racism and that she's part of some seagull group that tries to suck as much dick as possible. and she spends a lot of time shittalking other artists. nothing really lolcow worthy. she's not as much of an attention whore as some other lolitas/artists which is why I doubt she made this thread herself, but it means that there's no way to milk anything from social media.
No. 84343
>>84321Fucking callout posts like this do more harm than good. You need to take it up directly with the con the moment you see something like this. Literally, just take all the evidence you wrote and send it to appropriate con staff.
If she claims to be doing this to help ~other unsuspecting cons~, it just means their artists alleys and/or dealers rooms are shit. Selling bootleg items has gotten some sellers in huge legal issues when caught. I've seen Funimation, Disney, and other companies get involved. They don't need some shitty ita lolita tripfag to help them do the work of con staff and what the affected brands really need to handle.
I'm basically not surprised Tim is both a half-assed tripfag /cgl/ attentionwhore and also a raging tumblrite.
No. 84351
>>84348It's definitely true. I had friends that volunteered at multiple cons. Some heads of cons, usually small shitty ones, will turn a blind eye or not do much.
Contacting a company, like Disney of Funimation particular, will have them breathe down a conventions neck.
No. 84693
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>pick fights with punks on the internet
>you don't even know why, I'm not even that funny!!!
so much edge, 2edgy4me
No. 85372
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No. 85383
>>85372>>85373Gj on compiling the posts anon,
she is such a hypocrite LOL
No. 85389
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>>85372>Explains instances like >>8829051that a person got in using the same art they submitted with last year? if the art was received well, why the hell would that matter?
she pulled this shit last year too, pic related. her claiming to not care is hilarious
No. 85395
>>85389I was the anon who originally posted the screencap
>>85373 on /cgl/. I didn't know she did the same shit last year too or I'd have included it for extra hilarity. It's pretty funny considering that she was spewing GIT GUD TARDS/PISSANTS all over her twitter when people were upset about the Katsu jury.
Didn't expect other gulls in the thread to call her out when she tried to say it was just one person with a vendetta - or for this to get posted here.
She seems to have a high-and-mighty attitude about cons and her level of skill.
No. 85489
>>85389Why would you 'scour' sites of people who didn't get in, that's really petty.
Tim needs to turn down her salt.
No. 86034
>>85772She's shittalked Yuumei in AA threads too. I've heard her talk badly of artists who are better than her pretty often when she isn't exactly more skilled than they are.
>>85859Yeah, as the other anons have said around 5-ish years? She's also in the lolita drawthreads a lot so if you never went in those, it makes sense you didn't really notice her.
No. 86134
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>>86119Went and found them for you in the archives, anon.
No. 86136
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>>86135Looking back this is a while ago but since when has that stopped us from digging up old caps?
No. 86150
>>86144Yeah, I have heard stories like that about Yuumei's fans. I think I tabled near her at a con once and it was annoying because she would have multiple lackeys hanging out behind her table and taking up room.
No worries! It took me like 2 minutes to find.
No. 86246
>>86134Thanks for the hard work anon!
Tim may be a cunt but I'm totally with her on her hate with Yuumei. Yuumei should probably get her own thread but she isn't active online to milk from.(her journal entries are hilarious)
No. 89285
>>83375She's a typical SJW Asian chick who coincidentally seems to end up in bed with white patriarchs alarmingly often.
Asides from her anti-white crap she's not a bad person.
No. 93300
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Nice coord. You're totally a pro Lolita and qualified to give n00bs advice.