File: 1446847957542.jpg (547.33 KB, 1280x1280, 73709203e51b305c307abb8534fadd…)

No. 55068
File: 1446847979505.jpg (11 KB, 517x97, david-carson.jpg)

No. 55069
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No. 55070
File: 1446847999091.jpg (10.31 KB, 517x97, il_570xN.549450014_3px9.jpg)

No. 55073
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No. 55075
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Tweets of Kaoru Hasegawa 'My illustrations is my original and I have not traced. I can not admit that it is not true. I asked doll maker which my illustrations are infringing the copyright, but there is not yet a clear answer.'
Tweets of Kaoru Hasegawa
"My illustrations is my original and I have not traced. I can not admit that it is not true.
I asked doll maker which my illustrations are infringing the copyright, but there is not yet a clear answer."
No. 55076
I don't think this is a big deal. It's obvious the characters in her pictures were inspired by BJD already. The poses in
>>55073 accused of tracing are pretty basic/just faces and in fact only the top one looks remotely traced to me.
No. 55079
>>55076I don't think so either but they should reference tho in a way so I can see why people are pissed off but I still like their works ;/
maybe in the future they should kind of be more honest
No. 55199
>>55198Damn. I could understand using bjds as a drawing reference (thats pretty smart actually) but there's really no denying that it's straight up traced.
If this was a non-japanese artist everyone would be tearing her apart, I bet.
No. 55239
>If this was a non-japanese artist everyone would be tearing her apart, I bet.mte, the internet loves her because she is nipponeezu.
It's so obvious the works are traced when they are put against one another like the first three posts.
No. 55252
>>55198Ten bucks the hand is also traced. If she can't be bothered to learn how to draw a simple face, or even
try to make the trace less obvious, she cannot draw a hand either.
Honestly, I cannot understand why she didn't even try to make it less obvious. Like tracing the face, eyes and hairstyle from different pictures so it wouldn't be so damn noticeable. Tracing is one thing, but if you do it in such manners you really deserve a gold star for stupidity. Disgusting.
No. 55257
>>55239I'm not sure. She isn't tracing other people's drawings, just photos of dolls. It isn't like Sindy or someone who blatantly traces stuff from Pixiv and changes very little.
I would argue that most of the appeal of this art comes from the overall aesthetic. Not that I condone tracing, but is it really much different than someone buying a BJD and customizing it to their own specifications?
No. 55260
>>55257She is 1:1 tracing other people's pictures of dolls who have been painted by artists, too, so she is still stealing art. There is zero creativity or work done, other than a bit of colouring.
I'm not a dollfag, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think many doll modifications and face paints- like, the really good ones - require skills. What Hasegawa does requires nothing but PS and beginner-tier colouring skills.
Honestly these artworks are so easy it's even more pathetic that she needs to trace so hard. If you cannot even draw a basic animu dolly face, you're really not a good artist.
No. 55668
>>55324 Exactly. If she had her own bjd and took photos that she would trace over it'd be considered fine because they're her own and not someone else's. It's pretty common for comic/manga artists to do this but if someone gets caught taking another person's photo or illustration without asking for permission it can blow up in their face.
I actually think westerners are more forgiving about this compared to asians, like with the recent Chris Brown thing and all the shit that went down with kron a few months back. It always ends with "well gee it's just supposed to be a study you guys :^)"
No. 69172
>>69040Did he even try? They aren't looking in different directions as
>>69168 said. And he continues to say "heheheh watashi wa didnt suteeru desu ^-^" and his weeb followers come to his defense because he's Japanese and they think he's a girl. How is he even popular? The artwork isn't great, it's just a really basic weeaboo art style. I bet if he was some white girl he wouldn't be as popular as he is.
No. 71725
File: 1449994108679.jpg (5.28 KB, 405x124, wtshit.jpg)

reminds me of that Mijn Schatje bitch
No. 73080
>>71725I think Kaoru is worse than ever …
He continues telling a lie
No. 74480
File: 1450816361456.jpg (25.17 KB, 61x1187, CTddIRvU8AE9nY_.jpg)

>>69179the posts were totally erased by kaoru hasegawa himself.So his tumbler looks like nothing has happend.
No. 87916
File: 1454265658626.jpg (177.96 KB, 428x574,…)

LOL this drawing shows how kaoru hasegawa is tracing.
He copied this from flickr. the photograger doesn't know about it maybe.
No. 113345
File: 1459383157901.jpg (101.32 KB, 542x1200, vHJgCjW.jpg)

drowing was found
No. 113349
File: 1459383322628.jpg (74.37 KB, 540x540, eWzzdbp.jpg)

can't he draw anything by himself?
No. 113372
>>113349Christ he can't draw for shit. He can only trace.
I like how Anzujaamu pretends that he doesn't trace or anything even when shown proof that he traces. She even got an "original" painting from him for supporting him.
No. 133814
>>122868she pretends she doesn't know because he sends her free shit including a painting that he himself valued at roughly $400 usd.
seeing as she supports taobao shops that rip off the designs of japanese brands, some of which the rip offs cost nearly as much as the original, she doesn't seem to give a shit about this whole tracing/art theft situation.
No. 139989
File: 1465965905102.gif (1.7 MB, 432x432, OXncBgV.gif)

Have you seen this one?
No. 177543
>>177467the site's twitter: update periodically so it's worth checking
No. 181117
File: 1475985683633.gif (3.04 MB, 602x601, tracegif1.gif)

No. 202487
>>55073The second looks nothing alike and even the first is within reason
I mean how many ways to draw a kawaii girl with bangs are there? The dolls face is a stock cute anime face, it's a very common theme
It's like trying to copyright dragons or bunnygirls. Ridiculous.
No. 206981
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No. 206982
File: 1480565656294.jpg (171.27 KB, 1200x900, happy_fried_eggs (2).jpg)

No. 207026
File: 1480582331815.jpg (56.46 KB, 800x600, CykxyYZVQAAma4d.jpg)

BlueFairy has just officially spoken about this problem.
They reveal that Hasegawa Kaoru is not allowed, and from now on will be actively informing about Mr. Hasegawa's illegal plagiarism.
The statement is only in Japanese. I hope the English statement will be released soon. No. 207070
Now the issue enfiring again.
He suddenly made a provocative tweet to the company.
>>207026 is a reply from the company.
What a stupid guy he is.
No. 207657
File: 1480717885873.png (80.34 KB, 1113x587, Bluefairy and Kaoru Hasegawa.p…)

>>207026They addressed it last year too.
Not sure if you have to be a DoA member to see the news archive, but it's still there. Hasegawa's been a shit the whole time.
No. 208284
File: 1480846023255.jpeg (536.09 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_o5vxtwisyi1v8rqgwo1_128…)

>>208280Goddamn, this painting is ugly. I always found it vaguely offensive. You can tell he has no idea how skintones other than pale white work, and just dumped dark brown onto the canvas with no real blending, shading, etc of any sort in there. Looks like he even painted over white skin at first.
The true sign of a bad, derivative artist. Can't even into skin color.
No. 208591
File: 1480901584785.png (2.38 MB, 1125x2001, IMG_9500.PNG)

>>208284He just redid an old tracing
No. 218535
holy shit…..he sells traced prints at someone buys over $1000 stuff,it's tragedy.
No. 356433
File: 1500595814483.jpg (366.6 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_otdztnZzEl1v8rqgwo1_128…)

here is his new paint.
such a piece of shit !!
I can't believe He tries to make money out of this.
No. 356444
>>356433Wonder if they traced the onigiri.
Also, the way they highlight both the ball and bottom of the nose at the same time is atrocious. It looks so bad on the darker skinned portrait.
No. 384287
File: 1505017343941.jpg (435.76 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_ovzpndotJl1v8rqgwo1_128…)

here is his new paint.
face outline is suddenly changed.
This is from something too I guess.
basically, Kaoru Hasegawa can't draw anything so he needs to trace something…ha ha
just don't buy from this crook
No. 410774
File: 1509174920890.png (497.88 KB, 487x491, kh.PNG)

here is his new paint
Disgusting Piece Of Shit!
No. 410784
File: 1509176036046.jpg (54.69 KB, 402x543, Capture.JPG)

Even if he didn't trace and this was all original work…how the fuck does he have such huge fanbase? His drawings are boring, template shit.
Just find a doll maker and make few characters in it and you get a same effect.
Pic related, made this in a crappy flash doll maker in about a minute. It basically has same value as Hasegawa's """"""art"""""
No. 411822
>>411116so you didn't buy ?
we need to spread the word and encourage people to stop buying his traced prints.
No. 532696
File: 1521462806087.jpg (58.1 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_p5saj23ixy1rqxjj8o1_128…)

Mr.Kaoru Hasegawa was visting NYC US.
He said that he sold his traced paint there.
Someone in NYC is blind or what ??
this is the paint he sold. disgusting !!
No. 787553
File: 1552796625559.jpg (40.71 KB, 500x500, tumblr_pohn02SpsH1r899cm_500.j…)

Mr.Kaoru Hasegawa is visting NYC US again.
He thinks Americans are ignorant, so he can sell his traced prints….
Who bought this awful paint ??
No. 794091
File: 1554263296889.jpg (64.79 KB, 500x500, tumblr_pp9eufNXbM1u1z8xk_500.j…)

this is his new paint.
fish face !!!
he is selling this paint in USA based shop.
again, he thinks American's are ignorant, so
he can sell his disgusting prints.