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No. 307990
So, after following the developments of a pretty low-level cow, it seems as though the person trying to call her out is an even bigger source of milk.
Tl;dr a fujoshi artist going by the name lohkay recently made a tweet basically saying "bisexuals don't real", after thoroughly triggering the tumblr community, she caught attention of self-proclaimed "hero" Alexandria Rosales, a first-time volunteer at AX's Artist Alley.
Being offended at lohkey's bi-phobia, she went on a power trip and announced on twitter that she would be banned from tabling at AX, on the condition that lohkey is too much of a deviant to be around children.
Alexandria is confident in her ability to blacklist any artist she so chooses from participating at AX. She's apparently made a "ban" list, which includes AX industry partners such as Fakku! She hates any form of non-consensual/obscene pornography, and foolishly believes that she alone can ban all "naughty" porn from the biggest anime convention in the US. Because as we know, separating anime fans from weird Japanese porn is as easy as starting personal a twitter crusade with a few of your friends.
She is now threatening to call the authorities on the dirty fujoshi, lohkey, despite drawing shota and incest not being against any existing law in California. She's warning all minors to "stay safe", because hentai artists can and WILL literally attack children on-sight if they are unsupervised. Acting completely over-dramatically of course, by reading her tweets you would assume that lohkey is literally gassing bisexual children as we speak, and only Alexandria can come to their rescue.
Alexandria is a typical SJW with all of the tells. She wants to protect bisexuals from the harm of people saying they aren't real, but will post on her feed about how much she dislikes whites, heterosexuals, and males. By her logic, she should be banned from AX since her presence will make straight white men feel "unsafe".
At the time being, it seems as though she acting completely independently, with no confirmation of any ban by the AX staff. However, she thinks very highly of herself and her status as a first-time volunteer.
I'm not sure how AX will handle this situation, but I hope it ends in her termination. She is setting the precedent that if you apply for a table at AX, the volunteers are at liberty to browse through your art, and if they deem it unacceptable for any reason they will start a social media crusade against you and call the authorities. I'm sure that will leave a great deal of artists feeling very anxious when sending in their applications.
To my knowledge, lohkey did not sell vulgar prints at AX, but the mere fact that she drew it in the first place was enough.
No. 307992
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Alexandria vs. Fakku!
I wonder who will be the victor?
No. 307995
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Thanks to Alexandria, AA can finally be porn-free.
No. 307996
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Called the cops!
No. 308000>>308017
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Aaaand, in a shocking turn of events, it turns out Alexandria herself has been getting off to all of that vile pornography she has campaigned against. For those who don't know, Killing Stalking is a Korean webcomic about homosexual serial killing rapists who abuse their significant others, oh dear…
No. 308031>>308115
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>>308017They'll probably say it helps them cope with childhood rape or something, or say they have a mental illness. The usual excuses sjws run to when caught in their own hypocrisy.
Anyways this girl is some power tripping AX volunteer that believes she can police every single artist/vendor at Anime Expo. The amusing confrontation SJWs come across when getting into anime. There's a lot of porn. Not black and white tumblr gif porn with an artsy filter, but vulgar cartoon RAPE porn, and copious amounts of cartoon children and incest. There's literally nothing you can do to stop it. Erotic doujin culture is inseparable from mainstream anime/manga.
She'd be better off volunteering at some bake sale or old lady craft show. It would be less
triggering and she wouldn't be making a giant ass of herself trying to be everyone's nanny.
Maybe I would feel a little bad for her if she was just some clueless normie who didn't know about the "dark side" of hentai when she decided to volunteer, but the fact that she consumes it herself just makes her seem like s power-tripping bitch who finds enjoyment in personally bullying people for their own moral gain. Kindof like those male feminists who attack other men for being misogynists to take the focus away from their own poor treatment of women.
No. 308033>>308034>>308099
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She also believes that Marvel is promoting nazism. Really makes me think what she qualifies as a "nazi" and how Marvel is supporting it.
No. 308053>>308055
>>308046Lohkay isn't even that interesting. Tonnes of degenerates online draw even more weird/offensive fetish porn and hold relatively conservative views (lohkay isn't even close to being a conservative, more like she was inconsiderate). If saying "bisexuals aren't real" is her big black mark she is seriously tame.
I honestly think it's because of the way she acted leading up to this and the community she surrounded herself with. She spoke and acted like a typical mentally immature and insecure tumblr girl. As soon as the twitter pearl-clutchers smelled some potential drama, they attacked.
Just draw degenerate porn and act like a professional (since you are literally selling a product), if you put yourself out there for the whole world to see, sharing all of your emotions, feelings, and intimate thoughts, you make yourself unnecessarily vulnerable.
She shouldn't have made the apology, but she was probably panicked. From what I've learned through all of the many many instances of SJW dogpiles, apologizing only makes it worse. It's best to ignore and move on.
This is a problem that will probably just be forgotten in time, since it's literally nothing to your average person. All she has to do is cut down on the weirdly personal blogging.
No. 308055
>>308053Both of these girls have issues with sharing way too much personal shit online. Lohkay was spastic and inconsiderate, and Alexandria is addicted to farming victim points for her moral superiority complex.
It's just completely unprofessional, but Alexandria should be held to a higher standard since she's representing not only herself, but AX.
Plus Alexandria is just so gratingly self-congratulatory and that pisses me off way more than typical fujoshi autism.
No. 308107
>>308099Disney and Marvel are the least SJW companies I can think of. In fact, it's quite the opposite. But whatever, she's desperately searching for more ebil boogeymen to validate her victim complex.
Artists these days, for whatever reason, feel it necessary to senselessly rattle on about their political opinions, and I see it spill over into comics too. Leftist political trends and buzzwords get transplanted into comics right before they go stale. I've seen shit about mansplaining, misgendering babies, #refugeeswelcome, #punchnazis God, I am sick of it. Especially when I'm imagining their smug satisfaction after retweeting some unfunny topical Trump joke, or the self-congratulation they give themselves when fighting "e-oppression"
How about you just do art. I don't want to constantly be barraged with your moral crusades and have the image of your art permanently stained because you're such a cunt.
This is probably something to discuss in the artist thread though, and it's meta as fuck.
No. 308799>>308893
>>308567Not OP, but I don't even follow lohkay or the circles shes in but anotherauthor has been trying to assert her authority to other users trying to reason with her about this. She's been spreading herself very widely within the artists community in ax despite not even being an artist herself.
Sage for no real important info
No. 309841>>309944
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AX just recently released this statement about the ordeal.
No. 309944>>309985>>310079
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>>309841Lel, she mad. She got a call reprimanding her for her misrepresenting AX and starting a social media storm. I bet she was expecting to be praised for looking out for the innocent childrenz and her amazing bravery. I bet that came as a big shock. She honestly thought she was the hottest shit.
No. 309985>>309994>>310079
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>>309944I also thought this tweet was pretty funny. Sure you "stepped down" lol.
No. 310079>>310509
>>309944>>309985i dont think ill ever understand the kind of mental gymnastics tumblrinas do to come to the the conclusion that some neckbeard jerking off to loli horse gangbang makes you a rapist irl
they even target more tame things such as 'shipping' as if shipping a murderer and their victim makes you an abuser irl
and all the drama and witch hunts they start over it
they are truly the ones fucked in the head
No. 312032
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When I was 12 I was actively seeking out ~*~teh lemonz~*~ and smutty doujins. While I agree CP shouldn't be defended, minors arent pure cinnamonrolls lol. I bet the minors today are the same way I was, but they just have better access to this shit. When minors actively enter a space created by adults for adults, why should those adults have to censor themselves?
Go away morality police, no one is making smut of their fav fandoms to purposely give to children. Also I'm sure they have to card you to even just read through their R18 things in the AA (not saying there arent responsible people out there, but at the con I was at recently the artists were all very strict about carding EVERYONE- even wrinkly old grandmas)