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No. 65138
Emily Hu aka avnp, averyniceprince, barleytea was a popular artist and internet celebrity for drawing fanart for the webcomic series Homestuck. She has been known to let her underage friend drink and black out during an anime con and documented via twitter.
Very recently outed as a serial cheater to all her romantic partners.
http://barleytea.tumblr.comhttp://averyniceprince.tumblr.com No. 65139
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Accounts of her cheating from her now ex.
Her previous boyfriend Matt, also claims on his tumblr that she was emotionally abusive(tumblr now deactivated)
No. 65141
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>>65140It's too far in her tweet log now but she posted her friend passed out on the floor and took selfies around her.
Pic related is the same underage friend.
Taken from this thread: No. 65142
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6 months ago she announced she was quitting art and becoming a pathologist.
No. 65143
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She's now attending a community college in South Pasadena(fully paid and supported by her rich parents). Judges the community college for not having an office.
No. 65146
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Pic of blacked out friend 1
No. 65147
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Pic of blacked out friend 2
No. 65148
>>65142woooooo a pathologist's assistant. 2edgy4me.
No. 65191
>>65149If someone ever ask you how a tumblr resume looks, send them this picture.
Ugh, people trying to be witty/funny on their resume made my head hurt.
>Anime Club president on high schoolTopest kek
No. 65605
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It's so fucked up she was seeing someone else when this pic was taken. Even more fucked up when you realize she made him pay for EVERYTHING
No. 65660
>>65636She used to live in NY but her parents got sick of paying for her expensive rent(she couldn't pay it from artist alley alone)
Since April she moved back with her parents in CA. She's talked about wanting to work at DisneyLand but she has literally never worked a day in her life.
No. 65683
>>65660So I checked age and so she's 26 with no real work experience except some freelancing here and there.
Not to put artists down but from what Ive learned, most artists still do part-time or full-time unrelated jobs to pull them along financially if they don't make enough for rent.
So honestly she's just a rich manchild who's comfortable with manipulating the weak-willed disguising herself as a victim.
If there was more recent drama this would be a great thread.
No. 65694
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oh the irony
No. 65700
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She ruined her body.
Left is recent. right is 121 weeks ago.
No. 65702
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>>65701Well can't find any good recent pics of her full-body. She doesn't post her infamous tight t-shirt titty pics anymore.
This is all I can find.
Can't tell if frumpy clothes or she got bigger at the stomach but her waist was way tinier back in her prime.
No. 65706
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>>65702Here's a follow-up with the most recent titty t-shirt (54 weeks ago) on the left with the past prime on the right.
No. 65709
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A rare pic from her weeaboo days when she claimed to be a fake boii
No. 65710
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>>65707Apparently she admits to bring fat-phobic.
I can't find any related drama on her body-image, but emi has always been a loudmouth crybaby about her opinions despite pretending to be sickly sweet in person, she's just 'lolrandomz' weeb trash.
No. 65713
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this is from 2 years ago
No. 65717
>>65714If she's living with her parents now, and going back to school I sincerely think that's their influence.
That's gonna be another 6 years of dealing with their dishonorable money-sink. 4 year BSCI for biology and then 2 year master program I think.
She's honestly better off just getting blue-collar job and learning how tough real-life is without rich parents.
Or even just trying to be a secretary. If she can somehow get into a court office job as an assistant she can make $25/hr.
No. 65719
>>65703She wants to maker her own series and be the main artist but
1. She doesn't like taking orders - Even when she had a comic job she would shit on it publicly.
2. She can't write stories - see 4chords
No. 65720
>4chordsYou mean trendy OOC NYC hipster yaoi?
Oh man was that a train wreck that didn't go very far but the ego-dick derived from it paved the way to a life of pure disappointment and autism.
No. 65722
>>65139>>65288Okay I knew 'Matt' (her actual name is Maggie) and she's a lying cunt.
She pretends to be trans because she used to frequent /co/ and participated in drawfag threads. One day someone tried to ask her what he gender was and she said 'guess' and they pegged her as a guy so she stuck with it thinking people would like her better for it. When she's not at cons she dresses like your average frumpy girl.
Even if Emily is a piece of shit, Maggie is the same level. If anything she's the emotionally abusive one; at a con, she got drunk, begged me to have sex with her and when I didn't she threatened suicide. I lied to her and told her I had an STD to get out of it. (at the same con we had a convo about her telling people she's a dude and she explicitely told me , while sober, that she had no want to be a dude) Later on I found out she went around and was telling people about it behind my back. I don't have any proof since that was from an even earlier tumblr that she deleted right before she started dating emily.
sorry for the mini-derail but bitch got away with too much shit
No. 65724
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>>65605Why did she date this person they look nothing like 4chords Gamzee. Standards?
No. 65736
>>65724>4chordsMaaaaan I remember this but wtf was it even about? human trolls playing in a band?
As nice as the art is, during it's prime the homestuck fandom really sprouted some psychos
No. 66106
>>65601More like 'overgrown teen who never learned to deal with confrontation' than 'manipulative sociopath'
This whole thread is kind of shit
>oh no she let an underage friend drink/black out>friend is 20, I can't see why her drinking would be anyones responsibility
>oh no abuse>turns out it's just triggering tumblr shitI mean I'm not saying this girl isn't trash but I haven't really seen any worth talking about material
No. 66161
>>66096>>66103I think the birthday stuff was the weakest claim but the cheating and keeping the friend who knew about the cheating away from the boyfriend are actually kind of manipulative/emotionally abusive.
According to the ex (Finn) she has cheated on other people before?
>>66133Might be. Emi DID have a ton of haters in the past even though it's died down a lot now. I'm actually surprised that Finn's post on tumblr didn't get more notes seeing how so many people had it out for Emi in the Homestuck days.
No. 66462
>>65138seriously learn to fucking read
No. 67404
>>67379>>67391Is the way she types and talks supposed to be cutesy and endearing? It makes her seem like a 12 years old, I have a hard time believing people actually find it cute.
>>67400It's stories like that that makes me stick to local cons, jfc.
No. 67450
>>67438Iirc it was her answering an ask about vriska(?) and she made her Chinese because vriska is crazy and so are Chinese people. Emi felt like she could say that because she's Taiwanese.
Taiwanese/Hong Kongers/Mainland Chinese like talking shit about eachother but deep down they're all garbage tbh.
No. 67482
>>67450>Taiwanese/Hong Kongers/Mainland Chinese like talking shit about eachother but deep down they're all garbage tbhI'm Chinese-American and ngl I can't stand
Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, and Mainland Chinese. They're all fucking annoying especially when you want to go shopping during tourism season and none of them have ANY manners.
No. 72878
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>>72786In other people's pictures her eye looks fucked up vs her selfies
No. 72936
>>65150Plus apparently she's expected to chaperone her adult friend and stop her from drinking? What.
>>65601I read this when he posted it and he sounds like a spoiled baby. From the start he's dismissive of her issues ("I need to check my phone even when she's talking to me face-to-face because MUH ANXIETY! only MY neuroses are allowed!") and arbitrarily expects her to drop $$$ on his birthday because it's what he did for her. I dunno about you but that's not how relationships work, generally. You give because you WANT to, not because you're fishing for an equally big bash in return.
Emi's got her cunty side and all but she's just an artist on the internet who only gets as much attention as is given her. The shit like posting her home address/family names is far more disturbing to me than her titty pics or fanart.
No. 73994
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The tit pics are back, that camera angle to achieve them though lol
No. 74081
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Online vs. Real Life
No. 74653
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No. 75225
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Somebody stop her
No. 76339
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I thought her mirror was dirty but she's wearing sequined leggings. That is the tackiest thing I've ever seen anyone wear.
No. 76360
>>76339>>76348this a joke from that one anime, I think? the character on her shirt has a gag about wearing sequined pants and gets ripped on for looking awful
but I agree she looks awful as shit I hate goddamn duck lips.
No. 76463
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It miss emi
No. 76517
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>>76501There are no curves
No. 76519
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No. 76993
>>76961Yeah, the people closest to her are all Asian-American (coyfish, rokudo) from what I've seen.
I'm unsurprised to hear that dairyfree is bitchy though, haha. She used to post on efagz.
No. 77512
>>76961Who's dairy free?
Also Emi seems to befriend people who are below her in talent/skill(except Coyfish/Karen). For example she befriended only a couple of people during her homestuck days and she stuck close to a tripfag on cgl that goes by Tim/Soo irl and her art is lol. Complete shit. Yet Emi sticks with her probably because she offers lodging/hotel in norcal
No. 77582
>>77512Tim is pretty chill irl and she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would actually like Emi and want to be friends with her, but then again she's also pretty close to other trips on cgl so I wouldn't be surprised if she had some clique going on.
>>77517imo her art is kinda cute
No. 77823
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Wait, she's going to work with kids now? What happened to being a pathologist's assistant?
No. 77826
>>77823Maybe she realized majoring in biology would require a strenuous amount of studying instead of just getting hornt off of body parts.
I hope she doesn't work with children, no child deserves to be taken care of by a retard.
No. 77828
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Lol Emi has Tim running around after midnight doing errands for her.
Whipped as fuck.
No. 77835
>>77828Is there any known drama on Tim other than that she's Emi's bitch?
>>77833Sounds like shit only dumb tumblr bitches would get. Oh wait…
No. 77850
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>>77835Tim doesn't have any drama that I know of but she constantly posts with a trip on /cgl/ and /co/. She likes to talk like she's a big shot in the tabling community despite sucking at it.
The only thing she and Emi have in common is that they talk about their sexual experiences publicly.
>>77842Here's a compilation of her tattoos. It's ironic she has "art is the power" tattooed to her wrist when she's quitting art l o l
No. 77931
>>77850Eh I guess I'll talk a little bit about my experience with Tim… She's not cow-worthy but she is pretty lulzy.
I first met her in an AA (I'm a shopper, not an artist) but I've seen her at different AAs and at a local lolita meet in July. She seemed pretty nice but then a girl she was talking to said something about wishing that juried AAs would allow more new artists in and Tim got really standoffish. Later on cgl I saw her bitching about how newbs should suck it up and if their art isn't good enough for a portfolio review, then it's not good enough to sell (I kind of agree), but it generally sounded like she was just inflating her ego. Imp her art isn't like "omg so amazing" like Yuumei or someone. It's just very average.
>>77928This looks like that tumblr trend of "draw a woman as masculine as possible because she could be nb or trans! you never know!"
No. 77942
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>>77931It's funny you mention that because I just saw her kissing ass in the group. Not blacking out her name since she posts it up freely anyways.
No. 77948
>>77942Does she even know what a professional interaction is like? All her stories about her students involve them discussing anime or drawing memes.
Also lulzy Artist Alley people general, anyone?
No. 77984
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>>77850haha I always thought Tim's art wasn't that great, but never said anything because didn't want to start fights on cgl
>>77948>lulzy Artist Alley people generalthat would be great, but I'm sure if there's enough to talk about
No. 77995
>>77984The cgl AA threads are basically just a circlejerk between all the trips. They love sucking each other's dicks. I think Tim's art is pretty bad and her chibis are terrifying.
There's enough AA drama with people like Thumbcramps
No. 78130
>>77931>lulzyKinda like your attempt to gain anon's approval by trying to talk shit about me? That's some real solid dirt there, anon, man, I dunno how I'm gonna cope with these juicy secrets out in the open.
>>77942This is the SacAnime AA fb group. Above anon is talking about Fanime, which was late last year. Two unrelated incidents.
No. 78297
>>78277Same as all of my other handles.
I'm not going to front about it. I don't care about the nature of this thread and I don't care about what people say about me, but it does bother me that someone I've met and someone I know personally is trying to use the things that I've said to attempt to dig up drama about me. The fact that they mentioned we met at a meet is super telling, and I don't know if they're just not mature enough to realize posting shit about people on lolcow is generally pretty skeevy and can actually have horrible ramifications on people who don't always deserve it or if they actually do disrespect or dislike me. Eventually, I'll stop caring, but I will admit that I'm pretty disappointed. Just thought I would express that here for the person who was trying to post shit.
I'm pretty open about my opinions and don't really have anything to hide, which makes their attempt extra petty, but I suppose it's the motivation that bothers me.
I'll be around to clear up misconceptions that I feel need to be cleared up but like with everything on the farm, you all can believe what you choose to believe. Have fun
No. 78298
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>>78267>>78277curious I checked it out and. lol. this is probably the biggest overreaction ever.
No. 79411
You know what makes me mad about Emi? She really could have make it big. She had, what, 20,000+ followers on her AVNP blog? I'm sure she's got a similar amount, if not more on her current Tumblr. If she had made a Patreon in her prime, imagine how much she would have gotten. People suck her dick so much. I honestly believe if she was just better at marketing herself, and not being a complete twat on social media, she could've made it somewhat big. Not sakimi-chan big, but still successful enough to support herself.
Oooor, maybe she was making enough but spending it on dumb shit. I can't believe how much useless anime crap she buys, especially at age 26 lmao.
No. 79424
>>79411She could have made it big if she stuck to anything and put in more effort. She's also SO wishy washy with her fandoms. Everytime she hits one she's 100% into that (like 2-3 things at a time) but she cycles them out so frequently that it reads as ingenuine which most fans dont like.
She's also obviously not putting her full effort into even her prints. She has really messy lineart and just slaps overlays on them. Even when she does 'shade' something it's the same shitty flat multiply layer or disgustingly messy and unfinished. If she was to ever actually put out something that wasnt her being so lazy then maybe she could actually make it as an artist.
No. 79495
>>79492I think that attitude of openly hating on her work and fanbase contributed to her own demise. I truly believe she would be in a better place if she had matured and turned her "doodle" blog into a more refined artist blog.
Instead she made a new blog and repeated the same charade over again, but this time without a cash cow(homestuck).
Back in the homestuck days people called her out on her lineart and coloring but Emi retorted saying that everything online is not a representation of her work and that her work for companies were more refined.
Her line work for Boston metaphysical society was extremely sloppy. The cellphone game she worked for had the same issues. Her variant covers done for adventure time and puppy cat were the same quality of her prints(that she doesn't consider professional work).
No. 79883
>>79411I can tell you right now she absolutely made enough to get by on art alone but spends it all on trivial brand shit.
She works mostly online, but insisted on moving back to New York (one of the most expensive cities in the country) because of the weird boner she had for the city from her SVA days. You don't need to live in an expensive apartment to do digital work. She doesn't know how to downgrade. She buys A ton of brand name shit (I remember her making a big deal about designer headphones on tumblr a long time ago) and spends a lot of money on weird outings and trips. She makes literal thousands at each con she does, print store and pro work aside. She works pretty hard despite her sloppy, sort of rushed style.
I think she's a flawed human being like the rest of us who just has her head in the clouds. She coasts along because she has huge tits and zero substance so nobody tells her she's wrong. Her work is trite (she draws "meaningful flowers" on it as a shorthand for emotion) but she works hard at it because she thinks that is all anyone expects from her.
No. 79966
>>79883I remember she made a big deal on twitter when she misplaced her "$200 cross Tiffany pendant" in her "Louis Vuitton Neverful Damier Azur" bag.
I don't care if people like brand, but the way she flaunted it always bothered me.
No. 80005
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>>79966She also owns brand Lolita dresses, which is $$$ as well. And she used to collect BJDs. Basically, a shitload of expensive hobbies.
No. 80046
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>Complains about not making enough money
>Buys $500 doll
>Can't afford to pre-order $80 game
No. 80274
>>80046Which game does she wants that costs $80? The new Fire Emblem? I can't see any other game being that expensive, although I mostly play on handled consoles so games might be more expensive on the PS4 and Wii U.
I don't know Emi well enough to talk, but I'm guessing she makes enough money with her art to get by, as other anons said. I understand that she has expensive hobbies too, but does she knows that she doesn't have to buy nice and expensive things all the time? I love video games but I manage to get them on sales or already used for cheap, so I can play as much as I want despite being kind of poor. It always surprise me when people go "treat yourself!!" so often that they don't know how to budget or give up on things to get other things. I also don't understand why she would try to become a nurse or something because it seems even worse given that she said she needs to earn more money.
No. 80373
>>80274A few of the expensive things she gets people to pay for and then doesn't credit them publicly so people think she has this expensive lifestyle. Lots of people will give her gifts but she only makes a big deal out of it if thanking the person publicly is helpful to her status or brand.
She's dismissive of people, even those close to her, if they aren't helpful to the specific brand she carefully caters. I think that is something her ex she cheated on or whatever was getting at. She caters this image of herself publicly and interacts/praises/celebrates people and even fictional characters if it perpetuates her brand as this like "weeaboo, but cool" shit she has going on.
She might not even know she does this, which might be sadder than doing it on purpose. That is probably why she burns through friendships and relationships.
No. 80419
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>>80409> bad she used "hood rat" instead of ratchet.
She deleted her rant about how she couldn't say what she wanted on her blog shortly after she posted them though.
No. 80967
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>>80954Yeah they still do but even though she says she doesn't mind she said she hates it on her private twitter.
She also despises when people compare her to mookie000 and claims that the other copied her too much.
No. 81697
>>79883I don't think she lived in a particularly expensive neighborhood though? She actually lived about a 5 minute walk from me (a friend noticed she kept location on for her tweets, and found out what train line she took after we went home after a homestuck meet and told me- so we went out and found the block/probably the building she lived in lol). I probably have a really bad sense of what's "expensive" in terms of rent, but relative to rent and what you get in Manhattan compared to Queens (where Emi lived), I don't think it was /that/ bad. I looked up properties in our area and on her block/probably what is her building, there are some listings for about 1k-2k for a 1br, 1b that look not like a crazy cramped studio space.
sage because emi still has a shit ton of expensive hobbies, but i just wanted to put in my two cents
No. 81889
>>81691Eh, at least what you bought is useful? What's the use in a $500 doll, honestly?
>>81697Yikes, stalking much?
No. 82090
>>81889Well idk, I've also spent $500 on a video game. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to say "wow I want this other game, but I don't want it at this price" even if the price is less than $500. We all have different spending limits based on how much we want something. Also that price for a BJD is normal, you should look them up. And judging from the looks of it, that BJD is a special, limited edition one… it's not odd to splurge on special or rare items.
>>81869Saying something to someone else on your twitter is hardly kicking up a fuss, lol. Stop reaching.
No. 82364
>>82090yo we're not attacking you anon. It's just she's ALWAYS been complaining about money. She consistently complains about not being able to afford things.
On the other hand though:
She's ALWAYS buying useless weeb shit. Generic cheap plushes and figures that ARENT limited edition as well as buying cosplays and wigs and contacts etc.
No. 82399
>>82090How can you spend so much money on a video game? Do you mean that it's an MMORPG that you have to pay once a month or is it that you were willing to buy an expensive console for only one specific game?
To be honest, I'm not super good at budgeting because I tend to spend too much money on my hobbies first, but now reading this thread makes me want to be more careful about not becoming so irresponsible.
No. 82803
>>82111I'm not. I'm pointing out that compiling screenshots that prove she values items differently is stupid and people are insisting it's indicative of some kind of deep-seated value incongruity. It's not, it's totally normal to be willing to drop $$$ on one thing and unwilling to drop $ on another thing even if you want it.
>>82779Oh man, she does work for money. Scandalous. Does anyone have any real dirt on this girl or are we all just pathetically pecking at scraps, desperately twisting the smallest thing into shit talk? This is probably the most boring thread on /snow/ right now.
>>82778>>82399The game was a complete copy of Megaman X3. $500 is actually low, I got a decent deal.
No. 83187
>>83093Seriously, this. I don't know why there's a thread for her or Tim.
Just because Tim ran an errand for Emi doesn't make her "omg lmao so whipped". Not to mention that the errand (>>77828) was because Tim was getting her own prints done and offered to do Emi's at the same time to save them both some time and trouble.
There's no milk so why are you guys trying so hard to make them look bad?
No. 83218
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No. 83365
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I feel like she's given up on herself, her tips are a mess.
Here's the girl who used to shit talk about her friend's nails openly if they were scratched even a little smh
No. 83388
>>83368Karina is such a sweet girl bless her heart. I'm pretty sure she's the one who revealed Emi cheating to her ex so she's a good person in my book.
Sage for off topic.
No. 83426
>>83393So now the "don't like don't read" comes out, it's just like I'm back in middle school reading fanfic.
>>83187>>83313I'm getting a feeling that this is just a bunch of former friends of hers being desperate and catty now. I mean seriously… shit talking a manicure?
No. 83481
>>83365This is some PULL level shit right here.
I'm pretty sure if you took this thread and the Tim thread there, you'd get a lot more people trying their hardest to shit on them.
No. 83538
>>83529Sorry but the only replies I've made in the past day are
>>82803 >>83426 and
>>83093The other recent replies aren't me. It's funny how you can't believe this is a shit thread, I'm sorry other people think this is pathetic. Watch your denial anon, if you're anything like this on your own social media I'm sure you'll end up with a thread here too.
No. 83539
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I miss the simpler days when she was a obnoxious yaoi weeb
No. 83544
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She wanted the uke/seme love life so bad she tried to do sexual things in the guise of "cosplay roleplay" which alienated a lot of her friends
No. 83603
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>>83581We used to be in a cosplay group together. I have a bunch of images I can dump here if you want.
I can definitely say that when she got popular with homestuck she changed to be "cooler" and burned a lot of bridges.
No. 83614
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>>83538and yet you're still here! how pathetic are you?
No. 83634
>>83537mfw the post is sage and you answered immediately, which means you stalk this thread even without someone bumping it to the front page.
>>83537 and
>>83538 posted reply at the exact same time.
mfw you are probably as mentally ill as op.
No. 83680
>>83603Please do an imagedump and tell us some stories.
>>83617Damn, anon. Just move the fuck on if this thread bothers you so much instead of shitting it up with unrelated posts.
>>81697Yikes, anon. Why would you stalk someone?
No. 84177
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>>84164Not the one she deleted but the aftermaths
No. 84178
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The comment that sparked it, which is pretty stupid in the first place
No. 85487
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>>85446She's going to have a group of friends doing the same thing at ALA.
No. 85712
>>85446>>85487I honestly don't think it looks too bad? Using your real hair for cosplay usually does end up looking like shit… but Osoko is just a regular business woman to the point where Emi using her real hair and looking as normal and plain as possible works in favor of the cosplay.
I'm also partial to bobs and I actually really think this haircut is pretty cute…
No. 85721
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>>83680The only story I can think of the top of my head is that she was always really affectionate to girls in our group. Everyone thought that was just part of her personality but later on she confessed and forced a friend into a relationship. Said friend didn't want to lose a friend and thought it was a phase, and played into it but when Emi wanted more(kissing, hugging,cuddling, etc) she told her to stop.
Imagedump ahead
No. 85723
File: 1453786001609.jpg (48.93 KB, 467x350, ax06028.jpg)

After she moved to NY she cut all contact with her friends. I think about a year ago she came back on facebook asking us for help to find her cat but honestly if you cut contact for 4+ years and then come back for favors, nobody is going to do respond.
No. 85724
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No. 85762
>>85487>>85712Same. That hairstyle is actually super flattering for her face and I think if it's a normal hair style it doesn't really matter if it's your natural hair.
>>85721Holy shit. I remember when that happened. She actually told someone I know that all of her old friends were being cruel/mean by not reblogging stuff about her cat. I didn't know she had cut off contact with them though. Why would she expect people she stopped talking to to go out of their way for her? I mean it was a shitty situation for her but if I were in her shoes, I wouldn't have assumed people I haven't talk to in a while would want to help me all of a sudden.
Thanks for the imagedump! I know these are super old and we've all had our cringe phases too so who are we to judge, but it's still entertaining looking at them.
No. 86446
>>86434I always thought it was the other way around and it was just Emi hated her sister. Or is it on both sides?
I never sought out her sister's info or anything, and the way Emi painted her just made her sound like a lazy pothead who DJs and goes to a really good school while she herself is hardworking since she was living off of freelancing back then (although the DJing thing may or may not be confused with some other random thing).
No. 86692
File: 1453966141932.png (175.55 KB, 631x2174, kimhu.png)

>>86446Both ways.
Her sister does indeed DJ and smoke pot but she's anything but lazy. She's active in extra curricular activities and interned at various places since high school.
If you're curious you can look her up on instagram under her tags #KimHu and her DJ name #DJSaggyTitties
No. 88612
>>88596was it at anime la?
I thought I saw her art in there
No. 88822
>>88596It's hilarious, she barely seems to talk to Tracey and Karina anymore, at least from what I see on Twitter. I don't know about Karen because she doesn't use social media too much, but doesn't she live out in California too?
But Karina and Finn have definitely hung out since Emi left, so I'm guessing Karina took Finn's side.
No. 89574
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>>88822Karen lives in socal but she has an actual job/life so besides facebook she's not active on other social media sites.
Karina and Emi are still following each other on social media despite Karina revealing the whole cheating scandal which I find weird.
No. 89578
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Also interesting to note, Emi unfollowed her ex immediately off of insta when they broke up but they are still friends on facebook.
No. 91674
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Awkward community college days begin
No. 91801
Word though. I've seen plenty of people draw absolute masterpiece using just sai and a beat up bamboo tablet. The skill isn't in the equipment its all in the person behind it.
No. 93319
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Why do her eyes only look okay in selfies
No. 97011
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>>96967They started dating a little after this vine iirc ex's tweet says their anniversary is Sept 20th 2013? No. 97012
File: 1456170498074.png (1.03 MB, 537x1312, bio.png)

>>96981+ Maid Name: Kurumi
+ Blood Type: A
+ Favorite Color: baby pink!
+ Favorite Foods: strawberry ice cream!!! sweet butter toast! red velvet cupcakes!
+ Personal Quote: “When the pimp’s in the crib ma, drop it like it’s hot.” -English Romantic poet, John Keats
+ Moe Moe Blessing Phrase: moe moe~ nade nade~ puchi puchi~ kurumi BEEEAMU!
+ Short Biography: Kurumi is a silly girl who aspires to be a comic book artist! She really likes drawing, eating, and sleeping… Sometimes all at once! She has been working for My Cup of Tea since 2009, and loves serving all the masters and mistresses :3! She also really likes American comics and webcomics, and hopes to work for DC one day to draw Batman! She also likes watching television… favorites are historical, criminal, and medical documentaries, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Criminal Minds, My Little Pony, and South Park. She loves theme parks! Especially Disney! Her favorite place in the world is Tokyo Disney Sea. She is a little shy so please treat her kindly ♥
preserving this page for the cringe
No. 97033
>>97011Lol, I didn't know she had a Vine. Everything is so cringy. She's such a weeaboo, oh my god.
No. 97034
File: 1456176454773.png (2.94 MB, 1646x943, v.png) fake high pitched kawaii voice she puts on for fans
No. 97562
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What is going on with her lower body
No. 97871
File: 1456350591004.jpg (91.86 KB, 262x355, tumblr_neg7wzHReJ1u2dtlro1_400…)

>>97866push up bra+weird angle+tight clothes?
She's a bit thicker in other photos
No. 97970
File: 1456363206461.gif (574.66 KB, 183x200, 1433489792784.gif)

>>97879>>97873you are THAT thirsty for any asian that you are actually longing for one of the ugliest ones
come on anon, even the ugliest of weebs with the yellow fever can get one with less stick-out teeth
No. 98064
>>97871I think it's shooped, her boobs look like a fucking shelf.
>>98053Robot pls go.
No. 98136
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>>98064she is notorious for having huge tits
No. 98172
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>>98143the last 2 guys(trans men) she dated were white and her flings in the middle were also white.
If you aren't fat then you have a good chance.
No. 98176
>>98172>trans menSuddenly I'm not so keen, I knew she was a bit of a tumblrina but that's extreme.
>aren't fat>whiteI satisfy those two criteria at least.
No. 98267
>>98079>>98053oh god this is so sad
take your fedorah and go pls
No. 98270
>>98176>>98143>>98079>>98053just to remind you that you find this…thing… alluring
>>98172>>97876>>97562>>97012she kind of is a "troglodyte"
she clearly looks like a monkey (not because she is asian but because she is just ugly)
No. 98352
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I'm always weirded out by how she types on tumblr and on twitter. It's like she's trying too hard to be a weaboo and at the same time she's also trying to look super cool or something. If that's what she's really trying to do then she's failing at it.
No. 98355
>>98270I didn't say she was the most beautiful girl who ever lived or anything. There's something appealing about her that's more than the sum of its parts. Especially when you've been dating quite dull girls for the past few years as I have.
For what it's worth she has nice breasts and her tattoos give her a look I like.
>>98352This is common. It's a sort of "I watch anime but also enjoy Kanye West" attitude, sprinkled with a healthy dose of irony.
I agree it's not funny.
No. 98421
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>>98352>HEY GUYS, I LIKE ANIME, BUT I'M BETTER THAN ANIME FANS. LET ME SHOW YOU WHYI don't know where she got the attitude that she's better than other weebs to the point she publicly shames them on her twitter all the time by taking creep pictures of strangers and posting it.
No. 98423
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Confirmed she spent $600+ on storyboarding classes(where her 'friend' is the instructor) instead of community college
friend: e1n (that guy who dated one of his students)
http://e1n.deviantart.com No. 98447
>>98430No, e1n is a good guy despite associating with emi
emi cheated on people with girls/fakebois
No. 99724
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This happened a while back but she hasn't talked about it in a while
No. 99726
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I suspected it was one of her exs or something
No. 99922
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>>99798Any stories you have to share?
No. 100011
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huh, her artstyle reminds me of another artist but I can't put my finger on it
>emi aside this Hanayo is fucking b a s e d
No. 100083
>>100011hmm I think it was mookie who (at first, her style is kinda different now) had a very similar art style to emi's
>>100040>a full??
No. 100114
>>100064>>100083>a fulla gull lmao. didn't catch that autocorrect.
>>100104She's prob one of those people who think that telling people she needs to go pee is funny.
No. 101602
>>101433Yeah he stated it in his call out post.
I would ask but I like my main tumblr and don't want to make a sock puppet to message.
No. 101701
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Emi and that guy who founded Fakku
No. 101702
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No. 101703
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No. 101795
File: 1457338235062.png (907.94 KB, 824x617, BOs_gbECcAAY_NF.png) tmi meme
i’m really bored on this bus but i know if i ask for questions i’m just gonna get all of them so let me.. one-up you guys and just post the answers HEH
1. do you masturbate - who doesn’t
2. what’s something you do only when you’re alone - get out of the shower and tumblr naked until i feel self conscious enough to put on clothes
3. what would you do if you had no fear- mack on anyone i was ever attracted to ‘w’
4. what’s something you overindulge in - the internet…………….
5. do you believe in the supernatural - yes u___u ghosties are one of my biggest fears haha.
6. what’s a stereotype you agree with?- ummmm. asians are good at math…?? i’m not though, so uh…..
7. what annoys you the most on fb? - dumb people who post loveydovey messages on their significant other of the week’s wall get an internet room gosh
8. what’s your strangest kink? - i’m pretty vanilla i think. i’m a little M tho…
9. what’s something you’re nostalgic about? - basically everything… i associate songs/fandoms with the period of time in which i experienced them. gurren lagann was my high school graduation year, ragnarok online was that one summer, patrick stump’s EP was my SVA graduation album, etc
10. post a screenshot of your desktop- ah this is embarrasing ok
11. on a scale of one to ten rate your appearance - 5 haha
12. do you get jealous easily? yes, very. it’s probably my biggest fault
13. what’s an accepted fact that you have a hard time believing? - i what
14. what’s your favorite part of foreplay - i have an oral fixation do with that what you will
15. what’s something you’d never admit to irl - i have a tough time talking about sexy stuff irl lol u///u i’m mega shy
16. showers or baths? - baths with lush bath bombs and bath melts please….
17. commando- sexy or sickening? - sexy!!!
18. have you ever secretly planned for marriage or children with your partner? - um yes but only bcus i think anyone you date you have to have some vision of the future with….. u///u or i’m just a stupid romantic
19. how big are your boobs - 34dd
20. define your sexuality - bisexual
21. what’s the farthest you’ve gone to impress the opposite sex? - p.much just style myself completely to their liking haha, hair, clothes, etc
22. in what way are you like your mom? dad? - uh oh man. i really. don’t know about this one. i think my personality is a little like my mom’s. my dad’s a workaholic so i def didn’t inherit that lol
23. in an average day, what do you eat? - uhmm. i live a pretty miserable bachelor life when i’m by myself haha so it’s usually… i skip breakfast, make something shitty like microwave food/cereal for lunch, and then try to make something nice like fried rice/salmon/stir fry veggies for dinner
24. what’s the weirdest date you’ve ever been on? - kiki and i went on a soho/st marks oddity store/tea/karaoke date it was p.much the best
25. which reality star would you take to dinner? - gordon ramsay HEH……
No. 101800
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No. 101801
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No. 104132
>>104110r9k gtfo
>>104113it's just because her tits make her look like she's about to topple over
No. 104865
>>104853it's the fact that her only hobby is consuming media for teenagers and drawing and using the internet. she doesn't seem to have any other hobbies that other adults have, like bike riding or anything like that.
her choice of hobby means that the majority of people she comes into contact with are going to be a lot younger than she is. she has no reason to mature and behave her age.
No. 105052
>>104865To be fair to her, she's a decent artist and she's a lot more creative than I am. Think about how many people in the world have "hobbies" that basically amount to luxuriating in front of a computer doing fuck all. She's not great, but she's a step above that.
Also her breasts are a thing of beauty.
No. 105216
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No. 107791
File: 1458506672218.jpg (97.5 KB, 768x1024, Cd827TyUYAEHgsR.jpg)

She's so embarrassing.
No. 107837
File: 1458512093565.jpg (96.66 KB, 1024x768, CajnrC4UkAASRIS.jpg)

>>107791I love how she's already latched onto another friend group(remember her "bara hell"?)
I give her 1-2 years before she ditches these new people too.
No. 107842
File: 1458512825831.jpg (151.97 KB, 768x1024, B5RNZOZIIAE9Zxi.jpg)

nice toilet
No. 108896
File: 1458602766335.jpg (128.29 KB, 669x590, tumblr_necm0yqgNc1u2dtlro1_128…)

Her side profile is so awful…
No. 108899
File: 1458603377884.jpeg (81.34 KB, 940x541, image.jpeg)

>>107842Idk about you but most people tend to have toilets in their bathrooms and sometimes they appear in the background of bathroom selfies. It's not like she could've picked up her toilet and shoved it out the door to get a selfie without it.
>>108896Damn she legit looks like a Neanderthal. Pic (literally) related.
No. 108900
>>108896i wonder if that anon from upthread still wants to bang neanderthal emily
>>108899bathroom selfies are just not classy to start with. visible toilets make it worse lol
No. 108922
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You can see how big her buck teeth are in this one(she's the Rei cosplayer)
No. 112298
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No. 112299
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She graduated looking like a flaming mess, if I were her parents I'd be so ashamed.
No. 114650
File: 1459726159338.jpeg (63.33 KB, 750x501, image.jpeg)

So a cartoon helped her get through being outed for cheating on her boyfriend?
No. 114654
>>112471This looks like a casual photo of her and her parents taken post-ceremony when everyone's just mingling and congratulating each other. She probably likes it because she's with her family instead of alone and totally dressed up on stage.
I don't like Emi either but nitpicking her a picture of her and her parents post-ceremony is reaching.
No. 114726
File: 1459734443641.gif (3.55 MB, 525x375, 1458845042641.gif)

>>114650give me a break. i love oso too but get a grip.
No. 114746
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>>114742capping it for archives sake
those interested in the original post can find it here
>>65601 No. 114747
File: 1459742018101.jpg (121.02 KB, 612x612, tumblr_m5p1fx02mt1qipjd4o1_128…)

>>114745Let's not forget her precious trans coke snorting ex boyfriend matt
No. 114752
File: 1459742787556.jpg (65.7 KB, 500x400, tumblr_m39ejhE94x1ruhjpfo1_500…)

Vintage tit pic
No. 114757
>>114753>Tumblrinas getting in a hissy fit over her edgy anime drawingsnah
Unless you think she and every other fujoshi out there is a pedo predator for drawing characters that act more like and resemble adults than teenagers
No. 114775
>>114766I meant the post linked here
>>114753but thank you though
No. 114779
>>114757>actual irl pedos use loli/shota to groom children so you're promoting pedos!!irl pedos use candy to groom kids, are you fatasses going to boycott hershey and stop eating it?
>if you draw underage characters you're promoting child rape!!So I guess all the bdsm people are going to go out and whip everyone they see in public?
I won't comment on the morality or ethics or whatever of drawing underage stuff, and yeah Emi is a turd in general, but the "arguments" on that page are just poorly reasoned pedo panic.
No. 114852
>>114779ugh I hate this shit
SO what you're saying is anyone who writes gore is a murderer?
I'm especially
triggered since I was accused of the same thing even though that shit was basically hidden away and they would have had to have gone through specific incest searches to find it. These people dont care if it's emi they just want to crucify anyone so they can get extra points on their top bitch SJW card
Also let's be real these people are the same ones that drool over actors and internet famous people several times their age and tweet shit at them like 'omg i want u daddy' and half of what they read are shitty shoujo manga where the highschooler protag wants to fuck her teacher.
No. 114932
File: 1459793544004.jpg (97.5 KB, 768x1024, B9N3FgyIEAAYCI4.jpg)

I love this pic
No. 114938
File: 1459794364817.png (655.79 KB, 932x593, s.png)

That time she made him cosplay that anime character she wanted to bang
No. 114960
>>114948>>114938I don't see anything wrong with that
weeby? yes
but tbh I would do the same if my bf wasn't so hideous
No. 116020
File: 1459962936512.jpg (85.5 KB, 1000x647, CfVjZNSUMAAfjJd.jpg)

Her sjw-fat pandering has reached a new level
No. 121806
File: 1461017772143.png (565.13 KB, 504x825, Untitled.png)

She changed her about page. It used to say "pursuing biology to become a pathologist's assistant" and now it's "taking story boarding classes"
She gave up before she even started, what a stupid cunt.
No. 122191
File: 1461123997908.jpeg (197.28 KB, 768x1024, image.jpeg)

She said she feels fat now and is trying to lose weight by skipping meals instead working out
So lazy
No. 122244
It makes so much sense to me that Emi is a cheater. She loves NTR, lol.
>>122241Yup. She was living by herself in NYC (with her parents paying her rent) but she moved back to California about a year ago.
No. 122310
File: 1461163725464.jpeg (129.01 KB, 750x843, image.jpeg)

A thrilling tetralogy
No. 122414
File: 1461187953005.png (570.83 KB, 533x560, insta.png)

Nice to know Emi is part of the ratchet drawn on thick eyebrow insta crew
No. 122506
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Emi and that one BNF LoL artist
No. 122508
File: 1461215600498.jpg (272.64 KB, 600x1003, 220038649.jpg)

No. 125128
File: 1461775723271.jpg (84.16 KB, 768x1024, ChAOhpiU4AAuXUB.jpg)

Her tits are like a shelf
No. 125129
File: 1461775994947.png (386.23 KB, 519x356, iyami.png) thought she looked like someone in this one video and then it hits me
No. 126155
File: 1461981629198.png (78.54 KB, 617x653, Untitled.png)

She's covering up her 'art is the weapon' tattoo LOL
No. 126171
File: 1461986382133.jpg (48.17 KB, 350x529, 2mid8.jpg)

>>126170Whoops, dropped pic.
No. 126184
File: 1461990650261.jpg (52.85 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lxt9afWR4p1qzz1zu.jpg)

>>126170I kind of hope she keeps them, it's tacky af and suits her a lot.
Found this gem while digging.
>Anonymous: So how many tattoos do you have now total? Also how long do you spend thinking about them before you get them, in general?I just have the three! To be perfectly honest they weren’t tattoos that I spent years thinking about… but each of them has a story behind them:
- The Killjoy spider- it’s not really a MCR tattoo, it’s more of the artist behind the design– Becky Cloonan. She’s everything I strive to be professionally! Her artwork, personality, comics, etc… if I can accomplish even ¼th of what she’s done by her age, I’ll be so so happy :(
- Batman symbol - kinda self-explanatory? I’m a huge fan and I reaaally hope I can draw a Batman comic sometime in my life :)
- “art is the weapon” - it is! It’s on my drawing hand too, so I can always remember that what I’m producing makes an effect on viewer, if that makes any sense? Ever since I started drawing the one thing that I’ve always wanted to be able to do was to move someone to tears; to be able to elicit that strong an emotion from somebody from a piece of art, illustrative or comics, is a goal I want to accomplish one day!
I want to get the Batsymbol developed into a quarter sleeve eventually, maybe filled up with art by artists I admire :)
No. 126339
File: 1462036885956.jpg (99.99 KB, 396x198, wtf.jpg)

What in the actual fuck went wrong
No. 127815
When did she make her porn blog private? All I remember being on it was her fanart, though. It was just a shitton of gay Homestuck and also stuff from The Lorax…
And if my memory isn't failing me, I'm pretty sure she drew Jack Frost and the Easter Bunny from Rise of the Guardians banging. K.
No. 127932
>>127815I think it was right after she talked about having an internet stalker trying to slander her.
It was probably one of her exes now that more info was leaked.
No. 127949
File: 1462472304214.png (68.35 KB, 569x576, Untitled.png)

>>127936She posted alarming tweets about it a year ago but hasn't mentioned it since No. 128941
File: 1462823649168.png (196.23 KB, 226x438, Untitled.png)

Knowing Emi and her obsessive behavior about her crushes, she's probably going to date this girl, Gloria, soon.
Calling it now.
No. 129053
File: 1462857624443.jpg (167.79 KB, 713x733, image.jpg)

Emi's best friend got married and she wasn't invited, damn.
Good job on her friend though.
No. 129335
File: 1462934284963.jpg (35.78 KB, 375x500, tumblr_neg7q0G4aQ1u2dtlro3_400…)

I wish Emi would post more selfies again, I miss seeing how much of a try hard she is.
No. 129674
File: 1463023346735.png (391.06 KB, 576x430, hsXAwm8.png)

>>129335This is such a horribly unflattering picture… did she really think this was okay to post online? Jfc.
>>129668I love it. Tbh I like Finn and I'm glad most people seem to have taken his side.
I bet Emi is pissed considering she always went on about getting married and having her ~Disney Wedding~ and yet she's still single and faaar away from marriage at 26.
Everyone around her seems to be doing well and she's… watching children's shows and taking a Kermit plushie out in public and taking pictures of it, apparently?
No. 130905
File: 1463355156395.jpg (143.96 KB, 1024x768, Cd769YMUEAA44tW.jpg)

>>130701The girl on the far left.
Emi has a habit of getting into things that her crushes are into. Gloria likes power rangers thus Emi is now into power rangers too.
No. 130906
File: 1463355176527.jpg (166.6 KB, 1024x768, Cd8F-QOUkAAsQXM.jpg)

Gloria again on the far right
No. 130907
File: 1463355714817.jpg (124.52 KB, 757x1010, Brw2Zg_CYAA5qGi.jpg)

I noticed after watching Emi for a couple of years she'll namedrop her crushes a lot but as soon as she gets bored she never brings them up again.
One of them was this user in her tags: didn't draw homestuck for years but she suddenly drew a lot of arasol because this blake person liked it.
No. 130908
File: 1463356032114.jpg (86.6 KB, 506x547, ss.jpg)

There was a period where this guy 'kevin' was in the picture too. She called him senpai a lot and then suddenly just stopped talking about him. No. 133669
File: 1464050638443.jpg (118.41 KB, 720x1280, CiiW78fWkAIt1yA.jpg)

Does she keep making duck lips to distract people from noticing her face is getting fatter?
No. 134046
File: 1464171720708.jpeg (86.67 KB, 480x640, image.jpeg)

Her eyeliner wing is so fucked how is she 26 years old
No. 134626
File: 1464314290518.png (65.67 KB, 760x808, ss (2016-05-26 at 05.56.16).pn…)

She posted her flight info on twitter… she knows people can mess with it now right…
This girl is stupid.
No. 134648
>>134640considering she talks the way she types, she doesnt have any concept of shame
link related No. 135886
>>135750 found a map with all the tables… it seems like it went her, Karen, then another person, this girl: but I'm not seeing any Persona stuff.
No. 135923
File: 1464671922586.png (27.43 KB, 581x207, image.png)

Tim being Emi's bitch again
No. 137921
File: 1465269433743.jpg (199.24 KB, 900x1200, CkTYbJNUkAAIpqq.jpg)

The tit pics are BACK
No. 138060
File: 1465322134224.jpg (74.37 KB, 314x260, CkHc26zVAAE-StI2.jpg)

Emi always red lines art she thinks is shitty but she should take a look at herself, her head is an egg
No. 138061
File: 1465322146971.jpg (143.9 KB, 900x1200, CkHc26zVAAE-StI.jpg)

original for reference
No. 138085
>>138067It would be nice for Emi to return the favor to Tim because, you know, they're friends, but Emi has never extended her home or rides to Tim when Tim is in SoCal.
But, you know, you could be right.
No. 138117
>>138096This. Plus iirc Emi lives in Pasadena which is farther away from LA (like a 30-60 minute drive depending on how bad the traffic is) so it would make sense for Tim to stay near the con center. Parking in LA is hellish as well.
On the other hand, Tim lives 20 minutes from SJCC where there's low traffic Fanime weekend and parking isn't hard to find/isn't too expensive.
No. 138133
File: 1465339045569.jpg (362.93 KB, 1092x1200, CkXk_qOVAAAzetN.jpg)

its ya gurl and she's looking pret rough
>dat neck zit
>flakey ass lips
No. 138207
File: 1465365325311.png (107.45 KB, 1442x524, Untitled.png)

>>138133That necklace keeps showing up in her pictures and it reminded me about that time she was crying about losing her '''TIFFANY''' burando necklace and couldn't buy another.
I don't know why she's buying burando when she can't afford to live away from her parents, what are her priorities?
No. 138694
>>135900lol smh people acting like it's weird and suspicious when two people who have been best friends for 10+ yrs that are travelling and tabling together to borrow money from each other
but no you guys want to believe that she's a dastardly mustache-twirling manipulative sociopath
like seriously there's so much vendetta here that sounds like people reaching for straws or making shit up
No. 138815
>>138694Are you aware of what website you're posting on.
This thread attracts so many white knights it's astounding.
No. 138850
File: 1465586903413.jpeg (106.16 KB, 988x750, image.jpeg)

>I've always been introverted, I didn't have friends in highschool
Rewrites her past to look for sympathetic online
No. 138918
>>138872have you ever read that dudes shit its probably something like she stole his heart.
its remarkable that this thread has gotten so old and off point but nobody has found those nudes yet. the only reason i come here.
No. 139091
>>139080The post is right here for you to read.
>>65601It's not explicitly stated but it could be inferred.
No. 139160
File: 1465700153528.jpg (72.89 KB, 600x800, tumblr_nep7c3c9dZ1u2dtlro1_128…)

>tfw you cheat on your boyfriend and call it abuse when he outs you
No. 139297
File: 1465759214804.jpg (340.43 KB, 1800x1350, CkxflGwUoAEP_8I.jpg)

She's getting fat mom arms and a double chin. God someone help this poor unfortunate soul.
No. 139306
File: 1465762397299.png (284.87 KB, 392x336, Untitled.png)

this is her most recent pic of her tattoo and its not as pigmented like it used to be(on the right)
Usually tattoos lose pigmentation due to gaining weight because the fat stretches out the skin
No. 139432
>>139427every single thread in /snow/ or /pt/ has some level of pettiness
what is your point
No. 139693
File: 1465878702794.jpg (58.19 KB, 600x450, P8270230.jpg)

No. 139694
File: 1465878716558.jpg (56.54 KB, 450x600, P8270231.jpg)

No. 139695
File: 1465878723064.jpg (40.75 KB, 450x600, P8270232.jpg)

No. 139696
File: 1465878740259.jpg (76.24 KB, 600x450, P8260228.jpg)

No. 147179
File: 1466657099769.jpg (109.08 KB, 500x750, tumblr_ndjgym65EE1twvm53o1_500…)

Can any artist point out why this cover looks weird
No. 147240
File: 1466669691920.gif (310.61 KB, 320x240, image.gif)

No. 147241
File: 1466669828974.png (511.36 KB, 516x760, eh.png)

>>147179fixed slightly in paint. The couch is still all kinds of fucked, but over all, less awful. The couch looks like the back part is leaning waaay back.
No. 147253
>>147241This looks loads better, bee looks like she's at least on the couch instead of floating on it
Her art really reflects her 4 years of art school
No. 147292
>>137921I legit love that tank though. I wonde where I can get it.
>>147179Dat perspective. Is this official art? Really? REALLY?
No. 147374
File: 1466702020808.jpg (254.11 KB, 800x411, emz.jpg)

Emi in her prime was 125 pounds at 5'3"
Her tits are 34D
No. 147377
File: 1466702355886.jpg (112.22 KB, 500x383, em.jpg)

Also found this, Emi was a lot more open back then
No. 147433
File: 1466713577833.jpg (270.01 KB, 595x1064, uh.jpg)

>>147431No I agree, despite her attitude her art was really good, but now it's questionable
I think its a mix of her trying to change her style to appease her storyboard teacher and a midlife insecurity crisis about her body(pic related)
No. 147449
File: 1466716027664.jpg (1.29 MB, 1600x847, ss (2016-06-23 at 01.00.19).jp…)

>>147444She has some kind of ED thats for sure
She used to only eat a 5 pack of nuggets+coke zero a day in her prime
She tried to lose weight recently by cutting meals and eating only bananas but then she relapses and binges on shit like this
No. 147532
>>147521She's a public figure, she's going to get nitpicked regardless. Whether it be her family, the art community, or her own friends
honestly it never stopped her before when she got constant anon hate on her own blog
No. 147549
File: 1466740969079.jpg (162.53 KB, 700x945, tumblr_locdknJahQ1qzasudo1_128…)

>>147179Compared to her old homestuck days this seems pretty lackluster skill wise.
No. 147583
File: 1466749227737.png (68.58 KB, 512x820, justadoodleblogbro.png)

>Re: I don’t put a lot of effort in my art- Tumblr is a doodle blog. I don’t upload my serious paid works here cus they are under a non-disclosure agreement.( )
But everything she posts on that blog is just a doodle
No. 147584
File: 1466749416620.jpg (418.28 KB, 660x1008, 2016-04-07-Boston-Metaphysical…)

The coloring isn't hers, but her inks are complete garbage
She got a legit comic job and she couldn't even take that seriously
No. 147688
File: 1466789675089.jpg (103.2 KB, 556x720, 198706_172075986198701_223163_…)

>>147584She put more effort into backgrounds with her shitty homestuck au than a contraced project
No. 147701
File: 1466793208736.jpg (34.02 KB, 521x288, image.jpg)

I dont know anything about this girl or the drama around her but once a year this fucking image pops up on my tumblr Dashboard and cant stop laughing, what the fuck she was thinking while writing that shitty dialogue.
No. 147709
File: 1466794470561.png (321.29 KB, 500x425, tumblr_mkp7uhAhD01s9m1sho1_500…)

>>147701Don't forget this gem
No. 147761
File: 1466807236836.jpg (581.14 KB, 508x646, item.jpg)

a girl who wouldnt give into you pressuring her into doing intimate things = emotionally abusive
lol ok emi
No. 148136
File: 1466907503943.jpg (98.64 KB, 1024x768, CKya-BwWgAA0VXO.jpg)

No. 149036
File: 1467147785822.jpg (138 KB, 700x750, CmBqGyUWYAAOS62.jpg)

>Black Kamina
Gotta get those SJW tumblr points
No. 149038
File: 1467148409819.jpg (215.39 KB, 1280x720, Yoko_and_Kamina.jpg)

>Character is a bit tanner than others
>Make them brown
Thanks tumblr
No. 149087
File: 1467161604780.jpg (166.79 KB, 800x654,…)

>>149036I know she's technically better now but I really prefer her older anime art. Her early Homestuck days were my favorite style of hers, but these days it's just… eh.
No. 149089
>>149087This is more aesthetically pleasing.
Her coloring is terrible though, even back then. How did she go to art school and draw for years without knowing how to color right?
No. 149253
No. 150846
File: 1467693914406.jpg (477.72 KB, 2048x1536, CmNi4G0UcAA29YN.jpg)

Her place is huge but it looks like they're packrats with rando shit in their foyer
No. 151016
File: 1467744291282.jpg (141.76 KB, 960x1280, B7HV-IvCEAAqKIW.jpg)

No. 151019
File: 1467744608646.png (874.88 KB, 593x590, minsorlrdd.png)

No. 151020
File: 1467744726296.jpg (524.64 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8048tpc6c1ruhjpfo1_128…)

No. 151021
File: 1467744742986.jpg (459.92 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8xrxzOHHD1ruhjpfo1_128…)

No. 151063
File: 1467753227009.jpg (203.64 KB, 1024x901, CmoJ0Q-VUAE11OI.jpg)

Her transformation is a scary one
No. 151267
File: 1467772553782.jpg (191.25 KB, 600x256, wholefoods.jpg)

Not only ratchet, but racist
No. 151271
File: 1467772734376.png (474.67 KB, 1000x415, Untitled.png)

>>151225The wrinkles are in such a weird place too
No. 151843
File: 1467821308703.png (770.69 KB, 700x1082, image.png)

>>151777You're right, she made Marie brown because it fits her character in game.
No. 151846
File: 1467821866145.jpeg (57.05 KB, 388x470, image.jpeg)

That pig tailed girl is supposedly the most pale character in this series but low and behold she's darkest one.
You could say it's a beach themed drawing so she got a tan or something but seeing emis track record it's more likely she's trying to diversify these girls to appease the ~~~poc~~~
No. 151880
>>151851it's more like "they're a sell out" than "i'm mad at them"
>Like people on deviantart go out of their way to make darker characters light as hell and people defend them all the time.people usually get put on a witch hunt for doing that
No. 151888
It has been months since I've read this thread, and I've always wanted to ask something: why does emi always puts everything about her online in public? Isn't she worried that people might stalk her or anything with all the info they get about her? She's an artist, she doesn't really need to show everything about herself in great details to her fans, let alone everyone else on twitter and tumblr. Can you imagine her jobhunting and potential employers googling her name?
>>151781>>151880She's barely on tumblr nowadays right? I wonder if she started getting sick of tumblr bullshit because I've seen her complain about made up genders on twitter a long time ago. I feel like she's one of the few artists who doesn't make characters darker than they are in canon just because of SJW points, I think she likes dark skinned fictional characters a lot just because she thinks they look good. Not trying to defend her, especially because she could be way better and all her artworks now look like she put less and less effort in them, but I've seen way worse.
No. 151910
File: 1467835509564.jpg (88.95 KB, 630x968, AT03.jpg)

>>151888People have stalked her before. Someone sent something to her mother iirc. She contacted the police about.
Yet she still posts everything about her life online. Guess it's just too hard to not be an attention whore. And yeah, I wonder if her luck with not getting industry jobs (besides the fact that her work is sloppy) is because when you Google her, her thread here is on the front page of results… and if you go to images you get some rather unprofessional pictures too. Some of her "professional" work pops up too, such as this comic book cover she did for Adventure Time. If I was looking for someone to do a cover for me and this was what I saw… I would definitely hire someone else.
No. 151913
File: 1467836113401.png (742.02 KB, 899x538, comic.png)

>>151912As a comic book cover, it's kind of boring and simplistic. Here it is among the others, and here's the full list of them: sticks out like a sore thumb.
No. 151923
File: 1467837734623.png (36.49 KB, 198x200, Untitled.png)

>>151910is this an error or artistic choice?
the cup is filled but it's not spilling
No. 151924
File: 1467837855123.jpg (294.21 KB, 1000x667, no_1_assistant_by_021-d4j10r6.…)

>>151913>>151910I hate that all of her professional work looks so boring and rushed when she has the potential to create interesting illustrations. She probably would get more opportunities if she pushed herself more and didn't wait until the last minute to complete everything.
I don't mind her sketchy lineart too much, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It wouldn't hurt to clean things up though.
No. 151936
File: 1467841372267.jpg (133.51 KB, 1200x1821, STL010709.jpg)

Professional Comic Artist
No. 152088
File: 1467877031798.png (533.55 KB, 511x923, Untitled.png)

>>151978That response was cringe worthy, I know she was 21(22?) at the time she replied to that but she should have known better.
No. 152090
File: 1467877839452.jpg (59.5 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lz5l3jVvnA1qzz1zu.jpg)

rip emi's body
No. 152145
Here's a basic guide on how to fuck an emi:
1. Find out her flavor of the month anime boyfriend
2. Create an RP twitter of said character
Past examples of twitters she's romantically engaged with: RP with her
4. ???
5. Obtain a basic bitch
No. 152199
File: 1467927893072.jpg (196.1 KB, 1200x1013, CmybS3HUsAA4HJx.jpg)

she just posted this pic with her address on it and she wonders why she gets stalkers
bitch stupid
No. 153207
File: 1468118583673.png (137.17 KB, 460x409, drea.png)

I was looking at the skype convo in here
>>65601and tried plugging in names that emi dropped a lot and this one name "drea" fit perfectly
No. 153212
File: 1468118916273.jpg (1.31 MB, 1176x1574, dre.jpg)

combing through the tweets it seems like emi and this drea person talked a lot and nsfw rp'd which makes me think she's the girl emi cheated on her ex with
No. 153213
File: 1468118949242.jpg (329.88 KB, 577x593, drea.jpg)

the tweets seem innocuous but it's the best guess I've got
No. 153271
File: 1468133858859.png (612.83 KB, 580x842, emi.png)

>>153235It looks like Drea was one of the twitter rp accounts that Emi took a liking to.
From emi's otp timeline from 2014-2016 it looks like Drea rp'd Ishimaru from Dangan Ronpa, maybe Midousuji from Yowamushi Pedal(?), and then Teshima from Yowamushi Pedal. I suspect something from Youkai Watch as well since Emi was obsessed with it.
Taking a look at their following/followers list, they no longer have each other on their twitters but they talked a lot. may be just me but their tweets read like teenagers shittily flirting.
pic related implies they met in person, and looking at the cons for that time/year it was ALA
No. 153273
File: 1468134060696.png (65.51 KB, 583x572, Untitled.png)

Might also just be really good friends? idk
No. 153277
File: 1468135018485.png (107.66 KB, 604x854, redhairedkid.png)

>>153271I was digging a bit more and adding onto this post, it looks like Drea also rp'd the red haired kid from yowamushi pedal would really fall into place with emi's drawing timeline where she drew nothing but teshima pairings and other specific yowamushi pedal characters during 2014
No. 153411
File: 1468177076509.jpg (64.49 KB, 585x586, emily hu.jpg) can any grown 26 year old get a job when they post shit like this
No. 153544
File: 1468212164965.jpg (114.96 KB, 601x876, Untitled.jpg)

Emi is currently enrolled in $500+ art classes and she couldn't even pay attention.
She also manipulated Karen to take the classes with her and it was so stressful on Karen that she quit her legit art job.
No. 153961
>>153544Jesus christ, really? Can she not do anything by herself?
What is she even doing right now? Just taking these classes (which seem part-time) and just… doing homework? She could at least get a part-time job or something… or take commissions?
No. 154038
File: 1468277383047.jpg (1.97 MB, 1032x1566, BOOMBOX_Lumberjanes_011_B_Vari…)

>>153961Her main mode of income right now are her parents and cons. She gets some freelance from boom studios comics but those pay $150 at most(She's only done about 4? to date).
Flounder mouth on the far left kid #SVAGraduate #4YearsOfArtSchool
No. 154052
File: 1468281119140.png (240.63 KB, 505x510, emily hu.png)

Her father seems so supportive and caring, it sucks his daughter is such a spoiled cunt
No. 154070
File: 1468285957601.png (758.34 KB, 485x750, tumblr_moz3a3Z8JR1ruhjpfo1_500…)

>>154038Comparing that to this, which was drawn three years ago… yeah she's regressing. And she can't draw any dynamic scenes whatsoever.
No. 154309
File: 1468347515477.jpg (226.15 KB, 655x367, homegirllookinruff.jpg)

Emily Gains Hu
No. 154431
File: 1468362127446.jpg (68.52 KB, 439x562, 21da5b3a88b930a9b31bf6ec78690c…)

>>154394It's like when kids try to perspective by adding another line onto the picture
No. 154622
File: 1468374756516.png (18.85 KB, 512x324, ddddddddddd.png)

When you name your cat after your fake trans 'boyfriend' who didnt even like you
No. 154761
File: 1468391962177.jpg (519.93 KB, 1934x1500, hokusai.jpg)

>>154070>>154394>>154431Seems like she was going for ukiyo-e style. Ukiyo-e does have more perspective than that but it gets closer.
No. 155029
>>154816I would feel bad for Emi but she deserves it. She only gets into relationships for the honeymoon phase; ie drama shit like wearing matching clothes, couples cosplay, and sniffing her s/o's clothes like in anime. I doubt she's capable of actual love.
Matt's updated links:
http://william-s-churros.tumblr.com No. 155034
File: 1468436846769.jpg (378.56 KB, 585x610, lol.jpg)

>>155029Adding onto this I was looking around and wow l o l Matt is not over Emi, it's been like 5 years, oneitis much
No. 155038
File: 1468437183283.png (96.07 KB, 576x697, abusive emi.png)

Wow if what Matt tweets is true,
Emi further confirmed:
-Physically abusive(slapping her s/o)
No. 155056
>>155038Hooooly shit. I know she's garbage but physical abuse was kind of unexpected. Then again, she always reminded me of that one video of the Chinese girl making her boyfriend kneel in front of her and slapping him in public.
She is crazy. I hope that Gloria girl or whoever she's trying to get with now stays away from Emi.
No. 155067
File: 1468439092956.jpg (275.82 KB, 579x833, boymay.jpg)

>>155056it fits in with her "bloody beat up boys, femdom uwu" kink
No. 155105
>>155034>>155038why do these adult children air their animu drama out on Twitter?
I know we're on lolcow but ffs emi and her posse are such trainwrecks
No. 155133
File: 1468445048100.jpg (758.45 KB, 960x1280, 1467744291282.jpg)

Pretty sure girl on the left is the one Emi was cheating with and having animu phone sex
No. 155308
>>155034Wait I was reading over the dates some more and this gets fucking weird
Emi and Matt broke up in September 26-30, 2013
Emi and Finn got together September 30th 2013
(According to
This means that during that weekend, immediately after Matt broke up with Emi she rebounded onto Finn.
No. 155352
>>155038This whole situation is so comical.
Emi constantly talks about how women should dominate and beat men to fight against the patriarchy or whatever bullshit, but Matt was a "FtM" so technically she was beating a woman.
No. 155556
>>155308from what i understand, matt broke up with emi because matt wanted to bone other people (specifically men) and emi was kind of a bad girlfriend and boring lay.
he told emi he was exclusively into men and then immediately started dating another woman. (though to be fair they are pretty androgynous)
No. 155675
File: 1468526737110.jpg (129.93 KB, 235x452, tumblr_njhc8nY2AE1u2dtlro1_400…)

>>155556>boring layspill more deets
No. 155743
File: 1468544694733.png (14.68 KB, 583x94, ss (2016-07-13 at 07.07.29).pn…)

a 22 year old woman telling her significant other this
No. 155996
>>155675the consensus seems to be that she is uninteresting and uncreative. boring fallback on bland and boring positions. had a grasp of the basics but never wanted to put any effort into it. didn't want to try new things but never was very good at the things she did do.
i guess i could be talking about her art here too.
No. 156029
File: 1468632710761.jpeg (47.1 KB, 623x570, image.jpeg)

No. 157907
File: 1469134203807.jpg (311.76 KB, 1116x293, nkbhjbs.jpg)

>>157890I tried googling it and this comment came up.
The main comments on tumblr focuses on:
-her immature attitude - especially concerning her responses to anon hate and critques
-her constant camwhoring
-the lack of quality in her art+the attention she recieved
No. 157909
File: 1469134567492.jpg (448.68 KB, 800x500, snake.jpg)

She also got snake bites because one of the Onceler rp characters had them.
She loves to self insert.
No. 157912
File: 1469134757534.jpg (317.63 KB, 507x366, triggerwarningdeathkek.jpg)

Also found this while looking and it's clear this girl has been spoiled since she was born and hasn't gone through any hardships
>someone I don't know died and it affected me a bit idk heres a post about my 'feefees'
No. 157914
File: 1469135141172.jpg (344.26 KB, 601x949, lotsofsnakes.jpg)

>>157907Adding onto this, it's interesting that the person who made this comment is: ichi person is currently one of Emi's bffs/ass lickers.
See pic attached and:
>>147433I guess hating someone doesn't stop people from befriending Emi for e-fame.
No. 157925
>>157890"Reasons why I could never get into the homestuck fanbase.
HIGHLY UNPOPULAR OPINIONS, but I really needed to vent this shit man.
I would assume every fan base has popular artists that everyone ass-kisses to some degree, but it wasn’t until I found the fan base over here on tumblr, that I realized just how fucking many ass kissers there were for, imo, more or less undeserving members.
Not that I’m just going to OUTRIGHT rag on these dudes, but jeeze. I found averyniceprince and octopimp very early just as everyone else did who tried to participate in the home stuck shenanigans, and they had seemed like pretty cool people who did some pretty quality shit. Of course, quality is subjective when I look back at everything now.
I don’t know if it’s JUST me, but posting negative anon’s with “witty” remarks or .gifs is really fucking childish. Like, you’re looking for people to go out of their way to message you shit like that. This goes for both of them, but more dumb kawaii bullshit when emi responds to things. Not to mention the massive USI both have garnered over the months, what with their tight-knit cliques and posting chat logs with dumb fucking jokes all over their pages like “Oh look guys! I have friends that I talk to, and you can’t be one of them!” Same could be said for any popular artist though.
Though, when it comes down to it, Emi bothers me more than anyone. She has serious potential as an artist, but I always see her posting same-face shit with animu eyes and never pushed further than a scribbly ass sketch with some desaturated colors thrown on. Not to mention every female character she draws manages to look rather whorish, with the exact same body type. Though that is her own personal taste in style, it’s very boring after a while from how repetitive everything is. Nothing is original, the only this that changes are the characters and the clothes/poses she puts them in.
I really don’t understand why she gets as much attention as she does, like…there are SERIOUSLY better artists out there who put their heart into the fanart they spit out, who actually finish pieces and have some degree of stylistic change between the facial features of different characters.
I’m not going to poke too far at 4chords, but all it really is, imo, was a ploy for mass fandom attention. Yaois and pretty boys with the most popular trolls, that’s like, instant fame right there.
Those two aside, the fan base has so many great artists, and I’d hate to say those two alone ruined the fan base for me, but that many people who think they are the best things since sliced bread, really sort of infuriates me.
btw, I really couldn’t care less if you have a problem with my opinions, or try to tell me HOW GREAT person x is."
No. 158025
File: 1469148861580.jpg (20.81 KB, 375x500, tumblr_neej7eIx351u2dtlro1_400…)

>>158009That's probably because she was a fake boi
do you have any stories to share?
No. 158157
>>158138Sheridan, RISD, and calarts are more notable schools but prepare to pay a shitload
Most good artists only go for two years and get picked up my large companies
No. 158158
>>158157*by large companies
No. 158184
>>158175If you really want to get anywhere at art, fuck art schools in general.
Move to LA, and enroll in singular classes here:
http://conceptdesignacad.comYou will spend less and learn more.
No. 158188
File: 1469210541233.jpg (143.19 KB, 448x592, tumblr_neejvmjhHR1u2dtlro1_500…)

>>158081She stopped right after highschool because she realized that her huge tits were a powerful tool and that she could sleep her way to the top(see:gainax guy she went to Japan to fuck)
in the end, 8 years later it didn't get her anywhere
No. 158655
>>158175wow, if you had the opportunity to go to CSM i would definitely choose it over SVA. SVA is not a for-profit school but it definitely is the lowest of the low, they don't have a campus and rent rooms from other buildings or companies to house classes in.
it depends on what kind of art you're interested of course, if you definitely want to design wrappers for baby food you might consider SVA. if you want to get your art in art basel in 3 years you should go to CSM, RISD, or SAIC. also you could check out the new school or cooper union in ny, these are considered to be more respectable art schools than SVA and are in some respects cheaper (so i hear)
polite sage
No. 158711
File: 1469341617917.jpeg (93.58 KB, 750x528, image.jpeg)

When myspace angles can't hide your double chin so you have to get a selfie stick to achieve the look, damn
No. 159166
File: 1469471555899.jpg (88.13 KB, 600x856, Cg1sR00UkAA5F-5.jpg)

>>158736"White" isnt a derogatory term though. dont reach so much cmon
No. 159180
File: 1469472888098.jpg (90.42 KB, 167x320, tumblr_nl7qnz6XBC1u2dtlro1_250…)

>>159166I think it was a long observation of behavior from her posts/tweets that she generally dislike white people because it's the "in" thing to do on tumblr
No. 159364
File: 1469493462171.jpg (68.21 KB, 800x554, CoLK9oVVUAAx3BU.jpg)

>>159263Well, there's already this.
Sidenote, I find some of the art she's been posting (the ones that are apparently her homework) to be really… embarrassing. I wonder what her teacher thinks.
No. 159422
File: 1469508383766.jpg (132 KB, 944x768, gsagaga.jpg)

>>159364With this type of attitude she has while doing them, it's no wonder why they're so "quality"
According to her teacher her stuff is "Not Good" No. 159615
File: 1469551902631.jpg (113.61 KB, 500x375, tumblr_neek0vhhUx1u2dtlro2_500…)

I noticed that ever since she was a teen Emi has used her bangs to cover up her left eye. Her left eye is a little fucked but to keep the same bang style till now shows how much it bothers her.
No. 160513
File: 1469608373122.png (41.46 KB, 584x295, ss (2016-07-27 at 01.31.21).pn…)

This grown ass woman is turning 27 soon
No. 161853
File: 1469902016725.jpeg (428.61 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpeg)

It's official… She's become one of those people who look nothing like the selfies she posts online
No. 161857
File: 1469902362597.jpeg (176.63 KB, 640x1136, image.jpeg)

Losing chin definition
No. 161858
File: 1469902422835.jpeg (184.54 KB, 640x1136, image.jpeg)

Or gaining a double one
No. 161922
>>161857>>161858How is she going to brag about tiffany jewelry and LV bags and then wear $1.50 Daiso sunglasses
Basic af
No. 162169
>>162166Whoa, wait, what? I used to casually know her… she was really nice. She seems to have let her efame get to her head a bit, but damn I wouldn't expect that. Deets?
No. 162176
>>162175he wrote her a concerto and hired an orchestra to play it for her (a little creepy tbh especially since she made it incredibly clear she wasn't into him) and then there was emibound which was also weird
He then tried to convince Matt that he wanted to bang him and, as this thread clearly shows, Matt is a very unstable person, so he dumped Emi and of course, James was full of shit and didn't really want anything to do with him.
No. 162189
File: 1470026606192.jpg (296.25 KB, 514x520, image.jpg)

>>162173A guy infatuated with Emi so much he bought her a $70 shitty hoody.
You can read up on emi stringing him along here: No. 162191
>>162186different girlfriend woops
a number of women have slapped matt (probably for good reason)
>>65722what con was this? i may have some stories too
No. 162384
File: 1470081652145.png (862.12 KB, 963x824, image.png)

This cami person is most likely emi's current fling No. 162437
File: 1470101763658.png (97.63 KB, 582x698, image.png)

>>162300Well what do you know I found receipts to back up this claim. Looks like a lot of BNF are sociopaths
No. 162438
File: 1470101911076.png (67.48 KB, 582x489, image.png)

Emi's ex nuked all their tweets just now but I grabbed these caps about Ashley Swaby/starexorcist before they were baleeted
No. 162439
File: 1470101967325.png (123.44 KB, 576x878, image.png)

Starting to feel a little bad for emi's ex, he's a magnet for shitty people LOL
No. 162440
File: 1470102809216.jpg (74.75 KB, 573x460, ss 8.1.16.jpg)

This grown ass woman has to stop self inserting herself into art, she's getting as bad as sonicrocksmysocks
No. 162452
File: 1470107878314.png (75.66 KB, 585x525, o hai matt.png)

matt how are you going to defend emi still when she fucked your ass up and fucked up her next boy toy and his friends(your friend pavaal is/was close friends to them too are they not?)
Feel free to post in this thread though if you have any stories that paint emi in a 'good light', we're open to hear since we've only got one side of the story
No. 162454
>>162453The comments about her body can't be helped since this is a petty board, but the other stuff seems pretty legitimate.
There's a clear history of her manipulating others. For example:
>she grooms her friends by buying stuff for them.She sent you packages filled with your favorite things and even made sure to pop your cigs right? This was so she could justify slapping you and treating you like shit.
And look and behold, history repeats itself. She buys Karina cosplay, jewelry, pays for her dinner. Emi then proceeds to shit on Karina and everything she loves. Karina never meant anything to Emi though because as soon as Emi couldn't find use for her, she made Finn hate Karina and vice versa.
Honestly we outsiders can never know what happened between you and emi unless you tell us, maybe we're just misunderstanding everything. Please enlighten us.
No. 162455
>>162452ah fuck it i read that cheating massive text
she sucks
i did NOT cheat on her though, unless you count a sweaty man making sexual advances toward me on the phone and me telling him to knock it off
No. 162457
>>162454yeah she bought me tons of shit, she was constantly trying to get me to dress better so she bought me tons of clothes and food and shit
this is eye-opening because she also spent a lot of time telling me i was a bad person for feeling anything lol
but i wanted to pretend i was over it and that it wasn't horrible, i guess
No. 162459
>>162454most of my stories are unbelievably stupid like "flunked a class for you due to attendance" "well, wasn't that stupid!" "hey you never gave me any time to work on my internship, the real reason i am here in LA" "that's not my responsibility but i do need you to drive me eveywhere because I live in la and don't drive???" or the ever popular "hey im coming to visit you, buy 36 of those 45 hours will be spent with my lorax friends."
honestly the reason i keep thinking about this is that the entire time we were together she set it up like i was an irredeemable shithead
No. 162461
>>162453Honestly you aren't to blame for it to end the way it did. Emi doesn't have the maturity or social capacity to have a healthy relationship.
You may have done some skeevy things but Emi was way worse. She has always been fucked up and rest assured you didn't contribute to her being a manipulative maniac. Sorry you had to deal with it for however long it did.
No. 162464
File: 1470110808932.png (722.02 KB, 508x779, image.png)

>>162459>i do need you to drive me eveywhere because I live in la and don't driveShe's still making people drive her around, last year it was Finn and Karina.
This year its Karen and now this cami person @powercami5000
This cycle is never ending
No. 162465
>>162440tbh it's not that bad… i know a 26 year old who draws herself making out with, being carried by, etc. her favorite characters.
at least emi just wants to be a pokemon trainer.
No. 162466
File: 1470111479107.png (115.1 KB, 504x687, wep.png)

>>162465Well no… we have this.
Emi goes by Mimi sometimes(pet name from her mom and she's picked it up recently)
No. 162489
File: 1470120175941.png (662.96 KB, 750x525, tumblr_madqaoIwja1r2b6o1o1_128…)

This one is less obvious that she based it off of herself
No. 162490
File: 1470120216354.jpg (90.71 KB, 500x625, tumblr_lufs5qwhV51r2b6o1o1_500…)

This one is extremely obvious she drew 'herself'
her caption: a lady
No. 162501
>>162463If you still have txts, skype chat logs, or anything where emi's abuse was recorded, could you please post it?
the best way to prevent emi from hurting others is to expose her
No. 162569
>>162501it was mostly face to face stuff
a lot of it boiled down to "i hate passive men who get really emotional" and i am a very passive man, and pre-t i used to cry a lot
No. 162607
File: 1470164603682.jpg (121.11 KB, 576x557, image.jpg)

Throwback to that time emi cooked and bought a cake for an anime character's birthay and did nothing for her boyfriend on his bday
No. 162608
>>162590I got drunk and thought googling shit was a good idea (I was wrong)
I feel very bad about all of this and I'm not gonna replay further
No. 162630
File: 1470169537928.jpg (307.55 KB, 579x798, image.jpg)

26 years old
playing pokemon at midnight - on a weekday
unemployed - never worked a day in her life
lives with her parents - not paying rent
No. 162648
File: 1470171494114.jpg (598.29 KB, 2400x1600, image16.jpg)

>>162641eel is pretty hard for anyone to fuck up
No. 162704
>>162701anon pls, don't call emi a "this"
despite being a walking pile of trash she is still human, she/her pronouns if you will
No. 162705
File: 1470190797829.jpg (172.63 KB, 812x1024, CIx5cf6UAAEe9p_.jpg)

face of a person in the process of cheating on their s/o for a year
No. 162708
>>162706Okay mattgie we get it, you still love emi
chill it with the white knighting, getting as bad as james.
No. 162723
>>162721There's no way this dumb bitch, who's been spoiled and carried all her life, could possibly sit down and study BIOLOGY of all things.
She hit rock bottom but she still had the audacity to call a community college shabby
No. 162724
File: 1470198581350.jpg (72.06 KB, 600x800, CM5FKW0WwAAK0NV.jpg)

>>162715They deteoriated, like her art
No. 162726
File: 1470199162598.jpg (78.1 KB, 1024x576, CBJqClhU8AEyCnz.jpg)

here we see emi following in the steps of our queen, the infamous im poopin pose
No. 163141
File: 1470345996557.jpg (337.82 KB, 1024x1365, CjqRuCjUgAA96M3.jpg)

During fanime emi had a third artist selling at her table, the print on the top right is Tim's isn't it?
Did tim and emi break fanime and state tax rules?
No. 164213
File: 1470691507816.jpg (70.55 KB, 800x557, CpT9QA9UIAEpmO5.jpg)

She lacks creativity so much the only way to make her characters stand out is to diversify them
No. 164238
File: 1470698154552.png (49.77 KB, 582x177, surejan.png)

Would a 15 year old boy reaaaally think she looks like she's a teenager? She's covered in tattoos and just… looks late 20's to me. She still has to tweet about it though, gotta make sure everyone knows about how young she looks!
No. 164250
File: 1470701475623.jpg (278.8 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_myo5hmPtUJ1ruhjpfo1_128…)

>>164238She dresses like a teenager and asian people tend to look younger than they are so it's a bit believable.
But you're right, either way it really isn't something worth to brag or even tweet about.
No. 164276
>>163317i just found out who tim is and i heard from someone in her comm that she showed up to a dress-specific lolita meet in an outfit that didn't wasn't that dress.
>>164250i need that shirt
No. 164398
File: 1470771305958.jpg (197.39 KB, 480x459, tumblr_nl7qqnEYxu1u2dtlro1_500…)

I was looking up psychopaths/sociopaths and this list came up:
>Regularly breaks or flouts the law
-Steals money from her friends at Artist Alley
-Makes people sign up for tables just in case she doesn't get in(Evades taxes through this method)
>Constantly lies and deceives others
-Cheated and lied to her ex over a long period of time
-Lied to friends to pit them against each other
-Belittles her friends/lovers via gas lighting
>Is impulsive and doesn’t plan ahead
-Constantly finishing her contracted work at the last minute
-Fucks dudes to get ahead (Fakku, Gainax, etc)
>Can be prone to fighting and aggressiveness
-Phsyically abuses romantic partners (slapping, hitting)
>Has little regard for the safety of others
-Let her friend blackout and took pictures & tweeted about it instead of helping
-Forces others to get their hands dirty
>Irresponsible, can’t meet financial obligations
-Buys a ton of stupid anime shit
-Moved back home because she was unable to pay rent in NY
>Doesn’t feel remorse or guilt
-Hasn't apologized to any of her friends
-Did not acknowledge any wrong doing - instead turns the blame on someone else
No. 164417
File: 1470775088646.png (17.4 KB, 577x123, image.png)

Does anyone understand what she tweeted? It's like gibberish
No. 164505
>>164487Sociopaths are usually from wealthy families though?
I think it's appropriate in this case
No. 165359
File: 1471103225006.jpeg (769.71 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpeg)

Has anyone been keeping tabs on Finn lately? Has he lost his mind with this tattoo? That's a straight up yakuza tattoo if I'm not mistaken.
No. 165419
>>165359How could you not know what overwatch is.
Gitgud pleb
No. 165705
>>165581From Karina's old vines emi would yell insults at her so much
So glad she's out of that
No. 165745
>>162174lol hi star here someone told me I was brought up and so I'm here I guess. idk what Matt told you but I never touched him. I never stole anything (quite the opposite since he said it would have been fine to store stuff in the attic until I tried to contact him later and never got a single reply? I dont think I can still find the messages but I even sent texts back in 2011).
I'll admit to owing rent but then again when I temporarily took the bigger room when one of tenants moved I was never told the rent was going up? if he ever wants to message me and work shit out I will gladly cause I dont believe in holding grudges and letting shit like this float in the air.
As I've said I'd tried multiple times to message him in the past but I never got any replies so idk where that whole 'oh I should call ashley out on XYZ'. I'm not perfect and I dont think that people need to/should like me at all but if Matt cares so much about getting the money back I'm pretty easy to contact I feel?
No. 165845
>>165745Can you address the eating disorder accusations too?
Or give us info on Matts and Emis relationship
No. 165956
File: 1471294164485.png (33.26 KB, 257x264, proof.png)

>>165934this was another one of our roommates at the time
No. 166173
File: 1471356978127.png (29.57 KB, 210x260, proof2.png)

>>165956another testimonial
oh, and its a pretty common tactic for an abuser to try to seem rational and minimize what they've done. sorry i don't have more physical evidence for the other shit, but most of it occurred in the real world where you can't screencap things
sorry about going off on a tangent in your very dignified thread
No. 166181
File: 1471359711532.png (52.45 KB, 361x483, 1f181646be8586b4d71e7c555a7e65…)

>>166173Matt seriously? Who the heck is heather?
We had two roommates (not including while your brother and his girlfriend was there). I contacted your dad via Facebook and I'll be paying back the rent I owe to him since that's who I actually owe so cest la vie.
btw two can play the testimonial game
No. 166206
>>166181you are a liar and a thief and an abuser
you tried to turn me against my family
I don't care anymore.goodbye
No. 167412
>>167176Same for me. I started following her when she was really into Persona 3 and 4 so she was also talking about the games themselves. She seemed like a fun girl to me, idk why actually. I guess it's because people barely talk about themselves on my dashboard and mostly reblog impersonal things. At first I thought she stopped posting about herself because she started being more careful about her private life but her twitter is was worse.
>>167316Yeah, she was posting a lot about her friends who were in the same fandoms ashere in a "hey everyone look at how popular and funny I am, wish you were part of my friend group huh?" way. Is that what being a big name fan does to people?
No. 167435
File: 1471809319478.jpg (305.54 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_nr36anYnau1ruhjpfo1_128…)

>>167412tfw we won't be getting cringey gems like this anymore
No. 167437
File: 1471809813325.png (17.57 KB, 422x214, image.png)

>i’ve been in art school for four years.
she knows whats she doing guys she was in school for four years
No. 168017
File: 1472027090837.jpeg (109.52 KB, 750x771, image.jpeg)

Literal human garbage
She's keeping up with her 'tsundere' image even now
No. 169018
File: 1472350561336.jpg (234.27 KB, 568x416, image.jpg)

Leave it up to emi to choose the most weakest fucks to date and manipulate
No. 172998
File: 1473569924099.png (1.58 MB, 806x816, Untitled.png)

Her first selfie in a long time.
>Emi how are you going to do your brows?
>Fuck em up
No. 173002
File: 1473570997961.jpg (38.32 KB, 635x475, 970197_10200605018382094_16361…)

>>172998Same outfit, more decent looking
No. 178217
File: 1475250043151.png (147.34 KB, 800x506, image.png)

this thread is dying and i thought someone would of posted this but i guess noone has yet. Shes starting to post about beauty stuff? And tweeting about korean cosmetics and music recently.
No. 178401
File: 1475304154701.jpg (1.18 MB, 1693x2047, IMG_1137.JPG)

>>178217Yeah it seems like she jumped into a whole new persona.
Also damn she is slipping with her body, at least she's aware she isn't pretty now. The other day she yelled at her friend publicly for posting an unflattering picture of her in the bg
No. 178403
File: 1475304277493.jpg (56.43 KB, 700x494, IMG_1138.JPG)

at least she's drawing herself accurately fat and ugly instead of cute and kawaii I guess
No. 178404
File: 1475304414047.jpg (627.62 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_1139.JPG)

Gremlin looking creature
No. 178435
File: 1475316938556.jpeg (530.71 KB, 2047x1436, image.jpeg)

her style changed alot recently in a bad way but since shes been playing mm her stuff looks more like it did a few years ago
No. 179258
File: 1475631077217.png (432.18 KB, 723x497, image.png)

>making the palest character in game, dark skinned
shit emi what are you doing
No. 183403
File: 1476587746499.jpg (240.64 KB, 1200x900, Cuw9f-FVIAAXjA1.jpg)

it's almost been a year since she's been outed for cheating
No. 183796
>>183773I think it was kind of confirmed up thread that it was this "drea" person
>>153207 >>153212 >>153213 >>153271 >>153273Karina was most likely the person who told finn about the cheating since they don't talk anymore. She's also friends with drea so it matches up
No. 186653
File: 1477103895601.jpg (139.46 KB, 937x1200, CvRByMdUIAAedHj.jpg)

Not insecure about her nose at all
No. 186655
File: 1477104022659.jpg (109.11 KB, 1199x800, CvRByMaUMAAr0ET.jpg)

Confident woman
No. 187604
File: 1477344288541.png (167.34 KB, 1136x640, IMG_1037.PNG)

Her old tumblr is down, I guess she was paying for the domain name and it expired? Weird seeing as tumblr lets you change domains for free but, unless it's Tumblr being weird
No. 189409
File: 1477610224571.jpeg (895.38 KB, 2560x1920, image.jpeg)

she made sevens chin a triangle?
No. 189873
>>189433she won't cus she's a cool kid and cool kids don't like what's popular
remember when she said haikyuu was shit and yowaped had better art? L O L
No. 190830
File: 1477891371633.jpg (471.29 KB, 1616x2048, IMG_1541.JPG)

I think miss emi is having nose disphoria or something, she shooped it to be Michael Jackson-esque
No. 191134
File: 1477958145387.jpg (715.74 KB, 1814x2047, IMG_1544.JPG)

No. 191592
File: 1478025855563.jpg (146.05 KB, 686x1200, CwIfyDKVIAA2-JC.jpg)

>>191280It looks like it was meant for a child, not sure why she wore it commando though
No. 194322
File: 1478402458775.jpg (435.18 KB, 1431x2048, IMG_1658.JPG)

Getting old and crusty
No. 203623
File: 1480028070020.png (70.44 KB, 504x818, Untitled.png)

The great year of 2016 and still she won't acknowledge how she manipulated and used her friends/ex
okay miss emi
No. 207879
File: 1480749212276.jpg (224.25 KB, 900x1200, Cyu9FB5UQAE9Uva.jpg)

the only way she can look decent is with powerful filters now
No. 209406
File: 1481009417006.jpg (186.91 KB, 1200x1055, Cy87RW9VQAExHMn.jpg)

age is not being kind to her
No. 221542
File: 1482700213861.jpg (97.87 KB, 433x478, d.jpg)

if anybody wants to see a big titted person sadly dance in front of her parents click here No. 221620
File: 1482712791629.png (71.89 KB, 595x569, 1.png)

Wow what a surprise can you believe you have to study long and hard to become something silly like a pathologist assistant or something
>emi logic
No. 221631
>>221620Is anyone here studying to be or working as a pathologist assistant? Seems like decent pay and intelligent work (the latter which disqualifies Emi)
sage for OT
No. 222914
File: 1482898645554.png (77.04 KB, 1600x900, 01.png)

>>222838> (626)864-4312Did she really post her phone number online
First her address and now this? She really is a giant idiot isn't she
No. 222917
File: 1482899117009.png (571.47 KB, 1600x900, 14.png)

Reuploaded her entire portfolio just incase she deletes it: are so fucking bad
No. 223582
>>222914>forcing potential employers to click and view each image separatelyain't nobody got time for that shit
>>207966>>209002late af but i can see it happening. tim always tries too hard to be the cool kid on the block.
No. 223646
>>223477Imagine drawing so much weird ass onceler and animated movie porn shit and then able to work in the same industry tho
I really wonder what will her employers think if they find out.
No. 223712
File: 1483026871492.png (Spoiler Image,156.95 KB, 500x600, tumblr_mkk0wqBDLE1r2b6o1o1_500…)

Sage for doubleposting, but DreamWorks, if you're actually hiring Emi, take a look at this furry porn she drew of your movie!
No. 223762
File: 1483036488765.png (55.65 KB, 750x496, IMG_2261.PNG)

>>223641The classes she takes has a direct connection to DWs so it's just speculation
Anyways it looks like she's going to be a storyboard revisionist
No. 223786
>>223773Yeah e1n partly owns the school iirc
Also emi and him are BEST FRIENDS
No. 223787
File: 1483040090486.png (164.2 KB, 303x518, Untitled.png)

Oh wow she just updated her twitter profile
> thoughts and opinions are my own and not the views of my employer ?
No. 223818
>>222917Yikes. If I was Emi, I would have left the character pages out and start off with the storyboards and comic pages from the end. The artwork in the beginning isn't very strong or polished and I don't think opening with gore is a good idea. The portfolio is poorly composed too. It looks like she threw it together at the last minute just like everything else she does.
>>223646>>223712>>223769I seriously doubt that Dreamworks cares that she drew porn in the past. And I doubt the animation industry cares either. Drew Green, Michelle Czajkowski, and Raven Molisee are doing fine and Rebecca Sugar even has her own show. As long as you're able to do your job efficiently, you can draw all the porn you want.
Slightly OT, but DW hired Bonka-chan as a freelance storyboard artist because a director found her NSFW art blog (btw, the links below are to Bonka's NSFW blog). Emi will be able to keep her job…I don't know. If she is at DW, they aren't doing too well financially right now. They might keep her around for a project or two and let her go, unless she's good enough to stay.
No. 223830
File: 1483047484290.jpg (192.39 KB, 1280x952, tumblr_oit5suwHu41tz0ud5o1_128…)

>>223818What the fuck is this
I hate how the world works sometimes
No. 224592
>>224478Just wait for emi to whine and bitch about how terrible her job is on her twitter
she's such a social media ho she can't resist being tactless
No. 227829
This thread is really weak, I dont get why youre all getting worked up about a nerd who cheats a little, or why you think any studio employer would give a shit about her lovers embarrassing breakdowns. I dont get why anyone HERE does.
>>222917>>223087Nah, as a storyboarding artist or in any animation production job, ESPECIALLY character design, you have to do speedy flats on small canvases and very often, the tools/settings onboard have with little to no pen pressure; basically if someone gives you a list of random vague details of what they need on a ref sheet, they want roughs in an hour, and they reject or tweak or approve real designs from that. She knows what has to be looked at in the industry.
No. 227960
>>227887She's a child who still lives with her parents at age 27, has just NOW gotten her first real job, spends all her money on shitty anime merchandise, outwardly talks shit about the fandoms her friends love to make them feel bad, presents herself online with the maturity of a 13 year old, outwardly talks about her fetishes on a public platform, makes characters randomly different skin tones for the Tumblr Points™, manipulates and sleeps with men in order to further her career or have them buy stuff (seems like she has her own harem of beta orbiters), publicly bitches about her only art job she had for a few years and how much she hates it, takes a stuffed animal out in public to take pictures of it, an adult that is completely obsessed with Disney, etc, etc.
And honestly, she is not that great of an artist. I have never seen anything great from her. Everything is just a character floating in space surrounded by ~*~meaningful flowers~*~ with the exact same color palette as the rest of her art and incredibly shitty linework.
So yeah, she's just a mediocre 27 year old weeaboo who has made it through life so far on her parent's dime and by manipulating everyone around her. The amount of people that know her who have come to defend her in this thread is hilarious.
No. 228028
File: 1483645026544.gif (132.97 KB, 311x366, RV7IcG4.gif)

>>227887pic related it's you
Hold that L up high
No. 230688
confirmed she's working on marvel's spiderman marvel it was nice knowing you
No. 230692
File: 1484035946683.jpg (579.6 KB, 504x925, nyan.jpg)

she did it 'everynyan'
No. 230694
File: 1484036096940.jpg (512.23 KB, 888x696, upd8.jpg)

she lit took no time to wait to brag about it everywhere, even revamping her whole blog look and udating her bio/faq
No. 230820
>>162752I guess it's because her forearm is too long and thin, compared to her upper arm.
>>227835Ugh so many cows are into killing stalking now. I mean, it's interesting, I guess? Kinda drags on the idea and the story hasn't really progressed since chapter 2 or 3 lol. The art style's kinda nice?
But I guess this shows how predictable and alike these cows are.
I'm actually interested how she'll do on her new job. Or how she landed it, for that matter (her portfolio was a mess lmao).
Sage for not contributing.
No. 230873
>>230741She abandoned her insta after the breakup with Finn
She had it locked for a while too because she was afraid her mom would see the racy pics
No. 230918
File: 1484078978656.png (161.21 KB, 800x443, totes in love guys.png)

>>230820I read it out of curiosity since people I follow complained about the fandom (rightfully so) and I totally agree. To no surprise Emi is in love with Sangwoo.
No. 230945
>>230918Lol everyone is in love with Sangwoo
The story is so fucked, its interesting but jesus
No. 232727
File: 1484354889321.png (821.28 KB, 590x592, Untitled.png)

She has a new instagram it be Emi is actually being smart and disassociating with her old trashy persona?
No. 232730
File: 1484355116255.jpg (90.25 KB, 640x480, CrzZxe-VYAAEzTr.jpg)

Good to see Emi used and threw another person though, what sap in 2017 will she use next?
No. 234860
>>234843cus she wants to brag about it to her followers, honestly emi has always been fucking stupid
the smartest thing she did was make a private account @mimidousuji
No. 237558
>>237505Fake person continues to be fake. She's always been like this. She always acts like she was ~always into whatever it is she likes now, and she always over-invests herself into it, and it's really obnoxious. I remember when she first got into Youkai Watch she was so superior and high and mighty talking about it and then it became popular and she acted all better than the rest of people who like it because she ALWAYS LIKED IT!
She does this with like… everything.
No. 239014
>>237505Want to know something funny?
Her employers at marvel asked her what character she'd like for her cubicle nameplate but she didn't know/like any of them so she just picked the most decent looking boy. Fucking disgusting.
No. 241972
>>241960Saw her at her booth talking to someone in an overly nice high voice
it was weird seeing her irl
No. 242648
>>242571She thinks her opinion is better than others so if she dislikes something even a little bit, she feels the need to bash it heavily (hence her previous friends and ex feeling uncomfortable when she made fun of Haikyuu)
It kind of seems like that's her only way to be"funny"
Anyways emi has shit tastes, she still thinks yowapeda has better art/story than haikyuu
No. 243622
File: 1486059124474.jpg (136.62 KB, 773x1200, C3osYgpVUAEdX7j.jpg)

She's been working at Marvel for a week and already she's trying to get "discounts" for it? Emi chill tf out No. 243628
>>243622>watching Markiplier play RE7Why is she name dropping?
Also, most employee discounts don't start until two or three weeks in.
No. 243634
>>243631I think there's a period after 'Home.' It might read as Home. Made instant noddles..
But yeah, she probably has top ramen garbage.
No. 243706
File: 1486072799291.jpg (104.57 KB, 825x1024, C3n7t4AUMAAl8Nx.jpg)

>>243705She name drops a lot, especially Wynton.
Who wants to start bets on who she'll start fucking in the office first
No. 243713
File: 1486074129879.jpg (190.93 KB, 960x1280, C3YG1oAUoAE3RFB.jpg)

No wonder Emi got a job at Marvel. Ben(e1n), one of her friends, works for Disney and she took classes at his art school, so of course he would hook her up.
Does she have no shame that everything she has was given to her on a silver platter?
Also lol look at her repping spiderman merch despite not giving a shit about the Marvel series until recently
No. 245811
File: 1486355231336.jpg (457.4 KB, 2048x1566, IMG_2730.JPG)

I miss camwhore emi but I understand why she doesn't post anymore cus her eyes are nonexistent
No. 273350
File: 1489977263896.jpg (155.2 KB, 901x1200, C7UHp1JVAAAGuan.jpg)

She hasn't posted a selfie in forever, I forgot how potato her nose looked
No. 273353
File: 1489977334876.jpg (188.56 KB, 900x1200, C7U4Ky-VwAAo27f.jpg)

Leave it to emi to immediately buy an annual pass when she gets money instead of paying back her parents for the tuition she wasted for artschool or something
No. 312579
File: 1494761312745.png (133.97 KB, 640x865, IMG_5494.PNG)

Sorry for reviving this pretty dead thread, but it looks shes been lurking? A lot of people here were saying how her art has gone downhill and that she should regress back to her old style. If not, at least shes aware that her art is shitty now
No. 312801
File: 1494789491124.png (164.45 KB, 540x585, tumblr_opxh0fqI8Y1ruhjpfo2_540…)

>>312791There was 'drama' back then about how mookie stole emi's art style, but they were also somewhat friends? I don't really remember it much tbh
Emi's art was never absolutely amazing or anything but I did like it, considering she was what, like 21-23 when she first became popular I always thought her style could have evolved over time and turned into something interesting, but instead she stagnated for a few years and now has gone to utter shit. If she 'wishes she could regress' why doesn't she just try drawing like that again?
No. 312888
File: 1494798614314.png (1.08 MB, 1024x768, hmm.png)

>>312801>>312828>emi fucking hated mookie because people would come to her table and be like "omg its mookie!!! i love your art!!!"Yikes, that's awful.
To be fair if that happened to me I'd probably be salty too, nothing worse than being mistaken for another artist because your art is no longer "unique" to yourself. Still,their artstyles and even the coloring/textures in some cases are pretty similar (except for the eyelashes)plus they both were in
the same fandoms at the time so I'm not suprised that people would get their artists and styles confused.Hell, I almost confused them a couple of times looking for their art.
I wouldn't be surprised if one copied the other's artstyle in an attempt to garner more popularity, copying another's style is really common especially in this community but some take it too far(I've seen quite a bit of mookie clones,even one that also does AA and tries to buddy up with popular cosplayers) but who really copied who?
>AA drama is something else man No. 313046
>>312914I honestly don't think they were copying styles(at least from other artists) it was more that they were following the popular Tumblr trend aesthetic. The trend in the homestuck days was bright colors and texture overkill
It's kind of funny though how both used to be Tumblr super stars and now they're irrelevant as hell
No. 313113
>>313083idk, she still pops up a lot on my feed but admittedly I follow haikyuu blogs.
I'm sure she has some sort of job. Or at least has wealthy parents since she doesn't do commissions and yet travels to Japan multiple times a year, has some of the most merch I've seen and cycles through merch like crazy. I actually didn't realize she wasn't Japanese, I always thought she was since she was always there and created Jap doujins
No. 313153
File: 1494838873289.png (94.51 KB, 201x210, 48rfjhs2t5.PNG)

>>313083Like emi, I think she just has her corner of the internet and the HQ fandom so she doesn't really pander like she used to.I mean she doesn't need to pander anymore since she has a fanbase so she can draw whatever she wants comfortably. She still makes and sells charms as far as I know, saw a YOI one on someones backpack recently. From what I've heard, she also still lives with her mom so no bills to pay probably plus she's like 26 now so I'm sure she's trying to do something and figure out her life. She's kind of a mystery. Emi is definitely more irrelevant I think
I always thought it was interesting to see how a lot of these artists/cosplayers who were previously the most well known in the HS community move away from that and either get on with their lives, fade into obscurity or move on to other fandoms. I've seen people refer to the homestuck days as "the glory days".
No. 313213
>>313182Wow never heard about that, maybe that's why she's trying to lay low
I'm mean she draws porn of them sometimes and her obsession with Kenma doesn't help
No. 313218
>>313182its so funny when tumblrfags try to be progressive and hound artists for being 'pedos' and dangerous when they are just the same fujoshis within
>>313213youre the kenmafag that always complains about mookie and her feminization of kenma and the eyelashes she puts on him arent you? lol i see you every art related thread
No. 313222
>>313218Nope, different anon
I don't care about what ever she chooses to draw, I'm just saying tumblr is always out for blood and will use anything against an artist to run them out of the site. Shit is brutal
No. 313451
>>313323Yeah the tumblr SJW have been really going for blood lately, if they took a look at the nsfw art from emi and mookie in the hs days they'd bust a fucking nut.
>>313182Any more to this controversy thing? what
triggered it?
also we're talking about mookie a lot here, should we make a new thread or move it to the artist alley general? I don't want to derail this thread
No. 313732
File: 1494896161573.jpg (179.64 KB, 900x1200, C_k2zcNUIAErMz_.jpg)

I found Drea, the girl Emi cheated on Finn with from retweets No. 316672
File: 1495218093996.png (140.74 KB, 637x740, IMG_5593.PNG)

She keeps posting old art, I guess she really does miss her old style, why doesn't she just draw in it again then?
No. 316687
File: 1495219103924.png (260.82 KB, 640x480, disapprovingmeowth.png)

holy shit
I was a "fandom friend" of matt back in the day and I would've never guessed he was trans. met him in person too, not to mention i had the biggest crush on the guy.
matt, if you're still reading you were a huge art inspiration to me bro. sucks this all happened
No. 316695
File: 1495219739987.jpg (63.35 KB, 453x604, 230534_5301302772_9125_n.jpg)

>>316672she desperately wants to relive her glory days, who could blame her. We're talking about the same person who at 27, when she got her first paycheck, was SHOCKED to find that the government took a percentage for it
No. 316738
File: 1495224057123.jpg (58.02 KB, 604x453, 20543_302573194162_8014040_n.j…)

>>316720it's not plagiarism it's ~*~inspo~*~ /s
No. 317590
Emi's ex mistress moved to a new Twitter I guess even mistresses feel some guilt
No. 317786
>>317590Karina follows her? I thought Karina exposed the whole cheating scandal. Why would she still be following her if that was true?
Also Drea follows Emi but Emi hasn't followed her back.
Karina does not follow Emi.
Karina and Finn still follow each other.
Karina and Tracey still follow each other.
Tracey and Emi still follow each other.
Tracey and Finn do not follow each other.
No. 317965
>>317786I think Karina and her were good enough friends outside of the cheating affair thing. When Finn revealed Emi was cheating the evidence did not show Drea's name. Drea actually helped to show texts of where Emi openly admitted she didn't care she was cheating on Finn for her.
Karina is still great friends with finn
I think Finn hates Tracey for taking Emi's side after Emi cheating on him(Thus the fallout). Tracey had an obvious crush on Finn before Emi wanted him but she let it go.
Tracey thinks of Emi as her sister but honestly it's so obvious she was using Tracey to get close to Finn so I'm sure she'll abandon Tracey over time.
No. 318117
File: 1495386045825.jpg (122.6 KB, 830x1023, IMG_5629.JPG)

She really is insecure about her nose, didnt she used to shoop her pics? I know it was mentioned itt but was she ever called out on it?
No. 318328
File: 1495397947513.jpg (76.97 KB, 604x402, 1918919_323224520105_1011186_n…)

>>318117back in the homestuck days she used to slightly shoop+use angle tricks but she wasn't big enough as a public figure for someone to call her out because that would look petty
No. 320814
File: 1495656217086.jpg (57.88 KB, 604x453,…)

friends emi abandoned when she got homestuck popular
No. 320815
File: 1495656236892.jpg (51.08 KB, 453x604,…)

emi with uguubear, an lol slut
No. 320816
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No. 320818
File: 1495656254030.jpg (111.26 KB, 720x540, 58363_430881287652_2959984_n.j…)

No. 320819
File: 1495656278299.jpg (63.27 KB, 500x375,…)

emi with people she cut ties with
No. 320820
File: 1495656304160.jpg (51.92 KB, 604x453, 230251_5102105657_1133_n.jpg)

emi grinding her foot on someone's dick
No. 320822
File: 1495656322707.jpg (54.81 KB, 720x480, 252822_227310713961646_7758940…)

No. 320823
File: 1495656372428.jpg (307.02 KB, 1296x972, 704061_4030472167871_69802655_…)

emi and uguubear when they went to japan to fuck the studio trigger animator
No. 320824
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No. 320825
File: 1495656395087.jpg (65.13 KB, 604x453, 1923623_8345960657_8235_n.jpg)

No. 320826
File: 1495656407436.jpg (53.28 KB, 350x525, 1918919_323224570105_456370_n.…)

No. 320827
File: 1495656415794.jpg (56.97 KB, 604x402, 1918919_323224565105_2512376_n…)

No. 320828
File: 1495656423309.jpg (64.83 KB, 960x641, 1391880_10201650822205712_9081…)

No. 320829
File: 1495656430698.jpg (87.85 KB, 960x641, 1377261_10201650822485719_1502…)

No. 320831
File: 1495656453787.jpg (66.32 KB, 960x641, 1385603_10201650819085634_1290…)

emi is cheating on finn during these pics
No. 320833
File: 1495656473309.jpg (104.24 KB, 749x500, 1381953_10201650833966006_3712…)

emi cheating during this was taken too
No. 320860
>>320822I feel like with better makeup and some shoop this could be cute
Where did you find all of these anon?
No. 321238
>>321145All I know about James is that she baited and used him for attention
Emi and Ben/E1n's relationship is strictly friendship. They have a strong connection because they befriended each other in their early weeb days on dA. He is the reason Emi got the Marvel job because E1n is currently in charge of spiderman/works for Disney. His cubicle is very close to hers. It also helps that she took animation classes specifically in the school that E1n works/used to work in. E1n probably only sees good in emi because he isn't caught up in social media.
E1n used to date one of his students when he was a professor. She went by cartoongirl or something and was really rich. She's no longer associated with the online art scene.
No. 321335
Huh, small world.
No. 321386
>>321175She's a heartless bitch. Jesus.
>>321238Alright, that's what I thought. So nepotism, basically. I knew she wasn't good enough to get hired on her own accord. Her storyboards are fucking garbage.
Seems to be a ton of nepotism in the animation industry, especially considering
>>223818 No. 324587
File: 1496082431235.png (84.37 KB, 552x721, IMG_5728.PNG)

Her tattoo is so badly blown out jesus, wasnt she getting it covered up? is that even possible with that placement without just covering it with a chunk of black?
No. 325035
File: 1496121952416.png (95.32 KB, 750x761, IMG_4230.PNG)

>randomly buys $$$ figurines on a whim
>$70 is too much for me to go home!
Is she mentally retarded
No. 327429
File: 1496380838462.jpg (49.63 KB, 557x454, realistic.jpg)

>>77850Just to mention, the weird alligator tat is a Haunted Mansion reference. Looks unevenly shaded and gross though.
No. 327636
>>321238>cartoongirl7Damn I was just thinking about her the other day. One time I went through her tumblr blog (which was more like an actual blog and not about art) and was just fascinated by everything.
Girl went to a private university to study something medical. And went out every 3 days. And vacations etc etc.
I miss her art though I wish I could have her life. It looked amazing.
No. 327722
File: 1496425081460.png (85.94 KB, 1735x932, emisadventuresatfanime.png)

From cgl
No. 327880
>>327858Yeah I agree, she never sounded like she was bragging, I was just admiring from a distance.
I like her and I'm glad she seems happy.
>>327722She probably feels to good to actually follow rules
No. 334392
File: 1497281722461.jpg (854.82 KB, 2048x1534, IMG_4500.JPG)

>>330505Typical emi using her shyness as an excuse to be rude and inept
No. 337170
File: 1497734439929.png (135.59 KB, 585x463, Screen Shot 2017-06-17 at 22.1…)

Emi's mom found some kittens so shes looking after them until they are able to be adopted (shelter is full and would have them put down). She's asking for donations to help pay for their vet bills and stuff, as if her mom wouldn't pay for it like she does everything else?
No. 337198
>>337170or she could just take a few commissions? dosent she charge like $50 per peice for just flats?
sage for samefsg
No. 337314
>>337170bitch is making $60k+ at disney from her friend's hook up, and she lives at her parents paying no rent, but she cant afford $300 for cats?
thot is a snake
No. 337321
>>337290Honestly, no. Very sloppy lines and just shoddy work overall. There were two commissions - one was a girl with big tits and a guro theme so she liked doing that one and it turned out okay (terrible colors though), but the other was a fandom-related one (a fandom she wasn't in) with two men and it was very poorly drawn and incredibly stiff. And despite the references I gave her, she fucked up the hair on one (I asked her to redo it) and she made one of the characters much darker than he really is. I was kinda mad about that but let it go.
I have also met her in person at a convention and bought art from her, she really does do the shy fake uguu thing because I complimented her and told her she was my favorite artist (which she was at the time) and she was like "Noooo, thank you…" and hid. I bought my print from her and she just handed it to me in silence.
I regret ever being a fan of her, honestly. Her style shows in mine and I am trying to fix it. :/
No. 337365
>>337321well its a good thing you wont see her at as many cons anymore, shes been ousted in the community as a manipulative user
the only people who are 'friends' with her now are stupid(t1mco) and nobodies(no art presence)
No. 337610
>>337370I can't bring make up before and after screen caps but she is no longer friends with Finn's friends, who are regular east coast con artists.
She went to Youmacon last year but she only hung out with Tracey and this ugly Californian girl that she twitter rp'd with. She hasn't gone or applied to any other east coast cons because she has no one to room with(and she's cheap as hell to pay for one alone)
No. 353865
File: 1500260555630.png (144.83 KB, 325x468, s.png)

An update to emi's ex mistress, she now works for crunchyroll
roleplay yaoi on twitter->get a job
Also emi is still ignoring her and won't follow back
No. 368034
File: 1502071009460.png (592.83 KB, 793x546, s.png)

Emi's fucking her co-worker Wynton Redmond now, let's see how long it takes for her to fuck up the office community No. 480895
File: 1516868399891.png (236.02 KB, 594x356, Captura.PNG)

Sage for necroing but I checked her Twitter after a good while and of course she ships Reylo why won't she stop being disgusting
No. 480896
File: 1516868447695.png (131.84 KB, 586x651, Captura.PNG)

>>480895also her art just keeps getting worse
No. 556545
File: 1523829887361.jpg (33.68 KB, 479x303, IMG_1334.JPG)

>be emi
>I'm so gay UwU
>dates stereotypical straight male
>so, so very gay
No. 556631
>>556545I mean… havent both of her previous boyfriends been trans? (matt and fin iirc) I mean that dosent make her gay bc they are boys i suppose, but dating a dude with a vag isnt really the straightest thing to do
sage for necro
No. 556790
>>556707>but here she is… dating what she shits onI must have not read the post you're replying to correctly.
You kinda sound like a dude anon.
No. 571384
>>571336Doesn't look like it. She just set up a new "professional" email/website and her resume is very lackluster for her age:^And no, that's not a typo in the URL, it's literally misspelled.
I think she thought she could coast off of her parent's money and her commissions forever but she has completely died off in relevancy in regards to her fanbase. Maybe she should've just gone back to college like she planned on in the first place, because let's be real here: the only reason she even got that job at Marvel Animation is because of nepotism. Her storyboarding is lackluster and her art hasn't improved in literal years, in fact I'd say it's gotten worse somehow.
No. 571389
File: 1525217348291.png (29.52 KB, 584x152, kdjkfdj.png)

>>571384Sage for samefagging, but she's also getting her "art is the weapon" tattoo covered up.
No. 571413
File: 1525218928386.png (150.29 KB, 1220x596, 11.png)

Emi's ex posted this a few months ago and Karina liked it. Whoops.
No. 577577
>>571384Her 'professional work' is blocked by a password? Surely if clients are looking at her work they won't be impressed by crappy sketches alone, why hide your actual work? Unless its for something unrealised but didnt the spiderman cartoon get cancelled?
Seeing all her recent work together like that, she really has gone downhill, its sad I used to like her art a lot. It was never amazing, but she could of improved and grown, yet she regressed hard.
No. 577593
File: 1525898993597.jpg (740.93 KB, 1535x2048, IMG_1901.JPG)

>>577577It feels like her entire image was brought down with the quality of her work. Like at least back then she was cute? But now she looks like a middle aged Mom
No. 577594
File: 1525899065586.png (156.15 KB, 617x1109, IMG_1900.PNG)

Another image to show her decline
No. 594856
Emi ended her friendship with the dude wyntonred in this picture because
>>577594 hes 'abusive, manipulative, toxic cis-het scum' lol
Love to see emi never changes and still uses/dumps people whenever convenient.
She's working on the dreamworks fast&furious now, probably got connections from her current boyfriend
No. 600656
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She's moved on from trans men to actual cis het males
No. 601071
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Can you imagine being so fake gay that you have to codename your boyfriend as "B" so you don't trigger your real LGBT fans and friends
No. 615366
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she used to be so cute how did she become the biggest catfish
No. 645785
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This explains how her art degraded
No. 648345
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Emi is dating Ivo @kingofcosplay, he's a real chill nice dude from the socal cosplay scene. He loves star wars so that explains emi's sudden interest in the series.
I'm just so disappointed in Emi I thought she changed but it's obvious she's still the same. Dating a cosplayer who cosplays your fave(matt with the onceler, finn with eren, ivo for dangan ronpa chars)
She's still toxic and manipulative as ever - she blocked and threw away wynton but surprise the storyboarding community is small and tightknit and they're co workers again. She's spreading it around like he's abusive and that she's a saint by allowing him to talk to her at work
No. 648986
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>>645785It's amazing that as bad as her art is currently, it's still better than her friends' art.
No. 658269
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No. 681182
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No. 681297
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No. 682822
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any receipts about this?
No. 682881
>>682872Yeah she's scummy but drawing weird fetish porn shit actually gives you more opportunity to work with companies than not
Re: edd ed eddy porn, voltron weight fetish artist etc
No. 682984
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tbh the way she drew this looks gross with peter appearing so tiny next to deadpool. I'm not sure a grown woman thirsting over a large age gap/potentially predatory relationship is entirely innocuous esp when she has shown to be so callous in relationships of her own.
No. 684098
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>>682984I dunno guys, she's always been a big creep. Fiction is fiction, but she was a big shipper of Elsa and Anna. She was also the kind of person who would shit on people for sexualizing underage female characters but would go and draw Bakugo in shibari. She's a big hypocrite.
No. 684335
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One of emi's ex's weighing in on this new callout post