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No. 1414195
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I’m in a Discord with Helena and this was her take on the Jesse tweet situation
No. 1414227
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how'd daisy snag this cutie? shame about his gay voice, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a chaser either but god damn
No. 1414241
>>1414227He's apparently bisexual and exited a gay relationship before meeting her. He's apparently a trustfund kid too and Daisy is trying to be a tradwife for him, which she talked about in her recent Benjamin Boyce interview.
I think James Shupe is a notable detrans cow too. He was the first legally nonbinary person with an X marker, but he detransitioned and decried gender identity, but retransitioned because his porn addiction-induced autogynephilia that he developed while in the army got out of control. He had a long interview with Boyce that he literally cried during during, and at one point he confessed to coercing his wife to pretend to be a man for him. Most detransitioner men tend to be pretty crazy honestly, if the subreddit is any inducation.
No. 1414487
>>1414450Nah, that wouldn't be very Christian of her, he's bi and used to be in a gay
relationship before meeting her, so she's not barking up the wrong tree since she's not a "gay transboy" anymore. Still a Jordan Peterson stan though lmao.
No. 1414498
>>1414227Looks like a great looksmatch to me, not sure what you’re on about.
>>1414264Uncanny how spot-on this is
No. 1414554
File: 1641918108702.png (175.68 KB, 1376x280, Bild_2022-01-11_172011.png)

i honestly hope this thread isnt gonna end up shitting on every detransitioner cuz literally every other group out there already does that lmao
then again, im so glad a thread like that comes up because detransitioners are usually one of three things:
1. still very lgtbq, probably non binary, when trying to share their story they immediatly apologizing by saying "thats my experience!!!! that doesnt mean yall going to do it!!! pls be kind to eachother just my opinion!!"
2. super christian, i dont know how, but so many end up ultra christian
3. radfem terfs who easily fall into the most extremist radfem circles (like anti sex, bi girls dont exist, men manipulated women into enjoying sex (?), kinks dont exist etc)
detrans myself and i could share so much cuz i saw so much insanity while i tried to find a community but sadly most things arent in english
No. 1414584
>>1414554>>1414564Most terminally online detrans people are unbearable because they realized how much they fucked up and how they have no one but themselves to blame since no one wants to be responsible. What happened to them is so absurd and violent that they cling to almost any kind of explanations.
No. 1414637
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>>1414584>>1414564i would say that most who are like that are the most mentally ill and im guessing that goes hand in hand on why they went trans in the first place
most started as teenagers and got groomed into it by tumblr and now the same happens with twitter/tiktok (see all the nonbinary people who literally just dress and act like girls cuz they are literally just girls)
also the ones that dont turn radfem basically are left with no community at all imo
(trying to find the detrans radfem twitter list but here another example of turning religious)
No. 1414680
>>1414584i think the ones who went on hormones or got surgery as grown adults are better off accepting what they did, but i noticed a lot of the craziest ones were trans when they were young. detrans are a symptom of a bigger problem, if you have body issues or don't understand gender roles and search online or talk to liberal-minded people about it (actually, not even liberals, since that netflix "transkid" has conservative parents), you'll have people say you could be transgender, and if you bring up gender confusion to most therapists they will indulge because it's "on the right side of history". hormones are now easy to get, i've talked to detrans who got theirs in less than an hour after going to planned parenthood, and a lot of gender therapists will write a surgery referral for you instead of making you be in therapy for a few years. since more people are detransitioning, abd some are adults who were transed as children, there's probably going to be a huge backlash against pharma and plastic surgeons in the next decade
No. 1415178
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>>1414680>in less than an hour after going to planned parenthoodHellworld.
I'm glad sex reassignment surgery was a requirement when I wanted to medically transition. The idea of state-sponsored female genital mutilations make you think.
No. 1415208
>>1415201That's the point. No one want to take responsibility so they are left with blaming themselves.
Medical professionals will always put the blame on patients for their mistakes. No. 1415520
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>>1415289>>1415036She had this to say about her identity as a detrans woman vs desisted woman
No. 1416201
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Ezra McCandless. Desister who murdered her boyfriend by stabbing him and mutilating his wiener. She claimed he'd cut the word BOY into her arm because he didn't want her to detransition and tried to stab her, forcing her to kill him in self-defence, but admitted in the course of the trial that she'd actually cut her arm herself.
Sorry if this is inappropriate for the thread, this case lives in my head rent-free.
No. 1416769
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Helena sperging about her experienced being oh so brave enough to be unvaxxed on a flight to and from Canada
No. 1416775
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>>1416771She was saying she was scared because a flight attendant approached her and she was scared they’d throw her off the plane for being unvaxxed lol
No. 1416900
>>1414554this is not surprising at all to be honest. They're in desperate need of a guidance/community, a lot of these people are very lonely, and only terfs and ultra right wingers embrace detrans with open arms if we're honest. Everyday people will feel sorry for them, but are cautious to show any support to detrans, as they are a '
problematic' subject right now.
No. 1417096
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>>1416375holy shit that is my biggest fear, being confused as an mtf lmao
>>1416900do you mean because people start blaming them on why transphobia exists? under this video there are even comments that they are the reason anti-translaws exist
No. 1417147
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>>1416900honestly, it seems like the trans community only tolerates "repentant" detrans who still think transition is
valid, like this woman here. she actually has some points in her tweets since she yells at TERFs who call her mutilated despite making the "correct" choice of detransitioning, but i feel like unless you were lucky enough to be in a trans friendgroup that still accepted you after changing your mind, why would you suck up to that mob?
No. 1417517

A male detransitioner named Cluniac posted his "last video" on youtube a few days ago.
He has BPD and has taken videos down and put them back up many, many times.
Honestly though? Kudos to him for keeping this video up even after snapping out this mindset.
I suspect he'll take this down eventually, so I'll write down the first 8 minutes of the 20 minute video.
[[All said very slowly and slurred]]
Listen, ok?
I just took a buncha drugs… the world… so beautiful and quiet now.
But the problem is that I took more, and then I took more, and then I took more.
I've never taken anywhere close to this. I'm probably gonna black out soon.
No, I'm definitely going to black out soon.
But I also turned the heater off so it doesn't interrupt the videooo.
So I need to get my message out quickly… so I can turn the heater back on before I faint and black out.
I have mental and physical– so many mental and so many, so many physical issues– literally it would take me 20 minutes to list them all. It's ridiculous.
Doctors often say to me, "you're too young to have all these issues!"
But I'm very lucky… it could've been leukemia or something… when I was a kid or something…
It's not like 'woe is me, I have so many issues' is not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, I tried to fix it in every way. I did over, like, 18 different psychiatric medications. So many years of therapy. I did repetitive trans-cranial magnetic stimulation. It's where they zap your brain in specific places using, like, magnets. Very very very strong magnets. And you actually do feel the shock. Not in your brain, but as it travels through your skull n stuff. And you know the funny thing is– well, first off, none of that helped me at all. Imagine 18 different meds. Decade of therapy. Shocking your brain. And you're the same exact person. How's that even possible?
It's like my brain's so… it's just it is what it is. There's no getting around it. It does not want to change. I've tried all sorts of illicit drugs too. I've tried so many different things.
And the physical stuff… anyway, the point is, you know sometimes I can't even, I just don't have the energy, I just wanna lay down. I'm so exhausted physically. I dunno.
I hope I don't stop breathing.
\sips water
And you know the problem is, I don't even remember anything I just said in this whole video.
Well, it's very important that you know, that, I hate you. I hate all of you. Not just my subscribers. Don't take it personally. I'm not trying to upset you, I'm not trying to make you hate me. Genuinely, I'm not, I'm not. I'm just saying the truth. Every interaction I've had with anyone has been awful. I think you're all very stupid… and fake…
…and your desires for what you want in life are all so similar. And it makes you boring, and it forces me to dumb myself down to relate to you. When do I get to be myself?
The last dose I took won't kick in for another… probably 20 minutes. So… another 12… [unintelligible] another 15… so I have 15 minutes left before I should probably lay down, because I'm gonna black out. I probably won't remember any of this.
(The rest of the video, he mostly just stares off into space and says less meaningful self-pitying things.)
No. 1417524
>>1417517This same dude uploaded a video called "Confronting my Gender Therapist," where he calls his most recent gender therapist and spends 45 minutes (cut down to 33) telling her she's a shitty person.
His anger is obviously largely misdirected, but his gender therapist is obviously incompetent too, and the whole interaction is soooo juicy.
>[My old gender therapists] don't care. They don't think about me. They're doing their own thing. They're hurting other people now. They've moved on to other people, and you will too.>I don't think you're necessarily intentionally evil, but I do think you are evil.This is 3 minutes into the video lmfao
No. 1417606
>>1417524I thought it was interesting to hear her dodge her profession's responsibilities towards the people who come to them for help. Wish I could have known what exactly she was going to say when she starts with "it's
abusive in a sense that this is…"
>>1417549I have a great deal of sympathy for him. He
like everyone has cow moments, but he acknowledges them and seems sincere in his efforts to piece together what's left. wk over
No. 1419803
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Girl what
No. 1419807
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>>1417524>>1417517Ah yeah, the guy who wanted to fuck Narcissa/Cosmo Wright, tried to take down Kiwifarms, got Josh Moon's twitter deleted for transphobia after he rejected his proposal to be his "tranny gf" in DMs. He used to call himself Vanity, he even has a Kiwifarms account. We talked about him in the femboy thread. He is a grifter who is suicide baiting for attention.
No. 1419812
>>1417517>>1417524Cluniac aka Vanity also selfposts a lot on here so you're probably him. He is advertising his youtube channel on Kiwifarms and 4chan as well.
Here is a video of Null from Kiwifarms talking about this schizo trying to slide into his DMs. starts at 33:23.
No. 1419815
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DM's that Cluniac/Vanity sent Null before reporting him to twitter.
No. 1420220
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Recently, Cluniac posted a video about tranny brainwashing in music, which was an interesting topic, but apparently he was just vendetta posting because ig the band he was discussing Black Dresses disbanded because one of the members was doxxed on KF because Isaac used their photo as a pfp? Picrel is his ex's side of their dms talking about it
No. 1421087
>>1420008>>1420220>>1419807holy fuck, this is lore i had no idea about. knowing this i wonder if he's going to re-transition again and decry being an evil
TERF and simping to exulansic because he's such a BPD-chan
>>1419803this is an obvious shitpost but i have seen neopronouns like that lmao
No. 1421441
>>1421409I think there’s something really fucky about her whole citation schtick. Obviously citations are a good thing, but when you keep posting studies and abstracts that are generally full of scientific lingo, you’re alienating people who don’t really have a background in that stuff (basically the majority of her audience). So, for the people that aren’t well-versed in endocrinology or birth defects or whatever Exulansic is going on a tangent about, they are just supposed to take her words and conclusions as fact because how else are they supposed to challenge anything she says? I see commenters being like “wow, this goes way over my head but I guess I agree!”
It’d be one thing if her community was full of other knowledgeable people in these areas (there are a few people), but her audience is just gender critical women of all kinds, treating her word as gospel.
No. 1421981
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>>1421904>>1421939has she even seen a woman born with CAIS anyway? even if they have XY chromosomes by technicality, they are born with a female phenotype and many live the majority of their lives not knowing they have CAIS until adolescence/adulthood, picrel
No. 1422183
>>1415520I think it's very disingenuous for her to present herself as "detrans" when she was just a trender on birth control.
No. 1422820
>>1422179She talks about it in her interview with Boyce if you want the whole backstory.
She wore a binder, was seriously considering HRT and seeing a gender therapist, but ultimately made grad school a priority. By the end of it all she realized she didn't give a shit about transitioning. It was something her peers were encouraging her to do, and as soon as their influence began to wane so did her gender confusion.
For context, her college experience was in the SF bay area during the early-mid 2000's.
If nothing else, her story is a good reminder of how much of this trans shit is a trend and we shouldn't be capitulating to the demands of anyone, least of all kids and teens, to have instant access to hormones. She's lucky she didn't wreck her long term health just to fit in with her fellow speds. That realization might be why she'd a little too obsessed with the Jazz situation.
No. 1422848
>>1422820I wore a binder and seriously considered HRT too, but I still only consider myself a desister. I agree with
>>1422183 that it’s disingenuous for her to call herself detrans.
No. 1432166
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>>1419815pretty funny that now he claims to be a "straight man" that would never go for girldick even though his relationship and obsession with narcissa is well documented
No. 1432199
>>1432194>>1432194He is getting a lot of sympathy and compliments from GC women now, I wonder if that works as a narc supply for him.
I'd like to be optimistic about detrans people as a group though, that they can recover.
No. 1436090
>>1435645man that's so sad, her videos were great. hope she keeps posting on and she's @sound_the_alarm123 on tiktok
No. 1436694
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so I guess exulansic got buttmad over this picture which was used in a video by someone arguing with her over cais stuff
exulansic said it was antisemetic and put on ivory foundation to prove she's white and the olive skin depicted is racist
No. 1437336
>>1436694She actually looks worse than this in real life, bless her.
Sad to see her die on a weird hill of fax and logic instead of continuing to make useful arguments.
No. 1437504
>>1437476The scrotes on her kiwifarms thread have dug up a lot of her family history and haven't been able to find a scrap of evidence pointing to being Native
or Jewish. I think she's been collecting as many
victim titles as possible, hence her calling herself detrans rather than desisted.
No. 1437694
>>1437504The way she talked about her heritage made it seem like she's at least 1/2 or 1/4 native american. I suppose she fell for a family myth that there's a native link 6 generations back or something and immediately made it part of her identity to such an extent that she's frequently sperging about her tribal affiliations.
Real 140 IQ move… wait, it seems she's still bragging about an IQ test she took as a child which led to her being placed in a gifted program. She must have been advanced for her age, but IQ scores adjust as others catch up to you. I wouldn't be surprised if her current score was significantly lower.
No. 1438080
>>1436694Nothing about this makes me think its an attempt at anti-Jewish hate speech. Even if it was, devoting so much energy to it in public is counterproductive. Keep receipts, call it out briefly, and move on.
I guess they're trying to mock her looks but it's probably what she'd get from a caricature artist at a theme park tbh. A much better way to get back at them would've been having a sense of humor and using it as a pfp, then totally demolishing their arguments while pointing out their sexism. If she can't do that, then at least she shouldn't take the bait.
>>1436735Seriously disappointed in her too. Radfem content creators who choose to be non-anonymous NEED to develop teflon skin when it comes to personal attacks. Troons will always go straight for the misogyny like any typical moid, you have to make their only weapon useless against you.
She takes herself too seriously and seems convinced every bit of speculation that pops into her head is correct. But losing her channel is still shitty, she's made completely
valid observations on a lot of things. I've also never seen commentary anywhere else pointing out how
abusive the family is on "I Am Jazz". It's her most accessible content and we need stuff that gets clueless normies to think more critically about transing kids.
I am holding out hope that she'll realize a bit of intellectual humility can only make her arguments stronger.
>>1432194>>1432199GC women need to learn to treat male allies with healthy skepticism, sad to see them playing mommy to this dude after the kind of red flags he's already displayed. Sucks that we can't count on male detransitioners to do any good for the cause, but I guess that's not exactly surprising given the pool of candidates.
No. 1438103
>>1437694A high IQ doesn't mean you're more likely to be right about anything, though. Plenty of naturally smart people engage in irrational thinking. The human brain comes with cognitive distortions pre-programmed by eons of evolutionary survival mechanisms and no one is immune to that. You have to
learn how to think clearly and consciously put it into practice, no one is born that way. People with an average IQ can do that just fine with the right education.
If anything a lot of high IQ people have the tendency to believe they possess intrinsic intellectual superiority across the board, which ironically makes them even more prone to lazy, slopping thinking. This is why so many celebrity scientists like talking out of their asses on subjects they have only a cursory understanding of and end up sounding retarded.
No. 1441857
>>1437694>>1438103She speaks of advanced reading for her age as a toddler, but this also does not indicate being intellectually superior in the long run, it only indicates that her parents were involved in reading and teaching at a young age. Kids who read sooner don't typically keep that advantage as their peers learn and develop. Though obviously having your parents actively involved in early education indicates your parents are probably educated, bright, and you have an upbringing that is in general conducive to producing an academically successful kid with an advanced vocabulary.
Not to deny she is sharp, but the lady doth insist too much.
No. 1444922
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What's a "skin disability"?
No. 1445037
victim point she's trying to collect?
Didn't know having tired and dull skin was a disability, but okay.
No. 1445278
>>1421981turns out Dalea in the pic doesn't even have CAIS but PAIS and was raised as a boy.
Honestly if you heard Dalea talk/sing it was very clearly a male voice, proving he definitely had some part of a male puberty which checks out now that we know he lied about having CAIS
No. 1446685
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I really do love that she’s turned out to be such a cow.
No. 1447025
>>1446707What I don't get is why she insists it's anti-Semetic when she's not Jewish but Native American, so if anything it's just racist which surely is enough on its own to rile people up and get them on her side?
About her skin condition, I think she said something about that being the reason why she has to wear things on her head? I thought she was muslim at first wearing a hijab
No. 1447599
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>>1436694she wants to get mad LMAO? this is a screencap from her video "Godwin's Law CAIS Bro Conspiracy and the Historical Use of Racially Exaggerated" which she brings up this pic next to her face which became a meme on scrotechan /tv/ general
No. 1447724
>>1447025she's not even native american, she's as white as they come.
>About her skin condition, I think she said something about that being the reason why she has to wear things on her head? she has said she wears makeup to discourage herself from skinpicking.
No. 1447948
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There's a detrans thread on reddit right now and it's HILARIOUS!
>realized I was just an ugly girl
No. 1448605
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Isaac/cluniac/vanity deleted their twitter and once again removed all youtube video after having a meltdown yesterday
No. 1448610
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patreon is still up but the donations are a little bit reduced
>>1448605 No. 1454539
>>1416547nobody was brainwashed, that's a cow excuse. "oh uwu i was just bwainwashed i couldnt do anyfing its not my fawlt uwu. it was a big scawy cult bogeyman."
>>1421406its either that or people desperately searching for a new Magdalen Berns and winding up anywhere where a woman is vaguely similar to her. (see: creepy man and former tv writer Graham Linehan.)
>>1450201yeah i was surprised. also one of the dickriders smokin feds who repeated the "anti semitism" claim in her video turned out that she's incredibly racist against black people, got the full discord log leak treatment and everything.
this thread dredged up memories for me of that guy who was a ddetransitioned mtf from KF Blinski / nykytyne3 who was basically just exulansic but for contrapoints videos instead of I Am Jazz clips. So many weird headcanons just asserted as fact.
he later went on to have a complete meltdown after a bad DXM trip and crossed state lines with a firearm trying to kill his dad because he thought he was part of a pedo conspiracy and ended up in the psych ward.
>>1454629i agree, now we're left with exulansic crazy types.
also sage because somewhat offtopic.
No. 1458464
>>1458410I enjoyed his videos on detransition while it lasted. I figured this is why the channel went down for a while.
I remember him saying he was hit and beaten a lot as a child. This dude needs serious help and therapy, and not the "gender affirming" bs kind either. The way he flipflops between yes trans and trans bad is going to be extremely detrimental to his life.
I'm disappointed that he feels like he needs to do this again. I watched the old videos of when he was "trans" and he seemed annoying as fuck as if he was putting on a performance, but his newer videos were actually quite honest and enjoyable. He needs to leave that cult asap.
No. 1458636
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>>1458464As his title says, it really is an attention grabbing move. He has meltdowns (bpd), and does something like this for attention. Not saying he's a twat for doing it, it's his illness. His "relapses" in the past have involved thinking about/going back on hormones for a few days. He's fortunate his body's not as fucked up as it could be, and killing himself slowly is a stupid move. As he says, it'd take approx 3 years to get to the point he was at when he stopped the "transition" nonsense.
Definitely needs a good therapist and pain management. He knows the gender thing is bullshit, and I'm hoping he's just bating comments for attention. Some of it might be to convince himself that people saying he'd be an idiot to do it are right.
I like him. Gender dysphoria whatever, as a peri menopausal woman, I'm not keen on the fucking chin hairs, mood swings, thinning hair, feeling shitty constantly. He should just pretend he's menopausal. No period either, so there's a good thing.
but fuck the chin hairsHe's too smart to believe pretending to be some way towards being a woman is a coping mechanism that works. He's too smart to not know the reason he hates having a male body at times.
No. 1459930
>>1458410Sage because idk if something this predictable can be considered milk but right on schedule Isaac has returned and is "feeling very stable" and no longer wants to transition. I do admire him for being public with his ups and downs and not seeming to hide anything and I hope he sorts himself out but it's a little comical.
>>1446685I cannot wrap my head around how she comes off as so intelligent in many of her videos but is capable of being this unhinged. Like maybe her channel being deleted is making her mentally spiral more than she's willing to talk about? I would be devastated in her position, to lose that platform because of my own foolish actions. What was she at on her YT, like 12k? That's gigantic for a GC channel and she was growing fast. Idk how I'd live with myself.
No. 1474012
>>1459930Either poor social awareness due to autism or bipolar and stopped taking her lithium. Don't know her well enough to say which one.
>>1461192It's amazing that we've got to a point where you can have 'clout' for detransitioning. Transitioning in the first place is one of the most retarded/ mentally ill things you can do. Like detransitioners shouldn't be shamed, but they should feel a bit embarrassed about it at least.
No. 1476506
>>1436740I agree as well. I'm not ashamed in saying that I do agree with her on CAIS. The main gist of it is that those born with complete androgen insensitivity disorder still are male and they are not women of the sort and instead of women having to open up the gates of what we are, men should be the ones who open up how there are different ways a man can be. It's not like women with PCOS who can grow lots of facial and body hair are seen as some sort of man so why can't CAIS men be treated in similar fashion.
However where I differ with her is that men with CAIS are super rare, even rarer than homosexuality and with where we are in society, I just don't think it's best to get worked up with these men who make up like .01$% of the population and that the minuscule few of them who just mind their business and not hassle women, it should be the only exception to the rule at this time.
It's a sham she got caught up in that and the trolls and I hope that she continues with her videos sticking to the main issue at hand and hopefully when the dust settles, she'll come back to YouTube.
No. 1476768
>>1476506She's posting on Odysee and rumble. And she has a substack.
She tried to come back to youtube right after but got banned again. Maybe youtube lets her come back in a several months, if she can keep herself from going after people again.
No. 1476906
>>1476684>Once someone cows out, it's nearly impossible for them to become a normal human being againRight I get that but hey, you never know. For her, she can either admit that she shouldn't have gotten worked up about the caricature drawing or just come back and not even mention it unless asked and she can then admit she overreacted. Because her content really was interesting and intriguing and that should be enough to get people to ignore the other stuff.
>>1476768Oh I'm aware, I follow her on Odysee but I'm just not on that site as much as I am on YouTube which is why I'd love to see her be able to come back and post there some day. I remember watching her second channel and it getting taken down so yeah, she's better off just lying low for now and posting on Odysee and after a few months, try t come back and just focus on the main issue at hand instead of going after people like you mentioned.
No. 1476910
File: 1647931965193.jpeg (564.83 KB, 1658x1219, 38F7D43E-A594-43F6-8993-0DAE5C…)

Wow JKR shared Helena’s story. based.
No. 1477340
>>1476910I wonder if she knows that Helena hates TERFs when JKR herself is a
No. 1477504
>>1476506i personally have mixed feelings about the CAIS discourse but also understand why some are coming to an extreme position since it's a slippery slope - yes, they're male, but before transactivists hijacked the "assigned at birth" terminology, males with CAIS would be biologically male but "assigned female" and could sort of be "socially-women" since the vast majority of them are raised as girls and don't know they're actually male until after puberty. so they're an exception to the rule, and i might consider someone with CAIS to be a woman, but not a female (note: i don't treat TIMs this way since they choose to trans themselves). so saying they should be in men's prisons or whatever sounds cruel to me, since they're biologically male but don't have penises are therefore are in more danger.
but i know that since transactivists hijacked the assignment terminology, they will (if they haven't already) hijack that some males can socially-women or assigned-female. actually, when searching CAIS i saw a "transwoman" website talking about CAIS and how they validate transgenderism which makes no sense lmao. but then at the same time CAIS are such a minority (compared to how rates of people getting ROGD and transitioning are), so i don't understand why this debate got so out of hand
>>1477340does she? i know helena is a conservative and has disagreements with radfems but she still follows/interacts with them and is still gender critical to a degree. helena talked about being into harry potter yaoi when she was a tumblr TIF so i figured she would be flattered by this lmao
No. 1477519
>>1477504She said she had an eating disorder and suppressed grief from a familial loss as a teen. She got on Tumblr as she was into classic rock and discovered yaoi and trans activism. She decided to live as a trans man for over a year before having a breakdown and detransitioning.
A bunch of people responded to her opinion on “shipping”. She defends it (believe it or not).
No. 1477627
>>1477504> males with CAIS would be biologically male but "assigned female" and could sort of be "socially-women" since the vast majority of them are raised as girls and don't know they're actually male until after puberty.Right, that's how I used to see it as well but Exulansic made a good point in her video proclaiming why this kinda information can't shared to the male child when he's able to start somewhat think and speak (obviously it's pointless to tell this to an infant and even a toddler). She was asking why women have to be the ones to open up the parameters of what our sex is and yet men can't do the same for their own sex and I felt like that was a very good question. But like I mentioned before, with where we are in society right now, I don't see a drive to get men to open their parameters of what men can be and CAIS males makeup .01% of the population so I'm willing to let them slide at this time.
At the end of the day though, it's not the CAIS ho brought this madness, it's the fucking TRAs that did and we should remain focused on them and it's why I really hope that if Exulansic does come back, she lets go of the CAIS debate and redirects back to speaking on the realities of "Trans surgeries" and more on Jazz Jennings and Kim Petras fucked upbringing.
No. 1479941
>>1479570Following whats always been known and what medical literature supports isnt choosing a hill to die on. Following a lolcow who is making up shit to go against medical literature and trying to convince the rest of us were the outliers
is choosing a hill to die on
No. 1480438
>>1480420Exulansic is only half-relevant to this thread because she claims to be detrans because estrogen made her stop being dysphoric (???). I think it's worth talking about how people who desisted lie about being full on detransitioned to be taken more seriously for whatever reason, but Exulansic's opinions on intersex issues is more fitting for the
TERF thread.
No. 1482172
>>1479570 said. CAIS males are rare, make up a minuscule of the population and it's just not that big an issue so why are we even discussing it when the main thing we ant is to have our spaces not be invaded by mentally ill men who don't even have CAIS anyway? I think it's just best to just stick to the main issue at hand which is men invading women's spaces and bastardizing our rights.
In layman's terms, no one cares about CAIS males when it comes to the topic of the trans cult because these men don't have that condition.
No. 1487833
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This guy (Nico/foxmusk/yiffables/dirtypaws) crosses over into almost every other type of freak, but if there's a detroon Chris-chan, it's him.
>furry poop fetishist
>open zoophile who has admitted to fucking his taxidermy collection
>draws himself with a vagina, sometimes laying eggs
>notoriously creepy in the DMs of TIFs and intersex men
>wanted to transform himself into a bearded guy with no female secondary sex characteristics but with a uterus and vagina so he could live out his birthing fantasies
>went on hormones for several years and reemerged as a "post-left" conservative when he quit
>was always something of a CSA apologist but when full-on neoconfederate after rebranding
>draws ancestors who fought for the South as furries
>sycophantic towards Helena and other tradfems despite still being a furry coomer
>Aimee Therese reply guy
>favs and RTs all the /leftcows/ superstars
>covid skeptic/anti-vaxx
>extremely online anprim
No. 1489551
File: 1648862233104.png (659.61 KB, 748x776, tucker.png) guess this shouldn't be a surprise since we knew Helena is conservative, but she announced that she's going to be on a Fox News interview with Tucker Carlson on the 15th. Wonder how both the trans and detrans community are gonna respond to this.
No. 1489562
>>1487833This guy also has a decade long history of being a lolcow, he used to go by Psychweasel and was one of Zeriara's groupies, an archived page of his Encyclopedia Dramatica talks about how he wanted surgery to become a hermaphrodite. I'm honestly shocked the furry fandom doesn't have
more detransitioners with how troonery is so rampant among it, they have even more unrealistic expectations than weeaboos since you can't transition into a sexy hermaphrodite foxskunk or whatever.
No. 1489603
>>1489582I used to see a lot of his popular shitposts on Tumblr, I skimmed his older archives one and in between the posts about fucking cartoons it had a lot of enby vegan softboy lefty politics. I guess that's likely why he orbits Helena despite being older and still degenerate, since they're both Tumblr-poisoned ex-SJWs who lean conservative now.
Are the rumors about him being creepy in the DMs of TIFs and intersex men true (ex: in the form of screenshots)? I always thought it was weird that he claims to be gay but draws his self-insert furry with a vagina, but I remember he got backlash and had a falling out with his TIF ex's friend group because he said it was okay if a gay guy doesn't want to date a TIF for having a vagina.
>>1489600I'm honestly waiting for how the radfems will react to this. Most of them really hate allying with the right, and this is likely going to give detransitioners worse PR with the trans community and left-wingers than they already do.
No. 1489650
>>1489623I know Nicki Minaj isn't great but the amount of backlash she got for being on there was a lot. Same with that radfem who went on his show to talk about Chris-chan. I know detransed=/=feminist and Helena probably doesn't care since she's right-wing already but this probably going to strengthen the trans lobby because "look at all these evil Nazis against us"
>>1489620Technically the Heritage Foundation has hosted panels with Women's Liberation Front, but only for anti-trans issues. It's honestly convenient that Helena is the most visible detrans (correct me if I'm wrong, she has the most interviews on YT and was in all three of the books about ROGD) since she's a feminine trad-ish straight girl, the general public doesn't care about the gay detransitioners because why would they?
No. 1497163
>>1496614Sorry for the late reply!
Honestly, she holds back a lot on twitter with some of her views. She had a meltdown in her server all throughout the 2020 presidential race when Biden was winning. She sounds a lot like the people in the tinfoil thread. Just recently she was sperging about the Hunter Biden laptop thing. She also talks a lot about diet, healthy foods, seed oils, processed foods, how the FDA sucks shit like that. She used to LOVE Tim Pool the political commentator youtuber guy idk if she still does.
She posted a pic with what I assume was her bf once and he looks like a typical fat white incel kek I think he’s a britbong.
No. 1498592
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>>1498309Technically 3, although I don't her short time being a Radfem was that long. I actually found her old
TERF blog once and it's pretty standard, but her post about being bisexual feel odd in hindsight, since she says she's straight now. No. 1499668
File: 1649783742614.png (154.71 KB, 715x399, alienanxrchy.png)

>>1499295I was never on trans tumblr but I was on the SJW "intersectional feminist" (which highly overlaps with TIFblr anyway) side a long time ago so I actually remember her, her URL was transpotter (that URL is owned by someone else and deactivated). I never followed her but I did reblog and agree with some corny posts she made back when I was a SJW, kek. This is her old blog, she was right about being off social media during transitioning since she stopped posting much until the "I detransitioned" announcement, but if you're nosy you might find the teenage fujo post deep in the archives
No. 1501009
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Helena might have an incoming Christian phase. She’s been unironically talking about it a lot on discord. And about how there’s a lot of anti-christian propaganda in the media and on social media and people twisting what actual Christian’s teach about purity/sex.
No. 1501826
>>1500975Not sure what angle this is coming from but I think the trans side doesn't want to accept that race is socially constructed in a way too because then it would mean that being "transracial" makes equal amounts of sense as "transgendered" (which it does, somewhat - it's just not acceptable to compare Caitlyn Jenner to Rachel Dolezal for some reason).
>>1501009Now this will be fun to see if she ever comes public about it. She actually was on an evangelical Christian podcast and tweeted about reading the Bible for fun once.
>>1501187Eh, a lot of transgender surgeries are basically rebranded plastic surgery though, it's just making yourself look like the opposite sex than a supermodel. But a lot of people will look down on people with botox as being "plastic" but praise a dude who had his jaw shaved off and dick inverted as "brave and being true to 'her'self" or defend those surgeries as a "medical need".
No. 1502497
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>>1502211NTA but she talked about in some interviews that SJW Tumblr made her feel guilty of her "cishet white girl privilege" so she identified as a bi girl and later "gay transboy" dating another "transboy" when she transitioned. They stayed together after detransitioning, but after breaking up Helena "came out" as straight.
They did have a sexual relationship, but Helena posted that she often dissociated during it and didn't enjoy it. I don't know if her CuriousCat replies are archived anywhere (the link in this tweet explains her "coming out" but it's broken, obviously) but I remember her talking about how it was uncomfortable to be intimate and even when she thought she was bi she imagined herself ending up with a man (lol).
No. 1503441
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So did anyone watch Helena's interview on Fox News (not necessarily on the channel itself)? As much as I'm nervous about the backlash that yet another right wing media outlet is talking about this, I'm morbidly curious about it.
No. 1506110
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>>1502497Sage because it's old but apparently CuriousCat has been archived so the post is here. I don't doubt Helena was a shitty partner (imagine dating someone who listens to Ben Shapiro's podcast during card rides lmao) but it makes me wonder what she meant when she said Jesse "didn't agree" that she was straight. No. 1507434
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Helena might be on Joe Rogan and also Tim Pool’s show.
No. 1507452
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For those curious about Helena and Jesse’s relationship here’s the things Helena has said in her discord. Sorry for the nightmare collage.
No. 1507901
>>1507434>>1507436It's interesting how Helena arguably is the most visible detrans since she's been on so many channels and was mentioned in 3 books about transactivism. But a part of me thinks it's because she's feminine and straight and not a leftist, I doubt all these publications would care to listen to a radfem lesbian who got her breasts removes and is physically masculinized by hormones…
>>1507452Wow, that's fucked up. Helena is a clown, but I thought Jesse was the saner one since she distanced herself from politics on her twitter and called out Helena for her weird right wing/racist stuff, but I might unfollow knowing this.
>>1507731I honestly don't think most far right people actually care about the detransition thing, while I think any opposition to transing kids is good, it's really messed up to me how conservatives only care about how puberty blockers on kids and hormones and surgery on adults cause infertility. They don't care about the autistic and gay kids having their physical and mental development stunted, or the gay people who were lovebombed into plastic surgery to look straight, they just want more women barefoot and pregnant having kids.
No. 1507952
>>1507909>>1507913Exactly. They don't care about the gay and bisexual people having their livelihoods and health ruined, they're worried about the straight people like Helena who get caught up into "the lifestyle" (since while I've met some right wing people would prefer gay people transition and try to "look normal", others consider it worse than being gay). I'm surprised the conservatives haven't leveraged that Helena was in a
toxic same-sex relationship with a bi woman when she was trans and realized she was actually straight too, the right loves the "predatory gay/bi person who molests straight people" trope.
No. 1508807
>>1508804I actually considered watching that stream out of boredom, was there anything of interest or is it a typical rehash of her usual interviews with Benjamin Boyce?
Didn't she call herself a tradwife first as a joke? Her private account's url was literally "tradknife" as a pun.
No. 1508870
>>1508807I only listened to about 60% before I stopped. I might just be too dumb to understand the things she was talking about but it was her usual long winded and roundabout tangents of how feminist online spheres are just as
toxic as the TRA ones. I would give it a listen just to see if you can decipher what she was actually going on about.
No. 1514042
>>1513643I said
some of them, I know that. I was only talking about the few users who were.
No. 1515640

>>1515107I was waiting for someone to post her! She's honestly my personal favorite detrans cow, Helena is milky and all, but this lady has confessed to being predatory towards gay men back when she was trans, because of her AAP fetish. The tweets she made on her previous Twitter aren't archived, but 10 minutes in this video, she does mention sneaking into a gay sauna and showing her vagina to men to upset them. Normally AAPs tend to be dorky annoying fujoshi, so I guess it's both frightening and fascinating to see a woman act just as bad as AGPs tend to be. She's also pro-life, just a side note, but that's funny to me for some reason.
>>1515534I appreciate "her work" (lmao) on that, honestly. I'm not the biggest fan of AGPs, but I know for some guys it's akin to OCD intrusive thoughts - they don't like it but don't know what to do about it, but the transcult love bombs them into transition. So I guess it's good at least one person cares about them.
No. 1516009
tbf there are a bunch of detrans men online, mostly straight, getting a lot of clout from women (not by men though). they mostly blame feminists for making them hate themselves.
>>1515640>So I guess it's good at least one person cares about them.benjamin boyce has had them on his channel. helena (and others) get along with them as well, but they don't get a kick out of it unlike someone else.
"aap" women are so fucking pathetic. i mean look at lou sullivan. she pales in comparison to the most innocent agp fantasy.
No. 1516134
>>1516009True, but Laura is explicitly sympathetic because she has a million weird fetishes and is against transition (so she's not like those groomers who say "if you get a boner wearing panties you ARE a woman, now go take your pills"). The bar is low, so I say it's good someone cares about them in the way she does because I sure as hell don't want to deal with them.
>"aap" women are so fucking pathetic. i mean look at lou sullivan. she pales in comparison to the most innocent agp fantasy.I think it's the AAPs who want to be gay men and attempt to have sex with gay men (like Lou Sullivan and Laura Reynolds there) tend to be the nastiest. I used to know a few 'AAP' butches who just wanted to be a normal straight guy and pitied them, although that pity goes away the moment they act like gay TIMs and try to trick straight women into fucking them.
No. 1516704
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>>1516600lmaoooo looked this one up and cannot stop laughing at this pic.
No. 1516885
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Sorry, I fucked up and deleted my post to edit it before seeing your reply. No. 1516909
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>>1516885Ye olde misogyny, why does anyone (female) listen to him.
No. 1516949
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I don't know man what did you expect by joining an exclusive club its own rules and beliefs?
They sound like the Catholic fags who get mad when they're told they're going to hell. Having their cake and eating it too lol.
No. 1516985
>>1516958that's a bit of a stretch.
like all troons, he's just an autistic clown unsuccessfully coping with his terrible decision-making.
No. 1517000
>>1516885helena becoming a full-on mra is so crazy. she's trying so hard to be palatable to conservative men who think feminism caused the troon movement so they keep platforming her. it sucks that there's a real push to platform detrans males in the "community". the agp males who transitioned for vanity reasons, invaded female spaces, and harmed actual women are gonna pin the blame of ruining their own lives on women and detrans women will be pushed aside and told to shut up as usual
>>1514349all the sperging about how she got depressed because of people saying whites are privileged in her substack piece makes it pretty obvious she's some kind of white supremacist kek
No. 1517679
>>1516885Honestly, I do notice a lot of men transition and later detransition because of "misandry", but I honestly feel like that's a product of SJW culture than pop feminism that barely resembles actual women's rights. SJW culture ignores any hardship you have if you're one of the buzzwords "cis" "white" "male" (but male doesn't mean dick-haver because muh transmisogyny) etc., so of course a lot of mentally ill kids who refuge online will see that and develop a complex. But if you're an adult in your 20s I don't understand why still being hung up on it.
>>1517000I think Helena is borderline MRA because 1. she's straight, so being a man-hating radfem wouldn't work out if she wants to settle down in the long run, and 2. being on Tumblr as a teenager gave her white straight guilt, so she relates to the men who had male privilege guilt.
>>1517068It's kind of funny in a way because I knew a detrans, and she was so angry that she was streamlined into getting her tits and literal organs cut out and is now a lifelong medical patient taking a different kind of hormone to make up for it. Meanwhile, you can't even tell that Helena has ever taken testosterone (her voice is deep but still in a female range), so many detrans women would kill to just be able to still look like they never had a trans phase and move on.
No. 1519236
>>1517679I've come to the conclusion that troonery will only end if people all collectively accepted that this is all insane.
laws and conservative detrans stories only make them seem more 'oppressed'
Before weird fetishists would hide their degeneracy and people with minor dysphoria would get over it and move on with life, they only transition these days because its in. social acceptance is more powerful that dumb laws
No. 1519470
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Is Helena a pro-lifer? She hasn’t (to my knowledge) said anything about the recent Roe v Wade events but she has liked some pro-life adjacent things.
No. 1519539
>>1519244kek. many such cases.
one would think social anxiety alone would prevent them from repeatedly trooning in and out. don't they feel embarassed? or do they just get on and off hormones without telling anybody but their twitter friends?
No. 1519588
>>1519508>anti-daycareis this a thing?
apropos pregnancy, daisy announced she was pregnant a few months ago. girl was that fast
No. 1519618
File: 1651693608189.png (62.98 KB, 897x510, attached person.png)

From Laura Reynolds' Twitter account
No. 1520134
>>1520040ty for the recap
>3rd trimester abortionswhy is this even a talking point? no one wants that and they do not happen lmao
No. 1520207
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No. 1520491
>>1519981>"we've been told by the media that gender transition is easy"ben shapiro is braindead. we've actually been told that gender transition saves lives and is so Hard. that's the whole point, that these degenerates are deemed stunning and brave modern heroes.
>>1519987>>1520040these moids are fucking retarded and don't understand how conversations work. they're not even listening to her. i honestly feel sorry for helena in this one.
No. 1520659
File: 1651771146389.png (423.01 KB, 1644x302, cryingonthefloor.png)

what's with troons and liking jordan peterson?
No. 1520831
>>1520659I think that it’s because he’s “based” and doesn’t like trans identity politics. I’ve got to admit, these are some long 15 minutes fame that he is having.
This detrans FTMTF, Veera, had a rough childhood (living in an
abusive foster home, her biological parents killing themselves) and as an adult she discovered trans ideology. She identified as non-binary, then a gay trans man, and then detransitioned and now is a lesbian.
No. 1520877
>>1520040That's interesting, sage for politicsperg but I actually understand Helena here. I'm pro-choice but in my experience a lot of hardcore pro-abortion people (especially men) are weirdly misogynistic towards mothers and misanthropic, and that makes me uncomfortable too.
>>1520692Exactly. The dude sperging over third trimester abortions needs to shut up. I actually used to consider it an "exception" to whether abortion could be murder, but then I educated myself and realize those tend to be very rare and women who abort that late don't do it willy-nilly, so I consider it necessary.
>>1520659>>1520841I've only seen conservative-leaning TIFs who believe they have male brains like Jordan Peterson. I know Daisy Chadra made a video about liking him when she was trans.
No. 1521001
>>1414184>>1520952i'm a "retard" that's been a legitimate MMJ patient with a chronic condition for almost 7 years now, trust me I've more than just "discovered weed". i've had a rough few weeks and that was one of the things that made me laugh for the first time in a while. seriously chill tf out. looks like
toxic nitpicking, condescending reddit energy is being ported over here
No. 1521097
>>1520877daisy still likes jordan peterson now that she's larping as a tradwife. she said his work makes her feel motivated kek.
>>1520960yeah it's fascinating. he has said that personality-wise he's very feminine while his wife is very masculine, that many people are like that but it doesn't mean they should troon out.
anyways dude is a trainwreck and benzos fried his brain.
No. 1521274
>>1521180You think a girlfriend or simp would take the opportunity to call her a dyke twice unprovoked? It's just some unga bunga unsaged typing style ass moid.
>>1521247Seriously? Why does this happen so often, aside from simple label hopping?
No. 1521489
>>1520659funny i started watching her latest video and she talks about how she isn't a fan or jordan peterson but is just interested in knowing about different point of views
people really need to get over this brainrot of ideological purity, that just wanting to read what different kind of people have to say means you support them in everything. like this mindset of cultish tra shit is very apparent even in people who are against tranny shit, after peaking they still hold the same paranoia about showing interest in different and "wrongthink"
No. 1521669
>>1521489lol what the fuck are you talking about? i have nothing against jordan peterson, just pointing out yet another pattern among troons.
>is just interested in knowing about different point of viewslove that for her. about time i guess
No. 1521819
>>1521687yikes did you skip your meds.
are you talking about TRAs? i'm not talking about that type of troons, we're in the fucking detrans thread.
almost every single straight TIF gets into jp to "reprogram/heal" and shit when they detrans, helena included.
No. 1526360
>>1521467I know that a lot of people blame feminism, particularly intersectionality, on causing the trans movement. But intersectionality was created for
woc as they experienced the intersection of racism and misogyny. It only got hijacked by the trans movement when TRAs started claiming to be intersectional feminists and that transsexualism was an intersectional identity.
No. 1528609
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>>1516909He just went on a rant about women using vibrators and lesbian relationships
No. 1528680
>>1528611lmfao as a lesbian he’s not wrong
The ex gay or even anti-gay sentiment by detrans people is interesting. Makes sense that some people would swing a bit to the right after going through the horrors or transition, but is it sincere?
No. 1528867
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>>1528681This guy seems like he's unable to take accountability for his choices
No. 1529515
>>1528999i disagree with the fetish thing, but yes he's clinically retarded being an autist.
he trooned out because he's a faggot who was never socialized properly. now that he's detrans, he thinks that being an hysterical bitch on twitter is masculine because he's being rude uwu.
male peers have rejected and humiliated him for his whole life, and now he takes it out on women because they're the only people ever accepting him into their retarded cliques, ergo the only people he knows how to (badly) interact with. he'll never 41% because he's a pussy.
girls, that's what you get when you befriend the effeminate nerd that normal boys don't like kek.
No. 1529536
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So apparently when he was a teen he was in this messed up relationship. I do feel bad for but since when has radical feminism been pro rape kink? I really do side eye any woman ho willingly dates and encourages men's troonery now. That's some fucked up shit
No. 1529554
>>1529536This is stupid and annoying simply because every woman has been in a relationship just as
abusive or worse and this guy thinks the one time he dated a narc woman is the most important and hurtful event that has ever happened to anyone ever. Men are pathetic and weak
No. 1529803
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>>1529657since that anon is banned, I'll provide the milk
No. 1530030
>>1528611>>1528715He claims that the woman he dated when he was a TIM was a "lesbian", which makes no fucking sense because she was dating a man. He also used to identify as a "translesbian" which is probably why he has such a hateboner against them.
>>1529235Probably. It's like they're going through a narcissist rage because they can never truly be a lesbian or get to date one (at most they'll get is a liberal bi woman who calls herself one), so they backlash by going "well lesbians are terrible people anyway!"
>>1529835I'm personally fine with detrans of any belief as long as they aren't showing up on Fox News or repeating MRA talking points like Helena and this "Limpidia" guy are. It's fine to disagree with radfems (I do), but backlashing against them is messed up because the detrans movement was initially started by ex-TIF radfem lesbians.
No. 1530075
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>>1529536He was AGP from the start. The "my ex forced me to read Solanas and made me feel bad about being male" schtick is just an excuse.
No. 1531568
>>1529803>>1529804that's so meta. what is this even about? she's been detrans for like four years but she still retains the fandom mentality. sad.
i'm genuinely curious to see how feminists have treated her tho.
No. 1531645
>>1531633that's different from
> the people who have treated me the worst haven't been trans activists, it's been feministstras have said and done pretty fucked up shit to her, so i wonder what could be worse. i only know of the 14 year old radfems that call her a tradwife.
No. 1536377
>>1535431"Disagreeing with me is the same as wishing death on me"
Once a BPD gender goblin, always a BPD gender goblin.
No. 1536927
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Detrans FtM suibaits and retranses after getting into a twitter fight. This a mere two days after her tweet about detransitioning went viral
No. 1536928
File: 1653301273951.png (697.38 KB, 1440x723, totally not projection.png)

>>1536927This were her tweets right before shit hit the fan and she got swarmed by radfems. She hates lesbians too and has said some stuff in the same vein as Limpida's comments, but the rejection angle doesn't work for her because she's a straight woman
No. 1536929
File: 1653301547439.png (237.71 KB, 1080x784, what started everything.png)

>>1536928This was the (obviously not serious) tweet that got her heated. She was offended on her boyfriend's behalf. Her boyfriend (who totally sees her as a man and is not just playing along for pussy) has just said she attempted suicide. Personally I wouldn't kill myself over some twitter comments but I'm not mentally ill so
No. 1536935
>>1536928>you bitches are weird and just hate men because you got touched as a childIt's always the most mentally deranged, tryhard female autists saying this shit to try and be edgy kek. And then she'll be an actual professional
victim crying molten tears about her 20000 suicide attempts, expecting people to feel sorry for her
No. 1537071
File: 1653318561296.jpeg (54.45 KB, 828x632, 5C66DE92-8DB1-49A3-8FA8-4FFB7D…)

>>1536928 kek i have mutual acquaintances with this girl (ally)
>her boyfriend is a marxist moid who somehow got really popular on radfem twitter despite being male and not being a radfem, and he recently got cancelled for tweeting picrel>the boyfriend often talks shit about ally to mutual friends bc she wants to be a tradwife and expects him to work, having enough of an income for them and their future kids, and he’s a socialist who doesn’t want to work. ally thinks she shouldn’t have to work either because she is autistic>ally keeps trying to get pregnant even though she’s infertile because of years of testosterone treatments and is pretty cowish about wanting to be a tradwife sahm >both of them consistently blame radfems and feminism for all of their issues and hang around radfem communities for validation anyway she wrote this like a month ago so it’s pretty crazy that she’s retransitioning over twitter drama but i’m not really surprised. so many people in the detrans sphere are mentally ill bpd cases
No. 1537072
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ally old tweets
No. 1537075
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No. 1537168
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>>1537071Kek the cancellation actually worked, at least for a bit anyway
No. 1537204
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>>1537168He's leaving because twitter radfems have nothing going on in their lives other than harassing people and spreading lies about their current targets
No. 1537261
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>>1537252It was posting by saintrizla without much context other than him trying to clear up lies being spread around
No. 1537291
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No. 1537332
>>1536927>>1536928>>1537072>Haha you ugly weird bitches hate men because you got touched as a child>Why do women not like meThis is some incel tier shit. Ever considered you don't have female friends not because half of the population are "professional
victims", but because you act like a complete cunt towards them? Yeah, you're not gonna click well with other women if you behave like a literal scrote.
No. 1537444
>>1537429"Learn to sage I'm so smart and a minimod"
it's on topic radfag
No. 1537475
>>1537325And? It's still just words on twitter. Pathetic to irl seethe and eventually kill yourself from that. And it's not even directed towards her. She slit her wrists to defend her boyfriend's honor lmfao
>>1537071Why do radfems even follow this nigga in the first place? I swear even if the most sexist racist conservative male says anything remotely gender critical he becomes an overnight star in the radfem community.
No. 1537528
>>1537071i remember the boyfriend tweeting that ally was horny while pregnant, and now you tell me she can't get pregnant? did she miscarry or what? looks like natural selection took care of that. i hope next time she goes full-on bpd she actually offs herself and takes boyfriend with her.
>he’s a socialist who doesn’t want to work. ally thinks she shouldn’t have to work either because she is autisticwhat a couple of degenerates, middle-class autists are a burden to society and belong to the gulag.
turns out detrans is even worse than classic troonism. radfems aren't responsible for troonism, but they sure as hell nourished detrans parasites. hindsight i guess.
>>1536929wasn't he forced to prostitute himself by his ex boyfriend for funsies? does he also have an
abusive ex girlfriend?
No. 1539189
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saint continues to sperg on allie’s behalf
No. 1539190
File: 1653457453383.jpeg (405.11 KB, 750x965, 9CC9B478-9483-4551-8261-5A7CB2…)

>>1539189wtf is with the desisted/detrans to conservative racist trad pipeline
No. 1539202
>>1539190There have been loads of studies showing trooning out and AGP in particular is associated with authoritarian personalities in the first place. Troons are rarely if ever liberal in the truest sense of the word
Hence the troon to Stalinist pipeline, the troon to Nazi pipeline, the troon to Muslim extremist or weird convert hasidic Jew pipeline, the troon to cult-loon Posadist insanity pipeline. Even anarcho-troons are mostly 'liberal' as far as it gets their dicks wet only
The amount of troons that compare Black women to men every minute and infest shitholes like /lgbt/ to post anonymously like incels make this obvious
No. 1542542
>>1542523hi, will you ever learn how to sage?
i love that we're in upside down land, since you're apparently justifying someone for being gender conforming. most people are. hell, most troons are. you don't need to make up stories on how she was always secretly gnc.
even when blanchard was doing his research, feminine faggots were the minority.
No. 1542621
>>1541512>>1542568I don't think women are wired to wear makeup and big-ass earrings, but most women seem to be comfortable with this kind of stuff, or at least can put up with it. Apparently these detrans women are among them. I don't think gender non-conformity is learned. Doesn't explain why GNC children and adults can't just adapt and stop being GNC.
These were girly girls. Trooned out at a time when trooning out is largely accepted and celebrated. Now they're detrans and back doing what comes natural to them. I kind of envy them.
No. 1545591
>>1542983I suspect that those who learn to be conforming are naturally more socially adaptable and will fulfill whatever role they are groomed into, and those who turn out gender non-conforming are often people who are not as socially adaptable (see: autists).
I also think that for some people who have a natural trait that does not align with gender norms, it influences their development due to self-image and receiving different treatment relative to other members of their sex due to the way they are perceived as "different" from other girls. Basically, a kind of feedback loop, similar to the way that attractive people are perceived more positively and consequently receive more positive (and higher quality) attention and end up developing more positive traits.
No. 1546987
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Not suspicious at all that this 'detrans man' is still using his trans name Vanity…. all the while e-begging for the detrans cause.
No. 1547722
File: 1654239712589.jpeg (230.72 KB, 750x670, D86B958C-C785-44AE-B2D7-8C5977…)

Isaac is officially a cow.
No. 1547734
>>1545945>>1545987I think GNC people do receive somewhat different social messaging (you always get assigned the male character in pretend, "you should have been born a boy", having others automatically group you with the opposite sex and being pushed away by your own sex, depending where you live people might accept your archetype and not apply the same expectations they do to other girls, etc), but a large part of it is just interpretation of the same information that everyone else receives, and socialization is what other people do to you and around you (it's social!), not how you feel about it. Your internal reactions to the things you see are not a different "socialization" even if they are different from other people, because you are not being fed different social information. That's just you being an individual and processing all that information in your own way. Everyone has their own individual way of filtering that information even if some people's inner workings are more outlier or more average.
I interpreted the social information I received as a child to mean I was not a legitimate member of the human race, and maybe really a dragon on the inside, but I was not dragon-socialized. Maybe a little bit groomed, though… Lmao.
No. 1547757
File: 1654244579283.jpeg (198.41 KB, 750x635, 8FB81A2C-972D-4C80-AA1B-2E40F6…)

Ok, time to unsubscribe.
No. 1547765
>>1547757 I was just going to post this
He deleted the comment where i was calling him out on what he really is - a grownass man mentally stuck at edgy 13 longing for a
toxic relationship. And when he can't get one, he'll make his subscribers into his bitches to insult and apologize to the next day. I hope more of them leave i left when pulled this shit the first time.
No. 1547783
File: 1654246912717.jpg (99.77 KB, 854x166, bitch2.jpg)

The man have spoken, we are cunts eveyone, good job!
No. 1547788
>>1547757Just a week ago
>I'm already much better mentally than I've ever been in my life and that's scary in some ways>people don't even think I'm that smart they just like hearing my opinion because I've been through transitioning and so my words have a little more weight than someone who's saying the same things and hasn't been through transitioning I understand that but my content's not that interesting and I don't really even give a fuck about it honestlyOkay I get it, it's not fun to be used as a political pawn just because you detransitioned or are GNC, when nobody actually gives a fuck about you and laughs at you behind your back. You don't have to go on a whole schizo arch though.
>so society is pretty [ __ ] i'm pretty [ __ ] mentally physically i'm pretty [ __ ] society's pretty [ __ ] my viewers are pretty [ __ ] and everyone's everyone's spinning their own narrative and i'm [ __ ] sick of the narratives man the narratives oh man narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative narrative response videos are the worst [ __ ] thing and i'm i've made my response videos and i've spun my narratives oh god i'm so tired of the narratives>broken person right now like i have physically i am i am worthless i am worthless right now i can barely lift anything up i am tired i am incapable of doing almost anything useful>>1547783He should've just detransitioned away from the internet, instead of being surprised he's being used as a political pawn and then have a misogynist freak out over it.
No. 1547800
File: 1654248445907.jpg (103.77 KB, 851x864, attention.JPG)

>>1547783The craving of attention is so palpable. what a sad human being.
don't comment on my yt i will ban you! no, wait, comment again don't leave me!
No. 1547808
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To be honest, he is not all the way wrong about some of his followers. Look at this pathetic interaction
No. 1547819
File: 1654250827678.png (53.45 KB, 862x671, anotherone.png)

>>1547814i guess there is a chance, but i noticed her always ass kissing in the comments
here's another one of the devoted trying to walk on eggshells so that she stays on his good side
(+an extra display of hatred and jealousy towards women)
No. 1547824
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BRUH i hope dies
No. 1547840
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>>1547824This is why it's not a good idea to christen any scrote as "one of the good ones". This is a public mental break down. I thought he hated porn so much? He talked about it in his last video. He calls others two faced, when he's obviously been lying for validation this whole time.
No. 1547905
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>>1547901i wonder if they hate women because they think they are also women and they hate themselves, OR if they think they are women because they hate themselves & women
No. 1547912
File: 1654263131982.jpg (145.37 KB, 1640x1093, 1654009412621.jpg)

>>1547840Always this obsession with "manhating lesbians".
No. 1547917
>>1546059are u trolling?
it's not exactly possible to do that for several reasons. falsifying documents ins't easy (can't be male socialized if others see u as a female) + they would have had to prevent u from looking in your pants and seeing that there's fem genitalia there.
No. 1547973
File: 1654267134680.jpg (31.79 KB, 410x583, JoJKWaPh.jpg)

>>1547961he's a confused bisexual. he had girlfriends in school and then he went on to fuck (or get fucked by?) this mess a couple of years ago so he's clearly not straight.
No. 1547976
>>1547783>>1547757>>1547840Damn, I'm disappointed but not surprised. I know he's been spiralling hard and he has literal BPD. I saw him rage at another YTer who was abusing his girlfriend a few days ago, interesting that he took this turn right after
I never subbed, but I did watch his videos because I thought he was actually okay (if not the most stable, understandably so). I guess he just wants to destroy everything and do something else now. Kind of sad, it was comfy reading the comments from caring older women (and not zoomers/coomers) on his videos, but a male will always be a male, I guess. Maybe he actually does want to start his own cult, and he's trying to slough off the "normal" feminists and keep only the devoted pick-mes. Or it's just a BPD tantrum. Probably both
Only thing worse than a balding moid is a malding moid
No. 1547980
File: 1654267630185.png (80.35 KB, 805x612, whh.png)

Seems he just wanted attention from the manhating lesbians after all. He got tired of being liked kek
No. 1548014
>>1547976Oh man, this guy. He's such an edgy retard. He did a video about some "AGP" internet personality and tbh he seemed very attracted to the other person who was being openly trans & fetishistic. Like a weird mixture of hatred, envy, and horniness. Was super uncomfortable to watch.
He's been my personal cow for a few months. He's always doing unhinged shit and posting narc rants. He kind of reminds me of Onision tbh
No. 1548029
File: 1654271462782.jpg (30.45 KB, 726x571, bot.JPG)

>>1548014I'm following him as my personal cow as well. One of my favorite moments was when he sperged on twitter and wrote "kill all trannies" and twitter nuked his account within seconds.
He then proceeded to cry about it on youtube without mentioning what he tweeted because he's a perpetual
victim who can do no wrong.
picrel is him claiming it was "just a bot" censoring him.
I really hope he doesn't get himself banned from youtube though, he's unstable but very entertaining.
No. 1548733
>>1548014Tbh, that AGP is a shitshow. Bambi Bean on YT. Cluniac is one of my personal cows as well. His breakdowns are p funny and desperate.
I don't think he has a boner for that AGP. Bambi is now also a personal cow for me, but I get the feeling that he's hitting hard on these fucked up deviants because suddenly he's decided to become macho and "get ripped".
No. 1548776
File: 1654345636618.jpeg (56.38 KB, 1017x586, look.jpeg)

>>1548733> suddenly he's decided to become macho and "get ripped". I doubt that will last. it's like how he constantly says he's suddenly doing much better and then has a meltdown the next day
now look who woke up and changed their channel name. he didn't apologize for his meltdown yet, let's see if he does
No. 1548860
File: 1654353931532.jpg (318.5 KB, 1080x1803, Screenshot_20220604-104434_You…)

Anime mastermind
No. 1548959
File: 1654359869957.jpg (65.68 KB, 910x484, Capture.JPG)

>>1548913i don't know why anon deleted the pic, here's our ongoing BDP meltdown being cringy af trying to hit on niwatori
No. 1549495
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I feel sorry for the handmaidens
No. 1549828
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>>1549495I don't. That Josephe Anne chick deserves to be talked down to. She's been thirsting after his shriveled cock for a long time, it's embarrassing.
I guess not being able to set up his internet in time has gotten him to have an extra long meltdown, usually he's already apologetic by this time.
No. 1549853
File: 1654427693594.jpg (68.58 KB, 1005x240, homophobic_weirdo.jpg)

The AGP is not only misogynist, but also homophobic, of course. He claims to not fit into Blanchard typologies, but it's obvious that it's only pseudobisexuality related to the AGP shit and not actual bisexuality.
No. 1549891
File: 1654432666351.jpg (82.22 KB, 696x696, He_deleted_everything.jpg)

>>1549886Sure it can be an old photo, but with talking about the investigation, the way he writes and I saw him in comments talking about having taken some drugs and "coming down". He was on LSD. It's not a social experiment, he's not that smart or calculated. He was just tripping balls, saying stupid shit, now has gotten sober and deleted all of it. You're giving him too much credit by assuming it's a social experiment.
No. 1549892
File: 1654433106844.jpg (99.66 KB, 870x591, liar.jpg)

>>1549891Now he has deleted this too. This is the internet dumbass, you can never truly delete it, we got it all right here.
No. 1549899
File: 1654433958348.png (234.99 KB, 400x400, bs.png)

>>1549892looks like our bryan is finally coming to his senses and ending his multi-day meltdown. he truly does deserve his own thread.
pic not very related, just him before transition
No. 1549942
>>1549931>not everyone was coddling me and some people said that I'm just a misogynist, so I gave them what they wanted and acted extremely misogynistic haha, gotemDude, stop acting like you're so special or not like the other detrans AGPs. You're just like the rest, blaming feminism for having transitioned, that you only developed AGP because you think society hates men so much. They all give that fucking woe is me spiel. Which is fucking bullshit. That society only thinks women are beautiful, which is bullshit. Society thinks women in our natural state are disgusting and we have to put on 10lbs of make up, shave ourselves completely bare like we're a fucking dolphin and a procedure here a snip there to even be accepted. Meanwhile men can exist beerbellied and balding, while nobody gives a shit. If anything, the bar for men is so on the floor, that if you only took care of yourself a tiny little bit, you would have straight women throwing themselves at you in droves. You're literally experiencing some of that right now. You call women cunts, you say horrible fucking shit, you're openly lesbophobic, but it's all okay because you're a mentally ill uwu man and many women are socialized to still coddle you. If a woman would only do 1% of the shit he's done, she'd be cancelled way fucking worse than a couple people calling him out on Twitter or Discord.
No. 1549966
>>1549931It's so fucked how he makes the conscious choice to be an asshole, and then tries to reverse everything so that he's the true
victim. Everyone who was disgusted is suddenly in the wrong because "they wanted it" or "were waiting for it". Maybe they were "waiting for it" because tons of men like you do the same shit or worse, Isaac/Bryan/whatever. They couldn't fully trust from the start, and you've exemplified why. Mercy on anyone who actually gave you a chance with their whole heart/mind just to have it thrown back in their face. It's not some kind of brutal "honesty", you're just being a sack of shit to try and make a flimsy point about how no one really loves you and the world is evil (fuck cause and effect, right?). The sad thing is, there were still women being kind to him during his tantrum, but he just called them controlling, stupid and obnoxious cunts. Even now, he's not acknowledging those women because he just doesn't care. He doesn't give a shit about reality or about the people who support him, he just wanted to spin his own narrative in real time. He's doing the exact same shit he was complaining about in his self-loathing "I'm a pathetic worm cuck" video.
There's no winning with a person like this. It's like they just don't feel alive unless they're shitting on others and getting blowback for it. From that standpoint, it makes perfect sense that he'd mingle with GC people and publicly criticize the whole trans movement, bringing all sorts of attention to himself. He likely started doing it to make whichever trannies he had interpersonal drama with angry, but now he's thirsty for dick again, so he needs an excuse to justify running from women back to men
No. 1549977
File: 1654441262880.png (48.86 KB, 1270x153, 9Qlv0Xx[1].png)

>>1549966for sure. he has no sense of self or identity and his little narc ego needs to get back at whoever "wronged" him in the past and he does this by begging for empathy or pity from a completely different set of people. when his ego is wounded he'll go and try to push away the people whom he begged for attention in the first place. in private he's probably trying to find some new pals willing to do emotional labor for him and hes gonna spin a woe is me narrative with them instead (like that niwatori scrote). but yea; he projects his own MO onto the audience/people who hurt him all the time. I'm done empathizing with him so just matter of factly, he must have had a manipulative abuser as a role model.
No. 1549978
Isaac seems like he's going through a BPD manic episode lately, he's very narcissistic, and incoherent with what he's saying.
>>1549931 All of what he said in this video is nonsense.
No. 1549988
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>>1549978I think it's time we stop playing his games, and call him by his real name: Bryan. That's the name he had before 'Vanity'
picrel is his ongoing meltdown.. it's not over yet i guess
No. 1549998
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>>1549988I was curious about the name thing so I checked the Cosmo thread on KF and lmao yeah he is Bryan
thread here No. 1550019
File: 1654444591156.jpg (48.03 KB, 1056x757, Capture.JPG)

>>1550017to recap, in case he deletes this too: bryan is saying go fuck yourselves to all feminist, reiterating that feminists are cunts and that he would beat the shit of them all
guys please don't report him though, we need this milk to continue, it's hilarious
No. 1550068
>>1550052Nobody feels threatened. I don't feel sad because by the looks of it he deserved the illness. Some people are born ill and aren't such assholes.
His new video is drawing in some antifeminist moids, watch him turn into a men's rights activists next.
No. 1550088
>>1550071>>1550080I lost sympathy for him as soon as he started calling women who did nothing but support him unconditionally "cunts" and threatened them with violence.
He's just the kind of manipulative abuser who tries to convince other that the whole world is against him and as soon as he can't keep up that facade anymore, he jumps ship into a new community to get attention from elsewhere and find more people to abuse and gaslight. Nonna, he's not even worth sympathising with. He brings this on himself. He's not actively trying to get better. He just wants people to do emotional labour for him who are also willing to just be his punching bag.
No. 1550163
File: 1654454156373.png (748.44 KB, 1080x1587, Screenshot_20220605-143400.png)

Still spending his entire day spouting delusional MRA bullshit. He needs to turn off his PC and go touch some grass.
No. 1550192
File: 1654456562980.jpg (174.92 KB, 1296x936, wtf_is_this.jpg)

>>1550163Is this his second channel? If so, lots of glute exercise videos in the exercise playlist, he's not thinking of lifting to look more manly. Not that men shouldn't work their glutes (they usually don't do it enough), but the ratio is really off. Mostly stuff for lower body, not much upperbody. Looks like he's going to retransition.
No. 1550201
File: 1654457456527.jpg (32.3 KB, 1285x353, idk.jpg)

>>1550197If that's the case, it's either a woman or a TiM and he has some crazy ass supporters.
No. 1550639
>>1550634I wish I kept logs of this, but as far as I remember, the incident you're referring to is when on his community tab, he told his followers that his mom had contacted him for the first time in 4 years and that he didn't want to see her. And then he said "give your narcissistic thoughts".
Since most of his fans are GC and radfem women, there were a lot of mothers in the comments who urged him to reconnect with his mother (some even said he clearly wanted this given the way he posted about it, it's as if he were urging people to give him a reason to talk to them). this enraged the shit out of him and caused him to bpd split on his fanbase (who are now apparently all "man hating feminists" or w/e scrotes think). ofc now Bryan/Isaac/w/e and his handmaidens see it as a "test" he gave to his fans to see if they truly cared to listen to him without projecting their own thoughts. apparently tho everyone failed that test, and he's lumped that under feminism being evil or "manipulative" or w/e the fuck he thinks.
No. 1550726
>>1550619i thought he said he had boobs, all he has a two retarded nipples
>>1550711I think it's kind of both
No. 1550871
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>>1550865Added screenshot.
No. 1551183
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>>1550871look at this ape body
poking out nipples on a thick chest with a forest of hair on the back
truly unfortunate
No. 1551203
File: 1654541534810.jpg (29.68 KB, 733x632, crazy.JPG)

>>1551197yea the long hair was really carrying his look. i'd say this is a good dedicated thread photo for him if anyone is interested to make one. really shows the crazy.
No. 1552195
File: 1654619974326.jpg (23.14 KB, 689x232, wtf.JPG)

what the hell is wrong with these women who keep worshipping him even though he acts like an angry manchild
No. 1553230
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>>1552054Seems almost like a psychotic break.
No. 1553297
File: 1654712467987.png (407.45 KB, 1694x466, Screenshot 2022-06-08 at 19.16…)

he's continuing to go off the rails
No. 1553326

>>1546987Vanity is his legal name. No surname or anything. Birth name is Bryan Kolbe Stuedell.
>>1547722He's been a cow for several years now, I don't know how it didn't get picked up here. He dated Cosmo "Narcissa" Wright who has a dead thread here but an extensive Kiwifarms one. first became aware of Bryan in 2019 when he had a brief fling with Cosmo. Cosmo pumped and dumped him to some extent and Bryan was so crushed he went to cry on all of the forums that actively followed Cosmo. He did an AMA on /r/samandtolki (RIP) where he aired dirty laundry and also showed up on Kiwifarms He deleted his posts (he is stereotypical and will delete anything he has the ability to) but Null reverted them. Back then he was still identifying as a dude–"Issac."
He just never got over being discarded and eventually trooned out into Vanity and tried to get back at Cosmo in other (unsuccessful) ways. I'm sure some of it has been documented in Cosmo's KF thread (I haven't read it in a long time) and he has also went after Null. He's left voice messages for Null and even dumped his whole Discord DMs with Cosmo at one point but it's all pathetic how obsessed he is. I probably archived some of it but never posted it publicly since this loser only cares about getting attention. When he was at his peak popularity with radfems he even tweeted about Cosmo being erratic on Twitter but didn't mention that they actually dated and definitely did not mention the three+ year obsession that followed.
I never would have guessed he would have become a minor detrans celebrity. He would detrans at least once a month and would delete all of his shit.
No. 1553398
>>1553326he actually changed his legal name again from vanity because he couldn't get paid by youtube without a last name.
recently he said he will change his name again so i guess it's becoming a hobby for him
No. 1553445
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>>1553297Interesting investigation he's doing I see
No. 1553576
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>>1549899Another photo of him pre-transition. I don't know why people say he looks happy here, he looks dead inside.
He's always been mentally ill.
No. 1553592
>>1553583He claimed that going bald was one of the things that
triggered his dysphoria and he wanted to go on estrogen to reverse it.
No. 1555817
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Don't know if there are frenchies here but I wanted to talk about a detrans cow of mine you probably know about.
Olly Plum.
>Is a sex worker/cam girl
>Got famous after people found out she had sex with a far left communist youtuber named Usul
>They started to date each other and she even made caméo in Usul's videos
>Suddenly Olly made a tweet about "getting testosterone ASAP"
>Come out as trans
>Usul and her break up, tweets few days after how she hates "cis male"
>Years passes, Olly become a famous trans man (over 8k followers on twitter), cut her tits off and get scare tattoos.
>Complains that she had "lost customers" since she is a tranny and has no more boobs.
>Freak out and detrans
>Is completely anti trans now, recently made a blog post about how she got lurred in it and now regrets her transition
>Is now a christian
No. 1555996
>>1552195Nonnie please. There are women who want to fuck serial killers and mass shooters. Hell, there was even an autistic girl who wanted to date Chris-chan. Unfortunately there’s no level of male depravity that’s guaranteed to turn all women away. Lots of women see these damaged moids and get attracted out of a fucked up desire to “fix” them.
Cluniac is serving up some Onision realness rn. They should do a collab together.
No. 1556404
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He's begging for cash again. He's not even making any promises… just begging for money to continue existing as an unemployed bum.
No. 1557009
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Another fit.
No. 1557010
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No. 1557115
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He is now larping as a future mass shooter, lamenting on the people he should've killed.
Someone needs to start a thread going before he gets on the news
No. 1558551
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>>1553326he needs to get his eyes checked, just wtf
No. 1558559
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>>1558557idk if this is trolling or whether he's just retarded
No. 1559522
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>>1559443I like how he says that "all trannies just want to rape women, and i would know because i used to be one"
that's one of the most obvious cases of self-report i've ever seen. this whole video is just a roast of himself.
No. 1560329
>>1556482He claimed (I doubt) he had completed a computer science degree and may have claimed he worked as a software engineer.
Apart from that he told me and a few others he cammed years ago. I also don't believe this. He is incapable of telling the truth. He claimed to come from a rich family who treated him well but I also think that's false since he had a video claiming he was abused by his parents.
No. 1560401
>>1560283WTF is happening? I never subbed to this guy's channel and would mainly watch him in passing when his videos came up. The last one I saw was the one he made on the open fetishistic AGP and I thought it was good but I hadn't watched hi since then and am just now learning that he apparently is having a mental breakdown.
Like WRF happened? He seemed so composed and sensible but he's now a raving lunatic mess. I'm aware he has BPD but is he going through a long episode? Has he stopped taking his meds? He seems so unhinged now and I want to hope he's just doing it to be a troll like how Nikocado plays up his ridiculousness…
No. 1560537
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Isaac has made comments disappear on his community posts.
No. 1560539
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>>1560537Every time you try to post a comment it doesn’t show up.
No. 1561989
>>1561695You are free to discuss any other detransitioners if you wish. Anons are just talking about him more lately because of his recent erratic behavior
>>1561915I saw that vid and it made me massively lose respect for her and her intelligence. At one point she even asked something along the lines of "shouldn't women be better at track because they have lighter bones?". Like girl…you can't be serious. She also, of course, never gave any kind of coherent definition for woman. Just "A woman is…not a man". Wow good job. Very smart. Very progressive. I love being a non-man.
She def lucked out that hormones only really seem to have affected her voice, and not even too drastically. Though lately I'm wondering if they rotted her brain too
No. 1563205
>>1561989Grayson said she was a tomboy growing up, and transitioned in her mid-teens. She was on testosterone for a few years, but detransitioned after finding videos about it online.
I look at Grayson’s channel, and it comes across as the average relatable zoomer girl channel. She called the super straight movement “transphobic neo-nazis”. I noticed that her detransitioning video is no longer up for some reason.
No. 1563595
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He's still spewing nonsense and in his new video he's begging for money and still has bloodshot eyes
No. 1569648
>>1521467I keep seeing this lol, i know her and her husband, he’s just a normal american dude—yeah he’s of german ancestry but a normal person would never describe him as ‘german,’ it’s like calling roger ebert ‘german’— and i’m not blaming you for this, i know she writes about him like he’s fresh off the boat from the third reich but that’s totally not the reality. He is, or at least was, a huge lib too, her whole tradwife ‘thing’ is of her own creation.
she has a 9-5 office job as an admin coordinator too but likes to pretend she doesn’t
No. 1572969
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>>1572736He's really got a hate boner for Rogan and Peterson. Some of it had hints of truth, but it's not his "dark humour" (which is a shame). I maybe would've thought he was just messing around trying to piss people off with his answers, but saying his favourite word is "nigger"…well…how can anyone send him cash in any way or take his "research" seriously when he's a massive twat? That speaking to a gender therapist (the recent one) is something Vanessa Vokey did ages ago. Nothing groundbreaking. He wants people to pay for his "hidden camera". Really?? Bet there are some freaks who send him some $ too.
No. 1572994
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>>1572736I have a theory about his recent behavior.
He always talked about how much he fears his hairline receding. Now that he cut his hair off during a meltdown, that lead him to being unable to crossdress secretly. He now always looks at himself in the mirror and
triggers his meltdowns on a daily basis, without being able to resort to crossdressing. That is why he's been unable to return to "normal" like he used to do when he had long hair.
Maybe he should invest in a wig
No. 1573005
>>1572994That's an interesting theory anon. Perhaps his crossdressing was a coping method he had to deal with his
triggers but like you said, now he doesn't have long hair so he can't fully do it which is giving him mental distress.
I agree, he should just buy a wig and get over it.
No. 1573857
>>1572969It’s kinda funny how he panicked over someone saying they wanted to drop the n-word in one of his videos ( the one titled “ Conversations with a Stranger “ it’s around the 3:23:30 mark ) and now he says it without a single thought.
He continues to insult every kind of viewer in his audience and still has the audacity to beg for money every other week— this is the true comedy in his channel.
All of that common sense had gone away with his hair.
No. 1576017
File: 1656553051037.png (Spoiler Image,4.49 MB, 3282x1892, acidbath0ry.png)

Some detrans turned trad pickme handmaiden called acidbath0ry on twitter is a massive pickme who panders specifically to trad and autistic men. She frequently qts women who hate men but deletes the tweets not long after. Recently said something racist and then deleted it after she got called out. The spoiler pic includes nudes that she previously posted online. She's full of braindead takes. No. 1576088
File: 1656559472628.png (221.6 KB, 1080x1245, Screenshot_20220629-221243~2.p…)

>>1576017I found this while going through her twitter. So many troons-turned-tradwives will spew all kinds of regressive bullshit but still defend trans rights or whatever. It's almost like gender ideology isn't all that incompatible with patriarchy.
No. 1576342
>>1576017>detrans turned trad pickme handmaidengod damn i wish these people would go outside and make some female friends who aren't tifs or pickmes. quitting the larp doesn't mean your only options are being a radfem detrans activist
which is based, i'm just making a point about how it doesn't need to be one extreme vs another or being a doormat who worships men. you can just be you.
>>1576088>would have made me feel and look like a massive pervertif that collage is anything to go by she still looked obviously female and i doubt other women in the restrooms would have cared
No. 1576646
>>1576048Idk if I mentioned that she’s autistic but she wants to have a billion kids sadly like the rest of dumb people on earth do. Idk why other autistic and neurodivergent people don’t fucking care about autism being proven to increase chances of it in offspring.
>>1576088Kek she doesn’t understand that she didn’t pass as male at all and looked at best like a butch lesbian (sorry to butches out there). Was she even on testosterone? I was unable to find any pictures of her with chest hair or facial hair.
No. 1584373
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Limpida’s Twitter is gone.
No. 1586479
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No. 1587217
>>1586574Me too I’m just so tired of people only thinking you can be one extreme or the other when the reality is that most people do actually lie somewhere in the middle and stay relatively quiet about things or will just posture occasionally to indicate what position they lean in. It isn’t even just with this stuff although this is one of the better examples of how
toxic it gets. I feel like it literally applies to everything these days from your political standpoint to your aesthetic.
No. 1589662
>>1586574That's because no one wants to be the typical detransed radfem. Suddenly pretending they care about women just because they need a sense of belonging embarrassing. It's often accompanied with similar gender bullshit that zir/shirs preach- oppression olympics. Not everyone wants to feel like a
victim for being born female. That and they are ugly or fat most of the time. It's easier to cope with man's voice if you look good and pander to men.
No. 1593213
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MtFtM who went viral made a thing about boys/teen boys getting hit just as hard by trans ideology as girls. Somehow this is something that women need to fix, per the men in the thread. No. 1605906
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>>1576088her gay boyfriend is sperging, I'm sorry your girlfriend is such a lolcow.
No. 1606879
>>1605906deactivated his account kek
alt is lewysroom
No. 1610484
>>1606539On her old Twitter ( she was very much into normie topics such as Nicki Minaj and Harry Styles. This wasn’t long before she got sucked into Tumblr trans ideology so she abandoned it. But it looks like she’s always wanted a trend to follow.
No. 1613664
>>1555817I didn't expect to see her here, nonna, but didn't she become Muslim and not Christian? Whatever is the case she went batshit insane with religion lol.
As much as I hate Usul' greasyness he was the one enabling her and then broke up with her because he's straight. Play tranny games with tranny prices.
I wish the French lolcow thread was more alive, but the only speaking about them are scrotes on JVC. If someday I feel like spending my whole weekend typing I'll do huge posts about those French cows with documents and all
No. 1633394
>>>/g/230474 if you want to post there
No. 1634283
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>>1634216lol, I love the cat mask while he tries to give serious opinions
No. 1637015
>>1637006I thought she only had 1? When did she get the 2nd?
>>1636745Forming a family with a dude she only knew for a year, having a kid with at 24, and fully financially dependent on him. Interesting foundation.
No. 1637142
>>1634216I agree with the others, he's not really a cow at all. He acknowledges that he fucked up his body and advocates hardly to advise guys to not get SRS as well as learn that just because he likes to look feminine and has feminine interests, that doesn't make him a woman. And unlike Blaire White, he actually accepts himself for who he is.
The only noteworthy thing I remember he did was that he played a part in getting TT Exulansic's channel taken down when he and small fanbase he had back when he was still identifying as trans false flapped her video commentary on him and her channel. I know that some people here don't like TT Exulansic but I think that her content was valuable because she was the only one who went into depth on just how ridiculous and life ruining "phalloplasties" and "vaginoplasties" actually are. So yeah, I didn't think he was cool for that.
But as mentioned, he since realized and accepted the truth about biological sex and is warning others to not get their genitals hacked up.
No. 1637681
>>1414554A lot of people detransition without dealing with the issues that lead to them transitioning in the first place.
That Limpida guy is a great example of that. He transitioned in an attempt to transmaxx, realised that wasn't a solution, but never dealt with his incel attitude that led to him transitioning in the first place. So he's just constantly spouting a bunch on incel rhetoric and homophobia.
No. 1638929
>>1638879The fakebois I knew genuinely thought they were lesbians. That's my secondhand experience with the "fakeboi lesbian" phase. They would think they were lesbians
before they started wearing binders. When they got a binder and cut their hair short they'd all do the "I was actually bi the whole time! Being a man has made me comfortable in my sexuality!" And then they would go on T and they'd come out as a straight woman in the most roundabout way. I don't think
many of these zoomer TIFs are both retarded enough to fall for the tranny meme and also conniving enough to convince health professionals that they truly are men trapped in women's bodies with the lesbianism (you know what I mean, the trutrans shit) especially since health professionals will offer mastectomies and testosterone if you even mention hating your tits. I'm sure that there are plenty who do lie about it to get "gender affirming" care, though. But if they can be convinced that they were ACTUALLY meant to be the opposite sex and god did a big whoopsie, they can be convinced that they're gay/bisexual when they're straight. It's all the same thing, internet poisoning.
No. 1639257
>>1634731I don't blame him for that, I think he is just a nice person and is grateful for any support he gets after being attacked by the TRA mob after changing sides. With so many detrans people turning back to traditional gender roles and looks it's refreshing to see a male detrans embrace his gender non conformity. It's also hilarious to see all the fake GCs and other idiots in his comments asking why he keeps his hair long and why he still wears makeup.
The only thing that's absolutely weird to me is that his ex husband he's taking care of is around 80 years old and he himself is apparently around 30, that age difference is such a red flag. Especially considering that their marriage must have been years ago. At least doesn't make the ex look good.
>>1638823Exulansic is also a Peterson stan which is really wild
No. 1639311
>>1639257>It's also hilarious to see all the fake GCs and other idiots in his comments asking why he keeps his hair long and why he still wears makeup.This is so true. It really bewilders me when I see self-proclaimed GCs dog on men who unironically own looking feminine by their choosing to have long hair, makeup, and dresses. Isn't this part of what they want? To have gender nonconforming men and women own themselves and continue to be true to themselves without pretending to be the opposite sex?
I also agree that it's refreshing to see someone like ShapeShifter who escaped the troon cult but yet still chooses to true to what he likes and prefers for himself. This isn't to say that the detransitioners who go back to following gender roles are being fake but I just think it's nice to also see the reverse.
>The only thing that's absolutely weird to me is that his ex husband he's taking care of is around 80 years old and he himself is apparently around 30, that age difference is such a red flag.I'm pretty sure that old guy is his sugar daddy. He's more than likely the one who was paying for his surgeries. And I think I saw in one of his comments that they have an open relationship and he (Shapeshifter) meets up with other guys.
No. 1640028
>>1639323I feel the same way. I always thought she was one of the less cowish detrans youtubers and pretty smart. But not using protection? Girl…
Does anyone have any milk on what she's like off youtube?
No. 1640867
>>1611246He says he's bisexual and not gay. If that's true, than I guess it's all good as he also has the ability to be into shes.
What is the oddest is how much she fetishizes being autistic. It's as if she doesn't care that most ASD cases are way more debilitated than she is.
No. 1641004
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Some TRA site made an article about Helena and a bunch of other detrans people:
No. 1641015
>>1640193Oh okay, thanks for the clarification. I admit I haven't seen all of his videos, I've only seen a handful of them and some of his community posts that popped up in my feed after watching said video and there was one where he said "Spending time with my sugar daddy" so I just assumed lol.
I didn't know he came from a rich family neither, that makes some sense as well and perhaps maybe his parents helped fund his surgeries then. I just found it odd seeing him in these fancy looking places and wondering how he could pay for all of it himself when he doesn't seem to have a job.
>He even talked about wanting to be a trophy wife when he was still thinking he's a woman which is messed upWell that explains the overly done makeup and all that then lol. But I hope when he peaked, he realized how sexist a thought like that is towards women.
>>1640641>Autism and trans ideologyYeah this is true. Autistic people tend to overly fixate on things and "gender identity" can be one of them.
No. 1641723
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No. 1642153
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6.05k subscribers and he had 1000 more before the last two videos. Really not a bad effort considering the view count.
No. 1642299
>>1642150>>1642153What the fuck is wrong with this guy? You would think that after he de-trooned himself, he'd be better but he just comes off like a deranged psycho.
Honestly now that we have someone like Shapeshifter who doesn't mind spilling the beans of what the trans cult is like from a de-trans MTF perspective, we really don't need this tool anymore and why anyone is humoring him is beyond me when it's clearhe's just a nutjob.
No. 1642427
>>1642153I'm honestly surprised so many are still actively watching him that still around 1000 leave due to his meltdowns. This pattern has been happening so often, he did this even before he got bigger with his therapist video.
His remaining supporters must be braindead or something. They seem to think he's some genius troll and that they get his humor kek. He isn't funny at all when he's spiralling (he was somewhat funny when he was less crazy and exposing the trans cult). The women probably think his misogyny is just an act or they don't care because they're some type of Manson cult follower. It's bizzare that you can be just obviously hateful and there's still people who want to see the good in you.
What also baffles me is that none of them question his drug abuse (I mean the remaining ones because I guess the ones who did left). So many of his issues come from abusing drugs and it's even worse to take this many drugs with the mental issues he has. Also he's a shut in (which is probably better for society) so no wonder he's so fucking depressed all the time and has this weird hatred for everyone. People who still comment must be the biggest doormats because he lashes out at anyone daring to criticize hin.
It was funny watching his countless meltdowns and finding out that he likes trannys and dated them but it got boring really quickly. He is just useless.
No. 1642997
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Lipstick Alley talking about Helena’s racism in a forum about detransitioners.
No. 1643269
>>1643198That's just what he wants, judging from his behaviour the worst thing for him would be no attention at all
>>1643146It doesn't make any sense
No. 1646753
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So Isaac or Brian stuedell is going on a schizopilled rant
No. 1646928
>>1646753And this is a person who mental health professionals and "gender therapists" thought was mentally well and stable enough to go through with transitioning.
He's a classic example of going from the gender cult to another cult pipeline, but with the twist being his narcissism makes him appoint himself the cult leader.
No. 1651815
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>>1500686Sage for old but the PRP explains why they split up.
No. 1656811
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No. 1656981
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while i do agree that shape is probably the most sane detransitioner, since he acknowledges that hes male and he isnt running to get 3942359325832surgeries to change himself, i think its hilarious how he thinks testosterone has no effect on him. testosterone builds muscle even if you dont exercise and by seeing how his tits are parted, im sure some pec-muscles have been built by being on testosterone.
No. 1671416
>>1671334i don't keep up with r/detrans regularly, it is bad if most people are all funneled into seeking more cosmetic procedures instead of accepting their changed bodies. however, i assume as a support space filled with people who have recently detransitioned and is probably the first landing spot for many, it's natural they will be obsessive for some time as they process their experiences.
>Instead of seeking out help to understand why they had their breasts removed (or whatever it is they did)that's the problem, there is little to no real help available due to gender orthodoxy and they're stuck on their own or these kind of internet communities that are unhealthy in their own ways.
No. 1674001
>>1673321>>1673120it used to come up a lot on the detrans reddit that the problem with virtually all the statistics on detrans is that generally detrans people stop engaging with the clinics and don't do follow up interviews.
The clinics don't really want to say "These people up and left and we don't know what happened to them." so everything is just cobbled together from the few who stay in contact even if this leads to data that only involves a dozen or so people.
Another thing that happens a lot is using meta analysis to manufacture seemingly credible conclusions out of multiple bad or inconclusive studies. I feel like half the reason I ended up here is because in my TRA days I found this stuff interesting enough to sit and really read into it and it was just pliff.
No. 1676727
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this ritchie dude was always sus to me.. what did he mean with radfems are a psyop?
No. 1676763
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>>1613664No, she's a christian and is trying to get into far-right movements such as Collectif Némesis, that she follows on her socials.
She seem pretty mentally ill, but what she described about how women are treated in the far-left movements is pretty on point. That her value was based pretty much on how willing to have sex with influencial scrotes she was.
I feel bad for her, but these types never really recover. She used to have a blog talking about this, but it's now deleted. Here is a link on the web archive : No. 1676834
>>1676727he probably means we're totally a psyop to divide "real causes"
tons of male leftists basically see any feminism at all as a psyop to "divide the cause"
No. 1677742
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>>1676727Ritchie is good friends with Limpida.
No. 1677848
>>1676763whaaaat Olly Plum became a tradthot?
On a besoin d'un thread sur les LC françaises !
No. 1687744
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No. 1687746
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Isaac is pretending like he didn’t want narcissa
No. 1689195
>>1477749Necro but I've got a point to make ig
males with CAIS, and PAIS are intersex. their bodies are insensitive to male hormones so they end up developing a "female phenotype". they still have testes, which can herniate and need to be removed.
CAIS "women" are socialized as female and essentially indistinguishable from them. intersex males with PAIS, on the other hand vary in appearance.
there was some controversy about this stuff during the 80s when it was found that males with interstex disorders that gave them no physical advantage like CAIS were overrepresented in elite sports (after they were all required to undergo testing) and for some reason they were disqualified or something because of confusion.
it is interesting to see that biological males would be attracted to competitive sports, though. it's just another blow to the dumb radfem argument that males with interstex disorders are for all intents and purposes women and that questioning whether an intersex male with internal testes who underwent male puberty has an unfair advantage is "misogynoir", imo. I'm always dumbfounded when feminists confuse or conflate males w CAIS with intersex males who have functional testes. I was confused myself for a while because I had no idea what the fuck they were talking about.
refs No. 1689724
>>1689195Males are biologically different at fetal stage already. XY fetuses consume about 25% more resources.
I wonder if this applies to CAIS women, which would explain the elite sports thing. However, it could be because they're infertile and therefore unlikely to gimp themselves with early marriage.
No. 1690957
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This story is a bit old but this former TIM:
>was bullied for being gay>got addicted to gay male porn and drugs>decided he was trans after clicking on a trans porn video>the doctors affirmed him and gave him hormones and he transitioned>being trans made his drug addiction and depression worse>after getting sober and getting a job, he didn’t want to be trans anymore>he started listening to Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan and decided to detransition No. 1691831
>>1691816Retarded pornrotted moids are incapable of introspection, so they conclude that what made them troon out was a lack of muh skulinity, chemtrails, gay frogs or whatever it is ersatz e-daddies teach their paypigs. You can't expect someone retarded enough to become a troon to also have the braincells to understand why.
Also, standard moid mental ironwall preventing them from confronting their sexually malleable and inherently degenerate nature. Rather than admitting that he as a male can be coomed into anything (trooning isn't even the worst of it), his narcissistic defenses are telling him to pursue another feel-good cult that will blame the wamminz and da jooz, not him.
No. 1691845
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>>1691816>>1691831Eh I'd rather someone listen to jordan peterson(as cringe as he maybe) then coom and troon out, I'm not praising peterson like the nonna in the celebricows thread, but I'd say(regrettably) there's no one else in the "mainstream" culture that's telling young people that excessive masturbation fucks up their mental health, so many libfems I know don't see anything wrong with porn and if you were to go the mainstream left or alt-left you'd find people further encouraging them to have coomer fetishes
No. 1692612
>>1687744>Narcissalmao. Isaac should just own his past and embrace his gayness. Or if he's bisexual who cares. It would be less embarrassing than pretending to be straight.
>>1690957oof these people can't come to any decisions or conclusions on their own. I always wonder how you can live like that.
No. 1694009
File: 1667605227798.jpg (115.56 KB, 999x1200, Fgwbt90WAAI6qe7.jpg)

Isaac got back on Twitter, and he's having a totally normal one.
No. 1694010
>>1694009oh wow
so he's picking fights with tifs now lol?
No. 1694015
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>>1694009Imagine getting this set off by someone not liking your voice. What a fragile little shit.
No. 1694054
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No. 1694257
>>1694015The Aarons are little bitches, I'll give him that lmao.
>>1694011Don't think he got the chop, just took estrogen and grew the generic troontits.
(sage) No. 1695348
File: 1667755728456.jpg (89.38 KB, 752x653, twittersperg.JPG)

Samefagging to add more from the Twitter beef. Aaron has since deleted her original tweet. I agree with the other anon about the Aarons and it's hilarious that TIFs with their frog voices comment on other people's voices, but Isaacs responses are hilariously aggressive
No. 1695785
>>1695348His aggression is unhinged and hilarious, it's nice to have someone openly clap back at troons kek
>>1695447It might be part of his autoimmune condition making it painful to speak loudly or something, he sounds like a regular man just very soft spoken
No. 1698967
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I was told this fits better here.
No. 1699278
>>1699272most males are naturally annoying.
what are u even defining as "masculine"? anti-social tendencies?
No. 1699346
>>1699310socially constructed gender norms existing =/= masculinity/femininity are innate
a lot of behaviors boil down to socialization and the fact that girls' behavior is constrained more than boys'is
No. 1699635
File: 1668442236568.jpeg (371.93 KB, 769x940, 261DCE80-5612-48D5-92EA-DBCAED…)

>>1688731He was on Tucker Carlson last week. I think Oli’s a troll too but not sure how he’s a psyop. At one point he said that weak men are now idolized like Beta O’Rorke and Harry Styles kek. I agreed with Oli on a few different points but if he wasn’t already a red flag, the fact he mentioned Beto was a smack in the face. I think the only use of him as a psyop would be to show people what can happen if they go completely off their rocker.
No. 1703055
File: 1668801974694.jpg (62.64 KB, 720x385, Screenshot_20221118-135915_Twi…)

The detrans pickme and her gay bf's relationship doesn't seem that great when you notice every other week he's posting vague tweets about their shitty relationship and love isn't real, then posting tweets like this next day like nothing happened.
No. 1703270
>>1414184M’ladies… m’TERFs… I personally don’t even want to laugh at the detrans, they are
victims of the trans-industrial medical complex. saged because no one cares
No. 1705395
>>1703174>it almost does more harm than goodNah, without them the TRAs would just keep going "see no one ever detransitions, and HRT is reversible anyway" and later on when the bubble pops they will say shit like "how could we possibly have known, we're innocent" but at least now there's proof that they were here and speaking out all along and how the TRAs tried to silence them.
>>1703270I don't laugh at the average detrans, I support them and wish them all the best, I just don't like the ones that still shill transition in that "just because it didn't work for ME…" way, they're clearly still in the ideology and spreading ridiculous harmful lies.
No. 1717747
File: 1670107051631.jpg (7.39 KB, 260x194, Maritza_Cummings.jpg)

I'm amazed that no one has mentioned Maritza Cummings. She:
>transitioned due to believing that she was "born trans"
>is against trans ideology and goes into anti-trans rants
>is abusive to her TIM boyfriends
>claims to be intersex
>has detransitioned and retransitioned multiple times
>became "saved" Christians and believe LGBT is "full of sin".
No. 1718199
Isaac is doing his regular
>I hate everyone, unsubscribe, no one understands meeeething. I give him extra points for the funny hair which is getting crazier with every video. I'm baffled that he doesn't see how he is obviously running in cycles but I guess that's what BPD does.
>>1717747sounds like a complete dumpster fire
No. 1718910
>>1718554I miss the times when trans was just a fringe phenomenon and everybody knew it wasn't something to aspire to be. Especially TIFs weren't really a thing in the past. It started with weirdos like this one going into talkshows, before that it was all male transvestic fetishists and now everybody seems to have forgotten how it all developed into the mess today with the social contagion.
>>1718562She is talking about spirituality and god, at least she admits it's a faith lmao
No. 1719760
>>1719252HRT can "help" various symptoms for different reasons. For example autist males who are sensitive to smell and hate their own musky male smell can find relief in HRT softening it (since men are naturally smellier). HRT typically kills their sex drive, a self-hating homophobic gay man or a
victim of CSA can avoid having to face his own sexuality by suppressing it using hormones. A woman can miss the fake aggressive confidence testosterone gave her.
At the very base: to trans out in the first place you have to be very mentally ill. Those mental problems of course aren't fixed by transitioning, and even when they realize it and detransition again… they're still very mentally ill, and it causes them to behave irrationally. Most detrans people go back and forth a few times before finally desisting.
No. 1728704
File: 1671204666915.jpeg (142.32 KB, 750x923, 0B19A097-E96D-44CA-8AC9-8FACB7…)

Carey Callahan, a prominent detransitioner, writes about how she hates right-wing media outlets using detransitioners for their political gain. No. 1729487
>>1728704Here Carey talks about her transition and detransition. I agree that conservatives shouldn’t rule the detrans narrative, but her
victim mentality is impressive.
No. 1730020
>>1729487That's because she was a
victim. She was an innocent poor girl who was brainwashed by the trans agenda into taking T.
No. 1730228
>>1730020She didn’t even go that far except taking testosterone for a few months. Also, she was already in her thirties when she did so. She’s barely a
victim compared to most of these cases.
No. 1730462
File: 1671421056287.jpg (352.33 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221212_221650_You…)

Daisy deleted all her social media then posted a video that she was leaving YouTube. But then she took that video down and posted this stream of her praying. Comments are asking if she's okay. She took down that stream too.
No. 1730800
File: 1671469080173.jpg (322.95 KB, 1080x1832, Screenshot_20221219_115617_You…)

>>1730782She's not going to therapy it looks like. Says mass and prayer are enough for her.
No. 1733008
>>1732944Got any of that milk screen shot?
Honestly, this was bound to happen since most of the attention is at women instead of men. I'm sure the detrans men are getting tired of the lack of attention.
No. 1734545
>>1734401>REEEEEEEE CUNT FEMINAZISCase in point kek.
>feminist propagandaIt's true men live life on easy mode, cope, seethe, and dilate. It doesn't mean every individual man has every thing he wants, but that men are pandered to a rediculous amount because men control most shit (such as medicine caring more about men being able to get hard than womens health being good because the smallest of mens problems matter more than womens greatest). Guess who has majority of power and uses it to fuck over society and be coomer degenerates? Not women kek. It's why the troon movement is so big, because it's based on moids coomer desires. Women lose their reproductive rights and nothing is done, but tranny scrote rapists are put in womens prison and misgendering is made illegal in current times. It's pure male privilege and moids deny it is real because scrotes are such failures that they are still losing the game they rigged in their favour for thousands of years.
This is why incel scrotes are so retarded and troon out so much, they identify as right, they think their beliefs are fact while observable reality says otherwise.
>ftms ignored and laughed at while mtfs are pandered to and enabledTrans movement proves male privilege kek.
No. 1734790
>>1734401Sorry you thought being an overmedicated drag queen would award you the fabled "pussy pass" you subhuman incels pretend exists. The funny thing is, the current MUH SKULINITY clique you're clinging to after managing to fail as a troon (wow!) will never accept you, and will only parade you around as some sort of an own against libs while laughing behind your back. You're a sideshow to tradlets, a traitorous retard to troons, and a filthy coom chimp to TERFs. You're wanted and loved by no one. There's no "side" that wants you.
Even the most retarded ex-Aidens have a chance at making it. You don't. Enjoy your bitch tits, ED and being twice as revolting and unfuckable as you were before.
No. 1734855
>>1734847No, it's just the visible
>>>/snow/1734742 kek. Incel scrotes forever coping and trying to avoid responsibility for their actions.
No. 1735515
File: 1672610562936.jpg (70.77 KB, 499x853, oppa oli.jpg)

Oli London larping as a conservative detrans man is so funny. No. 1737865
>>1734790When a woman detransitions, she can always paint herself as a poor little
victim who was misled into hating herself by big bad patriarchy. When a man detransitions, he’ll have to admit he trooned out either because he’s a faggot who wants to suck cocks, or because he’s a pervert who gets turned on by wearing women’s underwear. Neither of those are great options for men, which is probably why so many of them either stay committed to the LARP or 41% themselves instead of detransitioning.
No. 1740351
>>1737865Yeah, I don't like the
victim mentality that many detrans TIFs have.
No. 1745558
>>1717747I watched an interview this woman did with that conservative/centrist TIF on Youtube. It's funny how even the TIF thought some of the things she said is objectionable.
She also claims that being gay is unnatural and she "used to be" a lesbian because she was abused, but dating TIMs was her gateway to being straight again.
No. 1750724
>>1750327It's a big change, even if everyone sees it coming.
>>1750547That reminds me of when men who are on the "down low" marry women but cheat on them with other men.
No. 1751351
File: 1674556113150.jpeg (342.49 KB, 828x727, EB0BECD2-8750-451D-8679-3BA3DE…)

Isaac has gone from abusing his audience with vitriol to being creepily toxic positivity and I’m worried he’s gonna snap.
No. 1751512
>>1751395is "Appearance based rights" the thing when people like Blaire White (and his "fans") will say certain trans are "True Trans" simply because they feel they "pass"? Because yeah, I'm noticing that more and more. I notice that a lot of people aren't even gender critical, they just hate the gross ones who don't pass. They will call a "Good one" a woman/man as if womanhood/manhood can be earned based on looks or thoughts. They'll say trans women aren't women for example, but then call Blaire a she/her because he's a true trans and/or think he looks/acts like a woman.
I notice this more from scrotes though, cutting up your body isn't as sick and gross, as long as it "looks" good.
No. 1757288
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No. 1757849
>>1749113>>1750674>>1756974The Atlantic just published an article about people who jump from one extreme ideology to another. I feel like trans to detrans tradwife/tradcath people fit this profile. As well as people who go from MRA gamergate atheist neckbeard to MTF transbian pagan feminist. I can't wait until transgender insanity reaches the tipping point and mainstream media becomes allowed to talk about how transgenderism is basically an online radicalization pipeline for lonely mentally ill people, the same as how people end up joining ISIS or becoming school shooters.
>"Researchers of extremism are now studying its psychological causes as keenly as they are its political ones. “Psychological distress—defined as a sense of meaninglessness that stems from anxious uncertainty—stimulates adherence to extreme ideologies,” wrote the authors of a 2019 paper on the topic. Many people become radicalized through “a quest for significance—the need to feel important and respected by supporting a meaningful cause.” The COVID pandemic was so radicalizing because one single highly conspicuous issue presented itself at exactly the same time that many people were bored, lonely, and anxious. Cults usually try to isolate their followers from their social-support networks; during the pandemic, people did that all by themselves."
> is to a non-paywalled version of the article)
>>1751351Real Onision hours
No. 1758094
>>1757288She couldn't deal with being a lonely incel man anymore, so she detransitioned. Now she can get a man, have his kid, and not have to work anymore. She doesn't have to initiate or pursue anymore. She can just sit on her ass and wait for the men to come to her. And they did. She also doesn't have to figure out what kind of career she wants. She doesn't have to apply to jobs and be rejected.
Problem is, now she's financially dependent on her husband. Also taking care of kids is harder and more time consuming than being a wage slave. If she needs to go back into the workforce, she's going to be making close to minimum wage because she doesn't have a work history. Pretty stupid of her to get married and have a kid right after she graduated college. She kissed her financial independence goodbye.
No. 1758102
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>>1756974his case was really one in a million, see he didn't have the usual AGP TIM story nor was was he an HSST, he had crossdressing forced upon him, he was beaten by his
abusive father and was secretly sexually abused by his uncle
>I started my transgender journey as a 4-year-old boy when my grandmother repeatedly, over several years, cross-dressed me in a full-length purple dress she made especially for me and told me how pretty I was as a girl. This planted the seed of gender confusion and led to my transitioning at age 42 to transgender female. >Eventually, my parents found out, and my unsupervised visits to Grandma’s house ended. I thought my secret was safe, but my teenage uncle heard about it and felt I was fair game for taunting and sexual abuse. I wasn’t even 10 years old.>I lived as “Laura” for eight years, but, as I now know, transitioning doesn’t fix the underlying ailments.>Studies show that most people who want to live as the opposite sex have other psychological issues, such as depression or anxiety. In my case, I was diagnosed at age 40 with gender dysphoria and at age 50 with psychological issues due to childhood trauma.He probably passed better then 99% of TIMs cause he didn't try to look like a sexist depiction of a woman and genuinely seemed to believe that being a woman would cure him of his untreated trauma
No. 1758116
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>>1758099>>1758107>>1758108I would argue its more difficult to live life as as a pseudo-male then a regular woman, see the rise of TIF Incels, They think transitioning would transform them into a stud chad but what actually happens is they get a neck beard, acne and start losing their hair. so they end up looking like fat, short, balding, acne-ridden men and finding a partner becomes nearly impossible for them
No. 1758130
>>1758127Kys incel scrote. Is the same incel scrote poster here
>>1734401 scrotes are retarded and cannot blend kek. Sorry you incel faggots troon out because no women wants you because you hate women, and people don't feel bad for the ones who troon out over their women-hate.
No surprise the scrote reeing about feminazis also rees about male privilege not being real kek
>>1758108The ones who ree about muh feminazis are the ones who troon out because men who ree about feminazis are degenerates who identify as muh special god king for being born a scrote kek. Male entitlement is the catalyst of troons and all other degeneracy and evil that plagues the world, it's pure hedonism.
No. 1759241
>>1759216True I don't understand this narrative either, other then Iran(for its retarded reasoning) and irony poisoned twitter users, 99% of conservative people would not want their son/daughter to be a troon rather then being gay cause they would view both as being equally awful(which is
problematic in its own way
No. 1760170
>>1758116What a fucking idiot. NEWSFLASH hun - gay men love SUCKING DICK! No actual male homosexual is gonna want to be with a balding neckbeard woman who doesn't even put out. It's so funny that troons think that transphobia causes detransitions, when in fact some trannies are just fortunate enough to come to their senses once they get slapped in the face by cold, hard reality.
>>1759208Nah, he'll be back. Narcs can't live without attention. How many times did Onision vow to quit the internet. No I will not get off my Isaac = troon Onision soapbox.
No. 1760189
>>1751358Yeah same. I lie that he's not afraid to call out "true trans" as BS that it is and not afraid to name drop people like Blaire White and Buck Wild. But boy is he exhausting. It's why I could never actually subscribe to his channel.
>>1751512Yes. It's purely just about appearance to these people and they feel so long as they 'pass", they should be the exception to the rule and seen as "true trans".
No. 1762018
>>1761978Around 3 mins he says he regrets detransitioning but he had no choice, because of the physical effects. He really does seem to miss that time which makes him seem a bit hypocritical, like the arguments against people like Blaire etc are resentment that they have what his body couldn't withstand.
He also says he feels he can't express himself but I don't get why? Has he ever said he has a problem with GNC men? Just be a feminine man, wear all the makeup and shit you want. Why would hormones be your only ticket out of societal constraints?
No. 1762082
>>1759459What is this weird narrative of pretending religious weirdos didn’t push conversion therapy via methods like transitioning? Nearly all troon children prior to the AGP explosion were of this variety? Even the adults who transitioned were either gay and trying to please their homophobic families, or gay sex pests or prostitutes. It’s weird to pretend otherwise. I wish religionfags were as based as they claim, but history proves otherwise.
This anon is right
>>1760354 , some definitely do, and can be still seen in countries where it isn’t unpopular to be outwardly homophobic like Thailand, etc.
No. 1762084
It’s why trannies are considered a part of the gay community and were largely pitied as being poor gay people trying to avoid homophobia rather than the more common AGP straight man we see more common now since the increase in acceptance.
No. 1762191
>>1761978He'll go back and forth with this just like he does with his cycle of being hyper positive and then hating everyone, pretending nothing happened and starting all over. His viewers are providing great analysis of his issues and what he has to do to fix them (get out, do therapy, socialize etc.) but Isaac thinks he's very special and has figured it all out, that's why he's self-medicating and experimenting with food all the time. That part is pure narcissism. He'll never get better continuing like this. Wait a few weeks until he whines about estrogen destroying his body again if he really goes that route.
>>1762018He is delusional about the effects of estrogen on his body. It doesn't do so much on a grown man. He really didn't look that much different when he was on estrogen, and to get rid of the body hair he has to get laser treatment which is never permanent. He also complained about having manboobs from estrogen when he started detransitioning and now he wants to get back on it kek
I like watching him as a trainwreck but it sucks that he's harming the cause by going back and forth all the time. Now the stupid trannies in the comments who say he's just jealous and should retransition are proven right (not really but it looks like it)
No. 1762225
>>1762087Bring up Blaire White and watch how many conservative Troon haters will either start thrusting despite the fact he has a dick and is a catfish or will she/her him.
I believe warski said he'd fuck Blaire. A lot only hate the ones who don't pass, if all TIMS passed 70% of the anti Troon scrotes would be telling us we are jealous they are more feminine, they are women and would probably pick exclusively at FTMs. That's why I dont like or trust anti Troon scrotes. They never truly get it.
No. 1762249
>>1762225This is absolutely my observation. Most conservative scrote use she/her pronouns for people like Blaire White, probably because they buy into the true trans thing. I think it also has to do with the pornified look. At least TIMs like Blaire play into patriarchal femininity stereotypes so they are of use for them. It makes a lot of women insecure seeing these blow up doll TIMS and makes them think they have to be feminine to compete with them.
Another observation I have made is that they love to talk violently about FTMs, for instance they say stuff like "let's see when Ellen Page comes up to me and start shit, I'll just punch her!" - completely deranged. All they can think of is violence. Imagine talking about the physiological differences between men and women in a reasonable way. So yeah, of course convervative scrotes haven't thought things through, they mostly go by masculine and feminine stereotypes, I think they have some real concerns about child mutilation but other than that they are not on our side. They don't get gender as a social construct at all.
No. 1762884
>>1761992I like his usual trans content, you just have to wait out his little bpd phases and he'll be back to "normal" kek
I actually like that he posts his meltdowns because it gives an honest insight into a de/trans person's life and how it's very clearly just mental illness. And it shows an explanation to why "detransitioners just retransition anyway" is also just due to mental illness.
No. 1762887
>>1759442there's been several ex-therapists who dealt with trans kids saying they had parents coming in saying they let their child be trans hoping it would make them stop being gay, it's a thing that exists.
>>1759455>That would make perfect sense if people could easily pass for the other sex. This is clearly not the case, with a few exceptions where the child was transed at a very early age But that is literally it, it's ALWAYS young kids they trans. They're never above the age of 10 so they do easily pass. It's a terrible solution but these people aren't thinking long-term. Their little boy can easily pass as a girl if he's in a dress and that's good enough in the moment.
No. 1762935
>>1762897This is absolutely true. He's the worst case of BPD I've seen on youtube. Also if you look at his thread on the other farms where they have tons of screenshots of his time pre-transitioning and being a TIM. He only started to transition because he was obsessed with Narcissa Wright. He was simping for him, they fucked and had some sort of
toxic cringe relationship. He is clearly into TIMS or effeminate men and he can't handle it. He used to be open about this on Twitter and he even mentioned finding trans women hot in a video right before he detransitioned. But since then he claims to be straight (i. e. in his video about Jazz Jennings) or doesn't mention these things he has done in the past, he seems to be ashamed. Except for the recent stream he did where he mentioned a guy he was talking to and that he could possibly be with him if they both transitioned (!). Of course the stream is deleted now. I love when he slips up like this. No one cares if he's gay or effeminate except himself. He's on Onision levels of insecurity.
To me he's an obvious case of internalized homophobia, even though I don't know if he's bi, it doesn't matter because he's a degenerate with a fetish specificially for TIMs. His fantasy is being with another man who's also feminizing himself. Him being a NEET is also part of that fantasy, it's wild but it's clear from the screenshots.
His viewers have no idea how deep his issues go, and even nonnas here questioning if he's gay should really look into the OP on the other farms if they care enough.
He's too narcissistic to get help for his BPD so he has constant identity issues. His followers must have stockholm syndrome at this point kek.
No. 1765700
File: 1676125312725.png (4.71 MB, 4411x5201, discord.png)

Isaac has been having a meltdown this past few days. This is from his discord yesterday. He has raised the weirdest community, it's full of asskissers showering him in compliments and pity and advice he doesn't want, mentally ill people and also more and more trolls the more cycles he goes through.
No. 1765837
>>1765728He profits so much off the female socialisation of his userbase. Of course many of them just don't keep up with what he does but there are so many who just excuse everything he's doing because he's a poor mentally ill baby boy, he must have it so hard and they want to help him with their affirming words and love. They need to stop this shit, just because he can be charming when he has his "normal" days doesn't mean he shouldn't be held accountable for lashing out at people who support him. What is up with this positivity at all costs bs? It's so cult-like. And the ones that are joking about his episodes aren't much better. He seriously needs to get off the internet. Even though I think he's a good cow I feel really bad for all the gullible well-meaning people he treats like shit.
He's also currently asking people in discord to help him get hormones and is nice again. Might get milky.
No. 1765877
>>1765837I don't think it's a reach to say his female base are attracted to him/fancy him. Been in
abusive relationships where this level of manipulation is "normal".
Someone's been incredibly generous to fork out for his new mic and camera… just to be shat on by him.
Thinks he has the world sussed and knows a lot but is immature af and most probably gay. A "personality disorder"/trauma based mental issue doesn't excuse the fact that really he's a plain ol' nasty POS.
No. 1766455
File: 1676205078418.jpg (25.57 KB, 920x197, sowwy.JPG)

He deleted his latest videos
No. 1767983
File: 1676392428028.png (1.26 MB, 1496x2406, animu isaac.png)

sperging again
No. 1772994
>>1769528I used to follow Leoaica and I noticed before she left, she had an apology video where she was crying and apologizing for "being such a
TERF". It was jarring to see from a mid-30s woman who was otherwise a centrist on the gender debate, she talked in other videos how she's a transmedicalist and is only against children transitioning.
No. 1777900
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I was reading the news and lo and behold chloe cole is suing kaiser. Her quote in the article is dumb so I'm posting it here. At least kaiser might face some repercussions for cutting up mentally distressed 13 year olds but imo the lawsuit will probably end in cole getting some sort of settlement out of court
No. 1778098
>>1757288Absolutely based if only to
trigger the Aidens
No. 1792740
>>1785924Oh damn they did her dirty then because it really doesn't look good at all compared to the wigs she wears in her videos.
Any insight on why Dr. Phil's show doesn't allow the guests to wear their own hair??
No. 1795765
File: 1679869930430.jpg (143.18 KB, 1080x1200, Screenshot_20230327_002725_com…)

Retarded detrans guy limpidă sperging out recently
No. 1795884
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>>1792740The common theory is that the wigs conceal the people's identities.
No. 1796535
>>1796016He did, when he went on that MRA rant.
Off-topic but I've seen so Americans of Eastern European descent who become conservative go on about how proud they are about having ancestry from Eastern Europe because of how "based" it is. It's like that with both Helena and Limpidă.
No. 1806540
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Ritchie's image was used by Christian fundamentalists in Poland.
No. 1807846
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Ryan has been crowdfunding for vocal feminization surgery.
No. 1820301
File: 1683191094551.jpeg (68.61 KB, 1080x614, A3D94109-3BA8-4F5B-9FF1-DC216B…)

Has any woman ever explained why so many detrans TIFs become trad wives after encountering a moid they like? There is a TIF i used to follow who used to orbit radtwt spaces, she’s been groomed & knocked up by a 31 moid & is celebrating her pregnancy, calling it a blessing from God & is currently living on his chicken farm. Women have been trying to tell her that her situation is fucked but radfems & GCs are telling her to block them.
No. 1820309
>>1820304The tweet at the bottom is worrying. Can't these ex-TIFs sort out their mental problems before committing to the next thing that won't do them any good?
It's the same with this woman
>>1814384. They either become tradwives or ethots it appears, so they still don't understand gender.
No. 1820317
>>1820301One subset of girls who troon out do so because they think "girl = dress, and I don't like dress, therefore I = boy" so they clearly have a pretty conservative mindset to begin with. Then paired with their minds being easily convinced of ideologies that they haven't worked through makes them prone to become trad. So they end up thinking like "oh I like dress again = am a girl again now".
Girls like her who just wake up one day thinking "nah I'm tired of this, I want to be a girl again now" didn't go through the "normal" detrans period of questioning and breaking apart the trans lies. It's partly why so many of them are prone to jump to the next cult, they didn't work through the mindset that got them stuck in the first one yet. They didn't spot the red flags or the lies or developed a critical mind, they simply put it all onto something else.
No. 1820344
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>>1820317It's even worse than that. Her boyfriend doesn't even want to see her nipples/cleavage and has a daughter.
No. 1820346
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>>1820344Samefag, tweet where the daughter is mentioned:
No. 1820348
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Isaac has been abusing his discord fags for days now because his yt channel is about to be nuked because of strikes. He's trying to force them to tweet at yt support kek. I'll laugh when his channel is gone because narcs don't deserve anything even if they might so something good with their content.
No. 1820665
>>1750549I don't think his fans from those countries take him seriously though. They just see him as wacky/ eccentric/funny. Filipinos and Brazilians are not so PC, they aren't raging on behalf of Koreans like westerners are against Oli.
They egg him on bc they see his antics as entertainment.
No. 1821534
>>1820309As for detrans women getting radicalized into tradwifery, its because they're overcompensating for their womanhood by going back to traditional womanhood to "get it back". Also it's an easy & simple life script to follow. Think about it, if you were told you can just marry a man with money, not have to work, just focus on more wholesome things like your kids, you would probably take that route because who the fuck wants to work? Work sucks.
"Okay I'm now a woman, so this means I can just get a man with money, have his kids, & be a housewife for the rest of my life & not have to work a shitty job for a shitty boss anymore. My husband can take care of all the bills & I can focus on more wholesome stuff like my kids."
But of course we all know that being a SAHM isn't "easy". Also you just gave up your entire financial autonomy & agency to your husband. So if he turns out to be an
abusive POS or decides to leave you for a younger prettier girl, you're fucked.
(sage your shit) No. 1823678
>>1820309Any time Ryan mentions the vocal surgery in a vid the comment section has people warning her about how she might lose or fuck up her voice entirely from it. People who have experience or know someone who went through it. Its sad that even after semi coming back to reality she's still hellbent on making impulsive and risky choices trying to alter herself.
Agree with other anons that its like a painfully obvious case of untreated bpd. Grasps onto big life changing decisons with little forethought. Always changing what the channel is, what her niche is, what her name is, what her look is. Flip flops from one extreme to the opposite. Totally asexual one minute, not the next, man one minute, heavily made up uber femme woman the next. Lots of short phases and now she expects people to pay for something that she'll likely only end up regretting too. If she's going to keep grasping at new things to change herself and fill the bpd void she should at least not grift her audience to pay for it.
No. 1823950
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>>1823678People are telling her to not do OnlyFans as well
No. 1828585
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>>1823678Ryan says that her doctor told her that the surgery will go well
No. 1834851
>>1834287It's been documented by many trans and detrans people that fucking with hormones can change the appearance of your sexuality. It can remove it fully, increase it, make you attracted to the same or opposite sex regardless of where you started out.
I haven't ever seen her in particular support trans people or say that TIFs are men, is this recent?
No. 1851681
>>1851605I feel so bad for her
>"I don't want my story to be a horror story or for it to be politicised"But of course it will be. Because it IS a horror story. So no matter what she or any other detransitioner does they'll be used for politics, either they quietly disappear and everyone will incorrectly think they're examples of great trans success, or they come forward and in the midst of already feeling like shit you have the anti-woke crowd going "look at this poor mutilated woman, she looks disgusting and it's troons fault" which isn't going to help her heal. I'm glad she came forward but I don't think she was mentally ready for it.
And of course she thinks she's "probably on the spectrum", they all fucking are because autistic kids were targeted and groomed into it.
No. 1851832
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>>1851681Unfortunately it’s already happening:
No. 1853384
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>>1851832I of course wish it wouldn't happen but if you speak out on a public platform it's just what will happen and they all know it. The fact that she literally mentions it in the video means she knew it would happen and she still chose to make and post a video.
What is the alternative? Does she want people to watch the video and then pretend like they saw nothing? Or to just say "aw poor you, have some compassion"? Not trying to sound harsh because I do get her point, but really what else could she possibly want to happen other than for people to see the issue she highlighted and want to change it for the better?
If she wanted privacy she could have blurred her face or told it anonymously, or in a closed private setting, or frame it differently to target fellow detrans people, but she didn't do any of it. I truly wish her all the best and that this initial fear of having her story blow up will later instead give her some empowerment to tell her story.
I can't imagine how she feels seeing those videos of her supportive mom saying stuff like "I never had a daughter, I always had a son", or even how her mom feels about it all now. Embarrassment, shame, regret, horror over having hurt her own child by accident. I hope some kids like her and her mom do a follow up documentary on it some day, doesn't have to be this girl in particular though. (Picrel is just shitty screenshot of the video because idk how to embed and it wasn't posted before)
No. 1855626
>>1853611>>1853384I recently watched a documentary called “Shiny Happy People” about the Duggar family, their weird Christian cult leader who wrote the homeschooling materials the family uses (the books discourage birth control and teach daughters to be submissive to their fathers and wives to be submissive to their husbands, etc.), and how the TLC reality show 19 Kids and Counting introduced millions of viewers to a sanitized version of this extreme Christian lifestyle while downplaying negative things like incest and child abuse. I bet in 10 years there will be similar documentaries about how shows like I Am Jazz encouraged mentally ill young adults to cut their breasts and genitals off by normalizing transgenderism (and convinced their parents and doctors to let them do it).
I don’t think transgenderism will ever completely go away (after all, there are still fringe beliefs like flat earthers and antivaxxers even with all of our modern science), but as more people troon out, more people are gonna detransition, and as they sue their doctors, hospitals, and insurance agencies for medical malpractice that will eventually be what kills off the trans fad. Once mentally ill/traumatized kids aren’t trooning out en masse they’ll probably find a new way to self-harm (maybe going back to cutting and anorexia?) but hopefully the next fad won’t be cheered on by medical professionals.
No. 1856014
>>1855626>I don’t think transgenderism will ever completely go awayOf course not, it's a mental illness to think you are something you are physically not and there are always going to be mentally ill people. But since we don't readily allow anorexics to get liposuctions I think we can reach a point where we don't allow trans people to cut off healthy body parts just because they want it in the moment.
We've already reached a "worst case" scenario since people are cheering on minors getting harmed in terrible ways, it really can't go on for much longer after this point.
No. 1874826
>>1869697Usually no because detransition isn't covered by insurance, surgeons have to admit transition was wrong in the first place, detrans is not part of the trans cult that will attack them if they don't do it etc… There's no propaganada going around saying you can detrans safely the same way they say you can transition safely.
These detrans people already suffered extreme medical trauma and the last thing they want it more "gender surgery".
People typically detrans when they peak so they've lost the delusion that a neovag is anything like a real vagaina, or a neodick is anything like a real dick. So the meat sausage just isn't an option even if they opt for surgery.
I saw one elderly detrans man talk about having had penile reconstruction surgery after his srs, it pretty much failed and gave more complications than it was worth. For most people they can't ever "fully" detransition because the harm done was permanent. Some men are stuck with their fake boobs because no surgeon wants to touch them.
In reality no one truly detransitions because they never changed sex in the first place, they were their sex the whole time. A man with fake boobs is just a man with fake boobs. The true "detransition" is overcoming the cult mindset and realizing there is no real trans.
No. 1875147
>>1874826I 100% agree detransition is primarily an internal change. Detrans people don’t need more experimental surgeries, they need therapy to accept their bodies and learn to live with themselves. Shapeshifter is an example of someone who’s come to accept himself as a feminine man, and doesn’t need to “prove” he detransitioned by surgically altering himself into a macho man or whatever.
I see two types of troons: AGP men (called “cross dressers” in the past) and authentically gender nonconforming people who’ve been indoctrinated into the cult. Both of them need therapy. The AGPs need to accept it’s a paraphilia and shouldn’t be out in public around children. And the GNC people need therapy to accept themselves. Neither side needs their delusions validated that anyone can change their birth sex.
No. 1875727
>>1869697There was one in one of the old tim threads who wanted to know if it was possible, and I've seen a few screenshots floating around of men who want to know if they can turn their axe wounds the right side out again, but I haven't seen any who actually went through with it. There must be quite a few who are desperate enough to try, especially with the amount of cope that tifs spew about their pringle cans being so full of sensation and functionality.
>>1874826You're completely right that detransitioning is a mental change, but how many women regret their frankendicks and mastectomies and vanishing hairlines? How many men regret their festering axe wounds and botched tits? They know they'll never be able to get back what they had, but most of them would be happy with some cosmetic improvements and medical treatment to keep infections and other medical issues at bay. There's a lot of money to be made from detransitioners, there must be companies already researching treatments and figuring out how to market them.
No. 1876961
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>>1539189Allie (Lewis/saintrizla gf) dated this dude and they broke up recently, we're moots
looks like she didnt handle it well and is back with Lewis LMAOO
No. 1876984
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Not milk but i’m tired if having uncritical detrans people pushed on my feed while it’s borderline impossible to find detrans people who have become skeptical, unless it’s on reddit.
Despite it all you’re supposed to someone keep smiling and saying how this was a necessary life changing process but it just wasn’t for you but medical gatekeeping is evil
No. 1877063
>>1876984That's what the cult does to you. Even though you were badly hurt by it, you've been told so many times that you're just the exception, you're the unlucky freak, it's your fault for not researching enough, they'll abandon you if you change your opinion and you'll lose all your friends.
You'd have to admit they always lied to you from the start, that you were tricked, that all your friends were tricked too, that they never loved you for who you are and just loved your false transness, and that what you've all been advocating is actually truly evil and hurtful at the core.
It's just too much for these already very mentally ill people to handle. So they cling onto the cult because it's literally the only thing they've got. They're still trans, they've just detransitioned in name only.
No. 1880456
And part of the process of acceptance and grieving. It’s very painful for them to think that they did all this for nothing so it’s part of the cope until they can move one from that mindset.
there’s this one detrans girl from Germany (transed at 13) with a few videos on YT, and I was reading through her comments and she replied to someone on an old video and said that she’s trying not to view transitioning as a mistake, that it made her happy for a while and it helped her accept herself or something like that. But several months later she’s full on saying this shouldn’t have ever happened to her at all and something about how she needs to stop dwelling on how life could have been.
No. 1881688
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Daisy is expecting another baby. A girl this time, who will be born in February:
No. 1888168
>>1881688what the actual fuck (aw baby's cute tho)
>>1885111probably she just moved on from the tranny shit? good for her tbh. it's not like she was heavily criticized on here, the troons were much more aggressive.
No. 1888817
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The underlying idea with this kind of thing is always "now she's 'normal' and feminine again and that's good", and I really dislike that
Same with "I used to be a tomboy but then I grew up and now I'm a Proper Woman"
No. 1890817
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>>1888168>probably she just moved on from the tranny shit? good for her tbh. it's not like she was heavily criticized on here, the troons were much more aggressive.In February she posted on her Substack about wanting to end her public activism: No. 1902949
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Sounds like she settled
No. 1903439
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>>1885111I do wonder about Jesse, but there's not much milk on her besides her Tumblr/Twitter archive. Her trans posts from when she dated Helena are buried in her archive, they apparently both identified as lesbians at one point even though Helena is straight and Jesse has a boyfriend now. A lot of what went down in their relationship seems to be private besides what Helena said in interviews and what Jesse tweeted after they broke up.
No. 1921914
>>1888817I hate this shit. You completely socially isolated your daughter as a punishment for trooning out, of course she doesn't share her tranny feelings with you anymore. Doesn't mean she's cured, or she'll ever speak to you again once she goes to college.
>>1921767I can't help but feel kind of bad for him, he's so ill.
No. 1922077
>>1921777I've seen that lmao. He never disappoints. Maybe he has eaten sugar again. I wonder if he'll troon out again for a few days. Oftentimes he changes his profile pic back to one specific that he really likes from his tranny phase when he has his episodes. Remember when he ordered estrogen from a dubious online source a few months ago?
>>1921914>I can't help but feel kind of bad for him, he's so ill.Me too sometimes. As I said, I still watch his videos from time to time because he can be charming and funny when he's more normal. I'm not sure if the misogyny is just him lashing out, maybe some kind of jealousy of women. He doesn't say this stuff outside his episodes.
No. 1924419
>>1923786If this is true I hope she doesn't go visit him again, he might hurt her or end up murdering her. He most likely promised her to get his shit together but didn't do anything for weeks so she decided fuck it, I get an abortion because this dude is an unstable manchild and didn't want to raise a child alone. But of course she's the one who's crazy and a psychopath. I guess his hatred of women will skyrocket now.
>>1924102ikr kek
No. 1926968
>>1926930He likely just has bipolar or a similar unmedicated psychotic disorder, possibly
triggered by drug use in early adulthood.
No. 1926970
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>>1926848 Kek he looks like Frank "Grimey" Grimes here. Him being jealous of his sister makes sense.
>>1926936But he blames his transition for the autoimmune conditions, I don't think he said that he had them from early on. But who knows, he has lied many times. I always suspected his drug abuse has something to do with his health problems (not saying estrogen didn't contribute but he's not a reliable source). He also didn't want to work for a long time, he always fantasized about being a NEET trans girl uwu being in a relationship with another trans girl laying in bed all day. I think he mentioned that in the leaked Chat log with Narcissa Wright.
No. 1929376
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He left this comment under Karen Davis' latest video about Exulansic kek
No. 1929636
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The only time Isaac has told the truth(this isn't milk, sage it)
No. 1932275
>>1931975To be fair most
terf/gc content consumers are mommies in their 40s, majority of them retarded. So I'm not surprised they can't tell he's joking.
As for his newest catch… how many times more is he going to go back and forth? Like, at this point either stop engaging in tranny things, or live as a she without hormones. Sure, it won't look good but seems like a middle option, least physically damaging and many of them look manly while presenting as women now, so why not? Like, it's not great but I swear he goes through a cycle of:
detransition -> try to be normal -> normal everything, hair, girlfriend,…-> not happy, so he looks for magical cure like a schizo (this diet will fix me, chemicals are bad, the system…) -> starts getting angry and more unhinged -> has an angry outburst -> meltdown -> silence -> seems more happy, later comes out he was either going back to dating mtfs or retransitioning again. Personally, I would avoid him right away but he seems less threatening when trooning out or dating them.
No. 1932584
>>1932275Fair point about the middle aged women.
Isaac is extremely obsessed with youth and looks. If he doesn't work on that his cycles just keep continuing forever. He often mentioned being horrified of being an aging man. And, as mentioned before, he feels deep shame about his homosexual side so he keeps going back to pretending to be straight and hating mtfs. I also believe he feels extra shame about being into trannies kek. He should just wear dresses if he wants, stay off the hormones, get therapy and get a social life but since he knows everything better it'll not happen. Honestly who cares how he presents, he was so
triggered about some terfs having a problem with him wearing womens' clothes even though those were only a small part of the comments he received. Most gc people don't care and even normies should be used to seeing that and fine with it, at least liberals. He is so terminally online.
Also interacting with other mentally ill trans-identifying men on discord probably sucks him back into his cycles too.
No. 1935658
>>1935648Well this new try on haul is pretty AGP. He is such a creep. Also nothing new with the commentators fawning over a male with bad taste.
I do think he's ashamed, at least sometimes because it explains his lashing out on women and trannies.
No. 1939517
>>1935648If he has sex with other AGPs, he's participating in gay sex. He may not be gay but he's certainly not straight. Honestly he's just another bisexual dude who has inner homophobia towards himself and doesn't want to accept/admit that he can find feminine presenting men attractive.
>>1935658Hasn't he admitted that he's an AGP though? I don't want to be too judgmental here because I watch haul/try-on outfits videos and the women in them do movements and touching of the fabric to show-off the garment but I get why seeing a man doing it can feel very weird.
I also took a look through his channel and it seems he has deleted/privated seemingly most of his gender critical videos. Wonder what that means.
No. 1943847
>>1939517>it seems he has deleted/privated seemingly most of his gender critical videos.He's trooning out again confirmed. Just look at his latest video. He also changed his profile pic back to his troon goth selfie he always uses when he's having his breakdowns.
Yeah I think he admitted to being AGP in the past.
He isn't touching and showing off the garment like a woman though, he has a very weird and fetishy relationship with the clothes. Sure some female fashion youtubers focus on the material and touch the fabric but he's way too insense about it. I've watched a couple of fashion videos from gay men and they just don't act like that.
Anyways he'll switch back to hating trannies in no time.
No. 2040854
File: 1727771615514.jpg (88.35 KB, 687x549, tfp.jpg)>To understand how I decided to transition requires going back to my childhood. I was born in Miami in 1980 and named Roxxanne. I never met my father. He died from a heroin overdose when I was young. My mother was addicted to drugs, too, and the last time I saw her I was in my early twenties. She passed away in 2023. When I was two years old, I was sexually assaulted by a stranger, which resulted in my being put in foster care. >I moved in and out of foster care throughout my childhood, in between stints living with my maternal grandparents, who were divorced. My grandmother was extremely poor and troubled, and ultimately had a mental breakdown, which led me back to foster care. My grandfather, a severe alcoholic, was both verbally and physically abusive. >I knew from an early age that I was a lesbian, and I remember around the age of seven lying in bed wondering why I didn’t have a penis. Throughout my life, I’ve been bullied for my more masculine appearance. I was called names like boy, faggot, dyke, and he-she, among others. I’ve also been sexually abused multiple times by both strangers and family members. When I was 17, I was diagnosed with debilitating endometriosis, which caused me to have painful periods and sent me on a monthly hormonal roller coaster.>I dropped out of high school in 1997 and had a series of minimum-wage jobs where I was often harassed. A turning point happened when I was 24 years old; I enrolled in community college and discovered a love of the arts, a passion I still pursue in my free time. >Around that time I watched a reality series called TransGeneration, which followed four transgender college students. The show was life-changing for me—I felt it presented a solution, a way out of the pain of being a woman. >I watched hundreds of hours of YouTube videos, and read countless blogs and websites that detailed people’s transitions. These stories are what helped convince me I wanted to transition, too. >At this time I was in graduate school studying studio art, and I started seeing a school therapist. She was extremely supportive of my decision to transition, and wrote me a letter of referral for testosterone. I also legally changed my name to Tiger—a pet name from a former girlfriend.>Today, the harmful physical effects of over a decade on testosterone have started to make themselves known: high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, high triglycerides, sleep apnea, and issues with my kidneys. While some of these problems are hereditary, the testosterone in my system only exacerbates them. >It turns out transitioning couldn’t bring me the sense of comfort and inner peace I was seeking. In 2020, when I first put our adopted son, then six months old, in my arms, I instinctively knew how to rock him to sleep, to calm him by the way I held him. I became the parent who put him to bed most of the time. I know that fathers can comfort their infants, but when I did it, I felt like his mother. Wonder why that is huh:
> While my transition was covered by insurance, my detransition is not.