File: 1457981754228.jpg (252.18 KB, 720x900, 1456500314337.jpg)

No. 105430
Previous thread
>>20864What You Need To Know- Tried to get Tumblr to doxx a girl who opinion she disagreed with
-Obsessed with Aminyan and hates her guts
-Copies Himeka and Bibi to gain popularity
-Was in Special Ed, but has recently graduated
-Runs the Kawaii Black Girls like page on Facebook. It now has its own forum
-Admits to getting off on lolicon material
-Bandwagons anything that will make her popular
-Deluded herself into thinking she's a small kawaii hafu
-Boyfriend is 26 years old and has tricked her into thinking he's 22
-Dumped said boyfriend for his friend
-Like Himeka she sells her nudes for cheap shit
-Constantly tries to cover up any evidence of being a shitty human being by deleting her pages and claiming the site she's on ~magically~ deleted them
-Got into it with another girl in her community and then chickened out when challenged to fight her
-Fully believes herself to be spacekin
-Purposely starts arguments with others
-White knight herself on here
-Tried to use suicide as a way to get her threads removed
-Made a thread about another local girl she didn't like but forget to crop her profile picture out of the screenshots
-Hides her shitty hair and makeup under thousands of filters and blur
-Happily tells people that she posted nudes of herself when she was twelve
-All bark and no bite
kin blog:
main blog:
nsfw blog:
PULL: sure to screenshot and archive anything you find. She has a habit of going on a deleting spree. No. 105439
File: 1457982542324.png (195.7 KB, 1440x1246, Screenshot_20160314-142745~2.p…)

So much for not being bothered by us. Kek
No. 105805
>>105791That's actually the worse part about it,
she did so much posting trying to appease the online people, posted her hair care routine to prove she's not crusty and was always on her defending herself and even posted threads about other people and forgot to logout before she posted caps.
>pot calling the kettle black>I mean mulatto No. 105824
File: 1458024862711.png (Spoiler Image,217.19 KB, 1440x1438, Screenshot_20160315-024906~2.p…)

>>105807>She doesn't have a disgustingly incriminating internet record like Himeka Everyone in her local community knows all her dirty laundry, so she's pretty much fucked.
Also, found out she has a fetlife account and is friends with Himeka on there too. She posted a video and pics of her disgusting ass, which seems to have bumps on it.
No. 105841
>>105824"cinnabonbooty" fucking lol
if i looked like that i wouldn't be posting jack shit on the internet, never mind disgusting pictures of my arse on fetlife.
No. 105892
>>105853lmao that's ass acne(scars). bitch is so fat her ass has pimples. lose weight and get off the internet micky, it's not that hard.
and i like how her fetlife pictures look just as nasty all her other ones. barf
No. 106048
File: 1458070151679.jpg (56 KB, 720x405, 00051dcb-966f-b213-9e6c-c09031…)

Here's one of the few pictures on her Fetlife. Adults wearing pacifiers is gross, no matter what context.
No. 106326
File: 1458122770231.jpg (140.66 KB, 1264x703, IS THAT A FLY.jpg)

>>105824LMFAO her FL is fucking terrible
No. 106561
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>>106326>>105824Why? Why is she so thirsty for some cheap ass attention. She's nastier than Himeka and I really didn't think that was possible.
And NO MUCKY, that is not a good thing!
No. 106968
File: 1458275595179.jpg (25.72 KB, 960x540, 1448661263476.jpg)

No. 106982
File: 1458280638716.jpeg (127.76 KB, 750x597, image.jpeg)

When will she learn to stop drawing freckles on her face?
No. 107100
>>106988After. She had long side bangs, iirc.
She'd be cute if she lost weight and wasn't so fucking disgusting.
No. 110376
>>110107it's okay
she tagged it npd
I guess narcissistic personality disorder is the new hot trend.
>inb4 micky comes to explain it was a typo for nbd No. 110725
>>110578are u postin this so we can all agree or
the girls here are catty AS FUCK about her body and face. not even the semi helpful kind, just EVERY LOLCOW HAS DOWNS LOL and WHAT AN UNFORTUNATE BODY
just because they aren't as creative doesn't mean they're nicer.
No. 110749
>>110724Honestly, what she posted was not pretty, at all.
>>110725>are u postin this so we can all agree orIt's so people know the contents of the thread.
>the girls here are catty AS FUCK about her body and face.No one's catty she's just genuinely not attractive, and what she posted was actually gross.
>>110728What are you talking about? I never said it was her making these comments. These are comments about the nudes she posted in that thread.
No. 111309
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>>111308Here's a better look at the picture.
No. 111521
File: 1459162636548.jpg (1.41 MB, 2560x1920, 16-03-28-06-51-42-042_deco.jpg)

Looks like she's over having freckles. I guess they aren't cool anymore. I noticed that one of her eyes is much smaller than the other. Has it always been that way or did something happen?
No. 112135
File: 1459245425752.jpeg (51.18 KB, 450x600, image.jpeg)

>>111521OMG – that second pic – it's Jiggly Caliente!!
No. 113773
File: 1459476793625.png (1.71 MB, 1440x1751, Screenshot_20160331-220404~2.p…)'s just looking for any reason to be fat and stupid for the rest of her life, isn't she? She has a job and lives with her parents, nothing's stopping her from buying fruits and veggies that are on sale.
No. 114692
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She finally posted in her thread on PULL.
No. 115394
File: 1459883836112.jpg (49.64 KB, 720x1280, FB_IMG_1459883599148.jpg)

No. 115400
>>115394She knew she was too fat to fit that before she bought it.
>>115396They aren't fat, just very saggy and pancake like.
No. 116241
File: 1460002385293.png (142.21 KB, 1440x802, Screenshot_20160407-001042~2.p…)

Yeah, because your piss and loli festish are so normal and not creepy at all.
No. 116696
>>116675Doesnt she know who Himeka is?
Is she trying to be Himeka now? Randomly all this talk about 'daddy' and being a bimbo slut
No. 116744
>>116716>They aren't best friends They act really close and they both have whiteknighted each.
>and himeka talks shit about MickyWhere and when? You have to provide caps, otherwise you're talking out the side of your neck.
No. 116779
>>116760>No caps sorryIf you can't provide evidence then your claim is being dismissed.
>but the only time I've seen Himeka white knight for Micky is when they're both going against Amina.That was awhile back, they've defended each other after that as well.
No. 117176
>>117111Are you new to this thread? Everybody already knows she lurks on here. She's already posted on here multiple times.
Also, why did you quote me? What you said was unrelated to what I said.
No. 118029
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She calls this place toxic yet had no problems posting about girls she didn't like in her community in here. Even went as far as making a thread about one of them. She also likes to pretend that she didn't doxx that girl on tumblr. Or how she, along side Himeka and Bibi, tried to cause another shit storm with Amina. Or how she tried to use suicide as some form of blackmail to get these threads removed. Yet, we're the toxic ones and she doesn't do anything wrong at all. This girl is ridiculous.
No. 118155
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>#i'm like mom i read gay fanfiction all the time tf you meanThat explains her inability to spell words correctly.
No. 123229
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Seems like Micky's trying to get PULL to sympathize with her.
>Maybe I missed something idk, but more than likely it's something I've said a long time ago
Half of the shit posted was within the last few months. At most a year and a half ago.
>Also after having many panic attacks and borderline mental breakdowns because of lolcow,
I call bullshit. This like when that one chick tried to claim Twitter gave her PTSD so she could get asspats and gain more whiteknights.
No. 123247
>>123175I can't speak for her because I was a late bloomer, but early bloomers do have a harder time trying to fit in with the other kids their age. Girls who develop pretty early are kinda seen as weird by their peers. Also the early bloomer is quite awkward because while their bodies
are maturing early and quickly, they're still children in their heads who like to watch Disney channel, toys and shopping at Justice even though they have to shop at the junior's section because they can't fit into children sizes anymore.
I can see where Micky is coming from. But who knows, I'm not her. Maybe the only people who talked to her at the time were older men and she liked the attention that she got at all?
No. 123559
>>123432How is that disgusting? They don't know if she's 12 or 20 and just looking at her won't cause any harm.
Also Micky is trying to derail. Keep on her.
No. 123739
>>123491Looks like a makeup tutorial, though I couldn't think of a worst person to take advice on makeup from, since she just photoshops everything to shit anyway.
Also, sexualizing minors is pervy and scuzzy as shit, regardless of how developed she looks. Not a derail, just facts.
No. 123956
File: 1461529225159.webm (12.94 MB, 426x238, 1451526399705.webm)
>>123847The thing I'm talking about is how that video is like this one. It's the same look. No variation or improvement. It's embarrassing.
No. 124570
File: 1461680776250.png (461.69 KB, 1440x1019, Screenshot_20160426-102027~2.p…)

So now she's claiming to have HPD and NPD. She's so full of shit.
No. 124739
>>123233>>123956This has been beaten to death already, but really thought…. She's so fucking fat, shit…
Actually it's kind of amazing how
even with those tubby cow tits and hippo belly that she doesn't have like double chin… Does she like constantly keep her chin pointed up or what? Lol
Her body is honestly unfortunate. A fatter Megan Marie tier body tbh.
No. 125064
>>124767Don't egg on her. She's only saying that because she wants to be a special snowflake. Look at everything she claims go have.
These are common among tumblr snowflakes. Not to mention despite allegedly having all of these, she has not seeked out medication and therapy. She hasn't taken a large break from social media either. It's clear she's just reading wiki articles and picking the ones that would give her the most attention and sympathy.
No. 125454
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Micky is clearly a very shitty girlfriend.
No. 125902
File: 1461918400115.png (91.28 KB, 1440x666, Screenshot_20160429-042202~2.p…)
>And boys love me back which is very nice!!They don't love you, Micky. They just know you're an easy lay.
No. 126723
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Micky got called out on her hypocrisy while trying to pull her goody-two shoes act on a PULL thread. Lol
No. 127240
>>105430Are the people on this site all underage or are they adults spending their time making fun of children?
Serious question, I'm new here.
No. 127274
File: 1462301619265.jpg (105.48 KB, 800x600, comment_RAM4Tin43bz6JU2pnw6hFD…)

>>127240well most of the people posted here are grown ass women who enjoy dressing up as children in the first place so…
No. 127547
File: 1462379669362.png (356.1 KB, 1440x1270, Screenshot_20160504-123145~2.p…) guys that fuck her have some really low standards. I wonder do they regret it after everything's said and done.
No. 127594
File: 1462389022110.png (61.56 KB, 1440x652, Screenshot_20160504-150749~2.p…)
>boys will always love me no matter what
>loveWhen will she realize that all these guys want from here are one night stands?
No. 127647
>>127594>boysThat's exactly it. Boys.
Silly, emotionally immature boys.
No. 127654
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>>127647No man, boy, or guy is honestly going to waste time on her unless they have really low standards or they're looking for an easy lay.
I wonder if she's going to end up like Himeka.
No. 128319
File: 1462618698597.png (85.5 KB, 1440x866, Screenshot_20160507-064303~2.p…) she's got fake blogs openly sending her asks. lol
No. 128460
>>128355>Why would she post thisBecause she's disgusting.
>>128371She probably wants to wear Himeka's skin. Lol
No. 128779
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Even her ex feels like her new relationship won't last long. Kek
No. 128984
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Is her face getting fatter?
No. 129027
File: 1462850113771.png (166.64 KB, 304x399, 01.png)

>>128984Her face looks like a symmetry test gone wrong. Her eyes are so far apart.
No. 129209
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This bitch needs to stop chasing dick and chase a damn dictionary.
No. 129214
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Is she really going the Himeka route?
No. 129244
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>she deserves to be happy
No she does not. She needs to face some real consequences for all the shit she's done. She also needs to get herself together instead of running around and ruining men because she wants to be a "self-empowered thot".
No. 129263
>>128992is it weird i don't think she looks old? Like, she looks like a 18-20 black female to me.
Its probably because something around 80 percent of black women are fat.
(race derailing) No. 129359
File: 1462940835350.jpeg (22.58 KB, 720x404, received_10210023340288504~2.j…)

How long do you think it'll be before she makes an excuse to break up or cheat on the guy, and leave him for the side dude.
No. 130129
>>111713she actually does sound like a gay man lol and if not her voice is v deep and ugly
No. 130137
>>113773>alright but who is about to give me the money to buy all that?This is her response to everything. Instead of making better choices, she claims that people should give her money to make those choices. She's a poorfag who spends the little money she does have on retarded shit, but it's apparently everyone else's responsibility to finance her so she can stop being retarded.
She even did it on this site when everyone laughed at her horrid fashion sense.
Stay fat and trashy, Micky.
No. 130140
File: 1463141951895.png (92.64 KB, 1066x997, tmp_338-2016-05-13 08.16.28-11…)

so how long is she gonna pretend she doesn't have a porn blog
No. 130195
File: 1463161157503.jpg (608.91 KB, 2560x1920, 16-05-13-13-36-51-471_deco.jpg)

>>130137She does this another time but before it happened, she going around flashing her money on Instagram and Facebook acting like she was rich.
So now she's claiming this guy abused her. Why do I feel like this another lie she made up to garner sympathy from people?
No. 130366
File: 1463214119625.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.09 KB, 540x405, tumblr_o75i2m6FSH1v9v3zbo2_540…)

No. 130367
>>130366Omg no. Why would she post this?
Those tits must be down to her bellybutton without a bra.
No. 130371
>>130368* >#if you make me mad i'll punch a hole in you too
Why is she still pretending to be tough?
No. 130408
>>130368She's only 18 why does her body look like my 46 year old aunt….so sad.
Why would she even upload this. She needs an intervention. Shes 18 she shouldn't look like this lol.
No. 130445
File: 1463242848410.jpg (18.69 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)

>>130366>>130368Oh God, She's shaped like Bev Bighead from Rocko's Modern Life.
No. 130488
>>130429Nope. What they need to send her is a P90X DVD and some SlimFast. Lol
>>130445In a few years she'll sound like her too.
No. 130559
>>130406That or she accidentally hit something against it. Either way, we already know she's bullshitting about being strong.
>>130529Same here.
>>130408She doesn't drink water and only eats junk and fast food.
No. 130599
>>130587Not the same anon, but yeah, most American houses are paper thin. As long as you punch where the drywall is hollow.
Her closet door looks like those cheap fake wood panel kind of doors too. Doesn't take much to go right through.
No. 130916
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No. 130939
>>130137I noticed the Aminyan thread got bumped, looks like Micky is making her rounds on here. She'll most likely post in this thread soon.
No. 131100
File: 1463423776315.png (452.89 KB, 1440x2145, Screenshot_20160516-142528~2.p…)

>>130976We all know she's only going to get worse. She's nearly a lost cause at this point. That's probably why her parents don't do anything. They know she's a failure., how is she managing to keep her job when she fucks up like this?
No. 131167
File: 1463435759046.png (286.05 KB, 510x691, imggg.png)

she talks about how she's the most perfect being who's better than anyone else and a goddess but then wants to be/wishes she was other girls
No. 131200
File: 1463438188240.png (11.56 KB, 510x63, 1463435759046~2.png)

>>131167>>131171Yeah, and when people call her out on copying people she plays stupid like she isn't doing exactly that.
>>131133If I was her boss I would have fired her by now, she clearly isn't qualified for the job.
No. 131205
>>131200That what I'm saying, I would since she's making the business lose money, but maybe the boss is good friends… with benefits
>>131167 it went from silver to pink I hope it's a good lace front and not something from the party store
No. 131246
>>131100Is this alluding she might have a dissociative disordery? What happened to NPD and HPD?
I think she might actually only be a histrionic.
No. 131427
>>131347Micky isn't even from the hood though, she talks like a white girl IRL. Her town is a trailer park stoner white kid town and when some Detroit weebs tried to kick her ass she got all scared. I hate when she pretends she talks like that lul.
>>131345Hey Himeka
No. 131459
File: 1463498593849.jpg (17.9 KB, 500x376, Psyduck_confused.jpg)

>>131427>Hey Himeka Why did you even put that?
No. 131462
File: 1463499165156.png (57.48 KB, 1440x686, Screenshot_20160517-112936~2.p…)
>stunning That girl's body is sloppy. Wouldn't be surprised if this was another fake blog.
No. 131464
File: 1463499486780.png (125.03 KB, 1440x832, Screenshot_20160517-113427~2.p…) she just forget about the post prior to this one where she admitted to fantasizing about being raped?
No. 131621
>>131462I wouldn't either, but if she was just gonna send herself asks, it would probably be easier for her to just keep her asks anonymous
Probably some low standards having mouth breather, easily impressed by big tits even if everything else is just as big
No. 131715
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No. 131716
File: 1463521509777.png (274.94 KB, 1440x1155, Screenshot_20160517-174100~2.p…)

No. 131921
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No. 131925
>>131921I really want to see the type of guy that was willing to date her.
Also I'm willing to bet he dated her just to get his dick wet. I mean obviously. Look at how she literally talks about throwing herself at him. Stop being so desperate Micky. And lose some weight.
No. 131984
File: 1463596607539.jpeg (32.78 KB, 720x227, received_10210089191534744~2.j…)

Why is she mad when she's the one airing all her business and doesn't know the meaning being faithful? Was she really expecting pity at this point?
No. 132529
File: 1463710326795.png (1.22 MB, 1440x1616, Screenshot_20160519-220951~2.p…)

Her parents must really not care about her if they let her get drunk.
No. 132570
>>132568She also needs to go to school and find a hobby that makes her interesting and cultured.
Micky really needs to: get off social media (doesn't have to be entirely, but she needs to maintain a sense of decency and privacy in the Internet,) stop going by a fake name, go to college and get a decent degree, lose at least 100 pounds through exercising and eating right, get some hobbies that aren't fucking stupid, stop smoking pot, get a job, clean her room and better yet move out of her parents trailer, and finally stop being such a ratchet cunt to everyone who tries to talk to her.
I don't mean to a-log, but Mickey's shitty life reminds me of how important it is to push myself and do well. I guess that's why some cows are so interesting; watching people consistently fuck up their lives and throw away opportunities is pretty motivating.
No. 132573
>>132570Tbh, I'm sure a lot of us use these cows as motivation to do better for ourselves.
Any idea how much Mickey weighs? I'd say losing 100 seems like an awful lot, but I don't know her height, she has gotten big though.
No. 132619
File: 1463742237206.png (98.49 KB, 1440x653, Screenshot_20160520-065938~2.p…) goes around acting like she just wants to sleep around and then gets upset nobody wants anything serious with her? Hilarious.
No. 132620
File: 1463742339012.png (56.84 KB, 1440x501, Screenshot_20160520-070039~2.p…)

>>132619 hope she isn't talking about the guy she recently broke up with, because he certainly didn't want her.
No. 132622
File: 1463742580332.png (53.92 KB, 1440x404, Screenshot_20160520-070154~2.p…)

>>132621 do I feel like she's not going to make any positive changes after this and just continue doing the same shit again?
No. 132852
File: 1463799587195.jpg (92.53 KB, 456x810, tumblr_o7i8ctBOk21ucthsmo1_540…)
>I’m 18, 5'6" , and 180 pounds. I’m not about to have a heart attack bitches calm down
>180 poundsDoes she really expect us to believe she only gained 10 ten pounds when she doesn't exercise or eat right? I bet if she actually got weighed she'd be over 200 right now, probably 240.
No. 132868
File: 1463810216019.jpg (6.76 KB, 236x194, 8e71dc694b394681959fc382c5cbab…)

>>132619>I'm tired of people just wanting to have sex with me>>132695>talking to like 7 different guys that wanna hook up with meok.
No. 133289
File: 1463948213944.png (360.8 KB, 1440x1438, Screenshot_20160522-153954~2.p…)

She posted a link to the article on her Facebook and this was one of the comments.
No. 133393
File: 1463972388863.jpeg (42.9 KB, 720x349, received_10210125927613123~2.j…)

What the fuck.
No. 133763
>>133762why is the are near her groin SO GODDAMN
DARK? Is she harboring a colony of fire ants?
No. 133913
File: 1464125551422.png (105.13 KB, 1440x664, Screenshot_20160524-092623~2.p…)

>>133884>>133762Honestly, those panties look old, dirty and faded. Wouldn't be surprised if she found those in the back of her closet. She should also stop sucking in her gut, it makes her look stupid.
No. 133916
>>133762At least her hands look nice ._.
Jesus Christ, she needs a full body makeover
No. 133920
File: 1464127296570.jpg (464.21 KB, 600x600, 1437390518560.jpg)

>>133917Oh god I just realized.
No. 133930
>>133917That bear is super dirty. Like, you can see the dirt on it.
>>133763She needs to go to a doctor and get that shit checked out.
No. 133944
>>133763I have that :(
Was born with some discolouration there.
No. 134021
File: 1464156967090.png (286.68 KB, 1440x1323, Screenshot_20160525-021306~2.p…)

No. 134025
>>1340212013 called, they want their meme music fad back.
Christ, I'm so fucking tired of seeing vaporwave still exist.
No. 134552
File: 1464302293740.jpeg (44.05 KB, 720x437, received_10210156049886161~2.j…)

She can't be serious with this, can she?
>>134536What are you even talking about?
No. 134809
File: 1464364670328.jpg (482 KB, 1920x2560, 16-05-27-11-51-15-651_deco.jpg)

Why is she acting like getting someone's sloppy seconds is something special?
No. 134818
>>134809I saw that earlier and was confused. I guess if that girl is still hung up over her ex then I could see Mickey considering it an accomplishment
but even then a dude wanting to put his dick in you means literally nothing so I don't see why she's so pleased with herself.
No. 135046
>>135044Stop embarrassing yourself.
>>129740 stupidly said
>Maybe she is mixed kekI was simply saying
>>135045she obviously is mixed. As stated, she "switches to being full black when it's convenient for her". And didn't someone say her last name was Spanish?
No. 135049
>>135046her last name isn't spanish lmao and the whole "Switches to being full black when it's convenient for her" means that although claims to be mixed, but she will claim to be fully black in discussions and controversy with the black community and in movements being made lately for the black community like black lives matter so she can be relevant because shes a bandwagoner.
she's fully black, both of her parents are black. she doesn't even look mixed. if anything, she's just light skinned.
No. 135136
File: 1464453137091.png (60.45 KB, 1440x524, Screenshot_20160528-121033~2.p…) we know that's a lie because she's whined about wanting both openly.
>>135049>>135061>>135116That's not even close to her name. She was dumb enough to post here student ID on here and showed that her name is Mikaila Jones.
>>135126That's not her last name.
>>130255 No. 135288
File: 1464485411582.png (8.94 KB, 383x95, Screenshot_242.png)

well it was bound to happen eventually
No. 135368
>>135049In order words she just changes her race when its convenient for her. It doesn't mean she's mixed.
Also, when she finally started to claim she was fully black, she also started to try and act black and hood and started saying the n word casually lmao. But yeah, before that and basically before social justice became mainstream she constantly claimed to be mixed and only wanted to associate with white people.
No. 135403
>>135290Exactly anon I'm mixed myself and my tone is near similar to Micky's but my hair is lighter and my eyes are too. Doesn't mean African American's won't call me black because they still would. Just how it is. But you can see a difference. Micky's genes may have white in them carried through generations from the slave days but if half of her ancestors are black then she is just full black.
I wish she would just accept it fgs.
No. 136425
>>136213>>136207Remember its all filter, she's huge and darker really
sorry to shatter the illusion
No. 136426
>>136424Most guys take advantage of their "female besties" tbh
Micky will probably be fucking him on their work break out back by the end of the month
No. 136544
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>chubbyMicky, you are definitely fat as hell. Angled mirrors and sucking it in won't change or hide that.
Also, I'm pretty sure that's a pee stain on her panty.
No. 136571
>>136544how does this bitch not own a single pair of cute underwear or bras, i don't understand. i know buying cute bras is hard when you have big boobs, i'm a 32dd myself
but come the fuck on micky, it's 2016. there's no reason for you to not own more than a nude colored bra and brief cut panties
No. 136576
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>>136571also how come she can't clean her fucking room. what the fuck if you're gonna post some nudes or some shit clean your room, or at least the area that will be visible
No. 136580
>>136571>32ddI hope you know that's actually really small and your size is catered to everywhere.
Back on topic, she needs to go get measured at a bra store that isn't Victoria Secret and then buy her proper size. They're already ridiculously saggy, so she's fucked in fixing that, but she could at put them in something that actually gives the illusion of perkiness.
>>136576I think she just likes wallowing in filth. I remember she didn't clean her room until everyone on here started saying how disgusting her room looked.
No. 136606
>>136580Uhhh Idfk where you live but in America it's hard as fuck to find any bra in a band size under 36 that has a cup larger than a C. American logic is that of your band is smaller your cup
must be small as well because nobody under a 36" band has any tits bigger than a small-med C.
No. 136613
>>136545I was once as big as micky and now ive lost half the body weight. My boobs are probably a size smaller than hers but fgs Micky I went to Boux Avenue today and treated my sad tits to a few bras. You CAN get them.
This bitch is just lazy
Spend some fucking money
No. 136617
>>136613she doesn't even have to spend that much money
adore me sells goddamn bra and panty sets for $20. she can get at most 5 sets for about $100 (shipping not included), and they go all the way up to 46G.
No. 136623
>>136622feel like we're digressing lol my original point was (op of
>>136571 here) is that has no real excuse for wearing the same ugly bras and dingy underwear
it's 2016, she's got options
No. 136669
>>136606I live in America, I've seen 32DD in plenty of places. It's even easy to get it online if they don't have it in store. If you're having that much trouble finding that size check out the boob/bra thread in /g/.
>>136623She needs to get measured first before she buys anymore bras. Once she gets measured she be able to get something better.
Also, she doesn't spend her money properly. I swear she needs someone else to manage her money.
>>136627You know she's not gonna do that.
No. 136753
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Her trying to act like some hoodrat from the ghetto is really cringy. She needs to stop.
No. 136754
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>>136753Seriously, this is giving me second hand embarrassment.
No. 136812
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>>136753Her body shape doesn't even seem humanely possible sometimes. I don't know if it's just that skirt, but her hips look so narrow in comparison to the rest of her
No. 136823
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>>136753>>136754[insert exasperated sigh here]
No. 136840
>>136812i think her issue is she doesnt have any good bras lol if she had bras that werent worn out and had tighter arm bands her tits wouldnt sag so much and thus, her body would look a bit better… but in
>>136753 her tits are hanging so damn low it makes her entire body look wonky as fuck
if you got a big chest you NEED good bras
No. 137037
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>"girls have always been mean to me!">evidence exists proving the opposite is true.
>"I care more about what girls think of me then boys!">Spends most of her time trying to get attention from males rather than girls.Micky, just admit that you're straight and only claiming to be bi for snowflake and oppression points.
No. 137478
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Not only do I think she's not going to change knowing this but I also feel that status was made to get sympathy and asspats from others.
No. 137961
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No. 138125
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>>137963>at least buy some underwear that fits herNope. She also should be using her money to get a gym membership or buy dumbbells to workout with, but instead she's going to use it to become even trashier than before.
No. 138126
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She won't clean her room for the sake of good hygiene and cleanliness but she'll clean it for some dick. That's depressing.
No. 138418
>>138394>>138411She does look a lot better in motion, but holy shit that voice. She honestly sounds like a man, or at least a teenage boy. I know lolcow likes to exaggerate, but if I didn't see her there's no way I would think she was a woman.
>>138401She's acting like a generic vapid teenager with slight sjw tendencies. She's talking to this guy, but is constantly talking over him and interrupting him. She was also being a hypocrite and lecturing him about sensible spending habits. Other than telling people to follow her and following a few people back I didn't see her interact with any of the viewers.
All in all a lot less annoying than I expected.
No. 138428
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>>138401Her livestreams are pretty boring.
>>138418>She was also being a hypocrite and lecturing him about sensible spending habits.Kek
>>138411Honestly, I think she looks worse, and that's only because she can't use angles and shoop to hide anything unfavorable. I also thinks she needs to find better fitting clothes. Especially if she's going to do livestreams. She should brush her wig too, it's only been a few days and it looks messy.
No. 138466
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>she looks really cute. I don't see it. She's like, below average with a mannish face.
I watched her other streams and she talked about seeing Taylor/Pandachan at Youmacon. She lied when recounting it. She also said she has a hard time insulting people but that's a blatant lie. It was pretty hilarious.
No. 138469
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>>138465This. Not to mention when she wasn't acting cringy over the guy she was silent most of the time and looking at her phone. Honestly, if I wanted to see a whale flop around and do nothing, I'd just cut on the Discovery channel.
Also you can see she lied about losing weight. She's just as big as she was before.
No. 138470
>>138466Oh, c'mon, that's a pretty unflattering angle and she was probably mid-talkin, not very fair.
But I agree she would be ten thousand times cuter if she lost like 30kgs. Then I think she would be a cutie. Weeby and cringy, but a cutie nonetheless.
No. 138473
>>138470She wasn't talking. She was smiling. Even When she was sitting up she looked mannish. Like here
>>138428She'd be a little above average after losing weight, but still not very attractive. She would need to wear flattering makeup and hairstyles to pull her up from the dumps.
No. 138603
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I don't know what's funnier, her claiming to be godkin after shitting on them or her spelling divine correctly after all this time.
No. 138667
>>138665She's got a double chin. She just angles herself a certain way and edits her pictures to look decent. Her you can see her face is pretty fat.
>>138428>>138610God no lol
>>138607>Gross fatty working the salad barThey really didn't think this through.
No. 138818
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is Micky planning on going to college?
No. 138875
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She keep getting more and more cringy by the minute.
No. 139168
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Her boyfriend looks like a creeper.
No. 139185
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>>139168That profile photo makes me rage. She looks retarded.
Once again, where are her parents?
No. 139192
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>>139185She's just being a dumb weeb and doing a "agehao" face. I don't understand weeb otaku bs tbh. How is this cute/hot?
As for the boyfriend he looks like he's on the sex offenders list. I wonder how old he even is… gross.
No. 139194
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>>139185>where are her parentsWell she's black…
No. 139249
>>138610A turd oh a turd!
This is a direct attack on my divinity!
No. 139490
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No. 139493
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All she proved was that her ass is flat and she's fat as fuck. Like, her gut sticks out more than her nearly nonexistent ass does. That's sad.
No. 139515
>>139491>mfw I legit have more than 100x as many twitter followers as this chick and I dont consider myself popular enough to have meetupsLike does she like under200 people in the world following her on twitter means they'll ALL show up to a tiny con like youma???
then again I'd almost want her to plan one so I could ask someone to get a picture of her waiting alone in a corner
No. 139853
File: 1465930104770.png (943.65 KB, 1440x1950, Screenshot_20160614-132050~2.p…) of buying something worthwhile, she buys shitty cat ears.
No. 139913
>>139493Everyone has a butt if you pose like that
Get off the fucking Internet and do some butt exercises geez
No. 141772
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