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No. 1050976
Last thread we had a laugh at Georgie's, (aka Squelch), old tumblr posts. They were very confusing because one post she says she binged on 7000 calories, the next she isn't sure if that's a binge and actually she never ate more than 1500 calories. Not surprised she would make such a mistake because her brain is so starved of nutrients.
Currently out of hospital (for a break at home), expect an IP stay during this thread.
Gym bunny Dharma realised she needed to try recovery how professionals suggest she do it, but hastily fled after three days. There's a surprise.
We gazed in wonder at Ganer's transformation from skele to future bodybuilding competitor (her delusion, not ours).
Our other gym bunny, Dharma, decided to do recovery how the professionals suggest she should. She hastily fled the treatment centre on day three! Well, that was a surprise.
Journey to Emma is dehydrating herself and being the most seriously ill ana the world has ever known. She's been vomiting some strange looking objects the doctors AND nurses AND dieticians have never seen before. Yes, she's THAT sick and unusual.
We continue to be repulsed by n2f's meals which have mostly consisted of pick n mix and the usual spreads and syrups. Inspired by her baking account, a farmer donned her apron and got stuck in to making a couple of n2f's recipes from scratch even using her family as guinea pigs. Nobody died of poisoning, and the biscake was quite edible. No more shots out of the window, but we're getting her food presented on an increasingly filthy fluffy blanket on the window ledge and the occasional plastic toy. She promises a lot of Halloween treats later this month, as if her creations aren't horrific enough.
Laura has been given more privacy when she goes to pee and is so happy about it she is posting lots of videos and pics of herself dancing. Remember your place mat motto, Laura - "recovering for dance". We hope for more leg kicking, tarantula walk poses very soon.
Recent pics of Kennedy/Kelsey have emerged. Looking better than her old pics, but can't really compare because nobody really knows what she looked like pre-photoshop.
Our Russian friend Dasha is busy buying expensive things, dining at the Grey Goose and dressing as a medieval NPC.
Smorven is finding comfort in the arms of gentle Jesus.
Molly earned a Golden Raspberry Award for her attempt at "cry face". She revealed her fear of biscuits, and we all high fived when this trooper wolfed down seven whole biscuits. Could be some friction between her and her role model, Elzani, in the future as both battle to be sponsored by @manilife PB.
New sows on the block are flourishing Jessy and tiktok's version of Georgia, Mihaela.
Here are some links: I've missed anything, add to the post right below.
Last thread
>>>/snow/1042033 No. 1051046
File: 1601762050337.png (846.96 KB, 711x815, crippling hardships.png)

>>1051000>>1051025I guess. She's also at oxford lol literally Molly.2.0.
What strikes me watching this shit is how unaware she is of her privilege. In her video where she tells her ED-story (lol) she mentions how her having to wait a month to be referred to an ED-clinic was "ridiculous". (~7.00 min in), a months wait is fuckall. Trying to get a bed through the NHS unless you're at deaths door can take 3-5! And once there you're in an underfunded pit.
My hunch is that she went private, cause hey- £££.
She, an oxford student, sits in her massive beautiful kitchen, not having worked an honest day in her life, silver-spoon in mouth- and feels sorry for herself when she "struggles" with some yoghurt.
Piss off.
No. 1051072
>>1051049Gotta say I don’t find her that milky. Annoying, pretty cringe, privileged and unaware of it - yes, but not much good milk.
Off topic but her sister seems really sweet and her mum also didn’t bug me in any way. Maybe I should watch more of her videos to find the real milk…
No. 1051084
>>1051082Urgh maybe I’m desensitised beyond hope from Porgie, n2f & co…
Hard to beat them and that new ticktock chick!
No. 1051096
File: 1601767805160.jpg (465.35 KB, 720x1261, Screenshot_2020-10-04-00-30-39…)

Just elzani making pancakes at midnight, no food obsessions here.
No. 1051097
File: 1601767836492.jpg (337.91 KB, 717x1285, Screenshot_2020-10-04-00-30-53…)

She looks so dead.
No. 1051125
>>1051097This is the most flattering pic of her I've ever seen, so agree with
>>1051099 She's not making one of her manic faces which helps.
>>1051102It looks like human decomposition. Runny peanut butter should not be a thing.
>>1051046Can't tolerate another posh kid worrior, so sorry can't watch BUT there's no way their families don't pay for private care. It takes forfuckinever to get treatment on NHS waiting lists (less than 6 months pre-covid you were doing well), and getting a bed for IP hahahahaha. Still, NHS funding is shite because Trident (weapon, not gum) and other things. The richER girls have no concept of what it's like to live in the regular world. No envy towards them, I pity them (though private health care would help at times).
No. 1051404
File: 1601805497076.jpg (547.17 KB, 1080x1912, Screenshot_20201004_105704.jpg)

that all-dominating breakfast time question; savoury eggs or sweet eggs with my cereal, banana, custardy, grapey mash up? OBVS a frozen cadbury's creme egg to top it off is the clear winner! anyone who guessed right - you're thinking more and more like n2f every day. beware!
No. 1051417
File: 1601807423786.jpeg (1.14 MB, 828x1499, 9AC44E3E-5B11-40F9-9FB7-0C794B…)

So is she saying today’s session was nightmare fuel? Because that’s all I’m getting from this pic.
No. 1051429
File: 1601808899392.jpeg (339.12 KB, 1125x1662, 4AEAE11E-43CB-45B8-A5FC-8E0E0F…)

This is an old post from n2fs personal account and holy shit, just look at the state of that bed
No. 1051434
File: 1601809731051.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1679, 2B7E6D58-FE19-4646-BFBB-7B951B…)

Pretty sure that’s a microwave
No. 1051439
File: 1601811769234.jpg (317.27 KB, 1080x1613, Screenshot_20201004_124256.jpg)

i found her decision to wear literal see-through dresses - and white see-through jeans in other pg
photos - pretty bizarre. i mean SURELY she can she her underwear is visible?!
No. 1051460
File: 1601815301070.jpg (462.54 KB, 719x911, Screenshot_2020-10-04-13-42-32…)

Huh. Surprising meal from n2f today.
No. 1051464 She's so preachy! No one's going to be
triggered by you saying you have binge eating disorder, girl. She's clearly so embarassed about being overweight and not getting an ana diagnosis, she preaches ed at every size but you know she just wants to be tiny.
No. 1051484
>>1051474At least lolcow isn't getting the blame this time. That one would say Mother Teresa was ~bullying~ her (if Ma Teresa was alive).
>>1051460What?? How…minimal.
No. 1051550
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Molly wanted biscuits again .
No. 1051555
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>>1051550Kek, she’s also begging for free artwork of herself rather than commissioning it. Not like she can’t afford it either.
No. 1051558
File: 1601829885975.png (4.68 MB, 828x1792, A0686D24-250E-41D9-92F4-DCDDB1…)

>>1051557It gets worse, she actually refers to herself as a “smol bean”
No. 1051569
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>>1051555she asked, i gave (excuse repost, i fucked up first time)
No. 1051582
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No. 1051585
>>1051550What sort of family has four different packets of biscuits open at the same time? If I did that my mum would freak - but I guess if your child is a sooper speshul recovery warrior you couldn’t say anything in case you ‘
trigger a breakdown’
No. 1051587
File: 1601832324179.jpeg (87.85 KB, 540x540, bickies.jpeg)

>>1051585True. My family had these when I was a kid, but those biscuits she has don't look like cheap crap. That shortbread's a separate pack as are the biscoff things. I understand maybe two packets open at once - say a custard cream and a digestive, but more than that is too decadent.
No. 1051596
File: 1601833432027.jpg (589.4 KB, 720x1205, Screenshot_2020-10-04-18-44-55…)

I'm sorry but does she not always have desert after dinner? Is it really an anorexia win when you've been doing it every day for years?
No. 1051623
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While looking at the # I saw this one and noticed Georgie likes some of her posts. She's anorexic, loves the tube, eats crap and now has a stomach tube. Also #spoonie. Anyone have any experience following her? Georgia following her gives me a red light and also … anorexia.
No. 1051660
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No. 1051668
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>>1051660No more scratches! Just doped up with droopy eyes
No. 1051687
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>>1051096>>1051097Elzani is just trying to share her best life
No. 1051778
>>1051702gormless is my new favourite word, ty anon.
>>1051660i cant tell if shes faking a smile really badly on the second picture or if her wonky dead fish eyes just make her face look permanently soulless
No. 1051806
>>1051555all she has to do is google willy wonka fan art
No. 1051845
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I’m not one to call photoshopping easily but dear god. Let’s discuss this….. wow. As someone who has been really sick…. that is horribly shopped. Yikes. Also it’s super sad she feels the need to do this.
No. 1051895
File: 1601862091363.jpeg (375.49 KB, 827x1522, F3E633EE-4FE3-4751-858A-C3B51E…)

I just saw this highlight from some weeks ago and it’s adding to my confusion about how long she’s had an eating disorder
No. 1051917
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>>1051845Here's another from her stories
No. 1051919
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>>1051917She deleted the first one from her stories, probably because it was obviously shopped, and replaced it with this
No. 1051954
>>1051895She may have had disordered eating not to the point of an ED or was dieting (safely at first) before her brief foray into anorexia. Or, more likely, she was limiting her diet for a long time but the stress of university pushed it into overdrive.
>>1051919No adult has kneecaps that small!
Where is this cow from anyway?
No. 1051955
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>>1051950But it's severe and unexpected!!!
She posts these pictures on her Facebook page and gets all sorts of asspats for it
No. 1052005
>>1051623Needs a J tube, eats shit, and is overweight? She probably needs IV fluids and is malnourished, too kek. One of these things is not true. A j tube is for someone who can’t have things going into their stomach, and anyone with one has their nutrition (and calories) carefully monitored and measured. Which means she shouldn’t be visibly overweight like she is. But anything to be a speschul rare warrior, amiright? How is she not completely ashamed of her porker self?
>>1051955Didn’t she just do this exact same thing? It was less than a year ago iirc. Air ambulance to Acute, then ERC res and then to EDCare, while begging for the money to make it happen. Except she left ERC ama (again) when she started to gain weight, but because she was “in recovery” (kek) and could “do it at home” (more kek). Also because she’s a sooper famous writer who had a book coming out (Newsflash: Any idiot chan can get poetry published. She’s not anything special). This is not the first time she’s begged for money for treatment, either, nor is it the first time she’s claimed it’s her last time in treatment. And it’s not a surprise, she left ERC AMA not that long ago, still underweight and obviously not in recovery. No one thought she’d recover at home, so who’s supposed to be surprised? Her whole shtick is gross, from the ebegging just to leave AMA, to her weird fake-child behavior and giant hair bows, all while claiming to be some sort of famous and revered writer. Hopefully people save their money this time, tho I doubt they will since everyone loves enabling poor fragile little Laura.
No. 1052029
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N2F is covering expiration dates again
No. 1052035
File: 1601874830423.jpg (1.26 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20201005_151518.jpg)

Has been talked about but uh, speaking of bad shoops. Even if this is a joke, still pretty embarrassing.
No. 1052103
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Sage because not exactly milky and only one video, but I still think it belongs here. Made a video of her sooper severe anorexia where she eats 200 calories every day but doesn't exactly look like it No. 1052116
File: 1601890087035.jpeg (1.14 MB, 828x1493, 1613A050-7E15-48D6-9911-4FC744…)

Plz explain the rationale behind taking the absolute least flattering picture possible for these IG stories Georgie posts?! Actually though, why? I’m not even saying she should get changed, put on makeup, anything like that, but why take the picture from an angle that maximizes that double chin and dead-eye vibe?!
No. 1052118
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cannot resist sharing a video of her removing her ng tube. such a sooper sick anorexic.
No. 1052155
File: 1601898896029.png (472.15 KB, 401x672, moll.eats.png)

our "smol bean" is having a hard time. guess she'll need to challenge her biscuit fear again.
No. 1052170
>>1052116Her face reminds me of a slimmer amberlynn reid's for some reason.. but amberlynn is prettier.
>>1052155Kek she has the recovery spoon
No. 1052214
>>1052103There was a comment on there about 3 weeks ago that said “this looks like larping”
This video really is milky af I love the cringe though
No. 1052257
>>1052103It's mad how some anas/wanas can come out with such bs and think people are going to swallow it. It's not just kids either. In the documentary Desperately Hungry Housewives and the Louis Theroux one, there're two older women who say they barely eat anything and walk for HOURS to burn off half a cracker, but in the GP surgery they discover they both gained weight. Obvious lies yet they think we're all gullible fannies.
>>1052116Yep - she's got that Cockney geezer fat darts player look down to a T. Whatever company gave her an internship, they must be a really fucking shit scammy company.
Molly's a twat. She's more or less recovered. All in the blink of an eye. How long do you think she'll keep this worrior cherade up? She needs to get back to uni and join the fucking drama club. Brush up her acting skills.
No. 1052268
File: 1601913951944.png (421.11 KB, 452x727, send me stuff.png)

Yeah, Ash has her own thread but it's dead. Jsyk she's back to begging for gifts again. In her latest stories video she does a baby voice fake crying at how happy she is this jerk sent her a gift because nobody sends her gifts any more. When she's in her coffin in 2090 her scrawny arm's going to come out with a banner saying NO FLOWERS, GIVE ME GIFT CARDS FOR WHOLEFOODS.
No. 1052301
>>1052103Some of the comments are funny.
How does this girl claim that she can't even finish off an apricot because her ed is too serious but then look like that?
No. 1052306
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>>1052301Oops meant to attach screenshot of comments lol
No. 1052396
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Sorry to break it to you, Molls, but it never really leaves you.
It's so disgusting how she writes as if she really does have a long history like her role model and the other 4 real ana cows. If Paris or some other terminal ana had the opportunity for private treatment and cozy family atmosphere (and anorexia for 3 weeks) would they have turned out very different people? But yeah, this one really ruffles.
No. 1052420
File: 1601928538155.jpg (409.38 KB, 1080x1843, 20201005_150751.jpg)

N2F dropped a new recipe!
>>1052414Deactivated, probably, and will come back eventually under a new name
No. 1052422
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>>1052420The finished product. Peng.
No. 1052442
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One of my personal cows (haven’t posted here before but lmk if I should share the milk) fell for molls and her looking for free art BS
No. 1052456
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Ahhhh yes this definitely happened because of course we all forgot how tiny and sick you are of course
No. 1052459
File: 1601931078557.jpg (41.06 KB, 714x721, 120995688_3779712772058563_166…)

>>1052456She's since locked most of her posts, but I saved this less drastic leg shoop before that
>>1052444What are the accounts? I only know of one vent account because she opened it up for followers a few years ago before she got criticized and dropped almost everyone
No. 1052468
>>1052466Go back a thread or two. We talked about it at length already
>>1052467Then why mention them?
No. 1052486
File: 1601933260070.jpeg (973.36 KB, 828x1471, 79F0BAFE-34DE-48FA-B9FE-715A35…)

Why does she insist on speaking like a toddler in all her posts, it’s annoying as fuck
No. 1052534
>>1052257KEK! Darts player. I’m dead.
That’s the best slur I’ve heard in a while. Thanks for that anon.
No. 1052568
looks like porgie deleted her tumblr? some old posts on here though
No. 1052611
>>1052396The teddy-bear, referring to herself in third person, calling herself smol bean. Do we think maybe she's a "little" ?
This isn't the way a normal well-adjusted 20 year old acts lol. Also the mention in her instagram bio of "looking 12". Did she ever pull the CSA card?
No. 1052659
>>1052627>>1052411You totally took the postt in the way it wasn't intended, dear sensitive anons.
The point is nothing to do with being ~the sickest~ because I'm not even someone who understands that whole need to be sickest or not sick enough.
I was pointing out how being well off gave her the opportunity to nip her ed in the bud. Before it became as entrenched as those who have to wait MONTHS for an assessment.
It's a fact that the longer a person endures any illness the more difficult to recover. Molly fortunately didn't have to wait long and had better care and help than offered by the NHS. Her experience was different. Ofc everyone deserves help whoever they are, but she'll never know how much more difficult it is to get to grips with recovery is a person doesn't have access to immediate help as she had.
No envy because she's from a financially comfortable family, but her experience of not having waiting lists and inevitable increasing decline makes her less able to understand how not everyone finds recovery as relatively less of a struggle.
No. 1052790
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I don't like how it's gaping
No. 1052791
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I guess she got the job then? Or is this that other thing that she thinks she's wayyyy too pro to have to do.
No. 1052792
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That smirk. Go rest, Georgie! I'm sure reading articles online was a lot of work.
No. 1052793
File: 1601972405373.jpg (560.72 KB, 720x1270, Screenshot_2020-10-06-09-18-31…)

And our recovery warrior is triumphant once more!! Good job, porgie!
No. 1052811
File: 1601976154284.jpg (543.47 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20201006_102245.jpg)

jfc, if you want coco pops just eat a bowl of cereal! adding a couple pieces of cereal to literally every meal and dessert is just bizarre.
No. 1052846
File: 1601985241153.jpg (579.94 KB, 1080x1882, Screenshot_20201006_125240.jpg)

Our favourite cube donning the autistic look.
No. 1052858
>>1052848definitely dessert spoon.
also i know it seems nitpicky but farmers are talking about this portion size because she acts like this "little" thing scares her so much when its just a normal bown of ice-cream, she eats this and more daily.
if ur gonna larp as an ana-butterly, at least dont say "uwu i ate this 7 times but i was really scared :c". i wonder what percentage of her followers believe this shit.
No. 1052905
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>>1052897Especially seeing how she claims POTS. Never see her eat foods recommended to help with the condition and she drinks alcohol often.
No. 1052942
>>1052905kek, she's drinks all the time, and those meals ain't small or low-carb either.
Wonder how long it'll be until she starts claiming the other muchie favorites like EDS and gastroparesis (caused by her sooper severe anorexia, obvs)
No. 1053003
File: 1602001692359.jpeg (82.77 KB, 361x640, 36FB94E6-DEC7-4162-90A7-F33EA6…)

ah yum a leaf
No. 1053010
File: 1602002750801.png (608.31 KB, 430x737, erm.png)

Only if the only ASMR she ever watched is the one next post…
No. 1053011
>>1053010This video is horrific.
That pasta looks n2fesque
No. 1053024
File: 1602004238874.jpg (706.25 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2020-10-06-18-08-51…)

Just spread it, nourish. She's practically eating plain dry toast, that can't be pleasant at all. What's the use in having a million spreads if you only put a teaspoon on each time.
No. 1053031
>>1053024Miniscule sugar balls on toast. Why?
She's put her holiday top on top of the unwashed fleece blanket.
No. 1053041
>>1053010I don’t know if this is a thing you britfags eat but this looks absolutely repulsive to me and the combo sounds equally disgusting. This is the complete opposite of visual
No. 1053059
File: 1602007004952.jpg (102.99 KB, 1383x666, l.JPG)

Okay, who cowtipped?
No. 1053063
File: 1602007188396.jpeg (448.19 KB, 750x763, 5D5C62C0-284D-429C-9279-EEAB94…)

>>1051596The way n2f frequently puts like 5-10 kidney beans on her plate a lot. She must really slowly go through a tin and keep it open for about a week as she goes through it. I’m guessing she doesn’t cook them, probably because raw kidney beans can make you puke/shit yourself. Wouldn’t put it past her.
No. 1053071
>>10528974-500 for dessert every day does seem just
a tad excessive. I don't eat the stuff myself and may be thrown off as comparing with those I live with who do but they're skinny 6ft males not well…Porg.
No. 1053095
File: 1602009650902.jpg (729.07 KB, 1080x1675, Screenshot_20201006_194057.jpg)

a real carb treat for n2f tonight - uncooked pasta with a sprinkle of tinned spaghetti, AND spaghetti hoops as an added extra. with some tuna around the edge of the plate for decoration ofc. poor mario has passed out at the sight of it.
No. 1053096
>>1053011At 30:39 is she really saying "thingaling"
The whole video made my ears bleed. If i would have to eat with a person who eats like that she would have a smack on a face. Maybe i'm nitpicking but i can't stand people who eat their mouth open.
No. 1053104
>>1053095She placed each of those spaghetti strands by hand, taking care to place them evenly over the fusili.
>>1051596Here the strangest thing is not even that she placed the beans one by one, it's that she painstakingly arranged that 4 grains thin stripe of rice.
By the time it's photo ready, she's thoroughly touched and fondled every grain and bean, sauce crusted on her hands.
No. 1053115
>>1053095Everything's unusual about n2f's choices, but she really must be used to tepid food. Cold lettuce, cold tomatoes, cold tuna with some hot/warm food.
>>1053096That video's a test of endurance. The pasta slurping I can deal with, but when she starts on the salad I feel the equivalent of road rage. It's the worst eating I've ever heard and I like some asmr eating videos. Open mouthed obnoxious eating needs the death penalty.
I wish n2f would do videos. I'd do without anyone else's just for a n2f youtube channel.
No. 1053157
File: 1602013415627.jpg (216.67 KB, 1245x846, bunny.JPG)

Heads up. New bake.
The most presentable yet?
No. 1053166
File: 1602014208996.jpg (475.67 KB, 1500x1000, AD-COMPOSITE-Easter-Protein-Po…)

>>1053162Googled. It was a flavour myprotein released limited edition for Easter. I guess this is to match her hot cross bun biscakes.
No. 1053217
File: 1602019225475.jpg (259.72 KB, 1078x1916, 20201006_162117.jpg)

Hmm, I wonder how she found this
No. 1053221
File: 1602019579297.jpeg (150.64 KB, 1024x1024, 6CDBD1F8-21C4-4F18-88AC-791E3C…)

Wtf is this cowtipping shit?!
Also it’s hilarious how closely Porgie is monitoring lolcow kek
No. 1053222
File: 1602019707184.jpg (60.98 KB, 720x592, Screenshot_2020-10-06-22-28-53…)

The cowtipping instagram is getting their attention. Please don't do this, farmers.
No. 1053225
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No. 1053236
File: 1602020936137.png (290.48 KB, 664x498, cow tipper.png)

>>1053233the account tagged georgia so that's probably why she saw it.
No. 1053273
File: 1602024575080.jpg (395.62 KB, 719x1020, Screenshot_20201006-184839_Chr…)

>>1053221not worth wasting brain space on, she said?
No. 1053279
>>1053217>>1053221>>1053236>>1053257Now this is a sad, but interesting turn of events. The obvious choice for tipper would be Porgie (perhaps as revenge for our ridiculing her nightly 500 calorie ice cream inhalation).
HOWEVER. Do we really thing Georgia is clever enough to tag herself in the cowtip in order to create an alibi for herself when posting it to her own account?
Personally, i doubt it.
No. 1053289
>>1053282The one follower of the cowtipper is from aus.
Even before I saw that I thought it was the work of sausage fingers.
No. 1053294
File: 1602025334712.png (74.09 KB, 689x280, Literally unedited .png)

>>1053273Her tellonym is a goldmine, went through it a while back to gather receipts. Its so painfully obvious which tells she sent to herself.
No. 1053299
>>1053284Yes she is, her page is actually "18+" because she mentions drugs so much.
Shes the only follower of H_ann1995 so I assume she made the page or she DEF lurks here its @badthoughts.bongs.n.bandaids
No. 1053316
>>1052975EDS patients have hypermobility, which is different to flexibility. Flexibility can be trained (see: gynmasts, dancers) but you can't train someone to dislocate their kneecaps.
>>1053041It's quite nice if you like tuna, but it isn't a particularly pleasant image close up.
>>1053225At least she doesn't have a sad saggy caved in butt like spoops do.
No. 1053320
File: 1602026930546.jpeg (461.02 KB, 1125x1468, 533D90D2-317B-4DF3-B617-4B4E31…)

45 mins leave daily when she posted a pic of herself in anti lig clothing just a few days ago? I’d say that’s pretty generous, unless someone’s been lying about their risk all this time
No. 1053331
File: 1602027764786.jpg (582.23 KB, 720x1425, Screenshot_2020-10-07-10-31-15…)

Georgie's daily little bowl of ice cream is regular-sized ceramic dinnerware packed with no less than four generous scoops, of course.
Even the really sweet-toothed fatties I know wouldn't eat that much plain ice cream every day, nor would they bother to teehee about that being a 'little' bowl of it.
No. 1053357
File: 1602030408478.png (3.86 MB, 828x1792, BA4279AE-7708-4444-92BC-AE9C48…)

Oh but guys she’s ignoring us!
No. 1053581
File: 1602059738417.jpeg (702.31 KB, 2048x2048, 6D840699-37C5-4399-861B-D0D87E…)

W/E PORGIE!!! Can’t stand the way this cow tries to frame everything as some super special, brave “challenge”. You want to eat the lasagna. You’ve clearly eaten plenty of lasagna, burgers, ice cream etc. in your life. Stop trying to assuage your guilt over your own inability to lose weight by LARPing a mental illness.
No. 1053585
File: 1602059979327.png (85.36 KB, 690x247, Porgie of the people.png)

>>1053581reminder: she just finnished bitching about how she might lose her rights to benifits. Now she goes out to eat… again. Come on Porgie, stick to one storyline please.
No. 1053611
File: 1602065327155.jpg (443.16 KB, 1074x1969, Screenshot_20201007_110810.jpg)

Don't even know what this page is supposed to be lol. Smorven asked people to report it
No. 1053614
File: 1602065847395.jpeg (301.32 KB, 1280x1280, 25C2EEC2-7118-4779-B9E7-4DB220…)

Not sure if tal.recovers has been mentioned? Not extremely milky but yet another body checking super spoop, also active on mpa. I'd say dasha level for this one
No. 1053619
File: 1602066426033.jpeg (437.04 KB, 1242x1814, 01CE8FF7-6E82-4015-9643-F86764…)

No. 1053636
File: 1602068620739.jpg (497.46 KB, 1080x1913, Screenshot_20201007_120422.jpg)

a real #recoverywin from n2f - three dry rice cakes with a few slices of unpeeled carrot.
No. 1053638
File: 1602068671608.jpg (613.95 KB, 1080x1394, Screenshot_20201007_120553.jpg)

>>1053636saying that, her breakfast was almost normal!
No. 1053654
File: 1602071090985.jpg (770.32 KB, 1080x1630, Screenshot_20201007_124356.jpg)

>>1053640weirder still, it's apparently pickle and melted cheese on toast, dotted with tomatoes and a few stray baked beans. knowing n2f, they probs weren't origiepart of the meal, she probably found them stuck on her plate from days ago, and saw the perfect way to decorate her lunch!
No. 1053667
File: 1602072776067.jpeg (1.14 MB, 828x1677, 4F6CC5DA-FA30-4F40-A4F6-3ADEAC…)

>>1053654Notice the top of the bag is open but she’s ALSO torn into the middle like a savage?
No. 1053669
>>1053619I went to her IG to watch the video, so pathetic. You can hear a support worker or someone is there with her encouraging her (though even they sound fed up), which makes the fact she was filming herself ugly crying and rubbing a biscuit against her lip even more cringe.
45 comments of "omg so proud of you" from well intentioned morons not realising that they're inadvertently feeding into this ridiculous attention-seeking and reassurance-needing behaviour.
No. 1053671
File: 1602073148481.jpg (776.46 KB, 1080x1769, 20201007_132010.jpg)

>>1053655>>1053642Molly is actually tagged in that post kek
No. 1053690
Georgia updates posts at some online radio station's webiste?'s a start, I suppose. Definitely needs to keep giving herself that ice cream ~fuel~ Well done, Georgia (even though I know you won't see this wink, wink).
No. 1053692
File: 1602077930696.jpeg (628.21 KB, 1242x1908, E1BE689F-912C-443E-9925-171868…)

>>1050976She has being mentioned in older posts but we should bring this gem to the light again. She posts 1 meal or snack every day or every 2 days and she talks about how she CoNquEred her fears. She is extremely underweight (I follow her personal as well) and it’s obvious that she compensated for everything she eats. She has being posting her so called recovery challenges since idk when, and she has not gained anything haha.. if you look her captions you will understand. She just eats a snack 150-250 cals max which she can EASILY fit into her daily calorie intake and calls this a victory. Pathetic
No. 1053693
File: 1602078183085.jpeg (463.56 KB, 1242x2014, CE6AE8F2-5167-428E-A5D0-D74ED6…)

Looks like someone spit on it
No. 1053701
File: 1602078585276.jpeg (450.23 KB, 1242x1961, 735826EB-11FC-479F-A075-CFA322…)

No. 1053715
>>1053357Photo equivalent of her sticking her fingers in her ears and saying “LALALA I’m SO BRAVE for CHALLENGING MYSELF to eat double the calories that I need every single day in the form of ice cream and lasagna and garbage when I clearly do NOT need it LALALAAAA!”
Genuinely embarrassed for her. Do her friends and family not cringe when she talks about being some sort of recovery warrior as she scarfs down twice as much as them at every meal while also probably being the biggest one at the table?
No. 1053739
>>1053344Ausfag here, Our public locked psych units (PECC) don’t even let you have your phone or any electronic device.
You’ll notice most Aus cows will go to the emergency dept but transfer to private quickly. They wouldn’t know what hit them if they had to do a few days locked away.
No. 1053767
File: 1602085288793.png (94.83 KB, 239x275, EEK.png)

>>1053745I think it's just her illness. It's not as if she's doing an Aly and posting all those cakes and burgers she claimed to eat out with Ma C while turning more skele. Wanting attention and praise for everything is a bit much, especially if she hasn't progressed, but the food she isn't claiming to be eating ridiculous calorific things and saying recovery's amazing. It's sad she's stuck in it. Can't say anything about her weight or how she looks because you didn't post her.
>>1053760When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was Becky with more weight on her face. Looks a lot like her. Same cry face.
No. 1053768
>>1053546Exactly- just because someone is weird doesn't make them autistic .>>1053582
>>1053460Autism isn't based on iq.
No. 1053800
File: 1602088471888.jpeg (625.7 KB, 1242x1745, AEED6C21-7524-4559-A2EE-C0EE20…)

That’s recovering mary bxtch last year
No. 1053801
File: 1602088523467.jpeg (316.03 KB, 1242x1683, 25DA855B-C409-4B23-BD3C-1D5126…)

And that’s her 2 weeks ago. It’s obvious she has lost even more weight.. eating aaaall her “challenging” food lol
No. 1053831
File: 1602091259759.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, 3175E1A4-7607-49B8-92A8-967565…)

She obviously lurks though, if someone didn't cowtip
No. 1053839
>>1053833i was thinking the same thing, but it might just be the far away blurry mirror pic.
i bet if you saw her face closer she would have those ana forehead/smile wrinkles and stuff
No. 1053845
File: 1602093201346.png (1.71 MB, 1242x1683, shoopsus.png)

I'm not an expert by any means but I feel like it's been doctored in some ways by looking at the mirror/wall reflection. Not saying she isn't emaciated bbbuuuuut it would be really sad if she still felt like she had to. Need a PSfag to confirm tho
No. 1053900
File: 1602100225316.jpeg (510.25 KB, 1242x2063, FE8960E9-B07E-4EF2-AA67-055F79…)

What’s the deal with concoctions for anorexics? Who would eat this for breakfast ew
No. 1053908
File: 1602101307956.png (7.29 MB, 1242x2208, E7CC8497-9AC5-4A68-B170-787C96…)

Is she stoned?
No. 1053911
File: 1602101472906.jpg (68.64 KB, 1154x581, fucking foam fuck.JPG)

>>1053693>>1053877I remember when this spit stuff was a thing. Gordon Ramsey is correct.
Yogurt and cucumber is nice as a riatha , but chop them the fuck up. Is the shit at the side supposed to be a dessert? Is it in a tall cup or a bowl?
>>1053908And stilol nobody cares, except her eyes look like they're staring in different directions.
No. 1053915
File: 1602101819365.jpg (5.1 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

>>1053908 Good God, she looks like Crazy Eyes
No. 1053917
File: 1602101988892.jpeg (1.65 MB, 3490x3490, 3BFAF3C8-718C-4597-9939-BC4F62…)

Why do they have to make their food look this disgusting?
No. 1053918
>>1053917Please please feel free to sage.
That shit does look disgusting though. What the hell are those maggot things right pic on top of the brown stuff?
No. 1053963
>>1053920The pretend OCD thing is cringeworthy, yes- but its nothing compared to back in like ~2010 when girls would do a full on Cassie impersonation.
No. 1053965
File: 1602107874900.jpg (414.09 KB, 719x1349, Screenshot_2020-10-07-22-59-15…)

Molly apologising for asking for artwork.
No. 1053970
File: 1602108190322.jpg (185.53 KB, 720x1235, Screenshot_2020-10-07-23-02-51…)

Don't know if it's milky or not but Sarah just posted this from a very very proana account, plus the post is over a year old so she must have been scrolling through the account to find it in the first place. Weird to post something from "anything_to_be_thin" on your eating disorder recovery page.
No. 1054029
>>1054021She's learned a life lesson here. Not everything's for free.
Now she needs to deal with the over inflated ego she has because 7k followers, riding Elzani's coattails isn't a lot.
No. 1054071
File: 1602123481510.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.48 MB, 1242x2144, 48877397-23B4-4E95-80BD-9216AC…)

sage for bsing but wtf is going on with ghostofmes eye. her appearance is disgusting and she’s deteriorating rapidly
No. 1054135
File: 1602135308171.jpeg (956.94 KB, 1242x1236, 93247B78-87E9-448E-A5F2-4DE97D…)

Ganer posted these with the caption saying they were 22 week progress pics. Sage for fitnessfag but 22 FUCKING WEEKS on a competition training program, almost six months, and she’s made absolutely zero progress. She looks exactly the same as she has for the past two years.
Assuming she’s entering in bikini (because there’s no fucking way she could enter any other category), she’s going to need to gain around 20 pounds in her bulking phase. In six months she’s gained zero. Girls who haven’t been working out for years like she has go from zero to stage ready in 12 weeks.
Not to mention, a large portion of bikini competition is essentially a beauty pageant. Hair, makeup, nails, and overall looks are taken into account and she’s certainly not excelling in those categories. Anorexia destroyed her skin and hair.
I guess I feel a but bad for her, if this really is her dream, but her overall preachy attitude makes it hard to feel that bad.
No. 1054197
File: 1602152204560.png (1.14 MB, 720x1116, Screenshot_20201008-111721~2.p…)

Dry as a menopausal woman's vagina.
No. 1054206
File: 1602154715518.jpeg (881.95 KB, 828x1473, 77E663E7-22A7-4A2B-8B31-D38506…)

>>1054198Bakerchan! This recipe is SO doable! Please indulge us.
No. 1054278
But Molly…she was scared of pudding and cheese but she ate a whole load and is now ok. Recovery is so easy. Why do the others complain?
No. 1054296
File: 1602167727644.jpg (385.97 KB, 1080x1871, Screenshot_20201008_153605.jpg)

Imagine having a friend that flashed their pussy at the camera everytime you took a picture with them
No. 1054312
File: 1602169257947.png (6.52 MB, 1125x2436, ACB69521-EC52-4FA3-84A9-0FF0CE…)

Just going to leave this here…
No. 1054323
File: 1602169820800.gif (76.65 KB, 937x648, spoopy.gif)

Skinny legend!!
No. 1054524
>>1054312and they say black is slimming…
btw, watch your back anon
No. 1054572
File: 1602188439798.jpg (643.48 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20201008_212155.jpg)

spaghetti hoops, rice, peas and a jelly spider. standard n2f.
No. 1054576
File: 1602188705080.jpg (609.41 KB, 1080x1903, Screenshot_20201008_212133.jpg)

mushy brown banana slices topped with a decorative sprinkle of….coco pops. right. what is the deal with her topping all her desserts with a handful of cereal?!
No. 1054608
File: 1602191553157.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x2001, B2811A2B-DE1C-455B-A5A7-DEF716…)

So Sophie has adopted a monkey. I. Is that even legal? I’m kinda at a loss for words. Didn’t she just have a medical emergency with her cat and had to crowdfund for vet bills?
No. 1054632
File: 1602193468513.jpg (482.54 KB, 719x1271, Screenshot_2020-10-08-22-45-28…)

Okay I think she's trolling and it's a toy? Some of her followers think so too, the rest are just upset at her for not releasing it into the wild.
No. 1054744
File: 1602204559319.jpeg (141.58 KB, 714x510, AEA10921-49D4-4E7F-97F9-AEF63E…)

I keep getting this ad in front of all my YouTube videos about this chick giving you a custom macro plan and today it hit me that she’s got the same terrible bun and eyeliner combo as Ganer. Maybe it’s a fitness thing?
No. 1054757
File: 1602205875463.jpeg (649.63 KB, 828x1242, 14E628A9-46DF-45A1-8CC7-D3F649…)

>>1054608>>1054632>>1054637People think it’s real because of this pic. Most likely one of those toys that have flexible limbs which would explain it touching her face in this one. At the same time if you look at pics of these monkeys they hardly look real. Gonna do some more sleuthing but honestly, I wouldn’t put it past her to literally adopt a fucking monkey.
No. 1054833
File: 1602217719432.jpg (54.77 KB, 650x425, Proboscis-Monkey-4.jpg)

>>1054608heres a side profile of a adult proboscis monkey. have never heard of anyone really keeping these as pets as they are endangered and likely very illegal to have as a pet. she's for sure trolling js (just compared the fur between these. that one has very dense fur compared to this0
No. 1054834
File: 1602218244763.jpg (403.22 KB, 669x1000, 465-3191.jpg)

>>1054833(same anon) here's a photo of a juvenile. it is very clearly a doll just because the hands in that photo look so stiff and the skin isnt very close to this. i can't imagine she will stick with this long
No. 1054919
File: 1602235048044.jpeg (880.81 KB, 828x1525, FA4424F0-B8FE-4A12-B71C-591CAD…)

So she knows she’s got a follower base of people in recovery and she thinks it’s all cool to post her low calorie, no fat, excessively protein-laden recipes under the guise of gainz? Nice job doing it your own way dharma, the treatment facility where you spent a whole two days definitely just doesn’t know as much as you do about gaining weight and recovering.
No. 1054934
File: 1602239806096.jpg (363.01 KB, 1080x1909, Screenshot_20201009_113210.jpg)

seriously?! gotta find a way to let all her followers know she's taking phosphate supplements, so she compares it to…a yummy fizzy drink and shares a photo. sidenote: phosphate is disgusting.
No. 1054938
>>1054919Had it been only the soup, I’d agree with you- but explicitly having it with the sarnie makes this a pretty well balanced meal honestly. If maybe a bit tight on the fat.
I much prefer recovery meals like this to the molly/elzani approach of spam-posting about how they haven’t eaten X junkfood for YEARS and how it was sooo scary but tasted DIVINE~~
No. 1054943
File: 1602242352081.jpg (645.41 KB, 1080x1808, Screenshot_20201009_120846.jpg)

I think I've seen this girl mentioned before. She constantly posts her breakfasts as a can of zero cal Monster, says she's purges whenever she eats, or takes pictures of how much of her food she leaves, but has pretty much been the same weight since I've followed her. (I'd say a healthy bmi). She said yesterday she was starting a fast for however long she can keep it up, and her last one was 15 days long (.. yea right).
This post just made me laugh. Had to throw in her apparent tiny bmi numbers, but just like Porgie, she's a massive attention seeker so you know would be posting old body checks like anything - if they actually existed.
Her photos of her holding cans of monster and whatnot are always made sure to included gammy bandages from her last self harm sesh. She wears her sliced up arm like a medal in her body checks. Also mentioned before that she always uses numbing cream before she cuts, which I've genuinely not heard of before and makes me think it's All for show.
No. 1054952
File: 1602243551334.jpeg (92.24 KB, 500x671, 0A247A26-D08B-452C-8771-9F33F2…)

>>1054944Hahaha. Omg I didn’t even catch her last sentence until you drew attention to it. Delightful farmer-cow crossover moment.
No. 1054955
File: 1602244393107.jpg (406.75 KB, 1080x1901, Screenshot_20201009_125415.jpg)

soupy rice! this is a whole other level of n2f food creation!
No. 1054963
File: 1602246197915.jpg (549.24 KB, 1080x1910, Screenshot_20201009_132447.jpg)

what's the deal with mixing EVERYTHING together?!
No. 1054972
>>1054970yeah it is, but it
might be May 2021. in n2f's case, probably not, but those Alpro dessert pots are long-life and tend to have a long best before date.
No. 1054977
File: 1602248296715.png (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 2172x851, 1602244393107.png)

>>1054955You can't convince me those "rice grains" aren't maggots.
No. 1054988
>>1054977OH God, I fucking gagged.
How does she do it? Everytime I think 'nah, it's the most vile thing she posted no way it's going to be grosser than that' and every time it's worse. Why does she do it? How? It's awful but it impossible to look away.
No. 1055009
File: 1602252271300.jpg (173.88 KB, 719x774, Screenshot_2020-10-09-15-05-40…)

>>1054999Is she trying to poison herself? The plot thickens.
No. 1055015
File: 1602253539406.jpeg (488.98 KB, 1242x1722, 5D0D3B04-D686-4440-AE78-1A756C…)

What is this shit
No. 1055016
File: 1602253643173.jpeg (311.07 KB, 1242x702, 9306C0C0-F7E7-48C8-AB35-94FBF6…)

Sage cause it’s a Twitter cow and I’m not sure if she’s milky or been posted already. Which is surprising given she hosts a fairly popular podcast. Her alt account is all pro Ana shit with bonus ballet shit.
No. 1055017
File: 1602253690651.jpeg (556.49 KB, 1242x1715, E8342F59-84B6-400A-B1BC-91343F…)

A series of “how to make your orthorexic meals look like real meals by cutting vegetables and spread it all over the plate”
No. 1055018
File: 1602253725392.jpeg (976.83 KB, 1242x1389, 4F540B7E-E5FD-4230-BF8B-C64B43…)

No. 1055020
File: 1602253845735.jpeg (288.25 KB, 1242x722, BBA54A4A-CDF5-4D95-9250-32BBC6…)

No. 1055023
>>1054977That’s not rice. That is 10000% a spoon full of maggots. Rice is never ribbed, nor do the grains have dark spots on either end. You know, like maggots do.
She’s eating maggots and posting it on Instagram like it’s a delicacy. That is beyond fucked up. Why the fuck haven’t her parents taken her somewhere for treatment???
No. 1055045
File: 1602257809083.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.85 KB, 1600x956, WildRice.JPG)

While it does certainly look like maggots, Google is full of pictures of people sharing basmati and wild rice looking just like this. I know N2F is nasty but I really don't think she's eating bugs folks. Image is rice, but spoilering because it looks just like maggots.
No. 1055055
File: 1602259129800.jpg (319.78 KB, 1080x1749, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-ftxC…)

I looked up what n2f was eating for everyone's sanity. It could be the wild rice looking like maggots. I hope.
No. 1055060
File: 1602259454326.jpg (336.23 KB, 720x725, Screenshot_20201009-110432_Ins…)

>>1054970>>1054972If you squint, the expiration date is 2021. She covered it up with some chocolate in her post. I think she's messing with us.
No. 1055061
>>1055045>>1054963Yeah despite nightmarish food photography that is definitely just wild rice and not maggots, only parboiled rice tends to have smooth even grains and cheaper or wholegrain rice is often wiggly/bumpy. It probably is undercooked though since wild rice needs cooking like 3x as long as the regular kind and I doubt she rinsed/soaked it which would contribute to the gross appearance.
In theory though this is one of the more approaching-normal meals she's made - it's like some kind of depressing struggle version of a risotto? I wonder if she tried cooking the rice in the soup, which could also partly explain the horrendous appearance.
No. 1055063
>>1055060God damn debunker grrr.
But yeah, Alpro that comes in the milk carton type things has a long shelf life and doesn't even have to be stored in the fridge, like ready made custard.
Adding to the anon here though,
>>1055009 reheating rice can cause food posioning, so watch out if you save some after an Indian takeaway. jsyk.
No. 1055064
>>1055061The rice is pre-cooked /microwaveable according to
>>1055055 so makes sense knowing she had a microwave in her room and her cooking skills are minimal.
No. 1055071
File: 1602260592347.png (502.76 KB, 3828x866, rice saftety hands face space.…)

>>1055066Rice is a dodgy territory.
No. 1055073
File: 1602260712661.png (485.45 KB, 1763x851, AGAIN.png)

That was too small and must make sure anons are SAFE WITH RICE
No. 1055096
File: 1602263599561.jpg (196.59 KB, 915x824, 1.JPG)

Less Easter because jelly spider.
No. 1055116
>>1055097i think its a little funny (or sad) she uses common, normal baking terms/instructions but obviously doesnt understand them. "gradually fold in the dry ingredients and mix really well". if youre folding ingredients, youre supposed to do it until just combined and avoid overmixing.
do you think she looks at normal recipes at all for inspiration and has to actually think about switching ingredients to her protein powders and syrups, or she just comes up with this stuff off the top of her head and hope it works?
No. 1055129
File: 1602267297065.jpg (62.62 KB, 469x420, Capture.JPG)

>>1055116I copied some of the instructions and googled, but nothing came up. She really must make these by herself. Not surprising because they're rank.
If she didn't gradually fold her ingredients in, can you imagine the mess! Her room's slattered enough with food!
I think it's sad. She obviously enjoys baking, even if ED driven. It really would be good if she could do a college course eventually. Not a fancy qualification, a basic night class. She goes out of her way to find egg shaped and donut molds, so she really likes playing with food.
>>1055117Not sure if the arrow's pointing at something she was munching on, or if that was indeed a fail that didn't make it to decoration stage.
No. 1055207
File: 1602273108195.jpg (Spoiler Image,148.84 KB, 1568x764, q13.JPG)

Quarantine 13 still e begging. Anyone know what she means by "a new feeding therapy"?
No. 1055227
File: 1602274907574.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, 33AA901E-64BB-49E0-B955-438E10…)

Weren’t we wondering about N2F’s age some time ago btw
No. 1055250
>>1055227That's cute but wow, wouldn't chance it sliding down to the ground.
N2f is cute. I really like her. I'd like to see her make her life more content and recover or at least change her horrendous eating habits.
No. 1055288
File: 1602280165436.jpg (436.28 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2020-10-09-22-48-04…)

Mix mix mix
No. 1055359
File: 1602285239607.png (299.65 KB, 534x515, Screenshot 2020-10-10 at 01.13…)

>>1055313not to clock, but is her hilarious brother wearing a chest binder at ~10.10?
No. 1055372
>>1055368 but thanks anon, now I'm staring at his chest. More interesting than Molly rambling about cereal, at least
No. 1055437
File: 1602292457788.png (194.84 KB, 640x1136, 8D30CCBB-42BD-415F-9E71-352B51…)

No. 1055438
File: 1602292520019.png (370.56 KB, 640x1136, 58008569-D811-4053-9E20-021588…)

They asked a reasonable question and she got offended
No. 1055445
>>1055288Crispy? Wrong adjective? This is up there with the grossest food creation.
Just woke up and interested in the Molly video so going to tackle it.
The chest binder seems to be a beat under his t-shirt. Or a crease. Thanks for his IG account. Farm day has started off good.
No. 1055448
File: 1602293430690.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1242x2307, 80E6DCD9-E028-4ACA-B25E-716311…)

this cow was mentioned earlier but is getting milker by the minuet
No. 1055485
>>1055459But she says she's scared before taking a bite!
Knowing that her brother is an artist makes her asking for free art even worse. I mean, she's clueless but that was way more than normal
No. 1055498
>>1055437And she totally didn’t send that to herself kek. She’s not a SEED patient but sure wants to be one.
>>1055438What insult? Even if she didn’t send that ask to herself, there’s nothing insulting about a simple question. Anything for her to remind people she’s sooooper sick.
No. 1055568
File: 1602309442867.png (9.93 MB, 1242x2208, 2D87B586-5DA5-4945-9469-1C50FD…)

she wore her NEDA necklace to a wedding, jeeeesus christ. the tattoo's bad enough.
No. 1055583
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No. 1055584
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No. 1055587
File: 1602314609456.jpg (1.78 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20201010_082207072.jpg)

So scared about weight restoration? Hmmm
No. 1055618
File: 1602323720557.jpg (241.8 KB, 720x1316, Screenshot_2020-10-10-10-55-56…)

I don't think Jamie is trans, his facebook posts have pictures of him when he was really young (they date back to 2013) and he looks like a boy in all of them. I think his shirt was just wrinkled(derailing)
No. 1055629
File: 1602324626730.png (4.23 MB, 750x1334, E98532C8-5C22-45E9-BF9C-A8EBAB…)

Who the hell dresses like this for a wedding?
No. 1055631
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>>1055618Maybe I did, I just searched for Jamie Jones London and I thought they looked the same oops. I'll search for James Jones maybe
Also I don't know why molly looks like she wants to fuck her brother in this screenshot
No. 1055654
>>1055448I’ve followed for years (i can’t stop, it’s like a disease) and her weight has never, ever changed yet every day she’s fasting or restricting and blatantly lying about how much she eats because if she was being truthful she would be far thinner. It is so depressing tbh, every single day she posts about is the same. Old. Shit. “monster ultra for breakfast, mum made me eat but i purged it, having this
insert low cal item that was clearly not all she ate for tea”, i find her posts more depressing than N2F to be honest.
No. 1055657
>>1055625Georgia did Maudsley according to her old blog lol
>>1055568The huge udders on display, terrible makeup, face and chest acne. She looks like absolute shit. Time to put down the sugar and alcohol
>>1055583>>1055584Can't argue with facts. You won't find any pity here, May. I'm probably the only person who gave your self post a second thought
No. 1055711
File: 1602336395259.png (2.47 MB, 1242x2208, A3683739-98CF-4495-9EB1-43B237…)

For anyone who said that her posts on her recovery account showed that she was trying.. lol. She even admits at her personal that she lost even more weight since discharged.. so her posts at her recovery account are just so pretentious, she even claims that she gained “0.5 fairy points” (cringe, she’s referring to weight) as if 0.5 kg is enough weight for someone so emaciated. Someone tell her that 0.5 kg is also water. Ridiculous
No. 1055712
File: 1602336562000.jpeg (685.04 KB, 1242x1764, F305CD32-F975-4477-A8C1-E80667…)

Ok what the fck ahhahahahaha
No. 1055714
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No. 1055722
>>1055485I wouldn't have thought twice about asking Jamie for art considering he appears in her videos. He's not trans. He's very camp which doesn't mean he's gay, but yeah. His work's good.
>>1055584Aye, the world doesn't care. Everyone's too busy having their own dark times with being locked down/losing employment/not seeing family/etc during a fucking pandemic to give you a second thought even on a proana scumbag thread.
>>1055720She doesn't even have the thing where she sparks an is she on the spectrum debate, like Elzani has. She really is incredibly boring and her bids come across as a showreel for future acting endeavours.
No. 1055756
File: 1602343707575.png (1.47 MB, 1483x645, aspirations.png)

>>1055726She's not bothered how she looks. She only went for the cake.
I hope she found some inspiration for her future wedding. Img is her boards on pinterest.
No. 1055819
File: 1602350537167.jpg (205.83 KB, 1481x766, Capture.JPG)

>>1055805On her FUTURE board it's mostly wedding cakes and skinny brides. Not one fatty in a wedding dress. How fatphobic! Even under BABY it's cakes for a baby shower.
Img is her NUTRITION board. Cakes.
No. 1055866
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No. 1055869
>>1055866Like 100 calories is going to make a difference. She must know that.
Oh, and a four finger bar.
No. 1055877
File: 1602357676480.jpeg (342.41 KB, 1242x1862, 01AE94A9-A22E-4A90-99FF-8248E6…)

yes, you challenge it because it fits your daily calorie intake and restriction
No. 1056032
>>1055978as a male, i can vouch for this.
also, dont discount the fact that you have to be ftm trans to wear a binder.
body issues can happen to anyone, maybe he has delicious man-boobs that he is trying to cover up.
either way, he is cute af and i'd still tap it.
File: 1602376489207.jpg (369.13 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20201011_013448_com…)

that face will haunt my dreams
No. 1056097
File: 1602381687488.jpeg (127.12 KB, 750x973, BD5C000E-670C-4C0A-87A6-239939…)

What kills me about Georgia is she posts in r/BadMUAs. Scrolled through her reddit comments as well and it’s her thinking she can comment on other makeup looks when she herself looks like a pig wearing lipstick
No. 1056100
>>1056097Held back in posting the same because I slag off miss and my skills aren't great. Those posts were my first thought though.
Back to Molly, I notice she's FB friends with Lesley Ann Jones, the journalist and rock biographer. She's not a decent writer and I have a few of her books. She's daughter of a big shot journo. Wonder if they're family? Same well off background and location. I don't suppose this info means much, but an interesting detail if they're related. Esp considering Molly's choice of degree course.
No. 1056104
>>1056100Deleted edit cos more typo spotted
I slag off MUAs and LA Jones IS a decent writer. It's 3am. Soz.
No. 1056269
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Something about the mods reading personal PMs and banning people for what they say in private doesn't sit well with me. It's like an extreme hugbox.
No. 1056310
File: 1602424705106.png (7.15 MB, 1242x2208, 9AB47EF5-ECE9-4AD1-9811-26AF10…)

>>1050976Yes my emaciated girlie because (I searched it) this shit has 65 calories so ofc it won’t affect AT ALL your weight. Stop posting your food like it’s an accomplishment
No. 1056312
File: 1602424813522.png (8.04 MB, 1242x2208, 0C5C784B-7540-4BE4-A202-AFF181…)

she looks so stupefied
No. 1056326
>>1056310I wrote this earlier, but eating an extra 100 calories and expecting asspats for it over and over is ridiculous. You get told how many extra calories you need DAILY to start gaining, and it sure as hell is more than 100. If she actually tried an extra 300 EVEN ONCE, then I'd feel really good for her and say well done, etc. but this is going to go on for months and months until she's hooked up to tubes or dead. She's the most frustrating worrior. Definitely one that's going to die because of her ED.
>>1056303Georgia's addicted to lolcow. She starts to follow anybody new mentioned. The most recent being that Kusmina girl. I suspect she's the one who cowtips. She thinks she's above us, but she's a nasty POS.
No. 1056342
File: 1602427193801.jpeg (795.91 KB, 828x1715, CD55C579-2CE6-4CF1-B29A-2A2A99…)

Are steamed prawns on a dry bagel Considered an actual legitimate sandwich in the UK?
No. 1056349
File: 1602427601154.jpg (26.91 KB, 563x329, preview.jpg)

>>1056342Only for anas I expect. Not a bagel fan (can't be doing with the hole), but googled and this is how normal people do prawn bagels.
That thing is a sad prawn bagel. N2f needs to share her dressings and sauces with her.
No. 1056367
File: 1602428860842.jpg (57.95 KB, 564x1003, fortishit.jpg)

>>1056353You haven't seen her YOU ARE STRONG AND WORTHY board.
No. 1056375
>>1055978>>1056032He does look pretty feminine and the picture of when he was 4 doesnt help sway me either way.
he could just have man boobs hes self conscious about,a male friend of mine wears one because hes overweight and his chest is large and he wants to wear fashionable clothes… but the way he (jamie) dresses also seems like hes trans, its baggy but not very masculine more non gender.
(derailing) No. 1056400
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A cow that has been mentioned previously wrote some kind of shitty poem where she calls recovery the r-word. Not the kind of r-word I think of when I think of her
No. 1056475
File: 1602438691959.jpg (144.6 KB, 910x824, yum.JPG)

New bake with recipe because mmmm.
No. 1056513
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>>105647528.4g of butter. Wild and crazy. Bakerchan take note, you wouldn’t want to fuck the whole thing up by mismeasuring by .01
No. 1056533
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>>1056532She buys them from places that sell expired/near to expiry date food.
No. 1056604
File: 1602450336712.jpeg (277.8 KB, 1242x1939, 2C04F15B-497A-4BCF-B431-35C421…)

I’m sorry the sad af meals you’re eating and presenting them as recovery wins became too much to handle
No. 1056631
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>>1055228i might be a late with this , but she clearly cant handle the slightest critisism well
No. 1056632
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No. 1056646
>>1056644i agree on that,
i have never seen her post a crying selfie or that her life is soooooooo hard.
so probs to that.
No. 1056655
>>1056400coffee.cats.recovery is going in for another one of her asspat admissions….I do not get why these cows are allowed so many planned admissions they do not need.
You can't be that unwell if you can CHOOSE whether to be "sick enough" or not for admission like its a play act. Her caption of "’m considering an admission for my ed and my brain has already gone to ‘when are the nurses handovers so I can engage in xyz ed behaviours’, how much weight should I lose to be ‘acceptable’ for an admission." is disgraceful.
No. 1056667
File: 1602460018207.jpg (60.25 KB, 180x505, Screenshot_2020-10-12-00-47-16…)

Nourish's bedroom floor in her recent post
No. 1056672
>>1056667Her room must be teeming with bugs.
I'm afraid to ask what's wrong with that apple.
No. 1056790
File: 1602474226985.png (321 KB, 500x500, 2F390559-7F2C-4AB8-8886-7B3BB8…)

>>1056097She looks like V-Nasty lol
No. 1056795
>>1056275that's hell of an accurate description… being a pro-ED site, it is kind of amazing the huge number of huge members. there's a handful of regulars that are healthy weight and an even smaller subset of underweight members, but they all kind of hang out in one subforum of the site.
Our very own porky Porgia would fit right now.
No. 1056805
File: 1602478377438.jpeg (384.54 KB, 828x1455, 332F2424-10C5-474C-8F53-21B5FD…)

Pretty sure that’s not what her dietician is worried about…the dietician would probably be thrilled if Porgie stopped stuffing her pie hole for a minute and dropped a little weight. Looks like ole Georgie’s trying to line up another IP admission, too, apparently going wannarexic goth to a wedding wasn’t enough asspats for her.
No. 1056886
File: 1602495773066.jpeg (468.4 KB, 1242x2028, 15B1ACD2-0489-47D2-B9EB-E17F6F…)

actually they WILL kill you because it’s just 70 freaking calories.. 70 cals won’t do sht to your body, 70 cals won’t repair any of the damages your body has gone through all these years lol, so you’ll end up dead anyways
No. 1056911
>>1056886I’m guessing all these times she’s adding “extra” it’s from the same baseline. So, say she usually eats 200 calories and is giving herself asspats for having 270, I doubt that the next day when she gives herself asspats for having an extra 100 she’s eating 370, more likely she’s having 300 and calling it a recovery win. Without consistent increases she’s just spinning her wheels and demanding people praise her for it like she’s some kind of inspuhrashion. Essentially, we’re just watching her kill herself.
>>1056905It would be so easy, too! Her DTEE is probably pretty high given her current weight! I really wish she would pivot her account / life from an ana LARP to being about healthy weight loss and recovery from a pathological need for attention
No. 1056969
File: 1602509991007.gif (8.47 MB, 600x1067, ezgif-3-38edf7c4721a.gif)

Some beautiful, inspiring, amazing dancing from our favorite fxiry
No. 1056970
File: 1602510019097.jpg (374.17 KB, 663x837, Screenshot_2020-10-12-14-41-22…)

Since when does she care what the food looks like?
No. 1056990
>>1056969Gorgeous. That slack jawed stare.
>>1056970Wouldn't anorexia tell her it was too much? Why would it care if it's burnt. It'd think she deserved it burnt.
No. 1056998
>>1056969Just a reminder to when she was thinner.
Still got the derpy face though.
No. 1057272
File: 1602546808091.png (1.01 MB, 1200x1038, eleanor.png)

not sure if milky so forgive me, but this girl on quora posts body checks as if that is a legit answer to people's (mostly teen girls') ED-related questions
No. 1057322
File: 1602554762116.jpeg (154.18 KB, 602x1070, main-qimg-75e1de5eade00be75792…)

>>1057272>>1057308Question was "Does anorexia ruin your metabolism for life?"
Text with photo: "I mean, after 26 years of having it, I don’t think so?"
>that wavy door No. 1057422
File: 1602567662936.jpeg (287.08 KB, 746x1190, 54CFE903-408B-4552-81BB-B16BB2…)

I swear to god all this girl does is post body checks glorifying her eating disorder and complain about going into hospital
No. 1057532
File: 1602586497320.png (4.65 MB, 750x1334, DEF102A1-E04D-4640-9203-134534…)

nourish posting this shitty slop at 7 in the morning? such a yum breakfast… so nourishing….(it’s allegedly raisins, milka and reeses peanut butter slopping all over that stale hot cross bun btw)
No. 1057575
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I'm getting farmer vibes from her
No. 1057577
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No. 1057771
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>>1055712Imagine the smell
No. 1057849
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>>1055712>I washed a part of my body every night with shower jel for first time this year for a week tonight!!ffs she's barely literate
No. 1057857
>>1057855Not using toilet paper's the worst part of her anti hygiene thing for me.
Yeah, Idk how the fuck she managed A levels/uni. HOW?
No. 1057878
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>>105097looks like an old man’s pubic hair.. yum bon appetit
No. 1057895
File: 1602619673216.png (112.56 KB, 266x304, tumblr_mb53m3s6jM1qhb2os.png)

>>10575327am seriously? she gets up early just to get a jump start on the b/p cycle for the day?
No. 1057918
File: 1602620742948.jpg (10.2 KB, 480x360, ok.jpg)

>>1057865The most middle class thing I've heard for a while, "Mum made me a matcha latte". Nescaff not good enough for ya?
No. 1057933
File: 1602622360116.png (79.98 KB, 1698x250, Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 21.54…)

well, elzani's seen it
No. 1057988
>>1057933Senpai noticed her. Molly is walking on clouds!
>>1057932Most of the time.
>>1057976That's the difference between her middle class and Elzani's. E's is more conventional rural-ish walks and bike rides, whereas Molly's is very "Islington". Even her mum dresses like an old art teacher.
No. 1058034
>>1058007I know what you mean. There are times when she's having her little ~meltdowns~ and mum's there for support and words of wisdom and it's like something scripted straight out of Eastenders or whatever.
Being afraid of cereal in her last video then helping herself to another bowl doesn't sit right. You've got
>>1057658 (legit long term disorder), and Elzani legit showed a lot of anxiety in the beginning, but Molly has this ability to polish off plates of what she says are fear foods and then have seconds.
One thing I noticed recently, she's been doing the Elzani thing of saying it's the first time she's had such a thing (eg iced coffee, yeah right).
Something's really off about her. Not saying she hasn't had a bout of disordered eating, but it was so short and dealt with so fast that recovery videos for anyone who's had one for over a couple of years aren't seeing what it's really like (as Elzani does, my god can't believe I'm defending her). Yep, she's a drama queen.
Also wondering how much Molly wants to gain. Obv haven't seen her in her scanties, but she seems an ok/petite weight. She's eating as if she needs to gain A LOT.
No. 1058042
File: 1602629381863.jpg (366.74 KB, 1080x1939, 20201013_174945.jpg)

>>1057933Samefag as
>>1058040, Molly creamed herself on her stories over Elzani's comment
No. 1058049
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>>1058042Doesn't she know Elzani's channel's a well known recovery channel or something?
This pic is from a year ago. She looks no different. Except the hair.
No. 1058370
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What do you think, is this our porgie fighting with tal?
No. 1058371
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No. 1058452
File: 1602673467448.png (890.54 KB, 750x1334, 818551A8-3FF3-4968-9F94-B490E3…)

This HAS to be porgie, dad's insurance and all
No. 1058478
File: 1602678054892.png (186.48 KB, 506x560, Screenshot 2020-10-14 at 14.18…)

>>1058452Ending with an "x" (or several) is a thing i've seen her do before, though i'm not fully convinced its her without better proof. It's a shame she seems to be using a spell checker, otherwise some detective anon could probably identify some of her most common misspellings and ID stuff she's written.
No. 1058500
>>1058490Two? You spoil us! I checked out her latest last night and was disappointed that she used the same ingredients again. Judging by that egg wrapper a few days ago, I'd say she needs to use them up. It's cute how she's obviously inspired to make more gorgeous cakes because Bake Off's on, but she needs a challenge to not use chocolate and pb.
Look forward to your recreations!
As for
>>1058370 that sounds like Georgie. She loves lolcow drama. She loves NFC because they're the only place that'll take her because they need a malpractice suit slapped on them.
No. 1058508
>>1058490I doubt she craves anything in particular other than sugar.
Her concoctions always seem like there's too much stuff piled for it to have a distinct taste. It all looks like it tastes the same.
I'm curious whether your taste test will prove me wrong. Will you find differences in the aroma, or will it all just taste like plain toothache.
No. 1058530
>>1058370What’s this lady’s deal? Just say you like the sympathy and attention you get from being uselessly tubed and go, Porgie.
At your size, you’re not getting tubed and pumped with thousands of extra calories by any reputable doctors. If you’re “malnourished” (aka lacking simple fix shit like vitamin d and potassium like every person who’s diet consists of nothing but grease trap scrapings), get some multivitamins from the pharmacy, learn that vegetables are food and not poison and be on your way. Why pretend to be in a harder spot than you are?
No. 1058586
>>1058236I wondered that too.
I thought elzani was irritating but Molly is even worse.
Elzanis videos are getting fewer and fewer.
Molly will give up soon - they all do.
No. 1058589
File: 1602691446516.png (2.28 MB, 828x1792, 2D363404-EA35-444F-B31D-FF8266…)

Did anyone else go ??????? At this story of Laura’s or is that just me
No. 1058647
Georgia wants attention, and I'm guessing she latched on to eating disorders. She doesn't have to have any bad x ray or blood results that she can't control by shitting herself dehydrated with laxatives or whatever. Mental illness is relatively easy to fake because, as we know, you can't see it. All she had to do was read up a lot about eating disorders and tell a shrink that she fits the criteria in some ways. Same with depression. She says she needs ECT yet I don't know anyone genuinely so fucking depressed they post multiple stories on ig during the time they "need" ECT.
She can't fake physical non fat related problems for attention, so she goes for mental illness.
Remember it was dustbinflowers who outed her? I often wonder what went on before she posted Georgia here, but I don't think any genuine ED people communicate with her. Barely anyone posts comments on the pics she uploads. I honestly think that she's treated as a joke by genuinely ill people. I'm not even being a bitch when I say she gives off vibes as not a nice person to be friends with.
>>1058625KEEP IT REAL! Show us how it actually turns out. We know N2F patches up her wrecks with butters and chocolates. If they taste too funky, don't swallow! Pepto Bismol at hand.
No. 1058682
>>1058675No group sessions! All you get is an hour with a clinical psychologist, one meeting with nutritionist and if you gain weight they let you have a few more sessions after the 22. That's if you're not a massive skele who needed hospitalisation to begin with, like Molly wasn't.
>>1058679Must be different in different regions? Did you have travel miles and miles? It's a shit system. Oh for private health insurance, eh.
No. 1058781
File: 1602704636797.png (970.23 KB, 720x1054, Screenshot_20201014-204300~2.p…)

More fucking chocolate bunny and more fucking Nutella.
No. 1058882
>>1058881shit forgot sage soz
Hope bakerfarmer is okay popping her bakes into her mouth.
No. 1058938
>>1058664with elzani you could atleast see where she was coming from.
molly comes over as someone who had some sort of disordered eating but wanted to come over as a rEaL sPoOp for more pity points and some dick sucking from elzani.
No. 1058980
File: 1602719898970.png (26.26 KB, 718x217, Screenshot_20201015-005508~2.p…)

I'm surprised Molly got into Oxford with a lowly A. I thought you had to have straight A*s.
Spanish, eh.
No. 1059015
>>1059005A level grades. At secondary school we do GCSEs and then, if you want to, you take two years studying for A levels, usually 3.
The grades go from E (lowest) to A
(A star). Depending on where you want to go to uni, you're told which grades you need. For shitty uni's like the one I went to, they'd say, oh you can study here if you get two D's and a C or higher. For Oxford and Cambridge, you need As and As.
No. 1059142
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More shade towards porgie
No. 1059152
File: 1602747272117.png (377.94 KB, 394x691, Screenshot 2020-10-15 at 08.30…)

i don't get why she's still eating so much, she wasn't that spoopy to begin with and she certainly isn't now. it seems unnecessary.
No. 1059161
>>1059152But the biscoff is
so scary. She needs to challenge herself with the whole jar
No. 1059171
>>1059152Should this kind of eating be celebrated though? I'm not ana-chan, I'm not saying people should never ever eat out of the jar but it's not the healthiest habit to get into especially at the frequency molly appears to do it. I get eating a spoonful whilst you're putting it on your toast etc but she goes to the cupboard specifically to eat out of a litre bucket of peanut butter.. doesn't seem normal to me.
Not claiming Molly is going down this route but so many people "recover" from anorexia and go straight into bulimia because once they stop restricting they don't understand how to eat normally and overeat. I think it's a problem that really doesn't get addressed enough because people celebrate the binging/overeating as "recovery wins".
No. 1059175
File: 1602751603671.jpeg (734.09 KB, 750x1102, 74B2E5B3-A093-4A54-87A2-2E731F…)

Oh sweet dirty hands. This is just the worst. How do her hands even get that caked in shit?
No. 1059177
File: 1602751780466.jpeg (348.68 KB, 750x1062, 1F69B84A-0990-42B6-BCD2-45C0C1…)

HER OCTOBER PIES ARE BACK! because the last ones were so memorable of course! some flour and butter mixed and popped in the microwave to make a hard, dry ‘pastry’, stuffed with 3 pieces of raw pasta and unmelted plastic cheese! just like grandma used to make!
No. 1059199
File: 1602754989147.jpg (548.81 KB, 720x1273, Screenshot_2020-10-15-10-44-26…)

Happy breakfast, farmers! Have a great day!
No. 1059201
File: 1602755252472.png (4.47 KB, 246x205, images.png)

>>1059152Elzani DID need to eat a lot when she began her vlogs. Her arms were like spaghetti and she looked half dead. Molly doesn't need to quickly gain by eating crap. She's just skinwalking.
>>1059177Pies! That's what Halloween makes me think of too! Pumpkin pie though, not Asda chicken pies or w/e tf that is.
No. 1059208
File: 1602756507792.jpg (2.48 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20201015_110612195.j…)

>>1059207Forgot to attach pic!
No. 1059210
>>1059208Pic 1 they look like sad dry cakes, but look ok with butter filling! The close up looks like choc sponge pudding with the holes. I'd try one with gallons of coffee so as not to choke on the dryness. What's the problem with her recipe? Why so dry? Weird how she either eats sloppy goop OR dry veg and other foods. Nothing in the middle.
I hope you can take our appreciation and use it to somehow lessen how underwhelming her bakes are. Could be okay mixed with granola to not waste food if anyone makes a large batch.
No. 1059211
File: 1602757237389.jpg (2.5 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20201015_110428153.j…)

Okay, here's where it gets bad. Flapjacks.
I've made flapjacks many many many times so reading this recipe pained me greatly but I stuck to it! So normal flapjacks consist of oats, golden syrup, brown sugar and butter- not alicia's. Hers consist of oats, syrup, butter, egg, agave syrup, honey and milk. Yeah, you read that right. EGG. I already knew it wouldn't work but I didn't know it would be this gross.
So basically it was a very liquidy batter, I baked it and left it to cool for an hour as she suggested but it was still completely liquid so I set it in the fridge overnight and when I came back to check on it it had completely congealed.
The honey and milk mix had gone to the bottom of the flapjacks and turned into a weird lard-like substance which came off onto my fingers when I picked it up and felt like goose fat or something. Shudders. The top wasn't crunchy, they fell apart when I cut them and they look really gross.
She put an entire apple in too and didn't peel it so there were unpleasant pieces of skin inside it that just looked like flesh lol.
Anyway.. taste test. I did it for you guys and I immediately regretted it lol. It tasted like cold sweet milky apple mush, admittedly I'd taken it out of the fridge so the coldness was on me but that taste was NOT my fault. I spat it out, didn't want that in my body. The texture was horrible, the congealed stuff on the bottom was extra cold and slimy and just all round grim.
Not happy.
She could have improved this recipe by ten fold by simply not adding random extra ingredients- I just don't get it! She HAD the right ingredients which would have made really nice chewy flapjacks but instead she made these. Also, she should have peeled the apple and only added half. And increased the amount of oats. Okay, I'll stop nitpicking now.
No. 1059214
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>>1059211Without your description, going by the pics, I would've thought they were flapjacks that were a bit hard, but.. IMG…dear god. It's like Ed Gein skinned someone for this. It sounds like a recipe for things to hang out for the little birds in winter.
She ATE these.
No. 1059221
>>1059209>>1059212haha thank you, i have to channel her, it adds to the authenticity!
>>1059210if i had made a proper buttercream filling rather than just using cookie butter i think they could have turned out quite nice, it's just the sunken top that ruins it. they won't go to waste if that's what you're worried about, i live with teenage brothers who will eat pretty much anything lol.
i think they're so dry because she skimps on ingredients (okay, excuse me whilst my real baker side comes out!!), nutella isn't super to bake with because it's so artificial it gets molten hot QUICK so it bakes super fast and doesn't really leave proper rising time, you can counteract this by adding a small amount of nutella and then using majority cocoa powder and actual chocolate if you really want nutella cupcakes. Also, nutella just doesn't taste as chocolatey as baking chocolate so the flavour isn't as great, you might as well make chocolate cupcakes and then use nutella buttercream, it'd taste a million times better.. but im starting to think flavour isn't a big factor, she just wants a lot of yield so she can bulk out her binges and keep eating.
alsoooo she doesn't use oil which would make them moist (sorry) and fluffy.
TLDR: she needs to follow a real recipe
No. 1059229
>>1059221Chocolate pop tarts always tasted rank to me, so I'm tasting her chocolate thing as that. Yes, it always helps to be moist. It was obvious the filling was holding her egg together. I used to make buns as a key d and they camout shit, so I'd make them into butterfly buns to make it look better. Even at 7 years old my first attempts at baking were better than N2fs. I'm not sure if I should feel bad for her. I don't get her skimping on ingredients when she bulk buys groceries.
Let us know what your brother's think. Any chance they'll eat the skinflapjacks?
No. 1059244
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No. 1059247
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Love that someone asked kek
No. 1059260
>>1059256Yes. I love the horrific details of the texture. They're my favourite posts and a pleasure to read after my soul destroying shop at Asda. I passed the baking section and smiled under my facial covering.
N2fs food is disgusting but anons who provide the updates are the thread's heroes. I hope she goes all out at Halloween. I'm hoping for food colouring.
No. 1059266
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>>1059259Sad that Gracie had the dignity to disappear and Emily sorted herself out whereas Laura…
No. 1059368
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>>1059361I think that pre little bit of weight loss she had a naturally round face.
No. 1059372
>>1059368Sorry if I missed it, but is there proof that Molly was ever underweight? She appears to be a normal weight in every video/pic I’ve seen.
Maybe slightly underweight but it’s hard to tell with her being so young
No. 1059438
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This girl is really into infantilizing herself
No. 1059440
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>>1059438She even cut her hair the way she had it when she was a toddler.
Fucking hell, though, KICKERS. Ugh.
No. 1059444
File: 1602788020576.gif (1.91 MB, 600x1067,

Best ever!
No. 1059459
>>1059457I wonder what will happen when she eventually starts competition prep. If she's planning to lose any of the limited fat she has for conditioning, it will play absolute hell with her mind…
Side-note, fuck any bodybuilding coach accepting an anorexic who has never really had treatment. Knowing that you will at some point probably ask them to diet to lose fat or potentially weight is fucked up.>>1059457
No. 1059462
File: 1602789504860.gif (1.02 MB, 600x600, ganer.gif)

>>1059444She's not going to look so happy when her area gets lockdown level 3. No gym again. Do you think she takes speed?
>>1059437She's a really poor actor when she keeps on pouring cereal or stuffs in a bowl and asks mummy, "Is that too much?" like being anorexic for four months makes you totally forget ~normal~ portion size.
No. 1059472
>>1059467o mate, fack off lol
(tbh I'm not into the lockdowns, but that's another story although for her gym to close then I'd do that whole shit AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN forever to see her pissed off).
No. 1059484
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(from this shit list is this supposed to be sharnie/cube head/skylars_safespace's lw pic??
No. 1059506
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>>1059504>>1059484Might be wrong but I don’t think it is her?
No. 1059513
>>1059464I’m a female bodybuilder and watching her is painful. I started following her more out of pity, but I don’t think she actually knows any bodybuilders (of any gender) in real life. There are a few in her comments that seem to also be there out of pity. She posted the other day about wanting a “training partner” but I don’t think she could handle any actual critique or feedback from someone IRL, and would probably have a breakdown seeing her body compared to theirs. allegedly she’s been in a “gaining phase” for 6 months now and hasn’t gained a pound.
>>1059459Soz for bodybuilder sperg, but her coach is only going to ask her to lose weight once she’s significantly bulked up, and that is never going to happen on her current trajectory. You usually gain a pretty significant amount of fat in the bulking phase, and her body is so fucked that she’s have to gain a LOT to put on enough muscle for competition. A bulking phase usually lasts 6-8 months and most people gain at least 10 pounds. I think eventually her coach will probably just give up because she clearly isn’t following the plan.
No. 1059561
>>1059513Honestly she never even looks like she's having fun, it's sad. She's always talking about giving 110% for every session, each time she uploads her workout clips she's clearly maxing out what she can do…which is fine sometimes but to have to go that deep mentally on every exercise is madness.
It's still the dark place of obsession and hurting her body to control what it looks like.
No. 1059568
>>1059561Bodybuilder anon again and yeah, I’ve never heard anyone talk about their workouts the way she does (and obviously I hang out with/follow a lot of fitness people). She even talks about getting literally sick with nerves before leg day. The pretentious captions she writes are just so strange.
Watching her work out is painful because she’s so weak, her weights are like beginner level, and her body movements are so unnatural.
No. 1059578
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>>1059577Oops sorry forgot pic 1/2
No. 1059580
>>1059577she is obsessed with her ~journey~
should see her reddit…
No. 1059587
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>>1059532Can’t relapse if you’re not in recovery in the first place
No. 1059628
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Asking for asspats or just doesn't know what the fuck she's doing?
No. 1059641
>>1059628I mean in her slight defense writing good ad copy is not something anyone can do, it is a very specific learned/honed skill set. So of course she sucks because she’s not a copywriter! Though knowing her she probably is looking for asspats. But also yes,
>>1059633 if I were her client I would be super posed about that. Her compulsive need to put every single mundane aspect of her life on a public internet profile is a mental illness in itself.
No. 1059680
>>1059142is this girl diabetic? what exactly is wrong with her physical health wise? seems to me like she’s just another “woe is me” diabetic (possibly?) reminds me very much of recovering_starfish (who constantly seeks ass pats for her physical health issues which are just diabetes related) I’m not saying it’s not serious, it v much is. But she never publicly admits to having diabetes and talks about it all as if it’s a result of her debilitating anorexia.
honestly can’t stand these people who use their otherwise unrelated physical health issues to get asspats for how terribly anorexic they are. pisses me off.
No. 1059708
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a_wintergirl_thawing_2 (pains me to type that) keeps posting these weird and terrible dances. can’t work out if it’s body checking or what? soz to armchair but wouldn’t be shocked if she had narcissistic personality disorder, especially when you see how she talks about her friends
No. 1059743
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Putting this on your story? Embarassing…
No. 1059796
File: 1602845155941.jpg (470.32 KB, 719x1254, Screenshot_2020-10-16-11-46-55…)

Is there anything she can't make relate to her ED? Wtf!
No. 1059823
File: 1602852082446.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1242x1859, F302CD7A-F5E8-47E4-852D-09871B…)

>>1050976most orthorexic, boring, tasteless meal I’ve ever seen
No. 1059832
>>1059796lmfao fuck Georgia, that's the most self-centred birthday message I've ever read.
>happy birthday grandma, you're old and decrepit which makes me feel grateful for my own youth! Thanks for giving me your genes! You've not got long left in the world but I'm glad I could be a part of it! She makes it sound like her grandma is dying, from the pic on her insta she looks fine (I mean she's literally 100 years old but other than that)
No. 1059842
>>1059841To add…yeah, she's not about to drop dead. My gran lived to 106 and drank half a bottle of whiskey a day and smoked her tits off. Thanks for the genes!
Doubt Georgia's hot longevity ahead with being fat and tachy and depressy.
No. 1059895
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Looks like others are sick of ganer
No. 1059908
File: 1602863034510.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.34 KB, 591x759, c.JPG)

>>1059903Might not be her because she used a k not a c, but her name's Caitlin Basile. She's the one who brought Georgia to us
>>769683 but became a cow herself.
No. 1059911
File: 1602863061384.jpg (46.29 KB, 1768x177, Capture.JPG)

Grabbed it.
No. 1059995
File: 1602873107043.png (1.52 MB, 1276x816, welcome snackies.png)

>>1059942Lmao. Not actively farming, but she's quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Have you seen the posts where she claims to be arriving at an ed-residential?
Now I don't know what burgerfag residential is like, but this looks chokingly like a hotel lobby to me. And then later on she shows her room which looks to have an old wood single bed? None of it screams private medical facility to me. I think its more likely she’s either faking it or is being but in residential for ~depression~ etc. rather than an ed.
(The lobby) room) No. 1060008
File: 1602874630851.png (1.44 MB, 800x1404, sospoop.png)

>>1059995there are also giant mirrors? no ED facility would have that.
No. 1060013
File: 1602874919981.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1242x1860, 9FF6E70A-1B63-4C02-88F5-99C2B9…)

>>1050976Wow such a warrior. She increased her meal plan again by 100 calories.. seems like she has increased her meal plan by 100 calories more than 10 times which leads us to 1000 calories more.. yeah sure
No. 1060040
File: 1602877885130.jpg (468.57 KB, 1080x1729, 20201016_145122.jpg)

No trouble hitting her carbs with all of this low cal food
No. 1060065
>>1059926pancake is ridic. i was warned for posting the dsm criteria for anorexia
in an anorexia thread because apparently it “offended” & “invalidated” a load of users who felt called out for…not fitting it. the admin’s a wrong’un and her orbiters are just as bad.
>>1060008hahaha no.
No. 1060067
>>1060065screenshots of the best responses to you posting the dsm criteria please pretty please~
in return you can have this little gem No. 1060082
File: 1602882313065.jpg (518.02 KB, 720x1269, Screenshot_2020-10-16-17-35-22…)

No. 1060135
>>1060122Great lets have a quick rundown of what we know so far: We’re lucky she has such a unique name and clearly states that she’s 24- this means that there is only one person in the US with the same name and age. ie. it narrows our search down to Massachusetts.
She’s from Marion in Plymouth country, so maybe lets start there and work outwards. From the tiktok it looks as if she’s on a highway, but i doubt they left the state.
No. 1060149
File: 1602889888635.png (14.6 KB, 205x289, logo?.png)

>>1060142That's fine. I spotted this on the lobby door, hoping its some kind of logo.
No. 1060155
File: 1602891102520.jpeg (500.35 KB, 750x1128, 0E13F4B2-1A80-400F-BBDC-C824A2…)

>>1060149I think it’s a caution automatic door sign
No. 1060163
File: 1602892117949.jpg (340.95 KB, 1424x1440, 104120515_2719691254979761_753…)

I couldn't find anything with "ugly reception carpet" search. I found her facebook though, if it hasn't been posted already. Found other details about her - address (won't doxx), she's of Romanian descent, blah blah. No. 1060165
>>1060163Her dull twitter She's mostly sperging about Grey's Anatomy.
No. 1060183
File: 1602895928758.png (724.16 KB, 1198x580, RECOVERY.png)

At least porgie and some of the other more.. rubenesque anas tries to make themselves look cute and dainty
>>1060166 Her instagram is truly frightening. I don't understand why anyone would post pictures like this lol
No. 1060208
>>1060135somehow surprised to find out this cow is near me. now im especially curious. joining the hunt to find whether its a hotel or not.
excuse me if this is too bloggy but there arent that many ed specific treatment centers here afaik and pretty much all of them are in or right near boston. it cant take too long to go through photos of them. as far as i know, none of them look anything like what she's posted. ive never even seen a typical general mental health residential hospital look like that.
No. 1060265
File: 1602906327029.jpg (546.14 KB, 1080x1895, 20201017_134550.jpg)

Those who fake together stay together. Just need Shay and we have the whole new farm gang. All those liquid cals kek
No. 1060278
>>1059247Let me finish that for you Laura -
> "because I want to … have attention on me at all times">>1059387So trebles are to choirs what flautists are to orchestra/bandfags?
>>1059467Yeah, fuck people being able to vist their relatives, go to work, attend routine hospital appointments, have surgery, buy anything… as long as she can go to the gym!
>>1059698"unusual anatomy" gives me eerie Jaquie vibes, she was fond of saying that about herself
No. 1060281
>>1059908ah, i miss dusty. as the anon who normally would bring her related milk expect when she brings her lil olde heifer self here, her socials always get deleted as she still tries to use tumblr.
>>1060265gorgie really taking up that chair man
No. 1060373
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>>1060354She is going to force herself to have a poop bag because she wants attention.
No. 1060415
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It's going down for real
No. 1060416
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No. 1060418
File: 1602934513537.png (833.95 KB, 750x1334, C2B71433-A74D-4CF8-8A7D-EE60AA…)

She is actually very reasonable
No. 1060419
>>1060415So basically georgia and lee got together last night (as per the screenshotted chat and lees pic of her and Georgia together last night) and just gossiped about lolcow and their eating disorders??? Thats sad AF.
Tal seems more grounded and logical then anyone discussed here
No. 1060428
>>1060418In this instance I agree with you, but if you look at the bigger picture of Tal she’s simply insufferable. Yes, she has legit medical issues and an ED BUT she wastes her entire life on social media and is absolutely full of herself. If you look at her tell, she basically attacks anyone who isn’t brown nosing her. Totally self-absorbed, rude and childish. Sure also loves very regular skelly body checks…oh sorry, OOTDs of course. She’s a moron.
Sorry for blogpost, I just can’t stand that bitch and the fact she’s making people think she’s somehow reasonable.
No. 1060454
>>1060418based & fatpilled
>>1060441she's probably sick of georgias anorexia LARPing as much as we are. imagine if that cow approached you on social media and claimed to be
suffering with ED same as you & your 2 main choices are to either not respond or indulge her. is tal the sickest ana ever? no. could georgia ever relate? lmao also no
No. 1060461
File: 1602943523664.jpeg (754.23 KB, 828x1474, 1EB1247A-2627-43AF-AB71-DBD6C0…)

That sweet, self congratulatory caption though. A whole, exact, 200 calories more than last week? She’ll start reaping all the recovery benefits in no time I’m sure.
No. 1060471
>>1060265Wow. I honestly didn't think georgia was this big. If she wasn't an awful person I'd really be a bit concerned. She's high end obese. This candids a bit of a shock tbh.
>>1060464I didn't mention it at the time, but her A levels really don't say English/lit degree. Even at a toss uni, I needed specific subjects. Spanish? Unless she has to read Lorca in his native language, it seems an irrelevant degree. Really think the family connections with writers have her the place at Oxford.
No. 1060476
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>>1060470She has two nose hose pics from August.
No. 1060478
>>1060471Other anon was taking about Mary.
>>1060476And neither of them appear to be taken at a hospital, right? Doesn’t she seem like the type of person would would show off her hospital bed and wrist band. Seems very suspicious.
No. 1060482
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>>1060478Oops, apologies. Still stands for Molly though but yeah I would've thought Mary would need English.
The only thing pointing to a clinical environment in Misha's pics is a crappy A4 on the wall about a "sensory room" which could've been printed out herself. Deffo a paraphernalia wrist band type.
No. 1060504
File: 1602950310424.png (807.31 KB, 707x1044, Screenshot_20201017-165800~2.p…)

Shortbread ist FUN cakes donuts.
The cracks and dry texture doesn't look good.
No. 1060566
>>1060524That's what makes them so fun!
>>1060530Bloating is Molly's recent obsession. Not surprised she gets bloated eating so much crap. Anyone would. She doesn't even need so much. Two bowls of cereal, well who doesn't sometimes, but her diets not very digestive system friendly. Her mother annoys me as much as Mumzani
No. 1060569
>>1060543She said scary/scared 15 times in a 20 minute video. I've never watched a full video of hers before so I don't know if that's less than normal. Not sure if I have the stomach for the others.
Also kek at her mom saying "it's because you have anorexia!" and preparing her a "biscuit plate."
No. 1060589
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>>1060569And yes, it's normal.
No. 1060593
File: 1602959849481.png (127 KB, 692x606, Screenshot_20201017-193556~2.p…)

First time ever SINCE RECOVERY.
Didn't bake during her time at Oxford? How awful. How ghastly.
Fuck you, Molly. N2f is a more inspirational baker.
No. 1060603
>>1060470i like this theory
>>1060494mind saying which one? if you've been there could you deny/confirm that the lobby from
>>1059995 is in the same place? do you recognize this lobby? cheers.
No. 1060608
>>1060569disregarding her claims that she was restricting for
years (because honestly no fucking way you cunt), she was anorexic for like what, 4 months? And she says here that she did a hellll of a lot of vicarious cooking/baking before developing a fear of it and presumably stopping. It couldn't have been more than a month or 2 that she went without baking yet she says here it's her first time in foreverrrr!!
She acts like she's been sick for years when she wasn't. If she's so committed to documenting her ~recovery~ honestly and authentically she needs to drop this fucking act, anas on the internet are so fucking obsessive and nitpicky, no one's fooled by it.
No. 1060611
>>1060608meant to reply to
>>1060593 sorry
No. 1060644
>>1059908Dusty didn't bring Georgia to us. Porgie was mentioned before (in 2018, 767806, thread 22) dusty was on the scene (798202, thread 24). Dusty just deflected her own self to porgie when attention was placed on herself.
Dusty update: she's ordered diet pills off the internet and is sending emails to her psychiatrist about how shit they are
No. 1060652
>>1060606Becky the dog's mother's definitely the most batshit. Possibly the most enabling. I'll think on it.
>>1060608It's kind of like a student descending into full blown alcoholism for a few months, getting parents to pay for rehab and suddenly being sober. Except in that scenario, as with EDs, there's too much going on to have such a miraculous cure in a short space of time.
>>1060620She said she couldn't make friends at Oxford, so yeah, ran back to mummy.
>>1060644She was in the same psych unit as was in GIrl, Interrupted. Oh, you heard that one. Zzzzz.
No. 1060664
>>1060567You got it, anon! I'll see what I can do on monday.
Also I forgot to update everyone on my family's reactions to the bakes! The cupcakes were eaten without complaint but no one would eat the flapjacks. One brother laughed at me when I served him one and the other just looked disturbed and politely said no thanks. They ended up in the bin.
No. 1060666
File: 1602965458019.jpg (51.86 KB, 633x770, Capture.JPG)

What we see here weighs more than Lich Queen AND Dasha together.
No. 1060720
File: 1602970518371.jpeg (Spoiler Image,510.51 KB, 1125x2127, 31A573BE-0DCC-45D6-81F7-8F57A6…)

Beyond pathetic and fake and completely pro.
No. 1060732
File: 1602972452936.jpg (88.92 KB, 1080x911, Screenshot_20201018_080858.jpg)

>>1060721Far be it for me to call self post but at least fucking try to make it less obvious.
No. 1060759
>>1060588In the eat-like-Jamie video, she said scared 11 times, scary 9 times, scarier 2 times, and excited at least 8.
That was the second video I watched all the way through and goddamn is she dull and obnoxious.
No. 1060893
File: 1602998053966.jpeg (89.47 KB, 828x1472, DFBC2588-8BD3-4B76-82A9-FAB506…)

Georgia is nursing her wounds from being exposed as a primeslab gold medal heifer with Buffy aww
No. 1060983
File: 1603016477063.jpg (563.89 KB, 719x1260, Screenshot_2020-10-18-11-22-24…)

A mug cake that isn't in a mug.. and has a whole candy bar sticking out of it.
No. 1060984
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No. 1060987
File: 1603016609463.jpg (66.2 KB, 343x400, Screenshot_2020-10-18-11-24-18…)

She's quite a lot bigger than I thought, like she's beyond overweight now she's in the realms of obese which is concerning.
No. 1060991
>>1060984only thing she is 'achieving' is popping out of her own skin
she should say "no thanks" to more things…. food. for example
No. 1060993
>>1060732idk why she would self post though since it would draw attention to the very obvious fakery (her "lw" would give her a bmi of less than 6, and those are clearly just old pics of Kennedy)
>>1060987I think porge is literally morbidly obese, and hasn't even seen overweight in a long time
No. 1061007
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A whole fuckin egg inside a sandwich, not even cut up or anything. God, I love n2f.
No. 1061038
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>>1060987Don't worry, she started following a nutritionist.
No. 1061047
>>1061007This egg looks somehow very old and crusty… I’m starting to believe the tinfoil that she recycles her food but it seems kinda insane to go to such lengths when boiling an egg takes 15min.
The sauce looks like it’s covering up some weird crusty skin.
No. 1061098
>>1061007Eugh, that egg. Everything is always so sickeningly dirty with her. The food, her hands, her clothes, her room… omg, her room, it must be infested with insects and mold by now. If she doesn't die from her eating disorder or food poisoning, she'll die from an infection or disease brought on by living in filth.
As much as I am fascinated by her wild concoctions, I feel sorry for her for living in such unhygienic conditions. No human or animal will neglect themselves to this point unless they're really at their lowest with no-one around to help.
No. 1061122
>>1058809sage for being so late. but i know in donut shops sometimes they are called cake (batter) donuts, because theyre more dense vs fluffy inside.
>>1059171Yep, two friends who were vocal about how they recovered from their ED; especially anorexia they ended up overweight and then morbidly obese. Neither of them were taught how to portion control or count calories correctly for TDEE. (Neither were ones who calorie counted originally; they would just refuse to eat or got off on fake eating, so im not sure that it would be
triggering after recovery). One of them tried to lose weight again but she was so full of fat logic/really uneducated about nutriton. "i eat a pizza once and gain 5kg" and "i only eat multigrain bread and cereals because white bread makes you fat" but the bread she was buying and eating for lunch everday was denser and 1.5x the calories. buying vegan dishes when eating out when the basic chicken dishes were half the calories because "meat makes you fat"
Another friend who was into lifting and had anorexia; eventually was taught you need calories and protein/macros to build muscle and look good so she actually recovered and has a healthy relationship with food and doesnt completely sperg about her calories/macros.
No. 1061267
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>>1060504She posted a review of her own creation, complete with close ups of that bizarre texture.
No. 1061273
>>1061267Looks fucking chewy.
No false modesty, she gives herself a 10/10. This thing looks like it'd dislodge a crown.
No. 1061278
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So much to unpack here
No. 1061341
>>1060987And this bitch is on fortisip? She needs to switch to slim fast ASAP JFC is that edema or pure fatass cankle?
Genuinely shocked, she needs help. Like proper not NFC help.
No. 1061363
>>1059176i still follow her, not much milk,
she mostly posts about basketball and what new outfits she wears that day.
and still spoopy as ever
No. 1061364
>>1059307she has/had, it was mentioned way back in the earlier threads,
all she posted where spoopy vids.
but the anon never posted the link or anything
No. 1061368
The thing that tells me n2f doesn't actually eat/keep down that crap is lack of cellulite. I don't care how much she walks around her room wearing her resistance bands, if she's shoving cakes and sugar into her system, she'd have cellulite.
>>1061364I've been curious about this for a while. There's a ss of a spoop/recovery video she apparently uploaded, but I can't find it. The only account of hers I know of is the Lissy Eats where she's stirring some food together in a bowl.
No. 1061371
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>>1061368I got curious and looked for it
>>709174 No. 1061426
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More face picking and whining about the physical problems she caused herself. That’s if she even has GI problems and isn’t just lying again. Even if she does, she made herself sick by choice and is a massive attention whore.
No. 1061446
>>1061382I imagine some hands on poling also.
>>1061427Al-is-ia. It's kinda how US say AnastAAAAHsia and we say Anastasia.
>>1061428Old thread, maybe original poster moved away. I attempted a yt search of MY ANOREXIA STORY but there are BILLIONS. Probs she deleted it anyhow when it was posted here. Her personal IG went private.
No. 1061507
>>1061501Could be used on a pr0n set and nobody would tell the difference.
Why does she walk around wearing only her knickers? Does she do life normally in any way at all?
No. 1061511
>>1061426sage for mild blogpost but every former self harmer i've met regrets their scars and spends a ton of time and money post emo phase trying to get rid of them. literally i don't understand how the cows who SH on their
faces don't have some idea that they're going to regret this shit in a few years. like is it really worth the attention, bc you cannot say this shit is not mainly for attention even tho yeah SH is part of a mental illness etc etc
No. 1061523
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Don't know wtf is going on with Maria and Katie
No. 1061548
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anyone else ever see a n2f post/story and just simply say to themselves ‘what the fuck’? Or is it just me?
What does she mean? Only kinda egg we’ll see her eat? What?
No. 1061570
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Took some digging but found it No. 1061576
>>1061570Thank you, you rock.
Anyway, she does look much better than she used to weight-wise.
Those videos of her stirring diarrhea-like slop are much more disgusting than seeing just pictures.
No. 1061580
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>>1061548also this like immediately after I posted the first one. Is she just trying to fuck with us at this point???
No. 1061603
>>1061580Toast, or hot floppy bread that’s been microwaved?
It looks like it’s barely seen a toaster!!
No. 1061625
>>1061523I don't follow any of them, but from what I understand from this post/comments, it looks like her sister tried to post her on her account to bitch about her. It wouldn't even surprise me given the history of competing between each other.
I am very interested in this milk, please anon bring more if there is!
No. 1061629
>>1061625I don't reckon she was calling her sister that. They both always put comments like that on her own selfies, so Maria was probably logged in on one of their phones, and Katy uploaded it think it was her.
Their posts are almost always incomprehensible though tbf, seeing as though their brains are literally running off Costa coffee and ridiculous amounts of sweetener.
No. 1061650
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>>1061570Wow, you're a star! Those food videos belonging on the deepweb. Saw this comment on her best porridge toppings of 2018 one.
No. 1061687
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>>1061570If she’s a control freak or perfectionist I have to wonder why she doesn’t keep a neat room or take more aesthetically pleasing photos
No. 1061701
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>>1061690genera of vida sounds better. I'm going to start using it to sound intellectual.
She was always cold. Would've helped if she wore clothes.
No. 1061919
>>1061851I might be nervous also if I knew what leg day was.
Lockdown gyms plz plz plz
No. 1061924
>>1061911I saw her initial stories when she was showing pictures of the balding area and her crying and "have at it trolls!" Was she sperging in her stories about it not being ED related?
Also the "Oh sweet sweet sweet child I am anxiety" shut the fuck up.
No. 1061949
>>1061936According to the Daily Mail article, Maria worked at a care home for six months.
Also in the article:
Apparently when the twins were 11 their dad said "they're getting hips", to which Katy screamed "I'm never going to start my periods" and they decided to stop eating.
Their mother also had AN as a teen
No. 1061955
>>1061949Correct me if I'm wrong but it's there not a documentary about the two of them?
Also Jesus Chriiiist their dad must regret that comment so bad.
No. 1062002
>>1061995I think the other anon
>>1061446 was saying it’s pronounced ah-lis-see-ah so that’s where lissy comes from?
No. 1062020
>>1062002Yeah, it's Alice-ia in UK. I know an Alicia in US who calls herself Leecy. So I guess she says Aleesia.
No. 1062040
>>1061932Watched it - she takes too much for granted- family, a house, food on the table.
All she does is cook and eat.
Way too preachy and isn't life great.
No. 1062057
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Ganer drinks 5 LITRES of water every day… that's mad, she's tiny.
No. 1062085
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have any of you heard of the subreddit /r/Volumeeating/?
it looks totally normal at first and one of the rules of the sub specifically mentions not offering "ED related advise".
but the more i dug and looked into it, it's just people posting their low calorie meals and bragging about how low they can get them. there's everything from calorie reduced recipes, to product recommendations, and even weird baking recipes that would be at home in n2f's kitchen.
it all seems weird because they have this anti-ED front but then there's this weird obsession with making giant plates of food for as few of calories as possible. thoughts?
No. 1062161
>>1060720Fat puss
>>1060983Jizz cake
>>1061007More jizz
>>1061368You have to have body fat to have cellulite
No. 1062183
>>1061932If this is a self post, that's sad. That video was the biggest compilation of dumb inspirational phrases that you can find in human history. It's seriously like listening to someone read at loud phrases from those bed pillows that come with phrases stiched on them. Of course life's great when you are a perpetual teen and everyone around facilitates the insanity your existence is.
10/10 retarded.
No. 1062213
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I wasn’t sure what I was doing when I made this but I was guided by the stickers available in my app
No. 1062229
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is she taking the piss? it’s simple math. and by her trajectory she’ll never reach her “goal weight” because her weight hasn’t changed in years, despite her claims of fasting and only consuming monster ultra. lord, give me strength