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No. 984336
Pour your heart out, ladies.
Previous vents:
>>>/ot/977666 No. 984424
A few folks got promotions today and that reminded me that I'm not sure in this current position I'm doing would even give me any opportunities for growth. And now they released promos, it feels too late for me to bring that up without them being like "Oh she just wants a promo". Honestly a little annoyed. This one girl that got promoted with me to the same position in June got promoted AGAIN in December. Granted, she deserved it.
At the same time, it's like an internal conflict. I really DO slack off and miss things, late to meetings, fail to turn my camera on and present myself properly to clients, social network etc etc. Just because I "work hard" doesn't mean I'm showing my best effort. But to be honest it's really hard to show my best when I'm doing borderline clerical work. "Can you put together this powerpoint?" "Can you take notes?" etc etc. Like, if I had a more meaningful job, I'd understand doing those little tasks along the way. But this genuinely feels like I'm doing absolutely nothing. There's no challenge. I mean when I was writing automation scripts I at least felt like what I was doing was worth something. But I messed THAT up too somehow because I really felt disrespected by the guy that was doing the stuff. I didn't like him, he was rude and I absolutely hated how he talked to me and treated me so I didn't really feel like doing anything with him/for him or even communicating with him for that matter. So now I'm not even involved in the project that I was the frontrunner for. I'm split between teams and I feel like even if I weren't there, they'd be better off. It's frustrating.
I know I can be an excellent worker, but the current shit I'm doing is bullshit to me. And the clients are all assholes and finnicky.
No. 984438
>>984424If it makes you feel any better then most promotions are handed out based on how good of a relationship you have with the managers more than how hard you work. At my previous place of work the colleagues I saw getting promoted were doing the bare minimum but they rubbed shoulders with the right people while the hardworking ones had to prove their worth for ages before getting a raise.
I understand your frustration with not feeling like you're doing things that are worth anything though. In all honesty I suggest just getting a new job that motivates you enough to do your best and develop even better. It eats you up inside and makes you bitter and cynical to watch others be fulfilled by something you're struggling with. Do it now before you find yourself being stuck in the same position for the 8th year in a row.
No. 984442
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>>984438Wow. Thank you so much
nonny. This is legit excellent advice and I didn't expect anyone to even reply. I think you're right. My next priority is to get some certifications so my resume is bulked out. Ty again.
No. 984443
>>984442Any time
nonny, glad you found it helpful. Having been in a very similar situation I just hunted for a new job and found my passion for my work again.
No. 984521
>>984506Anon, I've been 250+ for most of my adult life. I used to have that exact mindset. You don't need to wait, the more you put pressure on yourself to lose weight, the more stressed you get, the more you stress eat. I totally get it (having gained about 80 pounds since graduating college) because I wanted to "lose weight" before doing so many things! But I did go clubbing, I did find love, I did so many things that I was "afraid" to do because of my weight. That's bullshit! You can do it now.
You cannot limit your life because of how you look. I understand that that can be a
toxic mindset in the HAES community and you think "Well if I do XYZ NOW I'll never have motivation to lose weight!" That's not true. You need to find the motivation to lose weight after you fix your relationship with food and then, you can decide for yourself when you're ready. Being insecure, alone, stuck inside all day or not doing the things you want will cause that hunger to grow. Believe me, I know.
No. 984532
>>984506Hey anon, seconding what
>>984521 said, don't wait to be "normal" to start living your life.
I can tell you right now that folks of every size can find dates, go out in public, and buy flattering clothes. What's holding you back is solely the insecurity and low opinion you have of yourself.
No. 984551
>>984541I started out by working on my social anxiety first. Joined a bunch of ONLINE D&D groups and roleplaying groups. This will at least give you the opportunity to share a common interest/hobby with a group of people and then you develop little inside jokes, and then you have a group of people you're laughing and joking with. Yes some of them can be annoying moids but I joined a session with 3 out of 5 of us being female. It was super fun and I actually met my spouse this way when one of the players brought her brother in for a session since we lost a player.
As for getting out and not being insecure… there are still days when I feel that way. Really you have to start with doing things for yourself. Going to see movies by yourself, going to restaurants by yourself. You may feel that it looks bad yourself, but it really doesn't! After a while of being independent, I started to find groups of people (using that had the same hobbies as me. Groups that did weekly restaurant things or had weekend movie nights. Yes some of the groups are kinda ass as well, just don't return to those events.
I'll be quite honest with you. I recently started taking medication like a month ago for depression and must say that I'm definitely more eager to leave the house and be more adventurous! I recently had to go to a work event and was actually pretty social. The med I take is bupropion.
No. 984567
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>>981208Every time I feel like he's not interested he suddenly calls me and we chat for almost an hour at work about non-work related stuff and it gives me hope. It's killing me that I don't know his intentions. I can't fucking stop thinking about him. I want him to think about me as much as I do, I want to know what he smells like, I want to kiss him, I want to suck his dick. I'm in fucking agony when we don't have a chat. His voice. Fucking kill me I cannot stand this
No. 984584
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No. 984633
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get so annoyed by people in roleplay spaces complaining about ~mlm~ relationships.
they try to dress it up by claiming people who enjoy writing gayshit above all else are ACKSHUALLY misogynistic for not wanting to write straight romances (nevermind that these are spaces primarily populated by women!), or ~fetishizing mlm~, but i know the truth. you are bitter and mad that your girls aren't getting attention. you don't care about ""protecting gay men from the evil fujoshi >:(."" you insist that women characters in rp spaces need more love, but make no effort to plot or thread with other female characters outside of "girl talk xD" threads where you simp for some random moid's oc. so annoying lmao.
just make a female character that's interesting. have you considered people aren't approaching you for rp NOT because they hate women, but because you're writing a shitty character?
like i'm not entirely sure how to put this into words, but when you, as a woman, write a female character that's like…built off of tropes that would appeal to moids (pixie dream girls, doe-eyed damsels in distress – straight up sluts and whores) what makes you think other women are going to wanna write with you?
phew feels good to get all this out
No. 984635
>>984525thank you. i wish i could believe this fully but unfortunately my life was better when i was underweight kek i got treated better by people and i felt overall more like a respected woman if that makes sense. you get treated like shit by people, men especially when you're an overweight woman. but i brought it on myself so it's not like i can complain when it's an entirely avoidable issue.
i hope i don't sound like i'm invalidating your feelings though, i know insecurities cause these issues at any weights. i guess we all also wish to be what we're not at times.
No. 984644
>>984626>>984634>>984642Yep. My birth dad was
abusive, possessive and a stalker. My step dad was a liar and a fucking cheater.
No. 984653
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>>984642You’re completely right. It’s heartbreaking to realize how even the close relative males in our lives dehumanize us and treat us like objects to project their anger/frustration onto
It reminds of this quote I saw once on tumblr
No. 984659
>>984633I know it's such an age-old meme to call homophobia on them but honestly that's what it is for most of the time no matter how they attempt to wokeify it for their defense. If it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck.
>you are bitter and mad that your girls aren't getting attention. kek years ago I used to be in an rp group with a manic pixie girl like this and she was so fucking salty that everyone was just making gay ships with attractive male characters and ignoring her tropey dream waifus. She thankfully didn't do the full muh internalized misogyny/fetishizing ~mlm~ spiel but she did make sneery remarks about it.
No. 984688
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Of course my old friend who drank the theymie kool-aid cosplayed that fake troon from project sekai, muh dysphoria but I feel totally myself when I present myself as female without being one uwu f-off you're just taking the easy path I hate bïtches like that.
Uninteresting petty rant yaddy yadda.
No. 984714
I think I want to end my almost 6 year relationship. I should have done it the first couple years when we were nonstop fighting. Managed to work through it but I don't know if I want to do this with him everyday despite caring very deeply for him I'm not sure if I love him like I use to. I appreciate him being able to give me a home with space to do everything I want and more, he fixes my vehicles and has helped me greatly with learning to live outside of parent's home among other things. But I can't deal with how he is and I know full well he'll never change. He's not there for me emotionally like I need, he is always in his own head, has to do things his way every time, he doesn't flirt or make me feel wanted, and sex isn't exactly interesting anymore when we do have it maybe once a month. He's like the only person I have in my life but I don't even feel loved by him and he never tells me he does unless I pick at him about never saying it which I don't feel is genuine. On top of that he never takes care of the house unless I get pissed off about it, he doesn't pay attention at all to the daily needs of the animals or chores, he doesn't pay for groceries or whenever we go out to eat, he's use to me buying things for "us" because he's in debt or just doesn't wanna spend the money.
I'm just so fucking tired of coming home after working 10 hours and having to spend my weekend cleaning the house, the dishes, the wash, taking care of the animals needs, while he fucks off on his phone obessing over whatever his current fixation is for some stupid projects he'll do half of then quit like he always does. People I work with spend more time talking to me and being interested in what I have to say meanwhile he barley pays attention when I speak. I was barley 20 years old when I met him, just finished dating an emotionally abusive pos, barley any life experience but wanted to not live at home. I don't know. It's extremely scary to change my whole life and no longer have the only person I'm close to but I can't spend the rest of my life daydreaming about what my life could have been if I wasn't with him.
No. 984728
>>984697>as if male characters aren't all the fucking time, but you're attracted to them so you don't find it cheesyyou're semi-right. male characters can be trope-y and one-dimensional too, and i know this intimately as someone who's written shitty-flat dudes before.
however, if these dudes didn't get attention, i
did not cry over it. i didn't insist other people were "homophobic" or "misandrist" (idk) for not wanting to write with them, whereas you see it all the time from people who primarily write women.
i also want to say that male tropes normally have some form of agency. male tropes are generally like, "all-loving hero" or "noble knight" female tropes tend to place somewhere on the whore-madonna spectrum, or directly relate to a guy (like being a "girlfriend" is a common trope, just being an accessory to a dude)
No. 984741
>>984712you're not a bad person for having boundaries, anon.
your boundaries aren't being respected. let that person go. block and delete, and mean it.
in the end, it's you and only you. i know that's kind of depressing, but it can also be empowering depending on how you look at it: always put yourself first, because other people aren't gonna do it.
No. 984750
>>984728Mhm I guess there are aspects to it one couldn't know unless you're in the scene a lot. My other thought is that maybe women don't RP as women often in the first place, so maybe the ones that do (and are young too I'd think) just copy the moids LARPing and you get the cringe factor in, AND because the comunity is dominated by women rp'ing as male characters it's harder to find a group with the same interests to grow organically in and learn how to write women in a non male gaze influenced way, so they may unwind on you lot.
I consider it just a fandom discourse really. When I was more involved I wanted to read fan works focused on the female characters' point of view and I'd find nothing (or even worse porn and porn only)- then have to read posts about the shallow writing of said female characters, as if fandom headcanons haven't always in a way or another influenced the way a character is perceived. Not much can be done if women don't want to write about women though, and I don't think it's necessarly misogynistic, at least there's good real books.
No. 984762
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literally had to reject someone who was interested in me and who i was really interested in because he was in an open relationship and there was literally no way for the two of them to break up, so i didn't even attempt to join that shitshow. it's so annoying too because we shared a bunch of niche interests and we clicked so well
send me some love nonnas
No. 984795
>>984765>>984773awww nonnies you're so adorable thank you!! yes it hurts like a bitch and i've been sobbing for the past few days but i'm sure good things will come my way one day.
>>984770not to play the devil's advocate but the girlfriend was the one who asked to open the relationship, not him. i won't give more details but he didn't seem like he was having the greatest time in that relationship, but maybe that's just me being petty
No. 984810
>>984680Afraid not, unfortunately I saw it coming a mile away because he got that retarded haircut that almost every scrote who troons out gets. She’s a shithead and I truly believe it’ll bite her in the ass before long.
>>984681Don’t worry I barely speak to her to begin with. She’s genuinely the worst person I’ve ever known so part of me is elated that she has to deal with it. The other part of me is humiliated because I now have a troon in the family. She’s never supported me through anything in my life so tbh I hope she comes crying to me so I can tell her to eat shit
No. 984828
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signed onto twitter, which i have taken a 2 month break from, to wish everyone happy holidays and hope they're doing well even if i haven't been around because i still care about them
utter crickets and silence
i'm not super pressed because i have friends outside of socials and all, but damn it kinda stung to apparently not be cared about at all since i've been absent from giving them those sweet likes ig. oh well.
No. 984848
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All of my IRL female friends and friendly acquaintances are becoming nonbinary. I've always hung out with lesbian/tomboy/nerdy types, and it's gotten to point where I have 4 female friends and 9 nonbinary "friends".
The idea that men and women can have any personality/interests and be feminine or masculine has always been hugely important to me.
I tried talking to a therapist about it. I figured she'd say some shit like "you're a
problematic meanie but here's how you can start to cope and become woke" but then she basically said "If they're not forcing YOU to become nonbinary, then literally what is your problem?" and completely dismissed me.
>>984828Are you me? I deleted twitter several months ago because I couldn't handle the down with cis bullshit and it's like everyone forgot I existed the second I stopped liking their posts.
>>977686My condolences to you as well.
No. 984851
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Lolcow is literally always right about men, but goddamit, I don't want you guys to be. I met some guy at a party, and have been talking to him the past few days. He had some red flags, things that would get him slammed as an idiot moid if he posted here, but my mind said "That's just his crude sense of humor. You're not going to listen to an imageboard your whole life, are you?". Today, I found out some fucked up shit about him. Spanning years. He told me bits and pieces about himself regarding some of these things, but now I wonder if he only did that as some kind of pre-emptive damage control. There's just so much that he couldn't possibly have hidden it forever
I feel disappointed in myself for opening up at all. At least I never had sexual relations with him or made anything "official". I think I'd actually have felt less cheated if he had only wanted sex, but he actually didn't go for any of that. He acted like he wanted an actual connection with me. Apparently, he does this to every girl he fucks over. Why? He could easily get sex, and I know for a fact he doesn't respect women and "want to look into our hearts and souls" or whatever. What does he hope to gain in pretending to be some sensitive person? "BTFOing the femoids" since 2017, what a fucking waste of time
There's a tiny inkling in my heart that keeps saying dumb bitch things like "Ok but he might have actually changed, you don't know" or "Wait a bit, calm down, and then ask him about it". Since he is a scrote, I already know he'll just feed me lies and do the standard "All my exes were just crazy" thing. Oh fucking well, bullet dodged before things got serious. I guess any man who wants to tell you about his life, warts and all, must be fucking evil and insane
No. 984866
>>984864You listened to me
nonny, and acknowledged that it hurts, which is more meaningful than what the therapist did.
I know that at the end of the day, I just have to suck it up and deal with the fact that the world is changing and there are much bigger problems out there.
No. 984872
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fuck rare toy collectors. i really want a certain variant that isnt made anymore and im looking at galleries of bitches who snatch them up fast on ebay and then post pictures of their hoards and haughtily talk about refusing to sell them. greedy ass mfs
No. 984880
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i wish i didn't care about my mom's approval so much.
basically i'm trying to change my degree and did my country's equivalent of the SAT idk how it works but i scored 129 out of 180 questions, considering that i was working part time and attending some college classes online. i didn't study for this test at all
i'm very pleased with myself but my mom only replied with "huh, i wonder if it'll be enough".
this was enough to trigger my hamster wheel anxiety thoughts that she thinks i'm too old to do this shit (i'm 22), that i'm only sucking her dry, that i'm a parasite, a lazy waste of money.
i already told her that if it doesn't work out, i'll take next year off to study. i have more than 10k in savings from my job so if i want to buy anything for myself, i can.
idk if it makes any sense but goddamn mom you always complained that you were never enough for my grandpa. now you do the same thing with me and it hurts
No. 984914
>>984892I’m sorry that happened to you anon it’s tough but it’s only hair trust me it grows back eventually you’re not going bald
Take your supplements and focus on your recovery
No. 984936
>>984892>>984914not to be the bearer of bad news but sometimes you do go bald… sometimes for no reason at all.
t.balding heavily as a 22 year old female
No. 984951
>>984943it's just a thing sometimes. It's called female pattern baldness and it usually strikes after menopause, but sometimes it happens to young women too. A lot of times it'll get
triggered by going on/off birth control bc I guess the messing with hormones kicks off the process early. I've never been on birth control though so that wasn't the case for me.
Not to blogpost but I:
>have never had issues with my weight>got a full blood panel including thyroid and all came back good>not on any medications>no family history of female pattern baldness>dermatologist confirmed I'm just balding early>tried rogaine & spiro and neither worked>on track to be bald on top by 30>am already ugly, so this was one final slap in the face from god No. 984997
>>984983The thin rind piece makes me believe they could be organic.
It blew my mind when I found out that oranges were engineered to have thick rinds. Otherwise how would they not get smooshed by other oranges while being transported in a truck.
No. 985003
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Nothing enrages me more than a stem scrote who sniffs his own farts. He's been put into stem camps, programs, special stem highschool, bought stem toys, and just literally groomed from birth to be a stem major, yet acts like he's a fucking genius because his tutor taught him uni math in highschool. Get electrocuted by your electric pocket pussy, dangly bits.
No. 985005
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goddamn all this orange talk is making me crave mandarin oranges, i think theyre just now in season too. every winter i eat an ungodly amount of those things
No. 985015
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>>984997Okay well looking back at the video I can honestly see them being organic now that my Reid rage is gone.
I'm just sick and tired of people over glorifying organic shit. Not all organic shit is going to look perfect, and that's a foolish assumption to make.
No. 985023
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I can't seem to be able to enjoy the old music I loved when I was younger and is all because every single song has like 250M views each and I can't comprehend how the fuck that happened. I remember finding music organically on youtube (back when it wasn't pure algorithm/watch time bullshit) and I would find amazing songs with at much 10k views and to me back then those were a lot of views.
Now I can't go back and listen to then without seeing the view counts and it fills me with disgust for some strange reason. Do I have hipster aids or some shit? help nonnies
No. 985164
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>>985144>>985146let's send each other cute cat memes instead. no but fr nona we can talk if you need
No. 985173
>>985170are you me ?
my mother is the main reason I never be anyone's parent, I don't want any child to suffer from an insecure narc who makes everything about themselves even when it's about their child's sexual abuse or their insecurities, its always about them somehow
"yup mom, all my failures in life are just an elaborate plot to personally embarrass you"
No. 985196
>>984925Same, had As everywhere except maths. Some weeks ago I started doing Khan Academy courses from around the time I couldn't keep up in class anymore (8th grade…) and it helps. Maybe you could try it too? Like you, I don't
have to learn it, but the thought of not being able to do simple math stuff 14 year olds have no problem solving in their head kinda hurts lol.
No. 985205
>>985165Thank you. It hurts seeing the people I relate to, the people who made me proud to be a woman, drinking the kool-aid and saying things like "I don't to get pregnant, so I can't be a cis woman."
They don't understand that they're making the definition of woman smaller and more restrictive.
I might try explaining it to the therapist again, but I was really disappointed in her reaction.
No. 985213
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Are you in an immigrant family anon? Similar situation, eldest sisters are just seen as convenient therapists and housemaids. Idk what you can do other than go low contact and not go over when they "need" you. You don't have any responsibility to treat them with more than distant respect, if they want to invest way more in their other kids compared to you than let your siblings take care of them.
No. 985271
>>985260I know a guy whose in a similar relationship, he's not at all soyboy, but he's a well meaning liberal guy
He doesn't call himself gay but begrudgingly says he's in a queer relationship, I mean not much has even changed in their relationship except his wife dressing like a lesbian
They seem happy I guess
No. 985338
I hate it that I'm so affected by such a turn of events that weren't such a big deal. I've had way worse things happen to me. I was driving home very late after a 7-8 hour tattoo appointment (2-3am) and I got caught in such heavy fog that I could not see in front of my car at all. My defogger did not work at all. I was in a highway and I had to use the reflective lights near the center divider to see anything. I tried pulling over and calling my bf and texting him multiple times, but no answer. I tried to drive again but I had to stop because I knew it was too dangerous. Eventually some strangers tried to help me so I drove behind them while they flashed their emergency lights to where they were staying since it was kind of near where I live. I hate that I was in that situation where I did not know what else to do so I had little choice. I didn't want to stay pulled over for the night as the area where the fog was is in a neighborhood of a bunch of registered sex offenders. I go to this mansion where the stranger explains she recently divorced her husband a week ago so she is staying with her friend. The juxtaposition of this person who clearly had no money in this nice house was weird. Ashtrays were everywhere even though 3 small kids lived there. She gave me a tour of the place (while the original owners were in the house asleep) and kept on offering me food. Eventually she and her partner offer me weed and I decline and they leave me alone in a weird room that doesn't match the rest of the house (fucked up carpet, door, etc.) I also felt weird knowing they thought I was young because they thought I had to wait for my parents (I'm 24) and I tried to explain that it wasn't an issue and they explained how they thought I was in high school. I felt humiliated, ashamed, and gross. I stayed alone in there for like 15-30 minutes then left to get home and the fog had cleared up to where I could at least see the road.
I feel traumatized for no legitimate reason. No one hurt me. I feel embarrassed I was in that situation at all. I could have prevented my situation by rescheduling my tattoo appointment. I hate feeling like I'm a little girl, I feel helpless now and sick, like something is wrong with me and I feel like I'll never attain adulthood. This is stupid because I have been raped, conscious, unconscious, filmed, sodomized, etc. and none of that bothered me the way this does. I just accepted those events. But I want to run away from this event as far as possible. I want to forget it. It felt like a fever dream. I took pictures at the mansion because of how fake it felt and I wanted to be sure I wasn't dreaming.
No. 985456
I recently realized my friend just doesn't think about me at all. In every conversation with him I've always had to bring up what's going on in my life. I never minded it really because once we started talking about my day, plans, etc, he would seem engaged enough and start asking me questions, but recently I've been secretly testing him and it's pissing me off. We'll hang out and talk for 3-4 hours and I'll purposefully never change the subject to anything regarding my life, and he'll just never ask me a single question or even ask how I've been. It's all about him, his feelings, everything he's planning, etc. If he brought up something last week about a crappy class he's taking my natural care and curiosity for his life and well-being will bring me to naturally ask him about it the next time we see, you know, like a friend. But even if I'm literally applying for jobs or doing something quite big in the next few days like traveling abroad, it's extremely evident he had given it no thought. I always brace for the painful moment where I see the surprise on his face as he suddenly remembers my existence, coming out of his self-centered fugue of thinking about only himself, and finally asks how I've been in an embarrassed tone as he realizes how he's been talking about only himself for the last several hours.
No. 985481
>>985465It's not about emotional intelligence. It's about her almost realizing that her friend is extremely self-centered, self-involved, and obnoxious. He has main character syndrome. Prolly thinks that
nonny is an NPC.
No. 985489
>>985476It's on YouTube but unlisted. He posted the link to it on a message board announcing that it was live.
Like ffs I hung out there in my pjs every night (sometimes just a long t shirt) so I'm likely there but just off cam with earphones in watching stuff on my laptop. If I went near the cage I could've been filmed exposed. Cage is down on the floor.. me in just a long shirt most nights. Ngl I'd had nagging worries about him and cameras.
No. 985490
>>985338Oh, man. I know it sucks. It feels embarrassing because you think you would have known what to do, what to say, how to act like a True Twenty-Four year old, but instead you feel small and dumb helpless. Which is shameful, because who wants to feel or be treated as helpless? Where's the dignity in that?
The thing is, anon, you attain adulthood through trial and error. People know what to do in unexpected situations because they've been in other unexpected and weird situations before. You keep an animal out of its environment and it'll start adapting and preparing for surprises. And that's what you're doing right now, you're learning. Now you know to hesitate and pause next time, evaluate for the best decision possible. Look into self-defense or gun ownership if you live in the US. Everybody has to be a little retarded before they become competent.
No. 985580
>>985535Ok. Here are my guesses:
5-Music production
It’s not CS/coding or something like robotics and microcontrollers, because then you would have included autistic men and trans people. So what is, anon?
No. 985724
>>985716Same, this is a totally rational fear. Use the adrenaline to stay aware of your surroundings, people check the fuck out when they drive. I notice everyone around me thinks the red light means it's time to text, too. Can it not wait??
While we're at it–people with ridiculously bright night driving lights. Why the fuck does anyone need that bright of a light for driving in the city??? I understand for country driving, but isn't that what high beams are for? I feel like I'm being interrogated when these fuckers roll up behind me and their lights get reflected into my face from my sideview mirrors.
No. 985760
>>985522this is why I am here, you all inspire me
>>985535>>985581yeah I can't imagine my teenage whims of going into animation becoming a reality with the rebecca sugarites of the world
No. 985794
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Does anyone know what’s up with egirls using graphic lolicon on their profile and claiming to be against it? Picrel, granted the anon is a retarded twitterfag but still, I don’t get it.
No. 985800
I wrote a rant replying to an anon from the news stories that fuck with you thread, figured this would be a better place to put it. Anon was saying that narcs and sociopaths should just be shot and I thought I'd share my own hot take.
>>775374That last idea you have is a tough one for me. Blogpost but I work with youth in addiction treatment. Some have committed rape/sexual assault, consumed child porn, horrific stuff. They tend to have all sorts of defence mechanisms that prevent them from admitting responsibility, especially when they first come to treatment–in other words, they can't tolerate any perceived injustice towards themselves, they take being told "no" to anything as if it were a death threat. The ones who are more successful in treatment are the ones who are willing to admit what they've done in active addiction and are horrified by it. Most times they've kept using drugs to numb themselves from the truth of their selfishness. If they can understand that their disgust at their past self's actions is actually a healthy response, there's opportunity to flesh out a prosocial moral code they can take into their future relationships. In all cases I've witnessed so far, education on healthy relationships, consent, STIs, and reproduction is fucking scant, and don't get me started on the lack of prosocial adults in these youths' lives. Furthermore, it pisses me off to hear how the justice system punishes people who've committed crimes, especially when they're imo heinous crimes. For example, how does solitary confinement prevent a rapist from raping again once they've served their time? Either give them an earnest attempt at treatment or give them a bullet. There's really no half-assing it without devastating impacts on society. What's the point in torturing a criminal if they're just going to be released back into the community? Do you want recidivism? Cause that's how you get recidivism.
No. 985865
>>985800Rapists should be punished. They already get more rehabilitation than their
victims so just lock them up in hell forever. They deserve to feel constant misery.
No. 985926
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I've got one online friend who just has to be right all the time. And I have to be right all the time. It's like Thunderdome, but neither of us ever dies.
No. 985997
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I'm so stupid, nonnies. I wish I had a female friend again. I haven't had one in years after only having female close friends my whole life, and I miss it. Last night I stayed up till 5 am to plan out a handwritten letter with custom stickers and meaningful trinkets to cheer someone up. I wrote my final draft and I put a lot of thought into what I was saying, I ordered some adorable decorative paper to write it down on, I sketched out the stickers to finalize and print out later etc. but then he started acting in a way which made me change my mind. He doesn't deserve my cute letter or my effort. I need to tattoo 'don't be kind to scrotes' on my forehead, because I keep making this mistake, but I'm just really desperate for a good friend…
At least I really enjoyed planning the letter out. Makes me wish I had someone to use snail mail with
No. 986005
>>985893>>985895Thanks nonnies. I guess for more context: they were married for 20 years, but in the last 5 he purposely took jobs way out of town so that he could live separately from my mom and cheat on her. When he was home he was constantly angry and swearing and put the fear of god into me and my brother. When my mom tried to communicate with him he would shut her down and say things like 'it's all your fault' and so on. My mum openly said that if she hadn't had kids with him she already would have left him at this point, and when he died she mostly felt relief and grief for us.
However, the first decade they were married, and the decade prior to that where they were dating, he was incredibly sweet and thoughtful. The sort of man with upstanding character everyone praises. It was only when he settled down and had kids that things started going awry- he initially helped with the child-raising and all this, but by the time I started school he had checked out and a few years later he moved away and the cheating and drinking began, etc.
Before settling they lived very outgoing lives, travelling a lot, etc. My mom admitted to me that she believed he came to realize he did not want children or to be tied down by responsibility in that way, but was too much of a selfish coward to address anything.
Despite all this background, my mum has essentially lived a "frozen" life for lack of better words, holding a torch for the man he initially was in their marriage and living as a widow this whole time- rarely acknowledging the man he came to be and how he has hurt us all deeply with his actions. How can you move forward without facing the full truth? She has not dated (which is fine honestly, men are.. men), has not made any friends (all their friends were just my dad's friends back in the day), same house with the same decor, the same pictures on the walls, the same routine, etc. I don't know how else to explain but everything has been preserved in pristine in the same exact state. She is mid 50s but lives like an 80 year old almost. She is very dependent on me and my brother- she acts like her entire life boils down to being our mother and being a widow to her husband. She rejects almost everything modern, saying the past was better. It really feels like she justs wants to live several decades in the past perpetually. I could go on.
I have tried to get her to therapists (she won't go), I have tried building support networks for her outside of us children (she won't maintain them), I have tried changing things in the house, the routine, etc. (she won't engage) and I just. I just feel like she was incredibly hurt by my dad and would rather live in a delusion of an idealized past with him to cope with that- rather than confronting this and fully processing it and growing from it and letting go and moving on? Where she doesn't have to figure out who she is outside of the roles she fulfilled to her husband and children?
I just want her to be her own person and live a fulfilling life in the present, not what is being lived right now in this house that is just a tomb of past memories both good and bad.
I just really hope that confirming to her what she already knew gives her the key to actually acknowledging the full truth and move forward… I am sure in the short term it is going to get worse but in the longer term I hope this "unsticks" things and I can move her towards therapy finally…
I don't know nonnas I've really tried to do the best by my mom. And what she's doing isn't healthy. But I really don't know what to do anymore about it. I thought it would pass with time but it's been a whole decade now and it's still the same… I hope she can find better closure with the truth.
This turned into a whole novel, sorry about that.
No. 986011
>>985997Be my penpal,
nonnie! I've already started a correspondence with another gal on LC and I'd love another. If you're interested lemme know and I'll give you a throwaway email. I love snail mail and I put a lot of effort into mine as well!
No. 986024
Trauma dumping and venting based off this post
>>985975. Just didn't want to rain on anon's parade over there.
I hate that this movie exists. It was coincidentally released several months after I had an abortion when I was in high school. This movie made me feel like shit about it even though it was the best decision for me.
It really surprises me that farmers enjoy this movie, for a multitude of reasons. Like the scrotes in it suffer no ostracization nor consequences for their actions whatsoever. Okay, maybe we're just conditioned that teenage boys will always socially escape this matter–even my ex who got me pregnant went on to still be liked at school and knocked up a different girl the next year meanwhile I was bullied. The part that gets me is the adoptive scrote having a mid life crisis and divorcing his wife. He's not only betraying his wife, but fundamentally betraying Juno because she wanted her baby to be raised by a happy couple. We never hear about him again.
Not to mention the twee anti-choice protestor girl convincing her to change her mind to have an abortion cause
fingernails. Seriously? Besides that, antis are never young, matter of fact and sweet like that. I know because I volunteered security at a clinic that offered abortions. Nope, these protestors are often old churchfuck bitches and intimidating men holding up their graphic signs and shouting what horrid murderers everyone who steps foot in the clinics are. The only time young people show up to protest at clinics is on weekends at 9am for three hours because their congregation forced them to go. They don't give a fuck about babies.
Of course the part about childbirth is completely glossed over in the movie as well. Spinal tap and shit's golden, easy peasy. Page's character goes back to her normal life with no healing or aftercare mentioned and her and the Cerascrote get another chance to work it out. Because that's totally how traumatic events are processed in a movie that attempts to hipsterize a serious issue while writing the mc as a quirky coolgirl to soften things. I hate, hate, haaaate this shit.
No. 986048
It was a year today that I was found and put in the coma. Nobody remembered, not that I expected them to. I'm in a reflective mood.
People like to say, "just hang on! Things will get better, I promise!"
But when are they supposed to get better? I survived and everything just continued to get worse. I lost my scholarship and my lectureship. I was crippled and I'm still on thirty tablets a day to manage the resulting pain. I was sexually assaulted in hospital. I'm completely broke. My body looks disgusting, absolutely torn to bits - my lithium nurse openly wept when she last saw the state of my body and then called an ambulance.
The last time posted in /ot/ was back in August after I took a colossal overdose and wrote "DNR SORRY MUM" on my chest. I made a bet that if I survived an overdose of three times the lethal dose then I would accept that I'm in the timeline where I'm not fated to die yet. I had been getting spam emails which said strange things about a message from the other side and I took it as a desperate message from my forgotten soulmate in another version of reality that I needed to jump timelines which is what triggered the OD. Either I'd meet my soulmate or I'd learn I was fated to stay here. As it happens, it's the latter and I feel so fucking lonely.
I got booted off my therapy programme for being too difficult and the other week I got escorted out of the mental health outpatients for threatening behaviour. I don't think I did anything bad, I begged her to tell me what the future looks like for somebody like me. I'm so desperate for something to change or improve but I'm just here and alive for no reason, weighing everybody down yet unable to die. They've put me on lithium and the only thing it's done is make me violently and copiously vomit in public.
Everything is so ridiculously fucked. The only thing that calms me down are my husbando audios and fanarts, but the absolute shame of relying on fujoshit to cope makes me want to commit sudoku all over again. I think about how my mum imagined my future when I was born; it probably wasn't living at home aged 29, crippled and NEET, spending my days looking for pornographic drawings of fictional men and cutting myself unconscious. I'm human garbage. I should have died I should be dead
No. 986052
>>986024im sorry you went through that. I like Juno but I've never thought about it like that, so thank you for sharing.
I dont have children but sometimes I feel there's a conspiracy to convince women childbirth isn't actually a horrific, painful, traumatic mess. I read the body releases crazy hormones after birth that makes you forget the worst parts because otherwise no woman would have another child. I've also heard women in labor screaming about "why the fuck they would do this again", so I agree with you about the labor/aftermath.
No. 986056
>>986024I totally agree with you anon. I hate how any time there’s an unexpected pregnancy in movies, the story always makes it clear that the characters support abortion, but the pregnant character ~would never do it uwu~ and then goes on to have a perfect pregnancy. Things like career/education setbacks or serious adverse effects/healing time of pregnancy are glossed over or barely mentioned. Knocked Up was another big movie at the time and it was so infuriating.
>even my ex who got me pregnant went on to still be liked at school and knocked up a different girl the next year meanwhile I was bullied.You’re not alone here. I haven’t been pregnant, but I knew other girls at that age who were (shitty ultra religious small town with zero sex education) and nobody ever held the dads responsible. The girls all kept their babies and still got shittalked for being slutty.
No. 986112
>>986091Honestly you’re probably better off without them anon. These type of people most likely don’t even like each other and have feuds all the time within their group it’s exhausting
You’ll find better genuine friends just learn to enjoy your own company Idk if it’s because Im a schizoid but your hike seems more fun than going to a party full of these people
No. 986202
>>986024First of all, a lot of hugs to you anon.
I never liked the movie for the reasons you mentioned. Plus it's just a super average teen movie, even taking the abortion issues aside. It's not that good.
Fuck Diablo Cody for making us suffer Juno and Jennifer's Body (Young Adult was okay AFAIR, didn't see Tully).
No. 986211
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I don't know why it is, but the slightest thing can put me off the mood when it comes to sexual stuff. Even through fucking text. I was trying to get all erotic while chatting with a guy and then he told me he's short on time and to hurry it up, and I not only did I instantly lose all sexual tension but I also broke down crying from the frustration. I don't know what's wrong with me. The only way I can enjoy sex is if the man never says anything off-putting or complete gives the lead to me anymore, since they really be trusted with the former. Why can't we live in a world where men are as sensual and gentle as women and aren't completely ruined by porn even before they reach the age of maturity?
No. 986256
>>986142My brother is 29 and moved to a different city within a few months of my father's death (at 18). I am 22, moved out (but remained in the same city) when I was 19 three years ago. She got worse when I moved out and she had to adjust. I am pretty sure she is lonely though she never acknowledges it. She has the house to herself generally. She holds a job part time for the last 7 years, which is her more reliable social interaction- along with the occasional chat with the neighbours. Right now I visit one weekend a month and she calls me every Sunday. My brother visits and calls a couple times a year.
I am considering moving further away when I am done my studies, but I'm not sure how she will manage without someone to rely on / to enable her. But, it's hard for me mentally to live in this city tbh. And I know I have to look out for myself as well, not just her.
I know I can't sort out her issues for her but it just makes me really sad to see her do this. I don't super understand how it happened but I am somewhat her caretaker I guess even though I am not really all that good at it. I wish she would genuinely get help and other support, and then I could leave without as many concerns knowing she's in a better head space with a fuller life. I do feel selfish saying it like this though.
Thanks for listening
nonnie. I am going to discuss all this with my therapist in a few weeks but I appreciate the feedback. I don't usually discuss this stuff online tbh
No. 986328
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female-only imageboards (or ibs aimed towards being women only) are always so damn fun to browse, and honestly a breath of fresh air after being on 4chan for so long. like after browsing places like choachan and and lolcow it's so tough to return to 4chan for anything. i hope these types of websites continue being made (and i especially hope the "fujochan" or whatever actually happens)
that being said i am never going to understand why men have to post on these sites. like i stg i LURK wizchan but i do not actually post there, and i never have. men are so obsessed with women while hating them enough to spam cp and gore and it's hilarious and sad
No. 986376
>>986328I would actually pay the server bill for fujochan out of my own pocket if it ever happened, anything to get a place where I can anonymously be a degen fujo piece of shit without underage twitterfags shaming me for
problematic content or spergy antifujos chimping out for making their husbando gay
Either way I agree, Lolcow really helped me get over my pickmeism years ago and realize the importance of female-only spaces. I probably would've ended up trooning out if it wasn't for the farms.
No. 986413
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Spent the entirety of last week crying at everything and anything, and now that my period has officially started, I’ve been seething with anger. Menstrual cycles are an absolute blast hahahahahahaaaaaaA how do i keep myself from self-destructing
No. 986430
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I havent eaten in 4 days,i havent bathed in over a week, i havent brushed my teeth in over a month, and my latest suicide attempt failed again because i purged the pills at the last second.I have no ambitions in life and no job.
No. 986436
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Suicide apartments
No. 986441
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Just cried because I got disconnected from Final Fantasy after waiting 3 hours to get into the game today because queue times are unbelievable.
No. 986453
>>986328Who knew, not having to be exposed to your kind being degraded and treated as nonhumans means a better browsing experience.
>i LURK wizchan but i do not actually post thereThey have some interesting obscure stuff from time to time, so slow though. I read that they have only a few participating ppl, yet 1000's of lurkers.
No. 986479
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>>986473Hada Labo Premium Whitening Lotion. Also wear sunscreen.
No. 986490
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I feel like I want to sperate myself from who I am or where I am from because of the sexual and physical abuse I endured. I can't relate to the people or culture I feel. Nobody did anything when shit like that would happen. People love the guy who did this to me. I also believe this is where my disdain for excessive religiosity derives from; people view the family who did what he did to me as a man of faith. It is a all a lie. I sometimes wonder how or why people can lie to themselves so egregiously. I can never understand blind faith in what is torn to tatters after a few seconds of thought. I feel like I can never see the good in people because of this. I have been called a liar so many times, enough times to just shut the fuck up about my life or who I am. This just incentivizes me to distance myself further from what I am. I believe it is for the better if I manage to distance myself from such a deluded community.
No. 986585
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i feel bad for being a woman in a stem field who's more or less only in it to get some easy job coding up databases or coding websites. i'm not going to make any real breakthroughs in this field (i hate to admit it, but i don't have the smarts, and i don't have the love for it either) and it hurts me. i feel as though i should be creating a new language or building programs to help us reach new planets or something grand and important like that; but i'm not.
i just want to be a simple office worker. have a stable, decently paying job, and enjoy my personal hobbies and form some strong friendships. apologies to every woman that's ever come before me who doesn't have my opportunities (and every woman period who does not)
No. 986652
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Being in love with someone so beautiful who is indifferent to my presence makes me feel so ugly, just a loser taking up space in a crowded world.
No. 986705
>>986683>>986690I'm not a pink-piller, In fact I like pretty boys but I hate seeing girls who demean themselves and their femininity for so called "beautiful men" especially kpopoys and drag queen with comments like
>"oh he's so much prettier then me">"why is he a better looking then girl I am :(" >"not worthy of standing near him, he's falwless" or this entire comment section
I always find this shit so fucking offensive and pathetic, TIMs and "femboys" are a perfect example that even the most beautiful males on the planet can never even pass as even ugly women
No. 986712
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>>986011Wow anon, yes, please let me be your penpal! I didn't expect that answer. I've never done this but I'd love to try, and it makes me so excited!
I'll wait for your throwaway then
No. 986852
>>986847I think
>>986847 was being a bit too paranoid but you should be a little on guard men, unless your a genetic freak or a roided up female bodybuilder an average man can overpower you and it might seem hard to believe but kicking a man to the groin is fairly difficult, I've done Krav Maga where the instructor was wearing pad and 9/10 times my instructor would catch me and then throw me to the mat
kicking a man to the groin requires getting near them, which is the latest thing you wanna do against an attacker
No. 986856
>>986849>women that have been raped and murderedVast majority of these were done in by husbands bfs exes and male family, so if you
>don't interact with men outside of what's necessary (work, one family get together) Then your chances of this stuff happening drastically goes down. They also usually only go after weak targets (children, weak looking women, doormats). I'm not blaming women for getting raped and murdered but once I learned how to act confident and got abit of muscle they leave me alone. Stop acting like they're some supreme power. Unless you're in a third world shithole they can easily be deterred.
No. 986908
>>986856>Unless you're in a third world shithole they can easily be deterred."Don't interact with men outside of what's necessary". A lot of women are raped and murdered by the moids they know personally and moids they HAVE to interact with at school and at work, so like I said in my original post, treat them all like rapists/murderers and don't trust them. I never said be afraid of them, retard.
>You shouldn't live in "fear",I literally said watch out and just don't trust them.
No. 986911
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Overhearing my (dark skin) brother brag to my mom about the light skin girls he's dating and will eventually bring home to meet her while she's encouraging him to aim for light skin women. This shit is just disheartening to hear in your own home. Remember farmers to not think a scrote is "better" just because he was raised by a single mom.
No. 986952
>>986900>>986856>Vast majority of these were done in by husbands bfs exes and male family>>986917I've seriously started thinking about just learning herb medicine bc the medical system might as well not be there at all, for how long you have to wait to get help. Fuck this "you have to go to the Dr to get permission for meds" shit.
>>986948Some ppl never grow up. I get visceral disgust at these types, like how much of a charmed life must they have led to think it was ok to act like this?
No. 986959
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FFXIV's story has promise, but it's execusion is absolute garbage. You can't discuss anything negative about it without people acting like anything constructive is invalid/it's the best story to grace a gaming platform. If it wasn't a MMORPG, it wouldn't get this reception.
No. 986975
>>986959i did the trial for ffxiv up to like level 15 and i just dont get the appeal
why would i want to play an MMO like it's a fucking single player game
was playing with my husband and we had to sit through our individual story cut scenes it was such a drag
No. 986999
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>>986976Agreed, it's just sperging about food and regional differences, which can be done on reddit or other int chans.
No. 987076
>>987031There's something like this popping up lately in true crime communities. People extending way too much empathy towards the criminal and not towards the
victim or their family. The criminal becomes 'the poor underdog' in their eyes because everyone hates him.. well yeah they hate him for good reason. People are hated for much less than the shit these fuckers do.
No. 987079
>>987073I'm so sorry you went through that. You not being a virgin doesn't mean you won't be loved though, the only men who care about virginity are pedophiles and perverts. If you can find a way to cope with what you went through I am absolutely sure that you will find love. You didn't ruin yourself either. You don't have to take responsibility for what he did to you, it's on
him you were literally a child.
No. 987148
>>987138Most guys watch porn once in a while (And some girls as well)
As long as they don't get porn sick over it. If you saw yourself getting married to him, was he really all that bad?
This reminds me of the guys who dump their girlfriends when they find out they still have dildos and use it instead of the guy.
No. 987158
>>987148she has her standards, let her have them
>>987140who cares what he thinks, he is a literal monkey, keep dating and vetting heavily, men are like busses and trains: theres always another one coming
No. 987172
>>987148I don't feel like it's the same at all. I am against porn for ethical reasons and because it warps expectations for sex. I am completely ok with masturbation.
>>987158I feel like maybe I should take some time to myself. I'm realizing that I need to actually do something about my sexuality. I recognized it's been destroyed by porn a long time ago but I haven't really made steps to recover except to become abstinent. I am a doormat sexually, I try to please all the time and try to conform so I didn't feel comfortable doing it with him because there were clear signs that some of the stuff he liked was because of porn (wanting to try anal, folding me in half, lots of spanking, always putting his hands around my throat. Never got a clear answer on whether he wanted to choke me or not). My sex life is all fucked up because of porn…
No. 987190
>>987138you have standards, and if porn is a deal breaker for you then you did the right thing.
porn is a deal breaker to me too. when I told my bf I wasn't comfortable with him looking at porn, he stopped. I told him the porn industry is evil, it rots your brain, and porn feels like cheating to me.
he agreed the porn industry is evil. he only looked at solo amateur bc of this, but he cried a bit when I told him it felt like cheating because he felt so bad.
he said if I were looking at porn of men, he'd feel the same way. he said he understood and never wanted to make me feel that way again because he loves me and wants a future with me.
it is possible to find a man like this. you did the right thing nonna.
No. 987200
>>986643>the quintessential female STEM idolyou put it into words. i keep thinking i NEED to be the woman who inspires younger women into taking up tech, and it sucks
>>986747no idea, i'm still a student
No. 987236
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I don’t see a tiktok/instagram hate thread so I’ll put this here wtf is wrong with people? I’m already put off by people using their kids for internet clout but what the fuck, is this bitch trying to throw her daughter to pedos?
Picrel is her daughter imitating where her mom shaves (hint: it wasn’t her legs)… what the actual fuck
No. 987238
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…and imitating her using a tampon.
What a dumbass bitch of a mom, I swear to god all content featuring children just needs to be banned from the internet.
No. 987263
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whenever i see the male and female forms depicted side by side like this i automatically think my body looks more like the man one than the woman one. i want to fucking kill myself
No. 987275
File: 1638832766116.png (Spoiler Image,311.1 KB, 640x804, yz77buwghb181.png)

>look at r/egg_irl because some non-binary/sort of mtf guys I know in real life told me they find the stuff on there funny and that it's totally not a creepy fetish subreddit
>picrel has thousands of upvotes.
I want to a-log so badly, I can't take this shit anymore.
No. 987278
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why am I such a fucking retard, I can't even respond to a completely positive friendly message anymore without reworking it 339093284234982 times, KILL ME
No. 987282
>>987272>>987277I assume >>987265 is a moid assuming that >>987247's bf is the sole source of income so she can't say "we can't afford it" when it's "his money" kek
demented that is the first thing they jump to
No. 987291
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Sorry this is gonna be a long one
>be me, early twenties, unemployed and looking for work
>needed to quit school to be carer for mum until she died so I have barely any qualifications
>finally get job at well known secondhand game and tech store in the uk
>think there will be a lot of gross incels and misogynistic tech bros but I can handle it. If I have to get a shitty retail job at least I can sell stuff I like and know something about
>10 men and only 3 women including me working there
>get told by store manager that i am on probation but not to worry as they cant be bothered to train new staff so everyone passes.
> store manager is a fucking rude, lazy neckbeard with no social skills who spends most of his time doing fuck all but talking about dnd, smells disgusting.
> bullies his male subordinates, calls one of them a virgin incel (pot calling the fucking kettle black but ok)
>only female manager is a pick me with no life outside of work, spends her free time stalking her coworkers at other stores to sneer at how untidy their merchandise is.
>neckbeard manager has terrible gaming channel with creepy coworker
>even has hoodie with their shitty game gumps rip off logo printed on it
>forced to rely on coworker who's only been working there for a month and a teenager to show me how to do my job as management are useless.
>overhear creepy coworker making sexual jokes about kids who come into store around me, really sick stuff.
>learn his nickname is nonce and it’s treated as a joke. Pick me manager even labels it on his drink once.
>head of marketing for entire company makes surprise visit to store, neckbeard manager promptly shits himself lmao
>marketing guy’s kids are with him, I talk to one kid about pokemon when he notices badge on my lanyard.
>pedo coworker makes joke about molesting this guy’s kid’s under his breath while kid and marketing guy are standing a couple of feet away.
>escalates during closing when he talks about strangling the same kid with a lanyard, all said in front of neckbeard manager and other coworkers and no one says anything.
>wish I was making this shit up
>go home, have minor mental breakdown and cry
>think about quitting but need money
> warn people I know with kids not to come into store.
>write official complaint and have meeting with manager the next day
>learn neckbeard manager is buddies with pedo guy and known him long time, he is even in dnd group with pedo and other neckbeards coworkers
>also learn pedo is one of three guys in the store who can actually test the tech we buy in.
>manager makes bizarre excuses pedo guy (brings up the fact he was rejected by a girl??? And implies he is autistic) says he is harmless but will talk to him for me so he doesn’t make any more gross comments.
>ask if he will inform marketing guy about sexual comments and threats made about his kid >get told since store is a franchise head office is separate they won’t do that.
>think they just don't want me to escalate complaint but ok
>few weeks go by no more comments are made by pedo guy so I assume he’s been scared into behaving.
> get into work, neckbeard manager nowhere to be found, neckbeard’s boss is in, older guy, brings me in for a meeting tells me my feedback isn't good and I am too slow performing tasks.
>I start crying, tell him I have barely been trained and I wasn't warned or told there was any problem with my work performance prior to this, I have really bad adhd (that I made sure to inform everyone about the fact that I struggle with hyperfocus and time blindless).
> seems to feel sorry for me but tells me there’s nothing he can do and then tells me this is the most bizarre place he has worked at in all his years of retail and the staff behave like teenagers
> I tell him that’s not a good fucking excuse to let this shit slide
>let out of back door, still crying
>no word fromany of my coworkers, just get deleted from work group chat
>neckbeard manager too much of a coward to fire me himself
>feel like a fucking joke, was worried adhd would fuck me over at work and feels like nightmare come to life.
>later realise neckbeard and rest of management were probably looking for an excuse to fire me because I made a complaint about his pedo buddy.
>still have marketing guy's name, kid's name, his linked in profile and all the details about what was said and on what date.
>wanna complain to head office and put these disgusting fuckers out of their jobs but don't know if the stress is worth it, I live in a small town and don’t want any more bullshit.
No. 987303
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I hate that now that Im an adult and a total poverty-chan that the Christmas season is represented by stress about money and sadness over not being able to take part in fun holiday activities that cost money (which is sadly a lot of them.) I try to enjoy what I can and not totally lose my joy this time of year but sometimes it just really blows and makes me yearn for my childhood Christmases to the point it hurts.
No. 987317
>>987291nonna I think they fired you because they were afraid you'd make a big shit storm and get them in trouble.
contact the head office or head of marketing and tell him what happened. say you were suspect you were fired because of it. if you have proof that you filed a complaint, even better
No. 987390
>>987358She's aware, reminds me every single day. But she makes out how her life is awful and she has had some total back luck this year. But she's made her life the way it is because that's all on her.
And she popped off at me because I didn't want to learn to drive. I have always had anxiety and driving isn't something I want to do. At all. The British roads are mental, pricing are going up, electric cars will be expensive to run, pot holes in the roads and diversions are something I do not want to deal with on a day to day basis. I live in a city buses are fine, trains are fine. I just don't want to deal with the headache of owning a car.
No. 987440
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Why the fuck is this so expensive??? I've waited years to finally read Assia Wevill's poetry and diaries and now I cannot afford the book. Is there any other reason for it to be so fucking expensive beyond the authors being greedy bastards?
If anyone has any tip for me on how to cheat the system, I will be thankful. Book is unavailable on libgen, didn't check on IRC yet but doubt since it's so niche. I feel like the authors are gatekeeping because there is no other book on the topic. I am seething!!!
No. 987464
>>987462It's too new I think and I'm living in Europe (that's why it's even more expensive to me than if I was an amerifag).
I guess I will either have to wait for it to pop up on libgen or suck it up and buy it in future.
No. 987468
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Can the Cookie Run fandom stop bitching about the NFTs? All the 14 year olds are terribly annoying.
>Why are you still making fanart? Don't you know that you are giving the game free publicity?
>Why aren't you protesting? We should all boycott the company!
>Why do non americans don't help us with the protest? Do non americans don't care about the world?
Just shut up, I don't care about the NFTs anymore, I don't even believe that Devsis is going to make them anyways after the backlash, just leave me and my art alone, I already got dogpiled by telling people to.
No. 987637
>>987629i'm so sorry,
nonny. stay safe!
No. 987667
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>>987629But you could go to Moomin house and get pancakes!
No. 987668
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I don't know if this is the most appropriate thread to post this on but I can't get the image out of my head. This was posted on a local reptile group, I didn't even know this was something that could happen to tortoises, how can you watch this happen to your pet and not realize it needs medical intervention?? It's literally rotting away, this did not happen overnight, and the most you can think to do is make a post on a mostly inactive Facebook group? I don't want to believe this is real
No. 987759
>>987743I had a neglectful upbringing with a weird gender divide in my family, my parents weren't divorced or anything but my dad seems to view women as aliens or something. Views us as hysterical. My mom essentially was my parent growing up and my dad was my brothers parent with my mom on board too. It was odd. Then my mom died when I was barely an adult. In therapy I mentioned some of my feelings around gender and in hindsight it all makes sense given the weird family dynamic and my recent loss… my therapist led me down the tran path and it so soon after losing my mom I was ready to go along with anything.
My dad actually reacted really badly to it and tbh that's the least shit thing, it's so low down on the list of things he's ever done. I was on hormones for a while, I passed as male to strangers and one day while visiting him his neighbour was like "oh 'anons dad' I didn't know you had 2 sons!" I'm not even a tran anymore but he has given me shit for everything I've ever done. Looked down on me no matter what I'm doing so that moment of her reading me as a son after he had screamed at me the night before about it.. I will never stop being satisfied at the memory of that. I'm a woman but that just was a moment for me. My dad awkwardly biting his tongue and being put in an awkward position was beautiful after everything he did over the years. Almost worth it for that moment alone kek.
It's so retarded that I only have one memory of the tables being turned and him being put in a painfully awkward position where he couldn't speak up.. and it has to be tran related of all things.
No. 987784
>>987743I feel you anon, not just about troons but anyone who had really supportive parents but thinks they were awful for simply not giving them every single thing they want or being too "
problematic" for them. It just annoys me so much when people take for granted parents who really give a shit
No. 987811
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>turned 20
>no friends
>severe social anxiety to the point i can't watch people in the eyes or talk through the phone
>from shitty third world country
>covid won't go away
holy shit, what a terrible time to be in my 20's. I can't do anything, every cool store is obviously closing and the future only gets grimmer and grimmer. What am I supposed to look forward to? I don't wanna marry or have kids, every movie or hobby I used to like became shitty and politicized and it's either full of troons or incels. I just wish I had a close group of friends to hang out, play board games, or watch movies with but everyone I have met so far is a leftist troon or an incel libertarian. I guess I will just focus on my autistic loner hobbies like building models and painting cute anime guys.
No. 987821
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>>987812I like Aircraft models but i would like to get some mechas when i have the money
No. 987842
>>987808Anon the UK's fine to live alone as a woman. I would've believed your family if you lived in some poor ass third world muslim country but you live in a safe, civilized Western country. Your family is telling you lies to keep you dependent on them.
Get your driver's permit. Do research on renting (maybe social housing?) in the UK, you've got the internet and all the information you could possibly need at your fingertips. You said you're doing exams so I assume you're in education, ask your peer students who've moved out about their living situations and how they're planning to live after they graduate. That should give you an idea of what is normal for a women and people in general who're your age.
No. 987843
>>987808Since I moved out at like 18 I've lived alone, I've lived with housemates and I've lived with partners. I've never had anything happen during my alone times.
I've had bad times with a live-in bf and I've had a male housemate make moves on me in a weird arse way. IME the real issue is living with scrotes, moving in too soon with a guy or trusting one and then he turns shitty down the line. I'm way more concerned about that than outside scotes breaking in to harm me. Apartments in particular always felt safe to me.
No. 987854
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>take initiative to rake all the leaves in our yard
>put them into two piles
>got calluses on my hands and it took a couple of hours
>ask husband to buy bags and put the leaves in it
>I leave for work
>blows up my phone about how it's a two person job, harder than taking, and it could easily take him 6 hours
>really? for just putting leaves into a bag? asked him to explain what the fuck
>replies that he started using an Amazon box to scoop them into which is making it easier
>I respond by letting him know most people just use the end of the rake or something flat like a garbage can lid to scoop up the leaves using their other hand
>he stops responding
This motherfucker was out there grabbing fistfuls of leaves at a time and wondering why it was taking him so long holy fucking shit LMAO
No. 987885
>>987874 this. Don't be fooled
No. 987887
>>987698>>987696>>987690>>987559>>987556thank you guys
it took a fucking hour for the ambulance to get to my place, I literally cannot express to you how swollen closed my throat was at that point, literally my uvula was massive and resting forward on top of my tongue, they epi-penned me or something when they finally got here even though it wasn't an allergic reaction, I had written a note to give to them to briefly explain, but I don't think anyone read it, it was a pretty dire looking situation to be fair
At the ER they gave me a massive steroid shot and either they knocked me out or I fell asleep somehow, and now I'm awake in a private room, so I'm pretty sure I'm about to get like an emergency tonsillectomy or something, which, tbh, doesn't sound bad right now
What a fuckin night/day
No. 987899
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I wish scrotes would understand that if you want your wife to remain hot you need to give her the right conditions and support to do so. I knew one couple where he wouldn't even watch the kids properly while she showered. How the FUCK are you supposed to keep yourself together if you can't have time to yourself to work out, keep stress down, get your hair done, etc. There's a reason trophy wives stay fit. Their man allows them the condition to go to pilates 4 times a week and take time to themselves. If he won't contribute time or money to that, yet whines about it, he better promptly shut the fuck up, and appreciate anyone even wanted to give birth to his spawn.
No. 987924
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When you get covid tested and pray for a positive result to get 10 days of home isolation. Or even better, the sweet, sweet release of death by big coof.
I'm 32 today nonnie. I'm feeling numb and empty.
No. 987988
>>987887Thank you for getting back to us, godspeed
No. 987989
>>987956Your country made paid surrogacy illegal? That actually gives me a lot of hope.
I was thinking recently, it's insane that people are allowed to just pay for someone's womb like that. We don't allow people to sell themselves into slavery, nor do most places in my country the US allow prostitution, nor do we allow people to sell their kidneys or other organs. So… why do we allow people to sell their wombs for money?
As you said, it's not like people need a kid to live. Buying a woman's womb is basically enslaving them to your demands for 9 months, or it's at best like indentured servitude.
People who feel the need to do this over adopting… the modt charitable I can be is that they are basically irredeemable narcissists. You would have to be, to do something that inhuman & mercenary because you think your own genes are so superior to any kid you would adopt. Or such a sociopath that you only want a kid to "continue your bloodline" or some male shit like that, vs help another human grow. Not a surprise it's always men paying for gross selfish shit like this.
The deal should be, if gay men couples want a kid, they have to tolerate a fujo in their life. Like none of this $50k and you have no parental rights shit… the gay men can be allowed to both have parental rights, but the mom has to have parental rights also. Otherwise it's genuinely womb slavery imo.
No. 987992
>>987956Barely related but I never get a chance to sperg about this so sorry but it's a cope to me when people get surrogates and still claim the child is "really" theirs
Once the baby is raised in the other woman's womb, carried to term for 9 months, no matter how much she tries to detach as a mother, the child will ALWAYS feel a certain disconnect from his/her "official" parents (aka the DNA donors). The mother is the mother. Sorry
No. 988037
>>988031If you think a fetus in a womb is magically cut off from that womb, all its biological processes and the natural links that form because someone signed some papers and exchanged some money, you're basically just plugging your ears and denying reality. It's only kind of different from tranners thinking that fucking with their hormones enough and chopping off their organs and writing down "This is now a vagina" or "This is now a penis" on documents for personal comfort/convenience changes the truth
Like, yes, you've successfully circumvented "the rules" and gotten yourself a variation of what exists, but that's all it is: A variation (and an artificial one, at that). I don't get why scientists delude themselves that they're gods lol
No. 988199
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Why do I have such a hard time expressing my feelings where I can be easily understood?
No. 988233
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I just had a nightmare where Jenny Nicholson became a camgirl
No. 988249
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This Saturday will be a year since my junkie lowlife uncle sold off almost my entire record collection and I’m still heartbroken about it. There was about 350 vinyls spanning from the late 50s to early 90s that I’ve collected myself/inherited over the years. I loved my collection and was looking forward to expanding it. Now I have nothing but modern releases and have no where near the time, money, or effort needed to recollect everything I once had.
No. 988598
>>988571I get you. This reminded me of how that spergy poster a couple days back kept arguing that women with big breasts get 'quality men' and are treated better and how one of the biggest factors in getting good scrotes or having a good life just handed to you is your cup size.
Flat or busty, pretty or average or plain.. every type of woman can be preyed upon or chewed up and spat out by just how shit some men are. I would argue that educating young girls on 'signs to watch out for' does more good than anything else. I remember when I was at my peak in terms of looks, I seemed to attract nothing but men with a host of weird fetishes.
No. 989092
My boyfriend proudly takes cute pictures of me, loves me, wants to spend time with me so badly he visits me often when I am too tired or busy to visit him, introduces me as his girlfriend to others and is eager to show me off, is tremendously handsome and smart, supports my goals and wishes unconditionally, faithfully believes in me, is proud of my intelligence and talent, acknowledges I am sensitive and takes his time with me, respects my boundaries, broke his social media absence by posting me to his account, making it the first time he ever posted a girlfriend on social media, buys me thoughtful gifts and puts in the effort to spoil me, introduces me to his parents via video call because they live abroad but he takes us so seriously he deemed it time they meet me, wants to take me on holiday and will do so when the time is right (covid, work, uni), offers to visit me when I'm abroad for a few months and otherwise wants to wait for me, is willing to be faithful to me since he believes in our relationship and doesn't want to break up, will remain loyal to me if I want him to. I'm the first girlfriend he told he loves, he tells me he loves me constantly in a healthy manner, he can see himself spending the rest of his life with me and would be happy to marry me. My boyfriend comes from an extremely stable household and healthy family, he has always wanted children and believes in a big family but doesn't care about traditional gender roles, he has a stable job he enjoys, he goes to the gym and is conscious about his health. My boyfriend is open-minded to ideas I have that might differ from his, has been surrounded by so many healthy rolemodels for the entriety of his life that he never considered divorce an option since he is so unaccustomed to it, is so used to healthy marriages he is excited about marriage and respectful in relationships, has a lot of friends and spends plenty of time with them. My boyfriend has slightly right-wing/controversial views I share without being a /pol/ idiot or douchebag, is not a misogynist and is very respectful towards women, says some of the smartest people he knows are women, believes in me and supports all of my ambitions. He calls me cute petnames, remembers the things I like, prioritises my pleasure and comfort, fucks me so good and doesn't want any other girl but me. Just writing this here because I desperately needed to blogpost but I think my friends aren't waiting for a list like this kek
No. 989234
I’ve had a rough week. Had a very mild UTI, left it untreated for a few weeks (honestly I didn’t even notice at the time, just that I was peeing more than usual, typically when I have a UTI I have more symptoms), then when the weather got cold my bladder really started to become an issue so I went to the doctor. Started taking antibiotics, all was well, a few days later I went out in the cold without a scarf for 30 minutes, my body really did not like that. Next day I wake up with a fever and chills, back pain etc. I didn’t make the connection at first that it could be UTI related, especially since I was on antibiotics. But my UTI symptoms got worse. And then on Tuesday morning I woke up covered in sweat, high fever, heart pounding, heavy breathing, parts of my body were going numb, I was like fuck ok hospital time. At the hospital they gave me IV fluids and antibiotics, ran a bunch of tests, and apparently it was just a bad UTI? So they sent me home with some powerful antibiotics. These little shits make me so nauseous though even if I take them with food. Which, by the way, I’ve barely eaten. My last real meal was on Friday night, I’ve been sustaining on fruits, yogurts and the occasional small soup/broth. I just had my first “real” meal of a small salad, if that counts. At least it has some fat and protein in it. I am just so tired, and I live alone with cats so I have to do everything myself, my apartment is a fucking disaster. I just want to be cared for. I wish my grandma was here to comfort me and feed me nourishing foods.
No. 989315
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I miss my old best friend so much
I wish we didn't grow apart
I just miss her presence in my life
It didn't matter what we were talking about, I just loved being with her
I adore the person she is, I always have and always will but I think we've grown too far apart and it breaks my heart a little each time I think of it
I'll never meet anyone like her again
I selfishly hope she misses me too, but I think she's already moved on
I really do love my boyfriend, and he is my best friend, but the desire for a female best friend who I was as close as I was with her is still strong
But there'll never be another her
She feels like home and I feel homesick, I want to run into her arms and be hugged tight by her and hug her just as tight back
I want to hear all about what she's been doing, I want to make her feel better when she's down, I want to buy each other's Christmas gifts
Our last Christmas together I couldn't get her anything due to money issues but I wanted to get her a Sailor Moon makeup set
Now whenever I see Sailor Moon I think of her
I regret every single time I've ever hurt her
She doesn't deserve me, she deserves better
I hope she's well, but I have no way of knowing
We'll probably never speak again and it'll probably be for the best.
No. 989361
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>>989354No one touches their daughters tits and pussy as a joke. I'd say go to the police because she's legally sexually assaulting you but I know most of you don't have the ovaries too. Seriously get out of there before you get hurt
No. 989373
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>>989315Reading this made me think of an old highschool friend who helped me when I was struggling at home. I hope you get to patch things up in the future or atleast get some closure with a nice goodbye, anon!
No. 989384
>>989371an anon with a weird relationship with her mother
>>989299ngl money helps but you don't need much money to date.
>>989288good job anon, I'm sure they will appreciate it when they are older
No. 989389
>>989384Honestly even if they don’t appreciate it idc. I kind of want them to have a bit of that normal adolescent entitlement, just as proof they’re secure enough to worry about something like the colour of their rooms or something small and dumb.
They’re children and they deserve better than violence and emotional abuse day in day out. They’re meant to worry about starting highschool and going to camp and tests and I’m about ready to fuckin eat anyone who dares cause them stress or pain that is not part of healthy normal growing up. Nobody has the right to terrorise a kid and i just want them to grow up okay. I want them to cry over a shit school picture or a mean friend or any normal thing not their own mum calling them cunts and slapping their faces and threatening suicide to a nine year old. The kids are out of her house so now she can an hero tbh. The kids are gonna have dinner together with us every night and go to the same school and never be called a mistake or a burden or a slut. I could kill my sister for how she’s hurt them and made herself out to be some poor little martyr.
Holy shit though I’m getting an entire family for Christmas! Time to start setting up bedrooms and digging them their own garden plots and making room for their stupid little dog.
No. 989400
>>989388I wasn't making the comparison they were just asking who that other person is. That other person is also a
victim of covert incest.
>>989389don't go digging anything up just yet, they're going to want stability and will have a lot on their plate. They might not have the emotional bandwidth to care for a garden anytime soon.
No. 989401
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>>989388Nta, but the anon who had that relationship with their mom wasn't encouraging incest either. Picrel, she says she's uncomfortable but puts up with it, and made a follow up post here
>>>/ot/935178 where she says she realizes it's not normal. I don't mean to be defensive, but I don't know how you can see this as encouraging incest when anon's mom is pushing her boundaries to have this covertly incestous relationship.
No. 989410
>>989404I usually defend venting anons, and I'm not the one who asked in the first place
I honestly think it was a genuine question, although a little callous. I just don't understand why you had to say that anon is encouraging incest when they're also being assaulted if you have so much empathy.
No. 989417
>>989400Yeah I’m getting a bit excited but the youngest is super into gardening. She’s already growing carrots and stuff at my house lol. Mostly I’m just gonna make sure they have a bedroom here that is theirs and make sure they know my home is theirs if they want or need that. If they wanna go be with their nan or dad then that’s the best thing for them to do that. Anything as long as it’s stable and safe and they choose it. It’s a few days off school holidays and I’m glad they’ll have some time off school to just kinda process everything and less pressure to choose where they wanna go. Feels like giving them some sort of control is really important rn. Don’t want them thinking they’re just gonna be tossed wherever and nobody cares what they think.
They’re such tough kids but it’s gotta be so frightening for them to have such a sudden and massive change.
No. 989492
>>989479>telling an anon to take their sperging to the matching thread makes one an antivaxxerlmao okay
>>989448there's only one person seething here and it isn't me
No. 989494
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Half the time I believe I'm a failure and a mess and not five seconds later I feel like a God.
I'm constantly torn by the competing desire to stick around or just Gone Girl the fuck out of here.
I'm too old to be this bpd.
No. 989500
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Holy FUCK why can't I sleep this week. I have class at 9 am so fuck it I'll just stay up. I'm not trying to get 2 hours of sleep like I did yesterday it fucked me up even worse.
No. 989571
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i charged my airpods and put them in my stupid bag only for them to fall out in my sisters car when i get ready for work. I hate that my spidey senses were tingling throughout the car ride to make sure my airpods were where i put them. BUT OF COURSE i didnt listen. Im so mad because i dont want to listen to my coworkers talk all day i hate them. Their voices grind my gears. It doesnt help that im literally the only black person/minority in this bitch. I will literally go into the bathroom and slit my wrists. This is the worst timeline.
No. 989632
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I hate having roommates so much. I live with 3 other girls around my age. 2 of them are best friends and dominate the household. The other one keeps to herself for the most part, but is super passive aggressive and never cleans up. The 2 best friends constantly have people over (4-5x a week at least) and play instruments super loud. I told them that I was going to have a small gathering with some friends to cook and eat dinner a week in advance and they STILL could not give us space- they had a party. They contribute nothing to the household chores at all, and I just don't have the energy anymore to parent them and ask them to pick up after themselves, so I end up doing it myself. I tried in the beginning of our lease to set some ground rules (do your dishes within a day or so, don't leave your personal belongings spread along the house, wipe up when you spill something) and anytime I ask them to do one of these things it's always muh anxiety!! excuse. 1 of them right now has been sleeping on the couch with her partner all morning. I went in the kitchen (right next to the living room), made as much noise as I possibly could, and 3 hrs later they are still sound asleep, meaning I can't use that space to work unless I want to sit next to them while they're sleeping. This isn't an uncommon occurence, either. Sometimes I'll come home and start making dinner and I won't notice she's sleeping on the couch until like 30 minutes later. It's disturbing to me how much they act like children, they genuinely remind me of my kid cousins. When I have tried to be friendly with them/hang out with them they just make me cringe so bad- and they always pull out their phones to take videos of whats going on which makes me super uncomfortable. I have ~5 more months of living in this house, and I just can't wait until I can move out and never have immature goon roommates again.
No. 989634
>>989623I feel you
nonnie. I don't live with my bf right now but I did during the initial lockdown in March. It was so stressful, both of us were out of jobs and we absolutely hated each other for that time. If it makes you feel better, we ended up getting separate apartments, our jobs/daily lives back, and our relationship has gotten so much better.
No. 989685
>>989649I don't want to tbh. He crashed into my apartment, it's my family's place so I'm saving a bit on rent and I don't want to spend money or energy on a place that I will leave in 2-3 years due to my upcoming universit/job situation
>>989682I'm paying a bit more than half but earn significantly less. also, I do all the cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping (we split this bill in half also)
No. 989701
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>>989687and you know the most fucked up part, like an Incel in the west, men like your brother will find a wife
your parents will arrange a marriage with a poor village girl whom your brother will abuse and rape
No. 989744
>>989716Have you done all the proper exams? Things like endoscopies, MRI and ultrasounds? Do you have allergies? You have to rule out everything physical first to make sure your organs work properly.
I used to have a similar issue, could barely eat for two/three years and lost a lot of weight. However the issue was mostly due to a cocktail of severe anxiety and depression and after some time (and a lot of exams and tests) I was able to get it under control (with a lot of help from medication). Also how are you able to get regular blood transfusions without a diagnosis? I assume you're also underweight, don't doctors try to admit you to a hospital?
No. 989751
>>989744Every single test imaginable. The most recent one is genetic testing because they suspect that I have a disorder where I can't digest protein, plus suspected Marfans/loeys-dietz. And just waiting on an echo. I look like a rail, but I'm nearly 6' tall which doesn't help. The hospitals only admit me long enough to rehydrate me if I've been unable to keep down water, but I stopped going near the beginning of the pandemic. The transfusions are for iron, I'm not sure I needed a hard diagnosis for that treatment though beyond blood tests. Anemic I guess? And fuck I wish hospitals admitted me to somehow keep food down or something but that's not exactly an ER scenario here. When I've gone to the ER they've only given me like 8mg of ondansetron through IV and rehydrated. I look like a crackhead, or someone with an eating disorder or something. I feel hideous.
The geneticist should be calling back within the next 2-3 weeks so we'll either have an answer or do further testing. She diagnosed me with a hyperkinetic movement disorder and that answered quite a bit at least. I'm just tired. And fucking hungry
No. 989760
>>989751I see, I hope something comes out of the genetic testing. Would be better if you didn't have anything to begin with, but at least you'll know what to do once you find out what you have. It's good that at least the ER gives you iron and fluids without too much trouble. In the meantime, are there any foods you feel like you digest better?
I had constant nausea for a lot of time and I've come to realize that it's one of the most terrible feelings. I used to think it was straight up torture. I wish you well anon.
No. 989852
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My shitty downstairs neighbors got their cat back from the humane society after I took it there because they left it outside all weekend while they were away from home and it's COLD outside. This is is sweetest cat ever and they put it outside and leave like it's nothing. No food, water, bed, or anything. There's a busy road nearby, people constantly speed down our street/intersection, and there's a river nearby so there's RACCOONS!! This is after she was "lost" for a while too. If you can't keep track of your cat, don't fucking put them outside. I've been trying very very hard to work on my anxiety and paranoia but this damn cat has been on my mind so much. I know I'm a nosy neighbor but I just can't stand seeing stupid shit like not taking care of your cat. I felt so relieved after I took her to the humane society because I knew she would at least have a warm bed and access to clean water and food. I feel like that's all been taken away and I'm stressed and scared again. I don't need another crisis, but Winter makes me feel so depressed and crazy. I've been spending more time with my own cat and telling her how much I love her to try to feel better. I hope the neighbors don't leave that sweet kitty outside again because it's starting to rain and snow more now…
No. 989894
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This is a not so subtle example of how porn effects boys at a young age. He assumes that a teenage girl would be a porn-esque caricature of a woman, similar to shit you’d see in ‘teen’ porn because his brain has been rotted by porn to the point where his reference point for girls his age is built around porn, instead of his own real life experience with girls in age (like in school) ,in contrast to the reality that she’s just a kid No. 989903
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>>989897(accidentally posted without finishing because I'm mobile posting please don't ban me mods)
>I tell him about my bpd thoughts that he's trying to punish me>he reassures me that he loves me and he would never do anything like that>says he doesn't judge me for having thoughts like that and understands its because I was abused in the past>tells me he loves me and asks me to draw something today and make a cup of tea to make myself feel better>he hangs up and goes to work>I remember I'm crazy and grateful for having such a patient and loving boyfriend for the first time in my life No. 989908
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Can anyone spare some advice? I'm a woman in my early 20's that's dreadful of girls my age. I was bullied in the past for being quiet, dumb, etc. I became a femcel for a couple years until I decided to become a proper person and move on. I have made several female friends but none I would actually want to be really close to. Recently, my best friend (also a girl) spread rumors about me and completely destroyed my self esteem. It's been a year since then, and my gynophobia has only worsened. I befriended a girl who seems very nice and someone I'm actually glad to be friends with, but the past clings to me and I'm actually paranoid that one day I'll be either bullied or gossiped about again. How do I get over my fear of women? I just want to make female friends like a normal girl, but it's actually really scary for me.
No. 989927
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I have never wished harm on my ex but jesus christ I want to slap him until he cries.
I managed to keep things civil even after finding out he cheated on his gf with me (didn't tell me about her and we were fwb, didn't have ig and his profile was private. I messaged her but she didn't even want to talk or believe me, acted like a bitch so I guess they deserve each other). I asked him today when the phone contract is ending since he took in on my number. Instead of just FUCKING answering me he's been ghosting or is waiting for a weekend. I know he saw the dm because he can't even take a piss without his phone in his hand. I need a simple yes/no answer so I can know when to get a new plan since I'm starting a new job at the same time. I don't want to call the company, explain everything, be put on hold and similar shit, JUST ANSWER YES OR NO YOU DICKBAG.
No. 989933
>>989863Right??? I'm going to call the humane society next time they put her in a similar situation to see if they can take her and prevent them from getting her back. I'd take her in myself but I live right above them and my cat doesn't like other animals.
>>989878This might be my next move if nothing else works. There aren't too many shelters around her so I would be hoping that they wouldn't look for her that hard. I'm surprised they picked her up from the pound in the first place.
No. 989938
>>989934Men can be in the public channels because it's a public server.
Voice verification is for access to the private channels of the server.
No. 989942
>>989908Hey, anon! Idk if this helps but I've been in your situation before, being hurt by women, having the people closest to me betray me, traumatizing experiences affecting my life in general. I know it's difficult to move on from the past, I can't say that my past doesn't come back and haunt me like it used to before but it certainly has improved.
My advice to you is (although it can sound very cliche) but you need to believe that there are good people out there, making friends as an adult can be difficult but not impossible I would say. If the people are shitty they will show their true colors and trust me, no matter how nice they used to be you don't owe them anything and you really don't want another snake in your life.
Learn to come to terms with your traumas, talk to a professional if you can, avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms like drugs or alcohol, and remember to built your self-esteem too. I hope this helps anon! good luck.
No. 990036
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My cat is in the ICU with renal disease nonnies. I just called them this morning for an update and her kidney stone is passing slowly, which is good, but I'm mentally preparing for the worst. They seem positive about her but I can't help being pessimistic as I had another cat pass away really suddenly a couple years back which is why I have this one.
She's my favourite thing in the world, I live alone and she's my company. She's literally always there for me and I don't know how I'd cope without her. I cried into my bfs chest last night and barely got any sleep. I'm not even religious but I was praying, really praying that she makes it out ok. She's young though, and has a lot of fight in her, so I really believe she can get through it.
No. 990042
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I'm starting to notice that my memory seems to be going to shit and it really scares me. I used to always have a great memory, but over the past year or so, most notably the last few months, my memory has started to fail me more and more often. There's been a bunch of times where I was talking to someone and they say I told them those exact things a couple weeks ago, while I had zero memory of that. Or I'd ask a (pretty specific and/or personal) question only to find out I've apparently asked that same question before, but I don't remember what the answer was at all.
I really don't want to fuck up my memory and I know it's probably related to my drinking habits. Which I'm working on, but struggle with a lot.
Has anyone here had a similar experience and was it permanent? Or did your memory regain its previous functionality over time?
No. 990105
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I had to substitute teach five classes today because there’s a shortage of actual substitute teachers. My job started out pretty enjoyable but if this becomes a regular occurrence I’m going to burn out. I can’t imagine wanting to be a teacher after experiencing what they have to do on the daily
No. 990110
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I'm currently in an extremely stressful week with a shit ton of really important work to do for school and I just learned that a teacher wants me to remake one of my animation work. I'm so pissed because it's the second time that it's happening, and every time I lost so much time. What's worse is that is that I have to animate the ugliest puppet on after effects ( the teacher designed it lol it's so bad, half of the mouths are wrong and useless ) and I won't even be able to keep this animation for my portfolio. I also absolutely hate this teacher, he never does his work correctly and is constantly making weirdly innapropriate jokes ( always about women's body of course ). Knowing that I will have to loose time right now is so stressful, I want to scream. I've always had really good grade in animation so I'm lowkey starting to think that he has something against me. Wish me luck nonnies, I need power and strenght.
No. 990112
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>>990036Sending prayers and well wishes your way. Hoping your baby will pull through. If it's slowly passing, that's definitely news to be hopeful about.
No. 990128
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Stressed again. I want to ask my mum for monetary help to pay my pills and bills but god does she making me feel like shit whenever I go ask for help.
I want to cry. Guess I'll sell feet pics again.
No. 990130
My old friend group and I are growing apart. They leave me out of group events, don't try to initiate conversations with me, etc. It really hurts because I poured a lot of love, time, money, and effort into being their friends, but apparently that meant so little to them that they won't even try to reciprocate. We used to run in the same hobby groups, but their focus shifted to another that I have 0 interest in.
I'm just really sad, nonas, and kind of bitter. How hard is it to reach out to a friend now and again? Just really selfish of them. I don't think going forward I will ever pour love, time, or money into a relationship unless the other person tries to bridge that gap first.
No. 990160
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I live with my elderly mother and all I want to do is move the fuck away, but she's too emotionally (and increasingly physically) dependent on me.
In her mind, none of my problems ever compare to her's. I work forty five hour weeks and make minimum wage? Well, she worked forty hours (at a high paying job!) for forty years to support the children she CHOSE to have and the lazy fuck she CHOSE to marry, so nothing the happens to me ever matters. I'm not allowed to be sad or tired because she was sad and tired for longer than me. Guess I'm a bitch for not having a time machine, or suffering in some kind of way that's equivalent to wasting forty years of my life. Nevermind that it fucking sucks to work nine hours a day and come home to two people who've been sitting around watching TV all afternoon and be nagged about a bunch of inane bullshit that doesn't matter.
She acts like giving birth to me and raising me is something I'm indebted to her for, even though she desperately wanted to be a mother before I was born. Parent-child relationships are transactional to her. MY brother and I are now required to be her therapists, take care of her, and give her what little money we make. She doesn't even need the fucking money, she just wants to suck us dry of anything that makes us happy because we "owe" her for raising us. Worse yet, I'm stuck with repaying this "debt" on my own because my brother moved to the opposite end of the country after promising for years that he would stay with my parents and take care of them. I feel trapped. My relationship with my mom used to be really good, but the longer I live with her, the more I hate her. All the men in my life keep telling me "lol just ignore her feelings and move away," but I don't have that fucking option because that's what my fuckhead brother chose to do.
She also wants to be push me out of my childhood bedroom and make me live in the fucking basement because she wants to make my room into a home gym. I can't wait to sleep in a cold, windowless basement after slaving away at work and caring for a couple of emotional vampires! I hate this so much. I feel like an asshole for hating it, y'know, cause it's a "free" place to live. I might not be paying with money, but I feel like I'm paying with something else, like each day I spend here I'm a little more miserable.
No. 990195
>>990042Yeah mines been worse, so many ppl I know are having memory issues not just elderly, and it's scary. Tinfoil but maybe it's 5g/vac/etc. This isn't natural.
>>990160You're her little bitch, that's how you're paying. I'd try to reduce the amount of time you spend around her, and try your best to not give her any money. She's the type of parasitic person that's dead inside and needs an energy source to leech the life out of. Don't react to her bait, always keep a bored tone, pretend to be dead inside.
No. 990197
>>990160Gonna say it anyway: move away.
What you gonna do, suffer till she dies? Put yourself first if you and your mother can't live in a way that's balanced and healthy for both of you.
No. 990198
>>990160your mom is a narcissist and the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is moving out and severing ties with her as soon as possible
this will never end and only make your life increasingly more stressful and miserable
as soon as I got away from my mom, my mental health improved so much
try checking Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for roommate wanted ads, there's always ones where it's females-only
No. 990209
>>990160Stop treating your mom like she's a child. She's not. She's a grown woman.
She will manage without you because she is a grown woman. You do not owe her anything for raising you. SHE chose to give birth to you.
You need to stop with this weird Stockholm syndrome you have in your head where you act like you have literally no choice but to stay there. You do have a choice, your mom just convinced you that you don't.
She's manipulated you. You will feel better if you leave. Stop writing off leaving like it isn't an option when it's the only option you have.
Her forcing you out of your bedroom seems like the universe telling you to pack your shit and get the fuck out of there.
No. 990250
nonnie, they usually never call.
next time you should call them the next day and say you're still interested and ask if they've made a decision.
if they're on the fence between you and a few others, they'll usually give you the job because you showed initiative
No. 990252
>>990250>>990245You should do what this anon said and give them a call.
I once got a job this way, kind of fucked up but originally they gave the job to someone else but he hadn’t started yet, because I called them it showed initiative and they took the job away from him and gave it to me…
That sounds terrible but it was pretty low level work, he didn’t miss out on much
No. 990364
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I hate working so much my nonnies.
The happiest times of my life have been when I've been either jobless/between jobs or working very part-time.
No. 990382
>>990310If he loved you, you'd know it
Confusion is always a bad sign
No. 990383
>>990380I think it's the best option for me too
nonnie. Although I can't afford to permanently quit work or even work part-time forever, at least if I have an extended break between jobs to look forward to I won't rope.
No. 990395
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I hate living with a hoarder I hate it I hate it
There's nothing I can do for now. I'll hopefully be moving out sometime next year and it can't come soon enough. I'm desperate. I hate doing anything outside of my room, which is the only clean room in the house.
I'm hungry but there's so many boxes lined up in the kitchen that I can't even make food. It's late so I can't make sound or my hoarder dad will get angry.
I hate bathing because of how disgusting the bathroom is but anyone who's lived with a hoarder will know that cleaning after their messes is pointless, not to mention unfair.
It'll always get dirty again. I really resent my dad because of his hoarding and unhygienic habits.
I just want to be a normal girl who can actually leave her bedroom without being disgusted or tripping over dozens of boxes.
I want to be able to cook actual food like a normal person. I want to bathe and not feel disgusted doing so.
Your living environment has such a big impact on your mental state. I can't live like this forever. I want to cry because of how hungry I am. I want to leave and never speak to my dad again because of all the built up resentment.
I don't care what anyone says, hoarders who live with other people are fucking selfish. No one should live like this, I shouldn't be forced to live like this because of someone else's laziness.
I feel so miserable. I genuinely feel like crying every time I leave my bedroom. He should have never been a father.
I wish I could just do everything in my bedroom but I need to eat, bathe and brush my teeth obviously. I really need to move out but that's not something that can be done overnight.
I want to abandon him. Leave him to rot in the mess he created and forced me to live through for 18 years. I want this all to be a distant memory. It's hard to be happy when you're hungry.
I am disgusting and underweight. I wish I could be healthy and normal. At the very least I wish I had a clean house.
No. 990404
>>990395I gotta say, if I were in your shoes anon I would be so tempted to light a match to the shitpit.
I don't know how they would ever prove arson when hoarder homes are known hazards and tinderboxes.
Your dad deserves to be punished for subjecting another human to that.
No. 990407
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Guy I was trying to get with called me up to tell me he's going to ask out my friend. So it's going great.
No. 990497
>>990491Light sunglasses. I have some that only shade a little, some cheap heart shaped sunglasses and I even wear them inside when I have a migraine. Allow yourself some time in the morning, maybe watching some comedy while getting up? Water straight up in the morning helps me too.
>>990495Well done,
No. 990511
>>990507TBH I saw a video "zoomer humor explained" and was
triggered since it was what I knew as Tumblr humor back in 2013 or so. Mostly curated by millennials, if not only by them. Zoomers didn't invent this specific type of absurd and casually suicidal memes
No. 990515
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>>990507It's true there's much more new lingo for the generation born online, and words and phrases become "passe" much faster, but millenials had their own lingo too; picrel is just an example for english speaking people but I remember in my country sometimes you'd see in the magazines in early 00s these little explainers for parents "understand what your child is talking about" with new phrases and words the parent wouldn't know accompanied with "translation" to how should the parent generation understand these, so it's definitely not zoomer specific.
No. 990525
>>990516>>990522I guess its the novelty of the act, not that he killed his wife and kids but that a FIREFIGHTER killed his family and burned himself alive
Its one of those things if ever happened in a film or tv series you think would be over dramatic or unrealistic
No. 990526
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i want a laptop or pc just to play sims 2, i don't care about ANY other game, i just want something to play my most favorite game ever on, but i'm too poor to just buy a 2nd laptop. people keep saying to buy an older machine with win7, but even that stuff is expensive. i just wanna play ts2!!!!
No. 990535
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>>990531>mac what part of poor do you not understand, nonna. obviously i don't have a fucking mac or any apple product. and i'm looking specifically for a laptop only for ts2 because ts2 already fried my graphics card on my previous laptop. it's old but still somewhat demanding.
No. 990658
>>990645If they're unusually chunkier than the rest of you it's probably muscle
Work out your thighs and ass for a better balance
No. 990814
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>>990802Love you, I also got molested around the time
Trauma is still there but I can look past it now, I'm happy and I'm sure you'll be happy too one day
No. 990821
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>>990802Good job on processing some heavy stuff, you’re healing. I wish death upon that pedophile. Treat yourself to a good gift anon ♥
No. 990860
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The only happiness I have in my life is through maladaptive daydreaming. I'm so invested in it that I have been in love with someone who doesn't exist for years. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this person doesn't exist, and that I'm not like the person I'm in my dreams. It's pretty crazy when I realize that none of this actually happened, IRL I'm just a useless shut in. Ha ha, I'm so pathetic…
No. 990868
>>990860In the exact same boat, anon. Except, I'm in medschool. I've built such a highly specific perfect man in my daydreams and no man can actually top him, as I've cultivated my Ultimate Man with years of effort, he grew up with me really. It's logically impossible to compete with him. I'm completely out of the dating world, content with my hours of useless daydreams everyday. Although, the self-insert in my daydreaming motivates me to get better, she's like the ideal me and I strive to be her. Anyways, nun' wrong with having with good ol' maladaptive daydreaming, it's what makes life spicy. I love getting free time to continue my scenes. I'm actually in the middle of a good plot point, very excited to finish a few assignments to get back to it, hehe. Sorry for hijacking your post like this, anon.
No. 990889
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>>990868The fact that I'll never be able to be with him is very frustrating
No. 990932
>>990380>>990383How does this work?
t. uni student, never had a job
No. 990936
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I’m so sick of this fucking world. I’m sick of being constantly bullied for my autism or my looks/failing to perform femininity. I’m sick of being a total social retard with no friends on a college course full of instagram bitches. Being an easy target and the butt of everyone’s jokes for years totally eradicated any confidence I had. I look in the mirror and just see a fucking joke. I can’t even fathom someone finding me attractive let alone sexy or wanting to marry and spend a life with me. Maybe I was just put on this earth as an object of torment for other people to laugh at.
No. 990955
>>990921And here i am with my English/languages degree but i can't get out of this shithole, ironic
>>990936I wish i could be your friend anon, i used to be in the same position as you, i wasn't a bad person nor created drama but other women treated me badly for my looks/autism. I never wished harm upon them, i wasn't even jealous of their beauty, i just wanted to be left alone. You deserve dignity too, not everything is about looks.
No. 991020
>>987070>>987073I didn't want to say this in the post because I didn't want to get attacked but I am still with him, I want to leave him but I can't imagine ever being without him, my entire worldview is skewed by him and I don't know what else to do besides kill myself, I'm 18 now and have no friends because every friend I've made he has made me block, and never talk to or hang out with again. I've lost so many great potential friends because of him, I just stopped trying when I was 16 and I've been so fucking isolated from everyone else since then. I just want to be free, it fucking hurts so bad knowing I spent my entire youth being raped and beaten by him in motels when he came to visit. It hurt when my dad asked why I suddenly started flinching whenever a man in our family goes in for a hug
I've always wanted to get married and have kids, but no one would ever want me because of this, I can't imagine any man being okay with his girlfriend having had the shit done to her thats been to me. I wouldn't care if he was nice to me when he wasn't hurting me physically, I just space out and pretend I'm somewhere else. He will insult me and when I get upset he'll say how mentally ill I am, and that all I do is hurt him and ignore me for a few days then make me apologize.
I don't know what's wrong with me, if there is anything wrong with me or if it's him just saying it
If I kill myself and leave a note with everything he's done will he get arrested? He has videos of me at 15 being raped by him
Sorry if this makes no sense I have literally never told a single person this (lol so I fucking tell lolcow)
No. 991164
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No. 991166
>>990967i feel this. earlier this year i managed to make a few real friends but we've since drifted apart. it felt like i was breathing an entirely new type of air and now i'm back to being alone.
even so, i haven't given up hope. there will come a day when i have people outside of my parents (who i love very much but you know) who i can speak with regularly and go places with. praying for us both.
No. 991174
>>991169I love pickles
nonny, pls email it to me asap
No. 991189
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My loser father invited his 10+ years-younger-than-him scrote caravan over to daydrink right while I was taking a final. I've been stuck in my room for 7 hours because they won't fucking go home. Strange drunk men in the home isn't fucking okay, especially when my mom comes home from an 8 hour shift and is greeted by a bunch of trashy losers wrecking her kitchen.
No. 991205
>>990036I'm this anon, and to give you all an update she's doing well. She's stable now, but chronic kidney disease might be something she has to live with. It's sort of bitter sweet, as I'm not sure what stage she's in, or how long she'll survive after this. It's killing me inside that she's only 4 and I might only have a couple years left with her.
But, I'm getting her back from the hospital in the next day or so, they're waiting for her renal enzymes to lower as they don't seem to be budging. If there's any vet anons here who can offer me some advice or consolation I'd really appreciate it.
No. 991216
>>990802>>990814Sending lots of strength to you nonnas!
Anyway, I wish other gossip boards were stil as "cruel" as lc. I frequent one that's primarily aboout various celebs and once in a while there's that one pseudo mother theresa complaining about how it's not nice to comment on someone's looks in a negative way and have them say that you're the one who needs to "re-evaluate yourself" ..the absolute nerve. Can't say anything back without their weak ass mods blocking people either.
No. 991350
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fuck a warm December…god damn it
No. 991365
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I like watching my YouTubers, but whenever they blurt out they spent an x amount of money on something retarded it makes me
No. 991369
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>>991347just get one of those granny carts to haul more food home
No. 991370
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>write a short angry message to ex how he's a dick for not giving me urgent info for urgent thing
>unfollow him
>it's been 3 days
>see him in my stories
>message unread
>he still follows me
>mfw the cunt has me on the restricted list
Didn't think he was smart enough to even find the feature. Still, what a dick, I really needed that information and we were still talking so wtf you stupid fuckface
No. 991422
>>991406I've got shit upper body strength.
>>991411It's harder to pull when it's heavy, can't do it with one arm and two arms is too awkward.
No. 991479
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My family wants me to get a job, and while I’ve been actively looking for a job, they’re asking for me to get one and to experience earning my own money as if I haven’t done so already.
It’s annoying because I think they keep confusing me with my cousin, who actively avoids getting a job.
I do the housework, I study, it’s not my fault I haven’t graduated yet, neither is my fault that getting a job in this goddamn third world country is so difficult, because these bitches want you to have a fucking university degree to teach a language when you see some people who can’t even say fucking “yes” and follow a book made for teaching retards.
I had a job already! I know what is it like to get my own money and losing it quickly because everything is expensive as fuck, I know that with a regular job, I wouldn’t be able to pay for the basic services, that I need to work for as many hours as possible and to have at least two jobs so I could have a less-than-miserable life, because teaching is that kind of career that only people who actually want to teach for a living should study.
I should’ve picked modern languages instead of literature, I would’ve graduated already and I wouldn’t be studying education like a fucking retard.
No. 991494
>>991484Sometimes you have a string of
toxic relationships because you're the asshole, other times it's because you have low standards (past trauma, unhealthy dynamics you witnessed in childhood) and that makes you more inclined to settle for assholes.
No. 991519
>>991494>>991484Yeah, you should reflect on why you're so attracted to shitty people, or why they seek you out.
Once you understand it, you can start to make better decisions.
Also, it's okay to be single, and certainly better to be single than to be with someone you don't like.
No. 991550
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I was supposed to wake up early to study in the library, I even went to bed early and everything. It's 3pm now and I'm having "breakfast"
No. 991656
>>991627Drama board users mental gymnastics
Glad to be exclusive to /ot/ and /m/
No. 991668
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I don't know what's happening but for the past two or so months I can't really sleep on my stomach anymore. I wake up with either a sprained neck or a sore jaw (don't think it's teeth grinding, I often just fall asleep with my teeth misaligned). I can't sleep at all in any other position since I've been like that for at least the past fifteen years, and if I sleep in any other position I wake up every other hour. I always read stomach sleeping is the unhealthiest sleeping position, but to think that it even has an expiration date…
No. 991685
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Fucking hate how at some point professors make an unchangeable opinion about you and decide what marks they would like to give you before even checking your work. I know chemistry much better than I did before and wrote all exams well (at least B), but because my professor decided that I don't deserve anything higher than C+, she keeps giving me exactly this mark, even though my classmates, who had performed somewhat similarly to me and against whom she doesn't have a bias against, were given higher marks for the same shit. The same happened with other tests we've had: I have came to write some tests I've missed one time and she straight up gave me same C mark for them all, despite the fact that I've fucked up only one of them, others were good. Fml
No. 991799
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I made a total retard out of myself at work, again. I work at a warehouse and our department belongs to the second biggest mobile phone company in our country. Today we had an inventarization and we had to count every single item, we had 14 people to work with and it took us like 8 hours overall to count everything. I'm pretty shitty at counting when there's a time pressure, well I'm shitty at everything because I have severe neurosis, but for the whole day my scores seemed to match our numbers in the system and I didn't feel like a retard, at least. But at the very end, when the system was about to get closed and people were about to go home, they gave me one more location to check, I was so stressed, and I count it, all the single pieces and 3 boxes that had 100 pieces each, but it turned out two of these boxes were opened before and they had less than 100 original pieces inside of them (we were told not to open boxes with original tape, because the quantity inside is always the same, and yes, I have to admit I was too tired to take those boxes from the shelf that was pretty high and I was almost sure they were sealed and not opened before). So my numbers obviously didn't match the system and they send me there for the second time and this time my fucking manager himself came with me, there was also my shift leader and my co worker, who pretty always overshadows me in everything she does, and the manager counted it and they've all seen I made a mistake. I felt so fucking bad I wanted to die. They already knew I'm awkward, but now they will think I'm dumb too. I don't want to go there on monday
No. 991837
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No. 991847
>>991687I used to do it too. But trust me in this uni it doesn't work, no one can really stand up for you, so the only thing you can achieve with this is pissing your professor off and making them hate you more.
>>991690I would rather kms than contact our dean. That man is evil and insane. I have reached to him in the past, worst mistake of my life lol
>>991774Thanks, i love you, anon…
No. 991867
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Sorry for long sperg.
Finally came to terms with how inhumane and disgusting men truly are and the existential dread of when i first became a radfem is hitting 10x as hard. I always knew male humans were naturally sick after my first grade male classmates repeatedly molested me, my first boyfriend raped me freshmen year, and when my male therapist insisted that it was my fault because i could've just fought him off harder.
Why are we born on the same earth as men, why can't they all just die out from a male only disease. I don't know, i don't want to live on a earth with men anymore and no matter how much i pray that god releases me from existing with them i keep waking up everyday having to cope with it. Im still scared of hell (and the rapture sometimes even though it wont actually happen) even though im not that religious anymore but sometimes i just pray i'll randomly die in my sleep so i dont have to hold back puking 24/7 because I have to interact with these vile, inhumane apes that make up the other half of the human population. kam
No. 991868
>>991617Remember that quote from Mean Girls that was like, I don't hate you because you're fat, you're fat because I hate you? It goes kinda like that
>cows are shitty people>shitty people deserve bad things>anons think being fat/ugly is the worst possible thing to happen to a person>therefore the shitty person deserves be considered fat and ugly no matter what they look likeThere are plenty of unattractive cows but there are probably more who are (or were) attractive, that's how they got e-famous in the first place. Ultimately it's a cope, because anons seethe at the idea that someone they don't like gets the luxury of being hot.
No. 991870
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>>991867We are here for you nona
No. 991879
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Finally, after weeks of me wiggling myself out of it in therapy, doing a trauma timeline (I know how important it is for me to do it to help tackle some of it, there were just some things I REALLY didn't want to talk about that is necessary for me to open up about), and having to recount stuff and have it all laid out in front of me on a whiteboard really makes me almost a bit fascinated that there are people out there that WANTS shit like this in their life.
I know people are probably really tired of anons reeeing about Jill everywhere, but I wouldn't say I'm as much triggered by her trauma hunting as I find it… baffling? Like, there are people like her out there that romanticize trauma to the point they WISH they had their lives ruined the same way - but of course only in the poetic "beautifully damaged" way you see in movies and not the not so fun part that controls your every day life and sleep.
No. 991883
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Why the fuck did my mom decided to have me when she's poor? I wish I had been fucking aborted. I don't have the energy to study and spend the rest of my life working. Someday I'll just kill myself
No. 991896
>>991867mood, you can get on SSDI for the if you're in the states btw, I did
ptsd, trauma-based agoraphobia, etc
don't feel bad about taking the money, you're taking it from a system designed to allow males like the ones you've encountered to flourish, not just allow even, but encourage
No. 991934
>>991868Some of the first cows I ever came across were shayna and pixie when they were both slim and normal looking. Watching them both decline mentally and physcially was something. I didn't even join in with discussions. Just watched, new and really confused.
Then I started following a couple of different deathfats and they got so butthurt about mean comments that half the time they'd scoff down McDs just to give the middle finger to their haters and troll them. They're way more transparent about it. Cows leaning into being gross and fat or whatever else you call them is about the most retarded but common thing they do. Deathfats are willing to basically kill themselves to get one over on meanie commenters.. they helped me understand why some of the smaller cows act gross in their own ways too. Ruining yourself as an act of rebellion is ugly in all its forms. I've rarely seen a cow who doesn't partake in it some form or another. Then they still bitch about the meanie comments that they're clearly egging on with their bpd style reactions to the initual criticism.
No. 991937
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>>991867Felt. All we can do is find solace among each other. Makes existence a bit easier.
No. 991949
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I'm sorry you're a snotty old bitch who hates her life but you can be like that somewhere else. You're really gonna act like I'm lying about the hours I was hired for? Stare at me and smile and tell me you doubt I was hired for those hours? I have worked confused in a different section every day I came in, my first week working here as a fucking SEASONAL HIRE and you think I created a conspiracy to work my specific hours? I don't give a shit you wish you had my hours, I don't give a shit about 2-weeks notice for time off, I don't give a shit about $15 an hour. I'm gonna call out when I feel sick, I'm gonna call and call and when HR doesn't pick up after the 3rd time I'm staying right in my bedroom because they're too lazy to fucking pick up. You over-scheduled me too bitch, max 25 hours not 40. I should've stayed a NEET, the only reasons I haven't killed myself is I actually want to live, hopefully a nice fulfilling life and I don't want my family to suffer. I'm tired of feeling bottled up and depressed and suicidal every time I get stressed out but at least I know those are my real, raw feelings no one can take from me. The day I finally snap and go insane I hope I make my tormentors suffer, for now and for the hope of a good, normal future with my cat I'll slowly and surely work towards my goals without bending backwards for anyone or sacrificing my health. -an ocdchan
No. 991969
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>>991961>one I could live with into old ageSameeee. I have folder of pics of women just vibing.
No. 991976
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>>991961I'm straight but I'd feel much more secure buying a house with another woman and chilling till the end of days vs marrying a man and hoping he doesn't turn into r/breakingmom material
No. 992052
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I want to hug all the anons here in need of one
No. 992055
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>>992052Cute gif, arigato
No. 992056
>>992052Thank you
nonny, is well appreciated.
No. 992066
A relative me and my boyfriend live with is a lazy, disgusting pig. I try not to talk that way about people very often. We don't have to pay rent (house is old and paid off), just help with taxes and utilities and stuff. We can't afford our own place right now. But this relative literally does nothing but lay in her bed watching tv 24/7. Never goes outside except for the rare fast food run. That part is probably a plus, as she also literally wears the same clothes for months. By the fetid smell, she probably doesn't wash them in as long either. I don't think she bathes or showers. Ever. The smell is the kind that lingers in the air after she's gone. She never does any chores, and ever since I've moved in I've cooked here and there. So she takes that for granted. Every day she will come find me, stinking, to ask "what's for dinner?" I don't use this phrase lightly, but it triggers me. I come from a household where we all had different schedules and made our own meals so it's uncomfortable to be the one who's expected to make dinner every day. I also don't understand how she can be such a gross slob. She does have shaky hands, so complicated stuff is probably hard. But she is still capable of washing herself and making some simple foods for fuck's sake. She also steals our food but that's nothing compared to the hygiene stuff. Maybe she's depressed, but so am I. And I still take care of shit. I can't imagine how mind numbingly boring it would be to sit in bed day in and day out either. My boyfriend agrees with me on these feelings, but we can't afford to move out just yet. We're trying to save up. And, at least we don't have to physically deal with her that much.
No. 992071
>>989404I'm the one who asked the question because I genuinely can't tell when someone is trolling here, and someone talking about their mom going for their pussy struck me as moid bait. Ngl you seem like you're baiting too with your uwu won't someone think of the
victim shit. I don't know you or OP and don't visit this website often enough to care what happens to anyone, I just hate unfunny scrotes trying to attention whore for their incel gayops. >Encouraging incest
Lmao sure.
No. 992077
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I really despise my first boyfriend.
He's a genuinely evil person, and I'm not saying that lightly.
I feel useless because I don't have any proof of the horrid things he has done or said to me.
We started dating when I was 14 and he was 19, he introduced me to R9k of all places when I was only 14 and would 'make' me read the women hate threads there, he 'made' me unironically call him onii-chan and romanticised me being a 'loli', said it wasn't rape if women didn't try their hardest to fight back against the rapist, would record me when I'd cry during our arguments, would slut shame me for wearing shorts (normal ones, not even short shorts!) when we had a heat stroke, he'd get jealous when I'd talk to my own father, so, so many things.
But the worst thing of all is that he'd show me toddlercon doujins and said that if we had a daughter we should start molesting her together when she turns 3
I'm so afraid of him ever having children and I feel absolutely powerless. I know what he's like, and frankly I wish he just wouldn't be alive at all. There's nothing I can do and it tortures me.
I met him at the worst time of my life and he made it 10x worse. I went through so many things for him just because I was so afraid of being alone. Of course, I wish I had never, but I don't blame myself. I was only a child going through a very hard time who happened to fall in the hands of someone who wanted to take advantage of me.
He'll continue living. He simply shouldn't have the right. I hate that I'll have to know him for the rest of my life. I haven't seen nor talked to him in many years, but the wounds are still there and always will be. I would be relieved if he died, because if he was dead he couldn't be around children.
I know two of his exes in the past became friends by initially bonding over how shitty he was to both of them, and now they support one another. Sometimes I wonder if I should contact them to join the "women J has hurt" club, but I never do.
He has caused irreplaceable damage to me. It'll always affect me.
And he had the nerve to try to apologise for it.
No. 992112
>>992102I'm just saying there's severe levels of it, that's the kind that results in not getting up or doing anything, but it hardly gets acknowledged when people talk about depression or any kind of mental illness for that matter everyone thinks it's the lighter kind and dismisses people who are truly fucked up and unfixable. The same thing happens when people encounter actual non-online schizos and autists irl.
This other post put it better
>>>/ot/983299 No. 992130
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>>991205>>990036Well nonnies, she's gone. Unfortunately it was too late, she was getting worse and I had to put her down. I hate that I'm so affected by her leaving, but she was really my only friend. The one constant thing in my life that made me feel joy after a day of dealing with this shitty, cruel world.
I only got 3 years with her, but every moment was an absolute joy. Everyone says their cat is the best, but she was never horrible, she loved me from the second we met and it never stopped. Here's a picture of her sitting on my lap, as I'd always pull her on it when she was vying for my attention. She'd chill there, paws resting on my hand, peacefully resting with me.
I didn't know anything could hurt this much. I don't really know what to do, my apartment feels so empty and devoid. But we have to move on, keep going. I'll love another cat someday, but I don't think I could ever love a cat as much as I did her.
No. 992191
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>>984336i hate my dad i hope he gets hit by a car tbh
No. 992334
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i dropped out of university my final semester because of covid and feeling too depressed at home to focus on my classes. i regret it so much. i wish i just pushed through even if it ruined my gpa. i've been applying for so many jobs over the past year and i just can't find anything with my incomplete degree.
i've also been trying to apply for online colleges but every school seems to not want to convert my credits and i'd have to start as a sophomore… i don't want to have to do another 2 years. i need to get a job so i can move out and get away from my famiily.
my mom is so condescending to me and treats me like i'm 10. she can never ever be wrong about anything apparently. my aunt tattles on me despite being in her 50s (she recently told my mom i was saying "rude words" while i was talking to my online friends… i just said "shut up" in a joking way…). my grandma is constantly calling me lazy and useless even though i do a lot of chores for her. if it weren't for my cat and dogs i would have just killed myself. no one in my family has any sense of boundaries. if i try to set some, they just get walked around immediately.
i feel like such a loser in my early 20s. i wish i could just time skip to a time where i'm independent and happy. i know life can get better, but… i feel stuck. i don't know what steps to take. my mental state is in shambles. i can't find the motivation to do anything right now except cry about feeling like i'll be stuck in this house with my oppressive family forever.
sorry this post is all over the place, i just typed as i thought lol
No. 992341
>>992334no universities or colleges will accept over 60 credit hours to transfer over because thats how they make money.
your only option is getting re-admitted to the university you went to before, have you looked into that? is that at all option for you?
if you haven't looked into that, I'd suggest calling the university tomorrow and talking to them about your situation
No. 992383
>>991847I had this happen to me in college, and I actually had to change instructors. I felt 0 guilt about it, either. It was a class that built on a project from a previous class, that took an entire semester. This absolute snake of a professor for the second part got shitty with me about my project and expected me to redo the ENTIRE thing from scratch because it wasn't "complex" enough, in her opinion (instructional design document about makin peach jam). For reference, other classmates projects were things like "mountain biking", "shooting a basketball", and "how to make a suncatcher". The professor insisted jam itself wasn't complex enough and demanded that I create additional types of jam. Which all required videos and pictures, by the way. My total project, with an instructor guide and a participant's guide was hundreds of pages, 30 videos and dozens and dozens of pictures and it went into painstaking detail. This professor was seriously demanding that I replicate an entire semester's worth of work for her class and anything less wasn't acceptable. I was so upset I was sobbing and I dropped that class and retook it with a different instructor that had 0 fucking problem with my design document, she though I did a fantastic job. Fuck that OG professor I honestly think she was being mean to me because she's a dumbass bitch that decided to pick on me to make it harder for the hell of it. Fucking cunt
No. 992390
>>992334>>992341Please don't be discouraged by general documents.
Try to talk to an actual person, maybe look for student support organisations. Your situation isn't all that uncommon for people whose job it is to deal with students, so someone will know what you can do and help you do it.
No. 992401
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>>990936This anon again and surprise surprise I’m still fucking miserable. I hate conventionally attractive people so much. Nobody takes me seriously because of how I look (or how I talk, for that matter) and all my family does is gaslight me with “but you’re beautiful honey!!!”. Both my parents were attractive, what the fuck happened to me? I’m in my 20s and have my middle aged dad’s face and a babyface simultaneously. I’m a kissless virgin, never even held hands or been on a date, while my peers are getting married. The only men who have ever shown interest in me were creepy indian guys at the supermarket when I was 12. Every day I understand Christine Chubbuck more.
No. 992422
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Keep getting puppy crushes on twitch bois with cute voices.
Getting a I can fix him manic vibes off of one who is always sad on twitter. I just find it sad how no one watches him and no one replies. He's not even that good looking, I don't know why I had the urge to imagine our life together.
Damn I'm lonely.
No. 992544
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This going to be long but I have to vent somewhere:
My grandma has terminal cancer and it has been already said that she has not much time left. My mum is since the beginning of last month (and overall since the diagnosis last year) the main caretaker of my grandma. She now lives with my grandma for a few weeks now and while I do not downplay the situation of my grandma being deadly sick, it really starts to affect the whole family because since the news broke. I help my mum where I can but she and her two brothers are the ones who are responsible for grandmas well being. The thing is that at this point my mum does the whole work, the one older brother just started to help frequently and the younger one lives in a different country, so he can only help money wise. My mum is clearly done and burned out from all that because of as mentioned, the drama and fights that happen ever since (and especially since she live with her) and of course the whole cancer situation on its own. My mum does get help from the professional medical team each day, but they only come around noon and leave in a few hours. The mood of my grandma has changed a lot in the past days because she got the news that she will mostly likely die this month, but feels good overall with the help of medicine and is able to do daily things on her own. As said my mum lives there and hates it at this point bc she tends to clash with my grandma as well and said in the past weeks many, many times that she would like to take a break or have the older brother to step in and help grandma instead, so she could go home again and go back to work. But of course with the news of my grandma prob dying really soon she said she would feel bad to do this now but at the same time she has no energy to maintain that job any longer. She said that there it the possibility to arrange a help that stays with my grandma 24/7 but she has not spoken to the medical team yet because idk why. It could be easily done, everybody would pay for that but my mum is the one who has to take action in that direction because she is currently the one living with my grandma and the person the team operates with. I get that it is easily said than done but the thing is that at this point it's impossible to talk to my mum because all she talks about is how tired she is and how much she hates everything and everybody. I don't know what to say at this point because you can't even talk about mundane everyday things with her because you get things like "Well, sounds like you had a good time but I do not have a good time right now" and such. She got so bitter that I really feel like not talking to her much because all the conversation do is going into cycles how stressed and tired she is, how little help she gets but also how nothing changed because she did not take any actions to change that and so on. I always listen and try to give some idk idea and offer help when needed but you know, but that's something she has to figure out with herself and my grandma. My grandma already said that she does not care about who there is for her, so idk at this point.
No. 992545
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I found a few tiny black dots on my fingers(needletip size) and I'm freaked out that they might be melanoma. I noticed them a few weeks ago after I was working with metal(and might have got some splinters because I'm a retard who doesn't wear gloves), but they're still there. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and I'm not gonna stop freaking out about it until(if) I get told it's nothing
No. 992547
>>992502>he said something to me because I posted a video of our dog "getting his ass kicked" to my social media which was literally just him being on the bottom while playing with a sweet puppy at the dog park???? kek if you're not trolling this man is deranged. do NOT have children with this person. he's already trying to enforce hypermasculine machismo standards on a fucking DOG lmao.
funniest thing is, dogs will often let puppies "win" in playfights just for fun, or to keep the game going. Your dog has more self confidence, maturity & emotional generosity than your husband kek
No. 992566
>>992558Well, I get her, I’m always messing up and often unable to meet her, sometimes the reasons sounds like excuses and she’s surely frustrated, because she doesn’t go out nor meet with lots of people, she’s quite the social kind of person even if she gets tired of interacting with others.
I’ve tried being assertive, it only makes my family get more pissed at me for daring to go out after the death of 3 family members… while my cousin and brother go out all of the time.
It’s just overall frustrating, this whole pandemic has made my life a special kind of living hell, lots of minor inconveniences that would’ve been justified with other excuses or reasons so I’m always locked up.
No. 992568
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>>992545Hey anon, i got benign melanoma removed earlier this year and it actually looks pretty much the opposite, big multicolored moles.
No. 992584
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God I fucking hate living below a family with children.
No. 992640
>>990507Millenials barely had internet anywhere.
Zoomed were raised on internet, millenials were raised on TV.
Millenials had cringe phrases from TV that boomers hated too.
No. 992656
>>992592 I watched this one first and then To be honest I don't know if the illness is real but the people featuring the documentaries have had hard lives, I'm sad for them, and fucking mad at larpers of any mental illness, what a shameful existence.
Sorry for the text anon I know you only asked for the links but is upsetting
No. 992687
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I already spent too much money and don't have enough to buy enough rolls to cover all the space I need, but there's a sale that's literally ending today aaaaaa!!!
No. 992727
>>992725samefag but by "exposure therapy" i mean exposing myself to it and just dealing with it. Focusing on what I was doing rather than what I was hearing, and not looking for ways to avoid it.
don't pay for shit.
No. 992756
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Been ghosting my best friend for the past three days because I am so fucking tired of her non-problems. She keeps complaining about how she's bored at work and can't find anyone to hang out with when she's off(I live in another state, thank god)while I'm trying to balance work, uni and family related stuff. I used to feel bad for doing it but now that I've seen how demanding she can be (she immediately texts me and acts like it's sooo urgent when I don't pick up the phone, not considering that I could be busy) and how much of an energy vampire she is, I don't even care anymore.
Funny how she recently mentioned that she feels like her friends are turning their backs on her and I can kind of relate at this point. She used to be so nice, supportive and caring but for the past two years she's been extremely selfish and needy and I'm serioulsy rethinking our friendship.
No. 992778
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i'm just dumping everything since i have nowhere else to dump it, big ass blog post and tragic backstory incoming
just doing it to feel temporary relief
i'm experiencing the loneliest most isolating period of my life
my biological mom passed away when i was really young and my dad never wanted anything to do with me since he already had another wife by the time i was born. growing up my older sister would consistently come home from his house and relay to me he would tell her i'm not related to him, id tell this to my little half sister who would get upset and claim he would tell her that i was his daughter. he never made contact with me unless i achieved something academically, and then at most he'd ask for a photo of me to put up in his house. i was adopted as an infant by my grandparents and grew up pretty normal until i was 8 and my grandpa passed away and he took a lot of what made my grandma herself with him.
started being a weird kid and became reclusive with germ OCD alongside terrible body dysmorphia. im talking like complete and utter disgust of myself, face and body to the point that i had my first rhinoplasty at 14. if i kept a mirror in my room i'd look at myself with rage for 30 minutes to an hour and end up in tears googling plastic surgeons. my older sister got badly into drugs and has bpd, we're more acquaintances than anything even though we lived in the same house. i drifted away from my little sister, and my adoptive mom would toss me away if it meant she could spend time with her fiancé
i start going in on myself, full on blaming and wondering what my flaws are that make people that used to really like me turn to indifference
i felt somewhat fine until my dad died recently, my older sister was listed in his obituaries but not me
he left her items and trinkets after he passed but not me
she was invited to the funeral and not me
like his wife and himself leaving a last message that he has no care for me at all
i met someone who is unbelievably talented with music, really cute, complex and probably has more depth than i do
we started to date but as months went on the honeymoon phase ended and things flattened out more than i'd hoped. why is it really hard to come to terms with the fact that you can say/do anything but the outcome won't always be what you want. you can say how you feel but it's never guaranteed to change anything. i leaned into them since they were like my support and at the time i thought they wanted what i wanted, while simultaneously shutting out all of my other friends because i have no vigor anymore, as well as when i would try to tell them what was happening in my life the attempt at comfort just struck me more as apathy.
i have no friends, i have no wishes to make any friends right now, i have no energy for anything other than work, no one matches me with my level of care for them, had a habit of carelessly taking big amounts of any medicine that will make me drowsy when i want to avoid being conscious & im starting that up again, anything that goes wrong turns into self blame filtered into a category of 'because i'm ugly/annoying/shallow/immature'
i'm really exhausted, i'm suspecting i have depression but i vehemently deny it because i don't want to be. i don't really feel like what i think a depressed person would feel like, i can be pretty happy usually. but i have nothing i enjoy, and i think of myself as too much of a burden for any social interaction with meaning at all.
i'm super scared of having no one but i have no clue on how to improve and give myself more value
No. 992791
>>992772Oh I've tried that( I didn't want to make my inital rant about her too long though) but then she'll find 100 reasons why, instead of working towards changing it. It's just that I'm really fed up with her behaviour now, whereas before I just tolerated it, thinking it'd pass eventually.
I've told her multiple times that I can't always pick up because I don't get off work at 12pm every day like she does and hence don't have time for a chat when she's bored. I also told her that I don't have much sympathy for her when she's thinking that the worst thing about her life is being bored, while plenty of people have real problems. I've only been ghosting her for the past few days and it's not something I do on the regular.
I am tired of always having to apologize for being busy because I don't have to justify myself for it. I'm sick of being there for someone who wants advice but won't take it, I'm sick of giving someone a shoulder to cry on but them not asking once how I'm doing. This friendship has felt one-sided for a while now and I always try to go above and beyond to be there for her yet when it comes to me it's always about what I can do for her. I just feel unappreciated.
No. 992818
I used to be an ana-chan. For the last ~7 years I have been restricting my calories in some way or another. I have felt very proud that the thoughts and feelings I had about eating, my body, calories, food, etc. has shifted a lot, into a more logical and not ana-chan way of thinking. I would consider myself to be trying to gain weight lately. But it just does not reflect in the way I eat, and that scares me. I have been struggling to eat 3 meals a day, not because I am trying to lose weight- I either just forget, am not hungry, don't have the ingredients/time, etc. and I end up eating a protein bar or snacks instead of meals pretty often. I'm feeling sad and like I need to vent about this because I have felt so much better about this lately but it just hit me (when I passed out at a friends house) that not eating for 9hrs on a normal day is not healthy for my body! I am not getting enough calories and sometimes I have to correct my brain when I start to feel like thats a good thing. Sorry to post this, it feels pretty embarrassing to be anachan here but although I have been having a hard time getting calories, I feel very good that my brain has stopped registering this as desirable.
No. 992845
>>992818Would counting calories help or would that be too
No. 992850
>>992845I've tried doing that and I've found it very hard to be consistent. I recently started an ADHD med (also suppressing my appetite), so I should try that again to make sure I am getting my nutrients and calories. Thanks for the suggestion! I feel pretty confident that it should not be
triggering for me.
No. 992858
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>>992778Why don't you give antidepressant a try anon. Doesn't seem like you have much to lose. I don't have any flowery words, just cliches you've heard before. But you do sound very much trapped inside your sadness, you're inconsolable.
When I was in a similar place, my trick was NEVER having a single thought. I aim to dissociate completely every day.
Take the pills, go to school/work, don't look in the mirror, eat the same 4 meals every day, have a live stream or music playing at all times, never go in the showers or to bed in silence, take the pills. If I get too unbearably lonely I go on lolcow. I basically lived like a ghost, completely isolated and detached. That sounds unhealthy to most ppl but weirdly, the ritualistic repetitive approach to life really helped me. And with the medication, I don't know, one day I just woke up and knew in my heart that I can keep going. It's subtle at first, but I started having thoughts like "I want to try something new, I want to go to the park, I feel ready for a connection", like that.
Not sure how to end the rambling, just yeah, maybe try drugs lul
No. 992872
>>992850You can be my inspo. I'm coming to the realization my current eating habits are not healthy or sustainable for long term. Eating 1600 calories worth of food seems so overwhelming and hard to do every day unless you're bingeing.
>>992856>>992859I do not recommend this!!! Drinks with the majority of their calories coming from sugar are horrible for you. Doing so will sabotage your health and will you could get addicted to sugar. (Maybe I'm biased because I am addicted to sugar though).
I recommend you have calorie dense foods instead. Try nuts and seeds. A small handful of nuts could be about 200-300 calories, and a tablespoon of seeds can be 50-60 calories. Hemp, chia, flax, coconut flakes or shreds are extremely calorie dense as well. They're all easy to incorporate into your food or smoothies. This is the healthiest and easiest way to get calories if you don't feel like eating imo.
No. 992909
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>>992778I'm really sorry you didn't get the childhood you deserved. And right away I know that you feel like a burden because you're so scared of expressing yourself, so the real 'you' doesn't come across so easily. This is worsened by having a neglectful childhood, as growing up like that makes it harder to let people in due to 'learning' you're unworthy of love and fearing rejection. But the real you, I'm almost sure, is not boring at all.
So if no one has been there to support you, you need to start supporting yourself. If you're an adult, think about making that sad and desperate kid you proud, and that the pain was worth it. Cut off the guy if he reinforces your negative ideas about yourself, move away, even, if you want a new start (as you don't have many ties to people). You could have your own apartment, or have roommates, and decorate it to make the kid you happy. Like I know a lady obsessed with pandas who comes home happily to an entirely panda themed house every day, for me it's pink stuff.
It's important to look after your body during depression with exercise, good hygiene, and meal prep, just imagine you are your own child to love and look after, and it gets easier. Also, I know zoomers and millennials are the loneliest generations, but you don't have to live like that. I took the gay advice of 'hur DuR JoIn A ClUb' and it's been really positive to get exercise and be surrounded by women. Also, depending on where you live, you could try to find excuses to talk to strangers like 'do you have a tissue' or 'what time is it?' and then build up to having conversations. If you're awkward, you're awkward- it's natural.
But what's important: men probably can't look after your feelings and are emotionally immature. It's better to find emotional support in women. If you feel ugly, try to remember you're a soul in a body having an experience, and your body is working hard to keep you healthy and working, and to derive self worth from what you make and do rather than how you look. Change up your routine, eat breakfast for in the bathtub, paint your room green, learn arabic or get up at 4am and watch the world wake up. Keep the kid in you alive. Don't live by any rules, by kind to yourself, and take risks everyday. I know this isn't the most coherent paragraph but I just felt a little surprised that someone could have such an unfair start in life. I am really proud of you for making it this far, even though you had it difficult for a while- that's very strong. Your path is different, I really hope you end up getting to wherever you need to be.
No. 992920
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>>992858i basically do that now, i always have my headphones on and i can't do anything without constant sound of someone speaking. i fall asleep to like gaming commentary videos every night, if i can't hear something like that then i have a really hard time sleeping. the person i'm dating is really the only person i speak to right now and i just put all my energy into that, u know? i'd try antidepressants again but the last time i took them i couldn't deal with how suicidal it made me feel on top of not being able to care about anything. being alone is enjoyable to me until i get reminded of why i'm alone, if that makes much sense. ty
nonny maybe i'll grow the testicles to try drugs eventually.
No. 992925
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>>992909i agree with you 100% but my partner isn't a guy, she just has a masculine personality i guess
i did try to invite a coworker out for bubble tea, and it went well as we spent an hour talking before we went home and i downloaded fort nite for her lol
but her boyfriend played with us and i have no chemistry with him at all, and back at work shes just angry shes at work all the time so no amount of joke cracking does anything to relieve the tension
thank you for the advice you're really sweet, don't apologize for the rambling it was enjoyable to read!! even when shit gets extremely rough for me i don't think i could go through with suicide or anything like that, i don't want to scar anyone who lives in my house by finding me after it's done
and i have a sweet clingy anxious cat who loves me more than anyone, it makes me teary to think of just leaving him. even if it's lame
thank you a lot for your feedback, i'm pretty stubborn even when i'm in a lot of pain
i'll just end up trying to sleep it off for maybe a month or two and try to build myself back up being okay if i was to be completely alone
No. 992986
Holy fuck ladies. So my first relationship was sexually abusive, and most relationships since then also–but they've been steadily getting better, probably because I'm recognizing red flags sooner and valuing myself more. My last boyfriend wasn't a rapist, didn't verbally abuse me, but also lost interest and I was low self esteem enough to throw myself at him. Which of course led to him emotionally detaching and just sticking around for sex. Great. It's been three years since that relationship, a wee bit of dating in between but nothing successful.
Two years ago I met a coworker. We work with teen boys and I've always crushed on him because he just seems like such a great role model. Anyways, I recently told him I had a crush on him for forever (he's no longer my coworker) and we've gone on a few dates. He suggests we go stay overnight somewhere for Christmas. At first, I'm excited. Then he suggests I look at places I might wanna stay and as I look online, I start getting into my head. Who's paying? Will we sleep in the same room? The same bed? Do I go for cheap so two rooms are affordable? Do I say fuck it and go for something that looks nice but is totally geared for couples (one bed, jacuzzi, romantic ambience, etc.). I'd fuck with a bed and breakfast… but then I'd need to have a conversation about sexual boundaries. We only just kissed last night, I explained I tend to get nightmares after first kisses so he was cool with waiting a few dates, asking before if we could kiss on the next one, letting me decide when, that sort of thing (no nightmares, but I did have an awful sleep). So now I'm probably going to explain a watered down version of this: I really like you and am excited to do overnight adventures with you, and I realized while looking for places that this isn't something I'm ready for just yet.
But it's just… for fucks sake, I wish this wasn't my reality. I don't think he'll respond poorly, and if he does oh well another one bites the dust. It's just that dating is so stressful, it's like walking through a minefield (and there's always that nagging part of me that says it knew all along and I should have realized it sooner). I don't like seeming wishy washy, but I also know I need to voice my needs or else I'll repeat the past.
Christ, even worse is I have no girlfriends I can rant to about this or who will be with me along the way. One girl I think is cool but she's busy with the end of semester at uni and I don't really know her well enough to ask her what she thinks. How am I supposed to navigate dating if I don't even have any supportive friends? Do I tell him hey I like you but I need a female friend before we can date? That sounds fucking stupid. Save me from my overthinking, nonas!
No. 993003
>>992986sorry in advance because i know i wont be very helpful but: damn you have made a lot of progress! i think first and foremost you should at least give yourself a pat on the back for all your strength and perseverance!
aside from that, it sounds like things are going well with this guy so far. i know its tough to think about asking, but i really think you should just be honest and say you do not feel ready just yet. typically overnight stuff takes time anyway, so i think its not strange or a lot to ask to say that. also, definitely i think its better to say it rather than not and then possibly have yourself run into more issues (ex: maybe you go into it and its not ideal because of you not being ready, having to think of some other excuse as to why it cant happen, etc) and from there at least you know you said how you feel and youll even get a better idea of how he feels too (who knows, he may also feel like waiting is the best choice?). its okay, i also have no girlfriends and i think that you have the right idea!
all the best nona, i think youre doing awesome!
No. 993034
>>993003Your kindness was actually really helpful cause yeah, it's not strange that overnight would take more time. I knew I had to be honest about this, ignoring my panicky response would be such a step back for me. And if he's really so wonderful, he'll respond graciously. Just wish I hadn't said yes to even begin with…
>>993004We've gone out twice, the second time I let him know I'd be open to dating. Since then we've gone on two dates. I think it was our first date that he asked about this? Which looking back was way too early to bring up overnight things imo. No, we haven't spoken about becoming anything official yet.
>>993020That's another thing, it's a lot of time to spend with each other! I wish I had thought of these things in the moment, I guess I went into people-pleasing mode and ignored my intuition… which sucks but at least I'm paying attention now.
Okay well I sent the message, not too long, threw in a compliment or two, and expressed the overnights isn't something I'm ready for yet. I'll update you ladies how it goes.
No. 993070
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never failed a class in uni before but i feel like i'm going to fail this one and it's making me nervous as hell. how am i going to tell my mother?
i don't even have a good reason for it outside of not leaving myself enough time for this project we have to turn in. god i feel stupid and i'm praying the grading rubric is gentle.
No. 993087
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>>993075we're at the end of the semester; i'm not even sure how far he could extend it. and besides: i've already turned it in.
tmi, maybe, but this is the vent thread so: it consists of the program itself, and a report that's meant to walk him through our thought process. i didn't fully meet the specifications for the problem the program was meant to solve (and i'm now anxious that i didn't even [fully] use the components he wanted us to use), but i'm hoping the report is graded independently of that…because i did give some effort.
i don't know. i'm trying not to think on it too hard. there's no point to stressing myself out over it, i think – i'll just pray on it and sleep that the guy is merciful. if he isn't then well, i guess everyone has to fuck up sometimes. pray for me though
No. 993121
I am so tired of my nephew being mean to my son, he is just an awful kid. I vented about him in
>>977585 >>978266 and yeah I get some kids are like that and it’s not their fault.. however his parents barely even paid me after promising to for a month and it was only $120 for watching that kid and having him scream at me and my baby… this is such a shit job. I was pressured to quit my other job too cause it was fast food and I hated it but I hate this even more. I’m so done with that kid, I feel cheated. I’m quitting and checking on applications at some places in the morning. They were taking advantage of me… I’m uneducated and inexperienced I feel dumb. I would rather work in retail or fast food or anywhere else than ever do that again. I’m scared for my baby being stunted because of all the bullying hes experienced from that kid… he’s learning how to be mean from him. It’s sad. It ends now. It’s not my problem to fix that kid, his parents said they shouldn’t pay me that much because I don’t teach him and his brother how to read. But that’s not my responsibility, I fed them , kept them clean and sage, and missed out on working during the day to care for them, also his brother has a severe speech impediment and it’d be hard to teach him. I always feel my stomach drop when his parents from him off. I’m glad it’s over. I’m never falling for something like this again
No. 993122
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I can’t believe I’m experiencing the stages of grief after scaring off a guy with my bpd tendencies and he keeps leaving me on seen fuck that dick-cheese roid toy
No. 993135
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>>993130Most lumps are benign anon, try not to think of the worst outcome.
No. 993231
>>993121I'm happy for you
nonnie. He isn't your responsibility, you have to concentrate on both your own baby and yourself first and foremost.
No. 993246
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saw my psych and she commended me on all the progress i made. i cried a lot during the session and hearing her tell me that made me cry even more because i've never had anyone acknowledge my growth.
then i heard that my soulmate is in a relationship now and i feel so heart broken. it hasn't been confirmed yet but i think it's probably true. i wish i lived in the alternate reality where i never fucked things up when we were together. ive improved on the things that tore us apart but it took years. i wish somebody pushed me into therapy sooner. no one pushed me i ended up going there myself but the damage of losing my soulmate was done. how do i cope?
No. 993256
>>993247instant attraction when meeting, i've never gotten along with someone so well ever on so many fronts. it's been years since we were together, and we weren't always talking during this period. i've been with three other people and they feel superficial, like a page turn. we had fun together, we had similarities, we connected but it wasn't as strong as it was with my soulmate. even if the relationship lasted longer (which is all of them i think), if you told me to share a highlight of one of my last three relationships, i would need a moment to think. with my soulmate i would need a moment to
choose between many. and these memories are still easy to recall even though it's been 4+ years since we dated.
we reconnected recently and it was like opening a time capsule of memories. all of these in-jokes and memories are still there and we still bring them up. although my soulmate has changed a lot due to recent trauma. we're still the same people who dated long ago.
No. 993262
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>>984336this admin girl at my old work (I work in STEM) used to harrass me constantly to go for a drink with her despite me flat out telling her I wasn't interested. She would be all like "don't tell anyone I'm into girls, I'm not out" etc etc. It was super weird because she was so persistent and completely would not take no for an answer. Anyway I found out yesterday through the grapevine she is having a baby soon. Just made me sad like why bring a kid into your messy life. Working minimum wage, HS drop out, no steady relationship, harrassing another woman who is patently not interested.
No. 993278
>>993271They’re autistic too looking like that and acting like that usually means they’re autistic.
I’m not that mentally ill lmfao, what gave you that away?
No. 993289
>>993271Also hold the fuck up, I just realized that you are responding like a low iq’d motherfucker.
What’s wrong with being mentally ill and getting bullied for no reason over being mean and ugly? I’m getting sexually harassed in class, outcasted, mocked, get called mentally ill just because I’m doing my thing like it’s supposed to be (more like jealousy), way before I decided to be narc and think of them as low creatures, like (you).
I’m in a ghetto class with mostly men and pickmes in it, but I’ll be one of the few to graduate and pass, and they will mostly stay all neets just like you. Kiss my pseudo narc ass retarded cunt.
No. 993300
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I'm so tired of people calling my politeness fake. That's just how my mom taught me to talk to people. I can't change this. They spread rumors about me, calling me fake etc. I don't get this, should I tell people I've just met off? Or should I act all buddy-buddy immediately and tell them everything? I don't know how to act because I'm an autist, I'm just polite and professional but this bites me in the ass somehow. There is no reason to talk about me or randomly hate me, I'm just a boring person. I don't want anyone to like me, just return the politeness and don't go out of your way to be fucking rude. I will quit solely because of my coworkers. I was so happy in my hermit home office life, I never want to interact with anyone again.
No. 993318
>>993252Cope however you can until it's over
They're probably everything bad you say they are because no well adjusted person would bully someone
No. 993341
>>993315Yeah I know, I wasn't planning on probing. I almost always wait for him to message me first and he usually does every day. This morning he was a bit weird but I'm not gonna probe, I will give him space. He might be second guessing this but I'd feel bad pushing him into anything especially when I'm older. Thank you for writing out the advice anyway
nonny, I appreciate it.
No. 993350
>>993318Thank you for your answer. I tried to be nice but they just get worse. One of them even asked me if I wanted to have sex with them for money. (Like I give them money)
The worst thing is that they’re all adults (20+) or almost to be adults (17-18 or 18-19).
I’m in trade school btw a ghetto trade school.
I can’t attend a normal class because I’m a poorfag with no HS degree, I’m in that class for study gibs and in whatever spare time I have I study to get my GED. Hopefully next year I’ll attend a real programme and surround myself for once without
toxic ass ugly retards. I was bullied all my life and I don’t really care so long I cope. I don’t know why that anon was even butthurt that I look low at my bullies lmfao.
>>993320I chimped out ONCE when I was underaged and it’s the reason why I have no HS degree, they dropped me out, and I remember one of the bullies’ mother called the police on me for pulling out her daughter’s hair. Lol. I did that because she would post my number on random websites and give them to old men who would constantly ask me to do sexual things with them.
Yes I think about suicide every day. I just wish I were normal.
No. 993353
>>993350Let me vent some more. She not only posted my number but also forced me to steal booze almost every day thus risked me with becoming a convict. Yet I was the one who got expelled. Honestly I wish I didn’t exist at times.
>>993288Kys you dumb retard.
Now I feel better and I hope you understand why I look low at people like (you).
No. 993429
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I'm so fucking angry and disgusted. I broke up with my boyfriend a few days ago and went to my friend's potluck party to cheer myself up. This disgusting guy attaches himself to me and kept cutting me off from the group conversation to speak one-on-one and because I didn't want to be rude I stupidly listened politely. He then finds out we live near each other and insists I get the same taxi as him and because I was tired and just wanted to go home I agreed but made sure another girl came with me, he spends the ride mansplaining mental health to me (I'm a psych masters student), asked me to hang out with him (I declined) and the next day he messaged me to ask him to go to a 'sensual dance' workshop with him. Real pickup scrote bullshit. To make matters worse he messaged me again today inviting me to his house, so I messaged my friend to tell him that this guy is making me uncomfortable. My friend sends me screenshots of messages this creepy dude has sent him unprompted, where the creep asks for "advice on becoming poly" and says that he is sexually messed up and spent the last 6 years in a mental ward. I am never, ever being polite to a gross man ever again.
No. 993547
>>993256have you told this person your feelings?
maybe they feel the same way and/or are willing to try things again
if they truly are your soul mate and you truly think this much of them, at least in my opinion, it would be the biggest mistake of your life to at least not try, especially upon finding out they might be with someone else impacts you this deeply
No. 993581
>>993316Another sheltered person signing in. I've tried coming out of my shell, but ultimately it never really leads anywhere, my relationships still fade away because I don't know how to bridge that awkward gap between casual aquaintance and friend. I have no one to call, no one to cry to. I guess I don't even have much
real stuff to cry about since my life is so uneventful.
No. 993592
>>992873Definitely will do more of this! Smoothies and soylent are my saviors. They help me a lot with micronutrients as well (which i think is part of why i have been fainting). Thanks everyone for the helpful suggestions :)
>>992872I feel you. I used to have a real big problem with binge eating when I was a kid and could easily take 3000 cals a day. I think that getting out of the starve-binge cycle helped me a lot to curb the desire to binge. Instead of binging, I allow myself to have whatever I desire, and that takes the urge to binge away for me. I hope you can develop more sustainable and healthy habits. What has really helped/motivated me is watching people on youtube who have really healthy and non-restrictive diets. One of my favorites is Emily ewing. We are in this together anon! You can do it :)