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No. 859941
Got stupid questions? We've got stupid answers!
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/847893 No. 859954
>>859950You won’t give a shit who calls you ugly because you know that it’s based on bullshit. A thread on lolcow won’t hurt you unless they involve family and friends on you. (That’s weak..) you’ll enjoy it more when you wear makeup or nice clothes. You’re likely going to model at some point even though you’ve refused 30000 times.
You’ll enjoy aging because you’re still beautiful, for an old hag. I wish the world would mire me…sadly I’m just an ugly bitch.
No. 860128
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Am I doomed to be viewed as a bitch that no one wants to hang out with if I'm good looking and high-functioning autistic? I have internet friends who I care deeply for but people irl are so much harder to befriend. I've done effectively everything to be a Stacy, I'm attractive enough to be compared to multiple actresses, but also told that I have an 'intimidating' aura probably bc of my autism.
All my life I used to get bullied by popular girls and had difficulty making friends. Once I recognized that I was coming off as 'intimidating' my strategy then became to try and disarm myself like "haha guys i'm totes relatable and full of faults but also a crazzzzy gal…totally not intimidating, see?" (picrel). I can mask small talk really well at first but sometimes there are lulls in conversations and is a distance between myself and someone else. Sometimes the 'disarm' technique would work and other times not. But in the last time I tried it I had trouble realizing that the girls were laughing at me and not with me and were eventually making fun of me behind my back with how 'incompetent' I am for instance (undiagnosed ADHD at the time). I mean I get that humor is probably not the way to connect because my actual sense of humor is kind of bizarre deep down. But in a broader sense I think I'm lose other women's respect by trying too hard to lose the 'intimidating' aura. Then again a lot of it isn't even trying but not bothering to hide that I'm a spaz.
No. 860174
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which of you are actually jannies/farmhands on anon?
i want to call you janons
No. 860206
>>860197Yeah. Anons don't like it when other anons say they're attractive lol. I could relate to some of OPs points.
I've struggled with "fitting in" with certain women. Usually ends up them hating me. Been situations at like events with these people and I'd get approached a few times by other guys and it's lead to being like ostracised. Just petty shit like never including me in photos on nights out, always giving me backhanded compliments. Being called 'weird' when they've intentionally misrepresented something I've said.
I've been told by a handful of friends that I don't seem intimidating, just indifferent to others. Which I don't know what that means in the context I've been told. Like they've said it before they ever spoke to me they'd notice me around but didn't speak to me. But I don't make a habit of speaking to strangers lol? One friend remembers when he first saw me in a record shop and he wanted to ask me about a band I was listening to on the headphones but I didn't seem like I wanted to be bothered?
I've tried to alter how I am in instances where I feel like I'm being picked on but it never changes anything if someone has it in for you or whatever. So best thing is just be yourself and let people accept it or fuck off.
At least your pretty.
No. 860218
>>860210That's fair but anon thought it was relevant to her post and no one cares if people post they're ugly. Usually other anons will be like, I bet you're beautiful
nonnie. But if someone is like, I'm hot and I don't know if others neg me for it, they'll be told to stfu etc
No. 860226
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Art anons, how does one build an audience for art commissions?
I'm fairly skilled, not god-like at all but decent, and was thinking about either targeting furries or twitterfags/normies with too much money on their hands. I used to have a pretty large following but it's been years since I put myself out due to depression, and deleted my old accounts, now with Twitter and all this weird new social media stuff I have no idea how to get an audience and then slowly start doing commissions from there. It would never be my main income, but some side money would be really helpful at this point in my life. I see 14 year olds with hardly any skill and getting 20 dollars per drawing, if they can do it maybe I can too in a niche, but I don't understand social media.
Anyone know where to start like this? It's a more niche audience so I haven't been able to find resources through searching online.
No. 860241
>>860226DK much about building an audience, but there are lots of discord servers for art commissions. I got a decent amount of them when I was terrible at art lmfao. You don't really have to build an audience in there, just have a pretty chart and see if they'll buy it. Adopts work too.
And well, if you really wanna build an audience, you could start by drawing fanarts in twitter and putting lots of hashtags. It'll attract more people to your account. Then when you've gained a decent following, start doing comms.>>860226
No. 860263
>>860251I was in middle school back then, I was warming up because I had tennis classes, I was listening to some music because I can’t focus on just counting without something else on the background.
The guy was in my class as well, I only talked to him like once and it was only about the Simpsons.
When I was getting ready to run for a while, the guy mumble “d-do you want to be my girlfriend” and I just instinctively ignored him even though I heard him as clear as day, I had my earphones on.
It was so sad, and I would’ve honestly dated him out of pity because I’m not cute at all either, but I felt like that confession was just a “i got nothing else” kind of thing.
No. 860268
>>860251I remember being like 13 and having some 12 year old boy whisper "I love you, I love you" when we were in the swimming pool.
Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes I got out of there asap
No. 860273
>>860268eugh that reminds me of deciding i was mother theresa performing my civic duties at my senior prom and asking the quiet school shooter looking kid if he wanted to dance for a slow song. about 30 seconds in he told me he loved me and i couldn’t process it so he repeated it a couple more times and i was in shock and told him he was crazy and ran out of the prom.
i guess i’m not the only one that has their fight or flight activated when randomly told “i love you” kek.
No. 860279
>>860276I hear stories like this and all I can ask is 'why'
what would compel a scrote to tell somebody, anybody this?
No. 860286
>>860177Low effort bait
>>860197>>860206Thanks anons, I only said the bit about the actresses bc scrotes are lurking /ot/ like crazy and will invalidate other women's posts. Plus it was to give an idea of what I look like roughly bc I'm not a Stacy IG model type.
>>860210I mentioned my appearance because a lot of girls at that age behave differently around those they perceive to be hotter than them. I can tell that among insecure girls I definitely am viewed as more of a threat than I actually am.
>>860218Thanks anon, idk why other female anons are so
triggered by a woman stating she's attractive? Don't we all get more annoyed when really beautiful women call themselves ugly like you mentioned. I only mentioned it because every person I've consulted also brings up "being pretty" as a reason as to why I'm perceived the way I am. It feels like a lazy excuse and like I need to do something else when trying to make a good impression on others.
No. 860300
>>860128Samefag, it sounds like your main problem is trying too hard and giving a fuck what other people think.
Literally who cares. Join hobby groups or get a job that enables you to be social (similar age colleagues) and just do what you feel like, people will be drawn to you. Sounds like you overthink everything and try to play a role and then blame being "intimidating" or whatever. You just don't gel with those people. If you really want friends just do things you like to do (outdoors/socially/groups/jobs) and you'll find people to socialise with. It's not some routine to perfect, some people are just not going to get along.
No. 860302
>>860298is anyone
triggered though?
No. 860303
>>860292>nlog-ishwhy do we always equate not fitting in/bullied by other girls = nlog. combined with her mentioning her looks I can see where you get that vibe but what she said isn't impossible. I too think it is her autism and not her looks, but nlog? she literally is not like other girls if she's autistic
>>860302yes look how many replies she got, all mentioning that specifically with hostility.
No. 860308
>>860305speaking of
triggered kek
No. 860309
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>>860308triggered for pointing out that this is needlessly hostile and comes off insecure
No. 860313
>>860286>I only said the bit about the actresses bc scrotes are lurking /ot/ like crazy and will invalidate other women's posts
>scrotes>other women's Hmmmmmmm (samefag as
>>860295 ) Like I haven't noticed any scrotes lurking? Are you the transwomen from /snow with the not-liketheothertrans-monologue?
No. 860321
>>860310what did I really expect from lolcow* kek, yeah. I think her being autistic affects her thinking looks are that important and the way her posts were written but who knows. I was just interested in the reaction such posts get
>>860316got it, I missed that post at first. the original was not that bad for its reactions I thought. either way, that is probably her autism in the works right there. maybe you are right and changing her viewpoint would help, regardless good luck op
No. 860326
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How do you cope with a depressed fakeboi relative, privately without upsetting them with your opinion? I guess I'm scared since I know she's depressed and has harmful habits, but I can't change her worldview. She has to realize it all herself. How do you even deal? How can I believe she can get better when she stays in her internet hyperfixation bubble? My efforts to help seem slow going.
No. 860340
>>860332>>860335Thanks nonnies. These are good ideas and, to be honest, I have tried similar things a little. We are kinda close and did have a conversation or two about gender. It's weird, she sounded almost reasonable about it, yet she's still using the fake name and gender online, making posts that indicate she is very much believing that. Anyway, the main issue is her overall happiness and lifestyle, so I try to focus on taking her out and out of her bubble. It's just not enough, nonnas, 100% of the rest of her time is holed away. No irl friends and she can't make events or appointments. I can't monopolize her time or force her to always be doing even the fun things. And to be honest, it's emotionally draining on me as well. It's selfish but I wish I could cope better on my own. I wish it could magically all be resolved without any more effort from me, I'm very selfish but after having depression myself I am so tired of grappling with it even in others. Thanks all the same. I just want her to be healthy and happy.
No. 860377
>>860373Of course, the main beef I have is the difference in male and female character designs - the men are varied, distinctive, of many different ages, sizes and attractiveness. The women are all skinny, samefaced and young with huge tits and a waist the width of their necks. There's a fair amount of annoying pervy ecchi moments too.
That said it doesn't get really offensively misogynistic or anything, I read most of it without getting too pissed off.
No. 860671
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>>860660Use a moisturizer with urea. Exfoliate every day with a wash cloth in gentle curricular motions - don't use those bottles with scrubby bits like apricot seeds or coffee. Get some sounds, KP looks worse if you're a pale-chan. Godspeed.
No. 860730
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>>860660This motherfucker. Not even kidding. I'd used a Salux towel and all those stupid creams and lotions, but pairing this thing with a peel is the smartest thing I've done. And I used it on my butt and now my butt is smooth!
No. 860815
>>860800>Does chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?Probably
>If I chew it in the morning will it be too hard to bite?Initially it will be hard but then it might soften up due to your saliva
No. 860850
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>>860829Look at the numbers and letters while moving the slider.
No. 860926
>>860910Just be dismissive of their bad vibes and offer good vibes
>eh, so what, no big deal. let's get a pizza>well it is what it is. might as well get a pizzaIf they continue to be negative, just accuse them of ruining their own pizza experience.
No. 860944
>>860928I have written it ridiculously, but the truth is nobody wants to be negative, it's just something people fall into. They just need a little reminding to snap out of it.
I have chosen pizza as an example because it's a universal comfort food, but it can be anything else nice.
No. 861060
>>860981I love it but with no proper competitons last year I haven't watched in a while.
Hope a proper Grand Prix series happens this years, Junior and Senior.
No. 861081
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>>861078sounds like it's very very slim if you've been using the tests correctly. if you have around a 5% chance of false negative, to keep getting that 20 times in a row is 0.05^20 which is an extremely small rate. If you are this paranoid I would see your health care provider if you can afford, even if it is embarrassing because living with that much stress is not good.
No. 861185
>>861169Consider buying a headset from an actual audio company such as Sennheiser or Beyer Dynamic instead of a gaming brand.
>impedanceHeadphones with thinner wire in the voice coil will be higher impedance. Higher impedance headphones require more voltage than current and you will need a dedicated headphone amplifier to drive them. If you're just plugging them into your motherboard an impedance of 8 - 80 ohms is what you should be looking for. Note that your motherboard has a built in headphone amp and DAC, it just isn't very powerful.
>sensitivityHow loud the headphones will be at a given output voltage from an amplifier.
>frequencyOutput of audio frequencies from the headphone.
No. 861302
>>861295No, if I was really concerned maybe I'd casually talk about some made up acquaintance's autistic child to try and inform them of what autism symptoms look like.
I'm actually like 95% sure my 21 yo sister has undiagnosed aspergers, no idea how to bring it up to her or my parents though, sometimes I tell her she's acting autistic or I straight up point out that some of her behaviors are symptoms of autism but she thinks I'm joking
No. 861322
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I don’t know much about the Uighur re-education camps, but I know there’s Chinese people out there that think the claims about the camps being unethical. I was wondering, what do they think of the testimonies of the people that have said to have been at the camps (and said that the camps had women being raped, people being tortured etc)? Do they think their all lying? If so, what is motivating them to lie? Do they think the BBC is paying them to lie?
No. 861354
>>861321I got a diagnosis at 30 and this reads like how I was. I spent a lot of time feeling bitter that in a way it seemed very obvious looking back. But then again I got therapy years ago and had to accept that there was some neglect in my childhood anyway. Especially when it came to medical or mental health treatment.
I remmeber one girl in my class was mute. Nobody ever heard her speak in the entire 8 years we attended. No special school, no special classes or assistance that we knew of, this girl didn't make eye contact. To this day I wonder what came of her and whether we just didn't have anything in place at that time for cases like her. Alarming to think of how that just shouldn't fly.. and yet it did. She was almost comatose at times, closed off from everyone. I feel bitter about my own shit but that showed nobody in my class stood a chance of getting what they needed.
No. 861386
>>861354How did she manage to attend school with that condition, did the teachers never ask her questions? I'm assuming it's grade school so oral tests were non existent, but how the hell do you go through all those school years without uttering a single word? Do you know if her situation at home was fucked up?
(sorry for asking so many questions but this is truly fucking me up, I've seen teachers yell at low talking students, I can't imagine what she went through)
No. 861397
>>861386She would move slowly, eyes nearly always on the floor, tended to sit in corners or away from everyone. To us as kids she was just a mysterious presence who never gave anything away about herself.
She was pretty overweight so obviously getting fed but being allowed to overeat quite badly at home. She would write when we had to but I don't know if she could read and write well. Only the teacher would know that. The teachers never got her to speak or pushed for it. It's like she was in a bubble where she was there but couldn't or wouldn't communicate or get too involved with her surroundings. I really hope she went on to attend somewhere more suited to her needs.
No. 861423
>>861417I'd recommend looking for a therapist that specializes in trauma specifically crime
victim advocates or sexual violence. A random from Betterhelp or any of those commercialized therapy groups typically have a lot of under qualified therapists with not as much specialization that this issue would require. I'll look up specific orgs in the states here that have more defined resources if you'd like hold on
No. 861526
>>861511When I go on picnics I usually make little sandwiches cut into triangles, pastries like sausage rolls and pork pies, cheese breadsticks and salads.
For sweet things, cookies are always a good and easy choice, or maybe little cupcakes and shortbread. Depending on what fruits you have available, you could also make up some pots of berries.
As long as the food doesn't get ridiculously hot, these should all be suitable for a humid day. Have fun on your picnic nonna! Remember to take a good blanket.
No. 861551
>>861548Iirc the GP won't do that for you, they might give you a script for something like propranolol or sertraline. I don't think anxiety cases with no comorbidities get referred on to community mental health teams for a formal psychiatric diagnosis unless they are severe and life-limiting.
Chances are good that you will instead get referred on to IAPT (improving access to psychiatric therapies or something) and that is a short course of general therapy. They can triage you on to more specialist charities or back to your GP and potentially on to the CMHT if you're very bad and they can't help you.
CBT has a very long waiting list, at least where I am. There is such high demand and so little provision. I know that often there are free online CBT resources which are actually really good; moodgym used to be a good free one but I'm not sure what state it's in now.
Hope that helps
nonnie, I know it's dumb for me to say this but try to relax. It's all OK. Well done for reaching out.
No. 861560
>>861548Oh yeah and in the appointment they'll just ask how they can help/what's been troubling you. You can start by just talking about your most significant symptoms - I'm experiencing loss of appetite/sleep/whatever and I think it might be anxiety related. Then they'll ask a little more to be sure it's not something else (while clicking on their computer constantly, entering in symptoms etc) and they'll usually ask you what you want to do about it. You can ask what the options are and choose your favoured.
It won't be an interrogation at all. It might feel brusque, because most of them are working to serious time constraints and they're always behind, but it's nothing to do with you or your issues, and it's definitely not because they don't believe you etc.
I have faith in you!
No. 861662
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>>861657Are you talking about the bit around your anus? It's totally normal and genetic to have a dark bootyhole, anon! I promise you're not weird or anything. I used to be so self-conscious of mine and even resorted to bleaching. It gets less noticeable with squatting and shaping your butt too, but nowadays I don't give a shit about hiding it. It's really not that big of a deal
No. 861664
>>861657Why are there so many farmers comparing themselves to camcows recently?
Who tf is going to see your butthole to determine you need a bleachin'? Who the fuck cares?
No. 861791
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If you could woke up tomorrow looking like anyone you want, who would it be? For me either France gall or hikkichan
No. 861875
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What is your hangover cure? And shameover/The Fear cure?
No. 861885
>>861875Theanine babeyyy
It's dirt cheap, tastes like almost nothing and it's a food supplement (not a drug). I find it very effective for acute anxiety episodes, especially chemically induced ones
No. 861938
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>>861791>hikkichanHoly shit, thank you for posting this, I thought I had made this person up in my head or something. I was friends with her on FB in like 2014-16 after she posted photo of herself in an MDE group (I know, I've changed since then) and my gay ass immediately added her and looked at all her pics. I was so obsessed and I didn't even know other people were too until now, she really has natural star power. She had such a weird vague way of talking. I remember sometimes she would comment on my stuff and we later followed each other on IG until she got super into military shit. I hope she's doing well, she's so cute.
To answer your question, I would want to look like either Anna Karina or So!YoON! (picrel)
No. 862003
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What do you call this kind of neckline/top? It reminds me of how ballet dancers in movies wear the arms of a top over their leotards. All I can think of is "negative space halter" kek
No. 862031
>>862000Only five years? Sounds like a Dell kek.
I usually dunk on Apple products, but I bought a refurbished 2011 macbook pro that lasted until late 2019 with only one major repair. Right now I have an MSI laptop that still works a dream a couple years in.
>>861993My current laptop was about $1100. Save up and buy yourself something nice for a couple hundred more. I think you can get a solid laptop in your price range, with maybe less bells and whistles.
No. 862124
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I’ve never had steak before in my entire life, but is it good or does it taste too gamey?
No. 862159
>>862135Nta but it sounds like a brainwash mindbreak hypno porn catchphrase
That said I actually like "no thoughts head empty", it's an innocent phrase for me
No. 862249
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What is a generaly safe website to get ROMs of videogames, particularly DS games?
No. 862291
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I’m technologically retarded. Do tablets generally come with a stylus? If not, are new ones compatible with one?
I’m intending on returning to my studies and want to take handwritten notes on a tablet. Any recommendations for specific tablets and note taking apps would be appreciated too.
No. 862400
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>>862365They never worked for me. I wore picrel daily for about a month and didn't notice any changes.
I got a corset (not Amazon, a mid tier off the rack one) and it's actually comfier and I'm down about an inch after a month. Plus I can tightlace it to about 4 inches smaller, which is cool.
No. 862402
>>862399Fat distribution,
No. 862404
>>862399Different skeleton structures and sizes, different fat distribution.
I'm tall, have big bones and most of my weight is stored in my ass and legs, so even when I'm 100kg+ you can still see my collarbones.
Just like some people that are really top heavy yet still manage to have thin legs or a thigh gap.
No. 862411
>>861812Who is this?
>>862405Is she a K-Pop artist? Don't they all? I don't follow it but I enjoy cosmetic surgery threads and they're always popping up kek.
No. 862514
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>>862405>>862411She didn't mess up with her jaw before, he did the eye enlarging surgery and I think a minor nose job, but for her kpop and modelling career she left her jaw natural. She was very popular in China and Japan as well, but I've heard that in Korea people would call her "manly". When she decided to kinda become an actress and distance herself from her idol life, she did the jaw shaving.
I mean, she's still really pretty, but she doesn't have that striking and sharp molesque look anymore.
She looks more approachable, I guess? I believe that was also kinda the point. Shame, though.
Her real name is In Jin-Ah, btw, I think she goes by that now
No. 862522
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>>862514Meant to say modelesque.
Here is her before any procedures
No. 862527
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>>862514>in Korea people would call her "manly"Funny when the average S. Korean person looks like this. How do you say "keep seething" in Korean?
No. 862537
>>862527Tbh I think it was mostly a small, vocal incel-tier scrote minority that thought so.
Kinda like vidrel. This video is in Spanish but it's some scrote complaining that this idol's (that killed herself, partially cause of stuff like this) arms are too fat for his liking.
Look at the dude saying that kek
No. 862558
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Is it weird for a female to have kind of a boyish voice or do any other anons have this kind of voice? I got teased a lot for it as a kid and used to be pretty insecure that I didn't have a more feminine and, as I got older, mature voice- I still get voice cracks sometimes. Idk is this something people look less on you for having? I literally sound like a teenage boy or a ayden
No. 862568
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>>862514>>862537The Korean beauty standards are literally impossible. You could look perfect and they would still find something on you that they don't like. This is a pic from a few years ago and netizens were outraged that she 'looks old', 'strange' and 'tired' lmao
No. 862579
>>862537How do you know why she died?
>>862411Nana from After School.
No. 862627
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What is the origin of the lizard reaction pics?
No. 862635
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>>862630Thanks, I like her!
No. 862638
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>>862514>>862522Yeah, she's had work done, but it's not as extreme or as awful as others. has more pics.
No. 862679
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I hate the Korean beauty industry, their standards are so unrealistic. Many of them are already beautiful or above average in looks and can look beautiful with only makeup. They ruin.themselves with the dorito chin
No. 862736
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>>862730>Not really You mean it's not normal to own pic related? Where the fuck do you guys live.
OP of course shouldn't buy one if she doesn't use it herself. I'm just weirded out because here everyone owns one, just like you own an electric kettle
No. 862743
>>862721To the people that get easily sick or got really thick hair that takes too long to dry, yes, it’s a regular household item like a microwave or a phone, you don’t
need them but they make your life easier.
But you don’t really have to have one for guests unless you know someone who stays at your home for long enough to wash their hair and who really has to have a hairdryer or they will catch a cold or something.
It also depends on the weather, if it’s too cold on winter and you have guests during such times, you might need a hairdryer for them, but if it’s usually warm, even during winter, you don’t really need to worry about it.
No. 862765
>>862736Sorry I'm an autist and assumes everyone knows what I mean, I was referring to the "am I a bad host" part of anon's question, like no not really but they are pretty essential to have for a lot of people
You are not crazy most people do own a hair dryer
No. 862818
>>862721>>862759Burgerfag here. I don't own one. I don't wash my hair often though. When I usually do I shower at night and let it air dry. My hair always took forever to dry even with a blow dryer so I don't think it's worth the time.
I would let guests know that you don't have one. If you're feeling self conscious about it, maybe ask for one as a birthday present if you don't feel like buying one youself.
No. 862862
>>862759Same here. My parents never owned one while I was growing up and I’ve never felt the need to own one despite having long hair, and nobody’s ever looked at me strangely for this. I live in North/Western Europe too and air drying hair in winter is honestly no big deal. Just have the common sense not to wash your hair right before going out if it’s below freezing.
If anon’s worried she can let potential guests know so they can bring their own, but it doesn’t make her a bad host.
No. 863434
>>863064Are you the paranoid birth control
nonny from /g/? I think an IUD+spermicide would be more than enough, there is no way you're gonna get pregnant with those. If you're really paranoid you should use a condom instead of a diaphragm though, diaphragms are kind of dated now anyways.
No. 863501
File: 1627271436441.jpg (147.78 KB, 1280x1117, tumblr_8276ec3312b8a2304a9f016…)

Just found, anyone have recommendations for similar women-only imageboards?
No. 863523
File: 1627274454208.png (665.23 KB, 1026x888, imagen_2021-07-25_234054.png)

>>863462Sorry for the late reply, the thing is, my mom has scared me off about any other birth control that isn't condoms or abstinece because she always always tells me about these tales of women getting their tubes tied or an IUD and getting pregnant regardless. So now I'm fucking scared
Here's an example then I also saw this No. 863709
>>863585Rampant blog-posting and self-posting. The threads were full of munchies shitting on other munchies (of course). It went out of hand when Chronically Jaquie died and a power-vacuum of sorts was created in the muchieverse. Very similar to what got the pro-ana thread locked way back when, except pro-ana users managed to keep themselves in check and got their thread back. Munchies just went to reddit to post how UNLIKE THEM WHO ARE TOTALLY REALLY ILL, those chicks are faking.
Incidentally, this got rid of a lot of trans (fakeboi) lolcow users, since there was considerable overlap in munchies and fakebois. They immediately introduced pronouns in their thread titles on Reddit.
No. 863745
File: 1627299154256.jpeg (908.65 KB, 1125x1440, eva.jpeg)

I haven't watched evangelion. Was the message of the show 'reject escapism, embrace reality'? If so, why are so many hardcore eva fans so interested in collecting figurines of the characters, discussing who's 'best girl' etc? Isn't that the opposite of the message?
No. 863781
>>863757>>863745but also Anno/Gainax will get that sweaty fanboy money whenever they can LMFAO. Don't forget that Anno is a greasy otaku himself, of course he's not as against fanservice, trashy merch etc as some fans would like to think. Just read up Moyoco's manga about living with him. He's a huge cringey nerd
>Was the message of the show 'reject escapism, embrace reality'? If so, why are so many hardcore eva fans so interested in collecting figurines of the characters, discussing who's 'best girl' etc? Isn't that the opposite of the message?You can enjoy the anime you love while living your life, though I'm not sure how many fans do that. Anno may want people to forget NGE as soon as final minute of EoE hits (good luck with that LOL), but at the same time he's okay with shoving more content into people's mouthes, figures etc. There is a middle ground between getting obsessed and dropping your favorite media because 'i'm a grown-up adult living in reality NOW'
No. 863791
File: 1627302511217.jpg (30.09 KB, 640x639, face.jpg)

>>863778robots don't process images like we do. You might look at pic rel and see a face, whilst a robot just sees a jpeg or ,at best, a bunch of grey pixles
No. 863804
File: 1627303767258.jpg (58.67 KB, 640x640, 73f3fafebb6cb6770e97bf0fc8b40a…)

You guys think I could make cookies in a george foreman lean mean grilling machine?
No. 863853
File: 1627310069984.gif (Spoiler Image,2.05 MB, 183x275, 1627151060249.gif)

>>863817Yes I've experienced this. Some ppls "energy" (body movements, micro expressions) just shouts danger. We're animals at the end of the day so the lizard brain is probably telling you they're not good ppl.
No. 863883
File: 1627312849423.jpg (6.96 KB, 275x183, wbm.jpg)

Does Wayback Machine randomly archive pages from nobody accounts or each saved screencap is done manually?
No. 863948
>>863839>The gay guy probably seethed at that response and wishes he could skinwalk youThat's literally what happened afterwards, he started rambling about how "he wished he was a girl" and that "i didn't appreciate my attributes enough", at that point i was just about to beat his ass but we where in a important meeting so i couldn't.
>>863841>>863891He's a very friendly guy, he's also thin with a big dick and that's why that gay dude was obsessed with him lol
>>863930>I heard that the number of people talking to themselves increased ever since covid lockdowns.My tourettes worsened since covid started, talking to myself helped me with my ticks
No. 863949
>>863925> I always end up thinking ‘but your children are closer to a personal project that you want to do than a government service'.True but it’s also a choice the government wants women to make for the future of the country. If women unanimously decided not to have kids, all sorts of perks would be being offered
or a handmaid’s tale type situation would begin, but I’m trying to be optimistic here lol. Governments with falling birth rates like in South Korea aren’t providing more assistance to mothers out of the goodness of their hearts, they’re doing it because they don’t want the country to disappear.
No. 864083
>>864074I fix up sketches from irl and finish them digitally sometimes
To me digital lineart is a lot more of a boring task than real lineart so yes I like to sometimes do it on paper then add color digitally. It's something about my strokes not being large enough that bothers me digitally when working on a large canvas vs making a large scan or picture from small irl lineart where I did faster strokes.
No. 864097
>>863951I'm not sure if he's that into me, also I'm too autistic and a loner, i just see him as a friend/brother
>>8640381) Our uniforms are somewhat skin-tight, it's not that noticable most of the time but yeah and 2) some coworkers saw it accidentally
No. 864112
>>863523Anon I'm guessing you are from a country with very poor sex education but an IUD being over 99% effective is extremely effective. Otherwise do what
>>863568 suggested or a fallopian tube implant, but keep in mind they're irreversible
No. 864287
>>864281Shut up pickme
>>864284Yeah I’m trying to think of a way to do it without evidence
No. 864341
>>864318Men kill themselves all the time though. I don't see how it would be that hard.
>>864279Encourage them to go to the gun store. A lot of guys kill themselves by being around guns.
>>864318are you kidding me?
the suicide rates for men are like 10-20x higher than that of women
No. 864352
>>864351most people arent murders and statistically speaking youre more likely to die/get injured in a car accident driving to a hookup than you are getting murdered by said hookup
women should be vigilant but murder isnt what you should worry about when it comes to one night stands.
No. 864370
File: 1627346307672.jpg (60.55 KB, 640x472, s1i2m74bkfd71.jpg)

Is it me or does she look way better in the before? Pic is not me, sourced from reddit
No. 864437
>>864351Anon I'm just like you (and have been since I was in my early teens kek) and the answer is that some women are just willfully ignorant. There's nothing that we aren't understanding.
Regardless of whether or not a moid will kill you, there's no benefit to casually sleeping with moids. since the majority of them are ugly/disgusting and bad at sex. The few scrotes that are good-looking are sluts and the rare scrotes who are decent at sex with no bizarre fetishes take time and luck to find. All of this makes me feel like it's just not worth it and I'm only 23.
No. 864505
nonny I'd ask in the MtF thread
No. 864684
File: 1627394858477.jpg (226.67 KB, 1067x1533, 20210727_100623.jpg)

Math nonnies help me out plz. English isnt my first language this is simlish to me. I just need to get these questions answered to get this job so I can get away from this scroteeee
No. 864688
>>864657The SSD is more than likely fine. Windows calculates disk size in TiB yet displays TB. There are 1024GB to 1TiB, so your actual SSD is probably 980GB in capacity.
You can use the task manager to see how much VRAM your GPU has. Right click on the task bar and select task manager or press control + alt + delete and select task manager. Click on the performance tab and then select GPU.
You can use GPU-Z to display information about your GPU No. 864689
>>8646844. 1568 * 0.07 = 109.76
1568 + 109.76 = 1677.76
5. (15 + 18 + 22 + 45 + 36) / 5 = 27.2
6. 12/24 = .5
7. 0.5
No. 864693
File: 1627395773531.jpg (134.39 KB, 1080x926, 20210727_102132.jpg)

>>864689Thank you
nonnie and if u dont mind I just have one more question. I dont even kno why they want me to do a English math test when this is a waitress job
No. 864695
10hrs) + ($500 commision 0.1) where 0.1 == 10%
No. 864697
>>86469310 * 10 = 100 (hourly wage)
.1 * 500 = 50 (commission wage)
50 + 100 = 150
No. 864860
File: 1627412900866.jpg (91.4 KB, 1080x1080, 2_00d6bb1f5b-asket_tee_white_c…)

On a scale of 1 (you could not pay me to wear this in public) to 10 (would love to wear this), how bad/cringey is this design?
No. 864900
File: 1627414824430.jpg (37.8 KB, 474x486, mar.jpg)

>>864862>>864885having shoulders that are wider than hips doesn't mean you don't have an hourglass figure. Almost all women have shoulders that are larger than their hips
No. 864915
>>864908Unfortunately not, it's a terrible problem. I read an article recently (not this one but this one is similar enough) about how phone companies are trying to do something about it but it's just an unfortunate part of having a phone now.'s really fucking annoying when I'm waiting for a call back for something and forget to turn off call blocking for all numbers not in my contact list, or someone calls from a different number and their call gets blocked ugh.
No. 864939
>>864925I've had the same number for a long time so it might just be that like in
>>864929 the records from registration and other things got sold. I do have a pet theory that an ex signed up my email address and phone number for spam somehow because shortly after I cut off contact I went from getting no spam calls to a deluge of them daily. It's annoying but far from the worst, and it's just a suspicion.
No. 864962
File: 1627420164963.jpg (23.87 KB, 634x556, IMG_20201228_154248.jpg)

nonitas, give it to me straight. how popular is pink heart jam among weebs? I've been informed that I look like Kanae and im now afraid that whenever i saw a weeb throw me a dirty look it was because they thought i was a kinnie…
No. 864967
File: 1627420441621.jpg (5.06 KB, 256x197, bidet.jpg)

For those of you who use this kind of bidet: do you use it after peeing, or just to clean your ass? If you use it after peeing, do you always use soap or just water?
I want to start using it more, but i'm a bit scared of getting fungus again, like i got after using wet wipes to clean myself after peeing.
No. 864976
>>864967Normally I use it to clean my ass+during periods to clean. It's not necessary to use it after peeing if everything's normal with your coochie imo but you can do it of course.
t. has used bidets for all of her life
No. 864983
>>864967Personally I use soap and water for shit, water for pee. I'm a britfag though and bidets are rare, so I don't know if I'm doing it right.
I think generally you're recommended to use as little soap as possible on your vulva. I use soap for poo because it feels too unhygienic not to, but I only shit once or twice a week so it doesn't noticeably disrupt my anal flora
No. 865007
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>>865000Came with the house, before us it belonged to an eccentric middle-aged woman who looked like Jamie Lee Curtis and made dollhouses for a living.
You can buy portable ones off Amazon though, I know Muslims usually have to carry those ones.
I'd never go without, now.
No. 865020
File: 1627423308662.jpg (541.61 KB, 1000x643, 1530415749544793184509.jpg)

>>864723I know colors look different on different screens, but no? Is your screen on a daylight timer?
>>864636Tracing only helps if you go into it analytically. Why does this line go that way? Etc
No. 865022
>>865007I didn't know you could buy portable ones. I just looked at some. Thanks
nonny! Yes, it must be pretty gross for people who grew up washing properly to have to switch over to wiping themselves with paper. It seems British people like to keep clean with wet wipes, but too many are inappropriately flushed them down the toilet. A 15 tonne ball the size of a bus almost completely blocked a London sewer pipe once, taking 3 weeks to unblock with high powered water jets lol.
No. 865023
File: 1627423429915.png (74.48 KB, 367x550, imagen_2021-07-27_170344.png)

>>865007Can't I just carry one of these with soapy water inside?
No. 865033
File: 1627423911509.jpeg (133.47 KB, 720x720, 1578789404405.jpeg)

When I was a kid, I always wanted to be alone; why am I so lonely now?
When I was a kid, video games were satisfying; why are video games just another boring thing to me now?
No. 865041
This was in mine.
>>865026I have 24 and nearly all of them are accidental adds.
nonny No. 865045
>>865033Wanting to be alone as a kid is normal when other kids suck and are annoying and immature
Videogames have changed since we were kids, get better games
No. 865105
>>865095archiveofourown and
tumblr. with the latter i use google's search to find what i want (putting in site:[name of site].com + keywords for what i'm searching) because their regular search sucks.
No. 865123
File: 1627429431005.png (47.24 KB, 2688x132, cunt.png)

Yeah this one is going to reddit. I hate foids so goddamn much(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 865129
>>865125Don’t worry about the moid,
nonnie, it’s defective and forgot how to open Reddit, but it’s okay, it will go back to its rightful place at some point.
No. 865174
>>865165And nori
I'd actually advise against the brown sugar cause it can tint the rice, get regular sugar and salt.
No. 865243
File: 1627440174328.jpeg (110.2 KB, 600x906, Peterson-Field-Guide-to-Birds-…)

What's the best way to learn bird ID?
No. 865256
File: 1627441289564.gif (3.88 MB, 365x250, shoebill.gif)

>>865243Start by looking up your regional birds and get to know the sights and calls of the ones in your area. Merlin Bird ID is a great app to use if you ever see a bird and have trouble identifying it. A bird feeder to attract them is really useful so you can see them up close and hear them without resorting to youtube. More than likely, the birds overlap in other zones so by the time you get to know your locals, it makes identifying and knowing different birds easier before you start expanding your IDs.
I love birds so much.
No. 865331
File: 1627449346981.png (1.49 MB, 1822x1080, 1627329305775.png)

>>865325Nonny this is beautiful, I criend in excitement.
No. 865381
File: 1627454943966.png (353.72 KB, 390x600, imagen_2021-07-28_014901.png)

Is he white? or japanese?
No. 865492
>>865446How low does your self esteem have to be you feel nochalent about being raped?
No one deserve to be raped!
If you don't want to involve the police, then you can try to move? Or ask help from other students maybe?
No. 865499
>>865495>baitNah I’m just a mentally ill retard with developmental disorders. Or I was dropped on my head. Either way I’m immune to it I just hate how much time I waste. I do pity other people that get raped though don’t get me wrong. I just have a hard time to pity myself because I am used to shitty things. Makes sense why I’m a stupid schizo.
>>865492No I don’t think I deserve to let it continue happen for months or years tbh. I’m just afraid to end up on bestgore because I have no friends or family.
I’ll move out I guess and tell the lobby I guess that plan was not stupid.
No. 865606
>>865583Yeah to some. I explored on my own volition because I don't get much out of vaginal penetration. I'd never recommend women try it to please men.
No. 865627
>>865583If you're in the right headspace, it can do. I like a few fingers during solo sessions
when I've read some doujin and I'm busy imagining myself as the uke but most of the time it's just painful and feels like you're constantly shitting.
No. 865685
File: 1627481074942.jpg (13.76 KB, 350x350, 1624526413026.jpg)

Is there a skin product unlike foundation that won't completely ruin your skin if you sleep in on it? Is it CC cream or tinted moisturizer? I don't mind just using a pad with micellar water at the end of the day, but now people are memeing that you need to do a double cleanse to get all makeup residue off the skin. I can't do that. I spent all day being a wagie and come home exhausted, I truly and honestly can't be assed to do a double cleanse on my skin. I can wash my skin in the morning, that's fine.
>just do skincarepls I legit have no acne but have been struggling nonstop with hyperpigmentation for 3 years even with obsessive spf use. There's a whole life story here
>>865583>pic relatedIt's honestly about the mood for me, have to be really aroused to get into it.
>>865627I can't even be mad because I take hot semes out of doujins and weaponize my autism to draw them fucking a girl instead. So I'm thinking you're based.
No. 865706
>>865689I only masturbate. I don't do it with men because they don't know how to fuck. Regardless, if it's physically pleasurable to a woman aka
not "daddy fucking me in the ass" type psychological submission variety then it shouldn't be discounted.
No. 865854
File: 1627492094576.png (2.1 MB, 1024x1195, varric_tethras_by_amoebae-d998…)

>>865835It's to fulfill an emotional need I guess. A character who's comforting or you relate to, or you're attracted to (not always tho). Picrel my fictional dad because irl dad is shit. I imagine him calming me down during depressive episodes and it helps.
No. 865856
>>865835I consider a character my husbando if he makes my heart throb when I see him and if I keep feeling like I just want to hug him and kiss him.
Then it evolves to the point in which I want to have sex with him and live with him like a married couple.
No. 865878
>>865875Just look at children!
And runners I guess
No. 866008
File: 1627501541328.png (763.67 KB, 672x669, hm.PNG)

What the fuck is going on with Blizzard/Activision? All I'm seeing are stupid scrote memes
No. 866108
File: 1627508510498.jpeg (256.39 KB, 1943x1227, 4E4CF023-E793-49FE-A8BB-1A138D…)

Why do people whose skin doesn’t tan and just sunburns like pic related never seem to learn their lesson and take precautions? I genuinely want to understand.
No. 866111
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>>865835It's completely serious for me. I am rather picky about lifelong husbandos. It's just like falling in love with a real person, you like their personality, their story, their physical attractiveness. Except 2D love is even more uninhabited, intense, and enthralling. I can feel I want to dedicate my whole life to their vision and happiness, that is something I'll never feel for 3DPD. So yes I do have all kinds of fantasies about them.
I gravitate toward the mysterious type, I want to unlock them. Usually someone powerful and ambitious, at the same time quietly kind and understanding.
No. 866129
>>866108From knowing men and women who do this sometimes it's from being hugely lazy, wanting to be out all day but not wanting to fuss with sunblock, taking breaks, mucking up clothes. Also, cultural norms: everyone else is doing it, they grow up doing it, they don't understand the harm. Also, consider what is darkened/tanned skin is culturally subjective (to laypeople) I'm sure it's clear cut to a derm. Some people consider the permanently-darkened ruddy skin-damage look ideal and aim for it, purposely burning over the years to become, in their view, permanently "tan". I agree it's crazy.
No. 866130
File: 1627509576444.jpg (26.87 KB, 406x503, bob.jpg)

What hair type is this?
No. 866136
>>865835When you find your husbando/waifu
nonnie, you just know. Like you find yourself wondering what they'd think of X and what doing Y together would be like.
My fantasies about my husbando are sometimes about being him, and feeling a sense of kinship (I know shut up, it's the best word for it) in that it makes you feel less alone. To be honest, a big part of fantasising about being the husbando is that my self-esteem is too low to picture him willingly spending time with me.
I don't generally have mundane fantasies about mine, maybe some fleeting ones about how his hair feels or how he smells. Nearly all of them are intimate, like cuddling, hearing him whisper in my ear while I fall asleep, learning his kinks. Most sexual scenarios I like to picture are ones where he's alone and uninhibited - grinding against the mattress and fingering himself, being egregiously loud and licking his own cum off his hands when he finishes. That kind of thing.
No. 866141
>>866136Hot damn
nonnie! But I totally do the same thing, I love thinking about being my husbando. At this point, it's been like 14 years, the guy in my head canon is way more developed than the actual character in the show/manga. It's like having my own spinoff in my head, and it feels like I'm exploring his mind and his life. Pretty rad.
No. 866145
>>865693>>865702>>865755Thank you for the hopium anons. I think I'll invest in a good SPF cushion foundation and hope that it won't ruin my skin immediately by sleeping on it and washing it only after I wake up. (that new kill cover from clio looks nice) Been doing skincare and saving money for dermatologists for a good 2 years now and ain't shit change. Might as well cover it up.
>>865835Himbos are rare in real life, so I tend to get attached easily to dumb but respectful buff dudes. I mean yes there's lovey-dovey sex but also imagining a guy who's not insecure and ready to be genuinely kind is nice. Even when they're antagonistic, when they have a soft interior it's
so nice. So, Alex is best boy obviously. When it's about waifus though I like the eccentric slightly kooky girls. I guess it's the fantasy of being partners in crime.
Most villains are hot though. I'll always go dumb for a good villain spouse.
No. 866157
>>865799Try either the career or the coding thread, anon
This is too advanced for stupid questions
No. 866173
File: 1627512260319.jpg (19.83 KB, 155x275, 1627500157818.jpg)

Who is this man I have to know
No. 866368
File: 1627532913078.gif (1.44 MB, 200x200, 6AD79A8C-5F52-4E72-AEC0-824103…)

What's this from and who is he? took me all these years to notice he is kinda cute
No. 866386
>>866305Yes, but not from 4 shots. Alcohol poisoning can kill you. Your body needs to filter out the alcohol because it’s a
toxic substance. The quicker you fill your tank with alcohol, the less time for your body to metabolize it and get rid of it. When you keep drinking and your body can no longer properly clear itself out, alcohol poisoning.
And it’s not to frighten you, but it’s easier than you’d think.
Drink, just don’t be reckless.
No. 866425
>>866417Apply at night, wake up, shower, reapply for the day.
Never sweaty. Perfect system.
No. 866427
>>866423How much? Like a large amount? I guess it would depend on the amount (for me).
Every once in a blue moon I’ll buy chocolate milk and will give my toddler a bit a day until it’s gone. If the kid is healthy and active then probably not a big deal. Toddlers eat like shit and are picky fucks.
No. 866434
>>866427Like a full cup measure every day. At least a tablespoon and a half of chocolate sauce per drink.
I think a wee bit is fine but a whole cup per day seems excessive.
Like he eats well, and it’s not like they feed him exclusively junk, and definitely isn’t an obese child. Very healthy and hitting milestones. Maybe I’m too crunchygranola about sugar for kids.
No. 866449
File: 1627545884788.jpg (309.93 KB, 1220x1639, 65ba00319731a955cb710bda24a551…)

Would you guys be interested in a General Future Predictions Thread? We could discuss the effects of global warming, what we think education would look like in the future, what the job market would look like, possible trends in fashion/art/interior design/music, the gap between the rich and the poor, China, the possibility of another World War and stuff like that
No. 866532
File: 1627554237545.jpg (58.65 KB, 650x650, shrinkage.jpg)

>>866514Probably for fashion or so they can style it without damaging their natural hair. Of course they can grow hair anon, what the fuck.
No. 866544
File: 1627554960569.jpeg (111.65 KB, 550x931, 495D5A2C-941A-436C-8A79-24552E…)

>>866514>Can they just not grow hairBlack women homogeneously suffer from complete alopecia. All hair is artificially implanted post birth. This also happens to Jewish, English and Asian women. It is a trait not possible in males. Historically, all Korean mothers would pluck their newborn’s hair until they became bald at birth as an evolutionary trait from the need to protect female babies because male heirs were seen as more valuable. This practice is how wigs became a woman-exclusive endeavor worldwide.
No. 866553
>>866545I know two black guys and a black girl yeah. The black guys don't wear wigs and the black girl does. When I asked her why she said it's because she wants to look pretty. Black men not wearing it and black women wearing it suggests to me that wigs are related to beautfy, which being basically hair that black women can not naturally have is a colonialized beauty standard and their effort of trying to look white.
>>866551White girls do not typically wear wigs of hair theiir race could not have, if it happens it is an extreme outlier. This is not the case with black women and straight hair wigs.
No. 866559
File: 1627555470105.jpg (44.85 KB, 554x680, 2c3fed6c99407d6495173eb12cacbe…)

Why do cows (both ones on here and my personal ones) seem to like this haircut so much
>>866548Do not even once react or respond to her posts or messages mentioning her system. It's 100% for attention. Once she realizes this hasn't made people accommodate or praise her any more than before she'll quietly drop it.
No. 866560
>>866553anon, then how do you explain white girls with straight hair that curl their hair or wear curly wigs? How do you categorize white girls interested in asian fashion that straighten their hair to make it look more asian like? How do you categorize white girls that are interested in "hood culture" and rap music that tan their skin and skinwalk black women?
Jut be aware not everything is a one way street. While it is true that some black women suffer from internalized racism and hatred and it is true that some women change their physical appearance for the male gaze these things are not universal. You need to see the other way too.
No. 866565
File: 1627555775778.jpeg (249.8 KB, 987x1160, A2C8B18F-4A4D-47F2-BCCF-5CD810…)

>>866539>mfw this Black woman is wearing this wig because she wants “white woman hair”It’s a wig. Black women facing discrimination for their curls and coils doesn’t mean wearing a wig is an act of internalized racism.
>>866553>White girls do not typically wear wigs of hair theiir race could not have, if it happens it is an extreme outlier.Black women can straighten their hair to have hair “their race could not have” without chemicals and wigs though. Just like how white girls can curl their hair to something their race “could not have.” If African women on the majority don’t wear bone straight wigs, does that mean the black women you’re talking about are also an outlier?
No. 866566
>>866560Ehm anon, white women can have curly hair, plenty of us do in fact have curly hair. Also not sure what you mean with straight hair asian fashion, how can you straighten already straight hair?
>How do you categorize white girls that are interested in "hood culture" and rap music that tan their skin and skinwalk black women?I categorize anyone interested in "hood culture" as an idiot regardless of race.
>Jut be aware not everything is a one way street. While it is true that some black women suffer from internalized racism and hatred and it is true that some women change their physical appearance for the male gaze these things are not universal. You need to see the other way too.
I might have been too absolute at me previous posts. I sitll think it's like 99% true, but sure i'll concede some women might do it for other reasons.
>>866564Sure but how does that challenge the part about the whole proccess being literally replacing a part of you for another one that looks like that of another race?
No. 866568
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>>866559They think it'd make them look like a dainty animu girl
No. 866576
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>>866566>literally replacing a part of you for another one that looks like that of another race?Are loose afros a racially internalized black hair thing or a jewish hair thing? I personally think they’re samoan.
No. 866577
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>>866566Yes but in your initial post you said, assuming that you are the same anon, you used black women desiring straight hair as an argument for internalized racism, but if you want to use this sort of rhetoric. What about white girls with straight hair that curl their hair? What about white girls with curly hair interested in asian fashion that straighten their hair for it to appear asian? Is it because of the male gaze too? Is it because of internalized racism too? Or is it simply an aesthetic choice?
>Sure but how does that challenge the part about the whole process being literally replacing a part of you for another one that looks like that of another race?If you are so eager of accusing black women of LARPING white women, think about the white women LARPING black women and about the white women LARPING asian women too. Also, look at how asian beauty standards are basically about getting more white looking features. Or think about the asian women that grow up in America and become interested in hood culture too and take inspiration from that. You put way too much blame on racism and too much blame on black women and you accuse them of racism which is quite curious because from your posts you seem to be the one suffering from internalized racism and misogyny, so you have to question yourself "aren't my words just a projection of my own insecurities and short comings?" Sometimes our aesthetic choices are influenced by something that goes beyond racism or the male gaze, our aesthetic choices can be inspired by what we purely find aesthetically pleasing and what aligns with our values and symbolisms without the existence of a hateful factor such as racism or wanting to please men.
Pic related is Korean rap artist Jessi that grew up in America, it could be argued that she appropriates black culture, but I don't think it's out of ill intention like racism. She just found herself in that aesthetic expression as an artist and individual.
Stop acting like your little observation of reality is the universal truth, all these other things are true as well!
No. 866593
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Which cow should I kin based on my D&D alignment?
No. 866607
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>>866449Anons…? I think it'd be fun
No. 866626
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>>866446I JUST GOT IT GUYS!!! Thank fucking God. Literally just after I finished a job interview kek
No. 866691
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What were you anons vaccinated with? How old are you, do you have any risk factors and did you experience side effects? I'm trying to make up my mind.
No. 866739
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hopefully this isnt a racebait question but white anons do you not use lotion after you shower? because im noticing a lot of people's excuse for not showering everyday is that it dries their skin out but like lotion was literally designed to be used after a shower to put that moisture that you lost back in your skin. Is it because you can't physically see that you are ashy so you dont think you need to? please answer because every white person i talked to has all told me that they dnt like to shower everyday because it dries out their skin. But like when you wash your face don't you put moisturizer on it after because the products stripped your skin of moisture? So why not realize that soap does the same with your body and that's why you need to use lotion, butters, or body oils to get that moisture back. please im really not trying to racebait im trying to understand.
No. 866761
>>866739This is the most retarded excuse for not showering I've ever heard; I can hardly believe anyone would say that. I can understand not showering if you stayed at home all day doing fuck all, but otherwise you gotta wash at least the strategic parts.
I recommend lotions. I used to use almond oil after showering and it works well, but the oil residue really fucked up my sheets and some clothes. I had to throw out my favorite bathrobe and I'm salty to this day, lol.
No. 866785
>>86669125, Pfizer, no risk factors. First jab I had slight nausea and the arm pain didn't set in until a few hours later and last about a day or two. Second jab I only had arm pain.
Both my parents, in their late 50s, also had Pfizer. They have a whole slew of medical conditions between them (dad has heart and blood pressure issues, both have diabetes and probably some others I don't know of) and came out fine. On the first jab my mom said she was fine, and my dad slept the whole day after he came home. On the second jab both were fine again, dad didn't even sleep a lot like he did the first time.
No. 866818
>>866739I use lotion/oil every few showers in the winter (when my skin is drier) but not in the summer because tbh I just can't be bothered to wait around for it to dry.
>>866761Same!! I used almond oil every day for years and while it worked very well, it also soaked into my clothes to the point that years later the pajamas I used to wear back then still smell of it
No. 866834
>>866739unless you're
1) doing A LOT of sweating
2) exercising every day
3) fat
you don't need to shower every day and you shouldn't. it's much for you skin if you don't anyway…
No. 866878
>>866866Read the Pimp State by Kat Banyard, it's got so many different arguments against prostitution from a lot of angles. All of my friends I've peaked regarding prostitution/porn I owe to talking points out of that book.
I can't find a proper summary of it, but it's free on Libgen if you're broke.
No. 866937
>>86669132, Pfizer. After first jab I felt really sleepy, but nothing else. After second dose my arm was very sore after a few hours and I felt kinda faint for the next several days, but nothing serious. I have some heart and genetic issues, but nothing flared up after the vaccine.
>>866926Is douching an American thing? Never heard of anyone doing it in Europe.
No. 866971
>>866625Could you be thinking of Yudori? I swear I've seen the "serving geisha pussy realness" thing before, but I can't quite recall when or who it was. I'm thinking of Yudori caue she's done some nasty, edgy shit that was posted in the previous art salt threads (like the pedo art she made, and saying that a teenage girl should do sex work)
OT, but why the fuck are so many old art salt threads missing a previous thread link in the OP
No. 866991
>>866739I gotta shower at least twice a day, I sweat for no reason. I'm low-key jealous of people who can get away with bathing every other day. My ex's mom used to bathe like every three days or whenever she went to work, never smelled her once lol.
But I also find a hot shower very relaxing,so even if I was one of those people I'd probably still shower at least once a day.
I also get really dry skin sometimes. Cocoa butter works for me.
No. 867006
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>>866449So is noone interested in this?
No. 867044
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>>867033Glasses obstruct your eyes, which are meant to be your most noticeable/striking feature, and are associated with being nerdy or geeky. Sometimes they can look attractive though, it depends on the person
No. 867134
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Where can I find an outfit like this but cheaper?the top alone is 60 bucks
No. 867167
>>867157Russian men treat women as trashy as arabs do, they don't believe that women are humans anyway - they consider women to be nothing but a sex doll who will clean, cook and do everything while not having any life interests other than homemaking. They will start beating you up daily and will never pay alimony. They think women owe them everything for just existing.
Are you someone from America by chance?
No. 867281
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>>867139Retrofuturist art has some nice pieces indeed
No. 867343
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I'm sure this is a dumb question but how do I know the difference between love-bombing vs. showering my bf in genuine love????
No. 867344
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>>867322Medfag here.
If you promise to mail me your chopped off thumb I will gibe you the answers you seek.
No. 867349
>>867343Isn't love-bombing supposed to come after you did something
abusive/shitty? If you're just in love with your bf and want to make him happy do whatever you want. But if you're trying to make him forget and forgive a fight without working out a proper solution then maybe it's love-bombing.
No. 867355
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>>867347>>867349Thank you for replies anons! My bf and I are very communicative and healthy…I'm just so so blessed to have him now after growing up in an
abusive environment…I'm convinced there has to be a catch. I just want my bf to see my "I LOVE YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH" messages and feel happy and not manipulated! And you know what, the best part is that I know he does. Ty anons for making me feel better!
No. 867371
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>>867365Holy shit anon, you just unlocked a memory. It was Keek!
No. 867611
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>>867602Ah, you've met the local Komaeda tard. The danganronpa shitposting can be kind of annoying but they contributed this delivery of hearty keks so I'd say it evened it out a bit.
No. 867765
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Do anons really hate chestlets that much? from what I remember all the goal body threads were skinny and fit girls with medium to small breasts like picrel and now lolcow and CC is a weird cesspool of self-hating small boobed girls and large boob girls swearing up and down girls with small boobs are second class citizens or something. What gives? it's only been like 3 years
No. 867775
>>867769CC has been especially obsessing over boobs but it happens here and there too especially if billie eilish is brought up. I assume it's because most anons are lowkey pickmes as much as they don't want to admit so they believe if they insult body types that aren't theirs enough then men will see it and go for their body
weird conclusion but I agree 100%. Boob size is like bottom of the chart when it comes to attractiveness. Most boobs are nice anyway if they're on healthy women so what's even the point of placing so much value over something so mundane?
No. 867812
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>>867800a threesome
I was totally pressured into it at the time
No. 867815
>>867808>They either want huge perky anime breasts or they want childrengirl have you ever been to /s/?
a current active thread is like one coomer on /b/ or something but it certainly isn't widespread. Please leave your house and talk to an actual man
>They also get off on "breast envy" and pitting women against each other.r/breastenvy still has a lot of commenters admitting they prefer the one with small breasts if she's more physically attractive. Please talk to a man for once
No. 867841
>>867765So, the sperg in celebricows? The odd nitpick lolcow comment and the bait thread on CC full of larping men? Lol. It's confirmation bias. Anyway, the anons of three years ago aren't the anons posting literally right now, that should be obvious. It shouldn't be surprising they might have different opinions. Nothing has 'changed', we're not a single entity lol. I hate to be presumptuous, but I'm not entirely convinced you're not the troll larping again. This being an attempt to continue the retarded bewb fight over here, possibly a scrote. What makes me suspicious is your decision to post an underwear pic (typical scrote behaviour) and a typical bait pic too (skinny shooped asian). You should know this lol. Also you're not replying to comments, which is typical troll bait behaviour, just dump and leave. Anyway, in case you are sincere, my boring answer is farmers like to (and will find a way to) complain about literally anything and they love to
trigger. It's not that deep. You shouldn't take any opinions expressed here too seriously.
>>867808Loser pol types are not the average man anon lol.
No. 867845
>>867842Because the whole argument about how "men think your body is wrong, trust me and don't ask" is stupid. It's not so much to talk to moids about your own attractiveness but to find out most men have diverse taste. It just rubs me wrong how the anon feeding us information about how men find most women unattractive can talk to men and go into male spaces but nobody else can because moids are stupid
Like it's okay to talk to males if it means hearing them talk down on our bodies? That sounds really unsettling
No. 867852
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>>867841Not even pol exclusively obsesses over big boobs, most of their queens have had small or medium boobs
No. 867894
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Is it legally possible to be induced into a coma in order to avoid work/responsibilities/life? If so how long could it last? Would you have to be hooked up in a hospital to do it under constant supervision?
No. 867911
>>867907It's normal. Most men don't contribute anything to a relationship other than money (but then they guard it like a miser). Just get a female roomate if you want to save on bills.
Blogpost but my dad's like every other scrote, but atleast he's useful. Can build a house, do electrical wiring, hunt, grow crops. Most men nowadays aren't just scrotey, but useless.
No. 868061
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I can't find the cow thread, I saw two beautiful cow arts on twitter. Can someone link me the cow thread?
No. 868081
>>868050i have a fashion/fad name, aka people can vaguely pinpoint either my year of birth or my mom's age based on the time period when my name was insanely popular in my country. little girls don't have my name these days. oh and everyone i introduce myself to usually replies 'omg all the XXs i know are such bitches!' i hated my name for the majority of my life and only recently, when i started higher education and heard how people pronounce the name in a different language, it began to grow on me. i still don't love it but at least i don't feel like my tongue is refusing to say it when someone asks me about my name.
did or does anyone else experience this? this absolute awkwardness of saying your own name? i remember having a teacher who had the same first name as i and i always wondered how she could say my name without cringing.
No. 868097
>>868081Yep, my name was popular when I was a kid so I met a few girls with the same name, and there was this girl, she was kinda cool but I could never call her by name because it was so awkward saying my name, so I avoided her a lot and when I had to interact I still tried avoid calling her by name, lmao
I don't like my name very much, I hear it's old lady name kek
No. 868126
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Are you named Flor?
No. 868137
>>868050I’ve liked my name for a long time, but no matter what’s the language, not how I try to make my pronunciation of my name as clear as possible, nobody understands what I’m saying, which makes it quite annoying.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the issue isn’t my name but the majority of the people that seem to have hearing disabilities.
No. 868255
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Maybe I’m remembering it wrong but I don’t recall “Spencer’s” being so kink and coomer centric. I remember they had like gag sex gifts but they have full on harnesses and dildos and shit now . Was it always like this?? It’s been a while since I’ve set foot in one but wow.
No. 868313
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>>868302If you can’t go to therapy right now a starting point could be to learn about bpd from the experts, pic rel is academic but written in an accessible way as it’s aimed at patients. Learning to view your feelings, thoughts and behaviour from this pov will help you realise you’re probably a textbook case, like the case studies described then analysed. Try to apply this mode of thought to situations when you’re about to chimp out and you should begin to understand the patterns and what’s fuelling them. Once you understand, it should be easier to stop as you realise it’s not about [complicated situation] but about how your brain works and why it’s become that way. Not stopping this behaviour will just lead you to repeatedly wasting your time and energy over shit that doesn’t matter. Having a look at case studies of old people who’ve never recovered should depress and motivate the hell out of you.
Also, help yourself by staying out of drama caused by other people. Keeping yourself in a stable situation as much as possible will help your mind remain more stable. If you have a boyfriend who is a serial cheater (for example) then that would be a good excuse to chimp out. However, it’s an even better excuse to break up and give your mind a rest. Don’t fuel the fire.
No. 868440
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Does anyone else talk to themselves constantly? I do it a lot when I'm walking. I am able to think and articulate my thoughts much greater than when I'm sitting at home. Unfortunately people have caught me doing it which is kind of embarrassing to explain
No. 868480
>>867157Slav men are trash. All of them. They're ugly inside and out and have literally nothing going for them.
t. Slav
>>868440I only talk to myself at home and I don't think it's a bad thing. I have a terrible habit of reading stuff I find amusing or interesting out loud for myself though and I know people find it bizarre.
No. 868543
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>>868537Are you telling me that British men don’t look like this?
No. 868549
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>>868530Harry is only somewhat cute when he's not terrorizing us with his British teeth.
No. 868550
>>868530>Harry styles, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, TOM HARDY!!!All hideous, especially styles. I don't understand why they're popular.
>>868536Also ugly
No. 868557
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>>868552I like black guys
No. 868563
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No. 868569
>>868551this dogface
>>868549 is conventional?
>>868552>>868554he looks like a Neanderthal nonnies
No. 868573
>>868557I mean if what it comes down to is a racial preference (which is fine) then it makes sense why we can disagree because there are attractive people of every race but some people have preferences anyways
>>868569he doesn't but agreed on harry styles and the rest. I've seen some cute british actors with less fame but I'm not british so the ones I'm most familiar with are the famous ugly ones
I mean also in america, actors are uglier these days in general. I think from nepotism
No. 868574
>>868549aw his teeth are fine, I know
non-british people with teeth similar to this (w long canines and big central incisors) who are insecure about it but I always thought it was cute
No. 868611
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>>868574Okay maybe it's not his teeth per se but there's just something about his smile that makes his face look wonky kek. He looks okay when he's not smiling.
No. 868617
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>>868611He was really cute in Dunkirk. I think one big off putting thing about him is his tattoos
No. 868619
>>868609He gets hype from a lot of suburban american white girls, whom are surrounded by a lot of obese kids, and the men that get hyped up as being attractive are often beefcakes who look like 40 yr old roid heads, He's completely normal looking but to a young girl who's only ever seen guys her age that are obese, greasy, in oversized wrinkly monster energy tees and ugly cargo shorts, a guy that looks somewhat well kept and clean will do it for them
also not to mention, a lot of gen z males act like complete retards all the time, the fake ghetto thing, most of them are bullies, and act very obnoxious and trashy, so when they see a guy who isn't making fake female sex moans and making fun of their looks they automatically think he's a god
RIP american ladies
No. 868626
>>868622it's average, 85 is considered low average but that is also because most of the world is under educated because of third world countries
that being said averages are iffy in the means of that everyone can be completely stupid but a handful of people are super smart and even if it's like 3 people out of 100 it can increase the average by a lot. This is just my experience
No. 868691
>>868689I'm not blaming anyone calm the fuck down, it's just bizarre as hell for 14 year olds to be having sex. At 14 I was still playing with dolls and so were all my friends.
Is this why burgers get married and have kids so early? Cause they grow up sooner? I don't know, shit's wack
No. 868724
>>868710I think virgins (and even kissless people) after high school/into young adulthood are far more common than we believe but being a virgin by time you're in your mid twenties or so is not the norm and makes your friends equally an outlier.
Anecdotal but me and most of my friends lost our virginity in our mid to late teens, like 16-19ish and from what I've seen and heard that seems to be most common. Some of my prettiest, social butterfly friends were having sex at 13/14 but they weren't the norm.
No. 868736
>>868725if you wanna live with your parents for your entire life then sure. you have to understand that a lot of people live in poverty or
abusive situations. i still live with my family, i’m lucky to have one. not everyone has a good family.
No. 868746
>>868725American parents are narcs as fuck and usually
abusive or american parents are in just blatantly weird situations
No. 868784
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Artist anons, how do you get out of a creative block?
No. 868787
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you guys are having sex?
No. 868794
>>868784For me it was this guide: did those doodles for a few days, then I got some ideas and went back into making art after years. It really helped me to do something but not being pressured into creating something big or special, but just some fun doodles to give you a feeling making art again.
No. 868821
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>>867800had sex with my porn obsessed ex and he was taking over 40 minutes to finish so i agreed to let him watch porn while we fucked
No. 868832
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>>868747Don't know if this will help anon but when I was getting all this entering college stuff figured out, a small college offered me a combo of grants/scholarships that were like 1-2k over all my expenses. I asked the college what happens to the extra and they said I could just keep it
>Mfw I didn't go and now I'm 30k in debt No. 868836
>>867800Watch shitty anime, watch them play videogames I didn't care about, pretend to like their music, endure shitty sex, put down other women, change my looks
I don't think most of these are very shitty, just embarrassing
>>868255love it when men willingly don their red flags for me
No. 868844
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I hope this doesn't count as illegal kpop sperging, but about An San, and her allegedly being a raging radfem, which pisses SK men off: Can anybody shed some light on the reasoning that listening to MAMAMOO makes her a feminist? And while we're at it, what's with Gwangju?
No. 868857
>>868835No, the only time something like this has happened to me was when I was a suggested account to friends who had my phone number despite me disabling that setting (don’t trust instagram). Luckily it was nothing too bad.
Some anons admit to changing small details of their anecdotes in order to avoid being recognised. I do this too even though I doubt anyone I know comes here, because people wouldn’t suspect I come here either if that makes sense. You never know who is around so best to change details a little.
No. 868867
>>868828Nayrt but I know the feeling. It’s like ‘Jenny’ for example can encompass so much: several girls from school, friends, coworkers, celebrities, ecelebs, so many people you’ll never meet yet you know are out there. Whereas ‘Anon’ (whatever your name is) feels only defined by yourself because that’s your only experience of the name, which might be cool if you’re Beyoncé but not so much if you have low self esteem.
I changed my name as an adult, using my middle name which is fairly common. It’s been a few years now and I have no regrets or longing for my old, unusual name. If it really does make you unhappy then it’s worth considering. You’re the one who has to live with it.
No. 868882
>>867800Sex without a condom,
rimming, bj even though his dick looked diseased (it wasn’t but I didn’t know until later). Most pathetic things include allowing my ex to have a longterm emotional affair and flying a 40 hours round trip to fuck my other ex who had ghosted me.
Looking back I hated all of it and myself. Learning from your mistakes is all you can do.
No. 868910
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>>867800>>868821Anon, I’m so sorry. I was on a Skype call with my bf and at the time we were long distance, I was basically putting on a show for him and I had no idea he was watching porn while watching me. I figured it out because I kept hearing his mouse clicking over and over. I called him out and he sheepishly admitted to it…and my dumbass took his apology and let him finish.
No. 868932
>>867800Pretended to believe he “totally didn’t have an asian fetish” (thank goodness this one ended quickly), tried changing my style completely to become “kawaii”, made a lot of effort to make my boobs look big, tried to stop listening to music I enjoyed (“too noisy”), wasted my precious time watching hour-long shitty video essays on animay and dEeP gAmEzz just to understand what the fuck he was talking about…
ACCEPTED BAD HYGIENE. I realized I went too far when I was basically teaching a grown man how to wash his armpits.
At least I learned from all that shit lmao. I hope all you anons recover from these experiences too.
>>868922This is hilarious
No. 868939
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Saging this because of AD talk. I wanted to discuss this outside the AD thread in order to get a more representative sample. I remember an anon posted a picture of AD showering with his dick visible, and I remember that most of the anons were sperging about how big his dick was, but I remember thinking that his dick looked like a beige sausage with hair and slightly flatter- unappealing imho. I’m a virgin and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a dick in porn, so maybe I just think all dicks look awful. Does anyone else feel this way?
No. 868976
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>>867167It seems like this is all scrotes. Especially white American men. I’m promised love, yet all I get is unwashed penises thrust at me.
No. 869053
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>>869051You are such a weirdo
No. 869055
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lmao she deleted it. so these are what cool sexhavers are like huh..
No. 869056
>>869053you’re a
victim. you let scrotes rape you
(edgy) No. 869061
>>869056Literally die, you have the audacity to say it to a rape
victim behind a screen but bet if you said that in real life your would’ve been curbstomped. Gtfo with your shitty ass bait
No. 869067
>>868589>How many people is it normal to have sex with?Here's the only correct answer: Whichever is the number that hasn't yet cost you your physical and emotional health. If that number approached 20? Fine. If that number never made it past 0? Fine too. It's nobody else's damn business.
It varies. When anons bring up the subject it's so silly, like why question the amount of people you have or shouldn't have fucked by whatever age (well–just kidding–I know why women question this more than men because we're told we're sluts with dad issues if we've slept with more than 1 and frigid prudes if we've slept with net 0). Everyone's story is different and is influenced by factors oftentimes beyond our control. It's just easier for people to stereotype women than try to understand why we've made the choices we have, or for that matter
listen to us when we want to open up about it.
>>868635>>868681There's really nothing outrageous about having been with 10 people going into your 20s anon.
I won't even mention my count here, but these anons would diarrhea their gamer chairs if they knew my number. Yet I'm married, have a pretty solid relationship, stable job, friends, look good in my neighborhood, and own my house. I don't know
what was supposed to have happened to me for having had sex, but it seems like people have retarded beliefs about how I ought to have turned out for it that doesn't match my current reality so I disregard it.
>>868663Agreed. It's fun to watch anons slapfight when the fact of the matter is scrotes are out there acting like sexual psychopaths and get away with it scott free.
No. 869270
>>869225I honestly think it’s shitty and trashy when people make fun of the living situation of others, like making fun of a homeless person or making fun of someone with a genetic disorder or some physical condition.
Stuff that can’t be controlled like being a midget or having lost a body part shouldn’t be made fun of, it’s shitty.
No. 869346
>>8693051) Be hot
2) Be hot and cold
No. 869352
>>869305In my experience, you don't have to do anything extra to find guys who are obsessed with you and tbh it's better that way. It's just time consuming to go through men until you find one.
The tricky part is to make sure their 'obsession' isn't part of a lovebombing trick to get into your pants. Don't even bother with breadcrummers and emotionally unavailable soyboys–they'd be useless anyway.
No. 869520
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I bought a ring for $126 but in reality, I just paid for a piece of gold but what material are the “diamonds and sapphire” made of?
No. 869568
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Does anyone else have disproportionately sized feet? Mine are weirdly small. I'm 5'6 (168cm) with UK 3 shoe size.
No. 869675
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>>869631taking a stand against late stage capitalism by living rent free and consuming his roommate's food
No. 869737
>>869583People mostly did this when internet wasn’t accessible for all, sharing magazines or loading up 140p boobs on yahoo.
I’ve seen men watch porn in public, but it’s mostly a strange form of gross-out humor now. Like they’ll watch women gaping themselves or something.
No. 869762
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I want to sign up for some kind of weekly local class - I think it’d be good for me to have some kind of outlet and something that gets me out of the house while I finish my thesis. Does anybody have any ideas of a cool crafty class to take? I’m thinking of doing stained glass but am open to ideas.
No. 869772
>>869762Stained glass is cool! You could also consider pottery (like, with one of those spinning tables), linoleum carving/printing, woodworking, glass blowing, needlefelting (only if you have a lot of patience).
I've done pottery before and it's really cool because you can be creative with the details and you get to take home actual usable pots/bowls/vases.
No. 869805
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who is komaeda and why are anons horny for him?
No. 869876
>>869868This is probably bad, but
I use a metal paperclip that's bent straighr, I push it between the teeth so the calculus gets dislodged
No. 870061
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Any euranons here have experience with erasmus plus youth exchange? pls share some info
No. 870105
>>870061For long-term placements, be aware that some host organizations in low-income/high unemployment countries try to make as much money as possible on the grants they get. That includes subpar to unsanitary housing, not giving you everything listed in the contract - like pocket money and food - etc.
Otherwise, everything under the Erasmus and EVS/ESC umbrella is a great way to travel, meet people, fill your CV, and experience things outside your comfort zone. There is a limit on how many weeks of short and long-term placements you can do total, but I believe there isn't one for youth exchanges.
No. 870161
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What is "standards" on Library Genesis?
No. 870248
>>870207Men think they are inherently better than women, so when a man tries to turn himself into a woman some guys will think that's an insult to all men out there. That it tarnishes their place at the top of the (made up retarded) hierarchy if you can just do a switch out like that.
I remember a few years ago when trans people were way less accepted men would freely say that ftms would basically never 'reach' manhood and that mtfs were only reducing themsleves or lowering themselves when transitioning. It was always worded that way. Becoming male is rising up and becoming female is lowering yourself? If women are lesser than men and yet people are switching roles and appearances and mannerisms it fucks up their simplistic view of the world and who is the 'better sex'. I'm not pro trans but I think they hate them for the same reasons they just hate a limp wristed gay man…for just existing and ruining the man hierarchy lol