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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 867049

A place for theorizing what the world will be like in the near or far future. Which jobs will be wiped out completely because of automatization? Which positions will be most in demand? How will education change? Will degrees be less esteemed? How will global warming change the planet? Which countries will suffer from it the most? Do you see the possibility of a third world war? Will the gap between the poor and the rich grow even further? Will China dominate the world? Will the Japanese go extinct? Flying cars when? Which novel/film/other medium do you think paints an accurate picture of what the world will look like?

No. 867057

Obligatory Zager & Evans song

No. 867067

The erasure of the middle class is going to become more and more apparent, there will be us lowly peasants and the mega rich with no in between.

No. 867071

yeah, I can absolutely see this happening

No. 867098

Legit like elysium movie, everything is polluted to shit and rich have made themselves a pure isolated place. Ppl are grown in vats because everyones infertile from the pollution. You get zapped from one of 10000's satellites if you're caught doing something "bad".

No. 867114

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Fourth industrial revolution happens and humanity might come to the realization that we need to fully merge with technology to omit some of our bad habits. That may be one solution. Once we have a better understanding of neurochemistry we might be able to make sure the grievously mentally ill won't have lives that are consumed by suffering. Those are my hopes nonnies

No. 867132

Just an exponential explosion of what is happening now. There will just be 2 companies that own everything, and end up going to war with each other. No middle class whatsoever. Neurolinks will become mandatory to compete with robos to work in certain fields and will blast advertisements directly into our brains, especially to poor people who can't afford the subscription plans. Androids will be cops.

The good things will be that eventually we will have much much better real time translation and be able to speak with anyone on the planet with ease. Real meat will become obsolete once and for all and future generations will look back on meat-eaters in the way we look back on slave owners, kek.

The saddest of all of this to me will be 80% of the amazon rainforest destroyed by 2099. We are destroying our planet and that will hurt us more than any implants, robot cop murderers, or anything.

No. 867138

Nah you gotta keep the majority in the middle or else there'll be radical change. The middle class will probably just widen into subclasses.

I genuinely only see wealth inequality lessening if parties come forward for globalism and regulating standards of practice globally. If anything covid has shown that the world is extremely connected and collaboration between regions is optimum for everyone. Obviously the big wigs that make bank on exploiting undeveloped nations will lobby against it, but there needs to be like a global workers strikes for the impoverished. One can dream

No. 867199

Rock music is becoming underground

No. 867295

>big wigs against globalism

No. 867456

I hate thinking about the damage that's been done. All the garbage and toxic waste buried underground. And the wildfires raging right this moment destroying forests and homes of animals. Maybe Yellowstone will erupt and put us out of our misery.

No. 867464

Globalism to me means equality across nations, not the current globalism of like Chinese companies in Africa

No. 867472

climate change and resource depletion will render whole parts of the world into unlivable wasteland.

No. 867477

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china will replace America as the number 1 super power.
Brain to computer interface allows people to control machines with their minds.
extreme weather events become more frequent.
Climate change leads to wet bulb temperatures which make it impossible to live.
Climate change leads to water wars.
rural areas will decay further and lead to everyone living in mega cities.
America descends into real fascism, (not the trump shit) as climate change, refugees, china, and a shit economy all hit it at once.

High technology and low life, its a cyberpunk nightmare

No. 867479

That is one cool book cover…is the book good?

No. 867481

I agree with all of these and would add that mass migrations will start from the countries that become unliveable due to climate change

No. 867483

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No. 867486

The future is neither Chinese nor American, it will be Russian. Russia for years has been developing it's own military technologies that are superior to anything the Chinese or the Americans have.

China is still a paper tiger and will loose any open conflict. The size of China's military and work force looks impressive until you realise that China has no way of feeding it's huge population without food imports. Cut off the food supplies and a huge population becomes a burden instead of an advantage.

No. 867489

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never read it, just liked the cover.


There will be two types of migrations, external and internal, as climate change wipes out the western half of america and turns it into a desert wasteland.

I expect america will either go full fashy or balkinize



No. 867495

hypnospace is really really cool
all the kids are talking about it in school
cool skateboard tricks, amazing tips, and eating Boppo's chips

No. 867920

I predict I'm gonna die eventually

No. 868465

Solid prediction

No. 868491

Read recently in a local paper that scientists predict that due to climate change the only liveable places are gonna be Iceland, Greenland, New Zealand and the British Isles…I'm curious why they didn't mention Canada's northern parts for example

No. 1884611

Very cool ida for a book
Most of Canada is uninhabitable because it’s mostly hard rock soil

No. 1997736

Boomer hate will pale in comparison to the hate millennials will get once they get old, alpha generation will push for mandatory euthanasia laws, because there simply wont be enough tax payers to support an aging population.

No. 1998239

>alpha generation will push for mandatory euthanasia laws, because there simply wont be enough tax payers to support an aging population.
I surely hope so, euthanasia should be for everyone who requests it. Same with abortion being for all women no matter what stage of pregnancy they're in. Yes even 1 week before giving birth. I just hope so.

No. 1998263

Anon said mandatory. Also mandatory euthanasia to keep the elderly population proporionate to the working population doesn't mix with abortion rights lol.

No. 1998264

I think that masculinists will adopt the sensitive man persona en masse if female celibacy gets a little more notorious to the average person. The goal will be to paint their adversaries as cynical, anti-joyfulness, "It's so sad that you think this way" sort of thing.

No. 1998270

Ok? I still want both

No. 1998272

It's a prediction thread

No. 1998307

it's more short term than the other predictions but I truly think that customer service jobs like cashier, fast food, and receptionist will be obsolete soon. People will complain about wanting to be served by "real humans" but they'll get used to it. Maybe there will be a rise in theft too but they can beef up security and I'm sure it's still cheaper than paying employees- and where will those millions of people who work in those jobs find new work? who knows. Objectively no longer needing humans to do those menial jobs is a good thing but anyone who pictures some post-scarcity utopia is way too naive

No. 1998310

Many zoomers are going to euthanize themselves when they get old or middle aged. Mostly due to economic reasons and mental illness.

No. 1998313

i know this is a quick response but a lot of them are euthanizing themselves already, millennial and Gen Z young girls and women already commit suicide at an alarmingly disproportionate rate to the rest of society.

No. 1998315

The capitalists are going so hard to cut production costs by shrinking available jobs for humans without stopping for one second to think that the masses need jobs to earn money and be able to pay for all the shit they sell

No. 1998317

this sure sounds like a nice fantasy but no, we will definitely always need idiots to stand behind the counter, no matter how much they cost.

No. 1998325

yeah and it's only going to get worse as gen z and millenials get older.

No. 1998331

Trans stuff and all the damage done to their bodies by hormones will also contribute to this

No. 1998332

Lol you're a bitch

No. 1998340

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So its gonna be like in idiocracy

No. 1998343

Yeah the way she worded it wasn't nice, but if all of those jobs get replaced then what's left for people who won't have a job anymore? And also, what if the machines that replace the workers all break? There must always be at least one person in charge imo. Even those machines that serve people in Japan have workers behind them restocking or helping around. Plus you can't trust that everyone will get the technology just right the first time around, like elderly people or people who aren't good with computers. We already have major problems with legacy programs used for modern day things like ATMs and other things with the software being so old that newer engineers don't even want to fuck with it

No. 1998348

I agree, feels like millennials are in for a big round of hate as they get older. They're already getting flamed the fuck out

No. 1998355

A lot of people are gonna end up on welfare.

No. 1998381

you mean ubi?

No. 1998393

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Everyone will continue to become more atomized and distant from each other. People will work from home, order food rather than go to restaurants, shop online, socialise online rather than talk to people, and only watch hyper specific niche content that no one they know in person will be familiar with. There are a lot of people like this today of course, but as the generations brought up before this became normal start dying out everyone will be like this.
If AI gets better (tbh I'm skeptical it will get to the 'generate a new harry potter movie for me right now' stage any time soon) the atomization will become even more extreme. I've already seen articles about how teens are addicted to character.ai, I can't imagine this kind of phenomenon going away. Doom scenario is that every person encloses themself in their own individually curated fantasy world of AI generated content. There will be no points of reference or shared popular culture any more.
People take the path of least resistance and in a world where you have easier and less risky substitutes for anything involving human interaction those substitutes are going to be taken.

No. 1998406

porn may get banned sooner than we think, but it won't be because everyone will realize how inhumane it is

No. 1998413

It’s better we have a safe way to do it than to just let it happen via slitting wrists and gunshots no? Since there is no actual hopeful future. Obviously we shouldnt promote death as means to fix anything but it’s pretty unfair that people are forced to stay alive and contribute to a society that actively hates us and just wants us to pop out babies to be future laborers. I hate the government and I don’t trust them at all but if there was a service like this at least it would provide some people some final relief. Genuinely not trying to demoralize here

No. 1998421

It might help avoid people becoming veggies as a result of botched attempts. But the system also benefits from having certain people die, so they might start encouraging it more as a "solution."

No. 1998429

Most people here are writing fanfics so i will write something a bit more realistic.

Society is becoming more radicalized and right-wing, tensions between people especially relating to gender are growing and many government officials are now proposing laws in westerns states that will take away women's rights, many men are becoming even more agressive towards women. In the near future we may see a unfortunate setback of women's rights and some former progressive countries will fall and crumble , reverting to the middle ages.

I think east asian countries such as china, japan and south korea may be the new power, the new modern, we will probably see some huge technological advancements but mostly from those countries. The majority of countries will continue to live like in the middle ages in both terms of poverty and mindset, global warming is causing the ice caps to melt (this is scientifically confirmed) so when all the ice caps melt it would cause people from certain countries to go and seek refugee in other countries due to their country not existing anymore since it's now on sea-level. This might cause a overpopulation problem.
There will be artifical intelligence in the future but it will not be AI…it will be something else.

No. 1998480


No. 1998486

The western financial system will collapse causing civil wars in the US and Europe. Russia and China will tip the balance to pro-multipolar world forces by supplying weapons. Buy gold, tools and other useful items that don't expire and can be exchanged for food.

Man made global warming isn't real, it will get colder not warmer.

No. 1998735

>There will be artifical intelligence in the future but it will not be AI…
Anon, do you know what AI stands for?

No. 1998767

>Man made global warming isn't real, it will get colder not warmer.
Nonnie I am sorry that you're dumb but you have no idea what global warming actually means.

No. 1998776

Tech will continue to force actions onto us and will expand it into what we're allowed to see or do.
I know it's petty but I just found out chrome automatically saves png files as shitty ass webp files with no notification about that change anywhere.

No. 1998805

t. Anon who thinks cow farts are a pressing issue

No. 1998840

>t. anon that never leaves her air conditioned room

No. 2000348

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No. 2000702

Carbon dioxide is not bad for environment, it's what plants need to live. The entire theory of man made climate change is complete horse shit. The biggest influence of the climate on earth is the sun and humans have zero control over it.

No. 2001061

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No. 2045032

After a decade or two we'll be able to vote for AI avatars of long dead world leaders, philosophers and even fictional characters. Hitler AI will get elected.

No. 2045041

nta but it's not really a proven theory. unless you're a climate scientist and you believe in it strongly and you, like, have personally theories and research to share I don't know why you would argue with her. there have been climate fluctuations throughout (pre)history without the influence of mankind. what we're worried about is that this one is coming up faster than we think it should, right? and we're worried that's our fault due the effects of industrialization etc. I mean, that's what I gather. from what I'm hearing we're already on this ride so I'm more interested in practical steps to live through it rather than steps to reverse what can't be reversed.

No. 2045069

It's not about reversing climate change, it's about stopping it from getting worse. https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/?intent=121
>not really a proven theory
Outside of mathematics there are no proven theories. What's your standard for accepting something as true?

No. 2045081

not even that I really disagree with her or think it's not true, I just thinks it's retarded to retort like that when talking about climate change and it actually halts progress to have people arguing over wether it's manmade or natural and getting everyone wrapped up in conspiracies about it. I feel like everyone who has been alive for over 25 years has noticed the changes. I guess we have to research and target areas where we could potentially mitigate damage but I don't really trust people to do that because half the time they arrive at some eugenics solution where we need to kill humans which is obviously morally wrong. we'd have better luck appealing to emotions and focusing on animal extinction stories to spur people to action (the earth is more powerful than we will ever be and the things happening to animals now are going to happen to us, which I think people understand on a deep subconscious level but no one wants to admit it because we think we humans are so special.) I don't know, I'm probably just unintentionally adding to the argument at this point maybe I need a coffee

No. 2045114

Do you really think there is no consequence to moving a bunch of material out of the ground and burning it?

No. 2045132

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I am a massive doomer writing out a thought experiment so feel free to ignore this post if youre not in a mood to doom

>women having some sort of tiny flying personal assistant that doubles as a defensive weapon following them around to protect them in case of emergency (alerting, firing some sort of weapon) will take off especially for certain demographics, but then men would get offended and share tips online how to hack/disable/counter them. That last part would eventually be a porn category.

>more and more men will become trannies and force legislation that would harvest women's wombs (in young womens death at first, then in living whomen who "arent using them"). They will of course not use them to give birth because that is hard and painful, but get impregnated and abort for realistic "slut" experiences akin to bugchasing. Or inducing miscarriage for sympathy. Total blackface woman parody.

>the massive drop in birthrate globally, from when women aren't forced to give birth over and over tribally, will cause nazi like initiatives where you have to have a eugenic IVF baby every 5 years or you get your UBI reduced (there will be no jobs for most average people so that is like a downgrade to poverty instead of enforced lower middle class. You cannot raise the baby as you want to either. It will not be your genetics and you will have no legal claim to it.

>delivery drones will litter the view of the sky so much that it will be impossible to take a picture clear of them in many places.

>at one point the two party/good bad guy/trad men vs progressive men system will stop all pretenses of being for any constituents and will just openly enslave us and mock us. This will be when tax and voting are irrelevant; we will all be UBI slaves to them, unable to have the sway we once had.

>when we all have neuralinks in our brains they will force happy/painful stimulation when you think certain words.

>some men will become so addicted to alternate reality virtual haptical feedback (touch) porn worlds that we as women will be psyoped into taking care of them via IVs and feeding tubes during their extended gamer moments.

>police bots will be patrolling neighborhoods, but your area will be only patrolled and served as well as you and your neighbors can pay, for the protection subscription

>AI will be so prevalent that all videos and pictures are assumed false and not usable in court. Conviction rates go down and violent aperape men flourish

No. 2045147

Cool I want to kms now.

I have a similar prediction wrt trannies. Gendies already define women as "non-men". The next step is for the term woman to mean trans woman, and people with XX chromosomes will be called breeders or something similar. Even intersex women or women without wombs will be dehumanized this way, which would be ironic since tranny's main claim was that woman was undefinable because of these kinds of people.

Men will be the only actual human beings. Of course this will mean zero protections or safety for us. It's joever girlies.

No. 2045155

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NTA. Yes there are consequences. Petrochemicals are highly toxic and releasing them into the environment is obviously bad. The problem with the theory of climate change, is that it's not saying that environmental contamination with hydrocarbons is bad, it's saying that carbon dioxide is bad. Carbon dioxide is not toxic, it's necessary for life on earth. The small amount of CO2 released by human activity is not enough to influence the climate of the earth. What does influence the earth's climate is the sun and it does it on such a scale that human activity is irrelevant.

The sun cycles through periods of high and low sun spots. A period with a high number of sun spots is known as and solar maximum and period with a low number of sun spots is called a solar minimum. More sun spots increases the temperature on earth and less sun spots decrease the temperature on earth.

No. 2045165

usa bans tiktok china gets mad and they both bomb eachother into oblivion

No. 2045183

don't think so. tiktok is not a national security issue for china. I legitimately don't think they care much at all outside of the accusations around it being insulting to them. they're trying to do real stuff like de-dollarization and build up their food security so they don't need to rely on imports of meant and soy from other countries (USA for example). the whole tiktok thing is so unserious.

No. 2045196

If the US or China launches a nuke we're all fucked regardless of where you are

No. 2045224

I wonder if either side would have the humanity to not launch a retaliatory strike. if another country nuked one of my cities and we got to vote on wether we fired one back I would vote no.

No. 2045258

Pretty sure everyone would have been vaporized if your city got nuked. (wait nvm I'm retarded and didn't read what you wrote correctly)

As for not launching a retaliatory nuke, I doubt they wouldn't, even if just out of spite. If China bombs the US and the US doesn't return fire, the US will no longer exist and China will still be there.

No. 2045282

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I've never agreed with a post so much on this site. People don't realize I'm not an evil psycho when I say that the millions/billions funneled into climate change "research" and initiatives is academic embezzlement and isn't doing a damn thing towards any of the actual pollutants contributing to mass environmental and biological terrorism. The earth has never been stagnant in temperatures whatsoever, from snowball earth to the fact that the middle east used to be lush and green much before vehicle emissions. But focusing on temperature is an abstract they can stall and do nothing but "monitor" while our controllable problem is cancerous pollution of the earth. If these organizations that pollute were held accountable, and the accords/academics we funnel money to developed ways to filter/limit/collect pollutants and trash on a massive scale, there would be a lot to answer for. As is, we can throw our hands up and get taxed so guys in elite academia can run the same papers through over and over and global manufacturers poison waters. At least we can mine more lithium soon!

No. 2047632

I already said it one or two years ago but D'Angelo will definitely troon out within this year.

No. 2047650

I add that Jreg will too. He did some project with CJ the X and has made a couple anti-TERF statements now. It’s only a matter of time

No. 2047658

You're both retarded. Do you not know what scientists mean when they say CO2 is a "greenhouse gas" and how that correlates to increased climate temperatures when you have too much of it in the atmosphere?

No. 2047667

That's why I'm wondering. it would so obviously be a net negative on the world to fire more nukes but if one country fired them off the common consensus is that the other country would also fire off whatever they could, creating a M.A.D. scenario. You'd also have to consider allied countries with nuclear power that could get involved. I personally feel strongly that if one is launched there should be never be any fired in response because that would just add to the destruction but that's not how fighting works. In an ideal world they wouldn't exist but here we are.

No. 2047751

The concept of greenhouse gases are a theory and nothing more. Volcanic eruptions alone release around 230 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Man made climate change is a scam by the elites to enforce their agenda and hide the real environmental threat which is contamination of the natural environment by man made chemicals.

In the 60s and 70s people began to form movements against big corporations that were polluting the environment. This includes Green Peace fighting against the dumping of nuclear waste into the Atlantic Ocean, local groups formed to protest the dumping of toxic waste, such at Love Canal, which lead to the CERCLA legislation in the US and Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring which lead to DDT being banned as an agricultural pesticide. Theories about climate change never appeared in the media until these protest groups became too powerful and were able to pressure governments into forcing companies to deal responsibly with chemical waste. In the 70s when climate change first appeared as a concept, the warning was that the earth would experience another ice age, not global warming. Since then the media has pushed hysterical claims about melting polar ice caps and increasing temperature, none of which have come true.

The embedded video is an ABC documentary from 1979 about environmental contamination in the US. Notice that any form of discussion or awareness about how big corporations pollute the environment is now completely absent from public discourse and media reporting, yet we get exposed to the latest "the gas needed by plants to photosynthesize is going to end the world" propaganda while corporations can dump whatever they want into the environment without anyone paying attention.

Exactly, it's all a distraction from the real issue.

No. 2047974

>hurr durr it's just a theory it's not real
>it's just a model, you can't trust it
Every human advancement in the modern world has been achieved because of "scientific theories" and models to predict natural phenomenon so to deny established theories despite the evidence for it is retarded. This kind of nitpicking of definition and truth reminds me how TRAs go at lengths about the abstractions of a woman, just disingenuous.

>Carbon dioxide is not toxic, it's necessary for life on earth.

No climate scientist would seriously say "CO2 is toxic", the reason why they focus on CO2 is because of its chemical/physical nature in absorbing and re-emitting infrared radiation due to its vibrational modes, which you can measure in the lab by IR spectroscopy. And obviously, too much of it in the atmosphere offsets the radiative balance of Earth.

>Exactly, it's all a distraction from the real issue.

You know you can care about two things at once? Caring about climate change doesn't mean you can't care about environmental pollutants. Both issues still lead to holding major corporations accountable. What reason would petrochemical companies gain from pushing the truth of climate change when they're already funneling massive amounts of money into climate denialism through lobbying, campaign donations, lawsuits, paying public figures to say what they want, etc.

No. 2081190

MCU/Superhero universe content (movies, spinoff shows, shit like that) is gonna crash and burn

No. 2081207

I think all boomers dying off will be like the calm after a storm and the severe pessimism that permeates us will finally be somewhat lifted.

Tons of family homes occupied or owned by 1 or 2 boomers will enter the market, the office boomers refusing to retire will make way, gov policies might have a shred of hope to improve, the immense burden on social services will be eased a bit without millions of fat sick old boomers.

No. 2081208

Fascism comes back in full force but instead of fascism for interesting things like communism or socialism it's just mask off fascism in our capitalism hellscape with companies heavily radicalizing religious groups through political lobbying to fuel their own agendas. The religious groups won't ever wise up to it because of endless streams of propaganda on social media and will continue to be extremist and poor. A few countries like China, Russia, Vietnam, Cuba etc are spared this fate and everyone tries to immigrate there because they ironically become better for free speech than the capitalist hellscapes do. None of the big countries do war though because killing civilians is ultimately bad for profit margins. Pandemics like COVID become more frequent but eventually we become so desensitized to it and just wear masks all the time essentially in public. They come up with really cool clear masks or some shit that don't look like masks at all. So many old people die to pandemics that it actually somewhat stabilizes the social security pyramid scheme.

No. 2081227

you really need to take your benzos

No. 2081233

I don't know what benzos are and no I won't Google it

No. 2081235

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trans bubble will peak and we'll speak of it in the same way we speak of lobotomies and leeching

No. 2081239

I wonder if this is the way that beta or gamma will feel about zoomies

No. 2081299

Also manifesting

No. 2081311

If fascism takes over my country I'm killing myself woot

No. 2081386

Korea is definitely not going to become a super power if their replacement is rate is the lowest in the world.

No. 2081814

I feel like they will never die a this point

No. 2082316

streaming and podcasts will still be available but lose popularity, because tuning into live radio segments and watching live television broadcasts makes consumers feel like they're participating in an event and not just sitting and watching/listening something

No. 2083306

what? the solution posed is to stop overconsuming so much and destroying ancient ecosystems not to do eugenics.
i dont think these people even know about what co2 is doing to the ocean

No. 2083373

North and South Korea, China, and Japan have been putting their whole hearts into fucking themselves over. There's no way that countries whose main goal is time-travelling back to the 1850s and nuking everyone who doesn't like it are going to become 'the new power'. They're going to collapse completely unless some radical change happens to bring them into the 21st century before they run out of babies.
Kek I think you have way too much faith in technology. Even if we all have neuralinks forcibly implanted into our brains, they're going to break down or get taken offline because the company didn't pay its internet bill. We can come up with different words that don't cause the forced response. Moid centered movements are imploding because they meme themselves into roping, I can't see that changing in your predicted society.
It's already happening, let's all manifest the end of troons together.

No. 2083625

by live television broadcasts do you mean cable? I always wonder if cable will make some sort of comeback eventually.

No. 2083651

No. 2083657

There will be a massive stock market crash on Oct 28th. In the first half of 2025, there will be wide scale riots in multiple American cities that will be put down with military force, resulting in 10s or even hundreds of deaths

No. 2083668

A lot of female business owners are either going to be bought out of their companies or will choose to sell them so they can participate in the tradwave thats sweeping. And I feel like a lot of companies are going to stop hiring women, but nobody will get in trouble for any kind of discrimination because it'll fall under their right to say "oh you're just not who we're looking for". I see this happening already, really. So many anons here who either can't get a job interview at all or can and are then ghosted/rejected

No. 2083697

i feel like this could end up being the case. cutting women out of the job market to tighten it up

No. 2083844

>So many anons here who either can't get a job interview at all or can and are then ghosted/rejected
That's because the economy fucking sucks

No. 2083870

I have the opposite experience in my area, women always get hired before the men. Men complain about it but they don't get the reason why. The reason is they can pay less to the woman and so it's cheaper for the company. It sucks because men should work these difficult jobs more often than women. They just don't want to pay the workers more and will settle for somebody who'll accept less, which women do and i'm not even wondering why. In this economy you'll accept anything. I worked in a factory for plastic car parts and it was all women working the machines.

No. 2083987

Why Oct 28, nonnie? What do you know that we don't?

No. 2084034

the reason why I feel like this’ll change is because eventually the employees who are working (women) will need to be paid more, and when that time comes they’ll probably decide against raising their wages and will just hire men who they pay the lower wage.

No. 2084046

NTA but october 28 was when the stock market crashed in 1929

No. 2084093

there is more too it than that, but yeah, their is a numerological aspect. Oct 28 1929 was also a Monday just like this upcoming Oct 28th will be

No. 2087156

i dont remember what other thread i saw this get mentioned in but cryptocurrency is going to crash baddd

No. 2088451

I believe that western countries are gonna learn from countries such as China, Russia, North Korea etc to push high tech totalitarianism, nationalism, misogynistic culture to raise the birthrate in order to control population, besides controling the citizens with propaganda and technology without them knowing it.

No. 2088495

>human instrumentality project

No. 2093095

I think this aforementioned tradwave is gonna result in a bigger divide between women. There'll be the leftoid brainrotted TiF's/enbys and excessively virtue signalling women who surround their whole lives around politics and constantly saving face, and there'll be 'tradthots' who are just normal SAHM's who attempt to do the whole extra crunchy mom thing that choose to surround their whole lives around their husband and satisfying him. Then on the fringe ends there will be normal coherent women.

No. 2096619

The Taylor Swift bubble will burst. Her second societal-wide ridiculing phase has been in the process for a while (started with her private jet usage). Once more people catch on to her capitalist tactics to stay in the top 100's she'll become the butt of jokes. Think contemporary Katy Perry treatment, but not as intense.

I truly believe that after this second Swift hate train takes off, she'll turn on her father (but remain loyal to her mother). There will be BIG news about her insane, controlling father. The public will see Taylor in a light her and her team have never allowed her to be seen in. She'll probably pay her brother to corroborate the sentiment towards her father, too. If there was any animosity between the two of them it will be swept under the rug due to the payout. They will frame their father as having pitted them against each other. They'll say Taylor was the golden child who had to conform to her very strict, very republican father, and Austin was the scapegoat who was paid no attention.
This entire debacle will be a 4D chess move to push her father out of her life and out of her team forever due to his control problems. Her team will publicize the "Scott Swift" emails. The public will be swayed in her favor. Her team will paint her as a naive, stunted, sheltered woman who was born to be the family cash cow (her birth announcement was insane, they announced her like she was a share of a company) and forced into the lime light. She'll finally come clean about her drug and alcohol abuse.
Of course she will do this because she's chronically late to trends, too. She will be following the Britney scandal playbook.

No. 2096642

She is already using the tide against her as a way to market Reputation Taylor's Version.
>Think contemporary Katy Perry treatment, but not as intense.
This is simply not possible given the sheer amount of Swifties. They are not only intense, but they all have kids who also love Taylor Swift. I've seen videos about how kids at camps and in school are obsessed with Taylor. This is all very intentional and it's hard to hate on someone who is a nostalgic artist for you (I am referring to the kids here). Katy Perry has never cultivated a dedicated fanbase. I see it as more likely that the Taylormania will die down when the Eras tour is over , although her popularity will be sustained for some time because she'll make appearances at the NFL. I think it may also depend on what happens on the next Grammys. Whenever Taylor loses a grammy, she gets obsessed with wanting to win another grammy. I think the best result would be if TTPD does not get album of the year, but does win pop vocal album. If so, I think maybe Swift will take a step back to take a break and focus on her relationship or something. If she doesn't win anything for TTPD, this will spur her to continue releasing albums.

>she'll turn on her father (but remain loyal to her mother). There will be BIG news about her insane, controlling father

Her parents were divorced years ago and Scott helps TS manage her major pile of real estate which is a lot of her net worth. I sincerely doubt he will be turned on because he was a key part of her success. She already dissed him in a song from 2010 and I think that was enough for her at the time.
>She'll probably pay her brother to corroborate the sentiment towards her father, too.
Austin Swift helps manage Taylor Swift's brand, chances are he gets a sizeable cut already of whatever that entails. It is pretty obvious that if he wanted fame, he'd have capitalized on it already. Look at how it plays out with other celebrity siblings (such as Jaime Lynn, Solange, etc.) that want fame. If he wanted a piece of the fame pie, he'd already have it given his age. At the level of fame Taylor's name would bring him, I would guess he is incognito for a reason.
>She'll finally come clean about her drug and alcohol abuse.
Too many of her songs reference this already. I hardly think this will make the waves you think it will consider the album everyone listened to for the sake of shitting on starts with a line that states "I was a functioning alcoholic". She references alcohol in many other songs. I don't think it'll shock anyone if it does come out.
> Her team will paint her as a naive, stunted, sheltered woman who was born to be the family cash cow
She already has tried to paint herself that way and it didn't work. She courted public behavior the best with songs like Anti Hero where she is referencing herself in a negative way. My guess is she will embrace that type of writing again.
>She will be following the Britney scandal playbook.
What is the logic here? The public got even more controlling of Britney in a way despite the fact she's out of her family's control. So many people have called for Britney to get under a conservatorship again, they clearly dislike Britney, etc. I understand the idea that Taylor being as plan oriented as she is could use something like that to turn the favor. But I sincerely doubt that because I don't think Taylor would pull such a crazy stunt. Taylor's idea of a crazy stunt was to "disappear" for a year or two after people ran her off. There's no way something that crazy would happen while she's still an adult. I can only see her doing something crazy when she's far older.

I honestly believe she's going to eventually fade over time and she'll be like the other female songwriters of yesteryear who are basically forgotten, until they're remembered. This is all assuming she doesn't get assassinated first.

No. 2096677

>Taylor's idea of a crazy stunt was to "disappear" for a year or two after people ran her off.
Simply put, you're silly for thinking it was even her idea in the first place and not a carefully crafted plan ran by quite a few people before it was greenlit. Listen to her try and piece together a sentence in any of her interviews, she's stupid as fuck with zero life experience.

She enjoys being #1, and has been groomed her whole life into being a big star right from birth. I don't think she'd truly enjoy fading into obscurity, which is why I'm theorizing about everything I wrote. She doesn't seem the type to be content living off all the money she made, she seems like the grind has been ingrained in her. I do think she'll try this once her fame starts to wane as a last ditch effort to keep her name in headlines and money in her pocket.
Her crying and begging her father to "come out" as a liberal or whatever is fucking weird if it wasn't 100% staged, which there is good reason to suspect. Scott Swift is insane and I do not believe he's any better than any other Hollywood pimp of a parent. I also suspect most of her dating has been PR( duh, lol) and the relationships that haven't been PR were encouraged by her team, and by extension her father. The way she tard raged at Alwyn for keeping quiet about her seems to suggest that she just thinks the publicity and publicizing of relationships is normal, seeming to forget she's (artificially) one of the very top pop girls in the world at the moment. I do suspect a lot of weird manipulation is executed against her and has been for a very long time.

If that's the case I also believe she's been more or less okay with it because it makes her money. Once it dries up I do believe she will try to pull some insane shit like my theory. I do not believe she's as good of a business women as people claim, she's probably just been guided by her father and team in relation to business and money. She trusts her dad because he was a rich as fuck before she became even richer. I think the pressure of fading away and his little singing sensation becoming a washed up has-been will probably fuck up their already stressful parent-child relationship.

No. 2096808

More male celebrities will be exposed and there will be a second major metoo wave

No. 2097352

Eh male celebrities get exposed for being rapists every single year, me too was just a marketing campaign

No. 2097368

I hope that bubble bursts sooner than later. She can't even sing.

No. 2097455

>Simply put, you're silly for thinking it was even her idea in the first place and not a carefully crafted plan ran by quite a few people before it was greenlit.
I wasn't referencing whether it was "her" idea or not or her team's. I was referencing that her "leaving the public eye" has been repeatedly referenced by her in a negative light. If her interviews are anything to go off of, it clearly was a dark time for her. I'm trying to say that if that was hard for her, I doubt she wants a media circus getting into her relationship with her dad.
>Listen to her try and piece together a sentence in any of her interviews, she's stupid as fuck with zero life experience.
This is unhinged.
>She enjoys being #1
She sure does.
>I don't think she'd truly enjoy fading into obscurity
I don't think she'd enjoy it either, but during 2019 when Lover was released, in her Miss Americana documentary, she addressed how she'd want to make her exit from the industry gracefully. This obviously is just a statement, it might not occur that way, but given that after this documentary, she dropped folklore without much ceremony, I think she did think her time was starting to wane. Folklore was critically received well so that definitely revived her career, but my point is I think she'll always release music regardless of her popularity level. Her rerecords were a huge gamble in terms of whether they'd sell well or not and that gamble paid off. I think we will get a better taste of what her future may look like when her album rerecordings are completed.
>Scott Swift is insane and I do not believe he's any better than any other Hollywood pimp of a parent.
>The way she tard raged at Alwyn
What do you mean by "tard raged"? What incident are you referring to? I think their relationship was strategic and it fizzled out. She would not have had so much engagement with fans without her breaking up with Joe since it has allowed her to have a very public relationship with Travis. Even from her music, it doesn't have too many strong words against Alwyn.
>I do suspect a lot of weird manipulation is executed against her and has been for a very long time.
I agree with this. But at the same time, some of it was necessary, especially since she started out so young. She's likely majorly codependent with her whole family.
>Once it dries up
There is no way her money is totally drying up. Even if she makes less, she's so incredibly insulated because of her massive real estate empire. Alternatively, all she has to do is release makeup or some other type of business and Swifties will eat it up. Swifties are so much more willing to buy whatever she peddles than fans of nearly any other artist.
> I do not believe she's as good of a business women as people claim, she's probably just been guided by her father and team in relation to business and money.
Well, yes. She has a good business team. Her mother worked at a high level marketing firm before she was pregnant with Taylor.
>the pressure of fading away and his little singing sensation becoming a washed up has-been
For one, Scott Swift is 72. He really doesn't have that many years left to live. I assume he'll pass away in his 80s. If anything was to come out about him, it'd probably be when he dies. From what I see, Taylor likes number 1s and achievement, but this amount of media exposure isn't sustainable for anyone to live off of. She isn't a Madonna or a Lady Gaga who does anything shocking for the sake of it.

No. 2097662

You sound like a fan trying to remain neutral about her kek. Anon, listen and read her interviews. She obviously needs a ton of help writing her songs. Everything about her is carefully crafted to make her seem like some sort of poet/author. She spouts off buzzwords without knowing what they mean, she can barely string together a truly cohesive sentence. She says nothing in everything she says.
Also kek at you truly believing she's dedicated to her craft. She can barely be considered an artist. The slop she shits out is so inconsistent it's so obvious she uses ghost writers. She doesn't give a fuck, she's mean and conniving, etc. She's clearly only "respected" by her peers because they know she could ruin their careers. The attitude towards her seems to be like people are waiting for her to lose popularity and get the fuck out of the public's good graces.

No. 2097678

I wish when female stars are on their death bed they get a last press release out stating who all the rapists are and the list keeps getting verified with every death.

No. 2097895

I think the tranny movement is gonna die down when criminal TiF’s start getting put in men’s prisons

No. 2097926

it will be censored or hidden away on the web because of the incoming muslim extremists

No. 2097956

File: 1721537314967.jpeg (97.38 KB, 554x554, images - 2024-07-21T143846.831…)

I doubt that we'd ever get into a worldwide nuclear war, but here are some things that could happen in the aftermath of one. I'm using data for Chernobyl instead of nuclear attacks and testing simply because there's more of it as the long term effects have been studied for longer, the amount of radiation is also more comparable to modern day nukes (which range from a couple kilotons up to 1.2 megatons), as well as some info coming from the FEMA nuke preparation guide

>increased rainfall and cloud cover which can carry fallout to very far distances and irradiate open water as well as water supplies

>large scale extinction of many insects, microbes and fungi which would negatively impact the ecosystem and plant life as well as the breakdown of organic matter
>more vegetation on the ground increases the rate and severity of fires, which may be radioactive in nature as it burns up fallout and radioactive debris
>large amounts of debris and smoke hanging around in the air has the potential to cool the earth to a severe degree (not observed in any capacity yet, nuclear winter is a theory based on the earth's cooling after volcanic eruptions)
>birth defects everywhere, some animals will be able to adapt to radiation while others will have smaller organs that could cause serious health issues and others will die out after generations of defects
>some animals, particularly amphibians and maybe reptiles will turn black to combat radiation (observed in frogs in Pripyat)
>plants and crops will be significantly stunted leading to famine
>houses will be full of fallout carried in the wind or taken inside by clothes or shoes and a lot of people will develop acute radiation sickness or later in life, cancer
>large amounts of pets would potentially be culled as a preventative measure against the spreading of fallout, pets such as dogs may also be abandoned leading to packs of feral dogs roaming around

No. 2097958

That comic depresses me greatly

No. 2097959

this is going to sound completely fucked but I hope through all of that nuclear fallout it kills all of the shitbulls(dog hate outside of containment)

No. 2097961

File: 1721537964793.jpg (16.47 KB, 480x270, News_071818_vancepak_wages_ful…)

>creative jobs wiped out by AI
>ethics and immorality will be further subverted
>degrees become obsolete
>phd is the new masters, etc.
>people on welfare, social benefits will be hunted for their organs to sell (pun intended)
>lack of work from migrant groups and automation
>only way to have jobs is with crime or by being a genius
>poverty vs. wealthy everywhere
>every liveable continent turning into a mini europe like the usa
>ciwil wars normal
>everyone with money is muslim or jewish
>mandatory social credit on meta
>only real jobs are like picrel
>rest is ai made owned by oils and feds
>gangs of people try breaking out and using cash or bartering only
>robocops spray them with itchy sticky waxy sprays
>unions are gangs in disguise
>new vaccines creating specific diseases
>everyone will have diseases except for the rich
>only the wealthy and the ignorant have children (forgot to use condom) and the religious have children
>new jihads and crusades begin
>everybody is disabled so there are no differences or accommodations for the disabled

No. 2097973

It will kill innocent people too.

No. 2097982

File: 1721539424772.jpeg (57.1 KB, 680x425, images - 2024-07-21T151257.826…)

It probably won't anon, dogs seem to get used to radiation really quickly and any areas with pitbulls or mixes are probably going to have some very mean feral dogs.
Same, the movie is also incredibly fucked and made me bawl afterwards.
Samefagging because I forgot to talk about what would happen in countries that have been directly hit;
>no/limited electricity unless being run by a petrol generator, which depending on how close you are to the blast site may not even work at all due to a EMP caused by the nuke to completely fuck up wires and electronic parts
>major roads and borders will be full of wrecked cars and may be completely untraversable. People are retarded and will try to drive away from the nuke, despite being in a car during a explosion is significantly more dangerous than standing out in the open

No. 2097987

fuck sorry about the green text. looks like shit. i didn't want to reddit space it

No. 2097993

I am just gonna copy paste Baba Vanga predictions

2028 – Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus.
2033 – The polar ice are melting. Greater levels of the oceans.
2043 – The world economy is thriving. In Europe, Muslims rule.
2046 – any bodies (organs) can be manufactured (cloning?). Replacing the bodies is becoming one of the best methods of treatment.
2066 – During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States used a new kind of weapon – the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing).
2076 – Classless Society (communism).
2084 – The restoration of nature.
2088 – A new disease – aging for a few seconds!
2097 – The rapid aging defeated.
2100 – Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
2111 – People become living robots.
2123 – The war between small nations. Big nations do not intervene.
2125 – Hungary will receive signals from space.
2130 – Colony under water (with the help of sympathetic councils).
2164 – Animals turn half-human.
2167 – A new religion.
2170 – Major drought.
2183 – A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power, and demands independence from the Earth (like when – the United States from England).
2187 – Will stop 2 large eruption of volcanoes.
2195 – Sea Colony fully developed, abundant energy and food.
2196 – Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans.
2201 – At the Sun slowing thermonuclear processes. Temperature drops.
2221 – In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with what – something terrible.
2256 – Spacecraft forgotten to Earth terrible new disease.
2262 – Planets gradually changing planetary orbit. Mars is threatened by comets.
2271 – Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics changed?)
2273 – Mixing yellow, white and black races. New race.
2279 – Power from nothing (probably from a vacuum or a black hole).
2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens.
2291 – The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it again.
2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.
2299 – In France, guerrilla movement against Islam.
2302 – New important laws and secrets of the universe revealed.
2304 – Secrets of the Moon revealed.
2341 – Something terrible is approaching Earth from space.
2354 – An accident in one of the artificial Sun leads to drought.
2371 – The great famine.
2378 – A new fast-growing race.
2480 – 2 artificial Suns collide. Land in the twilight.
3005 -The war on Mars. Violated the trajectory of the planet.
3010 – Comet hits Moon. Around the Earth – ring/zone of the stones and dust.
3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system.
3803 – A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people – they mutate.
3805 – The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.
3815 – The war is over.
3854 – The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.
3871 – New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.
3874 – New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.
3878 – along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.
4302 – New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.
4302 – The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.
4304 – Found a way to win any disease.
4308 – Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
4509 – Getting to Know God. The man has fina.
4599 – People achieve immortality.
4674 – The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.
5076 – A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078 – The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.
5079 – End of the World.

No. 2097998

Ok but when will Brazil win the world cup again

No. 2098005

Does anyone know where these predictions are actually sourced from? From what I read baba didn't write down her predictions so are people who knew her just reciting them or are they yanking random shit out of their asses and hoping it sticks

No. 2098117

According to wikipedia

>After World War II, the Bulgarian police and communist party tried to suppress Vanga's activities, but she continued to be visited by people.[9] After police control and social pressure reduced in the 1960s, she was employed by the Petrich municipality and Institute of Suggestology (part of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). The former supported Vanga materially and took part of her income, while the latter tried to scientifically justify her activities.[9] Members of the Politburo of the Bulgarian Communist Party and leading intellectuals also consulted her,[16] including, reportedly, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev

>Vanga was semi-literate in Bulgarian; she could read some Braille in Serbian. Numerous esoteric books on Vanga's life and alleged predictions were written. In the 1960s, the main task of the newly established Institute of Suggestology employing her was to study her alleged abilities.[9]

No. 2099150

I suspect some people have infinite money. They blend in and we meet daily but they have to keep it a secret. They always have money for expensive rent, the newest gadgets, new wardrobes every season, going to the movies whenever, grabbing food and drinks outside, festivals and sports like jet ski or skydiving. They blend in by complaining about taxes, diets and budgets but their budgets involve trips to Bali. I still don't mean rich, I mean infinite supply of money. Because the money is earned by their father through usury or them directly scamming people everyday. They grow up scamming and believe it is normal but saw some repercussions in an example maybe so they try not talking about it. Going on holidays constantly and watching premiers and always doing some type of self care.

No. 2171238

Porn is gonna be banned on reddit soon, not sure why I just got this feeling

No. 2171261

I would call in to work and celebrate KEK

No. 2171313

I want this to be reality. Imagine the mass chimp out from scrotes around the world kek

No. 2171322

When do you think realistic humanoid robots will hit the market?

No. 2171323

Keeek it would be unforgettable, I’m not sure why but I’ve just been getting the feeling lately that pornography and advertising porn/prostitution apps is gonna be banned from apps like Instagram, Twitter, Reddit because prostitution is still a crime.

No. 2171362

not to mention the possibility of cp being a liability for companies and how hard it is to moderate pornography

No. 2171363

Ohh my god I didn’t even consider that part. Teenagers and even middle schoolers have been exchanging nudes in twitter and instagram DM’s since 2015. I can’t imagine how much child pornography is in their systems at this point.

No. 2171375

research on parthenogenesis and/or ways to fuse 2 eggs will develop as men become more and more infertile and as women realize they don’t want become a slave to a man by carrying his children. men won’t like this and will try to prevent it (especially due to the fact that the baby always turn out to be a girl) but as the population collapse threaten economies they will reluctantly agree too it. women will become the majority in populations as a result of this

No. 2171417

This^^^ this will be what gets porn off these sites

No. 2201336

male scientists are trying hard to make unrealistic thing call artificial womb that still require women somehow kek
whereas parthenogenesis doesn't require males at all it can be easily achieved with women sperm cell and also is a very realistic approach unlike artificial fucking womb

it will be great to see scrotes seething in future

No. 2457272

File: 1742671358222.jpg (38.82 KB, 480x319, vertical-facelift-nyc.jpg)

Because zoomers are so obsessed with aging, very similar to how millennials were culturally obsessed with being extremely skinny in the 90s and 2000s, when the average zoomer hits age 40, there will be big movements led my zoomer women against ageism. In 30 years medicine will advance so much, we will actually be able to minimize signs of aging and be able to make someone genuinely look a lot younger, without obvious signs of work done. We will come full circle like the heroin chic > fat activism > ozempic line but with age.

No. 2457275

I wouldn't get my hopes up for humanity's overall health and vibrancy in 30 years.

No. 2457276

people have been saying that since the industrial revolution kek

No. 2457277

fat activism was very weak tho and only lasted like 4 years maximum. And most activist fatties are now on ozempic.

If we take what you say into consideration that means zoomers will have a small little movement just like that which only lasts 4 years before it fails and all zoomers go and get 5 facelifts.

No. 2457283

Makes sense, I also think we'll see a return of hippie/grunge culture and this will be reflected in art. A reaction against the current hyperfixation on looks, super polished and hypersexual pop stars (sabrina carpenter), instagram baddie culture, etc. I predict the return of the rock star, rock music in general, a type of calculated "not caring" that actually obfuscates a deep desire for control over an increasingly doomed and nihilistic world. It will not be any more authentic than current popular music, probably less so, but the "messy aesthetic" will be yet another thing to aspire to (thinking about late 2000s indie rock/hipsterdom here), but can only truly be pulled off if you're "naturally" conventionally attractive to begin with, but this naturalness will be achieved through very subtle cosmetic procedures, once again moving the goalposts of what human beings are supposed to look like.

No. 2457284

Yeah somewhat. I think fat activism/body positivity made some changes, I personally see a huge difference in how Americans treat fat people vs how fat people are treated in the rest of the world. If you were even slightly overweight in the 2000s as a woman, you were seen as an actual swine. Similar to how zoomers see nasolabial folds on a 35 year old woman and freak out. But I do think people only cared about the body positivity movement because they couldn't get as skinny as society wanted them to be.
I definitely see this happening as well.

No. 2457329

File: 1742674586703.jpg (258.58 KB, 1600x2151, imengine.prod.srp.navigacloud.…)

Companies will try and cash in on one of the last large free remaining areas of the internet: fanfic and fanart. Companies will start selling their own "official" sexy fics and art books with popular pairings. Characters will get their own onlyfans profiles full of AI slop, chatbots, and AI music will be released sang by the characters. Popular characters will become influencers with their own profiles. Fanfic writers will again be afraid of being sued and move underground. Actors will feel forced to agree to their image being used for AI in exchange for royalties to compensate for the lack of royalties from streaming.

Fun fact: Matt Groening drew Marge's nude Playboy shoot himself. Marge is based on his mother.

No. 2457355

This time the threat of collapse is objectively real though and not just classical christcuck apocalypsis neurosis

No. 2457577

A lot of shit being said since the industrial revolution is finally coming to pass, just you wait.

No. 2458088

The culling after the accident was based on the missplaced belief the animals would be vectors for radiation, which is false.

None of the pets nor domestic animals needed to be culled and dumped in pits.

No. 2460715

THIS! The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced" countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "advanced" countries.

No. 2460730

>THIS! The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Nope. Not unless you're a moid who wants a houseslave to control
>They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in "advanced"
Ah there we go
>but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling,
Kek sure anon

No. 2462792

That hasan piker dude will be caught for tax fraud/tax evasion/money laundering, just watch.

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