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No. 621890
Are you stupid? Do you have questions? This is the place for you! Let other farmers enlighten you.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/609173 No. 621906
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Am I stupid? Do I have questions?
No. 621907
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Have humans evolved more recently? Like since 1910 or even back to the 1700s?
No. 621927
>>621920That is abuse.
>>621922I get them sometimes. It can be due to anxiety. Heart palpitations are usually nothing to worry about at that frequency
No. 622036
>>622023Basically an unconventional looking model was in a Gucci's 100 most beautiful women list thing. Scrotes REEEE'd and bullied the girl, wokes started writing papers on beauty standards. The model actually responded to the criticisms (also, tf does she have to do with the fact they put her on the list in the first place?).
I only saw posts talking about it in my language which is weird because the model isn't from here.
No. 622057
>>622047>EU anons do internet spaces just seem much more dead when you're awake?I wouldn't call it dead but you can definitely tell when America is asleep.
>Do you go on places where people are active or of your own language then? I'm from a small country where (young) people speak English quite well. Most internet spaces in my native language have died out… forums I used to go on, games etc. they're extremely slow or completely inactive. I've watched my favourite prominent forum going from being very active when I was a teenager to a few messages a month nowadays. Most people here have moved on the English speaking spaces, and so have I.
No. 622062
>>622047Yes, you can definitely notice this.
When I post before lunch there's seemingly barely anybody online, during the afternoon it's still rather slow, you often don't get anybody engaging with you, but when I check in the morning and go back to whatever I posted the day before, there usually are a couple replies (or likes or reposts or whatever, this doesn't only apply to lc), the reason likely being that during the time I'm asleep it's afternoon/evening in the US, meaning main posting hours for Americans.
No. 622095
>>622088I've thought about it, but it doesn't really line up with it. I am on the pill but I take it continuously some months, so my cycles vary in length between 28 to up to 56 days.
I don't think it's related to my physical health, it's more like I "slip up", procrastinate, start stressing out like crazy, spiral down and become a mess that's afraid of her own shadow. Then I pull myself up by the bootstrap, realize things are not so bad and fix everything. It's like a semi-regular mini-depression I suppose.
No. 622289
>>622191If anything he'll get with you, move you in with him and then abuse you knowing that you can't afford to move back out again. That's how guys think in that scenario. They see oppurtunity.
Yes I am projecting my own experience.
No. 622321
>>622299You could probably get to be good at portraits but not other stuff, and you’d probably progress at getting a better at drawing overall a lot slower if you don’t draw other things.
You’d probably be considered boring though. But if you’re just drawing for funsies and not to develop a skill then who cares, draw what’s fun.
No. 622328
>>622191>>622224Probably depends on the guy. I think it’s common for men to get wrapped up in traditional gender roles and feel like their self worth is dependent on their ability to fulfill those roles. Other men would step back and realize that’s stupid, though.
Basically a man not liking being the lesser earner in a partnership is inverse-corrected with maturity/independent thinking/healthy self-actualization.
No. 622343
>>622192United States. Specifically silicon prairie part of Texas; I went to a really elitist high school and stem uni, and most guys I know expect the women they are with to be on the same level as them. If you want a man who can provide then that means you’re either a golddigga or too dumb to get a ~real job~ and take care of yourself.
>>622291True, I’ve known a lot of guys who make bank but then do stupid shit to waste their money on booze and payments on cars they didn’t need, plus have student loans on top of that. Hence why the female is expected to take care of herself.
>>622224>>622296>>622328Where are you guys meeting men like this though?
>>622289>>622257Good point
No. 622345
>>622338I haven't obviously, but it's what all the PUA youtube channels show so ig that's why they keep doing it.
I mean if you're Chris Hemsworth and charming to boot it would probably work on at least a couple women.
No. 622349
>>622346Me too I find it scary honestly
>>622345I feel like I would still be paranoid they were a human trafficker or a murderer or something but either way these guys are definitely not attractive or charming usually. I don't get how it's not extremely obvious to them that it's a bad idea, I feel like maybe they know it puts people in an anxious/uncomfortable position so maybe some woman will feel pressured to give their number just to leave the situation
No. 622366
>>622338I was approached a few months ago and asked for my phone number after a couple mins of small talk. I was polite but said no and then made excuses to walk in the opposite direction. As I tried to walk away he followed me and repeated over and over "why not though, why not?"
That man has no idea how much anxiety that caused me both that day and in the months since. I fucking hate him. It was first thing in the morning, I had no coffee in me and little sleep, I already have an anxiety problem so I would usually play deaf or just tell men to go away immediately but that day I didn't.
I don't know whether to blame those youtube pickup artists telling men that's normal. In my town it isn't. At 8am it fucking isn't. He seemed older than me too. Most people look at me and think I'm lesbian. I should've said I was but again I was half asleep that morning.
No. 622372
>>622338I remember back when I was 16 and at dentist because of braces, waiting for my turn in a tiny corridor next to a window some very old man approached me. He was either my grandpas age (in 70s) either in 60-mid 60s. I was standing next to a window in this small coridor because it was the only place that had mobile data. He approached to me, said hello, i said hello back thinking he will keep going down (he was coming from 3rd floor) and do his buisness but he started casually talking to me, staring with that "He wants to make a friend", to which I would say that I do not need any, where he would STILL keep making me feel awkward by pushing this damn small talk about "the weather" that still felt weird, then he would ask me about my age, and again ask me to be friends to which I would refuse, however I did stated my age, thinking that'll make him go away. But it did fucking not. He literally started asking for my number, and kept staring at me and standing, while asking for it abojt 3 times, all smiling even though my only response would always be "Sorry, I do not want to do that" and giggle awkwardly.
In the end he left only because my mother came over, asking if everything's okay and I left to doctor with her. I do not even know what would happen if she wasn't there. I am happy I did not give it to him.
It's been 5 years and this situation still creeps me out. All I wanted to do was mind my buisness with my phone, talking to my friends and preparing myself for exams.
No. 622378
>>622349>I feel like maybe they know it puts people in an anxious/uncomfortable position so maybe some woman will feel pressured to give their number just to leave the situationThis. They're counting on you being taken by surprise with your guard down and not wanting to be rude. If you give a polite no thank you, he'll want to know why. If you say you have a boyfriend, "what, your boyfriend doesn't let you have friends?"
It's all just to continue the conversation and turn it around on you being the rude one if you walk away/don't give your number. If he wasn't trying to pull this trick, he'd just offer his number instead.
>>622366>That man has no idea how much anxiety that caused me both that dayHe knows anon.
No. 622386
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I remember there being a chick in the unpopular opinions who has nagito brain. Could somebody link me to the post? I can't seem to find it. I want to see it because I use to go through that when I was a wee girl, but it has been a long time since then. I sorta envy her and wish I could experience that too
No. 622453
>>622445I would take tarantino at this point. My bf only wants to watch Indiana Jones ,Total Recall and shit like that, like movies
have come out in the last 25 years ffs
No. 622516
>>622453I had the opposite problem, my ex pretty much refused to watch anything from before the 90s because "movies were boring then" kek. There were several well-known classics that he hadn't even
heard of, like Psycho and Casablanca.
No. 622542
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>>622540I would SWEAR when I had these in Germany they had tiny meat pieces, but then when I bought them in Poland they didn't; so I'd say you have a 50/50 chance here
No. 622560
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>>622547Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to put your shoes on and walk slowly towards the vehicle
No. 622691
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Is it really ok to keep snakes in plastic containers like pic related? I see so many snake owners keep them in these nearly empty containers and idgi. Won't the snake need more stuff to keep them entertained?
No. 622697
>>622691Yes it's okay if they're young or if they're being bred. Snakes don't really "need" stimulation, it just makes snake owners feel better. Think about it. In nature, a snake could be good living under a flat plank in some mud and they'd be happy.
Me on the other hand, have so many fucking leaves and logs I can't see my baby girl.
No. 622809
>>622806It can definitely be unhealthy in some cases but it's down to the individuals. I've been there before and I'm so introverted that it suited me.
It can make the break up a whole lot harder to deal with though. You feel like you're losing everything at once kinda thing.
No. 622811
>>622809We’re getting married next year probably so no break up heh
But yea most of the time i feel like i don’t have the capacity to have more people in my life but now I’m turning 30 and nobody can celebrate with me (sounds sadder than it is)
No. 622822
>>622811I mean I got married and then separated two years later, never saw it coming despite y'know divorce being a 50 percent chance in all marriages. I always thought that the only people who contemplated suicide after a break up were people with BPD but with no friends around me I was close to that myself. He had become my everything and I had rested my entire future on assuming he'd be there forever and be all that I need.
Not trying to be depressing, just realistic lol. Aim to stay together but don't screw yourself over with no fallback plan or support system. Look up divorce rates.
No. 622887
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Is this really whitewashing like Twitter spregs rage about? The cartoon on 2nd pics always uses superbright but pastelish colours bc its a show for children that are all about colorful stuff and whatever. I am confused tbh.
No. 622899
>>622887It's not whitewashing but more colorism. I don't understand why she needed to be lighter without the afro hair?
"bright colors" is not really and excuse considering cyborg is the same skin tone as he is in Teen Titans Go.
No. 622902
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>>622887It's kinda weird and unnecessary to change a character's skintone that much, yeah. There was nothing wrong with the character's original color, to be honest, and you can see from the dark brown of her sweater (and from other character designs on the show, like Batgirl, on a quick Google search) they weren't just shying away from all dark colors.
I also don't get why they would change her eye color. I don't really see the point in that. Is it really even meant to be the same character?
No. 622976
>>622692Not dolls but I collect soft toys. Any half decent guy will just let you have your harmless hobby without shaming you. It's healthy to have your own separate interests and it'll always be easy to think of gift ideas for you lol
My last ex bought me a massive amount of the toys in my collection but then belitted me over it whenever we had an argument.. I left him but kept the toys. Still collecting now but it sucks when someone tries to attach shame to such harmless shit. A nice guy will be supportive of the little things that make you happy.
No. 622993
>>622973I would definitely let a guy know before he comes over to my place lol. In fact one of the first things I usually mention when discussing my hobbies is my love of thrifting/antiquing/collecting, then I get into the things I collect (dresses, magazines, vinyl, toys, etc).
>>622976One of the few charms of my ex was that he was generally accepting of my hobby, cause it was one of my ~quirks (I was his MPDG), as long as I was frugal and didn’t get depressed over losing bids (lol)… but like you, any time he argued with me he’d do a 180 and shame me for it, calling my collection “Chinese plastic shit.”
>>622978I know but I want a boyfriend/husband someday and I don’t want my hobby to be a man repellent
No. 623049
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Does this necklace look childish?
No. 623181
>>623067Me too lol, I can picture an appealing guy in my head/in fiction but irl their looks mostly let me down and I settle. I guess my standards are too high in my case but you are not alone. why are guys so unappealing 'specially in the face
I see an "attractive" guy and just get weirdly pissed at the way he looks lol like punchable faces
No. 623205
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>>622974Same anon but I should’ve posted a screencap instead
No. 623235
>>623189That would explain why my memory went to utter shit for so many years and got way better and almost back to when I was a kid some years ago. But I'm having a hard time understanding how my physical disorder and constant fatigue I had when growing could also have affected my memory back then. Thanks, that feels like it could be some sort of clue.
>>623205That screenshot alone looks fucked up, I don't even want to know what it looks like in motion.
No. 623276
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>>622692Blogpost, but several years ago I knew a girl with a
huge porcelain doll collection. She probably had 40-50+ dolls like pic related in her room. I guess they were collectable, but it legit felt like a horror movie to walk into her room and see dozens of dolls staring at me.
No hate to you anon, do what you love. Nobody will judge if you have a small collection, but I do think most people will judge a little bit if your room is wall-to-wall dolls.
No. 623290
>>622793I feed mine 3 times a day to alleviate begging. One is nearly 7kg (not fat, he's just a roided out stray who wandered up a few years ago and I adopted him) and the other is only 3.5kg, but the smaller one is the one who begs the most and acts like an asshole about it. Their portions are measured for the correct calorie intake for their size, just spaced out over the day so they feel like they're getting a lot.
5 times a day is a lot, even for an outdoor cat. Keep in mind he's may still be hunting and you're probably not the only people he's getting meals from either.
No. 623316
>>622993>I don’t want my hobby to be a man repellentJesus, that's pathetic.
Have you seen scrotes collecting titty anime figures, spending tons of money on funkos and capeshit worrying about that?
No. 623347
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>>623276No my room is not Nicole Dollanganger tier, I also don’t collect the kind of porcelain dolls that come to most people’s minds when they think of creepy dolls. It’s just one singular shelf with contemporary stuff on it (60s and onward) like vintage barbies, Disney characters, Sailor Moon, and some Japanese fashion dolls, also kitsch figurines and a few plushies. The only thing I am really self conscious about is my Blythe dolls because 90% of people I know think they’re creepy.
>>623316I know I’m pathetic, that’s why I’m here for advice. An anon earlier stated that I should find a guy who also collects toys and that’s my dream but all the guys I know who do just collect fuknos and waifus and shit.
No. 623358
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>>623347>wanna collect dolls>worried about repeling scrotesjust collect these, problem solved
No. 623389
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Why are men in their 20s so boring?
Im almost giving up on dating because they all come in like 5 boring flavors.
>Right Wing Prick in Camo
>Consoomer MCU fan
>Misogynistic Gamer
>Less than Average Intelligence sports fan
>Balding Male Feminist
I literally only know one guy in my acceptable age range who has a semblance of a personality and interests but he is in a relationship.
Its gotten to a point I get mildly obsessed with niche male youtubers who actually seem to be passionate about the things they talk about.
Not saying women are the pinnacle of depth but even the staciest of my stacy friend has varied interests and is passionate about things, even if gourmet gastronomy is still normie shit.
No. 623438
>>623369you should only drink a max of 1 glass of wine a day, you need to drink less. (and yeah eat more)
>>622860not straight but I don't think people can tell unless you're staring really hard. Women look at each other all the time. Dw about it
No. 623447
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What parts of a character design make it easier for that character to be cosplayed? I hear that character designs that have pockets can help, but what else?
No. 623472
>>623444Idk? I like my mother as a person, but I feel like she would hate me in a different context. She has a type of person she hates and whenever she complained about people it was someone kind of similar to me? But I don't think she realized.
My father is an asshole, good riddance.
No. 623478
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Is rokit a decent place to get second-hand vintage clothing?
No. 623504
>>623499I agree sort of.
It was shitty of the boy of course and he probably did know, at 14, he was making her do something sexual. I can't imagine a 14 y/o boy not having looked at porn or experimented with touching themself at some point before so I don't doubt he knew what would happen when she gave him a hand job.
HOWEVER I'm not entirely sure a 14 year old has the mental capacity to know that it's wrong to request sexual favours like- they might be too young to grasp what consent is and even what constitutes an act as being sexual. Like, the same way children under 16 (or 18 depending where you live) aren't legally considered able to give consent because they don't understand, I feel like this boy may not have understood what he was asking for and just sought out what he knew felt good.
Obviously it was still wrong of him and it should never have happened, and I'm very sorry to the 12 Y/o girl who this happened to. This is why we need sex ed in schools.
No. 623518
>>623504I disagree anon. Sounds like he asked his 12 year old cousin because there was a power imbalance and he figured he could goad her into doing it. He was likely counting on her to not say anything because they’re family and taking advantage of her inexperience.
14 year olds might not have a great idea of consent, but I don’t buy the “he didn’t know it was wrong” thing. Is he also asking his teacher or kids at school for sexual favors, or just his cousin who he can convince to keep it a secret?
No. 623527
>>623524My first ever message on reddit (besides from the welcome bots) was a random person from the Death Note subreddit telling me to "kill myself and get raped" because I made a post saying I preferred the Near arch to the L one. Such a warm welcome to the community!
FR tho everyone is constantly pissed off on there and if you mention you're a woman and your post gains any kinda of attraction just prepare yourself for the reminder that you deserve to be raped.
No. 623581
No one can be this naive, surely?
No. 623624
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How do I get the confidence of a scrote?
No. 623724
>>6236852020 Predictions thread
>>>/ot/4957172019 Predictions thread
>>>/ot/344260 No. 623753
>>623747Post a question for the totem, and the last number on your post (or the last 2/3 if you get a dub/trip) is the answer from Sonic
And no we don't but I would be interested in one! I really like that snake pit instagram page.
No. 623762
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>>623757Homely literally means ugly sis, it's not a compliment in any form.
No. 623828
>>623770Hah. No.
I went to dinner with a girl I met and it was so un fucking comfortable and she never messaged me again.
No. 623856
>>623770basically this
>>623828. everyone is wine and brunch normie.
No. 623921
>>622366I was waiting at a crosswalk and some autist fuck came up to me asking something that I didn't catch at first. I said, "sorry what?" and he said "Will you be my girlfriend?" uhhh… I said no man wtf, and he demanded to know if I was single, I said yes (stupidly) but that it didn't matter. He got irritated and stepped closer to me and demanded that I tell him WHY I won't be his girlfriend if I'm single?
I told him to get the fuck away from me and that he was way too forward. He told me "that's your opinion".
Fucking hell. Crossed the street and took some pictures of him and put a warning up on my IG. That's like 1 of 10000000000x creepy scrote stories from my city. Unfuckingbelievable.
anon I feel you 100%. I felt so creeped out and invaded. I don't feel comfortable being approached by men ever, this shit gave me so much anxiety.
No. 623924
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>>623864I know this might not be a very intelligent reply but thank you so much, anon!
No. 623945
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>>623361>and now she watches me masturbate from my shelfkek. i don't have my display shelf along the wall facing my bed. i also keep my blythes' eyes turned away from me like pic related so they don't have to watch in horror when i schlick.
No. 623950
>>623921god these stories give me so much secondhand anxiety, I'm so sorry that happened to you anon.
reminds me how at the very start of COVID I was walking a few blocks away from my apartment to go to the pharmacy and a random man (perhaps homeless or mentally ill?) who was walking behind me wrapped his fucking ARM around my shoulders out of nowhere, like I was his girlfriend, saying nothing. this incident was also at like 8 AM too and I was so out of it and shocked my instinctive reaction was to blurt, "No, sorry." (fuck female socialization)
No. 623996
>>623985As long as you tie up loose ends. I'd honestly love to do this but I have a job here ://
Good luck on your journey anon!
No. 624028
>>623949Lmaoooo this was probably written by a man in his 30s.
Sure, date one if you want some reddit-tier scrote who has already started profusely balding, gaslighting, financial abuse and being talked down to and disrespected just because you're younger
No. 624123
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>>624046> How does that work then if the body can't process more than 1mg per hour?So you’re asking me how it’s possible to be prescribed excess of what your body actually needs?
No. 624139
>>623691>>623673>>624132I bought a bottle of 10mg a while ago and discovered that it totally fucks me up the next day, even if I take it super early like 8pm and go to bed at 9pm and get up at 7am I'm still drowsy all day as if I'd only had 3 hours of sleep. I now snap the tablets in half and have 5mg pills and it's a lot better, I'll try snapping down to 2.5mg quarters. I only use it an average of about once a fortnight, usually in tandem with other stuff like no screens / early night, on nights when I really need to be up and functioning early the next day.
So, to answer the original anon and agree with the other more knowledgeable answers, my anecdotal experience is that a high dosage is counter-productive. Technically I saved a lot of money with these though, they barely cost more than the 1mg tablets but because I'm snapping them into quarters I get 4x the quantity.
No. 624141
>>624128I do, I literally can't shut up, always talking in my head. I automatically comment on everything that's happening around me. If I see a cat, I'll hear myself saying some inane bullshit like "hey it's a cat doing cat stuff how cute". Even if I'm just sitting doing nothing, my mind will continue to blab on. I daydream a lot, and will have entire conversations with myself concerning the subject I'm daydreaming about.
The weirdest thing is, when I'm not even daydreaming or thinking about anything, sentences will still keep forming in my mind. They will be nonsense sentences often with nonsense words, like "and if a chrotoblaz underfups, it will be kulpler for tomorrow and juniper". My mind just won't tolerate being blank and does that ridiculous "chat" instead.
Im pretty happy with my overactive mind, I like that it keeps tirelessly yapping away.
No. 624153
>>624143Wow, this is fascinating. So this happens completely automatically, right? You don't have to make an effort to comment on things in your head?
>there's no wrong way to thinkThank you, this made me feel less insane
No. 624156
>>624150I'm deliberately meat-free on mondays, take special care to pay attention to vegetarian options at restaurants if they look tasty, and often buy fake-meat schnitzels/steaks at supermarkets for general shopping. I'm also mildly obnoxious about discussing this with people whenever it happens to come up (and very frequently get a positive "oh, maybe I'll do that too…" reponse). Overall this makes me feel considerably more moral than doing nothing, even if I am still murdering and eating the occasional cow. I'm also precommitted to voting in favour of any anti-factory-farming or meat-ban type of government policy.
I realise that's not really advice, but, maybe it helps to see this perspective.
No. 624158
>>624153Yes it's completely automatic.
I've noticed that there seem to be 2 different types of internal monologue. I'm
>>624141 and my monologue is usually centred around things I see/hear at that moment, it's focused on the external, I think about what is happening around me. These anons
>>624152 >>624143 are internally focused, thinking about their feelings and actions. Anon's boyfriend is more like me, focused on external tasks.
No. 624193
>>624176One. And that's my ex fiance lmao.
Sucks that the older you get the harder it is to make friends.
No. 624198
>>623753Thank you, I've seen a lot of anons mentioning its predictions are often correct, so I wanted to try it for fun.
I'd like to try to make this thread, but where do you think it would fit better, /g/ or /ot/?
No. 624204
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Would you wear this? Be honest.
No. 624207
>>624176do former IRLs count?
former IRL best friend of 10+ years, a list of people from abroad, then a few in the city I moved out of…14?
my best friend is the only friend i still have from the country i was born in and lived 18 years in. then the rest i met within the last 2 years. top kek. it's never too late, girlies.
No. 624239
>>624236You only have to wear masks on public transportation. You also have to keep 1,5m distance from people outside your household. Other than that, the basics: wash your hands, don't go to busy places, if you have any health complaints stay home and get a test, stay home as much as possible etc.
Can confirm most people aren't actually keeping distance or staying home as much as possible though. I went shopping last week and it was busy like normal times, no one was actively trying to keep distance.
I guess it's not "that bad", the intensive cares haven't been overloaded in months.
No. 624261
>>624143I think it can be fun using astrology to analyse this phenomenon. I have mercury in Virgo and have a very wordy monologue when I think. I see words before I speak them sort of. I can stumble over people's names because of how their spelt because when I go to say their name I think of what it is, see the word and can fuck it up if it's a weird spelling or not spelt phonetically. This process all takes seconds though.
Wonder if other anons that know astrology can say what mercury sign they have idk lol
No. 624290
>>624261My Mercury is in Capricorn and my inner monologues are usually about reaching conclusions. Like my brain automatically rambles in everything going on with my life unconsciously but then when I tie ends up I become conscious.
Other time it's just me giving myself an earful for doing something dumb.
No. 624303
>>624293Take this with a grain of salt but my theory is
1. From my observations, there's a lot more men who're avid meat lovers than there's woman who're huge meat eaters
2. Woman are more compasionate and caring in general so they're more likely to give up eating animal products.
Therefore there's simply more woman who're vegetarian/vegan than men.
Again just a theory lol
No. 624346
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Can somebody explain to me what the fuck evolutionary anthropology is? Can you study that? Also what is the difference between anthropology and ethnology? I feel like I'm losing my mind.
No. 624400
>>624318I found it, anon! It was in the "Ugly men with beautiful wives/gfs" thread. The post number is 585483.
Here's the thread link:
>>>/ot/581191 No. 624425
>>624346Depends where you are. The field of anthropology is understood a bit different in the US and Europe, in the US ethnology would be a subfield in anthro, in Europe it's more of it's own thing and anthro leans more biological. Might be different again somewhere else.
Whatever your interested in, you can definitely study it though! Evolutionary anthropology encompasses a bunch of things from genetics, paleoanthropology, comparative behavioral studies and psychology, linguistics, archaeology. Basically understanding how humans came to be what they are now. Ethnology it's more studying and describing the societies of different living peoples and goes more into a sociological direction.
No. 624442
File: 1599449060664.jpg (Spoiler Image,28.81 KB, 350x330, partypizza'.jpg)

How do I resist the urge to eat the pizza rolls in my freezer? I am starving and craving something warm and savory, but I pledged not to eat any junk food especially not with dairy and also not to eat after a certain time. Like I know it's not going to kill me but I'm trying to master the art of self discipline and not fuck up my body.
No. 624460
>>624346i studied this in university, didn't end up being my major but took a year worth of classes in it. im not an expert by any means but this is what i got from it: it's a discipline that can involve a lot of areas of focus such as biology, archaeology and early human culture. think of it as a way of understanding early hominids in the context of their evolution. how they may have lived, ate, acted, talked, walked, etc. some people may do this solely with dna and hapla groups etc. etc, whereas other can sit on the more speculative, sociological side and look at archaeological sites and objects (this was me lol). we can extract dna and look deep into the earth to see what the climate looked like in the past and what the hominids consumed. look at small markings on animal bones to deduce what type of stone or flint tool was used to extract the meat and cartilage of animals. even find the tools themselves. see rudimentary burial sites and deduce what kind of religion these early humans may have had or if they even gave a shit about their dead. it's important to know anatomy and how evolution shaped each hominid type, where that hominid lived and if they thrived or died in their environment. it's interesting, some skeletal remains of early show such great sex differences in size/shape that people have considered them to be from different human groups altogether. what we can deduce from early humans really changes depending on what subspecies they are and their environment. lots of human remains have yet to be classified into specific hominid groups, some are misidentified and fuck up everything we know about human history and migration. imagine finding a neanderthal remain in new zealand or some shit, shit would be crazy. evolutionary anthropology helps us map out human evolution from it's infancy and how patterns of migration, adaptation and branches into subspecies tell the story of prehistory. it really digs deep into the differences between early hominids, as there is so much more to be discovered in the field and in the lab. i know many people in the area of study who are positive that a fully preserved and intact body of a early human is somewhere in the artic ice and waiting to be found, lol. depending on the college that teaches it, you may be taking medical/biology classes. it's an interesting field of study if you wanna maybe pursue archaeology or work in a university.
also afaik ethnology is study of interactions between culture and people, it's more specific. i think it's a comparative field in that you study a culture and how it develops and interacts alongside another culture. im not sure, didn't really touch it in school. you're right tho, it's all confusion to me.
No. 624464
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>>624451>>624453>>624456I did it, I ate them. I ate two plates and failed to purge everything and I'm going to wake up looking like this tomorrow.
No. 624473
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How would you guys feel about a World News/Politics thread? We could discuss news and political topics, including the upcoming elections
No. 624497
>>624476>>624479>>624490Alright guys, I won't do it. Just thought it'd be interesting
>>624492Yes, he's a shitbag rapper
No. 624498
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>>624473It's a good idea and I like all these new threads lately but as other anons have said I'm afraid the topic is too loaded and would end up in shitflinging
:~) No. 624512
>>624490 and think it’d be funny as fuck. Do it anon
No. 624552
>>624530Apparently she's a huge asshole to people she works with and is condescending/mean towards anyone who isn't as high status and wealthy as her. A bunch of people came forward to reveal their experiences with her, including some really out there stuff like guests on her show not being allowed to speak to her or look her in the eye before the cameras start rolling.
Later on it also became clear that the work environment on her show in general is shitty, higher ups involved in sexual harassment and racism towards the crew.
No. 624566
>>624490>>624479The protest thread was full of Euros going ??? and !!! about American politics, with nary a Yankee commenting. Personally, I would like a such news/pol thread.
t. An opinionated Euro
No. 624622
>>624620that's terrible news. I've been on birth control which exacerbates my migraines, so I wouldn't be able to go into work anyway.
I guess once I get hired I can see the doctor for an official diagnosis on whatever it is I have (i'm sure it's common but it ain't normal), so they'll give me a half day/I can come in the evening or whatever.
No. 624639
>>624617I don't know about how it works in your country (and honestly, it probably depends from employer to employer) but your doctor should be able to arrange for you to get some extra sick days. My mom used to get 3 extra sick days every month because of her cramps, so 1 day a month doesn't sound really that outlandish to me.
Also forgive me, but I have to give some unsolicited advice because I am annoying like that;
NSAIDs are really good at diminishing the amount of menstrual blood, cramps, shitting and any other pains you have in general, especially if you remember to take them before your period starts. I used to take 75 mg of diclofenac on the first day and my periods became really manageable, I went from dying the first couple of days to just living normally.
No. 624661
>>624635>>624638>>624640I haven't watched any of her stories (I'm careful about that) or any igtv in months, so it would be very sudden if that was the case. She also has 900 followers or so and gets a good amount of views on her vids/igtv.
Maybe it's possible my friend just showed her my account (I post art) and she decided she disliked me kek. She intuitively made the right decision in that case.
No. 624683
>>624639I had to google it but I actually already take mefanamic acid, which turns out to be an NSAID. It can help when my bleeding is heavy, but either it's ineffective past a certain point or I don't detect how bad it'll be quickly enough. Last time it began at 6am, woke me up and I was vomiting and in a cold sweat on the floor til midday, really quick onset.
Damn 3 sick days a month sounds sweet. I'm in northern europe so I think it'd be possible, but maybe something to not bring up before an official diagnosis.
This is reassuring, thanks
No. 624697
>>624617Dude the struggle is real. My recommendations:
- Start taking ibuprofen/tylenol/aleve/whatever 2-3 days before your period starts. (this is hard for me because I'm not regular but it works when I can time it correctly). Once your period starts, increase the amount of NSAIDs you take a bit. This will significantly reduce your cramps. Do be careful though because ibuprofen can fuck up your GI tract if you take too much, and fuck up your heart health over long term use
- In my experience, cannabis works really, really well for period cramps. If you don't mind being a little high at work, vaping (in a dry herb vaporizer, not a vape pen) even just a bit of weed before you start work will relieve your pain very quickly and will keep the smell more minimal than smoking. If you can't be high, vaping CBD flower will help too. You can also just try CBD/THC tinctures and edibles but they take longer to work and the edibles are tough to dose. All of these might make you drowsy so pair with coffee if necessary.
Godspeed anon, I feel for you, I have this struggle too but have luckily been able to work from home since the pandemic.
No. 624709
>>624700lmao yes, thank you anon
this girl is wild. no milk rly but her whole personal brand of "i love being an #artist! i financed this wayfair set with my dropshipped keychains that you can buy on my wix site." is just fascinating
No. 624748
>>624566Ended up making it:
>>624743>>624743>>624743I'm a Europoor as well, hiya there
No. 624758
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>>624752>>624757just another day in the bad part of town
No. 624761
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>>624752>>624757Anon, if you don't understand the appeal of this, artsy stuff is just not for you, duh
No. 624764
>>624752It’s all about quality of materials and the work of the people under a name that got famous.
The designs can be appealing for one reason or another, most of the times they’re made for one specific client who wants something for some reason, so, after the celebration/photoshoot, they sell the outfit they won’t wear again because it was a one time thing, it accomplished its purpose.
Then someone will be like “OMg! This is what Jane doe wore for that photoshoot and I neeeed it” they will buy it, tailor it, wear it and sell it again.
If you’re talking about the catwalk type of clothes, the high couture, they’re made to show the skills of the people working for a designer or the designers themselves, the idea is that the outfit looks not only interesting, but also somewhat appealing for a new client that might want to wear it someday.
No. 624774
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>>624764what kind of person would wear this tho. like you can't even walk in half of this shit
No. 624789
>>624774There's different types of high fashion on the catwalk: there's ready to wear/pret a porter collections aka the stuff that ends up in stores and there's runway. The latter is often the crazy
unwearable stuff, taking trends and ideas to the extreme.
No. 624796
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I know I know it's a cesspool but I just want to know what is this image even trying to imply?
No. 624812
>>624799>>624803Ah yeah that makes sense! I thought the bf was like in the army or away and she was doing that behind his back or something.
Made me laugh because it's so dramatic.
No. 624929
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>>624911Waffles, delicious waffles with honey.
No. 624942
>>624911Grapes, apples, bananas, loaded doritos
doritos with black beans, sour cream, cheese, soy chorizo, orange tofu, granola bars. Idk how many of those are considered snacks tho.
No. 624995
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I really like this movie & I ordered this poster but im wondering if it would look weird to just have a big poster of a guy’s face on my wall?
No. 625124
>>624697Oh, they sell CBD cigarettes in my Lidl so I'll get a pack of those and test it out, thanks!
>>624911Some kinda vanilla ice cream with milkshake powder on top. Banana is my fav.
No. 625174
>>625171Same. I have met only chubby and unfortunate-faced ones that are very insecure about themselves. One of them does so much make-up that she looks like a completely different person. Is also unable to even take out the trash without layers of makeup.
I wish these women knew that they shouldn't pander to men, screaming how trad and edgy they are while also hating other women and actually accepted themselves.
No. 625231
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>>625111Unless you absolutely need Mac OS, you're better of getting a second hand business laptop like a Thinkpad.
No. 625354
>>625347I'm hungry. I'm gonna lose weight not because I want to but because I'm too lazy to exit the house and buy junk food to eat in the middle of the big meals. I'm sorry mom.
What about you, anon?
No. 625441
best, you risk some zoomer taking a creepshot of you and posting it to their shitty stan account with ‘yaaas armyyy < 3!’
>>625363As if.
No. 625491
>>625487We have one extremely naughty cat, I don’t have to use it often but it’s sole purpose is to keep him from sneaking into the work room, he ambushes and runs in and likes to trash supplies. It works. (Any anon that thinks it’s ‘
abusive’ idgaf.)
No. 625582
>>625573They created a commercial solely intending to frame autism a disease that needs to be "cured" before it's "too late"… rather than, you know, a different type of brain. They actually don't focus much at all on taking care of autistic people or providing resources to autistic people and their caretakers, but instead milk people for money, a very small portion of which they use for futile "research" trying to find a cure.
Here's another good video (if you have 11 minutes) from an autistic woman, explaining what exactly they've done wrong. No. 625649
>>625582I’m listening to the ask an autistic video and it’s retarded as fuck. She’s making it out like research for prenatal signs of autism is evil. They discuss the possibility of abortion with children who have other health issues and people accept that just fine. Autism can be really severe and debilitating and moms should be allowed to know what they’re in for. Thinking otherwise is anti-choice, no?
And then she tries to compare it to feminine gender roles…
No. 625703
>>625685Did you ask her what she wants
Is she a crackhead
No. 625704
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Do you ever just feel self-conscious about your habits as a consumer? Sometimes I catch myself wanting something I didn’t even care about a few months ago because of some random commercial or comments on the media I consume and such.
I mean, it’s not bad to want stuff that catches your fancy, but sometimes it’s like:
>character in movie wants food from some specific place
>damm I kind of want that too
Isn’t that kind of weak minded of me?
No. 625709
>>625704Some very smart, creative people get paid a lot of money to ensure people react exactly like that, I wouldn't feel too bad about it.
I remember when I was a teen and used to read girly magazines I'd get serious urges to buy shit I didn't particularly want or need just because of the colours and layout of the page it was advertised on. I vividly recall some of those ads and a bunch of specific products even over a decade later, it's crazy how effective it was.
No. 625724
>>625704Marketing is no joke.
I fell into a internet rabbit hole about the jolly green giant mascot, and now I'm sat reading this thread with an open can of cold sweetcorn balanced on my belly that I'm eating by hand. I know that reading about those advertisements made me want corn, but it's satisfying to be able to have the means to give in to it.
No. 625774
>>625761I had a dry socket last month after getting mu wisdom teeth extracted and had to get creative since it took a while to heal.
Potato, Sweet Potato (baked with cinnamon and honey), Pudding, Mashed Baked Apples, Jello, Asian Style Rice with a Spoon lol, and those pre packaged chocolate milks for kids with lots of vitamins.
No. 625931
>>625584Hey I'm just going by what my friend said, and I don't think you need to be super high functioning.
My opinion is colored obviously but my friend was regarded as not very high functioning. He didn't know how to read a bus timetable or cook or tie his shoes. But it turned out that everyone just had little faith so he was never taught and he assumed it was just somehting autistic people couldn't do. Literally just took making spaghetti bolognese with him, and explaining the column denotes the hour and the row up top denotes the days and he could then cook and read timetables, respectively. I'm wondering how common this is amongst people with autism. They're put in a box and restricted.
I think autism speaks frames autism overall as a disease. My friend has come to terms with and is happy being who he is.
I've also seen very low functioning autism that's definitely debilitating and personally I wouldn't keep a child like that, and they need huge amounts of resources and care. But Autism speaks doesn't seem to outline the difference or spectrum at all, which sucks.
No. 626010
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what the hell is a skinhead? a racist/nazi? a punk with short hair? a nazi puncher? every time i try to find an answer i find something different. and how do they correlate today?
No. 626125
>>626107I don't trust this one bit.
So these sharp guys, they're not racist like skins, and they listen to non-racist music unlike skins, so that means they're only in it for the style.
And what kind of person gets so stuck up on a style they have to wear it even though it's associated with child-murdering racist Nazis? Is it that important to them to shave their head and wear those boots?
Smells fishy.
No. 626158
>>626125I don't get it either, but that also could just be because I'm not a part of it. Afaik, the original iteration was also populated by the working class to rebel against the establishment/rigidity of society like a lot of other punk subcultures do and to enjoy Jamaican culture.
Sorry to blog but I follow an influencer who had a Chelsea haircut earlier this year and she essentially had to shave it all the way off after a Jewish person told her having that style was
triggering and the average person who only knew about boneheads would likely assume she's also one and feel threatened. The way I see it is it's like how the older Black Panthers are coming out to denounce some of the younger groups who are trying to use their name, when in reality they're festering with bigotry. I agree with you though, I feel like you can't call yourself a skinhead in today's day and age without being considered a neo-nazi before you're considered the opposite.
No. 626235
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>>626105Ow, this hurt. I can't speak for other alt fashions but lolita is generally about wearing what you want without regards to how attractive you are to other people (especially men). I feel like super attractive women probably encounter less situations that would make them want to rebel against fashion/beauty norms
No. 626238
>>626230NTA and I'm not sure if that anon is really a tranny, but I can see trannies seething over bio women existing and enjoying weeby things, to be honest.
Probably fucks them up that even the wonkiest-looking girl who wears Lolita or other alt fashion is still closer to being a real life animu girl than they ever will be.
No. 626260
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>>626230true, we should make fun of troons in lolita above all
No. 626268
>>626235I totally disagree. Lolita is definitely not like it was in the 80s/90s. People who are still asserting that are idiots. Lolita itself is based around traditional femininity and inspired by clothing styles and fads from other time periods. It still leans heavily on Japanese beauty standards and only really ignores socially acceptability as far as the clothing being excessive and not minimal, it even follows informal rules for Japanese women's clothing, such as often covering shoulders and breasts. Not only that but it's prevalence in anime in recent years shows that the style
is fairly well received by men.
Also, the idea that attractive women don't want to rebel against beauty norms is kind of unfounded.
No. 626270
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>>626267This is now ita thread
No. 626275
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>>626105You can say white pipo anon, we all know you're thinking it
No. 626277
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>>626270Balls of steel to dress like this for sure
No. 626279
>>626275Oh my god anon, nod to you for understanding what that was politely coded to say.
>>626268>the style is fairly well received by men.If it’s worn by someone who isn’t ugly.
No. 626302
>>626297Exactly that. Sorry I am sperging about this so much, I just had a friend try to explain it to me over and over, even though I have interacted with the community and it's just pretentious vapid consumerism, especially the "comms" and meetups and stuff. They are just super shallow hobby groups based around collecting. Of course they are going to want to have meetups and show off their super obscure, expensive crap, no one else cares about it.
I am fine dressing how I want and acknowledging that I engage in some stereotypically feminine practices.
No. 626319
>>626200>>626158Yeah, and the Swastika was originally a Hindu symbol, but tattoing it nowadays and saying it's to "claim back" it's original symbolism will not be tolerated, with good reason.
It's the same with "non-racist" skins. Nobody's fashion sense is more important than history and the lives lost by Nazis and racists.
No. 626341
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Does the charity ,mermaid, actually try to help teenagers with their gender dysphoria, or do they just push kids into doing hormones?
No. 626343
all of you wear fugly baby dresses fym
No. 626345
>>626338/cgl/ gets extremely
triggered over drugs, even minor shit like weed
No. 626349
>>626338Literally never heard that one before
Good old normalfags with their roundabout excuses of muh consoomerism muh elitism to shit on some frills lmao when you can just say you think it's ugly and move on
Drugs and alcohol still aren't personality btw
No. 626436
>>626423No, women are just retarded.
>inb4 anythingam one
No. 626473
>>626105So if you're ugly, you're not supposed to wear cute clothes? Got it.
>>626350Half of the people on this site are losers with drug problems and are former sex workers poking fun at people marginally less pathetic then themselves. It's not that hard to feel superior to the typical lolcow user.
>>626436Most of the people left here are mentally unhinged or male.
No. 626488
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>>626483Because she looks like this
No. 626541
>>626473Well you’re not wrong. Throw in somebody /cgl/ refugees and you got a a party.
I really got to get off this website
No. 626605
>>626564Worse imo. I don't necessarily have an issue with people being super vulgar and sexual with no shame on the web, but I think it's making more men and women have an unhealthy view on sex and kinks/fetishes. People spend more time encouraging kinky stuff, instead of actually educating people on whats safe and healthy (mentally and physically). Also so many underage girls are growing up to fast. I know all of us wanted to act and seem older than we were when we were younger, but they shouldn't be allowed to actually act so…grown. I won't get to deep into it cause i'm shit at articulating myself when it comes to stuff like this, but I hope you get my point. Also cancel culture has so many flaws
Anway, other than that I think the internet is super cool. People create so much amazing stuff in different ways and I love the memes and shit people come up with. I think people on the internet are great.
>>626581>>626591Tbh I feel like it's not that much better to being microwaved. I will get a kettle one day tho for other things.
>>626602That makes sense, ty anon! How long did you leave it in? I usually only do mine for 1-1:30 mins.
No. 626619
>>626605Well I have a busted ass microwave that chooses when it wants to actually heat things up. Normally, I have to put it in for at least 2 minutes for it to be relatively warm-hot. The aforementioned time I think I put it in for 3. Must have been a long day or something.
Don't listen to the other anons. Kettles do effectively boil your water, but they're still more of a hassle compared to just microwaving a mug with the tea bag already in it. Not to mention different types of tea have different temperatures they should and should not be heated to, so I don't like running the risk of putting a certain type into the kettle/pouring boiling water onto my tea bag and it being wrong so my leaves are destroyed.
No. 626641
>>626619Why do you make tea like a tard? Tea goes in
after it reaches desired temp. Microwave offers
less control over temperature, especially when you put the bag in first. Putting the bag in first is the biggest sin in this scenario, wtf anon
You can also just boil water in any saucepan….
No. 626649
File: 1599700126673.jpg (7.66 KB, 280x180, sus.jpg)

Anons, my period has been going for more than two weeks now. Not super heavy, just a normal flow, and no cramps at all.
Am I dying? Am I getting some weird early menopause thing? Should I be worried?
It literally re-started after one week of my normal one.
How do I close the blood dam?
No. 626707
>>626658I’m that anon and actually no, I don’t even drink tea western brewed most of the time, I never use milk. You’re just making your tea taste like bitter cardboard, even more than bags already do
But there’s nothing wrong with milk in tea either
No. 626751
>>626732Wtf Americans know about milk in tea. Have you never read a book or seen a tv
Show or movie? I just can’t believe you never encountered in your life or at least saw it in media.
No. 626902
>>626892Oh you might be right! I feel this way only now that I'm far from home. Back there everybody seems chill and people acting up are rare, now everybody throws a tantrum over feeling insulted for nothing or acts… weird. It's also the first time I've ever be called unpolite in my life (by a boomer btw) and it came out of nowhere??? And this happens to several people I know.
It also may be a component of feeling at home vs being somewhat alienated/slightly different ways of communicating? But it's not like I changed country, only city.
No. 626957
>>626947I did the opposite thing, moved to the "city". It's a bit of a particular place though because despite being a super tourist city it's also very small and people know each other, so maybe they see every student as invading their space somehow+they naturally hate tourists. I think it's common in uni cities. I'm sorry to hear old men won't leave you alone, wtf.
>>626925Hopefully I'll move out soon and people will be calmer there.
No. 627045
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>>627014Set this one as a joke last year and I still have it. They look like they are having a great time, idk amazing energy in this picture
No. 627071
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>>627014Mine is outer space, sometimes I use fractal images I made in mandelbulber and sometimes space, I have a few anime wallpapers but I never use them because I'm ashamed. I put one on my lock screen though (this one)
No. 627149
>>627122As someone who got a PSVita not too long after its release, no. Most of the interesting games on it are either ports and/or were ported on other platforms (especially thinking about P4G, Dangan Ronpa as a whole, and Gravity Rush), some of them were never translated and released in the West, getting a memory card is a pain in the ass because they're rare and expensive since they're made specifically for the Vita, and physical copies of games are hard to find or very expensive so you'll need to get a super expensive memory card to play games you'll buy on the PS Store. I think accessories are hard to get in the West as well, good luck getting a Vita TV that's not overpriced and I bought a new charger in Japan a few months ago because they're not sold where I am.
Getting one is even more useless if you already have a PS3 and/or a PS4 because of the point I made about ported games. If for some reason you want to hack your Vita and you manage to find a cheap one, then why not, I've read on/v/ that you can do some manipulations so you can just use normal memory cards but I have no idea how that shit works exactly. I love my PS Vita and the games I have on it but if I could have predicted the future I would have saved my money and spent it on a small TV and a PS4 later instead.
No. 627273
>>627255>>627258Anon, this kid is 15 and wants to rape his siblings. They had to put locks on the other kids' doors. He said he's attracted to kids under 5.
What the fuck is not horrifying about that?
No. 627284
>>627255What I wanna know is was he born like this? Can it be caused by trauma? Why did he tell his parents to get him help if he doesn’t think it’s wrong, do you think? Did he have any
No. 627312
>>627300bc he's more worried about what others will think of him when interacting with you. That or he's a docuhe that believes ignoring you will make you want him more
unrelated, but what's up with the new trend of putting a clip of that guy shooting himself in the head in "calm" tiktok videos and fancams on twitter? What kind of degenerate does that?
No. 627389
File: 1599774783520.jpg (288.44 KB, 1920x1080, lastsupper.jpg)

>>627014Late to the party, but apparently I deleted this off my regular pic folder and it's a bitch to Google.
No. 627409
>>627396Enjoy it. You shouldn’t feel guilty over your parents being parents and supporting you. You didn’t make a plague. You did seek employment despite shitty odds.
Go get brunch if you wanna. You’re not hurting anyone, you’re not flaunting your good fortune like it’s a trophy you slogged for. Enjoy yourself.
No. 627420
File: 1599775915835.png (55.02 KB, 568x502, wtf is this.PNG)

was browsing ooooooold bad art threads and saw one that had this written in it. it looks really nice, can anyone identify the language?
cropped because there was a bird with a pussy next to it.
No. 627620
>>627610Okay fair enough, I didn't really think about Tinder being hook-up focused but that makes sense people would focus on more shallow attributes when that's the case. I must be too far out of the dating pool at this point to recognize the obvious.
>>627613They can, but I think short guys can be hot too. Even talking purely about physical traits, height would basically be at the bottom of what I'd have a preference on. Nice face and proportionality do more for me, especially when tall guys can get that gangly look.
No. 627623
>>627620Height in general accentuates good looks. Short people usually have smaller faces which means all their features accumulate in a way you can tell their frame/height. Tall people usually have more harmonious faces, but actors are usually short because their features are more expressive because of placement. I don't know how to explain this.
Tall men are just hot in general I think it's more niche to actively favour a smaller guy. Obviously when you know people attraction is different but on dating apps you may as well shoot for what you prefer.
No. 627719
File: 1599795398547.jpg (8.31 KB, 251x201, download (1).jpg)

How common is porn induced ED now (I don't have sex, so IDK)? A doctor friend of mine said he couldn't believe the sheer amount of zoomers coming into his practice for Viagra prescriptions, he told me that in a year or two it'll be seen as a massive public health issue.
No. 627768
>>626947If it’s a small enough village, it could be that they know everyone already, or they know they can’t try it on with any local girl your age because they know their parents. So it could be safer to try and hit on you so nobody in the village can start gossiping (I come from a fucking tiny town and the gossip was horrendous)
>>627605I feel like it’s part natural (I like being about 10cm shorter than guys I date) and part of a social group thing. The big 6 number is really getting to people’s head like a guy being 5’10 is somehow noticeably short?
No. 627856
File: 1599817212603.jpg (144.53 KB, 891x632, IMG_20200911_113143.jpg)

Why do we have to pretend that this is normal?
Way too many people nowadays are absolutely sick. That "don't shame people for X" trend started with the goodnatured thought that maybe we shouldn't hate on people for their outer appearance and quickly evolved into utter degeneracy. Teen girls doing onlyfans instead of working a normal parttime job is totally a-okay, pedos are already trying to convince people that there's nothing wrong with their "preference", soon these freaks will try to make public sex legal or some shit. Honestly nothing would surprise me anymore at this point.
No. 628158
>>628150i think the first time i saw it used was for lil b, based god.
it's been pretty common on imageboards for years, and has recently spread to other sites. i'm sure tumblr is just picking it up from twitter/reddit.
No. 628178
File: 1599851856854.gif (966.05 KB, 500x281, TyoOqBS.gif)

Stupid question ? So where are the lolcow GC girls now… I'm so tired of being pushed to the neckbeard corners of the web for being peaktrans, shut up by my man when I bring up relevant news and contradictions … and most recently being absolutely disgusted by people defending softcore child pron (Netflix 'CUTIES') and exploitation, all protected by the identity cloke of a WOC filmmaker and the industry using her.
It makes me so hopelessly angry and I feel so alone in fear of losing my career.
Sorry if I'm in the wrong thread..
No. 628232
File: 1599856165330.png (133.18 KB, 261x274, sq.PNG)

>>628225>mfw 116 lbs/52 kg but my stomach sticks out further than my boobs or assIt's pitiful.
Not anachan, I'm just short and don't exercise enough. No. 628312
>>628308If its self defense you really want, get a gun, tazer or pepper spray, maybe the three of them, a woman will almost always be at a disavantage in a physical fight no matter how fit she is.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thay considered to top of tier of martial arts nowadays.
No. 628323
>>628312nta but depending on where anon lives she might not be allowed to carry any of these. It's not allowed in my country. Although I know plenty of girls/woman who illegaly carry pepperspray just in case anyway. It's better to pay a fine than to get raped or stabbed I guess.
Also weapons can be used against you so I'd personally feel iffy about using them. Would a woman who's fit, quick and practiced in the right techniques really not stand a chance again a man who only knows how to throw a punch with his muscle?
No. 628348
>>628323Depending on his height or weight, actually no she wouldn’t, in most of the cases a woman would lose the irl fight.
A 6’2, 260lbs lardball man, talking full obese, can take out a very fit woman who is below 5’5 easily, real life situations are very differently from a gym where you are just sparring with guys and the woman might win based on skill.
A female MMA Fighter versus a skinny unfit 20 something, sure she will win but a normal fit woman versus a guy who has more than 5 inches and 30 pounds on her will lose badly.
This is one of shittiest parts of being a woman tbh, when i researched it i basically gave up from going out alone at night ever again since self defense items are illegal in my country too.
No. 628385
>>6283801. The taboo of it and how most women hate it, so submitting to it or agreeing to it probably turns them on
2. It's tighter for them probably
3. It's a gross act, probably something they like "whores" to do
>t. had an ex that liked anal and explained this stuff No. 628624
File: 1599907292917.jpeg (170.84 KB, 902x1076, 82280A21-B28A-4B60-B9BC-8915DA…)

Do you also feel like the whole miss universe stuff has been swept under a rug? I can’t remember the last contest, it used to be a huge thing in my country a few years ago, but now it’s like everyone forgot about it. I mean, I know that because of the pandemic it won’t happen any sooner, but even last year I didn’t hear nor see a single thing about it.
No. 628644
>>628639I'm interested in this too! I know two people with some experience. One woman's mother fosters children, oldest about 11, youngest 6 and her own children in 20s/30s. They'd help out with the kids. Everyone seemed normal and happy, you'd hear cute funny stories about them. Because they were fostered their bio parents where in the picture but unable to care for them for whatever reason. All happy for their situations though.
Another girl was fostered by a minister. She seemed happy but she wouldn't really talk much about how she really felt, but she respected her guardians.
I've thought about adoption later on. I'm the last of my friends to have kids, I enjoy spending time with my friends kids and my nephew but I'm just not in the position for myself to have kids. There is a joy though you get from kids though.
No. 628653
>>628639I myself am adopted and it made me very loyal/grateful to my family as I've grown older. In my eyes, they're the only reason I turned out as well as I did so I'm incredibly thankful because my alternatives weren't very good. I was adopted around the age of one by an older couple and the only downside is how much I fear their deaths/living without them. This is apparently suuuper common for kids adopted by older folk though. I always said I'd pay it back by adopting as well but decided I probably shouldn't raise a child if cyclic behaviour exists because I could totally make that child feel awful without even realizing.
Do your research too, a lot of kids can come incredibly damaged despite only having "small" traumas simply due to their age. My mother adopted another child and he turned out to have a physical brain abnormality and now has life in prison despite every other child my mother helped becoming something incredible and happy. She still blames herself despite seeing his fMRI and genetic tests, and that guilt is lifelong.
Sorry to babble, I never talk about this IRL and it felt cathartic
No. 628665
A lot of times when I want to draw something just casually, I draw myself in different versions and styles. How often can you do self-portraits before it becomes weird and narcissistic?
>>628662Gatorade, Powerade or similar sports drinks, and those vitamin tablets that you drop into a glass of water and they fizz and dissolve, idk what they're called.
No. 628694
File: 1599918732084.png (448.8 KB, 475x679, hmm.PNG)

So I've just found a bunch of hair that isn't mine and is definitely human. It's like tangled cluster of long blonde hair you'd maybe pull out of your comb or sth.
Weird part is: I live alone, no one has visited me lately, and it doesn't seem like something a person would carry on themselves without noticing it's there. What are the odds wind carried some shit from neighbor's balcony onto my laundry or something? This is so bizarre.
No. 628740
File: 1599925600538.png (516.52 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200912-194642.png)

Does anyone know who this guy is?
No. 628762
>>628662The trick is to prepare the night before. Here's my stack:
>lion's mane powder tea, once a day, twice a day before and after drinking>n-acetylcysteine, turmeric and curcumin, and milk thistle 1-2 hrs before drinking and the day after>knock-off pedialyte before bedThen if you're not watching your weight, a fatty meal during and the morning after drinking. Being active helps a lot; if you're a couch potato then the shitty feeling lasts longer.
t. heavy drinker
No. 628816
>>628644Thanks for this, anon!
>>628653It’s not babble, this is really helpful information. Do you mind me asking questions? Did the couple that adopted you have biological children? If so was it ever an issue for them/you? That’s my biggest concern tbh, my mum’s a social worker so I’m pretty aware of the problems that fostered/adopted kids can have, but she doesn’t really interrogate kids on whether they like their adopted siblings or not.
No. 628822
File: 1599933841997.jpg (23.11 KB, 410x539, twiggy.jpg)

How do I know at what weight I look best? After becoming almost underweight, I feel like I look too skeletal, but I always felt like I looked too fat until actually looking at a photo of myself and seeing how thin I look
No. 628855
File: 1599939310967.png (1.31 MB, 2048x731, Screenshot_20200912-152757.png)

Whos this banner of? Any back story? I never seen this one before but I'm sure it's old since they haven't been updated recently
No. 628893
File: 1599941974150.jpg (52.43 KB, 680x678, 1504079561090.jpg)

I wanted to buy some Twitch Bits with Paypal and even tho I have enough money in my account, I am taken to a screen that basically forces me to associate a card in order to continue the purchase.
Does that mean that my funds are actually not enough? (maybe with taxes + conversion rate differences/interests I need more money than I have in my account?). Or do you HAVE to obligatorily associate a card if you want to purchase things through Paypal? Never used Paypal to buy anything before tbh. And I also didn't have a card associated w my account because I originally made it just to recieve payment from commissions.
No. 628951
File: 1599944400611.jpeg (887.46 KB, 828x1442, BF5F8318-FC51-4443-9DF6-FC3BA2…)

>>628885Nta but I found this on the womensstreetstyle subreddit and it’s not street style not is it a woman
No. 629535
>>629486Long blogpost incoming, sorry anon.
I was diagnosed at age 19 during a depressive episode. I then spent two years in therapy doing cognitive behavioral therapy (which changed a LOT) and weekly group therapy. I’ll be honest and say I barely feel like I struggle with the disorder in my day to day life now.
CBT helped me find a few things to stay sane. First off I hold myself to drastically lower standards than people probably should. I accept when I’m tired or stressed and allow time for self care instead of pushing through. Secondly I’ve also learned not to give a fuck about others’ validation or approval and in that regard I’ve also learned not to share things with people I don’t trust. The people closest to me do support my decisions however.
I’m very aware my current happiness is dependant on the balance I created for myself in my life and worked very hard for. So for example the pandemic obviously hit pretty hard. I reevaluated my goals and lowered my standards. I was doing a double degree so I dropped out of the one least important for my future, and I gave up on looking for a summer job to sit home all summer instead. Five years ago before my diagnosis I would have pushed through till I burned myself out and felt suicidal over the littlest things.
I think one of the most important things, no matter how depressed you feel, is to have some semblance of a daily routine. If I do too much in a day for a routine I take things out. If I don’t do anything at all I add things like meeting friends or exercise. Keeping a bullet journal has been amazing too.
No. 629586
File: 1600014721067.png (71.39 KB, 264x340, 1598461092595.png)

Is this Lindsay Lohan? It looks like her
No. 629643
>>629641I'll look into it, I have sensitive teeth and gums and I don't want to damage them. If it's not harmful, why not. At least they're perfectly straight…
Anyway this is all projection since I'm not gonna be able to go anytime soon given the situation lol.
No. 629650
>>629643>If it's not harmfulit is/can be.
I don't know where you're from but a lot of those crest whitening strips that are popular have amounts of peroxide in it that dentists in the EU aren't even legally allowed to use to bleach client's teeth. Be careful.
No. 629657
>>629575>>629643Unless your teeth are really noticeably yellow, I doubt anyone would care. I don't see the point in risking your dental health to get your teeth temporarily whiter, but of course that's up to you. Those strips can definitely mess up your enamel though.
Most people don't have perfectly white teeth. Get regular cleanings and you should be fine anon.
No. 629664
>>629657>>629650Thanks for the heads-up! Don't worry I won't do anything without my dentist's approval anyway.
I feel like I have grown past being an insecure teen, but I have a lot of apprehension about LA/American culture and it's sometimes eating me up lol.
No. 629924
File: 1600055933205.jpg (40.99 KB, 800x474, imagine-card-declines-at-swimm…)

>>629822Did you think this cause of the 'imagines your card declines at x and they x' tweets? Anyway, they probably tell you to come back later and pay it and if you don't they'll probably try to file criminal charges or something.
No. 629928
File: 1600056183404.jpeg (Spoiler Image,41.74 KB, 612x612, cbc5adde-fa66-42cf-af93-438295…)

Why does shapewear always have the ass out like this? Is it just to keep the extra layer fabric from compressing your ass when your wearing clothes? Looks uncomfortable.
No. 629931
>>629822Most restaurants will ask you to go to an ATM. If you can’t, they might just ask you for a copy of your ID and for you to come back later to pay.
It’s pretty unlikely for them to actually call the cops unless you have a ridiculous bill and you’re clearly trying to get out of paying. Most places are pretty understanding if you’re not an asshole about it.
No. 629938
>>629937That's different than when you have a service performed already.
You and
>>629931, isn't the assumption that you don't have the funds in your account if your card is declined? So the ATM trip wouldn't really be helpful.
No. 630218
File: 1600098624406.jpg (40.99 KB, 500x500, whydoesGod.jpg)

What's up with the Tiktok beautiful site? Is there a way to access the AI? I'm curious how the AI would rate some of the cows here, as well as myself
No. 630491
>>630483Reading the threads here should teach you enough that women can become sex crazed too
Imo it is exactly social conditioning that leads men to have such tantrums about it, they're used to getting what they want and never being told no and they get to fall back onto the idea that men "need it".
No. 630570
>>630465Wow, I just watched one of her videos the other day, she was genuinely so insightful and in depth with her explanations of everything.
I've been using regular hard wax, didn't really want to try sugaring because the process seems kind of messy, but I might try it after all since it seems less painful. Thanks anon.
No. 630575
File: 1600137533320.jpg (48.09 KB, 540x517, 5cb5_3f0d18e0_540.jpg)

What websites do you anons spend the most time on? (that isn't LC)
No. 630613
File: 1600144329309.png (88.56 KB, 250x250, tumblr_pea80hg6Z31v30v1fo5_250…)

did the bitch who gave me my flu shot fuck up and impale a muscle or is it normal to be very sore after getting a shot in the shoulder?
No. 630744
File: 1600173413919.gif (869.85 KB, 500x288, FrayedGrimColt-size_restricted…)

Looking at all this birthday talk, I'd like to ask a question
How would you celebrate a birthday together with your s/o?
Thing is, he is even going to take a day off on my upcoming birthday but I've been so busy with courses lately that I realized that I do not even know what I want to do on my own birthday. Our city barely has any covid cases (usually not at all) thanks to our tiny country.
I LOVE going to cinemas, but the only movies they are screening right now are the ones that I am not interested in, and when it comes to restaurants I am more of'delivery order' kind of person, even though idm trying out some new places.
I also been to all the museums in our city because I am art-hoe wannabe.
I thought of renting a tiny boat because I loved boating when I was a kid, but now you can't do that because people are scared of COVID.
No. 630782
File: 1600181338615.png (418.06 KB, 492x493, 1547434096379.png)

Is it still possible to share song previews from spotify to facebook? If so, how do I do it? Google didn't help
No. 630793
>>630768>>630771Hello fellow geocachers! And yeah
>>630744 should look into it, it's a great activity to rediscover places you though you know well
No. 630820
>>630817it means like 'yours truly', 'sincerely', or 'regards'. basically just signing off a post. it stems from a finnish word that means the same thing, but starts with t. can't remember the specific word off the top of my head.
t. channer
No. 630882
>>630841It's a bit early to know but if it turns out he did ghost you..well at least he did it within the first month. No huge loss of time there. I find that common in the first month.
Try and keep distracted for the next couple days if it's stressing you. If you don't hear by then I'd say to move on
No. 630894
File: 1600190758438.png (34.36 KB, 332x128, banner.PNG)

Who's that? Everytime I see this banner I always get a sense of disgust, she looks nasty.
No. 630954
>>630943Just let her know you're here for her and that you're willing to support her in any way she needs. It's okay not to know how exactly to treat her, be honest about it and show that you're sincerely interested in her wellbeing. If she's the physical affection type you can hug her, it really helps to touch your loved ones when you're sad.
Also imo don't say shit like "I can't even imagine what ur going thru" it just never made sense to me. Focus on her needs and don't talk about yourself.
No. 630996
>>630954Oh, thanks for letting me know, anon, I'll make sure to not say stuff like that!! She's not exactly much of a hugger so I think I'll just say I support her and offer her some space
>>630959That's a good idea, anon! I'll bake some brownies and choose some movies we can watch to take her mind off things
>>630973She has 3 sisters but they were in the middle of a huge fight before this happened and from what my brother told me it didn't really get better with the funeral
No. 631145
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When dating a guy, should I be upfront that I have autism? If so, when should I disclose such information
No. 631189
File: 1600209360337.png (3.44 MB, 1334x750, 995559C3-CC9F-417F-80D2-809D3F…)

Should I go out tomorrow to buy fabric and make myself a pirate shirt?? lol
No. 631234
>>631212lmaooo anon that song gives me chills too! somehow the sexualized dancing and stuff comes off as tough and fun rather than scrote-pandering. also the lyric "Want me to love them long time
And I tell em NO" is one of my favorite lyrics from an Asian artist lol.
No. 631236
>>631186I'm pretty sure almost all men watch porn.
Let's see, why would you feel about him watching porn? Because you're morally against it or because you compare yourself to the porn actresses? If it's the first reason, then I think it's important you pay attention to what type of porn he watches because there are massive differences between, for example, an amateur video of a couple just chilling and fucking and another one that's extremely degrading and humilliating for the woman. If it's something similar to the first example, you can talk to him and explain yourself if you truly don't want him to continue watching porn, these type of things can be talked with if he's a good guy. Now, if it's something along the lines of the second example, you can do the same but I think the issue is deeper and it can be very
problematic in a couple if the woman is very aware of it and is against porn
No. 631243
File: 1600214744786.png (8.1 KB, 687x556, math.png)

please help. what is this type of thing called that we used to have to solve in middle school? where you have one full fraction and you have to figure out what the missing value in the other fraction is? i drew this in microsoft paint and picked random numbers to show what i'm talking about. i guess i was wrong when i thought i would never need math after i finished school
No. 631247
>>631236Amateur porn still rots your brain dude and can be a slippery slope into getting into more intense stuff especially if the man is weak minded which most men are
As for comparing bodies I don't see how that's not a good reason to not allow men to watch porn? You know damn well men would be screaming into oblivion if women were constantly obsessing over roided up men, it's perfectly respectable and should be encouraged for women to want men who know what natural female bodies look like and understand how they work
No. 631319
>>631315Cross multiplication:
3(18) = 9x
54 = 9x
54/9 = 9x/9
6 = x
You could also just simplify the second fraction, since 9/18 = 3/6.
No. 631532
File: 1600256465275.jpeg (450.93 KB, 1569x2048, 05B8ABAC-D73D-464C-BB1B-388E75…)

>>631523If its just for hookups tinder should do the job. Im late 20s and sometimes meet with guys up to 5 yrs my junior l…I wouldnt wanna go lower than that though, i dont like babies kek
No. 631545
File: 1600258045273.jpg (110.02 KB, 884x1348, 50703059_2021863934780210_5754…)

Who is this??? No help from reverse image search
No. 631564
File: 1600261469387.jpg (284.97 KB, 2048x1336, IMG_20200916_150448.jpg)

>>631559Congming33 on Twitter
No. 631580
>>631578i would go with he is extremely bored
don’t waste your time on him anon
No. 631595
File: 1600266433954.jpg (323.58 KB, 1447x2047, IMG_20200902_173007.jpg)

>>631593Nta but yes, really. Don't waste anymore time on this scrote
No. 631624
File: 1600269514696.jpg (72.77 KB, 606x1069, 61i0gKTFn7L__SL1069_.jpg)

>>631621This one! It's never been off for me, and I've ordered it multiple times over the past two years. Just be sure to shake before use each time. Not too expensive, but effective imo. No. 631653
>>631647that sounds like something teen girls do. Way to ruin a frienship over immature communication.
Best to just be clear and honest about it without making her feel like she's being attacked.
No. 631654
>>631642Technically yes, but idt this is why she does it kek, it's just an usu look how cute my bf is type thing or whatever.
>>631644Kek, that is what my face would convey if she showed me in person tbh, but I probably won't take that route
>>631647Ugh, I don't want to do that, it feels invasive to my bf, and
>>631651 is probably right.
>>631651Speaking of, she knows I don't particularly care for him and am skeptical of her uwu together forever schtick and am open about it, but when things are good beween them, she just does this. I guess I hate that she doesn't take the hint the same way I do from her so we could just mutually not overshare about our bfs. Being direct it is, I just hope she doesn't get all pissy and self righteous.
No. 631747
>>631739Pretty much just how you said. There's no need to add too many details just enough so they know its you that called and that you're calling back bc you missed their call.
Just say "hi, this is anon, I recently received a missed call from you. If you can call back at your earliest convenience that would be great! Thank you."
No. 631759
>>631745Fingers crossed, I just want to be happy and so far this relationship gave me that. I really freaked-out that night and given my past experiences part of me is still very apprehensive but I feel like I'd regret running away for such a weak reason.
Thank you for caring, really all of the support I've received that night was incredibly helpful, helped me calm down and approach things more rationally. This place is honestly great sometimes.
No. 631792
>>631693My last job had these stupid group activities
weekly and it was so fucking obnoxious. I have no idea why jobs think you want to hang out with your managers/coworkers on your off time after seeing them all for 40+ hours every week. It feels incredibly disrespectful of your employees' time, people have actual family/friends they want to see.
No. 631824
>>631695You're right, it's the best solution, it would be way ruder to ignore it rather than simply refusing. I'm probably going to get called a killjoy, but better that than spending the evening with my superiors.
>>631792>weeklyJesus anon, at least mine is a one time occasion, was it mandatory to participate?
No. 631851
File: 1600291497068.jpeg (407.7 KB, 950x1406, A1808ED6-3EE6-495F-A963-0D1F4F…)

Are these manhands? I feel so unfeminine and fucking gross
No. 631860
>>631856I have super small hands but then as soon as I'm even the slightest bit warm I get really prominent veins, I don't see other women getting it to the level I do.
I feel like hands are just weird if you look at them for too long
No. 631982
>>631903I started eating a keto diet in my early 20s for depression instead of taking SSRIs. It worked for me so I've never looked back. I don't eat a strict keto diet anymore though, I eat low carb by avoiding grains, sugar and processed food. My body doesn't associate carbs with energy anymore so I prefer eating fatty meat with vegetables. Any time I am tempted by carbs I remember how much I used to want to kill myself.
If you want to look into it more there have been studies on people that eat a keto diet long term for medical conditions. It's known the treat neurological disorders, PCOS and it will reverse type 2 diabetes.
No. 632071
>>632069they probably want to be included in women's issues
if they're a real woman then their opinion makes it seem like all women would (or should) believe something, and if it's a guy then they feel included on women's issues which aren't really theirs.
No. 632120
>>632094Depends on the parents imo. If they are well off and happy to help their kid out, they should enjoy it but make the best of it - as in, don't be a self indulgent NEET, work on their education and career, be smart with their money and don't waste such a good opportunity to save it.
My parents are retired boomers with plenty of money, so I don't feel bad about taking advantage of their generosity. My dad always says that the money he spends on me is nothing to him but means a lot to me, and he already sees their money as my inheritance. I still work my 9-5 and save/invest my money, as long as I'm striving to ensure my future financial stability they are happy to let me live at home for free and pay occasional expenses. I'm extremely fortunate but if I started slacking off or developed bad spending habits I'm sure I'd be cut off.