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No. 632146
It's okay to be stupid, anon. You don't need to feel ashamed. Just ask.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/621890 No. 632165
>>632161getting a regular sleep pattern + enough sleep
removing distractions
No. 632168
>>6321611) Imposing actual restrictions on myself. I procrastinated SO much browsing on my phone so I used iPhone's Downtime feature to lock all my apps for me a certain time in the day. Early on I gave in a few times by just switching off the app but having that one obstacle in place dramatically lessened how much time I wasted online.
2) Putting effort into cooking my breakfast instead of going for easy instant stuff like yogurt cups or cereal. Makes me not feel lazy and thus motivated to go on to other tasks
No. 632192
Ime it's definitely common for them to neglect the clit..but they know where it is
No. 632291
File (hide): 1600352043407.jpeg (Spoiler Image,89.99 KB, 687x600, clitty.jpeg)

>>632284I mean, I have a clit, I've licked some clits… and I would still probably describe it as 'That little thing on the top' lol
No. 632346>>632364>>632425
>>632161Sleep. Forced sleep schedule change fixed my undereating, caffeine abuse, lethargy.
>>632282If you are close it's very normal to want to spend time weekly, sometimes more than once a week. It's not much different than having a significant other really.
No. 632357>>632359>>632362
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Is it a bad idea to try to get an ass via weightlifting if I have narrow hips?
No. 632364
>>632346I have a significant other that I would rather spend the extra time with anyways sometimes, though, and even then, I choose a self-day if I've already seen him or know I'm going to again within the week. There just aren't enough days or hours for me to work, see people,
and recharge, and I've definitely been neglecting the last for too long. I guess I'm baffled that my friends aren't as tired of it as me for some reason.
No. 632375
>>632362pic unrelated. I still am unsure what the person who made that pic meant by it. Some of these characters have nothing in common
Teto, celeste, Draculaura, and Cali have a similar color palette, and both celeste and rarity are meant to be rich and dignified but idk about pikamina and miku
No. 632378>>632379>>632384>>632389>>633120
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Is there a way to get hair like pic rel without too much effort or killing it with a curler every day?
No. 632384
>>632378You could get a curl perm, but just like dying your hair you have to get it re-done as it grows out and it can damage your hair.
You could also probably achieve this with foamrollers (or similiar no-heat tools for curling) and sleeping with it overnight but it's kind of a hassle to do that every night imo
No. 632423
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>>632410Sigh I wish my mom had taught me how to care for my curls. But she genuinely thought shitty Andrelon shampoo and conditioner for dry hair was the way to care for my hair. Except I lived with hair literally like pic related every single day until I finally figured out how to care for my hair properly in my 20's.
No. 632424
>>632379This look is pretty achievable with a cold perm and some foam mousse applied to wet hair. The first picture you posted looks like she has in some kind of hair piece or extensions to boost the volume.
A cold perm done correctly shouldn’t have much damage on virgin hair and will continue to look nice for 3-5mos with proper care and styling. Be aware that a perm on this hair length will look kinda sloppy/dumpy when it grows out and loosens. Might be best to do blowouts at that point until you can cut it again.
No. 632437
>>632429Just to add onto this, only get a digital perm if you have thick asian hair or similar. Cold perms are better for finer hair, the heat associated with digital perms will fry most white people hair.
While the photos associated with digital perms always look nicer than ones of cold perms, the actual difference is in the process, not the end result. It’s just that cold perms outside of Asia generally get associated with shitty 80s hair and old ladies. Just make sure you find someone who knows what a modern hairstyle looks like, and who can actually replicate it (probably the hardest part).
No. 632526
>>632455MLM and anti-vaxxers receive a lot of snark which is not really serious criticism, most of the time people aren't really discussing how MLMs are exploitative or anti-vax is dangerous for public health. Instead they get to dump on Karens but still get that sweet sense of self-righteousness because there are actually criticism-worthy issues in the background.
Snarking on neonazis and insane incels is actually just as fun, but has a slightly higher chance of getting you murdered. And finally, seriously criticising systems of sexism and racism just isn't really that fun.
No. 632715
>>632703When I smoke weed it makes me feel warm, sleepy, and happy. Kinda goofy too.
Though it's also made me paranoid and nauseous so shrug shrug
No. 632721>>632724>>633366
>>632690Anon this is so fucking good, bless you for sharing this.
Idk if you like more mellow stuff, but I love this song and thought I'd share it!
No. 632749>>632751
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Who is this? She looks super familiar
No. 632798>>632807>>632811
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>>632772Because it was still shitty being a woman in that era? Typically better than being a commoner, sure, but if you're an aristocrat then being forced into an arranged marriage is a given, you MUST produce a male heir or you'd be considered worthless, there were constantly people watching your every move (even the ladies in waiting in your dressing/bedroom couldn't be trusted), your schedule was highly regimented and largely out of your control, and unless you were literally the queen (often even then) you may have had the trappings of influence without any real power whatsoever. Not to mention you could get executed at any point for random bullshit related to your husband, family line or simple political warfare. There were some very successful female rulers, but there were many more women whose lives served as an extended form of slavery or ended because of those they were unfortunate to have been born to/forced to associate with.
No. 632826
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How do you kindly say no to a guy asking for your number? A guy at my work asked for my number & I gave him my contact info because I felt guilty and awkward about saying no because he is nice and we were alone.
No. 632842
>>632837I’m in the same boat anon. I’m in my early 20s and only ever got my permit and my friend tried to teach me how to drive in an empty parking lot but all I could bare to do was reverse and drive in a circle.
Growing up my parents were awful drivers and I’ve been in about 10~ minor to mid severity level accidents thanks to them. Also when I was a toddler my mom was in a severe crash with a big rig and shattered a femur. Both me and my older sister who is 30 don’t know how to drive. It was fine at first because I lived in a city where public transit was alright but now I live in the south where the transit is a fucking joke and I rely on my kind roommates to drive me around it’s very embarrassing but they get my anxiety around driving.
No. 632876
>>632837I don't know if I'll ever be able to drive either. Of course it would be nice to feel more independent, but I'm fine using public transport. I just… don't really trust myself. I know that I can space out sometimes or randomly get confused and it would be terrible if that happened while I was driving, so I just stay away from it. I don't know why it's so important that
everyone is supposed to drive a car, isn't it better to know your weaknesses and spare the rest of the world of your bad driving?
No. 632916
>>632913Only my boobs.
I always tried to ask my doctor about it but she said that it wasn't the bc fault and that I should continue to take it or take a different kind. But this isn't normal, right? My friend is also on birth control and her chest dtayed the same…
I just really hate how my boobs look right now and want them to go back to their original size.
No. 632965
>>632912I just woke up and my dumbass thought you were talking about menstrual cups at first and wondering how your pussy can get so wide so fast and also which brand comes in so many sizes.
I'm not a scrote I swear
No. 632999
>>632886People act like this about amazon aswell, apparently Jeff could end world hunger tomorrow if he wanted? Treats staff poorly etc. I still order stuff off of amazon when I can't find a better alternative cost wise. I'm broke lol. It's your money, your purchase and she doesn't get to control where other peoples money goes.
People like that have such an issue with the basic concept of 'you can't control the actions of others, you can only control your own'
No. 633006
>>63299 of course junkies are gross, that's why society rejects them. But they go online to hugbox each other just like any group based on escapism and self-delusion (see: genderspecials, anachans)
get off the corner of the internet where junkies are circlejerking each other and take a nap or look at clouds or something
No. 633083>>633096>>633105>>633109
>>633034Young women who are mentally ill
I also don't believe anons who claim to be successful business owners who make six figures and are super hot
No. 633101
>>632902 said, but the opposite. She's a pussy ass bitch who seethes and retweets shit instead of talking things out. The conversation began and ended with her "Ew, why?", and she made that decision.
It means she'll RT more posts, be kind of passive aggressive and then get over it with time. Play your game and don't even bother worrying. If she bugs you about it, just stare at her until she gets embarrassed and relents.
No. 633115>>633119
>>633096Most farmers haven't been doing it lately but I've definitely seen anons claim they go on expensive vacation several times a year, buy large houses in new york and LA, claim they're doctors and have maids, then again it's just an internet thing with stretching the truth because men on other sides of the internet can be worse about lying about who they are in real life.
>Anons don't claim they're hotWe're really going to pull this again?
No. 633119>>633246
>>633115I have seen anons say things like they have well-off families/significant others, they're in med school, or have well-paying jobs
all of which are believable imo but I've literally never seen a single anon claim their a super successful attractive woman. I feel like if someone did they would just get told off, cause why would someone like that be here.
No. 633172>>633204
>>632761that means you're impressionable or open-minded, which isn't terrible. maybe start with one issue and read arguments from both sides? now is a terrible time to get into politics if you're American, kek.
>>633034probably varies by board usage, i think a lot of anons come mostly for offtopic boards vs. those here for cows. i assume higher rates of mental illness, autism, and time spent online. Most users are from western countries. Definitely some edgelords and women who aren't feminists but see through sjw bullshit. I know on the flip side, there are also twitter migrants, hopefully they intergrate.
No. 633202>>633248>>633287
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Which boroughs of london have the largest population of rich old white people? or just rich white people in general?
pic unrelated
No. 633204>>633395
>>633172I was
>>632761, thx for answer. Yeah Im impressionable. To defend myself a little I noticed that most people seem to be, they are just able to settle on something (which is good at least).
Like, my friend annoys me lately because I realized all his opinions/phrases/topics of conversation come from his online political echo chamber. Sometimes I agree w/ what they're saying but I am unable to "settle" and call myself (label) because I find issues with everything.
It's like im impressionable but never able to commit. Fucking sad smh. You're right though I'm American and feels like shit man lol everything sucks
I know a good amount about politics and know enough arguments I just… can't decide cause Im dumb
No. 633340
>>633329They get banned but that doesn't mean it's not happening, June thread gets braggers, camgirl threads, photoshop threads and so on. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The most recent example I can recall is when an anon bragged about how she had perky triple D's in the June thread a few days ago
>But she got banned and anons chewed her outIt still happened regardless of how everyone reacted
No. 633725>>633727>>633728>>633733
>>633705You talking about the 'lets all kill ourselves' thread that stayed up for hours? Lol
I typed out a long post about my past struggles and how I am now not struggling with those thoughts anymore. Thread got deleted before I could post it. I probably would've been ripped to bits for essentially saying the old 'it gets better/this too shall pass' line anyway.
No. 633753>>633756>>633758
>>633745I lose all sympathy when these poor 'suicidal anons' start telling perfectly happy women to join them in their sense of doom. That is just too sus to me..
I've been there in the past, never dragged another woman down with me. They can fuck off with that shit
No. 633768
>>633766Yes, we've seen it before. They always make a thread first and when it's deleted they spill out onto other threads
The fucking deja vu I have
No. 633925>>633945
>>633921>>633921In my personal experience, I have to add like 3 pounds of salt
exaggeration but it's a lot more than what I have to use with fresh pasta to get dried pasta to take on the flavor. With fresh pasta it's a lot easier.
No. 633931>>633935>>633946>>633955
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I don’t get American politics and no amount of information I read about it helps me understand them. Can someone explain to a non-burger what the fuck is going on and why the fuck is going on?
No. 633935
>>633932I don't personally put oil in mine, but anon asked.
>>633931I mean shit where do we even start
No. 633945
>>633925that's mainly due to the flavor difference between the two but you don't need to be adding it anyway during cooking.
>>633900 don't use oil, it ruins how the pasta will interact with the sauce. just gently stir when you put pasta in and a little throughout.
No. 633985>>633996>>634036>>634093
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>>633976>>633976Nta, I’m also curious about that, and why are Americans desperate for Biden, like, who is that guy even? What is his position? Why is he an option? What could happen if trump wins? And what are the plans of Biden if he wins and becomes the new president?
No. 633988
>>633976The capitalist communist left not right but definitely left became lucrative online in the past two years. Put up a Patreon, shit out a podcast, post hourly word salad to your Twitter feed.
None of it is real and it's slowly falling apart as all fads do.
No. 633996
>>633985The other anons already answered the other one, but Joe Biden was Obama's Vice president. We want him cause Bernie Sanders dropped out and he's the current best option. Our only candidates are Trump and Biden. If Trump gets re-elected he probably won't do shit, cause he barely did anything during his current term. If Trump gets re-elected he won't be eligible as president after that cause someone can only be president for 2 terms (8 years). I feel like your other questions can be answered by googling Joe Biden and reading his wikipedia page. It talks about his campaign and everything.
This is a page from his website,'s biased obviously, but it tells you what he has promised if he becomes president.
No. 634019>>634024
>>632831I was 30 before my dad said it. He's still never written it in a card. I'll frame it if he ever does!
I don't think its normal or healthy
No. 634025>>634028>>634029
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Is it just me or did facebook make it so you can't view pages unless you have a facebook account??
I tried to view my gyms and tattoo artists page bit can't, it says I need to log in to see it but they were all public like two weeks ago
No. 634055>>634058>>634066>>634085
>>634036Why do people hate Trump so much though?
I get that he's a bad president but all American presidents for the past 20 years have been bad. I don't get how he's any worse than Bush or Obama. How is voting for senile old white man that sniffs children going to make the situation any better?
No. 634085
This has to be bait.
No. 634095>>634096>>634099
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Is r/Vindicta just pickme-ism under the guise of the idea of being a femme fatale?
No. 634096>>634099
With a heavy dose of BDD.
No. 634123>>634132>>634141>>634152
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How much does a woman's appearance effect a her life chances/opportunities available to her?
No. 634190>>634192>>634194>>634199
>>634170You know why, let's play hangman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No. 634203>>634210>>634211
>>634199 _________
|/ |
>>634202Bingo! One kiss for u
No. 634210
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>>634203Yay, let's make another one
No. 634220
>>634211So every place they go can feel like a safespace with no wrongthink and control the narrative it's a normal disorder, as if any disorder means normal. Silence the discussion or argument before people start to make an opposing opinion with differing thought.
I find it sad a lot of the internet has become a one version of thought per place rather than many areas of discussion.
No. 634229
>>634216Interesting, I wonder if it’s a common lockdown experience. That makes a lot of sense
>>634217Yeah I think it’s bordering on being anxiety provoking, too soon to consider it to be serious though. I love the effects but hate feeling like I have so much to do as a bare minimum and get upset if I miss out shit
>>634218It’s cliche as fuck but mainly medical history and the way people used to cope with death. I’m compiling a list of megalithic burial sites to visit when this is all over
No. 634254>>634255>>634256>>634259>>634269
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How tf do I respond to this? I don't know this guy,he slid into my DMs after I posted a selfie on a chat.
No. 634262
>>634261>>634259>>634255Thanks for the advice queens.
>>634256Idk anon, that's a good question.
No. 634309>>634706
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>>634304I only watched a vid of his because I just couldn't believe someone who makes a career with their face on it looks so unhygienic. Cookie cutter personality and editing.
No. 634388>>634426
>>634141This is bullshit, even hard STEM is saturated to fuck at this point and unless you live in like… Iran or some shit, appearance or gender doesn't matter that much, especially since most HR are women.
Anyone who praises STEM to high heavens online, especially computer scientists and software engineers, should automatically be assumed to be a scrote who barely coasted by on mediocre grades and bragged to everyone how he'll get a six-figure starting salary and how much smarter he is than everyone, only to end up working at a shitty mobile app startup for peanuts or outperformed by some Indian from a degree mill in Calcutta.
>>634334Many people are retraining themselves nowadays due to demand shifts and you have as high of a chance of getting a job in STEM as anyone else in the West.
No. 634393
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>>634379It is politically charged actually, left wing specifically (opposite of the whole "Don't tread on me" thing)
picrel is when it started, which was like June, by some white guy.
So while it's a common phrase in aave, it's literally not one of the "aave-only" things, I've heard plenty of white people say it (not even on aave) and I dunno why your friend wants to say it but it's probably not for reasons listed by
>>634384 No. 634407
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>>634382looked for one and could only find this >>707531 and I think she's been mentioned in the tradthot thread before. surprised she doesn't have her own thread since there's a lengthy one on kiwi farms
No. 634417
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Came back to insta and one of the people I followed–puppyspit I think was their handle at the time-had passed away. Does anyone know what happened?
No. 634427
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What are some cool sites/apps/games(though i'm not much of a gaymur) that are exclusive to PC that I can frequent on my new laptop? I kinda get bored of lolcow and facebook
No. 634434>>634435>>634436>>634458
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Is it weird that this picture disgusts me?
No. 634441
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>>634426No? That was my first post in weeks and I mostly lurk. The situation is not that bad (even though it's getting worse, as these things do over time), I'm just saying that everyone who brags about STEM being better and looks down on other majors is usually a self-important scrote who likes the smell of his own farts and identifies as an INTJ. The person I replied to said hard STEM is the only place where you can succeed as a woman if you're not attractive, which is patently untrue.
If anything, you seem quite pressed that I have this opinion. Do you feel called out by my post or something? Sorry your job is the only thing you can brag about, must be hard to live with a micropenis
No. 634590>>634594
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What’s the name of this hairstyle?
No. 634655
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>>634304Less charismatic WillNE clone. Although, I did find his drama with Nikocado Avocado pretty entertaining.
No. 634752
>>634748I can't tell whether she means 'help' with her hands or by having some sort of mutual fun.. but my ex pulled that shit where he had me pulling/sucking him off most nights while I just went without an orgasm for the longest time.
I was an idiot, whether he was tired or not, whether he had work early in the morning or not..none of it mattered. We had a one sided sex life 90 percent of the time and I was a fool to ever accept it
No. 634805>>634808>>634818
>>634801>body count is somewhere in the 50snot judging, but gahdamn.
>>634799It's not high. Don't worry about it anon, just be safe.
No. 634818>>634824
>>634806>>634805>>634801>>634800Thanks y'all. That makes me feel so much better, genuinely.
I found this bullshit article ( when I was 18 and it freaked me out so much, and it was only recently that I learned it's from some Christian nonsense.
No. 634828>>634849
>>634799As long as you're safe about it I don't anyone cares.
With that said, why are scrotes obsessed with this kinda shit? They always keep pushing the "used up" shit
No. 634838>>634856
>>634831Same! I don't know my number, I probably lost count when I was only at around ten. I have memories of meeting up with guys where I don't remember if I actually went through and had sex with them (I wasnt drunk)
Someone asked me lately if I'd ever fucked an asian man and I remember meeting a guy off a hookup app but I don't know if we did, maybe we just did foreplay stuff. I don't know anybodies names. A handful stand out for being hung or just fun to talk with afterwards.
No. 634849>>634851
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>>634828I think it's a mix of things like possessiveness, seeing women as objects and a purity complex. I find it a bit weird because they do not hold themselves to the same standard.
Pic kind of related, on a thread about OP being
victim of revenge porn and her current boyfriend being traumatized by it because his dick is smaller, there are some comments like these saying that it hurts them to think about their gfs with other men. I truly don't get it.
No. 634856>>634861>>634862>>634864>>634866>>634942
>>634801>>634826>>634831>>634838what the fuck that is so much sex
is this normal for other women? why would you do that?
t. absolutely shocked virgin
No. 634861
>>634856Same. I don’t think I even know 30 people.
Then again getting sex from men is fucking easy
No. 634866>>634870>>634873>>634886
>>634856Anon idk hot to break it you but a lot of extroverted normalfags, men and women, in the west break 3 digits or come close to it easily by their late 20's.
I don't think promiscuity should be encouraged simply because men don't deserve effortless sex but fucking 50 guys once isn't more sex than fucking your boyfriend 50 times.
No. 634886>>634887>>634892
>>634862i've had two relationships, both were serious/long term and we never fucked
the concept of hookups is already foreign and bizarre to me and i didn't know it was such a common normie thing
>>634866>fucking 50 guys once isn't more sex than fucking your boyfriend 50 timesyeah but it's wild to me that you can find that many attractive men to fuck and it's also dangerous
>>634873is it not true then? because that's actually frightening kek
No. 634894>>634947>>634973>>634990>>635891
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Hey idk where else to ask on the interwebs so perhaps lolcow can help me out?
My dream is to be an artist, but I really don't want to be a twitter/instagram artist that draws anime and furries or meyoccos or something, I really want to try and be someone who gets into galleries and does it more on that side of art
How do I start? What should I do? Should I get an instagram? I don't use any social media at all and to be frank I rather avoid all of them
No. 634906
>>634892these relationships were when i was 17-21 and i didn't feel ready for it, i'm 22 now and honestly still don't feel ready but also kinda want to get it over with
i bought into the christfag marriage meme for so long but i've given up on that whole idea of life, men don't deserve marriage or any amount of commitment
No. 634942
>>63485642 bodycount anon here.
Basically, I’m good looking (ik ik men will fuck anything, but makes it easier), but shit at actual dating bc I’m emotionally stunted, have insane social anxiety unless I’ve had a few drinks and am just pretty fucked up in general. Being physically intimate with someone is way easier for me than being emotionally intimate. Having no impulse control probably also plays a part in it.
Also I usually have phases, like once I slept with 6 different people in a month, but then might go a few months without it.
No. 634990
>>634894I'm friends with several fine artists. They definitely do a lot of what
>>634973 says; it's good advice. If you don't want to maintain an instagram, at least have a website, even if it's just on tumblr. Aside from that, submit to galleries or group shows with open calls, and talk to the people you meet at these events. One of my friends sells a ton of her paintings by setting up at art fairs; they're great even for no-names/small-names.
No. 635020
>>635008I wish it came naturally to me. I'm always in my head ruminating over shitty feelings, daydreaming sounds nice.
>>635011thank u anon
No. 635080>>635082
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What to do with eyes hurting a day after exessive crying? They're not puffy anymore, I had a normal amount of rest during the night but they still hurt and I can't focus on work… why can't one just have a breakdown without consequences?
No. 635257>>635263>>635827>>635855
I need your presence, anons. Has any man ever pretended to have and a relationship with you, sexual or otherwise, with you having no idea?
I just found out a fucking weasel at work has been implying for months to other coworkers that we have sex together—not just male coworkers, but female as well. He worked on a small team on the shift after mine and he told the women in that team. I only know he told them because they treated me pretty poorly and I couldn’t understand why, I remember I had to pick something up under a shelf while we were all in a lab freezer and they both called me a slut and said that’s the position I love to be in. It was weird (I’m gay, have never discussed my sexuality or personal life at work nor have I ever hooked up with anyone I work with) but I couldn’t put the pieces together until now. A couple months ago he also transferred on to my shift. He tried to come on to me a few times but I didn’t think anything of it and he was the farthest thing from my mind, I’m so irked. I found out because I finally made my first friend at work, I’m not bitchy but I’m really reserved because I hate workplace drama and avoid the extra stress. The new friend is gay and has a husband, when he found out I was a lesbian he got kind of startled and invited me to lunch. He told me about how it started out with the weasel coworker during the guys smoke breaks before his shift saying he started hooking up with a girl from our shift, that she was ‘a really private person’ so he wasn’t going to say who it was, and would vaguely describe my appearance basically. It became a whole big thing among the guys apparently as time went on and he switched to our shift. I’ve barely spoken to this guy outside of a small talk context, he would come to my section occasionally but I can’t even recall the things we’ve spoken about, yet he told all the guys we have a secret relationship! I’m kind of freaked out honestly.
No. 635274>>635283
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How do I know if the hairstyle I have is actually flattering/suits me? My hair used to be rather frizzy and dry, but fairly poofy and fluffy. I got a keratin treatment recently and I initially hated it since now it's really flat and straight (especially since Kibbe says I'm supposed to have fluffy hair), but I've gotten a lot of compliments on it ,but idk if that's because people aren't used to seeing it so they just compliment it, today and I've grown to sorta like it
No. 635283
>>635274I've also looked into Kibbe but I feel like most people can't recognize what looks good or seperate on someone unless it looks really, really bad. Also it may just looked healthier to other people now that it's really flat and straight instead of frizzy and dry and that's why you're getting compliments but that doesn't automatically mean that's your best hairstyle.
Idk take this with a grain of salt though
No. 635311>>635328
>>635277Anons please be careful with topamax if you already have an ED. I had bulimia, was prescribed topamax to stop the binging, and developed anorexia instead. I became a full fledged anachan and lost 30 pounds by eating ~400 calories a day. It was the best drug ever at the time like
>>635287 said but it led to the worst grades I’ve ever had in my life, the worst relationship with my family, and a shit ton of money for ED recovery because of my rapid massive weight loss.
Topamax also makes you retarded. You won’t be able to spell the most basic words. In my case, I forgot how to spell “rose”. I also had a time where I forgot how to spell “electricity” on an engineering test and had to find somewhere that it was typed on the test so I could copy it. Great times.
I really can’t recommend this drug as it ruined my life for a while. If you’re perfectly mentally healthy with no ED it might work though.
No. 635315
>>635307My experience was being a tradthot pickme that used to lurk 4chan. Once I found an imageboard that's both female-centric and honest
(plus troon-free), I stopped going to shitty incel cesspools once I got used to lf.
No. 635322>>635344
>>635310Does he not know your age? If so then maybe he thinks you're more of a peer and feels comfortable calling you a girl, but since you're friends with his parents I'd assume he's well aware.
Regardless of whether he knows or not, he seems like a little shithead to be "joking" with a coworker like that. In a customer service role you'd typically never want to refer to someone as a girl, you'd just say, "Please move out of the customer's way." Referring to age/gender at all is risky in this day and age, though some might say "lady's way" as in politely calling customers ladies and gentleman. I rarely expect teenagers to have any sense of decorum though.
No. 635344
>>635322 > Referring to age/gender at all is risky in this day and ageI'm a very um.. lesbian looking lesbian so yeah there's an added bit of risk with gendering me lol
I think he must know my rough age. I'm not renting, I bought the house nextdoor about two years ago so that should indicate the life stage I'm at. Scrotes being scrotes I guess.
No. 635352
>>635307I´m mostly into laughing at bad art, I got into Kiwi farms when people were finding out about woke art and someone made a thread gathering those. I kept lurking for a long time and got more and more involved into cow-related stuff.
Then I found Lolcow for the Holly Brown thread and the rest is history.
No. 635363>>635389>>635390
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Who is the person in Anna K's twitter profile pic?
No. 635369
>>635307I was a regular on 4chan when I was a teenager (2005ish), well before /cgl/ was even added. I mostly stayed on /a/ and it wasn't as terrible back then. There weren't as many other boards and true misogynistic shitposting was mainly kept to /b/.
I found a lot of good anime from /a/ and the imageboard medium is just home to me. Reddit's posting style has always confused me and now I'm
too old to learn anything else.
No. 635425
>>635365Turning 30 really solidified it for me that 'girl' doesn't sit right anymore and it's even a bit jarring to hear it.
But tbh by the age of 30 I was already married, divorced, had buried a parent, had bought my first house… I hadn't been a girl in a long time.
I wonder if young women with kids lose the term sooner?
No. 635439>>635447>>635455
>>635424What do you mean? It's not abnormal to hit puberty or start your period or whatever at that age. Unless you mean kids are acting way too grown, which is true.
>>635365ayrt, I don't think people say "girl" to mean young or anything. An anon actually posted about this in the unpopular opinion thread yesterday, but girl just sounds more casual and slang-like. It's like saying "guys" I guess. As a black person, it's actually pretty common so hear stuff like "giiirl, did you see what happened yesterday" or whatever.
No. 635449>>635510
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>>635443At the top of the thread you'll see a little minus sign, click it to hide the thread
No. 635455>>635458
>>635439It didn’t used to be normal. My brother is taller than me and has a deep ass man voice and he’s 10. It’s fucking weird as shit. I remember my older brother when he was 10. I didn’t hit puberty until 14 myself, which is maybe a little late
I don’t know how to act around my brothers now. There’s one younger who’s clearly hitting puberty. I want to roughhouse and play with them and talk to them like the little kids they are but they don’t look like kids
No. 635456>>635471
>>635454Actually it was likely
toxic shock syndrome fear. Especially around the 80s, a lot of moms were raised to be scared of TSS.
No. 635465>>635477>>635493>>635509
Help please. I've always been conflicted about my sexuality and I recently found this long article about 'compulsory heterosexuality' and now I'm more confused than ever. It states that people who experience the following might be gay and I can relate to these:
- I like getting attention from men and being validated in my attractiveness, but the moment it goes from attention to an interaction (i.e. from flirting to asking out) I start panicking.
- Only/mostly being attracted to unattainable, disinterested, or fictional guys or guys you never or rarely interact with. (Such as teachers, married or older men, and men that live far away)
- Thinking you’re commitmentphobic because no relationship, no matter how great the guy, feels quite right and you drag your feet when it comes time to escalate it
- Being around guys that are interested in me gives me intense anxiety.
- Feeling weirdly guilty and uncomfortable in locker rooms etc., when your female friends are less clothed than they normally would be around men and being more careful not to look than they are
Some other things: My sexual fantasies have almost always been about men (mostly of the fictional kind but I had a couple of times when I fantasized about men I actually know). Only rapey, hetero porn gets me off. I tried watching lesbian porn, but I don't enjoy it and I find it weird. I think women's bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at, but I don't find them exciting in a sexual way. I was raised by a narcissistic mother who never respected my boundaries and instilled the concept in me than women have to serve men and sex is always a humiliating experience for women that they have to endure. When I was young, she told me lots of stories where men abused or raped women in the most detailed way possible. She also walked around in the house without clothes or walked in on me when I was having a shower. I was raised without male influence and did not like to hang out with boys when I was a kid because I found them crude and they bullied me. When I was in high school and college, everyone always assumed I was gay (which I found hilarious) because I never hung out with guys and did not date because the idea of it gave me massive anxiety. Actually I very rarely interacted with people of any sex because of my social anxiety. I'm not sure about the last bullet point. I went on a trip last year with my female best friend and I accidently walked in on her changing her clothes and I just..I felt really weird about it, I couldn't decide if this was weird because she's half naked or this is normal because she's a woman and I'm a woman and we have the same body so it shouldn't be weird at all??? I don't know how to put this…
Random stuff: super muscular, manly men scare the fuck out of me. I like Asian men, but not the overly feminine ones. I also always have had this feeling that men have something in them that is innately…evil or violent or I'm not sure…like I could never fully 100% trust them.
So basically how do I know if I'm a closeted lesbian or just a socially anxious, commitment phobic straight who was raised in an emotionally incestuous family with an absent father figure and therefore never learned how to relate to men? Sorry for the novel
No. 635477>>635493>>635504
>>635465>I think women's bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at, but I don't find them exciting in a sexual wayCongrats, you're not gay. Wanting to fuck/be fucked by women is essential to being les or bi. Hope that helps at least a bit.
The hangups (including those around women) seem to be products of your upbringing, though I'm no expert on that. Best of luck, anon. I'm sorry it was like that for you.
No. 635493>>635504
>>635465Agreed with
>>635477. Don't overthink it anon, if you don't want to have sex with women then you're straight.
No. 635795
>>635670The fact that you have nothing going on in your life means that you are inherently uninteresting. Sorry.
>>635775Whichever method you choose, you have to replace it with something. Take up knitting or embroidery to deal with the urge to do something with your hands.
No. 635821
>>635816tbh it's kind of like trolling/bullying where it only works if they give a negative reaction, so if someone apologizes profusely that's blood in the water for people to keep putting pressure on about it and now every little thing will be nitpicked over to get another "victory" out of them, but if they just ignore it the angry mob doesn't get the satisfaction of getting a concession out of them so move on
it's why ironically the more left wing you are the more likely you are to get "cancelled" since you're more likely to beg and plead for forgiveness for suggesting a story where a fictional black character you just invented does farm work but no one gives a fuck about Mark Wahlberg literally smashing a random asian man in the head with a rebar while screaming vietnam fucking shit because he's a right winger who just says god forgave him and ignores comments about it
No. 635827
>>635257That's such a slimy fucking move. Could you report it to HR? Is there some kind of Slack/group chat where you can outright announce that he's been lying?
Something similar (but much milder) happened to me at my old job. There was this guy who was nice and quiet, though when he talked to me I could tell he was working up towards asking me out. During a meeting with our department, I announced I was resigning, and everyone
immediately looked at the guy, who turned bright red.
I went on vacation leave for a week, then upon return I started to backread my department's group chat. At one point, said guy asked who had the file for such-and-such, to which a coworker replied "Your girlfriend does." (I had the file on hand). Guy doesn't deny this, instead replied with a ":)". I felt extremely grossed out and stopped talking to him. I considered telling HR upon my exit interview, but figured it wasn't a serious enough case. I think your story qualifies, though, because it's pretty clearly sexual harassment. Sorry you have to go through this.
No. 635855>>635861
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>>635257anon I feel for you so much, something similar happened to me at work but luckily he was SUCH a huge liar that he lied about everyone else too and we all got fed up and collectively had him fired. it fucking sucks that all the women you work with are believing his bullshit. in your case I honestly think having your gay friend back you up and putting this dude on blast might be the best course of action. idk I guess it depends on your workplace culture as well as how willing you are to out yourself as gay to your coworkers. very firmly letting everyone know that the rumors are untrue, inappropriate, and unprofessional, and just plain laughable do to your lack of interaction with your coworker and lack of attraction to men could give you the power in this situation. fuck, people are so shitty, I'm sorry you're going through this, anon, I really am.
No. 635891
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I have a denim skirt that keeps riding up like this when I walk, it doesn't really move up much but it always creases a lot like this. It's not so bad that it exposes too much or anything but a huge crease looks ugly. Is there anything I can do to stop this? If I cut slits in the sides, or if I take in the bottom so it's more fitted will it stop?
>>634894I don't think you need social media at all. You could go to a gallery and try to find a friendly artist who will tell you what to do. A lot of older men artists are nice (of course older women artists must be nice too but I haven't met many sadly… hmmm…) and will surely help you if you listen to their life story in return (be prepared to listen for at least 2 hours). There might be some sort of DIY galleries if you can find near you, in my city there is one gallery where they will cover your expenses for transporting art to the gallery in an effort to raise recognition of smaller artists and my friend told me of a gallery where you just have to bring snacks and drinks and artwork and you can have an exhibition there. There might be similar places in your city or near you as well. Just make sure to have enough art for an exhibition.
Of course it also helps a lot to sell your paintings to other people or to gift or loan paintings to small shops or restaurants and leave your contact info with them if anyone asks about your painting. I don't know how this works though, but I know of it.
No. 635894>>635895>>635896>>635900>>635914>>635986
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I know zilch about genetics so please bare with me
How does it happen that sometimes two very attractive parents have a really ugly kid? It's way more baffling to me than average/ugly parents having a beautiful child. Also I feel really sorry for such children, I knew a girl who had extremely low self esteem because of it and at some point she even thought she was adopted
No. 635896>>635968
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How do I stop seeking validation? I'm well aware that I do it and it's annoying as fuck but idk how to stop.
>>635894Genetic recombination is a bitch. Pic rel is Zendaya's parents
No. 635897>>635902>>635905
>>635895Genetics are wired and sometimes the genetics of the whole family comes into play, e.g my father is 5'7 but comes from a family where most men are 6+, my mom is 5'3 and comes from a family where pretty much everyone is short
I ended up shorter then my mom, my sister is 5'8 and my brother is inch taller then her, like it's weird
No. 635898
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>>635895This. Genetics are unpredictable
No. 635900>>635901
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>>635894Genetics are funny like that.
No. 635919>>635976
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>>635914no anon, I think Luca is beautiful, but Ani best girl
No. 635968>>640553
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>>635905>>635905>>635896Cameron Boyce with both of his parents
No. 635973>>636462
>>635969In messenger I put them as spam but they're also in a group chat and everytime i open that chat, messenger will ask me "do you want to ignore this chat" wich is really annoying.
So I just have to talk to them and they'll be put out of spam?
Thanks for the help anon, facebook is such a hassle
No. 635986
>>635894If it makes you feel any better, looks can change a LOT during your lifetime so if you look bad now, this might not be the case later.
My parents looked nice enough but as a kid I was really hairy, dark and legit ugly. I had massive bulging eyes, a unibrow, a mustache, a massive crooked nose and big ears, and my whole mouth area was just really unfortunate. Adults asked me to my face if I was the product of an affair or some adopted gypsy kid (my parents are white), I legit looked like the guy from that Aladdin Ngawur meme video and people thought I was a boy with a bad bowl cut. The only good thing about it was that I was so ugly and masculine rapey men left me alone.
As a toddler I was kinda cute and then it all went downhill until my mid-20s when my face became more proportionate again. Most people who knew me back then legit can't recognise me anymore.
No. 635992>>635996>>636557
>>635983red flag, most likely what
>>635990 is saying and you don't want to be anyone's side girl and you don't want anyone to be embarassed of you which are literally the only explanations. confront him and let us know what he says because i'm curious now
No. 636014>>636024>>636028
>>633955Our government said the same thing and even now there's no mask laws, they only released a "recommendation" to wear one on public transport like last week. In some neigbhoring countries like Sweden their strategy was literally "just let it spread and people will develop immunity".
Out here all the power is with multi-party coalitions and not one powerful president, so people don't make these crazy accusations like "the prime minister single handedly killed those people that caught it" like they do in America. With the American public's weird rebel attitude towards refusing to wear one for their own protection or avoid crowds, do they really believe that, or is it just aggressive partisan political blaming?
No. 636062
>>634882I don't know if effeminate is the right word, they are stereotyped as dramatic and arrogant, which runs counter to the "strong, hard working silent type" thing that's considered the male ideal in some of the other cultures nearby (where expressing yourself is considered a mostly-female field). Arrogance paired with machismo can definitely come across pretty "
No. 636094
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>>636059Same boat, anon…. How do ppl make online friends?
No. 636172>>636188>>636209>>636221>>636236
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How do I get into sewing? I want to quit fast fashion and learn how to mend clothing, but idk where to start. Would I start with a sewing project and try to make something that doesn't require much fabric? What should I first try to make?
No. 636250
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>>636240Second this anon. Maybe consider neutering him also, I know it works for me when my man misbehaves.
No. 636365>>636430
>>636360The caffeine might be a bit much.. but then I probably drink that much black coffee daily..
Do you use a good whitening toothpaste? lol
No. 636430>>636432>>636473
>>636365No I have good enamel I guess. I use the whitening strips every couple months
>>636409Tea is mostly water thoughhh aaa I just like how it tastes
No. 636608>>636611>>636612>>636613>>636617>>636622>>636683>>636845>>636857>>636900
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found this in his DMs with his ex a while ago and been telling myself it’s a joke.
please be honest anons, did he cheat or could she be just joking? perhaps he’d have a stronger reaction to this if it was serious seeing as he hates kids
No. 636615>>636621>>636896
>>636611it’s his typing style
>>636613is that a yes or
No. 636621>>636845
>>636615Same OP as here
>>636613. I don't know if he cheated, anon. He types like a literal retard. That being said, why are you going through his phone? Clearly you can't trust him for some reason.
No. 636845>>636877
>>636613>>636621>I firmly believe that if you feel the need to go through someone's phone then it's time to break up. not OP and maybe I'm too lenient but unless the reason for distrust is coming from the current relationship, I'd say that looking at somebody's phone because of some past relationship traumas is excusable and not necessarily a reason to immediately break up. Obviously it's not a good thing to do still and should be worked on, still, not immediately a reason to break up.
This said
>>636608 screen reads so weird it has to be a joke of some sort, if there was any legit worry of ex being pregnant with his baby, there's no way he'd just casually ask "when are you going to have a baby" or her responding "why ask", it seriously reads like a shitpost. Also timestamp make it seem like it was a casual convo since this short exchange happened within 2h or even more. I'm curious what the voice messages are about, and while I'm sure I'd be on heightened alert a bit it really doesn't read like proof of cheating.
No. 636979>>637008
>>636959I'll say it again, cute bun!
I feel like black bunnies are underrated, I used to have guinea pigs and mine were rescues but I always noticed that the local pet shop sold out of the light colored pets first and the black guineas and rabbits were always the last to go.
No. 636996>>637002
nonnie, if you don't feel good you can always make up an excuse and leave.
You'll have fun.
No. 637127
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>>636920There are at least 5-7 individual posters in the Finland thread so multiple finnanons are more likely than you think.
No. 637153>>637160
>>637141>Can't I have my cake and eat it too?No, bitch.
I hope you're only approaching bi women who make it clear that they're down for threesomes on Craigslist or Fetlife or something because if you're approaching lesbians on lesbian apps I completely support them going ham on your bitch ass.
No. 637177
>>637170Kek okay, so you don't approach women on apps. What then, a woman tells you she's bi, and you feel out whether or not she'll want to bang you and your cumbrained scrote? Still gross, but have your cake and eat it too. You came here and asked, not sure why you're all
>none of you bitches can stop me!!! now kek.
No. 637261>>637292
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Where can I find pics of average to unattractive women who wear fashion, aside from street snaps in japan?
No. 637410
>>637342I am too dumb to clock larpers, unless it's REALLY obvious ("hey there vagina havers, how big is your bra? I'm a 28DDD")
How do you do it?
No. 637495
>>637494i had some liquid given to me by my gp, but the stuff she gave me stained my teeth..even when using a straw which i don't even understand how that is possible lol, it also had this horrific taste..sigh
i might just order some childrens dose vitamins or something
No. 637501>>637506
>>637493I take a multi called VegVit but idk if it'll be enough iron for you.
At first it would make me puke every time I take it but I've learned to only take it during a meal (like inbetween bites) and that's kept it down. Have you tried that with your supplement?
No. 637524>>637537
>>637516Anon I don’t want to tell you what to do, but I think that’s a really bad idea. Barring his mom messaged you on FB to say he was diagnosed with BPD, got medicated, and is now some perfectly healthy specimen, he’s still the same guy who hurt you and the same guy you left. I get wanting closure, but what would the closure be from him? Saying why he abused you? Do you want to know?
I did contact an
abusive ex once, and it ended up being a mistake because he couldn’t even admit it. Just smiled and was so nice and polite but closed off, and all I got out of it was feeling shitty about myself for thinking I needed anything from someone who could do those things.
No. 637537
>>637524 > did contact an abusive ex once, and it ended up being a mistake because he couldn’t even admit it. Just smiled and was so nice and polite but closed off, and all I got out of it was feeling shittyOoph, I didn't contact my ex but a few weeks after I moved away from him he sent me a teddy bear in the mail (soon followed by more) and he texted me like nothing had ever happened. Total gaslighting shit considering how insanely
abusive he had been. I eventually stopped making retarded polite replies. I realised that given he had moved on to a new girl within a week.. He either didn't want me reaching out to her to tell her stuff or it played on his mind that I could contact police about some of more serious things he had done. Fuck em.
No. 637540>>637549>>637555>>637556
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Saw this Cardcaptor Sakura makeup set as an ad on instagram. I was able to find the exact same thing on Taobao (though it was cheaper through the company on instagram) and I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to buy it as a present for my best friend. The company is prooobably just reselling them from Taobao so I’m worried about the quality and her potentially having a bad reaction to it, but she also posted that she saw the ad and really likes it so I’d love to surprise her with it. What are your thoughts anons?
No. 637549>>637552
>>637540What brand did you see the ad from? Don't buy makeup from taobao, it's too risky. From a quick google search, there are no makeup brands that are currently making Cardcaptor Sakura makeup. A Japanese brand called Bandai did, but it was limited edition and could only be won through lottery. The makeup in your pic looks like a knockoff of the Bandai products.
Does your friend like any other anime? Colourpop has a Sailor Moon collection, Etude House has a Wedding Peach line and Shu Uemera has a Holiday One Piece collection coming soon.
No. 637562>>637984
>>637558Get help, paranoid-chan.
But if it worries you that much, look on google for spying programs and then look in the section with the controllers, then, if something matches the names of what you saw, delete it.
No. 637574
>>637553>>637556Oh sorry should’ve clarified- I saw it on ig first, but since I don’t trust most ig brands selling cutesy stuff like this, I went to taobao to see if they were a possible reseller. Perfect Diary is selling it for a little cheaper than it is on Taobao, but I’m mostly worried that if I bought it from PD, I’d actually be buying something resold from Taobao! I wouldnt be buying it directly from Taobao ahha.
>>637555I know she owns some but I forgot which ones. I wouldve gotten her the necklace from bisoulovely but didn’t have the funds when it was being sold lol. Hopefully I can find something cute on etsy!
No. 637828>>637838>>637842>>637993>>638244>>639229>>639266
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Anyone knows brands that still sell classic earbuds that sound good?
I struggle to get my hands on a pair when I need new ones because the brand (sennheiser) that I used to buy from seems like they drop one by one the classic looking ones, so I'm searching for alternative choices once I can't get these anymore welp
No. 637945
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How does it feels like to live in a penthouse? Are the neighbors from bellow annoying?
if you hypothetically had a tiny dance studio/gym, would it bother your neighbors?
No. 638150
>>638024>>638025What the hell? Does anyone know why it’s not allowed anymore? And thank you for the other site to go on!
>>638028Thank you! I’ll use this to look for other threads!
No. 638168
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is saying born in the wrong decade acceptable now?
because damn the 10s-20s look like they are going to suck ass.
No. 638232
>>638203Yes, people generally call 911 if they hear gunshots.
It depends on the individual. Do they have anyone to check up on them?
Some people aren’t discovered for weeks.
No. 638381>>638391
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Introvert anons, how do you recharge your social battery?
I had to spend my last weekend being social around everyone, and tomorrow I am going to do the same but I still feel socially exhausted which gives me anxiety that I might fuck up. Can't cancel the plans because that would be rude.
No. 638408>>638426
>>638354Reading those comments just confirms the theory that women would like to be friends with men but men are incapable of viewing women as anything other than sex objects.
In my case, I've had some friendships with men where I really wasn't interested at all and they claimed that they weren't either; anyway, all of them ended because they made a move on me. I just don't understand why it's so hard to just be nice and supportive without wanting to fuck every single woman you come across.
No. 638410>>638415
>>638354>can men and women just be friendsI’d be curious to see what the response would be if the question was phrased “can men and women be friends?”
I think men are interpreting the question literally as trying to be platonic with a woman they’ve already pursued romantically. “Let’s JUST be friends” is usually used after rejection imo
No. 638426
>>638408I dont either. I had crushes on some friends and still managed to keep being friends because i wasnt out and i knew it wouldnt work out, it really is not that hard even when youre attracted to women. Even gay men can somehow not want to fuck every single guy they come in contact with and be friends with straight guys, so the testosterone and biology excuse is bullshit.
Also its depressing how they will end up liking any woman just for the fact shes a woman and at arms reach, its like they wont ever like you for your personality or character, you can work to be sweet and caring or be a complete bitch and they will make a move regardless.
This is why i get so annoyed when men whine about how they have no support from friends while women do. Its not just because were women, its because we can be friends with 50% of the population without fucking it up because we can keep it in our pants and we seek out more varied friendships beyond other dudebros.
No. 638450
>>638442I think it’s like a thing they just do, it’s the same in Ethiopia, women will try to sound like Alvin at any moment they can, even if their regular voices are beautiful.
It’s probably like “hey, my family has always been talking like this, I will follow suit”
I even asked someone I was friends with like “bruh, why?” And she told me that it was just like that.
No. 638468>>638505
>>638460 King XL (I think murica calls it California King?)
Absolutely the best investment ever.
No. 638505
>>638462>>638468You anons are making this harder, lol
Thanks though, I love you guys
No. 638508>>638510
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How do I make myself feel comfortable in social settings? Everytime I am with people I get super-self conscious and can't help but notice how stiff and awkward I am compared to everyone else. Also my mind becomes empty and I literally cannot think of a word to say in the conversation, almost like as if I was dissociating
No. 638510
>>638508First of all, you might actually be dissociating in those situations, kek. Not a bad thing, just something to be aware of.
When you notice yourself being stiff and tense, take a deep breath and unclench, release the tension. Try to ground yourself by breathing and looking around, at the people and your surroundings. Maybe start by talking and sticking to the person you went with, and if you're at a place alone, just do your thing. People probably aren't paying attention to you. It's really hard to accept, and as much as I've improved with this from my crippling social anxiety before (seriously, selective mutism and panic attacks levels of social anxiety) those feelings are still there…I just kinda. Do shit anyways. Does that make sense? The phrase is so cringey, but "fake it til you make it" does have at least a little bit of credence as you work your way through your anxieties a little at a time. Best of luck. Always remember that you're probably not the only one having a bad time.
No. 638571>>638575>>638577>>638578>>638688
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How do I become a Stacy and stop being such a loser?
No. 638578
>>638571Work out or at least don't eat like you've never seen food, stay clean and wash your hair, get with the trends concerning clothes (or just dress whatever makes you feel comfortable and stylish), take care of your skin, get friends (or just try to find people with common hobbies), and GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.
I found that just going out even by yourself makes people curious about you and want to approach you. Also fake it till you make it. Show that you're confident, stand tall, look forwards, and look approachable. It's hard at first but it pays off.
No. 638688
>>6385711. Get lobotomy
2. Get rid of any ounce of dignity you had
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!
No. 638710
While not my boyfriend, but rather a guy who I have a crush on, I feel like if he is "too normie and into wholesome-ness" to enjoy anonymous boards or cow culture without feeling upset, and will probably get scared to know what kind of stuff I post here given that 4chan is the most popular board. So I try to avoid the subject all together and just show him the memes I find here kek.
No. 638712>>638800
>>638706He didn't like the gender critical and pink pill threads.
I also got a bit extreme with my politics when I first found the website. I am considerably more critical of TRAs and men now but not as bad as I was the first time around.
No. 638730
>>638676lmao istg majority of non-lesbian PP farmers all have bf, looks like we aren’t lonely femcels
yeah my bf is gender crit and he knows about my man hating ways but it just makes him feel special to get picked by me
No. 638738
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>>638676Not exactly. I call it my “girl-forum”, and he never asks questions lol.
No. 638741
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Is there like an unwritten rule to what is an acceptable time range for answering text messages?
No. 638742>>638750
>>638676Yes but my bf is not an internet faggot like dudes his age, he doesn’t go on reddit or 4chan or sns. The only online interaction he gets is from game pugs. A bit of a himbo really. I explained it’s an imageboard for women and he just said oh cool I hope you find a best friend anon lol
Anyway, I’ve just been casually slipping pink pills into our conversations and he agrees with a lot of it. Nigel in training if you will.
No. 638765>>638839
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>>638676He does, he's too scared to post or even lurk himself but he sometimes like to look at cow threads with me. His favorite is momokun because ya'll are so mean lol. The current thread pic (the drawanon one) sends him into a laughing fit every time he sees it.
Also the lowcow inn thread cheered him up a lot.
No. 638791>>638796>>638798>>638813>>639019>>639023>>639077>>639081
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Why do some people (typically men) get so assblasted about shipping? I keep seeing spergouts that basically amount to "reee why can't two people be friends!?"
Do they think that it's the same people shipping literally everything? There's an entire category of tag on ao3 for platonic pairings. If there was a war on friendship going on, that wouldn't exist. Not to mention the fact that if a ship isn't canon, it's pretty damn easy to filter it out on social media. I get the impression it's not just that they don't like seeing ships– they seem to hate that people are even doing it at all. I just don't understand why they concern themselves so much with how other people (usually women) choose to enjoy a piece of media.
No. 638798>>638836>>639081
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>>638676Yes. He doesn't really care though since he goes on 4chan from time to time.
He only browses the /ck/ board because he loves to cook and being autistic about food.He also thinks the word scrote is funny lmao
>>638791Because it's gay or something. Scrotes are just retarded like that.
No. 638800>>639086
>>638676Yes but he just thought it was 4chan for years because normie. Imo sharing a funny screencap with a guy is one thing but actively introducing your boyfriend to lolcow is weak pussy energy, on the same level as those pickmes that post in /snow/ threads only to share what their boyfriend said about a cow
>>638712I hope you're in a calmer place anon, doomscrolling the man hate threads was very detrimental to my mental health too even though I kind of miss them. However if your bf judges you for lolcow I hope he doesn't use reddit, consume porn or anything made by a any
problematic content creator ever. It's only fair kek
No. 638813>>638864
>>638791I just hate how OOC most of them are. And the arguments over which ship is better are annoying.
>>638796Tbf there's some shippers that act in a similar way (having meltdowns when their favorite ship is sunk by the author, sending death threats if the author doesn't make their ship canon, etc)
No. 638903>>638945
>>638864Ntayrt, but i honestly thought shipping wars like waifu wars were all ironic, like, it’s fun to say stuff like
>my waifu is superiorOr
>my ship gives more diabetes than your shipBut I honestly didn’t know people would go insane over someone shipping characters they don’t want to see together and shit.
I just want my shitty ships to keep on making me all giddy and such, Internet interactions were a mistake.
No. 639019>>639024
>>638791They mostly have a problem with fujo ships because they hate gays and they hate women, what could be worse than gays that women enjoy?
The 'muh friendship' defense is an absolute farce, you know they would lose their SHIT if a male character was ~just friends~ with a female character he has chemistry with. They would consider him a beta cuck simp and think it ruins the series. They never think that friendship is ruined by romance, only enhanced and improved, providing it's a relationship they find appealing (and this all applies to irl too). They only suddenly care about the sanctity of platonic friendship when it's two men. I'd say it's 80% pure and simple homophobia, 20% raging that women like it.
No. 639033
>>639029Of course it's fine, it's not illegal and it's not going to affect anyone else so there's nothing wrong with it even if you do stand out. Just depends if you're the type to get embarrassed, if you're not bothered then who cares?
I also like dancing for a work out, I just wouldn't have the balls to do it in public.
No. 639034>>639041>>639050
>>639023It would be nice if people were as critical of coom as they are of fujoshis and their shipping. If I have to deal with a deluge of disgusting fetish art of everything I care about, scotes can put up with some drawings of boys kissing occasionally. Scrotes act all scandalized and lie that "ZOMG BL IS FULL OF RAPE," as if half the shit they jerk off to doesn't involve rape. They bitch about women liking "
problematic" things then turn around and read loli gangrape hentai or some other degenerate garbage.
No. 639055>>639057>>639079>>639147
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I've had a yeast infection for about 2 weeks now (I'm going to the OBGYN next week) and nothing is working. Will the garlic trick work?
No. 639079
>>639055No. Did you get over the counter meds like Canesten for it? When I dealt with a yeast infection I just got the cream you pushed inside with a vaginal insert and rubbed over the labia. Took care of it in a couple of days.
>>639064This is some tripping shit
No. 639081>>640202
>>638791Just being aware of someone interpreting a couple of characters different from you is a hard pill to swallow for many. I've never been interested in shipping wars because I can just filter out the content I don't like/ship so I can't get into their mindset myself, but I guess they're being on the defense due to feeling invalidated by the presence of people who don't share their preferences.
But for men it's 99% just homophobia when it comes to m/m pairings. No excuses.
>>638798Where the fuck do you find these kind of men anon? Share your secrets.
No. 639086
>>638800>on the same level as those pickmes that post in /snow/ threads only to share what their boyfriend said about a cowSlightly offtopic but this happening never fails to make me cringe. I always imagine it to be some NEETlita grade boyfriend mooch who can't stop talking about how amazing he is and just
needs to stop the flow of the thread to tell everyone what her boyfriend's shitty insight was. These are the people who want to bring their boyfriend with them to a girls' night.
No. 639147
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>>639055>Will garlic work?Only if you sacrifice a goat first.
Go to a pharmacy anon wth it's not medieval times
No. 639164>>639168>>639169>>639185>>639210>>639212>>639335
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Fanny Rosie always posts about 'crusty cafes' and 'crust hunting' and from what I understand it's just going to shabby cafes? Is that an actual niche hobby, is 'crust hunting' an actual term? Or did she come up with it? I've never heard the word 'crusty' used for places before
No. 639183
>>639171green tea, floral tea, any tea with lemon <3
(also a tea lover and had to ditch chai completely because of the same problem)
No. 639212>>639267
>>639164How is this crusty? It just looks like vintage furniture.
Also she's a native French speaker so maybe it's that, I don't like the name either.
No. 639235>>639258
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>>639229Do you mean the in-ear ones? I find that I can only wear them with the tiniest rubberthingies on them. I don't know what they're called but picrelated. The larger sizes drop out of my ear. So maybe you just don't have the right size that fits your ear.
No. 639267
>>639185I don't think so, some of those seem to have nice food or pretty tea sets too…
>>639210Every time she posts about it I'm like "this is a thing???"
>>639212It doesn't make sense in French either but I guess canadian french is weird so I don't know.
No. 639319
>>635265What about younger candidates? There seem to be a lot of people nowadays who aren't religious or even anti-abortion, but are still considered "conservative" for radical statements like "men don't belong in women's bathrooms".
Granted, those kind of people tend to be focused on controversial talking points and would probably be totally incompetent at decisionmaking even in a backwater town council, but if the voters were actually placing demand on that kind of thinking with protest voting, would the competent people follow suit and adopt different platforms to run on?
No. 639320>>639339
>>639127Oh this reminded me
Why do women call each other and themselves “sluts,whores,bitch” when all those words were made up by dudes in order to insult them? I dont get it.
No. 639331
>>639315Dreams don't have universal symbolism so I can only tell you my experience but I think my
abusive ex is a placeholder in dreams for any male boyfriend figure. My dreams only ever hold the nice, kind and friendly side of him which makes me so pissed off when I wake up almost missing him. It's been nine years since I cut all contact with him, I had some counseling about his abuse four years ago but some trauma still remains. The dreams are rarer but I think I will have them forever.
No. 639357
>>639353[ spoiler] Text here [/ spoiler]
But take out the spaces. Google is your friend also, I wish more anons made use of things like crossposting from different boards
No. 639406
>>639396>>639390No one cares about what offend women lol imagine if only black women thought nigger was
problematic, misogynists stay winning
No. 639433>>639436
>>639417>Like you never really hear it as an insult irl anymore.If that's the case, it's because men are using it behind our backs amongst themselves and online. There's no way it isn't a
valid and effective insult anymore, it's just less socially acceptable to 'slut shame' women to their faces.
No. 639455>>639460
>>639446I completely disagree ‘nothing changed’. Of course some men are still like that but you’re objectively wrong if you’re from the US and you think men’s attitudes to women engaging in casual sex has not improved.
>>639450I feel like destigmatizing the word can be/has been effective in helping to destigmatize the concept but I do understand your view and people who don’t think slurs should be reclaimed. It probably would be better for them to just die out all together.
No. 639654
>>639644I’ve met a few people like that and it’s the weirdest thing to me. I can’t eat a meal without drinking water, my ass would be fucking parched.
The one person I ever asked about it told me that’s just how it was when he was growing up. He said his parents were “strict” and did not allow drinking at the dinner table, no idea why, some kinda weird control thing? He said it would feel “improper” to drink with while eating so I guess he got used to it.
No. 639745
>>639315I left my ex 3 years ago and while he wasnt
abusive during the relationship he made my life hell after I broke up. I'm in a happy relationship now but he appeared in a few of my dreams recently, it makes me feel like shit. I don't think it means anything, just memories stored in my subconscious brain resurfacing, like a piece of trash in a lake coming up to the surface.
No. 639769
>>639446Thot gets thrown around the most imo
Fucking hate that word. The men who came up with it should be thrown into a volcano .
No. 640071
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>>640038>>640038They look at 19th century photos and think it's how dark their skin was irl. Those photos are obviously high-contrast and some even have annotations like "facial tattoos aren't showing due to limitation of technology".
No. 640077
>>640012We talk about those things in my family when there’s some news about it, funnily enough is that there’s a troon from an uncle’s family side, we’re not close, but it still weirds out my family.
My mum in particular feels strange about the idea of suddenly having to call your son Martha or calling your daughter Harry, she tries to understand but she’s not into the whole thing.
My dad on the other hand just hates talking about it because he considers troons mentally ill and a waste of time.
No. 640117>>640132>>640172
>>640113Only slightly related, but I hate when people insist Australian Aboriginals are black.
They're literally genetically closer to white people than black people. I don't have anything against them, but they are their own people, just like the Dravidian people of India.
It's always dumbass Americans and actual racists who insist they are, too.
No. 640127>>640135>>640171
>>640111They bought into the females are nothing but drama mentality, maybe bullied by women or mommy issues, maybe they’re gender nonconforming and unlucky enough to never find similar women to bond with.
They’re a lot of reasons, all are tragic.
No. 640171
>>640111I'm in this situation. It's because I'm socially inept, women intimidate me, and I'm gay.
So, I don't pursue female friendships out of feelings of inferiority and fear of being seen as predatory. Then, due to my awkwardness, most women are turned off of making the effort to pursue me instead.
So "general intimidation" is another to add to the ones
>>640127 mentioned.
No. 640182
>>640111I was bullied by girls in elementary school, in high school I was excluded and made fun of for being a weeaboo (well deserved or not, I was never mean to anyone yet plenty of people were mean to me) and then I moved away.
Since I never socialized much I had trouble making friends in college. Now I have a few irl and a few online, but the ones irl rarely talk to me since they all got married and had kids recently (people marry young here) and the online ones are… well, online. So there.
No. 640202
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>>638836>>639081I wish I knew, I met him in high school. His food is delicious and I'm getting him to workout more so he can become my ultimate kronk himbo(and also for his awful health).
I hope you anons can find yourselves a househusband too.
No. 640235
>>640221Threesomes are supposed to be ffm because sex is supposed to be for the man's (singular) pleasure
it's not you, it's society
No. 640260
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>>640244>I’d love to have two hot boys worship my body and kiss each other for my enjoyment long before they get to put it in.Anon pls
No. 640272>>640275
>>640262I didn't say when it was.
>>640259I'm not turned on by men kissing. Yes they were hot, why would I fuck two ugly men?
No. 640297>>640304
>>640287Once. But it was still very nice.
>>640288Yeah I don't think anyone has been very judgmental here. I was more surprised by my normie "sex positive" friends
No. 640310>>640313>>640314
>>640301The first thing that comes to my mind is that I'd feel unsafe, too easily overpowered? Maybe that's just my anxiety brain
I've had two technical 'ffm's where tbh I was way into the women and actually did very little with the guy both times
No. 640314>>640350
>>640304Nta but that's more than
a lot of women can say about their LTR…
>>640310Just yeet the man and have lesbian orgy
No. 640316>>640350
>>640304What effort? I didn't really do much. Also kinda drunk + tired isn't the best combo for sex.
>>640301To be fair most men think you are a whore period.
I'd never have an ffm threesome bc I'm not bi.
No. 640350>>640367
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>>640316So this was a threesome where you were drunk, tired, and only came once? You okay, anon?
>>640314Or yeet the men and get a vibrator.
No. 640398
>>640379Stop calling yourself that. YOU'RE JUST HORNY
No. 640433
>>640118I sometimes have eczema patches that aren’t itchy but are just dry/textured. There’s not really a known cause but it can get
triggered by heat
No. 640474
>>640111I had friends in elementary because it was a small private school.
But in middle and high school I was just too quiet and shy to reach out and everybody ignored me. And I've just been a shut-in since then.
No. 640504>>640533>>640584
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Has there ever been an attempt made at an international cow thread or cow thread for certain countries? I remember that there might have been something like this waaaay back but I could be wrong.
No. 640586>>640587>>640592>>640612>>640980
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Question for anons that fuck around:
Would you feel like you’d have to lie re: body count if you met someone you’d potentially want to (seriously) date???
No. 640592>>640910
>>640586I fucked around when I was younger, I lost count of what my number was because who even keeps count at that point? When asked my body count I say "I dunno a few dozen?"
Which is as honest of an answer as I can give
No. 640636
>>640631I dunno about the whole FDS thing but back when I dated going on coffee dates often meant that we rarely upgraded to better dates…
They were either extremely cheap or looking for a no strings thing and just pretending to want more. I do like coffee dates (I love coffee/comfy lil cafes) but had the worst luck when starting off on that type of date.
No. 640657
>>640643I don't have any set meal times
One of my least favorite parts of living with an ex was him setting strict meal times. I like to eat only when my body tells me, once it tells me I get cooking
No. 640660>>640663
>>640649>if you go into a first date with serious goals in mind, you're just setting yourself up for failure.NTAYRT but nope, just weeding out the disinterested commitmentphobic ones. but then you have to be wary of the manipulative ones who prey on women that need a relationship too much by keeping a distance.
some FDS advice is really kooky but this is not.
No. 640725
>>640719I mean, sometimes opposites attract, so don't give up hope
I'm hoping I can find someone who can put up with my inconsistency and trainwreck lifestyle too, and the fact that I never get anything done, haven't found that person yet
No. 640754
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What separated decent/okay hygiene from above average hygiene?
No. 640842>>640848
>>640841oh my god
no, can you bitches stop asking this
No. 640847
>>640839against board rules, newfag
it will be nothing but scrote self posting, go to crystal cafe for that, bye bye
No. 640848
>>640841never happened to me either
>>640842tbf farmers act like it's super common
No. 640897
>>640841Depends where you live.
I'm from Eastern Europe, we don't do catcalls. At worst random girls would tell me I look ugly or make fun of me on the street for dressing funny, but that is not catcalling.
But I do get a random immigrants catcalling on the street, but they are not very pushy so I tell them no thank you, go away.
Old Americans have complimented me and called me pretty young lady a few times. Sometimes we get Irish backpacker playing guitar on the street and harassing girls but then some men or old women nearby will say they'll beat their ass and they stop.
I don't know, I don't like foreigners. They are ones who catcall and then ask if my country is safe. It is safe when you aren't here.
No. 640910>>640942>>640962
>>640587>>640592Hey good on you guys, glad you're having fun, but holy shit please get tested.
>>640841Same here anon. Literally never been catcalled in my entire life, and I've walked around NYC alone. Maybe it's just the way I carry myself or something? On the one hand I definitely don't want to be creeped on, but it makes me wonder if people think I'm ugly. I know people aren't bragging when they complain about catcalls, but sometimes it can feel that way.
No. 640952>>640962
>>640841I very rarely have guys hit on me, whether it be during the day or while out at a bar at night. When I did go out a lot though there were many nights I've had no guys approach me.
I'm very tall though so I like to think that plays a part.
No. 640972
>>632146I think I picked up a scam call by accident today because I stupidly thought it was actually from my bank company and I was trying to ask them to stop calling me. The guy on the line proceeded to ask how old I was. After I answered (I thought maybe it had something to do with my bank lol), he said we were the same age and started asking if I had an Instagram or Snapchat. After I lied and said I did not, he aggressively responded with “I just want to be your friend” at which point I realized that I should just hang up.
I’m just trying to figure out what information this scam call was trying to get? Is there any way they could get my information even if I actually did give my Instagram account? It was just so bizarre I kept thinking about it afterward. Has anyone gotten a similar call? It kind of creeped me out.
No. 640996>>641000>>641001
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Why do people buy designer t-shirts? Why would you spend this much on a cotton cheap ass shirt? Am I just poorfagging here or am I missing something
No. 641001
>>640996It’s all about the name, if you like the designer, you buy their stuff.
i bought a moschino white t-shirt because I love their stuff so fucking muchSo, it’s a basic item you can wear any time but that also lets you show your support and appreciation for your favorite designers.
No. 641016>>641018
>>641004So you decide you can judge her for having crappy jobs while you so smart and all mighty works at STEM?
How about you check the social-monetary advantage you have over her, don't be a cunt, and just raise above her pick me ways?
You are acting like a spoiled brat anon, poor women get much more shit long therm in their lives than women in STEM as money is power.
No. 641025>>641027
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>>641010lol I'm also a short asian girl.. I guess I can lean into mori girl more, scrotes hit on me less when I wear tea-length baggy shit. I used to put on a bitch face during college and it needs to come back
No. 641086>>641103
>>641066>2weeksJesus anon, I hope you don’t do that often.
Longest for me was 3 days max(shower at the end of the 3rd day). I can’t stand having greasy hair and skin.
No. 641102>>641107>>641118
>>641087The only thing is coming to me is Emily the strange but she’s only had books. Same with Lenore the cute little dead girl.
Anything distinct about the way she’s looked?
No. 641103
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>>641086seconding 3 days while depressed. I'm appalled lol, weeks? I still run late if I haven't showered yet. it's unbearable. Ooh take care anons.
No. 641107>>641118
>>641102>>641087Same fag but this blog might help: goth girl cartoon characters
No. 641109>>641119
>>641104weird to me lol, are they trying to make you notice and be jealous? At least it's in a joking manner
if it bothers you I don't see why you couldn't ask them to tone it down. unless they'd make a scene over you being insecure. I'm insecure too but that seems pretty easy to hold back on. it's silly.
they sound cute though but I can see why it bothers you. i'd be annoyed too because they don't
have to do that. I think some couples are open to sharing who they find hot, while others want a boundary to not dwell on it. Either can be healthy or unhealthy, both people should feel comfortable.
No. 641120
>>641066just about the same amount of time/2 weeks as well…. though I would essentially try to clean my body without going into the tub/shower/sponge bathed with rags, spray bottles, and a bucket in my living room (seriously) whenever I could… it was a bad time. i was dealing with extremely traumatic grief and was living alone in a run down century old apartment that was infested with roaches and developed a crippling fear of them; they basically had taken over the one bathtub/bathroom that was falling apart. for some reason the front yard attracted a wide range of homeless tweakers/creepy junkies who would just hang out and stare, or scream or ramble violent/disturbing/offensive things and make it either impossible or just really scary (again, I lived alone) to leave the house until they left or were removed. sometimes they’d be there all night… and between work, schoolwork, grief, and my shitty living conditions i could barely take care of myself. I would legit spend a majority of my days on my college campus… showering at the gym/rec center, and staying in the library until midnight and even later because I trusted the cleaner, newly renovated restrooms in there more than the 100 year old leaky toilet continuously damaging subfloor in my apartment lol. i spent basically every other weekend with my boyfriend and showered at his as well. this was all just last year and the beginning of this year, I stopped living there in March (out of town because of shelter in place) but I feel like if I had been trapped there when all things (including campus amenities) were being locked down I would have probably caused serious harm to myself. I’m doing much better now and have slowly re-learned self care…
have any other anons lived in/been in nightmare apartments/living situations? i wanna commiserate lol
No. 641127
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>>640962>>640982I think there might actually be something to this theory. I'm one of the anons that's never been catcalled. I'm average height and thin with narrow hips. My cup size is C but I typically wear loose tee shirts and sweaters, which gives the impression of a more boyish figure. I almost never wear leggings or athletic wear– only skirts or jeans. Given all this, I think it's a real possibility that the sort of men who catcall women have a preference for more… "thicc" body types I guess?
No. 641158>>641162>>641177>>641214
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Why does nearly everyone state that personnality type INFPX in their bio? Is that a legit thing, is this a trend?
No. 641178
>>641162only infps take it seriously
No. 641182>>641197
>>641160Chronic headaches here! Many possible factors;
-shit posture
-clenching your jaw in your sleep/generally
-sleeping with your shoulders hunched
-tight bra strap - get a proper bra if you've got big tits (honestly halved the frequency of my headaches, the straps should take only 20% of the weight
-impending rain
All that and the usual, too much socialising if you're an introvert, too much noise and stress.
No. 641197>>641253
>>641182>Chronic headaches here!Nice meeting you, my mortal enemy.
But really, thank you anons, I can literally check all these boxes, dehydration, bad posture, tight bra straps. The only time I'm not wearing a tight bra is when I shower (i vent here a lot about my mom who hates my big tiddies). I'll try to counter all these things, one by one, these headaches are seriously fucking my ass. I appreciate your insight.
No. 641214
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>>641158>>641177Eh it's basically just the zodiac for nerds. Obviously it has a little bit more basis in logic, but that's about it.
No. 649664
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Anons this might be disgusting but, how do i get rid of scars/scabs? i had pimples on my right butt cheek and i sometimes pick my skin if im anxious. And i feel bad for doing so because it leaves me with scars/scabs. I don't know how to remove it. Now i have scabs that i cannot get rid off and it's making me pretty mad at myself.
again sorry if this seems disgusting because it is, but holy fuck i need some advice.