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No. 632146

It's okay to be stupid, anon. You don't need to feel ashamed. Just ask.

Previous thread:

No. 632161>>632162>>632165>>632168>>632180>>632346

What helped you improving self-discipline?

No. 632162

Getting too fat tbh

No. 632165

getting a regular sleep pattern + enough sleep
removing distractions

No. 632168

1) Imposing actual restrictions on myself. I procrastinated SO much browsing on my phone so I used iPhone's Downtime feature to lock all my apps for me a certain time in the day. Early on I gave in a few times by just switching off the app but having that one obstacle in place dramatically lessened how much time I wasted online.
2) Putting effort into cooking my breakfast instead of going for easy instant stuff like yogurt cups or cereal. Makes me not feel lazy and thus motivated to go on to other tasks

No. 632180

Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day and sleeping for 7 hours at least. Eating healthy meals and snacks but without restricting and no skipping (intuitive eating approach). Doing something for myself only everyday on first hour after waking up (studying a subject I like, reading a fiction book or something just staring at the sky). Also lowering my expectations. Recognize you're just a human and you have boundaries. Our ideal of productivity is often unrealistic and when we can't reach it, we think it's our fault. It's not. Start small, things easy to accomplish. Such as making your bed everyday.

No. 632191>>632192>>632261>>632284>>632311

Is it common for men to not know where the clitoris is?

No. 632192

Ime it's definitely common for them to neglect the clit..but they know where it is

No. 632261

At all or? I think they know where it is, but while going for it in the act, they can be a little off bc of awkward angles or not being able to see. My bf will go for my clit and start rubbing and be just a little off, so I have to move his hand/fingers and it's all fine. Is that what you mean?

No. 632282>>632329>>632346

Is it normal for people to think they need to hang out with their friends every week?

No. 632283>>632577

Why do anachans body-check? Do they bask in their thinness or are they deluded and think theyre fat so theyre checking that? Why some of them seem to be doing it publicly? (I saw people accusing Eugenia Cooney of doing it which sparked these questions)

No. 632284>>632286>>632291

Real shit I asked a guy if he knew about the clitoris and his response was "That little thing on the top?"

No. 632286

He's not wrong!

No. 632291

File (hide): 1600352043407.jpeg (Spoiler Image,89.99 KB, 687x600, clitty.jpeg)

I mean, I have a clit, I've licked some clits… and I would still probably describe it as 'That little thing on the top' lol

No. 632295>>632317

What is this movie

No. 632301

What's with the plastic surgery standards in Korea? Is it looked down upon to be too curvaceous? Comparing Western surgeries to Korean ones it seems as though Koreans don't get surgery in proportion to their body. American plastic surgery often looks botched don't get me wrong, yet every Gangnam Unnie I see has basketball sized tits with the most flatboard ass. Bitches out here shaped like the letter P.

No. 632311

They know what it is, they just dont know what to do with it.

No. 632317

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Elle Woods from Legally Blonde

No. 632325

Has anyone ever legit gotten a job through a group interview? Everytime I go to one the speaker is usually vague, no one gets a chance to speak, you're expected to fill out a resume by hand and don't even get called back even if I'm qualified. What exactly is the point of a group interview?

No. 632329>>632333

Pretty normal among extroverted people at least. Honestly pre-pandemic the only thing keeping me from hanging out with my friends at least once a week were money and all our clashing schedules.

No. 632333

Makes sense. I'm introverted, and my friends always ask to hang out, sometimes multiple times a week. I feel bad saying no, but I'm fucking exhausted by it, even if we just sit at home doing nothing. I've been saying no this week, and I feel guilty, but I haven't had alone time in like a month. I think I'd be okay not hanging out with my friends or only seeing them once every 2-3 weeks as long as we still talk here and there. I'm just tired, and it's never gotten easier.

No. 632345

When can I hang out with my friends again after they had covid? I'm trying to be as careful as possible, I was exposed and quarred for 2 weeks waiting for my test result (came back negative). The guys who exposed me, the first roomate got it and tested positive on the first, the guy he shares a room with tested positive a week later on the eighth, and the other two roomates didn't get tested cause they assumed they had it. One of the two who didnt get tested was trying to fuck right before this all went down just texted me today because technically they're unquarantined because its been 10 days since the last guy who got tested tested positive, but obviously things are transmitted in a kind of staggered way, right? I'm definitely not going over anytime before next week, but is that even too soon? Sorry I know this situation is confusing to write out.

No. 632346>>632364>>632425

Sleep. Forced sleep schedule change fixed my undereating, caffeine abuse, lethargy.

If you are close it's very normal to want to spend time weekly, sometimes more than once a week. It's not much different than having a significant other really.

No. 632353>>632354

Does anyone else go back and forth on whether they actually like being shaved?

Any time I shave I seem to instantly regret it and not like the smooth feel (I have weird sensory issues almost like an autist) but when I grow the hair out and try to just trim it..that bothers me too so I shave again and repeat this cycle where I'm never quite happy with it

No. 632354

Yes I feel the same. I have weird sensory issues too so I think it’s just that.

No. 632357>>632359>>632362

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Is it a bad idea to try to get an ass via weightlifting if I have narrow hips?

No. 632359>>632448

I'm of the position that anyone who wants to lift, should, regardless of how they look because lifting makes you strong and being strong is pretty cool and makes you independent. A fit looking body looks good either way.

No. 632362>>632375

Is the image related to the post? I feel like I’m missing something

No. 632364

I have a significant other that I would rather spend the extra time with anyways sometimes, though, and even then, I choose a self-day if I've already seen him or know I'm going to again within the week. There just aren't enough days or hours for me to work, see people, and recharge, and I've definitely been neglecting the last for too long. I guess I'm baffled that my friends aren't as tired of it as me for some reason.

No. 632365>>632371

How do I book an appointment with a tattoo artist? I know what I want to get tattooed and the artist I have chosen has specified that appointments is only through email, but my autistic ass is panicking over what I should write in the mail.

No. 632371

just try to be as descriptive as possible. include images of similar tattoos if you can. don't worry too much about what you write; you and the artist will work out the final design when you actually go to the tattoo shop.

No. 632375

pic unrelated. I still am unsure what the person who made that pic meant by it. Some of these characters have nothing in common

Teto, celeste, Draculaura, and Cali have a similar color palette, and both celeste and rarity are meant to be rich and dignified but idk about pikamina and miku

No. 632378>>632379>>632384>>632389>>633120

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Is there a way to get hair like pic rel without too much effort or killing it with a curler every day?

No. 632379>>632424>>632429

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No. 632384

You could get a curl perm, but just like dying your hair you have to get it re-done as it grows out and it can damage your hair.

You could also probably achieve this with foamrollers (or similiar no-heat tools for curling) and sleeping with it overnight but it's kind of a hassle to do that every night imo

No. 632389>>632406>>632411>>632422

Find a curly haired guy and live through your daughter

No. 632406>>632410

You know the curly hair daughter will just straighten her hair everyday.

No. 632410>>632423

Not if you teach her to take care of her natural hair type properly

No. 632411

>realizes me and my partner would have the prettiest loose-curly-haired children
>neither of us want kids

No. 632422

>tfw I used to have cute curly bob when I was a little kid
>Dad straightened it out
>hair is dry and frizzy af straight
>will never have that little cute bob every again

No. 632423

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Sigh I wish my mom had taught me how to care for my curls. But she genuinely thought shitty Andrelon shampoo and conditioner for dry hair was the way to care for my hair. Except I lived with hair literally like pic related every single day until I finally figured out how to care for my hair properly in my 20's.

No. 632424

This look is pretty achievable with a cold perm and some foam mousse applied to wet hair. The first picture you posted looks like she has in some kind of hair piece or extensions to boost the volume.

A cold perm done correctly shouldn’t have much damage on virgin hair and will continue to look nice for 3-5mos with proper care and styling. Be aware that a perm on this hair length will look kinda sloppy/dumpy when it grows out and loosens. Might be best to do blowouts at that point until you can cut it again.

No. 632425>>632427>>632428>>632436>>632466

i've tried the forced sleep schedule but still have insomnia. i dont use electronics before bed and most sleeping pills do jack shit. any advice?

No. 632427

nta but what helped me was just taking melatonin every night at the same time, even when i wasn't tired or going to bed. then eventually I was tired at that time.

No. 632428

I mean if you have insomnia long term shouldn't you be going to a doctor?

No. 632429>>632437

you can get this with a digital perm or air wave perm. any city with asian beauty salons will offer it.

No. 632436

Melatonin, exercise during the day to tire yourself, and the app insight timer has lots of meditative sleeping stuff. It's amazing how effective breathing exercises are.

No. 632437

Just to add onto this, only get a digital perm if you have thick asian hair or similar. Cold perms are better for finer hair, the heat associated with digital perms will fry most white people hair.

While the photos associated with digital perms always look nicer than ones of cold perms, the actual difference is in the process, not the end result. It’s just that cold perms outside of Asia generally get associated with shitty 80s hair and old ladies. Just make sure you find someone who knows what a modern hairstyle looks like, and who can actually replicate it (probably the hardest part).

No. 632447>>632450

how to cope with the inability of making a single good meal?

No. 632448>>632461>>632463

I want to lift but I’m too embarrassed about starting… even the bar without any weights on it is very heavy for my noodle arms lol. I know people in the gym probably won’t care because they got their own shit to care about but aaaaaa

No. 632450

Just git gud, start with basics

No. 632455>>632468>>632493>>632516>>632524>>632526>>635683

Why do women (and men, but the women surprise me) care so excessively about MLMs and anti-vaxxers but not give a single real shit about racism or sexism which do infinitely more harm?

No. 632461>>632662

Everyone starts somewhere. If you're really self conscious, you could go with friends or order some weights for home workouts.

No. 632463>>632662

You should start! You don't have to go for the bar if that's too heavy, the 3 or 5 pound dumbbells will be fine as you build your strength. You're right, no one will pay much attention to you, and if they do, it'll be to encourage you, probably. Everyone I've ever met at the gym, scrotes included, have been very nice. Lifting is definitely my favorite way to work out. I feel the best and see the most desirable results for what I want. I believe in you, anon, give it a try!

No. 632466

The only thing I did was to lower my caffeine intake and force myself to get up early. I'd run out of energy early in the night so I would crash. After a couple of days of doing that, my sleep schedule recovered.

No. 632468>>632472

It’s just easier to pick on women for a cheap dose of self righteousness. Women feel powerless against men since they’d just laugh them off.

No. 632472>>632476

what? that has nothing to do with what she said.

No. 632476>>632483

MLM and antivaxxers tend to be gullible moms

No. 632483

it's still not just shitting on women because it's easy. both of those things just actually have more day to day effects on someone, especially if you know the women in real life. racism and sexism aren't as likely to happen to you as often as your neighbor posting some dumb shit or trying to get you into her mlm.

No. 632493>>632496

I spend more time around women in general, and I don't really care about what men do unless it affects me directly.

No. 632496>>632508

Ah this is what is meant by "privilege"

No. 632508

"okay anon"

No. 632516

Because discussing racism or sexism instantly gets them marked as an evil feminazi, where as being against MLMs or antivaxers is something everyone can agree on

No. 632519>>632521>>632645

How do half the people from twilight afford their things? How does a cop afford a big house and to eat at a diner every night? Asking the real questions here

No. 632521

movie magic

No. 632524

Anti-vaxxers do plenty of harm

No. 632526

MLM and anti-vaxxers receive a lot of snark which is not really serious criticism, most of the time people aren't really discussing how MLMs are exploitative or anti-vax is dangerous for public health. Instead they get to dump on Karens but still get that sweet sense of self-righteousness because there are actually criticism-worthy issues in the background.
Snarking on neonazis and insane incels is actually just as fun, but has a slightly higher chance of getting you murdered. And finally, seriously criticising systems of sexism and racism just isn't really that fun.

No. 632530>>632535

what goodreads alternatives do you like? i want to be able to share what i've read and get suggestions.

No. 632535>>632554

What's wrong with goodreads?

No. 632554>>632567

goodreads is amazon owned and i'd rather not use it anymore

No. 632567>>638172

Oh I had no idea. I rarely use goodreads anymore but I try not to use amazon or amazone-owned services, maybe it's time to delete my account.

No. 632577

It’s a compulsive behavior

No. 632632>>632642>>632648>>632666>>632745>>632762

Farmers what is your favorite chocolate? I mean brand not level of dark or white with mint btw. I want some recommends since it's all I've been wanting…

No. 632642>>632649

i like dairy milk (sometimes with caramel) for a standard chocolate although it can be very sweet. for ethical chocolate that doesn't use slave labor, tony's is pretty good but too much gives me indigestion lol, it's very thick and rich. when i was in asia meiji chocolate bars were a go to. they're thin and not too sweet like most american and some european chocolates.

No. 632645

Forks is like 3k inhabitants town, everything is probably cheap.

No. 632647>>632652

Fat anons, what do you eat in one day?

No. 632648

I really love Dandelion Chocolate (pricey, but orderable online) and this place called Les Cacaos (stupid expensive, but worth at least one try if you’re ever in Tokyo)

No. 632649

Dairy milk is the best 'on my period' chocolate. Agree that it's almost hovering on being too sweet.. but when you're in the mood for that, heaven

No. 632652

Usually vegetable soup, a few apples, porridge and some oat drinkable yogurt things and coffee. Amazing.

No. 632662

Thanks anons! Hope I can start lifting soon when I’m comfortable with returning to the gym!

No. 632666

Lindt Excellence 95% cacao. It's so rich I only need one square to feel satisfied. It's also nice when it's grated over hot coffee.

No. 632674>>632690>>632870

What genre of music is this???? Can someone please recommend me artists/songs that are similar to this? sorry for my garbage music taste in advance lmao

No. 632679>>632680>>632689>>632692

How would you respond if someone you barely knew suddenly texted you "Annoying retard."? No explanation, just that.

No. 632680

"What the fuck?"

No. 632689

Personally I'd ignore it, wouldn't give them a reaction

No. 632690>>632721>>632724

Underground rap/hip hop. Possibly punk or industrial hip hop. You might like Death Grips if you're into the raw, gritty sound. They're less boppy/danceable but are really high energy and angry lol. Denzel Curry is good too if you want something a bit less intense.

No. 632692

Just block them, blocking a retard is the best way to make them seethe.

No. 632702

Is it weird I enjoy looking at my reflection even though I'm not photogenic at all?

No. 632703>>632715

How does being high feels like?

No. 632715

When I smoke weed it makes me feel warm, sleepy, and happy. Kinda goofy too.
Though it's also made me paranoid and nauseous so shrug shrug

No. 632721>>632724>>633366

Anon this is so fucking good, bless you for sharing this.
Idk if you like more mellow stuff, but I love this song and thought I'd share it!

No. 632724

Thanks for the recs anons!!

No. 632727>>632731>>632740

do you guys think a video of me licking the side of a glass would be hot to send someone? i am drunk rn and can't tell

No. 632731>>632733

Just don't

No. 632733

you gotta explain why.

No. 632740

no, you're drunk and trust me it will not look sexy. Don't embarrass yourself bby.

No. 632745

Merci milk chocolate. Not too sweet and very creamy and chewy.

No. 632749>>632751

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Who is this? She looks super familiar

No. 632751>>632786

File (hide): 1600394339563.jpg (20.07 KB, 280x420, 280full.jpg)

Miriam Leone.

No. 632761>>633172>>633204

How can i ever solidify my political beleifs. Have you anons done this. I keep changing my mind all the time with what ever i see or read, its hard because theres also so many very bad things in everything lol

Does that make me a centrist? if so why is that bad, that i find men's solutions and actions to mostly suck ass (I mean humans but use men because its always in the interest of violent males who dgaf about who they harm along the way)

No. 632762

Seconding Merci. I’m not a big fan of chocolate but Merci is always the best whenever the mood strikes. Only chocolate I love more than Merci is Royce, but it might be difficult/expensive to get. Whenever I’m in Japan I buy loads on my way back home since they’re only like $8 a box, but here in the states they’re like $20 each.

No. 632771>>632788

Why does it take so long to do laundry… Like why does the washing machine take half an hour and the dryer an hour. Surely they could be faster?

No. 632772>>632798>>632832

Bruh why do a LOT of media show aristocratic/upper class men (except if they're old patriarch kingly types for some reason) as stuffy/affeminate while they show aristocratic women as relatable, resentful of their noble status, or even interested in men of a "commoner" status? Is it nerdy males projecting?

No. 632776>>632784

Is it weird to put pancake syrup on toast? Not french toast, the normal kind. Either in addition to or instead of butter (usually I only do one or the other) depending on my mood. I've always done this, seemed perfectly normal and logical to me to combine the two breakfast items. But I mentioned it to a friend and apparently it's weird and no one does this? I'm not gonna stop, it tastes good to me (I like how the toast gets soft on top but stays crisp at the bottom), but is this actually abnormal or had my friend just not heard of it?

No. 632784

That sounds delicious tbh but I've never considered it before. Might be weird but you can just consider that creativity.

No. 632786

Thank u

No. 632788

My Samsung washer takes 42 minutes on a normal cycle. 2 hours if I program for extra rinses, extra spin, and more abrading. It's possible.

No. 632790>>632808

Is it just me or do these look like hip pads?
>But anon you're just mad because a skinny girl has wide hips
It's not the wideness of her hips it's just how it moves and forms in her other videos, there's also some shots in her older videos where you can see the outline of the pad, another red flag to me is the fact she only shows her body briefly and in long pants even though she sets her body as the thumbnail, also the way she talks about it is shady to me

Am I going crazy?

No. 632798>>632807>>632811

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Because it was still shitty being a woman in that era? Typically better than being a commoner, sure, but if you're an aristocrat then being forced into an arranged marriage is a given, you MUST produce a male heir or you'd be considered worthless, there were constantly people watching your every move (even the ladies in waiting in your dressing/bedroom couldn't be trusted), your schedule was highly regimented and largely out of your control, and unless you were literally the queen (often even then) you may have had the trappings of influence without any real power whatsoever. Not to mention you could get executed at any point for random bullshit related to your husband, family line or simple political warfare. There were some very successful female rulers, but there were many more women whose lives served as an extended form of slavery or ended because of those they were unfortunate to have been born to/forced to associate with.

No. 632807

Yeah but I'd still be a upper class aristocrat then any type of peasant, male or female

No. 632808

Can't answer your question, but ew, why would she eat pancakes with RAW tomatoes? What the fuck?

No. 632811

Oh please, being a female aristocrat is much better than being a female peasant (who'd usually get preyed on and sexually abused by the men around her), a servant (same and worse), or a fucking SLAVE (all of that and the worst of all). So it's pretty stupid for a female aristocrat (or any woman, really) to be interested in a man that has less social capital and wealth than you. In fact, male aristocrats or upper class men pursuing relationships with women of lower classes (usually sexual in nature, but yeah) was way, way more common.

No. 632820>>632828

Is oat milk worth it?

No. 632826

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How do you kindly say no to a guy asking for your number? A guy at my work asked for my number & I gave him my contact info because I felt guilty and awkward about saying no because he is nice and we were alone.

No. 632828

Yes. By far the tastiest milk alternative imo, is expensive so it’s not an all the time thing (I usually buy almond but if I’m in the mood for something less sweet I get coconut), but it’s a great treat. It’s sweeter than almond milk tho so depends on how sweet you like your milk.

No. 632831>>632833>>634008>>634019>>634024

How normal is it to have a parent who has never said "i love you" to you or has never given you a hug, etc?

No. 632832>>632834>>632839

Can’t even think of any stories like this except titanic. I can only think of rich man/poor girl stories

No. 632833

I don’t mean this in a racebait way but I think it really depends on the culture. My dad had never said he loved me or been overtly affection it but it’s normal within the culture he was brought up in and he shows it in other ways.

No. 632834

Aladdin was the first thing that came to mind for me

No. 632837>>632840>>632842>>632850>>632876>>632881>>632884>>633236

Anybody here is afraid of driving? It always scared the shit out of me. I am currently in my early twenties and cant even drive… Driving for me personally is incredibly frightening mostly due to both reading and experiencing accidents and seeing the hectic traffic of where i came from. Over years and years,my little fear has become a huge phobia of mine and it really traumatize me to the point of no return. It really scared me and i cant function right or imagine myself driving at all, this has become a huge problem that i need to deal with. Im basically terrified of thinking about driving and getting into an accidents…How do i get over this?

No. 632839

I can think of a few like Great expectations, crazy rich Asians, titanic, gossip girl, lady and the tramp, Aladdin, shrek lmao, quite a lot of Disney/kids movies but I’m not sure if it’s more or less common than poor woman/rich man.

No. 632840

I had/have the same problem, anon. Not that you asked about this specifically but my father died in a severe car crash before I was even old enough to start learning to drive. Anyway, after that I became terrified of being on the road and insisted that I would never get my license. The only reason I eventually did (at the age of 18, might I add) is because I needed to drive myself to college since I commute. It's been just a little over a year now since I got my license, and I still get sketched the fuck out while driving. I truly think the only way to overcome it if you have a phobia is to either see a therapist if you can or just do straight up exposure therapy by practicing in a parking lot or something. I do wish you luck though! I know that it seems impossible now, but you'll get there ♥

No. 632842

I’m in the same boat anon. I’m in my early 20s and only ever got my permit and my friend tried to teach me how to drive in an empty parking lot but all I could bare to do was reverse and drive in a circle.
Growing up my parents were awful drivers and I’ve been in about 10~ minor to mid severity level accidents thanks to them. Also when I was a toddler my mom was in a severe crash with a big rig and shattered a femur. Both me and my older sister who is 30 don’t know how to drive. It was fine at first because I lived in a city where public transit was alright but now I live in the south where the transit is a fucking joke and I rely on my kind roommates to drive me around it’s very embarrassing but they get my anxiety around driving.

No. 632850

I'm 26 and I will never learn how to drive. Cars are unsafe and bad for city life as well as the environment. I love trains, bicycles, walking.

No. 632870>>632932

lol is this the same corpse pewdiepie has been playing Among Us with? Or are there two gravelly-voiced dudes named corpse online.

No. 632876

I don't know if I'll ever be able to drive either. Of course it would be nice to feel more independent, but I'm fine using public transport. I just… don't really trust myself. I know that I can space out sometimes or randomly get confused and it would be terrible if that happened while I was driving, so I just stay away from it. I don't know why it's so important that everyone is supposed to drive a car, isn't it better to know your weaknesses and spare the rest of the world of your bad driving?

No. 632881

I only have a drivers license because my parents forced me to get it. Have had it for years and still get a bit anxious while driving in new places or really busy roads. Maybe get a trial lesson and drive around really slowly on an empty parking lot, that's what I did the first time. Exposure to driving has definitely helped me convince my anxious brain that driving isn't terrifying.

No. 632884

I am 26 and afraid of driving for a different reason. I have dyspraxia and am afraid I'll try to learn and fail… I live in a non-urban area so it limits my life quite a bit.

No. 632885>>632891

Why don't we use the subject field?

No. 632886>>632887>>632892>>632897>>632902>>632984>>632999>>633001>>633101>>633107

This is kind of stupid so please no bully
but I made the mistake of telling my roommate that I’m excited for the new Hogwarts game and she responded with “ew why” and I was kind of taken aback because she knows what a Harry Pottertard I am but then I remembered the whole JKR terf debacle. I wasn’t really sure how to respond so I just kind of mumbled about always wanting an open world HP game. But later today I saw she retweeted a post basically saying anyone who is purchasing the Hogwarts game is directly funding violence towards trans people and now I feel so crazy and kinda sad. I still know i’m most likely going to preorder the game since I own the Xbox that is in our living room but i’m really scared of her ‘canceling’ me in a way. I don’t want to just tell her to fuck off (because i’m a huge pussy) with her TRA bullshit because I know she is genuinely just drinking the koolaid and is indoctrinated hardcore. Are there any tips on how I can deal with this. It’s also complicated because even though she is my roommate I really adore her as a friend.

No. 632887>>632895

Can you tell her you pirated the game?

No. 632891

We do - when we make a new thread we give it a subject. We just dont put subjects in our replies because, well, they're replies, not new subjects.

No. 632892

File (hide): 1600416679632.jpeg (30.46 KB, 317x267, FB2F7581-7049-422C-B3D6-182828…)

> anyone who is purchasing the Hogwarts game is directly funding violence towards trans people

No. 632895>>632899

She might know I’m too much of a technological retard to figure out pirating but I can see if I can get away with saying it.

No. 632896>>632898>>632901>>633041

Didn't Luna Slater die and her boyfriend came on here to mourn her death or am I tripping? I saw her thread and she's apparently still alive?

No. 632897>>632914>>632920

I hope all anons who read this buy the game so we can make TRAs like this cry.

No. 632898

I think you might've been dreaming or something, anon… Maybe there was another cow whom this happened to but it certainly wasn't Luna Slater.

No. 632899

If she presses you on it maybe say you really wanted to play it but also didn't want to "directly fund violence toward trans people" so you got a more tech-savvy friend/relative/whoever to help you pirate the game?

No. 632901

Definetely never happened. She's still alive, although she hasn't been at her most active recently. Luna is the main cow I'm here for, I find her utterly fascinating, so I would remember if a troll came here claiming to be Lurch or something. TBH if I were to dream about a cow (never happened, thankfully) it'd probably be something like that so maybe you dreamed it?

No. 632902>>632904>>633101

I mean if she's going to passive aggressively rt something she knows you're gonna see, instead of telling it to you up front, I'm pretty sure you have a right as a friend to tell her how you feel

No. 632904>>632907

Anon absolutely has every right to tell her how she feels, but it's so hard to convince TRAs of anything and I can understand wanting to keep the peace with her roommate, who she values as a close friend, and has to see every day.

No. 632907

I think maybe my question more so would be is it possible to bridge the divide between my roommate and I without me coming off as a reeeeee evil right wing terf to her? I know I’m overthinking this because (hopefully) my roommate knows the kind of person I am (even if I keep my more gender critical thoughts to myself) and can see that I’m just a simple Harry Potter stan and the series has had a huge impact on my life and I shouldn’t have to defend such a harmless interest.

No. 632909>>633132

Should I exericse if I am sore, I plan on exercising tomorrow again but I am so sore that I just know I will still be sore tomorrow, and everyone has different opinions on whether you should recover fully or not

No. 632912>>632913>>632919>>632965

Is it normal to gain about 5 cup sizes after puberty?

When I was 19 and just started taking the pill I was a decent D cup. Now 5 years later I am an I cup. Is this normal? I gained at least 1 cup size each year? Should I stop taking birth control? I feel miserable with my boobs and just want them to be normal again…

No. 632913>>632916

Are you gaining weight everywhere or just your boobs? If it's only your boobs that doesn't sound normal to me, I would see a doctor. Maybe you need a different type of birth control.

No. 632914

I've seen a lot of TRAs declaring themselves they'll pirate the game to not support rowling but they just cant stop indulging themselves in what she's created. At least the combatant TRA from anon's post is not going to play the game at all so she sticks to her beliefs, however extreme.

No. 632916

Only my boobs.
I always tried to ask my doctor about it but she said that it wasn't the bc fault and that I should continue to take it or take a different kind. But this isn't normal, right? My friend is also on birth control and her chest dtayed the same…

I just really hate how my boobs look right now and want them to go back to their original size.

No. 632917>>633126

Why are japanese so into mecha and shit like that?

No. 632919

I grew 2 cup sizes when I started taking birth control so it's definitely a thing but that seems like such a HUGE difference. I'd say you should get a second opinion from a different doctor

No. 632920>>632922>>632960

Honestly it’s going to be a massive success no matter how much they stomp their feet and scream about it. HP is a global IP that still retains a massive audience, JKR will be affected by them and honestly, in a world of men committing actual crimes and not seeing any consequence, I’m cheering her on.

No. 632922>>632924

Honestly just look at all the positive comments on the PlayStation trailer for it. It's going to do well no matter how much of a stink Twitter makes about it.

No. 632924>>633188

Damn, sitting in the twitter bubble really make me lose touch with reality. Thanks for pointing it out.

No. 632932

Yeah it’s him lol

No. 632960

jkr is such a shit person though. she has such a disgusting view of poor people even though she used welfare to write her book.

No. 632965

I just woke up and my dumbass thought you were talking about menstrual cups at first and wondering how your pussy can get so wide so fast and also which brand comes in so many sizes.

I'm not a scrote I swear

No. 632984

It’s your money and your Xbox, you’re allowed to buy whatever video game you want. If your roommate has a problem with it she doesn’t have to play it. She shouldn’t expect you to agree with all of her political nonsense and you shouldn’t allow her to have power over you.

No. 632987

why where the gc thread/discussions banned from /ot if there are still thread about trans people in snow ? genuine question because i left lolcow for a while so idk what happened, wasnt there a board for politics at some point too

No. 632994>>633003>>633063

am I an asshole because I think junkies are gross? I’ve been seeing stuff on Instagram essentially trying to normalize like heroin use and stuff and I can’t tell if I’ve been conditioned to be an asshole about drug addiction or if society is getting more degenerate…It seems like junkies and ex junkies don’t want their feelings hurt anymore over things they did in the past so they’re starting this stuff. that being said I know everyone has their vices but I just associate heroin and meth with filth and I don’t think anyone should do them, am I wrong?

No. 632999

People act like this about amazon aswell, apparently Jeff could end world hunger tomorrow if he wanted? Treats staff poorly etc. I still order stuff off of amazon when I can't find a better alternative cost wise. I'm broke lol. It's your money, your purchase and she doesn't get to control where other peoples money goes.

People like that have such an issue with the basic concept of 'you can't control the actions of others, you can only control your own'

No. 633001

>>632886 you have two paths to choose

>tell her about the death of the author and send her that hack Lindsay Ellis's video and/or you pirated the game to stick it to the capitalist meanies

>deep dive in Ovarit, Women Are Human etc and get peaked, argue with her until she peaks and/or implodes from her own stupidity

No. 633003

My dad always worked security jobs, he had a glass bottle put through his face by a robbing junkie. He warned me about how people in that situation will rob their own family. He saw the shitty lengths they would go to. Hurting everyone around them. My bro grew up and got a security job too… he's been knifed and again had a broken glass bottle put through his hand. The fact that someone will rob or assault you in their desperation to keep robbing… I would stay very clear of any active junkie.

No. 633006

>>63299 of course junkies are gross, that's why society rejects them. But they go online to hugbox each other just like any group based on escapism and self-delusion (see: genderspecials, anachans)

get off the corner of the internet where junkies are circlejerking each other and take a nap or look at clouds or something

No. 633034>>633046>>633083>>633085>>633111>>633114>>633172>>634148

What kind of userbase does LC attract in your opinion?

No. 633041

I think that was Emmy! The Australian girl with the huge lips who larped Courtney love. They had an overlap for sure, they used to be online friends but then one time Emmy posted something abt how they’d grown apart but then she saw a pic of lurch and was visibly disgusted. But when she died her troon “gf” came on an a-logged a whole bunch. I think her username was serotoninblue and sexynursejoy or something

No. 633046>>633067

In all honesty, lolcow users tend to be mentally ill with little to no friends or family, or at least shit relations with them, which is why they spend so much time venting about them on lolcow. If anything they might have a boyfriend who they call fucking scrote when he's being an asshole to them yet they'll never break up with him and just keep complaining about him (or their asshole exes who they can't stop calling up) in the vent thread until the end of time. They tend to have lots of internalized misogyny and pickme tendencies to work through.

No. 633063

> I’ve been seeing stuff on Instagram essentially trying to normalize like heroin use and stuff and I can’t tell if I’ve been conditioned to be an asshole
no anon, you just have to move out of san francisco

No. 633067>>633071>>633073>>633074

>They tend to have lots of internalized misogyny and pickme tendencies to work through
I thought we all are crazy radfem spergs? lol

No. 633071

NTA, but yes. Those traits aren't mutually exclusive. Most self-proclaimed "radical feminists" (which I say lightly) here aren't radical feminists, just women who think they can't have internalized misogyny or be pickmes because they performatively "hate" men.

No. 633073

"We" really aren't, especially when you consider radfem speech literally got banned on here a while back. A lot of the women here who say fuck scrotes and women solidarity are just faking it until they make it.

No. 633074>>634134

No? Who do you think chased them off the site?

No. 633083>>633096>>633105>>633109

Young women who are mentally ill
I also don't believe anons who claim to be successful business owners who make six figures and are super hot

No. 633085

I think there are a lot of anons who project their bad qualities onto cows, they are the most spergy ones imo

No. 633096>>633104>>633115>>633228

I’ve… never seen an anon claim this

No. 633101

What >>632902 said, but the opposite. She's a pussy ass bitch who seethes and retweets shit instead of talking things out. The conversation began and ended with her "Ew, why?", and she made that decision.
It means she'll RT more posts, be kind of passive aggressive and then get over it with time. Play your game and don't even bother worrying. If she bugs you about it, just stare at her until she gets embarrassed and relents.

No. 633104

Not that anon but I have definitely seen anons talk like that, expecting us to believe they're hot shit when they spend the whole day arguing with people on lolcow

No. 633105>>633228

who said that????

No. 633107

just pirate the game and play as a male to spite the TERFs or whatever

No. 633109>>633228

Many anons on here are very open about having mental health issues or otherwise problems. I've never seen any claim they're hot highly succesful people.

No. 633111

People with niche interest, often asian centered, and/or a background with mental health issues. Basically the opposite of normal well-adjusted people who have no reason to know that imageboards to hate on weebs in japan exist.

No. 633114

mentally ill, maladjusted bitches and i'm one of them

No. 633115>>633119

Most farmers haven't been doing it lately but I've definitely seen anons claim they go on expensive vacation several times a year, buy large houses in new york and LA, claim they're doctors and have maids, then again it's just an internet thing with stretching the truth because men on other sides of the internet can be worse about lying about who they are in real life.
>Anons don't claim they're hot
We're really going to pull this again?

No. 633119>>633246

I have seen anons say things like they have well-off families/significant others, they're in med school, or have well-paying jobs all of which are believable imo but I've literally never seen a single anon claim their a super successful attractive woman. I feel like if someone did they would just get told off, cause why would someone like that be here.

No. 633120

sorry for the late reply but you should try sea salt spray

No. 633126

Because it's cool

No. 633132

If you can exercise a portion of your body that isn't sore that would be preferable (i.e. if you focused on upper body, do lower body the next day) but if you're sore everywhere then it can still be okay. The issue with soreness isn't the discomfort itself but the fact that your muscles are in a weakened state and trying to recover, so there's a higher chance of injury. Just take things slowly, focus on form and stop if at any point something becomes outright painful rather than just uncomfortable.

No. 633172>>633204

that means you're impressionable or open-minded, which isn't terrible. maybe start with one issue and read arguments from both sides? now is a terrible time to get into politics if you're American, kek.

probably varies by board usage, i think a lot of anons come mostly for offtopic boards vs. those here for cows. i assume higher rates of mental illness, autism, and time spent online. Most users are from western countries. Definitely some edgelords and women who aren't feminists but see through sjw bullshit. I know on the flip side, there are also twitter migrants, hopefully they intergrate.

No. 633188

Yeah, real people don't care, twitter can be agonizing but everyone still loves HP.

No. 633202>>633248>>633287

File (hide): 1600452567284.jpg (531.12 KB, 2000x2813, loonette.jpg)

Which boroughs of london have the largest population of rich old white people? or just rich white people in general?

pic unrelated

No. 633204>>633395

I was >>632761, thx for answer. Yeah Im impressionable. To defend myself a little I noticed that most people seem to be, they are just able to settle on something (which is good at least).
Like, my friend annoys me lately because I realized all his opinions/phrases/topics of conversation come from his online political echo chamber. Sometimes I agree w/ what they're saying but I am unable to "settle" and call myself (label) because I find issues with everything.
It's like im impressionable but never able to commit. Fucking sad smh. You're right though I'm American and feels like shit man lol everything sucks
I know a good amount about politics and know enough arguments I just… can't decide cause Im dumb

No. 633228>>633247

you don't remember that anon shitting on poorfags in one of the confessions threads? or neetlita chan?

No. 633236

I’m 25 and don’t know how to ride a bike because I’m scared

No. 633246>>633260>>633273

Anons may not claim they're not but they like to nitpick average women for having normal features

No. 633247

NEETlita seems pretty sucessful to me except for having some mental health issues

No. 633248>>633872

Westminister I think has a lot of rich white people.

No. 633260>>633276

This tbh. So many anons act like they have perfect everything or just blatantly claim to have perfect features, very few anons come out about their flaws, and I really doubt rich women with model faces and porn star bodies come to lolcow frequently

No. 633273

You mean nitpick cows. I see the same convo over and over. Someone complains about lolcow making them self-conscious of their nasolabial fold or whatever; they'd get 10 replies saying no one cares if you're not a cow.

No. 633276>>633296

I mean, nobody is going to be talking about themselves in cow threads. Just because we’re not perfect doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at pnp’s ugly mug or Vic’s retarded shoops. The nitpicking can be a bit ridiculous at times when it’s about totally normal features, like slight wrinkles or some shit.

No. 633287

Chelsea has younger rich white people

No. 633296>>633329

Have you ever seen a cow thread anon?

No. 633329>>633340

Kek what? Anons get red texted for blogposting on /pt/ or /snow/. Nobody is comparing their own features to a cow’s. Plenty of anons talk about their shitty hair/skin/weight in /g/.

No. 633340

They get banned but that doesn't mean it's not happening, June thread gets braggers, camgirl threads, photoshop threads and so on. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The most recent example I can recall is when an anon bragged about how she had perky triple D's in the June thread a few days ago
>But she got banned and anons chewed her out
It still happened regardless of how everyone reacted

No. 633360

I've noticed that a few different youtubers I follow will regularly joke about high rent costs in their city. They work from home, they're not the type who collaborate for vids and they often are the same types that joke about having no social life/never going anywhere. Why live in an expensive city for years when you are self employed from home? If you aren't a big earner and you're not even benefitting massively from the central location, why pay for it?

No. 633366

This is great anon! I do enjoy chill music as well, I actually listen to it more frequently than hardcore stuff. I ended up checking out other tracks by this guy (from Fudge Beats) and I'm really liking them, so thank you. Glad you enjoyed Death Grips!

No. 633376>>633381

Does red text always mean that you're banned or can it just mean that you got a warning? I've always wondered about that.

No. 633381>>633391

It means you've been banned. I think bans kinda are the warnings. You'll get perma-banned if you're a repeat offender

No. 633391

Thanks for the answer!

No. 633395

There's no need to identify with either side. Keep your own beliefs instead of conforming to either left or right. If your presented with new information then there's nothing wrong with changing your opinion. What is considered left wing and right wing shifts over time anyway.

No. 633665>>633668>>633673>>633688

Should I download Tiktok before the ban on Sunday? From what I've seen the app seems like total trash and I'm not interested in it taking up space on my phone when I probably won't even use it. I'm only considering it since I won't be able to if I don't do it now. If there's anyone here who uses Tiktok let me know, is it worth it?

No. 633668

I'd say try it out, If you like it you can still find compilations after it's banned.

No. 633673

all the good ones eventually get uploaded elsewhere. and by good I mean the cringe ones that are like watching a trainwreck

No. 633688

As someone who uses it daily, you're truly not missing out. As the other anons mentioned, you can probably find a bunch of good ones on other platforms anyway. There's literally a different area of discourse on Tik Tok every day/week. I suppose it also depends on how your algorithm is curated for you, but if you plan on interacting with any controversial content whatsoever (from any side), then you're probably going to get stuck with some teenager or semi-burnt out adult talking about something that won't matter to them in 5 years. Sorry for the nihilistic rant, but it's true. I will miss it once it's gone, but I also still miss Vine so take that how you will.

No. 633698>>633704>>633711

Is there a thread where I could gauge interest in a topic for a potential new thread? I thought there was one in meta but I couldn't find it. Thanks all.

No. 633704

Maybe the thread requests thread on /pt/?

No. 633705>>633725

Are the farmhands fucking asleep today?

No. 633711

I always just ask in this thread of the dumbass shit thread

No. 633713>>635166

If i mute "trans" on Twitter will it still show me tweets with trans in people's bio or not? The discourse is making me spiral but I'm in a community with a lot of tw so I need to keep up with them

No. 633725>>633727>>633728>>633733

You talking about the 'lets all kill ourselves' thread that stayed up for hours? Lol

I typed out a long post about my past struggles and how I am now not struggling with those thoughts anymore. Thread got deleted before I could post it. I probably would've been ripped to bits for essentially saying the old 'it gets better/this too shall pass' line anyway.

No. 633727

Yes that one and the maleposter too, he's been redtexted now so I guess farmhands are awake and on duty.

No. 633728>>633734

>I probably would've been ripped to bits for essentially saying the old 'it gets better/this too shall pass' line anyway.
Not killing myself when I was younger was one of the greatest mistakes I made

No. 633733>>633735>>633740

Why did that thread get deleted? And why was everyone egging on OP to commit suicide?

No. 633734>>633736

What's stopping you now?

No. 633735>>633738

You answered your own question. I'm sure it was deleted because of encouraging suicide and because it was a 'suicide pact' thread. I mean, that sounds bad for already mentally ill women, which most people here are.

No. 633736

Total lack of energy from my life being drained away. I wish I still had the willpower to kill myself.

No. 633738>>633745>>633766

What's wrong with encouraging people to commit suicide? We live in a world where women have no rights.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 633740>>633741

There was bs posts like 'do it now while you still have the energy' nah bitch you can kill yourself young or old. You don't magically 'lose energy' and end up trapped regretting your decision. Stop egging young people on to die

No. 633741>>633743

That's totally bullshit and cope. There's no reason we should't kill ourselves to be free from this shitty hellworld.

No. 633743

Do what you want. I'm happy living

No. 633745>>633747>>633753

Killing yourself isn't gonna do shit for women. We just gotta do what we can to keep those around us safe. And keep ourselves safe. Maybe unplug from the news for sometime. Bad things have been happening since time immemorial, it's just more easier to access than ever and being bombarded with terrible news everyday is sure to fuck someone up. But in a lot of ways, things are also getting a little bit better, slowly. I hope you find courage to keep on keeping on.

No. 633746

Where can I get 100% denim jeans? no cotton shit. Do I have to stalk thrift shops in areas where's there's a lot of old people?

No. 633747>>633766

Sorry that's just not true. Women's rights are getting destroyed more and more each day. When the environmental collapse comes we're going to be fucked.

No. 633753>>633756>>633758

I lose all sympathy when these poor 'suicidal anons' start telling perfectly happy women to join them in their sense of doom. That is just too sus to me..

I've been there in the past, never dragged another woman down with me. They can fuck off with that shit

No. 633755>>633763

Are starfish soft and malleable?

No. 633756>>633759>>633762

I convinced my ex bf to kill himself when I was suicidal. He didn't even succeed, just landed in the psych ward for a while. kek.(ban evading suicide pact anon)

No. 633758>>633781

If you are perfectly happy why would you be browsing this board? Or ever be influenced to suicide

No. 633759

bad bait

No. 633762

Okay, handicap.

No. 633763

No, they have a hard shell just like that of sea urchins.

No. 633766>>633768

is this some sort of moid psyop to get women to kill themselves

No. 633768

Yes, we've seen it before. They always make a thread first and when it's deleted they spill out onto other threads

The fucking deja vu I have

No. 633781>>633789

Not everyone on here is a stereotypical miserable neet but yes it's also bad to tell a group with a lot of mentally vulnerable people to kill themselves.

No. 633789

It's a Saturday morning and I'm just chilling in bed on my day off. Must ruin their fap to hear we're not all miserable.

No. 633801

Trolls really like to insinuate it's a laborious task to have a tab with lc open on your phone's browser. That a site like this requires hours of data entry compared to something like a tweet. If we're all unemployed for posting here what does that mean of a troll? Think plz

No. 633822>>633923

The red scare girls are suppose to be communist right? I'm confused because I don't follow the thread too closely but they just seem like materialistic trust fund kids.

No. 633857

Could someone link to the argument on LC we had sometime back where anons were arguing about whether mpreg was misogynistic and whether or not the characters were actually women in all but name

No. 633858>>633861>>633865

Does alcohol makes anyone else more alert? I find that normally I have difficulty articulating my thoughts, and I'm also very slow but when I drink I can talk just fine and fast too

No. 633861>>633864

It slows me down and ruins my concentration, its a depressant so it's more likely to slow thinking

No. 633864>>633871

Huh. There must be something wrong with me then

No. 633865

a little alcohol is actually good for focus and alertness, but only a little.

No. 633871

Depends on how much you have. And what type. Rum has a weird effect on me personally. Beer makes me sleep. Gin makes me crazy lol

No. 633872

w1 post code

No. 633892>>633895>>633896>>633897>>633899>>635116

So a mildly illegal question, where can I watch shows and movies for free these days? The site I used previously (which was based in my country) suddenly wants you to sign up with some shady service and I don't trust that shit at all.

No. 633894

DOes anyone else see a great similarity between RATM and Boris or am I crazy?

No. 633895

Try xmovies8 maybe? You will need adblocker in order to not completely fuck over your computer tho.

No. 633896


No. 633897>>633898

I still torrent out of principle tbh

No. 633898

same here

No. 633899

I use putlockerz.io. If you have adblocker most of the annoying ads wont show up

No. 633900>>633902>>633903>>633945

When I read pasta recipes, they often say to put a few drops of oil and some salt in the boiling water the pasta is cooking in. What does the oil do?

No. 633902

Keep the pasta from becoming sticky.

No. 633903>>633919>>633921>>633932

If it's dried pasta, the salt doesn't do shit. Salt is only useful for fresh pasta. But yes, the oil is to prevent sticking

No. 633919>>633924

actually salt works the same for both dry pasta and fresh pasta both soak up some of the water.

No. 633921>>633925

Wait, what? The pasta still absorbs the salt if it’s dried, I mean, it does become salty?

No. 633923

It’s basically communism as an aesthetic

No. 633924

today I learned

No. 633925>>633945

In my personal experience, I have to add like 3 pounds of salt exaggeration but it's a lot more than what I have to use with fresh pasta to get dried pasta to take on the flavor. With fresh pasta it's a lot easier.

No. 633931>>633935>>633946>>633955

File (hide): 1600529906248.jpeg (128.54 KB, 496x700, 9A9C925F-C1A7-4698-BB76-2B1199…)

I don’t get American politics and no amount of information I read about it helps me understand them. Can someone explain to a non-burger what the fuck is going on and why the fuck is going on?

No. 633932>>633935

Why tf would you put oil in?? It makes the sauce harder to bind to the noodles. Wtf.

No. 633935

I don't personally put oil in mine, but anon asked.
I mean shit where do we even start

No. 633945

that's mainly due to the flavor difference between the two but you don't need to be adding it anyway during cooking.

don't use oil, it ruins how the pasta will interact with the sauce. just gently stir when you put pasta in and a little throughout.

No. 633946>>633955

Another non-burger here. Is something going on other than the tension caused by the upcoming elections and Trump spewing bullshit left and right?

No. 633955>>633976>>636014

>The US killed Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian general. Don't remember why though.
>Harvey Weinstein went to prison
>Trump impeachment
>Riots against police brutality
>The Tiger King Netflix show aired during the beginning of quarantine
>people are "fighting for their right" to not wear masks and give other people corona
>J.Lo & Shakira superbowl performance
>Travis Scott Mcdonalds burger
>Australian wildfires (it's not an american issue but we cared about it as well)
>California and Oregon wildfires
>A lot of celebrities have died
>When the coronavirus came to the states, our government told us it was just the flu
>Thus a bunch of people not taking it seriously when quarantine started.

It's not in chronological order, but that's some of the stuff that happened this year. I'm probably missing some stuff

No. 633976>>633985>>633986>>633988

I'm unrelated to the previous non-burgers and know about these things but I still don't understand wtf the Americans that passionately talk about politics on the internet. Like why tf is the left now communists yet also seemingly very pro-consumerism?

No. 633985>>633996>>634036>>634093

File (hide): 1600534792210.jpeg (33.45 KB, 235x234, 77EAF828-8BCB-4BFA-9C52-7A2D9D…)

Nta, I’m also curious about that, and why are Americans desperate for Biden, like, who is that guy even? What is his position? Why is he an option? What could happen if trump wins? And what are the plans of Biden if he wins and becomes the new president?

No. 633986

Burger left is just euro right

No. 633988

The capitalist communist left not right but definitely left became lucrative online in the past two years. Put up a Patreon, shit out a podcast, post hourly word salad to your Twitter feed.
None of it is real and it's slowly falling apart as all fads do.

No. 633996

The other anons already answered the other one, but Joe Biden was Obama's Vice president. We want him cause Bernie Sanders dropped out and he's the current best option. Our only candidates are Trump and Biden. If Trump gets re-elected he probably won't do shit, cause he barely did anything during his current term. If Trump gets re-elected he won't be eligible as president after that cause someone can only be president for 2 terms (8 years). I feel like your other questions can be answered by googling Joe Biden and reading his wikipedia page. It talks about his campaign and everything.

This is a page from his website, https://joebiden.com/joes-vision/#

It's biased obviously, but it tells you what he has promised if he becomes president.

No. 634008>>634024

i don't think it's normal or okay. i think it's him being a bad father.

No. 634019>>634024

I was 30 before my dad said it. He's still never written it in a card. I'll frame it if he ever does!

I don't think its normal or healthy

No. 634024

imo depends on your parents and culture. My mom never tells me she loves me and doesn't hug me unless I really give her a reason to, but I know she loves me. She doesn't have to tell me. There's more ways to let someone know you love them other than telling them directly. My father on the other hand has never told me he loves me or hugged me but we strongly dislike each other so whatever. I'd gag if he tried to hug me.

No. 634025>>634028>>634029

File (hide): 1600538084092.jpg (44.65 KB, 450x449, stock-photo-old-angry-woman-th…)

Is it just me or did facebook make it so you can't view pages unless you have a facebook account??

I tried to view my gyms and tattoo artists page bit can't, it says I need to log in to see it but they were all public like two weeks ago

No. 634028

Not just you. I checked incognito and it won't let me view any pages.

No. 634029

Sometimes I can browse freely on a FB business page, other times no access/“must sign in” or it will let me view, but will incessantly prompt me to login. It might be a setting businesses can select?

No. 634036>>634055

he's not trump

No. 634055>>634058>>634066>>634085

Why do people hate Trump so much though?
I get that he's a bad president but all American presidents for the past 20 years have been bad. I don't get how he's any worse than Bush or Obama. How is voting for senile old white man that sniffs children going to make the situation any better?

No. 634058>>634338>>638902

nta but Trump is up for reelection which usually means that he will be less careful and more comfortable doing shit. usually the most stuff happens when a president is in his 2nd term because you can't be elected again after that.

No. 634066>>634338>>638902

everyone you ask will have a different opinion. yes most american presidents have been war hungry, profit driven and dishonest. but never in history have we had such an unpredictable and undiplomatic figure. previous leaders all had education relevant to the office and a respect for the american system in some way. they were first and foremost diplomats with an understanding of foreign policy and international relations. trump clearly has no idea what he is doing and his advisors do most of the work, this is the case for many presidents, but the advisors to trump are replaced frequently and are in the business with their own goals. the amount of corruption is unparalleled and bleeds into the highest levels of government. he is a joke to every level of office making it easy for corruption to ensue

No. 634081

i'm looking for a short story, does anyone recognize it? it was some slightly scifi take on the caste system and overpopulation in an asian country. the people live in shifts, the richer people get a fair amount of hours to be awake, then the ground shifts to let the poorer people out for a few hours to go to work. the story follows a man that wants to earn money for his daughters' education by smuggling something across when the ground shifts. he ends up hurting his legs but is successful and treats himself to a piece of meat in his noodles as everything is insanely expensive

No. 634085


This has to be bait.

No. 634093>>634299

Because orange man bad. Many anti-Trump NPCs and children. Biden is on the fast track to senility (if not already) and will not protect and serve America. He’s a shit talker with a flimsy stance on major current events (which is terrifying). He won’t debate Trump. I did not vote for Trump in the last election, but things change. I formed my own opinions that were solidified after the havoc these “mostly peaceful protests” have wreaked upon America. I did my own research after buying into what the media shoves down the public’s throats.(pol bait)

No. 634095>>634096>>634099

File (hide): 1600543146149.jpg (115.06 KB, 1200x796, artsearch.jpg)

Is r/Vindicta just pickme-ism under the guise of the idea of being a femme fatale?

No. 634096>>634099


With a heavy dose of BDD.

No. 634099


Terribly depressing there tbh

No. 634101>>634104

does it come of as childish if I remove him from my IG (not blocking) because he basically ghosted me after our last date. He made out with another girl too.
He did like my latest post tho

No. 634104>>634109

No anon, delete him.

No. 634109

thank you I did. It hurts but I had to do this

No. 634123>>634132>>634141>>634152

File (hide): 1600545414684.png (1.55 KB, 300x300, oekaki egg.png)

How much does a woman's appearance effect a her life chances/opportunities available to her?

No. 634130

Is your bra cup supposed to hold in all your boobs? Cause in one my boobs kind of escape on the external side. Idk if it's because I'm laying down and it's just gravity.

No. 634132>>634146

extremely, being attractive in general breaks down a lot of barriers. People have been shown to be kinder and more receptive to conventionally attractive people.

No. 634134

i guarantee everyone with those big spooky radfem opinions are still here kek, there's just no threads to actually bring it up

No. 634136>>634142>>634147

Are you supposed to pee after sex even if you use a condom?

No. 634141>>634334>>634388

A lot, unless you're in hard stem then hire-ability is reduced greatly especially with age. Women wouldn't use money and time on beauty if it didn't come with benefits.

No. 634142

Yes, there's still friction and liquids which could lead to uti.

No. 634146

even if people treat you slightly better, is it more of a bonus rather than a necessity? I don't people will refuse you basic human decency based on appearance. idk but I'm pretty below-average and I don't even wear makeup but I think I'm treated okay. Maybe it's because I talk to other girls most of the time and they're usually the same relative attractiveness (or lack thereof) as me

No. 634147

Yeah, even if you just play with a dildo you can still get UTIs from the general friction in that area so always pee

No. 634148

I think it’s pretty varied. Seems like there’s all kinds of anons here. Used to just be mostly randos and gull refugees. Gulls can be mentally ill but most I know aren’t neets because then they wouldn’t be able to afford their hobbies.

No. 634151>>634158>>634161

What is dissociation, really?? Some descriptions that I found online make it sound like a minor thing like watching TV for several hours and forgetting about the surroundings, other make it sound like something big and serious like losing complete contact with reality

No. 634152

I feel like it opens some doors but wouldn't you also have jealousy and extra sexual harrassment to deal with?

No. 634153>>634162

Is there any footage of Tyler Grosso fucking?
Forgive me

No. 634158

Is a spectrum type thing. The best way I can think to describe the mild form is like you’re in a dream. You are aware of your surroundings but not really, it feels foggy somehow. You know how when you get hit in the head and suddenly you are hyper aware and you feel like you weren’t even living a few seconds ago?

No. 634161

I would describe it like the feelinng you get when you're trying to fall asleep, you trip or fall in your dream and your legs jolt and you're now confused and awake, not really sure how deeply you were gone just now. I've tried to go to school while dissociating and felt like i was tripping, paranoid yet calm at a tube station, looking at lit up ads on the walls feeling like i was in a game or a shitty music video, very odd, can be scary and isolating.

No. 634162

Can anyone link me to the Vegas livestream from the TP threads? I've been looking all over and I can't find it.

No. 634170>>634175>>634190

I'm newfag, why the banning of radfem/pinkpill threads? There's lots of flaming women, why isn't flaming on men allowed?

No. 634175>>634193

Lmao so you’re a newfag enough to not know why they’re banned but not a newfag enough to know they existed (which obviously predates them being banned). Stop posting these thinly veiled bait posts. Flaming men is allowed. There are plenty of threads about male cows. There’s still endless posts daily venting about men. If you want to sperg about gc/pp/radfem ideology there’s a whole website you can go to for it.

No. 634190>>634192>>634194>>634199

You know why, let's play hangman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

No. 634192

is the word 'tranny' in it?

No. 634193

people complain about missing the pp/radfem threads every other day, stop trying to be modfag

No. 634194>>634198

No. 634198>>634200>>634202

_ _ _ n n _ _ _ n n _

No. 634199>>634203

No. 634200

No. 634202>>634203


No. 634203>>634210>>634211

|/ |


Bingo! One kiss for u

No. 634208

How many cows are truly bipolar type 1? I see more personality disorders and Aspergers' sufferers I think

No. 634210

File (hide): 1600551684152.jpg (15.15 KB, 400x307, 20200516_235634.jpg)

Yay, let's make another one

No. 634211>>634219>>634220

ot but why are so many trannies mods? literally half of reddit is troon modded and if 4chan jannies were doxed i'd expect most of them to be troons

No. 634213>>634216>>634217>>634218

Is being obsessed with self care a thing?

I was depressed and lazy for so long until the pandemic started. Suddenly I’m obsessed with taking care of myself. Eating better, taking supplements, proper skincare routine, exercising, using make up, dressing better. Even reading and studying new shit, expanding my mind. Dealing with my mental health too

All sounds great and in a way I love it but also feel so pressured to do everything and be perfect all the time. It just feels like I’ll never be good enough and I don’t want to sink back into depression

No. 634216>>634229

I’ve been having the same thing during the lockdown! Idk maybe it’s partly a result of how out of control and uncertain things have felt, you’ve become obsessed with the elements of life you can still control.

No. 634217>>634229

if you find yourself ritualizing these routines or having anxiety about missing one or not doing it perfectly, it may be ocd. but from what you wrote you taking care of yourself seems to be healthy. as long as it doesnt cause you extra stress you're fine.

No. 634218>>634229

This sounds amazing! What have you been studying, anon?

No. 634219>>634228

Power be trippin

No. 634220

So every place they go can feel like a safespace with no wrongthink and control the narrative it's a normal disorder, as if any disorder means normal. Silence the discussion or argument before people start to make an opposing opinion with differing thought.
I find it sad a lot of the internet has become a one version of thought per place rather than many areas of discussion.

No. 634228

I even remember seeing one sperg out on /meta/ yelling at people for not wanting a tranny for a mod, lmao.

No. 634229

Interesting, I wonder if it’s a common lockdown experience. That makes a lot of sense

Yeah I think it’s bordering on being anxiety provoking, too soon to consider it to be serious though. I love the effects but hate feeling like I have so much to do as a bare minimum and get upset if I miss out shit

It’s cliche as fuck but mainly medical history and the way people used to cope with death. I’m compiling a list of megalithic burial sites to visit when this is all over

No. 634237>>634251>>634252

Kek I thought lolcow was free from t mods, unlike crystal cafe.

No. 634243>>634245>>634249

Can you have bpd if you don't get attached to people, don't hate yourself and don't feel guilt or blame yourself for things? I've had multiple people say that I might have it bc of impulsive behavior and promiscuity, but idk.

No. 634245

No. 634249

they’re being pretty judgmental. your propensity to do those things could be due to anything or nothing at all

No. 634251>>634252>>634266

File (hide): 1600558559591.jpg (7.04 KB, 228x222, 116427224_347154286687408_4708…)

cc has troon mods??

No. 634252

i dunno cc is really laissez-faire and admin allows GC PP

No. 634254>>634255>>634256>>634259>>634269

File (hide): 1600558786077.jpg (130.07 KB, 718x1180, 20200920_003737.jpg)

How tf do I respond to this? I don't know this guy,he slid into my DMs after I posted a selfie on a chat.

No. 634255>>634262

Leave him on read, it is your duty as woman

No. 634256>>634262

why are men

No. 634259>>634261>>634262

reply by saying sonic 3 and knuckles is the best sonic game then he'll stfu because he will know excellence when he sees it

No. 634261>>634262

Based. Yes, this is the only reply to send. and then ghost him forever

No. 634262

Thanks for the advice queens.

Idk anon, that's a good question.

No. 634266>>634270

everyone on cc is a larping male

No. 634269>>634282

Wtf is this entire situation? You posted your selfie in a discord full of scrotes and then converse with them in the cringiest way possible when the dm you. Were you being a pickme? Why do I feel so much second hand embarrassment?

No. 634270

I wouldn't say everyone, they do get a lot of passing scrotes

No. 634282

The server is like, 60% female. I'm not even attracted to men. If I really wanted someone's attention I wouldn't say they look like Sonic. I don't mind if it's cringey tho, that's exactly my sense of humour kek.

No. 634287>>634288

What kind of mental illness is it when you dislike listening to music and think people who love it and talk about it a lot are pathetic?

No. 634288>>634290

Like, any kind of music?

No. 634290

No. 634299

>I did my own research
Facebook really is the last source of real news

No. 634304>>634309>>634655>>634696>>634706

Opinions on YouTuber James Marriott?

No. 634309>>634706

File (hide): 1600568603934.png (414.51 KB, 720x478, IMG_20200919_222353.png)

I only watched a vid of his because I just couldn't believe someone who makes a career with their face on it looks so unhygienic. Cookie cutter personality and editing.

No. 634314

Will I be happier if I just give up and go full on anti vax QAnon trump supporter? I don't want to care anymore, I want to be a mental vegetable.

No. 634329>>634330

What do you consider skinnyfat? Like is it someone who is a lower normal bmi but not toned? A straight up chubby person??

No. 634330

Someone with a lower BMI due to high metabolism but who is not toned and does not exercise.

No. 634334>>634359>>634388

>unless you're in hard stem then hire-ability is reduced greatly especially with age
Wait, for real? I'm planning to finish my STEM degree in my early 30s. Should I choose something else?

No. 634338

Thank you for explaining. This makes a lot more sense than people screaming that he's reincarnated Hitler.

No. 634359

Ignore that retard. They sound like a scrote. A LOT of people switch careers in their 40s or 50s. As long as you are capable of learning quickly you'll be fine. Good luck with your degree.

No. 634377>>635073

How do I stop furrowing my brow??

No. 634379>>634384>>634393>>634399>>634402

is "fuck around and find out" some kind of right wing slogan? I said it for a laugh and my woque friend tried to tell me I shouldn't say it. I find Google results for it on both sides of politics but i dont think its really politically charged. it's in a memey joke context anyway. am I wrong?

No. 634382>>634389>>634407

did brittany venti ever have a thread on /snow/? she seems genuinely unhinged

No. 634384>>634393

It might be considered "AAVE" (African American Vernacular English) because it was popularized by black people so your friend might think you shouldn't say it if you aren't black. I don't think has any right wing meaning

No. 634388>>634426

This is bullshit, even hard STEM is saturated to fuck at this point and unless you live in like… Iran or some shit, appearance or gender doesn't matter that much, especially since most HR are women.

Anyone who praises STEM to high heavens online, especially computer scientists and software engineers, should automatically be assumed to be a scrote who barely coasted by on mediocre grades and bragged to everyone how he'll get a six-figure starting salary and how much smarter he is than everyone, only to end up working at a shitty mobile app startup for peanuts or outperformed by some Indian from a degree mill in Calcutta.

Many people are retraining themselves nowadays due to demand shifts and you have as high of a chance of getting a job in STEM as anyone else in the West.

No. 634389

yea she's somewhere in the archives i snow

No. 634393

File (hide): 1600585074957.jpg (41.54 KB, 750x959, 103424366_3286007941423146_594…)

It is politically charged actually, left wing specifically (opposite of the whole "Don't tread on me" thing)

picrel is when it started, which was like June, by some white guy.

So while it's a common phrase in aave, it's literally not one of the "aave-only" things, I've heard plenty of white people say it (not even on aave) and I dunno why your friend wants to say it but it's probably not for reasons listed by >>634384

No. 634399

I thought that was like biker shit

No. 634402

Your friend is a fucking retard, probably

No. 634403

how to come to terms of being stupid and naïve. Wish I could stop being bothered when people look down upon me.

No. 634407

File (hide): 1600587919758.png (126.3 KB, 1228x549, venti.PNG)


looked for one and could only find this >>707531 and I think she's been mentioned in the tradthot thread before. surprised she doesn't have her own thread since there's a lengthy one on kiwi farms

No. 634413

Are there any websites that offer decent color theory courses? I’m not an artist, but I do enjoy fashion/makeup, interior design, and creating websites in my spare time. I’d love to learn more about colors and how to pair them properly, etc.

No. 634417

File (hide): 1600590790469.jpg (303.03 KB, 1073x1045, Screenshot_20200920_093122.jpg)

Came back to insta and one of the people I followed–puppyspit I think was their handle at the time-had passed away. Does anyone know what happened?

No. 634426>>634441

Are you the same anon who had a spergfest over how IT will crash in two years due to oversaturation and outsourcing? Are you coping with your own shitty situation or how the hell are you this hurt?

No. 634427

File (hide): 1600594326297.png (235.39 KB, 688x651, venus feet.PNG)

What are some cool sites/apps/games(though i'm not much of a gaymur) that are exclusive to PC that I can frequent on my new laptop? I kinda get bored of lolcow and facebook

No. 634434>>634435>>634436>>634458

File (hide): 1600596130839.jpg (139.47 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_04c2313d6b853fe8055e91e…)

Is it weird that this picture disgusts me?

No. 634435

no it feels so cursed

No. 634436

who the fuck puts peanut-shaped biscuits in milk?

No. 634441

File (hide): 1600598176327.jpeg (5.49 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

No? That was my first post in weeks and I mostly lurk. The situation is not that bad (even though it's getting worse, as these things do over time), I'm just saying that everyone who brags about STEM being better and looks down on other majors is usually a self-important scrote who likes the smell of his own farts and identifies as an INTJ. The person I replied to said hard STEM is the only place where you can succeed as a woman if you're not attractive, which is patently untrue.

If anything, you seem quite pressed that I have this opinion. Do you feel called out by my post or something? Sorry your job is the only thing you can brag about, must be hard to live with a micropenis

No. 634443>>634445

Im not sure if this is stupid but, ever since the 'rona rolled around my anxiety just sky rocketed and i refused and still refuse to go outside unless i want to buy myself some food and drinks. But most of the time i stay inside in my room in the dark, getting barely any sunlight. Is getting less sunlight bad? will it affect my health badly? im just curious about that, also since its cold outside and theres barely any sun, is there a way to get the vitamins that the sun provides?

No. 634445

Getting your sunlight is so so important anon. Look into sun-related vitamin D articles. I get not wanting to go outside but corona won't hit you from the rays, open the blinds, let the light in, open your windows if you can.

No. 634458

Those don't look appetizing at all

No. 634474>>634497>>634507>>634512>>634557>>634804

How is it that everyone on here loves Fleabag but hates BPD fags?

No. 634497>>634520

It's fiction anon

No. 634498>>634502

so I really like simplykenna / cozykitsunes content and wondering if anyone has similar youtube recs? Doesn't have to be the same aesthetic, but someone that makes cozy aesthetic videos. Someone that makes you want to curl up with a hot drink while you watch their vids.

No. 634502

rhea y, heejo, nyangsoop

No. 634507>>634520

because we don't have to deal with fleabag in real life bpd-chan

No. 634512>>634535

wtf is fleabag

No. 634520

No bpd-chan, just find the show insufferable.

No. 634535

An okay british show about a woman that would be deemed as a cow here, i do like it though.

No. 634550>>634551

What do people mean when they say that someone “doesn’t have a personality”? Doesn’t everyone have a personality?

No. 634551

it just means they're boring and don't say anything original I think

No. 634557

If you’re looking for a serious answer i’d say it’s because we see her suffer the consequences of her actions and then make the decision to make amends/get better, which is probably more satisfying to watch then your local obnoxious bpd friend stumble through life

No. 634569>>634570

has anyone' ex/bf said they were tired when they had a visible hard-on? what i mean is, like they said they had one BC they were tired? mine does all the time instead of admitting he's horny/i made him horny

No. 634570>>634573

Mine says so too, that sometimes he just gets a random boner when he’s tired. Maybe there’s some horniness going on and they’re just too tired to do anything about it.

No. 634573>>634748

except every time he still wants me to ~help him~ get rid of it or else he won’t be able to go to sleep. I almost don’t want to do anything with him now since he always implies it’s not bc of me. I always give in bc seeing him like that makes me horny. maybe I’m being a little petty though

No. 634581>>634587

How do I find forums for my interests in this internet era? Outside of reddit.

No. 634587>>634630

Literally google <interest> forum. Dedicated websites are best. Less trolls and less chances of libtard hijacking.

No. 634590>>634594

File (hide): 1600622596425.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1242x1225, 23004018-057C-4235-99BA-B7049D…)

What’s the name of this hairstyle?

No. 634594>>634597

It’s just ponytails braided. “Braided ponytails” I’d say

No. 634597>>634604>>634607

But I feel like the top part looks different than if you were to just braid a ponytail, is it a different method of braiding to get it to look like that?

No. 634604>>634609

To me looks like a piece is just wrapped around the hairband and braided in. Looser near the top to make it look full

No. 634607>>634609

No. 634609

Yes I think it looks like it could be either of these, thankyou! I think wrapping a piece of hair around the ponytail and braiding it would probably be easier than doing that braiding method so I’ll try that first.

No. 634630

Anon I love you for using the word libtard in this day and age. Have a good day and thank you.

No. 634655

File (hide): 1600628251481.jpg (161.73 KB, 1242x1606, m5enpsj2pns21.jpg)

Less charismatic WillNE clone. Although, I did find his drama with Nikocado Avocado pretty entertaining.

No. 634690

Any anons here who wear wigs? My hair is going to shit due to hormones and I want some fun wigs, nothing fancy, just something to have a lil fun for once and not think about my shit hair.

No. 634694>>634698>>634724

Is it worth it to switch to contact lenses from glasses? My hairstyle looks perfect when I'm not wearing glasses, they push my hair sideways. I have astigmatism if it makes a difference

No. 634696

No. 634698>>634781

it's worth discussing the option with your optometrist and maybe getting a trial of them

No. 634706

His skin has been bad lately, don't know how he landed his gf.. they're in two very different leagues and his personality and income can't be making up the difference..

No. 634724>>634781

Was not worth it for me personally. Even precovid I would freak out about making sure my hands were clean before inserting/removing my contacts, I was weirdly deathly scared of getting some nasty bacteria in there via contacts lol. It was mostly a care thing that kept me from going back for more contacts (still haven't even finished all the ones I got years ago). I have a friend who literally sleeps/showers in them and never takes them out and it's fine for him but that shit squicks me out.

No. 634730>>634738>>634741>>635168

Is it just me or some years ago there used to be a lot more talk about eating disorders/psa about them?

No. 634738

The whole thick thighs/fat ass trend might be helping bring numbers down? I see more young girls now worry about not having enough fat in certain places

No. 634741

yes but i think that's cause being anorexic was a trend a few years ago

No. 634743>>634750>>634753>>634798

How long do you guys typically tend to be single between relationships?

No. 634748>>634752

lmao do not "help" him anon. Are his arms broken? THen he doesn't need help

No. 634750

I used to be single for just less than a month between relationships (only overlapped relationships once, used to just keep a lot of guys on the backburner) but after going through a breakup a month before quarantine I was forced to be single for 3 months and then have had hookups/date but haven’t done anything serious since then, so it’s been about 7 months. So anywhere from 3 weeks when I was younger to 7+ months, much preferring 7 months tho.

No. 634752

I can't tell whether she means 'help' with her hands or by having some sort of mutual fun.. but my ex pulled that shit where he had me pulling/sucking him off most nights while I just went without an orgasm for the longest time.

I was an idiot, whether he was tired or not, whether he had work early in the morning or not..none of it mattered. We had a one sided sex life 90 percent of the time and I was a fool to ever accept it

No. 634753

I've been single for 4 years. Before my last relationship that lasted 3 years, I was single for a year.

No. 634781>>634802

Thank you, I think I will try some nonreusable ones. I don't think showering and sleeping with contacts in is safe?? what the hell

No. 634798

I have been single for 2.5 years (though I've had some flings and a very short relationship that I ended).

No. 634799>>634800>>634801>>634805>>634823>>634826>>634828

I have a body count of 5. Is that high? I personally know girls who have counts that are double (and one triple) but I've started feeling really self-conscious of how "high" it is. I'm also lowkey dealing with some purity bullshit trauma. Thoughts, nonnies?

No. 634800>>634818

not high at all anon.

No. 634801>>634805>>634818>>634856

I've had sex with one person in the last 5 years… but my overall body count is somewhere in the 50s

No. 634802

Oh it absolutely isn’t. My friend is just a fucking idiot and finally took them out after getting pink eye lmao. I’ve heard stories of contacts slipping away from the cornea and getting stuck to another part of the eyeball when people fall asleep with them in, but it doesn’t happen with my friend or he just readjusts it since he’s used to it but I can’t stand the idea of it. I take em out even for a nap.

No. 634804

Except Fleabag isn’t BPD, you fucking wish retard. Fleabag has strong sense of identity, is self aware, and capable of being alone, all core things BPDfags lack. If you had actually watched the show, her dead friend and godmother are more likely one.

No. 634805>>634808>>634818

>body count is somewhere in the 50s
not judging, but gahdamn.
It's not high. Don't worry about it anon, just be safe.

No. 634808

Got to 50 by the time I was 25, I don't even want sex anymore, got it all out of my system lol

No. 634818>>634824

Thanks y'all. That makes me feel so much better, genuinely.
I found this bullshit article (https://ifstudies.org/blog/counterintuitive-trends-in-the-link-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability) when I was 18 and it freaked me out so much, and it was only recently that I learned it's from some Christian nonsense.

No. 634823

Depends on your age but I think that’s totally average. Some people on here have conniptions over people fucking more than one person a year so don’t let anyone drag you down. In 3 years of sexhaving I think my body count is 7 (hopefully 8 soon lol.)

No. 634824

The only regret I have about my 'high' number is knowing that I took risks with some of them, I don't feel shame over the number itself but I should've played safer.

No. 634826>>634856

My bodycount is 42 and I have never had a boyfriend. That number is really not high.

No. 634828>>634849

As long as you're safe about it I don't anyone cares.
With that said, why are scrotes obsessed with this kinda shit? They always keep pushing the "used up" shit

No. 634829

How high does a body count have to be before you stop knowing the exact number?

I lost count early on, have no idea of the true number

No. 634831>>634838>>634856>>635094

Do y’all put down a tally every time you fuck? I’m sure my number is <30 but I literally can not recall names and faces to count accurately. It wasn’t even like I was stupid drunk during some encounters, I just actually forget these people. So much of it was meaningless and uneventful.

No. 634838>>634856

Same! I don't know my number, I probably lost count when I was only at around ten. I have memories of meeting up with guys where I don't remember if I actually went through and had sex with them (I wasnt drunk)

Someone asked me lately if I'd ever fucked an asian man and I remember meeting a guy off a hookup app but I don't know if we did, maybe we just did foreplay stuff. I don't know anybodies names. A handful stand out for being hung or just fun to talk with afterwards.

No. 634849>>634851

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I think it's a mix of things like possessiveness, seeing women as objects and a purity complex. I find it a bit weird because they do not hold themselves to the same standard.

Pic kind of related, on a thread about OP being victim of revenge porn and her current boyfriend being traumatized by it because his dick is smaller, there are some comments like these saying that it hurts them to think about their gfs with other men. I truly don't get it.

No. 634851

Lmao all that upper body strength and they're still so fucking fragile

No. 634856>>634861>>634862>>634864>>634866>>634942

what the fuck that is so much sex
is this normal for other women? why would you do that?
t. absolutely shocked virgin

No. 634861

Same. I don’t think I even know 30 people.
Then again getting sex from men is fucking easy

No. 634862>>634886

Is it? for 50+ guys anon if she started at 18 it would be around 7 or 8 partners a year. Barely one hookup every month.

No. 634864

I was very sexually active in my early twenties. Been the total opposite the last few years. For me it was just something where I wanted to explore it, and I did til I had enough.

No. 634866>>634870>>634873>>634886

Anon idk hot to break it you but a lot of extroverted normalfags, men and women, in the west break 3 digits or come close to it easily by their late 20's.
I don't think promiscuity should be encouraged simply because men don't deserve effortless sex but fucking 50 guys once isn't more sex than fucking your boyfriend 50 times.

No. 634870

I'm a high digit anon and if I could've found a fuck buddy who was reliable to just show up and give me a good time I would've been happy to do that ongoing. I feel like it's guys that want to constantly move on to new pussy. They have a good deal already but then they get flakey because they're trying to snatch up someone else on an app.

No. 634873>>634879>>634886>>634900

>break 3 digits or come close to it easily by their late 20's
This is easily the most insane claim I've ever seen anyone make about normies on lc and I cannot stop laughing.

No. 634877

How can I learn enough about a language in a month before I go to the country? (I started to learn the language but got distracted by current events) I have severe distraction problems and waste my time browsing doing nothing all day so I need direction.

No. 634879>>634883

Okay now that you pointed it out I had to do the math and youd have to have sex with a different person every month for almost 8.5 years oh my god my sides anon, I love when farmers are so out of touch with actual normalfags. I know there’s virgins ITT but do you guys not think normalfags actually are maybe even a little bit more likely to have longer committed relationships?

No. 634880

>This is easily the most insane claim I've ever seen
Nta but god I see this line on here alot lol

No. 634882>>636062

why are french men stereotyped as effeminate when they have more macho and toxic masculine personalities than american men?

No. 634883>>634884>>634899

You can have several month or year hiatuses and still catch up pretty easily if you're in a sufficiently social scene, aren't ugly, and like sex enough to have a few months of fucking more people. It's really not that absurd. You might be underestimating how common it is to have social circles that put you in contact with thousands of people, actually… Small social circles do really limit you.

No. 634884>>634895

How can you find so many men attractive and worthwhile to sleep with? Do most of these men give you orgasms? Are the virgins/femcels of this board less attracted to men than the average woman?

No. 634886>>634887>>634892

i've had two relationships, both were serious/long term and we never fucked
the concept of hookups is already foreign and bizarre to me and i didn't know it was such a common normie thing
>fucking 50 guys once isn't more sex than fucking your boyfriend 50 times
yeah but it's wild to me that you can find that many attractive men to fuck and it's also dangerous
is it not true then? because that's actually frightening kek

No. 634887

it might be true for some people but VERY few people, seriously. if anyone said to my face that they were in triple digits i’d think they were lying and kinda nasty, ngl. call me a slut shamer but i don’t understand why anyone would want to go close to triple digits tbh

No. 634892>>634906

Having two long term serious relationships without sex sounds equally if not more unusual. Depending on culture I guess

No. 634893>>634904>>634905

>having sex with over 50 men
But why?
I'm not trying to slut shame anyone I just don't understand how that can result in a satisfying sex life.

No. 634894>>634947>>634973>>634990>>635891

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Hey idk where else to ask on the interwebs so perhaps lolcow can help me out?
My dream is to be an artist, but I really don't want to be a twitter/instagram artist that draws anime and furries or meyoccos or something, I really want to try and be someone who gets into galleries and does it more on that side of art

How do I start? What should I do? Should I get an instagram? I don't use any social media at all and to be frank I rather avoid all of them

No. 634895

virgin here (not the other anon), yes. all the men I'm attracted to are fictional. never had a crush on a real person either. but i also find the idea of sex in general gross tbh

No. 634899

Anon your replying to and idk why you assumed I have a small social circle?? (Not to normalfag but Im literally in college and in Greek life so yeah, sure, I guess I could do that) I just think most people don’t— the anon we’re discussing said that most people in the west do hit triple digits when that does not seem to be the case. I’m sure some people do and I’m sure a lot are capable of that, just most don’t aspire to it!

No. 634900

Is this really unbelievable?? Are you guys from small towns or something? I guess I spent too much time around lib college culture.

No. 634904

I've enjoyed most of my 40ish different fucks. I was young, my sex drive was high and my sexual bucket list was long. I stay home with a dildo now (moved to the middle of nowhere) but I'll always have the memories.

No. 634905

I’m sub-30 but to be perfectly candid, mental illness. I needed to constantly reassure myself that I’m hot by bedding attractive people.

No. 634906

these relationships were when i was 17-21 and i didn't feel ready for it, i'm 22 now and honestly still don't feel ready but also kinda want to get it over with
i bought into the christfag marriage meme for so long but i've given up on that whole idea of life, men don't deserve marriage or any amount of commitment

No. 634942

42 bodycount anon here.

Basically, I’m good looking (ik ik men will fuck anything, but makes it easier), but shit at actual dating bc I’m emotionally stunted, have insane social anxiety unless I’ve had a few drinks and am just pretty fucked up in general. Being physically intimate with someone is way easier for me than being emotionally intimate. Having no impulse control probably also plays a part in it.

Also I usually have phases, like once I slept with 6 different people in a month, but then might go a few months without it.

No. 634947

It's pretty hard to be an artist without social media these days, so that might be unavoidable. But when covid chills out, I would recommend going to local gallery openings and networking. Talk to galleries or even restaurants/cafes about holding your own exhibition, dig around your local scene and find group shows that are looking for participants. Art or craft fairs can be a good place to sell your work and a lot of the same artists/customers come to these shows so they can be great for getting your name out.

No. 634973>>634990

gallery hoes still need a bit of social media presence if they are just starting out. instagram will do, but best to keep a good portfolio website. the best way to get clout in the gallery world is to take up residencies, apprentices or to get a masters in your specialization. a fair warning, this field is filled with favoritism/nepotism. it's all about who you know and some people get that clout from insta, but most people i know get to know others through their masters programs/residencies/etc. good luck anon

No. 634990

I'm friends with several fine artists. They definitely do a lot of what >>634973 says; it's good advice. If you don't want to maintain an instagram, at least have a website, even if it's just on tumblr. Aside from that, submit to galleries or group shows with open calls, and talk to the people you meet at these events. One of my friends sells a ton of her paintings by setting up at art fairs; they're great even for no-names/small-names.

No. 634996

Should I knit or go to bed? It's 1:26am

No. 635003

how do I talk to people? if I want to initiate a conversation with someone I’d like to be friends with, how do I do that and keep it going? fuck I’m so socially inept

No. 635004>>635008>>635011

How does daydreaming work?

No. 635008>>635020

You vividly fantasize or remember something, usually in a imaginary visual way, so you concentrate on reality less and the more focus you give it the more it can feel like a dream. It seems some people don't picture things in their head at all which seems weird but I suppose it's something you pick-up doing as a child through imaginative play and reading books but now adays a lot of people just grow up watching screens instead of doing those things. Probably a skill you can practice at.

No. 635011>>635020

it's when you dream during the day

No. 635018>>635019>>635027>>635055

Girls with fair skin / dark strong hair, how do you shave to avoid having dark dots all over your legs?

I tried waxing in the past but it was too harsh on my legs and would lead to ingrown hairs and breakouts.

Shaving is fine but I obviously can’t shave under my skin, so it doesn’t look exactly perfect and the next day it’s basically your sandpaper. My leg and pussy hair grows so fast that I’ll probably never go bald from there so that’s cool I guess.

Trying out hand-held laser removal stuff but not sure if I see any results.
Any Sasquatch anon out there with the same body type and who figured it out?

No. 635019

it's just the way it grows back. if you have dark hair, you're gonna have dark stubble. exfoliating and moisturizing will prevent raised bump and dryness but you're always gonna have stubble unless you wax and get the root, but stubble will still grow back. embrace your body hair anon, its really not a big deal

No. 635020

I wish it came naturally to me. I'm always in my head ruminating over shitty feelings, daydreaming sounds nice.

thank u anon

No. 635027

Tbh I just stopped my never ending battle against the stubble. I'm fuzzy most of the time now. Maybe once a month I'll shave and then think 'wow I used to do this shit day'

No. 635055

I still have dark dots all over my legs and I'm considering electrolysis. Fuck them hairs

No. 635073

correct your vision, read in proper light, less screen time

No. 635080>>635082

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What to do with eyes hurting a day after exessive crying? They're not puffy anymore, I had a normal amount of rest during the night but they still hurt and I can't focus on work… why can't one just have a breakdown without consequences?

No. 635082>>635084

That's from dehydration anon, just drink some water or tea. Hang in there bb

No. 635084

I'm on it, thank you anon!

No. 635094

I stopped counting just before I hit 30. It's probably mid-30's now, but I can't go back and count for accuracy because, like you, I just can't fucking remember some of them. I do know some people keep a tally or list of names in their journal or something and I think that shit's weird.

No. 635116

late af, but weboas.is is a great place for links. the little purple film button has a ton of streaming websites, mostly free.

No. 635133>>635136>>635140

Been told that I remind of Nana Osaki. Am I doomed…

No. 635136

It cold be look-wise, so dont worry anoon.

No. 635140

Why would you be doomed? She's cute.

No. 635166

i don't think muting phrases does that, surely there aren't that many transwomen to block?

No. 635168

transitioning is the new trend swallowing up young women now (they still have eating disorders and body image issues), look up female detransitioners and plenty mention having them.

No. 635220>>635226

Is it really necessary to wear moisturizer or have us girls and women just been tricked into thinking we have to by the beauty/skincare industry? Because I go through extended phases of applying moisturizer twice a day and through extended phases of applying none and my skin never feels any different and my skin's fine. I live a healthy lifestyle, drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen, I feel like that's enough?

No. 635226

It just depends on your skin type. If you're super oily less moisturizer would be better. Obviously lifestyle choices play a part too, but moisturizer is important for a lot of people.

No. 635252>>635259>>635265

Is voting conservative the only way to keep troons and their bs out of office?

No. 635257>>635263>>635827>>635855

I need your presence, anons. Has any man ever pretended to have and a relationship with you, sexual or otherwise, with you having no idea?

I just found out a fucking weasel at work has been implying for months to other coworkers that we have sex together—not just male coworkers, but female as well. He worked on a small team on the shift after mine and he told the women in that team. I only know he told them because they treated me pretty poorly and I couldn’t understand why, I remember I had to pick something up under a shelf while we were all in a lab freezer and they both called me a slut and said that’s the position I love to be in. It was weird (I’m gay, have never discussed my sexuality or personal life at work nor have I ever hooked up with anyone I work with) but I couldn’t put the pieces together until now. A couple months ago he also transferred on to my shift. He tried to come on to me a few times but I didn’t think anything of it and he was the farthest thing from my mind, I’m so irked. I found out because I finally made my first friend at work, I’m not bitchy but I’m really reserved because I hate workplace drama and avoid the extra stress. The new friend is gay and has a husband, when he found out I was a lesbian he got kind of startled and invited me to lunch. He told me about how it started out with the weasel coworker during the guys smoke breaks before his shift saying he started hooking up with a girl from our shift, that she was ‘a really private person’ so he wasn’t going to say who it was, and would vaguely describe my appearance basically. It became a whole big thing among the guys apparently as time went on and he switched to our shift. I’ve barely spoken to this guy outside of a small talk context, he would come to my section occasionally but I can’t even recall the things we’ve spoken about, yet he told all the guys we have a secret relationship! I’m kind of freaked out honestly.

No. 635258>>635261

I'm really short on money and I don't have that much time to get a part time job because I'm a college student..
is it easier making money online as an artist or as an ewhore? please explain why.

No. 635259

yeah pretty much. but you can always try to raise the profile of terf shit in leftist circles. more and more people are peak transing every day.

No. 635261

Unless you already have a large following or are really good at cultivating one, no to either. Both markets are incredibly saturated, and you'll be putting in way, way more work trying to market yourself AND produce product for less and unstable income trying to do commissions or camming. Just get a part time job, fast food places are literally always hiring and it's tangible and guaranteed money. Don't be above it.

No. 635263>>635268

Play along and embarrass him publicly, ask him to be the daddy to your imaginary kids, idk, lots of ways to make them shut up.

No. 635265>>635272>>639319

I don't think so. More and more of my friends are starting to decry trans/transtrender bullshit every day despite being allies. Older generations are already skeptical/more conservative on trans issues, and no matter how lib people appear to be about trans shit, most people know better/are normal deep down and just too afraid to admit it because of cancel culture. Politicians aren't going to care about that, though, they'll more than likely have a better head on their shoulders about it. We don't have to go trad to avoid it.

No. 635268

I’m too freaked out to play along anon, I left a lot out but in short he’s not the kind of person I want to entertain like that even jokingly. I don’t know what to actually do because he really created this imaginary world where we are in love and together outside of work.

No. 635269>>635270>>635276>>635277

Best appetite suppressants?

No. 635270


No. 635272

>Politicians aren't going to care about that
I don't know about that. In my country they're literally going to remove our gender from our ID cards because there's a miniscule minority that doesn't identify as either male or female. It's fucking batshit crazy. I wasn't scared of sjw and troon-type of politics because I thought that kind of extreme thinking only existed on the internet and didn't leak through into the "real world" so to speak, but apparantly it does. I'm legitimately scared for the future, especially for women.

No. 635274>>635283

File (hide): 1600706671073.jpeg (37.71 KB, 234x341, tif.jpeg)

How do I know if the hairstyle I have is actually flattering/suits me? My hair used to be rather frizzy and dry, but fairly poofy and fluffy. I got a keratin treatment recently and I initially hated it since now it's really flat and straight (especially since Kibbe says I'm supposed to have fluffy hair), but I've gotten a lot of compliments on it ,but idk if that's because people aren't used to seeing it so they just compliment it, today and I've grown to sorta like it

No. 635276

the serotonin receptors in our guts fuck diets up. fats and proteins make us feel fuller longer. it seems counterintuitive but make sure your diet includes enough of them. if food is an emotional thing for you, seek help for it. it wont go away because you eat the 'right' combination of food or supplements

No. 635277>>635281>>635311>>635863

Adderall and Topamax

No. 635281>>635287

i lost 40 lbs with topamax. can confirm

No. 635283

I've also looked into Kibbe but I feel like most people can't recognize what looks good or seperate on someone unless it looks really, really bad. Also it may just looked healthier to other people now that it's really flat and straight instead of frizzy and dry and that's why you're getting compliments but that doesn't automatically mean that's your best hairstyle.

Idk take this with a grain of salt though

No. 635287>>635311

Yeah, it's the best. Prescribed to help with my binging bc I'm a bulimiafag that's been trying to recover for 10 years, and it's literally a miracle. Losing weight because general decreased appetite AND loss of impulse to binge 95% of the time. Highly recommend.

No. 635307>>635315>>635326>>635337>>635351>>635352>>635369>>635380

I found LC randomly over a year ago but I’ve gathered that the majority of farmers came from 4chan or KF. I’m wondering how do you (as women who aren’t alt-right tradthots) even go on imageboards/forums like those? Aren’t the majority of users anti-feminist, woman hating males?

No. 635310>>635322>>635331>>635338

My neighbors son (18) works in a local shop and I've always gotten this vibe off him that he dislikes me. Weird seeing as I get along well with his parents, whatever.

Today I'm in that store buying a coffee, he's by the coffee machine with another female staff member, She's putting something into one of the coffee machines and he's making crude jokes like "is that how you stick it in, never seen it shoved in like that before hurr durr" Anyway she doesn't see me as I'm waiting to reach for something so he tells her to "get out of the girls way" I'm 14 years his senior..

So I've already had weird interactions with this guy before but discarding that fact, if you're 32 and an 18 year old guy calls you 'girl' is that weird in normal circumstances?

No. 635311>>635328

Anons please be careful with topamax if you already have an ED. I had bulimia, was prescribed topamax to stop the binging, and developed anorexia instead. I became a full fledged anachan and lost 30 pounds by eating ~400 calories a day. It was the best drug ever at the time like >>635287 said but it led to the worst grades I’ve ever had in my life, the worst relationship with my family, and a shit ton of money for ED recovery because of my rapid massive weight loss.
Topamax also makes you retarded. You won’t be able to spell the most basic words. In my case, I forgot how to spell “rose”. I also had a time where I forgot how to spell “electricity” on an engineering test and had to find somewhere that it was typed on the test so I could copy it. Great times.
I really can’t recommend this drug as it ruined my life for a while. If you’re perfectly mentally healthy with no ED it might work though.

No. 635315

My experience was being a tradthot pickme that used to lurk 4chan. Once I found an imageboard that's both female-centric and honest (plus troon-free), I stopped going to shitty incel cesspools once I got used to lf.

No. 635322>>635344

Does he not know your age? If so then maybe he thinks you're more of a peer and feels comfortable calling you a girl, but since you're friends with his parents I'd assume he's well aware.

Regardless of whether he knows or not, he seems like a little shithead to be "joking" with a coworker like that. In a customer service role you'd typically never want to refer to someone as a girl, you'd just say, "Please move out of the customer's way." Referring to age/gender at all is risky in this day and age, though some might say "lady's way" as in politely calling customers ladies and gentleman. I rarely expect teenagers to have any sense of decorum though.

No. 635326

i use those sites solely for shitposting and pretend to be one of them.

No. 635328>>635845

…anon that's currently prescribed Topamax for bulimia, is that why I can't remember or understand absolute shit and feel like a retard lately? Damn. Thanks anon, and I'm horribly sorry about what you went through. I've been losing weight pretty rapidly as well–about 7 pounds without trying and I'm not overweight, just smack average. Advice heeded, and I hope you're doing better now. ♥

No. 635331

Sounds like you’re just reading into it, what do you expect him to call you woman or old lady? I’m sure he knows you’re in your 30s. You can’t really expect manners from some dumb zoomer.

No. 635337>>635350

Eh, most of 4chan's user base is just there for the shitposting and memes. It's judging the site based on its worst demographic, just like someone might assume lolcow is only full of femcel NEETs that love to berate other women all day. They do exist here, but there's a broader span of users than that.

No. 635338>>635365

It most likely has nothing to do with your age. He was either trying to demean you, or girl is just his default word for females. Some adult women still call themselves girl (which is fine). It's probably the latter, so I wouldn't look too far into it.

No. 635344

> Referring to age/gender at all is risky in this day and age
I'm a very um.. lesbian looking lesbian so yeah there's an added bit of risk with gendering me lol

I think he must know my rough age. I'm not renting, I bought the house nextdoor about two years ago so that should indicate the life stage I'm at. Scrotes being scrotes I guess.

No. 635350

hard agree with this. its just something to do. ive used lolcow since its inception and 4chan since 2004 . its not that deep but its judged by the most obnoxious users.

No. 635351

4chan is not like it used to be anymore; its alot memeier(?) but also i can stomach opinions I wholeheartedly disagree with. I love reading shitty opinions and laughing at them

No. 635352


I´m mostly into laughing at bad art, I got into Kiwi farms when people were finding out about woke art and someone made a thread gathering those. I kept lurking for a long time and got more and more involved into cow-related stuff.

Then I found Lolcow for the Holly Brown thread and the rest is history.

No. 635363>>635389>>635390

File (hide): 1600711321525.png (94.73 KB, 217x217, probably not cryptkeeper anna.…)

Who is the person in Anna K's twitter profile pic?

No. 635365>>635367>>635384>>635425>>635439>>635695

Slightly unrelated but I heard someone introduce herself as a "33 year old girl" the other day and I couldn't help being weirded out by it. I have nothing against people feeling young at heart but I feel like at some point you need to stop calling yourself a girl because it's just not accurate anymore.

No. 635367>>635412

Exactly, a man introducing himself as a “33 year old boy” would get some head turns

No. 635369

I was a regular on 4chan when I was a teenager (2005ish), well before /cgl/ was even added. I mostly stayed on /a/ and it wasn't as terrible back then. There weren't as many other boards and true misogynistic shitposting was mainly kept to /b/.

I found a lot of good anime from /a/ and the imageboard medium is just home to me. Reddit's posting style has always confused me and now I'm too old to learn anything else.

No. 635380

Back in the day a lot of the edge on 4chan was just for jokes, except maybe on r9k. Since 2016 it's been flooded with boomers and tumblrites and everything is srs bsns now

No. 635384

0 - 29 is okay for 'girl'. Tbh late 20s is pushing it.. so 30s is a no go

No. 635389>>635391

Natasha Lyonne

No. 635390

Alla Pugacheva

No. 635391

Now that’s just mean

No. 635412

I think it's just one of the ways men demean us but in a socially acceptable way where we even start doing it to ourselves… guys stop being 'boys' pretty quick but we're left with this childish term that seems harmless enough but..why the double standard?

No. 635424>>635427>>635439

Seriously though why are kids all going through puberty at 9 these days it’s scaring me

No. 635425

Turning 30 really solidified it for me that 'girl' doesn't sit right anymore and it's even a bit jarring to hear it.

But tbh by the age of 30 I was already married, divorced, had buried a parent, had bought my first house… I hadn't been a girl in a long time.

I wonder if young women with kids lose the term sooner?

No. 635427>>635429

Diet, apparently

No. 635429

The average diet contains growth hormone or meat that was raised on growth hormone, plus nearly all packaging and a lot of what we touch contains endocrine disrupters

No. 635435

Is it normal to have worse periods after substantial weight loss?
I could easily slide through them with no painkillers when I was fat, but 55 lbs down and I need to take tylenol + an NSAID to function.

No. 635439>>635447>>635455

What do you mean? It's not abnormal to hit puberty or start your period or whatever at that age. Unless you mean kids are acting way too grown, which is true.

ayrt, I don't think people say "girl" to mean young or anything. An anon actually posted about this in the unpopular opinion thread yesterday, but girl just sounds more casual and slang-like. It's like saying "guys" I guess. As a black person, it's actually pretty common so hear stuff like "giiirl, did you see what happened yesterday" or whatever.

No. 635443>>635449>>635450

How do I hide a thread here?

No. 635447

>"giiirl, did you see what happened yesterday"
I actually like it when it's used like that, but maybe that's because gays have taken to calling everyone giiirl or guurl so it takes the gender out of it?

No. 635449>>635510

File (hide): 1600714887410.png (105.13 KB, 1167x430, hide.PNG)

At the top of the thread you'll see a little minus sign, click it to hide the thread

No. 635450>>635510

The little negative sign to the top left of a thread. Looks like [-].

No. 635454>>635456>>635460>>635470

Was anyone elses mom weird about letting them use tampons?

I hate pads but for the first few years of my period my mom refused to let me try tampons. My school gave us all trial packs of different tampons and pads to try out and my mom made sure I couldn't keep them. Some stupid virginity shit I think?

No. 635455>>635458

It didn’t used to be normal. My brother is taller than me and has a deep ass man voice and he’s 10. It’s fucking weird as shit. I remember my older brother when he was 10. I didn’t hit puberty until 14 myself, which is maybe a little late

I don’t know how to act around my brothers now. There’s one younger who’s clearly hitting puberty. I want to roughhouse and play with them and talk to them like the little kids they are but they don’t look like kids

No. 635456>>635471

Actually it was likely toxic shock syndrome fear. Especially around the 80s, a lot of moms were raised to be scared of TSS.

No. 635458

I've noticed fat kids get there earlier.

No. 635460

It doesn’t have to be about virginity, I wasn’t allowed to use tampons because you have to know how to use them right or it will hurt and forgetting one can literally kill you. Maybe she didn’t want to deal with it and let you figure it out when you became older and more responsible

No. 635465>>635477>>635493>>635509

Help please. I've always been conflicted about my sexuality and I recently found this long article about 'compulsory heterosexuality' and now I'm more confused than ever. It states that people who experience the following might be gay and I can relate to these:

- I like getting attention from men and being validated in my attractiveness, but the moment it goes from attention to an interaction (i.e. from flirting to asking out) I start panicking.
- Only/mostly being attracted to unattainable, disinterested, or fictional guys or guys you never or rarely interact with. (Such as teachers, married or older men, and men that live far away)
- Thinking you’re commitmentphobic because no relationship, no matter how great the guy, feels quite right and you drag your feet when it comes time to escalate it
- Being around guys that are interested in me gives me intense anxiety.
- Feeling weirdly guilty and uncomfortable in locker rooms etc., when your female friends are less clothed than they normally would be around men and being more careful not to look than they are

Some other things: My sexual fantasies have almost always been about men (mostly of the fictional kind but I had a couple of times when I fantasized about men I actually know). Only rapey, hetero porn gets me off. I tried watching lesbian porn, but I don't enjoy it and I find it weird. I think women's bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at, but I don't find them exciting in a sexual way. I was raised by a narcissistic mother who never respected my boundaries and instilled the concept in me than women have to serve men and sex is always a humiliating experience for women that they have to endure. When I was young, she told me lots of stories where men abused or raped women in the most detailed way possible. She also walked around in the house without clothes or walked in on me when I was having a shower. I was raised without male influence and did not like to hang out with boys when I was a kid because I found them crude and they bullied me. When I was in high school and college, everyone always assumed I was gay (which I found hilarious) because I never hung out with guys and did not date because the idea of it gave me massive anxiety. Actually I very rarely interacted with people of any sex because of my social anxiety. I'm not sure about the last bullet point. I went on a trip last year with my female best friend and I accidently walked in on her changing her clothes and I just..I felt really weird about it, I couldn't decide if this was weird because she's half naked or this is normal because she's a woman and I'm a woman and we have the same body so it shouldn't be weird at all??? I don't know how to put this…
Random stuff: super muscular, manly men scare the fuck out of me. I like Asian men, but not the overly feminine ones. I also always have had this feeling that men have something in them that is innately…evil or violent or I'm not sure…like I could never fully 100% trust them.

So basically how do I know if I'm a closeted lesbian or just a socially anxious, commitment phobic straight who was raised in an emotionally incestuous family with an absent father figure and therefore never learned how to relate to men? Sorry for the novel

No. 635470>>635472

Yeah, my mom was. For her, it was a virginity/purity thing because she's super catholic and grew up in PI, but she came around eventually.

No. 635471

I remember she said that they were only something married women used.. so I think there was an element of her not wanting me to discover myself too much? But yeah I forgot TSS did seem to be feared more even in the early 2000s

No. 635472

Same. Jokes on you mom.. I was gay this whole time!

No. 635477>>635493>>635504

>I think women's bodies are more aesthetically pleasing to look at, but I don't find them exciting in a sexual way
Congrats, you're not gay. Wanting to fuck/be fucked by women is essential to being les or bi. Hope that helps at least a bit.

The hangups (including those around women) seem to be products of your upbringing, though I'm no expert on that. Best of luck, anon. I'm sorry it was like that for you.

No. 635493>>635504

Agreed with >>635477. Don't overthink it anon, if you don't want to have sex with women then you're straight.

No. 635504

Thank you for your input guys. I was confused because I had a handful of lesbian sex fantasies, but they were always influenced by external things. Like if I saw a movie with a lesbian sex scene in it I had les fantasies for a few days but then I always went back to having hetero sexual fantasies. I have this feeling that I could 'train' myself to be sexually attracted to women if I wanted to

No. 635509

Maybe you're just asexual/haven't fully matured yet. Some people are late bloomers. I only started feeling sexual attraction in early 20s. Take it slow and don't traumatize yourself by doing shit you aren't ready for.

No. 635510

No. 635605>>635612>>635619

i'm boutta clean and need some music to GET PUMPED, help me make a playlist anons

No. 635612

One Direction

No. 635619

disco, house, funk,hip hop, remixes, ect music from the 70s-90s always have heavy basslines and fast drums. current music tends to be low energy or too short

No. 635663

My bf is sad and stressed should I send him a pic of my boobs? He's a coomer it could distract him hopefully

No. 635670>>635675>>635685>>635795

How do I become an interesting person when I have nothing going on in my life?

No. 635675

you cant. you have to do things.

No. 635683

Depends on what you mean by the latter two, if it's a legislative issue like whether people should be allowed to endanger public health by not taking medicine that could stop spreading diseases they carry, that's a topic that concerns real public safety. If you mean the latter two in the context of motives for real crime and not "men at my work don't take me seriously enough and sometimes joke about women" then that can only really be discussed on what the law enforcement should do about it. With more context than just one adjective it'd be easier to make the distinction.

No. 635685

Read. Or listen to an audio book. Anything non fiction. If you're too lazy to have anything to talk about, pick up some base info on a topic and hope no one asks you any questions

No. 635695

Felt like I stopped being a girl at 21-22 myself, tbh. Even though 21-25 year olds act childish now, i can't help but to remember they were considered very grown adults in the past (30 years ago).

No. 635775>>635788>>635795

To get rid of a social media addiction should I go on it less and less or just quit going on those sites permanently.

No. 635786

can someone make a new fetishes you're ashamed of thread? i miss her and suck at finding thread images.

No. 635788

if you haven't turned off notifications, do that. limit who you follow to close friends only or like, 10 accts. if you still waste too much time delete cold turkey, or keep them deleted during week.

No. 635795

The fact that you have nothing going on in your life means that you are inherently uninteresting. Sorry.

Whichever method you choose, you have to replace it with something. Take up knitting or embroidery to deal with the urge to do something with your hands.

No. 635800>>635806

Was so excited to hang out with a friend I have a crush on again this week and he potentially cancelled on me RIP and I was trying to bone my friend’s roomate and he just sent me the GROSSEST pickup line after the stalest texting, like I’ve just been waiting for him to ask me to come over but then when he does he asks like that??? Fml guess I’m just gonna be watching Netflix for the rest of the week

No. 635806>>635812

>people have sex with others while having a crush someone else
Damn, socially adept people always blow me away with their multitasking. My overly attached ass could never.

No. 635809

what do you guys use for collecting inspo and ideas? i don't really like pinterest

No. 635810

is it normal to have eye bags and wrinkles since childhood? it seems like everyone else starts getting them during adulthood

No. 635811>>635813

Does anyone remember a dress up game website with a popular user named savvy? 10+ years ago

No. 635812

Didn’t realize I posted in the wrong thread FUCK but thanks for asking a question to get us back on topic. But yeah I guess I’m just good at compartmentalizing guys into one night stands vs boyfriends material, never have more than one serious prospect at a time

No. 635813>>635998

Stardoll, roiworld or girls go games? The only three I can think of rn

No. 635816>>635821

I don't get why some people's drama blows up/are "canceled" and some people are allowed to move on by the public even if they do the same things. Is it how they handle things or is it about the circles they're in? Both?

No. 635821

tbh it's kind of like trolling/bullying where it only works if they give a negative reaction, so if someone apologizes profusely that's blood in the water for people to keep putting pressure on about it and now every little thing will be nitpicked over to get another "victory" out of them, but if they just ignore it the angry mob doesn't get the satisfaction of getting a concession out of them so move on

it's why ironically the more left wing you are the more likely you are to get "cancelled" since you're more likely to beg and plead for forgiveness for suggesting a story where a fictional black character you just invented does farm work but no one gives a fuck about Mark Wahlberg literally smashing a random asian man in the head with a rebar while screaming vietnam fucking shit because he's a right winger who just says god forgave him and ignores comments about it

No. 635823>>635831

This is so cringe but… how do I become funnier? I just want to be that one person that people think "wow she's so funny"

No. 635827

That's such a slimy fucking move. Could you report it to HR? Is there some kind of Slack/group chat where you can outright announce that he's been lying?

Something similar (but much milder) happened to me at my old job. There was this guy who was nice and quiet, though when he talked to me I could tell he was working up towards asking me out. During a meeting with our department, I announced I was resigning, and everyone immediately looked at the guy, who turned bright red.

I went on vacation leave for a week, then upon return I started to backread my department's group chat. At one point, said guy asked who had the file for such-and-such, to which a coworker replied "Your girlfriend does." (I had the file on hand). Guy doesn't deny this, instead replied with a ":)". I felt extremely grossed out and stopped talking to him. I considered telling HR upon my exit interview, but figured it wasn't a serious enough case. I think your story qualifies, though, because it's pretty clearly sexual harassment. Sorry you have to go through this.

No. 635831

copy other funny peoples mannerisms and listen to good stand up.

No. 635845

YES anon, this medication makes you so so dumb. I was a straight A student that barely passed my courses because it made me legit near retarded. I encourage you to find another medication before it totally zonks your brain and don't abuse it like I did. Thanks for the wishes though, I wish you the best as well with the bulimia.

No. 635855>>635861

File (hide): 1600755546983.jpg (52.65 KB, 772x960, 5465434684.jpg)

anon I feel for you so much, something similar happened to me at work but luckily he was SUCH a huge liar that he lied about everyone else too and we all got fed up and collectively had him fired. it fucking sucks that all the women you work with are believing his bullshit. in your case I honestly think having your gay friend back you up and putting this dude on blast might be the best course of action. idk I guess it depends on your workplace culture as well as how willing you are to out yourself as gay to your coworkers. very firmly letting everyone know that the rumors are untrue, inappropriate, and unprofessional, and just plain laughable do to your lack of interaction with your coworker and lack of attraction to men could give you the power in this situation. fuck, people are so shitty, I'm sorry you're going through this, anon, I really am.

No. 635861>>635868

My workplace has a strange dynamic and most of us are from countries where you ignore those things, I worry I will look unprofessional to my colleagues that respect me, I’ve worked very hard to keep things work-centric. Unfortunately there’s a small boys club (?) of Americans that are hard to deal with (no offense to Americans lol) and he happens to be one of them. I’m not sure on what to do because I don’t want them to know about my sexuality, that could cause problems for me, but at the same time this creep has really built this… persona??? around the fact that I’m a private person and has like nailed it into my coworkers heads I’d get “upset” and “deny everything” if I found out. I’m sure I’ll figure out what to do over time but for now I’m really uncomfortable.

No. 635863

I don't recommend topamax. Not worth it at all, I forgot how to tie my shoes on that medicine and basically experienced ego death after taking it and then smoking weed (I had no tolerance and was in an unfamiliar environment, didn't think anything of it though as I'd smoked in the past before starting the med) it was the most horrifying experience of my life and I've had issues with depersonalization and flashbacks ever since. It also makes you retarded and forget words, but forgetting how to tie my shoes was the point where I just cried lol

No. 635868>>635884

ah I see, maybe confronting everyone wouldn't help then. best of luck either way anon, hopefully he slips up and more people realize he's a liar and turn against him.

No. 635884

Thank you anon, I hope so. I’m thinking about attempting to open up more and leave my own subtle doubts over time. If it gets any worse I plan on dropping hints among a couple of the gossipy women that I’m being stalked and in distress because it’s someone I’ve never entertained and that they’re very mentally ill, we’ll see what happens from there.

No. 635891

File (hide): 1600765048820.png (9.27 KB, 648x372, Untitled.png)

I have a denim skirt that keeps riding up like this when I walk, it doesn't really move up much but it always creases a lot like this. It's not so bad that it exposes too much or anything but a huge crease looks ugly. Is there anything I can do to stop this? If I cut slits in the sides, or if I take in the bottom so it's more fitted will it stop?
I don't think you need social media at all. You could go to a gallery and try to find a friendly artist who will tell you what to do. A lot of older men artists are nice (of course older women artists must be nice too but I haven't met many sadly… hmmm…) and will surely help you if you listen to their life story in return (be prepared to listen for at least 2 hours). There might be some sort of DIY galleries if you can find near you, in my city there is one gallery where they will cover your expenses for transporting art to the gallery in an effort to raise recognition of smaller artists and my friend told me of a gallery where you just have to bring snacks and drinks and artwork and you can have an exhibition there. There might be similar places in your city or near you as well. Just make sure to have enough art for an exhibition.
Of course it also helps a lot to sell your paintings to other people or to gift or loan paintings to small shops or restaurants and leave your contact info with them if anyone asks about your painting. I don't know how this works though, but I know of it.

No. 635894>>635895>>635896>>635900>>635914>>635986

File (hide): 1600765387900.jpg (89.96 KB, 960x631, 1591649019947.jpg)

I know zilch about genetics so please bare with me
How does it happen that sometimes two very attractive parents have a really ugly kid? It's way more baffling to me than average/ugly parents having a beautiful child. Also I feel really sorry for such children, I knew a girl who had extremely low self esteem because of it and at some point she even thought she was adopted

No. 635895>>635897>>635898

because genetic inheritance is still a dice roll even if both of your parents rolled 6's

No. 635896>>635968

File (hide): 1600765952895.jpg (90.09 KB, 740x517, zendaya.jpg)

How do I stop seeking validation? I'm well aware that I do it and it's annoying as fuck but idk how to stop.

Genetic recombination is a bitch. Pic rel is Zendaya's parents

No. 635897>>635902>>635905

Genetics are wired and sometimes the genetics of the whole family comes into play, e.g my father is 5'7 but comes from a family where most men are 6+, my mom is 5'3 and comes from a family where pretty much everyone is short

I ended up shorter then my mom, my sister is 5'8 and my brother is inch taller then her, like it's weird

No. 635898

File (hide): 1600766519502.jpg (178.84 KB, 1454x746, Screenshot_22.jpg)

This. Genetics are unpredictable

No. 635900>>635901

File (hide): 1600767009650.png (2.53 MB, 1204x1200, fun.png)

Genetics are funny like that.

No. 635901

File (hide): 1600767149258.jpg (426.41 KB, 1366x2048, Alexa-Chung-with-her-dad.jpg)

No. 635902>>635918

Yeah it's weird. I'm literally the only natural blonde in my family, everyone else has dark brown hair. I was looking at photos of my great grand parents and their siblings and some more distant family members, and still no blondes

No. 635905>>635968

Genetics are unpredictable. I'm the only person in my whole family (including extended family) for at least three generations with green eyes, everyone else has blue eyes. (I think I looksmatch my parents tho.)

No. 635914>>635915>>635919

You think this girl is ugly just because her features aren’t feminine?

No. 635915

That's literally Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker put through the gender swap filter on FaceApp I don't think it's related

No. 635918

get a dna test

No. 635919>>635976

File (hide): 1600768841888.jpg (572.23 KB, 1920x816, 1591691386950.jpg)

no anon, I think Luca is beautiful, but Ani best girl

No. 635920>>635969

How do I unspam someone on facebook? I "accidentally" marked someone as spam (as in, they pissed me off and now I regret it) but I dont know how to put it back.
I've googled but facebooks answers are bullshit and the menu options they talk about don't exist (wich people mention but facebook doesn't answer them)
Please help me fix my stupid impulsiveness.

No. 635921

Where can I learn more about the thought process that goes into creating movie posters? I really enjoyed this video essay

No. 635933>>635953

How do you even get started on learning how to love yourself?

No. 635953

I often wonder the same. Also, how does one embark on a (possibly spiritual?) journey of self-improvement? Is it simply about learning to recognize your negative behaviors and making an effort to eliminate them? For example, I am AWFUL at being assertive and frequently wind up putting myself in uncomfortable situations as a result. I’ll bend over backwards to cater to everyone else’s needs while neglecting my own. I’m even the type of person that somehow gets sucked into listening to a mall kiosk employee’s entire spiel and even purchases a useless product afterward so as to avoid offending them. I’m a doormat, and I’ve been this way my entire life. This is just one flaw out of many. How do I go about working on them?

No. 635968>>640553

File (hide): 1600774600370.jpeg (39.11 KB, 554x554, images.jpeg)

Cameron Boyce with both of his parents

No. 635969>>635973

Do you mean on the timeline or in messenger? In messenger you have to message them to get it back to your inbox, if you unfollowed or snoozed their posts you have to go back to their profile and refollow them. I hope it was one of these but if not I can help when my dumb brain understands aha

No. 635970

Why does my cat only want to sit on my lap when I’m using the restroom?

No. 635973>>636462

In messenger I put them as spam but they're also in a group chat and everytime i open that chat, messenger will ask me "do you want to ignore this chat" wich is really annoying.
So I just have to talk to them and they'll be put out of spam?

Thanks for the help anon, facebook is such a hassle

No. 635976

Sorry anon I know nothing about Star Wars so I thought you were just being cunty lol whoops

No. 635983>>635985>>635992

this guy i've been talking to deleted some messages he sent me (we are talking on discord) and i am confused. why would someone do that?

No. 635985>>635989

Deleted after youd replied? What did they say??

No. 635986

If it makes you feel any better, looks can change a LOT during your lifetime so if you look bad now, this might not be the case later.

My parents looked nice enough but as a kid I was really hairy, dark and legit ugly. I had massive bulging eyes, a unibrow, a mustache, a massive crooked nose and big ears, and my whole mouth area was just really unfortunate. Adults asked me to my face if I was the product of an affair or some adopted gypsy kid (my parents are white), I legit looked like the guy from that Aladdin Ngawur meme video and people thought I was a boy with a bad bowl cut. The only good thing about it was that I was so ugly and masculine rapey men left me alone.

As a toddler I was kinda cute and then it all went downhill until my mid-20s when my face became more proportionate again. Most people who knew me back then legit can't recognise me anymore.

No. 635989>>635990

these were from weeks ago, i was looking for some picture he sent me and when i went to the part of the conversation they were at i noticed he deleted some messages he sent when we were flirting. he and i are still talking also, so it's weird.

No. 635990>>635992>>635995>>636557

Nta but could be that he has a gf who scoops his IG and that's why he deleted

No. 635992>>635996>>636557

red flag, most likely what >>635990 is saying and you don't want to be anyone's side girl and you don't want anyone to be embarassed of you which are literally the only explanations. confront him and let us know what he says because i'm curious now

No. 635995>>635997

nah, there's more incriminating stuff on them than that, and my messages were written in a way that clearly replies to something specific. i think i figured out why though. he mentioned before he feels a bit embarrassed about flirting through text, but we flirt over voice chat still. i think he just wanted to read the messages i sent him without getting embarrassed at his own replies (he probably is turned on by them or something). he probably didn't think i would notice because why would i go back and read them. that just means he went back to look at my messages.

No. 635996

i still confronted him about it but we'll see what happens. there is much more incriminating things on the chat than some slightly lewd flirting.

No. 635997>>635999>>636557

Why don't you ask him

No. 635998

Hmm no it was more of a website where you like created a singular character, I think you could have like your own page kinda like MySpace and talk to people. That’s why I remember that particular person. Thanks anyways though.

No. 635999>>636557

i asked and i'll report back.

No. 636003>>636006

Tips on focusing better?? I'm supposed to be applying for jobs but I'm constantly procrastinating and watching Youtube videos

No. 636006

try the pomodoro technique

No. 636014>>636024>>636028

Our government said the same thing and even now there's no mask laws, they only released a "recommendation" to wear one on public transport like last week. In some neigbhoring countries like Sweden their strategy was literally "just let it spread and people will develop immunity".

Out here all the power is with multi-party coalitions and not one powerful president, so people don't make these crazy accusations like "the prime minister single handedly killed those people that caught it" like they do in America. With the American public's weird rebel attitude towards refusing to wear one for their own protection or avoid crowds, do they really believe that, or is it just aggressive partisan political blaming?

No. 636024

Don't worry anon, there's countries where wearing a mask is enforced even for taking a shit and they still have high contagion rates. Masks don't do shit.

No. 636028

First, just to be clear, most Americans are wearing masks, it's just a couple hundred dumb people who aren't. The reason why is because they believe it's their right to not wear a mask. Has nothing to do with the government (they aren't strictly enforcing mask-wearing laws) but just "my body my choice". They believe the coronavirus isn't real or as serious as everyone makes it out to be, so they go without it. I've also heard anti-maskers say that only liberals wear masks or some shit.

No. 636059>>636094

Is it weird I am online all of the time but I don't have any online friends? I just never clicked with anyone. I tried discord, but I'm in my mid twenties and it just seems like everyone is either younger than me or has a totally different lifestyle.

The exception is that some guy I ended up meeting offline introduced me to his groupchat on facebook that I talk to there. But I don't get the whole randomly picking someone out, clicking with them, and then talking for years sort of thing.

No. 636062

I don't know if effeminate is the right word, they are stereotyped as dramatic and arrogant, which runs counter to the "strong, hard working silent type" thing that's considered the male ideal in some of the other cultures nearby (where expressing yourself is considered a mostly-female field). Arrogance paired with machismo can definitely come across pretty "toxic"

No. 636065>>636091>>636201

Why do TRAs call everyone a TERF, even if that person isn't a feminist? Just call them transphobe or whatever.

No. 636091

Because they hate women and feminism and TERF is basically the equivalent of "roastie" at this point?

No. 636094

File (hide): 1600786086177.jpg (222.96 KB, 1280x960, ditto-omanyte.jpg)

Same boat, anon…. How do ppl make online friends?

No. 636172>>636188>>636209>>636221>>636236

File (hide): 1600792867657.jpg (28.05 KB, 474x316, pigeon.jpg)

How do I get into sewing? I want to quit fast fashion and learn how to mend clothing, but idk where to start. Would I start with a sewing project and try to make something that doesn't require much fabric? What should I first try to make?

No. 636188

You should probably start with practicing stitching (straight, then corners, bows and circles) and then seams on some scrap fabric. At least that's what I did when I took sewing classes, we had to practice basic techniques on scrap fabric first before we really got into actual clothes.

No. 636194>>636199>>636210>>636218

What on earth is a nonbinary he/him lesbian…?

No. 636199

nobody knows

No. 636201

Most don’t know what RF means lol seeing them calling right wing thots TERF is fucking hilarious.

No. 636209

Some people start by sewing on paper but that's more for kids. Start by sewing on cotton, for example your name or geometrical shit. Back in school we had these big sheets of fabric we were supposed to sew with machines without cutting the thread, and it was timed. It does sharpen your skills and is useful. I'd say start by making a little pouch, for sewing shit from an old pillow case or something if you don't have scraps. You can also practise sewing on a zipper too, be sure to make proper patterns, measure twice, cut once. Good luck, sewing is fun!

No. 636210

No. 636218

A contradiction in terms

No. 636221

i used to just take two pieces of fabric and sew them together in various ways until it looked good. if you are fixing something like a hole in a shirt copy a youtube tutorial and try to mimic their movements and methods. i only hand sew so this pertains to that. definitely just fuck around with throw away fabric and make mini sleeves or dresses. you'll learn as you go.

No. 636236

The other anons gave good advice, but just wanted to add to thread your needles like vid. I didn't know how to when I first started sewing and got annoyed every time I had to spend like 20 minutes threading it lol

No. 636240>>636250>>636251

what the hell. talk to your man not her wtf

No. 636245

> flirting with my man
You mean your new ex? Just dump him and move on, what does it matter who he cheated with. He's a cheat. End of. Why even seek out the rando internet stranger?

No. 636246

>get cheated on
>blame the chick instead of your bf

tale as old as time

No. 636248

How is your bf being flirted with past the first nude? Not blocking after flirting can reasonably be explained if your partner is dim, but he shouldve blocked the moment he realised. What I don't get is how do you know? Did he tell you and just continue to receive that attention?

No. 636250

File (hide): 1600795696251.jpeg (26.24 KB, 738x415, hi.jpeg)

Second this anon. Maybe consider neutering him also, I know it works for me when my man misbehaves.

No. 636251

He's not really her man tho is he..he's everyones man lol

No. 636259

>refusing to block her because she's a "friend of a friend"
Yeah, that sounds like a fat excuse if I ever heard of one. Hope you dump him but I'm not expecting much tbh.

No. 636264

Obsessing over the girl/catfish wont do anything for you. His excuse about not blocking is absolute BS. Move forward with some dignity

No. 636268>>636270>>636282

Do mods allow posts like above? She could be over or under 18, it's a privately sent pic, we just don't know her age and we don't know if it's a stolen pic of someones little sister or some dodgy shit like that. The claims that it's a 'man stealing camgirl' could be a scrote getting revenge even. Doesn't sit right

No. 636270

if they deleted roommate anons posts this is FOR SURE getting deleted. dont know why anons think it's ok to post pictures of random people here

No. 636282>>636284

Omg, what did I miss?

No. 636284>>636290

Anon caught her bf doing some online cheating so she posted a pic of the girl as either revenge or a way to hunt her identity down. Shitty thing to do.

No. 636290>>636299

Who invited these doxing retards here

No. 636299>>636339

I honestly hope the roommate finds out about roommate anon's antics and steers the fuck away from her.

No. 636339

It’s all made up role playing anyway

No. 636360>>636365>>636409>>636445

Is guzzling 2.5 litre of black tea a day bad for you?

No. 636365>>636430

The caffeine might be a bit much.. but then I probably drink that much black coffee daily..

Do you use a good whitening toothpaste? lol

No. 636409>>636430

drinking 2.5 liters of anything is probably bad for you

No. 636430>>636432>>636473

No I have good enamel I guess. I use the whitening strips every couple months
Tea is mostly water thoughhh aaa I just like how it tastes

No. 636432

Do you put anything in your tea, or by black do you mean no cream/sugar in it?

No. 636445

It could pose a problem if you have low iron levels / could cause low iron levels. My friend was the same and she had to stop drinking so much of it.

No. 636462

Sorry for the late response but yeah, once you send them a message it’ll remove them from your ignore list. Glad I could help!!

No. 636473>>636560

Drinking 2.5 liters of water still isn't healthy lol. You should cut back for sure

No. 636557

reporting back. he actually answered me pretty quickly. i was basically right. he was embarrassed by what he said but wanted to reread what i said. he told me that he'd rather "tell me in person" next time.

No. 636560

that's the recommended amount tho anon.

No. 636596>>636600

Do people react differently to goofy/silly women compared to goofy/silly men? like do they find the former more inane or irresponsible

No. 636600

I'm goofy when in a group dynamic and people seem to be okay with it. Just back it up with your work and no one will underestimate you (ime).

No. 636608>>636611>>636612>>636613>>636617>>636622>>636683>>636845>>636857>>636900

File (hide): 1600815448162.jpeg (508.56 KB, 1262x2418, 3086011E-449A-475C-8019-0AA683…)

found this in his DMs with his ex a while ago and been telling myself it’s a joke.

please be honest anons, did he cheat or could she be just joking? perhaps he’d have a stronger reaction to this if it was serious seeing as he hates kids

No. 636611>>636615

are you dating a caveman

No. 636612>>636616

Maybe I'm being stupid but I don't really understand what they are saying here, to me it reads as just some weird inside joke? Unless you have some context or other interpretation of it

No. 636613>>636615>>636618>>636621>>636845

I firmly believe that if you feel the need to go through someone's phone then it's time to break up. Regardless of whether he's cheating, there is an issue of trust between you and him–it's not necessarily your fault. Just end it and save your time;I used to be as anxious as you but my ex was a repeated liar and I stayed for far too long. Having been there myself, I can say that the general trust issue does not go away. This feeling of anxiousness is going to continue for as long as you're with him. If I could go back in time and tell myself anything, my advice would have been to break up with him. End it now before you get any deeper. And don't give him a chance to explain because you'll just cave in to whatever bs explanation he has.

No. 636615>>636621>>636896


it’s his typing style

is that a yes or

No. 636616

yeah i think it is an inside joke prolly

No. 636617

Depending on how close they are/their sense of humor it could be a joke. I say the absolute dumbest and inappropriate stuff with my ex, but we’re still best friends. It’d look incriminating to people who didn’t know our sense of humor. But if that’s not it or a possibility, then yikes, anon. That is a pretty mild reaction from him, though. Has he been acting weird lately?

No. 636618

Good point actually why are you looking at his DMs?

No. 636621>>636845

Same OP as here >>636613. I don't know if he cheated, anon. He types like a literal retard. That being said, why are you going through his phone? Clearly you can't trust him for some reason.

No. 636622

Why does he type like he is retarded? You should ask him directly. I feel like need more context?

No. 636624>>636658>>636667

Does anyone else get dry skin on their nipples??? Is this normal??

No. 636654

what do i do when i don't want to do all the stuff i'm supposed to do?

No. 636658

yes. try wearing a softer bra or shirt with less coarse material, like spandex. use a gentler soap on your bust region

No. 636667

Yep, my nipples are almost always dry, especially now that I have them pierced. It’s completely normal, as far as I’m aware. I sometimes dab a lightweight moisturizer on them, though I’m not sure if that’s recommended.

No. 636683

yea it's totally normal to have an inside joke with your ex about impregnating her.

No. 636765>>636769>>636780

How can I get rid of an unhealthy emotional attachment to a guy who doesn't give a fuck about me? I can recognize that I need to stop, but I find myself not having control when he messages me.

No. 636769

Use the block button

No. 636774>>636791>>636798>>636811

File (hide): 1600839594480.jpeg (828.8 KB, 4032x3024, CC460A3E-DAD0-4687-AD1F-65A2A5…)

I still have my pubic hair

No. 636780

Pre-occupy your mind, maybe do some research into the neuroscience and psychology behind that sort of emotional attachment. I think if you understand the mechanics behind these intense feelings, you can get some distance from them. More importantly, you should make an effort to redirect your thoughts in general whenever they drift to this guy.

No. 636791

You have man hands

No. 636798

Wash your fingernails, looks like you chew them off with your teeth like an animal

No. 636808>>637371

Anyone else has the type of insomnia where you can fall asleep just fine but then you wake up at unreasonable hours and can't fall back asleep?
I've been waking up consistently at 4 am the last few weeks and don't know what causes it

No. 636811>>636885

Your thumb looks like a toe

No. 636842

What do you think is the line between someone being a sadboy/sadgirl and them having a valid reason for their outlook that outsiders really shouldn't comment on

Like there was this guy I knew who was part of my mutual friend group, he barely smiled, didn't want to have a good time and looked miserable most of the time and I had this in my mind that he was just a soft sadboy or something, then I learned that his younger brother had been kidnapped and never found and he blames himself as he was the one supposed to be watching him, at the point I just felt awful for my misconceptions about himself

I would hate myself if I did something like that

No. 636845>>636877

>I firmly believe that if you feel the need to go through someone's phone then it's time to break up.
not OP and maybe I'm too lenient but unless the reason for distrust is coming from the current relationship, I'd say that looking at somebody's phone because of some past relationship traumas is excusable and not necessarily a reason to immediately break up. Obviously it's not a good thing to do still and should be worked on, still, not immediately a reason to break up.

This said >>636608 screen reads so weird it has to be a joke of some sort, if there was any legit worry of ex being pregnant with his baby, there's no way he'd just casually ask "when are you going to have a baby" or her responding "why ask", it seriously reads like a shitpost. Also timestamp make it seem like it was a casual convo since this short exchange happened within 2h or even more. I'm curious what the voice messages are about, and while I'm sure I'd be on heightened alert a bit it really doesn't read like proof of cheating.

No. 636857

How can you be in a serious relationship with someone who types like this? Know your worth.

No. 636877>>636906

I don’t know, I guess if your partner is willing to let you, but I personally wouldn’t want to give my phone to my partner to read through my messages or go through my apps and stuff. I give my phone to my bf to search things on the internet or look at photos and don’t care about that, he can glance over at my phone at any time and see who I’m talking to and what we’re saying. I have nothing to hide, but it’s still my personal phone and there’s a lot of private stuff or things my friends talk about that no one else has business knowing, ya know? I think having privacy and a life separate from your partner is important. I don’t know if I’d be able to hand my messages over to someone to read through at their own discretion.

No. 636885

Kek true

No. 636896

You can admit you're dating a retarded person anon, that shit looks more than juvenile

No. 636900

the your wife's son thing is a common meme reference to cuckolding

No. 636906>>636912

No no, I think we're misunderstanding each other. I don't think it's any good to look at your partner's private conversations and it should not be done but if it happens it also shouldn't automatically be a reason to immediately break up, a person can work on themselves and more trust can be build.

No. 636912

I get what you’re saying! I wouldn’t immediately break up with someone for reading my messages—I’d be pissed, but I’d ask why and we’d talk about it, etc. I agree with you there!

No. 636920>>636924>>636938>>637121>>637127>>637129

How many anons do you think are the same person? Like finnanon (bless wherever you are) and borzoi anon. Are they also bunny anon? Epstein anon? Who knows!

No. 636924>>636959

whos bunny anon?

No. 636938>>636954

File (hide): 1600867053373.jpg (73.64 KB, 1024x768, beautiful-borzoi-for-adoption-…)

No. 636939>>636941

I have grandma thighs, just skinny noodles for legs. How would I go about making them rounder rather than flat? Gaining weight doesn't really do much of a difference.

No. 636941

exercise, weightlifting

No. 636945

How do you quit something you're obsessed with but don't like anymore and want to get away from?

No. 636951

I've been a big coffee drinker for as long as I can remember, yesterday I ran out of coffee but didn't want to go out so I had a rare day where I had one cup in the morning and no more for the rest of the day… by lastnight I was having UTI symptoms. I have not had a UTI in yeeears

I thought coffee was actually bad for bladder health but that timing is odd. What's going on?

No. 636954

here we go again

No. 636959>>636979

If it's me, I just talked about and posted a pic of my pet bunny in the last popular unopinions thread and people thought he was cute!


No. 636979>>637008

I'll say it again, cute bun!

I feel like black bunnies are underrated, I used to have guinea pigs and mine were rescues but I always noticed that the local pet shop sold out of the light colored pets first and the black guineas and rabbits were always the last to go.

No. 636987>>636995>>636996

Anons, should I go to a meetup? I have social anxiety and I'm freaking out but I know I should get out of my comfort zone…it starts an hour from now

No. 636995>>637002

Go!! You can always excuse yourself and leave early if you need to. But at least you try participating.

No. 636996>>637002

Go nonnie, if you don't feel good you can always make up an excuse and leave.
You'll have fun.

No. 637002

Alright, I'm going, thanks you guys!! I hope I won't shit myself from anxiety

No. 637008

Aw, that's so sad! I specifically went looking for a black bun, so that surprises me, but I guess it makes sense. I read somewhere recently that black cats don't get adopted as much, partially due to superstition, but also because dark animals are harder to take photos of, so I guess that either of those could carry over to bunnies too. I happen to love both my black cat and bun, others' loss. Thank you, though! ♥

No. 637016>>637034

Do we have a lucid dreaming thread?

No. 637034

There's a "Dreams" thread if you scroll down a bit, does that work

No. 637085>>637086

What does TRA stand for? I know it's meant to refer to trannies, but what does it stand for?

No. 637086

trans rights activist

No. 637090>>637119

Did anyone else find their degree significantly easier than their a levels?

No. 637119

not in uni yet but a lot of my degreehaver friends say they were, incl med students

No. 637121>>637138

We're all borzoi anons

No. 637127

File (hide): 1600883821404.png (169.51 KB, 840x764, 402-4023503_post-spurdo-finnis…)

There are at least 5-7 individual posters in the Finland thread so multiple finnanons are more likely than you think.

No. 637129

There’s also a bee anon and pro North Korea anon I’ve noticed

No. 637138

File (hide): 1600885015944.jpg (49.14 KB, 400x294, Borzoi6.jpg)

No. 637141>>637143>>637145>>637153

What the fuck is wrong with me wanting to have a 3 some with my husband? Can’t I have my cake and eat it too? I get women leading lesbians on is wrong, but what the fuck is wrong with making your intentions known up front? Nobody gets hurt that way.

No. 637143

Imo nothing but you should look for women into men as well, obviously lesbians don’t want to sleep with your husband

No. 637145>>637160

Doing so on dating apps where people want to find a monogamous partner is annoying as fuck. I'm bi, and when I was using Tinder to try and date women, there were so many disgusting 3sum or unicorn chasers. Fucking embarrassing. Make your intentions known up front, but use a sex or fetish site or something. People trying to find relationships don't want to feel objectified. That's the problem.

No. 637153>>637160

>Can't I have my cake and eat it too?
No, bitch.
I hope you're only approaching bi women who make it clear that they're down for threesomes on Craigslist or Fetlife or something because if you're approaching lesbians on lesbian apps I completely support them going ham on your bitch ass.

No. 637160>>637168

Fuck apps. I don’t approach women on apps and obviously it’s fucked when lesbians are preyed on or objectified by women who are not honest with their intentions. Nothings going to stop me from fucking other women and you bitches can’t stop me

No. 637168>>637170

>Asks what's wrong with doing something
>Fuck you bitches I'm going to be predatory with my scrote anyways!!!

No. 637170>>637172>>637177

Hey big brain maybe it’s because you didn’t actually present an argument other than don’t be predatory, which is a non issue

No. 637172>>637175

Whatever you say, unicorn chaser.

No. 637175>>637179

I prefer harem builder

No. 637177

Kek okay, so you don't approach women on apps. What then, a woman tells you she's bi, and you feel out whether or not she'll want to bang you and your cumbrained scrote? Still gross, but have your cake and eat it too. You came here and asked, not sure why you're all
>none of you bitches can stop me!!!
now kek.

No. 637179

File (hide): 1600888314750.jpg (28.16 KB, 816x565, EW_NfPWXYAAFU6e.jpg)


No. 637199

Which app is better for retrieving cash when you sell feet pics?

No. 637234>>637236

how come my thighs look better when I wear tights vs when I don't?

No. 637236

The tights suck you in a little bit, and if they’re black they might have a slimming effect

No. 637242>>637247

Would you consider consistently fantasizing about a person who doesn’t exist to be emotional cheating?
Before my current boyfriend I had a 4 year long break from relationships during which I had no intention of being with anyone, but I’ve had developed this vision of a perfect bf, looks- and personality wise (not based on anyone in particular though). I’ve been with my actual bf for almost 4 years now, but I still have vivid thoughts of the imaginary bf sometimes, for example when I listen to certain songs. I can’t really help it, but I’m worried I’m being a secret asshole lmao.

No. 637247>>637262

Lol no, your bf probably does the same thing. If anything you’re cucking yourself because you know your zettai kareshi will never exist.

No. 637261>>637292

File (hide): 1600895954170.jpg (82.99 KB, 564x846, asianfashion.jpg)

Where can I find pics of average to unattractive women who wear fashion, aside from street snaps in japan?

No. 637262

File (hide): 1600895993778.jpeg (62.17 KB, 867x720, 296109FD-0D68-4E89-A53C-6767F8…)

guess you’re right…

No. 637289>>637303>>637323>>637330>>637422

re-posted to remove the unnecessary text
how do i convince my body to do keto? im addicted to carbs

No. 637292

Um, literally any website that lets women post their outfits? Lookbook? Instagram?

No. 637303

It’s shit and unsustainable. Don’t even bother trying it just integrate more healthy habits into your life.

No. 637323

Learn how to starve first. I fasted for 3.5 days to get over the carbs withdrawal. Then another day of liquid refeed. Then my body is just happy to eat. Of course from that point on, it's obsessive tightrope walking as just one bite of that delicious crack, I mean, carb will send you spiraling. So yeah, not sustainable.

No. 637330

go to college for a lucrative degree, find a high paying job, make enough money to be considered an upper class citizen, hire a chef to buy your groceries and make all your meals for you. or you could, i dunno, eat a celery or something.

No. 637342>>637343>>637391>>637410

Why the fuck does every other post on crystal.cafe sound like a dude LARPINg. Does the admin not care?

No. 637343

They don’t have the staff to take care of large scale infestation. Admin doesn’t hesitate to yeet obvious scrote posts though, that’s more than I can say for here.

No. 637349>>637350

Why don't songs have men moaning, groaning, or acting sexy anymore?

Like this:

No. 637350

No. 637370>>637383

is 8 inches a normal size for a dildo or am i greatly overestimating my needs as a woman with an average-depth vagina?

No. 637371

my grandmother has that, lol. you should see a sleep specialist

No. 637381>>637384>>637385>>637390

the fuck is 'body checking'???

No. 637383

it's a little larger than you'll find men IRL, anon, but you should be okay! just be aware of your cervix using it so you don't bruise yourself

No. 637384

Ana/ED people showing off how sick they are/how much weight they've lost. They'll claim "personal accountability" but it's really to show off to all their ana friends.

No. 637385

its an ana-chan thing. not sure how anon was using the word but the "body check" term is usually used for anas when theyre tracking weight loss.

No. 637390

Taking photos or videos of their body specifically to look at their weight loss, or touching/checking out their own body irl (eg pulling their shirt up every time they pass a mirror).

No. 637391

Pretty sure it's run by a trans woman. They could easily make rules that deter the creeps and rp'ers but they don't.

No. 637410


I am too dumb to clock larpers, unless it's REALLY obvious ("hey there vagina havers, how big is your bra? I'm a 28DDD")

How do you do it?

No. 637417

What happened to the gender critical thread?

No. 637422

You need the will power to start with but after your body has become keto adapted, it's easy because you stop craving carbs. In ketosis your body converts fat into ketones for fuel so instead of wanting to eat junk food, you will want to eat fat and protein. You can eat a much smaller amount of fat and protein to feel full, so it's easier to eat at a calorific deficit.

No. 637489

Does aly art have some kind of educated background that makes her an expert in beauty and aesthetics or is she just a random self taught artist authoritatively stating her personal theories on stuff?

Sth about her annoys me, but people here seem to really like her

No. 637493>>637494>>637501

does anyone here know of good iron supplements that don't kill your stomach? the last time i took iron supplements i was rolling on the floor sobbing from the pain. i felt like i was being stabbed. but my hair is starting to fall out, my nails are turning white, my dark circles are worse than ever and just walking to another room exhausts me so i really, really, really need to take some kind of iron supplement, but i'm afraid of feeling like i'm being stabbed again…anyone know of some decent ones? preferably available on amazon because i'm a fucking hermit

No. 637494>>637495

Can't recommend any brands because I live in an ass backwards European country, but ime drinkable (liquid) iron supplements are easier on the stomach than pills.

No. 637495

i had some liquid given to me by my gp, but the stuff she gave me stained my teeth..even when using a straw which i don't even understand how that is possible lol, it also had this horrific taste..sigh
i might just order some childrens dose vitamins or something

No. 637498

what ever happened to noodlerella? or whatever her name was

No. 637501>>637506

I take a multi called VegVit but idk if it'll be enough iron for you.
At first it would make me puke every time I take it but I've learned to only take it during a meal (like inbetween bites) and that's kept it down. Have you tried that with your supplement?

No. 637506

I only tried it once because I was scarred for life by the pain kek. I'm going to order SlowFe and pray it doesn't hurt as badly. It's pretty high dosage but is slow release so i may have a chance. I'll take it in between meals too, thank you for the suggestion anon!

No. 637516>>637524>>637527

has anyone ever contacted an emotionally abusive ex years later and had it be a good idea? in the stupid questions thread because I know it's not. but I dreamt I did it and I felt all this closure that just slowly disappeared as I became more awake. I can't stop thinking about it. should I do it? I just want to hear him say sorry and I think he might.

No. 637524>>637537

Anon I don’t want to tell you what to do, but I think that’s a really bad idea. Barring his mom messaged you on FB to say he was diagnosed with BPD, got medicated, and is now some perfectly healthy specimen, he’s still the same guy who hurt you and the same guy you left. I get wanting closure, but what would the closure be from him? Saying why he abused you? Do you want to know?

I did contact an abusive ex once, and it ended up being a mistake because he couldn’t even admit it. Just smiled and was so nice and polite but closed off, and all I got out of it was feeling shitty about myself for thinking I needed anything from someone who could do those things.

No. 637527

Speaking from experience, that's a horrible idea. He never admitted it and actually, I wasn't the one who messaged him first. He started knocking on all my socials a year later (and kept doing that for another one but I blocked him), casually saying that it's all my fault and I am in the wrong, while he is the smartest person, just to later try asking me for nudes.

No. 637534

I haven't. I was late twenties when he was abusing me and he was.. late thirties. I just don't have faith in someone suddenly growing much at that age. I assume he's abusing his current partner.

I regularly still have nightmares about him and tbh I feel like the closure that I want can only come from therapy

No. 637537

> did contact an abusive ex once, and it ended up being a mistake because he couldn’t even admit it. Just smiled and was so nice and polite but closed off, and all I got out of it was feeling shitty
Ooph, I didn't contact my ex but a few weeks after I moved away from him he sent me a teddy bear in the mail (soon followed by more) and he texted me like nothing had ever happened. Total gaslighting shit considering how insanely abusive he had been. I eventually stopped making retarded polite replies. I realised that given he had moved on to a new girl within a week.. He either didn't want me reaching out to her to tell her stuff or it played on his mind that I could contact police about some of more serious things he had done. Fuck em.

No. 637540>>637549>>637555>>637556

File (hide): 1600942721480.jpeg (362.35 KB, 750x739, CF4835D8-138D-4486-BCDB-45FFDB…)

Saw this Cardcaptor Sakura makeup set as an ad on instagram. I was able to find the exact same thing on Taobao (though it was cheaper through the company on instagram) and I’m wondering if it’s a good idea to buy it as a present for my best friend. The company is prooobably just reselling them from Taobao so I’m worried about the quality and her potentially having a bad reaction to it, but she also posted that she saw the ad and really likes it so I’d love to surprise her with it. What are your thoughts anons?

No. 637549>>637552

What brand did you see the ad from? Don't buy makeup from taobao, it's too risky. From a quick google search, there are no makeup brands that are currently making Cardcaptor Sakura makeup. A Japanese brand called Bandai did, but it was limited edition and could only be won through lottery. The makeup in your pic looks like a knockoff of the Bandai products.

Does your friend like any other anime? Colourpop has a Sailor Moon collection, Etude House has a Wedding Peach line and Shu Uemera has a Holiday One Piece collection coming soon.

No. 637552>>637553

The brand was Perfect Diary! Thanks anon! I figured it would be a bad idea lol. She likes lots of other animes, but not any of those unfortunately

No. 637553>>637574

Perfect Diary is a trusted brand, the collection is probably just more expensive than if it were from taobao. They have a 5 piece set with earrings for $50, but they also have a 3 piece set for $32.

No. 637555>>637574

Honestly thought the makeup looks cheap in the ad,maybe get her a card captor Sakura necklace? I've seen some cute ones

No. 637556>>637574

I'd honestly be a bit scared buying makeup off taobao or AliExpress. What about buying some cute cardcaptor sakura merch off Etsy or AmiAmi7 In worst case they also tend to sell pre-owned figures from people who have already bought them and tend to be in good condition as long as you look at it's 'condition level' thing. I bought a nice rare Miku figma for my s/o and it didn't have any defects, however it turned out to be much cheaper than it's preorder price.

No. 637558>>637562>>637583

Paranoid-chan here.
Fan in my laptop crashed so I send it to fix it. So they fixed it and now I have it back.
But it is possible that they install some program to spy on me? That they would see what I do on my laptop? Or I'm just paranoid and everything is ok?

No. 637562>>637984

Get help, paranoid-chan.

But if it worries you that much, look on google for spying programs and then look in the section with the controllers, then, if something matches the names of what you saw, delete it.

No. 637574

Oh sorry should’ve clarified- I saw it on ig first, but since I don’t trust most ig brands selling cutesy stuff like this, I went to taobao to see if they were a possible reseller. Perfect Diary is selling it for a little cheaper than it is on Taobao, but I’m mostly worried that if I bought it from PD, I’d actually be buying something resold from Taobao! I wouldnt be buying it directly from Taobao ahha.

I know she owns some but I forgot which ones. I wouldve gotten her the necklace from bisoulovely but didn’t have the funds when it was being sold lol. Hopefully I can find something cute on etsy!

No. 637580

You guys wanna see my huge throbbing cock?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 637583>>637984

Is it technically possible? yes. But is it likely? No, it's extremely unlikely. You're paranoid and everything's okay.

No. 637623

Is it normal to have chest pains when you're really hungry?

No. 637820

Is anyone familiar with the website Meetup.com? Can people see when I look at their profiles?

No. 637828>>637838>>637842>>637993>>638244>>639229>>639266

File (hide): 1600972545538.jpg (47.02 KB, 968x1490, 610zcduKZ0L._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

Anyone knows brands that still sell classic earbuds that sound good?

I struggle to get my hands on a pair when I need new ones because the brand (sennheiser) that I used to buy from seems like they drop one by one the classic looking ones, so I'm searching for alternative choices once I can't get these anymore welp

No. 637838

I thought that was a shower head for second lol

No. 637842

I don't know what you like about these lol. Anyway I've seen Motorola and Sony sell these recently, but they were in a lower pricerange so idk about their quality.

No. 637945

File (hide): 1600982144643.jpeg (113.17 KB, 558x479, 44886FCB-0607-4189-AA94-B90952…)

How does it feels like to live in a penthouse? Are the neighbors from bellow annoying?

if you hypothetically had a tiny dance studio/gym, would it bother your neighbors?

No. 637984

Thanks anons. Yep, I'm just paranoid, but your words made me calm again. Maybe I just needed to hear that it's all in my head lol. Thanks!

No. 637993

audio technica.

No. 638022>>638024>>638025>>638028

I have no idea how to find threads on here. I feel really stupid, I’ve been trying to find the latest pink pill thread but I can’t. I tried googling the title of the last threads but it seems like I keep reaching a dead end.

No. 638024>>638150

There is no pink pill thread and hasn’t been for months, go to asherahsgarden

No. 638025>>638150

pp was yeeted months ago. trashtalking scrotes is illegal now

No. 638028>>638030>>638150

Scroll to the bottom of the boards and you'll see a link that says search. You can sort the search results to get better results. Also use the catalog. I don't think the pink pill threads are available cause admin deleted /xx/

No. 638030

It isn't deleted its just a locked board.

No. 638150


What the hell? Does anyone know why it’s not allowed anymore? And thank you for the other site to go on!


Thank you! I’ll use this to look for other threads!

No. 638168

File (hide): 1601003822103.jpg (107.28 KB, 678x800, 6075b4428431a2e1d89ae8d7f4a2b5…)

is saying born in the wrong decade acceptable now?

because damn the 10s-20s look like they are going to suck ass.

No. 638172>>638177>>638182

Why don't you use Amazon?

No. 638177>>638183

NTA but because amazon is a shit company that doesn't deserve money?

No. 638181

how does it feel to be close to someone? How do you get a bf or friends? How do you maintain it?

No. 638182>>638186

Is this a serious question?

No. 638183>>638189

So what's a good alternative? Small businesses? Really what company isn't shit?

No. 638186

do you know what thread you're in?

No. 638189

I mean all big-ish companies are shit but most of them aren't the abysmal slavery anology that amazon is.

No. 638203>>638223>>638230>>638232

How long does it usually take before someone who lives alone and commits suicide is found? For example, if someone were to kill themselves with a gun, could their neighbors hear the gunshot, and if so would they call for help? Or would no one find out they died? I'm so sorry…

No. 638223>>638227

Stop being weird.

No. 638227

Why is that weird? I just want to know.

No. 638228

I wonder how many farmers are people with a notable online following

No. 638230

Yes, the neighbours could hear the gunshot or smell the corpse just a few days, or maybe hours after. Also any correspondence will pile up at the door and I'm sure at least one person will wonder about them if they don't hear or see them after a few days. I don't think it takes more than that, unless they are a very old and alone person that spends all of their days in their home and are completely uncommunicated

No. 638232

Yes, people generally call 911 if they hear gunshots.
It depends on the individual. Do they have anyone to check up on them?
Some people aren’t discovered for weeks.

No. 638244

Urban Ears and Marshall still make bud type earphones. They're not exactly like the old bud design but they don't seal the ear completely so you can hear what's going on around you. They sound decent for ear buds and the build quality is good. I still use a pair of them that I bought back in 2012.

No. 638307

Is there a way to overcome PMS related brainfog other than continuously overdosing on caffeine?

No. 638354>>638393>>638408>>638410>>638430

Am I too idealistic thinking that men and women can absolutely be friends if they want to?? I just watched a video where they ask people this question and every single women said yes, and every single men said no and in the comment section the main theory is that women just said yes because they want 'backup options' and that men are more 'realistic'. I find this so fucking infuriating. Women obviously said yes because they can look at men as humans whereas men can only look at women as a potential fuckmate. And yes I know I'm beyond retarded for getting triggered over a stupid Youtube video

No. 638381>>638391

File (hide): 1601036601406.gif (141.03 KB, 400x200, original.gif)

Introvert anons, how do you recharge your social battery?

I had to spend my last weekend being social around everyone, and tomorrow I am going to do the same but I still feel socially exhausted which gives me anxiety that I might fuck up. Can't cancel the plans because that would be rude.

No. 638391

Honestly, you just have to cancel the plans or not make them/say no ahead of time if you don't want to cancel. I'm still learning this as well. I cannot recharge or feel better without alone time, especially if I've socially exerted myself a lot. If you can't cancel what's coming up, let your friends/family know you need some alone time for a week or two upcoming. Set boundaries and enforce them. Feel better, anon! We got this.

No. 638393

No, you nailed it. Most men are incapable of seeing women as anything but objects, but women see people as people. I have plenty of male friends that I know value me for my personhood because they're not disgusting coomers and ditch the ones that are obviously incapable of that from the jump. It's not so black and white, it's just a youtube video.

No. 638408>>638426

Reading those comments just confirms the theory that women would like to be friends with men but men are incapable of viewing women as anything other than sex objects.
In my case, I've had some friendships with men where I really wasn't interested at all and they claimed that they weren't either; anyway, all of them ended because they made a move on me. I just don't understand why it's so hard to just be nice and supportive without wanting to fuck every single woman you come across.

No. 638410>>638415

>can men and women just be friends
I’d be curious to see what the response would be if the question was phrased “can men and women be friends?”

I think men are interpreting the question literally as trying to be platonic with a woman they’ve already pursued romantically. “Let’s JUST be friends” is usually used after rejection imo

No. 638415

Good point.

No. 638426

I dont either. I had crushes on some friends and still managed to keep being friends because i wasnt out and i knew it wouldnt work out, it really is not that hard even when youre attracted to women. Even gay men can somehow not want to fuck every single guy they come in contact with and be friends with straight guys, so the testosterone and biology excuse is bullshit.

Also its depressing how they will end up liking any woman just for the fact shes a woman and at arms reach, its like they wont ever like you for your personality or character, you can work to be sweet and caring or be a complete bitch and they will make a move regardless.

This is why i get so annoyed when men whine about how they have no support from friends while women do. Its not just because were women, its because we can be friends with 50% of the population without fucking it up because we can keep it in our pants and we seek out more varied friendships beyond other dudebros.

No. 638430

Bastards ain’t shit but scrotes & dicks

No. 638432>>638435

Is there a nicer version of aliexpress that, idk, they sell their REALLY GOOD counterfeit products/knockoffs/stolen goods?

I feel like AE they just throw shit in a box and don't care.

No. 638435

I actually love AE, I suggest reading their reviews before buying and making sure there are a lot of them plus pictures before purchasing. Otherwise, try YesStyle maybe?

No. 638442>>638446>>638450

Why do indian girls sometimes have that weird tone of voice? Sounds a bit like the sucked in helium but the pitch stayed the same. Does that make sense?

No. 638446

idk if we're talking about the same thing but I think the reason why Indian girls pitch up their voices when they speak English is because they want to seem feminine. Sorta like how old Bollywood films make women sound like chipmunks when they sing?

No. 638450

I think it’s like a thing they just do, it’s the same in Ethiopia, women will try to sound like Alvin at any moment they can, even if their regular voices are beautiful.
It’s probably like “hey, my family has always been talking like this, I will follow suit”
I even asked someone I was friends with like “bruh, why?” And she told me that it was just like that.

No. 638453>>638456>>638458

How do I quit lolcow? It makes me feel less lonely because I'm a bitch with petty opinions and all my real life friends are good people.

I know it has a toxic effect on me but I can't stop logging on at least once a day

No. 638456

Stop logging on

No. 638458

download one of those website blockers like cold turkey

No. 638460>>638462>>638468

Ladies with partners, what size bed do you have? I have a full currently and it's fine but sometimes I wake up sore and I want to sprawl out.

No. 638462>>638505

Queen. We spoon most of the night but having the option to stretch out is nice. Full is just too small imo

No. 638468>>638505

>>638460 King XL (I think murica calls it California King?)

Absolutely the best investment ever.

No. 638492>>638494>>638501>>638502

What is some easy stuff i can make with blackbeans? No burgers pls

No. 638494>>638522

refried beans

No. 638501>>638522

>>638492 burrito bowls, lentil black bean stew, I've seen recipes for black bean brownies but feels too cursed to try

No. 638502>>638522

I just make regular ol' black beans to put in burritos, tacos, mix with rice, etc.

No. 638505


You anons are making this harder, lol
Thanks though, I love you guys

No. 638508>>638510

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How do I make myself feel comfortable in social settings? Everytime I am with people I get super-self conscious and can't help but notice how stiff and awkward I am compared to everyone else. Also my mind becomes empty and I literally cannot think of a word to say in the conversation, almost like as if I was dissociating

No. 638510

First of all, you might actually be dissociating in those situations, kek. Not a bad thing, just something to be aware of.

When you notice yourself being stiff and tense, take a deep breath and unclench, release the tension. Try to ground yourself by breathing and looking around, at the people and your surroundings. Maybe start by talking and sticking to the person you went with, and if you're at a place alone, just do your thing. People probably aren't paying attention to you. It's really hard to accept, and as much as I've improved with this from my crippling social anxiety before (seriously, selective mutism and panic attacks levels of social anxiety) those feelings are still there…I just kinda. Do shit anyways. Does that make sense? The phrase is so cringey, but "fake it til you make it" does have at least a little bit of credence as you work your way through your anxieties a little at a time. Best of luck. Always remember that you're probably not the only one having a bad time.

No. 638522

Ty anons. Idk how I didn't think of refried beans, gonna try to make some nachos.

No. 638539>>638554

Stupid question but idk what to do. I wanna change my hair to dark brown. I’m a natural blonde and it took me 4 years to grow out my natural hair color but i feel so boring. I want to dye it but what if I regret it!

No. 638554>>638556

Try a temp color, and If you don't like it you can just wash it out. I've heard hair wax is good and doesn't damage the hair like dye, but I've never tried it myself.

No. 638556>>638641

samefag but wanted to add that color conditioner is also a thing

No. 638571>>638575>>638577>>638578>>638688

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How do I become a Stacy and stop being such a loser?

No. 638575

What's your starting point?

No. 638577

take care of yourself and learn how to style your hair, dress for your body, get a good sense of style, how to do makeup (if you wear it), and learn how to socialize if you're bad at that. You can get ps if you want, but learning all those other things first is way more important imo.

No. 638578


Work out or at least don't eat like you've never seen food, stay clean and wash your hair, get with the trends concerning clothes (or just dress whatever makes you feel comfortable and stylish), take care of your skin, get friends (or just try to find people with common hobbies), and GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.

I found that just going out even by yourself makes people curious about you and want to approach you. Also fake it till you make it. Show that you're confident, stand tall, look forwards, and look approachable. It's hard at first but it pays off.

No. 638641

Thx anon I’ll check it out!

No. 638676>>638689>>638693>>638703>>638704>>638705>>638710>>638713>>638730>>638736>>638738>>638742>>638761>>638762>>638765>>638768>>638798>>638800

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Does your partner know that you’re on lolcow?

No. 638688

1. Get lobotomy
2. Get rid of any ounce of dignity you had
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!

No. 638689

No, but I did tell one of my best male friends about it (sorry girls) and he thinks it's hilarious. I told him he's not allowed to lurk and he said okay and just asks that I send him funny screen shots kek.

No. 638693

Yes, it's nbd. He lurks around 4chan so I think it's fair lol.

No. 638703>>638708

A while back, my boyfriend almost saw the pink pill thread open on my phone, but I snatched it away in time. Pretty sure he thought I was cheating on him.

No. 638704

Yeah, but he doesn't care about anything deeper into the internet than youtube so he was just like "ok" and moved on.

No. 638705>>638706>>638707

Yes but he doesn't like that I go on here.

No. 638706>>638712

why not?

No. 638707

Samefag (duh) but he also thinks the word scrote is funny and uses it now.

No. 638708>>638709

Kek he would have preferred if you were cheating if he know. Based pink pill thread, rest in peace.

No. 638709

I want pink pill back so badly.

No. 638710


While not my boyfriend, but rather a guy who I have a crush on, I feel like if he is "too normie and into wholesome-ness" to enjoy anonymous boards or cow culture without feeling upset, and will probably get scared to know what kind of stuff I post here given that 4chan is the most popular board. So I try to avoid the subject all together and just show him the memes I find here kek.

No. 638712>>638800

He didn't like the gender critical and pink pill threads.

I also got a bit extreme with my politics when I first found the website. I am considerably more critical of TRAs and men now but not as bad as I was the first time around.

No. 638713>>638726>>638767

No. Sometimes I wish I had a farmer gf.

No. 638726>>638767

Same, mostly cause I'd be sure that she wouldn't be a wokeshit

No. 638730

lmao istg majority of non-lesbian PP farmers all have bf, looks like we aren’t lonely femcels
yeah my bf is gender crit and he knows about my man hating ways but it just makes him feel special to get picked by me

No. 638736>>638751

OP here, my boyfriend doesn’t know, I just told him that I lurk some imageboards that have a mostly female userbase. He knows about imageboards (kek), has some friends who definitely are 4chan coomers and I think he lurked some kinda imageboard when he was a teenager but he doesn’t do it anymore. He hasn’t asked about it so I haven’t told him, and honestly, I prefer it that way.

No. 638738

File (hide): 1601066393362.gif (3.41 MB, 850x576, 1E13F0FD-E592-4C1B-8C14-9482E4…)

Not exactly. I call it my “girl-forum”, and he never asks questions lol.

No. 638741

File (hide): 1601066524817.jpg (20.56 KB, 271x305, Screenshot_1.jpg)

Is there like an unwritten rule to what is an acceptable time range for answering text messages?

No. 638742>>638750

Yes but my bf is not an internet faggot like dudes his age, he doesn’t go on reddit or 4chan or sns. The only online interaction he gets is from game pugs. A bit of a himbo really. I explained it’s an imageboard for women and he just said oh cool I hope you find a best friend anon lol
Anyway, I’ve just been casually slipping pink pills into our conversations and he agrees with a lot of it. Nigel in training if you will.

No. 638750

> oh cool I hope you find a best friend anon
That’s so CUTE

No. 638751

Kek just a couple of days ago my bf found the image board,I actively told him I didn't want him on it but I guess he thinks it's "cute" that "girl-chan" exists. I'm still kind of annoyed though.

No. 638761

Yes. My husband used to browse /cow/ before it went to shit so he knew what LC was before I met him. It was weird because when we were dating we used to read Peter Coffin threads together. I have asked him if he's ever looked through LC and he says that he has no interest in a website where women bitch about each other and post cat pictures.

No. 638762

My boyfriend walked in on me lurking the vicky shingles' thread, I hid it out of embarrassment. He thought I was cheating on him so I showed him the thread and gave him some contextual info. That was a few years ago, we haven't talked about it since. He doesn't use image boards but he lurks some forums specific to his hobbies.

No. 638765>>638839

File (hide): 1601069519903.jpg (7.18 KB, 200x206, EoobpTn.jpg)

He does, he's too scared to post or even lurk himself but he sometimes like to look at cow threads with me. His favorite is momokun because ya'll are so mean lol. The current thread pic (the drawanon one) sends him into a laughing fit every time he sees it.

Also the lowcow inn thread cheered him up a lot.

No. 638767>>638780

most farmers are too unhinged and/or too nasty to date tbh

No. 638768

Single, but I've showed my brother some posts that made me laugh or horrify me (like in the childhood crush or kinkshaming threads), I told him it's from an image board only for women, which didn't bother him or anything.

No. 638780>>638795

you know you say that but most farmers have partners lmao

No. 638791>>638796>>638798>>638813>>639019>>639023>>639077>>639081

File (hide): 1601071746122.jpg (66.02 KB, 750x746, cuoyf02grc451.jpg)

Why do some people (typically men) get so assblasted about shipping? I keep seeing spergouts that basically amount to "reee why can't two people be friends!?"

Do they think that it's the same people shipping literally everything? There's an entire category of tag on ao3 for platonic pairings. If there was a war on friendship going on, that wouldn't exist. Not to mention the fact that if a ship isn't canon, it's pretty damn easy to filter it out on social media. I get the impression it's not just that they don't like seeing ships– they seem to hate that people are even doing it at all. I just don't understand why they concern themselves so much with how other people (usually women) choose to enjoy a piece of media.

No. 638795

nta but those farmers also complain about their boyfriends like… all the time

No. 638796>>638813

Because there are a lot of autistic retards who for whatever reason are deeply uncomfortable with the idea of anyone having sex or intimate relations outside of platonic friendships. I don't really get it either. The relationships you're angry about aren't real relationships. The people involved in them aren't real people. It might have something to do with not wanting women to enjoy things, but I think there's a good chance these people are so out of touch with reality that they've formed actual relationships with fictional characters in their own heads, so much so that they feel offended by anything they see that character "doing" that they don't feel is right for them.

No. 638798>>638836>>639081

File (hide): 1601072125285.png (606.32 KB, 928x994, BAUYjI514930067.png)

Yes. He doesn't really care though since he goes on 4chan from time to time.
He only browses the /ck/ board because he loves to cook and being autistic about food.He also thinks the word scrote is funny lmao

Because it's gay or something. Scrotes are just retarded like that.

No. 638800>>639086

Yes but he just thought it was 4chan for years because normie. Imo sharing a funny screencap with a guy is one thing but actively introducing your boyfriend to lolcow is weak pussy energy, on the same level as those pickmes that post in /snow/ threads only to share what their boyfriend said about a cow

I hope you're in a calmer place anon, doomscrolling the man hate threads was very detrimental to my mental health too even though I kind of miss them. However if your bf judges you for lolcow I hope he doesn't use reddit, consume porn or anything made by a any problematic content creator ever. It's only fair kek

No. 638813>>638864

I just hate how OOC most of them are. And the arguments over which ship is better are annoying.
Tbf there's some shippers that act in a similar way (having meltdowns when their favorite ship is sunk by the author, sending death threats if the author doesn't make their ship canon, etc)

No. 638836>>640202

I want house husband, where to cop?

No. 638839

…He probably jerks off to her

No. 638864>>638903

Right, but that's not an inherent issue with the hobby of shipping, that's a problem with certain people being autists and/or shithead teenagers. People argue about all sorts of things in fandoms, and I honestly see content creators get harassed about wrongthink and social justice transgressions way more than shipping. Even if shipping as a concept didn't exist, people would find ways to be assholes. The line of thinking that no one is allowed to do or like something because a few people misbehave is retarded.

No. 638901>>638902>>638935

Why do people really hate Donald Trump?

No. 638902

People already answered this

No. 638903>>638945

Ntayrt, but i honestly thought shipping wars like waifu wars were all ironic, like, it’s fun to say stuff like
>my waifu is superior
>my ship gives more diabetes than your ship
But I honestly didn’t know people would go insane over someone shipping characters they don’t want to see together and shit.
I just want my shitty ships to keep on making me all giddy and such, Internet interactions were a mistake.

No. 638914>>638918

Why do anons ask if a question is bait or if a question is serious in this thread?

No. 638918

George Soros

No. 638935

Because he has the tightest bussy in the game

No. 638945

Honestly I think neckbeards screeching "why do shippers hate friendship!?" is ironic given their own hatred of being "friend-zoned." The more I think about it, the more I think they hate shipping because they self-insert as male protagonists and view women interpreting the characters to be gay as an insult to their masculinity. They hate the idea that the guys they project onto are anything but the manliest of hetero manly men.

No. 639000>>639002>>639003>>639018>>639021

Do people actually think Shay is fat or are they just nitpicking? No doubt she’s gained weight but I doubt she’s more than a couple bmi points into being overweight… Kek but also maybe I’m a bit sensitive since I’m maybe only a tiny bit thinner than her.

No. 639002

I guess it depends where you are from, I think she’s quite fat but I can see where an American wouldn’t think so much.

No. 639003

Overweight is fat anon. Don't feel bad unless you're in denial about it and does nothing to change like Shay.

No. 639018

I think she's chubby but not fat. Isn't most of shays thread a ton of nitpicking tho?

No. 639019>>639024

They mostly have a problem with fujo ships because they hate gays and they hate women, what could be worse than gays that women enjoy?

The 'muh friendship' defense is an absolute farce, you know they would lose their SHIT if a male character was ~just friends~ with a female character he has chemistry with. They would consider him a beta cuck simp and think it ruins the series. They never think that friendship is ruined by romance, only enhanced and improved, providing it's a relationship they find appealing (and this all applies to irl too). They only suddenly care about the sanctity of platonic friendship when it's two men. I'd say it's 80% pure and simple homophobia, 20% raging that women like it.

No. 639021

I guess I would describe her as chubby personally but I don't think it would be anywhere near as big a deal if she had always been that size. Weight gain somehow seems so much worse than just always having been a bit fat, it's like a physical manifestation of her life going down the drain.

No. 639023>>639034

You would think with all the scrotes that make arguments against shipping that it's ~romance~ and ~series don't need romance~ would bitch about unnecessary waifufaggotry and coombait material being made out of female characters (both canonically and within the fandom) but nope. I haven't gotten a good argument as to how relationships between two characters can't exist but sexualization and waifufaggotry could.

No. 639024

I see a lot of dumb scrotes who whine and bitch about muh romance. I also see types who get irate at fujoshi ships. I also see those hybrid ones who only bitch about romance only if its straight but then they're supportive of all the gay ones. Yet nobody complains about waifufaggotry which is 100x more cringeworthy and obnoxious than romance.

No. 639029>>639033

Is it fine to go dance in a public park where people go out to work out? Dancing is apart of my work out and I will be bringing headphones but I am afraid I will stand out too much. Have any farmers done this?

No. 639033

Of course it's fine, it's not illegal and it's not going to affect anyone else so there's nothing wrong with it even if you do stand out. Just depends if you're the type to get embarrassed, if you're not bothered then who cares?

I also like dancing for a work out, I just wouldn't have the balls to do it in public.

No. 639034>>639041>>639050

It would be nice if people were as critical of coom as they are of fujoshis and their shipping. If I have to deal with a deluge of disgusting fetish art of everything I care about, scotes can put up with some drawings of boys kissing occasionally. Scrotes act all scandalized and lie that "ZOMG BL IS FULL OF RAPE," as if half the shit they jerk off to doesn't involve rape. They bitch about women liking "problematic" things then turn around and read loli gangrape hentai or some other degenerate garbage.

No. 639041

Not that anon but I think men just can't handle the shoe being on the other foot and being sexualized by women, they want to feel dominant and like they have control at all times and as stupid as it sounds they feel like they lose it when they see "one of their own" being fucked in the ass lol

No. 639048>>639056

I want to cut myself because its an easy release from my bad feelings. Any negative consequences I should consider? I'm just slightly afraid of an infection

No. 639050

Where does that happen? Never seen normal men care about yaoi shit, only incels

No. 639055>>639057>>639079>>639147

File (hide): 1601106454753.jpg (45.85 KB, 540x387, 1487298829811.jpg)

I've had a yeast infection for about 2 weeks now (I'm going to the OBGYN next week) and nothing is working. Will the garlic trick work?

No. 639056>>639059

Anon, going on a long run would be a healthier alternative

No. 639057>>639063>>639071

I know you won't believe me but try to get your vagina to clean itself with visual images or how it's easy for you. The problem is that you won't try because you heard it from a demented farmer. Good luck

No. 639059

I won't cut myself because it feels pathetic AF. But I just lost my best friend over 10 years and it's really hard to cope rn

No. 639063>>639064

>try to get your vagina to clean itself with visual images or how it's easy for you
What are you even trying to say?

No. 639064>>639066>>639069>>639071>>639079>>639141

Sorry I'm ESL and retarded. I want to say that you can get your body to heal itself when focus on it. Like lay on the ground and focus on your pain or itch in your vagina and for example imagine that it gets cooled down and that all the gross stuff flows out of it. I mean I didn't believe in it and it worked. So no harm in trying. Also it feels nice.

No. 639066

No. 639069>>639070

>and it worked
No it didn't. You can't heal your body with your mind, take your bs to some newage forum.

No. 639070

Ok sorry I take it back, didn't want to disturb you

No. 639071

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No. 639077

Why is shipping even a thing people are so autistic about? Who gives a shit if someone thinks two fictional characters should date, really? Especially if you’re over the age of 18. I mean, I don‘t think you should stop enjoying any type of media as you get older, but this whole shipping culture seems pretty childish to me.

No. 639079

No. Did you get over the counter meds like Canesten for it? When I dealt with a yeast infection I just got the cream you pushed inside with a vaginal insert and rubbed over the labia. Took care of it in a couple of days.

This is some tripping shit

No. 639081>>640202

Just being aware of someone interpreting a couple of characters different from you is a hard pill to swallow for many. I've never been interested in shipping wars because I can just filter out the content I don't like/ship so I can't get into their mindset myself, but I guess they're being on the defense due to feeling invalidated by the presence of people who don't share their preferences.

But for men it's 99% just homophobia when it comes to m/m pairings. No excuses.

Where the fuck do you find these kind of men anon? Share your secrets.

No. 639086

>on the same level as those pickmes that post in /snow/ threads only to share what their boyfriend said about a cow
Slightly offtopic but this happening never fails to make me cringe. I always imagine it to be some NEETlita grade boyfriend mooch who can't stop talking about how amazing he is and just needs to stop the flow of the thread to tell everyone what her boyfriend's shitty insight was. These are the people who want to bring their boyfriend with them to a girls' night.

No. 639127>>639144>>639146>>639320

Why are some women so incredibly reluctant to end bad relationships?

No. 639141

genuinely asking, if you have an infection how do you know it went away because you "focused" on it? I've had infections go away on their own before so idk how you would even tell

No. 639144

>Low self worth and not enough friends of their own
>Patterns in childhood have taught their brain that this level of stress is what they need to feel normal
>Media memeing them into the idea that love is meant to be dramatic, love fixes all and men can change
>Cycles of "love bombing"
>Financial dependence and can make people trapped and unable to leave

No. 639146

the struggle love meme

No. 639147

File (hide): 1601123862715.png (230.57 KB, 500x544, piss-and-shit-exists-medieval-…)

>Will garlic work?
Only if you sacrifice a goat first.
Go to a pharmacy anon wth it's not medieval times

No. 639163>>639187

Are most celeb instagram accounts managed by their pr teams? Are there any celebs where it's just the celebrity posting and not a whole team?

No. 639164>>639168>>639169>>639185>>639210>>639212>>639335

File (hide): 1601128030929.jpg (877.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200926-154526_Ins…)

Fanny Rosie always posts about 'crusty cafes' and 'crust hunting' and from what I understand it's just going to shabby cafes? Is that an actual niche hobby, is 'crust hunting' an actual term? Or did she come up with it? I've never heard the word 'crusty' used for places before

No. 639168

All I can think of is crusty underwear

No. 639169

idk who this person is but can't she find a nicer name for her hobby? i feel bad for the owners.

No. 639171>>639183

Are there any teas that don't stain the teeth? I love my teeth but it's made my teeth yellow which I hate but I also can't give up tea ugh.

No. 639183

green tea, floral tea, any tea with lemon <3
(also a tea lover and had to ditch chai completely because of the same problem)

No. 639185>>639267

So idgi is she just larping as a poor person?

No. 639187

any celebrity that constantly chimps out all over their sm controls their own accounts.

No. 639210>>639267

Haha glad I'm not the only one who got irritated by this. As far as I can tell it's just her, and she's referring to places that have an authentic vintage/quaint/patinated atmosphere? Idk for some reason she managed to make it a thing in my head and I got over the grossness

No. 639212>>639267

How is this crusty? It just looks like vintage furniture.
Also she's a native French speaker so maybe it's that, I don't like the name either.

No. 639215>>639225>>639234

Can someone reccomend me a brand/place to get panties that aren't garbage that fall apart? I don't need lace or anything just something for daily wear

No. 639225

cotton 5 packs at walmart kek. Underwear is supposed to wear down anon.

No. 639229>>639235>>639246

I've been wondering about this too, I don't know if my ears are weirdly shaped or if I'm doing something wrong but those modern shaped ones just don't stay on?

No. 639234

The only panties that lasted me are from Target. Just make sure to shop in person so you can touch 'em.

No. 639235>>639258

File (hide): 1601137353849.jpg (58.17 KB, 600x600, rBVaGloVUwmAMg2wAAGCyYOVyyI459…)

Do you mean the in-ear ones? I find that I can only wear them with the tiniest rubberthingies on them. I don't know what they're called but picrelated. The larger sizes drop out of my ear. So maybe you just don't have the right size that fits your ear.

No. 639246

Same, the ones shaped like those always hurt my ears and fall out. Gotta have the rubber earbuds or just on ear headphones

No. 639258

Oh, so those come in different sizes. The pair I bought just came with one so I tried wearing them with and without the rubbers and neither worked.

No. 639266

Gummy still has em

No. 639267

I don't think so, some of those seem to have nice food or pretty tea sets too…

Every time she posts about it I'm like "this is a thing???"

It doesn't make sense in French either but I guess canadian french is weird so I don't know.

No. 639315>>639331>>639745

Anyone else gotten out of an abusive relationship and found that for actual years later they appear in a good deal of your dreams? Is this trauma?

My ex is usually in mine making me vaguely unhappy in one way or another. Lastnight I had a dream he drove me to an event where I played a pokemon card game with someone and he just sat to the side of me the whole time. Pointless addition to the dream?? Haven't seen the guy in two years

No. 639319

What about younger candidates? There seem to be a lot of people nowadays who aren't religious or even anti-abortion, but are still considered "conservative" for radical statements like "men don't belong in women's bathrooms".

Granted, those kind of people tend to be focused on controversial talking points and would probably be totally incompetent at decisionmaking even in a backwater town council, but if the voters were actually placing demand on that kind of thinking with protest voting, would the competent people follow suit and adopt different platforms to run on?

No. 639320>>639339

Oh this reminded me
Why do women call each other and themselves “sluts,whores,bitch” when all those words were made up by dudes in order to insult them? I dont get it.

No. 639331

Dreams don't have universal symbolism so I can only tell you my experience but I think my abusive ex is a placeholder in dreams for any male boyfriend figure. My dreams only ever hold the nice, kind and friendly side of him which makes me so pissed off when I wake up almost missing him. It's been nine years since I cut all contact with him, I had some counseling about his abuse four years ago but some trauma still remains. The dreams are rarer but I think I will have them forever.

No. 639335

reminds me of crust punks. a mix of older vintage places with the foul mouthed literally filthy rock stars who wax about systems of government. i know it’s not what she’s trying to reference, my mind just likes to combine the two for whatever reason and the mental image is silly

No. 639339>>639390>>639394>>639396

There's the whole idea of reclaiming a slur so it no longer has any meaning or power over you. It's done with a lot of different racist/sexist/homophobic slurs.

No. 639353>>639357

How do you spoiler parts of text on a post?

No. 639357

[ spoiler] Text here [/ spoiler]
But take out the spaces. Google is your friend also, I wish more anons made use of things like crossposting from different boards

No. 639390>>639406>>639417

>idea of reclaiming slurs
Sure but it doesn't seem to be working out very well for anyone

No. 639392

any uk anons done an epq? can i do all my research and write my essay in a weekend or is that too little time?

No. 639394

You can’t reclaim a word that was never yours

No. 639396>>639406

Its not reclaiming a slur if men still use it again you. The only reclaimed word I can think of is nigger, since people freak out and crucify you if you're not black. Is there such a word for women? No.

No. 639406

No one cares about what offend women lol imagine if only black women thought nigger was problematic, misogynists stay winning

No. 639408

slur reclaiming is libfem brainrot

No. 639417>>639423>>639433

I feel like ‘reclaiming’ slut has been semi successful. Like you never really hear it as an insult irl anymore.

No. 639423

Nah you're just lucky homie.

No. 639433>>639436

>Like you never really hear it as an insult irl anymore.
If that's the case, it's because men are using it behind our backs amongst themselves and online. There's no way it isn't a valid and effective insult anymore, it's just less socially acceptable to 'slut shame' women to their faces.

No. 639435>>640167


No. 639436>>639446>>639450

Maybe, but I think that would still count as semi successful. Change is slow but if it’s no longer acceptable to publicly use and reflects badly on the person saying it I think that is an improvement. I also don’t think it holds nearly as much weight as an insult as it did like 10 years ago and a lot of men view men who say it negatively.

No. 639446>>639455>>639769

Nothing changed anon. Men still mutter “whore” under their breath when they walk by just low enough so only you hear it. Men still chimp out at their gf calling them those names behind closed doors. Actually, “she a hoe” still gets thrown around extremely often irl as male banter (t. bartender).

No. 639450>>639455

I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I don't think that has anything to do with women 'reclaiming' the word. It's just that feminism has actually managed to somewhat destigmatize the concept itself, and also make women more vocal about taking offense to it being used as an insult.

No. 639455>>639460

I completely disagree ‘nothing changed’. Of course some men are still like that but you’re objectively wrong if you’re from the US and you think men’s attitudes to women engaging in casual sex has not improved.

I feel like destigmatizing the word can be/has been effective in helping to destigmatize the concept but I do understand your view and people who don’t think slurs should be reclaimed. It probably would be better for them to just die out all together.

No. 639460>>639464

Um actually the point was that “reclaiming” didn’t do anything seeing that men still use those words to insult and degrade women REGARDLESS of whether or not she engages in casual sex

No. 639464

Yeah and what I’m saying is that I disagree with the idea that it ‘didnt do anything’ regarding how men see/use the word

No. 639535>>639544>>639552>>639570>>639571

Why are men more talkative and extroverted to me than women? I noticed women don't make convo with me most of the time but men do.

No. 639544

It's impossible to answer this question without knowing more about you and the men talking to you.

No. 639552

Some women are so used to being talked to (mostly by men attracted to them) they never learn how to actually be an active party in a conversation.

No. 639570

Cuz youre so sexybeautiful anon. They heart you. Kiss

No. 639571

Cause you qt and I get shy around women

No. 639586

What's "original.lolcow.farm" about?

No. 639644>>639654>>639656

Do some people really not like having anything to drink with their meal??

No. 639654

I’ve met a few people like that and it’s the weirdest thing to me. I can’t eat a meal without drinking water, my ass would be fucking parched.

The one person I ever asked about it told me that’s just how it was when he was growing up. He said his parents were “strict” and did not allow drinking at the dinner table, no idea why, some kinda weird control thing? He said it would feel “improper” to drink with while eating so I guess he got used to it.

No. 639656

I think it’s mostly so you can chew more than when you drink stuff with your food. It’s like something most people on diets have to learn when they’re losing weight, so it helps quite a bit with making people feel more satisfied with normal portions since most of the times the big issue is portion controlling.

No. 639671>>639679>>640110

When someone gets banned on here, do they just get banned from posting/commenting or are they blocked from viewing threads too? Is there a way to get unbanned? (I've never been banned but for some reason I'm paranoid about it happening to me lmao)

No. 639679

Just posting ime.

No. 639745

I left my ex 3 years ago and while he wasnt abusive during the relationship he made my life hell after I broke up. I'm in a happy relationship now but he appeared in a few of my dreams recently, it makes me feel like shit. I don't think it means anything, just memories stored in my subconscious brain resurfacing, like a piece of trash in a lake coming up to the surface.

No. 639768>>639773

What is it with places like India and Ghana that want in on my Instagram account lmao
Is it those crafty foreign hackers?

No. 639769

Thot gets thrown around the most imo
Fucking hate that word. The men who came up with it should be thrown into a volcano .

No. 639772>>639774>>639775

Do you keep an organized reaction image folder just for posting here or on other chans? I honestly wonder about this often.

No. 639773

with me it’s always chinese people trying to get into my apple account and honestly? it’s making me sinophobic

No. 639774

I have a folder named 'reaction' where I save the ones I like, but it isn't like organized by the specific emotion and shit like that.

No. 639775

I have a folder but it’s not organised or anything.

No. 639785

Does anyone know how puppyspit recently passed away? Apparently her Instagram got hacked just as she passed and someone was trying to scam her followers for cash. There is a public memorial on go fund me, however there has been no clarification on how she passed which seems sus

No. 639824

pls no booly, what does the verification thing on lc discord mean aaa

No. 639832

can someone hack your account if you give them your paypal.me link?

No. 639935>>639946

Does anyone have the blank meme template that's a hand sticking itself between some dominoes and it's like "2020" is the dominoes falling and the hand is some saving feature of 2020?

No. 639946

nevermind I'm an idiot lmao. Didn't think "hand stopping dominoes meme" would get me much, but thanks google.

No. 640012>>640017>>640026>>640041>>640050>>640077>>640080>>640110>>640217

File (hide): 1601233551757.jpg (156.48 KB, 834x1024, heartmush1.jpg)

Do your friends/family/SOs know how gc you are?

No. 640017>>640051

who is this art by?

No. 640026

my family does, they lean left but not in the sjw way so they pretty much agree or don't care

No. 640038>>640043>>640047>>640059>>640070>>640071>>640113

Why are some people so convinced that native americans, particularly the olmecs, were actually black? I keep seeing some really radical israelite black people around social media parroting these talking points and I really don't get how it got this far.

No. 640041

only one guy and he's pretty right-leaning so I don't talk much to him anymore. Actually I keep my terf-level hidden from him now too, because he keeps trying to bait me into raging about genderists and I just don't want to interact that much.

No. 640043>>640046

Have these people never seen a native person before? Genetically they're basically asian and it's visibly obvious.

No. 640046>>640053

They think the native americans today are very recent immigrants and instead actual natives are black, like native Americans just replaced them.

No. 640047

lmao it has to be muh mother afrika nonsense. none of the people I know look black at all

No. 640048>>640056>>640144

Why do some people look so damn slim and toned when they‘re junkies who never work out, but I eat healthy and work out, but am skinnyfat and have such a pudgy belly?

No. 640050

Yeah, my mom is gc too and my boyfriend is mostly understanding of it. My dad doesn‘t care.

No. 640051

it's heartmush's older art. I found it while scrolling down her insta

No. 640053

absolutely wack.

No. 640056>>640159

Abs are made in the kitchen, and you need that daily cardio.

No. 640059

I swear you will never hear this way of thinking from actual afro-descendents in Latin America, it's always from the states

No. 640070

There are similar conspiracy theories about North Africa where they call the actual natives, so like 90% of the population, white colonizers, and even about some countries in East Asia. I've seen Americans sperging about how Buddha was actually black all along on several blogs long ago. Very strange.

No. 640071

File (hide): 1601237669780.jpg (52.26 KB, 600x815, bf335d1c30868bda194abf58ed6198…)

They look at 19th century photos and think it's how dark their skin was irl. Those photos are obviously high-contrast and some even have annotations like "facial tattoos aren't showing due to limitation of technology".

No. 640077

We talk about those things in my family when there’s some news about it, funnily enough is that there’s a troon from an uncle’s family side, we’re not close, but it still weirds out my family.
My mum in particular feels strange about the idea of suddenly having to call your son Martha or calling your daughter Harry, she tries to understand but she’s not into the whole thing.
My dad on the other hand just hates talking about it because he considers troons mentally ill and a waste of time.

No. 640080

I once talked about it and my ultra christian, anti-abortion mom was so horrified by me laughing about it/saying it's an illess, that she said something along the lines of "omg, back then Hitler said the same things about gay people blah blah"…

No. 640110

>cares about bans in 2020
Yes. The men in my family are conservative retards, the women are sane. No we’re not white.

No. 640111>>640127>>640171>>640182>>640425>>640474

How do some women end up not having any female friends? I'm asking since i've been the opposite for most of adolescence, and it took me until late high school to act "normal" around most guys.

No. 640113>>640117

If you're willing to indulge something more conspiratorial they could actually be more closely related to aboriginal Australian populations. The Olmec heads look more "black" than the dynastic Egyptian statues. Like, why wouldn't they make the statues look like how they looked?

No. 640117>>640132>>640172

Only slightly related, but I hate when people insist Australian Aboriginals are black.
They're literally genetically closer to white people than black people. I don't have anything against them, but they are their own people, just like the Dravidian people of India.
It's always dumbass Americans and actual racists who insist they are, too.

No. 640118>>640122>>640433

Is there anything that can cause random patches of non-itchy rashes?

Sorry this is so vague but, I keep getting them but I can't figure out what would cause them and it's not important enough to go to a doctor

No. 640122

Have you changed laundry detergents recently?

No. 640127>>640135>>640171

They bought into the females are nothing but drama mentality, maybe bullied by women or mommy issues, maybe they’re gender nonconforming and unlucky enough to never find similar women to bond with.
They’re a lot of reasons, all are tragic.

No. 640132>>640718

Good point. Afro-revisionists are weird.

No. 640135>>640164

Most women's lives unironically end up revolving around men. Any woman who doesn't want to marry ends up being pushed out of friend groups.

No. 640144>>640159

I mean I never noticed junkies having toned bellies but maybe bc due to drugs they clench a lot?

No. 640159

I don‘t mean toned as in abs, but without any visible belly fat. I‘ve seen it in some cows and my ex girlfriend who did drugs, never worked out and ate nothing but pasta but she had the nicest flattest tummy.

No. 640164

True. Even the ones with female friends still harbor wack ass views of women.

No. 640167

it's boring and the humor threads are terrible

No. 640171

I'm in this situation. It's because I'm socially inept, women intimidate me, and I'm gay.
So, I don't pursue female friendships out of feelings of inferiority and fear of being seen as predatory. Then, due to my awkwardness, most women are turned off of making the effort to pursue me instead.

So "general intimidation" is another to add to the ones >>640127 mentioned.

No. 640172

That reminds me of whenever Black people on twitter insist that there definitely are blond and/blue-eyed Black people and they either post mixed people, that one youtuber who ha a disorder that can make her deaf on top of having blue eyes, and that one specific Polynesian kid with naturally dark blond hair who isn't related to Africa whatsoever. Always the exact same pictures every time.

No. 640182

I was bullied by girls in elementary school, in high school I was excluded and made fun of for being a weeaboo (well deserved or not, I was never mean to anyone yet plenty of people were mean to me) and then I moved away.

Since I never socialized much I had trouble making friends in college. Now I have a few irl and a few online, but the ones irl rarely talk to me since they all got married and had kids recently (people marry young here) and the online ones are… well, online. So there.

No. 640202

File (hide): 1601245915422.jpg (165.59 KB, 640x910, hgfhgfhuyuytyu.jpg)

I wish I knew, I met him in high school. His food is delicious and I'm getting him to workout more so he can become my ultimate kronk himbo(and also for his awful health).
I hope you anons can find yourselves a househusband too.

No. 640217

My parents are liberal boomers who barely know shit about troons, but even then I generally limit what I say to them to the kind of things normies would agree with, like making people wait until they're eighteen for the medical stuff. I described the JKR situation to my mom and she was pretty appalled by how people have been treating her. My brother has TIM friends and he's disagreed with the few minor things I've let on. I don't dare talk about it with friends– my profession is very networking-oriented and being GC in the age of cancelling could legitimately harm my livelihood.

No. 640219

What separated decent hygiene from above average hygiene?

No. 640221>>640224>>640228>>640229>>640230>>640235>>640287>>640320>>640379

Is having a mfm threesome actually that shocking? It came up when talking with some of my friends and when I told them I had done that they looked like I had grown a third arm or something.

No. 640224>>640231

Personally I would view it as pathetic, maybe they pity you

No. 640228>>640248

I'd say it's more shocking to ordinary people than BDSM. Sex is supposed to be intimate, and having some guy there neither of you guys have romantic feelings for strikes me as contrary to that.

No. 640229>>640232

Don’t you know anon, MFF is hot but MFM is whorish

No. 640230>>640244

It's not as normalized as ffm threesomes I guess. Imo I judge based on the men you do it with.

No. 640231

Oh fuck ignore me I’m a retard. Read it as fmf. In that case, they probably think you’re a sloot and cucked some poor man. I mean, men with multiple wives is seen as normal and biologically sound , but if a woman had multiple husbands she would be evil.

No. 640232>>640236>>640237

They're all whorish. It basically says that your partner isn't good enough for you on his or her own.

No. 640235

Threesomes are supposed to be ffm because sex is supposed to be for the man's (singular) pleasure

it's not you, it's society

No. 640236>>640241

anon didn't mention any of the men being her bf tho

No. 640237>>640241

Uhhh did anon say that she was dating one though?

No. 640241>>640245

If they were both just Tinder hookups or whatever, then anon seriously needs therapy.

No. 640244>>640251>>640260>>640261

>Imo I judge based on the men you do it with
This tbh. I’d love to have two hot boys worship my body and kiss each other for my enjoyment long before they get to put it in.

No. 640245

man it is really hard not to take this bait, can you fuck off?

No. 640248

but people do have one night stands. It was not with men I knew well/was dating. Doing that when you are in relationship sounds like a terrible idea.

No. 640251>>640257

But that's not what it is in practice, though. In reality it was probably two straight guys spit roasting her while being terrified of touching each other.

No. 640257>>640259>>640287

you are not wrong. why does that matter though, I enjoyed it

No. 640259>>640272

Sounds like a shitty deal. You should have made them make out like anon suggested lmao. Were they even hot?

No. 640260

File (hide): 1601247465791.jpeg (26.95 KB, 426x341, k;lk;kh.jpeg)

>I’d love to have two hot boys worship my body and kiss each other for my enjoyment long before they get to put it in.
Anon pls

No. 640261

Anon please don’t suddenly make me feel horny browsing lolcow

No. 640262>>640272

Also you slept with two total strangers during a pandemic…?

No. 640272>>640275

I didn't say when it was.
I'm not turned on by men kissing. Yes they were hot, why would I fuck two ugly men?

No. 640275>>640285

Define "hot."

No. 640283>>640288

Women who enjoy sex are bad, especially women who don't like the same kind of sex that I do
There is only one correct way to commit intercourse

No. 640285

Tall, fit, attractive face. Idk what else that would mean.

No. 640287>>640297

But did you cum? Twice?

No. 640288>>640295>>640297

No one's saying she's bad, chill out. She asked why normies thought it was weird. Most people don't have threesomes, therefor they consider it strange when someone does it. It's not rocket science.

No. 640295

I'm not surprised by normies, I'm surprised by us

No. 640297>>640304

Once. But it was still very nice.
Yeah I don't think anyone has been very judgmental here. I was more surprised by my normie "sex positive" friends

No. 640301>>640310>>640316

Bantz aside, I don’t think mfm is that bad beside from how the women probably get off on the idea of it being slutty. Most men won’t coerce you into mfm because it’s gay and threat to their masculinity. They just think you’re a whore, which they already think that if you had sex with someone who’s not them anyway.

No. 640304>>640314>>640316

Wow, all that effort to get with two guys and you only came once. Why even bother?

No. 640310>>640313>>640314

The first thing that comes to my mind is that I'd feel unsafe, too easily overpowered? Maybe that's just my anxiety brain

I've had two technical 'ffm's where tbh I was way into the women and actually did very little with the guy both times

No. 640313

oh yeah, you definitely enjoyed it more than the man being serviced by two women

No. 640314>>640350

Nta but that's more than a lot of women can say about their LTR…
Just yeet the man and have lesbian orgy

No. 640316>>640350

What effort? I didn't really do much. Also kinda drunk + tired isn't the best combo for sex.
To be fair most men think you are a whore period.

I'd never have an ffm threesome bc I'm not bi.

No. 640320>>640395

i find standard mfm kinda boring, but the fujo in me wants to jack off two dicks while the two guys make out.

No. 640350>>640367

File (hide): 1601251191202.jpg (29.13 KB, 600x600, y1EYQV7.jpg)

So this was a threesome where you were drunk, tired, and only came once? You okay, anon?

Or yeet the men and get a vibrator.

No. 640367

Yes? It was a spur of the moment thing really late after clubbing, so I was tired after a while. I wasn’t like, drunk to the point of being incoherent, more buzzed really.

No. 640379>>640398

not that shocking to me but I'm also a hoe. only one I ever had was with 2 hot aussie guys which I recently found out was actually 3 (yeah I was drunk). so mmfm? they did all the work and all I had to do was enjoy myself. most people I've told have given the wide eyes but were then thoroughly impressed at what I accomplished.
>tfw I'm sure I've told this story in a drunken lolcow post before

No. 640395

File (hide): 1601254359286.gif (1023.29 KB, 356x200, 200.gif)

No. 640398

Stop calling yourself that. YOU'RE JUST HORNY

No. 640425>>640431

My personal experience is that at first I had nothing but female friends but as I grew up the girls I hung out with stopped wanting to read comics and play vidya and started dating boys but I didn’t want to. I did like boys but none of the guys at school. So I was alone until a group of guy nerds noticed me always in the library reading instead of being in the cafeteria at lunch time and took pity on me and eventually became my new friends.

No. 640431

This, had lots of female friends in middle school but I was a very late bloomer so when they got interested in boys, clubbing, etc I just wasn't into it.

No. 640433

I sometimes have eczema patches that aren’t itchy but are just dry/textured. There’s not really a known cause but it can get triggered by heat

No. 640465>>640472

how do twitter accounts get hacked? how do instagram accounts of famous people get hacked?

No. 640472

Bots, I think. The hackers just run a program that tries passwords or phishes.

No. 640474

I had friends in elementary because it was a small private school.
But in middle and high school I was just too quiet and shy to reach out and everybody ignored me. And I've just been a shut-in since then.

No. 640486>>640487>>640492

Anons, have anyone had experiences where you would befriend a person who is envy of you?

I got this woman and I feel horrible for her because of her insecurities, and instead of her being petty, looking at me like as snake / or as if she wants to kill me, I want to help her instead. I know she is a single woman in hermid 20s and that's the reason why she is so angry. On top of that she has no female friends to talk to (she has childhood friends but all she does is leeches off them when she needs a job or w/e). She surronds herself with sceptic (Sho0e's ex) tier men on internet with a mix of depressoboys who are around her only because she is a woman.

I feel bad for her but I do not know how to even make her stop being a petty one towards me.

No. 640487

not to be harsh but this sounds idiotic. don't help people who won't help themselves. and don't act like you are special enough to fix someone or change them just by being yourself, it's naive.

No. 640490>>640509

I just noticed Twitter makes their tweets unavailable for people who aren't logged in. Why the fuck would they do this?

No. 640492

Eh, dealt with a friend who was outwardly jealous of me and her method would be to constantly put herself down by comparing herself to me (I was always the ‘winner’ in her eyes). I tried to be supportive and encouraging of her but people like that love to be miserable and pine after things they don’t have and perceive they never will rather than improve. She really fucked up my confidence in the end because I felt I couldn’t share any of my achievements or positive events in case it sent her on a ‘woe is me’ spiral. Imo friends like that do more damage than is worth your time anon, you won’t change her, only she can.

No. 640503>>640579

A truly retarded question: how do I make myself walk slower? When I was little my mother hammered into me that the world is a dangerous place and if I go somewhere at night I should practically sprint so that potential predators couldn't catch me. But this has stayed with me ever since and I noticed whenever I go anywhere I walk super fast to the point that people around me joke about it

No. 640504>>640533>>640584

File (hide): 1601282291610.png (1.71 MB, 804x964, sindyniklasson.png)

Has there ever been an attempt made at an international cow thread or cow thread for certain countries? I remember that there might have been something like this waaaay back but I could be wrong.

No. 640509

Just like instagram, to encourage more people to register. There are probably going to be some extensions to circumvent the issue though.

No. 640531>>640532>>640544

Is constantly having a song stuck in our heads a symptom of modern society’s shortened attention span?

No. 640532

No. 640533

there are threads for countries! if you can't find one for yours you can start one yourself

No. 640544

Why would it be? That doesn't really make any sense to me.

No. 640553

damn his mom is beautiful

No. 640579

Don't worry about it. Walking is truly the worst (teleportation when?) so if you can get to your location faster then all the better. I used to walk fast as well but then age and getting out of shape slowed me down.

No. 640584

I know there's a thread on german jfashion girls in w, maybe you can start a new one centered on another community of small international cows, might have to translate into english for other anons though unless you want a general (language) here in ot

No. 640586>>640587>>640592>>640612>>640980

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Question for anons that fuck around:

Would you feel like you’d have to lie re: body count if you met someone you’d potentially want to (seriously) date???

No. 640587>>640910>>640980

I fucked around a lot and no, I didn't lie. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who thinks less of me because of how many people I've had sex with.

No. 640592>>640910

I fucked around when I was younger, I lost count of what my number was because who even keeps count at that point? When asked my body count I say "I dunno a few dozen?"

Which is as honest of an answer as I can give

No. 640612

I just would only tell if they asked. But i would not want to know my partners bodycoun, or hear about their exes/hookups.

No. 640631>>640633>>640636>>640638

Why does FDS hate walking/coffee dates for first dates? It's casual and gives you a lot of leeway to leave if it's a shitty date.
>inb4 pickme

No. 640633>>640634

it’s a sign of low effort/low commitment

No. 640634>>640640>>640645

It's a first date with a rando. I don't see the point of going on a nice dinner or whatever if it turns out that we're not compatible. It's not like you can't put more effort once you get to know each other better and find that you're compatible.

No. 640636

I dunno about the whole FDS thing but back when I dated going on coffee dates often meant that we rarely upgraded to better dates…

They were either extremely cheap or looking for a no strings thing and just pretending to want more. I do like coffee dates (I love coffee/comfy lil cafes) but had the worst luck when starting off on that type of date.

No. 640638

Idk especially for us it's pretty safe just like a movie date, but movie is kinda pointless without a coffee afterwards.

No. 640640

Nta but that argument has been had a million times on the actual fds thread. That and the whole going dutch argument. It's all on there.

No. 640641


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 640643>>640654>>640657

Do you eat when you're physically hungry or when you know it's meal time?

No. 640645>>640649>>640662

It kind of depends I guess. If it's a date with a random dude from tinder I wouldn't put in a lot of effort either. But the FDS ladies sound like they're very serious. If they're meeting guys from some paid dating service or have equally high expectations/serious intentions then putting in a little more effort that a coffee date is not unreasonable.

No. 640649>>640658>>640660>>640662

I see. A quick glance at the subreddit tells me that the women are meeting men over dating apps, like Tinder, etc, not fancy dating matchmaking services where you pay money, though. I feel like if you go into a first date with serious goals in mind, you're just setting yourself up for failure. Additionally, if the date doesn't work out, isn't it better for both parties? I understand a lot of women want serious relationships on FDS but it seems like they get tunnel visioned into achieving this stagez then the next. I'm not trying to pick a fight here. Just curious to know. Thanks for the replies, anons.

No. 640654

I eat when I'm hungry which is pretty much all the time

No. 640657

I don't have any set meal times

One of my least favorite parts of living with an ex was him setting strict meal times. I like to eat only when my body tells me, once it tells me I get cooking

No. 640658

I don't get some of it either but then dating is a such a personal thing so I figure let them set their own standards for what they want

No. 640660>>640663

>if you go into a first date with serious goals in mind, you're just setting yourself up for failure.
NTAYRT but nope, just weeding out the disinterested commitmentphobic ones. but then you have to be wary of the manipulative ones who prey on women that need a relationship too much by keeping a distance.
some FDS advice is really kooky but this is not.

No. 640662

I feel like the take on this varies by age, as far as I can tell many FDS regulars are in late 20s to early 30s, when it's not unreasonable to expect a man to be in the stage of his career where a dinner date is not hurting him financially. I'm 23 and because of coronavirus, it's rare to find men my age who aren't living with their parents right now. So I wouldn't necessarily think a coffee date is the sign of a low effort guy

No. 640663>>640665

I don't think you need FDS to tell you that, though. Also, more effort on a first date isn't indicative that he's willing to commit.

No. 640665

Anon there is a whole thread on this already. Go read it if you want. If you don't agree with their whole dating thing that's fine.

No. 640718

Tbh I see more white racists do it, they've never been fact-oriented and seem very bent on lumping the two together.

No. 640719>>640725>>640726>>640728

Am I right in thinking that a guy who's obsessed with self development, sport and his career would be turned off by my lazy lifestyle?

No. 640725

I mean, sometimes opposites attract, so don't give up hope

I'm hoping I can find someone who can put up with my inconsistency and trainwreck lifestyle too, and the fact that I never get anything done, haven't found that person yet

No. 640726

No. 640728

If you're insanely hot he'll probably overlook it but short of that ..

No. 640754

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What separated decent/okay hygiene from above average hygiene?

No. 640814>>640824

Did there use to be a male nudes thread in /g/ like a year or two ago, or am I the only one who remembers that?

No. 640824>>640829>>640839

You asked this already? If there was, it was clearly disallowed.

No. 640829

I don't think I have, but maybe I did and don't remember. I was just wondering cause I thought it was weird it just disappeared. Thanks anyway anon.

No. 640836

Who watching Hulu with commercials is going to be able to afford anything from Tiffany’s?

No. 640838

Has anyone here ever dealt with someone trying to dox them? I’ve been kinda loose with my personal info but I don’t mind as long my stuff isn’t bought to attention to my friends or workplace.

No. 640839>>640847

Why was it disallowed? Why can’t we have a place to share male nudes that we get

No. 640841>>640842>>640848>>640850>>640855>>640897>>640910>>640952>>640961>>640971>>641021

Am I the only person here who never has guys constantly hitting on them? Does this mean I’m insanely ugly weird or a shut in

No. 640842>>640848

oh my god no, can you bitches stop asking this

No. 640847

against board rules, newfag
it will be nothing but scrote self posting, go to crystal cafe for that, bye bye

No. 640848

never happened to me either
tbf farmers act like it's super common

No. 640850

I'm the gayest looking woman and I have men (mostly older) annoying me. I have no idea what motivates creep men because I don't scream femme or pretty so it might just be a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time (and also being alone) while there

No. 640855>>640907

Where I'm from it doesn't happen during the daytime unless it's at a music festival or other place where people are drinking bc people are very antisocial. But when I was in Spain and Bulgaria I would get hit on all the time. It really depends on where you live and the places you go tbh.

No. 640897

Depends where you live.

I'm from Eastern Europe, we don't do catcalls. At worst random girls would tell me I look ugly or make fun of me on the street for dressing funny, but that is not catcalling.

But I do get a random immigrants catcalling on the street, but they are not very pushy so I tell them no thank you, go away.
Old Americans have complimented me and called me pretty young lady a few times. Sometimes we get Irish backpacker playing guitar on the street and harassing girls but then some men or old women nearby will say they'll beat their ass and they stop.
I don't know, I don't like foreigners. They are ones who catcall and then ask if my country is safe. It is safe when you aren't here.

No. 640907

I go to music festivals and guys never hit on me there. Guess I must give off weird vibes then

No. 640910>>640942>>640962

Hey good on you guys, glad you're having fun, but holy shit please get tested.

Same here anon. Literally never been catcalled in my entire life, and I've walked around NYC alone. Maybe it's just the way I carry myself or something? On the one hand I definitely don't want to be creeped on, but it makes me wonder if people think I'm ugly. I know people aren't bragging when they complain about catcalls, but sometimes it can feel that way.

No. 640942>>640945>>640997

I’ve walked in NYC alone a few times and never had an issue. Once I thought a guy was bothering me but he was telling me my shoelaces are untied. I don’t think I’m bad looking so I just must give off weird vibes. But it’s hard to think that it doesn’t reflect my appearance somehow

No. 640945

When I was a tourist in NYC the only time I got catcalled was by a gang of black guys outside of a parole office. One of them said "Damn is yous a model." nicest compliment I've ever received came from a convict most likely

No. 640952>>640962

I very rarely have guys hit on me, whether it be during the day or while out at a bar at night. When I did go out a lot though there were many nights I've had no guys approach me.
I'm very tall though so I like to think that plays a part.

No. 640961

I wish a woman would hit on me just once. The last time some gross older guy hit on me he pointed out a woman to me and made some weird face like he was dissing/judging her? I was confused about why he'd randomly do that but in the back of my head I thought 'Well I'd rather get chatted up by her tbh!' I should've said it out loud.

No. 640962>>640966>>640982>>641127

I have a theory that body type has more of an affect on catcalling than general attractiveness. You don't necessarily have to be attractive at all, but if you're short and have large breasts/butt (even if you're fat), it's like an invitation for every creepy guy in a 5 mile radius to make creepy ass comments. Clothing doesn't matter that much either, unless it's a literal tent that makes you look like a shapeless blob.

No. 640966

I have a better body than face. I wear black leggings most days and I love them for comfort but I feel like most of the unwanted attention I get might be because of them

No. 640971

I mostly get either catcalled from a distance or creepy stares, not a lot of outright harassment. I think when a lot of men see my face up close a lot of them assume I'm far younger than my body makes me look and feel bad about creeping on me? I'm not ugly or anything and I tend to dress pretty modest, but I know people with colored hair who get catcalled and harassed all the time by men, so I guess half of it's being a basic looking jane and the other half is not having a lot of provocative seeming characteristics. Like I said if I get catcalled it tends to be from a distance where they can only see my ass and body and not my face

No. 640972

I think I picked up a scam call by accident today because I stupidly thought it was actually from my bank company and I was trying to ask them to stop calling me. The guy on the line proceeded to ask how old I was. After I answered (I thought maybe it had something to do with my bank lol), he said we were the same age and started asking if I had an Instagram or Snapchat. After I lied and said I did not, he aggressively responded with “I just want to be your friend” at which point I realized that I should just hang up.

I’m just trying to figure out what information this scam call was trying to get? Is there any way they could get my information even if I actually did give my Instagram account? It was just so bizarre I kept thinking about it afterward. Has anyone gotten a similar call? It kind of creeped me out.

No. 640980

>I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with someone who thinks less of me because of how many people I've had sex with.

This. I didn't fuck around much but I did some, and I did know some people would have a problem with that. I don't want to be with them.

No. 640981>>640983

do ants like spicy food

No. 640982>>641127

I always thought this was the reason I don’t get catcalled because I’m basically a skinny rectangle kek

No. 640983

Only the fire ones /s

No. 640996>>641000>>641001

File (hide): 1601342933242.jpeg (115.32 KB, 514x843, 52572897-3BB8-4EAA-8A09-C110DB…)

Why do people buy designer t-shirts? Why would you spend this much on a cotton cheap ass shirt? Am I just poorfagging here or am I missing something

No. 640997>>641010

Please google a similar picture of yourself so I can emulate you. I get hit on all the time (I think it's because I'm a small person too so easier target I guess

No. 641000

It's just the most idiotic flex, but it usually means the owner is really bad with money.

No. 641001

It’s all about the name, if you like the designer, you buy their stuff.
i bought a moschino white t-shirt because I love their stuff so fucking much
So, it’s a basic item you can wear any time but that also lets you show your support and appreciation for your favorite designers.

No. 641004>>641016>>641023

How do you tell off a pickme friend? I am so fed up with her. She does not understand the first thing about being a woman in STEM because she has worked crappy jobs all of her life.

No. 641010>>641025

I’m a short Asian girl. Maybe I dress weird or sloppy. You could try that lmao. I also don’t wear makeup

No. 641016>>641018

So you decide you can judge her for having crappy jobs while you so smart and all mighty works at STEM?
How about you check the social-monetary advantage you have over her, don't be a cunt, and just raise above her pick me ways?
You are acting like a spoiled brat anon, poor women get much more shit long therm in their lives than women in STEM as money is power.

No. 641018>>641040

She's not poor. She just works in a low paying non profit job because she is spoiled and lazy, and frankly not too intelligent. She's just had the luck to work in a female dominated environment and doesn't understand how hard things are for me.

No. 641021

I just dyed my hair blonde and have gotten catcalled more frequently than I have in my entire life. I’ve been in NYC for 20 years and wear conservative clothes, usually think I kinda look like a dude but…I guess not. Guess I’m a bimbo.

No. 641023

Just dump the friend. Pick mes only change with age and developing a sense of shame.

No. 641025>>641027

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lol I'm also a short asian girl.. I guess I can lean into mori girl more, scrotes hit on me less when I wear tea-length baggy shit. I used to put on a bitch face during college and it needs to come back

No. 641027>>641030

Please don’t. The vast majority of people who try “mori girl” look awful

No. 641030

>look awful
I don't think I do but if I do then mission accomplished

No. 641032>>641035

Why is there such a big correlation between looking ugly and being a pickme?

No. 641035>>641037

I think most girls start off as pickmes then get burned so many times and wake up. It has nothing to do with looks, plenty of you and cute girls are pickmes.

No. 641037


No. 641040

are you lolita roommate anon

No. 641050>>641164

how does sanic work

No. 641053>>641054

What does nta mean?

No. 641054

Not that anon

No. 641066>>641074>>641086>>641099>>641110>>641120

How long have you guys been without showering? Real talk. It's fucking anonymous, who cares what other people think of you.

I'd definitely say the longest I went was at least 2 weeks.

No. 641074

No more than five days. How the hell could you go two weeks?

No. 641086>>641103

Jesus anon, I hope you don’t do that often.
Longest for me was 3 days max(shower at the end of the 3rd day). I can’t stand having greasy hair and skin.

No. 641087>>641093>>641102>>641105>>641107

Any idea of some cartoon from early to mid 2000s. Very “straight” and 2d animation. Goth girl, I feel like her name started with an E and that was the name of the show. It was about her life. I don’t think it was on tv, I remember watching it on YouTube, though I could be wrong. Lmk if you know what I’m talking about/ideas

No. 641093

doubt it's what looking for but check Ruby Gloom?
Also those may help you:


No. 641099

5 weeks

No. 641102>>641107>>641118

The only thing is coming to me is Emily the strange but she’s only had books. Same with Lenore the cute little dead girl.
Anything distinct about the way she’s looked?

No. 641103

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seconding 3 days while depressed. I'm appalled lol, weeks? I still run late if I haven't showered yet. it's unbearable. Ooh take care anons.

No. 641104>>641108>>641109

would you be ok with your SO making silly faces and gestures and saying things like "phew" when any hot person on a movie/show comes on? I mean like mimicking patting their forehead dry and fanning themselves insinuating the temperature is hot? trying to gauge if I'm a really insecure person. Also, if you would not be ok with it, howcome? I honestly have no idea why it bothers me so much.

No. 641105

Growing Up Creepy maybe? Goth girl raised by bugs. Purple hair.

No. 641107>>641118

Same fag but this blog might help:
Documents goth girl cartoon characters

No. 641108>>641119

If they do it often that’s just weird in general. I don’t get insecure if my boyfriends would make general statements (like saying the girl in broad city had huge tits, or that a singer was pretty in an unconventional way) , but that sounds weird and cartoonish

No. 641109>>641119

weird to me lol, are they trying to make you notice and be jealous? At least it's in a joking manner

if it bothers you I don't see why you couldn't ask them to tone it down. unless they'd make a scene over you being insecure. I'm insecure too but that seems pretty easy to hold back on. it's silly.

they sound cute though but I can see why it bothers you. i'd be annoyed too because they don't have to do that. I think some couples are open to sharing who they find hot, while others want a boundary to not dwell on it. Either can be healthy or unhealthy, both people should feel comfortable.

No. 641110

A week only because I needed to go to a bank. Would've gone longer.

No. 641113

Is there a thread for this bitch or like a pick me general because they're annoying as hell and never shut the fuck up

No. 641118

Hell yes I think it was Emily. I remember the books. But I could’ve sworn I’ve watched it. And I could remember and episode where she’s like in school and something happens with a graveyard.

No. 641119

It's def silly, and they've been doing it less and less but for like 5 months now, somehow I've managed to act like it doesn't bother me. No idea what made them start suddenly wanting to point out the obvious–like I have eyes, ik a hot person when i see one–so they must be trying to make me jealous or deliberately make me feel bad about myself, I dunno, but hopefully they stop soon.

No. 641120

just about the same amount of time/2 weeks as well…. though I would essentially try to clean my body without going into the tub/shower/sponge bathed with rags, spray bottles, and a bucket in my living room (seriously) whenever I could… it was a bad time. i was dealing with extremely traumatic grief and was living alone in a run down century old apartment that was infested with roaches and developed a crippling fear of them; they basically had taken over the one bathtub/bathroom that was falling apart. for some reason the front yard attracted a wide range of homeless tweakers/creepy junkies who would just hang out and stare, or scream or ramble violent/disturbing/offensive things and make it either impossible or just really scary (again, I lived alone) to leave the house until they left or were removed. sometimes they’d be there all night… and between work, schoolwork, grief, and my shitty living conditions i could barely take care of myself. I would legit spend a majority of my days on my college campus… showering at the gym/rec center, and staying in the library until midnight and even later because I trusted the cleaner, newly renovated restrooms in there more than the 100 year old leaky toilet continuously damaging subfloor in my apartment lol. i spent basically every other weekend with my boyfriend and showered at his as well. this was all just last year and the beginning of this year, I stopped living there in March (out of town because of shelter in place) but I feel like if I had been trapped there when all things (including campus amenities) were being locked down I would have probably caused serious harm to myself. I’m doing much better now and have slowly re-learned self care…

have any other anons lived in/been in nightmare apartments/living situations? i wanna commiserate lol

No. 641122>>641157

I get why normal men would do this but why do celebs like sleeping with the same women/escorts? There's a few escorts that bragged about sleeping with multiple rappers and athletes and one of them Celina Powel is VERY unattractive and has said she let men poop on her and shit, why would multiple RICH men want to fuck that?
I'm sure they can find attractive women who won't tell to fuck. I will never get it.
They also KEEP fuckng with women/trans who tell or lie on people, why do it? why give these people time? Why not just pay off one of the many thristy girls on only fans to fuck or something?
It confuses me.

do they like putting their dick in women they know other rich men have been in?

No. 641127

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I think there might actually be something to this theory. I'm one of the anons that's never been catcalled. I'm average height and thin with narrow hips. My cup size is C but I typically wear loose tee shirts and sweaters, which gives the impression of a more boyish figure. I almost never wear leggings or athletic wear– only skirts or jeans. Given all this, I think it's a real possibility that the sort of men who catcall women have a preference for more… "thicc" body types I guess?

No. 641129>>641142>>641156

I'm curious why lolcow acts so chill about corona? Like talking going out and getting jobs with no mention of it. my privilege is showing because I'm sure they have to do those things. It just makes me think I must be overreacting to the pandemic, am I? Im too scared to get a job (when Im lucky to not have to I know)

No. 641141>>641144

Are there Asians with a big to average cock?

No. 641142>>641145

Die of poverty or die of corona. Obviously people are gonna go get a job. Do you think everyone can just rely on mama and papa and choose when they will and won’t work?

No. 641144

I assume it's statistically less likely but not completely unheard of, much like how dick size varies between all men regardless of race

No. 641145

You are right I apologize, I know I said specifically jobs but in general I guess I feel like it's never mentioned. but that is probably because what more can be said

No. 641151

Why do people say “jelly candy” when they mean gummy candy?

No. 641156

I'm just genuinely not concerned. At least I'm not concerned for my own health. Don't worry I follow all the corona rules and regulations.

No. 641157

My guess is that this handful of women are always around/‘available’ and most men, celebrity or otherwise, are lazy and opportunistic. It’s also easier to get away with using and abusing someone with a public history of letting men use and abuse her, because if she does accuse them nobody will take her seriously.

No. 641158>>641162>>641177>>641214

File (hide): 1601367177774.jpg (3.69 KB, 300x168, téléchargement.jpg)

Why does nearly everyone state that personnality type INFPX in their bio? Is that a legit thing, is this a trend?

No. 641160>>641165>>641174>>641178>>641182

What could be the cause of almost daily headaches specifically behind the eyes and infront of the head?

No. 641162>>641178

It's a resut that they get from the Myer Briggs Personality Test. I've never taken it but some people take it pretty seriously.

No. 641164

The last numerical of your post number, like for example, here yours is 0 indicates the answer that sanic gives. You can see what the answer is based on the thread pic. I hope that makes sense?

No. 641165>>641169

Tension headache. Do you wake up with those headaches or do they come on during the day? If it's the latter something you are doing could be causing them.

No. 641169

I wake up with them everyday, but they're pretty dull in the mornings. Sometimes they get really bad if I'm doing things that require me being outside the house for a long time; extremely painfully bad. I'll look more into tension headaches, thank you.

No. 641174

Is your bed / pillow comfortable? That could be a cause

No. 641175

why the fuck did old fanfics have such weird tags? slash for m/m, lemon for sex. god i miss the pure cringe of old fanfiction.net

No. 641176


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 641177>>641214

>Is that a legit thing
From what I've heard professional psychologists don't want to work with MBTI and that the whole thing is debateble. My take on it is that it is fun, like entertainment, but you shouldn't take it seriously.

No. 641178

only infps take it seriously

No. 641182>>641197

Chronic headaches here! Many possible factors;
-shit posture
-clenching your jaw in your sleep/generally
-sleeping with your shoulders hunched
-tight bra strap - get a proper bra if you've got big tits (honestly halved the frequency of my headaches, the straps should take only 20% of the weight
-impending rain

All that and the usual, too much socialising if you're an introvert, too much noise and stress.

No. 641197>>641253

>Chronic headaches here!
Nice meeting you, my mortal enemy.
But really, thank you anons, I can literally check all these boxes, dehydration, bad posture, tight bra straps. The only time I'm not wearing a tight bra is when I shower (i vent here a lot about my mom who hates my big tiddies). I'll try to counter all these things, one by one, these headaches are seriously fucking my ass. I appreciate your insight.

No. 641214

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Eh it's basically just the zodiac for nerds. Obviously it has a little bit more basis in logic, but that's about it.

No. 641253

To add to what other anons said, my headaches got a lot less frequent after I got new glasses, my old ones caused me to squint all day. Don't know if that's relevant you or not.

No. 641324>>641353

If there's a job ad where a guy is looking for someone to clean his apartment once a week and asks for a CV with photo, is that a legit ad? Or is the guy looking for a pornmaid to blow him? I'm looking for a part time job

No. 641337>>641345

Who is bella poarch and why is she popular?

No. 641345

All I know about her is that Koreans went crazy on her ass for having a rising sun tattoo and it resulted in Filipino twitter trending #cancelkorea for days lmao

No. 641347

i have super scrawny arms and pretty meaty looking legs, so i decided to start working out and trying to gain muscle in my upper body to look a little more proportional. i did end up gaining some weight… but it all went to my ass and thighs, which i neglected in fear of them becoming more muscle-y. so should i work out my legs and ass MORE to lose the weight there? how can i redirect it to my arms?? or am i just cursed with this stupid pear shape forever

No. 641353>>641364

the photo request is pretty sketch, but not enough to be a major red flag. maybe have an interview where you ask him to be up front and honest about his expectations and what the job will entail, and state your boundaries. if that really is what he's looking for, he'll just find someone else.

No. 641364

I'm going to do that, thank you anon!

No. 641644

What ae some youtubers that do in-depth reviews regarding the quality of certain garments of clothing and brands, similar to vid rel?

I don't know much about sewing or understanding the quality of clothing, where can I find some recourses about understanding fabric quality and the quality of construction?

No. 642988

How much do you have saved up? How much SHOULD I have saved up? I don't even know if I'm on the right track or not!

No. 649664

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Anons this might be disgusting but, how do i get rid of scars/scabs? i had pimples on my right butt cheek and i sometimes pick my skin if im anxious. And i feel bad for doing so because it leaves me with scars/scabs. I don't know how to remove it. Now i have scabs that i cannot get rid off and it's making me pretty mad at myself.

again sorry if this seems disgusting because it is, but holy fuck i need some advice.

No. 655776

Do you think it’s worth a try to sign up for onlyfans when you’re not an already-famous Internet personality?

Sorry my English is bad.

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