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No. 609173
Ask a stupid question to receive
+10 Intellect
+5 Wisdom
-20 Charisma
Previous thread
>>>/ot/598404 No. 609179
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Anons over 20,
I am 18 and I am sorta anxious about looking back and regretting having done or not having done some things when I'm older. I am worried about being 30, 40, 60 and thinking "I've wasted my time too much", "I wish I have done this and that when I was young". I want to have as less regrets as possible.
What would your recommendations be for me? Can be life advice, lessons you've learned, things you would change or do if you could go back, etc…
No. 609182
>>609173i made a thread two minutes after yours…oops. anyway here's a copy paste of my question:
i made the thread so i go first: why is baby mom culture so prevalent in the US? i follow a lot of african-americans and they make it sound like it's totally normal to be surrounded by chicks who had a kid at age 20 with a guy who has other baby moms.
in the same vein, why do americans get married so quickly? i've never been able to relate to the "all my highschool friends are married and i'm here eating peanut butter !1!1!!1" memes.
No. 609184
>>609179understand that everyone has regrets, first and foremost. when i was abroad, we /all/ left with regrets of not doing enough. it didn't matter if we had traveled the country, joined clubs and learned a local dance/sport/instrument, partied every week, cooked using local ingredients only, etc. everyone felt like they could've gone to one more town, one more restaurant, etc.
now that this is out of the way, those who spent the whole time in their rooms afraid of new things definitely had more regrets than those who had done more.
my advice is to avoid saying no. if someone invites you somewhere but you've never been to that kind of place or you've never done that kind of activity, it doesn't matter. just go. chances are you'll like it, or you'll learn something about yourself.
be more impulsive. i don't know where you live, but if you see cheap train/bus tickets, just skip class or cancel plans for the weekend and go visit a city you've never been to. hell, talk to someone about your plan and convince them. you could have tons of fun.
i guess the bottom line is curiosity, openness and spontaneity are key.
No. 609190
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Anons, I keep being called a 'Karen' mainly from my male friends for thinking this way, but is it wrong if I
> avoid and despise (not publically ofc, just inside) people who are more than 4 years older than me* who pretend that they are fragile babies unironically, to a point where they purposley are pretending that ¬ they cant do anything ¬, and that they are ¬ so small ¬ and whatever. (Which even makes their parents do shit for them) On top of that it becomes worse if they call themselves baby/smol unironically, mixing with sanrio or kidcore aesthetic.
Friends calling that a Karen move, but it's just my opinion. It's not like I attack those kinds of people, the only thing I do is just avoid them because I would rather befriend someone else. I had to suffer around those kinds of any age, and they would be nothing but attention seekers that would do anything just to keep feeling validated plus fakeness.
So like… Is it okay for me to have this sort of opinion or am I the worst monster that could have ever existed or something. I thought having boundaries is okay.
*By 4 years older than me means people that are 25 and older.
No. 609191
>>609179Dont put work before school. I felt like I had to because suddenly I was paying all these huge family house bills but I lost about a year in school because of all the working. My boss was also late on our payment for those two semesters. Leave any job where the boss doesn't value you enough to listen to your complaints that are easily fixable (we just needed more staff) or wont give you the power to fix yourself. Leave if they wont fire the bad employees because they'll probably stay even when you quit. Maybe always be side eyeing other jobs in your area. Looks fade, have good credentials or past working experience. Build credit in some way if you plan to move out, or find a roommate who has good credit. Also, make sure you actually have the dedication for whatever program, degree you're going for.
Buy clothes on preowned sites and thrift stores to save major money. You'd be surprised how fast richer girls throw out clothes to thrift stores or resell that expensive shirt in a few months. If your skin is having issues try cutting out all fragranced products. I highly recommend iunik or puritos stuff. Witch hazel, teatree oil isnt magic for all skin and could be what's breaking you out.
Stop caring so much about make up unless your job is professional enough to actually need it. We're told all the time we're doing it for ourselves but we arent, and let your skin heal over covid. Wear whatever type of clothes make you happiest rather than trying to appease people. If a friend or relationship is rocky it might just be better to end it. Especially if each message gives you some form of anger, sadness, anxiety. Theres so many people out there they arent your only options. Dont share all your political opinions with friends unless you know they're fully trust worthy. Shoot for the fucking stars if theres a hobby you enjoy. Take a class, use online tutorials, find free stuff in your city. Learn to sew a little bit for the moment you might need it. I hope you live a life that you're proud of, and if you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.
No. 609209
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>>609200I don't think so, as far as I can tell shoulders are always gonna be the widest part of your body unless you've got crazy wide/chubby hips.
No. 609352
>>609182there's a lot of christian sects and evangelical ones, look up mormonism for instance. i think in some areas it's the culture too or there aren't as many job opportunities for women.
>>609190you're fine and your male friends sound stupid. avoiding immature annoying people is good for your health.
No. 609359
>>609343I wish there were actual resources or communities of
victims of people like her. I am experiencing emalee situation right now; a woman is buying everything I do the second she sees it on me and is trying to have the same IG, even the posing. Knows me IRL too which is awkward. I sheltered myself off completely and It makes me feel sad.
No. 609427
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guys are these really THAT bad for u? idc about calories but i mean in terms of, is it really that garbage-y. would i be better off just making some chicken nuggets and eating baby carrots on the side.
i know the fresh alternative to these meals is always better but aside from that these don't seem too bad?
No. 609430
>>609426Not American but I meant non-exclusive in the sense that we had been going out on dates but never clarified that we were girlfriends.
Also, thanks. I figured I'm the weird one, just want some confirmation on it.
No. 609443
>>609420Genetics is actually a huge part of dental health, it can absolutely play a part in how strong or stained your tooth enamel is, how many caries you're prone to, etc.
People pre-dentistry were plagued with issues and died early because of them. Infections, bone loss, and inability to eat properly. My immigrant grandparents gave a fuck about toothcare because it was a sign of class status and how well your family was taken care of.
Also be careful of that bulimia because that shit can catch up to you.
No. 609461
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Why are old people so suspicious/prone to conspiracy? Is it an evolutionary defense mechanism because you are weaker in old age and need to be more wary of to perceive possible threats?
No. 609469
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Are expensive tights by brands like Sheertex, Heist, Snag, etc. really worth the money or am I better off just buying a bunch of cheapo ones from Target?? I would love tights that will last but the thought of having to immediately throw out $60 tights because of a hole within the first day makes me cry.
No. 609480
>>609461That's a good theory, it might actually be a defense mechanism. Maybe it's like juvenoia gone crazy, or something. Since my mom is a major conspirator, I've thought about this a lot and i think it's a combination of many things - because I assume that she can't stand the horrible shit going on in the world in front of her eyes that she wants to fix but doesn't know how, so she pretends that all the bad shit comes from secret organizations peddling fucked up things and wanting to control the world, cartoon-villain-style. Plus the universal fear of the unknown and all the bad shit she knows she doesn't see. Plus, it's about really enjoying morbid curiosity, even though she'll never admit it. Plus, it's also got something to do with having "secret" knowledge and feeling superior over normies who "haven't woken up yet".
I think it's a mix of fearing the unknown evils plaguing the world and being edgy, but in an old-person way.
No. 609525
>>609501you gotta get silent hill! tomb raider is another one i remember being fun but i have no idea if it'll hold up today. i've also heard that castlevania: symphony of the night is good but i've never played it.
just wondering- i've been considering getting a PS2 because i thought it was backwards compatible with PS1 games as well. are there any notable games that are PS1 exclusive? or is there another reason you're getting a PS1?
No. 609538
>>609413I had the same problem. The only gf I had was my best friend and sadly she moved away. I wish I went with her and started anew somewhere else because everyone wants to fuck asap. I just take a long time to feel comfortable and even if I'm horny I'd rather take time to make sure we click. So you're not alone.
Now that I think about it, I'd be even willing to be with an asexual as long as there's cuddles and kisses.
No. 609542
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>>609531Think this was posted in the artist salt thread before but this has been pretty helpful (huge image)
No. 609772
>>609740long skinny arms that go straight into long large hands that are slightly mannish imo, flat profile, eyebrows filled in too dark…skin around my nails that look like a minefield sometimes + my index finger nails that i can't stop chewing on.
as for the "lol fat" and "lol FAS", with the bone rattlers and retards we got on here, anyone could get them, so i guess i can claim those too.
No. 609780
>>609777Lmao are you me? I went through these exact two phases of dating bad boy chad types, then switching to computer-obsessed, imageboard manchildren who really are just as bad, but present in a very different way.
Have you ever had any male friends that you always felt fully comfortable around? Something that really helped me get over dating
problematic scrotes was always asking myself, would I want to be friends if this guy if I weren't dating/attracted to him? If the answer is no, it's a sign that they're not right for you and probably a complete asshole.
No. 609781
>fat>fucked up skin >addicted to shaving making my skin even more fucked upI’m pretty sure that one would be one of the recurring jokes in those threads
>never smiles because of nasolabial folds>Built like a fridge>unfortunate chin + nose combo>bump on my backI’m glad I never go full retard in general.
No. 609787
>>609777I think a basic requirement is respect for women, not as sex/relationship objects. I waited like 3 months and watched how he interacted with women before I decided to make a move on him.
>>609779I only wash the bottoms if they touch the sink. I wash my legs every time I shower. Do you not??
No. 609793
>>609740pale, dark circles, uneven/damaged hair, skinny fat, bad teeth, asymmetrical face.
so much to nitpick with my makeup as well. thick eyeliner, giant eyelashes, 90s gwen stefani eyebrows, and no lipstick/foundation to balance it out lol.
i guess its a good thing i've quit social media and am living like a technophobic hermit. otherwise i'd def be a cow. a couple of girls i used to know have threads on here kek
No. 609825
>>609802nah. its definitely reaffirmed my paranoia though.
i was never especially milky, just naive af and i was pretty young when i knew a lot of these girls, so its just been crazy seeing what happened to them. i'm glad i was smart enough to leave, even if my life is boring as fuck now.
No. 609941
>>609938The kind who fixates on other girls for extended period of times. Monitors everything they do, mimics everything they do, but turns it into a very strange and pathological need to pretend it’s some sort of competition between the girl and themselves.
I’m very confused by this kind of behavior but it has gotten so strange and intimate that I’m starting to get worried. I’m not even being purposely stupid, I’m genuinely at a loss.
No. 609944
>>609942Girl please. I wish it was the kind of girls you want to do that sort of stuff with and NOT the weird girls that act like Buffalo Bill.
Also I really don’t want to live in a genderbent!Hannibal Lector au…
No. 609955
>>609941queen you gotta get tf outta there before it gets crazy.
if you're friends you're kinda fucked and no matter what she's gonna do some crazy shit when you cut her off. be prepared for that. she'll continue skinwalking for a while but eventually she'll move on. i mean, a few stolen traits will stick, but she'll mostly move on. tell your mutual friends what's going on (if you have any) it may seem catty but there's no way to be mature about this. she'll probably tell them insane lies about you, so it's best to get your side of the story out first. good luck. hope u don't get single white femaled.
No. 609981
A "friend" of mine, I say friend loosely bc I am only friends with him bc I'm close friends with his wife and mutual friends, made a really shitty joke(?) about my alcoholism which I'm recovering with, in front of all our other friends last weekend.
I'm still pissed and hurt, idgaf. It was about me needing alcohol to sleep on certain occasions when I can't take my practically horse transquilizers or else I hallucinate my fucking rapist, there was no punchline, or anything, it was legitimately just mocking that, while he was drinking casually since 2pm and our other friend had been chugging whiskey all day.
My boyfriend wants me to talk to our other friend about it, saying that'll make things better and is kinda pissed at me for not wanting to talk to her about the whole thing. I really don't see it helping bc everyone kisses his ass, I also don't think it's my responsibility to go and say "Hey, I sure am hurt that he mocked me like that! It's making me more and more bitter!"
I just straight up don't want to be friends with this guy, he's mocked me before and is overall an edgy asshole who doesn't go a night without insulting people and hyping himself up (legitimately, unironically said he doesn't have a god complex bc he is a god.)
So, am I the shitty one / being immature for being upset and not wanting to privately message people who sat there during the joke and didn't say shit when I was obviously bothered and trying to explain once again why I, rarely ever (like once every 3 months or something,) have a couple drinks to sleep?
Sorry for the shitton of text..
No. 609994
>>609992Oh, I deleted my reply because I assumed it was just copypasted as spam.
Well in summary you were being negged, he likely negs people to control them and make them pine for his approval, don’t show that it hurt you but don’t act too nice either, avoid/ignore his existence and play indifferent until you finally are again. Don’t give him the satisfaction of seeing that he affected you.
No. 609998
>>609996Nah, it’ll likely turn into some annoying power-play. You mentioned that he does that all the time so any sort of apology you get from him will be fake and you still leave him with the smug satisfaction of knowing your feelings were hurt.
I’d hate to say you need to develop a thicker skin because you shouldn’t have to “toughen up” when around friends, but he’s only the spouse of a friend. His opinion on your life doesn’t matter, never will. He’s just obsessed with slighting people to appear clever and enigmatic. Men now look this shit up online as teenagers and carry it on into adulthood, they think it’ll give them the social upper hand and make people try really hard to gain their approval.
And besides, who cares if you did drink to sleep often? How is that a comedic staple? Let it roll off your back anon! Who gives a shit what some drunk married man thinks of you. You seem to have been through a lot, don’t let some scrote weigh down on an already heavy burden.
No. 610064
>>610061No, they asked me to illustrate the full manual, so it's not like I can turn away from some parts of it
The place I'm doing my internship at is pretty liberal
No. 610070
>>610057I mean what are you supposed to draw? A woman with a penis? A man with a coochie? I don't see how you could draw a trans person that is clearly a trans person.
Either way, a bag is a bag anon. I'd say do it and forget about it. Maybe you can draw the person wearing pink, white and blue.
No. 610094
>>610057So you’re being asked to
literally illustrate each portion of the acronym individually? Who the hell asks someone to specifically illustrate a tranny for a pro-lgbt piece, sounds like that could potentially make the PC audience ree anyways.
No. 610118
>>610071>>610094Yep. The person in charge of my internship showed me this power point presentation on a call today with all the letter of the acronyms and their meaing and she wants me to draw each one of them and what they stand for and how to help integrate this idea of tolerance and acceptance of them in society.
Basically something like "if you see a transgender person don't bully them and use their pronouns". I'm still not 100% sure what she wants me to do but it's something along the lines. How do I even draw a tranny kek
>>610066Where I live people think a radical feminist is a rioting feminist or someone who is very violent and opinionated (basically they call radfems "feminazis"). So it's even worse lol they got the completely wrong idea
>>610067I see it this way too but I'm kinda scared of being outed as a terf and people cancelling me or something. Oh well. At least they'll cancel me for a good cause lol
>>610070>>610071Thanks for the suggestions anons. It feels weird going through all this college stress with classes and shit and finally being able to get my diploma by drawing trannies lol. Like imagine what I'll tell people. Ah yes, I graduated thanks to trannies kek. Kinda fucked up but oh well
No. 610214
>>610198With all due respect, a lot of miners (that's what they call themselves) are basically just female /r9k/ equivalents. All they can think about is men, what men think about, what men think of them, what men think of other women, how they can be like other women to attract men, how much they hate other women, men men men and so on, while also saying they hate every fabric of the male being because they're self-proclaimed "radical feminists" who hate "men-obsessed libfems" (not that some farmers aren't guilty of doing this exact thing, lol.) Some of them come off as pickmes-pretending-to-not-be-pickmes, some are just open pickmes with no shame. There's generally more of a presence of regressive social attitudes towards sex/gender, biology, and human sexuality which is, again, an odd juxtaposition coming from a userbase of self-proclaimed radfems. On alone I've seen open white supremacist radfems, "men's rights activists" and "pro-rape" women trying to advertise their art, Christian anons telling lesbian anons that they're disgusting for being lesbians and for masturbating, an anon (who was probably a tranny) accusing another anon of being a tranny because they thought women "don't have" discharge in a thread specifically about vulva hygiene… it goes on.
And yeah, it's quite a slow board, which is the cherry on top of the negative qualities for me. I tried to contribute for a few months and boost the board's activity, but I didn't find the interactions to be worth it.
No. 610238
>>610235I can't remember her name, but it was an artist who primarily made humor comics (since recognizing her, I've seen a few of her comics posted on 4chan on occasion.) She opened a thread in /b/ with a drawing of hers attached and asked if she could promote/show off her art using a thread (there's several art threads in /media/, mind you) but other miners reacted fine. She posted some more of art (which was different from her comics, but had similar motifs/messages) and one miner caught on to who she was and posted her social media. Turns out she was a a self-declared MRA, biracial, married /pol/tard, and miners posted some of her comics, many of which were anti-semitic white supremacist drivel or about how women secretly really want to be raped. Even after this, and getting accused of being a troon, she stayed in the thread defending herself and saying that she is actually a women who holds these views. The thread was completely removed a few hours later.
No. 610259
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Anons: how many stuffed animals is too many for a grown woman to have in her room/on her bed?
No. 610387
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>>610317If you scroll up right to the top you will find a bar that says exit lite mode
No. 610414
>>610371It helped me overcome my issues with brooding and overthinking.
I don't think you can do it wrong. But there are different ways to do it, so just try what feels best for you.
No. 610645
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Is it possible to become retarded later in life, rather than being born that way? I was a normal child who got good grades growing up, but I swear my brain is starting to regress.
Speaking is becoming more difficult, I prefer to communicate through noises, making small decisions takes a great amount of effort, I have to emote my increasing emotions through body movements, I struggle to talk to and make friends (and maintain friendship) with people who don't have the same interests as me and I can't retain information as well anymore. Maybe my brain is just going through a phase or I'm fucked for life
No. 610647
>>610601Extra mayo or bust!
>>610645Are you an introvert? If you don't usually talk to people, then you kind of get "slower" at doing exactly that. i dont think its weird, it just happens .
No. 610658
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>>610510good men are defined by their morals and intentions. most men have bad morals (they are coomers who watch disgusting and brutal porn) and bad intentions (they only want a gf to regularly get sex/get someone to baby them/have someone to show off to their friends and other men).
most men watch brutal porn, but you can also judge their morals by other factors. do they have empathy for others (especially women)? how do they treat their mother? what are their friends like? do they date pick mes or do they date normal women?
the good men i know of are genuinely kind and wonderful to be around. they have high emotional intelligence and treat women well. they all have high self esteem. not that they are cocky, they are simply secure in who they are as people. they uplift and support their friends and gf.
bad men are simply men who have let themselves be corrupted by the worst parts of modern society. all they think about is sex, pleasure, clout and showing off. they don't see women as people and have unhealthy relationships with their parents. men like these are a lost cause. they'll never change.
good men are out there, ladies. have hope.
No. 610694
>>610681trauma/bad experiences? low self esteem? i don't know if it could be classified as a mental illness in and of itself but if you see yourself as unimportant in general that could be it.
i mean, for years i couldn't socialize because i started interacting with people with the thought that they wouldn't want to talk to me a second time. i simply internalized all those times people told me "ew why are you talking to me" in elementary/middle school without realizing it. now i'm doing fine.
if you don't have other autistic traits or a diagnosis wouldn't help you (like if you don't freak out because a room is too noisy) you should probably work on your self esteem. and reconsider what a friendship really is, perhaps.
No. 610713
>>610665kek i'm not a man or a redditor, i just thought the wojaks were funny. also my nice guy propaganda consists of
positive traits, it's not like i'm promoting incelism or saying that gamers = good guys.
i will reflect on my typing style and meme usage before posting again. i can't believe i came off as a redditor/a robot i'm genuinely saddened & somewhat disgusted by this.
No. 610728
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Is there a name for keyboards that have flat keys? Like the apple mac keyboard. I just got 1 inch nails and can't type for shit.
No. 610760
>>610645You ok anon? Has something happened recently, or have you got past trauma, or is the Covid situation getting to you? The same happened to me after I’d been in an
abusive relationship for too long. If something obvious is causing this then you need to sort it out asap before it gets even harder to get back to normal
No. 610798
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>>610259You can have as many stuffed toys as you want as long as you keep them clean and well displayed.
A good display can make them look actually cute/stylish and not like the room of a emotionally stunted person. So, it’s not the same throwing them all on the bed and letting them chill there, as putting them on a nice shelf or a box that fits with the decoration of the room/house.
the box is better because then you won’t have to worry about your family’s/friend’s children throwing tantrums since they will want them No. 610824
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What is a decent VPN? a lot of people recommend tor, but that doesn't change my ip address. I just want to watch Netflix in different regions
No. 610854
>>610660I am
pre-dating an european guy who is not a 10/10 but he's handsome and very very kind, he's vanilla af and doesn't even like anal. He hates brutal porn and is a complete nerd. He also has a big dick. But he's a bit dumb. Did I hit jackpot?
No. 610855
is the jackpot
No. 611049
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Do you have a very specific taste in men/women? For me it's blond + glasses + nerdy.
No. 611061
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How old is too old for heart shaped sunglasses?
>be me in mid-late 20's
>going to a backyard wedding
>wants to wear heart shaped sunglasses but don't want to look stupid
>wearing this dress
No. 611103
>>611096O-on the inside…
>>611049Black hair, strong silent type
No. 611167
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Anons with baby face, does it your face mature with age? Just hit 18 couple months ago and I’ve been cursed with baby face, I need some reassurance
No. 611179
>>611168Aw shit, that is kind of comforting at least, too bad it makes dating kind of awkward, any tips on that too? I don’t want to feel like I’m dating a pedo (been cursed with flat tits too, god really is against me smh)
>>611173 hope so, thanks anons!
No. 611184
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website. does anyone else think the butler guy from jesse is hot? i think hes hot, he gets too much shit from those goddamn kids. i need an answer so badly im a bit tipsy im and i love it(sleep it off bud)
No. 611291
>>611284It's called Lolcow Jumping And Popping now, with a pink/black icon.
I join a lot of servers and get freaked out when their names/display pics change, so try searching, you might not have been kicked.
No. 611360
>>611359Like 3
The tranny hater
The girl larper
Bpd pickme
No. 611369
>>611345That's an offense against Avril honestly
>>611338Some of the music production on her songs are great, but she comes off a bit try-hard for me. I find the way she chooses to do her vocals grating most of the time as you said but I think she has potential though.
No. 611427
>>611338Pretty good aesthetic sometimes (I like all the anime and goth/punk influence), but mostly bland music. I did like "Cry" and her evil laugh in "Manners", though.
There's this whole rash of "alt" musicians signed to big record companies that are only really alt in appearance. I know it's nothing particularly new, but it always kind of makes me roll my eyes, and they all have the same sort f "image". They're all pretending they ERP on Second Life, VRChat, IMVU, etc right now and put avatars from it in their music videos, kek. It'd be cool if they did something experimental with their music, but most of them play it pretty safe.
Since 100 gecs has blown up, I already know their underwhelming-ass mixing will be the "official tru-alt sound" for a while, too. It's all just so lame.
No. 611633
>>611614Honestly, it's up to you, but as someone who has friends in the army and parents who were in it, I would err on the side of caution signing up as a woman. I am UK based too and some of the stories I have heard of how women can be treated by other squaddies is disheartening. Obviously it doesn't apply to everyone there, but a close friend of mine told me women are commonly sexually abused due to there being a high volume of men around, hormones raging and being away from home making it a cocktail for disaster. He said some of them made it a competition to drug and assault as many of the women on base as possible, which to me is just abhorrent. My dad had said similar, and he started back in the late 70s. My friend left 2 years ago and hasn't looked back. You'll learn some amazing things there, travel the world, but as a woman, I would always have massive reservations about being surrounded by so many young and lonely men. It sounds like a lads club.
No. 611714
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How do I display my plushies in a way that looks acceptable/ aesthetically pleasing? I have a bunch on lalafan plushies on the way but idk where to actually put them
No. 611761
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Do I need to eat meat to feel / look my best??
No. 611877
>>611841It's a way of enforcing a mind/body duality. It's to separate the brain from he body. Hence why trannie try to match their body to their mental image of themselves instead of those things being innately entwined. It's probably racism to a degree as well, the bodies may be brown, but the minds are as human as whites.
Get ready because this is just the start of decline of language and denial of reality
No. 611908
>>611791Worried for myself. I’m not a pedo but I’m scared I’ll become one because by the time I’ll date in my 30s for the first time all the men I’ll start meeting are hairy balding uggos.
Don’t tell me 30 year olds are hot ew.
No. 611920
>>611915>>611915No never an 18 year old eeww. But i just don’t like men in their 30s, i would settle with a guy my age who eventually becomes 30 just fine ofc i got used to it. What’s the minimum age that’s acceptable for a gal my age? And age maximum since i feel i tend to be unpredictable despite my hate for old fucks?
>emotionally stuntedYes that’s why i asked if i’m gonna be a pedo or pedoish incel.
To answer your question, I need to work on myself. Maybe I’ll be 26 when I find the right one who knows. I just won’t be young.
No. 611968
>>611961It's a major life decision and I think a lot of people would be better off waiting a few years before going so they can figure out what they want to do. Plus it's expensive.
What do you think, because he didn't go at 18 he should never go? So you just believe where you are < 22 is where you should stay in life? A red flag would be him making fun of OP for going/not going to college or asking her to pay. Taking classes himself is not a red flag, i don't think you know wtf you're talking about.
No. 611984
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are collagen drinks a meme?
No. 611997
>>611992ingesting collagen doesn't actually do anything but like
>>611989 said certain foods can increase it naturally.
No. 612010
>>612004One more think it’s cheap enough to warrant trying it.
No. 612161
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>>612155That probably means most of your body weight is fat not muscle anon, thats the classic skinnyfat out of shape body, im underweight (not an anachan, it just happened) and sedentary as fuck and i look like a weird stubby marshmellow on the stomach and thighs and weirdly skeletal on the limbs.
The solution is to Hit the Gym but alas im lazy.
>>612160I got deleted from it too :(
Im wondering if the server got nuked or somenthing.
No. 612170
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>>612167This is the original crying cat, its a baby kitten.
I think alot of really young kittens have watery eyes and runny noses, most of my cats had that crying face as babies (less than three months).
No. 612372
>>612322Jp/CN VRtubers are paid actors who are playing a character with 3d model or 2d facerig on YouTube, are fully aware of that, memeing about it, doing 4th wall from time to time and are just out there vibing while keeping it professional because they can't fuck up otherwise they'll be gone. They also got agents that are telling them what to say/not say or do during stream. Their characters also always got a nice backstory which they play off.
However, western ones jumped on a trend but they do not know nor understand shit what VRtubers actually are. All they do is make an uwu-avatar, fake high pitched voice and pretend to be "not like the other girls" or a loli, while always arguing with people, screaming that their voice is real and they are defo like that IRL!11 Western VRtuber community is
toxic and petty as fuck, they had and still have many problems but can't deal with them because they are too scared to lose their 15 minutes of fame and are too busy kissing eachothers asses for clout (they had a pedo and some other scammer vrtuber both of which had pages filled with proofs for months and everyone were aware of that and admitted it, but they all were too scared to start witchhunting with everyone until one of big people spoke out.
No. 612380
>>612155To add to what other anon said, while you probably are skinnyfat you’re also close to underweight so it can’t be that bad. Sounds like you need to work on your head. Women are predisposed to have a significant body fat percentage, without a shit ton of exercise or the right genetics you’re always going to have a good amount of fat unless you’re super underweight
I understand the feeling though, I’m a similar size but look healthy-slim. While I don’t want to be seen as anachan it’s kinda annoying that I’m viewed as so different to people who are only a few lbs lighter?
Your bone structure might be part of the issue too. Skeletons vary in size - not so much they’d make you a landwhale but enough to be obvious when you’re skinny. My hip bones are proportionally big so I’ll never be tiny and I can’t wear longline bras because my ribs don’t go as narrow as they apparently should
Even if you go down the gym route, it’ll do you good to sort your head out
No. 612467
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What does N2F means? I tried googling it but I only get stock market stuff.
No. 612468
>>612410>>61244850k a year for two adults isn't enought to rent, especially in cities. they just won't take your application because they want 3000+ euros per person a month, and even more if you don't have a guarantor.
but even in the country side, you'd have to count every cent you spend.
>>612467nourish2flourish. the ana-chan who makes gross plates of sweet food.
No. 612496
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Are these any good? I tried the dragon tea monsters and they were gross so I’m wary of any others
No. 612522
>>612502Lmao, anon, I'm fucking rolling.
What do you mean? The real life nazis, or the movie nazis?
No. 612583
>>612156Here its been: lavender in spring or summer, thick soled sneakers and boots, y2k, cottagecore or tradthot, anime or designer masks by cutting up a designer item, birkenstock, and so many short beach wave hair cuts
they are either popular by how much ive seen it or how fast they sell within my area
No. 612619
>>612613>Would this be considered intrusive thoughts?I think so. It could be that you have extremely low self-confidence, are suicidal, or you're ashamed about your sexuality. Or maybe you've leared to associate pain with pleasure because you were abused. Maybe you partake in some destructive behaviors.
There could be many factors at play here, and I'm no sexologist or anything, so I'm just throwing out possibilities.
No. 612628
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Are those sunrise alarms worth the money? If any anons have one, which model do you have or which would you recommend?
No. 612686
>>612671I knew plenty of 25+ year olds who started college later in life and genuinely no one else cared except a very few irrelevant assholes.
You're fine anon, it's better later when you're mature and motivated than never at all.
No. 612769
>>612762they have and my god am i tired of the weight/age/height sperging when a thin anon pisses off a bigger anon or tall insecure anons say all medium-short women 'brag' about their height
cant we just coexist we're all retards posting on here
No. 612876
>>612870Maybe. They might dump you to ~experiment~, speaking from experience. Unless you're into wearing strap-ons, I'd steer clear.
>>612871Your friend is dumb. You don't have to be gay to acknowledge attractiveness.
No. 613054
>>613052There’s a market for everything.
In all seriousness, one of our cats has some serious allergies. Poor guy is always sniffing like a human, he’s even lost his little meow recently. Every time we’ve taken him to the vet they’ve told us he just has a little kitty cold. If it’s one cough a day, and she’s not heaving all over the place or vomiting/ refusing to eat or drink I’d wait a little bit to take her in.
No. 613118
>>613109Yes. I don’t know if I’ve ever genuinely loved/liked someone. In a way I do, but it just doesn’t feel like how people describe it.
Also, unrelated to the anon I answered. I need advice. it’s not really a stupid question, but at the same time it is.
My ex-friend is posting very violent pictures, gifs and videos on tumblr. I know he hate me because of a previous issue. And a week ago I saw him in the city, after that he started posting online about killing people. About death, violence, revenge, hatred and such.
This man has threatened with deadly violence before, usually wears knives, has mental issues (actual diagnosis). Because of this, I’m genuinely scared of being attacked by him.
Should I contact the police or some type of doctor, and give them an anonymous tip?
I’m scared he’ll either hurt me or his ex-gf.
No. 613163
>>613150Not a classic psychosis. They told me it was psychosis-like but I didn't told them everything. I was super confused and everything was threatening. I also put too much meanings into things and thought they were signs. Sometimes I looked into a mirror and saw myself as a portrait for example the girl with the earring or how it's called. I was never religious but I saw religious signs everywhere. I was in a psych ward with other loonies (the psychosis was ultimately
triggered there btw, wrote that in another thread) and one always watched me. Someday he looked at me and started crying and asked if I believe in God. I was sure he saw the holy Mary in me. Or I walked outside and felt all the power in the nature, I looked at a dog and it broke free from its leash. I felt like a witch. I had crazy dreams. I also thought they were signs. Once I dreamt of a burning woman and I was sure I felt all the pain of all women of all time. Thats the reason I'm no longer a pickme and value women much more now kek
No. 613175
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What is the "I" in lgbtiq?
No. 613305
>>613238ayrt and I used to be you, until I went to enough ww2 battle recreations and saw many a fat fuck wear them and think they're hot shit.
But really, just let yourself be horny, as long as you don't actually become/fuck a literal nazi, lmao.
No. 613310
>>613260Gone Girl
No. 613320
>>613260Music - Sybille Baier, Yanka Dyagileva, Lauryn Hill, Amy Winehouse, Kate Bush
Books - Anything by the Brontës, The Color Purple
Shows - The Gilmore Girls
No. 613337
>>613260S.: A Novel About the Balkans" by Slavenka Drakulic
That book was a fucking harrowing read about the sexual, physical, and mental abuse of women during the Bosnian war.
No. 613344
>>613260kamikaze girls, lady snowblood, female prisoner #701: scorpion, only yesterday, ghost world, antiporno, raise the red lantern, bonjour tristesse, wanda, vox lux, late spring, carol
No. 613723
>>613667That makes sense, actually! I have a friend who's going to be a male nurse–he's gay and want's to be a labor and delivery nurse specifically because he loves babies. My gyno isn't gay (supposedly; wife and kids, etc), but maybe he's more into the L&D aspect. Or like
>>613680 said. Makes me feel better for sure.
No. 613963
>>613093Girl… me too…
Hope you’re okay now.
No. 613965
>>613310Lmao I watched Midsommar with my ex and by the end of it my ex was surprised I thought the bf was an asshole and the ending was a twisted happy one, and he thought Pugh was crazy and clingy throughout. Honestly I didn't know where to start in explaining, so I didn't.
The writing was on the wall with that one.
No. 613973
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>>613260Strange Circus. It’s touted as being solely for shock purposes, but the complete psychosis of it makes so much sense. I don’t want to spoil it in case any of you want to watch out of boredom, but the “twist” isn’t all that unrealistic at all.
No. 614670
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How would you name your tripcode if you had one?
No. 614833
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>>614829Some pet tarantulas shed their hair when stressed so they look like peaches depending on the species, but most look pale beneath the fuzz
No. 614840
>>614833nta but oh nooooo
I didn't know they could shed their hair because of stress aaa
No. 614885
>>614724that's gross.
at least flush your toilet with your foot if you're not gonna wash your hands
No. 615000
>>614933one of my closest friends doesn't invite anyone out ever but when asked, she almost always says yes, just like your friends.
if i wasn't so secure in our friendship i could probably let a whole month pass before she realized and texted me to hang out. you friends saying yes when you ask to hang out is probably a good sign. my friend dropped friendships by refusing to hang out on purpose.
No. 615003
>>614933I doubt they feel pressured unless you're pressuring them, which asking to hang out definitely isn't.
tbh I am like your friends, it's not because I don't like the friends who ask me to hang out or I don't want to see them. I'm just introverted and can go ages without noticing I haven't socialized.
No. 615004
>>614469I think it’s very hard to trust doctors who say there’s not enough aluminum to cause cancer—deo is a huge business and a lot to doctors stances can actually be pretty political.
I’ve read tons of papers, studies, articles, etc and much like the huge debate on
toxic shock syndrome, it’s very hard to choose a side. If it isn’t the aluminum that is harmful, then maybe it is any sort of antiperspirant. Maybe blocking your ability to sweat really is bad for your body. It’s hard to decide because while one “reputable” source will tell you that something is a myth, another will present studies that show it could very well be a possibility! I choose to be aluminum free and try to go easy on deodorant in general. Inb4 you stink dirty bitch, I’m not one of those hippies and I do wash them regularly and am hyperaware or odor. I’m just very concerned about breast cancer.
No. 615151
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Is this mascot solely to represent /pt/ and if so could there be mascots for other boards? Or is she just the face of lolcow
Sorry I sound like a newfag but I’m actually a naive dinosaur
No. 615345
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what the fuck does this mean
No. 615419
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Anyone else trying to detox off extreme porn/hentai and get used to being aroused by normal stuff again? I got exposed to extreme and bizzare DA-tier fetish porn art as a child before I was exposed to normal stuff, and it feels like it's haunting me at this point. I have normal sexual urges, but I keep falling back into nasty shit.
I've tried going completely off porn for a few times with some success, but I always start falling back into it again. I think I've made a little progress because I've gotten back into the mindset of finding some of the worst shit I used to find arousing, disgusting. But I'm still pretty bad.
I feel like a hypocrite because I hate nasty male coomshit, when I'm even worse than some of them. I still like normal stuff, but it gives me so much less arousal than wierd shit it's hard to stick to it. Should I just condition myself to only get off gentle vanilla to reverse it?
No. 615471
>>615419You’re not alone! I was in this exact boat. I straight up had death grip because extreme quickly stops being extreme and I had to rub my clit with
abusive force to get off.
I’m gonna be real, it’ll probably never completely go away, the gross fetishes. Sometimes a passing intrusive thought would arouse me so much I’d come close to giving in literally 0 to 100 in seconds. I had a lot of relapses, but learned to not be too mad at myself. Trust that over time, it becomes increasingly easy to simply let the compulsion pass through you. I’m on a 7 month porn-free streak, I only masturbate like once a week now.
I can climax by being in the moment and feeling the physical pleasure without imagining fucked up scenarios again. Feels good!
I wouldn’t recommend masturbate when you have The Urge, personally my mind would slip into degeneracy right away even if I’m just looking at the ceiling. I think we have to feel comfortable denying ourselves first before reconditioning toward vanilla can be successful. So have a cold glass of water and listen to music instead.
You can do it anon! You can heal!
No. 615488
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>>615481I’m only asking what it is that you vigorously pound your clit to for innocent personal reasons, fellow woman
No. 615514
>>615495I have no interest in degeneracy and almost made a serious reply before realizing they just sound like a cumbrain so
>>615498Honestly had to repost the “sorry wrong post” bc originally replied to the wrong post again
No. 615659
>>615633Ah ok, yeah it has 100percent of your RDA of B3
>>615635I know I should, I've had anemia for years, extra fatigue kicked in lately but I don't have the 100 euros to see a doc
No. 615703
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>>609173Is there any downside to using vitamin pills/tablets? I was going to buy some iron pills because I've been low-energy recently and I have an iron deficiency, but my dad said something about how I shouldn't, but he didn't really give any reasons why and walked off
No. 615709
>>615703look it up for yourself. my mom still thinks eating any food that has a burnt part will give me cancer.
as for myself, i have been taking iron pills for a while and i haven't had any downsides. but they truly don't replace a balanced diet. eat more broccoli, red meat, shit like that. if you don't eat enough vegetables, you're probably better off eating more vegetables than taking vitamins.
No. 615711
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How do some people who look like literal feet end up having such good looking children
No. 615732
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>>615711just this
>>615716I mean some people who are pretty get a child and many, many times it's not even as pretty as the parents because the scored the worst features of both.
Pic related is Liv's mum btw.
No. 615889
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Has anyone used any other imageboards other than this one and asherahsgarden/crystalcafe/4chan?
I've tried looking at others but is filled with mostly men it looks like. is kinda empty but seems ok. I've heard of lainchan, but when I went on there was a disgusting cp ad on the front page and I immediately clicked off. I hear it's more for tech shit anyway. I hear 8chan is also filled with cp and is a shitshow in general so I just completely avoid that one.
No. 615992
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>>615889what about uboachan? Anyone been on that one?
No. 616044
>>616002Yeah it’s a cruel reality
I hate it. I still wonder about that dude who decided to make asherahs for anons and who he was.
No. 616198
>>616141Yes, it's usually just before or during menstruation because of hormones. I get horny as fuck right before mine.
>>616189I haven't really seen many racists here and I don't think I am, I would never hate anyone just because of their race but I will admit I get annoyed with the people who think they're better than white people or act like present day white people are the cause for the shit that happened in the past.
No. 616200
>>616189I haven’t seen many racist anons here, especially considering this is an imageboard. Maybe you’ve misconstrued things anons have said that are just criticisms of groups/ideologies like Islam ect. Racist is a term that is bandied around a lot which makes it lose power. As a non white person myself I think that labelling everything racist is bad. It gives the word less power and takes attention away from actual racists, instead focusing on micro irrelevant shit. Ffs racebait is banned on lolcow, blatant racism isn’t even allowed.
As for why people become racist, I think it’s because we’re living in pretty tough times- it’s hard for people to find jobs like they once did, divorces are increasing, hookup culture has left people disillusioned with relationships, young men esp are bitter and angry about the state of society and how they don’t automatically have the upper hand now- it seems like harkening back to a (fictional) older time where the non whites were put in their place and all white people lived happily and in harmony under tradition is a good idea. Non whites are basically made scapegoats for all the issues of western society. Couple this with the fact that racism makes people feel superior to others- a pretty appealing feeling- racism does seem quite tasty to those it benefits.
Sorry for the novel, i’m a dumb sperg
No. 616204
>>616189Not a racist, but I'm pretty sure an inferiority complex is not the cause.
Observing racists here (SE Europe), they genuinely don't even notice Gypsies. They don't think about them at all. It's as if the Gypsies are invisible to them even when in front of them 99% of the time. These "untouchables" are not a benchmark against which racists compare themselves. They barely even register as people.
No. 616247
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TMI, but, my boogers are weird colors mixed with clear/green and I can't figure out a cause. Clearish-green is the usual color they are. I clean out my nose pretty regularly. I've had the bloody snot before, but this is really bizarre. In my right nostril, they're clear-green mixed with brown. In the other nostril, they're clear-green mixed with black. None of it is PURE black or PURE brown, it's a small mix, but each nostril is different. I haven't had any nasty symptoms at all, no problems breathing, etc. But I don't smoke, I don't inhale anything weird (and haven't been around anything out of the ordinary) this is the first day I've noticed this. I'm really freaked out. Googling it as a symptom tells me I am fucked without immediate medical care. I do have some issues breathing but it is chronic I doubt it's related to this.
Do I need to see a doctor ASAP? Am I going to fucking die bc of colored snot? Will I have Cause of death: colored snot on my grave? I don't know if this is serious or not if I'm not experiencing other symptoms.
No. 616271
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>>616229Either you're weird as fuck or whoever's stimulating them was laughably terrible at it.
>hook up with guy off Tinder>mfw he starts flicking my nipples like light switches No. 616274
>>616271Actually no, that’s a very plausible scientific anomaly.
There are tons of women who have this problem. When you stimulate nipples it can immediately release oxytocin whether you are lactating or not. Depending on your brain chemistry, this could make you feel immediately distressed, sad, or uncomfortable. It’s lightly known as sad nipple syndrome. Has nothing to do with being ‘weird’.
No. 616495
>>616485Because oxygen deprivation can cause brain damage there are numerous effects it can have on a person, including behavioral problems that are linked to the distorted brain functionality. I think they're usually the result of delay in brain development. Most of the time the damage that has been done is noticeable like showing signs of cerebral palsy or epilepsy but slight deprivation of oxygen that might go unnoticed can cause milder impairment that can manifest as learning disabilities or similar issues. Brain damage comes in so many forms and
any damage can affect your personality significantly as far as I know, that's why scientists are so keen on studying people like serial killers' brains to look for signs of damage. For example the impairment of the orbitofrontal cortex can contribute to sociopathic behavior as it's in charge of impulse control and morality.
No. 616588
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When you answer phone calls, what do you say? Do you just say 'hello' or introduce yourself as well?
No. 616655
>>616619Yes I'm also aware of fertility treatments etc. What I meant is at what point is it a bad idea in terms of your health, the babies health and being fit enough to raise it.
I know autism rates shoot up when either parents is over 40 so considering shit like that too.
No. 616714
>>616588I just say "Hello" or "Hello?"
I mean, since they're the ones calling, they must already know who I am so I don't see any point in introducing myself.
No. 616715
>>616661People in the US care a lot of what their teeth look like, they want them to be perfect for events like weddings or when they have to smile a lot. I blame it on most actors/actresses in American media having perfect teeth, so we see them constantly, and the fact that Americans smile and show their teeth more than other regions.
Dental work is also very expensive if you fuck your teeth up but I’ve seen plenty of people around with nasty teeth from smoking and neglect
No. 616730
>>616661yea, "perfect" teeth can look a bit creepy and artificial to me. especially when theyre unnaturally white. teeth are supposed to have a more light cream-ish colour, and bleaching them can actually cause lasting damage to your tooth enamel and gums.
the anons in those threads are just nitpicking and grasping at straws lmfao ignore them
No. 616784
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>>616682Everyone in the Trump family has these teeth and it freaks me out. Uncanny as hell.
That said, braces are actually helpful for a lot of people. You don't get that uncanny valley "perfect" smile from braces unless you've also abused white strips or got veneers. My teeth were genuinely fucked up before braces, now they just look "normal" and slightly crooked. I paid for them myself and would do it again in a heartbeat.
I can see veneers being nice for people who have damaged teeth, but it sucks seeing celebrities get them when their smiles were already practically perfect.
No. 616869
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Can we have a copypasta thread? I think I didn’t see one and it would be nice to save a few of them, like the bi-curious married anon one and such.
No. 616906
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riddle me this nonnies, why do a lot of people think swearing isn't cute? when someone with a cutesy or innocent aesthetic swears, it often meets disdain. why is that? I just love being foul-mouthed and it's fun. children love it, too, and in childhood there is something forbidden about swearing. idk I like being immature. balls
No. 616922
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>>616913please answer my shitty question, I beg of you
No. 616923
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>>616906Swearing is often seen as something only uncivilized people do because of their lack of better words to describe stuff or express themselves. It’s also not seen as something cute because it breaks the model of what’s supposed to be cute, it’s not innocent, so it’s a contrast most people don’t like to see.
I particularly don’t give a fuck, but if a person won’t stop swearing every 5 fucking seconds, I will consider they have little dick energy.
No. 616973
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I swallowed the tab from a can am I going to die
No. 617014
>>617006Lmao, I don't think he wanted to fuk me as
>>617003 said lmao. The context was weird nonetheless and I don't really have the hots for him so I turned him down instead. I think he understood so there was no coffee invite later on.
No. 617040
>>617030It's no suprise men claim to like it when they don't actually find it attractive. For them it's like
>ask woman out>she's not into you>get rejected>the endBut for us it's like
>ask man out>he's not into you>you might get rejected if you're lucky, or…>he uses you for sex because he knows you like him but he doesn't have to put any effort in to get his dick wet>no end until he finds an upgrade he actually wants to dateBut obviously, for men that's 100% beneficial. As long as he knows which women are interested, he can accept, reject or string them along at his leisure. That doesn't mean he actually finds you attractive or likes that you asked him out, just means you made yourself convenient.
No. 617052
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Should I plant a lemon tree, apple tree, or orange tree? I feel like a lemon tree would smell good. Kinda also wanna plant an olive tree as a tribute to Athena tbh.
No. 617078
>>617052Don't do apples anon, you'll regret it
Birds attack that shit like no tomorrow and you won't have any for yourself.
Lemons are prickly but they're worth it
No. 617120
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>>616989>I've ingested metal before (paper clips, hair pins, a weird metal book mark thing)but why
No. 617147
>>617120it's the pica anon
>>616989take care …
No. 617259
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glasses anons please help… i am nearsighted with a high prescription so my glasses lenses are very thick and my eyes look very small when wearing them. my current pair is has thick black frames, so i ordered the pair in pic related because i thought barely-there looking glasses would help make my eyes look bigger, but they look even SMALLER… is there anything i can do to make my eyes look bigger with glasses? high index lenses? a particular frame style? please help
No. 617271
>>617259I do the high index lenses. My eyes still look smaller in them. It's not insane though. Can't compare to regular thickness lenses bc I've been getting the high index forever. I got some pretty big frames this time around, not quite 'oversized' but verging on it. They're like a larger version of a wayfarer shape. The actual plastic rims around them are not thick though. I feel like creating space around my eyes is helpful. Also mine are darker at the top and fade to light at the bottom, to me it makes the top half an 'eyebrow' effect and the bottom half of the frames seem less prominent as well, fading away.
Can you wear contacts if it bothers you so much?
No. 617373
>>616912Do you have a partner? Try to think in the morning that you will get fucked in the evening. That makes me horny af
My own stupid question is does anyone knows good tips against winter depression? In the summer I'm normal but in the winter I always get suicidal
No. 617375
>>617374Thank you, will try!
>>617197And to answer this… I fucking swear my hips grew when I was 25
No. 617532
>>617516being in love is cringe. idk about all couples but most couples are cringe in private. it's ok, just do what makes you happy. i babytalk-ified my ex's nickname to such an extent it turned into literal nonsense babble.
just try not to do it in front of other people because you will end up regretting it the same way you regret your xD phase.
No. 617784
>>617769Let’s create new ones, like
>poking the beaver>coochie coochie the coochie>feeding the dark temptress They all suck, but I’m sure other anons must have better ideas.
No. 617807
>>617769I say "je me touche" in my native language. Which equal to "feeling myself".
Also, if you that about someone else, it's imply that they are lazy and haven't done something they should have done (maybe because they were busy jerking off)
No. 617839
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>>617833How you it be from tumblr if it's short and feminine counterpart of anon? Gotta brush up on your board history,
nonnie. We have a big exam next week.
No. 617841
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I was eating my meal and this creature landed in front of me and I got so fucking scared. It was very black and very shiny and before taking off it erected its wings and these black things like a machine and flew and I screamed. Can any anons tell me what this bug could be? I tried my best to draw it.
No. 617854
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>>617845What about a burrower bug? They have wings but they're not super visible. Idk what else it could be cause beetles are the only bugs that put up their wings like a machine, I think.
No. 617864
>>617856YES exactly like that anon!
>>617854Maybe it was a type of beetle? A young beetle or something?
No. 617865
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What does pussy taste like?
tmi but yes I've tasted myself and I don't taste like anything, but I don't know if that's true for other women?
No. 617982
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>>617976This is a black gentleman but thank you anon. I found it!
No. 618110
>>618105This subtle brag
Jk but maybe you could just put your measurements into a bmi calculator thing and decide from there? I feel like theres a lot of aspects go into what makes someones size unhealthy ya'know? We're not doctors so we can't really answer.
No. 618193
>>618189>used to like himI have experienced with this one. He misses the attention & wants to prove to himself that he can get it back. He’s just trying to fuel his own ego.
It’s his loss anon, don’t give him the satisfaction
No. 618194
>>618191Here's an idea: Stop telling people what the fuck you're doing in your life, you're a grown ass woman.
If they have a problem with you not eating a cheeseburger and choosing a salad instead, that's on them and you should say just that.
No. 618196
>>618191I tend to have people telling me that I don’t need to diet when I clearly have issues. And it’s not even something that I would say I do just to drop some pounds, it’s just good to eat good food, really, it feels amazing when you eat a salad instead of a burger.
Just tell them that you’re going to a nutritionist or something and they will stop being too spergy about your dieting.
No. 618198
>>618194The problem is that when I DO start losing weight people tend to be nosy and ask me what am I doing. Then they give me unsolisited advice.
That, and media everywhere telling me to stop doing x or x. I'm just tired.
No. 618202
>>618191I'm fat and trying to lose weight. I get annoyed now and then when people have started to notice and feel the need to tell me how many calories are in this and that. Like, it's nice that they're noticing and being supportive, I suppose, but I wish I could just be left the fuck alone.
I'm losing count over the times a coworker, friend or even my partner has seen me eat a handful of nuts only to give me the generic "you know nuts are actually bad if you have a lot of them, right?"
That's why I'm only having a handful, Tina. Thanks for telling me, Tina. I'm so glad you warned me of perhaps the most generic "healthy fun fact" there is, Tina. Suck my nuts, Tina.
No. 618205
Like, jesus christ. I eat some veggie sandwich and they're like "did you know that veggie sandwich has actually this many calories?" or I eat fruit and they're like "did you know fruit is actually super bad because it has a ton of sugar?"
Jesus fucking christ I'm TRYING my fucking best, yes I know that eating a lot of a certain food will make you die or whatever but like if I don't try I just immediately go back to my unhealthy mentality of "lol who cares, I'll keep eating shit then, at least no one bothers me and it's tasty" and just being fucking depressed about it.
>inb4 sensitiveI don't give a fuck.
No. 618213
>>618205Same! People would leave me alone when I ate unhealthy and was a slob. Now it's like they can't wait to give me the next piece of advice on how to lose weight.
I've just tried my best to say thank you and not engage in further conversation. God forbid you ask friends and family to leave you alone because you want to lose weight in peace and not make a big deal out of it. Cue the "why are you being so defensive!? If you were doing well you wouldn't be so annoyed by advice blah blah blah"
Also weight and diet is a sensitive topic. I got fat because I used food for comfort after a traumatic experience, so of course it's a sensitive subject and we should be allowed to have at least somewhat of an emotional reaction to unsolicited advice.
No. 618220
>>618213I also use food as comfort, it really sucks, because in times of loneliness it's the only thing that might make you a bit happy.
I had some small experiences with eating disorders when I was a teen (
experiences, not full on sick) and that really did affect the way I grew up and the way I see food. I can't eat anything without thinking aftwerwards how fat I will get. I can't find a middle ground of healthy eating yet. So people giving me their comments about the food I eat doesn't sit well with me.
I either must eat close to nothing or clean foods only, or hamfist pizza slices inside my mouth. I hate being myself, my thoughts really never leave me alone.
No. 618349
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>>618277I think most Slavs look like cats with big noses.
it’s kind of cute tbh No. 618462
>>618455Anons who don't like it haven't actually spent much time there, probably just read the wiki and got mad they expect men to pay for dates and assume when they say a man is 'high value' they mean rich and handsome (that's not what it means).
99% of the actual daily posts is just standard pinkpilled stuff, much of which was in our own pp threads - shitting on men who treat women badly, shitting on pickmes, and encouraging women to have better self esteem, higher standards, not to settle for abusers and losers etc. I don't even date but I still read it because I like reading posts from women who love themselves.
No. 618476
>>618462That's weird. I would think anons here would support women going for rich and attractive men, but maybe it's the anons who are ok with applebee's dates complaining.
just jokesJust visited there again and the subreddit looks cool asf. Definitely gonna browse there more.
No. 618487
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>>618393I think it might be a compliment because Americans think of Russian women as looking basically like pic related bc of movie stereotypes
No. 618542
>>618191>I just want people to shut the fuck up and chill. So tell them? The solution is so easy.
>>618533Gross, no. I never ever take my phone into the bathroom.
No. 618554
>>618545Here's what I would do: go to sleep 5 minutes earlier everyday. So if you're usually go to sleep at 2, tonight you're going to sleep at 1:55, tomorrow night at 1:50. Put all electronics, including your phone, away an hour before going to sleep. Try to set a sleep routine (for example, showering, brushing your teeth, reading a little bit and then going to sleep, whatever works for you) This will initially probably kinda suck, and you'll probably have to force yourself to actually go to bed, but at least it's something you have control over (unlike not waking up to multiple alarms). Do this until you reach a pre-determined time you'd like to go sleep at from now on (maybe that's 11 pm or something, whatever works for you). After a while you'll probably start waking up earlier naturally because you're well rested and you can do the same thing for your waking up time.
Solution for hitting snooze: there's alarm apps that have you do something before you can turn it off or snooze, for example solve a math question, shake your phone or scan a QR code. That will help getting you awake. (You could print a QR code and leave it in the kitchen so you're forced to get out of bed, go to the kitchen and scan the QR code to make the alarm turn off. By time you've done all that you're probably awake enough to make the conscious decision to stay out of bed and have breakfast or something.)
No. 618582
>>618581I collect plushies (feel like an autist saying this) and I follow different brands and tags related to that on Insta..the overlap between plushies and weirdo perverts is so odd to me but I'm always accidently coming across it in those tags
Is nothing left innocent anymore?
No. 618706
>>618697I felt bad reading that it all basically spilled into her lap..I imagine she had skin grafts in some delicate and hard to heal spots.
A place near my house has a self service coffee machine where even the milkiest coffees come out of it scorching hot. The thin cheapy cups don't help. Emailed them a year ago just to give feedback and I'm still burning the thumb off myself whenever I get one.
No. 618741
>>618721the first thing you should do is evaluate why you're referring to yourself as a loser and why you feel like a loser deep down. which you are aren't. ever. life is always full of potential and so are you.
lolcow is a gossip site and full of condescending, mean, heartless bitches who can only tear others down instead of building anyone up.
you tie the value of a "whiteknight"s opinion to their success in life. but it made you feel better and seen, didn't it? that's because the sentiment and idea was good regardless of their success. you crave an easy answer that a successful anon is smiling upon your lack of accomplishment and sees your potential or it doesn't exist otherwise. you're an approval-addict like me, like my unaccomplished self. but there isn't an easy answer. do you believe people are their accomplishments and that their value is inherently tied to them? that's a sad way to live. nothing is ever permanent or safe. improve yourself and your life but not to flatter the rat race and soul-sucking hamsterwheel that is society. get inspired and get working on it but not to torture yourself with misplaced, masochistic, impossible approval-addiction.
No. 618775
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Can someone pls explain this image to me
No. 618903
>>618869I think so, because even if most books can be saved and shared on the internet, not everyone will always have the access to it and therefore access to the books. Specially because sometimes it’s really hard to get the books for people that are not tech savvy nor have the patience to skim through a list of random archives that could or could not be viruses in disguise.
I’ve also read sometime ago that libraries offer other services like renting PCs, courses and even baking molds to rent depending on the library.
No. 618927
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Idk if I should post this in the toy thread instead, but I was wondering whether or not other anons would consider ¥1,980 to be a decent deal on this figurine (pic related)
No. 618943
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why am I only horny when I'm hungry, constipated, or tired
No. 619082
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Does anyone have a Tiger rice cooker and can tell me where they got theirs? I think I might venture down to Chinatown soon since it's really expensive on Amazon, but I'm not sure that there would be a price difference.
No. 619118
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>>619082I have pic related, not sure how much it differs from a tiger rice cooker but it is half the price and I love it, my family has been using it for many years.
No. 619203
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>>619082Certified rice afficionado here reccomending you to save up to get a zojirushi.
No. 619261
>>619249>I usually do the clasp, then put it on over my head, like a shirt.My first thought was "wtf" but I do wear bralettes that have no clasps and so of course I put them on like a t-shirt.
But putting it on normally isn't hard, what kind of question is that. Just put it on and clasp it behind you. Or just don't wear bras and feel the freedom. Love having small tits.
No. 619271
>>619118I'm looking on Amazon and tons of reviews are saying it turns their rice yellow/brown. Are these just retarded white people who try to keep their rice warm for 24hrs??
>>619203They're similar pricing but tbh I'm trying to get a Tiger since my family has used one for 20+ years. I'll consider this brand if I find a cheaper price for it though lol, thanks!
No. 619284
>>619249>>619258I put my bras on that exact way, by clasping it before putting it on and then pulling it over my head and shoulders like a tank top. I've done it that way since I had to start wearing bras. I was never taught what the "proper" way to put one on was and because that works, that's still how I do it. I think at one point as a teenager my mom realized I put them on that way and told me the "right" way was to;
>put it upside-down under breasts>turn clasp towards front, clasp it>turn it back around>flip it right-side up onto boobs>pull the straps upbut I always felt like that's just extra steps for no reason?
No. 619285
>>619203tiger is actually more popular in asia than zojirushi. that said i have zojirushi because my grandma had it and it's the first brand to be popularized for overseas market
>>619271white people don't know how to make rice or use rice cookers
No. 619290
>>619288>it's unconventional but way easierThis, kek. I'm not putting on a show for anyone, I'm just trying to get the thing on. Weird that the one anon got accused of being a tranny just for that.
>mfw flat and fatI don't know if it's weight/cup size related then, I'm 116 lbs and 34B and I pull it over my head too.
No. 619294
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My legs look very similar to this, not that extreme but similar. Is there anything I can do for it to go away (besides a tan)? I don't wear shorts anymore because of how disgusting I think it is.
I also have a healthy but low-ish body fat % and lift heavy 4 times per week so exercise isn't helping.
No. 619319
>>619309DON'T DO IT ANON
The eventual pain is never worth the temporary pleasure of feeling wanted by some fuckboy
No. 619331
>>619319>>619320I know you're right, i'm gonna regret it later but it's so tempting when you haven't talked to someone in months and his caring messages just makes me wanna tell him how i've been doing and i dunno anon
>>619328He really did anon and i vented all my frustrations about having no dad and being molested and he agreed with it all and told me about feminist literature and all…
No. 619471
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My boyfriend just randomly out of nowhere sent me a post-shower pic of himself, topless, with his body looking like pic related and a very, very smug "I wanna have sex" face. Is it normal to feel repulsion?
No. 619504
>>619498>prior to menopauseNot very common unless you're actually trying for kids. People who just want fruitless sex use SOME kind of protection, be it birth control, condoms, etc.
Abortion is expensive and shitty to go through, and people who "get used to it" are abnormal.
>post-menopause or tubes tiedFairly common, no need to protect when you can't make kids.
>>619471I'm gonna agree with
>>619499 bc men tend to incorrectly think that female sexual attraction works the same way male sexual attraction works, which it doesn't.
There's a reason why many women prefer nsfw fiction over visual porn.
No. 619507
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why is there a massive community around to catch a predator on youtube? Why are people so obsessed with dateline? I dont understand
No. 619531
>>619507For dateline, i think people like it just cause it's true crime. Reading morbid stories is like watching a train wreck. For To catch a predator, I think some people like to see justice being brought to pedos, and also some predators like to catch other predators. I guess to make themselves feel better.
The True crime community has been thriving for a couple years, but idk why all these predator shows and videos are suddenly a trend.
No. 619731
>>619608I do and when it happens, I trust my gut and run. Dunno about bad genes but if my brain is blarring the alarm, I'll dip no matter what.
I've read the gift of fear, tho.
No. 619759
>>619749Go see your doc/dentist
No. 619877
>>619859I have a friend who did that. He's married and his wife and her girlfriend go at it. But now he's mad that the other woman doesn't wanna leave and he has to sleep on the couch KEK it's a fucking mess.
Don't do it ya'll. You're just asking for trouble.
No. 619980
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Was going to post this in the Unpopular Opinions thread but I don't really know how popular/unpopular it is. Figured it'd fit more here.
Almost all babies of European descent are born with blue eyes, and they stay blue for the first 1-2 years until either 1. remaining blue or 2. turning green/hazel/brown. If they turn green, the baby's green-eyed, if they turn brown, the baby's brown-eyed, and so on. So if that's understood, why do women who were born with blonde hair that became brown as they grew up call themselves blondes?
When I started growing hair it was medium blonde, and by the time I was 10 (and up to now) it was medium brown. According to that logic, shouldn't I be telling people I'm ~actually~ blonde-haired and blue-eyed despite my clearly dark brown hair and eyes? Kek.
No. 619988
>>619980Hair/eye color is a spectrum, different people will look at the same eye color and see different things, whether it's due to lighting or just their idea of the color.
The real cringe is people saying their hair or eyes "change color" like a fucking mood ring. I can't believe how many adults I've met who think their eyes turn green when they're angry or some shit, or "I'm actually a blonde, look at my hair in the sun!"
No. 619992
>>619988Kek, I've known people like that as well. It's like a person with dark brown saying "my hair changes into light brown in the sun!". Like, no… that's just the sunlight.
>>619989Exactly. As a brunette looking at that chart I honestly would've considered 8 (medium blonde) to be light brown and 7 (dark blonde) to be brown, but I get that it's subjective for some.
No. 620060
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Is futari wa pretty cure worth watching in-full? I've only watched 3 episodes, and I think it's okay, but not anything particularly worth watching, unless the characters or plot develop further. The only other pretty cure series I've partially seen is the first episode of heartcatch pretty cure, which I dropped because it didn't seem interesting and the constant 'eeeeehhhhh????!!!!'s. I'm also slightly deterred by the fact that the only fans of the show I've seen online are MTF or men
No. 620267
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How to have a personality? I want to make friends with people online & irl. But I've basically experienced anhedonia these past 2 years; and so have no hobbies or interests. I think I could be an attentive pal, but I don't want to be a dark cloud to that person.
What do friendships feel like? what do people do in them?
No. 620302
>>620296Thank you for the advice!~ Yeah COVID is a total bummer in this case. I think that since I flip flop my opinions constantly, and am overall a pretty indecisive person.. I don’t have a concrete personality. I know what it’s like to be emotionally drained by someone, so I worry that I might do the same unintentionally. I’m also apprehensive about finding an interest then finding someone who shares that interest, and then I eventually lose interest in that uh interest and then lose that connection with the person.
Sorry for sounding somewhat defeated.
No. 620512
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Does anyone have that pic of this bishoujo figurine of Michael Meyers but as a guy? It also showed male (but less attractive) male versions of the other horror bishoujo figurines, like Freddy Kruger
No. 620565
>>620545Big issue for me. Just like
>>620548 said, it's good to have something small and easy to eat anyway, I try to always have some type of snack / yoghurt / smoothie stacked for when I get into this mindset, because there's no way my brain will allow me to cook a meal or order something big. With the small things though it's easier to trick yourself into eating in these cases.
No. 620567
>>620272No problem!! As for fiber, really any vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans, seeds, nuts, or whole grains are good sources of fiber! Women are recommended 25 grams of fiber a day, but I would recommend slowly incorporating high fiber foods into your diet if you don’t normally eat a lot of fiber because if your digestive system isn’t used to it, it can cause abdominal discomfort like gas and bloating. Also make sure to drink a lot of water, because otherwise eating a lot of fiber won’t help much and can also cause constipation. I’ve experienced iron deficiency in the past and my doctor recommended all of the things I mentioned in my previous response to avoid the digestive side effects of iron pills which helped me a lot, so I hope this helps!
No. 620697
>>620686You should weigh up whether you’d actually like them to know because of the 97% chance nothing will happen. Is it worth things potentially being different? The disappointment if they don’t like you back vs the potential fantasy? Could you do something else to express yourself?
Honestly I’d say to shoot your shot if you can handle the shit
No. 620735
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>>620694>>620697Fuck it, I'm telling him. Haven't actually lived life in so long, im absolutely tired of this shit.
No. 620767
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>>620733I actually asked this question before here lol Most anons said they wash their legs and the bottoms of pots.
Spoilered for blog-post
I'm pretty sure this belief came from an tweet where it said "survey shows %20 of people don't wash their legs" and someone responded with "this is qWHITE interesting" or something like that and then a bunch of white people got offended and said they don't wash their legs OR feet No. 620797
How would they even define "dirty"? Unless you're literally not washing your hands, or you work a job outside in soil/forest/farm etc., what is on your skin is largely determined by your bacterial cultures and populations, derived from genetics/food. Often times, people stink like shit because they eat like shit, and their INSIDES are awful, not the outside.
People who fear "dirtiness" never have an actual definition for what it is. We're literally covered in e coli. or staph all day, but because no one can see it, everyone just forgets.
I would much rather have a strong bacterial population on my skin than genociding it every day in the shower through harsh surfactants and detergents.
No. 620828
>>620813I doubt since she's married to one and is living in a predominantly white country by choice too
But who knows honestly.
No. 620854
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What are some good games on Qooapp that are in English (and preferably feature cute boys)?
No. 621047
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Is having a discord chat with paid memberships, profitable at all?
No. 621055
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>>621005At first it does, cuz all the cells are full of honey. Once the honey’s gone though you’re left with chewy wax. If you’ve had those wax liquid-filled soda candies it’s like that. If you haven’t, it’s like gum but firmer so your jaw gets tired after a while. You can’t really eat the wax part if you’re just taking a straight bite of honeycomb, you chew it till you’re bored and then spit it out.
Fun as a novelty, probably not something you’d crave regularly.
No. 621179
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Absolutely retard level question but is it normal to not have a line down the middle of your abs? Like I can see the outside lines of each of my muscles but not the line right in the middle. I mean I don't look much at pictures of bare stomached people but in all I've seen the muscular women have a line in the middle. P.S. I'm bringing you a pic to show you don't need to worry about not having a flat stomach, not even bodybuilders have it and people who insist it's a measure of fitness are retarded and you shouldn't listen to them
No. 621207
>>621200I'm not sure I had covid back then because doctors where I was refused to test anybody who wasn't straight dying but for two months, even after I could breathe normally again, I had intense diarrhea (let's say it like it is, it wasn't a normal stomach ache) right after eating anything. I survived on coca cola because medicines to prevent diarrhea didn't work at all this time. I had to force myself to eat but the smell of food made me nauseous as well. Once I came back to my country I saw a doctor for several issues and she told me it was very likely to be COVID because a lot of patients have diarrhea.
A friend who was diagnosed with it a few months later said she had gastrointestinal issues too without going into nasty details, and she had a hard time eating because she couldn't taste anything anymore as well. I hope your friend and her bf will be alright and it's something else because I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
No. 621216
>>621194Because on average men react to vexation/refusal with anger and violence while women react by lowering how they view their self-worth (and therefore start seeking validation more).
Source: my ass
No. 621274
>>621215I had, i used to get hit with a belt, sometimes a shoe or bare hands, never punched though.
I think it started being seen as child abuse around 2006/2007 or something like that, I remember being a teen and listening to my family talking about how horrible it was that some other family member hit her kids as a form of discipline and such.
I honestly don’t think hitting them is necessary, then again, I don’t have kids, so I wouldn’t be sure of how it works.
No. 621298
>>621274I got spanked a few times as a kid but I don't really see it as anything that would hinder my development or change me in some way. Still, I don't think it's a great idea to use physical punishment.
What's worse was that in teenagehood during some more severe arguments my mom would slap me in the face or at least attempt to do so. Now as an adult if I have an argument I'm having really hard time not resorting to the same type of violence and I really hate it.
No. 621348
>>620789>>620791I’m really not a fan of Halloween from a decor stand point. I guess it all just seems so fake and cheap? Like it’s a holiday of plastic and polyester. The only part of it that’s typically genuine are jack-o-lanterns. I like general fall decor a lot more, because you have pumpkins, squash, dried corn, hay bales, autumn leaves, etc.
I don’t feel that way about Christmas even though it can be similar? I guess because you have real trees, real gingerbread, etc.
*note that I’m not talking about how Halloween creatures don’t actually exist, I’m talking about how you decorate by buying a bag of plastic fluff and stretch it out to look like a spider web. That kind of thing.
No. 621376
File: 1599060153325.jpg (857.1 KB, 1200x785, squishies.jpg)

What are squishies like pic rel called in Japanese? when I try to google translate it, it just gives me monster's university stuff
No. 621429
>>621426>Autist here made me laugh even though you were serious, I'm sorry anon.
Anyways, you're probably fine! She probably just wanted to unwind and listen to music on her way home. It doesn't mean she doesn't like you or enjoy your company, some people just don't like to talk all the time. It's not like she was ignoring you on purpose. She decided to listen to music instead. That's okay! I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong, at least it doesn't sound like it.
No. 621430
>>618180 >dead sex life for the last yearMy response is late but the subreddit deadbedrooms has to be one my fave ones for just freakshow browsing. Lots of bitter men losing their minds in sexless marriages… that being said there's some helpful posts there too. And some women in the same boat as you. Every possible cause of deadbedroom has been discussed on there to death. Might be useful to you.
How many years are you together?
No. 621454
>>621429I mean I am not diagnosed autist but I have some socioeconomic/mental problems hehe. I try to be good though!
>>621433Yeah. She just was really nice to me and we were sitting next to each other.
>>621436She’s 18 and I am 24. I have never been to high school…I don’t want to be her best friend or something, just I want to talk to everyone in class to practice socializing. I am a female and I won’t do bad stuff I promise. I just wanna get straight As.
No. 621461
>>621454Also I wanna add there is a 21 year old girl and I am right now messaging her. There are quite a few 17 year olds, should I avoid them when they approach me?
Everyone thinks I’m young but I won’t abuse that, I made it clear in introduction day that I’m probably the oldest girl in class, 24 years old!
No. 621563
File: 1599076567094.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1571, tiredofyourshit.png)

Is there such a thing as pedos trying to get into relationships ,or even marry, women who look underage/ like young teenagers
No. 621570
>>621566Not all men are scrotes
although most are but all scrotes are men
No. 621584
>>621566A real man is good though. A man with balls balls, nothing wrong with a man that’s willing to defend his wife and kids.
Don’t talk to boys though, I hate them.
t. I have learnt a lot about life just by spending time outside the internet
No. 621690
This is a weird question but does anyone know why this anons post history is public? found this while trying to look for a post and didn't know why Admin would make this public. There doesn't seem to be anything milky or special about this anons posts.