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No. 344414
>The January Nintendo direct will be lameYeah, I mean this year we only had a mini Direct so I don't have any high hopes, even when I want more details about the new Animal Crossing & Yoshi game.
>Taylor R gets pregnant and can't stop vlogging about it.This is the only thing I see happening 100%. I still don't understand why she rushes everything now but whatever.
I guess I'm just super naive, but maybe we will get a decent Admin and a group of people who know to fix this site and actually communicate with farmers about issues.
No. 344425
>>344262>>344267June is absurdly emotionally immature and can't even take care of her pet rabbit. She's in no way ready to be a parent. I hope to god she doesn't procreate unless she gets her shit together.
I can see her growing up a little and gaining some common sense if she'd just fucking leave home or go to college or get a real job. Greg is too far gone and she'll never mature as a person if she ties herself to him via marriage or kids.
No. 344445
this thread is making me excited
I would like to see a mass-incel-suicide but it probably won't happen
>>344270I have a feeling soundclout rappers will drop like flies
No. 344453
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My gay ass will find a gf
No. 344617
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For lesbian radfems to stop projecting their neurotic hatred of dick onto straight women
No. 344620
tuna and lurch will either break up, od, or get kicked out of her mom's house, leaving them homeless.
momokun will switch to full nude porn by the end of the year.
doormat will finally get fed up with ariana and leave, causing her to bpd sperg.
shayna is either going to get kicked out of fupa-kun's house or she's going to get knocked up.
>>344617i second this, anon.
No. 344641
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>>344617It's fine to be sexually attracted to the "menz uwu", just stop being a bitch to seem attractive to chodes.
No. 344783
•Soren will reveal the entire narrative was ~muh DID all along and we are all neurotypical bigots for criticising it
•Aly returns to spoop
•Jill drops out, gains a lot of weight
•stefany lauren skinwalks next female character in a big netflix series after being called out for her sabrina stupidity
•varied milk from r0ttingdoll and her bf
•Kota reveals gay lover
•Fupa caught cheating on Shayna
•Onion and Lamey will split even if temporarily
•Trisha Paytas gets engaged to that other idiot
•Grav3yard girl turns out to be married to dogman, if that isn't already true
•Trasha and Cyr either dramatically get engaged OR dramatically break up + bonus suicide baiting
•Simplykenna nets an Asian bf
•Shane & Ryland get engaged
(Idk not enough dramatic proposal shit in 2018 and I know it's on the way)
•Aly and berto break up
•Other Hartley Hooligan
•3 more soundcloud rappers
•Monami Frost won't vax her new baby
•more suicide bait from BPDete
•JSBS fakes death
•Lip fillers fall way out of style
•Heavy makeup also declines in popularity, favour goes towards looking naturally pretty
•thicc trend and extreme bodies in any direction lose popularity
•natural long hair comes in as all the lobs from years past grow out
•flared pants, general non skinny pants continue to come back
•the queen dies
•Ariana gets back with bpdete and breaks up again
•miley cyrus gets pregnant
•katy perry has a complete meltdown
•massive kpop scandal
•Kim and kanye split
•Elon and grimes hilarity ensues
•something weird about jim carrey
>>344700Good one I forgot about him. I think this too then sometimes I feel bad for thinking that he can't just be a kind guy but… something definitely feels off. Him and his gf give me Sam and Nia vibes
Some major family YouTuber will prob be outed as a pedo too but I don't watch any to know who.
Most importantly I hope you all have a great 2019 from the beginning and achieve everything you want to, and that we will have good milk to tide us over on our work breaks, poop breaks, coffee breaks and cozy couch gossip times while Amanda seyfried watches over us all. X
No. 344790
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>Lolcow related or not
challenge accepted
>beginning of corporate credit crunch in US market
>beginning of global market crash
>UK will finally leave EU
>france will descend into further civil unrest
>deutsche bank goes into default
>massive euro inflation
>other EU states begin to try to flee the union
>ukraine becomes EU vassal JUST in time to be fucked even harder
theres a lot more but it has more to do with the siener van reinsberg/boer prophecies, and i still think that will take some time tbh (ie not next year). but in the meantime GTFO of the UK
cap it
No. 344798
>>344796muh WWIII something something coinciding w the last stand of the boer et al
read the boer prophecies fam
they make nosferatu look like some sort of vague gypsy fortune-teller
No. 344810
>>344796Boer prophecy says UK will be hit by 7 plagues and basically be the start of annihilation in WWIII. after that much of europe gets utterly dicked over.
Honestly while i take a lot of that stuff with a grain of salt Boer's came true in a lot of cases and there are other prophecies similarly state the UK will face complete ruination in WWIII.
If i was gathering this right the war starts because of some really beefed up Islamic and turkish terrorists who may have access to technology which would necessitate the united states aiding Germany with some kind of technological breakthrough.
My guess because he also mentioned weapons that would cause an immense amount of death would be that they have dirty bombs that are more advanced and deadly than we bargained for. Or maybe EMP attacks or hacking infrastructure to generally cause chaos to the power grid which would necessitate some kind of defensive technology.
There's intelligence suggesting it is true there are dirty bombs floating around out there. That Japanese cult in the 90s had some stuff around to make those and they had ebola and shit just laying around. Not too far fetched.
I wouldn't be surprised. Terrorists like that have been pretty quiet lately but that usually just means they are up to something.
No. 344815
>>344811Its kinda hard lmao i may be wrong bc i didn't have time to sit through 3 1 hour YouTube videos on it so I'm gleaning from other vague translations of the source material
And like other anon said I'd be skeptical of the more dramatic stuff really taking off until at least 2020.
That being said another thought i just had. So the other night new York City had this malfunction at the power plant and it caused this fucking huge arc in the sky that buzzed for 20 miles. They know what happened and etc. However i do know, and this is not woo, a huge cyber security thing we're freaking out about in the u.s. is like mentioned before, hacking the infrastructure.
This prophecy makes mention of some kind of laser like weapon i guess, that causes immense death. My thought here is that interpretation is fine but seems a little woo to me. Perhaps more likely is hackers setting off a series of electrical malfunctions like that and worse that we won't be able to control because we'll be locked out. That would look rally futuristic, would be immensely deadly, and the aftermath would also be deadly, leaving people without power and resources. Chilling stuff tbh.
No. 344838
kinda was just funposting and thought i was the only one here who would know about it tbh
a few things
>Boer's came truesiener van reinsberg is his name but the boer (the afrikaans speaking dutch people of SA) call him oom (afrikaans for uncle) almost exclusively
>If i was gathering this right the war starts because of some really beefed up Islamic and turkish terrorists who may have access to technology which would necessitate the united states aiding Germany with some kind of technological breakthrough. and now you see why im calling this phase one. if an economic crisis happens in EU and germany specifically rn, the stage is already set. im not full /pol/retard enough to think that every migrant is a terrorist, but lets be real. the US/saudis have been exporting jihadis to other countries for decades now. no doubt in my mind some are there.
>Or maybe EMP attacks or hacking infrastructure to generally cause chaos to the power grid which would necessitate some kind of defensive technology.hmmmm i seem to recall this tactic popping up during the arab spring a lot, dont you?
either way, its also important to know a bit about the history of the boer as a people imo, as it explains why he predicts nothing but untold destruction for the english (unironically the first documented case of concentration camps was english on boer. raeped all their women, slaughtered kids etc). the man was not above his own prejudices, but he also nailed the rest of what happened in the last ten or so years to a tee. he merits more peeps knowing about him at the very least, regardless of your views on such things
>That Japanese cult in the 90s had some stuff around to make those and they had ebola and shit just laying aroundaww shit i forgot about them
what was their name again??
sage for my total schizo rant tbh
>>344811>>344815yeah ideally you can speak dutch/afrikaans (i cant either) and you can just read it as primary source. id avoid youtubers like the plague as they all seem to wanna twist minor details to suit their personal theories. ill try and find a good pdf of it and link it for ya
No. 344841
>>344815>This prophecy makes mention of some kind of laser like weapon i guess, that causes immense deathbtw
my pet theory here:
that "laser weapon" causing untold death?
what if it was something as simple as tv/internet/modern communication plats?
you know about mouse utopia dont you?
convenience kills. every species, every race, no matter how successful, or how advanced. no natural predators and everything at your fingertips will exterminate an entire population 100% of the time. not to mention the obvious modern brainwashing on all channels for anti-natalism.
none of ooms prophecies were straightforward. thats my take on that particular one
No. 344865
>>344841I like your interpretation. Yeah i wasn't a fan of that woo interpretation bc lasers don't…work like that lol. Yours is pretty straight forward though, all our media comes from technology that uses light and screens. I just was trying to think of something immediate that looks like sci fi lasers and that malfunction came to mind bc everyone thought it was ufos and aliens
That said to get this back on topic
Cow predictions:
Lotta "onion will go cray" but my take is this
onion and kainey will either double down on their relationship due to finances/no options with onion coercing kainey to pick up the slack, current love bombing is a precipice to this, or kainey will wise up and move her and the kids in with her parents, either before or after declaring divorce. He will still be the "love that was greater than love" though and she'll be weird about it even if she leaves him. I could foresee a situation where they have one of those really odd, manipulative post divorce situations where they might as well still be married in some sense. You know what I'm talking about. Those post divorce couples that keep the intimacy alive by either being wildly inappropriate "bffs had amicable divorce" or by continuing to bicker from afar in the same stupid way divorce was supposed to end, because secretly they're not over it.
We'll find out there's still zoosadists and pedos out there in furry and there will be vigilantes that out more of them. Debatable whether it will cause more of an exodus from the fandom given previous response. There will be outrage though.
Lola is going to die shortly after claire but not until 2019
JY is gonna troon out some more and become 2019's favorite lolcow. Might go down with a bang given enormous evidence of creeping and pedoness.
No. 344978
>>344865>That said to get this back on topicgood point
i think chris is gonna snap sometime next year
the rate at which his delusions have been accelerating is troublesome, and they seem to be linked to his and barbs financial situation. if barb croaks, or they lose the house, i have no doubt that chris will either kill himself or get himself killed inadvertantly, through having the mental capacity of a toddler
but seriously, this new shit about the "dimensional merge" is batshit. if i didnt know any better id say hes developing schizophrenia. tho as it is, i think its just an extremely autistic method of coping/trying to avoid his really dark reality
>>344874>Aum Shinrikyothx
>Their leader was executed earlier this year.and he seemed like such a nice guy…
No. 345015
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I think Shoe and Greg will actually break up.
Their relationship is founded upon their YT personalities, and I predict their personalities will change the more people tire of the skeptic and anti-feminist communities. Those definitely will be on the downtrend, as people get sick of the same arguments and bitter rhetoric.
They'll have to adapt more dynamically, and even start to renege on some of their older ideals in order to remain relevant. Who knows, maybe with those changes they'll argue more and dislike the new versions they'll force themselves to become for the sake of YT revenue.
Even though Shoe's an immature cunt who couldn't handle marriage or children, I don't trust Preg to be a man or do the right thing. Considering his track record (divorced) I think Shoe should run while she's ahead.
No. 345226
>>344966Honestly I know shes very sjw friendly but she has realistic tendencies and I dont think Jill could stomach a transbian. She's still young and will probably cycle through a few more bfs and gfs in the next few years tho.
But an ultra creepy man who is into wearing ~kawaii~ clothes and calling himself a lesbian? Nah. She would say "you are valid!!! :)" but then stay faaaar away.
No. 345289
>>344978I lived with an older man that was I'm really fucking positive autistic and never treated because that was before his time.
I didn't think he was schizophrenic because it wasn't exactly like that, but he had these like, really strange delusions and beliefs that he centered his life around and tried to get everyone around him to indulge. It wasn't exactly schizophrenia, but it was pretty similar. I legitimately felt like it was what happened when an autistic person that is prone to that is very isolated and has no appropriate structure/social support for long periods of time.
I'm even more convinced of this because there's a lot of similarities between that guy and Chris now, and there were a lot of similarities between that guys childhood and Chris's in some ways. Though in his case sadly treatment was never really an option when he was younger.
So for that reason i think you make a good observation. However idk if he really would go totally off the rails?? I think he might be willing to accept that like, he needs to be in something like a group home to survive. Cause that's how the guy i knew was, dude was weird but he did have a very specialized skill and somehow made getting a limited income and piecing together a little life work…i don't think Chris would be quite so functional but i think he might be willing to understand that his options are really fucking limited. He might just choose to waitout this dimensional whatever the fuck he's going on about in the comfort of the state taking him in when borb goes.
No. 345334
>>345289>However idk if he really would go totally off the rails??the only reason i say that is because of the toxic consumer debt that barb has restructured against the house in a second mortgage. shes taken out an even more toxic loan atop that to pay back interest payments, and is now fuked on THOSE interest payments (what theyre in court for now). ive seen this shit firsthand. this is the sharks (loansharks that is lel) circling the bleeding bodies (all that shitty high rate consumer debt). forget about her ever paying principal on the loans, the interest payments alone is enough to put em in default. at this point its unfortunately a matter of time. gotta BK out and maybe with both on disability theyll get "lucky" and land themselves in some shitty DSS building full of crackheads.
the alterntive is NOT pretty though. especially considering chris mental illness. thats how homeless people are born. god forbid if barb dies and all that debt falls on chris alone
i dont wanna see it
but im staying by my call tbh
No. 345358
>>344806I think there will be a "nu" moral crusade, starting with obvious shit like pornography, in the 2020s and a general push toward wholesomeness. We went far and broke convention, now can we rebuild?
I welcome a return to goodness for goodness' sake, but I'm apprehensive. It's too little, too late, and got a false start with the rise of cringeservatives and alt-right.
No. 345379
>>345334Oof that's pretty bad, tbh i think i just have skepticism that the circle of weird troll friends he has would let him just remain homeless and helpless.
I wouldn't be surprised if we'll see some kind of plan in the works re: borb dying when it happens that they don't talk about rn so weens don't dick it up.
That's just my thoughts though.
No. 345659
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>>345358i like the sound of that anon
No. 404190
>>402262>pewdiepie fades out of relevancy for good in my dreams
the high waisted jeans and crop top trend will die, it's been around for long enough and it's getting old
Moomookun's going to start doing full blown porn and almost completely abandon cosplay and her fake nerd act for camgirling (she's almost there already lmao)
most of the people in the 2020 primaries will drop out which is kind of a given but one of the big big players will drop out of the campaign who nobody expects to drop out
No. 404246
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>pornography starts being seen as degenerate and shameful again>instathot make up dies for good >'le irony' culture gets replaced by genuine interests and beliefs >large pushback against social media and isolation it bringssimilar to what
>>345358 said
No. 404285
>>404246God, I hope so on all of those
I always think about what the future of social media might be
>>402262>pewdiepie fades out of relevancy for good That day can't come soon enough
No. 437138
>>437133Lmao yes, people are forgetting it's a video game and not a life simulator.
Still excited for it but there will be so much anger once it's out.
No. 437398
>>437133I feel this way about Death Stranding. I always get the impression that people expect this game to be bigger than idk the second coming of jesus. The kojima fans, his orbiters and actors which he forces to get photos with will praise it but I see a lot of people not really getting what they expected.
people who will criticizes it, will be spammed with "you are just too dumb for a kojima game" or shit like this idk
She already dipping her feet into it. I don't see anything Hidori Rose like but at least full nude. She will still cling to fake nerd girl act because this will help her to sleep better at night even when her cucks don't give a fuck about her as person.