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No. 558174
Discuss celebrities with cow potential/cow like behaviors, or celebrities who abuse social media, both past and present.
Previous thread:
>>543270Dan Schneider thread:
>>405637Amanda Palmer thread:
>>192724Tinfoil General thread:
>>490893Milk from the last thread:
>Selena Gomez says she is bipolar but doesn't mention her alcoholism. (cont.)>''h1llary d.uff'' posts a weird, nude photo of her son, gets accused being a pedo. News is picked up by Twitter a month later.>Selena gets into more trouble due to her Interview Magazine photoshoot, accused of black fishing.>Gigi Hadid is expecting a child with Zayn.>Relatable queen (/s) Chrissy Teigen gets called out by Courtney Stodden, and Alison Roman. Chrissy throws a fit on Twitter.>Grimes and Elon Musk continue their putting on their relationship for show on Twitter; name their child X Æ A-12 Musk.>Adele loses weight, and many debate as to whether it was healthy, or from the stress of her divorce.>Florence Pugh and Zach Braff are dating- a 21 year age gap.>6ix9ine gets released from prison due to COVID-19, and releases new music. This incites a chart battle with Ariana Grande, Scooter Braun, and Justin Bieber.>Mary-Kate Olsen's emergency divorce is denied due to COVID-19.>Megan Fox split with her husband of over 10 years, and whom she's had 3 kids with, and began a relationship with MGK.>Wachowski degeneracy discussion.>Ariana Grande and Lady Gaga drop their collab "Rain On Me">Hana Kimura from Terrace House passed away from suicide due to relentless cyberbullying from Japanese "fans">Khloe Kardashian gets a new faceand finally
>Lana Del Rey posts a message about receiving criticism for her music "glorifying abuse." In this message she name dropped Doja Cat, Ariana, Camila, Cardi B, Kehlani, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, inciting the wrath of their standoms. Called out for being racist and anti-feminist, Lana does not apologize for her post.>Doja Cat's past (and present) on Tinychat is exposed. Doja Cat is accused of being racist and self-loathing of her black side. #DojaIsOverParty trends on Twitter for at least 2 days, then is forgiven, and as of writing this OP has dropped her apology. No. 558177
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Doja's apology.
No. 558182
>>558177after reading tons of threads, comments, and accusations, it seems like 90% of the claims against her are completely baseless so far. idiots on twitter are just parroting a bunch of shit with no evidence to back it up. all i've concretely seen is her being edgy and using the n word with a hard R once and having a questionable song title. i keep seeing people saying the song mocks sandra bland when there isn't even an inkling of that in the lyrics and that the tinychat she was in was an "alt right incel white supremacist group" again with 0 evidence. some of the videos of her in the chat you can see other women and black men in the same chat group, it seems more just like an edgy internet group than some secret neo-nazi tinychat society. people claiming she was pissing on cam and gets off to white men calling her the N word also just seems completely made up. people are way too bored right now and will believe anything at face value.
i cant help but sense a weird underlying sexist undertone to all of this, is it just me? i saw rumors that the screenshots of her stripping were leaked by an incel loser who had to be banned from the group when he got pissed she stopped replying to him and he tried to blackmail her. that paired with comments from men saying "this is what she gets for lying about showing us her tits" is just leaving a bad taste in my mouth. male artists say and do shit 1000 times worse than all of this and no one gives a shit. twitter thread outlines some of the evidence that she's innocent.
No. 558184
>>558182>all i've concretely seen is her being edgy and using the n word with a hard R once and having a questionable song titleFrom what I understood that's literally just it and people are reaching to very exaggerated conclusions based on that, right? Just to make sure I understand what's going on. For the tinychat thing everyone thought it was a white supremacy thing because they're normies and/or zoomers who don't know shit about the internet outside of twitter and maybe tiktok so they think that all imageboards and private chats are for racist and
problematic shit. What I find funny is that I always thought it was obvious she was some nerdy internet savvy girl so I don't get why people are so surprised, and my friends agree too.
>i cant help but sense a weird underlying sexist undertone to all of this, is it just me?I'm good at avoiding that crowd so what I've seen so far where black people (not just Americans) sperging hard about how she's either just a racist white girl or a race traitor as if she was representing them like an ambassador. And a bunch of white gays shitting on her for being homophobic (which has some basis) and racist (which has nothing to do with them in the first place yet they take it personally.) Basically they felt betrayed by a celebrity who doesn't know any of them and who does whatever she wants during her free time and in her private life. I wouldn't be surprised if straight guys are sperging right now.
No. 558186
>>558182>i cant help but sense a weird underlying sexist undertone to all of this, is it just me?Not just you.
The level of ideological purity expected of women and queers in the left is truly a plague. Nazi incels barely have to do legwork and a woman or poc gets cancelled by our own camp for saying reckless shit when they were young.
It's some low self-esteem misfit shit to hang with people that see you as subhuman and cater to them but it's not her being a racist. Getting into a chan "friend group" and trying to assimilate and impress them is hella common amongst people who were partially raised by the internet. You essentially just got into certain circles mostly by happenstance. Tumblr, SA, ED, 4chan, etc.
I swear people forget what the internet was like before normies took over. Anybody who's giddy about cancelling others should voluntarily give up their entire internet history. Let's see
No. 558188
>>558182This all started when she started self posting in her lipstickalley thread. She isn't liked there because they already dislike mixed girls.
I think the moaning and saying nigger is cringey pickme behavior but it doesn't surprise me. I think we all knew she was involved with imageboards or e communities. Her entire persona revolves around it anyways so the same behavior with loser looking men dominated chats doesn't surprise me. But yeah it's blown way out of proportion but the damage control is sad. I do think she has some self hatred or identity issues and I don't need to explain why that is.
No. 558191
>>558189By "it has some basis" Ii'm not saying she's actually homophobic but that I can see why out of context someone would think she's one because she said the word "fag" or "faggot". I don't personally think she's racist or homophobic either, and even if she was deemed
problematic she's harmless anyway, like how Azealia Banks is always called a transphobe despite supporting the LGBT community, T included, just because she tells dudes like Kim Petras to calm down and stay in his place.
Saying Doja that is homophobic might be inaccurate but you don't have to reach as much as her racism accusation to reach that conclusion. Don't know if I worded it well this time.
No. 558192
>>558186> It's some low self-esteem misfit shit to hang with people that see you as subhuman and cater to them do we know the crowd she was hanging with was composed of nazis, though? i know normies all think 4chan is /b/ and /pol/, but it doesn't mean she was camming with tards from those boards. she's dumb for putting a face to what should have been anonymous chan-tier banter, but that doesn't make her worse than any other camwhore or tripfag on the benign boards.
i do think it's weird she decided to show up on tinychat again given her fame, but i'm also not entirely surprised. she's probably got a huge case of Not Like the Other Girls syndrome. girl should've just gotten on twitch if she wanted to participate shitty internet culture and make some coin while she's at it.
No. 558201
>>558199>it really worries me how they think they're actually helping combat racism by coming for nearly exclusively women who fucked up maybe once onlineIt's the "you should know better" mentality, ironically enough. She's a woman of color (god I hate these terms but anyway) so she should know better based on her personal experience not to hang out with white guys online and make private stupid jokes that are offensive out of context!! And since she's not a
problematic cis white male she and many of female celebrities are expected to represent entire populations and not just themselves. But male artists (and males in general) are expected to fuck up one way or another so it's "just" kinda bad if Chris Brown is an abuser because Rihanna publicly forgave him or whatever. It's just kinda bad if Drake is obviously into underage girls, he's a guy, they can't help it it seems. I hate that shit too.
No. 558209
>>558199 what's also terrible is the constant hivemind that cancel culture is the bringer of justice but really it's grotesque, a lot of these people take almost a joy out of cancel culture even when it's fake/blown out of proportion. It's just gross how some responses were "well who's next" or "I knew not to stan her", it's like they perceive these lives as reality TV or a drama, usually dgaf about celebrities but I could only imagine the mental anguish this takes a toll out of when there were lies that
doja ate shit and that she masturbated with a cucumber with a straight faceI don't think she would be forgiven though, not because she gave a bad apology, imo she did the best she could but now cancel culture is getting to prideful and stubborn, when #wearesorrydoja trended a bit bitches were like "wHo'S wE". They are either vile or gullible, no in between at this point
No. 558222 anyone transcribe one of the foid’s (i say foid because they’re really awfully rude for no reason to doja cat and remind me of mystery.jpg) shade to doja cat?
She’s not canceled and she knew that. Keep doing you doja, even if you disappointed me that you let all that talent to waste.
No. 558305
>>558279 God I hope not, these zoomers would probably see no issue to cow tip. Best case scenario they would either forget about tinychat and image boards or they cancel eachother for even being curious about imageboards so they would avoid them.
>>558275 I think it's because that if any celebrity that is even remotely diffrent, like being non white is held to a higher standard as they are seen as representatives of whatever race, ex."we don't claim her/him". Because of this mindset a lot of tweeters and tiktokers were claiming that now Doja is just a white woman and dictate her nationality, I would find it funny if this was claimed by some white/asian/hispanic people, getting a pass because doja is cancelled when they'll maybe be cancelled as well.
No. 558337
>>558336Yes and this is exactly why you don't sit on tinychat with them when you have a #1 song. Incels are always going to try and distroy you as a woman, it doesn't matter how "cool girl" you try to be. Doja is learning that lesson now.
She's dumb as fuck for getting on tinychat with them when she has the #1 song in the country. I don't think she should be canceled over this, but still.
No. 558343
>>558341She is incredibly dumb for going into a place that hates black people and women and then trying her pick-me shit on cam. The videos of her rolling all over her bed and groaning while she sticks her fingers in her mouth and pushes her tits around is embaressing as fuck.
Make sure you go to the end and tell me she's not dumb No. 558350
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>>558348It's an opinion hun. She's dumb. Move on.
No. 558356
>famous pop star>still early in her career>just reached billboard #1>potential for even more fame>developing strong fanbase>jeopardises it all just for some attention from inbred looking neets on tinychat>>558340apparently she met them on /soc/ years ago? in an interview last year she talked about the chatroom so this isn't a smear campaign. the men definitely look like stereotypical incels based on the screenshots, lol. i wouldn't be surprised if she's a farmer tbh.
both doja and lana are dumb. doja has some extreme issues, while lana is delusional and bitter.
No. 558369
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>>558360imagine going on a chatroom and being so depraved of attention that you start shitting on cam.
2020 has been such a milky year and we're only in may. i hope more vids of her tinychat antics get leaked.
No. 558371
>>558350it's not a matter of how "cute" she looks or how it's no big deal if she does it on her time
it's about how this behavior is not normal in OR out of a chatroom of like twenty incels lol
doja is fucked in the head. love yourself anons
No. 558372
>>558369she never shat on cam, stop believing the word of robots anon. we saw her acting sexual but she didn't do that. a bit of common sense please
>i hope more vids of her tinychat antics get releasedhmm.
No. 558378
Quit it with the in fighting.
>>558369 Unless there is actual milk of her shitting on cam or at least somebody actually from tinychat has a story then it's just a baseless rumor ment to exaggerate her activity in tiny chat.
No. 558383
>>558378Quit back seat modding.
>>558379The video is a cringefest. That alone makes it worth talking about.
I feel like lately whatever celeb is being talked about has people moaning the convo isn't good enough. Post your own news then or hide the thread. The constant "WhY iS ThIs EvEn NeWs" derails more and is irritating.
No. 558385
>>558381Yeah she shouldn't have said self-loathing shit about her race.
She should've said self-loathing shit about her womanhood. That's way more popular and would've sat with the male userbase better.
>>558383You're derailing too you tart, just because a celebrity farts doesn't mean we have to have a 50 reply bitchfest about it.
No. 558394
>>558387I barely know about Doja, that's why I find people like
you so obnoxious and that was my first post on the matter. Betting you've shat this thread up way further than anyone else.
No. 558409
>>558182>i saw rumors that the screenshots of her stripping were leaked by an incel loser who had to be banned from the group when he got pissed she stopped replying to him and he tried to blackmail her. that paired with comments from men saying "this is what she gets for lying about showing us her tits"Honestly, this is the first thing I thought of. The whole thing reeks of some dude getting his feefees hurt because the girl he liked didn't reply in 0.2 seconds, so now he's trying to cancel her.
I still don't understand how going on a fucking chatroom makes you alt-right. Any male-dominated site has those communities, including reddit and twitter.
No. 558456
Ever since that image was posted on Twitter I have a feeling some of the kids are shitting up thread whiteknighting their kween
No. 558478
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New pic of a BTS member ♥♥♥
No. 558490
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So Azealia banks has managed to get dave chapelle trending on twitter because she apparently had an affair with him. Its not certain if its true or not but the memes coming out of it is pretty funny.
No. 558518
>>558507Oh god what an awful woman
Kek at she gifting pictures of herself for Christmas
No. 558551
>>558543i genuinely enjoy her music, but can she please shut up already?
people would forget about this drama in a few weeks if she was quiet and didn't engage in it any further but she keeps digging the grave even deeper for herself with random statements and comments. she's acting like a retard with the biggest
victim complex ever.
No. 558590
>I just wanna remind you, in that post - my one and only personal declaration I've ever made… Thanks for being so warm, so welcoming…was the need for fragility in the feminist movement.Ignoring the little sarcastic remark at the beginning, what the hell is she talking about? Women are already encouraged to be fragile by society as a whole. Why would feminism want to encourage that further?
>And when I mentioned women who look like me, I didn't mean white like me. I mean the kind of women who other people, y'know, might not believe because they think, "Oh, well look at her. She fucking deserves it."I don't exactly see a lot of feminists making comments like that. Of course they're out there, but that kind of
victim blaming sentiment is almost universally frowned upon amongst feminist groups. You're much more likely to hear that kind of thing coming from a man tbh
>The difference is, when I get on the pole, people call me whore, but when [FKA] twigs gets on the pole, it’s art.I promise you that the people calling you a whore for stripping in your videos are not the same people calling FKA Twigs' videos art. They're misogynists who likely think the same thing about her. Especially after the very public racist and sexist bullshit FKA Twigs got while dating Robert Pattinson, to pretend that she's exempt from the kind of criticism that's been leveraged at Lana is honestly insulting.
>The culture's super sick right now. And the fact that they wanna turn my post, my advocacy for fragility into a race war is really bad. It's actually really bad.There she goes again with "the culture". I agree that her initial statement wasn't egregiously racist like people are making it seem but it was definitely tone deaf in regards to the kind of criticism that black women in media get. She genuinely seems to believe that people don't scrutinize them for all the same shit they scrutinize her for.
Also "advocacy for fragility"? Lol what
She then goes on a tangent about reparations for Navajo people and how she agrees with black reparations as well. Cool? Don't see how that has to do with your post but okay.
>To all of the other women out there who are like me - good girls, good intentioned - who get fucked up the ass constantly by the culture just because you say what you really mean. I'm with you.There she goes putting her foot in her mouth again. I'm sure she was good intentioned, but this weird juxtaposition of her as a "good girl" and "delicate" and "fragile" against all the mainly woc artists she described as "strong" and "empowered" rubs me the wrong way.
She then talks about how the first time she opens up like this, she receives a huge amount of hate.
>It's the opposite of the spirit of an advocate. It's what causes fragility.Wait, I though fragility was a good thing Lana? I thought you wanted to advocate for more of it in feminism and now it's a negative result of being attacked by people?
I agree with her that people's reactions were way overblown, especially with her number being leaked. But now, she's framing fragility as bad or a result of mistreatment, just like those nasty feminists.
>As ever, I'm grateful that my muse is still here and I'm blessed to have the insight and ability to channel two books worth of beautiful poems. And I think my new record, Chemtrails Over the Country Club, is special as well.Can't keep that narcissism at bay, even for a 6 minute video.
>I'm sorry that a couple of the girls I talked to, who were mentioned in that post, have a super different opinion of my insight - especially because we've been so close for so long. But it really, again, makes you reach into the depth of your own heart and say, "Well, am I good intentioned?" And of course, for me, the answer is always yes. I barely ever share a thing. And this is why.Oh my God. This couldnt have sounded more condescending if she tried. Also she is sure as hell not always good intentioned. She's run her mouth and gotten into dumb arguments with other celebrities before. She's also opened up in interviews and songs about her thoughts on various subjects, so why is she acting like she is some intensely private person who never talks about anything?
>There are women out there, like me, who have so much to give and don't quite get to the place spiritually or karmically where they're supposed to be because there are other women who hate them and try to take them down. Whether, in my case, it's certain alternative singers or mal-intented journalists, or men who hate women. But I'm not the enemy. And I'm definitely not racist so don't get it twisted.I'm really tired of the idea that it's the mean old feminists stomping all over "fragile" and meek women who are the real enemies of feminism. Interesting how men were the last on that list. Also, Kim Gordon must've really hit a nerve because she's definitely taking a dig at her when she mentions alternative singers (though not only her I'm sure)
>God bless and uh…fuck off if you don't like the post.I at least respect her for sticking to her guns, even if it's a pretty dumb sentiment all together.
Honestly this just makes me feel the same way about her as I did with Doja Cat. I don't think anything she did was horrible enough to warrant being called racist or be piled on like this (especially when make celebrities get away with SO much worse). But I definitely respect them both a lot less now because they both have shown themselves to be dumb as hell
No. 558592
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>>558543>>558590>>I'm sorry that a couple of the girls I talked to, who were mentioned in that post, have a super different opinion of my insightI think she's talking about Ari since she unfollowed her a day after her original post. Shocking considering Ariana seems to be the type who usually tries to get along with everyone.
No. 558608
>>558605She actually explained herself very well and it matches what a lot of people who know what tinychat and imageboards are were already saying. She didn't dismiss number ones altogether she just said that she doesn't understand the importance of it but wanted to make her fans and her team happy. She was addressing in that moment how stupid it was that people actually thought she would show her breast for something like that.
She also called out how Twitter has racist people on it and yet no one is called a Nazi for going on there. And that racist comments are actually banned on tinychat just like here on lolcow.
Honestly all of this was overblown and I think people are just bored. That and men were just mad about the whole boobgate and her dating white men.
Hopefully a fan recorded the whole thing cause she really did do a good job at explaining herself without giving into normies weird "the evil Nazi hackers on 4chan" narrative.
No. 558609
>>558605And twitter tards are still #canceling her. I'm convinced most of these idiots have brains filled with worms because none of them can actually come up with an original thought without 20 other people telling them what to think.
People are saying she didn't talk about stripping for white dudes. What is she supposed to say to that lol?
No. 558610
>>558605tinychat could not have paid for better advertising kek
>>558543at this point i don't think Lana's simply out of touch and tone-deaf. i think she's legitimately trying to imply that black women in the industry have an advantage over her. absolutely delusional. if she had iota of self awareness, she'd stop this
victim complex bullshit or at least stop name dropping black women.
>>558590the only fragility she has is white fragility. she is so incredibly butthurt about nothing at all, and she keeps painting herself into a corner where the only way to read her statements is jealous, insecure, racist, grossly uninformed and malicious.
i don't think people need to constantly be under ~PC/cancel culture's~ thumb, but there's a huge difference between being misunderstood and being deliberately out of touch and doubling-down on poorly thought-our statements.
No. 558612
>>558605So she doesn't even understand why she got canceled.
Seriously she should just lean into the biracial self hatred angle if she wants any sympathy at this point. Also why bring up tinychat at all if you won't address what you said? "Tinychat doesn't see color uwu" lmao WHO ASKED
No. 558683
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>>558612it's killing me because she genuinely does not give a fuck about the negative repercussions of offending/upsetting her fans. her half assed ig live is going to do more harm than good. i don't know if it's going to affect her music, but i'm sure it's going to impact brand deals negatively. she is choosing her edgelord persona over a more lucrative career, kek.
>>558682me too, anon!
No. 558741
>>558636>Twigs is also in the exact same wheelhouse of delicate waifish alternative singers as Lana, so why is she lumping her together with the all the "strong" pop singers she feels so put upon by?You know why, lmao.
Anyway, Twigs is an actual artist. She is trained in dancing, and her music is outside of mainstream boundaries, despite her breaking into it and achieving fame. She has never explicitly tried to sell sex, just her skill, aesthetic and voice. She will be remembered alongside Bjork.
Lana is an impersonator of every old americana showgirl. She goes between trashy and classy, but she's always something we've all seen before. If anything, Lana is the "strong", "confident" one, why would she even try to equate herself?
I'm really sick of Lana, I'm not even going to try to give her leeway anymore.
No. 558743
>>558730Doja was the
victim of a conspiracy callout with false rumors hidden in facts that made people cancel her. Lana just decided to rant like a dumbass and dig a hole deeper and deeper for herself.
No. 558753
>>558730>>558734That's because there are racist undertones to what she's saying, though I'm not sure how purposeful that is on Lana's part. It's especially weird because if anyone has a good reason to "advocate for fragility", it'd be black women, not Lana. It's actually a huge rift between a lot of black and white feminists and I think Lana's ignorance to this is why a lot of people are so mad. Many white feminists see femininity as an oppressive rule system used to reinforce women's subordinate status. Many black feminists see femininity as something that has been denied to them since they aren't viewed as inherently "fragile" or "delicate", but often framed as more masculine and strong than other women and even some men. By calling out these black artists by name in her plea to be accepted as a fragile woman, she's subtly reinforcing the false dichotomy of the soft & delicate white woman vs the strong & overbearing black woman.
I don't think Lana is doing that on a conscious level, but maybe I'm optimistic. People are trying to explain it to her, but the social media pile on that happened alongside just made her dig her heels in more. I don't think she's overtly racist, but people are allowed to point out the racist undertones in her post. She's just extremely myopic in her thinking and willfully ignorant imo
No. 558769
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>>558753this was a response to a review of her latest album that was positive in tone and overwhelmingly complimentary towards her. Lana has no understanding of people having nuanced opinions of her (she thinks everyone either loves her or wants to see her fail) and she has always been wildly defensive whenever she perceives something as criticism
No. 558787
>>558743There y’all go again, defending Doja the Queen of Incels. She is a raging cunt to her fans, panders to neck beards, and it’s undoubtedly obvious that while she might not be racist she has a problem herself with being black. Thats not a conspiracy that’s real life. She’s insecure, incredibly ignorant, and she’s just gratifying shitty white dudes. That’s not okay.
She’s making herself into a “token” black girl, she’s becoming a caricature for white men and she loves it. She just wants that white male attention. I am NOT defending Lana the fucking racist but Doja honestly sucks. The black community is probably going to drop her
No. 558791
i'll be honest. i like #XXisoverparty when it's about someone i don't like. not doja though
>>558787cunt to her fans? also she's fucking trolling she doesn't care about these white dudes. she pays them almost no attention and just does her own thing and thinks its funny though it's cringey. it wasn't supposed to be recorded.
>>558788 is right. why are you calling her queen of incels? who knows who these people are. theyre not white supremacists or incels to our knowledge. she was raised on the internet in tinychat/stickam/webcam in general culture with random people. it is common, the people who don't realize that didn't grow up on the internet which is fine, but understand that she did and it's all a legitimate thing a lot of people did that shouldn't be drama. it's funny and amusing she was just weird.
could we please stop attacking women who haven't even done anything except be cringey?
No. 558798
>>558791Bro stop attacking women who are “Just being cringy”? On lolcow? The fuck. The irony.
>>558788Idk maybe because for one, we’re on Lolcow. I’m just stating facts, she’s really not “chilling” and she’s not some innocent figure. She is so insufferable and all I see on here all day is how “okay” she is bc y’all don’t wanna sound like stans but don’t want to admit you like her eithar. Y’all just don’t want to point out her flaws and it’s annoying, it’s not the worst thing in the world to be shitty, everyone is, I’m just pointing out what everyone else in neglecting to say. She really could be creating something negative by pandering to men like that. She really does speak to her fans cruelly, she’s a huge cunt. She doesn’t seem to like being black, it’s really easy to tell. I don’t agree with cancel culture, let her fans be her fans. But to act like she isn’t doing something negative because you like her is just as annoying and frustrating. The amount you stans are willing to defend is hilarious.
No. 558809
>>558796No one said for you not to personally buy her album weirdo, and if someone else feels like that; they have the right as well. She isn’t getting canceled, I think we all realize cancel culture doesn’t work.
>>558800I have only made 2 posts, i didn’t realize that was me coming full force trying to change your mind. You should probably shut the fuck up with your blackivist shit though anon.
No. 558812
>>558794This circles back to the whole Lana scandal, and the point she was originally trying to make (albeit very poorly). When public figures, ESPECIALLY women and minorities, have internal struggles or experiences which don't line up with the message that social activists like to push about being a fierce queen and loving yourself, it makes people very uncomfortable. Members of marginalized groups these days are always expected to be role models and social justice icons, which is a standard that, incidentally, straight white men are never held to.
No. 558815
>>558812yeah i can tell that this is the message lana was actually trying to get across but she can't articulate her point for shit. when she said delicate women or whatever she was talking about women in
abusive relationships who don't come out STRONG AND FIERCE but instead miss him and blame themself. the problem is that it aligns with stereotypes about black women and when she specified mostly poc she fucked herself over. i know what she was trying to say but the message (like always) has been lost
>>558814nothing about that post was racist, you're on a fucking imageboard anon
No. 558828
>>558820The core message of her post was a
valid point about the way the media reacts to women who don't play the role that modern liberal women are expected to play (it's true that in the past women weren't expected to come out of
abusive situations strong and defiant not needing a man but standards have changed), and I think it's a discussion worth having, but as you said, the comparisons to other artists made no sense and completely destroyed the validity of her message.
No. 558863
>>558854You're too emotionally engaged in this topic imo but I understand what you mean. The black community does tend to embrace biracial women more often than "the other half" so to speak. And those women usually dump the black identity as soon as they get a chance to.
Maybe the black community should just let biracials be and not claim them anymore tbh. It almost always goes this way. Profit off "i'm a black woman" and then segue into "but actually i am half smth else how dare u limit MEEEE" once the opportunity presents itself.
No. 558873
>>558867when its used to get edgy points with a bunch of creeps online it is. or at least its insulting. she said it to get a reaction, using her own race as bait for attention, trying to be the "cool mixed girl" for internet points. i think people have the right to be offended, especially when shes made her money by ingratiating herself to the black community.
and it doesnt matter if theyre officially "alt right" or not. its a group of dudes, mostly white, laughing at her and other racist things said in those rooms. they dont have to be "altright" or "supremacist" to be racist. also practically every social group online has racist tendencies, thats just internet culture at this point. just look at any gaymer group where they use it constantly when theyre mad.
No. 558909
>>558863What? I've seen multiple times how black people say, especially towards mixed women, things like "this person can't say the n-word cause they're mixed. they're not actually black"
And I've seen that on twitter A LOT regarding the whole Doja scandal
No. 558951
>>558867You're talking about people who know nothing about chan culture. The only thing many of them know about is that it is practically the birth place of incels (off topic note, this is highly debatable).
>>558869Hence why I always feel like being mixed is just a category of it's own. It's not that they a forced to pick a side, with mixed blackxwhite people, they often find themselves being rejected by white people or not being able to relate with them, hence why the black community usually just claim them by default.
>>558912It's very obvious she's mixed. She's right down the middle.
No. 559132
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>>558994Marina Diamandis sat on a pile of unsold Love + Fear vinyl texting her pal encouraging words.
No. 559137
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Chrissy teigan is getting a covid test, obviously tweeted about it, and people replied madly saying that she’s showing it off and has access to a test cause she’s rich. She probably didn’t specify in her original tweet that it was for surgery so she could snarkily reply to those people for twitter likes
No. 559157
>>558917shes lightskin but without wigs she has 4c hair. at most she could read as slightly racially ambiguous but only an idiot would think she was white.
twitter has everyone thinking biracial, lightskinned, racially ambiguous and white passing are the same thing
No. 559159
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>>559132Lana really looks like the incel in the chad vs incel meme here
No. 559163
>>558994"She had a whole song about wanting to fuck/get raped by harvey weinstein"
Are we implying she's not a
victim too? The fuck is this?
No. 559182
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>>559137the surgery in question
No. 559230
>>558836>troll the trollYes, she was definitely trolling the trolls by showing them her ass and titties, free of charge.
I agree with the rest of your post, though. It's like half of the people think she chose to be self-hating to hurt black people, and the other half think there's absolutely nothing wrong with any of this. She straight-up just needs to get help.
This shouldn't have been put on blast, it won't help things. At best, maybe she'll learn her lesson about not consorting with neckbeards now that she's an actual celebrity. That probably just means she'll hang out with the ones with mild Hollywood clout who will mostly treat her the same, but also drug and/or rape her and give her STIs, though.
No. 559241
>>559232Cope. I don't know if you're too outside of this realm to understand it, but it's not "embarrassing" to anyone but stans and people who still do this shit. It's just honest.
She literally wrote a song about being depressed, on drugs and doing shit for attention during the time she wasn't as famous (aka when she was still hanging out in the Tinychat), "better luck next time", and outright says she refuses to do that song anymore because it brings back that negativity.
She's working with Dr. Luke. Is that a mentally healthy thing to do? Actually, maybe you think it is. Nevermind.
No. 559244
>>559242>so you admit [shit that was never said]Yeah, you're definitely a brain-dead stan. Please return to Twitter.
We're probably going to be shit up for days because of that moron who claimed this was LSA, how annoying.
No. 559248
>>559247>parasocial relationship with a celebritykek anon i really don't know or care about doja aside from what i've seen in the thread but i love hearing you tell me about your problems
>go back to where you came fromwhere? twitter? not everyone that disagrees with you is newfag
No. 559255
>>559254I really don't buy that. You're way too angry over people talking about a celebrity the same way we talk about cows, even though in this context, we're actually using far more empathy than we did with PT or others.
It just reeks of "I just got here and you're shitting on my kween?!", and it's cringy.
No. 559270
>>559265Anon…I think you just haven't seen a diverse amount of black people before. I'm lightskin with type 3 hair and I'm not even mixed.
A lot of these comments are super race bait-y and infight-y at this point.
Why do anyone of you expect people on a image board to be mad and cancel doja for also using image boards and going on tinychat I'm so confused.
No. 559275
>>559265Lmao anon she does not look white. Arianna grande is a white girl who tans herself darker than nikki minaj and has also gotten a jaw shave and multiple nosejobs. Doja is just a mixed girl who is obviously black, regardless of what you think of her color.
>>559270Exactly. I'm not going to say the drama hasn't been milky but aside from the coomer pandering it isn't anything we haven't seen before. She just needs to stop being a dumb bitch about it because zoomers and normies associate imageboards and fringe communities with the haxx0r 4chin
No. 559284
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>>559277kek anon this is a very interesting talking point that will shatter the angry zoomers
>>559276Yes, I think it's very pickme tier and embarrassing but lets be real, how many fembots have you ever seen or known? They do the exact same shit all the time. With doja it's groundbreaking because she's a celebrity whose big with the normies right now. I think she definitely has self esteem issues as much as any other fembot that moans on camera for a bunch of losers. The outrage over calling her a white nationalist is a bit far though, and hilarious. People are legit believing random rumors off twitter when we barely even got actual footage of her doing weird coomer behavior.
The real question is, why is it bad when doja is a pickme for FREE, and why is it not bad when she offers to post her tits if sayso makes it to #1? Why is it not bad when pop stars rely on their bodies to pander to men?
Why does it matter only when you can view an audience if it's all the same?
No. 559294
>>559270>>559275I'm a native north African and I hang out with mostly black people from different tribes and ethnicities from the entire continent so no, I see very different looking people in my daily life. I'm sure if I saw her with her natural hair at first and proper lighting I would have understood she's mixed. I agree that this is verging on racebaiting so we should stop going too off-topic.
I personally don't want to "cancel" anyone unless they're real scumbags, then I legit boycott everything they do, like when they're rapists/abusers/criminals with actual
victims in general. So I'm ok with Doja Cat and I'll keep listening to some of her songs. But the entire situation is pretty funny and interesting to me.
No. 559321
Imagine all this shit just so you can get cool girl points for showing tits on the most popular imageboard on earth
At least Taylor Swift had fun with it and kept us guessing
>>559318You’ll be waiting a long time
No. 559441
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No. 559447
>>559441maybe it's a symptom from a medication she takes. i had the same thing when on remeron. obviously not with eggs but
>>559275i can't really see the jaw shave thing. definitely nose job
No. 559483
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>>559132Lana's fake paparazzi "candids" vs real candids are always a wild ride. Her fake candids always are super photoshopped and make her look smol and dainty owo
No. 559486
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>>559483She always does the same pose in them so theyre easy to spot.
No. 559490
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>>559487Somehow she's always caught walking in the exact same pose with her hip jutted out and her shoulder pulled back.
No. 559493
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>>559491They all always have a blurry face, the same pose with really bad photoshop, her either staring directly at the camera or in the distance.
No. 559495
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>>559493>>559492I noticed it when I kept on thinking I had already seen pics that were supposedly super new at least a hundred times.
Then I realised She does the same pose in every single "candid" somehow and in all of them her face is super blurry. If I were super famous too, I would totally do this shit too. But she really needs to switch up her "candid" poses because they are too obvious.
No. 559520
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Sage for no milk, I found these on LSA (1/2)
No. 559521
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No. 559536
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>>559322What else is there to the imagination…
No. 559537
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>>559529No idea about this fan bullshit but she's never been shy about sharing her feelings. Three years ago, she sent this to Spin after they reprinted a few out there quotes from her Elle UK interview.
No. 559539
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>>559537she's been abrasive on sm since the very beginning.
No. 559542
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No. 559559
>>559553The old trailer park interview always got me because it's like she's going down a lower middle class checklist of talking points.
>cute metal boys>7/11She was fully committed to that LARP. Kelly Eden couldn't relate.
No. 559574
>>559553If any anon is bored can they dig up the proof that she actually did come from a rich family? And pretty much whatever she has lied about. She seems to double down on the fact that she came from a poor background, doesn't put on a persona, did nothing to her face, etc. I wasn't really into "gossip" back then, so I think I missed it all.
>>559564Holy shit even back then she was putting on a persona.
I liked her years ago like many did, but now I'm just kinda interested in how much of a liar she actually is or what is wrong with her in general. I also thought her dating a cop was not very "on brand" of her, then from these threads learned they broke up, so I wonder why. And now this most recent delusional ranting is the cherry on top of everything else pretty much. I thought at first she was just trying to plug her new stuff coming out, but she really is embarrassing herself.
No. 559579
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>>559574>did nothing to her faceyou can't be fucking serious.
No. 559586
>>559536wow a nip slip much awful
honestly this doja drama is stupid, male celebrities be out there commiting actual crimes and no one bats an eye, heck even here people were sucking 6ix9ine's dick even though he already went to jail and is in a sex offender list.
No. 559596
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>>559512dunno about the twitter beef but it's always been hilarious to me that he's promoted as a cool young sex symbol with that pear shaped soft body and big ole birthing hips. they even tried to pass him off as idris elba's son in the shitty pacific rim sequel, utterly hilarious
No. 559606
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>>559512his behavior after that JJ Abrams-directed trash can was so gross. like pic related absolutely enraged me
you are in a children’s franchise with a corporatized “Strong Female Character” protag and yet you say this. it’s disgusting. get fucked
No. 559625
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>>559615Nah, he's obviously a dude. Its actually pretty normal for fat black men to end up with fat on their hips and stomach, its just funny how an average dumpy guy is being paraded as wow this amazing sex symbol.
No. 559626
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>>559132>>559493>>559579Jesus she is dumpy. Why doesn't she use her riches to eat better and actually attempt to match her uwu persona instead of looking like a linebacker jfc. I guess that's what happens when you don't have to actually work for anything
>>559559This is hard to watch. You can actually see the gears turning as she formulated the lies.
>I'm so poor uwu but I picked up and moved here on a whim to be close to metal boys. I dress up and go to ummm think like a poor, Lana, think like a poor* 7-11 and buy… slurpies? Wat? She does look cute in that interview tho. She fucked her face up bad. Is that also part of her ~aesthetic~ to be a botched rich granny?
She's always bugged me bc I actually like her glamorous, old hollywood, americana thing but her lyrics are too shallow (not just lel-it's hollywood-shallow, but actually lacking depth and intrigue and word play). If she had better lyrics and a little less gimmick she would be pretty cool but she just bought her title of Queen Tumblr for the sake of attention instead of coming off like an actual artist imo
No. 559632
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>>559626double post but she looks like Caitlyn Jenner. I think Bruce modeled his plastic surgeries to look like Lana but now Lana looks more like him kek
Also I wonder if the Kardashian coven wouldn't allow Bruce to change his name to Kaitlyn with a K lmao
No. 559634
>>559632sage for ot
oh wow thats a really good photo, cait looks like an old plastic surgery addict rich lady not a troon.
No. 559642
>>559637Agreed. She looks bad in
>>559132 but mostly because she's got bad posture and that neckline mades her look broader than usual. But where tf is she supposed to lose weight from? Her shoulders, so she doesn't look like a 'linebacker' according to anon?
I've never liked her or her music and have quite enjoyed the recent drama but seriously…
No. 559649
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>>559132Idk about that pal thing anon.
No. 559657
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Have any of you been keeping up with saga that is Broadway star Nick Cordero, who is currently wallowing away in hospital after getting fucked from corona, and his wife Amanda Kloots milking it for all its worth on social media? I don't think the woman has gotten so much attention in her life.
It's really gross how exploitative the whole situation feels. The man got his leg amputated, has holes in his lungs, has had at least two lung infections back to back, has had septic shock, was in a coma and just barely woke up earlier this month, and now has been placed in a prone position to help his "recovery". All the while his wife sits up on instagram with her cheshire cat smile, bumping their little boy around on her hips and talking about the "power of prayer" and other woo. Then everyday in the afternoon she has people hashtag spamming shit on live and popping around like it's an Indian rain dance because that's going to help someone who is on the precipice of death nearly every day.
Like I get you love your spouses/family/children but I keep thinking, what if that man is just screaming internally for some relief from his
pain? I can't imagine he is enjoying any of this if he's even fucking aware of what is happening. How is his quality of life going to be IF he ever recovers anyway? He won't be able to dance again, his lungs are fucked, he will probably have damage to other organs, too. What if he just remains a partially steamed veggie for the rest of his life, always teetering somewhere between life and death? No. 559665
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well, saw this one coming and honestly good riddance. for as much as fans have branded the show as a "calmer/ healthier/ drama free" version of big brother type reality shows, the housemates get treated a MILLION times worse by insane netizens. the hosts on the panel can be funny and lighthearted with their commentary but they take it too far sometimes with the overanalyzing basic shit and imo only add fuel for fans to think bullying is okay. in particular they are so weirdly harsh on the women in the house (who are often in their early 20's) and like to nitpick any action that's seen as the tinest bit aggressive/ imperfect, which is why hana got so much hate just for expressing her frustration with kai in that one confrontation. I watched the clip and couldn't believe she caught THAT much flack for one argument compared to the insane behavior I've seen in so many other shows. people always say that countries like japan and korea need to work on their mental health culture but it needs to actually be actively worked on instead of just said when someone kills themselves and then forgotten about a week later
I don't see this show ever coming back because sadly I don't think anything will be done with regards to making sure future cast members have better psych/ therapy resources, and especially not the way fans treat them. And honestly if it never comes back, good. I hope the producers/ hosts/ people involved feel like shit for their ignorance because they deserve the reality check. Hana came off as such a strong young woman, super charismatic with so much ahead of her but no one is perfect and I empathize so much with letting negative shit cloud over everything else, I was only a casual viewer of the show but man something about her death has really shaken me. she seemed so sweet and seeing the castmates she was close to like vivi mourn and blame themselves has been hard
No. 559682
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>>559665this! there was another girl on the same season as hana i think her name was emika(?) and there was a scene of her sobbing uncontrollably because she was receiving so much hate in regards to how awkward and a little mean she acted on a date. It was crazy because after she watched the episode back she became much more withdrawn and you could see it. That shit broke my heart. And i just saw this post on reddit talking about how one of the commentators had a channel on youtube where he was talking shit about her. And he even said "if you dont wanna cry dont read mean comments about yourself." So heartless the girl is like 21.
No. 559730
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>>559677"Yeah guy racism is bad"
Your brain on hating "white racists"
(Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting)) No. 559759
>>559752anon, have you been hiding under a rock?? the whole rant he is going about on twitter right now is clearly about George Floyd and being tired of all the racism he has to endure in his career. He has every right to be pissed lol
also sage your shit
No. 559774
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>>559512I agree it’s childish but it’s just too amusing not to watch. If it were any other person I would probably find it horrible, but reylos are on par with kpop fans when it comes to toxicity and delusion so I enjoy when he trolls them. I also like how he’s not afraid to voice his opinion about Disney, he actually has a spine and doesn’t back down from his opinions just because he’s afraid of burning bridges in the industry or being blacklisted by the mouse.
>>559730He’s right, reverse-racism chan.
No. 559802
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>>559529People on Twitter have said weadorelana is a longtime fan and reliable. That's just word of mouth though.
No. 559849
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>>559637>>559642If you don't think this is dumpy
for a celebrity idk what to tell you. Her bad posture has a lot to do with why she looks like a slob. To each her own tho.
She does look better in some pics where she's slimmed down just a bit, to be fair.
No. 559880
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Okay, this made me laugh
No. 559897
>>559891isn't it a good thing to see just one celebrity who doesn't buy into the stick thin bullshit? lana may have lots of
problematic "daddy spank me" elements to her songs but her fanbase is mostly women, and she doesn't dress sexy or pander to men. theres a lot to shit on lana for but her having an average body isn't one of them.
No. 560001
>>559493>>559596They look so weird, lana's face has that uncanny valley feeling, where she's supposed to be pretty, but she's not. I remember looking at her photoshopped album pics and thinking something is off. I can't place it, she's not ugly but she's weird, maybe it's because she doesnt move her face
boyega is, well. why are they pushing him so hard?
No. 560078
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Billie Eilish posted a short film on Instagram to combat body shaming that has received millions of views. She fondles herself and writhes around before taking her top off, and spergs teen angst without really making a point about body shaming.
Also totally ill timed release in light of the George Floyd riots going on in America right now.
No. 560095
>>560093She talked about ugly men being full of themselves when they get to date attractive women.
I don't see the correlation here, considering she didn't shame or attack anyone (unless you personally identify as an ugly man, I guess).
No. 560100
>>560099>Is it just for the traffic/publicity it brings? Attention?Yes. It's just more fake deep celebrity shit. I think she first showed that video at a concert or something, not sure why she (or her team) thought now would be the time to drop a HQ version of it instead of earlier.
I really hope in this era, people stop praising celebrities for this BS, and also drop parasocial relationships in general. Let all these public figures be entertainers and nothing more, unless they
really have something to say.
No. 560102
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Anyone else surprised by Wikipedia's main page today?
No. 560114
>>559880Idgaf if he's always acting petty, anyone who roasts Reylos is a good egg in my book.
I like that he's not afraid to shit on the sequel trilogy and Disney, but cmon man the Star Wars money's not gonna last forever. If he bulks up, then he could be MCU material.
No. 560165
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>>560158I find it amazing that Mark Hamill went from being Luke Skywalker to actually one of the best voice actors in animation, guy is one of the best jokers without having put on white make up.
No. 560193
>>560178My mind automatically filters SW to sex work now thanks internet. Either way it makes this comment funnier.
Adam driver turned to sex work because the indie movies weren’t cutting it.
No. 560226
>>560121I think he's salty because more because he had an amazing opportunity by being in the new trilogy and Disney fucked up spectacularly by making Finn and Poe literal nothing characters. Finn is just there and kinda sorta reacts to stuff in a way that makes the plot move along, and Poe does absolute jack shit and it feels like he was onscreen for a total of 15 minutes for three movies while trying to be touted as a main character. I'm not even that into Star Wars and it makes me so mad the way all these professionals fucked up basic characterization.
Also Reylo stans are just absolutely ruthless in their annoyingess. I would say they're almost as bad as K-Pop fans.
>>560178I know by 'SW' you mean Star Wars but I keep reading this as Adam Driver made an OnlyFans.
No. 560308
>>560078giving major props to the anon in the previous celebricow thread that predicted once she turned 18 that her PR team would reverse the 'showing no skin' statement for a PR stunt.
it's incredibly tasteless and tone deaf for her team to release this right now though. Ferguson pt. 2 electric boogaloo is happening and a lot of Americans are mourning the death of another unarmed man in police custody, so it's definitely not a good look PR wise (or on woke twitter) for attractive billionaire white girl to release a fake deep video about feeling bad for having big boobs.
No. 560352
>>560078she's so insecure about other women I can see this ending badly. She's constantly supporting rapists on social media. The way she pretended to get all torn up for attention over that ugly woman beater who got shot in his car lmao. I know she's a teenager but she's dumb as fuck and obiously not surrounded by smart people if these are the viewpoints she's forming.
I remember when she sperged on insta because some girl tweeted men are shit or something. She was all "WoMeN cAnT sAy ThIs ImAgInE iF A mAn Did". What's it like in your bubble where you think men don't say that and worse about women regulary on tv and in the press with 0 pushback.
So yeah 0 surprises she's stripping.
No. 560600
>>559657>>560395all I know about this is what's been summarized in the op post, but honestly I don't know if I can blame someone for doing that when their loved one is in such a position. obviously I don't think it's the "best" way to cope, or overly respectable, but I imagine there's some level of shock/being in the public eye still gives some pressure of keeping up appearances. Like I'd guess behavior like hers is somewhere between not fully accepting the reality of what is happening to her husband, and using the weird prayer/twitter-high as an escape/crutch to not face that reality…
Then again, I'm never shocked to hear anyone even semi-famous or hollywood related to just be a complete whacko, narcissist or sociopath, but I still want to give them the benefit of the doubt, I guess?
Apologies in advance if I'm being a total tard with this speculation and it has an undeniable not-this vibe if I actually read into things/followed the story properly lol
No. 560714
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New Gaga album is out. Any anons already listened to it?
No. 560759
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>>560756Her family doesn't work in the music industry, her parents are D-List actors, her mom's biggest role was voicing Samara in Mass Effect 2, the character is even modelled after her.
Her brother is the only one that does music and he was literally a high school basement trap beat maker, he calls himself a "musician" but he was nobody before billie blew up.
Honestly those Billie is an Industry Plant!! Conspiracies are stupid and full of fake shit, she's just a dumb inauthentic teenager that does whatever her brother and managers tell her to do, nothing more.
No. 560763
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No. 560778
>>560763related to this, did Kim Kardashian ever end up taking the baby bar? That whole thing had to have been over a year ago at this point.
I think halsey's odds of success are probably a little higher but passing the bar involves a lot of academic work and I don't know how realistic that is while also having a whole other career, even kind of a bullshit one. Like she would probably have to quit the entertainment industry for several years to stand a real chance.
>>560766You mean teen pop stars aren't completely authentic???
No. 560793
>>560786I'm not
>>560766 or
>>560756 but go off?? What do you think an industry plant is, anon?
No. 560801
lmao they got confused and are now attacking ppl who share their stance. every single time, my friend
>>560798have u ever heard of clairo
No. 560804
>>560801has clairo made anything of notice since 2018?
she tried to pull strings with her dad's work and wow it didn't actually fucking work because industry planting doesn't work.
No. 560836
>>560827can confirm she did record in her room alone and it wasn't a facade. she has upped her game since obviously.
source: grew up near me, mutual friends
No. 560893
>>560827>>560827clairo’s daddy has friends in high places
she’s like billie eilish
pay for play
No. 560897
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>>560845you need to re-evaluate if you think those industries aren’t intimately connected at the top. film, movies, fashion, art, music. media.
No. 560954
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>>560763I busted my ass to get a degree and get into law school and it honestly kind of bothers me that a community college drop-out can just decide to enter the profession on a whim and use her fame to attract clientele… that is, if she even passes the bar
No. 560955
>>560954I wouldn't worry anon, she'll drop this idea once she's no longer manic.
…and anyone dumb enough to hire her to represent them deserves what they get
No. 560977
>>560693i think woody might be the only celebrity who's managed his damage control this well. fuck him though
>>560705call me a hebephile or whatever but theres big difference between a 17 yr old and molesting a 6 yr old (what allen was accused of)
No. 560984
>>560778 skipped two sittings of the baby bar so she has to take it by next month or all of her hours will be lost.
Maybe some legal anons can give more info about what's next for her
No. 560994
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>>560984this is an imageboard. how fucking hard is taking a screenshot and uploading it? learn to integrate, lsa retard.
nothing is going to happen. she doesn't actually plan on becoming a real lawyer, it's just a pr stunt. like kylie being a "billionaire". if she doesn't do it the third time, kris jenner is just going to come up with a fake excuse (i'm sure it'll be something ~sad~ because they'll probably try to garner kim sympathy). then they are gonna pull some sort of pr stunt to take the attention away from the fact that kim lost all her hours because she is dumb and lazy.
No. 561002
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Speaking of Billie Eilish, what do you think about the resemblance between her and her brother's gf?
I think it's very weird imho
No. 561027
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No. 561035
>>561027why does she talk like that? why does she even behave like that? and the passive aggressiveness over one (1) single comment too as if she's some teenager on tumblr who got a mean anon.. she's so embarrassing holy fuck
i feel like her making that song with bts now makes her think she's the hottest shit ever and she uses kpop memes on her account too
No. 561089
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No. 561121
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>>561089she tweets as though she doesn't give a fuck but meanwhile has her legal team making statements to TMZ and demanding that forbes issue a retraction.
if she or her team actually did forge any documents or lie, she can't feasibly pursue any substantial legal action because the evidence of her deception would probably come out in court. her accountants would likely get in serious trouble for creating false tax returns.
it's comparable to the situation with hailey and justin issuing a cease and desist letter to the plastic surgeon who made a tiktok about what procedures he thinks hailey had done. it's obvious that hailey has had a nose job and lip injections at the very least. she can't outright sue him for defamation because a statement is not defamatory if it is true. she would be forced to hand over her medical records if she actually went after the guy, so the most she can do is threaten legal action–much like kylie
>>561120her lawyer did release a statement (pic related)
No. 561143
>>561089This is the most passionate I’ve ever seen this dead-eyed girl act. Money is all she has and she knows it. Imagine being so brain dead that you believe ANYONE gives a shit about whether or not Forbes says you’re a billionaire especially right now. She’s still going to die with more money she could ever use/majority of people will ever see in their lifetime. Is that not enough for her? I hope her and all of her families businesses go under when the economy crashes.
I already hated how her and her dipshit sisters tout themselves as business moguls when they’ve always had the money to give to smarter people to make more money for them. Truly parasitic scum of the earth.
No. 561178
>>560961Non-celebs also constantly do this. Announcing you're gonna do a chore, learn a skill, go someplace, etc on social media and getting the attention is a good enough dopamine
trigger that the gratification is all they really want.
No. 561363
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I wonder how many anorexic angelcore lolita tumblr bloggers are weeping over this. Rip
No. 561723
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This is really fucking embarrassing, I always thought she’d look better if she wasn’t so stick thin but.. yikes
No. 561742
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Halsey and Yungblood went to a BLM protest and even appeared on live TV
No. 561743
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Ariana also went to a protest and was posing with some fans
No. 561755
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>>561743kek arianna shows her support for the community she constantly capitalizes on, a true icon!
>pic related No. 561827
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>>561807Seems she acknowledges she's white and privileged. And honestly kudos to her for this post
>>561823What best friend? When did that happen?
No. 561918
>>561898No I just checked and she's still following Courtney
Maybe you're thinking of Njomza?
No. 561967
>>561827saying that she is privileged is not admitting she's white.
>>561839 said, 100%
No. 561993
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Twitter is popping off with Anonymous's little expose. Naomi Campbell is trending right now. Other names I'm seeing mentioned are Oprah, Bill Gates, Clintons, Chris Tucker, royal family, Trump (the usual suspects) etc. Y'all think anything will come of this?
No. 562053
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Tinashe and Kehlani came for Lana
No. 562057
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No. 562074
>>562065She posted video of protesters on IG. Comments have been turned off since the last time she got shit for being delicate, vulnerable and not like the other girls though.
The issue is that she's posting faces on her massive platform. Other social media whores are doing the same but Lizzy has a massive audience.
No. 562078
>>562065She posted on Instagram a 20-something-second video of the protest going on near her area, in a positive light (she's made other posts supporting the arrest of Chauvin.) There's no description on the post. That's all that happened and for whatever reason… people are upset about this?
In regards to "faces", only two strangers' faces are visible for a few seconds, and there is nothing identifying about the people in the video.
No. 562133
>>562102I put faces in quotes because I was referencing what past posts in this thread had said about there being faces in the video, like
>>562057, and
No. 562149
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anybody seen this?
No. 562160
>>561993I read the BB when it was released and there doesn't seem to be anything really new, just someone who's organized all the documents together in an easier format. There's some I hadn't read before but that doesn't mean they're brand new.
I mean yeah it's kind of ridiculous how many people haven't seen this before but at least it's getting more attention now.
No. 562166
>>561993>>562160there was outrage when epstein was killed (see: epstein didn't kill himself) yet nothing came of it because we live in a corrupted fucking state. the only information in the black book is contacts (many of whom were just people ghislaine met at parties and decided to take their number down) who may or may not be involved in sex trafficking. there's a great maria farmer (epstein
victim) interview where she talks about this.
nothing will ever get done about all these pedo/sex trafficking rings and it's fucking sad. people could protest but there's already a bigger reason to now
No. 562183
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>>562166Oh yeah I definitely remember the memes, but I think it had the unforeseen consequence of people not actually taking it seriously. My whole facebook feed was filled with memes but no one actually seemed to care or even talk about the people found in those flight logs. Just being in an address book isn't really hard evidence but I'm sure that a lot of these people at least knew something.
You're right in that no one in these rings will probably ever be found accountable for their actions. They're too powerful and will die knowing they got away with it. People know, and they'll remember, but its just going to end up as a terrible historical factoid.
No. 563683
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>>563467This the tweet that started it all. People go on and on about how your Hollywood career can be ruined by one moment of unprofessionalism and this bitch was going to war with everybody
No. 563690
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>>563683Corroborated by William. All the comments on that and this post are about how she's just a horrible person.
No. 563913
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Lana commented on Cardi B's insta post and people are coming at her again
No. 564321
>>563683People have be commenting that Lea can't read and is illterate, lmao wtf
I have not heard about this conspiracy until now
I honestly believe all the tweets that her co-stars say about her are true, she got away with a lot of shit back then cause of Ryan Murph's favoritism
No. 564652
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>>558174Hello Fresh dumped Lea Michele
quick lol
I'm sure she's filming a weepy video right now, full of fauxpologies and martyrdom kek
No. 564673
>>564652>lea is a bitch becomes
>lea is a racist reeeally quick
No. 564711
>>564687It might be worth noting that there's a reason Lea Michele hasn't worked on Broadway or in a film or tv production since her time on Glee lol
The reason is her. She's a known bitch, and so
toxic no one wants to hire her. She's done this to herself and I fucking love to see her assholishness biting her in the ass FINALLY.
No. 564745
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Ahaha she responded. Most people in the comments are dragging her. Idk if she can come back from this, because she has no stans to defend her.
No. 564813
>>564754Idk, telling a black woman that you'll "shit in her wig" sounds racially agressive to me. While it's possible that Samantha made that up, the fact that her other costars are backing her up makes me doubt it.
I think Lea is just a narcissistic diva at first who treats anyone who she thinks are below her like shit (regardless of race) but I do think she has some racist tendencies towards black people.
No. 564839
>>564813From those images posted they just said she was a bully and thought she was better than everyone.
Wanting to mess up someone’s wig isn’t racist and you’re assuming she somehow is racist against a black woman when she bullied most everyone in that cast and has been known to put everyone down regardless of race. Even on Reddit or 4chan someone noted she went to their HS and thought she was the best in their drama/choir group, and bullied people then and her diva attitude was no surprise to them; could be hearsay as well but her reputation as having an ego proceeds her.
Calling someone racist is easy and has more impact than being unprofessional so sure I guess she racist.
No. 564843
>>564839NTA, but you do realize it's possible to be both unprofessional/bitchy and racist, right?
Of all the ways you could insult someone, you single out a black woman for a wig comment? And no non-black person can report on them making wig/hair-related comments? I don't know why you're playing dumb, do you say things like that or something?
No. 564855
>>564843I singled it out because she was being labeled racist for one incident when her unprofessionalism is what had made her lose jobs and that’s what other anons and Twitter latched onto to cancel/shame her.
Calling someone racist from one example someone gave isn’t enough to go on. I don’t care about glee or her but it’s easy to shut someone down by calling them racist. In her case, I don’t see that since she ignored most all her cast mates (from those pics) not just a black castmate. If she ignored just her black castmate for years then sure you can call her racist.
No. 564858
>>564855So, someone's racism being documented once is not enough for them to be considered racist? Huh, I learned something new today.
This also isn't "ignoring", it's actual aggression on her end. She called them cockroaches, and singled out a black girl for a racial/hair-related comment.
No. 565796
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Wtf is all this bitchy infighting lol. jesus christ this thread went to shit
No. 565820
>>565807Ntayrt but don't forget the infighting in this thread
>>>/snow/949693 over who the real villan in The Devil Wears Prada is, KEK.
No. 566159
>>560078late but this pisses me off. liked billie but this is someone whose style was fun and unique so wtf is this lolol
what a fucking phony you have to love how the light is directly on her massive tits. all these artists are losers and all they care about is making money for their scum corporate bosses.
No. 566160
>>566159She should never have leaned into her style so hard as a young girl, she's obviously not going to be wearing XXL streetwear for her whole life but if she dresses any different way she was faking all along, an industry plant and fake deep kek
Anyway when i'm feeling particularly self-indulgent i like to watch the MV for when the party's over, it's decent stuff, it's not completely surface-level shit and she does capture emotion/pain there somewhere if weirdly. No idea why she became such a target for men online aside from just being a young woman
No. 566568
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Megs gets reamed as being an “attention whore”, but William seems to be keeping toe to toe with his SIL by reminding us what a humanitarian he is every 15 minutes.
Also, Kate looks like she really wants to run for the hills. No. 567390
>>566568He's so rich. Why cant he get some hair plugs?
>>566914Same. She knew exactly what she was getting into
No. 567604
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>>565750LOL, piss baby do piss baby shit.
No. 568979
>>568199Eh. I’ve seen people acting more radical on Twitter on a daily basis. Although I did lol when he quoted the villain from A Bug’s Life to prove his point.
>>568205This. Ice T wrote Cop Killer. I don’t think it’s surprising to find out where he stands.
No. 569191
>>568924 Foibles has huuuuuge write ups about this stuff. Idk if it's… reliable, but idgaf, this kinda stuff is my crack.
Exposing SMG recently did some pieces about Meghan Markle, but the tone isn't neutral enough and seems really Daily Mail-esque bitchy, so they're not my favourites.
No. 569431
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this is nitpicky but i feel like kelly clarkson doesnt put any effort into her appearance whatsoever tbh
lots of people want to be comfy and you dont have to dress to the 9s but good lord even the average person walking down the street seems more put together
No. 569743
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No. 570054
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People in twitter are body shaming Ariana Grande because she put on some weight. I think she looks great and even though I’m not her fan I’m happy for her because she clearly has been struggling with ED in the past.
And honestly most of the “weight gain” is baggy clothing.
No. 570315
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>>570181Yeah in some cases person may have some other healt conditions but Ari’s ED is kind of public knowledge. She’s well known donut licker and there was rumours about that tumblr pro ana blog.
No hate, I’d probably be a ana-chan too If I were a former child star and had to deal with Dan Schneider.
No. 570349
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>>570054She looks adorable with more weight on.
No. 570352
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>>570181> Her weight could have easily still been around the lower end of the healthy weight or just slightly under even during her smallestConsidering she’s 5’0 I find that unlikely, short girls always look fat at healthy weights, for her to be looking how she looked back then she probably was eating, like, 200 cals a day at most kek
She’s probably at the lower end of a healthy BMI now though
No. 570384
>>570367Louis CK as well. Admitted to assaulting women and faced zero legal repercussions. He stayed out of public eye for less than a year and he's back to doing standup now, apparently getting standing ovations at his shows.
No accountability for these people.
No. 570515
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>>570384I remember when the news officially broke about him and they automatically cancelled that one cartoon he was kinda sorta attached to and a bunch of people lost their jobs. I think it was pretty far into production too, and all those people had to scramble to find work before the holidays and he lays low for a few months and is now back to his high paying garbage routines.
I feel like these men get away with things because they Jerry their way out by acting insanely pathetic and ‘unu mentally ill’ and everyone just lets it slide because it’s so desperate. Such a scummy and parasitic move.
No. 570704
>>570515>Jerry their way out by acting insanely patheticKek.
Louis CK's wiki page is full of "woe is me" without any real apology. He says he went through "hell and back" and lost $35 million from lost deals. Abuse your power for years, but suddenly you're the
victim because you got held accountable in public opinion and lost movie deals? That behavior is so entitled and disgusting. Dude had a year vacation and faced no criminal charges.
No. 570847
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hate to see it
No. 570889
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No. 570901
>>570889This is great. The neckbeard pandering/obvious self hate was cringy and sad to see, but the people telling her to "apologize" were ridiculous.
Hope more women respond this way when twittertards try to "cancel" them.
No. 570918
>>570889Didn’t she already apologize? Pandering to racist neckbeards is bad but she seemed to acknowledged it and apologized for it. It’s not something you need to say sorry over and over again. Let it go, Twitter.
With that said, her response could’ve been a bit more mature though.
No. 570921
>>570352> short girls always look fat at healthy weights,Ana chan pls
Although gaining/losing a small amount of pounds can drastically alter your appearance
No. 571017
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Madison Beer is receiving flack for stating she “definitely romanticizes” the story of Lolita.
No. 571018
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>>571017This bitch has a scandal every couple weeks. If only she could pump out successful music like she pumps out controversies, then she’d actually be pretty AND useful.
No. 571055
>>571017I hate sick and pathetic fucks like this like say you don't give a shit about the
victims of pedophiles and sexual predators and go.
No. 571122
>>571120Anon, you said that short girls look fat at a
healthy weight. Anachan please, use your brain for a minute.
No. 571141
>>571136So she's airing out a bunch of racist fucks who cares
Lmao twitter already forgave the whole Doja incident that didn't last long
No. 571147
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>>571136I just checked her Twitter, and I'm not seeing that, so I'm guessing she stopped for now.
When I tried to find details, it seems she was doxxing college students (or people who are just about to go to college, aka 17-18 year olds like her), and she asked people not to post anything
too personal, like addresses.
Also, when she got the wrong information on someone, she made sure to clear it up so the person that the racist was confused with didn't get harassed.
I don't know, this doesn't seem like a huge deal. In the end, the problem is the parents who are teaching their sons and daughters racism (or letting them get engrossed in it), and letting it become so normal to them that they happily make racist posts on their main accounts.
No. 571148
>>571141Because it's wrong, and people can easily make up tweets. She's already doxxed the wrong people, and I believe one is already willing to sue. It's extremely dangerous and irresponsible.
This is going beyond a call-out post with several receipts. She's literally posting people's numbers, etc.
No. 571153
>>571147There were some kids that were just singing along to a rap song that contained a racial epithet. Should they have said it, no. (Fuck it, I'm in the demographic that could say it and it's still a 'no' for me) but moments like that especially now calls for a teaching moment not for their lives to essentially be destroyed. WTF. people are trying to get them fired from their jobs and the universities and their high schools.
One person wrote a racist song that did deserve to get a stern talking to, however that didn't happen. Additionally, the person in question deleted all their socials, but someone that shared a name with them got mobbed and harassed.
This is why doxxing should only be reserved for someone that's done something so wrong, it's imperative for example for law enforcement know. But,you have to make sure you have the /correct/ person.
No. 571155
>>571147You can't undox someone… the damage has already done. I think people would feel differently if a normie kid was doing this because when a celebrity does this it feels like a power trip. She should have just donated money to people in need.
>>571153>but moments like that especially now calls for a teaching moment not for their lives to essentially be destroyed.Yeah this isn't helping anyone except her.
No. 571157
>>571153>>571155I saw she exposed one teacher who was known for calling her black students slurs, so I can't decry all of it, honestly. The song thing was kind of low-hanging fruit, though, she should've just ignored ones like that.
Aside from that, I get what you mean by teaching moments, but assuming they're all 17/18ish and not like 11, it's not like they didn't know what they were doing, they just didn't think anything would happen. When you have the mindset to write an entire racist song, you probably don't care about being "talked to", and just need to be kept away from people you could harm IRL until you learn. Notifying their schools/workplaces of the behavior is probably the best way to do that.
I don't think their lives will be "destroyed" exactly, as everything's been deleted, and Twitter has a short memory (even right now, it'd take some real, deliberate digging to find the names/faces of people she "exposed"), but I don't agree with the harassment, except in the case of those like the teacher.
No. 571158
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No. 571161
>>571158check your privilege halsey
Honestly, only someone that's used to very high standards would compare the USA to a third world country, even considering the context
No. 571169
>>571157Yeah I get when a 18-year-old from early 2000s fucks up on race, it was a different time and mainstream culture wasn't really informed. An 18-year-old
today??? Yeah they know what they're doing.
No. 571185
>>571157See, that I completely understand. This person is in a position of authority that can influence the course of a child's future. And if they're racist they should not be teaching non-white students. You're giving me flashbacks to that teacher who around 2 years ago that was outed as being the host of a white supremacist podcast. Like seriously? How can you trust her when she's teaching and when she's marking, especially her black students? Glad she was outed. Bye, bitch.
Nonnie, you really underestimate the power of Twitter sluthes. People get recorded doing suspect shit all the time, and if it's deemed racial then they get doxxed. Without fail. People will feel like self righteous vigilantes and they'll spill their details to everyone on the internet.
No. 571188
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She's said more offensive things than some of the people she's been exposing.
No. 571194
>>571163I think her avatar is a anime character.
But yeah, she does that at times. Remember her Rolling Stone cover? I’m not denying her ethnicity but she looks straight up white.
No. 571197
>>571194Yes anon, a biracial black woman who is half white can look white. Holy shit.
What the hell is the sperging going on in this thread did Skai doxx somebody's brother or some shit?
No. 571239
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My sister always used to watch a tv show of Skai and I remember reading that it was pretty much an open secret that she had major beef with her older co-star Debby Ryan. Back then I wondered why a grown ass woman would hate a little girl so much but I guess now we know lol
>>571147>she was doxxing college students, and she asked people not to post anything too personal, like addresses. She posted their phone numbers, that is very personal imo. She doxxed a 13-year-old boy for saying "guacamole nigga penis" when he was 12. She also doxxed a random Dylan because another Dylan posted a racist song. And supposedly this wasn't the only person she got wrong. Pic related is her "apology"
>just to clear this up guyz, we jumped on the wrong personShe herself was already doxxed too now, I give it maximum an hour until people have found shitty tweets or a secret tumblr of her own, the loudest ones usually have the most
problematic past themselves.
Twitter users are insane, to everyone saying that they're literally kids who posted a stupid meme they reply with something like "Omg, so you think racism is funny? So you're saying you did racist things when you were already 13 too?!" Juvenile criminal law exists for a reason, children simply are dumb, you can't hold them accountable for actual crime and much less for being edgy on the internet, doing this doesn't mean they're gonna grow up being uber racists.
No. 571282
The one drop rule isn't a thing anymore, let it go.
No. 571311
>>571239Remember when I said people could send fake tweets, will I guess the same thing applies to Snapchat screenshots.
I've been trying to find the post mentioned from 2:04, but I can't find it, as it's been removed. If it's true, fuck that person and also Skai this is why you FACT CHECK!
No. 571326
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>>571311Appearantly she's been doing that for months already, everybody can just send her stuff and she'll post it to her audience of half a million without ckecking whether it's legit. Most of it goes like "there's this super racist girl/boy in my elementary school/middle school"…the actual racists she doxxed were also all middle schoolers and she's downplaying their young age by saying "next year she's going to a freshman in XXX high school". They post their phone numbers, schools, classes and mock them for having criminal dads, but hey it's not real doxxing because at least she didn't autright post their adresses, amirite? As if that's not something anybody could find out within mere minutes.
Twitterfag are deadass claiming that they'll face zero consequences because other white people will give them opportunites in the future anyways and besides, Skai is only 18 meaning this is only "being called out by your peers, confronting them for their mistakes". Your Hollywood actress peer… She ruined every opportunity of them ever growing. And of course other famous and rich people like that annyoing buzzfeed fag are applauding her.
No. 571350
>>571326Maybe I’m a cold bitch but i honestly don’t give a fuck all these people just have to lay low and it’ll all blow over their lives will Not be “ruined” it’s funny how racist kids get the benefit of the doubt and the uwu they didn’t know card. But what about all their black peers who have to be
victims of their edgy phases? You think it doesn’t affect them mentally? Again those kids will now know to think twice before trying to be edgy while showing their face. These kids need to realize the power of anonymity lol. No one will remember this anyway
No. 571375
>>571239In the replies they were saying that the kid's parents have already been fired from their jobs. It's so fucked up to see all the sociopaths in the replies going "Yaaaaas it's what they deserve!"
If the kids weren't racist then, they definitely will be now.
No. 571382
>>571350The point is she couldn’t even be bothered to check caps before she decided to start doxxing people. Also you think saying the n-word is wrong because it’s psychologically damaging but sending hate to minors is fine, right? That’s some real selective morality.
>Maybe I’m a cold bitchPlease stop talking like this.
>>571375People on twitter are so bored and privileged they literally have to entertain themselves by going on witch hunts. You could literally kill someone just for saying the n-word and there’d still be people saying it was deserved.
No. 571396
>>571326Maybe she should call out actual celebrities, I know she went after some guy from The Flash TV show, but how about someone much bigger than that?
Instead of non famous college kids. Go for the pedos and the rapists. And the guy who egged on his ex-girlfriend to OD and kill herself till she actually did, as an example. Those types of guys are near the top and she won't go after them, cause she's going to get blacklisted for it.
No. 571600
>>571531here's a recent vid on it, damn wtf chris
hope it isn't true
No. 571602
>>571584Nta but, I didn't really know who Louis CK is other than he's a comedian that my ex fucking worshipped! Just looked him up after reading your post and the accusations (by multiple women) were already public while my ex was banging on about how great Louis is… well aren't men great at supporting each other.
Glad I never sat down to watch his shows, they were always playing in the background in our house and I could just never take to him, much to my exes annoyance.
No. 571618
>>571602samefag. not a fan of CK but was up until recently a huge Jim Carrey fan. from my childhood to my teens I really held him in high esteem and I always thought he seemed like a good, albeit crazy person… I was an abused kid and people didn't want me to emote and express myself v much, so I looked up to one of the most spastic, overemotional comedians there was, even had a crush on him. up until very recently when I looked into the allegations, I was watching his shit during the first half of the pandemic and it was helping me with my mental health, it was making me happy. I didn't know more than the fact that his ex died by suicide and hadn't looked into it. after reading more into them his exes words haunt the fuck out of me, and what he allegedly did to her. it haunts me. I really want to believe she was telling the truth and not be blinded by my fanning, I really don't want to be like those fans who deny and deny, but it hurts to have someone who I looked up to since I was a little girl painted as an abuser, bc ive dealt with so many abusers all my life and idk how I could never have sensed it. especially as a woman who had a gaslighter ex who made me want to kms multiple times. people have mostly forgotten that he's allegedly abused his ex… they just say "poor poor pitiful him his ex committed suicide"… tbh I don't know how to feel about it, it just makes me feel horrible…
No. 571649
>>571630I know anon, thank u. I feel that way about my own abusers & the people I know who've hurt me personally, but it's hard, because knowing people are horrible tends to negate my good memories. ig it's because I expected someone who I put up on a pedestal to be better than they ended up being. celebrities are human. some of them are even horrible, unstable people who hide behind masks like many non celebrities do, I guess sometimes I forget that.
I always want to assume celebrity guys who seem nice, esp the ones I've admired in the past or have thought of as attractive in anyway, aren't scumbags, I'm often disappointed. they make their living in an industry overrun with abusers and often become them. it's a wretched cycle.
>>571638yeah, he has a sense of untouchability and enough money to get away with it. not just that, but lack of awareness as to what was done, idk if people just shelved it, they couldn't fathom it, or they were silenced. her family tried to sue him, wasn't successful. people forgot about it, that's why almost nobody knows. I don't know why they did. I guess it's the idea that "funny man can't be a monster", that precedes him, or the fact that she's not alive to accuse him of anything anymore.
as a former millennial fan of him it really terrifies me thinking that I'm not much younger than his ex relatively (she was almost 25 years younger than him), who was a relatively normal status person (makeup artist), and that he has probably taken advantage of other women like he took advantage of her. she's young enough to have seen his movies as a kid, likely even a fan of him before she met him. I hate it. I hate especially that I used to be someone who felt like I'd throw myself at him. I even have a bit of resemblance to her. Every time I think about it makes me feel sick. I used to think that the few guy celebrities I liked weren't bad people, that there was no way they could be scum, and this proved me horribly wrong and makes me scared. I'm currently majoring in media and I'm going to have contact with the industry. I'm going to have to guard myself to avoid being taken advantage of. This just makes me paranoid that I won't be able to date anyone or interact with them frm the industry without learning they're scum. Fuck.
No. 571793
>>571239Reading a Twitter thread about this: links to a Forbes article further down about how loads of teens are making editable Google doxxs to 'out racists' ala Skai. And, I found it's kicked off on uni Twitter, too. People are out here doxxing anyone and everything.
Turns out the girl Skai doxxed that wore a charcoal face, that someone edited to include a racist caption is mixed, not that it helped. She lawyered up. As she should, so many innocent people are going to get punished, along with people that actually learnt their lesson.
This is spiralling massively out of control.
No. 571836
>>571584Yeah James Franco got caught sliding in a minor's DMs but he's a slimeball so everyone just expects this shit and they get away it because it wasn't a surprise.
>>571649>I always want to assume celebrity guys who seem nice, esp the ones I've admired in the past or have thought of as attractive in anyway, aren't scumbags,This is so stupid, anon, it takes a certain type of person to make it and achieve fame.
No. 571857
>>571836I feel like enough people out there want to fuck James Franco that he got away with it on account of people thinking
>But who in their right mind wouldn't want to sleep with James Franco?? Which is shitty
No. 571863
>>571853Anon, what if I said I was black and I hate doxxing? Would you believe me? I want people to learn from their racist behaviour, and not have all abilities to grow taken away from them. One of the best places for this is university, but several people who got dropped, didn't even do what they were accused of doing and people have been expelled! This if anything is gonna propel them towards other people that give them the feeling of validation of being a
victim. And, I can honestly see that in extreme white supremacist groups.
Doxxing no matter who does it is wrong, because innocents can and WILL be caught in the cross-fire. Skai gang set upon an Indian teenager that made a meme about how Indians should focus on Indian issues of police brutality, because backing BLM while not marching/ignoring what's happening on your backdoor is hypocritical. But, apparently being critical of US cultural hegemony makes you a white supremacist.
And, another for being against looting. Skai is tripping on power and has emboldened others. This is a full-blown witch hunt.
I'm so sad, because I liked her.
No. 571879
>>571863The first thing I would tell you is to sage and stop bumping the thread without new information. Secondly we're talking about the kids who decided to dress up in blackface, they knew it's a racially sensitive time and decided to post something that would rile up an audience for shits and giggles. People got mad exactly like they wanted and now they have to deal with the consequences. Who cares.
Keiko would you stop bumping this thread with your weird hate boner for Skai we just don't give a fuck. Go back to twitter and maybe some scrote desperate for attention will like your wailing.
No. 571892
>>571857The James Franco thing is especially gross since the girl was a fan who met him at a Broadway show in New York. She took a video with him and he asked her to tag it on instagram, then messaged her basically asking to hook up and not tell anyone. There's obviously a power imbalance between a major Hollywood actor and an underage teenage fan. He even said the girl wasn't a
victim, and he was just "trying to meet somebody."
I wouldn't doubt that he's done it several other times and not gotten caught.
No. 571940
>>571933With Harvey Weinstein and #metoo stories like those seem like a feature not a bug of Hollywood.
It's crawling with powerful predators with financial capital and thousands of ingénues with stars in their eyes at the extreme risk of being taken advantage of.
No. 571947
>>571944A quote from him
>"In this country, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty." >"However, in the current climate, it seems as if you are presumed guilty the moment you are accused." He addedI wasn't familiar with the news til now but I already fucking hate him
No. 571951
>>571931If there was a global movement like BLM, but focused on women/female people. Then maybe. Got knows there are scrotes that deserve to be called out. Probably every girl/women has a story to tell. Still not too keen on doxxing, though, as I expressed earlier in the thread. I can made an exception for rape/sexually abuse as long as people are /sure/ it's the right guy.
>>571944If he's done the crime, he should do the time. Looks like there's a lot of evidence against him, so it seems promising.
No. 571984
>>571963No need for actually racism in this thread, Anon.
>>571970#Metoo never reached the heights of where BLM is now. It's all on the news and figureheads are being interviewed non-stop, with their books now on the bestsellers list.
I don't know if that would ever happen with a movement that centres females. Maybe in the future.
No. 571989
>>571981It's very wtf to me too, but at the same time there are a bunch of (possibly paid promo) articles claiming it's oddly perfect casting.
I just wonder who they're expecting to pay to see this film if it's ever made.
No. 572019
>>571984> #Metoo never reached the heights of where BLM is now.Idk I find that subjective. Metoo dominated the news in the last month of 2017. I think the one of the main reasons BLM might of gotten more coverage is because people were actually dying unlike Metoo. Although I’m not denying there isn’t sexism/misogyny in the movement. Many black female activists have pointed out that male
victims get a lot more coverage than female
victims. Breonna Taylor seems to be an exception and even that is arguable.
No. 572023
>>572008The ones who were wrongfully accused are very likely too scared to sue her, because Skai is a woc calling out racism, trying to stop her would inevitably make you a racist (according to twitter). Just look at how this Dylan "defended" himself
>>571239 , he was way too nice for what she did to him, he also made sure to point out that he's a good person - even tho there's no reason for that, seeing as he's innocent anyway. He's a
victim of a crime, a normal reaction would have been to at least cuss her out.
No. 572106
>>572034ooh hot take, but definitely a good take.
i do realize no a lot of people are focusing on breonna taylor's death, but she's more of an afterthought like "oh yeah, her too…"
literally no one's talking about these women dying by the hands of the police, like the woman who supposedly was pushed out her 20 story apartment window, but these men, and not to mention fucking statues, are definitely being focused on wayyyy more.
No. 572113
>>571915oh my god i'm so glad he's finally getting charged, it's been so long. have you read up about members of the Church of Scientology stalking and harassing a couple of the people coming forward? I know Chrissie Carnell Bixler had two of her dogs killed by being poisoned. some more to read here.
>Almost continuously since, Bixler and her husband have found her car doors open, found Scientology agents lingering outside of their home and peering into windows, had their home security system hacked and had mail taken from their home, the lawsuit says. Bixler was chased while driving, had Craigslists ads fraudulently posted in her name soliciting sex and other threats.Shit is scary, I cannot believe how these
victims are going on day to day.
No. 572114
>>572034At least people have been talking about how 40% of cops beat their wives, nobody really cared about domestic abuse until it helped with their cause.
I'm really impressed with how much traction BLM has gotten and think it's great, I just wish people had the same energy for women. We're getting murdered all the time too, just by partners instead of cops. But there's never going to be as much unity and widespread support because male identified women won't support feminism, they are so attached to the idea of love, marriage and kids that they don't want anything getting in the way of that. And men just really hate feminism, I don't know if I'd say they hate women more than minorities but I do think they all have more of a personal, vested interest in keeping women (aka their current or potential wives, daughters, gfs, pornstars, prostitutes, sex partners, etc) compliant and quiet.
No. 572116
i think i'm gonna cry too??
No. 572122
>>571931I kind of agree and want this, Hollywood is so disgusting I wouldn't be surprised if I heard about her coming after someone regarding sexual harassment.
>>571963I thought only people over 18 were allowed on this site, strange.
No. 572276
>>571649Why do you think any man wishes to make it in Hollywood? Easy access to women, idolization by women. A comedian once said anything a guy does that's impressive he's doing it to impress women, because men think with their dicks.
Sure they can say it's because their passion is acting or music or whatever. But the sad truth is this is a man's world and men are perverts. I wouldn't be surprised if all male actors have used their fame to take advantage of starstruck women.
No. 572293
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>>571600>>571647>>572116An anon posted him on the /g/ thread a while back, I literally didn't care about his stand up or views but I loved his body
he had the exact natural body type that I find attractive in a man, God I hate that I can't fantasize about his body anymore
No. 572321
>>572030>>572034I just keep on thinking about a comment I once read. "If all the black people in the world were female, no one would care about black issues, at all". I think there's definitely true to what they said. After this and the thousands of people that turned out for 'Black Trans Lives Matter' (I've seen loads of posts praising black transwomen, barely anything about black transdudes, not surprising really), a lot of black women are saying BLM should just be called 'Black Males Lives Matter'.
Related I can't believe someone like For Harriet is literally entertaining the idea of "abolishing the police", black women and girls already feel unprotected. I feel like progressives are out here taking crazy pills.
No. 572365
>>572321how can you think that continuing a police force formed on the basis of misogyny and antiblackness is beneficial for black women and girls? because i also watch For Harriet, and I've listened to her arguments for police abolition (I also work in that field with community organizing).
Not only with the 40% spousal abuse rate that cops have in their own communities, but with the already existing distrust of police to investigate the rapes and sexual assault that already happens, especially that of black women and girls, wtf do you think the solution is other than abolishing the police and divesting those funds into women shelters and local community social services to actually do work on the ground to protect black women and girls?
No. 572389
>>572365More funding for women's shelters and social services is fantastic, community policing makes me concerned. Do the police have problems, of course they do, but there needs to be some kind of third party. (Maybe some people form a police community for another community? I don't know.)
I don't like how people are pretending black men can't be misogynistic. Oluwatoyin Salau recently went missing and was murdered, after tweeting about her assault by a black guy. It's already hard to call out black male abusers as it is and what if a perpetrator is in the actual 'replacement' police-force with a strong network around him? I'm concerned about a conflict of interest. Women and girls are /always/ having their concerns put on the back burner for men. Don't get me wrong, Anon. I want change, but there being no third party law and order worries me. That's why I'm #Reform the police.
Nonnie. It's so depressing how much people just don't care about women.
It's all so tiresome.
No. 572417
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>>572405#MeToo2, Electric Boogaloo? Take them all down.
victims story 1/2 No. 572427
>>572417That was chilling to read, honestly
Never liked that dude anyway
No. 572429
>>572417>>572418I can hear this guy's defenders already.
>she clearly pursued him>17 is legal in most states>she obviously already consented>not having a good experience doesn't make it rape>she's probably mad he dumped herHe'll probably make some lame "if you felt uncomfortable, I apologize" apology and everyone will forget in a year (or less).
No. 572434
>>572418>>572417Sure whatever don’t care for that guy but WHY are all these “expose” always written in the most self-infantilizing “uwu I was only a wittle retard 17 year old baby” tone possible. It
triggers such feelings of disgust and distrust in me tbh.
No. 572453
>>572434>>572438Yeah, if he really did say shit like "We need to break you in" that's gross, but the age difference isn't really that creepy or weird. She didn't specify a date in that post but an article said this happened in 2014, and Elgort was born in 1994 so he would have been… only 20 years old, so saying he was "in his 20s" is really misleading. That makes it sound like he was 25 or something, not literally 20.
20 and 17 is mildly weird but it's really not that bad. In a lot of places that's legal under Romeo and Juliet laws.
No. 572482
Speaking of Ansel, I guess thar remake of West Side Story is supposed to come out this year and he plays Tony. He was in his mid 20s while filming but the actress who played Maria was barely 18. Anyone else find that slightly creepy. I know it’s just a movie and not an actual couple but still.
>>57243817 is still a child though.
I do agree with your point that’s she infantilizing herself to an extent though. Not to say that what he did wasn’t disgusting
No. 572519
>>571836>>571857I'm vaguely acquainted with someone who was one of the women claiming that James Franco sexually assaulted her. I don't think she was underage at the time, but still way too young for him to be pursuing. Crazy shit, but not really surprising, unfortunately.
There's not a single male celebrity that I wouldn't believe sexually assaulted at least one woman at this point. All of them have the capacity for it imo.
No. 572542
>>5724532014? Damn that was the year he broke out on the scene with the fault in our stars and divergent. It's disgusting how male celebs using their rising platform to prey on their fans.
I won't be surprised to hear something about Chalamet next
No. 572548
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>>572542Samefag but this is from an interview of his from a few years back
No. 572567
>>572293>>572354he's stupid attractive, went to one of his shows and FUCKKKK
my heart crack, why chris??
No. 572576
>>572565because she's stupid and gets rid of any sort of responsibility by saying "uwu i was 17 i was just a kid" what he did was wrong but I don't have to have any sympathy for her because she didn't have any standards it would be different if this had been a bf or anyone else but she literally only went after him because he was a celebrity
the issue isnt that she slept with him its the reason why she did it and it was a dumb as fuck one, i know 10 year olds who have better common sense than her, pretty common sense that idolizing celebrities is a bad idea, do dumb shit and well what do you know
and this isnt 4chan, no ones trying to be a pick me, they suck too. sorry we dont fit your little box bc we have a different opinion than you xoxo
No. 572578
>>572576okay but not every woman who's ever looked up to someone, including a celebrity, is cognitively brain dead for doing so, just because you think it's retarded doesn't mean it is.
a lot of girls have issues in their teens that urge them to pine after celebrities, some of them have no one else in their life to look up to, and attach themselves to celebrities for that reason. not to mention celebrities are super glorified by the media to be alluring to young women, and marketed to them. I'm sure everyone's had a celebrity crush at some point. it's bullshit to act like everyones above ever liking a celebrity or to have ever been attracted to one
teenagers make a lot of mistakes, not saying she couldn't have prevented it, but he took advantage of her being a fan after seeming to be decent and used his power to force her into a sexual situation. she was scared and felt like there was no other way out. the fundamental problem is that he used his power and height of fame as the lead in the fault in our stars to go after multiple fans and if you want to blame all of them for it, then it just makes you look like the asshole. coercion and forcing a girl to say yes to your sexual advances when you've trapped her is still rape
No. 572580
>>572565anon obviously it's fucked up that he fucking raped her, I don't feel that even needs to be pointed out. My point was that it doesn't matter how young old or small you are when a man is forcing himself on you while you cry. I know she probably feels pressured for various reasons to "validate" her status as a
victim by infantilizing herself as much as possible, but that doesn't stop it from sounding stupid.
No. 572586
>>572565Hello we are allowed to think rape is awful while also being able to point out the weird or embarrassing ways she phrased her note. Basically:
>Uwu I was such a smol babyMeanwhile she's arranging sex dates with guys online but whatever. She was not a child, there was only a 3 year age gap, he seems like a massive creep, she phrased everything in a dumb way, the end.
No. 572597
>>572595They’re both insanely average at best kek. Rich kids who get roles despite having the charisma of a dead fish because their parents are well connected. Has he even done anything of note since The Fault in Our Stars?
He looks like the type of kid who keeps wrecking his Mustang and she looks like the girl who puts bible quotes in her Instagram bio but calls you a faggot at school.
No. 572602
>>572273You’re very naive if you think an older famous guy messaging a 16 year old “for a pic” isn’t code for nudes. The reason he said pic is because he knew he’d eventually exposed and he’d need plausible deniability and have people cape for him.
>>572541>>572562I mean this with as much contempt as I can possibly muster in writing: go fuck yourselves.
No. 572607
>>572576What is the defining factor for calling it sexual assault? That she was underage? That he didn't ask if she wanted to stop? It does seem like she went into it willingly, didn't have a good time and is now calling it sexual assault. I say this as a person who was emotionally abused and coerced into sleeping with someone and while other people have called it sexual assault or rape, I never have because as much regret as I have, I consented at the time.
I have no doubt that he's a creep who was using his fame to get girls to sleep with him, because men are disgusting. But unless you're going solely off of her age, it seems to be in a really grey area as to whether it was assault or not. Maybe I'm missing something.
And no, I'm not a stan of this guy, I don't even know who he is.
No. 572621
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another girl posted convos from when she was 15 and Ansel was 21
No. 572628
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>>572624kek they do look kinda fake, but the same girl posted more stuff
No. 572629
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>>572628from his instagram, the day before he messaged her about being at the apple store (screenshot not mine).
No. 572643
>>572629this dude is so averge, verging on ugly wtf
people really give too much credit to white men for merely existing eh
No. 572757
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>>572622idk the pixels around it look copy pasted onto a cleaner background. any more graphics-educated anons wanna take a look? looks weird af to me
No. 572796
>>572757the uneven wolors tend to stick around any thing that's not uniform and they appear less in the solid-color zones of a picture, but i'm not quite sure, maybe the white parts are too white and also the uneven pixels are really regular around the text.
i'm all ears if more knowledgeable anons have ways to tell if a screenshot is altered
No. 572909
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Probably old milk but here’s Lana with blonde hair and face caked with half-assed makeup
No. 572915
>>572910I think she forgot to do ‘em kek
Does eyeliner leave permanent stains on the skin? ‘Cause there’s a faint line on her left eye above her wing
No. 572927
>>572920Exactly. you can literally see the other eyebrow which the sun doesn't fall on.
She's blonde.
>>572910 is nitpicky as fuck
No. 572974
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Obligatory note app apology
No. 572983
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We got another one. She was assaulted by Bieber.
To me it just sounds like normal groupie stuff, but they mention they excluded some details so maybe it's worse than it seems. No. 572989
>>572987It read like an 15 years old erotica fanfiction
>sexually assaulted without consentKek, didn't know there were consented assaults. The more you know
No. 572992
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>>572987This is fanfic. People are just making up stuff at this point.
No. 572993
>>572987>completely anonymous account>fanfic tier detailsi generally believe the accusations that come out, but kek
i do think there's a weird movement that's decided that any sex that isn't perfect is assault
No. 572996
>>572987She's currently quote-Tweeting herself to various accounts, but as it's a new account nobody can see the replies.
Her main Tweet has shot up from 33 to 416 likes in the last few minutes.
No. 572997
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>>572996from a Teen Vogue/MTV writer
No. 572998
>>572993Right, it seems naive to expect gentle, respectful sex when you're hooking up with a celebrity. Most non-celebrity men aren't respectful, and that's when they have max 3 other potential mates lined up. How would a guy with hundreds of women lined up be
more respectful than an average Joe? idgi
These are more like the traditional tell-alls where the person expects payment for their celebrity encounter story. It kinda sullies the #metoo movement when they are now describing what is unfortunately, a pretty normal event for most women.
No. 573000
>>572999kpop stans are currently spamming the replies with "I'm so sorry this happened to you"
I noticed they do this with other Tweets too, always virtually the same comment spammed+kpop profile pic. Not sure if they're bots or this is an algorithm tactic they use.
No. 573006
>>572998i fully believe we should call men out for the way we treat women, but in a lot of ways the whole idea of assault has become almost a meme
i lost my virginity to a very attractive man while drunk and it went horribly, even though i was initially down with the whole thing. my friends later told me i was raped and i went with it, because i thought sex was supposed to be perfect and loving. luckily one of my friends tore into me for saying i was raped when i had consensually gone into the whole thing, even if i regretted it after. i think people need to realize that sex can be unhealthy for you but not assault
No. 573007
>>573003Unfortunately if you try criticizing kpop stan's celebrity worship they'll just cry racism.
No. 573014
>>573006A lot of women's first sexual experiences now are getting hit and choked by some Tinder chump. I would consider that rape because no virgin is going into it expecting noncon violence with a stranger. But non-violent sex which is just a bit shitty isn't assault, or at least on the sliding scale of what a woman might possibly experience it isn't.
Maybe a good consequence of shitty sex being recategorized as assault is guys being discouraged from doing it. We can dream.
No. 573021
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Already proven false. Apparently stolen from a Wattpad fanfic
No. 573022
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No. 573025
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>>573022Kpop stans are already swarming this Tweet from 2014:
No. 573050
>>572983I know that one can't just say that attractive/rich men don't rape but…it's fucking Justin Bieber. He could either get the hottest models or he could also get 1000s of very underage girls to act out all kinds of deviant fetishes and they'd gladly take it without ever complaining because he's like their god. So why would he do that to a random girl? Rich and powerful men can silence women they've hurt or wronged, it wouldn't take much to pay a this one to keep her mouth shut, there's no way he would just let her run free telling everybody about it, the entire thing is just so unrealistic. Weinstein and Co are different, they need money, coercion or force since no women would willingly touch them otherwise, but JB and the likes don't have that problem.
And that shit the Anselm Elgort, people are really spreading that he's a pedo. Has everybody lost their minds? 17 and 20, an age difference of just 3 years is not only not illegal, it isn't even morally wrong, they very likely looked the same that's not pedophilia. If anything, you could mock the "older" person for being slighly dumb or slow for being with a teen, but he's not a predator.
No. 573071
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Not gonna post all the caps since it appears to be false, but another girl claims to be assaulted in a story which doesn't make much sense (going to the bathroom, a bed appears)
It's a mess but worth looking at: No. 573074
>>573071The first person "Danielle" deleted all her spam Tweets and now is acting suprised that this Tweet took off. She quote Tweeted herself in about 20 viral Tweets about assault, (which is where I saw it) plus news agencies and pop gossip accounts.
So she's now pretending she didn't actively promo this Tweet. The next obviously false story by a stan followed by Bieber, all written in the note app and formatted exactly the same way is making me think it's a viral news story/promo inspired by the Ansel/Gabby story.
No. 573082
>>571984metoo was misappropriated by rich white celebrity women turning it into some kind of ~fashion statement~ because nothing in the world, especially hollywood, should ever be handled carefully and seriously, and instead it’s easier to slap a retarded black dress on and say awareness is raised or whatever.
don’t start believing them until they redistribute their millions, which will never happen.
No. 573088
>>573038Yeah, 4chan got involved, which can't be anything good. I heard their plan to get tweets/Snapchat from liberal journalists and send them to her hoping she'll doxx them. They will prove its fake, so all those she doxxed will have reasonable doubt attached to them.
They are horrible and racist themselves, more than these kids being called out and I would feel sorry for her, but once you doxx (multiple) people, you can't be surprised to get doxxed back. Unlike the kids though, she has the class/economic privilege to hire security if she feels her safety is comprised.
No. 573163
>>573025This is the same girl behind the "I want to star in a Netflix series. Twitter, do your thing" post.'t be surprised if this is just more ragebait for relevance.
On another note, she has a sort of similar look to Ashley Moore (who Bieber seemed into for a second).
No. 573164
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>>573021anon have you read that?? it's literally nothing like the statement, his stans keep pushing this wattpad fanfic narrative and lol it's so desperate
>>573022that convo is false, some of his fans made it up, it's also just her saying that he wasnt there but what we see here
>>573025 proves that he was
weird that so many anons dont believe the allegations against him when it's completely in character and it's such a small concert that no one, not even his super fans would probably know about, like how would they know that he was in the Four Seasons that date if it didnt happen? Ansel's allegations happened literally yesterday, this si a really small time to plot this so perfectly
No. 573166
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>>573164more on the convo being fake
No. 573170
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>>573164Here's the relevant part of the wattpad story, I especially love the last line in this paragraph.
No. 573201
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>>573038Apparently, whoever tried to dox her actually got the wrong address (addresses?), so their "revenge" actually ended up putting them on the same level as her. Endless cycle.
No. 573327
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…and now cole sprouse? these are starting to seem fake and i HATE saying that.
No. 573331
>>573329does anyone have a link to the full tweet? although I agree that DMs/pics/evidence would be credible…
also can they focus on guys like Franco who have preexisting accusations instead? guess not?
No. 573352
>>573327i hope we get to see soren jump on this "trend" and claim that someone famous also visited his baby snuff rape warehouse factory and he's a #
victim too
No. 573365
>>573016I went on a date with a guy awhile ago and he spoke as if he was making tweets and was obsessed with his phone to the point that I called him out and asked him if he would take a break from it… jesus christ.
It was as if the guy was fucking brainwashed, nothing he said seemed authentic whatsoever, it was like his brain was just a twitter feed. He was an absolute man child as well, and seemed to think his edgy "centrist" views were so enlightened when really everything he said was super narrow minded with zero nuance or empathy. Yikes.
People like that seem tainted. It's almost scary how "off" social media addicted people are.
No. 573385
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No. 573386
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No. 573387
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No. 573388
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No. 573416
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It's interesting he is only denying the Danielle one, and not the more fake seeming Kadi one which also did numbers.
Here's a Tweet from the Danielle account, deleted now.
No. 573427
>>573391These false accusations are getting way out of hand. They are all registering false as fuck to me. What are these girls getting out of it? Attention from the ones they seek? They all have the same story of “I can’t believe I was alone in a room with ___!” They are starting to seem so manufactured. It’s not possible all these young men act the same exact way with woman, it’s just not logical. Their famous, they could get pussy anywhere; honestly it just doesn’t make sense.
>>573398He has been suffering from severe anxiety etc. he does seem like someone who was assaulted as a child to me. Or at the least he seems very traumatized by fame.
No. 573431
>>573400I don't know, anon, did you actually see the pic? If that (and the intense damage control) seem completely normal to you, I don't really know what to say. Like, if it was nothing, a normal parent would want to clear things up quick and say the actual story behind the pic.
We'll probably never know the full truth of it, but to call it "fake" when literally nothing was proven one way or the other is weird.
>pizzagate ARGI'll never understand how society literally got shown the "pedos in power" shit was real, multiple times, with Epstein, Jimmy Saville, Dan Schnieder and others, and then suddenly reset back to "pizzagate fake there is no pedo cabal it's just an ARG go to bed schizo".
No. 573432
>>573050I wouldn't be surprised if he was molested if he was young either. Didn't he come from trailer trash? Altough upper middle class/rich kids can and do get molested too, I feel like lower class backgrounds are a breeding group for that kind of behavior considering how unstable they are.
Idk if he's a rapist but he definitely has issues. The way he treats Hailey is obviously emotional abuse.
No. 573468
>>573431>and the intense damage controlAs if accusing any other public figure of pimping their own kid out would go over better.
>but to call it "fake" when literally nothing was proven one way or the other is weird. Yeah that's why it's fake. The burden of proof is on the people making the claim. I could make an accusation that you're a pedo which is why you're so interested in pictures of naked kids and you couldn't disprove it but it doesn't make it true. Actually that's a more believable allegation than being apart of a child sex slavery ring or whatever OTT drivel.
>Epstein, Jimmy SavilleThose cases are real beacuse there's dozens of
victims and witnesses who came forward, you know like a real crime in the real world, not this braindead "lol did you see that weird IG post? the hidden symbols hurrr" actual autism.
No. 573475
>>573468>As if accusing any other public figure of pimping their own kid out would go over better.What are you even talking about?
>I could make an accusation that you're a pedo […]If you called me a pedo, it'd probably safely go ignored because I don't have photos of naked children just chilling, just saying. If I did have that for whatever reason (or anything else that would cast suspicion on me), I'd be very quick to clear up the confusion if I wasn't a pedo. Silence looks pretty shady.
>Actually that's a more believable allegation than being apart of a child sex slavery ring or whatever OTT drivel.Weren't you the first person to have brought up Hilary Duff and child sex slavery rings to begin with? All I said is that the photo in itself was creepy in response to you mentioning it. Hope you're not trying to tell us something.
Anyway, you can't say something is definitively "fake" unless it's actually been debunked. It's not a debate where one side must defend an argument, it's just something that's been noticed by people, and then buried suspiciously.
Until it's been debunked, it's just "unproven" (and no, "unproven" and "fake" are not actually the same thing). What exactly is meant to be fake, anyway? The photo? Because that's all we have right now, and your guess on what it's about is as good as anyone's.
The Mitski thing is different because it was actually proven to be false with evidence of the accuser lying a lot, stories/timelines not matching up, his family corroborating that he's mentally ill and apologizing for his behavior, and Mitski actually acknowledging the allegations (you know, like an innocent person would do, lmao).
>literal photo of a naked child with no explanation whatsoever>a "hidden symbol"Okay, anon.
No. 573586
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>>573497While biebs seemed to have a past with drugs, he also has a past with “bad bitch” older women that are prostitutes. Remember when that hooker filmed him sleeping? And if you google Justin Bieber “prostitute” a lot of different stories and pictures pull up of him paying for sex. Why would he rape some dorky little fan when he has a hooker addiction and Selena to fuck, legitimately doesn’t add up. Plus, again these are handsome young men with plenty of women literally daydreaming to sleep with them. Like you said, that’s one person you dealt with on drugs that literally means nothing, sorry anon. These accusations make no logical sense to me and there’s too many with the exact same scenario and similar wording. And all the boat load of counter “evidence” with hundreds of people on Twitter debunking/ fueling it. It’s just Twitter bullshit at this point, Twitter is full of liars and story tellers. I was raped as a kid Idk, maybe I’m bias, maybe I know rapists more
No. 573592
>>573586>Why would he rape some dorky little fan when he has a hooker addiction and Selena to fuck, legitimately doesn’t add upYou know nothing about the psychology of rapists if you think like this.
I haven't looked into the JB situation so I'm not weighing in on it but your reason why he wouldn't have raped someone doesn't make sense.
No. 573601
>>573586this reeks of scrote who makes ackshually posts or underage. Or both.
If you're a scrote fuck off. You'd rape anything that moves if you were horny/high enough and you know it.
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No. 573607
>>573601That’s legitimately not true, the idea that all men or drug abusers are rapists is so illogical it hurts. Cry scrote because I made completely
valid points, I’m sure that will make your argument more plausible.
>>573592Have you ever met an actual rapist? I have. They are more stereotypical than you’d think. Literally, if he is buying sex why would he rape some random little fan with no appeal to him, people do have personality types and preferences. Generalizations serve no purpose and seriously make no sense. Try using your brain and think; hm is he a real person? Or is he a lizard that has a robot rapist brain? Do y’all not get that these are actual complex people? Crying rape is damaging to people like ME
No. 573620
>>573607they just sound like a retard who has a vendetta against justin. Not believing obviou false allegations is not ''scrote'' its just common sense.
And you know what i bet she is the same anon who is silent about jason momoa or henry cavill. She should worry about actual predators
No. 573623
>>573464There’s a pap video where he slams a car door right on her face
There’s also another video where there in a arcade and he’s screaming at her because she beat him at a game. She posted it on her Instagram and tried to pass it off as ~*cute.
That’s the examples I can think of the top of my head. It doesn’t seem like a healthy relationship at all.
No. 573627
>>573623wherever he is emotionally
toxic or not does not change the fact that these are False allegations.
Reminds me of a anon in the shane thread who insinuated that James deserved the false allegations because he is a art thief.
No. 573631
>>573627I didn’t say he was a rapist. In fact, I claimed otherwise in my original post.
All I just said is that he seems emotionally
abusive to Hailey because anon asked about it.
No. 573639
>>573586lel for real. honestly if youre recounting a rape why in the fuck would you call it a "steamy makeout session" and why would you include a detail about him "tracing his fingers along my underwear ~" it just sounds too much like litrotica.
victims would just list the bare minimum of what happened, almost clinically describing it.
could it have happened sure but i highly fucking doubt it.
No. 573657
>>573641No one said he is hot so he can’t be a rapist, it’s just less likely he’s a rapist because of his attributes, personality, etc. It’s highly unlikely for someone like that to be a rapist. Like I stated, rapists are mostly stereotypical types, we can’t be saying this pseudo intellectual bullshit, just armchairing rapist mental statistics. You said it yourself in the beginning of your post, described real rapists but lost me on the JB shit. I don’t know where the whole trend of accusing these types of people of rape, but it’s so far from left field. What I mean by that is at this point we’re going to be accusing fucking Beyoncé of rape next. With people like Harvey Weinstein; women with actual faces, lives, and proof of literally knowing him came out with their stories and had him charged. These are anon twitter accounts that I’ve seen people posting that they have the same IP’s. One person seems to be making blank accounts and just posting false allegations.
>>573642You sound naive; I’ve been raped, I know how rapists think and act. Trust that I fucking know what I’m talking about. You can pick a rapist out of a fucking hay stack once you’ve been assaulted. There’s just something in me that knows this is fake. Rapists don’t buy sex and if they do “buy” it; they ain’t fucking paying hunny. They’ll rape the prostitute too. Sexual deviance is a repeated behavior, not a one time oppsie. Off topic but buying women is ingrained into hip hop culture, I think celebs buy women because it’s safer than having sex with a fan or random. You can make it contractual and more of a “business” transaction.
No. 573672
>>573657>it’s highly unlikely for someone like that to be a rapistWhere’d u get
your stats. Seems like it’s rampant in Hollywood.
>it was never said he couldn’t rape because he could get anyone>>573050Basically what this anon was saying.. I assume this is the post the ayrt was referencing. I took it the same way.
I’m not saying this may not be bullshit but you can’t say he’s less likely to rape because of his position, personality, or attributes because you sound just like he could never rape because of who he is. What
No. 573689
>>573684Than you’ve never been raped. I have. I can repeat myself all day. Just cause you don’t like fuck boys doesn’t make them violent rapists. That’s a bullshit narrative that takes away from actual
victims and shields real rapists.
No. 573691
>>573675wtf do you think a rapist stereotype is? A ugly, evil looking hooded stranger in a dark alley? A rich, spoiled brat who feels entitled to women by virtue of nobody ever saying no to him is EXACTLY the sort of guy I'd expect to ignore a 'no'. It's delusional to think guys who can get sex easily don't rape or abuse, they're used to getting their way at all times.
I haven't been keeping up with the drama and know nothing about the situation, but as far as JB goes, I wouldn't be surprised for a second.
No. 573747
>>573657>rapists are mostly stereotypical typesThis isn't true at all.
You keep repeating the same thing about "violent serial rapists". Who actually said that? There are different kinds of rape, you realize? It's not all the same, please stop with the black and white thinking.
No. 573771
>>572986>"Relax. They're all okay."This part in particular really makes me want to believe this. I know multiple people who have worked with Bieber (I worked with a small production company for a few years), and this is exactly the way they have described his personality. Very dismissive of others' emotions, particularly if he's being accused of causing anyone distress. One guy in particular who worked with him did so around this same time period that "Danielle" did, when he was still dating Selena. The way that he described their relationship made it sound like Justin gaslit her a lot.
Regardless of whether or not you believe me, or "Danielle," I'm honestly pretty surprised that so many anons in this thread apparently don't believe that JB would do something like this. The guy is an absolute fucking sleazebag and always has been. It's really not hard to find accusations from people who went to school with him, lived in the same town as him, etc, claiming he was an asshole and a relentless bully even as a little kid. He is exactly the kind of man who would sexually assault a woman. Almost nobody has good things to say about him.
No. 573786
>>573747This. I mean, we all know that most rapists are people you know - relatives, friends, partners. Opportunity/access is more important than being so ugly they can't get laid any other way. We also know that most men admit to being willing to rape or having raped as long as the word 'rape' isn't used, so there really isn't any particular type who would do it.
I wouldn't expect Justin Bieber to be a violent rapist. Just the sort who doesn't acknowledge a lack of consent for what he expects to get with no difficulty most of the time.
No. 573856
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>>573337>>573475Sage since Mitski isn't a huge celebrity but the allegations turned put to be so lulzy. About a month ago the accuser returned to Tumblr as a rapper, briefly got into some drama with mutuals, then left. Then he admitted he made up the allegations because of his psychosis, but his blog lasted like a day and hardly anyone saw it. I feel bad for Mitski because even if proven untrue I feel like those allegations always leave a stain on your career, especially since she attracts the Tumblr and Twitter crowd. Nobody archived the scentipede blog either.
No. 573936
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>>573856Found it. I didn't know he confessed to lying, thanks anon.
No. 573939
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>>573936This too. I'm glad these got saved.
The first cap is from a blog where someone saved screencaps of him screeching about someone named "Saff".
No. 574111
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Can we talk about the Kylie Jenner Bangladesh garment worker thing?
No. 574233
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fucking kek at Billie Eilish posting this shit even though she was friends with and continues to stick up for XXXtentacion, who literally went to jail for beating his pregnant girlfriend. i’m so tired of these celebrities jerking themselves off to how ‘woke’ they are
No. 574243
>>574233>>574233"abuser" is becoming such an overused term now. literally anyone from your mum telling you to clean up your room to violent serial rapists are called that now.
celebrities need to be guillotined tbh
No. 574285
>>573657>>573675>>573689>>573703The way you're acting like an empirical authority on this subject is a little embarrassing. You're not the only rape
victim in this thread. You can keep yapping on about how all rapists have a stereotypical look to them, and I'm sorry that you apparently know so many perverts in your life that you've managed to spot a common denominator between them, but the truth is that that there is no tangible "rapist look" or "rapist vibe". Obviously someone can give you the creeps or the douche chills but there is no one singular, easily-clockable type of rapist. If that was true don't you think there would be less rape
victims? It sounds like you think all women are just dumb and can't spot an obvious predator. The guy who assaulted me was an innocent-looking stoner who was friends with all my friends. Most women get assaulted by men they know & trust, not cartoon evil mustache-twirling villains. You can't tell who is a rapist just by looking at them, especially not a celebrity that you've never met in your life and only know through pictures and videos on the internet.
No. 574299
>>574285No shit Sherlock, my argument wasn’t that rapists are mustached villains, just that Justin Bieber is less likely to be an actual serial rapist because of certain personality traits. Believe it or not there’s differences between the severity of rape and how criminal someone’s repeated behavior is. The point is moot anyways. Seems like there false allegations. Or maybe they aren’t false, who knows, hopefully he can be charged accordingly. I wasn’t saying that he absolutely can not be a rapist or that certain types can’t be rapists, it’s just that there literally are differences between types of criminals. It’s more unlikely for women to be rapists for example. I will agree that my point got lost in my own arguing. I don’t think women are dumb, yes obviously ANYONE can commit rape.
But you really can tell when someone has predatory vibes to them though; that’s just fax. I mean come on now we all know when to steer clear of someone.
No. 574354
>>574243Not that I disagree but OP has a point. Billie stood up for XXXtentacion when he died despite that he was an
abusive POS.
No. 574486
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Jeff Ross in a scandal for allegedly having a relationship with a 15 year old when he was 33. No. 574601
>>574565one of the many failed comedians who were popular in the early 2000's and then faded into obscurity
>>574586>facebook pagelink?
No. 574606
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>>574601nevermind i found it Jeff Ross has another
victim too.
No. 574884
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The Amber Heard saga continues…I bet Elon curses the day he met her lol. The whole thing is like a comedy at this point
No. 575185
>>573493Did you read the blog post that's alleged to be about
China Mievelle? She's had it up for years, but removed it after lengthy threats. SMH.
No. 575260
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It's Timothee and his new gf today
No. 575265
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>>575262Unspoil at your own risk lol
No. 575305
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>>575265anon I ate a large dinner please don't make me go full mia-chan
No. 575398
>>575260>>575262>>575265LMAO this is perfect. He looks so excited and into her like it's his first time and she looks like she'd rather be anywhere else lol. Clearly she's doing it for publicity but he seems genuinely into her (and why wouldn't he be tbh she's way out of his league appearance-wise)
Also… were they fucking in the pool?
No. 575472
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>>575262 if you all don't know that's eiza gonzález, started as a telenovela mexican actress then had a huge glow-up (plastic surgery) and made it into hollywood making baby steps :) also nepotism :) her mom is somehow huge in the mexican model industry… she was the gf of jon hamm in baby driver and also like a gf of the ex of miley cyrus? liam? wtvr
(:)) No. 575569
>>575472> she was the gf of jon hamm in baby driverThat always fucking sveeked me. Jon Hamm is old enough to be her father.
I never even finished that movie lol
No. 575589
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Fame hungry or not, she’s way out of his league. Dude is legit revolting.
No. 575818
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>>575810I only feel bad for her for her awful build that can't be fixed. Other than that I can't pity her, she could easily choose to do anything with her life, go to any school etc and become something. Instead she chose the easy route, being famous just for being famous using her parents connections, pretending to be a model at 5'3 or an actress and failing miserably. She's just an other dumb vapid celebrity kid and she chose this for herself. Plus she comes off as incredibly stuck up and self absorbed which is funny considering what she looks like
No. 575822
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>>575818She looks fine to me. A bit short, sure, but she has a beautiful face.
No. 575921
>>575900>>575818Ana chans gonna Ana Chan. Her body is fine. Maybe not ideal but still.
>>575810At least she has money
No. 576003
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Karl Lagerfeld did so much for this girl's career just because she shares her mom's genes. I get that dressing ugly and normcore is funny to these rich hipsters, but lol. She was said to be a huge bitch at her private school, no surprises.
No. 576065
>>576003This outfit is
triggering me, it's so ugly and unflattering I can't believe she left the house in it
No. 576161
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>>575472Her surgeon is very good kek. She’s stunning now but it makes a little bit more sense how she got there.
No. 576276
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>>575822she looks botched now
No. 576375
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>>575818She's so unlucky with the genetics, having both parent so attractive she ended up being such an unfortunate mix. She looks like cheap knock-off version of her mom.
I'm kind of torn because she'd look better if she carried herself not like she is some stunnig model that can get away with everything but with more attention to how to dress like the rest of mediocre us, but at the same people, I do respect lack of care in the world that expects you to always be the best ; if that makes any sense.
No. 576393
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>>576364Anon she has literally admitted to being anachan for years. Why do you think she’s going bald at 21? You can be at a scary low BMI and still have stumpy legs/cankles.
>>576386This is nonsense, she’s not a beard. Timmy hasn’t been rumored to be gay since call me by your name first came out, by now literally everyone knows he’s just a straight fuckboy. NYU students have known for years that he was spreading chlamydia to any girl that was willing to lie down with his wet rat looking ass.
No. 576426
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I really like this excerpt from Rico Nasty's vogue interview (she's collabed with Doja before)
No. 576507
>>576426>when old vines of cardi b resurfaced they tried to crucify hercardi literally admitted to drugging and robbing people in that vine. doja was in a chatroom that originated (iirc) on 4chan /soc/, which is filled to the brim with misogynists.
i get where rico is coming from, and i don't believe cardi and doja should be "crucified" for those decisions, but let's not act like they aren't deserving of some criticism
No. 576521
>>576519You may be right. I never thought it was a legitimate reason to cancel her, but I also thought it might indicate that she had a self-esteem issue. Then again, it's kind of just an unfortunate reality that if you're a girl who likes imageboard humor, you end up having to put up with sexism and dudes in the culture accusing you of just being there for attention, while people who don't really "get" imageboards and just know it's full of misogyny assume you're some kind of masochist with crippling self-esteem issues.
Maybe doja just accepts that and still tries to have a good time.
No. 576538
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>>576003>>576503I've heard that she was actually pretty quiet for the most part but down-to-earth if you talked to her, but it was obvious she didn't really care about school and was waiting to drop out.
No. 576616
>>576003I can't imagine having so much money and still choosing to look this bad. Baffling.
>>576426This is why I don't cancel any women. I'll never for forget when Janet Jackson got blacklisted for a nip slip and Justin Timberlake despite being equally involved does nothing and still has his career, even with his shit country album. That situation affect her more than anybody, yet she was the one the one that was punished. Let's also not forget Rihanna getting shit for depicting violence against men, yet Chris Brown is out her roaming free. I'm glad Doja cat's new song is getting some love. What she did was cringe, but it affected nobody but herself. Meanwhile, Chris Brown, Mark Walhburg and others are still allowed to have thriving careers after committing heinous crimes.
>>576507I don't get why people are so mad at what Cardi did, that's what he gets for supporting such a disgusting industry. She is still nowhere as bad as most of the men in the industry.
No. 576686
>>576593NTA, but I don't think most public figures would ever want to be associated with this site (and not without good reason). You'd have to have a very specific brand for it not to be cringe.
Hell, even the e-celeb that helped create it pretends she doesn't know what it is, lmao.
No. 576755
>>576616Kinda unrelated to the general convo, but the Mark Wahlberg shit is atrocious and it's disgusting that he's a star at all. I get that all the assaults happened when he was under 18, but going so far as to violently assault multiple people goes beyond the casual racism of late 80s Boston. It's not like he was just a teenager who threw the N word around and offended people, the one attack against a Viet man was so brutal that he was charged with attempted murder.
He only reached out to the one guy he attacked AFTER trying to get a pardon for his crime. He wanted the pardon so he could acquire a liquor license to open a restaurant in California, not because he gave a shit about the people he attacked. If he really cared, would he have waited 30 years to make amends? And only to the one
No. 576925
>>576616I hate Chris Brown sfm because he never seemed sorry for what he did and always played
victim with the “woe is me, the media is mean to me” shit. He even had the gall to compare himself to Trayvon Martin at one point. One of his exes after Rihanna also had a restraining order against him which should be enough to tell everyone that he hasn’t changed. The fact that he has a daughter and is actively part of her life terrifies me. Poor little girl.
Mark Walhberg is a POS too but at least he doesn’t try to play the
victim with the shit he did. As far as I know at least.
No. 577121
>>576755>at least he doesn’t try to play the victimHe honestly kind of did. I tried to post a link, but they're mostly paywalls or poorly formatted, but you can google the story if you want.
He basically said "it's been talked about a lot, everyone knows about it," (not true, a lot of people don't know about it) while not acknowledging the racist nature of the assaults or even asking forgiveness from his
victims before seeking the pardon. The only reason he didn't continue to seek it was the well deserved negative publicity.
If he really cared about making amends, he would have went to the people he assaulted, not to the court to beg for a pardon to get his record expunged. He only cared about his record preventing him from getting a liquor license for his restaurant.
Even if one of his
victims (who seems incredibly kind-hearted) did forgive him, he still comes across as an arrogant, self-serving shithead.
No. 577222
>>576983After all the posts in this thread I'm just kind of yearning for MeToo to pick up traction again. Pity that some of the seemingly false / shady accusations like the fanfic tier Bieber one and the Sprouse one put a damper on it. Someone needs to start spilling the tea that's been forgotten. How can so many years pass after a man does heinous,
abusive shit, and people just forget about it? Forget the obvious ones like Chris Brown, I'm talking about the ones who I first heard about from this site and other female centered sites, shit I never would've even known about if not for word of mouth between women… because the media buried these men's actions so deeply. They should've been fucking crucified for this shit and yet they roam free. I'm starting to sound like a nihilistic pinkpiller but it's really gross and I'm tired of it. Women get cancelled for one flub and men can just walk away from assaulting people, doing
problematic things galore and abusing women for free. Tired of this shit.
No. 577307
>>577222its a well known thing that chris brown is a psycho towards every woman he has interest in.
Karreuche had to file a restraining order against him because he kept on stalking her. Enough said.
No. 577346
I feel like the fake #metoo accusations are some kind of retarded psy op trying to make some kind of point about false accusations. Men are truly obsessed with the notion.
No. 577478
>>577473Omg don't tell me anon, I loved the expanse too
Whatd he do?
No. 577480
>>577478He has a pattern of predatory behaviour and unlike the Justin Bieber shit this actually seems legit.
I've just been reading his text messages that he's been sending to Girls and the story of what he did to that vulnerable girl with autism and I'm absolutely fucking disgusted. Even more so the fact that I have autism and I can only imagine how how she felt. reading her story made me feel very claustrophobic.
Ugh, this actually really pisses me off! Go ahead show and recast. No. 577499
>>577490Wow, happened over 40 years ago.
I'm in a similar situation but it's 20 years since my incident and I feel entirely hopeless that family would support or believe me at this point. If she's telling the truth that's a huge offload of trauma after all those years.
No. 577500
>>577496while calling himself the “raping blob” during the late 1970s, the woman says in a lawsuit filed Tuesday.
What the fuck? Who gives themselves a spergy ass name like that
No. 577501
>>577490>>577499NYPost is the only semi reputable place I've seen it posted so far. But it's already been posted to Twitter and Adam has also (allegedly via his lawyer) released a statement. So, I'll post here.
>Savage denied his sister’s allegations in a statement through his lawyer Andrew Brettler.“While I hope that my sister gets the help she needs to find peace, this needs to end. For many years, she has relentlessly and falsely attacked me and other members of my family to anyone who will listen,” Savage said. “By spreading numerous untrue stories about us in pursuit of a financial bonanza, she has tortured our entire family and estranged herself from all of us. I will fight this groundless and offensive lawsuit and work to put this to rest once and for all.”
No. 577516
>>577500I mean he was 12 so maybe? It'd certainly be a weird detail to just make up.
I don't know which side to believe.
No. 577525
>>577501Compare statements about the situation. This is hers
>>I am a writer, social worker, and survivor of childhood sexual abuse. When I first disclosed to my family that my brother had abused me as a child, I thought my whole world would change. I assumed my family members would share my desire to examine what had gone wrong in our home and pursue a path toward healing together. I was sadly mistaken. In fact, their behaviors left me feeling as though the abuse didn’t really matter. Yes, they believed me–but my family members still seemed determined to brush my trauma under the rug. Over time, I came to realize they viewed me as the problem for focusing on the abuse. Not the brother who had abused me.>I was blindsided. Feeling more confused and alone than ever, I searched for resources to help make sense of my situation. I came up mostly empty-handed.Eventually, I ended up losing my family. As sad and painful as this has been, I am proud to say that I have survived. Healing from the abuse and my family’s subsequent treatment was my priority. While I will always have scars and the abuse still affects me, I have put the pieces of my broken self back together and built a rewarding life. Along the way, I relied on the support of gifted therapists, a support group, my circle of devoted friends, and most of all the love of my husband and children.
>I have made it my mission to examine family responses to the disclosure of child sexual abuse. I share this information with my fellow survivors so that I may provide them with comfort, information, and support. I created >The Second Wound to offer the kind of understanding that I desperately searched for all those years ago. And you, my fellow survivors, responded. Through your messages and emails and the countless contributions of our online support group members, I have learned far more about this subject than I could have understood firsthand.>The Second Wound is for every survivor whose family members failed to support them and instead added to their pain and trauma. You are not alone. You ARE worthy of respect, compassion, and love. Sounds like she tried to reconcile this among family first but that they didn't really believe her and wanted to protect Adam instead. Does this sound like a woman with gold digging intentions and loose lips, which what Adam purports with words like "financial bonanza" and telling stories to "anyone who listens"? Adam doesn't sound concerned about his sister, he sounds concerned about his money and reputation. I don't blame her for going the formal legal route, I believe her.
She has a career and family of her own, she stands further to lose from publicizing a humiliating abuse that happened in her childhood and talking about how her family doesn't trust her. #metoo has lost its steam and women are not believed about their sexual traumas more than ever. Would a self serving woman who is only concerned about money go into social work (a notoriously underpaid profession) in order to help other women in her same situation?
Also speculative but
Calling himself the raping blob does seem like something he would do.Repost for format.
No. 577650
>>577501>>577496>>577525This is awful all around.
He was a child too, and that kind of behavior is learned from it being done to them. I bet the family sweeps it under the rug because they diddled Adam too.
I really don’t know how child-on-child sexual abuse should be handled; even with the obvious power imbalance, a child is a child so I feel conflicted. However, his smug and dismissive statement really doesn't sit well with me. I bet she never would’ve gone legal/public if at least HE acknowledged what he’d done and worked through it; fuck the rest of the family.
No. 577671
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Jaden Smith and Jada-Pinkett Smith called out Shane Dawson for his pedophilic "jokes" about Willow when she was 11. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about this.
For context, he filmed a video where he pretended to masturbate to a poster of her from back then. Onision-level creepiness.
No. 577701
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terry crews said this and now hes #cancelled lol
i personally think he said nothing wrong and is actually right. i also hope that he doesnt back down to all the backlash..
No. 577726
>>577706yep thank u for saying this!! i have no issue with the sentiment of "black lives matter" but its been interpreted in so many diff ways and even been applied to situations where it doesnt really apply
i used to be a blm sjw kpop type on twitter in the past but leaving social media has allowed me to think on my own and i think him saying that is just fine and i see what he is nodding at but couldve maybe expressed it differently
>>577705treated like actual citizens and not killed by cops makes sense but ppl of varying races/classes/abilities face the same issues at the same time its not just one group under attack like how the media treats it (also stats go against this blacks are constantly dying bc of police narrative) - also the meaning of who has been considered as white has changed so many times in history thats such a bogus statement (im not american but my country has been that way for sure)
No. 577748
>>577726i'm not going to derail this entire thread but
>im not americanreally says it all lmao
the narrative isn't black people are ALWAYS getting killed by police it's that they're disproportionately killed by police compared to white people - which is really just the tip of the iceberg for the movement as a whole. you seem woefully misinformed
No. 577753
>>577750not american = not able to speak on the topic? its almost like globalization exists and people from all countries have access to news from other countries…. i dont have to justify what ive said or what i know so i wont bother but my country is dealing with the same situation at the moment so i definitely understand everything
back on topic but i personally think celebrities jumping aboard and getting political is annoying and performative many times. like anyone else they have an opinion but i personally dont care to hear everyones views
No. 577758
>>577753what you said is untrue and is a classic edgy twitter take. so yeah, you shouldn't be speaking about it like you understand it when it's very clear you don't understand it.
and good job stating the most obvious point ever - celebrities with opinions are bad!!!!!
No. 577759
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>>577701And a hot take from earlier this month
No. 577762
>>577758"edgy twitter take" when i dont even use twitter kek also never said bad ? maybe try reading
>>577759YIKES ok well this is a stupid tweet this one is just. bad
>>577761well said
No. 577767
>>577762you sound like an edgy 16 year old on twitter who just realized they don't have to regurgitate everything their neolib parents believe
>um ackshually terry crews was right black people better not start thinking they're better than whites!!!! and the statistics say that black people don't even get it that bad!!! it's hard for everyone not just blacks!!!!! they only get killed by police a little bit!!! it's just as bad in my country!!!are you esl?
No. 577768
>>577759what planet does this man live on that black supremacy is a discourse or emerging threat in anyway? i will always love terry's acting but his brain seems to operate in the 8th dimension sometimes.
who tf is speaking in his ear to convince him this is problem , like where is this coming from? right wing news?? or is he just so dumb that he thinks that activists denouncing white supremacy automatically between black supremacists?
No. 577770
>>577768He realizes that a good chunk of his fans are white women age 40+ who saw him in old spice commercials
And he's also is just genuinely unintelligent
No. 577833
>>577701>>577759The label of BLM sounds noble and very hard to argue against, and it seems that's the point. It's basically to become a trojan horse of critical race theory. Just some of the stuff I've seen on Twitter is very disturbing. Instead of wanting equality some of them, they just sound like black supremacists, they basically want the power structure flipped. (not to mention if they did it basically become a black patriarchy because barely anyone cares about black women and girls anyway. Sigh.) It give me flashbacks to Tumblr when I saw people using the language of social justice to essentially bully people, but now it's everywhere.
There are black people pointing this (I think it's what crews might have been trying to hint at) out, but they're essentially called uncle Tom's and coons. Just look at the stuff fellow black people have been saying to Crews in his comments. It's been disgusting.
This has been nonstop and heterodox especially heterodox black thinkers have been cast out. My previous tribalism would have probably cast these people as conservative sellouts, but as I'm seeing how people are being bashed for saying anything that's slightly deviates from the narrative and I feel free speech has been curtailed in the wake of this (was not surprised to see Gendercritical go it's been subsumed into the blm narrative.) I've now been listening to John Mcwhorter and Coleman Hughes who are people that before I would have completely ignored, and I may not agree with everything they say, but it's very hard to get a dissenting opinion these days. I resonate highly with what Ayishat Akambi has to say, That's 'wokeness' has replaced empathy, with moral superiority, but empathy is what connects us together outside of the categories that we've been forced into by society.
I want white people to respect me as I they would anyone else and I certainly would not want them to feel like they have to walk around eggshells around me. That does not make me feel respected. But this seems to be the effect…What's the point in white people learning about 'unlearning' racism if they are
no matter what'inherently racist' no matter what they do? I'm glad people seem to be talking about how the book "White Fragility" is a Kafka trap. And, I don't find it productive use of my time to be on the outside of a struggle session hating on White people.
No. 577841
>>577833Those people are fucking sick of racism. They stopped caring about what white people think (which is realky
toxic and coonish tbh). They realised no matter what they do, white people will always see them as "niggers" because they will always focus on the few black people that reaffirm their negative opinions. I don't blame them black people for feeling that way. However, I have not seen those kinds to be the majority from my own experience. They just want police officers to be held accountable, that's literally the whole point of all this, yet people keep derai,ing anout dumb shit like this that really doesn't matter or damage society in the grand scheme of things, especially since most white people would prefer if all minorities when their owns ways in the first place.
No. 577853
>>577841Trust me I understand the frustration. I really do. I just don't like when they always seem to lay the guilt on white Allies. The white people are actually trying, and listening. Just because they can't get to the people who are really racist to them and
do harbor white supremacist views, who actually see all black people as monolithic "monsters". They give them collective white blame for other white people and then they self-flagellate, because of white guilt. It feels sociopathic. (The video of white people washing black people's feet, I mean what?) I'm going to keep my hate for where it's deserved.
It's like the whole listen to minorities when they call someone out, it's a good framework in theory but there's been a massive overcorrection facilitated by mob rule. Because not everyone on the end of the call out is guilty. Like that recent false "Karening" recently from that drifter. The way people were/are so gung-ho to ruin this woman's life (specifically because she was a white woman AKA A Karen) made me feel physically sick.
It's weird to think I could essentially falsely accused someone and people would believe me because of my race, is like now we have power and we're going to use it, because of historical and social political grievances. And people /will/ listen.
It's also a weird to see how things have changed so quickly in like the past 2 months, people who didn't really care about race (black or white) it's now all they talk about and now theres internal revolts in traditionally left wing media outlets? That's a quick turnaround.
No. 577859
>>577841>They realised no matter what they do, white people will always see them as "niggers" because they will always focus on the few black people that reaffirm their negative opinions. You realize how american this post sounds?
>>577853The guilting shit is pathetic because you know these people are bored in quarantine with nothing better to do than try to feel morally superior with identity politics. Shitting on white people 24/7 and changing superficial shit like "master bedrooms" does fuckall in the grand scheme of things. I'm not even going to start with the cringey black supremacism I see rampant on twitter that constantly makes it an effort to shit on everyone else who isn't white.
BLM is supposed to be about police brutality but it's been made into so much more and co-opted by other people trying to wiggle their way in because of boredom.
No. 577861
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>>577859Everyone jumping on the BLM bandwagon had a bit of a double-take in the UK the other day when BLMUK tweeted "Free Palestine!". Where criticizing Israel has been deemed too
problematic by the cowed, self-flagellating leftists.
No. 577938
>>577767kek imagine being this offended bc someone said something u didnt like chill especially if u are
>>577894 its embarrassing ur not even trying to understand what ppl are saying
>>577853>>577859thank u this is exactly what i was nodding at in my first post i just suck at wording
No. 577960
Okay I’m
>>577705 anon
The reason why terry crews is getting called out for his constant weird takes is because black men in the industry like himself almost always try to downplay shit that happens to the black community as a whole in order to keep the white people in his field in good graces. Black women more strongly are coming at his neck because he like I mentioned downplayed the real racism Gabrielle Union was experiencing after black women including her! were the only ones in our community who stood up for him after he revealed he was sexually assaulted. His fellow black men downplayed and even made fun of his assault It’s just frustrating seeing black men who us as black women protect never protect us. In terms of the extreme white guilt, I don’t agree with that at all! And if you actually followed normal Black people you would se that the “white people washing black peoples feet at the protest was met with contention and disdain. Because like Terry Crews shitty takes it derails the conversation and makes everyone feel like BLM is stupid and a power trip. I’m not gonna say that there aren’t Black people who aren’t extreme with it cuz i would be foolish but the majority of black people just want like I said before to be taken seriously in this country (America) and not ducking looked down upon because we are black. Also the whole master bedroom bullshit and changing voice actors etc is also met with disdain by the majority of Black people because it’s stupid and not what we are asking for like damn we just want to be not killed before we even have our day in court lol.
No. 577971
>>577964i am not that surprised i think its very odd tho… i guess theyre the type of family who tries to be “super open” as if theyre a family with struggles just like everyone else (like on that facebook interview show jada had) but if just comes off weird. i remember ppl glorifying how they dont really love eachother in a typical couple way and how they see eachother as “life partners” (along that lines i need to look it up) and i just thought it was strange and clearly a nod at an open relationship…
on the flipside, i only recently found out about how shane pretended to masturbate while watching willow smith and i have no idea why he thought that would never come back and bite him in the ass like it is now lol
No. 578147
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>>578112>>578112Definitely not. He's not conventionally attractive enough to be imo. If he looked more like Michael B. Jordan, Idris Elba, Morris Chestnut, or some other actor he would be a himbo tho.
No. 578375
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No. 578383
>>578375This reminds of that tweet that said “Elon and Grimes are the Kardashians for people who watch Rick and Morty”
Also, imagine the ego in that room.
No. 578457
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>>578383Don't Elon and Grimes have their unpronounceably named baby to take care of?
No. 578467
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No. 579543
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ehh not sure i like this.. honestly i still think trump is the best choice
No. 579760
>>579756I think Kanye would make a lot of interesting things happen, even though probably none of them would be good things.
As someone also not in the US and unqualified to talk about any of this, has Trump actually made anything unexpected and novel happen? It seems like he doesn't even have his own ideas, all he does is continue with things that the right always want or undo things that Obama did.
Kanye would absolutely wake up one morning and tell everyone that on Wednesdays we all wear sneakers, or something.
I don't understand how Kanye still has fans honestly, Takashi became a joke because he snitched but Kanye is allowed to support tiki torch Trump? It's mad.
No. 579777
>>579760>>579756He would make us all wear beige skin-suits.
>>579772Fuck off, you can’t be serious.
No. 579799
I highly doubt Kanye will win, considering it’s too late for most states but I’m already annoyed that he’s running to begin with. This country is such a fucking joke
>>579772You have to be 18 to post here, anon
No. 579810
>>579804When you have up to 25 separate allegations against yourself for "sexual misconduct" and a man who is very apparent about objectifying women, yeah I am pretty inclined to believe that one of those women if not more have been raped by Trump.
Dude hung around with Epstein just like the Clintons lmao, tinfoil but what else does it take? I really dont get how conservatives jump through these hoops.
No. 579823
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>>579807Disgusting. He really hit the wall.
Pic related, what was lost.
No. 579833
>>579823At least he had a good long peak back in his glory days.
Lately I've been noticing that male actors tend to get successful way too late in life, so by the time they star in big/good projects, they're already 30+ and aging rapidly. I watched all the Marvel movies during lockdown and this applies so so many of the male actors. They also grew nasty beards, it's a tragedy.
No. 579853
>>579823He looks like best case scenario onision lol
>>579833Everyday I pray to god the beard trend ends
No. 579857
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The guy from Riverdale is also hopping on the beard train and it does not suit him. Hard to believe this dude is 23 when he looks like a hard 40.
No. 579890
>>579857dear god at least some older male actors had the audacity to hit the wall in their 30s-40s, and some of them still look okay, what's the excuse for these twentysome actors hitting the wall so bad?
him, Chalamet, Centineo, and others aren't even trying
No. 579906
>>579829agreed with u about him seeming like a genuine person now! i think hes sober now so hes probably feeling more positive and i get that vibe
my fave look for him was actually his "before" look in 17 again he looked really good with his hair a tad longer
>>579890i will never understand why people like centineo at all imo his looks are a lil above average but his acting sucks and his personality off camera seems so stale
No. 579917
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>>579857isn't he a heavy smoker? shit wrecks your skin
how can you age this much in 3 years
No. 580080
>>579760Ye, whether you like him or not, has undeniable talent and charisma that Tekashi does not have. He also now has the best momager in the game on his side - the Kardashians should've been cancelled years ago too.
>>579807I don't get how this steroid abusing manlet still gets work. High School Musical was really that impactful on straight American women?
No. 580084
>>579772There are public court documents of witness statements and also the settlements he paid
victims. Go find it yourself, nobody is going to spoon feed you anon. There's documentaries available if you don't like reading.
No. 580879
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apparently this is a new photo of Lana? oh neptune
No. 580920
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>>580719idk who ashnikko is but
No. 580927
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>>580879>>580919She's almost always had this shape, save for the first year or so of her career. This just isn't the most flattering outfit she could wear. I don't know why people are surprised, and I still thinks she looks nice anyway.
No. 581027
>>580683Is he jojo posing?
>>580968>goofy gooberchanKek
No. 581585
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Naya Rivera found dead drowning
No. 581841
>>581815>Went out to the middle of a lake with a life jacket, but left it behind?she rented the boat and the rental company probably required her to take the life jacket with her. I think it's more likely that this was an accident than a suicide. it's totally plausible that she wanted to swim without a life jacket to avoid tan lines, and simply overestimated her ability as a swimmer. the lake apparently has quicksand, underwater cliffs, and debris that easily could have snagged her and kept her under the surface. or maybe she dived in, got disoriented underwater trying to resurface, hit her head on the boat, and inhaled water
>>581816not just one, but two. Cory Monteith from a drug overdose and Mark Salling by suicide after pleading guilty to child pornography charges
No. 581854
>>581815>>581814>>581806I thought suicide was likely at first but I also think it’s possible that she just didn’t know how dangerous the lake can be.
It’s strange that she would bring her son along in her own suicide attempt but I guess you’re not in the right frame of mind at that point.