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No. 274589
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Turbaconducken: a chicken in a duck in a turkey wrapped in bacon
No. 274615
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What Irish dancing traditionally looked like vs the paedophilic cringe-fest for beauty pageant rejects the Americans turned it into, forever ruining the sport. This is the "traditions" they think they're "keeping". Rant incoming.
Not one of these Plastic Paddies takes an Irish (Gaeilge) lesson. None of them know how to play a traditional Irish instrument like the tin whistle, fiddle, harp, concertina, bodhrán… None of them know anything about the rich Irish history (starting from the Stone Age where some of the world's oldest structures were created to the Viking invasion, the Norman invasion, the early Christian Era where Irish monks traveled the world and created beautiful, decorative manuscripts, the cruel British rule and Ireland's eventual rebellion, the vast folklore…) beyond "I know they hate the Brits wooo Erin goo Braaaa". I'd be very surprised if any of them could make Irish stew or soda bread and didn't just assume Irish people eat canned meat and cabbage. I'd be even more surprised if they were aware of traditional Irish sports like hurling, Gaelic football and handball, they probably assume the Irish support American basketball and football teams that have leprechauns or shamrocks as mascots. How mant "Irish-Americans" can sing an Irish rebel song or even name three modern Irish musicians? They've reduced Irish culture to drinking and St.Patrick's Day. These people who claim to be "Irish" are allowed to be ignorant while Irish people know more about American history and culture than the Americans themselves. They're not keeping traditions, they're bastardising them.
No. 274645
>>274642It wasn't exactly lost. Every holiday currently celebrated in the US goes back to ancient European times even groundhog day. The holidays are of course heavily altered to suit modern times and capitalism just as Europeans no longer celebrate those holidays like they once did. Certain traditions depending on heritage are passed down in individual families too I imagine but yeah new nation, new ideas and a lot of mixing will smear tradition.
>>274643>>274644You're right. They must be of alien blood then. No one said that Americans were culturally Irish, just that they had Irish blood. Not sure what you're so up in arms about…weird complex?
No. 274649
>>274642I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that people went to America for work. When you're serious about living and working in a country, you want to assimilate. Look up any old classified ads for factory workers, cleaners, babysitters etc. and you'll see that they often specify things like "white girl wanted" "no blacks, no Irish" "English-speaking only" things like that. You have to quickly learn English and then pass that down to your kids if you all want employment so 2nd generations don't speak the languages their parents know, only English is valuable. If you were partaking in sports or traditions that weren't American, you'd stand out a lot and you'd be stereotyped by your landlord or employer.
And then eventually people just forget what the traditions are because they're never passed down.
No. 274658
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Absolutely nothing about this is true, it doesn't exist, period.
No. 274659
>>274655The OP is a copy paste from the eye color thread, but not sure if it was the American-Irish OP or someone else mocking them (I suspect the latter).
Irish love Americans so I think that may counter the embarrassing views Irish Americans have. I should note that Irish who emigrate to the US (these days) are usually in it for a good time, which always amuses me because of US healthcare, work benefits and holiday allowance are all significantly lower than Ireland's, so the good time will be severely limited compared to at home.
No. 274664
>>274659I'm the OP and I'm not from an English speaking country.
I just remembered that "Irish" anon from the eye colour thread and used her posts as an example.
No. 274673
>>274643Because we have so many different communities in the usa that they've become their own cultures. I'm sure it's the same in europe too but it's on a whole other level here.
Like i highly doubt a person who grew up in a chinese american household can relate to a mexican american household. But they can probably relate to someone else who is chinese american.
No one claims they're from ireland if they say they're irish. They mean they're irish american which is a whole separate entity.
No. 274677
>>274655OP was clearly making fun of the American in the eye-color thread.
>>274633 identified you as American because you have no reading comprehension.
No. 274691
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Ireland didn’t mind taking American dollars during the troubles lets not forget.
No. 274697
>>274691>never forget!1!1Triggered Americans are so easy to spot lol
And why are people still being passive aggressive against the Irish, when op already stated that she isn't…?
No. 274704
>>274640agreed. our family always has a "proper" thanksgiving dinner (minus sweet potato pie because that is literal diabetes) even though literally no one really likes thanksgiving food.
Anyways, one thing i will never understand about our country is how in denial people are about their weight. like calling a fat person overweight is considered absolutely rude even though everyone knows it
No. 274726
>>274709Agreed… I have a soft spot for American guys and sometimes text with some, but my love usually dies when I see what they are wearing.
Another weird thing: Them making fun of my pronunciation of certain words/accent in general, while they only know their own language.
No. 274732
>>274715I'm one of the Irish anons from that thread, there was at least three of us replying to each other.
Anyway this thread is unnecessary. Plastic Paddy-chan embarrassed herself enough.
No. 274738
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>>274726lol, don't get me started on the guys. I go to lots of international conferences and you can always spot the American guys because they dress like slobs and they're proud of it too, because it shows they don't bother with these non-intellectual trivialities like looking presentable or sth?
Also, stories from male fellow Europeans who went to the US as exchange students or college
>wear normal jeans>get made fun of by US guys, asked if you are gay because jeans are "so tight">they all wear oversized baggy jeans and jorts No. 274771
>>274758>>274767lmao, and everyone was so shocked at the last guy because he looks 100% brit
Not that German men are a sight to behold.
No. 274775
>>274771He looked seriously shocked lol
But I'm German and I'd also say that his face is very atypical, not something you'd see here often. Maybe he's mixed.
No. 274816
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>>274709>worn out t-shirt from middle school band camp + too tight hotpants with ass cheeks hanging out + plastic flipflops that make you waddle like an obese penguinyou just described the summertime uniform of every single girl i see in public in my hometown. what the fuck is it with girls of that particular demographic and making it look like they're not wearing pants?
bonus: it's cold outside but they switch the shortshorts out with yoga pants, and no jacket No. 274825
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I'm Irish-American, ask me anything because why not?
Check out this little bit of Irish-American pride I found on some other imageboard.
No. 274829
>>274653>>274819Okay Varg, we got it, you can leave now.
>>274827European immigrants are still European. Their great-grandchildren born and bred in America aren't.
No. 274832
>>274827I'm from North Down in Northern Ireland, my accent is probably the most american sounding. People from Ireland are just weird in general about tribalism and nationality. The British have ruled where I am from the past 800 years and I grew up with more British and American cultural influence, yet if I travel 30 miles down the road someone will be a die hard Nationalist, despise the English and act as if they bleed shamrocks when we were getting the same network TV and influences. You can get segregated in school, but I know so many loyalist kids that went to catholic schools just because of catchment area. No issues, all craic. People are weird, they just choose to be influenced.
Claim to be whatever you want, frankly I prefer to tell people about my Viking blood.
No. 274833
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Can we make a list of some American culture. It’s hard to think of any that are original to America because it IS such a melting pot. Also it is such a large country there are more regional differences than national similarities probably.
>American sports
>hip hop
>burgers (unironically)
>Frank Lloyd Wright
>Tennessee Williams
>Ansel Adams
Jokes acceptable if original. ie lol guns, school shootings are overdone.
No. 274842
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>>274835Good one! What a strange religion. They’ve left their mark in more places than just Utah.>Although Beaver Island is known mostly today for its beaches, forests, recreational harbor and seclusion, at one time it was the site of a unique Mormon kingdom.Mormons also have a large presence in the CIA.
>>274836This is a really important bit of American culture. I don’t know about country music, but the history of the blues and rock and roll’s evolution is wonderful history.
>>274840I wouldn’t have thought if this one. Jeans and a T, classic look.
No. 274853
>>274851>>274849Maybe wait until the current political climate cools down on the whole immigration thing.
Why leave Australia? Seems nice enough. You say “cucked” is it about guns or something else you believe the US can offer?
No. 274868
>>274857Doesn't explain the same look with hotpants traded against yoga pants when it's cold
>>274816I like the convenience culture of the US (but I kinda feel bad about liking it lol). I also like how easy it is to start up a conversation with randos.
No. 274896
>>274871As an American, I honestly think our football sucks. The NFL is corrupt as hell and give the players who are rapists and wife beaters a slap on the wrist but gets
triggered when a player has a slightly unorthodox way of expressing their political opinions (see the whole Colin Kaepernick brouhaha and the thing that followed after it). Plus American football cause much damage and destruction to the brain and yet the NFL doesn’t give a shit that it’s causing permanent damage to their players as long as the money is flowing.
Plus people here get super obnoxious when the Super Bowl comes especially if you work/love in the city that it’s being held in or work/live in a city that’s being represented. I remember being in Oakland when the Raiders lost in the Superbowl in like 2002 (I was like a 10) and rioting of course ensued.
>>274667If course that happened in Florida. Florida is the literal armpit of America that takes trashiness to a whole new level.
No. 274903
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>>274896at least in our defense 70% of the people that live here moved here from somewhere else. florida natives tend to be rednecks who mind their own business. that being said….we have the best fucking local news coverage, really top tier comedy so i'm okay with the shit show that is our state
No. 274910
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Tbh Americans are the most “ugly” people I’ve encountered, by ugly I mean they almost always generally look disheveled and unkempt, have awful fashion sense + obesity is too fucken real over there. Tho they are by far the friendliest people I’ve ever met.
No. 274912
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>>274738what fucking decade are you in anon? i have never seen a grown man wear baggy pants since around 2008 unless he's A) obese or B) out of touch old man, and i'm in the damn south. i don't think those "international conferences" are as fancy as you make it sound.
No. 274928
>>274913must be something in that swamp water lol
but seriously i thinks its funny that florida is the infamously trashy state when people flock there every year to visit disney world. like the most well known american franchise's legendary theme park is in the armpit state. think about that.
No. 274936
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>>274928whats weird about florida is that the trashiness is in very distinct pockets. all of north florida is trash, certain pockets are trash in east central florida, you have orlando which has really nice art/upper class districts and then orlando has its own pockets of trash, etc. i think most people can agree that miami and everything south of it is absolute garbage though
sage for being obvious florida samefag and sperg
No. 274941
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>>274936Does pic related mean anything? I found it online.
No. 274942
>>274913florida is a shithole, but it does make for some great news, especially if you're a local.
i like to read the county police blotters for shit like "woman arrested and charged with domestic assault for slapping mother on the arm with finger."
a few years back, there was a big problem with people shooting dolphins out in the gulf with crossbows, and not even with normal arrows, like barbed hunting bolts used for game.
No. 274947
>>274945Oh, I think I misunderstood
>>274928 post.
Yes, Disney World is in the armpit of the USA (yes, I believe Florida is one of the many shitholes here as well) but it does make sense from a money making standpoint for Disney to have two "great" (aka popular) theme parks on both ends of the USA. Universal Studios does the same thing (having a theme park in LA, CA and Orlando, FL).
The USA is large enough, geographically, to basically want to replicate money making establishments but, keep them different enough for in-state ppl to make the cross country travel if they can. Hence why in FL it's Disney World with some more cross cultural things (food establishments) and Disneyland is strictly American.
Maybe some ppl don't realize, but a lot of American "culture/values" and the decisions certain companies make like putting Disney World in Florida is purely capitalistic.
It's pretty bad here.
No. 274950
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Texan anon here. Any of you guys wanna share your views/stereotypes of the state of Texas?
(Bonus if you have anything to say about Dallas.)
No. 274952
>>274950Bad thing:I hate how you people drive
Good thing:Every Texan woman I've ever met has been really no-nonsense which I like
No. 274961
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>>274957damn i knew this touchy subject was going to pop up soon. time to hide thread.
No. 274962
>>274950bad drivers and racists.
>>274957I'm not sure why non Jewish Americans still get circumcised. I have the impression that American uncircumcised men are dirty and have smegma and all that so if a guy is American, I would prefer they are circumcised.
No. 274967
>>274945wat, disney world is humongous compared to disneyland, based on visitor numbers alone disney world is immensely more popular.
Imagine if Florida didn't have it, who would ever go there except old people?
No. 274968
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>>274961this subject isn’t super touchy many other places outside of the us anon its pretty widely considered to be genital mutilation
No. 274969
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>>274968Huh, I would have expected high correlation with percentage of Jewish population
No. 274970
>>274871>>274886 think NPR did a piece on it recently but I couldn't find it.
Basically we stole "soccer" from the Brits and when they noticed we were using it, they realized it was uncool and went back to calling it football just to turn around and laugh at Americans for using something no one else does.
Which is the exact same thing they did with imperial measurement.
Thanks, eternally salty Britbongs.
No. 274973
>>274969Americans do it for shitty cultural reasons. It started out as some bizarre Victorian Era cure-all, that was then used as a religious punishment in Christian and Catholic Schools. Then it persisted as a show of wealth, only rich white Christian boys had their dicks mutilated, unlike icky foreigners. And then during WWII it became mandatory cause of the health craze, even though uncirc'd dicks aren't dirty at all unless the rest of the guy is dirty. Then America started making up shitty health reasoning and skewing studies, hiding mortality and complication rates and the general american shittiness that they did after WWII because they had to take human rights into consideration. Now it's some shit parents do cause Drs. make bank off it. I know a few guys who's moms didn't want them to get cut, and their doctors purposely fucked with their dicks to make them have to cut it.
I don't think that it's a good thing, especially since it's extremely shitty to mothers. After I had my son the doctors and nurses tried super hard to pressure me into it, and this was a few hours after. And they don't even explain what's going on at all when they do it, seeing a video of the procedure would turn anyone away from it, but they don't because they "don't want to scare parents". I think the way they bully emotional mothers into it is sick, and I do feel bad for men who've had it done as babies/children. It should be a personal choice for them just like getting labioplasty would be for me. It's not right in all accounts. Worst thing is that most of those red states have the procedure covered by insurance for non-medical reasons.
No. 274974
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>>274968yes i agree that circumcision is genital mutilation, and yes i am aware that it's not common in other countries besides my horrible stupid trashy fat country that is the subject of this thread (the united states)
i mean't that it's touchy for me personally because i'm an amerifag girl in a serious relationship with an amerifag boy who is circumcised and want to kill myself because i've never touched an uncircumcised dick and probably never will.
inb4 "lol why did you even go out with a guy who is circumcised? that's your fault, sucks for you sweaty ;))" i didn't know until we started having sex in the context of serious monogamy. also i didn't learn about the superiority of uncut dicks till after i started dating this guy, so it's too late now.
oh and please don't rub it in my face that your boyfriend has a 20cm uncut bratwurst or whatever. i've actually been super depressed and in a state of dysphoria ever since i started lurking forums with international users bragging about eurodick. like yes i know i'm missing out, and i'm considering suicide over it.
No. 274986
>>274974is the cut of a dick that serious if you've never experienced one or the other? like it's different if you've only have experience with uncut dicks then get a bf with a cut dick or vice versa.
anyway, for Americans worried about dick cut-ness, apparently Canadians are usually uncut.
No. 274989
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>>274975>>274977i'm glad i'm not alone in this.
>>274986tbh my bf is a wonderful guy and i'm probably going to marry him. but i feel like i'm missing out on something really essential that millions of other women get to experience.
like i hate that it boils down to me being hesistant about marrying a perfect guy just because some ((doctor)) coerced his parents into getting half his dick chopped off as a baby.
it keeps me up at night and has only become worse ever since i started going on forums.
like honestly whenever i come across this subject matter (circumcised vs. uncircumcised), i immediately feel a lump in my throat, get cold nervous sweats, and become very depressed for over 24 hours + contemplate suicide.
and euroanons don't make me feel any better when they start ~uwu-ing about au natural dicks, and making me feel guilty/inferior about a medical practice that isn't my fault.
like honestly wtf am i supposed to do???
god forbid my bf and i break up, but if we do… i'll be more careful with what kind of guy i choose.
by that i mean i'm getting myself a european. No. 274990
I've read quite a lot of anons (anon autocorrects to anime, lawd) here on /g have trouble even inserting the dick, and finding sex very painful and I wonder if it's connected to raw sausage dick
Related: I have a crush on an American, do not know his dick status
No. 274991
>>274989Don't leave him, a good man is worth way more than a variant dick experience.
Also stop reading circumcision forums and welling in it, it's not a big issue. Good men are rare af
No. 274992
>>274974my bf is cut and it all seems really fucked up tbh. he got it when he was older, and could remember actually…the dr told him his foreskin was too tight so they needed to cut it, and he said he woke up and it looked like raw meat and now he doesn't have any feeling in the areas that are supposed to be sensitive. i feel really bad and i can't even imagine someone doing that to me, it's just really disgusting. i remember him telling me he saw the dr once and got filled with anger and sadness. it's not like getting your tonsils removed, or getting vaccinated, it's a sick perverted corruption of the health system in the US.
>>274990as someone who's had both, it is. 100%. people really dismiss the differences, but the foreskin is supposed to work like some of our bits, keeping the actual
internal aspects of the organ well, internal. cut dicks dry out and the skin gets weird and it's just not the same. i wish more people were educated on it, i have no idea why people think it's okay to change how their child's dick functions. they even have to masturbate differently, that's where the iron grip comes from, american cut guys fapping or uncut guys copying dudes fapping in porn.
No. 274997
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>>274991i avoid forums/threads about circumcision or anything else having to do with the topic like the plague.
the problem is when it gets brought up in off topic or vague discussions, like this thread.
i just wanted to have some laughs and make fun of cringey americans that give me secondhand embarrassment. but of course someone just HAD to bring up circumcision. fuck my life.
>>274992>>274985it's posts like this that make me devastated i'm never going to choke on a big pink uncut european cock
jesus fucking christ tomorrow is my fucking birthday and honestly i'm thinking of throwing myself off a fucking bridge tonite.
No. 275007
>>274997The last half of this is as crazy as those men who are similarly dramatic about their gf having small tits. Not a big deal anon.
I mean, I recommend you maybe have a very short fling with a Euro to get it out of your system, but I promise you there is more to life than dick status. Personality matters so much more than what's in your pants
No. 275012
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>>274997This is such an overreaction to not getting the kind of dick you want. Imagine if some man said he was going to throw himself off a building because his otherwise perfect gf she doesn't have size double D tits or some shit.
Anon if it really is that important to you, you either have to learn to accept this for what it is if you're going to continue having a relationship with him, or break up with him to chase uncut European cock. I'm sure you already know that though.
No. 275013
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>>275003i feel it anon … if im being honest my boyfriend cheated on me and I’m thinking about leaving him for that guy in the uk. I’m not sure how seriously I’m considering it but serious enough to be saving money to fly over
No. 275018
>>275016I’m nta who has been talking about how great her man is lmao im in an all around shitty situation that’s more complex than “he’s cut” but I don’t want to derail any further.
Back on topic has anyone been watching Who Is America? it’s a fucking hellride
No. 275021
>>275013I mean this sounds like a good idea if you are feeling so strongly about it. The worst that can happen is you have a nice shag*
*un-circumcised shags are still dependant on the man attached to it. It's not the tool but how you use it, and all that
No. 275023
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>>275013>>275007>the last half of this is as crazy as those men who are similarly dramatic about their gf having small
>>275010 said, natural occurring body differences are not the same as ones that exist due to a surgery.
>not a big deal anon.then why is there a huge fucking movement against circumcision, and why do euroanons sit around and poke fun at american women with circumcised sex partners & circumcised men??
>i recommend you maybe have a very short fling with a euro to get it out of your systemhow?? i'm not cheating on my boyfriend and i'm not going to risk taking a "break" either.
>>275012>>275013>>275021i'd never cheat on my bf or have a ~fling. but i also don't feel it's worth breaking up with him unless he becomes more lazy/abusive than he is. BUT I WANT AN UNCUT EURO GUY SO BAD FUCKKKKK
No. 275028
>>275025Then break up with him if it's that important to you??
>>275026Very compelling argument.
No. 275029
>>275028>>275024>Then date someone who has the physical qualities you want instead of putting pressure on them or secretly resenting them for not living up to your ideal. Pretty simple.i am already in a relationship though, and
>Then break up with him if it's that important to you??i don't know how to get out of it or if it's worth getting out of to begin with. he is great but i feel super empty and a huge sense of FOMO because i will probably never rub, suck, and get railed by an uncut eurosausage.
>>275025>sorry i didnt ask my bf about his penis on the first date anon.what she said.
asking a guy about whether he is cut or uncut isn't exactly something you bring up casually like your interests and such, in fact a guy might get weirded out or feel insecure if you ask him.
No. 275031
>>275030>>275024you guys are hardcore projecting.
>>275029just wait for the surgery to put a foreskin back on to happen. i'm sure it will one day, just wait it out. my bf and i are.
No. 275033
>>275028 >>275030seconded. If it’s this important to you and you can’t wait for science to advance to a point where he could potentially regrow or reattach a foreskin then leave him it’s not fair to him to secretly harbor death wishes over his dick. babies cannot consent
to being circumcised
No. 275034
>>275030It's not the same logic. It's a feeling of unfairness that yoir bf
should be one way but was forced to be another. It's unfair to him but of course you can't help but feel a bit sad as well.
No. 275035
>>275030>>275033i love my boyfriend for who he is. in fact i've never talked about this subject with him or made him feel bad about it. but every time euroanons or anti-circumcision activists sperg out about uncut dicks being superior, it makes me feel like i have a gun pointed at me.
>>275034^exactly this.
i feel like i'm being guilt tripped for not ending up with the proper kind of human male, and that i'm missing out on sex the way it's supposed to be. and because of this i will live out a miserable, shameful life.
it has nothing to do with me making my boyfriend feel bad about his body. he treats me well and we have great sex. it has to do with other people putting me down because of something my partner cannot fix that was done to him when he was a newborn, and the complex/fixation/fetish(?) i've developed as a result.
No. 275040
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>>275037yes of course we can.
i'll drop my contact info for you sometime in the next 24 hrs once i calm down.
No. 275041
>>275037samefag but here's a shitty throwaway email if you're interested. just email me so you don't have to drop your discord itt.
No. 275046
>>275037hey i'm
>>275035 and
>>275040send me your discord here:
No. 275050
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>>275042kek this thread is a hoot let me tell ya
No. 275059
>>275054>i'm glad it's not a common practice where i live. congratulations, do you want a nobel peace prize?????
and yeah just what we need, another debate about circumcision to make girls with circumcised boyfriend's feel bad.
No. 275066
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>>275061I think guys here get shit sometimes for being uncircumcised. like circumcised guys make fun of them and say they have dirty dicks regardless of whether or not the guy has good personal hygiene and I’ve seen girls openly say uncircumcised
pic related in this movie there’s a scene where aubrey plaza starts jacking off this guy and she gets freaked out because he’s not circumcised and she didn’t know how to jack him off properly. Turned me off of uncircumcised dick for most of my teen years
No. 275069
>>275054Same. I'm glad it's not common where I live. When I was a virgin I thoughts most dicks were cut because of (american) porn. They all look so dry. There was this video I watched where the girl had to use lube to give the guy a handjob. I thought to myself "wait do I need lube to play with a guy's dick?? That's so weird"
With uncut penises you can play with them all you want. And they get so shiny with precum on the tip.
No. 275071
>>275069so should i kill myself or dump my bf?
with the constant bragging you keep rubbing in my face i have to do one or the other
No. 275076
>>275073im not trolling, im one one the anons from earlier that is deeply affected by this issue to the point where it haunts my mind 24/7 and it makes me sick and unhappy. that’s not trolling, that’s me being dead honest and a cry for help.
look i know if you’re a euroanon so you probably take your wonderland of uncut dicks for granted, and think girls like me are crazy because of that. i wish you would understand that girls and men who aren’t as lucky as you are tortured deeply because they have to miss out on something that is super common and mundane to you. the more you boast the more i die inside and think about doing terrible things, as you sit you and cackle from your high mighty eurocastle.
No. 275081
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>>275077this is how much will i have left to live
No. 275086
>>275076if you're so beat up about it then dump your bf and take a day trip to Canada and find any fucking rando to sleep with and realize it's not that big of a deal, you sperg.
I'm american, moved abroad and got my first uncut dick, it feels exactly the same to be fucked by. all you're missing out on is a cuter more sensitive dick. the men who get their dicks mutilated as infants are the ones suffering if anything, not you.
No. 275087
>>275084because the more i see snobby anons brag about how great uncut dicks are the more I feel like me and my partners and anyone else under the same circumstances is being robbed of enjoying sex to its full extent. this isn’t something to laugh about, their are men who are severely depressed and suicidal and resentful of their families because of their circumcisions.
also in response to being called a spoiled child for complaining about never experiencing an uncut penis… if there’s anyone who suffers the most from circumcision, it’s men not women. we have the freedom to choose a guy with whatever kind of dick we prefer. but once the men are cut, they are cut. their is nothing they can do about it.
>inb4 “handmaiden” >>275086i was literally typing that men suffer the most as you send this. not denying that.
also not sure if and how I should break up with my boyfriend.
No. 275090
>>275089i don’t watch that turd’s videos so idk what you are referencing
>>275088i’m gonna do it right now guys, i’m gonna walk in the bedroom right now and tell my bf i want to break up with him, wish me luck!
No. 275093
>>275091regardless of who i end up with in the long run i will not get my sons circumcised
maybe i will end up marrying my “dry, ugly” cut dick American bf, but at least my son(s) can have it better than we did
No. 275097
>>275091you realize they ask the mom right usually first. sure shitty dads do it t
but tons of pressure is placed on the mother
No. 275098
This thread made me never want to date American men.
>Because circumcision started through contact with the American military during the Korean War, South Korea has an unusual history of circumcision." According to a 2002 study, 86.3% of South Korean males aged 14–29 were circumcised. In 2012, it's the case of 75.8% of the same age group.America managed to fuck South Korean men too. Good luck with that koreaboos kek.
>No official statistics on male circumcision exist; the surgery has never been mandatory for infants and it is rare among adults. So glad Japanese men are at least normal. No. 275111
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>>275003This is so weird. I recently started exchanging pictures with a an American stud and when I saw his circumcised dick, I was shocked at first. I didn't even know that this was a thing in the US. However, I've been longing for circumcised US penis since then… And when I look at my bf's uncut dick, it just looks wrong now, like a sausage with a little hat. Maybe we should exchange boyfriends for a day to get over this?!
No. 275115
>>275114>like watching porn>made for youwhatever makes you sleep at night, cheater. also
>open relationshipwhat a joke, kek
No. 275134
>>275130Never heard of that.
However, although times could have changed since ten years ago, there were flag students assigned to raise it and take it down everyday. They were usually from JROTC (federal military program they allow in schools).
Also in my high school we were made to stand for the anthem every morning, but nobody had to place hands over their hearts like oldschool.
Although I'm sure today kids aren't even made to stand for it at all.
No. 275135
>>275130Only went to (elementary/primary) school in the US for a couple of years, but I do remember students raising the flag. If we got there before the school hours officially opened, we’d mill around the entrance where the flagpole was located, and right before we were admitted in, a teacher or other staff member would notify someone to raise the flag. I don’t think this was everyday; just routine enough for my foggy memory to retain it.
And we did the Pledge of Allegiance, which is basically a single verse. But yeah, every morning, students would get up, put their hand on their heart, and recite them.
>tfw everyone gets up for no reason and pull a memorized speech from nowhere>left wondering if I missed a class even though it’s the first day of schoolThis was maybe 2003 or 2004-ish in northern Virginia, so 9/11-fueled jingoism was still pretty high.
No. 275139
>>275136Relatively cheap place to live, lots of drug addicts, endless numbers of giant roaches and mosquitos = Florida Man
The more serious reason is that it’s very easy to access government records, like case files, so you can read and report shit like “Florida man sticks dick in the blender at local Wendy’s” or something.
>a guy was just arrested for taking a live alligator to a convenience store and chasing people around with it>tfw live in the same city as this person No. 275141
>>274871I think I read somewhere about how US football was called like that because of the size of the ball. Don't know if it's true though.
>>274973The whole "shitty health reasoning and skewing studies" part reminds me a bit about when that one asshole claimed that vaccines can cause autism.
No. 275146
What are the places where a tourist could go shopping in the US? State or city I mean. I noticed a lot of things are way more expensive in my country than in the US because they're made by American companies and I'll forever be salty that MAC is selling that Aaliyah collection eyeshadow palette for 40 fucking euros over here. I want to visit the US someday and not just visit but also buy some nice things.
>>275023>then why is there a huge fucking movement against circumcisionMostly because of the lack of bodily autonomy because baby boys get their dicks cut when they're way too young to make irreversible decisions about themselves. There's also the unnecessary risks that come from useless surgery, like getting your whole dick cut by accident instead of just getting circumcised.
No. 275148
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No. 275169
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>>275146Sound like you like fancy stuff. Come to Boston. People here are very affluent so the shopping is nice. There’s Newbury St., Burlington Mall, the mall at the Prudential, or the Wrentham outlet malls.
Maybe another anon has better suggestions though. Im strictly a thrift shopper.
No. 275174
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The imperial system is weird and confusing af, but a petpeeve of mine is when Americans just expect you to understand their measurements when you're on an English speaking but international board. Especially when the rest of the world typically bothers to convert said value to imperial system so that Americans may understand it; "I'm 1,70m tall and I weight 58kg (That's 5'6 inches and 128 lbs btw)"
No. 275180
>>275168Americans live inside a bubble for sure.
A while ago I talked to someone from the US who insisted that I, as an European, have way less freedom than them. Excuse me, what freedom do I not have that they have? The freedom to choose, do, say, believe, buy, spend, sell, work, live and travel wherever and whatever I want? The freedom of speech? The freedom of press? The right to go to a fucking nude beach? Check, got all those freedoms. And I defenitely had the freedom to enter in a gay marriage 15 years before US citizens could (had I been of legal age).
No. 275203
>>274966That's so weird. I'm from UK. I've only had one partner that was circumcised because his foreskin got too tight when he was young or something. My brother had to get circumcised older for a similar issue lol.
My boyfriend with the circumcised dick was always talking about how it looks vs uncircumcised asking me of it felt different and what I liked better etc. Honestly aesthetically they look differently, didn't notice anything different when it was in me.
No. 275209
>>275207My boyfriend with the cut dick honestly has the best looking dick out of the small collective I've saw personally. He's no scarring, his head is nice and the shaft slightly less wide. We use baby oil a lot so never noticed dryness and I find he's easier to make cum from hand jobs and blow jobs. When he's soft it doesn't look lewd like some other anon wrote. You can just see the head rather than it being covered with foreskin.
I've never heard girls speaking IRL about the sensation they get from foreskin but I've heard many men say they lose sensation.
No. 275222
>>275130My memories math this anon's
>>275135 also elementary shool although it was a couple (many) years earlier in NY.
Pledge of Allegiance with hand on heart and then either the Star-Spangled Banner or America the Beautiful and maybe some other songs. It was kind of fun, especially because it had no idea what all of those word strung together actually meant.
No. 275243
>>275228This tbh. I always see posts on Facebook in which waiters/ waitresses throw tantrums because someone didn't leave a big enough tip.
I get that it's because the base salary is so low in the US for these types of jobs, but to me as an European this system is just so odd. If the service is really good I'll gladly leave a tip, but the thought of being forced to leave a certain percentage every time I eat out (or else I might get called out on it) would make me want to not eat out at all.
No. 275293
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>>275253I regret that girlfag never became a thing like gayfag, straightfag, and fagfag did. Sage because ot
No. 275542
>>275267I agree the employer should be responsible.
Some states there’s a waitstaff minimum wage and other states (like Montana) waitstaff is paid the state or federal minimum wage plus tips.
No. 275551
>>274767Are you that anon that made the "why are british people ugly" thread a while ago
why the fuck are continentals so petty and bitchy, you all think you're so perfect.
No. 275556
>>275228I'd rather pay a voluntary tip dependant on service rather than see an increase in restaurant prices if business owners are ever forced to pay a livable wage.
Imo I don't care if waitstaff bitch about pay. It's within their right, very few people think they're paid worth the amount of shit they deal with.
At least with tipping they've got a shot to score some money with someone who can afford to give them a good tip if they perform their job well.
Most schmucks stuck in customer service positions get paid hourly no matter how well they do and they're not allowed to accept money or gifts from customers even if they insist.
No. 275567
>>275174There's actually a push to make the metric system more mainstream here, a lot of kids are learning it in school and when I went to college it was the only system we used
It took us like 200 years but we finally got it, so better late than never I guess lmao
No. 275652
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>>275648>identifies themselves as simply a european, not the specific country they're from>when one country in europe does something good the entire continent tries to take credit for it>but when one country does something bad suddenly shift gears into damage control "no that wasn't my country stop thinking all of europe is just one place idiot!" modeTypical europoop. And to think, you also thought I couldn't easily find countless examples of countries all over europe suppressing free speech.
No. 275656
>>275652>identifies themselves as simply a european, not the specific country they're fromWhen people from smaller European countries don't want to identify themselves due to the online community in their country being small, they just vaguely say they're "European". Tbh the only time I see people identifying themselves as "European" is when uneducated Amerifags are trying to tell them how things are in Europe and you have to retort.
>when one country in europe does something good the entire continent tries to take credit for itThis never fucking happens ever and most European countries hate each other and hate how Amerifags think Europe = German&French
>but when one country does something bad suddenly shift gears into damage control "no that wasn't my country stop thinking all of europe is just one place idiot!" modeSee response above
No. 275660
>>275183he didn't have to spend years in legal battles. he was ordered to pay a £800 fine. he's choosing to make a big deal over nothing and waste £ in legal fees for the principle of it. you're an idiot.
>>275652the UK did nothing wrong with that ruling. the UK has never guaranteed unfettered freedom of speech. after ww2, most countries with half a brain developed speech laws to prevent another holocaust, but you're proud of americentric brainletism, lol. those hate speech laws don't generally actually impact people unless they're trying to offend and upset communities anyways. freedom of expression in most countries that aren't fucking retarded don't absolve people from responsibility for their actions and public sentiments.
america can keep its first world socioeconomic mobility that americans still try to shill as being impressive and not humiliating, embarrassing wealth gaps, and medical debt. you have nothing to be proud of. americans are always trying to use some dumb shit like contextually retarded, blind, freedom of speech bullshit that doesn't matter at all to the lives of 99.9% of americans as a reason why it's perfectly fine for them to have abysmal quality of life. it's hilarious.
>>275658excuse me, anon, i read that you wouldn't want to live in the US, but have you considered that they have freedom of speech, and being able to WAVE A NAZI FLAG OUTSIDE A HEBREW SCHOOL and screech "HEIL HITLER" at children is more important and valuable than being able to receive routine medical care and not be put into literally 900k worth of medical debt should something happen to you???
No. 275695
>>275652>>identifies themselves as simply a european, not the specific country they're fromLiterally useless because the average American doesn't know anything about the European countries if it's not the UK/Germany/France. Not to mention that someone would become identifiable if they kept saying "I'm from Poland" or some other small country rather than "I'm European" which kinda defeats the purpose of an anonymous imageboard don't you think.
A while ago I told an American "I'm Dutch" Their response? "Oh I don't know where the dutch is." They weren't even able to put two and two together; A Dutch person is a citizen from the Netherlands.
No. 275703
>>275658>a LOT of Americans seem to think it's okay that you have to pay a ludicrous amount of money just to stay healthy Oh, no. We think this is horrible.
The problem is, we're not granted the choice to seek other options because of healthcare privatization caused by insurance companies and the greedy powers that be.
It's either play the game, or don't have healthcare.
It's not a choice.
>they are absolutely disgusted by the thought of having to "pay for someone else's health care"This is a sentiment felt by people who 'tow the line' aka working-to-lower-middle-class citizens who make just enough to not qualify for any government assistance while paying the most in taxes adjusted for income earned. They're technically paying more taxes than the top 1%.
My paycheck is absolutely raped by taxes, for instance, but my hourly wage is only just above the poverty line.
People get caught in a toxic way of thinking because they fear that if they're taxed more for social nets that benefit everyone, they risk falling lower in financial status.
Unfortunately this fear is never articulated well and it usually comes across as "Pay for your own fucking welfare, poorfags!"
It's not that their fear is invalid (conservative government loves creating the boogeyman image of liberal social policy), look at all the fear-mongering that happened with Obamacare; the working and middle classes panicked when they saw their premiums increase.
Anyway, I just think it's a complicated social issue with many influencing factors that's way above most peoples' heads. It's way too complicated of an issue for the typical redneck who doesn't understand that healthcare isn't expensive due to illegals and abortions.
No. 275706
>>275702Then you're an exception.
No. 275708
>>275701Can you look at Japan? China, Rwanda, Turkey, Russia, USA…?
You guys are hypocrites.
No. 275715
>>275711I'm German. That's why I know that we're not exactly welcome anywhere in Europe.
There's not a single country who doesn't pull the old Nazi comparisons if we do something they don't like.
No. 275717
>>275697Nope. My country was occupied by Germany during the war and the only person I’ve ever known who still holds a grudge is my 90-year-old grandmother, who also acknowledges that the current population isn’t responsible for what their grandparents did. Everyone else is either neutral or positive towards Germany. The only country people here routinely shit on is France, but that’s done jokingly.
Honestly, the most anti-German sentiment always seems to come from the US. They (and to a lesser extent the UK) are the ones who keep on making WWII movies, games, books and other media and seem to think all Germans sound like Hitler did in those propaganda speeches. I’ve met Americans who were actually surprised to find out that the kind, soft-spoken guy in our group was from Berlin, because he “didn’t sound German” despite his very obvious German accent, and others who thought it was hilarious to greet the same guy by doing the nazi salute. It’s like the further removed people are from the atrocities of Nazi Germany, the less willing they are to leave it in the past.
No. 275718
triggered Germanfag. Sorry, I'm not ready to forgive your lolcow country for declaring war with the entire fucking world and murdering over 6 million people for no god damn reason. Other wars maybe had a reason or motivation based in reality but yours was just so ridiculous and retarded you should be shamed forever.
No. 275721
>>275715As a Niederländer I can guarantee you no one here holds anything of WWII against the Germans because no one's idiotic enough to hold something against a nearly entire German population that wasn't even alive during the WWII.
I'd say if people hate Germans/Germany they hating on your politics and not the people.
No. 275726
>>275718So if you have a real reason or motivation then it's okay?? kek
Trust me, if you're about to get shot, you don't give a fuck about 'why'.
No. 275733
>>275730But I thought most fat people die before they get old? As long as they're not poor, fat people are paying for their own health insurance.
Americans bitching about healthcare are specifically out for the poor, as they're the ones on medicaid.
So blacks, single moms with multiple children, people with substance abuse issues, etc.
No. 275740
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>>275737I bet your pay is higher than average compared to ours.
Taxation is fine if your wage is higher to compensate. Our wages have stagnated and haven't increased, adjusted for inflation, in literal decades. Yet our productivity has increased significantly.
We're being worked more for less.
If government increased taxes on the lower classes it would devastate people.
No. 275742
>>275738>intensive and expensive healthcareWhich they pay for with premiums and bills. Are you sure you know how american healthcare works?
The only time healthcare is comped by tax dollars is via medicaid (poor people) and medicare (retirees, but to be fair they paid into medicare through their paychecks).
No. 275747
>>275746>It's irrelevant which country I'm talking aboutLol, I fucking knew it.
You're that anon who's always trying to bring up "your country" in arguments yet you always reply by saying it doesn't matter when people ask you what country.
It's completely relevant, actually.
Your cost of living could be different, just as one fucking example.
There's absolutely no reason to not state the country because you want to lie by omission of facts. Maybe you're just a troll. Who knows.
You have fuck all credibility and haven't read a god damn thing that was posted.
No. 275754
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>>275752I got health insurance through my company.
Have fun trolling.
No. 275756
>>275737My father finished school and started working in a factory at just 14. Yes, he does earn a lot now, but he also works extremely hard for it. He as to give away 42% of his earnings - that's the same percentage as let's say the boss of a huge company who get's millions has to pay.
And then politicians wonder why people don't like refugees getting free shit…
No. 275758
>>275652And your point is? The nazi pug thing wouldn't be illegal in my country, so acting like all of Europe is the same doesn't make sense. Sorry that you're
triggered because America isn't the only country with freedom lol
No. 275759
>>275739Do you know anything about the history of Germany at all? At that time they were a poor country, burdened by the WI sanctions (by lack of knowing the proper English word for it) put on them by the other major war players and the remnants of the war. The people were desperate for change and a better life, of course they were inclined to believe someone who finally stood up for Germany and it's citizens who weren't at fault for all the warshit and promised to drag the country out of their slumber and misery.
And no, I'm not German.
No. 275761
>>275747FYI I'm
>>275695>>275746 is someone else
No. 275762
>>275761Never accused you of being that same anon? She's the one who quoted you.
But imo, no, you don't become "identifiable" based on what country you're from unless you make yourself a frequent pest in country-related threads.
No. 275777
>>274959>implying women can be trusted to was their own labiaTbh, if nothing else gets clean in a shower, the penis will get soaped up. Also, cut guys don't think they need to was it as much. My bf is uncut and always very clean.
>>274962Uncut American penises aren't especially dirt, but the language people use is reflective of how puritanical we are here.
>>274969Around 2% of Americans are Jewish. Most circumcisions here are not for religious reasons.
>>274974The foreskin is really more for the man's enjoyment, tbh. It doesn't feel all that different on my end.
>>274985I may have accidentally hurt my bf by not realizing you can't pull the skin all the way back. There were no permanent injuries and it has never happened again. I simply didn't know you don't treat it like you would a cut penis.
>>275003He could look into foreskin regeneration? It's a painful years-long process, though, so it would have to be something he wants.
>>275013You don't have to leave him for that guy in the UK, but definitely leave him.
>>275076Hide the thread.
No. 275780
>>275658One thing to keep in mind is that America is large and not ethnically homogeneous. The perception is that poor people are people who choose to be poor and choose to live off of the welfare state. It's not entirely wrong.
>>275746It's relevant which country you are talking about.
No. 275791
>>275780Why would you highlight lack of ethnic homogeneity as a point to poor people being those who choose to be poor and live on welfare? Do you think there's a correlation?
Also, welfare recipients in the US are actually mostly white, even when controlled for population.,9171,156084,00.html No. 275795

>>275791>Why would you highlight lack of ethnic homogeneity as a point to poor people being those who choose to be poor and live on welfare?It was in response to a Finnish anon asking why Americans are so resistant to paying poor people. I live somewhere fairly liberal and diverse, and this is the sentiment that I hear from people.
Also, your link moves the goalposts. The fact of the matter is that African Americans do indeed disproportionately use welfare services considering how much of the population they are.
No. 275797
>>275795But what is the connection between "choosing to be poor" and not being white? I was wondering what exactly your point was with that.
Also, disproportionate ≠ majority, anon. Using the lack of complete ethnic homogeneity as a reasoning against welfare is kind of dumb, because it implies you're cool with the majority of welfare recipients (who are white) even if they're just "choosing to be poor", but that 30% of African-American is some sort of weird
No. 275800
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>>275797Again, I am answering the Finn's question. This is
part of why Americans aren't enthusiastic about helping poor people.
Fixed graph No. 275807
>>275803People have less empathy for those who have different appearances, religions, cultural customs, and languages. When I do see people hating poor whites, they always paint them as "other." Those weird NASCAR-loving incestuous hicks. The easier it is to think of the recipients as "other," the easier it is not to care about them. Skin color makes it pretty easy for a lot of people.
As for the element of "choosing," I think it's part of the "just give a firm handshake with your bootstraps" mentality, and also people like to believe it won't happen to them. If it's not a choice, that means it could happen to them, too.
No. 275950
>>275780>>275795But this isn't an issue with "poor people". You don't have to be "poor" to be completely fucked over by having 500k in medical debt. If you get seriously ill with something like cancer, you will probably lose your job for not being able to work and you won't have an insurance. And the insurance will cap at some point anyway. It's something that could as well happen to someone in the middle class or upper middle class, not just those living on welfare. And what if your job's insurance is shit and won't completely cover something like your kid's treatment? Having free public health care isn't just taking your hard-earned money and giving it to Tyrone and Latishaquena cranking out kids while doing crack, it's there to cover the average person's ass in case of an emergency.
I swear America is the only country in the first world where I see people being completely financially destroyed by debt caused by health problems and you guys are defending it. This thread has definitely taught me a lot about the American way of thinking.
No. 275985
>>275950Healthcare, specifically? Most people I've talked to IRL don't like the current situation. However, a lot of people worry that changes to the current system will be worse for them personally. A lot of people with good jobs get healthcare through an employer and don't want to lose that. There are also a lot of Baby Boomers that just want to get theirs and fuck everyone else. The way things are currently, if you don't get insurance through your employer, being middle class is the "worst" because you don't qualify for free/reduced-cost healthcare and buying your own is very expensive. With ACA, people were told if they like their plans, they could keep them. This wasn't true, and better never means better for everyone.
Obviously, the healthcare lobby is ridiculous and needs to be shut down, but they own our politicians. With a single-payer option, we could solve multiple problems. Nobody would be deprived of non-emergency care due to poverty, and nobody would have to be driven into poverty due to healthcare costs. This would also drive the costs of services down to something more similar to what other developed countries have. This would make healthcare cheaper for people who don't want to use the public option, too, because there would be competition.
No. 276004
>honestly, anon, as an amerifag, you're just bad representation for americans. you're spouting bullshit about the ACA, you're praising employer health insurance as if it isn't typically shit and as if you're immune from benefit caps, lifetime limits, high deductibles, and limited options offered by employers, etc, and to top it all off, you still pay for it. why are you acting like it's not a shit sandwich?
>> With ACA, people were told if they like their plans, they could keep them. This wasn't true, and better never means better for everyone.
>it was literally designed to be better for everyone and it literally is. yes, it was said that people could keep their plans, but with a necessary condition: that the plans were not predatory or horrifically shit and offered no coverage. the people crying about their plans being cancelled are bitching about having consumer protections. they're idiots. they're crying because they couldn't get swindled anymore under the guise of being covered. i guess much like you are now, what with your blind praise for employer insurance (which you still pay for, which is still capped, which still has a lifetime limit, etc).
Nice strawman; it's clear you don't understand the complexities of the insurance marketplace in the US.
The ACA was pretty much written by/for insurance companies. It's not literally better for everyone.
I wouldn't say I gave blind praise to employer insurance, but quit acting like there aren't people with good insurance through their employers. Plenty of people would rather have that than roll the dice with whatever shitty idea the lobbyists design next.
It's not that the plans people had were outlawed by the ACA, it's that they were all canceled once the ACA came out. Lots of places only have one or two companies offering marketplace plans. What we had before was pretty bad, but that doesn't mean the ACA wasn't a shitshow.
No. 276211
>>276194thats just ridiculous, i could argue the same for england for LITERALLY HAVING A BEHEADING IN THEIR STREETS with no cops stopping them that one time, since i cant remember anytime in the US where a beheading occured in the fucking streets with people watching. but i wont because i realize it was a one off tragedy.
also america has a bigger population than these countries, its actually more surprising that more violent crime doesnt happen what with legalized gun ownership.
No. 276213
>>276199Al Qaeda was created and funded by the US government to protect Afghanistan from the USSR at the end of the Cold War.
how brainwashed Americans are is probably the funniest thing to me. in a sad way.
No. 276224
>>276213What? I never denied that America had a hand in creating the Taliban/Al Queda, you fucking dumbass. I just stated that America was never under a rule as oppressive as the Taliban.
If you’re gonna act like you’re better than Americans online, at least have the reading comprehension to back it up first.
No. 276763
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>Amerifags can say what they want, statistically both financially and violence/crime wise its a 3rd world country shithole. No matter how much you sperg about x y z you're a cesspool thats occasionally good for entertainment purposes. I love how anons talk about how everyone's in agreement that the health care sucks but when the fuck will it change? You can'f even vote right, Talk shit about germans for WWII (even tho do it was the Axis powers too involved so it wasn't even just Germans who fell for propaganda Italy&Japan too) But americans are literally brainwashed by the shit and dooms their whole entire country out of selfish anxiety yet won't stop complaining about their situation while also jumping to defend themselves when people complain about the absolute state of the place.
>>Nazi pug / Beheading
>Honestly small price to pay compared to the average innocent person killed by police due to excessive force or use of firearms for example lol. Catch americans talking about 'justified' killings simply because its an officer/matter of law.
>We get it to the average american that is just your reality or you simply deny it as fake newz TM, but for an actual developed 1st world country its statistics we have worked to minimize and try to null as a whole, we don't accept that kinda shit as just a reality and you can't expect us not to look at the country in horror and disgust
>elected leader flooded entire continent with young men from violent cultures
>populace by and large complicit with this
>talking shit
No. 276823
>>276809Yeah, I work in the travel industry and people who can afford to travel frequently are often very ignorant and entitled. Which is surprising because you'd think some of that money would buy these people some culture and manners. Guess not.
Frankly, if rich people treat customer service workers like shit and think they're in the right, I'm not surprised that they treat people where ever else they visit like petty commoners.
No. 277678
>>277626Yes, not "beat" but spanked when I misbehaved. I'm from the Balkans, so not American either.
I live in Northern Europe now and I often see mothers straight up ignoring their kids when they misbehave, my ex's mother didn't give a shit that her son was 25 and hadn't finished high school because she didn't care "as long as he's happy". He wasn't.
I don't even know how you're supposed to discipline your children in countries like this, they scream on the train all the time and disturb other passengers yet the women just ignore their cries and pretend they're not there, or let them run around. Raise your voice even a little bit and you're suddenly "abusive" towards the kid. If my mother heard me raising hell in public transport she would've set me straight in a second.
No. 277682
>>277678I think there's a difference between sternly explaining why something is rude to your kid and physically assaulting them (even spanking). I could be misreading, but do you believe that we
should be hitting kids?
I do agree parents shouldn't outright ignore and coddle their children, that's just the other extreme. Parents should teach children empathy as early as possible and be able to explain to them why doing certain things (running around wildly, touching strangers, stealing, etc.) is wrong. And this extends into teenage years, they should have conversations with their kids and give stricter guidance when necessary (like about schoolwork, explain that it's necessary for a more comfortable future).
But I could be biased because I was raised that way and I'm glad to not associate being assaulted with my mother. I've also not turned into a slacker, criminal, drug user, or anything, so stereotyping any kid who wasn't beaten to be a sloppy failure seems ridiculous to me. Sorry for OT sperg but it doesn't have to be one extreme or the other, in fact it probably shouldn't be either.
No. 277686
>>277682I'm not saying it has to be, I'm saying these people take it to the opposite extreme and it's a pretty common sight since I ride the train every day and a lot of mothers use it to commute to the centre. However, I also think explaining something to a misbehaving child is sometimes impossible, because when they're throwing tantrums they usually don't listen and are just pushing boundaries. Sometimes there have to be consequences more severe than being talked at for a few minutes, not necessarily physical, but consequences nevertheless. But some of these people believe that disciplining your child in public in any way is abusive, so they let them screech, throw tantrums, run around restaurants and bother other customers, and just act obnoxious in general. And I've noticed that younger people from the UK, Northern Europe and the Commonwealth in general tend to think like this which is just silly. Sure some kids are nice and can be reasoned with, but some can't.
No. 277712
>>277626Yeah I see this from African Americans a lot. They seem to find no problem with abusing the fuck out of their children and weirdly seem to take pride in it like "nawww now if he had a black mother! He woulda got his ass whooped
laugh cry emoji" and essentially making fun of white Americans because their parents don't beat them up. It's really strange mindset. There's heaps of videos I've watched too of black mothers videoing themselves humiliating/assaulting their children and putting it up on the internet and "black twitter" finds it hilarious.
No. 277732
>>277626I was not beaten as a child.
>>277712Went to majority-minority school. Can confirm.
>my momma gonna whoop me if she find out>my momma be be like boy you want a whoopin'It's not entirely attributed to the black population, though. Conservative Christian families do it sometimes, or just generally shitty parents do it. My bf's mom did it, and she was a shitty parent, tbh.