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No. 551905
Because these
are dumb questions.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/541259 No. 551909
mmmmmmenb m n
No. 551928
>>551922tomatoes and bananas
everyone around me loves tomatoes but I hate them with a passion. bananas are also good for smoothies but I cannot stand the smell
No. 551977
OP pic looks like onion boy.
>>551915What's the backstory? Is she sick or old? Did your mom get her recently? You've probably already tried this but my instinct would be to sit in the room with her and talk to her in a soothing voice and try to get her to approach me while putting out yogurt or tuna in a position that she has to poke her head out a little bit and gradually increase the space between the washer and the food until she comes out enough that you can grab her. If it were me, I would move the washer and yank her out asap. I think if you leave her for a week she's just going to get more and more distressed.
>>551922Cottage cheese, black tea, mangoes, cabbage, rhubarb.
No. 552064
>>552054Pretty sure this is at least partly genetic, half my family can do it and the other half can't. I'm good at remembering the route to places but I do it completely by landmarks, I can't keep track of which direction I'm facing or how far I've turned at all.
You can probably train yourself to do it better by doing activities like orienteering that force you to use a compass though?
No. 552092
>>552054not at all, anon. i have a decent sense of N,S,E,W, but only because i live by a massive body of water so it's very easy to reference that for direction. when i'm a place without that reference, i'm totally lost.
>>552067anon, we're the same. i have to seriously think about it for a couple of seconds before i can say 'left' or 'right'.
another one of those things i can never remember is the respective names of spades and clubs in playing cards. i get a spade kinda looks like a shovel, but still, my brain never makes the connection and i usually say the wrong suite when i put a card down.
No. 552258
>>552227my only problem with it is that i have family members who had the same thing, and most of the family members who also had this went on to have facial paralysis later in life.
i just hope theyre not linked.
No. 552280
What do you do if a friend, a good person you still want to talk to, troons out? I'm pretty sure they're trans'ing because they're insecure about being more feminine than the avg guy.
They posted this and that's when I thought "Man, idk why but I have a weird feeling about all this". I know the site's message is naive/nonsensical af, but this is the straw that broke the camel's back, and now i don't know what to do. The group of friends I'm in is extremely "trans rights", and I also don't want to hurt my good friend's feelings; is there a way/any reason to tell him I think he might not want to transition?
No. 552304
>>552280Disregarding the racebaiting troll, casually talk about the horror of neovaginas with him, and try to make him feel comfortable about being a feminine guy.
I'm sure he doesn't want to end up looking like Riley Dennis or one of those horrible meme pictures, so I'd make sure he knows that it's not a light decision, neither is it something you can go back on without fucking yourself up and losing friends (detransitioners are treated like scum).
No. 552321
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am i being stupid for feeling jealous because even though my bf and i are together irl and have been for a long time now, he acts like he is single online and on his social medias and always tags this one friend of his in stuff that makes it look like they're together instead of him and me and he also barely mentions me to them and i just feel so inferior
tried talking to him about it and he acted like i'm being too sensitive and accusing him of cheating
pls no bully, i am just insecure rn
No. 552330
>>552328he's probably mentioned me in like a comment or two a few weeks ago. he once posted a picture of us on his acc for a few days but then ended up deleting it but the stuff he tags his friend in is always there
i just feel stupid because we both are serious about our relationship and already talked about marriage and all that shit too because it's been 4 years now, his family is also very approving of me, but i don't wanna be like those wives whose husband has a secret account behind her back where he sends minors dick pics and cheats on her with random people
No. 552374
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>>552373Thanks anon, I wasn't the OP but now I got something to distract myself with.
No. 552394
>>552391Nah, most mothers don’t have sense of privacy since they “breastfed/showered you”.
I don’t see why some people are so paranoic over nakedness. Unless she forced you to do something with her nipple, it’s just a nip.
No. 552395
>>552391No the fuck. My mother bathed me naked when I was 5, am I a CSA
victim now.
No. 552402
>>552393>>552394>>552395>>552398I was just asking for confirmation that it wasn’t, that’s all. I never said I
believed it was CSA
And I too bathed with my mom until I was 9 due to my fam moving a lot and being partially blind-not used to different faucets. Though not constantly
No. 552552
>>552550I've never understood that either. Like, Linda, honey, I don't need to know you got divorced three times before you realized that salmon needs to be cooked at 375 degrees.
I think it might also have something to do with padding and reading time or something, idk I've never ran a blog before. Maybe they just think everything needs to be written in a proper essay format.
No. 552642
>>552624What, are you in the market for conversion therapy? As
>>552628 said, pornsickness could make you turned on by the other sex. Hence why straight AGPs find themselves attracted to men. Regarding FTMs, I think some detrans women say it made their sexual interests more intense, so a lesbian might have greater drive to self-harm through sex with men due to hypersexuality. Though I do believe more FTMs transition due to autoandrophilia and wanting to have gay sex. Video is from a lesbian about how she believed she was a gay man.
No. 552882
>>552807yep i dont know how gibi handles it
she seems to be really targeted with fake porn for some reason
No. 552889
>>552881Yep, happened to me yesterday. Went on data cause of my wifi being shitty. I tried to post in another off topic thread and it said I was banned since January something. I forgot what the reason was but it was defintely not me that wrote the ban related post since it was a thread I never go to.
Several users can share the same data and ip address in the area you're in so that means whoevers sharing it with you probably did something stupid.
No. 553058
>>552951He wants you at his beck and call for attention, but doesn't want to be bothered by you in his own time
If you like completely one-way interactions, proceed (do not proceed)
No. 553059
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How often should you mop your floors and clean your bathroom? Someone posted pic related on twitter and the comments were "omfg who mops their floor and cleans their bathroom only once a week 🤢🤢" and its got me confused bc i thought that once a week to do those things are completely reasonable especially if you're busy? Am I a slob or are twt folks germaphobes lol
No. 553064
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>>553059People who walk around with their outdoor shoes in their house need to mop all the time. Disgusting.
I visited a friend's house before and I always remove my shoes when entering. I regretted it instantly, grains of dirt stuck to my feet and there was visible mud streaks. These people mopped 2x a week but it didn't mean anything since they had an open back door and let dogs run around inside and out while the family walked around with dirty ass shoes on. They even lifted them onto the table and armrest, where you may put your head.
Worst thing is those who enter their bed with shoes on. Or people who put their dirty ass suitcase onto a bed. Some people "clean" all the time but there's no point when they live like gremlins.
No. 553081
>>553077I feel like it depends. OMAD is a legitimate way to lose weight if you're consuming enough calories and nutrients. However, if you're worried, maybe you should take a step back and think about how you view food. Some questions I'd consider are:
Do you unhealthily obsess over calories/food intake? Do you feel guilty or extremely distressed when you eat something that falls outside of your food-related goals? Do you find yourself hating your body/appearance? And so on.
No. 553087
>>553080Yes better call your parents and confess now.
But yeah no feds have bigger fish to fry than random uninvolved people getting exposed against their will. Can you imagine the workload? They don’t even care about the edgelord spammers most of the time.
No. 553134
>>553116Of course it's possible, just don't let it get to you too much, it'll go away after a few days. Try dressing up for fun if you still feel bad, that always makes me feel better
>>553123THat used to happen to me too all the time, I think it went away after time (I can't really remember), I don't know why that happens either but it's not malicious
No. 553337
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Do you guys think wearing color contacts makes someone "fake", as in too shallow or vain?
I've been meaning to get those solotica lenses in blue because my eyes are that almost jet black brown and I feel like never being able to see my pupils makes me less approachable idk, im white as a bread so it wouldn't be too ~*~ wow exotic ~*~ looking.
No. 553372
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What do I google for more shirts like this?? Specifically, I’m looking at this style of sleeve. Is it called balloon sleeves? This listing calls them poet sleeves?
No. 553400
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any fellow nearsighted-chans have experience in getting affordable contact lenses without insurance? I'm like very new and dumb to this lifestyle lol. I only started wearing glasses a year ago after a life of perfect vision and while I scored with cute frames I honestly really miss my bare face without them and want to be able to switch between both options. but by the time quar is over I'll have aged out of my family plan and I haven't researched a new plan nor am i really going to be able to afford my own insurance anytime soon. was supposed to eventually go to my optometrist for a fitting before the world stopped. I feel like as long as I know my prescription I should be fine but i know next to nothing abt contact fittings. I also know wearing contacts can be more uncomfortable than wearing glasses. are there any good brands you know of or any lenses that are sketchy that I should stay away from?
No. 553403
>>553395I've never really been a nitpicky anon, I'm more of a lurker on snow/ pt threads and i hate when that dumb shit gets out of hand, especially when it's off-topic and the cow in question is very much conventionally pretty. I get that it's fun to roast some of them because they are genuinely trash garbage people, but I have had to force myself to take breaks from browsing here too often or else I start feeling like a bloated haggard toothless goblin hasbeen even though I'm young and decent looking, so I get what you mean
also I've always been way harder on myself than others, like I'll have it in my head that I would die if i had x feature or was a certain weight but then I see it on another girl and genuinely think she can pull it off? idk. ultimately lookism is going to be everywhere and even people with the best intentions will occasionally project on others, but no one will ever be without flaws unless the've got ps and facetune, you're better off not letting that shit get to you as much as you can manage to.
No. 553435
>>553400Honestly anon, you should go to an optometrist and do the test for contact lenses. it's important that they fit well or it could damage your eyes further. i have a slight astigmatism in one eye and normal contact lenses (drugstore-ones, fairly cheap but not bad quality) don't really fit perfectly and they end up hurting my eyes.
if you wanna wear contact lenses, do it the safe way. and for me they aren't expensive (but i live in switzerland, idk how it is where you live). for 6 months i pay around 80-100 dollars so that's super fair.
No. 553479
>>553465I think it's good to be with someone you match with so it's not entirely dumb. It really depends on the political opinion they have.
They can always change when presented with new info and if they are willing to change their perspective so it's not like an entirely fixed state.
No. 553512
>>553511Yes because she is mostly a
toxic pickme and hates women. Avoid at all costs to avoid drama with her.
No. 553571
>>553395not really. the only cows i mock for their appearance are ones that pick on other women's looks themselves, like laur, gimpgirl, shoe etc.
>>553511the fact that she's thinks it's acceptable to openly sperg about it doesn't bode well.
No. 553580
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Can someone explain why this pic from the Projared/Holly Conrad thread is funny? I don't get it. I'm not a gamer, and I'm really only familiar with the basics of the Holly Conrad/Heidi/Projared drama.
No. 553592
>>553404The "No boyfriend" rule just permanently fucked me up forever.
My parents used to threaten me and my sister, telling us that they're going to hurt us and break our legs if we ever get a boyfriend. I once had an online boyfriend when I was around 10 on Habbo, my sister somehow found out and I ended up fully sobbing and crying, begging her not to tell our parents. Lol.
Funny thing is: After my brother was born, they never said anything like that to him and even went as far as ENCOURAGING him to get a girlfriend. I hate men and their privilege so much.
I was also never allowed to visit my friends' houses and have a sleepover, even if they knew the kids parents and talked to them before. They weren't allowed to visit me either and there was a time in middle school where people would make fun of me for being "homeless" over that aka no one's ever been to my house before and I always wore the same clothes out of insecurity = anon is homeless. I swear children can be so cruel sometimes.
No. 553597
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UGHHHHHHHHHHH. Ive been twitching and feeling numb alot whenever I workout (it happens when i do plank related exercises).
Its usually around my arms,hands, left eyelid,fingers and sometimes i can feel it in on my upper lip. Am i going to die
No. 553600
>>553580Holly is with Jared but he seems to ignore her everywhere, never interacts with her on streams, never likes her selfies while she tries to get his attention as hard as she can. The more time passes the more miserable she looks. Heidi is doing fine, she sometimes vents on twitter about how Jared gave her trust issues but she is working on it, while Holly said numerous manipulative and stupid things throughout this year and definitely doesn't feel guilty or anything. Lately she looked especially greasy and sad, Jared started liking selfies of other girls and interacting with them while still ignoring Holly, and this is the face she made when Heidi notification appeared on her AC stream.
Basically, we laugh because she got what she wanted - Jared, who is a manipulative jerk with porn addiction. And while getting what she wants she destroyed both his marriage and her own. Both Heidi - Jared's ex, and Ross - her ex are moving on and are happy.
No. 553791
>>553592wtf are you me? The first paragraph hits WAY too close home, but I don't have a brother. Now I'm nearly 26 and a kissless virgin, my big sister is fucked in the head so she can't keep a man and my little sister has been dating a guy for years but it's a secret and she only told my mother recently. I also recently learned that she broke up with her bf because he's not from our ethnicity and she was worried our father would beat the shit out of them if he knew, but then they got back together.
When we were in middle school we got a prank call once from one of my sisters' classmates who was like "lol I'm [sister's name] boyfriend xD" and my father was just beating her the whole afternoon after that because clearly, we deserve this for being whores. Despite us trying to explain that this was a prank. Some people should just not reproduce.
No. 553792
>>553760Constantly. I’ve stopped trying to do things a long time ago.
Even with years of meds and therapy it hasn’t gone away.
No. 553809
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>>553522So that makes sense why she has only female 'besties' IRL with whom she never hangs out (but came to all of them to give her a job after she got kicked out) while talking only to men on internet… Honestly I considered this part really sus ever since the beginning, because it seemed to me that the way she spregged about her besties was both middle-school level and both seemed like she just uses them because they've been friends for awhile.
And yes, I spoke my opinion that I would always prefer being progressive (if i had a choice, I said that I don't care about such stuff that much, never thought of it so deeply that I would be calling myself trad or not) over being traditional, explaining that I was born in a country that (still) has a huge patriarchy and traditional propaganda.
It honestly made me feel really sad for her ever since she said such words. When I started saying that I will always support women over men, said that I believe that women are even better than men because of the way we were raised, she started spregging that 'not all men'.
I sound like ''feminazi'' here, but I meant that women are calmer than men and are better at handeling situations, and most of the time they are not the 'woman-child' of relationships.
Ever since she somehow started trying to throw dramas on me whenever I would come over (she is, unfortunatley, a sister of my significant other), even though I've seen it coming because ever since the first day we met she was showing jealousy traits, you know, these kinds of stares and creepy compliments that involve her degrading herself. Ever since the second I met her, it was written that she is really insecure all over her face.
I feel bad, thinking I did something wrong but I never tried picking fights with her or anything. It bums me out how she also is trying to ignore the existence of mine and her big brothers relationship. I really want to talk to her about it, but whenever I try she literally runs out of the room like a child.
It seems like its really hard to…Befriend women IRL… I never said anything mean to her.
No. 553832
>>553791God wtf. Reading this was so painful what the fuck is up with your dad i hope your sister and you guys are ok. Men who think they should control their daughter’s love life should be burned in a pit.
Same thing with me and I hate that my dad forbids me from having any sort of love life just because I’m his only daughter but had I’d been a son he would have encouraged me to go find a girlfriend.
No. 553924
>>553919I sort of did and will have to do it again.
Few months ago I had to go to a psychologist to get diagnosed and had to tell her all the shit that happened and I was embarrassed to even bring it up. I just did. I was red faced, crying a bit and stuttering but eh.
Those people hear all kinds of stuff from incredibly fucked up to the most basic crap reasons for someones illness. They will accept what you say as the truth. You can also write it all down if it's easier for you
No. 553940
>>553919>I haven't talked about it much with anyone because I feel like people will think I'm lying/exaggerating.Seek a trauma-informed therapist if that's the case. They're literally trained to help clients overcome childhood abuse, and they won't accuse you of lying. Avoid psychologists and psychiatrists, as they tend to be more focused on diagnosing you and treating you with medication. Not that they'd necessarily accuse you of lying either, but if you're more focused on healing from abuse, rather than treating individual symptoms (such as depression/anxiety) that you struggle with as a result of the abuse, therapy is a better bet.
You can use websites like psychology today to find therapists in your area that specialize in childhood trauma. Use the filters on the left to narrow down specifically what you struggle with, and it will pull up specialists that are trained to tackle those issues.
No. 553970
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>>553968i think someone asks this question every month and someone replies with a variation of this photo and link explaining it, it's basically about focal lenghts. could also be the fact that cameras are just too fucking hd these days, gross.
No. 553990
I thought I posted this before, but I guess it might've not gone through? Unless it was deleted.
Is it somewhat normal to have your bones showing despite being overweight?
I struggled with an ED for about 4 years, to the point where I was hospitalized, I'm in recovery now, gained about 20 pounds.
But my bones still show, collar bone, upper and lower rib cage, hip bones.. It feels really weird, and upsetting because it reminds me of how bad I wanna be what I was before.
I'm definitely overweight, 5'2, 150 lbs, and 38-28-37 measurements (embarrassing to say even tho anon)
I know it's a meme word but is this just like, big/wide bone structure? It's hard for me to tell by myself on these things due to body dysmorphia..
No. 553992
>>553986You're just going to get anons nitpicking her appearance saying her head is too big, nose too wide, her chin not at a 180 degree angle, or her face is too manly.
Then some anon will sperg about Japan and how she wouldn't be attractive to an Asian market.
No. 553996
>>553992Projection much?
>>553986I think she's pretty, that's it. She doesn't interest me work-wise or personality-wise.
>>553990I have a feeling that regardless of anons answers, you'll still find a way to feel negatively. Maybe focus on recovery harder if having bones bothers you.
No. 554023
>>553996ayrt how the fuck is that projection.
Did you actually take my example nitpicks seriously?
No. 554026
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>>553991thanks for the insight! yea her and selena both still give off disney vibes to me.
>>554010confidence is sexy, that's true. lol but all i can think of is her in those whacky layered outfits from shake it up. you'd need confidence to wear those!
No. 554034
>>554032thank you
kill yourself
No. 554112
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Why does this anime ho have such low wings. They look like they're growing out of her asscheeks
I have no idea who this character is or what she's from. I just know this love to cosplay her.
No. 554113
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>>554112>>554112Morrigan from darkstalkers, I don't play the game but I've played MvC3
No. 554153
>>554124Before considering consuming it I'd want there to be a few peer-reviewed studies on its impacts on the environment.
If it has a significantly lower carbon footprint than "normal" meat (be it industrial or organic) then I would be totally for it being more widely available. However if a diet that includes it has a bigger carbon footprint than a local vegan diet, then I would say it defeats the purpose a bit.
From a more personnal point of view, I don't think I'd eat it because I'd be too afraid it will make cravings worse. Same reason I won't eat eggs even if they're from someone's backyard: it was difficult to stop even if I didn't go cold turkey, I think refreshing my memory of tasty animal products will make it harder to stay vegan.
However some people argue that having an ethical lab grown meat will make it easier for people to stay vegetarian/vegan because they won't need to eat real stuff when they get cravings. It's all theory tho, as far as I know there's been no studies on animal product substitutes and whether they help transitioning diets or make it more difficult.
On the ethical side idk. From a purely utilitarian pov, sure a few animals are killed to get the cells but how many animals are not uselessly brought into the world and then killed as a result? It sucks that it would still support the killing of animals for a profit but at this point it would be the least terrible option.
No. 554167
>>554162Depends, if your professor has proctorio or any other proctoring software then your screen is going to be recorded at the very least. Your professor may also enable your webcam so that the software can record you and your microphone.
If you do plan to cheat (unless it's open note) hopefully your professor only has the screen recording available so you can look at your textbook. Otherwise you're kind of out of luck.
The softwares all have some sort algorithm that tracks your time on questions, I'm not sure how it really works but it does give your professor red flags that you may be cheating and they can review it.
No. 554202
>>552321oh god, i had this. He was vocal about our relationship and all his online pals knew me and we'd talk about outing i.e. meals out, go karting, holidays but his ex would post shit on his timeline from when they were dating and kept trying to antagonise me online, while being 'nice' to my face.
There is no way this ends well. I went into his msgs and although there is no evidence of cheating, there was an unsophisticated gaslighting campaign against me. She criticised me constantly, faultfinding, flirting with him, sending him lewds.
Go through his phone. You have nothing to lose.
Him and his 'friend' are already drafting your callout post about how you're a crazy insecure jealous cunt.
Get out before that happens, at least you will have control, anon.
No. 554204
>>554202 samefag but
I deeply regret not listening to others and getting out before this happened, so at least I could've had SOME semblance of control. Now, I have nothing, and it was the most devastating experience of my life, and I wish I was dead everyday.
Anon, I am begging you, as I would beg my past self from a month ago. Get the fuck out. They're talking non-stop shit about you, I guarantee it.
No. 554207
>>554205Anon, can I get a hold of you on discord somehow?
I'm so, so glad that someone is going through the same thing, I need someone to talk to about it.
I adore him, I can't believe he did this to me.
No. 554210
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Anon-tans, I am confused why is it so common to have a jealous sister-in-law, or sister-in-law being jealous of her brothers relationship. Why is it so common everywhere; both in media and IRL?
I always thought that you should feel happy for your sibling when they decide to share a life with their partner instead of being petty and whiny about it. I got only little brothers, and maybe that's why I am more chill about it… But girls, isnt that unhealthy and disrespectful?
No. 554218
>>552266>>552298Also lived in Korea for a while, and I think I did find Korean men overall move attractive on average than other populations (I'm from MX/US)
But! It wasn't necessarily their build or faces–they were just more idk, uniformly well-groomed? Trends in Korea are pretty strong so most young men will make an effort to keep up and it's easy to get access to cheap, nice-looking clothes. I did find about 1/3 of them to be quite tall (maybe 6ft, usually accompanied by an equally tall gf), the rest were probably short by Western standards (maybe 5'5-5'7). Rarely in between lol. Didn't see anyone fat but also not really muscular either.
For reference, I lived around Sinchon/Hongdae so I was surrounded by a lot of trendy young people, and I think it totally depends on the area/social class/etc, like any other country. Sorry for the overly detailed answer, I just miss Korea.
No. 554237
>>554210I wish my older brother would find a girlfriend and move out of the house already, but he's too cautious and picky.
I think it's just one of those things where some families just have odd boundaries. Like the creepy fathers who are way too protective of their daughter's virginity or "boy moms"
No. 554239
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So I've been losing weight these past couple of weeks, but last week and this week I've only managed to lose one pound. What am I doing wrong?
I keep a food diary and try not to go over 1500 and sometimes even eat less than that. I've stayed away from junk food completely.
I also lift weights so maybe that might have something to do with it? Maybe I need to exercise more often?
No. 554258
>>553985>When you consistently apply what you learned, be it changing unhelpful patterns of thinking or behavior.Wait, on therapy you "learn" anything?
I was on few therapies for a years, I learned nothing.
No. 554296
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How do you learn makeup and not look like a kid who raided mom's makeup bag?
No. 554298
>>554291Because they can legally pay people way less by sourcing them from a "recruiter" company. Which is why contract hires don't technically work for those companies despite doing all the same shit their direct employees do.
Companies save beaucoup money this way, and they don't have to offer those contractors benefits or nothin.
If a company really likes someone they can "buy out" their contract from the recruitment agency but there's really no incentive to do so most the time. Usually only happens when they know their employees will be leaving or transferring so they'll be short staffed otherwise.
No. 554299
>>554296like literally anything fucking else, it just takes practice. usually you watch a tutorial the first time you try a specific look.
sorry, but I'm so tired of hearing people bitch about how hard it is to learn how to do make-up. it isn't rocket science. like, if you're not even going to put in the effort to learn, make-up might just not be for you. there's probably an underlying reason why you're not motivated enough to get better at it and just want to complain that it's too hard.
No. 554333
>>554320Oh damn I forgot the word weird
Is it weird for someone to call a person's teeth cute?
No. 554347
>>554321Most Yuri stuff is written by men and for men so I find it hard to enjoy it
Yaoi is way better because 90% of the artists are women
and they also have a lot of better tropes No. 554350
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What is this art style called? And how can a person (me) who knows nothing about illustration, start working toward something like that?
No. 554356
>>554347>>554321>>554306Both are trash
If you want good stories, you gotta read Shoujo/Shounen ai
Less focus on fucking, more focus on character development
No. 554364
>>554363I mean yuri the genre, which is typically distinct from shoujo ai is fine, I probably would have used mangadex because you can filter for porn and doujins a bit more easily
But what were the distributions?
No. 554371
>>554370I don't hate the word yuri, but yuri often includes sex whereas shoujo ai often doesn't
yuri is usually porn in my experience
But it's supposed to be a random sample, so if you're seeing 80/20 then that's cool too
No. 554420
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>>554333nah it's not too weird or uncommon, at least imo. I'll hear people like someone else's teeth every now and then. I actually get told I have "cute" little baby teeth, which is funny because I'm extremely insecure about how tiny, chipped and worn/ ground down they are. like my tooth twin is basically gerard way but like… straighter and more transparent lmao
No. 554427
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Does anyone know where this dress is from?
No. 554447
>>554444Mine drove down the desirability of my resume if I include it, so it depends. Absolutely wasn't worth it for me and I only did it because of the bullshit my boomer parents put me through. Joke is on me, there's a reason why they're leaving so much debt to our generation.
What would it be in?
No. 554483
>>554444Only do it if you're really interested in the subject.
Honestly who knows if it will make you more employable, with the upcoming economical crisis it can go either way. You might want to pick one that includes a long paid internship to get experience.
No. 554630
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>>554628we're reaching femcel levels that shouldn't even be possible
No. 554742
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Can someone better at google at me help me find this yukata sleepwear set with this/similar pattern? I saw it pop up on my instagram feed but I have no doubts it’s just reselling from Chinese sites. I found similar ones on aliexpress but no matter what combo of “polka dots” or “dots” or similar that I search it with, no similar/exact pattern will show up lol.
No. 554753
>>554746If anyone here answers this seriously, it'll probably just devolve to bad faith arguments, infighting and sperging.
I'd try the other site for this kind of conversation.
No. 554769
>>554746Firstly, what is this mythical female-targeted hentai series you mentioned?
Hentai is argued to be "better" than irl porn solely on the basis that real people aren't being exploited. It still does the same amount of brain damage. Written words and drawn pictures can still meme people into degeneracy, actually they can give people more fucked up fetishes than irl porn ever could. After all, real people can not perform "all-the-way-through" or "eye socket fucking", and yet there are now those who are turned on by it all the same because of hentai. But this is still fine, after all, it's not real, right?
There will always be escalation, no exception. People undoubtedly seek out as real of a simulation of their impossible/fictional fetishes as they can. Do you know how much 3D hyper realistic snuff loli porn there is on wildly popular websites like pixiv and patreon? There are sickeningly real images of children bodies, all out in the open and accepted because hey they have anime faces!
With the way technology is going, it'll be incredibly easy to make fake too real, at which point "no woman was harmed in the making of this" is irrelevant. It harms women all the same.
So if you're looking to hear that hentai is a viable alternative to irl porn, you just have to think a bit longer to see that it's not.
No. 554774
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>>554750Thank you so much anon!!!!
No. 554778
>>554422I think people have a misconception about the idea of hydration
clear pee doesn't mean you drank too much water–it just means you have a lot of water in your system, not an amount that is dangerous or anything
Super gross dark pee is gross, but it doesn't mean you're dehydrated. Could you use more water? Yes, but you're not going to die if your pee is dark for more than a couple days.
I think people think of hydration in terms of beauty terms instead of medical terms. Drinking more water is beneficial for your skin/body/overall beauty, but you don't want to bloat–But none of that has anything do do with your actual physical health
Just drink water when you get thirsty and you'll be fine
Personally, if you have to aim for something, aim for clear pee instead of trying to figure out if your pee is the right shade
Having 8 cups of water will get you there
No. 554791
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Is it really that bad to live with your mom?
Im in my 20s and I still live with my mom since its the most beneficial set up for us, we are able to keep the family home that would be too big for one person otherwise, groceries, bills, etc are manageable and cheap since they are split between two people, my mom doesn’t understand jack shit about computers so i handle the banking and finances that rely on apps and the internet, we also seem to have pretty healthy boundaries when it comes to going out, im allowed to leave whenever i want and used to be able to come back whenever I wanted too (as farfetched as it sound my city had a serial killer who targeted college aged girls last year, fucking bizarre i know) with only basic questions asked, where im going and when should i be expected back, now i have a 2-3 am curfew which still sounds reasonable, same with my mother, she tells me where she’s going and that’s it whenever someone comes back the owe no explanation or details either.
She insists on doing the household chores but only because she doesn’t like my more soft cleaning style, she goes all in with the bleach, so im relegated to finance, groceries and cooking, it still seems pretty fair since we do have all tasks evenly set up.
Its a pretty cushy set up that allowed me to go to a much better college than if i insisted on moving out and living alone, but I can’t help to feel weird since everyone else in the internet finds living with your parents weird lol
No. 554844
>>554841>>554842Right? I would be happy if my boyfriend was sexually very into me and appreciated the way I look. It's not a disrespectful thing. I don't know why my ex thought it was disrespectful, it's not like I would ever go bother someone about it. It's all in my imagination.
I don't have to justify something to him but if we were still dating, I don't know how I could explain this logic to him. He would think I'm a whore anyway.
No. 554862
>>554791It's only weird to live with your parents if you're not making any kind of contribution and have made no strides to better yourself in order to move out.
The people you've gotta watch out for are the ones who are content to live with their parents. I personally couldn't stand the interrogations and bullshit from my mom when I had to move back home temporarily and it was enough to make me never want to do that again. It just sucks that the economy is so rough for our generation that buying a house or being able to afford rent alone isn't something most of us can consider anymore until our 30s and maybe not even then.
No. 554869
>>554860Absolutely have a talk with her about it– just try to phrase things in a way that doesn't seem like you're trying to control her or "kinkshame." You need to have a honest dialogue with her about grooming. One thing you could try is getting her to talk to women who
have been groomed and are recovering from it. I feel like if you're a woman online between 17 and 30, you know someone who's been groomed (if not yourself.)
If she's being really unresponsive, then you need to just go straight to her parents about it.
No. 554902
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Can someone tell me where this art is from? I saw it in the fashion thread in /g/.
No. 554951
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Is there anything I can do to avoid vanity/narcissism while being meticulous about my appearance?
I notice that when I spend lots of time on makeup, hair, fashion, etc. I become a lot more self-absorbed and judgemental. I feel awful being that way. When I'm negligent about those things I focus more on my life, hobbies, and interests and don't care so much about the image I'm projecting/how I'm being seen. The downside to that is that I look lazy and unkempt.
Where's the middle ground?
No. 555067
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what are these hair clips called? the ones models always have on during hair/makeup? where can I find good quality ones? am I allowed to wear them as fashion or is that stupid?
No. 555111
>>555067really living up to the "stupid questions" thread title. just look up "hair stylist clips".
you can wear them as fashion but if you look sloppy, someone who knows what they are might chuckle.
No. 555239
>>554779It means you're getting your water from other places
Or you have dementia
No. 555246
>>555242Okay, you might not do that, but that doesn't mean there aren't people who are doing that
I mean, it's not like everything they do is milky, but people are still talking about just about all the interactions they have
No. 555255
>>555252Oh okay, I just wanted to check to see if it was generally acceptable or not
Because if everyone posted like you, the site might not actually exist
No. 555260
>>555258Online relationships are often more pure than regular relationships because it's purely emotional
No sex before marriage == healthy relationship
(this is how ridiculous you sound)
No. 555264
>>555261Yeah, no shit
But people can't hang out with eachother because they risk passing a disease around, so maybe just shut up
No. 555267
>>555265An incredible about of hostility towards you telling people their relationships are shit even though they don't have much control over their ability to meet in person
so again, shut up
No. 555310
But is there a way to know how many people different people visit lolcow every day?
No. 555312
>>555265there are 7 billion people in this world. The internet connects you to millions upon millions of those people. Of course, people are going to date someone who lives thousands of miles away from them.
Obviously, they aren't sustainable relationships if you never meet up but you don't even know why op is in their situation. You don't know if they have met up or if they plan to meet up, or even if they were in an in-person relationship before long distance. You're assuming shit about her relationship to sperg about it being hollow and fake.
No. 555324
>>555306 >So, I'm currently dating this dude for like a few months now. We haven't met irl That's not dating. Are you really stressing about 'breaking up' when tbh you're single already?
You're worried, full of doubts and predicting the end before it's even started.. girl invest your time in something else.
No. 555325
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Why did he say he loved me two years ago but now it feels like we barely talk anymore?
No. 555332
>>555324I know, in the back of my mind exactly what you said is going on but I'm just so afraid of confrontation and hurting feelings and I don't wanna just ghost him or block him because he is sweet.
I just hope he breaks up with me first so I don't feel bad kek
No. 555359
>>555353That sounds pretty gay, bro. Do you see yourself dating women?
>>555356Get back to Pink Pill, loser.
No. 555364
>>555353i think it's kind of gay.
i have a dumb question based on this one. do you guys consider bisexuality to be about who you seriously date/fall in love with, or is anyone attracted to both sexes bisexual? or is there another definition that's escaping me?
No. 555376
>>555374right, that's kind of what i thought the general consensus was here. i'm the same way and call myself straight but it feels kind of incorrect considering i think of women when i fap and developed sexual feelings for women long before i did for men. though, no one needs to know any of that so i guess straight is a better "functional" label even it's not completely accurate.
still, it's funny that the same doesn't apply to men. i can't imagine a man fully fapping to other guys and having crushes on them being able to say "nah i'm still straight because i don't actually date/fuck men." they would be called closet gay/bi by men and women alike.
No. 555422
>>555418from their dads or male family members, it's just handed down knowledge.
Like for women when you become a mom you're almost hardwired to know everything about your kids like their friends, events, etc. You basically have all the emotional labor because that's what you were taught/saw.
No. 555427
Are there any bugs that are as smart as animals like birds/primates/etc? Like more intelligence than just their natural instincts.
And how do bees decide who will be the next queen? Like I know baby queen bees get fed royal jelly, but how do they decide who to feed the jelly to? Do the nurse bees just pick at random?
>>555375>>555383Fair point. I didn't think of it like that. I can see now how a person might consider themselves bi without dating a woman/man
>>555376There's definitely a stigma against gay/bi men, but that's probably because men find lesbian relationships sexy, but no one really sexualizes gay relationships the same way. Like talk about how they thinks its hot to have a threesome with two girls, but it's a lot less common to hear a woman saying they want a threesome with two dudes.
No. 555429
>>555418i think a lot of men just have good intuition about how things fit together and they seem to find it very interesting compared to women. remember boys taking apart mechanical pencils in class and trying to put them together over and over? cars and plumbing is just an extension of that. i only fuck with that stuff on as needed basis. i don't find it very interesting in its own right.
the same thing could be said about girls and fashion/styling. a lot of us never learned from our mother or anywhere else in particular but we figured it out through trial and error how to do hair and put together looks. and then you have some trans women who have absolutely astounding bad taste in fashion and the worst hairstyle you've ever seen because they never cared about it until transitioning. a little intuition and a lot of interest goes a long way.
also ofc not all women like fashion etc i'm just speaking in trends.
No. 555438
>>555427Intelligence is rated differently in different animals
Some birds recognize themselves in mirrors, but dogs are seen as intelligent if they can follow commands effectively
Ants are pretty smart, they build bridges and form rafts-but we don’t know if those are learned or randomly evolved
Bees typically fight to the death. More often, the queen that hatched first attacks all of the other still developing queens
No. 555445
>>555358It's not the same as like, how I may feel about a guy, but I'm still like, imagining how soft her body may be, or how I may want to have my face in her boobs. But I don't really think about pussy related stuff, if that makes sense.
>>555359I have never done it so it's hard to see. Also I dont have many girl friends so that doesn't help.
No. 555459
>>555445then you’re just a straight girl who’s bought into the objectification of other women lol
it’s not that deep
No. 555526
>>555484Ah, jee. I read up about anxious attachment and honestly, I never knew that was a thing even though now that I'm reading it I'm really surprised by how well it describes my relationships. The constant need for reassurance and security, no sense of self worth, feeling unsure etc. I also kinda realize that it isn't only with this guy (who I actually do like) but with literally every relationship I've had.
Thanks, anon. I'll look more into it.
No. 555549
>>555541lmao anon.
That's true though.
No. 555711
>>555708Don't adjust your standards and boundaries for anyone.
If it's gentle+lube it isn't painful, just another hole, but you've already got one and it seems kinda pointless for guys to have an anal fixation when the vag is literally centimetres away.
No. 555714
>>555708Have never tried it myself but according to my friends who have, it’s uncomfortable and boring at best and painful at it’s worst.
Doesn’t seem worth it.
Stand your ground, anon.
No. 555910
>>555892>do people actually factor in how someone looks when they have kids with them?I don't know, probably not that much now that you actually mentioned it.
Anyway, If someone I was dating had plastic surgery and only admitted to it once I asked, I wouldn't feel like they lied. I could see certain people feeling like you lied though if you withheld that kind of information, like if they had negative views of people who get that type of surgery.
No. 556047
>>556045>I've never met an autistic people obsessed with trains.I have and I'm friends with him. Now what?
It's because people with autism tend to obsess over hobbies and niche interests. Trains are popular and usually afforded by many white people as a means of travel as well. It makes sense to me.
No. 556080
>>556047The point isn’t that
none of them are into trains, just that most of them aren’t.
No. 556099
>>556097She dipped out. She's probably hiding under a different name and still playing TERA.
A few anons started trying to find her again under new names on IG, and even posted people they thought might be her, but they didn't succeed.
No. 556111
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I want to pick up a new hobby and I can't decide if I should learn to sew or crochet. Which one is better and easier for a total newbie to learn? I'm mostly interested in making little dolls and plushies, not so much clothes. Crocheting seems a bit less intimidating to me but I really like the results of sewed plushes. My mother is also pretty good at sewing and has a couple of machines she would let me use, so I have access to a machine from day one, but it still seems quite difficult to learn. I just don't know anything about either hobby. Any advice from more experienced sewers/crocheters?
No. 556386
>>556299For me smells and touch always help, I can sit next to a window or smell some scents I like and I actually feel like I am a living being and not some kind of robot.
My therapist also helped me out with some grounding techniques, like box breathing and meditation. Meditation has always helped me more than box breathing. I just lay on the floor and kind of exist for a bit.
No. 556515
>>556509Here's a link to the skincare thread
>>>/g/135420 , they usually post tips and products on there if you bump the thread.
No. 556524
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how do i make my facebook hacker proof??????
>bf hacked into two google accounts, insta and finsta, whatssapp and obviously facebook messenger to read my messages
>he promised he would never do it again but also said "i didnt even need your password, silly" and "i didnt delete the history, but i could have, if i delete the activity youd never know i ever entered your account" like it felt like a fucking threat but hes like ofc i would never do it again but im like hmmmm can i know????
i feel like i have no privacy anymore. i feel watched. i dont think i can talk to my close friends the way i used to. he promised multiple times not to enter but im still very afraid cause he literally said he could do it and id never found out about it. i dont feel safe talking to my friends anymore cause im afraid hes reading everything i say
i dont know how the fuck he does it anons. he did it while i was asleep. and like for example i found text messages from instagram with the codes to enter my account, but like how did he know the codes without having my phone??? how did he hack that'????? is nothing hacker prooof???
No. 556527
>>556524another stupid question, since this happened im paranoid and i check my security and login facebook activity ALL DAY.
and i keep seeing "device unknown" in ______ (where i live). last times he hacked it i could recognize his address. but this "device unknown" has my IP address so it CANT be him right???? or can it be him??? is that something you can hack?? please someone tell my friends say its him but it has my ip address
No. 556528
>>556524Does he have access to your primary email? Get a simple password manager or something on your computer or phone. He might be getting in because your passwords are retarded or you use the exact same thing everywhere.
Most importantly, log out of everything from every device
right now. Then change the passwords. Change all your used email passwords too.
No. 556536
>>556528i already did every single step. but, when i talked to him i said "i guesss i was stupid for using ______ as a password" and hes like "that was your password?! oh. i didnt use your password to login, silly". and im like what the fuck?????
>>556530how??? and how do i stop himm???? i do have an iphone
>>556531but before i could see the make and model of his cellphone and everything and this one says its unknown and its in my own ip. most of the time it matches with my facebook usage but just a moments ago i saw that it logged in like 13 minutes ago and im like hmm i dont remember logging in to anything 13 minutes ago? but could it be some background app right?
No. 556539
>>556536IMO I think he was lying about not knowing your password. This guy is clearly a creep so I wouldn't put it past him to lie to you about his methods to keep you in the dark. If he fools you into thinking he's some elite epic haxx0r who can do anything then you're still under his control.
Change all your passwords and put this fucking freak into the garbage where he belongs.
No. 556542
>>556536I hope he won't somehow find this site from your history and then also find out that you made this post about him
Good luck anon, please dump this creep
No. 556544
>>556524This behaviour doesn't go away and only escalates. My boyfriend does it constantly and it's frightening, because they're only seeking out reasons to explode at you and be very upset. They aren't daydreaming and thinking about how beautifully you write when they go through your messages, they're looking for keywords or sometimes just a
vibe that pisses them off.
Gross behaviour, get out.
No. 556546
>>556536Stop being retarded as fuck. You're baiting or seriously retarded.
1) breakup with this creep
2) don't tell him about your plans to lock him out, retard
3) log out of apps using the "log out of all devices feature"
4)change passwords for all sm including emails used for 2FA
3)stop synching anything outside of your iphone, if you don't know how google it
No. 556556
>>556536so, i downloaded my login data from facebook again cause i was scared. and on monday i have two logins that arent from my IP at 4 pm. but he was literally in my house at that time, and he was right next to me so it couldnt be him. so, what the fuck?
>>556542i logged him out on sunday. and i just checked my gmail accounts and hes not logged in.
>>556544he promised he would change and i kinda believe him but i still dont feel safe texting anyone anymore
>>556546im just computer retarded anon, i mean, i was hacked on every account ive ever had
No. 556564
>>556556He could be using a VPN and doing this shit right next to you. Unless you can see he isn't physically on his phone or anything. Better solution, break up with this creep or continue to let your privacy be invaded. Like
>>556562 said, stop being a relationship advice dumbass. It isn't cute and I bet your friends are sick of it too.
No. 556627
>>556614> As with all age differencesNot to today satan
The younger you are less forgiving the age gaps. 19 and 22 is fine even if one of them is an underachieving neet.
No. 556662
>>556651Send it back to him
No tacky bracelet is worth the time you could be using to find someone who wants the same thing you want
No. 556696
>>556695where do you live and why can't you order stuff online
>>556691any amount above zero
No. 556812
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Anyone know anything about his past/upbringing? I don't even mean that in an invasive/obsessive way (I can understand he's just a private person) I just wonder due to the fact that he's said a lot of inconsistent/suspiciously vague stuff in interviews. I heard his dad is a pastor from multiple people.
No. 556840
>>556835idk man whenever she sees me just chilling, sitting, she starts screaming about my low hanging tits and starts fucking crying like wtf
Complaining about my slouched back and how my tits look hideous in whatever i wear, thanks mom, love that
Just want good posture so i can rub it in her face that my boobs will still hang low
No. 556880
>>556878It sounds like a delivery service attempted to deliver your package, but no one answered the door so they didn't deliver it. Some packages need to be signed for and can't be left at the door.
They usually try again the next day, or you can sometimes pick it up at the office location.
No. 556933
>>556920Pheebs was definitely PT material and would’ve gotten upgraded from snow to pt if she didn’t vanish.
I hope she comes back soon
No. 557179
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How do I become intrinsically motivated?
I recently had this realization that I do things for others' sake.
Like, I can only make myself do the dishes or clean my apartment if I know my roommates coming home. If it was up to me I would live in a place full of trash.
I also always struggled with keeping up doing my hobbies. I just have this feeling that doing things for my own entertainment is not worth doing, I need to have someone to impress with them.
Can anyone relate to this? How do I get over this?
No. 557224
>>557220I'm from a non-native English speaking country from the EU and everyone here watches US movies and tv shows almost exclusively as well. I don't think I've ever watched a French/German/Italian piece of media in my life myself. American media is just that widespread.
From my perspective as a European, I always felt like the UK was never really part of Europe and they didn't want to be.
No. 557447
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So is project/cartoon called Bee and Puppycat really a scam or not? Based on their fundings and the things they would give to people in return, I feel like as if it's a scam, but I've never been too deep into it, so I'd love some explanation and opinion.
No. 557451
>>557447I honestly don’t know too much about the behind the scenes, but they
did deliver their final end product (the episodes and I’m also assuming their backer rewards), even if it wasn’t the original vision. My best guess is that it’s because animation is pricey to do, and shit happens. I didn’t back it, but I loved the pilot and was really looking forward to watching how the story would play out. The ending felt lackluster, but you gotta do what you gotta do when you don’t have a whole network funding your project.
No. 557469
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What r all the secret lolcow boards?
No. 557478
>>557473Twans-inclusive way of go fuck yourself
>>557469Only ones I know are
No. 557668
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Where the fuck do I start with wanting to improve my painting skills, specially with portraits? Anatomy, light and shadow, symbol drawing? I work with oil and sometimes acrylic. God I feel so fucking dumb.
No. 557696
>>557478Back when I was on staff team, there was a secret that when you'd go to /berry/ it would bring you to snow.
Just checked and it's still there lol.
Everyone on staff hated Berry Tsukasa (or whatever) posters, they are the worst. Shits def gone downhill for sure.
No. 557785
I know it's illegal to sell a painting made from someone else's photo, but what if I paint a painting from someone else's photo and keep it for myself without selling it? That's not breaking any laws right? Not that it bothers me but I just wanna know
>>557770It means you are lucky
No. 557862
>>557702I was part of staff team during first Admin, I don't remember how log I was part of it, however I (and a lot others) left when Admin was giving up site to second Admin, the shitfest that happened in the Skype chat right before was enough for me to not take up her offer on joining her team. She seemed nice though, and I kinda miss it.
It was a lot more tamer and boring than I thought, and i had this whole "no fun allowed" mentality when I was offered the role.
No. 557985
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Anons, how do I deal with being a cow? I've been backreading a hell of a lot here and so many of my mutuals from tumblr/ig I naturally fell in with are on lolcow. All my favourite artists, everyone that inspires me, all the women whose work resonates with me. Should I just make my own thread at this point?
No. 558002
>>557991They could be lying to avoid getting in hot water plus parents today are now free to sue the doctors or hospital whenever severe birth complications happen
Search up
birth asphyxia
No. 558063
ripped jeans
No. 558105
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here we go
No. 558123
>>557996Very interesting
>>558002I have researched this for a while but I can never find detailed information. It's like, I'm not challenged enough to be diagnosed with disabilities, I don't think… but I definitely struggle with articulating myself.
>>558038Yeah, I've got none of those
No. 558142
>>558132yeah, i've noticed this. it's just such weird behaviour, i get group jokes about someone being a slacker or what have you but it's so strange in one on one situations? like it's just me and you, what do you even gain from it?
on a similar note, how the fuck do i stop flirting once i've let it begin? i'm a fool and i just think it's a normal conversation until it isn't and i just let it happen. i'm ashamed of the shit i've done just because i can't say no. it's not that i didn't want to, it's just like oh, i guess this is happening now. i'm so out of touch with my actual desires and saying no to come-ons and it's gotten really messy.
No. 558164
>>558160Made the mistake to open up to my mother about my depression as a teen. She proceeded to call everyone in the living room and made me explain myself. It was so fucking humiliating because I started crying and breaking down as soon as she did that. It was supposed to be a secret too. After I had to explain them about my depression, they started making jokes about how "desperate I was to take some medicine" like, wow thank you.
They're the type who really don't believe in mental illness and think as long as you believe in God you'll be OK 100%.
No. 558296
>>558160My mom does this and when I ask her to stop telling my shit to other people (not just my family) she says "Well it would be impossible for me to keep track of what I'm allowed and not allowed to say so just don't tell me then"
I love my mom but also fuck that part of her.
No. 558298
>>558292yes, i use a vpn, although i need to renew mine so it's off at the moment. i use it for private internet browsing.
vpns will do absolutely nothing for google tracking you if you leave your google account logged in, or accidentally log into it while browsing. otherwise, vpns mask your internet browsing, making it impossible for your ISP, law enforcement or government see where you are going on the internet or what you are downloading. there are caveats - if your vpn provider keeps logs, they are still required to hand them over if asked by law enforcement. i would always recommend getting a vpn that doesn't keep logs (discards the record of sites/downloads from their users).
finally, the things you do on the internet still leave a trace - whether through posts you have made, or your vpn dropping in the middle of a download, or even keyloggers analysing the way you type. you should never assume FULL anonymity.
No. 558566
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>>558565Look at this little man instead
No. 558574
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The logic Tumblr 'n Twitter "woke" teens use to justify their condemnation of certain themes being explored whatsoever in art and literature is equivalent to the logic used by middle-aged Baptist parents in the 1990s to claim that mass shootings occur because of violent computer games.
No. 558603
>>558572Depends? A mass media service promoting a idea/concept can change the perception of things if there's a ideology in work at a macro structural level (your typical "buy a kitchen to your toddler because all girls love cooking!." Is a idea reinforced in media, education, sociabilization,etc)
A freak with a 300 kudos on ao3 of 1k rt on Twitter? No way lmao.(If GOT didn't gave a rise in incest I doubt a nobody in the internet can do better)
No. 558611
>>558572They don't exist in a vacuum, but the fiction = reality retard post that went viral is bullshit. What happens in real life can influence fiction, of course. And people can in turn, be influenced by fiction, usually emotionally, like crying at movies or whatever. Media, at least mass media, can also influence beauty and style, and how people view themselves as attractive or not.
But Tumblr and Twitter types aren't intelligent enough to consider all that. They think some dumbass writing an ABO fic involving two teenage boys will somehow create child molestors. More than that, it's a bunch of teens hiding behind being "woke" to silence people who ship things they don't like, plain and simple.
No. 558630
>>558572Yes, but not like hypnotizing people to do something they know is wrong. Horror movies can stigmatize mentally ill people to be perceived as crazy violent stalkers, video games can desensitize you to violence and even the Jaws effect really did happen, people hunted down Great Whites simply because they saw a movie very loosely based on real life events. However, there's also a saying that fiction doesn't influence reality, it influences the ignorant. Which is way more accurate. People didn't hunt sharks because a movie told them to, they hunted them because they were scared and didn't know any better. Like think back to any time a movie fed you some bullshit facts that stuck with you even though it wasn't true, The Martian claimed you can live on potatoes for years with some reality-bending science. We can't police and ban fiction because some dumbass might get their real-life facts from a movie, if that was the case it wouldn't even be possible to create fiction because it's only one person's perspective of the world, not the absolute, objective truth. Most people still can tell the difference between fiction and reality, or at least are smart enough to be open minded towards actual facts.
But Twitter wokesters trying to claim that there are going to be 25-year old fangirls raping teen males left and right because they read a fanfic about underage anime characters is retarded though. Cartoons in particular so far removed from reality that they don't affect our brain and perception of reality in the same way watching something ultra-realistic would. Like you see an anime teen and it's created to be so vague that it could very well be an adult or a teen, depending on the viewer themselves you can project pretty much whatever you want into some cartoon lines. Often they don't even act like believable teenagers because - surprise - they're written by people far past their 30's.
No. 558638
>>558623The underdiagnosing of female autism is an actual phenomenon that's been studied. You might have two autistic kids in a family (It happens, genetics and the parents' ages), boy and a girl, and only the boy is diagnosed while the girl is left to her own devices. I actually saw a family like this, the boy was studied for possible ADHD/autism and the girl, while acting just like the boy, was only punished and "whipped to shape" so to speak. People tend to keep a tighter discipline for girls, they are so strongly socialized to fit a certain mold socially so their autism often manifests as social awkwardness, depression, anxiety, hyperfixation and other traits flying under the radar. Boys are much more likely to act out in external ways and the diagnostic criteria for autism has been studied using a male patient as a default state, so naturally even medical professionals are much more likely to spot the red flags with a male child than a female one. It's very common that women on the autistic spectrum don't get diagnosed until their 20's when their behavior can't be attributed to just being a kid anymore or their life-long experiences with social anxiety cause them to seek help. You can google "girls undiagnosed with autism" and find plenty of resources regarding this issue.
No. 558666
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Is this a bed bug bite?
On Friday I hung out with a friend who had a bed bug problem and ever since I've been waking up with bug bites on my body (fingers, arm, forehead, nose). They feel like mosquito bites but itchier. I'm terrified, I heard they are impossible to get rid of
No. 558694
>>558666I've usually seen bedbug bites as more round.
It's also not impossible to get rid of em just a huge fucking pain in the ass to do so.
If you do have bedbugs, check your furniture, that means ripping off them cushions, checking the wood, EVERYTHING (if you see even one crawling around, throw it the fuck out), (If you live in a hot area) Make sure to bag everythig up and leave it outside (so they can die from the heat), wash all your fucking clothes (since they can stick to that shit too), bag it up and leave em outside, spray every nook and craney with bedbug spray (or bleach/vinegar), and wash. your. carpets.
No. 559108
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>>559099>why does this 30yo need to be with a 20 something, is he so immature he can't find a mature woman in his age range?Because young is beautiful, while being old is a vile sin.
No. 559110
>>559071I very rarely hear of relationships with this big of an age gap, specifically in those age ranges, working out well. Usually it's because the older person is immature to the point of being intolerable, or is
abusive and intentionally picks younger partners, believing that they're easier to manipulate and exploit. I'd try to be open-minded about it, but if a friend or loved one told me their partner was that much older than them, I'd definitely be concerned.
Once you're into your 30's and beyond, age gaps like that aren't usually a big deal, but most people are not very experienced or emotionally mature in their early 20's, making them unfortunately much more vulnerable to abuse.
No. 559142
>>559071I once had to reject a 20 year old guy despite actually liking him, simply because it was the right thing to do. You're slightly older than that but your bf is fucking 30, does he feel no guilt? Sorry anon, but like others said, you asked for an opinion.
How young or old you look doesn't matter at all btw.
No. 559151
>>559148that's understandable lol i kinda sound like a deadbeat but i thought for a sec they're getting some "special treatment" or something like that
i no longer say it in front of her because she once told me how her little brother is autistic and it's offensive to her but then seeing her not care when her friends say it is just weird
No. 559156
Technically only half the age difference anon and her man have but nevertheless…
No. 559170
>>559099>>559110>>559129>>559130He's not
abusive or controlling, he's really kind and chill. My last boyfriend who was close to my age was horrible and tore my life apart. It's not really something that can be generalized.
The thing I'm worried about is my family not accepting it.
No. 559183
>>559180they gain exactly
>>559181 this
No. 559410
>>551905I'm cutting out both stupid question and tinfoil here but DAE thinks that the e-snowflakes who claimed that they got hurr durr death threats is faking it? I just think that they're just overdoing the online bullying trauma for pity points and fake texts is easily done these days.
I just don't think that average person would give a shit for their bullshit enough to warrant such behaviour anyway.
No. 559420
>>559323>>559373>>559375>>559389I did consider it being a hidden deformity but if I poke it with my finger and pull it back I can tell it's a little pocket of fat…but I have had a lot of intense dental work and I hadn't even thought about what side I'm sleeping on, fuck. Maybe I need lipo or half a facelift lmao
>>559410I've never actually seen that type of "death threats" so I always assume it's just normies genuinely taking shit like "kys haha" as a threat. Like how some cows think they got "doxxed" when really someone just googled their name and found completely public info on them. I agree with you but I'm sure that kind of language can be jarring if you never got told to neck yourself on an imageboard.
No. 559608
>>559599Ah. I get "Could not extract video info. Instance is likely blocked."
I hope it gets resolved soon. I think it might be due to some changes Google/Youtube made.
No. 559708
>>559702no anon, it wasn't. there have been women trafficked for sex just like there have been men trafficked for unpaid/slave labor but women have sexual value which they can profit from. i'd love people on this site to be able to talk about this in a reasonable manner but i understand that it's difficult due to the history of your politics on this site.
anon simply asked how to sell nudes because she's looking to make a bit of money and you just have to jump in and call her a retarded thot. it's very tiring, anon, and i don't know how you don't get bored of having the same conversation every time this is brought up. you share this site with sex workers over at the shayna thread, self-proclaimed 'sluts' over in /g/, and generally women of many backgrounds who you might consider a pickme or a thot. i think it would be better for your worldview in the long run if you learn to stop vilifying other women like this. it's not a good look for you and is literally only doing damage. you're not pink pilling anyone here, anon
No. 559709
>>559674I don't care, it's just a body, I don't plan on showing my face. Besides, didn't ask for opinions and it's not a thread for discussing sex work, it's about questions and answers so give it up before commentary is banned here too
>>559686thanks. Can I use fake name to register, then? Won't the account get banned or something?
No. 559716
>>559708>women have sexual value which they can profit fromYikes. I have no words. Just yikes.
I mean yeah feel free to sell nudes. However, there's a big difference between camming and literal prostitution, and the latter is associated with so many human rights violations that I personally find it indefensible. It's why I hate the phrase "sex work"– it places college girls selling nudes for fun in the same category as sex-trafficked teenagers working in brothels trying to pay off exorbitant debts to pimps.
No. 559721
it's either radfems or troons. funny how they both treat women like shit.
No. 559758
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>>559753no anon, i'm not a sex worker. i just don't see the point of calling random anons popping into /ot/ who aren't following your weird ideology to the letter every name in the book. you're obsessed.
No. 559825
>>559683Thank you anon.
Hey, what's wrong with crystal cafe?
No. 559847
>>559828What the fuck is lolcow culture even
Anything-culture sounds like an ass blasted term from twitter sjw either way
Either way, not that anon but if you sell your pics online you're a slut and a thot
It's okay to ask how to properly get paid as a slut though, this is a stupid questions thread so it fits, no wrong in wanting to be informed, just be safe anon! Selling nudes is risky and can damage your reputation so much that you will eventually might get posted here but who am I to judge, just own what you do and keep it hidden and it will all be okay
No. 559867
>>559858Because I am entitled to feel the way I feel and I won't change my mind. If you want to sell your pussy do it and pretend to be a
victim when it goes wrong.
No. 559912
>>559868Everytime I see Ariana Grande discussion on if she's blackfacing or something like that I cringe so much, she does not look anything remotely black at all, her features would pass mixed at best right now but even in the past it was really clear that she is not black at all, just look at her in her Victorious era
I guess people like being offended over nothing for some reason, nothing from her strikes me as someone who purposedly copies black people
>>559871This! I thought she was latina too, Ariana is a common girl name in spanish and Grande literally means big lol
No. 559918
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What's the cheapest way to eat healthy food to lose weight?
My plan is to buy a lot of raw chicken breasts and make broth with pic related (broccoli, carrots, corn, cauliflower) and eat that everyday with a portion of wild rice. Could add some berry smoothies in the morning idk. Does this sound good?
I hate leafy greens
No. 559924
>>559668Even if we ignore the fact that many people who accidentally attempt suicide actually go on to live good lives, and are thankful that their permanent solution failed, it's just not something that could ever be regulated morally because humanity is awful and the moment it's made possible to "help" undesirable people out of their lives then the most vulnerable people will be edged toward it. Got a senile elderly relative draining your inheritance pot or a difficult drug addict letting down your rehabilitation centre's quota? Just let them fall through the cracks enough until they sort themselves out. Can you imagine if we gave permission for people to shrug their shoulders and say "well, they wanted to die"? The pressure that would be put on "troublesome" people to end their lives once it became a normalised solution?
Take one good look at whatever government and health and social care you have in your country and ask yourself if you trust them to always act in good faith.
No. 559926
>>559920I eat like shit everyday because of quarantine so it would improve a lot (it's just hard dealing with depression and loneliness for me)
>>559922Thanks anon, good luck!
No. 559942
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How do I become better at speaking? I feel like I can't articulate my thoughts clearly when I'm in a conversation with someone. I already read a lot and I can express myself adequately in written text, but speaking is a whole different animal. I've also recently realized upon reading an article that I don't have the inner monologue that most people seem to have, I think in images. I wonder if this contributes to the problem?
No. 559943
>>559942start talking to yourself as if you were on a talk show
No. 560017
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Hi EU anons,
Can anyone recommend me a good store with nice tea sets and tea pots? I want to make a gift of a nice tea pot, preferably vintage one or something like pic related.
Would be even better if it was from Germany/France/Czech/Poland, or anywhere not too far from Slovakia.
No. 560029
>>559868I thought people who were sure she's black were Americans? Here in Europe I've never heard anyone trying to even guess where her family is from or her origins so I don't know what's the public's opinion on her. But then again I also see a bunch of Americans who knew her when she was an actress who joke about her needing to stop with the fake tan so I'm not trying to generalize, I'm talking about what I've seen about her online so far. Because of the one drop rule or something, sometimes I see people like Mariah Carey described as being Black when she's very obviously mixed, so I guess people who usually call anyone who's a little mixed Black would call Ariana Grande that if they thought her tan is her actual skin color.
Now the actual problem here is how the fuck do people look at her obvious spray tan and obvious plastic surgery on her face and think it's natural in the first place? Not even saying she's ugly, it's just obvious she's trying hard to have a specific style.
No. 560087
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Why do I attract broken people?
I don't want some project to work on, I don't find it attractive. I just want to find friends, maybe a relationship, not fix others.
I know everyone has issues but fuck lately I ran into some serious autists. And I know people say you attract what you are, but I'm fairly normal and independent now, so wtf
No. 560343
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>>560287CBT and DBT. You can get free workbooks online if you Google around. Basically, you have to "prove" things to yourself. So, if you think everyone hates you, you have to come up with actual answers why they would, and balance that with why they wouldn't. Think of your good qualities, even if they're simple, like you have a good sense of humor or whatever. Good luck, anon. I believe in you.
No. 560424
>>560384kissasian, just try to ignore the pop-up ads and banner ads.
googling kissasian {drama} usually gets the series I want
No. 560599
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i'm seeing my girlfriend irl for the first time since march (we've both been quarantined and are having a seperate car date soon) and I'm really nervous because even though we talk every single day over texts sunrise till sunset, going back to face to face is still a different feeling and it really has me worked up that somethings gonna be awkward.
that being said what are some easy topics that we can talk about that don't reflect the state of the world right now? i hope this makes sense, I care about her a lot and really want to make the transition back to the real world as smooth and natural as possible.
No. 560697
>>560687if you're attracted to women, no matter how they look, then yes. as long as she has a vagina and boobs
if you think you're attracted to them but you'll still continue having boyfriends or doing things with men, then no
>>560695idek about you but butch lesbians are the hottest
No. 560776
>>560755Thank you for the encouragement ! You're right about the money thing, the only reason I'm considering it this late is because it's the first time I have a decent income. As for the whole scene…meh, I tend to keep to myself and probably wouldn't engage with any lolita comms. My city has a notoriously heinous one, so.
>>560752To add to the other anon's reply, I feel like the stereotypes perpetuate themselves. I know I would feel more inclined to act "chill" if I were trying to fit in with a subculture perceived as being "chill." I also have to wonder if hobbies/fashions that require extensive research and money lead one to become more gatekeepy and high-strung.
No. 560843
>>560815are you actually retarded
id love to see you pull a nationwide revolution out of your ass that not once included looting or vandalism
looting and vandalism, particularly looting and vandalism of corporate property, are not comparable to sexual violence.
looting is an acceptable form of protest when >we live in a society that values replaceable products owned by large companies as more valuable and protectable than actual human lives.
No. 560856
>>560819You have a point, but its not just assets to a company, its also public and private property, if a police station got burned down and cops were forced to evacuate, who is catching rapists? Nobody. Lawless zones are rape buffets.
>>560843>muh revolutionEat shit, commy, what you need is evolution.
No. 560858
>>560856rapists > cops
and they're often the same thing so
No. 560866
>>560856im not even anti-cop but holy shit do ppl with your mindset push me that way. while we shouldn't be derailing, you're laughable if you think cops "just by existing" dissuade or stop rapists. they barely even believe
victims, let alone stop actual rapists.
you do realize there are plenty of communities that have a de-centralized police force or neighborhood/community policing that aren't "rape buffets" right? you need evolution if you think armed police controlled by a surveillance state government is justified in anything, let alone "protecting their communities"
cops don't give a shit about you. they exist to protect corporate property and interests
No. 560966
>>560962Housework, read books or the newspaper, listen to the radio, draw/paint, write, play instruments, garden, bake, play sports, play board or card games, talk with friends… idk. Not like I was alive then but that's my best guess.
No. 560985
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>>560979Libraries. Their card catalogues and those old microfiche machines for looking at archived newspapers
No. 560989
>>560956>I've never heard of people having any type of drink at dinnernow this is weird
what do you do if you have food stuck in your throat, just start coughing violently?
No. 561008
>>560934I don't drink plain milk but occasionally I'll have like half a cup of flavoured milk with meals as a treat. Honestly milk is really good for washing certain foods down, it's the texture or something.
I am white but I'm not american, I don't think it's normal for anyone else in my country.
No. 561043
>>561020That's why most books have indexes and tables of content, anon.
It's definitely easier nowadays, though. God bless the internet.
No. 561123
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What are some quotes that help you anons get through a tough time or feel better?
No. 561176
>>561156Because this happens so often and literally nothing is done about it. It’s been 8 years since Trayvon Martin, 6 since Tamir Rice, 5 since Sandra Bland, 4 since Philando Castile, and those are just the ones I can name off the top of my head. Tensions mounted with Breonna Taylor and Ahmad Arbery happening so close to each other and rightfully exploded with George Floyd. We’re always told systemic change will happen through voting and peaceful resistance but it never does. Look at the fucking nominee the Dems chose; Biden will do absolutely nothing but sweep issues under the rug and play diplomat to everyone beneath him.
Riots are fucking scary but that’s the point. People actually pay attention.
Sorry not sorry for spree but fuck I’m over this. No. 561186
>>561184Sorry to go overboard but a lot of the people I’ve been seeing ask the same thing do it in a condescending way where they pretend like they don’t know the underlying silent factors that go into these issues.
I have sympathy for the individuals who are affected by the looting on a certain level but there really is so much more to this.
No. 561190
>>561186Yeah, they pretend to know nothing
>But why can't they talk to their local politicians?Sure because that's working. For black people in America right now, rioting is literally the only sensible option
No. 561222
>>561216Some men say they are but you'll see quickly how it's just talk.
I rarely have seen men write love letters (or somehow they end talking about themselves).
Most men I know won't pick restaurants for anniversaries on their own and be excited to surprise you.
Most men are lazy and happy to let you do relationship labor (taking about issues, finding stuff to do together).
Some do all those things. At the very start of a relationship, mostly. But I think it's more of a ploy to get in your pants (so the romantism then is more of an mean to a
and end.)
I would love to meet an true hopeless romantic walking the walk and proving me I'm wrong. But, at 30, so far, I've never seen it.
No. 561238
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>>561222>Some do all those things. At the very start of a relationship, mostly. But I think it's more of a ploy to get in your pantsThis is why I asked and I hate that this is probably true. I would love to find a guy like me, who really gets pleasure out of being lovey-dovey, committed, and invested in the relationship.
No. 561243
>>561238I genuinely hope you'll find it anon. I just advise that you don't keep you hopes up too much and end up disappointed and bitter.
Males don't feel the intense love we do. I think it's something very tame for them, not worth the thought and effort we pour ourself into it.
It's kinda sad when you see how easy it is for them to rage and the length they will go to express that rage.
No. 561246
>>561216Yes, many of my friends are (I tend to weed out every men with slight misogynistic behavior or spoiled men) but they usually get turned down because women don't seem to like it. Some of them quit being hopeless romantics because they get mocked over it. I'm not saying it's women fault, of course, but romanticism often comes with your not-so-attractive and kind of "weak" and shy guy who's afraid to show you the weakest side (since most men consider romanticism as weakness lmao). I myself am not romantic and turned down one, once.
Don't trust men who will tell you explicitly they're hopeless romantics, though. Most of times they're just implicitly saying they want their dream perfect girlfriend.
Still, after 4 years I am still lovey-dovey with my bf mostly because I was sure to make himself feel at ease with being "less masculine", compliment him a lot etc and let go into lovey-dovey behavior. I also fought a lot with him for what I wanted and what I thought was important.
It's a shit society in which we live and some men are naturally romantic but quit being so by the time they enter puberty and decide their stupid pack mentality and display of testosterone is more important than being a decent and happy human being.
No. 561331
God, diets never never ever fucking work for me because I'm a picky eater and I hate making my own food so god damn much, and I feel so fucking dumb and embarassed for being such a picky eater but also I grew up not eating most of the food that I dislike so no way I'm going to start liking it now lol
I hate cabbage, lettuce, that thing that popeye eats, carrots, sweet potatoes, radish, celery and whatever other raw vegetable
The only shit I find tolerable is broccoli, white broccoli, zucchini, jicama, cucumber, and bell peppers, but this is only tolerable level and I would hate if I suddenly had to eat them to lose weight everyday even thought I should
As for fruits, I fucking love almost every fruit and I'm including tomatos right here because tomatos are bomb. I love blue berries, strawberries, peaches, mandarin oranges, guayaba, everything! really the only fruits I despise are papaya, apples and oranges. Even grapefruits, I freaking love grapefruits
As for meat, I hate eating meat because I feel guilty for it having so much bad stuff going on or whatever (not a vegan thing). But I can survive on eating chicken breats prepared in any way. I also love turkey ham but idk if that counts.
What should I do? Should I just eat fruits, chicken and turkey ham to lose weight? lol
No. 561345
>>561333>>561341No, sunscreen from my perspective prevents fast and dirty damaging tanning, but it definitely tans the skin a bit. Anectdotal story but even after wearing SPF50 and waiting 15+ mins before going out, there's a noticeable difference in skin tone for me. other links you can google.
No. 561361
>>561331To lose weight you need to eat less, so I’m sure you can eat all of what you listed but in lesser portions. It’s not like you're pigging out on rice or potato chips so you’re fine. Turkey and Chicken have a lot of protein and the fruits you mentioned can aid in brighter skin. Try to schedule a time to eat so you don’t fall into eating mindlessly.
Good luck anon
No. 561389
>>561378Eh, dunno. I like the dick form and nice erect dick sure does it for me. I do like tasteful pics of dicks, for example (not the shameful half-assed selfie from above mind you)
To each their own I guess.
No. 561393
>>561376So, like, literally starving and back breaking work all day with very little sleep and corporal punishment?
Yeah sure, you'll look fresh off the camps in no time.
Beware though, skelly Anas will be asking for your secrets. Be sure to be prepared for some vomit rancid smelling interactions.
No. 561463
>>561327I have a treasure trail of very long dark hair, I've noticed other white women with this before.
>>561378>>561389I'm sure it's normal, a lot of women joke about getting dick pics and being disgusted which I don't understand.
>Ewwww dick icky No. 561583
>>561448>>561467NTA but I'm going through the exact same thing right now. Maladaptive daydreaming about a celebrity, partly because I've been super quarantined bored and partly because I'm feeling unfulfilled. IMO it goes from kind of dumb to unhealthy why you're constantly comparing the people in your real life to them as well as opting to imagine about them instead of spending time with the people actually in your life.
My crush has been going on for awhile too but I go through phases. Last two weeks I was super obsessed but this week I'm kinda meh. I don't really think about him when I'm talking with my friends so I think that's a good sign. I'd just try and compartmentalize the time you do spend thinking about him and just going back to fully focusing on work. Do you have any other hobbies to take your mind of it? When I'm drawing I tend not to think of it either.
If you do start to compare this crush to the people you date in real life I'd just keep in mind that the version of him in your head doesn't truly exist either. It's just marketed to be that way towards you. Even if you think your personalities would mesh well together there's still aspects of who they are as a person that you would never know unless you truly actually interacted with them, and that you'd probably find flaws with them in real life just like you would a normal person. It's still fun to pretend though.
No. 561668
>>561602>>561486i cant vdli rolplt it'd not whtst i esmnt i csnt find thr op bpot but u judt
>>561486 ltiteally fucked uobut thr dickd look si f
No. 561684
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does anyone have recs for glasses or a glasses store? not into brand names, just want solid quality, cute and with the blue light filter as I work on a computer all day. my prescription is pretty light so I don't need any special frames.
No. 561692
>>561688When I first came here, I knew about 4chan but I didn't have much knowledge about board culture and all that jazz. I literally used to think that the one and only online board ever is 4chan. I was also some woke fakeboi so seeing people throw around words like "faggot" - "retard" etc. always used to
trigger me lol. It's been so many years now and I'm no longer a fakeboi nor I get offended over words like that. If anything, I also use them myself on here.
For some reason I was really scared to post here too. I don't remember what my first post was, but I'm sure I probably had a mini panic attack before pressing "New reply" all thanks to the 4chan videos I watched on YouTube where they always make them out to be this "EV1L h4ckrrrrrr group!11!". Legit thought LC was gonna come for my ass and doxx me.
No. 561701
>>561688When I first found lc I was desperate for a female version of 4chan, like the same anonymity, board culture and weebiness but without the overt misogyny, so it was like a fucking miracle for me. It was like finding an expanded version of /cgl/ with more variety in discussion and more structure to it because the threads don't move too fast, I was so happy.
I was never interested in online personalities or gossip so I didn't care too much about /snow/ or /pt/ at first and didn't know many of the cows except PT, but I grew more interested over time and now I follow a few. That's the only real change since I first found this place, it felt instantly familiar to me so it didn't take much getting used to.
No. 561715
>>561486Okay so my op was
>>561463>J/ >>561486I ma serioustl fuked up on xanax rgitj now. You said'
>If you are sent a dick pic and your >reaction is to think 'gross I don't like >dick pics' then I would assume you >didn't request the pic in the first barred tje fuck up fm bit
No. 561726
>>561718she's just larping like a typical tumblr hoe
>>561721they did talk about random things and there was a lot of funny misunderstandings when lip readers used to go watch silent movies
No. 561730
>>551905>>561717im fucke d jp and im tryivnto eoling
mi mtrtying to suay tha ent wemen revecviev dick pics it can groooos or reallt food. tat's all ia said. never ever said anyhing to do undolicited pictres . i can rewues thie picture nd hvave i think it's cl
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>>561907There’s something about a webcam that makes you look cute. I don’t know what it is, but I like using it to take pictures.
>>561908pic related
No. 561924
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What is a small pet that is good for a lonely person? I am contemplating between a rat, rabbit, and possibly a fish.
No. 561932
>>561924It depends on your free time, too. Consider their lifespan, too. If you get the rat, be sure to get two, otherwise they will suffer when you’re not around.
I absolutely love rats and wanted to get a pair before getting my cat. They’re adorable!
No. 561948
>>561924Rats. They're very affectionate and smart and love their human buddy. But please please please never get just one, you should have a group of at least 2-3 rats so they can properly socialize with one another. Personally I recommend getting even more, it really makes a difference. You can see their different personalities and how they form besties in big groups.
I'd say their short lifespan is a plus for a person like me, who likes to move and change their life every few years. If you want a smart pet who lasts longer then go for a rabbit, but as far as I know, they require +1 rabbit friend too.
No. 561969
>>551905I have a lot of time now and I want to learn useful skill. Something that would let me get some side money and maybe work in a future.
I was thinking about programming but I'm literally brainlet when it comes to computers. Also, I don't have "logical 0-1" way of thinking, I don't know if I would struggle with it and I don't know where to start.
I was also thinking about graphic design.
What do you think anons? Any other recommendations?
I want to learn some skill because I have time and want to learn new things (and I'm hyped to learn something lol). It would be nice to make some small money on side with that skill.
I'm learning to do a nice manicure now!
No. 561975
>>561924You've already got lots of answers but I'm chiming in to add that rats are the best (but as other anons mentioned, please get two at the very least)!
As a fellow lonely person I just adopted my boys after researching and thinking about it for a year and I couldn't be happier. Rats are great pets, so sweet and friendly and genuinely love human contact. I don't really like animals that only tolerate you because you give them food, but with my rats I feel as if they actually want to play and hang out with me.
I would recommend finding a good breeder to buy them young so you can socialize them yourself or adopt them from someone who handled them a lot since rats from a pet shop are usually more skittish and take time to earn your trust. Mine were babies I adopted from my local shelter and their foster mom clearly had experience with rat care and she socialized them very well, so within a few days they were already licking me, climbing on me, and letting me pick them up.
They're really such sweet beans. Rabbits are adorable too but they require tons of room to roam around and you also need to adopt them in pairs. Fish are beautiful and fun to watch but if you want a companion for loneliness I think having an animal you can hold and interact with physically would be better.
No. 562193
>>562186it used to be what
>>562190 here said but men have turned it to shit (as always) and now use it as some sort of insult whenever a woman "is acting like a feminazi xD"
No. 562602
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to anons who have kissed, what does it feel like? is it nice, or is not all that it's cracked up to be? quarantine got me feelin lonely and I'm thinking more about this stuff even though I don't normally care for intimacy.
pic related, it's me
No. 562625
>>562602It feels slimy and in my case I just want to get it over with. Maybe cuz I never got to kiss someone I really liked.
My question, how do you know if a guy is a good kisser? Not hitting your teeth? All the guys felt the same
No. 562630
>>562602My boyfriend just says he wants me inside his mouth tbh
Nice and pleasant if you're kissing someone you like.
No. 562638
>>562625a good kisser is one that doesn't just shove his entire tongue down your throat, it gets gross really fast. less is more.
i think chemisty also plays a big part in if it's enjoyable. for example my bf used too much tongue in the beginning but we both kind of naturally learned how to best kiss one another fairly quickly. it probably would have been weird to have to actually tell him to lay off the tongue, a guy told me that once when i was 14 and i was so embarrassed, lol.
i get what you mean about just waiting for it to be over. when i was younger my mind would always end up wandering. it felt obligatory rather than something i gained pleasure from. i'm sorry your past kisses have been similar
No. 562690
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>>562602I'm a bi girl and have kissed many girls and one guy. Honestly, I have never felt much, it just feels like pressing your lips against something soft, think of the palm of your hand. It's slippery and intimate for sure but not a whole otherwordly experience for me. I think I have felt better simulating my kisses against a pillow than I have actually kissing. When I do it for myself by myself I actually feel a sweet and tender sensation inside my mouth and it helps me jack off.
No. 562763
>>562737I second this
>>562760No imho i think it comes with practice, i've kissed a few times before, it was the first times for him too so i still don't know how to kiss at all
No. 562766
>>562694Well what's the woman's word equivalent to jacking off then? Did I had to be specific and say "it helps me feel better while rubbing my clit really nicely"? there's even a riot grrrl band called "jack off jill".
>>562709this. English is my second language and I didn't want to use "masturbate". That word sounds grosser than jack off imo
No. 562873
>>562811ssris are not 'balancing the chemicals in the brain'. that's a huge oversimplification or an outright myth that got popularized by prozac marketing.
there's no such thing as a 'chemical imbalance' in the brain. neurotransmitters are not like magnesium or whatever that you can have a deficiency of. all neurotransmitter systems are interconnected and there are many other factors in the brain that come into play (neurotrophic factors, synaptic plasticity, hormonal influences etc) when it comes to its functioning. you aren't depressed because you're missing serotonin. the increased reuptake at first increases serotonergic activity, and ultimately results in
decreased serotonergic activity as your brain will alter the synthesis and breakdown of serotonin and the expression of serotonin receptors in response to the drug. that's why you get withdrawal symptoms like brain zaps when you stop taking the drug. the treatment effects of ssris extend beyond serotonin as well, because blocking serotonin reuptake will cause changes in most other neurotransmitter systems. one of the theories about how ssris work in depression is that the increased activation of one subtype of serotonin receptor indirectly increases neuroplasticity.
you aren't restoring any balance in your brain because your brain is already balanced, just in a way that makes you feel like shit. you're taking a psychoactive substance that alters your mood and thinking, and one of its effects is inducing apathy.
saged for neuro sperg
No. 563044
>>562899If you're used to sending these messages to him every hour it's going to be easier to change the habit instead of stop it cold turkey. Find someone else you can text every hour, or text yourself every hour.
I have a similar issue, it's a shame we can't just text each other.
No. 563158
>>562905you're right anon. I know I'm being super awful just crytexting him every waking hour. He says he is not annoyed but obviously, he won't outright say I'm being a huge ass. I deleted things reminding me of him to kinda get it off my mind. I made a very motivating wallpaper too. Hope it works.
Or… hope he comes back.
>>563044Ah, that is a pretty good idea. I'll see if I can do something like that. Texting myself seems the best option because I have zero friends that I actually talk to.
You're my friend now, though. Hope both of us gain some sense.
No. 563193
>>563191ke kek kek ek
to clarify, The cheeks on my face
No. 563195
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What constitutes as being conventionally attractive vs unconventionally attractive? George always gets posted in the unconventional attraction thread and I wonder what exactly about his face makes people think that. I think it too despite being attracted to him, but I can't figure out what about his face makes me come to that conclusion.
No. 563201
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>>563195The fact he can look like this…
No. 563204
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>>563195>>563201…and this.. amazes me.
No. 563208
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>>563205Pretty sure this was in 2017. I'm basing that off of his weight and hair (like this from the h3h3 podcast)