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No. 428562
Have a question that isn’t important enough for the advice thread?
Is it something everyone seems to understand but you can’t?
it's your time to shine
previous thread:
>>411490 No. 428630
>>428593>>428608I have the TOMNEW-Essential-Ultrasonic-Aromatherapy-Humidifier from amazon. Soaking it in water made the metal circle inside of it a bit rusty. Whoops.
I’m gonna try a vinegar soak or alcohol. Someone once suggested to add a vinegar water mix and turn it on but I don’t want to break it.
No. 428649
>>428637Obviously fat doesn't change your voice, but hormones do. If you were fat due to PCOS, for example, it's possible that
maybe your voice got deeper due to higher levels of testosterone.
But maybe you just have a deep voice, anon.
No. 428684
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Is it possible to remove/fade a tattoo with a dermaroller? lmao
No. 428686
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Does anyone know the name of this webcomic?
No. 428773
>>428758Maybe you ate more fiber this week, chewed more properly (can be unconscious), or maybe your cycle or the weather are making your digestion a bit out of track.
If this is unusual for you make sure to hydrate yourself a bit more tho.
No. 428791
>>428765the men say it to cope, because its been proven that there are more men into bestiality than women kek
idk why the women wouldsay it though, i think it might just be a meme at this point tbh
No. 428859
>>428837If it's not out of necessity then don't do it anon. Just visit more like the other poster said, or maybe invite some company.
I had to move back in my mid 20s and it was hell. Not that I ever got along with my mom to begin with, but mine had a tendency to revert back to treating me like a teenager when simply that wouldn't do. I didn't get much respect or privacy and she took it personally whenever I laid boundaries or stuck up for myself in any way.
No. 428897
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Has anyone here started a personal baking business?
I bake as a hobby but I have had a few people ask me to bake for their events. Mainly decorated cookies. I'd like to build out my brand a little and possibly grow this into a lucrative part-time gig alongside my desk job…
Both my husband and I work in an industry where there are lots of events, meetings and opportunities for people to appreciate custom-ordered baked goods. And since I've already been asked a few times I figure I am in a good place to start.
Would love to know if anyone here has done something similar.
No. 428910
>>428897>>428898my friend does this and she makes bank, especially if you get one of those edible printers and do small orders at holidays.
make sure to look into your city requirements. depending on where you live, you may need licenses/certificates. in my area, they just send someone to inspect your kitchen and give you the cert.
No. 428993
>>428986My theory is that people just tend to eat more food when in a relationships. Dinner dates, binge watching shows together while munching on stuff, just generally enjoying life with your partner and not really worrying about looks so much.
Happened to me and my bf. We're now trying to be more healthy and lose some weight together. It sucks because he loves baking. No more white chocolate cheesecakes and surprise blueberry muffins.
Worth it to avoid future heart problems and diabetes, I guess.
No. 429004
>>428993IA but I think it particularly affects girls because she starts matching what the guy eats because he's also making choices of what and how much to eat. Obviously men can eat far more than women and it will make a small girl gain weight easily.
Honestly it fucking sucks seeing up close and personal just how much a guy can eat without gaining weight, even without exercising or being particularly big.
No. 429047
>>429008>>429004Oof, this is my nightmare going into a relationship since I'm an ex-fatty.
Any anons have experience dating skellies and generally smaller/less sporty men? Do they eat less?
No. 429318
>>429302A lot of variables can influence an IQ test.
Hunger, attention, dumb luck.
Most people are in the 100-120 range, it's really nothing to bother over. Most people flicking their beans about being "Mensa" intelligent are incorrigible social retards, and what's the point of being a smart test taker if you're dumb in every other aspect regarding life?
No. 429325
>>429302IQ test aren't really that
valid or reliable and mostly test logical-mathematical skills and to some degree linguistic skills. It is made by people who think that these two types of intelligences are the most
valid one-whether that's true or not …I wouldn't know. But something as complex or abstract as intelligence cannot be fully measured by a test imo.
Cultural and socioeconomic factors, mental health etc. also play a role so I wouldn't be too obsessed with this kinda stuff.
No. 429419
>>429417Copypaste from Wolfram alpha?
No. 429430
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Any pocket camp players here? What table is that behind Goldie, with the light fixtures above it, and how do I get it?
No. 429442
>>429437Technically, yeah, but the furniture sections are divided into pretty general categories. I figured it would've either been under lighting or tables, but
>>429438 was right and it's under the partitions category.
>>429438Thanks anon! Damn, looks like I can't get it ugh. I stopped playing for about a year but now I'm getting back into it and I'm sad I missed out on so much cute furniture.
No. 429463
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I'm probably blind but is this cool toned or warm toned? Did the silver and gold jewelry thing, but I look pretty shit with both. Pic is with natural indirect lighting.
No. 429494
>>429460Airlines have bag insurance policies up to a certain amount.
Rich people don't fly commercial, and when they do, they don't pack valuables into luggage.
Baggage screeners at the airport and baggage handlers are often contractors who are not affiliated with the airlines themselves, so a lot of shady shit happens.
But I can't tell if this fag was legitimately a moron or if he's scamming.
Because here's another tidbit: How does he prove what was inside his lost luggage? What retard packs $60k worth of shit?
No. 429560
>>429555Basically means you can't go wrong, do what you like. If something obviously suits you better, like the silver ring in this instance, go for that.
I'm neutral too and always found the advice on how to tell your undertones maddeningly confusing because most of them contradict each other. and I have yet to buy a foundation because ones with neutral undertones seemingly don't exist.
No. 429563
>>429047Thin people tend to eat badly but infrequently, I eat kinda junky food but only really have one meal a day and some snacks.
I guess if you feel pressured to eat with the guy you can schedule that as your meal. In my experience guys dont give a fuck if you've eaten or drank anything ever and will use food/drink purchases to guilt trip you with later (yes I am single)
Related, I am number-dyslexic (dyscalculia) and get so anxious worrying if I "owe" a friend/guy money for some $5 drink I avoid going out at all
No. 429594
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What do you think of pic related?
I'm kind of depressed after reading that. The one thing that I envied men was their camaraderie but I was always hopeful that it's possible to achieve that with women too if we put aside trivial shit and needless competition.
No. 429627
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If I am drinking hard liquor, I need an equivalent of about half a bottle of vodka to even feel remotely drunk. (A typical bottle of vodka in my country is 500 ml so I need a 250 ml of 40% alcohol content)
If I am drinking beer, a 500 ml bottle of 6,5% alcohol content beer gets me there just as quickly and effectively.
Is it a body issue? Is it because beer is kinda fizzy and fizzy drinks tend to get to your head quicker?
It always seemed fucking ironic to me since I really, really love coctails with hard liquor and hate most beers (and we have like 2 types of good tasting high alcohol content mainstream beers in our country both of which I am tired of)
What gets you drunk the quickest anons?
What do you think is a better option price-wise for you?
No. 429651
>>429594>women and "cooperation"who knows wtf that means.
Women in same-sex groups are more likely to voice their actual opinions, feel more comfortable disagreeing/calling someone out, debating, arguing, being blunt, whatever. Than they do when men are present. This type of dynamic is challenging for women who are used to men/mixed-sex dynamics, because men don't challenge women. They will ignore or dismiss, or patronize, but won't be as directly challenging as another woman would be.
No. 429711
>>429704At the peril of being accused a man-hater (imagine the horror!), men rarely take a woman's opinion seriously. I've managed to establish myself as an authority at my workplace but it took a lot of time and me becoming more androgynous for that to happen and I still get dismissed at times.
Online, where everyone's male by default, my opinions and thoughts are valued but irl? Nope. If they care about you, they might pretend for a short amount of time. Otherwise forget about it.
Even though their topics are neither complex or more interesting than yours, even if you present your arguments and thoughts in a coherent manner, they're just going to dismiss you. It's depressing because that's not going to change anytime soon, maybe never.
No. 430016
>>430011It may help. In my experience it increased confidence and exercise helped with energy levels.
Good luck!
No. 430037
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>>430014It doesn't seem like the IT term, here is the screenshot
No. 430093
>>429882Oh that’s good to know! Mainly asking because I want to open a new savings with another bank for better inteest rate, I was really worried about transferring a bunch of money over haha.
>>429910Hm, that makes a lot of sense. Didn’t realize that lol
>>429985This also makes sense! When I opened the account I was in high school, so it was a sort of special account. It makes sense that they would have a limit for a young kid haha. My account is now just a regular one now, so I guess it’s fine (but I’ll still call to double check).
Thank you anons!
No. 430141
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In certain lighting (indoor overhead light, harsh lighting from a lamp, strong sunshine and a shiny face from sunscreen) my nasolabial folds look really bad and in other conditions (softer lighting/daylight that isn't direct sunlight) they're not visible. Which one do I believe? I asked my friends and boyfriend and they all said they're not visible or only sometimes but I don't know if they're just trying to spare my feelings.
The area there isn't even wrinkled really, but my facial fat is distributed in a way that I've always had them (they look like pic related but stretching from the sides of my nose and not that far down), there's always been a clear 'divide' between the area around my mouth/chin and my chubby cheeks. The skin around my nostrils is also darker which makes matters worse.
Is this something to worry about? Is this what people mean by nasolabial folds/smile lines? You did say dumb questions.
No. 430151
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how do I get this password pop up thing to not happen every time I open a thread
No. 430157
>>429680She can't elaborate bc she's an olive which is lumped under neutral and she looks like a dead frog in most colors.>>430141It's one of the first wrinkles that you begin to see as you age (the kind that stays as a wrinkle even when your face is neutral) so I think some anons have damage regarding it. It's absolutely normal and everyone has them when they make most facial expressions, and some people have them even when their face is resting, nbd. If it's facial fat related than they're likely being honest in that it's not obvious all the time.
There are tons of women with facial lines and sub-optimal fat distribution that are still considered attractive. Either way I'd focus on evening out skintone and flattering features you like the most rather than being sad about a "flaw" that you share with most humans and one that every human will inevitably have lol.
>>430156After, because you're trying to deposit color and not wash it off immediately.
No. 430257
>>430170it's more complete, imo. there are things about women and womanhood that are really hard to explain, but somehow other women just Get It.
Also, I've noticed in general that men make a lot of assumptions of their gfs/wives based on dumb shit that doesn't have anything to do with the woman. Like one male friend was bragging about his tomboy gf and how she wasn't high maintenance like the other girls, and she… just had a pixie cut. Face full of make up, manicured nails, but she didn't have long hair so that meant she was a tomboy. How can you say you're in love with a woman when you get her entire aesthetic wrong?
No. 430264
>>430251I'm not expert or anything like that but could be that you just have a small, less defined chin, have excess fat around the neck area or your lower jaw is not properly aligned and you have an overbite. All of these could give you a double chin even if you're skinny.
If it's a jaw issue you'd have to see an orthodontist otherwise you can get chin fillers or have the fat removed.
No. 430341
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Whats the deal with I found it off 8chan a month ago and was enjoying it until today… Apparently me explaining something about cryptocurrency during a /biz/ raid automatically means I was a larping incel and I got permabanned.
Apparently cc started as a branch of this place?
No. 430342
>>430341It was started by anons from here, yeah.
Unfortunately you got caught up in the recent /biz/ raid, you may be able to wait out the ban though. I've been mistakenly banned twice during raids and they expired within a couple of months.
I think the mods are just messy tbh.
No. 430350
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Why do I always feel sad and empty when I look at cute, innocent things? I've been like this since I was a little kid. I still like them, but they make me want to cry.
I also feel anxious and guilty when I hold babies or small animals. It feels like I'm going to hurt them, even though I'd never do that. Maybe their vulnerability makes me worry, I don't know.
No. 430539
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why is acting in japanese movies or dramas so bad?
who actually buys tickets to watch this shit?
No. 430574
>>430539>>430562it's just they're acting the way manga is drawn, if that makes sense. like, imagine these scenes as manga panels and it makes sense.
it's supposed to by cartoony and weird, I just haven't figured out if its just japanese humor or they legitimately believe this is how people are supposed to act.
No. 431097
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Can human flesh mold?
The flesh we eat certainly can but I never heard of mold on people or corpses.
No. 431156
>>431110I FEEL sounds sometimes. I think it’s getting worse with time. It might be
triggered by stress but I’m not sure. I think it probably feels like what you described, but sometimes it’s only higher/sharp sounds other times it’s a wider range of them
No. 431159
but it's really hard for humans who regularly shower or aren't in super damp environments to grow mold because our skin is good at repelling water at levels mold likes
mold usually doesn't grow on corpses because there's usually too many other bacteria feeding on corpses for mold to grow, and if it's rotting, the mold might not grow on it because not all molds like rotting material to grow on
In order for people to grow mold you'd probably have to cut them up in a sanitized environment and leave them in a fridge or something that already has mold in it
No. 431179
They can get fungus. It can happen in area with sweat and skin to skin contact (rolls). The are where your pubis and legs intersect can be a problem too for example.
No. 431657
>>431648sage for no real answer, but how do you make your own soymilk anon?
I fucking love soymilk, especially the Chinese brand ones because they taste more like… idk what theyre supposed to taste like lol, but paying like $3.50 every week for a new half gallon really adds up and at this point I should probably just make my own.
No. 431660
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Can someone please recommend me bags in a similar, if not exact, style? I love the Burberry banner bag so much, especially with one with their signature plaid pattern on it, but I can't justify a month's worth of rent on a fucking handbag. Even secondhand I can only find it for a $900 minimum, I might as well buy a replica at this point lol
No. 431668
>>431657All you need is a nut milk bag, soybeans and a blender, it's really easy. I use this recipe but they're all pretty much the same, and how much sugar you add comes down to your personal tastes.
Be prepared to have a whole lot of leftover pulp, though. It's good for baking chewy cookies and veggie burgers.
No. 431764
>>431723Hm, for me it's the opposite, I'm very tall and feel very safe (and my parents also don't worry).
I'm just saying, why would they try to take on a tall girl (and risk losing against her/getting hurt/being caught), instead of going the "safe and easy" road?
Some of my friend are very short and even I could just grab them and throw them into my car.
No. 432040
is it cheating to speak to other people/be sexual with other people like not even irl when your boyfriend is CURRENTLY cheating on you and you know it and he did it first and actually like, say, fucked your best friend and then fucked more people? is that cheating on him? is that actually cheating?
>>432024no i am just correct
No. 432089
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has anyone eaten this? What does it
Taste like?
No. 432155
>>432142They can be interchangeable, but not always. Left-wing and liberal are basically the same. I personally see 'liberals' as referring to the more extreme left, but not everyone uses it that way. You can apply both these terms to Democrats, but not always the other way around. You can be liberal/left-wing but not a Democrat. Same thing applies to right/conservative/repub.
Our system only really accepts Democrats and Republicans for the most part, but other parties exist, like the Green Party, which is left-wing. And Libertarians are kind of all over the place depending on who you're talking to, oddly enough. I've met liberal and conservative libertarians.
No. 432165
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Would anyone happen to know who this model is? I saw her on the Aerie website, and I know they'll sometimes tag their models on their instagram posts, but she hasn't been posted on there yet…
No. 432264
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>>432225Most of the original farmers are migrants from 4chan's /cgl/, which was already a mostly female community. In 2012 (or 2011? Can't quite remember) drama threads were banned from /cgl/ and users propped up different websites to continue their discussions. Stamina Rose was the latest creation and after that site closed down, our glorious Lolcow Farm came to be.
So to answer your question, it's always been mostly female, although I remember during the early days posting as a male wasn't explicitly banned like it is today.
No. 432301
>>432264It was Maximum Faggotry, then Stamina Rose, and now Lolcow IIRC. The fucked up thing about LC is that when it first started, the admin of Stamina Rose explicitly went to Unichan to try and get one of the autists there to be admin for her because she couldn't be bothered. It's why we ended up having threads about Orange Citrus, one of their many camgirls.
In hindsight, it makes sense that we got a Shoe0nHead orbiter as our first admin. Hell, in hindsight, Shuwu was probably the admin of SR, which would make her the "true" admin of Lolcow before handing it over to Ian.
No. 432368
>>431786Knee unless I have to go to the pool or to the beach. I'm a disgusting hirsute woman with PCOS so every time I shave it's already growing back the next two days. So not worth it.
If I'm desperate I'll just wax it since that shit will take longer but I also have sensitive skin.
No. 432422
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>>432417Damn anon this fucked me up a bit.
No. 432434
>>432417Well, technically every edible plant and animal with a particular breed is a GMO.
Because while we may be not directly altering their genetics, we breed them for certain qualities.
No. 432438
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>>432370birth rates getting lower is a good thing, humans aren't in any kind of danger of extinction, it's just an excuse for racist men to be racist and force pregnancy upon women their race. women are getting more independent and focused on their careers instead of being forced to marry and have kids, looking after 10 kids is almost impossible for the modern family, of course the birth rates will be lower. and yet there are more humans alive than any other time of human history, it applies to all races.
No. 433283
>>433281Might be an unpopular opinion because I don't think she checks off the "self aware" box, and yet I think PT did a good job of losing weight, dropping the kawaii/gravure model delusion, and settling into the fact that she's an average person with an average job.
Except the last time a major post was dropped about her she had some issue with thinking she was turning into a male? I think that's some gender special trendhopper shit though, she's probably over that by now too.
I still give her kudos for going quiet after being the internet's biggest weeb laughing stock.
No. 433350
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Is buying a steamer worth it? I do have an ironing board and iron, but I also hate dealing with taking out the ironing board (parents put it in a weird place where it's god honest so annoying to take it out/put it back without wrecking a million things around it).
I'm eyeing this one (our black+decker iron is older than me and works great so I figure this might not break immediately) but it's $50…
No. 433388
>>433375Once I made a cape for cosplay (please dont @ me for being a sperg) and I worked so hard on its stupid scalloped edges and lining it nicely…. only to forget that the iron was on the wrong setting and burned a hole through it. I almost started crying (a friend helped me fixed it, but still).
Haven't been able to get out those stubborn fold lines from it but I hope this steamer will help!
No. 433411
>>433396I am suicidal, but also I wanna see the full extent of dystopia we live in before I off myself.
Yeah, morbid.
Before I lived to spend the most time with my girlfriend, be happy and grow old with her. She dumped me.
No. 433415
>>433396I don't wanna die but I don't wanna continue living like this either so that's where I am. I also am scared to attempt suicide, fail and live with the damage for the rest of my life, becoming a huge burden to my family.
Despite not having a great, close relationships with my parents, they've already been through too much and I don't wanna do this to them.
No. 433418
>>433396There's many experiences in life I want to have even if I have to wade through rivers of shit to obtain them. I'd rather live for an hour of happiness than die knowing that once I'm dead it's final, and I will never have another chance at happiness again. I cling to hope.
Death is horrible. Even though I know it's coming to me one day it makes me physically ill to think about my final moments in a dying shell. My memories, loves, and consciousness slipping away from me and knowing there's nothing I can do. I want to put that off for as long as possible.
No. 433455
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>>433396Is religion supposed to give me a reason to live? Are my family, friends and pure enjoyment of Doing Things not good enough? Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with any religion but I'm confused.
No. 433477
>>433455I didn't grow up with any religion either, and I also feel like being Alive to Do Things is just about enough justification to stay alive.
I'm not religious, I have never been religious, I feel uncomfortable in places of worship enough to say that I'll never be religious. I stay alive because being alive is fun. I get to learn new things, I get to do new things, I get to meet new people. This kind of happiness and openness hasn't always been available to me, so I just want to experience it for all that I can while I can do it. I can easily hold myself accountable and build myself up in bad times without religion.
Why does anyone NEED religion? I can't wrap my mind around THAT.
No. 433486
>>433396I like living. Makes my proverbial dick really hard.
What is it like having to have heaven dangled in front of you like a carrot on a stick just so you continue living and/or not being a complete and utter sociopath? Do you hate life this much?
No. 433542
>>433469I still live with my parents and haven’t bought many (if any) appliances so I have no way of gauging what’s a good deal and what isn’t… There are other cheaper ones out there too if you’re shopping around anon (not just cheap shitty ones, some ~$30 decently reviewed ones) but I’m pretty set on this one for myself.
The only appliance I’m dead set on buying when I move out is one of those dyson cordless vacuums. My best friend and future roommate thinks spending a couple hundred on it is a stupid idea but my parents bought one and I’m the main cleaner of the household and… holy FUCK I definitely want one when I move out lol.
No. 433640
>>433629Hey anon, after getting a fridge that harbored some I can tell you what my family did.
There are gels specifically for roaches, you can apply it really anywhere in their way and they'll carry it back to the nest and nom on it. Borax is also an option as well as it's lethal to them (boric acid is lethal) There are some other powders as well specially made for this purpose. Find where they are hiding. You'll be able to find a ton of eggs that way (maybe dedicate a vacuum to this purpose specifically to dispose) find the pathways they take. It depends on the kitchen but common areas would be, in cupboards (search high and low) and make sure there are no holes in them or way they can hide behind them. Make sure you check the stove, they will hide in appliances. Check your fridge (under and behind), check your dishwasher (they will usually hide on top or behind the insulation). They will hide in base boards and that's how they will often travel to other rooms which is where I recommend sprinkling the powder. I hope your family has no pets for that method though.
If you need a little help tracking them, do it at night. Turn off the lights and wait a bit then turn them back on, some should be around because that's when they hunt for food, at night.
I would also recommend spraying a roach killing spray if you're able to like maybe… Once a week (especially in the nesting area). You really need to track down where the nest is. The mamas are pretty easy to spot and when they know they're dying, they'll usually detach the egg from themself. So you gotta find it fast before the next babies hatch.
Lock up any food you have and make sure the kitchen is clean, starve them a bit. They'll get desperate and appear more often, but that'll be good if you use the gel since they'll take it back.
Remember to apply the poisons to the areas where they travel or commonly go. Make sure pets aren't able to get near them too.
When you find the area(s) (we had 2 areas they specifically were drawn to) that they gather in put some powder (borax is an option) in those areas.
Last but not least… Their nest will most likely be in a dark area but near a food source. My family only had the kitchen to deal with but it is possible for them to hide in other furniture.
Best of luck anon. You'll know the poisons are working when you see them slowly walking or even in daylight. They get really desperate lol.
No. 433663
>>433411>but also I wanna see the full extent of dystopia we live in before I off myselfi agree, the end of the world is gonna be so instagram friendly. Like okay, Mom, you achieved more things in life than me, but at least, I got to witness
this shit>>433652"oh no i was only being a retard ironicly!"
No. 433822
>>433748Isn't there a literal equivalent to that kind of expression in english? Like when an older man calls a random kid "son"? You know, in a "hey buddy" way.
I believe "mija" would be exactly that, but for a woman.
No. 433861
Then yes she meant it like what this anon said
>>433822 No. 433963
>>433924The short answer is they are just floating through life with no direction. They don’t make decisions, indecisive, no hobbies/skills, no real passion for anything.
It’s just believe who haven’t discovered themselves. Doesn’t matter if your interests is fucking weeb anime shit or collection coins. If your passionate about it when you talk about it with others it will never come across as dull.
No. 433991
>>433396Getting to play Cyberpunk 2077 and other new games and watching the 2020 Olympics.
There's always new entertainment coming out to get immersed in no matter how shit the real world gets.
No. 434010
>>433998You could eat a lot of apples and collect the seeds, as they have a substance that gets broken to a form of cyanide, I believe.
But uh, you didn't hear it from me
No. 434035
>>434018her story is so sad. She didnt mean to poison 18 people, just the people forcing her to get married and now she's gonna spend her life in prison.
>>434024a lot but not so much that you cannot do it at home either
No. 434164
>>434159From my experience and my group is that we usually stayed together but those who were with couples did get alone time eventually usually got their own rooms and all
Just depends on how close everyone is
No. 434186
>>434183ah shit, I remember this girl. She's like filipino or viet right? pretending to be 14?
I'm having a look now for you (and me lmao I forgot about her!!) I'll post here if I find anything. saging this in the meantime, good luck on the hunt. she was good milk
No. 434889
>>434885Idk about snowflakes and all but I've noticed this with irl people who tend to have this
victim complex and want a cookie every time they act like a decent human being. For those people I feel like kindness is just a performance that's why constantly want recognition for it.
No. 434926
>>434866I studied in Japan twice (though I was a Polysci major), one semester in Nagasaki and one semester in Tokyo.
Both were easy as fuck. My university in Nagasaki wasn't anything special (small uni), but being in a homestay, having a really hands-on international student department to support us, and being in basically bumfuck, nowhere Japan where almost no one speaks English really helped my Japanese. Not like N5 to N1 level, but I did improve quite a bit (nowhere near fluent, but enough to communicate basic things and hold a semi decent dinner conversation with my host mum). Culture wasn't that difficult to adjust to, then again I grew up a giant fucking weeb so I sort of knew what to expect. My host mum was very, very forgiving with me and my school offered courses on Japanese culture.
In Tokyo, I was at one of the top universities. I don't say this to toot my own horn, but just to say that despite it being a top university, I wasn't really challenged in any of my classes. Then again, I wasn't allowed to enroll in Japanese courses because I didn't apply to it originally (they required a study statement in Japanese and again, my Japanese isn't that good). I'm sure the Japanese courses would've been a lot more enlightening, all the English courses are geared for Japanese students so it's super basic English and the professors expect the absolute bare minimum so getting S in all my classes was basically a given. I did get to take some interesting classes not offered here in the states, and gave up my second semester of Japanese language to take a class with one of my favorite professors (was definitely worth it for my own personal enjoyment).
I've left out so, so many things and your experience (whether in Japan or Russia or SK) will be definitely be different. I was going through a lot emotionally during my time in Tokyo so I unfortunately view it as sort of a stain on my life. It was easy to get by with minimal Japanese and I isolated myself a lot because of the things going on in my life so my Japanese arguably got worse than when I lived in Nagasaki.
Also, since I was a polysci student, it was easy to get all the courses I needed to take and have them count at my home university. I would imagine something like computer science might not be offered for international students (especially since most just come to fuck around and take the most basic classes in culture and language), but some schools might!
No. 434961
>>434930Affording to study in Japan (twice!) was definitely not cheap, but somehow ended up making my overall college expenses cheaper (only paid tuition to my home university, room&board and all that was cheaper in Japan).
It was definitely a no brainer that I'd get into both schools. We have close relationships with them and we get a lot of Japanese students at my universities from them, and it's not like I was failing my courses so they had no reason to reject me (also not that many people applied).
I can't speak for everyone and all schools, but I do feel like the "half-assing everything and visiting places and making friends instead" is pretty much what a study abroad experience is for. You're there to experience the culture, and the classes are really just a side thing. When I lived in Nagasaki they really amped up all the student activities- took us to an onsen, amusement park, some other popular places to really explore and basically absorb Japan into our souls. They told us "you're a student, your main priority is to study" while also knowing you'll really just be off fucking around and figuring out what foreign alcohol tastes the best.
There was a huge difference between the international students who were seriously enrolled in a 4 year course with intention to graduates and international students who were studying abroad. Not to say there aren't those studying abroad who are really trying to get something super academic out of it, but most of us who were on the English track course were mostly there just to be there. Actually thinking back on it, quite a few of my fellow international students in Nagasaki were studying compsci or something similar and knew they were just there for the experience and not for anything beneficial to their major.
That said, they really were impactful life experiences for me and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them, so they're worth it even if you might not get a lot academically out of them! I have a brain full of mostly useless information lol.
No. 434997
>>434961I think "half-assing" was a bit exaggerated, but really my friends who went abroad only studied for tests and did their assignments in a reasonable way, while here in our country everyone else had some nightmarish schedules with nightmarish assignments and our teachers and the administrations lowered many students' grades to "reajust" the average marks in order to give our university a specific reputation. So it's really relative to that.
>they really were impactful life experiences for me and I wouldn't be the person I am today without themAll of my friends said pretty much the same thing. Many of them stayed there after graduating and have well-paying jobs, some are dating or married to people they met there, and other are often going back for holidays. ngl I'm jealous of them because I couldn't go anywhere and our university was very demanding but it was absolutely not rewarding. Other friends who went to English speaking countries instead loved studying abroad as well except one guy who spent a semester in NY and was shocked that everything was way too expensive for him, he had to come back just because of it.
No. 435008
>>435002I shave my legs, pits, and pubes. I don't shave my arms because I just have some peach fuzz.
The reason for everything else is because my hair is super coarse and scraggly.
If I let it grow out it often gets caught in the material of my clothes.
I feel itchier when I have hair; sometimes a breeze across my legs makes the hairs move in such a way that my mind is tricked into thinking there's an insect crawling on me for a split second. It's unsettling.
When I sweat I hate having hair because I feel like the residual is wetter for longer (similar to how short hair dries quicker than long hair). I feel like a wet beast.
Plus I like the visibility of seeing every little bump, scratch, and bruise without noticing because a bunch of hair is covering my skin.
No. 435010
>>435002i have decades' worth of trauma related to waxing and shaving (being forced to since barely hit puberty) so i just flat out decided to stop shaving & waxing at all around 4 years ago and besides the occasional brazilian wax during the summer for comfort reasons, it's made no difference to me. i quite like my body hair, i feel so comfortable with it i often forget i have chewbacca legs. and yes, it weeds out scrotes, which is a big plus.
i don't judge women who wax or shave, it's a personal aesthetic choice and me going all radfem on them is senseless and won't change their minds. i understand my hatred for it comes from a place of trauma and subjectivity, but i do think it's the dumbest double standard and beauty standard to impose on women.
No. 435011
>>435002I shave my underarms because I like the way gel deodorant sticks better. I've always had that problem where every deodorant I use sticks to the hair so I just shave.
I feel like there's no similar
valid reason to shave my arms/legs, there is visible dark hair, but it's not a lot and it's not uncomfortable. It made me think about it more when the other day my bf was telling me how he was self-conscious about his extremely hairy arms and legs and rarely wears shorts because of it. He's a huge sweetheart and I comforted him about it. But most guys don't even think about how hairy and gross they are, and they show off that shit to everyone. It's pretty stupid how even having a little bit of hair visible on my legs feels like a huge humiliating thing.
Thankfully I never got behind shaving pubic hair, only trimming. If anyone judged me about that I'd show them the door.
No. 435012
>>435002>Outside of conventional beauty standards, why do women bother shaving their legs/pits/pubic area?There is no reason outside of arbitrary standards. Women tell themselves they do it for ~their own reasons~ but that's a cope 'cause they don't want to feel weak.
Their precious pornsick boyfies would leave them if they don't maintain their baby vaginas uwuFunny how you never hear about men shaving their entire bodies for "comfort".
No. 435013
>>435010I guess what I’m having a hard time understanding is the aesthetic decision to remove hair, I’m not sure how you can come to that choice without social conditioning being a huge factor?
>>435008I understand the feeling of a breeze making it feel like there’s something on me lmao I guess after years of it, I’ve just gotten used to it. But for whatever reason, having bare legs turns into sensory overload almost when things touch them.
No. 435019
>>435002Even I have really thick, black hair and I stopped shaving a few years ago. I only started shaving my legs because I was scared kids in school would make fun of me, and there's really no point in shaving pubes or other sensitive areas. It just gets itchy and gives painful ingrown hairs. I do trim it though, especially my pubes because it's gross and annoying when discharge dries if the hairs are longer.
Sometimes I get comments from people wondering why I don't shave my legs. My mom laughed at me one time and called me Middle Eastern. It did piss me off because it's none of their business but I still do whatever I want. It's my body and their opinions are worth nothing.
No. 435020
>>435016I'm talking about straight men. I had an ex who hated his hairy ass and shaved it. Mostly cause he'd get swamp ass with the hair.
Some straight dudes are mega insecure about hairy backs and get that waxed.
Know some guys who hate their pubes and shave it bald.
Back in my high school and college days I knew male swimmers who shaved their legs for aerodynamic and comfort issues as well.
>>435016>shaving being the defaultAnon said men never shave for comfort, not that men don't shave as a default.
No. 435021
>>435013it's 100% conditioning. men in general don't get grief from sexual partners for not shaving their genitals or 'pits or whatever, you never see men's pictures on social media get flamed by women bc "ewww he doesn't shave gross". it's a double standard, a patriarchal one too.
any woman who tells you that they do it "for themselves" has a right to do so, you can do whatever the heck you want with your body and it's understandable if body hair makes you feel uncomfortable, but we can't deny we've been conditioned for years & years by media and societal standards to think body hair is "gross" on our bodies (but not men's). ask yourself: would you think having hairy legs/vag/pits feels and looks bad if tv, movies, magazines and your social environment hadn't always talked about it that way?
No. 435027
>>435002I shave my legs on VERY rare occasions (like maybe once a year) for fun because I like how the freshly shaven skin feels. Like how pants, bedsheets or the wind feel against it. I enjoy it for a few days, then just forget about them again for a year.
I also try to keep my pubes quite short because I feel like really long pubes trap odor more easily, but I don't use razors so I guess it doesn't count as shaving.
No. 435038
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>"Body hair is ugly", the brave farmer says through tears as she pulls a gory wax strip off of her anus. "I expect men to shave it all, too." Her bearded boyfriend, Nigel, drops his skidmarked-to-hell tighty-whities on her pillow so she'll remember to take them down to the river and scrub them, his furry asscrack a direct challenge to her firmly-held beliefs.
Oh come on. We aren't going to slap the razor out of your hand but it would be nice if you all could acknowledge that it's hard out here for us women who don't care about having hair on places other than our heads. Men literally can't-won't wipe their asses but expect you to look like a teen porn star 24/7.
No. 435044
>>435038>it would be nice if you all could acknowledge that it's hard out here for us women who don't care about having hair on places other than our headsMaybe because OP's question was asking about why women who shave do so, and not about your personal struggles of not shaving and what's abuzz about typical male double standards.
No. 435063
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>>435038>Her bearded boyfriend, Nigel, drops his skidmarked-to-hell tighty-whities on her pillow so she'll remember to take them down to the river and scrub them, his furry asscrack a direct challenge to her firmly-held beliefs.This hits too close to home
No. 435077
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>>435074I'm not insecure with my "decision" (it's not really a decision, it's the adult female body's natural state) but I'm burned out from so many discussions of this issue in feminist spaces where women's knowledge of social pressure and ability to critique it short-circuits at the mere mention of body hair (and the double-standards around it).
Women saying they wax/shave for ~themselves~ is like women who wear makeup saying they do it for ~self-expression~. Like, do it if you want, but we both know you wouldn't if it wasn't expected of you or if it made you uglier in men's eyes.
The only insecure people in these discussions are women who can't handle their choices being examined, and that's libfem shit right there.
>upset that not every single one of us chose body hair as our feminist hill to die onYeah, since when do feminists talk about the female body?
Also I just feel like sperging about this okay, take me as I am world (a sperg) No. 435078
>>434978Things have definitely gotten a lot better! Tokyo happened during an unfortunate time and the isolation (my own fault really) and being so far away from my support system of friends and family did nothing but worsen the situation. To make things even more worse, no one from my school applied that year so I went in completely alone! I did make both intl and Japanese friends through the seminar my school basically forced me into!
To answer your question, my classes in Nagasaki were 100% American international students. Japanese students weren’t allowed to take the courses offered fo us. Lol, even the Chinese and Korean intl students were in seperate classes from us. We mingled a lot with Japanese students in the common areas though!
In Tokyo my classes were more mixed because my english classes weren’t 100% geared towards international students. Japanese students took them too (which was why is was so easy, they had to simplify the English so taking a law class felt like… if you were to teach constitutional law to grade schoolers) and I unfortunately got babied into speaking English all the time because they wanted to practice with me.
>>434997Oh that sucks! I’m a New Yorker and I’m struggling to stay alive here lol.
I met a girl at my Nagasaki university who married her boyfriend she met there and now she works for a cute lil coffee shop! I used to have dreams of moving there after college and working there, but I’ve found just visiting to be good enough. I’m not terribly fond of the work culture (I work for a Japanese company now here in NY and it’s just really not my favorite thing lol, but to each their own!). I’d love to retire in Nagasaki but being on lolcow and reading some of the threads on Venus and Sere and whatnot have made me realize that getting a visa would be a fucking pain if not just near impossible (I’m not taking the sham marriage route thanks!)
No. 435080
>>435077Yes, you are sperging and that's why you seem insecure about not shaving. Nobody here is trying the empowered choice libfem bullshit, saying they like having smooth skin or shaven men doesn't mean they are denying the social expectation for women to be hairless. You're getting mad at 'I like how it feels' as an explanation because being a slave to the patriarchy is the only reason you're willing to accept, apparently.
Maybe consider that some feminists prioritize other things. I've chosen the single, celibate and childless life so what am I to think of women who dont shave complaining about their bfs and fuckbuddies not liking it? I shave my vag but nobody sees it, is that worse than not shaving and still giving ungrateful, undeserving men pussy and letting them hurt her feelings? People do what they are comfortable with, for some that will include shaving.
No. 435085
>>435080>I've chosen the single, celibate and childless lifeSame, partially because I don't feel like having every aspect of my person scrutinized by men. You know, men, those people who, due to porn and severe entitlement, think they are owed bald pussies.
>People do what they are comfortable with, for some that will include shaving.All I'm saying is that 'what you're comfortable with' isn't a completely organic concept that you are born with. That's all.
No. 435088
Are there any based countries to move to?
I want to live in a country with decent health care, affordable college, and a place where women are respected as equals and the men aren't entitled and scummy to date. I know this is wishful thinking, but after being around some different states and observing their culture, I actually don't hate California as much, even though it's awful here too. I'm just so fucking fed up of American culture, and I'm "patriotic" and (used to be) very conservative/libertarian leaning. Why can't I have guns, healthcare, LGBT rights, AND keep illegals and religious nutjobs on the other side of the wall? I can't fucking take this anymore. I just want to start a nice family, without worrying about their education or dealing with liberal males that dump everything on you, or right/christian males who are entitled and mean as fuck. I love women too, but I'm only surrounded by "intersectional feminist" type. Please help. PLEASEEEEEE.
No. 435107
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>>435101I use these bad boys, esp for that pesky hair that seems to grow almost inside the inner rim of the labia. It'll get you a pretty close trim without the ingrowns, and I've never had the trimmer knick me despite straight up attacking my labia with it.
No. 435108
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>>435101I use the clio. It's a great electric trimmer for the price. Just be careful around your labia.
No. 435121
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>>435101I use one of these bad boys, has lasted me for years for like $15 @ the grocery store. Super close shave but no ingrown hairs and I can do it dry with a handheld mirror once a week before I hop in the shower.
Dunno everyone's body hair is different but my hair is stubborn like a man's beard so this gets the job done without being too dull and literally ripping hair from my flesh.
No. 435126
>>435120Throwing a tantrum because other women shave isn't 'having a conversation'. I would completely understand and empathize if anons were responding like dumb libfems but they aren't, they're just saying they shave for whatever personal reasons and several specifically conceded social pressures as a cause.
This isn't the radfem thread to begin with.
No. 435132
>>435129But nobody has had their opinions challenged, jfc. You think we're defending shaving as purely our own choice, but nobody is doing that. We ALL know we don't shave or wear makeup in a vaccuum, but some of us do it anyway. The fact that we shave despite understanding that doesn't warrant responses like
>>435038, which I do consider a tantrum because it reeks of bitterness.
Again, I am not and have never once argued that hair removal is chosen without the influence of social pressure. Nobody here is arguing that but you keep responding like we are, in a way that might be appropriate for choice feminists on tumblr, but not us.
No. 435172
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Spoiler because the picture is kind of disgusting.
Does anyone know what could cause white lines and peeling on the toenails? I tried anti fungal treatment but it didn't do much.
My feet aren't exactly exposed to water, but could it be due to being in shoes all day?
No. 435354
>>435335He's pretty dismissive during semi-serious conversation (one word responses) and I hadn't told him about anything too personal or serious about me yet because it's only been 5 months yet I'm always there for his meltdowns because of his anxiety and body dysmorphia. I think I'm going to end it. He's not my type anyway or what I need from a partner.
Also excuse me, I know this isn't the relationship thread lol.
No. 435366
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>>435354good on you anon, you better end it. i stayed in that stuff and it really numbed me mentally. guys like that see the anime girls as holes, and it transfers to their views of actual women
No. 435485
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I checked out Magdalen Bern's Twitter, and saw this pinned.
I know next to nothing about brain cancer or therapy for it. Does this mean she has a chance of it not killing her? Is she getting better? I only just got into her videos, and I feel pretty down about the whole cancer thing.
No. 435488
>>435487Whoops. My browser glitched out.
I was gonna post about on male pattern baldness. Yeah, it’s shallow of me to ask this but… how do you know when your partner is balding or will be bald at 40? I just don’t want to be with a bald man as we grow older. They gross me out.
No. 435503
>>435485Doesn’t she have glioblastoma? It’s a really aggressive form of brain cancer, people who are diagnosed with it typically don’t live longer than a year. I don’t know much about Magdalen but I’ve seen a few of her videos and she seems like a great person. I think her tweet is about remission, which means the cancer has stopped growing for the time being so she can pause her radiotherapy.
If you want to know more about this type of cancer: No. 435610
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German anons! I started listening to Nina Hagen very recently, and I want to ask some stupid questions about her
Is she well-known in Germany? Like, does the average person know about her? Do people there like her? Does anybody know what she's up to these days? Any extra info or personal opinions about her are welcome.
No. 435619
>>435612Thanks for the info, anon! Every detail about her is very interesting to me.
Happy to hear she's still around on tv and stuff, even if it's not that often.
Also for some reason I assumed her daughter was like 25 years old, lmao.
Sorry to bother, but do you know why people seem to not like her very much? Is it because of her loud personality? Or did she do something shitty at some point? I really want to like her, but I'm worried she is or has been involved in some ugly stuff or something like that. You know how celebrities can be. I don't want to get my hopes up just in case, haha.
No. 435862
>>435619I don't recall her doing anything shitty in particular, she's just kinda cowish in her need to be the center of attention. She's very entertaining to watch but I can imagine would be pretty insufferable to deal with in real life (if it is not all just an act).
Vid related her in a typical talkshow appearance with bonus young Angela Merkel
No. 436006
>>435944Always have plans to meet up regularly and have a solid endgame in regards to when you will finally live together. It's not going to work out if you don't do these things.
t. anon who was in LDR with someone over ten thousand miles away, finally moved in together last year.
No. 436063
>>435862LMAO at the man next to her trying to calm her down.
Yeah, I imagine dealing with her irl must be annoying, but I enjoy seeing her passion and conviction in whatever she's talking about. At least she takes advantage of that powerful voice of hers lol.
Slight blogpost, but I guess I kinda look up to her a little because I'm the complete opposite of that. If I were in that interview I would probably cry for being yelled at.
Again, thanks for taking your time to answer, anon.
Danke schön!
No. 436434
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Why is this brand so popular?
No. 436452
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Can someone explain water fasting to me? Be patient, I'm retarded.
No. 436517
>>436497I think it's becoming the norm. It seems more like a learned behavior. Our generation was raised on the focus of multitasking to the point where focusing on one thing eventually bores us and we get anxious when we try our hardest to keep doing something. Also the fact the internet is so readily available and everyone is always updating.
Do you eventually go back to playing the game or book?
I would suggest possibly taking a break from internet connected devices more often, it's helped me bring back my focus.
No. 436543
>>436468depending on the sleeping pills, you might just throw up a little and sleep for 5 days in a row.
I once took 30 x 2mg pills of klonopin and literally nothing happened.
No. 436572
>>436517 said, this is something a lot of people are struggling with. I used to read a book every few days when I was a child and now I can't even concentrate long enough to finish a paragraph. When me and my friends get together these days, we don't watch films anymore. We just sit watching videos that are less than a minute long and if one person gets bored, they just skip after a few seconds. It's really fucking sad tbh.
No. 436684
>>436572Seconded and I hate this. There's a book sitting on my night stand I want to read but for some reason I can't fucking do it lol. But can read internet threads for hours?
I have a habit of looking at my phone every 2 seconds of whatever I'm doing though unless I'm with someone else.
No. 436734
>>436731I did a weight training course in college and the female trainer told me that women only ever gain significant muscle with steroid use since we lack the testosterone. We can get the definition but very few of us will ever bulk and hulk out like males do. Plus a lot of female dieting isn't conducive to muscle growth as women mostly eat to lose bodyfat when muscle growth actually requires intake of carbs, proteins, and fat aka the caloric stuff we usually avoid.
Even in a perfect scenario I don't see you being able to take on a 6ft dude, no. Maybe we could bully short manlet incels though? They're usually the ones talking the most shit anyway lol.
No. 437015
>>436998Because daughters are treated more like dolls to accessorise. You see it even in the way they’re dressed, boys will be dressed in clothing that is easy to move around for the baby and typically very weather appropriate, whereas the girls will be dressed in layers upon constricting layers, the clothing material often being unpleasant because of all the glitter/ruffles/sequins/what have you, and then those god damn awful headbands that leave welts on the babies heads (who constantly try to take it off, mind you)
As a mum of two very young kids it’s infuriating going into any toddler/baby space and seeing the daughters treated like something to just display. I’m not at all surprised that the types of parents that put fashion before function for an infant are also the type to dismiss physical and mental trauma caused by body modification on someone who cannot consent or even wrap their head around the idea of their parents hurting them
No. 437030
>>436998My hot take is that you shouldn't let your daughter get her ears pierced until she's old enough to take care of and clean herself. I think it's a good early lesson in responsibility
>>437002>I fear the painbitch it pinches for like 2 seconds you're a wuss
No. 437065
>>437059Yep. 100% agreed. Both of my parents are huge narcs and had 4 daughters between the two of them. Also lots of undiagnosed mental illness in my family because they are those people that try to act like if they ignore it it’s not a real problem.
Boys are definitely easier (as long as they’re not straight up abused). They don’t have all the societal shit to deal with other than hurrdurr get a job and wife.
No. 437396
>>437315Men like women with learning difficulties and MH problems due to
•Being easier to manipulate
•Less likely to be believed
Men hate strong independent women. If you want to try to get rid of them, look physically strong, healthy, purposeful, no revealing clothes or anything they find sexy (visible bust, long loose hair, heels), and ignore and avoid them. Try to have a friend with you/avoid being alone where possible, too.
You're looking to avoid attention, not attract it.
No. 437417
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do face rollers do anything besides make you look retarded?
No. 437445
>>437418My ex was Hispanic and only dated Asians and only watched Asian porn like he was embarrassed to show me what porn he watched. I was white. I’m fairly certain he had an Asian fetish lol.
>>437438>couple similarities It borders on stereotypes if he “can’t find the similarities” in other races
It could be innocent tho and he just thinks black women are more attractive.
No. 437512
>>437508Start lifting now. Also expect to not actually lose any weight when you gain muscles arrive they weigh more than fat. You'll look better anyway.
What worked for me was training while shifting my diet to more low carb high protein at a caloric intake to maintain weight.
No. 437516
>>437512Thanks! I can't wait to step into the gym.
> What worked for me was training while shifting my diet to more low carb high protein at a caloric intake to maintain weight.Noted that, thank you very much.
Just another question, when you went to the gym did you already have a workout plan? Where did you find workout materials and what made you decide, "yeah this is what I'm going to do."
No. 437569
>>437516I cobbled stuff together from various sources, IG fitspo, gym friends, body sculpting classes. My gym offered 3 sessions with a personal trainer for new members, so I did that. She put a list of exercises together, but that got boring quickly. So I just started my own routine, trying to alternate the muscle groups on different days.
Your best bet is having a gym rat friend who gets excited about motivating you and helps you out.
No. 437698
>>437691it's really not
go the safe route and get a gift card or yeah, steam game on wishlist
No. 437750
>>437749Some of them sure, like that girl Sol Pais who was planning to do it.
I read somewhere that serial killers are much less than in decades past and also their
victim numbers are shorter than beforesince they get caught sooner, due to technology and law enforcement being aware of them so one theory is that a lot of these sociopaths that would likely end up as serial killers in a diferent age now know that if they want to commit heinous acts then they have to make their one big opportunity count so they go all in in one go.
Its probably too wide and complex of a phenomenom to be summarised so simply but is an interesting take.
No. 437764
>>437751I heard the ld50 of Xanax is too high to die from it. If you mix it with alcohol or something you will probably die from respiratory depression or something.
Generally overdosing on Xanax (od doesn't have to indicate death) makes me only tired and gives me memory loss.
Idk how young kids party on Xanax, it only calms me down or makes me sleepy… take care though withdrawals are horrible.
No. 437777
>>437764Thanks anon. Though thats a bit of a dissapointment
>Idk how young kids party on XanaxI don´t know either, i don´t want to get high, just end it and is the only pills i have at my disposal because i was prescribed some time ago. I hate its effects, can´t imagine using it recreationally, they could just smoke weed and have a better time than using Xanax
No. 437780
>>437764Cause they too pussy for PURE cocaine and LSD like real nibba boomers
The weed is better than what it used to be though
No. 437784
>>437756I’m a virgin and have never orgasmed so I don’t know what an orgasm even feels like so I can’t be sure if this was some sort of orgasm or not?
>>437769Did the orgasms you had in your sleep feel the same way I was describing? I also experienced a very similar feeling in another dream where I was hugging my bf, and along with the intense physical surge I felt, I also felt an intense emotional surge, like I was going to cry? It was really odd and not a sexual situation at all.
No. 437822
>>437784you're a virgin and have a bf?
must be a great guy to not care
No. 438083
>>437691You aren't a bad person for not knowing what to get. It's hard buying for people who aren't materialistic. You could always take him out for dinner and a movie or something. I'm probably not the best advice giver, though; I bought weed for my bf on his birthday.
>>437751Anon I think it would just make you really uncomfortable. Most overdose suicides turn into attempts because they are unreliable. That's why statistically women have more failed suicide rates than men. We choose pills and men use firearms.
I hate to add the obligatory "don't do it" but please don't kys. I hate to lose a fellow farmer, I think the people who post here are great and that includes you. It would be a shame to lose you.
No. 438172
>>437777I'm sorry you feel this low and pretty sure you don't want to hear it, but please don't kill yourself.
I tried 2 times with a mix of pills and alcohol and it just fucked me up for a few days, it's not as quick and easy as some stupid movies/shows make it out to be. Not worth it. Believe me.
It's hard to seek out help, but give it a try. If you're already on medication and it doesn't work, tell your doctor and try another kind of meds. It takes a long time to find the right combination of anti depressants.
Hope you'll get better anon.
No. 438391
>>438389This is basically how I got over my BDD. I just constantly reminded myself there's tons of women bigger than me and they wear whatever they can with little to no shame. Rolls hanging out, a little bit tight of clothes, some cleavage, or just a top that accidentally has some nipple showing through. My little muffin top is nothing, people won't actually care and no one else cares about how these women look either.
Did the same recently for poops and farts. I'm relieving myself and if my shit or fart stinks, oh well, no one will remember me.
No. 438402
>>438374Sorry for not helping but this pissed me off.
>these girls made fun of me for being sickI hate seeing women at uni acting like fucking 14-year-olds, giggling at people for existing and giving
those looks. You're an adult who is here to attain a higher education, grow the fuck up.
(I hate men who do childish nonsense too of course, like pushing each other in public areas or being obnoxiously loud.)
No. 438457
When I was younger (probably somewhere between 14-16 years old) my tuberculosis test came back positive. It's latent, and they put me on medication that I had to take daily for about 9 months. Fast forward, I get into my first relationship, it ends badly, I'm a sad, destructive sack of shit and I completely stop taking my medication. I think I had somewhere between 3-5 months worth of pills left to take.
Basically, how fucked am I? The last time I ever got my lungs checked via x-rays was a long, long time ago but nothing showed up. If I ever admitted this to my (new, not pediatrician) doctor, that they would put me back on medication or something again? I don't know what the fuck was going through my teenage brain to stop, but fuck I'm gonna be pissed if my tb becomes active lol.
No. 438656
>>438457Go to the doctor holy shit!
once had a mandatory tuberculosis probe come back positive in my childhood without even any symptoms or changes in lungs and they still put me into quarantine. It's serious fucking business.
No. 438773
>>437426I like our tap water but the next city over has awful tap water. And it all has flouride in it so some people just hate that. Using a water filter is very common for tap water at home, but most people are just lazy and wasteful and buy the pretty plastic bottled water whenever they want it, especially school age kids or college kids who never learned to put thought into what theyre doing.
Even some bottled waters taste gross and metal-y (Arrowhead and Aquafina suck) so I assume Fiji tastes nice in comparison, or SmartWater.
No. 438828
>>438773Most bottled water is just bottled tap water anyway. Nestle bottles theirs in southern California (while the rest of the state suffers from droughts) and even near Flint, MI (yes
that Flint). Amongst other places.
No. 438834
Since you're not rich, I assume you'll just end up with one or two very overpriced drinks with little to no host interaction because they only go for the girls with money. Why are you looking to go?
No. 439027
>>439010Yes? that's also repugnant?
How does this change the fact your friend sounds like a nasty desperate weeb?
No. 439054
>>439007Yeah, it is/was. We were on spring break and in an airbnb and during one night she went out and fucked a guy in his car while I was asleep, then two more guys (seperately) when I took a trip out alone. She was talking to a lot of other guys too. For better or for worse we’re no longer friends lol.
I don’t think I’m above her for only sleeping with one guy, she just had better and easier pickings because her Japanese is a lot better than mine.
No. 439534
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I feel like I already know the answer to this question, but is it weird for a woman to go to the park and ride the swings? I like going to the park at night to ride on the swings with my headphones on while listening to some music, I find it really therapeutic (esp if I’m alone) but I probably look like a creep right? If any children showed up and wanted to ride I’d immediately get off for them.
No. 439541
>>439534nah I'm with you there me and my friends have played in the park late at night before
some parks have after hours security come and whine at you if you stay there too long though, mostly cuz in my area you've got a lot of hooligans who go there to smoke weed
No. 439583
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>>439536>>439541>>439578Thanks anons! I ended up going tonight and it was pretty nice until some other people started showing up at the park and I left bc I’m a sperg. There’s something so nice about jamming out to music and feeling the breeze against you when you’re swinging.
No. 439593
>>439563You're just dating an asshole. Current guy I must have had 10 dates before any sex and we regularly have dates where nothing sexual happens. He's not even unique in regard to this specific trait. I dated other guys where we could enjoy non sexual dates.
I think you've got yourself a lemon and aren't aware of it.
No. 439723
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I ordered this cute lemon beret and just got the e-mail notification that it got delivered today!!
How would you anons suggest coordinating it? I'm not usually a hat person, the most I usually do is a wide brimmed sunhat with dresses/long skirts for a "day out at the beach" look. Do you think it would be weird to wear this in the summer time (since it's wool)?
No. 439734
>>439620I've had several jobs with kids. This isn't normal, anon. Seven is when kids are supposed to start reading short chapter books like Henry and Mudge.
I don't think Fortnite is the cause of the problem, though. This sounds like a combination of neglect and shitty schooling. Although I have to wonder how someone who can't read nagivates game menus and such.
No. 439779
>>439734kid memorized a few words and can recognize them, which is the closest thing that comes to reading. he won't read sentences in a book or virtually anything else, not even labels on stuff.
i figured it isn't normal, as other anons have pointed out. ill see if i can talk about it w/my relatives, nobody seems too preoccupied with his education though.
No. 439794
>>439727Thanks anon! It's from clammyheart on twitter in case you don't already follow her, her stuff is so cute I want to buy more of it!
I have a cute off the shoulder liz lisa shirt, maybe I'll try to find a long yellow skirt to pair it with!
No. 439835
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Is the board mascot based off this particular Harvest Moon farmer or a different one? I noticed similarities and know the cow from HM is used on the site, but wasn't sure, it seemed likely but kind of a dumb question to ask.
No. 439845
>>437567>>437569Sorry for the very late reply, but thank you for the tips. Finally got myself a gym membership and now I'm working through my plan with a personal trainer.
Those subreddits are a goldmine. Thank you again!
No. 439910
>>439894>Oh wait you cant because you're a newfag who's 5 years late.Pffft did anon’s ask really make you this mad? It’s the
stupid questions thread for a reason.
No. 439954
>>439899NAYRT (I'm
>>439734), but one of my jobs with kids was in a U.S. public school. All the things you touched on are pretty much the same here. What anon described about her cousin is concerning regardless of where she lives.
I'm actually beginning to wonder if the problem isn't just his school. He might also have an unidentified learning disability.
No. 439964
>>439925 this will not calm you but stress can
trigger a cold sore (herp basically) and people can have the virus forever in their system without any outbreaks. just drink a lot of water, get some cream of one of those plasters (i prefer plasters) and take some painkillers if it truly is an outbreak. shit sucks, had it since i was a fucking toddler bc kids are disgusting.
No. 440016
>>439954Am that anon, I did think US education was more or less the same, minus the different names for things it’s both Western 1st world countries with overlapping culture. Education can’t be that different but I know a lot of teeaboos and patriots who keep harping on about imaignary differences depending on which country they’re jerking off.
This kid actually sounds like a guy I met at another place who I spent some time tutoring. He was illiterate, but he could read basic words and memorised menus to play his games and buy PC parts from Amazon. Totally normal intelligence as far as I knew, he told me about ThatPoppy while we were chatting and paranormal YouTubers. He liked maths better but hit a wall when the questions were worded. Trying to take him through English was impossible because he’d just stare blankly and disengage so hard I’d see his brain escape orbit. Sometimes I thought maybe he could read better than he let on and acted some of it so get away with not doing the work but it was impossible to tell.
It was kind of frustrating because I could see potential in him, like building a gaming rig despite his illiteracy, but when he doesn’t want to read you might as well give up unless there’s a gun to put to his head.
I remembered something more relevant to anon though, he said he was told he had dyslexia and ADHD. Personally I think the dyslexia thing isn’t true, jst that he seriously paid no attention to reading for so long that he became functionally illiterate the older he got, just like how he couldn’t coast along lower grade maths questions forever because they’ll inevitably involve word problems.
>>439620Anon’s weird interactions with the cousin makes me suspect autistic tendencies but now I’m just armchairing.
No. 440220
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i want to dye my hair red and my natural color is really dark. i want my hair to be like jaclyn glenn but a little darker. should i bleach my hair first? if i don't bleach it would it end up like pic related?
No. 440234
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>>440220Vibrant colors mean bleaching, unless someone is born with super blond hair. If you apply red over dark brown hair, there will only be a reddish tint under bright sunlight. Kinda like pic related, and it fades a bit faster since your hair won't absorb as much color as processed hair.
No. 440326
>>439894>reeeeee you weren't reading the thread where this piece of silly board lore was introduced and didn't ask the artist about it THEN so you are a BAD and STUPID newfagI've been here at least a couple of years, relax sperg-chan. Being on this lovely cesspool longer doesn't make you better.
>>439910See, I just wanted to know if the art was supposed to be based off this particular character or game because I never saw who the artist was and where/when it was introduced. And because I like these games and noticed they've had some references over the years on cow sites, esp here. It's too dumb to ask elsewhere but I thought it may be influenced by some of these designs.
Her reaction is pretty hilariously aggressive, wonder what she's on about.
No. 440367
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Is it possible to determine if someone's fat by their bra size?
It's been two years since an anon told me that I'm unfortunate since I'm fat and small chested when I told her that I'm size 85C.
I don't recall which thread it was or what was the context, but for some reason those words stick to me.
I thought, fair enough because I was overweight at the time. I've lost some weight in the meantime, but my bra size hasn't changed at all. 85C seems rather big to me but now every time I go shopping it's like I can hear that anon saying "oh, how unfortunate" with a smirk.
Sometimes I'm okay with the way I look but then I think that since I'm still at 85C, that I haven't lost enough. Idk, it's such a stupid thing to think about but here I am, thinking about it years after.
No. 440408
>>440367You can kind of tell if someone is fat by their band size but usually it's like, 40 inches or bigger. Anything under that probably doen't mean you're fat unless you're insanely apple shaped; honestly it really depends on how you carry your weight/body type. If you're healthy and not morbidly obese it's not worth angsting over.
Don't let some brain-starved anachan from years ago get you down. I'm sure you look great.
No. 440440
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Can I still wear makeup and be a radfem/GC/whatever-cool-term-the-kids-are-using. In a lot of circles, many are pretty much anti-makeup but I only really my eyebrows and lips most of the time
No. 440446
>>440440Of course, as long as you aren't defending yourself by calling it empowering and understand that it isn't a feminist act. Nobody is going to be a perfect, by the book feminist who exclusively does feminist things, and any radfem should understand the pressure we're under to look/act certain ways and the ways we're punished for not doing so. Most of us are going to cave at some point, if it's not makeup it might be shaving, wearing feminine clothes, having long hair, dieting, etc.
>>440444Radical feminism is pretty inherently trans inclusive in the sense that it include biological women, even if they claim to be men and have massive unchecked internalized misogyny. It just doesn't include men, which makes MTFs very mad and as a result they use 'terf' as a nasty slur that actually just means lesbian or feminazi most of the time.
No. 440448
>>440367No girl. The fact that you've lost weight and kept the same bra size means you probably weren't carrying extra weight there anyway - you can't lose weight from your ribcage. Anon was probably a fatty LARPing as an ana anyhow.
As an aside, wearing a correct size is game changing. etc
No. 440451
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>>440444>i’m just wondering if there are trans inclusive radical feministsI think, hypothetically, this can exist. If you focus your version of "radical feminism" still on centering women and rejecting male control, you can still do this and never touch on trans issues. Some forms of Marxist feminist thought can be pretty close to radical feminism but focus almost entirely on practical organising, mutual aid and class analysis of patriarchy. I'd really like it to exist, anyway. If all radfem thought really boils down to is "men ain't shit" and hanging out with more women there should be a way to do that without even needing to think about trans rights.
No. 440457
>>440451my political stance is more on the socialist side of things, so that idea of marxist feminism is really compelling to me.
>If all radfem thought really boils down to is "men ain't shit" and hanging out with more women there should be a way to do that without even needing to think about trans rights.i’m still not very familiar with feminism ideology generally, but it seems that if you were able to actually deconstruct the patriarchal ideas of our society, trans right wouldn’t be as much as an issue since violence toward MtF trans people might decline as a result.
No. 440460
>>440443Oh same, I refuse to wear heels. Slip ons and trainers all the way. And I haven't shaved my body hair in ages but I do trim my armpits and private areas due to a health condition.
>>440446I had the greatest idea of having real-like Mugi brows for a few months so I'm trying to grow them out again
Sometimes I also feel like I /have/ to diet but it's hard understanding whether its the sake of health or pressures to look slim thick or thin as possible. Shit is hard when you see your aunt after years and she kept making comments about your weight and eating habits over and over again. Somehow it's okay because she's a doctor.
No. 440461
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>>440449Andrea Dworkin is probably a good starting place, but if you're more interested in trans side of things reading our gender critical thread or the gender critical subreddit is better.
>>440457>violence toward MtF trans people might decline as a result.It's naive of you to think that trans rights revolve around ending the homophobic beatings straight men dole out to men in dresses. That might constitute real discrimination, but it is the last of their concerns unless they want to use it for oppression points. The main issue MTF have is when women won't let males into their spaces, when they can't speak over women, when they can't control feminist rhetoric, when lesbians won't fuck them, when society won't fully indulge their bimbo fetish.
No. 440473
> Andrea Dworkin is probably a good starting place, but if you're more interested in trans side of things reading our gender critical thread or the gender critical subreddit is better. thank you for the suggestion, i’ll check out both the book and the thread.
> It's naive of you to think that trans rights revolve around ending the homophobic beatings straight men dole out to men in dressesis homophobia not the result of a patriarchal society that has to protect fragile masculinity though, or does it stem from something else? not trying to be contrary, i’m genuinely not well-versed in any sort of theory and just trying to understand.
i do find it to be
problematic that people who don’t date transpeople are transphobes. and really all of the other things you listed. i feel that comes from their socialization as men prior to transitioning. and like you really can’t explain to someone (for example, a MtF) who wasn’t raised female all the intricate little things that are imposed upon us by society while growing up, like allowing men to speak over us and control the narrative and the assumption that we owe our bodies to people. and i feel like by simply acknowledging this, you’re automatically considered a “terf” by a lot of people, so maybe more “liberal” feminists just choose to ignore that and pretend like those problems don’t exist.
sorry to sort of be thinking out loud to you, this has literally been the first conversation i've felt like i can have on this topic. i'll start checking out the suggested reading.
No. 440475
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>>439534Did this the other day and there was only a couple of kids around later in the day and none using the swings. I think it would be worse if you were an adult man, so you're probably fine?? Idk, I don't think I (personally) would ever do it if it was like, a fully packed playground. Does your entire body hurt afterwards? Legitimately woke up in pain the next day.
Tbh the thing I was scared of was it's summer and there was a gaggle of middle/highschool boys hanging out nearby. I basically did an entire circle around the park to avoid walking by them.
>tfw 27 years old and still scared of idiot teenage boys.>what if they made fun of me just for walking by them>what if they acknowledged me in any way No. 440477
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>>440474>>440473Anon you can delete and repost fixing your typos without double posting if you do it within 30 minutes of submitting.
Btw, you asked for recommended reading - I agree with the other more GC anon's recommendation of Dworkin as your starter Pokemon, but if you really do enjoy economic analysis with a feminist bent I'd highly recommend Silvia Federici's work. This isn't even new stuff, you can avoid a lot of discussion of trans issues by just reading feminist literature from before the late 90s. You can access her major book for free here:, with respect to the other users in this thread, I feel like we should take this discussion to the radfem thread (note I say not the GC one, it's nice to have discussion about women's rights that isn't about trannies sometimes right? Isn't that your main beef
>>440461?) here
>>373459 No. 440487
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Since we're talkin trans issues here, here's my dumb question: what pronoun do I use if speaking about someone who has transitioned in the past tense?
For example: One of my best friends from high school has transitioned (FTM). We don't live in the same state anymore and don't talk too much, and I understand their current pronouns yada yada. But if I'm telling someone a story about something we did in high school, do I say "she" if that's how they identified then? That is to say, "she" is who she was back then, "he" is who he is now. It feels disrespectful to refer to them as their previous identity, but also recasting the character in my memory with a different name and a different face feels like….I dunno, like re-writing history into a narrative I wasn't a part of? I'd say the easy answer is "they/them" but then they've changed their name as well. So like
>Jane was at my birthday party 10 years ago
>John was at my birthday party yesterday
But if I try to say "John was at my birthday party 10 years ago" well….that's not really true?
It feels like "I beat the Pewter City gym with my best bud, Charmander!" and now they're a Charizard. They're the exact same "pokemon", but when I beat the Pewter City gym they WERE a Charmander. If I tell the story of how I beat the Pewter City Gym but say it was with Charizard, then that's a completely different story and that's not how it actually happened at the time even, if they're the exact same "pokemon" I knew back then.
Does this question make any sense at all?
No. 440626
>>440624>allow shoe0nhead to spy on peoples' IPs posting in her thread Yikes.
That was interesting, thank you very much.
No. 440636
>>440624I've been using lc for nearly 5 years and the fact it's female orientated is why I love it. I really enjoy that men get banned as soon as they out themselves. I despise all the men that post here and defend men posting.
Also OT, but I recently checked out reddit for the first time and holy fuck. I hate male dominated discussion boards. So fucking dull and the essays they write! Men are so use to not being ignored its mental the word vomit they spiel over the most mundane simple topics.
No. 440679
>>440618>full of guys like 4chanNah, edf has more awareness than 4chan (any of the older, regular members anyway) and a lot of them are just putting on edgy personas.
And yeah it's always been pretty female oriented. Site's been around for 5 years now. I remember calling out dumb ass posters who started their posts off with "male here" (just like how you'd get called out if you said 'girl here' on 4chan lmao)and they would get banned. Pretty funny, never knew it would get super radfemmy and political.
>>440624Don't forget Stamina Rose.
No. 440839
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>>440835English isn't my first language but I like the word nigga because it sounds funny.
No. 440859
>>440835That would be me. How is that masculine? I'm black but alright. Women don't need to talk like dainty little princesses 24/7.
>>440849I'm not on insta or twitter nor do i browse snow. Keep ur tinfoil to yourself.
No. 441033
>>441027if you can't read music or play instruments, there's not really much you can do.
maybe recording with a quality mic and cleaning up the audio and pitch correcting, then you could put it through a converter to work it as a midi, but again you don't know how to into music. my real advise is to learn to play the piano and read music. you may even be able to play by ear, in which case it will be easy for you to play music in your head once you get basics down.
No. 441077
>>441058Don't underestimate garage sales and secondhand shops! My father plays guitar casually and you'd be surprised at how many guitars he's found on the cheap. We got a Squier strat and a small amp for $45 at a yard sale once (and for some reason they threw in a free brand new hiking backpack for us too lmao). Obviously they're not top of the line models but certainly playable and good to start out on while you save up for something fancier.
Also, you could look into ukeleles. I know they're kind of a meme for 'basic white girls' but they're affordable and fairly easy to play, especially if you already have experience with guitars.
No. 441108
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I promise I'm not a scrote or tranny, just sorta shitty at being an adult.
How often do you guys change out/buy new underwear? Honestly I've worn the same underwear you buy in packs that my mum bought for me since high school. I didn't go out and buy underwear because my brain thought "why would I need new underwear when my current ones are fine?" until my cousin took me out a few years back to Aerie. I now have a mix of old and new, but I wonder if there's really a time limit as to how long you should keep underwear? I always use pantiliners and my IUD basically stopped my period so they're all (the new ones especially) relatively stain free. It just feels weird to throw them out since even if they're tattered, no one would know unless we're about to have sex (though I've already thrown out one that have holes and whatnot). I feel like it's so indulgent buying a lot of new underwear, but fuck, Aerie's undies are so comfortable I love it when I get new ones.
No. 441112
>>441108I love Aerie underwear! Their bras are super comfortable too.
I think because you use panty liners that helps the longevity of the underwear. I don't really go off of how long I've owned a pair, mostly because I have shit memory and can't be assed to keep track of the dates of my underwear purchases lol. I just go by looks, if they look worn or threadbare, if they have holes, and/or if they're stained beyond redemption, then I toss them.
I wouldn't feel too bad buying underwear, honestly to me it's something you can never have too many of. I mean, it's not like you're ever
not going to need them, they'll all get used eventually so whatever.
No. 441128
>>441112I love their bralettes so much! And yknow what? You're right lol. I'm gonna shamelessly buy so many cute pairs of underwear now.
>>441113>>441114>>441115>>441119Thanks anons! Just thought it might be considered weird to keep the same underwear for years and years but good to know I can keep on truckin along with mine until they completely disintegrate on me.
No. 441132
>>441128>I'm gonna shamelessly buy so many cute pairs of underwear now.Do it! For real, you can never have too many pairs.
I actually worked at Aerie briefly and was ringing up a woman one day while we had the 10 for $35 deal running. She had around 6 pairs of underwear, totaling to $72, and I told her if she wanted to choose four more pairs it would be half the price. She somberly goes "Oh no, I don't need that many pairs" and proceeds to pay full fucking price for the six pairs. I still can't wrap my head around that like… what the fuck.
No. 441134
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How do I tell my mom's husband to wash his fucking asscrack? Everytime he uses the toilet, there's a stain/imprint. We even bought sanitizer and put it right next to the toilet but he doesn't get the clue. He just claims it's not him.
No. 441140
>>441134Hang on, how is this jabrony sitting on a toilet so that his asscrack comes into contact with the seat? Is he pooping fucking sidesaddle?
what even are men
No. 441143
>>441132What… the fuck… Honestly, as much as I love Aerie, I wouldn't buy their underwear for full price lol it's just too much…
All of their stuff is so cute, I'm waiting to eventually buy their new mid tier dresses!! 2 years ago I also managed to snag their shark print swimsuit (when they gave me a 50% coupon on top of them already running a 50% sale on their swimwear) just before it completely sold out!! Ahhhh their stuff is so good, I have such a hard time buying cute and comfortable innerwear anywhere else because I just love their stuff too much lol
No. 441157
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>>441155Oh fuck, that sounds like he doesn't know how to wipe properly and the shit is migrating forward from his ass crack, likely dissolved in sweat travelling along the skin until his gooch and balls are covered in a festering layer of fecal sweat
If I am banned for this post I absolutely understand, but jfc why is men not knowing how to wipe their own asses such a fucking epidemic: No. 441315
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Why can't shaytard/dollymattel find a boyfriend or at least a sugar daddy other than fupa? Shes ugly but has a nice body and i doubt another 30something obese divorcee would care shes mentally ill and stupid. Why is she single if shes codependent, has absolutely no standarts and unable to be alone? Does nobody hit on her when she goes alone drinking?
No. 441324
>>441315It's very difficult to find a man willing to provide for a woman who actually has shit to bring to the table, and no less for a co-dependent woman with tons of mental and financial baggage like Shay.
I don't think Shay is ugly. But Shay isn't special.
She's in the numbers game like the rest of us and she knows if she ditches Fupa to try to find someone else she risks being alone and vulnerable for quite some time. Not to mention the emotional convenience.
It's hard, and finding decent men at clubs and bars isn't likely.
No. 441331
>>441324but she doesn't care about "decent". look at fupa, hes old, obese, probably smells bad, a "daddydom". Literally bottom of the barrel. His idea of providing is fats food places kek
>>She's in the numbers game like the rest of us and she knows if she ditches Fupa to try to find someone else she risks being alone and vulnerable for quite some time. Not to mention the emotional convenience.You are right but how come even other snowflakes like phoebe and micky have orbiters and she doesn't? I would say micky is more gross and sick than shay. Is shay autistic?
No. 441344
>>441331>You are right but how come even other snowflakes like phoebe and micky have orbiters and she doesn't?I don't see how we could confirm this though?
Don't forget, as a camwhore she has an agenda to make herself appear more hard up than she is in order to receive the maximum sympathy and favors she can get. Tbh I believe she's not living a comfortable life, but at the same time I don't believe nobody is paying anything for her. It's a common camgirl tactic.
No. 441345
>I don't believe nobody is paying anything for her. It's a common camgirl you think she is that smart? then i'm the stupid for believing shes actually that desperate tbh
i'd say we can confirm shes isolated except for fupa because she's retarded and can't keep her relationships or life in general outside the internet. with "orbiters" i meant real life flings who pay for her like fupa. if she had male orbiters of any kind we would have heard about it i think?
No. 441509
>>441467>"pansexual", "non-binary" and "terf"Thanks God, I'm not American. They made up these words and spread their autism to the rest of the world. Such a cringe.
>i don't understand why people keep insisting on using the word pansexual to describe their oh so special orientation when they could easily say that they are bisexual and everyone would understand what they mean.They just want to feel special and unique by using made up words.
This trans, pan etc. trend needs to die out already.
No. 441547
>>441534The "high" of opiates is not a true "high" like it is with smoking a lot of weed, or stimulants like meth/amphetamines, which is why it isn't as noticeable. It's more like a softening, it's a taking off of the edges of your day. You're gently buzzed, and everything feels slightly warmer and just subtly
easier to deal with. That can be your chronic pain, but also slight niggles of day to day life. Locked your keys in the car? I don't feel quite as panicky as I normally would. Ate too much? It'll be okay, tomorrow I can try harder to stick to my diet. My partner's let me down or lied to me about something? Yeah, that'd normally super bum me out, but I guess I don't feel quite as bummed out as I otherwise would.
Imagine how you feel after a really nice, relaxing warm bath, just that little bit more open and tolerant. Now imagine you can go round in that warm feeling all the time, and yeah it wears off eventually but you can get more because of your prescription, and you can sleep better, and your chronic pain isn't quite as much of a bother, and you have codeine addiction. If you're starting out with an already stressful life, and you don't have great coping skills to begin with, it's even easier to fall into. The longer you stay in the warm bath, the colder it feels when you finally get out.
No. 441556
>>441536>>441539>>441550Thanks your responses anons!
>>441547This sounds a lot like when they put me on laughing gas for a procedure lol. Way too calm and unmiffed about everything going on. I was hesitant to take out and use prescription meds afterwards (ended up not having to) but I never really understood if I would have withdrawals from a high or something but this really makes a lot of sense!
No. 441578
>if you stop cold turkey it will kill youNot true of opioids.
Sudden withdrawal from benzodiazepines such as clonazepam (klonopin), on the other hand, will due to the physical dependence, much like alcohol.
>>441534Another factor in addiction and dependence is how some drugs "rewire" the receptor response in the brain.
No. 441638
>>441613Supposedly they are free to freeze/unfreeze since late last year. As far as monitoring goes, if you have it with all three major bureaus there's not much else you can do on that front, and it's only going to tell you about major changes after the fact. There's also fraud protection that costs a monthly fee like Lifelock, though in my case it doesn't really seem worth it, but might be worth looking into for you. I want to do a credit freeze myself. I wasn't affected by the Equifax shit but I do have a longstanding CapitalOne account. I live overseas though so it's a pain in the ass since I don't have a US address anymore.
Also these constant credit breaches are fucking bullshit. I'm so mad at the fact that we're basically forced to take out credit and give sensitive identity information to these companies just to be able to get shit like housing and they don't even do the bare minimum to keep it secure.
No. 441811
>>441810It's very individual, some get it in their early 20s, some have them in their teens, some later.
Usually you don't notice them on others until they're very severe and their fat distribution has changed.
Just wrinkles alone don't age you as much as you think so people mistakenly believe that looking older is because of them and not all the other changes on your face because they're less obvious.
No. 441814
>>441775I was homeschooled till age 9 because I asked to go to School. In my opinion, homeschooling should be illegal and counted as abuse. My parents were not qualified teachers, they weren't even university graduates and my mum dropped out in year 9. Safe to say, I didn't learn a thing and I still struggle with basic concepts like remembering the months of year and remembering which way to look across the road. That may sound extremely retarded but if you are isolated and are not stimulated or taught ANYTHING in the most critical years of development then you'd end up this retarded, too. And socially, I have suffered big time. I'm very cringe and make others uncomfortable in social situations because I wasn't around any other children as kid.
Don't homeschool.
No. 441973
>>441969cleanses are kind of a meme but I recommend something like miralax or fiber supplements as a gentle way to hit reset
miralax doesn't stimulate anything like other laxatives it's just a sugar you can't digest
I have ibs and it's a good friend
No. 442004
>>440859>>440965>I'm black but alright. Women don't need to talk like dainty little princesses 24/7.This reeks of a white dude on an anonymous website trying to insist they're x minority to justify their use of a slur.
>white dude on the internet: yeah well im black and i don't care if white people use the n-word???>white dude on the internet: yeah well im girl and i think mra have a point???Also what does talking like "dainty little princesses" mean? Not using a slur in every post?
>>440839>English isn't my first language but I like the word nigga because it sounds's an extremely derogatory slur with origins back to the 18th century. If you're going to incorporate it into your vernacular because "hehe funnie" at least understand what you're aligning yourself with when you use it. If you agree with the use of it and all it implies, THEN by all means, continue to use it.
>>440746 . If this is such a terrible inaccurate synopsis, then make a better one instead of sperging about how this one is incorrect? Seems like there's been an influx of anons that contribute nothing to the convo other than being butthurt lately
No. 442247
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anons who have bleached their hair
i bleached my black hair and it turned to an orange-ish tone, similar to the darker tones in pic related. i still have more bleach left, is it a bad idea to keep bleaching it? i'm doing it to get my hair ready for another color.
No. 442250
>>442247Not race baiting, but are you Asian? If so virgin Asian hair is EXTREMELY difficult to bleach. It tends to be very porous, plus the undertones often fuck about during the bleaching process and end up giving awful results that are difficult to tone to a neutral - go to a salon. Even if you’re not Asian you’re best off going to a salon since you have black hair.
If you keep doing it at home then at best you’ll get your hair to a very rusty coloured marigold, and this is with lots of bleaching sessions and damage. Even if you tone you most likely won’t get a good result since you can’t see how you’re laying down the colour and it will end up patchy which isn’t a good foundation for laying down permanent/semi-permanent colours
Best case scenario you manage to evenly bleach your hair and it turns out amazing you’re still risking chemical burn on your scalp because of the huge amount of bleach, industry grade bleach is different from consumer grade and salons also have access to products which help minimise damage. If you do go to a salon DO NOT let them bleach it to a very light tone all in one go, that’s a retarded idea and only a hairdresser who cares very little for hair would even humour the idea
tldr go have a professional do it, never a good idea to use harmful chemicals if not trained, especially not on your body.
No. 442255
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>>442249i've bleached it twice and it got a little dry
>>442250thanks for the detailed response. yes i am asian. i've previously dyed my hair to a lighter brown tone like 8 months ago, it mostly faded off and my black hair came back but the tips stayed slighly lighter.
pic is what it looks like under the sun right now. i want to dye it pink. idk how visible it'll be if i dye it pink in this state
No. 442256
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How to get over a break up asap? Was a serious 3 year long relationship, we were about to move in together and there was talk of getting married. He wasn't a terrible boyfriend so I cannot be fueled by anger.
Also how to feel sexy instead of like a discarded worthless cumrag?
No. 442276
>>442256Do things you like, eat things you like, go on adventures, learn something new
And maybe a Jane Austen book
Gl anon I'm rooting for you
No. 442281
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How do I learn to dress nice? How do I learn how to do my hair? Pls ELI5 cause I'm stupid and desperate.
My mom dressed me until I was 16 or so, we were poor and I'm slightly on the spectrum so whenever I tried to put together my own outfits they were ridiculous, so I looked like a horse girl final boss.
I moved out on my own and finally learned how to do my own makeup, but I still dress like a non-passing trap and my hair is a thick, frizzy mess.
I don't have money to hire a stylist but I look downright embarrassing and would like to look nice when I start my new job. I tried curating a pinterest board but that is really hard to translate irl because all the items that were similar to pictures always look a little bit off, enough that it ruins outfits and fits me poorly. I've tried YouTube for hair and fashion but it didn't work for me either since people were throwing around theories about body types etc and I can't get it until someone shows me something I can repeat exactly.
No. 442297
>>442281I think /g/ has a fashion advice thread. You could also look on Reddit; there's a sub called TodayIWore where people post their outfits so that might be helpful?
Once you start your new job you could look if you like what your female co-workers are wearing and then buy clothes similar to theirs.
As for your hair: you don't need to do fancy hairstyles. They just shouldn't look messy and dirty.
Search on YouTube for hair tutorials for work or for frizzy hair or something and then find someone who has similar hair to yours and copy that (also look what products they use for their hair). If your hair is long maybe you should cut a chunk up, that should help bringing them back to life.
Sorry for the shitty advice, I know you wanted something specific but that's really difficult without knowing what you do, how you look etc.
good luck and don't stress too much about it.
No. 442420
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where can I buy a dress like this? I really love the puffed sleves and peter pan collar. I'm kinda fat at a UK 16, so vintage isn't an option.
No. 442482
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Is there anything special I should know about discord servers?
I'm going to join one for the first time and I don't want to sound like a newbie. I'd like to hear any advice.
No. 442490
>>442476How is it dumb for anon to be mad that her furniture is being pissed on?
You do realize that the piss is literally soaking into the Potter and will probably smell like shit if she ever decides to move it (like inside)?
You need to tell your partner to train her dog to pee in specific spots or tell her to take the dog for a walk.
No. 442557
>>442555Memory is affected by emotion.
Maybe your childhood wasn't particularly good OR bad and that's why you don't remember it.
No. 442562
>>442490because … it's stupid and a waste of energy to be mad about something that doesn't matter and wasn't done intentionally…. it's literally a plant
if it's so bothersome move it to somewhere that the dog can't pee on. would be a lot easier than spending hours training a dog to not pee on a cheap concrete pot lmfao
>inb4 triggered dog haters No. 442686
>>442684Any and all band related tattoos are cringy by default, but if it's album art that you just like based on it being a nice picture rather than showing allegiance to a band then fuck it. It's still your body, do whatever you like to it as long as you don't think you're gonna fall out of love with it in 6 years time.
Band logos are always bad though, have some taste.
No. 442687
>>442686Oh god yeah a band logo would be cringy. The art isn't like, an incredible work of art that belongs in a museum, but it's simple and translates very well into tattoo form, and the album itself is my favorite from a band that I've adored since I was a child. My dad showed me the band and it's been a massive influence on my music taste to this day so I've always had a special place in my heart for them and I don't think it's something I would get sick of later on.
But thanks anon, you're right, it is my body so I might as well enjoy it and do what I want while I'm here lol.
No. 442707
>>442702No, not Grateful Dead. Sorry for your loss, but isn't it amazing how music can connect people? I'm lucky to still have my father around but I know the music we shared is gonna ruin me when he's gone, ugh.
The band is King Crimson and the album I'm specifically talking about is Discipline. Although I honestly like the album art for Larks Tongue in Aspic better and it also translates into a tattoo really well… but Discipline has more personal meaning to me since me and my dad would specifically listen to that album together. Idk man.
No. 442709
>>442707Having looked at both those alb covers, both of them are just gonna make people ask if you're a white New Age hippie from the 00s rather than look like a band tattoo. You've chosen well, it's not obvious at all.
And yeah, music is a thing. I can't hear Box of Rain without getting a weepy. I hope you enjoy your tattoo, anon.
No. 442821
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What are good alternatives to make smores with? I like the idea of smores, but I don't actually like chocolate or graham crackers lol I'm thinking of making them with oreos but I'd like to hear what other cookies/sweets anons like to use.
No. 442842
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>>442821i've never had them this way but i bet they'd be really good with stroopwafels
No. 442955
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I'm using dating apps and I'm looking for a long term relationship from it. Guys seem to want to talk for 3-4 days and then invite me to meet. Is that normal? Or are they wanting to hook up? I guess I could just ask on the first date "what are you looking for" but I kind of expect to be lied to.
Also I don't know how to be less awkward during the dates. I feel like I'm introducing myself over and over again and I'm starting to feel like I'm being interviewed. Not sure if anyone has advice for that.
I don't really know what I'm doing. Does anyone know of any useful guides to how to use apps to find a guy that you're compatible with?
No. 442957
>>442955meeting early is normal. It's actually a good sign and shows interest. If they weren't interested, they'd let the conversation fall asleep or ghost you. It takes some bravery to ask to meet, too. They want to take it to the next level and allow a real connection face-to-face.
I learnt from dating apps, the longer you chat, the more you build up an image of the other that may not be real at all. That's why meeting is important and I appreciate a guy asking for it.
Your nervosity is normal. Yeah, you should look up guides, there are infinite guides and how-tos for online dating. Everyone struggles with that. The people you talk to do, too.
My mode of operation is to focus on the person I vibe with the most and which intrigues me the most or talking to them is nice. I focus on them and meet and check if it works.
No. 442959
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>>442955i was talking to my bf of three years for months before we met up and he was completely okay waiting until i was more comfortable (first red flag would be them rushing to meet you without any actual connection on a romantic level apart from wanting to fuck or after talking for like a week)
when we did eventually meet we just went to an arcade and played some games for a while and it was really fun. i’m autistic so in general talking to people makes me act weird so something like playing games in an arcade, rather than a dinner date for example, takes the stress away from trying to constantly have something interesting/funny to say, (which almost always makes things awkward therefore making you even more anxious) and you still get to have a good time and see if there’s a connection before rushing straight into a full on relationship/hooking up
best of luck to you anon, hopefully this is helpful in some way or another lol
No. 443021
>>442957The few dates I've gone on already, meeting them almost felt like a blind date because of how little I knew of them. It was unnerving to me for some reason. I will go on one or two more and decide if maybe I need a bit more conversation before meeting. I agree that if you wait too long, you can get unrealistic image in your head. Maybe I need to get over my social awkwardness. I have trouble speaking to strangers in general and I'm very shy
>>442959Meeting at an arcade would be ideal. Or anything that would help with occupying oneself. It sounds like how you met your BF was pretty nice and he seems understanding
No. 443115
>>443097its really not that odd at least when looking at the current generations. i really dont want to start anything but the cost of school now and the need to have a degree when getting a job that can actually pay for bills, food, vehicle, medicine, insurances and god forbid a hobby or a night out to eat in the us almost guarantees you have to come out swinging with a decently paying job and/or room with your parents, friends or strangers.
but it really can depend on cultural influences or social or religious beliefs. but what doesnt change is the price of the stuff we have to pay for here. a close friend growing up was allowed to be at home until she graduated with her doctorate while another was made to move out right as soon as she was 18.
but this is my observations of it, i cant speak for all of burgerland
No. 443297
>>443243its maybe because im tired from work but this made ma laugh out loud
>>443257Why ? you wash yourself afterwards anyway? And if you drink enough water, it shouldnt smell when its fresh anyway.
No. 443321
>>443236Regarding games, I have no problems playing them on ubuntu. What sort of problems do you have?
I totally get what you mean. PS is so convenient. I really need an Illustrator alternative and the best that I found was Affinity Designer which I consider to be better. Unfortunately that too is only for Windows and Mac.
But I refuse to give up. Linux, well ubuntu has been great so far. I have no issues with it unlike I had with Windows.
Btw, can't you run PS with wine? I can run it just fine like that though I wish there was a native app.
No. 443332
>>443310I think it's more subconscious than you think anon. Predators subconsciously recognize who they can get their chains on.
Trying to attack the root of it instead of worrying about masking symptoms of low self esteem is a better solution. Work on your self esteem!
No. 443365
>>443303do you think we do it without the water running or something?
a lot of women need to pee because of change in temperature so it's fairly normal to pee in the shower, anon.
No. 443397
>>443349That's why people with low self esteem should take a long break from dating/sex/relationships/interacting with men in general.
>>443305 seems to be having sex with men who aren't even committed to her, that is easily avoidable.
Personally I fixed my self esteem by deleting social media. Suddenly I could no longer seek or expect validation in comments on my pics, men could no longer hit me up randomly, since I don't have a massive social circle irl I stayed single as a natural consequence and learned to keep myself happy without their approval. Going cold turkey with men is a real option, you don't have to go through life hoping men will suddenly treat you well and fix your self esteem for you.
No. 443409
>>443389i grew up with a gas stove and ours always worked like you ignite it first and you'd hear a click click click and then the flame would pop up and then use the temp to make the flame larger or smaller. you really have to feel it out though, if you're feeling really insecure about the temps i would get a candy thermometer and put a pan of water on the stove and see what heat levels get you to the temps you're looking for. you really have to just feel it out if you're used to electric stove tops.
the main thing is to make sure you don't let the gas run without it igniting otherwise your house could fill up with gas fumes and cause an explosion. if you ever smell a really strong gas smell, leave immediately and let someone know.
enjoy it though, a gas flame is actually really fun to cook with when you get the hang of it and you can do dumb shit like roast marshmallows inside.
No. 443416
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>>443413 ehh i don't really buy it
No. 443702
>>443413is anyone, really?
>>443557100% agree. Feebs is the best new cow we've had in a while (even though Lillee Jean has so much potential! I love her threads! What a ride everytime!) and even though it must be horrible for anyone to date her, i don't get all the Henry WKing… He may be autistic but he's a functionning adult man. I remember one anon going "Aww henry i hope you find a new gf (or bf! whatever, sweetheart I support you baby)" and it was the purest cringe.
No. 443887
>>443303how does it feel to be this wrong anon"Fungus is the worst and it can easily grow in the shower. If you pee while you are in the shower, it can kill any fungus that is growing. Urine contains both uric acid and ammonia which can keep a fungus problem from becoming worse."
literally, google shit next time before speaking. bye.
No. 444421
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Should I get this shirt? Usually hate graphic tees because they come off as childish imo, but I like the flowers on this and the color's pretty cute and muted for a pink. I'm on a budget and have like 1 t shirt in my closet so I'm just looking for cheap, dumb shit. The rest of my wardrobe is too formal.
No. 444900
i met a guy at the beginning of the year at university, we shared a few classes, talked casually and had gone out to eat mcdonald's and stuff from time to time, but he isn't what i would consider a friend, we didn't even talk outside of uni apart from him texting me from time to time.
the thing is i have this loud, deep gut feeling about this guy that makes me want to stay away from him as much as possible, and i don't exactly know why.
he changed majors later so we're not in the same classes anymore, but i still ran into him in the hallways and such and we'd hung out very casually inside my school. i'd casually told him about a particular personal situation i was going through at the time, and he'd told me about some of his own issues, but then again, i don't consider him friends. up until then things were fairly normal i guess, but things started to get, uh, weird for me.
for instance:
- he's a bit too touchy-feely for my liking. i'm a big hugger and affectionate person but after a shitty situation i went through recently i've stopped being openly affectionate to people i haven't been friends with for long, him included. but he'd randomly hug me or play "slap" me or bump my shoulders (i did ask him to stop)
- the very first week we knew each other he texted me asking for relationship advice at 11 pm.
- he'd seek me out A LOT inbetween classes, he'd text me that he could see me chilling in my classroom.
- he invited me to his grandmother's funeral. he'd been bitching a lot about her to me a month or two prior bc she was living at home with his family due to being very very ill, so when he told me that she'd passed away and that he was devastated i listened to him and gave him my condolences, to which he proceeded to thank me and GIVE ME THE ADDRESS OF THE FUNERAL AND THE TIME THEY'D BE HOLDING THE SERVICE. i thought he was joking at first but i found out he was dead serious, we hadn't even known each other for two months when he did this. of course i declined, he didn't think it was odd or strange for him to do this.
- for Friendship Day (dumbass commercial holiday celebrated in my country) he texted me "happy friendship day" and a heart emoji. i haven't even opened the text, he sent it like two weeks ago or so and i haven't seen him in over a month, not even at college. i didn't want to reply bc i don't want to leave him on "seen" but i also don't want him to think he's my friend just to be nice either.
honestly the funeral thing is what creeped me out the most and when the gut feeling started. i haven't seen him around in quite a while but now i'm scared i'll run into him at college. if he seriously thinks we're friends bc we've hung out very casually once or twice and i told him about something going on in my life atm then i don't want to keep validating his delusion, but i also don't want to be rude and hurt his feelings. yet i can't, i can't shake off this horrible gut feeling that if i piss him off he'll do something bad or turn out to be a creep. what the fuck do i do anons.
No. 444948
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Does anyone know where I could get more shirts like these? Button downs with really cute designs on them. These are from an indie artist (liliuhms) and I'm looking for similar shirts from other indie artists or even big retail shops. I just want cute button downs to wear to work.
No. 444997
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>>444948it is bit pricey but you could try cath kidston if you're a britbong.
>>444949yes, they're bit goofy, but let anon live her unapologetic truth!
No. 445038
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Where do people buy ready-to-wear designer collections or runway clothes in general???
All designer clothes in department stores and online shopping sites are basics. All those Vogue tier collections show up once on the runway and then they're never to be heard from again showing up only on Pintrest. Is this knowledge that only gets unlocked once you have more than 50k in your bank account?
No. 445048
>>444900In my country we celebrate friendship day on the 20th of July, do you happen to be from south america, anon? (Or maybe Spain?). You don't have to answer if you don't want to.
I'm afraid I'm the worst at giving advice, specially if it involves confronting people and stuff like that, so I don't think I can be of much help; BUT, if I was in your position I would do the same I always do with those weird hollow college friendships~: slowly cut contact. I just stop replying people's messages. Or I reply like once a month until they get used to it, and assume that's just how I am. And if I then see them in person around college, I either ignore them (tbh depends on my mood or how much I like the person) or if I don't have a choice, I just talk to them in a friendly way, to show them that even if I don't reply their messages, it's not because I hate them or anything. I hope I explained that well enough, I feel like it's a little confusing lol.
You can also use having to study as an excuse to avoid him. My boyfriend literally cuts contact with everyone for months while he has to study. His friends are used to it, and they just accept it.
I have to admit though that I'm a bit of a bitch and don't care THAT much about how people feel when I don't answer their messages. But tbh they are just hollow college friends that I know I will never interact with again unless we share a class. Sorry for the extremely shitty "advice", but the only thing I can say is don't worry that much about him and his feelings if you are not interested in becoming his friend.
My best friend was friends with a guy similar to what you describe, and he eventually confessed to her and basically became obsessed with her. He was super open about his problems and self-diagnosed mental illnesses, very touchy-feely (like, putting his hands around my friend's waist and stuff like that), a weeb, and pretty shy. He even tried desperately to befriend all of her friends, for some reason. It's like he wanted to invade every bit of her life. I think the last time she saw him, he kissed her against her will (it was her first kiss) and after that she finally decided to stop interacting with him. It was very difficult for her to cut contact after all that, but she somehow managed to erase the guy from her life. He still stalks her social media, probably.
Not saying the guy you describe will end up like that, but I've met a few men with more or less that same personality, and for some reason they seem desperate to befriend people (specially women) and are very insecure and emotionally troubled.
If he tells you about how alone he feels, how everything bad happens to him, how he can't get a gf and how he started therapy because he is lost and depressed, run away and don't look back anon lmao. I think that's the recipe for "he was so quiet, polite and shy! I can't believe he murdered his family!"
Again, sorry for the shitty advice. I hope a wiser anon can help you.
No. 445063
>>445048yes anon, i'm south american. good catch!
it's cool, your advice wasn't all that bad. i'm used to clingy sadboy "muh loneliness is killing me (and i'm making you responsible for it)"-types so i can recognize them like my reflection in the mirror, but so far he hasn't ticked off enough boxes in the sadboy requirement field for me to be seriously alarmed (he hasn't been explicitly flirtrarious 4 example, probably bc i've been very vocal and explicit to him about my loving long term relationship).
being cold and slowly ghosting him has been my go-to for this situation lately so i'll keep on doing that per your advice. plus i've been very busy so it's not like i don't have an excuse. if i happen to run into him in the halls of uni i'll be decently polite, i'm not gonna be a bitch to him for no reason (nor do i want to).
really hope he's not an insane sadboy with issues, i'm a giant magnet for this type of dude and i've been trying so so hard the past year to cut them off before they get too comfortable with me and pull their sadboy antics.
No. 445085
>>445063Oh, nice! I'm from south america too, from argentina.
Those sadboy types are like a plague, christ (is it me, or are sadboys almost always ~nice guys~ too?) I swear every non normie man I meet is like that lmao. They usually cling to my kinder, more sympathetic friends, though. I think they give these guys the attention they want so bad, so they stick with them rather than me (or maybe they just don't like me in particular, kek).
Tbh you seem to be doing fine with how you deal with those guys, so I guess you should be ok at least for now. And if the thing scalates for the worse, I'm sure you can always come here and ask for more advice.
No. 445102
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Speaking of designer, Moschino's clothes are fucking overpriced for what they are but I really like them, I wonder if there's anything like their shirt dresses that doesn't cost hundreds of dollars lmao
I also really like Jeremy Scott's style despite some of his stuff not being up the alley of what I'd usually wear. This stuff is simple t shirt dress shit that I could probably make myself but I don't have the skill for it imo and I don't think I could layout the typography the same, and none of the fast fashion places / places I go to have really ever replicated this stuff at least as far as I've seen
I'm self conscious about my belly and I don't like crop tops but that seems to be all I see so there's not rly a lot of places last I checked where I can even get tshirt dresses that look like moshino unless they have good fakes
No. 445132
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>>445120You mean the catalog? That's where I've been looking. This is what it looks like for me.
No. 445142
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>>445132no, plain board view. should look similar to pic depending on what style theme you're using. is what you need to be on
No. 445258
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>>444997Thank you Anon! I'm not based in the UK but it looks like they ship to the US and shipping doesn't seem to be crazy!!
I'm a little okay with pricey… I've been wanting to invest in better clothing and honestly I've been eyeing those original stitch pokemon shirts too…
No. 445315
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I found this a while ago and as someone who can't match colors for shit this is incredibly helpful.
I'm wondering if there are any similar helpful charts whatever for fashion?
No. 445335
>>445304That's Yiddish, and they're usually Ashkenazis
>>445247There are some well-known ones and as
>>445318 said they share some common features, but you can't always tell. I'm from former Yugoslavia and families here mixed a lot because you kinda weren't supposed to be open about your religion, and here you can absolutely be Jewish without having a stereotypical Jewish surname since it only depends on what your mom is.
No. 445350
I'm from the Balkans too, most people who were Jewish had a German surname with -er, which are pretty common, and German surnames aren't unusual here since a lot of people went to work in Germany.
No. 445371
>>445247There's some common prefixes / suffixes associated with longer Jewish surnames, but not all of them are like that, some of them can be standalone but some of them have a suffix at the end (-man, -berg, -blatt, -vich etc)- e.g. Schneiderman, Rosenberg, Goldenberg, Ackerman, Zuckerberg
but there's a lot of Jewish people with normie a f non Jewish sounding names that could be used for a non ashkenazi person (Miller, Levitt, Levine). My cousin is married to a guy with a surname that's got a -witz at the end and he's not jewish, he's of polish descent. So the above listed suffixes and prefix examples aren't always used for Ashkenazi people.
No. 445411
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Does anyone know who/what Ahenobarbus Henocied was and what was the purpose of it? Is it true about the gore and cp? All I could find was Reddit shit.
No. 445426
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I'm reading the arguments over whether a Brazilian wax is "gender affirming."
Wtf does "gender "affirming" mean?
No. 445482
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>>445371>AckermanI knew it
No. 445697
>>445692Said loli actually being a lovecraftian monster though.
>>445693Steam isn't all ages, lots of other violent and sexual games on there.
No. 445701
>>445697the mc hits his head and then sees everything normal as lovecraftian horrors and this tentacle monster (saya) as a cute pure Loli girl (then fucks it/her). it's just another questionable scrot fantasy.
speaking of rapey games on steam, what happened to that Rape Day game?
No. 445812
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Is Touhou actually good or do people just pretend to like it? I literally never heard of the series until I was in high school and all I see is fanart of the characters, not even actual gameplay. Even now people still talk about Touhou like it's their first exposure to weeb territory.
No. 445824
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Has anyone here been to a Renaissance faire before? My friend invited me but it'll be both of our first times (an artist he likes is going to be selling there) and I'm intrigued because a lot of my other cosplay friends go, but I never found it to be my thing so I never went.
How was it for you anons? Did you dress up or go in normal clothing? How do you handle interacting with people in character (this sort of makes me the most nervous- I'm fucking awful at it)?
I kind of want to go because I want to dress up, but I also really shouldn't be spending the money to buy a costume and don't have time/knowledge to really make one from scratch.
No. 445837
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>>445812It's pretty good! The lore is very interesting, the games are actually not that interesting but the entire fandom built around it is really cool especially the music.
Imperishable Night is my favourite.
No. 445891
>>445824I love ren faires, I dress up but you can go in normal clothing as well.
>>445830Historical clothing is not cosplay. Also, old English is a different language completely. They're speaking in Early Modern English.
No. 445938
>>445928There are actual people ho come into these threads related to certain cows, at least
victims of the cow did something and they do leave their emails so others can contact them. I know these cases aren't bannable offences because it pertains to the milk of the cow. It's rare nowadays though.
No. 446033
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>>446009If you're talking about the little girl with the gun, that's not a cow, that's Natalie Portman's character Matilda from the movie Leon.
No. 446060
>>446009>>446043there's a blast from the past. some of the banners are way out of date. there are a bunch of good, more recent ones in
>>>/meta/962 that haven't been added.
No. 446172
>>446164it depends.
do you mean a regular guy who's had trouble finding romance up until meeting you or a guy who literally self identifies as an incel and participates in their circle online? if the former, it can work out but just make sure you look out for red flags, usually they'll be a little insecure and doubtful that you actually like them but if they don't show any signs of misogyny or virgin rage you're probably fine.
a guy who proudly labels himself an incel though? no fucking way. chances are he'll still hold their fucked up beliefs and be in contact with his old incel buddies to talk shit about you to them. it isn't worth trying to fix men like that
No. 446175
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UK and Ireland anons - where to shop online? I honestly never bought clothes online.
I am looking for casual straight trousers with drawstring and pockets, not trackies, just comfy every day trousers. Can't find them plain black without some stupid mesh or stripes.
No. 446187
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Why is this character so popular? I find him so obnoxious and try hard.
No. 446209
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>>446187He appeals to edgy teenagers I guess? He's one of the most overrated in the franchise imo but everyone calls the characters I like annoying so apparently I like the chars nobody does
No. 446412
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Did we ever have a thread about sukeban or am I flashbacking to some other image board? I tried searching the catalogues but there's nothing, it might be a fake memory.
No. 446432
>>446332Can't speak on Mango, but I like Uniqlo a lot for their clean lines and basics, similar to Benetton. I think both of them are overpriced by maybe £10-5 on what each item is truly worth, but the quality stills shit all over fast fashion retailers like Boohoo/PrettyLittleThing/Missguided. Zara used to be much better quality a decade ago, and again is overpriced but the manufacturing is still better. I don't shop there as style wise it's still a bit too trendy for me. Luckily I'm quite good at spotting good secondhand Uniqlo on eBay.
Only downside is that admitting I like Uniqlo and Benetton really drives home how not in my early 20s I am anymore. At least it's not as "mid-30s first-time-mother" fashion as wearing Boden or Matalan though.
No. 446452
>>446432Thanks for the answer. It's just that I don't have many (girl) friends to talk fashion with since I live in a small town, so I never really asked myself if the places I'm shopping at are any good. I like the quality I get for the price but beyond that I never bothered to look elsewhere so I really, really appreciate your input.
> Only downside is that admitting I like Uniqlo and Benetton really drives home how not in my early 20s I am anymore.This genuinely made me laugh. I'm approaching my 30s and I'm still at odds when it comes to changing my style to a more age appropriate version. Actually, I don't even know what that means. How to dress when you're in late 20s, early 30s etc. I try to take inspiration from online magazines and online shops themselves but I don't get any realistic answers. It's either too office wear or some romantic prairie fairy look or whatever is en vogue at the moment.
Also, I've always had a boring, academic fashion style so maybe I don't need to change anything. My wardrobe is like what Bill Gates would wear if he were a woman.
No. 446459
>>446432Benetton (and Geox) used to be stuff my mum would buy me because it was good quality children's clothes/footwear and Uniqlo didn't exist yet back then, but even as a child I remember it being weirdly staid and boxy compared to the trendier clothes my classmates would wear, and it's still the impression I have of it now with their adult lines.
I love Uniqlo and Benetton because I swear to god they have the only tops and jeans that fit me right, aren't too long or too wide, don't bunch up at the knees and don't have long ass hems that I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tuck in or not. I don't know if that means I have an early 30s first time mum body, but whenever I shop at, say, Mango, H&M, Zara etc it always looks like it's meant for someone else's body. I have a very straight body with narrow hips, slightly broad shoulders, strong thighs and a short torso so maybe I'm just not shaped like an instathot, idk.
No. 446654
>>446452>>446459I feel like I'm only 5 months away from buying my jeans from fucking M&S to be honest. I gained a lot of weight around my hips over the past 2-3 years because of lifting, depression and age, and I'm having similar issues with H&M's cuts no longer seeming as suited to my body shape. Gutted cos 90% of my wardrobe is H&M.
It's all downhill from here lads. Catch me in Per Una crying into my tasteful bootcut denim on my 28th birthday.
No. 446675
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What are some good resources to start teaching myself about posting & marketing on social media? Stuff that has maybe personally helped other anons here?
I want to sell arts & crafts but I don't have much of a following nor am I hugely active on any of the bigger websites. This is because I know nothing about algorithms, what appeals to people online when posting something and etc. I want to learn so I can work up to doing my own thing, even if it takes me years to build up. I've gotta start somewhere.
No. 446992
>>446925I say just chill out.
Take it easy and remember not everything is political. Using non-binary pronouns is normal in my language so maybe I am just used to it, but it doesn't seem like a big deal.
No. 447022
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Will watching this ruin my day? I’ve heard that this is a good movie but I’m also in a depressed mood so don’t know if I should lol
No. 447057
>>446960It depends on the recipe you're going for.
If you want to try and fry a bit of a crust it needs to be dry because moisture will just boil/steam it.
No. 447101
>>446992can i ask what your language is? is it common that people call themselves "they"?
i'm trying to rationalize the nb thing more but it really bothers me. i'm definitely biased
No. 447116
>>446925We have always had groups that went against the stream and insulted the old, this decade's trend is just making you use specific words and pronouns. Nonbinary is a rejection of old stereotypes related to gender but instead of saying "I'm a woman/man and I can be anything I want" it's "I am something new".
You don't have to accept them, if you really value them as people just tolerate it and see how time will change that.
No. 447141
>>447137It's probably running away from it. It would be nice if I could choose to not identify as a woman and suddenly people would stop saying anything sexist to me. But bigoted people don't care, they'll still treat you as a woman or man.
Saying you're non-binary means in your mind you aren't subject to gender roles, expectations, stereotypes and gendered insults, because you aren't that anymore.
No. 447142
>>446925>How can I start buying into peoples' psychosis and pseudo-progressive fads that are only taking gender roles back centuries by implying that you need to identify as ~nonbinary~ instead of supporting the idea that sex is nothing but reproduction organs and it doesn't define anyone's personality?Jesus. I thought the summer was already over.
>>446983I agree, as proven by the post I was referring to. Everyone under 28 should be put to camps at this rate.
No. 447143
>>447141and that's what i dislike. i feel like people who just go "yeah i hate the sexism of being female, i'm done" are cowards and i don't really want to honor their pronouns or act like they're brave or something.
it's really hard to shake this bias and even interact with nb people.
No. 447348
>>447347>>447342One of the anons that hates porn here.
I have no problem whatsoever with drawn and animated porn as long as they don't involve hyper violence against women or pedo stuff.
2D is way better than exploiting vulnerable people irl.
No. 447349
>>447342Another anti-porn anon, I agree with
>>447348In fact I draw my own, lmao.
I would prefer if more precautions were made to keep it out of the hands of kids though, and I think it can still lead to addiction. But it's far superior to real people.
No. 447514
>>446412I don't recall a thread about it but I remember it was discussed in one of the man hating threads
I don't remember which one tho
No. 447719
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what app is this?
No. 448128
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What does it feel like to actually have a sex drive as an adult? I haven't had a single sexual urge since around the time I finished college. I even try to watch porn to see if it'll get me in the mood but it never works. Nothing turns me on.
No. 448210
>>448197They're very bad. I grew up on 4chan as a teenage girl. I was 14 years old and posting every day at the same time that Loli-chan was 14 years old and getting begged for nudes and groomed in IRC. Not good for the psyche.
Also 4chan and 8ch are both run by feds, which is really apparent nowadays. The subjects of discussion are set by FBI spooks and they're constantly trying to radicalise/entrap posters. Very different from how it used to be. Back in 2008 all of 4chan were fairly clueless typical young liberals who said slurs for the shock- and irony-value, and who celebrated Obama's election with wall-to-wall threads.
No. 448214
>>448212There's choice, and then there's coerced and manipulated choice. You'd think that there would be more mass shooters/domestic terrorists who did it without needing to be encouraged and advised by a fed close to them.
Yet almost all the shooters and bombers have some kind of significant fed figure pulling their strings each step of the way, letting it all happen. Go figure.
No. 448220
>>448218>da joosI'm obviously not going to talk further with you or do your homework for you when you talk like this.
The FBI and CIA have a long history of entrapment and willfully letting terrorist and shooter attacks occur as part of a strategy of tension. (Ironically, they also have a long history of antisemitism and ties to fascist groups).
Try google, and consider adding sage to your email field.
No. 448249
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>>448220How is kissing Israel's ass and violently subverting and pushing in favor of its interests worldwide is considered antisemitic?
No. 448266
>>448249Ass kissing Israel doesn't mean they like Jews or have good opinions of them. They also trade oil and weapons with Saudi Arabia, you think republicans like Muslims?
Lmao it's just personal interest for both of them
No. 448339
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I travel too much to have a pet, but I love cats so much. Just petting one can take my stress away. Will shelters allow random people to just come pet cats even if you have no intention of adopting? I truly cannot adopt or I would…
No. 448345
>>448197i would browse some blue boards on 4chan when i'm bored and looking for recommendations. I sometimes enter vr/, co/ mu/ and lit/ and even x/ because schizo stuff is fun.
There's also local board i used to frequent but not anymore since is now just pol/ and b/ soyjack memes, its pathetic.
I've never been a fembot, i don't even undestand how that is such a common thing with anons here.
>>448339There's a spot nearby where a lot of cats hang out and shitty people used to abandon kittens there, neighbors started feeding them and vaccinating them and stuff and they kind of became the neighborhood cat sanctuary. Its pretty comfy to just go there and pet them for a little while even when i can't adopt any of them.
No. 448352
>>4481974chan and crystal cafe.
I only discovered this board and cc recently and was sort of excited to talk about my favorite media with other girls, but than I realized that both sites are slow and mostly full of bitching about real life…
I actually discovered 4chan back when I was 15 through people posting fanart on gaia online and getting linked to /cm/.
Pretty early on I realized that /b/ and those other nsfw boards were mostly shit and I never got groomed or any of that bullshit so many people talk about.
Though I guess it really did shape my personality in how I can really easily ignore offensive stuff.
No. 448387
>>448197I used to browse /b/ and /x/ when I was a teen and then moved to /cgl/. /cgl/ is mostly female so it's tolerable compared to the rest of 4chan. I stopped going there because I don't actually cosplay or wear lolita, but I could probably talk for days with someone who does thanks to that lol. I found LC through /cgl/. I used CC for a while but quickly realised that it's mostly just trans people LARPing as women and they are very aggressive. I've tried other boards like lainchan, sushigirl, wizardchan, dreamchan etc. but I never stay due to them being too slow or having too many men.
I know I sound ridiculous but I just enjoy having a space where I can talk with other women about things we care about or that affect us without someone lashing out at me for being an "evil roastie" or putting down my interests because they're feminine.
No. 448398
>>448339No harm is asking them, anon! I'm not sure about cats but certainly shelters ask for volunteers to come in and socialise with dogs. It means that when they're finally ready for a home, they're used to being around strangers and being touched (especially if they never had a home before). I'm sure the same exists for cats.
If you're a photographer, a lot of shelters rely on volunteers to take pictures of the animals for their websites. You'd be doing something useful for them and you could get a few sneaky pets in too.
No. 448635
>>448622If you're that paranoid one thing you could do is not advertise it as the type of things 'SJW' would read. As in no 'I have an all black cast of characters', just say you have a 'cast of characters'. Cutout all mentions of race, sexuality, and other shit in the descriptions and advertisements. If you get shit for it mention you're a native.
Like the other annon said you also might be a bit paranoid. A random SJW wont care about you if you're small and if you're big you have an army of stans to protect you.
No. 448680
>>448676That's like asking if it's worse to have your kneecaps shattered or your eyes gouged out. I think abandoning them in an emergency is worse than cheating, but only a bit.
It would also have to depend on what you mean by cheating, and by emergency. What kind of emergency? And what kind of cheating, like a one night stand, or an on going thing? I would really have to know the specifics to say.
No. 448688
>>448676>>448681Personally I think cheating would hurt
me a tiny bit more since I'm so concerned with fidelity.
I also think abandoning me when something serious is happening wouldn't have as…concentrated an impact? As in I'd be distracted by the other issue so I'd just drop them and then concern myself about my actual issues, but if they cheated that is
the issue. So I'd fully focus on it and them more. As a metaphor, it's like how a small cut on your hand hurts if you're otherwise healthy but it feels only like a fraction of the pain when your arms are broken.
It's tough though, either one is intolerable.
No. 448694
>>448681Yeah, I would say that's worse than cheating, and that if your partner ignored you during a natural disaster I would really hope you'd leave them.
But cheating is still really shitty.
No. 448734
>(I haven't cheated, just asking you guys which you all think is worse)makes it sound like it IS presented as a consequence of neglect, though.
Assuming one has nothing to do with the other, though, they're both equally shitty. I think the infidelity is slightly worse, but that's probably because I've been cheated on in the past and it killed my soul.
No. 448742
>>448736I think the cheating is a bit worse because from the "
victim"'s standpoint, it's not preventable. You're in a committed relationship with the rightful assumption that your partner will be faithful, and then one day they aren't and they betray you. On the other hand, if your partner repeatedly neglects you in times of need, you can mitigate some of the damage at least by leaving them. If you stay with someone who has proven they don't actually care about you, repeatedly, according to the op's hypothetical, it's kind of on you.
No. 448837
>>448665I'm really bad at explanations so I apologize in advance!
I view it as a major being a specific area of study while a concentration is a specific area
within that. It's narrowing down the field/scope of your study even more. For example, you can major in education. There's the general stuff that all education majors should know, and then there's stuff you get into when you pick your concentration. Within education you can concentrate on primary, secondary, social sciences, math, etc. Not all majors have concentrations, but all concentrations will be attached to a major.
Hope this helps!
No. 449638
>>449619Black people do occasionally have blue eyes but it's extremely rare.
Anyway it's because all blue-eyed people have a single common (European) ancestor, and blue eyes are a recessive gene, so you need two parents with the gene for a blue-eyed baby. There's more white people with that gene than black people.
No. 449639

>>449619Technically, anyone of any race can be born with blue (or green) eyes if they have albinism, Waardenburg syndrome or a certain ancestor also shared by many white people.
This girl on YouTube has blue eyes, but her entire family is black, and a DNA test said she was only 1% white (maybe even less, I'd have to look for the video again). Her mother has heterochromia. She's deaf in one ear, so she thinks she has Waardenburg, but her mother isn't deaf at all and neither of them seem to have the typical facial features of someone with it (see: Stef Sanjati), so it's confusing.
Also, rambling, but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that everyone's natural eye color is either blue or green, and melanin (which makes eyes dark/brown) just covers it to protect our eyes from sunlight. Not having that protective covering is technically a mutation, but it looks cool. Two of my dogs were born with bright blue/greenish eyes that turned black as they got older (and their fur changed color, too, sort of like how a person's skin can turn darker/lighter depending on environment). Pigmentation is a weird thing.
No. 449655
>>449653Wow. I didn't know any of this. That cartoon was part of my childhood.
That makes me sad.
No. 449657
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>>449653an example of his typical art from back when he was super popular on dA.
He is also the guy responsible for Katawa Shoujo animations.
His porn name is manyakis/manyakisart, if anyone wants proof>>449655I am sorry for ruining your memory, anon. All of my weeb friends were super into it and his art in general. He was always a fucking creep though.
No. 449676
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samsung and iphone users. i'm using a samsung phone and my friend is using an iphone. we both bought our phones together over a year ago. she recently realized that her iphone's back cover says "designed by apple, assembled in china" and we started to get suspicious of it being a replica. i checked my own phone's battery and it also says "made in malaysia, assembled in china". did we get scammed with replicas?
No. 449681
>>449676"designed by" means some product designer (or whatever) in California designed the phone.
"made in" means some factory likely using questionable labor practices made the individual parts of the phone.
"assembled in" means some factory likely using questionable labor practices took all the pre-designed, pre-made pieces and put them together into the phones you're using.
what did you expect them to say? designed, made, and assembled in America? lol
No. 449688
>>449676No, all our phones are made in China. It doesn't mean your phone is shit, that's just the way things work now. Did you think iPhones are made in the US lmao?
Huawei is a really good Chinese brand that makes much better phones too.
No. 449971
>>449970I've been in a number of*
And to clarify i wasn't the hot gf of any that got picked on. It was always the guy that by my standards was the most decent and prioritised spending time with his gf, so when he did hang out he usually was a target of ridicule.
I noticed that in two different groups where they were all bonded through sports. One being players of a team the others doing outdoor activities etc.
No. 450330
>>450307 tbh no one product is going to achieve this. Just keep hair moisturized by locking it
Leave in conditioner then add oil and then a cream (i use gel for my waves)
Keeps moisturized and not frizzy and I have thick ass hair too. I just use Cantu and olive oil and it's not breaking my bank
No. 450402
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Help me law anons I'm a fucking moron, does this mean I'm divorced?
No. 450457
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>>450100Nta and dumb question but what do you mean? So are the memes about the "fbi agent spying on my phone" real? I don't live in the USA and my phone is a Samsung, who would be monitoring me in this case?
No. 450520
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I'm buying this dress secondhand off a friend for super cheap, but now I'm wondering what to do with it… Part of me wants to keep it as is, but I'm not really into lolita fashion and I don't like tiered skirts/dresses so I wonder if I should just chop it in half and keep the top? I have a lot of long dark skirts that I think would look really cute with it. Would I look like a dumbass out in public if I decided to keep it whole and wear it without a petticoat?
No. 450589
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guys, im confused. i see people getting banned a lot for emojis when there are no emojis in the post. do mods edit out the emojis, or something?
No. 450827
>>450459Not just on france, on other european countries too, multiple times already.
I know that the brits were caught spying on germany as well, but merkel is too much of a pussy to say anything against them or the US.
I have a huawei, but don't give af that china or anybody else spys on me lol, i don't have anything to hide.
No. 450923
>>450898hard to say, it depends very much on the person. i've been drawing as a hobby since i was a kid, and i graduated from art college about five years ago. spent 2 years freelancing on the side while i worked retail to pay the bills, and then went freelance full time 3 years ago when i was getting enough work to pay my bills with it.
i would say start with commissions, because that's a good way to get experience, and it will help you figure out stuff like your hourly rates, because you'll get a sense for how long on average things will take you. i did a lot of commissions after i graduated, and it was very useful experience. make an art twitter, upload some stuff to get eyes on you and network, and make a commissions sheet with some examples of the kind of stuff you can do and your prices.
No. 450934
>>450923forgot to say, but an open secret in the art world is that furries make surprisingly great customers for commissions.
yeah, their shit is weird but they pay well, they usually tip you which is an extreme rarity with other commissions, and they don't try to get freebie extras or ask you to make endless changes that where never negotiated to begin with. i had all sorts of customers, furries, anime fans, people wanting their dnd customers drawn, people wanting their ocs or themselves, people who wanted art for their youtube page, and out of all of them furries were the most pleasant to work with. oh, and wannabe pewdiepies who wanted art for their youtube were always the worst.
No. 451047
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I've been having really vivid, really realistic impregnation based dreams involving pic related. I'm a lesbian and have never been with a male sexually, but every night for about two weeks I've been having these types of dreams. Am I retarded?
No. 451062
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Is 29 too old to find out you're a lesbian? I have no experience with women at all. I still have a boyfriend, he was my first in everything and I thought we were in love but I have a feeling it will all end soon. I just wonder if I should tell him about this stuff, whether it makes the end easier or not. It's just that I'm not sure if I'm a lesbian either. I have never been truly sexually attracted to men, found them hot etc, literally no feelings or fantasies whatsoever, not even celebrities. My boyfriend is ok looking but I think I am much more attracted to the fact that we were both depressed neets and we could "save each other"… And we never really had a sex life. We were both too scared, too nervous, packed with trauma - it was more like cuddles.
I can kind of imagine sharing my life with a woman, kisses, cuddling, intimacy, even just regular boring day to day life. And it's even kind of comforting. But the sexual attraction… I guess it's kinda there but who wants a "lesbian" who's only ever been with a man? I feel guilty and fake even imagining it because of that…
Life with my boyfriend is exhausting recently. I used to be a bit of a handmaid and only now, reading up on feminism with an open mind, I started to realize all the misogyny around me that affected my life and made me what I'm now (mostly in a bad way). It has been eye-opening, but he doesn't really seem to like it. We have a lot of arguments about these things, he tells me to focus "on the real world" instead of "non-issues" etc. It feels like he thinks I'm blaming him personally even though I told him several times that I'm not talking about him and god it's almost like trying to reason with a toddler. He gets so mad sometimes.
I can't help thinking this is not the life for me, after all I've been through. That there is someone out there who understands and that someone cannot be a man.
Tl;dr could it be that I'm lesbian? Just a late bloomer? Or bi even though I'm not attracted to men? If I am lesbian, is it an automatic dealbreaker if people find out I've a) been with a man b) have no previous experience of any kind with women? (Writing this on my phone, sorry for shitty formatting and my incoherence, these days have been rough)
No. 451071
>>451062Adding onto
>>451064, r/comphet is also a good place to go! They have a really big masterpost that has some of these points, and then some
No. 451186
>>451047Lucky, I've had a few dreams about Lucifer, but none were really sexy.
Were you marathoning the show or something?
No. 451285
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>>451223~Consensual sex for procreation is a kink~
The absolute state of some people..
No. 451611
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I know the term summerfag refers to the general decline in imageboard quality during the summer but what is the reason behind it? Do that many minors/school children browse imageboards? What is influx of 'summerfags' attributed to?
No. 451737
>>451721If you aren't one of those it has to be in 'flac/320kb/other' type of person any basic youtube to mp3 will work. YTdl are pretty versatile because all they do is rip mp3 feom a site. A lot of them work with spotify, bandcamp, and soundcloud to.
No. 451924
>>451721aside from the answers you got,you can use which searches over 100 torrent sites to give results
btw how does one use soulseek?i went there once but i had no idea what to do
No. 452403
>>452321i used to have super long nails and i started having to cut them because i got a job working in a kitchen wearing gloves and when the nails started growing back they felt EXTREMELY DIFFERENT than what i remembered. like my nails felt noticeably heavier and just got in the way of everything, especially typing on the computer, which wasn't a problem back then but it was now.
how i was able to grow them out that long at first? i don't know, laziness?
i also can't imagine having fake long nails anymore.
No. 452824
>>452757Some phones come with subtle filters already set to apply out of the box, so most people don't realize they're tweaking their selfies. I don't think it's bad. I mean, you're even ensuring you're not making it too obvious. I know tons of people who edit in false eyelashes and makeup and brighten their eyes where they look so fake and they try to pass it off as it being unedited or natural talent.
You even say if someone asked you you wouldn't deny, I know tons of people who freak out at the fact other people point out someone photo shops their selfies and they'll scream "misogyny" or something like that.
No. 454242
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How would anons feel about some kind of addiction or compulsion support/accountability thread? Just curious if anyone else on the board is trying to take a break from their vices and/or get sober.
It could be useful to encourage fellow anons and share experiences and copes etc. but I dunno if that sounds lame.
No. 454303
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Can my brain run out of room and start to delete stuff. I want to take Chinese courses, but I don't want my memorys to be replaced by all those Chinese symbols. Also if I have a habit of making up fantasy worlds in my brain will the chinese symbols delete them?