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No. 279314
>Okay, whoever the fuck is "Samefagging" and trying to drag me into joys drama, don't bother, I know it's someone from the group chat I was in with joy you've confirmed that without even meaning to by the looks of it.
>I don't need your drama & neither does Joy, as for saying I am 'Joy's right hand that does all her dirty work' that's bullshit. Joy doesn't tell me to do anything. Like I said on twitter, tip for keeping your friends. DON'T FUCKING DICTATE WHO THEY CAN AND CANT TALK TO.
>Joy is a wonderful human being, who to me is harmless for the most part and honestly just wants to spread love and positive vibes.
>I don't care how much hate I'm going to get for this comment, but someone messaged me last night telling me someone was on here talking shit.
>For one, if you're going to samefag, at least fucking change your name for each message, retard.
>As for the people doxxing joy, nice one guys (!) what have you achieved? nothing really, wow, you uncovered some old channels. What's the saying about not judging people on their beliefs? I don't see you shit talking Jehovah's witnesses since they believe that the body will heal its self with no medication whatsoever.
>Anyway, grow up and get a life the lot of you, you all clearly have way too much time on your hands along with a shitty life to be sitting behind a computer screen and dissecting someone's past. Perhaps go to the gym & lose some weight instead of stuffing your face with junk food and bashing your greasy ass fingers all over a keyboard.>>>/snow/278378 No. 279348
>>279314what is the point in this thread? it makes no sense

No. 279369
>>279353OT but Jehovah's Witnesses
DO NOT believe that. They go to the doctor and take medication when necessary. They think a lot of shit but your researched is flawed
And this is a shitty thread
No. 279445
you people are aware angel has never actually made a post here and someones impersonating her, right?

No. 279447
>>279444there is none

No. 279524
There really is no milk she's just an average girl with a disability who plays runescape from what I've seen. Quite boring really.

No. 280018
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I don't know, this one might turn out to be a real munchie cow…
No. 280060
>>280018Doubful. There's videos of her hips and shoulders dislocated on her Instagram and she's mentioned there's a 3 year waiting list for an electric wheelchair in the uk

No. 283651
The poster who has been samefagging about Angel is, unsurprisingly, Angel herself. Usually I wouldn't out such a lazy effort at selfposting, but Angel has been bugging me persistently over the past week to investigate her "impersonator" so she can take legal action.
Some interesting ones:
>>280214>>278025>>278049>>281321>>278564>>278846 No. 283747
>>283645Why would you go out of your way pestering people to find out who your imposter was if you have been the one doing all the posting both as yourself and about yourself? Surely her being outed was inevitable, given how awful and obvious the 'playing of both sides' had been? That seems like a recipe for disaster or some really peculiar wish for public humiliation.
Although that is how Joy said to deal with bullies. So, Angel bullies herself and to deal with herself - the bully - she aims to publicly humiliate herself! Sorry, that is really silly, it just amused me.
The shitting up of the threads has been so pathetic. And to think before this I'd just seen this girl's occasional anti o posts on tumblr and always thought she seemed reasonable.
No. 283767
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So I noticed that Angel liked this.
No. 283769
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No. 283833
>>283686>She was always the one playing both sides to draw attention away from the thread just like we thought>What I don't understand is the level of stupid it takes to beg the admin to look at the IPs>>283696>So is she still going to file that lawsuit on herself?>>283698>Before going that far, I'd recommend she send a cease and desist to herself as a polite warning.This is fucking hilarious! When I read it I was taking a sip of my drink and nearly choked on it because it made me LOL for real.
Why the fuck did this chick think the admin wouldn't out her? She was literally begging for it.
No. 283970
This makes no sense, if she did impersonate herself, why would she go to the admins?
>>283833 it's funny, but that is because none of it makes sense at all.
I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt on this one. I really don't think she's behind it and I feel that she's been "outed" for something she's not done, because the admins of this site are renowned for twisting things around on people because admittedly they're about as sick as us farmers in reality.

No. 283980
>>283970It makes a lot of sense if she's messed up in the head. If she believed her own lies or needed to prove to another party that she wasn't the one posting, it also makes sense.
Lastly, she might be dumb as shit and have no idea how IP addresses work, leaving her ignorant to one of the ways she'd be caught. There are many ways to explain it very, very easily.
No. 284031
>>283980I'm still doubtful if it all. It just doesn't strike me as something someone would do.

No. 284044
>>283970>>283980> needed to prove to another party that she wasn't the one postingThis is what one of my guesses was. She probably didn't think the Admin would
actually do anything, therefore, thought she was safe in pretending she was a totally innocent party. It was basically a gamble she lost.
I was the anon who had a long conversation with her when she was using the name Angel on her posts & we discussed how fucked the US medical system is. I 100% believed that was the real Angel just by how she talked and some of the things she mentioned. Especially how she described the hardships of her disease and how she didn't understand how things work in the US as opposed to the UK regarding being diagnosed. That kind of response seems unlikely to be faked by a third party.
The other theory I have is a bit convoluted but basically, she
wanted to be outed in order to show the screengrabs
>>>/snow/279938>>>/snow/279939>>>/snow/279940>>>/snow/280339>>>/snow/280449>>>/snow/280472were fake. They were planted as bait for Jamie Leigh Fischer in addition to some obviously fake screenshots & receipts they emailed directly to her about giving $20 to feed an imaginary cat/fund her cult. Jamie put both these things in an "exposed" video about Joy and later Joy went on livestream to show the cat cult evidence was faked on purpose to make a fool of Jamie. Why not think they did this with the other screengrabs Jamie used of Joy apologizing she impersonated Angel too? In order to show proof they were also fake she needed the Admin here to out her as the original poster.
Don't know what they would have done if the Admin ignored her…but that could explain why she was so persistant.
Either way the situation is fucked up and it's apparent Angel has issues.
No. 284225
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We made absolutely sure that the person contacting us on Discord was the same person posting the comments on Lolcow. The Discord account is also definitely her own, as it is connected to all her official social media.
She was mostly adamant about getting comments and posts about her deleted, so I suppose she felt troll's remorse and didn't think we'd look deeply enough into it to find the connection. She also strongly suggested Joy to be behind it.
Lastly, Angel joined our Discord server and shared personal medical documents with a user to "prove her illness". She was never "doxxed".
She is quite literally a fucking vulnerable adult.
She's also still posting in this thread.
No. 284283
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My literal favourite part of this whole thing is the fake screenshots of Joy saying she loves Angel so so much.
No. 285023
Angel talks a lot about her late sister, whom we know is named Chantelle from all of her Instagram posts and Reddit posts.
Starting with her Instagram post from the day after her sister died. writes a heartfelt post about her sister. Compare to this. Keep in mind she tried to post this in r/offmychest but it was hidden due to its use of "bitch." another heartfelt post writes a post about being haunted by her sister on r/nosleep lol. Either this is a case of autism on Angel's part for not realizing it's a board for fiction. OR she is really writing a fictional story about her sister. No. 285052
>>285023I think some of those posts are real but the nosleep one is a fictional one people deal with grief differently and with someone having autism it's likely she's written a fictional story to deal with it all, from what I've read about nosleep though, it's all meant to be treated as real, even if it's fiction, so who knows if it's real or not, that's the whole point of nosleep

No. 285061
>>285023Samefag. I've just read the one about hating her sister and being glad she's dead. I feel as though the death must have
triggered some pent up anger, if you read the very last comment she states she loves her sister and that she's her own flesh and blood but can't forgive her. Judging by the comments she's posted, also judging. By the dates on the posts she was still in the very beginning of greiving, it looks to me like she turned to the internet to rant away from her family.

No. 285149
>>285061So Joy found another emotionally damaged person and sucked them in. Emotionally damaged, or with health issues, or otherwise vulnerable.
The Manson girls were once rational, sane and nice people…the wrong person in their lives and they got all twisted. Can't help but wonder if this isn't the same.
No. 285167
>>285149Going off angels posts, she was sane and rational, then she met joy.
The things she's said and done since she met Joy are outrageous, I feel as though Angel was manipulated by joy and with her being in a vulnerable state as it is, it's fucked with her head massively.

No. 285313
>>285312I see you've not noticed that she's admitted to being manipulated and forced to lie and that she's cut joy off completely for the sake of her own sanity.

No. 285463
>>284225I'm quite literally fucking a vulnerable adult.
Fixed it.
No. 285514
>>285451Beautiful anon, much professional and classy. So where is Angel? What happened? Is joy mega pissed at her?
>that samefagging doe>dem fake screenshots>"trolling">"i know right anon! Thankyou for agreeing with me! Everyone else needs to think like this anon! Agree with me!">"I ripped them a new asshole">"when I… whipped out the Amanda Todd memes!">"angel is just an average ~~DISABLED~~ girl who plays runescape!"KEK edgy
No. 285662
>>285654>Before you start reading this I’d like to ask you not to judge until you have read everything I have had to say about this whole fucked up situation.If you have not read this I suggest you read it first or else it won’t make much sense. For the sake of legality, I am not going to name the person this is about.
This is the last time I will be bringing this up. This is my, let’s say closing case, and honestly I am not comfortable making this post, I am scared, but it needs to be done for me to move on.
First off, I would like to publicly apologise to the admins of lolcow; for everything I did under said persons instruction, said person was telling me what to say, and what to do and how to go about it.
Screenshots of said persons manipulative behaviour have been handed over to someone, if they release the chat logs or not, that’s up to them. I however will not be releasing the screenshots unless I 100% feel the need to do so, because I don’t feel comfortable releasing them myself.
I have booked an appointment with my gp to see if I would benefit from counselling at all to possibly help me move in the right direction with grieving the loss of my sister, of who I saw in that person and of course to try and get my head straight and back on track, I’ve cut said person off and I already feel so much better for it and people have come to me with overwhelming amounts of support that I cannot be more thankful for.
I’ve spoken to many people recently about the given situation of my “best friend” manipulating me. I would like to say some worlds publicly to said person, because following the advice of these people seems like a better idea, so to avoid said person making an attempt at getting back into my life, I’m just going to post a public note explaining to them (and anyone else who reads) why I’ve cut them off and why I feel as though I can no longer be associated with them.
(Feel free to skip all of this)
- Please, do not contact me again, I want nothing more to do with you, do not send your cult of minions after me. I want nothing more to do with any of the drama, the bullshit and the lies. I do not wish any harm to come to you, but I do however wish for you to get mental help and to stop trying to manipulate those around you.
I did things while under your control, I have sent screenshots to someone of all the times you’ve had me sat there in tears, all the times I have listened to your sob stories about your family hating you, how sick you are, how depressed you are, how afraid of everything and everyone you are and how little you trust people.
Well. I want nothing more to do with it. It’s fucked my head up.
I only let you in because I saw traits of my deceased sister, normally if I see traits of her, I avoid the person, but since she’s dead, I guess a narcissistic sociopath couldn’t go a miss, I feel as though I let you in, because I saw her in you and was desperate to get her back. I’ve said some horrible things about her, and I know it. Grief is a strange thing, and I feel as though you used that to get to me, along with knowing I am not well, so these are my final words to you.
Please, get help, for the sake of you and everyone around you, you’re hurting people and I’m not sure if you know you’re doing it or not, but either way you need help.-
If you’re still reading, thank you for hearing me out.
No. 285694
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Remember to donate to Autism Speaks this month to help find a cure for Angel's condition. She doesn't deserve to suffer like this.
No. 285734
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>>285662LMAO first angel said it was her, then she said someone was "impersonating" her and harassed the admins to "hunt down the imposter to pursue legal actions", then she made fake screenshots herself and posted them here herself (after creating them in her fake text app) blaming joy and saying joy "impersonated her to distract lolcow" and made fake screenshots of "joy" admitting to it (to cover her own ass), all while still harassing admins, THEN she gets caught and ALL her posts get marked from her IP. Which showed she had made many, many posts in several threads saying nasty, manipulative, straight up lies trying to influence the rest of the board (agreeing with her own ideas, samefagging, pushing her own narrative/agenda), all while (at the same time) denying she was doing it, all while breaking global rules & actively derailing. And NOW she's saying there's some dark & mysterious figure who was influencing her to make fake evidence and post here and "telling her what to say and do" and it's all their fault and not hers at all, but she can't say who or show anyone evidence of this boogeyman, and it's all good bc her sister died recently and she was being "influenced and manipulated"? BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT
and how DARE she use her sisters death as an excuse to why she fucking samefagged up a storm (to push her own personal agenda) on a fucking imageboard. Are you fucking kidding me?
Is she really using her dead sister as a prop to excuse herself from responsibility?
Does she really think farmers are that retarded?
I even remember when she was in the middle of her samefagging, she tried to subtlety mention her sister dying as a reason why she was "upset" and "misguided". She obviously now thinks that's a great excuse and ran with it.
And no one will believe ANY evidence you produce here on out unless you have a video showing evidence with a fucking newspapers date and notarized by a bank with your asshole on screen with "lolcow" written around it.
Angel is so full of shit. Trying to break our rules, trying to feed us fake milk, trying to turn us against each other, all while asking for admins help and for us to forgive and believe her. She did this all on her own. It was her by her lonesome the whole time. And that apology is all 100% lies. I feel bad for that poor sucker she gave more fake screenshots to, to convince them that some "random friend" forced her to post here and controlled her like a marionette doll when that's total BS. And she obv is refusing to let anyone else see these "chat logs" bc she knows we will spot her fakes and she'd be busted again (she even tried to explain why her "evidence" looked fake too, to convince us they were real) and refusing for anyone to know who this (non existent) boogeyman was, bc it was just her and her manipulative, compulsive lying, shit personality.
>angels just an average disabled girl!!!11She's a huge fucking munchie, she tries to go the "just breathe Nicole" route and pretend to be sooo against munchies, to cover up the fact she's a massive munchie. Her ehlers danlos is BS and she posts munchie porn, won't shut up about her "disability" and had joy (who she threw under the bus and lied about and made fake evidence about) raise money for her stupid wheelchair and wished people in the thread would get a chronic illness and won't shut up about "I shit blood guise!!!1" & "I have evidence!! Videos of dislocations!!11" even samefagging to agree with herself that she's "disabled". Super funny how she was able to model (shittily) but can't walk? And throws others under the bus to "validate" her "illness". Gurl please, I have use of only one leg and I don't even use an electric wheelchair (crowdfunded by strangers).
Oh and she constantly suffocates you with her 3edgy5me. Mega cringe on her twitter.
In the words of Gollum: "LEAVE!!! AND NEVER COME BACK!!"
Ps. Pic related accurately describes this whole shitshow
No. 285784
>>285769We do have a photo of this said "Chantelle" but I have been trying to look for evidence of a Chantelle dying in 2016.
But I don't think she's lying about that. I do think, however, believe she's using it for sympathy at this point.
No. 285794
>>285784>using it for sympathy at this point.idk anon, not to white-knight but 2016 wasn't that long ago. I lost an immediate family member and it took waaaay longer than a year for me to act normal again.
Not taking her side because I haven't read everything here yet, though.
sage for mild blogpost
No. 286741
Does Georgina have a last name?
No. 306165
Poor little cow kek
You sucked Joys dick just long enough to get a chair, even GoFundMe knows your full of crap and your still crying? Did you ever stop to think your sister died to get away from your dumb ass? for tinfoil