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No. 425139
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Always Relevant
No. 425157
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>>425139Holy shit I forgot all about him, I remember seeing his shitty comics on the front page of DA every time he posted back when I was in primary/middle school
No. 425193
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>>425157Samefag but I guess it wasn’t as long as I thought, he only started the cartoonist series in 2011. Could’ve sworn I’ve seen his art around earlier than that.
Sage for trip down memory lane
No. 425333
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>>425193he actually started making proper webcomics in 2008 with "Danny and Spot" and his Lesbian Inflation porn goes as far back as 2005
No. 425387
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Reposting this bc I posted at the ass-end of the last thread
No. 425388
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Her anatomy issues just kill me. The artist seems cool enough and hard-working but why would you get a huge tattoo of these characters on your back just whyyyy
No. 425427
>>425416I don't really have anything against her tbh
All the pink hurts my eyes and I find her art uninspired and basic but I respect that she is able to make a living out of it
No. 425433
>>425416I find her studio vlogs very inspiring and motivating. I like cute aesthetic but I dont like her art. Its a bit too normie(?) for me. Kind of makes me think of stuff like adventure time.
She seems like she works very hard so props to her
No. 425436
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The reaper's body is giving me cancer in the painting
And some more examples of her work. The last one is sort of cute but some of these are crazy shitty for tattoos.
No. 425460
>>425416I can't listen to her. Everything about her persona oozes 'fake'. Every time she gets to the end of a clip her voice gets real high pitched and she baby babbles and I can't stand it. I don't really like her art either. I used to watch her thinking she was a good resource, but she's way too insufferable to listen to.
I can't remember how many threads back but another anon said she tabled next to her and said she was rude and stank. Her obsession with cutsey/disney shit is pretty ick to me. I guess as an audience I don't like being talked to like I'm two years old. There was a point where Youtube kept recommending her videos to me, so I got sick of her real fast.
>>425436I can't stand the way people draw those puffy lips now, especially after Steven Universe drawing those bumps as shorthand for what's supposed to be 'cute and pouty'.
No. 425503
>>425416Her art is alright, I enjoy her videos but I can’t stand the way she talks either - it’s not just the baby talk, she sounds genuinely dim. So does her sister tbh
I don’t remember the video now but infuriated me over how she bought a MacBook to ‘complete her set/collection’ or something like that?? I remember her saying she doesn’t really need it and in many videos talks about how she has to be frugal but then goes out and buys a MacBook just because.
Anyone noticed that fat female artists seem to be really drawn to pastel colours and Disney? Her and Baylee spring to mind and I’ve known a few irl
No. 425505
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>>425460I’m the anon you’re talking about, and nah it was Gemma Flack I tabled next to. I can see why you’d mix up the two as they’re both, um, round.
No. 425509
definitely got them mixed up, thanks for the correction. I don't watch either, so it was easy to confuse.
No. 425633
>>425416I used to watch Katnipp a lot at the beginning. She was quite inspiring but I feel that as soon as she got some fame she started being far more irritating. Her work ethic is great and I commend her success but she’s a pure irritant. I can’t STAND the baby talk - I unsubscribed after trying to watch the same video three times over a few days and failing.
I’ve met her in person too and got a bit of a weird/indifferent/uppity vibe from her but maybe I just read it wrong.
Also getting sick of all these girls into Disney and Harry Potter trends. I personally don’t see the appeal - I love both of those things but Disney obsession is crazy. But whatever, I’m into different shit I guess.
TLDR Katnipp grinds my gears to the point where I had to unfollow her or risk punching my phone.
No. 425638
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Absolute general salt here but there's this twitter artist that I usually see on my timeline time to time and she usually travels alot based on her posts. I read in their bio they're a full time artist and what not but I find her art boring and everyone I know irl adores her pictures.
Its usually the same composition with instagram artists with pretty women,big eyes and big lips but I will never understand why so many people love to eat that shit up.
Anyway thats just me. What are your thoughts on this as well?
No. 425688
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Saged for reasonably small drama, but I'd still like for some of anons' opinions on this.
An online mangaka artist has been uploading tutorials on anatomy and improving one's technique has recently been called out for calling a certain way of lineart "beginner" and twitter went apeshit lol. Turns out that it was just some translation issue from the original japanese tutorial to english.
Here's the twitter and the tutorial is pic related
No. 425704
>>425702basically people got salty because he "call" them beginners.
honestly, they are stupid for not knowing how to handle the truth, he is better than most of the salty artists on twitter claiming they are not beginners, all this drama is just stupid
No. 425706
>>425688It's a matter of drawing from the upper arm/shoulder vs the wrist, too. Long, simple lines read better and is a matter of time vs quality of work. It's a goal.
I'd like to see how many insistently exclusively digital artists are among the ones freaking out. I'm feeling the Inktober whining vibes again.
Easier to argue than try to stretch your drawing muscles, right?
No. 425711
Has anybody else noticed the density of the lines differ per artists
Now, I’m not talking about
>>425688 because this post is about line length (not to be mistaken with overlying lines), but personally I notice a lot of artists use really dense lines in their work. Personally my own lines are at times barely visible to the viewer, but I find it very interesting that much of my own friends who draw, developed a different way to pressurize.
No. 425730
>>425688Someone I know IRL got quite defensive with me when I suggested she work on her line work, it’s utter chicken scratch and I suggested very gently to aim for smoother lines and trying to get things done in one quick stroke as it would immediately make her pieces look significantly better, oh boy did it make it her go off. Told me it’s a stylistic choice and could easily do smooth line work if she wanted to. Then do it, lmao? It makes pieces look like the artist was unsure of what they were doing the entire time but fuck me for trying to help a friend improve I guess - and yes, I’d very much like my friends to give me solid advice and critique on how to improve my pieces also but whenever I ask all I get is ‘I like it, it’s good!!’, so infuriating how a lot of artists seem completely against both giving and receiving criticism
Sage for rant, had a long night.
No. 425740
>>425735Honestly a lot of artists tend to be utterly cancerous when it comes to any sort of improvement/ sharing of information
You either have the type that will stick their head in the sand and refuse to accept any way of doing things other than their own and they believe that even the mildest of criticisms are bullying
Or the type of artist that never stops studying but somehow still never gets better and they need to know all of your techniques and tools because they believe that if they can emulate you then obviously they will become as good as you
No. 425774
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Tutorial - Antialias and coloring
No. 425812
>>425798Yeah I've been following this twitter for awhile because of how immensely helpful her anatomy tips are and I cannot get over the amount of whining because she correctly pointed out that scratchy linework and drawing from your wrist is a beginner mistake. It seems most people are in support of the artist and a lot of the screaming toddlers have deleted their tweets but it's obviously upset her a lot (and apparently people started attacking the translator too?).
I hate how art has become this hyper inclusive NICE FEEDBACK ONLY!!! hugbox online. God forbid someone tell you your technique is amateurish and will give you carpal tunnel. This is why gatekeeping is a good thing.
No. 425823
>>425740It seems like the ones who are actually skilled at art are the only ones who take criticism as a way to better their work
Its almost as if they dont want their art to look like shit and actually care about the medium rather than screeching that their style is supposed to look bad
No. 425865
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>>425730you can definitely choose to draw in a ‘scratchy’ way, even if you could theoretically make it smooth as well. of course calling something your style when it’s just lack of skill is different, but many great artists choose to draw with uneven lines and create some amazingly interesting art with it. pic related by one of my favorite artists.
No. 425867
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Hot take, what we're seeing is the 'art tip' (AT) life cycle on steroids. What is the AT life cycle? Let me explain it with the iconic art tip 'don't shade with black'
>Let's say a well respected artist made a giant book on coloring and dedicated a chapter to why you shouldn't paint with black. The reasons being, on traditional black paints don't mix well with other paints and in nature you don't often see pure black. They states you can use black only in highly stylized situations if you know what you're doing.
>A somewhat respected artist, think Deviantart front page level, reads this book and wants to share it as a Deviantart/instagram AT, but they simplify it because they'll express it as an AT not a book
- Don't use black because it doesn't blend well
- Don't use black because it doesn't look like nature
>An ametuer artist sees this and interpret it their own way. They get rid of any idea of 'why' you should do it or 'why' you shouldn't. They also exclude a 'when' you should do it. All subtlety is lost.
-Black doesn't blend well on digital
-Black looks weird as a shadow, I can't explain why, but it does
>The ameture AT goes viral, but because of the misconceptions this happens.
- OK, but 'random artist' shades with black! (the original book stated you could shade with black under special conditions)
- Black blends well for me in digital you're wrong (based off the bastardized version)
- I don't think it looks weird and it's been proven you're AT is wrong so my feelings are right (it doesn't matter what 'you' think. Black doesn't appear naturally as a shade unless extreme conditions occur)
> This drama repeats with every AT until everyone in the art community subconsciously or consciously know ow believe these 4 facts.
- Most people go by the assumption the art tip has to be used 24/7. Ex: "If you want to draw digitally professionally you should (interpreted as 'have to') get a tablet"
- Because of that if the AT has an exception the AT is proven wrong unless it acknowledge the exception and apologizes or explains. It is preferred to apologize. Ex: You should (have to) use a tablet for digital art [AT], "but a mouse or phone is fine" [apology] or "you can use a mouse or phone, but it's limiting" [explain].
- The [apology]/[explain] idea also carries the idea you can brute force art under horrible conditions and compare it to better ones. Ex: "some people draw good on their phone, so you can work professionally with a phone. I can brute force this. My methods don't have to change"
- Since the AT can always be debated you don't have to follow them. After seeing this play out you just get a weird 'none of this matters' feeling or a 'ha ha. the exception proves I don't have to change!'. Their is no objective truth all is debatable. It's the peak of the AT life cycle until a new AT comes in.
The drama was so big because of these ingrained ideas based of the fact he sued a bastardized and simplified version of the rule.
>The tip applies 24/7
>A random outlier proves it wrong
>The entitled idea that 'but it's OK if you don't' has taken over the art community and the Japanese artists didn't acknowledge this.
Anyone with half a brain could realize context matters, but everyone has to be spoonfed info. If you don't include the subtlety they wont pick up on it.
Tell me have you ever felt something like this? You want to give an art tip, but you know you'll get a 'the exception exists' response or maybe see the person take it to literal and do it 24/7 until they reject the rule entirely. the rule is eternal, but if it is fallible, and it will be fallible, it will fail, and it will fail. All that exists now is the artists ego. This was a growing problem that just finally exploded. This happened a lot on deviantarts old days it was just different because of how social media worked.
No. 425900
>>425886Not saying call out culture isn't insane and
toxic but if this happens you just state your case and move on. Ignore people that won't let it go. After a month it's back to normal. Unless of course the ARTIST was the autistic one. Like Kun0 and his gf or someone being literally racist or saying they hated gay people ect. It's not that hard to have a filter and most people who are reasonable arent being to take small insane insinuations seriously.
No. 425947
>>425865I've seen this artist draw in livestreams though, and the wobbly lines are 100% because of the digital brush she uses. She seems to freehand all her work with no undersketch, and definitely doesn't chicken scratch.
>>425872Here's a video of her drawing some stuff traditionally, anon>>425884The artist is Anatola Howard/maroonracoon
No. 425952
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>>425799the colouring is so extravagant to hide the fact that the face underneath is so shit
No. 425968
>>425865AYRT and what I meant by smooth is that the lines are a singular smooth motion, not teeny tiny scratches and it takes you 20 strokes just to draw a finger. Hers was very much the latter and not a stylistic choice (I’ve seen her struggle with drawing with her whole arm and was showing her how to loosen up her shoulder), I myself like to use very crude lines for my own pieces - but they’re still smooth lines
Did any of that even make sense lmao
No. 425976
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>>425973>>425968>>425963would this be what you guys are getting at?
No. 425982
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>>425874holy shit, this girl has the LOWEST standards for 'amazing' art. it's all really basic beginner shit thats low-quality and expected of people who cant afford/refuse tablets..
No. 425983
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>>425976Pretty much. Especially between the two faces. When it's a stylistic choice, it's usually done over a base sketch. The problem for beginners is that they use it for the sketch, so it loses a lot of fluidity and action. And it's more than just using a choppy line, they're not building up their sketch with basics like action lines and basic shapes. They're just going right into the outline.
I tried to show an example of how it emphasizes not knowing where you're going. For longer lines, you have better luck looking at where your line is going to end. Beginners will focus on where they currently are, even with a continuous line, and be more likely to wobble and lose their shape. There will usually be a lot of erasing and overcorrection going on as well.
No. 425988
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Not sure if rebecca sugar can count in this thread but she is technically still an artist
This is just kinda…cringy. its probably gonna be commercial in cn again and what? kids are gonna see that intersex non binary shit they rlly dont need to know any of that yet imo
No. 425989
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No. 425991
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Is this seriously a real thing?? Why?
No. 425992
>>425988I mean kids are exposed to regular sex people and male/female gender shit all the the time so I don't really see how this is off limits? It feels kind of like the arguments some religious people make that,
sure, kids can be exposed to
straight people kissing and stuff but as soon as it's gay it's inappropriate and taboo.
This isn't really salt and feels like it's trying to be a bit too political for an art salt/discussion thread… but that's just, like, my opinion man
No. 425997
>>425993I'm AYRT
didn't say you were referring to gays, just that the perspective you're coming from is following the same line of logic as the
straight = fine and dandy, gay = shield my kid's eyes, so radical! No. 426009
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>>425872her drawing is definitely very confident and she often uses textured brushes. that being said, her traditional lines are often also “stiff” (obviously a conscious choice) but it works great because her shapes are so good. here’s one of her traditional sketches to compare! (and yes, like another anon said, this is anatola howard/maroonracoon. she’s a genius honestly!)
No. 426096
>>426077because digital offers you everything. save up to buy a tablet, download a free art program or pirate one, and boom, you have the entire world at your fingertips. you don't need to worry about paper types; you just open a new document and if you are really fancy, toss in a paper texture too. you don't need to think about what size brush you have or what hair it's made from, you have an entire library ready in your program and you can download plenty of great ones for free. you don't need to buy tons of art supplies, paint mediums, different shades and palettes and pencils and papers and sets, and you may not like them or even use them up to call it a worthwhile purchase. maybe you get excited because of the watercolor trend, spend X money on a Daniel Smith set because that's what youtubers use, and you don't even like it. Or maybe your paper is rubbish so that means buying 100% cotton paper. But then your brushes suck, so go buy some natural bristle brushes instead. Wait, but you also need to store these somewhere and you need room for your paints and your palette and your jars of water (more than one!) and if you use oils you need your gesso and your thinner, and you need your paper towels and actual surface to draw on.
A digital tablet solves all of this. Spend money once, won't need to spend more again. I get it. But the reason it's great for artists is that it's an affordable and easy way to recreate the art they made traditionally. It sucks because I know how much money I've thrown on supplies for various reasons, but you can't learn properly the digital way. You just don't have the means to make the proper arm motions, you won't be looking at your art but at a screen, and you won't learn how to make less mistakes later, because ctrl+z can solve your problems. Sucking at your art is the first step for everyone and if you cheat by starting digitally since you can go back and finetune without any repercussion you're not gonna learn how to not suck. You need to have physical evidence of those terrible results to help you learn how not to do it later.
No. 426108
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What do you guys thing of deviantarts new design?
No. 426109
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>>426108Always felt weird to me because they didn't re-design the entire site. Only the front page has the slick look.
No. 426111
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>>426109Also the forums are still a dumpster fire. I don't even know why the deviantart crew doesn't just delete it.
No. 426117
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>>426112Yep. the sites dying, but people still use it.
The deviant forums should show up on this thread more because the only people who currently browse that part of the site are trolls and generally horrid people.
No. 426120
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last one I swear. these forums are like 4chan lite.
No. 426172
>>426096I agreed with you till the point you said you can't learn properly digitally. Digital is a medium just like pencils, watercolors or paints. Ofc someone who's only used colored pencil will not be master at watercolors, same with digital but saying it stalls your growth is not something I can agree with. Tools are tools and it's how you use them. People talk so often about undo button but it's not an all saving fix. In digital you need it because your hand and eye coordination just isn't working on the same level as in traditional, especially if you don't have a screentablet. In traditional you need that one good swing to make that perfect line and in digital you need several even if you're both swinging masters. Undo is more often used to fix immediate strokes that are misplaced or wrong length and if your art is shit no amount of undo can fix that. Also the fact that you can go back and fix things can in fact help you. It doesn't take away your ability to see your mistakes. Instead it transfers that idea into "how should I fix this problem" and that's a good thing. Not only do you have a problem that you recognized but you also have to figure out the solution for fixing it, which I can tell you can teach you more than than just redrawing it, because sometimes the mistake you made is not where you think it is, which can lead to some epic eureka moments. Also you do not need copies of your work to learn, there's plenty of artist who throw their shit out and that's fine, digital copy is also fine. While I agree with you on that it's a free and cheap medium, I think you're speaking out in ignorance a lot of time. Calling digital art a cheating as if the computer is the one drawing for you is such a normie response, only a person who's never even touched a tablet would say.
No. 426189
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>>426172NAYRT but in a way I do think digital art can hinder someone’s progress, hear me out.
This single medium suddenly gives someone access to
countless different tools, whether it be brushes/textures or what have you, you have to make a conscious decision for your colour palette to be limited (a daunting task for many) and you also don’t need to learn how to mix colours, and tracing has never been easier. It can all be extremely overwhelming for a beginner to have all of these options rather than say just a sketchbook and pencil - the former would focus on what to draw WITH whereas the latter would instead wonder WHAT to draw
Food for thought. How did you anons first learn to draw? I mean, other than childhood drawings considering that literally every child in the world enjoys drawing. What did you turn to when you started taking art seriously, and did cost play a big part in what you chose?
I started off with traditional, just used graphite for the longest time because colour intimidated me and now I can’t imagine creating artwork that doesn’t focus on colour.
No. 426211
>>426189You have a
valid point there but that's does not make it cheating like implied before nor does it stall your growth if you don't allow it. One huge problem with digital is indeed the unlimited tools you have, be it for beginner or more experienced, having all the colors and all the brushes will confuse you indeed but what you have to learn is to limit the tools and the palette yourself.
A person's growth ofc depends on their own attitude and dedication but I can say for myself that I learned a lot more digitally than I did traditionally.
I started drawing around 13-14 years old and got my first tablet about a year after that. I would start out by scanning my pics to pc and coloring them with a shitty marker brush but here's the thing. Before digital art was always like an industry thing to me or something only masters could do. I never even imagined I would do digital art, thus I never compared myself these artists. In my eyes, I was great, because the people who were better than me, were like gods in my eyes and there's no point trying to reach at a god right? Well when I started digital, I was suddenly on the same starting line as the great artists, they suddenly weren't out of my reach anymore and damn was it a blow to my ego. Not only did I see these amazing artist who I knew now, started out just like me but I saw people who were as good as me, have much cleaner colors and line-art. For me digital really did the push. I no longer wanted to just draw but I wanted to be good as well and the choice of brushes and colors was never an issue. I took the first brush I saw and drew with that till I was good enough. I learned to ink and do line-art, I learned to get rid of the chicken scratch, I learned colors and shading (though shading was my weakness for many years), I would do backgrounds and perspective. These were things I never even though of doing with pencil. With pen and paper, I was doodling, anything was fine and results barely mattered but with digital, I was truly reaching. I saw these amazing artist and they were all my competitors.
I never traced and I never even touched the other brushes till years after. Nowadays I paint, I got my few brushes, I use religiously and I do mix a lot of my own colors as well (it's easier to mix yourself, 'cause you see the colors relative to other colors). Now mixing colors digitally is more like putting down a thin layers of colors till you get the shade rather than actually mixing them but, saying you can't learn to mix digitally is not true. A lot of times the colorwheel won't give you the perfect color you're even looking for so you have to mix.
Overall I think a lot of these things come down to the way you approach things or perceive them. Digital art pushed me farther than traditional ever could have but to someone else traditional may open them a lot more door than digital. I still think it's ignorant to try to say that one medium is objectively superior to the other in term of the growth it offers.
No. 426222
>>426189I learned how to draw because of someone i respected that used to be my friend on steam. He'd show me his drawings and I'd sometimes show him mine, and he would give me advice. I wanted to be as good as him one day so i trained almost obsessively. Sadly we went our separate ways 10 years ago but i can't ignore that he was the very foundation of my artwork. (iirc he LOVED digital art and would often preach to me about how great it was) I started off with traditional not because of cost, but because it was just easier to bring it with you wherever you go. Even today i hate the ipad drawing trend because it feels so clunky and not as convenient as carrying around pen and paper.
I started out with wacom then got a huion (it's pretty much just a cost effective wacom), i use digital to experiment with colors. I'm not a color kind of gal, i know it's a meme that women are great with colors but i might as well be functionally colorblind. For me the fun is in how the flesh moves and interacts with one another; so i love drawing naked/partially naked people, but I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone.
In my opinion you just have to try and see what works for you.
No. 426233
>>426224Depends on what you use, some programs have limited stretch tools. Also I've draw with several programs, like ms paint, sai and a little bit of photoshop and for every program I take different approach. If I know I don't have the free edit, then I'm more careful during sketching but if I do have the free edit then I can be a lot more loose with what I do. These tools change your workflow but using them does not make you less skilled. If someone is an amateur and can only draw while using these tools that's their problem but an artist who cares to improve teaches themselves to work flexibly because very often a you end up in a situation where you need to use program that's not your favorite one and sometimes even switch that entirely. Same with brushes, you choose what you use. Also most artists who're no longer absolute newbies to digital art very often prefer to use 1 to 3 brushes at most. It's because it's a lot easier to control and those texture brushes don't usually even look that good in the work itself.
Stop being a fucking trad elitist. Just because newbies abuse brushes and blending modes does not mean artist who're not just hobbyist do.
No. 426259
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Anyone else miss Sarlis' old art style? I used to really like her super colorful, sorta minimal style, but now it just seems incredibly lazy with purposely bad anatomy. It makes me really sad to see her regression to childlike art.
No. 426327
>>426234i have to admit, when i tried my hand in digital art, i thought something was missing. i took two 3-month digital animation classes, which included drawing thumbnails, character sheets, storyboards, cover art, promo art, the animation itself- basically everything having to do with digital art. and when i was done, i canceled my adobe subscription and sold my tablet. my art felt empty, it felt lifeless. i had a really high grade in the class, and i was able to animate moving people fairly well (i was one of the few that didnt go the furry route), but i couldnt do it anymore. the whole ‘blood and tears for mixing paint’ thing is annoying and i hate people like that, but for me personally, i have more connection and passion in my traditional work over my time immersed in digital. it is literally just a preference thing. digital art is beautiful, and takes a SHITTON of work, but it wasnt the type of work that was rewarding to me. i enjoy not having a button that removed my mistakes. it creates the challenge i was missing while working digitally. that doesnt mean digital art was easier, just different.
No. 426354
>>426234Nobody here thinks digital art is "cheating" however it cuts a lot of corners that are supposed to be great news for the trads. That's literally what it was made for, to digitize trad art. Graphic designers did everything by hand. Illustrators painted on paper and canvases. The entire concept of digital art is to be faster, more efficient and better for the people who were using trad tools in the first place.
This is why I believe down to my core that you benefit from learning the old so that you master the new. Just like if you self-taught to draw the human body by drawing a circle with a cross, without going through the process of drawing the body via portraits, live studies, shading, etc, you also won't understand how to utilize what digital has to offer. Like all the artubers who reeeee about "muh art style" don't understand that style does not go above quality. And their quality sucks because they didn't learn. They think they can waltz past centuries of trad artists doing photorealism and portraits and "boring" studies and barge into the art world with a "style" they totally learned themselves.
I am on a few art groups on FB and I've seen so many questions like "I'm trying to draw like oil painting on photoshop, how does this look?" and it's so sterile and precise and… fake. And I sent them a video of someone describing exactly how to do so: by imitating what oil painting originally is about. And they didn't get it; "yes but how do you draw like oil?" well if you don't know how oil painting works from the start, how can you emulate it! And all those stylistic, cartoony styles? Well someone had to get vellum paper and ink and mangakas had to use texture sheets and buy tons of pen nibs and they had to learn realistic human anatomy and figures before they can successfully stylize it. Cyan sketches became popular for a reason, it didn't become a trend out of nowhere, because cyan scans easier. That cool raster effect? yeah, that's because printers did that organically and someone decided "hey this looks cool, I wanna recreate this digitally!" And all those people who wanna digitize watercolor? Well you won't make it look good unless you understand how watercolor works in the first place. Watercolor digital art isn't just using some splotch brushes to pretend like your paint ran a little outside of the border.
Digital art isn't cheating, it's cheaters who rely on digital. I don't subscribe to trad elitism. Nor digital elitism. I say do what works for you, but you have to learn first so that you can take steps to carve out your own niche. I saw a video of a trad artist who recently bought a cintiq and he was being very enthusiastic about a brush setting in Photoshop and made a video about it. You could clearly see how excited he was to find a tool that made his workflow faster and easier (it was a way to emulate trees in a faster and more organic way).
No. 426397
File: 1561511453645.png (456.81 KB, 809x502, ha ha.PNG)

Who does this?
No. 426424
File: 1561515694738.jpeg (102.98 KB, 640x815, 8A5FA651-AA68-4F29-BF11-8AEAAF…)

>>426259I really enjoy all of her art styles over the years, I like seeing the world through her eyes. I’m also a big fan of minimalist and crude art styles, in particular those with childlike elements
Pic related is an even older style of hers
No. 426445
File: 1561521473439.jpeg (303.13 KB, 828x1533, 8E57C213-782A-4513-9DC6-494A43…)

Man…my heart goes out to her. She was so generous and wanted to share her knowledge of anatomy to help people. Her tutorials helped me a whole lot and I’m just mad at the hoes who made it about themselves.
She’s too good for twitter and I hope she recovers.
No. 426474
File: 1561528235785.jpeg (721.42 KB, 1125x1272, 58A94DB7-6136-4FE5-8D1C-103A8B…)

Who else thinks this art is ugly as shit? Reminds me of that rory guy
No. 426522
>>426474I like it. The face proportions aren't pretty but TBH I'm sick of seeing the same drawings of pretty girl/men over and over again and I find this more interesting.
I think whether or not you like this drawing is just a question of personal preference. Skill wise it's pretty good (IMO).
No. 426606
File: 1561564660084.jpg (62.91 KB, 212x120, EN2fHmm.jpg)

anyone notice the similarities between kattvalk's latest thumbnails and waffles? not sure who is copying who in this situation but it feels like katt copying waffles.
No. 426608
File: 1561564697472.jpg (50.2 KB, 213x116, CbreUGr.jpg)

compared to waffle's thumbnail..
No. 426610
>>426606what the hell I was literally about to post that lol
yeah I agree, altho checking her channel her thumbnails all look really similar, maybe I never noticed until now
No. 426633
File: 1561569303496.png (398.44 KB, 867x690, Capture.PNG)

MangaMaterials is deleting.
No. 426634
File: 1561569394150.png (86.69 KB, 870x772, Capture.PNG)

Just in case she deletes and anons want some more reasoning I'll samefag and post these screencaps lol
No. 426637
>>426633>>426634How much hate have they been getting?
I feel like this is an overreaction
No. 426693
>>426637I get what you mean but when you're struggling to translate your own work into a foreign language just for it to be dogpiled on, I find easy to say "why bother putting in the energy and time of translating for these nutjobs, I'll just stick with my Japanese audience who know how to take art tips."
I also believe that there was a large chunk of hate coming thru her DMs after she deleted the original tweet.
No. 426751
>>426740TLDR “just cuz I don’t understand someone else’s feelings that makes them stupid, they should be like me, a beacon of strength”
Fuck off with that shit man, it’s not your account. The person who owns this account has every right to do this
No. 426754
>>426743If everyone else in the world has to learn to get over themselves, Japanese people can too if they’re going to be putting their stuff out into the world.
>>426751>they have no obligation to keep it up and taking it down is fineMaybe learn to read?
No. 426765
>>426740Y'all are taking closing a Twitter account way too seriously. This
seemed like a hobby for this person (that caused some stress even before the drama if their tweets are anything to go by)and if I was doing a hobby that suddenly got me a bunch of harassment for no reason i'd be like fuck that, shrug, and delete as well. It's a twitter account, not a bank account. You can make as many of them as you want for free with a minute of free time and take two seconds to close one.
Sure as hell didn't mean enough to them to stick around. They want to move on from the drama and that seems reasonable to me.
They're free tutorials. No one is entitled to them, and realistically there are many similar ones around the internet people can use.
No. 426767
File: 1561601215890.jpg (562.55 KB, 1076x1346, GhH6BJE.jpg)

Art supply discussion post:
I saw this tweet and I can't say I'm surprised (I mean I know prismacolor's pencils have apparently dipped in quality for a while as well, it doesn't seem to be a new phenomenon), but does anyone know if the same moleskine quality drop is affecting their art sketchbooks as well, or if it's just their lined notebooks?
No. 426769
>>426767I haven’t purchased any of the sketchbooks in a good 5+ years now, but I’ve always loved using the Cahier for sketching - EVERYTHING bleeds through to the other side now. If I compare Cahier books I bought recently to my old filled sketchbooks it even feels as though the paper has become flimsier/more brittle, it’s also a bit more sheer. It’s a shame because I loved their books because of the paper and binding, and while a lot of people complain I always managed to find them for a good price, so it’s very much a letdown for them to be decreasing in quality.
Although honestly speaking I have trouble finding anything of very good quality these days, a lot of the brands I used to rely on have also taken shortcuts while maintaining high consumer price.
No. 426773
>>426769I had noticed that too. I haven't really come across a good watercolor sketchbook that doesn't fall apart. I liked stillman and birn for a while but I kinda got over them as well.
I'm currently going through one of those flimsy 2 for 1 deal fugly fabric covered Arteza watercolor sketchbooks and I can't comprehend just why the paper quality is so bad. The rougher side of the pages are ok but then the other side will be smooth and it's just really annoying just navigating it.
No. 426776
File: 1561606603986.png (34.42 KB, 710x479, 2019-06-27 13_35_51-(2) OMG Pa…)

>>426774They left a pretty salty sounding comment on her video, too.
No. 426833
The square shape appealed at first but finding out they’re not acid free killed it. I make my own sketchbooks now too but with those disc rings planner people freak out about and precut watercolor paper
No. 426840
File: 1561627501620.jpg (12.55 KB, 425x425, 41BV3iJsWUL._SX425_.jpg)

>>426833Other brands do square sketchbooks too anyway.
No. 426862
File: 1561632122644.jpg (Spoiler Image,238.32 KB, 992x664, IMG_7007.jpg)

>>426767i am currently using a Moleskines blank page sketchbook i bought in jan 2019 and have been using it actively for a few weeks. i mostly use it to pencil down ideas and thumbnail, but occasionally (usually at work during my lunch), i use pens and markers and have little to no issue. i have had no issues with bleeding at all. i also more recently have been playing with watercolor pencils for fun, and although the paper does not hold the water well and warps super easy (cause it isnt watercolor paper, of course), it does smoothly blend and make nice gradients. very much just meant for pencils and pen inks.
pic is that sketchbook, left image has heavy ink (LePen fineliner and brush) and marker (Tombow ABT brush) usage on top with watercolor pencil (general's kimberly) on bottom where i blended with a paintbrush, right image is the same page on the opposite end, where i have already begun sketching new things with no bleed, minus water warping.
also yes, i understand that this is not the place to post my own art, but i am not promoting anything, not linking to my art accounts, and am posting this to just compare the paper i got vs the paper in the original post. i put it behind spoiler cause ass.
No. 426902
>>426862You draw your eyes too far apart but your art is on its way to being nice.
However it’s really uncannily familiar to me for some reason.
No. 426939
>>426862Top left reminds me of shitty how to draw anime books that say "when the face is ¾ one eye is smaller" and then make the one eye
way too small
No. 426990
>>426947wow, someone that actually sees what i was doing as practice.
for the other replies
1) it is a sketchbook. everything in it was done in under 15 mins. sometimes less. that is the point, and that is sometimes all the time i get due to my work schedule.
2) of course it looks like an anime self help book. that is where a lot of 2000s, naruto-on-cartoon-network, toonami-obsessed kids like me got their start in art. but i am trying to train out of it. kind of what a sketchbook is for. but, when you only get 15-20 mins a day sometimes to draw, old habits die hard
3) none of you talked about the paper. which is what i posted it for. can we stay on topic please? if anyone else has the same sketchook as me, and has had differing experiences, then i wont go out and get another since i bought mine back in January and am only using it now. i’m enjoying this sketchbook a lot, but if the paper quality is going down, then thats sad.
(also, social suicide… on an anonymous message board?…)
No. 427020
>>427010Awesome, I've got the same one then and we can compare notes:
*Water warping always happens for me, but it handles it reasonably well (it's 165 g/m2 btw)
*There's no bleed through with simple ballpoint pens, inks, or any sort of watercolor/ acrylic/ gouache
*Alcohol markers bleed through quite a lot, I use some weeb Neopiko Deleter ones that always do so I generally try to avoid them (unless I decide from the beginning that I'm going to have to glue something on the opposite page to hide the bleeding)
Yeah though, it's mostly meant for quick pencil/ pen sketches, it doesn't really claim to be anything else so there's no ripoff or anything. You can make do with other mediums as well, though, if you're careful.
No. 427022
>>427020Yeah, i was surprised how much i got away with when it comes to using those watercolor pencils. I’m not a fan of watercolor, i lean more toward markers to draw and inks to paint, but as for testing colors, it does work well. my marker set that i use for my separate works are blick brand alcohol brush markers since they are affordable, and they bleed on this paper, but my tombow pens do not. those also dont blend well, which is fine, i got them for sketching anyway.
is the spine of yours cracking down the middle? it isnt a big concern for me, i’m a little over halfway through the sketchbook so it will join my others on my bookshelf soon, but i do have a noticeable crease forming that is making the outer shell separate a bit.
No. 427039
>>427022Mine has a crease but it's not very noticeable, and definitely hasn't started to peel away. My previous one did have some weird scuffs on the cover after a trip that I still have no idea where they came from, though.
>>427037Maybe in technical skill, but the difference is that Moleskine anon admits they're not where they want to be, while Shitshow thinks she's a goddess of art lmao
No. 427064
File: 1561667161201.jpg (8.26 KB, 225x225, egrojosh kurt kobain.jpg)

What do you guys think of ergojosh i like his style and I like the aesthetic of his vids but he tends to always gravitate to drawing pretty pintrest girl UwU Ijust wish he'd branch out more
No. 427172
File: 1561681152664.jpeg (834.36 KB, 828x1019, 994E1972-789B-4BA2-8AAB-2507E8…)

I’m a huge fan of Helen Dardik on insta. Her vids are so fun to watch and I love her style and color palettes. I think she’s uses gauche mostly, which is a personal fav medium of mine. Any others I should be watching with a similar style?
No. 427175
>>425788which wouldn't be an issue under "normal" circumstances but a lot of the free resources are honestly shit becuase people who can give good tips like mangamaterial get chased off by
triggered babies. there are few actually professional and GOOD artists actually giving tips and advice
No. 427570
File: 1561759045954.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1536x2048, 8D310952-8ED4-4C19-BF4C-20329B…)

Google is hiring professional tracers now. Amazing.
No. 427585
File: 1561765784482.jpg (122.85 KB, 1200x928, 1561600388823.jpg)

>>427570And this here is what he usually draws.
No. 427754
>>425798>>425812These comments about being thin skinned are ironic considering she deleted her account and a ton of content over being bitter because of some comments.
Does she have a right to be butthurt over people getting upset over FREE tips? Sure, but that's an overreaction when you have thousands and thousands of followers and delete everything because of a few tweets.
No. 427856
File: 1561816419172.jpeg (31.24 KB, 500x349, 939A0597-64F3-4A28-ADF1-69F2C7…)

guys pls
No. 428068
File: 1561857760982.jpeg (316.82 KB, 549x900, A9189611-063C-4077-9362-7D8EE7…)

I want to talk about these weirdos god damn it. I don’t know why other anons were so against just posting them here, they’re artists and this is art salt - and they’re too damn ridiculous to pass up discussion
For those whining that this thread isn’t active enough for it - make it active then?? THREADS
>>>/snow/828640>>>/ot/427670The description for pic
*Full artwork.
Other human_AU, where Connor is an androgyne, more precisely, a genetic male, with testicular feminization syndrome.
I have long wanted to portray a handsome young man with a similar syndrome. There are many people in the world with a similar feature, but they remain invisible, the society does not accept them, as they do not fit into the binary model of the sex and gender. Sometimes even LGBT do not understand intersex people (paradox?), believing that a man should be a man in everything and a woman should be a woman (cis or trance - does not matter. People often say: "If you consider yourself a man, you cannot look like a girl or androgynous. If you are a man, then comply with accepted norms! Have big muscles, a beard, etc. "). At the same time, agenders, eunuchs and intersex people with non-binary identity go unnoticed or ridiculed, which puts pressure on their self-esteem, makes them hide and complexes.
- Deva*
No. 428071
File: 1561857956456.jpeg (406.65 KB, 597x850, CF8D06C7-B8AE-4581-9BB0-34A065…)

>>428068Samefag, their artwork is so beautiful (especially Deva’s) but the content of all their pieces is so fucking bizarre. Why the obsession with eunuchs in particular? Someone in the pirevious threads said that they even rewrite wiki articles, can anyone expand on that? That’s honestly wild, who the hell is so into their BL that they rewrite history
No. 428080
>>428068Honestly the fact that they Eunuch-ify existing male characters that many fans find attractive just muddies the whole thing.
Do they want to fuck the eunuchs? Do they want to be the eunuchs? I really can't tell.
No. 428081
>>428071It's funny how their art is straight up women but they call them men. Seems like a cope. Not even the ladiest of thai ladyboys naturally possess womanly features.
Also funny how she calls eunuchs pure but in most of her art they're dressed erotically or engaging in erotic activities lmao
No. 428089
>>428084>>428071Further tinfoiling but not samefag, is there any chance they're attracted to women but want to be attracted to men (???) so they make art of attractive ""men"" who are basically just women?
sorry, their art is just so tinfoil hat worthy because it's so confusing
No. 428140
File: 1561870866957.jpg (18.05 KB, 400x300, 21221028.jpg)

OK art salt people sorry that we have to clog your thread with something that's not even art salt nor even salt.
my tinfoil, since one was born 1993 according to the tumblr, is that they were inspired by Haku in Naruto ; it was very popular when she was a tween and they did have a weeb phase (see gallery categories). haku is mistaken for a female and in a master-servant relationship with this older muscly ninja.
the real question is why the eunuch obsession, I am torn between sexual immaturity (not liking manly features /not having much contact with the opposite sex) and notliketheothergirlism / insecurities about their bodies.
and since they do all that fetishy thing together and one draws her sister like a eunuch, I wonder if there isn't also something weird going on between the two.
No. 428150
>>428140Mods I feel we will take away actual discussion away from artist slat on this thread and clog this thread
just let us make a new thread on /snow/
No. 428177
>>428166Because you don’t romanticise the rape and castration of boys unless there’s something not right with you, let alone to the point that you draw it over and over and over again. You also don’t edit wiki articles if it’s just fascination, that’s some next level tard behaviour right there
I do agree that they’re inspired by artwork of the masters though, it’s a weird blend of weeb and renaissance
No. 428181
>>428166it seems fetishy and crooked and psychoanalytical because she sounds unaware, like when she says she wants to bring beauty back to art, which is a parroted conservative idea, and also the idealisation of the past, idk it just doesn't blend well with fapfodder eunuch fanart, it's just jarring and bizarre and I feel like something is wrong.
ppl who like weird perverse stuff but want to seem innocent are quite obvious (like the 'nonsexual' age regressed blonde woman we had a thread on a few months ago), she's not like that. i think she's clueless, repressed and lacking in human contact and expresses that unknowingly in her weird eunuch art, she really has no clue how it reveals something about her.
No. 428197
File: 1561887329875.png (13.67 KB, 1364x151, virus.png)

>>428068It's a shame they can't have their own thread because this one was made to discuss art youtubers more than anybody else but these two are very fascinating to me. I wasn't even part of the original two threads, I saw them go down and I went down a rabbit hole of exploring their galleries.
I haven't seem them show being anime fans but they were VK fans and with all the crossdressing that's how they started as far as we can see. It's what they started drawing in their galleries and they quote Hizaki as inspiration to "Develv style" are also obsessed with Tom Hiddleston's Loki, the (male) elfs in LOTR,…
In another some other journals they posted as a fact they don't draw women or ugly people and that they're "not fond of womankind". Even have nightmares about being women.
No. 428199
File: 1561887739390.jpg (58.2 KB, 956x836, persian_eunuch_and_hindu_boy_b…)

Samefag but I had to show this too. They have an obsession with debunking myths about Persians and eununchs that gets in a pretty uncomfortable territory even for their fans. They try very hard to prove the whiteness of Persians such as cherrypicking images and making collages.
It's true that sometimes people apply their modern lense to history and have misconceptions like every person living in africa is black, or in the middle east very dark skinned. But her "debunking" obsession is questionable to say the least and pic related
No. 428201
File: 1561888344276.jpeg (139.25 KB, 1536x383, 8C3145CA-9020-4499-B5DD-20FBD8…)

Not exactly a milk but here’s what I found on Twitter
Translation: after all sisters Develv are incredible. I’m so lucky to have met them. Astonishing people, but it’s like they’re in some box.
No. 428203
>>428071it was posted near the end of the snow thread, i think elveo the other sister admitted that she edited wikipedia articles to make them more "historically accurate"
these bitches are trying to rewrite history to fit their weird ass fetish lmao
No. 428214
>>428199lmao…persians are generally very beautiful people and some of them are paler than others but they're overall tan/dark skinned. It's so obvious they have this weird inferiority complex about being turkish women in white mysoginistic Russia.
>>428201Would love to find out more about this. Has anyone found their personal social media?
No. 428220
File: 1561892186797.png (210.66 KB, 1054x571, elvinsta.png) but I found this profile that has a post saying "I'm a modern day euneuch, i was castrated for medical reasons" and it's full of Devlev art. Wouldnt surprise me if it was one of the sisters larping.
And this is the insta of one of the sisters in pic attached. (I'm starting to doubt there are actually two of them, my tinfoil is thats it's just one person behind this whole thing).
No. 428235
File: 1561896323334.jpg (250.57 KB, 920x633, dbv42sd-576e9197-703b-4325-8f4…)

>>428209I think they admire idealized black and indian beauty but have some contradictory feelings towards the average non white.
Some more bizarro stuff, they are religious and have many depictions of angels in their gallery (and other mythological and religious creatures that fit their fetishes). They obviously sexualize angels as male but androgynous beings, it's really creepy.
>Today you can see many different images of angels, for every taste and color and in all variations. For a fantastic story, picture or film, it can be cool, new, interesting, but people began to forget the original, canonical image of angels.>Very important is the fact that the angels always appeared in the form of men, and never appeared in the guise of women. Now popular images of angels in the form of women (especially with pronounced female forms and eroticism) are not canonical and to some extent unacceptable. As in Islam, in Christianity it was even forbidden to appeal to angels in the feminine sex, consider them women, or portray them as women. They do not have a physical sex, but obviously they have male gender and male identity.> How wrong to portray the archangels in the form of women, just as it would be wrong if the Virgin Mary is portrayed as a man.Again, fair point. It's just creepy when you think about how she cares so much because of a fetish, not historical accuracy.
No. 428255
File: 1561901091928.jpg (51.43 KB, 407x700, 7YwOatae5U8.jpg)

>>428220are you sure this is her? the profile picture on her vk and da looks really different from the pictures on this instagram
this is her vk pic btw
No. 428256
File: 1561901117655.png (417.32 KB, 932x600, iuz7t6r5ert89.png)

>>428255picture from her instagram
No. 428272
>>428220sorry again for the samefag, but ive been reading through what
>>428240 linked and i
just saw this video, i think theres definitely two of them. i think they are the two wearing the colourful veils at the start of the video. No. 428294
>>428255>>428256God damn it, why are tge crazy people the cute ones
Also mods please let this go back to their thread, it was really interesting and I dont think it belongs in the general since there was so much being talked about
Not saving cuz I want mods to see
No. 428304
>>428255Yes, its the instagram linked on her elveo art tumblr.
>>428240Incredible… 2000k pages just for them. The russians are truly dedicated and there's obviously milk here if we look enough.
No. 428311
>>428294>Also mods please let this go back to their threadPlease mods just let us make a new thread /snow/ or unlock the old one
>>428304Their is much potential milk from these two
No. 428318
File: 1561906743702.jpeg (253.75 KB, 800x400, babyboy.jpeg)

>>428220Is this her in…drag king makeup, I guess? Or does she have a boyfriend who just looks similar to her?
Asking since just before this post she has an edit of what seems to be a man although the face is hidden. Don't think that one is her since she's kind of skinny.
No. 428319
File: 1561906857401.jpeg (498.15 KB, 1000x600, arm.jpeg)

>>428318The arm and hand don't look as thin as what she's shown in other photos.
I think it would just be surprising if she did have a male partner haha.
No. 428320
File: 1561907051222.jpg (54.09 KB, 571x807, cyBuLpyMk6I.jpg)

>>428311>>428304I'm russian and I use that site sometimes. 2000 pages are because they barely have any moderation there and every little comment and nitpick is saved forever. People are harping on every grammar mistake and shit. The main "meat" of the tread and the actual milk is heavily interspersed with shitty useless comments that serve no purpose at all.
I never really frequented their thread, but I decided to check it out and… oh well. Look at the picrelated. Peep the german and the jew. That's kinda (very) racist?
Also funny how british guy looks exactly like Tom Hiddles. No bias there.
Also yes, can confirm there IS milk, since both sisters are insufferable and argue with historians, other artists and plain people A LOT. There's also A TON of mysogyny from both of them, like incredible amounts of it written down and still posted online despite the thread documenting it all. There's also fetishization of pedophilia and incest. And incredibly badly photoshopped cosplay photos of one of them. Pretty sure all of that can be considered milk.
BUT it is all in russian and I doubt that anyone is willing to translate it all for you.
I can translate some key points, but I don't really think it would be that good since a ton of it would be without proof since they mostly use russian social media and someone who doesn't speak russian would have to use google translate (like the anon who posted the original link to holywarsoo) and google does a piss-poor job at russian.
No. 428321
>>428197Why are these types always obsessed with Loki? I've (reluctantly) watched the Avengers and I don't see the appeal.
>>428304They have 2000 pages there and we don't even get a thread. Sorry for the salt but come on…
No. 428329
>>428235>"ethnic" and "woman" are now separate categoriesLmao
I thought it was a known fact that angels are canonically monstrous creatures with multiple faces and eyes,
not beautiful androgynes with wings.
I think what fascinates me the most about this is how dedicated these sisters are to the notion that their fetishes are actually historically accurate.
They're simply not satisfied keeping their stuff in the realm of fantasy, and it's to the point where they'll
edit Wikipedia pages over it. This is literal revisionism based not on political ideology or religion, but
sexual pleasure. It's a form of bringing fetish to real life that I've never seen before. Like…this is peak fujoshi. I don't think it can get better than this.
No. 428336
>>428323I wouldn't even know where to start translating tbh since I'm on the 15th page out of 2000 lmao.
But the OP with general information confirms that there are actually two of them, they haven't really lived in Russia (their father is from a fairly big russian city, their mother is never confirmed as any etnicity, heavily speculated to be vietnamese since they live in Vitnam) and been pilgrims since early childhood. By the confession of one of the sisters herself they were so poor while travelling that they had to sleep in temples. Their whole family is avid rabid vegetarians and also believe in Krishna which in itself isn't bad, but russian krishnaits are known for being cultish. Their father's blog confirms it, being extremely cultish. By the admission of sisters themselves, they never attended school also and been homeschooled. It's evident since they both have extremely poor grammar at times and often mess up shit like DaVinci's name while claiming they studied art history and historical terms despite claiming to be historians.
No. 428347
File: 1561910382318.jpg (233.93 KB, 675x900, cr2GezxueQI.jpg)

>>428338The most recent I see is literally the last page where Deva discusses her DBH fanfiction. Where she nor only ships incest (sure, those are robots, but she makes a human au where they are actually twins) and has a fic where "Brian"(the actors
actual name so that's rpf?) is married to "Amelia" (actual actor's actual wife's name) but fucks "Gavin" (the name of the character) which she defends with violent mysogyny claiming that the homo relationship is actually true love and there's nothing wrong with cheating apparently. Also funnily enough even for fanfiction where she uses characters names from the game, she gives them the surname of the actual actor.
This all just seems kinda minor to me though tbh, russian fandoms are fucking crazy and creepy as shit, there's nothing unusual about what she does for me, though I may be forever warped by slash hell I inhabit.
She really embodies the mysogyny of most slash fans from Russia, continuosly belittling women and claiming them as inferior while fetishising femininity in guys she likes. Standart Hypocrisy 101.
There's not much of recent milk that I see besides discussing fanfiction (that website has a particular obsession with it since it all started on, russian social media for text blogging which was since it's inception heavily populated by ficwriters and is a huge platform for fandoms still) because most of the drama on holywarsoo is about and it's inhabitants and there's always been a ton of fandom drama.
I went only ten newest pages down though. Mostly all of it is fanfic discussion, random insta pics nitpicking and completely random fandom spergs.
Also apparently that's an androgyne Connor from Detroit. Yeah, not a woman, an androgyne.
No. 428357
File: 1561911394364.jpg (Spoiler Image,212.84 KB, 852x699, ZERyw5OVkXc.jpg)

>>428347By her own admission androgynes are intersex people. So that's another group to fetishize.
Here she is comparing her intersex Connor to her older art of a eunuch herself.
>>428350Not really, the holywarsoo is the main hub for russian drama if it's related to art, fanfiction or just any fandom.
I'm not really involved with the drama community though. There are some anonymous confession-type pages on vk (our main social media website) about them both from the olden days, but it all too is mirrored to holywarsoo.
I don't doubt that they probably got discussed on russian 2ch, since all drama makes it to there sooner or later, but due to it's nature you can't really find any links or mentions.
I will go through the thread probably, but it's going to take a long while since my reading comprehension kinda sucks ass and it's literally full of nitpicks and other crazy fujos with milk-less comments.
>>428352I would read her fanfiction about it to get more of a clue, but it's tagged as underage twincest so no thanks?
She claims in the fic description tho that that's how a person with testicular feminization looks. Which, going by two google images I was able to find can actually be accurate.
So the andro- part is the chromosomes. I think? Maybe?(Forgive me if I may be uneducated on intersex condition since, well, I am most definitely not)
No. 428360
File: 1561911824517.jpg (Spoiler Image,329.19 KB, 1000x722, iI59eTQGO1U.jpg)

>>428349This is as explicit as I found from skimming her recent work. No dicks in sight.
Also yes, I am glad you asked, those are twins.
>>428357Also I forgot to put spoiler over tits, so… mods?
Those are male tits though technically lmao.Also funnily enough, ficbook, the site she puts her fanfic on recently deleted her fic about androgyne Connor. Apparently, a website that tolerates the most vile shit couldn't tolerate it. The official claim is "breaking terms of service".
She put it on there again anyways under a different name.
No. 428378
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>>428373I feel dirty just reading descriptions tbh and I'm a pretty fucked-up person.
>>428374Yes? Kinda? She draws Hank from DBH.
No. 428380
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Also just as a thing that seemed funny to me, have a Lucifer tempting Jesus.
Nothing is safe.
No. 428382
>>428378they both gives off pretty strong bisexual in denial vibes tbh, especially deva, but from what i know shes been less milky recently
i think elveos usually draws more actual men though? at least thats the impression i get from her da.
>>428380are they trying to imply lucifer is an eunuch kek
No. 428384
>>428329you may not like it but this is what peak fujoshi looks like
>>428320Maybe you could link to where the keypoints are mentionned and from there we can use google translate ?
>>428336I read that part about them living dirt poor and walking 20km in the cold to get food or something and it looks like a LARP. Also weird they believe in Krishna but their VK is full of Christian and Muslim stuff.
No. 428413
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>>428384Google translate is incredibly shit at russian though and is completly useless with most slang which both of the sisters use a lot, especially when talking about slash fiction.
I am also honestly not going to bother looking up which sister said what since holywarsoo people are generally shitty about sourcing stuff and mostly just copy the text.
But here's some.
Deva bashing "hets", specifically mentions tits and calls women prostitutes. one along the same vein, except even more incel-tier woman-bashing. (says that the sex remains the same despite presentation, says using preferred pronouns is "lying"). Actually kinda based for once if it wasn't used to . all women look ugly and have "an impure gaze" while idolizing iranian men. mysogyny while idolizing Hiddles rape"Drawing dicks is vulgar and I hate porn" talking about how men are more opressed than women talking about how boys got castrated in older times because the eunuchs are more resilient to illnesses, mentiones that nowadays it's done to prevent cancer. older art from the j-rock phase. Yes, those are men. rape/pedophilia. deliberately quoting Quran wrong to imply that homosexuality in men was not seen as a sin, but in women was. a nazi to symbolise homosexual holocaust
victims. about how homophobic society is… because it doesn't let gay men fuck around, star in porn or be a prostitute. more pedophilia. burns a book because it's not homoerotic enough. bacha-bazi, a form of prostitution of male children. (Second is in english) father talking about how he doesn't care if the Earth is round or flat. was a eunuch. says that cast system is great and people with "peasant mentalities" shoudn't talk. picrelated - Deva fetishizing traps.
These are the worst offenders I extricated from the OP, there's much more, but some are nitpicks.
No. 428416
File: 1561919129979.jpg (89.79 KB, 530x700, nHCXSOEAH64.jpg)

>>428413>used to fetishize feminine men and genital mutilation.Sorry, didn't realise the sentence was broken.
Also they keep their cat on a vegan diet. here's Alexander the Great with his male lover. Yeah. Really.
No. 428421
>>428413thank you!
do you have any sources of them arguing with the historians? that sounds hilarious.
No. 428426
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>>428421Honestly there's so much shit I will have to look through all the links again.
But here's a historian/translator chiming in in the actual thread to talk about her experiences with one of the sisters. (She doesn't know any languages and uses a dictionary, grossly mistranslates and expects the anon to translate shit for her for free) I'm at witnesses stories.
Another anon says she spoke with her extensively and she fetishizes pedophilia, muslim men (actually messages them on facebook to ask if they're gay), doesn't know any languages she claims to know, doesn't have any degrees she claims to have. Anon also implies they have no birth certificates and live in the country illegally.>>428424Yes, there's a ton of milk, but the problem with international cows is that when barely anyone knows the language only those people actually end up contributing to the threads and I am not sure if there are even any other rusanons on here to keep the thread going. And using googl translate will end up in mistranslations and fake milk inevitably.
Here's an archangel Michael for you.
No. 428477
>>428471isnt their father tatar? or is he russian. its hard to say what their ethnicity is without seeing daddy develv tbh.
who also sounds like he has great cow potential also since theyre apparently in vietnam illegally their mom might not be vietnamese. this entire family is a mess. but i agree, its extremely weird.
their father being tatar would at least explain their interest in islam i guess.
No. 428478
File: 1561925491537.jpg (441.74 KB, 1200x720, Alexander_the_Great_mosaic.jpg)

>>428416Such likeness to the real person. And his possible lover Hephaestion was a manly cavalry commander.
No. 428487
>>428477>>428471Their father is almost certainly tatar, he has a classic tatar name.
There's also little point distinguishing tatars from russians since most russians are some type of mixed and tatars are extremely widespread in Russia.
Also I would say that 90% of tatar don't look distinctly asian so they must have gotten the asian look from their mom.
No. 428499
>>428480i feel like one of the posters in /meta/ who claimed that the threads were just "femcel raging" or something maybe mirrored the farmhand's opinion on it. but with all this shit coming out, that idea has long since been proven to be bullshit. they are ridiculously milky.
tbh, all this is doing is derailing the artist salt thread. i feel like if it goes on like this, the actual artist salt posters will have to make a whole new general to discuss their original topic, and once this thread hits autosage, eunuch sister posters will either A) follow and derail again, to the annoyance of everyone involved or B) branch off into a second kind of "artist salt" thread that's actually just the eunuch sisters thread under another name, all to avoid
triggering whoever thinks this topic shouldn't be allowed
No. 428521
>>428413Based anon, thank you so much for this. A friend of mine thought herself russian just to read Dostoievski, I might learn russian just to read about this lmao.
>>428416Ah yes, Alexander The Great, also known as Barbie doll Byzantine Edition.
>>428489>>428492Agree but wouldnt call a mod an actual "fan" more like… a mod is probably also into some weird fetish and finds this tame or even cool because she herself is a degen.
>>428514We literally are. The /meta/ complaints thread is filled with demands to re-open the thread. Are we not allowed to discuss this decision even in the thread we were pushed into posting.
No. 428544
File: 1561933677748.jpg (30.55 KB, 500x499, spngbb.jpg)

>farmhands and offended TiM and/or eunuch fetishists reading all the negative feedback ITT and in /meta/ No. 428567
File: 1561935048002.jpg (453.54 KB, 548x900, dd64vwk-4f40492b-cf03-4bc1-81d…)

their artwork is pretty excellent, but they waste it drawing pseudo-incest between a guy and his brother with tits and a chopped off dick lol
has deva's instagram been confirmed as her yet?
No. 428597
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>>428589it's such unusual, entertaining autism
I'm now DETERMINED to find an artist that is worse (subject wise) than this. How much weirder can you get? Wish me luck, I'm hoping to find something that can top this.
No. 428657
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>>428635somehow gay anime nazi dudes just isn't that weird to me anymore. I'm looking for Dragons Fucking Cars level of weird.
pic completely unrelated I just think it's cute.
No. 428710
>>428685sounds about right, also sounds fucking weird. What kind of cult are they a part of? Because everything about them is so strange that I can't think of many other explanations.
No. 428722
>>428625Why do people always ask to make a new one rather than just making it themselves, it’s really not that difficult
But really I don’t see the need to, at the end of the day these two are artists and I’m bored of the usual Lavender/Kasey/any other obnoxious American female artist discussion.
No. 428724
>>428722I really just wish these 2 had their own personal thread on /snow/
I'm waiting for mods to response and give the go ahead so we can a make a new thread about these two
No. 428725
>>428722Well this is youtuber artist salt first and general salt second. Others finding this amusing is great but nothing about these two seem to really revolve around their art or the fact that they’re an artist and more the fact that they’re some insane cult fetishists. It just really doesn’t feel like this talk belogs to here.
Also it’s not like creating a new thread is hard but I at least don’t really trust myself with being creative enough to write down some good summary.
No. 428727
>>428635You made the exact same Nazi comparison before, and people already said this is far more interesting. Give it a rest.
>no one can like things I don't like, they must be samefaggingLike…just hide the thread, or go and make your own site where people only ever talk about things you like, if you're going to be this obsessively annoyed about this. We try to have our own thread and keep it there, you reee. We take it to the artist salt thread, you follow and come in just to reeee again, lmao.
No. 428788
>>428769>>428756>>428753You know your discussion is gonna get clogged down and ignored here right
I know its not your fault its just farmhands wont let us make our own thread
(derailing) No. 428812
if i understood this right, then deva tried to do some kind of social experiment about how people are oppressive against eunuchs or some shit which backfired on her
if any rusanons could spill the details on it then that would be great No. 428871
>>428812Sorry not sorry for further derailing; another rusanon here, it's pretty much as you've described.
They are talking about her unapologetically reblogging a sexist Aristotle quote from a historical film about Alexander (women are impure etc. etc.) She is confronted, spergs out it in the comments, continues to talk shit about Alexander's female romantic partners, cites someone's anecdote implying women are incapable of sacrificial love (agape), acts flabbergasted about how everyone only starts complaining when women are disrespected and no1curr about her precious eunuchs, calls people who disagreed with her trolls.
She then decides to write out a quote post (from the movie in question), changing the subject of the dialogue from "women", to "eunuchs". The comments predictably see through her trolling or ignore, she still thinks the experiment was a success.
Last post you have linked is her once again lamenting the lack of content that idolises eunuchs and depicts them how SHE wants them to look, goddamnit. Is offended by 90% of texts describing them.
>>428636meh, i guess she is one, but I'm inclined think it's a lethal mix of the two what with the cultish upbringing and the way she talks about women.
No. 428873
>>428872Yeah, things kind of went off the rails here after everyone discovered a pair of crazy Russian siblings.
They're so damn milky but for some reason mods won't let them make a whole new thread for the pair, so we're just talking about them here.
(derailing) No. 428904
>>428875dude, you're the only one samefagging and it's obvious because you keep mentionning samefagging, nazi fetishart, femcels and how these cows are milkless. Stop projecting.
>>428892Make that 3 counting me but I'm ready to bet 10 bucks there's much much much more of us.
No. 428919
>>428905were already complaining and we haven't gotten a proper answer yet
Farmhand can we please make a new thread about these on /snow/ or could you unlock the old one
(derailing) No. 428927
>>428905You're a fucking shit mod, just give them their damn thread
they'll probably keep derailing till you unlock their thread so just fucking do it
No. 428928
>>428927Pretty much what this Anon said.
Nobody on here is giving a goddamned shit about this sperg, there is no milk and there is no interesting content. At least they can go sperging on their own thread and leave us alone
No. 428948
>>428882Talk about obsessed.
Go shit up someone else's thread or make your own. You wasted a good chunk trying to get people to give a shit about your obsession over these two. That's the problem with Russians/eastern Europeans. They get hyper fixated on something and then they're hard to shake like goddamn dogs.
Anyway, sticking to other threads until this shit dies down. Shouldve banned them.
No. 428963
>>428961 That's just it though. Yeah farmhand is dragging their feet but nobody 'forced your hand'. Just because you
can do something doesn't mean you
No. 428979
>>428963>>428948So, what's your solution? No one should discuss it at all because you're not interested? We don't want to be here, either, we literally said this is exactly what would happen if this wasn't allowed its own thread. There's just too many of us talking about it, translating posts, commenting on stuff, and digging shit up.
There's no point in fighting about this amongst ourselves or tinfoiling about selfposts and samefagging, guys. The fact is, farmers want to talk about this, and it's to the point where it can't just be pushed into one general thread. Handing out bans for such a petty reason would be dumb, especially since this is literally the moderation team's fault for being so stubborn even after multiple people explained the situation.
It's up to the mods to fix this so that everyone can be happy.
>>428978(Sorry, deleted my first post to add some stuff)
I wonder how we could go about contacting other mods. The /meta/ thread is absolutely filled with complaints about this already.
(derailing) No. 429063
>>429048Weren't all her jobs so far internships? Heck she even states in this video she got really lucky and most peoples animation experience wont be like hers.
If you don't go to some big animation school none of this is possible. This feels like one of those 'rich kids explains how to become rich' type stuff.
But lucky her she's living the dream.
No. 429148
>>429048Why would her going to Calarts somehow discredit her job seeking efforts? In a way that should count towards them, she’s ambitious to the point of applying to, being accepted and thriving in a prestigious art school, of course her studious efforts should then be rewarded when job seeking
Honestly, I don’t understand the crabs in a bucket mentality Americans have towards tertiary education.
No. 429161
>>429148The whole celebrity college scandal and the fact that tertiary education in America is typically reserved for the elite has given a lot of the newer generation a distrust and anger towards those who can afford to get into these prestigious universities. American kids have grown up constantly being told that going to college is the only way to become successful and now that many of us have gone that path the tides have changed and many of us can't find the jobs that we were told we'd get with hard work because older generations can't/won't retire. People have ruined their lives with student loans and now are constantly living paycheck to paycheck despite being highly educated and can't help but feel resentful towards those who are succeeding because they can afford to.
sorry 4 sperg kek
No. 429170
>>429161She was already popular from the jump, so making a video about her experience and then trying to give advice is in good faith. And nobody is discrediting her work ethic that everyone says you should have, despite having a leg-up in a number of other categories.
I'm salty and that's what this thread is for. I'm sick of industry professionals in general giving out 'tips' on 'how to break into' the industry when it boils down to "tee hee! don't give up! keep applying! Network! do your best! Put yourself 'out there'!"
When in reality they already had the connections, went to the ideal school or lived in the ideal location. And then post job listings for everyone to scramble for when in reality they've probably already internally hired someone.
It's just disingenuous to think they're helping people outside of just sharing their atypical experiences.
No. 429198
File: 1562040446192.jpeg (27.43 KB, 570x570, 70FA5D14-5E4F-4008-98A4-7AA0C0…)

>>429170So you are a crab in a bucket
No. 429201
>>429170Agreed. I’m tired of seeing industry people posting to Twitter about giving others the opportunity of landing a job with the “post your portfolio/samples here!” when they’ve already hired someone within their circle of contacts. It screams disingenuous and attention seeking to me personally.
I have a bf who works in the animation industry and he tells me constantly how cutthroat it is. It’s apparently very easy to get blacklisted which is extremely disheartening because it can happen simply if a person with authority just doesn’t like you. Or in a friend’s case, they got blacklisted for knowing their dirty secrets and terrible reputation.
No. 429221
>>429201Everything I hear about the industry always sounds like it's all about who you know. I've noticed it when going to different animation colleges, they always mention how many industry connections they have and how vital meeting new people is
makes me nervous as a complete social retard, kek
>>429150Lavender also seems to oversaturate/recolour her thumbnails and honestly I'd be more likely to watch the videos if I knew the finished pieces had less blinding colour palettes, but it's all about
>>429148Something I think you're missing is just how expensive dedicated art schools are in the US. I know people that went to Calarts and someone that taught, the school is well aware of it's reputation and the tuition reflects that. They are also very stingy with financial aid. The person I knew that went came from a wealthy family. I'm sure there were students who were taking out massive loans because their parents couldn't help them. People who don't take those loans can afford to do internships or wait a bit longer for the best job opportunity while those that did can't afford the internships or may be forced into a job that is unrelated because they need to pay off the loans fast. I don't think there would be so much animosity if the education was cheaper. State colleges unfortunately often don't have very good programs (though some certainly do).
As a broader trend people are more aware of how parental assistance factors into a person's career success. Look at the people you admire who found success at young ages and do some digging, most all of them had parental assistance in ways they rarely publicly knowledge. Things like having their rent paid for while doing internships or personal business loans are common examples. I think there was definitely a point where education was cheaper and outcomes more equitable but we don't like in those time periods anymore.
No. 429247
>>429234They're being a willfully ignorant jackass. Probably a mew stan or whatever. I dont particularly care to argue with them, I'm just here to discuss salt. Fact is, she's privileged, probably didn't have to really work a job a day in her life up until now then thinks she can help people, having never had the typical experience of someone without those things that gave her a boost.
Twitter is the worst place. I never post to those "share your work/portfolio!" posts. It's a publicity stunt to get attention and follows. Everyone's fake. And you'd be a fool to think that any of this has to do with merit.
No. 429265
>>429247While I do get what you're saying I question what would you prefer for her to do? She's just making youtube videos about her experiences and her story. She doesn't at any point say "this is universal! follow everything I say and you'll make it!" she's just saying "this is what I did and it worked, it might work for you!" which is… what everyone filming these videos on youtube does?
I agree she's privileged for having parents that could pay her way through art school, but she's also quite skilled (at least IMO from what you can see in her school animations) and she mentions applying to jobs on LinkedIn, which kinda goes against your whole 'she only go there through connections' spiel.
Also saying 'all networking is bad! everyone's fake!' is so unhelpful and unrealistic. Getting jobs through networking is a thing that happens in every single industry. Having someone vouch for you and know your work and ethic has value in a hiring process because it can actually matter way more than a CV (which are usually full of lies) or even a portfolio (that the person may or may not have put together alone + full of lies).
I don't mean to sound condescending but you honestly sound so bitter and resentful @ the world it's kinda funny but also sad.
No. 429278
>>428753yeah. Jazza sent chloe a free box and while like that's whatever, the video is so pointless. "I don't understand markers, I don't understand pencils, I've never heard of a really big well-known paper company'
it would be fine if she presented the channel as a 'I'm new to this, learn with me while I learn' channel, but she doesn't at all.
No. 429279
>>429278Why does she always draw some disney garbage?
Does she hope they'll hire her?
No. 429282
>>429279Yeah, iirc I think she thinks that doing mediocre Disney illustrations is gonna get her hired.
Not original ideas or anything, because why would you have to be creative to be hired by Disney, right?
No. 429292
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>>429048Ot, but her most popular video "ENDLESSLY" looks way to much like Panty from Panty&Stocking. It's honestly on Chinese knockoff levels of similar
No. 429328
>>429292I dug around a bit and couldn't find it but I clearly remember her mentioning PSG's style as being a big inspiration/reference to her in one of her older videos, and that it made her happy when someone pointed out how similar her style was to the PSG art style.
Still, you can see the influence in that example but I don't think it's to the point it looks like a bootleg kek
No. 429329
>>429319I enjoyed when it was only squares, everything was seamless and forced people to consider appealing composition more.
That reminds me of something that pisses me off about artists, so many don’t at all consider how things look as thumbnails - the composition of your posts is extremely important to consider when cropped or at a smaller size! Really hits home that visual artists are not by extension designers.
No. 429332
>>429328samefag but i found it
she starts talking about it around 0:43
No. 429538
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>>429515Here’s a list of what’s included, I have no idea why anyone would get this. But then again I wouldn’t get any prepackaged box of mixed supplies No. 429587
File: 1562146680007.png (2.51 MB, 1950x1166, actualvomit.png)

While looking for anatomy refs, I had the unfortunate event of discovering this guy who calls himself Discipleneil777 on deviantart, masterpaintingnow on insta and Learn2Draw on youtube.
Looks like he mostly does paintings, and constantly advertises about his "happy students" who have taken his Udemy classes on anatomy and style to "master painting". I am cackling at his tutorial art tho. Every tutorial seems to be skinny girls with bimbo proportions and "sexy" in the title (ex/"How to draw sexy hips") or muscular dudebros.
Going through his deviantart I would say he improved on technical skill but that's about it. His art is so…. tacky and tasteless.
Imagine paying almost $100 for lessons from this chucklesuck.
No. 429593
File: 1562150129282.png (187.08 KB, 958x520, dddd.PNG)

>>429587Wow, what a gem! I hate male """artists""" so much. What a trashy person with no skill. This dude's work is painful and yet he has 85k on YT. Really incredible, and pic related makes it obvious he's one of those fetish dudes that only got into art to satisfy his weird fetishes. He's not talented enough to have a public persona, imo, let alone a persona centered around teaching others how to draw. Artfags are often delusional, but this is next level.
No. 429632
>>429587Let's check out his youtube description
>>I teach how to draw women, how to draw females, how to draw manga, how to draw with pencil, how to draw figures, etc. Of course you teach that
>Also, I have a writing site that teaches how to write novels and screenplays for free. masteredit.infoHe also teaches writing.
> best selling (on amazon) art book. I found the pirated version of it. I'm going to upload it later.
>aditiReborn.comHis webcomic which looks relatively decent, if not bland, to his art tuts.
> art is meh.
>'s one of those 'spiritual' people.
>Namicism is a new theory of everything that explains everything, what the universe is, what we are, how the after life works in a natural world, how reincarnation is natural, what everything actually is. It challenges long held beliefs about reality. All views are completely logical. Guided meditations will be posted to help you awaken to your true self. Namicism seeks to relieve suffering, for we all suffer, so kindness is king. It explains what Karma is and so much more. It is not a religion with beliefs that you must believe in. It is knowledge remembered. You can benefit from the meditations no matter what your present beliefs are or are not. Namicism understands that people need to believe what they do at the present time. No. 429633
>>429632Also he wrote a book about vampires
>I stomped into the kitchen, finding Mom standing by one of the marble counters sipping her coffee. She looked amazing as always. Young guys must have agreed because they often gawked at her. Yes, it annoyed me. I mean, not because they weren’t staring at me. Heck, I was used to that. But they were checking out my mom—my mom!read the sample on this site
No. 429634
File: 1562160128981.jpg (637.81 KB, 1273x1800, 2m9xoucxdxG1Qy.jpg)

>>429632>>429633Seriously nauseating excerpt. I refuse to believe he makes that comic. It makes 0 sense. His "art" on every single other profile is so tragic. I'm sorry, I refuse to believe it's possible to make pic related when all of your basic tutorials have such janky perspective and anatomy. He has to be tracing, if he even is making it at all.
No. 429639
>>429634He could be using pre-made backgrounds (like how Holly Brown buys backgrounds). The style is very stereotypical of low-quality capeshit, so it's not hard to find resources for. Even the characters look like they were copy-pasted from existing comics.
He's also using the typical capeshit font in the first panel, but then switches to a regular font and forgot how to properly space lettering in a balloon I guess ? The "my story" isn't centered and he starts a new line at weird points, you'd normally have a new line after a period. The balloons also change from standard balloons with a bit of weight to the outline to baby's first ellipse shape tool.
He's probably stealing bits from various comics, sticking them together and doing his own disgusting lettering where needed.
No. 429688
File: 1562174404746.png (1.57 MB, 1073x2451, dfdafda.png)

>>429634I'm the anon who found this douche.
I did some digging into what looks like his first comic (at least the first one he started linking to) with that elf character. I just kept clicking the previous button at the bottom on the actual page. looks like he just hires other artists with actual skill to draw his comics for him when he either gets bored with it or realizes his art is straight doodoo and he doesn't have the skills to actually render it correctly.
But he doesn't credit the artists and only mentions them about twice.
So that's probably why that current comic looks like that. It's by a completely different artist.
>I drew this page myselfWe can tell.
No. 429718
>>429707Fuck Croquis cafe's model videos their exercise CD's a where its at.
but you should not due to issues croquis can no longer post on youtube and their main channel is now on vimeo.
No. 429735
>>429698It's annoying af when you like the music, but the artist doesn't have it mentioned anywhere. Also kinda scummy since they're not giving credit where it's due. I don't think they always ask the musician for their permission though, and nobody really fusses about it (as long as you credit them, all the musician probably cares about is that people know who made it and where to find them)
If you wanna be safe, either use the standard YouTube stuff, ask the musician directly for permission, or just credit them in the desc. I think it goes without saying that you'll get copyright strikes if you use popular music.
No. 429746
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>>429618one method is going to /ic/ and look for these books. What you could also do is draw, but once you hit a wall (bad anatomy, something in the background looks off, wonky coloring) you get a book from /ic/ to fix it (loomis, Scott robertson, Betty edwards). If you're completely new and don't know anything start with drawing on the right side of the brain.
No. 429897
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>>429632I just remembered, but this is his book
No. 429932
>>429698It depends on how accessible it is to get permission to use it. Compared to musicians, it's a lot easier to ask artists permission to use their stuff and they usually have some type of TOS laid out for it. Musicians on the other hand, usually don't. Not to mention, most musicians don't mind if you use their music as background noise or something for a video.
If you're using work from an indie artist, at least credit them and if you can ask them, get permission. If you're trying to use music from someone who is like… actually famous (Evanescence, Beyonce, etc.) and has record labels and all that shit, just go ahead and use it. They make so much money they probably won't even care and those who have bad blood w/ their record labels will just say go ahead and do it.
No. 430020
File: 1562221229935.png (Spoiler Image,865.74 KB, 542x854, gfgfdfge.png)

>>429897Holy crap, this book.
I especially like the part where he slips in half naked """reference"""" photos of his crusty ass bird girlfriend (spoilered just in case). The lighting and quality of all of these photos is pure shit and her awkward poses and expressions are equally horrible.
He literally formatted this book page to look like this. He legitimately put this together, looked at it, and thought "Yes this looks good." while editing the book.
These photos make me terrified.
No. 430033
File: 1562224577935.png (30.97 KB, 1092x228, Screenshot 2019-07-04 at 3.12.…)

I know we mentioned NattoSoup/Becca Hillburn before in the previous thread in terms of her art and her youtube channel, but I subscribed to her newsletter and I just kept getting these annoying, semi-conceited newsletter posts that just sounded like she was strong-arming her subscribers for money. I have a picture here of the title of one newsletter. Then the next one was called "investing in myself as an artist", which sounds alright but by the end sound like her whining about not having enough subscribers or people supporting her on her patreon.
I don't know it's behaviour like this that really rubs me the wrong way. Yes, you gotta hustle, but she puts herself out there as if she's here to help everyone but in reality it always divulges into being all about her.
anyway that's my salt.
No. 430038
>>429746lol I wonder if this would actually give me a marked improvement, I already own half these books but haven't touched them in awhile. feel like I've been stagnating anyway so maybe i'll really try devoting some time to this.
>>429874it was already agreed on several threads back that we'd just merge art salt with advice.
No. 430048
>>430033I think she’s one of those artists who are feeling left behind now since peers and stuff are getting better but she’s stuck in this comfort zone of shitty 1$ faux anime sketches and amateurish watercolors. Like, I think she would do really well as a like school art teacher in that respect and her reviews and some of her art tutorialish stuff is stronger than her art herself, but she really lacks the art hooks to keep an audience on a patreon and shit.
But like, u signed up a for a newsletter about her art so like what did u expect if it’s not just about her?
No. 430052
>>429698I'd heavily recommend you don't use anyone's music unless you've got permission from the artist OR if it's copyright free. Youtube actually has their own archive of free music you can use on your videos, all copyright/royalties fee. Just google it.
In regards to 'big musicians already have money and don't care if you use their music so w/e' that's true, I sincerely doubt Britney Spears cares if you use her music, but the bots set up by her music label do lol. If you use copyrighted music odds are bots will find and strike your video, which will either take down your whole video or remove adsense.
Not worth it IMO royalties-free music is pretty shit but if you're not gonna talk during the vid then people can just mute it and listen to whatever they want. Also some music like hikeii, elijah who & bensound is decent and often royalties free.
No. 430064
>>430033I just checked out her art and it's so… mediocre.
Her watercolor work looks so muddy and her cartoon style is really outdated/amateur-ish. Yikes.
No. 430133
>>429212>This system is not based on who's the best but rather how many opportunities you can buy yourself, and this is EVERY aspect of the American economy, not just art.I learned this very quickly as a poor person who got a scholarship to attend a private school (middle and high). Rich kids have it so easy because the teachers let them get away with anything. None of them had to care about keeping up their grades because their parents would just donate $250k at the annual fundraiser and these children could graduate with 1.5 GPAs. Meanwhile, if I so much as spoke out of turn they wanted to send me to detention.
Europeans really don't understand how bad it is here.
No. 430164
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I normally wouldnt start something like this but mr.ehck/inkyfishbones who draws some pretty violent comics and has 55k followers on instagram has been doing some pedophile stuff recently. here they admitted to drawing nsfw of mandy from the cartoon bill and mandy, who is 9 years old. they also had a few posts taken down because of making fun of abuse and trauma as part of a character's personality.
No. 430168
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>>430164for reference, this is some usual stuff in their artstyle if youve seen them around or under a different name
No. 430180
>>430164can you show us the
problematic art anon, also you images are too small next time try and save the original
>>430168 this look like any other edgy insta artist if i'm honest
No. 430202
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sage for dumb rant, but the 'redraw this scene' trend is uncanny to me. It's because a lot of the shots they use are intended to only look good in motion, but when you take a screenshot of them they look underwhelming. It also doesn't help that most people who do this challenge refuse to deviate from the one screenshot their using, no exaggeration or slight compositional changes, so you end up with the exact definition of 'polishing a turd'.
It's a real shame because it sounded like a good ide
No. 430229
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Since we're posting about art school costs, Calarts students have been protesting the tuition price spike. Calarts currently cost 50,850 a year, to put that in context Harvard costs 46,340 a year for tuition only. Like even if Calart got you industry connections and a job you'd still be in crippling debt.
No. 430316
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>>430202I dunno anon, I’ve seen some pretty good ones. Steven Universe is just bound to have mostly ugly redraws because a lot of the fans of the show only take the ugly aspects of the style to incorporate into their own, they don’t understand how the characters have ugly and doughy features while still being overall appealing
Pic related is one I’d say is very good, they took a decent frame and turned it into a full blown illustration. Link to more of the same artists redraws No. 430364
>>430316oh these are great, i think that's a good way of using screencap redraws to practice stylisation and expression. Also the lighting in the coloured once are real nice.
I don't think screencap redraws are innately bad. But yeah, of course there are gonna be bad ones out there but it's fun to see people's interpretations of scenes and characterisation.
No. 430402
>>430366I've had teachers recommend drawing/painting frames from movies to study composition or lighting, and occasionally poses. It can be a good exercise, especially with really well made movies. I could even see how studying something animated could help with stylisation.
>>430316 is a pretty decent example of lighting, I think they improved it in the redraw.
>>430202 loses the pose, the colours are wack, the character looks wack, everything wack. I think people should at least do this as an exercise where they understand some sort of point in doing it (study this, improve that skill, whatever). But that's just my spergy opinion, I'll stfu now
No. 430434
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>>430202I truly like this one by Mackle, is a good example of lighting studying without losing personality
No. 430449
>>430434Oh that's real good. Honestly it's good to look at movie lighting. It's another way to draw from life, even if it's not 'life', it's something that was engineered to look or be lit a certain way. Hard to understand or employ dramatic lighting without absorbing info first!
Even the artist linked in
>>430316 has one on the link that has the really creepy red/green colour combo. The christmas lights colours that, when done right, makes things look really eerie, and that's not a lighting colour that you can go out and just study irl.
Unless you're in like a Christmas themed neon party bar or something
No. 430620
>>430614I was literally talking about this with an artfag friend of mine after posting the aphantasia test on our discord server yesterday!
He said that he pretty much needs to rely 100% on a ton of reference material, or do iterative sketches in order to compose his drawing before he starts on details.
His work is fantastic tho and it doesn't look like his work is handicapped in anyway? He does plenty of fantastical scenes and weird stuff by combining references.
No. 430694
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I guess Lore Olympus is featured on a WebToons ad in NYC.
You'd think they'd choose some of the halfway decently drawn panels for this. There aren't a lot, but there are ones that look better than the one they put at the top. I know it's a part of the chapter, but it's so strange to look at.
No. 430715
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>>430694Even if they got a good frame the advertisement would still look weird. Webtoon comics are posted in the jpg format, webtoons are mean to small phone monitors, and the fact that artist likes the darker color range (dark monitors don't fare well in bright lights)
I'm actually surprised that comcic is as popular as it is because webtoon prefers the anime style, probably because the company is based in korea. I guess the comic would feel like a breath of fresh air with it's unique style and color pallets (it would be nice if she lightened up on the paint splatters though).
OT, I don't know why, but webtoon has the best 'so bad it's good' comics.
No. 430730
>>430614Nothing wrong with relying on references, people without aphantasia also need references. Being able to see things in your mind does NOT translate to being able to put it on paper. Putting together a bunch of references to create something new is a skill in it's own right.
Additionally, you can still think of things like stories you want to tell with the picture you want to draw. Aphantasia does not mean you lack creativity, just means you'll need to draw it out before you can really see it. Just try to create a clear mental story or description, write it down even. Hope that helps a bit.
No. 430813
>>430614I keep wondering if I have this because I tend to use a lot of references when I draw, but I think I might rely on them more because I'm still kinda in the beginning stages of drawing. it just makes things easier, but at the same time I wonder if I'm crippling my ability to visualize in relation to drawing.
maybe there are different "stages" of it. like severe aphantasia, moderate, etc.
No. 430969
>>430779 Becca never struck me as a genuine person. In fact, the first time I saw her was on her youtube, but it was an entire video of her whining about how she's just not understanding why she isn't getting enough patrons/support. It turned me off from her content (which isn't really anything to write home about in the first place) straight away. She tends to have a nasty attitude when she isn't getting her way.
As a matter of fact, isn't/wasn't she a mod for that con artist blog (helps artists with info on artist tabling) on tumblr and a mod for the artist alley international group on FB and discord? I wouldn't have guessed she was a contributor because she acts way differently when she's in those positions. She's kind of a chameleon in that I never know what she's a part of until she kind of just shows up.
She can be helpful, when she's not whining about her own shit.
I don't really know how she managed to get those kinds of positions when she's an absolute crybaby shit-talker with mediocre art, but i guess it really is all about who you know.
No. 431039
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Just when you thought Mira Byler couldn't get any worse she goes and produces this shit show while shilling Jazzas art box.
No. 431061
I think SoCraftastic is kinda retarded. She's not good at what she does but I will admit she has fun doing it. Recently she had a video where she completely fucked everything up: It's a sticker maker that comes with instructions that she was unable to understand and she completely destroyed it.
Anyway, this new Jazza box is everywhere on art YT now.
The close ups on her nail gross me out. I think they're her natural nails. They're worse than Safiya Nygaard's somehow.
I just feel like SoCraptastic has no idea what she is doing or talking about. She always sounds like she forgot where she was in her script.
No. 431077
>>431051i don't even remember her drawing anything other than pretty girls, she just switches up the supplies but even then it's almost always markers and watercolor
Do you think she'll get Jazza's box too? They don't really interact but he apparently sent one to Chloe for free (and possibly Baylee)
No. 431080
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>>431039I actually like her art style
>>431061Wow this is on the same level as children at primary school. I want to say something nice though - the Polychromos are very vibrant!
No. 431086
>>431061I feel like the art youtube community and the craft youtube community have a very light overlap. There's a lot more mediocrity on the craft side, I think because they're usually using kid grade junk. but oh well, using and reviewing stuff like that, you know, it appeals to moms. Kind of the pinterest of youtube.
I AM tired of seeing Jazza's ugly bug-eyed art of himself everywhere now though.
No. 431196
>>431187this 100%. i have a sketchbook that i have 1 rule for; no drawings over 20 minutes. i travel with that. then, when i get home from work, i try to work on one small illustration and finish it in about 2 days. i'm talking 8x6 inch small, and draw what you want, not what is considered 'improvement'. then, on my days off, i grab my travel sketchbook, and draw from photos, work from life, maybe take notes of projects i want to do and thumbnail those. and then, at the end of the month, i take one of my larger pieces of paper (8 1/2 x 11 or larger) and make an illustration that i work on in my free time for a few days, usually 3-4 depending on the project.
once you do that for a while, your skills start to hone, you learn what you like, and you are growing your collection on completed work. you are both making what you want, and challenging yourself to venture and try new things every once in a while.
another recommendation; if you have even a tiny bit of disposable income to buy art supplies, every couple of months, go and get something new and work exclusively with that for a week or two. expose yourself to new mediums and learn what you like. through doing this for over a year now, i've learned i hate colored pencils and watercolors, but i love alcohol markers and india inks. i've learned that i like hot press over cold press watercolor paper, what bristol brands i like.
and everything you don't use or like to use, give away to another artist. i give so many supples i dont like to my middle-school aged sister, and although she is still in her weeb 'attack on titan fan OC' phase, she at least gets to try all these supples. and she loves it.
tl;dr - art is not a shark-infested water. just jump in, eventually you wont need floaties.
No. 431392
>>431214Eh, if your problem is rushing then the last thing you want to do is compound that by forcing yourself to do a bunch of quick tiny drawings.
If anything, use small drawings as outlines for larger works. A professional artist that I respect told me once that if you intend to make improvements, and especially if you intend to become a professional, you don't really want to be drawing on anything smaller than 18x24. I absolutely agree with that sentiment to this day.
No. 431475
>>431417It's really not "silly" just because a small subcategory of artists specialize in the field. Now THAT is silly.
I literally never said it was a rule, either. Just something I was told and that I agree with given my experiences. Idk why you're so offended.
If you're really a professional you know that that advice was grounded in the reality that the majority of young artists do not typically feel comfortable working on larger pieces and stick to the sketchbooks, which is limiting. Had you stuck to "a few inches" exclusively, you would never have progressed.
No. 431513
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Have any of you anons worked through this book? If so was it actually helpful? This book seems to be decently well received and see it suggested often, but majority of the before and after images displayed on the website honestly look like polished turds, on one hand they get better but on the other the mistakes are still glaring
The website if anyone is interested No. 431541
>>431513I finished the first upside-down task (the 4th or 5th one), but read right after that the right/left brain thing Betty mentioned a lot was pseudoscience (ops for not knowing).
Obviously, everything she mentioned can make you confident if you turn a blind eye to that, though I quit bc I didn't feel like spending time on separating her "science" from her good advice when reading.
No. 431542
>>431513This book is for very very early beginners with little to no knowledge on drawing. If you think this is you then the book is useful. The exercises she gives you are all about being able to draw what you really see and not what your brain thinks you're seeing.
It's useful for beginners + people who wanna draw realism.
If you already have, say, a year of practice I don't think you'll learn much from it TBH
No. 431590
>>431513Actually the art-teacher, from the school I went to, did a whole art club for beginners based on this book! She wanted to get more students in art and etc. I didn't do the tasks cause I was already experienced in art, but hanged out in the classroom quite a bit and their art improved a lot.
Thought gotta say, she said one interesting thing about this book. She always said drawing from photos is a trade, but creating new whole world from your head requires talent, you can learn trade, but not talent. And according to her this book was more about trade.
No. 431611
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>>431590>you can learn a trade but not talent pshh
No. 431653
>>431590Eh. Personally I think drawing from imagination is as skill as much as anything else related to drawing. You practice a lot, you do studies, you go out of your way to watch new pieces and brainstorm often and you're bound to get better.
Are some people naturally better at drawing from imagination? Definitely. But there's no doubt you get better at it the more you push yourself to do it.
No. 431679
>>431611some people are innately more talented though, are gifted a sharper eye, learn at a faster pace, and have a better chromatic feel.
that's the harsh reality, I used to think this meant I should give up but it just means I have to work twice as hard. the other piece of reality is that success comes to hard workers and not talented wankers.
No. 431720
>>431513This was my textbook for my art class last semester. For an absolute beginner like myself it is pretty fantastic, I learned so much! It teaches you a lot of basic stuff like composition, perspective, how to check proportions.
I think the right/left brain thing is a load of crap but it basically down to "don't over think what you are drawing, be slow and meticulous and draw what you see without second guessing proportions"
No. 431730
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>>430952I'm super late replying to this, but I only just watched the video and I have to say, it's not only unoriginal and stale, but also a fucking terrible drawing imo, was she having a bad drawing day or what
No. 431752
>>431730The way she paints with watercolor is so irritating.. And for the lines she pushes on the pencil SO HARD.
The entire video was just frustrating to watch.
No. 431869
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>>431822not to white knight, but she does what i do. i draw a lot in my comfort zone, but once in a while venture out into something new. she tends to go for birds, i've noticed. like the dove she turned into a dragon, this parrot, there is this well-done peacock on her instagram. she was once on a stint to draw a lot of dudes when around when spiderverse came out, she draws her dog a lot. but when your automatic muscle-memory idea is girl with pretty face, it is hard to break away from that. at least in her drawings, especially the mermay ones, she tried to get a little creative with body shapes, lineweight, and perspective. and hey, when artblock hits, just draw what you like, and she mentions artblock a LOT.
No. 431906
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This is one of the shittiest designs ive seen from her so far
No. 431909
>>431822Honestly, you can say i'm a waffle stan, i get excited when her videos are up, but lately, her videos are so damn boring, not the usual, "cool" brainstorm ideas,
it seems that she is just filming to complete her weekly video.
it has been like that since her "youngster video"
No. 431960
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Might as well post the entire thing
No. 431962
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No. 431963
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No. 431973
>>431960I like how she's like "oh I'm making them cute girls uwu" but she's jut trying to make bigfoot and mothman sexy. and man I tuned into a second of her video and managed to skip to a part where she said something along the lines of "Nessie is meant to be a BIG monster so I want to draw a BIG girl" and I'm like… if that's the logic then Bigfoot should at least have big feet but she didn't even draw them and that's just sad.
Lavender Towne's just really stagnating it's really tragic
No. 432083
>>431962She doesn’t even account for the volume of the UFO with hand placement… unless it’s
supposed to look 2d kek
No. 432220
File: 1562702054749.jpg (653.52 KB, 1068x933, FB_IMG_15627018971291923.jpg)

The fuck is happening to Picolo? After so many months with no new art he comes back with half assed works and wonky faces, I used to like his work, not the most creative but always looked nice… I can't but notice brunnette's mouth
No. 432294
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>>432220He was working on the Teen Titans: Raven comic, so probably a mix of having no time and being rusty with doing more illustrative work.
That said…how do y'all feel about the comic? I saw previews, like the page of Raven in the bathroom with the raven wings, which looked pretty decent. But there's so many pages that just look…sketchy and bad. Wonky anatomy like three-fingered hands, dorito chins, and weird stretched arms. And the backgrounds are just…awful sometimes. Really screwed up perspective.
Idk I don't read a ton of comics, so maybe cutting corners is par for the course. But it feels really messy in a not good way.
No. 432312
>>432294Looks pretty amateurish, boring, the transition between panels could be better, and it has some shitty perspective. Marvel and DC need to realize that people who do pin-ups and static images aren't often that good with sequential art. Learning to do a story through images is like learning a whole new thing.
But some comic publishers just got less strict with their standards (which weren't always that great) after the 90's (especially after Liefeld). Nowadays they rather get a popular deviantart fanartist than get an artist that can actually draw comic scenes. Some comic editors used to be pretty savage during the 70's and 80's like Alex Toth (also a comic artist and he made Space Ghost), here's him critiquing the work of another artist named Steve Rude (with added commentary from Rude defending his stuff) it's pretty interesting.
>'s why I kind of respect Kevin Wada who was asked why he didn't do interiors and just did covers and he said he sucked at them and that he wasn't interested in it. He then showed a page of him drawing a comic and it looked pretty but it was also boring and unimaginative but he also used it as an example as to why he didn't like doing comic interiors (plus he wouldn't be fast enough to hold a monthly)
>>432288Jacquelin is doing a comic? Yeah I can't even imagine how bad that's going to be.
No. 432323
File: 1562718655864.png (37.87 KB, 638x425, CQ.PNG)

Not sure if this 100% fits this thread, but Cucumber quest was recently canceled (the ending is going to be in text form now)
No. 432341
>>432312I don't get it, really. It's like the people doing hiring decisions don't understand that illustration and sequential art are two different things. I guess I can sort of see why they might pick Picolo, since he has a pretty big fanbase and seems to be friendly with some people in the industry, but Jacquelin? Seems ridiculous to me. Who would look at her work and go "Oh yes, this person can clearly draw a variety of body types, emotions, backgrounds, and objects!" from her same-face, giraffe necked pretty girls?
You'd think the hiring managers would, at the very least, seek out people in webcomics. At least they have actual samples to look at and some of them have talent.
No. 432361
>>432323Great. I’ve paid for all the volumes, nice to know it’s going to go on unfinished (in comic format anyway)
That reminds me of the issue I have with Image comics though, I love that they give the creators so much creative freedom - but the flip side of this is that they can just drop the project whenever the hell they want. I’m still bitter about Sun Bakery, and what makes me even more bitter is that he just dropped the series once he got to the point that he actually needs to create new content for the fucking comic. He still sells the previous versions on gum road and at cons from what I remember, in zone format
No. 432364
>>432355>Not using /co/'s how's your webcomic for cringe >>432361Unpopular opinion, but editors/corporate pull exist for a reason. So your favorite director didn't get their dream movie greenlit because of the company's editors and you believe all corporate pull should be abolished? Well try thinking that when thousands of no name fucks get their lightly vield fanfiction turned into a blockbuster. Gate keeping exist for a reason. You can hate company's for their 'lowest common denominator' shit, but time and time again I see the most velmient hate of editors comes from people who know nothing about the industry or talent less fucks with egos to big to notice they need an editor.
Webcomics are picture proof some gate keeping is cruel, but needed. You know how nobody wants to be the first person to hire you, but always want to be second one? They do that because they need to know you can complete a project, but with webcomics that step is skipped and all the flakky 'I'm bored now', 'I didn't think this through', 'random cancellation' people shine through.
No. 432366
>>432312Not that there weren't shitty artist back then but there's a lot of stories about editors back then being pretty demanding and not liking things that to the average viewer probably doesn't seem like a problem but on hindsight they had good points. I also read how they also favored someone who had sloppier art and didn't draw as pretty if they were fast, and made their art dynamic and interesting over someone who just drew everything pretty but stiff and was slow as fuck. It's also really rare when comic artists can do both.
>>432341I know some webcomic artists have been hired before but they don't last. I imagine it's because Comic companies have have deadlines and it's very stressful for artists who aren't use to it or disciplined for it to maintain them.
I think it's easier for Marvel and DC to pay an non-comic artists less money than it is to pay a big name comic artist that knows how the industry works and how much to charge for their work. Both companies also have a history of fucking over artists and writers (even some of the famous ones) so it's easier for them to string in someone popular who doesn't know how the industry works for a cheaper rate. Besides they only save the big name artists for the really important comics, everyone else is for the C list characters or less important titles they think will get cancelled quickly or are low priority. It's why you see Jacquelin de Leon in an all ages Zatanna comic instead of seeing her in Batman or Justice League.
Picolo also got to do that Raven comic because his Teen Titans fanart got really popular. But in most if not all of his art the Titans are just sitting around, standing around or standing and feel more like fashion models doing photoshoots. Who knows if he's even good for action scenes which is something important when you're drawing superhero comics. My guess DC just grabbed him and Jacquelin to gauge how popular they are and to see how much their fanbase is willing to support them. If they don't sell that well they'll just stop giving them jobs. This kind of has worked for them before with artists like Stjepan Sejic.
Anyway Picolo is better off doing his own creator owned romance stuff and just doing pin-ups of superhero characters and sell them as posters, or go like Wada and just do covers. I don't think he will do well for a superhero comic especially since it's obvious his work goes down in quality. jacquelin should just fucking improve and try drawing a different face for once, but at least being in a comic will make it more obvious how much of an amature she is.
No. 432452
File: 1562747517635.jpg (3.45 MB, 4200x3150, ravecomic.jpg)

>>432366Yeah, it's clear from the comic that he's not very good at action. He lucked out in this first volume as there isn't any outright combat, only scenes of Trigon being evil and menacing people. It's mostly teen drama, which should be his forte.
But even then, there's some basic stuff that he does
badly, like people running. Image related, of a really awkward tripping scene.
I would agree that he'd be better doing covers and prints. I'm curious if his fanbase will stick around for the comics or not. Although Raven is a pretty popular character, so who knows. Maybe they'll stick with it for that fact alone.
No. 432463
>>432452The books that Picolo and jaqueline are on for DC are pretty much one off GN’s for DC’s publishing house for the young adult crowd, not anything ongoing. I actually think picolo’s is alright, it looks consistently like what he’s good at, even this tripping scene isn’t so bad cuz he at least has a solid grasp of anatomy and volume. Compare it to like, the black canary series from the same line drawn by Cara McGee, who is just a whole can of beans gone bad (I knew her, she is always rushing pages badly), it’s one of the stronger ones of the line.
Dc is pretty actively getting work from comic artist alleys now which is good/bad. I actually kind of want to see what jaqueline Deleon puts out for zatanna cuz we’re all so used to her red nose same face girls, like maybe it’ll push her more out of a comfort zone or maybe it’ll be questionable. Plus comics is super bad at hiring people who can only do same face like jen bartel
No. 432472
>>432452Picolo seems like a guy who has never read any comics himself and maybe doesn't even like the artstyle, but did it because it was popular online. He's currently swamped with doing these comics and also the half a million indiegogo, which he has failed to mention on Twitter since it was funded
I don't envy that level of outside pressure, it's just one guy who is above average at art
No. 432497
File: 1562764696344.png (2.95 MB, 1269x3409, YT2.png)

>>432436Oh, that video. It's basically someone with questionable taste trying to rate and organize art into 5 levels. You could defend her rating choices by saying art is subjective, but her standards a pretty low (especially in the 4-5 range). Look at this screenshot comp I have going from 1 to 5.
She says at level 4 the only way to improve is formal/informal education (implying this is college level). Level 5, the second highest level , is what calls, and I quote, "exceptionally well executed in every way". You can even take random pieces from 1-3 and switch them around without noticing. Her metric for rating this is honestly surreal.
No. 432539
>>432497Bay’s art isn’t great beyond the headdress but leagues ahead of all the others near it. And then azuralCobalto right next to those other 2 horrors… lol
Who the fuck even are these people, random deviant art children? What’s the point
No. 432591
>>432452Picolo seems to me like one of those artists that do great when it's their own ideas and they have complete control over the project, but fuck up when they have to work with someone else.
>>432366>Picolo also got to do that Raven comic because his Teen Titans fanart got really popular. But in most if not all of his art the Titans are just sitting around, standing around or standing and feel more like fashion models doing photoshoots. You hit the nail on the head with this.
No. 432688
>>432497I think it's different to make an art tier list in the first place because artistic progression isn't exactly linear. I've seen people who are super good at manga drawings and nothing else, anything outside their comfort zone looks bad. Or people who grasp anatomy better but their use of line or colour is abysmal. Some art is good for what it is, like 90s Disney movies are great for what they are and a photorealistic drawing of something is great in a different way.
If you were to make a tier list though, I think those '1-3' categories could be lumped into one tier as well the '4 and 5' in the next step up, and there could probably be at least 3-4 other tiers above those.
No. 432801
>>432543Lol you’re right, that’s her in a nutshell cuz cara’s style is pretty much like “I only learned anatomy from BL manga in the 90’s” and she’s pretty open on Twitter that she rushes everything last minute and plays overwatch like 12 hours a day. Like I know this is primarily bagging on YT artists but she’s pretty milky, like she had a complete twitter meltdown once when a comics writer said mayonnaise doesn’t belong in chocolate cake (???)
I honestly don’t know how she keeps getting comics work cuz there’s loads of artists with similar and better styles but she also does the comic con circuits so I think it’s from there. And like picolo, she was ok at drawing like characters standing or being fashion models but in any sequential form, it looks rushed and sloppy
No. 432826
File: 1562825506517.jpeg (222.04 KB, 873x1200, C4D5230F-ABB1-4A15-AA16-3BD9D4…)

>>432809I used to follow her on twitter cuz I knew her through friends of friends and she’s just one of those insufferable artists on twitter who really need to go outside and stop being a
victim of everything. She’s kept people waiting for con commissions for years at a time and cries that she doesn’t have enough time or money for anything (she lives rent free in her family’s vacation house) but then turns around and talks about rushing art for clients last minute. Her art got popular during the heydays of tumblr and she did fandom teas, and tbh like if u think of the typical tumblr artist attitude she exemplifies it still. (I think faith is a good comparison tho, they’re both white women who got very popular with an anime/manga style)
I was laughing when anon posted a picolo interior like its bad when like, this was an interior for the black canary series and it’s not even comparable. Like there isn’t even backgrounds
No. 432827
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>>432826She’s better at doing covers tbh, cuz it’s people just standing there but she just posted a cover she did for Buffy and it’s got real bad anime fingers
No. 433027
>>432834I remember this! I totally forgot it was her.
>>433022It’s insane that DC hired an artist at this level to complete a whole graphic novel. Even DC comics pros at least manage to trace in some Poser backgrounds or add some texture, or something. This is weak shit.
No. 433306
File: 1562940493119.png (14.85 KB, 400x600, EEC5F17D-6CF6-401F-AD38-4D17C8…)

Am I deformed? I keep seeing people draw ribcages ending well before the waist, but my rib cage ends in the same spot as my waist. As a result their back in their drawings looks like a ripped man or something — like pic related, only on a skinny woman
No. 433464
>>433420this kind of falls apart because she draws them in two different ways it hard to compare. IMO, she should have done the same pose, but just change the details (isn't that what you need art references for? The details on a gun. The details on clothes). The tree branches and slime still look off in the ref picks.
Also top comment
>This is SO WEIRD cause I tried drawing without references just a couple hours ago. And I made some of the best artwork I have in months which helped me realize how limiting references can be!/IC/ had a thread about how bad arttubers are good in the long run because they kill off competition and I'm starting to think they're right.
No. 433538
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>>433497One of my friends is vending there and sent pics. It’s so goddamn depressing to look at, I just hope they make their table back because it’s incredibly fucked up. Not only is the artist alley far off from the rest of the con, but it seems like everything is scattered. Who the fuck thought this was ok for a convention???
No. 433591
File: 1562988652341.png (5.5 MB, 1858x2274, sosecksi.png)

Speaking of bad anatomy.. Anyone know Randy Adams aka Randy StarFru1t? He seems to post frequently to the popular art group I'm in on fb.
Most of his normal art isn't bad. Technical-wise, he's good at rendering color and textures (I especially like how he renders skin, even through it always looks muddy). His anatomy is so-so, but his stylization allows him to have some wiggle room. His compositions are also fairly well thought out and rendered.
But what irks me is that, aside from his normal and 'cute' art, he's got a majority of drawings like in pic related.
Every single one of his 'sexy' animu girls have these veiny exercise ball tits that extend from the collarbone, tiny pinched shoulders, round pea-sized heads, "I killed a man with a spoon" crazy eyes with camera lens irises, and some form of an ahegao-like expression and horse-teeth.
His entire Art Station account is just peppered with good art here and there, with these annoying fetish works glaring at you.
There's just something unsettling about his work…and not in a good or interesting way. I think it just goes into uncanny valley.
No. 433628
File: 1562996702047.png (5.98 MB, 1866x2338, hghghffd.png)

>>433618Here's some of his good art.
I didn't include ANY of his normal or "good" artwork in that image.
Hence why I said here
>>433591"He's got a majority of drawings like in pic related", meaning the crap in the previous compilation image. None of those drawings have any composition or anything original, as you said. That's 100% true. But his actual normal art DOES.
He has such potential in his normal work and I can see a lot of good things happening.. I just wish he didn't squander his talents on unhinged booby girls with fetish proportions.
>>433612It seems to be a thing with him. He's good at making conventionally attractive or well rendered faces but giving them janked proportions to ruin it.
No. 433639
>>433632It's not jaw-droppingly amazing, but it's better than a lot of people's art.
The color choices and deadpan expressions are visually boring tho.
No. 433720
>>433628If this is the best he has to offer, the overly rendered hair compared with the oddly thicc bottomed fingers in the top left makes me feel like he's using a lot of digital short cuts to hide lacking form and figure drawing skills.
Also, while there's supposed to be a highlighted area atop the lips, the way he's painted it on the top right and bottom left figures makes it look like they have glistening snot on their upper lips.
I'm sure it's "on trend" or whatever to make figures look glistening and "newly kissed", but it really just reminds me of snotty kids in kindergarten running around with runny noses.
probably not what he (or anyone else) is going for kek
No. 433814
File: 1563032850963.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.06 KB, 786x960, Randystarfru1ts patreon ad.jpg)

>>433729Ahh, you're right. Those are some very childishly proportioned hands. I still doubt it's on purpose.
>>433738Don't we all, friendo, don't we all…even the girl looks traumatised in his patreon ad. Jfc
No. 433972
>>433628Damn, I unironically love how he renders skin.
Anyone know any tutorials on how to paint like this?
No. 434032
>>434023Hashimoto's disease, she talks about it in this YouTube video: do think she has good planning for her videos, and she's pretty well-spoken, which makes sense since she's a teacher lol. It's just that she tries too hard to be relatable and should put that energy in areas where she's lacking
No. 434034
>>434001It's not something to do with her thyroid is it?
As superraedizzle came out with having thryoid issues acting like it was a death sentence.
I remember getting really mad as she did a crying video about it, when people who vlog about having cancer aren't as melodramatic.
I have hypothyroidism, it's not fun but you just take your meds every day and get yearly blood tests and if that's normal you're fine? It doesn't have a notable effect on your day today - just a lot of people like to make a huge deal out of it. Plenty of diseases are minor.
I used to really like Nerdecrafter but she has barely improved since she's made videos. Any time she paints a sculpture it looks like utter shit.
No. 434076
File: 1563068455217.png (2.08 MB, 1920x1080, ugly bat.png)

>>434001I do enjoy her kit reviews but her clay sculptures are terrible
this is from her lastest video
the tail is all lumpy and the wings are a mess
I don't know much about polymer clay but can't she sand it to make smooth surfaces? or dip a finger in water and smooth it before baking?
also she seems to pick the worst color combinations
No. 434097
>>433854Sycra and Marco Bucci are both very helpful, they have good information and also know how to actually engage the audience and relay information concisely.
There’s a lot of industry professionals on YouTube with a lot of knowledge but they typically lack the charisma needed to be a good teacher
No. 434151
File: 1563099859715.jpeg (493.58 KB, 1196x1775, 267C6C17-2461-43B1-92FB-346941…)

>>433814This is not good skin rendering, are you anons serious?
When I think good skin rendering I think of something like pic related. This boob fetish guy looks like he leaves his stuff unfinished to me.
No. 434153
File: 1563100721115.jpeg (138.72 KB, 700x969, F8BCE4FA-B337-4739-9C6F-EA7F13…)

Sick of the short sightedness and self-serving attitude of the YouTube art community. It is so fucking disingenuous to ‘review’ products that you have been sent for free - no, you can’t be objectively critical of a product when you risk biting the hand that feeds you, and by youtubers agreeing to do so companies are able to blur the lines of genuine reviews and consumers are no longer able to create as informed opinions on purchases unless they’re willing to sift through all the ads (and lets face it, majority of the audiences won’t because they’re naive teens and children who don’t know better).
Why isn’t this shit actually called out? Sorry for rant, fucked off by constantly being peddled products by YouTube artists that don’t even receive all that large an amount to sell out their audiences.
No. 434158
File: 1563102240998.jpg (26.51 KB, 425x513, 71otC62o9ML._SX425_.jpg)

>>433628To his credit, the hair rendering here is really nice. The skin, not so much. It's corpse-like in a way that doesn't always work for the image as a whole.
>>434151The skin is alright in this, but the hair here is really underwhelming, especially compared to the above.
Neither of these artists seem to understand skin entirely, though they're both onto something. The first guy always uses form-lighting and unnatural colors, which makes everything look dead and washed out. The artist you posted has a good understanding of lighting skin, but not enough color variation, so the girl looks a little Barbie-like.
Pic related is good skin– very natural-looking. The lighting and cast shadows enhance the rendering, but there's also variation in color. Skin has numerous local values. A lot of people seem to think that the only local values in skin are the blush and the overall color, but there's a lot more to it than that.
No. 434172
>>434153Same. One thing I hate is these people cannot physically separate 'oh so fun' videos from 'serious review' videos. Like I try to get a serous review on a micron pens and the reviewer waste ten minutes telling us what inspired what she was about to draw. The worst part is when some art review misuses the product and blames the product for not working well.
Also whats with the art community and alcohol based markers (mainly copics)? Why do people like copics so much?
No. 434211
>>434165"I bought 50 tubes of plastic-based paint" "I proceed to lecture you about the terrible impact of plastic on the environment"
I know this is a nitpick because I can't stand her terrible style and I know all paint is pretty bad environmentally. but still.
No. 434329
>>433628this really is a lot better than the first things you posted, maybe he spends more time on these ones? I actually quite like his Chii.
somehow this is a lot
>>433814 lower quality. He is all over the place, he's probably still experimenting with different workflows.
No. 434537
>>434519I'm not one to throw around terms like anti-intellectualism, but that's what this is to me. Like, look, I get that a lot of people just enjoy drawing/painting for the process, and aren't looking to imbue their work with any kind of message, but I hate it when they act like
victims about it.
~Pretty~ art has a massive market. But lots of people can draw it. Her professors wanted her to make something more personal, how dare they?
It just reminds me of stupid people and
Holly Brown who say shit like "omg I hate ~modern~ art, it doesn't make any sense, so pretentious desu" and think they're so fucking smart.
I'm just triggered because I make ugly art that has a lot of meaning to me lol No. 434631
>>434515Yeah i watch her stuff and i was conflicted. Because on one hand, taking classes made me a better artist and pushed me out of my comfort zone. But all of my professors pushed me into creating fine-art, gallery, pieces even though I was more interessted in illustrations. I get why they did it, and i started keeping my art into two separate categories (what i submitted to classes vs what i drew for myself) but there’s very much a push towards creating fine-art with a message.
Tldr; you’re out of classes Cassie, so just draw what you want now. Also, classes are helpful.
No. 434856
File: 1563206868278.jpg (385.75 KB, 2048x996, IMG_20190715_170709.jpg)

Hey look, it's all our favourite people…
No. 434924
>>434896Baylee confirmed on twitter that it is. She's ducking down so just her hand shows.
I wonder if anyone is going to slip up and accidentally post a pic of her face.
No. 434935
File: 1563217260416.png (351.87 KB, 641x523, why tho.png)

>>434856Glad to see that Baylee's hair still looks like a wig slowly slipping off her head, the artist in the pic tried to save it but it's impossible
No. 435043
File: 1563233657728.jpg (596.82 KB, 2048x996, edit.jpg)

>>434942edited some names in. left the two I was unsure of.
No. 435082
File: 1563239877551.jpeg (181.69 KB, 959x1024, Coi3WlPUEAEUvkz.jpeg)

>>435062For a draw this in your style challenge everything looks so samey. I think it's a mix of refusing to change color pallete, lack of shading, and her weird inking.
No. 435157
File: 1563257386351.png (1.92 MB, 1115x1352, art style challenge.png)

>>435082Like you said, the lack of shading plus the non existent lineweight variation makes this look off to say the least. Compare that to this one where they obviously put in more effort to not only emulate the look but also the lineart/shading style.
No. 435183
>>435152Yeah that's why I got it. I've been doing digital for years but I really wanted to start doing more traditional stuff. Plus it's very expensive to get art supplies in my country and shipping is usually exorbitant, so the cost of his box and the flat rate of $15 USD shipping saved me a ton of money.
I'm not the most well versed in traditional but I like all the supplies so far, I've been playing around with them all day. The fineliners are really nice and I like the alcohol markers too (never used copic so I don't have a frame of reference but they blend super nice). My only complaint is that I don't like the assortment of colors he picked for them that much.
No. 435256
File: 1563285665005.png (3.06 MB, 573x5356, 15B8286A-1736-45A1-ACE6-705487…)

If it weren’t for the fact that it would out everyone I would love to see anons art to see if it lives up to the cut throat cuntiness itt
From what I’ve seen of the redline thread it seems to be roughly half-half
No. 435313
File: 1563294150412.jpg (108.14 KB, 636x900, manjit-thapp-red-sun-2017.jpg)

I'm so tired of these shitty 80s rip-off styles combined with the same ambiguous brown girl who has thick eyebrows and dyed hair. why has this become a symbol of diversity or being woke when most people of color don't look or dress like her? Does anyone else feel like art has been ruined because people want it to be iNcLuSIve? Or am I just extra salty?
No. 435337
File: 1563297082186.jpg (17.18 KB, 640x360, 2MawsGr_d.jpg)

>>435316Reminds me of when /co/ made those white edits of steven universe. This image is supposed to come off as uncanny, but it jusr looks normal. Its kind of shows how akward your diversity is if you black characters are just darker white people.
No. 435415
>>435342Sorry, hope this isn't too long…
Lol, this "it's Shannon" meme is getting overbearing. Honestly, I do enjoy this thread except for some very condescending users, but do you honestly think some people's life resolve around a forum online 24/7? Let's be honest her, most people who spend their time browsing here aren't the most productive anyways, so the moral high ground are get annoying.
I know her art is bad, but sometimes you just have to go along with it while practicing in the spare time (idk if she does, but just saying). Personally, I have no confidence, as my standards are currently too high for me, and I know everything I produce will never match that (if I don't practice for multiple years). So, I honestly am jealous of people who just draws (even if it's repetitive, and also gets an income, like her, Waffles, Lavender, Kasey etc.
No. 435423
>>435342Even though I'm pretty neutral about Creepshow, it really does seem like she self-post in some threads. I remember being in the Holly/ProJared threads and seeing a post with a screenshot of a comment made on one of her video (video was also linked in the post). There's other incidences too but I don't remember the specifics.
Maybe she's popular/likable enough to get anons posting about her? At the same time, I wouldn't be surprise if she were to self-post if her personality on her videos is the same irl. She also knows about this place, so that's another clue.
No. 435437
>>435043Anyone know how old everyone is? I'm just curious.
Baylee is 28, Kasey 29, Chloe and Waffles 26 I think, not sure about the rest
No. 435479
>>435359She literally drew a girl that looks like her how are you even reaching this far it isn't even an offensive take it's just a generic brown girl. You know they exist right?? Why so
triggered piss baby
No. 435495
>>435337It does look weird though.
>>435313I know you Euro and Burger fags are new to the concept of mixed people and all, but coming from a place where most of the population is ambiguously brown, added the fact this art looks normal to me, makes me feel like there's some weird unresolved racism problem going on inside people wining about "forced diversity". No one ever complains if an artist only draws "white" girls or Asian girls. Why is only drawing mixed or brown girl so aggravating?
No. 435500
>>435313>>435359I've seen tons of brown girls with thick eyebrows, dyed hair and a taste for alternative fashion. I literally am one sometimes. How has any of this "ruined art", lmao? I think you're just extra salty, especially since the artist of that isn't even white. Should she only paint women who look like you? Is that it, anon?
On that note, I'm pretty sure most white and Asian people don't look like Ilya Kuvshinov's drawings, but I haven't seen many complaints about that. Very weird.
No. 435526
>>435345I didn’t mean publicly, it seems to be taboo to even in private to criticise other artists - it’s as though as soon as someone calls them self an artist they become holy and you’re not allowed to question any of their behaviour or critique any of their work or stylisation
I didn’t mean I wish I could go on twitter and blast ‘Man, Kasey Golden has a really nasally voice that gives me the absolute shits’ without any repercussions, I’m not an autist. Just want to discuss people’s artwork without having to pretend to always love it even in private with other artist friends
No. 435530
>>435515Even professionals artwork tends to have women with lifeless stares tbh, the only people I really see regularly giving their subjects any sort of expression (other than a botched Marilyn Monroe sultry look) are those that focus on narrative work; picture books, comics, story boards, hell even those that mostly do OC work and are constantly world building
Ironically it’s those that mostly do portraiture that seem to have the hardest time adding any expression and life into their subjects
No. 435621
>>435530It's becuase when you use photo reference or ask someone to pose it's a stiff blank pose and expression. The subjects themselves are keeping as nuetral as possible with bland smiles.
No. 435627
File: 1563343589768.jpeg (134.22 KB, 1080x1256, 84BB8738-7449-4349-8B21-7D437D…)

>>435621You’re right anon, I REALLY struggled to find a reference with expression.
No. 435629
>>435621If it's for practice, you can use anything for reference. There are tons of photos of various emotions, just look up "[emotion] + photo" on Google lol. Or watch a movie and pause/screenshot it for refs…
If you want royalty free photos, there's also Pexels. If you type in "facial expression," you get thousands of hits and they're all free to use for any purpose.
There are even art reference books aimed at giving artists references for every emotion at every angle, on multiple types of faces.
There's no excuse not to draw emotions in this day and age. They're making the choice to limit themselves to bland, neutral expressions.
No. 435655
File: 1563351207698.jpeg (192.4 KB, 1080x1337, D41309DC-EA6B-4355-A9A3-0C6F19…)

>>435633? The only reason school pictures are bland are because the photographers demand that they are, most kids would rather smile.
As for the portraiture artists you’re acting as though each and everyone works based off of commission which simply isn’t true, the vast majority have the freedom to use whatever sort of reference they want or even from imagination yet they STILL insist on illustrating dead expressions for almost all of their pieces. Not at all portraiture is even realistic so references aren’t always necessary
Are you an artist that only ever draws bland expressions? Because this is weird justification for a lack of life in portrait pieces
No. 435678
>>435489I really disliked her at the beginning because she was trying to be edgy and because I was annoyed everytime she said "mY aRt" because lets be honest that aint art.
But I kind of grew to respect her
No. 435687
>>435633you clearly have zero experience in selling portraits. most people that commission drawn portraits of people ask for drawings of people they know personally, with photo references. usually it is just 'take picture, make drawing of same picture'. the ones i get are of dead loved ones having a good day, living loved ones smiling for a gift of sorts, or maybe a show of love for a wedding display. they are full of emotion and depth for the person who asks for the portrait. which is the point; if someone wants a photo drawn with your 'blank smile', then it doesnt fucking matter. that photo means something to that person. commission artists make art for the commissioner, not for themselves.
please explain what a 'blank smile' is. and school pictures is a bad example. every yearbook is full of smiling faces. they arent overtly expressive because it is a catalog of who was in the certain class, not an expression of each personal story. they are memorabilia, not professional work. a better comparison would be typical senior year photo shoots, but that blows your idea out of the water since those shoots are meant to showcase the subject in celebration.
if you want to say 'i dont like smiling faces', then say you dont like smiling faces, because the art being discussed here is talking about expressions devoid of any specific emotion for commercial gain, not art specifically requested and desired. you are confusing the two.
No. 435764
File: 1563375096064.jpeg (779.34 KB, 1197x1667, B5C00978-D52D-49BE-AACF-AE90A5…)

>>435655I’m so fucking tired of this aesthetic. True there’s nothing -wrong- about drawing nothing but corpse like stares, but when this is how you earn your living? I can’t help but wonder what kind of person these works cater to. Maybe tinfoil but the only person I can think who’d want these in their home are CEO’s with pedo/ rape fetishes. Crying, dripping, some with decapitated heads, am I the only one creeped out?
No. 435852
>>435043nice to see the whole art morons crew assembled minus Holly Brown.
Look at all those stupid pale ass white girls. GO OUTSIDE!!!
No. 436222
>>436174This channel has been really aggressively recommended to me recently, it’s nice that’s it’s actually good content that YouTube is pushing for a change. I’ve found that I’ve learnt a lot about colouring skin just from watching them paint
Loosely related, was anyone getting bombarded with recommendations for a channel called NOMA a little while back? I enjoy her art too but I don’t wonder what has made the algorithm decide to push these two channels in particular when from what I call speed paints have died down in popularity (which is a shame but what can you do, they don’t keep kids attention)
No. 436449
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Don't know if she's been talked about here before but, what do you guys think of Meyoco? I like her style even if it might be a bit generic to alot of people.
No. 436498
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No. 436499
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No. 436699
>>436364I have a friend who only drew people/humans and was approached by a furry artist to do a furry comm. She said yes for the money because #whynot and that furry told other furrys about her art and she started getting a ton of well paid commissions from people without ever posting furry art on her profile lol
So yeah, you definitely don't need to be a furry to get comms. Just have nice art and put your stuff out there + maybe search on twitter for people tweeting 'furry comms' and see what pops up.
Be ready to get some weird fucking comms though like people asking for a horse furry centaur…
No. 436704
>>436699I always turn them down, all the briefs they send are gross and its just the kind of crap i would not want to be associated with. I simply don´t like them.
Even the tame "sfw" stuff is somehow more twisted than regular erotic art is, straight up erotic or porn art is still better than the cleanest furry stuff.
No. 436767
>>436699Furries are the number one group to throw money for commissions no matter the artists style. Whether it be for badges or just an illustration they chuck cash at people.
>>436704You must have had a bunch of bad run-ins because the nicest and most people sane people that commissioned me have been furries kek. They've always been the most communicative and polite.
No. 436808
>>436769Schmincke is a good brand, it's just hard to acquire in the US. Blick and Amazon charge huge markups. Unless you need your paint ASAP, I would suggest going through Jackson's. They're a UK seller, but their shipping is surprisingly reasonable, you just have to wait several weeks for your package to arrive. Do I think their Cobalt Blue Deep is worth the $33.17 Blick is selling it for? Hell no. But for $13.40 on Jackson's? Absolutely.
Personally, I've used both Schmincke Horadam watercolors and gouache and they're one of my favorite brands. Worth giving it a try imo.
No. 436809
Did she make a video on Holly?
No. 436810
Did she make a video on Holly?
No. 436845
>>436833Not a fan of Monique but that is a shitty situation and I feel bad for her. There's not really much she could've done aside from having someone pick up the mail for her or asking USPS to hold it, but I don't think anyone could've predicted that their mail would've gotten stolen out of what should've been a secure mail room.
>>436531I don't understand what they expect to happen when whining about their engagement. The people who see these stories and comments are the people who are already engaging. People don't really appreciate being guilt tripped when they're already viewing/liking/etc their artwork. I absolutely unfollow people who whine about that shit.
No. 436882
>>433628>>433591Hey, i´ve seen this dude spamming his stuff all over fb.
You know he can´t really draw that well, he just rips off poses and palettes from Ilya Kushnikov and other stuff he finds. He doesn´t actually understand very well what he is copying hence all the inconsistencies. in style and rendering.
No. 437010

saged for slight sperg
does anyone else look for reviews of products, and the moment someone says 'i was sent these from X company!' you instantly click away? i am trying to find a marker set that comes with more variety than my current 96-color Blick Studio set, and I was actually excited to see this video, with the thumbnail singing praises, but the instant Alice said 'Art-n-Fly sent these to me, they sponsored this video!', I clicked off. sponsored content is bought content, and if you want that cash so badly, you are going to say nothing but positives. it is why that Waffles ohuhu brush marker review was shit to me as well; she got sent that set for free. she didnt use her own money, like she did with the copics and the previous ohuhu set, and it shows. i do the same thing with movies, i'm less likely to believe a published pre-screening review than joe-schmoe on reddit. same principle here.
am i being unreasonable in believing every sponsored review is a lie? and, just because, what is your preferred marker set at a reasonable price?
No. 437012
>>437010My issue with sponsored videos is tjat I get sick of seeing 10 videos of the same product.
Btw if you have a 96 blick studio set it could be worth it to purchase other brands individually just to build on the colors you have! I have prismacolor but i bought the full set when it used to be cheaper so i can’t recommend a 5 dollar non refillable markers anymore, but you could start buying individual copics. I dont like spectrum noir markers but they are refillable as well. Might be more worth it to buy individually the colors you like than another full cheap set
No. 437021
>>437010I had a big spergfest about it in
>>434153I’m definitely over YouTube artists seemingly being unable to have any critical thought when it comes to these sorts of things, at least doodle date seems to be calling it out in some of their more recent videos
On the flip side I do very much enjoy videos by the likes of Evebolt who is very objective and actually knowledgeable on the subject - even with paints she has received from indie creators, who I tend to see differently as they simply do not have the purchasing power that large companies have in terms of their advertising. Because that’s another issue, even for products bought a lot of the reviewing artists have absolutely nothing to offer other than ‘I like this’ - what about the pigments, lightfastness and economic value? I need more information in a review damn it!
Sage for my autistic rant, this subject fucks me off quite a bit.
No. 437026
>>437012right?? everyone and their brother released videos on ohuhu at the same time, everyone posted the posca videos at he same time, it is so plainly obvious to see through the bullshit.
i have a few copics (a 12 set and then individual 4 colors) and i cant justify the product for the price. they are not worth the cost at all, that is why i bought the 96 blick studio set. they are refillable and less than 300$ for the full set of 96, which is every available color atm. but what they gain in affordability, and quality for such price, they lack in color choice. i have 8 different greens, 11 browns, and 24 variants of grey, but only 1 true red, the rest being burgundy or pink. thank god they blend like magic or i'd lose my mind.
No. 437129
>>437010I don't necessarily mind YouTubers doing sponsored videos (as long as it's clearly labeled as such), especially if it will fund more genuine videos… But I'm not gonna trust them to give me an honest review for a product they didn't even believe in enough to buy themselves. It pisses me the fuck off when they don't admit it's sponsored though.
Best markers? There's no contest with Copics. Tbh every other marker I've tried has been mediocre at best, you get what you pay for. They're really not
that bad. Michael's regularly offers 50% off coupons, where you can get a marker for $4, or a 72 marker set for $287. The Amazon prices are pretty decent, too. Once you start getting into refills, the price isn't really that bad, it's just the upfront cost that's an issue. Markers aren't really a budget friendly option in comparison to other media.
No. 437156
>>437086I only have issues with streaking are with my most used colors. i’ve been using the set consistently (2-4 small illustrations a week) since January and only now am I getting streaks, and only with the markers i use for skin, which are by far my most used
>>437141idk where i saw this but someone said that touch markers have bad nibs?
No. 437164
>>437156Really? I've never heard that.
I've been using them for years and only had one faulty nib (it was a brush marker) other than that they have been pretty good.
No. 437206
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Does anyone know of any artists/artwork that use the concept of "it gets weirder as you look at it"? I want to create a big piece with the motive but I'm struggling to find similar motifs.
No. 437217
>>437010eh just a little bit. Not every sponsored video is a lie, but a lot of them are singing praise not because a product is good but because the general YT community doesn't know how to give or accept criticism.
Even if a product genuinely sucks, unless it's just ASS they'll probably be bombarded with comments telling them they're wrong for not liking them.
the frugral crafter does sponsored videos and i find hers to be more honest, but that is also probably bc she's older than the general YT community. A lot of older artists get sent sponsored stuff and they have more wiggle room being critical because their audiance isn't made up of children.
No. 437250
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Speaking of markers, my family is offering to buy me a 36 set of copic ciaos for my birthday but I'm not sure which set is the most bang for my buck so I figured I'd ask here. The only markers I have already are the ciao 6 pack of skin tones and some primary colours and greys of a knock off brand.
No. 437255
>>437010This is why; While I know alot of people here don't care for her, I actually like Baylee's Marker and Paper comparison videos. It is a bit annoying that in the Marker one she constantly compares the alternatives to Copics but, I get why because Copics are really good quality markers in the end. Both videos aren't sponsored and it shows because she doesn't pat the asses of any brand and bought them all with her own money. Sure she might be biased (but every review for anything will always have somesort of bias to be fair) but, atleast she didn't have to worry about sponsorship ass kissing.
With deciding what brand of marker is best for you, it comes down to one thing and that's how frequently you'll use them. If you'll use them in practically all of your art then, it would be better to get markers that are more high quality, refillable, and replaceable nibs. If you're using them every now and then to dick around then get one time usage ones that are usually less expensive.
No. 437276
File: 1563674721111.jpg (198.74 KB, 500x646, kitty.jpg)

Kelogs' technique is amazing but doesn't this guy get tired of painting depressed waifs all the time? Like his work does not match the hyper and bubbly persona he has in his videos at all.
No. 437282
>>437276Maybe it's because he is a depressed waif.
She looks so bored. "oh. A tiger… OK"
It's always just that listless boring expression with the same color scheme. I get artists having a signature look, but literally the same five elements in everything?
I also wonder if he gets bored, or if he's a
victim of Instagram and feeling the need to make his feed look samey throughout. Some artists, though, they just aren't that versatile. Once they find their thing that's all they'll draw. Bonus points if it draws a lot of attention.
No. 437286
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Okay, can we talk about this artist for a second. Everytime I try to find legit tutorials and references on Pinterest and even Google in general, her shit tutorials keep bumping in my suggestions. I would be okay if it was just that but no. In 2 years she almost hasn't improved and yet keeps making her tutorials filled with horrendous anatomy and terrible coloring. When criticized on it, she brush it off with the "muh cartoony style" excuse.
Worst part is that she gets ~650k monthly visits on her Pinterest page. Her most viewed video is at 49k views on YouTube but her channel isn't popular at all tho.
I know she's nothing compared to some other artists in this thread but holy shit the amount of beginners that follows her tutorials is enormous.
No. 437307
>>437010I’m always critical when people sing the praises of being free shit from companies cuz it’s all like student grade crap sometimes, which is ok for beginners but course they’re not gonna be critical about the flaws of the product or gloss over it.
It reminds me of that jazza art pack, like on baylee’s Vlog of his panel at vidcon he shouted jokingly at her and the group of arttubers “people are gonna think I paid you to be here!” cuz they were cheering for him. YOU DID, you dope! He gave them all free art supplies other people paid over a hundred dollars for!
No. 437404
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I found this searching for new artists. I can't find any difference in their faces. The anatomy is awful too.
No. 437439
>>437239kek people in the comments pointing out the LV ones are watercolor pencils.
It's also so obvious thta the majority of the price comes from the case
No. 437515
>>437010Alice here. Just want to say this is a totally legitimate and fair concern. If it helps alleviate anything, I was sent multiple products and only chose to review the one I truly liked and will use again, not the ones I felt were just okay. Apologies for posting, just wanted to let you know I hear you and think those concerns are absolutely
valid. I feel it with the beauty gurus I watch.
No. 437531
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>>437527From the thumbnail I can see you have a problem with profile neck connecting with jaw. Here's a little picture that shows you why it looks off.
No. 437739
>>437738I know!
But is part of it i guess, they keep getting asked the same things over and over so they just say positive blanket statements to get people off their backs.
Like when they say "i dunno why i improved, i just draw lolz uWu" but they actually went to artschool or a mentorship or set up a routine with foundation courses. I understand it because you don´t have to give away your trade everytime someone asks but then there´s the more scummy ones that straight up lie about their age and education, so you have 30 yr old with a BA pretending to be a 16 yr old girl fishing for exceptional e-points in some fandom that she is a bit too old for.
No. 437745
>>437738Absolutely, fake online personas have always been a thing. I remember things like this happening since forever. It was very common in DA for people to lie about their age and gender , even before tumblr made it extra exceptinal with people´s profiles revolving completely around it and the pronouns and stuff in your description.
I personally know about a girl who did that, she put she was 14 in some secondary fandom profile she made that ended up becoming popular. She was was already above age and in art school, to be fair she improved a lot and actualy draws very well but she keeps lying about her age, she is in her mid 20s still passing as underage highschool girl. She doesnt pedo bait or anything and doesn´t post nsfw that i know of, just fursonas and stuff but when obviously people ask her how the hell did she improved so fast and so young she goes "i dunno lol uwu , just drawing i guess" . Yeah, the 4 years of school and foundation studies have nothing to do with it, she can´t even recommend a book to this kids that are are his fans god´s sake. Very petty.
No. 437747
>>437624It's hard to tell improvement because it's just kind of a style change but like…… I feel even WITH a style change you should be able to see improvement, especially after so many years of working with a style!
Sure when people start to change styles, there'll be a while of "stagnation", which is less about them suddenly becoming bad at art and more about them growing more comfortable in a new style they're working on and then improving that. But wow that's a lot of time that's passed and LavenderTowne's ""improvement"" also includes chopping off one guy's hand at the bottom of the page too, which is weird.
I mean she says she's still "fixing" awkward art but it's still so awkward.
No. 437754
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>>437648I've been following this artist for a while and her painting style is really quite beautiful, but I've also noticed her anatomy is godawful. Like, terrible. It really brings down the whole piece imo. Her older work looks much better (pic related). It's so hard to look at her new pieces considering how fucked the anatomy is.
But she's young (only 18) so I hope she fixes it up soon because I can only take so much lopsided faces lol
No. 437781
>>437738the same people that say "you are
valid if you take a break from art" are the exact same people who say "in order to get better, draw every day, no matter what!" Reality is, none of them know how to give advice, and none of them should use their platform of impressionable individuals that honor their words to spread horseshit advice.
Here is some actual art advice i've gotten from all of my professors;
feeling tired of art, want to quit or take a break? DONT. it is the worst thing you can do. instead of stopping, change your dynamic with art. get a new supply, time yourself, go outside and draw from life, do full spread studies, take a class (everyone and their brother advertises skillshare anyway), have a travel sketchbook with you, only finish drawings if you actually want to. got no money to do fancy art shit? printer paper and crayola pencils are fucking fine, just dont stop drawing. even if it is one stick figure a day. draw things you want to show people, draw things you dont want anyone to every see. draw trees, draw porn, who fucking cares, just dont take the advice of these morons and stop drawing.
unless it causes you peak physical pain, dont stop. we are surrounded by distractions, and art is a discipline. treat it like one.
No. 437825
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>>437754this one in particular is bad it really shows when you can only draw girl anatomy
No. 437856
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I don't know if she was already mentioned here, but Cutiepatoodieart really irks me nowadays? Her old account was hacked and stolen, her new one is her old personal account.
Today she posted a story showing her portrait progress and she just traced the silhouette of the model and painted over it (idk how frowned upon you guys think it is)
She also posted a story of her empty fridge saying she had nothing to eat and wanted a kofi donation.
No. 437883
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>>437864Dude, do a challenge. It doesn't have to be something massive like the MedsHeads challenge, it can be a bullshit self indulgent one like pic shown, and your daily drawings can be just shitty ballpoint pen doodles, but you'll be flexing your art muscles nonetheless daily. Also, blind contour is fun and the results are fucking hilarious.
No. 437950
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>>437933No prob, I have two more where that came from that I haven't done yet but I'm keeping for the future (just finished the Animal Alphabet Challenge by Mike Jory- one animal for every letter of the alphabet)
No. 437951
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>>437950And the second one
No. 437960
>>437952When i studied engineering some people used to stick in the classroom after the class ended and just waited until another teacher came to teach the same subject in a different schedule. Even when they were teaching the same thing they all had their own way of explaining and their own way of going about it, it "clicks" much better when you see it repeated like that with different angles, there´s the factor of repetition but its also easier to get to the essence of the topic taken out the idiosincratic/personality factor of the teacher experience. One teacher´s approach may solve a doubt you got with another one´s.
It can be redundant and a bit boring but is such a good thing to do to always study one topic covered by different teachers and different books. Even when they are all good teachers and the material is good, a second and third opinion saves you so much time and self doubt in the long run. Build a lot of confidence and solidifies the knowledge, its less time going back and retrace yourself when you are practicing too. If something was hammered 3 times by 3 different people is harder you´d forget.
No. 438008
>>437973They just want to look like kewl prodigies that didn´t sweat it.
They are really only looking to protect their own inmature egos.
No. 438146
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>>437856I've never liked her, She started off just straight copying Lanajay_art and got offended every time someone mentioned her name. She seems to have no style of her own so she just starts copying others and people on insta just love to follow her, She also keeps playing the "waaah wahha I'm disabled that's my personality" card.
No. 438169
>>437206I think I saw your post on Reddit about this (same image, similar question but looking for subreddits), do you know the artist that originally did this piece?
Anyways, like the comments on that post recommend, wimmelbilder might be something to look into, and personally I'd search for "detailed surreal" paintings for inspiration. You may find stuff you like while searching that. Closest I can think of.
No. 438180
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>>437826I keep seeing stuff on IG with exactly that problem, pic related. Capped this one a few days ago because it made me laugh with just how female it looks.
Seriously, I've seen people make the "You don't need to to study real anatomy to make cartoons uwu" argument too many times on Instagram and all it does is make their art suffer. It's basically just shooting yourself in the foot in an artistic way.
/sperg over
No. 438187
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>>436449tbh I like her older art more it wasn't as recycled as it is now
No. 438201
>>437973Yes! , look it up again and that´s the guy.
Very douchey and uninformative, his art seems very amateurish tbh. I may be a bit bias because i have very little tolerance for youtubers in general, and i´m even harsher judge of art tubers.
I also recognize the logo too now that i see it again, i have a huge folder with LOL splash art, he is like the only one who pasted his signature on all the images he did and they all are pretty mediocre and from from the time before they had really cool artists like crow god doing work for them. Riot has definitely upped the quality of their graphics last few years.
No. 438205
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>>438180that pic is the best
No. 438251
>>438180how to tell someone might be into boypussy porn-
this shit.
No. 438253
>>438223It's possible she means she's doing nursing assistant schooling in a vocational tech program - my normie public high school offered this in my junior year - but 14 is too young to be a junior.
No. 438339
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Does anyone else hate the style change FurryLittlePeach went through? It feels so forced and has lost a lot of the charm her artwork used to have. I know that she’s adamant about not taking inspiration from other artists and not letting it influence her own work, but I really feel like she should set aside her pride and actually take in what other artists create - it would help a lot with honing her own visual language, because this is honestly awful. It lacks personality, it isn’t endearing like children’s illustrations should be and if it weren’t for the fact that I’ve actively followed her through her style change o wouldn’t be able to recognise her new pieces as her own because they’re so radically different and don’t seem to come naturally (other than the limited palettes)
Sage for spergout, with how ugly and dull the new drawings are I don’t think I’ll be buying her new book when it’s published
No. 438342
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>>438339The cover of her book for a comparison in style change. Although looking through her portfolio it seems that her style seems to be quite inconsistent and has a tendency to radically change, reminds me of beginner/intermediate artists that spend more time copying the styles of other artists rather than studying fundamentals and letting their own develop organically
No. 438388
>>438342You say this but I feel like as a professional commercial artist being able to change your style to fit client needs is a must. Furrylittlepeach is doing extremely well for herself and I don't think she needs any advice on "studying fundamentals" or "honing her own visual language".
Not saying you can't still critic, just saying that within context your advice doesn't make really sense.
No. 438426
>>437739>>437973Most of the things these people consider "trade secrets" aren't even trade secrets. a trade secret is something you specifically created or came up with yourself that is genuinely unique to your creation. A blend of spices that you put together is a trade secret, a recipe you can google for cookies or oven you can buy is not.
It's why I also get irritated when artists act like manufacturers are "trade secrets". It's a manufacturer. How you draw heads is not a trade secret unless you came up with a genuinely unique way of drawing them… which you probably didn't. Having gone to a university isn't a trade secret, saying you set up a routine isn't a trade secret, books you used aren't trade secrets, etc. because they aren't things YOU created.
there ain't no reason to not want to share how you got to where you are because chances are, what you did ain't a secret or something that is unique to you. it's probably a byproduct of "everyone is competition" and it's just like lmao no not everyone is competition.
No. 438428
>>437941>>438009KNKL actually did work for Riot though artwork really ain't that shitty unless you just get
triggered by anything that remotely looks like animu.
No. 438435
File: 1563908452611.jpg (340.31 KB, 1440x1440, kienan-lafferty-moka-training.…)

>>437941I'm only curious but what isn't shitty animu? it seems like he has a better grasp of comp, lighting, coloring, anatomy, etc. over most other artists. is there something about it that makes it shitty or is just any art you don't like shitty animu? or is just all anime inspired or themed art inherently shitty?
genuine question though cause I've heard "they just do shitty animu" for a lot of artists that don't actually have shitty work? Or maybe I just need to upgrade the kinds of artists I like bc I actually want to improve not just draw shitty stuff cause if anime art is inherently shitty, no point in doing it really if I want to be a professional or get somewhere.
No. 438493
>>438428>KNKL actually did work for Riot thoughNo one said he didn´t.
>His artwork really ain't that shittyNot that good either.
>>438435Its not inherently shitty, just very generic and used as a crotch because it allows way too much margin of error on fundamentals and a reliance on directly copying other artists that already solved problems for that style.
His particular work is nothing to brag that much about, his channel is mostly generic waifus with generic anime expresion that look wonky and he should not be pretending to teach anything.
No. 438584
>>438493This is gunna sound wild but concept artists tend to do that in general. they have a style that they use for doing work, it's how their work is recognizable. A lot of art styles are "generic" even the art styles of renowned painters. Stylized art, in general, allows room "for error" because they are not drawing a person in a 1:1 realistic ratio.
>reliance on directly copying other artists that already solved problems for that styleI hate to tell you but every artist copies another artist, even disney artists copy other artists. It's even encouraged among professional artists of different styles, whether it is realistic or stylized to "steal" concepts and ideas from other artists and put your own spin on them. That's how you learn from other people? Do you copy what they do?? Even renound and famous painters stole ideas, concepts, and shit from each other or other stories and artists.
It's fine to not like the guys work but just say that instead of trying to place it on style because that argument applies to literally any sort of styalized artwork and even artwork as a whole. Artwork as a whole relies on copying or "stealing" from other artists. All art styles are generic in some way, all art styles are used as a crutch in some way and all of them have their own pitfalls and perks. All artists copy from other artists or people who "solved problems" for whatever style they're using, it's how you learn and grow.
Sure his tutorials are nothing groundbreaking but they're leagues more helpful than the normal BS you find on YouTube. I would put his stuff along the lines of other professional artists on YouTube cause they often offer the same advice, just in a different way or different style and at least dedicate more than 10 minutes offering beginner level advice like uwu just practice and you'll get better uwu
No. 438612
File: 1563939021599.jpg (235.38 KB, 1280x1190, tumblr_905def68684dc6c9918e515…)

An amphibia storyboarders is getting called out for drawing this fanart. It seems pretty dumb the drawing is pretty innocent. Not sure if this got posted before
No. 438628
>>438625Not really, just low quality art, if it has good quality it wouldn´t cross my mind becaue good art always feels unique regardless of style.
In this case, animu is just an obvious crotch. Main point was that he should not be teaching stuff, its smug and conceited to make videos on things you don´t even master to begin with, he should be worrying about his own work, my opinion being the same for just about 99% of artubers. Even gumroad is full of half ass stuff pretending to be educational or informative, its neither.
No. 438651
>>438612>>438635>>438638I don’t think the board artist actually drew it, I thought it was just fanart she RT’d?
Anyway the girl character is underage and the frog character is an adult. It seemed like Twitter was blowing it out of proportion but I didn’t know the artist had a history of drawing cartoon child porn. A lot of people in the industry draw porn but I can’t believe a studio would hire someone who drew CP.
No. 438654
File: 1563951732071.png (146.91 KB, 500x478, tumblr_nyb37g6kPj1qlgsu0o1_500…)

>>438651>>438638I think anon is talking about these comics
She's never drawn cp anon…
No. 438709
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Any drawfags seriously considering deleting their art blogs? I've been seriously thinking about it lately and i hate the current political climate that we're in. I'm a drawfag with an incredibly tiny following because i post sporadically now, and that is because i no longer feel safe uploading my drawings. I'm so deathly paranoid of being harassed for whitewashing, queerbaiting, homophobia, transphobia, you name it. Even completely safe drawings of my own OCs I'm scared of uploading. These are things that happened to me before on a smaller scale, and I'm scared of an immensely public escalation.
As of what i'm thinking of doing, probably going radio silent and deleting my shit (dunno if I'm gonna leave a message before i leave. My following is so small nobody will even notice to be honest) or going SUPER underground only uploading to certain discords and a secret account somewhere. I'd like to emerge sometime later but i don't know. I'd say i have a good grasp on technique but exposing my artwork to hundreds, if not thousands of people drives me mad. I already didn't interact with my fanbase because of autism.
i used to look up so much to being an e-celeb, now it fills me with paranoia and pain. Can anyone else relate? Now that some years have gone past and I've matured, I'm not sure if trying to become a big drawfag is the life for me.
No. 438710
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Um so apparently Cyarin published a book, when the fuck did this happen. I don’t follow her on Insta anymore since she comes off as an obnoxious autist, has she been talking about this? I remember anons a while back mentioning she has potential milk
No. 438712
>>438709Well if you can't take the heat then it's probably best you delete your shit.
If you were to make it big there would be tons of people drooling over your work but do you seriously think it wouldn't come with a price? Any of those accusations are not as big as you think they are. I mean look at people who got harassed for supposed phobia, what did they really lose? Answer is nothing, if people harass you for nothing, others will rise to defend you, it's just whatever you got enough of a thick skin to deal withstand it.
No. 438720
>>438709Popularity comes with criticism and that's something you just can't avoid. The bigger your audience, the bigger the number of people with opinions on what you're doing.
If you can't handle any criticism at all then yeah, you should just delete and not bother. You could also toughen up and realize that not everyone with an opinion is out to get you. Sometimes people are just trying to educate you because, go figure, no one is born with perfect knowledge and we all learn from others as we go through life.
It's really not that hard /not/ to be a transphobic/whitewashing/queerbaiting asshole like LMAO grow the fuck up and learn from your peers.
No. 438762
>>438709Criticism is gonna happen whether you like it or not. Some of it will be fair, some of it will be unfair. if you put yourself out there, there is always going to be someone who dislikes what you're doing. If you can't accept it then delete your social media presence.
I mean, shit. Look at this thread you're in. There's always going to be people who take the piss out of you because they don't like you or your art or your sensibilities. If you can't handle people disliking you, then grow a thicker skin or quit until you can handle it.
No. 438785
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Please tell me this is not a real cake…but I also wouldnt be surprised if it was
No. 438851
>>438660Nt to mention, I don't think a lot of them care if you do fictional shit on the side. ofc there was a shitstorm in the MLP fandom but people countered that by reporting untagged shit that would come up in google search and actually fixing the issue rather than saying people can't/shouldn't draw morally questionable or gross shit.
unless you're like shad and drawing ACTUAL kids, i dont even think employers would care if you drew adult rugrats having sex because most people now have grown up with that show. Hell, Rebecca sugar did edd ed and eddy porn and disney has a vault of porn of it's characters. I don't think many employers genuinely care
Should it be what you apply with? ofc no lmao but if you just do that on the side or some other site i don't think they'll care. and a lot of showrunners and staff and shit have come out to ask people to stop harassing and getting so
triggered over fictional ships after the shitstorm that was the voltron fandom with people accusing Josh (VA of Shiro?) of pedophilia because he shipped keith and shiro together
No. 438855
>>438628any art style can be an obvious crutch even realism can be a crutch. Hell, Robin Sealark has talked about how her studies with realism were a CRUTCH for her and doing more abstract and experimental works. Any art style can be considered or used as a crutch.
we get it, yo hate animu and think it's shit. go back to 2007 and sage your feelings while you're at it. you haven't even said any reason why he shouldn't be making them other than it's smug and conceited cause you don't think he's a master at it.
no one has to be a master to offer what knowledge they have or talk about their process and every video uploaded, even by professional artists, are just promos for their own art. cause what are they gunna do? promote some work someone else did and they don't have the process for?
No. 438858
>you haven't even said any reason why he shouldn't be making them other than it's smug and conceited cause you don't think he's a master at it.Teaching wrong and not dominating your subject before pretending to be enough of an authority to impart knowledge to a bunch of impresionable kids is reason enough.
>cause what are they gunna do?Call it promos, instead of pretending to be teaching and giving awful advice just to boost their engagement like a fucking smug cow.
No. 438907
>>438858You could provide examples instead of just saying 'its anime' as your reasoning. An adept artist can teach a novice. You being
triggered that an adept artist is popular with novices when there are masters with more comprehensive lessons doesn't mean you are right.
No. 438961
>>438858"those who can, do; those who can't teach"*
most artubers are doing it to get by, either because they're not capable of supporting themselves on their artistic endeavors alone, or because they fell into the production/industry side and got burnt out.
the reality of the situation is that a lot of mediocre artists need to make a living, and a lot of kids are too intimated by masters, so artubers get popular. it's nothing to be salty over, unless you're envious of an audience that cares more about wearing your skin than appreciating your work.
*inb4 not all teachers. yes, some legitimately love teaching, or are retired veterans looking to impart their accumulated knowledge on the budding generation, but you get the point.
No. 439049
>>438709I actually do understand to a certain extent (similar feelings, different reasons); for me it's primarily due to the fact that I had really severe anxiety that manifested in some paranoia that people were out to get me. It wasn't even a fear of criticism, more a fear that people would hate me and want to hurt me or destroy my life. I had to pull back from a lot of social media to get to some sense of normalcy, as well as get on medication. There wasn't any real threat from others, but due to my mental health state, it felt that way. For that reason a lot of social media isn't for me.
By the sounds of it, you're very similar. I really suggest you talk to a professional, and pull back from social media.
No. 439057
>>438880>>438907>>438961Imagine getting this salty over some mediocre artuber basically saying "just steal lolz" , "lets draw a shitty animu eye and pretend i know anatomy and what i´m talking about lolz"
okay, i get it, you are the target audience people like that are aiming for. We don´t all like that much dumbing down of art education. Get over it.
No. 439073
>>439057Lol I asked you to provide examples for your arguement and when you can’t deliver you starting flinging insults like a
triggered pissbaby. Like okay we get it, you were pulling shit from your ass based on no fact but just your feelings. Nice self own lol
No. 439075
>>439073if someone is coming off emotional ,
triggered and shit flingling is not me lol.
I have maintained my same opinion since post one, his entire gallery and youtube channel is an example of what im talking about, sorry it hurt your fangirl feelings. I think one of his videos is literally "just steal lol"
No. 439107
>>438858ain't no one a master in their subject, even people that are considered the masters of art probably weren't masters in their field.
>Just call them promosEvery youtube video is a promo for their art dumbass. That applies to everyone, even people better than him lmao. They're using youtube as a way of promoting their art while also offering knowledge and teaching. it's redundant.
>>438961>Those who can do, do; those who can't teachi've always hated that quote. It's incredibly flawed in a lot of ways. your right though a lot of kids are intimidated by masters, however, on the flip side, a lot of masters aren't suited to be teachers. and the thing with teaching is that if you suck you can't even do that.
not to mention that quote is kinda condescending.
>>439075All people asked was for you to provide some evidence besides "it's animu". either provide some evidence for what he teaches being incorrect and wrong or just say you hate his art cause you hate anime instead of trying to hide it behind something like he has shit anatomy lmao.
You can tell when someone like Rae has shit anatomy cause the moment her art goes from copying a picture (and sometimes even in copying) it's flat with no sense of form or composition. When someone's art is crap you can provide an example of how or explain without relying on "it's stylized so it's a crutch because margin of error."
not to mention there isn't an art style other than probably realism that has no margin for error, but you can argue realism's crutch is that because you just copy exactly what you see from a reference photo and you get so used to making "no mistakes" you can't expand your art beyond that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>I think one of his videos is literally "just steal lol"He talks about stealing concepts, ideas, angles, how you like something drawn, etc. and just replicating it yourself, not literally stealing the art. He talks about how to "steal" properly, AKA use other artists as influences for your own art.
every professional artist has just about said something to that effect because they know art doesn't exist in a vacuum free of any outside influence and art that exists free of outside influence is usually shitty
No. 439113
>>439107> while also offering knowledge and teaching.Lol
Like i said before, i get it, you are the exact type of person those lame faux educational videos are directed too. You are not making a strong case that will change my mind about it, you are just sperging and fangirling him at this point and confirming my own opinion about arttube in general.
A single good book worths more than all the wanabee artube "teachers" in the world.
No. 439128
>>439121you are the one that keeps repeating that. When i only ever spoke about the generic mediocrity of his work in particular, the point was not even about his work but him smuggly pretending to be teaching anything. If that was even the case it would also apply to all Lol artists, but it doesn´t. Pretty much every other artists that is currently working in Splash art can draw circles around his old low tier work he did and without constantly flexing and sperging about having worked for Riot in every other video in a vain attempt to impress kids with brand name.
You are free to go ahead and watch hours of that fluff and fangirl all you want. The success of those types of youtubers is giving you a fake coinfidence boost without the effort of actually learning anything. It you feel catered by it, good luck.
No. 439134
>>439113you can just say "I don't like his work that much." and move on rather than saying "His work sucks and his anatomy sucks because anime is so cheap and it's a crutch" and you already admitted having bias because you don't like or are overly critical artubers.
>>439128His old splash art (particularly Lulu and Diana) still hold up to their current standards for doing splash art. His most recent work for them was in 2016 doing concept art so it's not like it's been that long. If this was 10 years ago I'd say yeah but it's not like it's been that long.
i don't even watch his videos because i don't have an attention span to get through 30 - 40 minutes of anything. According to his artstation, Zeronis is the current senior concept artist and his work really isn't much different than KNKL's. The only different is Zero doesn't have a YouTube channel.
and some current splash artists have a similar style as him, just depends on which line because the star guardians use a similar animu style. most of the other splash artists don't even have something other than an artstation and maybe a deviantart, twitter, and Instagram and even they flex about working at Riot or have worked at Riot on their profiles.
No. 439173
>>439128No one here cares or watches his stuff we just think you're reaching and have no
valid point.
No. 439274
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I'd agree if it weren't for your talentless ass, Walley.
No. 439394
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>>439331I didn't even say anything remotely controversial or not evident at first sight about shitty art youtubers or that guy's lame channel and awful "teachings". My statement was so basic i hardly think it needs any any elaboration.
I'll just have you know that all the responses made me think much less you and i hold little value for your taste or opinions. Cool for you that you enjoy his videos, obviusly someone is being catered by them, thats what pewdiepie type artists do but i really never cared in engaging people who consume that kind of content and think highly of it, thats obviously what my very first comment was complaining about to begin with: That its a shitty thing what gets to pass for art education and what echoes from it.
>are you a guyI wonder that about you, only men get this defensive when someone says anything about their wonky OwO waifus because "muh style, you don´t get muh style it". Every pissy response reasured me. Thanks for that. Now i think even less of mediocre "How to draw manga" youtubers pretending they can teach art.
It wasn´t even about him alone, all youtubers on that side of the site are like that, pretty much every single one are people who would not even stand out on artstation, yet do on youtube and their content is weaker than even the most basic courses.
If my point is not very clear by now, then don´t bother with derailing more, because i won´t repeat myself further either.
No. 439405
>>439394You do realize that the reason people had problem with you is because you essentially said that the dude was trash and shouldn't teach because
you think so but you tried to make it seem like objective statement. You never gave any actual reason as to why and then when people rightfully called you out for being an elitist cunt, you threw and tantrum and started accusing everyone of just being their fanboy when I doubt anyone here really even cares for that dude.
I was one of the people who called you out on your bs too and I've never seen a single video of this guy so that excuse is out of the window.
No. 439500
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After the new instagram update the 'algorithm is messing us up' crowd is back in full force. I really feel sorry for these artists, but why is do all the men artists scream the most about this?
No. 439565
>>439538Nah Instagram is currently dicking about with all of the analytics and engagement to force the hand of businesses, it’s a dying platform and it’s honestly time to jump ship. What would be the best choice for artists these days? Twitter seems to just be where the most obnoxious autists have taken refuge after tumblr shit itself, so I’d rather not deal with their callout culture. YouTube has a huge amount of reach but it takes the most effort out of all the social media platforms. Is there really anything else out there?
Gotta be honest, I miss the days DA was huge and that’s where you’d go for art.
No. 439595
>>439570this reads like someone that only really started using the broader internet in 2008. since the internet's inception, weird fetish porn has been around, including cartoon related. the most prominent memes i still makes jokes about with my friends include callbacks to lemon party, goatse, meatspin (both real and animated) two girls one cup, etc. my dad owned a LAN connection bar, where they played old games, and sometimes looked for the gross porn sites, which included the guy that died to horse cock, and, in his words 'the one forum with only unshaven pussy tentacle porn'. in the beginning, was a porn website. people were putting dicks on zelda and dicks in strawberry shortcake wayyyy before the deviantart days. the reason it got big back during Rebecca Sugar's gay fanart days is because having internet became more mainstream, archive and collection profiles got big, and eventually internet became considered a public service. more people with internet at home meant more people had it in general. places like my dad's old bar werent needed and closed down. this is not new. this has been what the internet has been like since its inception. but people that have been here from the beginning know this, not the ones that had their first profiles online be myspace popularity contests.
as far as this being exposed to children, i have yet to be convinced of my opinion on the matter; if you let your child online, be their parent and actually teach them how to use it. the author at the end compares it to blindly pushing kids into a ballpit with porn on the walls they might find. although that can be an accurate comparison, there is an element missing, and that is the parents. when i post my nsfw art, i tag it, i put it behind an age gate, i do all i can to ensure that only age-appropriate eyes see my shit. it isnt my fault if little timmy fakes his age on his deviantart account, or says he is of age to get past twitter blocks. it isnt my fault if timmy steals mommy's credit card to see my paywalled patreon. it isnt my fault if the art is reposted without those restrictions without my knowledge. i am not here to parent other people's kids. if you dont want your kid seeing steven universe hypno-bimbofication-inflation-loli porn, maybe you should monitor what your kid is looking at till you are ready to cut the umbilical cord.
tl;dr- you scream 'protect the children!', i say 'parent your children.' thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
No. 439653
>>439602I was just about to ask for beginner advice and I saw this post, so thank you, anon!
As a side note: Do you artist anons find that drawing is very relaxing? I'm going through a difficult time and was thinking about picking it up as a cope. Sorry if this is derailing or anything.
No. 439663
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No. 439687
>>439570this article is so moronic.
it "calls out" artists and animators for having an adult life and dirty jokes or drawing porn but only mentions an actual sex pest like Dan once.
it ain't the job of adults to parent and protect your fucking kids. parents have to step up and do their fucking jobs adn be responsible for their kid's online experiences. Just because kids have more access to the internet doesn't mean that they should be allowed to freely roam around on it with no supervision. Stop ploppin ya kids down on YouTube, Twitter, etc. and just being like "eh this is fine" even though those sites are not specifically meant for and geared towards kids. if your kid is too young to curate their experience for themselves they're too young to be on the internet unsupervised.
it's funny how people put more emphasis on writers, animators, etc. having "child-friendly" profiles and lives, blaming and shaming them for NSFW content, etc. but putting no responsibility on parents or calling out people who have actually sexually abused and molested kids.
Animators and writers also shouldn't be expected to restrict themselves to purely to child-friendly content just because they work on a kid's show. It's like parents getting mad because teachers went out for drinks at a bar with their coworkers. your life shouldn't have to revolve around children just because you work with or on their media. even parents don't live G-rated lives and they actually have kids, why should artists be expected to?
No. 439761
>>439747Ugh, that pretentious 'I'm still young and learning you guys' speech at the end. I hate that stupid humble bragging - doesn't matter if you're still in your early 20s or not, you can always improve and you should.
The new one also just looks like a bimbo. Hideous
>>439754It's the same with that weird Sara chick - they are a bit ahead of the curve for their age and huff their own farts. After a couple of years their peers catch up and they're stuck with … this.
No. 440020
>>439747She has a patreon and calls herself a 'micro influencer'
Can someone explain to me what in the world that means
No. 440081
>>439747The old one has abysmal lighting, poor rendering of skin, zero movement/flow in the pose, the shading on the hair makes it look like whipped cream and there’s no thought behind the fabric. The only positive I see is a slightly more appealing face.
You shouldn’t be criticising anyone if you genuinely think that the old one is better
>inb4 anons ree I’m a stan I don’t know who this artist is but this is a genuinely retarded opinion, I really wish I could see anons art because a lot of the shit that’s flung in this thread seems to come from beginners
No. 440088
>>440081The new one isn't really that much better. Not for 2 years at least. The piss-colored and stark white rim lighting looks just lazy, the hands are awful etc. If you really look at it, she hasn't improved that much.
She's one of those portrait people - in 2 years time she should've had more improvement imo
And if you want to see "our" art, why don't you start by showing yours anon?
No. 440108
>>438709I'm feeling this, don't mind the anons reeing "if you can't take the heat then get out of the frying pan you sensitive little shit". The cancel culture is absolutely real and ANYONE can become a
victim of it for some stupid smallest reason because 90% of the time it's someone out to get you out of a personal grudge, jealousy or you drawing the wrong ship art. I stopped uploading art publicly and only do it anonymously or on a private account nowadays because I've seen enough people, even with a small followerbase, be hunted down for drawing a dark-skinned character too light or using the wrong word choice due to being ESL (both real examples from recent weeks). It's gotten so insane that I'm just not comfortable sharing my stuff with a wider audience. At least give me constructive criticism I can use instead of saying "This is shit because it's a style I don't like" or "You should be driven to suicide for liking this ship". I used to be a big drawfag but now, even at the risk of sounding like a drama queen, it's too dangerous to do it under my real persona.
No. 440199
>>440123 Is a lot of anons upset because the rendering made the product appear more digital than the original? Because that seems to be where this topic is going.
Like, it seems like a lot of people prefer art styles, or more specifically realistic ones, with a more ‘painterly’ style
No. 440200
>>440081The old ones face is actually better. The lighting/definition isn’t great but the subtle shadowing looks like there’s an actual facial structure under there. The new one looks like when girls with fat cheeks slather their face in foundation to really make sure it looks flat, and then put a drag queenesque triangle streak of contour in attempts to make a cheekbone, but it just ends up looking like a shit smudge.
And what even is there to the body besides drawing the line of the collarbone? The rest is just a lazy block of orange
No. 440217
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I love how anons can’t really say why they don’t like it besides “the head’s anatomy”… like, we’re not looking for something super realistic anons. Just say that you don’t like the style. I really want someone to red line, how the face should look, besides the obvious oval face
No. 440241
>>440217God looking at it closer, I didn't realise that the plane of the face in the 2019 version is COMPLETELY off. The eyes are actually very very misaligned, with the left eye being lower and bigger than the right? It doesn't even follow the tilt of the head. Not to mention the nose itself seems to be on a different axis making the entire face look really warped and weird. Sure the rendering has gotten better but god looking at it again made me realise just how messed up the face ACTUALLY is… Also those horns just look burn and smudge tooled on.
Also the collarbones are a HUGE mess in the new one. she overrendered and blended out the rest of the skin, but left the collars untouched, which seems like she just… forgot. So it just looks disjointed.
The hair, I will say, it a big improvement in the new version. Looks better. And in terms of stylisation, she can do what she wants it looks fine kinda grungey. But my god the more I look at the face the more I realise how messed up it is…….. It's just completely….. wrong. In so many ways.
No. 440351
>>440336Thankfully, it seems like a lot of people are agreeing with you
>>440341 The artist and internet in general shouldn't be responsible for raising other people's children. That's the parents responsibility. There are so many tools embedded into web browsers and websites to curtail questionable content. Parents just have to go and use them.
There are all sorts of content blockers you can put on home routers and I think even your kids cell phone plans have parental controls but don't quote me on that last one.
No. 440390
>>440341>Anti pedos going on about how we need to protect children turning out to be pedos themselvesthis is why i've lost so much trust and faith in the ""anti-pedo"" movement esp when they focus on calling artists pedos over drawing NSFW over BNHA or some shit or even worse targetting artists for drawing and doing NSFW even if the characters are over 18 because c-children might see it!!
ive seen so many artists and shippers called pedos over some BS only for the person who called them out on it to be a pedo themselves. it reminds me of that deku person from twitter who drew the pokemon SwSh protag saying "Don't draw porn of me I'm 12 you pedos" and come to find out he solicited nudes from minors like
No. 440396
>>440217I prefer the softer "paint" look on the face and the hands on the 2017 one.
The collar/shoulder part looks better on the 2019, but I can't stand the airbrush shading on it.
Especially on the horns. I don't know what it is about the look of airbrush but it cheapens it.
The only real improvement was drawing shoulders imo.
No. 440407
>>440390Yeah, it's the "maybe if I pretend to be against X, Y and Z, no one will be able to accuse me of being X, Y or Z" belief. There's a running joke of "male feminist" often being far worst sexist misogynist than any of the men they accuse of being sexist or misogynist.
The fact that this belief has been adopted in the online art community is hardly surprising to me but still disappointing.
No. 452770
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>>452421hey summerfag this is an imageboard, don't post links.