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No. 828640
Develv is an artist on deviantart known for making fetish art of eunuchs. The account itself is apparently shared between two sisters, Elveo is her sisters private account.
A large number of the historical subjects of the art are young boys who were horribly mutilated and sometimes even raped. She also seems to have an extremely warped view of what eunuchs actually look like, as seen in the OP pic.
In her own words, she thinks that eunuchs are:
>They are like angels - pure, innocent, sexless, they are less aggressive, not subject to passions and stupid desires. They are sweet and kind by character, and pretty by appearance. Deviantart:'s deviantart: No. 828649
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OP here, I will post some pictures and general information about her that has already been posted in the bad art thread (>>>/m/38098)
a lot of her art seems to be quite misogynistic
No. 828651
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No. 828652
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No. 828654
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"""facts""" about eunuchs
No. 828655
translation of one of the comments on her account, sums it up pretty nicely:
>Leaving aside the value of your artistic work, which has it, if you allow me, I would like to make a small criticism: I do not seem neither historically nor morally correct that idealized and romantic vision you show about eunuchs. Yes, there were, as you say, eunuchs who were dignified people, with many qualities: beauty, intelligence, talent and loyalty. But all those qualities were innate to his person, emerged from his personality, did not arise from having been subjected and humiliated to an inhuman, cruel and bloody process as was that of the eunuchs. To hide that reality, the great negative sequels, both psychological and physical, that this process had for them, to hide that pain, is a lack of respect and recognition for those figures, and it is not historically accurate. You speak as if their qualities and achievements arose from this terrible event, you deny their personality and dignity as human beings, you reduce them to the fact of having suffered horrible mutilation, that is what makes them special for you, and that is not fair. No one deserves what they suffered. There is also no scientific evidence to show that men whose genitals have been mutilated are less passionate than other human beings, who become a kind of angels away from passions, desires and worldly feelings, that is ridiculous. The loss of the genitals and their autonomy has nothing positive for the person who suffers it. The truth, I can not imagine someone speaking in that tone about other practices as cruel as the clitoris ablation, for example. I would have liked to leave this comment in English, but I do not speak the language well enough, I'm sorry. Thank you
No. 828656
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real African eunuch
No. 828658
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>>828656vs how she draws them
No. 828666
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She thinks eunuch is a 3rd gender
No. 828668
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No. 828672
>>828670i think elveo has a tumblr didnt notice it when i first made the thread, sorry
No. 828678
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From her sisters account
Notarasand Mehmed the Conqueror
>Jacob Notaras(The Son of Byzantine Naval commander), was sent to Mehmed's harem. The only one male survivor of the Notaras family, Jacob escaped from the Ottomans in 1460.
This is the worst thing about them,they take real historical instances of rape and mutilation and completely whitewash it
No. 828687
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Mehmed and radu by elveo
I find it disturbing that the black haired one looks like a flat chested snow white
No. 828701
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>"Eunuch and man"
No. 828706
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Another one of elveos works
No. 828717
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she said the one on the right is supposed to be a tranny, for a change. she literally tried to claim that men don't have belly fat in the description. please explain why so many men have beer guts then.
tinfoil, but what if shes a lesbian with interalised homophobia? its the only rational explanation for all this that i can think of.
No. 828719
>>828717Why are the real women in her art always look ugly compared to the "men"
No. 828723
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Yes put in all the "eunuch types" except the REAL ones
No. 828726
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More real historical figures
No. 828730
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>>828723real eunuchs usually ended up looking like men as adults didnt they? why does this girl think they looked like tall godess bishies?
No. 828736
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>>828726Sage.Sorry but the comment here really
triggered me
Ok ok ok
>Eunuchs naturally prefer men?? WTF what an autist. So eunuchs automatically prefer men? Because their "effeminate" in your version and they JUST CANT be attracted to those gross baby making women? Get your head out of your ass i know you just want that wET yAOI
Like in general i hate the mindset that feminine men always have to be gay (based on the recent stuff i noticed in art nowaday) cant an effeminate man be straight/bi
No. 828744
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>>828726The description on this post. I dunno Im just not sure how true these are neither do i want to do research
No. 828747
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>>828744I HIGHLY doubt the last one
No. 828763
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A timeline of their art.
It really is a shame because they have the potential to draw art based on lesser-known eras but decided to throw castration into the mix.
No. 828771
>>828649This is just like the virgin/chad meme lol
I love this kind of shit OP. I want more weird threads like this. Takes me back to the old days of early encyclopedia dramatica
No. 828773
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her take on 'old art' vs 'modern art'
No. 828778
>>828767I agree, it's such a waste of talent.
>>828743From Wikipedia:
>The Roman poet Martial rails against a woman who has sex with partially castrated eunuchs (those whose testicles were removed or rendered inactive only) in the bitter epigram (VI, 67): "Do you ask, Panychus, why your Caelia only consorts with eunuchs? Caelia wants the flowers of marriage – not the fruits."Removing a man's balls doesn't automatically make him gay, and certainly not into a woman.
These two sisters got a real mix of possible homophobia, misogyny, yaoi love and pro-NAMBLA shit going on
No. 828786
>>828747Ah yes, the same Radu (younger brother of Vlad "The Impaler" Dracul, btw) who was likely brainwashed by the Empire from the age of 5, stabbed Mehmed, and then later … took a wife and had a child. uwu together forever
What a love story.
No. 828787
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She appears to base her boy character's looks on herself.
No. 828791
>>828788its posted on the elveo deviantart account
but i think there's two of them, two sisters, running the develv account
No. 828796
>>828793Theirs a subreddit called r/ftmPunished
Its a forced feminization subredit in which Transmen(TIFs) post about wanting to raped and feminized
I think these 2 sisters might have similar "mindset" as the TIFs on ftmPunished
No. 828798
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from their pateron page thuer names Develv & Elveo
No. 828799
>>828797>Jacob Notaras (Greek: Ιάκωβος Νοταράς) (c. 1439 – c. 1491; Jacob/Iakobos, not Isaac/Isaakios, as is occasionally reported) was the youngest son of the Grand Duke Loukas Notaras. Jacob was said to be an exceptionally beautiful boy who caught the attention of the sultan Mehmed II, in 1453 after the Fall of Constantinople, when the conqueror visited the house of Notaras. Three days afterwards, Loukas Notaras was executed along with his son and son-in-law, while Jacob was reserved for the pleasure of the sultan.[1] Thus, after the execution of his father and brother, Jacob found the sultan’s favour by being added to Mehmed's harem, most likely as his catamite. He stayed in the seraglio until 1460 and then escaped from Adrianopolis to Italy, where he reunited with his three sisters: Anna, Theodora and Euphrosyne. He later married Elizabeth Zampetis, and apparently was unhappy with his personal life. Some claim a direct descent from Loukas Notaras, but the only son who survived was Jacob, who bore no children. Oh god thats just utterly horrible
No. 828805
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>>828797I found this and I feel sick to my stomach….
No. 828818
>>828747Ah, russian here. It was never actually explicitly proven that Ivan the Terrible had a male lover. He was never well-liked and the relationship between the two was "documented" in passing by people who hated either Fyodor or Ivan. It is certainly a possibility that they did fuck, but it was never implied/stated by anyone without bias. So yeah, doubtful, but could have happened.
Fun fact, kinda pertaining to the thread and the whole eunuch thing. Fyodor is often played by women in russian movies/theatre.
Another fun fact, Fyodor likely died by Ivan's hand, either in prison or by execution. Before that he was ordered by Ivan to kill his own father (which he did), so yeah, very romantic, sure.
No. 828835
I'm curious besides
>>828649 have they ever posted any "real" women on their pages
No. 828839
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>>828835Yeah pic related - SYKE it's another man. Or boy according to her. I dunno which is worse.
No. 828840
>>828835this one
>>828717but she only drew the woman to show how much ~prettier ugu~ men are
No. 828845
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>>828802>>828804On Elveo's tumblr she actually says she edited those. this thread just opened a bizarro world for me. While looking up information about Ivan the Terrible just to be sure that I remember the facts correctly, I found fanfiction about Ivan and Fyodor on a most popular russian fanfic website. It's just fucking weird to me? There are plenty of those fanfics and they are fairly well rated and commented on, so they are popular. I won't say it's particularly weird to ship historical figures
(fucking hell, the most recent russian yaoi/slash craze is shipping battle rappers and/or youtubers who are usually 100% heterosexual and have well-documented girlfriends which is another fucking can of worms ridiculous thing, but it never got popular or even noticed by communities outside of Russia so barely anyone has an issue with it) but this just seems wrong. These are real people. There is no proof they fucked.
I don't want to come off as a "typical russian homophobe", but this is just complete nonsense to me? Surely there are historical figures that are proven to be homosexual. Russian ones too. Why not make art of those instead of romanticizing/fetishizing something deeply
Their art actually reminds me of that one japanese card game that has historical figures portrayed as anime girls. Just as historically accurate. Apparently every maybe-homosexual historical figure was a baby-faced bishounen type.
So much talent wasted on drawing absolutely bizarre things.
No. 828848
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>>828835There is a gift art for some of Elveos romanian friends. So she draws women, just the women she knows though. Others can be a caricature.
No. 828862
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Also from the same tumblr. This piece is subtitled "Brothers in love."
Yes, those are Vlad and Radu Dracul. Yes, Elveo says that those are original characters merely based on historical figures, but she still calls them brothers.
So that's incest to add to the list of weird things those girls condone. Yikes.
Pretty sure there were more suggestive drawings than this one, but this one jumped out to me as straight up admission of brotherfuckery.
No. 828863
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>>828862Ah, here's a more suggestive one literally on the next page.
No. 828864
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>>828848Reminds me of wikihow illustrations
No. 828891
Unless there is actual milk, the flake can be posted in
>>>/ot/425109 or discussed in gender crit.
No. 1432728
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>>828736I find this funny cause eunuchs in the ottoman empire would have sex with female concubines all the time.
>yes they found there own ways Heck even castrati of Italy would dress as women so they could sleep with the wives of there male fans behind there backs.
So having a eunuch lover as a woman would absolutely be possible.