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No. 440519
A containment thread for all the salty artfags of!
- Ask about art supplies, but not too often as it will make the digital artists ree
- Discuss grievances about the art tuber community, but don’t be fooled by any that come to ask for our opinion; they will throw a shit fit because they work oh so hard and we’re oh so mean (but also we’re just haters haha :) so our opinions don’t bother them)
- Waffles may never be criticised because she has an illness and sick people cant be bullied on imageboards
- creepshowart must never be spoken of because that's giving her attention, which makes the farmers ree that this particular attention-seeking cow might seek attention and bring up lolcow like every other discussed cow has.
- Everyone is beautiful and we are above the discussion of appearance unlike the other nonnies!
- Yes, we’re all sick of Arteza and SkillShare.
- Yes, Copics are worth it if you use markers. And yes, they are rediculously overpriced.
- No, this isn’t a TRA safe space, so don’t ree when you see the word tranny. And no, some retard discussing their pronouns doesn’t count as art milk, you turbo autist.
- If you have beginner questions, want to know what art books to start with, or generally need to know how to begin with art, use these links art tuber, enjoy your visit - we hope you find enough content to hit that 10 minute mark, because we are VERY empathetic to how it’s oh so hard to actually create artwork and have a personality in order to create your own content for your channel xoxo
Previous thread
>>>/ot/425109 No. 440600
>>440544Your intro's witticisms are legible and concise.
No improvements needed.
No. 440719
>>440658Frankly I find it a bit boring. It was funny the first time but now it’s just meh. I found it more fun when the new threads would pick highlights from the previous thread but now it’s just general bullshit and the whole charm is lost. Half of the things really only applied few threads ago rather than for the current one so the whole joke is lost.
2/5 stars, not impressed.
No. 440924
>>440914Depends on a lot of factors
- material cost
- time spent
- stylisation (dependent on your stylisation certain audiences will be drawn to it, some are willing to pay more than others)
- popularity
- scarcity (people are more likely to pay more if it’s an impulsive purchase, people thinking that it’s a limited resource makes them more likely to be impulsive)
Honestly anon I’m not sure if anyone can tell you without seeing samples of your art, which is obviously not a good idea. Just remember to never go below minimum wage + material cost
That said I often see bust up YCH going for around $50 USD
No. 441107
>>441098I love her art and her videos. Her characters used to literally the same face, but she's been working to alleviate that.. . And she's been switching up what she draws lately too (plants, vehicles, etc), which is nice.
I wonder if she's still working on her comic though, she used to have one and I haven't heard much from her about it…
No. 441190
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>>440718This was her first attempt. What really surprises me is that she didn't push this original concept so much more, and she put even less into the 2nd. Both are so serene it actively hurts the idea she was going for and if I didn't know, I'd have mistaken both of these for any of her other works. Danica is quickly becoming one of my least favorite YouTube artists, she is so deep in her comfort zone she's unable to draw anything that isn't "mild emotion girl or effeminate looking guy".
No. 441293
>>441283sorry i don't have the time to lost in a hour long video were she chould make her point more clrear, but we have a treat on Spechie that jave show us that she is aa pice of shit so i don't like people how defente her lol , but call me edgylord
>>441286 no idea who are they are i only know the right opinion.
No. 441396
>>441383hey look, another argument i will continue to ignore since it accomplishes nothing! it is an black-or-white crowd vs shades-of-grey crowd. it is a dumb debate.
if you see something you dont like, block it. if you see things you do like, follow it. take your media consumption into your own hands, like a fucking adult. why does everyone forget personal responsibility when these debates happen?
No. 441424
>>441396because they'd rather purge the internet of everything they don't like because it is
problematic than to be an adult and take personal responsibility for their own media consumption.
they make it the responsibility of everyone else to make them comfortable and it's funny because it's ONLY when it makes them uncomfortable that it gets purged.
like vore makes me uncomfortable so you know what i do? i block it and i don't follow people who post and create it. Problem solved, no vore on my feed. I don't go around saying how people who draw vore are literal cannibals and should be responsible for some maniac killing and eating another person.
>fiction is reality/effectsWe literally had this shit argument back in the 90s when they were trying to ban violent video games. why the fuck is it back??? like yeah media can influence someone which is why it's important to be aware of what you consume and why but that is entirely different than being salty about people liking weeb bait and you don't.
No. 441493
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>>441414I watched this video and liked it! I watchrd part 2 as well but i think she could work a bit more on drawing profiles. The jaw looks a little off and disconnected from the neck. I still think these tutorials are perfect for beginners tho
No. 441501
>>441414>>441493Thank you anons. Do you know any other good youtube channels for beginners? Whenever I search, I get mostly Draw with Jazza and some other popular artists that may not be the best way to go. Or I get something on an academic level.
sorry for offtopic
No. 441504
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Is pixel art really harder than regular art? I'm looking into trying it out, but I can't see why should it be harder than painting, just more time consuming at worst
No. 441516
>>441420Wtf anon maybe give it half an ounce of effort? I recently got into watercolor and the first thing I did was type “beginning watercolor tutorial” into YouTube and probably the top listing was an incredibly popular series of tutorials where watercolor paper was discussed in like the first episode or two.
There’s plenty of resources and recs, people are just too lazy and retarded to gather info and even if they get spoonfed the info too lazy to put in the effort. That’s why I don’t really blame YouTube artists who give generic advice bc they prob get asked all the time and the real answer isn’t enough for them
No. 441641
>>441545Yes, it is, but research into other aspects is limited. However, CNN did mention that they found no link between someone consuming loli/shota and being a child abuser. Given that video games are fictional, as are many other things that we consume, it isn't that much of a stretch for people to be affected by media, but not so much they'll replicate what they see in it. Plenty of people love breaking bad, but they haven't become drug dealers. While there isn't much formal research, you can make the observations in a lot of cases for yourself.
With the limited research we currently have, we've found that fictional content does not increase or have a correlation with child abuse, rape, etc. Not to mention, logically, it makes no sense that video games have no correlation between someone being aggressive and violent but reading or consuming certain types of weeb bait correlates with someone being an abuser.
No. 441679
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>>441504I think the confusion about pixel art being difficult is due to the divide between casuals who enjoy the aesthetic of crisp edges and the retro-vibe, vs traditionalists who value the limitations of the medium.
For example, the piece you linked has 62 colors. Traditionalists would tear it to pieces over that. It's pretty, but is starting to cross the border between pixel art and (low res) painting. Although the two mediums share many fundamental principles (color, edges, shape design, texture), pixel art pushes those principles to the extreme.
A single color can read as many, if you know what you're doing. Some edges need to be softened via manual anti aliasing, but done too much, and it will come out muddy. The placement of a single pixel can dramatically alter the design and readability of an element. Dithering can add texture and soften the transition between colors, but too much and the image is lost in the noise.
Furthermore, on such a small scale, the margin of error is significantly reduced, resulting in the magnification of any errors.
What makes pixel art so difficult imo is that you can't leave anything to chance, but you have to make it look as if you did. The world is beautiful in its imperfection, and trying to express that through the strict medium of crisp pixels in a limited palette isn't easy; but when done right, the results speak for themselves.
For further reading, the articles here are very good: are some popular forums: No. 441740
>>441679I like pixel art specifically because it reminds me of old videogames, so when "pixel artists" make art on huge canvases with huge palettes it's, eh
Not counting people who make complex, colorful pixel art that is intended to look like game backgrounds or opening screens. Just like "here's an apple" and the canvas is 1000 pixels wide
No. 441753
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>>441508i'm not sure if i would use it in a work i'd publish, but this clip studio auto action is pretty cool for visualizing a pixel-ified work. i think it would be good to study how it looks, at least, especially the colors and anti-aliasing techniques. No. 441769
>>441763Fictional kids often have basically nothing in common with real kids tbh
Anime 10 year olds look and act like young adults have the time, and since they're drawings, nobody gets hurt if my brain sees a Pokemon character and says "yeah he looks 22 I'd hit it"
No. 441773
>>441770OT but you’re acting as though kids aren’t groomed online, a huge portion are. Yes, they’re not molested, by they’re still sexually exploited and abused.
Regardless why does this topic seem to come up every single thread, no one’s going to agree with one another and honestly I don’t come to this thread for heavy shit like child abuse - just want to complain about the art community and swap advice
No. 441778
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i dont thnk nerdecrafter should be allowed to review markers, the way she swatched them looks abysmal
No. 441868
>>441793Agreed. Also, while most cases of abuse do come from family members/friends, online predators are a very real threat and sharing pornographic drawings/photos is one of the ways they use to groom kids like you said.
I joined websites like twitter/tumblr when I was 12 and looking back there were a lot of cases of people older than me trying to get close to me. At the time the interactions seemed innocent (like linking each other fics or doing selfie memes) but looking back I can see how some of them were people clearly trying to get me, a literal child, to talk about sex and send photos of myself to them.
CP, be it photos or drawings, endangers real children and feeds into the hands of pedophiles. To me there is no universe in which it's acceptable TBH if it's "just a drawing" to people then why the fuck can't they go find something else to fap to?
People act like it's somehow a fucking hardship to NOT draw little kids having sex like damn just go to therapy and shut up.
No. 441931
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I swear to God these people are begging their followers to pay more attention to them on social media than their own friends.
IDK man maybe your art just sucks and you should probably have an actual job instead of begging for exposure and your friends to pay for your rent.
If your art is actually good and you know how to naturally work with social media, you mostly likely won't have to do this. Also it's funny because there is no literal new "algorithm", you just have to change a simple setting.
No. 441938
>>441793Here is the thing. Anime directed toward children does not have such imagery. Just because a series has kids doesn't mean it is for kids. Most people think because animated series have bright colors and young characters they are age friendly but if you take a second to actually check the rating, you'd see. And if a kid watches let's say a "grown up" show the fault is with that kids parents or guardians and not the artist.
>>441868Sorry about your experience anon but you where way to young to actually have accounts on those platforms. I'm pretty sure they have minimum age allowed. Anyway, I don't know why other anons defend it. But for me it's all about storytelling and character portrayals. And I want to keep it possible for creators to make all kinds of weird shit.
No. 442014
>>441938While I agree with most of your post, there is one thing I don’t. The part about kids media not having suspicious content is absolutely wrong. You don’t have to even go to anime to see it, just look at Western shows. Saberspark on Youtube has an entire series going about ‘strange kids show episodes’, and there were shows where the entire premise was to be outlandish and touch really awkward subjects. One that catches me eye in modern kids media is the Steven Universe episode with Kevin, the racing one, where he flirts with the Steven and Connie fusion even when he knows they are kids. I stopped watching after that. I mean, Teen Titans Go make a mockery out of Raven’s
abusive father and makes her seem like the bad guy, and I only know this since I have siblings in that demographic. You know what they watch when they are tired of cartoons? Greys Anatomy, Thirteen Reasons Why, Game of Thrones, etc. And they have no issue with what is on screen, or at least say they like it. I mean, I went from loving Life as a Teenage Robot to loving Mass Effect, a game series where you can commit genocide at least twice. Young kids media is a stepping stone to other media, you can bet it has sketchy shit in it.
And this is where I still agree with you; even with all that and more in young kids media and art, my sisters watched what my mother watched with them. I watched with them, and when something like Kevin hitting on two kids came up, we didn’t wail for the children and cover their eyes. We talked to them. We asked what they thought, if they understood what they just saw. And they gave good answers, kids aren’t just mindless drones mucking about. They can logically comprehend what they see if you let them. And if they don’t, be a fucking parent and teach them why what they saw is wrong. It requires talking to your children, I know, strange concept, but it actually works if you treat them like growing people and not pearl-clutching innocent angels in need of swaddling.
No. 442033
>>441868Sharing ornographic images with minors is an arrestable and predatory offense. but, they can do that with normal pornographic images.
The issue with saying something should be banned because it feeds into the hands of pedophiles is that predators literally use everything to groom kids. Hell, they can use porn of fully grown adults and be like "See? We can be all grown up like they are." and other gross as fuck shit. Maybe it's just biased because I was groomed online but they used something else other than fictional porn and I've had friends say they were groomed through other means as well. One even just got groomed using actual porn.
If you're banning things to stop pedos and predators from grooming kids you have a lot of shit to ban and it's very clear that banning it or whatever is just a bandaid for an underlying issue that won't even put a dent in the problem. Actual child porn is illegal because it's created through abuse. There is no way you can get that kind of stuff out of a rl child without severely harming them mentally and emotionally, taking years off of their life and traumatizing them.
and even more so I'm noticing the worrying trend of pushing internet safety onto random people and creators on the internet and blaming them or saying that they're the ones who cause someone to be abused, not the person who abused them. Nor are people encouraging parents to be proactive in monitoring a kid's online activities. Therapists even recommend using graphic media and fictional to cope if it is something that helps you regardless of what it actually is.
No. 442059
>>441793nta but just media has kids doesn't mean that it is for them. A popular fandom at the moment is SatsuTen AKA Angel's of Death and that show is not something I'd show to kids just because the main character is 13 when the plot revolves around a serial killer and some other graphic murders and how she herself murdered her own parents. Yet it's super popular with tumblr kids even though the rating is literally R and those same kids complain about the fandom being full of adults. young people really shouldn't have access to porn, but when you give them unlimited and unregulated internet access that shit happens. ngl but i was on sites like youtube when I was 11, too young to be there and no parents to monitor me or my access there and I had unlimited internet access until I got a virus on my computer. I found a bunch of worse shit than just fictional porn.
Between seeing two girls one cup and three guys one hammer, being sent IRL gore overrunning a NSFW blog, etc. that kind of stuff is some of the least phasing you can see on the internet. Hell, there was a subreddit /r/watchpeopledie where you could as the title says, just watch people die. desensitization isn't inherently bad as it is how people like doctors and paramedics get through their jobs, it's bad when you think that it's something okay to do to someone because you have been desensitized, but that's probably a different word other than desensitization altogether.
>>442014Children really are responsive to what they watch if you'd talk to them about it and help them understand what they're feeling/understanding and why it is/isn't okay. But too many people push that responsibility on content creators than parents. It makes me wonder if these types just didn't have parents to look after them so they seek it from any adult they can find.
I signed up to be a content creator, not to be a babysitter.
tl;dr: The internet is dangerous for kids even without the fictional weeb porn.
No. 442090
>>441938it reminds me of when people saw Aggretsuko and started screeching about how people are sexualizing a kid's show when they discovered porn of it exists even though Retsuko swears, drinks, talks about taxes, getting married and having a job. i can only assume it's because it was made by Sanrio even though Sanrio has dabbled in adult-oriented products like undergarments.
>>441984Most anime towards kids doesn't have pornographic stuff in it. It may be a little more risque in some aspects because it's nudity, drinking, and the implication of sex is more acceptable but it doesn't have outright porn in it.
No. 442107
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>>441931I might sound kind of rude, but I'm burnt out from 'art pity/vent' culture. From what I've seen those who bitch the loudest about art block, bad algorithm, not liking their art, and those 'things that annoy artist' are all usually done by people bad at art. I've good artists retweet and make posts like that, but the main audience for those posts feels like teens and beginners.
Also her biggest problem, imo, is that her twitter feeds a mess. You have to scroll through 10 random retweets just to find one artwork from her.
No. 442133
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These artist support threads are so annoying and useless. Aside from the fact it’s the same people spamming their art, the threads are always made by smaller accounts so you don’t get that much traffic
No. 442139
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>>442133and both of their art can be described as 'polished turd'
No. 442161
>>442133These threads are getting to be insufferable. They're on my tl every other day because some artist I follow liked, RTd or commented their info in some thread or other like it.
It's just a thinly-veiled attempt at spreading their own work. It's ultimately self serving because they most likely turn around and turn off notifications an hr after it blows up , after lying and saying they'll retweet every one, or comment. That's what pisses me off, they want the engagement so this has been an easy way to get it lately. I've only seen a few professional artists do it, but only for jobs/other professionals.
I can't wait til the trend dies down but I don't see that happening any time soon. It's easy engagement. For the one that makes the tweet, everyone else wasting their time commenting is just chopped liver.
No. 442204
>>442133I got into that trend before and I thought it was pretty fun to interact with new artists so I followed a bunch of them. Then the fun was over when I started to notice a bunch of people unfollowing me, but they keep increasing their following count. While it was nice to have more followers, I realized that it was mentally exhausting, especially when the same people are bitching about not getting enough engagement.
Eventually I started cleaning out my TL so it's just me and a handful of friends now. Took a lot of weight off and I don't hate being on Twitter as much.
imo artist positivity is fake and they only care about gaining popularity and creating a clique of people with a lot of following. Most of the time, they're skill level is intermediate at best and usually don't look to improve.
No. 442245
>>441868There are so many ways to groom a kid. For me, was just through talking, there was no cartoon porn involved…just a close and inappropriately sexual “friendship” between myself and someone ten years older.
It just seems odd to focus on one specific possible method of grooming when it’s often more insidious
No. 442264
>>442245Is it really that weird so say drawings of CP are bad and should be condemned? Is it //really//?
Just because there's multiple evils doesn't mean you shouldn't try to at least fight one, especially when that evil is, specifically, drawings of nine year olds being raped.
Just saying, sometimes people argue in favor of child pornography like it's some kind of bastion of free speech and not art of small children being violently raped lol
No. 442293
>>442264Yeah, I really don’t see how it’s controversial to say that pedophilia is wrong, there has to be something genuinely wrong with someone to even humour the idea of sexualising kids
>inb4 they don’t even look or act like kids!! You know they’re kids. You’re drawn to the child character. And these are both arguments that irl pedos use to justify their desire to harm and rape kids. How does the idea of children being raped (regardless of whether it’s fiction or reality) not churn your stomach?
No. 442329
>>442293if it's a drawing and it doesn't look or act like a kid then it effectively isn't a kid. it doesn't have a real age for you to make a moral decision based on and it's normal to be attracted to something that looks and acts like an adult.
in other words art of aged up or ambiguously aged but adult-looking anime characters probably isn't pedo while loli babyfur art where the artist says "btw this character who looks 3 is 18" is still pedo
No. 442534
>>442384I used to like Jacquelin's art but she hasn't really improved in a long time. And this drawing is especially bad, I used to think she was pretty decent with anatomy. That right shoulder is completely unhinged, and the hips don't seem to connect properly to the legs or the torso.
It's just such a missed opportunity. Also watching the procreate timelapse reveals that she draws lines by doing really short lines (i.e. sketching on the clean lines), which is fine but I thought that usually lead to stiffed art because the lines are less fluid
No. 442649
>>442587Apparently she made a comic before though, for her university project (Sirens of something I think), so it's not like she's never done a comic before.
But… looking at her art now and how absolutely unexpressive it is, it's going to be… a rather boring looking comic. I don't know why DC is hiring people like her honestly, she'd be better suited for cover art, and even then there are tonnes of better "youtube" artists who could do better cover illustrations than a bored girl staring out into the distance.
No. 442815
>>442779I love doll customizing channels
however I dislike when they start posting speedpaints of bland anime girls in their mediocre style.
. They should stick to what they're good at or keep their other art off their youtube channel.
No. 442817
>>442779I like Dollightful too especially since she really toned down saying “ann-yeong” in a baby voice before her videos. Her style for her dolls is really cute when like, half of doll YouTube makes kind of ugly dolls. Nerdecrafter has done project trades with her and it feels quite unfair when she gets a really nice doll from dollightful and dollightful got this MASSIVE sculpture that broke in transit cuz she packed it like a third grader.
I like moonlight jewel’s dolls but I can’t stand that she cannot balance her voiceovers and she speaks with a soft voice (she’s gotten better at it now vs past videos)
No. 442924
>>442907I know it's stylised but the sideways mouth looks so awkward.
>>442779I really like Poppen Atelier, she's a cute Belgian lady and something about her videos are very comfy to me.
No. 442945
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>>442929Yeah. I think the main change is the fact she started suing the airbush more. Her older work was more cell shaded.
Also rainbow hair. Really?
No. 443122
>>442999The way she shipped it, it’s like really?? You’re gonna spend a ton of money shipping it to Korea but she doesn’t use anything like void filler or thicker boxes or styrofoam? And you couldn’t even read “this side up” on it cuz of the box and her childish writing. It probably cost upwards of 50 dollars to send it too, why wouldn’t you package it like it’s gonna be thrown around?
What gets me is that Dollightful is pretty open about saying she lives in a tiny ass Korean apartment with three cats and her husband yet she sends this big, ugly vase with a shitty platform she built that immediately broke? Like if you’re gonna send a sculpture, why do you have to attach this shitty vase to it?
No. 443125
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lavendertowne has a deviantart apparently. I kinda like her old stuff better tbh. Too bad she doesn’t draw guys as often anymore :/
No. 443444
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>>443159For those who don’t want to watch
No. 443501
>>443444the vase is the best looking part
I would be much less likely to buy Jackie's improved version than the original vase if both were the same price
No. 443611
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>>443125I looked through some of her old art and i kinda like some of her works, even tho a good chunk of it is badly executed atleast the concepts are interesting enough
No. 443612
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>>443611I think these are decent tho
No. 443717
>>443612Ballerinas legs are killing me.
>>443613I hate that strobe light shit she puts on everything. Also shitty perspective.
I have to admit these seem a bit more thought out but really not much. She makes the same mistakes it just looks like she spent more time on these. She is really stagnated now.
No. 443770
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Was anyone here a part of the pixel dolling community (or just remember it)?
It was my first introduction to digital art and, honestly, it was really sad to see that community die out. Maybe it was just because I was a kid at the time, but it felt like one of the only art communities that didn't have a bunch of scandal and drama. For the most part, the biggest drama there was, was tool shading vs pixel shading and people claiming tool shaders were cheating because they used blur tools to shade.
I wonder if anyone still makes pixel dolls.
No. 443793
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>>443159This is so embarrassing
No. 443921
>>443444Does she have so sense of composition? She should’ve made the Ivysaur the base, and make the (preferable smaller) vase the pink bulb on its back. She make too many little things that add nothing to the piece instead of focusing on the biggest thing there: Ivysaur. It looks so botched and the wires for vines was a lowkey lazy and off putting. She could’ve made them with clap and thicker.
TL;DR: Poor execution, could’ve been better.
>>443744Honestly same
No. 444185
>>444068If she really worried about getting out of that situation, wouldn’t she just leave to an apartment for a bit?
I mean, I know that specifications, should not be given to randos on the internet, but 20k is a lot, especially when you already have 20k
No. 444273
>>444068I'm honestly going to try to give the benefit of the doubt considering her situation. Do you know if the 20K she mentioned is in US Dollars, European Euros or Croatian Kuna? She may be looking to have enough money to leave her native Croatia for another European country and if that 20K is in Kuna, then she won't survive for very long.
20k Kuna is roughly 2600 Euro. Monthly rent coupled with moving expenses and food, she'll out of money probably after the first two or three months.
No. 444338
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Ugh Kaseys art gets more and more off putting to me. This is disgusting
No. 444346
>>443444What the fuck is that thing even supposed to be.
No. 444378
>>444273She mentions that “we sold some property” so it seems to make sense that it might at least be in euros
It doesn’t matter now she’s back peddling and deleted her post. IDK how much “crap” you receive if your comments are disabled
Anons she seems very milky to me
No. 444384
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Another hysteria has exposed in art Twitter. Now retweeting your own art gets your shadowbanned which is the most paranoid thing I’ve ever hear from artists
No. 444412
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>>444384Oh is this why deviant art is trending? lmao
I do miss platforms just for art though, ig and twitter are shit for it.
No. 444418
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>>444384Like usual, the angrier they are about this the worst their art is. I feel that the people most affected by this are the people to bad for artstation. The main thing that annoys me about this 'twitter/insta is screwing us over' is the narcisisim of it. When they say stuff like that they're implying "twitter/insta should make their software around us" and "I cant be the problem".
Also I found this train wreck of a comment on their profile.
No. 444429
>>444418nah I get that it'd be annoying if people kept ghosting you when youre tryna make money but
a) whats the point in saying youll block them if theyre already ghosting you? how's that a threat? or are you saying youre preventing them from replying after a set amount of time? if so, then tell them about that condition before deciding theyre assholes for not replying when you dont know what their situation is
and b) this is legit what prepaying is for? like? just have them pay a percentage of the cost before you start working on the commission. making a post about how you're "sowwy" instead of taking countermeasures is pretty unprofessional in and of itself
No. 444559
>>444455>>444445I have friends who have been shadowbanned, and you can check whether you are with this Others are saying that you have to RT a lot to be shadowbanned though, which would make more sense. It's just a dumb move by twitter in an attempt to reduce spam accounts and I think people are definitely blowing things out of proportion.
No. 444565
>>444445This is true. People are getting shadowbanned. I've been shadowbanned even though I only retweet my own art once a day after it's been posted, and honestly there's no other reason I can think of that would be annoying enough to get me shadowbanned.
Twitter's really cracking down against self-retweets and self promotion. But they're also doing all sorts of stupid shit like making it more likely to get shadowbanned if you interact too often with people who aren't following you. Like sure people can say twitter wasn't made for artists, but like… who is it for? For famous people to just say dumb things and everyone never to interact? weird.
No. 444968
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She made a painting out of that gross sketch…I want to puke
No. 444993
>>444968A woman drew this? What the fuck. Does she own a vagina?
At least the art evokes emotion, even if that emotion is pain…
No. 445091
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>>444968I don't know why but this vaguely reminds me Emily's vagina portrait from A Simple Favor
No. 445319
>>445260This guy talks so unintelligible. I cant listen to that.
And his art is not more than medicore. He would have to practice a lot until it would become something "good"
No. 445326
>>445260Dangelo is the guy that everyone pretends to like but no one really does. He tried to get in tight with a lot of them, and because he talked about drama and made holly look like a tool, they befriend him for safety.
I think holly sucks, but before hud video came out, no one in the community said shit. Then she decided to rebrand and delete, and is pretty much at zero still. Their all scared of that
No. 445347
>>445330I wasn't even stalking. I was just confused on why he deleted all his work, but oh god he has to lurk here. No one can reply that fast 2 times in a row (he was mentioned a few threads ago where he also posted lolcow screeshots extremely fast). If you think about how he made the holly brown video by using lolcow and he just stuck around. Fuck I don't want this site to have an invasion of his fans. Look at the comment section of this video this is what the art sat thread will look like once he makes the video. We also know he isn't going to respond to why he deleted his art. he's just going to sic his fans on us
>>445285This aged badly
No. 445363
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Why is it always the art ranters who are the worst at art? Lavendertowne, Kasey, and co. could at least make good art some point in their lifetime, but don't because of stagnation or regression. Art ranters on the other hand never had the ability to draw good (solar sands, creepshow, atari, and d'anglo) Art tubers who don't make 'what me describe what I sketch' vidoes and instead make 'watch me describe whats going on in the art community' always have the worse art for some reason.
No. 445366
>>445330Even the artists we talk about on here (like Kasey Golden or whatever) who respond to the thread with "I'M NOT MAD, YOU'RE MAD" are better than… whatever the hell he does.
Like, what, you're the guy who talks shit about everyone, but you delete all your vids and also don't like being talked about because you lurk the thread for your name? You're the guy who makes legitamate art, but also doesn't because you delete all your shit? You're the guy who likes using others for views and clicks and outright say it like a Jim Sterling knockoff to ""troll"" people, but then you pussy out or you don't go all the way (like with his favoritism in the tier vid or recanting his statement at the end of his 'critiques' of other artists)?
Idk what he thinks he is but honestly he just makes my skin crawl with how inhuman he feels, like an alien skinwalking a human youtuber, just pretending to be all of it at once while being none of it at the same time.
No. 445367
>>445330Ignore him.
In other news, can someone tell Rae you’re able to mix any of these paints with coloe theory? Also her painting was the biggest Yikes i’ve seen in a while.
No. 445368
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>>445367I clicked 'see more' on mistake and found out she has a tik tok? Why?
No. 445370
>>445330alright, since i know you are going to read this since this is the 2nd time you have been lightning fast in posting screengrabs of this thread, im gonna level with you.
so, dear mr d'angelo wallace, this is why i am on lolcow-
you are in a community that reaches for inclusive ideals, for a pure environment free of harsh criticism and opposing viewpoints. you are in a community where politics are left and only left, and when artists clash on ideals, hate mobs ensue, on both sides. you are in a community of hobbyists turned professionals, not due to degree, but due to popularity. this environment you are in creates stars of the craft out of the generic pool of at-home creators. along with the building of this community, the essence of the craft has been lost. this is art, not a competition. youtube artists, like yourself if you want to be called that, have built a cult of personality, and this thread demeans, criticizes, and throws shit at that.
art is subjective. art is to the eyes of the beholder. and the platforms being used do not support the outright expression of ideas, but the competition of audience. that is a load of bullshit. and the sizes of the some of the audiences being conglomerated by the mediocre are baffling.
best example of recent months to explain the point i am trying to make is when kasey golden painted over those paintings she got from goodwill. it left a bad taste in many people's mouths, not because it was her that did it, or because this thread rips her art to shreds, although that did happen at this time as well, but because of the principle of art seemingly being broken. that principle being consented collaboration. yes, the art in question was mass-produced, generic, the artists family perhaps all being dead, countless copies of the painting existing, likely given away and sitting in that goodwill for a long while, but the principle is still there; no matter who or what the art piece was before. it is better to ask for a collaboration than force one. no one likes their work being touched by someone else's hand when it isnt asked for, so as a general rule of thumb, just dont do it. this thread is that negative reaction, concentrated.
you, of all people, understand that words do have meaning, have power. and twitter, instagram, all these platforms is increasingly becoming a hivemind environment, where if someone says something opposite the individuals with the large audiences, they get dog-piled. that is why this thread is here. we wanted to enjoy the art being made, but we cant, either due to level of skill, subject matter, or simply the individual making it. and this thread is to discuss that.
i would love to actually speak with you and talk about this, but i honor my anonymity, and wont try to contact you. you have no respect for me, or anyone of this thread, so i cant expect a decent conversation to come of this. and likely, this post will be mocked, and i wholly expect that. but since there is no other way to get your attention other that the most obscure of avenues, i implore you to read this as a genuine expression of why i am on lolcow, and why this thread exists. that seems to be the foundation you are missing when it comes to this thread, and my hope is that by leveling with you, you gain more perspective to form your opinions.
i, speaking as an individual separate from this thread, want to enjoy videos and art that many artubers create. but i cant. and i cant say why on places like youtube or twitter for fear of being hatemobbed. so, i am here, doing what this thread is for; unedited criticism.
No. 445423
>>445367She states so often how much she loves History…but she seems to know nothing about it!
She just read "Mummy" oil paint and her eyes saw the clicks.
No. 445450
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>>445367The painting, btw
No. 445500
>>445496Someone uploaded child porn onto Tumblr.
Apple responded by removing Tumblr from the Apple app store.
Tumblr responded by basically nuking the site of any and everything that could be considered NSFW.
Porn and fetish artist (and their fans) jumped ship and headed to Instagram and Twitter.
No. 445545
>>445532If you're good at art make tutorials. Not the silly 'how to draw in my style' stuff, but hardcore 20 minute plus 'how to draw complex figures in perspective' type videos. It might not rake in the views, but it'll rake in the patreon bucks (doing personalized critiques is what usually attracts people). The best example I have is lavendertowne vs. Moderndayjames. Lavender has 3 times as many youtube subscriber as James, but James makes 4 times the money on patreon. The more complex tutorials also tend to ward off the more annoying artists, like the 'my style' types tend to avoid those videos.
A realistic art reviewer would be nice too. One who isn't obviously bribed, lists the pros and cons, goes into the technical aspects.
No. 445572
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>>445450I see no difference
No. 445768
>>445587Not a degree in Fine Art? Like, she literally received a B.A in Oil Painting?
That sounds like one of those churn and burn kind of schools. Get them in, take their money and push em out to make room for the next batch.
No. 445797
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>>445768sage for doublepost but she went to ENMU, so i'm guessing she has a bachelors in visual arts. ENMU is a public university that has an art department and not an "art school".
No. 445937
>>445913 (I'll also try not to sound too blogpost-y, sorry!)
Totally agree, and I think that some artubers are so concerned with uploading consistent videos (e.g Lavendertowne's "Turning X into CUTE GIRLS!" videos all the time) that it never even occurs to them to think about improving the basics. And if they do decide to do some sort of "practicing anatomy!" video it tends to be a one off thing instead of a persistent effort to improve.
I know
>>445545 mentioned Moderndayjames earlier but I rewatched his perspective videos and have been diligently following those techniques in little exercises recently and I've already noticed an improvement in my backgrounds, something I've kinda plateaued with for a while. Sycra has some nice videos on composition iirc that I'd recommend watching if any else is in a similar rut.
No. 446093
>>445913The entire art community in general is really bad with helping beginners even with all the 'support new artists' stuff they spout. If you're a professional artist you could A. try to phrase your 'holly shit everything is wrong, go back to fundamentals' critique in a constructive way for the 20th time in a day (also for free mind you), but end up in a 30 minute debate on the merits of someones style or B. Work on improving your art. They would obviously choose B. This leaves the only people left in critique circles professionals who haven't burnt out and beginners who'll praise anything no matter how shit it is.
This is a blogpost, but I was in a critique discord like that. To sum it up I stagnated for a year and whenever I vented about 'why aren't I improving' on the server all the people there could only say 'art should be fun', 'just draw', 'have you tired pintrest tutorials', etc
No. 446118
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Found another artist via Instagram explore to add to the "not a horrible artist, but no where near good enough to justify them having over a few hundred followers" pile.
I can't believe this person has 14k followers.
I think my biggest pet peeve with artists like this is that with the amount of following they may collect, they might get asked how they draw certain things by younger kids and take it as an "okay-go" to start making drawing tutorials, when in reality they don't even have the technical foundations.
>>445547 Youtube AND Instagram apparently.
No. 446300
>>446279Actually looking up and examining things like the anatomy of what you're drawing helps a ton sometimes. Like, if you draw people, know what bones and muscles should go where. Same with animals and different animal species in comparison. If you do landscapes, understand how mountains interact with the atmosphere, different types of clouds, various flora and how it changes depending on the area, and so on. That way, you're not drawing what you think is there, but what you know is there, and even what's underneath it. Idk, hope that helps, anon
No. 446394
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soo this whole thing is just more MUH ALGORITHM hysteria from the same whiny artists who think they're entitled to your clicks and have a tantrum whenever a post doesn't do well?
No. 446475
File: 1565449622634.png (573.5 KB, 720x810, Screenshot_2019-08-10-10-40-04…)

What do you guys think of magic poser? Its an app in which you manipulate 3D models to help you out at art. Do any of you use it? Because so far the only artists I see using it are total beginers or people trying to get their work advertised on the magic posers insta page. Also the community has a growing 'magic poser is for references' and 'magic poser is for tracing' divide
No. 446478
>>446475Sage. looks unbelievably crap.
I think only beginners are fooled into using posers (or those anatomy dolls) to copy poses.
It's a much better idea to draw from real life. Or from reference photos (although it might be difficult to find the pose you want).
These programs could be useful if you want to trace and crank out like comic pages or something at a fast pace.
No. 446480
>>446475I know two people who use it/something similar, and how they use it really makes a difference.
One constructs his more complicated illustrations with 3D models, focusing on setting up his perspective, finding the most interesting angle for it, using it as a tool to make sure his objects and characters are all correctly sized, the background's lines are accurate, his light sources make sense, etc. He then draws his sketch using this and other references.
The other guy basically traces the characters. His lineart doesn't look the worst, but when he gets into any sort of rendering you can tell he's mindlessly setting down his colours like they're on a flat surface, and it looks awful.
So basically it could be a good tool if you already have strong fundamentals and know how to use refs, but if you're a beginner, you probably won't learn anything but how to trace/copy.
No. 446488
>>446475I don't mind posing tools, they have their uses, but that image specifically looks like a terrible one. Like, first of all, the drawing has better posing/anatomy than the 3D image (which I'm willing to bet they actually took a drawing, then posed the 3D models into the same general position, rather than the other way around).
Honestly, even good posing tools are best used for setting up composition or just finding a pose you want, they aren't really good for reference.
No. 446496
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>>446475It's when beginners trace them 1:1 and it looks stiff and awkward. With the rise of programs like these, you can really tell who traces them because the proportions are "passable", but the lineart/rendering are abysmal.
No. 446505
>>446496Lol one of the legs is longer than the other and one foot is missing (not at the right angle for it to be hidden by the other leg.)
This is a good example of how it can hinder beginners.
No. 446525
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What do you think about Par0llel’s art? She’s pretty popular and she has 190k followers on Instagram.
No. 446548
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>>446525I like her style. Her work doesn't feel samey. I feel like it's a good example of someone doing their own thing with the "anime style."
Is there anything milky about her?
No. 446554
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Is it just me or does Kasey give off major awkward nerdy virgin vibes.
No. 446566
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>>446525 i think shes decent but you can clearly tell when shes heavily referencing someone elses work
No. 446595
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how has no one mentioned this hand lol
No. 446628
>>446525Their stuff looks good at first glance but the more you look at it the more you see them hiding behind colors and false dynamic angling.
Plus, there's no weight to anything in the picture. She's holding the gun so delicately like it's a damn fork and knife.
No. 446636
>>446634Anon, no one is attacking her or condemning her for making mistakes.
If this girl is a bit too young and immature to learn from critique that's completely fine (and understandable), but anons in this thread might reflect on their own work based on these critiques and improve it. Sharing knowledge, tips and advice IS supposed to be one of the things we do in this thread, you know.
No. 446662
>>446634> a SMALL child Anon she might be a kid, but are you honestly suggesting a 16 year old is at the same mental capacity as say a 5 year old, lmao?
How is it that even in this thread we get anons that feel the need to be overly passive, female socialisation and the art community jfc.
No. 446732
>>446660I think it’s a little bit of luck but also I think she spun off of what worked in her fanart, like she has voltron + dbh stuff and was a major artist in kingsmen fandom, into her OC’s. Plus her drawing and coloring skills are solid and a popular style. And luckily there is a large market for people way into handsome boy/BL kind of stuff.
like tbh I get it why drawing cute girls are easy and a comfort zone for most people but the real bank is just like, learning what your market is into paired with solid skills. And also handsome, non threatening boys
No. 446753
>>446438>>446447generally speaking i think art style theft is stupid. However, I think it can be apparent in some cases like that one girl who not only traced over Slugbox's artwork, but copied his style 1:1 and even considered herself a "cheaper alternative" for slugbox. Like okay that's just straight-up art style theft combined with actual theft.
Not like, using the same type or kind of eyes as someone else like that one girl who would draw super big eyelashes on her characters would claim whenever someone else did the same style eyelashes.
the cheap knockoff won't be like the original, and I've seen a lot of popular artists having their style copied 1:1 with practically the same subject matter and a lot of the "knockoff" artists will pass themselves off as "cheap alternatives" for if someone wanted a commission from say Kawacy but didn't want to pay 200+ dollars for a Kawacy commission, they could go to them and get it for like 20 bucks.
I find it akin to copying someone's handwriting because art styles are effectively brands to a certain degree. Like Sailor Moon and Card Captor Sakura's art styles are similar (because they're both shoujo) but you can still tell the difference between them. Even if one part of the style is the same, there are color differences, subject matter differences, etc. When it comes to other artists, the same thing applies. Sure you can't really trademark a style, but copying a style 1:1 and selling it is similar to intentionally copying someone's handwriting and it comes off as attempting to slide in on their profits and/or undercut them at the same time.
No. 446771
>>446722Yeah, I'm pretty sure she did art on the side until she was financially able to quit her day job, and having a degree means she can easily jump back into the field if she ever needed to, which is sensible. Her vlogs can get a little boring, but they make good background noise at least. And she's very helpful in sharing info about what sites she buys merch from, how she runs her shop, etc.
>>446732This too. She got popular as a fandom artist long before she really delved into her original content, which is part of why she has a decent following. And it may just be bad luck on social media for me, but I feel like I see way less drawings of men than I do women, especially good ones. (Like ones that aren't either overly buff power fantasies or uwu soft boi that just looks like a tomboy). So maybe I'm overly grateful for handsome well-drawn guys when I see them.
No. 446932
>>446806Keep up your delusion that mens sexual interest is worth anything to push a woman down with lol
>>446858Desireable women tend to make statements like this the most, so L.
No. 447021
>>446660I think the secret is to start as a fandom artist and then slowly bring in the OC stuff. She was popular in the Kingsguard fandom and some other series. She also continues to have some presence in popular series like Voltron and DBH. Because of that, it brought the right audience to her - people who like cute boys and BL.
The other thing is her merch is very unique. It's super easy for anyone to make a charm or a button or sticker. But making a plushie is different and difficult to find a supplier for. She's also done moleskin-type sketchbooks, leather mirrors, pass cases, etc. It makes her stand out more than other artists.
No. 447076
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>>447008I cant stand the guy, the way he brags about money is so uncomfortable. I don’t think his art is awful but i hate the way he shades things. He uses highlights and then one dark midtone.
No. 447140
>>447076I think the shading is fine but the anatomy is horrible.
>Shit anatomy>Overpaid>Cape shit>Can't draw feetHoly shit, it's Rob Liefeld 2.0!
No. 447202
>>446485 said, posers often look stiff.
If you wanna draw people, look at real people not anime dolls
No. 447315
>>446480 stated. Posing software is best used for testing out and correcting a composition. Tracing it will leave you with a super stiff drawing.
If you have decent fundamentals and understanding of anatomy, rely on that and just use software like poser for testing unique perspectives and forming compositions.
>>447144Her drawings actually seem to be getting worse with time.
No. 447334
>>446358Same, that and those Law for Kids PSA comics
That said, I do think Jazza has some talent. His sculptures and 3d models usually come out much better than his drawings for some reason.
No. 447340
>>447332Which would be fine if it would actually work with her art style… Its too detailed for wobbly lineart in my opinion, it just makes everything look lazy. If she wanted to use wobbly lineart then maybe she could try a more childish art style.
Also i fucking hate her shading
No. 447491
>>447190From an "ethical" standpoint, there's nothing wrong with it. If someone wants to use a pose doll, that's their choice. But from a technical standpoint, it's not smart.
Pose dolls are worse because you're not dealing with actual humans, and these programs can't perfectly replicate human limitations and gravity. The only exception to this would be things like Anatomy360 where you can't pose the models, you can only turn the camera and change the lighting and so on.
I'd say using a pose doll is similar to using someone else's art as a reference. Because you're already dealing with a deformed source, it's going to result in a misinformed product. 3D software can have some incredible uses, especially when it comes to planning pieces, but I don't think posers are a good idea for beginner artists. It will give them the wrong idea of anatomy.
No. 447519
>>447190It’s good to use poser dolls in conjunction with a very good and solid foundation of how anatomy works and how to draw real people and the only way to get that first is to draw real people a ton, from life and not just from pictures. Like poser dolls are useful for like, if you have to pose the person in a weird perspective, but you need knowledge of anatomy to know if the pose actually works with a real person with bones and muscles and stuff.
Plus you need to draw people from real life and not just pictures so you can understand volume and form, like what someone said earlier about figure studies from pictures looking flat. Like Baylee is the biggest example of this with these studies, she is not paying attention to actual volume and just renders without knowing form so they are really inaccurate in regards to actual anatomy, volume and 3D form
No. 447566
>>447190The bad thing is those models don't even have good anatomy to begin with.
Nothing will substitute a good foundation in anatomy, figure drawing and gesture mileage if you want creative freedom, that's not to say you should not use reference in a piece but for the best approach will always be to sketch the thumbnails first, do the photo shoot yourself with real people and/or better yet, create your own 3d model if you have the option to do so, if not at least doing a crude manequin with polymer clay would help you more in your development than relying too much on other people's models. Its also great figure practice to learn to sculpt by hand or using zbrush. If you are poor i won`t tell you to pirate it or anything, but i mean, you do you.
No. 447861
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>>447743It looks like a Dakota Rose shop
No. 447863
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What do you think about Sugar.gutz art? I generally don’t like it and everything in her gallery looks the same.
No. 447901
>>447888The lines of the face are all over the place and I don't mean the stylization. Nothing lines up and her body is just terrible. Also the claw hands. The fish are the only good part of the piece to me. Also in the video she says the theme of the piece is this girl is friends with the fish and it shows their bond. I'm sorry what? Those fish are ornaments to yet another blank faced child like pretty girl staring into the distance there is no fucking story there and she can't force one in. She just sounds unintelligent and pretentious.
Her work ethic advice was pretty solid though. She is a good painter. She just lacks substance imo.
No. 447916
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As a naive 4th grade artfag, I bought a "How to draw manga" book from the scholastic book fair and I just found it again among my old stuff. I wanted to look up the artist (Ben Krefta aka Bomu) to see if he had improved since 2004. Not only has he not improved in 15 years, but the "best" quality work in his entire deviantart gallery are his porn star portraits he calls 'realism' that are obviously traced. It's sad because he has more than one published how to draw book and kids who didn't know any better (like myself) give up their money and actually use them and pick up bad habits. I hate these Chris Hart-tier artists who do this shit.
No. 447918
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>>447916sorry for samefagging but I was thumbing through the book I have and this legit looks like some shit Holly Brown drew lmao
No. 447923
>>447916Honestly this is why I absolutely loathe Baylee's how to draw book. She gives these idiotic advises to people without even knowing what she's talking about herself. She has this line weight "tutorial" where she just told people to "make the line thicker on the chin" and literally nothing else. Like why on the chin? it's amazing how she doesn't even know herself. The whole art book just proves how she puts 0 thought into her own art and why things are done the way they are yet dares to charge people of that garbage. When she was asked why she teaches others while she can't draw, she basically just told people that it was just because she had the opportunity. Like bitch you selling people shit that you KNOW is shit and you're not even ashamed. The chick has no pride as an artist and I hate that kids treat her as some sort of goal. Poor them. If you wanna make a regular art book then go ahead but don't fucking make a
how to draw art book when you know you can't teach, that's a fucking scam and you're a fucking scum.
No. 447932
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>>447923I agree. When artists who take 'fake it til you make it' too far actually get regarded as professionals by children, dim-sided fellow 'pros' and companies or pro artists that just want to get to their fanbase, they get the big head and think they actually know what they're talking about, and even if they know they don't, they also know their minions will believe and defend their every word anyway.
>>447920Apparently someone is getting something out of his art…somehow.
This man has 48.6k followers on his instagram (@benkrefta) and looks exactly how I thought he would.
"I'm not a model, the camera just happened to turn on while I was sketching."
No. 447933
>>447932You didn't expect him to look more like Chris Chan? Because I did, to be honest.
As a kid, I requested one of his books as a gift from grandma cause I somehow though it would be good. Instant regret.
No. 447950
File: 1565735748547.png (388.13 KB, 830x773, ballee.png)

>>447946See this summarizes baylee's art perfectly. She draws these stiff lifeless pictures then tries to draw these pathetic "guide lines" that are all wrong and in weird angles. She doesn't have any idea how they work but she just has to make it look like she does. This is the peak of her teaching.
No. 447986
File: 1565738516678.jpg (301.32 KB, 750x687, 2019-08-13_19.13.02.jpg)

>>447863I hope this doesn't come across as pure autism but the number of fused/stolen edges and tangents in this really bothers me. I just felt like pointing out a few of the places where lines seem to follow the same curve even if they're supposed to be in front of/behind each other.
No. 448133
File: 1565754064879.gif (718.79 KB, 500x384, 1556456273081.gif)

>>447781Look at Egon Schiele, his stuff is very stylized and yet the logic of the anatomy is sound and looks believable. Its not about "perfect" anatomy, is appreciating that a certain knowledge is present and it adds another layer of character to a picture.
I have to agree on some level though and i see it incredibly often: No amount of anatomic knowledge will save face for bad perspective and bad composition, is the most common thing in the world for beginners to skip perspective because is boring and they want to got straight ahead to characters, this has the counter productive effect of elongating that "akward beginner who knows a few things but can't actually create a cohesive piece" phase.
No. 448553
>>448480I'm like you- learning is what keeps things fun and fresh.
I think half the problem is that people lack the ability to reflect, assess and critique their own work or process. That's a skill in itself that needs to be developed, but unfortunately not everybody considers it essential. Yet if you can't figure out the areas you want to improve, you're just wildly stabbing in the dark.
Not everybody necessarily has the mindset to assess their own work either. I reckon this is why I think some people benefit more from having a teacher there to help jump start that process.
No. 448557
>>448554Just politely tell them you don't have time, or maybe direct them to some good resources (like actually informative art YouTubers). I'm not gonna tell you how to feel, but if I were you I'd be kinda flattered that people think I'm good enough to ask for advice from.
Most people message with the intent of "a response would be greatly appreciated!" As opposed to "I'm entitled to your time!" If that's what they think, that's on them, not you. Don't worry about it.
No. 448621
>>448554If they're polite, you could point them towards places where they can get what they want. Like if they want art advice, point them to some videos/websites with resources you like. If they want critique, point them to Wetcanvas,, etc.
If you're getting the same questions on a regular basis, it might help to have a FAQ. A lot of artists use instagram stories to put up an FAQ. I'm not sure about Twitter, but maybe you could make a page with an FAQ? Then you can just tell people who ignore it "It's in the FAQ."
No. 448753
File: 1565857705836.jpeg (520.71 KB, 2334x1633, 1583CC68-E495-4CAD-98D8-C71EC0…)

Imagine paying $250 for doodles drawn in Starbucks
No. 448783
>>448769If the package is international, and sendings were meant to occur 40-50 days after purchase, then the fact it is mid-August with no package means 1 of 3 things; package is lost and likely won’t be recovered. Contact through email or messagers to get a refund or a resent product, if possible. 2nd option is you got scammed. 3rd option is the package was sent, but you won’t get another one or your money back because the artist is a shitty artist. In which case, post screenshots everywhere and blast their ass for shitty practices.
If the package was in-country, it should have delivered within a week after July 1st if the artist sent at minimum 40 days. Maybe longer to accommodate the 4th being a federal holiday, but not till mid-August.
Try to get a response from the artist, Instagram may be your best bet.
No. 448796
>>448753They must at least a minimum of 10 hours on the collage if they want that price to be
No. 448805
>>448796Art is skilled labor, skilled labor is priced higher than minimum wage. Artist fees by the hour differ wildly but most unions will suggest anywhere between $30 to $70 per hour, depending on experience and skill level.
Let's take the lowest possible rate then, which works out to just over 8 hours. Which seems about right for a colored and inked piece with multiple characters, foreshortening and full body shots.
No. 448808
File: 1565873350283.png (375.32 KB, 899x673, HMM.PNG)

This Artist doesn't Understand what referencing is it. The fact this post got many like is concerning
No. 448810
>>448753Hard agree. This artist does not have the skill to charge those rates, much less for a lazy service. These are barely doodles with flat color and not even particularly well done.
I don't know were other anons are coming from thinking is cheap, maybe they live in a upper class bubble in the first world, some people would pay 100$ for a snickers bar and not think they are being scammed, so i guess cheap or expensive is relative to who is paying.
No. 448814
>>448810Dude I'm a dirt poor but custom art is not the same as a fucking mass produces snickers bar. Art is a luxury it's not even meant to be something that you can just afford out of your fast food restaurant's minimum wage. How fucking entitled if you think that. Art is more comparable to a yacht than a fucking food that we need in order to survive.
>>448812Honestly how much this took them really doesn't matter. To be able to draw that in 20 minutes takes years to learn and artists should be able to charge for what they see their art as worth rather than just the time it took to make.
No. 448817
>>448810Art, or any service, is priced according to demand, not your salty subjective assessment. If she has a fan base that's willing to pay her 250 bucks for colored sketches then guess what, the price is right.
Just proves this thread is filled with envious failed artists who are mad that they can't get commissions for more than minimum wage prices. How do you react to impressionist art pieces that some artist spent 10 hours painting is sold for 1 mil to some saudi prince? Literal 10.000 dollars an hour wage right there.
No. 448833
>>448817>Just proves this thread is filled with envious failed artists who are mad that they can't get commissions for more than minimum wage prices. Honestly this. This thread is constantly full of people being cunts about commission prices artists with a following place, if someone wants to buy a furry OC design or sameface anime waifu prints for $400 then that's what they can charge. Similarly I've seen artists crying about other keeping their commission/merch prices being too low because people are going to "the cheaper alternative instead of buying my amazing art", maybe get better and promote yourself more if your shit doesn't sell? Or accept that most people don't care about sentimental value you place on your art and only want what
their eyes find pleasing? Most people buying from popular online artists aren't art hobbyists, they're people who don't care about anything else but aesthetics they find pleasing on a surface level. They don't give a shit if it's unoriginal or if the anatomy is slightly wonky. Yes it might feel unfair that someone with a smaller range and lesser talent can make a mint with their art but I bet there's at least one thing in your world as well where you only want basic functionality and semi pleasing looks instead of having a tism fit over nuances and the production techniques. That's what art is to a lot of people not in the ~know~.
No. 448861
>>448858I can see that. I didn't know of her before this but her art is good which, I can imagine makes this all more disappointing.
She also allegedly makes companies black list certain artists she doesn't like (she supposedly has a lot of influence in china) and locked a person she was staying with out of their own house because that person liked BL.
No. 448907
>>448876been wondering about this myself and even tried looking up about this. Like there's that certain polish makes the art look "professional"?
found a slightly related cgl archive ages ago but it was mostly them talking about how there's a certain nuance in anime-styled art that you can tell it was definitely drawn by an east asian artist in comparison to something that was obviously drawn by a westerner
No. 448933
>>448876It might all be in my head, but someone bad at art who gets their work published is usually diffrent from someone bad at art who posts online.
I hate to invoke it, but if one has the 'tumblr style' or obviously rips off another insta style it looks less proffesinal, imo. Not because I hate the style, but because the style was started on the internet and only now is it getting featured in official media. One could probably subconsciously assume 'american comic style = proff' and 'generic insta = not proff'.
Also all the artists you linked are good at rendering.
No. 448936
>>448760i just found out who this is and i was right with that style
anyway depending on which clique you belong in the vocaloid/utau fandom he could be qualified as one
an anon in the vocaloid thread mentioned he aped a japanese artist's style then bullied her off tumblr
No. 448949
File: 1565895564764.jpg (2.18 MB, 1500x874, q01.jpg)

>>448905>>448907>>448933im glad im not the only one who wonders about this! yes, something about the polish or publishing? i meantioned the previous artists as examples because i dont think its simply an american versus anime influence.
i took some examples from boom studios comics to show a variety. bottom row is what i consider online fandomy and top row not so much. imo the ghosted in l.a. art is good but closest to the online style im thinking of. ymmv and its not to be insulting. i think both rows have good and bad art.
No. 449022
File: 1565909232205.png (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 1077x1530, Screenshot_2019-08-16-00-44-40…)

Sorry guys, last time I annoy you with this shit.
She sold the original for about 900$ if not even more lol.
But there are still prints available
No. 449038
>>448812Comments like this is why you don’t let clients see how long it takes you to create a piece - people somehow fail to understand that it isn’t just the time it takes to create a piece they’re paying for, it’s the years it took you to get to the point you are at now.
Art is a trade, and it’s a trade that produces exclusively luxury items. You don’t price it the same way the labor of a retail worker is priced.
No. 449044
>>448810It's not a problem if an artist "overcharges" though, nobody is entitled to their art and people that like it can already consume their public stuff online for free. If other people think it's not worth their money then they just won't be commissioned. If they wanted to shit out more commissions for as many people as possible then they will put their price down like every other teenage artist on deviantart.
Overcharging is honestly fine, it's undercharging which actually leads to problems for other people.
>>448812Good for them? Signatures from celebrities take less effort and go for more, it's not about the time taken itself it's all the other context like the success of an artist or rarity of their work
No. 449072
File: 1565924474051.jpg (639 KB, 1078x1445, inCollage_20190815_215922134.j…)

The cleavage looks like butts.
No. 449092
>>448856What the fuck, that's sort of crazy to hear, since Rei_17 is so established and has a lot of influence (like the the desaturated skin tones with the high chroma mid-tone scheme that's popular now)–you'd think at that level, they'd be sane and not start up drama.
>>447986Anyone have tips on how to avoid tangents, especially when it's a more realistic/detailed style? I start getting confused once I start having to overlap clothing with complex patterns or other things.
No. 449139
>>449092>Anyone have tips on how to avoid tangentsThe only trick with dealing with tangents is simply being aware that they are a thing.
Other than that not much, better awareness comes with practice, just take a step back and observe for them every now and then, if you are already minding value structure, focal points and the visual lines in your composition you don't have to stress that much harder and you'll start noticing
problematic spots. Without even thinking you will notice a kind of mental noise as you gloss over out of pure habit.
And also, make sure you flip the canvas often. If working digital map actions to a hotkey to do it faster, if traditional use a mirror.
No. 449243
File: 1565968531351.png (Spoiler Image,91.58 KB, 423x411, a09074cd85d465fd0622331f9e7074…)

>>448753ah, revolocities. i always remember him for this weird rape-y pedo shit he posted (source: )
No. 449244
File: 1565968722954.png (Spoiler Image,402.54 KB, 718x588, 25h2h2h.png)

>>449243and this. i don't know the character but i looked him up and he looks nowhere near this childish, so.. why the age down? on the right is how he looks in the show.
also i know these were posted 4 years ago, but i still find them really creepy.
( source: )
No. 449255
>>448833I mean this really. I have no problem with price discussions and whatever, but screaming that something is too high because it doesn't take a long time to do pretty much is the same logic of "It only takes you five minutes to do, why should I pay you to do it/pay this much for it?" which only leads to undercharging because people think they should charge what people ask for and/or how long it takes which overall just drags down the entire community because the masses really don't have a distinction between "hobbies who charge 2 bucks because it's a side gig." and "Professionals charging 200 bucks for a sketch because it's a job." and they think they're the exact same.
and part of the reason is because of hobbists (because they're more abundant) undercharge because they don't actually rely on art as a job, therefore, they can charge 2 dollars for something that takes them a couple of hours to do because they don't have to worry about a source of income with art. I don't wanna be elitist and say only professionals and people serious about their art should charge money for it but like… At this rate, only people who are more serious about their art or at least charging liveable and decent wages for their art should charge money for their art. If you want to do artwork for people for practically free, just fulfill requests instead of having 2 dollar "commissions".
As someone who wants to be a professional artist, doing sketch portraits (with flat colors) for 20 bucks when it takes me 2 - 3 hours start to finish (7 x 3 is 21) only to be told they're only worth 5 bucks is just straight up disheartening. Not to mention, I just straight up don't want to do 20 sketch portraits for 100 bucks when I could just do 5 and get the same amount of money charging 20 bucks instead of 5 for them instead. Especially since doing 20 portraits to reach 100 dollars takes more time than just doing 5 of them to reach 100 dollars. and I can't help but think it's because people see commissions being done for like, 2 bucks for a full-body character and whatever and then look at a 20 dollar one in disgust, even though 20$ can cover food for a day.
No. 449334
File: 1565988250334.png (Spoiler Image,278.63 KB, 600x600, snap,crackle,pop.png)

That's a new level of broken anatomy
No. 449352
File: 1565993413788.jpg (806.14 KB, 1500x1000, 16.jpg)

Do people unironically do this? I was going tablet shopping and the company had a ton of pictures like this on their site.
No. 449453
File: 1566013133008.png (731.13 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20190817-113736.png)

The full thing
Its like she barely even tried tbh
No. 449503
File: 1566023291557.jpg (31.89 KB, 172x193, abomination.jpg)

>>449419oh god you're right, 2012 deviantart flashbacks
No. 449506
File: 1566026982537.png (33.32 KB, 774x308, what..PNG)

If you join the youtuber membership, does the creator get the payment, or does it go to youtube? I only ask because on Lavendertowne's htm custom emoji video, she says that she doesn't get money for the membership premium shit, but that sounds… fake.
pic related.
No. 449708
File: 1566080303412.gif (2.91 MB, 368x368, sqert.gif)

>>449371Agreed. I had to unfollow Stephanie Sarley because she went off for days about her work being ripped off, 2 separate times. She snapped at everyone telling her to chill out, too.
You finger fruit, calm down.
No. 449747
>>449710>>449733Honestly I don't think you can really compare a creative field to a normal job. A normal job while certainly can be stressful usually repeats the same working pattern, so after you get a hang of the flow, it barely ever changes. A creative job requires you to constantly work your brain to come up with ideas and be innovative where in normal job you don't really have to. I've worked in festival food stands and I once had a one gig last the entire 24h where I jumped to a train 7 in the morning, prepared the stand and the equipment with a co-worker, started selling food during mid day when the festival started, hit rush hour at 3am and collected the stand 7 am again. Now those kinds of gigs can be tiring, especially when they tend to last a whole weekend so it's a lot of work with little sleep but when you get hang of it, it really is the kind of work where you can just turn your brain off and let your body do the work. Now ofc those gigs aren't same as 9 to 5 jobs but the work flow is similar, you do one few things you repeat over and over and that's it. With art basically everything is always new even if the act of drawing is the same the picture itself changes and finding ideas for your work and topics for your videos can be mentally taxing. It also forces you to uphold a certain persona and bring your work into your personal life in a whole new way which will understandably result to burnouts, especially since most artists or social media famous kinda feel like they never really have a time off from work. For artists it's a same, your home becomes your workplace and that means a lot. There's a reason a lot of famous artists (who can afford it) buy a separate studio to work in.
No. 449758
>>449710emily artful uploaded 2 videos trying to explain her absence, when in reality she left because her views are terrible. before she left, she was tweeted and deleting about how bad her views were, becuase no one wants a podcast of her talking with other artists. people want fake storytimes from her, and thats it. that's why none of her other content breaks 100k.
so she makes a video saying she almost killed her child 2 times because she got him sick, then when no one cared, pretended it was creator burn out.
No. 449776
File: 1566094127626.jpeg (58.98 KB, 315x433, 8823C62A-F5DD-4DCF-8175-3EDD65…)

>>449775I mean I found this after 1 minute of googleing her drawings and this looks normal to me. She’s also drawn those types lips on white people so I feel like this is some hard case of picking and choosing.
No. 449793
File: 1566099386273.jpeg (51.8 KB, 468x655, B3A1D6FA-00EA-4971-9D82-63BEBA…)

>>449776Your mistake here is expecting anything other than baseless accusations from tumblr. Since when does ugly count as racism?
No. 449817
File: 1566106799167.png (1.85 MB, 1080x1095, Screenshot_20190818-003855(1).…)

>>449771I mean… She's drawn those lips on non-black characters as well.
No. 449819
>>449771nah, it aint racist. she is just a dumbass that didnt bother to pay attention in high school
history class when they talked about jim
crow propaganda. a lot of her shit has that gross fish mouth thing, even her white characters, but for them it just looks like a freshly fisted asshole. it just comes off as racist for black characters due to previous historical art that i cant expect kasey to give a shit about. reminds me off the concrete controversy with the steven universe artbook.
i’m ready for the ‘the haters are at it again, im not racist :)’ post from kasey’s twitter. she seems like the type to care about this.
No. 449900
>>449747I didn't mean to compare it to non creative fields. I meant it as YouTube artist vs. Studio artist, book illustration artist, art teacher .. etc. You know the type of artist that work with other people either at a studio or a school. But to your point people who work for/with others don't always choose what they do so they don't need to be super 100% creative 24/7.
>>449762>>449758That sounds more plausible that what she could come up with. I guess you're right. If people don't watch the videos for the art but for the (possibly fake) personality, then freaking out and claiming burnout wouldn't be that absurd.
Thanks anons. I've been thinking of starting a YouTube channel for a while. But videos like Emily's kinda scared me and make me not want to do it. But I guess it wouldn't be that bad if I had a plan and a proper timeline that is if I can actually get people to watch.
No. 449945
File: 1566129520643.png (541.32 KB, 703x704, nopples.PNG)

>>449072You should be thankful anon, she put nipples on TOP of the cleavage in her original piece on her story before she posted this one.
Example of placement
No. 449954
>>449806Willfully ignorant is a good way to describe it, I think.
I think she has weird, arguably bad taste in art, so I think she probably just likes how it looks for some reason and probably doesn't care about the implications. I find it hard to believe she doesn't know at all, though. I mean, come on.
No. 449997
File: 1566137929248.jpg (75.12 KB, 728x567, 1215-prada-bag-black-face-phot…)

>>449954racism is so ingrained in slightly older american culture (blackface in old movies, gollywog imagery everywhere around 1940-1960) as well as gollywog and blackface imagery continuing to creep into 2019, like the gucci and prada doll and shirt. that I think american girls just tune out of it and think it is inoffensive and cute. Like the gollywog-style doll baylee had as her "assistant" for a while before people noticed and she had to retire it
No. 450002
File: 1566138917128.png (97.99 KB, 647x631, Screenshot_2019-08-18-10-31-05…)

>>449995I didn't watch the video, but I kind of hate it when ranters or youtubers kind of overstep their boundaries. You can tell when a ranter just doesn't understand the actual weight of their accusations and that no matter how many 'dont attack any one mentioned' warnings they put their fans wont listen. Do you think her fans will grow out of her and backlash or she'll just pitter into obscurity
No. 450008
>>449995I didn't watch the video so I cannot comment on it but calling people scammers or thieves is kinda big accusation, especially since reading after reading the comments it seems that ross does update his backers and has ability to refund them (not sure he would but he has not touched the money) if needed. I don't really understand what the issue is, creepshow said it's because the story wasn't already in the making when the kickstater got made but that's always been the case for everything. People have idea and want it to be made reality that's kickstarter. It just seems like Ross delivered a blow on her and she's desperate to defend herself so she makes these stupid points to make her video seem more
valid. Like wow you work on other book at the same time as with Nima's book, that's not fair for your backers, as if there isn't plenty of people who've run multiple projects.
No. 450018
>>449995I agree with her points actually and I really hate her. He made a kickstarter and told all his backers the art was finished and it would be ready to go in a year, and kept telling his backers everything was going well until it was close to the release date. Then he said there was an issue and he had to postpone another year. And now hes doing it again, refusing to send refunds to the people who are asking (which are a lot if you check the kickstarter comments) and then released a separate book, that he apparently was working on at the same time. My mom gave to the kickstarter because she loves him, but when he announced his other book, even she was annoyed.
Theres a reason why most of the comment are positive and he gets really defensive about it. He didnt plan it well, and while i dont think he scammed anyone, I think he fucked up and should give people refunds
No. 450020
>>449997I'm personally not offended by it (like, those weird clown-like things with the big red lips are supposed to resemble me somehow? lol, ok retard). It's just so…ugly. Not only does it have a bad history with all the racism, it's not even aesthetically pleasing. What is there to keep? What gives someone such poor taste as to like it?
Whoever designed that thing for Prada needs to be fired for having bad taste. Racism aside, why would any self-respecting person want that shit hanging off their bag? There's so many cuter characters and possible designs, but they went with that? I just don't get it.
No. 450021
File: 1566141703870.jpg (640.96 KB, 650x1142, Ross Responds.jpg)

>>449995RossDraws' response
No. 450031
>>448805>>448804I generally agree with you guys, but I will point out that if we're taking
>>448796 seriously, then they're still suggesting the artist would be paid WELL over minimum wage. If they think for that artist's pricing to be "
valid" they should work for at least 10 hours, that's 25 dollars a hour.
No. 450045
>>449710I feel like 1 of 3 things tends to happen
First is confusing creative block or general stress with genuine burnout. Burnout is often talked about, but I think until you've genuinely experienced it, a lot of people don't actually realize just how catastrophic it is. So I think a lot of people say they're burnt out when in reality, they're just a bit stressed.
Second, there's always people who want sympathy, or just cover talking points as they feel is necessary. Burnout is hard to understand but easy to discuss.
And lastly, there's a strong possibility that even if it doesn't seem like a burnout situation to you, they may be genuinely experiencing it. I mean, like others have mentioned, creative jobs, even if it's only one video a week and managing a shop, is stressful. But I also think you underestimate how much YouTubers and social media artists actually do behind the scenes; video production can actually be surprisingly life-consuming. Some of it is also community management, which can be a lot for some people! Plus there's the fact that even if you were in the same position and would find it really easy, everyone deals with different things in different capacities.
No. 450053
>>449900Well the working for others and not having to be super creative is one of the reasons I would say. I tend to work better when I'm told what to do but when I need to come up with ideas myself it gets instantly harder. There's ofc the other things I also mentioned like the fact that youtubers tend to be kinda forced to lock themselves in their homes which is actually a huge burden for someone's mental health. Someone else mentioned uncertainty about the future which ofc plays a role, etc etc. There's a lot of reasons.
I also have a YT channel but it's more like a hobby than anything since I tend to post once every two weeks then disappear for couple of months and repeat. If you wanna do a youtube channel then go for it but I would probably recommend just doing it for fun rather than going for tight schedule. What I've noticed myself and why I stopped trying to fit into the youtubes algorithm is that the once a week schedule kinda forces you to lower the quality of the art you want to do. At first I tried to do a video once a week, so that it would push me to draw more but soon I realized that I couldn't really draw stuff I actually wanted to. You can take a look at any arttube channel really and notice how the full detailed illustrations turned into sketch sessions and other gimmicks.
No. 450095
File: 1566151984302.jpg (241.92 KB, 682x500, 1a82380f5e5376fcd9ba5208be76e5…)

No idea who this artist is but lets be sad together
No. 450212
I feel like an asshole for posting this, but I'm getting really tired of seeing artists (in my case, one in particular) post constantly about their
abusive family to plug their merch. I get it, you're in a bad situation and need a means to escape, but posting daily about how you want to kill yourself and how people buying your stuff is the only thing that stops you from putting a bullet in your brain is getting old. It feels so insanely manipulative.
>>450195So many kickstarter scammers get away with it. Kickstarter doesn't actually hold creators accountable, so people just use it as a get rich quick scheme with 0 repercussions.
No. 450214
File: 1566167051429.jpeg (48.55 KB, 463x620, E0C0A8AD-CF69-4F19-A857-100017…)

>>449997Isn’t this supposed to be a chimp? Hence the ears at the very top, the very long arms, and what looks to be an exposed tummy with belly button
I mean, Gucci and Prada are also both Italian, so I don’t know why you’re viewing their actions through an American lens when rich Italians couldn’t give less of a shit
No. 450224
File: 1566167810878.jpg (60.79 KB, 750x651, 48423106_2542575759302108_8846…)

>>450214Uh, anon..
>Gucci and Prada are also both Italian, so I don’t know why you’re viewing their actions through an American lens when rich Italians couldn’t give less of a shitI never really understood this excuse. I'm pretty sure they're both international brands with large stakes and ties in America. It'd make sense if they only existed in Italy, but that's not really case (and even then, it's not like Italy doesn't have its own brand of this sort of shit and is some sheltered, isolated island totally cut off from the rest of the world).
No. 450227
>>450031You’re forgetting that artists don’t get tipped, which other workers that rely on minimum wage have chance to receive. I also don’t see why skilled labour with no purpose other than luxury SHOULD be anywhere near minimum wage, it’s not something you get trained for within a day like retail workers do - it more closely resembles the training and polishing of skill that tradies like carpenters do.
Dont know why so many ITT go on about commission prices, they’re usually not that bad. The only commission prices I’ve ever seen that have made me remotely bitter are photographers, god damn do I wish I actually found photography interesting and could rake in big ones taking photos of people’s pets and babies.
Unpopular opinion; digital art is not worth as much as traditional art is. It is a file which can be easily reproduced so it no longer has scarcity value, it has relatively low cost to create, people prefer physical items so they’re willing to pay more. The artwork itself isn’t lesser than traditional by any means, but it’s like charging the same amount for a kindle book as a hardcover.
No. 450232
>>450220I’m not sheltered, it’s just that when I see a monkey doll my first thought isn’t ‘that’s a caricature of a black person!’
>>450224It’s not an excuse, it’s something to keep in mind - don’t view something other people do through an American lens when they’re not American. This reminds of that H&M controversy a while back with the black child model
No. 450253
>>450232Neither of those anons, but of you seriously think that thing looks more like a chimp than a blackface caricature like the one in
>>450224 you are being willfully obtuse. Also, considering they are international brands who market/sell largely to Americans, we are absolutely within reason to view it in an American lens. Knowing your audience is business 101.
No. 450276
>>450253You’re right anon, it’s not like Prada is a global luxury brand with majority of its buyers being in Asia, specifically China - they should definitely zero in on specifically the American market.
I acknowledge that plenty of people saw it as a caricature rather than a chimp like I did, but don’t delude yourself into thinking that all brands must first and foremost take into account the feelings of Americans when they’re not only international, but also a global brand.
No. 450314
>>450195There are so many amazing free RPGmaker games out there that anyone having a kickstarter for one is laughable. Granted, maybe if it was a game as long as most console RPGs which are 10hrs at least, that would make more sense, but otherwise, nah.
And yeah, I’ve seen a couple successful kickstarters but I’ve also seen way too many where people are fucked over, to the point where I don’t support them anymore. Even independent artists screw it up, whether they’re working by themselves or with a company/group. Speaking of which, didn’t something happen a few yrs ago with yuumei’s cat headphones kickstarter? I remember hearing that the headphones were all cheaply made and broke easily or something like that. It’s slightly worrying since she just mentioned another project involving these light-up realistic koi fish decorations that may or may not be kickstarter. As cool as they look, they’d probably also be expensive like the headphones and have production issues.
No. 450497
>>450195As one of the backers, I'm so absolutely disappointed lol. At least I got my rewards (I backed $135 for the sweater and artbook, rip me) but the whole thing has left such a sour taste in my mouth that I don't even want to wear the sweater. So many of my friends love her shit, and I'm afraid if I voice out my concerns that they'll just gang up on me with that "she's so busy!" garbage. She took $200k from this. She could've definitely taken some time off from some collabs, paid her team and herself, and done this full time for a while and put out a game. But who am I kidding? We were supposed to get a DS port and technical issues aside, Nintendo has basically replaced (if not basically killed off) the DS, so the port is useless.
It sucks that this isn't a bigger stain on her career. Every time the Omori twitter posts a shitty tiny update, I see so many unknowing people get so excited about it and I wish I could tell them she's just a filthy liar and disappointment, but they're probably all too far up her crusty asshole to listen to reason.
People have put out a lot of really great games for a lot less. I don't even know if I want the game anymore, I don't even know if I'll play it. Even the homestuck game ended up being vastly different than intended after a fuck ton of hurdles, but they
put something out at the very least. What hurdles has Omo had? Some NDA issue they couldn't discuss, and too busy taking money from collabs rather than fulfilling the thing she had already her fans money for?
Sorry for sperging but I'm still so mad about this lol. Even if the game is somehow great, I'll never be able to fully enjoy it because of all of this.
No. 450553
>>450276america is the largest economy in the world, china is only worth 2/3rds of america's market. that isnt by numbers of people in the country, that is by dollar amount. not only that but america is 18% of versace's online market engagement. china isnt even in the top 5. all i did was google 'versace main markets' to find that out.
population means jack shit if the people can't afford the product. your 'global market' is not the number of eyes, it is the number of wallets, and america has the most number of wallets in the world willing to spend on artsy fartsy shit. so no, versace has no excuse of not catching this blatant and historically charged artwork, and you trying to discount america's position because 'well, i dont think it's racist!' is just willful ignorance on your part.
No. 450606
>>450314>>450325Because people like seeing ideas and projects come to life.
Of course, in the case of Yuumei's headphones, it wasn't so much as it was a SCAM, but the biggest flaw was the speakers on the headsets and how easily they could break from regular use. However, I had a pair of them (I got mine from brookstone) and they were decent quality and a lot of other people (people who do headphone reviews) review the sound quality as decent.
Of course, the first alliteration of a product will probably not be the perfect or best one. Hell even those Viviva watercolor sheets weren't perfect when they just got out of kickstarter nor was that travel watercolor pallet that has the two water wells that you can place over your thigh. Unfortunately, you can't foresee flaws that take months to appear or that take heavy use before they come to light. Just because a product had production issues, doesn't mean that it was necessarily a scam. the first release of anything probably has production issues, especially when the person isn't experienced in production. Hopefully those koi will be better than the headphones, and when I last emailed her, she and her lawyers were looking into the issues with the headphones esp since now Brookstone is going out of business.
No. 450616
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>>450606According to Piper Sweeney, Brookstone was mainly responsible for Backers getting those failed headsets and kept the better models for themselves to sell on their website.
No. 450636
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>>450597yes, she has. it doesn't seem like she is milky by any stretch but looking through her art and especially the redraw video is just fucking sad because even when she used to have that deviantart-tier stylized look it had some life in it it, while now it has lost all charm. pretty sure she is massively influenced by twisted who is the worst artistic influence she could possibly choose. now it's just long-ass faces with perpetual grinning sidemouths, balloon shaped limbs and bodies that i think are supposed to be "curvy" but are incredibly stiff. she did have these issues before but now it looks like they were turned up to the max. maybe I'm cherry picking here but man those fucking faces
No. 450731
>>450616big yikes. in that case, i don't think she can or should be really held responsible for the shit brookstone did unless she actively knew thats what they were going to do.
Just for clarification, Yuumei still owns the rights (copyright, etc.) to the headphones themselves, but Brookstone just owns manufacturing rights… although given they're going out of business, probably not for long. Hopefully the next alliteration if there is one will be much better.
>>450666Yeah I get straight up scams that are the issue. But a lot of people put unforeseen production issues (lower than expected quality, unforeseen flaws and issues, general product failures, etc.) in the same bucket as straight up scams which makes it hard to explain or express something being a scam vs just unforeseen issues and shitty circumstances.
No. 450754
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Dunno if it's cool to mention doll artists but culur is getting majorly called out for repeating previous behaviours many ppl are majorly disappointed
No. 450756
>>450594Nope, there's no videos on OMOCAT whatsoever. There is a thread on her here, but none specifically on the Omori disaster, just general salt about her brand and her personality.
>>>/ot/15930If you want a summary, basically:
OMOCAT launched a Kickstarter for an RPG maker game back in April 2014. The game was based on Omori, a depressed shut in character that had gained some popularity due to her making an art blog for him. The goal of the Kickstarter was 22k USD, it earned 203k USD. The estimated release date was supposed to be a year later, May 2015. OMOCAT was supposed to do some of the art assets, while she hired out the programming and music to a team.
Once OMOCAT got the money, she went radio silent for months. Meanwhile her clothing brand began to pick up steam. She as giving regular updates on her clothes but absolutely nothing on Omori. No one knows for sure, but the general consensus is that she probably dumped all the Omori money into her clothing brand, or otherwise pissed it away a long time ago. While she was raising funding for Omori, she got an LLC for the OMOCAT brand and, shortly after it was successfully funded, really doubled down on brand expansion.
Part of the stretch goals and tiers included other things as well, like sweaters and an art book. Also there were goals to get the game on the 3DS and PS Vita (now both dead platforms). In 2017, she sent out the clothes and pins she promised, with no real news on the game.
Eventually they did post a little bit, every several months, but nothing substantial. They released a demo in April 2018 and that's all. The last Kickstarter update was in April 2019, telling backers about their Instagram/Tumblr. But it's all old stuff, sketches and doodles dating back to 2014 and no actual new content.
In the /snow/ thread, an ex worker came out with some information on the team. According to them, the team all hates eachother and were basically only brought on because they were friends of OMOCAT. They're just leeching onto the brand and couldn't care less about Omori's success, they just want to be associated with the brand. Instead of working, they just goof off and procrastinate.
As far as I know, that's the whole story. Apparently OMOCAT and people in her circle are all very nasty as well, though that goes beyond the scope of Omori.
No. 450767
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Okay, here's a guy I've been checking on for quite some time. Meet Momo/Nullmeat/Damos. He begs for money on a constant basis for "groceries and rent", but ends up blasting it away on toys and Second Life. Not just toys you can buy in a Walmart or K-Mart either, but expensive as shit imported Kamen Rider belts. Hes also one of those furries who begs for pity art because "I'm sad" or "muh depression."
Pic related.
Yes, it's just the marker tool in MS Paint.
His "fursonas" aren't even original either, they're literally just the shit anyone in Second Life can just buy and slap together.
FurAffinity: (Main) (Art) (NSFW)
Twitters: (Main) (Private)
No. 450809
File: 1566294858477.jpg (429.33 KB, 2289x1526, PicsArt_08-20-04.46.09.jpg)

Mia draws is getting lazier. She doesn't draw the body for her adoptable.Instead she bought an art base from another artist. Lazy 100%
No. 450833
>>449995Why would anyone give their money to art pewdiepie? You are being scammed even if you get the book lol
>>450812Even 4 hours a day can go a long way if you at least are being consistent, if you only work whenever you feel like it for whatever you feel like it you are in for some shit. I´d also usually prefer it if artists were more honest with the deadlines, a lot agree on very short deadlines because they think it helps the sale but if you are just going to repeatedly fail to deliver or ask for extensions then you are only harming yourself. Better to give longer deadlines but always deliver on time than being known as the asshole who cannot be counted on to deliver when you promise.
No. 450837
>>450772NTA, but I think true burnout is often brought upon by stress and overworking oneself. There's other things, too, like untreated mental illness and such. I feel like this is a big thing in the video game industry with crunch culture, where people are working ungodly hours to meet an unrealistic deadline.
Tbh, I could see some burnout hitting YouTubers who actually care. There's a big amount of pressure to make the next video a 'hit', plus there can be pressure to make something that their audience would like (and that targets a profitable audience). Plus, with it being a social media position, there's the risk of work and personal life blurring. But that's different from people who don't want to work at all, or who don't know how to manage their time as a self-employed person. It's not easy to be self employed and there's a big risk of becoming lazy. That's not the same as burnout, though.
No. 450868
>>450772Burnout is basically when you reach a point where your stress is so overwhelming that you "crash and burn." You hate everything you do, even if it was something you loved before, you'll often hate or resent yourself, and your motivation to do anything is gone. Just the thought of doing the things that resulted in burnout can cause a person to panic.
The biggest thing though is that it will manifest physically, you'll be exhausted, and many people become sick (because the stress reached a point where the immune system was screwed).
No. 451087
>>451033Juanjo Guarnido and Barbara Canepa, look into Blacksad and Skydoll.
Also, fucking Moebius, he is amazing, i also like Mike Mignola a lot. As for manga look into Takehiko Inoue and Otomo
No. 451118
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>>451106Is it ozabu Anon?
No. 451241
>>451240Am I retarded or is there actually nothing about sage-ing in the lolcow rules?
Honestly, I’ve never gotten why this place relies on sage so much but I’m also a filthy catalog user.
No. 451247
>>451241no lol, i just looked and couldnt find anything about it.
>>451240if you want people to do something, you should probably explain what it is rather than bitching about people not doing things lmao
(it's literally at the top of the rules page) No. 451254
>>451161>>451163Actually there are plenty of artists that I look up to and absolutely love. I took the anons word as artists who have made legitimate tutorials or have made breakdowns of their own works and give solid explanations.
In my comment I mentioned studying the works of a favorite artist like everyone else pointed out.
No. 451281
>>451118thank you for the reply but it’s not her,they are somewhat similar though,but it was more simple and without such intense shading.
for me ozabu is god tier and i can not comprehend how she can draw like that with only a mechanical pencil and graphite
No. 451320
>>451258There's a gazillion gumroads, and suddenly every other artist is a youtuber or is selling some overpriced online art course, if anything too many artists are sperging about their process.
The best way is to just focus on fundamentals and if you like an artist try doing master studies, individual process timelapses are not that informative as they may appear except for catching a quirk or two.
No. 451597
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I burst out laughing at this clip.
At this point it's clear she hates making art and only does it for attention.
No. 451604
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>>451336The Incal, XX century boys, Blacksad, Nikopol Trilogy, Sandman, The Invisibles.
No. 451612
Paper Girls
Beautiful Darkness
Rat Queens
A few of my all time faves
No. 451614
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>>451612Samefag, but I wholeheartedly recommend SAGA above the others. It’s ongoing and has a lot already written, but I can be truly heart wrenching at times
No. 451615
>>451607Thanks anon, i haven't read Salambo and Sloane Sloane, those look really interesting, i'll be checking those out.
Forgot to add Katsuhiro Otomo´s Domu too, probably my favorite manga ever.
No. 451659
>>451579Agreed. The art is pretty, but that's about all it has going for it. The artist is constantly going on hiatus for months at a time, despite it supposedly being her full time job. The comic was started in 2012 and yet the plot has gone absolutely nowhere. The characters are awful, I gave up after the main character legit committed genocide and then we were meant to feel sorry for her and remember how much of an uwu Soft Girl she is.
Pretty sure the artist did some Homestuck work and that was how she got popular at first. Seems likely that's how she got inspired to format her comic (both in length and style). Only difference is Andrew Hussie finished his entire comic in 7 years, while Ava's Demon has been going at a snail's pace. Looking forward to reading the ending in 2040 lmao.
No. 452340
>>452041I started out with W&N Cotman Sketchers' Pocket Box. With an additional brush, because the small one that comes with the set quite sucks imho, they are good for beginners.
But keep in mind, that good paper is also necessary.
(However, I soon upgraded to Schmincke Horadam since they are easier to get where I live. And if one only buys the primaries that's enough and can be cheap, too.)
No. 452617
>>452494keep in mind, she got confronted by a fan about this, and asked if she was paying the fans for the free b-roll. the original post asked if her fanbase liked the footage, and the commenter's post said that 'for exposure' isnt
valid payment and sets a bad precedent for artists. creepshow responded with 'im too poor to pay but im going to continue asking anyway.'
she then proceeded to blast the comment on her instagram, uncensored so the user was clearing shown, and basically framed it like she was the
victim and an angry fan was making her feel bad about doing it when every other comment on the post was supportive. she literally nitpicked the single negative post.
i know ya'll hate talking about creepshow cause she isnt worth the time, but as far as shitty practices go, this one is in my 'tried to start a witch hunt and failed' category.
No. 452671
>>452625I despise her, all she does is stir shit up, moan and is always the
victim. She's a fucking moron. Her response to Ross is a perfect example of why she's a cretin.
No. 452839
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>>452775 in response to Ross' response to her video
>>450021 No. 452848
File: 1566589134283.jpg (21.39 KB, 660x440,

>>452839Just stumbled into this thread and thought y'all were talking about Ross O'Donovan
No. 452870
>>452839She's such a fucking tryhard. "people came to ~me~ about it" lol. She really wants to be That Bitch in the art community who isn't afraid to call people out and have artists scraping to avoid being in her super important videos, but really her 12 year old fans have boosted her fragile ego to the point where she thinks her criticisms are
valid or wanted. She won't use her own speedpaints in videos anymore because her feefees get hurt, but she WILL shove her nose into anything that might squeeze out a few drops of content and make sad attempts to humiliate them. She can dish it but absolutely can't take it.
No. 452923
>>452900>Half the stupid drama in the art community could end with PYWThe community would implode as it would become very obvious no one on ic/ can fucking draw.
I only go on ic/ when i look for a link on google and it shows a post on their archive in one of those resources threads. Download the artbook or video or wathever, close it and forget about ic/ again.
No. 452934
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>>452861This one seems especially lazy. How is the girl on the right’s wrist bending like that? Why is she holding it so casually (not to mention how weightless this makes the axe look)? Why is she colored in a way that makes her blend into the background?
No. 453044
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>>452994>>452934what is up with this girls face? It looks like part of her forehead is large than it should be, like a forehead or something.
No. 453551
>>453468I dont understand this comment at all. Shes annoying as fuck but shes still gaining a lot of subs and shes hasn't been in any controversies. Theres nothing here to say people are catching on.
I think she just overreacted and made fake drama to serve as a promo for her video.
No. 453633
>>453551It's not about like to dislike ratio the shit talking is mostly on discord. It's not like Baylee Jae gets tons of dislikes but there is a lot of shit talking involving her all over the internet.
>>453584Exactly. Holier than thou is pathetic when you're just regurgatating common view points with a "quirky" edgy twist for money. She's a fake tryhard who is so literally talentless she can't even use her own art in her own videos
No. 453737
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I honestly stan the fuck out of Creepshow art. Waffles only good content in the last year is drawing with everything in (X color).
No. 453753
Shes an annoying, bitchy teenager with a superiority complex who severely overestimated the worth of her own opinions.
She went on a 10 minute rant about her jessica yaniv is not a real twanny and no twans pewsown does anything bad EVER uwu
No. 453767
>>453753>She went on a 10 minute rant about her jessica yaniv is not a real twannyI didn't even watch her JY video because I knew she wasn't smart enough to have an opinion any more thought out than "B-B-BUT HE'S NOT A REAL TRANNY, AWESOME TRANS GALZ ARE THE REAL
Kind of pleased to know I was right on the money.
No. 453780
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Im actually concerned with kaitoonist mental health. She just randomly apeared on my insta feed with one of her 'artist rant' comics and looking through her insta most of what she makes is artist rant comics (algorithm sucks, Im not improving, the usual). I hate to self diagnose her, but she feels like someone who just went into art without really thinking it through. If this sounds like projecting it most likely is. I've seen so many artist like her. Kind of aimless or have a 'passion', which they didn't do much research on, so they said 'why not art'. They didn't take art serously when they where young and they still struggle to so they lag behind their classmates. They end up making a ton of art rant posts online, drop out from burnout or graduate with an useless degree because the only places that accept them are degree mill schools that don't grade on art quality, but on your ability to pay for your classes on time. Kait looks a few months away from a mental breakdown.
>>453762I thought she was 16 wtf.
No. 453785
>>453780That does seem oddly specific, anon. But yeah, maybe she's just caught up in social media in general? Or depression? Or maybe she just likes whining. There could be a million reasons why…
Weirdly enough I think these kind of comics generate clicks because people like to complain about this shit all day every day. So it also might just be because of engangement.
No. 453828
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No. 453854
>>45382810-15k likes per post seems like a good amount of engagement lol also who cares
I hope this literallywho grows out of this boring shit and into a better art style
No. 453856
>>453767The video was insanely difficult to follow.
I attempted to twice, gave up and got information from other sources.
No. 453860
>>453828Oh boy I remember when I used to follow her;
I thought her art was simple and cute and that she was drawing sensitive stuff that appealed to me but Idk at some point she started having a big head and the way she talked seem like she was full of herself so I stopped
Also she posted something on her account and basically told people to go witch hunt someone tracing her or something to her followers lmao
I understand she's young but Jesus she could've handled it herself
No. 454163
>>453753nta but she's literally the dumb, talentless, annoying, fat, lispy, Jonas brother/Naruto loving fangirl everyone side-eyed in middle school; and now we get a peek into her inner dialogue as an adult looking back on it all. It's entertaining as hell. I'm not into the drama videos, so I can't comment on them, but I'm fairly certain most of her following came from the story-times.
Personally, I can't imagine legitimately hating or getting irritated by a retard that isn't doing anything except making themselves look like a fool. I know it's the artist salt thread, but imo it's more fun to laugh at this shit.
No. 454166
>>454143The tag’s not even made for getting engagement, it’s specifically for people in the comic industry finding work. I think Kelly Sue Deconnick created it, there’s rules and guidelines to what you’re supposed to post and why
It’s just been taken over by all sorts of artists who just, idk, want to make another pinned tweet or get more followers. Which is fine but… if you’re already working in your chosen industry and have 65k followers you don’t need to be any more fucking “visible”
No. 454168
File: 1566851934165.jpg (Spoiler Image,44.94 KB, 500x620, trevorbrown.jpg)

Trevor brown's art is disgusting. I really don't understand why more people don't point this out. How did he get so popular?
No. 454169
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Been thinking this account traces for a long while now, but That Hand is telling me otherwise
No. 454171
>>454168seems like the type that's popular among people who are into guro styled art. tbh it's really no more disgusting than most other stuff you'd find like that unless guro is a personal squick for you.
and someone doing something that is just squicky ain't milk so sage ya shit
No. 454976
>>454844I'm of the same opinion as you anon. I still remember when I first discovered Syren years ago and thinking she was just a harmless camgirl but boy did she turn into an annoyingly pointless commentator. She really just spouts off common sense yet thinks it's so different.
And then Creepshow came and she's just as worst because she really lays on that try-hard "2 deep for you" style that never looks good on anyone.
ReadytoGlare is probably the better of the two but I haven't watched a ton of her and I only caught awareness of her during the Kat Von D drama. What would you consider her "shit content"?
No. 454991
>>454985Ah okay, that's fair. Yeah I've browsed through her channe land some of the video topics had topics that were so dumb that I can't find it enjoyable to listen to so I get what you mean there lol.
I guess I can just appreciate her more than the other two because she's not being a tryheard edgelord like Creepshow or nauseating like Syren. Like you can tell she is educated and applies this to some of her videos which makes them easier to listen to.
No. 455023
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lanajayart y’all
No. 455120
>>455023She's so boring, basic and has big head.
Girl didn't even try at all with the make up.
No. 455227
File: 1567046411426.jpeg (48.85 KB, 400x600, Salma Hayek Graphics (33).jpeg)

>>455023>>455124White bitch trying to be mexican. She'll never be as close as Salma hayek was though. And yes, bold lips were a big look for Frida.
No. 455342
>>455023>Dream Imagine Believe on wallah yes, definitely basic white girl
Lana is one of those fake "uwu all body types are beautiful" but can't even comprehend having a monobrow or look unconventional
No. 455419

>>449762That's very true. If your art is not the main focus of the videos and it's just something that is either fake (the storytimes) or a niche topic that you've talked about for a good while, it can be very hard to keep that success (views) up and people will get bored and go elsewhere.
Speaking of this subject, I just got done watching TwistedDisaster's latest video and while I do agree that self-employment can be a challenge, I just have to sit her and ask does anyone actually think Michie's art is that good to buy? I've seen her prices and they're just… I dunno. I feel bad for saying this because art is subjective at the end of the day but I take into consideration how Michie says she's trying to have a book published where I'm sure she'll be using her art as a cover and I just have to ask would any of you be intrigued by her art to check out her book if you saw it in a Barnes & Noble?
And something that always bothered me with her is how she makes it seem like she has finally made it to "support" herself with her art without having to work a regular job but the reality is that it's all because her husband happens to have a good job to support them both. If she wasn't with him or he didn't get his lucrative dream job, there is no way she could support herself on her art alone and I guess that is just something that always lowkey annoyed whenever she talks about her lifestye from a financial perspective.
No. 455517
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>>455419She's an adult? Because of her art I always assumed she was a teenager.
No. 455523
>>455517>>455419Hell no I wouldn't buy her dopey looking art, much less a book of it. All the characters she draws faces look puffy.
She only got popular piggybacking off other artists. She wouldn't be much of anyone if it weren't for that and her whiny videos. Yall remember her gross sobbing and simpering because she had to stay in a basement for like A month? Some people don't even get that as a backup plan and here she is crying for money, but then saying "oh no, I'm fine the wedding is paid for"
I can't stand her.
No. 455555
>>455345fucking hell,
No. 455557 be honest I really despise this kind of people especially when instead of being proactive they just make these whiny posts on Tumblr. But I got pissed when I got a message asking for donations from them and we never spoke.
I mean, find a job, that commissions are just out of pity
No. 455583
>>455557Get. A. Job. Holy fuck.
I have been able to do more with my art then ever before since I got a basic income flowing into my bank account. I don’t have to worry about balancing art and paying rent because my job pays my rent and my food and my bills, while my art pays for supplies, my internet, and any random thing on Amazon I happen to want that day. It is amazing what you can do when you act like an adult and support yourself, and not rely on strangers to donate.
No. 455631
>>455557Oh my GOD just get a job at Walmart or something! You would really rather live on a piece of carpet and ebegging and pretending that doodling on MS Paint is a living? Shut the fuck up.
Honestly I am so sick of seeing e-begging in general online. Seems like everyone thinks they deserve handouts because their life was a little hard at one point. Sorry your parents spanked you when you were 5 but I'm pretty sure you can at least get a part time job and start saving up for your escape. Jesus christ.
No. 455636
>>455450Yeah I mean if her husband is okay supporting them both then it's not much of a problem but I just wish she had more self awareness of her situation and that it's mostly luck because again, if her husband didn't make enough to support them both, there is no way she could support herself with her art alone and I wish she would just understand that and try not to act like she's some expert in this because she really isn't.
>>455483Oh I understand that any person can post a book these days. I haven't read Holly's comic but I've heard a lot about it and seen some snippets of it, just… Oi lol. And hey maybe Michie's book won't be bad but I dunno, if I was just someone passing through a book store and saw her book with her art as the cover, I don't think it would catch my interest. That's why I asked if anyone else would because surely maybe someone here likes her art style? I mean the coloring is okay I guess but just the way she draws bodies and faces just irks me
>>455517Yeah she's 25 going on 26 I believe.
>>455523>All the characters she draws faces look puffyThanks anon, "Puffy" is the right word to describe the faces. They just don't look all that appealing. Like don't get mYall remember her gross sobbing and simpering because she had to stay in a basement for like A month? Some people don't even get that as a backup plan and here she is crying for money, but then saying "oh no, I'm fine the wedding is paid for"e wrong, you can have a cute style that is also nice to look at but Michie just seems to miss the mark in my opinion.
>Yall remember her gross sobbing and simpering because she had to stay in a basement for like A month? Some people don't even get that as a backup plan and here she is crying for money, but then saying "oh no, I'm fine the wedding is paid for"Yeah I remember all that and I remember lowkey being annoyed (I watched the livestream right when it was happening). She even went as far to say she was "Homeless". Are you kidding? At least they let them stay in the basement and turned it into a somewhat living space, that is not being homeless. Is it a bit uncomfortable? Sure but it's better than being on the streets. For Pete's sake they even let them use the internet in there. That just really aggravated me because some people really aren't as lucky. And all she cared about was the wedding when they were in a financially good area… I mean I know it all worked out (fan donations…) but still eugh…
No. 455638
>>455553I feel like if Twisted studied anatomy more or tried drawing in a different style that wasn't this dopey, chibified, pseudo Steven Universe looking style, she would see more improvement.
>>455522My honest guess is that most of her commissions come from teenagers.
>>455631Agreed anon. I currently work a part time job while doing art and even though my mental state isn't the best in terms of how I get a lot anxiety around large crowds of people, deep down I feel good because despite this, at least I have some stable income on those months where I'm not getting much commissions.
If these e-begger artists just got a simple part time job, it could really make all the difference until they are able to support themselves through art.
No. 455679
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He finally spilled the beans on his Dragoncon blacklisting."I was blacklisted for just applying to the artist alley back in 2000. I guess I'm
I think your work probably sucked back in 2000 and you got butthurt that you got denied a table so you blame them.
No. 455681
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I love when he talks shit on other artist's setups and gives barely a fuckin effort on his own shit.
Some people actually want to make money, dumbass. If you look like every other comic dude with a stick up your ass no one will give a fuck about you.
>He has said on multiple comic con vlogs he barely makes table, travel, and lodging expenses
>thinks people who draw cute stylized feminine things or anime are shit
>Seemingly hates women being in his field of work.
If you watch any of his vlogs you'll just FEEL the cringe.
No. 455683
>>455631I just took a peek at their archive and wow they've been homeless apparently since January and ebegging daily since then.
honestly thats so pathetic looking, please get a fucking job and go shower.
No. 455687
>>455419This video annoyed me so much for a lot of different reasons but I want to specifically draw attention to the fact that she says she took extra care to always do her patreon work, because, as a former patron of hers, I can assure that that is not at all the case. I was a patron of hers for seven months and I got the individual request reward once for the first month I was a patron. Then it was just a cycle of her barely posting anything for a month followed by her the next month promising to do double the work and then… not doing it. And she never mentioned the fact that she didn't do the previous two months work. Not once did she suspend charging on her Patreon for not delivering rewards.
I feel foolish for ever supporting her because 1) I knew about her terrible work ethic. I'd complained about her shit attitude and commission schedule in earlier threads because it annoyed me to see her say her pet peeve was wasted time when she gets nothing done; and 2) I don't even like her fucking art. I'm just easily drawn in by patreons with physical rewards, which she gave up months ago (without notifying patrons) in exchange for digital rewards that she said would be much quicker/easier on her and she didn't even get the rewards out after that!
The idea that she's going to finish off her commission queue is also laughable to me because she was taking in new commissions like a week ago. She doesn't give a shit about getting people's commissions because she has no incentive to do so. Like, hey, Michelle, maybe you should wait to get payment for commissions when you actually start working on them instead of when they're first ordered. Then you'll actually have a monetary reason to work on them instead of letting them sit in your commission queue for a Year while you take on new commissions because you ran out of money.
No. 455688
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How do you guys feel about artists that steal assets from shows and put them on shirts and stuff to sell in the artist alley?
I also suspect this person probably heavily references other's work for hers 50% of the time do to how inconsistant her art style is. Her art is very messy up close, lots of messy lineart and the coloring is bad.
She also works in the comics industry as a cover artist with IDW.
No. 455743
>>455516I 100% get where you're coming from (I especially agree about Waffles' rAndUm snorts and giggles that make up 50% of her videos), but I still disagree about Minnie. She's a pretty unemotional person to begin with, but there's things you can tell she's passionate about, like her travel vlogs (can't remember what she called them), or her how-to-fill-a-sketchbook-series, or her haunted houses Inktober. The only time I remember her having any emotion in her voice recently was when she was talking about going on holiday. Every other video is a deadpan "I'm going to paint this random thing today just so no one can tell me I've given up on art and my channel, oh, I know, I'll paint my PLANTS" Seems to me, and I'm just a lowly anon mind you, that she's just doing art for the sake of doing it nowadays.
No. 455812
>>455649Oh I didn't know all of that but yeah it doesn't paint a good light on them. Why would you plan for a wedding and buy pets when you're not in the most stable living situation? That is just not smart at all and they should've made moving out a top priority if the father in law really wanted them out.
I remember in the update video she said something about how she wasn't getting help from her family because they didn't see the point for them to have a wedding since they had been together for so long and then how she exaggerated when she said that she was "literally told they shouldn't have children". I'm pretty sure she exaggerated the situation because with how they weren't in a good financial situation, I'm pretty sure that they just meant they aren't in the best place to be having a wedding or having kids, they can barely get by with pets when it comes to emergencies, that should be saying something.
>>455687>This video annoyed me so much for a lot of different reasons but I want to specifically draw attention to the fact that she says she took extra care to always do her patreon work, because, as a former patron of hers, I can assure that that is not at all the case. I was a patron of hers for seven months and I got the individual request reward once for the first month I was a patron. Then it was just a cycle of her barely posting anything for a month followed by her the next month promising to do double the work and then… not doing it. And she never mentioned the fact that she didn't do the previous two months work. Not once did she suspend charging on her Patreon for not delivering rewards.Oh wow are you serious? So she wasn't being truthful about being on top of Patreon rewards. I feel like she's the kind of person who takes way too much on at once (assuming she was still doing commissions) and then either forgets or hopes people (her patrons) don't realize it.
>The idea that she's going to finish off her commission queue is also laughable to me because she was taking in new commissions like a week ago. She doesn't give a shit about getting people's commissions because she has no incentive to do so. Like, hey, Michelle, maybe you should wait to get payment for commissions when you actually start working on them instead of when they're first ordered. Then you'll actually have a monetary reason to work on them instead of letting them sit in your commission queue for a Year while you take on new commissions because you ran out of money.See that's why you shouldn't take on more than you can chew. I suspected somethiing was up because every time she would steer a video into talking about "her job", she would always be saying how she's far behind on commissions and isn't it weird how she gets sick so much? I'm just at a loss because even though I didn't like her artwork, I did enjoy listening to her videos as background noise and I thought she was harmless (until I learned about this thread and noticed her being mentioned here).
At the very least, at least you wisened up and stopped supporting her. If she's gonna be pulling crap like that, she doesn't deserve the money.
>>455718Yeah that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
>>455745That is bull, even if she lived in a state like Ohio and was only doing art, I have a feeling she would still struggle. And if what
>>455687 said is true, then I'm even more inclined to believe that because she doesn't have a good work ethic.
No. 455818
>>455743I wouldn’t really say that. I watched the video and she talked about the plants she got and she even named them. I would say she’s pretty interested in her plants and just didn’t go the route of “I’m gunna do this random thing so no one can say I’ve given up.” She seemed pretty passionate about her plants… I mean idk anyone who actually goes as far as giving their plants names like like they’re pets and referring to them as such.
Cause Bailey does the random thing and getting mad when people point out she’s given up or something. With Minnie it isn’t quite like that, then again I’m a pretty unemotional person myself so idk if that has something to do with it.
When you’re already unemotional you just come off as disinterested unless you show more interest than usual for something.
No. 455943
>>455918This isn't helpful in the least. She wants to talk about composition but everything in the video she draws is flat and dead-on. She doesn't cover even the most basic shit for visual composition, yet isn't even clear about what someone 'shouldn't' be doing.
Her audience is eating it up though and she doesn't take criticism, so, pointless video.
It bugs me how much artists get away with misleading others just because people think their art is cute. Lavendertowne is so vapid, I haven't watched one video of hers where it wasn't below basic, wrong shit.
No. 455989
>>455918Practice what you preach Lavender, talk is cheap.
>>455975Yeah definitely, her vanilla voice is too try hard, makes it almost unbearable to listen to.
I wish lavender wasn’t so stagnant with her art, there’s no shame in branching your style, I’m sure you’re audience won’t shit their pants over it.
No. 456130
>>455918"Here, let me give you a good example of composition!"
>>basic-bitch centered composition with tons of unused space for half the canvas, massive tangents all over the place, nonsense proportions on the trees, basically what she just said not to do, justifies her shitty choices by saying "I did it on purpose, tho!!!"Good job, great example, Lavender, totally looks like it didn't come out of a beginning drawing class
No. 456141
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>>455918>claustrophobic>claustrophobia>gif relatedat least say cramped or cluttered once in a while..
Also, she's making beginner mistakes with tangents and strange overlap which is throwing off the sense of depth, which is a pretty major element of composition. Focal point is only one element but seems to be the only thing she knows about, and she can't even get that right.
No. 456211
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>>455419>>455517Her droopy/swollen looking art style is giving me serious "Tom & Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" flashbacks.
No. 456272
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>>456269Has she never seen a pencil before
Also, this is the finished sketch for anyone who doesn't want to watch the video
No. 456292
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>>450021I found this site last night, trying to find some hate on creepshow (as much as I’m not a big drama fan) and I’ve to say I was not disappointed. While I don’t agree with much of the hate and criticism that goes on here, I am very much in agreement with things being said toward creepshow. The moment she uploaded that video, I unsubbed and immediately messaged Ross. It was me lol. He was really surprised about the video and disappointed that people who didn’t back the Kickstarter were making so many accusations. He said he would follow up on the accusation but I never expected him to actually comment on her video. I thought he would make a video or something to let his backers know.
Anyhow, that’s all I wanted to say. XD
No. 456331
>>456315Was not directed at you but the person calling me obnoxious. Mind you, this is a bit of a confusing place to make replies on a cell.
Again sorry. Was not aimed at you.
No. 456335
>>456330Wow. You sure do blow things out of proportion, child. I was curious to see if there was anyone throwing hate. It doesn’t mean I was desperate to bathe in hate.
Damn, the hypocrisy. And you don’t look shitty for shitting on random artists here? Desperate for hating, are we?
And I never asked for your approval. Don’t care if you don’t like me. I wanted to share some info that it was not merely coincidental that Ross stumbled upon her video.
No. 456339
>>456335Anon, why in the world are you so angry? Some person called you obnoxious, is that gonna kill you?
>>456337Kek, this.
No. 456427
>>456389I don't see how? She drew her plants, something she's passionate about.
like i said, I think the issue is that she just doesn't talk the same way as other artubers so it makes her come off as disinterested. She talks a lot about her process in her youtube videos, something that someone who is completely disinterested doesn't do.
Like, you have people who are fully disinterested in their art like Baylee Jay. She's done everything she can to distance herself from doing art and literally does the bare minimum and is constantly bouncing between new channels and whatnot. Minnie tries out new materials, talks about her process, etc. so i wouldn't say she's just doing the bare minimum or disinterested.
>>456389given what ik of that situation, I would be too tbh. Paypal basically froze her funds for month and refused to even help her. Given that paypal is like, the largest and most common payment processor, she probably lost a lot of revenue and ways of generating funds.
No. 456474
>>456427Plenty of art tubers aren’t over the top and have calm videos, and you can still feel the passion and love for their work radiating off of them
Mateusz Urbanowicz is a good example of this, even in his videos where he isn’t painting
No. 456601
>>456574Fair enough, I am asking because I made my first batch but never advertised it beside the launch and I still made a few sales. I was confused if just people don't like it or my designs are sad or what to do ahah I mean, I still turned a profit but I thought 50 were easier to sell.
I never saw anyone selling embroidery patches
No. 456628
>>456526Enamel pins can look cool if the design is good. However I find them unethical to use as we can't know if the manufacturers force their Chinese workers on the production floor to work with harmful materials. Lead has always been a regular component in enamel paint and while the western world is strict with the useage of it China gives 0 fucks as long as they keep getting that sweet sweet cash.
And it is not like artists who have pins made have the tools to test their products for lead either. I don't want to wear lead in my accessories, and I don't want some poor soul to cut their life short for my vanity.
No. 456682
>>456526When the enamel pin craze was big, I bought quite a few. But I soon realized I didn't really have anything to do with most of them. I only have so many jackets and bags, and it starts to look tacky if you have too many. Also, that $7 - $12 price point starts to add up over time.
Other problem, imo, is everyone in their grandma is selling them. It's an oversaturated market. I dunno, I wish people would sell merch that was a little bit different. I like to support artists, but I also don't want to fill up my house with useless trinkets.
No. 456691
>>456682And what would be a different kind of merchandise?
Sorry for the questions!
I saw the plushie that tricky wagon made but 70$ is a bit of a kill
Plus sending from Europe to the States it becomes quite expensive and tricky
I don't know I think that enamel pins are neat because small and cute
Who knows what the next big thing is gonna be
No. 456703
>>456601I have both enamel pins and an embroidered patch of the same design in my shop. The pin sells a lot better, there’s less of a commitment to pins than a patch cuz people can always take a pin and put it on a cork board or something and you can’t remove a patch as easily.
Pins, especially hard enamel, just feel like nicer and higher end to like paper goods, but it annoys me to see people who have bad designs think they’ll translate well to a pin or they do it in like soft enamel and it looks cheap. The market is over saturated so it’s harder to move them but like, I’m a member of a pin manu group on FB and it makes me scream whenever someone row “I’m new to pin making, how do you do this/make a kickstarter/ have money?” cuz they all think it’s an easy market but the cost to make them still is pretty high and they’re all high schoolers without jobs.
>>456691I’ve seen lots of people think about doing plush but once they realize how many thousands of dollars goes into it and how long it takes, most of them don’t. Like I think trickywagon’s price for her plush was pretty average, she probably isn’t doing a MOQ higher than 100 and the smaller MOQ you go, the more expensive things turn out.
I think the next new thing are gonna be custom sketchbooks,
TW has some and people like lanajay do too (tho she was stupid and had a big fiasco with shipping). The big square ones perfect for Instagram. The only problem I’ve seen is most of the group orders I’ve seen, unit price is like 5$ each and trying to sell a notebook for like 30$ is hard.
No. 456713
>>456703Thank you a lot for your in depth comment. Yes the problem of funds is something I had but I just run a preorder to break even to then order the pins
I feel that enamel pins are a cheap trinket that everyone can afford and that makes sort of a statement
It's pretty cool but yes it's a saturated market although the generic kawaii stuff sells pretty well. I see many Kickstarter that get funded in like 3h or less
As for plushies I contacted some manufacturers and they told me less than 100 is a no go, I wasn't criticizing her price but more how can people spend that amount of money for a plushie? I don't know
As oh sketchbooks, I think those are kind of hard to sell? I saw many very cool ones but they all go for around 40$ which is a lot for a sketchbook
Also I think for those the best option would be a local printing company, definitely more affordable and cheaper
Gotta look into watercolor sketchbooks
No. 456743
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>>454168 ive always loved guro art so I hate when this guys work comes up, the blatant pedophilia is too gross. I think braindead idiots just like it because it’s shocking
No. 456748
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Literally what are these proportions? I despise this style
No. 456752
>>456713Good luck anon! Yeah, enamel pins usually have a higher price point depending on how you want to go, like I like dealing with a middleman rather than going directly to a factory so I’m gonna pay like about 2-3$ each a pin. I feel like most people shouldn’t go KS right away to make pins, you should still make a name for yourself on social media and build an audience then fund your first pins orders yourself before going ham.
I have friends who make plushies and work to make plushies as a middleman too, 100 MOQ is really impossible at a reasonable cost. A friend helps fund hers with Kickstarter but she started with enough to fund the first run and went from there, but she also does like a con every week or so in addition to fulfillment (she does herself). Another friend is a middleman, she does it for companies and a realistic MOQ is over 1000 or so and all the fees associated with customs and shipment (especially now if you’re US based, tariffs will make everything 20-30% higher from China suppliers) make it really a big investment from an artist who is like 1 person doing it all themselves.
I haven’t sold sketchbooks yet myself but as a consumer, I don’t like spending more than like 20$ on a nice one and it has to have quality paper, I don’t care about the covers (I put stickers on them). They’re also quite heavy to ship as well.
People have been doing really interesting things with acrylic and acrylic charms imo. They seem easier to do since you can do fandoms and crap and don’t require a high price point like metal pins but they’re a good, higher end looking item to have on like an artist alley table and stuff.
I’ve seen tons of people get into apparel too, especially cropped hoodies and sweaters. I think that’ll be the new thing
No. 456761
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>>456748it reminds me a little bit of this picture because of the face. also those yaoi hands though…
No. 456865
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It sucks that Twisted went through that,, but for once, can she not think about herself and actually consider that telling he authorities may enable them to look out for the theft, who could be targeting other artists, or be able to look into the cameras to find her location?
Seriously, dumbass
No. 456971
>>455876Well, to be kinda fair, it's hard to put value on art in the type of professional world we have. This isn't always the case, but generally speaking, creative jobs can't really be copy/pasted to the same format as jobs in fields like medical, business, STEM, or others.
With art careers, every artist (ideally) has a unique voice and every artists' work is (ideally) different and unique to them… So striving for an art career is hard when you don't also have the personality, the marketing knowledge, connections, and/or the sheer favor bestowed upon you by God Himself in order to succeed.
All that can make some (insecure or immature) artists without these things feel lacking as they see other artists rising up.. and so the desperatism sets in.
Plus, when your entire identity is centered around you being an artist, having to settle doing art as just your hobby while working a deadend job makes you feel even more like you've failed as an artist. According to them: With art careers and professional jobs comes validation of your art and skill as an artist. Whether or not it's true (it's not) is irrelevant to the desperate artist who wants it so bad.
I think most artists experience this at some point, but for the more immature, it results in some serious temper tantrums and desperate e-begging gimmicks.
No. 456972
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>>456865She couldn't PAY ME enough to take one of those ugly ass charms. Nice story there, but that totally didn't happen. "feel bad for me"
No. 456977
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>>456972am I the only one who doesnt see a pikachu charm anywhere?
No. 456982
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>>456977You need a microscope to see them they're so tiny. I wouldn't be surprised if it just fell off and got kicked and trampled.
No. 456985
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What's your opinion on Ocean from Ocean in Space?
No. 456995
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>>456985other than the characters doing the same faces/poses at least there are different themes. At least better than those horrid Omocat shirts. I've seen these being worn around but never seen them sold before.
No. 457081
>>457022If you mean the blob in the photo
>>456977No, that blob is Holly Brown. TD is a the blob beside her, not pictured.
No. 457108
>>457058I get this a lot, but I also see the other side a lot more. I fucking hate my job, I work at ungodly hours, my schedule doesn’t come out till the day before the next week of work, and the amount of stress on my body is not worth the minimum wage I make. But, with only a 2-year degree, I got nothing else going for me. Can’t afford uni since I only make minimum, and my schedule allows so little time for art, I can’t even hope to try and open up a small art business. I would give my left nut to be my own boss and make art for a living. That, I think, is the appeal to be a full time artist, but I simply cannot afford to. I’m not looking to be the next Creepshow and flaunt homelessness, I want to keep a roof over my head, ya know? It’s just annoying so see people beg online to live that lifestyle and not realize that not everyone can be their own boss. Sometime, you gotta hang your head.
No. 457174
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Starheavenly found us
No. 457175
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(rest of the thread)
No. 457187
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>>457175she's loving the attention lmao
No. 457221
>>457174Who is this nobody artist lmao
>>457187Only someone who googles themselves to find validation would selfpost that nonsense for the drama
No. 457260
>>457187I like how the screenshot is in girltalk LMAO
Defs not a farmer, guys!!
No. 457435
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>>457376She seems to have normal hair now and dresses like a grandma.
No. 457701
>>457679This girl whines that her parents didn’t send her to a college that she wanted to go into?
Fucking scholarships, jobs, she was able to live on campus, chill.
No. 457702
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>>457679the video was so boring oh my, wellp
>>457428I HATE her videos, i like the idea or trying kids kits but the way that she does it is so , bad? and i hate how she always have greasy haired urgh her art is not even that good,
No. 457703
>>457679She also needs to relax because your first two years in college is basically meaningless, the professor probably knows this and didn’t want to deal with students, who I presume don’t enjoy art.
You have to take more art classes to get what she was imagining art class to be like.
No. 457764
>>457679Drawing 101 made her drop out? A drawing class meant to cover the boring, the rules, the standards, and the most basic, barebones take on art, made her drop out? With a teacher which, from the sounds of it, could see who needed credit and who wanted to to art, and was weeding out undesirables like the nursing major?
Sounds like the ‘bad grades’ she was talking about were passing grades, for the kids that just need an art elective to get it and move on to the desired field. That is what all my beginner professors did. I got amazing grades because I clearly had a passion for the art, but the kids in engineering or nursing got passing passing grades, at least a C or higher. And that C was likely just attendance, probably like the college this chick went to. Beginners art classes are super hard to fail, and a ‘bad grade’ literally meant you didn’t follow instructions. And showing other people’s art or drawing on their art in a beginners class is super common. How else are you going to show someone fundamentals if you don’t draw with them, and show the class? Growing a backbone to handle harsh criticism is likely what this teacher was doing. Also, the fact she spent three months in college and quit shows she has zero dedication to art, but a full commitment to popularity. Her art style is a Calarts knock-off, with no fundamental understanding of anatomy. That beginners class was exactly what she needed, and she quit. Honestly, good riddance, the class did it’s job and weeded out someone that simply wouldn’t cut it in a professional artistic setting. She can keep making keyframe, sprite-swap storytimes on Youtube all she wants, because without proper education, she isn’t going to be going anywhere else.
No. 457828
>>457688I had a a difficult art teacher for an advanced drawing class but I just managed to pay attention to what he expected of each assignments and what he was trying to teach and I managed to Ace that class. I also had the weirdest history photography teacher who was difficult as hell to deal with and liked to take selfies in the bathroom and sell them as "art" and I also managed to pass her class.
I never gotten a teacher that made me dropout from the class or from school, my financial situation is what made that happen.
No. 457829
>>457817You obviously don't work in the industry because literally no one gives a shit whether or not you go to college. You know how many calarts students don't have industry jobs? Tons. It's about who you know.
At the end of the day you need to discipline yourself. You can take workshops or life drawing if you want but no one cares whether or not you finished.
No. 457834
>>457829I can not describe how dumb that statement is. Dependent on where you work/the position you aspire for- hell, fucking, yes the industry cares. Do you see many people who never went into college get their own broadcasting, hell no. From the damn college the person goes to, it allows the companies leverage to understand what the person applying to the job may know or experience. Calarts, students are given an assignment each year to complete a film, that of itself allows many companies to see the students as being far more experience when working in a group to finish their film.
So yes, the college can factor in heavily as much as who you connect with- it goes in hand
No. 457857
>>457829>>457834Yeah I think it depends what you're doing and what you're trying to get into. Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar mostly hire people who graduate from or have attended CalArts because they know the staff in there and they know they can get a reliable talent pool that suits their particular style from the students.
Can you work for Pixar or Walt Disney Animation Studios without having gone to CalArts? Probably but it's going to be hard. The one case I know is Andreas Deja who as far as I know only had a degree in Graphic Design which he got in an Art University in Germany but he only got to work into Disney because he kept doing life drawing studies, sending letters to Disney, and kept submitting his work and he got the attention of Eric Larson (one of Disney's Nine Old Men) and through him he got a job. But this was in the 80's.
You can work for Disney Television Animations without going to Calarts or having an animation degree though. Mike Chapman of Homestar Runner has a BFA in Photography and besides his photography classes he only took some paintings classes in college but he claims that what got him and his brothers jobs in the animation industry was their work in Homestar Runner and not any degree or college. Matt Chapman as far as I know has no animation degrees but he does mostly producing, writing, and voice acting (Mike was the primary animator). They have both worked in various cartoons and shows for the Disney Channel. Judging by that Disney and Pixar would care if you go to CalArts specifically but you could still manage to get a job with DTA without having gone to CalArts or having a degree in animation and just by having done flash animation.
I know someone who works for WB Animations and the only education they have out of high school is an Electrician certificate so WB Animations obviously did not give a fuck that he didn't go to an art college or that he was mostly self taught. They cared about his demo reel and his work that was online and the connections he made.
If you're an illustrator then you definitely don't need a college degree or to have even gone to college to be successful(see Adam Hughes) it's all about your work, connections, and heck even marketing and social media to a point.
So yeah college really helps and if you go to the right one it definitely gives you a boost (CalArts for Pixar and Disney and animation studios in California, DigiPen for the video game industry, it used to be the Kubert school for comics but Marvel and DC went cheap and now hire popular artists online regardless of their knowledge of sequential art)but is it a must? Not really unless you're aiming really high and have the money to spend or don't mind being in a huge debt.
No. 457917
>>457857There are a lot of people doing, say, for-hire compositing jobs at Disney on a per-film basis who come from all over the country and never set foot in CalArts. You can still work your way in through the side door. It's just a lot tougher.
Laika up in Portland, and the newer, smaller animation studio whose name escapes me don't give two shits about art school, period. I think they're both better and more interesting places to work at than Disney.
No. 457950
>>457898I didn't watch either, but assumed this was what it was about (since that's what all the other videos labeled like that are about…). Glad to know I was right.
I never understood these kids who complain when a teacher tells them to draw from life or do an exercise of drawing in multiple styles. It can only improve your skill. Also, the overlap of the weebs who refuse to learn and people who can't draw 1-point perspective is astounding.
No. 457966
File: 1567647366407.png (537.04 KB, 922x336, kek.PNG)

>>457950Personal rant, but that 'people who don't get perspective thing' is getting bigger. Like, I've seen pretty decent artists somehow butcher perspective. I think it's because instagrams format encourages head shots/character shots due to the frame limit so these people never got used to drawing complex perspective. They never draw perspective, or avoid it, so they never know how bad at it they are until they think 'I'm good at drawing people. I should make a webcomic!" and learn the hard way how little they know about perspective
No. 458025
>>457966My introduction to perspective was this 100 hour NMA course and it was so fucking tedious, its not a lie that perspective courses are usually too formal and boring topic so many artists avoid it or browse trough it very fast so they can get back to thinking about their OCs favorite ice cream flavor.
>>457947Artists are willing to lie about their age, the time it took to finish a piece, reference used, anything just to humblebrag. Its more prevalent with anime influenced artists, maybe because the archetype of the young prodigy who does difficult things effortlessly that is so common among anime characters.
No. 458034
File: 1567674451518.jpeg (Spoiler Image,237.34 KB, 850x1242, sakimi.jpeg)

>Let's continue this discussion in the salty artist thread in OT. >Do you have any evidence to support your theory? I'm very interested.Hey, i've already seen so many artists portfolios who are carbon copies of her art with the same palettes and all, its not so wild to think she is trowing a few dollars around and getting a few of these thousands of copycat artists to ghost for her. She would not be the first or the last artist to do so and certainly has bank to spare, and you know, the quality is really inconsistent and there's so much crappy 3d bash and photobashing on her work suddenly.
I'm just saying i would not be surprise at all if something like that ever leaks.
No. 458035
>>457966I think another big reason why young artists online aren't focusing on backgrounds is because they aren't as glorified as doing character art. You can look on instagram on any given day and see tons and tons of art with zero background and a character/object floating on the page, but rarely do you see artists that do just background scenes, unless you're looking up stuff deemed as concept art. They're usually classed as being more boring or low-key, compared to character art which is praised to hell and back.
This is especially true in spaces for young artists who just want to see a fancy looking over-designed OC or their favorite anime character. There's no incentive for them to learn backgrounds because they don't value them, which is somewhat disappointing. At least the person in the pic you attached tried, which is more than I can say about 90% of the people I see on instagram/tumblr.
No. 458045
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>>458034Mf of all the examples of sakimichan’s art you could use you chose this one. My eyes. Post more recent art, that one was made in made in 2017. Let me help you out
No. 458096
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>these people are so cringyPretty thick coming from an untalented college drop out who unironically posts shit like pic related
Since your stereotypical tumblr overweight pink haired self is lurking; your art does indeed represent you well; unoriginal tumblr trash that will probably not improve. Your palpable self-obsession and lack of self awareness shows that you're unable to take any kind of criticism. No wonder you dropped out
No. 458103
>>457688Every teen/baby adult that cries about their high school/college art teachers is a laugh cause every artist has been there and if you listened to them and actually learned fundamentals you actually succeeded. (in the way of not being a storytime "art" youtuber.
Im waiting for these storytume toobers to find out about artist alley and try to sell their cringe "merch" tees at cons.
No. 458114
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>>458103arent they already doing that technically?
(Emirichu keychains)
No. 458118
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>>457679As much as she hates it her parents made the right choice with sending her to a cheaper art college. She's not good enough to get into an art school that would push her to do her best, so she would have gone to what she thinks the second best thing is, a pricy degree mill school. SCAD and SVA or prestigious, but are known for letting anyone in and being a "you get what you put in" mentality. You can go to those schools and learn nothing if your undisciplined. If her parents let her have the pricy school she's either dropout or graduate with debt, crappy art, and an overinflated ego from her degree.
I also refuse to belive what she said about finishing her gesture drawing really fast. No way someone like this is good at gesture
No. 458122
>>458107Yes she often uses photos as backgrounds.
I been mostly just fascinated by how shit her art has become after she sold out and became rich by creating animu pinups, but that pedo pic the other day legit disturbed me. Too far!
No. 458125
>>458096Take a breather anon, she does come across as very stereotypical and attention seeking but everyone can improve and her art is kind of cutesy, as most tumblr cliche stuff tends to be, she seems very young, at 20 i was doing really shitty Naruto fan art with no formal training still so i kinda don't want to be so harsh on her.
Heaven, if you self posted you dun goofed, this is not the place for that, you could have just use reddit instead of being this masochistic. I also don't think you look fat in that picture but your meme really makes no fucking sense, don't be this thoty and if you are serious about art please go study instead of whining about art teachers because that's not being self aware is a cow trait.
No. 458129
File: 1567693854207.jpg (236.55 KB, 844x1038, D2MUhmVXQAIeDGa.jpg)

Anyone here watch Drawfee?
No. 458172
>>458125She reminds me of spechie in many ways, who didn't improve for shit since she began.
Nice blogpost about drawing naruto fanart at 20 tho top kek
No. 458228
>Don't watch art channelsI thought it was pretty clear that yt is for entertainment first, jfc. Even the 11 year olds are smart enough to know this, most people use art videos as background noise anyway. He really thinks that's a hot take, huh?
I don't know why, but his accent is grating.
No. 458324
>>458252I've seen so much lame videos being linked on fb, twitter and reddit too. But outside of places like this no one want to be the one sticking their arm out to call out these kids favorite memetubers, that just stirs up drama. Specially if there is a long thread of posts going "hell yeah, that video is awesome" .
I used to link to books and stuff some time ago but it just made me feel like one of those annoying activist atheists who wear a fedora and is always correcting people online.
No. 458919
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Dunno what y'all meanie anons are on, Minnie's clearly passionate about art and definitely not a shill for every brand that waves a hefty cheque her way
No. 458945
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>>458842You can’t tell how much she weighs in that photo, its covered up enough where it could be ambiguous.
However, she does look to be overweight. Overweight doesn’t always mean morbidly obese, you know. Sage because who cares and I don’t even go here t. 35 inch waist chan
(derailing) No. 459021
>>457898Isn't this the exact same whiny spiel lemiacrescent had about art classes, albeit with college instead of high school?
You can be a good artist or a whiny cunt, but you can't be both.
No. 459033
>>458990I agree
I hate saying that it's their ~aesthetic~ but it's been that way since their Tumblr,DeviantArt, and LJ days
always was popular and into the weird hipster,guro,medical,edgy loli, weeb circles.
some stuff I could handle and others I just ignored, but now it's just creepy and too edgy like Peter Sortos and Trevor Brown
No. 459230
>>459097These are the worst girls istfg. They all think they are so unique and edgy for liking this shit. Like bitch okay you have mommy issues and live in a middle class household with a dad that doesnt care you exist and a mommy that calls you fat no one fucking cares.
>>459024lmao WHAT her puffy face I am wheezing. It's funny cuz that's also a symptom of anorexia gasp. Anachan remember you will die of heart disease much faster than the fatties!
No. 459302
>>459299I only hated one of mine. She was just a bitter jerk though on her last year before retirement and was rude to all the students. I had one that didn't like anime but she wasn't like mean to students that made it lol idk why so many whiny kids are
triggered that their teachers want them to study.
No. 459367
>>459299My art teacher really tore me down. In front of the entire class very loudly. It was incredibly hurtful. I was then kicked out of the course because I forgot to bring in a piece. This was in college.
She was awful but she was right to do so. Back then I was quite delusional just because I happened to be a little bit good at drawing compared to people who didn't draw and thought I was super good when I wasn't.
My art teacher was a a horrible person in general, including to people in the class who were actually decent.
It was brutal but it did help me break out of that delusion and realise that I'm not good and I still have a lot of work to do before I'm anywhere near good.
No. 459397
>>459299Mine wasn't hate but confused frustration.
I need to understand why things are the way they are and the logic behind it in order to recreate it or depict it. So I tend to get really technical. For example when it comes to anatomy I have to know where the bones and muscles are and how they move and are connected in order to draw them.
My teacher did not like it or understand it he was one of those impressionism is the true form of art and you must loosen up or I don't know draw a bunch of overlapping circles/ovals and somehow see a figure in it or use only one jar of water for watercolor to deliberately muddy the colors or use navy blue colored pencil to for shadows on light skin.
For a control freak like me his teaching method was a nightmare but
He didn't have much issues with me drawing anime/cartoon in fact he loved them and constantly asked me to bring them so my classmates could see them.
No. 459398
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>>459299My high school art teacher was a bitch who was one of those fake white feminists who was obsessed with 50s housewives and her favourite students were always white ana-chans and she always went out of her way to make them succeed.
After high school to get my bachelors in art, my tutors were very helpful and they went out of their way to teach us the basic fundamentals and they were very patient with the students (mainly autists & weebs), In the first year I struggled a lot with my projects but they helped out a lot and made me want to be a better artist.
In the end I graduated top of my class, feels good man.
No. 459402
>>459299The only person I've ever seen have an antagonistic relationship with an art teacher was my weeb classmate who'd draw the most awful anime characters in all our classes and aggressively shout at teachers when they'd ask her to do work related to the class. In the art class itself she either wouldn't do the assignments or half-ass them, because anything that wasn't edgy anime wasn't worth her time.
I just assume anyone who has a "my art teacher hated me because I'm so good at drawing!" story is exactly like that girl.
No. 459440
>>459402Same here. Had a kid in my advanced painting class that was really technically great, but couldn't come up with ideas for shit and ended up just proposing a series of fan art instead (which made everyone else in the class collectively cringe since we're supposed to come up with our own shit, but the teacher allowed it). He ended up doing one unfinished Zelda digital painting that he showed for two crits, and then he never did anything else or even showed up.
Some people are weird, like, why wouldn't he just show up or do the work, what's the point of being good at something and then just fucking off somewhere and not doing assignments? How do you get really technically good but have zero creativity or passion?
No. 459445
>>459302I had someone like this in my art class.
She would only draw girls because men were hard and she would hide their hands and not draw faces, because that was her “style”
She never listened to my art teacher even about not drawing on lined paper and was super insulted that at the final exhibition no one cared about her work.
No. 459468
>>459427Brings up off topic subject to throw in your opinion. Umm so why we even talkin bout this uvu??
Stfu lol. Also overweight is a term to indicate ones weight is negatively affecting someone's health not whatever arbitrary standard you force on yourself and other lol. She isn't overweight.
No. 459469
File: 1567917919464.jpg (212.02 KB, 750x750, Famous-beautiful-greek-white-m…)

Guys let's discuss why the Greeks were into such overweight guurrlls so super unhealthy am i rai
No. 459471
>>459469she is so
overwaitht how unhealthy disgusting, if only she look like a skeleton! /s
No. 459475
>>459473No, it’s just more so that I’m not sure why you’re getting so worked up over this unless
A. It was a self-post or
B. You yourself have extreme self-esteem issues, which would explain all of your projection onto me
No. 459480
>>459478They caved and are allowing digital inking, which misses the point entirely.
I work in both traditional and digital media so whatever but man do digital artists have to be included in everything.
No. 459482
>>459480Why do strictly digital artists often seem to have a
victim complex when it comes to events or supply discussion? Like, they don’t HAVE to be included in everything, it is entirely their own choice that they use a digital medium so I’m not sure why others are expected to bend over backwards to include them; I don’t lose my shit over not being able to join in on digital art specific events/discussions with my watercolours
No. 459490
>>459483>>459484star pls go
>>459482i think it's stupid too and i'm primarily a digital artist who does traditional ink for inktober. like whatever, do it digitally if you want, but it's literally not anything like using actual ink on paper. anyone can grab a pen and a sketchbook and participate, it's not ~excluding~ anyone.
No. 459492
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>>459487Tagged the wrong post, I meant pic related. Thread discourse makes the best OP’s
No. 459540
File: 1567943258077.jpg (151.73 KB, 556x842, 40fba31818941f04-005.jpg)

>>459478It's kind of a shame that people only know the Inktober thing and not who creatrd it. Jakes works are actually pretty cool
No. 459556
>>459478inktober discourse 1) digital art does not, will never, count. no ink is involved, therefore doesnt count.
inktober discourse 2) no, copic markers dont count either. it's nib or nothin.
inktober discourse 3) people using water-soluble/reactivating inks are pussies.
okay, only one here that i actually care about is 1), others are just pet peeves and dont ruin the spirit of the event.
No. 459592
>>459562sure, that is part of it, but i like events like inktober and mermay, etc. i typically use these times to explore new medium and push my limits, and take a break from the normal work i do. i normally work in india ink anyway, so inktober isn't more than just a prompt month for me, with the challenge being drawing everyday. i just have fun with it, and being as i have participated multiple times in things like inktober and barely have 100 followers, by your standards, i shouldnt be doing it again since i gained nothing last time. but that isnt the point if you dont make it the point. sure, people do these things for online clout, and they are are a big problem in artistic circles, but i honestly have fun with these community events. you learn to decide between who is in it for clicks and who is in it for art pretty easily.
No. 459630
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This is supposed to be Melanie Martinez
No. 459637
>>459617He's a children's book illustrator so his work isn't exactly the most mesmerizing art out there.
>>459562The thing about Inktober was that it was never meant to be just another fun art meme. In a similar vain to Ahmed's "100 Med Heads" challenge, it was meant to be an educational exercise.
Inktober was meant to challenge an artist's inking and linework. If you ever looked at something called Dynamic Sketching, teachers always recommend drawing in ink for similar reasons.
No. 459654
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>>459617I agree only if because I find that his digital work often loses a lot of the touch of his traditional sketching and inking.
Pic related is a bit of both, and I find there’s a lot more charm in it.
No. 459673
>>459661Well the description said - Watch k-12 -
Or something
No. 459713
>>459710Because it is a deleted tweet with literally nothing else to go on. There's no info on what event is even taking place that day so for all we know, she may simply be going on one of those tours of the Whitehouse.
There is nothing to discuss.
No. 459904
>>459556I never heard of 2 and 3. I understand not wanting to use digital mediums because the point is to make permanent lines, but those are a bit too silly.
But all in all, it's just a dumb art trend anyway. Even if those things aren't allowed, it isn't a big deal. Unless you want to latch onto that Inktober tag for the sweet followers.
No. 459991
>>459904I roll my eyes every time I see a post hash tagged “inktober” when the thing is a fully rendered piece with watercolor, goache, Copic, etc.
I think one year I saw a digital artist do a fully colored piece and label it inktober and I just about bust a blood vessel in my brain
No. 459997
>>459934It’s stupid anyway, what’s so great about going to the White House anyway? You can literally request a tour for free. she was stupid to post the exact date when she’d be going because people be crazy sometimes and I doubt she has security.
No. 459998
>>459995What are some more art challenges?
I know there’s inktober, huevember and mermay, but are there enough to do a whole year?
No. 460001
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>>459998some months seem more creative than others.
No. 460360
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Guess who's back!
No. 460368
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>>440519Raw finally admitting she only cares about money and not art
No. 460376
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Update on the pedo art another anon mentioned.
No. 460378
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>>460376And sage for this, a picture of the sad saggy pedo
No. 460423
>>460403Here is the thing about those; depending on the game, the demographic is different. The content being monitored is content for 3-7, maybe even some 8-12 content. Depending on the game, or art content, that could change which demographic watches. If it is Fornite or compilation videos, or Ricegum playing a game, then yes, they get the hammer because that demographic is what Youtube is banhammering. Now, Rainbow Six: Seige has majority community of 16-24. They are still gaming videos, and fall into the category, but the demographic is different. And Minecraft is a grey area, two years ago it was kids, but now channels like Pewdiepie and Mumbo Jumbo rock demos of 18-24 pretty regularly. Same goes for art channels. Kasey and Lavender rock the younger 8-12 demo, while art channels like Bobby Chiu have a much older audience. It is a another case of over-reaction from Youtube that is going to hurt the platform more than fix the problem. And there is no fixing it; Youtube is just too big to fix, and Youtube Kids proved that.
No. 460447
>>460423Giving Minecraft and Fortnite videos the hammer and sending them to Kids oblivion may not "fix" youtube but it would be a wonderful thing for a change in the sea of fuck ups that yt has been doing. I would just love to see manchildren cry about it, i can read the Kotaku Headlines lol. "what do you mean is for kids, i am 30 yr old and love pewdiepie and minecraft reeeee this is oppresion and ageism "
All that cheap gaming content really fucked youtube and it would be great to see a major collapse happening with that side of the site. Maybe it will incentivize more artist and actual creators.
No. 460520
>>460465Not all LPrs are spergy yellers.
There's tons of more chill videos, where people make all kinds of jokes.
And lots of people LP T or M rated games or a variety of games, so you can't just shove all video game content to a kids site.
It's easy to just not watch it and not search for it. Who watches everything youtube recommends to them anyway.
No. 460627
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But no matter how much youtube bans stuff targeted at kids there will still be this strange postmodern branch of the art market aimed at adults. I feel like I could fill a whole thread w this as my Instagram is constantly showing them to me in the promoted artists
No. 461058
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>>461053over 9000 hours in ms paint
No. 461954
>>460314I like her lots, and i can't even explain why tbh. idk i'm probably just fucking autistic
She legit seems to be a nice person to be around, and I think her scultures went from a -6 to a 6
No. 464201
File: 1569050182935.jpg (115.41 KB, 720x810, _20190921_081320.JPG)

I don't understand the hype over Kittirea. Not only just she seem like a bland ethot who revolves her personality around being a gamer uwu and like boba uwu but her drawings have really inconsistent proportions and feel traced.