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No. 204459
>>204455I was never a very popular person; always kept to myself etc. Since i was very young i've always had ne person, whom i looked up to, whether it was a pretty friend, some adult, a fictional chara or a celebrity.
I feel like i don't have any personality of my own, i only let myself get influenced by others; also to the point, like you said, of somehow copying them a bit. For examply there was a girl i founfd really pretty and seh was popular as well and accidently we became friends and from than on i always copyied her clothing style.
When it's about people i don't know in real life i always daydream about them, hold imaginary conversations etc.
If i don't have such a person i admire, i always kinda fel lost, like i don't know how to act, to dress etc.
My dream would be to find out what my own personality really is like, to have an own type of style
No. 204465
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This one time i found out where a person lives and started to go at nights to look at that person's house in hope i would see that person in a window. I just don't know how to talk to people i really like.
No. 204479
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I stalk an ex-teacher's social media, printed out a lot of his photos to keep in a book about him and write all about him (like his address, family, license plate, dates where he switched jobs, moved, etc). I gave him gifts and watched his house once after class to see when he would get home after his other errands (and wrote it down ofc). We talk often and we hung out once. I've had a couple of breakdowns sobbing on the floor when I would think about his family or when I feel like my pursuit is at a standstill. Things I post on social media are geared towards what he would appreciate so that he will "Like" it.
Idk reading my notebook of him and my thoughts calms me down. But sometimes I want to kill him so this shit will end and so I can be close to him and watch him go.
We send each other music a lot though and talk about really interesting things that no one else understands. I feel sorry for him that he's already settled down before realizing that I would be perfect, seriously.
No. 204543
>>204512are you me? i do this with my SO's ex (save for bookmarking and saving pictures), but i thrive on the schadenfreude.
we're living our dream in japan, have money, in school, and everything we could want while she's still living with her parents, no education higher than middleschool, can't drive, mooching off of her current bf that she cheated with so she can buy clothes, etc.
No. 204544
>>204528haha anon, that's cute in a weird way.
>>204455hmm I definitely have unhealthy obsession with a Youtuber. He's not that big, he's pretty stable on around 120k views per vid. I follow him for two years now and definitely know more than a normal fan, and when he liked my comment on instagram (he hardly ever likes any) I experienced the biggest rush of endorphines in my whole life, I shit you not. Won't go into detail because it's all pretty generic, everyone and their mother is obsessed with a ytber nowadays.
Last year I crushed on someone I would see often on the bus. I started to remember hours he commuted and if I could, I would pick the same time. I once heard him talk with a friend about studying and figured out what he studies. I found his major's timetable. The luck was very strong with me, I would often bump into him in the city, like taking the tram or eating out.
I found him randomly on fb. So now I knew his name, school, major, and I checked his likes… crush mission aborted, he liked a political party with disgusting views, that every edgelord basement dweller in my country supports.
That was a punch, but I thought maybe he did like it ironically… (sure Jan) He also liked bunch of restaurants, they were all in the same area, with the knowledge about the trams he was taking, I figured out where he lived.
Ohhh and I also found out where he lives in our hometown, partly by an accident, partly by being a stalker
The thought that he's a total r9k loser as in
>>204524 story caused the obsession to wear off, also I was trying to snap out of it because I wasn't going to make any move, so why would I tire myself more with this pathetic crush. Moving on was the only reasonable step to take
And here I am, half a year later, free of this tiresome feeling. God how I hate crushes, especially the spiralling ones
No. 204563
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I'm obsessed with an infamous "celebrity" that no one should be obsessed with because of his views and what he's done. I use the term celebrity loosely here since he's pretty under the radar. I don't even know why I'm in love with him so intensely even though I acknowledge all of his faults and wrongdoings.
I've reached out to him and got his attention before to the point where he blocked me on his social media (i said some ridiculous, inappropriate stuff to him for lulz) and that's the closest I've gotten to him since he lives on the other side of the world. I've collected old newspaper articles about him and all his first pressed cds, tapes, and records. I also have a journal I made specifically for him and I write about romantic scenarios, love poems, and decorate it with cute stickers and pictures of his face. I check up on his social media everyday, think about him at work, look at pictures of him multiple times a day, and I fantasize about him before I go to sleep every night. No one else has ever come close to making me feel this way.
No. 204604
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I hate spy on my ex 'bestie' from my late high school and early 20s too. Mostly to laugh about her shamble of a life and what a dramatic cock she is.
She wasn't ever really my true friend, I just realized she wasn't after years of my family and friends warning me that she was a jealous bitch just using me.
She used me for car rides, routinely 'borrowed' aka stole my shit and never gave it back claiming she 'lost' them, always showed up for my parties but was never around when I wasn't fun, begged me to buy her shit, and specifically would ask to take her to my college campus so she could man hunt. She was a teen mom on welfare and she was always looking for a man with money so she wouldn't have to keep working at Taco Bell full time.
I think the final straw that made me push her away was when for my 21st birthday she suggest that I buy her and the other user 'friends' I had at the time a party bus so they could drink. Lol, yeah, I was totally going to shell for her to have fun on my own fucking birthday. I would always buy her nice gifts for birthdays/holidays but I wouldn't be given so much as a card in return.
I only stalk her fb, but here's just a small sampling of her cow antics throughout the years:
>Claimed she was assaulted by a 'old man with a white beard' while out 'jogging,' and that the attacker stole her engagement ring. A police report was published that said she had lied about the incident for attention and was undergoing mental evaluation. Later on her fb, she reposted the digital article saying how she was being slandered by police and tried to drum up support, but ultimately she deleted all posts of the incident and never brought it up again.
>Became an extreme munchie claiming that she would have random attacks of unknown pain that required her to go to the ER and have many tests/scans done. She would post pictures and updates to fb for attention as if she were dying of cancer. When the local hospital staff started to shame her for her false alarm antics, she turned munchausen by proxy. She would let her son develop nasty infections, in odd places like behind his ears, until he needed to be taken to the hospital for treatment. Then she'd post statuses asking for prayers for her sick child. However, she stopped doing these things when she discovered that she wasn't getting the kind of attention she wanted from constant hospital visits and that it made her look like a negligent mother. Had a hunch that CPS got involved and it spooked her.
>Got a bunch of disgusting, shitty tattoos of things she thought would make her look more cultured and fun when she has a shallow understanding of said things and not much personality. The tattoos make her look even more hideous. She has no personality and interests of her own and latch on to whatever hobbies and likes her men or friends have because she doesn't know how to enjoy things that don't draw attention from others.
>Has animals in her filthy home that just makes her already dirty home even more filthy. Complains about being tight on money but acts like she's entitled to pets even though the pets would be better served in a more stable environment. Once she reported a series of incidents where she was claiming someone was killing her cats as she let them outside, but my tinfoil is that she was killing them herself for attention so as to be rid of them without making herself seem incapable and getting more pittance attention.
>She just separated her first marriage of two and a half years. Which is ironic considering she was constantly posting bullshit about how they were 'so happy' together, but evidently they were just trying to convince themselves they loved each other. On fb she claimed the husband had a change of feelings a couple months ago, but it's obvious the husband realized he saddled with an ugly loser who didn't want to work. It's hard supporting two kids on welfare and a pizza guy salary, and her less-than-20-hours-a-week PCA gig. She had a new child with this man too, so now she has two kids from different men.
Yeah, I'm a little obsessed. I probably know too much about her life for a person who's so inconsequential in mine these days. I guess it's a little fun having my own personal cow to gossip about.
No. 204607
>>204546The only reason I don't do that is because the girls arent really too present online and don't even have Facebook or anything
I feel you anon
No. 204612
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I am obsessed with this half Indian / half white girl from NYC who constantly posts about her shitty life on reddit. She reminds me of how I would have ended up if I was ugly and with shitty parents, I guess.
>Is 30 years old and a virgin
>Never had a bf
>Is ugly (by her own words) but says she is not attracted to the few guys who message her online
>Has a college degree but never has never had a real job
>Complains about living with her dad and supposedly BPD mom but says she can't move out
>Considered being a "little" (as in a dd/lg thing)
I find her posts fascinating because she is pretty eloquent and her posts are pretty detailed. She does have a shitty life, but I think she is lacking perspective (because she seems to think that EVERYONE is living a upper middle class successful NYC lifestyle even though there are tons of poor people in the city). I do think she should start a blog.
She also posted about how she wished I was "hit by a bus" lol
No. 204617
>>204604>>204605I did find your stories amusing. I appreciate you sharing them with the class.
>>204608I agree
No. 204630
I do this to lots of people. For different reasons. Sometimes I'm just interested to see how much I can find out about someone's life, like a private investigator. I don't do anything with the information, but it's kind of like a hobby and it's interesting how one little insignificant thing that the other person mentions can allow me to Google so much information about them and they don't suspect a thing. It gives me thrill to see how much I can research people online.
I used to have a bunch of online friends about 10 years ago now but we've since moved on from that interest and I haven't spoken to either of them directly in years. It would be weird for me to message them out of nowhere (I still have other ways of contacting them) and strike up a conversation, plus I know the interaction would just end up being awkward because we haven't spoken in so long. Like I'm trying to relive the good old days when we were friends and used to talk about the mutual interest. So I'm not going to put myself or them through that conversation.
However I do kinda stalk and watch the girls online on their public blogs and twitters etc. I check it every day, sometimes multiple times. They don't really talk to one another either as far as I know. As for why? Well, it makes me feel less alone, for one. I don't really have any friends in real life and haven't had much like finding another fandom that was as fulfilling as that one, so to follow these two girls, that are around my age by the way, still keeps me connected to that happy time in my life when I had online friends. I dearly wish I could go back to the time in my life when we all first met online and just relive that time in my life again.
And to also compare their lives to mine. It makes me feel a bit better to know that they have gone through the same struggles as me in life. I've been diagnosed as Aspie and I'm preeeeety sure both of them would as well, which is probably why we were all so obsessive over our fandom and one of the reasons why I obsess over them now. It also makes me feel less of a loser to see them interested in childish things when because I feel less bad about it when I do the same.
Another reason is because I wish I lived in their country and had a life like theirs, and had loving families like they do. So I can sort of live through their online blogs in a way. I think I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on either one of them, but my feelings aren't that strong to be honest. I'd love to be friends with them in real life but all of my online friends never live in my city or even state.
Another reason I do this is because it's just one of my Aspie hobbies/obsessions. When I get into things, I get into it deep and with commitment. I don't really have a lot going in my life and don't have the energy to do anything offline. So it's like gossip and drama to follow someone's life without having to expand much energy of your own. Plus it's reassuring and gives me comfort to follow these girls and no matter what happens year after year I know I can look at their twitters and see what they're up to.
No. 204646
oh god, i'm so glad i'm not the only one who's weird like this.
i've done this with 2 celebrities (watching and reading basically anything about them ever) and now my teacher. but god, i hate it, i feel so embarrassed just thinking about it. i'm trying to stop obsessing over my teacher right now, but i see her everyday and she's such an inspiration to me, it's so hard. i'm trying not to be weird and obvious, but i do admit i've walked the dog near her house and went to the shops she goes to more than i should have. i have stopped that now, but the thoughts are still there.
why do you think you guys do it?
i'm not quite sure, i think it stems from idolising the person, maybe being in a weird kind of love with them? i don't think i would like to do anything sexual with her, but i do like the thought of being… taken care of? loved? idk.
nobody would ever guess i'm like this (i look normal and i NEVER talk about it) but i am. there are some good things about it, although far and few between. i started trying to get better grades, reading much more, i'm learning french (she teaches literature and french…) and i'm thinking about pursuing a career in philology or teaching languages.
also, the rush you get from thinking about seeing them is pretty great AND addictive.
(but the guilt, oh god, the guilt!)
No. 204648
sometimes i imagine I'm with the person I'm obsessing over, or even sometimes pretend I am them while I"m doing totally normal shit like washing the dishes or grocery shopping lol it's so embarassing to type out. I think I do it becuase like this anon
>>204646 said the rush you get from thinking about them is addictive and also I think I do the roleplay thing because I don't have much personality of my own so adopting someone else's that I admire, even just internally, gives me more confidence.
No. 204680
>>204646>why do you think you guys do it?I'm
>>204479 and I do it because I love him and it's also an escape to daydream of a life with him. I think my loneliness and lack of close friends or family causes me to have an obsession to engulf myself into. I also wish I could be picked up and put into an established person's life to care for them, cook, clean, do everything and also talk about things that others don't appreciate, study our favorite subject together, etc. just make their life easier and happier.
>the rush you get from thinking about seeing themAbsolutely. It's like falling into the feeling of puppy love over and over. Everyone else is disappointing.
>>204648That's a pretty good idea. Sometimes I think of him being there or as if I'm talking to him while I'm going about my life, or hear him in my head when going through something rough.
No. 204685
I'm at the point where the thrill of one of my stalkees updating with something worthwhile is just a few steps below sex.
>>204649Between this, the mental health threads, and how batshit so many anons seem in /pt/ and /snow/, it seems clear that this place is a magnet for psychos. Not shocked, given the nature of the site.
No. 204737
>>204646>why do you think you guys do it?OP here. I do it because seeing those I dislike being worse off in life than me makes me feel better about my own pathetic situation.
As for the "internet influencers", it's because I have hardly any friends and none that I share certain important interests with, so pretending these girls are my friends somewhat fills that void.
No. 204783
I think part of the reason for my obsessions is that I never really get crushes IRL because I'm a bit of a recluse and I don't really get lonely being single. I think the obsession is a way for my brain to make up for that with fantasy.
>>204773>I like imagining myself being romantically involved with a character they've played in a movieI do this one all the time lol.
No. 205009
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I keep a folder of links to social media and side accounts (even dead accounts) of my own personal lolcows. i check it nearly everyday for good milk and when i find it, i shit talk about how dumb they are to my friends, who usually know who they are too. i take screencaps of their stupidest moments, save a few pictures of their faces or fanart they've drawn, and dig thru their comments and reblogs to find quality milk. ive even looked up some of their addresses before just to see what their houses looks like so that i can make fun of it. i make sure to pick cows that are at least over the age of 21 (teens doing cringy shit isn't fun cuz yeah they're teens), and are genuinely awful people but they're so deluded that they don't even realize it, because it produces the best content. basically this site, but in private. i think of it like checking a celebrities twitter, only for people i hate. my friend and i sometimes make it a special occasion, when one of our cows messes up big time, we get drunk and have a great time laughing at them all night long. none of them are popular enough (except for holly brown) to warrant their own thread. i don't feel bad for hating them whatsoever. i think of them as examples to be the exact opposite of, even refusing to buy clothes i think they would wear, music i think they would listen to, etc (most of the stuff their into is gaming music and lootcrate fashion anyway, nothing i like). ive only interacted with them lesser than a handful of times, but when i do, it produces the best milk. i'll barely say 5 words to them and they have a lulzy virtuous rant-fest, its great. i know i should feel bad for doing all this, but i honestly don't. they need a reality check, and while i think i could probably step in and give them some advice on how not to be a cringy asshole, i'd rather laugh at their mistakes.
No. 205012
>>204563i'm intensely curious, who is it? or at least what kinda celebrity is he, like, musician or something?
>>204638if you think she kept in touch with any other users of these forums, find their social media accounts and find her through their friends, maybe there will be something?
No. 205189
>>204989Glad someone else is interested lol lot of her posts are hidden because she posts on a private community
I used to have a bunch of her posts saved because I was going to do a writeup, but I deleted it. I think she deleted some posts, like the one where she complained about her parents but wasn't able to move out.
No. 205205
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>>205202Of all my time stalking her, no she has not. I feel like she is probably genuinely ugly since she has cystic acne.
I feel like there are people on reddit who would try to go out with her on account of her having a vag without even seeing her pic. But I feel like her standards are too high. I feel like she hates men, so I'm not sure why she is so concerned with dating in the first place.
Here's an example of one of her hidden posts
No. 205207
>>205205I haven't seen all her posts so I don't know the depth of her personality as you do anon, but reading that it sounds like she hates herself so god damn much that she's just given up on everything. It's easier to be a self-loathing piece of shit convinced that one can't change than to make herself vulnerable by trying to get out in the world.
I'm sure men make her feel the most insecure, and because she tried to trust the online one who she felt wronged her, she figures any other man will treat her similarly.
It's like a female version of a robot.
No. 205209
>>205205It's like r/incels in a parallel universe
No. 205292
>>205256Ummm idk why anyone would want to do that b/c she seems like a bitch to me. But you should go message her.
>>205210I don't think she is really like an incel lol
As for poor health, I've had similar problems. To me it sounds like she has depression but has wrecked her body and made her problems worse by taking shit care of her body.
No. 206120
For about a decade I've had this weird off-and-on obsession/hatred for a person I knew on deviantart. I found her when I was about 16 on some other website and looked her up on DA.
She was a particular girl. Younger than me, but a gifted artist. Even now, her old art is still better than most of what I can do. She used to obsessively draw and write fanfics over her ridiculous mary sue self-insert OC and I ate it right up. On one hand, I was incredibly jealous of her skills. On the other, she felt like my own personal lolcow. Once she started uploading selfies to her scraps the hatred/obsession went into overdrive as she was gorgeous. She was the sort of girl who would claim to have the heritage of at least 10 races, and I am not exaggerating. You'd think she had 15 parents. She also claimed to be biracial, which may have been true. My stalking uncovered that while her father is black, her mother is biracial, making her 3/4ths black American. She only seemed to claim black when it put her above other black people. All other times, she was black and a slew of other ethnicities, which she got away with due to her medium skin tone and long hair.
She was incredibly arrogant as well. Sometimes passive-aggressively, sometimes not. She made it no secret that she knew how good looking she was, and how her art skills were above the vast majority of people her age. She openly called herself a prodigy and bragged about her mother's high-paying job and the stuff she'd done. I assumed some of it was bull since some of her 'stories' sounded an awful lot like some of her fanfics. LIke when she claimed to have had a short romance in with a hot Japanese guy when she was in Japan for a relative's wedding. She said he called her his "little Ameriie". BTW, Ameriie is a singer who happens to be Korean and black.
She fancied herself a writer, claiming that was her real passion. Her talent there was strange. Her earlier writing was absolute tryhard garbage. As she got older, the readability improved past borderline My Immortal territory, but even now I can't see her ever finding non-offline success. Ironically, that's what she'd prefer to do. According to her, her art has only ever brought her drama and problems. I guess I can see why. She had a bad problem with art theft that made her eventually throw in the towel.
When I was in my late teens, I on a whim decided to message her on DA. She sent me her Yahoo and from then on we'd chat a bit here and there. Even though I had boyfriends and friends I'd go out with a lot, speaking to her was the highlight of my night. I'd even duck out of hanging out with my real life friends to go and chat with her. Her personality was much milder and humbler than I expected, but I knew it was probably false modesty. I never let her know how close an eye I was keeping on her and she seemed to like me quite a lot. She called me intelligent and pretty and assumed I was much older from how I spoke. When I found out her full name, I googled it looking for more info on her. I ended up with a Facebook, a couple of youtube accounts and several dead social media accounts she'd made for her mary sue. I scoured and collected them all. I couldn't have enough info on her.
One of her trademark traits was her overanalysis of her favorite things. To an autistic degree, leaving these long-winded and pretentious paragraphs under every piece of art or writing or journal she uploaded. I thought it was cringe as fuck, she tried way too hard to sound smart and verbose but devoured it anyway. I loved it without the tiniest bit of irony. I loved her overly dramatic attempts and creating romance out of nothing, those TLDR paragraphs I'd read through multiple times. I especially loved how she couldn't help but self-insert into every female fictional character she took a shine to. Everyone she liked turned into her, and she thought of herself as this irresistible yet incredibly intelligent bombshell guys were always fighting over. I thought it was great.
A couple of years after meeting her I collected enough on her to write an ED article. It got a little bit of traction on the site but soon after I felt really bad (I loved her again) and decided to delete the article. Somehow a friend of hers stumbled across it and passed it onto her. She posted it in a journal and basically admitted that everything I wrote was completely right, laughing about it in an 'oh boy I used to be such a mess' kind of way. For a while, I was a little spooked that she might've known I wrote it, but her demeanor never changed towards me and she always seemed to be really excited to chat. I tried to mirror the typical ED retard speak, and she knew she was more than popular enough to have haters so I suppose she didn't even think I wrote it.
At the time we were also talking regularly on Yahoo messenger. I gleaned that she had some sort of underlying depression. She ended up doing art based on ideas she'd get from our convos. It filled me with this weird sort of glee. I never had any remote interest in any fandom she was in, but seeing her make things both delighted and infuriated me. I loved her shitty melodramatic writing and unique art style but I also wanted to be close friends with her so I could find flaws and humanize what I saw as too ideal for comfort. I was so angry that I couldn't be more like her, but I also wanted her to be her.
Years later, I don't have any contact with her anymore. She's moved on to another obsession, but now that she's a bit older she tends to wear her heart on her sleeve more. Her personality is still melodramatic and tryhard but she drops hints here and there that she's very depressed. I don't know why. She's still got looks and opportunities and people think she's talented. I hate to say that she has little to worry about, but she honestly does. She's since quit a majority of social media and apparently, isolates herself. For some reason or another, she looks back on her old fandoms with disdain, despite being head over hills in the past. She deleted almost all of her donut steel OC art, but I archived most of it. Her old fics are gone, replaced by her newer crap. I still go back and look at my 'her' collection a few times a week. She claims to have quit art for good now, which is a shame. I'd love to see what images are going around in her mind now.
Strangely I never felt jealous of her looks. If anything, I loved her appearance. For a while, I was confused over whether I was attracted to her or not. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that it wasn't romantic or sexual attraction I felt towards her, but a very strong desire to be her friend, or maybe just be her. Since she had a habit of being intentionally vague her age (a practice that I assume is common on social media) I hadn't realized that we were only a year apart until recently. I'd always been under the assumption that she was an actual prodigy since she called herself that a lot in her teen years. Underneath it all, I think we are still incredibly similar. She draws better, her writing gets more attention, she has more money and she suffers prettier. I'm still keeping a close eye on her but I don't think I'll be talking to her anytime soon. She probably doesn't remember me well, and I don't want the person she is now to overwrite the pretnetious and vain version of her I have in my head. That would be significantly less satisfying to love and hate.
No. 206186
>>206179Sometimes it is from sites like this and other cow sites, but a lot of times I find them from comment sections of facebook posts. I see someone who comes off as batshit insane by their comments and check their profiles out to see if the insanity goes further.
Sometimes I'll read forums of whacked out shit like people who believe in reptilian shapeshifters and stuff like that, but I find the day to day posts of insane people on facebook to be much more interesting.
No. 206194
>>206120I'm with
>>206165I want the username
No. 206243
>>206188Anon are you me
From sixteen until twenty I would compulsively have to watch all her videos read all her social media and wished I was her
No. 206249
>>206120>Underneath it all, I think we are still incredibly similar. She draws better, her writing gets more attention, she has more money and she suffers prettier. God, this is so real. I definitely can relate.
Interesting read, anon.
No. 206318
>>206280I mean… why can't you?
If you know for certain that he's interacting with minors in a sexual way you can report that. Or reach out to the families of the kids. Some kids are savvy enough to figure out how to deal with creeps like that - but a lot of them aren't.
What are the chances of him having CP? If he's jerking it to loli and he's unapologetically talking to middle schoolers….
No. 206345
>>206344Meant to reply to
>>206318For some reason my post screwed up.
No. 206412
>>206411to clarify i don't do this to anyone popular like on this website,
totally average people
sage for dp
No. 206494
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>>205189That was… interesting?
We share a lot of similarities, but next to her I am a beaming ray of sunshine and hope for the future.
I am also amazed how surprisingly lucid she seems considering the nature of her novel-length post history.
No. 206531
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>>206494ot but… since when Andrzej Sapkowski is a reaction meme, what did I miss
No. 206584
>>204455You sound eerily similar to a bloke I used to know.
I miss him
No. 206626
>>204455Why do you think you end up strongly disliking the people that you stalk?
I have a few girls, including the current gf of a really abusive ex, and some older men who are stalking and subtweeting me now. I legit just want to understand, please.
No. 206637
>>204612Oh my fucking god I feel like people like her would be so much fucking better off if they just quit the internet and social media for a while. No one should be this self conscious, literally ever, and now her bullshit is manifesting as chronic pain. She needs a blood test, a doctor, and to fucking get over herself.
Thanks for posting this. I have episodes of major depression and sometimes I get a little spun out, can't find reasons to care, then I read how ridiculous those thoughts are coming from someone else and it forces me to at least fake it until it's real. Oh my god.
No. 206717
>>206637Anon, you responded to. I totally agree.
Also, I just happened to be in NYC for a while. I was in a pretty nice area (Morningside Heights in Manhattan) but even walking around casually for a few days as a tourist it's pretty easy to tell that there are a HUGE amount of diversity in NYC. Lots of the most successful people in the world live in the city, yes, but a ton of very unsuccessful people live there to. Living in NYC should give you an example that not everyone has a polished lifestyle.
No. 206754
>>204455I used to be obsessed with Dakota back in 2011,would try to see where she lived/her whole bedroom (i made a plan of it based on her pics)/her whole wardrobe/get rare pics of her/… and try to be like her without making it obvious so i wouldnt look like a creep.
I would never hurt anyone or follow them in real life because i'm just a shy loser and keep to myself,but I get autistically obsessed with people sometimes.
There was also two lolitas I got obsessed with, including one who deleted everything so i spent hours on her friend's tumblrs searching for her pics,looking at the blogs who reblogged them,search her name on several platforms,…
No. 206755
>>206344>>206318>>206280>>206473I'm gonna sound like a sjw tumblrtard but shit like this is why i'm convinced most men are absolute trash.
When you get old,they just don't care about you anymore, all they want is some young,cute,fresh meat to stick their dick into
No. 206977
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>>206717This girl is really at it again
No. 207129
>>207123Yeah, there kind of is? Like
>>206637 she needs to get over herself.
She makes these posts on reddit several times weekly over the last two or so years, and not one thing has improved in that situation at the time. She is so whiny that not even /r/rasiedbynaricsissists, which loves to take the side of the posts almost 100% of the time, would side with her. They suggested to her that she move out and she refused.
There was just another post by her, which is in a private community, implying that everyone else has it in life like Don Draper. She acts like other people don't have to work hard and struggle to get what they want.
I think her problem is that she has spent her life sheltered in a mostly white, upper middle class community (it seems most of her friends are like that), which has caused her problems in her world view. But it also doesn't make any sense in light of her being from NYC, which is one of the most diverse places in the world.
I think it's ok to vent some, but when your posts literally consist of you venting all the time and doing nothing to accomplish your situation to an audience of people that will give you asspats and confirm whatever unhealthy worldview you have, it's time to stop.
She needs to get herself on disability or get institutionalized or SOMETHING. Hell, she has a college degree, not sure why she didn't bother to teach English in Asia in the decade since she graduated.
I've gone on long enough, I'm just not sure why people are so sympathetic to her. I feel like if this was a guy posting the exact same words, people would here would be ripping into him. lmao
No. 207209
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>>206165>>206194>>206225OP of that post here. Here's an example of one of her fanfics, something slightly more recent (2009). Just an example of how pretentious and blowhard she is about her own writing. Just thought through this was enough to make me almost fall in love again. PS, this is nowhere near the longest tag list she's put on a fanfic.
No. 207607
I obsess over cute girls (usually around my age)
Not only because i'm probably gay or bi at the very least, but mostly because i wanna be them.
There was this one girl before who was really pretty,really rich,huge burando wardrobe,loved by her parents who were rich and totally supported lolita,lots of friends,…
I have assburger fixations on things,including people. So I stalked all of her social media,tried to find pics of them on google,wayback machine for her old blogs,through her friends accounts,tumblrs (she was quite popular back then so there are quite a few pics of her laying around)…
It's so satisfying in a way yet i feel so depressed and creepy after a while.
No. 207776
>>207749Dw i do the same.
I hatewatch two of my ex-friends that were shitty to me. and as petty as it may sound, knowing that i do better than them,look prettier (one of them started smoking and is obsessed with looking young with a nymphet aesthetic so she looks godawful and cringy, the other became a fakeboi and is obese lol) and have good friends (one of the has no friends and is begging on ig for them)
No. 208982
>>208981I forgot to mention that she's the type of weeb you find on language apps. She's trying to get an AA in East Asian history, lmfao.
I know I shouldn't let it bug me, but it hurts that he's cuffing some whale from the local anime club. I keep telling myself that if he's willing to fuck her he isn't worth my time.
No. 209023
i'm starting to develop a new obsession on a complete stranger. looking up court cases from nearly 2 decades ago and getting excited just reading about some random misdemeanors. shit's so weird now that i think about it, but it feels like a drug
>>208993>It just gives me a huge rush but at the same times calms me down.same here! you wouldn't expect this kinda thing to be so emotionally fulfilling but somehow it is
No. 209041
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Yeah, I online stalk a girl who I have mutual friends with, but have never met myself. Looking at her facebook profile, she seems very well-put together: good-looking, intelligent and high ambitions. But then I found her reddit account and some of her old blogs and now I realize her life is a fuckin' mess. I also suspect she may have some personality disorder like BPD or similar(?)
>She was aiming for medical school and made posts on reddit and facebook as if she already KNOWS she'll be accepted. Like "before I go to med school in the fall, I'm going to…" and took multiple selfies with a white lab coat and a stethoscope and posted them to facebook. Some people on reddit were even congratulating her on being accepted.
>Found out later she had a GPA under 3.5 with almost no volunteer experience…
>She must have gotten rejected pre-interview (no surprise) because she later deleted all her reddit posts and facebook selfies about it
>Around the same time, she cheated on and dumped her fiance on Valentine's Day, despite proposing to HIM only a few months prior. I found out she's dumped previous bfs on holidays, which makes me think it's purposefully done to gain maximum attention/drama.
>Has a history with "monkey branching" her boyfriends and dumping them out of the blue, only to be dating someone else not long after
>Asks for advice on reddit about how to live frugally because she's living entirely off government loans and child benefits (got pregnant with her ex after 3 months of dating), and how she can just "barely make it work"
>On facebook, she describes herself as a "fiscal conservative" and goes to expensive salons to change up her hair color every month, buys designer clothes, pays for photographers to do a glamorous photoshoot
>Wrote on her blog about how much she hates her hometown because it's full of "hicks" and because she's desperate for money but no one is hiring, but she refused to apply to a certain coffee shop chain to "keep her sanity". (I've worked at the same place, it's really not bad at all).
>Had a four paragraph long, flowery biography about herself on said blog
>Will sometimes selfpost to reddit and get 1000+ upvotes, but I've noticed she will change something about her appearance a few days after one of her selfies don't get as many upvotes as usual
Anyways, I guess the moral of the story is even if someone seems really put-together on social media, it may just be a facade to their real life: which is a chaotic mess of stupidity and impulsive decisions.
No. 209050
>>209041Fiscal conservative is just a Republican who is too ashamed to stand by their parties wacko social ideals. Essentially they are all about laissez faire and all that shit
I hate them cuz they're always misinformed
No. 209070
This isn't much of an obsession but just casual stalking out of interest, but I follow this one girl that just piques my interest being the brat she is. Trying to keep it somewhat vague to hide my stalker ass.
>Web artist (duh)
>In her mid-20s, unemployed, has no degree, no work experience at all
>Claims to have a severe case of PTSD and depression
>Can't keep her stories straight about her childhood and adolescence, always makes herself out to be the extreme victim of traumatizing experiences. I believe some of them to be true, but when her posts in the past contradict some of the stuff she's opened up about it feels fishy. And of course, she leaves out all the shitty things she's done to other people.
>She's also overweight and has a massive complex about it. OBSESSES over her weight and occasionally works out, but can't cut out the excessive binging on junk food. On the other hand she keeps going on about how chubby girls are so sexy and cute, possibly as a coping mechanism.
>Self harms and makes a huge, public deal about it
>Has a boyfriend who started out normal, but she has dragged him down with her, making him a husk of a man who's too much of a pussy to leave the toxic relationship
>She has no impulse control, buys shit she doesn't really need with the money she doesn't have and then cries about being poor
Despite all of this she manages to be one of the most entitled people I've ever seen. She's rude, very self-centered, skips out on her responsibilities while blaming everything on ~m-muh depression~. Despite her continuous hate for her "ugly" looks she posts selfies all the time. She deliberately eggs trolls on with her pompous "bad bitch" attitude and cries for help and reassurance when they attack her back. I have to say that I mostly follow her to remind myself of never sinking to that level of attention whoring and life habits in general. I do take pity on her boyfriend though, he seems like a wimpy guy who just got caught in the middle. Then again he also enables her terrible behavior, making her sink even lower.
No. 209109
>>209041>>209070I engage in the same type of stalking! My personal cow is a "beauty queen" who is a compulsive liar and just intrigues me in every way.
>Mid 20's, did some modeling when younger>claimed to go abroad with a modelling contract, in reality she won a competition to manage an old single women's magazine in the country and got paid peanuts for it>Then chose "to become an au-pair", in reality used her looks to find single men looking for "au-pairs". Hooks around the country after getting bored of having to do actual work for the magazine.>She goes quiet for a bit, in retrospect she got lip fillers and implants during this time>re-surfaces in Dubai as a "hostess" at a VIP club>google around and find out the club is a front for escorting, find her ig besties escorting advert
>she starts travelling with her ig bestie and shows up in all fancy events across the world, coincidentally events that are known for having escorts shipped in>re-surfaces back in her home country and blogposts about being such an adventurer and how she was "backpacking" her way and hustling>starts dating an edgy alt-right trustfund guy, who she convinces she's the perfect aryan virgin waifu>starts ranting about being a traditional waifu and moderate about sex etc…>starts posting how she's in medschool at this certain university, google around and find out that they rejected her in reality>posts hashtags that she thinks make her look liked she's in medschool, but in reality they're words she has made up>starts pretending she's also a professional pilot and is enrolled fulltime to become a COMMERCIAL PILOT>while she's still claiming to be fulltime medschool studentI'm always waiting for her new lies, since they just get worse and worse everytime
No. 209133
>>209109This also sounds amazing
How the fuck does the guy not know about her past? Seems dumb as fuck to not know.
No. 209349
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I want to be this guy's little sister even though he already has one. At first I thought it was just a lie since he runs this youtube series and I never saw his sister until I found his old tumblr where he has a picture of him and her together.
I still want to have him "adopt" me as his little sister anyways. I want him to pat me on the head and say "lil' sis" to me since I find that to be so much pure and special than being just a friend or girlfriend to him. I've seen how he treats his gfs and it's off-putting to me since he'll slap their ass and call them babe.
Maybe it's because my real big brother died and now I'm lonely without him so I want to have a substitute.
Maybe it's because I'm aromantic and asexual that I fear any other kind of relationship with a man so being a "little sister" is the best platonic relationship I can hope for.
Either way, I've been following this guy's instagram and twitter especially to see if he'll attend any con so I can go there too to hopefully see/meet him.
We can certainly pass for siblings, it's one of the reasons why I want to be his sister because we look quite alike and have similar tastes.
But I know this is fucked up and I'm still super shy so I don't think it'll ever happen.
No. 210153
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I've been in love with a musician who lives across the world from me for a really long time now, to the point it's turned into a horrible obsession.
The first time I heard his music and saw his face, I fell in love. Ever since then, I've been deluding myself into having a chance with him.
My current photo album of him has over 2,000 photos– no duplicates and some hard to find. I've spent 500+ dollars on merchandise of his band and him. I have also taken several trips to see him just to be able to say a few words to him.
I message him every day words of encouragement, even though I don't think he reads them… (He's pretty popular, I guess) mostly because he's getting old, and I worry he'll retire from music.
When I see pictures of him (even accidentally), I start crying because he's so handsome (And his personality is A++ too, even if it's fabricated.)
Actually the first time I saw him, I cried a little bit and apologized, and he told me it was okay. I still get a little emotional over him telling me that and his voice echoes in my head.
I have post notifications on for all his social media, so even if he posts at 5 am and I'm asleep, my phone wakes me up so I can see what he posted.
It's even gotten to the point where I get jealous if other girls like him, like a "I like him more than you do" kind of thing
I know I have no future with him, especially since he's a somewhat well-known musician who gets mad pussy, but I love him so much and I can't really stop myself.
..The worst part is I have a boyfriend and he knows how obsessed I am with this guy and hates it but I can't stop even for him.
No. 210173
>>210153Are you happy, anon? Does your relationship make you happy? Are you satisfied with your life? Don't answer with "yeah my boyfriend is so caring" or "well I have a good job and make decent money" - like regardless of if those things are true, are they making you happy?
I'm in a somewhat similar situation and I know how dumb it sounds but it took a therapist to make me understand how unhappy I am and that's the reason why I have obsessions. Of course if you're unfulfilled in your life, you're going to seek out something so perfect and easy to understand, even though you KNOW it's a false image.
You could continue with this obsession, or you could make an effort to make your real life satisfying enough. I wouldn't blame you for sticking with the former because I'm struggling too
Good luck anon
No. 210181
I have a bad habit of “social sphere stalking” - I’ll become mildly obsessed with a certain person and by proxy start checking up on their closest links, then their closest links, etc. (For example obsessed with a guy, so start checking up on guy’s ex and his baby mama, then ex’s/baby mama’s friend circle…)
I’ve been doing this for years because it just seemed that cool people attracted other cool people, and I probably (definitely) just wished that one day I would be cool enough to be part of those spheres.
It started off with MySpace though. That shit was lethal because it was so static; easy to create a facade of perfection when all you needed was the “right” profile and a few flawless photos. Much harder to do on IG/FB, which is constantly updated and much more interactive (captions/statuses). Used to stalk weird arty types like Allison Harvard obsessively back then, as well as plastic scene kids like Izzy Hilton and Victoria Murder (embarrassing but I was like 12 so). Used to save their photos and copy their profile styles, and imagine what their lives were like in my head then try really hard to be exactly like that. Have been diagnosed with BPD as an adult though, so maybe that’s why stepping into someone else’s personality/life appealed to me so much.
Also do the usual checking up on significant exes/friends I’m no longer friends with/girls who bullied me at school/partner’s exes. Always interesting to see where people end up, but I wouldn’t call it obsessive…
No. 210191
>>210183 >>210177
I just stated I’m white and honestly it’s rather the guy then that is racist and I know some that specify white girls over black girls or black girls over white girls.
It’s the same with all these weebs nowadays that want a asian gf or a “nazi” waifu to kick them (german girls) and don’t want any other race. I’ve seen that shit enough. I talked with stupid guys like that
- THAT - is racist my dude and it’s disgusting and stupid honestly
No. 210203
>>210164I've tried but none of them ever take me seriously. "it's just a celebrity crush, most girls have one" is the response I usually get from any counselor I've tried. currently trying to find a decent one that's not just "and how does that make you feel?" over and over
>>210168I love my boyfriend to death but there's a lot of things he does that could be considered abusive, and that might be why I have this obsession because I fantasize this person as being sweet and loving and stuff like that, instead I've got someone who hurts me
>>210170He definitely is enabling it.. he enables a lot of my bad behaviors. but I do the same to him, always tell him it's okay that he did something wrong. He certainly is uncomfortable with it and actually got super jealous when he saw my shrine… but he doesn't tell me to stop being obsessed or get my shit together, he just lets me. Maybe because he knows theres no way and with how protective he is over me, I could never do anything with this person, so he thinks its at least.. not something I have to stop for him
>>210173I'm definitely not happy, my life has totally gone to shit. I'm a neet with no job, no family, and no education due to years of drug and alcohol abuse, also a lot of trauma stuff as a child basically made me terrified of the world (scared to go outside for too long, scared of driving. I'm okay going on planes or other countries because nothing happened with those.) so I can't do much. It's miserable and I'm just hanging on by staying with my boyfriend because he takes care of my pathetic ass as much as he treats me like shit.
Probably part of the obsession for me is this fantasy I've made in my head that this person will start dating me and take me in and be ~amazinggg~ and marry me and we'll be happy forever and ever and I'll be happy with him and get better physically. It's unrealistic and probably impossible but I have that stupid thought in my head that maybe that'll happen.
I need a decent therapist for sure… but I don't even know if that can totally pull me away from it honestly
No. 210275
There's a guy from uni that I kind of talked to from time to time because of mutual "friends" (more like he was hanging out with my close friends at first and started making fun of them all of a sudden, but never bothered me for some reason) and who dropped out of college because we're not learning anything useful. I found his twitter, tumblr and instagram accounts through one of his friend's professional twitter so I check them from time to time out of sheer morbid curiosity. He tends to post TMI about himself and his "private" life while acting/typing like a catty bitch on his accounts that are tied to his real identity (his real first name, where he lives, his job, and his face). Although he posts a lot about going out with friends and traveling abroad so it also makes me a bit jealous because I can't afford doing pretty much anything because of the lack of free time, money and support from my family. But it's mostly out of morbid curiosity, I'm not obsessed but there are many times when I have nothing better to do than browsing websites so I end up checking his accounts.
There's someone else I don't know irl but I used to talk to a lot on tumblr. We were mutuals and she saw me as a friend because we were both a into the same video games and anime and all that. She became a SJW over time and started vaguing about me more and more often and imply insulting things about me so I decided to ignore her and unfollow her but she didn't notice. I deleted my tumblr, made a twitter account and she decided to follow me there so I did the same again, out of curiosity more than to make up with her. I don't think she really realised that I muted her account. At some point I was complaining about dumb fandom shit (I think it was mlm fakebois) and she unfollowed right after and vagued about me again. I still check her twitter sometimes and she spends her time posting her terrible art even though she graduated from an art school, how anime is problematic despite her watching them all the time and gay pairings in overwatch and just being passive-aggressive in general. So basically she became more and more boring. Turns out, months after she unfollowed me and insulted me behind my back, she liked one of my tweets, so she might be doing the same thing. I should block her and move on I guess.
No. 210305
>>210203>there's a lot of things he does that could be considered abusive, and that might be why I have this obsession because I fantasize this person as being sweet and loving and stuff like that, instead I've got someone who hurts meDrop his ass. I've been in a pretty similar place and I know how scary it is to cut off the one person who is your companion and jump straight into the void of being single… but taking the trash out from your life allows someone who will treat you right to show up
(I assume your bf is uninterested in going to therapy/couple counselling and changing his behavior).
Sure you have to put in an effort to find someone, but it's better than wasting your life on someone who is making you unhappy.
Regarding your obsession - maybe a therapist that is specialized in helping addicts would be more helpful to you? Especially if they had contact with people addicted to porn or internet etc.
No. 210484
I used to be friends with this girl briefly on fb, turned out to be a total sjw cow, claims she's a vampire, and a witch, into ddlg kink, and a performer, a poet, a model, etc etc, as well as a transboi. In essence a total identifarian cow. Like she literally claims to have light sensitivity headaches due to being a vampire, claims to be a poet for her useless virtue signaling diatribes, refers to herself as a "goddess" when she's utterly hideous and repulsive. Totally ugly and annoying and self important. Deleted her for being insufferable well over 2 years ago but can't stop checking her social media to laugh at her. I would have posted her in here with screenshots but I don't for fear of someone cowtipping and spoiling my fun. I know I sound horrible judging her but something about her is just so hateable. she's the kind of person to take a shit and write a novel about how inspirational it is for everyone, her, a transboi vamp witch performer sexiest model uwu
No. 210516
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>>210484>identifarian top fucking kek
didnt know such a term exists.
No. 210734
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I'm dating a stalkerish guy if that counts. It doesn't bother me because I don't care about relationships anyways while he tries everything to keep ours together so it works out, kind of.
I mean, he's a great guy, he says weird stuff occasionally and seems to get jealous pretty easily even though I act pretty harshly against everyone I know because I don't like people anyways but I'd wish he'd just accept that it's extremely hard to talk to him when he treats me like some sort of tsundere princess goddess who does no wrong and deserves the amount of praise the chinese collectively give to Mao Zedong when I just want to be left alone and play shitty PS1 games on my emulator.
I really don't understand it. He's extremely attractive, intelligent, and has a bunch of fans and friends but he still obsesses over someone who plainly hates people.
There's another guy I know who is extremely smart, attractive, and rich as well who attempted to stalk me (he later tried to dox me but he had all the information wrong since I just input random shit on About Me's or profiles) and then claimed that he loved me on multiple occasions and then he'd talk about how much he loves girls of my race and random bullshit like that. He's somewhat of a dangerous guy so I try not to talk to him often. I don't fucking understand it.
There was another guy, some European dude who attempted to stalk me but kept having issues trying to figure out how to find any profiles I had online because of my usernames on websites sounded like something that would be an English-sounding name (but wasn't) or something. I burned that bridge after he kept messaging me at random hours of the day asking for me to play games with him because he's famous on one game or something.
Then there was a French guy who obsessed with me and then asked me out and when I said no, he went on a rant (in broken English, no less) about Catholicism and how I'm a sinner and I'm going to hell for not dating him.
There were more but the rest are boring to tell.
And I really don't understand it. I'm not smart, I'm not attractive (I've been mistaken as a boy multiple times IRL), I'm not rich, I even pretend to be guys online but that attracts gay guys. There's no rhyme nor reason to it. It's why I wish I had more female friends because they're less likely to do this shit to other girls.
No. 210745
>>204455I've always had stalker-ish tendencies, I remember in middle school (and of course high school) I would stalk whatever guys I found attractive/had a crush on. I was also kind of obsessive with some celebrities, kind of a husbando collector. It would often be ruined by my finding out some aspect of their personality that ruined them for me, so while I still do this sort of thing I have to walk a careful line between finding out everything about them (which I want) and having to resist because it will ruin them and I just want a happy mental image of them beyond appearance. I get really emotional about it and I can't stop even though I'm actually married at this point. I think it's because I've always been a fucked up loner with no friends, I'm basically a shut in now (I won't say NEET because I do work sometimes, but still). I actually stalked my now husband too, that one ended up working out well and while I love him I still have the same compulsion. I have a new crush now though and I'm really trying to resist looking up more.
Of course that is outside the typical "stalking" that goes on here with cows. At one point I had a personal lolcow that I still check up on every once in a while. I never shared her here because she's the skittish type.
No. 210779
>>210753That's the point. My father's the same way too so I got it from him.
Thanks, I guess.
No. 211136
>>211110once did it and it turned out she was boring and ugly up close
classic case of this
>>204469>When you obsess over a person and start to idealise them then they can only let you down when you get to know them for real. No. 211197
So a couple years back (I think I was around 16-17) i stalked this girl on Tumblr pretty bad. She was mutuals with someone who had a pretty popular account, so she had a decent following, too. Anyway, I started going through her selfie and personal-tag, which at first was just to make me feel better about myself, because she was kind of a mess. Then the more i read her blog and watched her videos, the more I felt like I could relate to her. She was never a cow, just deeply disturbed with some heavy issues, and also aware of it. She deleted a lot of her old content, but I remember her having some very interesting and incredibly well written posts about her life and what she was going through with mental illness. Before I knew it I was seriously dreaming about her at night, I would check all her pages like 15 times a day and post things on my Tumblr that I thought she would like so that maybe she would follow me one day. This whole time it was just obsessing from a distance, because I didn´t think she liver anywhere close to me (it´s a pretty big country what are the odds) but then I realized that I recognized the street she had taken a selfie on. It was literally only a 20-minute drive from where I lived. It completely blew my mind and now I couldn´t stop thinking about becoming her friend and hanging out with her and getting to know her. I think that was the main drive behind my obsession; I was never attracted to her in any way, more deeply fascinated and in awe that there was a person who existed nearby that wrote about their feelings and trashy life in a way I could relate to. Anyway, I managed to track down her Facebook (she didn´t have her actual name anywhere so I had to dig deep for that one), all of her family´s Facebooks, her address and where she worked. I kept planning on traveling to her part of the city in hopes of maybe running into her (if it wasn´t clear already - we were never mutuals, I had never talked to her and she did not know who I was). What I imagined would happen if I saw her, I don´t know, but my obsession stayed alive for maybe another 6 months after finding out she lived near by. Then it died down. I still check up on her from time to time and I still kind of want to be her friend, but I´ve come to peace with the fact that it would likely never happen and if it ever does, she´s probably just as wrecked in real life as she appears to be online. I´m guessing I would become bored with her and don´t like her in the end and I don´t want to ruin the magic of how I see her now.
No. 212020
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>>206280Holy shit, my ex was like this too. Full on narc with a worrying interest in teens. He even openly told me he browses the dark web and likes shota/lolicon.
I stalk him and his new gf sometimes, his new gf has a closed insta acct and no other social media. I've even been tempted in the past to make a dummy insta acct and fill it with stuff I know they're both into and follow her account to see if she will accept it so I can stalk her.
Weirdly enough, a few months back I got a really odd message on Instagram too from what looked like a dummy account saying that my ex wouldn't leave them alone, like in a sex pest kind of way. I couldn't work out who it was at all, someone suggested to me it was someone trying to get revenge on him for something and was trying to frame him, as the message screenshots looked like they had replies but the person had deleted their own to make it appear like he was constantly bugging whoever it was that was sending the messages. Possibly someone who he had flirted with online, had sex with then ghosted. I had speculated it was him behind the account trying to contact me indirectly too. I ended up messaging him telling him I thought someone was trying to frame him and he played dumb.
Another unhealthy obsession I had was this girl I knew through Tumblr that was fairly popular. She was fairly self-obsessed. She was the type of girl that played off that she was sweet and couldn't harm a fly to her friends but would be ignorant and disinterested if I or anyone else she seemed to take a disliking to tried to talk to her. She had a really nasty bitchy side that always got overlooked. Pissed me right off. Me and my friends would stalk her and talk shit about her for a long time. I still feel pretty salty towards her because of some shit that happened where she essentially accused me for other peoples actions and when I tried to straighten it out she just ignored me. Like, flat out just left any messages I sent her trying to make her feel better about a situation I wasn't even responsible for, ignored.
I also had an obsession with a DA artist for a while. I would check her acct every day and imitate her style sometimes. This one wasn't too bad as I held little to no malice towards her, I more just looked up to her I guess. She's fairly successful now, I think she works for Cartoon Network.
No. 212292
When I was younger, say 11-13 I was really obsessed with a certain scene queen (kek) and I spent hours figuring out how she did her hair, tracking down where she brought certain clothing or makeup items and buying them for myself, even if they were secondhand and overpriced, it had to be the EXACT same thing. I remember watching a video of hers frame by frame back for like half hour just to figure out the eyeliner she was using and then tracked down old stock on ebay and bought it. I watched all her yt videos and planned on starting my own channel basically copying her video topics and the order they where posted even down to what hair/clothes she wore in them but making small differences so I wouldn't get caught copying (which I would of lmao)
I did a similar thing with a few tumblr artists, mainly averyniceprince/barleytea (who has a thread on snow now funnily enough) reading through all every single post on her Tumblr from start to finish is what started it, then I went to her old blog and read all through that countless times. I used the same software and brushes, even copied colours and I bought the same exact art supplies as her (even when shipping/import costs where huge) and followed almost all the blogs that she did, watching all the anime, documentaries, films she recommended. I was a bit worse with my obsession with emi than I was with the scene girl, I waybacked all her websites and blogs, and when I started my own tumblr I planned to copy her first layout and the context of her first few posts, changing layouts like she did. Even taking a selfie at the same angle she had for hers. I even chose a url that had the same amount of words in it. I planned to join a large popular fandom that would drive me out and cause me to start over on a new blog that what happened with her and the hs fandom. I checked her twitter everyday and read through years worth of tweets. When I say copying I mean more the context, say her first post was a random doodle then a reblog of something, then art, I would follow the same formula but change the subject matters. It stopped when I found her snow thread and realized shes pretty lame and her art isn't all that great. I still follow her but art has gotten worse and it makes me sad, I look back on her old posts for nostalgia sometimes.
I've realized now that I copied the exact 'formulas' of peoples posting habits bc I believed that was how they gained internet fame, which I wanted very badly. Yup, not via getting lucky bybeing pretty or having a viral video like the scene chick, or being part of a large fandom and pandering to it like emi, its all to do with the order and context of what you post!, is what I thought. Also I hated myself a lot and wished every night I could be someone else. Also with emi I was jealous of her living in nyc and attending SVA (I wanted to be a cartoonist for a long time) and paying for it all with commissions, though reading her thread showed me her parents paid for all her shit for her. I was in my teens during all this and thinking back on it embarrasses me a lot. I don't do this at all anymore, any anon who are trying to copy others like I did, please know that being your genuine self is what makes you stand out, no one wants a copy of someone else!
No. 212469
>>212263 >>204612i'm alternating between feeling sympathetic and frustrated with her outlook, particularly because of her upper middle class background and the access it's given her to a college education and expensive procedures like cortisone shots and rhinoplasty. it sounds like she is too hopelessly depressed to actualize any change of routine that could potentially improve her quality of life. i assume she can't move out of her parent's house because housing in NYC is so expensive and she is…too sheltered to move to another city even though she has nothing going for her in NYC? she's so concerned with what she doesn't have that she doesn't seem to consider using what resources are at her disposal to her advantage, and that's what's frustrating about her.
what's up with the post she made about wishing you were hit by a bus, anon? i think i'm obsessed with this girl and obsessed with trying to make sense of her situation. her anonymity makes it even more thrilling lol. i'd love to know more.
No. 214275
How about we exchange some tips? is a great tool for casual stalking. You can also just use it for fun to see how embarrassing and cringy you've been on fb years ago lol
No. 214556
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i cyberstalk a fairly well-known streamer that i've had an on-and-off crush on since 2014, but i don't interact with him. i called his house phone once back in 2015 but some old asian lady picked up (he's a white dude who lives alone in his parents' old house), and i panicked afterwards. i also have his address memorized and use it as a placeholder now and then. haven't done anything more than that.
there's a clique of fakebois in his fanbase that are obsessed with the image of him to the point of IDENTIFYING with his likeness. they bug the shit out of me, but at the same time i play with the idea of dumping all my info on him into their discord just to see how they'll fuck themselves over with it.
i honestly don't know why i like him as much as i do. dude's chill, introverted, and has above average looks, but seems incredibly aromantic and his taste in music and film is as typical alternative white guy as it gets. i guess his singleness intrigues me?
No. 214568
I wouldn't say it's "unhealthy" but I do have a weird obsession with someone I've met.
He's basically a Chris-Chan type who puts his whole life on the internet for everyone to see. He, like many others, has this dream of being a big YouTuber or cosplayer or film director but is seriously lacking in any kind of talent and personality. He's like a lapdog to female voice actors or cosplayers with any level of fame (most of whom are well-known lolcows here) and he'll obsessively message them online, freaking out when he gets a response as if they were big "celebrities". He'll hop onto whatever the latest trend is and do a really poor job of it. He's basically perpetually trapped in that cringey weeb phase tweens go through where they become obsessed with a certain character or fandom for a brief period of time and they try convincing everyone around them that they're a demon hunter or an 18th century British gentleman or something bizarre like that by wearing a trenchcoat and costume jewellery and speaking with a half-assed accent. Except he's a grown ass man and he goes through this cycle every month and contradicts his interests from the previous obsession.
I know his working hours, what part of the country he's in at any time, what he ate that day and who he's with and it's not even because I'm stalking him, but because he makes all that information public with really lengthy vlogs, Instagram posts of half-eaten food and even his GPS location on Snapchat. He even makes his sexual fetishes completely public by liking and sharing images/videos and I know what club/bar he's in on any given night because he'll have a story up on Insta/Snapchat about it and he'll ask to meet up with people. I see him often at events and for some reason, I just find it so entertaining. I love keeping an eye out for him and just seeing what he's doing.
The best part is that even though he has a lot of social media accounts and information out there, he's still pretty unknown. He's like my own personal lolcow. I'm reluctant to tell people about him for fear of cow-tipping and him taking down his videos or making his social media private. I've only told my most trusted friends and they keep a look out for him at events too lol. Sometimes I'll speak to people who already are aware of him and they have the same reaction as me, tell me that they find him fascinating and how they're afraid to tell anyone else about him for fear of him becoming too popular.
I've considered posting about him on Snow but I can't. Even though I find him hilarious and more people knowing about him would add to the fun, I really don't think he deserves any kind of negative response. Yeah he's weird, but he's harmless and I wouldn't be able to control what people send him or what they do with his personal information. I know he'd shut down his social media if he saw that info being discussed online. I think assholes like Onision and Margo deserve getting gossiped about here but not this guy.
No. 214665
>>214661>>214634Oh wow I totally didn't know who the anon was talking about – but now I can see the connection.
I mean, if it really is this streamer then I can get why anon has an on and off crush on him. I have the same, just less cyberstalkery and more schoolgirl crush. I like his sense of humor and he doesn't SCREAM AT EVERY LITTLE THING like other streamers/LPers do. Makes for good streams to fall asleep to honestly.
No. 214672
>>214662I'll post this here because I think it fits the topic and this needs more exposure.
I think she's scared that he'll do something but I'm not sure. He's been doing it for months if not years. A few weeks ago he started spamming one of her pictures so much there were like 100 comments only made by him. Some fans of hers started to call him out and he started to get angry. Then that guys mother came to the comment section and started to insult people as well. When it became too much Natalie responded to one of his comments and said something like "please if you don't have anything nice to say I'll have to block you". So he said no I won't do anything or whatever but continued to spam her comment section again. Even his mother tried to guilt trip her into contacting him. This went on for a while until two weeks ago or so where he attempted suicide. He swallowed 30 Carbamabezine tablets and took videos before it. Even his mother reposted one of his videos before the suicide attempt and tagged Natalie in it. It shocks me that she is enabling him. Then the posts stopped for a few days and once he was released from the hospital he started spamming again. This guy is insane he thinks they are in a relationship and constantly threatens to kill himself if she ever "cheats" before deleting the comments.
No. 214723
>>214719Idk if it has anything to do with my motivation but my friends hate e-famers. Hate. I was at an event where there was another e-famous Lolita I admire and I was going to compliment her on her coords and ask where her headdress was from, but the friends I was with started bitching like "ughhh but I hate her she thinks she's so great get better taste" even though she's probably the least vain e-famer I follow. Funny story, she followed me on insta after the event, I got excited and it slipped out of my mouth and my friends were just like "ok, why do you care?".
I want to be well-known and admired but what if my friends start bitching about me, too?
Haha man I have issues, I'm going to wrap up this rant now.
No. 214733
Alright, weird as fuck confession time because reading this thread has made me feel a little better haha.
So a couple of months ago I found this girl being talked about on an oldish thread here at lolcow. She looked really familiar and I realized she was actually the ex of someone I dated over a year ago. A couple of people were saying how she bullied them or generally said mean stuff, a lot of it sounded exactly like some of the stuff she said to me. A mutual friend told me that she said things because my bf at the time/her ex told her I was saying all kinds of horrible stuff about her. I didn't believe it at the time but looking back it's 100% believable.
Anyways, All of the sudden I started seeing her everywhere, it looks like she has some people who don't like her on cgl as well. She also started popping up on my instagram feed, turns out she has a big following. It all just had a really strange feeling, like she was showing up everywhere I looked all of the sudden.
Here's the probably weirdest part, despite her talking trash on me and despite seeing multiple people say she said the same things to them, I have the strangest urge to befriend her for some reason. Like, I keep looking at her Instagram and facebook, probably more than I should. She's really cute and stylish and we seem to type in almost the exact same way, say and post about a lot of similar things. I just have this strange overwhelming urge to message her and apologize for the whole misunderstanding. It's highly frustrating because I'm normally way more rational about things, and I know logically that doing that would probably just kick up old drama. It's just frustrating as fuck that someone I actually think is really cool thinks I've said all these awful things about her. Rationally she probably is way over it and I'm the only one obsessing over this, what is wrong with me????????
No. 217825
>>204612She posted recently and mentioned she looks like the lady in this commercial I think is like kind of cute?
No. 219090
>>219057>super bad friendship gone awry where he just wanted me dead>made all these fucked up references to me being in pain/raped/deadI had an ex that did the same thing to me and tried as hard as possible to spread it over the entirety of the internet. He attacked every insecurity and made up every lie about a female in the mgtow book. Then he started to write the violent and aggressive stuff about rape and wishing I'd die. Sick fantasies, basically.
All I could do to get it to stop was make up an emasculating lie about him among the social groups he was posting to, and not respond to anything he sent me after that.
Police don't do shit for these threats and won't do shit for you besides tell you to get off the internet and change your email.
(Back when I was 19 I dated a controlling older man who sperged out once when I didn't answer my phone as I napped after college class. He called my house phone and threatened to cut my entire family with a chainsaw and string our guts on our lawn. Parents called the police and they wrote it off as a lover's quarrel–yeah, police don't do shit until you're dead–to reiterate).
He even sent me threatening videos.
Eventually he got over me after two or three years of abuse.
Hate to say "give it time," but lay low. These psychopaths eventually find new targets. It has little to do with you as a person or depression. These are people who are trying to assert power over others when they're otherwise powerless, little men irl.
Sorry for the rant, but this shit strikes my nerves.
No. 219432
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ugh i've been cyber stalking this guy since i was in 6th grade. i'm currently 24.
to be fair he had been leading me on for all about seven years i think?
it just all started with a dumb note i give him at the end of sixth grade saying that i liked him. he seemed to react positively to it but it all kind of went to shit cause middle school dramu and what not. since then it was off and on communication with him talking about how much we liked each other, but every time i wanted to get together and meet up he'd always abruptly backed out and straight up ghosted me. it was an almost neverending cycle of bullshit up until my second year of college.
a few months after that i met my current bf. we've been together for 4 years but despite that fucking asshole from the past has been haunting me.
indirectly of course.
he appears in my dreams a lot even if i go months without thinking about him or dwelling on the time i wasted on him.
every time i dream about him i feel so warm inside and excited in the dream of course.
i dont understand why i'm so obsessed with him.
my old middle school/high school friends would always give me shit about how plain and uninteresting he was and couldnt understand why i hyped him up so much. they were disappointed when they saw him cause i made him sound more amazing than he actually was.
it bothered me that he would actually date other girls and actually give them a chance but he never did for me even though he would tell me how much he loved me.
i rejected a lot of people and dating opportunities all throughout high school and part of college cause i was a moron who was waiting for him. luckily i broke the cycle with my bf. but i dunno why im so obsessed with this fuck.
i dunno why he lurks at the back of my mind or haunts my dreams.
he's not worth it.
like sometimes when i do dream about him i lurk his social media to remind myself of how much of a loser he is.
he's a collage drop out that works retail, lives with his parents, is a pothead, whines constantly about being single and lonely, is depressed, has no plans for the future, and is an overall loser. but for whatever reason my brain/subconscious wants him so badly.
No. 219522
>>219432>6th grade>24 years old>7 years ago????
i think your problem is mental if you were in 6th grade at 17
No. 219563
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>>219521thats my fault on that front bruh. they can lead you on if theyre constantly reassuring you they want you and then ditch you for short periods of time repetitively.
i am seeking help im in therapy/on medication for past traumas and subsequent mood/anxiety disorders from childhood abuse.
>>219522i meant i was actively trying to pursue something with him for seven years.
now im passive and dont want a thing but muh bizarre subconscious fixation which leads to dreams and the occasional social media stalking.
No. 219681
Wew this thread
I've stalked people a lot. Usually they're lowkey social media "celebrities" or popular members of the sites I'd frequent, and I'd save their pictures because I think they're pretty or I'm just curious about them. That's the thing, a lot of the time I just have this indescribable drive to know. Nothing else, I just need to know. I used to have 2.5GB of photos of various people before my hard drive got rekt.
Currently though, I have a huge unhealthy obsession with my boyfriend's ex. It's been like 2 years since they broke up but I can't help myself, and it doesn't help that we have similarities. I think of her as the more successful version of me and I lowkey look up to her. It's awful to admit, I pretend it's just because I want to "know" but realistically I know that's why.
I have a whole folder dedicated to her, I have her pictures, her resume, her contact info, her social media, all the usernames she's ever used, and I archived her old blog. I started styling myself after her too. I'm hopelessly obsessed with this girl I've never met and it's killing me tbh. I even made a fake instagram account and followed her best friend to steal pictures of her and I screenshot all her best friends' IG stories with her in them to add to my collection. When she posts pictures or a story with her in them, the rush I get is unreal.
No. 219687
>>219563how active could it have been for it to last that long without actually doing anything? active would be asking him straight up if he wants to go out etc and asking him why he keeps flaking out and giving him an ultimatum.
honestly i think if you want to move on the best way to do it isn't to insist that he's really an asshole loser. your subconscious doesn't seem to think so. you think he's cute and interesting but he's not interested in doing anything so it's not worth worrying about. only relationships where you're both enthuiastic to be there are worth bothering with. that's all you need to focus on.
No. 219737
>>219057Got a similar problem. Getting stalked by an abusive ex-bf and a similarly abusive ex-friend. It gets really tiresome when people you don't want to talk to ever again keep inserting their pathetic selves into your life and showing you that they're constantly watching you and everything you do. Fucking assholes.
Honestly anon, I don't think this is about you, so don't blame yourself. This is more about them. Some individuals are just fucked up. I think certain people tend to attract sociopaths (I read that they tend to get involved with very empathetic people, as those are going to try to understand them and give them tons of chances over and over again). I think these poor sods just miss us very much, as normal people don't have patience for their bullshit and would kick their ass to the curb after the first serious transgression. It's just their way of trying to feel like they have some "control" over someone and not having to think for a moment about their own pathetic everyday lives.
No. 219798
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>>219687>how active could it have been for it to last that long without actually doing anything?we'd be texting daily and basically acting like we had a thing going on. anytime i'd ask him why cant you make me your gf or if we're dating i'd get a halfassed answer like: "that's on a need to know basis darling"
like i felt like the whole thing was always on eggshells because if i said the wrong thing he was gone, and stupid teenage me didnt want to lose him.
when my anxiety gives me racing thoughts i hyperfixate on this stupid ass thing a lot. like i want to know what could i have done wrong. why did he say he wanted me when he didnt?
i know i basically played myself. i know i was a fool to go along with it. i just want to know why cant i let go?
when i think im starting to get over it, it just comes back again. i try to use logic and reason to dig myself out of it but it doesnt work cause it doesnt change my feelings no matter how many times i lay down the facts and mull over them.
i dont want to be like most the cows on here and basically cry "muh shitty childhood" but it kind of is foundation of the kind of person you're gonna be for the rest of your life. it doesnt absolve you of guilt/fault from any of your mistakes but it's a step in figuring out why you react to certain things a certain way and becoming aware of those behaviors that could potentially be faults.
No. 219965
>>219737Not that anon but thanks for this. My abusive ex has been attempting to harass me and stalk me and has been e-stalking me for 5 months. I've been no contact with him the whole time but no amount of ignoring has made it stop - I act like he doesn't exist. I thought I was handling it fine but it finally started to get to me and I had a couple private breakdowns last week.
I needed to hear some fucking logic about all this. Thank you for aiding my slow return to normalcy.
No. 220732
>>219737>>219965does this warrant another thread?
i was the original anon, and thank you guys so much for responding. the harassment put me in the hospital recently, and i just came back online all because a level-headed friend said it's best to project stability otherwise they'll feel like they've "won". it's such bullshit and i start EMDR therapy soon, and to do it correctly my therapist is saying I can't go on instagram and get
triggered by them …
You're right about the empathy thing. Both people involved are predators/narcissists, and even the weird exes/current-gfs-of-exes who copy/stalk my shit are arguably pretty fucking dead inside. none of them have actual talents to carry them, that's the unifying theme. some of them talk about wanting to help mental health stigma while antagonizing me for mine when I'm doing bad (fucking because of them), and indulge in bad mental health when it gets them attention. they don't actually suffer and they don't actually care about others. i can't stand it.
sorry for venting. i really do not understand their obsessions, especially when it comes to hurting a real person.
No. 224317
>>219775damn you're a fucking cunt, girl was fucking bulimic with an addiction problem and you're here counting her wrinkles like they make you any less disgusting
i love this thread for reminding me all the exes and rejected guys are such trash when i catch them lurking lmao thanks for sucking anon you're killing it
No. 224333
>>224319it finds all the pics tagged with your account.
you gotta link the profile and then you're free to use all the functions. I believe a facebook account is needed because it uses the commands on fb, that you can do manually from your profile (you type in search bar "Photos Liked By X" and you are free to see them).
No. 224894
>>207607I tend to stalk a few e-famous IG girls purely because I'm jealous. They always make me feel bad about myself even though I know it's just a huge pile of makeup and photoshop. Everyone I know seems to love and adore them though.
On a side note, I also occasionally check up on this girl who I despise who used to spread nasty rumours about me and tried to make me feel shit about myself (claiming I wouldn't be able to get into a particular college, or always rubbing in my face that I'm a "poor scholarship student who can't afford designer brands"). It's funny to me how back when I was posting regularly, every time my followers rise, a few days later hers would magically increase past mine. There's also obvious signs of botting on her account, even though her IG is nothing more than a visual diary. Always gives me a self-esteem boost knowing she's probably still obsessed with me
No. 225274
So it started out with me checking my boyfriend's business website/instagram, and I found his co-workers' pics on the instagram. I happened to click on one of his female-coworker's instas, and saw that she had pics of her with his dogs. A lot of pics of her tagged had people saying "oh this is so and so's gf who owns the salon. Congrats guys!" This is how I discovered she was the ex he never told me about, and he hated being found out. Now I obsessively check her activity almost every day, and it kills me when I see them hanging out. He has other female co-workers, and that doesn't bother me, but she's his ex and so obviously I'm insecure about it. Honestly, she is very unattractive. And I feel like a bitch for thinking so, but because she's unattractive it makes me want to break up with him. Old pics of her are kinda cute, and she had decent fashion and makeup. Now she wears ugly af clothes and looks old, puts in no effort and always wears an ugly cheetah print coat. It just makes me feel sick that I obsessively check her profiles because he refuses to stop hanging out with her after work. I'll probably break up with him and hope I stop stalking her activity after that.
No. 225280
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I'll stalk random strangers on the internet, but could never stalk people i know in real life. Not even crushes, etc. Maybe it's because there's no personal connection with these strangers, but when it comes to even going on a facebook profile/Instagram profile of people i know, i get disgusted with myself.
I don't know when it started, but from time to time i get the urge to stalk someone, anyone. maybe i saw their url on some blog post, maybe they posted a random comment on some obsecure facebook page, or maybe i see their name on a screenshot. I just get curious about what other people are like, but once they've caught my interest i'll do whatever to find out more about them - i'll read their comments, other posts they may have made, find bits of information, i'll look them up, then it just goes down hill. It's like… starting and finishing a puzzle. I once found this small youtubers address, number, family and personal facebook, etc.
I wouldn't say i'm obsessed with them like some of these other posts, at least not for long because then I'd get bored after a month or so.
I just thought it was weird because i can do this with strangers but get anxious when i find someone i know in real on the internet.
No. 226786
>>226775Ah, well okay I'm going to go for it then! I am curious as to how he would respond so here goes nothing. Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to be genuine.
>>226781Thanks, I hope he thinks so too!
No. 226849
>>2268062nd anon here, that's so great! Excited for you.
Also, don't share anything unless you want
No. 226917
>>226808>>226820>>226849Thanks! I would so show you everything, but I'm paranoid the screenshots would somehow make it back to reddit.
>>226809I'll tell you all what my message said though! I just introduced myself and told him I understand/relate to the things he's going through. I ended it by saying that I was here for him if he needed someone to talk to. He seemed eager to talk so I offered my number as a better alternative. we're texting now. I didn't think he'd open up to me so quickly, but he is being very candid. It's really nice to get to know eachother. I'm a little busy right now, but I'll post a screenshot of one of our messages later.
Thanks again for the encouragement everyone. I didn't think messaging him was a possibility lol.
No. 226999
>>226917Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!! Please keep us updated.
I met my boyfriend on reddit, so finding a cutie there is definitely possible <3
No. 227117
>>227049When I see posts like this marked with red text, I wonder if they're banned for the specific post or for a history of actual bad stuff
Because being a dick about the userbase is just normal chanboard behaviour, we all know this place is filled with salty bitches
No. 233879
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Whenever I have a crush on someone I’m acquaintances with I daydream about them constantly, even if the chemistry or connection is not that strong and I’m not sure even that infatuated with them. I have this compulsion to organize my feelings to fit my imagination so that I can see some hope of them being in my life for as long as possible. It makes me feel guilty and pathetic and I try my best to distract myself from the compulsion until I’ve reasoned with myself enough that we wouldn’t work out as amazingly as I imagine. Right now it’s a work crush that I’m in constant fantasy about, so I see him around several times a week. He’s only an acquaintance and I’ve only managed small talk with him so far, and the longer we go without forming even a solid work friendship the more sad and crazy I feel. Is there some way to speed up this process without completely embarrassing myself? Is this normal behavior? I don’t know what to do with myself anymore. I don’t feel comfortable bringing this up with a therapist or even close friends. It’s that obsessive and weird. Sorry for rambling anons…
No. 234323
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>>234013I’ve been there anon. The obsession stems from emotional support you’re not receiving anywhere else. Sorry to hear you’re struggling. I wouldnt trust anyone with that information if I were you but just so you know, if you’ve found one person who has been through the same issues as you, you will find another. There are a lot more people around with the same secrets as you than you might expect.
No. 234684
i still hate-stalk an ex i had when i was 17. he was 25 and fucking me, a minor, on the side while still being in a relationship with a butterface, good Christian girl. he broke my heart twice, and after the second time, i would obsessively text him long rants about how terrible he was and what an abuser he was, etc. i found his reddit and waited months for him to even allude to my existence. when he did, it was in reply to someone's thread asking how to get over an ex. he said, "work out. DON'T FUCK YOUR CRAZY FUCKBUDDY. talk to friends. DON'T FUCK YOUR CRAZY FUCKBUDDY." and so on. when the OP replied to his comment asking for the story about the crazy fuck-buddy and why you shouldn't fuck her, i got to it first, saying "you shouldn't fuck her because she's underage. but if you DO decide to fuck her, just make sure you have a job secured in the next state over under your actual girlfriend's daddy's thumb. that way you can skip town real quick after you decide to end things."
the next day after i replied to his comment, he posted a thread asking how to get Butterface Christian Girl back. he said he'd called her a cunt and she'd broken up with him, but that she thought she was pregnant as well. i found her FB and sent her a long-winded message about how he's a predator and manipulated and abused me for about a year while he lived in my state, all the while keeping her around as well. she read it and never replied.
they are still together to this day.
No. 234721
>>234684It's amazing how girls get tunnel vision about men.
I read something on an older woman's account. Guys would keep having affairs with her. When she found out she'd try and contact the girlfriends. All of the women ignored her warnings and one even married the guy after knowing he was cheating. Some nice sub-zero standards there, or the denial is strong, not sure.
I have actually written a kindly worded message to a girl I could see going through the same manipulative bullshit I did from a guy. Of course she deleted it and continued going through the manipulative bullshit.
Maybe they just think the guy is in HIGH DEMAND and it makes them even more keen? Like completely missing the point of the warnings. Oh well enjoy getting abused I guesssss
No. 234723
There's this singer i have a crush on, who's dating a super young, but not very famous model.
At first i was kind of sad and jealous, but she's so pretty that i wanted to know more about her.
Sadly she's put her instagram on private. Now i've already made around 3 fake accounts to try to be able to follow her, but she never accepts…
Of course that's super creepy and obsessive, but i'll probably never meet her and as long as she doesn't know, it doesn't hurt her.
I don't even hate her, it's rather admiration; how awesome is she, that he dates her?
I'd want to be similar to her, because she's obviously very cute and she also seems popular, living a happy and exciting life.
No. 235475
A friend of mine and I used to drive around the city we live in to get a glimpse of our crushes and my ex. We'd drive to their houses, places they'd frequent, etc. I hate-stalked the ex for like three years for the same reason as
>>234684 , I was underage and he was in his 20's and he pressured me into sex I didn't want.
No. 235486
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I’m obsessed with a close friend of mine
It’s weird. It’s not really romantic or sexual, sometimes those thoughts will pop into my head but they feel involuntary if that makes sense, I don’t want to view him that way.
I look at him like an older brother. I’ll daydream all the time about either me and him going on adventures and me improving as a person and him being proud of me, or I’ll daydream about things unrelated to him but imagine him as an audience member watching my accomplishments and praising me. We both play a competitive video game, we even play the same character and he mentors me from time to time, though he gets frustrated that his advice takes a bit to sink in.
I want nothing more than for him to acknowledge my progress and say I’m doing a good job. He’s like a big brother I need to impress. I’ve cried when I don’t do well in tournaments because I feel like I’ve failed him.
No. 235603
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> Was a member of a discord, we constantly fought, i told them off and left.
> Create a second account to see whether they're talking behind my back.
> Create a third one, we talk for ages, then a fight starts again. I leave, because i'm fed up.
> Get a dm, asking if i’m me and using alts, of course deny. Tells me he banned IP of this person (me), so that she (me) can’t join again.
Before joining again, i looked up if admins can see your IP and discord staff said No, but apparently, they somehow could…
I'm also the admin of another shared discord and going on there again would be too humiliating, knowing that I’ve been found out, so I guess i'll have to delete, but then they'll know for sure it was me all along.
There should be a crazies thread for lunatics like me.
No. 235720
>>235634Does this mean they know that my alts have the same IP as my original account or not, since i was no longer in the server? (but i had a role…?)
Or can they still see it, since we're in the other server together?
No. 236097
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I became obsessed with this famous poster from a certain image board. I won't say which board because I don't want to give away his identity. But he's extremely attractive, and that's what he's known for. Beyond model-tier. Two years ago I found him and would save pictures of him. I considered him my dream guy. I am also an artist and I like making portraits, so I always use his face for reference. I just made another last night.
Eventually after searching around I found his Tumblr and Instagram. I've been following for a while but I don't typically interact with him. Sometimes he will post an Instagram story, and I'll respond to it and he will reply back casually. I did that the other day, and since then we have been talking back and fourth for two days straight. I don't know why he is suddenly so interested in me, maybe because I unprivated my Instagram account and all of my selfies are visible. He must find me attractive which is why he is communicating with me now and having long conversations with me.
Our conversation topics are even getting slightly inappropriate, but not so much that it's creepy or uncomfortable. More like flirty, really. He doesn't even live in my fucking country but I am enthralled. After being obsessed with him for over 2 years, now we are talking. It's just strange to me. But I know I shouldn't get too into it. I know we will never meet anyway.
No. 236099
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My Room-mate/ Childhood friend. I've known her since Grade 5 and we've been through tons of fights and she was my first lesbian experience. I live with her and her Fiance and I'm not sure if I'm in love with her. I don't really understand her feelings because during a fight once she said that she loved me more than a friend and that if her and her fiance ever broke up that she would want to be with me… But I feel like I should keep my distance with actually getting romantically involved with her. I love borrowing her clothes because they smell so good. Sometimes I'm tempted to ask her if I can sleep in her bed. She almost slept in mine recently but I think she's too into the routine of sleeping with her fiance. I know she browses Lolcow but I don't think she looks at /ot/
No. 248264
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>>233879>>233979Mild update no one requested; I’ve managed to destroy almost all obsessive crush feelings over the original work crush. I really need therapy. I only got a clue and was able to confront how little I had to be excited about when I found out that he has a gf, but not before I looked her up on social media too. Rereading this thread reminds me of how creepy I am, and that’s some useful perspective.
No. 248599
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God I can SO relate to OP cyberstalking ex best friend.
My childhood friend betrayed me like 5 years ago and I can't get over it (because I'm a loser with no life). Guess I want to see that she's not doing so great in life to make myself feel better since she hurt me a lot and I haven't been able to trust people ever since. Of course, everyone on social media seems to have "the perfect lives" and their online personas are fake as shit.
Also don't know if you could call that an obsession but I check my ex classmates/neighbours fb profiles once in a while to see what they're doing. Some of them had kids after high school graduation and now are single moms and it definetely makes me feel better about myself.
(I'm a miserable cunt who has been bullied)
No. 248604
>>236123>we'll live together from that point on while i take care of things for her.sounds like you still care about this person even though she treated you like dirt
i have similar fantasies too, but they usually end up with me just laughing at their pathetic lives.
No. 252052
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I'm so glad I've found this thread, I hate referring to myself as yandere because that's cringey weeb shit, but I will obsess over my current crush. I keep track of his sleeping schedule, when he's online etc. as best I can. I'd attempt to stalk him irl but unfortunately he's moved an hour away from where I live. He does seem to like me back though, I don't obsess over people I dislike or who dislike me. I watch, read and listen to what he likes (usually without his knowledge) so I can have similar topics to talk about with him, I've already altered my personality to what I think will suit his. He has mentioned this other girl to me twice though, so I'm trying to figure out what makes her so important so I can replicate it. It feels really good to say all of this somewhere without feeling weird.
No. 252077
>>240752I had this ex friend who became obsessed with me after I decided to stop being her friend. She was convinced that I was the reason her life was so shit, and not her substance abuse, bad treatment and disrespect of others, shit talking and general shitty life choices. She would stalk all of my social media accounts and post screenshots of things she misinterpreted as being about her. It was incredibly embarrassing and pathetic.
I had a chance to take her to court along with support of someone else who she fucked over, but decided against it, not sure why.
No. 252182
>>252052being a crazy stalker isn't the same as being yandere. you'd only be yandere if you want to commit bodily harm either to him or people who care about him.
also i think yandere has been a thing, atleast in concept, in japan for decades. during the 1920s there was a woman who murdered her lover and carried his junk around with her because she didn't want anyone else to have him. the country at the time thought it was beautiful. as long as you're not at that level, you're good.
No. 252869
>>252736Same, I love it. I found a acquaintance from college's tumblr, instagram and twitter because a mutual friend advertised his twitter on fb. I found the guy because they were mutuals on twitter and he posts the dumbest shit ever. Some of these things could even be compromising, especially because he uses selfies as profile picture and his first name everywhere. Now I know way too much about this guy and it's hilarious. If he didn't use a selfie for his pp I would never have found out. He vague-posted about me and friends some years ago on his tumblr, that was pretty funny too because he's way worse than he thinks he is.
I have a friend who does the same stupid shit of posting selfies and her real name everywhere, as well as using the same IDs everywhere, and because we're mutuals on some websites I managed to find a bunch of acquaintances' twitter or tumblr. But usually they don't post anything special.
I also found relatively old and well-hidden photos of a guy I like a lot thanks to the power of google and fb and I found out what he looked like without facial hair and long hair, among other things. It was weird.
>They just get cringier and cringier and I wish I had other people to talk about them with.Could talking about them on anon get you in trouble? If not you can tell us a little about them. I always hear about American religious parents who homeschool their kids and I never hear good things about them so I'm curious.
No. 252895
Sometimes I’ll look up people I don’t talk to anymore bc I’m wondering how they’re doing in life.
I actually found that one of my friends that I had a major falling out with had died when I went to reconnect with them on Facebook. I wanted to apologize for what went down and saw their page was set as “memorial.” I hadn’t spoken to them in a year and I wanted to right what went wrong. I was just 4 months too late. Their death has haunted me since. It’s one of my biggest regrets in life. A year later I found that they had committed suicide. I still don’t know why. Had I contacted them sooner, I feel like it might not have turned out like this. Unhealthy mindset, but I wish I could have just talked to them.
No. 254053
I hate-stalk the ex of the guy I'm seeing currently, kinda a personal lolcow too tbh. I wouldn't say it's obsessive and unhealthy to the point where it interferes with my daily life or anything. I'm still baffled because dude is objectively more attractive than his ex and admitted to me he never wanted to be with her and didn't even respect her.
I'm guessing my bf hooked up with her because she was really easy pussy while he was distraught about me unintentionally rejecting him two weeks prior (was going through a lot of shit atm). I can't really see why else because girl was toxic:
- pressured him into the relationship when he didn't want to be in one for various, legitimate reasons. she's also two years older than him
- egged him on to drink an entire bottle of rum he hated while he was under-aged, recorded everything and posted it on his social media
- was super insecure and possessive, checking up on him randomly to make sure he wasn't hanging out with his girl-friends
- incredibly needy, to the point of making nearly every comment about herself on other people's social media posts
- suspiciously added me on my private social media "on accident" when only had one mutual friend
- dude kept on lying about the stupidest shit because of her and generally being a dumbass the whole time he was with her
- enabled his hard partying behavior while he was trying to get his shit together
- generally full of herself and shitty
Like dude, not only is she a shitty gf, she's real unfortunate looking. Stumpy limbs and torso, flat ass (literally no change from back to ass to leg), no hips, waist, or tits. Long Lurch face, lopsided Jay Leno chin with lopsided eye and lopsided bulbous nose. For increased unfortunate-ness, she has a concave mouth, very thin lips and is very flat-faced throughout.
He wised up and dumped her ugly ass around their 1 year and is a lot happier now. I'll also troll through dude's insta likes to see if she passive-aggressively liked his posts weeks after the fact.
Also I cackle real ugly when she refuses to like any his photos if there's another female in it, even if they're a friend she met and they had been broken up for a better part of a year now. She even had a brief relationship after the two broke up and was still acting like this. I'll look through their music likes on occasion to see if they've been using music but it's largely a waning one-sided effort on her part. I think he mostly doesn't pay much attention to her these days if at all.
Anywho, she's been a great model of how not to be as a girlfriend and I remind myself of her when I tempted to give into bad behavior.
No. 254104
>>254053>and admitted to me he never wanted to be with her and didn't even respect her. Bullshit, then why was he with her?
Careful anon, if he has that attitude towards her, you might be his next victim in the future.
>I'm guessing my bf hooked up with her because she was really easy pussyPrince Charming right there.
>pressured him into the relationship when he didn't want to be in one for various, legitimate reasons. she's also two years older than himOr maybe she didn't want to just hook up and wouldn't put out. Did he sleep with her cause she was just easy pussy, or did that perfidious succubus pressure him into it so she could steal his precious seed? Which is it? He could've just said no to both.
Also, so what if she's older?
>Was super insecure and possessive, checking up on him randomly to make sure he wasn't hanging out with his girl-friendsUsually happens when your boyfriend is being cold towards you or is cheating
>Suspiciously added me on my private social media "on accident" when only had one mutual friendSame as above
>Dude kept on lying about the stupidest shit because of her and generally being a dumbass the whole time he was with herHis lying is her fault how?
>Enabled his hard partying behavior while he was trying to get his shit togetherEnabled how? He could've just said no.
>UGLY LOLOLOLSo what? Is she not allowed to date people who aren't total goblins because she's ugly?
Don't get me wrong, you could be telling the truth but something about this all just sounds wrong and it feels like you're drinking your bf's koolaid in buckets. Especially the overarching tone of "she made me behave like this".
No. 254137
I've sort of had obsessions with some science lab TAs I've had so far at uni. It starts by searching their full name on Instagram and looking through all of their photos. Then I figure out from the likes and comments who are their friends, both at the university and from their hometown and I stalk all of their pages as well. Then I try to find them and their friends on Twitter (they often have the same username on both sites) and read through all their tweets, sometimes even reading the tweets of the friends of the friends. Same thing on Facebook. I frequently check the website of the lab group they're in, search up what conferences they're going to present at, look up their journal publications, etc. I might even do the same thing for their professors and lab mates from their old university as well. Past a certain point I start feeling really creepy so I stop searching them up, but I still sometimes read through the Twitters of their friends (almost like they've now become my friends or something, creepy I know but I just like keeping up with them for some reason). I don't know why I do this, I guess I'm just interested in learning about their studies and who they are, though I'm trying to stop doing it now because it feels like I'm invading their privacy. If I see them around the university I try my best to avoid them because I feel ashamed, like they somehow know what I did.
No. 254146
>>254053>dude kept on lying about the stupidest shit because of her You don’t lie because of someone else, you lie because of yourself. It’s not her fault he’s a liar
>I'll also troll through dude's insta likes to see if she passive-aggressively liked his posts weeks after the fact.he’s gonna tell his next gf how crazy you are for doing this
No. 254283
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>>254053>admitted to me he never wanted to be with her and didn't even respect her. I bet that he respects the shit out of you, anon.
No. 254331
>>254053>admitted to me he never wanted to be with her and didn't even respect herGuys who say this about an ex will also say it about you when/if you break up.
>I'm guessing my bf hooked up with her because she was really easy pussy while he was distraught about me unintentionally rejecting him two weeks priorHe was with her because he wanted to be with her. It's that simple.
No. 254339
>>254104>Usually happens when your boyfriend is being cold towards you or is cheating This, I've seen it happen so many times. A guy will talk shit about his girl being too paranoid/crazy but will conveniently leave out the fact that he cheated on her multiple times… Honestly any time a guy talks about a crazy ex he's most likely bulshitting and leaving out major parts of the story.
Men love to throw women under the bus.
No. 254413
>>254368>I can't stand girls who let their bf's dog their ex's if they were oh so bearable why did you date themHonestly, same. They're an ex. If you're spending your time getting your kicks out of his ~you're not like that crazy bitch you're different sweetie~ bullshit, you're insecure. If you're happy in your relationship, who gives a fuck what the ex is doing?
>>254339A guy saying he has a "crazy ex" is such a red flag for me. So far, in my experience, they have never meant legit crazy, abusive or even disrespectful. They've always said it about girls who aren't doing what they want them to do or girls who don't put up with their shit.
No. 254976
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>>252826>>252842>>252869I'm like a week late and probably no one cares but just in case, here's some on the homeschooling family – they are actually UN-schooling, which is like mega-hippie homeschooling.
They call themselves the "Sparkling Martins" and the mom, Dayna, is a narcissistic fame whore. They were on Wife Swap, recently tried to become a "Youtube family", and now their next venture are being fucking anarcho-capitalists.
In 2013, Dayna was exposed as drinking/using drugs while doing her paid "Un-Nanny" consulting service with a family (think of the show Nanny 911). Search "Watching the Unschooling Pieces Crumble - Part 1 of Dealings With a Guru" and "Problems with Dayna Martin, 2013 and prior" for details. Her 4 kids are pretty embarrassing too but they're 16 and under…Enjoy.
No. 255208
I sometimes check up on a guy I met online a few years ago. We talked with each other from time to time for two years and he never hinted that he had any romantic interest in me or anything like that, we just discussed some random stuff. There were things that were slightly off about him, he was 26 and a virgin, nothing wrong with that by itself but his perspective on women was kinda limited. He still was interesting to talk to and overall intelligent.
He would constantly tell me about a girl he had been in love with for four years or so, I didn't really care about that. Then I started dating somebody and mentioned that briefly in the conversation with him and he went full-on nice guy mode. It turned out that I had been leading him on all this time, he had had so many hopes for me, etc. He called me a slut or something like that and we stopped talking.
This wouldn't really bother me at all if shortly after that the girl he was in love with all this time (even though he was trying to get together with me at the same time somehow) didn't give in and they started dating. She's way out of his league, she's somewhat successful in her career, confident and has an interesting life while he did nothing but sit at home and complain throughout his 20s. They've been together for like a year now and they're going to get married. They seem to genuinely enjoy each other's company judging by their social media.
Shortly after they started dating, about a year ago, he messaged me and we had a nice conversation, even though he said that he still believed that I had lead him on and had been wrong lol. I hate being on bad terms with people so I was like, whatever, and told him that I was happy for him. After a few days he suddenly told me that his gf is against him talking to other women and blocked me. I felt really stupid that I started talking to him again whatsoever and that I told him that I broke up with my bf. He unblocked me later and messaged something but I blocked him in return.
It really pisses me off now that I still keep remembering him from time to time and checking his profile. I just hate that he was shitty to me and ended up being happy meanwhile I have gone through depression (unrelated to him, obviously), broken relationships and stuff like that. My life is not that bad now but I still get upset when I see his profile and he's with his gf and is seemingly doing great. I want that fucking revenge already.
No. 255212
>>255208A few lines of this made me check the date like
>did I write thisVery similar things have happened to me. I check up on people (but have seemingly improved my standards over the years, and amazed I talked to or met these people at all now, so I don't look anymore.)
>Friends with 26 year old NEET for years online>Guy flipping out because you date other people even though not dating him>He gets girlfriend and somehow it goes well for him>Guy says he's in love with some other girl for years but still going after you>Guy initiates conversation with you and then says he can't talk to you because gf doesn't like itIn my case these were multiple different guys but, yeah we have a lot in common it seems
No. 262723
i’m obsessed with my bf’s ex (V). the girl who introduced me to him (G) has some sort of vendetta against her and hooked me into it. she showed me V’s tumblr, facebook, twitter, etc. and would send screenshots of V to me making fun of her. it was weird at first, but G told me how horrible V was to my bf so i didn’t feel… bad? G would post videos of my bf and i on sc and we would know V saw them. fast forward a few months and i stop being friends with G (bpd nightmare) but i still find myself looking at V’s tumblr and facebook. V would make posts expressing her jealousy and i could see her desperate attempts to lure my bf back and it just….fueled me. (i’ve never been able to stalk any of my partners ex’s before so maybe that’s why?) but then i started to let my lack of self confidence get to me and i started to compare myself to her when she was with my ex. she was cute at some points imo but the thing that got me was how skinny she was. i began relapsing and obsessing over being skinnier than her and seeing her face in public when she saw me. with every new picture, i could see how much V had gained and it only made me work harder. eventually, i’d been through her entire tumblr during the time she was dating my bf and had found more profiles / accounts she had. it was like a story to me. then i began tearing her apart in my own mind (her looks and mostly awful tastes). i’d screenshot ugly pictures of her to make myself feel better. soon enough i opened up to my therapist about it because i knew it was unhealthy. got better for a while, but i couldn’t stop looking. sometimes i even see things that V likes / wants (style, makeup looks, etc) and try to emulate them to make her jealous…. i still find myself looking at her social medias, but i’ll go through phases (sometimes weeks without checking, other times 2 or 3 times a day). just looked at one of her pages and saw her new god awful, tacky tattoo and couldn’t help but laugh at how terrible it came out. my bf and i have also been together just as long as she was with him and we haven’t split up even once while V cheated on him multiple times and he broke things off 4 or 5 times total. idk where i’m going with this, i just know i’ve been wanting to post here for a while and get things off my chest.
also, is it weird that i wish i had someone who didn’t know us to make fun of her with me?
No. 262773
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>>262729i feel like it’d be fairly easy to figure out who i am if i posted one of her pics, but i’ll attach her tattoo here.
No. 262777
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>>262729here is one of her attempts to get my bf back lmao.
No. 262781
>>262777this smug ass face
she looks like a bitch
No. 262801
>>262792kek, i’ll never unsee this now.
>>262794i think she’s 23? yeah, it’s weird because when she’s not smiling as hard she does look kind of young but when she is it adds years. i kind of feel bad that she has that many lines in her face already.
No. 263119
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In middle school all the way up until maybe highschool and a little after graduation I used to be really obsessed with this girl. She was on the cheerleading team and was deemed one of the hottest girls in school. She was in shape, short, and not that pretty but at the time I really thought so. I'd stalk her facebook page maybe once or twice each night. She didn't even know who I was..
I on the other hand was not what you'd call popular or what people thought was pretty in that school (they really just thought clumped eyelashes and bad makeup etc was attractive tho lol). I was made fun of for the longest time for not being what was cool or popular I guess. Its all so stupid now that I think of it.
But I would really try and wear similar almost identical things to her. Beg my mom to buy me clothes that are like her's or her friends..(uggs aeropostale) I actually tried out for cheerleading two years in a row. Both of those years not making the cut.. I'd straighten and relax my hair so that I could achieve her hair type.. I wanted to dye my hair and bleach my skin. I'd look up to girls like ttly teala because she was like me almost. I wasn't comfortable in my own skin and I would really sit there and hope and pray one day I'd wake up and become her.. it was so strange. And I'm glad I don't continue to obsess over her and built my own personality..
No. 263364
>>263351But she's ugly
And also a caricature of the parisienne stereotype
She only does what she does to sell the "Frenchness" to frumpy American girls who lap it up
No. 263555
>>263480There seems to be a ton of people with Cluster B personality disorders on this site
If you look in the secret sharing thread, a lot of the posts mention sociopathic, narcissistic, or borderline behaviors
This entire site is based around gossiping about people, so that isn't really a surprise imo
No. 263559
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Back in 2014/15/16 I was heavily obsessed with Shmegeh and Haku.
The first time I saw them I was disgusted at how skelly they were, but I could not stop watching their pictures and videos on tumblr, instagram… and the threads they had here on lolcow, oh boy those were the times.
I even relapsed and went full ana-chan once again, I even wished I looked as sick and emancipated as them. I saved almost all their images in my phone and would look at them everytime I felt like eating.
No. 263660
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>>263621This site, i swear
Was his dick small tho
No. 263666
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>>263621why the fuck would you post this
No. 263667
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>>263621Thanks lord for lolcow and farmers.
No. 263728
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>>263621Really made me think
No. 263949
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>>263621I actually find this interesting, but some of you use this place for creative writing, lmao.
No. 264055
>>264047Not towards my boyfriend, but say if I'm really, really angry at someone and I'm going online to hate watch or dig up dirt, I get pretty shaky. Throat gets tight sometimes.
Basically all the reactions of being in a fight without physically being in person.
Do you hate a lot of things your bf does?
No. 264066
>>264051I'm here for a good wild time not a long time kek
>>264052I actually accept and encourage a lot of the things he's embarrassed about. But there are things he should be at least private about liking (especially as an adult in his line of work) and pointing out the flaws in them/in liking them makes him tone down how vocal he is about the embarrassing things he likes. It also works better than being direct about it because he just becomes very defensive and upset. I do know this isn't the right way to go about it, and sometimes I'm motivated by jealousy and perfectionism to do this, but hopefully, I'll find a healthier way to deal after I start therapy. I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I do feel embarrassed too about some things I like because of him making jokes about them a lot. Sometimes, it does feel like we're both doing the same unhealthy thing but I do it more obsessively and intentionally.
>>264055Not a lot, just a few things. Oddly, he's the first guy or bf to bring the obsession and stalking out of me this hard…and also the first guy my friends think I've ever really been in love with. I guess it's related in a sick way.
No. 264071
>>264066If it's not affecting his working ability, I don't think it should matter. As long as he knows the right time and place to bring up the subjects. Honestly, don't try to change his behavior, he'll learn for himself even if it is the hard way, whatever these embarrassing things he likes are.
Also the researching thing, I sympathize. It's a hell of a rush. I've had nights where I've gone to bed with 2 hours of sleeping time to spare trying to dig up new info about some things. To control it, I basically just tell myself I can wait until later since I'm probably the only person to get this far with info. Remind yourself you're not a machine and you need some downtime.
No. 264100
>>263935if someone paypals me money ill post proof
>>264096nvm no i wont but i invite anyone in korea to meet up with me so they can vouch for me lmao
>>263197Not sure but I wish her well. I would go back and apologize to her for all the creepy stuff but I don’t even think she remembers me honestly. I never interacted with her.
>>263489Thanks anon
No. 265524
>>264711I dont think it's possible.
Why not just make a fake account?
No. 273047
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Lately I've been obsessed with a reddit user, she's a woman who claims that her bf looks like Calum Von Moger and that she's an instagram fitness model with a body very similar to Katy Hearn's.
She obsessively post about how much her bf loves her body and how he thinks average women's body are disgusting, most of her threads are a variation of "men what is your favorite body type and why?" or "Is it normal for men in relationship to watch porn?". Idk she strikes me as incredibly insecure about her relationship yet she project this image of having the perfect life with her super buff bf and her successful instagram career. She also post a lot about her bf's friends making fun of him because he says he only like super buff girls like his girlfriend and she write shit like "idk why it's so hard to understand that some people have very high standards and love perfection".
She likes to sperg about how much better she has aged than her friends while in other threads she recognize that she has gotten botox, a boob job and fillers. She also don't understand why her boyfriend doesn't get hit on more often but if he seriously looks like Calum V he probably disgust a lot of women since most ladies aren't into big veiny dudes. Anyways she's my little secret cow.
I've been trying to find her instagram since she posted a few pic of her body but I just can't.
I know it's unhealthy but she sounds really crazy and I want to know more about her.
Pic related is one of the few body shot she posted.
No. 273072
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I stumbled across this particular lady by the penname of Trudy Silverheels on Facebook who I believe fabricated a life as a renowned model and author of 'tasteful erotica'.
I believe she created profiles of friends and family members, faked her own death in 2014 and continues to use Facebook and talk about herself through these made-up relatives who suspiciously either have no pictures of themselves or perhaps have one blurry picture.and interestingly enough they all share her affinity for erotica and sex.
I got a free trial of Amazon Kindle to read her works including an autobiography, biography and a novel. While I'm not big into reading I don't see how her works could ever be considered renowned as they are advertised to be, as they barely had any reviews and were very amateur, I believe I read one description of sex that was simply 'we tribbed, 69'd, and came several times'. As much as she talked about sex, her writing came off as teenage written fanfiction.
Ive looked up her supposed real name (Linda Yazzie) and although I found one online interview with her I haven't found any info relating to her birth or death. It may be small potatoes but it's intriguing to me
No. 273103
>>273074It is sad. There's so many details I wanted to include but didn't cuz it got too overwhelming to type up on mobile. There are some things I found that don't make her look so good tho, the first that comes to mind is that she ostensibly defends pedophilia in her writing. The titular character in one of her novels is a teenage prostitute.
I feel I should add that not all of her friends are her own creations; there are some Facebook friends who most likely are real people with lives but it doesn't seem like she's ever met them in person.
Also, if you search her name on YouTube you will find a very short video of her book signing event in which there doesn't seem to be anyone there aside from her and whoever is recording.
No. 273134
>>273047Haha, this is funny, I reddit stalk her too. Though mostly because I'm intrigued by her looks transformation and how openly she talks about plastic surgery, since I kinda daydream about getting some too. (not brave enough though) But, yeah, she does come across as very insecure, no one wastes hours online talking about their relationship if it actually is going well. I think it's kinda like how people that brag about their life/relationship/other on social media usually aren't as happy as they seem, otherwise they would be too busy living their life to spend so much time online. Seems like she's looking for confirmation/reassurance because deep down she doesn't believe the things she says and is trying to convince herself.
Also, I don't recall her ever mentioning that she's an instagram model, just that she looks like one? She posted a picture of her fiance in an r/fitness thread, and as far as I could tell he did look really handome(Altough I think only the lower face was visible) and not disgustingly muscle-y like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Definitely had the kind of body that intimidates women.
Now I feel like a huge creep. Oh well, guess I'm in the right thread.
No. 273349
One of my former best friends ended our relationship in a really unfair and devious way because I disappointed her. 8 years later, I still think about it sometimes and start e-stalking her. She told me her mail password when we were still friends and she never changed it. I found out that she started working as a prostitute after our friendship ended and that she never got a degree. That made me feel better on one hand (she made fun of me for being "lower class" and stupid; now I am the one with two excellent degrees), but I also feel sorry for her because I used to like her a lot and it is depressing to see how she wastes her potential by being a hooker and doing drugs all the time. I get really mixed feelings when stalking her and I haven't logged into her account for several months now because I know that it is just wrong. The temptation is there, though!
I also am obsessed with male attention I think. I used Tinder for a while to hook up, but I "fell in love" with every guy I met and started monitoring everything they do. The thing is, most of those guys weren't relationship material at all, but I still became clingy immediately and cried about them not paying me enough attention. I always text way too much and am all over them; until I meet the next person that is. As soon as someone else catches my attention, the guy I just cried about 5 minutes ago becomes irrelevant, but the cycle continues. I've embarrassed myself often because of that and I hate that I rely on male approval so much. I recently hit rock bottom when I started sexting someone from another country. It was supposed to be a fun distraction, but I'm already obsessed again, thinking about him 24/7 and malfunctioning in real life. We don't even have much in common and I barely know him (and probably won't ever as he is really far away), but whenever he texts me or play video games together (which is rare, because he probably has a life unlike me), I get way too excited. I also hate how social media fuels this; I can always see when he's online on Instagram and I get really depressed when he doesn't contact me then.
No. 274466
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I have a horrible obsession with a relatively minor celebrity that I revert to as a coping mechanism whenever my life goes to shit
I am horrifically embarrassed about this and I guess this only makes it worse, but I'm absolutely not about to own up to it irl either. In the past I managed to stalk his whole extended family online and considered myself spiritually married to him. I don't interact with the rest of the fanbase anymore but I'm pretty sure I was if not the, then one of the worst people in there (as in most obsessive, over a long enough period of time to dig inhumanely deep and archive everything).
I also drew a lot of self insert art with him, a lot of it porn, but none of it ever saw the light of day and it never will.
sometimes I feel like a pony waifu would have been easier to justify
No. 275404
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>>274911I got her birth and death date from Facebook, that along with her real name and place of birth didn't yield any results that I could match to her.
>>274824I think she is primarily posting under the profile of her 'niece'. Recently this niece posted how trudy/linda believed Donald trump was a terrible person and whatever, interesting cuz trudy apparently died back in 2014 when trump was not taken seriously beyond a reality TV star and no one saw this presidency coming lol.
This 'niece' is also an artist and aspiring author of eroticism, despite not being 18 yet lol. She runs a Facebook group that I joined where she photo dumps a lot of semi nude photography and art, pin up girls, the like. She also uploaded a document to the group detailing a girlfriend she had, a woman much older than her lol. Her mom stumbled upon her chatting online with this older girlfriend and told her to put an end to it; not because it's creepy for a teenage girl to get romantically involved with a grown woman, but because she should be more concerned about getting her in trouble with the law since their type of affair was looked down upon by society.
There's so many details of trudys life that are just weird or don't add up i want to share but it's overwhelming to write lol. I'm glad someone is interested. But to wrap up this post her niece has an artist page where her banner seems to be a picture of her own eyes but I think they look a lot like trudy/linda…
No. 275976
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>>275404>>274911And just to add, is this accurate Navajo gear? Maybe some Navajo anons can comment. Not entirely familiar with the culture and customs but from what I've observed I feel that trudy/linda is not really connected with Navajo culture herself despite having that heritage (if she's not fabricating that as well which wouldn't surprise me if she was)
No. 276735
>>276585Same fam. She wasn't even much of a lolcow but I'd still periodically creep just cuz.
Kinda feel better now that she's gone mostly awol, though. And I have no interest in really e-stalking anyone else lately. Feels good.
No. 276900
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>>274858Bless you anon, I'm reading through her posts right now. Her insecurities are so thinly veiled behind her contrived perfect life. She's great lolcow material.
No. 276938
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I'm back to stalking my "cow"
>>204612, the 30 year old virgin who has never had a BF and lives at home
I actually went to NYC, her home city, a couple of weeks ago and I loved it. Not just because of the usual touristy stuff or whatever, but because it's so diverse. I think NYC is mostly minority these days, and I loved visiting places in Queens and Brooklyn because you could see people from all over the world.
On the other hand, I feel baffled why this bitch seems to think that only attractive rich white people live in NYC. Even in Manhattan these days you have places like Chinatown and Harlem full of non-white people. For the longest time, I thought she lived in Beverley Hills or something, but SoCal is full of minorities too. Does this chick not take the subway or something? Just spending 5 minutes on there you can see a ton of people.
Also I think this is someone's life who was fucked over through internet addiction and not going out at all.
>>217825The video has been deleted but I also think this girl has BDD
>>212469>she's so concerned with what she doesn't have that she doesn't seem to consider using what resources are at her disposal to her advantage, and that's what's frustrating about her.Yes omggg. That really describes what I feel.
This is definitely a girl who has not made use of her resources. She went to a private high school and a "great" university. (I'm guessing she went to NYU or Fordham or something similar)
No. 276956
>>276949Oh, it's cool to see someone else has stalked her too. I'd love to hear why you did it. I think it's because she writes very long posts that remind me of my LJ days.
Who is the other FA woman you used to stalk?
No. 276960
>>276956I used to lurk r/foreveralonewomen before it went private, where she posted. She stuck out to me because of her TL;DR posts, just like you.
The other woman is r/under_the_bluemoon, who I initially noticed on FAW as well. She is a mid-40s kissless handholdless virgin who's in a severe oneitis with her best guy friend. She apparently has a really bad case of PCOS, which she feels so bad about she has tried to (unsuccessfully) get support from the trans and intersex communities. Some of her posts made the rounds on r/fatlogic because she argues a lot about fat anorexics and broken metabolisms and such.
No. 277003
>>276960It's pretty easy to lurk FAW. Just make a new account with some posts, preferably feminist ones.
And under the blue moon is such a trainwreck too. I love how she claims that her friends think she is such a wonderful person but she can't find a bf because of fat shaming. After seeing the people on My 600 lb Life with partners, I find it hard to believe that weight automatically rules someone out.
No. 277036
>>277003Make a new account and actual posts? I'm too lazy for that, lolcow is the only place I participate in kek. I'm also not really into FA stuff nowadays, my obsessions never last as long as some of the other farmers in this thread. Currently looking for a new community to latch on.
I agree with your assessment of her, I doubt she's very pleasant IRL. And frankly for all her claims of intelligence she isn't any more brilliant than the average female redditor.
No. 277285
>>277164She's a seriously dumb cunt. She's a vegetarian but uses real insects in her art that have to be killed in order to be preserved. Her stop motion is choppy as hell, none of her drawn/painted work has any contrast to it at all, and all of her experiences have been bought. Seriously she was bragging about how her Mom made her and her brother pick an Ivy League they wanted to go to and she gets them in. She's done a bunch of art programs that cost a fuckton and I'd say I'm still pretty comparable kek. I'm a privileged bitch but at least I can own up to it.
I fucking hate this cunt for how fake and affected she is, and I hate my ex for showing me just how shallow he really is. She was apparently everything he hated until it could benefit him. Part of me feels like he's just using her to make himself look better and make the fact that we went to a "shitty" state school look better. It's no fucking wonder he hates himself so much.
No. 277313
>>277307Not her but I'm jealous as fuck of people who don't have to work to get nice things too.
>>277309Tbh your ex sounds shallow as hell and fake, I'd say you dodged a bullet if he's this much of a social status chaser.
No. 277314
>>277301Lower. I realize that once you get into the school there are still standards that have to be upheld but pretending like this girl got in on her own merit is a joke. She's an idiot because she presents this homegrown down-to-earth artist facade when in reality she's entitled and bought her accomplishments, not because I think she's actually stupid. She lives in a million dollar condo in Boston, I don't doubt there was some extra "help" that made her more favorable.
>>277307I mean I am. Someone I really loved and care about threw me away for a girl who is the embodiment of everything he claimed to hate. I have had discussions with him about how good education is severely skewed towards the rich. We also talked about how he hated trust fund babies and when kids were given everything to them on a silver platter. I'm jealous because she's replaced me and I'm angry because he's a shallow hypocrite who isn't the person I thought he was.
No. 277416
>>277385Is that anon saying something that hits close to home?
This website is literally about following other peoples' lives and passing unfiltered judgements about what they do.
No. 277507
>>277416Anon seems upset that I'm insulting the Ivies lol. There is a long and well documented history of legacy admissions and using status to get accepted.
I guess I should clarify that I'm not saying that this girl is so retarted that she can barely write her own name and her mommy paid off her college to get a full-ride. I'm saying that she's really unremarkable in terms of her art and academics and if she was a middle class nobody admissions wouldn't have given her a second of their time.
No. 277530
>>277314>>277285Idk anon, if it makes you feel better, if she's really this unremarkable and untalented she might use up all of mummy and daddy's money once they retire/die and will be left with no substantial income to support her lifestyle. But that's only assuming she's bad with money and doesn't know how to invest. Sorry about your ex, he sounds very two-faced.
I actually know someone like this, I don't think she's as rich as this Ivy League girl, but her dad owns a small construction company, her parents live in a house worth over 1 million and she goes on vacation 3-5 times a year. I think her parents bought her a house too, but it's definitely not worth 1 million. She's not very intelligent and she's not doing anything with her life besides being a shitty Facebook photographer, and since her family doesn't have like… generational wealth (iirc her dad started the company) I sometimes wonder what the fuck she's going to do once her dad retires. She's kind of a bitch so I hope she crashes and burns tbh
No. 277578
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>>277530Thanks anon. Honestly I don't really care what happens to her in the long term, I just want their relationship to crash and burn. I think they're coming up on barely over a month together and she's leaving to go back to college on the other side of the country anyways. I feel like it's imminent but it can't come soon enough for me.
10 minutes of google searches also tells me that she comes from old money because her Granddaddy used his mafia connections to start up a liquor distribution business. Seems like scumminess comes to her naturally.
Also she's majoring in Art Studio at her college. Seems like she couldn't buy her way into an actual art school kek. No. 277579
This has described my life uncomfortably well since I first hit puberty.
There is one girl in particular that I have stalked absolutely relentlessly since 2011, so 7 years now. I saved HTML files of all of her blog pages that I kept updated until she deleted her first Tumblr account, and I still log the second one just unconsciously at this point. I check her blog around once per hour and save the file, and if she deletes a post, I save it in a separate folder to bookmark the things she wanted to hide. I used to just browse random websites that seem to match her interests looking to find her there. I found her on this very website, as well as a few forums, one of which was from her childhood. I can immediately recognise her based on her writing, I've read her posts so much. The first time I just accidentally stumbled across her on a forum that I posted on years ago and without even looking at her profile immediately knew it was her from reading just one sentence. I felt like the biggest creep on the planet that day. I also know her private Instagram she never posted to her Tumblr; found that by finding the Instagram of one of her old Tumblr friends and looking through like 2,000 followers before I saw one private account that I know is her just by the username and picture (not of face). I just know it's her, I know her so well. And I found most of her IRL childhood friends, where I was able to get pictures of her when she was in high school. I even had her parent's address, but I don't know if they still live there, and managed to find her general location in her country from looking at her pictures. I have quite literally never spoken to her once, and I mean her no harm, I am just very interested to continue keeping up with her life and I want to know everything about her.
I've done this to a lot of people, the IRL ones the worst, and I have insane codependent characteristics in my own personal life that end up bringing out the worst in everyone I meet, because I have absolutely no boundaries and will happily drag the people that I cling to to the lowest depths to be with me there, and never leave me.
Please kill me.
No. 277608
>>277578Lol you sound so bitter. Being an anon with a rich daddy I run into cunts like you all the time discrediting anything I do because of Daddy's money. I forgot being rich meant you grew up with paper money stuck in your ears making you unable to listen and learn like the rest of the plebs.
When I got together with my boyfriend 4 years ago his 'poor' (middle class, more spoilt than me growing up) ex started insulting me, talking down about me to anyone that would listen and found out I had been to therapy and joyously told everyone. Turns out most people could just see she was being an absolute judgemental bitch that worried too much about others than her unattractive bitch ass. Also my family has given back a lot to the local community and various charities. Being spoilt and stuck up can happen to any cunt regardless of net worth.
No. 277679
Tw alert but I have an obsessive problem where sometimes I get consumed with stalking my abusive ex. After we first broke up I knew his password to some sites, secretly I knew he was chatting to underage girls there during our time dating, so I guess I was just digging for more dirt so that I could remind myself that he really was trash, but at some point he changed the passwords. It was creepy of me but not that unhealthy. I blocked him and removed him from my social media and moved away.
A few years later I had a delayed nervous breakdown because of the way he abused me and the denial I had been in. I received counseling for it, but around this time I also began having these spirals of obsessively stalking him online. The real catalyst was hearing that a girl who I had been friends with during the relationship who I know had been involved with him after I moved, had actually claimed he raped her, reported him to the police then dropped the charges, but aside from this I have no other info. I can't just call this total stranger up and demand she tell me about this. I don't know who else to ask.
Even more than this, during our break up when we were still playing at being friends, an ex of his had contacted me on Facebook and said she 'knew something I might be interested in knowing' or something. At the time I wanted nothing to do with him so I told her to leave me out of their drama and blocked her. That message is long deleted, I can't even be sure which girl it was anymore and I can't find her online anywhere. I wake up in cold sweats about what that message was.
These obsessive spirals are awful, I just sit and cry. I nearly dropped out of university at one point because I couldn't do my dissertation because I was just desperately trying to dox him and crying hysterically every time I got on a stable internet connection.
I know that I'm looking for some kind of revenge or at least a pattern because to me the abuse me caused me isn't "enough" but what he does to other girls "is" and so I need to know. I can't explain it.
As long as I keep busy then it doesn't happen but one day when I have stable finances, I'll hire an online private investigator.
>>277579As your average person who hasn't covered their tracks well from one blog to another, I can't help but be a bit narcissistic and wonder if anyone has ever followed me in the way you follow her. I don't know how I'd feel about it, perhaps at least a bit less boring.
No. 278157
I used to kinda stalk a girl who runs a few fan accounts dedicated to a music group. I wish there was a way to learn more about her but she stopped revealing any personal information. From what I've managed to learn, she seems like a cool and interesting person, I got so jealous of her when I read through her askfm (not in a bitter way). She's lived alone since 13 years or so, her parents live and work in a different country and she visits them a few times a year, that's why she speaks two languages, also her Italian neighbours used to look after her, so she can speak some Italian as well. She knows a lot about fashion, art and classical music, reads books every day and has a big book collection, a big wardrobe with cool outfits and accessories and knows how to dress herself stylishly. Two accounts that she runs have gained hundreds of followers because of her dedication but she abandoned one of them. She also goes to uni and does some kind of freelance work from home. Idk about her job but my guess about her specialization in uni is marketing, she's never revealed it specifically as well as her face. Too bad she's deactivated all her personal accounts and I can't learn anything else about her, I miss reading her answers and posts, she's really witty and intelligent. I kinda wanted to message her something some time ago and see if she responds but I didn't think I could talk to her the same way she talked with her friends in the comments of her page, I felt like I was too nerdy and didn't have to say that much anyway.
No. 278227
>>277313>>277314Here, I'll change my wording.
You sound jealous as fuck that despite being lucky, she's still objectively more intelligent and genuine than you are.
I just graduated from a top university (not an Ivy admittedly) and many of my classmates who did get in on "daddy's money" flunked/dropped out or graduated with shit grades. If this girl didn't then she definitely had to work hard. And now you spend your time bitching about her on lolcow.
FWIW, my parents didn't pay for any part of my education and I grew up pretty solidly lower middle-class (single income family).
>>277372>I think they did get a good GPA and SAT/ACT score in high school but that doesn't guarantee if people are smart or not.You sound like one of those people who insists they were a "burnout gifted child" to cope with their mediocrity/laziness when it actually matters in school. It takes hard work, intelligence, or a combination of both to perform that well, and those qualities are hallmarks of people who are bound to succeed.
>>277608I support this anon and OP's ex's new gf. Hate when people who are less fortunate try insisting that they're somehow superior for it.
No. 278229
>>278227Lmao anon you know nothing about anon or her ex's new gf how can you know the new gf is more or less intelligent than her?
I think you're just projecting.
No. 278247
>>278227I'm this
>>277372 anon
I go to a top 15 American university, but some people just have a lack of common sense or are really sheltered. I'm not that smart and I don't work that hard and I'm getting decent grades.
No. 278465
>>278227I'm not the same anon as OP so I have no idea why you're quoting me like I'm the same person, but I don't concern myself with what random might "objectively" (you don't know for a fact btw) be more genuine or more intelligent than me. I frankly have no insecurities about my own intelligence and know that not everyone going to an ivy is all that smart.
Regardless, it is extremely privileged to go to an ivy league school and most intelligent persons can't even entertain that idea due to costs alone. Sorry, but most people who go ivy come from money.
That said: Her bf didn't make her jealousy better by pretending he had a certain set of ideals, then later opportunistically ditching her while betraying everything he said.
You really do sound like you're projecting.
No. 278558
>>278465Ivies have good financial aid for the middle class you dipshit. You clearly have no idea how this stuff works. If you are upper middle class it becomes more of a struggle to pay. But if you are middle class you won't pay sticker price. If you could get in you probably would have gotten good FA too.
The average Ivy league kid is probably upper middle class, but someone who worked their ass off in school. Which isn't always someone smart though.
No. 278635
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>>278558No one said that Ivies don't give out FA. The main point is that getting admitted into the Ivies WILL ALWAYS be way easier if you're wealthy. That's just a fact. Are there kids who worked hard and deserved to get where they are? Absolutely. But there are so many kids who get amazing opportunities purely because of money. If you really think that most people only get where they are in life because of hard work then you're living in a bubble. It fucking sucks and it's not fair but it's the truth.
Elite schools have had a well documented history of nepotism and legacy admissions that still go on today. Admissions also takes a long look at race as well.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection No. 278654
>>278635What is your point
Yes money makes a difference but it's like that for everything. Whatever college you went to, it would also be easier if you had more money.
The ivies do affirmative action. So does basically every other school except for a few public ones. Including your college.
It sucks that some people have to take out loans to pay for a college degree. But it's like that at every college, not just ivies.
There are rich clueless kids at every school. One of my friends goes to a public school and she says she only shops at Whole Foods and Target. Apparently she doesn't know that regular grocery store chains exist.
It sounds like you went to community college or some commuter school were you couldn't be bothered to put in the work to get a decent scholarship to your flagship.
No. 278657
>>278654My point is that this girl I hate got into her school off money. Looking at what I know, and looking at her credentials, it's pretty fucking obvious that if she were middle class she wouldn't be where she is. She's an affected rich kid who uses a starving artist persona to make herself look better. She's fake and spoiled as hell. My fucking point is that this specific girl is a great example of what money can buy, but other anon keeps taking my beef with this chick personally and thinks I'm making a blanket statement about all Ivy League kids.
At no point have I said that I should be the one at her school or going to whatever programs she's going to. Could I get into an Ivy League? Fuck no. My point is that if this girl was in my position she wouldn't have gotten into her college. My point is that my ex is a shallow ladder climber who pretends to not care about social status but in reality needs a rich cunt to make himself feel better about going to a University for in-state tuition (Something he and I BOTH did). My point is that they're both two faced garbage who only care about what they can put on a resume.
My ex used to whine and bitch about how all his friendships would fizzle out after a year and kept wondering why he didn't have any longterm friends, then has the audacity to pull this shit on me. They're both fake as fuck and I'm fucking bitter because I'm worse off for every having the displeasure of knowing him.
No. 278667
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Can yall studious chicks get your own thread? I wanna hear about the human obsessions, not college rankings (zzz).
No. 335244
>>204459holy shit are you me
yeah i know old post yeah
No. 335281
>>326602You have to track them down the old fashioned way. Best way is asking others who knew them most recently. It may be possible to track them via a criminal record/background check or court documents.
But if such a person doesn't go on social media, doesn't have a particularly public job, doesn't get photographed frequently, it's not feasible for one person.
No. 335331
>>335281I see. I don't think we have any mutual friends.
This girl was my friend in elementary school and transferred in middle school. She had Aspergers and was obsessed with dinosaurs. I guess we were both autistic lol? However, she wasn't academically gifted, or at least she wasn't in high school. I wanted to see if she ever managed to transfer her passion for dinosaurs into a career during college like some people do but I never found anything with her name so I doubt it.
The only things I did find out by googling her was that she had moved houses and that her dad died. When I looked at the new house on Google streetview, it seemed a lot smaller than the old one which had a swimming pool. Since her mom was a stay at home mom to help take care of their daughter and her dad was the sole breadwinner, it seems likely they had to downsize after the death of their dad. I wonder what happened. It is pretty sad because the guy was only in his 50s. I will always remember him as the guy who introduced me to MMORPGs even though I never really got into them. I hope they are doing ok.
I was just curious what she was up to now because a lot of people who aren't super talented in high school do well in uni. But I think the majority of people with high functioning autism can't turn their passions into a job due to a lack of work ethic/talent/soft skills/etc.
No. 422356
>>276940Are you sure this is her? If so she’s been more active there than on her main(probably googled her username and saw this thread?) and posting on r/adultery, wow
>>422352She’s def attractive
No. 422412
I have an obessesion w my ex best friend I’ll call Kim.
>high school. K is thin, popular big ego and bitchy. Has a male best friend orbiter Dan. Dates Dan at the end of high school.
>Kim gets help for her bipolar/anxiety in college and gets on meds. She is much nicer. But on meds she gets super fat.
>Kim and Dan get together a few years later, get married.
>5 years later. Dan is a supportive good husband. Kim still very fat.
>best friends w Kim, we are in a circle of friends. Friends w Dan too.
>Kim is very close with married male coworker Chris. Chris is sleazy and hits on me and another friend at a party.
>Kim begins to diet/exercise, begins losing lots of weight. Tanning & tattoos. Becomes weirdly arrogant about her looks.
>Kim admits to having a crush on Chris. But says that’s all it is and she loves Dan. I tell her I don’t want to know if she cheats because Dan is my friend too.
>Kim, Dan, Chris & wife hang out often.
>Kim begins having full affair with Chris.
>Kim complains about Chris’ wife not liking her, says she wants to be her friend. Says wife doesn’t trust her and she doesn’t understand why.
>Kim fucks Chris with no condoms or birth control. In their house, at hotels, in their car.
>Kim meets a guy at a party with Dan. Later fucks this guy w no condoms too.
>Kim begins inviting new guy to hang out with Dan and friends.
>Kim says she doesn’t feel bad and she has ‘options’ and I don’t get it because I’m not married.
>Kim still going out of her way to make Chris’ wife be her friend.
>Dan makes comments about being worried about Kim and losing her, tries to talk to her but she seems disinterested. Still having sex but less often. Very depressed.
>Kim meets another guy at a bar and disappears with him for an hour.
>entire friend group except Dan knows about her cheating. A mutual friend is worried Dan will catch an STD. She tells Dan and Chris’ wife.
>Chris convinces his wife that Kim made it all up and she believes him, but thanks friend for telling her.
>Kim admits everything to Dan. Dan is angry that Chris’ wife was told, and says it’s their private business. Stays with Kim.
>Everyone drops Kim because they know she would fuck them over too if they had someone she wanted.
>2 years later. Still with Dan. Kim goes to Mexico to get lipo and buttlift. Looks weird as fuck.
>See her at a bar. She sees me with friends and begins texting someone furiously. Stays there for an hour alone and then leaves.
I’m not on any of her social media anymore and I’m obsessed with knowing who she’s friends with now and what her life and marriage is like. It’s so fascinating and I want to know about her hoe adventures because I know she didn’t get that lipo for Dan. I have been thinking about making a fake profile just to see.
No. 422447
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When I was 16, I lied about my age on a dating website and ended up going out with a 26 year old man. He was a wealthy and well-traveled metrosexual / hipster type with a passion for the guitar and a bit of a geeky but charming demeanor. Being the suburban, socially awkward shut-in that I was at the time I met him, I felt like the luckiest person in the world to have someone like him have any interest in someone like me. I was completely smitten by the time he deflowered me in the bedroom of his loft at the end of very first date. He must have been the first person tell me that I was beautiful when I hadn't heard those words before from anyone else, and would wonder aloud of how lovely I'd be when I'd become a bit older. Looking back, I think I was less attracted to him and more to the way he made me felt. The feeling that I was attractive, and that I was the adult I thought I was at the time. Even as I caught on to the fact his interests in me began and ended at having sex with me, I allowed myself to be driven mad waiting hours for a text message, soaking up every bit of information on him I could find online and breaking down when I noticed him interacting with any other girl on social media. Eventually, we slowly drifted apart while my obsession stagnated up until he began a serious relationship with another woman and blocked me without a word. Years later, part of me likes to think he's going call me again soon. Any time, now. I have to stop myself from checking up on him from alternate accounts.
No. 422620
I was on the other side of this obsession, and I think I'm still being stalked.
She started just commenting on my posts, then my friends' posts, then the posts of my friends' friends. Posting my pictures that didn't have my face in them and saying they were hers, copying my interests, copying my outfits, copying what I wrote word for word, replicating my drawings and making accounts pretending to be me. Despite being a 100% blue eyed blonde white girl from a European country, she claimed she was the EXACT mix of races I was.
For two years I was constantly blocking her new accounts, going private and telling my friends to block her. It got to the point that she couldn't see my posts, so she would try her hardest to copy my profile picture.
Every now and again, I would get a novel length message from her apologising, telling me it was because she admired me and needed someone to look up to. I bought it the first time, but it just became a neverending cycle.
She's gone quiet now, except for the occasional apology sent from another dummy account.
I will never, ever understand the rationale behind it.
No. 422651
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>>276940LMFAO imagine posting shit like:
>We are both Alphas - Yin and Yang - He the masculine Alpha energy, and I the feminine Alpha energy. Together, we are an unstoppable force.about your husband on your main account but then having a throwaway account dedicated to talking about how you cheat on your husband with your boss what the actual fuck, thank you op
No. 422676
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>>276940>>422651Omg I'm going through her deleted posts and in one she actually LARPS as her husband and describes herself in third person as "insanely out-of-this-world hot and oozes sex appeal without even intending to" hahahahah
No. 422684
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>>422676>>419804Damn. It's like she's a femcel who swallowed all the shit on men's subreddits and incel forums, then tried her hardest to become a "Stacy" until it drove her literally insane. She's probably also secretly into cuckqueaning to have written that shit and posted it.
She's almost like a female version of Gaston from Beauty and The Beast.
No. 422689
>>422676How can you see this? Seems undeniable that it’s her account if that was on there, too much of a coincidence otherwise.
>>422684>>422452You guys are being really harsh about her appearance, she’s super cringy but not unattractive.( though not as attractive as she says she is either)
>>422651Yeah wow she’s super hypocritical, all that obvious jealousy and she’s the one cheating?
No. 422690
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>>422687Nvm, figured it out. Rareddit, for anyone wondering.
Why would she make this in particular? Who was she trying to make a point to, lmao?
>My preferences have only seemed to tighten up once I started dating my girlfriend a couple years back, who is extremely fit and has an almost impossible body / look. It’s just hard for me to feel attraction or desire for anyone else.She must feel really ugly inside and insecure to make posts like this, honestly.
No. 422692
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>>422689This one just makes me feel sort of bad for her, not gonna lie. Her weird obsession with putting down other women to boost herself grosses me out, but you can really see the cracks here.
No. 422694
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>>422689I don't mean to say she's physically unattractive by any means, I just mean:
>muscular>tan skin>dark hair>light eyes>strong jaw>very narcissistic personality>obsessed with appearances, being "alpha" and desired, etc Like…She really is like a genderbent Gaston. She even kind of looks like that one rule 63 Gaston, but with stronger features and a bit more muscle going on.
No. 422702
>>419804Woah it's really cool seeing what she looks like after stalking her for so long lmao.
She's definitely good looking but not as much as she pretend to be. Her jaw is super meaty.
No. 422921
I used to have an obsession with a girl who is now my ex-girlfriend.
I used to cosplay and do some stupid cringey shit in public, like going to cosplay meetups for this one specific series. I saw her at one of these meetups, but she was basically a part of a different friend group in our larger circle. We had a fuck ton of mutual friends, but I never got to talk to her. After some very easy facebook sleuthing (or just barely, lol she was tagged in all the photos) I found her handle, and lo-and-behold she basically used the same handle on all of her platforms. I went through all of that shit. Ate it up like the stupid gay bitch that I am. I was so fucking infatuated with her, found her photographer friend's livejournal and found photoshoots she was in. I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. On cgl threads about the series we were into, she would occasionally get posted by other people and I found out that she was dating this other sort of popular cosplayer in the scene for a while. This was also the time when formspring was very popular, so being the dumb bitch that I am, I would message her on anon almost daily. I made her a gift and had it given to her via one of our mutual friends. Then, one day, it just stopped. I think for whatever reason, formspring was shut down and I still had not added her on facebook or talked to her in person, so that was the end of it.
But she stayed on my mind throughout the years. At some point, I came across her tumblr, twitter, and instagram. I only followed her on IG, and sometimes looked at her other social medias. I was still thoroughly infatuated, though the intensity of it would come and go whenever I remember she existed.
Last year, at a convention, I stopped being a fucking pussy and slid into her DMs and we actually started talking lol. Long story short is that I did eventually tell her I was her formspring anon (she thought it was cute, I'm still cringing because I think it's creepy as fuck as I didn't let her know just how much stalking I did even though she knows I knew of her for the better half of 10 years), and we clicked really well and we started dating for a short while. She broke it off (surprisingly- it was not because I was previously her internet stalker), and I posted about how fucking heartbroken and shitty I felt about here here and there on ot.
Well. Sometimes I still check her twitter but now I feel like it's beyond inappropriate because it's no longer "just looking at the social media of a girl I think is cute" and it's become "stalking my ex because I can't get over it" even though it's an undeniable 50/50 mix of those now. I've always felt really gross and creepy about how obsessive I got and how much information I found out, and it was weird when we dated because when I saw or heard some things, I'd have to play dumb instead of saying "oh yeah, I know" even if I did know. I wish I could stop looking at her shit. Over 10 years she's only gotten more beautiful and she treated me so fucking well. What the fuck.
No. 423973
do any anons here with daddy issues get way too attached to their profs ? do you guys have any similar stories or even advice ? I can kinda relate with
>>204646 on the protection and idolising.
I am so reliant on what my italian teacher thinks of me for happiness that I'm paralysed. he likes me, but in a normal, light, healthy way while I just wish I could have been his daughter instead of a student and it's actually keeping me from being productive.
I was doing well a few months ago by breaking away from him a little bit but I'm sucked back in and it fucking hurts.
he's a genuinely kind person and never took advantage of the situation, which he knows of to an extent but not in its whole craziness, and I wish he'd have revealed himself to be a sleazy scumbag preying on students because I would have been over him in an instant and cured forever.
No. 424379
>>424318You don't convince them. Quit being a selfish shithead.
Find someone else (who is 100% okay with being a degenerate) to do your "poly" thing with.
No. 424714
This shit gonna be long ok. I was introduced to this girl, C by a good friend who used to be in the same group of friends. We went to the same shows, had similar interests and my friend was just like, let’s all hangout before this show. I had just followed C on instagram and elsewhere and thought she was very pretty, and when I saw her irl…she wasn’t ugly by any means but holy fuck had she meitu’d her nose and skintone. I was really taken aback by it, I didn’t recognise her at first but thought that maybe she was insecure or some shit, we were about 18-20, she’s a bit younger than I am.
We get along well and after a year or so of hanging and visiting, helping her with makeup and hair, kinda like sisters, my other close friend saw a ig post of hers. She had started to claim whatever I had borrowed to her, was hers. Giving out tips on how to dye hair, when irl I had done it for her and not in the ways she described. My friend told me C looked so much like me that he had almost left a comment for me. I was weirded out but just tried thinking it’s the usual “friends picking up each others mannerisms” or shit like that.
WELL, I started noticing how she never pitched in when she was visiting me for weeks on end, never actually held up a conversation unless it was about fandom shit or shitting on her former friends, so I asked the friend who introduced us about it. Apparently she was over her and was waiting for me to be done with her too, we trash talked. It ended up weird, first friend not really wanting to hang with us unless she had to, she was civil about it but C really had no idea. She was so self centered. If I mentioned a tattoo, a hair or any idea about my looks, she’d steal it and do it the next day. She’d bodyshame everyone, including myself which I find odd these days, why copy me if I was so ugly?
After a year or so, C’s friends have started the process of ditching her for being shitty, she started vague posting after every time I or anyone else would tell her no to something. “whore this whore that”, it was actually disturbing to see her throw tantrums like that. If you asked her about it, she’d delete the posts, pretending they were never there.
A few years ago, we just casually started drifting apart, and by gradual I mean I did my fucking best in order to get the fuck away. She then did a weird style change where she started copying the friend who introed us??? Our looks could not be more different so it was weird. I mean, she even lied about her own haircolor, telling people her natural color was my friend’s dyed color…
After managing to get away from her, me and my friends just had this habit of discussing and shit talking her selfies, pointing out what she had edited or copied. She drank a lot and at first we found it funny how she only had one equally toxic shitty friend left, for a few years we did that. My friend blocked her everywhere but we would use my accounts to stalk her, her finsta too. It was nearly a daily thing at some point, made me feel just frustrated and gross and now I never really do it, I still follow her as some odd pacifist thing but have muted her. I recently saw her post one of those selfies where she copied me and I shit you not, two people, including me thought it was me at first glance. She is now copying someone else I don’t personally know, but it’s still pretty clear she has some issues.
No. 448552
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this is long, sorry.
In high school my friend was openly bisexual. I’m a lesbian but at the time I didn’t know this. I was told through another friend that she found me attractive. After I learned this, feelings for her started to blossom and this is when I stated to realize I liked girls. I started to spend more time with her and we became really close. We liked a lot of the same music and I made numerous mixed CD’s for her. She would spend a lot of nights at my house and we’d sleep in the same bed and though we never really cuddled, I remember laying a bit closer than necessary or even laying my leg against hers would make my heart race. But I couldn't bring myself to admit my feelings for her.
She was dating a guy throughout this and then they broke up. There was a window of opportunity to say how I felt but I didn’t use it and before I knew it, she was dating another guy. This killed me. My crush turned into real, unrequited love and a lot of angst came with that. I confessed my feelings for her one night when we were drunk and she basically said ‘too bad you didn’t tell me earlier’. IMO she wouldn’t have dated me even if she was single and I’m not sure if she even actually did like girls but this still hurt. We continued to be friends for a year or so after but in grade 12, after some messy drama between her and my other friends, we stopped talking. My friends hated her and I pretended to as well but really, I still had feelings for her.
I went to a small college in a new place and in the first year I struggled to make friends. I didn’t have anyone to talk to besides my roommate so I spent a lot of time alone and admittedly obsessing over my former friend, fixating on old pictures and memories of us and stalking all of her social media. There was another fight between my friends and her and it ended in her blocking all of us but I made separate accounts so I could still follow her social media. I remember finding her email which led me to her youtube account, there was music there that she’d liked and I cried listening to it. In a group chat with my friends I let my anger and bitterness out. I took pictures of her and made memes of them, made fun of her boyfriends and said some vile shit about her. I had a folder on my computer dedicated to pictures and information on her.
This was three years ago or so? My feelings for her only went away when I started to obsess over another friend (not romantically but funny enough it was an even worse experience lol). Even though it’s not nearly as bad as some of the things shared in this thread I still feel guilty over how creepy I was and feel bad for some of the absolute bitchery I participated in. If I ever run into her again, I’m gonna apologize.
No. 570980
>>570970I still stalk my ex's exes sometimes.
I feel like during the relationship, it becomes a coping mechanism. If you feel threatened or jealous of the ex, you feel a sense of control by digging through their online presence. You feel like you know them and have the upper hand, even if there's no real threat at all. It helps you calm your perceived feeling of threat, while also fanning those embers annd making you more obsessed.
…sorry for the psycho babble, that's just my opinion tho.
No. 570981
>>570970That makes sense. It’s weird to love someone so much and give them all of your time only to realize how fucked up they are and how much they did the same to you.
His girlfriend sounds like a calf
I hope that one day you lose interest in him and this girl because they don’t deserve it. If you told this girl about him she would likely just brush you off. People learn the hard way.
No. 571003
>>570981Idk if I would consider the poor girl a calf, I genuinely feel bad for her because she seems sweet. She tries to be subtle about what causes her poor mental health days, but I think it's mostly because he can hear her (they live together and he knows she cams).
Sad thing is, even if I were to message her about him he'd never know who it was. He's dated probably a dozen girls since we've dated (even married and divorced - he cheated on his wife), all of them complaining of similar issues with him. She's still pretty young though, so I doubt she'd listen to anyone and it's something she's going to have to see for herself.
No. 571025
I always obsess over other girls my age, even if they don't actually have anything more than me.
I guess since I'm stuck in my own body, I have to deal with the boring downtimes, the mental unwellness, the times I look ugly, the times I've failed or been rejected by others.
When I see other people I only really see the good, especially if I'm on their social media. The times they look pretty, the times they've succeeded, the times they're surrounded by loved ones. They always look popular and happy compared to me.
I feel like I'm lucky in many aspects of life, but I can't help but look at other girls and somehow feel like they're having fun in a way I can't, or that they're winning in a way I never will.
Sometimes I just like to scroll through my friends' or classmates' social media and just absorb the past several years of their life. It makes me feel soothed yet disappointed, idk how to explain it.
No. 571072
>>571064>it upsets me a lot knowing I will probably never be good friends or anything with him however much I try. I know the exact feeling with the girl I'm semi-stalking. I scold myself every time because she will never consider me a friend, a real friend, or even a girlfriend. It really hurts especially with the former because damn, at least let's be friends? But she concentrates too much in her art projects and IRL stuff to bother to message me in a timely manner.
I get the hint…. still hurts.
No. 572967
>>207209>>206120Two year update
Last time I heard she was still struggling with her demons but as of last year she's permanently quit the internet. Her accounts are all deleted and what's still around has been wiped. I wish her the best, but after all this time I still can't shake my envy and protectiveness over her. I want her to be happy and enjoy all the advantages in life she has.
So I guess this is the end of my story of her. Sucks that I can't hear from her again, but it's for the best. If she stuck around I don't think I'd ever really get over her, and nobody has come close to replacing her in the decade+ that she's been in my life. So I guess this is goodbye.
No. 673727
It fucking creeped me out because I thought he was hanging from the ceiling wtf wtf wtf it gave me anxiety
No. 709585
>>709579Posts like these kill me because I want to know who they’re about so badly.
This thread is one of the most entertaining to read through, it makes you reevaluate how much of yourself you share online.
No. 709605
>>709579I've decided to come back and add more information since I can't really talk about this with anyone else.
This didn't start happening until recently but my heart flutters when I see him on my YouTube recommendations and I get butterflies. He's pretty tall and I'm shorter than him so I like to fantasize about meeting him at a convention or something and him hugging me with his arms around my waist if that makes sense? Today I just unintentionally imagined how big his member is, and he mentioned that he has a nice voluptuous butt so I'd love to see it. He's funny and makes me laugh like every few seconds of his video. He's not really a fuck boy, not at all. He most plays games on his channel, but has an athletic build (still a little doughy).
Aaaaaa he just makes me so happy I might cry.
No. 709607
I had a crush on this boy in my school from sixth grade to eleventh grade (finally over my obsession after i got my first boyfriend.) I was "in love" with him after we merely texted / flirted for a few months when we were 11 or 12. My parents took my phone away for awhile and it cut off communication with him. In seventh grade, I was so heartbroken and devasted because he no longer was interested. I called and texted him on multiple fake phone numbers and made a fool out of myself trying to get any attention from him. Everytime he was in one of my classes throughout high school, I would start my obsession again. In tenth grade, I memorized his class schedule through hearing his casual conversations with his friends, seeing him throughout the school, and evaulated his exact schedule in my mind before I even saw him at those classes. I was completely correct about his schedule. I got his address from the town booklet. I would just happen to choose his street when driving home in the off chance I could see a glimpse of him. I found his Instagram, went through tagged and found his sister and eventually entire family. Stalked all of their pages dry for months - sister, mom, dad, grandparents, anyone with a connection to him. Every summer or when he wasn't in my classes, I would forget about him. I think he finally started finding me attractive after I lost a lot of weight in one summer, and when I was 16, I used to see him look up my skirts or stare at my butt or me and feel flattered.
He was never cute, and he never had a girlfriend in high school. In 12th grade, he started showing up at parties friends and I would go to, and I figured out pretty quickly he was a complete douchebag. My romanticized version of him was never real.
I stalked a complete scrote for years in high school, and it makes me sick thinking about it. I would repeatedly tell my therapist "I think I'm crazy, like I think something is really wrong with me" and they said it was just a crush and totally normal, although I never gave the full story I suppose.
No. 709660
Eternally loving this thread.
I currently have a lingering obsession with a friend who I had feelings for last spring. Except it's beyond him at this point.
I regularly check social media that he hasn't given me, and have figured out his friend circle roughly. From this, I started checking one of his female friend's accounts across multiple platforms and of varying degrees of secrecy. This branched out into creeping on her best friend occasionally and another friend of hers.
What's weird about this girl (and perhaps the reason for my fixation) is that we are so different but keep ending up with friends in common. First a guy I met 2 years ago, now this dude I liked last year, as well as a coworker (who I've also tracked down on multiple platforms of course). I get vibes that I'd dislike her but am also wondering if fate will eventually bring us together. Unfortunately for now it seems she and my friend have had a falling out, which I know from the stalking and not being told kek.
Aside from this I also keep track of another 5 of this friend's friends. He introduced me to one and it was surreal to meet her in the flesh. Not surreal enough to stop my nonsense of course.
My explanation here is that I'm extremely shy and so this is how my social needs are met. When uni was open I sometimes would track people in my classes and just walk around knowing shit about randoms without ever talking to them. There's no malicious intent, I'm just too reclusive to meet people normally.
I also check on some women I had crushes on but that's less of a standout than e-stalking an entire friend group made up of average people.
>>709607>all this effort for some mediocre dudeI'll drink to that sis
No. 710831
I haven’t been rejected often romantically in my life, and I guess never really have been rejected directly, but I’m unhealthily fixated on the three men in the last ten years who didn’t fall all over themselves to date me or who backed off.
Publicly I’m supposed to be all aloof and too cool to ever feel bad about myself, but secretly I feel like everyone who says I’m good or cool or talented is an idiot, and I feel like I can only respect people who don’t think I’m special. Anyway I fantasize about these dudes crawling back, and rejecting them or humiliating them, even though they didn’t really do anything wrong.
One sort of ghosted me and tried to string me along, I told him off and he apologized but still don’t feel like I “won.” I think nothing short of him begging to be with me and me stomping on his heart would feel okay.
I stalk these dudes obsessively. One eventually got a girlfriend a few years after hanging out with me (I’ve never kissed or hooked up with any of them, or even explicitly declared feelings) and I lurk his page wondering why she’s better than me.
One became way more famous than he was when we were talking and is now “out of my league” in our circles but honestly I fixate on the fact that it’s “not fair” I couldn’t have him because he’s not particularly good-looking. This is so backwards and vain and I know it but I can’t help it. I’m like a girl incel except I’m even worse because I can date pretty easily, I just throw an internal shitfit when any person is unattainable or not interested.
I’m not too worried about having NPD or anything because I have a lot of empathy for people and don’t generally think this way about “non-romantic” people who simply dislike me, but this is a really dark and narcissistic side of me that is kept under wraps hard.
Except for here lol
No. 710852
>>204455man, i'm reading all these cute/interesting stories about crushes and shit when i came here to post about a situation like OP described…
there's this tumblr user i found from an old kiwifarms thread that i've become obsessed with hating. there's something about how she reminds me of my high school self (except she's 25, older than me) that makes me want to both help her and bully her. she's just so fucking pathetic and annoying, it makes me feel better about myself. i mean, isn't the main appeal of cows to look and think "damn, at least i'm not them"? and i logically know not to cowtip or touch the poop, but it's a relatively unknown/unpopular cow and i can't fucking help myself. i actually started by trying to give advice, but after she blocked me over something sooo stupid, i took off the kid gloves. i normally would never do something as mean/petty as sending anon hate, but i think being unemployed since march and dealing with the pandemic/politics has left me with pent-up rage, and this so happened to become my outlet. i check her blog every day and i wish i could stop but i genuinely can't. i just relish in calling her out on whatever bullshit she whines about and giving her the honest feedback her ass-kissing partners would never.
No. 710908
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>>710834>>709605I've decided to add more details.
I dm'd him on NYE and told him happy new year. I just got finished with creating a subreddit for his fangirls (that I hope he likes). Today it accidentally slipped out of my mouth that I am in love with him in front of my bf. I asked him if it was okay, since it's just a youtuber he said yes. It's the same for other male musicians so I don't see a difference here anyway.
I ended up searching pics of him (something I had never done before) and saw pics of other fan girls that got a chance to take pics with him. I immediately started tearing up and crying a little bit because I haven't got to meet him yet. It's not impossible, I guess I would have to figure out what part of the state he lives in and eventually figure out his schedule.
I wont stalk him… just need a photo op with him……He makes me want to lose weight, like I'm actively getting inspiration, the idea that he probably doesn't like fat whales like me… it would def be better if I were skinnier to meet him. I am cute, I know I am… just fat so it negates it. He makes me feel like Toko Fukawa from DR1…
Anyways………. I'm hoping I get over him soon. Please god please let me get over him soon. I don't want to be in love with someone other than my bf (parasocial or not). I have no choice with him obviously but I imagined what it would be like and he would probably not want me to be a fan of his, so I would obviously pretend not to know who he was. But also what if he wanted a gamer girl? then i'd have to know…. I guess if I met him I'd be like "uhm… I think I recognize you?? Is your name #$@^^$%$#?" and he'd probably be like "Hahah yeah, that's me." "omg can I get a pic??" "haha sure…"
my heart would burst into a million sky rockets of stars and tears and hearts…. EUGH is a hint. I love him so much.
No. 710942
>>710877Are we talking about vcardthrowaway? She complains about the same things over and over but she is a talented writer. I've been following her for years now.
I worked out that she is from NYC. She said she went to a private all girl's school (usually not cheap and she never claimed to be particularly poor there). I'm guessing she went to a second-tier private school like Fordham. (She went to a college with dorms so I think that rules out CUNYs) She seems to be particularly unhappy because her privileged peers are all successful now, but seems to ignore all the poverty/random broke people around her in the city.
No. 711230
>>711178She's still posting on the same username
I think she gives bad advice but it sounds legit. She always tells people to learn how to code as if it's the only way to do well in life. I think it's because she knows some people who do and is insanely jealous of them. She is obsessed with learning how to code but couldn't hack her way out of an education master's degree and kept failing her sociology classes in undergrad. She was never going to be a coder. And even if she magically learned how to code tomorrow she would still be friendless and miserable as ever.
I also feel less bad about her situation when I just moved out and I don't even have my undergrad degree. I wonder why she never picked the TEFL route when it's such an obvious way to move out of home.
No. 712345
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My current obsession is Kenna. She's so beautiful and I love her style and how daring she is. I really want to cut my hair like her and wish I could be so independent as to just move to another continent and try things out, or go places alone and enjoy being alone. I really admire her and wish I could be more like her.
No. 712769
>>712660thanks for the actually helpful advice anon
i slipt up today and checked people's pages and feel bad. i'll keep reminding myself of what makes me unique
No. 713149
>>712345>she's so beautifulHer pictures and videos are heavily edited. She's not ugly at all, but she's a lot more average than she pretends to be.
>how daring she is???? She's an aesthetic blogger doing flatlays and Pinterest tutorials, she's a dime a dozen
>I really want to cut my hair like herDo it? Again, a dime a dozen hairstyle, a bob with bangs. Big deal.
>wish I could be so independent as to just move to another continent and try things outShe can do that because she's rich, not because she's independent. She was born with a trust fund and gets all the help she needs from her parents.
>go places alone and enjoy being aloneHave we been following the same person? She whines about having no friends A LOT.
No. 713163
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>>712345You could have stopped at "beautiful" because that's all there is to her really. Come back when you're 18.
No. 713545
>>709607the way this post gave me a HEART ATTACK all the way up until I got to the "ugly/ no gf in hs/ actually a scrote" part because this literally happened to my boyfriend….. like he has a few stories like this from high school, he was sort of the token aloof hot alternative kid and a lot of girls had crushes on him (me included, way before we went out lol) and a couple of girls were lowkey weird about it. one of them has almost your exact story, like she got his phone number after meeting him once in middle school and he'd text her back to be nice and then when they were in i think 9th or 10th grade she got a hold of his ENTIRE schedule and would intentionally show up to his classes and act like it was a coincidence and would do the same shit with running into him outside of school and it freaked him tf out. like the only way I know you're not her is that he had a gf his senior year and never went to parties/ wasn't an asshole lol
sage for not being relevant at all but man what a coincidence if it ended up being that one of these posts was literally about my bf
No. 714639
So… an anon gave me advice on how to handle my situation with being in love with berleezy. She recommended I distance myself.
I realized the root of my obsession with berleezy was the fact that he lives a life that I actually would want and he makes me yearn for that life where I could've been younger, less socially awkward, with friends to game with but I don't have any of that. In an attempt to change things up, I basically bought string lights for my bedroom and intend to be who I was when I was 22 or so. I used to have posters and art around my room and colored lights and cute decor etc. Really trying to go back there.
Anyways, back to berleezy. Against that anons suggestions, I ended up joining his discord server. For me, in order to get over someone, I have to fully immerse myself in them. and found that his fans were obnoxious. That helped him lose some charm in my eyes. Then I watched him play games with his friends and noticed how he was treating the quiet guy, and basically clowning him. He lost more charm, to me anyway. Another anon mentioned how YouTubers compile their personalities and act in ways that aren't true to their real character. I also appreciate that anon too!
My only hangup is that I'm still very sexually attracted to him. Extremely. I still feel very drawn to him and seeing his face makes me throw my phone out of pure excitement with how cute he is. I don't think that will change but at least I'm not planning a family with the guy.
Every day I ask myself and verify that I'm still happy in my current relationship, and I am, totally. It's not even the "convince yourself" type way. I go through a list of things that it takes for me to be happy in a relationship and my current bf checks 89% of the boxes. But I'm not perfect either.
HOWEVER, my little stint with berleezy has made me realize a few things;
- I want to live a more exciting life
- I want to lose weight and be healthier overall
- I want to get back to dressing cute and wearing makeup and taking cute pics
- want more friends online
- want to experience more in life
I hate feeling 40 when I'm in my 20s (no this isn't me saying 24-29 is old) I'm just saying I hate having a 40 year old personality.
I still bought berleezy merch tho and fully intend on taking sexy pics in the clothes with the hopes that he sees it. No nudes just something cute where I'm feeling myself. Maybe he'll like it or something.
berleezy tiktok: No. 719350
>ex friend from almost 14 years ago
>she moved away in high school
>get into stalking her social media around late high school, find out she's done a 180 in personality and is a very depressed, angry lesbian.. not too surprising in retrospect
>some drama goes down with her RP friend group and they post all about it on tumblr/twitter, i'm eating this shit up because i'm an angsty teen who loved internet drama
>eventually feel bad because ex-friend is directly affected, send a supportive anon message to her on tumblr and call it quits for now
>come back a bit later, all social media has been scrubbed
>come back a few months later, all social media has been purged
>feel kind of frantic like "oh god, she went and tried to kill herself again and maybe succeeded this time" because she was writing really depressive shit on her twitter months earlier
>some time after, she ends up posting on an account of a very old website and brings up her various mental illnesses for people to comment about
>also, she tried cocaine and said she'd do it again if she had the chance
I'm really curious as to what she's up to now, but it's hard to find out because she's a ghost on public social media and hasn't made any other posts. Other than her, I also enjoy creeping on a certain few of my old highschool classmates, just because I wanna see if they've found success or failure. Most have kids with different fathers and that brings me some joy because I disliked a lot of them.
No. 753428
>>753418>a dangerous stalker dude (who was gonna frame me for his suicide had the police not been called)How could he frame you? Like, the Werther way so people blame you for breaking his heart or more like you assisted in his suicide?
Anyway damn, I'm sorry.
What drives you so crazy about your bf? Is he special in looks and/or personality as well?
I also would love to read a romantic stalker manga kek.
No. 753473
>>753428He threatened to kill himself if I didn't date him and when I refused he actually attempted by slashing his underarms and saying his blood would be on my hands. Fortunately the police found him and took him to the hospital and I haven't heard from him since.
As for my boyfriend- he is attractive to me and he's loyal which I like but I guess the reason I'm obsessed is most likely because I bonded with him when I was going through that traumatic experience.
>>753442Thanks for the suggestions! I think My Deepest Secret is right up my ally from what I can see
No. 762297
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I stalk my boyfriend's old facebook photos quite a lot. Something about seeing moments that happened before he even knew I existed, and seeing photos of him with his exes, gives me a weird thrill. But it also soothes me in a way that I can't really explain.
I do get sad about it if I see photos of him with his first girlfriend. He just looks so young and carefree and I know for a fact that she really fucked him up and he's not really been the same since. It hurts to wonder what he might have been like if it hadn't happened. I want to go back in time and protect him from ever being in pain.
No. 762337
>>762297>>753418I can understand this, I'm obsessed with knowing details about my boyfriend's life before me but I don't think it's unusual and it's not out of control but I have to be secretive about how interested I am.
He doesn't post on social media or enjoy analysing his childhood I'm the way other millennials do and he doesn't like talking about his exes (green flag) wheras I'm a chronic oversharer, so it makes sense I'm desperate for any small detail his family or friends will drop.
I just want to know every mundane thing about this man. I want to consume him all.
No. 762448
A few years ago I was in a textbook parasocial relationship with a popular drag queen. I know that's a ridiculous thing to say, but I can admit it now. First thing I did when I woke up was reach for my phone and check his instagram, watch his stories, check his twitter. I used to think I could practically read his mind, know exactly what he was feeling when he posted this or tweeted that, even if that feeling was "I should say something today to keep my engagement up." I would "imagine" what he might be up to offline, then, if he posted something that contradicted from that, be either puzzled, or understood that he might be keeping it a secret. This later grew to frustration, thinking, "why won't he be honest/open?"
It wasn't romantic/sexual attraction that drove me. I think I genuinely saw a likeminded spirit that saw the world like I did, and suffered the same struggles in their relationships like I did. It didn't help that we had the same astrological sign, and he exhibited the same stereotypical traits of that sign that I had myself. Maybe I thought of him as a platonic soulmate. My dream for a time was to be his drag assistant and follow him around the world. I would repeat a fantasy in my head wherein I'd get up extra early in the morning to get him Starbucks.
Around the time I started only getting around 2-3 hours of sleep a night because I was so worried about him, I recognized I had a problem and cut myself off cold-turkey from any drag queen content online. Over time I came to accept that I was just projecting hard on someone whose job it was to appear relatable.
No. 762486
>>762448I would absolutely read a long form article of your experience if only so that I could more easily fantasize that anyone would ever find me that interesting
Well done on quitting
No. 762515
>>762508Kek VERY good guess! It was Trixie! But boy when I was in drag fandom there were a lot of types who were parasocially in love with Katya, but I'm sure you knew that already.
>>762486Haha glad to provide entertainment in some way tbh! I reflect a lot on that time because I feel like it helps me get to the root of some of my deeper hangups, so here are a few outtakes if you want:
At one point the drag queen had a boyfriend, but the only pic I had of his face was from a single instagram story. Not even a name. Using my screenshot of it, I scrolled through the queen's entire Facebook friends list (on his personal FB where he was out of drag, mind) to find a resemblance. I compared markers such as ears, glasses. I did eventually find him, and I wasn't vindicated until a couple months later when the queen referred to the bf by name and it matched that of the profile I'd found.
I could piece together entire "days" of his life from both his work and his social media. I'll notice the face he's put on in an episode of his Youtube show, lip color, eyeliner, cheek color, etc, and notice the same in an insta selfie or a pic from a club. I'll figure out "Oh he filmed this in the morning, took this in the afternoon, then did this gig at night."
He occasionally mentioned his goals and I would become genuinely emotional fantasizing about him achieving them. He wanted to be in a Broadway musical, so I imagined Hedwig & The Angry Inch getting revived and him getting cast in the lead role and just sort of put that wish out into the universe like, pleasseee let this happen for him. Then he happens to upload an FB video where he's singing the main song from that show (for fun) and I FREAK THE FUCK OUT.
No. 764870
>>764782You could definitely use that against her kek.
So and so is a coloniser from a coloniser family or some shit KEK
No. 764929
>>764793I definitely cannot give you that information as this could identify me kek, sorry anon
>>764870LOL aaahh I dunno if it's colonising as they are white in a white area. They are actively destroying wildlife habitats and pollute a river with a septic tank though so
No. 811552
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when i was a kid, i used to watch this youtuber who was relatively famous. i think his most popular video had 700k+ views which was a lot at the time.
5 years later or so i find his channel and i find that he's gone off the deep and subscribes to conspiracy theories. i'm barely a teen at this point and already believe in this shit so i become so obsessed with him. i think about him everyday, stalk him, trawl the wayback machine, watch all of his schizoid videos, etc.
sidenote: i had a lot of issues at this point since i had been sexually abused by many men at this point and had an obsession with older men. despite being basically schizo some boys liked me and i got asked out by and smothered by them. but they're all 8 years too young for me so i decide that the solution is to sockpuppet the youtuber as my boyfriend so people know im taken and im not a lesbian. stupid teenager logic. i didn't tell my friends that i was doing this, i only waved my fake boyfriend around the boys i didn't want to date.
eventually my stalking leads me to discover that this youtuber has been arrested for something pretty bad in the past. so i realize, hey this guy i've been idolizing is actually PRETTY BATSHIT so i break up with myself and abandon the ideas i held since they caused a lot of anxiety for me (i have OCD). this also single handedly cured my obsession with significantly older men although i avoided dating any boys in high school.
flash forward a few years, i'm "normie" on the surface, and start dating this boy my age i had been crushing on for a while. unfortunately i'm still traumatized from my experiences of being molested by multiple people, being ridiculously religious and having undiagnosed OCD which made me mentally fucked. because of this i freak out a lot when anything sexual happens or is put on the table. its very clear that something bad had happened to me so eventually i talk about the molestation except i pin a lot of it on this youtuber for some reason, and one other person who legitimately diddled me. i don't know why but blaming someone who didn't do anything bad to me was a lot easier for me to explain i guess?
i don't think i ever give this guy his youtube channel but i mentioned he was a youtuber when he asked. eventually this relationship falls apart and i get with this boy's cousin. this guy is a much better match for me and was a great boyfriend for his age and his experience, to this day he is the best person i've ever dated. but i'm still extremely traumatized at this point, and even had more of it put on by my ex and some other people who did horrible things to me which gave me even more trauma, yay! but this boy is connected to my ex so i end up perpetuating the lie of this youtuber diddling me, and eventually i show him his videos.
this youtuber was still active making videos at this point too. the boy finds the videos hilarious, and some of them have even gone semi-viral since they're so absurd. i had been watching his videos occasionally as he is sort of a lolcow and it's kind of nice to look at them and think, i could've gone in that direction but i'm well adjusted (IN COMPARISON TO WHAT COULD'VE HAPPENED)
that relationship ends up falling through but i know he's mentioned that i dated this guy before. i have no idea how many people he's told but it's not enough to make an impact.
the youtuber is pretty unstable at least. i think he might murder somebody and rope in the next 10 years. so at least i made a lie up about somebody who has done bad things.
No. 811564
>>811555flat earth, fluoride is controlling us (i didnt drink tap water for a whole year because of this) 9/11 was an inside job the planes were holograms, demon possession, illuminati, antivaxx, he thought the NWO would commence in 2012, etc. i could go on but i dont want to risk anyone figuring out who they are.
thanks for your condolences ive never told anybody all of this before.
No. 832161
>>832152Same anon.
But with a smaller time actor. He's done movies, a big one a few years ago but is still not a huge star to the point I think he wouldn't get recognised on the street. He does a lot of TV now as ensemble. I have never had a celeb crush before ever but I'm utterly obsessed with him and think he's basically the most perfect man for me physically and emotionally. We have the same dry, I hate the world but really love everything and feel deeply curmudgeonly style and I genuinely feel like if we met we'd be the perfect match. He's very private about his life (and for good reason) but he does live in my country and we're near the same age…
I daydream all the time about meeting him. It's getting bad and more frequent. Ahhhhh
No. 832327
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>>832322He has gotten frumpier and uglier since, sadly
No. 833064
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I’ve always had obsessions with people, but my worst one was with this one musician. I want to say which band, but aaa I didn’t know. Just know it’s a british band, sorta popular in the 80’s. I was in 12th grade, and the obsession ramped up late 2019.
I thought about him everyday, all the time, no exaggeration. He was like an imaginary boyfriend to me. I imagined him with me in all the mundanities of life. Whenever I watched a movie, I would pretend we were watching it together (he was a movie person, and I found this so endearing, it was a big deal for me). He was in my dreams, I wrote pages and pages about him in my diary and it was all I would write about. I drew him pretty often too.
I scoured absolutely anything and everything related to him, every interview, every blogpost (he had a small blog), every concert video. I would pour over this shit, I don’t remember so well because I’ve purposely forgotten, but I remember rewatching things, analyzing every detail, smiling and crying, so on and so on. Reading the same shit over and over. I scoured every possible scan of magazine pages (most were in japanese). These always had such interesting info, I would die reading them. I even had one myself, and I asked my japanese classmate to translate some parts (no shame at this point). I also scoured his twitter, also jealously looking at the pages of fans that would respond to him, or something.
I also spent obscene amounts of time on tumblr blogs dedicated to the band (few, since it’s a niche band), or music similar. I really compared myself to them, and also would seethe at the ones that had a crush on him too. One blog in particular had a treasure trove of trivia and info about the band, so I had some secondhand reaping there. Only spoke to her once in a really short conversation. She sent me feet pictures of another band member (don’t worry it was supposed to be artsy pic, it was nothing weird lmao). I wanted to be her friend though, but I guess she wasn’t interested. I also had one of my posts stolen by a more popular blog; I just have bad memories from that scene. Only a few were nice and not batshit. I also amassed a lot of pictures from here and pinterest, like 2500 or so pics.
Anyways, meanwhile all that, I was the vice-president of my art club, and wanted to do something special for my members and invite an artist over. I decided I would contact him since he was a musician and a photographer, and invite him to come talk about his art. The school was fine with this somehow, and I had the green light for it. So much planning went into just asking him, I agonized over my proposition, and even had a teacher revise it. I sent it to him through his blog, and he responded 2 hours later. Anons, I can’t even begin to describe my elation, I can’t. Every word was transcendent, and he was so kind. After a few formal emails back and forth, it seemed like it wasn’t possible for him to visit, but I couldn’t let go of emailing him. We didn’t even email much (I’m glad he kept distance), but this consumed me.
I was also really consumed by imagining meeting him in person of course. I spent so much time obsessing over him coming to my school. I wanted to present him with flowers when he came, and I probably daydreamed this scenario over a thousand times. When it was clear he wouldn’t be coming, I planned on going to the concert he was having (new band), which was miles away (like in europe and I’m a burger so). I planned on running away for 2 days for it. Hours and hours spent fantasizing this too. Thankfully it was impossible to go through with it, but even still it was like a crutch for me to obsess over every scenario possible. It was almost intrusive at times, I would get too emotional sometimes. Not thriving.
Up to that point, I had never felt happier in years, truly. Classmates even would come up to me and ask what I was so happy for, saying how unusual it was. I thought it was rather rude, but I would proudly tell people that I’m talking to my favorite musician ever, and tell them my little master plan (even did this after it was canceled, I would just tell people we were friends now, even though I knew we were not). For just a moment I felt important and savvy, even though no one really gave a shit.
He even emailed me a wishing me a happy birthday, because my friend emailed him asking if he could lmao. Love her for that. (I also sent him a picture of my birthday party like a retard). I emailed him on all the holidays, and really tried not to push it because I knew I had to have a modicum of restraint. We emailed each other twice on Christmas and I literally felt like the most important girl on the planet. He told me how he was spending his holidays, it was in a very nice way, but I was feverishly obsessing over this. The last email I sent was on his birthday last year, and that was that. With every email came the extreme happiness, but also the dread of knowing it can’t continue for long. When I sent the email, I knew it was going to be the last, and I was pretty heartbroken.
I still kept up my obsession, and still kept on creeping on him. In conclusion it all fizzled out after 5 months or so. Overall this all lasted for a year or so. Looking back I am embarrassed and ashamed, and hope he doesn’t remember who I am.
No. 833372
>>204455>I have an extreme tendency to cyber stalk girls I strongly dislike. >I stalked the previously mentioned girl for 11 years and there's one who I have been for 7. Everyone else is much more recent, though.All of this so much. I wish I could stop hate stalking people who were rude to me and made me feel inferior or even used to bully me. Why must my brain insist on making my trauma stay in the present when I could have forgotten about all of them years ago?
I don't even like anything about these people but my brain acts like there is some unanswered big mystery and I have to keep following and digging until I unravel it and if there's a chance I could miss one post it's a disaster.
>I also stalk a few social media "influencers". It always starts out with me liking them too much and concocting this bizarre narrative of how we would be friends, but then as time goes by I start to dislike them quite a bit. I compete with them, at least in my head. With a couple of them, it's gotten so extreme that I'll have brief delusional episodes where I forget I'm not actually in their social sphere and they have no idea I even exist.This too. I copy what they wear exactly and things they do while I'm in the love stage. I think of ways I could start a conversation with them and how we could hang out together. The hate stage starts when I find out some minor thing about them or they do something minor that doesn't match my vision of them. My celebrity crushes used to be like this too.
Has anyone else had to deal with limerence for real life crushes? You're so obsessed with them to the point you feel physical pain and they're all you can think about. It can last years. It's horrible. Thankfully I've only had it once.
OT but sometimes I get obsessed with items too and spend ages hunting down the exact same dress that some celebrity wore 10 years ago. I also obsess over other random subjects or interests. It's like my whole life is just one form of obsession after an other and I have no real personality of my own.
No. 834049
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I had a mild crush on popular youtuber from my country. her channel focused on make-up, fashion, and shitpost. she used to be controversial and made hot takes until switched to politically correct content to not trigger lgbt ppl. I started to watch her in 2012.
I loved her videos a lot, at the beginning of her youtube career she took inspiration from gyaru makeup, dressed as western gyaru. overall she was freaking cute.
then she got carried away with body dysmorphia and ruined her face with fillers, also had a nose job. now looking like a freaking arab hag skinwalking bimbo troomers. she's not even arab but half asian.
Fast forward to 2018. I was drunk and just slided to her dms. I sent "Eyy girl" and was left on read lmao. She's straight af and I sacrificed my dignity being a fucking creep lesbo piece of shit. Before that checked her social medias daily if she posted anything new and fantasized of living as real life stacy girlfriends with her.
i rewatched her old videos and had a drink for those good old times. i'm glad it's over.
No. 834176
>>834168I love tap water. I live in Northern Ireland though were the water quality is good. There's a few loopers that think fluoride will melt your brain or something when it literally just helps remineralise your teeth and prevent cavities and stuff.
I have reusable water bottles and have a shelf in my fridge full of chilled tap water. So refreshing and I've never had a filling!
No. 834179
>>834168Nta but where I live nearly everyone drinks tap water. Bottled stuff is only really bought for on the go consumption and anyone bulk buying bottled water here is kind of considered stuck up or eccentric. Its just not the norm.
I think I bought a 5 litre bottle once when our water was cut off to repair a main pipe. In 30 something years it's the only large bottle I've ever bought and it was a pain buying and heaving it around that one time.
No. 840402
>>833372>I don't even like anything about these people but my brain acts like there is some unanswered big mystery and I have to keep following and digging until I unravel it and if there's a chance I could miss one post it's a disaster.Ok, so I was thinking more about this last night as I couldn't sleep and I think I figured it out. There's the initial hook, usually that they have something I envy, but that's not enough to maintain interest for years. A normal person might browse for half an hour and then have enough. Maybe check up again every couple of years to see what's new.
However, what keeps me going back is that when I get the urge to stalk someone my brain gets hyperfocused on the person and it's like the back half of my brain is calm and still while the front is in the intense concentration zone. This is the only time in the day when I'm not ruminating about past unpleasant memories. It's not the person that I am obsessed with, I am addicted to the feeling of shutting everything out and feeling calm and focused.
There's also the gambling aspect. People that have very little to look into don't interest me much because there is no concentration involved. People with lots to explore aren't interesting either they also have no concentration is involved as all I have to do is a lazy Google search. Instead, people who rarely post or have things to find only if you dig for it are the most interesting as there is the "will I, won't I?" aspect each time.
Of course, the more I stalk someone, the more they are centered in my mind for rumination, and the more "gambling" I will do to try and get a hyperfocus hit and feel better. It's a circle that keeps going.
The cure is not to force myself not to stalk, because that will just make me want it more, but to replace the hyperfocus stimulus with something healthy. The gambling part is difficult but if I'm already hyperfocused, there's no reason to want to gamble for more of the same thing. Just figuring this out has already decreased the urges massively.
No. 840905
I have a co-worker who's dept is right next to mine. So, I'm bound to pass by him a few times out of the work day. He's nice and greets me/asks how I'm doing when he spots me, and overtime It's made me develop this crush on him. There's this huge billboard upstairs with every bodies work schedule on it and I admit to glancing at his dept schedule sometimes to see if he'll be working the same day as me (which other coworkers have also openly admitted to doing that with each other, but yes I know, it's still weird) The worst I've ever gotten is checking to see if he had any social media when I'm back home, which weirded even me out enough to stop it. It's so stupid, but I only got this obsessive because he's nice to me, it's embarrassingly one of the things to get me fascinated with somebody. I know barely anything about him besides him liking our home state sports team, I know this because he wore their shirt to work one day. I want to try properly getting to know him instead of stealing glances his way throughout the day, but I'm too socially awkward to strike up a conversation on my own. Also I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have a whole lot in common anyway because of the age gap between us(him being a little older than me) so, being autistically obsessive from afar is the best I can do.
No. 841859
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How do I stop stalking a girl my ex cheated on me with?
She's really, really hot.
>naturally skinny flat stomach
>talks about being nude all the time
>studied nutrition, drinks those protein green turmeric juices for breakfast every day
>sauna, coconut oil, collagen supplements
>selective weight training so has hips and bum but not bulky anywhere else
>mixed race and tans
Literally a 10/10. She's a poshmark seller so has thousands of pictures of her perfect body for me to download. I stand in front of the mirror emulating her poses to compare myself.
I stopped for a while, but then missed months of stories so now I run a scheduled python script to download them. She recently started making and selling her own jewelry and talks about being an entrepreneur, how amazing working for herself is. I want to KMS. Picrel
No. 841911
I felt in love with a shitty fanfiction when i was 14 and somehow ended up getting the author's msn and befriend her! Instant crush on her, she was the worst bitch i ever met. Beautiful nd mean and making fun of everything and everyone including me BUT I LOVED HER SO MUCH. EVERYTHING ABOUT HER WAS FUCKING PERFECT FOR ME.
We were from the same city (!!!), She was 18 when we met and I don't know i was her puppy i guess, i felt happy when she was horrible to me, i nevee told her about my feelings but it was obvious and she knew, everybody knew kek. We used to go to anime conventions together, then to the theater or just to walk around for hours for no reason; i enjoyed my time with her, i guess, to me, her attention was a gift, even if she was mean to me.
At 17 i got a gf who i ended up loving a lot, i told my queen about my first time having sex with rhe gf and she went mad, really mad, i didn't get why but then she started to taking me to dates and even told she loved me and kissed the shit out of me, best day of my life. I broke up qith the gf after that
Then she went really mad at me for nothing i we never saw each other again, last time she talked to me she said i was going to be ugly and fat forever kek
Is been almost 20 years since i met her and i still have to control myself to not stalk her. She's married now, married an ugly scrote, my poor goddess deserved better.
I know I'm obsessed because if she wanted me to jump from a building today i would, no questions sked, just here to make her happy.
I'm in a happy relationship of ywars with someone i love but i still think about my ideal queen every week or so
I'm sorry i wrote sage wrong and had to delete and repost
No. 841946
>>841859i'm sure she's super hot but she also sounds super fucking basic and cringe (anti-vaxx ig story, "boho", """entreprenuer""" = fake girlboss, talks about being nude and i'm assuming she publicly overshares her nutrition lifestyle to followers) and doubly so if she's aware that she was the other woman/ is with a cheater. you can cope and get over it by realizing that anyone can work out and be a healthier hotter version of themselves, making it part of your personality means you're probably kinda boring and comparing your body with a bitch who wronged you will bring you nothing but negativity.
i've been down this road before, trust me you have to just force yourself to stop stalking peers like this, when i get an urge to revisit any of my former favs to cyberstalk (usually bf's ex, ex's new gf and former acquaintance who blocked me out of nowhere) i have to be stubborn and remind myself that these women are actually boring as hell and sitting here comparing myself and wondering what they're like or what they'd think of me when i'll never actually know will only stunt my own growth. my brain is fucked up as it is (adhd and mentally ill super combo) and gets hyperfixated weird little mini platonic obsessions with random friends who either are friends of friends/ internet mutuals i admire/ am curious about, or who are very private/ post very little which makes the "hunt" more fun i guess. but letting these people take up space in my mind only makes things like intrusive thoughts about them worse, and only adds to the misery. it just makes me feel MORE like a creep because why am i thinking about this girl when i'm working or minding my own business and not even looking them up anymore, yknow? plus in a couple of those instances these acquaintances turned into actual good friends of mine which happened pretty naturally. they'll never know it but i still have that little chunk of memory in my mind that's like "you stalked her for HOURS and now you're hanging out in her room you freak" which is not fun or good for my already low self esteem lol
what helps me the most is trying to reframe my mindset into focusing on myself and my own personal/ social life, because if i can't get myself to stop caring about random people i'm not even close to the least i can do is get to a level where if they DID happen to see me or stalk me back in the future, they'd be impressed or even jealous? which is still kinda psychotic but it saves me a lot of time and emotional energy so whatever
sorry this turned into a huge blog but i hope there's something in there that could help some of you, or maybe you'll relate. i've been doing a lot better lately after a few revelations related to what i've said
No. 842102
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>>841950>>841900He had sex with her only, they're not dating. She posted this ""poem"" about all the men she's encountered.
>I'm not a boyfriend kind of girlShe wasn't aware that he was dating me. She doesn't know me at all.
No. 842134
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>>842121>>842104She's not terminally online though. I'm the one who obsessively downloads a strangers posts and stories.
Her daily stories nowadays are mostly the jewelry she makes, and I still use them to compare our hands/wrists or background legs or scope her apartment. I wait for the "payload" of more personal lifestyle posts/body pics or cringe stuff like picrel, which she shares every couple days.
No. 842489
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>>841952No photoshop or surgery, she's natty and only uses angles. Her body is the most amazing I've ever seen.
>>841946>she also sounds super fucking basic and cringe (anti-vaxx ig story, "boho", """entreprenuer""" = fake girlboss…)I know, but it's also major cope and makes me a salty bitch. Also, she took pics of him groping her naked boobs during the ONS and messages about the loud sex, that I've still got saved. She's his type exactly (mixed race, curly hair, boho/spiritual) except the thotness. It's why she's stuck in my head still.
But mostly I'm obsessed with saving everything and get such elation from knowing I have copies of IG posts she subsequently deleted. Picrel, she culled almost all of these.
No. 842866
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>>842489I was expecting someone prettier tbh she kinda looks like a butterface. something about her smile and eyes looks weird to me. she might be insecure about her facial features since she keeps obscuring them, and deleting pics.
> Her body is the most amazing I've ever seen90% of what you see is posing/angles/flattering lighting/filters/possibly editing. bottom left pic she's arching her back as much as humanly possible. also could be wearing leggings with a "booty scrunch" that make the glutes look rounder than they are in reality. any knowledgeable weightlifter could spot her anterior pelvic tilt from a mile away. note how it's not a full-on side profile shot. her bottom half is facing towards the camera, and her upper body is facing the opposite direction but also twisting towards the camera to accentuate curves. she's also visibly flexing the glute on the left to make it look perky. it's all an illusion, nonita.
No. 842880
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>>842877>There’s nothing else appealing about her and she doesn’t even have abs.t.
No. 842901
>>842489anon she's 'attempting' to make shitty jewelry no one will buy. Sure, you might find her objectively 'hot', and you probably have severe self esteem issues (on top of your shitty bf cheating on you making it worse), but there is a reason she's coping by saying she's not a 'boyfriend type'. I promise you she's one of those girls that has nothing interesting about her and is all fake, that after 2-6 months most guys get bored of. Hence why she focuses so hard on her body and bs boho shit. She has 0 personality. It's easy to have the time to sacrifice to have a body like hers (which btw isn't 10/10. Go to LA/NY or any major city and you'll find a lot of girls with bodies like her or even better).
Most men are pathetic, useless scrotes who go for any warm hole presented. For every girl you KNOW/HEARD he cheated on you with, I'm sure he probably also cheated on you on objectively 'uglier' girls that you aren't aware of, because men don't cheat because they think they 'found something better' but because they're egotistical fucks who need to validate themselves by constantly finding girls who want them to 'win'. It has nothing to do with her appearance persay. It's an easy trap to assume she's some how better than you but she's not. It's nothing to do with her, it's 100% percent to do with your boyfriend unable to be okay with his own self.
Love yourself anon, you have qualities that she doesn't that make you an awesome person, both physical and mental. If you're truly upset by her, go work out, make friends. I go to spinclass myself and I made some great friends there who I work out with everyday. It helps so much to be around other women during these times because you realize it's not you vs her but you and her vs shitty awful men.
No. 842905
>>842901This is amazing.
More anons need to post their obsessions so everyone else can help them see the light.
No. 842946
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>>842901>she's 'attempting' to make shitty jewelry no one will buyInitially I thought that too, but then I found her on Mercari and buyers are actually purchasing her $200 "artisan" pieces.
My Indian fat distribution means I'll never have a stomach like hers, or other naturally flat-stomached women - even when my waist was 24" I had lower belly softness. Anyway, thank you anon, I needed to hear that. No one IRL knows about the infidelity or this obsession, so finally confessing and getting responses was cathartic. I don't think I'll be able to stop "collecting" though, it's been almost 4 years since the cheating…
No. 843110
>>843094>organizes psychology theme meetups and is focused on self-improvement I met a guy lately and I've been trying not to become obsessed because he was so warm and opened up to me but..I don't know if he's feeling what I feel and whether he's just a charmer. He had a whole self-improvement thing going on too. More spiritual than psych but he had a history with drugs and robbery and jail. Makes sense that someone with a pretty dodgy history would be driven to base a portion of their life now around improvement
I have mixed feelings thinking about his past (burglary bothers me most) and then thinking how chill and nice he was to talk to now. I'd like to think I'm past my naive years so I almost want to judge him and rule him out based on his past alone. It's nice that he's forgiven himself for his past but shouldn't I still consider it a red flag? Where do you draw the line on pasts?
I stalked his insta and he posts pics with his lil nephew and it's all so wholesome. Fuuck
No. 843163
>>843122Idk, not necessarily. I was just bullied and ugly as a kid.
I was never into the /pol/-tier become god kind of self-improvement though, I just wanted to be a cute normie and for people to leave me alone
No. 843216
>>843169NTA, but yes that's a big difference.
There's genuine self improvement, and then there's ""self-improvement""… The moment it has become marketable, when the individuality and independence are stripped away to a meere lecture, that's a narcissist tactic.
Now that I think about it, self-care is the real term for the non-narcissist.
No. 843226
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>>842489She's not bad looking at all (even though I agree she sounds basic and cringe) but something about her looks a little like starprincess801 to me, especially in the top left photo.
No. 843258
>>843216Toxic positivity describes what narcissists do. Self care is how capitalism markets beauty products you don't need.
Probably the best way to describe what that anon meant is just growth. I guess they all fall under self improvement.
Pic related is ancient but this is what your self improvement should be like. People should be able to tell by themselves, you don't need to spell out every little thing you do. And you definitely don't need to try to sell it to someone else.
No. 843332
>>842946I don't think that's true at all. I'm indian and I have a stomach similar to hers. Maybe try to find a personal trainer to help you on body comp muscle growth instead of over all fitness. It's not about flatness, it's about the muscle underneath. Your waist could be more than 24'' and still look like that if you work on your body the right way instead of thinking of it as weight loss/weight gain.
Also, real successful people aren't sharing positive reviews like this. It's usually because they don't get them often. Look at other small business who do that to see.
Anyways good luck anon.
No. 843458
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AAAaaaa help meee
I have a massive crush on my professor who’s also a pretty well-known political figure. I won’t give away too much but his native country is an ex French colony and nowadays he mainly handles his native country’s relationship with East Asia + USA; I’m not really the type to be dazzled by one’s career, but his accomplishments are unironically based and impressive. I’ve also never really cared for older men until I saw him, the fact that he’s quite shy despite being incredibly well spoken turns me on
>Watched every single one of his interviews
>Found his address
>Went stalking
>He noticed me a couple of times in the street where his apartment is located
>Always small talks to me when he does so + remembers my first name
>Considered going to a political conference that will take place in his native country just to see him public speaking irl
Do you think I have a chance with him? He’s in his early 60s and divorced (I think), idk if I’m that attractive but I’m a young adult twig who’s able with makeup and dresses well, wouldn’t that be enough for some potentially lonely 60 something? Just a one time fuck with him would be enough to ease my obsession, I swear.
No. 843493
>>843458Crushes obviously don't go away overnight but you have to stop entertaining ideas like hanging around his street and trying to make it happen. Let it go, let yourself grieve the loss of it and in a year or two you might have a nice bf your own age where you can make a regular life together and not have him die on you 5 years into dating.
Your life is starting. Maybe use his accomplishments to motivate yourself to become a similarly impressive person in your own right. Not to be his sidekick or creepily younger lover.
No. 843503
>>843458>>He noticed me a couple of times in the street where his apartment is located>>Always small talks to me when he does so + remembers my first nameAnon, a normal person would be creeped out by this. Instead he is loving the attention. He'd probably be happy to fuck a 20 something for the ego boost, married or not. Maybe even date or have an affair with you so he can get a bigger boost from people seeing. You probably won't be the first.
You have to consider that his body is going to be that of an old man. He won't be accomplished in every area of his life either (no one is) so you'll be inevitably disappointed by his hobbies/decor/stories/snoring/etc as you find out more about him. He'll never match your fantasy.
You need to think about you though. Why do you want someone 60 and not your own age? You can find someone accomplished who is just 5 years older than you and build a life together instead of being a fuck and chuck or at best a hidden dirty affair.
Better yet, why can't you be the accomplished one? You won't get to international politics overnight but you can intern somewhere and get a taste for it. Or whatever else you are interested in. You can join toastmasters and take public speaking, singing, and accent classes to sound better.
Also keep in mind if you are interested in a career remotely in the public spotlight, you need to keep your past clean. It's just not worth the paranoia of having some journalist digging it up in the future.
No. 843510
>>843505Lots of daddy and men issues in general. The patriarchy puts men on such a high level that women are taught from the day they are born that they should do whatever they can to get male attention.
The anon is so deep in patriarchy that she thinks she should be lucky to fuck an old man. Think about it though, no one is paying thousands of dollars to fuck crusty old professors, no matter how well spoken they might be. Men pay tons of money to fuck beautiful young women. It's anon that has all the power here and she is so brainwashed that she is lusting after him and hoping that he will even notice her when he has probably jacked off to her at least 10 times already.
He might be older and more experienced at playing mind games and making the anon think that he is doing her the favour by noticing him, but believe me, he has contact with hundreds of students every year. Just having one or two notice him does not make him special. How many dirty old men would fall over themselves to fuck a young anon in comparison?
No. 843524
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>>843471I already cringe so fucking hard when it comes to sex memories with scrotes my age. Overall, I think I should be fine unless he moans like an anime girl in bed. I honestly don't think I have daddy issues considering I had a really present and loving dad but tbh I don't even know what really
triggers daddy issues
>>843493>>843503I know I used the word "crush", but I just wanna fuck him, not be with him kek. Knowing he will most likely be my thesis supervisor in the upcoming years I do realize it'd be a really stupid horny russian roulette move. Meaning fucking him will either be a huge mark boost or will kill my grade.
>>843505I don't know but what I do know is how hard you'd cackle if you saw his face kek
No. 843534
>>843510Can't speak for this anon but I've had crushes on much older men and it was mostly because they were so much more impressive (at least on a surface level) compared to my peers. Dudes my age were sitting in mommy's basement jacking off to beastiality porn or whatever where several of the older men I knew were very well-read intellectuals, workers who could construct an entire house from scratch, charming types who could effectively communicate with other humans rather than subsisting on dick jokes. When your own age group is full of absolute slop it's hard not to look at the strengths of the earlier gen and fixate on that. Thankfully I had the foresight to know actually attempting to fuck or date them was a bad idea since they could end up just as gross, immature and depraved on deeper examination, but some actually were good people who wouldn't have wanted to get involved with me even if I had gone after them. That's the thing though, when an older man doesn't fall into your fantasy, that's how you know he's a good person. If he reciprocates then he's actually trash, so the dream can never fully work out in reality. "Never meet your heroes" because the illusion will be destroyed, just keep them as inspiration in your head as
>>843493 said. Especially if your degree will be tied to him eventually.
No. 843861
>>842946"Please don't shop for jewlery under $25"
No. 847490
I am unhealthily preoccupied with someone. I am filled with a new emotion, knowing he even exists. He is endlessly fascinating in a very objective sense. When I think about him I'm overcome with a cold sweat and nausea. It's like his existence is doing psychic damage on me. I wish I could erase him from my consciousness and go back to ignorance. He is the main character, he is quite literally a genius. He's been acknowledged by scientists and institutions of his extremely rare ability. He is as close as Earth has to a vampire… or an alien, or a biblical entity, or a chosen one. By finding out about him one is abruptly tossed into the role of an NPC. Other people I know who know him also talk about this phenomenon; this realization that they are just… extras. Some people kill themselves, he breaks their reality. Or they get obsessed with him, want to be as close to him as possible. Or they're like me, and they just feel full of dread and admiration and endless fascination. It's like, witnessing something immortal, something unfathomable, like a black hole, something. It's embarrassing, but he's made me consider science fiction. Is he a time traveler? An alien? God himself? Of course, he's likely just a biological anomaly, something that happens every century or so by coincidence. A human, with a disease. I'm bad at writing so I just sound like a teenager talking about Edward Cullen. But I don't want to sleep with him. I don't love him or want him to like me. Maybe I want to experience everything he has ever seen, or bottle up his being and observe it for eternity. Maybe, selfishly, I want him to not exist, so I could get rid of this hollowness. I want to stop thinking about him, but he is tied to everything. He has touched everything, in some way, on accident, like a mold. Inb4 take pills.
No. 847551
>>847534It's a condition rare enough where if I named it you could find him too easily. There are well under a thousand people on earth who have been officially diagnosed. Sorry. It just makes people very gifted, but coupled with a unique background it just happens to develop an incredible character.
>>847549Dangit Grandpa is not real.
No. 847561
Oh nice, I can vent/spill all about my secret obsession/crush.
I'm 31, happily in a long term relationship, and I still check up on my teenage crush a couple of times a year. I've been nursing my feelings for him since we were were in middle school together. We stayed good friends after middle school and would meet up to hang out or go to events together often but both of us were too shy/awkward to try anything romantic even though we were both forever single. Eventually he went to uni far away and we would only meet around holidays. I started obsessing about him so much more, especially after not having seen him for long periods at a time, and would cycle through photos of him and so on to a point where It was mentally exhausting. After any interaction I could not stop obsessing about him for so long. This led to me making a conscious decision to cut myself off from contacting and seeing him, in order to move on. Roughly a year later he started dating his current wife and I would meet my current partner.
He was great and I miss our friendship dearly, but I would absolutely get hung up on him if I ever saw him in person again. At some point I began thinking that I could always look forward to reaching out to him when we are really old or something and it could be a cute story. Once a year or so I have a vivid dream where he shows up, and I feel deep nostalgia. He's great fantasizing material for 'secret affair' scenarios.
That was pretty tame, so I'll admit to actually having followed a person around with an accomplice in high school on multiple occasions, we even got walkie talkies for this purpose.
No. 847566
>>847554spoiler for sdr2 but this is his
remnant of despair design from ultra despair girls. he's just called "servant" in it. the whole game is just thinly-veiled fanservice, which is why he's dressed like a rentboy. he's creepy, canonically masochistic, and porn music plays whenever he shows up. good stuff.
No. 847820
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I visit his Twitter and other accounts daily. I spent an unhealthy amount of time fantasizing about him. He’s not even all that amazing but I like his pretentious art boy/quirky act and yes I do hate myself. He looks like Evan Peters and has a really cute personality. I want to cook him vegan sushi then hold his hand.
No. 847891
>>847744Didn't mean it like that. Was trying to say that my boyfriend wants a thin/sexy gf, which I most definitely am not. I typed it in a retarded way.
>>847860100% not an ana-chan but I definitely am mentally stunted.
No. 848084
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>>847997He doesn’t seem to be the type to do that and he’s straight from the research I’ve gathered on him.
I can’t believe I woke up without him in my life still.
No. 848246
>>847820>>848084He kinda looks like he could be my long-lost brother
>>848192Good luck
No. 850924
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Have any other anons been able to move on from their unhealthy obsessions? I posted here two years ago and reading about it makes me cringe. I was so miserable but I’m a lot healthier now. I still feel extremely guilty about how badly I acted though. Part of me still feels like the crazy will be branded on me forever; like if future potential partners found out they would discard me and never trust me again.
I still get obsessed over things/people but more in an ADHD hyperfixation type way than scorned crazy ex-girlfriend. Currently I’m obsessed with a streamer that I think is very funny, and while it’s still intense it’s not insane anymore. I have fantasies but they’re all dumb and self indulgent, instead of thinking things could happen in real life. I also just enjoy the memes about him more than going and digging up random info. Feels better than being angry all of the time but I’d still rather not be fixated on real people.
No. 852596
I don't really think it's bad enough to be called an obsession for me, but there are certain e-thots that I hate follow, the same way we follow cows I guess but they're not milky enough to really be considered cows. there are two main ones that I follow, both are full blown NGLOGs. one of them in particular I really dislike, and most of the time I have to restrain myself from leaving her anonymous hate comments. in a recent video she said that she gets hate from men telling her to "get a real job" but she tried it (she worked in finance) and she never got far because she was "too pretty" and "no one took her seriously" because she was so cute/pretty, when in reality it was probably just sexism. that, or she just isn't as smart and capable as she thinks she is. I've definitely seen prettier women make it further than she did, even though if you said that to her she would probably just say they sucked dick to get there or something. she has a mannish face, very square jaw, no lips (though she recently got injections) and total fridge body (though she recently got a bbl to give her hips, which honestly hasn't improved it much). she also always brags about having "red" hair and being a ~natural redhead~ even though her hair is basically just a warm brown that looks red in the right lighting. I really don't know why I have such a strong dislike for her, but it's at least partly because of how full of herself she is. it seems really unhealthy to just follow people that I legitimately hate/strongly dislike, but I keep doing it, I guess maybe I like being pissed off, Idk.
No. 857111
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>>204455I just think he’s neat…
No. 864589
>>850924I feel exactly the same way and I don't know what to do to get over the embarrassment I felt after I realized what I was doing. I'm actually healthier, I can recognize that what I did was wrong and I feel like I got over it, but I feel extremely embarrassed that I wasted my time obsessing over a person I hated. In the end, I was the one wasting my time instead of doing my own stuff, and I feel pathetic about that. Nowadays I think "okay it's been a while, forget it" but I feel so ashamed and I just don't know how to forgive myself.
Anyway, sorry for not having any solution but know that someone also feels the same way. I think the key is to be able to understand that actually feeling shame is a positive feeling because it represents that you learned from that situation, but not let yourself get so affected by it. But it's easier said than done.
No. 865734
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Is it cringe if I'm in an Ingrid Goes West chapter 1 type situation with local girl in a band… I can't tell if I'm simply in limerence or just deranged. When I get suicidal, I just think of her and feel instantly better. I dream of her frequently.
I would never do something messed up but I like her so much, I want to be in her life. We have exchanged a total 20 words irl but I know entirely too much. Any woman would freak if some stranger knew that much about them. I'd honestly kill myself if I were a man because I know how fucking creepy that is. I know I have no right to ever be in her life in any imaginary future because our entanglement would be born of stalker behavior and manipulative means.
And still I get worried since she's so great that she will surely catch the attention of some guy who will be disturbed enough to hurt her like some Christina Grimmie shit… Typing this out has me thinking I'm an actual schizo.
No. 871373
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This is pretty pathetic but I'm curious if anyone else does this. I've never had a irl crush and almost never find guys I meet attractive so I think I do this to cope with the loneliness etc. Essentially every now and then I'll accidentally stumble upon some new celebrity that I find hot and start imagining all those different scenarios about meeting him, dating, living together and stuff, really mundane, so I always have these scenarios and then before bed I'll choose one and start imagining the story etc. But the problem is I then start thinking about him all day and everything I do I'll be thinking oh imagine how this would be if I were with him rn and I get so into it I get lost in my head. And then without realizing I find more and more information about him online each day, then I say I'll stop looking him up I don't wanna get obsessed but I don't even realize I'm doing it. But then every new detail I learn I have to incorporate into the fantasies so they're more realistic and it's crazy because then I start feeling like I know him and I'll be making up a scenario and then go "oh no way he would never say/do that let me start over" don't want any inaccuracies in my retarded psycho stories. It's gotten to the point where I'll look up info about the country/city he lives so i get some ideas to make it more authentic. Usually I get over the person in about a month, although there are some that have stuck through the years that I keep in rotation when I don't have a new guy.
Writing this all down makes me feel like I'm crazy but I'm so used to this I don't realize I'm doing it, I've been doing it for about ten years though. I guess a good thing about it is I learn some things, find new music/movies etc because of them. But then again I don't wanna get too used to these idealized versions of men that are essentially me telling myself exactly what I wanna hear which will never happen irl.
No. 872502
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I have an unhealthy obsession with a celebrity because my boyfriend sperged over her at the beginning of our relationship and once mentioned that she had big tits.
Ever since then I've been crazy obsessed. I don't know why. He's made a comment about another celeb and it didn't affect me half as much. I don't even obsess over his IRL exes. I don't know why. I've considered going to therapy about it but I have a complex about spilling embarrassing things even to medical professionals.
And before anyone says anything about my scrote boyfriend, I know. I know I'm a dumbass for being with a scrote but I'm not attracted to women. Don't kick me while I'm already down kek.
No. 872530
I become obsessed with people to the point where I copy some of their personality traits I deem worthy of also having, pick apart their interests I also like and slap it on top of mine because I know it'll look better on me than it'll look better on them, I save all kinds of information they reveal about themselves on a bunch of lists (all of them have their own little folders hidden in a password protected place on my PC) and sperg about it for hours and hours on my own private accounts while acting like I'm doing nothing at all to their face, I secretly get mad at them when they have something I want and they're not treating it the way I'd treat it so I make a bunch of scenarios up in my head where I'm in their shoes but obviously way better than they ever will be, I fly into extremely autistic rage and fume secretly inside whenever they end up liking the same thing as I do later on because only I'm allowed to copy them here, yadda yadda. If any of them were to find this out, I'm sure they'd be in great shock because I am usually very normal and casual around them and treat them like every other normal friend.
It's honestly very fun but I find somebody to get extremely obsessed over like this once every 3-4 months. I just want to become them so bad when I get like this. It often goes from me liking them as a normal friend to noticing how I'm starting to get obsessed, and in the end I always hate them with my entire being and wish death on them for reasons I don't even know. The most I've done one time was gather this one girl's address, phone number, family members, relatives' information, etc. from nothing together and save all of her social media on archive websites, keep everything in a list and post all the pictures I could find of her and that she also published herself in the folder to stare at it whenever I was in the mood for it. I considered sending it to her to scare her off, but I'm not interested in any blackmailing or letting the other person know. It's way more fun to do this behind their backs without any of them suspecting anything. The girl I'm kinda obsessed with currently is skinnier than me, so I'm focusing on eating very little so that I can drop a few lbs and become as skinny as her. I have a huge crush on her too.
I just love to obsess, there are times where I cannot sleep because I'm feeling too giddy and excited over what kind of information I'm going to find about the person next.
No. 872571
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>>872567This is one of the saddest things I've ever read on here.
No. 872588
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>>872585Your mother should’ve swallowed you, don’t post photos of those with a Y chromosome
No. 872594
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>>872588Is this bait? Literally can't think of anything more autistic and cringey than complaining about the use of reaction images, especially since pictures of men get posted here all the time. This a public forum not your personal diary, you can't have everything you want in life.
No. 874447
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Anybody here had the an obsession with a dead person?
Asking for myself because for a while now I have a person in my mind that I have seen in a murder case.
I still don't know exactly why but maybe it's the utter tragic and depressing nature of the murder that makes me think of the murder victim because she died in such a horrible way because of nothing. The moment I came across this story, I felt like it personally affected me. I sat there, got tears in my eyes and just felt depressed for days because of that, even felt like grieving over her death. It felt like I have lost somebody I've knew. Since then I went down the rabbit hole to understand who she was and what led to her death, since the explanation of the murder kind of makes no sense and the more I dug into it, the more I felt like there has been more to it than it is known. At the same I got to meet the murder victim and her family, friends and everybody else who knew her. I wanted to know more about her, so I checked all sorts of socials of people who knew her in order to get to know a bit more about her life. At this point I figured out her address, where she worked, when she was born, her family status, former school, hobbies and dreams that she never got to fulfill and so on.
I'm so close to make a facebook account, just to see if I can discover something more about her because it seems like it was the only platform that she used. I have no idea why I have the urge to know everything about her but I can spend hours looking through stuff in hope to get a snip of her a life that once existed. I looked through photos on review pages of her workplace of that time when she was still alive and I imagined her walking through the store and talk to costumers and enjoying her job at the bookstore. I went via google maps through her neighborhood to see where she lived and what she might have done in that area with her family that lived nearby. It is really hunting me. Obviously all her friends and family have moved on at this point, all this happened over two years ago. Read and heard all the things her poor mum said about her and it's just so heartbreaking to know that such a person that seemed to be full of love and dreams just stopped excisting. Maybe it is the illusion that whenever I see something new about her, that she still out there doing her best to achieve her dreams and that all that never really happened to her and her family.
No. 874881
>>874447You remind me of that girl on tumblr who is randomly obsessed with one of the Columbine
victims who she never met.
No. 875418
>>874447I envy your sleuthing skills, how did you do that?
>>874881Which one? was it the Corey one? Totally forgot
No. 875438
>>875418>I envy your sleuthing skills, how did you do that? Nothing special. Mostly reading A L O T of news articles about this murder case, because the big news outlets only mentioned the basics about her life, smaller news sites on the other hand mentioned more details about her. Some stuff that has been mentioned on the other news site did not match up what other news site said, so I spend looking on whatever matched with her name and confirmed it as correct or not. And the rest via friends, family etc. that made themselves visible online because of their posting about her when she went missing.
The latest thing I found was quote from her which was part of a report that was done by one the news sites that followed the case really closely and they endend the news article (I believe it's even their final article about it from her funeral) with a quote from the interview they did in the early 2000s with her as a small child at the local elementary school, where she mentions how important it was to teach and support each other. Sad.
No. 875490
>>875438Huh, I've been obsessed with a dead blogger that I almost became friends with (she reached out to me cause we had very weird interests in common, but I got scared of losing identity and ignored her). I wish I had the guts to contact her friend or family, though I guess the situation is different since she died due to untreated head injury from a car crash. She was a huge junkie cow, but also a genuinely smart and interesting person. I wish we were friends, though I'm afraid she may have negatively impacted me.
I have archived her entire blog because I'm scared of losing it, I guess I should do the same with her forum posts, book reviews etc. I wanted to visit her grave, but it's in the cementary in the middle of nowhere and I'm worried I wouldn't find it. Wish I could find out more, IDK but I feel a retarded connection to her, even though I shouldn't since I shot any potential of friendship down. Sad.
Anyway I feel for you. Super curious about who is the poor girl you are obsessing about, but I understand why you are so vague. What country did the murder happen in? I think that it's so beautifuk that you remember her, if something horrible happened to me, I wish someone cared as much…
No. 875801
>>872621I miss you
nonnie. Text me :(
No. 876258
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>>875490I think what makes me feel super weird about it is because the said girl had obviously somebody stalking or threating here, so I'm sitting here and kind being obsessed with her as well? It is a case I already wrote about in
>>857077 a while ago. I hoped getting it out would help it being less depressed about it because it's just sad, cruel and absolutely horrific, but obviously it did not help much. I'm aware that that I'm emotionally way too deep into it but man, it lives rent free in my head for a while now and prob will for a bit longer. Some small details I wrote there are inaccurate after reading more into it, but the main story line still stands and it just breaks my heart all over again. Literally thrown away like a piece of garbage for nothing and all this while still alive. She had such a nice life going on. Living in between historical houses, working at some bookstore, making art and music, going on journeys and working towards her own tattoo studio. But it's all over. Really wonder how her mum is doing these days, because following this case along her mum in the center of the media attention makes it even sadder when you see how a mother reports her missing and later has to learn that she lost her daughter in such a horrible way. I do wish to see some of her art and music but at this point I highly doubt that it is online, otherwise it would've been already shared somewhere.
I do not believe that it was all coincidence btw. This was all planned and she knew she was in danger for a long time.
No. 916865
I dated someone 6 years ago, and right before I dumped him I found underage p0rn on his phone… nude selfies he collected from a 14 year old… at age 22 I was disgusted. He claimed it wasn’t him, that “someone else was using his phone at work”. I dig a little more to find out he’s absolutely obsessed with the fantasy fucking young teens
He proceeds to stalk me, write bloody notes and leave it on my cars window, contacting, begging, etc. I kept tabs on him privately, just to make sure I was prepared for him showing up in the new city I moved to.
I’m talking fake suicide threats, messaging my friends… working at my old job…
Then he started to befriend my older friends from my home town. I tried not to stir shit with the mutual friends, but it’s obvious he has lied about me and why we broke up.
All the time making Spotify playlist that mirror the ones I’m making song for song with titles like “I want to taste your flesh” or “I’ll drown your black cat for good luck”
Fast forward a few years and he’s dating. girl Is close enough to his age (she’s 24 he’s 29), but she literally looks like a child.
And I’m not hating on her, trust me, I feel bad for her… but her body, her mannerisms, her intelligence all seemed to be stunted in highschool, and she is dumb as a box of rocks… she’s a literal beauty school drop out who works in fast food making nothing. Now they have a kid, and I’m so worried for his daughter.
So I stalk their pages (the public ones) and check in to see where he is, and if she’s ok.
In the back of my mind I’m worried for the child mostly, but also this new gf… did she realize who she made a child with?
Neither one of them have posted anywhere in a few months and my fear that he’s murdered her keeps me checking.
I don’t hate her, yet it is infuriating to know he has worked his way permanently into my life on a fear based level. Emotional abuse is real yall and it blows
No. 917811
>>917386I did call the police with the bloody notes (years ago) but they didn’t see enough reason to move forward with with it. I remember one the the officers saying something along the lines of “it seems like he really loves you, or he wouldn’t try so hard”. My ex also claimed he “cut his hand” while writing those notes, and blood
accidentally stained the note.
The cops here suck (southern US state).
Everytime I went for help I was told I was overreacting.
No. 974273
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I’m still obsessed with this guy I had an affair with earlier this year. It’s completely fucking with my head and it’s at the point where I’m writing up a police style timeline of events including things we said and did, messages between us and messages I sent to my friends about him, all organised with days and timestamps. I can’t tell if I hate him and want him to suffer or if we were both at the right place at the wrong time, but hopefully this can be the first step towards objectivity lol.
No. 975885
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why is it her and not me? she is so mediocre. people only gas her up because she is pretty. if i had her looks i would do a 100 times better, i could be famous, i would be successful and popular, and i would change everything to be better. her? pfft, she is a pretty face that gets fawn over for the littlest effort. all looks no substance. it is not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair!
>how it used to be as a teenager
i would stalk the girls' social medias and remember everything they worn and be jealous of that too because my parents didn't let me pick my own clothes. i stalked pretty girls that had a little bit of creativity. they got locally famous for being cute and goth or emo. some of them used to draw or sing, not very good though. i was better at that, but nobody cared because i was an ugly autist. i envied the popularity, the attention and the support they received, and secretly was crushing on them but my repressed ass could never admit that in my homophobic country.
No. 976395
>>975192Pure annoyance is what drives my stalking. The people I stalk are compulsive liars who are constantly fabricating new credentials or personal backgrounds just to humblebrag and make their opinions seem more substantial. Pretension really sets me off, and I get super irritated when I see guileless people buying into an obvious bullshitter's success larping. The annoyance is like a splinter and the only way to get it out is to obsessively pore through said liar's online presence until I've sufficiently confirmed to myself that they're not who they pretend to be.
What I've learned is that a lot of people are astoundingly shameless and will readily lie about being a marine biologist or cattle rancher or whatever just to win a pointless argument. Overall, the number of people who spend their whole day pretending to be rich, educated, and desired online is really disturbing. They have to know that the compliments and respect they get on the internet have nothing to do with their real lives, so what drives people to act this way?
No. 976504
>>976395>Pure annoyance is what drives my stalking.Same. I've uncovered a bunch of lies and tried to get the word out that a person is not who they seem to be, that they are a scammer, and could cause serious harm. I'm getting tired of having to feel that I need to follow them though. They are clearly a compulsive liar and are just going to keep going and I can't spend my whole life monitoring them. They know they get posted about and aside from crying about being bullied a few times (lol), it doesn't even seem to faze them. I can only hope anyone who comes across them from now on has the sense to Google them and not take anything new at face value without me having waste my life constantly having to spell things out.
>What I've learned is that a lot of people are astoundingly shameless and will readily lie about being a marine biologist or cattle rancher or whatever just to win a pointless argumentI was pretty shocked to realise this as well. I know people obviously lie on the internet but comparing people's (supposed to be secret) accounts and their real lives always shocks me. So many people blatantly making stuff up for petty reasons, completely misrepresenting situations for sympathy, etc. It's actually really turned me off forums where you can see a user's posts. People probably lie here too but there is less incentive to do so when it's anon and no blog posting allowed.
Similarly, there were a couple of people who I met IRL who amazed me as their lives seemed to be perfect but after uncovering their multiple accounts and comparing everything, they always end of being more pathetic than I am. It's interesting, comparing myself with these fake personalities when I didn't know better has always pushed me to improve myself while they just put up a fake screen of lies and don't work on themselves. Sometimes they had a couple of interesting things that were real when they were younger but they never seemed to go beyond that and just resorted to lying when they didn't need to, while I felt constantly inferior and so have always tried to improve myself to reach their (actually fake) level.
I would really love to know what the psychology is behind all of this. What makes people care that much about winning an argument so deep in a thread that no one will read it? What makes someone feel the need to blatantly lie to everyone they meet for no reason? Do they really feel that much better and superior if they know it is all fake?
No. 1019440
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>>843458>>843524Bumping this whole thread just to display my fr*nch degeneracy and tell you that I fucked him. It was lame performance wise, but still satisfying. I'am however now doomed to attend TICAD 8 as a translator-slut, so see you there maghred nonnas, I guess. Already reaping what I sow, will update if old moid obsession ruined my life further
No. 1019547
nonnie. Did he smell ''old''? Is he fugly? You've lived out my fantasy but I've always wondered when you actually fuck if it hits you like what the fuck I'm getting railed by an old man. Not an older man but An Old Man. Did he feel weaker than young scrotes because he's so old?
No. 1019703
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>>1019440Is the professor Pol Pot? Cambodia was a French colony some time ago. Or maybe if Vietnamese, Ho Chi Minh??
No. 1019706
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>>1019547Yes, he does have that distinct “older people” smell, I didn’t mind it and was more annoyed at his obnoxious cologne smell more than anything. I don’t think he's ugly, bezos tier, he’s my type but pretty sure most people would find him uggo and unimpressive. Spoiling nsfw talk to not disturb sane minds
he has a normal sized dick which kinda disappointed me since he’s a tall guy, he’s lean and his body was honestly alright apart from the hair overload since I’m not a fan of hairy men. He was softer than younger men but I had to be on top, I don’t know if it’s psychotic but I genuinely loved the fact that he was weaker (my guy was out of breath after a few minutes and blamed it on “I’ve had covid!”) but yeah I had to do most of the work. Surprisingly, I don’t really cringe when I think about me domming peepaw, but I do wanna slam my head against a wall when I think about my awkward flirting with him
No. 1019798
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>>1019703My dumbass thought this was Elon musk
No. 1020159
>>1020140This is the only one I can relate to so far, obsessing over fat cock
mmmmmmm, fat cock
No. 1020167
>>1020140Sage for OT
yes, even on /ot/ but could you link some of your previous posts or detail more in another thread? I have no idea why exactly but your post piqued my interests so hard, like how I'd live through all my old friends' wild experiences vicariously when I was younger. It also kinda reminds me of parts of teen novels I liked as a kid and miss that feeling.
No. 1020228
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>>1019703>>1019706kekk maybe picrel is why he had a smell and why
nonnie had to be on top. From what she said, he seems to be from a North African country.
>>>1020140Sounds like a gross pol poster I know. Goes to show how they all tend to look and act the same and are highly replaceable, you could easily find a carbon copy of him if you wanted.
No. 1020265
my ex boyfriend had an obsession with an actress before our relationship and it spread to me. we were long distance and knew each other online for years, and for a lot of that time his whole identity was this actress. he'd always use her as his profile picture, he'd make sure everyone knew he loved her, he'd collect lots of pictures of her. it wasn't sexual, it was some intense admiration of her and her difficult life, and her beauty. he'd call her the most beautiful woman ever and say things like "no girl could ever be more beautiful."
then we became close. and i have a complicated history of being very mistreated growing up because of how i looked. i've struggled with my appearance my whole life. when we got into a relationship he continued admiring this actress, but he'd always reassure me that he thought i was the most beautiful woman ever. when i started getting insecure about her, he'd tell me she was nothing, just some woman, and that i was all that mattered to him. but it really spun out of control, and i wanted to be her. whenever he told me he felt i was more beautiful, i felt he had to be lying. because how could someone like me, bullied for my looks and the definition of average to other people, be more beautiful? i'd obsessively watch interviews with her every day, i'd try to copy her mannerisms and makeup and style. i started learning the language she spoke. i wished every day that i looked like her, i'd cry about it and often felt suicidal about it. it didn't help at all that she's mainly known for being beautiful, and any film starring her has many reviews about her beauty. she's an actress that many girls have wished to be.
months into the relationship, the actress died. it was very strange for me. i seemed to be sadder about it than he was. i felt almost like i'd caused it, which is stupid. the most difficult part of all of this is that i really admire her as a person, too. i get frustrated when other people only recognise her beauty and don't see her for her acting talent or anything else. it's been nearly three years now since that obsession started. it's not as bad as it used to be but it still stings deeply. sometimes i seek out reviews where people fawn over her beauty, or messages from my ex where he talked about her looks, or beautiful pictures of her. it's confusing. i just want to move forward and forget her.
No. 1037413
>>1036360She had an almost unrealistically extreme fall from grace.
>beautiful and skinny>Ivy League educated>self-made millionaire by her late 20'sTo
>addicted to multiple hard drugs>losing her job due to her drug use>blowing through all her savings on drugs>going full hamplanet after she got sober because she turned to food addiction to replace it>being unemployed and supported by her parents in her mid-30sShe would do all sorts of crazy shit like attacking a guy at a party who was kissing his girlfriend while she was on drugs, because she mistakingly thought it was her boyfriend.
No. 1042343
i have had an unhealthy obsession with a girl that has cow-like qualities but is basically unknown apart from in niche communities like spam comm or some discord circles, i don't know why this obsession started, but i found out about her because a random instagram i followed had reposted some drama-related thing on her story so i follow it back to the original and it's this instagram dunking on these two girls, one of them being the one i've been terminally obsessive over. it has not been constant, sometimes i'll forget about her or not think about her for weeks or months, but then i'll have a sudden urge to try google her and find out everything and anything about her current state. it's so pathetic, i feel like a creep but i can't forget about her. i guess it's not surprising that i'm like this seeing that i use lolcow a lot and its purpose is to do similar shit, but still…can't help but feel like a more pathetic version of joe goldberg from you. here are some of the things she's done/known for that make me want to know everything about her life and the trainwreck it is:
>19 yr old neet who has been whoring on the internet from about 12
>scammed many guys online out of money for fake nudes
>claimed her uncle molested her on her old twitter
>just general e-girl cringe, would pander to scrotes on discord servers and get in calls with 10+ moids to do degenerate sex acts
>self-labelled femcel and has tumblr where she frequently posts guro and other degen shit
>has made about 6 different onlyfans with same photos and videos each time to rinse money out of as many moids as possible
>e-dates and chases after crypto-daddies who will buy her cheap consoomer crap off aliexpress
>photoshops her body and face to an extreme level, likely has body dysmorphia
many other cow behaviour type things, also reportedly has procured minors online to be groomed by her e-daddies, cuts for attention and carves the names of her e-daddies into her, is extremely misogynistic to girls prettier than her, reportedly did drugs with some fatass eboy and he od'd
No. 1043026
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Not sure if it's obsession, but there's another dead blogger that randomly pops back to my head sometimes, Plaaastic. An infamous instagrammer cow who faked her own death. she had a thread both on Lolcow and PULL. her PULL thread was older and had way more drama, LC one was made in the ending phase of her life. she interacted on both of these threads and manipulated tf out of her fans, in a way. She faked her suicide in 2017 and then came back online in 2018 on a new account, covering her face but fans recognized her clothes, props, etc. Nyx discovered she was using sockpuppets on PULL to direct ppl to the new account and cause general mess. She gave crazy irrational reason for her death faking overall and her lies were later debunked. She actually killed herself in December 2018.
Idk why I still sometimes think of her, maybe bc her Insta got deleted this year for whatever reason. her other social media and blogs are still there and stuff is archived. i actually archived her PUll thread before it went down. Maybe bc I feel there was some weird misunderstanding, and that girl genuinely went insane. Before she died, she had a secret reddit account where she wrote she has schizophrenia and wonders if the whole bullying/doxxing shit she thought she went through weren't actually her own delusion, cause she cannot differentiate what's real anymore. i think she went schizo because of her meth/amphetamines use. if you look at her last pics showing her face, you can clearly see odd scabs and changes on her face, she admitted to meth addiction anyway.
not trying to whiteknight her at all, she was def manipulator drama queen and attention whore who lied about stuff. but idk.
her art was edgelord cringe a lot of the time, but i really liked her writing style. she had a blog, a facebook writing page and an autobiographic book that sold well in her country. just feel weird about all what happened to her. she was cringe, i know, but still.
No. 1043046
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i’ve been obsessed with a dead famous guy for years now, and have continually posted him on here despite nobody caring lmaoooo. it’s weird because he’s not even my type physically, but i have an intense fascination with him and will continually search his name on blogs and forums just to see what people say about him. it’s weird because i only like some of his work, while most of it is mid and he wasn’t known for being the nicest and was misogynistic. but ive had continuous dreams about him and all i want to do is dig deeper into who he really was outside the persona
pic unrelated
No. 1043058
>>1043026Is there an archive of her Instagram anywhere? I remember her ex being
abusive and other shit that probably didn't help. I can't help but feel sad about her passing
No. 1043060
>>1043058Yes, there's whole archive on VK but she posted all of that stuff on Facebook too, so VK has just pics and Facebook has also text that she had in original captions.
Same here, it's sad. i think there was much more to this story than was posted online, and i feel not everything was a lie. No. 1043064
>>1043060samefag, idk if her ex was
abusive but he cheated on her with a couple different chicks or something. that was crazy tho cause she married a week after meeting.
her last year of her life seems pretty sad to me, she lost her creativity, ppl hated her already and she lived alone in that crazy tiny apartment with a window locked from the outside. she was lost cause but i feel she could've fixed her situation if it went differently and had supportive ppl around.
No. 1043542
>>1020140please tell us more we need to know more just make a thread anywhere on any website
like why did he stop talking to you and also are you still trying to fuck him
No. 1043646
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>>1043109>>1043317fellow ausfag manifesting heath for you
him and micahel hutchence (picrel, story is wild aka he killed himself not auto-erotic)
michael I'll forever love though he died forever ago, heath I feel like I gotta head to the tinfoil thread for that one
RIP aussie kings, scrotes or not
No. 1044086
Kind of obsessed with a guy i know since the first grade, had a crush on him during that time but it was nothing out of the ordinary.
We ended up going to the same highschool and i guess my brain was so fried from being a weeb and all of my friends going to different schools that i started getting obsessive with him, followed him, stalked what little social media he had, noted his schedule and was generally a pathetic creep.
We started becoming closer after i tried to let go of him and then i moved away. Despite getting a bf and living far away i would still think of him sometimes and hope that we would see each other again.
6 years later we ended up in a group call started by ex elementary classmates, after everyone left the call only both of us remained and we chat for a bit, few days later we had another chat and it was fun but i don't wanna be a retarded stalker my whole life so i never made an effort to reach back to him.
Almost a year later he sent me a message again saying that he couldn't help but think about me, made me wonder if he also feels something for me, but i held back the urge and just had a normal chat.
almost a year and we haven't talked since, still got his number and vice versa. A part of me wants to actually try out something, I get dreams about him every once in awhile, but I have a bf currently who I love very much and my obsession over this other guy is probably just mental illness so I won't.
No. 1049113
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Anons, how to STOP obsessing over people? I know this may not be the best place to ask this, but maybe someone has some insights… I constantly jump from one jealousy-ridden obsession to another, all regarding real people I interact with, no matter how I tried to convince myself to stop it never helped, just eventually faded with time and came back once there's a new "target" for my dumb brain. It's sucking all the happiness out of my life honestly and I wish I knew how to stop….
No. 1049149
I have an obsession with my bf's friend too but it's worse because I'm still with my bf for almost a decade and they have been friends for like 15 years. I have secret feet pics and creepshots of his friend and when he leaves our house I smell the couch where he sat because it smells like his cologne. I write erotic fanfiction about him and I. I found out that he shares a fetish with me that I keep secret from my boyfriend, his friends caught it on his computer one day and shared it to me as a funny story and instead it just strengthened my obsession. He's tall, chubby, has a deep voice but he's immature, a druggie, bald and has bad social skills. But we have a lot in common and our chemistry is amazing, he belly laughs at my jokes and we share things in common that I don't with my boyfriend. I just have a feeling he has a big dick too. When we were housesitting for him I went through his bedroom and it smelled so damn good. I looked through his old school pics and he was so cute over the years. I don't know why I am like this
>>1020140I can relate
No. 1049156
>>1049149>Chubby, bald, druggie, immatureGirl wtf? Is your bf worse or as bad as him? Because if he's a fugly drug addict your obsession may just be caused by you falling out of love from your bf and latching onto the first man in sight.
Also 10 years? You're not married or serious yet? Why?
No. 1050555
>>1049156ntayrt but this,
Every time I see this thread in the catalog I remember this girl who developed an unhealthy obsession with me. I was now half-assedly scrolling the posts from morbid curiosity because she also seems like somebody who would be on the farms kek.
tl;dr this girl I barely knew was apparently very unhappy in her life (long sexless relationship, shitty job, no friends) and my Insta posts seemed to her like a life she wants to lead. She started trying to be my friend and skinwalking me and when I was apparently too retarded to pick up on it, she went full crazy and spent 2 years posting about how much she hates me and self harms because of me on her finsta.
I only found that out from a mutual acquaintance and it seemed v wild, because I am not exactly a person somebody can be jealous of (I fucking post on lolcow)
But when I saw all those screenshots of her obsessing over the most mundane things on my socmed and my "haha thanks" replies to her dms I got fucking spooked.
My main impression is that she is unhappy in her life and is projecting her discontent onto a random bitch who she saw on a niche fb group post, not me being actually worthy of all those intense feelings. Typical BPD steez.
So now I kind of stalk her to see if she is still she stalking me. It is very ironic kek
No. 1052890
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>mutually stalk a girl online my ex cheated with
>deliberately watched her insta story with my main account to get her excited
>let her vague post about me but stay silent because I'm mentally stronger
>got all her personal info and learnt her weaknesses. don't do anything with them, just fun to know
>even got her birth chart
all her secrets are mine
No. 1137547
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Stalking my shitty ex friend, its just fun to see her little downfalls and how shes still stuck in the same bubble i left her in 3 years ago when she gave me so much shit. Her account was my go to place daily to relish in her suffering. She’s locked her account for a month tho and i lost my motivation for now
No. 1170973
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Don’t be shy… I know you can see me, let me in.
No. 1171010
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I have a tendency to attract women that don't like me within my hobbies and they like to send me consistent hate and threats so I just rack up receipts of everything while slowly stalking them. So far I've got almost all the info of two of them, IPs, all usernames, old tripcodes, archived posts and pages, family info, ex partner info, current partner info, work, schooling, phone models, computers, emails bother personal and professional, etc. I like to sit on it and know that I have the ultimate upper hand as most of them are retarded hacker larpers and can't do anything to cover their asses. It borders on obsession because I just despise people who test me and insult my intelligence like that. I often think about finding the worst possible places to dump a .zip of all the info so they face horrible real life consequences like swatting or maybe men stalking them but I don't want to risk legal consequences for myself. I won't lie though, I would absolutely feel nothing if it ended in violence for them. Cross me over anything and I will follow you for life wishing nothing but sorrow and trauma on you. It's disgusting and probably reason for alarm but I've gone mask off. Tired of being the bigger person and brushing it off. It's so fun for me. I get such a sick enjoyment out of watching them in real time knowing they're blissfully unaware that someone knows everything they possibly could about them and updates it in real time. It honestly doesn't take much effort because they can't help but be loud attention seekers so I can perfectly balance that time spent harvesting and my real life & responsibilities. They unwittingly hand their most sensitive info out for free. Always be careful with who you cross, nonnies. I know there's way more psycho women like me out there doing the same and worse. Grudges might kill me and make me bitter but it feels almost euphoric knowing I am taking down multiple sacks of shit with me in a whirlwind of unknown terror and chaos. Also, hexes fucking work. Try it sometime. Your will can break any metaphysical boundary you thought was insurmountable. Stay seething, ladies.
No. 1171020
>>1171010praying to fucking god i'm not one of your
victims because you sound just like a bitch i used to know
No. 1171030
>>1171018Nope, I knew better than to touch that place with a ten foot pole but I will admit with shame I was tangential to other drama on boards but never to the level those women were/are still. I may be a vengeful retard but I'm smart enough to not selfpost in a cesspool.
>>1171020Probably not,
nonnie. Only one of them posts here and she wouldn't post /here/. She lives for /snow/ camwhore and twitterfag threads only. She's likely scared of other nonnies sniffing her out for being a newfag and cow herself. She's one of the biggest cowards I've come across to date.
No. 1171061
>>1171053I appreciate your concern and you know, maybe. I am having fun though and unfortunately a lot of things that would have you labeled as a conspiracy schizo in the past have since been proven true. To quell any concerns, please know I have family and a partner who keep me grounded and are aware of my behavior.
>>1171055Have terminally online family in tech and/or be driven enough by spite to teach yourself how to use OSINT tools for ~evil~. You can do it
nonnie but I don't want to just hand you the outline to a nuclear bomb. I don't want to be responsible for anything kek my conscience would carry that paranoia.
No. 1171088
>>1171071>>1171065WITCH FIGHT
No. 1171453
I stalk random girls and become infatuated with them for awhile, they are usually lolcow material and have to either have a long, detailed internet history with accounts, or have lolcow threads. it's not because i like or dislike them, wanna date them, or kill them, be them, etc i have to know everything about their life, i bookmark photos, save links, have files on them, etc. it's better if they're lesser known but just known enough to be able to get info.
I know SO much about this one girl, I could probably write one of the most detailed threads ever about her kek
i have no idea why i do this
No. 1171602
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>>1171010Posts like these are funny yet so weird to me. I feel like an alien looking down on petty human conflict with confusion.
No. 1172266
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>>1171751Same anon. Life has been a series of unfortunate events and then as soon as it began to turn around and I experienced some successes in life, everything fell to shit and there's no chance of going back. I'm a negative person but I've asked others before if they think I'm unlucky and they agree I'm probably the unluckiest person they've ever met.
May luck smile upon us one day….
No. 1173018
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>>1172979don't dream it, be it. please hex him. an anon said he called us terfs so he's a troon
No. 1174245
I probably have an unhealthy obsession with my boyfriend’s ex. My boyfriend and I had been friends for about a year while he was still dating her but I didn’t start to obsess over her until after we started dating. He never really talked much about her and all her accounts were private so at the time I knew basically nothing about her. They were long distance too so I never met her or anything. A few months after they broke up, me and my boyfriend started to date and I had retroactive jealousy since they had been each other’s first loves and had been dating for a long time. It didn’t matter much to me while we were just friends since I had thought he wouldn’t reciprocate my feelings anyways. But now that we were dating, it made me jealous to think of him having been with another girl before. At first I tried to stay away from looking at her accounts so I could move on with my life and accept most people are going to have a past, but slowly started to cave in and looked more and more. I looked at her private accounts and there was only so much information I could gather from the limited amount of posts that were public. But eventually I was able to find her family members and their various social media accounts. Her family had a lot of public posts and I was able to see more of her home life and more of what she actually looked like without filters and carefully angled profile pictures. I’ve tried looking for other accounts of hers and most of the ones I did find were dead and had nothing posted on them. However I did find a Reddit account of hers which had a few posts from the time they had broken up. It gave me a lot of satisfaction to read that she had been struggling to get over him and wanted him back desperately. What surprised me though was that she had said she thought the reason he wanted to break up with her was because of one of his friends. She said they fought about her a lot not too long after he met her. At the time, whenever I looked at her accounts, I always used a fake account, never my real one. So I tried to visit her FB with the account with my real name on it and found that I had already been blocked. So I am pretty sure I was the friend she had been suspicious of. My boyfriend has told me a little more about her after we’ve gotten together and he’s told me that their relationship had been toxic and they would get into a lot of fights. She would stalk his female friends a lot and would go through his stuff and generally was really possessive. He said he had been pretty miserable throughout the relationship but didn’t realize at the time those things weren’t normal. After he told me about those things I felt kinda bad considering I had been doing something similar behind his back. But it made me happy to know that she had experienced jealously towards me just like I had jealousy towards her. I want to know more about the fights they would have about me. Me and him had a strictly platonic friendship and he even set boundaries early on that he was only looking for a friendship with me and he didn’t have feelings for me. However, we did grow quite close and had a lot of common interests. It surprised me she had me blocked considering me and her never had any contact with each other and the only way she’d know about me would be if he talked about me to her. Me and him don’t have each other on social media so there’s no link there. I want to know more of what she was feeling at the time, if she had felt more anxious the more we got closer. If she had gone through my posts trying to find any hints on whether there was anything more between us. Thinking that I had been causing her distress while I had been completely unaware really makes me happy. After finding out I was blocked, I created an Insta account and after a few months I was blocked on there too despite them having been broken up for nearly two years at that point. So I think she probably still checks up on me every now and then which creeps me out but I can’t really judge when I check up on her every day. Although I probably won’t find anything better than that, I still try to find more information about her. It amazes me at how much information you can find out about a person with just little to go off of.
No. 1174293
>>1174245Love it. I love women like you. I stalk my husband's ex-wife too. I am everything she was terrified he would leave her for. He didn't leave her
for me like your bf did but it was only about 5 years after and she still lurks his stuff. Thankfully she's always been overweight with a frame that doesn't suit fat, homely looking, boring, normie & only entertained his hobbies so he would spend time with her and not his friends. She was just kind of faking her entire personality to be "the cool wife" and it was very transparent and kind of insulting to him so I have had nothing to be jealous of. She had kids and got married to some slime of a man after getting knocked up twice so he was locked in. Her desire immediately for children is what pushed my husband away in the first place. She so badly wanted him to be the father of her children and he wanted nothing of the sort with her. She's always among the first to look at his IG stories and her friends do too. It's really sad she got what she wanted and still mourns him over half a decade later. The salt in the wound is that he absolutely would father my children, biological or not, and he has posted about adoption and other things so she's seen his attitude 180 and she likely understands now that he wasn't really in love with her at all in that way. She really treated him like nothing for 10 years and only cared about getting close in the last 2 years when she wanted kids. It makes her miserable and I know it, so I stalk her just to revel in her sad life now. She doesn't go out or work. She's just an at home Facebook addicted middle aged suburban mom. Funny now because we have almost everything she wanted. It's what happens when you're an insecure and easily replaceable person. Feels good to be The One, you know?
No. 1174449
>>1174360yep, I'm paranoid she has google alerts on.
I don't want to give too much away (because then it'll become really googleable) but his "culture" dictates that he can't be with a person outside of his ethnicity, and the girl he got pregnant was of white Christian descent. The
victim's family doesn't believe he worked alone, since he somehow managed to get access to an abortion pill. They stated that in the past, one of his sisters acted on his behalf to prevent the families from trying to interact and deal with the pregnancy situation.
And of course, I would totally get that a person isn't going to pull a 180 on their own family member when they do something terrible. The fact that they're talking isn't weird. It's the fact that the
victim's family is alleging that one of the two sisters had been taking his side/helping leading up to the event. I know she's the oldest sibling from her own admission, and the second sister was only in high school when it happened. So it kind of has to be her.
To top it all off, she was at a prestigious university before and then just left to go to an only decent one far away. The exact dates match up to when he got arrested.
I feel antsy about it all, because it keeps getting more and more fucked up when I read about it. She's picked up that I don't want to be her friend, and has now attempted to spread a rumor about me outing her as bi (????) lol, which I did not.
No. 1174533
>>1174293>>1174245joining in to say it feels deliciously good knowing someone who you were jealous of was actually jealous of you. god i felt so happy that my ex's "friend who is a girl" got fat and was apparently jealous of me way before.
my ex was definitely in love with her, and despite not being a jealous type at all, they both painted me as the crazy GF who couldn't handle her BF having a girl friend. They were in that liberal art school scene, and they BOTH actually tried to convince me that I was being possessive and
abusive for saying they could not "platonically cuddle in bed" or "give shirtless massages."
That argument broke the camel's back, and after I broke up with him, he thought he had a chance with her. But nope, she rejected him too since she just liked the feeling of being wanted in a taboo situation. Best part, he was told he'd be an asshole if he no longer wanted to be her friend, so he was awkwardly forced to continue to be her emotional support guy friend while she fucks other guys in their circle.
I ended up hooking up with a guy she had a massive crush on at one of her parties, which she angrily subtweeted about for months. The guy I hooked up with then told me she was actually jealous of me originally, and was afraid I was taking her "best guy friend" away which is why she tried flirting with him while him and I were together. I'm happily married now and I don't stalk either of them anymore, but damn that was a delicious win.
No. 1174627
>>1174564Tbh I wouldn’t even call myself a Stacy, but I didn’t delude myself into becoming the woke version of an NLOG, which is essentially what so much of the art girlies in liberal art college circles end up attempting to become. You can’t be a feminist while simultaneously doing anything and everything to seem like the most interesting person in the room for a man’s attention. I just simply did not care, and I actually had solid girl friends outside of their desperate for attention “friendship polycule” circle jerk. I’m not even a tradthot, this shit is just so braindead.
Be careful on emphasizing the “chill and confident” shit nonna, you’re giving unironic cool girl kek
No. 1174846
>>1174829>stalking a reddit moidconsider suicide
Also, there's tools to see deleted posts also somehow. Snoopsnoo is down but has some alternatives that I don't exactly remember the names of. Something along the lines like reddit detective or so.
Your best bet is linking maybe an epic meme image in reply to him thats on an URL shortener for IP loggings.
No. 1174858
>>1174846I've used those tools for to figure these out. I like stalking redditors because most are very mentally ill and I like watching mentally ill people's thoughts and stuff, if that makes sense.
>>1174835>>1174841It's fair you might not agree with stalking but don't act like all other posts in this thread are jealous schizos stalking women like
>>1174623 pointed out. At least I'm not becoming a pump and dump to get back at some random girl like
>>1174564 is doing.
No. 1174871
>>1174862You're right, noni. I assumed they were angry because I was stalking a moid because most posters itt seem to be weird and they don't sound like they're from lolcow. A lot of them are bragging about stealing men and still constantly stalking the women they hurt. Sorry for lashing out.
>>1174865That's a bit too harsh but I think the man will screw her over anyway. Any man who dropped their gf/wife easily and went for another woman id a redflag, he'll do the same to you.
No. 1174873
>>1174293And then one day he will leave you for another nlog
nonny who will post the same shit you did in an infinity loop cause your entire post is just “HE PICKED ME!!!!”
No. 1174923
>>1174293>leaving 2 kids fatherless to date an expired man who only likes you because you're young and low maintenanceDaddy issues behavior creates a cycle. Now you gave the children daddy issues rip.
Also why the fuck is this thread filled with desperate pickmewhores who willingly let old disgusting men use them just to hurt other women?
No. 1174960
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be careful nonnies
No. 1175260
i feel like i stalked into territory i shouldn’t be in, and now all of her actions come off as malicious or scary. anyways, that’s that on that I guess
No. 1175363
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Nothing to contribute at the moment (cut people out from my life completely so I have noone to obsess about kek but every now and then I Google people I used to know and try to find out as much as I can about them). What do you think causes us to obsess over people? In my case I think it's being isolated and then when anyone shows me attention I get obsessed with them
No. 1177997
>>1177992Sucks to suck I guess. Why did you doxx the scrote,
No. 1178003
>>1177997We were talking, he brought up
Johnny Amber and said she was in wrong for her abuse. I ended our discussion and made fun of him using the info he gave me. In his anger, he made 3 posts using different accounts of his giving out my username for disc so perverted men would contact me. I decided to stalk him tracing those accounts. I have a few social media accounts and a ton of personal info now but he's so sad I won't fuck with him anymore.
Some stuff I learnt is he got engaged but the girl cheated on him allegedly because of his porn addiction so now he's addicted to
cheating erotica. His father beat him and kicked him out whenever he talked to his mother, who he says is the
abusive one.
He became unemployed and obese after all of this and apparently his old friends mocked him by saying it looked like he had a genetic condition until he couldn't stand seeing his reflection, stopped going out for weeks, became a neet, etc. He also had a lot of suicidal postseason but I think he's the kind that'd be too scared to commit to anything, forget taking his life.
I know it's not healthy but I really like tracing stuff and finding infos on people.
No. 1178086
>>1178052Sounds much like the dude I'm stalking. All of his posts are about how lonely and sad he is. Can't keep friends, can't keep jobs, even family won't talk to him, all girls cheat on him etc. He's obese and says he feels disgusted when he sees himself in the mirror.
>>1178082I didn't leak his info, I stalked him, sent him some old info he posted to mock him but after I found out more I just got sad. I meant dox as learn irl identity of someone, maybe it was a misuse idk.
No. 1178089
>>1178087Incredibly based. Men shouldn't hurt others and then still blame it onto their
victims when they take their own lives.
No. 1178114
>>1178095He probably did it to be remembered as a
victim instead of a pedo.
No. 1178219
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>>1178095In so proud of you anon. Bullying scrote to suicide is based.
No. 1178244
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>>1178232>not a scrote either Very convincing, scrote!
No. 1178255
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No. 1178266
>>1178238>>1178241I was mainly referring to
>>1178003 I didn't read about the pedo thing.
>>1178244I said that because I knew it would get replies saying I was!! I am not a scrote bitch!! do you want me to post my hand like handanon?
No. 1178290
>>1178266>handanonTrannyhands, is that you? Also, this thread is filled with people who stalk women,
steal their husbands and ruin those women's and children's lives but you only care about the shitty scrotes?
Are you one of those retards who stalk several women and post about it itt?
No. 1178359
>>1178290same, i notice the double standards and how apparent it is how many male lurkers we have here when a anon dares do or say something to a scrote.
This whole thread is mostly anons talking about stalking and harassing other women but there is some outlier posts where a women does something similar to a man and now suddenly you have all these anons telling her to kill herself and that she is a terrible person, where was this same outrage for pickme anons shitting on women…oh i know why.
No. 1178633
>>1178468Tell me more
No. 1178812
>>1178802>>1178805i posted this before i saw the raid you moron and most anons sage in this thread due to the nature of the thread .
>>1178809stop being schizo.
No. 1178822
>>1178817Having a crush isn't wrong but your obsession makes me think you might have a mental disorder. I'm similar you and I've had obsession get me in trouble.
>>1178812Read the rules before minimodding, stfu.
No. 1179549
>>1178841I've been resisting the urge lol, probably won't though. Don't need that monkey on my back. Maybe one for general love/attraction not directed to him specifically.
>>1178822What kind of mental disorder? I'm not obsessed obsessed but I do look out the window when I know he comes home from work, but that's kind of it. I think about him a lot though and his mom always says hi to me kek.
No. 1179632
>>1179609Perhaps, but I have a big habit of falling in love very easily (he's not the first one kek). Plus I'm religious and when I mentioned it, I've never seen someone look so weirded out and confused lol, don't think that's his thing. He's just a male
terf autist like me who cares for his mom a lot, is passionate, accepting of other viewpoints and he's chill to talk to. I think he's super unattractive but I really like him otherwise. In half a year I will have a new love, no worries. I like being in love, it's such a nice warm feeling ♥
No. 1186038
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Last year, I was stopped for a speeding ticket by the most dashing and handsome policeman I had ever laid my eyes on. Despite the severity of his punishment (about 200 dollars) for driving over the limit in my American White Sedan, he was very kind.
I got to memorize his face and immediately looked him up on on Facebook. To my great joy, his account wasn't private. I learned of his proclivity for lettuce-adjacent meals and gun maintenance. He is single despite being nearly 30. I managed to pinpoint his location from the photos in his album. He likes to hang out at the nearby Walmart the most, he often slacks off there. Despite being shy, I drove there (once again in my white sedan but i didn't drive over the limit this time wink wink, i learned about a mother who was run over by the same model so i didnt want him to think i was the culprit), and I saw him steal a bag of chips from the walmart aisle which I found totally adorable. I am in love with him, how should i approach him? I want a relationship with this man, he consumed all my thoughts
No. 1186057
>>1186038lol anon stop it!!! It's fun to day dream about someone but the illusion will quickly die once you get to actually know the individual.
Good luck on your journey.
No. 1186220
>>1186038COPS au
tw for hit and run, implied violence
No. 1186398
>>1186038I hope you get everything you want
nonnie, only good things
No. 1187884
Nonnies, I don't know what to do. I've always obsessed over girls I've known as early as seventh grade.
I'm currently obsessed with this they/them freak who is in a Discord server I'm in. Thing is, she basically never pays attention to me, and I don't think she actually likes me at all. I spend most of my time despising her and then when she shows me a shred of attention I basically perk up like a dog whose owner just came home. It's fucking depressing. I literally cut myself out of frustration the other day because I just want her to be my friend. I don't even want to date her! It's pathetic how I can't even manage a friendship. Every time she shows attention towards someone else I just have to close Discord. I always get this sinking feeling in my stomach and tightness in my throat. I can't help but overanalyze every action she makes and monitor when she comes online and when she logs off. I get so angry that I just wish she would kill herself. She has a really rough childhood and went through a lot of trauma and sometimes trauma dumps in the Discord, so part of me hopes one day she will go through with it. I know she probably doesn't deserve it but I can't stand it.
My earliest and longest obsession started in 7th grade and lasted until 11th grade. There was this girl who I went to school with, but she eventually switched out. I followed her on Insta because we knew each other and we were friendly. I have a habit of deleting social media, so I kept re-making accounts just to lurk and follow her (she probably knew it was some weirdo since I had 0 posts and 0 followers and was a private account). I followed a bunch of other people to look more normal but idk. I used to save all of her photos and I think I still have them on a thumbdrive. I still think about her sometimes, and honestly I've fantasized about her, but I don't do that anymore.
I know it's weird but I just get so hyperfocused on people and then obsess and daydream about them. Yes, I'm unhinged. No, I don't know how to stop. Not sure I care much anymore anyway. It's not like I have plans to hurt anyone. I always just take it out on myself.
No. 1188086
>>1187989Nah, if
nonnie's cutting herself over a they/them on discord, what she needs is therapy rather than some girl who'll have to deal with (and I'm saying it as nicely as possible) her unhingedass.
No. 1188167
>>1187950I know this is a meme, but no, I definitely don't love her. I have thought about what being in a relationship with her would be like, but that's only because she's the only other lesbian I've met recently.
>>1187989I would love to but I can't subject anyone to that. Plus, I'm terrified of intimacy. I can't really win, either way. I want to work on myself more before putting myself out there which is probably why I'm sitting behind a computer screen obsessing over people and fantasizing about the relationships I could have with them.
>>1188086I don't take offense. I know I deserve that much and more, really.
>>1188091I won't lie and say that I haven't considered the possibility, but I never saw my behavior as bad enough to get help. It's not like I'm telling people directly to fuck off and die. I'm not threatening suicide or anything. I just keep it all bottled up. But seeing the responses is putting things into perspective for me. I don't have money for therapy regardless, so I guess it doesn't matter. I think I just need to isolate myself again. It's the best chance I have at managing symptoms until I am able to get proper support.
>>1188131Thank you nona! I hate to be emotional but this really made me cry. I don't have great support systems in my life due to a lack of close friends and parents who don't really believe in mental illness. This means a lot to me to hear. I want to leave the server since it does feel like there is a clear dynamic going on that I'm not really a part of no matter how hard I try (it's a smallish group) so I'm not getting much out of it. I did meet one cool person so I might stay in touch with her. But I definitely want to avoid participating. I went a week without interacting or opening the server and it was the most sane I felt in a while.
I do need to work on my self-esteem but it's hard since my mental health has been shit for so long that it doesn't even feel like I deserve to feel "normal." I'm still going to try and work on it this summer. I know I'll feel better for it so I think it'll be worth it even if I can't see much of a point at first.
No. 1191130
>>1188167You can do DBT (therapy for BPD) on yourself. It's helpful even if you don't have BPD but you have difficulty managing your emotions and interpersonal relationships. Even just doing mindfulness (it's a big part of DBT) can really help. What that other anon said about self-esteem is really important too, you're probably not going to commit to really doing DBT or anything else to help yourself if you don't care about yourself. For me it really helped to figure out stuff I was really interested in and pick up a skill in those areas that I could continually get better at. I'm not really a social person so that's a big part of how I improved my self esteem. I hope you find something that helps you
nonnie. No. 1213813
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>>1213785I hate that i share this earth with you. But i know that you are like picrel. And that puts my heart at peace.
No. 1213928
>Talks about an actual narc I once knew>Gets accused of being a narc. Yeah ok. And for what it's worth I haven't thought about this girl in years. She just crossed my mind one day. Why are you getting on your high horse considering the thread and website we're on?
No. 1231162
I've stalked some random girl on insta and even got into a small group of others that were obsessed with her. I think to this day she still has no idea what was going on. I've always been a stalker, I just love finding "new" information of people. I feel like everyone in real life is boring. Especially on instagram I get this high when I find someone who overshares and is still a small account (she has like 10k followers on instagram but "only" around 100 likes on pictures).
It all started one summer when I saw her commenting on this small YouTuber's insta pics all the time. He replied so I figured they were friends and I followed her. She made a livestream and talked about how she got expelled from school for being critical of islam. It was so interesting and I have not been exposed to people who were brave enough to do criticize islam openly so I was sold. I got a notification whenever she did a livestream which was daily, sometimes multiple times a day.
I had a bad phase in life where I was neither in school nor had a job so I had time to watch her livestreams regularly. And I did. I started getting to know the other people that regularly watched her through commenting on her streams (usually it was around 20 people who were watching). I developed an obsession with her. She spoke things I have always been afraid to speak. She was the first radfem I ever met. She critizied islam and troons. She was "old school" feminist. She was autistic, had no friends in real life.
Here it gets crazy: so for about 6 months, she was live every night, from around midnight to 6am. The streams were crazy. We were a small group of 20 orbiters that followed her on her private account where she would stream the real shit. She had a therapist she talked on her phone with and she even livestreamed that. She made streams when she was naked in the bath. She started uploading those to a private YouTube channel and whenever she was not live, I listened to those videos to sleep. It was more to summarize, we did games and shit, asked her about most private things and she would answer in detail.
I knew everything about this girl. It took me a while but I found her full name, address, family. All of her old social medias. I private messaged her from time to time. One thing I could never achieve was getting her phone number which she gave to some others. I feel like that was my ultimate goal, to have her number so we could chat.
Anyway. During this time a group of the around 20 live stream watchers formed. She was also in the group. We sent memes, announced whenever she streamed. I got invited to another group of 3 other girls (so we were 4). And those other girls were hardcore obsessed just like me.
We started sharing all the information we had of her. No one ever said it but it was kind of an open secret that we were all obsessed with her. She made us people, who all had shitty lives, feel like we were friends with her because of the intimate streams. We talked on the phone on nights she didn't stream, in anticipation of her next livestream. Despite this, we were all anons with cartoon pfps and no followers. So we had no idea who the other person was "really", except for what we decided to share to the others.
I'm 100% sure at least on of these girls must be on lolcow these days lol. We were all radfems and manhaters too.
Gosh, what a time. It stopped when the girl in question got super depressed and streamed less and less. She also got less private in her streams. Maybe she realized she had multiple stalkers.
This was a couple years ago and I still follow her, sometimes look at her old posts. She doesn't stream at all anymore, only posts a story from time to time and man my heart still races whenever I see she uploaded a story.
No. 1232716
>>1043005Extremely late, but…
Yes, it's her nonna. If you ever want to revisit her blog, I have archived it on wayback machine. It got deleted due to insane spam on it and maybe cause it was linked with the Columbine one.
>>875510>>876218In case those two nonnas are still around - here's the link:*/psychodelicznewizje.wordpress.comYou have to click on months, I don't remember if I had the time to archive every blog post on it's own.
No. 1233666
>>1233297ngl, if someone did to me what you did to her, I would be super distant with them. I genuinely think that the best solution would be to directly explain to her exactly what happened and how you feel now, I think it's probably the only way for things to work in your case! Wishing you good luck
nonnie !
No. 1276409
Not sure if this is the right thread but does anyone know of somewhere where people discuss being obsessed with someone's fake social media personality? And how to get over it? For example, how people obsessed over Caroline Calloway's amazing life in Cambridge, only to eventually realize it was exaggerated and made up. However, the fake life was still incredible and enviable.
I became obsessed with the social media persona of someone many years ago, and though I found out the real (quite pathetic) them a couple of years later, I'm still having trouble getting over the fake version them to this day. The character they created just had this amazing life, almost like a book character. They were the best at everything, had opportunities I didn't, people adored them, and everything just always seem to fall into place for them wherever they went.
They're a personal cow so there aren't even any discussions about them I could hijack to sperg on. I'm sure I can't be the only person who is/has gone through this, though it is likely a pretty newish phenomenon. I know there is this thread and r/Instagramreality, but neither seem to be a place that shares resources about getting over an obsession like this or allows repeated text sperging. I've already stopped visiting their profiles but that doesn't really matter as the fake persona is alive and well in my head and I can't help but think about it daily, especially as I have some goals similar to their life (which I had before I knew of them).
Maybe I should just make a new thread here. Would anyone be interested in that?
No. 1276507
>>1276488Sorry if what I wrote wasn’t clear, I don’t want to sperg specifically about this cow or spend more time thinking about them but discuss how to stop obsessing over someone. It probably would be helpful to post vaguely about my life and how it relates to them but I don’t want to go digging for screencaps about the person or encourage others to do the same. Most of it has long been deleted anyway and just lives on in my head and some no doubt never existed in the first place but was created by me in my own head.
There are tons of resources and some forums for stalking
victims to share their experiences but apart from the odd reddit post here and there, I haven’t been able to find much about getting over obsessions with people, especially non-romantic ones (platonic limerence), and none that relate to being obsessed with someone that essentially doesn’t exist.
Basically I want to discuss tips and techniques with others to stop being like this.
No. 1276519
>>1187140this is me
except he is not my boyfriend ;_;
(emotes) No. 1276645
>>1276638It's not really a matter of self respect anon, it goes deeper than that. Most people here will probably have been brought up with emotionally
abusive relationships with their parents which causes them to latch onto people who seem unavailable or have something they feel they lack themselves.
I've no doubt to an outsider that they must seem entertaining but for us they are quite painful, to the point that emotional pain can become physical pain and impact every art of your life. There aren't many places on the internet (and certainly none in real life) where you can share these types of feelings so been told that someone is laughing at them isn't very nice.
No. 1276948
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>>1276645anon do you know where you are? the tamest thing someone can do in here is laugh at these stories, and some of them are so absurd they're funny, what am I supposed to do then? not laugh at something I found funny?
No. 1279382
I think about him almost everyday, even though I try extremely hard not to. We haven’t talked for about 3-4 years now, but from the very beginning when we met at work, I was magnetically attracted to him. If I had been single, I would have pursued him directly. And I know he felt the same way back. Telepathically, of course. From little cues and subtle things. The way he would look at me, talk to me. I knew the interest was mutual. Then I quit that job. We kept in contact extremely sporadically over like a year or so. It isn’t extremely deep conversation but I still feel the connection. We finally get to a point (sexting and nudes) where I am so confused in my existing relationship, I must have pressured him because he tells me he can’t promise me a relationship. At the time I get angry at him, but now I realize already being in a relationship, that’s a healthy thing. If I had left my current, I would have needed healing time, etc. But I took it the wrong way. Buckled down in my existing relationship, and moved us 3000 miles away from him, and my home town. We then don’t talk for two years.
I reach back out pathetically over Instagram, which sparks it all over again. We have sex one Christmas while I am visiting family. It was supposed to be “the moment”. Where all of this shit climaxes. He could tell me his feelings, or at least show me with his body. But I get too drunk and ruin it. Like black out. I was so nervous… he was/is so perfect to me. I remember him getting fed up with something I said, and him packing my stuff up for me and driving me home. I get no closure and we don’t talk much more after that. In fact it ended with me texting “so we are just going to not talk for another 2 years?” And he said, “I just think we shouldn’t for a while.” He never told me what I said that night that upset him and I wish I knew.
I am still with my partner who I was with in the beginning when I met him. He is now with a someone else and has been for the duration of our “no contact”. I’ve stalked her a bit but it gives me no satisfaction. I can’t blame him for wanting to move on. It must hurt to start having feelings for someone already in a committed longterm relationship. But being obsessed with him STILL hurts me to this day. I’ve looked up his address, ofc all his zodiac shit bc I’m crazy. Basically anything I can get my hands on just to feel close to him. I hate myself for still longing and pining for someone who has ignored me for years now. I know he will never speak to me again but I can’t make this feeling go away. I want to know more about him too but I am so not good at sleuthing I’m scared I’ll give myself away. I wish I knew if he had a secret blog or something about me. But also I bet he hates me.
I can’t get off without picturing his face. I love him.
No. 1296471
>>1188167>>1226891Another update (that no one asked for), as this saga has reached its final conclusion: Apparently the girl I was obsessed with was acting very shady to a lot of the other people in the server and made a lot of people uncomfortable, even people she considered a friend. To be brief, someone who I am still in contact with in the server talked to me about how she essentially pushed everyone away to the point where they decided to abandon that server and make a new one without her. So…she was essentially abandoned by the only people who could stand her due to her own shitty attitude. She could blame it on the mental illness all she wanted, but at the end of the day, her own shitty personality pushed everyone over the edge. Maybe she'll finally realize just how much of a trash person she is!
This also confirms that I was not dreaming up her weird behavior, so I feel vindicated. I always think I'm overthinking relationships with people (and I often do) but I guess I'm not completely off the mark sometimes. And hey, at least I get to keep my friends. Now she has no one.
Also, sidenote, but sometimes you may be jealous of what someone else has, but in reality their life may very well be crumbling around them. Everything online is just for show. Everyone acts happier than they are. It's all bullshit.
Anyway, the obsession with her is over. Here's to hoping the next one won't happen so soon (hopefully at all, but that's unrealistic).
No. 1297131
>>1296610I'm not sure if I'm interpreting what you're saying correctly, but what I mean is that yes, she does have a mental illness, but you can't use it as an excuse like she often did. It's an explanation, sure, but you don't get to trample people and then say "it was my mental illness" afterwards.
>>1296688I'm glad it entertained, at least! And it certainly was! I'll be sure to come back if I think it might be of interest. If I'm suffering, may as well entertain people while doing so.
No. 1297234
>>1297131It's not really an excuse on her part though as it sounds like she has real issues. Mentally sound people don't do these things.
To be clear, I'm not trying to defend whoever this is. I don't think being around people with mental illness is a good idea for anyone if it causes problems for you. I'm glad you were able to drop contact with her and get over your obsession.
I guess the point I want to make is that it's ok to drop contact with someone because of their mental issues alone. You don't need to look for excuses about having a bad personality or specific incidents. I know it's not really socially acceptable to say these things but I wish more people would as I've suffered in the past from trying to do the right thing.
No. 1297284
>>1297131>>1297234Thinking more about this, I also don't like how society refuses to accept how much mental illness can affect someone and make them act poorly. I don't like when these things are seen as personal failings when someone is clearly act in a way that is unhealthy for themselves. When your brain is become "wired" wrongly, it can be physically painful to act against urges telling you to do something, even if you know it is harmful (look at home many people in this thread alone are struggling to stop their obsessions).
Dropping contact with someone unhealthy is a good thing to do but slagging them off about it afterwards is not. You can be upset about what they did but still have sympathy for what they are going through.
No. 1297289
>>1297234>>1297284You know what, this is completely fair. I am being really unsympathetic to her. I mentioned it in a previous post but she does have a lot of trauma so I suppose this is probably why she pushes people away like this. While it's painful to be around her, I suppose it really isn't fair to completely blame her since it's not completely in her control. You make a good point, nona. I'll try to keep this in mind.
>>1297281Honestly this really means a lot to hear! I'm glad someone took something good away from my postings lol. I'm not going to act like it's easy. I still struggle with overthinking, getting weirdly attached, etc. but I am trying to power through. While I am still in contact with some of my friends from that server, I still struggle with things. The only difference is that I do my best to reason myself out of obsessiveness and also step away when I know I need to.
Diving headfirst into hobbies when things begin to feel like they are getting out of hand helps also! It grounds me and reminds me of the positive things in my life. The things I get to actively choose. I don't get to pick my personality, but I do get to pick those things at least. I try to let that define me instead of how I think people perceive me.
I believe in you, nona!
No. 1297554
>>1297289Thanks anon, I'm glad you liked what I said. It's kind of interesting that society has become more sympathetic towards people who are having mental health issues but this all goes out the window when someone is personally affected by the mentally ill person's actions.
Not only is it hypocritical but it makes it difficult for people with mental illness involving others (like a lot of people in this thread) to speak out and get help. BPD women especially suffer from this.
No. 1297853
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>>1297580some of you girls are so truly strange
No. 1301496
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I regularly cyberstalk people that I used to be friends with irl. The more I like someone the more I need to know about them and I'm too autistic to talk to them myself so I resort to being the world's most retarded detective so I can feel like I'm becoming closer to them in my head. It's a guilty pleasure of mine to unearth someone's old social media accounts through feverish Google searching so I can silently observe what they like and the types of people that they follow. I'd like to think that I don't have any bad intentions besides that I just find it really fascinating for some reason. I also regularly have dreams where we're just hanging out again and sometimes I feel like those are better than what would actually happen if we actually reconnected because I'm not sure if we actually have that much in common anymore. I feel bad for the people that I do it to because I mostly do it out of loneliness and boredom I think.
I also used to find random friend groups on niche subsections of Twitter so I could watch them from afar and piece together their weird vague drama posts from their circle(s) over the span of a couple years across multiple accounts to the point that I knew a bunch of weird intimate details about their personal lives that they hinted to on their public timelines (ex. where they live/go to school, family drama) to their small followings (<100) and would check on them several times a week because I was fascinated by how retarded and annoying they were. Eventually a lot of the people that I watched went inactive or private or got their accounts deleted because some of them were also edgelords who were obsessed with suicide baiting people for fun or they became boring so I stopped trying to look for them.
Probably the most normal thing that I do compared to these is regularly cyberstalk artists online that range from either decent but unpopular or fucking suck and are annoying he/they fandom gendies so I hatestalk them, and I'm fascinated by watching them 1. grow and change their craft and style for the better or 2. watch them pathetically try to post their subpar work and get little to no attention for it. There's something addictive about watching these types of people because a lot of them are deeply delusional about their skill level and just end up never developing enough self-awareness to actually try to improve so they just spend years their lives posting ugly shit. There's some sort of satisfaction involved as I also am a hobby artist and I use them as motivation to never stagnate in terms of progress when it comes to my own art because I'd have to kms if I ever ended up like them.
>>1297580I've never done something like this but for some reason a lot of this post resonates with me greatly
No. 1303123
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>>1227429Hurr Hurr I luv him I'm flying to meet him in 12 days
No. 1305765
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>>1305752Not me, sister. Let us laugh at these misguided cretins.
No. 1325800
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currently tracking down the social media contacts of all my ex hs classmates and lurking what they post about. it's not that i have no friends, i do, but the distrust/disassociation i have means i will never fully appreciate tham at the moment. i'd rather stalk people online intensely than trying to keep up friendships with people i eventually get tired of.
No. 1325807
>>1301496anon are u me? you put my post here
>>1325800into better words
No. 1328611
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I am obsessed with gathering info on the scrote who raped my best friend. I have every single one of his email addresses. I know everything about him, I know where he is at almost all times because he added my snapchat sockpuppet and does not know he has maps on. I have his address, phone numbers, workplace, everything. I knew when he began to cheat on his then gf, I know three other girls have also been hurt by him. I know who his dealers are. I know all the bookers that have booked his band, and all the ones that have blacklisted him. I often want leave breadcrumbs about what he has done so people will blacklist him more, but I don't do anything (except constantly getting him banned from tinder) because we live in a country that lets convicted rapists sue victims for slander. I do not want my friend to have to go through all that.
I know its bad that I do this, but I find comfort knowing I have every detail about him and can make sure she never has to be in the same place as him, that I know he is miserable and that at any point I could make his life even more miserable.
No. 1374900
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not sure if this one counts exactly but
>come across the story of a girl who died 20 years ago
>get curious and start to read more and more about her life
>find myself thinking about her often
>actually start crying in class because i started thinking about how short her life was and how undeserving her death was
>look her name up to see if anything new about her has been posted because its like i refuse to believe that someone like her is dead
>start comparing myself to her even though i know it's wrong and only affecting my self esteem in the long run
>find out there's a whole community online of people who try to keep her memory alive and her writings remembered
i'm not as bad as i was when i first found out about her, but i still occasionally find myself sad over it all when i remember how long its been since she's died.
honestly no idea why i'm even so torn up about someone who died before i was born, but i guess i'm just a sensitive person or something, idk