File: 1531662748234.png (564.15 KB, 1280x1299, tumblr_pbnz8yrfHc1qeog7wo1_128…)

No. 268249
Post art you find hideous or bad.
Previous thread
>>208764 No. 268250
File: 1531662868026.jpg (53.5 KB, 900x506, it_ll_never_be_enough__by_merc…)

No. 268251
File: 1531662916525.png (116.53 KB, 988x809, mushroom_and_girl_2_by_k45mm-d…)

No. 268257
File: 1531663541917.png (Spoiler Image,399.56 KB, 1000x1311, tumblr_pbw2l4SWEP1wk1ozfo1_128…)

I can't tell if she's supposed to have stretch marks or she's pissing everywhere.
No. 268264
File: 1531664508655.png (175.18 KB, 682x565, tumblr ss.png)

I can't decide which is worse.
No. 268294
File: 1531671849891.jpg (64.83 KB, 768x1024, ef155d276e40d79a61000015142247…)

No. 268295
File: 1531671967135.jpg (158.61 KB, 1024x976, 8c143083dc8ca74df0be89bdc36b0f…)

No. 268298
File: 1531672893207.gif (99.08 KB, 540x783, tumblr_pbwmr6BpGe1r9wcguo1_540…)

Ruby x Sapphire. To quote the artist: "lil lesbeans gems"
No. 268321
File: 1531677245796.png (455.17 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mveqpzE9LV1rgmtf9o6_128…)

>>268318she's clearly supposed to be black and she's voiced by a black woman.
>Do people assign human races to the other castyes, frequently.
No. 268376
File: 1531687111247.jpg (151.08 KB, 650x806, tumblr_p6a6slZbNh1qfgpjoo1_128…)

No. 268378
File: 1531687474493.png (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 1144x1280, tumblr_pbmqm7HrgU1vd8erto1_128…)

No. 268420
>>268249What's so bad about this one?
I miss when these threads were full of bad SJW art, now it's just mediocre fanart and 12 year olds OCs.
No. 268425
>>268420agreed, the last half of the last thread was just vendetta posting or drawings that were obviously done by kids or beginners, and now this thread is already off to a poor start. I miss the actual shitty Tumblr art, like rcdart-levels bad.
bad art is usually people who actually have basic skill and fundamentals but still choose to draw shitty, unappealing or pandering art. it's not people who are obviously still learning.
No. 268561
File: 1531720002694.png (Spoiler Image,491.17 KB, 513x598, Screenshot 2018-07-15 at 10.46…)

i found a gold mine in Instagram body positive art
No. 268717
File: 1531753163222.gif (Spoiler Image,78.36 KB, 185x517, 40_medium.gif)

It hurts to look at
No. 268913
File: 1531831095527.jpg (143.76 KB, 524x810, tumblr_oqh00eYFfo1rcfy8ao1_540…)

I guess this isn't bad overall but their faces, especially their mouths, are really bugging me and they look really off.
No. 268949
File: 1531840335009.png (12.36 KB, 300x168, 93EEE40D-D1C4-4DFD-85D6-A50BDB…)

Isn’t this the bad art thread?
No. 268961
File: 1531843599758.png (127.04 KB, 515x686, 20180718_013414.png)

No. 268989
>>268437Anon wtf, how could a "western" inspired artist be automatically sjw
>>268913Next thread please call it nitpicking shit: vendetta chan edition
Till now the only bad/hideous art posted has been
>>268257>>268717>>268561>>268378>>268264 No. 269040
since you guys can't tell the difference between objectively bad art and amateurs or nitpicking, go look at the first thread. it was probably the last time anyone actually posted mostly bad art. has tons of examples of shitty sjw art.
>>269007what are you even talking about
No. 269083
File: 1531872625365.png (180.98 KB, 540x837, c31da73d-2d8a-4bc3-859c-f4ceb6…)

No. 269140
File: 1531903781387.jpg (Spoiler Image,604.85 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_pc1guleksX1xwcl6xo1_128…)

No. 269151
File: 1531906762914.png (1.7 MB, 1280x1214, a204b65f-0644-4721-9fdf-0ef2b7…)

No. 269152
File: 1531906815545.png (444.45 KB, 1280x1390, 9566a7d8-3c43-47de-a613-abbf00…)

No. 269155
File: 1531907265264.jpg (89.05 KB, 1080x1079, tumblr_pc12qbRFom1wjknmko1_128…)

No. 269183
File: 1531917622602.png (104.56 KB, 400x440, 8F260A2F-8853-4177-8D5D-393FF6…)

No. 269191
>>269151Does she have 2 sets of hair?
>>269183Wow this is terrible
No. 269193
File: 1531920777912.png (Spoiler Image,161.68 KB, 500x338, tumblr_o1fnq8RgY61r1uasro1_500…)

No. 269194
File: 1531923007501.png (424.59 KB, 1280x736, 1452533476470.png)

I thought the melon was photoshopped
No. 269308
File: 1531942130862.jpg (129.59 KB, 800x600, Shadow_Finds_Salvation.jpg)

No. 269309
File: 1531942165407.jpg (60.25 KB, 414x603, a642e3410a3db24ce343511361659b…)

No. 269310
File: 1531942188364.jpg (169 KB, 640x471, tumblr_m97vdd2qAd1qiyf4wo1_128…)

No. 269581
File: 1531992855328.jpg (1.52 MB, 2500x1767, sonicsuperarmsproject__mei__de…)

No. 269596
File: 1531997516880.png (449.59 KB, 936x623, tumblr_pb7rykSfKS1u2hzxbo1_128…)

>>269197According to SJW she is
No. 269657
File: 1532011164566.png (340.42 KB, 1280x1151, a926430b-deed-4528-a6b5-9769e6…)

No. 269658
File: 1532011185129.jpg (236.35 KB, 960x1920, 9f4c0c39-ae91-46c4-9a38-c56e96…)

No. 269659
File: 1532011337782.jpg (294.8 KB, 1023x1019, 20180719_174137.jpg)

No. 269679
File: 1532012639234.png (32.61 KB, 241x275, 1532006109291.png)

Repost from /snow/
No. 269759
File: 1532026270699.png (285.85 KB, 540x597, tumblr_oc6wuq26Ez1rmeq00o1_540…)

All these drawings look the same, you can't tell the difference between most artists
No. 269766
>>269759that's always so ironic to me
>be tumblrina>like anime but constantly be triggered by sameface, skinny etc. characters >draw anime girls in your own uwu style>everyone else does exactly the same thing>become part of a sea of artists drawing boring stumpy or lanky unattractive anime girlsit's like every picture is the same, but in a different way than the originals are.
No. 269775
File: 1532030237401.png (Spoiler Image,1.44 MB, 1008x1174, tumblr_p6ktepShxQ1rwv9y6o1_128…)

No. 270053
File: 1532129481997.jpg (Spoiler Image,273.79 KB, 800x565, 57928939f039dd9e93df2d511e45b0…)

No. 270336
File: 1532197673481.jpg (74.56 KB, 942x1024, IMG_20180721_112312.jpg)

They always do Usagi so dirty.
No. 270621
File: 1532263941394.png (208.91 KB, 640x480, EWreviewer.png)

>>269597Jupiter looks literally like this. Why do people do this
No. 270671
File: 1532277206231.png (Spoiler Image,90.48 KB, 769x600, fcc4c008-fa08-4070-bce6-aef145…)

Trans headcannons, ofc
No. 270716
File: 1532286980455.jpg (60.8 KB, 372x500, tito.jpg)

>>270621As the Ancient Hawaiians used to say…
No. 270721
File: 1532289268647.jpg (147.61 KB, 1299x1276, 1532286631301.jpg)

Crossposting from /co/'s storytime of pain>Heteronormativity, Hatsune Miku, and Me No. 270808
File: 1532309377670.jpg (178.51 KB, 994x803, plus_size_riders_wave_and_crea…)

No. 270809
File: 1532309397553.jpg (97.22 KB, 900x737, plus_size_superhero_by_hot_twi…)

No. 270810
File: 1532309429517.png (395.9 KB, 900x476, ___cheka_s_special_juice_went_…)

Deviant Art is a gem.
No. 270927
File: 1532344241185.png (326.77 KB, 1280x1018, B92aHcc.png)

No. 270928
File: 1532344285586.png (237.57 KB, 784x744, draw_cavalier_again_by_beccade…)

How do you get worse
No. 271113
File: 1532378896843.png (783.62 KB, 1080x1355, 20180723_164614.png)

No. 271127
File: 1532383228507.png (373.04 KB, 924x902, Screen Shot 2018-07-23 at 5.59…)

>>271113I tried, anons, I tried.
No. 271130
File: 1532384739631.png (656.43 KB, 1280x632, tumblr_pa9t1pZQXw1wbp1p8o1_128…)

No. 271154
File: 1532395372418.png (386.47 KB, 960x720, fat__aren__t_they_beautiful__b…)

No. 271155
File: 1532395383490.png (48.58 KB, 651x751, fat__the_swelly_belly_girl_by_…)

No. 271156
File: 1532395413946.jpg (308.91 KB, 638x825,…)

No. 271157
File: 1532395458140.png (87.47 KB, 984x812, commission___the_rivalry_part_…)

No. 271232
File: 1532417338058.png (344.08 KB, 1280x1346, 329.png)

No. 271253
File: 1532425987471.png (Spoiler Image,234.5 KB, 497x497, Untitled-1.png)

No. 271268
File: 1532433249119.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.64 KB, 684x1000, 1532276666721.jpg)

tfw you have 6 fingers
No. 271295
File: 1532444007929.jpg (633.57 KB, 1051x1592, Screenshot_20180724-105139.jpg)

"Serial killer fanart"
Haha what the fuck?
No. 271299
>>271268Overall pretty pleasing but yeah, you can't just add an extra finger, and the kness look too thin for her hips/thighs
otherwise a really nice drawing
No. 271314
File: 1532454437517.jpg (285.18 KB, 1024x887, Amino.jpg)

oc donut steel
No. 271415
File: 1532475320869.png (641.11 KB, 590x900, 70136b56-2b84-4b68-a4a8-f2e954…)

This drawing makes me literally afraid
No. 271420
File: 1532475860264.jpg (48.17 KB, 671x1024, b553b0b328c06b9b2892d5ce985879…)

No. 271424
File: 1532476796588.jpg (271.7 KB, 1200x1000, IMG_2342.JPG)

Imagine being 24 and still drawing like this.
Or better yet, asking for money for it. "dm me for comms" kek
No. 271436
File: 1532477847446.jpg (212.07 KB, 683x1171, 2011_2015_improvement_meme_by_…)

>>271424Maybe they started late? There are plenty of artists who didn't start young, but still improved (for example, serafleur)
No. 271684
File: 1532523833239.jpeg (173.92 KB, 728x1031, 792BBFFE-BB23-430F-9B34-7E4580…)

No. 271686
File: 1532523870029.jpeg (198.11 KB, 746x1022, F37D8854-1156-49C3-9B5D-885C54…)

>>271685Progressed from this
No. 271687
File: 1532523895355.jpeg (239.49 KB, 750x1136, 39F646F0-3A4F-4B54-8168-EB1217…)

>>271685She tries to sell all this art and gets salty for people not buying it
No. 271827
File: 1532549545937.png (770.87 KB, 1080x1354, 20180725_151148.png)

>>271127Here's a much better fix.
No. 272209
File: 1532623019936.png (2.02 MB, 1280x891, tumblr_p6nyk18vBL1vvckxqo1_128…)

No. 272210
File: 1532623321676.png (Spoiler Image,460.61 KB, 986x855, tumblr_pa2gs2qm5J1xp3p32o1_128…)

No. 272324
File: 1532644583548.jpg (46.3 KB, 500x673,

It was a commission. Someone paid for this.
No. 273083
File: 1532782999152.png (195.43 KB, 1280x1070, tumblr_oe2n4pZjN11tfn9fuo1_128…)

No. 273087
File: 1532783396168.png (51.4 KB, 537x327, Screen Shot 2016-09-26 at 12.1…)

>>273083Wise words from the artist xerself
No. 273174
>>273089>trans girl okuyasuIf this person made Okuyasu a cis female, everyone on tumblr would freak out about how they would be "erasing the identity of a gay couple", but if it's a trans girl it's fine?
But wouldn't pointing out the difference mean that they're separating trans women from real women? Tumblr logic doesn't make any sense.
No. 273358
File: 1532859836056.jpg (40.65 KB, 405x720, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

No. 273359
File: 1532859985335.jpg (53.92 KB, 720x720, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

From a different artist. They all draw the same lol
No. 273361
File: 1532860451918.jpg (42.34 KB, 720x644, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

She's in art school
No. 273805
File: 1532940540080.png (259.38 KB, 540x621, tumblr_p534vmCmQZ1wnriayo1_540…)

No. 274021
File: 1532987428082.png (137.46 KB, 500x357, tumblr_pbzu6aZVLr1ql3f7go1_500…)

Borderline uncanny valley
No. 274209
File: 1533008225542.png (174.92 KB, 570x787, im fucking speechless.png)

someone's trying to sell this for fourteen dollars.
No. 274265
>>274209I like it.
It reminds me of the style used in this video: anyone knows the name of this style, please tell me.
No. 274388
File: 1533066102415.jpeg (92.12 KB, 640x501, 6A7D6453-D673-499E-A9AB-ABAAF7…)

No. 274389
File: 1533066119672.jpeg (63.13 KB, 640x439, 7B9F4847-EE71-4A53-B156-115EE9…)

No. 274390
File: 1533066134354.jpeg (109.58 KB, 640x493, D19466E0-3C12-4B03-9BB3-727C8A…)

No. 274429
File: 1533071874345.jpg (236.04 KB, 600x800, 7bba64896450.jpg)

Vintage bad art
No. 274495
File: 1533084589562.jpg (337.05 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_ok7u1uoUMj1sbq25yo1_128…)

No. 274497
File: 1533084624761.jpeg (34.9 KB, 220x275, 1523980834082.jpeg)

No. 274498
File: 1533084647972.png (240.26 KB, 500x600, 89ac42609ac9e6c5d18b0b9ba0ac73…)

It's supposed to be RM.
No. 274501
File: 1533084863430.jpg (121.62 KB, 1280x1647, tumblr_p7rwwjjKmK1w1a4gdo1_128…)

No. 274503
File: 1533084922916.jpg (204.93 KB, 1252x1280, tumblr_ow0r5fOZLG1v22jz0o2_128…)

No. 274504
File: 1533085308723.png (359.48 KB, 659x656, H8vSbnh.png)

artist charges $65 for full char body comms lmaooooooooooo
No. 274524
File: 1533093782554.png (448.68 KB, 700x700, 53489B68-82BA-43EF-9508-319B07…)

The artist may have some skill but the stylization choices are horrible.
No. 274541
>>274498Hmm I lowkey kinda dig the style-
What kills it is the fact its suppose to RM and that looks virtually nothing like him.
No. 274650
File: 1533130478418.jpg (137.45 KB, 894x894, bad art.jpg)

No. 274660
>>269955looks like wig0nhead kek
>>274209I like it in an ironic sort of way
No. 274665
File: 1533133114032.jpeg (18.21 KB, 189x266, BB2D145F-1493-4C45-8995-576C20…)

>>274495All I can think of when I see this nightmare face
>sage for samefag No. 274706
File: 1533137909244.png (206.01 KB, 520x710, tumblr_pcr5u9rnkM1uqojspo1_540…)

To be or not to be… a troll?
No. 274729
File: 1533142349676.jpg (106.61 KB, 894x894, boruto_fan_art_by_pikachuprinc…)

No. 274794
>>274706oh no, this has to be a joke what the hell
>>274524i kind of like everything except connors face. he looks like an abused russet potato
No. 275052
File: 1533184261598.jpg (Spoiler Image,576.13 KB, 1049x1086, Screenshot_20180802-003003.jpg)

No. 275053
File: 1533184461376.jpg (Spoiler Image,277.71 KB, 1044x1079, Screenshot_20180802-003258.jpg)

>>275052Spoilered for foot fetish(?)
The source doesn't explicitly state that it's foot stuff but it looks like it to me.
No. 275124
File: 1533199087638.jpg (Spoiler Image,928.67 KB, 2477x3302, IMG_2204.JPG)

No. 275189
File: 1533209583240.jpeg (203.7 KB, 640x615, E76CC430-E7D1-45DD-AEE3-870DCF…)

No. 275248
File: 1533222948136.png (180.99 KB, 195x433, Untitled.png)

No. 276219
File: 1533412727905.png (44.81 KB, 400x592, lapis returns from prison.png)

No. 276294
File: 1533421090361.jpg (123.14 KB, 800x1200, 946ae9828ea8c8a8071f66135dc599…)

>>274498 Are you sure its not supposed to be j-hope?
No. 276365
File: 1533433273059.jpg (121.32 KB, 774x1032, mumkashi_sensei_by_ec_kabungbu…)

No. 276369
File: 1533434795060.png (333.34 KB, 1024x998, rule_63_mumkey_jones_by_blakku…)

No. 276722
File: 1533529381665.jpg (376.15 KB, 750x650, hgds.jpg)

No. 276974
File: 1533602250474.png (807.37 KB, 596x597, Screenshot 2018-08-06 at 5.36.…)

No. 276983
File: 1533604083964.png (156.49 KB, 800x510, PsYV4OK.png)

No. 277000
File: 1533606606055.jpg (286.81 KB, 1500x2400, Mojuicy-TLC-1500px.jpg)

>>274209It's the same art style from Chobbits but with Down's
No. 277002
File: 1533607069100.png (444.41 KB, 700x800, tumblr_static_1shh9a2tv7c0kocg…)

No. 277126
File: 1533641055161.jpg (80.32 KB, 779x1024, doggo_bvrao2_by_bronyhands-dcc…)

No. 277130
>>277002I like their hips lol. What pronouns do they use?
>>277126That's a good reaction image
No. 277194
File: 1533653106867.png (76.82 KB, 493x750, tumblr_pc8bagLGpi1uj9qyzo1_500…)

No. 277248
File: 1533659046941.png (150.56 KB, 640x1032, IMG_2881.PNG)

>>277199Straight up before I read the text I thought this was that 'catch me outside' Bregoli teen, lost my shit kek
No. 277298
File: 1533666353384.png (112.51 KB, 894x894, dhdhdfhdfh_by_rosataciti-d9lxm…)

No. 277376
File: 1533673740464.gif (1.29 MB, 500x276, tamra-judge-vicki-gunvalson-ap…)

>>277264a lot of it is techincally fine and the proportions are good but the content is cringe. imo that doesnt belong here. i think the ideal pics for this thread have at least 2 of
-bad anatomy/proportions
-poor skill for age (no obvious kids art)
-cringe content
-ugly looking style choice
so something like
>>277000 is PERFECT.
a lot of pics here only fit one of those criteria so it's a lot more subjective
No. 277599
File: 1533716547796.jpeg (231.99 KB, 750x1334, 7D109E41-EC6C-434F-8A20-F9EEFB…)

Everything is wrong with this
No. 277881
File: 1533755847167.jpg (43.44 KB, 500x556, tumblr_onpj4ps4771vncor5o1_500…)

No. 277884
File: 1533756972228.jpg (220.28 KB, 1024x699, scan1_by_inkoink-dcjl30f.jpg)

theres so much wrong with this
No. 277895
File: 1533758795356.jpg (56.99 KB, 654x1024, 4f813fc8070d9ef63e0a029e4189bc…)

Glad you guys liked the trans art cringe. Here's some more.
No. 277913
File: 1533760969167.jpeg (Spoiler Image,990.89 KB, 1100x1574, 9DD694B8-0117-4686-BA48-91E1E7…)

I know shadman is cheating but
No. 277949
File: 1533768306332.png (442.93 KB, 728x551, a81.png)

classical yaoi hands
No. 278173
File: 1533827687783.jpg (151.97 KB, 784x1018, tiny_might_deku__by_bludoe63-d…)

No. 278201
>>278173Hoooly fuck that face, r.i.p my sides kek. The shading is actually alright imo, but that face…
>>278149Sangwoo's neck looks broken and jesus fuck his waist is too small
No. 278233
File: 1533840409863.png (Spoiler Image,498.56 KB, 484x581, Screenshot 2018-08-09 at 11.44…)

can't believe no one has posted this gem
No. 278242
>>278233Who are they
Also ~yaoiz uwu~
No. 278656
File: 1533924388801.png (1.55 MB, 1280x1318, tumblr_ort3srZWTH1uej223o1_128…)

No. 278743
File: 1533941689601.jpg (125.08 KB, 600x647, chubby_colette_by_cloud_oort.j…)

No. 278746
File: 1533942134153.jpeg (9.24 KB, 225x225, download.jpeg)

No. 278747
File: 1533942524171.png (157.17 KB, 500x387, tumblr_ow2awoHQ7r1tyuxc7o1_500…)

No. 278778
File: 1533949924113.png (96.77 KB, 887x901, _precious_poc_uwu_by_showa_syl…)

No. 278831
File: 1533961639641.jpg (276.4 KB, 1280x1001, eww.jpg)

No. 278930
File: 1533984823046.png (1.07 MB, 1600x1800, flight.png)

No. 279223
File: 1534027793576.jpg (279.24 KB, 1200x1107, DKhHmltVYAA8CAt.jpg)

No. 279226
File: 1534028219123.jpg (328.02 KB, 3167x2247, untitled_1_by_brensey-d8oqgrd.…)

No. 279238
File: 1534032261112.png (736.71 KB, 1280x1463, tumblr_pc8ouqKUl11vuedf9o1_128…)

No. 279249
File: 1534034597312.png (447.85 KB, 1280x1279, Blank _b2c3bec5d3c051b36ab602b…)

No. 279255
File: 1534035109374.jpg (67.42 KB, 595x608, Dunno bout you fags but this m…)

No. 279279
File: 1534046117932.png (103.65 KB, 702x561, distribution-of-skin-color.png)

>>279259they certainly do but they're
usually from SEA, god forbid japanese artists design japanese characters that reflect the majority skintone of japanese people.
No. 279290
File: 1534049099766.jpg (59.6 KB, 621x960, urarakawhat.jpg)

This person makes prints apparently. Yikes.
No. 279466
File: 1534100455655.jpg (408.53 KB, 1080x1920, 499a0d49-cd17-4ebc-907d-3164b9…)

No. 279537
File: 1534112798254.png (348.69 KB, 752x1063, aiko_ref_by_ane_chan248-dcgazi…)

No. 279849
File: 1534183736339.jpg (121.4 KB, 1024x662, ___unexpected_visitor____by_sh…)

No. 280000
File: 1534211626739.jpg (48.86 KB, 640x360, tumblr_static_tumblr_static_87…)

No. 280573
File: 1534333344060.jpg (64.89 KB, 607x720, painting-2787424_960_720.jpg)

No. 280720
>>280577I have something just for you>>280573Wtf the hair looks so pretty
No. 281382
File: 1534462478660.png (354.41 KB, 1024x643, before_and_after_meme_by_cinna…)

No. 281481
>>281476cmon this is not amazing but certainly not worthy of this thread
>>281477so we should flood this thread with scribbles from DA?
No. 281696
>>281476>>281481look up in the thread way earlier, it's full of stuff like this. just because it isn't a tumblr tier dumpster fire doesn't mean it's "not that bad". any of us could draw better than
>>281476 while drunk.
No. 281859
File: 1534555083621.png (207.46 KB, 900x783, cinder_hall__just_an_average_n…)

>>281476more from this artist
No. 281862
File: 1534556010809.jpg (156.15 KB, 1242x936, vg0birpc6nnz.jpg)

No. 281863
File: 1534556112388.jpeg (16.79 KB, 271x186, download.jpeg)

No. 281864
File: 1534556223355.png (132.65 KB, 713x1120, contemporary_dragons__zak_and_…)

No. 281918
File: 1534573048748.png (176.92 KB, 540x717, 7FFAC225-22F4-4CD5-BD74-58BB95…)

>>278826The weird thing about this artist is that they can also do relatively normal art and then BAM sudden Tumblr bullshit. Their style gives me whiplash.
No. 281996
File: 1534608426358.png (211.17 KB, 462x810, tumblr_pdbq3sAByZ1vloirso1_540…)

i think i gasped when i saw this
No. 282118
File: 1534628354526.jpg (534.88 KB, 1076x820, 2018-08-18 14.38.07.jpg)

No. 282673
File: 1534671364496.jpg (47.06 KB, 640x320, bFzUG6x.jpg)

>>281864>>281996I can't stop laughing. More of these please.
>>279223Is this the same artist who drew the "ugly Doki Doki Literature Club" fanart? It looks like it. It's been posted before I'm fairly certain, but it's pic related.
No. 283714
File: 1534868957281.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2018-08-21-09-24-37…)

i thought this was a child's art
No. 283723
File: 1534869857306.png (178.55 KB, 500x560, tumblr_ovf8icwFKN1tpelqio1_500…)

No. 283730
File: 1534870980726.png (48.79 KB, 275x126, 1453521136391.png)

No. 283735
>>281862lmfao i like how he writes
>furry, taking japanese lesson in the same sentence, likes "I am an incel and yes It's a work in progress"
No. 283823
File: 1534887041376.png (291.32 KB, 480x608, crooked ass stroke having ass …)

I can't fucking do it anymore, y'all.
I can't fucking keep pretending Babs' art is good when she's pumping out crooked-ass-eyed sameface material
at some point she was good, and I love MotorCrush, but GOD. DAMN. I CANNOT ANYMORE.
No. 283838
File: 1534891447496.jpg (1.2 MB, 2480x3508, IMG_0356.JPG)

>>28382330 second fix. I even kept the eyebrow raised
No. 284131
File: 1534960779099.jpg (79.72 KB, 936x1200, DlItLsZUwAUvGYu.jpg)

so long as there are boobs, fanboys won't see a problem here
No. 284168
File: 1534968636538.jpeg (377.61 KB, 1217x1920, 96632AAB-0C8A-4542-8C8E-C36E64…)

No. 284180
File: 1534971158083.png (386.19 KB, 512x724, Yorimitsu4.png)

>>284131OG Raikou is bad art to begin with, but wtf with those feet?
No. 284271
File: 1534987470323.png (66.84 KB, 901x887, yikes.png)

No. 284490
File: 1535040024455.png (219.92 KB, 1280x1115, 0.png)

No. 284599
File: 1535062873214.jpeg (219.65 KB, 640x680, FF5AA90D-50D8-48A9-9C9B-1899E3…)

I hate this weirdly fetishy toothy style to begin with but this doesn’t look anything like him. Am I just being weird? I feel like these kinds of artists only care because of their Lazy Town yaoi.
No. 284644
>>284599It isn’t terrible, but his face is so generic that the only thing that reveals who he’s supposed to be is his outfit. I agree with you about the teeth anon; a lot of tumblr artists draw the same mouth/teeth and it makes their art indistinguishable from each other.
Also why does he have bedroom eyes?? Lmao
No. 284727
>>284490Compared to all the other drawings you posted… this isn't that bad aside from the hunchback. I really like most of the color style used here
>>284271Looks like a kid's art..?
>>284131I have a feeling this is one of those things that I'm going to randomly think about a lot.
>>284168Who are these people? Left looks like some unholy fusion of Markiplier and Jacksepticeye
No. 284804
File: 1535121470733.jpg (Spoiler Image,669.26 KB, 860x1214, 68048654_p0.jpg)

Not bad art per se, but can anybody explain to me what pose she's in?
No. 284830
File: 1535123996250.png (500.58 KB, 475x562, cotton.png)

>>284804it's like the artist really liked that sunflower background and cut her off below the knees.
No. 284947
File: 1535137454082.png (33.15 KB, 332x374, Screenshot 2018-08-03 at 1.39.…)

The colours aren't terrible, but this girl's been drawing for like 5 years. Some of her older shit is pretty good.
No. 284949
File: 1535137558071.png (47.14 KB, 480x360, icon.png)

A case of "gradient abuse." I don't even know where these originated from; I'll let u know when I find the source material.
No. 284959
File: 1535138029087.jpg (98.64 KB, 1330x998, shug.jpg) shit kek
that poor cat looks like it was never developed properly
and the rubber duck isn't THAT bad, but I mean, if you're taking digital art classes,there's no way your art should look that shite.
No. 285131
>>284131>>284180>>284804Can i just say this:
Bad SJW/MS Paint/DA Atrocities < Pixiv art with Terrible anatomy.
Honestly I find the more better rendered, yet horrible anatomy more fun to pick at. Rather than the regular old bad art with shitty shading/anatomy/ect
What do you guys think?
No. 285133
File: 1535171075832.jpg (81.61 KB, 700x1078, f99b3571395d1ebb522bf8932bc023…)

Sorry for double post but shit like this kills me. The shit than horny weeb fanboys defend as "good art" have horrible mistakes like this.
No. 285136
>>285131Same, mostly because they're so much better skilled and should hypothetically know better, but their dick or shit taste gets in the way.
>>284180 is like peak poor taste but great skill. His banana tits scare the shit out of me.
No. 285483
File: 1535250916548.jpg (86.67 KB, 621x900, 7760ae516722583d0874dc43277b04…)

No. 285488
File: 1535251778516.png (1009.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180825-223733.png)

You have a wierd, flat "style"? Fine. You want make odd character twists? Whatever, I'm not pressed. Maybe just try do it well though. Characters are Edward Elric and Ling Yao from FMA, btw.
No. 285491
>>285131agreed 1000000%
I'm so sick of seeing horny weebs bitching about 'le calarts style' (see current high guardian spice twitter shitstorm) but then in the same breath praise this 'art' with equally horrible anatomy because muh dick. So hypocritical, it really shows they don't care about proper anatomy/style/technique, only that their dicks are pandered to enough.
Also tangent but you would think
porn art, of all things, would want to realistically represent the female form lmao
No. 285492
>>285491Oddly enough, I've noticed porn drawn by women is more true to the female form.
And tbh male artists in the past portrayed nude women beautifully. Hentai and isolation from women ruined everything.
No. 285496
File: 1535255835951.jpg (16.29 KB, 250x372, th_tumblr_n1x8pfnGqt1qdhfhho1_…)

>>285492agreed on this as well.
it makes sense that female artists understand what womens bodies look like.
I wish there was more beautiful erotica like pic related. hentai is just disparate lumps slapped onto a stalk.
No. 285498
>>285131I agree. I also like when otherwise pretty good artists fuck up in a major amateur hour sort of way. But that could just be me nitpicking.
Either way, for me bad anime anatomy with decent rendering > bad SJW art >>>>>>>>>> bad Deviantart stuff that is obviously done by some 12 year old.
No. 285862
File: 1535355945626.png (298.72 KB, 482x705, legbear.png)

>>285488holy shit ling has no crotch. just legs.
No. 285865
>>285131This. I'd much rather look at something aesthetically pleasing and interesting like
>>284131 with its awful anatomy than
>>277298 that's doing its damnest to be as ugly as possible. ITT we have a ton of pissed off art students that are bitter at anime pixiv artists for being more popular than they are like this one right here
No. 285866
File: 1535357407463.jpg (78.32 KB, 720x720, age.jpg)

>>285861Here's a bigger version of her meet the artist, she's 20
No. 285880
File: 1535361192512.jpg (194.48 KB, 1200x1018, Q7JZrBm.jpg)

>>285865Did you even read the post you're replying to? They're saying they think it's more enjoyable to poke fun at highly skilled, professional artists making mistakes or weird choices. And it sort of gets old to see the same "16 year old just got their first Wacom Bamboo tablet and is applying their first foray into politics heavy handedly" shit posted.
And we all love polished looking shit, which is why nicely rendered but broken anatomy is well-accepted. No one's arguing that the SJW art has more artistic sensibility or appeal than the anime art being posted.
Weirdly SFW fetish art is the best sort of art to have a chuckle over, imo, pic related.
No. 285923
File: 1535375857349.jpg (581.62 KB, 1071x1664, 2018-08-27 06.16.38.jpg)

>>285483bitch has rocks in her stomach
>>285861>>285866yup, and she's most likely 21 now. i know some people start late so that may be the case here, but she looks like she's never done an art study in her life.
pic is apparently older than late 2015 and i see no improvement in her current art whatsoever
No. 286380
File: 1535434330866.png (1.12 MB, 1044x952, tumblr_comic.png)

i hate this fugly comic so much
No. 286388
File: 1535435101318.png (3.61 MB, 1280x5219, eafsg.png)

No. 286401
>>284168The fact that I knew what this was supposed to be immediately disgusts me.
>>286392Not bad imo.
No. 286472
>>286392I literally don't see a problem with this one. Sure, Stephanie looks kind of off but the others are based off of goofy looking puppets.
Like does there just need to be a rule stating that just because someone draws in a style you don't like doesn't mean it's actually bad
No. 287939
>>285496Sorry but i'm thirst
What's the source?
No. 288137
File: 1535684610563.png (699.39 KB, 713x1410, fedfg.png)

No. 288613
File: 1535768655192.png (1.36 MB, 629x1144, Screenshot_1.png)

guess the character it's supposed to be
No. 288629
File: 1535772862517.jpg (71.48 KB, 750x807, FB_IMG_1535772655077.jpg)

No. 288648
File: 1535777617953.png (70.43 KB, 200x455, Izuku Midoriya casual.png)

>>288642>>288613I wouldn't have been able to tell who it was if it wasn't for the tags
No. 288654
>>288629I just gotta sperg for a second cause I hate sjws who misuse the whole punk movement or try to make one movement fit into theirs because they want to have the uniform and clout but utter nothing but garbage on the political front.
"Punks not white" no. No its not. Its why bands like Bad Brains which consisted solely of people of colour(vegans too. In the fucking late 70's) became famous.
Just because you surround yourself by shit media and people who jerk off to nothing but sex pistols doesnt mean all of history fucking warped and the only frontiers of the movement were the white men of Brittain.
So you take it upon yourself to uproot a movement and cape crusade under the label of inclusivity while shitting on the whole era.
I agree though the art is fugly as hell, I can't stand how many people try to pull the "ugly" look cause its easier but have to no attention to aesthetics or eye for detail so its a mishmash of wrinkles, body hair and wonky…everything from lines to anatomy.
No. 288740
>>288629I think some of these designs are kinda neat and could work with a little tweaking.
The style reminds me of 90's cartoons like Klasky-Csupo, that whole "ugly on purpose" thing. It's too bad that they seem to have no idea what punk actually is.
No. 291142
File: 1536136244453.png (263.82 KB, 648x1131, tumblr.png)

No. 291428
File: 1536176259814.png (1.16 MB, 1080x1068, Screenshot_20180905-175924~01.…)

He is going to fall
No. 291562
>>291201This sums up 90% of this thread lol. No one here can even draw you're all just
>>292273The character is a mass murdering sadistic piece of shit in the story, but also with a complex, possibly justifiable motive as well.
So perhaps it might be because 'PoC can't be evil' logic going on, but all it seems to boil down on 'uwu cutie boi but dangerous sociopath' shit you usually see on tumblr.
The artist seem to be a huge hypocrite and would keep contracting her/himself all the time even gender identity. it's both depressing and funny to be with.
No. 292289
File: 1536317666601.jpg (231.85 KB, 1280x960, c2334194-e6ef-4d6c-aa6a-956d94…)

The artist doesn't seem like a kid, but what's with these autistic stimming fanart?
No. 293236
File: 1536495348048.jpg (85.03 KB, 1022x782, 353756.jpg)

No. 293322
>>292532The artist is diagnosed autistic, so it's harder to say if it can be considered fetishistic.
Still autistic headcanon is annoying, As well as these autistic people trying to promote awareness by diagnosing famous dead scientists as autistic.
No. 294635
File: 1536730440274.jpeg (50.69 KB, 400x413, A4EE90B7-0A60-4BA4-B0AA-D15229…)

No. 294907
File: 1536783179556.png (406.75 KB, 598x538, wheredoievenstart.png)

An Instagram shop that I've been following since maybe 2016 for their nerdy dresses started getting this new artist to design for them. While their first design was mreh… ok? their second design is quite rubbish and looks very low effort for something to be worn about on a daily basis.
I think my 10 year old niece could do better!
No. 295023
File: 1536794526046.png (943.4 KB, 1080x1484, Screenshot_2018-09-12-16-17-16…)

>>283714>>285866updated meet the artist
No. 295048
File: 1536798669404.png (615.94 KB, 719x1214, 2016-08-15-pokemon-n.png)

Why hasn't anybody posted The Ugly himself yet? Aside from being ~~pedo~~ and everything in between, Shadbase art is everything I hate. Bad style, bad anatomy, bad colour palette.
No. 295309
File: 1536846292479.jpg (84.05 KB, 1074x325, 2018-09-13 06.44.01.jpg)

>>295122oh this artist is VERY basic. just check out her instagram bio
No. 297071
File: 1537275916913.png (3.17 MB, 1440x1734, Screenshot_2018-09-18-08-04-08…)

I dig some of her stuff but this made me kek when I saw it on my feed
No. 297447
File: 1537352813263.png (1.86 MB, 1440x1799, what is going on.png)

>>297071It's pretty clear she has no grasp of basic human anatomy… I guess that's what happens when you're solely focused on developing a "kawaii pastel uwu" aesthetic and a cutesy style to go with that.
No. 297864
File: 1537413863121.jpeg (115.03 KB, 800x600, 54D8A279-FF91-42A3-80B7-52DBF1…)

No. 297869
File: 1537415009728.jpg (2.44 MB, 4032x3024, image0 (1).jpg)

selfpost but this was almost 3 years ago, idk wtf i was thinking when i drew this but it makes me glad that i improved a little bit
No. 297939
>>297896Stop it, she's fishing for compliments.
Don't fall for it.
>>297869It sucks and you should feel bad for posting this shit here and not on the general art advice.
No. 298126
>>297939>general art advicecan you read? they drew this three years ago. they wouldnt need critique on this piece because they've already improved.
do you draw like this still, anon?
No. 298218
>>297939>general art adviceexcuse me? i said i drew this 3 yrs ago. i already know whats wrong with the drawing so why would i go there? lol.
>>298126>do you still draw like thisno, i just draw semi-realistic girls now :)
No. 298318
File: 1537493139589.jpeg (197.35 KB, 709x1000, 7E94821F-187F-446B-84E0-14FB86…)

No. 298399
>>294907>>297927"crusty little goblin holding a pumpkin ass" got me. can't un-see it. a 2nd look at this really brings out the faults a lot more.
thanks for the chuckle anon.
>>298318I would love to see the drawing process behind this one so i can figure out how they came to the conclusion that this looked ok.
No. 298435
File: 1537508723972.jpg (234.6 KB, 800x600, Ijiwaru.MyMaster.full.195409[1…)

>>298427>>298399eroge art is always a trip.
No. 298452
File: 1537514377622.jpeg (49.35 KB, 480x360, FDD33545-0AA8-4413-B55B-C6C2D2…)

>>298435I feel like it's almost cheating to upload eroge art due to the sheer amount of poorly drawn anatomy/questionable aesthetic choices lol.
No. 298476
File: 1537521438236.png (336.69 KB, 800x770, C30BDED4-A3BF-487F-8FAF-B159E4…)

No. 298477
File: 1537521454629.jpeg (39.12 KB, 450x297, F802A0F8-9E4D-47B7-8395-CF8CBF…)

No. 298994
File: 1537650445797.png (2 MB, 1280x1408, tumblr_p9g133Cr1B1vysxl7o1_128…)

Ladies hold your orgasms
No. 298995
File: 1537650567533.png (1.55 MB, 1280x1600, tumblr_p98owus0rV1vysxl7o1_128…)

step up your bad art game the tcc / hybristhophilia fandom is here
No. 298997
File: 1537651046587.png (2.24 MB, 1280x1451, tumblr_p9le3drVlP1vysxl7o1_128…)

No. 298999
File: 1537651291725.jpg (147.7 KB, 579x1088, tumblr_p9edusexmh1wmcelqo1_128…)

oh my
No. 299000
File: 1537651338792.png (364.09 KB, 1280x1910, tumblr_p9m056dCtq1xtnlkxo1_128…)

No. 299001
File: 1537651593753.png (885.85 KB, 1280x815, tumblr_pf8jotCBdV1xtsszro5_r1_…)

No. 299003
File: 1537651894500.png (452.99 KB, 1280x1184, tumblr_pf7hlwCVau1x63lh4o1_128…)

No. 299004
File: 1537651949140.png (1.01 MB, 1280x1257, tumblr_pfcx49GYVn1x63lh4o1_128…)

No. 299005
File: 1537652111541.jpg (152.92 KB, 821x973, dylan_klebold_and_eric_harris_…)

wait there is more
No. 299006
File: 1537652156036.jpg (28.42 KB, 600x776, 9eb85f51ea3a276d44e8eef3537ce0…)

No. 299007
File: 1537652229588.jpg (33.49 KB, 480x478, tumblr_owweg3nWX91wo9764o1_500…)

No. 299025
>>298994Damn, I first thought this was Dan Dreiberg from Watchmen.
It's a pity, because most of this art looks decent until you notice who's in there.
No. 299570
File: 1537797934160.jpg (109.79 KB, 938x1000, 11238935665.jpg)

this makes me so incredibly uncomfortable
No. 299581
File: 1537804234005.jpg (239.71 KB, 927x1200, DnmXn48UwAAQMQE.jpg)

>>299570Reminds me of Mini-Me from Austin Powers
Also, I usualy like ohnips' stuff, but this looks kind of weird
No. 299586
File: 1537806996473.jpg (108.77 KB, 816x979, web_stefani_02_by_medalbambi-d…)

No. 299587
File: 1537807041161.jpg (86.32 KB, 743x1075, web_stefani_by_medalbambi-dboa…)

No. 299588
File: 1537807066319.png (1.01 MB, 1023x702, untitled_drawing_by_mj455-dcj8…)

No. 299589
File: 1537807136120.png (118.79 KB, 891x896, an_american_tail___fievel_resc…)

No. 299590
File: 1537807176424.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.66 KB, 917x870, beach_deer_maydine_02_by_medal…)

No. 299647
File: 1537816317880.png (531.66 KB, 1280x1174, tumblr_pfix7xgOlX1uzzrsno1_128…)

No. 299660
File: 1537817239722.png (392.09 KB, 1280x941, tumblr_pc7orwF2H21uasw5oo1_r2_…)

I really hope some of these artists are just young and would eventually grow out of their "muh style" phase.
No. 299681
Real talk here:
I agree with you most of the time here regarding bad art. But the funny thing is, that nearly all stuff you have posted in this thread, would be considered creative and individual in most art unis.
Right now I am a student at an art uni in Germany and I volunteered as a jury member for some artistic aptitude tests a few months ago and let me tell you that I almost gagged at what my professors find ~inspiring. It's literally all the things you posted here. So unique and artistic kek. I needed 2 attempts until I got accepted at an art uni because my art was too pretty, has no personality. I got accepted when I stopped trying to create something pleasing for the eye. I drew something like this
>>271687 in a row with many deformed heads and the professor went apeshit like it was the best I have ever created. I felt sad and disgusted about myself because I needed like 10 minutes for this ~masterpiece kek. I want to quit my study because all I do is to please my professors with deformed tumblr art. Or am I dumb and I can't see through all of this?
Sorry for OT btw
No. 299718
>>299660here's hoping for post-tumblrism, a Life After Tumblr.
I feel like they try too hard to be individual and develop a style and get noticed. They aren't lazy or uncreative even, just stubborn and unflexible, stay inside their circles and think inside their boxes and force instead of grow as artists (also probably mentally ill and repetitive and tired of trying new things or just being playful).
It's all a good idea in the beginning, like being more inclusive of minorities, questioning stuff, raising awareness, being individual, embracing "ugly" and weird styles (which can be super cool) but then it gets forced and overdone and becomes a cliché. I'd like to see softer nuances of that, maybe even self-aware and -ironic. The next evolution of tumblr art. Now with self-awareness TM!
>>299681It's impossible to say without seeing your art. Maybe your profs think tumblr art is the new shit or maybe they have a point and your beautiful art lacks depth and new approaches (are they that tumblr?) are refreshing or maybe a bit of both. I'd say try new things but not so much you have to pretend always. Maybe somewhere in the middle out of your comfort-zone but not completely self-negating (by going full tumblr). What could you like about rawer styles, what could be fun for you? And talk to other artists about it and reach out about your struggles, maybe this is common. Non-academic here. Maybe your "ugly" art is cool and you just aren't aware (like Spongebob lol). Also, by now we are probably all a bit too critical of anything that resembles tumblr art.
The last time I was annoyed by beautiful art was when photorealism drawings were hyped and countless artists tried to one-up each other in who could draw celebrities better, sometimes with an individual touch or extremely well but other times completely repetitive and devoid of personality (not including the sad beginner attempts).
No. 301372
File: 1538072370424.jpg (885.04 KB, 1076x1077, 2018-09-27 11.15.39.jpg)

>>299660i like this actually, the style is fun and expressive
"weird" stylization isn't automatically bad. some types are really good, and some are truly god awful. pic related
No. 301400
>>272210What did Hanzo and Mccree do to deserve this?
>>299681I’m sorry you have to deal with these prentitous art professors anon. It’s annoying that people with zero artistic ability are now the ones defining what art is and isn’t.
No. 301423
>>301400>It’s annoying that people with zero artistic ability are now the ones defining what art is and isn’t.>zero artistic ability>art professorswhat
>>299681>I needed 2 attempts until I got accepted at an art uni because my art was too pretty, has no personality.a lot of you don't seem to realize that art is not a rare skill in the slightest. more and more people are becoming artists, and art schools just can't accept everyone. when applying to an art school, your portfolio needs to be diverse to showcase your different technical skills, AND your creativity. it's only natural that someone with a portfolio with only picture perfect portraits and figure drawings is going to be rejected, while someone who has those alongside their stylized and "weirder" art will likely be accepted. person A has shown their technical skills, yes, but person B provided that AND showed their personality and individual approach to creating art. art is a skill that anyone can learn, creativity is not. that is what they're looking for in art schools
>I’m sorry you have to deal with these prentitous art professors anon. don't coddle entitled artists, it makes their attitude even worse
No. 301494
File: 1538079595085.png (978.06 KB, 1428x1428, Kurata_Tome.png)

>>301372>"weird" stylization isn't automatically badI mean, ONE's art isn't good either, but this
>>299660 is just "weird" for the sake of being weird.
Low effort and unappealing.
No. 301635
File: 1538092976599.png (381.45 KB, 894x894, 1A9DF7CE-74D4-4B0E-92EC-E9AC47…)

No. 301673
File: 1538101315873.jpg (215.15 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_20180927_191935.jpg)

I'm curious what y'all think of lolimoog? I was a bit blinded by her aesthetic at first but the closer I look, the more broke all of her art is. An she cannot take criticism for shit, even the most gentle crit from her own fans.
She also sperges constantly about her chosen handle "loli" and how it's short for Dolores, but apparently her name isnt even Dolores. On top of that, most of her art could be considered lolicon anyway lol
No. 301804
File: 1538140226049.png (283.8 KB, 1024x526, 92CB4D42-3367-4006-8222-24DDF7…)

>>301699The wings and the position of the character seem awkward imo.The colors don’t work well either.
No. 301915
>>301673She's trying to do something edgy and it's a mix of stuff other known artist do or have done, but she just lacks basic knowledge of anatomy (look at the hands, they are just crap). Another thing is composition, how she puts characters together and elements. Also perspective. I would think she's somebody in the age of 17, not 30… she could do better. It's all lazy, unfinished, messy, edgy shit combined with bad anatomy skills.
Sorry for detailed explanation, I just thought I would explain what's wrong with her art, since it's more interesting to give perspective on so-so art, than complete shit. I myself often just wonder what stops artists from doing a research and spend a bit more time on their art to make it complete.
No. 302085
File: 1538168466661.jpg (94.9 KB, 1024x1024, d2c8943157c4d0a818bb9c90d63db9…)

>>301926It isn't a massive reach, let's be real
No. 303099
File: 1538350086177.png (1.59 MB, 1280x1680, tumblr_pe8qkzizHJ1ujql0co1_128…)

>>301673I used to like her, but quickly got tired of her 3edgy5me attitude and her samey pseudo-satanic art with hot topic slogans.
No. 303100
File: 1538350180558.jpg (96.47 KB, 555x1035, IMG_4002.jpg)

No. 303171
File: 1538361049153.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20181001_042856007.j…)

stumbled across this absolute sperg kek
No. 304298
File: 1538514064929.jpg (58.65 KB, 350x512, 57c0fe2b2560bfced878f73a13e26d…)

>>298476This hand terrifies me. It's in the background AND way larger than the head. Also the proportions. The palm looks as big as a shovel, the fingers super long.
Love me some yaoi hands tho thanks anon!
Really funny stuff posted ITT, keep it up anons
No. 304583
File: 1538585681056.gif (811.68 KB, 700x1988, 70178da3be7b4f33830cd94aa7fc2d…)

No. 304595
File: 1538587907185.gif (Spoiler Image,2.23 MB, 3615x3060,…)

>>304298lookin like a gotdamn homunculus
No. 304955
File: 1538663228136.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.62 KB, 675x1200, Doq1jkTUwAAK8_-.jpg)

i don't understand artists who draw bodies like this
No. 304959
File: 1538663669250.jpeg (Spoiler Image,357.35 KB, 774x1032, 84C96F35-70C4-4568-8158-8DC912…)

The artist is 28
No. 305089
>>304959why do edgelords never develop any skill? the expressions alone are just ridiculous. same grin plus angry brows plus aroused blushing all the time. The whole comic is standart beginner shit. I'd be so embarrassed to try and
trigger someone with that
No. 305099
File: 1538686083037.jpg (90.69 KB, 803x803, e8be5c3f-a04a-45ed-a7cf-99a3d3…)

Jeffrey Dahmer (serial killer)
I guess not all of the true crime artists are bad or deserve to be made fun of for being raging hybristophiles (and maybe they're young and it's a phase) but overall, it's a goldmine for bad art
No. 305102
File: 1538686663187.jpg (35.71 KB, 640x462, 6b5beb7b-7b35-4f6d-9ea8-5807dd…)

>>305101Kip Kinkel birthday art (school shooter)
No. 305103
File: 1538687069957.png (1.02 MB, 1181x1748, c8350ee8-f086-4893-9084-96b69b…)

>>305102another school shooter
No. 305105
File: 1538687286802.png (35.69 KB, 755x372, 1386c312-18a3-4ed8-a07e-77eb6b…)

>>305103this one has to be autistic and they're weirdly obsessed with Dahmer but they seem less edgy than others. Their paint art is p funny tho
No. 305174
File: 1538698792720.png (1.42 MB, 1040x4645, 1435462516131.png)

>>305165I reverse-searched the image and it spat out lil-miss-gorehound on dA who is currently active
The Asian nazi and failed mall shooting planner is Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath who is in prison
>>128373 here is her threadand pic related was her art (taken from the thread)
No. 305477
File: 1538776274680.png (598.42 KB, 1280x671, tumblr_p5bco3q8ea1rvndjto1_128…)

No. 305514
>>305477That's a nice little color sketch.
You are confusing it being unpolished with it being bad, the artist obviously has a good grasp on anatomy.
No. 305772
File: 1538853764808.jpg (10.41 KB, 190x265, sonderlond.jpg)

>>305107at first glance i thought this was james sunderland from silent hill 2, and it still made perfect sense
No. 306016
>>305772I thought the same before reading your description. Who is it of? It doesn't seem bad…
>>305477I also like this. Is this a vendetta post or something?
No. 306429
>>306176Unaware of a Sonderlond so just seemed like a file name playing off of Sunderland.
If it's not that then ????
No. 306491
>>306429okay I think I understand the misunderstanding.
>>305772the post you tagged is Sunderland serving as an example as to what OP first thought the art posted in
>>305107was which is just Jeffree Dahmer. I think they just looked for a comparison and less hideous art.
No. 307413
File: 1539163904488.jpg (452.99 KB, 2048x1535, IMG_20181010_102905.jpg)

Every picture @ewepufruit does has these giant ugly noses. It's a shame as I'd really like some of their art but the tumblr snot nose kills every single piece
No. 307883
File: 1539268223330.jpg (106.42 KB, 1191x670, 5cpCt53.jpg)

dA photography
No. 307885
File: 1539268373914.jpg (84.96 KB, 735x1086, Adui3gm.jpg)

>>307884Hey there~ How do you like the silly new me~ Hhehehyuk~
No. 307886
File: 1539268441763.jpg (101.12 KB, 774x1032, vqx2w6N.jpg)

>>307885pic related is what I drew as a teen spear and all minus the fetish
No. 307891
File: 1539269561313.jpg (36.46 KB, 640x747, 24VcKZC_d.jpg)

>>307889pic related is a commision
No. 307895
File: 1539271161677.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.68 KB, 1153x692, DnSuxSUXoAAvfEO.jpeg)

No. 307896
File: 1539271222890.jpeg (92.46 KB, 1024x578, Dmtu6OlXoAE8DfR.jpeg)

No. 307897
File: 1539271490318.jpeg (42.34 KB, 965x559, Dj4i7auXcAAhUas.jpeg)

thought this was innocent but I guess it's the tickle fetish
No. 308135
File: 1539285995052.png (Spoiler Image,53.76 KB, 737x699, 1374936551852.png)

any of you guys remember crystals1986?
No. 308531
File: 1539347164777.jpg (49.18 KB, 640x711, FB_IMG_1539346739605.jpg)

Not sure but repost but what the hell
No. 308596
>>285133Her rib cage is like a separate entity away for the lower half of the body…
I don't understand how can artists have amazing rendering skills but can't see the huge anatomical errors
No. 308600
File: 1539354310742.png (1012.79 KB, 717x1138, Screenshot_1.png)

No. 309594
File: 1539547941248.png (172.79 KB, 583x498, tumblr_osqeqn1tbY1uk0f02o1_640…)

No. 310325
File: 1539654281055.png (653.49 KB, 900x1200, tumblr_otxy54uHys1wn2r42o1_128…)

No. 310330
File: 1539654579073.png (954.98 KB, 717x590, Screen Shot 2018-10-15 at 9.49…)

No. 310508
File: 1539687858893.jpeg (181.04 KB, 640x782, 81AD2256-2541-4308-99DB-7A359B…)

Ddlc tag on Tumblr is a goldmine, drawing isn’t bad but those colors holy shit
No. 313406
File: 1540036169846.jpg (91.46 KB, 1101x1200, Dpq0KwKWsAAoWm6.jpg)

This is straight up creeping me out
No. 313779
File: 1540104266848.png (1.14 MB, 1267x812, edit.png)

>>308531tried to fix it a bit
No. 313828
>>313779post at
>>243951 for art edits
No. 314232
File: 1540151281995.jpg (262.46 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20181022_084628.jpg)

>>268249This girl was mentioned in the confetti cult threads a while back, she makes this fucking ugly art n posts it like its special. Shes like twenty and draws like a 10 year old
No. 315067
File: 1540253576438.jpg (57.89 KB, 800x1200, ew.jpg)

No. 315075
>>315071>>315067Looks like lymphedema or something.
Particularly bad proportions.
No. 315135
>>315067Oh fuck I've seen weeks worth of porn of this girl on twitter and she already has unusually realistic/average thighs for anime
It really does look ridiculous here like she has her own mother nature airbags that'd seriously throw off her sense of balance lmao
No. 315184
File: 1540284244068.jpg (191.46 KB, 1200x1200, sIwpDT4.jpg)

the art itself isnt bad but the concept is disgusting and retarded
im sure some of the gals in the guys you're ashamed to say you'd fuck thread would love this
No. 315186
>>315184Looks like the artist traced filthy frank's face for pekka
Eric thinks he passes
No. 315220
File: 1540300861175.jpeg (151.08 KB, 680x513, 11E2C3DA-DFF8-4543-91CB-5F1F91…)

25 year old.
No. 315233
File: 1540302447098.jpg (478.75 KB, 2480x3671, IMG_20181019_145545.jpg)

At least try consistency
No. 315297
>>315246But it’s not very good.
Sort of a lack luster mix of clashing ideas. It’s already pretty jarring to have such a bright character in a earth-toned environment. And the texture gives it a bit of charm but its makes the subject look muddy.
No. 315362
are these
>>315220 >>315233 self posts?
i think op is trying to get validation that their art isnt bad.
No. 315571
im guessing its an ~uwu boyz can be girlz too respect my troonnouns~ tumblr tard
No. 315774
File: 1540388630644.jpg (126.38 KB, 500x538, tumblr_otblfpn3Fw1rui6qbo3_500…)

No. 317339
File: 1540753120640.png (607.07 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2018-10-27-22-05-45…)

i quite like this artist, but i can't rationalize some of the style choices
No. 317341
File: 1540753192101.png (595.85 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_2018-10-27-22-05-35…)

>>317339not as obvious, but the longer i look at this one the weirder it gets
No. 317937
File: 1540863421595.jpg (84.06 KB, 750x700, IMG_4315.jpg)

No. 317939
File: 1540863524309.png (606.34 KB, 953x584, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 9.38…)

No. 317941
>>317939Despite the forced diversity and Cal-arts-and-tumblr style influence, I actually find this cute.
>inb4 bad tasteik ik
No. 317945
File: 1540864202102.png (225.41 KB, 392x517, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 9.50…)

What's wrong with Suga's arm?
No. 317947
File: 1540864240672.png (Spoiler Image,1.71 MB, 1278x524, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 9.49…)

No. 317950
File: 1540864856026.png (282.11 KB, 791x579, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 10.0…)

No. 318039
>>317947Jungkook actually looks good, too bad no one else does.
accurate tbh…
No. 318383
File: 1540935697371.jpeg (242.86 KB, 900x900, 68EB703D-D466-4B78-81CC-C49899…)

How was this game so popular
No. 318384
File: 1540936096138.jpeg (5.13 KB, 225x225, download.jpeg)

>>318383Jesus what game is this? The art and the character design on the right, while not great, is in of itself "passable" (disclaimer before anyone spergs: yes i probably have a more lenient definition)
But that character on the left…what the fuck am i looking at? Shit has a cowlick like alfafa.
No. 319224
File: 1541103949691.png (189.92 KB, 463x579, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 9.49…)

No. 319412
File: 1541135923058.jpg (388.81 KB, 3031x1680, 0e114a9f-cadf-4dac-a015-649b89…)

The moment I saw the new "pecan resist" (lol) ice cream it struck me as the ugliest, most tumblr-y art I had ever seen. I thought it was a joke at first.
No. 319464
>>319224is this.. vkook.. ew
cringy ship, shitty fanart
No. 319604
File: 1541192622547.png (Spoiler Image,202.19 KB, 1072x1753, tumblr_pfsjzwUUKk1wsyvgao2_128…)

No. 319867
File: 1541256220818.jpg (Spoiler Image,486.95 KB, 2896x2896, 20181103_104257.jpg)

nailed it
No. 320114
File: 1541298621526.png (423.33 KB, 1024x403, ayplFMY.png)

these before and afters with zero improvement make me so sad sometimes…in this case I feel like the before is 100% better than the new one.
No. 320124
File: 1541302637709.png (121.58 KB, 844x947, sad.png)

No. 320135
File: 1541309273713.jpg (72.95 KB, 500x523, tumblr_inline_ph6m82o9qF1rni2b…)

No. 320496
File: 1541403168907.jpg (269.66 KB, 862x1060, wednesday adams.jpg)

"grown up wednesday addams"
No. 320497
File: 1541403193287.jpg (279.53 KB, 833x880, johnny depp as barnabas collin…)

No. 320502
File: 1541404285034.jpg (77.61 KB, 864x576, Never borkget.jpg)

Never Borkget
No. 320504
File: 1541404344947.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.49 KB, 700x500, cb7.jpg)

The classic
No. 320539
File: 1541415189889.jpg (72.45 KB, 640x640, shit.jpg)

No. 320882
File: 1541474146567.jpg (122.53 KB, 1136x756, wikihow.jpg)

>>320640Last one.
With a little editing, you can change everything.
No. 321005
File: 1541501062912.png (125.49 KB, 400x466, tumblr_p7ts7x8KPJ1wj4cp2o1_400…)

jesus christ
No. 321090
File: 1541518565755.png (56.44 KB, 250x251, tumblr_p7ts7x8KPJ1wj4cp2o9_250…)

No. 321200
File: 1541534729191.jpeg (107.57 KB, 1006x477, DdcIHqbWkAEwJ2O.jpeg)

No. 321215
File: 1541535874155.jpeg (79.28 KB, 1024x508, Dmy3hCGXcAAjnGT.jpeg)

>>321005>>321090anon these are awful. Thanks
No. 321221
File: 1541536579996.jpeg (180.93 KB, 750x750, Download.jpeg)

No. 321222
File: 1541536955480.jpg (32.94 KB, 500x301, Bad_b0163b_5682283.jpg)

No. 321224
File: 1541537160913.jpeg (61.18 KB, 1200x675, DplcrO4WkAE5PDY.jpeg)

stolen from @BadDAart on twitter (goldmine)
No. 321322
File: 1541549750814.jpeg (128.39 KB, 933x957, D39FFD07-4969-4DEC-95E4-FB9A11…)

No. 321370
File: 1541561089373.jpg (90.27 KB, 657x897, young all might.jpg)

>>320539This was supposed to be a young All Might from My Hero Academia btw
No. 321466
File: 1541572345215.jpg (Spoiler Image,149.8 KB, 824x1296, tumblr_o93zxgdnSX1tgjkywo1_128…)

No. 321589
File: 1541601075740.png (66.85 KB, 396x600, tumblr_p7ts7x8KPJ1wj4cp2o4_400…)

No. 321917
File: 1541665308421.jpeg (301.22 KB, 1326x2048, 808370C0-E930-4D3E-8578-37DC89…)

I have no words
No. 322310
File: 1541728459479.png (131.65 KB, 400x412, Screenshot 2018-11-08 at 7.52.…)

reposted from a slazo fan account, though i'm pretty positive she's the artist. either way, fucking gold and terrifying
No. 322843
>>319631The person who drew this is a woman
No. 322892
File: 1541842187548.jpg (561.59 KB, 1920x1080, 1.jpg)

No. 322936
>>322905This is just fucked up the way to support your movement fuckin Christ.
Also don't wanna say this is a vendetta posting, but maybe only post a couple of images next time since this was a lottt
No. 323131
File: 1541872737920.jpg (164.16 KB, 743x1000, Drmr7NSWsAAZ6Uh.jpg)

I messed up threads before, sorry..
Sakimichan's rendering is pretty good, tho the body of her characters haunt me a bit. Especially, how tiny knees are to thighs..
No. 323315
File: 1541909589619.png (792.14 KB, 750x1214, A58E3EA6-494C-4E7A-AD94-18519D…)

No. 323317
File: 1541909870499.jpeg (403.93 KB, 1242x1224, 16E9B661-7B3A-431B-86A3-CD526E…)

No. 323322
File: 1541911175382.png (524.77 KB, 530x1154, Screenshot_1.png)

>>323315this is from that kiwifarm sjw redraw thread
No. 323923
>>32332299% of that thread is men who have never drawn before in their life scribbling some middle school anime shit on lined paper and proudly claiming they "improved" the original piece.
It's hilarious and I love the thread.
No. 323927
File: 1542044237143.png (288.23 KB, 395x569, 82721.png)

More from the KF thread. Top is the original, bottom is the um… "fixed" version.
No. 324144
File: 1542071228425.png (372.32 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2018-11-12-23-06-07…)

No. 324297
File: 1542116624544.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.4 KB, 444x250, no_more_piddle_pups_by_mrtwerk…)

No. 324410
File: 1542131990756.png (513.1 KB, 557x576, Screen Shot 2018-10-29 at 9.59…)

YOI fanart
No. 324773
File: 1542206610992.jpg (1.09 MB, 1439x2077, Screenshot_20181115-010529_Tum…)

No. 324962
File: 1542233820378.png (264.55 KB, 568x482, Screenshot 2018-10-12 at 11.12…)

No. 324987
>>324801That too but tbh those might be kinda tolerable mistakes if the shading were better lmao…
The sunburn thing…i think its that tumblr "rosy nose" thing but they overdid it. Just sell it as an actual sunburn at that point lol.
No. 325006
File: 1542237012382.jpg (110.48 KB, 576x1024, Untitled274.jpg)

everyone was calling it shit on the redraw thread so destroy it burn it with fire
No. 325114
>>325006It isn't a bad first attempt tbh, please go somewhere a little less…like this, if you want some useful and less harsh critique that doesn't just basically go "it sucks."
That's kinda what were here for and while i feel for you fishing for attention is gonna go badly for you.
No. 325596
File: 1542307067457.jpg (56.72 KB, 500x400, Dr5z9DiX4AELIfM.jpg)

No. 325601
File: 1542308169457.jpg (154.51 KB, 1200x849, Dr5z9DiX4AELIfM.jpg)

No. 325718
>>325601Yeah, so many 5'11" transmales out there.
such a fucking embarrassment.
No. 326058
>>285491>I'm so sick of seeing horny weebs bitching about 'le calarts style' (see current high guardian spice twitter shitstorm) but then in the same breath praise this 'art' with equally horrible anatomy because muh dick. So hypocritical, it really shows they don't care about proper anatomy/style/technique, only that their dicks are pandered to enough. Also tangent but you would think porn art, of all things, would want to realistically represent the female form lmao
This. This. This. GOD this. Thank you so much for saying it.
No. 326086
>>285491I don't get what's so
triggering about people bitching about calarts style. It's unappealing, repetitive, ugly and unambitious. I'm much more forgiving of an image with a well-balanced setting and careful details but flawed anatomy than something that looks like it's made of recycled flash animation components. I'm not a fan of pandering same-face anime loli images made for neckbeards myself but implying that everyone who hates the calarts style is a horny weeb is hyperbolic and dismissing of the actual critique against it.
No. 326146
File: 1542400783018.jpg (808.78 KB, 1080x1259, Screenshot_20181116-153713_Ins…)

>>326077why do people do this?
No. 326285
File: 1542438965212.jpg (122.74 KB, 540x721, tumblr_oomdvqKMfg1sm49a5o1_540…)

No. 326445
I just realized how creatively uninspired, derivative the fanart community is. Okay I get it, their source of inspiration is from an already created thing so by default it's less creative than say, being inspired from your own individual ideas and putting it on paper a la painters and classical artwork, or creating your own "worlds", instead of being already half way there with fanart. But it's just unacceptable, imo. Not only do most people in the community overestimate their skillset level way above average but art with okay or shitty anatomy, low creativity, ect, gets praise as long as its rendering is great. It literally only matters about the finish and the rendering, no one gives a shit about the talent.
>>326287Actually it looks like you didnt read the post you originally replied to lol
No. 326453
File: 1542474298580.jpg (255.46 KB, 800x1144, minerva-centauro.jpg)

>>326445A lot of artists in history painted "fan art" based on other's ideas - such as greek mythology and stories from the Bible. The main difference being that they actually had to study and practice to be good enough to sell their art to patrons, not just use dodge tool and upload to tumblr for likes.
I gotta say I wish more modern online artists would draw original work, but the difference in attention is huge between fan art and OCs.
No. 326675
>>323131This isn't ahri. This is some weirdly proportioned, huge breasted asian woman.
Since she's made her patreon all her faces look almost exactly the same. Two settings: east asian and western. That's it.
No. 326899
>>326146I thought "this isn't that bad", and then I realised that this is GG fanart
>>326086Calarts style is about as meaningless as "tumblr style", calarts has a lot of students that draw in various different styles, they didn't "make" this style. There are always aesthetic trends, it'll be a new thing in a few years and then everyone will bitch about that too.
No. 327476
File: 1542672127756.jpg (483.34 KB, 1439x1280, Screenshot_20181120-103057_Tum…)

No. 328780
File: 1542952980684.jpg (177.98 KB, 1200x738, C1cNgiuWEAEUzLw.jpg)

No. 330478
>>326445I agree with this partially and I'm also really annoyed at "fanart".
When fanart became really popular it was cool because it was a service to the thing and a community event. It was like an offering. Artists were aware they were basing their work on someone else's. It had more of a community importance than individual importance and was exciting.
I really used to like fanart and especially crossovers merging two different fandoms. Like Ghibli and Adventure Time and Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. Maybe not the best examples. But all these things became commercialised and hijacked by dumb artists and companies. Now fanart is a flooded field and the go to unspired mechanism of artists whose art and identity is all over the place to rake in the likes, comments and shares of the fandom or to belong by getting the feedback of fandoms which is easier than getting feedback for own ideas. And then they apply muh oRigINal stYLe and fight over whose art is better, more popular, politically correct, sjw, canon, muh OTP etc. Also, it gets shitted out after every other one-day-binge-watch and is not thoughtful or special anymore and sometimes just to jack the artist off. There still is good fanart but often it is not are service but completely self-serving
>>327476the proportions and clothes are bad but I need a shirt that says shirt
No. 330485
File: 1543321030738.jpg (287.67 KB, 911x1334, 20181127_071642.jpg)

No. 331651
File: 1543539005604.png (1020.42 KB, 1101x1920, tumblr_pih0mztIoa1v2tsf0o1_r1_…)

>>331218funny you mention she-ra cause I came in this thread to post this from the tumblr radar
but yeah the show's style has this western faux anime that looks worse and cheaper than average japanese anime
No. 332685
File: 1543717244199.jpg (102.47 KB, 1022x1278, 38797519_1664353686997840_7371…)

No. 332687
File: 1543717408696.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.1 KB, 644x1241, _cm__wanna_fight_by_verbal_cat…)

No. 332712
File: 1543723526248.jpg (217.42 KB, 1600x1200, daryl_reference_sheet_by_verba…)

>>332710i think you'll be shocked to know she's a furry. enjoy.
No. 332748
File: 1543731927447.png (1013.02 KB, 894x894, Jian autism.png)

I am so sorry
No. 332836
File: 1543741600815.jpg (82.76 KB, 1024x1024, rimanahdrawing.jpg)

>>332817Meanwhile on the glorious Culter Dei side of deviantart there's pictures like this.
Cyclic reminder that Cybermany ain't free. The hypnotic gate gotta be littered with the blood of wives. Mentor AKA Mentor is not my mentor. He is secreta loyalist and probbaly jian as well :DD.
DUTCH and RIMANAH not HUAN LO PAN ok. Praise legs.
No. 332869
>>324799>>324773>>326453A question, why is dodge burn highlight so despised here? So I can stop making shit art
Though it's something that looks good if applied right.
No. 332941
File: 1543752300065.jpg (500.88 KB, 1863x903, IMG_20181202_135440_681.jpg)

This person does commissions. You could get a masterpiece like this for 30€!
No. 333061
File: 1543760589362.jpg (256.13 KB, 720x875, IMG_20181202_152149.jpg)

This was a comission
No. 333274
File: 1543778687574.png (Spoiler Image,758.11 KB, 780x1025, lucius__get_my_good_side__by_v…)

>>332710Oh anon! I'd love nothing more than to deliver on that. Here, for your viewing pleasure, don't go too crazy ;)
>>332712thought about hinting at that
>>332941Luna tier
>>333061This is so romantic. I love how their house is on fire
No. 333326
File: 1543783235475.jpeg (31.99 KB, 1024x558, DnccS9XX0AEGTQk.jpeg)

more spectacular art from bad dA art twitter
No. 333513
File: 1543798784246.jpg (280.49 KB, 1940x2048, daNiOqz.jpg)

petitepasserine uploaded this saying 'face drawing practice'. If her intent was to make them all look the same then I guess it's good practice but if not…
No. 333549
>>333513Same nose, mouth and to a degree faceshape on all.
Talented though, cute art.
No. 333589
File: 1543817066739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,443.95 KB, 1125x2031, D53F9E9B-55AC-4FFA-9A74-0C6E80…)

Have ya’ll heard of sandoner? I think her art isn’t good at all. She claims it’s worth thousand and she sells products too which are too overpriced and cheaply made from what I heard.
No. 333620
>>333605But anon, women objectifying over women is empowering!
Seriously though, why has it seemed to have become so much more popular among female artists to overtly sexualise the female form and cater to the male gaze - like, it’s not the fact she’s masturbating that makes it objectifying, but the huge titties spilling out of her bikini top. Why.
No. 333624
File: 1543826178337.jpg (Spoiler Image,67.66 KB, 640x640, 63569ba08ddfce72a3a2fe403610df…)

>>333589 how tf does she have so many likes
Art like this pisses me off so fucking bad lmao. It's so ugly but somehow it gets so popular?
No. 333630
>>333620For attention probably, annoying as we don't need more ugly objectifying art of women.
Art by bi/les women tend to look a little bit different. More actual appreciation for the female form.
No. 333660
File: 1543840362318.jpg (327.27 KB, 1145x1794, IMG_20181203_142816_791.jpg)

Webtoons is a goldmine
No. 333678
>>320124this is like legitimately sad for me cause you just know its some 12-13 yr old little girl who's probably going through the general hardship of growing up, maybe more
just reminds me way too much of the stuff I used to draw as a kid
No. 333683
>>333660My god I know this artist and she's a complete train wreck of mental issues and intersectional LGBT activism, there's so much milk attached to her.
>Started out as a weeb, evolved into an angry anti-weeb feminist with psychotic depression (her words)>Made her cuck of a husband leave his job and move around the country multiple times just because she wanted to move>When the asexuality train came she hopped on it despite being a big consumer of porn, started sperging about being a victim of "corrective rape" (i.e. people tried to offer her advice on her frigidity) >Went on to become a nonbinary thing>Now is a trans man in a polygamous relationship with two other trannies, left her husband of around 10 years to troon outthe comic you posted is just fetish fuel with everyone being trans/nonbinary and everything revolving around that fact. She would warrant a thread here but she doesn't share her private life that much anymore so the only milk is just her being your run of the mill gender snowflake drawing bad art.
No. 333843
File: 1543862953764.png (Spoiler Image,1.22 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-12-03-10-42-26…)

found this artist from a suggested ig tag
No. 334033
File: 1543877631606.png (52.3 KB, 363x810, tumblr_pihcsowXJ11utqy2o_540.p…)

am i the only one getting rcdart flashbacks from this
No. 334367
File: 1543932351836.png (2.35 MB, 1280x1807, aaf1594c-f963-4f96-92ff-e79bca…)

No. 334420
File: 1543941761911.png (Spoiler Image,401.76 KB, 972x1272, tumblr_inline_penk2cobCK1utqy2…)

>>334033This artist has some questionable works.
No. 334422
File: 1543941919657.png (778.91 KB, 1270x1589, tumblr_o6w3j40j8V1rcew34o1_128…)

>>334420this is supposed to be kyle and stan from south park
No. 335531
>>334367Honestly I love this artist but they always, always draw big/muscular/fat women with tiny heads (in comparison to their bodies).
I guess to emphasise their bodies more? It’s a weird stylistic choice. Maybe it’s a fetish lol
No. 336142
File: 1544286477284.png (681.99 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-12-08-08-22-05…)

"draw this again" improvement memes where there is no actual improvement are my favorite
first pic is from November 7, 2017
No. 336143
File: 1544286520941.png (964.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-12-08-08-22-32…)

>>336142and this is from November 16, 2018
No. 336158
File: 1544288858854.png (52.8 KB, 376x495, unknown-6.png)

i hate this guy with a burning passion, he's a sweaty lanky autogenephile "twitter artist" who "decided" he's trans but goes on constant rants on how big his "trap girldick" is to any guy that breathes near him. he draws shit like this and despite him being a tranny he loves when people draw his shit oc with a dick
No. 337451
File: 1544465308032.jpg (Spoiler Image,465.86 KB, 1075x1688, 2018-12-10 10.02.24.jpg)

found this on instagram, what the fuck
bonus: please read the comments
No. 339476
File: 1544836218948.jpg (445.12 KB, 1080x1236, Lil Peep.jpg)

why is everyone so bad at making lil peep fanart actually look like peep
No. 339516
File: 1544840996384.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.92 KB, 968x681, screenshot-2017-12-06-at-12.14…)

>>339476Am I the only one that sees the resemblance?
No. 339518
File: 1544842012075.png (129.19 KB, 969x512, dbi4quh-b766a6df-7581-4717-a64…)

>>333678you'd think so but she's actually 24
No. 339850
File: 1544906604158.jpg (88.93 KB, 960x731, stomachdicknipples.jpg)

found this while scrolling and wish i hadn't
No. 340104
File: 1544934227663.jpg (388.06 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_inline_pj018n6CiR1tneij…)

I've seen this one on tumblr a million times now, based on "lesbian cats!!!!!". I just don't understand what's going on with the "tiger's" neck.
No. 340137
File: 1544936987027.png (1.47 MB, 694x945, Screenshot_39.png)

No. 340145
File: 1544938037565.png (196.43 KB, 885x156, Screenshot_3.png)

No. 340191
File: 1544942071016.jpeg (263.83 KB, 1325x2048, Dsjdhu9WkAAV3KJ.jpeg)

No. 340551
File: 1545006445344.jpg (133.71 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_pjtmbetWpg1vke4wc_1280.…)

No. 340553
File: 1545007145808.png (357.25 KB, 1429x803, ZO8iA.png)

>>340551Holy fuck I've been starring at this in confusion for like a minute. I thought it was a weird tumblr version of Octodad. I see it now. It's ugly
No. 340632
File: 1545052732652.png (Spoiler Image,284.74 KB, 800x532, y_by_ionro-dbt5hg7.png)

I honestly find this to be gross and pretty fetishy. Im pretty sure that those two bags he's holding are condoms with…. questionable fluid inside
those block hands tho…
the artist herself is pretty questionable as well as i pretty much stalk her account :p
No. 340737
I know this person got into alot of problems because of the underage shit shes been doing which
triggered her to delete more than half of her gallery like a pussy, i could elaborate more if you want me to anon, and oh boy theres alot
This person is honestly pretty milky
No. 341005
File: 1545155386927.jpg (424.61 KB, 1079x1256, poetattoo.jpg)

tagged with #tattoodesign because people totally would want this edgar allan poe on their bodies permanently
No. 341252
File: 1545199892831.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.64 MB, 3466x3038, 20181219_135852.jpg)

This billdip aka bill x dipper aka gravity falls.
Ive always hated this ship since day one. I have NO IDEA why this is the most popular ship in GF, those greasy fujos always find a way to ruin everything good do they?
Honestly this is just fucking gross but hey, Atleast its not underage shit where bill fucks a 12 yr old and damn theres alot of those…doesnt make this atrocity any better tho
No. 341260
>>340553I think it's supposed to be JackSepticeye
>>341005Not gonna lie, it's well drawn. The proportions are off, though
No. 341261
File: 1545200257457.png (253.15 KB, 506x595, flowercrown_by_rozenpandachan-…)

Those hands.
The arm looks fucking broken…everything looks so bad
And its wierd how the flower crown looks a bit realistic but the rest is terrible looking anime trash
No. 341267
File: 1545200709846.png (468.16 KB, 1280x586, love live sjw.png)

>>283815It's bad Love Live fanart
No. 341274
>>341252Fangirls will ship anything if they get the chance. You just know half of them are the type who would want to fuck Bill Cypher.
Shadbase's Gravity Falls art is the only thing that's worse.
No. 341284
>>341252You are right on that anon XD
They just want that good 'ol nonexistent triangle dick
No. 341307
File: 1545205921661.png (82.48 KB, 894x894, 383888881_by_ionro-dc0jopk.png)

>>340802sure thing anon. Here's some more underage shit she's done, its deleted now tho alot of them are gone even when i checked google so I'm gonna work with what i have, i saved some of her stuff. I WANT to show proof of the stuff shes done but she cleaned up her act, all of the milky descriptions and comments are GONE. Her comment section is pretty much always disabled nowadays and i have no idea why she deletes her some of her stuff THAT HAS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT. WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM??
ok I'll be making separate posts just because theres alot and i'll be putting more examples in those posts
I was around when she didnt delete more than half of her gallery, when i checked her out again, i was shocked to see that alot of it was gone and apparently she got caught with all the underage taboo stuff she did and some other sexual stuff . The Bitch had the nerve to complain to the people that reported her that "they were not allowing her to try out new things" but she was probably violating the guidelines and even said the "uwu call the cops on me a fapped to boku no pico lololol", her brainwashed fans agreed with her obviously, they didnt see that this shit was wrong. I believe that the white haired kid(his name is Yogurt btw, ugh that sounds so stupid) was having incestuous relations with his father just because ive seen it hinted alot in her other works…and a daddy fetish when he got older. I also remember seeing another underage yogurt wearing a bdsm outfit and exposing his fruit nipples but its obviously gone now too…
No. 341313
File: 1545208045768.jpg (Spoiler Image,427.13 KB, 1276x2551, ionro salt.jpg)

More underage looking stuff compilation
You can say that this Yogurt cunt is 18 all you want but your not fooling me.
Yes i find this to be bad so im posting.
No. 341316
>>341307Definite milk. She seems like an entitled, yaoi obsessed cunt. Of course someone like her would love Boku No Pico and incest, too.
Yogurt looks like a bad copy of Dangan Ronpa's Komaeda.
>>341314You're good, mate. This shit
is poorly drawn.
No. 341319
File: 1545209891413.gif (523.43 KB, 1200x982, asasasasdsa_by_ionro-dcjhdco.g…)

>>341316fat cow
she is pretty entitled, if you dare criticize her she will reply with passive aggressive stuff mixed in with some kpop pics and gifs
haha, i remember she had a drawing of herself wearing an "I support incest" t-shirt back then x'D also deleted
Yogurt techinically isnt even hers, he was an adopt, but to me he looks more like killua
half japanese and half korean? greaaaat
No. 341328
File: 1545211059010.png (Spoiler Image,70.03 KB, 884x903, the_female_is_as_it_were_a_def…)

also deleted
this was reported too i think but was appeased, the one who reported her commented some nice things in order to make up for it but she just replied with passive aggressive comments with kpop pics…claiming that
There was nothing sexual about this piece…..
ReAlLy niGGA?
one thing that i also wanna bring up. this piece's title is "The female as if it was a deformed male" She claimed that she was intersex but mostly female, i dont know if this is true and i dont have much to say about it, just wanted to put it out there. If you look more into it…she has stubble. This is how she draws herself, a persona if you will, gonna give more examples
No. 341331
>>341274i meant to reply here
my bad
lemme just repeat:
You are right on that anon XD
They just want that good 'ol nonexistent triangle dick
No. 341347
File: 1545217587863.png (415.62 KB, 877x910, dreams_by_rozenpandachan-d8uxr…)

Reverse billdip everybody. Billdip in general should just burn
What the hell–why are the rest of his legs so fucking small?? Also, How can you fuck up a simple triangle cmon…
Honestly, all of her pieces looks like she drew it on a mouse
No. 341366
File: 1545221704183.jpg (60.11 KB, 310x987, coquetea_by_ionro-dcs7qq1.jpg)

this picture makes me want to bash this whore's face
No. 341594
>>341531Yeah, its really gross
Like…why would you make an 8 yr old boy only wear a see through shirt with his underwear…and chained up. I think the kid was chained up because it was contagious??? She said the illness here was called 'the strawberry flu'
I dunno, to me she just wanted to see a lil boy all chained up like a dog because she gets off of it -_-'
No. 341651
>>341642I'm not even involved in this, I agree there's no milk since artists who draw shotas and questionable twinks are a dime a dozen and she hasn't done anything else. Just seems you both think sexualizing 8-year-olds is fine which is a bit weird.
But this is an imageboard after all.
No. 341653
File: 1545278541645.jpg (3.21 MB, 3337x3072, 20181220_115953.jpg)

Outlast ocs apparently
I rlly HATE wide hips and thigh gaps on men
No. 341654
>>341651you just said it yourself
>I agree there's no milk since artists who draw shotas and questionable twinks are a dime a dozen and she hasn't done anything else.which is the point. unless there's proof of her doing anything untoward to minors in her real life that's another story, but I personally don't give a shit as long as it's fictional.
Doesn't mean people have to like it, but the faux moral outrage is cringey.
No. 341709
>>341698it'll never be normalized. They'll always be considered abhorrent, bottom of the barrel scumbags in western society. Why do you think they're at high risk of death in prisons? Even people that rape or murder hate them.
imo the conflation just takes power away from the meaning of the word. Just like every other word that's been watered down. (nazi, sexist, racist, misogynist etc take your pick)
No. 341714
>>341710I'm not going to get into a huge debate about what is obviously and understandably a touchy subject. (which is almost why it can never be discussed in any capacity).
All I'm saying is I'd be more careful about calling people pedophiles unless you have some pretty convincing proof of it.
it's a pretty big leap between liking to draw little anime shota boys, and actually soliciting inappropriate contact from a living, breathing child.
No. 341720
>>341716you kinda did
>My hatred of pedos includes their artand that's not necessarily true. A rape fetishist might depict rape in their fics or art, does that mean they desire to be raped? Maybe some do, maybe some only like it in the context of play or a controlled environment.
Maybe they just like the taboo aspect and have no interest in pursuing it in real life.
You don't know and making assumptions like that is dangerous.
and no it doesn't normalise abuse. how stupid do you think people are to read or see something fictional and suddenly think it's okay? The large majority would not.
No. 341722
>>341720Sorry, thought you were replying to a different post I’m not that anon.
And the issue isn’t that people see it and go ‘oh this is fine now, okay’ it’s that the more exposed you are to something then you’re going to become desensitised, and of course if the
problematic content isn’t labeled as such then the amount of it will increase. Child abuse isn’t an issue that people should become desensitised to, stop trying to justify disgusting pedophilic content. You look like a retard by playing the devils advocate
No. 342204
File: 1545388150544.jpg (70.08 KB, 683x1170, mint_j___oc_by_alieens-daivle3…)

No. 342268
File: 1545407517914.png (802.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181221-234630.png)

This is suppose to be Dipper again
God those FUCKING THIGHS. Its like 80% of his body is leg
It reminds me of how Dollieguts' draws THICC thighs…
No. 343085
File: 1545521553934.jpg (230.34 KB, 1080x853, 266390456dca561667a95f14213b9c…)

Saw this shit on IG and it made me wanna gouge my eyes out
No. 343149
>>343085Oh god i know this person on ig…their stuff keeps getting recommended to me
The fucking thicc lips and overlay abuse always gets me..
No. 343494
File: 1545619295670.jpeg (65.89 KB, 600x533, 87205661-B0AB-491B-9763-5EFFB4…)

Wymen body positivity !!!
No. 343580
File: 1545652454822.jpg (91.82 KB, 1047x763, shota_beatles_by_pulsar_shota_…)

Shota beatles
No. 343582
File: 1545652508194.jpg (117.75 KB, 932x858, shota_oc_s_in_speedos_by_pulsa…)

No. 343584
File: 1545652767225.jpg (129.59 KB, 775x840, dbb0kf9-0898d5bc-94d4-42bb-b1c…)

No. 343605
File: 1545658695218.png (773.39 KB, 1280x946, hideousart3.png)

bob's burgers tumblr art is so fucking hideous
No. 343670
File: 1545670161379.png (1010.45 KB, 1074x710, Screenshot_1.png)

No. 344148
File: 1545839414091.png (204.79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181223-223923.png)

No. 344206
File: 1545866405910.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.42 KB, 826x1169, tumblr_pka51k0RAX1td53jko1_128…)

No. 344209
>>344148Is this Tearzah? Is Ash a porker now?
If anything that's a step up from the previous weird body type.
No. 344237
>>344206is that yumeko jabami?
that left leg is completely an afterthought aside from her breaking her back for an ass lol
No. 344277
File: 1545898743981.jpg (455.27 KB, 870x1002, Screenshot_20181227-031638_Ins…)

No. 344299
File: 1545905514566.jpg (117.68 KB, 753x1061, gravity_falls__dipper_by_maxgr…)

I cant stop laughing
No. 344718
File: 1545983451144.png (885.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181228-151914.png)

Theres literally no improvement
No. 344748
File: 1545993872736.jpeg (225.47 KB, 750x886, 4927AE2C-433E-43FD-88D9-3689D2…)

This is a person in their 20’s who has been drawing for years and this is what they have to show for it, they also love to brag about their improvement over time but there isn’t any
No. 345071
File: 1546040885026.jpg (Spoiler Image,224.28 KB, 720x706, 20181229_004721.jpg)

This shit's nasty
No. 345169
File: 1546053839314.jpg (329.92 KB, 1080x1125, 20181228_212103.jpg)

No. 345457
File: 1546098692593.jpg (71.85 KB, 640x640, 25012351_1123545264441049_4922…)

No. 345761
File: 1546138403250.jpeg (Spoiler Image,676.18 KB, 1176x1575, 4285AF73-0D5A-4DB3-B4DA-92CB62…)

No. 345768
File: 1546139255994.jpg (156.71 KB, 678x971, 0VV54k8E.jpg)

I'm from the Holly BRown thread, few anons asked me to post art from a girl who I said drew pretty identical to Holly (imo)
She's a sperg and she traces alot and you can see a huge difference from when she traces to when she doesnt, this one was traced obviously. If I can say anything maybe she draws hands less crab-like but none of it is good to be frank, she doesn't claim to be a professional tho she just does this for roleplay weeb shit
saging for my blogpost
No. 345778
File: 1546140024936.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1536x1781, 5B46C89A-17E7-428E-94E7-75B975…)

No. 345796
>>34577731 or 32, I can't really remember but she's like 3 years older than me. She's super spergy when it comes to her characters and roleplay, like the kinda obsessive Holly is with hers, but the upside is she's only like that with people she roleplays with and I dont anymore because I just dont have the time for it anymore, but she likes to draw the characters from the roleplays (we all kinda did tho ngl)
I'm trying to dig trough the binder to find some of her older not traced ones but I dont think I kept them and this is the only one I really wanna post since it might link back to her fb
No. 345817
>>345801Ahh, a connoisseur of fine art too anon? This is why she's my favorite personal cow I have a big soft spot for shitty OC's and Mary-Sues, I lose my shit over it. (laughing)
I'll tell you about my favorite one (she has so many tho it's hard to choose a favorite), spent alot of time having her pair this self insert with everything ever.
Her name was Alley. She was a 'genius' who acted like an "innocent smol bb uwu" until someone stole one of her multiple husbands then turned ultimate ninja yandere. She had all the checkmarks-
>Knee-length Brown and Pink hair>One Yellow and One red eye that she hides but can still change (or something)>Has cat ears and tail, but has a demon princess spirit trapped inside her that gives her demon wings and claws/fangs and Telekinesis/Mind-reading powers>Is a Sorceress Ninja>Is on Husband #10+>I dont remember how many kids she has now Those last two are funny because she always insisted on pushing this weird "gullible unknowing virgin" trope with Alley, yet she could always seduce any man she crossed paths with, and guaranteed, EVERY ROLEPLAY, Alley would end up pregnant, even just casual "I wanna just do an adventure style" kinda roleplay she had to have romantic drama for Alley.
She has a lot of these characters, a literal universe of them at this point. I do love reading our old roleplays from time to time because it's autistic cringe at it's finest.
No. 345820
>>345817jesus, clicked a few times since it seemed liked my internet dropped (been doing that a lot) holy hell, did not mean to do that
so sorry
No. 345823
>>345822Here is a small chunk of an email RP we had going before I quit:
Curling herself into the smallest ball she could manage the female whimpered. She missed her sisters, she missed being free. Covering her ears as she heard whispers Alley began to cry. It felt as though hands were pulling at her hospital issued clothing, as if they were trying to pull her down with them. “stop! Stop please!? Go away! I can't help you! Go away!!!” She sobbed out.
Sitting on the beach she rested her chin onto her knees and looked out over the slightly choppy waters. Red and orange locks blew around her face as she adjusted her jeans. Sure it was chilly but she wore a bikini top anyway. The sun was setting and she was worried. Alley had gone missing and Ice…she hadn't heard from Ice in so long.
Shaden yawned and stretched as he looked in the mirror of his bathroom. Checking his teeth he thanked God that he hadn't slept the night away. Being a creature of the night he enjoyed sleeping all day. Maybe he'd go for a dip before heading out to see the love of his life.
~+ End Post +~
I'd love a shitty OC thread surprised there isn't one.
No. 346066
File: 1546182477946.jpg (112.37 KB, 640x640, 25009177_778779968975741_69589…)

Yet another from this girl….
No. 346388
File: 1546205201475.png (336.24 KB, 1000x1414, punch me.png)

epic bruh moment
No. 346389
File: 1546205240628.png (340.19 KB, 1000x1414, s d b o i h o u r s .png)

No. 346484
File: 1546213832138.jpeg (267.47 KB, 1500x1546, 3ACCAE4B-E184-4469-B3FB-38F03D…)

Why do people think characters like this are sexy/cute?
No. 346580
File: 1546223256476.jpg (468.79 KB, 945x730, DancefloorAction-vf-watermark4…)

found this blog of godawful fifty shades fanart
No. 346583
File: 1546223610048.jpg (433.64 KB, 768x945, constellation2_vf.jpg)

>>346580I've just looked at their blog, everything is traced and overpainted. Pic related was a commission.
No. 346601
File: 1546226245697.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.03 KB, 489x457, ohno.jpg)

This person really drew herself holding her ex's decapitated head. Yikes.
No. 346602
File: 1546226782000.png (499.79 KB, 952x975, weird flex but okay.png)

No. 346661
File: 1546234630780.png (1.35 MB, 986x2241, file.png)

No. 347043
File: 1546300341456.png (195.66 KB, 250x899, oldvsnew.png)

This artist is in her 20s.
No. 347091
>>347043Some people are just destined to never improve, I guess
I know we all have a wall we’ll eventually hit but this one is so early on, it’s jarring
No. 347342
File: 1546333228649.png (683.06 KB, 1154x1077, Christmas Card Reena.png)

I don't hate this, but it shows a lack of technical skill or just overall laziness. The legs and the outlines could have been so much better, but the shading's pretty decent.
No. 347415
File: 1546348524823.png (1.26 MB, 2048x1536, 0B5EBD97-D448-445C-8386-4198CD…)

This “artist” posted this and its a woman she looks like she’s in her 20s. I know people start late but at least they improve this person seemed to regress.
No. 347847
File: 1546406522382.png (417.06 KB, 1280x1280, df28173a-95b7-477c-b7d0-761cc5…)

this VN's fandom is a goldmine of bad art, but I particularly dislike this uwu uguu~ style
the official art often isn't great either
No. 347996
File: 1546440228693.jpeg (114.75 KB, 600x600, sano_needle-5714.jpeg)

>>347973Boyfriend to Death.
here's some official art from one of the routes.
No. 348000
>>347996thanks I hate it
how do such shitty vn get fanbases?
No. 348018
File: 1546447172833.jpg (142.71 KB, 1056x1115, 1fb4406c-376a-4907-8544-4c4bf6…)

>>348000Well, it's a rape fetish game that caters to women, so the fanbase is all 3edgy5me teen girls.
Some of the art is decent and the writing is pretty ok on 2/3 pathways. There's even a surprising amount of fanart that surpasses the source material as far as quality goes.
This is not one of those.
No. 348297
File: 1546486729177.png (176.08 KB, 720x536, 20190103_113759.png)

No. 348305
File: 1546487736036.png (211.44 KB, 1487x983, Screenshot 2019-01-02 at 9.55.…)

i too enjoy partaking in sexy times
No. 348308
File: 1546488632803.jpg (33.07 KB, 280x432, Dvl7bUFV4AAKIh-.jpg)

this artist managed to get into SCAD, which is a super expensive art college. I don't know if I should be salty or feel sorry that they are gonna drown in the sea of debt
No. 348346
File: 1546506178167.jpg (147.84 KB, 1200x945, DveNtuLX4AAYyt8.jpg)

Everything this artist draws - there's just something so boring and kinda ugly about everything she puts out, and I can't pinpoint why. I think the palette choices are a part of it, but there's also a certain je ne sais quoi.
No. 348471
File: 1546531633886.png (280.27 KB, 1024x1439, rueckblick_by_miacrystalmoon_d…)

i like how one of the "art pieces" is a traced fucking screenshot lmao
No. 348479
File: 1546532491188.jpg (Spoiler Image,223.09 KB, 800x600, Cg_strade_knifelick.jpg)

>>347996>>347847>>347948I've never heard of this VN until now and holy shit this is what edgy 15 year olds think is sexy? Pathetic.
No. 348843
File: 1546581079975.jpeg (154.21 KB, 1414x565, E020E66E-72F4-4150-84B4-B49DB2…)

here’s something from an old personal cow of mine. the wall of text here is also accompanied by pages of backstory in the description. she was a massive cringy edgelord online but basically mute in person. hasn’t uploaded in a while unfortunately.
No. 348862
File: 1546583970500.png (1.28 MB, 889x1245, erogenousZONE.png)

>>348479you ain't seen nothin yet, anon
No. 348973
>>348843Wow so edgy.
This is what I live for. Pls more bad OCs
No. 349137
File: 1546636753113.png (Spoiler Image,568.38 KB, 1280x720, 08evl4rz16c11.png)

Sugartits? More like honeytits amirite?
No. 349185
File: 1546643476030.jpeg (92.93 KB, 500x666, 0D941D45-2523-4FD8-AA35-1B26A8…)

This girl goes to my college for art program. Recently found her tumblr. Acts pretty high and mighty and thinks she’s some sort of creative genius and wants to make video games or something. Won some art contest and so she started selling some Christmas cards but doubt anyone actually bought any lol
No. 349188
File: 1546643732980.jpeg (1.75 MB, 3546x2364, DAF5E0F2-9C57-4E11-92EA-2680B3…)

>>348953>>348973here's some more from her, pictured. she's an adult ass woman and thinks this character is so very very deep.
some choice quotes from the massive bio I mentioned:
“Silence or cry! Silence or cry!”
“Fear and insanity. Makes for a good time, non?”
“Me? Crazy? Heh, just a lil’.”
“Emotions are your asylum… Sometimes they can bring you safety, and sometimes they can drive you nuts. Be lucky you have them.”
“Tick-tick-tick. That’s the sound of your life running out.”
“Perhaps it’s the work of a monster, beast, human, or machine. But then I look in the despicable mirror and know the truth. It’s me.”
“You fear me, don’t you?”
“I don’t believe in happy endings.”
“Tea, my dear?”
-Many moons ago, he half had a Rottweiler dog named Kitty. Half had since it was never officially his, he simply fed it raw meat (can you guess what kind of meat?) whenever he saw it. But then it died. So Kagu decided to burry it by repeatedly running it over with a bulldozer until it was pounded into the ground. Good job.
No. 353538
File: 1547359708452.png (2.01 MB, 1440x2098, Screenshot_2019-01-13-01-02-49…)

Found this chick through IG comments where she was shitting on Asians and calling them gross. Oh, the irony… All her drawings consist of ugly traced anime art.
No. 362340
File: 1548722599015.jpg (125.96 KB, 900x1200, DsYamumX4AATyo1.jpg)

Found this chick on tumblr, she's 31 years old and draws like this
No. 364030
File: 1548808666640.jpg (391.73 KB, 1055x1470, 2019-01-29 16.36.24.jpg)

i'm uncomfortable
No. 403278
File: 1556341338655.jpg (81.29 KB, 1280x147, 7795b78b-21b5-4413-bd96-0b4767…)

This is, allegedly, Game of Thrones fanart
No. 408663
File: 1557503687626.png (496.25 KB, 1121x1920, IMG_5397.PNG)

There's some pretty bad art on rule 34(use the new thread)